Cook Lockhart River Mapoon Napranum Wujal Wujal Hope Vale Tourism Profile Average Annual Data from Year Ending December 2009 to December 2012
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Cook Lockhart River Mapoon Napranum Wujal Wujal Hope Vale Tourism Profile Average annual data from year ending December 2009 to December 2012 Origin (nights) (‘000) % QLD % Data is sourced from national annual surveys Brisbane region 29 8% 19% of travellers Regional QLD 170 47% 35% Total Intrastate 198 55% 54% Total Interstate 166 45% 46% Data should be interpreted as indicative only Top 5 activities undertaken (‘000) % QLD % (visitors) Tourism Profile data has been averaged over Eat out at restaurants 33 41% 57% a four year period to increase the stability General sight seeing 26 33% 26% of the data Go fishing 17 22% 6% Pubs clubs discos etc 17 21% 19% OVerview COOK LOCKhart RIVeR MAPOON QLD NAPRANuM wujAL wujAL hOPe VALe Visit friends or relatives 16 20% 47% Key Measures - domestic and international visitors Top 5 accommodation types (‘000) % QLD % Visitors (overnight visitors only ‘000) 88 18,980 (nights) Nights (‘000) 450 113,444 Caravan park or commercial 90 25% 9% camping ground Spend (overnight visitors only $million) $87 $16,418 Caravan or camping near 65 18% 4% Domestic Overnight Travel road or on private property COOK LOCKhart RIVeR MAPOON Key MeASuRes NAPRAN uM wujAL wujAL hOPe VALe QLD Friends or relatives property 64 17% 35% Visitors (‘000) 80 16,986 Hotel, motel, resort or 47 13% 23% motor inn Nights (‘000) 364 72,131 Other non-commercial 16 4% 2% Average stay (nights) 4.6 4.2 property Spend ($million) $75 $12,575 Travel party (visitors) (‘000) % QLD % Spend per visitor($) $942 $740 Adult couple 31 39% 26% Spend per night ($) $207 $174 Family group 10 12% 26% Purpose of visit (visitors) (‘000) % QLD % Alone 11 14% 24% Holiday 48 60% 44% Friends and/or relatives 21 26% 17% travelling together Visiting friends or relatives 11 14% 33% Business associates 7 8% 5% Business 10 13% 19% travelling together Other 11 14% 6% School/wsporting group/ np np 2% Purpose of visit (nights) (‘000) % QLD % community group or club Holiday 222 61% 49% Number of stops (trip) (‘000) % QLD % Visiting friends or relatives 43 12% 30% Single 31 39% 86% Business 45 12% 15% Multiple 49 61% 14% Other 55 15% 6% Age group (visitors) (‘000) % QLD % Top 3 main transport types (‘000) % QLD % 15 – 24 years np np 15% (visitors) 25 - 34 years 9 14% 18% Drive 59 74% 69% 35 - 44 years 17 21% 20% Air transport 8 10% 30% 45 - 54 years 15 19% 19% Bus or coach np np 2% 55 - 64 years 22 27% 16% Origin (visitors) (‘000) % QLD % 65 years or over 16 20% 13% Brisbane region 8 10% 24% Regional QLD 44 56% 44% Total Intrastate 52 66% 68% Total Interstate 27 34% 32% Source: Tourism Research Australia’s National Visitor Survey and International Visitor Survey (NVS and IVS) 1 Cook Lockhart River Mapoon Napranum Wujal Wujal Hope Vale Tourism Profile Average annual data from year ending December 2009 to December 2012 International Overnight Travel COOK LOCKhart RIVeR MAPOON Key MeASuRes NAPRANuM wujAL w uj AL hOPe VALe QLD Visitors (‘000) 8 1,994 Nights (‘000) 86 41,313 Average stay (nights) 10.6 20.7 Spend ($million) $12 $3,843 Spend per visitor($) $1,441 $1,927 Spend per night ($) $134 $94 Notes and definitions Tourism Profiles provide an average profile of travellers to the local area as well as Domestic daytrip visitor – an Australian resident, aged 15 and over, who had taken a the State. They can assist to identify opportunities and with decision making. A good domestic daytrip involving a round trip for a distance of at least 50km and of a duration approach to research is to look at a wide range of sources for a more comprehensive of at least 4 hours but not overnight (routine travel and same day travel as part of understanding. overnight travel are excluded). Data may not add up to total due to rounding. International visitor – an international resident, aged 15 and over, who visited Australia np – indicates that data has not been published due to high sample error. for a period of no more than 12 months and stayed at least one 1 night in the region. National Visitor Survey (NVS) and International Visitor Survey (IVS) data is collected Disclaimer - by using this information you acknowledge that this information is provided at the Statistical Area Level 2 (SA2) rather than Local Government Area (LGA). SA2’s are by Tourism and Events Queensland (TEQ) to you without any responsibility on behalf of based on population and sometimes multiple SA2’s are aggregated in the dataset. This is TEQ. You agree to release and indemnify TEQ for any loss or damage that you may suffer why some Tourism Profiles incorporate multiple LGA’s (e.g. Etheridge Croydon Tourism as a result of your reliance on this information. TEQ does not represent or warrant that Profile includes Etheridge Shire Council and Croydon Shire Council). this information is correct, complete or suitable for the purpose for which you wish to expenditure per night is based on average spend per night for the applicable tourism use it. The information is provided to you on the basis that you will use your own skill region. Expenditure figures are therefore estimates only and should be used with and judgement and make your own enquiries to independently evaluate, assess and caution. verify the information’s correctness, completeness and usefulness to you before you rely Domestic overnight visitor – an Australian resident, aged 15 and over, who had taken a on the information. trip within Australia involving a stay away from home for at least one night (no more than 12 months) at a place at least 40km away from home. Source: Tourism Research Australia’s National Visitor Survey and International Visitor Survey (NVS and IVS) 2.