Music at Home: Explore Your Favourite Music

What would it be like to be stuck on a desert island? Inspired by BBC Radio 4’s Desert Island Discs; a popular and long-running BBC radio programme in which well-known people are interviewed about their life and their favourite music. If you were stranded on a desert island and could listen to just three pieces of music, what would they be?




Ask the rest of your family/the people you live with the same question. What are their responses?

Name: Name: Name:

1. 1. 1.

2. 2. 2.

3. 3. 3.

Has anyone chosen the same pieces?

Listen to piece of music from everyone’s list. After each song, ask yourself the following questions: 1. Do you like the piece of music? What do you like/not like about it?

2. What can you hear?

a. What instruments are there?

b. Are there many layers of sound/instruments or just one? If your music had a texture, what is the texture like? Is it thick, thin or in-between?

c. Is the tempo slow, fast or in-between?

d. Is the music loud, quiet or in-between? Does it stay the same throughout or does it change?

3. Can you move to it? If so, how would you move to it?

4. How would you describe the style of music?

a. Is it Classical/Pop/Rock/Jazz/Blues/Gospel/Ballad/R&B/Rap/Soul?

b. What makes you think that it is that style?

5. How is the song put together?

a. Is there a chorus, bridge, verse, musical interlude or instrumental solo?

After you have listened to and thought about the songs, are there any songs with similarities?

Draw your desert island, or your favourite piece of music here!!