NASCIO: Representing Chief Information Officers of the States Data Governance Part III: Frameworks – Structure for Organizing Complexity Introduction frameworks and maturity models assist in describing the scope—both breadth and NASCIO has presented previous research depth—of an initiative. This holds true as briefs that introduce the subject of data well for data, information and knowledge governance, and emphasize the impor- management. tance of managing data and information assets as enterprise assets. Maturity models were presented that help describe the The Challenge journey state government must anticipate and plan. The challenge in state government is a history of state agencies operating fairly This research brief presents the concept of autonomously regarding processes and frameworks that will describe what consti- investment related to managing informa- May 2009 tutes a data governance program. The tion. In the decades of this history, focus will be on frameworks from the Data strategic intent, processes, organization, NASCIO Staff Contact: Management Association (DAMA), the information management, infrastructure, Eric Sweden Enterprise Architect Data Governance Institute (DGI), and IBM. technology, training, incentives and opera-
[email protected] tions have been developed in a highly In general, frameworks assist in describing decentralized manner to meet the needs of major concepts and their interrelationships. state agencies independent of one anoth- Frameworks assist in organizing the er. As state government pursues an complexity of a subject. Frameworks facili- enterprise perspective in managing its data tate communications and discussion. All of and information assets, it will recognize a these descriptors apply as well to frame- disparity in data maturity levels within the works related to data governance.