annual conservation report of the Endangered Wildlife Trust

Endangered Wildlife Trust Tel: +27 11 486 1102 Fax: +27 11 486 1506 [email protected] 2009 Table of Contents

Messages from the Chairman STRATEGIC IMPERATIVE 5 and CEO 2 Explore and develop opportunities for mentorship and capacity building within the Introduction to the Endangered conservation sector 32 Wildlife Trust 4 STRATEGIC IMPERATIVE 6 Conservation activities Provide a leadership role in ensuring efficient The EWT Conservation and adequate implementation, compliance and Strategy 2008 – 2013 6 enforcement of conservation legislation 36 Addressing our Strategic Imperatives Project list 40 STRATEGIC IMPERATIVE 1 Broader engagement 44 Identify human-induced threats and the affected Human resources 47 species in order to halt or reverse species decline 8 Fundraising, marketing and STRATEGIC IMPERATIVE 2 Ensure that the viability of threatened habitats communications 54 and ecosystems is maintained 16 Our supporters 2009 59 STRATEGIC IMPERATIVE 3 Scientific publications 61 Develop innovative, economically viable EWT Trustees 62 alternatives to address harmful impacts to the benefit of people and biodiversity 22 Contact us 63

STRATEGIC IMPERATIVE 4 Map of project and staff locations 64 Increase awareness and mainstream environmental considerations in daily lives of people and decision makers 27

Thank-you to the photographers who provided images for our conservation report at no cost. They are: Andre Botha, Marion Burger, Deon Cilliers, Rynette Coetzee, Steven Evans, Albert Froneman, Anique Greyling, Mike Jordan, Kirsten Oliver, Glenn Ramke, Rob Till and Graeme Wilson.

Special thanks to the Cheetah Conservation Fund for providing the photograph of the Anatolian Shepherd and smiling man on back cover -

This publication was printed on environmentally friendly Sappi Tripple Green paper.

1 Message from the CEO

The Endangered Wildlife Trust’s 2009 Conservation Report done our Board of Management, our Trustees, our partners, demonstrates how our Working Groups worked towards donors, members and friends all very proud. I am grateful to achieving a collective set of goals, defined by the seven work among such inspiring people who challenge me and Strategic Imperatives which drive our Conservation Strategy. motivate me every day and who demonstrate in everything that they do a tireless passion for the environment. You Developed in 2008, these Strategic Imperatives define the will no doubt pick up on this as you read the pages of this framework in which the EWT operates and set the tone for report which are peppered with their successes during the the work across all our programmes. As should be done year gone by. The Board of Management has also been an with any living strategy, we will update these annually with unfailing source of support and assistance, along with the refreshed objectives and targets. Measuring our progress is Finance Committee and other support structures of the critical in order to celebrate our successes and understand Trustee body. My immense gratitude is further extended our shortcomings. Moreover, it allows us to take stock and to our many partner organisations, with whom we have reassess how we can ensure that the EWT remains relevant brought to life visionary plans and ideas such as the first Message from and effective and maintains its place among the best multi-NGO magazine in South , Environment. This conservation organisations in the region. I am therefore fantastic publication is the mouthpiece of conservation in pleased that we can report on far more successes than the region and is a result of our collective commitment to the Chairman shortcomings, despite 2009 being a challenging year. These partnership, trust and teamwork. This trend extends into the challenges presented themselves in the form of not only the Climate Action Partnership, the co-operative efforts of the global financial crunch, but sadly, in the steady decline in the members of the International Union for the Conservation of state of the planet’s natural resources. Nature (IUCN) and the many other forums and joint projects and activities which have been developed in recent years I am immensely proud of the contribution that the EWT is to ensure a greater sense of teamwork and partnershipping Welcome to the EWT’s 2009 Conservation Report. been able to complete the year’s significant contribution making to conservation. However, it seems that the political towards our common goals. to environmental protection. On behalf of the Trustees, will to put in motion the right plans to ensure a sustainable This report details the endeavours and performance of the management team and staff a heartfelt thank-you to you all. and socially and environmentally equitable future for all, is I am proud to work in the environmental sector, despite its dedicated staff of the Endangered Wildlife Trust during the simply lacking. Issues such as the lack of a legally binding challenges and setbacks. I am proud to work with the EWT’s course of the past year. The Trust in numerous instances acts as an aggregator of the agreement with meaningful emission reduction targets in staff and Trustees and I am proud to be able to present to efforts of many, achieving a specific conservation goal for its the Copenhagen Climate Change Conference in December you what was a very good year all round for the EWT. We The EWT continues to direct its efforts in the field towards the stakeholders and partners in conservation. Thank-you to our 2009, the ongoing development of coal mines across South cannot wage our war on environmental destruction alone conservation challenges needing critical attention, adopting partners for your tireless efforts during the course of the year. Africa and the illegal trade in everything from cranes and and it is therefore comforting to know that with a growing the hands-on approach of implementable actions; a modus We look forward to continuing our working relationships in rhino horn to Wild Dogs and cycads, are worrying trends supportbase of committed ‘greenies’, we enter 2010 with a operandi which has been a cornerstone of the Trust’s ethos. the years to come. for a planet with little time to waste on apathy. Against stronger team than ever. The specialisation of the Trust’s numerous programmes this background, the EWT continues into its 37th year of represents thoughtful planning to match resources, both The EWT is blessed with staff who are not only seasoned Conservation in Action with its focus firmly on addressing human and financial, to the Trust’s strategic direction. experts in their fields, but display a commitment and a these issues. <> passion for their tasks which is the envy of many a commercial The human community continues to show a heightened concern. Our CEO, Yolan Friedmann, has led by example and I work with one of the strongest, most passionate and Yolan Friedmann awareness of environmental issues and the need for her work ethic is an inspiration to all. Congratulations to the dedicated teams in the country and the staff of the EWT have EWT CEO committed change in the way we interact with planet staff in making such sound progress on all fronts in what was, Earth. As this environmental consciousness grows, the due to the economic downturn, a difficult year. need for conservation organisations to measure up to the task of increased demand for their expertise and project The Board and the Trustees’ responsibility is to ensure management capabilities will be felt. This will ensure rapid corporate governance has been executed with 100% growth in demand for the EWT’s services and, as a result, compliance. The diligence in the execution of all the Trust’s the Board and Executive Management have embarked on functions and responsibilities has ensured compliance with a process of preparing the Trust’s underlying operational the highest governance standards throughout. structures, to ensure it is able to answer the needs of the stakeholders it serves, in adopting the highest operational Heartfelt thanks to my colleagues on the Board. I look forward efficiency and world class functions. to your continued support and wise counsel.

I wish to compliment the administrative and governance staff To all who respect our beautiful planet, join with us in finding on an excellent year’s work as we have an exemplary financial the balance which will ensure sustainability for all. performance record. The conservation staff have, as always, delivered superbly and we are all grateful for their dedication in sometimes difficult and demanding environments.

The Trust is extremely grateful to all its donors without Dirk Ackerman whose tremendous efforts and assistance we would not have Chairman

2 Introduction to the The EWT’s organisational structure is informed by its Conservation Strategy: Endangered Wildlife Trust

Contact (1) Strategic Industry Partnerships Endangered Wildlife Trust (2) Indicator Species and Critical Ecosystems + 27 (0) 11 486 1102 (3) International Partnerships [email protected] (4) People and the Environment (5) National and Regional Interventions (6) Advocacy, Policy and Governance Vision (7) Biodiversity Research Projects A healthy planet and an equitable world that values and sustains the diversity of all life. The EWT fulfils its mission by: • Initiating and implementing conservation research and Mission action programmes; The Endangered Wildlife Trust is dedicated to conserving • Preventing species extinctions and maintaining threatened species and ecosystems in southern Africa to the biodiversity and ecosystem functioning; benefit of all people. • Supporting sustainable natural resources use and The EWT partners with many organisations and individuals in order to ensure the most productive outcome for conservation. management; In 2009, the following partners were particularly involved in our conservation work: The Endangered Wildlife Trust (EWT) is a non-governmental, • Communicating the principles of sustainable living and non-profit, conservation organisation, founded in 1973 and empowering people by capacity building, education operating throughout southern Africa. The EWT conserves and awareness programmes to the broadest possible African Wildlife Conservation Fund Kruger National Park Sudanese Wildlife Society threatened species and ecosystems in southern Africa by constituency; and Agricultural Research Centre KwaZulu-Natal Crane Foundation Telekishi Community initiating research and conservation action programmes, • Taking a strong leadership and advocacy role in BirdLife Bostwana Limpopo Province Department of Telperion Nature Reserve implementing projects which mitigate threats facing promoting environmental and social justice. BirdLife Environmental Affairs The Green Trust species diversity and supporting sustainable natural resource BirdLife Zimbabwe Lindani Game and Lodges The Hawk Conservancy Trust Mabula Ground Hornbill Project The Peregrine Fund management. The EWT furthermore communicates The EWT thus works broadly across the environment with Bushveld Mosaic Cape Leopard Trust McKaynine Training Centre The World Association of Zoos and the principles of sustainable living through awareness a clear focus on areas of greatest national and regional CapeNature Mpumalanga Parks Board Aquariums (WAZA) programmes to the broadest possible constituency for the conservation importance. Each programme links to key Cheetah Outreach Mpumalanga Tourism and Parks Agency THETA benefit of the region. The EWT achieves its conservation regional environmental issues such as water conservation, Clemson University Nature Conservation Trust Transnet National Ports Authority goals through specialist, thematic Working Groups, designed sustainable agriculture, community-based natural resource Climate Action Partnership Nature Uganda Tshwane University of Technology to maximise effectiveness in the field and enhance the management, capacity building and other key tenets in the Conservation International Nelson Mandela Metropole University (TUT) development of skills and capacity. These Working Groups many international conventions to which South Africa is a Conservation Management Services Northern Cape Department of Ukuhlamba Transfrontier Conservation Environmental Affairs and Tourism Area Project form the backbone of the organisation and harness the talent party. These include the International Convention on the Department of Agriculture and Environmental Affairs (KwaZulu-Natal) Northern Tuli Game Reserve University of Birmingham – Professor and enthusiasm of a dynamic network of individuals, who Conservation of Biological Diversity (CBD), the RAMSAR De Beers Consolidated Mines Ecology Orange-Vaal River Yellowfish Graham Martin of Avian Sensory specialise in an area of conservation importance and have Wetlands Convention, the Convention on the Conservation Division Conservation and Management Science developed unique expertise in response to the challenges of Migratory Species of Wild Animals (also known as CMS Department of Agriculture Association University of Cape Town they face. Working Groups comprise multiple stakeholders or the Bonn Convention), the Stockholm Convention on Department of Education Overberg Crane Group University of including national and provincial government, landowners, Persistent Organic Pollutants and the Convention on the Department of Environment and Oxford University’s Wildlife University of KwaZulu-Natal local communities, farm workers, conservancies, academic International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna Nature Conservation (Northern Cape) Conservation Research Unit (WildCRU) University of Pretoria Pretoria Zoological Gardens University of South Africa (UNISA) institutions and industry. The EWT also acts as a public and Flora (CITES). Furthermore, the EWT implements Department of Environmental Affairs (previously Department of Provincial wetland forums University of Stellenbosch, Department watchdog, often taking government and industry to task for programmes that aid South Africa and neighbouring SADC Environmental Affairs and Tourism) Quaggasdrift of Botany and Zoology decision-making that does not meet sustainability criteria. countries in achieving the social development targets of the Department of Health Red Meat Producers’ Association Vulcha Helpas The EWT addresses the following key focal areas through Millennium Development Goals and the World Summit on Department of Justice Rhodes University VULPRO its Working Groups and Partnerships, which collectively Sustainable Development. Eastern Cape Parks Board ShareNet Welgevonden Private Game Reserve coordinate around 80 projects: Ezemvelo KwaZulu-Natal Wildlife Shashe-Limpopo Predator Research Wildlands Conservation Trust Department of Agriculture Group Wildlife and Environment Society of and Rural Development Smithsonian Institution South Africa (WESSA) International Crane Foundation South African Bee Industry Organisation Working for Water IUCN/SSC Lagomorph Specialist Group (SABIO) Working for Wetlands Johannesburg Zoo South African National Biodiversity World Bank Kipsaina Crane and Wetland Institute (SANBI) WWF-SA Conservation Group, Kenya South African National Parks (SANParks) Zoological Society for the KwaZulu-Natal Agriculture, South African Police Services (SAPS) Conservation of Species and Environmental Affairs and Rural South African Woolgrowers Association Populations (ZGAP) Development (SAWA)

5 Conservation Activities The diagram below shows the links between the EWT’s Mission and Vision, six of the seven Strategic Imperatives and the way in which these will be implemented within the EWT. The EWT Conservation Strategy 2008 – 2013 EWT Working Group main focus areas in 2009 Working Group SI1 SI2 SI3 SI4 SI5 SI6 Airport Wildlife Working Group x Biodiversity Stewardship South Africa x In 2008, the EWT embarked on a process of redefining its This process was initiated in June 2008 with a strategy Birds of Prey Working Group (BoPWG) x x core objectives and goals within the broader framework development workshop. The first phase was completed in of external issues and pressures, and against its existing November 2008, with the finalisation of a set of Strategic Carnivore Conservation Group (CCG) x x x Mission and Vision. The process set in place the framework Imperatives and a matrix linking all the EWT’s projects and Conservation Breeding Specialist Group Southern x for the EWT’s conservation activities and objectives for activities to these. The Human Resources, Communications Africa the foreseeable future; critically examined the work that and Fundraising departments then developed their strategies in Conservation Leadership Group (CLG) x x x the EWT currently undertakes against these objectives; set response to the needs of the organisation, as defined by the Healthy Rivers Programme (HRP) x x targets for measuring the EWT’s future impact; adapted conservation strategy and plans. This was by no means the end and redefined current activities to ensure alignment with and this strategy will remain a dynamic document, with revisions Information Technology for Conservation (IT4C) x the EWT’s overarching objectives and targets; identified undertaken to relevant sections on an annual basis. International Crane Foundation / EWT Partnership for x x gaps in the EWT’s project portfolio and developed ways African Cranes in which these will be addressed in time; and united the All the EWT’s Working Groups developed work plans for 2009, Law & Policy Working Group (LPWG) x x EWT’s current expansive suite of projects and activities aligning their projects to the Strategic Imperatives. Progress into a comprehensive whole that ensures collective effort toward the goals set out in the Strategic Imperatives has Marine & Coastal Working Group (MCWG) x towards addressing key issues, which ensures that the EWT, subsequently been reported on, as detailed in this report. Riverine Rabbit Working Group (RRWG) x x x x as a whole, is measured against these objectives in years Threatened Grassland Species Programme (TGSP) x x to come. Wildlife Conflict Prevention Group (WCPG) x x Wildlife & Energy Interaction Group (WEIG) x x

Strategic Imperative 7 aims to develop a formalised Progress towards this in 2009 included the development framework to guide future conservation action using of the EWT’s Knowledge Management System, to support risk analysis. This refers to an assessment of the risks improved data storage and access for undertaking risk to biodiversity conservation and includes a continuous analysis, and the appointment of a Director of Science to evaluation of the threats to biodiversity and how these are guide the analysis of this data in 2010 and beyond. changing, as well as an evaluation of the effectiveness of interventions. This Strategic Imperative is therefore a tool The EWT’s activities, and highlights on its progress towards that will allow the implementation of the EWT’s other achieving its strategic objectives in 2009, are detailed in Strategic Imperatives, and is not reported on specifically. this report.

6 7 Conservation Activities

Report back on progress towards implementing the In 2009, the EWT’s Birds of Prey Working Group (EWT- living on their properties. However, an MSc study on the BoPWG) and its partners completed a three-year survey removal of cranes from the wild showed that the extent EWT Conservation Strategy of the population status of Taita Falcon Falco fasciinucha of Grey Crowned Crane poisonings in Kenya, in response in South Africa. These data will hopefully lead to to crop damage and the capture of birds for food, was 2008 – 2013 its conservation status being upgraded to Critically of concern in 2009. This study is focusing on crane trade Endangered in the next Red Data Book of Birds, bringing and poisoning in particular and is being undertaken as a much needed conservation attention to this species, which partnership between the ICF / EWT Partnership for African is under significant pressure in the region. Cranes and the University of Nairobi.

STRATEGIC IMPERATIVE 1: IT4Conservation Group, Riverine Rabbit Working Group, The Southern Ground Hornbill Action Group, of which the Power line collisions are the primary cause of crane EWT-BoPWG is a member, submitted a proposal to BirdLife mortality in South Africa and with the expansion of Identify human-induced threats and the affected Threatened Grassland Species Programme, Wildlife Conflict Prevention Group, Wildlife & Energy Interaction International, the Red Listing authority for birds, to have the electrification grid across South Africa, this threat is species in order to halt or reverse species decline. Group and the Conservation Breeding Specialist Group the Southern Ground Hornbill’s Bucorvus leadbeateri status unlikely to diminish soon. However, the work undertaken Southern Africa. upgraded from Vulnerable to Endangered. by the EWT’s Wildlife & Energy Interaction Group (EWT- The EWT identifies species under threat of extinction and WEIG) to make power lines more visible to large flying takes action to avoid these extinctions. The species we Species uplistings Human activities threatening our flagship species birds has seen a reduction in bird/power line collisions in work with often also act as indicators of the health of the certain areas in the last decade. This issue is detailed under ecosystems in which they occur. Successful conservation The Grey Crowned Crane Balearica regulorum was Raptors Strategic Imperative 3. thus means protecting their entire habitat, and in this way uplisted to Vulnerable on the International Union for the Poisoning remains the most common local method for other indigenous species also benefit. The EWT, therefore, Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red Data List and the killing raptors and the EWT Wildlife Conflict Prevention The removal of cranes from the wild for the illegal trade proactively works to prevent an ongoing decline in the Black Crowned Crane Balearica pavonina is also currently Group’s (EWT-WCPG) networks in eastern and southern market is an increasing threat to these species, particularly numbers of a wide variety of indigenous species. being considered for uplisting to Vulnerable, as a result Africa report that the extent and scope of the poisoning in Tanzania and Uganda. The Sudanese Wildlife Society of the efforts of the International Crane Foundation / problem appears to be expanding, with new regions completed a study on the crane trade in Sudan in 2009, In 2009, the EWT ran projects and programmes focusing on EWT Partnership for African Cranes and its partners. This frequently reporting poisoning incidents. In 2009, the which showed clearly that the number of cranes actually a variety of strategically selected southern and East African Partnership also drove a process to ensure that Grey and EWT-BoPWG identified an increasing threat to vultures in traded out of Sudan far exceeded what is being recorded species. These included nocturnal and diurnal raptors and Black Crowned Cranes were included in the Convention the form of illegal harvesting for use in the muthi trade, by government. The study also noted that there was almost vultures, a number of fish species of concern within the on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) and poisoning is commonly used in this process. The EWT- no control over the trade of cranes in Sudan. Rwanda ecosystems in which they occur, and several Red Data Significant Trade Review Process at the CITES Animal BoPWG and its partners are working to create awareness appears to be a key area for the domestication of cranes mammals and birds that act as flagships for the habitats in Committee meeting held in 2009, resulting in the about the impacts of this practice on both wildlife and for the pet trade. These reports build on previous work which they occur. requirement that non-detriment findings are undertaken humans, as people who consume poisoned vulture parts undertaken, which showed that crane trade in East Africa by countries trading through CITES in wild caught cranes. are at risk of being poisoned themselves. Through this is also posing a significant threat to the species. The ICF / This Strategic Imperative is primarily addressed through the In other words, these countries have to prove that the awareness the Group intends to bring about behavioural EWT Partnership for African Cranes has been instrumental EWT’s Birds of Prey Working Group, Carnivore Conservation removal of birds from the wild is not having a negative change and to encourage alternative solutions that do not in uncovering these threats through its global network, Group, Healthy Rivers Programme, International Crane impact on the population if they wish to trade in them. harm the environment. which has been carefully established over the past 10 years. Foundation / EWT Partnership for African Cranes, Based on this information an action plan will be developed Cranes in 2010 to address the trade in African cranes. While poisoning has been the primary cause of South African crane mortality over time, this threat has recently declined, Carnivores largely as a result of the work undertaken by the ICF / EWT Our Carnivore Conservation Group (EWT-CCG) cites Partnership for African Cranes and its partners. Over the conflict with humans, illegal and legal trade, habitat last two decades these organisations have worked closely fragmentation by fences, mining and altered land use, with landowners in the major crane regions, helping them inbreeding in fenced reserves and road accidents as the to find viable solutions to the crop damage that cranes major threats to carnivores in southern Africa in 2009. sometimes cause, without killing or disturbing the birds. This remains the same as in previous years, but the Today, farmers use agrochemicals more responsibly than magnitude of the problem appears to be growing as areas they did in the past and are far more tolerant of cranes for carnivores to exist without human interaction become

17 8 9 Key Highlights

• A National Conservation Action Plan for Cheetah and African Wild Dogs was developed and will be converted to a Biodiversity Manage- ment Plan for Species in 2010. ‘doomed’ populations to areas where they can be better species through the University of Cape Town in 2009. The • An assessment of the Honey Badger Project showed no change in conserved. A ‘doomed’ population is one for which the project will undertake vision studies, movement studies badger distribution. This and the lack of reports on badgers being results of the biannual counts show a decline in numbers and population estimates and will test marking devices for persecuted by beekeepers indicates that the programme has effec- over the past five years due to threats that cannot be power lines with the aim of preventing Ludwig’s Bustards stopped, and where it is clear that the remaining animals from colliding with these. tively addressed badger killing. will disappear if they are not moved to a more secure site. • Twenty-four endangered Oribi were successfully translocat- Fourteen Oribi were translocated in 2009. Ten were moved Red-billed Oxpeckers ed from areas where they were doomed, as a result of threats that from Kasouga to Thomas River in the Eastern Cape and Oxpeckers have become extinct in some areas due to cannot be stopped, to areas where they have a much better chance four from the Hilton area to the Champagne Castle area in environmentally harmful wildlife and livestock dips. KwaZulu-Natal. The animals have settled well and all were Oxpeckers feed on the ticks that in turn feed on the dipped of survival. fitted with ear tags for future monitoring. animals, so causing oxpecker mortalities. To address this, the EWT-WCPG translocates Red-billed Oxpeckers The EWT-TGSP contributed to research on Oribi stress levels Buphaghus erythrorhynchus from areas where they are during capture. These studies will help conservationists abundant to areas where they once occurred but have develop a best practice manual for the capture and since become extinct. The Group works with landowners relocation of Oribi, a project that will be completed in to ensure that environmentally friendly dipping practices 2010. are undertaken before birds can be relocated to these scarcer. The EWT-WCPG furthermore reports that predators in South Africa and is classified as Near Threatened on the areas, so avoiding further losses. remain constantly threatened due to the ignorance of some global IUCN Red List of threatened species. The population Blue Swallow farmers, and the resultant intolerance and environmental appears to be declining, and yet the popularity of yellowfish The Blue Swallow Hirundo atrocaerulea is a highly specialised In July 2009, the EWT, Limpopo Environment and Tourism mismanagement. as a targeted species for anglers continues to increase, with bird that breeds in the short mist-belt grasslands along and a group of A-permit bird ringers captured Red-billed anglers working on methods to more effectively catch the eastern South African escarpment and north-western Oxpeckers in the Kruger National Park. Fourteen birds Large carnivores are particularly vulnerable because they protected Orange-Vaal Largemouth Yellowfish in the Vaal Swaziland. It therefore acts as an indicator species for the were captured and translocated to the Ihlanze Commercial occur in low densities and are therefore heavily impacted River. Allowing anglers to sustainably use this fish can health of this habitat. The species is classified as Critically Game Ranch in KwaZulu-Natal, supplementing a upon when individuals are indiscriminately removed help its conservation, since it creates an incentive for the Endangered in South Africa, with a population of just 35 population that was successfully introduced in 2008 and from an environment. This is exemplified by the Cheetah sector to protect the resource from which they benefit. The pairs counted in the 2008/2009 breeding season. The which has subsequently bred. In September the team Acinonyx jubatus and Leopard Panthera pardus as these two EWT’s Healthy Rivers Programme (EWT-HRP) is therefore global population, estimated at less than 1 500 pairs, is captured a further 42 Red-billed Oxpeckers at a cattle large carnivores still occur outside of conservation areas in developing catch and release guidelines for the species in considered Vulnerable. In South Africa, numbers have ranch in Hoedspruit, which were successfully translocated South Africa, and therefore frequently come into contact the Vaal River to promote sustainable angling. declined by more than 80% over the last 100 years, mostly to the Mpongo Private Nature Reserve near East London with humans. Density information for these two species as a result of habitat destruction caused by afforestation. in the Eastern Cape. throughout South Africa is very fragmented and does not Riverine Rabbit Blue Swallows occur in very few formally protected areas currently support an accurate estimate of total population The Critically Endangered Riverine Rabbit Bunolagus with the bulk of the population occurring on privately- Honey Badger status and sustainable off-take. This has raised concerns monticularis, of which an estimated 1 000 individual animals owned land. Honey Badgers Mellivora capensis often come into conflict amongst conservationists about the impacts of illegal trade remain, is a nocturnal and very shy species, making direct with beekeepers when they feed on bee larvae and on Cheetah and Leopard populations, and the EWT-CCG monitoring very labour and time intensive. As such, only a In 2009, the EWT-TGSP and its partners contributed towards destroy beehives, so causing economic losses. To address aims to address this through a Cheetah and Leopard Trade few surveys can be conducted each year and the population research on Blue Swallow genetics, sexing of Blue Swallow this the EWT runs a project that helps beekeepers prevent Project, which will kick off in 2010. is mostly monitored indirectly in known distribution areas, chicks and parental linkages in Blue Swallows. Little is losses, using badger-friendly practices such as raising through information gathered from farmers and farm known about the species and specifically its breeding habits beehives above the reach of the badgers. Beekeepers who The EWT-CCG developed a National Conservation Action workers. Over and above habitat destruction, unnatural and this information will tell conservationists more about successfully implement these practices may display the Plan for Cheetah and African Wild Dogs Lycaon pictus in deaths appear to be caused mainly by domestic dogs, the South African population’s ecology and migratory official ‘Badger Friendly Honey’ label on their products. 2009, which will be converted to a Biodiversity Management incidental gin traps and road kills. The Riverine Rabbit has patterns and provide information on whether these birds Plan for Species in 2010. This Plan will guide all future been identified as one of the key species for conservation are cooperative breeders or not. Sex ratio information In 2009, the project assessed its contribution to Honey conservation action and utilisation for the species under in the Northern Cape. This means that more emphasis will help conservationists determine whether there is a Badger conservation. It found that beekeepers are still the National Environmental Management Biodiversity is placed on its conservation, with conservancies being skewed sex ratio that could have an impact on breeding. protecting their hives effectively against badgers, even Act, 2004 (Act 10 of 2004). The EWT-CCG was also a key prioritised for stewardship in the Northern Cape. All this information will guide management actions for Blue when not making use of the ‘Badger Friendly’ label. stakeholder in the Cheetah Population Habitat Viability Swallows. However, consumers are not making an effort to buy Assessment run by the CBSG and held in April 2009, which Oribi ‘Badger Friendly’ honey and awareness on the issue is fed into the National Conservation Action Plan meeting This specialised antelope is an indicator species for the Ludwig’s Bustard lacking. It was also found that beekeepers are not making and report. The Group also began developing a draft health of African temperate grasslands that it inhabits. The Ludwig’s Bustard Neotis ludwigii has been on the radar as use of the marketing advantage that the ‘Badger Friendly’ management plan for Cheetah in small fenced reserves to While Oribi Ourebia ourebi have a wide distribution on the a species under threat as a result of interactions with energy label provides. No change in badger distribution could be support developing the potential of using smaller areas for African continent, numbers have dropped sharply in South infrastructure for some time, but as the documentation of observed, suggesting that there has not been a decline Cheetah conservation. Africa in recent years, mainly due to habitat destruction power line collisions through the EWT-WEIG improves, the in the Honey Badger population. Furthermore, the lack and poaching. It is classified as Endangered in South Africa real extent of this threat is being recognised. The Ludwig’s of reports on badgers being persecuted by beekeepers Yellowfish and the 2009 survey of Oribi on privately owned land Bustard currently receives little conservation attention indicates that the programme has been effective in The Orange-Vaal Largemouth Yellowfish Labeobarbus returned a count of approximately 1 882 animals. One of and there have been no recent population estimates. addressing and solving the issue of badger killing. kimberleyensis is a charismatic premier freshwater game fish our key Oribi conservation activities is the translocation of As such, the EWT-WEIG began supporting a PhD on the

10 11 Emerging threats and being an indicator species for the health of this the species as a whole faces increasing threats and were poached in South Africa, which increased to The EWT-WEIG reports that the development of the wind habitat. It is only found in isolated patches in the population decline throughout its range. A Bovine 126 between 2005 and 2008, and further increase energy industry has resulted in a new set of threats to North Eastern Free State, Western KwaZulu-Natal and Tuberculosis Disease Risk Assessment workshop was in 2009, when 122 rhinos were poached. In June many bird species. The Environmental Impact Assessment South Eastern Mpumalanga, is listed as Vulnerable conducted by the regional network of the Conservation 2009, stakeholders gathered in the Kruger National (EIA) process does not adequately take cumulative impacts in the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species and is Breeding Specialist Group (CBSG) in partnership Park to discuss the situation and formulate solutions. into account. While one site may be acceptable for an considered an excellent indicator species as it is mostly with the EWT and SANParks in 2009. This aimed to The workshop showed that the private sector is not isolated wind turbine development from an avifaunal point insectivorous, integral to many food webs and shows thoroughly evaluate the current status of in the geared up to protect rhino on its own, emphasising of view, the combined impact of multiple developments high site fidelity. The main threats to the Sungazer KNP, collate current knowledge of Bovine Tuberculosis the need for a comprehensive project to address when neighbouring areas are later developed could be are the pet trade and habitat destruction, primarily in Lions, review and discuss current research and poaching. South Africa is pursuing a three-pronged significant for some bird species. The EWT-WEIG’s top through mining, forestry and agriculture. Plans for clinical findings and investigate potential population approach to tackle this problem, addressing law priority is therefore to understand and manage the impacts 2010 include implementation of a Sungazer project outcomes through predictive simulation modelling enforcement issues, the trade in rhino horn and the of wind energy before it is too late. The EWT and BirdLife in the Free State and stakeholders will include the pet efforts. The KNP will focus on addressing critical security of rhino populations in situ. The EWT Rhino South Africa (BLSA) will join efforts to address this in 2010 trade sector and a number of academic institutions knowledge gaps identified during the workshop. Security Project aims to support these approaches by through proactive engagement with the wind energy that have undertaken Sungazer studies. To build on this, a Biodiversity Management Plan improving the security of rhino on privately owned industry; commissioning a national strategic assessment • The Marico Barb Barbus motebensis is an indigenous for Species for the African Lion is being planned for land and supporting law enforcement and poaching of wind energy and birds; and providing input into EIAs fish occurring in the upper Limpopo catchment and is 2010. investigations. for new wind farms through comment as Interested & an indicator species for various rivers in this system. It • Other threats facing Lions include conflict with Affected Parties. is under threat from the impacts of urban settlement, humans, inbreeding due to poor genetic management Long-term monitoring of our flagship species mining and agriculture, all of which will impact on in small fenced reserves, illegal hunting and trade. The Eskom plans to approximately double its power line water quality. Lack of resources to address the problems tiger bone trade also appears to be placing pressure We monitor species to observe and understand trends in network in the next 20 years to meet the demands of facing this and a number of other fish species is a major on large predators as traders turn towards Lion bones their populations over time and to be alerted to possible South Africa’s growing economy. It is therefore crucial that limiting factor to concerted conservation action, but as an alternative. Tiger bones are used in traditional concerns for their conservation status. In this way we are the construction of these new lines takes place in a way the importance of addressing the threats of declining Chinese medicine, but according to Traffic South-East able to investigate threats and act in advance of them that considers the impacts on birds, with the expert input water quality cannot be ignored. Asia any large cat can be used as a substitute for the becoming serious problems. of EWT-WEIG. • The Saddle-billed Stork Ephippiorhynchus senegalensis tiger, which is now quite rare, and Lion bones have is classified as Endangered in South Africa. The last recently been used. The EWT was actively involved The EWT’s IT4Conservation Group has developed a New species identified as being in need of census was undertaken in 1993 and showed that there in supporting the process to implement regulations Knowledge Management System, providing one centralised conservation action were only about 100 of these birds left in the country, to effectively end the current canned lion hunting storage location for all ecological and spatial information of which 60 were found in the Kruger National Park trade – as it has become known. The EWT also drove a for the EWT and its partners. This database enables the In 2009, a number of new species were identified as (KNP). The EWT-BoPWG’s Saddle-billed Stork Project campaign to inform the public of the role that they may EWT to perform detailed Geographic Information Systems needing conservation action either because of emerging is being implemented in the KNP in conjunction with inadvertently play when supporting some Lion petting (GIS) analyses on its species and habitat data and supports or increasing threats, or because the species’ status was South African National Parks (SANParks) and will help facilities, and worked with a number of other NGOs the integration of datasets across EWT Working Groups and not well understood before and new studies have raised to establish current population status in the KNP and to develop a report on the options for addressing the stakeholder projects. This is a critical tool in strengthening concerns for its survival. Conservation action is already monitor long-term population changes of this species. issue of the thousands of lions remaining in captivity, global conservation decision-making, as it will help us to under way or is being planned for the following species: A better understanding of the causes of decline of the waiting to be hunted. identify strategic conservation needs and risks and report species will inform future conservation action. • There has been a marked increase in the illegal trade against biodiversity indicators. Database population • The Sungazer Cordylus giganteus is a lizard endemic • The impacts of Bovine Tuberculosis on Lions Panthera of rhinoceros horn and poaching of mainly White began in earnest in 2009. Working Groups continue to to South Africa, inhabiting gentle sloping primary leo in the KNP is not fully understood, but remains Rhinoceros Ceratotherium simum in recent years. In collect relevant data and as the system matures, all new grasslands dominated by Red Grass Themeda triandra an ongoing concern for Lion conservationists, as the 24 years between 1980 and 2004, 148 rhinos and historical data will reside within this central database.

12 13 Furthermore, the EWT is a Global Biodiversity Information The EWT-CCG runs regular photographic censuses for Facility (GBIF) Associate Node. GBIF is an international Cheetah and African Wild Dogs Lycaon pictus in the KNP. government-initiated and funded initiative focused on Based on the low population sizes revealed in the 2009 making biodiversity data available to all, for scientific census, the Group is embarking on a long-term project in research, conservation and sustainable development. the KNP to determine and evaluate the factors affecting It provides the information technology infrastructure, the population dynamics of these two predators. The protocols and standards to mobilise data pertaining to Group also receives regular reports of African Wild Dogs specific taxonomic groups. The EWT / GBIF partnership outside of protected areas in the Waterberg and a research facilitates sub-Saharan Africa participation in GBIF, helping project is being planned to investigate the spatial ecology to increase local and regional capacity to ensure that high of these dogs, and other carnivores in the area, to assess quality biodiversity information can be digitised, accessed threats to them. Data collected by the EWT-CCG were and shared appropriately and securely. It also explores used in Ecological Niche Modelling for Cheetah, which creation of compatible links between existing datasets, in involved identifying what habitat is potentially suitable for particular transboundary datasets, to allow for non-taxa the species in South Africa. This will be used to identify analyses. areas currently important for Cheetah and also for range expansion in future. Data acquired through studies All our species-focused Working Groups collect data on the on African Wild Dogs in small reserves feeds into the species with which they work, such as location, breeding, national meta-population database, which helps carnivore mortality and causes of mortality. The EWT-WCPG also conservationists manage the national metapopulation to records wildlife poisoning events across the sub-continent, ensure the sustainability of South Africa’s Wild Dog packs while the EWT-WEIG manages a Central Incident Register in the long-term, a key goal for the EWT-CCG. containing bird power line mortality data. The EWT entered into seven data sharing agreements for How our data were used in 2009 data on cranes, where our data were used in research, Satellite tracking of Amur Falcons Falco amurensis during conservation planning and Environmental Impact 2009 revealed that there is significant movement of these Assessments. Our crane data was also used for Wattled migrant birds in their southern African wintering grounds. Crane Ecological Niche Modelling, helping crane One individual covered a distance of about 9 025 km conservationists identify suitable habitats where this during the 25 weeks that it spent in its wintering area. Critically Endangered species could potentially occur and Very little is known about the species’ migratory routes so informing conservation decisions. Quantitative Site and the information acquired in this manner will enable Assessments completed for Grey Crowned Cranes gave us to determine the areas of importance for conservation Stories from the field crane conservationists an opportunity to digitally assess action, where human actions could negatively affect the these birds’ nesting site quality, which allows us to prioritise species’ migration. In the longer term the potential impact conservation action for the species. of climate change on migratory patterns can also be determined through these data. Research programmes on yellowfish, including radio On 3 June 2009 we planned to release Rory, a 2-year old Wild distress, to the opposite corner of the boma and with the telemetry studies to determine movement patterns, have Dog who was the son of our alpha female Stellar. He was Cheetah in hot pursuit! I very quickly had to make a plan The EWT-BoPWG is partaking in a SANParks project to given us a much better understanding of the species’ held separately to the new males that had been translocated to separate them. It would have been difficult to explain to determine river water quality and quantity in the Kruger ecology. This allowed the EWT-HRP to provide input into to the De Beers Venetia Limpopo Nature Reserve from my boss that we had lost a Wild Dog to a Cheetah! National Park (KNP) using key indicator species. Through River Management Plans, which were developed for some Shambala Game Reserve, as we were concerned that they this project, Pel’s Fishing Owl Scotopelia peli and African stretches of the Vaal River in recent years. might harm him. We decided to release him a day before With deft zigzag driving I managed to displace Rory to the Fish Eagle Haliaeetus vocifer data collected by the EWT- the others, so that we could monitor his interaction through entrance end of the boma. I nudged the Cheetah into the BoPWG in 2009 informed the management approach that the outer boma fence, which has more fence length to opposite corner, and so Rory escaped unharmed. I then SANParks will take for the KNP’s riverine habitats. interact through than the internal partition fence. decided to close the boma gates as one of my colleagues, Rox Brummer, had wanted to capture Cheetah for months, On that balmy winter’s day I opened the gates of his but to no avail. Well, my colleagues branded me a ‘nutter’ enclosure expecting him to rush out into the tawny veld, in achieving such, and came to the boma the following day but that afternoon he was still in the boma. I entered the to behold my catch. We subsequently were able to collar boma to ‘herd’ him out as I was concerned that scavengers her and add to the list of studied carnivores on Venetia. To like Spotted Hyaenas would harm him. While doing so, my knowledge a Cheetah has never been caught in this the most bizarre thing happened – a female Cheetah had way! entered the boma after me, and proceeded to stalk Rory! Upon realising he was prey, Rory sped past me, howling in John Power Field Officer: EWT-CCG Wild Dog Project

14 15 Conservation Activities The World Heritage Site and Transfrontier Conservation decisions are made in the best interest of the environment. Area bordering the Mapungubwe National Park has However, without the input of the EWT and many other been targeted for a strip of open cast and underground credible environmental organisations in the country, that Report back on progress towards implementing the coal mines, a coal-fired power station and the associated play a critical watchdog role, our environment would be infrastructure that includes railways, roads and hundreds of far worse off and many more habitats would be irreversibly buildings. This is an area of immense cultural significance destroyed as a result. EWT Conservation Strategy and environmental value, as it is situated next to the Mapungubwe National Park and World Heritage Site Land degradation 2008 – 2013 and also falls within the broader Mapungubwe Cultural In the semi-arid Karoo land degradation is mainly caused Landscape. The EWT, together with a host of other by livestock overgrazing, resulting in soil erosion, loss of environmental and cultural organisations, supported vegetation cover, reduction in species diversity and changes an external review and independent assessment of the in species composition. The EWT’s Riverine Rabbit Working STRATEGIC IMPERATIVE 2: Environmental Management Plan (EMP) for the proposed Group (EWT-RRWG) Riparian Habitat Rehabilitation Ensure that the viability of threatened habitats and This Strategic Imperative is primarily addressed through Vele mine in 2009, which was duly undertaken by the South Project aims to address this in many ways, including the the Biodiversity Stewardship South Africa Programme, the African Institute for Environmental Assessment (SAIEA). The rehabilitation of key degraded riparian corridors in the area ecosystems is maintained. EWT’s Birds of Prey Working Group, Carnivore Conservation assessment identified significant problem areas and fatal and implementation of biodiversity stewardship. Intact Group, Conservation Leadership Group, Healthy Rivers flaws, which were submitted to the Department of Mineral riparian systems offer important ecological services that Biodiversity conservation requires a holistic approach: Programme, International Crane Foundation / EWT Resources (DMR) and the Department of Environmental promote the resilience of ecosystems and communities integrating the protection of species, habitats and Partnership for African Cranes, Riverine Rabbit Working Affairs as part of the many objections lodged against this to climate change, including storing water and reducing ecosystem processes. As such a large component of Group and Threatened Grassland Species Programme. development. The process of preventing this mine from floods, stabilising river banks, improving water quality by the EWT’s work focuses on action to protect threatened destroying the uniqueness of this sacred landscape will trapping sediment and nutrients, and providing shelter habitats, which in turn support a host of species and Current and new threats to habitats form a key part of the EWT’s activities in 2010. and food for animals. In 2009, through a partnership ecosystem services, critical for sustaining life on earth. The between the EWT-RRWG and environmental consultancy EWT is not against development that supports sustainable Mining The EWT furthermore commented on 12 separate Conservation Management Services, a new soil conservation livelihoods and the right of every South African to a healthy Mining is increasingly becoming a serious threat to South development applications, including mining and urban rehabilitation strategy was developed for three trial sites environment, as enshrined in our Constitution. However, Africa’s natural habitats, particularly in Mpumalanga and developments that could negatively impact on grasslands. along the Sak River in the Fraserburg district. The sites we are growing exceedingly concerned at the short- the Limpopo provinces. Projects such as a suite of coal South Africa’s grasslands are among our most threatened, are undergoing rehabilitation with techniques designed term approach to many developments in South Africa mines planned for development on the doorstep of the but most important biomes and with less than 2% being specifically to re-stabilise and conserve topsoil and to trap that threaten to destroy fragile and critically important Mapungubwe National Park and World Heritage Site, and formally conserved, private custodianship of this biome is water, seeds and organic material and adapted for this habitats, drive species extinctions and support short-term several new mines in the Waterberg and on the Eastern crucial. Despite the fact that only one of these development unique environment. wealth gain for a few, whilst undermining the rights of Highveld will destroy large areas of habitat for many applications was declined, for the majority of the remaining many more to sustainable natural resource access and species and impact on important ecosystem services such developments, the EWT’s Threatened Grassland Species To address land degradation issues in key wetland habitats environmental health. It is this position that guides our as water quality and quantity. Mining for various metals Programme (EWT-TGSP) was able to influence the way in southern and East Africa, the International Crane decision as to which developments we support and aim to has further posed a significant threat to pristine areas in in which the development would take place so that Foundation / EWT Partnership for African Cranes is involved enhance through constructive input and advice, and those the country such as the famous Wild Coast in the Eastern environmental damage would be reduced. The current in community based natural resource management which are simply unacceptable due to their significant Cape and vast tracts of the Northern Cape and Western Environmental Impact Assessment process is limited in (CBNRM) projects in Zimbabwe, Kenya and Uganda. and irreversible environmental damage and socio-cultural Cape. many ways and does not always ensure that development Alternative livelihood options such as bee-keeping, chicken harm.

Key Highlights

• The EWT commented on 12 development applications and was able to influence the way in which these would take place so that environmental damage would be reduced. • Three trial sites along the Sak River in the Fraserburg district are undergoing rehabilitation to re-stabilise and conserve topsoil and to trap water, seeds and organic material adapted for this unique environment. • The EWT completed the development of national guidelines for the implementation of biodiversity stewardship in 2009.

16 17 and tomato farming and tree nurseries have been developed High flow events in the Vaal River in 2009 diluted the water to decrease the disturbance and use of wetlands in rural and temporarily reduced the pollution threats posed to the community areas for livelihood creation, and resulting in yellowfish living in this system. The increased public pressure wetland habitats being conserved for many threatened on sewerage operators within the Upper Vaal catchment species such as cranes. The Partnership also worked with also resulted in a reduction of raw sewage being released Working for Water in the Wakkerstroom area, facilitating into the Vaal River in 2009, further temporarily reducing the use of bio-control agents to reduce alien invasive plants the threats to these fish. The impact of alien invasive in wetland areas to improve wetland quality in this critical vegetation, in particular Water Hyacinths, also decreased ecosystem. in 2009, again as a result of high flows that dispersed and swept away the invasive plants. These reductions in threat Climate change are a welcome reprieve, however, the pollution sources Potential habitat change in the Western Cape as a result remain in place, and the focus of the EWT-HRP in 2010 will of climate change has recently come to the fore. The area, continue to be on working with sources of impact to find with its specific agricultural landscape mosaic currently solutions for long-term reduction in pressures. consisting of wheat fields and pasture, is the global stronghold for South Africa’s National Bird, the Blue Crane The Mpophomeni community is based on the outskirts of Anthropoides paradiseus. Predicted climatic changes based Howick in the KwaZulu-Natal midlands. A wetland cuts on data from published studies is likely to impact on the through the area, and the community’s agricultural activities of Grey Crowned Cranes, but conservationists have Stewardship as a solution to addressing habitat crop composition of the area, with unpredictable impacts had begun to encroach on this important natural resource. little factual information on this. As such this area will loss on the cranes and other species. The ICF / EWT Partnership Ezemvelo KwaZulu-Natal Wildlife and the University of be investigated further in 2010 for a possible critical for African Cranes is initiating research to develop a better KwaZulu-Natal have determined a utilisation zone and habitat for these birds. As much of South Africa’s important biodiversity exists understanding of the potential effects of climate-induced recommended a conservation area for Mpophomeni, and • The Umgano Community Project in KwaZulu-Natal, on private or communal land, biodiversity conservation habitat change on Blue Cranes. the EWT-CLG worked with the community to help them currently part of the Ezemvelo KwaZulu-Natal Wildlife must focus on private and communal landowners and adhere to these recommendations so that they could Stewardship Programme, is a key grassland area and users. As such, biodiversity stewardship was identified Climate change predictions are that climatic phenomena continue to live sustainably while protecting the wetland the ICF / EWT Partnership for African Cranes will start as an essential tool for conservation in the South African such as droughts and downpours will become more severe and the biodiversity it supports. In 2009, stakeholders, a community-based programme here in 2010 to help context. The primary goal of biodiversity stewardship is to and this could impact on the structure and function of including the community, repaired soil erosion and secure this critical habitat by encouraging community secure biodiversity features of both immediate and long- wetlands. While current science does not allow a direct removed alien invasive plants in the area as a start to support and conservation action. term value through voluntary agreements with private and causal link, our Ugandan and Kenyan community projects restoration efforts. By the end of the year it was restored • The Zambezi basin in Zambia is the key area for communal landowners and users. In this way, biodiversity report that wetlands are becoming smaller as a result of the sufficiently to be sustainable and the EWT will therefore be Wattled Cranes internationally and as such the ICF / stewardship may help to realise other conservation goals intense drought that the area is experiencing. The problem involved in an advisory capacity only regarding the area’s EWT Partnership for African Cranes will investigate the such as establishing corridors of adaptation for climate is compounded by the increasing impact of people living management in future. area in more detail in 2010. change, securing ecosystem services and sustainable land in the area and utilising the land for agriculture, so further • Besides the newly discovered Riverine Rabbit management practices. destroying wetlands. New areas identified as being in need of distribution areas in the Northern Cape, reports have conservation action been received of Riverine Rabbit sightings in the De The EWT has played a significant role in this field, being the Other threats Aar and Richmond area. Follow-up visits of the areas coordinator for the Biodiversity Stewardship South Africa Conservationists still do not fully grasp the magnitude of The following areas were identified and conservation action will be done in 2010 to ensure that the custodians of programme (BSSA) in 2008 and 2009 on behalf of the the threats facing biodiversity in surface aquatic ecosystems is already under way or is being planned for 2010: this land are supported in ensuring that the species Department of Environmental Affairs (DEA). In this role, the in South Africa, primarily because the people and resources and its habitat are well conserved. EWT was responsible for developing national guidelines for to monitor and conserve these ecosystems are lacking. • Palm-nut Vultures Gypohierax angolensis occur in very • The Eastern Cape and Free State have significant the implementation of biodiversity stewardship. This was However, isolated testing through research programmes, small numbers in their coastal forest habitat, which grassland areas that fall within the national priority completed in 2009 and the document was well received such as those run by the Council for Scientific and Industrial is under severe pressure from agriculture. Similarly, conservation area network as set by the South African by the provinces. It is in the process of receiving approval Research (CSIR), shows that the state of these ecosystems the Southern Banded Snake Eagle Circaetus fasciolatus National Biodiversity Institute (SANBI), and that are by various authorities with the intention of it becoming the continues to worsen due to over-exploitation and pollution. occurs in small numbers in the Sand Forest, which is extremely high in biodiversity value. There is limited national guideline for biodiversity stewardship. The National Spatial Biodiversity Assessment undertaken under pressure from agricultural plantations. The EWT- capacity in these provincial conservation authorities to by the South African National Biodiversity Institute (SANBI) BoPWG has identified these areas as being in need develop the necessary conservation action. The EWT- A few provinces are well on their way in implementing in 2004 shows that over 80% of South Africa’s river of specific conservation action and has established TGSP therefore plans to expand its project range to biodiversity stewardship. A number of biodiversity ecosystems are threatened and 44% were already Critically a partnership with the Wildlands Conservation Trust include these important areas and assist provincial agreements have been signed and a significant number of Endangered in 2004. A national update to this study is through which its fieldworkers have been trained to authorities in protecting them through implementation nature reserves have been declared in terms of the National currently underway and first results confirm these figures assist with the monitoring of certain key species in the of a Sungazer Cordylus giganteus project in the Free Environmental Management: Protected Areas Act (Act 57 and show that many tributaries are in an equally precarious Zululand area that are affected by habitat change and State. Additional project possibilities are being explored of 2003). Nature reserves proclaimed in this way add to state. The Department of Water Affairs reports that the modification. These two species will act as indicators of in the Eastern Cape, with biodiversity stewardship national protected footprint and biodiversity targets as set sectors most impacting on the water resources in terms of changes and loss of the two types of habitat that they being one option. out by DEA. quantity and quality are urban use, industry, mining and frequent. Their presence in rehabilitated areas could agriculture. also be an indication of the success of such work. • The former Transkei reportedly supports good numbers

18 19 Stories from the field Where the EWT’s flagship species occur and coincide with irreplaceable sites that must be maintained in a natural priority areas for provincial stewardship, we collaborate state with no further biodiversity loss. All other suitable with the provinces to help facilitate these stewardship riverine areas have been declared as CBA2s. The EWT- agreements. The best protection we can provide a species RRWG species distribution data were instrumental in is to protect its habitat and stewardship agreements allow identifying these areas. Farmers depend on the land for their livelihood, and water issuing forth from undisturbed springs and wetlands for this more formal protection of private land by guiding conservationists know that without enough of the required and tumbling over rocky cliffs, I have revelled in the utter and incentivising landowners to sustainably manage, and The ICF / EWT Partnership for African Cranes was habitat in a good state, the end could well be in sight for silence, broken only by bird song, and marvelled at the where necessary, effectively conserve biomes and habitats involved in the development of the Chrissiesmeer some species. So it seems reasonable that landowners and amazing variety, colour and forms of plant life - and given on their land. The EWT-TGSP formed part of the team Ramsar Site application, which is currently in the process conservationists should be working together hand-in-glove, thanks that I have had this rare privilege. led by Ezemvelo KwaZulu-Natal Wildlife that assessed of obtaining letters of consent from landowners in the and in many instances this is the case. various properties in 2009 to determine what category of area. The Partnership also helped the Water Research What we “craniacs” working for the EWT hope to achieve is stewardship should be awarded, offering special input on Council with the development of buffer zones around The number of landowners who are looking at farming that we can play our little part in not committing cranes to Blue Swallows, Oribi, Wattled Cranes and grasslands. The wetlands. The EWT furthermore commented on the Draft with the environment is constantly growing. Many formal the history books, but ensure that they will still be around EWT-TGSP will also help to draw up the management plans Mining and Biodiversity Best Practice Guidelines, and also conservation bodies are very involved with farmers and the for people to get excited about, to exclaim over at the for these properties once the terms of the stewardship contributed to the National Freshwater Ecosystem Priority serious and increasing problems they are experiencing, sight of flocks or pairs dancing and displaying and, like the agreements have been agreed to. Areas planning being undertaken by SANBI. Wetlands much of this coming from the decreasing habitat for various beautiful Blue Crane, flying over the grasslands in spring, information gathered from field staff was provided to species and, in many cases, the almost non-existence of uttering the distinctive call known to so many indigenous The EWT’s involvement in national conservation SANBI’s Freshwater Programme for inclusion in the natural predators to keep control of problem animals. peoples, telling them “now is the time to start getting your planning National Wetlands Inventory. lands ready for planting”! Working out of Wakkerstroom, in the highveld grasslands Provincial Conservation Plans are used to guide conservation Additional action to conserve habitats of Mpumalanga, South Africa’s three crane species are my Landowners, please help us to allow your children this decisions for each province. The data collected by the EWT particular passion. And it is through these wonderful birds privilege. contributes to the development of provincial conservation • The ICF / EWT Partnership for African Cranes is that I have had access to some of the most beautiful farms plans and assists in prioritising areas for conservation. Areas completing Quantitative Site Assessments, looking imaginable. Abounding with bird life, still home to small Glenn Ramke prioritised in this way in 2009 include the Bill Barns Oribi at the proportion of each habitat type around Grey herds of Mountain Reedbuck or Oribi, rich in clear, clean Field Officer: ICF / EWT Partnership for African Cranes and Crane Nature Reserve; Roselands Farm and Dalton Crowned Crane nest sites. Once finalised, an action Trust. plan will be developed to improve the habitat status around historical nests or those active sites that are The ICF / EWT Partnership for African Cranes was involved under threat. in the Provincial Development Council Task Force for • Data gathered from the Karoo indigenous plant Mpumalanga and the Albert Luthuli and Msukaligwa nursery in Loxton has been used to determine the Environmental Management Framework in 2009. It also most suitable times for the propagation of the various commented on the Environmental Management Framework indigenous seeds and cuttings. This will help the report for the Olifants and Letaba Rivers’ catchment areas nursery propagate plants in the most effective way, in 2009. so supporting the Riparian Habitat Rehabilitation Project. The EWT’s Birds of Prey Working Group (EWT-BoPWG) • Monitoring data collected by the EWT-TGSP shows that Grass Owl Task Force continued to add valuable the majority of South Africa’s grassland habitat and the information to grassland conservation initiatives such as the species that depend on this habitat for survival occur SANBI Grasslands Programme in 2009. Furthermore, the on private or communally owned land. This data has Ukuhlamba Conservation Plan addressed the conservation contributed to the identification of priority grassland of the montane grasslands region and here the EWT- areas for stewardship particularly in KwaZulu-Natal, BoPWG’s Bearded Vulture Task Force and the EWT-TGSP Mpumalanga and the Eastern Cape. provided input in the form of threatened species data and • Ecological Niche Modelling was used to identify expertise. The EWT-BoPWG is also involved in a number important areas for carnivores in 2009. As a result, of programmes addressing savannah conservation, such the EWT’s Carnivore Conservation Group (EWT-CCG) as participation in the re-assessment of the Mapungubwe was able to begin identifying potentially important National Park Management Plan, participation in the Cheetah habitats in South Africa. Once this has been Ground Hornbill Action Group and providing input into the finalised, the identified areas can be protected ina Blouberg Municipal Authority management plan. way that will ensure sustainable existence of Cheetah into the future, while other species and ecosystems Part of the Critically Endangered Riverine Rabbit’s will also benefit as a result of these actions. distribution range falls into the Namaqua district, for • Our Healthy Rivers Programme is compiling a report which the Northern Cape’s first Biodiversity Sector Plan documenting the ecology and biology of yellowfish has been completed. All areas where Riverine Rabbits have in the Vaal River. Once this has been completed, been sighted in the past have been identified as Critical information on the ecological requirements of this Biodiversity Areas 1 (CBA1), indicating that these are species will contribute towards its conservation.

20 21 Key Highlights

Conservation Activities • The EWT undertook a research project to better understand how birds see. This will help to develop measures to prevent birds from flying Report back on progress towards implementing the into power lines. • The EWT took on the Livestock Guarding Dog Project in 2009. This EWT Conservation Strategy project has been extremely successful in using livestock guarding dogs as a non-lethal predator control method and farmers who have 2008 – 2013 received these dogs reported a reduction in predation losses of be- tween 95% and 100%. • The EWT’s Predators and Farmers booklet, previously only available in English, was translated into and isiZulu, so reaching a far fly over the area to feed or get to roost sites. Birdsand STRATEGIC IMPERATIVE 3: wider audience. Develop innovative, economically viable alternatives to aircraft have collided, with serious consequences for both the aviation industry and birds, since almost the address harmful impacts to the benefit of people and beginning of aviation. The EWT’s Airport Wildlife Working biodiversity. Group (EWT-AWWG) addresses this specific issue through a strong partnership with Airports Company South Africa In September the EWT-AWWG attended the 2009 Bird strengths and weaknesses, and inform a more streamlined In order for our conservation messages to be well received and (ACSA) that aims to constantly find innovative, ethical and Strike North America Conference in Victoria, Canada to approach in future. The results of the review will define the to reduce, and if possible prevent, environmental damage environmentally sound solutions to the problem of birds present a poster entitled ‘Modelling Ecological Niches for programme’s focus in 2010. and destruction, we need to develop environmentally at airports. wildlife species occurring within airport Environments’. sound alternatives to the activities undertaken by various The poster investigated the possible use of a range of In addition, the EWT-WEIG undertook a research project to industry sectors that currently impact negatively on the Our interventions aim to keep bird and other environmental data that is readily available, but has to date better understand how birds see, in the hope that this will environment. The EWT adopts a partnership approach by wildlife numbers to a minimum on airfields through not been used extensively for airport management in terms help them to prevent birds from flying into power lines. working with key sector leaders, and in this way has been environmentally sound measures; to increase aviation of bird and wildlife control. Expanding the use of these Professor Graham Martin, of the University of Birmingham, able to effect a number of viable solutions to biodiversity safety; and contribute to biodiversity protection. Various data to guide long-term decision making and planning is leading the research and developed a method for threatening processes. methods are employed which are specific to the local processes using tools such as Ecologial Niche Modelling is measuring bird visual fields and acuity. This was the first environment in terms of habitat and species presence. We part of the investigation. Furthermore, there are currently time that research of this nature had been undertaken with This Strategic Imperative is primarily addressed through promote habitat modification through methods such as no international standards for training airport personnel regard to bird power line collisions. Preliminary findings the EWT’s Airport Wildlife Working Group, Carnivore grass cutting regimes, removal of trees and other perching on airstrike avoidance. The conference and subsequent show that bird families differ in their ability to see and that Conservation Group, Wildlife Conflict Prevention Group devices, varying grass species and vegetation types and task team discussions have seen the construction of a set several of the relevant species have far better peripheral and Wildlife & Energy Interaction Group. encouraging water drainage from around airfields. Scare of standards that have been presented to the International than frontal vision. This has major implications for collision tactics to deter wildlife from airfields include using border Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) for approval. These with power lines that are invariably in front of birds in Addressing biodiversity threatening processes collies, pyrotechnics, sirens and lasers. Bird and Wildlife recommendations are being incorporated into the standards flight. Drawing a bird’s attention to the front, in order to Committee meetings are regularly held at each ACSA currently under development for use in South Africa. see an overhead power line, may be even more important Bird air strike avoidance airport where various methods are discussed. Programme than previously thought. The final results of the study will Airports can be dangerous places for wildlife. Birds are effectiveness is measured through the trends in data Power line collisions and electrocutions be ready by early 2010. attracted to airport grounds to feed or nest, or they may gathered on, in particular, bird presence and abundance. Up until 13 years ago, vultures and other large birds, in particular storks, cranes and Ludwig’s Bustards Neotis Human-wildlife conflict ludwigii, were often killed on power lines, either when The EWT works extensively with landowners to reduce flying into the cables or being electrocuted when perching conflict with wildlife and ensure that wildlife can exist on the conductors. The EWT, through its Wildlife & Energy and thrive both within and outside of protected areas. Interaction Group (EWT-WEIG) together with national For many species this is crucial to their survival, as they energy utility Eskom, began working on developing either cannot physically be kept within the boundaries of solutions and today power lines that have been identified a protected area (such as birds), or require very large areas as particularly dangerous to birds are fitted with ‘flappers’, of land to find enough food and avoid predators (such as devices that mark the lines to make them more visible to the ). birds. Furthermore, the exposed conductors are insulated so that the perching birds are not directly exposed to the Conflict between predators and livestock is a key problem live electricity. The EWT-WEIG also advises on the placement in all areas where livestock farming occurs. As a result, of new power lines to avoid bird flight paths and in some many farmers utilise environmentally destructive methods instances Eskom has even moved existing lines based on to kill predators, such as poisoning, gin trapping and this advice, thus reducing the number of birds being killed hunting. The EWT addresses this problem by working by electrical infrastructure in South Africa. with farmers to better understand the problem and prevent livestock losses rather than simply react to them. In the past, collision data were collected opportunistically. In 2009, the EWT-WCPG took on the Livestock Guardian This was re-evaluated in 2009 and a systematic data Dog Project, initiated in South Africa by the collection protocol was developed to allow better analysis Cheetah and Wildlife Trust and the Cheetah Outreach of level of threat and trends over time. An independent Trust. This increased the Group’s focus around pro-active review of the programme was undertaken to determine its interventions in addition to ongoing management advice.

22 23 food, for use in traditional medicine and beliefs, or in tortoises come into contact with an electrified strand, response to conflict situations such as when predators kill they react by withdrawing the head and limbs into the livestock. However, accidental poisoning is also a common shell but remain as part of the fence’s circuit, which occurrence, when, for example, farmers use toxic livestock eventually leads to them being killed. A number of snake dips that kill oxpeckers feeding on parasites on the dipped species, as well as Pangolins Manis temminckii, have a animals. Poisoned bait set out for predators can also have similar response, curling around the electrified strand a devastating effect on other non-target species such as and being shocked to death. vultures, which feed on poisoned carcasses in large numbers and so are killed in large numbers. The EWT, in conjunction with the University of the Witwatersrand, commissioned a study to assess the Chemical stewardship is the responsible custody of impact of electric fences on small animals in South Africa chemical products from the manufacturer to the final in 2007, and the research component of the project use or destruction, to ensure that products are used was concluded in December 2008. In 2009, a pamphlet responsibly, that the people handling chemical products was produced explaining the problem, outlining the are trained to use them responsibly, and that the products research findings and suggesting mitigation measures are also disposed of responsibly. EWT-WCPG is encouraging that will result in electric fences being made safer this through engagement along the entire value chain. By for vulnerable species. This formed the basis for the working with selected industry role-players and regulators development of Phase 2 of the project, which focuses on to define and refine responsible stewardship, and to testing the proposed mitigation measures to enable the promote and encourage responsible stewardship, the EWT- development of a norms and standards document. This This project promotes the use of the Anatolian Shepherd, The EWT-WCPG provided the EWT’s Riverine Rabbit Working WCPG is hoping that chemical stewardship will be adopted will be tackled in 2010. a breed of dog used to guard free-ranging sheep on farms Group (EWT-RRWG) with advice and materials to address widely in the rest of the industry. where they are vulnerable to predators. This project has general wildlife conflict issues in the Riverine Rabbit range. been extremely successful as a non-lethal predator control This information was used for input into Riverine Rabbit The EWT-WCPG established the National Chemical Crime method and farmers who have received Anatolians have Conservancy management plans. The EWT-RRWG sits on Forum in 2006 to more effectively address incidences of reported a reduction in predation losses of between 95% the Northern Cape Damage Causing Animal Forum with pesticide abuse to kill wildlife. This mandate has expanded and 100%. In 2009, the project placed 19 Anatolians the aim of influencing the way in which human wildlife in recent years to include human and domestic animal The EWT-WCPG runs a number of helplines aimed within the range of the Cheetah Acinonyx jubatus in the conflict is managed in the Northern Cape. pesticide killings. The network was established to enable at assisting the public to gain information about Limpopo and North West provinces. Predators benefiting exchange of information between stakeholders and helps environmentally responsible poison application, from this project include the Cheetah, but also the Brown The EWT’s Predators and Farmers booklet is a key resource to ensure that crimes are followed up appropriately (i.e. alternatives to poisons, ethical predator management, Hyaena Parahyaena brunnea, Spotted Hyaena Crocuta for assisting farmers to prevent predator problems as it specimens are stored appropriately, sent to the correct rodent, bat and bird management and dealing with crocuta, Black-backed Jackal Canis mesomelas, Caracal helps farmers to implement environmentally responsible forensics laboratories, examinations are followed up and alien invasive plants: Caracal caracal and Leopard Panthera pardus. The project measures for dealing with predators, and aims to ensure cases are seen through to court). In the four years since its has the potential to change the way farmers manage prevention and targeting of only individual animals rather inception, the Forum has substantially streamlined processes • EWT-WCPG Wildlife Poisoning Report Line: livestock from a hands-off to hands-on approach, as than entire species. This booklet is available in English to ensure that crimes are followed up appropriately. The +27 (0)11 486 1102 was practiced historically on a smaller scale. Field staff and in 2009 was translated into Afrikaans and isiZulu, so Forum has developed protocols on how to investigate a • EWT-WCPG Household Pest Control Help Line: furthermore addressed farmers and communities on reaching a far wider audience. chemical crime to ensure that a case can be successfully +27 (0)11 486 1102 wildlife conflict issues at several farmers’ days and in four opened. This has been widely communicated and as a result • Nashua Wildlife Conflict Managment Help Line: farmer workshops addressing human wildlife conflict In addition, the EWT’s Carnivore Conservation Group (EWT- there were at least two convictions in 2009 for chemical +27 (0)82 802 6223 issues organised by the EWT-WCPG. The Group also CCG) conducted a community survey in KwaZulu-Natal, crimes, which involved the illegal sale of chemicals on the • Animal Health Help Line: provided input into the Norms & Standards for Damage during 2009, to establish the real versus the perceived street. As a result of the Forum’s protocols, cases could +27 (0)82 325 6578 Causing Animals, promoting preventative and pro-active threat to livestock by predators. Results from this study are successfully be opened and led to these convictions. • Vegetation Management Help Line: sustainable wildlife conflict management methods. due to be published during 2010, but preliminary results +27 (0)82 325 6578 indicate that communities perceive factors like theft and Electric fencing In 2008 the Northern Cape Red Meat Producers’ drought to be far more significant threats to livestock Electric fences effectively limit the movement of game Organisation and the South African Wool Growers’ than predators. There are certainly cases of livestock species and most predators. However, their design Association formed a forum with conservation NGOs depredation and the blame is largely being placed on means many species are also electrocuted on them each including the EWT and the Cape Leopard Trust, with the Spotted Hyaenas and Leopards. Wild Dogs in this survey year. A species’ behaviour and reaction to external stimuli aim of finding solutions to the livestock-wildlife conflict contributed no losses, therefore, while conservationists contributes to the likelihood of it being electrocuted. on private farmland. The EWT-RRWG is an advisory know that this species does occasionally take livestock, the Arboreal species such as chameleons, genets and bushbabies partner in this forum and aims to build a partnership survey provides evidence that this happens infrequently. often climb fences and therefore stand a greater chance of with red meat producers, wool growers and farmers to It is easier to speak to communities when the perceived coming into contact with the high voltage strands. When achieve its conservation objectives. In 2009, educational threat of Wild Dogs killing livestock is put into perspective. presentations and training in predator management were There also appears to be a reasonably positive attitude given to approximately 700 farmers across South Africa towards Wild Dogs with over 90% of respondents keen to through this forum. In addition, monitor farms have been learn more. established that will provide data around livestock-wildlife conflict issues. The co-operative approach was a first Wildlife poisoning successful step in the Northern Cape to tackle this threat. Poisoning is an ongoing and serious threat to our biodiversity. Wildlife is often poisoned intentionally for

24 25 Conservation Activities Report back on progress towards implementing the EWT Conservation Strategy 2008 – 2013

STRATEGIC IMPERATIVE 4: Increase awareness and mainstream environmental This Strategic Imperative is primarily addressed through the EWT’s IT4Conservation Group, Law & Policy Working considerations into the daily lives of people and Group, Wildlife Conflict Prevention Group and Biodiversity decision makers. Stewardship South Africa Programme.

For biodiversity conservation and sustainable living to become part of the daily thinking and actions of all people, EWT support for the National Curriculum it needs to be mainstreamed into our daily way of life. The environment is often seen as a luxury that can only The EWT’s Conservation Leadership Group (EWT-CLG) be considered when all other needs have been taken care focuses on supporting the National Curriculum through its of. However, the environment provides the services and Environmental Education Programme and a large portion goods that we depend on for survival, such as the food of its Rural Eco Warrior Programme. In 2009, the Group we eat, the water we drink and the air that we breathe, worked with and trained teachers in KwaZulu-Natal, and is therefore fundamental to our existence. As such, Mpumalanga and the North West Province on integrating environmental considerations should be part and parcel of environmental concepts such as reducing, re-using and every decision we take. The EWT aims to encourage society recycling into their teaching. Furthermore, the Biodiversity to embrace this approach by supporting the incorporation Environmental Education Programme (BEEP) was rolled out of biodiversity conservation into South Africa’s National in Mpumalanga and KwaZulu-Natal, focusing on teacher Education Curriculum, supporting tertiary education and training. Educator workshops were held on biodiversity undertaking environmental education and awareness as and appropriate educational methods in the KwaZulu- part of the daily activities of all our Working Groups and Natal Midlands, Zululand and Mpumalanga. These Programmes. Furthermore, it devotes time and resources were attended by a total of 47 educators, two municipal to ensuring that biodiversity conservation is communicated representatives and representatives from the department to the public at large. The EWT’s communications strategy of Agriculture and Land Affairs, the Department of has identified key audiences for these messages and strives Education and the Wildlife and Environment Society to reach them in ways that ensure maximum assimilation of South Africa (WESSA). In addition, two workshops and understanding. were conducted at Swartruggens in the North West Stories from the field

Having spent several days in the hills and valleys around offered coffee and an extra few sets of eyes and hands. Ulundi the Veggie pack Wild Dog males have once again left Hluhluwe-Imfolozi Park. They crossed the R34 highway and It’s encouraging to know that despite the persecution entered the Zulu royal heartland of the Emakhosini valley that Wild Dogs face, in much of their home ranges, there before moving south to Mtonjaneni. What could have been are still farming communities that can see beyond the a public relations disaster, as the dogs were guilty of killing a occasional negative and believe that co-operation and a cow, was saved by the proactive and enthusiastic approach sensible, conservation oriented approach to landscape of members of the Melmoth Conservancy. Despite the management can reap benefits. livestock loss, the energetic, good-humoured and selfless assistance to locate the dogs, and track them north, as they Brendan Whittington-Jones shot across the landscape into the mists that enveloped Field Officer: KwaZulu-Natal Wild Dog Project, Babanango’s farms and plantations, was unexpected and EWT-CCG greatly welcome. I was expecting a ‘klap’ and instead got

26 graduates. The first THETA approved course to be offered helping them to improve their direct environment through will be based on the learning support materials within the the sustainable utilisation and ongoing conservation of CTP. locally threatened species. The Rural Eco Warriors (REWs) province. The first workshop focused on Environmental enrolled for a National Diploma in Nature Conservation are members of their communities and so understand the Education within the curriculum and was attended by through the University of South Africa (UNISA) by providing General education and awareness local sensitivities and needs, enabling the communities to seven educators from three different schools. The second, them with work integrated learning experience. There is identify pertinent environmental issues and implement attended by five educators from three different schools, a great need for help to provide these students with the Our Birds of Prey Working Group (EWT-BoPWG) KwaZulu- sustainable solutions in a manner that best suits their focused on water and cardboard recycling. Educators were diploma’s required one year experiential learning. Thus, Natal Vulture Awareness Initiative has regular discussions circumstances, while often providing opportunities for also trained in the use of a resource for water conservation, while UNISA offers the academic training, the EWT fills the on integrating issues around vulture conservation into the social upliftment. In 2009, REWs were stationed in the specifically developed for the workshops. Three interactive, gap of practical training by offering selected students a school curriculum. Through this initiative, pamphlets and KwaZulu-Natal midlands and Jozini, Dullstroom and presentation based ‘Mini Summits’ were held where number of field-based camps over a period of one year. educational material on vulture conservation have been Breyton in Mpumalanga, Vaalwater in Limpopo and learners from schools report back to the audience (other These camps focus on topics relevant to the diploma, such shared with Lesotho to raise awareness within the public Sannieshof and Garankuwa in the North West Province. schools) on their biodiversity educational projects and have as soil erosion, veld management and fire management, and schools around vulture related issues in that country, Within the EWT-CLG’s Community Based Natural Resource their projects evaluated. amongst others. The CTP is designed to develop well- too. The Bearded Vulture’s distribution range is along the Management Programme, almost all the REWs identified rounded professionals and therefore includes capacity- Drakensberg Escarpment, which includes Lesotho, and an additional community project in 2009. Projects focus The Eco-Schools Programme is an internationally recognised building training modules such as communication skills, as such it is important to work with this country on any on the wise use of communal wetlands, community award scheme that accredits schools that commit to life and social interaction skills and computer skills. conservation initiatives for the species. Furthermore, the protection and wise use of natural indigenous forests, continually improving their school’s environment. The EWT-BoPWG, in partnership with a number of foreign and greening and re-forestation of degraded areas, recycling Programme is designed to encourage curriculum-based The CTP accommodated between 14 and 18 students local associates, established and continues to promote and other community managed ‘green jobs’. action for a healthy environment and aims to support during 2009. Camps held focused on soil conservation International Vulture Awareness Day in September each schools with better environmental learning and improved and law enforcement. Seventeen CTP students attended a year. A website and Facebook event were launched in The EWT’s Threatened Grassland Species Programme environmental management. In South Africa the Eco- one-week environmental compliance and law enforcement 2009. In total 152 countries participated in this event and (EWT-TGSP) presented on the importance of grasslands Schools Programme has developed as a partnership workshop featuring lectures presented by EWT staff, a the website received 2 968 unique visitors in 2009. to two school groups from the Pietermaritzburg area and between WESSA and the National Department of Education. Magistrate, an environmental advocate, the South African a further seven presentations were given to the forestry The EWT’s Riverine Rabbit Working Group (EWT-RRWG) is Police Services (SAPS) dog unit and a Gauteng Department Through the EWT-BoPWG’s Free State Raptor Project, industry, landowners, provincial conservation authorities the Eco-Schools node in the Riverine Rabbit’s distribution of Agriculture and Rural Development Environmental monthly educational talks were presented to small schools and other interested parties during conservation days. range. Through this node, three schools were supported Management Inspector (EMI). UNISA is now considering from the farming communities in the Bloemfontein area The EWT-TGSP in collaboration with the International in environmental learning, lesson planning, hands-on and including these training materials into their current in 2009 about the value of raptors. The Group’s Kalahari Crane Foundation / EWT Partnership for African Cranes, outdoor activities in 2009. Van Rensburg Primary School conservation curriculum. Raptor Project launched an eco-awareness and public co- presented a poster entitled The EWT and Forestry: Working in Britstown earned their green flag for the second year operation conservation programme in the lower Orange together to save Oribi, Blue Swallows and Cranes at the running in 2009. This is a remarkable achievement as it At the end of the year, three students had completed the River and Bushmanland area in 2009. The EWT-BoPWG also Grassland, Timber and Fire Symposium. meant fulfilling the Programme requirements under three academic component of their studies and two students trained staff of the Wildlands Conservation Trust on raptor different themes, an undertaking that required a great will complete a six-month probation at the Enkosini conservation in 2009, to integrate raptor conservation Landowners are one of the biggest stakeholders in the deal of commitment and time. The school chose the Wildlife Reserve in Mpumalanga in 2010, after which they principles into their work and thus also into the Zululand conservation work undertaken by the EWT, as this sector themes, namely Nature and Biodiversity, Resource Use and may become permanently employed. Another three will communities where they work. can have a major impact on species and habitat, but also Healthy Living. Under the Nature and Biodiversity theme complete internships at the Johannesburg Zoo. has the potential to actively conserve biodiversity outside of teachers constructed lesson plans and activities to educate The EWT-CLG’s Rural Eco Warrior Programme engages formal conservation areas. The annual NAMPO agricultural learners about alien plants, and planted indigenous trees Students selected to participate in the CTP are mostly at community members in various environmental projects, show is thus one of the biggest platforms for us to engage in celebration of National Arbor Week. They also used the the diploma level and are thus not required to conduct EWT-RRWG’s Karoo Life picture-building game to learn more formal research. They are however required to collect about the Critically Endangered Riverine Rabbit Bunolagus and assess data through monitoring projects and must monticularis and the environment that supports it. Under be able to describe their study area, undertake any the Resource Use theme learners did water and resource use necessary interventions to improve the area based on data and health audits for their school. They also started a waste analyses and interpret their observations. In support of this project through which learners were encouraged to bring requirement, UNISA’s Applied Behavioural, Ecological & their household waste to school with the aim of starting Ecosystem Research Unit has committed to help the CTP a recycling project in 2010. The school, with the help of set up fixed vegetation and plant community plots in 2010. the EWT-RRWG, hopes to obtain the municipality’s help in The CTP students will then be able to collect data with the providing drums for waste separation and collecting the assistance of the EWT-CLG staff, for use in their required waste. Under the Healthy Living theme the school extended projects. Through this project the CTP students’ capacity their existing vegetable garden, allowing the learners to is being further enhanced, while over time this data could learn more about planting and the factors supporting plant grow in importance and be offered to B.Tech and M.Tech growth. The theme also included lesson plans on HIV AIDS students for their continued studies. and TB, health issues that are of concern in the area. The EWT is in the process of obtaining accreditation as a EWT support for tertiary education training institution from the Tourism, Hospitality & Sport Education & Training Authority (THETA). This accreditation The EWT-CLG’s Conservation Training Programme (CTP) will allow the EWT to formally offer approved courses for trains and mentors selected distance learning students which it may then issue a recognised qualification to course

28 29 Key Highlights

• The Biodiversity Environmental Education Programme (BEEP) was Stories from the field rolled out in Mpumalanga and KwaZulu-Natal, focusing on teach- er training. • With the EWT’s support, Van Rensburg Primary School in Britstown The 14th of November 2009 was one of those disappointing witching dog. One learner stood up and said one day at his earned their Eco Schools green flag for the second year running days. On my way to Bachana Mokwena School in Ga- home they killed a cat during the night and the following in 2009. Rankuwa View, I encountered a dog in a very shocking morning his uncle had passed away. The learners also condition. That dog was either homeless or abandoned. I believed that chameleons and owls are also witches. called the SPCA and told them about the dog so that they could collect it. I therefore taught them that chameleons change colours to camouflage with their surroundings, and owls are with this important group. In 2009, the show attracted 632 in 2009, while an Eco-Schools node poster was also This made me realise that there is a great need for nocturnal birds of prey that are active during the night. exhibitors and over 60 000 visitors. The EWT once again developed. environmental education in schools and communities. The belief in witchcraft and superstition is still very high manned a stand, to create awareness of the conservation • The EWT-WCPG produced a Predators and Farmers Later that day, I went to my ECO-CLUB class to offer an in communities and in schools there is still a big need for issues relevant to landowners and expanding its networks booklet in English a number of years ago, which was environmental lesson. As the lesson went on I showed my environmental education. within this community. updated in 2007 and translated into Afrikaans and learners the picture of the dog, and to my surprise they isiZulu in 2009. The Group also updated its Oxpecker were not as shocked as I was, and they introduced the topic Amos Letsoalo EWT education and awareness materials Manual in 2009, listing the latest oxpecker compatible of witchcraft. Some learners immediately said that it was a Rural Eco Warrior: EWT-CLG dipping chemicals. The EWT has a number of materials that promote biodiversity • New materials developed by the EWT-BoPWG in conservation and educate the public about biodiversity 2009 include a sign board at a national roost site for conservation issues. These are available in either print or migrating falcons, a poster and pamphlet series on the online format and include games, pamphlets, booklets, Saddle-billed Stork Ephippiorhynchus senegalensis, a posters and puzzles. Each Working Group or Programme booklet on large birds that is used by Kruger National also produces a regular newsletter, while the EWT-BoPWG Park rangers to identify raptors and report these to the also produces two scientific journals entitled Vulture News EWT-BoPWG, and a raptor field monitoring manual, and Gabar and the ICF / EWT Partnership for African Cranes which is in final stages of production. produces one journal entitled Indwe. One combined 2009 • The EWT-CLG produced a booklet on marine reptiles edition of the usual two annual editions of Vulture News will through WESSA ShareNet. The ShareNet materials are be published in the first half of 2010, while two issues of made available to educators free of copyright. Gabar and one issue of Indwe were distributed in 2009. • The EWT-CLG also contributed to the redevelopment of three WESSA Enviro Fact Sheets related to Marine • The EWT-BoPWG has produced 24 raptor information Mammals and reptiles. leaflets, available on the EWT website • The EWT-CLG mentored a UNISA Nature Conservation za . Student through a booklet development process • The EWT-CLG has two field offices, one in Howick resulting in a booklet on Pedi indigenous knowledge and one at Treverton Preparatory School and College and cultural use of trees. in the KwaZulu-Natal midlands. The Treverton office • A level 2 accredited First Aid reference module and has a small Environmental Education and Education assessment booklet was developed by a UNISA for Sustainable Development library, while the Howick student, again mentored by the EWT-CLG. office has a library of reference materials related to • A comprehensive educational resource and learning activities that the Rural Eco Warriors are implementing. support material focusing on water was developed for The EWT head office in Johannesburg has an extensive teachers, covering grades R to 7. natural history library that is useful to the Conservation • A number of environmental games was drafted during Training Programme students and that can be 2009 and, though not formally published, these have referenced for the development of learning support been used in the EWT-CLG’s education, training and materials for the Programme. awareness activities. • The ICF / EWT Partnership for African Cranes has • The EWT-CLG developed a jigsaw puzzle highlighting developed a set of pamphlets related to cranes, their its field staff and the issues that they address in their habitat and the threats facing them, useful to farmers various focus communities. This was used to raise and members of the public with an interest in cranes. awareness about the Group’s work and was used It also began development of a picture building game as a communication tool by the EWT’s fundraising linked strongly to the crane trade in 2009, which department and during the annual Conservation will be targeted at local communities and schools to Week open day. encourage discussion around key issues facing cranes. • The EWT Marine & Coastal Working Group • The EWT-RRWG has Riverine Rabbit information developed interpretive signage for the boardwalk pamphlets, stickers, posters on Riverine Rabbit at the eChwebeni Site of Conservation Significance identification and a game called Karoo Life, which in Richard’s Bay, while educational posters, activity serves as a tool to educate learners on the threats to the sheets for learners visiting the site, and a site overview Karoo habitat and the Riverine Rabbit. The information pamphlet was developed for visitors of all ages. pamphlets were translated from English into Afrikaans

30 31 Conservation Activities Report back on progress towards implementing the EWT Conservation Strategy 2008 – 2013

STRATEGIC IMPERATIVE 5: themselves members, to improve their direct environment Explore and develop opportunities for mentorship and and ensure the sustainable utilisation and ongoing conservation of threatened species. Within the Programme capacity building within the conservation sector. there is a strong emphasis on group mentorship and, thus, each year all REW staff visit one of their fellow REWs The conservation sector in South Africa suffers from a and spend a few days helping this person to address key shortage of skills, capacity and experience. Inadequate environmental issues in this area. Through a formalised exposure to the sector in the National Education process they interrogate planning and implementation Curriculum, and poor quality of training, together with a and offer advice. The REW Co-ordinator furthermore acts Capacity building on its previous training and capacity building offering to lack of economic and career incentives and appropriate as a mentor by training the REWs on procedures and include formal mentorship, and aims to further expand mentorship in this sector are largely to blame. Historically, administration. The EWT-CLG, through its Conservation Training on this in future. The student worked on a wide range of conservation was seen as a luxury and it is still often Programme (CTP), worked with a small rural community conservation and education activities and with a diversity associated with the white government of the apartheid era. The EWT’s field-based staff often work in isolation as in the Waterberg Mountains in 2008 and 2009. During the of people and the mentorship fulfilled all the in-service Furthermore, many people are removed from the natural they are situated in remote areas. As such, staff from first year, a number of the CTP students helped the Telekeshi work integrated learning requirements for her studies. environment and therefore do not see themselves as being the Welgevonden Nature Reserve fulfil a valuable community to clear a 74 hectare wetland of alien plants a part of it. These issues need to be addressed if we are to mentorship role for the Vaalwater Rural Eco Warrior, while and protect a spring in the area from being damaged by The EWT’s Riverine Rabbit Working Group (EWT-RRWG) protect the environment for future generations. conservation staff at Barberspan support and mentor the the community’s cattle, by erecting a fence. CTP students Riparian Habitat Rehabilitation project created many Rural Eco Warrior from Sannieshof. Staff from the National gained valuable experience through this project, while the capacity building opportunities. A group of local men This Strategic Imperative is primarily addressed through Zoological Gardens Education Department mentor the community now has access to clean water from the wetland was trained in rehabilitation and subsequently employed the EWT’s Conservation Leadership Group, Law & Policy Garankuwa Rural Eco Warrior. for supplementary drinking and washing, and the fenced off to apply their knowledge. Farmers were also trained Working Group and Riverine Rabbit Working. area will be used for emergency grazing for cattle. Not only on rehabilitation methods and the maintenance of All Working Group managers have the opportunity to has the environment been improved, but the project has rehabilitation sites. Thus, while the EWT-RRWG’s primary Mentorship request input from their fellow managers through a also contributed to enabling the community to continue aim is to protect habitat for the Critically Endangered dedicated Conservation Management Team meeting, using these natural resources in a sustainable way. Riverine Rabbit Bunolagus monticularis, the community also The EWT Conservation Leadership Group (EWT-CLG) Rural which is held once a month. This is another form of peer benefits from this training as it will help them to protect Eco Warriors help the rural communities, of which they are mentorship practiced within the EWT to ensure a high Linked to the Telekeshi project is an eco-tourism venture the natural resources on which their livestock depend. quality of projects. incorporating a guided trail to the area’s Iron Age and Rock Age sites. There is also basic accommodation and the entire In 2009, the EWT-L&PWG liaised extensively with the venture is run by the Telekeshi community. In 2009, the Department of Health to solicit their co-operation in EWT-CLG and UNISA published a booklet on the cultural making available all reports regarding human contact with heritage and indigenous knowledge of the Pedi people pesticides used for poaching and persecution of damage of Telekeshi entitled The Roots and Trees of the Telekeshi. causing animals. The Group also initiated training for This booklet will be formally published and presented to Metro Police, Environmental Managment Inspectors (EMI) Key Highlights the community as a means to generate income through and Johannesburg Zoo staff regarding poison identification sales to tourists visiting the area. For more on this tourism and related issues, initiated engagement with the head of venture and to make bookings, contact Malesela on 083 the EMI training programme to request that hazardous • The EWT helped and trained a small rural community in the Wa- 612 7845 or Lindani Game Lodge on 014 755 4336. substance legislation be included in the training of terberg Mountains to clear a 74 hectare wetland of alien plants enforcement officers and state prosecutors. This will help and protect a spring in the area from being damaged by the com- The EWT-CLG mentored a UNISA Nature Conservation to address the increasing illegal use of pesticides in animal related crimes. munity’s cattle. The community now has access to clean water student at Treveton Preparatory School & College during 2009. The EWT-CLG’s Environmental Education Leader from the wetland for supplementary drinking and washing, and a is also the environmental officer for Treverton and in this The Regional Programme of the Management of fenced off area can be used for emergency grazing for cattle. capacity is offered the opportunity to mentor a student Sustainability is an executive seminar for senior officials • A group of local Karoo men were trained in rehabilitation every year. One of the EWT’s CTP students was chosen in from the public, private and non-profit sectors to assist in the development of strategies to meet the challenges techniques and were subsequently employed to apply their 2009, which worked out well as the student was offered a full year’s mentorship instead of the usual six months. of sustainability today, through effective negotiation and knowledge. Through this opportunity the EWT was able to expand conflict resolution. It teaches the use of the Mutual Gains

32 33 Approach to negotiation to achieve long-term solutions has been gathered around livestock-predator conflict Stories from the field that integrate the needs of development and conservation issues, but no training programme has been implemented and the adaptation to local needs which will see the to specifically address these issues. The Department of integration of South African case studies and a short course Water Affairs (DWA) will be contacted in early 2010 to on Community Based Natural Resource Management. discuss alien invasive plants training, while eco-tourism After matriculating from Dimani Agricultural High I began mastering all the techniques of identifying The EWT, in partnership with the Sustainability Challenge training has been discussed with Open Africa and will School in my home town Shayandima, Limpopo different species, from grasses to mammals. Foundation (SCF), and through funding provided by the be addressed as soon as the development of the Karoo Province, I found myself uncertain which career path WK Kellogg Foundation, ran the first part of this course Highland Route starts. The Karoo indigenous nursery is to follow. I wanted to do so many things and all for Sharing my experiences with the rest of the group, I in 2008. The followup seminar was held in January 2009, situated in Loxton and established to grow plants for the the wrong reasons. I then came across a course called found we all felt the same way and we went from being where participants reported back on their experience rehabilitation of destroyed Karoo riparian vegetation. Tour Nature Conservation and enrolled for it. At that stage I a bunch of clueless conservation students to one big of implementing the mutual gains approach in their guiding on the nursery grounds, and outside the nursery, knew nothing about nature or about the course I had happy family. We made one another’s success our priority workspace, highlighting challenges and successes. has been identified as a need and some internal training chosen, in other words I was clueless! and helped one another understand the concepts. If was given to the nursery workers. An EWT-RRWG volunteer that is not a family then tell me what is! All the EWT’s field staff attended training during the EWT’s was sent on a field guide introductory course. During my first year of studies a friend introduced me to Conservation Week in 2009. This covered topics such as the Endangered Wildlife Trust’s Conservation Leadership I have done many crazy things (according to my friends) behaviour change facilitation, biodiversity stewardship, During 2009, the EWT’s Law & Policy Working Group Group. I joined their Conservation Training Programme since joining the EWT-CLG such as river cleanups during conservation legislation and fundraising, which were conducted a gap analysis and produced a scoping report and went on my first camp at Barberspan Bird Sanctuary. marine conservation week, game counts, water quality specifically requested by the staff to support their work. to assess the strengths and weaknesses of government I had fun and learnt a great deal, but was at the same testing, vegetation surveys, plant identification, soil structures to enforce and implement environmental time intimidated by the senior students, who seemed to erosion control, alien plant control and many other Training needs identified for the conservation legislation across the various levels. The report identified know everything! They could identify birds by their calls, important things. I now have a better understanding of sector preliminary training initiatives, specifically regarding the feathers and habitat preferences and identify different these conservation activities that other people think are lack of experience by the South African Police Service trees and grasses, and I thought I’d never be able to crazy. It’s actually a victory, an achievement, and a great The Environmental Sector Skills Plan (ESSP), commissioned (SAPS) and court officials when dealing with environmental do that. I had no idea that there are different types of experience to have been able to do these activities, and by the Department of Environmental Affairs (DEA), aims to issues. DWA has initiated training workshops for State grasses and trees, for me there was no difference, it all I would do it again and again until people hear and highlight skill shortages in the environmental sector and Prosecutors, although currently attendance is purely looked the same. understand why. provide opportunities for NGOs and the private sector to voluntary. Meetings have been planned with the Dean develop and provide the required skills to fill gaps. Rhodes of the SAPS training college to enquire whether the EWT By the time the camp ended I had learned the name I would like to thank all the people who create such University is driving the project. The EWT-CLG participated might be able to facilitate training on legislative issues. The of one bird, the African Hoopoe, one grass, Themeda wonderful experiences for the students and afford them by providing information regarding the functioning of its preliminary findings of the report, published in draft form triandra and one tree, Acacia karroo. I was very pleased such amazing experiences. For me being part of the Conservation Training Programme and the gaps that it in December 2009, also identified the need for further with myself and I couldn’t wait for the next camp. It EWT-CLG family has been an empowering experience addresses. The final document will be released in 2010 and training of Environmental Management Inspectors (EMIs) was then that I realised that conservation was not just and the one that will last a lifetime. the EWT will then have the opportunity to fill identified in areas such as taking statements, opening dockets and working at the zoo or as a ranger. gaps. securing crime scenes, as well as basic training such as bird, Thank you, Conservation Leadership Group! reptile and cycad identification. The next step is to facilitate After becoming part of the EWT-CLG I really began The EWT-RRWG identified a need for farmers and farm training in all of these areas. Furthermore, a much more in- enjoying conservation. I was not ashamed to tell people Vhulahani Lilian Mushiana, workers to be trained in sustainable farming practices such depth investigation will be done during 2010. Experience what I was studying, and I was at last able to answer Conservation Training Programme student: EWT-CLG as predator management, veld rehabilitation methods, gained during this scoping exercise has illustrated the questions about my career choice. By my second camp eradication of alien invasive plant species, eco-tourism, tour importance of direct contact and the personal touch. guiding and business management. To date, information

34 35 Conservation Activities Key Highlights • TRAFFIC East/Southern Africa contracted the EWT to help develop an electronic user’s guide on the collection and analysis of data for fish Report back on progress towards implementing the and fish products in international trade. This will provide government officials with the tools to source and analyse data on the international EWT Conservation Strategy trade in fish and fish products. 2008 – 2013 • The EWT drafted a chapter on the regulatory framework applicable to Lions in South Africa, as part of a proposal to the then Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism, for the resolution of issues relat- ing to the hunting of captive raised predators. STRATEGIC IMPERATIVE 6: EWT support for efficient implementation of Provide a leadership role in ensuring efficient and environmental legislation adequate implementation, compliance and enforcement At the end of 2009, the EWT’s Marine & Coastal Working of conservation legislation. Group (EWT-MCWG) embarked on a three year fisheries trade project with TRAFFIC East/Southern Africa. The The EWT’s Riverine Rabbit Working Group (EWT-RRWG) relevant to activities undertaken by Eskom staff. This South Africa has a suite of high quality enabling project aims to strengthen enforcement and compliance worked very closely with CapeNature and the Northern will assist the EWT’s Wildlife Energy Interaction Group in environmental legislation that is unfortunately not yet measures for trade in key seafood species and will identify Cape Department of Environment in 2009, in particular advising Eskom on compliance with legislation relevant to returning the intended benefits. Implementation and species that are traded between Mozambique and South around stewardship. Land claims in the Kromrivier it. enforcement of this legislation is often hampered by poor Africa. An aspect of this project will explore the strengths Conservancy area resulted in communal farmers being decision-making at national, provincial and municipal and weaknesses of government structures in Mozambique awarded land and the EWT-RRWG is working with these The EWT-LPWG, through its Compliance and Enforcement levels, insufficient penalties, lack of financial and human and South Africa in the enforcement and implementation of farmers to make sure they abide by conservancy rules, in Project, was involved in a number of investigations around resource capacity, corruption and the lack of integration of seafood trade legislation. This will inform the development order to ensure ongoing conservation, whilst at the same environmental crimes. Some highlights were: environmental issues across all sectors. The EWT proactively of training workshops to be held in 2010. time supporting them to live sustainably off their land. addresses this by providing support to government sectors • The Group helped the International Crane Foundation through expertise, networks and toolkits. Data collected Furthermore, the EWT’s Law & Policy Working Group The EWT-LPWG began the process of collecting relevant / EWT Partnership for African Cranes initiate criminal through the EWT’s various Working Groups assists in (EWT-LPWG) was contracted by TRAFFIC East/Southern environmental cases from the various provinces to investigations into the smuggling of Grey Crowned supporting calls for development of new legislation and Africa to assist in the development of an electronic determine factors influencing success and failure in terms Cranes Balearica regulorum through meetings with the enforcement. user’s guide on the collection and analysis of data for of prosecuting environmental criminals. It is developing Gauteng Environmental Management Inspectors; fish and fish products in international trade. The manual a database component within the EWT’s Knowledge • It assisted the EWT’s Carnivore Conservation Working This Strategic Imperative is primarily addressed through will provide government officials at the Department of Management System for capturing specific cases for future Group regarding a complaint concerning the alleged the EWT’s Law & Policy Working Group, Marine & Coastal Environmental Affairs and Tourism, South African Revenue analysis and reporting. illegal killing of African Wild Dogs Lycaon pictus in Working Group and Riverine Rabbit Working Group. Service, Marine and Coastal Management, South African Limpopo by liaising with the Enforcement Officer who Biodiversity Institute, and identified provincial conservation The EWT-LPWG also drafted a document indicating the was assigned to investigate the case. There has been agencies with the tools to source and analyse data on the various national and provincial environmental legislations no news as to the fate of the dogs yet; international trade in fish and fish products. The guide will be officially launched in 2010.

37 Stories from the field • It investigated the lack of enforcement and compliance of a proposal to the then Department of Environmental at the Mai-Mai and Faraday muthi markets in Gauteng Affairs and Tourism (DEAT) for the resolution of issues and ascertained that an instruction from the MEC in relating to the hunting of captive raised predators; 2003 prohibited enforcement in either of the two • Assisted the EWT’s Conservation Breeding Specialist When I started working for the Endangered Wildlife Trust markets. This is an ongoing issue and will require more Group Southern Africa (CBSG SA) with compiling On one occasion, while I was out monitoring, the mist was and asked about Blue Swallow monitoring, Andre Rossouw meetings and workshops in 2010; the section on relevant legislation for inclusion in the so thick that I had to take a GPS reading of my bakkie told me that what you do is crawl into the holes and check • The Group received a complaint regarding acid mine Briefing Document for a Lion Bovine Tuberculosis so that I could find it again. I am now used to having the progress with nest building, number of eggs, chicks decanting in the West Rand and together with another Workshop. constantly wet socks and shoes and being covered in dirt etc. This surprised me somewhat, as when I went out to interested party, investigated the issue. The water from climbing into nesting sites. I am also trying to get monitor the nesting sites most of the birds used old mining basin that feeds the Cradle of Human Kind and the Empowering society on the subject of used to the looks I get at shopping centres when I stop in shafts and sinkholes, some of which are more than four Krugersdorp Nature Reserve has been severely affected. environmental rights after a monitoring session looking like something that the metres deep! The EWT-LPWG renders support as necessary. cat dragged in! The Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Toolkit My first sighting of Blue Swallows was on a monitoring trip Development of environmental legislation is a web-based tool developed by the EWT’s Law What is exciting is that there is obviously still a lot we don’t in the Graskop area. When I came out of one of the holes, & Policy Working Group in 2006 and located at know about these birds, which makes monitoring them all the birds were calling and swooping near the entrance. It During 2009, the EWT-LPWG analysed draft legislation It incorporates process flow the more important and necessary for their survival. was amazing to see how shiny and blue their wings are. I published for public comment and co-ordinated the charts, answers to frequently asked questions, document had seen many Black Saw Wings before (often confused formulation and submission of specialist comments templates, general and targeted information, practical tips, Leigh Potter with Blue Swallows), but these birds do not compare to submitted by the EWT on the following: case studies and sections on how to consider biodiversity Field Officer: EWT-TGSP Mpumalanga the beauty of the Blues. Even more exciting is seeing the • The latest proposed amendments to the National and other environmental concerns in the EIA process. progress with nest building and breeding – this makes Environmental Management Act, 107 of 1998, It also contains contact details for relevant government crawling into holes so worth it! Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations, officials in order to facilitate direct communication published during April 2009; between civil society and government and provides civil • The draft Norms and Standards for Hunting in South society with the necessary knowledge of the EIA process, Africa; in order to participate meaningfully during the public • The draft Alien and Invasive Species Regulations and participation process. Lists, drafted in terms of the National Environmental Management Biodiversity Act, 10 of 2004; The introduction of mining as a listed activity regulated • The draft Convention on International Trade in by the EIA Regulations and National Environmental Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora Management Act has recently resulted in significant (CITES) Regulations, drafted in terms of the National amendments being proposed. As such, the existing EIA Environmental Management Biodiversity Act., 10 of regulations are likely to be substantially amended and the 2004 and EWT has identified an even greater need for assistance • The draft Regulations for the proper administration to civil society in understanding and participating in the of Nature Reserves, drafted in terms of the National public participation process, specifically for prospecting Environmental Management Protected Areas Act, 57 and mining. The EWT-LPWG is therefore expanding and of 2003. reviewing the EIA Toolkit so that this resource will not only • The Green Paper for National Strategic Planning. capacitate stakeholders towards improved participation • The draft National List of Threatened Ecosystems, in the EIA process, including mining, in South Africa, but drafted in terms of the National Environmental will also allow for much greater input from the public in Management Biodiversity Act, 10 of 2004. environmental decision making. • The draft Minimum Standards for the Management of Captive Elephants, drafted in terms of the National The EWT-LPWG provides the names and contact details of Environmental Management Biodiversity Act, 10 of relevant government officials mandated with compliance 2004. and enforcement to civil society, so helping them lodge issues of alleged non-compliance with the relevant In addition, the EWT-LPWG undertook the following: department. • Drafted a chapter on the regulatory framework applicable to Lions Panthera leo in South Africa, as part

38 39 • Hoogland Raptor Project. Dr Pieter Koornhof, Volunteer • Wild Dog & Cheetah National Action Planning. Project List 2009 Field Officer, [email protected]. Peter Lindsey, Wild Dog & Cheetah Strategic Planner • South Western Cape Raptor Project. Koos de Goede, (2009). Contact Kelly Marnewick, Working Group Man- Volunteer Field Officer, [email protected]. ager (2010), [email protected]. • Free State Raptor Project. Alma Fuller, Volunteer Field • Jubatus Cheetah Project. Brenda de Witt (2009). Con- Officer, [email protected]. tact Kelly Marnewick, Working Group Manager (2010), • Bushveld Raptor Project. Arnaud le Roux, Animal [email protected]. Airport Wildlife Working Group • Blouberg Vulture Project. Johan van Wyk, health and Vegetation Management Co-ordinator, • Kalahari Wild Cat Project. Marna Herbst (2009). Con- [email protected]. tact Kelly Marnewick, Working Group Manager (2010), Claire Patterson-Abrolat, Working Group Co-ordinator, Volunteer Field Officer, [email protected]. [email protected]. [email protected]. • Potberg Vulture Project. Kevin Shaw, Volunteer Carnivore Conservation Group • Multi-species Carnivore Census Project. Rox Brummer, Harriet Davies-Mostert, Working Group Manager (2009), Field Officer - Carnivore Census Project, • Bird Strike Avoidance Programme. Field Officer, [email protected]. • Bushveld Vulture Project. Kerri Wolter, Volun- [email protected]. [email protected]. Biodiversity Stewardship South Africa teer Field Officer, [email protected]. Kelly Marnewick, Working Group Manager (2010), • Re-assessment of Badger friendly honey label. Ulrike [email protected] . Urlich (2009). Contact Janet Edwards, Administrator, Claire Taylor, Working Group Co-ordinator (2009). • Namibia Vulture Project. Peter Bridgeford, Marion Burger, Senior Administrator, [email protected]. Please contact Christine Mentzel, EWT Conservation Manager Vounteer Field Officer, [email protected]. [email protected]. • Wild Dog Metapopulation compendum. for more on this project at [email protected]. • Bearded Vulture Task Force. Sonja Krueger, Volunteer Field Officer, [email protected]. Kath Potgieter, Field Officer (2009). Contact Harriet • Venetia Limpopo Wild Dog Project. John Power, Field Davies-Mostert, Director of Science, • Development of National Framework for Biodiversity • Taita Falcon Project. Dr Andrew Jenkins, Volunteer Field Officer – Venetia Limpopo Wild Dog Project (2009). [email protected]. Stewardship. Officer, [email protected] . • Zurich Kalahari Raptor Project. Abrie Maritz, Field Assis- Contact Kelly Marnewick, Working Group Manager • Thabazimbi Carnivore Census Project. Grant Beverley, Birds of Prey Working Group tant - Kalahari. [email protected]. (2010), [email protected]. Field Officer, [email protected] (2009). • Wild Dog Metapopulation Assessment. Harriet Davies- • Cheetah Metapopulation Programme. Contact Kelly Andre Botha, Working Group Manager, • Lowveld/KNP Large Bird Project. Scott Ronaldson, Senior Mostert, Working Group Manager Manager (2009), Marnewick, Working Group Manager (2010), [email protected]. Field Officer – Lowveld, [email protected] or Marcelle [email protected]. [email protected]. Tanya Fouche, Senior Administrator, van Hoven for the Saddle-billed Stork Project, Student • KwaZulu-Natal Wild Dog Project. Sithembiso Ndlo- [email protected]. Researcher, [email protected]. • Breede River Fish Eagle Project. Dr Andrew Jenkins, Vol- v u , F i e l d A s s i s t a n t - L i m p o p o ( 2 0 0 9 ) a n d B r e n d a n Conservation Breeding Specialist Group Whittington-Jones, Programme Officer – KwaZulu-Natal Brenda Daly, Working Group Manager, • Sasol Vulture Monitoring Project consisting of: unteer Field Officer, [email protected]. Wild Dog Project, [email protected]. [email protected]. • Eastern Cape Vulture Monitoring. Kate Webster, • Platberg Karoo Raptor Project. Ronelle Visagie, Field As- • Wild Dog Metapopulation Genetics. Janet Edwards, Field Volunteer Field Officer, [email protected]. sistant – Platberg Karoo, [email protected]. Officer – Wild Dog Genetics (2009), • Lion Bovine Tuberculosis Disease Risk Assessment work- • Vulture Restaurants. Andre Botha, Working • Migratory Kestrel Project. Anthony van Zyl, Volunteer [email protected]. shop. Group Manager, [email protected]. Field Officer, [email protected]. • Northern Tuli Wild Dog Project. Craig Jackson (2009). • Cheetah PHVA. • KZN Vulture Project. Sonja Krueger, Volunteer • Urban Raptor Project. Boudewyn van der Lecq, Volun- Contact Kelly Marnewick, Working Group Manager • Digitisation of Red Data Book of Birds. Field Officer, [email protected]. teer Field Officer, [email protected]. (2010), [email protected]. • Northern Cape Vulture Project. Mark • Anglo-Coal Grass Owl Project. Mattheuns Pretorius, Stu- • Western Kalahari Wild Dog Project. Binah Motlogelwa Conservation Leadership Group Anderson, Volunteer Field Officer, dent Researcher, [email protected]. (2009). Contact Kelly Marnewick, Working Group Man- Graeme Wilson, Working Group Manager, [email protected]. • Crowned Eagle Action Group. Dave Steyn, Volunteer ager (2010), [email protected]. [email protected] • Swaziland Vulture Project. Prof. Ara Field Officer, [email protected]. • Wild Dog & Cheetah Photographic Census. Marion Kirsty Brebner, Resource Development and Administrator, Monadjem, Volunteer Field Officer, • Pel’s Fishing Owl Survey. Andre Botha, Working Group Burger, Administrator, [email protected]. [email protected]. [email protected]. Manager, [email protected].

41 and policy. Anique Greyling, Working Group Manager, Threatened Grassland Species Programme [email protected] Andre Rossouw, Working Group Co-ordinator (2009). Please • Strengthen Compliance and Enforcement of the South contact Christine Mentzel, EWT Conservation Manager for African Environmental Government Framework. Rynette more on this project at [email protected]. Coetzee, Project Executant, [email protected]. • Fisheries trade data analysis users’ guide. • Oribi Conservation Project. Andre Rossouw, A n i q u e G r e y l i n g , W o r k i n g G r o u p M a n a g e r , Working Group Co-ordinator (2009). Contact [email protected]. Christine Mentzel, EWT Conservation Manager, • Strategic legal involvement in identified development [email protected]. applications. Anique Greyling, Working Group Manager, • Blue Swallow Conservation Project. Leigh Potter, Field [email protected]. Officer, [email protected].

Marine & Coastal Working Group Wildlife Conflict Prevention Group Bernice McLean, Working Group Co-ordinator (2009). Tim Snow, Working Group Manager, [email protected]. [email protected]. Please contact Christine Mentzel, EWT Conservation Manager Janet Edwards, Senior Administrator, for more on this project at [email protected]. [email protected].

• eChwebeni Site of Conservation Significance. • Vegetation Management. Arnaud le Roux, Senior Field • Conservation Training Programme. Adam Pires, Training • The Darwin Initiative. Kerryn Morrison, Working Group Bernice McLean, Working Group Co-ordinator (2009), Officer, [email protected]. Programme Co-ordinator, [email protected]. Manager, [email protected]. [email protected]. • Urban Conservation. Janet Edwards, Administrator, • Biodiversity Environmental Education Programme. • GIS and Data Initiative. Kirsten Oliver, GIS Specialist • Trade in Marine Species (an IUCN / TRAFFIC project). [email protected]. Janet Snow, Environmental Education Leader, (2009), [email protected]. Bernice McLean, Working Group Co-ordinator (2009), • Public Health. Tim Snow, Working Group Manager, [email protected]. • Karoo Crane Conservation Project. Bradley Gibbons, [email protected]. [email protected]. • Rural Eco Warriors. Samson Phakathi, Community Field Officer – Karoo, [email protected]. • Wildlife Human Conflict Mitigation. Deon Cilliers, Senior Based Natural Resources Management Co-ordinator, • Western Cape Crane Conservation Project. Riverine Rabbit Working Group Field Officer, [email protected]. [email protected] Bronwyn Botha, Field Officer – Western Cape (2009). Vicky Nel (née Ahlmann), Working Group Manager, • Animal and Environmental Health. Arnaud le Roux, Ani- • Regional Programme for the Management of Sustainabil- Contact Kerryn Morrison, Working Group Manager, [email protected] mal health and Vegetation Management Co-ordinator, ity. Kirsty Brebner, Resource Development Administrator, [email protected]. Lisa Swanepoel, Administrator, [email protected] [email protected]. [email protected]. • North-West Crane Conservation Project. Rindert Wyma • Agricultural Environments. Dave Kleyn, Field Officer – • Wild Coast Stewardship Project. Graeme Wilson, Work- (2009). Contact Kerryn Morrison, Working Group Man- • Field Surveys. Vicky Nel (née Ahlmann), Working Group KwaZulu-Natal, [email protected]. ing Group Manager, [email protected]. ager, [email protected]. Manager, [email protected]. • Riverine Rabbit Eco-Schools Node. Vicky Nel (née Wildlife & Energy Interaction Group International Crane Foundation / EWT Partnership Healthy Rivers Programme Ahlmann), Working Group Manager, Jon Smallie, Working Group Manager, [email protected] for African Cranes Christine Mentzel, Conservation Manager, [email protected]. Marianne Golding, Administrator, [email protected] Kerryn Morrison, Working Group Manager. [email protected] • Riverine Rabbit Environmental Education and Awareness. [email protected] Vicky Nel (née Ahlmann), Working Group Manager, • Eskom-EWT Strategic Partnership. Megan Diamond, Debbie Thiart, Senior Administrator. • Orange-Vaal River Yellowfish Telemetry Study. [email protected]. Project Manager, [email protected]. [email protected]. Gordon O’Brien, Project executant, • Riverine Rabbit Stewardship and Conservancies. • New Energy Infrastructure. Luke Strugnell, Senior Field [email protected]. Vicky Nel (née Ahlmann), Working Group Manager, Officer, [email protected]. • Highveld Grasslands Crane Conservation Project. [email protected]. • Other energy & communications sectors in South Ursula Franke, African Cranes Field Officer – Highveld, IT4Conservation Group • Riparian Habitat Rehabilitation Project. Reda Potts, Ripar- A f r i c a . J o n S m a l l i e , W o r k i n g G r o u p M a n a g e r , [email protected]. B r e n d a D a l y, Wo r k i n g G r o u p M a n a g e r, ian Habitat Rehabilitation Regional Field Officer - Loxton [email protected]. • Wakkerstroom Crane Conservation Project. Glenn [email protected] (2009). Ryno Erasmus (2010), [email protected]. Ramke, Volunteer Field Officer. [email protected]. • Eastern Cape Crane Conservation Programme. • Ecological Niche Modelling (ENM) and Observational Tanya Smith, Field Officer – Eastern Cape, Data Workshops. [email protected]. • Knowledge Management Database. • African Crane Trade Project. Kerryn Morrison, Working • Global Species Database. Group Manager, [email protected]. • MS Sharepoint Project. • African Wattled Crane Programme. Kerryn Morrison, • Digital Asset Management. Working Group Manager, [email protected]. • Africa Community based crane and wetland pro- Law & Policy Working Group gramme. Osiman Mabhachi, African Cranes Senior Anique Greyling, Working Group Manager. Project Co-ordinator, [email protected]. [email protected] • Grey Crowned Crane Programme. Kerryn Morrison, Working Group Manager, [email protected]. • Environmental Impact Assessment Toolkit. • Black Crowned Crane Programme. Kerryn Morrison, A n i q u e G r e y l i n g , Wo r k i n g G r o u p M a n a g e r, Working Group Manager, [email protected]. [email protected]. • Advocacy and Development of environmental law

42 is part of the Nature Conservation Special Advisory International ran these workshops in Swaziland and Broader engagement Committee: the school of Environmental Sciences, Grahamstown and the EWT gave support through data Department of Environmental Sciences, UNISA. This input on primarily cranes and birds of prey. committee was set up to create co-operation and • The EWT’s Conservation Manager and Conservation communication between UNISA and the conservation Leadership Group Resource Development and sector and information gained from meetings informs Administration Leader participated in the International the reassessment of the university’s curriculum. One Programme for the Management of Sustainability meeting was held in 2009. (IPMS) through the Sustainability Challenge Foundation The EWT engages broadly with both local and international Environmental Affairs and Tourism. It functions as an • The EWT-CLG also forms part of UNISA’s Nature in the Netherlands. The Programme teaches the Mutual stakeholders. Through this engagement we create aware- endorsement brand promoting greening and eco- Conservation Work Integrated Learning and Portfolio Gains Approach to Negotiation to achieve long-term ness around pressing environmental concerns in Africa and friendly practices as a way of life with its origins lying in Committee. This committee meets for a week twice solutions that integrate the needs of development work to develop solutions appropriate to the African situ- the World Summit on Sustainable Development held in a year to assess the portfolios of evidence of UNISA’s and conservation. The EWT managed the South ation. The following covers some of the highlights for 2009: South Africa in 2002. Nature Conservation students as part of the final African Regional Programme for the Management of • The Manager of the EWT’s Carnivore Conservation assessment for students concluding their studies. Sustainability through its Conservation Leadership Group (EWT-CCG) is a member of the IUCN Cat • The EWT is a member of the International Union for the • The EWT’s Conservation Manager participated in a Group. Specialist Group, IUCN Canid Specialist Group and Conservation of Nature (IUCN) and its Chief Executive Dugong Dugonginae dugong conference in Maputo • The Community Projects Coordinator for the IUCN Conservation Breeding Specialist Group. Officer (CEO) is one of three Regional Councillors from in May during which a national action plan was International Crane Foundation / EWT Partnership Membership to these groups is by invitation and the Africa on the IUCN Council Africa. She is also the Chair formulated for Dugong conservation, for submission to for African Cranes represented the Climate Action EWT-CCG provides input as requested. of the IUCN’s Constituency Committee, which oversees the Mozambican Government. Partnership at a United Nations Framework Convention • The EWT-CCG is a member of the South African all membership applications and manages the process • The EWT Conservation Leadership Group’s on Climate Change workshop in Kampala in August Leopard Forum, where issues in Leopard conservation of engagement with their 10 000 scientists and 1 140 Environmental Education Leader attended a conference 2009. The aim of this workshop was to finalise the are discussed. It is also the Secretary of this Forum. Two members globally. The EWT’s CEO participated in the on Education for Sustainable Environment Processes in African agenda in preparation for the United Nations nd rd meetings were held in 2009. 72 and 73 meetings of the IUCN Council in Gland, Gaborone in June. Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen in • The EWT-CCG is also a member of the Waterberg Switzerland in February and October and in the four • The EWT participated in a workshop hosted by the Wits December. Leopard Forum, a forum on Leopard issues in the IUCN South Africa National Committee meetings held Law School in August to review the current Animal • The EWT Wildlife Conflict Prevention Group (EWT- Waterberg in Limpopo. One meeting was attended in in 2009. Protection Act and to suggest areas for amendments. WCPG) Manager participated in the Conference on 2009. EWT-CCG field staff attended four Soutpansberg • The EWT is a founder partner of the Climate • The EWT continues to participate in meetings Society of Environment Toxicologists and Chemists in Leopard Forum meetings in 2009. This is a forum to Action Partnership (CAP) alongside Conservation and workshops convened by the Department of Kampala, Uganda in November. discuss Leopard issues in the Soutpansberg in Northern International, the Wilderness Foundation, the Wildlife Environmental Affairs to develop a set of norms and • An EWT-WCPG Senior Field Officer participated in Limpopo. and Environment Society of South Africa (WESSA), the standards for Damage Causing Animals. a workshop in India in September, to investigate the • The EWT-CCG Manager is the Chairperson of the Wild Wildlands Conservation Trust and the Botanical Society • The EWT’s CEO participated in an Economic feasibility of reintroducing Cheetah Acinonyx jubatus Dog Advisory Group (WAG-SA). This group advises on of South Africa. The EWT’s CEO participated in the CAP Opportunities and Risks of Climate Change workshop into India. the management of the South African Wild Dog meta- strategy development process in Cape Town in February hosted by CAMCO in August 2009 to develop a report • The EWT’s CEO participated in a London Zoological population and four meetings were held in 2009. and the CAP Board meeting in Port Elizabeth in August on the risks and opportunities presented by climate Society / IUCN Red List workshop in London in • The EWT-CCG Senior Researcher is a council member of 2009. She also helped to facilitate the CAP knowledge change for corporate South Africa. September 2009, addressing the need for increased the Southern African Wildlife Management Association, exchange workshop in Cape Town in October 2009. • The EWT participated in stakeholder workshops for focus on the development of national Red Lists. a professional association for the wildlife management • The EWT’s CEO holds a seat on the Indalu Yethu Board. the development of an Ecosystem Profile to identify • The EWT’s CEO also participated in the Mining industry. She attended the Association’s annual meeting Indalo Yethu is a legacy project, an independent trust and map the biodiversity of the sensitive Maputaland- Biodiversity Forum workshop in May, to review the and annual symposium in 2009. of the South African Government’s Department of Pondoland Albany Hotspot area in 2009. Conservation draft guidelines for mining and biodiversity. • The EWT’s Conservation Leadership Group (EWT-CLG)

44 Human Resources

The EWT Human Resources Statement of Purpose: To and new methods to ensure the successful integration of support the EWT’s Mission and Vision by fostering a new employees healthy, progressive, equitable working environment that will attract and retain excellent employees and enable them This report is a documentation of the HR departments’ to develop to their full potential. activities and achievements in 2009.

Other ad hoc activities and trips: Africa’s draft environmental strategy in August 2009. The Human Resources (HR) department is guided by Organisational structural • The EWT Conservation Manager engaged with the its mission and the strategic goals identified in the EWT Strategic Plan. Its services include appointments, payroll • The EWT’s CEO was invited to serve on an African Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) changes operations, employee relations, organisational and staff Institute of Corporate Citizenship (AICC) Panel on on freshwater issues. Research undertaken by the CSIR development, equity and diversity, Broad-Based Black Introduction of a Director level Corporate Social Responsibility to evaluate the Corporate can inform EWT conservation action while this is an Economic Empowerment, policies and procedures and Social Responsibility standard being developed by the important link for ensuring that recommendations are workforce planning functions. The level of Director was introduced into the EWT International Standards Organisation (ISO). The EWT’s acted upon. organogram early in 2009 with the employment of a CEO was asked to review and discuss a chapter on the • The EWT attended SANBI’s annual Grassland Partners We work in a dynamic environment where the organisation Director of Operations and Governance, and later a environment. Forum, a networking meeting to present progress continues to grow and change. These changes bring about Director of Fundraising and Marketing; the decision to fill • The EWT and a number of other NGOs, including animal on various grassland initiatives linked to the SANBI challenges to the existing HR methods which require that the position of Director of Science early in 2010 was also rights and welfare organisations, submitted a report on Grasslands Programme. The EWT is involved through adjustments be made; they bring opportunities for new taken in 2009. the way forward for the approximately 4 000 lions in its Blue Swallow and Oribi projects, which focus on the collaborations and fresh insight. Some of these changes captivity in ‘canned lion’ operations in South Africa to protection of specific grassland areas containing these have included the development and implementation of The introduction of additional higher level positions the new Minister for Environmental Affairs. species. a fully automated performance development system, within an organisation allows for a diversity of ideas and • The Manager of the ICF / EWT Partnership for African • In October the EWT Conservation Manager attended adjustments to the staff position scaling system, the opinions, which in turn stimulates the development of the Cranes spent two weeks in China during October and a discussion entitled ‘Water resources under threat: introduction of the level of Director within the organogram organisation. This will support the new EWT strategy. November on a trip to address the trade in cranes in Rights and remedies’ led by the WITS School of Law, Chinese zoos. which included discussions around mining impacts • The EWT submitted extensive comments on the Green on our water sources. It supported networking with Paper on National Strategic Planning, prepared by various stakeholders in the freshwater conservation Minister Manuel’s ministry. sector and links were forged with the Mvula Trust for • The EWT submitted comments on the draft regulations further engagement on community work related to the for implementing CITES in South Africa. EWT Healthy Rivers Project. • EWT staff participated in the International Association • In February the EWT Conservation Manager attended for Impact Assessment (IAIA) South Africa annual a stakeholder engagement meeting held by SANBI conference in Wilderness from the 23rd to the 26th of to discuss content for South Africa’s report to the August. Convention on Biological Diversity. SANBI collates the • The EWT attended the Biodiversity Planning Forum in information needed for Department of Environmental KwaZulu-Natal in March 2009 to identify possibilities Affairs to submit to the CBD Secretariat. for inputting EWT data into the systematic biodiversity • The EWT’s CEO also attended a site visit to Richard’s Bay planning processes and keep abreast of the most recent Minerals (RBM) as part of a series of site visits hosted by conservation planning to inform EWT conservation Rio Tinto for IUCN staff and councillors as part of their project development and implementation. consideration of developing a strategic conservation • The EWT Conservation Manager participated in the relationship with Rio Tinto. Climate Change Sector Response Strategy brainstorming session facilitated by the Department of Environmental New partnerships and projects: Affairs in Pretoria in August. This helped to formulate the main priorities of the biodiversity sector around • Rio Tinto Alcan NGO Alliance: the EWT is a partner in responses to climate change. Some of the options this alliance which aims to support the environmentally discussed were reducing risks to biodiversity to promote sound development of the Coega Aluminium Smelter. resilience of ecosystems, incorporating climate change • Centre for Environmental Rights: The EWT is a founder information into management tools for biodiversity member of the Centre for Environmental Rights and management, expansion of the protected area Environmental Legal Defence Fund, established network ensuring connectivity and assisting the natural as a Section 21 company in 2009 to address key adaptation of species to climatic changes. environmental issues through submission of substantive • The EWT was one of several NGOs that provided comments and including litigation where required. feedback and input into the Development Bank of South

46 47 Employee movement

Employee turnover

We are pleased to report that staff turnover for 2009 came in at a very low 3.6%; with only three permanent positions being replaced. Month Post June 2009 Riverine Rabbit Working Group – Administrator Month Post June 2009 Fundraiser – Cape Town September 2009 Birds of Prey Working Group Administrator August 2009 Director of Fundraising and Marketing September 2009 Wildlife & Energy Interaction Group Administrator August 2009 Carnivore Conservation Group – Senior Researcher September 2009 Executive Secretary August 2009 Wildlife Conflict Prevention Group – Senior Field Officer August 2009 Conservation Leadership Group – Rural Eco Warrior Table 1: Posts which incurred staff changes in 2009 August 2009 IT Support Sept 2009 Senior Bookkeeper Permanent positions created Sept 2009 Carnivore Conservation Group – Gauteng Field Officer A total of 14 new permanent positions were created during December 2009 Threatened Grasslands Species Programme – Kaapsehoop Field Officer 2009, listed below in monthly order in Table 2. Table 2: List of new permanent positions created in 2009

Month Post Fixed term employment contracts concluded Jan 2009 Director of Operations and Governance April 2009 Conservation Leadership Group – Conservation and Leadership Training Due to the nature of the EWT’s business it is beneficial for Programme Coordinator both the employer and employee to enter into fixed-term June 2009 Threatened Grasslands Species Programme – Mpumalanga Field Officer employment contracts from time to time. These contracts are usually project specific and have a clear start and end date.

49 Demographic spread of staff within occupational levels

The EWT continues to strive to meet its employment equity goals. Figure 2 below reflects the profile of staff per oc- cupational level and the progress made from 2008 to 2009. Significant success was achieved in the movement of staff from the unskilled sector to the semi-skilled sector.

50 45 40 35 30 Coloured Male

25 African Male 20 White Male 15 Indian Male 10 African Female 5 0 Coloured Female Indian Female 2008 Senior Skilled The overall growth of employee numbers has not increased ForeignNational qualified Staff member profiles qualified Unskilled White Female much from year to year, however, we believe progress to- Semi-skilled academically wards narrowing the percentage differences between the Top manager Professionally management technical and Demographic breakdown of the total workforce various employee demographic groups is positive, as indicat- ed in Figures 1 and 2 below. Figure 1 shows the demographic Figure 2. Demographic spread of staff within occupational levels The EWT staff numbers changed marginally from 84 to 85 breakdown of the EWT’s total workforce for the years 2007, between December 2008 and December 2009, this due to 2008 and 2009, followed by Figure 2, which shows the oc- the number of fixed-term contracts that were terminated dur- cupational level breakdown. ing the year.


40 2007 30 2008

20 2009


0 White Indian African Coloured Indian Male White Male African Male Female Female Female Female

Figure 1: Demographic breakdown of total workforce.

50 51 The EWT’s work of conserving species and ecosystems in Fundraising, Marketing Staff training and development southern Africa; conducting research and conservation pro- grammes; implementing projects that mitigate threats fac- Building professional capacity continues to be of importance ing species; supporting sustainable natural resource man- within the EWT. The invaluable training sponsorship received and Communications agement; and its approved transformation projects such as from Siyanqoba Seminars, Pharos Training, Blazing Moon and human capital development in the rural or underdeveloped New Horizon has allowed our staff to attend a total of 106 urban areas, has entitled it to a 100% rating on its Socio- courses ranging from Effective Minute Taking, Office Manage- Economic Development Certificate. This means that ment, Essential Finance Management, Managing Budgets, EWT sponsors can recognise 100% of the value of their spon- Managing Behaviour Change to a variety of Information sorship in the calculation of their own scorecards. Technology related training, to mention a few. The Endangered Wildlife Trust has a dynamic and healthy tive, exciting new fundraising strategy to sustain and in fact Electronic performance development system blend of income-generating programmes. Despite the recent increase awareness of the support crucial to the EWT. The EWT is committed to the ongoing training of all staff, economic downturn, the Trust was, for the most part, able both to improve productivity and broaden the staffs’ skills to continue its operations at full throttle. This was a remark- base, and to uplift morale. An electronic performance development system was intro- Membership duced into the organisation in November 2009. The new able achievement, attributable to the many individuals, Trusts, Foundations and corporations (both locally and abroad) that The contribution made by individual members is crucial to During 2009, 106 certified training courses were attended system will ensure the alignment of employee’s terms of ref- continued to support us in challenging times. It is also a tes- our sustainable income-generating activities. There are many by our staff, an increase of 20% since 2008. These courses erence and programme and organisational objectives. This in timony to the relevance and quality of the work being done unnamed individuals who also provide gifts in kind and ex- consisted of a variety of comprehensive, tailored training turn will align job descriptions with strategic objectives and project plans. by the EWT’s multi-talented staff, who work tirelessly to fulfil pertise. sessions such as Professional Report Writing, Behaviour its Mission. Change, Effective Management, Confidence and Assertive- By the end of 2009, the EWT had 3 616 paid up individ- ness and Microsoft Office. The new system was well received by both management and staff and will assist with smooth assessment operations with With the appointment of a Director of Fundraising and Mar- ual members who had given R790 072.00 in membership keting in the latter part 2009, the EWT injected fresh energy subscriptions. Individuals are also being encouraged to give In addition staff are encouraged to further their studies, ul- accurate record keeping, uniformity of terms of reference and into its fundraising activities and began developing an innova- via debit orders, which helps us to reduce our expenses all timately assisting them in their current or future careers. with the generation of paper-free records of all performance round. The EWT has a very generous study leave system and policy development processes. to support and encourage further study. Human Resource Department Membership 2006 2007 2008 2009 Broad-Based Black Economic sponsors 2009 Category Empowerment Explorers 2 437 2 700 2 428 2 237 The EWT’s Human Resources department was proudly sup- Custodians 418 517 540 438 For the second year running the EWT is the proud holder of a ported by the following organisations in 2009: B-BBEE certificate; achieving a Level Five Certificate in 2009. Groundbreakers 140 155 254 307 This is a testament to our internal controls, employment eq- New Horizon (since 1997) EWT Pensioners 771 763 658 499 Siyanqoba Seminars (since 2003) uity, skills development, preferential procurement and socio- 130 economic development achievements. Blazing Moon Corporate Training (since 2008) Life Members 137 137 135 The National Lotteries Distribution Fund (since 2007) TOTAL 3 896 4 272 4 017 3 616 Socio-Economic Development Certificate IQ Business Group (since 2008) Empowerdex (since 2008) Table 1. Breakdown of paid up Individual Membership according to membership options Pharos (since 2008) 2009 saw the EWT being assessed based on the Codes of for 2006 – 2009. Good Practice on Broad-Based Black Economic Empower- ment, which covers the recognition and measurement of socio-economic development.

52 53 Vilane’s pioneering summit of Mt. Everest, the launch Cause Related Marketing (CRM) of the book Fire Dogs of Climate Change by Sally An- drews, a mesmerising rendition of Manzovo: Place of The financial support provided by our CRM partners the Elephants by Gary Albyn and regular updates on the continued to provide much needed income through EWT’s Working Groups. Many new supporters attended the donation of a percentage of their product sales or the talks along with our familiar and deeply loyal regular turnover in support of the EWT. During 2009, Brown’s supporters. These functions provide an invaluable oppor- of Rivonia and Project Plus continued their support of tunity for the EWT staff to interact with our membership the EWT and were joined by others, such as Imazine base and interested members of the public and we thank Ionic Watches, Lindhorst Wines, Foden Jewellery, All Out the Johannesburg Country Club for their very generous Creations and the South African Mint. As an example support of these events. Regular talks are soon to be of how successful CRM has been for the EWT, in 2009 held in Cape Town and Durban. All-Out Creations generated R30 000.00 towards the Cheetah and Leopard Trade Project through the sale of Emotive and promotional mailers wildlife themed educational game cards for children and SA Mint raised R170 000.00 of an estimated expected With the assistance of advertising agency Lesoba Differ- total of R500 000.00 towards the EWT’s Rhino Security ence, two emotive mailers were sent out in 2009. The Project. All CRM initiatives will continue into 2010. first mailer dealt with the critical issue of the health of South Africa’s river ecosystems and generated a gross in- Special events come of R77 491.00. The second mailer focused on the thorny issue of poaching and at the time of writing this Despite the recession our special events still managed to report, the EWT had received a gross response of R83 generate profits. The fourth Great Green Golf Day was 064.00. held at the Lost City Golf Course, in September 2009 and generated a net income of over R60 000.00. The funds raised through the emotive mailers assisted The Bike4Beasts Mountain Bike Challenge, managed by In a year that the world, and indeed South Africans, • Estate Late PM Patterson the EWT to establish projects directed at addressing these Lycaon Logistics, continued to grow in stature with over faced severe economic constraints it is remarkable that • Estate Johan Lotter pressing conservation challenges. In 2010, activities of 110 riders competing in this race, held on 26 April at the so many supporters were able to continue to meet the • Estate Late AJM Stephansen the EWT’s newly formed Healthy Rivers Programme will De Beers Venetia Limpopo Nature Reserve. The event membership dues. be escalated, while poaching, wildlife trade and improv- has in fact spawned a second mountain bike race which ing law enforcement are increasingly becoming the fo- was held in the Ezemvelo Nature Reserve near Bronk- Individual givers Support from Corporations, Trusts and cus of a number of our programmes. horstsruit. The challenges collectively generated over R100 000.00 for the EWT’s conservation activities. Foundations In 2009, individuals donated R111 674.00 to the EWT’s work over and above membership dues – an increase of The EWT’s Patron donors deserve a particular mention 30% above budget. During the year, the frequency and for their generous support of the programmes and op- nature of communication with our supporters was en- erational activities of the Trust. They are Anglo Ameri- hanced and this included sending copies of EWT media can Chairman’s Fund, Barloworld, Mr Mike Heinebach, releases to all donors, resulting in rewarding dialogues DG Murray Trust (a donor of the Climate Action Partner- with members of the public. ship), Elizabeth Wakeman Henderson Charitable Trust, Hans Hohesein Charitable Trust, Howard Buffett Foun- Looking ahead to 2010, individual involvement in our dation, Jaguar Land Rover South Africa, Mazda Wildlife work will be amplified through the launch of a new cam- Fund, Monsanto, National Lotteries Distribution Trust paign called “Dare to Care’, as well as fuller utilisation of Fund, Rand Merchant Bank, Sasol, Tony and Lisette Lew- social media tools to engage our supporters more fully is Foundation and WWF - Worldwide Fund for Nature. in topical issues. Donations in kind are equally valuable and here we thank Bequests Lesoba Difference, TBWA\Hunt\Lascaris, Computer Fa- cilities, Deloitte, DLA Cliffe Dekker Hofmeyr, the Mazda Revenue from bequests contributed significantly to the Wildlife Fund and the Johannesburg Zoo. There are overall income of the EWT in 2009 with a total of R3 452 many others who contribute significantly to our work 134.45 being received. Bequests were received from the and a full list can be found in our list of supporters on following estates: page 59 of this report. • The Hans Hoheisen Charitable Trust • The Philo De Villiers Trust Conservation talks • Estate Late Helen Suzman • Estate Late Noelle Fotheringham Many interesting talks were held during the year and • Estate Late Diane Whelan covered a wide range of topics that included Sibusiso • Estate Late JP Doman

54 55 Breakdown of income received in 2009

ConservationConservation Support Support ServicesServices Funding Funding Sources Sources

Conservation Support Services Funding Sources

Functions Income Functions Income Bequests Income SubscriptionsBequests Income Income Functions Income Subscriptions Income FundraisingBequests Income Income DonationsSubscriptionsFundraising Income Income DonorsFundraisingDonations Corporate Income DonationsDonors Corporate Donors Corporate Communications EWT website and social media

During 2009, the EWT’s Communications portfolio expanded Much has changed in the online world since 2004 when the Figure 3. Conservation Support Services Funding Sources rapidly and has become a key function for the organisation, EWT’s website was first developed. As such a redevelopment Conservation Programme Funding Sources helping to focus its communications to key audiences with of the site was commissioned towards the end of 2009, to be specific messages constructed to develop the EWT’s brand launched in March 2010. presence, informing people about the critical issues facing our Conservation Programme Funding Sources environment today. Despite its age, the website still attracts relatively large num- Conservation Programme Funding Sources bers of people and on average over 6 000 visitors view the A comprehensive communications strategy was developed EWT website each month. Many of these are soon converted Donations-Local for the EWT in 2009, supporting the 2008 Conservation Strat- into members, subscribers or donors and as such the website egy and aiming to: plays a vital role in communicating with our stakeholders and Donations-Foreign in attracting funds. • Refine the focus of the EWT’s communications to support Bus/CorpsDonations-LocalDonations-Local greater implementation; The EWT joined the social media world in June 2009, with a Trust/Foundations Donations-ForeignDonations-Foreign • Define the various audiences and stakeholders to whom Facebook group and Twitter account being established. The Facebook group has grown steadily since its establishment GrantsBus/Corps the EWT should be speaking in order to better define its Bus/Corps messaging; and and stood at around 600 members by the end of 2009. The Trust/Foundations • Ensure that all aspects of the EWT’s work are given strong Twitter account grew more slowly, with a total of around 130 Trust/Foundations followers at the end of 2009. A YouTube account was also Grants representation in the public eye, to build a strong and created and the EWT’s television adverts were uploaded to Grants true brand. this platform. Plans for 2010 include maximising the oppor- The strategy identified core brand values that exist within the tunities that lie in social media for both spreading the conser- EWT and redefined the EWT’s seven Strategic Imperatives, in vation message and soliciting support for the EWT’s work. the Conservation Strategy, in simpler terms. In 2010 these definitions will be developed into a brand blueprint for the Electronic communications with key EWT, which will be used to clearly communicate our brand stakeholders both internally and externally. Figure 4. Conservation Programme Funding Sources Most of the EWT’s Working Groups produce electronic news- Media releases letters. These are circulated to Working Group specific sup- porters to keep these stakeholders up-to-date with the latest A total of 15 media releases was issued during 2009, which re- activites in that particular Group. sulted in the EWT featuring in over 200 magazines and news- paper articles, 25 radio inserts and six television inserts. Many The EWT’s communications department also produces a bi- articles were also published on several websites. The EWT has monthly e-newsletter, EWTalk, which is distributed to EWT’s an extensive media database and as a result our media re- approximately 12 000 members and supporters. It includes leases are well received by print, radio, online and television information regarding project highlights, supporter news, e- journalists. These media releases also serve to place us firmly shop news, our wishlist, eco news from outside the EWT and in the media eye, with journalists often contacting us for ex- tips on sustainable living. It also provides an ideal platform for pert opinion on topics other than those that we have explicitly our CEO to communicate with our supporter base. communicated to them.

Our media presence is tracked for us by Jisani Digitrack for which we are extremely grateful.

56 57 Our Supporters EWT print publications change, a topic that received enormous attention in 2009, in particular towards the end of the year with the United Environment – people and conservation in Africa Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change Fif- teenth Conference of the Parties (COP15). The need for The launch of a new magazine, in November 2009, was the urgent and radical changes to ‘business as usual’ was EWT Strategic Partners Explorer Supporters (R2 500 - R49 999) realisation of a long dream to produce a mouthpiece for a stressed and South Africa’s position in the global context collective coalition of conservation NGOs working through of energy producers and greenhouse gas emitters was ex- Airports Company South Africa Aloe Ridge Hotel and Game Reserve the region. Entitled Environment – people and conservation in amined. The recent upswing in poaching and illegal trade Eskom And Beyond Africa, the magazine is a joint venture between the EWT, the across southern Africa was also explored in depth with a International Crane Foundation Assore Chairman’s Fund Cape Leopard Trust, SANCCOB, the Wildlands Conservation comprehensive discussion on the poaching situation in Conservation Breeding Specialist Group Barrow Construction Trust, The Game Rangers Association of Africa, the Wildlife each SADC country, and the measures being taken to ad- Conservation International Browns of Rivonia and Environment Society of South Africa (WESSA) and the dress this serious threat to our wildlife. The Transfrontier Brydens Project Management Wilderness Foundation. The publication replaces WESSA’s Conservation Areas for the southern African region, and Patron Supporters (R250 000 and above) Buchanan & Payne Publishing former African Wildlife and the EWT’s Vision and goes to all walking trails around Gauteng, were also investigated from Bushwillow Bryanston our collective databases and memberships. The new maga- both a tourism and conservation value perspective. Cadvest Trust Anglo American Chairman’s Fund CK Travel and Tours zine provides an opportunity for the NGO partners to speak Barloworld Trust With the Communications Department being firmly estab- COAPE Ltd to a much wider constituency than in the past about the Mike Heinbach lished by the end of 2009, exciting campaigns have been Coronation Asset Management significant work being undertaken by conservation NGOs DG Murray Trust (via the Climate Action Partenrship) planned for 2010. These include a celebration of the Inter- Cranefield College on a wide variety of issues. The magazine is currently being Elizabeth Wakeman Henderson Charitable Trust national Year of Biodiversity and an anti-litter campaign, Dad’s Charity Challenge produced quarterly and is quickly growing in popularity and Hans Hoheisen Charitable Trust amongst others. The department is working closely with Davies Foundation readership. Howard G Buffett Foundation the fundraising staff to enhance their ability to attract E. Oppenheimer and Son Jaguar Land Rover South Africa funding wherever possible, while also keeping close ties EcoTraining Vision Annual Monsanto with the conservation staff to make sure the messages be- Farmers Agricare National Lottery Distribution Trust Fund Fine Metal / Ubuntu Community Chest th ing communicated are pertinent and credible. The 17 edition of the EWT’s flagship annual Vision was Rand Merchant Bank GBIF - Global Biodiversity Information Facility produced towards the end of 2009. It highlighted climate Sasol GCCL2 Management Services Tony and Lisette Lewis Foundation Goldman Family Trust Worldwide Fund for Nature (WWF SA) Greater Good SA - SASIX “The ultimate test of man’s conscience may be his willingness to sacrifice something today for future generations Greensleeves Medieval Kingdom whose words of thanks will not be heard.” Groundbreaker Supporters Helter Skelter — Gaylord Nelson (R100 000 - R249 999) Hollard Insurance Company former governor of Wisconsin, co-founder of Earth Day Intsrotech (Pty) Ltd African Oxygen Limited Jika Africa Bakwena Platinum Corridor Concessionare Khaki Fever Workwear Millstream If you would like to become a member of the EWT, leave a Distell Mutual and Federal bequest or be part of our ‘Dare to Care’ Campaign, where Lufthansa My Village / My Planet you actively participate in field work from a distance, please Mohammed Bin Zayed Species Fund Naturelife International contact Vanessa Bezuidenhout at [email protected]. Mondi Shanduka News Nashua Limited Nzumbululo Heritage Solutions PG Bison Orient Express Safaris SA Mint PAN UK - Pesticides Action Network United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Peregrine and Gecko’s Adventures Xstrata Philip Moore Family Trust Zoological Society of London Project Plus Zurich Insurance Pulse Africa Royce Imaging SA Wildlife College Custodian Supporters (R50 000 - R99 999) Safari Brothers Samara Private Game Reserve Altron Group Safari and Tourism Insurance Brokers (SATIB) PPC - Pretoria Portland Cement Shape SA Association of Hospitals Simmonds Hampton Trust Bayer Sivest Charl van der Merwe Trust Smile Education Games Crop life Steel and Pipe LOMAS Wildife Protection Trust Sun Timber Sales Philagro The Lion Park Philo de Villiers Trust Thompsons Africa Rufford Africa Small Grants Tinga Game Lodge Transnet (National Ports Authority) Transafrica Safaris Welgevonden Private Game Reserve Trapper’s Trading Zoological Society for the Conservation of Species and Virgo Storage - Alternative Airport Parking Populations

59 Scientific Publications

Davies-Mostert, H.T., Mills, M.G.L. & Macdonald, D.W. Lindsey, P., Marnewick, K., Davies-Mostert, H.T., Rehse, 2009. A critical assessment of South Africa’s managed T., Mills, M.G.L., Brummer, R., Buk, K., Traylor-Holzer, K., metapopulation recovery strategy for African wild dogs and Morrison, K., Mentzel, C. and Daly, B. (editors). 2009. its value as a template for large carnivore conservation else- Cheetah Acinonyx jubatus Population Habitat Viability As- where. In: Reintroduction of Top Order Predators (eds) M. sessment Workshop Report. Conservation Breeding Special- Hayward & M. Somers. Blackwell Publishing. pp 10-43. ist Group (SSC / IUCN) / CBSG Southern Africa. Endangered Wildlife Trust. Edwards, J.M. 2009. Conservation genetics of African wild dogs Lycaon pictus (Temminck, 1820) in South Africa. Lindsey, P., Romaňach, S.S. & Davies-Mostert, H.T. 2009. M.Sc. thesis. University of Pretoria. The financial drivers of predator conservation on private land in South Africa. In: The Reintroduction of Top Order Predators Herbst, M. & Mills, M.G.L. 2009. Techniques used in the (eds) M. Hayward & M. Somers. Blackwell Publishing. study of African wildcat Felis silvestris cafra in the Kgala- gadi Transfrontier Park (South Africa/Botswana). Koedoe (in Lindsey, P.A., Romaňach, S.S. & Davies-Mostert, H.T. 2009 press). The importance of conservancies for enhancing the value of Vision Development Trust Delheim game ranch land for large mammal conservation in southern Vodacom Foundation Distell Herbst, M. & Mills, M.G.L. (In press). The feeding habits of Africa. Journal of Zoology 277: 99-105. Wits Bird Club Eskom the Southern African wildcat, a facultative trophic special- Wldlife and Environment Society of SA (WESSA) Exclusive Books ist, in the southern Kalahari (Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park, Marnewick, K., Daly, B. & Somers, M.J. 2009. Which spots World Association of Zoos and Aquariums Formax South Africa/Botswana). J. Zool (Lond.). matter? Ecological Niche Modelling to investigate habitat Zitom Lodge Golfers Club suitability for cheetahs in South Africa. Presented at the South Zoological Society of London Haute Espoire Johnson, S., Mengersen, K., de Waal, A., Marnewick, African Wildlife Management Association Annual Symposium. Healthy Living Herbs K.,Cilliers, D., Houser, A.M. & Boast, L. 2010. Modelling Protea Hotel Black Mountain, Free State, South Africa. 13-16 Imazine cheetah relocation success in southern Africa using an It- September 2009. Supporters in Kind Ina Paarman erative Bayesian Network Development Cycle. Ecological Jacana Media Modelling Volume 221. Potgieter, K. 2009. Pup provisioning and artificial pack for- JHB Zoo Patron Supporters (R250 000 and above) mation in African wild dog Lycaon pictus in South Africa. Lesedi Cultural Village M.Sc. thesis, University of Cape Town. Deloitte Lindhorst Wines Future Publishing Little Luxury Johannesburg Zoo Magscene Lesoba Difference Makweti Lodge Mazda Wildlife Fund Mineral Water Man TBWA/Hunt/Lascaris Office Plant Outdoor Warehouse Custodian Supporters (R50 000 - R99 999) Psaros Training Puma Rhode Island Country Club Johannesburg SAB DLA Cliffe Dekker Hofmeyr Silver Spoon Catering New Horizon Computer Learning Centre Siyanqoba Training Protea Hotels Struik Random House Safari and Tourism Insurance Brokers (SATIB) Titleist Virgo Storage Trappers Trading Vineyard Hotel and Spa Explorer Supporters (R2 500 - R49 999) Bequests 1Time Airline ABI The Hans Hoheisen Charitable Trust Africa Geographic The Philo De Villiers Trust Amanzingwe Bush Lodge Estate Late Helen Suzman Amarula Estate Late Noelle Fotheringham Briza Publishers Estate Late Diane Whelan Canopy Tours Estate Late JP Doman Cape Union Mart Estate Late PM Patterson City Power Estate Johan Lotter Clarins Men Estate Late AJM Stephansen Crabtree & Evelyn

60 61 EWT Trustees - 2009 Contact us

Trustees Year General enquiries Conservation Alan Calenborne 1999 Telephone: + 27 (0) 11 486 1102 Christine Mentzel, Conservation Manager Antony Wannell (FinCom, Board) 2005 Fax: +27 (0) 11 486 1506 [email protected] Bill Yeowart 1999 E-mail: [email protected] Harriet Davies-Mostert, Director of Science Brett Nagle (FinCom) 2004 [email protected] Brian Courtenay 1996 Postal Address: David Donald (FinCom) 1991 Human resources The Endangered Wildlife Trust, Private Bag X11, Parkview, David Mitchell 1978 2122, South Africa Alison Janicke, Human Resources and Administration Man- David Mphelo 2006 ager [email protected] David Scheepers 2009 Physical Address: Diana Smullen 1999 Finance The Gold Fields Environment Centre, Johannesburg Zoologi- Dirk Ackerman (Board) 1999 cal Gardens, Erlsworld Way, Parkview, South Africa Abbas Moolla, Financial Manager Farida Mahomed (Board) 2007 [email protected] Gail Lemmert (Board) 2005 Fundraising and marketing Hector Magome 1999 Vanessa Bezuidenhout, Director of Fundraising & Marketing Chief Executive Officer Joanna Goeller (Board) 2006 [email protected] John Barrow 1994 Yolan Friedmann John Farrant (FinCom) 1986 Communications and media [email protected] John Ledger, Dr 1976 Hayley Komen, Communications Manager Karin Ireton (Board) 2004 [email protected] or [email protected] Lindy Rodwell van Hasselt 1999 Twitter Lot Mlati (Board) 2007 Marilyn Dougall-Thomas 1993 Facebook Mark Drewell (Chairman) (Board) 2004 Mike Barnett (Treasurer) (FinCom, Board) 2005 Mike Bridgeford 1991 Michael Esterhuysen (Board) 2001 Nick King, Dr (Board) 2007 Pancho Ndebele (Board) 2006 Robert Waldron 2001 Robyn Stein 2001 Ronald Tanur 1999 Rest Kanju 2008 Rosemary Noge (Board) 2008 Sibusiso Vilane 2009 Sue Adams 2001 Terence Sibiya, Dr. 2009 Uwe Putlitz (Board) 1987 Valli Mohammed Moosa 2009 Winnie Kunene 2004 Zola Tsotsi, Dr 1999

62 63 Project and Staff Locations