Hutchinson Family – Westmorland -> -> Devonshire


Overview James (Jr) Hutchinson & Georgina Currey Hawkins Birth, Death Marriage Census Occupations – James Jr Edgar Robert Hutchinson James Hutchinson & Martha (1st Wife) & Ann Jones (2nd Wife) Birth, Marriage & Death Census Other Records Ann Jones (2nd wife of James (Sr.) and mother of James (Jr.))

NOTE: Appendices contain supplemental information about the various peripheral family lines and locales – they add a little more color and detail to the main document. For Appendices … see separate document

Appendix A … National Schools & the one in Appendix B … James Hutchinson Jr & Barnstaple Devon Appendix C … Siblings of Eleanor Hutchinson Appendix D … “The Farmers Arms” Appendix E … Siblings of James Hutchinson Jr. Appendix F … Tracking James Hutchinson (Sr.) to Westmorland


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Apparently James Hutchinson was born in Westmoreland in the late 1700s and moved to Glamorgan by about 1830. His son James Hutchinson (hereafter referred to as James (Jr.) though his name never appeared this way) was born in Glamorgan and then moved to Barnstaple Devon after the death of his first wife. All of James’ (Jr.) children ultimately left Glamorgan for the environs of and other locales! So, this branch of the family was fairly mobile and not long-rooted, at least these two generations! The mapi on page 3 (showing the “old” counties) gives you a sense of where these locales all are.

With that said, let’s now look at this family. Below is an abbreviated tree (created by Family Tree Makerii in April 2005) showing how the Hutchinson family fits into the overall family structure. Eleanor Georgina Hutchinson is the most-recent Hutchinson family member and much of her life is covered in the MATTHEWS family write-up.

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We will start our discussion with the family of James (Jr.) and Georgina Currey Hawkins. An overview is provided on page 5.

Birth, Marriage & Death Eleanor Georgina Hutchinson was one of at least seven children born to James (Jr.) and Georgina. Our sources for the list of children are a monument found at St. Illytud church (Newcastle) and associated burialsiii, and various birth indices.

Grave in Newcastle St. Illtud, B63 Sandstone headstone. In memory of/ ALFRED HENRY son of JAMES and GEORGIANA HUTCHINSON/ who died December 9.1858/ aged 13 months./ Also LILY EDITH HUTCHINSON died January 2.1867 aged 10 months./ Also MARY FRANCES HAWKINS died October 1.1880 aged 73 years./ Also GEORGIANA HUTCHINSON/ died March 2.1881 aged 51 years./

These four have burials recorded in the Newcastle St.Illtud PR: Frances Mary HAWKINS aged 75 6 Oct 1880 Caroline St., Bridgend Alfred Harry H age 13 m 13 Dec 1858 Bridgend Georgina Currey H aged 51 7 Mar 1881 Bridgend Lily Ediith H aged 8m 28 Jan 1867

Baptism: HUTCHINSON George James - parents James (Schoolmaster) and Georgina Currey 2 Jan 1857 Bridgend

This suggests the following children of James Jr. & Georgina Currey Hutchinson, listed with name, approx. birth date and the basis for this information.

George James ~ Dec 1856, Bridgend Christening, 2 Jan 1857iv Alfred Henry ~ Nov. 1857, Bridgend Burial, 13 Dec 1858, 13 monthsv Eleanor Georgina ~ 1st Qtr 1860, Bridgend GRO Birth Indexvi Edgar Robert ~ 1st Qtr 1862, Bridgend FreeBMD Birth Indexvii Georgina Ann ~ 3rd Qtr 1864, Bridgend GRO Birth Indexviii Lily Edith ~ 1st Qtr 1866, Bridgend GRO Birth Indexix & Burial, 28 Jan 1867, 8 monthsx Charles F c. 1869 various censuses

Census – James Jr & Family Let’s talk now about the family, where it lived and the occupations of James Jr.

Starting with 1841, one uses the census to both locate families and to provide evidence of family structure. Fortunately, this family was easy to trace in the Census. It also provided clues and helped confirm the parentage of Georgina and correlated with birth and death information. In general, the census information is presented as Name, Relationship, Marital Status, Age, Occupation, Birth Place.

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Westmorland Î

Glamorgan Î

Devonshire Î

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Reference … This mapxi gives you a sense of Bridgend and if you look in the northwest quadrant you will see Newcastle …. The location of St. Iltud (sometimes spelled Illtyd)

This is a picturexii of this church.

This is a plan of the church in 1850xiii.

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Census – James Jr & Family (Cont’d)

1851; We do not know where James Jr. is. He is not with his parents nor is he yet married …

1861; Nolton Street, Coity Lower, part including Oldcastlexiv Hutchinson, James, HD, M, 28, Schoolmaster, GLA Maesteg Hutchinson, Georgina, Wi, M, 32, MDX, London Hutchinson, George James, So, 4, GLA Bridgend Hutchinson, Eleanor Georg., Da, 1, GLA Bridgend Hawkins, Frances Mary, ML, W, 55, GLS Bristol Hawkins, Frances Mary, CL, U, 23, GLS Bristol.

This census is great as the mother-in-law and sister-in- law are living with the family … you will find that the sister-in-law spent her whole life living with parts of this family!

Here is an image of Nolton Street, Coityxv … so, the Hutchinson family lived along this road somewhere.

1871; Coity, Bridgend, Glamorgan, Walesxvi James Hutchinson, head, mar, 38, School Charter, Langenwyd, Glamorgan Georgina C Hutchinson, wife, mar, 43, London Edgar R. Hutchinson, son, 9, scholar, Bridgend Glamorgan Georgina A. Hutchinson, daur, 6, scholar, Bridgend Copyright © 2005 Mosaic Research and Project Management. All Rights Reserved

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Glamorgan Charles F. Hutchinson, son, 2, Bridgend Glamorgan Eliza K. Warwick, servant, un mar, 18, Domestic Servant, Birmingham.

This census makes us ask “where are George James and Eleanor Georgina?” Well, they are living with relatives, the Hawkins family! George James is living with his aunt, Frances Mary (or Fanny) Hawkins on Caroline Street in Bridgend. Eleanor is living with her uncle and his family including Eleanor’s grandmother at the South Hotel in . Here are the details.

1871; Coity, Bridgend, Glamorgan, Walesxvii Caroline St. Fanny Hawkins, head, unmar, 33, Shop Assistant, Bristol Gloucestershire George James Hutchinson, nephew, 14, scholar, Bridgend Glamorganshire John Henry Aubry, Boarder, 5, scholar, Merthyn Glamorganshire

1871; Swansea, Glamorgan, Walesxviii 62 High Street, Hotel George Hawkins, head, married, 37, Licensed Victueller, Bristol Ann Hawkins, wife, Mar, 39, Glamorgan Bridgend Catherine Thomas, sister in law, unm 36, Assistant in Bar, Glamorgan Bridgend Frances Mary Hawkins, mother, widow, 68, school mistress, Bristol Eleanor Hutchinson, Niece, unm, 11, scholar, Glamorgan Bridgend And a servant, visitor and 2 boarders .....

For more on the Hawkins family including the Swansea locale and the South Wales Hotel, see the HAWKINS Family write-up.

The next page is a map of Glamorganxix to give you a sense of the relationship between Bridgend and Swansea and some of the other locales that may be mentioned.

The modern mapxx on the following page gives you an idea of where all these streets (Caroline St, Nolton St and Brackla Street (used as an approximation for the area called Bracka) are. They are concentrated in a small area of Bridgend which as we can see from the census were considered “Coity”.

What’s interesting is that these streets wouldn’t be considered part of Coity today. The second map on the next page shows what in modern times is considered the relative location of Coity, Brackla and Newcastle (location of St. Illtud) … the center of Bridgend is pretty much where all the red roads convene! So, when researching these families, the locale names have to be put in the context of the time of the document.

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Census – James Jr & Family (Cont’d)

1881; Coity, Bridgend, Glamorgan, Walesxxi 22 Caroline St. James Hutchinson, head, W, M, 48, Stationer & Traveller, , Glamorgan George J. Hutchinson, son, U, M, 24, Student for Matriculation, Bridgend Glamorgan Georgina Ann Hutchinson, daur, U, F, 16, no occupation, Bridgend Glamorgan Charles F. Hutchinson, son, M, 12, scholar, Bridgend Glamorgan Frances M. Hawkins, sister in law, U, F, 42, Manager in Stationary, Bristol Mary Ann Francis, Serv, F, 22, Servant (Domestic), Coity Glamorgan.

Notice that James is now a widow and that George is back at the house. Now we wonder where Eleanor and Edgar are! They are both found – Edgar is living with the family of George Hawkins (his uncle) and Eleanor has married William Matthews. Note that they are living on Caroline Street, where Fanny Hawkins lived in 1871 … wonder if at the same address?

Here is an old postcard of Caroline Street, Bridgend.xxii

Here’s another undated photo of Caroline Street, Bridgend (same source)

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1891; Barnstaple, Devonshire, Englandxxiii Castle Street James Hutchinson, head, M, 58, Commercial traveller, Glamorgan Maesteg Sarah Hutchinson, wife, M, 48, private Hotel Keeper, Devon Crechton William H. Warrin, visitor, M, 48, Commercial traveller, Suffolk Ipswich.

It took awhile and we finally find James in Barnstaple, Devonshire in 1891 and he has remarried! Given that his occupation has remained constant, it might have been through his occupation that he traveled to Barnstaple and met and married Sarah Warren. In fact, as we look at this, we realize that the visitor is William Warrin, versus Warren … maybe related to Sarah?

We do not find James in the 1901 census though we do find his widow Sarah. We have not been successful in locating his death and since he was a “Commercial Traveller” he could have been anywhere. In the April Quarter of 1901 we find a James, 70, who died in Liverpool (vol 8b, page ?? – cannot read it!)xxiv Unfortunately, the 1901 Census was taken on 31 March 1901 and so Sarah wouldn’t have yet been a widow … so, this is an unlikely candidate. We have not been successful in finding where James and Sarah are buried … this would help with pinpointing his death!

Appendix B contains details on this second marriage for James Jr. and his subsequent life in Barnstaple. (We will tell you what is in Appendix A!)

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Occupations – James Jr & some other family members

Now that we have identified where the family lived and the census has given some information on Occupations, let’s list out the occupations of James. We were fortunate to be able to find him quite a bit in the local trade directories.

First, we’ll pull together what was found. This information is from both the census and period Directories. Second, if possible, we’ll look a bit more into these occupations.

Bet. 1858 – 1859 Schoolmaster, National School, Slaters Commercial Directoryxxv Bridgend 1861 Schoolmaster Census 1865 Master, National School Webster & Co Commercial Directoryxxvi 1866 Schools (public) – National J.G. Harrod and Co.’s Post-Office School, Oldcastle Directory of Glamorganshire, 1866xxvii 1868 Berlin wool repository, Caroline Both entries: Slater's Royal National St. & National Schools – Commercial Directoryxxviii Oldcastle, master (Bridgend) 1871 School Charter Census 1871 Bridgend, Parish Clerk of All entries: The Post Office Directory Newcastle & of Monmouthshire and the Principal Insurance – Life Association of Towns and Places in South Wales, Scotland, Caroline St. & 1871xxix Schools – National, Oldcastle, master & Commercial – Bridgend & Mutual Benefit Building Society (James Hutchinson, sec), Caroline street & fancy repository, Caroline street 1875 Toy & Fancy Repositories, Worrall's Directory of South Walesxxx Bridgend, 12 Caroline St & Son Robert listed: Conveyance by Railway Station, Robert Hutchinson, carting agent & Mother Ann, Beer Retailers, 13 Commercial St 1878 Bridgend, Local Board of The Wales Register and Guidexxxi Health; clerk – James Hutchinson 1880 Berlin Wool Repository , All entries: Slaters Commercial Caroline St & Directoryxxxii Local Board of Health, Clerk & Copyright © 2005 Mosaic Research and Project Management. All Rights Reserved

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Building Societies – Bridgend, Maesteg, Tonda & Terminating Mutual Benefit, Caroline St – James Hutchinson, sec 1881 Stationer and Traveller Census 1889 Commercial Traveller, Castle Kelly's Directory of Devonshire, Street., Barnstaple 1889xxxiii 1890 Commercial Traveller, Castle History, Gazetteer and Directory of Street,. Barnstaple, the county of Devon, 1890xxxiv 1891 Commerical Traveller Census 1893 Commercial traveller, Castle Both entries: Kelly's Directory Devon Street, Barnstaple & Mrs. 1893xxxv Sarah Hutchinson, Warren's hotel, Quay house

Appendix A contains all the information that could be found about “What was the National School in Bridgend?”

It looks like in 1868 that James had a side trade of Berlin wool repository on Caroline Street. So, in 1871 was James living on Caroline Street? (the census did not give a street location; it just stated Brackla and the other directory listing states Caroline Street). Also, his wife’s sister, Frances Mary was living on Caroline Street … were they in business together – she’s listed as a shop assistant? This occupation was also listed in 1880 and yet a year later he is listed as a Stationer?!?! Note also that in 1871 … he was listed in a whole smorgasbord of positions! Very busy person! Note also that in 1878 & 1880 he was listed as the Clerk for the Bridgend Local Board of Health.

We also asked, “What is a Commercial Traveller? One answer received stated “ (... and) The term "traveller" was used for any person who travelled from door to door selling their goods; it was also a word used later to describe a sales representative selling to the retail trade.”xxxvi


This was the sibling of Eleanor who was the most fun to research. Any information found on the other siblings is presented in Appendix C.

Besides what we knew from the 1881 earlier censuses, the rest of what we learned about Edgar was through serendipity. We just put his name in Google ( and got a hit that was consistent with census information. We had known that for many years he was a student and lived with the Hawkins family … what we didn’t know was that he was studying to become a priest in the Church of .

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From the “Cambridge University Alumni, 1261-1900” listxxxvii

Name: Edgar Robert. Hutchinson Entered: Lent, 1892 More Information: Matric. Non-Coll. from AYERST H., Lent, 1892; B.A. 1894; M.A. 1898. Ord. deacon (London) 1898; priest, 1899; C. of St Stephen's, N. Bow, Middlesex, 1898-1901. C. of St James's, Derby, 1901-2. V. of Dunham-on-the-Hill with Hapsford, Cheshire, 1902-7. C. of Holy Trinity, Birkenhead, 1907-11. V. of St James's, Woodhead, Cheshire, 1911-15. Disappears from Crockford, 1918-19.

The Non-Coll from AYERST H refers to the followingxxxviii “non-collegiate: not being a member of a college. Non-collegiate students were those attached to the hostels founded in the late nineteenth century with a view to providing less expensive access to the university by an avoidance of college fees. Some of these hostels, like Ayerst Hostel and Cavendish College, disappeared; others, llike Selwyn and Fitzwilliam House eventually assumed full collegiate status.”

We also learnxxxix 1884 (founded), Ayerst Hostel. Closed for lack of funds 1896. Premises occupied by St. Edmund’s House 1896

We have also learned that St. Edmund’s House is now St. Edmund’s College, Cambridgexl and we believe this is a photo of the College, which was once Ayerst Hostel.

Going back to his service record above, it is clear that he never spent more than a few years in any parish and this has made it difficult to get any additional information on this service to the Church of England.

1871 Census Living at home in Coity with family (previously reported) 1881 Census Looks to be at “Normal Training College”, , Gloucesterxli Edgar Hutchinton, student, Un, 19, scholar, S. Wales (this would fit with him not being at home and not living with any family member and still being a scholar in 1891!)

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(In an 1868 Directoryxlii, this school is described as: “There is also a Normal Training College, built in the early pointed style, at a cost of about £12,000. From this college, masters and mistresses are supplied to schools in all parts of the kingdom, the colonies, and the East Indies.”)

This is a picture of this college where Edgar appears to have been in 1881xliii …

1891 Census Living with his uncle’s widow, Ann Hawkinsxliv and still a student … Swansea, Glamorgan, Wales, 93 Baymymon Rd (further research reveals this is probably Brynymor Rd (sometimes shown as Bryn-Y- More, an actual road in Swansea! – center of map belowxlv)) Ann Hawkins, Head, Widow, 60, Living on Means, Coity Lower, Glamorgan, speaks both Catherine Thomas, Sister, Single, 56, Coity Lower, Glamorgan, speaks both Edgar R. Hutchinson, Nephew, Single, 29, Student, Coity Lower, Glamorgan, Speaks English.

1892-1898 Studying at Cambridge and receiving his degrees (as enumerated above) 1898-1901 C. of St Stephen's, N. Bow, Middlesex

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1899 Marriage of Edgar Robert Hutchinson to Mary Elizabeth Phillips, in , Jun Quarter 1899xlvi (Note: we can trace Mary Elizabeth through the censusesxlvii) 1901 Census Babington, Derby, Cheshire, 146 Osmaston Roadxlviii Edgar Robert Hutchinson, Head, M, 39, Clergyman (Ch of England), Glamorganshire Bridgend Mary Elizabeth Hutchinson, Wife, M, 33, Glamorganshire Cardiff Florence Munday, Serv, S, 18, Domestic Servant, Bucks Thornboro 1901-1902 C. of St James's, Derby 1901-1907 V. of Dunham-on-the-Hill with Hapsford, Cheshire 1907-1911 C. of Holy Trinity, Birkenhead (Cheshire) Haven’t learned much about this church “Birkenhead, Holy Trinity (C of E), Price Street. A separate parish from 1841. Closed 1974.”xlix 1911-1915 V. of St. James, Woodhead, Cheshire … this may be photos of this church, & same pictures with some text,


We will now discuss the parents of James Hutchinson (Jr.) and will refer to his father as James Hutchinson (Sr.) to avoid confusion -- though this convention was never used in his lifetime.

Birth, Marriage & Death

We learned from the Church Records of St. Cynwyd, Llangynwyd (picturedl) that James Hutchinson Sr had a wife Martha and another son James who both died in 1829.

The monumental inscriptionli for Llangynwyd, St. Cynwyd, Grave B181 Chest “Sacred/ to the memory of Martha wife of/ James Hutchinson/ she died the 10 of May 1829/ aged 37 years/ Also James son of the above James and/ Martha Hutchinson/ who died July 1829/ aged 11 weeks/ Also the above named James Hutchinson/ who died the 5 of January 1862/ aged 72 years/ Also of Ann wife of the above named/James Hutchinson/ who died February 8, 1879/ aged 68 years”

This same source as for the monumental inscription also tells us -

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The Burials of both Martha (15 May 1829 age 37) and baby James (9 Jul 1829 age 8 weeks[?]) are recorded in the PR with address Cwrt Y Mwnws

The details of the marriagelii of James Hutchinson and Ann Jones are: Llangynwyd, St. Cynwyd, Marriage Record, James Hutchinson to Ann Jones, 20 Jun 1830, both said to be of Llangywyd.

(an exterior photo of the churchliii)

The source for the monumental inscription also shares the following baptisms ….

James (Farmer) and Martha: James 7 Jun 1829 Cwrtymwnws

James and Ann. Elizabeth 3 Oct 1830 Cwrtymwnwsv (James is shown as Farmer) James 12 Aug 1832 Cwrtymwnws (James is shown as Farmer) Robert 11 Jan 1835 Maesteg Cwmdu (James is shown as Farmer) Sarah 25 Dec 1836 Maesteg (James is shown as Farmer) William 4 Aug 1839 Cwmdu (James is shown as Steward) Æ one surmises that he died before 1843 and after the 1841 census! William 22 Jan 1843 Cambrian Works aged 1 month (James is shown as Farmer) Anna 27 Feb 1848 Maesteg aged 3 years (James is shown as Farmer) Catherine 27 Feb 1848 Maesteg aged 7 months (James is shown as Farmer) David 6 Nov 1853 Maesteg Uchaf aged 4 (James is shown as Farmer) Isaac 6 Nov 1853 Maesteg Uchaf aged 2 (James is shown as Farmer) Charles 6 Nov 1853 Maesteg Uchaf aged 5 months (James is shown as Farmer)

The 1841 Census indicates a Research on Google shows that Cwrt-Y-Mwnws was the daughter Jane who by her age and name of a farm in Maesteg that appears to have become a business. Though there appears to still be a farm by that being born “out of county” is name in Maesteg! probably a child born to James and ( Martha. Nothing more is known 01/0885263610) about her. Also, a Mary Hutchinson is listed … we surmise “In 1800, a successful coal level was operating in Cwm Nant- y-Gwiail, near Crown road. Then in 1825 Maesteg Iron Works that she is a daughter though no Company was founded which acquired the mineral rights on age is given. If so, her baptism Cwrt-y-Mwnws farm. In 1829 the first blast furnace began to was not found in the church make iron and a horse drawn tramway was completed linking records though she is listed in the the works with . Coal and ironstone were mined 1851 census and is 10. from the hillsides above the works and a series of levels Additionally, the 1861 census developed, each given a number.” indicates a daughter Sarah Ann born c. 1858.

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1841liv; Maesteg, Glamorgan, Wales James Hutchinson, 47, Farmer, No (this county) Ann Hutchinson, 30, Yes Jane Hutchinson, 15, No Elizabeth Hutchinson, 11, Yes James Hutchinson, 9, Yes Robert Hutchinson, 7, Yes Sarah Hutchinson, 5, Yes William Hutchinson, 3, Yes Mary Hutchinson, , Yes.

From 1880lv we learn, “MAESTEG, with the hamlet of Cwmdu, is a thriving village in the parish of Llangynwyd, 9 miles (8 by rail) from Bridgend (its post town), sitauted on the river Llynvi, and in a neighbourhood abounding with mineral wealth. Here are situated theextensive works belonging to the Llynvi, and Ogmore Coal and Iron Company, who are also proprietors of between two and three thousand acres of coal and ironstone chiefly in this parish. The works consist of seven furnaces, four of which are blast, producing railway and merchant iron of every description. Cwmdu is governed by a Local Board of Health, established in 1858. The church at Maesteg in a chapel of ease, to the mother or parish church of Llangynwyd, and is a neat stone edifice, in the Gothic style of architecture. The services in it are conducted alternately in the Welsh and English languages. There are also several chapels for dissenters, and a National and other schools. A fair is held on May 3rd. Population of Cwmdu hamlet in 1851, 3,350; in 1861, 4,154, and in 1871, 5,836”

Here’s an 1881 map showing Maesteg …

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1851lvi; 112 Bowrington Street, Cwmdu, Western Maesteg, Llangynwyd Parish James Hutchinson, HD, M, 58, Commercial Carrier, Kendal, Wes Ann Hutchinson, Wi, M, 42, Gla, Pontardulais, CMN Robert Hutchinson, So, 16, Commercial Carrier, Cwmdu, GLA Sarah Hutchinson, DA, 14, Cwmdu, GLA Mary Hutchinson, Da, 10, scholar, Cwmdu, GLA William Hutchinson, So, 8, scholar, Cwmdu, GLA Hannah Hutchinson, Da, 6, scholar, Cwmdu, GLA Catherine Hutchinson, Da, 4, scholar, Cwmdu, GLA David Hutchinson, So, 2, Cwmdu, GLA.

So, James is now 19 and not with the family. We have not been able to find him anywhere in Wales (or even England!). Neither Jane nor Elizabeth are found after 1841. We also learn that James came from Kendal Westmorland and that Ann came from Pontardulais.

A prior blurb told us something about Maesteg. Here’s a comparable blurb on Llangynwydlvii since it is now mentioned in the 1851 Census entry.

“LLANGYNWYD is an extensive parish, and village, about 8 miles from Bridgend (its post town), situated on the river Llynvi, and rich in mineral wealth. About a mile south-west of the village are the ruins of an old castle. The trustees of the Gnoll estate, , are lords of the manor, and with G. R. M. Talbot, Esq., M.P., and other gentlemen, are chief landowners. The parish church is an old edifice, with tower and six bells, and is in good preservation; it is situated in the centre of the village. Woollen is manufactured in the parish to a small extent. The living is a vicarage, with the curacies of Maesteg and Baidlan annexed, in the gift of J. D. Llewellyn, Esq. Near the church is a neat cemetery, two acres in extent. There are also chapels for Baptists, Independents, Wesleyans and Calvinistic Methodists. Acreage of parish, 2,524. Population in 1861, 4,815; in 1871, 8,944, which includes Cwmdu or Maesteg. Baidan is a chapelry in this parish.”

Here’s a tidbit on Bowrington Streetlviii since it became clear during our research that the street name appeared to disappear … and, it had! “The most important benefactor to the town was Dr. (1792-1872) who was well known nationally for his skills as a linguist and for his radical political views… Today only John Street in Nantyffyllon (named after Bowring) and Charles Row in Maesteg (named after his brother) remain to recall his days in the district. The name Bowrington had given way to Maesteg by the 1870’s. Bowrington Street became Commercial Street and Upper Bowrington became part of Nantyffyllon.”

1861lix; “Farmers Arms”, Cwmdu Hamlet, Llangynwyd Hutchinson, James, HD, M, 70, Beerhousekeeper/Carrier, WES Windermere Hutchinson, Ann, WI, M, 50, GLA Pontardulais Hutchinson, Robert, So, U, 25, Carrier’s son, GLA Llangynwyd Hutchinson, Sarah, Da, U, 23, Beerhousekeeper’s Daur, GLA Llangynwyd Copyright © 2005 Mosaic Research and Project Management. All Rights Reserved

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Hutchinson, William, So, U, 17, Roll Turner at Iron Works, GLA Llangynwyd Hutchinson, Hannah, Da, U, 15, Beerhousekeeper’s Daur, GLA Llangynwyd Hutchinson, Catherine, Da, U, 13, Beerhousekeeper’s Daur, GLA Llangynwyd Hutchinson, David, So, U, 11, Scholar, GLA Llangynwyd Hutchinson, Isaac, So, U, 9, GLA Llangynwyd Hutchinson, Charley, So, U, 7, Scholar, GLA Llangynwyd Hutchinson, Sarah Ann, Da, U, 3, Scholar, GLA Llangynwyd

Needless to say, we were intrigued by mention of “The Farmer’s Arms” … see Appendix D for more information …. James is now said to come from Windermere instead of Kendal … Windermere is a small town in the vicinity of Kendal. More on this in Appendix F … the attempt to trace James in Windermere!

So, where is Maesteg (or Cwmdu) and Llangynwyd? It is NW of Bridgend. Check-out the map below (source: You can see that just south of Maesteg is Llangynwyd, as mentioned in the census entry.

1871lx Census New Road to Pcarol, Newton & Ann Hutchinson, head, w, 61, shopkeeper, Glamorgan Cwmdu Sarah Hutchinson, daughter, unm, 34, milliner, Glamorgan Cwmdu Katherine Hutchinson, daughter, un, 23, milliner, Glamorgan Cwmdu

Pcarol probably refers to Porthcawl, an adjoining arealxi, west of Bridgend.

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Obviously, we’ve already discussed the life of James (Jr.) and so Appendix E presents information on some of his siblings; those that we could easily track further.

Other Records

“I have checked the Electoral Register 1845/46lxii and the Polling Area of Bridgend, but unfortunately, there are no HUTCHINSON names listed at all. The entire Register is indexed and there are no Hutchinson names listed throughout. The only nearest surname is Hutchins, but no James.”

Ann Jones (2nd wife of James (Sr.) and mother of James (Jr.))

So, what do we know about Ann? She is buried at St. Cynwyd, Llangynwyd and she died February 8, 1879, aged 68 years -- meaning that she was born c. 1811. This compilation of Census data will help identify where and approxim ately when she was born:

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1841 Census – she’s listed as 30 and from “in county” - born c. 1811 1851 Census – she’s listed as 42 and from Pontardulais - born c. 1809 1861 Census – she’s listed as 50 and form Pontardulais - born c. 1811 1871 Census – she’s listed as 61 and from Cwmdn - born c. 1810

It appears that she was from Pontardulais. The 1883 map on the previous page shows Pont-ar-dulaislxiii (also spelled Pontardulais and Pontarddulais). The church was actually located on the left hand bit that juts out … at the time it was in the middle of nowhere! It is no longer there. A later church build has been reconstructed at the Museum of Welsh Life, St. Fagan’s, Cardifflxiv. (this plan comes from this web-site)

The Parish church of Pontardulais was St. Teilo’s, Llandeilo Tal-y-bont. (Drawing abovelxv)

Parish registers for Llandeilo Tal-y-bontlxvi, that might be appropriate are … 1812 – Anne Jones, father- Daniel Jones, mother -- Anne. 1810 – Anne Jones, father- John Jones, mother – Mary

We know that John JONES of Llangyfellach married to Mary WILLIAM of this parish married at Llandeilo Talybont, 4 October 1808lxvii. We may never know the story of Ann and her family though since there is nothing to prove or disprove the information found! Unfortunately, she has such a common name and a name popular in Pontardulais!

We can tell you a bit more about Ann upon the death of her husband James. Since she outlived him for several years, we were able to trace her both in Directories and in the 1871 census.

1868, Maesteg (South Wales)lxviii Retailers of Beer Hutchinson Ann, Maesteg.

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1871 Censuslxix, Newton and Nottage, Llandaff, Glamorgan, Wales New Road to Pcarol Ann Hutchinson, head, w, 61, shopkeeper, Glamorgan Cwmdu Sarah Hutchinson, daughter, unm, 34, milliner, Glamorgan Cwmdu Katherine Hutchinson, daughter, un, 23, milliner, Glamorgan Cwmdu. (Don’t know why Newton and Nottage – though the ages of Sarah and Katherine are consistent with the 1861 entries. Shopkeeper could still mean beer retailer; otherwise, we have to wonder at 1875 Directory entry!?!?! Apparently Newton and Nottage is about 4.5 miles SW of Bridgend and so a little further from Maesteg)

1875, Maesteglxx Beer Retailers Hutchinson Ann, 13 Commercial St.

1880, Llangynwydlxxi Retailers of Beer Hutchinson Ann, Maesteg (obviously, Ann was deceased by 1880 and as with all directories … this entry was probably purchased in 1879 before her death).

Since she seemed to continue as a beer retailer, one wonders if she remained with the “Farmers Arms” or had a different enterprise?

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i ii Family Tree Maker is a registered trademark of, iii e-mail 1/31/2005, Ron Davies [email protected] iv 1/31/2005 e-mail from Ron Davies ... Material Published by Glamorgan Family History Society -- Newcastle, St. Illtud, Baptisms, George James Hutchinson, parents James (Schoolmaster) and Georgina Currey, 2 Jan 1857, Bridgend. v 1/31/2005 e-mail from Ron Davies ... Material Published by Glamorgan Family History Society -- Newcastle, St. Illtud, Burials PR, Alfred Harry Hutchinson, age 13m, 13 Dec 1858, Bridgend vi, GRO Birth Index, January, February, March 1860, HUTCHINSON Eleanor Georgina, Bridgend, Vol 11a page 426. vii, Birth Listing, Births Mar 1862 (meaning 1st quarter), HUTCHINSON Edgar Robert Bridgend 11a 4*0. viii GRO index reference is: Bridgend vol 11a, page 431 (Sept Quarter) -- listed as George Arm Hutchinson! ix GRO index reference is: Bridgend vol 111a, page 487 (June Quarter) x 1/31/2005 e-mail from Ron Davies ... Material Published by Glamorgan Family History Society -- Newcastle, St. Illtud, Burials, Newcastle, St. Illtud PR, Lily Edith Hutchinson, 8m, 28 Jan 1867, Coity. xi (accessed 2005) xii (accessed 2005) xiii (accessed 2005) xiv Glamorgan Family History Society 1861 Census CD, Ref. R.G. 9/4077, ED 5, Piece 4077, Folio 075, Schedule 59 xv xvi, 1871 Census, Coity, Bridgend, Glamorgan, Wales, RG 10/5419, ED 4, Folio 71, Page 63, household schedule number 298 xvii, 1871 Wales Census, Coity, Bridgend, Glamorgan, Wales, RG10/5419, ED 4, Folio 53, Page 28, Household schedule number 99 xviii, 1871 Wales Census, Swansea, Glamorgan, Wales, RG10/5455, ED 20, Folio 10, Page 14, Household schedule number 59 xix Ancient Map of Glamorgan, Glamorgan Genuki, xx xxi, Glamorgan 1881 Census, Coyty Lower, Glamorgan, Wales, RG 11, Piece 5331, Folio 41, Page 5, FHL Film #1342284 xxii, Old Photographs of Bridgend Web Site … old postcard of Caroline St. xxiii, 1891 England Census, Barnstaple, Devon, England, RG12/1773, ED 3, Folio 53, Page 17, xxiv xxv Bet. 1858 - 1859; Schoolmaster, National School, Bridgend, Glamorgan, Wales,, Slaters Commercial Directory, 1858-1859, Bridgend and Porthcawl, Academies and Schools: National School, Bridgend, James Hutchinson, Master -- Also a write-up stating: "A well supported National School, in which one hundred and thirty boys and girls are instructed." xxvi 1865; Master, National School, Oldcastle, Bridgend, Glamorgan, Wales,, Webster & Co.'s Postal and Commercial Directory of the City of Bristol and the County of Glamorgan, 1865, Schools National School, Oldcastle, James Hutchinson, Master. xxvii J.G. Harrod and Co.’s Post-Office Directory of Glamorganshire, 1866,, Schools (public) – Natinal School, Oldcastle – James Hutchinson, master xxviii 1868; Berlin wool repositiory, Caroline St. & National Schools -- Oldcastle, John Hutchinson (note the name change – probably just an error!!), master (Bridgend) ... note the name change!, Slater's Royal National Commercial Directory, 1868, Bridgend (South Wales), Academies and Schools, National Schools -- Oldcastle -- John Hutchinson, master & Miscellaneous, Hutchinson James, Berlin wool repository, Caroline St. xxix The Post Office Directory of Monmouthshire and the Principal Towns and Places in South Wales,, Bridgend, Parish Clerk of Newcastle, James Hutchinson & Insurance – Life Assocation of Scotland, Jas. Hutchinson, Caroline St. & Schools – National, Oldcastle, James Hutchinson, master & Commercial – Bridgend & Cowbridge Mutual Benefit Building Society (James Hutchinson, sec), Caroline street & Hutchinson James, fancy repository, Caroline street xxx 1875; Toy & Fancy Repositories -- Bridgend, Glamorgan, Wales,, Worrall's Directory of South Wales, 1875, Bridgend, Toy & Fancy Repositories, Hutchinson, James, 12 Caroline St., Maesteg &

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Conveyance by Railway Station, Maesteg; Wm Akehurst, station master; Robert Hutchinson, carting agent & Beer Retailers, Hutchinson Ann, 13 Commercial St. & Swansea, South Wales; George Hawkins, 62 High Street. xxxi The Wales Register and Guide, 1878, Eyre Bros, Guide Publishers,, Bridgend, Local Board of Health – clerk, James Hutchinson xxxii, Slaters Commerical Directory, 1880, Hutchinson James, Berlin wool repository, Caroline st and, the following listing: LOCAL BOARD OF HEALTH, BRIDGEND, Clerk - James Hutchinson & Building Societies – Bridgend, Maesteg, Tonda & Ogmore Valley Terminating Mutual Benefit, Caroline St – James Hutchinson, sec xxxiii 1889; Commercial Traveller, Barnstaple, Devonshire, , Kelly's Directory of Devonshire, 1889, Hutchinson James, commercial traveller, Castle Street. xxxiv 1890; Commercial Traveller -- Barnstaple, Devonshire, England,, History, Gazetteer and Directory of the county of Devon, 1890, Hutchinson James, commercial traveller, Castle street. xxxv 1893; Barnstaple, Devonshire, England, Barnstaple On-Line Parish Clerk,, Kelly's Directory Devon 1893, Hutchinson, James, Commercial traveller, Castle street & Hutchinson, Mrs. Sarah, Warren's hotel, Quay house. xxxvi e-mail received 2/5/2005, [email protected] xxxvii, Alumni Cantabrigienses compiled by John and J.A. Venn and available at xxxviii Glossary of Cambridge Terminology, xxxix Cambridge Colleges Foundation Dates, xl xli, 1881 England Census, “Normal Training College”, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, RG 11/2572, ED 21, Folio 60, Page 18 xlii xliii xliv , 1891 Wales Census, Swansea, Glamorgan, Wales, RG 12/4483, Ed 34a, Folio 38, Page 5, 93 Baymymon Rd, Ann Hawkins, Head, Widow, 60, Living on Means, Coity Lower, Glamorgan, speaks both, Catherine Thomas, Sister, Single, 56, Coity Lower, Glamorgan, speaks Both + Edgar R. Hutchinson, Nephew, Single, 29, Student, Coity Lower, Glamorgan, Speaks English. xlv xlvi xlvii 1871 Wales Census, RG10/5358, ED 6b, Folio 59 Page 37, Household Schedule Number 471, St. John, Cardiff, Glamorgan, Wales – 61 Bridge Street – William Phillips, head, Mar, 55, Licensed Victualler, Cardiff + Margaret Phillips, Wife, Mar, 48, Newton Nottage + Emma J. Phillips, Daur, 12, Scholar, Cardiff + Ann M. Phillips, Daur, 10, Scholar, Cardiff + Mary E. Phillips, Daur, 3, Scholar, Cardiff === now it looks like in the 1881 census that Mary E is boarding at a school in Gloucester – 8 Spa Road, South Hamlet, Gloucester, England, RG 11, Piece 2535, Folio 122, Page 12, Mary Elizabeth Phillips, Boarder, Female, 13, Cardiff, Glamorgan, Scholar (she is not with her family as in 1871 and neither is her sister Emma, though now there is a brother William!) Looks like William was away at school in 1871 in Newcastle at a very small private school (RG10/5420, Bridgend, ED 8, Folio 74, Page 26, Household Schedule number 152, 4 West St. & The parents are at the same address in 1881, 1881 Census, 61 Bridge St., Cardiff St.John, Glamorgan, Wales, RG11, Piece 5277, Folio 105, Page 7, William Phillips, head, M, Male, 65, , Glamorgan, Licensed Victualler + Margaret Phillips, Wife, M, Femaile, 58m, Cardiff, Glamorgan, Licensed Victuallers Wife + William D. Phillips, son, U, male, 25, Cardiff, Glamorgan, Railway Clerk + Annie M. Phillips, Daur, U, Female, 20, Cardiff Glamorgan + 2 servants. For 1891, we find Mary E Phillips and her sister Anne M. Phillips living with their brother (and so probably the parents are deceased) … 1891 Wales Census, RG12/4390, Cardiff, ED 19a, Folio 102, Page 59, 64 Richmons Rd, William D. Phillips, Head, S, 35, Railway Manager Assistant, Cardiff, Glamorgan + Anne M. Phillips, Sister, S, 28, Living on own means, Cardiff, Glamorgan + Mary E. Phillips, Sister, S, 22, Living on own means, Cardiff, Glamorgan + William F. Phillips, nephew, S, 11, scholar, Cardiff, Glamorgan -- NOTES: 1881 census info from and all other census info from -- ANOTHER NOTE: The pub run by the Phillips family may have been the Greyhound Inn re: GREYHOUND INN Mrs. Margaret Phillips 61 Bridge Street Cardiff 1882 Butchers Cardiff Dire … okay … this was the place, an 1880 Directory,, lists “Greyhound, Wm. Phillips, 61 Bridge St” under Taverns and Public Houses., though in 1858,, it’s listed as at 65 Bridge Street … Copyright © 2005 Mosaic Research and Project Management. All Rights Reserved

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xlviii, RG13, Piece 3216, Folio 69, Page 29 xlix l li 1/25/2005 e-mail from Ron Davies, [email protected], ... Material Published by Glamorgan Family History Society -- Llangynwyd, St. Cynwyd, Grave B181 Chest lii 1/25/2005 e-mail from Ron Davies, [email protected], ... Material Published by Glamorgan Family History Society – Llangynwyd, St. Cynwyd, Marriage Records liii liv , Schedule 182, Maesteg, Area B, Number 14, Piece 1422/15, Folio 23 lv Slater’s Commercial Directory, 1880 … lvi , 112 Bowrington Street, ED 3A & 3B, Piece 2461, Folio 46 lvii Slater’s Commercial Directory, 1880 … lviii Bridgend tourist write-up on Maesteg, lix Glamorgan Family History Society 1861 Census CD, Ref. R.G. 9/4073, ED 6, Piece 4073, Folio 8 lx, 1871 Wales Census, RG10/5421/Bridgend, Bridgend, ED 9, Folio 14, Page 22, Household Schedule #123 lxi lxii e-mail received 1/28/2005, [email protected] lxiii , Pont-ar-dulais lxiv The web-site has a discussion on the church,, The church is believed to have been built during the thirteenth century on the site of an earlier pre-Norman church. Over the ensuing centuries the building was altered and extended. The oldest parts of the present structure, the nave and chancel, are believed to have been built during the 13/14th century though their present form is more likely to be early 15th century in date. During the late 14th century, two small transepts, or chapels, were added to the north and south of the chancel to create a cruciform church. Two arches were formed to link both transepts to the chancel. The north chapel was known as the Gronow Chapel, presumably in recognition of its benefactor. During the late 15th century the church's capacity was increased by the addition of an aisle to the south side of the nave. The old south wall was replaced by two arches, with a third arch opening into the chancel. In order to improve the congregation's view of the altar from the south aisle, a squint opening was formed through one of the side walls of the chancel arch. Finally, a porch was added to the entrance door leading into the south aisle of the church. lxv The Church of St. Teilo, Llandeilo Tal-y-bont. "Yr Hen Eglwys", From a picture owned by Deric John, … Also, checkout this website (current as of 4/21/05) … which has lots of information and pictures about Pontardulais, lxvi received e-mail 1/31/2005, Deric John [email protected] lxvii e-mail received 1/31/2005, [email protected], (Information Transcribed by members of Glamorgan FHS) lxviii , Slater’s Royal National Commercial Directory lxix, 1871 Wales Census, Newton and Nottage, Llandaff, Glamorgan, Wales, RG10/5421, ED 9, Folio 14 Page 22, household schedule number 123, New Road to Pcarol lxx , Worrall’s Directory of South Wales lxxi

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