LABU AIRPORT January 17, 2009 By Dr. Mahathir Mohamad

1. Air Asia has done well to explain the justification for the socalled KLIAEast in Labu.

2. Not having the facilities and personnel I can only give my very unprofessional view on the justification:

a) Passenger Capacity

I must congratulate Air Asia on its very remarkable success. By 2014 it handle 26 million passengers. Present terminal at KLIA is handling about 25 million passengers.

KLIA is planned to handle 125 million passengers. It has 25,000 acres of land to build another terminal and four satellites. It can even duplicate these terminals and satellites. But Air Asia wants lowcost terminals with no aerobridge, no luxury interiors. This is not a problem for KLIA.

There is enough space in the 25,000 acres of reserved land to build the lowcost terminal to accommodate the 60 million Air Asia passengers in the distant future. MAHB ( Airports Holdings Berhad) can do this. (Incidentally Putrajaya has only 10,000 acres of land). However, by 2014 the total number of Air Asia passengers would only be 27 million. Accommodating this number should be no big deal for MAHB.

b) Runway capacity

By 2014 Air Asia will have 77 aircrafts. LCCT capacity will still be for 33 aircrafts. Does Air Asia expect all its aircrafts to be on the ground in LCCT all the time?

Usually some would be in the air and many would be at other airports. Expanding the parking area would not be too difficult. There would still be enough land at KLIA.

As for the runways Times Online reports that Heathrow will now build its third runway to be completed in 2020. Presently Heathrow has only two runways and it still handles almost 70 million passengers.

As stated above, KLIA can build another three runways to handle 125 million passengers. If passengers and aircrafts increase to more than presently handled by Heathrow, a third runway can quickly be built.

If KLIA LCCT is not connected by rail and bus, the thing to do is to provide all these. Extension to the Express Rail Link line can be built. Terrain is no problem. We have sliced through higher hills to build roads.

If the waiting time for taxis has increased due to the huge airport layout (I don't understand this), whatever solution for this problem is proposed for Labu, the same solution can also be applied to KLIA LCCT.

c) Number of Gates

Since Air Asia will not be using the main terminal why should the small number of gates there be of concern to Air Asia?

If Air Asia will be putting more than 55 Gates at Labu to cater for its large number of aircrafts and movements, why cannot LCCT at KLIA be expanded to have maybe 100 Gates to avoid any shortages? Will Labu be provided with 100 Gates? If so, when? Again, why be bothered about KLIA Terminal being equipped with aerobridges etc when Air Asia does not want to use it?

3. The comparison with Dubai and Jackson Atlanta International Airport is misleading.

4. The picture shows four runways (no indication which airport). Multiple runways is common but they are operated by one airport with one control tower. The picture and the layout does not suggest separate towers for different runways. You cannot have multiple runways close to each other but controlled by different towers.

5. Perhaps Air Asia can show documents that separations between different airport runways of 2km are permissible. Is there any example of two major airports operating separately but located 2km from each other? I don't know. Please enlighten me.

6. The problem prompting the idea of a new airport is the allegedly high charges by MAHB for the use of LCCT by Air Asia. MAHB is owned by Khazanah and it is believed Khazanah has a stake in Air Asia. Both are therefore GLCs. The Government can tell them to negotiate fair charges. Or is it the Government that wants this airport at Labu for reasons other than need?

7. Or is it that Sime Darby now wants to go into airport business?


By apanamaAuthor Profile Page on January 17, 2009 4:07 PM


Salam Tun,

Saya tak nampak ketulusan kerajaan dalam perkara KLIAEast ni, melainkan nak menghabiskan duit rakyat. Dan kerajaan akan berterusan mengatakan 'KITA BUAT NI SEMUA UNTUK RAKYAT'...padahal menghabiskan duit rakyat. Maaf Tun, but we should change the government to make sure that the government tidak sesuka hati belanja ikut hati. Sebagai contoh, pembelian peralatan untuk institut2 latihan, 10 projek hanya diberi kepada 10 syarikat kroni, sedangkan puluhan lagi syarikat2 kecil yang menunggu projek2 sebegini. Yang kaya bertambah kaya, yang kayap bertambah kayap.

Salam. By dewadannyAuthor Profile Page on January 17, 2009 4:31 PM

Assalamualaikum Tun,

Walaubagaimana sekali pun alasan dan perkara yang cuba diterangkan oleh pihak AirAsia. Pastinya ia adalah amat melucukan. Hari ini kita sudah ada 2 airport terminal. KLIA & LCCT.

Buat apa lagi nak ada kat labu? Jauh dari K.L Apa mungkin ia hanya baik untuk penduduk Utara , Melaka & Negeri Sembilan.

Kesimpulannya kalau PM nak tinggalkan LEGASI nya sempat ke dia buat perasmian? atau bakal Ketua Pemuda UMNO yang baru teringin sesangat menabur jasa pada penduduk setempat. Ialah setakat ni selain hanya buat projek pembangunan yang tak boleh nak diketengahkan dirinya.

Jadi saranan saya, selepas ni kita pastikan saja mereka2 ni tak dapat berkuasa lagi....

Tapi boleh! jika iman Kita kuatlah dengan dugaan KEMEWAHAN & HABUAN dari orang yang pernah paling berkuasa di tingkat 4 JPM. By phantagarow82Author Profile Page on January 17, 2009 4:34 PM we dont need another airport at the same place. it would look crowded and messy. not elegant at all and shame to us malaysian for not being able to manage our space efficiently.. By "My Way"Author Profile Page on January 17, 2009 4:40 PM

Dear Tun,

The explanation by Tony really shows how much they want that KLIAEast badly.

It is true that we have such a huge amount of land at the present KLIA and all we need is just build another 1 or 2 satellite building exclusively for Air Asia only.

Ironically, the Cabinet can just agree to the idea or probably they are just 'yes man' to the PM and Tony. Sime Darby definitely fits the puzzle in this debacle as well! It must be a farewell gift for the PM, good grief! Probably it would be called Abdullah Badawi International Airport!...God forbid!

Just hope that this battle wud not dieoff, we've got to have our say and tell the government how much we are against this wastage of having another airport or will just be another laughing stock to and Thailand....which we are.... By Allen FrancisAuthor Profile Page on January 17, 2009 4:40 PM

Saya, Ahmad Adzlan Fadzli Bin Khairi, rakyat Malaysia, di sini meminta penjelasan dari Kerajaan Malaysia tentang pembinaan Lapangan Terbang Labu.

Saya, Ahmad Adzlan Fadzli Bin Khairi, rakyat Malaysia, di sini meminta Kerajaan Malaysia tidak menyembunyikan apaapa maklumat yang berkaitan dengan Lapangan Terbang Labu ini daripada rakyat.

Saya, Ahmad Adzlan Fadzli Bin Khairi, rakyat Malaysia, meminta Kerajaan Malaysia agar tidak memperkecil intelek rakyat dan membazirkan wang rakyat untuk sesuatu yang tidak perlu.

Saya Ahmad Adzlan Fadzli Bin Khairi, rakyat Malaysia. By AdliayobAuthor Profile Page on January 17, 2009 4:43 PM

Ybhg. Tun.

Sebagai salah seorang ALUMNI SMAP (Sek. Men. Agama Persekutuan, Labu) dan pernah menghabiskan masa 5 tahun disana ketika dahulu, saya ingin ucapkan BRAVO dan TAHNIAH kepada keduadua AirAsia dan Sime Darby kerana berjaya mewujudkan satu lagi airport yang canggih di negara ini.

Saya juga seorang pengguna aktif LCCT di KLIA memandangkan saya bermastautin di Semporna, Sabah. Dalam satu tahun, lebih 8 kali saya menggunakan LCCT sebagai 'gate' untuk saya berulangalik dari Malaysia Timur dan Malaysia Barat. Saya merasakan agak rimas kerana 'kesesakan manusia' setiap kali saya berada di LCCT.

Tetapi, selaku manusia yang berfikiran sihat (ditambah lagi hidup 22 tahun dizaman Tun yang selalu meminta rakyat memperkasa dan membudayakan ilmu) saya lihat banyak ruang kosong dan jalanraya yang panjang berlingkarlingkar untuk sampai ke LCCT. Jika LCCT diperbesarkan dengan mempergunakan tanah yang saya sebutkan tadi, maka tidak perlu kita bersusahpayah untuk membina sebuah lagi LCC di Labu, Negeri Sembilan.

Tetapi, macam Tun katakan dulu 'Sime Darby is as good as the government', maka siapalah saya selaku rakyat marhaien ini dan biasanya jika bersuara pun akan dikategorikan sebagai 'suarasuara sumbang' sahaja.

Dengan ini saya sekali lagi menyambut saranan pembinaan airport baru ini dengan seribu tandatanya (berdukacita dan menyampah) dengan tindaktanduk 'Ayahanda' Perdana Menteri kita kini, anakmenantunya, kroninya dan segala pencacai/tukang kipasnya dan mendoakan agar ia berjaya dilaksanakan (sesuai dengan kehendak rakyat yang sudah jemu dan jijik dengan pentadbiran BN sekarang ini) supaya kelak ia menjadi 'memorial' kepada keruntuhan sebuah dinasti.

Seperkara tentang media kerajaan saya juga mengucapkan SYABAS kerana sentiasa menyiarkan beritaberita berat sebelah dan teruskanlah siaran anda supaya BN akan tersungkur terus di bumi Malaysia.

Mungkinkah pertukaran pucuk pimpinan akan berlaku pada March ini? samasama kita tunggu. Kalau saya jadi PakLah saya akan kata: "Saya tidak boleh memilih Datuk Najib kerana dia telah membuatkan BN kalah dua kali berturutturut di Pulau Pinang dan Terengganu. Saya tidak boleh mewariskan kuasa kepada orang yang menyebabkan kekalahan parti. Maka dengan itu saya terus menjadi PM sampai masa yang ditentukan kelak. Lagipun, LCCT di Labu baru sahaja siap dan masih belum lagi saya rasmikan". Sebaik saya melafazkan katakata itu... seperti biasa, maka saya pun 'TER'tidur lena. By melayumerdekaAuthor Profile Page on January 17, 2009 4:46 PM

Salam hormat YABhg Tun,

Merger Sime Darby (SD), Guthrie dan Golden Hope belum tentu menguntungkan pemilik saham, khususnya pemegang saham ASB kerana ada merger yang gagal; yang pasti untung beratus juta ialah oihak tertentu (pakar runding dan broker).

Kemudian SD buat kesilapan kerana tamak untuk memiliki IJN sehingga rakyat mengamuk. SD gagal untuk belajar dari kesilapan tersebut lalu melakukan kesilapan yang lebih bodoh lagi iaitu hendak membina lapangan terbang di Labu.

Tun Musa HItam selaku Pengerusi dan Pengarah Urusan SD (DATO' AHMAD ZUBIR MUSHID) patut letak jawatan untuk memikul kesilapan dan kebodohan tersebut.

TK. By HOT ZOOMAuthor Profile Page on January 17, 2009 4:47 PM

Salam Tun,

Apa cerita ni? KLIA ngan Labu tu berapa jauh ada ke 3000 km jarak nya.Asyik nak bazirkan duit rakyat je apahal ni.Cubalah cari jalan lain yg bermenafaat sikit agar wang rakyat digunakan untuk betul2 kepada keperluan rakyat.Nilah masalah yg dihadapi oleh org besar.Mmg ada 'dapat' sikit kalau buat projek mega tu. By Wak NalAuthor Profile Page on January 17, 2009 4:51 PM

Sime Darby is the mastermind all about .

KLIA still the best our airport and at he moment our country no urgency to built new airport. So why to waste our rakyat money.

TQ. By MohdAuthor Profile Page on January 17, 2009 4:54 PM this sounds like another monumental waste of money which is quite common nowadays.. even klia seems to be underutilized.. there,s no point in building a new one.. unless to fill certain people's pockets By cikokuiAuthor Profile Page on January 17, 2009 5:02 PM

WELL SAID TUN... but this fella.. what is his name.. tony..whatever.. still want to "tegakkan benang yg basah". I guess a lot of money has been involved to make this plan happen. so by hook or by crook.. he has to make sure this project will not scrap by the government. he even make a special blog to explain to pplz about this stupid airport. i wonder who is behind this project... i don't think it's tony... By Q'tikAuthor Profile Page on January 17, 2009 5:22 PM

SAY NO TO KLIA IN LABU By sniperAuthor Profile Page on January 17, 2009 5:23 PM i don't know why they call it the 'rakyat's terminal'. it's supposed to be a terminal for everyone in the world! it's an international airport for god's sake. make it simple, link it up closely and let travelers have an easy transit experience. the more people there are in one single place the more an airport's shops there would be that would be good for the local economy. being a budget terminal miles away, we have to drag our 30+kg of luggage from one terminal all the way to another and line up again to check in. what are foreigners going to think about this? why would someone need to transit in KL if they can do so much easier in singapore? i'm sure we can build another extension of the existing KLIA with a smaller budget without the so called 'luxuries'. furthermore if there's so many places one can fly to from KLIA's budget extension, there might be even more airlines willing to fly to KL. it's a synergy that will bring about growth. please focus on the benefit to both the country and the travelers who paid to travel (by air i mean not by carrying luggage, taking trains/cabs for miles, and line up again as if there's no better thing to do.) By Muhammad HalimAuthor Profile Page on January 17, 2009 5:33 PM

More things to consider tun Building an airport involves heavy investment in a depleting resource. Many geologists agree that the world supply of cheap oil has peaked and is declining. Major oil companies have reported that the replacement rate of their oil reserves has plunged. The fact that rail gives more value for the oil buck is widely known but bears repeating. A 150seat airplane has a fuel consumption rate of 44.7 passenger miles per gallon. By comparison, a train of five coaches with at least 300 passenger seats has a fuel consumption rate of 292 passenger miles per gallon.

Air travel is a heavy polluter An airport at Labu would provide another setback to Malaysian’s commitment to reduce air pollution. Air pollution is just one of several negative environmental effects of airports. The deicing process and spilled aviation fuel are water polluters. Building runways often requires the realignment of waterways; an activity that has serious implications to others.

An airport at Labu will produce jobs, but at a price. Admittedly, airports generate jobs both directly and indirectly. However, the view that jobs must always trump environmental concerns is short sighted and dangerous since it makes no provision for experimentation and innovation. Industries, particularly emerging industries that are environmentally benign can also produce significant numbers of jobs if they are given the opportunity and the support.

Construction of an airport at Labu will take fertile agricultural land out of production. (, kolam ikan maybe) Taking this land out of production accelerates the already destructive decline of land available for cultivation.

The close proximity of the proposed Labu Airport to the KL International Airport is a recipe for disaster. The two are much too close for comfort.

The “demand” for air transportation is a created demand. The usual “demand” argument is recited in the draft report as a reason to build an airport at LAbu. The usage of LCCT is expected to increase, there fore, “so does the need for accessible and convenient air travel.” The belief that certain modes of transportation are more popular than others and therefore, should be supplied has a flaw wide enough to hold a Bombardier jet. “Build it and they will come” is the explanation for this phenomenon. In other words, provide air travel and neglect alternative forms of transportation, and the public will choose to fly. Rail, is a neglected alternative that needs to be built.

Ask Air asia do Water Asia or Land Asia. The labu airport brings no good. The existing airport LCCT and KLIA should be fully utilized first before building a new one. KLIA should be more flexible with the leasing and licensing.

Sekian. By snizam7Author Profile Page on January 17, 2009 5:34 PM

Saya berpendapat Master Plan asal KLIA harus diikuti bagi mengelak pembaziran. Amat menyedihkan pelaksanaan sesuatu projek yang dikaitkan dengan rakyat sebenarnya dilaksanakan hanya untuk kepentingan suatu kumpulan tanpa memikirkan manfaatnya kepada masyarakat. Dengan hubungan lebuhraya yang baik diantara Kuala Lumpur , Seremban dan Melaka maka pembinaan KLIA East tidak akan memberikan impak yang besar kepada pengembangan ekonomi. Kerajaan harus lebih rasional dalam melaksanakan sesuatu projek agar dalam kegawatan ekonomi ketika ini hanya perancangan yang lebih teliti akan dapat membantu pemulihan ekonomi dengan lebih cepat lagi.

Saya bukan penentang pembangunan tetapi ingin mengingatkan kerajaan bahawa rakyat sudah pandai menilai dan tidak menerima bulatbulat apa yang dihidangkan oleh kerajaan.

Saya berharap kerajaan menimbang semula keputusan ini.

Selamat Berjuang Tun. By hisham1Author Profile Page on January 17, 2009 5:36 PM salam, i also think that there is something wrong with the idea to develop the Labu airport. the name labu was not a nice one too ;) By Saleh The UddinAuthor Profile Page on January 17, 2009 5:44 PM


Again Sime Darby with its redundant business intentions. I suggest that they (Sime Darby) should look into reviving Plaza Rakyat replacing that old obsolete Puduraya or, why don't the decision makers at Sime Darby just take a ride in our Monorail from KL Sentral to Chow Kit and see many unfinished/incomplete building left idle, right in the city centre that can turn to new business centre/usage. By guybrush3rpwoodAuthor Profile Page on January 17, 2009 5:46 PM

This only proofs that "a thinking man/woman" is a mandatory requirement for leadership. By ariekaAuthor Profile Page on January 17, 2009 5:50 PM

AA just couldn't stop bullsh***ing. And those ppl in the govt are so greedy.

What goes around comes around.. do you think your children will be in peace Tony?? God is so Almighty FAIR. Your greed will eat up your family eventually.. amin.. By spawanAuthor Profile Page on January 17, 2009 5:59 PM

I am a big fan of AirAsia for what it has done to Malaysia. It has allowed Malaysians from all walks of life to travel to see the world, to widen their horizons, to open up opportunities elsewhere at minimal costs. It has also proudly enhanced Malaysia's name to the rest of the world. I admire Dato Tony Fernandes very much and I feel he fully deserves the credit he gets.

However, the 'KLIA East' proposal, in my opinion, makes no sense. I have tried to review the pro's & con's of this proposed project and I personally feel that the con's outweigh the pro's this time.

It is simple; duplication is a waste of resources, even if it is financed privately by SimeDarby. Especially with the proposed site being so close to the current airport.

I also feel that MAHB should work with AirAsia to come to a comprimise regarding the airport fees, direct access to the ERL at the LCCT etc. It can and it should be achieved for the benefit of all parties and the country as a whole. If this is done then , AirAsia can do what it is best at (running a low cost carrier), MAHB can do what it is best at (running airports) and SimeDarby can do what it is best at which is running plantations. By nab38Author Profile Page on January 17, 2009 6:01 PM askum Tun,

Thats normal Tun,i dont think Malaysia needs a new airport right now to cater for Air Asia or what not..they can make do with current facilities..semuanya ada udang sebalik batu ...somebody is going to be the next billionaire in Malaysia if the project goes through... regards Tun and keep up the good work... By akupunyaAuthor Profile Page on January 17, 2009 6:07 PM ini semua sebab krisis antara Air Asia dan MAHB. Kedua2 entiti ini mempunyai hubugan yang sangat tawar. MAHB memang selama ini tidak menyukai Air Asia kerana Air Asia begitu banyak songeh, banyak cakap dan banyak prvoke. Air Asia pula merasa begitu hebat dan rasa terhina apabila MAHB tidak mendegar cakap mereka, kerana pihak Air Asia merasakan merek alebih bijak dari MAHB.

Semua ini berlaku adalah berdasarkan emosional decision, not a strategical decision. Air Asia gah kerana anak angkat Perdana Menteri berbanding MAHB.

Dua2 ini adalah kebanggaan rakyat Malaysia. kenapa perlu berelagah semata mata untuk menaikkan nama dan kehebatan masing2 dengan mengorbankan nilai2 kesejahteraan untuk rakyat dan alam?

Nampak di sini, ketamakkan (greddy) melampaui moral. sudah2lah...upgrade saja LCCT kat KLIA tu. untuk kos rendah sebagai pengangkutan sambungan dari kapal terbang, bina sahaja komuter dari LCCT melalui laluan2 baru yang lebih menguntungkan termasuk ke dalam putrajaya berbanding ERL, bina monorail untuk hubungkan terminal utama KLIA dengan LCCT, bina lebih banyak hotel murah dan lebih baik Sime Darby usahakan kawasan penempatan baru di kawasan berdekatan LCCT itu sebagai pusat pertumbuhan baru.

Kemudahan teksi dan bas sudah ada. tidak ada masalah. mengenai kemudahan lapangan terbang itu sendiri, sebagai termina tambang murah, nampak tidak ada masalah untuk membesarkan landasan dan pintu masuk kapal terbang. Cuma bina sahaja.

Yang penting, MAHB kurangkan birokrasi, Air Asia pula berhati perut. Ka hebat kalau keduadua entiti hak milik Malaysia ni bekerjasama elok2.

"Jangan kerana nampak jerami itu kering, kita hanya guna puntung rokok sahaja untuk membakarnya, padahal di dalamnya ada banya yang masih basah".

Jangan biarkan diri CEO2 hebat kita dibelenggu ketamakkan dan kebodohan abad baru. By Jed YoongAuthor Profile Page on January 17, 2009 6:15 PM

"55 Gates", etc

If there is no bridge, wouldn't a huge waiting hall with taxing buses be sufficient? What's this great need for gates? Are they having flights every minute? Mind boggling. By kamal ahmadAuthor Profile Page on January 17, 2009 6:17 PM

Salam Ayahanda Tun. This labu airport is close to being put into deep freeze by the board of Sime Darby. It was all just a bail out for Air Asia parent company, Tune Air. Its an open secret that Tune Air had a disastrous financial year 2008. Creative accounting in or otherwise, that’s the real tune this time Tun. From what I’ve heard, that new Labu Airport would be anew cash cow for Tony. He could either operate it directly or make good money over it with all LCC flying into Malaysia be made to use that airport by the government, or he could just lease out the whole package and just go relax somewhere counting his millions and perhaps even billions. In any case, it would be a breather on his current economic pitfall. What is an airport without a runway? Its like the penguin, technically classified as a bird, but it can’t fly and can only swims. So Tony Fernandez expected all the planes to taxi in and out of the Labu Airport into the runways at KLIA, and then changed that into “building a runway” for the new airport? It all just sounds like an ill prepared statement and mere postscript afterthoughts. The new Labu Airport was set to nestled smack in the corridors of Sime Darby Central Vision Valley, a new town ship encompassing several smaller bird brains development packages. Well, like I have said before – for Tony to sell the idea of a “stand alone airport” would be kind of a hard push even for the owner of 70 airbuses. So couple that to the Sime Darby Central Vision Valley, that happens to be promising spurring this and that, so maybe it would look like a real honest to goodness economic stimulus development package for Labu and its vicinity. So we come to my next point, which is: both Air Asia wants to go into the airport business and construction sector, or Sime Darby wanting to into airport business and maybe even the LCCs. Sounds like there exist a common platform in between those two and it also sound like there is a common player here. A silent and yet elegant common player trying to bail out cronies with that quickie airport in Labu, sugar coated with the Sime Darby Central Vision Valley thing. So if this goes through, I am almost 95% sure that only the Labu Air Asia Airport would see the light of day, leaving Sime Darby Central Vision Valley eating dust. Air Asia (and cronies) needs a bailout, and an LCCT airport business would fix that (and they don’t really need a runway), it would do wonders to their balance sheets locally and internationally. A stand alone airport is a no go idea. So get Black Moses to cook up a bird brained development package to it and then just get things on the go and just confuse enough people to actually see it gets done. This would improve all the credit ratings on Air Asia, and maybe even perhaps make it attractive enough to offer some new foreign partners into their business for some really quick cash deal...or why not just sell everything at a much improved pricing and parachute out with Abdullah? Its all about covering loses and a soft bailout. Tun, this all reminds me more and more to the aborted millions at ECM Libra Capital Berhad in 2006 with those dim witted duo, Kali and Khairy. But now its Tony and Khairy. :) By Mohamed IsmailAuthor Profile Page on January 17, 2009 6:21 PM

Please Gov, please stop the Labu Airport project... As you and everybody knew, we still got spaces to upgrade our LCCT airport..

All this issue will cut AirAsia cost and help enrich the cronies to built Labu Airport...

Come on Sime Darby, you still can make other project to make profit.

Stop Labu Airport... By ibnu hamzahAuthor Profile Page on January 17, 2009 6:26 PM




Salam TUN,

All the facts that you highlighted do make sense to instigate the need for another airport. The only possible reason could be they (AIRASIA) want an autonomy from MAHB. They want to prove that they can do better than MAHB.

I watched Tony's presentation to justify for the new airport. He acted like a developer, an architect and perhaps a politician as he used a catchy word 'RAKYAT' for marketing. The issue here is that the fund will be from a private company so that no issue of government involvement etc...It has to be seen in a much broader perspective. What about the land acquisition and ownership? Why in Labu, Negeri Sembilan? Issue of sustainability? Environmental issue? etc...

If the government allows this develoment to realise. I would have thought that PETRONAS can even venture into many areas of business. Or even PNB. Petronas has cash reserve. Petronas can always build not only 1 may be 2 or 3 airports. The point is that focus in business area. Why can't Tony just focus on how to make profit on airline business rather than being a developer, an architect and a politician. Soon he will come out with the idea of producing Airasia oil in order to fly their aircrafts.

Airasia will never represent a Malaysian business company from my perspective as they are many evidences to indicate that the company belittled MAS and the country. One of its marketing banner in Brisbane shows that 'YOU PAY PEANUTS YOU GET MALAYSIA'. How would you interpret that?

Wassalam Srazali Aripin Brisbane Australia By mohd haiziAuthor Profile Page on January 17, 2009 6:51 PM

Assalamualaikum wbt..

Apa khabar Tun sekeluarga???

...well... rumours kliaeast nie pun ada saya dengar2 juga.... cumanya pelik laa....kenapa la nak dibuatnya airport baru...kalau betullah lcct tue xmampu menampung jumlah penumpang, kenapa tidak dibesarkan sahaja... diupgradekan... lagi murah kos nya rather than build the new airport.. jangan la diabiskan duit rakyat...siapa yang tak menyokong pembangunan..tapi..nie pembaziran... harap Tun dapatlah menasihatkan pak2 menteri yang xsedar diri tue.. wassalam By GEEALIAuthor Profile Page on January 17, 2009 6:58 PM







PUTERI BALING KEDAH. By iskandarAuthor Profile Page on January 17, 2009 7:02 PM

Salam Tun.

Kerajaan sepatutnya memikirkan apa yang sepatutnya dilakukan untuk menangani masalah kesesakan di LCCT dengan membelanjakan peruntukan ke arah itu. Bukan dengan membina satu lagi lapangan terbang yang akan menyesakkan ruang udara kita.

Saya harap pembaca2 semua dapat menyuarakan bantahan ke blog AirAsia seperi alamat di bawah: By AskayAuthor Profile Page on January 17, 2009 7:11 PM

Thank you, Tun for highlighting this new project at Labu. I 've just returned from Jakarta using the new arrival terminal LCCT. I've also been flying Air Asia to new destinations. And everytime I fly AA, I always think highly of Tony Fernandes and like to thank him for what he has done for Msia.

But this new development at Labu seems to be souring my impression of him as a genuine entrepreneur, the man who beat the big boys and Malaysia Airlines and came out victorious. Now is the opposite. He seems like the corporate opportunist using political connections for his own advantage at the expense of Msian taxpayers and Msia too. He is just another grovelling $$$ man. Whether he is being used or otherwise, for their greediness, I do not know. If he is, then Mr Tony Fernandes, you dont deserve the accolade given upon you. By kamarulzamanAuthor Profile Page on January 17, 2009 7:11 PM

Salam sejahtera YBhg Tun,

Nampaknya mereka seolah2 tidak tahu atau memang mengenepikan prinsip2 Kejuruteraan Awam dan prinsip2 Perancangan Bandar (KLIA Master Plan, etc). Prinsip2 tersebut amat penting untuk pembangunan yang teratur dan terancang sehingga ke 100 tahun.

KLIA munkin dikatagorikan didalam 50 years ataupun 1oo years design.

Daerah Labu masterplan tak boleh pakai lah dengan adanya airport baru ni.Kena buat baru.. By akupunyaAuthor Profile Page on January 17, 2009 7:12 PM

Tun, tolong jawab dengan isu ini:

Singapura Republik ini walaupun kecil tetapi taringnya lebih besar dari Harimau Malaya. Maka tidak hairanlah jika ada orang mengatakan jika Malaysia berperang dengan Singapura maka Malaysia akan kalah.

Sejauh manakah kebenaran katakata ini? Ianya memang benar. Singapura yang kecil itu sebenarnya menguasai hampir keseluruhan sistem keselamatan Malaysia melalui tali baruttali barut di Malaysia. Boleh dikatakan tiang seri ekonomi Malaysia hampir 60 % dimakan anaianai Israel yang bersarang di Singapura.

Israel Menguasai Malaysia Melalui Singapura Dalam menguruskan sistem keselamatan negara, salah satu aspek penting ialah sistem komunikasi dalaman iaitu antara pejabat persekutuan dengan ibu pejabat negeri. Kawalan ke atas sistem komunikasi amat penting kerana kebocoran maklumat akan menyebabkan pihak luar mudah meneroka strategi rahsia keselamatan negara. Namun sekarang, ia bukan sekadar tidak selamat, malah dimiliki sepenuhnya oleh Israel melalui agenagennya di Singapura. Sistem komunikasi PDRM dimonopoli terus oleh syarikatsyarikat Yahudi di Singapura. Perkara ini disahkan sendiri oleh akhbar pada 5 Ogos 2008 (Selasa).

Agen Israel Dalam Sistem Komunikasi PDRM Keseluruhan tender pembinaan sistem komunikasi yang akan ditukar dari analog kepada digital telah pun diserahkan secara rasmi kepada Asiasoft (M) Sdn. Bhd. (no. Syarikat : 150529H). Syarikat ini adalah milik penuh kepada syarikat tunggalnya iaitu Asiasoft Pte. Ltd. yang berpengkalan di Singapura. Nilai penuh tender yang diberikan kerajaan Malaysia ialah RM1 billion tetapi dikecilkan menjadi RM42 juta. Apa yang mencurigakan ramai penyelidik ialah 'individu' yang bertanggungjawab membina sistem itu. Individu tersebut dikenalpasti sebagai bekas tentera Israel yang berkhidmat sebagai programmer semasa di Israel. Programmer yang bernama Izhak David Naskar yang memegang pasport Israel bernombor 10902695 itu masih lagi warganegara Israel. Jadi, bolehkah kita menganggap ini suatu kebetulan? Paling membimbangkan ialah Izhak bukanlah tentera atau programmer biasa, beliau adalah 'pakar' sistem komputer yang telah memenangi anugerah daripada Kementerian Pertahanan Israel. Malah beliau juga bertanggungjawab membina sistem risikan berteknologi tinggi untuk pasukan pertahanan Israel sekitar 1970 hingga 1987. Seorang lagi rakan Izhak yang bertanggungjawab membina sistem komunikasi PDRM ialah Ido Sccheschter yang memegang pasport Israel bernombor 56626252. Ido pula lebih mencurigakan kerana selaku ahli pasukan yang bertanggungjawab membina sistem komunikasi untuk PDRM bersamasama Izhak, hingga saat ini beliau masih lagi seorang tentera Israel yang sah bukannya tentera pencen. Apakah yang menyebabkan PDRM mengambil orangorang Israel ini? Adakah kerana terdesak atau didesak? Bukankah lebih baik jika melantik programmerprogrammer dari kementerian pertahanan Iran yang sememangnya lebih pakar dari Israel.

Penguasaan Singapura dan Israel di Malaysia Seperti yang didedahkan sebelum ini bahawa Henry Kisingger telah pun berbincang sesuatu dengan mantan Perdana Menteri. Tetapi kita harus ingat perletakan jawatan Dr. Mahathir bukanlah titik noktah penguasaan Yahudi ke atas Malaysia.

Kerjakerja penguasaan Israel ini disambung pula oleh Khairy Jamaludin apabila bertungkus lumus menjual saham Pantai Holding kepada Parkways Holding iaitu syarikat milik pelobi zionis terkenal iaitu Richard Blum.

IsuIsu yang perlu diberi perhatian Penjualan saham Pantai Holding oleh Khairy Jamaludin kepada Parkways Holding. Jumlah saham sebanyak 31 peratus. Penjualan saham Telekom sebanyak 5 % kepada syarikat Singapura iaitu Temasik Holding. Syarikat MITV milik Israel di Singapura berjaya memenangi lesen penyediaan 3G di Malaysia. Kemenangan mengalahkan syarikat lain yang lebih layak iaitu DiGi.

Penjualan air Malaysia kepada Singapura yang tidak masuk akal sebanyak 3 sen untuk 1000 gelen. Untuk menampung keperluan air rakyat Johor, kerajaan perlu membeli semula air kepada Singapura dengan nilai 50 sen untuk 1000 gelen. Ini seperti memberi air percuma kepada Singapura. Dikhabarkan sistem keselamatan komputer Kementerian Pertahanan (MINDEF) sentiasa diserang hacker dari luar negara setiap 15 minit.

Kesimpulan Sehingga kini Singapura amat bergantung hidup kepada Amerika dan Israel. Keseluruhan sistem keselamatan dan ketenteraan Singapura adalah kembar siam dengan ketenteraan Israel. Apabila keberkaitan ini berlaku maka harus bagi kita melihat akan tujuan tersembunyi Singapura yang cuba menguasai ekonomi Malaysia. Kita harus sedar, negara Israel yang kecil itu sudah pun menguasai ekonomi kebanyakan negaranegara dunia berkuasa veto. Orangorang Israel adalah pemilikpemilik saham terbesar bagi syarikatsyarikat gergasi dunia. Saham adalah kunci pintu gerbang untuk memasuki ruang pembuat keputusan sesebuah negara. Walaupun pemimpin dipilih rakyat dan pemimpin akan mengikut kehendak rakyat, namun putaran itu akan kembali semula kepada penentu kemajuan ekonomi negara iaitu pemilikpemilik syarikat gergasi dalam negara. By I love JewsAuthor Profile Page on January 17, 2009 7:21 PM

Some of you say in regards to my post that it is stupid to say God will take revenge on our behalf..

Well, let me quote the bible for you:

Romans 12:19 "Never take your own revenge, beloved, but leave room for the wrath of God, for it is written, 'Vengeance is mine, I will repay,' says the Lord"

So you see, from the Christian perspective, we should never take revenge because God will avenge on our behalf. The bible teaches us to love our enemies and bless them that curse us. (So different from the quran's teachings)

Let me get it straight. I LOVE muslims, but I HATE Islam. Everyone is made in the image of God therefore I must love them yet I had the wrong teachings they have submitted themselves to. I love the people of palestinians and the jews alike..I wish they are not caught in such situations of war. However, this is a fallen world we are living in this is an IMPERFECT world where there will be hunger, famine, war..etc..

Let me sum up my belief for you by the command from Jesus Christ, my God and Saviour.

'This is my command to you, that you love one another' Jesus Christ.

By pemerhati politikAuthor Profile Page on January 17, 2009 7:34 PM

Pada pandangan saya ini adalah salah satu perancangan Khairi Jamaluddin (KJ) bagi membangunkan/memajukan Negeri Sembilan...sekurangkurangnya nilai hartanah di N9 dapat dinaikkan seperti ... By HajarAuthor Profile Page on January 17, 2009 8:29 PM

Dearest Yg Berbahgia Tun,


2. I believe, Sime and the government agreed with “LABU” as the location of the “fourth floor guys airport” so that it’s easier to change the name to “PAK LAH LABU LOW COST CARRIER AIRPORT”.

3. I also received an email from Air Asia asking me to support their proposed “Labu airport”. I replied by saying that I will not use Air Asia anymore if they move to Labu.

4. I have experienced being at a number of airports in the world, and from my point of view (without bias), KLIA is still the best airport in the world. Since it is still under utilized it is best if we make full use of it. There’s no VALID reason for building a new airport only 10km away from KLIA. It is DUMB! I wonder why the cabinet approved the project. This is the problem if we have a PM who’s not aware about a lot of things; lack of knowledge too.

Semoga segala usaha Tun berjaya dan sentiasa diberkati Allah SWT. By GongPauhAuthor Profile Page on January 17, 2009 8:32 PM

Salam Tuan,

Kita bolih perhatikan kebanyakan PROJET KILAT sama ada bina balai raya, gerai makan atau lapangan terbang, bukan untuk kesenangan rakyat tetapi untuk setengah pihak dapat kontrak. Sebab itu kita dapat perhatikan kebanyakan Projet Kilat yang di bina tak memberi faedah atau merugikan saja. Wallahualam. By Prabagaran GopalakrishnanAuthor Profile Page on January 17, 2009 9:02 PM

Dear Tun

I think the problem is that Air Asia has no confidence that MAHB can build a LCCT with the facility Air Asia requires in the time frame Air Asia needs. This feeling is not unfounded due to past failures by MAHB to give the facilities and charges that Air Asia needs.

I think Tun did not address this issue.

By TunAAuthor Profile Page on January 17, 2009 9:07 PM

Salam Tun dan rakanrakan bloggers

Rasanya elok kerajaan pula yang beri penjelasan mengapa projek ini dipersetujui. Apa rational kerajaan? By wanminAuthor Profile Page on January 17, 2009 9:17 PM

Salammualaikum TUN,

Your unprofesional comment is professionally accepatable. Everyone can look in the net about recommended international standard for airport planning and construction.

Most airport in the world can be considered an international infrastructure. Airport are designed to international standards to qualify as a certified ICAO(international civil Aviation Organization)Airport.

If you build an airport not in accordance to the standard and recommendation of ICAO,you will still have an airport but not a certified one.

International Airline will only operate from an ICAO certified airport.

This 'serawa'Labu airport will most likely not be recognized by ICAO and the disaster is,this Labu will drag down KLIA all together,because they are so close one will effect the other.

In Malaysia even military base is ICAO compliance.It is a wonder which company will give insurance coverage to a Low Cost Carrier which operate from uncertified airport.Maybe Sime will extend into aviation insurance next!!

By jerantutAuthor Profile Page on January 17, 2009 9:20 PM say no to the new waste project!!! aku dengar sekarang ni pencemaran udara dekat labu ni dah kritikal ar jugak.. labu ni dekat je ngan Nilai.. Nilai ni kawasn industri.. aku x tau ar sbb apa ramai sngt suka duk nilai.. bnyak kawasn perumahn baru naik.. x tau ke Nilai ni kawasn yg sngt bahaya dan trdedah dengan risiko udara yang tercemar.. kalu tegok tahap pencemaran kat nilai ni memang korang trkejut gak ar.. tp mesti ramai yg x tau nye.. pastu labu ngan nila ni da la dekat.. nk buat plak lg lpangan trbang.. huh.. lagi la trcemar nye udara kat situ.. tu blum lg masuk bab kawasn tadahan yg akan terlibat.. huh.. huh.. abis ar negeri sembilan.. da la negeri kecik je.. bukan nye besar mcm negeri aku ni.. esok kalu jadik ar projek ni.. huh.. aku rasa mesti banyak masalah timbul.. ngan bnjir, traffic, pencemaran, ngan bisingnye lg.. huh.. memang yg nk buat ni pikir duit je.. yg trlibat pun sama mesti de masuk jugak tu.. huh.. huh.. kalu x takkan ar tetiba je nk buat.. huh.. negeri sembilan tu da la kecik, takkan ar korang nk abiskn tanah kat situ utk buat lapangan trbang je.. dlu nk buat KLIA ngan sepang pun dah amik banyak da tanah kat negeri sembilan tu.. ni nk tambah lg.. labu ngan KLIA tu bukannya jauh sngt.. cukup2 ar dgn lapangan trbngnye.. aku memang x sokong 100%.. nk amik jalan mudah je nk dpt untung.. otak x kreatif langsung.. dulu nk mulakn syrikat penerbangn tambang murah, sngt2 la kreatifnye.. skang ni da kaya langsung jd x kreatif.. suma nk kaut.. pikir ar sikit.. tmbah baik apa yg ada kat KLIA tu kan boley.. huh.. KLIA tu pun da besar da.. pikir ar kraeatif skit.. pikir pasl alam sekitar yg trlibat jugak.. aku ni sensitip sikit pasal alam sekitar ni.. huh.. huh.. peace.. love our environment, love our nation.. kepimpinan melalui teladan..

By Ahmad kamalAuthor Profile Page on January 17, 2009 9:53 PM

Saya baru berjumpa dengan Dato kamaruddin dan bertanya kapada nya apakah rationalnya untok pergi ka labu dan membena airport sendiri.

Jawabnya,MAHB terlalu cookie.Melayan Air Asia saperti anak tiri dan mahu Air Asia membayar kapadanya dengan bayaran yang biasa.

Kejayaan Air asia telah memberi kejutan kapada ramai Oeang.yang paling ketara ialah komen dari Lee Kuan Yew.Ia berkata ia tak sangka yang budget Airline bagitu berjaya sekali dan Singapura terpaksa bertindak dengan pentas.Ia membena LCCTnya.kalau di banding dengan LLLT di Sepang amat memalukan. kalau Tun ada masa cuba melawat LCCT.macam pasar Selayang di pagi hari.Jumlah penumpang melimpah ka luar.Tiada tempat dudok di sediakan.kemudahan tiolat tak cukup.panas dan tidak teratur.MAHB telah membelanjakan 110 juta.

Kamaruddin berkata,Air Asia sekarang telah membawa penumpang melebehi SIA.In satu kejayaan yang membanggakan.kenapa ia di anak tirikan.

Kenapa MAHB bias kapada Mas.Firefly di benarkan terbang dari Subang.Kenapa AirAsia tidak di benarkan.Cuba lihat berapa banyak MAHB telah belanjakan untok memajukan Subang.Cantek dan cangeh.

Kwejayaan Air Asia patut dijadikan satu contoh anak Melysia tampa bantuan kerajaan berjaya mengatasi SIA.Mengikut kamaruddin,Temasek mahu mambeli saham Air asia dan ia mahu Air Asia mengunakan sabagai Hubnya.

Untok,pengetahuan Tun.Khazanah bukan dan tidak menjadi pemegang saham AirAsia.Tabung haji ada 50 juta saham dan EPF ada 90 juta.

Kamaruddin juga hairan kenapa banyak orang mementeng rancangannya untok ka Labu dan membena terminal sendiri.Ia tidak mengunakan wang kerajaan.katanya penumpang akan dapat pergi ka Labu Railway station dengan hanya membayar tambang $5.50 sen,berbanding dengan $ 15 ringgitka KLIA dari central. By matsiamAuthor Profile Page on January 17, 2009 10:09 PM

Salam Tun

Tuu dia.....BN kalah lagi di Terengganu.Padan muka UMNO. Lepas ni boleh buat satu lagi airport kat Seremban ke Rasah ke atau Senawang ke kan.

Pak Lah,Pak Lah......

MOHD ZAMANEY KSAH Old Boys 85' By faudziAuthor Profile Page on January 17, 2009 10:14 PM

Akum TUN saya rasa LCCT di Labu yang baru ini tidak lebih daripada mencari peluang sementara si bahlol (PM Tido) masih ada oleh Musa Hitam dan konco konconya untuk mencari wang wang...

Tony Fernanadez tidak boleh fikir ke untuk negara kita malaysia, buat apa nak membazir pada benda yang dah ada dan mampu untuk tujuan yang diinginkan.

Saya dengar cerita banyak projek kecil kecilan dah dijanjikan kepada orang2 tertentu yang setia.. hee heee. mungkin ada deal belakang kot.. By Mas MerahAuthor Profile Page on January 17, 2009 10:15 PM

Hebatnya Sime Darby semua dia nak hentam ladanglah, hospital jantunglah, lapangan terbanglah, lepas ni apa lagi?

Bravo SD, tetapi jangan sampai yang dikejar tak dapat yang dikendung berciciran...... By tanoAuthor Profile Page on January 17, 2009 10:19 PM

I remember when doing the video during KLIA's construction that it would have 2 main terminal buildings and 4 satellite buildings (by 2053?). In fact, to me, the present LCCT shouldn't have been built for expanding the present KLIA facilities would be enough...but when politics and moneycraved orang politik are involved...what much can we say??? By HOT ZOOMAuthor Profile Page on January 17, 2009 10:32 PM

Salam, Akibat tidak mendengar kata.Inilah apa yg kerajaan dah dapat dari perbuatan mereka By RoyAuthor Profile Page on January 17, 2009 10:37 PM

Dear TUn,

It's all about few personal trying to make money.... I don't see the need especially when KLIA is yet to be fully utilised. I am a frequent traveler and everytime I am at KLIA, I feel pathetic.

We don't know how long Air Asia can sustain its business.....

I think many Malaysians wish that KLIA be used to the meximum before government thinks to have another airport. By johndoeAuthor Profile Page on January 17, 2009 10:39 PM tun, we dont need another airport... as suggested, klia be enhanced to cater for air asia needs... or is it pork barrel politics ie to give project to sleepy paklah's crony By abdullahajAuthor Profile Page on January 17, 2009 10:45 PM

Many still cannot believe why the government approved the Labu airport. Our neigbours are laughing at us for yet another unclever decision. I am confident to say that 80% of airasia's passengers were malaysian, will these travellers travel every month? to meet the 27 million mark by 2014.

The Tigers and Lions are also doubling their flights around this region. Can Airasia maintains and keeps its customers?

We have enough white elephants here so please review the decision. Do not rush in making decision as it makes one to think of a "personal interest" is involved.

Labu Labi By membrAuthor Profile Page on January 17, 2009 10:48 PM


Duit rakyat tak boleh dibazirkan dengsn sewenangwenangnya.

Disinilah tanggungjawab kerajaan BN dan PM.

Kalau pembinaan lapangan di Labu menjadi nyata dan semua orang tahu ianya tak perlu dan membazir, BN memang mencari nahas. By HajarAuthor Profile Page on January 17, 2009 10:57 PM

Salam Yg Amat Berbahgia Tun,

Tun, saya dah agak UMNO/BN pasti tewas di KT. Sebabnya mudah. Orang ramai sudah TERAMAT MELUAT, MUAK DAN AMAT MARAH dengan Pak Lah & Co. Isu ”LABU AIRPORT” salah satu punca kekalahan. Majoriti PAS lebih 2,500.

Saya tidak menyokong PAS kerana PAS TERBUKTI cuma menjadi kuda tunggangan DAP; banyak tindaktanduk PAS amat mengecewakan terutama di Perak. Tapi, saya ada berdoa, jika kekalahan BN/UMNO di KT PERLU untuk MENYEDARKAN Pak Lah & Co, biarlah BN/UMNO kalah. Jika tidak, Pak Lah & Co akan bertambah ANGKUH dan LUPA DIRI, dan UMNO akan terus hancur.

Kepada Pak Lah & Co, “Selamat Jalan”, insaflah. Jangan lagi buat keputusan yang tidak cerdik dan merugikan rakyat.

Semoga segala usaha Tun berjaya dan sentiasa diberkati Allah SWT. By kamal ahmadAuthor Profile Page on January 17, 2009 11:15 PM

Salam Ayahanda Tun, izinkan saya sedikit ruang disini untuk menjadi individu pertama mengucapkan tahniah kepada BN atas kejayaan besar mereka di P036 Kuala Terengganu. Adik saya si Kamarul baru telefon bagi tahu berita kemenangan besar ini kepada saya. Terima kasih Tun atas ruang ini.

Assalamualaikum YAB Pak Lah, saya mengucapkan setinggi tahniah kepada YAB Perdana Menteri yang dikasihi dan dihormati diatas kejayaan besar calon BN Datuk Wan Ahmad Farid memenangi pilihanraya P036 Kuala Terengganu. Jelas sekali ini menunjukkan kepercayaan tinggi daripada rakyat Kuala Terengganu kepada kepimpinan BN dan juga UMNO. Ini juga telah sekaligus membuktikan kepada pengkritikpengkritik tegar Khairy di laman popular ini yang bahawasanya, calon pilihan Khairy ini telah dapat diterima dan disanjungi oleh rakyat di P036. Saya nampak masa depan yang sangat cerah bagi BN terutamanya UMNO untuk terus kekal memerintah Negara Malaysia selepas PRU13 kelak. Jelas sekali, sokongan padu daripada MCA, MIC dan Gerakan serta PPP yang telah turun padang berkempen senada dan seiring dengan UMNO dalam pilihanraya ini telah berjaya membuahkan kemenangan BN yang lebih besar pada kali ini. Sekali lagi saya mengucapkan tahniah kepada jentera BN khususnya Datuk Abdul Azeez dari UMNO dan juga tidak lupa, kepada YB Khairy Jamaluddin. Sekali lagi, saya mengucapkan tahniah kepada YAB Pak Lah, YB Khairy, dan juga YAB Datuk Seri Najib.

UMNO: Dulu Kini dan Selamanya! Cemerlang Gemilang Terbilang! Hidup Pak Lah! Hidup Khairy! Hidup Najib! Hidup UMNO!

Sekian, wassalam dan terima kasih. By joe ibrahimAuthor Profile Page on January 17, 2009 11:16 PM

Salam Tun,

Ingat kenangan masa guna Subang Airport dulu. Turun flight kena pulak bas nak ke terminal 1, 2 atau 3. Lupa SZB, kita ada KUL KLIA, sekarang ni ke Labu..

Macam2... By suaramelakaAuthor Profile Page on January 17, 2009 11:26 PM

Salam yang di hormati Tun,

BN kalah lagi kini di KT. Apakah pemimpin tidak sedar lagi bahawa rakyat telah menyuarakan perasaan kecewa mereka terhadap pemimpin yang tidak telus di PUM 2008 dan masih buat pekak/ buat bodoh sahaja dgn mengumumkan keputusan mereka mengenai projek Labu Labi ini pula? Lagi sekali tidak telus, apakah hendak UMNO dan BN hancur kelak? Ya Allah selamatkan UMNO dari pemimpin yang tamak haloba ini! Wahai pemimpin pemimpin dan ahli ahli UMNO, ambillah pendirian yang berani dan jujur dan jangan fikir hendak kayakan diri sendiri sahaja. Berjuang kerana dan untuk rakyat sprti pengasas parti kita dulu ! By NaguibAuthor Profile Page on January 17, 2009 11:36 PM

Dear Tun,

It seemed these days SIME DARBY's decision making had been done by "invincible hands". Labu Airport saga is another "unwised" bussines making decision. SIME DARBY was not disturbed by anybody during the time of the former SIME CEO Tan Sri Nik Mohamed. Tan Sri Nik left SIME with billions of cash and SIME is still a very profitable company. The current CEO Dato Seri Zubair should aware that Sime belong to 10.5 millions shareholders where most of them are BUMIPUTRAS as claimed by him during IJN saga. How's ironic. The shareholders interest should be protected and not repeated similar to IJN saga and SIME BANK "blackepisode".


Proud to be product of DEB. By nase2Author Profile Page on January 17, 2009 11:38 PM

Salam buat Tun,

Nampak gaya Tun tak letihletih nak kondem projek Labu ni. Biarlah, Pak Lah nak buat satu lagi koridor ekonomi dia.

Yang diberi kat Sime Darby di utara sana, tigatiga negeri dah tumbang. Habis tu, peruntukan kat sana bawak la turun mai sini. Dekat sikit dengan kampung menantu senang nak kontrol.

KWSP pun tak lama lagi ada tabungan dekat setengah trilion, kalau tak bagi pinjam projekprojek macam produktif macam Airport labu ni, terperam la duit macam simpan duit siling dalam labu Sayong. Susah CEO KWSP ni nak urus duit banyakbanyak.

Lepas tu, dalam PRU akan datang, NS lak tumbang dan mintak la Sime Darby angkut duit dia ke negeri lain.

Cadangan lebih baik kerajaan DAP Pulau Pinang dah mintak LCCT kat Bayan Lepas. Sime Darby boleh la buat kat sana kerana AMAT BERTEPATAN SEKALI sempena dia jadi entiti teras NCER.

Good luck.. By CVAuthor Profile Page on January 17, 2009 11:41 PM

Dear Tun,

Firstly, wishing you a Gong Xi Fai Cai and good health always.

As for the KLIA East issue, I am totally confused and lost on why we need to build so many airports in the vicinity of KL and Sepang. It does not make any economic sense at all.

KLIA could not be built as a RM10 billion white elephant and its capacity been under utilised for the next 20 years.

Why can't MAHB and AirAsia both GLCs sit down and resolve the issue for the interest of our nation. The fact is that our resources should be better utilised and should not be used for the benefits of a few individuals.

So, Tun., for the good our nation, I really hope that you can do more to “influence” the current government to stop this type of nonsense. By asuhasutaAuthor Profile Page on January 17, 2009 11:42 PM

Assalamu'alaikum YA.Bhg Tun, Nampak gayanya bangsa kita dah kena teruk lah Tun..Kira macam pukulan maut juga..Kita kena cari pimpinan yang bijaksana macam Tun juga lah. Dato' Seri Najib pada saya ada wibawanya..Wassalam Tun By BenderbuzzAuthor Profile Page on January 17, 2009 11:44 PM

Salam Tun.

Teringat saya alkisah Cinderella yang menggunakan LABU sebagai kereta kuda dan tikustikus yang menjadi kuda penariknya.

Betapa Cinderella bergegas pulang sebelum tiba waktunya (12.00 midnite) sebelum kuda dan keretanya bertukar kembali menjadi tikus dan LABU.

Sekarang bayangkan keadaan kita sekarang; Projek Airport LABU (Sime Darby), "Cinderella aka youknowwho", kudakudanya dan tarikh akhirnya (Mac 2009).

Apakah tikus berjaya membaiki LABU atau Cinderella akhirnya lari lintangpukang hingga tertinggal "kasutnya"? By syuhadaAuthor Profile Page on January 17, 2009 11:51 PM

Salam Tun yang dikasihi, nak tunggu plak apa tony nak kata pasal pembinaan lapangan terbang baru atas tanah kelapa sawit. Air asia/sime darby... apa nak jadik nih.... labu labi tul la... By perak55Author Profile Page on January 17, 2009 11:54 PM

I stay in Bandar Enstek. Tony masa utk tunjukkan belang & pengaruh. Hanya semata2 Air Asia dah popular he feels he can get away with everything. Air Asia, with short, skimpy dress stewardess nothing M'sia / patriotic at all just a mere alternative. With support from Pak Lah, Sharizat and all kuncu2 he try to ridicules Msian.

For the harmony of Malaysian, for reducing air, noise and land pollution please stop making this mistake.

Jangan lah kerana keegoan dan kesombongan pemimpin bakal merosak dan meranapkan masa depan bangsa dan negara By OumonoAuthor Profile Page on January 17, 2009 11:59 PM

I'd say someone is too ambitious but i agree with you Tun. There must be another reason for it. It could be Sime Darby wants to be in airport business. Who knows next would be taking over the nation maybe? Then there will be no more election and we'll save money on election. I'm seeing the WallE movie as our future scenario.

Hazman Abu Bakar. By Tuah DerhakaAuthor Profile Page on January 18, 2009 12:11 AM

Tun.... labu dgn luncai nak terjun...biarkan...biarkan... saya nak komen pasal kekelahan semalam ingatkan Tun dh tulis pasal kekalahan BN kat K.Terengganu, Pak Lah ptt letak cepat2 la jawatan, najib pun pandangan seroing dkt dia ckp2 payah nak buang dah..lagi satu jgn la masa nak mengundi turun duit,projek, iktiraf ini iktiraf itu buat ini buat itu dekat tempat pilihanraya,nampak sgt keburukan tu.... bagi rakyat pendidikan,bagi rakyat teknologi, bagi rakyat kemudahan lepastu nak tipu rakyat..tlg la ni bukan zaman dulu nak buat macam tu semua...sedaq la diri musibat punya pak lah By pujannga7Author Profile Page on January 18, 2009 12:37 AM

A'kum Tun,

Off topik sikit. Saya terkejut melihat KT jatuh kepada PAS memandangkan TPM mewawarkan BN bakal memperolehi majoriti yang lebih besar. Melihat kepada statistik PRU yang lepas, tidak menghairankan kerusi parlimen boleh bertukar tangan kerana majoriti nya adalah sedikit. Di dalam temubual Awani sebentar tadi mengatakan DUN bandar majoriti chinese telah memihak kepada PAS. Kalau begini trend nya, Trengganu bakal jatuh kepada PAS pada PRU yang akan datang. Lebih memalukan keran TPM telah mengetuai 2 pilihanraya kecil tetapi akhirnya mengaku kekalahan. Telah sampai masa nya TPM memikirkan strategu untuk PRU yang akan datang. Cara berfikir BN sekarang telah lapuk. Telah sampai masanya TPM menerima nasihat daripada Tun.

Sekian Pujangga7 By daniel noorAuthor Profile Page on January 18, 2009 12:40 AM

Pak Lah is leaving this March 2009. Goodbye and Goodriddance. If Najib want to prove that he is a better PM than Pak Lah and want to save this country and the Rakyat NOW IS THE TIME FOR NAJIB TO SAY 'NO' TO THIS PROPOSED LACCT LABUT !!

He has the power to instruct Khazanah not to agree to this new airport idea. Instruct Khazanah to pull out their investments then !!

No point of the Rakyat including Tun to talk and discuss this issue anymore.

The ball is at najib's feet. If he wants Bn to win handsomey in the next election HE HAS TO DO IT HIS OWN WAY !! HE CANNOT FOERVER BE A ' YES 'MAN TO AAB !!

FOR GOD SAQKE NAJIB, FOR ONCE SHOW YOUR REAL STRENTGH 11 By edfazlyAuthor Profile Page on January 18, 2009 12:53 AM salam...

Tun saya rase amat malu dengan pentadbiran sekarang ni... apelah terlalu ceteknyer penilaian utk melaksanakan sesuatu plan pembangunan... saya juga amat dukacita dgn kenyataan menteri MOT, apa dia ni terlebih belajar atau pegi belajar tapi tak tau ape ke?? andai dia baca komen saya ni...harap jawaplah

1. jika pembinaan LCCT diteruskan, bagaimanakah sistem jaringan pengangkutan? siapa yang akan funding kos2 membina, kawalselia dan agensi seperti JKR tidak terlibat ke? bukan ke duit rakyat juga akan mengalir? setahu saya... sekalipun ia pembiayaan swasta, bagimana nak tanggung semua kos2 terbabit jika ia terlaksa??

2. bila masa pulak projek yang berimpak tinggi tidak perlu dikemukakan plan pembangunan kpd agensi kerajaan??

3. kalau tidak perlu permakluman... bagaimane hendak kemukakan EIA bukankah ia melibatkan agensi dlm kerajaan?? bukan ke ia meningkatkan lagi kos perjalanan dan mase ke LCCT LABU? jadi bermakna rakyat kena gula2 saje tentang tambang murah..tertapi dikira semula kos rakyat untuk kesana, maka ia menjadi syarikat Tambang MAHAL

pada saya LCCT tu dah cukup baik dan hanya perlu beberapa perubahan kerana kapasiti LCCT KLIA boleh dipertingkat dan diperbesarkan lagi dan lagi...

Air asia ni pun satu hal... termakan pujuk rayu sime betul2 tamak simenergy darby.. pas nak IJN blom berjaya, inikan pula nak buat pelaburan pasal airport pulak?

TUN jika pekara macam ni berterusan maka akan menjadi B'End seperti mana RAHMAN code N utk Najib berti "END" utk Barisan Nasional

By natta.chai4Author Profile Page on January 18, 2009 1:01 AM assalamualaikum tun, first let's check the land title of the proposed labu airport.sime darby's involvement explains a lot too.all this "curi makan" is taking it's toll on UMNO. losing in terengganu explains a lot.Bernama by election coverage was almost like a true news coverage.carry on with the labu airport.come next election,it's a sure win for opposition.the Rakyat has had enough,WE WILL VOTE FOR THE OPPOSITION EVEN IF WE DON'T TRUST THEM CAUSE WE'RE SENDING UMNO A MESSAGE...CHANGE NOW OR LOSE IT ALL. all of Malaysia knows air asia is trying to kill MAS and KLIA,we also know who are the main player.this traitors will sell of Malaysia piece by piece for a quick allow this plan to proceed is obviously giving the Rakyat the wrong message.DEAR MALYSIAN,WE DON'T CARE ABOUT YOUR OPINION. DSNajib has failed even before taking his place as our P.M.he should thank paklah's pariah son in law and his beloved two timing wife for contributing to his failure. we are heading toward a society of lawless.those who abide the law loses and those who break them makes it.soon nobody's going to respect the law.everything can be bought or sold.the poor gets poorer and the rich gets richer. May ALLAH bless and protect us,INSYALLAH. By Headline MalaysiaAuthor Profile Page on January 18, 2009 1:09 AM


I am very impressed with the figures you have given above. The question is, why build the present LCCT in the first place? Why was the Main Terminal Building (MTB) of KLIA not expanded the last time to accommodate low cost carrier? By malimAuthor Profile Page on January 18, 2009 1:14 AM a'kum Tun...

1. Tidak dapat dinafikan Airasia telah banyak memberi peluang kepada rakyat Malaysia untuk 'now everyone can fly'. Namun kerajaan sepertinya memberikan 'kelebihan istimewa' terhadap Airasia sehingga mengancam perkembangan syarikat penerbangan lain?

2. Mengapa begitu? Apakah kerana sesetengan golongan berpengaruh mempunyai kepentingan tertentu dalam Airasia? Sehingga kerajaan hanya menutup mata terhadap monopoli tidak sihat yang dilakukan Airasia?

3. Pembukaan LCCT di KLIA belum terlalu lama dan belum digunakan secara maksimum, namun sekarang sudah dirancang untuk dibina sebuah airport baru? Lebih pelik lagi pada jaraknya yang terlalu dekat dengan KLIA.

4. Masalah bukan sahaja akan timbul dari segi pengaturan lalulintas udara, namun pembaziran yang bakal timbul terlalu besar. Seharusnya terdapat pendekatan yang lebih bijak untuk mieningkatkan kemampuan terminal yang sudah sedia ada.

5. Tergantung samada pembinaan KLIAEast sebagai sebuah lapangan terbang yang baru atau hanya pelebaran dari KLIA yang sedia ada, ia hanya akan menyebabkan pembahagian fungsi yang tidak wajar sehingga boleh menbyebabkan terhambatnya perkembangan dari salah satu lapangan terbang ini.

6. Seharusnya kerajaan berfikiran lebih objektif dan melakukan penilaian yang komprehensif untuk menjadikan KLIA sebagai 'hub' pengangkutan di rantau ini. Bukan hanya semata untuk memenuhi ketamakan sesetengan pihak! By azienmatAuthor Profile Page on January 18, 2009 1:18 AM

Kelewatan kerajaan dalam menangani isu ini seberapa segera akan merumitkan rakyat dan kerajaan itu sendiri. Kerajaan perlu membuat keputusan cepat, tepat dan yakin. Semua yang di sebut diatas adalah berkepentingan dengan kerajaan. Lebih lama ianya bisingbising maka ianya akan memburukkan dan menghakis kredibiliti syarikat 'rakyat' dan orang2 besar di dalam maupun di belakang mereka. Untuk memulihkan persepsi negatif rakyat terhadap syarikatsyarikat hitam ini memakan masa yang panjang (telah terbukti), ditambah executive/ businessman ini sudah tentu sukar menangkis serangan2 ini yang berbau politik. Sejaksejak ini banyak sudah kita lihat syarikat besar harapan rakyat kita entah mengapa menerima ujian begitu hebat, ada saja benda tak kena 'mereka' buat. Pemimpin perlu yakin dan tegas membuat keputusan dalam hal ini dan menghentikan semua ini. Adakah ini semua dinamakan persaingan dunia perniagaan atau permainan orang politik sebenarnya..? By ezrmAuthor Profile Page on January 18, 2009 1:21 AM

Assalamualaikum Y.Bhg Tun,

Nampaknya BN kalah di KT. ini sudah dijangka...memandangkan Pak Lah sudah menjanjikan jawatan kpd calon BN jika menang. Faktor ini juga boleh menyumbang kepada ketidakpuasan hati terhadap BN.

Pak Lah sudah berlepas untuk lawatan kerja ke negara luar, lawatan ke Bahrain selama dua hari mulai esok, dan diikuti lawatan dua hari ke Qatar dan diakhiri dengan lawatan dua hari ke Emiriah Arab Bersatu (UAE) bermula 22 Januari.

Wah...sempat lagi ke luar negara dalam menghitung hari2 terakhir...Kalau dah tak jadi PM nanti, susah agaknya nak ke luar negara dan disambut dengan rasmi. Dah hilang keistimewaan....nak harapkan jemputan khas untuk beri talk tentang ekonomi etc, apalah yang boleh diharapkan dari Pak Lah agaknya....

Dengar2nya, Tun Musa HItam juga turut serta dalam lawatan tersebut. agaknya utk projek Sime Darby di sana agaknya selepas projek airport Labu...mungkinkah Musa Hitam salah seorag penasihat Pak Lah selain anak menantu dan group tgkt 4?

Pak Lah..Pak Lah...masih tak sedar2kah rakyat dah menyampah dengan tindak tanduk beliau?

By extremelyhappyAuthor Profile Page on January 18, 2009 1:24 AM

I find it absolutely diabolical to build another airport when KLIA is still underused and has plenty of 'space' to cater for the demanding needs of AirAsia now and in the future.

KLIA is now voted the 4th best airports in the world (as seen on CNN of late) and wouldn't it be nice for tourists to see what a great airport Malaysia has to offer them rather than sending them off to a 'boxed up' looking riff raff cheapo airport.

There's obviously some 'deals' going on in the upper echelons of the ranks and all parties seem very much interested in filling up their back pockets and enjoy life to it utmost greatness with no great concern to the environment and public tax payers money.

British Government has just approved the 3rd runway at Heathrow.

It's never easy for them to finally decide on the 3rd runway. The environmentalist protestors are still raging outside the airport even as we speak. In fact, protestors had even breached airport security to protest close to the runway at Stansted Airport!

The decision towards creating Heathrow 3rd runway is probably understandable. Heathrow is one of the busiest airport in the world and they need another to feed the demand and also to ensure that it remains the hub for Europe and the world.

But this is nothing in comparison to KLIA. It is 'barren' compared to Heathrow (in terms of passenger traffic). So, why do Malaysia need another?

Where's the environmentalist people in Malaysia? Are they not voicing out their concern about air pollution, lower quality of life due to noise etc.? C'mon guys, I definitely would not want to live under the flight path. I'd move out.

Anyway, my point is AirAsia stay in KLIA and don't waste my tax money on some other stupid airport. You're just being greedy with divaish behaviour. Stop giving lame excuses! It's ridiculous!

Ambar. By azienmatAuthor Profile Page on January 18, 2009 1:36 AM

Adakah keputusan PRKKT menunjukkan rakyat kawasan itu masih raguragu, Dato Badawi akan menyerahkan jawatan PM kepada Dato Najib Mac ini? Kalau begtulah, sesungguhnya orang Kuala Terengganu silap, Badawi pasti akan serahkannya pada Najib, dia pasti serahkan! percayalah.. By NiceguyAuthor Profile Page on January 18, 2009 1:37 AM

Dear Tun,

Well written. Layman like us will not be able to visuallise how the building of Labu airport will resulted in wastage.

Cheers Niceguy By cheanoiAuthor Profile Page on January 18, 2009 2:02 AM

1. reading your blog is like reading `Logic diagrams', and it make my brain working.

2. I am from Kubang Pasu,Graduate from Local university and directly exployed to work in after graduating from university.

3. I fly back to Malaysia 34 times/year.Sometimes using changi airport to visit my brother who stay in JB.

4. Well, very sad to say i have to rank the three airport i use as:(1)Singapore Changi (2)Tokyo Narita,and (3)KLIA.

5. I believe you have used these 3 airport more than me, and i also believe you have seen these airports growth.Why KLIA's growth lost to the other 2 airports?

6. In japanese company, although you have done a good job, you will get 90% critize and 10% praise, and it is because of team work(although 90% is your work). Through this, one is motivated to accomplished a better result in the next task.This is how a japanese being trained to mprove from current situation although you think you already did a good job.Same for the company, and it is same for an airport management.

7. For KLIA, much improvement after its operation for the years? I only heard more and more passengers using KLIA, but everytime i want to go back Malaysia, the only choice i have for direct flight from Japan is MAS and Japan airlines JAL, and ANA(share code with MAS) and the price is very expensive. at the end, i chose to use changi as i have more choices, which mean i can find a cheaper flight.Just FYI, i can save around RM 2000/trip compare using changi airport from KLIA. KLIA is not yet able to be called as Asia/South east asia HUB at least in coming few years.

6. KLIALCCTSubang is all under MAHB. Frankly, I am doubt of MAHB management. Why MAHB can not fully expand and manage these airport, improve the service, facility, transportation etc. Subang airport is underutilised, KLIA is under utilised, relationship/partnership between MAHBAirasia in LCCT seems going to finish after labu being used.Firefly can not have any competitive advantage for domestic flight even through it is using subang airport. If Airasia is allow to use subang airport, what will be current situation?

7. All this is management and implementation. Why we stop growth where else other country is heading towards better and better.

8. Again it come to management and implementation. Pak lah is lack of this 2 DNA.

9. Airasia make Malaysia more popular and bring more tourist to malaysia, why MAHB or current goverment cannot play a role to manage it properly to bring benefit to all of us.Again, i blame it as poor management and no proper implemention/management of KLIA.

10. lastly, to Tun and family, Please do take care of health as it is more than anything. By rozi66Author Profile Page on January 18, 2009 2:19 AM

Salam to Tun and All, Basic problem: AirAsia and MAHB can't agree on the cost and facilities. Shouldn't the gov focus on these issues rather than choosing easy way out by building another airport? We dont need new airport!! Be firm and publish the detail. Make it transparent. If there is a will there is a way...unless the will is to make money. As pointed by many readers, directly and indirectly, rakyat money will be used in the end. Is this how gov plan on spending my hard earn "tax" money? My middle finger to all responsible in this shady deal.

Tony, as an Air Asia frequent flier, I support yr bussiness but not to the point that it is detrimental to the country. Channel yr energy to ensure yr new aircraft always looks new. They look "season" in comparison to other carriers (I fly alot due to my nature of work). Yr boarding process sometimes really looks like free for all (at the gate and in the plane). Yr steward/stewardess can do with less chit chatting noisily (between them) and better grooming. And ..yr communication people, they never reply my mail. Not even acknowledging it (remember yr email: "we aim to improve" on 29th Oct 2008).

God bless all of us. By Bosnia Global Air ExpressAuthor Profile Page on January 18, 2009 2:21 AM

Salam Tun,

KLIA Labu turn into pumpkin.....

KLIA sepertimana Tun tahu under utilize dari segala sudut. Dari Main Terminal Building, Satellite Terminal, Parking Apron, Runway dan airspace semuanya under utilize. Jadi mengapa dibenarkan pembinaan LCCT pada awalnya. Daripada MTB yang selesa dan aerobridge, penggunakan dipaksa menggunakan tangga di tepi dan luar aerobridge untuk menaiki pesawat dengan alasan kos aerobridge dalah amat mahal. Kemudian terbina LCCT di KLIA tanpa aerobridge dan kemudahan yang jauh lebih teruk dari MTB. Setiap kali hujan, penumpang akan menggunakan payung untuk ke pesawat di LCCT. Setelah sekian lama penumpang tersiksa, laluan koridor berbumbung terbina bagi keselesaan penumpang walaupun pada dasarnya aerobridge jauh amat selesa. Saya difahamkan caj aerobridge di MTB hanyalah RM85 sejam. Bagi pesawat A320 Air Asia dengan turn around 20 minit, 180 penumpang, kos penggunaan aerobridge hanyalah 47sen seorang. Sekiranya penumpang mampu membayar RM5 bagi check in bagasi, apalah kos sebanyak 47 sen yang hendak dijimatkan.

Kita ambil contoh ruang udara....Approach bagi KLIA kini dilakukan dari ATCC Subang dimana pesawat telah disusun untuk mendarat satu persatu manakala KLIA Tower akan menerima pesawat yang akan mendarat pada aras lebih kurang 4000 kaki dan lebih kurang 10nm dari landasan. Bagi penerbangan berlepas, KLIA Tower akan coordinate dengan ATCC Subang dan membenarkan pesawat berlepas dan sebaik sahaja berlepas, pesawat akan menghubungi Departure di ATCC Subang dan meneruskan penerbangan ke destinasi.

Lapangan Terbang Subang pula terletak lebih kurang 20nm di Utara KLIA dan mempunyai ruang udara tersendiri iaitu lebih kurang 10nm radius dan ketinggian 2500 kaki. Ruang udara memelebihi keluasan yang dinyatakan dikawal oleh ATCC Subang. LT Subang kini amat sibuk dengan Firefly, Berjaya, TUDM dan pesawat pesawat jet koporat dan kelab penerbangan serta helikopter.

Walaupun terletak 20NM di Utara KLIA, pergerakan pesawat di LT Subang amat terhad dan ketat. Ini kerana takut menggangu pergerakkan penerbangan KLIA. Cuba bayangkan pergerakkan 77 buah pesawat Air Asia di KLIA Labu yang hanya 2km dari KLIA. Yang 20nm amat terhad, bagaimana pula yang 2km akan dapat beroperasi dengan sempurna. LABU TURN INTO PUMPKIN

Kemudahan ATCC Subang amat terhad. terhad dari segi peralatan radar dan juga tenaga kerja. Kekurangan kakitangan di ATCC Subang amat ketara. Walaupun pengambilan tenaga baru dilaksanakan namun yang telah lama berkhidmat banyak juga yang bersara. Bukan mudah bagi mengendalikan Radar service Approach dan Departure. Pengalaman amat penting bagi memastikan tidak berlaku perkara yang tidak diingini seperti air miss dan head on. Walaupun dengan bantuan teknologi radar yang canggih, ia masih memerlukan input manusia untuk berfungsi. Jadi apabila berlaku kekurangan pegawai ATCC yang terlatih, bagaimanapula DCA Malaysia akan mengendalikan Tower di KLIA Labu dan mengendalikan radar tambahan di ATCC Subang dengan efisyen.

Kedudukan Runway KLIA adalah 32L 14L dan 32R dan 14R. Bagaimana pula kedudukan Runway di KLIA Labu. Dengan kedudukan hanya 2km dari KLIA, kedudukan runway KLIA Labu yang selari 32 dan 14 pastinya bakal menimbulkan kekeliruan juruterbang. Ini kerana apabila juruterbang tidak teliti dan peka, kejadian seperti tersalah mendarat di landasan yang betul akan terjadi. Ini lazimnya akan berlaku kepada juruterbang yang pertama kali ke Malaysia ( jarang berlaku tetapi ini pernah berlaku di luar negara ) dimana dari udara ia akan kelihatan 3 runway yang selari. Yang mana satu 32R. Yang tengah atau yang paling Kanan. Sekiranya runway KLIA Labu berkedudukan tidak selari dan melingtang contohnya kedudukan 23 dan 05, ini sesuatu yang amat berbahaya. Bayangkan pesawat KLIA menggunakan runway 32L dan pada masa yang sama pesawat berlepas menggunakan runway 05. Andaikata ATCC subang terleka ataupun Tower KLIA Labu tersilap memberi kebenaran berlepas ataupun juruterbang Air Asia sendiri tanpa mendapat kebenaran tower telah berlepas, pastinya ini akan membawa kepada pertembungan udara yang dahsyat. Kejadian juruterbang berlepas atau mendarat tanpa kebenaran selalu terjadi di Malaysia. LABU TURN INTO PUMPKIN

Air Asia tidak reti berterima kasih walaupun Kerajaan melalui MAHB telah memberikan imbuhan insentif berupa caj pendaratan, parking pesawat, ANFC yang amat rendah berbanding MAS. Apabila MAHB telah memberi insentif yang menarik, adakah wajar bagi Air Asia lari membuka KLIA Labu dengan menyatakan MAHB telah over charged dan Terminal kendalian MAHB tidak menpunyai kapasiti yang mencukupi untuk menampung penumpang Air Asia.

Ini tidak termasuk isu CIQ, Kuarantine dan sebagainya lagi...LABU turn into PUMPKIN

By jerlun manAuthor Profile Page on January 18, 2009 2:21 AM assalamualaikum,

1. saya sangat2 le bersetuju pelabuhan udara baru dibina kat labu. 2. kat n9 mana le ade lagi pelabuhan udara baru. syabas atas proposal simebabi and asia udara. 3. dengan adanye pelabuhan udara baru tu....diharapkan dapatlah paklah pi selalu melawat grand son dia kat n9 tu lepas pencen nanti. 4. dulu simebabi dok pakat nak ambik alih IJN... sebab rakyat dok menyalak...tak jadi. la ni depa nak bina pelabuhan udara pulak.nak bina dan jual kat asia udara. sapa dia ceo simebabi yang pekak badak tu....tah2 mantan tpm hak dulu tu.elok la depa dok dengaq kata toni tu. last2 teloq depa pun kena juai. labu oh labu!! 4. tapi yang baiknya pak lah ni...dia setuju tukaq epf ke pencen kat kakitangan krajaan . zaman tun dulu mana leh tukaq . selepas akta dipinda baru le saya dptt tukaq kepencen. bravo pak leh!!! 5. bravo...paklah n najib @rosmah....umno dah kena sembelih kat KT. 6. rakyat la ni bukan macam dulu....janji umno/bn macam janji pakatan pembangkang. janji pakatan rakyat patut le rakyat tak percaya...janji bn/umno pun la kita susah nak percaya. 7. kat perak pas/pr dah bagi tanah kat orang yang menyokong komunis dulu....kat org melayu depa bagi pajakan 99 tahun. baguih le pas!!!!.apatak....depa dok celah ketiak dap. 8. wassalam 9. wassalam By fulusAuthor Profile Page on January 18, 2009 3:00 AM salam Tun Saya ada jugak permintaan Tun. Tun tolonglah minta Sime Darby buat lagi 3 atau 4 airport lagi kat . bukan apa, maybe lepas ni rakyat malaysia mungkin akan ada airbus sebiji sorang. so saya berharap sangat la supaya airport ni dapat dibina. bukan apa tun pak lah and kroni jugak cakap buat airport pun untuk rakyat jugak. tapi seumur hidup saya rasanya baru sekali kot naik flight.tu pun orang sponser. apa apahal pun KT Pas dah ambik.kepada pak lah and kroni cepat2 la kaut apa yang ada. kami rakyat susah kat bawah ni tentu akan ingat kalian sebagai pengkhianat bangsa dan negara sampai bila2. By lcclckAuthor Profile Page on January 18, 2009 4:26 AM

Dear Sir,

I wonder how you manage your time and your ability to match on despite all the adversaries out there to fight against you and your gangs.

The announcement of developing this so called new LCCT caused such a grave concern of yours, you had made many good comments and believe the Minister of Transport has yet made his stance in the public.

I found the strategies we had for the ports/airports are not well placed.

Could any of you could put the interests of public and travellers first before you guys fight on??

The principle of sustainabilities are to ensure the self supporting kinds of keep churning the acitvities which are desired by the users/public.

If youdo go for the LCCT in Sepang, you found the crowds are increasing in leaps and bounds.

Why it was able to be keeping up the business and keep the crowds coming and coming, while we could nto have such similar experiecnes like in KLIA??

Please do some real investigations and understandings about the big differences we had here.

Air Asia grew so well and we noted the needs increased, and surely the impositions of the services and the needs of Air Asia to pay MAHB has a lot to do with the request by Air Asia to get the central government to support its growth.

But all goes up has to come down.

Who is to guarantee that Air Asia will be able to maintian such a crowd till we could have a chance to recover the invested money of RM 1.6 billions to develop this new LCCT?

Again, what had been the onjectives and actual plans when we had such a large land bank for KLIA??

Those who held the privileges of the RIGHT information must be professional to present the real TRUTH of the move which cost Malaysians Billions and not just the development of this new LCCT, the operation cost, maintaining, the infra to support this LCCT.....

How could we help the public and majority of Malaysians more with this billions of money in this trying time??

Why only Sime Darby at Labu??

Why not in Rawang of Selangor??

How about Ipoh in Perak??

Or Kuantan of Pahang??

Surely we could give very good reasons for the choice we had made.

However, no matter what you had raised, I trust the relevant experts had more ane better answers than you.

The point is the remnants of your ability to govern adn administer as your wish in your era had led us to this current situation, the Chief decided, the rest must find answers to justify the decision made.

However,I trust we still have some real good civil servants who could help the relevant chiefs to come to sense.

I pray for them to be able to convince the respective Bosses to decide what will be the best for all Malaysians!!

I still find the idea of this Labu LCCT is not as rosy as we had been made believe in.

The real growth of the air traveeling industries could be badly affected with such a severe world economic contraction, I would be glad to find money are channeled to assist the abilities of malaysians via education, via retraining, and via many other efforts to keep Malaysians are best for all who desired to enjoy the abilities and competitiveness of Malaysians!!

So long and I wish youa very good Sunday!!

Best regards, peter Leow By osaneAuthor Profile Page on January 18, 2009 4:39 AM

Y.A.Bhg Tun....,

Dear Bloggers & friends,

1. Appending below is the email I have received from Air on January 14, 2009. Oviously it was from Air Asia. As I have red it over and over again, it does not sound like from a true Malaysian Company. It sounded like nothing but from an arrogant and greedy person whom is so ungrateful of what he is now.

2. Mr. Tony, you were actually lied to the Malaysian public. Oviously there were no detailed discussion or meeting between you and MAHB. Perhaps once or twice only, just to show that discussion did happpen. When both failed to reach to a solution, you have decided to go the govtn, knowingly that someone there could helped you and again to show that you are somebody now.

Email from Air Asia,

"quote" Dear Valued Guest,

We at AirAsia and AirAsia X appreciate your patronage in choosing us for your travel. As a regular user of the LowCost Carrier Terminal (LCCT) in Sepang, we have heard your concerns and complaints about the cramped facilities at the LCCT. Many of you may not be aware that the terminal is owned, operated and managed NOT by AirAsia but by Malaysia Airport Holdings Bhd., a governmentlinked company.

To help serve you even better, AirAsia – together with Sime Darby Bhd. – proposed to the government that we be allowed to construct and operate a new terminal to cater to the airline’s exponential growth. The Cabinet approved our request for the new terminal – KLIAEast, or as we like to call it, The Rakyat’s Terminal – to be located just a short distance from the KLIA Main Terminal. The new terminal in Labu, Negeri Sembilan, is scheduled to be in operation early 2011.

In recent days, the proposed KLIAEast terminal has generated a lot of debates and discussions in the media – print, broadcast and online. We appreciate the fact that almost everyone who has voiced their view agrees that AirAsia needs a new terminal. For us, the staff of the airline, the new terminal is very much a matter of the company’s survival given the number of new aircraft joining our ranks – at least two are being delivered every month – and the growth in passengers, estimated to reach 60 million in 2013.

We would like to appeal for your support in helping us deliver on our promises to you and in making The Rakyat’s Terminal a reality. We have set up a designated web site where we will try and clear misconceptions regarding the project and provide answers to questions you may have regarding KLIAEast. Do drop by and have a look. We would also like to appeal to you to voice out your support for the project – and for lower fares, convenience and a comfortable environment – by writing to the print media, appearing on broadcast media, responding in the online media, especially blogs, and contacting your elected representatives. "unqoute"

Mr Tony.. You need to answer these, a. Does the MAHB closed its door for discussion? b. Knowing the facts that KLIA has vast area to built one or two more runaway, it is necesary to have another airport nearby? c. Do we not have capable contractors to construct or rather extent the existing LCCT? d. Please don't sell anymore your words 'bringing in millions of visitors, more big planes of yours, near to KL city, cheap transport fare, bla..bla..bla..., does it not sound selfish? e. You did a great job so far, does a word MALAYSIA never came across in your mind?

Mr. Tony, I did respect for your courage bringing Air Asia up to the present level. Therefore share your expertist to bring KLIA to what it is worth for.

Mr. Tony, you may not relised that, you are the main contributor to the lost of BN in Terengganu BE.

Taking passengers with low fare is one thing, and giving good service is another. But have you improve your services? unlikely.

Thanks, osane. By fishboneAuthor Profile Page on January 18, 2009 6:11 AM

Assalamualaikum Y.Bhg Tun,

Kami sebagai rakyat Malaysia sangat kecewa dengan kepimpinan AAB mentadbir negara. Idea2 dan cadangan yg dikemukan sebelum nie oleh AAB hanya bagus untuk publisiti dirinya dan kebanyakan dipetik dari pembelajaran di O & H oleh para pembantu beliau yang masih hijau. AAB sepatutnya mempunyai wawasannya sendiri untuk negara dan mengukur kemampuan setiap projek yang ingin dilaksanakan.

He should set his own direction for the country and not depending on the genius from O & H to think. The genius should assist you and not u assist them in implementing each project. This is different during your leadership Tun even each words that written been checked. You will be stay up late to check all the proposals that been prepared as per your direction.

I really hope that AAB would reconsider building the airport in Labu. Please look into a bigger picture rather than all the benefits that TF presented. AAB should assign SIME to focus on the expansion as the biggest plantation company rather than competing with MAB. Competition between MAB and SIME would not be healthy as both are owned by Khazanah. DAM please advised them and revise their KPI for 2009.

May ALLAH bless and protect us,INSYALLAH. By jazz8101Author Profile Page on January 18, 2009 7:58 AM

Pak Det....we are facing a lot of problems and issues created by stupid prime minister and the gang including the Sons. Now before step down, trying to make something for the cronies too. I agree with you, with our KLIA why we need another airport?? Quiet all the time can bring his son's pockets full of cash. "Saya tak ambil rasuah (tapi tak tahu la kalau anak saya ambil???); Hidup Islam Hadhari, duit masuk harihari!!!!! Go to hell pak lah! By HBTAuthor Profile Page on January 18, 2009 8:18 AM

Selamat pagi dan salam Tun,

Huh...? Sime Darby masih nak menjalankan pembinaan Labu Airport di N9 by showing the investors the most rediculous facts & examples to make sure its land is sold to Air Asia? Tun, are they that desperate, either they do it or die, sikap seperti Khir Toyo and KJ ke?

Tun, Sime Darby has mutated into a 1st class and 1st of its kind "Koporasi Kongsi Gelap" manipulating its power through strong cables to the family of Pak Lah and cronies. I know that Tony is smart, work smart and determine to make sure he can do it. He dares to challenge MAHB to show his ability is better, the problem with Tony is that he does not love the country (kerana sikap ini, dia dah kalah lah, unless dia nak ikut stail main kotor) and he is just only a puppet (mangsa) to KJ and Pak Musa Hitam only. What a pity!!!!

Tun, Pak Lah kata PAS ada masalah, DAP ada masalah, BN ada masalah, semua parti2 ada masalah dengan kuasa oompnya (Pak Lah tampak lebih bodoh, ego dan menyampah), masalah apa tu, Tun? Yang I lihat, paling bermasalah adalah Pak Lah & Co. saja.

Buat Kempen Beli Barangan Tempatan seperti yang dilaksanakan Tun pada 1998(yang sepatuhnya, Pak Shahril yang nak lancarkan kempen ini untuk menyelamatkan dirinya daripada dipecat (atau disuruh untuk tender resignationnya) merupakan 'a window dressing' sahaja to make sure "deal Labu" di"approve" kan sebelum Pak Lah berundur. Dah terlambat lah Pak Lah, kalau ko (beliau) berundur dengan membawa keluar sekali gus semua MP's seperti KJ, Shahril Samad, Wan Farid (he looks like a crook to me), Ahmad Said, Sharizat, Azalina Othman (Menteri Perlancungan) dan kroni2 sekarang, mungkin BN akan dapat diselamatkan dengan hanya 51% chances pada PRU 13 'HANYA JIKA' DS Najib & kabinetnya berani mencabar diri mereka untuk menyelamatkan UMNO dan BN.

Dah dijangka PAS menang, dgn majoriti lebih dpd 2,600, yang tak undi adalah lebih 16,000 (20.5%)rakyat. Mengapa mereka ini tidak mengundi, ini bukan kerana mereka 'duduk atas pagar', mereka ini adalah kumpulan yang lebih sabar dan tahu apakah yang mereka inginkan.

TAK NAK LABU AIRPORT, TAK NAK AIR ASIA (kakitangan2 di Air Asia jangan gusar, andai sekalian pasti akan diambil bekerja dengan MAS, Fireflz dan KLIA to make Malaysia more systematic, more patriotic and more respected locally and internationally, yang kena bimbang adalah pihak "management dan board of directors" saja, so is better to'blah' sekarang. Tokdet dah keluarkan ariticle ini, pasti Air Asia akan dibungkuskan rakyat selepas Mac 2009 dengan cara BOYCOTT!!!!

Good day Tun.

By raychua81Author Profile Page on January 18, 2009 8:28 AM i was wondering is this really true the LABU airport is using our rakyat fund to build????? If this is not we shouldnt care so much at Air Asia will need to use their own money to build. But if it is, we are doing the right thing to condemn.

Who failure for not able to utilised the KLIA airport? The goverment itself???? Or the KLIA management? Why MAS wasnt able to give some competition to Air Asia. Almost every airlines is not making money now. So wish Air Asia the best.

I love the KLIA airport but it was so so quiet.....not many stall there. Maybe we should start the initiave such as lowering down the rental. You know even in Penang, there is one place which being rented out at 99cent.

Your view point can be made it live to condemn the goverment to approve the Labu airport. How many more land will be taken up for development. One day there wont be any more jungle/tree left in Malaysia soon. Sigh......

By juara_kampungAuthor Profile Page on January 18, 2009 8:34 AM

I think this new Labu airport has nothing to do with the actual need. I think somebody desparately need a "big construction" job.

Is it possible that once the Labu airport is completed, "somebody' will twist MAHB's arm to "compulsory purchase" the Labu airport at it's "construction cost" and intergrate it with KLIA? This probably also explain why there were no mention of construction of new Control Tower in the Labu airport.

Along the way, sombody somewhere will pockets billions of ringgits in a "legal" manner. By lolitaAuthor Profile Page on January 18, 2009 9:00 AM salam, kepada pemimpin kerajaan sekarang, hangpa tak perasan ker, betapa ramai dan kuatnya rakyat membenci korang? dok perabis duit rakyat tak sudahsudah. perbodoh kan rakyat tak sudahsudah. macam ni buat la pilihanraya kat mana pun, sure tak boleh menang. org dah benci! org undi parti lain bukannya sokong sangat parti tu. orang undi parti lain sebab orang dah tak nak orang BN menang laaa...orang dah tak kisah dah parti lain boh calon sapa.tak pahampaham lagi ka? By MAMZAuthor Profile Page on January 18, 2009 9:16 AM


Salam YBhg Tun,

Sikap kita orang Melayu khasnya (dan Malaysia amnya) ada empat. Teman namakan '4N':

N pertama: 'Nganga' [mulut terbukak]. Bila sedap dengor orang lain bercakap, kita nganga. Sedap benor le tu!!

N kedua: 'Ngelat' [cakap tak penah betoi]. Bila bercakap, kuahnya lebih dari isi. But most of d time, takda isi langsung!!

N ketiga: 'Ngelak' [tak mau terima kenyataan]. Bila rasa kantoi waktu bersembang/ berbincang/ berdebat, mule le kita buat2 tak dengor. Cabut le, tunggu apa lagi!!!!!!

N keempat: 'Ngamok'. Bila nampak keadaan tak betoi sikit, nak ngamok aje keroja dia. Orang lain salah, dia aje yang betoi!!

Teman rasa isu LCCT ni ada kat N kedua. Paklah & Co ada kat N pertama!! kita pulak ada kat N berapa?? By lunaticgAuthor Profile Page on January 18, 2009 9:40 AM

Salam Tun. Terima kasih atas nasihat ini. Secara logiknya memang betul kenapa perlukan kawasan lain sebagai LCCT? tidak bolehkah kos yang agak mahal itu dikurangkan oleh pengurusan di LCCT sekarang ini? By kedah youngsterAuthor Profile Page on January 18, 2009 9:51 AM

Assalamualikum Tun...







Sejahtera kepada TUN dan keluarga

I Like your your last sentence " Sime Darby want to go into airport business". Bukan Sime Darby TUN tapi "mastermind" nya dan kuncu2 nya yang decide. Patut lah tak jadi PM kerana "niat" dari awal dan sampai sekarang tak betul.Bukan nak membina tetapi nak merosakan bumi bertuah Malaysia.

Tumpang sekejap TUN , kerana nak nasihat kan Najib.

BN boleh menang jika sekiranya pilihanraya akan datang jangan benarkan INDIVIDU tertentu pergi berucap masa kempen kerana kebanyakan kami tidak mahu dia hadirkan diri dimana mana majlis lagi UMNO dan Barisan lagi.

Kerja merekamereka ini telah berjaya nampak nya kerana tujuan mereka dalah untuk menghancurkan BN dan UMNO am nya. Orang bukan tak nak mengundi BN tetapi bila nak mengundi dan muka muka ni datang terus pangkah PAS.

Singkirkan mereka ini pada pemilihan UMNO bulan March 2009 nanti.

Tahniah kepada PAS kerana telah memilih calon yang sesuai kerana perwatakan dan latar belakang pun diantara faktor yang mesti di pakai bila memilih calon.

Pak Lah nak buat Airport kat Padang Pasir ya atau nak tanam kelapa sawit. he he he he

Kesian kita semua tetapi Alhamdu kerana Allah pasti berserta KITA. By RawiAuthor Profile Page on January 18, 2009 10:29 AM

KLIA di buat sangat cantik "oleh Tun Dr Mahathir". Rakyat Kelantan naik Air Asia atau Fire Fly menggunakan airport LCCT atau Subang, macam airport Cape Town sahaja, sangat kodi berbanding dengan KLIA. Kami ingin juga menikmati kemudahan airport yang setanding dengan Heathrow, Beijing dan sebagainya yang ada pada KLIA. Buat apa KLIA dibina 5 tingkat, ruang yang luas, mempunyai berbagaibagai kemewahan dan keselesaan sedangkan kami terpaksa berkerumun di LCCT macam kandang kambing sahaja. Kawasan KLIA boleh dibesarkan dan mampu menangani 125 juta penumpang, manakala sekarang hanya baru ada 25 juta. Buat apa nak bina "LABU"? Syabas Tun kerana mencelikkan mata rakyat yang ingin membukanya. PM, TPM,...etc kena prihatin tentang rakyat yang nak menikmati KLIA ini. Kalau KLIA itu "kecil", dah tak muat lagi, kami terpaksalah terima hakikat bahaawa "yang murah ialah shack dan yang mahal ialah bungalow" By MHzAuthor Profile Page on January 18, 2009 10:33 AM off topic.. rasa nak tergelak gulingguling bila baca komen manusia yang bangang mcm kamal ahmad tu quote: "Salam Ayahanda Tun, izinkan saya sedikit ruang disini untuk menjadi individu pertama mengucapkan tahniah kepada BN atas kejayaan besar mereka di P036 Kuala Terengganu. Adik saya si Kamarul baru telefon bagi tahu berita kemenangan besar ini kepada saya." saudara kamal ahmad terminum air daun ketum ke? hahahha (maaf Tun, komen saya ini sekadar lepaskan "geram' saya pada manusia yang guna nama kamal ahmad tu) semoga Tun berdua sihat walafiat dan di rahmati Allah... By yourlifeAuthor Profile Page on January 18, 2009 10:36 AM

Dear Tun, I feel you're being too quick to the gun in criticizing the proposed building of the Labu airport. You say it's irrational. Weren't you the one who had also wanted to build just as wasteful an airport in Northern Malaysia so that you could close down Penang's airport, thus wrestling control of the state from the opposition? Air Asia true motives are still unclear. But you, of all people, should know better than to believe that economic decisions made in Malaysia are not politically motivated. By pakbelalangAuthor Profile Page on January 18, 2009 10:37 AM

Dear Tun,

Mengapa Barisan "kalah" di KT? Satu pengajaran lama yang dilakukan berulang kali oleh pemimpin UMNO dan masih lagi tidak sedar diri. Ba UMNO akan terus hancur selagi pemimipin haprak dan HP6 seperti KJ, Mike Tyson, Khir Toyo, Pak Lah, Ali Rastam dan lainlain masih lagi berada di puncak kepimpinan UMNO. Mereka ini semua adalah "liability" kapada UMNO yang membawa "balak" dan padah kapada image UMNO yang dah rapuh. Mereka sudah jadi "kayu buruk".

Disamping itu UMNO masih lagi gunakan strategi lapuknya tiaptiap kali berkempen. Strategi "MAKAN DIRI SENDIRI". Pemimpin UMNO dah hilang pedoman. Dah hilang keyakinan. Dah hilang maruah. Dah hilang segalanya !! Pemimpin UMNO dah "pekak, buta, dan bisu". Bolehlah diumpamakan pemimpin UMNO bila berkempen dan bercakap menggunakan "bahasa isyarat" orang bisu kapada rakyat.Maka rakyat yang celik dan tidak pekak tidak paham apa yang dikata oleh pemimpin UMNO yang diumpamakan seperti orang " pekak dan bisu".

Umno Oh Umno !! Sungguh jauh kau akan ditinggalkan oleh orang Melayu untuk selamalamanya.

Apakah hikmahnya dari kekalahan yang dialami oleh UMNO di KT. Jawabnya ada pada diri pemimpinpemimpin dan juga ahliahli UMNO yang tak sedar diri. Semua pemimpin tertinggi UMNO mesti tengok cermin dan lihat muka masingmasing dan ukur diri mereka sambil bertanya SIAPA AKU INI? Mungkin semuanya akan menjawab, "Ya, benar, aku haprak. Aku HP6. Aku pemimpin dah bodoh stupid. By pakbelalangAuthor Profile Page on January 18, 2009 10:52 AM

Dear Tun,

Najib must act now and put this stupid project to rest. Don't let it drag too long and it will be backfired on his leadership. The truth now the airport is not necessary, period. Don't defend the project when you know that the rakyat now are fully aware of the situation. Thank you Tun, for giving us the opportunity understand the issue of building the new Airport.Now we are very clear indeed.

Tun Musa is coward for not giving any statement on behalf of Sime Darby regarding this matter. Silence Is Elegant !!!!!!

If the project is on, it is worthwhile for the rakyat to demonstrate peacefully to protest this project. Will somebody sponsor to distribute Tshirts having "NO TO NEW AIRPORT" campaign. By azmanyAuthor Profile Page on January 18, 2009 10:57 AM

In case BN leaders are in supreme state of denial via KT byelection the rakyat has spoken again. "We hate the current leaders and we reject the current state of government"

The timing of this Labu Airport and previously the IJN fiasco are perfectly time to remind the people to continue sending the message. To all the top hierarchy in UMNO, I do appreciate the concept of teamwork and being a 'party man'. But our Malay saying also goes 'Raja Adil Raja Ku Sembah, Raja Zalim Raja Ku Sanggah'.

Back to LabuLabi Airport:

1. To people of Labu, remember that KLIA now has a buffer zone of about 10,000 acres surrounding the airport in which NO BUILDING DEVELOPMENT IS ALLOWED for safety reason. This is commented by Muhammad Halim earlier; the people of Labu will actually lose economic opportunity when their land can no longer be allowed to be developed.

2. It is a new strategy by concessioncronies to "profit by construction contract now, go to hell with future". Basically the strategy is attempt to 'help government' by building public infra by concession, get all the construction contracts with good profit (this is private business transaction, so no need public disclosure) . Get concession company suffer a few years and then plea to government, "bail us out or else we will go bankrupt". Because it's public infra, government will do so and they will cleanse their hand". STOP THIS FROM HAPPENING HERE.

The nawaitu of this proposal is indeed very dark and blatantly not sincere. Some projects, we can only know the folly after the event but we know when they started, the intention seemed sincere. Not this one, whether it is to blackmail MAHB or plain profiteering : the intention is clearly insincere. By WAuthor Profile Page on January 18, 2009 11:06 AM

Assalamulaikum Tun.

Enough said. Time for action. Throw UMNO/BN out of office. PRK KT just cemented concrete proof how despise we are to UMNO/BN. By pakmangAuthor Profile Page on January 18, 2009 11:09 AM

Dear Tun,

The present hard headed BN government with their personal interests in mind would no more be acceptable by the Rakyat of Malaysia. This has clearly been seemed in the by election at Permatang Pauh ang KT election at Kelatan.

Rakyat of Malaysia would not protest vebrally and physically like before but silently and peacefully now! If the BN government tends not to receive such continuous protest from the Rakyat, they better change the attitude of governing the country properly at all times and not just to biase the rakyat by giving gula gula during the election!

I am glad to see that after having gone through half a century of indepandence, the Rakyat of Malaysia have indeed grown more mature which BN government has to attend it seriously! Or else it will be the end of BN empire in Malaysia... By chewchewAuthor Profile Page on January 18, 2009 11:10 AM





I SUPPORT TUN GO MEET RON PAUL! By haronjanorAuthor Profile Page on January 18, 2009 11:27 AM

Assalmualaikum YBHG. Tun

Apa nak susahsusah. Kan Kazanah, Sime Darby, EPF , MAS , MAHB, Air Asia semuanya wang Rakyat. Tentukan kabinet kata 'tidak ' kepada cadangan ini. Apa kah kita masih tidak faham tujuan tersembunyi Pak Lah dan Kroni nya atas cadangan ini?????????. Bodohnya Melayu. Macammacam alasan yang diberi oleh Tony semata mengaburi mata rakyat. Pandangan serta penjelasan TUN cukup bernas untuk kita menolaknya. Siapa dalam kabinet yang menyukong cadangan AIR ASIA ini adalah 'kroni' pak lah . Itu saja pandangan saya. haronjanor. By A. FaizAuthor Profile Page on January 18, 2009 11:28 AM

Dear Tun

I wonder when the government/investors decide to spend billions of ringgit on building another new airport to cater for Air Asia needs, what happens in the worst case scenario when Air Asia company faces major problems eg lower demand than projected because of stiff competition etc, facing financial problems due to recession in the unforeseeable future, and facing bankruptcy and closes down? They are other probabilities you can think of and I wonder whether the 'smart guys' are thinking hard before they make any decisions! What will become to the airport if all expectations fail?

We have a beautiful airport in Sepang and why not USE IT for any expansion in the future! Logically the infrastructure is there and all you need is to have all the right logistics and proper planning and experienced people to execute them. Are Sime Darby/some VIPs have hidden agendas we don't know about?

A. Faiz By AMBAJAuthor Profile Page on January 18, 2009 11:37 AM

Asalamualaikam Tun,

1) Everybody knew the selfishness of our Tony and Sime Darby. These two hooligans will do anything on earth to achieve their goal.

2) Abdullah and Najib had received the signal of BN defeat in KT. People are fed up of what is running around. The country is now being managed by another hooligan KJ. Stop the airport issue. Us stern answer, NO. Forget about Tony’s explanation. That fella will even kiss PM ass as to achieve his needs.

3) Every sound mind citizens and experts in air traffic management will conclude that it is unnecessary to have another airport at a stone throw distant from KLIA. Of course KLIA and KLCC can be upgraded to meet so call Tony’s passenger figure (I am a bit skeptical and doubtful the future vision of Tony).

4) I am positive that Tony, Sime Darby and the group is cursing Tun. Let it be, they should be standing on the ground rather than flying in fantasies.

5) To Tony, stop being non sensible for a moment. MAHB can meet your requirements and upgrade the LCCT. With your requirements and cooperation with MAHB I believe the upgraded LCCT can sure outclass the Singapore Lowcost Terminal and Bangkok Suvarnabhumi.

6) As for Sime Darby, go more global. Follow Petronas footsteps, explore the world and put Malaysia flags in other countries. Malaysian will be proud of you.

7) If there is a signature drive against Labu Airport, I will for sure endorse my signature twice base on reality.

Enough is enough By iskandarAuthor Profile Page on January 18, 2009 11:37 AM

Salam Tun,

Mungkin kekalahan BN di KT merupakan masej yang jelas tentang penolakan rakyat terhadap ideaidea singkat(airport labu one of them) Pak Lah aka Pak Lena and konco2 nya.

Utk BN ubah lah pendekatan bagi gulagula kat pengundi ni, rakyat dah meluat dah. Dah dua PRK BN klah.. Duit bazir berjutajuta just for nothing!!! By mantoyaAuthor Profile Page on January 18, 2009 11:47 AM

Salam Ayahanda Tun,

Mungkinkah apa yang berlaku kini dengan pembabitan Sime Darby adalah kerana ketidakpuasan hati kerana pernah diketepikan dan diambil tindakan yang menjatuhkan karier dan peluang untuk memerintah dikala zaman yang pernah suatu ketika disebut sebagai, 2M?

Individu berkenaan mengatur semula strategi untuk "memerintah" atau yang lebih popular "master of puppet". Beliau menggunakan beberapa orang sebagai percaturan menguasai pemerintahan politik dan penguasaan ekonomi Malaysia.

Apa yang dapat saya perhatikan beberapa perkara berlaku apabila DSAAB mula menerajui pemerintahan selepas persaraan Tun, individu ini mulai diberi pengiktirafan dan mula diketengahkan oleh media dan mendapat publisiti, penghargaan bintang kebesaran dan mula menduduki kerusikerusi "hangat dipasaran".

Mungkin ini hanya pandangan saya yang tidak begitu arif tentang politik dan ekonomi.

Walaubagaimanapun, seperti temanteman yang lain saya merasakan kerajaan DSAAB perlu berintegriti seperti yang disarankan oleh beliau sendiri. Ini jika tidak dilakukan maka suatu hari nanti Malaysia akan beralih pucuk pemerintahan kepada "Pembangkang" maka mereka pula yang perlu membangkang seperti yang terjadi di 4 buah negeri yang kini dikuasai pemerintah yang berlainan ideologi daripada pemerintah persekutuan.

Bila ini berlaku, saya amat pasti individuindividu yang bertanggungjawab kini tidak akan ada untuk melihat perkara ini berlaku.

Saya amat berharap jika ianya betulbetul berlaku, saya tidak dapat melihatnya kerana tidak mampu dan mahu dipersalahkan oleh generasi yang akan datang yang akan menyalahkan saya kerana tidak melakukan yang terbaik untuk mereka sebaliknya hanya untuk kepentingan saya dan segelintir temanteman akrab.

Salam bahagia buat ayahanda Tun sekeluarga. By AMBAJAuthor Profile Page on January 18, 2009 11:51 AM

1) Kepada kamal ahmadAuthor Profile Page on January 17, 2009 11:15 PM

2) Ha ha ha.... Very catchy or otherwise? By asmawiAuthor Profile Page on January 18, 2009 12:02 PM

Salam Tun,

Ini komen saya berkenaan tingkah laku Sime Darby akhirakhir ini. Baik ianya berkenaan IJN mahupun isu Labu. Betul atau tidak hanya Allah yang tahu, maklumlah saya hanya nujum Pak Belalang.

1. Saya raya Sime Darby @ Musa Hitam sudah terdesak untuk mengejar dateline Mac 2009 kerana selepas itu Musa tiada lagi tempat bergantung iaitu Pak Lah. 2. Jadi, difikirkan semua yang megamega untuk disapu bersih dan dilobi oleh Musa sementara masa masih ada. 3. Bila rakyat mengamuk pasal IJN, Musa kangtoi terpaksa menyerah kalah. 4. Lalu dilobi habishabisan pulak dengan Labulabunya. Seperti biasanya, AirAsia akan diperkudakan untuk menguatkan sokongan tentang segala macam justifikasi. 5. Inilah Musa dengan Labulabunya. 6. Yang tinggal harapan hanyalah Tun untuk melobi sehebathebatnya agar Musa akan kangtoi juga dengan Labulabunya. 7. Kalau Musa berjaya, maka ini semua akan menjadi beban kepada Najib dalam pilihanraya akan datang. Sekian, wassalam. Nujum Pak Belalang. By Ian_JAuthor Profile Page on January 18, 2009 12:04 PM

Dear Tun,

I sense that, mr tony did wanted a new airport since the souring relashionship between AA & MAHB for quite sometime, but the main character who made everything possible is the 3 blokes.. the "bapa Kejatuhan Malaysia", the Black Moses (musa, who has a lot of hatred against you), and the one and only KJ.. anyway, if you look at the link posted by our dear friend here, Mr. Iskandar,, you will see one thing in common on the people who posted all those supporting comments towards AA, that is ...... Its so typical of them! By hanifAuthor Profile Page on January 18, 2009 12:10 PM

Ikut pelan asal Kerajaan! Kalau ada yang kurang dalam pelan, ubah suai n tambah baik. Bukan buat pelan lain yang bukan sahaja tak selari, malah mengganggu pelan asal.

Kerajaan mempunyai jangka hayat yang lebih panjang berbanding Air Asia dan Tony. Pelannya mengambil kira kepentingan hampir semua pihak. Tapi, pelan Air Asia n Tony ni hanya untuk kepentingan dia je. Selagi dia boleh buat untung dia akan pursue pelan dia. Tapi, kalau dia cabut, apa akan jadi?

Kalau tak silap saya, LCCT tu pun untuk accommodate keperluan Air Asia. Setelah Kerajaan keluar duit untuk bina LCCT, Air Asia nak buat terminal baru kat Labu. Apa akan jadi pada LCCT Sepang?

Alasan yang diberi memang TAK BOLEH DITERIMA! NONSENSE! Tony, kalau nak tunjuk pandai pun, bukan at the expense of Negara dan Kerajaan ok!

Menteri Pengangkutan sila ambil tindakan! Memang pembinaan tu u boleh kata bukan bidang kuasa u, tapi kalau mengganggu pelan induk KLIA tu, takkan masih bukan bidang kuasa u. Put politic aside ok! Stand up and do your job! Or else I'll kick ur ass bro! By AlibabamahathirAuthor Profile Page on January 18, 2009 12:26 PM

The rela reason Tony AirAsia want a new airport is because MAB and KLIA are so bloated by corruption that Airasia will be bankrupt by their inefficiency. [ROOT CAUSE]

The reason why government of present day want another airport is because the potential corruption money can be obtained from Airasia and Sime Darby. [PULL]

The reason why government of present day does not do its duty to guide KLIA and MAB to operate efficiently for the interest of Airlines base in Malaysia is because there is no corruption money to be made by the leaders. [push] By kamal ahmadAuthor Profile Page on January 18, 2009 12:38 PM

Salam Ayahanda Tun. This is all a bailout. As simple as that, nothing more and nothing less. But instead of using government cash, the government is using the “private sector initiatives” for that goal. And I state here, that there is no such thing as a totally privately funded exercise for this. That is one big and lame bullsh*t. The unspoken risk (the silent elegant risk) is far too great and in the end, we would lose so much more than what has been stated anywhere yet or by anyone yet. By having this huge "parking lot" in Labu, Air Asia would have a very nice balance sheet to entice foreign players into buying up some shares for quick cash or if the offer is good enough, they might just dump the whole lot and smile all the way to the bank. Taking the KTM Komuter to Labu still requires a connection to the vicinity of the new proposed airport. And by the time you arrive to your destination, it won’t be RM5.50 anymore and you would be all greasy from sweating along the connecting journey. And anyway, why the sudden change of tune here? I thought Pak Lah has been telling the media that KTM has started looking into building the new tracks to KL Sentral already? And when the highly educated rakyat started to question that very move especially on this blog page, Air Asia is suddenly quitting on that new Komuter track to KL Sentral story too? And telling people to just use the existing Labu KTM station now? Do we detect a change in tune again over at Tune Air? Just like what Tony Fernandez went and did with that runway/no runway arguments and bluff? Be very aware of this point folks, it’s a matter of rapid revival for Air Asia, getting their books to look really nice and neat again with some promises of huge return on the very near future. And then we can expect to see maybe Singapore's Temasek coming in with some other regional players (Australians? Indians?) for a slice of Air Asia (along with the new Labu Airport as well), or maybe they would just go for the whole thing lock stock and barrel? Just get Kamarudin Meranun to sing his tune in full and you will know what I mean. In the end, who would actually be the new proud owner of that new Labu LCCT and its huge piece of land? Local? Foreign? Air Asia? Temasek? Any firewall against these new foreign players from making any tactical and strategic moves at acquiring KLIA and the Sepang F1 Circuit later? Would they be happy with just that small LCCT in Labu? Don’t they too have long term plans for their books? This is globalization, Khairy, Abdullah & Tony style – the three stooges @ Tiga Abdul. But at whose expenses really? Think hard and think smart people. Say no to this bailout and put a stop to this recolonization bid! Singapore already owns the Iskandar Economic Region in the south of Malaysia, and now with the proposed Labu LCCT acquisition – on the proposed Air Asia airport, it would mean that Singapore (via Temasek Holdings) have expanded their acquisition march right into the central region of Malaysia. And by the way things are going with UMNO and BN now, all they need to do is just wait for PRU13, then preach globalization to Anwar Ibrahim and just take over everything from south to central. in the end, it's a “soft” invasion and recolonization, by courtesy of Khairy and Co. And our children tomorrow would spit on us for that! Does all that make sense now? Think down the line a bit here; and just stop the rot today and now. Its time somebody turn on the lights for dim Black Moses who by the way, has bitten more than he could chew on this one. Fire him immediately and overhaul the whole board at Sime Darby. Leave Air Asia to struggle without any forms of government assistance or bailouts just like what Tony Fernandez had been preaching all these years. Walk your talk Air Asia. By ndlawAuthor Profile Page on January 18, 2009 12:43 PM landasan baru. malaysian always like the cheap , the low cost... meaning, low cost carier is the best choice... If i'm the travel agency and have to give recomendation to some of my custumer between air asia airline and Mas, many aspect will take in count. 1. the price, air asia is cheaper....only rm99 including all charges. the MAS is about rm150. that quiet big amount of money. sure people my custumer will ask for a cheaper one. thus, air asia is more competitive. 2. the transportation to air port terminal. for LCCT, they have bus from kl central rm9, rm8 and also from pudu rm10. The taxi is more cheaper since red taxi is incharge , only rm6o0 to central of kuala lumpur. for KLIA terminal . they have high speed train, cost about rm 35. very fast... but only for rushing . the taxi@ limo about rm140 to kuala lumpur. the red taxi is not allow to enter KLIA terminal . how poor to them. the buses is very poor, every a hour per bus to kl available. LCCT have every 15min. very exclusive buses. fast and comfort.

3. the services, the MAS sure have a very nice hospitality, the food, the cabin attendent. So polite, friendly and i feel overwhelm for that aspect. By HouseWife™Author Profile Page on January 18, 2009 1:10 PM

Assalamualaikum Tun,

So cunning this sime..firstly it wants to take hold of the jantung hati rakyat then it wants to wipe out the oil palm trees...for what?..for money of course and money means power and power means it can hold the government by its neck.

I think building the Labu airport by the "Labulabies" is an unwise move in the security and environmental expects. There will be influx of the immigrants and this will added grave to the social problems to the locals and the nearby areas. More unwanted rubbish and who's going to monitor them..sime? And I guess you have to pay toll to get there. Cekik darah rakyat lagi!

Security is very important now, you'll never knows what is going to happen when many people of all sorts enter the country. if this project is privately funded then it has to provide its own police, security personnel, bomb squad, firefighters and so on. Or later by some unforeseen circumstances the government has to bailout and buy it using the rakyat's money again.

What I'm most afraid of is the planes colliding with each other as KLIA is near it, if the people at the control tower are not doing their job professionally. May it never happen here. What about noise and air pollution? Every corner of this project has to looked into very thoroughly.

To make things easier just expand the existing KLIA and make full use of it. Why need another one unless you build a modern fully equipped army airport for defense from (who knows when) invading enemies..and missiles and bombs maybe? May Allah protect us and this beloved country. Now whatever projects is think of security of the country must be top priority and not making someone's pocket bulging.

Tun, PAS has won in KT. I just wish someday it break off with DAP because it arrogantly has belittle Islam. Do you see DAP's flags and hindraf's demo there? There's no DAP and hindraf spoiling it so that's why the people there are just too happy to vote for it. Just my opinion nothing politically.


Take care Tun and May Allah Look Upon You Always.

By chedeenAuthor Profile Page on January 18, 2009 1:24 PM

Askm Tun & fellow readers

What can we do against these people who won't listen when all they hear and think about is "How much will I be able to pocketed when all this are done?". I definitely agree with Tun that KLIA is huge enough to accommodate Tony's toys~ its not like all of his plane will be on the ground. You can see at google earth or if you people have taken off from KLIA you'll be able see the magnitude of KLIA.

It will be a waste of money of all parties. But I guess Air Asia and Sime Darby has lots of it~ They should channel this resource through other means like other readers commented, Air Asia could build a university or an institute to train more pilots, aeronautics engineers and more while Sime should really concentrate on making their shareholders and plantations' participants happy.

In the matter of creating job opportunities, wouldn't it be the same if a satellites/extensions/new terminal be built at KLIA? It's more cost effective and it would make transiting planes easier.

Correct me if I'm wrong but KLIA was designed to handle 125 million with the current infrastructure. So, one could expect if a satellites/extensions/new terminal were built it could easily handle more. Also, like Tun mentioned, KLIA can also construct more run ways if need to and other amenities to run the airport i.e bridges, transit buses, rails, commuters etc. Location wise, it's WAY TOO CLOSE to KLIA. Taxiing back and forth is a waste of precious time and money. Why Labu to begin with?

Pak Lah is a weak leader, I don't even respect him as the PM. He's unable to control the people under him, hardly delivers his promises to the nation and does things half way, a typical malay qualities unfortunately.. Khairi aka KJ, who's he? What has he done for the country? What contribution he gave to the people? Pak Lah's soninlaw? So what? From what I've heard from all around, he's the type of person who should not be in politics or anywhere close. Now I understand why Musa Hitam never last in the Government, he couldn't even make proper decision. Now at Sime as its Chairman, he's still the same. Mr. Tony, I used to respect him. How he turn loss to profit. How he lifted the Air Asia brand to where it is now. But, he is now just another "politican"..

Even though we expressed our concerns, what can we do? Will the current Government listen? To my eyes, all I see in the parliament are bunch of showy, whimsical, selfish, ignorant, retards squabbling for power and supremacy. So few are actually fighting for what the people want or need, makes me sad really. Now, those NONBUMIs, especially the socalled "Pakatan Rakyat" dared to questioned the BUMI's rights even though it has clearly been stated in Article 153 and agreed upon by all parties during independence.


P.s, if I'm wrong do please enlightened me. By tukang_dok_peghatiAuthor Profile Page on January 18, 2009 1:55 PM


Tun, walaupun Tun NYATAkan Tun bukan seorang yang 'unprofessional' awalawal lagi, tapi Tony Fernandez jugak bukan seorang yang profesional jugak.. Siapakah Tony Fernandez sebenarnya sebelum ada jawatan CEO Air Asia? Seorang 'musician' yang tak laku bukan?

Sekarang Air Asia dah SEBARkan emel KONONnya untuk beri maklumat kewajaran pembinaan LCCTEast..

Soalnya, ADA ke dalam dunia nih sesebuah lapangan terbang dibina hanya untuk MONOPOLI sebuah syarikat penerbangan sahaja?

Ini kerja GILA! wallahualam.. By nimjaAuthor Profile Page on January 18, 2009 2:01 PM

Tiada lagi perkataan yg lebih sakan dlm kamus dewan selain dari 'bodoh,buta & bebal' dpt di ucapkan kepada cadangan tidak waras dan gila dari 34 org manusia projek "SI LABU" ini...mereka menganggap 26juta rkyat msia juga tuli spt mereka utk menghalalkan 'airport rakyat' ini....pls!! bangunlah wahai kamu dari igauan, buka mata dan jadilah waras! Hentikanlah cdgan bodoh ini dan laburkanlah kekayaan kamu utk membina dan membentuk "universiti moral dan sosial msia" pula bagi menyelamatkan mudamudi dan bangsa msia yg semakin punah skrg! By apitAuthor Profile Page on January 18, 2009 2:43 PM








By lennonAuthor Profile Page on January 18, 2009 2:47 PM airasia seems to be like it is in a hurry. first it wants to operate from subang. then it wants the lcct. now this fiasco. must be more to this than meets the eyes. buiding an airport in melaka sounds more sensible than in labu. By hati.malaysiaAuthor Profile Page on January 18, 2009 3:01 PM

Dear Tun,

1. I was in Seremban, last week for business meeting.

2. Talktalk... we endup in Labu Airport.

3. To my shock, my friend, knew about this (that something big going to happened in Labu area) about 56 years ago.

4. Just as info, my friend is UmnoNS strong people, and he been instructed to buy land and invest in house development near labu areas.

5. When my friend ask, why develop house in jungle, his Umno *contact*, indicated, just do, you will not regret.

6. After 5years++, the housing project completed with 100% unit sold, to BN investors.

7. Then after 1year, SD and AirAsia announcement, the demand skyrocketed. The BN investors made quick money.

8. This is how million's "CREATED BY NPE and UMNO".

9. I am Malaya, who have been request by my government to control my spending and share the burden of high fuel price.

10. Here NPE and BN, creating wealth for thier cornies...

11. I must now look for "BNCronies for Dummies" book and learn this trick for the survial of me and my children. By truthseekerAuthor Profile Page on January 18, 2009 3:02 PM

Salam YAB Tun and fellow bloggers,

1. I'm sure Dollah and his goons are not happy cos Tun chose to pursue this matter on labu's airport. Others had seemed to have kept quiet.

2. Tun knows what Dollah and his gangsters are up to...but Tun still tried to be fair by giving is opinions, suggestions. Logically Tun is right and Dollah, Musa Itam and oter goons should take note.

3. But,Tun and most of us know for sure Dollah and his greedy goons are going for the money...they ad robbed us over and over again under the pretext of development, helping the poor,education, etc. Full of lies.

4. Serve him (Dollah) right for putting an arrogant fatty and he lost in KT. Again, Tun's opinion about people rejecting BN cos of Dollah proved accurate. Instead of admiting, they (Najib and other ministers)kept on giving excuses...hey nincompoops, ow many more loses you need to see before admiting the facts? That's why Tun is against late transfering of power from Dollah, the later, the more serious damage done. Najib, hold your balls and stand up against Dollah.

5. Sometimes I think it makes sense when it was suggested that Najib may be UMNO's president but Dollah remains PM...since it's only a tradition for UMNO president to become PM. Then why Dollah wanted his men to dominate the cabinet?

6. Para 4 & 5 are relevant and related to all nonsense done by UMNO's reps, GLCs, MBs, etc. Thank you Tun for your consistent belief in the truth. By pakbelalangAuthor Profile Page on January 18, 2009 4:23 PM

Dear Tun,

I assume Tony Fernandez must have promise to offer Chairmanship of Air Asia once Pak Lah steps down as Prime Minister. Maybe Tony promises RM100,000 a month allowance plus other perks.

So what do you expect when the offer is so lucrative for Pak Lah to enjoy his retirement until he dies. And KJ pun tumpang sekaki !!

In any case, we as Malaysians must oppose this project. There are so many options for Air Asia to expand its wing but not try to manipulate with all kinds of proposal that can cause wastage of resources particularly when it involves public funds directly or indirectly to benefit Air Asia. By azman2020Author Profile Page on January 18, 2009 5:03 PM

Salam Tun

Thanks Tun for your explaination. Just nak tanya Tun...after all of these issueswith kelembapan & scandal oleh Pak lah...why don't we start a campaign to throw shoes to Pak a guy throw shoes to this ok?

I'm going to meet him in one occassion..what is the implication of doing this?...How many of us have guts to do this?..I think someone need to start...What is your opinion Tun?

If people start to throw shoes to him..then he will get a clear message...dah cakap macam2 pun dia buat pekak jer....I think this is the best way...Please give me your opinion please? By azman2020Author Profile Page on January 18, 2009 5:26 PM

Salam Tun

I've once read that CEO of BA predicted that almost 30 airlines will go bust due to credit crunch & econimic crisis....

Look around the world...people are less travelling and American Airlines has grounded plenty of its aircrafts.

So the idea of expansion Labu Labi Airport is just a diversion of Tony on how strong the market is. I'll BET that their flights to London also will FAIL...Don't they learn from what happening with Oasis Hong Kong?.

People in UK & Europe are all now halt their travelling & spending. Economy are so bad....MFI, Woolworths and lot more retail outlets are closing down...& in fact lot of banks also facing difficulties...and yesterday Barclays share plummeted 25% from its value & they lost billion of pounds in the market...

Does Tony still think the airline industry will not affected?

I reckon this Labu Labi airport is just a diversion so that he, Tony will have excuse if the airline industry is fail & they AirAsia & Sime Darby al least can make some money out of this new airport. They don't care whether we need new airport or not...they just want their portion of the if AirAsia go bust soon...he at least have his pension save somewhere...They get money people invested in..then different from Bernard Madoff!!

..Pak Lah also may want to save some pension for him...even dah banyak dia sapu....


Wake up people?? Look what's happening around the world now & how worst it is?

Start a campaign NOW..."NO TO LABU LABI AIRPORT" By tunnAuthor Profile Page on January 18, 2009 6:10 PM

Dear Sir,

As much as I am a fan of AA and what its done for travel consumers and boosting Malaysia as a travel hub for the region, one has to tread and monitor its corporate actions and proposed dealings very carefully. I applaud the attention you've given to this recent proposed corporate action of theirs.

If one is a shareholder, please be wary of RPTs.

And yes, just sit a roundtable and thrash the transfer pricing, charges etc. In the end, we just want a world class airport (KLIA), airline (MAS) and LCC airline (AA). By razaktun0Author Profile Page on January 18, 2009 6:18 PM

Salam Tun I am glad that you have presented some facts to substantiate why Air Asia idea of building an airport in labu should not be done. Basically it has supported the argument put forward by Dr Rafick in his blog under the article By sujiniAuthor Profile Page on January 18, 2009 6:28 PM

Salam Dr Mahathir,

It's been sometimes since I visit your blog. I see you've moved to a new domain with adverts and all. You've even give allowance for responses. That's very cordial of you. But Im still sad that nothing is change with regards to your adversaries. After not being able to take over IJN now they are collaborating with Air Asia to build the 4th Airport. What next?

By 20th Jan, US will have a new President after 8 years of having a moron for a President. What is the faith of Malaysia, I wonder. Will the moron PM still cling on to his post until death? So Malaysia can now come out with a new award befitting a statesman, JMSM (Jadi Moron Sampai Mati). By imahadiAuthor Profile Page on January 18, 2009 6:30 PM





















Is A New Airport Needed, Questions Chin

KUALA LUMPUR, Jan 17 (Bernama) Minister of Plantation Industries and Commodities Datuk said that his ministry was not against any development including building a new airport, if needed.

The issue is not whether the airport can be built on palmoil land or not, he said to reporters when asked on Sime Darby's plan to build the permanent low cost carrier terminal (LCCT) on its land in Labu, Negeri Sembilan.

"The issue is whether we should have a new airport or not," he said.


The issue now is for the government to retract the approval given to Sime Darby Bhd. The approval is made out of greed and without any strong commercial basis to support the building of the new airport. It is scandalous, no merit and does not make sense at all. The government should listen to the public outcry over this serious issue. Don't be blind, deaf and dumb !!!! Don't be haprak, HP6 and dah bodoh stupid! NO WONDER THE GOVERNMENT IS FAST LOSING SUPPORT FROM THE RAKYAT. They think they can just bulldoze everything. No, no, no !! Time is over for them to just ignore the public view.

Alright, if they don't cancel the project, they will face the consequences. They will be thrown out of power for sure in the next election. By that time Pak Lah already wash his hand and probably will become the chairman of Air Asia with a fat allowance of RM100,000 per month.

Mana Musa Hitam and Zubir? Why they remain silence? Buatlah statement !! Otak dah beku ke? Kalau beku tak payahlah nak jadi Chairman dan CEO !!!

By BuyongAuthor Profile Page on January 18, 2009 7:29 PM

Dey Tony,

Later, you start to believe your own lies!

Continue hoping your lies turn true.

When it comes true, you forget about your lies.

Then you don't know which is which.

Are these lies? Are those truth?

Later you find yourself next to Dollah.

Welcome to the Club!! By zainnanAuthor Profile Page on January 18, 2009 7:32 PM

This is the sure shortcut way of becoming billionaires.

Tun did the same way of enriching himself and his gang through YTL and other IPPs at the expense of the poor and debtridden TNB.

Now it's time for Dolah and the gang. Having enriched themselves through Air Asia at the expense of Mas, why not consolidate further through the proposed Labu airport at the expense of KLIA.

Comparing the two regimes, the latter has passed something to the Rakyat, in which Air Asia has now made "everyone can fly".

With the synergy obtainable in the Labu Airport, I'm confident that Tony would be very much generous in remitting further benefits to the Rakyat. Whereas the IPPs, which blatantly are seeking and keeping super profit at the expense of TNB and the Rakyat. Inspite of the hike in the tariff for the sure IPPs, TNB is left with carrying a debt to the tune of some RM25 billion for the Rakyat to shoulder ultimately. By zainnanAuthor Profile Page on January 18, 2009 7:35 PM

This is the sure shortcut way of becoming billionaires.

Tun did the same way of enriching himself and his gang through YTL and other IPPs at the expense of the poor and debtridden TNB.

Now it's time for Dolah and the gang. Having enriched themselves through Air Asia at the expense of Mas, why not consolidate further through the proposed Labu airport at the expense of KLIA.

Comparing the two regimes, the latter has passed something to the Rakyat, in which Air Asia has now made "everyone can fly".

With the synergy obtainable in the Labu Airport, I'm confident that Tony would be very much generous in remitting further benefits to the Rakyat. Whereas the IPPs, which blatantly are seeking and keeping super profit at the expense of TNB and the Rakyat. Inspite of the hike in the tariff for the sure IPPs, TNB is left with carrying a debt to the tune of some RM25 billion for the Rakyat to shoulder ultimately. By kamal ahmadAuthor Profile Page on January 18, 2009 8:15 PM an&pg=mh_03.htm

Salam Ayahanda Tun. Hari ini saya melihat Datuk Seri Najib sangat kusut wajah beliau. Raut wajahnya adalah jauh lebih tua daripada umur beliau. Saya tengok beliau nampak macam benarbenar seorang yang tertekan dan berada dalam kebuntuan. Saya tak nak menyindir beliau dalam komen pada kali ini. Sebab saya merasakan yang sebenarnya memang beliau telah bekerja keras di Parlimen 036 Kuala Terengganu barubaru ini. Dan jika seseorang itu telah berikhtiar dengan kuat, maka siapalah kita untuk mempersendakan apaapa tanpa kita jua yang akhirnya akan kehilangan maruah sendiri dengan cara menyindir sebegitu. Datuk Seri Najib perlu ikhlas bertanyakan diri beliau sendiri, adakah kepimpinan beliau diterima rakyat? Jika kebarangkalian jawapannya adalah: Tidak, maka beliau perlu melihat permasaalahan ini dengan jujur dan berani. Nescaya juga jawapan yang bakal beliau perolehi kelak akan bernaungkan kejujuran dan bertiangkan keberanian. Saya merasakan yang rakyat TIDAK menolak Datuk Seri Najib. Rakyat TIDAK menolak BN kerana bencikan BN, dan rakyat tidak menolak UMNO kerana bencikan UMNO. Tetapi sebenarnya, apa yang telah berlaku di P036 adalah merupakan undi suara protes rakyat kepada kepimpinan Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Abdullah Haji Ahmad Badawi dan juga kepada pembawa menantu lelaki beliau, iaitu Khairy Jamalludin. Ini adalah merupakan cubaan rakyat untuk membersihkan (melalui lunas demokrasi dan secara terhormat) kepimpinan negara daripada pengaruh Abdullah dan Khairy serta para sekutu mereka. Pengunduran Abdullah sudah tidak lagi mencukupi buat rakyat. Dan Datuk Seri Najib tersepit ditengah kemelut diantara kesetiaan beliau kepada ketua dan keikhlasan kepada diri beliau sendiri dan juga rakyat. Di antara Anwar Ibrahim, Hadi Awang, dan Abdullah Badawi sebenarnya Datuk Seri Najib jauh lebih berkaliber untuk memimpin Malaysia. Ramai yang bertindak untuk tidak keluar mengundi di P036 baru baru ini sebagai suara protes mereka yang khas ditujukan untuk PM dan menantu beliau Khairy. Wan Farid semua tahu tentang hubungan rapat beliau dengan keluarga PM. Semua kenal siapa Wan Farid. Tetapi kenapa beliau tetap dicalonkan untuk bertanding dan akhirnya membawa kekalahan kepada UMNO? Sikap PM yang berlepas ke Qatar pada hari pengundian telah mengakibatkan imej paparan malam kekalahan BN di P036 terpaksa di tanggung oleh Najib seorang diri. Saya hairan kenapa sampai begini jadinya kredibiliti Datuk Seri Najib? Di manakah pendirian beliau? Di manakah sifatsifat perjuangan dan kepimpinan beliau? Entahlah Tun. Saya tulis semua ni sebab saya sempat melihat imej terbaru Najib, dan jika di sebelah Penang orang kata “dah gogeh”. Datuk Seri Najib, lakukanlah sesuatu untuk menyelamatkan keadaan dan juga untuk menebus kembali maruah perjuangan anda. Jangan diizinkan diri anda diheret turun bersama Abdullah dan para sekutu beliau. Lupakan tentang teori RAHMAN, itu semua cerita karut sami India yang mula diperkatakan oleh kem Musa Hitam/Pak Lah pada awal tahun 80an dulu. Akhir kata Datuk Seri Najib, segeralah anda melakukan sesuatu untuk menyelamatkan maruah dan imej anda dikacamata Melayu di Malaysia sekaligus juga untuk menyelamatkan Melayu dan Negara Malaysia kita. Rakyat menantikan kualiti dalam kepimpinan.

La historia mi absolvia – Che Guevera. By Auta KarutAuthor Profile Page on January 18, 2009 8:34 PM

Assalamualaikum Yg Bhg Tun,

Musang Hitam penuh muslihat, biarlah Bodohlah Bodohwi terjun dengan LabuLabunya. Khairy si muka jamban terus memperjambankan bapa mertuanya. By yltan07Author Profile Page on January 18, 2009 8:47 PM

Dear Tun,

KLIA is a fantastic airport. Great looking world class facilities. The thing is this world class infra structure is managed by fourth world managers. This point Tun did not touch on.

Airasia has proven themselves to be world class manager, so give them a chance to built and manage their own airport and make the country proud. They should be supported and championed.

A little bit of competition with MAHB will not be bad. For both parties. They might just buck up and ship these fourth world managers out. By azrinAuthor Profile Page on January 18, 2009 8:57 PM

Assalamualaikum Tok Dad...

It's been a long while ..after reading your posts and all, and sincerely, you have really inspired me further with your pep talk many years back about the difference of Dato and a Doctor to the world.

However, I have to say the peace, as I think many of our politicians are so engrossed in their own pockets and forgetting what is going on in the world.

Yes, 2KM connector is possible. Singapore Airport runway 20 R and 02 L is more than 5 km apart with a connector, but then, 02L is not usually in use, meant for RAF Changi and the SATS repair crew.

However, I do strongly support your cause, and wondering WHY DON'T WE MAKE THE FULL USE OF SUBANG and convert Sg Besi Airport to Kuala Lumpur City Terminal , just like LCY London Docklands Airport for firefly. Subang used to carry more than what AirAsia will ever churn out. Frankly speaking, they should just kick AirAsia out and just let them use Subang, since it's a no frills. 70 flights a day is what they can max out, and I believe the Ara Damansara residents can bear with it far better than those Singaporeans in Boon Lay tolerating the RSAF Fly By on a 15 min basis.

On another note, when will there be an airport in KULIM as it's a nuisance to drive to PENANG ISLAND, pay RM7 for toll and endure the 75mins drive to the airport from Kulim. Having one here is good for the High Tech Park...and everyone else. By datomusAuthor Profile Page on January 18, 2009 9:10 PM

The Sime Darby Board has many prominent and wise personalities; among them a former DPM, two former KSN, a former DG Education. I wonder if all these people are simply compliant or they got overuled? Go to this website for the full list of these wise people. By isadarusAuthor Profile Page on January 18, 2009 9:21 PM

Ini semua politik kotor untuk keuntungan orang orang tertentu!. By AtaturkAuthor Profile Page on January 18, 2009 9:56 PM

Dear Tun,

Doesn't this simply stink to high heaven.

This is the trouble when leaders think the country belong to their family members and cronies.

And I thought Tony would have more brains than that. But what is this compared to the Bible, Quran or all the other holy books.

For these people $$$ is their God.

And wonder why the BN lost in the KT byelection. The coalition is guaranteeing itself to be out of power come the next GE.

The (BN) leaders still don't realise the leader of the country now is the DEVIL himself.

Best Regards

Ataturk By moe_mageraAuthor Profile Page on January 18, 2009 9:57 PM

Assalamualaikum Tun

Apala yang boleh kita lakukan jikalau projek itu tetap akan dijalankan, kerana kuasa bukan ditangan kita, tapi ditangan datuk seri perdana menteri. dia yang buat keputusan dan rakyat kena terima. apa boleh buat jika dia rasa ini boleh mendatangkan kebaikan kepada semua. dan tugas kitalah pada pemilihan kerajaan akan datang untuk membuat review tentang perkara ini. penganti datuk seri perdana menteri perlulah memikirkan apakah yang terbaik dilakukan olehnya kerana selepas ini dia yang akan memikul tanggungjawab segala tindakan yang dilakukan oleh seniornya. By hisham76Author Profile Page on January 18, 2009 10:13 PM

Dear Tun,

Biarkanlah si Dolah tu terjun dengan LABULABU nya....biarkan...biarkan. By yeopAuthor Profile Page on January 18, 2009 10:30 PM

Salam Tun,

Stupid is as stupid does. Pak Lah has not stopped from exposing his foolishness. Tun, we believe that your words are mightier than thousand of swords.

"IJN pun dah tak jadi, si sombong Wan pun dah kalah. Biarkan geng si Luncai (AAB, KJ, TF, MH etc.) terjun dengan aiport Labunya."

I just found out that our Nabi (based on few hadiths) was poisoned by a Jew, which led to his death. If the Arabs dare not crush every single zionist (the Prophet killers) in this world, I guess the Malays should take up this noble task. By sarawakianAuthor Profile Page on January 18, 2009 10:37 PM

Assalamualaikum Ayahanda Tun, Bercerita mengenai airport ini, barubaru ini saya dengar cerita syarikat helikopter baru yang bertapak di Miri Sarawak Awaninspirasi Sdn Bhd telah mendapat kelulusan daripada seorang panglima tentera udara untuk membenarkan helikopter syarikat tersebut mendarat di Lapangan terbang (Military Base) dengan keduadua juruterbangnya adalah "mat Salleh" atau Urang Putih...Iban punya cakap. Setahu saya military base ini tidak dibenarkan mana2 pesawat mendarat di lapangan terbang tersebut melainkan mesti ada seorang juruterbang rakyat Malaysia. Pada pendapat saya adalah orang itu yang sanggup MENJUALKAN Malaysia untuk Mendapatkan DUIT $$$$$$$ Bayar Sejumlah $$$, boleh mendarat Sudah.... BAGUS la KERAJAAN Malaysia nihhh!!!! Boleh Jual Beli Lagih TUhhhh... Kena ingat Juruterbang Mat Salleh nih kebanyakkannya bekas Tentera.


>>PAK LAH dengan nasihat KJ untuk menggunakan SYARIKAT PERMODALAN KEBANGSAAN BERHAD (SPKB)membina syarikat helikopter AWANINSPIRASI yang mempunyai rakan kongsi mat salleh CANADA HELIKOPTER (CHC) yang dibeli oleh First Reserve Corporation ( daccf&k=57843) Syarikat Jews.

Pak Lah & Co. Lu Pikir la Sendiri!!!!!!!!!! By PembelaAuthor Profile Page on January 18, 2009 10:42 PM

Assalammualaikum Tok Det.


1. JAMBATAN BENGKOK JOHORSINGAPURA. Rakyat dan Sultan Johor yang juga negeri kelahiran Musa Black pasti gembira. Air di Selat akhirnya bercantum juga. Musa Black akan pasti akan jadi HERO JOHOR!!!

2. PENGLEBARAN JAMBATAN PULAU PINANG SEDIAADA. Tak payah buat jambatan baru sebab kos tinggi. Lambat sangat nak siap. Lagi pun ekonomi tengah lembab sekarang. Pak Lah akan disanjung oleh rakyat di negeri sendiri. Paklah akan dapat gelaran HERO PULAU PINANG!!! BN pasti akan menang semula di Pulau Pinang!!!

3. PROJEK KERETAPI LAJU NASIONAL. Tambah laluan keretapi terutamanya di negeri yang tiada kemudahan keretapi seperti Melaka dan Pulau Pinang (di kawasan pulau). STESEN KERETAPI TERMODEN boleh dibangunkan di LABU dan konsesi diberi kepada SIME DARBY. Sebab stesen keretapi KL pun dan sesak dan uzur dan patut jadi muzium. KJ akan dapat gelaran HERO NEGERI SEMBILAN!!! Lepas tu akan dapat gelaran Datuk Seri KJ yang akan diberi oleh Ali Rustam!!!

4. PROJEK TERNAKAN BABI BERPUSAT DI PULAU. Mohd Taib boleh mencadangkan TERNAKAN BABI BERPUSAT di pulau yang tidak berpenghuni di Malaysia. Kalau boleh pulau yang berdekatan dengan Singapura. Kerana Singapura negara pengimport terbesar babi dari Malaysia. Lagi bagus buat di pulau berhampiran Batu Putih. Silapsilap Singapura akan beri semula pulau Batu Putih kepada Malaysia sebab tak tahan bau babi. Mohd Taib akan menjadi HERO SELANGOR kerana pusat ternakan babi di Selangor tidak perlu lagi diteruskan. Orang Melayu & Cina tentu akan suka dengan jalan penyelesaian ini yang tidak lagi menggangu sensiviti kaum selamanya. Mohd Taib pasti menang jawatan TPM sebab disukai semua kaum dan berjaya pula mendapatkan semula pulau Batu Putih yang DIJAJAH oleh Singapura sekarang!!!




Tapi takut Pak Lah tak sempat sebab tinggal 2 bulan je lagi. Pak Lah pulak sibuk dengan SURUHANJAYA tak habishabis daaa....

PEMBELA By lampu basikalAuthor Profile Page on January 18, 2009 10:46 PM

Assalamualaikum Tun,

SAY NO TO LABU and let "silunchai terjun dengan labu labu nya" comes this march. BOYCOTT LABU to be added to list of boycotts. "Hidup Tun Dr Mahathir" and may Allah bless us all. May Allah save Malaysia from these crooks...... Aminnnn. By IsmailAuthor Profile Page on January 18, 2009 10:51 PM

Salam YBhg Tun,

Saya melencong sedikit dari kesah Air Port Labu ini dengan cerita lain. Semasa Tun jadi PM dulu terkenallah dengan Air Port in the forest KLIA. memang sangat menarik Air port KLIA tu. Juga dengan Garden City Putrajaya. Sekarang ini Putrajaya sudah ada 13 taman. Sekarang ada cerita Mont Kiara nak dijadikan berbagaiberbagai Taman. Jean sudah jadi penasihat projek landskap ini. Apalah konsep Tamannya tak tau lah. kononnya nak jadikan tropical forest.Berapa banyaklah tropical forest. Rimba alam kat Putrajaya sudah ada tropical forest.FRIM sudah ada arboretum tropical forest. Kami dari kumpulan botanists mencadangkan mont kiara tu dibangunkan sebuah Taman palma, iaitu koleksi palma dunia. tapi tak dapat sambutan. Malaysia ni ialah Palm country. Malaysia mempunyai bilangan spesies palma kedua banyaknya dalam dunia selepas Amazonia.Kita sepatutnya sudah ada Taman Palma untuk pemuliharaan kepelbagaian biologi.Agaknya sudah ada orang yang nak ambil popularity Tun dalam membangunkan TamanTaman. Komen sedikit Tun By pakbelalangAuthor Profile Page on January 18, 2009 11:13 PM

Dear Tun,

KT ByElection Reflects Need For Reforms Gerakan

KUALA LUMPUR, Jan 18 (Bernama) The result of the Kuala Terengganu byelection reflects the urgency for Barisan Nasional (BN) to carry out further reforms.

Gerakan president Tan Sri Dr Koh Tsu Koon said the result amplified the need for BN to become a more cohesive and effective multiracial coalition to continue representing, serving and uniting the people.


First thing first when you want to talk about reforms. UMNO must get rid of haprak, HP6 and dah bodoh stupid and corrupted leaders. Pak Lah and his "deadwood" hopeless koncokonco or cronies must be out from the limelight of UMNO top leadership like Mike Tyson, Khir Toyo, KJ, Ali Rustam and few others. They are just useless fellows and good for nothing. They are the spoilers and a total liability to the party. The UMNO members must kick them out. No two way about it. Najib must remove them for good. Don't give them positions at all. Dump them in order to save UMNO. That is a fact which UMNO members must accept outright. Rakyat dah meluat tengok perangai mereka yang dah tak ada credibility lagi. Rakyat dah benci melihat mereka. Otak mereka sebenarnya KOSONG. Macam TIN MILO KOSONG !!

Sometimes we have to be blunt to get the message clear. Or else they think they are still indispensible.

To initiate reforms we need brilliant technocrat politicians who have the mental capacity and IQ above average in order to get the respect from the rakyat.As for the present set of UMNO leaders unfortunately their level of intelligence does not deserve to lead the rakyat. They are not leaders but "penyangak besar" of the first order. Make no mistake about it. If they are still around for the next few years then I feel sorry for BN. BN will collaspse. The nation will collaspse. Malaysia will become a failed state.

The opposition parties led by Anwar just as hopeless as UMNO. They also cannot deliver because they simply do not know how to govern. Their political principles all ROJAK. How can they focus on championing the rakyat with different agendas and principles. By DIN JJAuthor Profile Page on January 18, 2009 11:31 PM



Tun yg dihormati,

Saya tidak bersetuju dengan pembinaan KLIAEast.Izinkan saya bercerita melalui pengalaman saya sepanjang berurusan diLCCT.Saya berkerja ditravel agency diShah Alam dan sering menghantar dan menyambut pelancongpelancong asing yang keluar dan masuk ke Malaysia.Boleh dikatakan ramai juga pelancong asing yang menggunakan perkhidmatan agensi ditempat kerja saya bercakap tentang LCCT yang pada mereka terlalu nampak "murahan".Yang menjadi persoalan saya ialah kenapa MAHB membina LCCT yang ada pada hari ini cuma ala kadar sahaja dalam erti kata lain seperti melepas batuk ditangga.Kalau kita perhatikan LCCT sebelum projek pengubahsuaian seperti yang dijalankan sekarang ini tersangat ringkas walaupun pengguna masih membayar airport tax (kalaupun airport tax diKLIA lebih mahal itu pun tak banyak beza dgn airport tax diLCCT). Apa yang ingin saya sampaikan disini ialah walaupun namanya LCCT (Low Cost Carrier Terminal) tapi jangan lah terlalu "low standard"nya kerana LCCT yang ada pada hari ini ialah "hub" utama Airasia dan Malaysia pada amnya dikenali oleh negaranegara lain diAsia sebagai tuan rumah Airasia jadi secara tak langsung nama negara kita juga akan ikut terjejas.

Saya amat berharap LCCT yang projek pengubahsuaiannya akan selesai tidak lama lagi akan mementingkan kualiti dan kemudahan bertaraf antarabangsa kepada pengguna dan pengunjungnya walaupun namanya tetap Low Cost Carrier Terminal.

Terima kasih. By pakbelalangAuthor Profile Page on January 19, 2009 12:08 AM

Saturday, January 10, 2009 KJ Mula Bersuara: Petanda BN Akan Kalah

Beberapa buah media massa mula menyiarkan kenyataan Naib Ketua Pemuda UMNO, Khairy Jamaluddin mengenai pilihanraya kecil Kuala Terengganu. Seperti selalu, kenyataan tersebut bersikap angkuh dan memperlekehkan orang Terengganu, seolaholah mereka bodoh kerana memilih PAS di tiga dari empat kerusi DUN dalam Parlimen Kuala Terengganu. comment;

Ramalan blogger Jan 10,2009 tepat. BN kalah.

KJ ini dah semacam bawa beban kapada UMNO. Dia patut dibenamkan kalau UMNO nak kekal selamanya....

Najib mesti fikirkan sama ada si KJ ni akan bawa tuah atau balak kapadanya.

By pakbelalangAuthor Profile Page on January 19, 2009 12:18 AM

Dear Tun,

I believe by now the Chairman of Sime Darby must be thinking of naming the new airport.

May I suggest to Musa Hitam to name the airport "LABU LABI INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT". Mr Labu becomes the Chairman of the airport and Mr Labi its CEO. Haji Baghil becomes the "advisor". kah, kah, kah !!! By pakbelalangAuthor Profile Page on January 19, 2009 12:33 AM

To Najib,

Dengar cakap orang yang dah berpengalaman lebih 21 tahun mentadbir negara. Without the slightest shadow of doubt there is substance to Tun's argument. So the government must make the decision fast to cancel the airport project and move forward to other pressing social and economic matters.

You proceed with this project the BN government will face tough time in the next election. The internet is mightier than the sword !! By 4thFlrAuthor Profile Page on January 19, 2009 12:39 AM

Long Live Tun!

Dear Citizens,

1. Pls have a look at the LCCT facilities.

2. Pls look at the price of the food inside the boarding area of the LCCT.

3. Pls look at the number of people in the LCCT.

4. Pls look at the no. of empty seat for you to sit on in the LCCT.

5. Pls look at the landscaping of the LCCT.

Then you will understand why MAHB is not really a smart choice to work with.

I have also heard the 4th floor guys have taken many of the projects including a VERY VERY spacious Police Station in Johor. The police station is bigger than a jail. When you have the time, you can go to Batu Pahat to have a look at the Newly built Police Station.


By Budin607Author Profile Page on January 19, 2009 12:48 AM

Salam Tun

To my mind the intention is clear, the government maybe trying to encourage free market by having another airport operator other than MAHB, which will cater for low cost budget carrier like Air Asia and the likes. This will break the monopoly of MAHB in the market, thus creating a competitor for MAHB. I foresee not only Air Asia will benefit from this venture but other regional low budget arlines who will be given landing rights here. Mr. Fernandez has also mentioned about opening other LCCTs in other states amd even in neighbouring countries. This piece of information may have prompted the Penang CM asking for LCCT in Penang too. In the meantime talks are still ongoing, albeit behind closed doors, between Air Asia and Jetstar (the Australian low budget carrier) for a possible cooperation or merger. My reading is we will see some foreign interests in the operatorship of these LCCTs either directly or indirectly.

Frankly Tun, I am all for free market competition because I feel its good to have competition and at the end of the day, this will benefit the rakyat. However, on the other hand, the study done failed to take into account of other factors, besides the under utilisation of KLIA, what about existing airports like Batu Berendam in Melaka (which I heard is being upgraded) or even Ipoh for that matter or nearer still Subang. Can Mr Fernandez think of more challenging way to utilise these airports rather than choose a a short cut and simpler way out by building a new one in Labu? Is the same going to happen when Firefly or Berjaya Air becomes larger, they too will be given permission to build their own airports too ?? Now how many airports do we need here !! If this goes on, we have more airports than railway stations or bus terminals. Of course this will be on rakyat's monies one way or the other..... apa nak jadi nie Tun...

Can someone put some sense into this government head that the rakyat is not at all convinced with all of this... just look at the results of the Kuala Terengganu byelection ! I think this government, more particularly the politicians which are running it, are bend in trying to destroy itself by alienating themselves from the rakyat !

Salam. By pakbelalangAuthor Profile Page on January 19, 2009 12:49 AM

Dear Tun,

Mengapa Air Asia nak "menenggek" kat Sime Darby suruh buat airport? The present Sime Darby set up being typical of its "dah bodoh stupid" new Board members and management under Zubir is very raw not like the old guard of Sime Darby management who were very conservative but with full of leadership quality and charismatic outlook. They maintained and applied the highest degree of credibility, transparancy and good management principles. By pakbelalangAuthor Profile Page on January 19, 2009 12:59 AM

Dear Tun,

Macam mana Barisan nak bangkit semula jika tak habishabis dengan dasar yanmg mengelirukan rakyat dan menaikan kemarahan rakyat. Semua projek yang diluluskan tidak masuk akal tanpa membuat "case study" yang menyeluruh untuk dibentangkan kapada rakyat dengan sejelasjelasnya. Inilah yang dikatakan projek "flip,flop,flup". Akhirnya backfired but the damage has been done to reflect their gross stupidity and finally being ridiculed by the rakyat.What a shame!! By zamanAuthor Profile Page on January 19, 2009 1:05 AM

Salam Sejahtera Untuk Tun Dan Keluarga.

Semenjak Pak Lah mengambil tampuk kepimpinan macam macam hal berlaku. Kalau mengutungkan tak palah ini banyak yang merugi kan. Semua dapat di lihat dengan jelas tak ada wawasan langsung.

Semenjak itu negara bukan semakin maju makin mundur.

Sebaiknya Pak lah letak jawatan dengan segera.

Dulu ada yang berkata Tun bengkrup kan negara. Tetapi sekarang siapa yang membengkrup kan negara. Tuhan Maha Adil Tun,dengan sendiri perkara ini terjawap.Tun we still need you very badly. Tun tolong lah kami sama sama menyelamatkan negara kita.Kesilapan memilih Pak Lah telah berlalu,Pak Lah juga akan berlalu.Mari lah sama sama kita memartabat kan Malaysia saperti zaman Tun dahulu.

God Bless You Tun InshaAllah. By pakbelalangAuthor Profile Page on January 19, 2009 1:08 AM

Dear Tun,

Selagi otak pemimpinpemimpin kerajaan diletakkan diponggong mereka, kerajaan akhirnya akan menuju kehancuran. Kepercayaan dari rakyat saban hari semakin pudar, maka selamat jalanlah kerajaan Barisan Nasional.It is no joke. The sign is very glaring and the government is facing tough time to convince the rakyat whether they have credibility anymore to rule the country. Remember, 5 states already gone. Soon everthing is gone!! Do something before it is too late, Najib and gang. Pak Lah is "kaput" !! Deadwood !! By pakbelalangAuthor Profile Page on January 19, 2009 1:15 AM

Dear Tun,

Do you still remember UMNO leaders had "brainstorming" session at Glemmarie after they almost lost in the election. What happens now? They still cannot revitalise their position. They still lost the byelection in KT.

Kata orang Johor, brainstorming "TAIK KUCING" !! By azizAuthor Profile Page on January 19, 2009 1:20 AM

A'kum Tun!

The people involved in this business must get the benefits from it altogether. And it is a shame that the idea is so stupid to build a new airport for the low cost carrier. They already spend millions or ringgit on the LCCT and yet they want to build another one which is less than an hours drive. I really don't understand what is going on with out Prime Minister and the people running the show. They are so dumb and they can't spend the money wisely so that our economy will be better. Instead they waste more money on useless project like this. So sad...

The recent KT election result showed that the people are tired and fed up with the government and they want change. I still don't understand why Pak Lah and the gang do not get this. Even a boy would understand a clear message like that.

Tun, it is so sad to see our country become like this and it is so sad also to mention our Prime Minister is Abdullah Badawi because he is definitely not that great to be our leader. I wish that you could live forever and lead this country to a greater level. but insyallah one day there will be another great leader like you will lead us again in the near future but of course not Najib and his wife. I hope Rakyat will do something about this because from what I heard, he is worse than Pak Lah. So do we want someone worse than Pak Lah to lead our country again?

thank you aziz By pakbelalangAuthor Profile Page on January 19, 2009 1:25 AM

Pakatan Form Council Of Menteris Besar/Chief Minister

ALOR SETAR, Jan 18 (Bernama) Five states under Pakatan Rakyat (PR) today endorsed the formation of a council of Menteris Besar/Chief Minister and an Exco to ensure they will not be sidelined by the Barisan Nasional government. Guan Eng said the formation of the council would be a platform for the menteris besar of the Pakatan Rakyat ruled states to be on par with other states when attending meetings held by the Prime Minister during Rulers Council meetings. comment:

I think these new Chief Minister and Menteri Besars are suffering from cultural shock and inferiority complex. Mereka kena belajar the royal code of conduct apabila berhadapan dan mengadap rajaraja. kah, kah, kah. Carilah buku mengenai Protocol yang dikarang oleh Datuk Kolah. By pakbelalangAuthor Profile Page on January 19, 2009 1:30 AM

Dear Tun,

Kerajaan jangan segansegan atau malumalu untuk membatalkan projek airport ini. Sebenarnya kerajaan BN dah pun tak maruah lagi. Sudah menjadi lumrah keputusan yang dibuat Pak Lah "flip, flop, flup". kah, kah, kah !! Dah tak hairan lagi !! By samuraimelayuAuthor Profile Page on January 19, 2009 1:37 AM

SALAM AYAHANDA RAKYAT TUN IZINKAN, 1. Air Asia has done well to explain the justification for the socalled KLIAEast in Labu.


2. Not having the facilities and personnel I can only give my very unprofessional view on the justification:








To Sdr Kamal Ahmad; still remember 'your pointing out number 4 back to January 1999?.. kesian Najib. By j_pit82Author Profile Page on January 19, 2009 2:10 AM asskum,

Tun yg dihormati.

Saya risau la Tun,kalau kita rakyat Malaysia masih lagi tidak sedar akan ancaman luar dan dalam negara.

Cuba kita lihat & ambil ikhtibar daripada kisah Gaza.Memang kasihan lihat mereka,tapi kita kena lihat pada sejarahnya,mengapa mereka menderita sekarang.

Jadi, kalau di Malaysia pula kalau rakyat tidak peka dan sedar akan ancamanancaman dari pelbagai bentuk (ekonomi,ilmu dan dll)kita akan ditindas macam tu saja.Terutamanya golongan bumi.Kita patut sedar di mana kekuatan kita sekarang.

Kami generasi baru ini sangat risau dengan masa depan kami.Cuba kita lihat pemimpin kita sekarang,semuanya tidak jelas vision,mission dan sifat ultra membela rakyat & bangsa. Seperti ada saja "hidden agenda" meraka.Kami boleh baca air muka dan hati mereka la.

Secara jujur kami sangat perlukan pemimpin seperti Tun untuk masa kini dan selamanya.Memang Tun dah tinggalkan platform untuk kami dan generasi pemimpin.Tapi rasa tidak yakin masih kuat.

Tun, boleh ke Tun hasilkan lagi sebuah buku untuk panduan dan ikhtibar supaya setidaktidaknya menjadi pembakar semangat kepada kami.Sememangya saya ada semangat nak membela bangsa saya.

The Malay Delema 2,the New Generation....can?

Harap Tun komen ye. By warisanGSMAuthor Profile Page on January 19, 2009 2:43 AM

Salam Tun and other reader,




Politik ialah teori serba mungkin. Pelbagai kemungkinan boleh berlaku. Jangan pekakkan telinga jika kita dengar sesuatu yang baru tetapi apa yang perlu ialah kita menghalusi dan menyiasatnya.

Saya ingin berkongsi pandangan dengan pembaca apabila seorang rakan saya yang merupakan penyokong kuat Pak Lah menghantarkan mesej pesanan ringkasnya sebagai ucapan selamat tahun baru kepada saya. Katanya, “Tahun baru yang kini tiba adalah satu transformasi perubahan kearah kebaikan, bergerak ke hadapan serta menggapai harapan tinggi untuk tamadun sebuah bangsa,"

"Semoga Allah yang Maha Esa memberi kekuatan, kesabaran dan Perlindungan kepada YAB Dato Seri Abdullah Hj Ahmad Badawi agar terus mengangkat tamadun ini ke persada lebih terbilang, rakyat kembali meyakini beliau, bersatulah kita untuk membantu beliau kearah transformasi ini, kita ketepikan pemimpin yang rakus, haloba, tidak mengenang budi serta..Ayuh Malaysia, beri peluang kepada Pak Lah meneruskan cabaran tersebut..”

Saya membalas bertanya, ada peluangkah Pak Lah terus sebagai Perdana Menteri sehingga pilihanraya yang ke 13 dan beliau menjawab Insya Allah jika Allah izinkan, itulah yang akan berlaku. Maka saya terus ingin mendapatkan penjelasan lanjut dengan bertanya bagaimana prosesnya?.Maka kawan baik saya ini menurunkan senarai yang mungkin ada lojiknya. Menurut beliau;

1) Akan ada perkara yang mengejutkan akan berlaku pada sidang parlimen bulan januari 2009 nanti, di mana Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim dan ahli parlimen Pakatan Rakyat (82 ahli) akan membuat usul menyokong kepimpinan Pak Lah sebagai Perdana Menteri Malaysia. Berkemungkinan ‘separuh’ dari BN akan menyokong. Menurut beliau sebenarnya ianya hanya untuk menunjukkan yang PR tidak boleh terima Najib sebagai PM. Disitu, tambahnya lagi manamana ahli parlimen khususnya dari UMNO yang tidak menyokong akan terlibat dengan rombakan kabinet sebab ia ada kaitan dengan pemilihan MCA yang lepas.

2) Menurut beliau, sekiranya di Kuala Terengganu calon BN tumbang, itu merupakan mesej jelas dari UMNO, PR dan rakyat yang mereka tidak boleh terima Najib sebagai PM.

3) Katanya, Akta Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia (SPRM) akan lebih menguatkan Pak Lah.

4) UMNO dan Rakyat telah lihat kerakusan Najib dalam isu Eurocopter, Nombor ekor dan pembelian Institut Jantung Negara selainnya Altantuya.

Setelah mendengar huraikan panjang lebar beliau saya bertanya satu soalan kecil, iaitu bagaimana Pakatan Rakyat mempunyai seramai 82 wakil di parlimen? Agak lama beliau menjawab, bukankah ahli parlimen PR seramai 82 orang? Saya balas, “Ibrahim Ali bukannya dari Pakatan Rakyat”. Semua orang tahu bagaimana pendirian beliau di yang lebih cederung membela ISA, Polis, pelonggaran Akta Universiti dan Kolej 1975 dan bertelagah kasar dengan Karpal Singh dan wakilwakil DAP yang lain.

Terganggu fikiran kawan saya ini agak lama baru beliau membalas, “dah tolak, jika masuk Ibrahim Ali jumlahnya 83 orang..” jawabnya lemah. Saya membalas menyatakan jumlah ahli parlimen 222, BN 140 orang, Bebas 1 dan Pakatan Rakyat masih 82?. Cuba kira betulbetul itu 'simple mathematic', kata saya. Sebenarnya Ibrahim Ali bertanding di atas tiket PAS di Pasir Mas, tetapi semua maklum beliau tidak menyokong Pakatan Rakyat di bawah pimpinan Anwar Ibrahim.

Beliau lantang dalam isuisu Islam, Melayu, Raja dan Bahasa. Ini empat perkara yang menjadi asas perjuangan beliau. Soal "katak" adalah merupakan satu 'political swing' yang berlaku dalam seni mendapatkan kuasa, terutama di Kelantan. Pernah dalam satu sidang media dirumahnya pada hariraya yang lalu Ibrahim sempat bergurau, “Siapa ahli politik yang namanya berakhir dengan Ibrahim itu bahaya..”. Wartawan tergelak kerana mengingatkan beberapa nama kontroversi seperti Zaid Ibrahim, Khalid Ibrahim dan Anwar Ibrahim. Tetapi Ibrahim Ali namanya di pangkal awal.

Berbalik kepada cerita kawan saya ini apabila beliau menyatakan jumlah yang salah maka saya membetulkannya dengan menegaskan jumlah ahli parlimen adalah 222 dan jika PR 82, BN 140 dan bebas 1 akan berjumlah 223. Pengajarannya adalah, periksa maklumat kita dengan betul walaupun ianya nampak mudah.

Beliau senyap, tetapi saya terus berdiplomasi dengan menyatakan bahawa pandangan politik selalu subjektif dan terdedah pelbagai tafsiran, pandangan dan tanggapan yang tidak semestinya betul. Saya nyatakan pada beliau, kalau saya berada di tempat Anwar Ibrahim, saya mahu BN menari ikut rentak politik saya dan itulah yang Pak Lah lakukan.

“Yang penting biarlah yang memimpin Negara ini bukan yang ‘terlalu rosak’ moralnya, tak gitu Dato?”, Tanya beliau lagi. Saya tegas menjawab ya, “moral, amanah dan kebijaksanaan memimpin”. Saya tak tahu samada beliau faham jawapan saya.

“Setuju Dato’, mari kita bersatu membantu Pak Lah, saya yakin dengan prinsip perjuangan Dato”, dan beliau mengakhirnya dengan mengundang saya untuk makan malam pada satu tarikh yang akan ditentukan kemudian.

Perbualan sms ini bukan dari orang yang berpengaruh dan berjawatan tinggi dalam parti, tetapi cukup untuk saya merenung jauh mengenai apakah debaran yang akan berlaku sehingga Mac 2009, tempoh yang seharusnya merupakan perletakan jawatan Pak lah selaku PM.

Sebenarnya saya pernah mendengar kebimbangan ini dari orangorang kuat Najib beberapa bulan dahulu dan kebimbangan ini semakin kedengaran. Ini terbukti lagi apabila Malaysiakini yang merupakan laman web yang menyokong kuat Anwar Ibrahim menyatakan dalam kepala beritanya: “Najib, KT is a doordie battle”:

“Deputy Prime Minister Najib Razak couldn’t have made it any clearer the upcoming Kuala Terengganu byelection is crucial for Umno. Indeed for him, Kuala Terengganu is the key to reversing Umno’s fortune.”

Ahh, ini merupakan satu lagi percubaan baru dalam perlumbaan ke Putrajaya. Malang bagi Najib kerana mewarisi suatu suasana politik yang tidak menentu walaupun sarung keris sudah ditangan. Ramai penyokong Najib dan Anwar berdebardebar siapakah yang akan sampai dahulu ke Putrajaya sebelum Mac 2009. Ini kerana peristiharan ‘gempaq’ Anwar Ibrahim untuk menubuhkan kerajaan melalui pintu belakang belum berjaya.

Saya percaya, Anwar Ibrahim akan menggunakan langkah maksimum bagi mempastikan Najib tidak akan menjadi PM. Caranya dengan membina tanggapan buruk rakyat terhadap peribadi Najib dalam pelbagai isu yang dibangkitkan. Tarikh akhirnya adalah Mac 2009. Betul atau tidak belum tahu tetapi tanggapan atau persepsi sudah cukup untuk seseorang itu disokong atau dihukum rakyat.

Saya ulangi, tanggapan dan persepsi rakyat dan bukannya mahkamah. Hakim mahkamah adalah hakim konspirasi sekiranya membuat keputusan yang tidak menyebelahi sesuatu pihak. Buatlah Suruhanjaya Kehakiman macamana sekalipun. Inilah trend politik baru sekarang. Yang penting strategi politik ialah orang yang menyerang bertalutalu tak kan sekalipun tak masuk gol?.

Menyedari hakikat inilah kumpulan Pak Lah bersiap sedia untuk menghadapi suasana baru ini. Bukan untuk Najib dan Anwar, tetapi untuk dirinya sendiri. Begitu juga Anwar yang berkemungkinan membuat sokongan terbuka kepada Pak Lah, bukan untuk menyokong Pak Lah tetapi untuk menyekat kemaraan Najib yang semakin diserahkan taming sari.

Ini kerana Kelemahan ketara kepimpinan Pak Lah merupakan ‘lauk’ kepada Anwar Ibrahim, seperti yang terbukti dalam persaingan mereka baik semasa dalam UMNO mahupun Pakatan Rakyat.

Apapun, ketidaktentuan suasana politik yang panjang tidak menguntungkan rakyat sama sekali. Para pelabur dan ahli perniagaan sukar untuk membuat keputusan perniagaan. Kita mengharapkan debaran ini akan cepat berakhir. Kalau Anwar Ibrahim mempunyai jumlah yang cukup untuk menubuhkan kerajaan buatlah sekarang dan saya percaya rakyat serta pemimpin yang tidak menyokong beliau akan membuat penyesuaian dengan cepat. Jika tidak hentikanlah 'gempaq' yang tidak berkesudahan dan tunggulah peralihan kepimpinan pada Mac nanti atau Pilihanraya Umum yang ke 13 yang akan datang. By waiZAuthor Profile Page on January 19, 2009 7:25 AM


Yg Bhg Tun.

Baguslah. Banyak lagi airport dibuat lagi bagus. Kat Perlis kena buat satu. Taklah susah nak kejar macam nak rak pi lepak kat Kepala Batas Alor Setar berjam jam.

Kalau di kawasan lembah Klang tu penuh dengan airport nanti pekak telinga org Lembah Klang bunyi bising jentera pesawat' termasuk Tun juga. Lama lama org KL semua jadi pekak. Macam pemimpin la ni dah pekak badak. By icucu tok buyungAuthor Profile Page on January 19, 2009 8:01 AM

Tun. Kerajaan Pak Lah tak serik2 membuat atau merancang projek2 yang kontroversi, bertentangan dengan pemikiran waras rakyat. Siapa lah 'master mind' semua projek2 ini. Apa rational nya yang kerajaan bersetuju sangat2 akan projek seumpama ini. Kerajaan maseh tak insaf dan maseh tidak mahu belajar untuk melihat bagaimana untuk menguruskan pembagunan yang benar2 menguntungkan seluruh rakyat bukan untuk segelintir yang berkempentingan. Jawapan dan pertunjuk telah rakyat berikan dari segala kegalan kerajaan mengurus tadbir negara. Yang terbaru keputusan di P036 KT. BN kecundang. Walaupun kerajaan menabur berjuta RM di KT. Tapi maseh ditolak rakyat. Kenapa? Apakah BN mahu terus ditolak rakyat pada PRU13? Renung2kan lah bakal PM. DSNTR. Usahlah ikut sangat rentak Pak Lah dan menantu nya itu. kerana merka lah KT kalah kat Pas. Pengundi di KT meluat tenguk KJ berkempen untuk calun pilihan nya,proxy nya di Terenganu. Rakyat terengganu tahu dan nampak hal ini. Tun, ada apa2 nak komen tentang P036 KT ini. By LuckyAuthor Profile Page on January 19, 2009 8:20 AM

YAB Tun, Saya gembira apabila melihat UMNO kalah di Kuala Terengganu.....apa pun, isyarat yang diberi oleh rakyat Terengganu amatlah jelas...mereka sudah bosan dengan kepimpinan UMNO sekarang. Saya sedih melihat wajah DSNTR sebagai Chief pilihanraya di KT tu... Apa yang boleh beliau buat...itu semua kehendak si Pak Lah tu. Tak sabar menunggu March 2009..tarikh keramat untuk UMNO dan BN mendapat tali hayat mereka semula. Untuk DSNTR jgm merasa sedih...rakyat terengganu sayangkan anda....mereka di Terengganu dan di seluruh Malaysia akan menyokong balek UMNO dan Bn bila kepimpinan sekarang telah di tukar ..... DSNTR akan menjadi PM dan Saudara Mukhriz menjadi Ketua Pemuda ..... INSYAALLAH.... By muaz2020Author Profile Page on January 19, 2009 8:33 AM

Assalammualaikum dah Selamat Sejahtera Tun sekeluarga dan pengunjung che det. Master plan KLIA tak di ikut pak lah mesti sebab dia slalu tido masa Tun sampaikan penerangan, tue la pasal bkn master plan KLIA aja dia x ikut, semua serba serbi plan Tun untuk negara dia x buat, tue la pak lah, banyak sangat tido. By azamimaAuthor Profile Page on January 19, 2009 8:44 AM

All Malaysian, let's boycott LABU AIRPORT. Save our KLIA AIRPORT!!! By AzMaAuthor Profile Page on January 19, 2009 8:44 AM

Assalamualikum Tun,

Nampaknya Pak Lah + Musa Hitam + Konco2 nya tak habis2 cuba nak padamkan segala jasa2 Tun selama ini.

Selepas IJN, LABU AIRPORT pula. Kalau boleh KLIA nak di tutupnya. Supaya terpadam terus nama Tun dengan pembinaan KLIA.

Jasa Tun tetap dikenang. By eerieAuthor Profile Page on January 19, 2009 8:56 AM assalamualaikum. sy belajar kat luar negara. tiap2 tahun paling kurang sekali akan balik Malaysia. rindu kat Malaysia la katakan. dulu senang je. bila sampai KLIA, boleh terus ambil domestic flight balik rumah.selalunya air asia sebab lagi murah berbanding MAS. sekarang? kalau nak naik air asia kena naik bas pergi LCCT.saya sangaaaaaatlah tak setuju bila air asia pindah ke sana. sekarang kena angkut beg besar 30kg+ naik bas.leceh.pakcik driver bas pun bukannya tolong angkutkan beg pun. kenapa air asia pindah ke sana? adakah MAS takut bersaing dgn air asia? (masa tu mmg air asia tgh popular sbb lg rasa firefly tu ditubuhkn pun sbb nk bsaing dgn air asia.tanak MAS rugi.firefly part of MAS kan?)if air asia was kicked out of KLIA coz of MAS, i am so frustated. tak fikirke kesusahan penumpang??

KLIA mmg bes. kemudahan lengkap.kecuali peak timesurau x muat.airport punyala besar, tapi surau kat corner2 je? selain tu, KLIA ni nampak suram la. KLIA siap dibina rasanya cam takdelah lama sangat, tapi nampak macam usang. airport changi memang lagi lawa la compared to KLIA and even other european airports i've been to. tambang ERL mmg takleh turun ke? RM 70 pergi balik ? kopak la poket.pengangkutan awam lain cam takde dah.teksi pun lebih kurang mahal je. pengangkutan awam kat KL bile nak upgrade? buat la sistem bus pass. tak payah pakai konductor bus dah. kenapa KL kotor? sampah berlambak kat jln TAR. kenapa tak pernah nampak DBKL sapu sampah? selalu nampak jadi polis trafik pulak.bab trafik tak boleh bagi polis trafik PDRM uruskan ke? hmm..mungkin saya mengadu kat salah tempat. tapi nak jugak.dah lama geram. saya sayang Malaysia. bila duduk oversea baru tahu macam mana perasaannya when u've got home to come back to....tahu tak macam mana perasaannya merempat kat negara orang??? By syamsul azuarAuthor Profile Page on January 19, 2009 9:00 AM

Assalamualaikum Tun, Fakta yg tepat. Syabas Tun!! By remiglobalAuthor Profile Page on January 19, 2009 9:08 AM

1. i luv airasia because with few hundreds ringgit i can fly away and experience new "education" that we human being needs. dulu nabi muhammad kita kata, belajaqlah sehingga ke negeri cina. la nih, dengan RM 0 + tax, kita dah boleh belajaq ke negeri cina.

2. about the aerobridge. cmon, KLIA is an international hub. it should have aerobridges. kesianlah makcik2/pakcik2 tua tuh, kena jalan kaki. macam ada sorang tuh suggest pakai bus, tuh pun ok, tapi still kalo ada aerobridge, takdalah susah sangat orang tua wheelchaired nak naik kapal terobang. tok det yang disayangi takpalah...boleh lagi dan masih kuat. Untuk pelanggan2 airasia yang dah nak cium bau tanah, mereka terpaksalah panjat tangga kapal terobang dan berjalan beratus meter between arrival and departure hall. then kalo lah saya jadi TKI ( tenaga kerja indonesia ) yang berulang alik surabayalcct, mesti saya akan heran kenapa bandara di surabaya ada aerobridge dan airport di lcct@KLIA takda. kuno jugaklah malaysia nih agaknya. di indonesia, major airports ada aerobridge and smaller airports yang pakai taxi dan yang lagi kecil barulah kena jalan kaki. secara perbandingan bodoh hamba ini, lcct yang bejuta2 tuh sama jek dengan airport indo yang paling kecil, yang ntah apa tah namanya.

3. selain dari itu, duit tax yang mahb kutip tuh apa lah gunanya. tak salah rasanya MAHB beli aerobridge dari muhibbah engineering banyak2. kalo lah setahun ada berpuluh juta airasia passenger kali dengan rm 2030 airport tax, pehhhh...banyak aerobridge boleh buat tuh. satu aerobridge baru baper, rm 5 juta ke 10 juta jek. at least depa ada makanlah in these hard time. hehehe. mungkin MAB akan kata duit tuh nak spend utk airport lain2 juga. tapi apa salahnya menyumbang balik kepada airport yang bagi banyak untung.

4. saya harap tidak adalah any pack yg dikatakan2 di atas seperti mahbmas cuba bersekongkol utk trash air asia growth or airasiasd cuba utk outdo klia. after all, malaysia nih kecik. kalo benda as simple as this kerajaan tak dapat intervene, habislah. Apalah guna perkataan GLC pada MAHB tuh sekiranya kerajaan tidak dapat menentukan policy yang terbaik untuk rakyat dan para pekerja air asia mahupun MAHB + MAS. Perlu diingat, although ada pembaca yg address airasia's stewardess skimpy dresses, tapi kat situ jugalah diorang mencari rejeki. MAS pun apa kurangnya dengan skandal pramugara terlampaunya.

Dan anda perlu tahu, kawan saya di airasia pernah bercerita yang airasia ada pilot pompuan yang comel dan pakai tudung lagi. akhir kata, apalah guna akal yang panjang, kalo diguna untuk membunuh diri. By PohAuthor Profile Page on January 19, 2009 9:16 AM

Dear Tun,

A good rebuttle. I smell a rat.


Poh By RozyAuthor Profile Page on January 19, 2009 9:27 AM

Salam Ayahanda Tun, maaf tak dapat hantar tulisan disini sebab "Sukar Menembusi" syukur sekarang boleh dah! Sokong Anti Keganasan Israel dan Zionist! Juga Selamat Jalan Paklah dan kuncu2 dan pembodek2nya.... Lepas nak ambil alih IJN nak buat Airport Labu pulak.... Hai tak habis2 menunjukkan kurang cerdiknya beliau! Nak habiskan wang rakyat! BN kalah kat Kuala Trengganu ni...tak ambil iktibar kekalahan Mac 2008 masih guna teknik lama mendekati pengundi dan cara lama yang lapok berkempen! BN BUKA MATA LAH! ATAU SIAP SEDIA DITOLAK KETEPI! By anak_melayuAuthor Profile Page on January 19, 2009 9:37 AM assalamulaikum ,

Tun yang dihormati.... Saya nie tengok Air Asia dah naik minyak sekarang nie.... sekarang nie dengar Air Asia dah GOmen pun dah boleh pakai .... pakai yang diorang cakap ewaran .... kalo macam ni MAS pun boleh lingkup satu hari nanti ...alas Pak Lah nak jimat kos ...tapi yang untung.sapa? ahli BOD(Board of Director ) air asia ler... tau saper ler...tahun lepas siap umum penerbangan kat Urbekistan..siap Pak lah yang pergi...kalo MAS (Gomen GLC) logik pulak ...alasan ...ada kerja airport Labu pulak... alahai ..masih tak cukup ker... projek TUN kat Johor pun dia cancel siap gantikan dengan WPI seolaholah dia yang buat....heheheh ...Wilayah sini,Wilayah sana.... tolong lah selamat kan BN dan dari terhakisnya kepercayaan muda mudi melayu dan bumiputera memasakini... yang kesian nanti Najib yang kena cuci tahi yang ditinggalkan oleh Pak Lah... saya cadang kan kalo lah najib tu naik ...isyaallah .yang 1st thing kena buat ialah singkirkan KURAP yang mula menjangkiti BN ....ok ....harap airport LABU tu kalo kita ramei bantah mungkin ok kot..... wassalam hidup TUN ... MY IDOL..... By aizaAuthor Profile Page on January 19, 2009 9:39 AM

Salam My Beloved YAB Tun,

Tak sabar tunggu komen YAB Tun tentang kekalahan UMNO di Kuala Terengganu.

Salam,Aiza By boonkweeAuthor Profile Page on January 19, 2009 10:09 AM

Selamat Sejahtera Tun,

What happen to Sime Darby, she is a agriculture giant, as such she should thinking how to expand existing businesses and should now thinking how to venture into agroculture and aquaculture businesses which have synergy with agriculture business. But look like she is now busy taking over Institute Jantung and expanding into airport bussiness. No wonder its share has plunged more than 50% since the new chairman took over.

Sincereby wish Tun in good health always. By MatAuthor Profile Page on January 19, 2009 10:11 AM

Assalamualaikum Tun,

Ada yang berkata, biarlah AirAsia/Sime Darby nak bina KLIAEast. Mereka buat secara "private funding initiative (PFI)". Bukan pakai duit kerajaan. Dari segi funding tu, mungkin benarlah. Cuma dari segi kesannya terhadap sistem pengangkutan kita, nampak gayanya berterabur balik lah. Yang susah ialah rakyat.

Dari masa Tun M menjadi PM kita boleh nampak, ada usaha dan visi untuk memperbaiki dan meningkatkan mutu sistem pengangkutan kita. Oleh itu timbul lah PLUS, timbul lah KLIA, timbullah KL Sentral dan juga projek landasan keretapi berkembar. Nampak jelas hala tujunya. Dan rakyat boleh menunggu dgn sabar kerana mereka tahu perancangan masa depan dah jelas dan akan menyenangkan mereka.

Bila terbinanya LCCT, walaupun rakyat dapat menikmati perkhidmatan tambang murah, rakyat sebenarnya tidak mendapat yang terbaik. Bayangkan kalau kita ada connecting flights antara KLIA dan LCCT ini. Sistem teksinya juga masih lagi ditahap yang sungguh sungguh rendah. Kalau kita bina juga KLIAEast ini, maka keadaan ini akan menjadi lebih kelamkabut (Dan juga, toloooong sangat2 lah, jangan nak kelirukan rakyat dengan menggunakan slogan "Terminal Rakyat"). Sepatutnya, KLIA itu diperbesarkan untuk menampung keperluan penerbangan tambang murah ini.

Sekarang ini mungkin KLIAEast, lepas ni? KL SentralEast? atau PutrajayaWest? Mungkin CyberjayaNorth? Oh ye Litar F1South? By tanpanamaAuthor Profile Page on January 19, 2009 10:30 AM

Salam Tun, mcm xpercaya jer ada orang nak belanja besar walaupun syarikat rugi...bravo la abg , MAS masih untung, AirAsia sudah rugi tapi masih mau buat airport sendri...adoilah..tak lama lagi AirAsia dlm kenangan..ehem bank yang bagi pinjam pun akan bankrap and merge dengan bank lain...ala macam tak biasa. By BahadorAuthor Profile Page on January 19, 2009 10:39 AM

Salam Tun and all bloggers,

After reading Tun's unprofessional point view: 1) "The Master of Labu" still and always thought that we are too stupid to understand the real image of shadow behind. 2) "The Master of Labu" always assume people won't read the "real" as Malaysian don't like so much on reading and there is no facility of retrieving data. i.e. Malaysian people never know how to use internet or email. That's why they intend to give that "wangi" statements but misleading with hope people can't get it! 3) "The Master of Labu" is trying to meet the requirement of planned well future for bright attitude which it will give more benefit to the legacy of "Labi". (The old Labu & Labi failed to do that...they learned from there I guess) 4) The long term investment of "pertolongan" to all people who will give their full support to achieve the mission and vision to be Malaysia's "Pinggan Mangkuk" * and suddenly cross in my mind the History of Malacca...498 years ago.... By ames2008Author Profile Page on January 19, 2009 10:47 AM

Salam Tun, saya sokong " Say no to Labu Airport". Tingkatkan dahulu sistem pengangkutan awam kat darat di mana orang awam sangat memerlukannya dan bukan airport baru. Kalau orang turun pergi kerja dengan kapalterbang tak apa juga....Tetapi logik kah pergi kerja tiap tiap hari dengan menaikki kapalterbang sedangkan naik pun bus dah tak teratur dan dah tak terbayar bagi orang kebanyakkan. Ini adalah penyalahgunaan duit rakyat yang sangat membazir. Dimanakah usaha kerajaan sekarang rakyat dapat melihat bahawa kerjakerja meningkat sistem pengangkutan awam sedang dilakukan atau hanya dalam ucapan dan kertas sahaja.Sepatutnya kerajaan sekarang belajar merancang secara realistik ....Kalaulah naik bus dapat pergi ke manamana dengan sistem pengangkutan yang baik tak payahlah beli kereta pening pasal bayaran pada bank, penjagaan kereta, insurance tahunan, cukai jalan, minyak dan banyak lagi kos bila kereta dah makin tua....Bilalah kerajaan sekarang dan akan datang, betul betul berfikir untuk rakyat dan bukan rakyat berfikir untuk kerajaan... Sebagaimana yang Tun lakukan semasa Tun menjadi Perdana Menteri. Banyak lagi nak tulis tetapi semakin saya tulis makin saya sedar harapan pada kerajaan sekarang hanyalah anganangan... harap Tun terus menulis untuk rakyat dan demi rakyat, bukan macam Badawi untuk kroni dan demi kroni...... akhir sekali demi poket yang besar dan tak reti nak cukup.. Happy Chinese New Year and God bless u and ur family.. By kamal ahmadAuthor Profile Page on January 19, 2009 10:47 AM

Salam Ayahanda Tun. In my view, the rakyat want accountability from someone for all the lunacies from October 2003 to date. That accountability is not forthcoming from the two most accountable figures in this fiasco; Abdullah and Khairy. Fat chance in hell it would be coming put of their gold filled mouths. So now the rakyat go for the next available “free” throat, which is the one on Najib’s neck. So Najib has only limited choices here – he could go on ahead and be made PM by Abdullah the way Abdullah had intended in March; and this way, Najib would never ever be able to repair his image of being an Abdullah crony, an Abdullah nominee, an Abdullah subsidize replacement, an Abdullah stooge (etc). Or for all that he is worth; Najib could make a stand now and break away from all this immediately. You have to fight for what you want in life, leave behind all the comforts and you just have to take your chances. And chances favor the prepared mind, and the daring soul. True, by the way and looks of how Abdullah and Khairy had arranged everything in UMNO today, Najib may lose his premiership by doing it this way. And really, Najib has no one but his own indecisiveness to blame for all this. He should have made this move 6 months ago. But at least by taking the fight out in the open for the rakyat to cheer and shout approval, he may lose with dignity today and would live to fight for another day. Or he may not even lose at all and survives better off. Who knows really. And that's the best part about life, its all about taking it and making it. In my book a poor man’s guide at life, sometimes losing is the only best way to win again on some other day. Najib's game is fast coming to a checkmate here. If the power transfer takes place as planned in March 09, well I guess that is probably about it for Najib and UMNO. Najib would inherit all the detestation, hatred and revulsion the rakyat has for Abdullah and Khairy and Najib on his own, would be eaten alive on those accounts! So Najib, its time to do something here man. Or just go the easy way; hit that cruise control switch and just kick back. It's always your call to make. By pakbelalangAuthor Profile Page on January 19, 2009 11:16 AM

Dear Tun,

Umno veep: BN needs new approach

MALACCA: Umno vicepresident Datuk Seri Mohd Ali Rustam will call for a change in the approach taken by Barisan Nasional to woo voters following the coalition’s loss in the Kuala Terengganu Parliamentary byelection.

Describing the loss as a minor setback, he noted that factors had surfaced which pointed to a need for Barisan to adopt new strategies to win back support.

“We are the ones doing all the work and bringing development, yet the diehard opposition supporters continue to vote for the Opposition in the belief that they will go to heaven,” he told reporters after launching the state St John Ambulance’s 24hour service yesterday.

Mohd Ali said that Barisan, in particular Umno, must look at ways to overcome this “belief” amongst diehard opposition supporters if the party intends to make headway in oppositionheld seats.

“The Opposition used the same old approach by saying that those who voted for PAS and DAP would go to heaven while those voting for Umno and MCA would go to hell,” he said.

Mohd Ali also attributed intimidation by PAS supporters and some estimated 3,000 voters who failed to return home to cast their votes as reasons for the Barisan loss.


Inilah kenyataan yang paling dah bodoh stupid dari naib presiden UMNO.

Sebenarnya UMNO kalah pasal rakyat dah meluat dan jijik dengan perangai dan sikap pemimpin UMNO yang dah sombong, rasuah dan tak sedar diri. By JJJAuthor Profile Page on January 19, 2009 11:19 AM salam Tun,

Sorry out of topic yet again,

One of the messages that the voters in Kuala Terengganu want to send to the current government is;


Now only Pak Lah,Najib & Co. get it!Too late...


Jeng3 By samexAuthor Profile Page on January 19, 2009 11:26 AM assalamualaikum ayahanda tun,

Ramai yang mengatakan bahawa tun amat berdendam terhadap AAB sehingga selalu mencari kesalahan AAB sehinggakan isu yang dibangkitkan tun tentang KLIAEast ini tiada lain hanyalah hendak menghentam AAB sahaja. Memang secara peribadi saya sendiri amat bangga dengan kejayaan yang telah dicapai oleh Air Asia. Melihat lambang pasukan kegemaran saya Man United terpampang di badan kapal terbang air asia adalah satu kebanggaan sebenarnya. Kewujudan Air Asia adalah juga dari restu Tun suatu masa dahulu. Pemimpin kerajaan mana yang sanggup memberi lampu hijau kepada sebuah syarikat penerbangan tambang murah untuk beroperasi pada waktu syarikat penerbangan nasional negara mengalami krisisi kerugian paling teruk dalam sejarahnya ?. tapi tun beri jugak. Dan saye prcaya tun sebenarnya juga bangga dengan kejayaan yang telah dicapai oleh Air Asia . Tetapi sekarang Air Asia yang diterajui Mr Tony Fernandes (dan tangan2 dibelakangnya) telah menjadi terlalu tamak . Mengapa dibazirkan kemudahan yang telah sedia ada ? its not just a facilities,is a world class facilities that just too good to be waste ... jadi saya merasakan bahawa rancangan KLIAEast ini adalah semata2 untuk memuaskan nafsu Mr Tony sahaja .. hes now become the most ambitious man in this country ... selama ini saya rasa kerajaan dah bagi apa sahaja yang mereka minta .. apalagi nak ? Kenapa mesti nak melampau ? kalau macam ni suruh jela MAS turunkan harga tiket dan gunakan strategi pemasaran mcm Asia biar semue orang beralih pada MAS and then lets see how they gonna survive ... geram lak aku ... akhir sekali tun jage kesihatan k tun ... kami semua masih memerlukan tunjuk ajar dan nasihat dari tun ... malaysia dah teruk tun ... kami sentiasa doakan keselamatan tun sekeluarga ... Assalamualaikum ... By BenderbuzzAuthor Profile Page on January 19, 2009 11:30 AM

Salam Tun,

Pak Lah makan angin lagi di luar negara bersamasama misi "perdagangan" dan "kemanusiaan" di Asia Barat. Ntah apa lagi bisnes besar yang akan diborong sebelum tiba penamatnya.

Bahagianya bila dia bersara nanti (; By sstanAuthor Profile Page on January 19, 2009 11:33 AM

Tony sounds desperately indeed, however, does MAHB did their job? As mentioned being a Khazanah co. aren't they should be the first one to propose solution to AirAsia in order to keep the priority of low cost for the Rakyat? Proposal has been submitted to Cabinet in 2007, it takes 1 year to get approval. MAHB doesn't aware about it earlier until cabinet approve it? I think the mismanagement from the top level of MAHB has eventually lead people lost of confidence on them. Should MAHB starts to review this case seriously? By the way, who wants to take the hassle to build a new airport and manage it?

Whether it is transparent or not, i think AirAsia willing to open book and in the event, Opposition could help us counter check. By chemyAuthor Profile Page on January 19, 2009 11:36 AM

Assalamualaikum Tun

I hear voices too!!! the voice told me Air Asia owns MAHB RM800 millions.

Well , I hope I am not crazy...

Sekian, wassalam. By anakku5Author Profile Page on January 19, 2009 11:42 AM

Dear Tun,

Apa nak jadi dengan kerajaan kita sekarang? Setiap satu projek yang dibuat kononnya untuk kesejahteraan rakyat, untuk rakyat dan kepada rakyat. Benarkah? Yang pasti pemimpin sekarang lebih berminat untuk mengisi tembolok sendiri.

Tun, pilihanraya kecil Kuala Terengganu telah berakhir. Rakyat telah bersuara. Kalau beginilah iklim politik semasa, BN kena berharap semua wakilrakyatnya panjang umur. Kalau tak...kita dah boleh jangka kesudahannya. Rakyat tidak lagi boleh digulagulakan dengan isu pembangunan dan kebajikan rakyat. Itu adalah tanggungjawab kerajaan dan pemimpin. Mereka memegang jawatan adalah untuk berbakti kepada rakyat dan menjalankan amanah yang dipertanggungjawabkan. Sebab itu mereka berada dikedudukan selesa tersebut. Segalanya rakyat tanggung. Kediaman, perabut, pembantu rumah, kenderaan, minyak kereta, tol, bercuti keluar negeri, keraian dan apaapa saja kehendak yang kuasa boleh berikan. Keadaan dunia hari ini menyebelahi orang yang berjenama dan berkedudukan. Rakyat yang tidak ada apaapa ini hanya berharap kepada pemerintahan yang adil dan saksama. Jika itupun tak dapat dipikul maka....tak perlulah wakilwakil rakyat ini menawarkan diri untuk menjadi pemimpin kepada rakyat.

Ketahuilah wahai ahli politik, rakyat sekarang tidak lagi memilih parti yang dinaungi malah lebih kepada faktor peribadi calon itu sendiri. Termasuklah cara mana mereka ini mengendalikan rumahtangga sendiri. Kalau rumahtangga sendiri pun tak boleh jaga bagaimana nak menjaga negara.

Tun, take care. Malaysia still need u around By RazAuthor Profile Page on January 19, 2009 11:45 AM


Di Kuala Terengganu, petunjuk yang boleh menyenangkan hati ialah BN masih disokong oleh 30,200 pengundi bermakna BN masih relevan.

2. Kemenangan PAS masih merupakan sambungan tsunami politik PRU12, menunjukkan pembangkang masih beruntung kerana trend itu masih berterusan.

3. Tun Mahathir tidak sepatutnya menutup pintu untuk membantu BN hanya kerana tidak bersetuju dengan Pak Lah atas beberapa perkara, kerana sebagai PM Pak Lah sudah pasti mempunyai alasan untuk meneruskan atau membatalkan satusatu dasar untuk kepentingan negara. Perkara ini pun dilakukan Tun pada ketika Tun sebagai PM.

4. Tun Mahathir dikenali kerana semangat nasionalismenya yang kuat kepada bangsa Melayu & tanah air, namun dalam konteks UMNO Tun telah silap apabila tidak menyokong UMNO sepenuhnya semasa PRU12 dan PRK Permatang Pauh & terbaru K.Terengganu.

5. Jika Pak Lah seorang yang pendendam, sudah pasti Mukhriz tidak jadi Ahli Parlimen, malah sudah pasti Mukhriz akan digantung keahliannya kerana menulis surat yang tidak patut kepada Presiden.

6. Tunku dahulu tidak mengambil masa lama untuk memecat Tun Mahathir akan perkara yang sama.7. Maka itu, jika Tun memang benarbenarlah sayangkan bangsa Melayu, maka Tun perlu membuang egonya.

8. Jika Tun dalam usia 84 masih sanggup terbang ke Kuwait untuk membantu rakyat Palestin, mengapa tidak kepada orang Melayu & UMNO yang pernah dipimpinnya dan yang meletakkannya ke mercu tanda.

9. Penulis berharap Tun berbaikbaiklah semula dengan Pak Lah, janganlah memberi syarat untuk membantu UMNO dan orang Melayu, jika tidak penulis percaya tidak mustahil PRU13 nanti Perdana Menteri Malaysia terpaksa dipilih dalam kalangan MP DAP!

10. Ia tidak mustahil, dahulu di Singapura ada 3 Kerusi MP UMNO, akhirnya PAP berjaya leraikan, mansuhkan dan tutup sama sekali peluang UMNO & Melayu di Singapura. By sweetAuthor Profile Page on January 19, 2009 11:54 AM

I live in PJ, going to LCCT is a mess, long hour journey. If it's going to be in Labu, i'm sure i wont pick airasia as the first choice. So Firefly, please extend your flight routes and give a good price to compete Airasia. Definitely people will choose Firefly in future. By HBTAuthor Profile Page on January 19, 2009 12:07 PM


Frankly speaking, I do not want Air Asia to be succeeded at all, not because I am a die hard fan of Tun, or people nicknamed me as "pengipas or pembodek Tun" or whatever.

I believe if Malaysia (an Islamic Country) is build through the name "Asia", eg: Air Asia, Asia Funds, Asia Flavours or anything that has an Asia word in it, Malaysia will be viewed in future as a threat or enemy to the western and middle and east countries.

Pak Lah, of course he won't see the threats of making Air Asia successful, to him, all he can think of is Tun zalim, jahat, cemburu, dictator, pandang rendah kat dia, these are the stupid reasons that he can think of. He would not be able to see that he is actually digging grave for our future generations. No matter what it is, Tun, DS Najib and DS , DS Samy, Tok Nik Aziz, (BN, PAS or PR) must stop this future disaster by closing off the Air Asia and the LCCT in Labu for the sake of our future generations. In religion, we are taught to be NEVER BE GREEDY, IF YOU ARE GREEDY, TUHAN AKAN TUNJUK MARAH, in mandarin, "Su Ta Jao Fung" means "huge tree brings wind (jealousy and hatred)!

By zebramonesAuthor Profile Page on January 19, 2009 12:13 PM

Salah satu topik hangat untuk sembangsembang di kedai kopi sekarang adalah mengutuk tindakan kejam Israel terhadap Palestin. Kita hanya mampu berdoa dan menghulurkan bantuan kewangan. Itu sajalah yang kita mampu.

Juga topik hangat di kedai kopi sekarang ialah kepimpinan Barisan Nasional yang lemah, berdasarkan rasuah, dan manusia tertentu yang ingin membolot semua projek di Malaysia. Kita hanya mampu menambahkan dosa masingmasing dengan mengutuk manusiamanusia tertentu ini. Selain itu tidak banyak yang kita mampu lakukan untuk menyelamatkan Malaysia.

KT pun dah terlepas ke tangan pembangkang. Saya amatlah yakin Malaysia akan terlepas ke tangan pembangkang tidak lama lagi.

Walaupun tak sanggup diperintah oleh pembangkang, nampaknya dah tak ada pilihan lain. Kita dah menyampah tengok harihari ada projek untuk orangorang kaya yang inginkan kekayaan yang bertambah tambah dan tambah dan tambah lagi.

Meluat...... By ChapAuthor Profile Page on January 19, 2009 12:14 PM

Dear Tun, U R dead right on this issue ... NO to KLIAEAST even though I'm a resident of Seremban ... THis's just another of Sultan Badawi & his pet KJ's tactics to grab as much $$$ as possible before Mar 09 ... By anacoAuthor Profile Page on January 19, 2009 12:16 PM

Saya sangat berharap supaya Air Asia & Sime & the kurap geng lebih bijak dalam membuat perancangan untuk merompak Malaysia dimasa hadapan supaya tidaklah kelihatan seperti mempunyai IQ setinggi seekor KELDAI. "IGNORANCE IS STRENGTH = GEORGE ORWELL" By kamal ahmadAuthor Profile Page on January 19, 2009 12:26 PM

Salam Ayahanda Tun. Saya membaca komen dari penulis "Bosnia Global Air Express on January 18, 2009 2:21 AM" dan mendapati bahawa ianya adalah pembentangan yang terperinci dari aspek teknikal dan keselamatan zon penerbangan dan aspek pengendalian ATC KLIA dan Subang. Saya harap pihak kerajaan yang berwajib juga ada membaca komentar ini. Janganlah sampai berlaku di KLIA atau di "Air Asia Labu Airport" tragedi seperti yang pernah berlaku pada sebuah pesawat 747 KLM dan sebuah lagi pesawat 747 Pan Am di Tenerife Island Spain pada tahun 1977 dahulu. Sila klik pada http linklink di bawah untuk paparan youtube (lakonan semula BBC)tentang kejadian berkenaan dan juga untuk pembentangan fakta kejadian di wikipedia. Syabas kepada Bosnia Global Air Express diatas pembentangan fakta yang konklusif, dari aspek yang telah hampir dilupai dalam kealpaan berpolitik: iaitu aspek keselamatan, nyawa penumpang dan mereka yang berada dibawah laluan udara ini. By Sedingin SaljuAuthor Profile Page on January 19, 2009 12:28 PM

Tak payahlah LCCT kedua. yang satu dah cukup. pebaik saja. kerajaan tolong jangan kalut nak buat lagi walau pun ditanggung sepenuhnya oleh AA. By selvaAuthor Profile Page on January 19, 2009 12:30 PM

I read Tony's Q&A in one of the local dailies and was impressed with the objectives of Air Asia for the coming years. His detailed analysis for the need to expand his business in this region of Asia need to be congratulated. We need good infrastructures, conducive political climate and firm vision from entrepreneurs to embark in a no nonsence project of this scale. Air Asia, earlier proposed to operate its LCCT Terminal from Subang and the former Transport Minister made many assurances to improve the facilities of the airport way back then. Air Asia's preference to operate from Subang was a good news to many air travellers due to its vicinity to the city. But all of a sudden,many things went "wrong" and this did not materialise and Fire Fly, operated by MAS is using the facility now. Since Air Asia is on the expansion path with the increasing fleet of its aircrafts and the potential of increasing its air routes, it would be only logic for it to have an airport independent of KLIA. This would be a check and balance and would help to improve the services of air transportation in general. Since Air Asia is willing to fund the project, I see no reason why there is so much of fuss. As MAHB could not cope with the demands of Air Asia to increase or improve the facilities at the LCCT in Sepang, it is only prudent for any business concern in the field to find an alternative mode to fulfill its obligations. So the idea of another airport brewed! Decision to build another airport is not a small matter, taking into consideration of the prohibitory costs. The new airport would certainly boost the country's image and imagine the flow of capital and revenue that would be generated in Malaysia by the increase in air passage. Employment opportunities too would be increased. At a time when the world is facing economic slowdown, Air Asia has made an exceptional proposal for the construction of an additional airport. Whether this project would materialise is another matter. The positive attitude and intelligent business vision of Tony certainly need to be praised. My personal view is that Air Asia should do a thorough soul searching of KLIA's capacity to meet Air Asia's needs for its long term requirement. Labu would be a good choice for the location of the new airport due to its close vicinity with KLIA which could be readily connected by rail and roads, but the building of additional runway would be a set back. MAHB should seriously consider Air Asia's concerns and work closely with all parties concerned to meet the requirements rather than having a "closed mentality" approach which is typical of most of our government agencies.Convince Air Asia that KLIA is a better choice. MAHB being the manager of a First Class airport still possess the Third Class business mentality. MAHB,please shed your arrogant attitude and instead manifest your ability to meet customer obligations as stated in your business manifesto. GLCs should not be helmed by incapable managers! KLIA is so huge and it cannot be denied that it is severly under utilised. It would be a slap on the face for MAHB if Air Asia's proposal for a LCCT in Penang come through. MAHB you better buck up! By ATShaariAuthor Profile Page on January 19, 2009 12:33 PM

Assalamualaikum Tun:

Memang payah untuk rakyat biasa seperti kami untuk memahami apakah tujuan sebenarnya disebalik kekecohan dengan LCCT baru ini. Tetapi bagi kami tanggapan pertama kami, mesti ada udang sebalik batu. Tanggapan ini yang amat mudah kita ambil memandangkan kerajaan dan pentadbiran yang ada sekarang memanglah tidak popular dan semakin dibenci rakyat dengan banyak program program dan pembangunan dan projek projek yang tak masuk akal langsung.

Kebencian rakyat telah terbukti sekali lagi di P036 Kuala Terengganu dan amat malang sekali Dato' Seri Najib menjadi mangsa kepada putar belit Abdullah Badawi. Tak payahlah saya 'elaborate' cara nya sebab umum tahu BN akan kalah di Kuala Terengganu. Buat masa sekarang ini kita doakan saja mogamoga tidak ada lagi manamana ahli parlimen yang tibatiba meninggal dunia sebab buat masa ini kalau diletakkan parti cap BELACAN pun untuk lawan BN di manamana pilihanraya kecil, sudah pasti parti cap BELACAN tu menang! Sebab apa, sebab BN tak pernah sebodoh BN sekarang ini, terlampau ramai politician BN termasuk pemimpinya mementingkan tekak sendiri.

Kembali kepada masalah kapal terbang Air Asia ni, tidak dapat saya lupakan kepada satu lagi masalah benda benda terbang yang menghantui Malaysia, nyamuk AEDES dan Dengue. Angin jugak saya bila memikirkan cara dan tindak tanduk kerajaan untuk menangani masalah ini, tak cukup dengan hanya memberitahu rakyat cara cara untuk membersihkan keadaan sekitar rumah kita sahaja. Masalah ini telah menghantui Malaysia berpuluh tahun sudah. Tetapi apakah inisiatif sebenar kerajaan Malaysia yang perihatin ini untuk memberi segala tumpuan untuk menghapuskanya dengan cara yang paling komprehensif. Berapakah jumlah belanjawan kerajaan untuk R&D kepada masalah ini? Tidakkah Malaysia ingin menjadi negara pertama yang menemui cara untuk menhhapuskan sama sekali virus dengue dan nyamuk ini? Saya sendiri pun baru sahaja keluar dari pusat perubatan kerana dihidapi demam dengue. Percayalah demamnya amat menyakitkan sekali, tak dapat saya bayangkan bagaimana jika anakanak kecil kita yang terpaksa melawanya, maut memang menunggu kita. Akibat dari trauma ini saya mungkin akan mati juga daripada akibat terlampau banyak menyedut aerosol anti nyamuk yang saya terpaksa gunakan sejak kebelakangan ini.

Tun yang saya hormati, kadang kadang projekprojek gah yang tak tentu arah ini bukanlah yang diingini sangat oleh rakyat jelata. Kami rasa sudah cukup apa yang Tun laksanakan dari segi infrastruktur untuk menjadi pemangkin kapada kemajuan seterusnya. Apa yang rakyat mahukan sekarang ialah keselesaan dan keselamatan kami untk menjalani hidup seharian. Keselesaan dari segi kesihatan dan keselamatan kemerdekaan kita dari ejenejen dan proksiproksi Zionist yang semakin berkuasa sekarang ini di Malaysia.

Jadilah kerajaan yang perihatin dan mementingkan keselesaan dan keselamatan rakyat, rakyat akan menjadi rakyat yang sentiasa menyokong kerajaan. By azmd888Author Profile Page on January 19, 2009 12:40 PM

I agree with you Tun. I'd been to many airports such as Changi, Jakarta, Hong Kong, Seoul, Dubai, Bahrain, Jeddah, Heathrow, Luton, Stansted, Dublin, and many more airports in Europe.

All airports more or less look similar but so far I found that the most underutilised and the most unlivedly airport is the KLIA. Despite the beautiful setup and ambience, there are not many people in the shops or the cafes. Therefore, LCCT should not be built at first place. There are so much space in KLIA, make use of it.

If prices are the problem, MAHB should sort it out. Whatever the underlying problems are, the government should interfere. By murai77Author Profile Page on January 19, 2009 12:44 PM salam tun,

Wahai rakyat2 yang cukup marah dengan penubuhan KliaEast,

Saya adalah salah seorang rakyat Malaysia yang sering ke LCCT kerana kerjaya saya yang memerlukan saya 'travel' selalu.

Bayangkan saya boleh menyamakan LCCT dengan stesen bas Puduraya.

Kesibukan LCCT dan kepadatan yang sesak adalah saya rasa wajar bagi satu lagi landasan yang boleh MENGURANGKAN KESESAKAN tersebut dan MELEGAKAN pandangan mata.

Apa yang perlu ialah bukannya kekangan terhadapa memajukan tanah semak samun tersebut kepada sebuah bandar baru yang terancang.

Yang sepatutnya dibincangkan adalah agar tender terbuka bagi pemajupemaju yang bakal merebut projek.

Yang sepaptutnya dibincangkan adalah rentetan kemajuan yang bakal menyulami pembangunan di kawasan tersebut.

Jangan jadi primitif untuk menolak kemajuan tetapi bertamadun menyelia kemajuan dengan lebih telus dan adil.

KLIAEast dibina adalah kerana permintaan AirAsia untuk menambah kapasiti penerbangannya.

Bayangkan kawasan yang semak samun itu bakal menerima kemajuan dari tempat menternak ularsawa kepada kawasan bertamadun yang menyambut lebih banyak peluang pekerjaan By sitiAuthor Profile Page on January 19, 2009 12:46 PM

Assalamualaikum Tun ..... Tun Ni mmg kecoh.. ni kan projek jangka panjang (projek untuk 20 tahun akan datang). Pada masa tu semua rakyat jelata akan menggunakan flight sebagai kenderaan awam atas alasan itulah terminal flight kena lebih byk dari terminal bas, terminal LRT atau Komuter. Lagipun inilah penyelesaian atas rungutan rakyat kepada kutipan tol. Naik flight tak payahlah nak pikir pasal tol lagi kan .... Mungkin waktu itu rakyat biasa yang kurang berkemampuan boleh membeli NURI 2nd hand untuk kegunaan hairan..... By humantohuman99Author Profile Page on January 19, 2009 12:49 PM

CIQ Johor menyusahkan dan rugi

Pentadbiran BN yg lemah

Pakailah otak buat project oooiiii Kerja orang Bumiputera lah ni By athirahAuthor Profile Page on January 19, 2009 12:59 PM

Dear Tun Dr. Mahathir,

I very much agree with you. we don't need another airport. When LCCT was built, I was wondering why do they need another airport just for low cost flights. And now they're proposing another airport at the same place. Its bad enough that there are no connecting rails or trains between the two current airport, it will be a disaster if there were 3. You could get confuse and miss your flight.

Building another airport just because is stupid and a waste of money. Just use the current facilities.. Plus, KLIA isn't even running at its maximum capacity yet. Adding the LABU airport shows that the govt isn't using its facilities and money efficiently. KLIA is already good enough for all of us. Its beautiful and hitech enough. Just compare it to Heathrow. Its loads better.

No to LABU Airport. By YazidAuthor Profile Page on January 19, 2009 1:05 PM

Apa khabar Tun? sebenarnya bagi pandangan peribadi saya ini berlaku bukan lah di sebab kan oleh masaalah KLIA atau LCCT tapi berpunca dari rasa ketidak puasan hati dari orang orang yang tertentu terhadap apa yang sudah Tun laku kan,, boleh dikata kan mereka tak seronok tiap kali melalui KLIA yang telah di ilham kan oleh Tun.. Ini lah sebenar masaalah yang timbul masaalah orang Melayu By Jawa+MelayuAuthor Profile Page on January 19, 2009 1:05 PM

Assalammulaikum TDM! Ini yg dikatakan penjajahan cara moden, strategik & jangkapanjang. Mula2 mereka menjajah pemikiran, idealogi & products loving. Sebab itulah gerakan baikot tak mungkin menjadi kenyataan dibumi Malaysia ini walaupun Iraq, Palestine @ negara2 lain hancur lebur angkara penjenayah dunia kerana kita semua sudah dipengaruhi sepenuhnya.

Langkah ke 2, menguasai kepentingan syarikat2 besar negara walau dengan apa cara sekali pun termasuk dgn dasar2 & perjanjian berat sebelah. Apabila mereka sudah menguasai saham2 tempatan mereka akan selangkah lagi dengan cuba menguasai tanah2 strategik dengan berbagai alasan seperti penggabungan, pengambilalihan dsbnya.

Di zaman sekarang, penjajahan tidak perlu ke medan perang, cukup sekadar dgn menekan mana2 butang yg mereka mahu. Hasrat mereka akan menjadi lebih mudah & licin jika ada dikalangan rakyat yg sudi berkerjasama dgn habuan yg lumayan. Sejarah telah membuktikannya. By FazrullsAuthor Profile Page on January 19, 2009 1:13 PM

Surat Terbuka BPN Kepada Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad

Harap semua ahli BPN dapat siarkan artikel ini di blog masing masing bagi membolehkan KITA MENDESAK agar Tun Mahathir ( bekas Presiden UMNO ) membuang yang keruh, ambil yang jernih dan kembali memberi sokongan kepada UMNO/BN.

Lebih lebih di bawah bakal PM Malaysia Ke6 Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak bulan Mac nanti .. .. Agar kekuatan Melayu Islam akan kembali kuat bagi menghadapi lawan yang semakin gigih berusaha menjatuhkan pembela agama bangsa kita sejak sekian lama dengan fitnah dan tipudaya....

Ayuhlah sahabat demi melihat bangsa kita tidak lagi diusir di bumi sendiri angkara bersengketa sesama mereka...


1. DI Kuala Terengganu, petunjuk yg boleh menyenangkan hati ialah BN masih disokong oleh 30,200 pengundi bermakna BN masih relevan.

2. Kemenangan PAS masih merupakan sambungan tsunami politik PRU12, menunjukkan pembangkang masih beruntung kerana trend itu masih berterusan.

3. Tun Mahathir tidak sepatutnya menutup pintu untuk membantu BN hanya kerana tidak bersetuju dengan Pak Lah atas beberapa perkara, kerana sebagai PM Pak Lah sudah pasti mempunyai reason untuk meneruskan atau membatalkan satusatu dasar untuk kepentingan negara. Perkara ini pun dilakukan Tun pada ketika dia sbg PM.

4. Tun M dikenali kerana semangat nasionalismenya yg kuat kpd bangsa Melayu & tanah air, namun dalam konteks UMNO Tun telah silap apabila tidak menyokong UMNO sepenuhnya semasa PRU12 dan PRK Permatang Pau & terbaru KTerengganu.

5. Jika Pak Lah seorg yg pendendam, sudah pasti Mukhriz tidak jadi Ahli Parlimen, malah sudah pasti Mukhriz akan digantung keahliannya kerana menulis surat yg tidak patut kpd Presiden.

6. Tunku dahulu tidak mengambil masa lama untuk memecat Tun Mahathir akan perkara yg sama.

7. Maka itu, jika Tun memang benar2lah sayangkan bangsa Melayu, maka Tun perlu membuang egonya.

8. Jika Tun dalam usia 84 masih sanggup terbang ke Kuwait untuk membantu rakyat Palestin, mengapa tidak kepada orang Melayu & UMNO yg pernah dipimpinnya dan yg meletakkannya ke mercu tanda.

9. Penulis berharap Tun berbaiklah semula dengan Pak Lah, janganlah memberi syarat untuk membantu UMNO dan orang Melayu, jika tidak penulis percaya tidak mustahil PRU13 Perdana Menteri Malaysia terpaksa dipilih dalam kalangan MP DAP!

10. Ia tidak mustahil, dahulu di Singapura ada 3 Kerusi MP UMNO, akhirnya PAP berjaya leraikan, mansuhkan dan tutup sama sekali peluang UMNO & Melayu di Singapura.


Dari gerakan pemuda Blogger Pembela Negara... By qasAuthor Profile Page on January 19, 2009 1:25 PM

Labu airport does NOT make geographic, economic and common SENSE! It can invite airdisaster. Pak Lah tu apasal la bodoh sangat... please do some researches before approving such proposals. Of course Tony Fernandez will give all the reasons to support his proposals and hope the current "thinkless" government akan termakan dengan proposalnya. To the prime minister and ministers please understand that the responsibility is to govern and lead Malaysia to prosperity, it is not about creating your own legacy and once the previous PM is down, all his initiated projects is put to a stop. There should be continuity...KLIA was built with at least 50100 years projection enough room for expansions (to accommodate up to 125 millions passengers, that is more than double than what Air Asia's expected growth 60 millions), stick to the masterplan, fullyutilized the current facility. Please stop ridiculing the rakyat with all these diabolic plandecisions. Remember development should be for Malaysia as a whole not partitioned to a certain group of people or certain timeperiod of "someone's" legacy. You have no legacy PakLah, so stop trying and do not ruin our beloved Malaysia further. Your only legacy is TOTAL DEBACLE!. qas By AZIFAuthor Profile Page on January 19, 2009 1:26 PM


Somebody somewhere somehow is making something for themself. AAB,TMH, KJ are the culprits as usual.Good for highlighting this to us.Safety, Security and Environment is never considered for thier gains.Their Greed must be stopped now. Tun as earlier predicted KT Pilihin Raya Kecil was a blow to UMNO & BN. AAB still fails to realise his weaknesses, and still think he is needed. KJ on the other hand is trying to be Ketua Pemuda. Tun Musa Hitam is trying to make something from Sime Darby as their Chairman. Tony Fernedez is trying all out to make his mission accomplished, before AAB retire.DSN is now in a delima.UMNO is history come the next coming general election. Salam Tun, family & Fellow Bloggers. By arnieAuthor Profile Page on January 19, 2009 1:41 PM

Most of the people who commented here obviously have not read the newspaper interview with Tony or even check his website (

1. The new airport will not be built using rakyat's money. It will be funded by Air Asia & Sime Darby or some other private institution who is interested to invest.

2. Air Asia requires a new airport, regardless where it will be built or who will build it.

3. The problem is the Government or MAHB or MAS or whoever has the authority on the KLIA or LCCT or Subang Airport now is not cooperative with Air Asia. They are afraid and fear of Air Asia. So, their strategy is to delay the expansion of Air Asia until they have time to save theirs. These are selfish people, who only cares about their survivals, but not the nation (rakyat & negara).

4. Air Asia is not guilty but a victim.

5. I don't understand how Air Asia can be profitable and conquer the market in a very short time, but our national airline is striving to survive. Obviously the decision maker in the company needs to be sent back to management & finance school to learn how to run a business and make profit.

Thank you. By peter511Author Profile Page on January 19, 2009 1:41 PM

Dear Tun,

Is it because Sime Dabby now controlled by Tun Musa Hitam ? Is this the real reason ? By JCRamonesAuthor Profile Page on January 19, 2009 2:19 PM takut nanti kapal terbang berlanggar sebab pilot confuse nak landing kat mana.. By PembelaAuthor Profile Page on January 19, 2009 2:27 PM

Assalammualaikum Tok Det


1. JAMBATAN BENGKOK JOHORSINGAPURA. Rakyat dan Sultan Johor yang juga negeri kelahiran Musa Black pasti gembira. Air di Selat Tebrau akhirnya bercantum juga. Musa Black akan pasti akan jadi HERO JOHOR!!!

2. PENGLEBARAN JAMBATAN PULAU PINANG SEDIAADA. Tak payah buat jambatan baru sebab kos tinggi. Lambat sangat pulak nak siap. Lagi pun ekonomi tengah lembab sekarang. Pak Lah akan disanjung oleh rakyat di negeri sendiri. Pak Lah akan dapat gelaran HERO PULAU PINANG!!! BN pasti akan menang semula di Pulau Pinang!!!

3. PROJEK KERETAPI LAJU NASIONAL. Tambah laluan keretapi terutamanya di negeri yang tiada kemudahan keretapi seperti Melaka dan Pulau Pinang (di kawasan pulau). STESEN KERETAPI TERMODEN boleh dibangunkan di LABU dan konsesi diberi kepada SIME DARBY bagi menggantikan projek KLIAEast dan IJN yang dimansuhkan. Sebab stesen keretapi KL pun dan sesak dan uzur dan patut jadi muzium. KJ akan dapat gelaran HERO NEGERI SEMBILAN!!! Lepas tu akan dapat gelaran Datuk Seri KJ yang akan diberi oleh Ali Rustam!!!

4. PROJEK TERNAKAN BABI BERPUSAT DI PULAU. Mohd Taib boleh mencadangkan TERNAKAN BABI BERPUSAT di pulau yang tidak berpenghuni di Malaysia. Kalau boleh pulau yang berdekatan dengan Singapura. Kerana Singapura negara pengimport terbesar babi dari Malaysia. Lagi bagus buat di pulau berhampiran Batu Putih. Silapsilap Singapura akan beri semula pulau Batu Putih kepada Malaysia sebab tak tahan bau babi. Mohd Taib akan menjadi HERO SELANGOR kerana pusat ternakan babi di Selangor tidak perlu lagi diteruskan. Orang Melayu & Cina tentu akan suka dengan jalan penyelesaian ini yang mana tidak akan lagi menggangu sensiviti kaum selamanya. Mohd Taib pasti menang jawatan TPM sebab disukai semua kaum dan berjaya pula mendapatkan semula pulau Batu Putih yang DIJAJAH oleh Singapura sekarang!!!





Tapi takut Pak Lah tak sempat sebab tinggal 2 bulan je lagi. Pak Lah pulak sibuk dengan SURUHANJAYA tak habishabis daaa....

PEMBELA By oneAuthor Profile Page on January 19, 2009 2:38 PM kenapa la kerajaan kita macam takde otak bila nak buat sesuatu yg hanya akan menambah kebencian rakyat kepada kerajaan BN.kenapa cuma tau membazir sahaja.kenapa?????klia tak cukup besar ke??contoh:BOLEH KE STESEN MINYAK YANG BERJENAMA SAMA DI BUKA BERSEBELAHAN?sama la.takan nak buka air port kat labu.boboh betul perancangan kerajaan skarg ni.kalau buka kat sabah ke sarawak ke,adala logik sikit.bengap betul la pm kita nii By Tauke KedaiAuthor Profile Page on January 19, 2009 2:45 PM

What ever it is Air Asia and MAHB should work together to solve the issues and this should notbe done by creating another problem. What is the point of building another airport if the current airport has not even reached the total passenger capacity? If another aiport is built, what will happen to KLIA? Everywhere I go there is always good remarks made about KLIA by foreigners and I believe, if it is properly managed, it can be a lot better.

I don't see a point of having another airport very near to each other. It's nice to have but it is not neccessary unless it is very small and cater for private jets only (which I believe KLIA is capable of providing too).

If the Goverment can spend a lot of money in this time of recession, then it better be for the community development, retrenched workers, medically uninsured poor people et all. Not for some lazy people who want to make fast money. By mantobaAuthor Profile Page on January 19, 2009 3:01 PM

Tun. Izinkan. By pakbelalang on January 18, 2009 10:37 AM

Saya rasa agak setuju degan komen saudara pakbelalang diatas. Tapi masaalah nya orang2 ni maseh tak sedar diri. Mereka nak lihat sehingga Umno ni hancur baru lah agak nya mereka faham dan sedar bahawasanya mereka lah punca nya. Selagi UMNO ni maseh bernafas walau pun tinggal nyawa ikan mereka maseh lagi nak kaut untung sampai kering kontang. Maseh lagi angkuh konon nya mereka adalah pemimpin yang maseh disokong rakyat. Segalanya kerana kepentingan diri dan keuntungan peribadi. Peojek Airport Labu tu lebih baik diusahakan tanah itu untuk pertanian. Bukan kah Sime Darby ni lebih mahir dalam pertaniaan. Bukan kah Pak Lah telah lancarkan dan memberi keutamaan dalam industri asas tani. Pengarah2 SD mesti lah ambil kira kesan dari projek itu. Dari segi alam sekitar. Pencemaran bunyi. kesesakan ruang udara. Dari segi keuntungan dan pulangan pada rakyat rasa nya tak ada tapi keuntungan Tony dan berkepengtingan di Air Asia dan SD tu agak jelas positif. By chiatdetAuthor Profile Page on January 19, 2009 3:16 PM

I wonder if this is permitted under the international law to have so many airports in such close vicinity. It will be a kemaluan besar if after we spent so much money and it's not approved by the international law.

But on a positive note, the rakyat near Labu can have bigger area for konvensyen, pasar pagi and karnival macammacam. BN may organize the longest pasar pagi stalls in the god damm world.

Someone... please save Malaysia! By 3rdGenerationAuthor Profile Page on January 19, 2009 3:25 PM


I agree on this. We dont need another airport. I feel MAHB should just be fair to Air Asia. Currently their charges are ridiculous. Air Asia is a Low Cost carrier and if they get charged like that by MAHB it can't be called a low cost carrier. Air Asia pushing for a new airport would be an escape route to run from MAHB monopoly.

Just build another runway or two and expand the low cost terminal. Turn KLIA into a busy airport instead of making it a boring airport. MAHB must bring down the price of airport handling or whatever they do to make money. Think about just making enough profit,not too much. Trust me some where down they line all money spent will come back after operations through out the years. Yes it will take years, better late than never.

What is the cost to expand the terminal,gates and build a runway at KLIA? It is going to be much cheaper than building a new airport.

Air Asia should think about making the airlines even better than what it is now and Sime Darby, why not you buy planes and lease it out instead of wasting money on building an airport since you want to get into the aviation industry.


By SideksAuthor Profile Page on January 19, 2009 3:27 PM

Salam Tun,

The true reason for Labu Airport is...... Fernandez wants it for FREE. He already owes MAHB RM85million in overdue parking charges not to mention other facilities. He wants to show profits at the expanse of others people.

LCCT was built at a cost of RM110 million (excluding VO)just for him. He would have more planes coming meaning that he has to park his aircraft somewhere, therefore this would attract airport charges. So build new airport so that he can park his aircraft for FREE.

Now he is even asking the Penang Government for LCCT, when the airport was just extended recently, due to his request to accomodate Air Asia check in counters.

He already got his way by both Govt opening up KULSIN sectors. Now he fly into the most lucrative market in ASEAN. OPen sky policies, with the assistant of BUDAKBUDAK Tingkat 4, robbing MAS of the LON sector with his Air Asia X, and yet Tony Fernandez says he did it without the Govt helping him. What a bull!

Soon Air Asia capacity shall even exceed that of JAL & SIA combined, so he claims....another bull!

I wonder who ask TH and Khazanah to invest in Air Asia? With the kind of treatment that Tony Fernandez gets, Air Asia should be knighted "National LowCost Carrier" (no offence to Idris Jala).

He already loss millions due to the fuel hedging after the sudden drop in oil prices (there is GOD after all) but he did not disclose this. Yet he gets prestigious awards, for his so called "management skills".

I think DCA should send its team of inspectors to look at Air Asia aircraft. With the number of turnaround times and frequencies, I doubt maintainance is done. After all, recently there have been TWO (2) mishaps on AIRBUS A320 in the world (in US and Europe). So its a good excuse to order checks before one of his A320 decides to "kiss" the ground.

I think its enough preferential treatment given to Tony Fernandez and furthermore LCC has lost its hype, economically worldwide. This can be seen with the recent closure of so many LCC in the world.

Lastly, Pak Lah and Khairy must go at all cost. Enough is enough. Kuala Terengganu byelection is a clear indication, as clear as the blue sky that Air Asia flies. By rahman abbasAuthor Profile Page on January 19, 2009 3:50 PM

Assalamulaikum Tun ,

KLIA EAST ????? shareholders of tune hotels, air asia through proxies etc. including those have conxtion to higher ups. now everyone can fly and now everyone knows who is behind air asia and tony fernandez. it is a story about rich to be richer. mas suffered the last restructuring. due to air asia's greed and agreed by the government domestic routes were rationalised . air asia asked to be given sabah / sarawak routes from mas despite objection by mas air asia was granted granted its wish. within a year air asia realised that the within sabah and sarawak routes were not profitable. they never were . mas was performing national service in sabah sarawak . flying poultry and goats is not profitable but it is social obligation..well done mas. realising these problems air asia made second wish. they told the government that they have to return these inner sabah sarawak routes to back to mas. again mas objected. again mas was overruled. during taking over of inner routes sabah sarawak and handing over of fokker planes to air asia the planes were in perfect working condition because mas holds one of the best safety records in the world. when these planes were returned to mas most of them were grounded and not airworthy. the fleet were badly maintained by air asia. it was a crash program to spend RM108 million to build first LCCT as demanded by tony and proxies. then extension adjacent to the first one completed 1st quarter 2008. all this are taxpayers money. now they want to dump the terminal build KLIA EAST calling rakyat's . very clever. transport minister was taken a joyride to france to receive air asia's first airbus A330. after that gulagula the KLIA EAST was recommended to cabinet subsequently approved. by right minister can officiate the aircraft on arrival malaysia. whatever happened MAS was the victim of circumstances by tony fernandez, shareholders/stakeholders and proxies. since KLIA capacity is 125 millions passengers and under utilised government should direct airasia to use KLIA and pay RM85 for the aerobridge . airasia should use the RM10 charged to psgrs for choosing the seat and pay for aerobridge because allocating seat should be foc. now everyone can board the flight comfortably. government please wake up. By FaceoffAuthor Profile Page on January 19, 2009 3:55 PM

Going by what the present government is doing, Malaysia will be invaded by airports. If the airport is not doing well, then the government will use the taxpayers money to bail them out. This is just old story in new a packaging. By chesomAuthor Profile Page on January 19, 2009 4:03 PM

Salam TUN good artikel chesom By koroknguhAuthor Profile Page on January 19, 2009 4:06 PM

Salam Tun

Hehehe...teruskan perjuanganmu. By samuraimelayuAuthor Profile Page on January 19, 2009 4:22 PM


By kamal ahmadAuthor Profile Page on January 17, 2009 11:15 PM


Assalamualaikum YAB Pak 'AAB(Aimless, Arrogant Bonehead), Kami mengucapkan setinggi tahziah kepada YAB Perdana Menteri yang lemah dan longlai yang telah menguburkan senatorship dan jawatan timbalan menteri calon BN Datuk Wan Ahmad Farid memenangi pilihanraya P036 Kuala Terengganu.

Jelas sekali ini menunjukkan bertapa tingginya kepercayaan rakyat Kuala Terengganu kepada kepimpinan BN dan juga UMNO. Ini juga telah sekaligus membuktikan kepada pengkritikpengkritik tegar Khairy di laman popular ini yang bahawasanya, calon pilihan Khairy ini telah diterima dan disajikan dengan keropok leko dan kek 'masjid krystal' oleh rakyat di P036. Saya nampak masa depan yang sangat cerah bagi BN terutamanya UMNO untuk terus kekal bertahlil di masjid krystal dan akan dimakbulkan kerusi pembangkang diparlimen selepas PRU13 kelak. Jelas sekali, sokongan padu daripada MCA, MIC dan Gerakan serta PPP yang telah turun padang berkempen senada dan seiring dengan UMNO dalam pilihanraya ini telah berjaya membuahkan labulabu BN yang lebih besar pada kali ini. Bagaimanapun kami mengucapkan tahniah kepada jentera BN khususnya Datuk Abdul Azeez dari UMNO dan juga tidak lupa, kepada YB Khairy Jamaluddin dengan kejayakinan mereka mengekalkan kerusi P036. Sekali lagi, saya mengesyorkan kepada YAB Pak Lah, YB Khairy, dan juga YAB Datuk Seri Najib berambus dari UMNO jika sayangkan UMNO.

UMNO: Dulu Kini dan Selamanya! Selagi 'Ada Abdullah BungkusUMNO' Jom kita raikan titik peluh jentera UMNO/BN diKT dengan lagu



Sekian, wassalam dan terima kasih.

ALFAIHAH, AMIN. By M. Shahirasul IdrewoodsAuthor Profile Page on January 19, 2009 4:24 PM

Maybe government thinks that it is now the needs to spend money has come dont we know that our government has big appetite to spend as much as they can. To boost the economy perhaps.

It is difficult to understand why people would bother to have new airport, when we already have one big and wellknown.

Or Air Asia and Sime Darby want to have AirDarby Airport (ADA) to show the spirit MALAYSIA BOLEH?

Who knows.... By d'soulAuthor Profile Page on January 19, 2009 4:32 PM

Salam Tun... Another Airport???? Biarkan... Biarkan... Biarkan Pak LahAP terjun dengan LABUnya... Hampeh!!! By KSAH '80Author Profile Page on January 19, 2009 4:43 PM

What is it with Pak Lah and Sime Darby?

Dulu Sime Darby nak ambil alih IJN, kononnya nak Privatise. Sekarang ni dah nak buat Lapangan terbang kedua di Labu NS pulak. KLIA is under utilized. Kalau KLIA atau MAB tak efficient sekali pun, runding balik dengan menaik taraf. Memang dah ada capacity utk KLIA expand. Apa yang susah sangat?

Apa? Pak Lah ada syer ke dalam Sime Darby kah?

Kepada Pak Lah, sudahlah tu... Dah nak pencen lagi dua bulan masih buat perangai yang sama. Buat rakyat benci kat hang lagi. Dah lah dok jalan sini sana. Hang ingat hang ni Foreign Minister lagi kah hoi? Eish... Pelik sungguh Pak Lah ni... Tak nampak apa langsung contribution dia pada negara...

Kepada Najib, tolong hentikan project Airport kedua ni. Satu pembaziran sahaja... Saya rasa Rakyat tak perlukan Terminal Rakyat ni... By Ahmad kamalAuthor Profile Page on January 19, 2009 4:44 PM

Dear Tun,

Kekalahan UMNO di KT,Tun buat komen ini kerana pengundi tak ada confident dengan Pak Lah dan Najib tak bersalah.Nampaknya Tun dah Nyanok.Sorry.

Apa kena mengena dengan Pak Lah atas kekalahan ini.Bukankan Pak Lah sudah mengumumkan akan berundor pada Mac ini.Bukankah Najib yang mengetuai dalam kempen Pileharan Raya di KT.Dia yang merancang semua strategi.

Berhubongan dengan Airport di Labu,kenapa kita harus menentang hasrat Sime Darby dan Air Asia.Mereka tidak meminta satu sen pun wang kerajaan.Kenapa takut akan kejayaan Air Asia.Apa yang kerajaan akan rugi.Yang saya nampak yang akan mengalami kerugian yang besar ia lah MAHB.MAHB dan Khazanah Malaysia amat sombong dan cuba menghalang kejayaan Air Asia.

Saya nasehatkan TUN,sabelum menulis dalam Blog buat lah research dulu.Jika kita mahu orang menghormati kita,tulis lah dengan betul dan jangan fitnah.Khazanah bukan lah pemegang saham Air Asia.Tidak ada satu pun institusi pelabor saperti PNB dan Khazanah percaya akan kejayaan Air Asia.Kerana Air Asia lah kita dapati ramai kita dapat pergi ka Sabah dan Serawak dan versi versa.Satu kejayaan yang tun sendiri cuba laksanakan dahulu dengan mengunakan ferry dari Kuantan. By obbi71Author Profile Page on January 19, 2009 4:48 PM

Dari email yang saya terima dari AirAsia, mereka hanya akan membina "TERMINAL" sahaja. Bermakna ruang udara tidak terlibat dalam pembinaan ini. KLIA Aerodrome dan Approach Control masih lagi menjalankan tugasnya bagi ruang udara di atas Labu (ini persepsi saya dari emailnya). AirAsia mau terminal sendiri. Let it be. Pesawatpesawatnya mendarat di KLIA dan 'taxy' sejauh 710 kms ke Labu. Siapa yang menanggung minyak pesawat? AirAsia. Pesawat menggunakan lebih banyak minyak taxing dari 'flying in the air' Biarkan. Tapi masalahnya duit siapa yang digunakan untuk membina terminal berkenaan. Katanya "RAKYAT TERMINAL". Duit rakyatlah apalagi. Mesej dari Kuala Terangganu sudah kedengaran. Masih bisukah kerajaa. Tak Telus.

MASALAH UTAMA IALAH AIRASIA DAN MAHB TIDAK BERCAKAP. AIRASIA MAU FREE SEMUANYA...... Cajcaj dikawal oleh Kerajaan bukan MAHB. By pakbelalangAuthor Profile Page on January 19, 2009 4:54 PM

Cukuplah! Barisan Nasional jangan nak cuba tipu rakyat dengan segala alasan yang karutkarut. Rakyat dah celik mata. Rakyat tidak lagi buta internet. Semua maklumat rakyat dah dapat tahu dengan sekelip mata je. Jadi pemimpin janganlah nak beri alasan yang tidak masuk akal tentang projek airport ini.

Lagi cepat kerajaan batalkan projek ini lagi baik untuk Barisan Nasional. Rakyat sekarang sudah hilang keyakinan dan kepercayaan terhadap dasar pembangunan Barisan Nasional. Semua dasar kerajaan yang dianjurkan tidak menepati kehendak rakyat. Semuanya tidak transparent. Semuanya kelabu kerana ada unsurunsur untuk penyelewengan. By MOSAAuthor Profile Page on January 19, 2009 4:58 PM

[QUOTE from Benderbuzz]

Salam Tun. Teringat saya alkisah Cinderella yang menggunakan LABU sebagai kereta kuda dan tikustikus yang menjadi kuda penariknya.

Betapa Cinderella bergegas pulang sebelum tiba waktunya (12.00 midnite) sebelum kuda dan keretanya bertukar kembali menjadi tikus dan LABU.

Sekarang bayangkan keadaan kita sekarang; Projek Airport LABU (Sime Darby), "Cinderella aka youknowwho", kudakudanya dan tarikh akhirnya (Mac 2009).

Apakah tikus berjaya membaiki LABU atau Cinderella akhirnya lari lintangpukang hingga tertinggal "kasutnya"? [/QUOTE] tak kelakar langsung.. no offense.. aku oppose buat airport baru.. tapi kalau nak buat bullet train ke okay gak.. tak payah drive KLJB.. tiket mahal sikit dari bas tak apa.. janji selesa.. sampai cepat.. tapi mesti kurang dari tiket flight..

Peace!! By pakbelalangAuthor Profile Page on January 19, 2009 4:58 PM

Dear Tun,

Pemimpin UMNO dah jadi macam Labu Labi. Banyak sangat beranganangan nak jadi kaya. Itu sebab mereka suka tidor dan mempi macam dalam cerita Labu Labi. Khayal!!! By hatikristalAuthor Profile Page on January 19, 2009 5:03 PM dear tun, tq 4 all the info u gv us..appreciate it very much.. pak lah n kroni sudah2 la tu...m'sia dh hancur bcoz of your greed.. may Allah bless tun & family may Allah gv us all justice against those who hv oppressed us for their personal gains.. By fidAuthor Profile Page on January 19, 2009 5:13 PM

Dr M, Biasa lah Air Asia kroni sapa?? 1 airport duit tak cukup masuk poket lah.. yg hairan nya kenapa di lulus kan?? By Sunshine66Author Profile Page on January 19, 2009 5:36 PM

I could not agree more with Tun.

KLIA is designed to handle up to 125 million passenger per annum. The airport could upgrade its landside and airside infrastructure (up to 2 main terminals and 4 satellite terminals supported by up to 4 runways, 1 ATC and other facilities) as a huge piece of land has been reserved for this airport.

If Air Asia wants to have more control over its operations, I am sure one satellite terminal can be built and dedicated to Air Asia.

Besides the boarding gates, this new airport at Labu calls for capital investments in duplicating common infrastructure such as highspeed rail link, public transport, CIQ, airport safety and security, air traffic control and ground control.

I just don't see the business logic behind all these new capital investments for common infrastructure. Furthermore, Air Asia has already invested in a separate terminal at KLIA. Why couldn't the management be more farsighted in planning their capacity previously, and now it is looking at another site to cater for future traffic growth?

Eventually, the users of the transport services will have to bear all these capital costs. Are we saying that Asia Asia can still be cost competitive by building additional terminal capacity and the associated basic infrastructures and facilities at Labu (instead of building a new dedicated satellite terminal for Air Asia at KLIA)?

Like Tun said, high charges from MAHB could be a key consideration here which could be negotiated. This is a commercial decision. I am sure Khazanah as a shareholder representing the government interest in KLIA/Air Asia, together with the Transport Ministry would have considered the entire air transport industry development and capacity planning in a holistic and coordinated manner, or have they not? Or are there some government cronies having something to gain from this scheme?

As the government, it is its role to protecting the consitituents' interest, i.e. we the tax payers and voters!!! So stop allowing the inefficient build out of infrastructure and capacity in this country!!! By dinineAuthor Profile Page on January 19, 2009 5:40 PM eee takutnya baca info tulisan 'akupunya'. Mari kita renungkan dalamdalam komentar 'pemerhati politik' dan bahaskan pendapat 'Prabagaran Gopalakrishnan'. Silakan... By bluesgangAuthor Profile Page on January 19, 2009 5:58 PM

Dear Tun,

Please send this message to Pak Lah.

1. Dear Pak Lah please solve the insane traffic jams in KL now intead wasting building a new airport.

2. I know traffic jam is good for real estate developer, car manufacturer, petroleum company and mechanics business but when the traffic is from 700 am to 1130pm, it start to look stupid. Tun Mahathir can check and take some pictures while test drive the traffic and post it on ur facebook, it is INSANE!!!!. Cause i know Tun sometime goes undercover checking around with your perdana and kancil.

3. I respect RapidKL but seriously it didnt give too much impact on the current traffic.

4. Public Transport like Putra is not efficient anymore, if u start to queue for ur train on 730pm, u can only get on your train on 830pm (maximumif u r lucky u can get in within 30 min) cause the people is too many queing up. Or maybe Tun can pop at Putra Gombak Terminal or the other end at 8am and check yourself.

5. An average guy nowadays spend average 3 hours/day (back and forth on the road) which means 3.75 days/month on the road. In terms of effiency 3.75 days + 4 days (sundays) that means we got 7.75 days not working for each month exclude holidays. This does not include traffic during lunch and friday prayers. No wonder Malaysian are not that efficient anymore compare to vietnamese. Even bola pun boleh kalah (shame on u FAM).

6. Its time for Government to form a think tank on matters how to synergize PutrajayaCyberJayaKL situation cause i noticed theres inbalance between these 3 key areas. Putrajaya is lonely and KL is too crowded. It is better if GOM paying people to think about this matter and restore the inbalance instead making a new airport thinking to solve traffic jams on the air. I guarantee theres alot of money to be made in optimizing opportunities between PutrajayaCyberjayaKL instead dozing some trees in Labu for some planes shortage on 2014. Come think of it, this might be some good business prospects for Sime Darby to get involve in, solving common ppl problem and making some money on the side.

7. This another strange ideas from Pak Lah admin. I dunno what their admin have been thinking, from judiciary, ijn, USA FTA, DEB, Johor bridge and etc. Too many strange ideas that doesnt make any sense, sigh. I expect the best ideas might pop up on the last days of his admin, but Pak Lah dissapointed me, so sad.

8. Well we got to bare for another 2 months of strange ideas to pop up. Clock is ticking.

9. But please Pak Lah if u read this, do something about the traffic, if u manage to do something within this 2 months, at least u have ease up some minor issues of all the common people in Malaysia. DO something to make KLPutrajayaCyberjaya efficient again.

10. Im not asking for total solution but just to reduce from average time spent on the road for work from 3 hours/day to 1.5 hours/day thats all. Some guys spend 5 hours/day on the road if he works from Ulu Klang to USJ. It can be anything from updating the current public transport (train) with more EMU or new zonal areas or new highways, please do something about it, u have done nothing about it since u take position as PM in 2003.

11. If the GOM keep giving excuse like "This is world economic turndown and everyone is facing it" then let me be the Prime Minister, i can pop in the TV everyday 24/7 and give that excuse to the people and earn some pention. The reason we put him there is to figure out extraordinary things that normal people like me couldnt think. Like u Tun, u have done many extraordinary things from great to worse but still u did something. Out of 10, i can give Tun 7 great feats and 3 rotten ones. But bottomline, Tun indeed have behave like a leader with a direction, either we going up or going down, but still we heading somewhere. But Pak Lah, im confused either we going for Agriculture based or Industrial based, im so confused. Im even confused with Islam Hadhari, what it is all about? Different Islam? Smarter Islam? Im confused.

12. At least Bush have direction better than Pak Lah, he said hes going to war, which he really done it, even it doesnt work according to his plan for US in terms of economy or image but atleast he is heading somewhere.

13. Finally, I want to seek apology from Pak Lah, I dont mean anything to smear your name, but in terms of this country direction im so confused since we change leadership which is very important. Secondly so many department or government vehicle performance efficiency have dropped significantly. Even the streamyx im using now strangely slow like dialup and ive called for service until today they didnt come to solve it. :(

14. Theres 2 month left, im still positive about the last minute performance that mean something to the ppl even it is deteriorating. Like Oliver Bierhoff of Germany which always on the bench and never scores but when he came in for Checzh Germany Euro Final he scored the last minute golden goal which makes him remembered as the hero of Germany for taking home that cup. Pak Lah can still be that guy, and im waiting.....

By musatoAuthor Profile Page on January 19, 2009 6:19 PM

Assalamualaikum Tun.

Dulu masa kelas investment,saya kena pilih salah satu listed kompeni untuk buat kajian.Macam kena tengok BSKL jugak la.

Saya tak berapa pakar untuk pilih kompeni besar yang mungkin boleh buat untung banyakbanyak,so saya terpilih kompeni yang bermasalah.

Kalau tengok dia punya harga,makin lama makin turun.Dah puas belekbelek suratkhabar baru dapat tahu apa masalah dia.Ruparupanya ada perebutan kuasa lembaga pengarah.

Dah bersungguhsungguh buat assignment,lecturer marah la pulak.Sebab pilih kompeni yang tak untung,bermasalah pulak tu.Apa kena cari yang boleh buat untung je ke?

Saya pikir Sime Darby pun macam tu jugak.Bermasalah.Tak lama lagi gulung tikar la tu.Nak cari projek pun entah apaapa.Takde idea baru.Bikin tiru saje.

Terima kasih Tun.

By kokdin1Author Profile Page on January 19, 2009 6:22 PM

>>>>>>>>>>>>Dear Tun, 1. It baffles everybody why another airport at labu shd be built. 2. KLIA is underutilised 3. LCCT has just built an extension of LCCT. Now AA wants to move to Labu.... 4. Another ridiculous decision by the cabinet, or is it by the cabinet?? 5. Whatever reason given by AA, it is ridiculous and an insult to the right thinking man in this country 6. I hope DS Najib would stop this project, just like our friend did to the Double tracking and the crooked bridge, a precedent has been created brother!!! 7. It shd be in the interest of the nation to cancel this labu thing... 8. Let us save KLIA!!!!KLIA can cater for future increase in air traffic, so why Labu? 9.What else is in the hidden agenda before Mar 28?? anybobody would like to guess??? take care Tun, warmest regards, DK >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> By awongAuthor Profile Page on January 19, 2009 6:27 PM this time i agree with you tun. you are really unprofessional By que'Author Profile Page on January 19, 2009 6:35 PM

Assalamualaikum Tun, Semoga beroleh kesejahteraan.

Terima kasih di atas segala idea dan legacy yang Tun telah tinggalkan pada kami.

LCCT baru seperti yang di cadangkan oleh kerajaan sekarang, pada hemah saya cuma membazirkan wang rakyat ataupun Pak Lah ingin meninggalkan sesuatu sebelum beliau meninggalkan pejabat.

Saya percaya semasa Tun membina KLIA dulu, semua benda yang berkaitan penerbangan masa hadapan telahpun di ambil kira. Dari segi keluasan tanah dan jumlah trafik udara.

Dengan adanya menara kawalan yang terlalu dekat di antara KLIA, LCCT sekarang & LCCT baru ini, saya rasa pengawalan trafik udara akan menjadi sedikit kecoh dan tidak mustahil akan berlaku kemalangan(perkara terakhir yang kita nak tahu).

Tak bolehkah kita cuma gunakan KLIA sepertimana LT Heathrow di London yang menempatkan semua urusan penerbangan di satu tempat yang sama. Dalam masa yang sama nama KLIA akan lebih gah di mata dunia dan tanah rakyatpun tak perlu di ambil.

Janganlah kerajaan cuma pandai nak bazirkan wang rakyat tapi nak menang PRK K.Terengganu pun tak boleh.(Tak tahu mengukur/ mengatur strategi)

Sekian Tun, sampai ketemu lagi. By nasurudinAuthor Profile Page on January 19, 2009 7:20 PM

Dear Tun, The reason they were to build at Labu because its so near to Rembau, our very dear friend's hometown. Why not we use our available resources and build this so called new LCCT terminal in Singapore, yes in Singapore, with our very own money. The birth place of Kalimullah. And I am sure PM Lee would very much be very happy about this. Even now Singapore Changi control tower will take command frm all aircraft flying into Singapore from asfaras Jasin airspace.l fly Malaysia Airlines even if by Shuttle i will always insist Malaysia Airlines/. By kamal ahmadAuthor Profile Page on January 19, 2009 7:51 PM

Salam kasih dan hormat Ayahanda Tun. I am attaching that http link above because I am dumfounded after reading it. Reminded me to that roundabout statement made by Datuk Shahziman Abu Seman on reducing electric tariff a couple of days ago (before the BN grand victory in KT yesterday). He said give him three weeks and he can get the tariff down. So ok, we wait and count. But that Human Resource Datuk Menteri, he really makes me think Tun, and I am thinking hard for these past few minutes on what to make of his statement really. All I can say is: that he should be doing commercials for that condom maker Durex and not waste time working for this stupid Bedouin government. It’s just simply the best safe play line for 2009 thus far. This guy used to be an English teacher or what? Anyone knows? Beat the grammar lines out of our Mr.Dorai anytime! By crazy diamondAuthor Profile Page on January 19, 2009 8:02 PM

My Dearest Tun,

When the 1st day I heard news said that Air Asia and Sime Darby would jointly proposed to built new airport in Labu, my mind paused and started to thinking that, what will happen to KLIA? Yet another stupid proposal came out from Sime Darby. Labu and Sepang just 10km away, how come they would operate using 2 different control tower? How stupid it is this idea, clearly these people just looking on the business side than the other things.

Ironically, government just approve it without considering on the affect to KLIA. As Tun mentioned, what Labu Airport can do, KLIA could do the same and yet it is more practical than that stupid Labu Airport.

The affect could happen would severe if government decided to give green light to this new airport. Of course KLIA and MAHB will get the severe consequence.

There is too many stupid decision made by government under Pak Lah. Im beg to government pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeee dont do it this stupid idea because it will shown how stupid it was the government. Eventually, government would not respected by the people anymore. By Nothing but windAuthor Profile Page on January 19, 2009 9:51 PM

Dear Tun Dr M,

Of late, Dato Seri Najib is under criticism for various matters including the failure of BN to retain the Kuala Terengganu parliamentary seat. It is quite unfair to put the bulk of the blame him. From the start, all was not smooth for UMNO Candidate. The worse was, some of the UMNO members discredited their own candidate with slurs. So how do you expect the others support him.

As for Dato Seri Najib, he is heavily occupied with various matters which he thinks need to be addressed before March 09. Being the Finance Minister is another headache for him due to the financial crisis. Some of the recently announced controversial projects (I think it is from Najib at his capacity of Finance Minister) seem to be premature. If at all those projects are necessary then the public should be informed of it. Otherwise he would face open criticism which could be wrong.

By nizwan11Author Profile Page on January 19, 2009 10:36 PM dont you see any sign on thier face??? i see this sign.

$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.... By che setAuthor Profile Page on January 19, 2009 11:05 PM

Salam sejahtera Tun sekeluarga yang dikasihi dan juga pejuang Che Det sekelian.

Saya rasa lapangan terbang di Labu tu kalau dia berdegil nak buat juga, rasanya eloklah dinamakan KJ INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT, kan sedap bunyinya tu.Baru ada kelas sebab nak iras macam bunyi JFK di Amerika Syarikat.Lepas tu pulak eloklah rasanya kalau dibina sebuah lagi,kali ni lokasi paling tepat sekali adalah di Kepala Batas yang mana saiznya mestilah mengalahkan KLIA.Soal takut tak sempat sebab tempoh peralihan kuasa dah nak dekat tak timbul sama sekali.Tempoh itu boleh dilanjutkan selama mungkin kerana Najib seorang yang penyabar dan beliau tidak ada masalah untuk menjadi seorang penunggu sepertimana salah seorang wali songo yang bernama Sunan Kali Jaga.Ibnor Riza pun ada sebuah lagu hit berjudul 'Berdiri Seorang Perindu'.Nama airpot ini pula mestilah nama Pak Lah.Tapi kalau dia tak mau namanya diabadikan garagara jiwa hambanya atau 'ku cari damai abadi', eloklah ditukarkannya menjadi INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT,barulah Malaysia.Hidup Pak Lah! By DIN JJAuthor Profile Page on January 19, 2009 11:12 PM

Sudah kering air mata ! By j_pit82Author Profile Page on January 19, 2009 11:29 PM hi Tun, semoga sihat selalu By Tour GuideAuthor Profile Page on January 19, 2009 11:42 PM

KLIA was built and regarded as Airport of and for the future. I'm sure the future would meant at least 5060 years from 1998... but its only 2009 just 11 years after the opening of KLIA.... What th' he** is this PL thinking...??? By RazlanIsaAuthor Profile Page on January 19, 2009 11:58 PM

(Heard over Putrajaya spy phone)..It's January already? Oh, no! March is coming soon...what are we going to do? Oh no.. Oh no...Let's takeover the National Heart Institute, its big money...will last until our great grand children. What? People are angry. Ok...think...think....ok I got it. Let's build another airport. Yeah. Call Tony, quick..ask him to come to Level 4 now. By pakbelalangAuthor Profile Page on January 20, 2009 12:19 AM

Proposals To Improve CIQ Complex To Be Brought To Cabinet

JOHOR BAHARU, Jan 19 (Bernama) The Sultan Iskandar Building, which houses the Customs, Immigration and Quarantine (CIQ) centre, should be integrated with the Johor Baharu city centre for the benefit of the complex users and traders in the city centre.

Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs Minister Datuk Shahrir Abdul Samad said six proposals had been drawn up to be submitted to the Cabinet for consideration, to improve the CIQ complex to make it more userfriendly. comment:

Yes, six proposals to be submitted to cabinet but I wonder whether there is a proposal to build a crooked bridge??

By uncle deeAuthor Profile Page on January 20, 2009 12:39 AM

Salam Tun,

No to Labu labi airport No to UMNO No to Paklah, KJ, Musa, BP, Kalimullah. By S..TanAuthor Profile Page on January 20, 2009 1:05 AM

Dear Tun, salam mesra moga sihat sejahtera. Minta izin...


Skrg apa tindakan Pak Lah semua tak betul. Nak cari silap, dikorek cacing sampai dapat. Kalau hati orang dah putus tak nak, seribu hajat sia sia.

Menambah pasarana apa buruknya, lebih lebih lagi tanpa biayaan krjn. Kenapa sykt penerbangan lain mesti tunduk, tunggu si lembab MAHB, MAS. Agaknya dah tak tahan karena 'little Napoleon' mrk ini, lalu bina sendiri.


Membina LCCT baru lebih berfaedah dari jambatan bengkok dari segi pintu masuk negara. Jambatan bengkok punyai kepala besar (di JB) leher kecil (di S'pura) dan ditanggung krjn. LCCT Labu dibina swasta dan jumlah penumpang dijamin swasta sendiri bukan krjn. (Banding kadar trafik lebuhraya dijamin krjn, bayaran tenaga IPP dijamin TNB)

Projek pasarana membuka serta merta laluan ke negara lain harus disokong. Projek pelabuhan (Kuantan, ), zon dagangan bebas (PKFTZ) yg dibayar krjn lebih ragu ragu prestasi mrk krn tiada pelanggan.

Kalau masaalah teknikal menara kembar bertapak atas tanah lembik boleh di atasi, apalah isu teknikal dua landasan berdekatan.


Sykt penerbangan murah lain model operasi dgn yg biasa. Krn persaingan, ia ditekan bila berkongsi lapangan terbang, ATC, bayaran sewa di KLIA. Mirip cara Umno menekan.

Air Asia ambil jalan mengejut keluar dari KLIA, mcm 'orang' keluar parti bila tuntut perubahan. Rakyat M'sia yg berkemampuan dan berkebolehan keluar negara atas sebab sama. Yg tinggal tak mampu dan tempang kemahiran.


Inilah contoh perebutan kuasa dua GLC yg melemahkan negara seperti titah Raja Nazrin. Guna kuasa demi kuasa.

Whatever it is an alternative LCCT is not a sinister development, it is the sinister objection to it that is misplaced. Democracy is giving a choice. Highways and IPP are examples of non choices!

By selokpekasamAuthor Profile Page on January 20, 2009 1:11 AM

Tun yang dihormati,

Crooked bridge? Dun think so theres any proposal.Dun you know they are all crooks with crooked hearts already. So no way for the rakyats and the crooked bridge. The sleepy's style. Datuk SAS pemb*d*k. Cabinet? In the same boat. By otamAuthor Profile Page on January 20, 2009 1:30 AM alam


Berdasarkan keterangan diatas , all we can say "money agenda"

The design of KLIA which huge reserved capacity and furthermore of utilized of Subang Aiport status , till to date , not full utilized.

If KLIA or Subang being chosen for upgrading as required for the demand it will not cost so much , compare new location which they can marked up the price from infra , local authority , approval until it build.

The new development initial cost will be around 2.5 B 3.B , the question how will get the most benefits ?.

At the end , we rakyat have no choice but to used it. It will create unpleasant to rakyat bawahan , but for sure SD can smile , A can have nice sleep , T can start counting profit , the land will automatic price increased and the rakyat get O. Well plan.

Time to changed and all rakyat look forward 2013 when “Kuasa Rakyat” been return back to us. With current world and Asia economy down and not well managed, it will contribute to these changed factor and mood.

Is is good leason to learn and improved and open our wolrd view for next general election year 2013.What we can say “Anak cina makan pengat , sendiri mau ingat”

Regards Otam

By PakDekAuthor Profile Page on January 20, 2009 1:30 AM

Dear Tun Dr M,

Secara peribadi saya teruja membaca tulisan Tun yang begitu simple tapi jelas dan saya kira mampu difahami oleh semua lapisan pembaca. Justifikasi dan hujah yang Tun ketengahkan berkaitan cadangan pembinaan Airport Labu sememangnya padu dan tulen. Syabas diatas usaha dan pengorbanan Tun menyalurkan informasi kepada kami semua. Semoga Tun sentiasa dalam keadaan sihat dan dirahmati Allah. By ameenAuthor Profile Page on January 20, 2009 1:46 AM

A'kum Tun, wish you all the best.

To have a another airport is just wastage of resources and time.

It is better for Air Asia to negotiate with MAHB to expand the current LCCT. Last time also, the Government has done well to develop a new LCCT within a very short time period!

Why the same thing cannot be done again?

Over expansion from the main core business requires huge capital and attention and this could straiten the company's financial capability to go through tough situation in the future.

Hopefully they will make a wise decision. By imranAuthor Profile Page on January 20, 2009 1:54 AM



APA SEBENAR AGENA TUN MUSA HITAM.... By johncap malayaAuthor Profile Page on January 20, 2009 1:59 AM

Salam Tun,

Ni yang saya dok heran sesangat ni, nak pi buat airport no. 3 kat KLIA buat hapa.... lepas tu kata nak bina untuk kegunaan rakyat.... apa yang mengarut ni..... Kat KL tu kita dok guna Bus Station Pudu Raya yang dah lama obsolete tu.... saya rasa dah lebih 20tahun dah.... plaza rakyat (siap guna nama rakyat lagi) sampai la ni tak siap2 lagi. Patut la BN dok kalah... cerita nak bela nasib rakyat. berapa ramai rakyat dok naik kapal terbang dok compare dengan rakyat yang dok sedut asap bas tunggu kat Pudu raya tu. By Larry JayAuthor Profile Page on January 20, 2009 2:59 AM

Well, Well..,Well Guys/Gals,

The major comments I see here is that Tony & Gang are bad guys/gals with selfinterest & with hidden agenda's...yeah..yeah...yeah!! Tell me all about it!!! Mary Had A Little Lamb..Twinkle Twinkle Little Star..Snow White & 14 Cabinet Ministers, Pi Mai Pi Mai Tang Tung...Naik Tangga Turun Tangga..etc...

Please look back what Air Asia was in early 2000's when it was managed by DRBHicom (Goverment Linked Company) & they were bleeding to glory like how King Daud was slewing Goliath.

No other GLC or private corporate companies or even the Goverment or The Ministry of Finance had the little nitty guts to take upon this bleeding company. Then came in a small time boy called Tony Fernandez with a vision on Low Cost Carrier. He pawned his & his 2 other family members house just to ensure that there is cash available in bank to buy to obtain a RM 22 million debt...(no idiots @ fully spoon fed companies will ever even dream of doing that)& all of them were was laughing at him with thoughts of "What a dead meat Tony gonna be to the banks"

He eventually turned it around with his great vission & the utmost passion he had in him. He did it guys...from an ailing company with 2 rundown aircraft & RM22 million debts TO a now multi billion public listed company.

The greatest gift he gave to the all walks of life of the Malaysian including the lower income group was able to fly & they are enjoying it to the utmost as well & will continue to enjoy it. I bet that 85% or even 90% of you guys/gals above have flown under Tony's armpit..

So, the bottom line at the moment is that "Tolong Jangan Senang Lupa" as our Bapak Kemodenaan Malaysia @ Mahathir use to say...

In comparison, take MAS as a case study... Tajuddin Ramli of Naluri (or previously known as MHS) took the helm funded by the goverment & what he did?? He squashed & squeezed MAS to the ground with massive continuous losses with only the rich & elite who can fly.

To add salt to injuries to average Malaysians, he managed to sell back all the shares at the price he bought at RM8 when the actual value at that time was a mere RM3.8 under the expense of we taxpayers we tax payers lost billions of ringgit (dahlah bayar tinggi untuk terbang MAS & lepas tu kena tekan lagi... kena ganti rugi kat Tajuddin dengan cukai yang kita bayar)

All this was approved in The Cabinet by the then Minister Daim Zainuddin (sama kampung boy dengan Tajuddin @ Kampung Kangkung kat Alor Setar) under the eyes, nose & blessing of Mahathir.

Tony Fernandez have been awarded with multiple world acclaimed awards from world recognized bodies over the last 6 years for his contribution in aviation industry in various categories & one of it was being able the lower income group to travel by air. Whilst, Tajuddin Ramli was awarded with multiple courts suits from the Government, GLC’s & private companies & as far as Germany.

All court suit’s on Tajuddin Ramli have since died of natural death for some unknown mysterious reasons. Need to refer to Tan Sri Zaki (new Chief Justice) & that also depends if he still got an ear to listen as he is preoccupied on sorting out his minor & major recent stunts/misconducts done in Perlis & in East M’sia respectively??? Wow!! Where are we actually heading to now..will stop here???

Tajudin Ramli is now a billionaire with properties under his/proxy from the North Langkawi, Central Lumut & heart of KL & Rawang to the South of Johor& all this illgained properties he acquired is from our blood, sweat & tears& we are still paying for the present & future fallout corporate spoon fed figures /companies.

So you guys/gals got to always remember that the greatest need of every human being is the need for appreciation

To Tajuddin Ramli, Daim & Mahathir please remember that a man who has committed a mistake and doesn't correct it is always committing another mistake..

Last but not least to Tony & Air Asia Team and I am pretty sure it’s in all of you that great human are true human.., the human in whom nature has succeeded. They are not extraordinary but they are in their true order. It is the other species of human who are not what they ought to be...

Keep on the smiling & cheering so that everyone can fly!!! By luvmalAuthor Profile Page on January 20, 2009 5:01 AM

Hi Tun,

Long time no comment!

Just read what Hindraf rep said! Bunch of idiots! This is delayed response to your comment 'racist Hindraf Hindus'

Although i'm a born Catholic, i still felt it when u said that! But not for long cause I realise that one can be a great thinker like yourself, but nobody is perfect! I realy admire u because u still have the ability to learn new things!

Have u read 'How to win friends & influence people' by Dale Carnegie. I'm sure that alot of what he says u have known before, however human have short memory of what they learn if the dont constantly practice it!

Model of the story, criticizing people or groups of people is very unlikely to achieve your goals!

If u have read the book, i suggest u review it. By kamal ahmadAuthor Profile Page on January 20, 2009 7:12 AM

Salam and a very good morning Ayahanda Tun and to all my fellow bloggers here.

Please click on the http links below to see the details on Aero Ventures Sdn. Bhd. Malaysia. Please read carefully and establish for yourself, the make up of its Board of Directors. I could copy and paste, but that would somewhat lessens its credibility, as all the websites below belongs to Air Asia. I want it to be directly from the horse mouth himself.

And please do click on the link below to see what Aero Ventures Sdn. Bhd. means to Air Asia X.

Yes, there is a better and more secured way for this kind of algebra my dear Tan Sri’s, Datuk Seri’s, YB and Dato's. Pay more attention to your math’s teacher boys! Don’t get into trouble with Mr.Dorai that no nonsense discipline teacher of ours! By kamal ahmadAuthor Profile Page on January 20, 2009 7:16 AM

Salam Ayahanda Tun. Mohon diizinkan saya sedikit ruang disini. Terima Kasih.

Saudara samuraimelayu, salam. Lamanya balik Jepun? :) Tak pa, ni homework kelas Mr.Dorai saya salin untuk bacaan saudara.

Please click on the http links below to see the details on Aero Ventures Sdn. Bhd. Malaysia. Please read carefully and establish for yourself, the make up of its Board of Directors. I could copy and paste, but that would somewhat lessens its credibility, as all the websites below belongs to Air Asia. I want it to be directly from the horse mouth himself.

And please do click on the link below to see what Aero Ventures Sdn. Bhd. means to Air Asia X. By kamal ahmadAuthor Profile Page on January 20, 2009 7:23 AM

Ayahanda Tun, and i just hope that those http links I've included upstairs wont be doing another quicksand trick on me like it did with that New Straits Time http link of mine the other day. :) Take care Tun, and warmest regards and love from all of us here. By luvmalAuthor Profile Page on January 20, 2009 7:45 AM

Stephen Doss is an idiot! what comes above love for UMNO is love for the country! UMNO was just a tool used for the betterment of the country. As it is it has become an outdated and misused tool. Why u want to love this! Moron! By HBTAuthor Profile Page on January 20, 2009 8:27 AM

Selamat pagi dan salam Tun,

I am suprised when I read this comment

//By Ahmad kamal on January 19, 2009 4:44 PM.//,

I pelik mengapa Kamal boleh buat komen mcm ini, oh... bukan Kamal Ahmad, ia adalah Ahmad Kamal. Jadi apa yang dia komen, I terbalikkan maksudnya, "Pak Lah dah Nyanok, bukan satu kali, dah banyak 2 kali sampai semua kabinetnya jadi nyanok, cuma yang tidak nyanok seteruk Pak Lah ada lah rakyat di KT dan bloggers, sorry lah Ahmad, that's the truth.

Tun, kini I phonia pulak dengan nama Ahmad, (Abdullah Ahmad Badawi), ee.... another Ahmad yang suka meniru cara2 Obama, just because dia ada sikit2 muslim ke??? Muslim tak muslim that is not important, Obama is the President of USA, bukan lah President UMNO.

Another penyokong kuat Ali Rustam?? Tun, Ali kata kali ini BN kalah di KT because PAS kata kalau undi PAS, mereka akan pergi syurga, dah haprak dan bodoh MB Melaka yang asyik memperkecilkan mentaliti umat muslim, menyampah lah orang2 kuat Pak Lah dan Ahmad ini.....

By AzMaAuthor Profile Page on January 20, 2009 8:46 AM

Assalamualaikum Tun,

Maaf, Minta laluan.

Response kpd Ahmad kamal on January 19, 2009 4:44 PM

"Apa kena mengena dengan Pak Lah atas kekalahan ini.Bukankan Pak Lah sudah mengumumkan akan berundor pada Mac ini.Bukankah Najib yang mengetuai dalam kempen Pileharan Raya di KT.Dia yang merancang semua strategi".

1.Kamu ni memang pembodek Pak Lah.Dah berapa banyak Pak Lah atau KJ beri projek kepada kamu?.

2.Kau kata Pak Lah tak kena mengena dengan kekalahan Pilihanraya KT?.Kenapa Pak Lah masih lantik KRONInya sebagai calun kalau betul2 dah nak berundur?. Kenapa tak bagi peluang kepada DSN saja yang memilihnya?.

3.Sebenarnya RAKYAT TERENGGANU dah lama menyampah dengan Pak Lah, cuma Pak Lah saja yang tak tahu atau buat2 tak tahu.Sepatutnya Pak Lah tak usah tunjuk muka di KT sebelum Pilihanraya.Kerana dia tunjuk mukalah, BN kalah di KT.

4.Tahukah kamu pada PRU12 berapa ramai KETUA BAHAGIAN di Terengganu telah di cantas oleh Pak Lah dan beliau lantik kroni2nya sebagai calun pada saat2 akhir.

5.Projek di Sungai Terengganu, termasuklah Masjid Kristal telah diberikan kepada kroni2 Pak Lah atau KJ untuk dibangunkan.

6.Mana dia yang dikatakan KORIDOR PANTAI TIMUR yang dilaungkan oleh Pak Lah selama ini?.Cakap je berdegar2 suruh oarng sorak, tapi isinya kosong.

7.Banyak lagi kalau nak disenaraikan.

Drp Ahli UMNO Trg.

Sentiasa menyokong Tun. By SteohAuthor Profile Page on January 20, 2009 9:04 AM

1. Building a new airport should be based on current and future capacity.

2. Based on Tok det's explanation, the arguments for the new airport sure seems flimsy.

3. And we should compare or benchmark ourselves to heathrow.

4. At the end of the day, im sure the figures and stats will not be in favour for a new aiport. It will probably be in favour for a "get rich quick scheme" all too familiar in the ears of malaysians.

Shahril Teoh By HBTAuthor Profile Page on January 20, 2009 9:04 AM


Iziknkan...By luvmal on January 20, 2009 5:01 AM

//Have u read 'How to win friends & influence people' by Dale Carnegie. I'm sure that alot of what he says u have known before, however human have short memory of what they learn if the dont constantly practice it!

Model of the story, criticizing people or groups of people is very unlikely to achieve your goals!//

Hi, luvmal,

In chinese, putonghua (mandarin), says : 'Duo Ke Peng You How Koh Do Ke Ti Ren', maksudnya "It's better to have a friend rather than to create an enemy", I am sure Tun knows better than you, and so is what DS Najib and TS Myuhiddin are doing, that is why majority of the chinese like Tun and BN lo!!!!

By cakkuncakAuthor Profile Page on January 20, 2009 9:09 AM

YAB Tun,

What you commented makes sense its just that it is not reported. I read in the The Edge recently (Jan 19 issue) comment by M.Shanmugam titled LCCT an acid test for Najib. The writer pointed out that Datuk Seri Tony Fernandes is facing his biggest battle for the new airport , I quote " Leading the charge is none other than former PM Tun Mahathir Mohamad, who has persistently found fault with Abdullah's administration over the last four years...."

He further wrote " But who can forget that the very reason an LCCT is being considered in Sepang or Labu is the mega KLIA that was built during Mahathir's era at a cost of RM 10 billion despite many objections? Until today, many still question the move from Subang to Sepang when there was ample land in the vicinity of the old Subang airport for expansion. One of the large plots in Subang is where the RRI is lcoated.It is now said to be the domain of only wellconnected housing developers.There were other large tracts in Subang as well, that, incidentally are mostly owned by Sime Darby Bhd....." " Today most of the Sime Darby land has been converted to residential and commercial developments, but some 15 years ago, there were no such plans...."

He further wrote " The KLIA was built at a cost of RM 10 billion in 1998 to cater for 25million passengers. The main terminal itself cost some RM3.5 billion, according to reports. In contrast, Air Asia's terminal, proposed some 10 years later is estimated to cost RM 1.6billion. So one can imagine the layer of fat that was creamed off by rent seekers. And who pays the cost? joe Public again in the form of aeronautical charges. "

My own analysis as a layman...

1st, it is clearly does make sense to have two airports just 2km apart from each other. I am not sure about the regulations.

2nd, clearly this writer do no like your ideas but trying to tell us Tony Fernandes ideas are great. I have read your justifications for having KLIA in Sepang and I must say I agree with your reasoning Tun. So, if you can enlighthen this M Shanmugam guy....

3rd, Sime Darby seem almost desperate to spend billions as soon as possible. Healthcare, airport development or the whatever the business deal is not a concern...the idea is to find how to spend and justify it as a 'good business idea' is it?? hmmm....

4th, in my opinion the real test for Datuk Seri Najib, is not whether he chose to support Air Asia as a demonstration that he is business friendly and unbiased. The real test for Datuk Seri Najib is to be able to shed the real feelings that many feel about this flip flop Government. The real test for him will be to undo all the damage that Pak Lah have managed to inflict on the perception, moral, hope and vision of the people in his short tenure as PM. He will step down in March (dont forget flip flop, so dont count your blessings just yet) but the damage will remain if Datuk Seri Najib fail to address the real issues. The KT by election clearly demonstrate that the people are comfortable to not hope for a BN rule anymore and this is the prevailing spirit now. THIS is the real test for Datuk Seri Najib.

By ZuukAuthor Profile Page on January 20, 2009 9:22 AM

Salam Y.B. Tun.

On the corrupt UMNO leaders, I suggest Y.B Tun come out with the list of the most preferred leaders to win in the coming UMNO assembly. Eventhough the result will not be 100% as per Tun's list, at least the delegates will have some guidelines and also to deter manipulation by certain quarters to elect on certain candidates.

Though Im not an UMNO member, as a Malaysian Sarawakian who ever the delegates choose will effect us too.

Thank you Zuuk By johanniAuthor Profile Page on January 20, 2009 9:33 AM

Y.A Bhg Tun,

Another Airport will be a nother waste of taxpayer's money... disagree with the idea of having another... have a nice day Tun.. By HBTAuthor Profile Page on January 20, 2009 9:35 AM


Sila izinkan this comment, I know him thro the Poodle Bush Conspiracy....

//By Larry Jay on January 20, 2009 2:59 AM

Well, Well..,Well Guys/Gals, The major comments I see here is that Tony & Gang are bad guys/gals with selfinterest & with hidden agenda's...yeah..yeah...yeah!! Tell me all about it!!! Mary Had A Little Lamb..Twinkle Twinkle Little Star..Snow White & 14 Cabinet Ministers, Pi Mai Pi Mai Tang Tung...Naik Tangga Turun Tangga..etc...//

Hi Larry,

Long time no see lah. Are you a macha??? Sorry lah, I ask because I am frightened of the incident of Mumbai Terrorism because we do have these macha yang diperalatkan kuasa barat to kill the innocent lives regardless their nationality.

These lyrics need to be updated in order to be relevant;

Mary Had A little Lamb means Mary Had A Little Poodle (this is a cute animal too)?

Twinkle Twinkle Little Star means Twinkle Twinkle Little Obama (he is black, we cannot see him at night)?

Snow White means Snow Black (Michelle Obama, hitam jugak)?

14 Cabinet Ministers means Pak Lah Cabinet Ministers (he and his gang lah including your christian brother Tony)? They have to say Selamat Tinggal to Malaysia, Rakyat says selamat jalan, bye bye or goodbye, da da, jai chien (putonghua), tamil saya tarak tau,etc..

Pi mai Pi Mai Pi Mai Tang Tung (it should be Tu not Tung) means kalau tarak baik, gostan (reverse) lah,jom balik rumah lah, go home, or GO BACH TO MAHATHIRSM = RUKUN NEGARA???

Naik Tangga Turun Tangga means Tony Naik Tangga Tony Turun Tangga?

Well, Larry the world is bulat(sphere), so like what the salleh says if we don't change, we will go back to square one. Sabar lah, we are doing this, sit tight and watch how we do it through

Da da, Larry!!!!

P/S. After reading your comment, I dah jadi bayi pulak, blurr dan nyonok lah By tehsinAuthor Profile Page on January 20, 2009 9:46 AM

Salam Tun,

Maaf menyimpang dari topik.

Please join in signing my petition to the ICC to investigate war crimes by Israel/US in Gaza here: or here:

Thank you (it isn't much, but we can do our part however small) By shazliAuthor Profile Page on January 20, 2009 9:58 AM

Salam Tun,

It looks like both sides have valid reasons for/against Labu airport. Air Asia seems to have valid reasons to build KLIAEast and they did say that they will not spend wang rakyat. Conversely, the true KLIA is the best airport in the world (and I mean that) which would be a waste if Air Asia did not use it. Perhaps we need a meeting or debate on this where Tun can be the moderator. Or Datuk Tony can meet Tun privately to explain his reasons (to avoid any media circus)as both personalities are well known and respected.

I have to agree with Larry Jay's comment. Tony did take a 'sure die' airline and transformed it to the behemoth it is today cos he had a vision, executed his strategy and managed the media well (perception). Side tracking a bit, this is how the Israeli people became the successful people they are today and we must learn from this. By nookvillageAuthor Profile Page on January 20, 2009 10:27 AM


Say NO to Labu.Say NO to Labu Airport. By HBTAuthor Profile Page on January 20, 2009 10:29 AM


Commentors can contribute their comments in chinese language too? I did not know which button I pressed, it came out "Han Yi Pin Yin" to comment in chinese. I will try to figure out when I have time to try on mandarin, Tun, is tamil included too???

Anyhow, please allow my comment on si S..Tan ini yang degil and tak relevan in this economic cycle (wrong button, Tan) hai.... , strategi hang sama ke dengan Pak Lah just because dia (beliau) ada cina blood???? Mr Tan, this is why kuasa barat via Singapore like Malaysia, because we are multi racial, so to them they have 4060% chances of winning (opportunity lah) to conquer our Malaysia throu "isu keturunan" like what you have brought up all this while, aiyo..... makan nasi Malaysia, bunuh negara Malaysia, Awas, Tan, nanti tuhan (cina) marah lah.....

By S..Tan on January 20, 2009 1:05 AM

//1) ...... 'TAK NAK' ORANG BERJAYA//



BOLEH, SEMUA PUN BOLEH DI LAKUKAN, TAPI KESELAMATAN & PEPADUAN NEGARA MESTI DIAMBIL KIRA DULU, rakyat bukan "duit syaitan". Kita dah belajar kow2 lah dari spekulasi syaitan pada 1997, takkan kita nak bodoh kali kedua ke, Tan?


Orang yang keluar adalah orang yang tidak mengenang budi, mereka akan kena kejutan ini di luar negara. Mereka hanya akan cakap pasal benda yang syok diri, mereka tak akan kata mereka tertindas kat sana, biasalah orang nak jaga air muka.

Air Asia ambil jalan mengejut sampai I pun terperanjat, mereka berjaya kerana main kotor, rasuah dan politik wang, what so great about Air Asia, yang I lihat ada manyak2 korap jantan saja yang bunuh ekonomi negara kita. Buang lah nama Air Asia through "table discussion", buat lah synergy effect thro merging supaya 1 + 1 = 10 (business in synergy effect) this is the winwin situation lo.

//4) ...... PEREBUTAN KUASA//

Yeah lo, inilah contoh perebutan kuasa dua GLC yg melemahkan negara seperti titah Raja Nazrin. Guna kuasa demi kuasa. Itu lah sebab kami kat chedet nak ajar mereka ini supaya guna kuasa demi Agong, Raja2, negara dan rakyat, bukan demi poket sendiri dan poket negara asing saja. Inilah demokrasi yang rakyat nak, bukan demokrasi Singapore, USA dan Britain yang digunakan.

But anyway, you can write as much you can. I think you are the "cikgu" with the style of elegant silence", ini lah kita panggil "pengecut"!!!!

Tun, please take care.

By commoner99Author Profile Page on January 20, 2009 10:42 AM

To Ahmad kamal, According to your "...Khazanah bukan lah pemegang saham Air Asia...", since you are so sure, could you please provide us prove?

To Larry Jay According to your "...Then came in a small time boy called Tony Fernandez with a vision on Low Cost Carrier...", really? I thought there is a famous "prior art" out there, heard of Sir Richard Branson? By rashidAuthor Profile Page on January 20, 2009 11:01 AM

Tun, in today's The Star paper, even Khazanah MD had made a point that he's principally not aligned to the new airport at Labu. He recommended that we should follow the KLIA Airport Master Plan.

Hopefully, Khazanah having a stake in Air Asia, can try their best to influence the proposal before it's late.

I believe majority of us not against the new airport, but Air Asia & Sime Darby must come up with strong arguments and facts on why they really need a new airport closer to KLIA when KLIA itself is under utilised.

Until we're happy with the explanations, there'll be always dissatisfaction on the ground. By RajaChulanAuthor Profile Page on January 20, 2009 11:12 AM

Dear Tun,

Truth is very easy to understand. I sincerely belive all parties concerned understands what is right about the Airport issue.

As usual, what every party however is interested here is to sell (promote) their vested interest instead.

It is therefore Abdullah Ahmad Badawi's interest VS Mahathir's interest VS Musa Hitam's interest etc. Frankly, no one cares about Malaysia or its Rakyat's interest.

This is ALWAYS the case in this *^%#@? Malaysia. Decision making in Malaysia is screwed up big time!

Am I correct, Tun?

Best regards

Raja Chulan By hazouAuthor Profile Page on January 20, 2009 11:16 AM assalamualaikum...

1. masalah disini ialah bukannya hendak menidakkan hak air asia untuk berkembang tetapi kami membangkang LCCT labu ini kerana fasiliti yang ada seharusnya digunakan sepenuhnya. 2. Gunalah KLIA yang sedia ada.Bincang elokelok. Kalau MAHB yang incompetent tegur dan cari jalan supaya ia lebih efektif.Bekerjasama jangan lah n bermusuh pulak. 3. Don't re invent the wheel again. it's useless. 4. We have a lot of world class facilities but usually it is not fully utilized. 5. Our politic now is similar to this situation. By YazidAuthor Profile Page on January 20, 2009 11:43 AM

Dear Tun Dr, In my opinion, the reason why they want to build a new airport is simply because they don't like anything that comes from you. KLIA was your idea, they want to build another one with their own idea. When they use KLIA, they can't stand the thought that it was built during your era. They do not want to up gread and appreciate your idea, your hard work and your dedication. All they can think of is themselves(dengki hati). They do not care what will happen to the government or the people.

Thank you Warm Regard By JamalAuthor Profile Page on January 20, 2009 11:46 AM

Dear Tun,

Free enterprise that's the name of the game. They say, let enterprise do its things and it will benefit society. It will force prices down thus benefiting the consumers and public.

Economists holds this to be TRUE and its like a "law of nature" to them. A law that cannot be disputed. No amount of argument or factual occurances will change what they believe to be the TRUTH.

So they go on to say, let Tony exercise his free enterprise so that the consumer public will benefit.

The real question to ask, if we are really looking for the truth is Will society as a whole benefit???

The answer is an unequivocal NO!

How can putting more airplanes in the sky benefit society. It creates unwanted needs. Not everyone needs to fly in an aeroplane!

Next is the question of National Interest. Airports have very significant national interest and national significance.

Why allow the enterpenur to dictate such things as we all know they don't have national nor the public at heart. They are there to make money and more profits.

The need for airport MUST be reserved to the goverment.

Unless the goverment of course is a LAME DUCK one.

The Americans public have realised the folly of unbridled free enterprise and the danger of large corporations. They are fighting them now.

But here in Malaysia we are trying to emulate the Americans by giving free reins to these ideas of free enterprise and large conglomerates.

Wake up you all. Why copy a system that is failing.

Create a new one for god sake. A system that is equitable to the people, the earth and sustainable for our future generations.

Cheers By 72hazardAuthor Profile Page on January 20, 2009 11:48 AM

Assalamualaikum Tun,

Pertama sekali, siapa yang menjadi mastermind untuk pembinaan LCCT sediada, kononnya untuk menempatkan penerbangan tambang murah atau lebih tepat lagi untuk Air Asia???

Memang tidak dapat dinafikan dengan adanya syarikat penerbangan Air Asia ni ramai yang mampu menaiki kapal terbang untuk urusan perniagaan, melancong dan sebagainya.

Tapi persoalannya disini, atas dasar apa Air Asia dapat mempengaruhi Kerajaan menyediakan terimal khas untuk pesawatpesawatnya??? Malah dengan begitu bangga Dato' Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi mengumumkan tambahan kepada LCCT yang ada di Labu. Malah Menteri Besar negeri saya memberi sokongan padu

I smell corruption in the air...

Sekian Wasallam

72HAZARD Seremban 200109 11:49am By samuraimelayuAuthor Profile Page on January 20, 2009 11:50 AM









ALFATIHAH, AMIN By pppzAuthor Profile Page on January 20, 2009 12:21 PM

Salam YAB Tun,

Bolehkah kapal terbang LUNCAI mendarat di lapangan terbang LABU?


Wassalam. By samuraimelayuAuthor Profile Page on January 20, 2009 12:30 PM


By MHzAuthor Profile Page on January 18, 2009 10:33 AM off topic.. rasa nak tergelak gulingguling bila baca komen manusia yang bangang mcm kamal ahmad tu quote: "Salam Ayahanda Tun, izinkan saya sedikit ruang disini untuk menjadi individu pertama mengucapkan tahniah kepada BN atas kejayaan besar mereka di P036 Kuala Terengganu. Adik saya si Kamarul baru telefon bagi tahu berita kemenangan besar ini kepada saya."..



MAY THE ALMIGHTY PROTECT US FROM THE 'EVIL' FORCES. By HBTAuthor Profile Page on January 20, 2009 12:39 PM



By bluesgang on January 19, 2009 5:58 PM

Dear bluesgang,

It looks like Pak Lah will never change in these 2 months, and he will be remember as the failure forever in my heart, please read the Star Online on:

//‘FTA with Gulf region will boost bilateral trade’


“Malaysia was the first country from SouthEast Asia to establish relations with Bahrain,” Abdullah was quoted as saying.//

Well, he is ignorant, arrogant, stupid and haprak, he doesn't have to mention this statement at all, dia mana tahu Foreign Diplomacy, hanya tahu tunjuk ego dan kebodohannya yang amat memalukan Malaysia, expect him to do porojects stated by you, His LAH2 projects dah jadi habuk, by the end of day, kita lah yang kena bayar for his stupid decisions. So in future, kalau PM muka macam Pak Lah, TAK NAK...... Happy New Year.

Good day Tun. By pakbelalangAuthor Profile Page on January 20, 2009 12:49 PM

Khazanah Not Supportive Of LCCT In Labu

KUALA LUMPUR, Jan 19 (Bernama) Bhd, the government's investment holding arm, is not supportive of the plan to buiild a permanent lowcost carrier terminal (LCCT) in Labu, its managing director Tan Sri Azman Mokhtar said Monday.

He said the National Airport Masterplan should be used as a reference on what should be built for the sake of the country's development.

"Under the masterplan, 10,000 hectares have already been set aside, of which only about a third has been used," he told reporters after presenting Khazanah's annual review here.

He was asked to state Khazanah's stand over the issue.

According to Azman, the airport sector is one where the clustering or network effect is important.

"We cannot have a few airports here and there because then you cannot get the connectivity," he said.

Describing it as a national issue, Azman said: "Certainly we should follow through".


If Khazanah has confirmed that it is not supportive of the project, it is an indication or a message to those who initiate the idea to just cancel the project, period.

Khazanah is the voice of the government under Ministry of Finance. So we can safely say that it is NO GO TO THE PROJECT not unless Pak Lah making a FLIP, FLOP, FLUP decision or a haprak and HP6 one to counter the statement made by Azman. If this happens Azman might as well resign because he is really having a "dungu" boss who does not understand what is going on. His boss now is enjoying and sleeping in a jet plane around the world. By 72hazardAuthor Profile Page on January 20, 2009 12:56 PM

Assalamualaikum Tun,

Pertama sekali, siapa yang menjadi mastermind untuk pembinaan LCCT sediada, kononnya untuk menempatkan penerbangan tambang murah atau lebih tepat lagi untuk Air Asia???

Memang tidak dapat dinafikan dengan adanya syarikat penerbangan Air Asia ni ramai yang mampu menaiki kapal terbang untuk urusan perniagaan, melancong dan sebagainya.

Tapi persoalannya disini, atas dasar apa Air Asia dapat mempengaruhi Kerajaan menyediakan terimal khas untuk pesawatpesawatnya??? Malah dengan begitu bangga Dato' Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi mengumumkan tambahan kepada LCCT yang ada di Labu. Malah Menteri Besar negeri saya memberi sokongan padu

I smell corruption in the air...

Sekian Wasallam

72HAZARD Seremban 200109 11:49am By pakbelalangAuthor Profile Page on January 20, 2009 1:11 PM

Dear Tun,

Kalau Khazanah tidak bersetuju mengapa kerajaan memberikan kelulusan? Jadi saya fikir ada kuncukuncu Pak Lah yang telah "menggoda" pegawai kerajaan supaya diluluskan project airport di Labu.Sime Darby mesti jawab. Musa mesti jawab. Zubir mesti jawab. Mana boleh main senyap je? Both of you are responsible to stakeholders and a statement must be made to give what exactly the position of Sime Darby as it stands now! By sayalaAuthor Profile Page on January 20, 2009 1:18 PM

Dah banyak dah projek projek gomen yang membazir menghabiskan duit rakyat. Tengok la disanasini banyak jalan raya, flyover, jambatan yang separuh siap ditinggalkan begitu saja. Kalau tuantuan ke PutraJaya, tuantuan akan pasti nampak satu jambatan suspension yang separuh siap. ( Kalu sesiapa yang tak perasan dan mandu masuk ke laluan tu , mungkin akan terjunam masuk ke dalam paya.) Smart projek pun membazir sbb tak dapat selesaikan sesak jalan raya di KL.

Sepatutnya, banyak projek yang lebih menafaat boleh dibuat dibanding dengan projek airport ke 4 nih. Buat lingkaran keretapi laju on ground / underground ke seluruh bandar dan pekan ceruk rantau di malaysia lebih berbaloi. Rakyat boleh jimat duit petrol & toll, kurangkan kemalangan jalanraya kalau berkereta, jimat tenaga & jimat masa dan keretapi boleh angkut beratus penumpang sekali trip.

Duit yang "tersave" dari pembaziran dah boleh buat utk bayar dole money kepada mereka yang kehilangan kerja di waktu ekonomi meleset ni, meningkatkan mutu sekolah & pembelajaran, mengada perpustakaan di setiap kawasan perumahan dan kampungkampung, meningkatkan infrastruktur & kemudahan awam di luarbandar dsbgnya.

Gomen nak support satu lagi projek pembaziran di Labu, tentu menjadikan rakyat semakin tertindas. Tak ade ke lagi bijak pandai yang meneraju Malaysia la ni. Pemimpin2 selalu sangat ke luar negara yang tentunya guna duit rakyat, tak kan tak belajar dari pengalaman berjalanjalan di negaranegara dunia?

Satu kes lagi, kalau rakyat dapat buat projek pun, biasanya ada pemimpin ni yang dapat "makan" dulu, rakyat "makan" kemudian. Dari dulu sampai sekarang sama cam tu jugak.

Seram betui tengok gelagat pemimpin negara di negara yang kaya dengan sumber alam dan makanan ni....kiamat pun dah dekat. By 2009Author Profile Page on January 20, 2009 1:20 PM

Salam Tun,

KLIA di kira bertuah kerana AirAsia menjadikannya sebagai hub, tapi harus dingat yang Singapore juga telah membina LCCT nya sendiri dan ingin melobi supaya AirAsia menukar hub nya ke Singapore dengan melayan segala kehendak AirAsia. Advantage hub di Singapore ialah connectivity mereka keseluruh dunia jauh lebih baik dari KLIA

Kalau benar terjadi begitu, rakyat dan negara Malaysia yang rugi. Bagi saya yang kerap menngunakan khidmat AirAsia dan LCCT merasakan tidak mungkin MAS boleh menyediakan tambang murah seperti AirAsia.

Maka apa yang tinggal untuk KLIA dan Malaysia? nak harapkan MAS, nak berpuluh tahun masih di takuk lama. MAS yang sepatutnya bersaing dengan SIA untuk pasaran penumpang hanya bersaing dengan adik kecil AirAsia, ini boleh dilihat dari promosi MAS yang hanya menawarkan tambang promosi ke laluan AirAsia sahaja bukan SIA.

Dalam menangani hal ini, semua pihak harus berhati2 bukan ikut emosi. Mungkin saranan Tun untuk menggunakan KLIA boleh diteruskan dengan syarat bangunan terminal baru itu di uruskan sepenuhnya oleh AirAsia dan dibuat satu runaway baru khusus untuk AirAsia dengan berkongsi satu control tower.

Walaupun dibuat begitu masih terdapat kekurangan nya berbanding dengan Labu : 1. Bayar tambang kapalterbang RM9, keretapi ERL ke KL Sentral RM35 berbanding tambang komuter dari stesen Labu ke KL Sentral RM5.10 kerana airport Labu akan dibina berhampiran stesen keretapi Labu dan KTM sedia berkerjasama dengan Airsia.

2. Dari stesen KTM Labu, penumpang boleh terus ke puluhan destinasi kediaman mereka di Lembah Kelang tanpa tukar tren di KL Sentral dengan tambang yang murah dan kekerapan 15 minit.

3. Stesen KTM Labu menyediakan connectivity terus ke Singapore dan bandar bandar lain.

Tun, kalau dengan RM1.6 billion tu, boleh tak Sime Darby bina jambatan dari Langkawi ke tanah besar, jarak terdekat tak sampai 30 km, sedangkan jambatan kedua PP 22km. Banyak faedah untuk rakyat Malaysia dan penduduk Langkawi

TK By yusAuthor Profile Page on January 20, 2009 3:27 PM

Assalamualaikum Tok Che dan Nenda..

Malaysia ni bukannya negara yg besar sgt utk ada banyak sgt airport. Walaupun kita nak menggalakkan pelancong dtg dgn mengadakan penerbangan terus ke destinasi, tapi kita juga perlu seimbangkan dgn penerbangan domestik.

Rancangan utk pembinaan airport baru di Labu itu sgt tidak wajar. Terlalu dekat dgn KLIA Sepang. Air Asia pun jangan lah sombong sangat sehingga tidak mahu berkongsi dgn MAHB. Setelah dah kaya raya ni, apa pulangan balik Air Asia kpd masyarakat?? (Tambang murah itu mmg dah sepatutnya!!)


Oh ye Mr Larry, I do remember what happened to MAS. But do we really need another airport??. Sepang tu besar ok. Boleh je tambah runway. By Cik FatimahAuthor Profile Page on January 20, 2009 4:16 PM

YABhg Tun

As a rakyat I don't understand why the Government is not asking the same question as you did with the proposed Labu airport? Why aren't the professionals voicing their concerns on the duplicity of the airport in Labu? Surely they won't get shot by Pak Alah (literally get shot at!) if they were to give their views.

To the upcoming PM, my statemate, please hear out what people are saying before committing yoursel.The repercussions will be on you, Dato Seri Najib as the the new PM, so be PR savvy and listen to your 'publics'. Let the rakyat discuss freely and then decide. This is the only decent thing you can do now after the fiasco in Terengganu. You have enough professionals in your own office to advise you on 'issues'.

Tun, they are really clueless.

Salam hormat to you and family.

Show us that you got brains, guts and transparencies that you so much preach. More us you are much better than the current one.....

I can only hope. By Cik FatimahAuthor Profile Page on January 20, 2009 4:25 PM

To Larry Jay

I think Tun Mahathir was making his views known. So can you.

I don't think it called for such damnation from you. If you have a good view let us know....write to this blog so that we could hear you out. Ultimately, it is the Government who will be making the decision, AFTER WEIGHING THE PROS AND CONS. Kapish???

Tun, some people hate to debate professionally and cannot accept 'agree to disagree'.

Tun, may your ideas and views inspire others to think and have a view too... By obbi71Author Profile Page on January 20, 2009 4:36 PM

Hari ini warta berita TV3 memaklumkan bahawa Khazanah tidak setuju dengan cadangan PIA. Bagus lah tu. Kadangkadang terfikir juga, Air Asia tidak pula buka airport baru di Thailand, Singapore atau di Indonesia. Mengapa?

Sudah saya baca kesemua komen yang tertera dan saya dapati komenkomen dari orangorang ATC banyak juga. Sekurangkurangnya ada pendapat dari mereka yang arif dalam bidang aviation ini.

Kepada AA/SD, fikirkan masakmasak dahulu. Jangan jejaskan negara dengan banyak sangat airport didalam satu kawasan. Kalau nak buat juga, buat kat Tanjong Malim / Slim River / Rawang, jauh dari KLIA tetapi dekat dengan KL.

AA/SD ni kalau sayangkan BN, lupakan saja projek ini. Kalau teruskan juga, mereka dah tidak kisah dengan BN.

AirAsia dulu beriaia nak ambilalih Rural Air Services (RAS) di Sabah dan Sarawak dari MAS. Apabila tidak tahan dengan kerugian (walaupun disubsidi), AirAsia serah balik kat kerajaan sehingga menjejaskan RAKYAT pendelaman Sabah dan Sarawak...tiada penerbangan sekian lama. Ini dinamakan "TERMINAL RAKYAT"? Jangan kelirukan RAKYAT. MAS yang ambilalih balik RAS.

Si Luncai terjun denan labulabunya, biak pi, biak pi. By Idol MalayaAuthor Profile Page on January 20, 2009 4:50 PM

Hi Tun,

Saw this interesting comment on WeeChooKeong blog. I think i better paste it here for everyone to read.

Btw, i saw Air Asia register the domain "KLIAEAST.COM" for their future use.


Angry Staff

Really I’m the inside staff of Air Asia. There are many things that you guys out side doesn’t know. 1. From what been told, MAHB charging us a lot Totally lies. From the fact, the air craft parking are free. Usage of terminal facilities, are free. The only thing Air Aisa have to pay are the passenger service charge (PSC), that been paid by passenger for Airport tax. And that is what Air Asia thries to run away.

2. Lots of money to build the new terminal. lies. Remember RM 100 million owes to MAHB??? Also, our staff bouns also was NOT paid. Last year, paid but the high bonus only paid to the higher management. For us, lower staff, just a matter of paying bonus. We work hard but to serve Tony big lies and wild life. Having parties at Pan Pasific, with the Air Asia girls. Having 6 to 7 rooms reserves for their wild party. Owes Pan Pasific money, also doesn’t want to pay. If lot of money, why does Tony doesn’t to pay the debts to MAHB and Pan Pasific???

3. Do you know that we doesn’t have any yearly salary increment??

4. Discrimination. Sex discrimination, skin colour discrimination, you name it. Where are our staff right?? No Staff Union. If anyone tries to create one, sure will be discharge or will be force to resign.

5. Staff working hours to long Lots of incident that happen where involved staff overworked. Accident happen, inside or outside Airports (during coming or going back home)

6. When told that many flight are coming in, we are happy cause MAYBE we gonna have BONUS or any insentive. But what happen is with short of staff now, we have to handle more flights. Blame on us if any delays, esspecially Malays staff.

7. Also rumors says that HINDRAF is sponsors by our beloved TONY and cronies.

8. Labu East really have HIDDEN Agenda. Contractor for LCCT existing and expension are the same; Fajar Baru company. KJ have a big share. Last time known as Rembau Company. KJ wife have shares in Air Asia. Labu contractor also KJ (with other company name).

We staff knows about the ICAO which meant for Airport regulation and also know about IATA for airline operators. But when ask to our management, they have little knowledge about it. So, I, as staff of Air Asia, really afraid for the safety of passenger using our Air Asia flight. And thats is why I’m moving to other airline by next month.

Please if you can do something. Look into this matter. By bluesgangAuthor Profile Page on January 20, 2009 5:20 PM

Dear Tun,

Ok i got the message from all those Tony's lovers.

1. Its not Tony's problem, Tony just a talented businessmen who wants to cash in the opportunity cause idea blank from Pak Lah Government.

2. MAS was undermined with many hidden hands to make Air Asia more frontal then MAS. I got MAS friends, they told me everything. They weren't allowed to compete with Air Asia but must kowtow or bow to Air Asia. So Tony seized the day.

3. I still wonder how Air Asia going to compete when KJ is no longer there and MAS is unleashed for equal competition with Air Asia.

4. So Tony got alot of money and want to do some PFI, so simple, ask him to do some PFI in airport zoned area thats all, why go so far. If he doesnt like he can reclaim his own land in south china sea and called it tony's land and land whatever he wants there and stay away from our country. And whoever loved him, can migrate there and change your IC too.

5. So at the end of the day, Air Asia airport is not an issue actually, its only air asia, not Malaysia problem. Give him the ultimatum, if Air Asia wants to upgrade his airport, upgrade within KLIA region thats all. If other guy can listen, like Mcdonald serving halal food, why not him. Same case as Tajuddin Ramli when he wants to do something even bad things, he still do it within our reach, he just dont simply pop an idea want to make his own international airport in his kampong in Kedah.

6. Since Tony got money, u can do something else, do hotels or whatever, or international university or private hospitals or something. And make a special train connecting your LCCT in Sepang to your development area in Labu. If u do International University (UIA example or AlAzhar) u can tap these muslim students with strap cash to come to study there (since they got issues with US Patriot act) and buy some houses around there and make your airline able to tap more middle east market. So at the end of the day, u end up having 3 areas, 1 in Sepang, 1 in Labu and 1 in between. And dont forget, can make the money on the side without making too many ppl angry. So at least Pak Lah can sleep peacefully for once since election disaster without having Tun barking at him in his blog and make him look like a fool.

7. So finally to those all Pak Lah supporters/advisors please for once give a very super duper smart ideas so that Pak Lah can be proud and sleep peacefully at night. I guarantee he keep on having bad dreams. Please do some best service for him. Pak Lah is great guy, and u guys (supporter and advisors) are giving him a bad name. By rahman abbasAuthor Profile Page on January 20, 2009 5:20 PM

Assalamulaikum Tun semoga sihatsihat selalu. masih dengan KLIA EAST LCCT.

Pengerusi air asia dengan angkuh berkata:

" apa yang kecoh? kami buknnya guna duit kerajaan, kami hanya mahukan kebenaran satu l;agi kemudahan pengangkutan"

" kami bukan hanya mahu membina LCCT, tetapi menjadikan LABU sebuah hub pengangkutan "airport city" ( bandar lapangan terbang) yang serba canggih dan lengkap dengan kawasan perumahan, sekolah, hospital, hotel, sistem pengangkutan yang tersusun serta taman tema supaya dapat menarik pelancong" untuk pengetahuan Dato Aziz kami rakyat tidak kecoh, tetapi kami fikirkan kepentingan nasional, iaitu menjadikan KLIA hub udara serantau dan bukan pentingkan keuntungan beberapa kerat dalam air asia. syabas !! bangunkanlah kawasan perumahan, sekolah, hospital, hotel, sistem pengangkutan yang tersusun serta taman tema di labu, dan jadikan labu satu bandaraya canggih rakyat akan tabek sebab ada peluang pekerjaan.. tetapi terminal udara (lcct) mestilah berada dalam kawasan KLIA sebab kemampuan KLIA ialah 125 juta penumpang setahun dan terdapat kawasan tanah yang luas untuk air asia bangunkan lcct sendiri disitu. Datuk Aziz mesti ada agenda nasional dalam diri.

By rahman abbasAuthor Profile Page on January 20, 2009 5:23 PM

Assalamulaikum Tun semoga sihatsihat selalu. masih dengan KLIA EAST LCCT.

Pengerusi air asia dengan angkuh berkata:

" apa yang kecoh? kami buknnya guna duit kerajaan, kami hanya mahukan kebenaran satu l;agi kemudahan pengangkutan"

" kami bukan hanya mahu membina LCCT, tetapi menjadikan LABU sebuah hub pengangkutan "airport city" ( bandar lapangan terbang) yang serba canggih dan lengkap dengan kawasan perumahan, sekolah, hospital, hotel, sistem pengangkutan yang tersusun serta taman tema supaya dapat menarik pelancong" untuk pengetahuan Dato Aziz kami rakyat tidak kecoh, tetapi kami fikirkan kepentingan nasional, iaitu menjadikan KLIA hub udara serantau dan bukan pentingkan keuntungan beberapa kerat dalam air asia. syabas !! bangunkanlah kawasan perumahan, sekolah, hospital, hotel, sistem pengangkutan yang tersusun serta taman tema di labu, dan jadikan labu satu bandaraya canggih rakyat akan tabek sebab ada peluang pekerjaan.. tetapi terminal udara (lcct) mestilah berada dalam kawasan KLIA sebab kemampuan KLIA ialah 125 juta penumpang setahun dan terdapat kawasan tanah yang luas untuk air asia bangunkan lcct sendiri disitu. Datuk Aziz mesti ada agenda nasional dalam diri.

By MoManAuthor Profile Page on January 20, 2009 7:35 PM

Dear Tun,

Firstly, I want to establish the fact that I am great admirer and have the greatest respect for you. I consider myself a lucky person, I was born and raised in a good Muslim family, I have a loving and caring wife and most of all I thank God that you are not a Singaporean :)

I am deeply involved with the new airport mentioned and for this reason I have to keep my real identity concealed. KLIA is a great airport, the masterplan design and the forward thinking involved is top notch. Sure, some people will make silly complaints stating that it is too far away and that it’s built on a lavish grandeur but let's not take anything away from it it's a fantastic airport.

Unfortunately, the people that is running the show fails to make the most out of it. I list down some fundamental flaws of the KLIA

1. For a modern designed dual runway airport like KLIA, it should be able to comfortably handle 70 aircraft movements in an hour (the definition of movements is number of aircraft landing or taking off). However, KLIA bought an unsuitable radar system and as a consequence, KLIA can only handle 35 aircraft movement per hour! As a comparison, Gatwick airport in London (the world's busiest runway in the world) handles an average of 40.6 aircraft movements per hour with only ONE runway. If you ever wonder why there are always delays in the early morning, lunchtime and midnight rush hour, this is your answer. Aircraft are queuing, waiting in vain for the green light from the air traffic controllers to take off or land. Due to the serious error in judgement of the radar system purchase, KLIA runway is running at 50% of its theoretical capacity.

2. Sophisticated baggage conveyor system. Modeled after Narita airport's system, this is an impressive engineering hardware. But unfortunately, the guys who are sorting out the bags are immigrants whom very often can't read English or Malay. Sorting bags is not rocket science, but it does require the individual to be able to distinguish alphabets. Almost always, when you investigate the root cause on why there are severe delays in baggage collection, the answer is in basic human mistakes. The airport operator is clearly not investing in its people.

3. Weak security. We heard about armed robberies, non functional CCTV and alarm bells not working! This is a parody of gargantuan scale making us a world class banana republic. Recently, I have seen more heavily armed security personnel around the airport. But, I see them standing in a corner with their friends chatting away for hours at a time. I’m not sure if they are intimidating the wouldbe criminals or just rewarding them with extra composure? Again, the airport operator is not investing and managing its people well.

The problem with KLIA is in the human factor, there is nothing wrong with the infrastructure. It’s very frustrating affair, it is as if you are in the fastest car but the driver insists on being stuck on second gear and driving at 60 kmh. Changi in comparison, it is an old design and beaten up airport, but they have world class professional on the drivers seat who are extracting every horsepower Changi can churn.

Nobody paid any attention when AirAsia voiced out the need for a permanent low cost facility equipped with sufficient capacity to house their long term ambitions. Instead, a make shift warehouse was built under the guise of low cost terminal (LCCT). Puduraya bus terminal stands out as a five star hotel in comparison to the comfort level at the LCCT – it is really appalling. The airport operator however, continues to waste money and build extensions at ridiculously escalated price to a company that is rumored to be mysteriously linked to the son in law of a very powerful man in Malaysia. Public money wasted again for an extension of LCCT that is only good for an additional 18 months before it is full to the brim – AGAIN.

AirAsia needs a permanent home, and it needs it fast and done in a cost efficient manner. Endless number of meetings has taken place with the airport operator, but the meetings yielded nothing! No agreement can be achieved with regards to project costing, project management, site locations and timeline.

This is a slight digression, but these are the reasons why AirAsia needs a permanent facility:

Support strong growth: In 2013, AirAsia Group alone is expected to carry 25 million passengers in KL. KLIA couldn’t possibly cope with the current substandard radar system.

Low cost operations: AirAsia must have a cost effective and ergonomic facility. The philosophy and mindset of this terminal is completely different than KLIA or any other airports in Malaysia.

Exclusive use of the runway: LCC operations will heavily utilize the runway, from morning till late night. Full service airlines tend to be super busy during the early morning, lunchtime and midnight but they are very free in between. This highly skewed schedule puts a massive strain on the runway during the super peak hours and this causes severe delays. Therefore, it is always best to separate airports that are intended for full service airlines and airports for low cost airlines.

To be fair Tun, the airport operator did suggest two locations at KLIA to house a permanent low cost airport. But their plans will ultimately destroy the original masterplan and turn KLIA into the most confused airport in the world. Let me explain what I mean,

(Plan A) North of KLIA: The site mentioned is where Concorde Inn is located currently. That hotel will be demolished and house a 30 million LCCT. This plan however, will disrupt the masterplan as it will encroach into the land that was supposed to house the second terminal building and 1 satellite building. The original for KLIA to carry 125 million pax pa, will be reduced to 90 million pax pa if this plan is carried out. Secondly, there won’t be any ERL connection because of the geographical contour problems at the specified land and the way that the terminal is going to be designed.

(Plan B) West of KLIA. This is a swampy area and it will require significant amount of money and time to prepare the soil. The extra cost incurred will likely eat in to project feasibility and it defeats the purpose of building a low cost terminal. It is best to leave this and continue with the original masterplan, this land was supposed to be used to build extra runways.

The airport operator was adamant that the cost for their proposed plan will be in the vicinity of RM34 billion! AirAsia is of the view that this is grossly overstated and is not feasible. Remaining at KLIA is no longer an option, AirAsia had to go out and do business with someone who knows how to do business.

Thus, AirAsia have no option but to go ahead and do it alone. Various sites was studied which includes Subang. Subang would have been the perfect location as the facility is readily available with a good runway and it wouldn’t cost a lot to build a terminal building. But the powers that be, coupled with a highly fragmented land ownership structure made it impossible. It’s disheartening to see Subang rot like this, that airport deserves better respect. But when political consideration supersedes national interest, you get these kind of stupid outcomes Tun.

In my humble opinion, the ideal airport solution for Kuala Lumpur is the following § KLIA reserved for full service and premium airlines § Subang is reserved for low cost airlines (AirAsia) § Simpang (Sg Besi) is reserved for turboprop (Firefly)

After years of fighting with no results, one is compelled to accept the first break it gets. In the case of AirAsia, Labu is the so called ‘break’, not a perfect solution but beggars can’t be choosers. Sime Darby has expressed their keen interest, they own the land and they have a construction arm that is fully capable of performing a project of this magnitude. The project cost is estimated to be RM1.6 billion. You may recall that this is half that what the airport operator was initially quoting.

This is commercially viable and many private investors have expressed their interest to participate. No public funds are required, and projects are done on a commercial friendly basis. I don’t think the fat cronies will lay their fingers on this project; it won’t have the fat margins that they are accustomed with.

Overall, this new airport will be good for Malaysia. Malaysia is in the forefront for the low cost airline industry. With this purpose built low cost airport – the first in the world, budget airlines will have no choice but to make KL their destination. This is part of the big strategy to make KL a big hub! Everybody seems to misunderstand the definition of a hub. KLIA is not the hub; Kuala Lumpur (the city itself) is the hub! London has 5 airports and they collectively function as the greater London hub. Similarly, New York has 3 airports and they function together as the New York hub. The same case applies for Rome, Paris, Tokyo, Melbourne and Nice – just to name a few.

This new airport might also resuscitate KTM from the living dead. Labu train station is less than 2 km away from the location of the new terminal and there are plans to link the two and transform Labu station into a integrated rail hub. Let’s say that in 2013, Labu airport carries 25 million passengers, and let’s assume 25% of passenger will take the train (in Gatwick, its almost 40%) and they pay RM10 each for a trip to KL Sentral. That amounts to RM62 million of revenue for KTM. (If you look into KTM’s 2007 annual report, the KTM Komuter service provided roughly RM90 million of revenue). Furthermore, the connectivity will boost traffic for the intercity trains (KLSingapore, KLThailand, KLEast coast). Imagine this, all the small town and tourist havens alongside the train lines are now connected to Labu airport.

I am not sure if the YTL Group will be interested to extend the ERL line to Labu airport. As this is a private funded project, they need to make their own investment and ensure the project is commercially viable. AirAsia and Sime Darby won’t be kind hearted to offer compensation nor incentives for them to extend the ERL line.

A lot of people fear that KLIA will be a white elephant with the new airport. One must not take a one year forward view on this. True, when AirAsia leaves for the new airport in 2011, KLIA traffic will probably drop down to 20 million passengers. This is a temporary reduction; ones the prominence of the KL hub becomes real, all airlines have no choice but to boost their connectivity with KL. Right now, many full service airlines shun KL because they believe that it is sufficient to link Southeast Asia via Singapore and Bangkok only; they believe people make their own transfer to Malaysia via these two airports if they want to.

Very soon, KL will have more connectivity to the world than Changi or Suvarnabhumi thanks to AirAsia. Right now, AirAsia have a total of 59 routes in KL and 25 are unique routes (routes that have never been done in the aviation history). By 2012, don’t be surprised if the number of route doubles. Kuala Lumpur will have the best and most comprehensive connectivity factor, and thus complimenting the hub strength. THEN, airlines will start to think its best to link KL, and then passengers can make their own connection to the other parts of the region.

Let’s think of London as an example of hub success. London has five airports – all of which are in dreadful condition. But yet, these airports collectively carry 145 million passengers in 2008. Because of this sheer size, every airline in the world wants to go there. They can’t afford not to have connectivity with London. To a lot of people in the world, London is seen as the gateway to Europe.

Kuala Lumpur can be the gateway to Asia. We need to build the volume first, expand the connectivity, optimize our cost efficiency and the rest will follow. Kuala Lumpur will be the biggest hub.

Tun, please don’t worry. I am confident that this is a step in the right direction. By kamal ahmadAuthor Profile Page on January 20, 2009 8:43 PM

Salam Ayahanda Tun. Please allow me this small passage. Thank you.

To my brother Saudara samuraimelayu, thank you for pointing out to me that remark at 10:33 18 Jan, as I have flew pass that on auto pilot several times already and totally missed it :) Anyhow, it’s good to be reading your regular comments again here. Day in day out, I would look up on this blog to post my comments, and my comments mainly are 100% of critical natures of Abdullah Badawi. I could never say enough gratitude to Tun for creating this space where we could all expose for the whole world to see, who Abdullah Badawi is, and who Khairy Jamalludin has become – and at what the two of them are doing to this country. Abdullah Badawi is a weak person. He always relies on somebody else to make his stand in everything. But for here and now, we shall touch only on politics. For a long time he had arwah Datuk Fatah to help him around. He was a good man. But after his passing on in 1999, Abdullah seemed somewhat lost. Thajudeen in my book is next to useless. Then along pop in that famous no good kid from Oxford. Pak Lah used to call Khairy “my Khairy”. See Khairy claimed all the credits for “running the 2004 election”. And that somewhat had ruffled many. Some of my family evens question me on my motives here. I am not here because I was denied any government project or the likes; I made what I have, away from all these. I have comfortably enough to say no thanks. But I am here simply to keep on exposing and hitting Abdullah Badawi and his camp under the freedom of speech as enshrined by the Malaysian Democratic Constitution. As a very concerned citizen, here I am and I make my stand clear for all to read and understand. I have over the past few weeks been talking to people that are very close to Pak Lah and to my surprise findings, they have only negative remarks about Pak Lah and Khairy today. And some of this people are still serving in his administration. So we can imagine the chaos inside Putra Jaya today. And this chaotic situation has spilled over into Malaysian politics. Look at the standard of living today, its way too high for the average many. And yet, our PM and his family are still lavishing themselves in the absolute power that corrupts. Look at the destruction they have brought upon this country. Tun had worked hard at building this country, transforming it from an agriculture based economy to what we were then under Ayahanda Tun (before his retirement in 2003). But look at what Abdullah had done to all of us now? Everything is very nearly up in smokes. And it is through this blog that we have all gathered to speak our part. I agree with you saudara samurai melayu; till the day Abdullah Badawi actually leaves that 4th floor suite, preferably booted out, we would be here to keep firing those salvos. It’s hitting them. They pretend not to get hit, but in truth their behinds are really smoking and its starting to smell. Just like Tom and Jerry :) Thank you brother samurai melayu. Warmest regards and best wishes from all of us here. Wassalam. By HBTAuthor Profile Page on January 21, 2009 8:44 AM

Selamat pagi Tun,


//By bluesgang on January 20, 2009 5:20 PM//

Hi bluesgang,

//1. Its not Tony's problem, Tony just a talented businessmen who wants to cash in the opportunity cause idea blank from Pak Lah Government.//

Yeap, it's not Tony's problem, it's Pak Lah's problem, that is why Hindraf was set up to go against BN, to them Tony is the hero, to me Tony is just a Donald Trump, buatan Malaysia.

//2. MAS was undermined with many hidden hands to make Air Asia more frontal then MAS. I got MAS friends, they told me everything. They weren't allowed to compete with Air Asia but must kowtow or bow to Air Asia. So Tony seized the day.//

Because of this incident, rakyat has became smart, using blogging to unblog, launched by Dr M (the book costs only RM25) to expose these invinsible hands so that Tony and these hands will be exposed and made to understand our Rukun Negara and the country name, Malaysia.

//3. I still wonder how Air Asia going to compete when KJ is no longer there and MAS is unleashed for equal competition with Air Asia.//

Well, I think A. Asia is going to be took over by MAS and Fireflz since they are underutilized because of Air Asia when KJ is no longer there.

//4. So Tony got alot of money and want to do some PFI, so simple, ask him to do some PFI in airport zoned area thats all, why go so far. If he doesnt like he can reclaim his own land in south china sea and called it tony's land and land whatever he wants there and stay away from our country. And whoever loved him, can migrate there and change your IC too.//

I don't think Tony got money, his supporters must have ran away from him and leaving him with all the hutang owed by Air Asia, siapa makan cili siapa rasa pedas, I pity him, but I don't feel sorry for him.

//5. So at the end of the day, Air Asia airport is not an issue actually, its only air asia, not Malaysia problem. Give him the ultimatum, if Air Asia wants to upgrade his airport, upgrade within KLIA region thats all. If other guy can listen, like Mcdonald serving halal food, why not him. Same case as Tajuddin Ramli when he wants to do something even bad things, he still do it within our reach, he just dont simply pop an idea want to make his own international airport in his kampong in Kedah.//

I don't agreed with you on this, Air Asia should be abandoned in Malaysia or move down south to the Singapore Island.

//6. Since Tony got money, u can do something else, do hotels or whatever, or international university or private hospitals or something. And make a special train connecting your LCCT in Sepang to your development area in Labu. If u do International University (UIA example or AlAzhar) u can tap these muslim students with strap cash to come to study there (since they got issues with US Patriot act) and buy some houses around there and make your airline able to tap more middle east market. So at the end of the day, u end up having 3 areas, 1 in Sepang, 1 in Labu and 1 in between. And dont forget, can make the money on the side without making too many ppl angry. So at least Pak Lah can sleep peacefully for once since election disaster without having Tun barking at him in his blog and make him look like a fool.//

Pak lah is a real fool, not because of Tun and bloggers making him look like a fool. HE IS A REAL FOOL! People now saying that PAK LAH IS BETTER THAN PAK ANWAR because at least Pak Lah is a fool, Pak Anwar is a crook!!!!

//7. So finally to those all Pak Lah supporters/advisors please for once give a very super duper smart ideas so that Pak Lah can be proud and sleep peacefully at night. I guarantee he keep on having bad dreams. Please do some best service for him. Pak Lah is great guy, and u guys (supporter and advisors) are giving him a bad name.//

I was told it's not Pak Lah's fault that he got bad names, it's because of his SIL, KJ. I say, if the cow does not want to drink water, we cannot force it to drink. If Pak Lah is not greedy, he will kept Tun's promises when Tun resigned. But he didn't, instead he let Anwar out, Raja Petra not to be charged unders ISA, Lingam's case, Salleh' exgratia payment, Zaid Ibrahim's issue, bar coucil, kept silent on racial, religion ,social contract issues etc... to protect his name. I don't think he can sleep now because he is scare that he may have too many bad dreams that "Tuhan" tunjuk in his dreams. Anyway, I am dissapointed with Pak Lah, but I will never say 'padam muka' and and never feel sorry for him. This is the punishment for those people who go against religion teachings, siapakah yang tidak mengenang budi, dia pasti akan di hukum, and tis is what we call "CAUSE & EFFECT. Good day bluesgang!

Sincerely yours, redtanglung gal

Good day Tun. P/S: S..Tan, these are the some of reasons why I always go against you. I am not a racist, but I am a Malaysian, since this our country's problem, we have to be united, like Obama says, CHANGE OR PERISH, we learn from USA and do it MALAYSIA WAY (the best and proven way is MAHATHIRISM, and we improve from here, no more hypernating folks, wake up or perish, this is the global trend that is unadvoidable, accept it in Malaysian way, that is refer to RUKUN NEGARA!!!! By jibeng_stsAuthor Profile Page on January 21, 2009 9:23 AM

Salam Tun, saya tengok penumpang2 Air Asia tak ubah macam penumpang bas dalam filem Bukit kepong..bersesak2 dengan basnya yang dipandu laju, sempit dan saya rasa tidak selamat!! rakyat kita masih kedekut untuk berbelanja walaupun untuk keselamatan diri sendiri.. nak pergi LCCT macam nak pergi pasar aje!! tapi tidak kedengaran pun cerita2 mengenai bantahan ke atas projek Labu ini di dalam media2..apa nak jadi dengan media kita ni nie?? sampaikan berita pembatalan kontrak pembelian rumah oleh Mahkamah Tinggi yang melibatkan beriburibu pengguna pun tiada disiarkan dalam media!!! By naetto92Author Profile Page on January 21, 2009 9:36 AM

WHY NOT BOYCOTTING AIR ASIA? By rusdiAuthor Profile Page on January 21, 2009 10:06 AM

Assalamulaikum Tun semoga sihatsihat selalu.


Pengerusi Air Asia dengan angkuh berkata:

" apa yang kecoh? kami bukannya guna duit kerajaan, kami hanya mahukan kebenaran satu laagi kemudahan pengangkutan"

Saya ingin bertanyakan Dato' Aziz Bakar, Pengerusi Air Asia dan juga Dato' Tony Adakah Air Asia akan mengeluarkan semua perbelanjaan termasuk perkaraperkara berikut:

1. Pembinaan Jalan : menyambungkan KLIA@EASTLCCT dengan jalan utama; 2. Gaji pegawai & anggota polis (Kawalan keselamatan/Trafik); 3. Gaji pegawai & anggota Imigeresen; 4. Gaji pegawai & anggota Kastam; 5. Gaji pegawai & anggota DCA (Control Tower; 6. Menyediakan & menyelengara perumahan mereka; 7. Pengakutan untuk kakitangan tersebut; dan 8. Lainlain kemudahan terrmasuk sekolan dan seumpamanya.

Kalau semua perkara tersebut diatas disediakan dan perbelanjaannya dikeluarkan oleh Air Asia saya berpendapat kerajaan harus menyokongnya projek tersebut kerana ianya akan menjana pekerjaan kepada rakyat malaysia, sekurang kurangnya 10,000 orang.

Tetapi jika sebaliknya kerajaan yang waras haruslah menolak cadangan tersebut kecuali kerajaan ada agenda terselindung dan mahukan kekalahan dalam PRU ke 13 nanti. By amuthaAuthor Profile Page on January 21, 2009 10:45 AM well, i have been read all the comments above. it's sounds silly to me. please compare the KLIA and LCCT? Which are the one , that people are crowded? Which are the one they most prefer? For sure LCCT. Because Air Asia always says customer is right, and always works for their customers satisfaction.By the way Air Asia is a low fare airline and it's good in doin budget rather then paying the high rental in KLIA better to have a LCCT which can reduce the fligt fare and helps the average level people to enjoy their life by flying through Air Asia. Please dont use political issues here. Use your brain n think. You can find a good solution for it. I will always welcome the LABU Airport project. AIR ASIA you can do it. By daengAuthor Profile Page on January 21, 2009 12:17 PM


Saya adalah berjuta peminat bolasepak tetapi teramat sedih dengan prestasi Malaysia pada masa ini. Justeru itu saya terpaksa menggunakan blog Tun bagi menyampaikan mesej dan mencadangkan 1 dari 1000 cadangan yang boleh diterima pakai oleh orangorang yang bermegah memegang jawatan dalam FAM sehinggakan tak mahu turun dari tahta jawatan yang yang dipegangnya seolaholah tempat tersebut bapak dia yang punya .

Ke arah Mengembalikan Kecemerlangan Bolasepak Malaysia

1. Realiti bolasepak di Malaysia lebih gemilang sebelum tahun 1990 berbanding selepasnya. Ini dapat kita lihat dengan pencapaian pasukan Malaysia di arena antarabangsa termasuklah Pestabola Merdeka yang dianjurkan dalam negara kita sendiri. 2. Selepas liga semipro dan professional diperkenalkan kemeriahan dan kemajuan bolasepak hanya di awal sahaja, kemudian tahun demi tahun ia semakin lesu. 3. Mengapa kemerosotan mutu bolasepak Negara berlaku? Jika kita bandingkan kemudahan bolasepak seperti stadium dan kemudahan lain yang berkaitan dengannya kita jauh lebih baik dari Vietnam, Myanmar, Iraq dan negaranegara Afrika tetapi mengapa kita setidaktidaknya baik lebih sedikit dari mereka malah semakin jauh ketinggalan.

Bagi saya ada beberapa perkara yang kita perlu lakukan demi kemajuan bolasepak tempatan. Antaranya:

1. Perkenalkan pangkalan data dan Sistem Gaji Pemain Liga Profesional Secara Bersepadu.

FAM perlulah membayar gaji terus kepada semua pemainpemain professional di liga yang berdaftar di bawahnya setiap bulan. FAM perlu menyediakan satu pangkalan data dan sistem gaji untuk semua pemainpemain yang didaftarkan. Pemain yang terikat dengan perjanjian gaji ( kontrak ) , ia perlulah didaftarkan melalui sistem yang dikendalikan oleh FAM dahulu dan bayaran gaji selepas tarikh tersebut akan dibayar oleh FAM terus setiap bulan kepada pemain selagi tiada pindaan atau penamatan tentang perjanjian diberitahu. Pasukan perlulah membayar total bayaran gaji pemainpemainnya kepada FAM 20 hari sebelum tarikh gaji. Tarikh gaji bagi bayaran bulan tertentu yang dicadangkan adalah setiap 1 haribulan berikutnya. Jika FAM tidak menerima bayaran atau bayaran tidak mencukupi, FAM perlu mendahulukan bayaran gaji pemainpemain pasukan tersebut dengan menggunakan wang tabungan kecemasan FAM ( khusus diwujudkan bagi menangani masalah seperti ini ). Denda ( bunga seperti 10% sebulan daripada hutang pasukan kepada FAM ) perlu dikenakan kepada pasukan yang bermasalah itu.

Satu perkara lagi, jika ada pemain pada tempohtempoh tertentu dipanggil untuk mewakili Malaysia bagi satusatu kejohanan, bayaran gaji gaji pemain itu pada bulan tersebut perlu diambilalih oleh FAM dengan tambahan elaun tetap RM 100 sehari ( nilai lain jika difikirkan munasabah ) bagi setiap pemain tanpa mengira senioriti. .

Saya percaya dengan adanya sistem bersepadu ini masalah seperti kelewatan dan pasukan tidak membayar gaji pemain tidak akan timbul lagi. Selain itu kemungkinan pemain menjual permainan juga dapat dielakkan. Dengan adanya sistem gaji bersepadu yang dikendalikan terus oleh FAM ini juga akan menarik minat ramai rakyat Malaysia yang benarbenar berbakat menceburkan diri dalam profesion bolasepak secara professional seterusnya mewakili negara.

2. Menjanjikan Pekerjaan Tetap Sesuai Dengan Kelayakan Pelajaran Bagi Pemain Yang Telah Mewakili Pasukan negeri selama 3 atau 4 tahun berturutturut.

FAM perlu meletakkan syarat kepada pasukan profesional iaitu adalah menjadi satu kewajiban bagi setiap pasukan negeri yang menggunakan khidmat seseorang pemain professional 3 atau 4 tahun berturutturut perlu ( tempoh yang wajar boleh difikirkan ) memberi jaminan satu pekerjaan tetap dari kerajaan negeri ( pasukan negeri yang diwakilinya ) kepada pemain tersebut sesuai dengan kelayakan ( samada lulusan SPM / STPM / Diploma / Ijazah ). Jika tempoh minima berkhidmat dipenuhi pemain, pasukan negeri berkenaan wajib menyediakan pekerjaan tetap dengan kerajaan negeri selepas sebulan berhenti sebagai pemain professional.

Saya percaya dengan jaminan pekerjaan tetap kepada pemain oleh pasukan negeri yang diwakilinya, ramai pemainpemain bolasepak negara yang berbakat besar lepasan Diploma atau Ijazah, ratarata usia mereka 21 atau 23 tahun berani dan mahu bergiat aktif secara professional kerana pada usia begini mereka boleh aktif sekurangkurangnya selama 7 hingga 9 tahun sebagai pemain bolasepak secara professional.

FAM perlu sedar Malaysia adalah pemungut pingat emas terbanyak di Sukan Universiti Asean pada barubaru ini. Jika kita tinjau anakanak muda pada usia 18 hingga 21 tahun, bilangan kumpulan ini ramai yang belajar di Pusat Pengajian Tinggi Tempatan samada swasta atau awam. Ini kerana dasar kerajaan yang mahukan ramai rakyat Malaysia yang berilmu. Berbanding sebelum tahun 1990 pusat pengajian tinggi awam dan swasta di negara ini boleh dibilang. Selepas itu dan selepas tahun 2000 kumpulan usia ini ramai yang melanjutkan pelajaran sekurangkurangnya ke peringkat sijil atau Diploma. Kumpulan ini amat besar jumlahnya dan selepas belajar pada usia muda 21 tahun, jika mereka yang berbakat besar dalam bolasepak melihat bolasepak mampu memberi jaminan untuk masa depan mereka, sudah tentu bukan diri mereka sahaja yang berminat melibatkan diri secara professional malahan saya percaya ibubapa mereka juga tidak akan menghalang malah turut memberikan sokongan terhadap minat anakanak mereka yang berbakat ke arah melibatkan diri dalam dunia bolasepak professional.

Saya percaya kelompok pemain bolasepak yang bergiat aktif secara professional di Malaysia sekarang ini 99 peratus adalah kumpulan yang “ketinggalan” dalam mendapatkan pekerjaan yang baik di pasaran kerja tempatan samada swasta mahupun awam. Sementara kumpulan yang lebih berbakat dalam bolasepak dan melanjutkan pelajaran ke peringkat Diploma atau Ijazah akan terus melupakan sukan yang diminatinya kerana ianya tidak menjanjikan masa depan yang cerah.

FAM juga perlu analisis sekarang ini dalam banyakbanyak kejohanan bolasepak bawah 18 tahun dan 16 tahun di peringkat antarabangsa khususnya di Asia, mengapa Negara kita standing dengan Jepun atau Korea? Tetapi selepas usia 18 tahun pasukan pasukan kita jauh ketinggalan. Di mana silapnya?.

Justeru itu saya yakin jika FAM dapat melaksanakan 2 perkara yang dinyatakan di atas, maka bolasepak negara kita kembali bersinar. Faktor yang tidak kurang pentingnya ialah pihak atasan FAM perlulah dipilih dari golongan yang tiada kepentingan peribadi. Peneraju nombor satu FAM yang gagal membawa kemajuan bolasepak negara perlulah disingkirkan. Kerajaan terutamanya dan juga swasta punya peranan yang penting Camputangan orangorang politik dan kumpulan dari institisi raja juga tidak seharusnya dipilih menerajui FAM. Ini kerana satusatu keputusan yang dibuat selalunya bermotifkan keuntungan peribadi tanpa melihat kebaikan atau kemajuan bolasepak secara menyeluruh.


Terima kasih Tun. By daengAuthor Profile Page on January 21, 2009 2:40 PM


Bg saya biar apa pun alasan bg meneruskan rancangan untuk membina KLIA EAST LCCT di Labu ianya satu langkah yang kurang bijak lagi bodoh. KLIA dibina untuk wawasan yang jauh bg masa depan. Lainlah KLIA yg sedia ada sudah dan tidak mampu menampung keperluan Air Asia bg tempoh 15 tahun akan datang. Tambahan pula dalam situasi ekonomi yang tidak menentu ini.

Jika ianya diteruskan apa akan terjadi di KLIA? Sudah tentu segala perbelanjaan besar untuk membinanya dahulu bg keperluan 2025 tahun akan datang siasia belaka.

Memang benar ia tidak melibatkan wang rakyat / kerajaan tetapi kewajaran sesuatu perkara dilakukan perlulah bijak dan masuk akal.

Tun, sejak Dolah Bodowi ini memerintah saya bukanlah membenci beliau tetapi kebodohan beliau membuatkan saya cukup meluat. Saya mula meluat apabila rancangan Jambatan Bengkok di Johor dibatalkan. Bg saya ia mampu mendatangkan income negara untuk jangka masa depan. Rancangan membina Jambatan P Pinang ke 2 yang kurang bijak itu bg saya ia jauh kurang mendatangkan hasil pada negara / kerajaan. Lg pun jambatan yg sedia ada hanya sesak pd hujung minggu sahaja. Alternatif jalan laut iaitu ferri masih ada. Sepatutnya kerajaan perlu memikirkan keuntungan kerajaan / rakyat diutamakan dahulu berbanding keuntungan syarikat atau individu terkemudian.

Saya juga menyokong sepatutnya Dolah yang bodoh patut ditolak seawal yg mungkin dari memimpin negara.

Saya juga menyokong pendapat seorang anak Terengganu bahawa kekalahan BN di Kuala Terengganu barubaru ini di tangan PAS bukanlah disebabkan faktor orang tak suka pada Najib tetapi orang Terengganu terlalu meluat pada Dolah. Masjid Kristal dan beberapa projek besar di sana jatuh ke tangan kroni Dolah ditambah pula isu pulangan keuntungan minyak kepada rakyat Terengganu.

Sepatutnya UMNO sudah lama menolak kepimpinan Dolah ini kerana ideaidea yang diutarakan beliau lebih bersifat bodoh dari bijak. Saya sokong dan percaya pandangan ramai orang bahawa semakin lama Dolah memegang jawatan PM semakin besarlah "barah" dalam Perikatan BN dan UMNO itu sendiri.

Sekian Tun. By mieze81Author Profile Page on January 21, 2009 3:42 PM

Dear S...Tan

Seperti yang anda nyatakan

"Membina LCCT baru lebih berfaedah dari jambatan bengkok dari segi pintu masuk negara. Jambatan bengkok punyai kepala besar (di JB) leher kecil (di S'pura) dan ditanggung krjn. LCCT Labu dibina swasta dan jumlah penumpang dijamin swasta sendiri bukan krjn. (Banding kadar trafik lebuhraya dijamin krjn, bayaran tenaga IPP dijamin)"

Nampaknya anda tidak membaca dan berfikir dalam2 sebab utama jambatan bengkok dicadangkan.. jadi jangan menulis seperti budak belasan tahun. Baca juga artikel yang telah ditulis oleh Tun M tentang perkara ini.. Benarkah pembinaannya oleh swasta? siapakah mereka ini? dan juga pekerja imigresen & kastam? Polis? ditanggung oleh Air Asia ke?... baca lagi Mr. Tan.

"Kalau masaalah teknikal menara kembar bertapak atas tanah lembik boleh di atasi, apalah isu teknikal dua landasan berdekatan."

Dua masalah yang dinyatakan merupakan perkara berbeza. perkara pertama memerlukan penggunaan teknik kejuruteraan yang luar biasa.. manakala perkara kedua hanyalah perbuatan yang saja mencari masalah.. fikirfikirkan..

and MR Larry Tan,

Its a very frightening situation thingking that people having good writing skills like yourself tend to manipulate data, facts and history for your own gain. Unlike the most of us thats need to validate whatever it is that we are trying to convey, we hope that you will not believe on your own lie..

Did Tony himself came out with the idea of buying the ailing airline? NO Larry..NO!! Tony and gang only came out with the idea of low fair flight which Tun has actually forseen the possibility of its implementation in malaysia.. They are are actually applying for new license.. It is TUN that advised them to go and acquire one from the existing airline company in Malaysia.

And about Tan Sri Tajudin.. it seems that you are really desperate to manipulate facts in order to create hatred to Tun M, Tun Daim and Tajudin.. or is it that you are blinded by your ill feeling to them that you refuse to read? There's an agreement between Tajudin and Malaysia goverment. And please.. show the facts and figure when you said that Tajudin failed MAS?.. or is it those who hated the succes of MAS and wanted to monopolized the flight industry for himself did it??

Come la.. dont let us generalize on your kind of people.. Please... By RazlanIsaAuthor Profile Page on January 21, 2009 7:13 PM

Tony...the Malaysian entrepreneur who created a successful lowcost airline...a man with vision. Is it? Really? If not for a silly company who actually sold Air Asia for RM1 (and still kicking their own butts until now) and assuming the RM50 million in debt, Air Asia wouldn't see the light of day. If not because of Pahamin Rejab, Tony would still be selling CDs. Ingat senang nak convince the government to change the very regulated industry like aviation? Sudah la Tony, The Edge sahaja yang tak habis habis mengagungkan kau. Mmmm....maybe that Shanmugan was his old friend. By DuzaAuthor Profile Page on January 21, 2009 9:12 PM

Hello tun, i've read a book titled "Mahathir Mohamad, Achieving True Globalisation" by Dr Kohei Hashimoto. It might b an old book but what i like about this is that u have this vision of looking east, particularly Japan. Among many topics in ur website, this topic is d nearest in terms of modern transportation. I know this is about the aviation industry, but i think we shld also look at our railway industry. The best we have is the ERL which connects klia n kl, n the lesser 1, the ktm commuter which connect as far as seremban down south. when it comes to japan, its all about their bullet train called "Shinkansen". It connects japanese major cities troughout the island accept Hokaido maybe which is still under construction maybe. I really like these trains because they r really fast(300km/h) n d latest ones have cool designs. When ur in it, its almost as if ur in an airplane. I think our airport in KLIA is already a world class airport n doesnt need anymore attention. I think we shld move on on building new things i.e. "MALAYAN SHINKANSEN" which connects Georgetown KL JB within an hour or 2 or 3. I think malaysia shld start bragging on building a High Speed Rail Network throughout malaysia. Imagine a Malayan Shinkansen passes through Gunung Ledang like a shinkansen wo do through mount Fuji!! ;)

I wish u n family long n healthy life Tun. By DuzaAuthor Profile Page on January 21, 2009 9:14 PM

Hello tun, i've read a book titled "Mahathir Mohamad, Achieving True Globalisation" by Dr Kohei Hashimoto. It might b an old book but what i like about this is that u have this vision of looking east, particularly Japan. Among many topics in ur website, this topic is d nearest in terms of modern transportation. I know this is about the aviation industry, but i think we shld also look at our railway industry. The best we have is the ERL which connects klia n kl, n the lesser 1, the ktm commuter which connect as far as seremban down south. when it comes to japan, its all about their bullet train called "Shinkansen". It connects japanese major cities troughout the island accept Hokaido maybe which is still under construction maybe. I really like these trains because they r really fast(300km/h) n d latest ones have cool designs. When ur in it, its almost as if ur in an airplane. I think our airport in KLIA is already a world class airport n doesnt need anymore attention. I think we shld move on on building new things i.e. "MALAYAN SHINKANSEN" which connects Georgetown KL JB within an hour or 2 or 3. I think malaysia shld start bragging on building a High Speed Rail Network throughout malaysia. Imagine a Malayan Shinkansen passes through Gunung Ledang like a shinkansen wo do through mount Fuji!! ;)

I wish u n family long n healthy life Tun. By kamal ahmadAuthor Profile Page on January 22, 2009 8:38 AM

Salam Ayahanda Tun. Mohon diizinkan saya sedikit ruang disini. Terima kasih.

Dear Puan HBT, thank you for sharing with me your very interesting take over the Air Asia issue. Yes it’s true and I agree with what you say. Tony has not much money left to run that airline anymore (but personally he still kaya lah). I have nothing personal against Tony. He was once a good and respected fighter. And for that he has earned much and many admiration. But he went and did the biggest error by taking in Kali, Khairy and Co on board. Coupled to that he has erred so much on Tune Money and his fuel hedging. He begins incurring business enemies. He has big business debts. That is why he (they) needs that Labu space. As for Tajuddin Ramli, :) LOL! What can I say? I also don’t know what to say already lah...headache one. Just about everyone is correct on him. But I used to see him at the TTDI Pasar Minggu long then and I just have no idea where he is today. I remember him flying on MAS at the stroke of midnight in greeting the Y2K then. And that World Ranger PR stunt on the 767. Let's hope he’s reading this blog really. Well Puan HBT, take care and Gong Xi Fa Cai to your good self and family. Thanks By HBTAuthor Profile Page on January 22, 2009 10:41 AM



By MoMan on January 20, 2009 7:35 PM

Dear Mr MoMan,

I thank you for your views on some hicups in KLIA due to human factors. I agreed with you that KLIA is one of the best masterplan design airport in the world, better than Changi Airport, but at par with Hong Kong Chek Lap Kok Airport.

However, as a Malaysian, we are bind to 5 Rukun Negara for 51 years now. Air Asia has became the socalled famous low cost international and domestic airlines in such a short time is not because Tony is capable, it is because Tony has intimate contact with Singapore through the support of KJ, the ONE SONINLAW of Pak Lah (our PM Patung Mainan, exfinance Minister and now the Defense Minister).

Everyone knows that only international air flights can generate profit, domestic flight is a social responsibilty binded by national carrier to cater domestic market and connectivity to other airlines which can only generate income to sustain the operation cost. MAHB is doing its responsibility as the national carrier in the correct manner, however Air Asia has lost its vison and social responsibility to the country. Air Asia is only interested in making profit without protecting the country from soft invasion from the west through Singapore. What's the point of having of Air Asia that will only make the rich become richer, the poor become poorer. The poor become poorer because they believed that they must obey their religion teachings. The rich is only interested in protecting and increasing their power and wealth, to them they are the god which are forbidden in Islam.

Because of the issue of Air Asia, BN has lost 2/3 majority in PRU 12. This shows that many of the BN supporters are not ready and do not like our Pak Lah and his cronies, especially that SIL, for their arrogant,ignorant and greed, turning their responsibilities to power by making the rich become richer. These socalled rich and powerful people may not be able to sleep for many many years from now because they were caught in this USA economy crisis. We have learned hard in 1997, we were attacked in 2008 because Pak Lah did not kept his promises to Tun.

Indeed very sad, the Pak Lah & Gang has expanded the corruption through elegance silent using their power that has jeopardized our Tun's image and hard work for all these years. The best that BN can do now is, abandoned Air Asia that carries the name of korap jantan, so that the rakyat will have confident in BN.

Take care Tun and so is mr MoMan.

Kuala Lumpur can be the gateway to Asia. We need to build the volume first, expand the connectivity, optimize our cost efficiency and the rest will follow. Kuala Lumpur will be the biggest hub.

Tun, please don’t worry. I am confident that this is a step in the right direction. By herakosAuthor Profile Page on January 22, 2009 3:43 PM

A'kum & Salam Sejahtera,

Kalaulah pembinaan sesuatu projek melibatkan wang poket sendiri isu ini semua takkan timbul, tapi disebabkan penggunaan dana dari GLC dan badan berkanun milik kerajaan oleh yang demikian ianya mendapat bantahan ramai. By dancegameAuthor Profile Page on January 22, 2009 4:43 PM


Your comment is sharp as ever. Although some of them are still debatable, but the way you explain it sounds so logic. By siburpatAuthor Profile Page on January 22, 2009 6:07 PM

Can we afford another airport? Should we buy more land to build new international airport? Whose land is being earmarked at Labu anyway?

Who really needs the new airport?

It is better just to extend the present KLIA as you have suggested to meet future demands. By danielAuthor Profile Page on January 22, 2009 7:05 PM

This is another classic example of how the very selected few trying to make billions out of silly and irrational justifications. Im not surprised at all as under the Malaysia Boleh tagline, we can do everything including to build two airports in such a close distant. Why not? Malaysia boleh, as always. By Source DewataAuthor Profile Page on January 22, 2009 9:05 PM

Dear Tun,

Sebagai orang Melayu yang diwarwarkan sebagai bersopansantun, saya ingin terlebih dahulu meminta maaf di atas kekasaran kenyataan yang akan saya buat nanti. Tun, kembalilah pada UMNO. Restore it back to where it belongs. Sisihkan Pak Lah dan koncokonconya yang tak mengenang budi dan tak berguna itu. Kami benci kepada Pak Lah. Kami benci kepada Khairy. Pak Lah telah merosakkan parti, bangsa dan negara. Beliau tak berkemampuan untuk menjadi Presiden UMNO, tak hebat untuk menjadi Pengerusi Barisan Nasional dan tak berkarisma untuk menjadi Perdana Menteri Malaysia. Kami BENCI pemerintahan Pak Lah. Kami juga marah dengan Tun kerana memberi kami Perdana Menteri yang lemah. Kami berasa malu untuk mengaku Pak Lah sebagai Perdana Menteri. Kembalilah pada UMNO barang dua hingga empat tahun untuk memulihkannya dan mendidik Perdana Menteri yang baru. Singkirkan mereka yang Tun sendiri pilih dulu tetapi kini tak tahu mengenang budi (seperti Pak Lah) dan biadap (seperti Nazri Aziz siapa dia ini? tak kenal pun? patut dibuang negara?) Kami akan sokong dan setia pada Tun. Lagipun Tun yang lebih berusia daripada Pak Lah tetapi kelihatan macam Pak Lah yang dah nyanyuk dengan keputusankeputusan yang tak masuk akal. Kami marah bila Jambatan Bengkok dibatalkan. Apa guna koridorkoridor tersebut? Untuk kemewahan keluarga atau konco Pak Lah??? Siapa pedulikan Singapura kerana mereka tak pedulikan kita? Tetapi kami bangga dengan KLIA, KLCC, Putrajaya dan Proton. Pak Lah bukan orang jahat tetapi beliau lurus dan lembik (dan mengantuk?) hingga dipergunakan oleh si Khairy dan Kamaludin bedebah itu (let them rot in hell). Nyah lah Pak Lah, koncokonconya dan ahli keluarganya dari UMNO dan BN. Kami benci anda! Anda semua pengkhianat bangsa, agama dan negara! Terima kasih, Tun. Semoga Allah selamatkan Tun. By Larry JayAuthor Profile Page on January 22, 2009 9:49 PM


You seems not to be deliberating on logics & facts intelligently & rationally but seems & sounds to be more of a little 5 year old kiddo mumbling whom brains is in the active developing stage!!

I have not only noticed you in this comments but also in other various comments whereby your understanding of world (internal & external) knowledge in history, economics, politics & in cultural is very limited indeed... far below than my 12 year old niece.

However, the credit which I have no right to deny you is that “You Are Trying...& Keep on Trying as they always say that “The Sky Is The Limit” You will be able to achieve on matters you want to write & express.. BUT before you try for anything further..its advisable that the most important factor you have to remove within your innerself is the elements of RACERELIGIONCOLOR or CREED...& we all have to see all of us at each other as humans or as a citizen called MALAYSIANS.

To Commoner99,

The vision on LCC which I quoted is in Malaysia...& does include US, UK, Australia, Europe, Kandahar, Gaza, Somali, Ethopia..etc... No idiots @ spoon fed individuals/companies (Malaysia) had the guts to acquire the bleeding Air Asia@DRB Hicom but this small time Malaysian boy with minimum support he had to get the ball rolling!!!

To Mieze81 / Cik Fatimah,

Its it a frightening fact to know that Tajudin Ramli manage to sell his share worth RM3.8 at that moment to RM8.00 which have resulted & accounted losses of billions of ringgit of the Malaysian tax payers blood, sweat & tears???

Its it a frightening fact to know that, the then Finance Minister who approved the above transaction is Daim Zainuddin & also an old close buddy & kampung boy of Tajudin Ramli in Alor Setar??

Its it a frightening fact to know that Mahathir Mohammad was the PM at that precise moment when our hard earned $ blood,sweat & tears was being used to bail out Tajudin Ramli & have since then made him a billionaire with massive properties under him/proxy??

My dear friend, I am not in the world of “Alice In Wonderland”. This is a real world & I am fully responsible in what I write. I don't believe in plucking names & figures out from a Jambu or Coconut it is unethical.

So, don't be frightened on accepting the truth on the misdeeds of our past or present leaders have done. It was all done in the name of CORRUPTION & for SELFINTEREST!! PERIOD!!!

Larry Jay By S..TanAuthor Profile Page on January 23, 2009 12:06 AM

Dear Tun, salam msera moga sihat sentiasa. Minta izin menjawab seorang pengulas...

Dear 'mieze81' ref January 21, 2009 3:42 PM

Terima kasih, krn memberi pendapat pada komen saya.


Di peringkat umur sdr, tak baik menggelar tulisan orang budak belasan tahun. Belum cuba belum tahu.

Tujuan lain jambatan bengkok boleh dicapai tanpa membina jambatan bengkok. Kerja dalaman di JB cukup. Jambatan menjadi bengkok krn sikap perasan, degil dan menunjuk.

Akibatnya belanja tinggi, faedah tak bertambah krn laluan tetap kempis ditengah laut. Belanja tak memadai manafaat.


Pengswastaan pada GLC lebih baik dari pengswastaan pada kroni. Kerabat kroni kena jamin mrk untung, pinjaman diberi atau dijamin krjn, jaminan ambil balik kalau lingkup, rugi krjn tanggung untung orang punya.

Immigresen, kastam, polis patut ditanggung krjn kalau LCCT berjaya menarik penumpang. Hasil dari penumpang lebih dari cukup menanggung saraan mrk. Menambah peluang kerja tak baik?


Kalau manusia tak cari masaalah, banyak benda tak akan tercipta. Dah ada lilin, obor knp cari masaalah risiko sumber api lain. Dah ada kereta dan keretapi buat apa susah susah cari pengangkutan udara dgn bahaya terhempas.


Pengswastaan ini soal percaya Tun atau percaya krjn skrg.

Saya lebih percaya pada orang yg batalkan pengswastaan dgn hanya 'suara' bantahan (IJN), dari orang yg teruskan pengswastaan dgn memukul, menangkap rakyat menunjuk perasaan membantah projek jalanraya tol.

Saya lebih percaya orang mendedahkan 'con sessions' agreement dari orang menyembunyikannya dgn OSA.

By peterAuthor Profile Page on January 23, 2009 1:46 AM

Dearest Tun, We know there is absolutely no justification whatsoever for that airport in Labu when so much can still be done to further develop the potentials of KLIA. But Tony Fernandez wants to be the KING of budget airlines, so how can the KING not have his own airport? Ego aside, I am sure such a deal also bring millions of ringgit to certain interested parties. Nothing unusual, given the fact billions have been wasted in recent years! It is also not unusual that we love to do silly things like Labu that makes us the laughing stock in the press of our southern neighbor! Never mind the damage to the environment that a new airport will caused! Never mind that the runways of two airports are dangerously located within 2km from each other! Never mind even if there is a midair collision!! Never mind if we lost 5 states to the opposition in the last general election!! Never mind if we lose the next election totally to the opposition!! This is to be expected of Malaysia today, a leaderless country!! While the US have seen the departure of a moron from the white house, who do you think is occupying Seri Perdana now or in the future ??

When I see the word Labu,I suddenly think of the famous Malay fable Pak Pandir Dengan Labu Labunya I cannot help but wonder who the Pak Pandir is? It's very sad to be a patriotic Malaysian today, but never mind.... By daengAuthor Profile Page on January 23, 2009 7:20 AM



By Source Dewata on January 22, 2009 9:05 PM Dear Tun,

Sebagai orang Melayu yang diwarwarkan sebagai bersopansantun, saya ingin terlebih dahulu meminta maaf di atas kekasaran kenyataan yang akan saya buat nanti. Tun, kembalilah pada UMNO. Restore it back to where it belongs. Sisihkan Pak Lah dan koncokonconya yang tak mengenang budi dan tak berguna itu. Kami benci kepada Pak Lah. Kami benci kepada Khairy. Pak Lah telah merosakkan parti, bangsa dan negara. Beliau tak berkemampuan untuk menjadi Presiden UMNO, tak hebat untuk menjadi Pengerusi Barisan Nasional dan tak berkarisma untuk menjadi Perdana Menteri Malaysia. Kami BENCI pemerintahan Pak Lah. Kami juga marah dengan Tun kerana memberi kami Perdana Menteri yang lemah. Kami berasa malu untuk mengaku Pak Lah sebagai Perdana Menteri. Kembalilah pada UMNO barang dua hingga empat tahun untuk memulihkannya dan mendidik Perdana Menteri yang baru. Singkirkan mereka yang Tun sendiri pilih dulu tetapi kini tak tahu mengenang budi (seperti Pak Lah) dan biadap (seperti Nazri Aziz siapa dia ini? tak kenal pun? patut dibuang negara?) Kami akan sokong dan setia pada Tun. Lagipun Tun yang lebih berusia daripada Pak Lah tetapi kelihatan macam Pak Lah yang dah nyanyuk dengan keputusankeputusan yang tak masuk akal. Kami marah bila Jambatan Bengkok dibatalkan. Apa guna koridorkoridor tersebut? Untuk kemewahan keluarga atau konco Pak Lah??? Siapa pedulikan Singapura kerana mereka tak pedulikan kita? Tetapi kami bangga dengan KLIA, KLCC, Putrajaya dan Proton. Pak Lah bukan orang jahat tetapi beliau lurus dan lembik (dan mengantuk?) hingga dipergunakan oleh si Khairy dan Kamaludin bedebah itu (let them rot in hell). Nyah lah Pak Lah, koncokonconya dan ahli keluarganya dari UMNO dan BN. Kami benci anda! Anda semua pengkhianat bangsa, agama dan negara! Terima kasih, Tun. Semoga Allah selamatkan Tun. By HBTAuthor Profile Page on January 23, 2009 8:39 AM

Good morning Tun,

As usual, izinkan Tun....

By Larry Jay on January 22, 2009 9:49 PM

//To HBT,

You seems not to be deliberating on logics & facts intelligently & rationally but seems & sounds to be more of a little 5 year old kiddo mumbling whom brains is in the active developing stage!!

I have not only noticed you in this comments but also in other various comments whereby your understanding of world (internal & external) knowledge in history, economics, politics & in cultural is very limited indeed... far below than my 12 year old niece.//

I am happy that you realized my writing sounds more to a 5 year old kiddo and far below your 12 year old niece. This shown that you are indeed has brain deformed that can manage to grow and stay at the "5 12 years" stage, who did not realize that the country is now transforming from teenager stage (19 years old) to mature stage (from emerging to developing country) through got you!!!!! See I am more far sighted than you because I learn from Tun through with all my heart because I am humble and not big headed like you who "talk cock", boliau and can longlai (in cantonese means biadap)!!!!

//However, the credit which I have no right to deny you is that “You Are Trying...& Keep on Trying as they always say that “The Sky Is The Limit” You will be able to achieve on matters you want to write & express.. BUT before you try for anything further..its advisable that the most important factor you have to remove within your innerself is the elements of RACERELIGIONCOLOR or CREED...& we all have to see all of us at each other as humans or as a citizen called MALAYSIANS.//

Thank you so much for reading my comment, gee, you know that "the Sky Is The Limit", lucky you, if not you may be ended like your brother Lim Guan Eng, Raja Petra, KJ (this your little brother), Tony Fernandez and your uncle Anwar and our uncle Dollah and his children(semua kaum pun termasuk kat list ini). The King of Thailand has sent the Australian writer recently for 15 years jail. The taited milk chinese culprits will be sent to death. This is the punishment who think that Sky Has No Limit. I am not a racist, I love to watch NTV 7 BM news because I like Charles Mohan who practice moderation within the law, that's me!!!!

//To Commoner99,

The vision on LCC which I quoted is in Malaysia...& does include US, UK, Australia, Europe, Kandahar, Gaza, Somali, Ethopia..etc... No idiots @ spoon fed individuals/companies (Malaysia) had the guts to acquire the bleeding Air Asia@DRB Hicom but this small time Malaysian boy with minimum support he had to get the ball rolling!!! //

Don't create crisis in Malaysia dear Larry (you are religious, don't you?), respect others and open your heart please....

//To Mieze81 / Cik Fatimah,

Its it a frightening fact to know that Tajudin Ramli manage to sell his share worth RM3.8 at that moment to RM8.00 which have resulted & accounted losses of billions of ringgit of the Malaysian tax payers blood, sweat & tears???

Its it a frightening fact to know that, the then Finance Minister who approved the above transaction is Daim Zainuddin & also an old close buddy & kampung boy of Tajudin Ramli in Alor Setar??

Its it a frightening fact to know that Mahathir Mohammad was the PM at that precise moment when our hard earned $ blood,sweat & tears was being used to bail out Tajudin Ramli & have since then made him a billionaire with massive properties under him/proxy?//

Larry, come on lah, don't pull their legs, they are the ladies who are so much better in nationalism than you, accept the truth lah. The result of this bailout has shown in 2004 where by 90% of the rakyat voted BN. However, the result in 1999 because of "mata lebam" (Anwar kena tumbuk) has repeated in 2008 because of Anwar jugak (kali ini, Anwar kena lepas). We will see the next PRU 13, it may be BN will swept 90% once again IF Pak Lah & his gangs are forced out (invite keluar TAK NAK, NAK RAKYAT HALAU BARU KELUAR), who knows, just wait and see and don't jump to conclusion too fast, tarak baik, tuhan marah and please show respect to these nice and truthful ladies......

//My dear friend, I am not in the world of “Alice In Wonderland”. This is a real world & I am fully responsible in what I write. I don't believe in plucking names & figures out from a Jambu or Coconut it is unethical.

So, don't be frightened on accepting the truth on the misdeeds of our past or present leaders have done. It was all done in the name of CORRUPTION & for SELFINTEREST!! PERIOD!!!//

Larry, 1. Que sera sera, whatever will be will be 2. Amazing Grace, how great thou lord, that save a wretch like me

Remember the true meaning of this western religion songs that taught us to believe in God (Tuhan). Jangan lah macam US sekarang, lagu berlyric "My hum, my hum, my lump, lump, Fendi, Dolce & Gabana, Donna Karan New York (DKNY). Kids are saying that USA loves to create unnessarry stuffs to create purchasing power ,I hope you will not be caught.

Good Day Tun.

Amazing Graze, will get caught up in the world of "Alice in Wonderland" or "Obama & Michelle in USA", you may ended copying the west in the name of CORRUPTION & for SELFINTEREST, By mieze81Author Profile Page on January 23, 2009 11:39 AM

Dear Tun,

Dengan izin...:)

S...Tan, minta maaf kiranya terasa dengan pernyataan saya sebelumnya..Sesungguhnya saya budak baru belajar. untuk pemahaman lebih lanjut kenapa jambatan bengok itu perlu bengkok... sila rujuk disini

...... Tahap pengswastaan Apa yang anda katakan benar...memang perlu panambahan peluang pekerjaan. Tapi yang saya tidak sokong adalah pembinaan perkara yang tidak perlu.. mengapa tidak saja LCCT yang ada sekarang dibesarkan, ditambah, dicantikkan, dipermodenkan.. tentu saja apa2 pembaharuan yang seperti saya katakan akan memerlukan penambahan pekerja..

...... cari masalah Semua yang anda terangkan adalah penciptaan perkara yang baru. Tapi apa yang dicadangkan disini adalah perkara yang sama..LCCT diganti LCCT..cume ditempat yang berbeza..lainlah kalau cadangan tersebut merupakan LCCT yang terapung diudara...sayalah diantara orang yang akan menyokongnya...:)

S...Tan.... Tentang pukul memukul tu, saya pasti adalah fitnah semata.. yang pastinya Tun M telah memudahkan rakyat dengan segala pembaharuan beliau.

And Larry Jay

Yet again, your point is based on deception and manipulation of facts.

Please provide all the facts and figure. When you mentioned about the transaction..please provide date, and figure.

And how about the agreement that i have mentioned... why dont you read about it before replying to my comment. maybe you are not living in the world of fantasy, so i hope that you can provide all the figure and facts of your view so that i can do some research on it. Thanks. By khairuddinAuthor Profile Page on January 23, 2009 12:08 PM

YABhg. Tun,

Salam hormat.

Kepada bloggers berbangsa Cina , diucapkan Gong Xi Fa Cai.

1. Seperti biasa pada cuti perayaan ini dan cuti yang panjang, warga KL dan PJ anak balik ke kampong masing masing dan lebuhraya akan menjadi sesak. Seperti biasa banyak kemalangan jalanraya yang meragut nyawa.

2. Soalnya, do we need another NorthSouth and East West Highways or do we need badly a new Labu Airport? Do we need another new rail track to accomodate fast trains or to replace the existing unreliable KTMB tracks?

3. Kalau tidak, sampai kiamatlah rakyat Malaysia menanggong sengsara kesesakan jalan raya. Bayangkan bila jumlah penduduk dan bilangan kenderaan meningkat 2 kali ganda... perjalanan dari KL ke Ipoh yang mengambil masa 4 jam di masa kesesakan akan mengambil masa 8 jam... By JamalAuthor Profile Page on January 23, 2009 3:29 PM

Dear Tun,

Reading MoMan's comments is very interesting. For all we know he could be Tony himself ;)

Anyway welcome to the real world of having to bang your head against the "establishment".

As a businessman Tony would do well to be cautious with his approach to getting things done. Especially burning bridges, shooting people in the foot and sidestepping people.

Worst is to patronise the very people who will be his customers. Tony will be better advice to hold his horses for this project for the moment.

Your idea may be good and may even have come out of your frustration with the "establishment". But steamrolling it thru is NOT the way right for now.

He can always revisit the problem in another way, another format or even another idea.

We have heard his story and you have heard our story.

Perhaps someone from KLIA operators can to comment your side of the story?

We all want what is BEST for Malaysia bit lets not do things that may disadvantage other Malaysians in the process. By pakbelalangAuthor Profile Page on January 23, 2009 3:32 PM

Najib: No Decision Yet On New LCCT In Labu

PETALING JAYA, Jan 23 (Bernama) The government has yet to decide on lowcost carrier AirAsia's proposal to shift KL International Airport's (KLIA) low cost carrier terminal (LCCT) to Labu in Negeri Sembilan, Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak said today.

"We are looking at it but have yet to make any decision. I cannot preempt the decision by making an announcement," he said.

Najib said the government was studying the Labu LCCT proposal to see "if we can go ahead or we need to make a different arrangement."

To be called KLIA East, the proposed new lowcost carrier terminal is expected to sustain AirAsia's exponential growth as opposed to the LCCT at the KLIA from where it is operating now. comment:

To Najib,

A leader must be able to make quick and precise decision. Don't try to avoid the issue. You have heard the majority of the voices of the rakyat who oppose the project including our former Prime Minister. Listen to them. They don't make mistake on this issue. It is very clear that the building of the airport is ridiculous and rubbish proposal made by greedy people with vested interest, period.

There is no different arrangement to be considered as far as building of the airport is concerned. It must be cancelled. Let Air Asia and Sime Darby sort out their business to find other alternatives.No need to propose anything to them. Not the government business. Why should the government accommodate much time to this private project on Labu Labi airport. There are other pressing economic matters which Najib must focus. Unemployment rate is now increasing by the day and what Najib is going to do about it. Foreign workers are hanging around by the thousands without jobs now and what Najib is going to do to avoid social problems arising from these unwanted foreigners. Urban poverty must be tackled immediately. There are a lot of people in the urban areas are now suffering with limited financial resource to maintain their families. It is serious, Najib. This airport business must not be of concern to the government at all, not unless there are cronies keep on knocking at Pak Lah's door as a last "kopek" before he leaves office disgracefully without anything to show of his deeds except to cause almost the downfall of Barisan Nasional government.

By cicit awang daikAuthor Profile Page on January 23, 2009 4:05 PM

Assalamualaikum Tun, Rasanya kes Labu lebih kurang aje dengan kes Sepang,Putrajaya dan yang seangkatan dengannya.. Pembaziran wang rakyatlah,kronilah,rasuahlah,kepentingan individulah dan apaapa je lah.. Tapi akhirnya yang bising2 tu pegi juga KLIA,pegi juga buat rombongan melawat Putrajaya.. Kenapa mesti ada kes Labu?Kenapa Tony nak buat airport baru? Kenapa kita jadi cacing kepanasan??? Belajar la dari Tony untuk masa 2030 tahun akan datang dia sudah nampak.Sepatutnya kita dah belajar 50 tahun lebih dari Tony. Sekarang rezeki dia la..sapa suruh biarkan lompong kesempatan diambil orang lain.Bising2 tak ada guna. Sebagai contoh projek2 masa zaman Tun ,sekarang baru kita nampak hasilnya.Itu sebab Tun buat Wawasan 2020.Ikut cara dia la, tengok masa depan bukan asyik tengok belakang. p/s tengah masak pengat labu p/s By KancilAuthor Profile Page on January 23, 2009 7:27 PM

I am impressed with Tun's comments on the need to built another international airport within close proximity with KLIA with separate control towers and runways and the fact that KLIA is designed to cope with more traffic. I shake my head also but hard to blame AA when MAHB is not doing what it should do? I would probably do the same, given the circumstances ...... All nak jaga their own pockets and interests.

This is OT but would love Tun to enlightened a frustrated Malaysian on the need to built KLIA which is so far away from everyone else in the Klang Valley. I have been asking myself and find it extremely hard to explain to visiting friends from overseas why you decided to built KLIA. The area within KLIA and Putrajaya has not developed much and find myself *^&* everytime I travel so far from PJ to pick up friends and families from KLIA. The travel is burning a freaking hole in my pocket and I believe many malaysians are facing similar problems. KLIA is nice but compared to our southern neighbour, it is still far behind. Look how sg respond with T3 and the excellent services and connectivity. SG is world class no doubt and not any amount of spending by its competitors can match. Sad to say this but this is my experience as an airline passenger. I can really feel the difference when I cross the border and world travellers concur the fact.

The spanking new Putrajaya offices are really nice but whenever I go there for official or just visiting, I shake my head. Why? Because the facilities are 1st class, world standard but the mentality 4th class. Malaysians esp the hard core you know what, have a long way to go before they can compete internationally. I mean really long long way.

I think you are too far sighted and too optimistic. Petronas so kaya and why not spend them while you can, right? By InderaPuteraAuthor Profile Page on January 24, 2009 2:09 AM

Salam YABhg Tun

Hanya satu perkataan yang wajar saya katakan; Ada kala jengking di sebalik buah kelapa sawit! By jimmarvelAuthor Profile Page on January 24, 2009 7:36 AM

Dear Tun,

Pada pendapat saya, KLIAEast adalah satu jalan yang terbaik bagi syarikat penerbangan AirAsia untuk terus berkembang dan menjadi brand yang terkenal satu dunia. Semua justifikasi telah pun diberikan dengan terperinci oleh AirAsia sendiri. Saya secara peribadi menyokong keputusan AirAsia tersebut untuk membina KLIAEast.

Saya berasa terkejut dan sedikit kesal dengan beberapa komentar yang mengatakan projek tersebut akan membazirkan duit rakyat. Seperti yang Tun sendiri sedia maklum, AirAsia merupakan syarikat swasta sepenuhnya dan pembinaan KLIAEast hanya akan dibiayai oleh Sime Darby, bukan kerajaan. Justeru tidak timbul isu pembaziran duit rakyat di sini.

Mengenai huge airport layout. Dalam lapangan terbang sebesar KLIA, jarak sebuah pesawat itu perlu bergerak dari gate ke landasan dan juga sebaliknya adalah sangat besar berbanding dengan lapangan terbang yang kecil. Ini akan menyebabkan kos masa dan minyak kerana pergerakan pesawat pada kelajuan rendah adalah tidak efisyen dari segi minyak. Sebagai sebuah syarikat penerbangan tambang murah, ini merupakan satu kerugian yang besar. Justeru KLIAEast akan dibina dengan jarak landasan ke gate yang singkat untuk memaksimumkan penjimatan masa dan minyak.

Accessibility juga menjadi satu isu besar buat KLIA. Masalah timbul kerana sistem pengangkutan dari KLIA yang amad terhad dan tidak reliable. Masalah tambang yang terlalu mahal dan bas yang tidak mengikut jadual seringkali berlaku dan malu sekali rasanya apabila isu ini ditimbulkan oleh pelancong asing. Langkah yang Tun cadangkan ialah, "provide these". Masalahnya, adakah syarikat penerbangan sendiri yang bertanggungjawab menyediakan bas dari airport? Air Asia tidak patut dipersalahkan dalam soal ini kerana komitmen kerajaan sendiri perlu dipersoalkan dalam memantapkan accessibility KLIA.

Saya juga ingin sentuh isu expansion. Dalam komen Tun, Tun banyak mengeluarkan cadangan supaya membina terminal baru, menambah gate dan sebagainya. Sekali lagi persoalan yang sama seperti perenggan sebelum ini timbul, adakah AirAsia yang bertanggungjawab membina terminal baru di KLIA? Adakah mereka juga yang perlu dipertanggungjawabkan untuk menambah bilangan gate di KLIA? Sememangnya kerajaan yang perlu memikul sepenuhnya tanggungjawab ini sekiranya kerajaan mahu KLIA menjadi salah satu hub antarabangsa di Asia Tenggara.

Kesimpulannya, kerajaan adalah pihak yang bersalah kerana menjadikan KLIA sebagai kambing hitam dalam arus pembangunan perdana. KLIA dibiarkan terumbang ambing dibawah pengurusan MAHB dan bila AirAsia mahu membina lapangan terbang lain, barulah nilai, visi dan misi KLIA disebutsebut. AirAsia hanyalah sebuah syarikat swasta yang bermotifkan keuntungan dan mengikut model ekonomi semulajadi untuk berkembang dan terus berkembang. Kerajaan yang tidak efisyen menyebabkan syarikat ini tidak ada jalan lain untuk berkembang selain melakukannya sendiri (membina KLIAEast). ps: saya lahir dan membesar dalam zaman Tun memerintah. Sampai sekarang saya masih harap Tun adalah PM kerana PM sekarang ni menyebabkan ekonomi dan pembangunan kita terbantut. Kita dah ketinggalan jauh berbanding dulu. By HBTAuthor Profile Page on January 24, 2009 8:50 AM


Izinkan kali ini...

//By Larry Jay on January 22, 2009 9:49 PM

To HBT, You seems not to be deliberating on logics & facts intelligently & rationally but seems & sounds to be more of a little 5 year old kiddo mumbling whom brains is in the active developing stage!!

I have not only noticed you in this comments but also in other various comments whereby your understanding of world (internal & external) knowledge in history, economics, politics & in cultural is very limited indeed... far below than my 12 year old niece.

However, the credit which I have no right to deny you is that “You Are Trying...& Keep on Trying as they always say that “The Sky Is The Limit” You will be able to achieve on matters you want to write & express.. BUT before you try for anything further..its advisable that the most important factor you have to remove within your innerself is the elements of RACERELIGIONCOLOR or CREED...& we all have to see all of us at each other as humans or as a citizen called MALAYSIANS.//

Thank you for your advice and critics, I will learn from your comment. I won't run away like the Americans.

May I asked, who started this, Larry Jay??? You are the great supporter of PR and Lim Guan Eng, Bush and Blair, why park your ego and low moral comment here???? Is it because is the most famous weblog in Malaysia that you take the opportunity to show your hypocrisy here. We never "kacau" you guys in your socalled opposition blog eventhough we dislike you guys, this is our "class"!!!

Just because you think that you are the socalled orang putih (can write and speak fluent English) you can bully us. If we don't like you, we don't care whether you are an indian, black, white, malay, chinese, that's our right. If you have like man ,please behave. Don't act like the average American "Forrest Gump" in Malaysia, please...... oops, Forrest Gump is better than you, at he respects others, you, langsung tarak, nak cakap pasal democracy and liberty over here, shit!!! (I apologize again for my harsh words, Tun).

Good day Tun. By Nasha Bin EdwinAuthor Profile Page on January 24, 2009 9:09 AM

BAGUS....SAYA SOKONG TONY.... PUNCA UTAMA TUN DAN RAMAI KRONI DAN PENYOKONGAYA MARAH BUKAN APA...KERANA MEREKA TAKUT LABU AIRPORT LEBIH HEBAT DARI KLIA JADI TENGGELAMLAH NAMA KLIA NANTI DAN SECARA LANGSUNG TENGGELAMLAH NAMA TUN MAHATHIR DAN PENYOKONG SERTA KRONIKRONINYA...INI SEMUA AKIBAT CEMBURU PENYOKONG DAN KRONI2NYA. SEMUANYA KERANA NAMA... By eerieAuthor Profile Page on January 24, 2009 4:45 PM apa pun sy mmg menyampah kat air asia. perangai staf2 cam sampah. kot ye pon kami bayar murah, takkan taleh senyum, layan passengers elok2?? impolite stewardesses + stewards in an airline which konon2nya kebanggaan malaysia? buat malu malaysia adelah... aku sanggup naik MAS. walaupun poket kopak. MAS barulah kebanggaan malaysia !

Pak Lah ni pun satu. dulu dok sibuk2 naik komuter, konon nak baiki pengangkutan awam. skang apa citer???? By othmanzainalAuthor Profile Page on January 24, 2009 7:27 PM

YABhg Tun,

Walaupun tanpa data statistik, pengamatan secara rambang yang di buat keatas terminal KLIA dan LCCT dapat kita merumuskan bahawa LCCT lebih sibuk serta aktif berbanding KLIA.

Selaku airline tambang murah, Airasia seharusnya memerlukan kemudahan prasana yang boleh menjamin matlamat asas mereka berdasarkan 'tagline' syarikat, 'now everyone can fly'.

Pembangunan KLIAEast di Labu N Sembilan semestinya satu strategi syarikat jangka panjang bagi menampung trafik yang semakin tinggi. Pembesaran terminal LCCT sekarang sudah pasti tidak mungkin dapat membantu pertambahan trafik di masa akan datang. Malah secara umum, Airasia sememangnya memerlukan sebuah terminal LCCT yang baru.

Walaubagaimana pun, pemilihan lokasi di Labu N Sembilan bukanlah satu lokasi yang begitu strategik. Ini di sebabkan oleh kedudukan nya yang amat berdekatan dengan KLIA dan pengawasan serta pengurusan trafik udara akan menjadi sukar dan ianya akan menjadi prone kepada kemalangan udara. Analisis yang di buat oleh YABhg Tun ini memang bertepatan sekali.

Malah, pelan pembangunan KLIA yang boleh menampung sehingga 5 landasan serta 6 terminal satelite secara otomatik nya tidak memungkin kan pembangunan KLIAEast.

Walaupun pembangunan KLIAEast secara keseluruhannya akan di tanggung oleh pihak swasta, tetapi operasi nya secara tidak langsung akan di tanggung juga oleh kerajaan. Kerajaan perlu menempatkan agensinya seperti kastam, imigresen, polis, bomba, bebanan kawalan trafik udara dan sebagainya. Sekiranya, Airasia menanggung kos perbelanjaan operasi ini sudah tentu tidak semua boleh terbang dengan Airasia lagi.

Walaupun saya anak N Sembilan dan amat gembira melihat pembangunan di bawa ke negeri adat perpatih ini, namum pemikiran secara professional serta kajian lebih mendalam terutama kedudukan nya harus di beri keutamaan.

Airasia perlu duduk serta berbincang dengan MAB bagi mengekploitasi pelan perancangan KLIA. Tidak ada gunanya kita mempunyai kemudahan bertaraf dunia sekiranya trafik udara di KLIA amat sedikit sekali. Kita amat jauh ketinggalan dari jumlah penumpang dan trafik udara sekiranya di banding kan dengan Changi Airport dan Suvarnabumi Bangkok. Sekiranya kos yang tinggi di kenakan kepada airline, maka trafik udara akan berkurangan dan pendapatan akan melebihi 'capex' maka wang rakyat yang banyak diperlukan lagi bagi menampung segala kerugian.

Malah, sebahagian dari pembangunan KLIA juga boleh di gunakan sebagai hub bagi airlines tambang murah di rantau ini dan secara langsung memangkin pertumbuhan KLIA itu sendiri.

MAB seharusnya bersedia menerima anjakan paradigma ini, sekurang kurang nya bagi pelan jangka pendek bagi menampung kehilangan mendarat syarikat besar airlines yang lain seperti British Airlines dan etc. By Larry JayAuthor Profile Page on January 24, 2009 10:21 PM


Your brains are overdeveloping rapidly after reading my comments...but its shrinking at the eastern hemisphere. Dont allow the elements of emotions & sentiments outdo whatever capabilities left in you which is very much shown in your last two comments. You should stop assuming as what I have seen in most of your feedbacks... as you got to always remember that "Assumptions Is The Mother of All Screw Ups' & for your own sake stop ASSUMING!!

I am no supportter of any political party or any individual...but any positive contribution by any parties which would benefit the people of Malaysia..I will always hail & support. I can be a Jakun, Malay, Sekoi, Negrito, Chinese, Melanau, Indian, Dayak, Kelabit, Iban,Portuegues, Bidayuh, etc.. & that is just a race & culture we all have in us but the most important fact is that we are all known as Malaysian.

Opinions, feedbacks & views may defer but not our CITIZENSHIP which is well protected under the Federal Constituition.

So HBT, its not advisable for your brains to overdevelop at the moment as the symptoms is unfavourable. Take things one at a time & you will be able to focus & accomplish better!!

Larry Jay

By maxAuthor Profile Page on January 24, 2009 10:46 PM


I dont know about others esp those fans of Tony, this Labu airport is sheer waste of money.

Some points raised does make a lot of sense.

However some talk on the streets; and sorry i have to bring up this point. if your son has been also involved in this project; ur opinion has been otherwise? I hope this sentence will not be deleted

But after longer tea talk with my buddies; maybe u ( not saying literally you but they the ppl who is gonna get this business) would only allows swipe once for the stakes.

Like u had F1 good project, alot of obejction, but what the heck, we made the money.

Now lets say somewhere in the middle before the break even point reached u plan to have another track say in Batu 3 expansion. Ppl say is Dr Man mad?

Thats why we think someone is mad here. Well look fwd to hear what Tony has to say to u over this... By bozAuthor Profile Page on January 25, 2009 12:16 AM

Since Air Asia is a private business, if it wants to have its' own infrastructure, then it has to pay for all of it. The purchasing of the land, the construction of the runway, the building of the terminal, the staff, the services and so on and so forth should be foot by itself. Then it would not be using the people's money and I think the people would not jump over it. Instead, the people would think it is a good idea. However, looking at KLIA, I would say that this mega airport is not doing a very profitable business. Air Asia used to share the KLIA main terminal. I cannot understand why there is a need to separate it. What I see is it is all about status. Just because it is a low budget airline, people cannot get to enjoy first class facilities. Why can't people have 5 star facilities at 1 star price ? The 5 star being KLIA itself and the 1 star being the airline. And since MAS and Malaysia Airport is semi government, people's money is being wasted away instead of being fully utilised in the sense that Air Asia can share in KLIA's terminal. The budget airline phenomenon has made many people think about what is necessary and what is not that necessary, especially in terms of how money is used. By HBTAuthor Profile Page on January 25, 2009 11:32 PM



//By Larry Jay on January 24, 2009 10:21 PM//

Mengamuk pulak, ha...ha... ha... Control your temper, Mr Larry. In weblog hang pun nak angin cepat, kalau in public, hancur lah image hang dan negara kita, hai ya....

Good night, Tun, this is our 'socalled BI educated people' lucunya..... he cannot even know how to control his temper, and he is talking about citizenship in a multi racial country, ha..ha... By watermarkAuthor Profile Page on January 25, 2009 11:56 PM

Pada pendapat saya Tun, Sepatutnya Air Asia beroperasi sepenuhnya di KLIA bukannya di LCCT atau di subang atau di Labu. Cuma penghalangnya sekarang adalah sikap HASAD DENGGI dan BUSUK HATI yang ada disesetengah pegawai di MAHB dan mungkin juga segelintir menteri yang ada menghalang dari perkara ini dari terlaksana. Sudah sampai masanya MAHB menerima KEBODOHAN mereka sendiri mentadbir KLIA. Ini kerana mereka hanya makan tak perlu nak fikir susah payah atau untung rugi syarikat. Cuba mereka mentadbir. syarikat mereka sendiri adakah mereka akan membiar syarikat mereka mengalami kerugian? Sudah semestinya tidak. Seharusnya MAHB + Air Asia + MAS, bergabung tenaga memajukan industri penerbangan di Malaysia DAN BUKANNYA memusnahkan semasa sendiri dan akhirnya siapa yang akan rugi?


P/S: Satu teguran ikhlas dari generasi Muda MALAYSIA By ,Melayu merantauAuthor Profile Page on January 26, 2009 3:28 PM


Tentunya rakyat Malaysia yang berwawasan menyambut baik pengumuman Timbalan Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Abdul Razak bahawa kerajaan belum membuat keputusan berhubung status pembinaan Terminal Penerbangan Tambang Murah di Labu Negeri Sembilan.

Rakyat yang tahu bahawa KLIA dibawah pemerentahan Mahathir telah diperuntukan seluas 25,000 ekar tanah untuk penambahan terminal dan dan 4 satellite lagi telah terkejut bila Kabinet meluluskan cadangan pembinaan LCCT (Terminal Tambang Murah) untuk Air Asia itu.

Sekaligus bila sahaja mendengar pengumanan itu orang terus bertanya apakah tidak ada menteri yang mengingatkan tentang hal ini dalam persidangan kabinet atau ini merupakan salah satu "tolak ansur" antara Abdullah dan Najib untuk membolehkan Najib mengambil alih kuasa dengan licin dan mudah atau adakah ini termasuk dalam ajenda kerja Abdullah yang hendak diselesaikan sebelom bersara.

Prasangka buruk juga timbul bahawa yang terlibat dalam konspirasi menyokong LCCT LABU ini ialah Khairy Jamaluddin Naib Ketua Pemuda UMNO( orang Negeri Sembilan) Kalimullah Hassan (bekas Ketua Pengarang Kumpuan NST) dan Tun Musa Hitam. Kesemua mereka ini yang merupakan sahabat baik Tony Fernandes mempuyai pengaruh yang kuat keatas Abdullah Badawi.

Abdullah telah pun menyamakan taraf Musa Hitam dengan Mahathir dengan memberikannya Tun untuik mengubati hatinya yang luka tidak dapat menjadi Perdana Menteri. Sejak menjadi Pengerusi Sime Darby Berhad, Musa telah berkerja keras siang malam (termasuk ketika berada di disco) untuk membuktikan bahawa beliau adalah seorang negarawan dan ahli perniagaan yang lebih pintar dan lebih cekap dari Tun Dr.Mahathir . Maka beliau pun mencadangkan penswastaan IGN yang pantas mendapat balingan kasut dari rakyat dan kemudian beliau dikatakan seronok untuk Sime Darby bersama Tony Fernandes membina lapangan terbang di Labu.

Sebagai seorang ahli perniagaan baru yang cekap maka Musa Hitam sudah tidak mengambil kira berapa hutang yang tidak dibayar oleh Tony Fernandes kepada Malaysian Airport Holding Berhad kerana ini semua boleh "belakang kira"

Utusan Malaysia dalam lapurannya mengenai kerajaan belum membuat keputusan tentang pembinaan LCCT di Labu itu telah menyebutkan bahawa pembinaannya akan menjejaskan Lapangan Terbang Antarabahngsa Kuala Lumpur(KLIA) yang dirancang menjadi hab penerbangan utama negara dengan begitu banyak wang telah dibelanjakan.

Khazanah Nasional yang memiliki kepentingan dalam MAHB(Malaysia Airport Holdings Berhad) turut membantah cadangan itu kerana porojek berkenaan bukan sebahagian daripada Pelan Induk Lapangan Terbang (PILT).

Sesungguhnya Tun Mahathir telah membuat rancangan pembangunan negara yang berwawasan untuk negara ini muncol di masa depan sebagai negara maju yang bermaruah tinggi ,tidak sahaja dari segi kekuatan ekonominya tetapi juga persekitaran yang indah,teratur dan kemas. Projek yang boleh disepadukan tidak perlu di letakan berasingan.

Secara kasar kita dapat mendakwa apa yang dilakukan oleh Air Asia ini adalah untuk mengkhianati Wawasan 2020 Tun Dr. Mahathir. Orang India cukup berkuasa sekarang,mereka bukan sahaja boleh menceroboh masuk bilik mayat di hospital malah mereka dapat meruntuhkan Wawasan 2020. Insaalah ini semua akan berlaku dengan sokongan orang Melayu By mcgyverAuthor Profile Page on January 27, 2009 3:22 PM

Dear Tun,

I have been involved in flying ( big, small, slow and fast planes) airport and air traffic operations for almost 40 years. I have been to most of the world's busy airports like O'Hare Chicago, JFK New York, Heathrow London, Atlanta Georgia and physically saw the air operations at these airports. I must inform the PM and his Cabinet that these are real busy airports and KLIA will NEVER be as busy as these airports in 2020, even 2 more runways and sattelite terminals are built and all AIR ASIA 70 planes operate out of KLIA! Please go and see air operations at these airports before making decisions based merely on inaccurate informations and very shallow justifications. After reading Tun's views and some very sound comments from readers I can only add one comment: Building another airport in LABU, next to KLIA is MADNESS. I have the highest respect for YAB Dato' Sri Mohd Najib and I strongly recommend that when you become the PM, please scrub the idea of building KLIA East in Labu! Enough is enough!!! Sorry, AIR ASIA and SIME DARBY must leave airport business to MAHB. The government and all parties involved must make concerted effort in bringing KLIA to be the world's best airport and petty differences MUST be resolved! It souds silly, but we don't want AIR ASIA to build own runways and airports everywhere they operate! By muizdsaiAuthor Profile Page on January 28, 2009 3:36 PM

First of all, I would like to convey my gratitude towards you, Dr. Mahathir for developing Malaysia and the Malays way of thinking in order to become a successful race. About the plan of constructing an airpot in Labu, Negeri Sembilan, before that I would like to ask you on the projects that have been disallowed by former deputy premier, YB Dato' Seri Anwar Ibrahim which for me is as a waste as the project that is being carried out in Labu. I didn't see you, Dr. Mahathir, fighting for the righteous cause as what Dato' Seri Anwar did all this while until currently. For me, both you and Dato' Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi (Pak Lah) is as coward as what was told by Dato Seri Anwar towards the the Malaysians. You, Dr. Mahathir, should realise that Dato' Seri Anwar is not creating rumuours or tensions. He is trying to save you and Pak Lah from getting from bad to worse. That is why, Dato' Seri Anwar didn't want to rejoin Umno and BN if the two parties wanted him to rejoin them. And, that is why Dato' Seri Anwar preferred to be in Pakatan Rakyat especially, Parti KeADILan Rakyat (PKR). So, before you want to demolish Dato' Seri Anwar from the Malaysia's politic's arena, I hope you could answer Dato' Seri Anwar revealations about your misconduct of powers and of you doing corruption activities when you were the premier of Malaysia.

Thank you. By SKMAuthor Profile Page on January 28, 2009 9:19 PM

Dear Tun,

Your comments on LCCT Labu are valid but don't you think that your push for IPPs during your tenure was not fair for the country. If your argument for establishing the IPP was because TNB was not efficient than it is your failure to hire the correct CEO of TNB at that time. Your decison was always for your politcal agenda. Why was that all ok during your time? I remember the drama of a national power outage to justify IPPs to exist. Than the license was given to your cronies which than TNB is forced to buy power from them. What kind of economics was that. Why now the talk about who will benefit if the Labu airport is completed???? By YSLimAuthor Profile Page on January 30, 2009 2:16 PM











Dear Tun,

Decision On New LCCT In Labu In Three Weeks' Time

KUALA LUMPUR, Jan 30 (Bernama) The decision on AirAsia's proposal to build a new lowcost carrier terminal (LCCT) costing RM1.6 billion in Labu, Negeri Sembilan will be known in two to three weeks' time, said Transport Minister Datuk Seri Ong Tee Keat.

"Actually, the government has not made a decision on the matter. What is important is that all the fact finding and details arising will be scrutinised," he told Bernama after attending a Chinese New Year dinner function organised by the MCA, here, Friday.

Ong said the government needed time to decide on the matter as it involved many parties.

"The Transport Ministry, Economic Planning Unit, Finance Ministry, Malaysia Airports Holdings Bhd (MAHB) and AirAsia are meeting for the good of all parties concerned," he said.

Bernama on Friday reported that the government had rejected the proposal for a new LCCT in Labu, but the lowcost carrier was said to have several concessions, according to sources.

It was reported that MAHB would be given the responsibility to build a new LCCT near the existing terminal, which is next to the Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA) in Sepang.

The sources were also quoted as saying that the decision to cancel the proposed project was conveyed to AirAsia at a meeting chaired by Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak and was attended by Finance Ministry, MAHB and AirAsia officials.


I just want to observe how Najib handles this issue. Whether the decision will be haprak, HP6 and finally flip,flop,flup just like always the case when Pak Lah made his decisions. Today "boleh" tomorrow "tak boleeeeh" macam iklan TV nak order teh tarik setengah glass, "tak boleeeeeh" dan Tony Fernandez pun jawab "kenapeee tak boleeeh?" !! kah, kah, kah !!!

I wonder what "concesssions" Tony is getting from Najib for Air Asia. My advice to Najib "jangan main silap mata". It will be backfired later on.

Don't "playplay" with the rakyat, Najib. Soon you will be seating at the driver's seat. Once you made a bad decision, you are finished politcally. Remember the bloggers are mightier than one million swords. They can "kill" your career instantly. By pakbelalangAuthor Profile Page on January 31, 2009 2:52 PM

Dear Tun,

Air Asia simply does not have the financial capacity to build an airport, period. Air Asia simply trying to provide creative ideas to promote its business but at the end of the day it is actually trying its luck to make others as suckers. Those who support the idea of Air Asia having the capacity to build airport are really "blind, deaf and dumb".

Tony Fernandez is a dreamer. Yes, you can dream, dream and dream but not all your dreams will become reality. Accept this fact and be contented. Don't behave like a monster where you can manipulate other peoples' brain no matter how 3rd class their brain is. As long as they are not moron the 3rd class brains still have the capacity to think what is right and wrong!! By iezaLizAuthor Profile Page on February 3, 2009 7:11 PM sorry off topic, would like to respond and i quote his post "By I love Jews on January 17, 2009 7:21 PM Some of you say in regards to my post that it is stupid to say God will take revenge on our behalf..Well, let me quote the bible for you: Romans 12:19 "Never take your own revenge, beloved, but leave room for the wrath of God, for it is written, 'Vengeance is mine, I will repay,' says the Lord"......

Islam doesn't teach Muslims to revenge from anyone. Yes, Islam does command the Muslims to repel evil with good and to forgive and forget, but Islam also on the other hand, prohibits the Muslims from being hypocrites and it commands them to fight the aggressors in the name of GOD Almighty. If you, for instance, come and slap me on the face, then Islam commands me to forgive you. But if I find you, for instance, hitting and hurting again and again, then Islam commands me to fight you and stop you.

Whether people speak evil of you, in your presence or behind your back, or they do evil to you in either of those ways, all is known to Allah Almighty. It is not for you to punish. Your best course is not to do evil in your turn, but to do what will best repel the evil. Two evils do not make a good.


We did not create the heavens and earth and everything between them, except with truth. The Hour is certainly coming, so forgive with fair forbearance. (Qur?an, 15:85)

Those of you possessing affluence and ample wealth should not make oaths that they will not give to their relatives and the very poor and those who have made emigration in the way of God. They should rather pardon and overlook. Would you not love God to forgive you? God is EverForgiving, Most Merciful. (Qur?an, 24:22)

Make allowances for people? (Qur?an, 7:199)

A good action and a bad action are not the same. Repel the bad with something better and, if there is enmity between you and someone else, he will be like a bosom friend.? (Qur?an 41:34)

The repayment of a bad action is one equivalent to it. But if someone pardons and puts things right, his reward is with God. Certainly He does not love wrongdoers.? (Qur?an, 42:40) those who give in times of both ease and hardship, those who control their rage and pardon other people ? God loves the gooddoers" (Qur?an, 3:134)

You will never cease to come upon some act of treachery on their part, except for a few of them. Yet pardon them, and overlook. God loves gooddoers. (Qur?an, 5:13) By Inventory Management SoftwareAuthor Profile Page on February 6, 2009 9:52 PM

Ruang udara labu tu dah pack sangat la.. takyah nak bukak2 airport lagi ni.. nanti berlanggar dengan kapal terbang dari KLIA tak pasal2 je.. :) Leave a comment Sign in to comment on this entry. Name Email Address URL Remember personal info? Comments (You may use HTML tags for style) About Me Dr. Mahathir Mohamad

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Prime Minister of Malaysia 1981 2003

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1. I would like to have the Malaysian Armed Forces attack the United States and Israel.

2. But I don't think the Government and the MAF would agree with me.

3. So what do we do?

4. We could blockade the United States and deny it food and medicine.

5. The blockade would have to go on for a hundred years. A lot of innocent people would die. But as Madeleine Albright said when asked whether killing 500,000 Iraqi babies was worth it, she said it was difficult but it was worth it. So Malaysians should not mind killing a few million Americans including babies because although it will be difficult it would be worth it.

6. But I suspect we cannot blockade either.

7. So what do we do? Let the bully do what it likes? But the bully is killing lots of innocent people together with small children and babies.

8. But on the other hand we need to drink CocaCola, use the Internet, fly Boeing jets, see Rambo movies etc etc. Can we sacrifice all these simply because babies are being decapitated by Israeli soldiers using highly sophisticated and costly weapons donated by the kind Americans? Of course we cannot.

9. What we can do is totally worthless. We can boycott US products.

10. But can we? Well not completely. Maybe partially. Like not drinking CocaCola, or not seeing the latest blockbuster.

11. It is not going to stop the United States from remaining the most powerful nation and continuing to kill people directly or indirectly.

12. But if 10 per cent of the people in the world who drink CocaCola stop drinking it there would be some impact. If Malaysians drink, say 50 per cent less CocaCola (because their lives depend on it) there would be some impact also. If nothing else it will demonstrate our displeasure with the Americans.

13. But what about the Malaysians working in factories producing coke? I don't believe they produce only CocaCola. They produce other drinks as well. If people switch from CocaCola to another drink produced by the same company, then the company will have to produce more of this alternative drink and there would be no need to close down and sack the workers.

14. The idea is to do what we can to show displeasure at what the US is doing. We will not bring the US economy crashing down. It will continue to prosper. But the US and Americans must know how much the world dislike or even hate them.

15. Presently the President of the United States claims "the world respects America for its compassion".

16. I am appending below an article by Paul Craig Roberts, former Assistant Secretary of the Treasury in the Reagan Administration.

17. Please read it carefully since you may think as a Muslim I am biased against the United States and Israel.

18. I will be putting on my blog other articles by other people and you can judge for yourselves.

The White House Moron Stumbles to the Finish

The Humiliation of America


"Early Friday morning the secretary of state was considering bringing the ceasefire resolution to a UNSC vote and we didn't want her to vote for it," Olmert said. "I said 'get President Bush on the phone.' They tried and told me he was in the middle of a lecture in Philadelphia. I said 'I'm not interested, I need to speak to him now.' He got down from the podium, went out and took the phone call."

"Let me see if I understand this," wrote a friend in response to news reports that Israeli Prime Minister Olmert ordered President Bush from the podium where he was giving a speech to receive Israel's instructions about how the United States had to vote on the UN resolution. "On September 11th, President Bush is interrupted while reading a story to school children and told the World Trade Center had been hitand he went on reading. Now, Olmert calls about a UN resolution when Bush is giving a speech and Bush leaves the stage to take the call. There exists no greater example of a masterservant relationship."

Olmert gloated as he told Israelis how he had shamed US Secretary of State Condi Rice by preventing the American Secretary of State from supporting a resolution that she had helped to craft. Olmert proudly related how he had interrupted President Bush's speech in order to give Bush his marching orders on the UN vote.

Israeli politicians have been bragging for decades about the control they exercise over the US government. In his final press conference, President Bush, deluded to the very end, said that the whole world respects America. In fact, when the world looks at America, what it sees is an Israeli colony.

Responding to mounting reports from the Red Cross and human rights organizations of Israel's massive war crimes in Gaza, the United Nations Human Rights Council voted 331 on January 12 to condemn Israel for grave offenses against human rights.

On January 13, the London Times reported that Israelis have gathered on a hillside overlooking Gaza to enjoy the slaughter of Palestinians in what the Times calls "the ultimate spectator sport."

It is American supplied F16 fighter jets, helicopter gunships, missiles, and bombs that are destroying the civilian infrastructure of Gaza and murdering the Palestinians who have been packed into the tiny strip of land. What is happening to the Palestinians herded into the Gaza Ghetto is happening because of American money and weapons. It is just as much an attack by the United States as an attack by Israel. The US government is complicit in the war crimes.

Yet in his farewell press conference on January 12, Bush said that the world respects America for its compassion.

The compassion of bombing a UN school for girls?

The compassion of herding 100 Palestinians into one house and then shelling it?

The compassion of bombing hospitals and mosques?

The compassion of depriving 1.5 million Palestinians of food, medicine, and energy?

The compassion of violently overthrowing the democratically elected Hamas government?

The compassion of blowing up the infrastructure of one of the poorest and most deprived people on earth?

The compassion of abstaining from a Security Council vote condemning these actions?

And this is a repeat of what the Israelis and Americans did to Lebanon in 2006, what the Americans did to Iraqis for six years and are continuing to do to Afghans after seven years. And still hope to do to the Iranians and Syrians.

In 2002 I designated George W. Bush "the White House Moron." If there ever was any doubt about this designation, Bush's final press conference dispelled it.

Bush talked about connecting the dots, but Bush has failed to connect any dots for eight solid years. "Our" president was a puppet for a cabal led by Dick Cheney and a handful of Jewish neoconservatives, who took control of the Pentagon, the State Department, the National Security Council, the CIA, and "Homeland Security." From these power positions, the neocon cabal used lies and deception to invade Afghanistan and Iraq, pointless wars that have cost Americans $3 trillion, while millions of Americans lose their jobs, their pensions, and their access to health care.

"These obviously very difficult economic times," Bush said in his press conference, "started before my presidency."

Bush has plenty of liberal company in failing to connect a $3 trillion dollar war with hard times. The Center on Budget and Policy Priorities blames Bush's tax cut, not the wars, for "the fiscal deterioration."

Bush told the White House Press Corps, a useless collection of nonjournalists, that the two mistakes of his invasion of Iraq were: (1) Putting up the "mission accomplished" banner on the aircraft carrier, which, he said, "sent the wrong message," and (2) the absence of the alleged weapons of mass destruction that he used to justify the invasion.

Although Bush now admits that there were not any such weapons in Iraq, Bush said that the invasion was still the right thing to do.

The deaths of 1.25 million Iraqis, the displacement of 4 million Iraqis, and the destruction of a country's infrastructure and economy are merely the collateral damage associated with "bringing freedom and democracy" to the Middle East.

Unless George W. Bush is the best actor in human history, he truly believes what he told the White House Press Corps.

What Bush did not explain is how America is respected when its people put a moron in charge for eight years.

Paul Craig Roberts was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury in the Reagan administration.


By shahrulAuthor Profile Page on January 15, 2009 6:54 PM

Agreed. I think CocaCola Malaysia or Starbuck Malaysia should state their stands against the Israel. They should put a campaign donating Rm0.05 for each can/transaction to the Palestenian if they don't want the Malaysian to boycott their product. At least you shouldn't provoking to sack the Malaysian workers. By chesumAuthor Profile Page on January 15, 2009 7:00 PM salam tun, may Allah gives you strength and iman to always motivate us to be a greater human. why don't you lead the sembahyang hajat in dataran merdeka i just couldn't think of anything else at the moment.Only to Allah we seek guidance and perhaps Allah listen to you more then us. salam. By OcelatAuthor Profile Page on January 15, 2009 7:01 PM

Tun, Pour on the articles into the net. We are behind you !! By nridzuanAuthor Profile Page on January 15, 2009 7:01 PM

1. I would like to have the Malaysian Armed Forces attack the United States and Israel.

15. Presently the President of the United States claims "the world respects America for its compassion". By tokapiAuthor Profile Page on January 15, 2009 7:04 PM

Salam Tok Det,

Kan dah kata, Amerika ni barua Israel... Sapa jadi ejen Amerika bermakna indirectly barua Israel... baru ja cerita benda ni dlm blog saya semalam...

Jadi, kita hantaq Askar sajala.. mcm Tun penah hantaq Mujahidin ke Afghan dulu.. (ni Anwar Berahim yg exposed.. ada dlm youtube... kalu dia tipu, memang kita maklum la dia ni macam mana), tapi tak boleh jugak, ramai antara kita ni semangat saja lebih, tapi nak pi National Service pon macam2 alasan.. ni kan pulak nak pi pecah2 muka, patah2 kaki tangan semua..... yillek.. kalau Tentera Malaysia ok la, tapi kalau belia Malaysia zaman la ni, susah dah...

Kiranya, setujula dengan saranan Tok Det... boikot la apa yang kita ada altenatif. Sebut pasai CocaCola, saya nampak Starbuck lagi barua besaq... Apa kata kita boikot minum kopi Starbuck... macam la koman sangat kopi tempatan.. pegidah, kedai mamak pon ada expresso la la ni....

Saya rasa jugak la, kalu nak hantaq jugak askar, kita hantaq sekali dengan askar Iran, Syria... buat2 jadi tentera pengaman.. pastu malammalam kita pi la bom Israel.. bantu HAMAS.. hehe.. tp mcm Tok Det kata laa..... mana ada gomen yang setuju camtu.. sebabnya satu ja, kita lemah, orang tak takot dekat kita... ekonomi punya kekuatan kita tadak, yillek, nada, boliau......

Tok Det, bila la kegemilangan empayar Uthmaniah akan muncul kembali? Habaq mai sat kat chek semua......

Wassalam.... By huzannaAuthor Profile Page on January 15, 2009 7:08 PM

Assalamualaikum Tun Yang Amat Dihormati,

I choose to boycott most of American products,especially consumer products.We should always support our local products.

Semoga Tun Sentiasa dilindungi dan diberi kekuatan oleh Allah. By rozalikAuthor Profile Page on January 15, 2009 7:10 PM

Salam Tun. I'm 100% agreed with you. Apa salah nya untuk menukar FORD &CHERVOLET kepada &etc. FORD pun dah dekat bankrap. At least it will demonstrate our displeasure. By Hussin Md ZinAuthor Profile Page on January 15, 2009 7:17 PM

Salam YBhg Tun,

It is really sickening to see the images in the media of Palestinians dying and suffering. The Americans indeed have put a moron in the White House in the last 8 years. Seems to me the American leadership have no regard for Palestinian lives, perhaps because they are mainly Muslims. I am not sure what impact a boycott would have on America, but I remember sometime ago when you were in charge, you wanted to organise a Muslim 'lobby' from among Muslim nations to 'enlighten' Americans on their ignorance of Islam and Muslims. Such an effort if continued could at some stage influence their leadership and could eventually be an even more powerful lobby (since the US economy has been wrecked by the Jewish and Jewish backed financial institutions if they don't realise it already). Pity that there is no follow through on your initiatives. By priss01Author Profile Page on January 15, 2009 7:19 PM

Thanks GOD you are retired. You really think MAF are a match for Israel. In your old age you appear to be losing you mind Why just stop at Coke, why not expand to all US products. Why not just sponsor your supporters to and attack Israel and the US. By jurublogAuthor Profile Page on January 15, 2009 7:22 PM


Given the choice, I would buy local Malaysian products first, and buy proIsrael products (including American products) last.

I won't die not drinking Coca Cola, but if I want a drink, I can drink locally made products.

Likewise, if the Government wants to purchase equipments, we can buy Russian or others. By dinineAuthor Profile Page on January 15, 2009 7:23 PM bravo Dr. M By pakpandir08Author Profile Page on January 15, 2009 7:24 PM

Should we boycott German product as well as they also involve in Gaza conflict?

But i don't think SOME people will do this, as SOMEBODY's SON is a distributor of Porsche car (notes: porsche owned by German)

If one can of cocacola priced at RM1.00, and one porsche car priced at RM1 million ... SOME PEOPLE rather 1 million of Malaysian boycott cocacola, RATHER than ONE SON dont sell one porsche car ...

(1) Unusually Large U.S. Weapons Shipment to Israel by German ship hired by the US

(2) Israel, Germany Sign Cooperation Agreement for the Development of Loitering Weapons

(3) Three Dolphin class submarines have been built in German shipyards for the Israel Navy

(4) Merkel: Germany will stand by Israel By normal citizenAuthor Profile Page on January 15, 2009 7:28 PM

Dear Tun,

Boycott is too slow.

We should expel the US Ambassador immediately to demand for ceasefire in Gaza.

No need to protest, expel immediately !

The UN headquarter in Gaza has just been bombed by Israel. And the funny thing is the UN Chief will still meet and talk to the Israel President. This is real funny. By ibnu hamzahAuthor Profile Page on January 15, 2009 7:36 PM

YES.... I REALLY AGREE WITH U TUN... MARI KITA SAMA2 BOYCOT BARANG2 DARI US DAN ISRAEL... By chedeenAuthor Profile Page on January 15, 2009 7:57 PM

Askm Tun & fellow readers

To those who still think that the U.S and Israel are right and just, they should read this over and over again. The best part is that this was written by an American Government Officer, quite high ranked too. I don't think there should be any detailed explanation on the text as it has been done by the author himself. By temabuAuthor Profile Page on January 15, 2009 7:59 PM i don't know what to say or do..we got dumb ass Rob, great traitor Pak Pandir and worst of all, influencedbyamericantv local reporter..the zionist have gotten deep into our lands..even a far away country like ours is not spared from them..I am sad..truly sad Tun..many fail to see that we don't hate the Jews..we hate zionism.. the eternal mission to one day create the great country of Zion which runs from Egypt up to i wish Hitler could actually finish what he started.. By michaelAuthor Profile Page on January 15, 2009 8:01 PM

Hons Dr. M,

For a tiny country and a developing country to go hard against US is seems to be like an egg vs a stone. This is madness and crazy especially Malaysian Gov is a coward and pussycat when speak in public against other matter nonMalaysian.

The Best advice and suggestion, sort out AAB's gangs and all your internal affair before commenting others. This eras is not the same as yours previously. Eg. Condemnation openly at UN Speech against US acts. This really an eyes opening speech but who cares now you are no longer a PM nor any powerful person that have authority to control anyone faith and destiny. It is just a waste of time and energy!

Your Malaysian Gov is Corrupted, Useless, Coward and selfcenter gov total a rubbish/junk catagory it is a shame to you and all malaysian. Your gov is figthing among yourself just for a bloody Mp position even willing to bribe each other to achieved their goal. Your gov willing to disloyal against each other to lack any information against his/her own party so that when the slightly more will known/powerful party will give them in hope they can have a share when they inpower. Your gov is spending unneccessary gov funds on their own benefit not the Malaysian as whole.

Your gov even no longer able to control your own culture and races among yourself. Willing to kill each other just because "Ketuanan Melayu" word! a total idiot and brainless homosapien.

Dr. M save you energy and focus on these issues and affair that are happening around yourself now then planning a plot against something that you will never able to achieve in near time. Also, with the current economic crisis i think is better for yourself lecture your own people before it end as the same 1997! without you oversee the country economic and financial sector By HOT ZOOMAuthor Profile Page on January 15, 2009 8:04 PM

Salam YBhg Tun,

Terima kasih atas sikap keterbukaaan Tun terhadap isu Palestin. Memang patut boikot hasil keluaran dari Israel dan Amerika serta sekutunya.Sebelum saya terbaca artikel Tun ini saya baru saja selesai post satu artikel di blog,mengenai Jewish Supermarket.

Semoga semua rakyar Malaysia setuju pendapat Tun dan setuju ke hantar Army kita?

Boikot!!! By jizuriminAuthor Profile Page on January 15, 2009 8:12 PM

Tun, harsh words from you but I do think that America should coexist with the Muslim Civilisation as when back then we read regarding that we need the power of counter balance as proof by the existence of Uthmaniyyah to Great Britain Empire and The Great USSR to USA. Now what we are missing is the country that can say no to America without jeopardizing their people like the USSR did back in 20th Century. China looks to be the next super power but we can see lack of people in China trying to maintain the communist idealism and currently looking like more capitalist than America. India with vast people, heritage and culture seem to be a good candidate. But we can see that India has a lot to learn to cope with multiple religion and ethnicity that keep causing it problem. How about in South East Asia? Right now the only setback is ASEAN ideology and principle that cant prove that we can move in one direction. EU under German and France still cant move away of the shadow of America. Middle East and the Arabic world with UAE and other rich petroleum countries seem undecided still. So whats next for us? I would suggest to use a platform already existed now called OIC. But instead of just a meeting for economical condition, we make an alliance of army like NATO. Our center of training is in a place with the Largest MUslim found Indonesia, where we train officially our army, keep to date our weaponry and have our own Military building. Then we equipped ourself with nuclear missile not to attack other country (Like the Americans are saying) but to protect ourself from terrorist. First step has been made by Iran and Pakistan but Malaysia can do it if we want. It seem easy to plan but do we have the courage to implement it JIZURIMIN By zaharAuthor Profile Page on January 15, 2009 8:32 PM i wish that Dr. Mahathir plan to send Malaysian Armed Forces to attack israel when he was still the prime minister, i wish that we can boycott all the american and israeli link companies but we can't, i wish that we are strong but we are not, we are lacking in almost everything, we rely on our enemy technologies, we believed to much in UN, the OIC see nothing, i hate myself for not able to help... By MelayuJatiAuthor Profile Page on January 15, 2009 8:34 PM

Thanks Tun, you really have lots of sources to support your allegations. I hope Burung Ababil come again to throw the burning stones to Israel just like Tahun Gajah during Prophet Muhammad SAW birthday. By chewchewAuthor Profile Page on January 15, 2009 8:38 PM







EVERYBODY CHEK THIS OUT...... !!!! By kamal ahmadAuthor Profile Page on January 15, 2009 8:52 PM

Salam Ayahanda Tun. Pak Lah may somewhat take comfort in the fact that he is not the only lame duck leader of this here free world. He has the outgoing Bush to accompany him on this ride. And the similarity don’t stop there either, as both of them have parasites taking their last bite at all they can get in this brief window of opportunity. For Pak Lah he has Khairy & Co. handling that department and as for Bush he has Olmert doing the all you can bite buffet deal. See Tun, this whole conflict with Israel and Hamas has been very well timed between Washington and Tel Aviv. It has been in the pipeline for quite a while. Bush and his wife is already busy packing, too busy to handle other chores like running a country say. Or so it seems anyway – as the want it all to be seen anyway. And it won’t be until the 20th January before Obama takes office as new home boy for the Jews. And so there they have it, that very brief window of opportunity to take care of any unsettled business. Comes the 20th, the new President steps in; he would call it a halt/truce and both he and his new Secretary of State would smile really nice and look really good for the cameras. That’s the script with Washington and Tel Aviv this time around. So all in all, it’s just the Jews playing their music and the world dancing to it – yet again. When would all this end? When enough American kids gets blown away to smithereens in a foreign land and their parents finally wakes up to the truth, switch on their cheese burger brains and actually vote both Democrats and Republicans out from Washington. Malaysians, forget not: you too have a Jewish collaborator working his way into the power seat of Putra Jaya. See, Dollah Badawi is a smart fellow, he knows there's nothing he can do about it and so he is just plain not doing anything about it. Smart man that Prime Minister. He is giving Mr Bean a run for his money really. So today, the real hero in UMNO, in my book at least is Muhyidin Yassin. He may be off beat some here and there, but he has that quality to lead by example and he has the balls for the job. Anyway, that's my 2 cents in between doing the dishes and what not Ayahanda Tun. Take care, good night and warmest regards and love from all of us here. By narienAuthor Profile Page on January 15, 2009 8:59 PM

Assalamualaikum my dear Tun,

Since your call to boycott US products/services and the use of USD in trade, I have read and heard a lot of opinions, especially bloggers who commented on the issue. While a lot have answered the call, quite a lot also had questioned the move as irrelevant, justifying by the fact that it will hurt our economy more than that of the US.

Personally, I am in the agreement that boycotting the US products/services will not much topple the US economy, nor would it help reduce the contribution of American companies towards the fascist Zionist regime, and I am in the opinion that it would be a tough effort to bring all Malaysian Muslims to support the cause(even tougher convincing the nonMuslims). Though I am not convince that this cause will bring much difference to the current conflict, I would rather have a clear conscience knowing that I had not contribute to the wealth of certain companies who contribute certain sum of their wealth to the plight of Israel.

With your permission, I would like to quote Dr. Yusuf alQardawi's fatwa on the issue of boycott on April 4, 2004: "If people ask in the name of religion we must help them. The vehicle of this support is a complete boycott of the enemies' goods. Each riyal, dirham etc. used to buy their goods eventually becomes bullets to be fired at the hearts of brothers and children in Palestine. For this reason, it is an obligation not to help them (the enemies of Islam) by buying their goods. To buy their goods is to support tyranny, oppression and aggression. Buying goods from them will strengthen them; our duty is to make them as weak as we can. Our obligation is to strengthen our resisting brothers in the Sacred Land as much as we can. If we cannot strengthen the brothers, we have a duty to make the enemy weak. If their weakness cannot be achieved except by boycott, we must boycott them.

American goods, exactly like "Israeli" goods, are forbidden. It is also forbidden to advertise these goods. America today is a second Israel. It totally supports the Zionist entity. The usurper could not do this without the support of America. "Israel's" unjustified destruction and vandalism of everything has been using American money, American weapons, and the American veto. America has done this for decades without suffering the consequences of any punishment or protests about their oppressive and prejudiced position from the Islamic world."

May Allah give protection to the Palestinians and destroy the fascist Zionist regime.Amen.

By umipahAuthor Profile Page on January 15, 2009 9:09 PM





TERIMA KASIH TUN. DAN SALAM HORMAT DARIPADA SAYA By chewchewAuthor Profile Page on January 15, 2009 9:13 PM





By pakpandir08Author Profile Page on January 15, 2009 9:22 PM alamak, komen kena ditapis kerana kebenaran By Auta KarutAuthor Profile Page on January 15, 2009 9:29 PM

Assalamualaikum Yg Bhg Tun,

Ada barangan US yang kita boleh boikot seperti Cocacola yang memudaratkan kesihatan dan juga barangan lain seperti rokok Marlboro, Benson, Salem dll. Juga kereta cap pangkah iaitu Chevrolet yang kononnya lambang bowtie tetapi sebenarnya propoganda kafir untuk membiasakan umat Islam dengan lambang pangkah!!

Juga ayam segera yang dimasak tidak mengikut syariat Islam, Bismillah entah kemana, selawat jauh sekali. Itu sebab berbau hanyir. Sebagai umat Islam hendaklah kita memakan dari tukang masak yang beriman.

Ais kopi starbuck yg dijual 20 x ganda dari kos sebenar juga membazir dan dikira amalan syaitan. Namun atas kelemahan umat Islam itu sendiri kita tidak mampu pula memboikot Microsoft, kalau boikot, blog ini juga kita tak dapat tengok, begitu juga Google, Yahoo dan mungkin juga komputer yang sedang kita guna sekarang ini brand HP, Dell, IBM dll. Bagaimana pula kita pergi menunaikan fardu haji jika tiada kapalterang Boeing buatan mereka. Kita boikotlah apa yang termampu. By PembelaAuthor Profile Page on January 15, 2009 9:29 PM

Assalammualaikum Tok Det,

5 SOALAN......

1. Kenapa OIC tak "officially declares boycott US and Israel products"?

2. Mengapa OIC tak tubuhkan tentera bersekutu sendiri seperti NATO untuk membantu negara Islam seperti Bosnia, Afganistan, Somalia, Iraq dan Palestin dan lainlain?

3. Adakah sumber kewangan OIC amat terhad sedangkan anggota OIC juga terdiri dari negaranegara kaya pengeluar minyak?

4. Apakah OIC tidak boleh menyekat pengeluaran minyak atau tidak menggunakan US Dollar dalam urusniaga minyak sedangkan majoriti ahlinya negara pengeluar minyak terbesar dunia?

5. Tidak bolehkah OIC yang majoriti dianggotai Negara Arab bersatu menghancurkan Israel dengan melancarkan serangan dari setiap penjuru dan sempadan Israel secara serentak dan tibatiba?

1 JAWAPAN......

Umat Islam tidak bersatu dan berpecahbelah berpunca daripada TERLALU BANYAK PERBEZAAN yang dicipta oleh Umat Islam sendiri seperti: a) PERBEZAAN asas akidah (cth:Ahli Sunnah dan Syiah) b) PERBEZAAN asas ibadah(cth: perbezaan cara ibadah mengikut mazhab) c) PERBEZAAN pendapat dalam tafsiran Al Quran dan Hadis Nabi. d) PERBEZAAN fatwa dan pendapat ulama. e) PERBEZAAN ideologi pilitik g) PERBEZAAN adat dan budaya setempat, dan h) Banyak lagi segala macam PERBEZAAN yang dicipta dan diamalkan oleh UMAT ISLAM sendiri YANG SEMAKIN BERTAMBAH!!!










Bagaimana UMAT ISLAM boleh bersatu jika TERLAMPAU BANYAK PERBEZAAN dikalangan UMAT ISLAM sendir1??????????????

Ya ALLAH....ampunilah kami dan berikan kami petunjuk. PEMBELA By temabuAuthor Profile Page on January 15, 2009 9:35 PM

Dear Michael,

Hehe..are u talking to a mirror? Whatever u've said is done 10 times over in US..LOL By hardhitterAuthor Profile Page on January 15, 2009 9:39 PM

Dr M,

There are 4 things you hate in life.

1 Singapore 2 Jews 3 Israel 4 USA

Those who cant see it are blinded by your devious teachings. Perhaps you should take a look at your blog and see how many articles that you posted are against any of the 4 mentioned.. Even the blind can simply pin point of those hated articles you have written..

Sometimes, I wonder if they owed you or your ancestors in their former lives..

Live and let live!!

Also in your earlier article I mentioned that you and the politicians perhaps should walk the talk and (a radical idea) is to stand in front of the MNCs like AMD, Intel, HP and shout for mass resignation.. That would be so great and effective.

I wonder why the same magnitude of hoo hah wasnt really given when Chenchens were killed, when Burmese were oppressed (to name a few of the many). Is that not what biased is? By chewchewAuthor Profile Page on January 15, 2009 9:42 PM dear tokdet,








As Farish Noor said in his blog, a blanket boycott of all US products would be worthless. Furthermore, Malaysia is a small country and whatever impact we may have, is limited. What is needed is a coordinated and concerted effort at boycotting specific companies. Not all US companies are evil. By CaptAuthor Profile Page on January 15, 2009 10:00 PM firstly we must also blame ourselves for lacking in muslim unity. because we muslim are not united, others are taking advantage of it. perhaps, if you can advise our muslim brothers and sisters on how best to achieve this unity, it would be more effective than going to war with the USA/Israel ?. with your connections and networks, am pretty sure many would listen and act. economic war ?,,,,indeed would be more effective too. but before we can preach others, we must also practise. as malaysian, we have much to correct ourselves too,,,,yes agreed that the killing must stop in Gaza and collectively we are all contributing in whatever positive means possible presently. our frustrations etc are in our blogs and in the papers and street demo. most of us, like you, we can't sleep at night nowadays,,,,sakit hatinya. we are winning in morality and the Israelis as the living devils.

PirateKing By owlzAuthor Profile Page on January 15, 2009 10:00 PM

Since the first century CE most Jews have lived in exile, although there has been a constant presence of Jews in the Land of Israel (Eretz Israel)... According to Judaism, Eretz Israel, or Zion, is a land promised to the Jews by God according to the Bible... Jewish immigration to Palestine started in earnest in 1882... Most immigrants came from Russia, escaping the frequent pogroms and stateled persecution... They founded a number of agricultural settlements with financial support from Jewish philanthropists in Western Europe...

In the 1890s Theodor Herzl infused Zionism with a new ideology and practical urgency, leading to the first congress at Basel in 1897, which brought the World Zionist Organization (WZO) into being... Herzl's aim was to initiate necessary preparatory steps for the attainment a Jewish state... In 1947, the UN recommended the partition of western Palestine into a Jewish state, an Arab state and a UNcontrolled territory (Corpus separatum) around Jerusalem... On 14 May 1948, at the end of the British mandate, the Jewish Agency, led by BenGurion, declared the creation of the State of Israel... p/s: UN==America==Jewish== AXIS OF EVIL

NEVER EVER TRUST THE JEWISH!!!! By RichDadAuthor Profile Page on January 15, 2009 10:14 PM

Dear Tun and Fellow Readers,

Tun was suggesting of boycotting the American products. One of the reader suggesting expelling the ambassador.

1. What would happen to Malaysia if the US government ask all American companies to pull out their investments in Malaysia as what they did to Libya ?

2. What would happen to Malaysia if the US government ask all Malaysian students out of the America soil immediately ?

Think about it...... By pakbelalangAuthor Profile Page on January 15, 2009 10:33 PM

Dear Tun,

The Americans resemble like people who are "blind, deaf and dumb". Their moral value is GROUND ZERO. They are the greatest devils on earth. They appear to be like human being with high intelligence but in actual fact their brains are just like "Orang Utan" found in the jungle of Borneo. By arikAuthor Profile Page on January 15, 2009 10:39 PM

Pendapat saya tok det , Kita tunggu Presiden Obama naik dulu kita lihat aksinya dulu, Apa yang dia boleh buat . Sebab Presiden Obama masih mentah dalam pemerintahan jadi kita boleh gunakan dia atau kenakan dia .Tapi dengan syarat semua negara Islam mesti berpakat .

Peringkat yang pertama kalau Obama tidak boleh berbuat apa apa Semua negara Islam akan menghalau duta Amerika dan kita lihat apa tindakan nya.

Peringkat kedua kalau amerika masih besar kepala , Semua negara islam mesti bersatu dan sedia bersetongkol dengan pihak negara kuasa besar , seperti china , russia atau apa apa negara yang besar yang ditakuti oleh amerika dan israel dan mereka juga tidak menyokong Amerika . Apabila kita dapat bersetongkol dengan negara besar atau kuasa besar kita mahu negara amerika dan israel dilucut kan dari PBB . Kita lihat aksi obama dan israel selepas itu .

Dan yang terakhir kalau itu semua tak berjaya , Kita terpaksa menolong dari pintu belakang . tapi mungkin tindakan itu akan menjejaskan negara Malaysia dimata dunia , melainkan semua negara Islam bersatu untuk menghulurkan bantuan dari pintu belakang . kesannya mungkin akan tercetus perang dunia ketiga antara Islam dan kafir . kalau kita hantar askar kita pun tok det bukan boleh buat apa apa kalau peperangan dinegara kita sendiri itu lain lah. Memang kita boleh menang punya tetapi dinegara orang , lain caranya .Melainkan dibawah kuasa PBB , mungkin kita boleh hentikan keganasan israel . sebab selagi amerika dihormati negara lain , kita memang susah untuk menjatuh kan amerika dan israel . melainkan kita boleh meracuni pemikiran pemikiran orang yang meyokong amerika selama ini , itu pun kalau kita cukup bijak nak kenakan amerika . itu idea yang ada buat masa ini, idea lain belum dapat difikirkan lagi. By 1OnlookerAuthor Profile Page on January 15, 2009 11:00 PM


Boycott American?

Are you really serious about it, Tun? Is it just a gimmick for you to attract people's attention because you have not been exposed in the media's headline for quite a long time?

Do you still remember that in 1998 during the currency crisis when there was a Malaysian calling other Malaysians through email to boycott American, especially boycotting US Dollars as a settlement currency for international transactions, you allowed the then IGP Tan Sri Rahim Nor to send him to the ISA detention camp? You also allowed the Police to prosecute him in court upon his being released from 44 days' ISA detention. Yet you want to call other Malaysians to boycott American!

Exactly how trustworthy could you be when you yourself were indicating so much inconsistency and so confusing in applying double standards in the simple matter of yelling the slogan of "Boycott American"?

In order to prove your sincerity in making the "Boycott American" call, shall you consider giving your fatherly advice to your beloved daughter, Marina Mahathir, and your beloved son, Mokhzani Mahathir, and requesting them to stop using their skills and knowledges in their daily business because those skills and knowledges they possessed were actually acquired by them from the American universities during 1980s?

Shall you also consider quiting the use of American drugs from now on in event that you have to fall sick sometime in the future?

Onlooker By Nothing but windAuthor Profile Page on January 15, 2009 11:14 PM

Dear Tun Dr M,

It is very obvious that you get very angry, agitated and emotional when it comes to US and Israel. Due to that, you have made certain statements which we could not believe that it came from you. One example is to ask those who are working in US and Israel funded concerns to quit without suggesting alternative employment. The more you get emotional the more the enemies will gain control. Tun, you need to compose yourself and be very alert.

As I meant in my earlier comment, the effective and easy to practice boycott would be on entertainment and fashion merchandise i.e. No American movies, no American albums, No American entertainment programs acquired by local public and private television stations, visit US or buy US products only when it is unavoidable. The next is applicable to the rich and moderately rich Malaysians. Strictly don’t buy American or Israeli funded companies’ branded products. They have other alternatives from the Europe or that of Asian made.

I feel the above would not tax on the Malaysians much. Just do it for at least 6 months and see the result. By andi70Author Profile Page on January 15, 2009 11:21 PM

Salam Tun, thank you love you Tok Det. By alnamuzAuthor Profile Page on January 15, 2009 11:31 PM

Salam Tun, by the way, whts wrong with this person priss01, u seem to hv a deep hatred towards Tun, of coz Tun was just saying it as way of expression, if u hate him..get lost and dont read this blog. go think hard as to wht idea u can find, u smarty pants, ur talent frm wht i can see is finding peoples faults. Get a nice friend, female or whtever, oops my mistake, im pretty sure u dont have any due to ur lively heart and natural talents. By ShamsuriAuthor Profile Page on January 15, 2009 11:32 PM

Good reference tun, atleast those that find it hard to accept your opinion on the matter just because you are muslim now can read what the nonmuslim are saying on the matter. Of coz they have to be from a reliable sources.

This is a good efford from you of providing link to other information source for us to judge ourself on the subject matter and to see it from different angle. coz some ppl like to comments without prior knowledge and too lazy or reluctant to find other source by themself. Maybe most of them just afraid of finding out that they are wrong or what u said is correct. They will support or object if only it serve their own desire of the outcome regardless of the truth. who knows the real truth? Who should we believe in their story? It is best sometimes to hear it from the 3rd person. Then again the 3rd person maybe biased too. Then go to 4th person.. and based on majority opinion and the efford of the ppl around us.. we should be able to conclude that israel is on the wrong side. Why the world doesnt symphatise the israeli cause is because they dont deserve it, despite strong support from USA. When reading reports and news that are proisrael, the credibility of the reporter and the prove they provided are too weak.

Even majority is not always right, but they most of the time is right. Because the world doesnt seems to take any action againts the israel, some ignorant ppl will see that israel is right without knowing the real issues why the world doesnt make any move.

The veto granted for america should be remove and replace by bonus vote instead. e.g 1 vote from america will count as 10 votes. And even given 100 bonus votes, they will still lose and the UN resolution will be carried out. Such is the ratio that everyone with a wise mind should have understand what the world think about this bloody war. I imagine that if that veto is to be reduce to bonus votes then israel the zeonist will be busy lobbying half the world leaders as to always win a vote. That atleast reduces their abilities in toying with the UN.

And about sending our own troops attacking the US and israel, i cannot agree with u. i would prefer our troops are send to the crisis area to defend the weak againts the oppressor. Then the israel should be push back to their original border as given to them by the UN. Their reason for protecting their citizen on the newly build settlement on an illegally occupied land is not acceptable. To reduce civilian casualty, any advancement of reclaiming the palestian land should be announce. They should mobilize their citizen or bear the consequences of collateral damage.

To give clear example that close to us is that if a singaporean developer were to develop an estate in malaysia, in johor most probably and sell the unit to singaporean only, then we will have 1 whole estate full of singaporean, and suppose some of them been living there for years since the estate started. Would it be right if the singaporean government were to use military might in order to protect their citizen interest from been harm by the unsatisfied locals for wat ever reason? If the malaysian government cannot protect singapore citizen from the local then it would be wise for them to move out, perhaps with some compensation from the government rather than sending their army to settle and guard in that estate. and that exactly what the israel were doing to the palestinian. sending their army instead of move out and claiming it's their land.

For the citizen it would be their land but it still under the jurisdiction of the local authorities. Foreign military in that area can only means invasion and should retreat or been force out.

This example are for those among us that dont know or understand why it all happen. As of now.. the israel claimed area are more than the original palestine.. it's like singapore had claim johor, pahang and perak leaving the other states separated with each other. They even push the local ppl out of the area to cramp into refugee camp.

The palestine government failure is to notice this at an early stage, and been outsmart by the jew.

That's it for now. sorry for lenghty, incoherent and unstructured writing. I am not as good as Tun in this. By hellyAuthor Profile Page on January 15, 2009 11:48 PM

Tun, you have good sense of humors. Sad to see that someone takes your words' face value not the point and launch personal attack. For those 'someone', human life is worth less than farm animals. Since Israel exists, wars hasn't stopped for a single day. Seemingly they are the victims of the conflicts and pretend incapable to resolve the problem they created and yet they are controlling the world (incl. US) thru US with all their "HiTec" conspiracies.The mind set behind is "poor and helpless should not live on 'our' expenses"! (based on recent world events). Tell these living dead (without heart): " when they start to love their enemies (or rather, those oppressed by them), the world will have a very bright future !"

By BurhanAuthor Profile Page on January 15, 2009 11:54 PM

Dear Tun, If you can persuade the OIC to use gold dinar in trading instead of using US dollar, it will push US further to recession. The Arab countries are very rich, we can use them as proxy. If you manage to do this, you will be known in the history of Islam. The muslim (Mahathir) who crumble the US and Israel By Virtual RealistAuthor Profile Page on January 16, 2009 12:04 AM

So Mr. Mahathir, you would like to see the Malaysian armed forces attack the US?

Are you serious or are you just sort of puffing up so we can observe your indignation?

Have you thought this through? Something like Pearl Harbor perhaps?

What result would you be hoping for in the wake of an attack on the US?

Can you give some probable US responses to a Malaysian attack?

I wonder if Hamas goes through a similar process when deciding to launch missiles across the border into Israel? What kind of response are they expecting?

I really doubt that Israel likes blockading Gaza, it is expensive and painful for Israel and the Gazans. Why does Israel blockade Gaza? Maybe something about the Hamas charter calling for the elimiation of Israel? Rockets? Weapons smuggling? Suicide bombings?

Israel gets weapons, they kill Hamas rocket teams/Leaders. So it seems one big difference is the Hamas charter vs. the Israeli constitution, Hamas specifically says they are working to eliminate Israel. Well fine, they have picked their enemy, all the dead babies, bombed schools and suffering are just wreckage along the way to Israels destruction right? Because they probably expect the Israelis to fight back I guess.

Remember Israel ended their occupation of Gaza in 2005, land for peace? well, land to launch rockets from more like.

Contrast Gaza with the West Bank. No rockets, no IDF response, no blockade.

I know the history of the Romans, Ottomans, the Mandate, the Balfour declaration, UN 181. The Jews accepted what they could get, the Arabs grabbed what was supposed to go to the Palestinians. In fact the Palestinians have never had a voice, Egypt or Jordan or Iraq or Syria or Iran or the Gulf Arabs have always been there to speak for them and never exactly in their interest. Now Hamas/Iran uses Gaza as a grievence machine against Israel, dead babies have a use. Hamas knows they can force Israel to make a choice between being eliminated or attacking the people who are sworn to kill them as they launch rockets from inside a city.

Poor Palestinians, their leaders SUCK, so they starve and die. I think they should all try to get asylum in the US. By Mas MerahAuthor Profile Page on January 16, 2009 12:17 AM


Saya tertarik dan tersentuh dengan apa yang ditulis oleh "micheal" di atas. Saya rasa ada kebenaran apa yg ditulisnya.



We don't drink cocacola, we can drink F & N Sarsi, A & W Rootbeer, Yeo's chrysanthemum tea, there are plenty of choices in the market and I am sure those competitors of USA products will definitely love Tun's article to BOYCOTT USA Produts. The Chinese New Year is coming, I am sure alot of the chinese will boycott their products.

My children ask me if we do not support McDonalds, maybe many of these outlets will have to close down. I told them, don't worry, once they closed down, they will be replaced by KFC, Domino, chinese kopitiam, malay kopitiam, mamak store etc. This is diversification, never put all eggs in one basket, Tun, we have learned from USA.

//By priss01 on January 15, 2009 7:19 PM//

**Yes, MAF is not a match to Israel, but Tun's writing on human rights can drown Israel, dear Mr/Ms priss01 (our malaysian coward)

//By michael on January 15, 2009 8:01 PM//

**If you think Tun is no good, why parked your comment here??? Are you scare or jealous? The Yahoo has less than 20 comments per article, our chedet has the average of 300 comments per article. Go and figure it yourself Mr Moron!!!

You are right, our AAB & Corrupted, Useless, Coward and selfcenter gov total a rubbish/junk catagory it is a shame to Tun and all malaysian because he COPIED the Americans. It's time that we will make sure he will be out by Mar 2009 including all those stupid MP's chosen by him. Stay put and watch how we Malaysian do it in our way!!!

Whatever you condemn us will not make us angry because we are very good in pretending like a "pig" to swallow a tiger (you)without its knowing, so beware! To us, Bush is a moron, the average Americans are stupid, Obama is a coward who are good in talking only, and we have our Pappy Anwar Ibrahim who is as good as Obama, maybe we can arrange Obama to debate with our AI, can you arrange that for us, Mr Moron?**

Tun, Bush is good in 'tai chi', blaming the current crisis has started before his presidency. Ha...ha... Tun, you are so...... much better than the the exPresident of USA, who is not only a moron, but a very irresponsible and coward president who got no

Tun, you are brave and willing to take all the responsibilities to make sure the country runs smooth and peacefully. With this ability, Bush will always behind you Tun, the giant America is always behind the tiny Malaysia!!!!

To Bush with my peep toe high heel shoes!!!!

Good night Tun.

By cabaikeringAuthor Profile Page on January 16, 2009 12:33 AM there must be someone who can help to stand justice.. i wish it would be a malaysian... By preencessAuthor Profile Page on January 16, 2009 12:43 AM

Our Dearest Tun,

May Allah blesses you in abundance of good health, strength, joy and happiness always...

It is time for Malaysians to boycott all the americans products for they are responsible too for the killing of innocents people . Full stop. To those who dont, it only mean that they would not mind for others to killed them, their children and family. What goes round come round. love always for you and family. By rozi66Author Profile Page on January 16, 2009 12:46 AM

Salam to Tun and All, Priss01, U still dont understand Tun's style and what the man trying to convey. Pls read other snippets.

From my perspective, the best way is to have as many american aware on what is happening and the history behind Palestine issue. Most american that I had met are quite fair and does not support their gov action in middle east/rest of the world. Only the ignorance one (like Rob) defending their gov. We also need to understand that most american are very patriotic...which their gov has manipulated for years. So we need to get the truth to them and bypassing the mainstream media (CNN etc). Lets start by forwarding Paul Craig's article to as many american as possible. By the way, not all jews support the israel action infact there are some groups protested against it.

God bless all of us. God willing, Palestine will never be wiped out. Rozi66 By BlackberryAuthor Profile Page on January 16, 2009 1:05 AM


What about create a blockage/boycott multi national company from america that standing in our soil? HP, DELL ? shut down the entire operation office in cyberjaya? definitely a superior impact if operations goes down. By heloloAuthor Profile Page on January 16, 2009 1:09 AM

Oh my god, what a write up TUN. At least we do know that not all American support the tyranny of the American Government.I do believed that there are a lot more like Paul Craig Roberts in America who are against their Government policy.

So why do Malaysian worry about telling off the American Government. We are not against the American people but against the American governments policy. We should help the Americans that are against their government policy. Boycotting their product is one way to make them aware that Malaysian are upset and very angry with the American Governments policy. Hopefully they will be able to pressure their Government to take a different stance.

About the Armed Forces, Tun, dont you think we need to look deeper about strengthening our Armed Forces? We should at least encourage the Armed Forces to start getting the nuclear technology now. Personally I feel the Muslim world should have the upper hand on the nuclear weapon if a balance of force is to be maintained. The Muslim world should take advantage of the current situation to work closely with China, Russia, Cuba and North Korea. The Muslim world should invest their money with these countries to get the best of everything from them. The world need to counter the American and the European to stabilise the situation.

May God bless you and your family with an excellent health. By cAtFiSh.NeTAuthor Profile Page on January 16, 2009 1:29 AM


Dari peristiwa ini umat Islam di zamanzaman yang mereka ditindas bolehlah mencari inspirasi bagi mengukuhkan semangat. Sebenarnya apa yang dihadapi oleh umat Islam sekarang tidak sebegitu berat dan teruk seperti cabaran yang dihadapi oleh Nabi Muhammad s.a.w. Umat Islam di zaman ini amat ramai. Sebahagian daripada mereka kayaraya. Mereka memerintah wilayahwilayah yang besar. Sudah sepatutnyalah mereka mencapai kejayaan. Tetapi mereka tidak mencapainya. Sebaliknya mereka di usir dari satu wilayah ke satu wilayah, ditakluk oleh kuasakuasa asing, disiksa dan dibunuh tanpa mereka boleh membuat apaapa. Mereka cuma meraung dan merayu kepada orang lain. Di Palestin dan Lubnan mereka diserang, dibunuh beramairamai dan diusir dengan sewenangwenang oleh Yahudi dan kawankawan mereka. Dengan pemindahan orang Palestin, kita sekali lagi melihat peristiwa penghijrahan.

Memang benar nasib buruk orang Islam sekarang disebabkan oleh perbuatan orang Yahudi dan penyokongpenyokong mereka. Kita patut salahkan mereka ini dan kita patut kutukkan mereka. Tetapi kita patut juga periksa diri kita sendiri. Apakah semangat dan ketabahan hati yang terdapat pada Nabi Besar kita dan sahabatsahabat Baginda ada pada kita.


Tahun ini saja Masjidil Aqsa telah dicemar dengan pembunuhan yang dilakukan di dalamnya oleh pihak Yahudi. Dan barubaru ini pihak Israel juga telah mencabul kedaulatan Lubnan hinggakan begitu ramai menjadi korban. Umat Islam terpaksa mengalami peristiwa sedih seperti ini dengan berpeluk tubuh kerana kita tidak mampu membuat apaapa yang bermakna. Orang Islam sanggup berperang dengan orang Islam sehingga satu pihak mencapai kemenangan tetapi berhadapan dengan pencabulan oleh bangsa Israel yang cuma 3 juta, kita kaku dan tidak dapat membuat apaapa dengan berkesan. Yang lebih menyedihkan ialah masih ada orang Islam yang tidak sedar dengan nasib yang menimpa umat Islam dan suka bersengketa sesama sendiri.


Apakah yang sedang berlaku sekarang di dalam Wilayah Palestin yang telah dijajah oleh pihak Yahudi. Yahudi mengadakan satu pemerintahan yang amat kejam. Setiap hari mereka menyerang rakyat Palestin yang tidak mempunyai senjata. Rakyat Palestin bukan terdiri daripada orang dewasa sematamata tetapi kanakkanak juga diserang oleh kerajaan Yahudi, kerajaan Israel. Hari ini lebih daripada seribu orang Palestin telah dibunuh selama 27 bulan Intifadah diadakan di Palestin. Pembangunan negara Palestin, Intifadah telah diadakan selama 27 bulan. Dalam masa 27 bulan ini tentera dan polis Israel telah menyerang orang yang tidak berdosa, orang yang tidak bersenjata, kanakkanak sehingga yang dalam buaian semuanya telah diserang oleh orang yang bersenjata ini dan dibunuh, dicedera, ditembak dengan peluru, ditembak kononnya dengan peluru getah yang juga boleh membunuh. Digunakan gas pemedih mata, bahkan digunakan chemical weapon terhadap orang yang tidak bersenjata yang cuba menunjuk perasaan mereka untuk mendapat kemerdekaan, itu sahaja yang dibuat oleh mereka.


Janji Allah SWT akan sampai bagi memastikan Islam akan tinggi semula dan musuhmusuh Islam terutamanya Yahudi akan kembali ke era kesusahan dan penindasan seperti keadaan asal mereka.

Kita meyakini usaha mereka mengumpulkan bangsa mereka di tengahtengah negara umat Islam itu akan berakhir dengan penghapusan mereka secara terus dari muka bumi Allah SWT ini. Ini bersesuaian dengan maksud sebuah hadith sahih riwayat AlBukhari dan Muslim:

"Tidak akan berlaku kiamat sehinggalah orangumat Islam berperang dengan orangorang Yahudi (di sebuah tempat). Orangumat Islam akan membunuh mereka beramairamai sehinggakan apabila mereka bersembunyi di sebalik batu dan pokok, tibatiba pokokpokok dan batubatu itu bersuara menjerit memanggil umat Islam agar membunuh orangorang Yahudi itu, kecuali pokok 'Gharqad', kerana ia adalah pokok Yahudi".

Janji Nabi pastinya benar. Peristiwa ini akan berlaku bagi menamatkan siri pengkhianatan Yahudi terhadap Islam dan manusia secara keseluruhannya. By S..TanAuthor Profile Page on January 16, 2009 1:34 AM

Dear Tun, salam mesra moga sihat sejahtera. Minta izin...


True what we wish to do is far from what we can do. I hope Hamas also realise this in their struggle. They have as much power as Israel over the Palestinian suffering.

A crime victim can 'contribute' to the crime (by his own actions) although he is absolutely right to demand justice, retribution.

Its in both these parties hands not ours or Tun. We are only egging them on, aggravating matters or widening the conflict.


This toned down, realistic boycott objective departing from the earlier gung ho, American bashing? I wish this displeasure objective the success it deserves.

On American hate orgy, destroying American companies, crippling US economy, cause hardship to Americans, we are becoming M'sian branch of Hamas. We are using indiscriminate force that we so righteously accuse others.

When M'sians become targets we may have to reply like Madelene Albright.

I wish all bullies be shown the displeasure, dislike, hate including M'sian bully Umno.

By BlackberryAuthor Profile Page on January 16, 2009 1:48 AM

There is so many boycott suggestions.

The best way is to shut down your windows now. since majority users replying here running on windows Operating systems belongs to microsoft an US giant company. there is no way a person can boycott all things. especially when you are reading/writing this with your computer running on windows. By mr.nashAuthor Profile Page on January 16, 2009 2:15 AM salam Tun... komen dri tun mmg krajaan xkan stuju 100% psal boikot brang2 US..klau tun msih jd PM skrg nie pun, tun xkna stuju gak cdagan boikot brang2 US nie.. By manzrulkhanAuthor Profile Page on January 16, 2009 2:19 AM

Caracara boikot yang berkesan :

1) Jgn minum cocacola, pepsi atau apaapa pun minuman bergas. Minuman2 ini mmg tak baik untuk kesihatan. Minuman2 macam ini dicipta oleh Yahudi untuk menghancurkan kesihatan umat manusia sedunia. Cuba korang tanya orang Yahudi, depa ada minum coke tak?

2) Starbuck Carilah cafe yang lain pulak contohnya OLD Town White Coffee, Ali Cafe, Cafe dan sebagainya. Nak lebih afdal lagi lepak jer kedai mamak.

3) Colgate Tukarlah pulak brand lain contohnya Darlie, Sensodyne, Safi, Mukmin dan sebagainya. Korang ingat tak dulu Colgate ada kes campurkan benda haram dalam Colgate. Itulah kerja Yahudi.

4) Last sekali Pasaraya Tesco. Tokey besar Tesco ini memang orang Yahudi. Tukarlah pasaraya lain contohnya Giant, Carrefour, Pasaraya Segi, Econsave dan sebagainya. Untuk pengetahuan korang barang runcit yang paling murah nak di beli ialah kedai ubat Cina. Kalau tak percaya cuba selidik.

Cocacola, Starbuck, Colgate dan Tesco. Kalau keempatempat produk ini di tolak atau boikot bulatbulat oleh rakyat Malaysia nescaya Amerika boleh mendapat kesusahan yang besar. By I love JewsAuthor Profile Page on January 16, 2009 2:19 AM

I feel so sad for your dr mahathir..there is so much hatred in your posts..

No matter how justified we feel we are, we must never take revenge into our own hands..Revenge belongs to God alone..

Besides, revenge is like a boomerang that will come back to hit its thrower.

I cannot believe that Islam actually tells people to kill the's evil to kill no matter who.

I am speaking from the perspective of a Christian.

God bless you. By etp2020Author Profile Page on January 16, 2009 2:45 AM

Yaa Allah beri hidayah kepada mereka yang engkau pilih,hapuskan israel dan kuncu2nya, By nadimAuthor Profile Page on January 16, 2009 2:47 AM

Dear Tun,

After read your pen, I've decided to stop smoking marlboro and will start consuming tembakau jawa instead. What to do, old habit die hard Sir. But the least i can do is to demonstrate my protest againts this inhumane act by the zionist.

And for Pak Pandir, there is a lot more pisang that can be found in this country like pisang abu, pisang nangka or pisang emas dibawa belayar pun ada yang ditanam by our own people..Whay dont you try the one that close to us than being such a noisy abo.ut pisang kaki. By buyehAuthor Profile Page on January 16, 2009 2:53 AM

Sejak berpuluh tahun lamanya, setiap kali umat Islam diperangi oleh AS ataupun Yahudi, maka laungan penyelesaisan “boikot” barangan Amerika sering dilagukan. Sudah berapa kali siri pemboikotan dilakukan, apa yang nyata adalah, nyawa umat Islam semakin banyak yang melayang dan ekonomi AS dan Yahudi tetap teguh. Hakikatnya, apa yang menyumbang kepada kejatuhan ekonomi AS sekarang ini pun langsung tidak ada kenamengena dengan pemboikotan oleh negara umat Islam, ia adalah krisis subprime yang berakar umbi dari sistem ekonomi Kapitalis itu sendiri – inilah yang menyebabka kejatuhan ekonomi Amerika, dan bukannya pemboikotan barangan mereka oleh negara luar! Kenapa para pemimpin dan ulama masih seakanakan buta melihat hakikat ini?

Bayangkanlah jika Malaysia sedang diperangi Amerika atau Yahudi, dan kaum keluarga serta sahabat handai kita mati bergelimpangan di bunuh musuh di sekeliling kita, peluru dan bom pula saban hari jatuh di depan mata, maka apakah kita mengharapkan (pada ketika ini) agar negara lain memboikot barangan Amerika dan Yahudi??? Atau apakah yang kita harapkan? Derma yang tak pernah kunjung tiba? Atau bantuan ubatubatan bagi yang telah meninggal? Atau kain selimut untuk menutup mayatmayat? Atau apa???

Atau apakah pada ketika ini kita mengharapkan datangnya tenteratentera umat Islam dari pelbagai negara untuk menyelamatkan kita? Manakah yang lebih menggembirakan kita, menunggu derma jutaan ringgit dari seluruh dunia atau menunggu bantuan ketenteraan untuk melawan Yahudi yang sedang mengganas? Sudah tentulah akal fikiran yang waras akan menjawab bahawa, saat ini kita sesungguhnya memerlukan bantuan ketenteraan dari tenteratentera umat Islam!!!

Ya, inilah jawapan dan penyelesaian yang sebenar yang diperlukan oleh saudarasaudara kita di Gaza saat ini. Mereka memerlukan bantuan ketenteraan, bukannya bantuan simpati kemanusiaan! Dan mereka tidak menghendaki kita hanya memboikot barangan Yahudi di saat Yahudi sedang menyembelih mereka, satu demi satau, hari demi hari. Demi Allah! Sesungguhnya penyelesaian yang hakiki ke atas masalah Palestin adalah dengan menghantar tentera bagi berjihad melawan Israel di sana!!!

Sesunggunya pemboikotan tidak akan memberikan apaapa kesan untuk memberhentikan kesombongan Israel sedikitpun. Dan ia juga tidak akan menghentikan pembunuhan Israel ke atas umat Islam sedikit pun. Tapi malangnya inilah hakikat pemikiran yang dimiliki oleh sebahagian daripada umat Islam saat ini, hanya boikot sahaja yang dapat mereka fikirkan.

Sebagai seorang Muslim kita perlu melihat dan menyedari bahawa produk buatan Amerika dan Yahudi bukanlah hanya dalam bentuk barangan fizikal sematamata tetapi lebih jauh dari itu ialah ‘produk pemikiran’ yang saat ini jauh lebih banyak diambil oleh umat Islam. Produk seperti nationstate (negara bangsa), demokrasi, HAM, Pluralisme, Liberalisme dan yang seumpamanya adalah produk pemikiran kuffar Barat yang sehingga kini masih dipegang kukuh termasuklah oleh ulama Islam.

UMNO yang memerintah Malaysia masih berpegang erat dengan segala produk pemikiran kufur di atas sehingga menyebabkan tidak ada seorang pun pemimpin UMNO yang kembali kepada Islam dan cuba menyelesaikan masalah Gaza dengan menghantar tentera ke sana. Apa guna memboikot produk fizikal Amerika dan Yahudi walhal produk pemikiran kufur mereka dipegang erat dan dijaga rapi!!! Produk pemikiran ini jauh lebih berbahaya dan inilah yang menyebabkan Gaza terus bermandi darah, kerana para pemimpin dan ulama yang ada masih berpegang teguh dengannya.

Produk pemikiran kufur menyatakan bahawa Malaysia ada batas sempadan negara sendiri (yang telah ditetapkan oleh Britsh), maka akal para pemimpin dan ulama juga ternyata ‘terbatas’ pemikiran mereka oleh sempadan yang dicipta British. Mereka sudah tidak nampak dan tidak boleh pergi lebih jauh sedikit bahawa sempadan palsu ini hanyalah rekaan British sematamata. Sesungguhnya sempadan ini langsung tidak wujud dan umat Islam adalah umat yang satu. Dan satusatu penyelesaian yang diajar oleh Islam dalam memerangi orangorang kafir yang sedang memerangi Islam adalah dengan jihad. Ya! Ini kerana situasi di Palestin sekarang adalah situasi perang, dan perang wajib dijawab dengan perang (jihad), apatah lagi yang membunuh umat Islam itu adalah kaum Yahudi laknatullah yang telah mempunyai sejarah kejahatan yang sejak lama terhadap Islam.

Setiap negara umat Islam mempunyai tenteranya yang tersendiri, namun tentera ini semuanya dimandulkan oleh pemerintah yang pengkhianat. Langsung tidak digerakkan ke medan jihad, walaupun di saat saudarasaudara kita di Palestin di sembelih dengan dahsyatnya oleh kaum terkutuk Yahudi. Semua ini berlaku kerana kuffar British telah mengajar bahawa, Palestin adalah negara ‘orang lain’, Malaysia negara kamu dan kamu tidak boleh langkau sempadan! Kedudukan kamu yang paling baik adalah berkecuali, menjadi negaranegara yang berkecuali dan jangan masuk campur urusan negara lain. Inilah ‘ajaran’ setan British yang sehingga kini masih tertanam dengan kukuh di minda pemimpin dan ulama Islam. Kerananya, tidak ramai ulama yang berani menggesa pemerintah agar melancarkan jihad di sana, kerana hal ini bermaksud ‘mencampuri urusan negara lain’.

Jika benar kita berpegang teguh dengan AlQuran dan Sunah, maka apa yang sepatutnya dilakukan oleh umat Islam masa kini, apatah lagi para ulama, adalah dengan menggesa pemerintah yang ada agar mengambil penyelesaian AlQuran terhadap apa yang berlaku. Dan penyelesaian AlQuran di dalam masalah ini tidak lain kecuali dengan menggerakkan tentera untuk berjihad melawan Isreal yang sedang memerangi umat Islam. Inilah tindakan yang wajib diambil dalam keadaan sekarang. Firman Allah SWT,

”Perangilah orangorang yang tidak beriman kepada Allah dan tidak (pula) kepada hari Kemudian, dan mereka tidak mengharamkan apa yang diharamkan oleh Allah dan RasulNya dan tidak beragama dengan agama yang benar (agama Allah), (yaitu orangorang) yang diberikan AlKitab kepada mereka, sampai mereka membayar jizyah dengan patuh sedang mereka dalam keadaan tunduk” [TMQ atTaubah (9):29].

“Perangilah mereka dan Allah akan mengazab mereka dengan tangantangan kalian dan menghinakan mereka serta membantu kalian mengalahkan mereka dan Allah akan melegakan hatihati kaum Mukminin” [TMQ atTaubah (9):14].

Hanya dengan bergeraknya tentera dengan mengikuti perintah Allah dan Rasul, inilah sahaja jalan bagi menyelesaikan masalah umat Islam di Palestin, bukannya dengan boikot!!!maaf andaikata ada yang tidak puas ati kepada saya bila membaca ini..ini adalah luahan perasaan marah saya kepada zionis.. diharap tun dapat membalas ape yang saya katakan..sekian terima kasih. By buyehAuthor Profile Page on January 16, 2009 2:56 AM

Sejak berpuluh tahun lamanya, setiap kali umat Islam diperangi oleh AS ataupun Yahudi, maka laungan penyelesaisan “boikot” barangan Amerika sering dilagukan. Sudah berapa kali siri pemboikotan dilakukan, apa yang nyata adalah, nyawa umat Islam semakin banyak yang melayang dan ekonomi AS dan Yahudi tetap teguh. Hakikatnya, apa yang menyumbang kepada kejatuhan ekonomi AS sekarang ini pun langsung tidak ada kenamengena dengan pemboikotan oleh negara umat Islam, ia adalah krisis subprime yang berakar umbi dari sistem ekonomi Kapitalis itu sendiri – inilah yang menyebabka kejatuhan ekonomi Amerika, dan bukannya pemboikotan barangan mereka oleh negara luar! Kenapa para pemimpin dan ulama masih seakanakan buta melihat hakikat ini?

Bayangkanlah jika Malaysia sedang diperangi Amerika atau Yahudi, dan kaum keluarga serta sahabat handai kita mati bergelimpangan di bunuh musuh di sekeliling kita, peluru dan bom pula saban hari jatuh di depan mata, maka apakah kita mengharapkan (pada ketika ini) agar negara lain memboikot barangan Amerika dan Yahudi??? Atau apakah yang kita harapkan? Derma yang tak pernah kunjung tiba? Atau bantuan ubatubatan bagi yang telah meninggal? Atau kain selimut untuk menutup mayatmayat? Atau apa???

Atau apakah pada ketika ini kita mengharapkan datangnya tenteratentera umat Islam dari pelbagai negara untuk menyelamatkan kita? Manakah yang lebih menggembirakan kita, menunggu derma jutaan ringgit dari seluruh dunia atau menunggu bantuan ketenteraan untuk melawan Yahudi yang sedang mengganas? Sudah tentulah akal fikiran yang waras akan menjawab bahawa, saat ini kita sesungguhnya memerlukan bantuan ketenteraan dari tenteratentera umat Islam!!!

Ya, inilah jawapan dan penyelesaian yang sebenar yang diperlukan oleh saudarasaudara kita di Gaza saat ini. Mereka memerlukan bantuan ketenteraan, bukannya bantuan simpati kemanusiaan! Dan mereka tidak menghendaki kita hanya memboikot barangan Yahudi di saat Yahudi sedang menyembelih mereka, satu demi satau, hari demi hari. Demi Allah! Sesungguhnya penyelesaian yang hakiki ke atas masalah Palestin adalah dengan menghantar tentera bagi berjihad melawan Israel di sana!!!

Sesunggunya pemboikotan tidak akan memberikan apaapa kesan untuk memberhentikan kesombongan Israel sedikitpun. Dan ia juga tidak akan menghentikan pembunuhan Israel ke atas umat Islam sedikit pun. Tapi malangnya inilah hakikat pemikiran yang dimiliki oleh sebahagian daripada umat Islam saat ini, hanya boikot sahaja yang dapat mereka fikirkan.

Sebagai seorang Muslim kita perlu melihat dan menyedari bahawa produk buatan Amerika dan Yahudi bukanlah hanya dalam bentuk barangan fizikal sematamata tetapi lebih jauh dari itu ialah ‘produk pemikiran’ yang saat ini jauh lebih banyak diambil oleh umat Islam. Produk seperti nationstate (negara bangsa), demokrasi, HAM, Pluralisme, Liberalisme dan yang seumpamanya adalah produk pemikiran kuffar Barat yang sehingga kini masih dipegang kukuh termasuklah oleh ulama Islam.

UMNO yang memerintah Malaysia masih berpegang erat dengan segala produk pemikiran kufur di atas sehingga menyebabkan tidak ada seorang pun pemimpin UMNO yang kembali kepada Islam dan cuba menyelesaikan masalah Gaza dengan menghantar tentera ke sana. Apa guna memboikot produk fizikal Amerika dan Yahudi walhal produk pemikiran kufur mereka dipegang erat dan dijaga rapi!!! Produk pemikiran ini jauh lebih berbahaya dan inilah yang menyebabkan Gaza terus bermandi darah, kerana para pemimpin dan ulama yang ada masih berpegang teguh dengannya.

Produk pemikiran kufur menyatakan bahawa Malaysia ada batas sempadan negara sendiri (yang telah ditetapkan oleh Britsh), maka akal para pemimpin dan ulama juga ternyata ‘terbatas’ pemikiran mereka oleh sempadan yang dicipta British. Mereka sudah tidak nampak dan tidak boleh pergi lebih jauh sedikit bahawa sempadan palsu ini hanyalah rekaan British sematamata. Sesungguhnya sempadan ini langsung tidak wujud dan umat Islam adalah umat yang satu. Dan satusatu penyelesaian yang diajar oleh Islam dalam memerangi orangorang kafir yang sedang memerangi Islam adalah dengan jihad. Ya! Ini kerana situasi di Palestin sekarang adalah situasi perang, dan perang wajib dijawab dengan perang (jihad), apatah lagi yang membunuh umat Islam itu adalah kaum Yahudi laknatullah yang telah mempunyai sejarah kejahatan yang sejak lama terhadap Islam.

Setiap negara umat Islam mempunyai tenteranya yang tersendiri, namun tentera ini semuanya dimandulkan oleh pemerintah yang pengkhianat. Langsung tidak digerakkan ke medan jihad, walaupun di saat saudarasaudara kita di Palestin di sembelih dengan dahsyatnya oleh kaum terkutuk Yahudi. Semua ini berlaku kerana kuffar British telah mengajar bahawa, Palestin adalah negara ‘orang lain’, Malaysia negara kamu dan kamu tidak boleh langkau sempadan! Kedudukan kamu yang paling baik adalah berkecuali, menjadi negaranegara yang berkecuali dan jangan masuk campur urusan negara lain. Inilah ‘ajaran’ setan British yang sehingga kini masih tertanam dengan kukuh di minda pemimpin dan ulama Islam. Kerananya, tidak ramai ulama yang berani menggesa pemerintah agar melancarkan jihad di sana, kerana hal ini bermaksud ‘mencampuri urusan negara lain’.

Jika benar kita berpegang teguh dengan AlQuran dan Sunah, maka apa yang sepatutnya dilakukan oleh umat Islam masa kini, apatah lagi para ulama, adalah dengan menggesa pemerintah yang ada agar mengambil penyelesaian AlQuran terhadap apa yang berlaku. Dan penyelesaian AlQuran di dalam masalah ini tidak lain kecuali dengan menggerakkan tentera untuk berjihad melawan Isreal yang sedang memerangi umat Islam. Inilah tindakan yang wajib diambil dalam keadaan sekarang. Firman Allah SWT,

”Perangilah orangorang yang tidak beriman kepada Allah dan tidak (pula) kepada hari Kemudian, dan mereka tidak mengharamkan apa yang diharamkan oleh Allah dan RasulNya dan tidak beragama dengan agama yang benar (agama Allah), (yaitu orangorang) yang diberikan AlKitab kepada mereka, sampai mereka membayar jizyah dengan patuh sedang mereka dalam keadaan tunduk” [TMQ atTaubah (9):29].

“Perangilah mereka dan Allah akan mengazab mereka dengan tangantangan kalian dan menghinakan mereka serta membantu kalian mengalahkan mereka dan Allah akan melegakan hatihati kaum Mukminin” [TMQ atTaubah (9):14].

Hanya dengan bergeraknya tentera dengan mengikuti perintah Allah dan Rasul, inilah sahaja jalan bagi menyelesaikan masalah umat Islam di Palestin, bukannya dengan boikot!!!maaf andaikata ada yang tidak puas ati kepada saya bila membaca ini..ini adalah luahan perasaan marah saya kepada zionis.. diharap tun dapat membalas ape yang saya katakan..sekian terima kasih. By buyehAuthor Profile Page on January 16, 2009 2:58 AM visit my blog at By formule1Author Profile Page on January 16, 2009 3:10 AM

Salam Tun & semua..

1.Kita memang lemah dari segi ekonomi dan pertahanan ,semuanya kerana negara2 oic tidak bersatu.

2.Sudah tiba masanya negara oic membentuk kesatuan sepertimana United States of America ataupun Kesatuan Soviet Union .Bersatu kita teguh,bercerai kita roboh.

3.Kesatuan ini harus mempunyai sektor kewangan(mengurus pendapatan minyak dan Negara secara Islam),buat mata wang sendiri.

4.Mempunyai sektor pendidikan( tambah jumlah universiti sebanyak mungkin untuk melahirkan jutaan saintis Islam supaya boleh menghasilkan semua barang keperluan umat islam sendiri),kajilah AlQuran dari pandangan sains,bongkar rahsia nya sangat lah banyak dah yg orang kafir sendiri ambil isi2 nya.Burung ababil tu nabi suruh kita buat fighter jet sendiri,kaum perempuan itu dari rusuk lelaki pun baru2 ni dah terbukti oleh saintis bahawa dari rusuk lelaki boleh cipta klon tapi yg berjantina perempuan.Nak contoh lagi AlQuran itu adalah sains? Cuba baca perenggan akhir .

5.Mempunyai sektor pertahanan ( r&d dan memproduksi sendiri senjata darat,laut & udara),iran dah ada nuklear,Malaysia boleh buat kereta mesti juga boleh buat burung ababil yang menyerupai sukhoi/mig/f16.indonesia pun tepi jalan banyak jual senapang angin mesti boleh buat m16/ak47/sniper,baru ni di media mereka student depa pun banyak buat missile jarak dekat.

6.Kesatuan ini hendaklah dimulakan oleh Tun yang sangat berpengaruh sementara masih hidup ini supaya dapat disambung oleh generasi berikut,kita2 ni mana lah orang nak dengar dan percaya .Tun boleh cuba untuk yakinkan Pak Lah melalui Kementerian Luarnya untuk buat proposal dan lawat semua kedutaan Negara oic,buat presentation dan yakinkan pemimpin2 negara oic ni,buat sebaik mungkin InsyAllah jalan.Takat duduk doa dan tawakal tapi takdak usaha mana burung ababil nak turun bawak batu berapi.israel la ni dah bela burung ababil dan tabur batu berapi atas Gaza tu.

Ni contoh ayat AlQuran yang mengandungi maksud sains:


Surah AnNaml ,ayat 88:

Terjemahan: “Dan Engkau lihat gununggunung,kau sangka mereka diam di tempat,padahal mereka terbang melayang seperti awan.” dari pandangan sains: Memang mata kasar kita tengok gunung manapun takkan bergerak,tapi kenapa firman Allah menyebutkan “padahal mereka terbang melayang seperti awan” ? tak ke kita rasa pelik? Mana boleh gunung terbang melayang pulak lagi seperti awan.

Sebenarnya ayat ni mempunyai tafsir ilmiah,dimana sains menemukan bahwa bumi kita ni sedang berputar dengan kelajuan 1670km per jam.Manusia yang tengah berdiri di permukaan ,tak rasa yang dirinya sebenarnya sedang bergerak secepat peluru,begitu juga gununggunung padahal kita nampak gununggunung tak bergerak sedikitpun.Pada masa yang sama juga bumi melayang mengelilingi matahari dengan kelajuan yang lebih tinggi lagi iaitu 108,000km per jam.Jadi manusia dan gununggunung nampak saja diam ,tapi faktanya sedang bergerak 60 kali kelajuan peluru.Allahu Akbar By pakbelalangAuthor Profile Page on January 16, 2009 3:17 AM

Dear Tun,

I am just curious why you did not post my comment regarding the ANGKASA affair? What actual is wrong with Pak Ungku Aziz being kicked out? Is he considered as irrelevant to run the cooperative? Maybe it is not the right forum to comment in your !! By muliadi yunosAuthor Profile Page on January 16, 2009 3:59 AM

Tun, Yes, boycotting US and their Greenback dollar is the best idea i have heard. I personally believe that is much better than sending troops to Gaza or collecting donation to the war casualties. Having say that, we can't let them(the casualties) suffer, so we still have to help those who in needs. Helping those who in need in Gaza will only stop the bleeding but we have to go to the cause and by BOYCOTTING it will. It won't happen overnight but they will get the effect in the future. BOYCOTTING is not just stop eating McD or Starbuck as the enemy know that is our next move in the big chess game. That is why it seems so hard to do.. Its in the Mind and how we live our life... Hope everybody understand.. By SHAZAuthor Profile Page on January 16, 2009 6:51 AM

Salam Tun,

Damn the Israelis and the Jews. Damn the Americans and their Jewish government. They will be burn in hell.

Damn you people who are reading this and still not doing anything at all. And too bad the Arabs are made to kowtow to the damn American and western countries who just sit and watch those children and babies being murdered.

My prayers is that God would show his mercy on the Palestinians and spread disastrous plague that will ruin Israel and America and its people.

The Americans are bunch of bastards. The Israelis/ Jews are damned race in the world which will be burnt in hell undoubtedly.


Amin. By SHAZAuthor Profile Page on January 16, 2009 7:03 AM

Salam Tun,

I do not think Obama will do anything much on this matter at all.

He is busy cleaning up the White House putting in another bunch of Jewish lovers and believers everywhere in his departments. Otherwise, he would have long gone six feet under and would not be able to sit in that chair now.

So, the murderer is taking this time killing and swiping off the Palestinians from their ground, while Obama wrote 'nice 'letter to his daughters. Bullshit.

Damn you Americans. Your government is a total murderer and rapist of world freedom and sovereignty. By ~CheDetIdolaKu~Author Profile Page on January 16, 2009 7:46 AM salam ayahanda dan bonda, diharap berada di dalam keadaan sihat walafiat hendaknya... terima kasih yang tidak terhingga ayahanda di atas penerangan serta jawapan yang diberikan kpd soalan anakanda semalam.. mmg benar, mungkin kita begitu kerdil jika ingin dibandingkan dgn kelengkapan dan kecanggihan ketenteraan milik "Kerajaan Angkuh" diluar sana yang terus biadap membunuh insan2 tidak berdosa di bumi suci palestin, tp sy percaya seperti yang dinyatakan oleh ayahanda, kita masih mampu menyuarakan rasa marah, benci serta kecewanya kita dengan tindakan seperti 'binatang' kerajaan2 angkuh tersebut dengan memboikot barangan mereka. apalah sgt dgn tidak dpt menghirup coca cola jika hendak dibandingkan dengan limpahan darah yang terus menerus di tanah palestin. mungkin kita tidak mempunyai kekuatan ketenteraan atau gah dari segi peralatan2 canggih (wlupun pada dasarnya kita tahu kewujudannya hanya utk menghancurkan dan membunuh), tapi kita adalah rakyat yang saya percaya masih mempunyai kekuatan HATI dan kecanggihan MINDA di mana kita masih mempunyai dan dikurniakan perasaan belas kasihan , perikemanusiaan dan cintakan keamanan. Saya berharap kempen memboikot barangan dari US dan ISRAEL ini dpt sambutan secara total dari masyarat dunia secara amnya dan rakyat di negara kita secara khususnya....Amin... Salam Sayang dari anakanda buat ayahanda dan bonda.... By IswarAuthor Profile Page on January 16, 2009 7:53 AM another approach would be for the Muslim world to unite and slowly get control of the financial world (if only it can happen in the near future). We had the window of opportunity opened for a short period of time last year. The collapse of Lehman Bro., FMs, AIG and the like... the Muslim world should have taken the opportunities then to infiltrate into these nearbankrupt institutions. Once we get hold on the big boys of the financial world we can at least dictate the source of fund that goes around the globe. But then, we were busy fighting each other... God knows why... By mantobaAuthor Profile Page on January 16, 2009 7:56 AM

Tun. Apa lah daya kita. Nak berperang dengan Amerika dan Israel dah tentu lah tak mampu dengan hanya cuma satu dua squadron Sukoi atau MiG. Dua buah scorpene bukan lah kekuatan yang mampu untuk menyerang USA dan Israel. Tapi kalau kita semua atau sebahgian rakyat Malaysia bersedia memBOIKOT sebahagian produk Amerika, saya pasti lebih berkesan untuk jangka panjang. Minuman coca cola tidak baik untuk kesihatan kerana ia bolih menyebabkab diabetes. Jenama yang berasaskan kopi 'Tongkat Ali' tempatan lebih baik dari 'Starbuck'. Walau bagaimana pun saya setuju jika askar2 kita berperang jihad dengan yahudi laknat jika waktu itu benar2 memerlukan kita untuk membantu Palestin. Maksudnya didalam kumpulan angota tentera UN atau negara2 Islam yang lain lah, tak kan tentera kita saja yang terlibat. Izinkan. By michael on January 15, 2009 8:01 PM Saya rasa si michael ni orang yahudi, marah betui dia kat TUN. Orang yahudi memang tak berhati perut. Menghina negara kecil seperti Malaysia. Tapi saya rasa dia takut kalau kita mulakan kempen perang saraf boikot barangan yahudi. Dah pasti ada impak nya.

By Ir. SyahrizanAuthor Profile Page on January 16, 2009 8:06 AM

Asalamualaikum Tun,

We share similar sentiment on the plight of Palestine people.

What most Malaysians (and the rest of the world) doesn't know is;

Althought boycotting sounds a bit ridiculous, it is NOT the END RESULT we seek. Instead what matters the most is the EFFORT placed on to help the Palestine people!

Perhaps, now is the best time to strike the Americans (by boycotting). Their economy is still weakening due to recession and Tun has a good point, any percentage of sales drop in any of these US/Israel products could at least teach this evil people a good lesson.

The Muslims are not totally united, we do not own any military power supremacy, we do not have powerful economic backbone (unlike certain fuel rich countries at Middle East), we are not sociologically accepted by the world (being mislabeled as terrorist) and we are not educationally verse too. Even with these weaknesses we will throw whatever we have to fight of these evil twin terrorists (US/Israel)! May Allah bless and unite us all Muslims against our common enemy!

******************************************************************** A quote from one of the Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. hadith: ******************************************************************** “from MSN Groups Soldiersof[email protected]

The Holy Prophet peace be upon him said :

“When you see black flags coming from Khorasaan, then you must join them, even though you have to be dragged in the snowMahdi, will be amongst them.” (Ahmed/Baihaqi)

Terjemahan: Rasulullah s.a.w. pernah bersabda kirakira bermaksud :

“Apabila kamu melihat benderabendera hitam dari arah Khorasaan, maka hendaklah kamu menyertai mereka, walaupun kamu akan diheret di dalam salji; yakni Mahdi akan berada dikalangan mereka”. (Ahmed/Baihaqi)

Lagi petikan tentang tempat bernama Khorasaan:

This definition tells that the following area is included in the Historical region of Ancient Khorasan. • Northern Part of Iran, • Afghanistan, • North Western Part of Pakistan and, • Southern parts of Central Asian Turkish states like Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan.

Insyallah, Kebathilan akan dimusnahkan oleh cahaya yang Hak!

A messiah will come to lead us! To the US/Israel, your days are numbered! ******************************************************************** By HBTAuthor Profile Page on January 16, 2009 8:06 AM

Selamat pagi dan salam Tun,

Izinkan I menambah komen ini...

//By tokapi on January 15, 2009 7:04 PM .... tp mcm Tok Det kata laa..... mana ada gomen yang setuju camtu.. sebabnya satu ja, kita lemah, orang tak takot dekat kita... ekonomi punya kekuatan kita tadak, yillek, nada, boliau...... //

**Kita bermula dari BOYCOTT produk Amerika/Israel, Pak Lah & koncu2nya, PAS yang berpakat dengan Anwar, Raja Petra dan KJ, DAP yang suka ikut stail Singapore supaya Malaysia akan kembali menjadi kuasa yang penting (bukan sombong dan tidak berperikemanusiaan) di rantau ASEAN, jadi Malaysia akan disokong kembali bila kita bersatu kerana Tokdet, itulah yang kita kena buat mulai pada hari ini thro "blogging to Unblog by Dr Mathathir Mohamad", strategi Malaysia yang terbaru dan canggih di dunia!!!!

I lega hati bila I lihat Starbuck tutup kedai di kawasan cina, kerana ramai cina dah fedup dengan America yang asyik memburukan dan memiskinkan negara China via Taiwan dan Singapura.

Malaysia adalah negara yang paling strategik untuk kuasa Amerika di ASEAN. Tetapi kerana Tokdet kita tidak melayan mereka selepas 1998, Amerika support Singapura. Yang sedihnya, Pak Lah lupa diri, bangsa dan agama, Tokdek kita dimaki hamun dan belasah. JOM, tokapi, mari kita BOYCOTT PAK LAH, KJ, Pak Musang Hitam dan koncu2nya.

Kepada Nazri (ketua MACC), betul apa hang kata semalam, rakyak dah bijak, jadi, jangan main2 (dengan rakyat)!!!. Hang tau apa yang rakyat nak, iaitu RAKYAT TAK NAK RASUAH & POLITIK WANG yang boleh mengadaikan negara kita kepada anjing Israel dan America, jangan lupa, rakyat dah faham maksud pepaduan dan keselamatan negara!!! Selamat tahun baru Muslim, Tokapi.

Good day Tun.

By Muhammad HalimAuthor Profile Page on January 16, 2009 8:16 AM


Instead of promoting Boycott Israel’s products or companies supporting Israel, govt all around the world, including bankers and politicians should promote competition. There are around 24 super huge companies with thousands of smaller companies subsidiaries of them, that support Israel, which makes its almost impossible for people all around the world to boycott them. Malaysia and other countries should invest heavily on producing alternative consumer products to compete with these 24 companies. The key, ORGANIZE ORGANIZE ORGANIZE. Financial assistance, supporting policies, Awards should be given for any companies that are determine/striving to compete with these 24 companies. For every country that protest against Israel, must contribute to form and shape companies that produce or supply alternative products to those supplied/produced by those 24 companies. And of courseprofit sharing. We battle by competing in production not boycotting. Below is the list of 24 huge companies

AOL Time Warner, Apax Partners & Co Ltd, CocaCola, Danone, Delta Galil, Disney Estée Lauder, IBM, Johnson & Johnson, KimberlyClark, Lewis Trust Group Ltd, L'Oreal, Marks & Spencer, Nestle, News Corporation, Nokia, Revlon, Sara Lee, Selfridges, The Limited Inc , Home Depot, Intel, Starbucks, Timberland, McDonald's, Arsenal FC

Education for the working class plays an important role. Islamic banking (no interest) should be promoted. We send our kids to oversea to learn the western way of building wealth (In debt we trust) and they come back being in 'flying geese' pattern trying to follow westerners that are in the game 100 years ahead. But how do we get out of the circle? Everyone wants easy money, put money in bank, gain interest, and let the money work for you. Western propaganda. Reduce interest rate close to 0. Cooperate with other countries to change current currency practice of using US dollars to using currency of economies with zero debt until Tun’s idea of Dinar possibly recognized.. Drastic move? Today’s news that Bank of America has miscalculated their debts and requires more fund from Federal. I believe next 4 years, US economy will soon collapse. US however is a huge ONE country, EU with many disagreement between members is suspected to collapse before US.

Tun, with your influence and brain, you could open an international club for companies, leaders, the riches, the intellects, muslims and non muslims from around the world that suspicious/fear of Jewish monopoly. With unity of those that 'soon gonna be' panic from Zionist aggression, more improved outcome could be achieve.

Sekian, M. Halim By kamal ahmadAuthor Profile Page on January 16, 2009 8:22 AM

Salam kasih dan hormat Ayahanda Tun.

In my 2 cents observations, what the Americans really need to do is to kick both Democrats and Republicans out from Washington. Then they should turn Pentagon into a budget motel with wireless internet access for fast money making spins. Over the years there has never been any real heavyweight contenders for these two. The Democratic Party traces its origins to the DemocraticRepublican Party, founded by Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, and other prominent opponents of the Federalists in 1792. Conversely, the modern Democratic Party arose in the 1830s, led by Andrew Jackson. While the Republican (often called the Grand Old Party or the GOP), was founded in Jackson, Michigan, in 1854 by antislavery expansion activists and reformers to the old American doctrines. These two parties have been helming the power batons over the past 200 years of the US history.

In America, even Elvis is Jewish and almost just about everything is Jewish. For the past several decades, and especially since the SixDay war in 1967 and the Yom Kippur War in 1973, the focus of US Middle Eastern policy has been its affiliation with the state of Israel. The mishmash of untiring support for Israel and the related effort in “democratizing” the Arab world and the region has successfully inflamed Arab and Islamic civilizations of the world today. This condition simply has no equal in American political record. So why has the US willingly sets aside her own safety and that of many of her allies in order to press forward the interests of another state? You may imagine that the bond between US & Israel was based on strategic benefits or even convincing ethical necessities, but neither clarification could account for the significant level of material and diplomatic support that the US had over the years provided Israel with. In truth, it’s the US domestic politics that’s doing all the US foreign policies agenda. Through the activities of the ‘Israel Lobby’ groupings, they have managed to slant foreign policies, but at the same time being very cautious as not to divert it as far from what the real national interest would imply, while simultaneously convincing voting Americans that US interests and Israel are fundamentally identical.

Since the October War in 1973 during the Menachem Begin era, Washington has been steadily providing Israel with a level of support dwarfing that given to any other state. It has been the largest annual recipient of direct economic and military assistance since 1976, and is the largest recipient in total since WW2, to the tune of well over $140 billion (in 2004 dollars). Israel receives about $3 billion in direct assistance each year, roughly onefifth of the foreign aid budget, and worth about $500 a year for each and every Israeli. Other recipients get their money in quarterly installments, but Israel receives its entire sum at the beginning of each fiscal year and can thus earn huge interest on it by way of laundering it through the massive Jewish global financial networks. It is the only recipient that does not have to account for how the aid is spent, such as building settlements on the West Bank. Moreover, the US has provided Israel with nearly $3 billion to develop weapons systems, and given it access to such top weaponry. Finally, the US gives Israel access to intelligence it denies to its Nato allies and has turned a blind eye to Israel’s acquisition of nuclear weapons.

Washington also provides Israel with consistent diplomatic support. Since 1982, the US has vetoed 32 United Nations Security Council resolutions critical of Israel, which figure more than the total number of vetoes cast by all the other Security Council members. It blocks the efforts of Arab states to put Israel’s nuclear arsenal on the IAEA’s agenda. Nonetheless, at the insistence and leads by the Israelis, Washington had successfully pushed for the IAEA to pressure other Islamic states in the region to comply with the IAEA resolutions. And Israel was even successful in getting the US to use the deceitful IAEA reports to invade Iraq, capture Saddam, hanged Saddam and tap into all those oil barrels for themselves. Its perhaps part of the grand Jewish New World Order agenda, the illuminati, the Wolfowitzs, The World Bank, The Soros and their affiliates across the globe that has been placed strategically to respond to their masters on a minute notice.

This extraordinary US generosity might be understandable if Israel were a vital strategic asset or if there were a compelling moral case for US backing. But neither explanation is convincing. One may state that Israel was an asset during the Cold War days by serving as America’s proxy in the region (post 1967), it helped contain the USSR war machine in the region and inflicted crushing defeats on Soviet patrons like Egypt and Syria. It occasionally helped protect other US allies (like Jordan and now Kuwait) and its military ability had forced Moscow to spend more on backing its own client states thus expediting the threats of the once Cold War era. But now almost all of those reasons mentioned above has expires. So what else is that to it that still bonds Americans, from the cradle to the grave to these Jewish agenda? Perhaps that over the years both the Democrats and the Republicans has been taken over lock stock and barrel by the Jewish lobbyist in America. The two large political parties are in truth the same one owned by just one entity – the Jews. All those democratic elections and process are just window dressings for the world. And they keep the rest of the world believing in them by flaunting their military might and world dominance agenda and the legendary UN veto votes.

So the rest of the free world can start by removing that golden veto vote, then go on to replace the Democrats and Republicans in Washington, and somewhere down the line, replace the USD as world trading currencies to something else. Or start from the bottom (with replacing the USD into gold dinars) like what Tun had been suggesting, and work our way up to the top of the list. More and more Americans are waking up to this reality, and some movements are sprouting across America today in the quest of wakening their long slumbered ignorant fellow Americans on this very real facts: that slavery never ended in America. It was merely reinvented and rescaled to include each and every Americans of legal drafting age into a slavemaster relationship with the state of Israel. And now with Obama taking the White House on a silver platter made in Israel, its interesting to see the culmination to this Kunta Kinte epic.

Tun, I apologize for my long and winding comment on the subject, but it’s just not everyday in my life that I get to share my views with a world renowned statesman from my life time such as your most honored self Tun. Best regards, warm wishes and love from all of us here. Thank you sir. By GabanZAuthor Profile Page on January 16, 2009 8:23 AM

The only good Bush is your own "Bush". By HBTAuthor Profile Page on January 16, 2009 8:24 AM


BOYCOTT produk Amerika/Israel terlalu lambat, hantar askar kita kat sana terlalu kejam dan amat bahaya.

JADI, kita bermula dengan memecatkan Pak Sharil Samad, Menteri Kepada Hal Ehwah Pengguna Negeri dan Pak Lah, Menteri Pertahanan Negara kerana mereka ini adalah pengecut (anjing) yang syok diri sendiri tanpa memperdulikan keselamatan dan pepaduan negara. Cara ini adalah cara terselamat, terpantas dan berkesan untuk melegakan hati rakyat Malaysia!!!

PECAT PAK LAH, PECAT SHAHRIL SAMAD via chedet weblog, cara yang paling selamat supaya kita tidak didakwa atas akta hasutan atau ISA. Tun, bloggers chedet dah bijak dan faham undang2 negara kita kerana TOKDET.

By Remaung Anak NagaAuthor Profile Page on January 16, 2009 8:25 AM

Dear Tun,

Are you out of you mind? Does the age factor start to eat you already? If you got that power to send our forces to Gaza, so be it! I support you 101%. But send the RAMD first, call it 'operation human sheild". Let the Isrealites treat them like our Gerak Khas sniper pissed on the dead al maaunah bozzo head in Sauk. You want that eh?

Stop the killing Tun! Lets solve the problems (1 problems to many for us) in our beloved country first rather than want to be hero for the Gazan. Ohh ya sorry you have retired.

Good day. By peminat TunAuthor Profile Page on January 16, 2009 8:35 AM

To Michael,

The only total idiot and brainless homosapien here is you. Who said our people are willing to kill each other just because of "ketuanan Melayu" word. It is not just a word..,it is more than that." Ketuanan Melayu" is the foundation of our unity. We measure our unity thru this "Ketuanan Melayu " word.This is our way in compromising, to give and to take. Giving 'nationality' to the Chinese and Indian and on the other hand, the Chinese and Indian agreed to NOT take the Malay's right as the owner of the land.For many many years we had live peacefully in respect to our ancestor's deal towards each other. And having total idiot and brainless homosapien like you as Malaysia Citizen will be the only factor contributing to disaster in the country. Hope you are not from ANY of us.Of course , We do have a few people like you around but most of us do understand history.Most important we understand the meaning of the word "PEACE" very well.PEACE here and anywhere in the world. we might be very tiny but we have a very big heart.We also have a 'tiny' former Prime Minister but he was and still the greatest leader in the the world ya I repeat. By amatAuthor Profile Page on January 16, 2009 8:37 AM

Salam tun,

Situation skrg ni mmg da out of control, so lets just do our little tiny parts, 0.001% punya impact pun jadilah,at least the spirit is there, jangan cakap saja mcm kebanyakan orang.

To priss01, i feel sorry for your immatureness i would say,maybe you should live your life longer first before even thinking about reading this blog,let alone commenting on it.i need not explain further as you are not worth it...

Teruskan perjuangan Tun, btw i think pas will win la tomorrows election.macam biasa la,ptptn,mara,jpa diberi,ambil...undinya tetap pembangkang,hidup melayu!! hasad dengkinya tak habis2, tak boleh tengok orang lain senang...heheh. By malan3395Author Profile Page on January 16, 2009 8:38 AM

Dear all..,,

We cannot boycot USA product due to they around us everywhere. But the government can push the USA company who invest in their country to pay more tax and contribute it to war foundation. I thing government not brave enough to do that because it will effect the foreign investor so how could we continue the boycot campangne. The fact is USA is the de facto of the world at this time there no thing we can do. We use to be grave man if boycot USA, jobles...

P/S : It true anthem God bless America By GabanZAuthor Profile Page on January 16, 2009 8:41 AM

It is clear from many years ago that our country always consistent with our stand regarding the Israelvspalestine issue.

For malaysians, those who still love your Rambo, I urge you guys to giveup your Malaysian citizenship. You all are just a burden to this country. Go out NOW !!! By arkAuthor Profile Page on January 16, 2009 8:45 AM

Tun yang saya kagumi,

A'kum wbt..

Selagi ada Yahudi di muka bumi ini, selagi itulah dunia tidak akan aman buat selamalamanya. Dalam beberapa ayat AlQuraan ada menyebut bahawasanya bangsa ini mempunyai sikap dan sifat yang berdolak dalih, suka bermusuhan, putar belit, pembunuh, mengadu domba dan bermacammacam lagi yang menuju kearah kehancuran muka bumi ini. Sebab itulah Presiden Iran Mahmod Ahmadenejad mengeluarkan kejyataan bahawasanya Israel perlu dilupuskan dari peta dunia demi keamanan muka bumi.

Saya sokong seratus peratus untuk kita sebagai orang islam tidak membeli dan mengguna barangan daripada negara Amerika dan Israel supaya dapat sedikit sebanyak membantut ekonomi bangsa laknatullah.

Semoga Tun dan Isteri diberi kekuatan dan ketajaman fikiran utk terus menulis dan memberi semangat kepada kami.

Hidup Tun.

Wasalam. By ikanbilismohAuthor Profile Page on January 16, 2009 8:52 AM










SEKIAN.....HARAP TUN DAPAT MEMBACA KOMEN SAYA INI.. By HBTAuthor Profile Page on January 16, 2009 8:52 AM



By S..Tan on January 16, 2009 1:34 AM


Well, Tan, if you are siting for a paper on objective questions, you have ONLY ONE CHOICE to circle the right answer, if you did not get them right, you will get ZERO or'"E" for that paper. In this world, there is only one answer, you cannot have 2 answers in one issue, if you circle the wrong answer, you will be busted out. Now I am begining to understand why our nonmuslims blame the government on education system, maybe it's our mentality problem that we did not push the right button on 'isu perkauman or keturunan. I think you are an old man and have been working in the government sector for many2 years, am I right, Tan? If you are, please read our dear Mr POH's comments, gee...he has learned alot from chedet which I am very happy for him.


If you prefer to manage BOYCOTT like APIT, so it's better for you to stop your comments in chedet because you are NEITHER HERE NOR THERE, I pity lah...... By edwinAuthor Profile Page on January 16, 2009 8:53 AM

To some it all up, the Palestinians has the pity of the world. Israel and America will continue with their policies and practices, they will never change. Boycott? Tactic and strategy is too naïve and wouldn’t work today. We can’t go back to the kampung ways. UN is a toothless tiger. Solution? Not deliberately breaking anyone’s moral grounds, but there is nothing we can do. Change takes years if not decades and centuries. Obama should do the right thing. If not, Americans can vote again.... Time is what we need and yet wasted everyday. By aarkhanAuthor Profile Page on January 16, 2009 9:00 AM

Salam Tun,

There are a lot that we should do. We should;

1. Our fatwa council should come up with a fatwa to ban the smoking among Muslims in Malaysia as we believe all cigarette companies are related to Jewish.

2. We should not rely only on UN. IsraelPalestine conflict is going on for more than 60 years. Shall we wait until there is no more Palestinians around before we could take any action. Why wait for those AsSauds, they are just a baghal clowns created by Jewish proxy known as 'Lion of the dessert'. OIC is the best platform to do anything yet our PM is still in his 'denial sindrom'. OIC should re consider gold dinar instead of the bloody dollar.

3. YOU should lead this OIC or nothing can be achieve. Why bet on our moron PM?

Regards, By MKMAuthor Profile Page on January 16, 2009 9:01 AM

GoodDay TUN,

Actually boycotting the American products such as Coca Cola, Starbucks or Mc Donals are the most effective way of telling the Americans that we hate your guts. Personnally i think the next American goverment should think about how to handle there foreign policy with other country especially in the Middle East region.History tells us that the Americans has never won a war which they actually started just for the name of bringing democracy to the that country.They lost the war in Vietnam,North Korea,Iraq and now there are actually going to lose the war in Afganistan and in Gaza. Everbody knows that President Bush is a Baffoon.His face and act tells it all.His 8 years of incharge of America have brought terror to the Muslim world. And Israel has always been a pet dog to him. I hope somebody prosecute this guy before he dies of old age.He is just a crap up dog with no human feelings or a brain.

Now Playing : Madball : Pride(Times are Changing) By Tg JohariAuthor Profile Page on January 16, 2009 9:02 AM

Assalamualaikum w.b.t,


Kita di Malaysia seringkali berdemo dengan membakar bendera Amerika untuk menunjukkansokongan kepada Palestin. Mungkin kita terlepas pandang kesengsaraan Palestin disebabkan tiada kesatuan di antara orang Arab itu sendiri. Sedangkan negaranegara Arab kaya raya dan menghabiskan @ mengguna bajet perbelanjaan negara dengan membeli senjata canggih lebih daripada perbelanjaan senjata Amerika sendiri.

Jadi adalah lebih baik kita menggesa dan memberi tekanan agar Negaranegara Arab bersatu dan bantu Palestin. Kita demo depan kedutaan negara Arab,kita bakar bendera negaranegara Arab kita tunjukkan dan kitacuba bangunkan orang arab itusendiri. Mereka berkemampuan untuk bantu dan mereka adalah saudara Islam yang paling hampir kedudukan dengan Palestin. Kita putuskan hubungan dengan negara Arab,kuatkan kerjasama dengan Venezuela dan Bolivia,itu lebih baik.

Tiada guna kita bakar bendera Amerika,tiada hasil hanya umpama angin lalu...Negara Arab perlu disedarkan dari lena mereka yang panjang...Sedarkan mereka dengan pengetahuan sejarah yang sepatutnya mereka tahu.Sesungguhnya Islam itu kuat jika semua bersatu!

Saya yakin jika Tun masih jadi PM, Tun akan ambilkira pandangan saya yang tak seberapa ini.

Semoga Allah mencucuri rahmat kepada roh saudara kita yang gugur di Palestin bumi Anbia...Dan Allah panjangkan umur Tun dan isteri,InsyaAllah.

Ikram By pakpandir08Author Profile Page on January 16, 2009 9:03 AM hanya orang yg berfikiran cetek, akan membuat sesuatu yang meluru ... keadaan di Gaza bukannya berlaku pertama kali, namun ia BERULANGULANG sejak berpuluhpuluh tahun ... berapa ramaikah umat islam yg tidak berdosa telah dibunuh oleh amerika dan israel yg zalim? jawapannya tidak dapat dihitung ... setiap kali komuniti islam dizalim, pertubuhan bangsabangsa bersatu tidak berbuat apaapa. Ramai yang berarak, memboikot, membakar bendera dan mengamuk ...

INGAT ... sekiranya tindakan mengamuk boleh membawa penyelesaian di Gaza, sudah lama issue Gaza dapat diselesaikan dan bukannya sehinggga hari ini ramai umat islam masih dizalimi ...

PENTING ... jangan lupa media di dunia ini dikuasai oleh barat .. setiap kali perarakan dan tunjuk perasaan diadakan, lebihlebih lagi membakar bendera negara orang lain ... situasi ini memberi imej kepada golongan BUKAN islam satu PRASANGKA bahawa itu satu gejala yang liar ... sebab itu, negara lain yg tidak terlibat secara langsung wujudnya kebimbangan terhadap tindakan sebegini ... ini adalah SEBAB UTAMA mengapa negara lain tidak memberi sokongan yg PADU, sekiranya kepentingan mereka tergugat apabila menentang amerika ...

INGAT ... siapa yg berkuasa, mereka mampu mempergunakan media untuk memberikan maklumat yang memihak kepada mereka sendiri ... Saya rasa Tun ketahui benar dengan situasi ini ... Di malaysia, setiap tunjuk perasaan yg diadakan, walaupun pada sesetengah orang, itulah satu "perjuangan" ... namun dengan kekuasaan kerajaan terhadap media utama ... segala kelakuan sepanjang tunjuk perasaan, DIPAPARKAN sebagai TINDAKAN LIAR yg bertujuan untuk mendapat sokongan PIHAK NEUTRAL ...

Daripada mengamuk, alternatif lain perlu digesa dengan secepat mungkin supaya kezaliman terhadap umat islam yg tidak berdosa di Gaza dihentikan serta merta ...

(1) Menghantar rombongan wakil ke negaranegara asing untuk mendapatkan sokongan .. setakat menyurat sahaja tidak menunjukan keikhlasan ... Inilah satusatunya kaedah yg boleh menghapuskan prasangka negara lain agar mereka memberi sokongan yg sejati ...

Oleh yg demikian ... sila BENARBENAR menghukurkan bantuan yg IKHLAS ... dan bukan sekadar hendak menunjukan KEMEGAHAN diri ... berikanlah "bantuan" yang benarbenar "membantu" .... mengamuk itu tidak dapat membawa penyelesaian ... By peminat TunAuthor Profile Page on January 16, 2009 9:04 AM

Dear Tun,

At the beginning,I have the same thought with u when u say u wish u could send the MAF to attack the US and Israeli BUT after giving a longer thought, I thought, why do we bother when the OIC, the biggest Islamic Organization can only act as the "Oh I see" Organization. I wonder what has pulled them back from defending each other.OIC was much more stronger during your time as our PM.You had given them a magical strength every time you stand at the podium But as the tenure had been passed on,the Arabs country seems to ignore the role of OIC in restoring PEACE in the gulf.I believe should OIC unite, neither US nor Israeli have the guts to attack the Muslim countries.Why were they so selfish when after all they will be the next country to be attacked by the US? By JamalAuthor Profile Page on January 16, 2009 9:16 AM

Good Morning Tun,

A very hard hitting piece indeed, sir.

You all should read John Perkins's confession of an Economic Hit Man and The Secret History of the American Empire. Perkins was such a Economic Hit Man and gives us an insider expose of the going on of the American diabolical schemes. This includes, assassinations, corruption, blackmail, sex traps and all the thing we thought were James Bond film plots.

How heinous can people in power get. He expose them with names and places.

The South American have fought back and their shining light and spokesman is Hugo Chaves. But the American power players (Perkins call them Corporatocracy involving American Big Businesses / corporations who wield sway over the "elected goverment of the day"). From there the complicity of the CIA, IMF, World Bank all come into play. They will resort to any thing to get what they want.

We must fear for Obama as two previous true democrates John Kennedy and Abrahim Lincon were assisinated. Obama needs to watch his back and his actions so as not to be trapped in the deceit of the Corporatocracy.

The Isreal issue is part of the strategy for them to hold sway over the Oil in Saudi Arabia. Oil powers the machinery of these corporations it is their lifeline to wealth and power so they MUST at all cost control it.

They are now making Colombia the Isreal of South America. Don't be surprise if Singapore is a candidate for such a role for South East Asia hovering over Indonesia (an Oil Producing Country). Malaysia under the stewardship of TUN had prevented Malaysia being made use of.

Under Pak Lah and KJ we are not too sure now, esp. after seeing what is going on so far.

In any event, yes Tun you are correct we will not be able to make a dent on the Americans with our boycot, as is.

BUT the Saudis; and all Muslim must pressure the Saudi king to NOT SELL THEIR OIL IN US DOLLARS AND NOT TO INVEST THEIR OIL MONEY IN THE US!!!!!If the people of Brazil, Venezuela, Bolivia, Ecuador and Iran can do it why not the Saudis, the Kuwaitis, the UAEs, the Iraqis???

With what is happening in GAZA the SAUDI KINGS have the blood of the children of GAZA on their hands. And if the Saudi people do not act they too will have the blood of the innocent children of gaza on theri hands.

May ALLAH give us the strength to oppose such evil deeds.

Wassalam. By anon11.55Author Profile Page on January 16, 2009 9:16 AM priss01, you think the palestanians are at par with the Israel soldiers? Those soldiers are very highly trained and the palestanians 'soldiers' comprise of children and men, young and old...and their weapons? stones!!! and yet they'll live till today. who says there's no miracle ;) By Cucu Tok SelampitAuthor Profile Page on January 16, 2009 9:19 AM

Assalamualaikum Ayahanda Tun,

Not only limited on boykotting CocaCola. Append below please find other 8 brand which directed directly to Israel and I think it is no harm for us not to produce or consume them:

1. Coca Cola

From 1966 onward CocaCola has been a stauch supporter of Israel. In 1997 the Government of Israel Economic Mission honored CocaCola at the Israel Trade Award Dinner for its continued support of Israel for the last 30 years and for refusing ro abide by the Arab League boycott of Israel. [ In contrast Pepsi abided by the Arab League boycott of Israel which ended in May 1991, after 1992 Pepsi is also trading in Israel]

In 2001 the CocaCola World Headquarters hosted and was the main sponser of the AmericanIsrael Chamber of Commerce Awards Gala. It has ben revealed that CocaCola Israel sponsers training programs for its workers on subjects including the IsraeliArab conflict. The course content is created by a company funded by the Jewish Agency and the Israeli government.

In February 2002, CocaCola teamed up with "Friends of Israel" and National Hillel to cosponser a lecture given by the infamous zionist correspondent Linda Gradstein at the University of Minnesota. In July 2002, it has been announced that CocaCola, in return for millions in incentives from the Israeli government, is to build a new plant on stolen Palestinian land at Kiryat Gat. In October 2005, CocaCola increased its investment in Israel by buying a 51 percent controlling interest in the Tavor Winery.

2. McDonalds

McDonald's is the largest and bestknown global food service retailer with more than 30,000 restaurants in 121 countries. McDonalds chairman and CEO Jack M. Greenberg is an honorary director of the AmericanIsrael Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Inc., of Metropolitan Chicago.

According to the Chicago Jewish Community Online (website of the Jewish United Fund of Metropolitan Chicago), McDonalds Corporation whose global headquarters is based just outside Chicago is a major corporate partner of the Jewish United Fund and Jewish Federation.

Through its Israel Commission, the Jewish United Fund "works to maintain American military, economic and diplomatic support for Israel; monitors and, when necessary, responds to media coverage of Israel"

The Jewish United Fund runs "Funfilled Summer Family Missions to Israel" (the next one is on Aug 19 2002) where families get to "visit an army base and meet with Israeli soldiers" and "visit our sister city, Kiryat Gat and see the important work we are doing there"[3]. Kiryat Gat, you may be aware from the Boycott Intel Campaign, is built on stolen Palestinian land the lands of the villages of Iraq Al Manshiya and AlFaluja whose residents were ethnically cleansed in 1949 in contravention of International Law[6]. Through its "Partnership to Israel" programme, the Jewish United Fund provides $1.3 million annually[5] to help the development of Kiryat Gat and to promote further illegal settlement there.

In the Jewish United Funds outreach program they pay for Christian leaders and American high school kids to visit Israel and be fed zionist lies. McDonalds entered the Israeli market in 1993 and now has 80 resturants across Israel, providing employment to some 3000 Israelis.

3. Starbucks

Howard Shultz, the chairman of Starbucks is an active zionist. In 1998 he was honoured by the Jerusalem Fund of Aish HaTorah with "The Israel 50th Anniversary Friend of Zion Tribute Award" for his services to the zionist state in "playing a key role in promoting close alliance between the United States and Israel". The Jerusalem Fund of Aish HaTorah funds israeli arms fairs chaired by the butcher of Jenin General Shaul Mofaz, and the zionist propaganda website

His work as a propagandist for Israel has been praised by the Israeli Foreign Ministry as being key to Israel's longterm PR success.

Recently whilst the Israeli army was slaughtering Palestinians in Jenin, Nabulus and Bethlehem he made a provocative speech blaming the Palestinians of terrorism, suggesting the intifada was a manifestation of anti Semitism, and asked people to unite behind Israel.

At a time when other businesses were desperately pulling out of Israel, Starbucks decided to help Israel's floundering economy and invest in Israel a joint venture with Israeli conglomerate Delek Group for Starbucks outlets in Israel ( Shalom Coffee Co). A bad business decision Starbucks made heavy losses and in April 2003 Starbucks were forced to announced that all 6 Starbucks cafes in Israel will be shut down and its partnership with Delek end. It has been revealed that Starbucks still continues to support Israel by sponsoring fund raisers for Israel.

4. Revlon

Financier and cosmetics billionaire Ronald Perelman , who controls cosmetics maker Revlon, is a zionist. Also ownes New World Entertainment & Forbes. He supports zionist causes for example he is a trustee of The Simon Wiesenthal Center which uses the holocaust to promote Zionism and Israel.

5. Nokia

Nokia have started to invest heavily in Israel. Nokia general manager Lars Wolf said in an interview with The Jerusalem Post (4 March 2001): "We are really focusing on Israel from all perspectives, because we have an internal project called 'Project Israel' which means we are looking at Israel from a networks perspective, from the perspective of Nokia Ventures Organization, and also from the perspective of Nokia Research Center ". Nokia Venture Partners, a branch of Nokia Ventures Organization, launched a new $500 million fund in December 2000 and allowed that a "disproportionate" amount of it would go into Israeli companies. Nokia Research Center is on the lookout for Israeli startups with which it can cooperate.

6. Arsenal

Arsenal Football Club has just signed (26th February) a sponsorship deal to promote Israel as a tourist destination. The £350,000 agreement makes Israel Arsenal's "official and exclusive travel destination." Israel will be featured on digital perimeter boards and 450 highdefinition LCD screens at the stadium on game days. The tourism ministry will also have access to the club's official website, database and magazine to promote Israel as a holiday destination.

The televised ads will reach audiences of up to 700 million in an estimated 198 countries. The Israeli Tourism Ministry will also receive intellectual property rights, the use of the team logo and the right to use photos of the team and its players in ads. For an additional fee, Arsenal players will also appear in the ads.The deal doesn't stop with promoting Israel but actually grants Israel a physical presence in the stadium. The Israeli Tourism Ministry can use the stadium's banquet hall twice a year and can organize an exhibition at the end of the playing season. The stadium will also feature permanent sales tables for tshirts.

The twoyear sponsorship deal begins at the start of next football season in six months' time. With the world boycotting Israel as a tourist destination Israeli tourism minister Abraham Hirchson admitted employing Ernst & Young financial advisers to help develop a new strategy to entice people to Israel. He estimated that the sponsorship deal will bring in an additional 2 million tourist to Israel annually. Arsenal's managing director, Keith Edelman at a press conference in Israel explained how Arsenal could help sell apartheid Israel: "We are the largest club in London and have 30 million fans around the world. We are in the forefront of the antiracism campaign in England and have an excellent brand that can promote any product ... we will assist Israel become a more popular destination". He also promised "when we find the time, club representatives and players will come to visit Israel."

7. EsteeLauder

Estée Lauder's chairman, Ronald Lauder, also one time chairman of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations, is the current president of the Jewish National Fund (JNF) a quasigovernmental agency whose main function is to legitimize Israeli occupation of Palestinian land. Ronald Lauder is an ardent zionist, his activities have been catalogued by American Muslims for Jerusalem who called for a boycott in Febuary 2001. In fact his views are often more extreme then some israeli governments!

8. Johnson & Johnson

Johnson & Johnson purchased Israeli company Biosense for $400 million. In 1998, Mr. Roger S. Fineon behalf of Johnson & Johnson, received the Jubilee Award by the Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu. This is the highest tribute ever awarded by the "State of Israel" in recognition of those individuals and organizations, that through their investments and trade relationships, have done the most to strengthen the Israeli economy.

9. L'Oreal

After being fined $1.4 million by the US in 1995 for writing a letter to the Arab League claiming that they had stopped production in Israel, they have been engaged in actively courting Israel with investments and largescale commerce.

American Jewish Congress has expressed "keen satisfaction that L'Oreal has become a warm friend of Israel". L'Oreal has established Israel as its commercial center in the Middle East and has increased investment and manufacturing activities ranging from a new production line established in Migdal Haemek, to joint research and development projects with Israeli affiliates, as well as education and public service campaigns. In 1998 Mr. Pascal Castres St Martin of L' Oreal, received the Jubilee Award by the Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu. This is the highest tribute ever awarded by the "State of Israel" in recognition of those individuals and organizations, that through their investments and trade relationships, have done the most to strengthen the Israeli economy.

Please boycott the above mentioned products. We can make a different. Save Palestine people!!! By ZaffyAuthor Profile Page on January 16, 2009 9:23 AM

Dear Tun, i couldnt believe my eyes when i read the comments made to your current post. some people actually believe ur call to attack the US and Israel and they then proceed to get all choked up with emotion and start pointing to pearl harbour ... OH MY GOD!! what is WRONG with some of you people out there? the posting was made tongue in cheek...look to the message that it contains and try not take it at face value la. malaysian armed forces to attack the US and israel and some of u guys lapped that up? tsk, thank u, tun, ur postings have all been very insightful. whilst i may not agree with ALL ur views, knowing that there are people who still have views is refreshing enough. thank u again. By Bravo Echo Echo RomeoAuthor Profile Page on January 16, 2009 9:27 AM

Dr. M For you to clump all Americans as being hated is despicable. I just got back from an oversea trip and Americans are still very much loved. It is people like you that send the wrong messages to the world and to your incorrigible blind supporters of your propanganda. We Americans recognise that not all Malaysians are fanatics or blind followers of your nonsense. Thus not all Malaysians are bad. A lot of them hates your policies when you were in power. America has plenty of compassion and not all Americans support death and destruction to the innocents. However ,we do not have any qualms at all to use all the might at our disposal to destroy terrorists and people who wants to kill us. September 11 changed all our outlook and trust of things. We are more guarded and will fight back anywhere this time. Hamas is a terrorist group and has publicly called for the destruction of America. The Palestinian people have chosen Hamas and has to face the unfortunate reality of death and destruction. Just like in WW2 when the Germans chose the Nazis and the Japanese chose the Emperor. The rest is history and innocent people gets killed. A man of your statue should realize the intricacies of world politics and reality. What you are trying to do to make yourself out as the holier than thou saviour of the Islamic countries is a continous joke. I would prefer that you look at yourself in the mirror and ask whether you yourself is a racist and holds elephant memory grudges. Let the blind hatred of you being mistaken for a servant driver's friend in Singapore go once and for all. It is only eating you alive inside and clouding your judgement of equating Singapore with Israel and the United States. After all you are an old man now and needs to clear your conscience. Boycott all you want as we are "THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA". God bless America and the defacto 51st state of America "Israel" By pakmangAuthor Profile Page on January 16, 2009 9:31 AM

Dear Tun,

Do not waste any more time to boycott America or Israel now. Since they are super power and would like to fight and control the world, those countries who dislike them shall unite together to settle the problems with them by force! Let the war settle their disputes....

I just hate of what the UNSC has done. They have spent too much time to discuss and compromise the issue with the world leaders... in fact they should have sent UN troops to keep the cease fire or if not just attack Israel so to make him withdraw from Palestine. Do you know how many innocent civilians will die just for a day delay? Don't you think UN is merely a PAPER TIGER! By Lan5029Author Profile Page on January 16, 2009 9:33 AM

From now on, I vow to avoid using/consuming anything from American that is not essential.. coke, starbuck, McD etc.. By GurunmanAuthor Profile Page on January 16, 2009 9:39 AM

Dear Tun,

Please continue to guide us and stand up for what is right..My fellow Malaysian let's joint hands and boycot all American and Jewish related organization such Tesco, Starbuck and so on for good. I believe a one ringgit can turn into millions if we do it together as what ayahanda Tun said.

Long Live Tun.. By Kassim Mohd HussainAuthor Profile Page on January 16, 2009 9:46 AM

Salam Tun,

I cannot disagree with you. Realizing that we do not have the strength to fight the U.S. and the murderous Israeli armed forces, the least we could do is just to say it aloud "Fight and Kill Them On Sight!", for the sake of humanity.

There will come a time that memory of yesteryear on the KAMIKAZE attack on the U.S. aircraft carrier, at Pearl Harbour, that inflicted many deaths to U.S. navy personnel will again come to life. This time, this will be carried out by the jetfighter/s coming from the nearby Arab countries. For all we know, it could come from Saudi Arabia (the strongest ally of the American, British and the Israeli murderous governments)

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has always been detrimental to the unity of the middle eastern people, perhaps since the divisive SYKESPICOT 1916 agreement being shoved to them and accepted almost without oppositions that allows the empirical British and the French to divide and rule the ARAB EMPIRE thus making them so weak and dependent on these colonialists power.

This is the similar simple game the British played and manipulated the people of Malaya, Singapura and other countries in asia. They established the Malay Settlement, Chinese, Indian to have a good control over these people, and creating an "ELITE" club supportive of their colonialist agenda. We were so stupid then (and now!) over this simple strategy of the British's rules.

No one race is spared from the misdeed of the British colonialist power. The Chinese in China once had a bitter and humiliating encounter of the evil deed of the British rules. In China then, a notice was displayed in the park, saying, "NO DOGS AND CHINESE ARE ALLOWED"! In India they had their humiliating experienced too! Ask the Indians, the affirmative answer will just come out profusely out of hatred!

Malaysians! Wake UP! Do not wait till the UGLY HEAD of the next colonial power appears. Little do we realize that we are the modern slaves of those people who in control of the world economy. What makes you think, only those in poor Africa are the only slaves?

Look! It is happening, again! Isolating and overcrowding the Palestinians into the Gaza Strip, with its poor infrastructure and deprived of their daily basic necessities. Putting the Palestinians in "ONE PLACE" is part of the murderous israeli government's plan to eventually annihilate the Palestinians. It is an EASY TARGET, especially by the Israeli americanmade jetfighters. By KalamAuthor Profile Page on January 16, 2009 9:55 AM

Dear Tun,

Harap ayahanda sentiasa dirahmati Allah.

Keratan Berita Harian : Dunia mesti tekan Israel, AS TPM

Katanya, konflik IsraelPalestin sebenarnya bukan berpunca daripada agama kerana masyarakat Islam dan Yahudi sudah hidup aman sejak berkurun lama, sebaliknya apa yang berlaku sekarang ialah akibat tindakan Israel merampas tanah serta menindas dan menyisihkan rakyat Palestin.


Jika kita lihat siruasi sekarang, sedikit masa lagi (mungkin dalam 20 30 tahun akan datang) bangsa melayu juga akan menjadi seperti diatas sekiranya bangsa melayu tidak berubah.So fikirkanlah wahai bangsa ku.

Ikhlas from, Kalam (Saya bukan 'melayu' tapi malaya) By nookvillageAuthor Profile Page on January 16, 2009 10:10 AM


The Muslim World should be united in soul and mind against America and Israel. By the7thdragonAuthor Profile Page on January 16, 2009 10:10 AM

Saya pemuda usia 25.

1)Sejak 2003 apabila belibelah saya tidak beli produk buatan Malaysia tetapi saya hanya beli produk buatan SYARIKAT Malaysia.

2)Produk F&N dibuat di Malaysia tetapi ia syarikat Singapura,jadi sebahagian duit saya akan mengalir keluar dari Malaysia jika beli produk F&N.

3)Mungkin sukar hafal senarai panjang produk Yahudi/Amerika,tetapi bukankah lebih mudah jika anda hanya beli produk buatan SYARIKAT Malaysia.

4)Harus rajin baca label,pandaipandailah anda amati samada ia buatan SYARIKAT Malaysia atau syarikat asing di Malaysia.

5)Saya amat berbangga apabila hanya beli produk SYARIKAT Malaysia,sebagai contoh SYARIKAT Malaysia seperti Lam Soon punyai pelbagai jenis produk keperluan harian yang boleh dijadikan alternatif. Terbaru syarikat bumiputera iaitu HPA melalui jenama Radix telah punyai pelbagai jenis produk termasuk Restoran Radix Fried Chicken yang sehebat KFC,malangnya produkproduk Radix masih kurang agresif di sekitar Selangor.

6)Hasil ujikaji berkalikali oleh saya, petrol bagi semua jenis syarikat minyak punyai penjimatan, kualiti, dan prestasi yang sama, adalah satu persepsi hampas apabila ada yang menyatakan petrol Shell/BHP lebih menjimatkan. Maka, sokonglah Petronas demi ekonomi negara (yang mana akan beri kesan kepada ekonomi anda juga)

7)Saya menutup akaun bank konvensional dan buka akaun bank yang menjalankan Islamic Banking bagi mengukuhkan ekonomi Islam.

8)Apabila belibelah di kedai, saya menyatakan "TAK NAK PLASTIK".

9)Saya pakai tali keledar belakang sejak 2003 dengan bangganya di hadapan rakanrakan kolej saya yang menggelar saya "Skema" dan "Poyo".

Apabila Namrud membakar Nabi Ibrahim, burung pipit mengambil air menggunakan paruhnya untuk memadamkan api lalu ditegur burung enggang,

"Usaha kau tidak mampu memadamkan api", burung pipit balas,

"Itu benar, tapi aku lebih takut dipersoal Allah kelak kerana tidak berbuat apaapa untuk membantu Nabi Ibrahim".

"Air yang kecil tidak mampu menggerak debu, tetapi apabila ia menjadi tsunami ia mampu mengubah semua."

the7thdragon By Org KampungAuthor Profile Page on January 16, 2009 10:13 AM

Assalamualaikum w.b.t Harap Tun dlm keadaan sihat hendaknya.. Saya nak minta supaya tun blh menulis dlm bhasa melayu.. susah ler nenek sya nak bca, coz tak pandai org putih.. tq.. By shazliAuthor Profile Page on January 16, 2009 10:14 AM

Salam Tun,

I love your opening statement: 1. I would like to have the Malaysian Armed Forces attack the United States and Israel.

2. But I don't think the Government and the MAF would agree with me.

In my mind I was thinking, "This old man has gone senile". Then after reading it fully, along with the attachment, we get the whole picture which is enlightening. Sure, if I, one person refuse to drink Coke ( I don't drink carbonated drinks anyway), the US will lose out on about 20cents of my money. But if all of us make a concious effort not to drink Coke, then it will make a difference. Of course, we can't live without Internet and Microsoft and Boeing and Intel, for now. But at least we can send a big enough signal saying "Don't mess with us".

The most important question now is "What comes after boycott?". It should be with coming up with alternatives. We have Ramly burgers which are better than McD's. Islamic Financing and Takaful which is way less risky then conventional banking. Proton and Perodua cars are decent, no matter on what some politicians say. Now, we have to continue that effort with IT products (such as ERP software, network equipment,...),heavy industries (like aerospace and military), advanced Universities and producing knowledge leaders (Nobel Laureate standard).

I am glad you have this blog where everybody in the world can praise, ask, comment or even criticise you. Not many 80 year old retired leader of a nation are willing to be exposed to this cyber onslaught. Caya lah, Tun !!

By GabanZAuthor Profile Page on January 16, 2009 10:15 AM

RichDad is actually a poor dad. Only a looser like RichDad thinks that we cannot survive without relying on US. It doesn't matter if US ask our students to go out from US. There are many other good places we can send our students. This is the time we should stop on relying upon US in any matters.

Tun Che Det, As a Petronas Adviser, we should advise Petronas to stop giving projects or petroleum development block to any USIsraellinked companies. This will hurt them more than boycotting the CocaCola. By penerokaAuthor Profile Page on January 16, 2009 10:18 AM

Dear Tun,

Thanks & that the anwsers that I will counter to my Malaysian friends that still doubt and arguing about this boycott initiative.

I'm 200% support this! By bengang2003Author Profile Page on January 16, 2009 10:23 AM salam tun.. apa pendapat tun tentang tindakan Bolivia dan Venzuela yang mengusir diplomat dan memutuskan hubungan diplomatik dengan Israel walhal mereka bukan negara Islam ,sedangkan kebanyakan negara islam lain masih 'menyimpan' duta2 israel di negara mereka. tq By Dr. Rezuan Che MatAuthor Profile Page on January 16, 2009 10:28 AM

Salams Tun,

Mengapa sekarang baru nak berperang? Kerana hati sudah sakit. Perang tanpa strategi sememangnya tidak menjamin kemenangan. Puak Zionist sudah merancang beratus tahun, baru hari ini dapat menunjukkan kekuatan. Kita hanya mahu berperang jika disakiti. Patut la kena buli.

Ini bukanlah masa utk berbincang dgn Amerika. Ya,..perbincangan dgn puak Zionis hanya sia2. Sekarang mereka berkuasa. Ini sudah tertulis. Hanya kita yang lupa, yg lalai dengan kekayaan sementara, dan bersikap hipokrit setiap kali masalah tiba.

Saya bercadang, kita rancanglah strategi baru. Untuk permulaan, fokus kepada masalah dalam dulu. Masyarakat semua bangsa dlm negara kita mesti bersatu, wujudkan lebih banyak peluang pekerjaan di negara kita. Lebih banyak rakyat dapat bekerja dgn syarikat tempatan. Naik taraf kehidupan rakyat tempatan, agar seluruh rakyat berkemampuan mendidik anak2 mereka ditahap yang tertinggi. Bila semua berkemampuan, lebih banyak syarikat tempatan akan dibuka, maka lebih banyak peluang pekerjaan dpt disediakan untuk rakyat sendiri.

Kedua, bila peluang pekerjaan banyak, maka tutup "SELURUH" syarikat Amerika, tutup terus peluang Amerika berniaga malah seluruh peluang perniagaan dari Amerika di haramkan di Malaysia. Jika Malaysia berjaya berbuat demikian, usulkan idea ini keseluruh dunia, sambil mengingati kejadian pembunuhan rakyat Palestin yg berlaku hari ni.

Untuk melumpuhkan ekonomi Amerika adalah karut, tetapi tidak mustahil. Yang membantutkan usaha ini adalah pemimpin yang hipokrit dan hanya mementingkan keuntungan semata2. Jika pemimpin dinegara kita hanya tahu berpolitik, usahlah berangan2 untuk berperang dengan Amerika dan Zionist. Kerana peperangan senjata bukanlah kemahiran kita.

Ya, sebagai seorang muslim, saya yakin, hari pembalasan akan tiba. By HalidAuthor Profile Page on January 16, 2009 10:28 AM

We don't buy American product. But we steal from them. Use pirated softwares, watch pirated videos, here pirated music.

Don't ever buy original product of the United State By HouseWife™Author Profile Page on January 16, 2009 10:34 AM

Assalamualaikum Tun,

Oh my dearest Tun, please..please..ask these MAD Israelis to stop their madness..their cruelties..their killings of the beautiful Palestinian children and their loved ones. i just can't bear it anymore, everyday these children and the Palestinians are being killed mercilessly. My heart is in great pain and tears are flowing profusely, nothing compared to the pain and sorrow of the Palestinian people.

I was once schooled in a convent and I've learned scriptures and the Ten Commandments and I remember it says: LOVE THY NEIGHBOURS THOU SHALL NOT KILL

Then why are they not following the teachings in the Torah or are they not believe in God and that they are God so they can do as they please?

As a mother and a woman I'm willing to fight alongside the people of Palestine with my bare hands and body and soul, if only I could be there.

Oh please.. please Tun ask them to stop the MADNESS! PLEASE THOSE WHO STILL HAVE COMPASSION PLEASE HELP TO STOP THIS MADNESS! By ahmadnurhaizanAuthor Profile Page on January 16, 2009 10:34 AM


To all the dearest who found the act of boycott and whichever acts against the US/Israelis, would give more effects (negative) to us than to the US/Israelis,

...that's the main problem to most of our people of the world. rather to might lose something or everything, by stand up and fighting the crimes and evils, we preferably to chose to stay on stand still, and just mourn and mourn of whatever others have lost. sacrifice has no meaning anymore. what's left is just a word.

To dear "I love Jews", who feel so sad for Tun, for Tun's hatred, and who couldn't believe that Islam tells people to kill the jews,

...i'm feeling as sad as you are, but not to Tun, but to you, who loves so much with the Jews (translates clearly enough by your nick) for their(the Israelis including you) hatred to the Muslims, who fought for their survival and rights, launching rockets because of the depriving of foods and waters and economies from their land. shouldn't believe that Islam is telling Its followers of faith to kill the Jews, instead you should believe that the Muslims should fight whoever declares war with them. We must not take revenge, but there are rights to stand up for, no matter how justified you feel for the Israelis or whichever side you are on. I'm speaking in the perspective of a human being.

Lastly, to dear hardhitter, who listed the 4 things Tun hated in life,

...ask the same question to the Israel, and the America, and I guarantee you, their answer is only one instead of four.

Regards, Ahmad Nurhaizan Shah Alam

P/S : Salam sayang dan semoga dirahmati Allah, untuk Tun dan sekeluarga By samuraimelayuAuthor Profile Page on January 16, 2009 10:40 AM






ALFATIHAH, AMIN. By alchemilyAuthor Profile Page on January 16, 2009 10:48 AM


Dear Dr M

I am encouraged and heartened by your comment. As such I took this step to contribute to your blog. As a start I would like to share an article in relation to the one you’ve appended. This article inked by one Norman Finkelsstien, who is the son of a Holocaust survivor. He is of the opinion that the whole episode is a big lie and these lies designed by the Zionist who has no intention of backing down not until achieving their colonism conquest.


Seeing Through the Lies The Facts About Hamas and the War on Gaza By NORMAN FINKELSTEIN The record is fairly clear. You can find it on the Israeli website, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs website. Israel broke the ceasefire by going into the Gaza and killing six or seven Palestinian militants. At that point—and now I’m quoting the official Israeli website—Hamas retaliated or, in retaliation for the Israeli attack, then launched the missiles. Now, as to the reason why, the record is fairly clear as well. According to Ha’aretz, Defense Minister Barak began plans for this invasion before the ceasefire even began. In fact, according to yesterday’s Ha’aretz, the plans for the invasion began in March. And the main reasons for the invasion, I think, are twofold. Number one; to enhance what Israel calls its deterrence capacity, which in layman’s language basically means Israel’s capacity to terrorize the region into submission. After their defeat in July 2006 in Lebanon, they felt it important to transmit the message that Israel is still a fighting force, still capable of terrorizing those who dare defy its word. And the second main reason for the attack is because Hamas was signaling that it wanted a diplomatic settlement of the conflict along the June 1967 border. That is to say, Hamas was signaling they had joined the international consensus, they had joined most of the international community, overwhelmingly the international community, in seeking a diplomatic settlement. And at that point, Israel was faced with what Israelis call a Palestinian peace offensive. And in order to defeat the peace offensive, they sought to dismantle Hamas. As was documented in the April 2008 issue of Vanity Fair by the writer David Rose, basing himself on internal US documents, it was the United States in cahoots with the Palestinian Authority and Israel which were attempting a putsch on Hamas, and Hamas preempted the putsch. That, too, is no longer debatable or no longer a controversial claim. The issue is can it rule in Gaza if Israel maintains a blockade and prevents economic activity among the Palestinians. The blockade, incidentally, was implemented before Hamas came to power. The blockade doesn’t even have anything to do with Hamas. The blockade came to—there were Americans who were sent over, in particular James Wolfensohn, to try to break the blockade after Israel redeployed its troops in Gaza. The problem all along has been that Israel doesn’t want Gaza to develop, and Israel doesn’t want to resolve diplomatically the conflict, both the leadership in Damascus and the leadership in the Gaza have repeatedly made statements they’re willing to settle the conflict in the June 1967 border. The record is fairly clear. In fact, it’s unambiguously clear. Every year, the United Nations General Assembly votes on a resolution entitled “Peaceful Settlement of the Palestine Question.” And every year the vote is the same: it’s the whole world on one side; Israel, the United States and some South Sea atolls and Australia on the other side. The vote this past year was 164to7. Every year since 1989—in 1989, the vote was 151to3, the whole world on one side, the United States, Israel and the island state of Dominica on the other side. We have the Arab League, all twentytwo members of the Arab League, favoring a twostate settlement on the June 1967 border. We have the Palestinian Authority favoring that twostate settlement on the June 1967 border. We now have Hamas favoring that twostate settlement on the June 1967 border. The one and only obstacle is Israel, backed by the United States. That’s the problem. Well, the record shows that Hamas wanted to continue the ceasefire, but only on condition that Israel eases the blockade. Long before Hamas began the retaliatory rocket attacks on Israel, Palestinians were facing a humanitarian crisis in Gaza because of the blockade. The former High Commissioner for Human Rights, Mary Robinson, described what was going on in Gaza as a destruction of a civilization. This was during the ceasefire period. What does the record show? The record shows for the past twenty or more years, the entire international community has sought to settle the conflict in the June 1967 border with a just resolution of the refugee question. Are all 164 nations of the United Nations the rejectionists? And are the only people in favor of peace the United States, Israel, Nauru, Palau, Micronesia, the Marshall Islands and Australia? Who are the rejectionists? Who’s opposing a peace? The record shows that in every crucial issue raised at Camp David, then under the Clinton parameters, and then in Taba, at every single point, all the concessions came from the Palestinians. Israel didn’t make any concessions. Every concession came from the Palestinians. The Palestinians have repeatedly expressed a willingness to settle the conflict in accordance with international law. The law is very clear. July 2004, the highest judicial body in the world, the International Court of Justice, ruled Israel has no title to any of the West Bank and any of Gaza. They have no title to Jerusalem. Arab East Jerusalem, according to the highest judicial body in the world, is occupied Palestinian territory. The International Court of Justice ruled all the settlements, all the settlements in the West Bank, are illegal under international law. Now, the important point is, on all those questions, the Palestinians were willing to make concessions. They made all the concessions. Israel didn’t make any concessions. I think it’s fairly clear what needs to happen. Number one, the United States and Israel have to join the rest of the international community, have to abide by international law. I don’t think international law should be trivialized. I think it’s a serious issue. If Israel is in defiance of international law, it should be called into account, just like any other state in the world. Mr. Obama has to level with the American people. He has to be honest about what is the main obstacle to resolving the conflict. It’s not Palestinian rejectionism. It’s the refusal of Israel, backed by the United States government, to abide by international law, to abide by the opinion of the international community. And the main challenge for all of us as Americans is to see through the lies.

Note: Norman Finkelstein is author of five books, including Image and Reality of the IsraelPalestine Conflict, Beyond Chutzpah and The Holocaust Industry, which have been translated into more than 40 foreign editions. He is the son of Holocaust survivors. By hermzzAuthor Profile Page on January 16, 2009 10:48 AM

All have said, we are too WEAK to pull off atleast some pressure to US. Everyone knows that we are not STRONG putting pressure the US to stop the war. You all fully aware that Malaysians are too SMALL comparing to US.

BUT not many realized that we are STRONG enough to say openly that we condemn the US attitude towards Israelis soldier's action in killing the old, babies and innocent people of Gaza.

Tun is only one old man. But this one old man said, lets our MAF go and fight the Israelis soldiers! If this old man have the courage to say that, imagine what would be the rest of more than 20 millions people in Malaysia gonna say.

Tun is only one old man. But this one old man have the courage to openly condemned the US president over anything that displease the people of the world.

Tun is only one old man. But there are some people who are still saying that Tun is out of his mind for calling of boycotting US products and so forth and still support the US and Israelis conduct over the killing many people in Gaza. Why are these people having a grudge over whatever Tun's said on US and Israelis?

Perhaps, Tun is not as old or as weak as most people think of...... By AmzarAuthor Profile Page on January 16, 2009 10:53 AM

Salam Tun and readers.I'm refering to an article on IHT regarding the attack on a UN building yesterday.Here's the link to it.

This is one of the many incidents in recent history of which the Israeli's armed forces attacked facilities run by United Nations.Despite all these,the most that Ba Ki Moon and perhaps,even the UN can do is to "condemn" and express their utmost "regrets",without going for anything significant to stop all these acts of war crimes.

This is not a strange thing as the biggest donor to the UN is none other than the US,which is also the strongest ally of Israel.The vetoes used by US in the past in the Security Coucil have also allowed Israel to do what they like,no matter how brutal their acts are,since they know that they have someone to protect them from being prosecuted.Here are some of them:

To me,harbouring any hope that the UN will act against Israel at this moment is no more than what one of the Malay proverbs say,"Bagai menunggu bulan jatuh ke riba",which can be translated literally,"Like waiting the moon to fall on the laps" .

Perhaps,one of the things that the Muslim countires can do is to temporarily boycott the UN,at least regarding this conflict.We've been talking about boycotting US products which are supporting Israel,but have we ever considered boycotting an organization which gets the funding and support from US,and acts biasedly when it comes to protecting Palestinians from Israelis' attacks?

As an alternative,the Muslims can strengthen the OIC and act as a unified force under its banner.It is also possible to have OIC's very own peacekeeping force,which has been suggested by one of our ministers,to go and protect the Palestinians and hopefully,other Muslim countries being attacked illegally in the future Nauzubillah.As for funding,I don't think that's a big problem.If one's willing to spend 100 million pounds on one football player,maybe they can spend more than that for the benefit of the Ummah.

If the OIC has become like what I've suggested,we at the same time should not disregard the contributions made by the UN in terms of humanitarian efforts.The OIC must play a greater role in this matter,like working along them and even contribute more funds to these aids.It's time that we stop relying too much on others.We are not that helpless anymore.

As for the UN,maybe it should move form New York to other place.

Amzar By 1OnlookerAuthor Profile Page on January 16, 2009 10:55 AM


If you can speak based on the following religious principle, then you will find that you are able to attract much more attention from others and impress people, including those who don't quite like you.

The unrebuttable religious principle is that "we must love the sinner even though we have to hate the sins!"

If you can set your motive right, then noone will ever have any good reason to accuse you for being a chronic hater who harbours the joys and happiness on the nourishment of unscrupulous hatred and relentless vengeance.

Onlooker By Aiman101Author Profile Page on January 16, 2009 11:01 AM

Asalamualaikum wbt...

Cuba fikirfikirkan..

Berapa banyak negara islam dalam dunia ini? Katakanlah ada 70 buah negara dengan masing mempunyai kekuatan tentera secara purata 200,000 org. OIC perlu fikirkan secara serius cadangan ini.

Kalau kita pinta setiap negara ini menghantar sekurangnya 1% dari jumlah kekuatan tentera mereka untuk ke Gaza..agak2 ada berapa ramai tentera islam di bumi Gaza ketika itu? Do ur own math?? makin ramai kita tunggu.. makin ramai kanakkanak terkorban. Action speaks louder than words. Bebaskan Gaza dan perkasakan Islam. Dengan kekuatan, kepakaran, kecerdikan Panglimapanglima dari negara2 Islam ini, siapa yg perlukan Amerika laknatullah itu lagi!!!

Jihad atas nama islam, bukan individu atau negara. Kalau tidak percaya...cuba tanya dengan askaraskar melayu islam di negara ini, "Siapa yang hendak pergi berjihad menentang pembunuhpembunuh saudarasaudara kamu di GAZA" saya pasti...ada yang akan mengangkat tangan, Insyallah.

Kalau diberi peluang saya sudah pasti akan turut serta, walaupun tidak pandai mengangkat senjata tapi masih pandai gunakan kayu, batu dan besi untuk belasah si israel laknatullah itu.

Fisabilillah....Allah Hu'akhbar. hanya pendapat..

~k~ By AloiAuthor Profile Page on January 16, 2009 11:18 AM

Dear Ybhg Tun,

The US condemned the massacre of the Jews by Hitler but now the Israel is behaving exactly like Hitler and supported by the US!

Maybe we need another Hitler to wipe out the zionist once and for all!!!! By seridewiAuthor Profile Page on January 16, 2009 11:33 AM

Assalamualaikum Ayahanda ,

A great article from you. You're not really serious aren't you about sending our armies to Israel ? Well, anyway what do you expect from a race that assasinated their own prophets? Prophet Zachariya, John had been murdered by them wihout any remorse . Even Jesus also had nearly been killed by those heartless beasts .

Who's Bush ancestors? Jon of Bryan the participant in the Crusades war against the Muslims led by Saladin . That tells a lot! By ChrisAuthor Profile Page on January 16, 2009 11:54 AM

Sir, The United States of America, Great Britain and several other modern European nations are all part of the so called 'Lost Ten Tribes of Israel'. According to the Christian Old Testament Bible, God promised Abraham and his descendants spiritual and materiel blessings including the Promised Land(Palestine). These heavenly promises came with the condition that they obey God's commandments. These ancient Hebrews made up of the people of Israel and Judah(from where we get the term Jew) started off with good intentions but, as history shows, they soon fell into a pattern of bad behavior that, in effect, prevented God from fulfilling these promises. Even after God sent numerous warnings to them through His prophets and even saved them many times from potential disasters, these people refused to obey God's fundamental laws. Eventually, God had to remove them from the Promised Land and, as a result, ten out of the 12tribe nation of Israel were 'lost' to history. These peoples have reappeared in modern times as America, Great Britain, Australia, Canada, New Zealand and several other modern European nation states. Not only that, God also promised to punish them if they continued disobeying Him with even greater troubles. This has already happened to Israel and Judah. History shows they were exiled from the land and became slaves to other people who ruled over them. As late as 1945, they world saw six million Jews slaughtered by Hitler and his Nazi followers. Yet since God had promised national blessings to Abraham's descendants, He revisited the people of Israel(all of the above countries) with great blessings. This is the reason America and Great Britain including some European countries have stood tall and strong for the past 200 years or so. God had kept His part of the bargain but not so these peoples even until today. The point of this narration is to show that these peoples will get what is coming to them. As can be seen today, these Western nations are horribly sinful in their behavior and attitude. I do not have to enumerate them here but Israel's atrocities in Gaza, at present, is just one of them. God always keeps His promises and so we shall soon see a lot of bad things happening to these countries. America and Great Britain will feel the effects of God's punishment not because God is bad but because of their own sins. The USA will no longer be the sole super power be it military or economic wise. China, India, Russia and some Latin American nations will take over that power but Europe will still be around to cause much trouble for the world. So actually we don't have to do anything to teach these peoples a lesson. Their own doing will be their downfall. By sandarAuthor Profile Page on January 16, 2009 12:02 PM assalamualaikum Ybg Tun.

Terimakasih Tun ats Malaysia yg ada dgn izin Allah Sebagai orang kebiasaan,dimana dan bagaimana sesuatu fakta didapati tak pernah menjadi begitu penting. 0lehitu terimbas diingatan saya tentang satu ketika Osama pernah berkata" We shall bleed Amerika like we bleed the Russians".My points is apakah keadaan ekonomi dunia skg sdg menunjukkan berlakunya sumpahan Osama.Fikiran org biasa aje Tun.

Seperkara lagi Tun,usahlah gusar sangat dilabel ultra melayu,the Indians, Japanese,Hongkongers,they al did it.

Terima kasih lagi Tun,semoga sentiasa dlm kesihatan dan Rahmat Allah buat Tun sekeluarga. By khairuddinAuthor Profile Page on January 16, 2009 12:04 PM

YABhg Tun,

Salam hormat.

Majoriti rakyat Malaysia setuju boikot produk produk keluaran Israil dan khasnya Amerika yang merupakan sekutu kuat Israil. Negara negara lain yang menyokong tindakan kejam Israil patut juga diambil tindakan yang sama.

2. Bagaimana rakyat dan pemimpin sebuah negara yang diam membisu? Tiada kecaman daripada rakyatnya apatah lagi pemimpin pemimpinnya. Diam samalah seperti abstention Amerika dalam PBB. Wajarkah kita boikot Singapura? By HBTAuthor Profile Page on January 16, 2009 12:09 PM


I have deleted the Yahoo and Morzilla Firefox Browser to show my displeasure with the America Government on allowing Israel to continue killing Palestians and bombed PPB in GAZA. I have download OPERA Browser with my window 98, it worked in commenting, so easy, so fast and very very much better than Yahoo,

Well, bloggers, do try out and you will love it, OPERA is from Russia if I am not mistaken!!! By EddyAuthor Profile Page on January 16, 2009 12:12 PM

Salam, saya tak berapa pandai menulis... jadi saya ingin komen sedikit sahaja... saya setuju... memboikot barangan amerika dan israel adalah langkah terbaik untuk meluahkan bantahan kita kepada amerika. kenapa? 1. zaman sekarang zaman duit. pengurangan walaupun 5% dalam pendapatan coca cola akan membuatkan kapitalis menekan kerajaan amerika dalam dasar luarnya. 2. menunjukkan umat islam bersatu dalam isu palestin menghantar tentera ke palestin tidak praktikal kerana pejuang palestin bukan kekurangan anggota, tapi senjata dan teknologi. untuk penyelesaian jangka panjang, umat islam perlu menjadi kuat. kita boleh mulakan dengan masyarakat melayu di malaysia dulu, mungkin boleh menjadi model kepada masyarakat islam di tempat lain. antara langkah2 yang boleh diambil ialah: 1. menekankan kepada anak2 agar menceburkan diri dalam bidang profesional seperti doktor, akauntan dll 2. rajin belajar 3. rajin berkerja 4. menguasai bahasa inggeris bila kita kuat, insyaAllah Israel dan Amerikapun akan gerun dengan kita. sekian By abbasAuthor Profile Page on January 16, 2009 12:13 PM

The Israeli army will crush the MAF in approximately 12 minutes flat.

Sad but true. By kamal ahmadAuthor Profile Page on January 16, 2009 12:16 PM

Salam Ayahanda Tun. Saya ni Tun. Tak mau cakap orang putih dah hari ni. Tegeliat lidah dah ni. Duk teringat Tun cerita pasai Kerbau, saya pun teringat resipi Kurmak arwah Tok saya. Buh pi la kirim kat Tun. Saya ni rabun sikit, cermin mata pun tak tau budakbudak lambung pi mana dah tadi. Jadi saya main bertuh saja la ni. Nak buh komen tang Mozarela posting cerita pasai resepi Kurmak daging Kerbau. Kira betui la kut ni noo. Tu link tu dia resepi. Terima kasih Tun.

P.s: Kita tak mau kacau Che Lah kita pun. Tak mau la sat ni kut dia juh hati pulak ka. Tak mau la macam tu. Biak dia karam pi lingkup dua Khairy sudah pi. Kita tengok kut jauh saja. Kita duk kira hal Kurmak. By KomanderAuthor Profile Page on January 16, 2009 12:21 PM

Dear Tun, Yahudi memang satu kaum yg dilaknati Allah,hari pembalasan tetap akan tiba akhirnya,ariel sharon dah terima pembalasan di dunia lagi,tapi adakah kita patut juga melaknati kaum yahudi? pada saya cuma allah yang layak berbuat demikian,sebabnya ada rasul dan nabi juga dari kaum yahudi,saya percaya,ramai juga kaum yahudi sendiri tidak merestui kerajaan mereka menyerang palastine. Pada pendapat saya,israel sebenarnya bukan memerangi islam,ramai juga org palastine beragama lain,mereka sebenarnya memerangi orang palastine yg satu masa dulu bangsa yang gagah,ini lebih pada dendam kesumat pada bangsa palastine.Tapi saya percaya bangsa ini akan terhapus juga nanti sebagai mana terhapusnya kerajaan yang agung zaman dulu spt empayar rom,babylon,mesir,cina,utmanniah soviet dan lainlain. Tak banyak yang kita boleh lakukan,pada seluruh rakyat malaysia tak kira agama dan bangsa,marilah kita samasama berdoa semoga segala kezaliman ini dapat dihentikan segera,jangan ada antara kita memandang kezaliman ini keatas umat islam sahaja,kita patut memandang kezaliman ini adalah kezaliman keatas umat manusia..

Kepada Tun yg dihormati,teruskan bersuara selagi mampu,semoga allah memberkati usaha Tun dan kami akan sentiasa bersama menyokong usaha Tun.

Salam hormat. By akulaAuthor Profile Page on January 16, 2009 12:34 PM


Paul Craig's article speaks volumes. We hardly heard the nonmalays/nonmuslims in Malaysia produce the equivalent piece & mentality.

2. Like ISAF, NATO and the like, it is the time the Islamic World to form the similar military alliance which the Muslim countries don't have. And next to form alliance with other nonMuslim countries & be recognised. In my opinion it is not for war and inflict damages to nations but rather to send message across the globe that Muslim countries have strength and united. At the same time strengthen the economy power, knowledge & civilisation. I think the solidarity is what the Muslim countries need to have now which missing. Protesting on streets and boycotting alone may not stopping the US & Israelis bullying & robbing the weaker nations. It is the time to make step. Only the true leaders like TDM can bring this into reality.

3.In the eyes of peace loving people, the atrocities by Israeli & Bush is a real genocide in Gaza. The fighting is not apple to apple by comparison but apple to peanut. The similar proven barbaric invasions & aggressions the US did in Afghan,Iraq, Vietnam etc. There is no way US will fight and give hands for liberation of the people in several African countries, Sri Lanka, Burma etc, since America fights for the favour of Israeli, oil, money & power Bush and Israelis are the real terrorists! Wsm By abah68Author Profile Page on January 16, 2009 12:49 PM

Boycott produk US...beli DVD/CD cetak rompak By vivaklAuthor Profile Page on January 16, 2009 1:03 PM

A leader make a comment without a second thought is as well a disaster to the country he leading.

Well, dear Tun eventhough you no longer PM of Malaysia, but your statement carry a weigh in some of your supporters. As Tun, you wrote in your blog 'Open Letter to Barack Hussein Obama Presidentelect of the United States of America' You stated 'War is primitive, the cavemen's way of dealing with a problem. ' So why hit your own face when you like MAF to attack others?

Violence against violence is a dumb resolution. What can be achieve by declaring a war?

I hope everyone please calm down, we need to make peace by PEACE not violence. We cannot control what others do, but definitely we can control ourselves.

So for those who makes names calling, rude comments. Please take a deep breath and think, what can you achieve by doing this? By musatoAuthor Profile Page on January 16, 2009 1:07 PM

Assalamualaikum Tun.

Saya tabik cara Hamas mengistiharkan perang.

Hamas mengangkat bendera putih dan bersetuju untuk mengadakan gencatan senjata.Tetapi Olmert berkata Israel tidak akan bersetuju dan berpendapat bahawa Zionis semakin hampir menguasai Gaza berpandukan pada kenyataan Hamas itu.

Maka serangan udara,darat dan laut dikerahkan oleh Olmert untuk menguasai Gaza sepenuhnya.

Salam sejahtera ke atas pejuangpejuang Allah sekelian (yang melindungi Muslim dan NonMuslim : yang menunjukkan taat setia kepada pemerintah).

Saya bukan seorang yang baik kerana tidak bersedih dan menitiskan air mata walaupun melihat kanakkanak dan wanita tertanam dengan hanya nampak kepala di bawah runtuhan bangunanbangunan.

Tiada Tuhan Yang Disembah Selain Dari Allah.

Terima kasih Tun. By ShaikAuthor Profile Page on January 16, 2009 1:13 PM

Salam Tun (walid) Saying is easier than doing it. Nearly or almost 100% agreed to boycott the Americans product such as cococola, starbuck to name a few and many other product made in America and its services. What we need is to have is 1) A complete list of all the product – supplier – manufacture – sales and distribution of all this and do include the alternative. 2) To include all company which have their services in Malaysia, such as Citibank, Microsoft etc. With the above information we able 1) To educate the public thru a. Public talk b. Poster c. Door to door d. Flyer e. Adv. On TV or Internet 2) Monitoring their sales. 3) Review government policy. And many other. PLUS we need also to monitor all our donation. Where do it goes. Do all the money channel the correct government in which was elected by their people? We also needed to ask as to why our elected government only works or recognises the Fatah party. Lastly Tun (walid), please (help needed urgently) can you form up a new action team to act on this. Wasalam By truthseekerAuthor Profile Page on January 16, 2009 1:20 PM

Salam pada YAB Tun dan rakan2 bloggers,

1. Tun sudah lama 'walk is talk'...dari semasa ada kuasa hinggalah sekarang. Tun tidak beremosi sahaja tetapi melakukan apa yang terdaya. Ceklah rekod Tun.

2. Kita semua tidak patut bercakap sahaja pasal masalah tetapi patut lakukan sesuatu yang mampu...kalau mampu memboikot barangan buatan israel dan amerika, lakukan segera! Jangan underestimate impak kita...bayangkan kalau semua orang Islam memboikot, semua bukan Islam yang berpendirian memboikot? Besar impaknya. Be positive, we can change the world. Saya masih ingat kes seorang individu yang dapat mengalahkan sebuah syarikat gergasi yang cuba membulinya. Pada mulanya syarikat tu perleceh beliau tapi kuasa melalui internet, individu itu dapat sokongan ramai. Dalam famili saya ada lima orang, kalau lima orang memboikot, bayangkan semua orang Islam dalam dunia!

3. Mereka yang pesimistik, mereka yang penakut, mereka yang berhati kecil, yang berkepentingan tidak berani memboikot dan sebaliknya marah dan menghasut kita jangan memboikot pula. Anwar yang kamceng dengan Camdesus, dengan yahudi world bank, tiba2 tunjuk baik menghentam yahudi....lakonan semata2 sebab pilihanraya gano. Venezuela dan Bolivia terang2 benci yahudidan tahu kesan akibat tindakan mereka, tetapi kerana bermaruah, mereka tidak peduli. Malaysia dipimpin oleh orang tak bermaruah....Apabila keluarga Dollah mengampu Singapura, ertinya mengampu amerika dan yahudi.

4. Ada usahawan tempatan yang merayu supaya jangan boikot kerana mereka ada kepentingan...peduli apa kita? Beratus ribu orang Islam mati ada mereka pedulikan? Kalau berani mangambil risiko buat bisnes dengan amerika setan, beranilah terima akibatnya. Masa untung, berapa ko orang bagi untuk orang dan keluarga Islam yang dibunuh? menjadi cacat? menjadi anak yatim? It's pay back time. You ad sucked our blood, now our turn to suck yours. Ahli politik kita akan kelamkabut backing syarikat2 ini kerana ada kepentingan, itu sahaja.

Tun, thank you for sharing with us your homework...something yang should be done by our govt. By Aku Pening IIAuthor Profile Page on January 16, 2009 1:37 PM

Assalammualaikum Tun,

Pada pendapat saya, untuk boycot barangan buatan US dan Israel ni memang mengundang kepada masalah lain. Singapura juga tidak patut terlepas dari sebarang usaha untuk "Boycot" kerana Singapura juga sekutu Israel & US. Apa yang saya cadangkan ialah bukan perkara baru, malah Tun sendiri pernah menjelaskannya. Berikut adalah beberapa langkah yang boleh kita ambil: 1. Tukar mata wang perdagangan dari standard "US Dollar" ke Dinar Emas. Matawang dinar emas lebih stabil dan tidak mudah di "cetak" sesuka hati. 2. Cari alternatif lain sumber perdagagang seperti lebihkan lagi perdagangan dengan negara India, China atau Negara dunia 3. Kos harga barang lebih murah, inflasi akan menurun. 3. Sebagai ahli OIC, apa tindakan badan ini didalam usaha membantu menyelesaikan isu Palestin. Adakah kita hanya mampu "bersidang" dan "bincang" atau mengambil langkah lebih drastik seperti membuat resolusi untuk memulaukan US dan sekutunye? 4. Semua ahli badan OIC dan ASEAN seharusnya membatalkan keahlian mereka didalam UN sebagai protes kerana sebagai badan / organisasi dunia, UN sekali lagi gagal didalam menifesto atau perlembagaan yang sedia termaktub. 5. Seluruh negara Arab atau Islam seharusnya bersatu sebagai "jihad" demi membantu Palestin. Memandangkan Palestin dikelilingi negara "giant" Arab, mesti ada cara kita boleh menyalurkan bantuan kepada mereka. 6. Arab Saudi seharusnya menarik balik semua pelaburan / simpanan mereka dari US dan manamana negara yang sekutunya. 7. Seluruh umat Islam seharusnya menghantar nota memorandum kepada NATO untuk membantah sikap diam diri mereka dan "demand" mereka melakukan sesuatu terhadap kekejaman Israel. Sekiranya NATO masih enggan, sebaiknya badan ini dibubarkan. 8. Kita harus menghantar memorandum kepada mahkamah agung untuk membicarakan Israel sebagai negara yang telah melakukan jenayah perang, penghapusan kaum dan kekejaman / membunuh keatas kanakkanak, kaum ibu dan rakyat palestin.

Saya rasa sekiranya kita sebagai umat Islam mampu melakukan perkara diatas, pertumpahan darah mampu dielakkan dan keadaan akan menjadi aman.

Persoalannya sekarang siapa yang sanggup melakukan perkara diatas? Adakah kita sebagai umat Islam sanggup melihat kekejaman ini dilakukan keatas saudara seIslam kita? By naetto92Author Profile Page on January 16, 2009 1:39 PM

'By priss01 on January 15, 2009 7:19 PM Thanks GOD you are retired. You really think MAF are a match for Israel. In your old age you appear to be losing you mind Why just stop at Coke, why not expand to all US products. Why not just sponsor your supporters to and attack Israel and the US'

Yes. You're right I'm thanking to god because Tun already retired. If he is not, I will the first Catholic to do the suicide bombing in White House and Israel , if I didn't die at first attack. A pleasure. By selvaAuthor Profile Page on January 16, 2009 1:42 PM

Dear Doctor, Malaysia to send its armed forces to attack America? I did not expect that you too can have fantasies like this. I know you want to enlighten your blog with some jokes.....but not to the extent of putting our army at such a risk! I dont "agree" with you. Give our Wira Kampong a break. We need our shining weapons for display during National Day Parades. Referring to your serious notes, I quite agree that Bush had made serious blunders during his office. Hundreds of innocent lives sacrificed for nothing. The world is not getting any better. Anyway he had the guts to admit his mistakes and we should give him some respect for this admission. It takes courage for a person to admit his mistakes and I'm sure he is not a happy man for some of his decisions that backfired. Put yourself in his shoes and imagine the guilty conscience that would linger on him for the rest of his life. Its not possible for us to boycot American goods and on a serious note, the American influence is everywhere and it is foolish to get engaged with such discussions. We breathe American in our daily life...whether you like it or not! The onslaught in Gaza is the own doing of the Palestinians. Dont they have any common senses to think that they are fighting a meaningless battle? Innocent lives is being lost due to the cowardly acts of the Hamas militants. Everyone has a right to live and it is not justified to fire rockets into Israel and put innocent lives at risk. It doesnt matter whether they are Isrealities or Palestinians. Israel has been receiving the brickbats from the Hamas militants for quite a while and now they react. Hamas should put a stop to the acts of terrorism and get back to theis senses. Israel has not attacked Palestine to this extent and it is a very sad state of affair in the Middle East. Instead of condemning Israel for the attacks, the world should convince Palestine to stop firing rockets and engaging in acts of terrorism. Israel and Palestine has never been at ease as far as we know and there is some justification for Palestinians to get annoyed with Israel. They dont have a choice but to live side by side. Rather than fighting with one another, compromising should be attempted and the UN should plan a different strategy to bring these nations together and instil everlasting peace in the region. Lets work to remove the badblood for the sake of their citizens who has a RIGHT to LIVE. Please post affirmative reports rather than been spitefully avenging America or Israel for which we do not have control. We all know of the atrocities in the region and we should make Israel and Palestine collectively responsible. If there is a action there would be a reaction. I hope this war would come to an abrupt end and peace be word of the day. By RajaChulanAuthor Profile Page on January 16, 2009 1:47 PM

Dear Tun,

I have a better suggestion to make:

Why not come this March 2009, All UMNO members gather in Palestine (Gaza Strip) instead and then march in great numbers (2 million?)into Israel? Also, all the UMNO Putras(nuts) who often go for their "London and Australia retreat" a couple of times using the rakyat's money and other corrupt monies also join in this march into Israel.

Even if the Israeli army were to bomb them, how many can they kill? Even if they manage to bomb 50%, still a million others can enter Israel and recapture the land and give it back to the poor Palestinian. People like KJ, Nazri, Bung(a) Mokhtar, Khir Toyo(l), Taib, Ali Roostam, etc should be allowed to lead this march. If they all die they will be guaranteed Haven won't they? Also, there will be less trouble in Malaysia without them around.What is the use of all this people demonstrating in Malaysia?

My suggestion is much more practical and doable, don't you think? By bemusedAuthor Profile Page on January 16, 2009 2:08 PM

yes Tun! You are absolutely right! I love reading your blog. Its an eye opener for all. some people might not accept it but it is what it is. so lets boycott US products..why are we giving monies to the zionist for them to kill children,wives,homes of the does matter..even a fraction to what their income will be..but it does matter. as for michael.. i rea By Han SoloAuthor Profile Page on January 16, 2009 2:32 PM

Dearest Tun,

Sad to say but realistically, boycott will have no effect to US, coming from a peanut country like ours.

Only action will come from their new President, Barrack HUSSEIN Obama. IF he has the sense to save his Muslim halfbrothers.

All leaders of the world should bombard him, pressure him to hold talks with Israel and, hopefully, end the conflict. Simple, right? Not the least. There's a lot of brainbusting to do. By DrPerfectAuthor Profile Page on January 16, 2009 2:35 PM

Yes you could keep all investors from the States out of Malaysia, selling all US currency & shares, or stop Malaysia from trading with the world to keep any country gaining profit to consume on US product. By Saudara baruAuthor Profile Page on January 16, 2009 2:52 PM

Salam Tun, semoga sihat selalu..

Boleh ke kita haramkan orang US masuk ke negara kita / semua negara OIC? masa ni rasa bukan nak boycott barang, dengan orang orang sekali boycott.. yang paling geram, apabila tengok sesama Islam dibunuh,Masjid di bom.. Tapi kita tak dapat tolong..yang mampu buat hanya boycott.. betul ke kuasa Ummah setakat ini? By ElvinAuthor Profile Page on January 16, 2009 2:57 PM

Dear Tun, Since we cannot possibly attack US, then the logical conclusion is to unite against Israel. What I find incredelous is that if Israel's action can be defined as terrorism, then wouldn't US be defined as a state which sponsors terrorism? It is funny a country which comes out with the phrase state sponsored terrorism to fail by their own standards. Hamas while not saintly was an democratically elected government. Just because US doesnt agree with their policy they deem fit to topple it. If this is the kind of democracy US is forcing down other people's throat, then no thanks. I bet the Founding American fathers would be turning in their graves or shouting "This isn't the kind of democracy we envisioned you idiots!" By 72hazardAuthor Profile Page on January 16, 2009 3:04 PM

Assalamualaikum Tun,

Persoalannya sekarang mampu atau tidak untuk kita memboikot barangan Amerika (Yahudi)??? Jawapannya mustahil. Selagi Yahudi menguasai Amerika, Eropah,"Singapura" dan dunia. Selagi kaum Arab dan umat Islam tidak bersatu. Jangan kita semua bermimpi untuk menyelamat Palestin.

Kaum melayu yang beragama islam di Malaysia yang sekangkang kera ni pun berpecah belah dan tidak dapat disatukan oleh pemimpin negara inikan pula kaum Arab yang jauh lebih ramai bilangannya.

Seperti biasa kita di Malaysia ni hanya mampu menjadi penonton kepada tindak tanduk Israel keatas rakyat Palestin di Semenanjung Gaza ibarat kita menonton cerita blockbuster dipanggung.

Sekian wasallam

72HAZARD Seremban 160109 3:06pm

By abbasAuthor Profile Page on January 16, 2009 3:10 PM

Heroes only live in America, victims only live in Israel....

Some people talked about the long term physcological effect of bombings to their children like it happens to them everyday. In reality, there are children and adults too, who every day have to live hearing and fearing bombs that would actually hit them and maybe throwing them to so many feet above the ground or getting their body parts strewn into pieces on air and hit the ground they used to walk and play?

Conclusion : .... if if if if if if if if if if if if it happens to them its horrific and unjustified! BUT...when when when when when when when when when when when when when when when when when it happens to others, its just a great movie to watch.....

Being civilize means one can shift, pick,choose, exaggerate fear, to justify for ungentlemanly killings.

I am a husband, a father and a son in law.I am working, get decent pay to feed my family and enjoy pay tv and maybe go picnic sometimes with them [if I have the time].

Thats reasons not to blow myself up!

I would not blow up my neighbors house, so that I can have their space.

I would deal with him...... , man to man ,man to man, man to man,man to man, man to man, man to man, man to man,man to man, man to man, man to man,man to man, man to man, man to man, man to man, man to man ..... and see whether he would give away his space to me! Correct,... thats ridiculous [never heard of].

Sure he won't give, and I aspect that,I should find ways on how to make my 1296sft of land spacious enough for just the 4 of us [maybe go vertical]. I can sleep at night being a silly man. I can't, when feeling like a beast who pretended to be a man.

Killings spree, natural disaster. Some championing preservation of greens, for who?Our children, the future generation? Wood, children, wood,children ,children ,children ,wood...... Some part of the world people cry when woods being cut Some part of the world people cuts and kills children with bullets and all sort of bombs. Wood, children, wood,children ,children ,children ,wood...... Yes many cry, only a different kind of cry..., cry of victory. The world seems to need lesser people and bigger space. Who should go and die then? Who amongst us are collateral damages?Who decides? Its not hard to tell, isn't it?

Picture our muslim brothers and sisters in Palestine,empathize, feel their fear, their hunger,the cruelties done to them, reached up to them in our muslim ways...

...laillahaillauwah... ,laillahaillauwah .., let this be the lyrics to our song of hope for them.

Kita kena bersatu dahulu,rapatkan saf , sedar maknanya tahu dan selepas kita mahu, barulah sesuatu akan berlaku.

Audience kita adalah ugama dan tuhan kita ,bukan yang datang kat parlimen nak beri/dengar ucapan berapi atau yang curi intai melalui satelit.

Assalamualaikum Tun berdua,semuga Tun berdua diberkati dengan tahap kesihatan yang baik. By mkamal56Author Profile Page on January 16, 2009 3:16 PM aslm to TDM n fmly, warga chedet sekalian looks like the only way we umat Islam yg lemah ni to teach the world that we r not taking all these astrocities lying down is for someone able 2 lead the ummah and do a Mahatma Gandhi. No need 4 modern n destructive weapons..all we need to do is a peceful march of 1,000,000 muslims n muslimats towards Jerusalem from say a way lets perform an umrah towards the 3rd holiest muslim site..!!! what say you Tun? may Allah bless n protect u n fmly..likewise to all umat Muhammad the world over.. wslm By Firzan FAuthor Profile Page on January 16, 2009 3:24 PM

Dear Tun,

My heart goes out to the Palestinians who are dying everyday in Gaza. It's a situation that angers me and most of the world, and yet I feel there's a growing sense of frustration with this whole situation.

We as normal civilians can hold our demonstrations, our boycotts, or whatever other scheme we can, but the reality is that the ignorant Americans and arrogant Israelis will never hear our voices. So we have to turn to world leaders to help the Palestinians. Yet, world leaders are again frustrating any effort of a ceasefire: a) UN is a lame duck as long as the US continues to abstain or veto any resolutions condemning Israeli. Even if hell freezes over and US decides to support the resolution, Israel is not binded to adhere to this resolution. b) The Arab countries are divided over this situation. The reality is that most of them have a lot of trading with not only the US, but also Israel. It is distressing to see Arab countries prioritising their own wealth over the lives of fellow Muslim Palestinians. c) Most importantly, as long as USA, Britain and countries like Germany continue to support Israel, we'll never see the end of the atrocities. There are not many countries who are willing to go up against these superpowers for fear of their own security and economic safety.

A boycott? It may help, but it won't be effective if only civilians participate. We need the support of our government, and then the support of the international community to band together and boycott all American products as a whole. Then that will be a message worth sending to the Americans and Israelis. By cekAuthor Profile Page on January 16, 2009 3:26 PM

Assalamualaikum Tun & Tun Hasmah,




TUN PLEASE TAKE GOOD CARE OF YOURSELF AND TUN HASMAH. By penang78Author Profile Page on January 16, 2009 3:29 PM sama Tun, Apa khabar? Hmm....byk jugak produk USA n Yahudi nak kena boikot nie.Demi PALESTINE saya akan memboikot produk2 tersebut..


A'way Tun excellent topik! By Harimau1900Author Profile Page on January 16, 2009 3:38 PM

Dear YAB Tun, How are you sir?

Tun, Although what you posted above is possible but it is not easy to achieve... For example when Saddam Hussein got caught he has millions of US currency with him...This is only what we saw and those arabs who has millions or US dollars with them in the middle east will not agree to this. Do you know how much a bottle of coke worth in Iraq? It's worth around USD 5.00 and those Iraqi are crazy about drinking coke. This is a fact. All hotels in Iraq uses only accept US dollars and not local currency. Those who wants to any business or deals with any business in Iraq only uses US dollars in their businesses... Further more most of the GCC (Saudi Arabia, UAE, Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar and etc..) countries in the middle east are more pro to the Americans.

Further more by punishing these American companies we might weaken the Americans but what about those people who are depending on the American companies for jobs to feed their families around the world including Malaysia? Don't you think innocent people also will be punished by doing this? Where are these people going to go for job if these American companies shut down business in other part of the world? With current situation one who has a job is already consider lucky.....Do we have plan for those people if such action imposed and forcing American campanies to wind up business other part of the world?

Those people who are successful and well to do will survive but those who depends on the month end salaries what will happen to them?

I don't have answer on how to end the war and terrorism around the world but I believe leaders like you and other leaders around the world can comeup with a better solution to stop this cruely on human being.

Thank you. Harimau 1900. By bluesgangAuthor Profile Page on January 16, 2009 3:44 PM


1. We bring their biggest competitor masuk to emerging markets. Especially China and Russia. Kalau boleh selit dalam OIC, kita selit je, kalau boleh selit dalam ASEAN kita selit jer. Kita kena ingat dalam OIC USA dah jadi ahli melalui 2 negara (Iraq and Afghanistan).

2. Competitor mereka ni dah lama nak ajar USA.

3. Kalau tak boleh boycott, kita beli produk mereka terakhir jika tiada. Untuk Boeing punya case, we should give better treatment to Airbus atau lebih baik Jepun melalui syarikat bekerjasama dengan negara Asean menghasilkan kapal terbang penumpang seperti di Eropah (Airbus).

4. Untuk Coca Cola, kalau kita tak boleh boycott, kita sabotaj, macam mereka tak pernah sabotaj Proton punya imej di sana. Negara kita boleh buat kempen kesihatan seperti tidak mahu merokok. Kita tampal poster2 akibat daripada minum Coca Cola/minuman berkarbonat, seperti kencing manis dan kanser. Kita letak je gambar penyakit, lepas tu kita lekat gambar coca cola di sebelah. Kalau mereka complain, kita buang nama Coca Cola tapi letak tin warna merah. Sedikit sebanyak penduduk dapat mesej. KITA BUAT KEMPEN MAKANAN SIHAT BESARBESARAN, kerana majoriti makanan tidak sihat adalah buatan USA.

5. Dan banyak ideaidea industri sabotaj kita boleh buat, tetapi kebanyakan tidak mahu buat sebab kebanyakan orang di atas dah dapat "HOON" daripada mereka ni.

6. Sepatutnya golongan bukan islam tidak sepatutnya menganggap ini adalah gerakan pro islam, tetapi ini boleh membawa banyak kebaikan kepada semua penduduk Islam dan bukan Islam di seluruh Asia. INILAH MASA TERBAIK UNTUK MEMPERKENALKAN PRODUKPRODUK KITA (SAMA ADA ISLAM ATAU BUKAN ISLAM) SENDIRI MELALUI PROSES BOIKOT DAN SABOTAJ!!! KAMU SEMUA TAK MAHU KE PRODUK HANDPHONE KAMU SENDIRI MENGGANTI MOTOROLA?!!! KAMU SEMUA TAK MAHU KE NESTLE DI GANTIKAN DENGAN PRODUK KAMU SENDIRI?!! AMBILLAH PELUANG INI. Eropah, China dan Russia betulbetul mengambil peluang daripada keadaan seperti begini, tetapi kita masih ternganga dan menentukan siapa bersalah dan siapa tidak.

7. Amerika dah tersilap langkah dan mereka sedang membuat damage control dan kita (semua rakyat malaysia) sepatutnya mengambil peluang yang tidak selalu tiba ini. Bayangkan produk ubat gigi yang di kuasai oleh palmolive, kalau kita dapat sebat 20% daripada pasaran mereka di sini sahaja, ramai pengusaha ubat gigi dah jadi jutawan tidak kiralah orang Islam ke atau bukan Islam. Jangan tunggu sampai imej mereka dah kembali bersih nanti tiada peluang lagi. By Impian MalaysiaAuthor Profile Page on January 16, 2009 3:46 PM

Dear Tun,

I can share your frustration and the sense helpless for the palestinian people.

However, the root of this latest war is very clear. Both Hamas and Israel goverment is facing the new election soon.

Hamas try to win more support by firing rockets to israel and israel retaliate to reclaim their voter's trust.

I feel the evilness of politics to manipulate people for the interest of certain party and ppl. The victim is always the ordinary citizen who suffers without knowing the true motives of the politician.

Same situation happen at home. Politician is creating confrontation between races to gain suppport. etc Malay supremacy...nonbumi as pendatang..

The fact is both palestenian and israels's leader is selfish, senseless, careless jerks to put your own citizen and soldiers at risk for their own personal gain.

It always amazed me and Im still very proud that Malaya gain her independency from the mighty British Empire in a peaceful manner. Considering more than 50% of the world's cargo must pass through the strait of melaka each year.

The British must be very unwilling to give up such strategic place with abundant of natural resorces to serve the empire.

I always think of you sir as the modern Gandhi. Victory through the course of JUST not by might.

The Americans may not be willing to listen to us but the Arabs may. In fact, the Americans is having bigger troubles at home than to care about the situation in middle east.

I understand the French is trying their best to broker peace between Israel and Palestinian. Why Not Malaysian ?

Since the 15th century Malaysia is the gateway between the east and the west. We also can contribute to the peace of the middle east. No matter how small we are.

We did it, India free herself from centuries of enslavement. Victory cannot be win by brutal force. By GomenAuthor Profile Page on January 16, 2009 4:05 PM

Che det said: "But what about the Malaysians working in factories producing coke? I don't believe they produce only CocaCola. They produce other drinks as well. If people switch from CocaCola to another drink produced by the same company, then the company will have to produce more of this alternative drink and there would be no need to close down and sack the workers."

Let me see, that's like saying stop using Windows and Mac, move to Linux which is essentially American product too.

Coke or not coke, the factory will still produce pepsi, mountain dew and more. Instead of boycotting, why don u tell them to drink the Mecca Coke some muslim businessman produce, don like the taste?

Malaysia needs america more than they need us, ironically, most medical equipments comes from america, including those used for ur heart surgery years ago.

Is it that hard to get along? Have u forgotten the tsunami that hit acheh? where are the arabs when the entire world poured so much funds into rebuilding a muslim country. What has palestine contributed to our economy, time we mind other people's business and look at our own backyard, so many poor malays and natives in kelantan, sabah and sarawak... i bet some are worst than the rich high class palestine. Take care of our own people FIRST! By client_xAuthor Profile Page on January 16, 2009 4:09 PM


Saya daripada Singapura dan saya sokong cadangan Tun tentang 'boycott' barangan US. Saya sendiri telah mengambil langkah membeli produkproduk tempatan atau malaysia. Tak kesahlah, asalkan bukan daripada US atau Israel. Walaupun product seperti kentang goreng daripada US itu lebih sedap, tak pelah, macam Tun cakap, takkan matilah kalau tak makan. Sebagai seorang Muslimah, saya adalah adik/kakak kepada umat islam di Palestine. Saya tak boleh tak buat apaapa. By ayammasAuthor Profile Page on January 16, 2009 4:12 PM

Is government going to feed the thousands of malaysian employee of Cocacola, McDonald, Tesco ...?

Why don't we shutdown our PC and Windows to protest first?

Intel and Microsoft is American's product! By lebaikudinAuthor Profile Page on January 16, 2009 4:25 PM

Salam Tun & fellow bloggers,

1.Apabila kamu melihat kemungkaran hendaklah menentangnya dengan tangan,kalau tidak mampu gunakanlah lidah,kalau tidak mampu gunakanlah hati

2.Journey of a thousand mile started from the first step

3.Selemahlemah jihad adalah dengan tidak membeli sebotol Coke atau sebatang rokok

4.Kalau itu pun tidak mampu,hendaklah melaknat dalam hati kekejaman Yahudi dan panjatkan doa kepada Allah setiap kali selepas solat

5.Mudahmudahan umat Islam Palestin,Iraq,Afghanistan,Kashmir,Rohingya(Burma),selatan Thai dilindungi Allah.amin.Insyaalah

6.Never ever,ever,ever,ever,ever,ever,ever trust a Jew!(and I don't have to proof anything 'coz only a moron will argue about it)

Wassalam By distinctAuthor Profile Page on January 16, 2009 4:27 PM

As a foreigner staying in Malaysia for sometimes I radar not make a comment but I could not help myself to noticed that some of your readers makes comment about Gaza it is a bit disappointing maybe it is ignorance. It seams they even want to justify Israeli & American brutalities towards 1.5 Million population kept in prison no import export of any kind last 18 months. Maybe readers can read to get more non bias news. If one lives in China (as a minority for example)it would be unthinkable or one end up in jail to touch the subject of Tibet & Taiwan issue that is National interest and very sensitive subject to make a comment against China policies. Palestinian issue is a serious matter for Malaysian government and Malaysian public and Malaysia does not recognise Israel, that is a signal to people who make a comment favorable to Israeli brutalities. By ameen harunAuthor Profile Page on January 16, 2009 4:30 PM

Dear Muslim brothers,

Stop wasting your time trying to perusade non muslim to join this cause, they wont give a damn what happen to palestinian, to them the better israel get rid of the muslim somewhere is better. They will argue on Darfur or other incident to justified that this is all just the same and why should we concern just about Gaza. Or they could go on offtopic to how corupt our governement is (which is true anyway)... Please don't put any hope on them. This is our strugggle as a muslim and i think we're on this on our own.. By mohamed idrisAuthor Profile Page on January 16, 2009 4:36 PM

Salam Tun,

Betul macam tun kata, lama mana kita boleh boycott barang keluaran barat ini, sebulan, dua bulan, lama kelamaan kita akan lupa (malaysian mudah lupa)dan kita akan kembali beli McDonald, Coca cola, ROKOK dan sebagainya. Jadi apa hasilnya, Orang orang Barat akan ketawa balik ke muka kita semua, Jadi apa patut kita lakukan, cadangan saya agar rakyat boleh mulakan boycott, kerajaan juga kena memainkan peranan dengan menaikkan cukai keatas barangan import dan barangan yang dikeluarkan hasil dari barat. disamping itu seperti kata tun, kita perlu menitik beratkan pelajaran Science dan Matematik, kerana dengan Ilmu sahaja kita dan negara negara islam yang lain boleh menewaskan barat. sekarang ini barat telah menerajui ilmu hasil dari penemuan oleh ilmuan islam, jadi kita dan kerajaan perlu membuat persediaan dari sekarang untuk melatih graduan graduan kita menimba ilmu, sebelum perkara sama terjadi pada kita seperti terjadi pada palestin, (rakan sekutu israel disini adalah singapore, tak mustahil singapore akan buat perkara yang sama). akhir kata, kita sama sama melatih anak muda kita dengan sokongan kerajaan untuk bidang science dan technology dan juga melatih dunia islam untuk menimba ilmu science dan tecknology, sekarang ini barat dapat mengatasi hanya kerana science dan technology, timur dapat mengatasi dengan ilmu perdagangan, jadi kita hendak mengatasi mereka dengan apa?, pandangan saya adalah science, technology dan business

sekian, hanya pandangan saya By batuAuthor Profile Page on January 16, 2009 4:46 PM

Salam Tun i always love to read your snippet and comments by fellow readers, interestingly i just realized that your comment on recent Israel slaughtering has invited some of most disgusting view from some. how come they can see pass through Israel cannibalistic act and actually blame Palestinian, claiming that their are the one who started this invasion, by firing primitive rocket that hit nothing, and claim too little life compared to Israel. babies killed by suicide bomber?how about babies burned to death by Israel bombing? try to look at history of Palestine Israel and justify which one is victim and which one is bullies. not hard to determined eh? some people are just too arrogant to realize this freaking clear fact. By pakdamekAuthor Profile Page on January 16, 2009 4:54 PM


The Arab’s is so busy spending money on football club and paying huge 100m pound for a player named Kaka rather than helping their own. Here in Malaysia, we are like crazy trying to collect donations to help the Palestinian.

Is it worth it???

If the same kind of ethnic wipeout happens in Malaysia, who do we expect to help us??

Remember that we also have a similar threat backed by the US in our very own region. By avenezzaAuthor Profile Page on January 16, 2009 4:59 PM

Salam sejahtera buat semua.

Sekiranya seluruh umat/kerajaan Islam didunia ini bersatu, mula memboikot produk2 US,tidak menjalinkan perniagaan dgn mereka dan tidak lagi bergantung pd dolar Amerika.. US pasti lumpuh.. US pasti miskin,lemah dan tak berguna lagi..

Masalahnya kita sgt bergantung pd US..apa yg ada pd US sgt sebenarnya??.. untuk mencari alternatif pd produk & teknologi bukannya sukar sgt.. india,china,jepun,korea,perancis,italy dan rusia ada semua yg kita perlukan...kita juga xperlukan US utk barang2 kita..banyak lg negara didunia ini yg kita boleh pasarkan produk kita.. kita xperlu takut..yg kita perlukan ialah kesatuan. cukuplah dgn seluruh umat Islam(terutamanya org ARAB!!) bersatu dalam erti kata yg sebenar..bersatu dan sama2 boikot US. kelak,suatu hari nnt,US akan jatuh,US bangkrap dan mereka akan sedar Israel itu hnyalah 'duri dalam daging' mereka...pabila Israel x dpt sokongan US.. barulah ketika itu kemenangan boleh berpihak kpd rakyat Palestin.. x perlu doakan kemenangan Palestin,kerana mustahil mereka akan menang selagi saudara2 mereka(yakni kita!) masih berpecah dan terus mnyokong US & Israel..sepatutnya kita berdoa dahulu dan bersembahyang hajat spy umat Islam seluruh dunia dapat bersatu dan diberi 'sedikit' kekuatan untuk memulaukan US dan sekutunya ISRAEL. sekian.

By tskuan11Author Profile Page on January 16, 2009 5:02 PM

Why have to see how Israel kill Palestini people? Why not support then with made in Russia gun and boms. Let them know when fighting people with the same strengh and not "little children". By patricklam14Author Profile Page on January 16, 2009 5:07 PM


A boycott is a bit too simple and too rash an action to do in the face of adversary like the USA, especially in dangerous economic times as this. If the UN is powerless to impose a resolution on the 2 warring states, Malaysia is no better than being a thorn in the neck which will eventually be rid off. You see, some of our local companies do engage business with "Americans", however, the world of business politics suggests that the best way of profit is to leave certain quarters of a company to its own freedom (or for a more politically correct word, sovereignity). For example, take any franchise fast food outlet and you're bound to find out that it is related to its HQ back in the US. However, it is a franchise based locally. A certain margin of profits is sent back to the HQ but the remainder stays within the country to pay off employees and cover other expenses. A boycott of any such things would have immediate effect but such effects do not reach the HQ. For you see, if one foregin business fails in Malaysia, it is unlikely it will cause a domino effect across the sister businesses around the world. Of course, it was proposed that such boycott should be on a global scale to be effective. But to how much of an extent can one wield his diplomatic powers or persuasive charisma to bring down a dynastic business. If it was really that simple, big companies across the world would have long feared of consumers like us. But in reality, they do not. Yes! I agree with you that the bully cannot be left to continue rampaging the weak. But as Mencius did say: "the small cannot contend with the large, the few cannot contend with the many and the weak cannot contend with the strong." We cannot affect America without doing harm to ourselves. Even if we did try such extremities, the least we could do is to engage in diplomacy with other antiamerican nations. Careful planning to dismember the enemy onebyone is key to gaining the upper hand. Seem weak to the enemy whilst building strength within. When the time is ready, strike him at where he suspects the least. As of now, all we can do as Malaysians, is to contribute to the betterment of the Palestinians through donations or any from of social welfare, and summon the UN to take action. By JunoAuthor Profile Page on January 16, 2009 5:10 PM

Assalamualaikum yang Berbahagia Tun,

Mohon maaf kerana semua ini terkeluar dari topik asal.


For the moment we are all too engrossed with the events in the Middle East caused by the Jews, to be more exact by the zionist. Jangan lah kita lupa di Asia pun ada yahudi. Banyak terdapat kat Singapura, Thailand, Indonesia dan seluruh Asia Tenggara. Macam di M/East juga, bukan semua yahudi Asia ini "jahat" banyak yang baik malah setengah2 lebih baik dari penduduk tempatan (asal). Let me term those yang "jahat2" tu as zionist. Perangai, attitude, kerakusan dan tamak zionist Asia ini bolih dikatakan sama dengan M/East zionist. Kat Singapura kita terpaksa terima sebab dah jadi negeri mereka. Kat negara lain belum lagi berapa nampak 'true colour" mereka sebab tak dapat memerintah, not represented, tak de peluang, small population, jadi masih belum bolih bersuara atau menjerit2 lagi. Tapi kalau dah ramai nanti, pantang ada peluang suasana akan bertukar. Disini mereka dah mula "naik tocang" pasal turut diundang mentadbirkan negara dan ada peluang bersuara.

Bila Tun besara aje, pengganti Tun orang yang lembab, lembik, terlampau banyak dengar nasihat yang tak betul, tak mahir mentadbir negara dan sebagainya. Like the zionist in the M/East, zionist kat Malaysia dah berani ambil kesempatan atas semua kelemahan ini. Ditambah pula ada Melayu Murtad yang diketuai olih An...... (tak payah ceritalah Tun dan semua tahu apa maksud saya) bersekongkol dengan zionist ini. Ketua zionist ini dulu kat Melaka, sekarang anaknye dah ambil alih pindah kat Penang. Kalau di amati betul2 muka dua beranak ini memang ada mirip2 dan inbas2 Chin Ping.

Hari ini Raja Nazrin Shah, Raja Muda Perak ada bercerita berkenaan tanah2 kat "Kampung Baru" yang telah di serahkan kapada kaum yahudi tersebut olih kerajaan negeri Perak. ( Negri Perak negri teman, dah tergadei di buat olih kerajaan ...AP). Wakil ...KR dan ...AS dlm undangan negri cume macam kerobor (kerbau) aje, kene tambat idung ditarik kebaroh dan kebarat. Sawah dah tak mandang nak dibajak, jadi ragut aje rumput kat sawah yang tinggal, bila dah besor cukup mase kene sembelih.

Kat Selangor pun macam2 yang tak patut berlaku sudah berlaku tak payah cerita, kita semua sedia maklum. Di East Coast takpe, apa pun jadi Melayu masih tak rugi lagi. Kat Penang lagi terok dah hampir tergadai. Baru tak sampai setahun memerintah dah banyak Melayu rugi. Kalau kerajaan dulu bertindak sedemikian pasti banyak rungutan dan tunjuk perasaan. Terpaksalah Tun menangkis dan "bersilat" untuk mengelak semua tendang terajang mereka. Lagipun Tun tegas bukan sembarangan. Maka tak lah mereka kurang ajar sangat. Sekarang ni, Si Lembik cuma bolih buat silat pengantin aje, tu pu tak berapa lalu nak angkat langkah.

Melayu kat sini pun macam orang2 Palestin juga ada dua pihak, malah 3 pihak. Satu pihak diantara mereka ada yang tak ingat Tuhan, rasuah lah, salah guna kuasalah penting tembolok sendiri lah dan macam2 lagi. Pihak2 yang lagi satu bersekongkol dengan zionist Asia tapi takde power (lemah). Ikut aje telunjuk zionist. Pihak ketiga, masih pengsan (tak sedar diri). Konon2 ada prisip sendiri tapi tak kena tempat. Semangat juang untuk Melayu dan Islam memang kuat tapi tak sabar, semua nak cepat dan sudah terlampau banyak terlepas cakap. Bagi ketiga2 Melayu ini bermaaf2an, mengaku bersalah (forgive and forget), bekerjasama dengan Melayu lain tak ada dalam kamus mereka(Ini semua akan menghilang maruah mereka). Mahu tak mahu duduk lah satu kemah dengan zionist. Orang kelantan kata "Jusst imaginng" kalau semua melayu bersatu kita akan jadi kuat dan disegani. Tak naik muka yang lain. Alamak rupanya kita ini betul2 macam orang2 Palestin lah.

Result of the last general election adalah pelajaran yang paling besar untuk orang2 Melayu. Konon2 nak "test ground" pangkah parti lawan walaupun wakil bukan Melayu, pangkah juga, konon2 "nak perubahan". Sekarang banyak yang dah menyesal. Ingatloh meleka akan pelentah lebeh dali 3 tahun lagiooh. Maciam2 stratigi bolih bikinlooh. Waspadalooh. Melayu mesti sedar dengan segara. Sekarang ni kat Terengganu takpe sapa pun menang okay, sebab kedudukan Melayu tak tergugat.

Lagi satu kat sini pun ada negro. Negro ni macam lalang kalau zionist berkuasa mereka tekan Melayu. Kalau Melayu berkuasa mereka bodek Melayu. Melayu pulak pantang kena bodek, yang taraktarak jadi adaada, yang ilek jadi tak ilek.

Cuma nak beri peringatan saje. sebab Tun pun ada kata "Melayu cepat lupa" Lepas 13 May Melayu tak beli kedai yahudi 2 bulan aje, lepas 2 bulan sokong balik kedai yahudi. Saya pun macam itu. Yahudi dengan Negro kat sini sampai la ni duk payah nak belanja kat gerai Melayu.

Mohon maafkan dan ampun Tun, for being a bit racialist, cause this is the only way I know to express myself and my concern on this matter. All these are reality yang kita mesti tahu, faham, sedar dan hadapi. Harap2 ada yang dapat kesedaran dan mula bertindak untuk mengelakan perkara yang sama2 tidak kita ingini berlaku.

Ya Allah Ampunkan dosa2 yang baru hamba Mu lakukan. Semua ini (mengata, mengumpat, menyumpah dan perangai2 yang kurang sopan) dilakukan terhadap semua adalah dengan niat yang baik. Semuanya untuk mengingatkan orang Melayu. Bangsa yang sangat ku cintai. Mungkin apa yang berlaku ada HikmahNya. Insyallah. Kepada mereka yang rasa marah kapada saya banyak2kanlah Mengucap dan Asthafal. Lepas sembahyang fardu nanti sama2 kita mohon kapada Allah untuk memperbetulkan segala kesilapn yang sudah kita lakukan, serta mohon mendapat Pertunjuk dan Rahmat dariNya. Wassalam.

*Yang Berbahagia Tun,

Thanks for allowing me to have a free ride on your wagon. Saya tumpang sebab keretapi Tun ini sangat popular dan ramai passenger. Kalau tak tumpang wagon yang Tun sediakan mungkin tak sampai ke destinasi. May Allah bless you and members of your family.

Ampun dan Maaf

Juno By HouseWife™Author Profile Page on January 16, 2009 5:22 PM

Assalamualaikum Tun,

To boycott or not to boycott...that is up to each individual's privilege. If anyone wants to boycott, whatever products one pleases, so be it. If he or she wants to boycott just one product that's one's right, if this the least one can do. Don't take away his/hers right. Whether the boycotting makes an impact or not only time will tell.

I remembered your son said on TV Tun, "How am I to tell a father of a dead Palestine child that I cannot boycott, I cannot help you".

To those who still can consume the atrocities of the Israelis and feel big headed about it, try swapping places with the terrified Palestinians and experience for yourself the life in a war zone where you are helpless with nothing to defense yourself and no safe place to hide from the constant bombings and shellings until you wish to God that if you're bombed to let you die instantly for you dare not want to feel the unbearable pain from the injuries and not wanting to hear the wailing of your loved ones and praying so hard not to see the horror in their eyes. Just for once stop condemning them and close your eyes and picture the dead children, women and men and look into the eyes of the injured and see how hurt and terrified they are with the injustices done to them and try feel their pain. If you can't then you're not human, if you are, then you are with no compassion.

Tun, take care and May Allah Look Upon You Always. By willsurreyAuthor Profile Page on January 16, 2009 5:23 PM

Dear Dr Mahathir I believe all Malaysian ( malay, chinese, indian , others ) are compassionate people. I trust most malaysian hate war like Dr Mahathir But we must know our limits. Human have their limits. The situation and history in Gaza is far too complicated for Malaysia to try and change. But we can provide humantarian aids and donations for the victims. By bluesgangAuthor Profile Page on January 16, 2009 5:34 PM

Dear Tun,

1. Im quite surprise why people accusing muslims of hating jews so much. Have they ever thought why jewish hates muslims so much? Jewish have been sabotaging, destroying, dividing, painting bad image to the muslims in the most subtle and effective way and people never asked them why they do that to muslims.

2. What they have done to muslims they will regret it cause they have forgotten that they were protected by muslims during the horrible inquisition, crusades, pogrom, hitler, or whatever horrible things that European people have done to them. I read history and many times, muslims have been there for them in the past. And Arabs is the closest cousins to jews by DNA linkage. What i can say they have back stabbed their own brother.

3. A jewish priest have said somewhere in 1990's, whatever Zionist have done to Palestinian people, they will regret it. I dunno the logic of his statement but theres a say, nothing last forever, all big empires falls from rome to muslim this will includes the USA too cause we are all mortals.

4. And as usual, when any western economy collapsed like rome, 1st and 2nd world war, majority of these western people have a tendency to blame it all on the jews. It has been written many times in the history, from Germany, Russia or any Europe country when they dont have money and become poor, they blame it on jews stole it from them, like Malaysia in 1997, many malaysian accused jews stole their money. And i dont think this trend going to change since the economic systems currently being used are basically introduced by jews (they indeed are smart people), so when the system failed or collapse totally, these western people will certainly go after them like in the past even their own friends. To justify my statement, check out the history, there are patterns everytime western economy falls or total collapse (not depression, k) they blamed it on jews. (Even Hitler was born in worst German economy)

5. So what if it happens again? the only people in middle east that stands in the way of angry western people is the Arabs. And i doubt, these arabs will take arms and protect the jews like they did during crusades or inquisition time. And I hope this doesnt happen, what the nazis have done to them is one of the worst chapter in human history.

6. So i do hope Israel's realising this, the best policy is always enriching thy neighbor, so i do hope they start to settle their issues with their muslim neighbours instead of banging them ASAP. Taking into consideration that middle east is a part of the emerging markets they should be starting making friends with them.

Btw im not antisemitism and im not a proislam. Im just worried and sad with the things are going. With the current age that even animals got their rights, when u see things happen to palestinian people and others it makes u sad, so today im stopping my standing monthly order to pay WWE to protect wildlife, i told them, when all human beings start to have their rights to live peacefully, ill start paying WWE. By char koay teowAuthor Profile Page on January 16, 2009 5:44 PM




Salam, Ingin saya utarakan pandangan disini. Sepanjang perhatian saya mengenai kempen Boikot,pelbagai "checklist" yang kita dapat sama ada dari email atau kertas. Saya lihat kempen ini sedikit sebanyak ada kesannya.(jangka pendek)Pernahkah kita sebagai umat islam terfikir untuk memboikot produk "rokok"?(jangka panjang,kekal) andaian saya disini,kesan memboikot produk rokok yang mempunyai kepentingan barat dan sekutunya akan lebih dalam. kenapa ini tidak berlaku?. cukup menghairankan. Ya benar terpulang kepada perokok untuk menilai dan berfikir sejenak. kenapa ya? bukan sahaja merokok memberi kesan negatif kepada perokok,masyarakat dan alam sekitar,sebaliknya dan bahkan penyumbang besar kepada ekonomi?. andaikan, 10 juta perokok didunia memboikot rokok produk US,Israel dan beralih kepada Produk rokok buatan negara jiran terdekat kita. Maka secara langsung kesan suntikan dana dlm bentuk cukai dan sebagainya akan memberi keuntungan besar kepada negara jiran. sekian, aminlife

By LAAuthor Profile Page on January 16, 2009 6:02 PM

Salam Tun,

The atrocities committed by Israel in Gaza actually had been preplanned before the latest expired ceasefire with Hamas took effect in June 2008, planned by Ehud Barak the Defense Minister and agreed by the PM of Israel as part of a bigger grand plan to enlarge the area of Israel to include Gaza and the West Bank, what they call the ultimate security plan.

They had been commiting raids into Gaza in November 2008 to provoke Hamas into retaliation for a pretext to a preplanned invasion. This tactic is pat of "strategic escalation" policy which has been used since 1955 to make Israel look like the victim, therefore earn the support of the US for its wars. Israeli military historian Zeev Maoz wrote in detail about this strategy in his book " Defending The Holy Land". It has been used to provoke Egypt for a war in 1965, Lebanon in 1981, and West Bank between 20012004.

Please visit and read the article written by American Steve Niva How Israel manufactured the Gaza Escalation and Israel vs America by Justin Raimondo.

Israel is not interested in peace as it has in mind the larger scheme of achieving the Greater Israel, it will keep making wars with the Arab neighbors until the goal is achieved, sometimes using the US to fight its war in Iraq, Afghanistan still pressuring the US to attack Iran ans Syria.

How do you make peace with a nation of arrogant and cruel people like the Israelis? They will try their best to subvert peace deals and ceasefires because it is in their interest to do so. Hamas represents the first truly democratically elected party by the Palestinians and yet the US congress gave wide support to Israel on this latest genocide, yet the US has the cheek to say the world remember them for their compassion? What happened to democracy that it has been championing to the whole world?

To those who are ignorant on the conflict and accusing the moderator Tun as bias because he is a Muslim, and we are Muslims, you all should go do more reading and research on the conflict not only from the local net which you claimed as biased, but from the US too, thousands of them all over the place condemning the atrocities and genocide conducted by Israel.

For your info, the bullets and bombs that rained on the Palestinians are blind, they cannot differentiate between Muslim Palestinians and Christian Palestinians, women or children and old people who are no threat to the well armed Israeli soldiers courtesy of the US, the socalled champion of human rights and the protector of democracy. Americans should wake up from their sleep and pressure and change their government policies toward Muslim countries and its undivided support for Israel, the illegal terrorist state. The way i see it, the US has its nose towed by Israel.

I do not see any changes will come with Obama, the picture that showed him visiting Israel and wearing the skullcap speaks volume that he will bow to Israel in order to become the President of the United States of America. Now he has surrounded himself with people who were either exIsrael army or proIsrael as part of his team.

To those Malaysians who were on cloud nine when Obama won the election and would bring change to this world, think again. Only the skin color of the President changed, the ones who run America still remains the Jews. By minyak tanahAuthor Profile Page on January 16, 2009 6:03 PM

Dear Tun, If the history is correctly written, why are the Jewish killing the Palestine/Arab? While during the WW2, the Nazi are the one who is killing the Jewish. Do the Israelis have different history from the rest of the world. Apparently they do not know who are responsible for killing their ancesstor. Why took revenge to a little nation like Palestine.

Does it because of piece of land, I don't think so, or could it be to show the world that the Jewish are capable to do what they can't during WW2? Maybe this is what the Jewish is trying to tell the world. But why need the support of American. If the Jewish are capable to take care the unfinished business then why need to engage big brother to use his VITO power to enable them to take the street of unarmed of helpless civilians.

Not all Jewish agreed with the Israelis action but in the name of mankind, the Jewish should not take this sort of measure and make repeat history of their ancesstor. If the Jewish belief of the action of Nazi is wrong, then why repeat the wrong history of Nazi. The Jewish should by all mean take into account for making cordial friendship with the Palestine for sharing the same soil. But the way things being happening for decade, this shown that the Nazi is 100% correct?

To the other readers of this blog do not put blame to anyone for being what we are. Each of us has it own belief, either about race or religion. Whatever we do and belief, it's never the same as we wants the other to accept our belief. All belief is selfmotivating for doing a good deed and this is why the lord has send his messenger for teaching the mankind in the name of good heart. For the past/present/future the never ending story will continue till the dooms day in 2200 (2020).

God bless you. By mdz5046Author Profile Page on January 16, 2009 6:04 PM

Salam TUN

1. Kezaliman yang dilakukan oleh yahudi dilakukan keatas palestin adalah dasyat. Mereka membunuh tanpa rasa belas kasihan tidak kira tua atau muda, kecil atau besar samada lemah atau berdaya.

2. Sebagaimana, janji Allah akan bantu sesiapa hambanya yang dizalimi, walaupun dari golongan kafir. Kenapa palestin tidak dibantu oleh Allah & doa mereka dan seluruh orang islam tidak kabul? Allah tidak pernah mungkir janji, maha suci Allah dari mungkir janji. Mesti ada sebab yang kukuh sehinggakan Allah tutup bantuan dan nusrahNya kpd muslim yang sedang dizalimi.

3. Jawapannya ialah seluruh orang islam melakukan kezaliman yang lebih dasyat terhadap seluruh orang bukan islam termasuk yahudi di Israel. Kenapa? ini adalah kerana orang islam telah menidakkan hak orang bukan islam untuk diajak kpd Allah dengan diajak menerima kalimah Lailahailallah Muhammadarasulullah.

4. Orang islam palestin yang meninggal dlm serangan yahudi, insyallah mati dalam keadaan islam krn pernah mengucap kalimah, (kalimah Lailahailallah Muhammadarasulullah) dan akan terima syaafaat dari Nabi saw di akhirat dan akan masuk syurga.

5. Namun mereka yang belum islam termasuk yahudi di Israel? apa akan terjadi terhadap mereka dalam keadaan mereka tidak pernah mengucap kalimah yakni tidak mati dengan islam. Mereka akan mati dibakar dalam api neraka yang panas menyala selamanya.

6. Siapakah yang lebih zalim? muslim atau yahudi? Jawapannya ialah kita seluruh islam dalam keadaan buat zalim terhadap mereka yang belum islam termasuk yahudi. Walaupun orang islam dizalimi termasuk di palestin tetapi kezaliman yang orang islam lakukan terhadap orang bukan islam seluruh dunia termasuk yahudi di Isreal adalah lebih zalim dari kezaliman yang mereka terhadap kita orang muslim.

7. Inilah jawapannya kenapa doa orang islam tidak diterima dan tidak dibantu oleh Allah sedangkan Allah janji akan bantu orang yang dizalimi. Sebagaimana dalam hadis Nabi saw ada sebut lebih kurang bunyinya, bila orang islam tidak mengajak manusia kepada Allah (amal makruf ajak kepada Allah dan nahi mungkar mencegah syirik terhadap Allah) maka akan tiba masanya bila kamu berdoa tidak akan dikabul, apa yang diminta tidak diberi dan bila kamu mohon bantuan Allah terhadap musuhmusuh kamu, tidak akan dibantu. Sebagimana firman Allah lebih kurang bunyinya, kamu bantu Allah (sebarkan agama dengan ajak manusia kepada Allah), maka Allah akan bantu kamu dengan kuatkan kakikaki kamu menentang musuh kamu.

8. Sudah ratusan tahun orang islam tidak mengajak orang bukan islam kepada islam kerana orang islam telah tinggalkan perintah Allah yang pertama iaitu tidak lagi buat kerja nabi,

9. Inilah puncanya orang islam tidak dibantu seperti di palestin walaupun orang islam tetap berdoa, masih bersolat, bayar zakat, berpuasa, naik haji dan ramai lagi alim ulama' dalam kalangan orang islam namun kerana orang islam tinggalkan kerja nabi iaitu perintah Allah pertama yang mulamula diturunkan di Mekah sebelum perintah Allah kedua, solat.

10. Allah akan bantu orang islam bila orang islam kembali buat kerja nabi, cara nabi dan sanggup berkorban macam nabi kita Muhammad saw. sepertimana bantuan Allah terhadap Nabi saw & sahabatnya di badar dan perang2 lain.

11. Bila orang islam tinggalkan kerja nabi maka kezaliman orang islam terhadap orang bukan islam jauh lebih dasyat daripada kezaliman yang mereka buat terhadap kita orang islam. Kerana matinya orang islam Insyallah syurga dan rahmat Allah menanti dan kesusahan yang menimpa orang islam jadi asbab untuk dosadosa mereka diampunkan. Tetapi tidak orang yang bukan islam. Untuk mereka dalam kubur sahaja pun mereka telah diberi azab dengan dihantar 99 ekor binatang berbisa bersama mereka sehingga kiamat.

12. Inilah sebabnya selama ni kita semua orang islam tidak dibantu oleh Allah. Sudah puluhan tahun orang islam palestin dizalimi iaitu semenjak negara Isreal dibentuk tahun 1946 lagi, ini bukan cerita baru. Allah gunakan orang islam di sana dan beberapa tempat didunia untuk Allah tunjukkan kemurkaan Allah terhadap orang islam kerana langgar perintah Allah dengan tinggalkan perintah yang pertama iaitu kerja nabi. Dan kemurkaan Allah juga menimpa kita seluruh orang islam seluruh dunia dengan Allah letakkan orang kafir berkuasa atas orang islam iaitu Amerika dan sekutunya.

13. Teruskan hantar bantuan makananan, ubatan dan lainlain keperluan untuk mereka yang dalam kesusahan di Gaza & palestin. Namun jangan kita lupa untuk ajak semua orang islam seluruh dunia termasuk di Gaza dan palestin untuk samasama bertaubat kepada Allah kerana dosa tinggalkan kerja nabi selama ni. Kita telah lama aniayai orang bukan islam. Sedangkan Nabi saw meenangis melihat jenazah orang bukan islam. Tetapi tidak demikian berlaku pada kita semua dengan melihat dgn penuh kebencian. Tiada lagi kesian dan sedih spt Nabi saw. Ini kerana semua orang islam lupa akan maksud hidup dan kerja nabi utama sebagai muslim.

14. Sebenarnya kerja Nabi saw iaitu mengajak orang yg belum islam kepada islam telah Allah fardhukan kepada orang islam kerana Nabi saw adalah nabi terakhir dan tidak ada lagi nabi dihantar setelahya.

15. Namun harini kita mahu bunuh orang bukan islam tanpa mengajak mereka terlebih kepada islam. Sepatutnya mula2 mereka diajak terima islam, kalau enggan kemudian suruh mereka bayar jizyah/tax atau enggan juga,kemudian barulah perang. Dan kalau berperang setelah ajak mereka pada islam barulah orang islam akan dibantu Allah.

16. Harini perang berlaku antara islam dan yahudi bukan lagi kerana kalimah tauhid yang mulia tetapi berebutkan dunia. Berebutkan duit, berebutkan harta benda, berebutkan tanah dan pelbagai bendabenda dunia. Hal ini kerana orang islam telah dijangkiti penyakit yang sangat berbahaya iaitu cinta dunia dan takutkan mati. Sedangkan Allah berkali2 bagitau dlm Quran bhw Allah tidak meletak harga sedikit pun pada seluruh benda2 dunia melainkan iman dan amal yang sempurna.

17. Kemurkaan Allah terhadap orang islam akan berterusan sehinggalah orang islam mula bertaubat dan bangkit kembali buat kerja nabi.


LOVE u TUN By breedloveAuthor Profile Page on January 16, 2009 6:09 PM

Greetings Tun & bloggers

It is no surprise for the Jews to control the USA or even the global economy.

The whole world is using US Dollars which is issued by The Federal Bank of USA.

The Federal Bank of USA is owned by The Rothschild Family a Jew family. Thus by having nearly the whole world to use US Dollars, it is controlling the economy of many countries.

So the item to be boycotted should be the US Dollars. There are alternative currencies to be used as common denominator. Or we can revert to Gold Dinar as was proposed by Tun.

This way not one country will control the whole economy.

A humble opinion.

Sbqlmfrrdn By breedloveAuthor Profile Page on January 16, 2009 6:09 PM

Greetings Tun & bloggers

It is no surprise for the Jews to control the USA or even the global economy.

The whole world is using US Dollars which is issued by The Federal Bank of USA.

The Federal Bank of USA is owned by The Rothschild Family a Jew family. Thus by having nearly the whole world to use US Dollars, it is controlling the economy of many countries.

So the item to be boycotted should be the US Dollars. There are alternative currencies to be used as common denominator. Or we can revert to Gold Dinar as was proposed by Tun.

This way not one country will control the whole economy.

A humble opinion.

Sbqlmfrrdn By latAuthor Profile Page on January 16, 2009 6:18 PM


Dear Tun

It is nice for you to upload the journal of a wise american that can truely see the truth. He must be ashamed because for the past eight years, the vote to placed a mule to be their president. the writer even designated bush as "united stated moron". haahahaha.

So rob... read it with a binocular... if you can see it clearly. By AkazareAuthor Profile Page on January 16, 2009 6:43 PM

Dearest Tun and Fellow Readers,

A lot of calls have been made such as boycotts, attacking the US and Israel (although, we all know this is not to be taken literally), stop using the US Dollars and as such.

We know as well that these actions are meant to symbolize our displeasure and protest of the current plight of our brothers and sisters in Gaza. Drastic actions such mass resignation and boycotting will definately hurt us more than the US, as stated by many readers.

However, the real concern here is why us (Malaysia) as a small developing country are making most of the noise?? Where are the powerful Islamic Countries? Why aren't they making the noise? Countries like Saudi Arabia and the UAE? These are the countries that could REALLY make the difference when it comes to boycotting and such.

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, who controls the world oil produce can't event lift a finger to assist??? Do something, anything that could hurt them..financially and economically These Israelis and the Zionist Controlled US the very least threathen them for Allah's sake!!

I was shocked to see the news last night when the poeple of Gaza were weeping, crying, begging for help from their Arab neighbours. Where are they? have the power to make a difference more so than us and yet we are the ones who are so passionate in helping and condeming the "ethnic cleansing" in Gaza.

Tun, I am sure that if you were still the Chairman of OIC, you would at the very least put these powerful Muslim countries to shame by not lifting a finger.

When will they act...will the invasion of the Holy Cities of Mecca and Medina be ultimate catalyst before they act? I am sure that invason of the holy cities are already in their plan..The Gaza Crisis is but the fost act of Grand Plan to destroy the Muslim World they really just sit and wait for this happend? For the Zionsit troops to trample at the Masjid AlHaram??? Imagine that ...if they act then it will be far too late.

Tun, I am proud of your comments and entires in this blog, simply because you are stating exactly whats on everyone's mind and that your blog seems to be getting recognise internationally..unfortunately by people who could not really see who are the real criminals in this scenario.

Salam Tun and lets ensure that we pray for the unfortunate victims at Gaza every day until it stops. By ahmadjAuthor Profile Page on January 16, 2009 6:53 PM

Several of the history makers from ancient times were all Jews such as Albert Einstein, Sigmund Freud, Karl Marx, Paul Samuelson and Milton Friedman.

Jews were those who made discoveries in various fields, such as Benjamin Ruben (vaccinating needle); Jonas Salk (polio vaccine); Gertrude Elion (leukemia drug); Baruch Blumberg (vaccine for Hepatitis B); Paul Ehrlich (syphilis drug); Gregory Pincus (contraceptive pill); G. Wald (science of understanding of human eye) and Willem Kloffcame (kidney dialysis).

They were also responsible for inventions that changed history: inventor of microprocessing chip, Stanley Mezor; nuclear chain reactor, Sziland; optical fibre cable, Peter Schultz; traffic lights, Charles Adler; stainless steel, Benno Strauss; sound movies, Isador Kisee; telephone microphone, Emile Berliner and video tape recorder, Charles Ginsburg.

Jews also ran influential global business: Polo (Ralph Lauren); Levi's Jeans (Levi Strauss); Starbucks (Howard Schultz); Google (Sergey Brin); Dell Computers (Michael Dell); Oracle (Larry Ellison); DKNY (Donna Karan); Baskin Robbins (Irv Robbins) and Dunkin Donuts (Bill Rosenberg).

They were also influential intellectuals and politicians, such as Henry Kissinger, US former Secretary of State; Alan Greenspan of US Federal Reserve; Madeleine Albright, former US Secretary of State; David Marshal, Singapore Chief Minister; Barry Goldwater, US politician and Robert Rubin, US Secretary of Treasury.

They were also influential global media people, such as Wolf Blitzer of CNN, Barbara Walters of ABC News, Joseph Lelyeld of New York Times, Eugene Meyer of Washington Post and Henry Grunwald of Time Magazine. By fidAuthor Profile Page on January 16, 2009 6:54 PM

BOYCOTT, malangnya student UIA pun selalu makan MacD..

Minta semua dunia2 ISLAM tolong dgn askar2nya kita gi perang, malangnya semua Pak Arab tak BOLEH BERSATU..

Yang senang BOYCOTT aje BN.. tak le lah PAK LAH & KORNI nya lagi.. hidup kan balik MAHATIR.. yeh By Habib RAKAuthor Profile Page on January 16, 2009 6:54 PM

Tun, u may wish consider posting this youtube clip here in your blog. Its in the same vein as the Paul Craig Roberts. Here, Jewish woman themselve calling it a massacre.

May you continue to have good health. By ahmadjAuthor Profile Page on January 16, 2009 6:54 PM



Tun mesti boleh dapatkan info no akaun kumpulan2 jihad di dunia nie, sambil bercakap meh kiter donate duit supaya mereka boleh beli senjata dan peluru untuk mereka boleh berjuang di Palestin ..since syarikat2 yahudi boleh memberi sumbangan kpd Israel kenapa kita tak boleh buat macam mereka. By kak ziAuthor Profile Page on January 16, 2009 7:11 PM

Assalamualaikum. Sesunguhnya apa yang diluahkan olih TDM adalah perkongsian rasa olih insan insan lain yang masih mempunyai nilai nilai kemanusiaan yang tinggi. Memang ramai yang marah dan geram dengan Israel dan Amerika tapi apa yang mampu kita buat?Kita hanya mampu protes dengan tunjuk perasaan dan paling mampu kita lakukan BOYCOTT produk Amerika.Itu pun selepas disedarkan olih TDM dan anaknya, barulah terasa sangat minum coke dan makan Mc Donald macam minum dan makan darah dan daging rakyat Palastin Hari ini Israel berani kerana big brothernya yang membantu dan menyokong tindak tanduknya, saya rasa kalau hari ini Amerika yang menyebelahi Palastin adakah Israel akan berani bertindak seperti sekarang dan menyalahkan Hamas dalam hal ini? tentu tidak! Apa sebab perkara begini terjadi saya rasa adalah kerana NEGARA ISLAM rata rata pemimpinnya ..... (fikir sendiri} dan mementingkan dirinya sendiri, tak nak mengikut sistem yang di atur olih AGAMANYA.

Seingat saya TUN DR MAHATHIR, PRESIDEN IRAN DAN IMAM BESAR MEKAH pernah menyeru agar orang orang islam hari ini kalau nak kuat dan maju mesti "KAYA" DAN BERSATU tapi pemimpin islam degil dan tak nak menghayati apa yang disarankan dan inilah jadinya. Masing masing asyik bertelagah pendapat dan bergaduh sesama mereka,Negara kaya tak membantu negara yang miskin, coba kita ikut sistem zakat, mungkin tak sebegini teruk miskinnya negara islam dan kalau negara tak terlalu daif dan para bijak pandai pun ramai tak lah kita mengharapkan negara uncle sam tu untuk bantuan kewangan dan senjata.


By pendudukAuthor Profile Page on January 16, 2009 7:18 PM

Salam...semoga Tun sekeluarga diberkati...

Semoga keberanian Tun bersuara membela nasib rakyat Palestin mendapat balasan setimpal dari Allah SWT. Bukan hendak memperkecilkan Pas, tapi saya masih tertanyatanya dan tercaricari di mana pemimpin Pas yang boleh bersuara di peringkat antarabangsa seperti Tun? Adakah pemimpin Pas hanya jaguh kampung atau memang tiada pemimpin yang berkebolehan lantaran ideologi parti yang selalu menyalahkan pemimpin Islam lain khasnya UMNO? By Dain_BramageAuthor Profile Page on January 16, 2009 7:29 PM

"I would like to have the Malaysian Armed Forces attack the United States and Israel" Why didnt u when u were the Premier?

U have all the executive power to execute such decision.

Just a thought... By MatAuthor Profile Page on January 16, 2009 7:31 PM

Assalamualaikum Tun,

Sekarang adalah masa yang amat sesuai untuk kita membuka mata. Sebenarnya kita sudah terlalu lama menggunakan barangan tanpa memikirkan impak atau kesannya. Kempen boikot ini harapnya akan menjadi pencetus kepada situasi dimana setiap pengguna terutamanya muslim untuk berfikir sejenak sebelum membeli. Ini sepatutnya menjadi tanggungjawab kita. Pihak barat sebelum ini pun ada membuat kempen untuk membasmi "blood money". Apaapa perniagaan yang berpunca dari "blood money" perlu diboikot. Situasi atau kempen ini lah yang patut juga diamalkan oleh pengguna muslim kita. Fikirlah sejenak sebelum membeli. Fikirkan adakah kita membeli barangan yang akan menyumbang kepada penindasan umat Islam (dari mana2 segi sekali pun)? Kalau ada alternatif, belilah yang alternatif.

Inilah juga masanya kita cuba membangun dan mengeluarkan produk2 tempatan kita. Use local product. Disini mungkin kita boleh mengambil contoh sikap warga Amerika. Mereka sentiasa "Buy American first. Be patriotic". Warga Jepun juga sedemikian. Malah warga India sekalipun sering berkata "India is the best"

Diharap, boikot dan pemikiran ini akan menjadi AMALAN pengguna muslim kita. Yg kita takut, melayu kita ini mudah lupa. Bila senyap kes Palestin di media, maka kita guna semula (dan menyumbang semula)

Coke, Colgate dan Starbucks tidak akan ada di dalam senarai saya lagi. InsyaAllah kita akan teruskan dan akan melibatkan produk2 lain. Kerajaan tidak boleh dan tidak akan mampu menggerakkan usaha ini. Kita tidak perlu pun utk kerajaan memacu usaha ini. Pengguna (kita semua) sahaja yang boleh membawa perubahan ini.


Stay healthy Tun By Danish AndzarAuthor Profile Page on January 16, 2009 7:37 PM

Assalamualaikum Ayahanda Tun, Saya amat tidak faham akan komen diatas (komen :HBT) apakah kena mengenanya memecat mereka dengan semua ini?

Hanya satu..iaitu doa...firman ALLAH (maaf klu silap) "BERDOALAH NESCAYA AKAN AKU PERKENANKAN"

Berdoa agar ALLAH membuka hati dan mata pembesar2 negara2 arab disekeliling mereka agar memberi pertolongan kepada saudara seIslam mereka di Palestin By T.R.U.T.HAuthor Profile Page on January 16, 2009 7:43 PM

Assalamualaikum Tun,


1. I agree that we should boycott Israel products

2. People work at their company have no option but to find other job

3. Because since the beginning they actually supported Israel and stupid Jewish

4. By doing that then our economy not be depending on stupid Jewish

5. It is important to do that in the long run

6. Many people say it was a wrong action.. it will only collapse our economy

7. However, to be dependent on the stupid Jewish in terms of economy also inappropriate

8. We know they are our enemy but still we make trade with them

9. More and more citizens work with their firms/companies

10. We should find other alternative such as China and India

11. Although they may have doing trade with those stupid Jewish But if we were very selective about the business that has any connection with stupid Jewish... we have no reason to say no unless Malaysia are greedy

12. After all, in my opinion it is not hard to change our lifestyle by stop drink coke, stop buy levi's, buy more malaysian made product

13. Unless we are stupid enough to say that boycotting is a narrow minded and short term solution

14. For those people saying that, you are the one that narrow minded because, at the first place, you should't support and work at firms/company owned by stupid Jewish By sikenitAuthor Profile Page on January 16, 2009 7:49 PM

Salam Tun and all,

1. It has been a long time since I last connect to the net. 2. That didn't mean that fellow CHEDET bloggers were forgotten. 3. Thank for the good write ups Tun, still haven't read them all. 4. Doa is a Muslim's lethal weapon. 5. unfortunately we Muslims do not have enough faith in its powers. 6. When we pray, who are we really addressing??? 7. We are not asking from a mere mortal for mortal help. 8. But we are addressing ALLAH the Almighty, the All Knowing, All Hearing, All Wise. 9. ALLAH, Lord of the Heavens and the Earth. 10. The One and Only ALLAH, who created Adam alaihi Salam. 11. Allah, the One who saved Moses from the Pharaoh. 12. ALLAH, who saved Abraham from the fires of Namruz. 13. The same ALLAH who saved the Holy Kaabah from the Army of the Elephants. 14. This same ALLAH will answer our doa, if only WE remember HIM when we are in good times, and not just during our Bad times. 15. And, ALLAH, being ARRAhman and ArRahiim, He will not let the pains of victims anywhere be in vain. For those victims of oppressions, for them, is JANNAH, may they remain steadfast! Insya ALLAH!!

TAKBIIIIIRRRRR!!!!!!!!! Jaga diri Jaga Solat everyone. sikenit :) By wlAuthor Profile Page on January 16, 2009 8:15 PM

Dear Tun, I know that u are very passionate in supporting the Palestinian cause.I really don't know who is more quilty as I had not read Or seen all the mistakes made by both sides.I know that wars are ugly & nobody on either side can claim total victory because you are killing your fellow men, your brethren.I feel sorry for both sides as I can feel the pain & anguish.We always pray that this MidEast conflict can come to an end soon & people can coexist happily. As for CocaCola I had never quite fancy it since very young, so giving up or drinking less is off course no problem to me. Every night before we retire we should all pray for world PEACE. Salam RT By AMBAJAuthor Profile Page on January 16, 2009 8:28 PM

Asalamualaikum Tun,

1) Kita boleh boikot barangan Amerika tanda protes keatas kezaliman yang dilaku oleh sekutunya Israel. Impak kepada Amerika adalah kecil.

2) Amerika adalah negara yang kuat dari segi ekonomi dan juga ketenteraan. Andaian Tun itu benar, maruah kita mungkin dihormati oleh dunia apabila kita menyerang Amerika, tetapi akibatnya negara kita akan musnah akibat tindakan balas ekonomi dan ketenteraan.

3) Kata orang, mereka ni durian kita ni timun. Tergolek pun kita kena dan mengolek pun kita kena. Tapi kalau durian dah jadi tempoyak, baru dia tahu kena lenyek dengan timun.

4) Boikot ni mesti menyeluruh, kalau setakat Malaysia seorang sahaja yang buat memang susah dan tak berkesan. Tapi kalau semua negaranegara Islam boikot, saya rasa baru ada reaksinya.

5) Malaysia kena jadi pelupori untuk menjayakan program boikot ni. OIC pun perlu mainkan peranannya. Lihatlah masa pencerobohan tentera Serb keatas Bosnia, Semua Negara Islam kutuk sahaja. Bantuan dari Negara Arab pun tak seberapa. Seingat saya Malaysia dibawah teraju Tun, yang kuat melaungkan bantahan terhadap Serbia. Hendak harapkan UN Secretary General Butrous Butrous Gali dan Perwakilan KhasYasushi Akashi habis kaum Bosnia dihapuskan dibumi Balkan.

6) Kesedihan saya sekarang adalah negaranegara Arab yang hanya duduk diam sahaja. Belum percapaian cadangan mengenai gencatan senjata dibawah agenda negaranegara Arab, mereka sesama sendiri sudah timbul masaalah. Perkaraperkara seperti ini yang menaikan semangat Israel untuk tidak menghiraukan laungan bangsabangsa Arab.

7) Israel Zionist memang jahat dan zalim dan tak payah dipertikaikan. Yang mesti dipertikaikan sekarang adalah kelemahan orangorang Islam terutama orangorang Arab yang ambil sambil lewa sahaja. Kalau harimau tetap harimau, kita manusia mesti mencari kaedah untuk mengelak dari diterkam.

8) Sepatutnya negaranegara Arab disekeliling Israel yang patut menyerang, bukan Malaysia yang jauh beriburibu kilometer. Kadangkadang teringat juga ( out of the discussion) mana orangorang handal Indonesia yang dikatakan boleh terbang, kebal dan boleh hantar santau angin dari jauh? Kenapa tak santau sahaja Ehud Olmert dan kuncukuncunya? Entahlah.

9) DiMalaysia orangorang yang bersekongkol dengan Amerika yang dapat bantuan kewangan, media, moral dan nasihat patut diboikotkan juga. Manusia seperti ini mesti diawasi. Apa kata Bro Anwar Ibrahim ( Mr. Anwear Abraham)?

Nyah sahaja By MyLucaAuthor Profile Page on January 16, 2009 8:33 PM

Coke it is not good for your health McDonald and KFC also not good for your health.

Why still bother to consume it? Infact we also gain some good health and support our local business.

Tun is asking to boycott only certain American and Israeli Product which support and sponsor Israeli.. not to all American. So commentors.. pls dun get too emotional. By danieltty2020Author Profile Page on January 16, 2009 8:50 PM

Dear Sir,

You claimed that you're not biased against America and Israel, but in fact you do did you condemn Hamas for bombing the INNOCENT Israel people during the past few years? You didn't. Also, you never urge the Palestinian people to stand up against Hamas when they killed the Israeli people. Why? because you support the Muslims unconditionally, even if they are terrorists and killed innocent people. You also claimed that you dislike terrorism, but you also defend their act by saying that they do this out of desperation. But this is no excuse. There're other ways to confront an enemy besides violence. Just develop your country and improve your economy, like what China is doing. This is much better than killing your enemy and creating more hatred. By HOT ZOOMAuthor Profile Page on January 16, 2009 8:54 PM

Adakah semua produk dari Israel dan Amerika kita patut boikot?Apa akan jadi dengan ekonomi negara kita?Saya rasa barangan yg bukan keperluan harian saja yg boleh kita boikot.Yg tu boleh memberi impak besar kepada ekonomi mereka.Yg lain gunakan dengan berhemah ,maksudnya beli sekiranya perlu je.Saya bimbang menang sorak kampung tergadai akan berlaku pada ekonomi kita nanti. Wallahua'lam By dewadannyAuthor Profile Page on January 16, 2009 8:59 PM

Assalamualaikum Tun,

May i used your blog to unleash my option to the (Maybe) right person who supposes to make their move at this time?

Thank You Tun. May God Bless you.


Dear Khalifah ALLAH,

You all have been given the rightful power of trusted LEADER by your countrymen in NEARBY AREA within Gaza.

Would you sleep or eat or happily live when you know & see our brothers & children’s that's clearly been executed by our well known ENEMY (Stated in AlQuran) and STILL YOU ALL NOT doing any effective ACT!.

If .. I were One (1) of you,

I’ll send my reserved defense to march toward the ISRAEL border & Strongly Shout JIHAT! To others ISLAMIC country to follow my move and by then I’ll give the So Called Security Council in UN by two (2) choices :

1) ASK the Evil Israeli Troop to back off from GAZA. 2) We will strike back!

AFTER that I’ll send my most educated & intelligent attorney to get ICC at The Hague to bring the culprit in ISRAEL Government by accusing them in violating international law with its war on Gaza in which almost 1,100 Palestinians have been killed, nearly half of them civilians and children. We have a strong and CLEARLY EVIDENCE to send them in HELL with collective punishment by disproportionate military force & attacks on CIVILIAN TARGETS, including HOMES, MOSQUES, UNIVERSITIES, SCHOOLS AND MANY MORE.

Then I believe your ACT WILL BE MUCH EFFECTIVE rather then Talk & Conferences & Meeting & Asking for WESTERN to do something for us.

Please DO NOT TRUST AMERICAN! Even their Elected Incoming Mr. PRESIDENT. They all are the same.and they already give you all enough BULLSHIT. Aren’t They!

BUT still try to get close to their Economy & intrest like JEWS have done so effectively.

This is what I will do!.. at this current moment of situation.


Thank you.

Regards –DewaDanny By chewchewAuthor Profile Page on January 16, 2009 9:15 PM dear TOKDET,




EVALUATE AFTER ENJOYING THOSE CLIPS. By kamarulzamanAuthor Profile Page on January 16, 2009 9:18 PM


By I Love Jew,

I think you are commenting in a wrong forum. You are also living in a wrong country. You should live in America or Israel or somewhere in Europe and do your comments from there. What actually you want to show here.. By penang78Author Profile Page on January 16, 2009 10:06 PM

Salam Tun,

Sori kacau kejap saya nak sampaikan maklumat sikit,to all bloggers please vote for Palestines for the above link! By solcroftAuthor Profile Page on January 16, 2009 10:07 PM

I, for one, am glad you are no longer the Prime Minister and cannot order the MAF to attack Israel. The Americans and Brits sent a multinational force to invade Iraq, and see what they're caught in now. And I daresay that the MAF is very much weaker than the US Army, and the Israel Defense Force much stronger than Saddam's Royal Guard.

You want the MAF to attack Israel and America? I really don't know whether to laugh or cry. By kocehAuthor Profile Page on January 16, 2009 10:18 PM





Islam is a very DARK religion.. By oodoombookAuthor Profile Page on January 16, 2009 10:28 PM


Saya setuju dengan pandangan Tun. Orang Islam perlu belajar berkorban berdasarkan kemampuan masingmasing. Kalau tidak boleh pergi berperang, korbankan sedikit harta, kalaupun itu tak boleh sekurangkurangnya boikot barangbarang dari Israil.Kalau ditanya diakhirat kelak ? apa yang kau buat untuk membantu orangorang Palestin yang dianiaya, sekurangkurangya kita boleh menjawab "Kita boikot barangbarang mereka", Ambil iktbar dari kisah seekor burung dengan Nabi Ibrahim.

Sebuah kisah di zaman Nabi Ibrahim, semasa Nabi Ibrahim dibakar oleh kaumnya, seekor burung kecil terbang berulang alik mengisi air dalam paruhnya lalu menyiram ke atas api yang membakar. Itulah yang dilakukannya berulangkali. Tingkah lakunya diperhatikan oleh makhluk Allah yang lain lalu bertanya kepada burung kecil itu, ‘buat apa kau penatpenat mengambil air berulang alik, sedangkan api yang membakar Nabi Ibrahim takkan terpadam dengan air yang kau siramkan itu.’

Lalu dijawab oleh burung tersebut, ‘Memang ia tidak akan memadamkan api tersebut, tetapi aku lebih takut kepada Allah kerana Allah akan menyoal aku nanti, apakah yang aku lakukan untuk agama Allah, dan Allah tidak akan bertanya samada aku berjaya memadamkan api itu ataupun tidak‘. By apitAuthor Profile Page on January 16, 2009 10:29 PM to HBT,

BERLAPIK SIKIT....JANGAN MENGGELAR SEBARANGAN.IBU MEREKA (SHARIR SAMAD & PAK LAH )LAHIRKAN MANUSIA BUKAN SEPERTI YANG ANDA SEBUTKAN.kalau anda marahkan mereka pun, jangan sesekali menggunakan perkataan a****g...... INI AMARAN!!I CAN FIND U !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


*minta disiarkan komen ini agar blog ini terus relevan...... By chewchewAuthor Profile Page on January 16, 2009 10:34 PM




The Zionists This is why the World is destroyed




FROM CHEWCHEW. (CUCU) By miawAuthor Profile Page on January 16, 2009 10:38 PM

Askum Tun,

Bagi saya negaranegara OIC yang kebanyakannya terdiri daripada negaranegara Islam patut boikot jangan jual minyak kepada Amerika, Israel dan Britain. Kita hanya mengadakan perdagangan minyak sesama negara Islam saja (close trade). Kalau kita negaranegara OIC tak jual minyak kepada tiga negara paksi jahat itu, lama kelamaan mereka akan tetap menjadi lemah kerana semua kelengkapan ketenteraan mereka seperti jet fighter, bomber dan kereta kebal tak dapat bergerak kerana simpanan minyak mereka habis. Kita tak rugi apaapa kerana minyak sememangnya berada di dalam tangan kita dan terpulanglah kepada kita dan negaranegara Islam ini untuk mengenakan sekatan minyak terhadap Amerika, Israel dan Britain. Kalau Israel boleh mengenakan sekatan terhadap Palestin, kenapa tak kita sebagai negara Islam yg bersaudara melakukan perkara yg sama (sekatan terhadap Israel)? Apalah gunanya kelengkapan ketenteraan yg canggih sekiranya tak dapat bergerak sebab tiada minyak? Lagipun, sekiranya Amerika dan Britain ini kehabisan minyak, rakyat mereka akan bangkit dan menyalahkan polisi dasar luar kerajaan mereka kerana disebabkan kerajaan merekalah yg menyebabkan mereka sengsara. Kalau kita sebagai orang luar tak dapat menhuruharakan keadaan dalam negara mereka, kita biarkan rakyat mereka sendiri mengacaubilaukan kerajaan mereka sendiri. Sebab apa? Minyak mereka dah habis. Lama kelamaan kerajaan mereka pasti tunduk kepada kehendak rakyat mereka sendiri. Kita cuma back to basic saja, beasr kapasiti, besarlah tanggungannya (maksud saya disini ialah Amerika & Britain mempunyai tanggungan yg besar seperti rakyat yg sangat ramai (banyaklah juga kenderaan yg dipakai), kelengkapan ketenteraan yg canggih dan semua ini memerlukan minyak yg banyak untuk berfungsi).

Selain itu, kita juga sebenarnya dapat melumpuhkan ekonomi Amerika melalui sistem yg mereka cipta sendiri iaitu perdagangan mata wang asing. Sejak forex ini dibuka kepada orang awam oleh Bill Clinton pada tahun 1996 (kalau tak silap), ramai orang mampu menjalankan urusniaga forex ini. Apabila kita ramairamai dapat buat duit dan menjadi jutawan melalui forex, apa kata kita short/sell matawang US Dollar dengan mendadak pada satu masa sahaja seperti apa yg dilakukan oleh George Soros kepada Great Britain Pound Sterling pada tahun 1992. Sekiranya seorang individu seperti Soros mampu menjejaskan ekonomi Britain dengan hanya short/sell Pound Sterling, apatah lagi kita yg ramairamai buat forex ini sebab konsep asasnya ialah nilai matawang sesebuah negara itu pasti jatuh sekiranya kita short/sell matawang negara tersebut dalam jumlah yg banyak. Dengan cara ini kita dapat sedikit sebanyak melumpuhkan ekonomi Amerika..

Tun, apa pandangan Tun tentang pendapat saya di atas?

Semoga Tun sekeluarga dilimpahi rahmat Illahi sentiasa. Amin... By apitAuthor Profile Page on January 16, 2009 10:46 PM



Dear Tun,

First and foremost let me state I am against the killing of innocent people anywhere.

I bet you and just about every other leader in this world would love to be in Olmert's shoes.

An every country would give "an arm or leg" to be Israel or the United States.


Simply because noboby and nobody dares to monkey around with them. Isn't that nice knowing nobody dares to monkey around with you.

As for Hamas, its leaders if they have any sense they better follow the part Sadat took.

Egypt, the most powerful Arab country (at least during the ArabIsraeli wars), is enjoying decades of peace.

What are Hamas leaders trying to prove. Innocent lives is not important to them.

The real trouble makers is Iran.

Best Regards

Ataturk By Amin73Author Profile Page on January 16, 2009 11:01 PM

Dear Tun,

It is shameful that the world leaders could only condemn. Even school children could do better job in this. What's more embarassing is us asking for UN and Obama to help??? The Muslim takes up 20% of world population and yet we resort to the nonMuslim for assistance?

You have strong influence in OIC, we should instead seek the Arab leaders for assistance or start condemning them. It is very ironic that the Arab leaders only talk without taking any physical action. They seem scared of the people of their own native, they even look alike. Why are they so scared of Hamas' influence?

Use your influence to strongly condemn Mesir for not opening their door to the injured and sick. We should all start labelling Hosni Mubarak as a coward! Surely he could do better than just talk.

And condemn the rest of the Arab leaders as well.

It has been decreed in the Holy Book, Israel will not stop. They even kill the children fearing the big numbers of young Tahfiz in Palestine. Talking and condemning will get us nowhere. By kijangbaktiAuthor Profile Page on January 16, 2009 11:03 PM

Salam Tun apa yang perlu kita buat SEKARANG INI

1) hantar tentera Malaysia ke Gaza... tak mungkin sebab kita tak kuat. awalawal Pemimpin kita dan kita mengaku... itu tak mungkin.

Mungkin kita bergabung dengan negara Islam lain. Baru kuat sikit. Ada manamana pemimpin kita boleh jadi pengerak kearah ini. TAK ADA??? Kalau macam tu.. tak payah kita mewarwarkan ketidakupayaan org/negara lain kerana kita sendiripun tak mampu. Anggaplah mereka sama macam kita.


2) Melalui rundingan. dari dulu sampai sekarang sama... Terima kasih kerana apa pihakpihak yang telah berusaha. Tapi israel tetap dengan cara dia. Bila dah puas menghentam .. baru mereka berhenti. PBB pun takut. Jadi tak jalan jugak


3) Boikot barangan yang ada hubung kait dengan Israel dan Amerika. Itulah yang sepatut kita lakukan kerana kita seorg yang amat lemah dari segi mental dan fizikal. Saya berharap saya sendiri dapat melakukan dengan sepenuhnya.

Adakah dia akan berjaya??? Dia akan berjaya KALAU a) Boikot adalah arahan rasmi dari kerajaan bukan individu. Pemimpin kita dan keluar statement. Boikot di Malaysia adalah individu bukan arahan kerajaan b) Org Islam seluruh dunia melakukan. Perlu ada pemimpin/individu yg sanggup menjadi ketua untuk mengerakkan usaha ini. c) Semua org di sesebuah negara perlu bersatu hati. bila ada boikot mesti ada tindakbalas. Kilang kena tutup. Mereka tak beli barangan kita. Akan ada pengganguran.

AKAN TERJADIKAH MACAM TU.... pandangan saya... tak mungkin sekarang nie.


I). Boikotlah apa yg patut berdasarkan kemampuan kita. Disamping nasihatlah sahabat sesama saudara atau bukan seagama

II) Sentiasa berdoa pada Allah supaya segera menurunkan pemimpin yang mampu untuk mengerakkan Umat Islam dan Masyarakat Dunia

III) Pada rakyat Palestine.... Berilah perkabaran pada mereka... BERSABARLAH. Kerana sekarang ini kami semua belum mampu untuk membantu anda kerana terlalu banyak kekurangan kami.

By beautyAuthor Profile Page on January 16, 2009 11:29 PM

We must do something. I agree if we gather and do solat hajat. Boycott definitely we must! Tun, Why not you invite all Muslim gather in Masjid Negara for Solat Hajat?

Do something.. By intra59Author Profile Page on January 16, 2009 11:33 PM

Saya rasa kalau Umat Islam seluruh dunia tunjukkan kesatuan dan bersatu demi agama Islam, kita tak payah boycott pun, tak payah perang pun. Kita bersuara saja, orang lain dah menggeletar. Itu yang terjadi sekarang bila orang bukan Islam bersatu menentang Islam. Dia orang bersuara saja, semua (kebanyakan) negara Islam dah menggeletar. Mana OIC yang cuma "Oh I see" tu? Tak ada taring langsung. Gigi palsu pun tercabut bila orang lain bersuara.

Remember! most important is to stay united in the name of Islam, not country... nor state... nor tribe nor whatever. By eskayAuthor Profile Page on January 16, 2009 11:56 PM

Asalamualaikom. Sejauh manakah keberkesanan aktiviti pemboikotan ini? Ini kerana senarai barangan terlalu banyak untuk diboikot sehinggakan kita sendiri lupa apakah barangan yang perlu diboikot. Saya cadangkan, jangan import barangan tersebut kerana tindakan ini lebih bagus dari menyuruh rakyat boikot. teima kasih By bozAuthor Profile Page on January 17, 2009 12:13 AM

If this is an order from the Prime Minister, then the military will go in and fight or else all the unwilling soldiers will be court marshalled. But you know and I know that it will not be worth it. At the end of the day, it will only prove that we Malaysians are no better than the rest. But actually it is not the fault of the people who carry out the orders and kill others. The worst murderers are the ones giving the orders. So why not the ones who give the orders fight it out among themselves ? Sheikh Khaled Meshaal from the Hamas side armed machine guns and what not and Bush with his cowboy rifle shooting at each other ? While Palestinian babies are decapitated, other Palestinian children are trained to be child soldiers. Shouldn't children be schooling instead of being brainwashed into fighting the enemies ? The adults' enemies ? And how many Malaysians are there now in USA ? By goodlinggoodleAuthor Profile Page on January 17, 2009 12:43 AM assalamualaikum Tun,

1. Saya berpendapat sememangnya manusia suka berbunuhbunuhan, tak kira apa ugama pun. Untuk melarang manusia berperang adalah mustahil samasekali. Namun, Allah tahu apa yang dilakukan dan usaha damai adalah niat murni.

2. Dalam situasi sekarang, saya berpendapat, perlu ada pengasingan secara sistematik antara islam dan bukan islam. perpindahan secara teratur dan senyap umat islam ke negara yang islam.

3. Peperangan diantara Islam dan bukan islam adalah tidak dapat dielakkan. tiada fakta yang menafikan. umat islam kini diperkotakkatikkan. Bukan hanya sekarang, dari dulu lagi. Dunia perlu dibahagikan. walaupun dunia islam agak ketinggalan, kita boleh melakukannya. sedikit demi sedikit.

4. persoalannya..... bolehkah kita hidup tanpa cocacola? ;P sekian....pendapat sekupang suku saya pali By T.naAuthor Profile Page on January 17, 2009 12:57 AM salam sejahtera, boycott barangan US patut dimulakan oleh golongan kaya raya (golongan profesional, Datuk, Tan Sri, Dato Sri, etc yang bergaji lebih RM3000 sebulan atau yg hidup atas komisyen/elaun) yang sentiasa bermegah kerana dapat menyarungkan pakaian Made In USA, UK, berbangga kerana dapat memandu atau memiliki deretan kereta mewah dari US, UK, bongkak dengan barang kemas, jam tangan beribu ringgit dan lainlain yang amat panjang jika disenaraikan. kalau nak menyeru rakyat biasa yang bergaji kecil ni apa sangat yang boleh kami lakukan. nama pun barang import pasti mahal dan tak mampu beli. kami makan nasi bukan pasta atau pizza atau burger. kami minum air suam bukan coke atau pepsi atau liquor atau beer. kami cuma mampu berharap Sharil Samad boleh kerah pasukannya untuk menurunkan harga barang selaras dengan harga minyak yang telah turun. masa berkempen tabur janji manis belaka. dah menang kasi rakyat makan habuk. cakap saja wakil rakyat berkhidmat untuk rakyat. atau sebenarnya makan duit rakyat? ya tuhanku dan tuhan orangorang kaya, tunjukkan lah kebenaran kepada rakyat malaysia. By formule1Author Profile Page on January 17, 2009 1:11 AM

Utusan Online 16 Jan 9:24pm Scomi: Malaysia mahu AS buktikan dakwaan KUALA KLAWANG 16 Jan. — Kementerian Luar akan mendapatkan laporan lengkap daripada Jabatan Negara Amerika Syarikat berhubung perintah sekatan terhadap Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif (CEO) Kumpulan Scomi kerana kononnya terlibat dengan jaringan pemerolehan peralatan nuklear.

Menteri berkenaan, Datuk Seri Dr berkata kerajaan Malaysia tidak dapat menerima tuduhan itu begitu sahaja tanpa ada bukti kukuh.

“Kita akan menunggu laporan rasmi daripada pihakpihak yang menyiasat kemudian baru kita buat perincian,” katanya kepada Bernama selepas satu majlis di sini hari ini.

Kerajaan Malaysia akan menyiasat sama ada dakwaan kuasa besar itu mempunyai asas yang berkait dengan perundangan antarabangsa, undangundang nuklear atau pun undangundang yang berkaitan dengan keluaran dan kemasukan barangan yang dilarang di peringkat antarabangsa, katanya.

Rais berkata demikian ketika diminta mengulas laporan yang disiarkan The Straits Times, Singapura yang melaporkan bahawa nama CEO Scomi, Shah Hakim @ Shahzanim Zain, dimasukkan dalam senarai Jabatan Negara Amerika bersama 12 invididu lain kerana didakwa terlibat dalam pemerolehan peralatan nuklear. Bernama

1.Baru saja "terlibat" jaringan pemerolehan peralatan nuklear, Shah Hakim @ Shahzanim Zain CEO Scomi dah kena sekatan dari Jabatan Negara AS.Rakyat mesti dah tau apa bentuk sekatan ke atas negara apabila Malaysia secara rasmi mengiktiraf menggunakan teknologi nuklear.

2.Sejak bila pula The Strait Times SINGAPURA menjadi jurucakap bagi Jabatan Negara AS ?.Kalaupun Jabatan Negara AS nak buat tuduhan kenapa tidak langsung hubungi Kementerian Luar melalui US embassy.

3.Apakah jabatan negara AS tak tau alamat kedutaan Malaysia di negaranya sendiri atau takdak nombor telefon duta besarnya di Kuala Lumpur sampai media Singapura yg tau dulu.

4.Bermakna sangatkah sekatan AS ni pada Ceo scomi? Apakah Jabatan Negara As tidak mengiktiraf hubungan diplomatiknya dengan Malaysia sampai laporan tersebut keluar dari straits times Singapura terlebih dahulu atau straits times singapura sebenarnya adalah Jambatan bagi Negara AS untuk ke Malaysia?

5.Baguslah kalau betoi kita dah ada ataupun baru nak merintis teknologi nuklear.Semoga YAB PM kita,Dato Seri Pak Lah dah siap sedia nak berdebat macam Ahmadinejad.Tapi adalah lebih baik rasanya kerajaan Malaysia buat x tau saja kerana Pak Lah memang hebat dalam hal ni.x faedahnya menananggapi tuduhan AS ni kerana mereka tak pernah pun menanggapi seruan masyarakat antarabangsa,ceo scomi ni bukannya membunuh pun,israel bom 1000 lebih orang sampai mati tak pun kena sekatan.

6.Patutnya kementerian luar sekarang ni dah keluarkan juga nama presiden us,israel untuk dikenakan sekatan sebagai penjenayah perang.

7.kerajaan tak sepatutnya menanggapi tuduhantuduhan seperti ini kerana dari awal saja memang dah menampakkan niat jahat AS melalui machai chihuahuanya iaitu Singapura.Jangan dipedulikan kerana tuduhan2 seperti ini hanya akan mempersulit keadaan kerana akan membuka peluang kepada tentera AS untuk masuk Malaysia ,dengan alasan memeriksa ataupun mungkin menuduh scomi ni membuat senjata nuklear seperti iran.

8.Bukan takat ni saja, org hindraf pun sekarang sedang berusaha memfitnah kerajaan malaysia di india supaya dapat membuka peluang AS masuk ke tanah air kita dengan alasan mencabuli hak asasi manusia dan melakukan genocide kaum india.kerajaan mesti bertindak secepat mungkin dengan melakukan penerangan sendiri ke india melalui saluran yg ada,jangan harapkan mic kerana samy belut saja cakapnya dah berbelit2.Wake up Pak Lah... By azizAuthor Profile Page on January 17, 2009 1:31 AM

A'kum Tun i could not agree more that the Israelis are controlling the American government. it is so obvious that this has been going on for years. We Muslims should see this scenario long time ago and should realize it by now.

The best way to fight them is through educating our children to be the best in all fields so that we can fight the Americans and Jews. Somehow it is so sad to see our Muslims brothers and sisters are blowing themselves up just to prove their point and show their dissatisfaction about the whole thing. Yes I do understand their frustration but that is not the best way.

By boycotting their product we will help only if we do it as a unit. Or else it would not cost any impact on their company. we can't stop the consumers buying it Coca Cola at Seven Eleven but we can stop buying directly from the supplier so that there will be no Coca Cola drinks in the 7Eleven.

I really care about the Muslim world and their poverty level is really bad. Yet the rich Arabs are doing anything about it. They bought all the F16 and what not but they just keep it in the garage. they cant do much about it. The Saudis, Qataris, Kuwaitis, Jordanian and the royal family of UAE are not doing anything about it. Today they said they will have Arab Summit in Doha, Qatar but only after 21 days of attack on Palestinians which killed more than 1000 people and one third are children. What were they doing for the past 3 weeks?

We can't rely just on boycotting their products if the Arabs themselves are not willing to help and save the Palestinians.

Let it be a lesson to all of us seeing the Palestinians killed each day without the mercy of their own people. I am so sad and sorry for the Palestinians for their suffering but I am ever more sad and sorry to see their own people acting that way. the Egyptian government is the worst and I hope they will realize about it sooner rather than later before anybody plan an attack on their capital. thank you aziz By nase2Author Profile Page on January 17, 2009 1:39 AM

Salam buat Yg Bhg Tun,

1. Bani Israil (Yahudi) adalah kaum yang dinyatakan secara spesifik berulangulang kali di dalam AlQuran dan pernyataan ini kekal selama 14 abad dari mula sehingga kini tanpa berubah faktanya. Sudah pasti ia membawa maksud yang amat khusus untuk kita kaji.

2. Yahudi di A.S pada awalnya menjadi nanah kepada masyarakat di sana (sebagaimana tulisan Hendry Ford The International Jew, ringkasann/ulasannya boleh dibaca di 'Hendry Ford And The Jewish Question'.

3. Yahudi tidak ada negara kerana bangsa terbuang, ia hanya menumpang di negara mana yang bersimpati dengannya dan kekal di situ selagi ia dapat menguasai tempat tumpangannya seperti dedalu.

4. Yahudi (seberang laut) bangsa yang survival dan tertindas. Keadaan ini membuahkan dorongan untuk mereka mencipta penemuan (sumbangan) contohnya jeans Levis hasil menjadi kuli lombong, kerana tanpa sumbangan dan inovasi yang dapat dibuat, mereka akan menjadi beban perumah mereka dan lamakelamaan dihalau pula.

5. Yahudi yang tidak tertindas seperti di negara Arab lain tidak sebijak mana kerana 'tidak tertekan' dan kurang terpengaruh dengan aliran esktrem (Zionis).

6. Penindasan menjadikan mereka kreatif, penuh muslihat dan ekstrem. Selepas berjaya menguasai perumah (A.S dan negara di Eropah), fahaman ekstrem mula menguasai diri dan mereka kembali mencari negarabangsa sendiri yang digelar 'Israel'. Negara perumah mesti membantunya kerana terpaksa oleh pengaruhnya.

7. Kerana taksub, bangsa Yahudi tidak galak menukar penganut agama lain ke agamanya. Ini semua dijelaskan oleh AlQuran mengaku bangsa yang dimuliakan.

8. Sebagai Muslim (pembaca Muslim), kita akui Yahudi asal (ahli kitab) adalah halal sembelihannya untuk kita dan diharap Yahudi ini boleh mengatasi Yahudi zionis yang tengah rancak menyembelih saudara kita di Palestin.

By Pencetak SinarAuthor Profile Page on January 17, 2009 1:43 AM

Salam Tun,

Saya sokong, setinggitinggi iman, marilah kita samasama syahid di Palestin perjuangkan nasib saudara sesama Islam kita. Selemahlemah iman kita benci dalam hati.

Tapi mengapa jadi yang selemahlemah iman, sedangkan kita mampu buat lebih dari itu. Untuk itu kita boycott semua produk Israel, Yahudi, Amerika dan semua yang menyokong Israel.

Kalau tak de iman pun sekurangkurangnya biar le ada kemanusiaan. By oscarAuthor Profile Page on January 17, 2009 1:51 AM

I think this is all about agenda..

Olmert and Bush they both have their own agenda




THERE IS GOOD WAR OR A BAD PEACE...... By SHAZAuthor Profile Page on January 17, 2009 2:18 AM

With respect to you Yg Bhg Tun,

By I love Jews on January 16, 2009 2:19 AM

"I feel so sad for your dr mahathir..there is so much hatred in your posts.. No matter how justified we feel we are, we must never take revenge into our own hands..Revenge belongs to God alone.. Besides, revenge is like a boomerang that will come back to hit its thrower. I cannot believe that Islam actually tells people to kill the's evil to kill no matter who.

I am speaking from the perspective of a Christian. God bless you."

Dear Mr/Ms I love Jews.

1)The feeling Tun is having is more of deep frustration than hatred. 2)Revenge belongs to God is quite a dumb statement. 3)Because of your stupidity and ignorance; i need to tell you here that our Holy Quran never taught us Muslim to kill the Jews.

People are angry because the Israelis are given the freedom by the the US to kill babies, small children and innocent people and the world are not doing anything to stop this war criminals.

You are an example of one person who doesn't care less about this brutality. My advice is ;just get your point right before ranting unnesecarily here. By OneAuthor Profile Page on January 17, 2009 2:25 AM

Allow me comment to the posting by “I love Jews” in particular his/her comment “No matter how justified we feel we are, we must never take revenge into our own hands..Revenge belongs to God alone..” Muslims are in trouble worldwide because they have a big mouth! Others do it and never say a word! Adolf Hitler for example didn’t tell the world that he’s going to exterminate the entire Jewish population of Europe during World War II. But as we know, Hitler and his Nazi followers were responsible for the systematic genocide of an estimated 6,000,000 Jews. In the current invasion of Gaza, the Israelis are committing the same genocide as Hitler and his Nazi followers did. Although they don’t used gas chambers like those at Auschwitz, the end result is nevertheless the same terrible deaths to their victims, children no exception. They herded people into a house and sent them to kingdom come with the press of a button! They are as efficient in killing as Hitler! I’m sure the commentator “I love Jews” would sing a different tune had it been his/her relatives were at the victims of Hitler’s genocide or being shelled daily as in Gaza by the Jews. The Jews, so called the “living Bible”, obviously didn’t believe in “Revenge belongs to God alone”. So did, the US when they dropped the nuclear bombs in Japan during the WW II for what? To say hello to the Japanese Emperor? You must be nuts...Ever heard of the phrase “To err is human, to forgive is divine! But we are not divine beings; we are humans! It’s natural to feel angry and to seek revenge if someone does injustice to you or your brothers/sisters in faith!! Wake up, man and be part of the real world! By OneAuthor Profile Page on January 17, 2009 2:28 AM

Allow me to comment to the posting by “I love Jews” in particular his/her remarks “No matter how justified we feel we are, we must never take revenge into our own hands..Revenge belongs to God alone..” Muslims are in trouble worldwide because they have a big mouth! Others do it and never say a word! Adolf Hitler for example didn’t tell the world that he’s going to exterminate the entire Jewish population of Europe during World War II. But as we know, Hitler and his Nazi followers were responsible for the systematic genocide of an estimated 6,000,000 Jews. In the current invasion of Gaza, the Israelis are committing the same genocide as Hitler and his Nazi followers did. Although they don’t used gas chambers like those at Auschwitz, the end result is nevertheless the same terrible deaths to their victims, children no exception. They herded people into a house and sent them to kingdom come with the press of a button! They are as efficient in killing as Hitler! I’m sure the commentator “I love Jews” would sing a different tune had it been his/her relatives were at the victims of Hitler’s genocide or being shelled daily as in Gaza by the Jews. The Jews, so called the “living Bible”, obviously didn’t believe in “Revenge belongs to God alone”. So did, the US when they dropped the nuclear bombs in Japan during the WW II for what? To say hello to the Japanese Emperor? You must be nuts...Ever heard of the phrase “To err is human, to forgive is divine! But we are not divine beings; we are humans! It’s natural to feel angry and to seek revenge if someone does injustice to you or your brothers/sisters in faith!! Wake up, man and be part of the real world! By Tuah DerhakaAuthor Profile Page on January 17, 2009 3:21 AM to priss01

Shame on you! u really don’t get what Tun were trying to say and I dun think u are good enough to be here, just post your comment to anwar blog because of your comment make no other differents like what bush has made. Malaysians know very well how anwar were loved by America and why Tun were hated by America goverment till this day so you should ask anwar to stop his brother from support Israel rather than you blamed what’s others people doing, if u don’t want to support so get lost and stop blame others people who still have hearts for peace and justice By pipiAuthor Profile Page on January 17, 2009 3:45 AM hi Tun, we all agreed with you that Israel is now a crazy dog alike. they had been destroyed homes along with thousands of innocent human lives. very hard for most of us to believe this is really happening in the 21st century of human civilization. boycott is the action that does not help a thing. its just hurting your own people and the already wounded economy. you can condemn the US, but pls do not blame on newly elected president Obama. he could be as innocent as the poor Palestinians. Israel may take this as the last chance to attack before Bush passes on his power. finally, during your time as a PM, you should have invested and armed malaysia with advance weapons. you have a lot of hard working and smart chinese malaysians could make this work. why funding proton when you have cheap toyota or honda around you?

By ismaAuthor Profile Page on January 17, 2009 3:51 AM

For those who feel that Tun was unfair in writing this article should also said the same thing Paul Craig. Tun just referring to the article wrote by Paul who is American..who are brave enough to condemn his own country.. If an American can do that...why do you think that Tun have no right to publish this article?

To Michael: I'm not sure where you are from...but your comments was totally out of topic. We are talking about how to stop the war in Gaza by doing something..but you were talking about the Malaysian government. I'm not sure what are you trying to prove here? If you think that our government is's nothing to do with the war in Gaza. And do you think US government or even Israel is clean? Do some research yourself so that you know what you are talking about Malaysia.

To Virtual Realist: I wish you are not from Gaza or even from Palestine. Your writing shows that the war in Gaza is not wrong. Go to Gaza and ask the Palestinian whether they like to be bombed every day? If you could find at least ONE Palestinian to agree with you on this war, then I would agree with you that this war is not wrong. For your info, I don't see this as war at all. This is more on Israel invading Gaza to look for more land. How come we can see this as war when only one side bombarding that country. Open your eyes...ask yourself if one day the same thing happen to your country or even your family..would you think that you would agree with this attack.

To I love Jews: Don't get us wrong. Tun never ask Muslim to kill Jews. He not even agrees with the suicide bomber. Even in Islam we are not allowed to kill innocent people especially children & women. BUT... what currently happened in Gaza? From thousands of people dead...How many Hamas soldier was killed? I'm sure less than 30% dead was from Hamas. What happened to the other 70% innocent Palestinian especially those children? Can you tell me how you see this from a perspective of Christian?

To Hardhitter: From the way I see all your previous comments...actually you are the one who are against Tun's article. You give your comments without any reasonable argumentation. If you think Tun wrote something wrong...list down your argument than make your comments. If you can't find anything wrong...then just keep quiet and read. If you don't understand what Tun was writing about..I'm sure Tun would be very happy to teach you how to read :)

To all..we are not in a strong position to challenged US army or even Israel..but WAR is not the only way to solved the problems. If US think it's a fair nation...they would be sending their army to protect Palestine since the first day of Israel attack in Gaza. Still remember what happened when Iraq invaded Kuwait?

US are talking about democracy..terrorism or even human rights...but look at yourself first before you want to blame others. If you see it as what Paul Craig did...I'm sure you would agreed with his article title "The Humiliation of America". By Lisa7117Author Profile Page on January 17, 2009 5:04 AM

I read with sadness the atrocities being committed against the Palestinians, it is so sad. Looking at the movies that portray Jews being bullied and killed by Germans and looking at news reports on how Jews are now killing others, I just find it so ridiculous.

How Jews can portray themselves as victims when now they are victimising others. The hypocrisy of Israel and the grief of the Palestinians makes me very sad. By LahmAuthor Profile Page on January 17, 2009 6:25 AM

The war will be over before Obama's inaugural. It has been planned By lolitaAuthor Profile Page on January 17, 2009 8:09 AM salam, kalau ATM jer yg pergi sana, baik tak payah la... aset ketenteraan yg kita ada setakat ni, bukan tak der yg canggih, tp sikit sangat la nak compare dgn US. mcm langit ke7 dengan dasar laut. lain la kalau negara2 OIC pakat samasama, pi serang depa. kalau harap negara kije jer serang, nanti US serang negara kita balik... sekelip mata jer, lenyap bumi malaysia ni... ha, singapore time tu tumpang tepuk tangan.

By humbleguyAuthor Profile Page on January 17, 2009 9:07 AM

Dear Tun.

The boycott against europe sometime ago with our students was successful & as I remember there was an ad in the paper siding on us. Universities even have to close some faculties that were majority malaysian students.

While this works well in some cases, it would only have impact on a majority case. We may or may not make any difference with the american boycott but it does make a statement. It could even back fire on us, but thats a risk that we must take for global freedom.

I think many didnt understand why the americans are on israel's side. firstly, there are many jews in america that have lots of business interest in israel. and notice that america would only partner with the best of every continent. prior to the wars in middle east, their ally was not israel. Israel proved to be a big boy even it its infancy & this was probably the reason. not every american thinks the siege in gaza is justified, even i have a call from my israeli friends having a demonstration in israel against killing of gaza innocents. we see muslims & jews togather against this acts. the middle east issue is not hard to solve, but no one has the guts to solve it properly. Its radical, and a possibly a long shot. Why dont malaysia annex gaza and west bank into the new global malaysia? that way, we have a few advantages:

1. we have another strategic location in a different continent to have business, trades & tourism.

2. free the Palestinians immediately as long we take care of the mess, Im sure ISA would be suitably used there.

3. we could directly compete with israel & im sure we are better.

4. we will be known as the new world leaders by solving an age old crisis.

5. possibly the raf could finally use its birds into action rather than singapore for a change (joking)

I mean, Egypt, jordan, Lebanon & syria didnt want that 2 strips of land, why should we? because we can! If freedom of humans is our cause, we can solve it this way. while I respect your boycott decision, one might look at it as a tool to get your son in a better position inherently. But then again I would do the same regardless of my son.

Dear Tun, I met you before in person & you are sharpest person Iv talked to. But I have to say, boycott is only showing the world we dont know how to dance, but cry.

To act, we must free the Palestinians with some brains, liberate them the way we have sabah & sarawak. with much respect.

By HBTAuthor Profile Page on January 17, 2009 9:13 AM

Good morning and salam Tun,


//By kamal ahmad on January 16, 2009 8:22 AM//

Indeed this is the bitter truth that the world had been swallowing for so many years. I said the average Americans are stupid because they are slaved by the powerful & rich (mainly Jews)thro captalism and democracy windowdressing which cause them lost their faith in religion and the country.

These powerful morons, Jews,('on paper only' or the 'skilled type') are professionally trained to believe that CRISIS = OPPORTUNITY, thus they will create crisis (huru hara seperti apa yang telah berlaku pada 1997, pada masa byelection in Permatang Pauh dan kenaikan harga petrol secara mendadak pada Jun 2008)in any countries that they see opportunity. They wanted to slave the emerging countries (developing countries) to work for them. They will never allow these countries to stand on their own to go against them, that's why our Pak Lah & Pak Anwar kena "kejutan ini" via Singapore that almost kill Malaysia. We are lucky because of Tun, if not we will be the slaves for these morons without knowing.

Some of the famous QUOTES which I believed many people are not aware of that they have violated all religion teachings and idealism of Communist through Capitalism and Freedom of Speech. The examples are:

1. 'Nice guy finished last', thus you have to be not nice to make sure you are not that guy (our Pak Lah dah kena lah).

2. Be greedy when others are fearful, that is why we've seen world war 1 & 2, cold wars on religion oil, currency speculation in 1997, 9/11 misfortune (no Jews were killed), force invasion of Afhanistan & Iraq, Osama bin Laden terrorism (there is no such person exist because the bin Laden family in America has close relationship with Bush), chemical and biology weapons, Anthrax threat, SARS, USA mortgage and subprime meltdown, Mumbai Muslim terrorism .....

3. Yesterday was PAST, today is a gift, that's why we called PRESENT, tomorrow is MYSTERY (from Kung Fu Panda)is to inflict curiosity in our mind to make the strategy of HIGH RISK, HIGH RETURN workable to trap the greed of human nature.

Now, the USA has increased their budget in the name of security and defense to fool their taxpayers money to make sure Obama has enough money to continue Bush strategy in conquring the emerging countries (in politic) or emerging market (in business). Who will be their next victims, obviously the rich resources countries like Iran, Syria, Turkey, Malaysia, China, North Korea, Pakistan and India, Tibet. Will Obama succeed?

In order to prevent our country to be invaded by these morons, it's now time to refer to our "rukun negara", the Jew's or Capitalism greatest ENEMY. With this belief, our country will be saved once again from this cruel invasion which our BN DS Najib and his Cabinet are doing (jangan salah faham, Pak Lah & Co. tidak termasuk dalam list ini kerana I tidak percaya kepada orang yang tidak mengenang budi, satu dosa besar yang tidak boleh dimaafkan dalam semua ajaran agama).

Take care Kamal.

By JcAuthor Profile Page on January 17, 2009 9:24 AM

Dear Tun,

I am a bit worry about your open comments on how displeased you are against the US and Israel because Malaysia is a small country and like what you mentioned in your blog we use primitive weapons so how can we challenge so powerful nations like the US and Israel?

As human being we are not free from all suffering no matter how rich and powerful we are because the truth is all of us will experience birth, growing old, sickness and finally death and if we believe that there is GOD, I am sure these people that create harm to others will never be free from their sins when the final day comes, which they will face the final judgment from above. I think the punishment will be a 100% more painful than what we see now.

Do you think boycotting Cocacola and other US made products can really solve the problem, I don’t think so because they are rich and if these actions can jeopardize our country economy why go through the risk. Our people are already facing difficulties in coping with our daily life due to the world economy crisis so it is better to concentrate in developing and solving our own problem instead of meddling with others. It is better to mind our own business. We can donate generously if we have extra to give but now just demonstrating on the streets will not help. Further more it is not effective because there are not enough countries standing up together. If more countries think like us then it will be more effective and worthy for us facing the risk of being invaded.

I am just wondering why during your time as PM you are not as open about your displeasure as you are now. I believe you do think about the risk our country will be facing if you speak up openly during that time it will represent the nation opinion.

I suggest that we should concentrate on collecting donation for the needy in Palestine instead of wasting our time demonstrating on the street and burning down flags.

Sorry this time I do not totally agree with you.

Best regards, JC By ahmadsAuthor Profile Page on January 17, 2009 9:25 AM

Salam Tun,


Hello Tun, Please allow me.

To all zionist propagator, visiting chedet blog. Read out transcript of a speech by Sir Gerald Kaufman, A British MP, a jew decended from Poland. Expressing his feelings on Future of Israel during The House of Commons debates. Thursday, 15 January 2009;

Gerald Kaufman (Manchester, Gorton, Labour)

"I was brought up as an orthodox Jew and a Zionist. On a shelf in our kitchen, there was a tin box for the Jewish National Fund, into which we put coins to help the pioneers building a Jewish presence in Palestine.

I first went to Israel in 1961 and I have been there since more times than I can count. I had family in Israel and have friends in Israel. One of them fought in the wars of 1956, 1967 and 1973 and was wounded in two of them. The tie clip that I am wearing is made from a campaign decoration awarded to him, which he presented to me.

I have known most of the Prime Ministers of Israel, starting with the founding Prime Minister David BenGurion. Golda Meir was my friend, as was Yigal Allon, Deputy Prime Minister, who, as a general, won the Negev for Israel in the 1948 war of independence.

My parents came to Britain as refugees from Poland. Most of their families were subsequently murdered by the Nazis in the holocaust. My grandmother was ill in bed when the Nazis came to her home town of Staszow. A German soldier shot her dead in her bed.

My grandmother did not die to provide cover for Israeli soldiers murdering Palestinian grandmothers in Gaza. The current Israeli Government ruthlessly and cynically exploit the continuing guilt among gentiles over the slaughter of Jews in the holocaust as justification for their murder of Palestinians. The implication is that Jewish lives are precious, but the lives of Palestinians do not count.

On Sky News a few days ago, the spokeswoman for the Israeli army, Major Leibovich, was asked about the Israeli killing of, at that time, 800 Palestinians—the total is now 1,000. She replied instantly that

"500 of them were militants."

That was the reply of a Nazi. I suppose that the Jews fighting for their lives in the Warsaw ghetto could have been dismissed as militants.

The Israeli Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni asserts that her Government will have no dealings with Hamas, because they are terrorists. Tzipi Livni's father was Eitan Livni, chief operations officer of the terrorist Irgun Zvai Leumi, who organised the blowingup of the King David hotel in Jerusalem, in which 91 victims were killed, including four Jews.

Israel was born out of Jewish terrorism. Jewish terrorists hanged two British sergeants and boobytrapped their corpses. Irgun, together with the terrorist Stern gang, massacred 254 Palestinians in 1948 in the village of Deir Yassin. Today, the current Israeli Government indicate that they would be willing, in circumstances acceptable to them, to negotiate with the Palestinian President Abbas of Fatah. It is too late for that. They could have negotiated with Fatah's previous leader, Yasser Arafat, who was a friend of mine. Instead, they besieged him in a bunker in Ramallah, where I visited him. Because of the failings of Fatah since Arafat's death, Hamas won the Palestinian election in 2006. Hamas is a deeply nasty organisation, but it was democratically elected, and it is the only game in town. The boycotting of Hamas, including by our Government, has been a culpable error, from which dreadful consequences have followed.

The great Israeli Foreign Minister Abba Eban, with whom I campaigned for peace on many platforms, said:

"You make peace by talking to your enemies."

However many Palestinians the Israelis murder in Gaza, they cannot solve this existential problem by military means. Whenever and however the fighting ends, there will still be 1.5 million Palestinians in Gaza and 2.5 million more on the west bank. They are treated like dirt by the Israelis, with hundreds of road blocks and with the ghastly denizens of the illegal Jewish settlements harassing them as well. The time will come, not so long from now, when they will outnumber the Jewish population in Israel.

It is time for our Government to make clear to the Israeli Government that their conduct and policies are unacceptable, and to impose a total arms ban on Israel. It is time for peace, but real peace, not the solution by conquest which is the Israelis' real goal but which it is impossible for them to achieve. They are not simply war criminals; they are fools.".

Or see it for yourselves;

Open your eyes and GROW UP.

Thanks By rimbabulanAuthor Profile Page on January 17, 2009 10:07 AM

Salam Tun,

Saya dahulu memang peminat Tun tapi selepas tun bersara dari politik nampaknya komenkomen Tun lebih memesong kepada unsur menanam semangat kebencian. Bertaubatlah Tun sebelum terlambat. Hati Tun yang menyemarak supaya kebencian di balas dengan kebencian, nescaya akan membawa Tun ke alam Neraka kelak nanti.

Di tanah air Tun menyuruh rakyat membenci Abdullah Badawi, di peringkat antarabangsa pulak kamu menyeru orang menbenci negara yang Tun tak suka.

Alangkah jijiknya sehingga Tun sanggup menyeru manusia bunuh antara satu sama lain. Nampaknya Tun telah sesat. By rozamnahAuthor Profile Page on January 17, 2009 10:16 AM

DEAR TUN & ALL THOSE CHEDET READER WHO UNDERSTAND AND SYMPHATETIC TOWARDS THE SUFFERING OF PALESTINIANS...!!!!, For those who are not or who are selfcentered eg Micheal, PrissO1 please give us your "Brilliant Ideas on How To Solve The Palestinian Suffering, perhaps the Palestinian can benefit from them and Worship you guys as their HERO. If you cant , simply keep quite and leave this blog forever."" Obviously to you watching the Palestinian suffering is like watching any other HOLLYWOOD Action War Movies. Do go ahead and support the USA govt agenda and we know there are many people like you in this world , thats why we are still having these problem in this world until today. Mind you the Palestinian suffering due to Israelis doing has started from 1940's1950's. If you dont know please dig some info and please do not read the American version OK!! It shall widen your horizon.

TO OTHERS!! Enough said . Even in this chedet blog we have so many views that by the end of the day we are just another joker like in the White House and PBB.

Readers, please understand that Tun is just expressing his frustations on no actions has been taken on these USA Gov and Israelis Gov. They simply get away with murder and with innocent blood in their hands. Tun do know that we are small in terms of economic power and military and they are almost UNTOUCHABLE (thats why they became the BIG BULLY of this Millenium) .But WHAT CAN WE DO TO MAKE THE USA GOVT TAKE NOTE OUR DISLIKES TOWARDS THEIR DOUBLE STANDARD...???

Okay this has to be written in Malay.

1. Ingat suatu masa dulu American ada buat kempen jangan gunakan barangan hasil minyak sawit kerana nak lakukan hasil kacang soya mereka. Jadi why dont we do the same. KITA BUAT KEMPEN SECARA BERPERINGKAT DENGAN MEMBOIKOT BARANGAN AMERIKA YANG TERTENTU DAN DIRASAKAN MENGLALAIKAN DAN TIDAK BERFAEDAH UNTUK UMMAH.(IE KITA TAK MATI PUN JIKA TAK GUNA/MAKAN BARANG TERSEBUT..)


Saya setuju dengan Tun sememangnya tidak akan dapat tumbang gergasi ekonomi USA tapi kita boleh cubit mereka supaya mereka sedar bahawa mereka sudah terlalu angkuh dan kejam. Tapi tak de gunanya kita buat benda besar atau banyak tapi tak de kesan.That's my humble idea.

By chewchewAuthor Profile Page on January 17, 2009 10:52 AM




PROOF: By peter511Author Profile Page on January 17, 2009 11:12 AM

Dear Tun,

Certainly you are biased against the United States and Israel because you are muslim. By selokpekasamAuthor Profile Page on January 17, 2009 11:34 AM

Salam Yg DiHormati Tun.

Begitu menakjub perancangan Zionis untuk membunuh? Dimana letaknya mentaliti pak Arab disekeliling Gaza??? Pak Arab sibuk berpoya dengan Lady D.Terlalu leka! Memang sudah menjadi sejarah Zionis suka membunuh dengan kejam. Cuma dapat melihat dengan biji mata terjojol?

Sungguh sedih 'Boikot' sebagai balasan untuk dibandingkan dengan kematian kanakkanak yang tak berdosa. AMAN Malaysia tolonglah amankan Dunia. Jadikanlah Amerika di belakang Malaysia yang kenit ini. tq pakpandir08 By selokpekasamAuthor Profile Page on January 17, 2009 11:41 AM

Salam Yg DiHormati Tun.

Begitu menakjub perancangan Zionis untuk membunuh? Dimana letaknya mentaliti pak Arab disekeliling Gaza??? Pak Arab sibuk berpoya dengan Lady D.Terlalu leka! Memang sudah menjadi sejarah Zionis suka membunuh dengan kejam. Cuma dapat melihat dengan biji mata terjojol?

Sungguh sedih 'Boikot' sebagai balasan untuk dibandingkan dengan kematian kanakkanak yang tak berdosa. AMAN Malaysia tolonglah amankan Dunia. Jadikanlah Amerika di belakang Malaysia yang kenit ini. tq pakpandir08 By hati.malaysiaAuthor Profile Page on January 17, 2009 12:00 PM

Hi, All,

1. I am sad with what happening is Gaza.

2. I am glad that Malaysian is talking about it and wanted to help and put and end to this nonsense.

3. Boycotting America product IS NOT THE WAY.

4. Because with 20million ++ population we could not hurt them a bit. Remember our daily life is depend on them, they are not depend on us, simply shutting down Microsoft Softwares (95% using this daily), IBM server (our gov. and bank using this to store records) and Cisco switch (80% of network switch and firewall), will KILL EACH AND EVERY ONE OF US.

5. And this will cause another problem, they will start to hate us.

6. Remember what Gandhi said, "an eye for an eye will make the whole world blind".

7. And Islam does not teach us to take revenge and cause hurt to innocent people, just because someone else cause hurt to us.

8. Hama's should stop firing missile to Israel. This will ensure Israel run out of reason to attack Gaza.

9. Palestine should control their Hama's effectively.

10. When fighting with *dragon* you use your brain not your muscle. And of courses not bring down twintowers.

11. By the way, Why no one in Malaysia is looking at what's happening is Sri Lanka, it it because the problem is between Buddhist and Tamil's.

12. I thought Islam consider all human as brothers and here 1000 people die in Gaza a bigger issue, but 5000 people (including children, women and elderly) die because of the Sri Lanka government military action, no one is care about.

13. But wait, the Indian government and the UN is not cared about, as, why I should bother.... good reason... Mr.ExPM. By theghostAuthor Profile Page on January 17, 2009 12:21 PM dear TUN,

Dalam AlQuran pun dh cakap, bani israel ni memang celaka and latnatullah..As a good Muslim we have to unite n believe that.So boycott the American's Product is very good but if we can unite, march together to battlefield n dont forget to bring along our senapang, itu lagi bagus. Apalagi yang kita bleh tolong selain menderma ialah kita bleh berdoa agar all the Palestinian will live in peace n harmony one day n hope ALL the ISRAELIS will not exist in this world anymore.



ALLAHUAKHBAR! By SuperkidAuthor Profile Page on January 17, 2009 12:37 PM

"By normal citizen on January 15, 2009 7:28 PM Dear Tun,

Boycott is too slow.

We should expel the US Ambassador immediately to demand for ceasefire in Gaza.

No need to protest, expel immediately !

The UN headquarter in Gaza has just been bombed by Israel. And the funny thing is the UN Chief will still meet and talk to the Israel President. This is real funny."

It really look funny as your suggestion to expel the US Ambassador Immediately to demand for ceasefire in Gaza. Who are we to do that? We are not even in the picture and how can we demand ceasefire???? Can we ????????? That is real funny....Isn't it??????

By heicalmyAuthor Profile Page on January 17, 2009 1:06 PM

Salam Tun, BOYCOTT jalankan tanggungjawab kita jangan beli lagi barang mereka. Equipment electronic,Petroleum,communication ,senjata,transport bisnes kebanyakan dari Us & Israel.Jangan gunakan lagi. Bila teringat makan Burger mereka ni macam nampak daging & darah rakyat Pelestine ,jadi hilang nafsu makan. Kalau semua Tentera Negara Islam kepong Israel dari Laut & Darat macamana ?. Tapi Semua Negara Islam Setuju? Tidak mungkin Semua pentingkan diri sendiri dan bagi mereka Quran hanya warisan .Kekuasaan dan kesenangan lebih penting dari segala galanya. Mungkinkah Peristiwa Pelestine ini dugaan kepada Pemerintah Islam & rakyatnya hendak duga tahap keimanan umat Islam.

United Nation elok dibubarkan sahaja hanya jadi Boneka US untuk control semua. Pergerakan Negara Berkecuali pun patut dibubarkan.Berkecuali sampai bila bila supaya orang lain bolih tindas dan ambil untung. Sekarang siapa kuat dialah MAHARAJA. Seperti Nato ,Negara Islam perlu ada Kesatuan Ekonomi,Sosial & Ketenteraan.Kesatuan yg ada terlalu lemah. Siapa akan memulakan langkah yg pertama untuk Tubuh Islamic Union. Muamar Ghadafi ? dia pun sudah benci dengan Pemerintah Arab. OIC hanya memberikan faedah untuk kekayaan segelintir Arab. Tidak adakah bijak pandai dikalangan Umat Islam yg dapat menyatukan semula untuk kegemilangan sekali lagi. Berapa ramai umat Islam hari ini ,adakah usaha dibuat macamana hendak lumpuhkan musuh dalam jangka masa panjang seperti dibuat olih mereka.

By joehenryAuthor Profile Page on January 17, 2009 1:18 PM

Mr Rob,

Rob any lives with your state of the art weapons lately? By FaceoffAuthor Profile Page on January 17, 2009 1:35 PM

As a much respected statesman and leader, your statement is totally irresponsible. You sound like a hooligan and not much better than the terrorists. The average Americans DO NOT support the war and they are not extreme in their thinking and behavior. If they are, then the Muslims will have a bad time there. If your suggestions are being supported and implemented, I would not like to begin to imagine the backlash to the average muslims in America.

Back home, do you know how many malays are being employed by these so called American goods companies. If they are jobless as a results of your actions, are you prepared to personally feed them and be responsible for their welfare without government support. You will know the answer where it hurts the most.

Being emotional is not the way to resolve the conflict. There are enough emotions involved and thats the reasons for this prolong conflict. Therefore, Tun, please do not put fuel into the fire. You want to be the champion of the people, be rational. By Mis_bahAuthor Profile Page on January 17, 2009 2:22 PM

Assalamu Alaikum Tun,

The writer was correct when he said that the Americans had wrong when they choose a moron (stupid) and heartless humankind to take charge the United States.

The Muslim world will never forget what Bush (meaning semak samun or close to sampah in Bahasa Malayu) had done to innocent mankind and Muslims in Palestine, Iraq and Afghanistan.

This heartless president could be considered as a wild animal even worst and don't forget he is also the closest brother of Satan general.

From now on, I would be very careful in choosing products. I too appeal to all peace loving Malaysians to support boycott US products campaign to teach America how we Malaysians disagree with US hypocracy in the Palestinian and Gaza issue. Shame America. Damn you America. By ezralezzairyAuthor Profile Page on January 17, 2009 2:38 PM

Assalamualaikum..buat saudara Islam semua.Kita selalu mendengar seruan supaya memboikot barangan USA kerana bersekongkol dgn Israel Laknatullah.Akan tetapi kita harus sedar bahawa banyak lagi barangan keluaran Yahudi ini.Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregation Of America atau Orthodox Union memainkan peranan penting. Bagi setiap barangan yang bersangkut paut dengan mereka perlu ditanda dengan Orthodox Union. Lambang ini hampir sama dengan lambang copyright di mana huruf U terletak di dalam bulatan.Saya pernah bekerja dengan industri makanan dan mendapati terdapat bahan mentah yang bertanda OU ini.Di antara barangan yang menggunakan bahan mentah dari syarikat OU ini adalah seperti coklat keluaran sebuah syarikat di Persiaran Raja Muda Shah Alam. Selain itu, jus minuman sebuah syarikat di Seksyen 16 juga menggunakan bahana mentah keluaran OU.Jus keluaran syarikat ini turut dikeluarkan untuk sebuah pasar raya besar di Seksyen 13 dan untuk syarikat jualan langsung yang berkakhir dengan perkataan ...WAY dan lambang burung.Kebanyakan bahan mentah ini seperti pewarna dan perasa yang dibekalkan oleh sebuah syarikat di Jalan Anggerik Mokara Kota Kemuning.Selain itu asid sitrik,stabilizer dan bertih beras yang diimport mempunyai tanda OU. Diharap kerjasama saudara Islam yang terlibat dengan penggunaan bahan mentah di dalam sebarang industri dapat mengenalpasti sama ada terdapat lambang OU ini dan dedahkan kepada umum.Saya juga mempunyai satu salinan Letter Of Certification dari OU yang diperolehi ketika bekerja di salah sebuah kilang di Shah Alam. Bukan setakat memboikot Coca Cola,Starbuck ataupun Motorola.Barangan keluaran Malaysia juga bersangkutpaut dengan Israel Laknatullah.Buat masa ini saya tidak dapat mendedahkan nama sebenar produk tersebut, sekadar mendedahkan secara rambang nama syarikat terlibat sahaja. Sebarang maklum balas amat dihargai demi saudara Islam kita di Palestin. Wassalam By jungredAuthor Profile Page on January 17, 2009 2:40 PM

Hitler must be up there saying while laughing;

"you guys should have not stop me exterminating the jews last you guys have to deal with it ...sorry can't help you anymore!! Hail Hitler!!!" By onesoulAuthor Profile Page on January 17, 2009 3:28 PM

Nonsenses talk.Boycott is an old man's vision.Everything in the world are interconnected.First look and study what is causing the problem in Gaza.Who is causing it? It is the government of Israel, and funded by the American Government,Jewish American Company , and weapon manufacturers . What about Hamas? Firing rockets and suicide bomber? Yes , including Hamas too. It is neither yes or no.Please state no justification for killing.Killing is killing.Whether it is 1 or 1,000 lives , it is classified as killing. So now we know the cause to the problem.Solution? The government bodies in UN or OIC have to put a strong determination and firm stand that both Israel and Palestine cease fire immediately.To achieve this we need the mideast states to attck Israel if they refuse to stop the war by Midnight.Does the middle east countries have the courage to do so?Everybody know how to talk but not daring enough to take action.We have a bunch of useless leaders in the current world. Killing is not the answer but this one action will democrate that the coutries in the world are united and not divided.And this will be the beginning of a new era in peace keeping.And we do not need American decision all the time.Please leader be bold , stop being a man in woman clothes by speaking to the media that you want stop the war in Gaza. This action is call the true compassion but in wrathfull way.Do not waste time talking to media on how to end the war in Gaza. Get to action now. By h4ck3rAuthor Profile Page on January 17, 2009 3:35 PM

Inilah ratarata cadangan umat Islam di dalam menyelesaikan peperangan yang berlaku di Gaza sekarang. Serangan ganas Zionis ke atas umat Islam di Gaza yang kini mengorbankan hampir seribu nyawa dan ribuan lagi cedera, dilihat perlu ‘dijawab’ dengan pemboikotan barangan buatan Isreal dan Amerika! Batas sempadan assabiyyah yang dibuat oleh kuffar British di Malaysia sejak lebih 50 tahun dahulu ternyata hingga kini masih berjaya dan menebal menguasai pemimpin, termasuklah ulama Islam.

Apabila umat Islam di Palestin dibunuh dan diperangi, mereka hanya mampu menjawab untuk memboikot barangan si musuh. Apakah agaknya pemboikotan yang dilakukan ini, walau secara besarbesaran sekalipun akan dapat menghentikan serangan dan pembunuhan ke atas umat Islam di Palestin?

Sejak berpuluh tahun lamanya, setiap kali umat Islam diperangi oleh AS ataupun Yahudi, maka laungan penyelesaisan “boikot” barangan Amerika sering dilagukan. Sudah berapa kali siri pemboikotan dilakukan, apa yang nyata adalah, nyawa umat Islam semakin banyak yang melayang dan ekonomi AS dan Yahudi tetap teguh. Hakikatnya, apa yang menyumbang kepada kejatuhan ekonomi AS sekarang ini pun langsung tidak ada kenamengena dengan pemboikotan oleh negara umat Islam, ia adalah krisis subprime yang berakar umbi dari sistem ekonomi Kapitalis itu sendiri – inilah yang menyebabka kejatuhan ekonomi Amerika, dan bukannya pemboikotan barangan mereka oleh negara luar! Kenapa para pemimpin dan ulama masih seakanakan buta melihat hakikat ini?

Bayangkanlah jika Malaysia sedang diperangi Amerika atau Yahudi, dan kaum keluarga serta sahabat handai kita mati bergelimpangan di bunuh musuh di sekeliling kita, peluru dan bom pula saban hari jatuh di depan mata, maka apakah kita mengharapkan (pada ketika ini) agar negara lain memboikot barangan Amerika dan Yahudi??? Atau apakah yang kita harapkan? Derma yang tak pernah kunjung tiba? Atau bantuan ubatubatan bagi yang telah meninggal? Atau kain selimut untuk menutup mayatmayat? Atau apa???

Atau apakah pada ketika ini kita mengharapkan datangnya tenteratentera umat Islam dari pelbagai negara untuk menyelamatkan kita? Manakah yang lebih menggembirakan kita, menunggu derma jutaan ringgit dari seluruh dunia atau menunggu bantuan ketenteraan untuk melawan Yahudi yang sedang mengganas? Sudah tentulah akal fikiran yang waras akan menjawab bahawa, saat ini kita sesungguhnya memerlukan bantuan ketenteraan dari tenteratentera umat Islam!!!

Ya, inilah jawapan dan penyelesaian yang sebenar yang diperlukan oleh saudarasaudara kita di Gaza saat ini. Mereka memerlukan bantuan ketenteraan, bukannya bantuan simpati kemanusiaan! Dan mereka tidak menghendaki kita hanya memboikot barangan Yahudi di saat Yahudi sedang menyembelih mereka, satu demi satau, hari demi hari. Demi Allah! Sesungguhnya penyelesaian yang hakiki ke atas masalah Palestin adalah dengan menghantar tentera bagi berjihad melawan Israel di sana!!!

Sesunggunya pemboikotan tidak akan memberikan apaapa kesan untuk memberhentikan kesombongan Israel sedikitpun. Dan ia juga tidak akan menghentikan pembunuhan Israel ke atas umat Islam sedikit pun. Tapi malangnya inilah hakikat pemikiran yang dimiliki oleh sebahagian daripada umat Islam saat ini, hanya boikot sahaja yang dapat mereka fikirkan.

Sebagai seorang Muslim kita perlu melihat dan menyedari bahawa produk buatan Amerika dan Yahudi bukanlah hanya dalam bentuk barangan fizikal sematamata tetapi lebih jauh dari itu ialah ‘produk pemikiran’ yang saat ini jauh lebih banyak diambil oleh umat Islam. Produk seperti nationstate (negara bangsa), demokrasi, HAM, Pluralisme, Liberalisme dan yang seumpamanya adalah produk pemikiran kuffar Barat yang sehingga kini masih dipegang kukuh termasuklah oleh ulama Islam.

UMNO yang memerintah Malaysia masih berpegang erat dengan segala produk pemikiran kufur di atas sehingga menyebabkan tidak ada seorang pun pemimpin UMNO yang kembali kepada Islam dan cuba menyelesaikan masalah Gaza dengan menghantar tentera ke sana. Apa guna memboikot produk fizikal Amerika dan Yahudi walhal produk pemikiran kufur mereka dipegang erat dan dijaga rapi!!! Produk pemikiran ini jauh lebih berbahaya dan inilah yang menyebabkan Gaza terus bermandi darah, kerana para pemimpin dan ulama yang ada masih berpegang teguh dengannya.

Produk pemikiran kufur menyatakan bahawa Malaysia ada batas sempadan negara sendiri (yang telah ditetapkan oleh Britsh), maka akal para pemimpin dan ulama juga ternyata ‘terbatas’ pemikiran mereka oleh sempadan yang dicipta British. Mereka sudah tidak nampak dan tidak boleh pergi lebih jauh sedikit bahawa sempadan palsu ini hanyalah rekaan British sematamata. Sesungguhnya sempadan ini langsung tidak wujud dan umat Islam adalah umat yang satu. Dan satusatu penyelesaian yang diajar oleh Islam dalam memerangi orangorang kafir yang sedang memerangi Islam adalah dengan jihad. Ya! Ini kerana situasi di Palestin sekarang adalah situasi perang, dan perang wajib dijawab dengan perang (jihad), apatah lagi yang membunuh umat Islam itu adalah kaum Yahudi laknatullah yang telah mempunyai sejarah kejahatan yang sejak lama terhadap Islam.

Setiap negara umat Islam mempunyai tenteranya yang tersendiri, namun tentera ini semuanya dimandulkan oleh pemerintah yang pengkhianat. Langsung tidak digerakkan ke medan jihad, walaupun di saat saudarasaudara kita di Palestin di sembelih dengan dahsyatnya oleh kaum terkutuk Yahudi. Semua ini berlaku kerana kuffar British telah mengajar bahawa, Palestin adalah negara ‘orang lain’, Malaysia negara kamu dan kamu tidak boleh langkau sempadan! Kedudukan kamu yang paling baik adalah berkecuali, menjadi negaranegara yang berkecuali dan jangan masuk campur urusan negara lain. Inilah ‘ajaran’ setan British yang sehingga kini masih tertanam dengan kukuh di minda pemimpin dan ulama Islam. Kerananya, tidak ramai ulama yang berani menggesa pemerintah agar melancarkan jihad di sana, kerana hal ini bermaksud ‘mencampuri urusan negara lain’.

Jika benar kita berpegang teguh dengan AlQuran dan Sunah, maka apa yang sepatutnya dilakukan oleh umat Islam masa kini, apatah lagi para ulama, adalah dengan menggesa pemerintah yang ada agar mengambil penyelesaian AlQuran terhadap apa yang berlaku. Dan penyelesaian AlQuran di dalam masalah ini tidak lain kecuali dengan menggerakkan tentera untuk berjihad melawan Isreal yang sedang memerangi umat Islam. Inilah tindakan yang wajib diambil dalam keadaan sekarang. Firman Allah SWT,

”Perangilah orangorang yang tidak beriman kepada Allah dan tidak (pula) kepada hari Kemudian, dan mereka tidak mengharamkan apa yang diharamkan oleh Allah dan RasulNya dan tidak beragama dengan agama yang benar (agama Allah), (yaitu orangorang) yang diberikan AlKitab kepada mereka, sampai mereka membayar jizyah dengan patuh sedang mereka dalam keadaan tunduk” [TMQ atTaubah (9):29].

“Perangilah mereka dan Allah akan mengazab mereka dengan tangantangan kalian dan menghinakan mereka serta membantu kalian mengalahkan mereka dan Allah akan melegakan hatihati kaum Mukminin” [TMQ atTaubah (9):14].

Hanya dengan bergeraknya tentera dengan mengikuti perintah Allah dan Rasul, inilah sahaja jalan bagi menyelesaikan masalah umat Islam di Palestin, bukannya dengan boikot!!! / By apel3Author Profile Page on January 17, 2009 3:44 PM boycott wont affect terrorism.. By JJJAuthor Profile Page on January 17, 2009 4:17 PM salam Tun, to Michael, please improve your English grammar and spellings first before trying to advise somebody else. to I love Jews, if you really are a Christian,then you would echo what your Pope said; "Gaza is a huge CONCENTRATION CAMP!"

Jews are the new Nazis.Without the Americans many of their leaders would have been indicted in court as war criminals.Make no mistake about this fact!

Jeng3 By onesoulAuthor Profile Page on January 17, 2009 4:21 PM alot of comments and talk? That why Israel knows that the rest of the world are useless. The world is under useless leader who are good in giving comments in TV , radio, internet , and newspapers. That all this leader did , cakap kosong sahaja.Look at Bush , at least he took action immediately after 911. At least he got the balls to do it.Hey sleeping leader and status leader do something now, it past more than two weeks already. Cancell all you social functions and stop the war immediately. And lastly why can't the media in the world for once agree and harass the government on Gaza issues.Let make this a world event. No news except Gaza issue till we have ceasefire. By h4ck3rAuthor Profile Page on January 17, 2009 4:22 PM


Menggerakkan Tentera Untuk Memerangi Penyembelih Gaza Adalah SatuSatunya Yang Wajib Dilakukan Oleh Para Penguasa Dan Sekiranya Mereka Tidak Berbuat Demikian Maka Sesungguhnya Mereka Telah Mengkhianati Allah, RasulNya Dan Kaum Mukminin

Sejak tengahari Sabtu 27/12/2008, rejim Yahudi telah melakukan pengeboman kejam yang berterusan dengan menggunakan jetjet pejuangnya ke atas beberapa kawasan di Semenanjung Gaza. Pengeboman ini dihadapi oleh penduduk Gaza dengan ketabahan hati dan keberanian yang tiada tolok bandingnya, mereka memikul yang gugur di atas tangantangan dan bahubahu mereka. Beratusratus telah syahid dan mengalami kecederaan ketika jetjet pejuang musuh berlegar memuntahkan bom di ruang udara dengan bebas tanpa mendapat penentangan dan tanpa sedikit pun kebimbangan akan ditembak jatuh. Ini adalah kerana para penguasa kaum Muslimin telah melarang dan menghalang tentera dan jetjet pejuang kaum Muslimin dari melibatkan diri dalam sebarang tindakbalas. Para penguasa ini hanya menjadikan jetjet dan tentera yang ada di negeri mereka sebagai perhiasan dan pertunjukan sematamata. Beginilah pihak Yahudi melakukan kehancuran, mengebom bangunan dan manusia, aman dari sebarang tindakbalas dan mara bahaya.

Sesungguhnya para penguasa ini telah melakukan jenayah besar dengan menjadikan masalah Palestin ini sebagai masalah orang Arab dan bukan masalah kaum Muslimin dan Islam. Mereka, sejak dari itu hanya menjadi pemerhati ‘neutral’ yang lebih condong untuk menyebelahi pihak musuh sehingga apa yang mereka lakukan adalah sesuai dengan apa yang diinginkan oleh pihak musuh, sepertimana yang sedang berlaku di Gaza sekarang. Mereka hanya memerhatikan sebuah demi sebuah jet musuh melakukan pengeboman, menghitung jumlah mereka yang cedera dan terkorban serta mengeluarkan kenyataan sekadar meluahkan ‘kesedihan’ dan ‘kutukan’ tidak kira samada mereka ini terlibat secara langsung atau tidak dalam pemboikotan Gaza kesemua mereka meluahkan ‘kesedihan’ dan ‘kutukan’ yang sama. Malah penguasa Mesir (Mubarak) yang pada saatsaat sebelum bermulanya serangan, dari istananya, telah diugut oleh Livni dan pada hari berikutnya, tatkala berlaku serangan ke atas Gaza, Mubarak turut meluahkan ‘kesedihan’ dan ‘kutukan’!

Sungguh, para penguasa ini tidak merasa malu sedikit pun di hadapan Allah, RasulNya dan di hadapan kaum Mukminin. Mereka telah memboikot Semenanjung Gaza jauh sebelum pihak musuh memboikotnya. Mereka nampaknya hanya mahu melihat kematian dan bukannya kehidupan di Gaza dan hanya bersetuju untuk membuka Gaza setelah darah umat Islam tertumpah ke atas pakaian mereka.

Hari ini mereka menyeru pula agar diadakan pertemuan bagi ‘mengkaji’ apakah tindakan yang sebaiknya atas penyembelihan di Gaza, seolaholah tindakan yang sepatutnya dilakukan merupakan sesuatu yang tidak maklum (oleh mereka). Ada yang menyeru diadakan pertemuan, ada yang menyeru kepada pertemuan menterimenteri luar dan ada yang menyeru kepada Majlis Liga Arab – dan semua ini, seperti biasa, akan diikuti dengan perjumpaan, makan dan minum bersama, kemudian berakhir dengan (mengeluarkan) kenyataan dan bagi para pengikut syaitan, inilah ‘penentangan yang terbaik’!

Tidak cukup dengan itu, mereka mengalihkan pandangan mereka dan meminta tanpa malu kepada Majlis Keselamatan PBB, yang terdiri dari negaranegara yang pada hakikatnya bertanggungjawab membangunkan rejim Yahudi dan menyokongnya dalam menghancurkan Palestin, tanah yang penuh berkat. Mereka mempercayai dan mengharapkan tindakan dari negaranegara ini untuk membantu Palestin dan penduduknya!!! Amat buruklah apa yang mereka hukumkan!

Sesungguhnya tindakbalas yang sewajarnya ke atas penyembelihan Gaza adalah suatu yang sudah maklum dan jelas. Keputusan untuk bertindakbalas ini tidak memerlukan sebarang pertemuan atau perjumpaan bagi membahaskannya. Ia juga tidak akan datang dari keputusan negaranegara pembina dan penyokong rejim Yahudi tidak sama sekali sebaliknya ia hanya akan dapat dicapai dengan menggerakkan bala tentera kaum Muslimin dan mengumpulkan mereka yang berkemampuan untuk memikul persenjataan bagi memerangi rejim yang hina ini. Tidak ada penyelesaian selain dari ini dan para penguasa mengetahui hakikat ini, namun mereka (penguasa) ini hanya ibarat kepingan kayu yang hanyut dan mereka begitu hebat dalam penipuan dan penyesatan. Dilaknati Allahlah mereka, bagaimana mereka sampai berpaling?

Wahai Kaum Muslimin!

Berhatihatilah dengan penipuan para penguasa ini. Janganlah kalian terpedaya dengan adanya demonstrasi dan tunjuk perasaan yang mereka benarkan kerana sesungguhnya semua ini tidak membawa apaapa makna. Seharusnya, kalian melangkah ke istanaistana mereka dengan kekuatan kalian memaksa mereka untuk menggerakkan tentera bagi memerangi rejim penyembelih ini.

Dan kalian wahai para tentera kaum Muslimin! Tidakkah kalian rindu kepada salah satu dari dua kemuliaan (syahid atau kemenangan)? Bagaimanakah kalian bisa berdiam diri tatkala saudarasaudara kalian dibunuh? Apakah penguasa yang sanggup menjual deennya untuk dunia, bahkan untuk dunia orang lain, dapat menghalang kalian dari membantu saudarasaudara kalian, walhal kalian mempunyai kekuatan?

Ya Allah! Ya Allah! Wahai Para Tentera!

Hizbut Tahrir menyeru kalian agar menuju kepada kemuliaan dunia dan akhirat! Pertolongan adalah dari Allah dan kemenangan yang hampir atau syurga yang keluasannya seluas langit dan bumi disediakan untuk mereka yang bertakwa. Wahai para tentera,

“Perangilah mereka dan Allah akan mengazab mereka dengan tangantangan kalian dan menghinakan mereka serta membantu kalian mengalahkan mereka dan Allah akan melegakan hatihati kaum Mukminin” [TMQ atTaubah (9):14].

Inilah bagaimana seharusnya pertolongan diberikan kepada penduduk Gaza dan inilah tindakbalas yang sewajarnya untuk penyembelih Gaza. Inilah juga cara untuk memecahkan pemboikotan ke atas Gaza dan dengan cara inilah juga Allah akan mengubati hatihati kaum Mukminin.

“Sesungguhnya (apa yang disebutkan) dalam (surat) ini benarbenar menjadi peringatan bagi kaum yang menyembah Allah” [TMQ alAnbiya’ (21):106].

Ya Allah! saksikanlah sesungguhnya kami telah menyampaikan. By SueAuthor Profile Page on January 17, 2009 4:28 PM

Most of the time we will cry boycott only when something happened to our Palestinian brothers and sisters. We will cry boycott only when we saw on TV all the babies being killed and all the massacre done by the Zionists. When there are ceasefire or things are relatively calm in Gaza area, we will continue using those products again because we thought our voices have been heard and there's no more war, even if temporarily. Thank God I can have McD or Starbucks coffee again or thank God I can buy Donna Karan or Calvin Klein again. Didn't we realize we're enriching them as they sit and plan for their next action?

If we are serious, we shouldn't have let all the boycotted product thrive in our beloved land at all. Then there would be no issue of what's going to happen to all the Malaysian workers if all the McDs and Starbucks franchise, Nestle and Maggi factories, the TGV that played many 20th Century Fox movies, closed down. Then Aminah Hassan, Safi, Puteri, Mi Ku and all the local brands wouldn't have to worry about where to sell their products because Carrefour never existed. They'd have make a different arrangement to market and sell their products.

I'm not against boycotting. I just hate it when people cry boycott this and that only when things like this happen. I also hate it when people cry boycott without thinking of Malaysian worker's fate. What??? Losing their job is not as worse a fate as those people being killed in Gaza? Of course it is not. Let's just call it civilian casualties. Let's just call it Jihad. But you know what? A country has economic strength when their people has economic strength. A country can rule the world and make other head government as puppets because they have economic strength.

What options, what alternatives do these workers who works for a company that produces boycotted product and brand names have? How can they strengthen their economy while the ruling government only enrich their cronies coffers? What are our long term stand on these boycotted products and brands? What are our politician doing for the long term other than parroting boycott this and that now to score points for the byelection?

Having said all these, I hope those workers affected will start looking for a new job or open a business for their own peace of mind. There will be a lot of business opportunities we can look at if all those products and brands are being boycotted forever. If Malaysian wants to boycott products and brands that have been enriching Israel, let's do it continuously instead of only when a certain atrocities happen. Otherwise, let's just not do it at all. There's not much point. By onesoulAuthor Profile Page on January 17, 2009 4:31 PM

We want effective action immediately , not boycott. Let Surround the US embassy peacefully and not allowing anyone in .Allow food only.Allow anyone wishes to leave.Till we have a cease fire. Lets do this worldwide. And please government do intefere in this action because you are a bunch of useless piece of vase placed for show only as a leader of your country. Bullshit. By cyborg.malayaAuthor Profile Page on January 17, 2009 4:34 PM

For "I Love Jews" Why you only love Jews (Why should you choose this kind of nickit is deliberately used to intimidate muslims, I would say, I may be wrong, but that shows what's inside you, hatred toward muslims)

Are you sure that from christian perpective revenge only belong to God. Does god ever take revenge? God will deliver judgement or punish people for their sins....I dont know of that revenge!

To be honest everybody express or speak with something in their heart, which side one tends to support or believe depends on their understanding of that particular issue or problem. I dont believe that somebody says he is non partisan (neutral) but use this kind of comment or nick like yours and give comment like you gave...... are you truly a believer, I wonder.

You can only say somebody who comdemns Hamas or anyone who thinks along that line is always better(wiser) than our former PM (your Pak Pandir, that you strongly support), and you say our former PM is full of hatred.....dont you think, you belong to the same group....a person with hatred.

For Israel, if they claimed they are not doing anything wrong (selfdefence by killing thousands), or against any written law agreed by mankind (law written by man not that of GOD)....let's bring them to court (ICJ,ICC, the Hague) Let the court decide.They have nothing to fear if they are committing no crime at all.

In can always agree or disagree. If you disagree with somebody, It doesnt mean that somebody is stupid and you are wiser than that somebody. We can agree and disagree.....always. If you are really a person with no just need to say somebody is stupid or whateverbetter still continue to argue with facts.

As for me I strongly believe the Jews must be comdemned for they are doing in Gaza. My sympathy goes to the suffered people in Gaza(Palestinian under siege and attackby jets,helicopters, tanks,missile,bombs etc)

Peace for the world.....that is my pray ( I am a muslim, I'm not sure whether I hate Jews(definitely I dont love Jews) ...but I hate what they did in Gaza) By sizzlestickAuthor Profile Page on January 17, 2009 4:44 PM

To Tun Dr.M

You are internally inconsistent. You began aggressively with wanting the MAF to attack Israel and USA. But you thought it would be impossible. And instead suggested a mild, a very pansy and frigid alternative which is a boycott of American and Israeli goods. If you desire to cause physical pain on USA and Isaeli, should not the alternative be something along the your original and aggressive line? Perhaps you and Malaysians of your ilk would like to give money donations to Hamas, Hezebollah and Palestine Authority fighters to buy arms and necessary resources to attack USA and Israel. Of course there would be repercussions and responses from the CIA, FBI, MI5, UK Special Branch, Mossad and whatever else. Aku tidak akan digodakan oleh 'rhetoric' bertahap rendah, sedang pengecutan siberpidato dipertunjukkan. By AlibabamahathirAuthor Profile Page on January 17, 2009 5:58 PM

Dearest Tun Dr Mahathir,

I felt sorry for you after reading your latest blog on your wanting to send Malaysia Armed forces to attack United States of America.

In the past replies I wrote to you, I counted on you as the Quality Assurance to guarantee good quality of Prime Minister of Malaysia. Base on this blog to attack USA, I withdraw my position.

I count our blessings that you are no longer the Prime Minister of Malaysia because if you were the Prime Minister now, I worry Malaysia Navy and Marine personnel will die so far away from home.

I am really glad that Abdullah Ahmad Badawi despite his sleepiness will not sacrifice our navy and marine to attack America or Israel knowing that an attack will get excessive force response against our men and women.

Right now, I am only feeling sorry for you. Really am. By Overseas expatAuthor Profile Page on January 17, 2009 7:41 PM

I totally condemn Israel's intransigence and barbaric action. However, mild boycott on US products is not the solution. Even if 100% Malaysian follows your suggestion, US economy will not be affected. Vice versa,should US do the same to us, we will be in deep trouble.

On the other hand, Tun; In order to avoid wrong perception on you for being double standard, please condemn Mugabe's ( Zimbabwe's PM ) action. Please advise our government to ban Mugabe and his wife from entering and spending their holiday in Malaysia when his ppl are suffering.

I know he was your friend but his action is no better than Israelis. By rimbabulanAuthor Profile Page on January 17, 2009 8:43 PM

Salam Tun,

Kenapa umat Islam tak habishabis menyemai sifat keganasan & kebencian. Di Thailand, Filipina, Bali, Xinjiang, Pakistan mahupun Mumbai keganasan serta pembunuhan berlaku atas nama agama Islam.

Agama seharusnya membawa manusia ke arah saling sayang menyayang antara satu sama lain. Tapi kenapa penganas serta pemimpin Islam sering bertopengkan agama Islam untuk melakukan keganasan dan kebencian. Ini adalah kerana Umat Islam terlalu jahil terhadap agama dan tidak mahu mengguna akal fikiran(Wisdom). Apa yang menyedihkan Tun juga terikutikut dengan perbuatan mereka sehingga menyeru manusia ke arah kebencian dan keganasan.

Kebencian tidak akan dapat dihapuskan dengan kebencian. Hanya dengan memupuk sifat penyayang serta mengharamkan pertumpahan darah atas nama agama, keamanan dan kebahagian akan dapat dikecapi. By chewchewAuthor Profile Page on January 17, 2009 8:47 PM















AIPAC & US NOW BEGINS TO DRAG US TO THIS CONFLICT! By cyborg.malayaAuthor Profile Page on January 17, 2009 8:53 PM

To Alibabamahathir

Read between the line.

I wish the whole world army unite together and attack Israel. Dont worry it's a joke, I know, everybody knows it would never happen. You are so straight to the point...... to believe what I wish or that of our former PM wish. May be some other people wish the same thing...... By newgeneAuthor Profile Page on January 17, 2009 9:10 PM dear fellows who harshly questioning and argued on tun idea to boycott america's product especially coke or mc'd. i don't know whether you guys missing some points on tun's idea or maybe you guys just making an excuse to not agree with tun. some of you asking why tun only focused on coke and not the other products of US. in fact there is a comment that makes a points that this boycott thing is useless because it will never bring US down. what i think is, maybe you guys should read the article again and digest it first before come out with your comment. i quote some of it.

8. But on the other hand we need to drink CocaCola, use the Internet, fly Boeing jets, see Rambo movies etc etc. Can we sacrifice all these simply because babies are being decapitated by Israeli soldiers using highly sophisticated and costly weapons donated by the kind Americans? Of course we cannot.

9. What we can do is totally worthless. We can boycott US products.

10. But can we? Well not completely. Maybe partially. Like not drinking CocaCola, or not seeing the latest blockbuster.

11.IT IS NOT 8. But on the other hand we need to drink CocaCola, use the Internet, fly Boeing jets, see Rambo movies etc etc. Can we sacrifice all these simply because babies are being decapitated by Israeli soldiers using highly sophisticated and costly weapons donated by the kind Americans? Of course we cannot.

9. What we can do is totally worthless. We can boycott US products.

10. But can we? Well not completely. Maybe partially. Like not drinking CocaCola, or not seeing the latest blockbuster.


12.But if 10 per cent of the people in the world who drink CocaCola stop drinking it there would be some impact. If Malaysians drink, say 50 per cent less CocaCola (because their lives depend on it) there would be some impact also.IF NOTHING ELSE IT WILL DEMONSTRATE OUR DISPLEASURE WITH AMERICA. p/s:tun do realize that it will not crush america but at least this arrogant human being will realized we are exist in this world and we are part of it. By priss01Author Profile Page on January 17, 2009 9:31 PM

To all my criticize, none of of have answered my questions, instead sound like childish rants. I like this blog because it seems to be a center for a lot brainless Hippocrates.

Again I ask Why only bycott cola and starbuck. How about calling back all the MARA students in US. Stop using all American products. It is easy to call for boycott when you are rich and can afford to boycott a product and won't be effect financially at work by the boycott (which are effecting mostly Malays). But can any of you stop using the computer. Can any of you stop using the Intel and AMD chip. Ask MAS to stop using Boeing plans.

This war should have end with the 1947 UN Partition Plan but it didn't because the Arab rejected it and want more land. Now Israel has much land then the propose plan. They fought for every inch against the Arab Legion and now you expect them just to give it up like that. Why are the Arab countries being spared from criticism.

Answer me this, why didn't the MAF go to war against Israel and the US during Tun was PM.

But like so many of my comments that call into question you hypocrisy, this comment most likely will not get posted too.

By miawAuthor Profile Page on January 17, 2009 9:58 PM






By faudziAuthor Profile Page on January 17, 2009 10:04 PM

Akum TUN

Masalah israel dan US ini memang susah nak buat. Dimalaysia pun sama TV3, RTM dsbnya menganjuurkan derma untuk palestine dan mengutuk kekejaman israel dsbnya.

Tapi saya lihat pada waktu yang sama mereka ini berlumba lumba mengiklankan makanan daru US sperti Mc Donald, KFC, coca cola Dsbnya.

Ini lah yang dikatakan cakap tidak serupa bikin, Sepatutnya media juga mainkan peranan boikot pengiklanan. Tapi apa nak buat sebab wang wang wang adalah segala galanya. By cekAuthor Profile Page on January 17, 2009 10:19 PM

Assalamu'alaikum Tun & Family,

I watched your comments on Labu Airport (TV1) just now.. You are right on sir.

For those of you who still cannot read between the lines of Tun's statement on sending MAF to Israel, please laa.. go back and study or please ask you friends who understand Tun's way of describing his feelings and emotion. This is what we called BODOH SOMBONG or in Kelantan they used to call "BODO TAK RETI AJAR CERDIK TAK LEH TUPE."

Tun please take good care of u & Tun Hasmah. Keep up the good work sir. We are behind you. KT election results shows it all. By Farid YSAuthor Profile Page on January 17, 2009 10:27 PM

Bagaimana kita hendak boikot barangan Israel? Memang susah kerana kita tidak ada hubungan ekonomi dengan mereka. Mudah saja. Boikot barangan yang ada pertalian dengan Yahudi. Contohnya daripada dahulu saya tidak shopping di Tesco kerana ia dimiliki oleh keluarga Yahudi yang kaya di London. Tapi bila saya beritahu orang kenapa saya tak shopping di Tesco, mulalah orang kata saya ni sensitif sangat la, antiYahudi la, political la, antiSemitic la. Inilah orang Melayu. Tak sensitif. Sime Darby pun bodoh kerana membeli dan menguruskan Tesco di Malaysia. IJN pun depa nak beli. By batuAuthor Profile Page on January 17, 2009 10:39 PM

Dear alibabamahathir (above me) cmonlaaaaa do you think Dr M here is serious on sending our troops?do you think Dr M here, a former Prime Minister for 20 freakin years do not know how to justify the need in sending troops? try to look the statement in, how should i say it, in deeper context la the statement is just to reflect the anger inside Dr M and other Muslims, seen Muslims at Palestine being erased by the Zionist. it also help the flow of his statement, if you read according to their number, (assuming u know how to count) started from the very extreme act to the most logical act that Malaysian should do. can think beyond this simple thinking? then i truly, really, deeply feel sorry for your stupidity. By heningAuthor Profile Page on January 17, 2009 11:45 PM

Pak Pandir, I believe you're an ungrateful Malaysian and do nothing other than supporting the attrocities. You have a dangerous mind. I wonder what was your reaction when countries like China or India was going through humanitarian crisis. All I can say is, it is not difficult to trace you down. Malaysian intelligence has grown far better than the day your parents were around. I would be proud on the one who can do things within his circle of influence rather than the one looking at the circle of concerns. You're are no different from the empty cans. This is not a treat but rather the fact. Watch your back! By OumonoAuthor Profile Page on January 17, 2009 11:49 PM boycott cocacola, starbuck and colgate actually wont hurt our local business. if it does, it would be only a small collateral. take for instance starbuck. it is operated by Berjaya group, who also own Time's Square and much more. So boycotting starbuck, would only bring customers to other cafes such as gloria jeans and others. the customers are still there and local business will still be making profit. we can hurt the big business in America. if not big but it still hurt them. but in this world, the smaller thing usually makes the difference. we may be small in power but sparks start small leads to massive fire.

Lead on Tun!.

Hazman Abu Bakar By zuhaimiAuthor Profile Page on January 17, 2009 11:58 PM

Dear Tun, The article(the humiliation of America)is good please dont waste time to publish item (18), just scan in and publish. Your write up is also being supported. and I will not argue with you this x around By BenderbuzzAuthor Profile Page on January 17, 2009 11:59 PM

Salam Tun.

I got this in my mailbox a few days ago. Just to share with fellow bloggers.

The Palestinian Story: Remember Us

Sat, 27 Dec 2008 18:55:08 GMT

By Anna Denise Aldis and Dex A. Eastman, Press TV

When the passage of time finally brings the men of many lands to the tables of judgment, politicians from countries that have emboldened Israel with their silence will gaze into the eyes of delegations from around the world only to see the same eyes gazing back. Remember us for we may not be at that table.

There are reasons for this.

We were once free to roam the lands of our fathers, to feel happiness and to cry when in despair. From the Mediterranean Sea to the Jordan River was our realm, but how were we to know what they intended to do to our nation.

They provoked wars and committed the most terrible of sins against the Jewish population, but when it was time to compensate, they put the burden of their own wrongdoings on our shoulders. One nation solemnly promised to a second nation the country of a third.

Everyone had a say, the then president of the United States Thomas Woodrow Wilson, the leaders of the Zionist movement and even the representatives of AngloJewry opposed to Zionism. There was no need to canvass Arab opinion.

They sat at round tables, signed agreements, sent the text to other powers for approval but no one consulted us. Remember us the native people of the ancient land of Canaan, Palestine it was called.

We protested, signed petitions, held rallies but to no avail; the process of nullification had already begun. They had decided to create a 100% Jewish state for the Jews of the West who had suffered under antiSemitism in Europe. Nobody asked whether we were even responsible for the antiJewish propaganda in Germany. Remember us who sought your helping hand when they threatened us with annihilation.

Why were we for decades the main victims of the horrific massacre of the Jews by the Germans, Rumanians and Hungarians?

United under the Zionist slogan of 'A land without a people for a people without a land', certain powers opened the floodgates by telling Jews that our land is one that lacks inhabitants and must belong to a nation with no land.

They helped the 1948 creation of Israel based on the 'Judenstaat' which had been envisaged in 1896 by the founder of political Zionism, Theodor Herzl.

Then the flood suddenly hit us. We were no longer welcome in our own homes, our own towns and villages and on our own lands. They tried to bribe us into leaving the land of our ancestors. They promised to pay for all our expenses for us to leave Palestine and settle in neighboring Arab states.

But how could we leave? How could we leave our homes, our lands, the graves of our fathers and the hopes of our children? How were we supposed to forget and make our children forget that we had roots in Palestine? We objected.

We knew our resistance would cost us dearly, but we were ready to save our lands from the foreign invaders. Those oppressed in the Holocaust were transformed into the tormenter of the Arab population in Palestine.

Remember us in 1948 in the unarmed village Deir Yassin where 254 of us men, women and children were awakened from our sleep with the sound of bombs ripping through neighboring houses. Irgun and Lehi terrorist groups had received orders to uproot us, the Arab population of the village.

They threw bombs into our houses and slaughtered all of us they could find. About twentyfive of us were brought out of our houses on a 'victory tour' and then to a stone quarry where they shot us in cold blood.

The Red Cross came to understand our fate when they looked into our lifeless eyes and at nearly 150 of our maimed bodies abandoned in a well.

Several of us survived to tell the story of this indelible blemish carved in the pages of Zionist history.

"I saw a soldier grabbing my sister, Saliha alHalabi, who was nine months pregnant. He pointed a machine gun at her neck, then emptied its contents into her body. Then he turned into a butcher, and grabbed a knife and ripped open her stomach to take out the slaughtered child with his iniquitous Nazi knife," Halima Id, a survivor of the attack, told her sister later.

They failed to plant fear in our hearts for what is home if it is not to be cherished?

Remember us in 1953 in Qibya when our women were preparing meals for the men and children and nearly 600 Israeli soldiers moved toward our village. We heard explosions, screaming and artillery fire, but the collapse of our roofs and the following darkness was the last we saw.

The then commander of the "101" unit, Ariel Sharon, later said that his leaders' orders had been clear on how to deal with the village. "The orders were utterly clear: Qibya was to be an example to everyone."

Original documents of the time showed that Sharon personally ordered his troops to achieve "maximal killing and damage to property".

UN observers say they saw our bulletriddled bodies near the doorways and multiple bullet hits on the doors of our demolished houses and that we had been forced to remain inside until our homes were blown up over us.

They then wished to deny us presence in neighboring Lebanon, which had allowed us refuge from the antiSemitism victims turned against us.

Remember us in 1982 in Sabra and Shatila. The Israeli army watched as the murderers they had provoked against us entered our two Palestinian refugee camps in the southern outskirts of West Beirut.

Us women were lying in houses with our skirts torn up to our waists, our children with cut throats, rows of us young men were shot in the back after being lined up at an execution wall.

Our babies were lying like discarded dolls on the streets, blackened because they had been slaughtered more than 24 hours earlier and their small bodies were already in a state of decomposition.

We were tossed into rubbish heaps alongside discarded US army ration tins, Israeli army equipment and empty bottles of whiskey.

3,500 of us were slaughtered; some of us men as young as 12 or 13 were killed with our arms and legs wrapped around each other, picturing the agony of our death. All of us had been shot at pointblank range through the cheek, the bullet tearing away a line of flesh up to our ears and entering our brains.

Awardwinning Middle East correspondent Robert Frisk recalls that "On one blackened wrist a Swiss watch recorded the correct time, the second hand still ticking round uselessly, expending the last energies of its dead owner."

Remember us in 2002 in the West Bank refugee camp of Jenin where hundreds of us were buried alive in our homes. Our bodies were crushed and smoldered by buildings when the heavilyarmored Caterpillar D9 tore down our homes, our shelters and all of our belongings.

The IDF was fulfilling the orders of the then Israeli prime minister Ariel Sharon who in 1956 vowed to "burn every Palestinian Child that will be born" in Palestine. "I would burn him and I would make him suffer before killing him".

They struggled for a fortnight to bury our bodies and the evidence of the atrocity. They piled us in houses and when the pile was complete, they bulldozed the building to bring its ruins down on our corpses. Then they flattened the area with a tank.

Remember us in 2008 in the Gaza Strip where the bombs of hatred rained down on us to prove that world New Year celebrations have no meaning. They called into action F16 bombers and apache helicopters to put fear into the very hearts of our nation even though we had long been left with no real method of defense.

Over 230 of us were killed and 800 of us were wounded. Remember us!

Let world leaders hold imprecise debates about what constitutes a massacre. Let Israel and its allies cover up their crimes. You can even call the state built upon the ruins of our homeland 'the de facto democracy of the Middle East'.

But as our bodies lie in mass graves in our backyards, know that we are the children of Palestine a nation of people who as our last words utter the Muslim declaration of faith (Shahadatain) and pass on our mantle of resistance to the next forgotten person.

Remember us...

'The Palestinian story' is the title given to a series of articles that will look at the IsraeliPalestinian conflict from a different perspective than that of mainstream media. 'Remember us' is the first part of the series. The writers have dedicated this article to the many Palestinians that have lost their lives in the deadly Israeli attacks on Gaza on December 27, 2008. By Tuah DerhakaAuthor Profile Page on January 18, 2009 12:20 AM apa la yg bangang sgt org baca blog pasal Tun tulis ni xfaham2...betul ke Tun ank suruh Mahathir p serang america dan Israel? bodoh la pk la dalam..TUn hanya guna kiasan lain kali p belajar sastera la..sbb korang bangang sgt nak terjemahkan penulisan Tun nie..pastu kata Tun yg bangan sedangkan korang tu yg bangangang dan bengong! bila baca kena berfikir dan bila berfikir kena membaca BAHLOL!!! By BenderbuzzAuthor Profile Page on January 18, 2009 12:25 AM

Salam Tun.

I got this in my mailbox a few days ago. Just to share with fellow bloggers.

The Palestinian Story: Remember Us

Sat, 27 Dec 2008 18:55:08 GMT

By Anna Denise Aldis and Dex A. Eastman, Press TV

When the passage of time finally brings the men of many lands to the tables of judgment, politicians from countries that have emboldened Israel with their silence will gaze into the eyes of delegations from around the world only to see the same eyes gazing back. Remember us for we may not be at that table.

There are reasons for this.

We were once free to roam the lands of our fathers, to feel happiness and to cry when in despair. From the Mediterranean Sea to the Jordan River was our realm, but how were we to know what they intended to do to our nation.

They provoked wars and committed the most terrible of sins against the Jewish population, but when it was time to compensate, they put the burden of their own wrongdoings on our shoulders. One nation solemnly promised to a second nation the country of a third.

Everyone had a say, the then president of the United States Thomas Woodrow Wilson, the leaders of the Zionist movement and even the representatives of AngloJewry opposed to Zionism. There was no need to canvass Arab opinion.

They sat at round tables, signed agreements, sent the text to other powers for approval but no one consulted us. Remember us the native people of the ancient land of Canaan, Palestine it was called.

We protested, signed petitions, held rallies but to no avail; the process of nullification had already begun. They had decided to create a 100% Jewish state for the Jews of the West who had suffered under antiSemitism in Europe. Nobody asked whether we were even responsible for the antiJewish propaganda in Germany. Remember us who sought your helping hand when they threatened us with annihilation.

Why were we for decades the main victims of the horrific massacre of the Jews by the Germans, Rumanians and Hungarians?

United under the Zionist slogan of 'A land without a people for a people without a land', certain powers opened the floodgates by telling Jews that our land is one that lacks inhabitants and must belong to a nation with no land.

They helped the 1948 creation of Israel based on the 'Judenstaat' which had been envisaged in 1896 by the founder of political Zionism, Theodor Herzl.

Then the flood suddenly hit us. We were no longer welcome in our own homes, our own towns and villages and on our own lands. They tried to bribe us into leaving the land of our ancestors. They promised to pay for all our expenses for us to leave Palestine and settle in neighboring Arab states.

But how could we leave? How could we leave our homes, our lands, the graves of our fathers and the hopes of our children? How were we supposed to forget and make our children forget that we had roots in Palestine? We objected.

We knew our resistance would cost us dearly, but we were ready to save our lands from the foreign invaders. Those oppressed in the Holocaust were transformed into the tormenter of the Arab population in Palestine.

Remember us in 1948 in the unarmed village Deir Yassin where 254 of us men, women and children were awakened from our sleep with the sound of bombs ripping through neighboring houses. Irgun and Lehi terrorist groups had received orders to uproot us, the Arab population of the village.

They threw bombs into our houses and slaughtered all of us they could find. About twentyfive of us were brought out of our houses on a 'victory tour' and then to a stone quarry where they shot us in cold blood.

The Red Cross came to understand our fate when they looked into our lifeless eyes and at nearly 150 of our maimed bodies abandoned in a well.

Several of us survived to tell the story of this indelible blemish carved in the pages of Zionist history.

"I saw a soldier grabbing my sister, Saliha alHalabi, who was nine months pregnant. He pointed a machine gun at her neck, then emptied its contents into her body. Then he turned into a butcher, and grabbed a knife and ripped open her stomach to take out the slaughtered child with his iniquitous Nazi knife," Halima Id, a survivor of the attack, told her sister later.

They failed to plant fear in our hearts for what is home if it is not to be cherished?

Remember us in 1953 in Qibya when our women were preparing meals for the men and children and nearly 600 Israeli soldiers moved toward our village. We heard explosions, screaming and artillery fire, but the collapse of our roofs and the following darkness was the last we saw.

The then commander of the "101" unit, Ariel Sharon, later said that his leaders' orders had been clear on how to deal with the village. "The orders were utterly clear: Qibya was to be an example to everyone."

Original documents of the time showed that Sharon personally ordered his troops to achieve "maximal killing and damage to property".

UN observers say they saw our bulletriddled bodies near the doorways and multiple bullet hits on the doors of our demolished houses and that we had been forced to remain inside until our homes were blown up over us.

They then wished to deny us presence in neighboring Lebanon, which had allowed us refuge from the antiSemitism victims turned against us.

Remember us in 1982 in Sabra and Shatila. The Israeli army watched as the murderers they had provoked against us entered our two Palestinian refugee camps in the southern outskirts of West Beirut.

Us women were lying in houses with our skirts torn up to our waists, our children with cut throats, rows of us young men were shot in the back after being lined up at an execution wall.

Our babies were lying like discarded dolls on the streets, blackened because they had been slaughtered more than 24 hours earlier and their small bodies were already in a state of decomposition.

We were tossed into rubbish heaps alongside discarded US army ration tins, Israeli army equipment and empty bottles of whiskey.

3,500 of us were slaughtered; some of us men as young as 12 or 13 were killed with our arms and legs wrapped around each other, picturing the agony of our death. All of us had been shot at pointblank range through the cheek, the bullet tearing away a line of flesh up to our ears and entering our brains.

Awardwinning Middle East correspondent Robert Frisk recalls that "On one blackened wrist a Swiss watch recorded the correct time, the second hand still ticking round uselessly, expending the last energies of its dead owner."

Remember us in 2002 in the West Bank refugee camp of Jenin where hundreds of us were buried alive in our homes. Our bodies were crushed and smoldered by buildings when the heavilyarmored Caterpillar D9 tore down our homes, our shelters and all of our belongings.

The IDF was fulfilling the orders of the then Israeli prime minister Ariel Sharon who in 1956 vowed to "burn every Palestinian Child that will be born" in Palestine. "I would burn him and I would make him suffer before killing him".

They struggled for a fortnight to bury our bodies and the evidence of the atrocity. They piled us in houses and when the pile was complete, they bulldozed the building to bring its ruins down on our corpses. Then they flattened the area with a tank.

Remember us in 2008 in the Gaza Strip where the bombs of hatred rained down on us to prove that world New Year celebrations have no meaning. They called into action F16 bombers and apache helicopters to put fear into the very hearts of our nation even though we had long been left with no real method of defense.

Over 230 of us were killed and 800 of us were wounded. Remember us!

Let world leaders hold imprecise debates about what constitutes a massacre. Let Israel and its allies cover up their crimes. You can even call the state built upon the ruins of our homeland 'the de facto democracy of the Middle East'.

But as our bodies lie in mass graves in our backyards, know that we are the children of Palestine a nation of people who as our last words utter the Muslim declaration of faith (Shahadatain) and pass on our mantle of resistance to the next forgotten person.

Remember us...

'The Palestinian story' is the title given to a series of articles that will look at the IsraeliPalestinian conflict from a different perspective than that of mainstream media. 'Remember us' is the first part of the series. The writers have dedicated this article to the many Palestinians that have lost their lives in the deadly Israeli attacks on Gaza on December 27, 2008. By RosbidarAuthor Profile Page on January 18, 2009 2:04 AM

Assalamualaikum Tun dan seisi keluarga.

Saya terpanggil untuk memberi cadangan bagaimana cara untuk mengalahkan yahudi (israel ) di Gaza. Saya berpendapat hanya orang Islam Malaysia dan Indonesia sahaja yang mampu mengalahkan Yahudi.Sebab nya orang islam Malaysia dan indonesia menggunakan ilmu kebatinan/ketuhanan/amalan tertentu yang di ajarkan beberapa kitab serta dari tok guru,tok kiyai terbukti berjaya. Jika kita maseh ingat di Malaysia orang islam begitu aktif beramal dengan ilmu tertentu satu ketika dulu( rusuhan kaum). Pada waktu itu ilmu orang islam begitu menjadi seperti parang terbang sendiri, badan kebal tak lut dek senjata, senjata tak meletup, dan lain lain. Begitu juga di Indonesia sewaktu rakyat nya menentang belanda tok kiyai dan orang alim menggunakan ilmu keagamaan dan ilmu kebatinan bagi menentang musuh. Kita pernah dengar bagimana bom di gugur tentera belanda bolih menjadi buah betik . Serta bagaimana serangga lebah/tebuan diperentah menyerang tentera belanda. Sebenarnya Allah beri banyak kelebihan kapada umat Islam Malaysia dan Indonesia dari segi ilmu kebatinan/ilmu ketuhanan ini. Sayang nya umat di sini tak sungguh sungguh amalkan ilmu ini KECUALI waktu terdesak contoh nya seawaktu umat islam (Melayu)tersepit dek peristiwa rusuhan kaum satu ketika dulu.Saya begitu kagum beberapa pesatuan silat meminta kebenaran kerajaan malaysia untuk ahli ahli nya pergi ke Gaza membantu umat seagama di sana. Saya yakin dengan bekalan ilmu ketuhanan dan amalan kebatinan serta kelebihan luar biasa menyebabkan mereka ingin berjihad di sana. Sepatutnya kerajaan Malaysia menyokong usaha ini. Hanya ilmu ketuhanan yang mampu mengalah musuh islam. Bukan kah ilmu ketuhanan itu setinggi tinggi ilmu yang ada di dunia ini. Mengambil kesempatan ini saya ingin mencadangkan satu pasukan silat terbesar di tubuhkan antara negara malaysia dan Indonesia. Tujuan nya menjaga umat islam kedua dua negara di tindas dari musuh musuh islam. Selain itu bila ada keperluan membantu umat islam di negara lain pasukan ini akan pergi membantu. Saya juga ingin mencadangkan Tun yang menggerakan usaha ini memandangkan Tun sangat di hormati, pendapat dan cadangan Tun mudah di sokong . Saya yakin usaha ini satu usaha yang baik demi menjaga umat islam di malaysia dan indonesia. Kita sendiri pun melihat bagaimana keadaan umat islam di seluruh dunia di himpit dari kehari hari olih musuh musuh islam. Melalui persatuan silat terbesar ini akan di kumpulkan tok guru yang handal,yang kebal,yang mempunyai pelbagai ilmu peperangan,ilmu pendekar,ilmu mempertahankan diri sebagai yang di ajarkan melalui kitab kitab yang di amalkan pejuang lama seperti Allahyarham Mat Kilau,dll. Perkara ini tidak boleh di tunggu lagi memandangkan semakin ramai umat islam mati manakala musuh musuh islam begitu berani dan biadap dan sudah tidak peduli lagi dengan undang undang antarabangsa hatta menddapat arahan berhenti olih PBB . Nampak nya umat islam dah tak bolih buat apa apa. Lihat lah betapa lemah nya umat islam hari ini. Adalah di harapkan dengan tertubuhnya pasukan silat terbesar gabungan Malaysia dan Indonesia maka umat islam terbela bukan sahaja di kedua negara ini malah di seluruh dunia. Percayalah hanya Malaysia dan Indonesia sahaja yang mampu . Negara Arab tak bolih di harap. Walaupun orang Arab menggunakan bahasa AlaQuran namun mereka tidak ada kelebihan ilmu kebatinan sebagimana orang islam Malaysia dan Indonesia. Mengapa Allah pilih Malaysia ?. Hanya Allah yang maha mengetahui. Segala yang rahsia dan ghaib adalah urusan Allah. Sebagai umat islam, kita wajib beriman kapada yang ghaib . Jika tidak , kafir kita di buat nya. Sebagai mengakhiri cadangan ini saya tertarek kapada kata kata yang terkeluar dari mulut sahabat saya (kini Allahyarham ) yang merupakan anak murid paling kanan satu kumpulan zikir/ tarekat. Beliau memaklumkan Malaysia adalah negara bertuah dan satu hari nanti panji panji islam bangkit di malaysia dan menjadi rujukan negara islam lain di dunia ini. Saya begitu yakin dengan kata kata nya memandangkan Allahyarham seorang murid kanan yang begitu tawaduk,zuhud,kasyaf.Semoga Tun tidak menghampakan harapan saya serta seluruh umat islam di Malaysia dan Indonesia serta umat islam seluruh dunia. Saya bolih di hubungi melalui fax:0361881525.t.k By pipiAuthor Profile Page on January 18, 2009 6:05 AM bush passed on his power, israel announced ceased fire. who is really behind the attack? bush or israel? hahaha... By dragonkingAuthor Profile Page on January 18, 2009 6:36 AM

Dr M, You must be not serious in wanting Malaysia to attack USA. Many people will die and USA will bomb Malysia back into stone age. please be serious, By FelchaginAuthor Profile Page on January 18, 2009 7:55 AM

Yes Tun, I too would like to see our M'sian Arm Forces attack US and Israel. Let the Malay Regiment spearhead the attack and we will know how strong our clout is. Tell Paklah Tun to attack US and Israel... By FelchaginAuthor Profile Page on January 18, 2009 7:56 AM

Yes Tun, I too would like to see our M'sian Arm Forces attack US and Israel. Let the Malay Regiment spearhead the attack and we will know how strong our clout is. Tell Paklah Tun to attack US and Israel... By FelchaginAuthor Profile Page on January 18, 2009 8:10 AM

Yes Tun, I too would like to see our M'sian Arm Forces attack US and Israel. Let the Malay Regiment spearhead the attack and we will know how strong our clout is. Tell Paklah Tun to attack US and Israel...

Tun, what about you? You too hv a compassion?

1. The compassion to deny the democratically elected PBS government in 1985.

2. The compassion to recruit PATI to vote against PBS in many elections.

3. The compassion to produce instant citizens in Sabah by your project ICs.

4. The compassion produce false evidence against your political rival eg. DPK, DSAI, Dr. Jefry and others.

5. The compassion to use ISA at your whims and fancy.

6. and many more...

Tun can you deny that? By raychua81Author Profile Page on January 18, 2009 8:19 AM

Israel is the only country which is non muslin around the middleeast. Meaning Israel is seroundded by all the Muslim country in the north,sotuh,west,east of their country. Egpyt the biggest power, Arab the oil rich....Dubai.....the world claim richest country....why arent they help???? And spend the 100m to buy Kaka to Premier League. So what is the point we are doing this boycott? Arent we should advised them to boycott?

2. I was wondering why they call this an Israel attack as an offensive attack. I realised it was the Hamas who fire a missle last December to Israel which resulted Israel made the attack again. DO we condemn Hamas for this act last December. I dont think so. We know they are not doing right but we didnt do anything. Why???? It was on the advantage of Hamas side. Gaza was in peace for few years until Gaza suddenly launch that missle. Now who is the one looking for trouble?

3. We as a multiracial country fail to justify the looks more we are on the Muslim side rather than on the justice side.

4. Look at the case of Mindanao, the muslim there, from history what i see is that the teerorist(the muslim) in the Mindanao is fighting with the goverment because they want Muslims to rules the country. They kill many innocent philippines soldier and many catholic were being kill. Still Phillipines just let it be because they did not want to argue with the Muslim. They wants peace. As the result..more soldier were being kill till action need to be taken. It was in the history that those soldier head/catholic head will be beheaded by the muslim solider. So when action taken and war against them have been called, the Muslim lost terribly and many Muslims life were kill. Now they claim the Philippines goverment is bad and kill many of them and seek help from us. So our country help them for a peace talk. I do understand now why we never do progresively condemn on Philippines action of killing the Muslim bacause this is truly the Philippines Muslim fault. But what we do about it. Do we condemn the terrorist by Muslims in Philippines? We didnt. How on the earth the Muslim in Phillipines able to get the missles, gun to run the terrorist. Many claims it is from us. And they dont even have money to buy the guns....who sponsor them. They claim it is from us as well. Is that true????

Are we in the eyes of the world as the justice based or muslim based. Something to ponder.

American will get their punishment soon. Just wait and see, the economy will start to fall within 3 months. By early April later, we can see the economy downturn.

Boycott is good when the economy is blooming but not when now many are facing retrenchment we do not wish to put their list on the retrenchment side. By HBTAuthor Profile Page on January 18, 2009 9:04 AM



//By apit on January 16, 2009 10:29 PM to HBT,

BERLAPIK SIKIT....JANGAN MENGGELAR SEBARANGAN.IBU MEREKA (SHARIR SAMAD & PAK LAH )LAHIRKAN MANUSIA BUKAN SEPERTI YANG ANDA SEBUTKAN.kalau anda marahkan mereka pun, jangan sesekali menggunakan perkataan a****g...... INI AMARAN!!I CAN FIND U !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!//

Why marah APIT????? Macam Tun kata "So what do we do? Let the bully do what it likes?

Let the bullies (Pak Lah exFinance Minister & Pak Shahril) act "elegance silent" ke to cover up their wrong decision in increasing harga petrol minyak secara mendadak? They were the one who have increased our harga barangan tempatan tanpa kajian, tapi gaji kita sama aja. Salah ke, Dosa Ke? Kalau saya tak kata keluar perasaan I, I rasa diri I kotor dan keji seperti 'anjing' (perkataan ini adalah digunakan bila cina marah orang yang dah buat jahat)mereka, tak boleh ke?

Mungkin APIT orang kaya seperti mereka berdua ini yang suka bully cina dan india, saya ini adalah rakyat yang hanya dapat cari makan cukup untuk sekeluarga saja. If you can find me, no problem, come let's go for a glass of teh tarik at mamak store, itu yang saya mampu belanja ko, to discuss our differences, cara I lembut dan straight to the point, tak macam ko yang suka main depan dan belakang.


I adalah penyokong kuat KL FOUNDATION TO CRIMINALIZE WAR, jadi I tak akan berperang atas nama MULIA dan BERANI. Kalau APIT ada pemikiran macam ini, pastilah APIT akan dibuli kuasa Israel kerana APIT rasa diri ko lebih mulia dan berani, itulah sebab Israel suka, so fikirlah APIT sebelum keluarkan komen ko yang memang biadap, terbukti APIT ini adalah muslim yang "keras", itulah yang rakyat tak nak, jangan lupa, di Malaysia, majoriti umat muslim adalah lembut dan moderate......

By the way, your Pappy AI pun ada taukeh Cina dibelakangnya, loteri Magnum, ko tak tahu ke, jangan tunjuk lagak ko di sini seolah2 ko adalah rakyat yang mulia, btuih!!!! (maaf Tun kerana I pakai perkataan kasar di ruang chedet)

Good day Tun. By Redhuan D. OonAuthor Profile Page on January 18, 2009 9:11 AM

We should also boycott US Software such as Microsoft, Oracle, and an Israeli ERP System bought over by SAP called B1.

Instead we should send our kids to learn Open Source Software from the ground up from Linux to ADempiere ERP which is already topranked in the world among nonUS users.

Redhuan D. Oon PendAtang Dengan Izin By fareezyusoffAuthor Profile Page on January 18, 2009 11:33 AM

Tun. I'm totally agree with you! By softnieAuthor Profile Page on January 18, 2009 11:48 AM

Assalamu'alaikum Tun & Family,

Saya rasa agak susah untuk rakyat Malaysia ini untuk memboikot sesuatu barangan. Sebabnya kita memang tidak diasuh untuk berbuat demikian.. Tengok sahaja bila harga barang2 makanan naik, seperti harga ayam..Bila ada persatuan yg menganjurkan untuk memboikot lantas pihak kerajaan yg sepatutnya berjuang dibelakang kita, tetapi mereka inilah yg mengizinkan kezaliman ini berlaku dengan melarang rakyat memboikot. Dengan berbagai alasan hanya sekadar untuk menghidupkan segelintir peniaga sahaja.

Justeru itu saya dah muak dengan pemimpin yg berpura2 ini..Kalaulah mereka ini benar2 ikhlas ingin memboikot barangan Amerika, merekalah yg sepatutnya menunjukkan contoh dengan melarang kemasukan produk2 tersebut dari malaysia ini. Bersama kita boleh. By zaki_77Author Profile Page on January 18, 2009 11:51 AM


As we impotently watch the events unfolding in Gaza, there are text messages and emails flying around asking us to boycott Israeli goods or companies that have close relations with Israel. But we've been here before haven't we? We need to ask ourselves why previous boycotts have failed and what lessons can we learn from them.

There are a few problems with boycotts. One of the main problems is the sheer number of companies that have links with Israel. On some websites we see over a 100 diverse companies, ranging from GAP to Shreddies. Just remembering the list is impossible, let alone acting on it. It is impractical to boycott all of them. Sometimes the link to Israel may also be tenuous. This leads to cynicism amongst some people, and in the end the majority of us boycott none of them! Another problem with boycotting is something more profound, yet basic.

Many people feel that they have "done their bit" by boycotting a company. It soothes our fragile conscience and makes it easier for us to switch the TV channel when the news comes on. If the reason behind a boycott is to help our brothers and sisters, then it is usually very hard to see tangible results, and this leads to demotivation. We might ask ourselves, "Why should we inconvenience ourselves when nothing seems to happen from the boycott anyway?"

Be realistic! The solutions to the above problems lie in some of the following:

* Reduce the number of companies being boycotted to a few at a time. Target companies that can be effectively and totally boycotted to produce real results. Don't stop boycotting until they collapse or reconsider their actions. Definitely do not stop just because the fighting seems to have ended or there is less coverage on the TV and newspapers.

* If you are boycotting a company, tell your family, friends, colleagues and even strangers. Stick posters at appropriate locations and make a big deal about it. Encourage others to follow your principled stand until walking into an M&S store would become worse than walking into a pub disco on Laylatul Qadr, for example. Also, don't forget to send an email to the company you are boycotting, informing them that their support for Israel has cost them the most important thing in the world to them money.

* Remember and remind others that boycotting is not the full answer it is merely a part of it. The real answer lies in uniting together on the principles of Islam and breaking down the barriers of mistrust, nationalism and sectarianism that have led to a situation where 1.3 billion can be terrorised by 13 million.

Here is the recommended boycott list you are asked to follow:

1) Marks & Spencers

Few companies are as public and proud of their support for Israel and Zionism. What makes matters even worse is the fact that they are always moaning about declining profits and making a loss, yet still find money and time to support a desperately unpopular foreign "state". M&S has been the focus of boycotts for years, but during this economic crisis they are especially vulnerable. For the store founded by Zionism cheerleaders, it is about time we boycotted them into bankruptcy and encouraged all people of justice to do the same.

2) Starbucks

Not only does Starbucks have a chairman who is a committed supporter of Israel, but they also have supported and funded various events and possibly websites that raise money for it. Added to this, they have even donated an entire store to US troops in Afghanistan and free coffee beans for the troops in Iraq. In two words Starbucks sucks.

3) L'Oreal & Estee Lauder

The chairman of Estee Lauder, Ronald Lauder has personally led a rally in Jerusalem and cofounded a right wing Israeli think tank. L'Oreal was given the Jubilee award by Israel for services rendered, and even has a special product line on display in some shopping centres called L'Oreal Israel. Boycott them. Despite the adverts, they're not worth it! By azmanawAuthor Profile Page on January 18, 2009 12:33 PM aku rasa dah sampai masanya kita tutup sume macdonal, kfc or sume restoran barat. lain2 tu kite patut juge larang jual coca cola, pepsi dan seumpamanya. bile kite tutup bende nie baru le usahawan kite akan mengisi ruang kekosongan tu. bende ni lebih kepada brand je. rasa lebih kurang sama. sepatutnye OIC dah lama bincang camne nak perkenal jenama utk orang islam. ini asyik bincang bende yg rumit, buat le bende senang dulu. By beautyAuthor Profile Page on January 18, 2009 1:35 PM

Israel minta maaf setelah keganasan kejam berlaku. Its a set up. By oghekitoAuthor Profile Page on January 18, 2009 1:42 PM salam, ada sesiapa yg boleh publish senarai produk/company yg ada kaitan dgn israel/amerika yg boleh diboikot? By majummAuthor Profile Page on January 18, 2009 2:38 PM

Salam Tun,


Tp kalo boleh kita mulakan boikot dgn tahan diri kita @ diri masing2 dari beli belah dkt Tesco tue....

Sbb bg sy la, Tesco itula ibu segala brg2 yang kita boikot.

By samuraimelayuAuthor Profile Page on January 18, 2009 4:54 PM

SALAM AYAHANDA RAKYAT TUN IZINKAN, /By apit on January 16, 2009 10:29 PM to HBT,

BERLAPIK SIKIT....JANGAN MENGGELAR SEBARANGAN.IBU MEREKA (SHARIR SAMAD & PAK LAH )LAHIRKAN MANUSIA BUKAN SEPERTI YANG ANDA SEBUTKAN.kalau anda marahkan mereka pun, jangan sesekali menggunakan perkataan a****g...... INI AMARAN!!I CAN FIND U !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!//





MAY THE ALMIGHTY BLESS US ALL. ps. Adik 'HBT', We were not wrong on the outcome of the KT byelections.. Que sera sera.. By hjroslanAuthor Profile Page on January 18, 2009 5:34 PM

Dearest Tun Dr. Mahathir, Assalamu'alaikum.

Mohon ulasan/pandangan Tun tentang hadis dan artikel di bawah (berkenaan penyakit ALWAHAN) dalam konteks kejadiankejadian yang menimpa ummat Islam hari ini.

Artikel di ambil dari

Terimakasih Tun. Wassalam Hjroslan ** Bismillahir Rahmaanir Raheem May the Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon Muhammad (saw), his wives, his family, his companions and righteous followers

AlWahn, A Deadly Disease

On the authority of Thawbaan , the Prophet said: "The People will soon summon one another to attack you as people when eating invite others to share their food." Someone asked, "Will that be because of our small numbers at that time?" He replied, "No, you will be numerous at that time: but you will be froth and scum like that carried down by a torrent (of water), and Allah will take the fear of you from the breasts (hearts) of your enemy and cast alwahn into your hearts." Someone asked, "O Messenger of Allah, what is alwahn?" He replied, "Love of the world and dislike of death." [An authentic hadith recorded by Abu Dawud and Ahmad]

In attempting to contemplate on the meaning of the Prophet's words in the above hadith (and indeed on any of his noble sayings), one quickly comes to appreciate the Prophet's statement: "I have been given words which are concise, but comprehensive in meaning" [Bukhaari and Muslim]. The Messenger was blessed with the profound ability to utter several words which whole volumes could then be written about.

In this striking hadith, the Prophet describes the situation of the Muslims with great accuracy, and also prescribes a remedy for the ailment.

"The People will soon summon one another to attack you as people when eating invite others to share their food."

What is extraordinary in this hadith, is that the Prophet conjures up vivid images in the listener's mind about the scenario. Here, the Ummah (the Muslim nation) is first likened to some seemingly tasty food surrounded by a group of hungry diners. But these people need to share, and thus, the food must be divided into portions corresponding to the status of each 'guest'.

Shortly after the fall of the Khilafah (Caliphate), the Muslim world was divided into many different states by the European powers, with each of them eyeing the rich resources that Allah has blessed the Muslims with. Colonisation and corruption shortly followed in those lands, and the seeds of tyrannical, despot regimes were planted. Now, with the Ummah divided and each government primarily concerned with its own interests, the enemies of Islam are free to attack each region like wild animals attack their prey Palestime, Iraq, Chachnya and now Afghanistan.

Someone asked, "Will that be because of our small numbers at that time?" He replied, "No, you will be numerous at that time..." This is yet more evidence that in Islam, numbers are of little significance. The Muslims were victorious: at the Battle of Badr, where the disbelievers outnumbered the Muslims three to one. They were also victorious at Yarmuk, where the Romans outnumbered the Muslims seventy to one. The current situation is quite the opposite. The Muslim population is more than a billion and is rapidly growing. Yet, these phenomenal numbers are of little consequence when the masses of the population are essentially slaves to the West, herded mindlessly like cattle according to the whims of their masters.

"...but you will be froth and scum like that carried down by a torrent (of water)"

Here is another image! This extraordinary description carries heavy meaning beneath its exterior if one considers the characteristics of the "froth and scum".

Firstly, the froth overlies the water beneath, suggesting a sense of pride and selfconfidence. Secondly, the froth is almost weightless and with little substance, such that the slightest breeze can destroy it. Thus, the pride and selfconfidence is ill founded and in reality, should not exist. It is only a product of selfdelusion. Thirdly, the foam and scum is not in control of its path that is, the role of the water flowing beneath. All it does is happily flow along to its destination while intoxicated with its imaginary position.

"...and Allah will take the fear of you from the breasts (hearts) of your enemy and cast alwahn into your hearts."

There were days when the forces of the Muslims were dreaded by all those who opposed them, when people from all over the world would travel to to the lands of the Muslims to receive education, and when Arabic was the language of success. These days are all but gone. Muslims and Islam are generally looked down upon. Why? The Prophet said it is because of Wahn. Technically, it means a dull lifelessness and enervation. However, the Prophet explains what this word really means:

Someone asked, "O Messenger of Allah, what is alwahn?" He replied, "Love of the world and dislike of death."

Thus, the problem and the solution have been identified. After the bombardment from capitalist and socialist ideologies, the Muslim world became too materialistic, desperately pursuing the rewards and pleasures of this world, with little remembrance of the Hereafter. The Prophet said (in another hadith): "Keep much in remembrance of death, which is the destroyer of pleasure." [Tirmidhi] Allah said: "Say: 'Short is the enjoyment of this world. And the Hereafter is the best for those who do right. And you will never be dealt with unjustly in the very least. Wherever you are, death will find you out, even if you are in towers built up strong and high." [AnNisaa, 4:7778]

Imam Ahmad records from Abu Dardaa as saying: "If only you knew what you will certainly see upn your death, you would never eat again a single bite out of a craving appetite, and you would never again drink an extra sip of water for the pleasure of unquenchable and insatiable thirst."

Once Muslims realise that the death is not the end, but the beginning, thereafter with ultimate justice and either excruciating torment or blissful reward, our situation will surely change.

Until then, Allah says: "Verily, Allah will never change the condition of a people until they change what is within themselves." [ArRa'd, 13:11]

All Emails Copyright to By maji64Author Profile Page on January 18, 2009 6:55 PM

Saya setuju 100% kalau Malaysia nak antar tentera serang US dgn Israel. Tapi, berani ke Pak Lah nak ambik keputusan cam tu? Sedangkan bila Muhyidin buat kenyataan akhbar, rundingan FTA M'sia dgn US dihentikan...pun...Pak Lah buat satu lagi kenyataan minta Muhyidin explain kat kabinet kenapa rundingan tu nak hold dulu... Pengamatan saya...serangan Israel ini ada kene mengena juga dengan keadaan ekonomi sekarang ni. Ekonomi US sedang jatuh dengan teruk...hutang banyak...tiap tahun belanja defisit...lepas tu dalam belanjawan US pula sebahagian besar untuk belanja pertahanan..termasuk la belanja serang Iraq, serang Afghan, buat peluru, bangunkan senjata baru...semua tu duit...Yang terakhir sekali US dapat gunakan/dispose pelurupeluru diorg adalah sepanjang perang Iraq..sekarang ni peluru/senjata diorg dah bertimbun...pasal dah 5,6 tahun ni tak de perang..tak heranla kalau US buka tender untuk hantar 3,500 kontena peluru ke Israel sebelum Israel mula serang Palestin...stok peluru kat Israel pun dah banyak...abis tu kat mana lagi nak dispose....GAZA lah yang jadi medan untuk habiskan stok senjata...abis tu tak kan nak main letup je...mestilah ada target...sapa lagi kalau bukan org palestin...sebenarnya ...US dgn Israel ni memang reserve org2 palestin ini untuk jadi target kalau tak dapat nak create perang kat tempat lain...itu je. Lagi pula ...bila ekonomi tgh teruk ni...rasanya...ramai kot Yahudi2 ni yg terkena bisnes diorg... Orang islam...apa sangatla diorg ni...apa yg orang Islam boleh buat....habishabis...demo sana...demo sini...kepalakepala kerajaan yang duduk kat tuh...lagilagi yang lembek macam Pak Lah tu..jadi Chairman OIC pun tak tau nak buat apa...dah la lembek...memang cair...cakap je jela2 pasal kesatuan ummah..semua retorik je...anwar Ibrahim...ular kepala dua tu lagilah...bila ada hal...bukan main lagi US diplomat defend dia...pastu dia berlagaklah..belakang dia ada US...bila timbul org kutuk US pasal defend Israel...macaimacai dia pun backing kata...mana pulak anwar tu baik dgn US...baik yg dok kat PAS ke, DAP tu mmg la 2x5 Yahudi...entahla apa nak jadi..nak kiamat le kot By zam83Author Profile Page on January 18, 2009 8:08 PM

Dari 1948 hingga sekarang Palestin diserang...

Palestin diserang bermakna Islam diganyang...

Islam diganyang ke mana tentera Islam menghilang...

Islam menghilang setelah alAqsa ditumbang...

AlAqsa ditumbang apakah kita menghalang...

Kita menghalang cuma Hamas yang berperang...

Hamas berperang, Sunni & Syiah pula sibuk sepak terajang...

Sepak terajang sesama agama, rakyat palestinlah yang malang...

Palestin malang, negara negara Arab hanya memandang...

Hanya memandang & terus memandang...

Sabda Rasulullah dari Muslim = "Barang sesiapa bercita cita mati syahid kerana Allah, nescaya diletakkan kedudukannya di tempat para syuhada sekalipun dia mati di atas tempat tidurnya" By HerotamilAuthor Profile Page on January 18, 2009 8:30 PM

Salam sejahtera buat TUN serta keluarga.


Not to be able to detect sarcasm is a sign for suffering from frontotemporal dementia (FTD. University of New South Wales By chewchewAuthor Profile Page on January 18, 2009 8:33 PM







MAYBE IT IS STILL NOT TOO LATE FOR 83 YEARS OLD MALAYSIAN AND A 73 YEARS OLD AMERICAN TO END WAR IN THIS WORLD. By hilariousAuthor Profile Page on January 18, 2009 9:07 PM oh man, this is good. exPM, attack Israel? Attack US? We would just end up like the Palestine! Why didn't you attack them when you were PM? You know it was not possible. Now that you're retired you start saying really illogical stuff.

Boycott? The economy is in the gutter and you're talking about boycott? Why not decide to expel all US, Israel and German company from Malaysia Instead? Yay, lets push Malaysia back 20 years.

We use to the in the same League as korea and taiwan. Then Sigapore and Hong Kong. Now even Vietnam seem more competitive than us. Why? POOR leadership. And not just this current government. But your reign too was bad. It breed all these corruptions and what not. Look at our ppl's way of thinking. Look at some of the bloggers here whom comment? No articulate point of view. Nothing. All YAY! Lets boycott US products. Its as if they don't even know economics 101.

Well, wake up Malaysia, stop looking at stuff that is happening in other countries and lets try to make our country work first. I'm so glad PR won.

Hope this gets posted. By pepcoyAuthor Profile Page on January 18, 2009 10:00 PM

Tun Yg Fasih,

Setuju sangat saya jika dikatakan boikot barangan hanya akan merugikan negara dunia ke tiga dan negara baru membangun, baru jatuh dari bangun dgn andaian jika boikot boleh menjadi sebab syarikat atau kilang pelabur luar itu di tutup, yang hilang pekerjaan rakyat tempatan. Kerajaan seperti tidak mampu menerima pekerja yang di berhentikan kerja oleh swasta, senang cerita yg dok ada dalam gomen tu pun dah cukup sendat..

Pengorbanan dan perjuangan memang mesti, tapi biarlah lebih berani dan bijak By JunoAuthor Profile Page on January 18, 2009 10:56 PM

Assalamualaikum Tun,

With your permission,

Dear Bravo Echo Echo Romeo Jan 16, 2009. 9:27AM,

I supposed you've got the whole concept wrong. Nobody hates America and the American people. My former Prime Minister also do not hate America. Older generations of the world and present generations owe a lot to America, In fact they still love America and the American people, only that now they hate the present American politicians and American foreign policies.

Under the British rule we Malaysian studied British, European, Australian, and world's history. We learned not only read about Vikings, British Monarchy, Feudal System, French and Industrial Revolutions, discoveries of America, Australia & New Zealand, the annexment of the Middle East, Africa and colonisation of the East Asia by Europeans WW1 WW2 etc. With this historical knowledge and witnessing the mordernisation of the world and human society, we may have a broader outlook towards things happening around the world today. We too acknowledge America's contributions to the world. That's how we learned to love America.

Probably up to the Kennedy era American politicians and foreign policies were respected world wide. However this love & respect had already changed to hatred when Zionist influences penetrated Congress and American politician. Malaysian do not hate Jews, there are Jews in our land, good and obedient citizen. Even in Israel there are also this so called "good Jews" but hatred are only to those zionist who also happened to rule Israel.

The zionist influence in American Congress and politics had tarnished American popularity and dignity. The demonstration all over the world speaks for itself.

In future I hope you can be polite and have respect towards my former Prime Minister. Although he is old but he is a lot wiser than you. I supposed so, if not he cannot rule a beautiful country without any "outside" influence for about 2 decades. Who and what are you? Some of us can only critised others but some cannot even be properly administer his family and home. Do not critise others with hatred because someday the same may befall unto you. God is very fair and just. We Asian have respect for our elders, if you are an Asian you have already forgotten your "roots".

** Thank you, Tun. May Allah bless you and your family.

By watermarkAuthor Profile Page on January 18, 2009 10:57 PM

Dear Tun,

Saya bersetuju dengan pendapat Tun, Negara Islam tidak boleh membantu Gaza...Umat Islam sahaja yang dapat membantu Gaza.

Segala komen dibawah ini adalah pandangan saya hasil dari pengalaman dalam pelaburan saham, matawang dan bon.

Pada pendapat saya Tun, perang di Gaza adalah DIRANCANG. Kenapa saya berkata begitu...dengan perang sahaja...Amerika dapat keluar dari kemulut ekonomi sekarang.

Untuk pengetahuan Tun, semenjak 2007, seluruh matang asing GBP, CHF, JPY telah jatuh menjunam dan ini makin ketara pada bulan Ogos 2008. Big drop...Walaubagaimanapun matawang USDJPY seolah olah terdapat tangan yang megawal dibelakang (Intervention)....jika dilat dari sudut matawang asing lain....semua mengalami kejatuh .....tapi lain pula halnya dengan USDJPY...

Akan bersambung kemudian. By JunoAuthor Profile Page on January 18, 2009 11:46 PM

Assalamualaikum Tun,

With your permission again.

To Solcroft January 16, 2009. 10:07PM

I supposed you,re a foreigner, not Malaysian. If you're Malaysian you should know how to read what is written between the lines and understand what our former Prime Minister meant by sending our arm forces to Isreal. If I am right you must either come from Europe or US. The same mistake had been committed by your politicians whenever they meddle with the internal affairs of other countries. Without the knowledge of the culture, religion and lifestyle of the local they try to force the population to swallow American Democracy. Later they discover that they had made a mistake.

Do you really think that he would sent troops to Israel if he is still in power? He is not like Rasputin, or those cruel ruler, mad presidents or Prime Minister of the ...... For God sake use the brain God has provided to you.

"One normally sees the world through his own eyes". If one is stupid he will assume that others are also stupid. Do not be too smart sometimes you may reveal your stupidity to others.

Terima Kasih Tun.

Juno By Waqas HameedAuthor Profile Page on January 18, 2009 11:47 PM

Salam Tun.

Someone has to stand up. I totally agree to what you said in relation to attacking Israel and US but i think MAF wont be strong enough to do that. OIC is the best thing we can look upto. If all the islamic countries can join hands and agree on forming an alliance like NATO, with huge combined military power and nuclear capability (PAKISTAN & IRAN), U.S & ISRAEL will definitely think twice over doing something like this again. Kick the Americans out of Afghanistan & Iraq. Cut the oil exports to U.S and U.S will be on its knees. They attack a single place, All of us should stand united agains the agression. This is the only possible way to deal with the current scenario. Surely we dont have to go to U.S for our imports. Free trade can exist among OIC Countries and what they lack, countries like RUSSIA, INDIA, BRAZIL are the available options.

I WISH SOMEONE COULD STAND UP AND MAKE THIS HAPPEN. By peanuts&chocAuthor Profile Page on January 18, 2009 11:59 PM dear I Love Jew, u said "Islam is a DARK religion" and you mentioned that you are a christian. but did you know that islam and christian came from the same root?then if you said that islam is a dark religion then of course christian is a dark religion too!because these 2 religions are correlated to each other.get my point?no?read the old testament bible and the'll see what i meant. By fazliAuthor Profile Page on January 19, 2009 12:00 AM

An Open Letter To Y.A.B Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad

Dear Sir,

First and foremost, I would like you to know that I am an admirer of your great leadership both domestically and at world stage especially among the so called Islamic Country, NAM, OIC and many other regional organization. Somehow, in the midst of these admirations, I find it difficult to understand your conflicting approach towards Israel. I remember very well that it was you who invited a group of young Israelis cricket players to Malaysia to show these young Israelis that Muslims can live in peace with the Jewish as long as mutual respect exists within each other.

Fast forward 2009, you seemed to have abandoned these whole ideas of promoting peace among the future generation and replace it with a more confrontational approach like boycotting goods and US Dollar. Nevertheless, I supported these confrontational approaches of yours as I believe that it is the best strategy to quickly halt the killing of Palestinians babies, children and women. What I find frustrating is that I expected a brave and courageous Muslim like you to be fair in your assessment of Hamas, who after winning the election should behave more like the elected representative of the Palestinian people than the guerrilla party that they used to be.

I find it strange that you did not use your influence on OIC to prevent Hamas from firing their rockets into Israel. And I find it strange that Muslim solidarity was suggested in confrontational terms when the real issue, as I see it, is the Palestinian solidarity. Your voice is needed towards realising the real Muslim solidarity, not the kind of solidarity that push for more confrontation with Israel and the west but one that is united in their push for a united Palestine. A divided Palestine will lose their battle against Israel for many years to come while a united and moderate Palestine can achieve more and hopefully costs no innocent children, babies and civilians their lives in their search for independence. What we see now is Palestinian solidarity only when they are attacked by Israel. In between, Palestinians leaders are busy with their own war against each other. Muslim solidarity, if realised must also advise Iran, Syria, Egypt and Jordan against interfering in Palestine and let the Palestinians chart their own future. And of course, Hamas must also be advised to amend their charter to accept the existence of Israel. I may be wrong, but as far as I can recall, a truly united Palestine has never entered peace talks with Israel in recent times.

Sir, what motivates me to write this letter is not just the suffering of innocent children in Palestine but also the suffering of children in Israel in this useless Arab – Israel war. You hold the key towards uniting the Muslims in achieving lasting peace with Israel and I believe that it makes more sense to talk to Palestinians into accepting Israel than confronting the world superpower through boycotts and endless United Nations meetings. The least I can do is to spread the message of peace and in doing so, I would like to apologize if I wrongly perceived your stand on the matter.

Yours Sincerely, Mohamad Fazli Bin Ramli p/s dear all – see the original posting in and take part in the vote at the end of the article. By bplusAuthor Profile Page on January 19, 2009 12:10 AM

Assalaamualaikum Tun,

Sudah bertahun2 saya menghormati dan sangjungi buah fikiran Tun yang tulus iklas dan luar biasa memperjuangkan Anak Bangsa, Negara dan Agama. Tetapi kali ini saya terasa sedih apabila membaca blog Tun yang saya fikir terlalu emosi. Saya harap Tun dapat terus berkhimat dengan menggunakan kelebihan Tun yang dianugerahkan oleh Allah sebaik mungkin dengan lebih teliti, bijaksana dan efektif untuk mengatasi masaalah 2 umat Islam sejagat lebih2 lagi khas kepada umat Islam diPalestine.

Cuba kita renungkan bagaimana cara rakan2 Cina kita yang ada dirantau ini mengatasi musuh2 mereka untuk mempertahankan kehormatan, kepercayaan dan ideology mereka. Tidak perlu lah untuk saya memberi contoh yang panjang lebar kerana kita semua dapat melihat bagaimana orang2 Vietnam dapat mengalahkan America dalam peperangan, China dapat mengatasi perang saraf dengan America dan sekarang menjadi Negara ketiga ekonomi terbesar diDunia. Orang2 Cina dirantau Selatan Timur Asia baik diPhilippines, Indonesia, , Thailand, Singapura, Vietnam dan Malaysia sendiri, mereka semua menguasahi ekonomi serantau walaupun bilangan mereka kecil atau sebagai penduduk minoriti selain Singapura.

Maksud saya tidak perlu kita cakap kuat2 dan marah2 walau sebanyak mana pun Israel, America, Britain dan sekutu2nya dimerata dunia termasuk dirantau ini maupun didalam negeri sendiri MENGZALIMI umat Islam. Walau sebanyak mana pun mereka membunuh umat Islam dengan alat2 pemusnah canggih yang mereka rekai, DEMI ALLAH! Mereka tidak boleh mengalahkan umat Islam dimana2 pun INSHA’ALLAH! Percayalah kerana perjuangan hidup dan mati kita ini adalah kerana Islam dan ALLAH lain dari mereka yang hanya untuk kebendaan, tamak dan kepentingan diri sendiri.

Untuk mengatasi masaalah ini kita hanya perlukan sedikit pengorbanan untuk umat Islam diPalestine. Sebagai contoh, penduk Islam diMalaysia katakan 60 % daripada keseluruhan penduknya yang berangka 25 juta orang. Jadi orang Islam Malaysia berjumlah 15 juta. Tetapi bukan semua nya benar2 Islam, katakana hanya 10% sahaja Islam sejati, jadi angka sebenar nya adalah 1.5 juta orang Islam. Katakan belanja makan kita saorang ialah RM5 sehari, kalau kesemua 1.5 juta orang Islam ini berpuasa Isnin dan Khamis mereka bukan sahaja mendapat ganjaran pahala puasa dan bersedekah malah dapat membantu umat Islam Palestine untuk kegunaan mereka membiayai obat2an, pelajaran, pembangunan, penyelidikan dan taraf hidup yang lebih kukuh dan bermakna untuk mengatasi hidup dan perjuangan mereka menghadapi musuh utama mereka, iaitu Israel!

Lihat disini:RM 5 X 2 hari puasa seorang = RM 10 RM 10 X 4 minggu = RM 40 seorang sebulan

Kalau kesemua 1.5 juta orang berpuasa, RM 40 X 1,500,000 = RM 60,000,000 sebulan !

Katakan ada 100 Negara2 Islam yang ingin ikut serta dengan usaha ini, RM 60,000,000 X 100 Negara2 Islam = RM 6,000,000,000 sebulan !

Tetapi perlu hati2 wang sebanyak ini tidak boleh diamanahkan kepada sebarangan orang, lebih2 lagi orang Melayu diMalaysia sungguh merbahaya ! nanti wangnya tidak sampai kePalestine tetapi disaku kocek orang yang diamanahkan. Waima diaseorang Ustaz, Perdana Menteri, Naik Perdana menteri, menteri kewangan mau pun apa2 menteri sekali pun melainkan dia seorang WALI hidup itu pun kalau ada, tetapi saya kuatir diMalaysia tidak mungkin kerana terlalu kotor untuk seorang wali hidup dinegara yang banyak sangat dosa2 besar!

Wassalam. By md.zahirAuthor Profile Page on January 19, 2009 12:44 AM regarding above topic

I am just sharing my opinion. Anyone whom read this are welcomed to comment or correct me if i am wrong since i am not that professional.

Just incurred to me that, another form of boycott that can be done is by boycotting the purchase / selling of diamonds. The reason behind it is, the only organization that monopolies diamond is "De Beers" whom is believed to be Israelis. Since ages, they had been monopolizing the diamond business by keeping the demand and the price high.For eg; watch 'blood diamond' again,though it is just a movie...For the women societies,the ones whom are about to get married or anyone whom are willing to sacrifice by boycotting, the best substitute for diamond will be 'White Sapphire' looks similar to diamond, the professionals can help you on this. Other than that, coloured stones.

Whenever i see a Israel or US brands, what runs through my mind is, for every ringgit we spent on the brand, somehow the profits goes to Malaysia based foreign company then to its original founder in US or Israel. For eg, when it is transferred to founder or parent company in US . The company have to pay tax, which the government uses to fund jets, missiles, or any other form of fire arms to Israel DIRECTLY without any question. For every ringgit we spent on the brand, it only needs one bullet for one headcount regardless innocent civilians, women or children. And by the way,they had been only using bombs i forgot.

Just another thought or suggestion,lets say we boycott the brand. What will happen to the Malaysian workers that had been working at the US or Israel company which is based in Malaysia? This will be the best time for local companies expand their businesses to compete with the foreign brand and improve their quality so that they can compete, i bet they can. Much more greater if the Government and the Financial Institutions could help them sustain and grow. By then, it would open many employment opportunities which workers in foreign brand company locally based can make full use of it. So consumers, don't hesitate to try our local brands and "now" is the best time.

Personally, in the time to come, when they stop this madness terrorism act, if they. I think i will continue to boycott as much as US or Israel brands as i can for the justice of more than a thousand and deaths to come of innocent Palestine citizens by the Israelis.How about you? If you feel this message is right, then spread this message to as many people as you can, thank you. By I love JewsAuthor Profile Page on January 19, 2009 12:58 AM

I'm fairly sure this is how it will go.

1) Israelis ceasefire 2) Palestinians claim victory 3) Money/aid pours into Gaza 4) Money diverted to tunnel digging teams 5) Money diverted to rocketmaking crews 6) Rockets land in southern Israel 7) Israel sits and takes it 8) Not a peep from Europe 9) Israel responds to rocket fire 10) Europe protests Israel's aggression By S..TanAuthor Profile Page on January 19, 2009 2:11 AM

Dear Tun, salam mesra moga sihat selalu. Minta izin beri komen..

Membalas komen January 16, 2009


Tulisan sebiji irama Umno menghitamkan kaum lain bila menegakkan pendirian. Dah tahu berdosa masih nak buat juga, siap dgn minta ampun Tuhan.

Menggelar rakyat M'sia dari sebuah kaum, Yahudi (untuk dibenci). Yang kononnya 'jahat' dipanggil Zionist. Dia khuatir kaum ini bila ramai akan panjat kepala.

Tak usah khuatir, dua petunjuk jelas menunjukkan ia mustahil berlaku. Penghijrahan keluar serta kadar kelahiran jauh kurang dari Melayu (dan masih menurun) akan buka jurang lebih luas dari majoriti Melayu. Tahun 1959 ia 55:40 (lebih sikit satu dgn satu) skrg 60:25 (dua setengah dgn satu), tak lama lagi 65:20 (lebih tiga dgn satu) iaitu majoriti kuat 2/3.

Sempadan kawasan pilihanraya condong (boleh dicondongkan lagi) pada pihak sdr. Kaum lain 100,000 satu kawasan, lain tempat 30.000. Sejuta di Wil P'tuan dikeluarkan dan tiada hak undi krjn negeri.

Dgn kelebihan begini apa yg ditangiskan lagi...


Edaran sejarah membentuk keadaan kita skrg. Kalau dah beratus tahun, ia tak boleh berputar balik (mungkin juga kehendak Tuhan kalau dibiar berlalu begitu lama) Hadirnya kaum lain bermula 500 thn dulu. Mustahil sejarah ini boleh digulung balik.

Tuhan hendak kita kongsi dunia ini, sama juga negara. Kecuali ada orang nak jadi Tuhan memulangkan kita ke zaman Empayar Melaka menghapuskan sejarah 500 tahun ciptaan Tuhan.


Kalau berjuang untuk mendapat satu kerakyatan M'sia yg sama digelar Zionist, jenis mengagungkan satu bangsa saja boleh di ibarat Nazi. Nak mengagungkan negara dan rakyat M'sia atau mengagungkan satu bangsa dari satu kaum terpulang pada rakyat.

Negara maju aman makmur baru bangsanya masyur (Jepun, Korea) Bangsa 'agung' pegang kuasa memerintah tapi negara mundur dan bergolak, bangsanya diketawakan ( Zimbabwe, Somalia, dll negara Afrika)


Busuk hati mempolitikkan pemberian milik tanah pada keluarga berturun temurun tinggal disitu sebagai merampas tanah Melayu. Mrk rakyat M'sia (kecuali kerakyatan ini tiada makna) perlukan tanah untuk tumpah darah mereka juga.

Banding dgn tanah diberi pada kroni Umno yg menjual tanah pada orang asing, untungnya dilabur diluar negara dan bersara disana (Maklumlah tak boleh tunjuk kekayaan di sini) Orang asing boleh milik tanah (dijual Umno) untuk mengaut untung, tapi rakyat sendiri yg menetap lebih seratus tahun tak boleh dapat tanah tempat berteduh.


Pujian hanya Tun sibuk bersilat mempertahan maruah yg diabaikan krjn lebur dgn titah Raja Nazrin tentang zaman 50thn Merdeka. Lagipun silat untuk bakal 'pengantin' ketua pemuda Umno.

Fasa pertama(19591982) digelar era emas, fasa kedua zaman kepincangan dan perebutan kuasa, hilang perjuangan murni, lahir team dan tong, kerabat dan kroni, taksub dan tamak, kuasa dan kekayaan. Baik Tuanku tak sebut 5 thn. Salah siapa atau dasar apa kita sendiri tafsir.

Fasa pertama kaum Melayu kaya lebih atau fasa kedua lebih ramai. Tapi era emas fasa pertama?


Buruk memberi cap Negro pada rakyat M'sia berkulit hitam. Sebagai 'rakyat' mrk ada hak bersuara dan meminta. Dahlah belanja krjn diasing, sampai belanja persendirian pun nak asingkan antara rakyat negro, Yahudi dgn Melayu.

Rakyat biasa buta kulit berbelanja dimana senang, murah, mutu dan enak bukan mcm orang politik. Kaum lain boleh makan produk Melayu, tapi Melayu ada larangan peribadi dan agama ( ini tidak dipertikai) Tak cukup lagi ke dagangan sehala yg begini.


Niat membaiki bangsa dgn menghantukan dan menuduh kaum lain adalah busuk. Cara tak halal boleh minta restu dgn melafaz niat baik? Agama saya tak pasti, ajaran Umno pernah dengar.

Cina terbahagi Gerakan, MCA DAP (50 thn) tak menjejas pembangunan bangsa knp Melayu tak boleh terus bangun walau politik berbeza. Ini karut Umno menarik sokongan dgn momok Zionist, Yahudi, Negro

Baca titah Raja Nazrin dan fahamlah silap di dalam kaum sendiri bukan kaum lain. Cuba faham pepatah Cina 'manusia dia, hantu pun dia' (Bukan semuanya mcm itu) By HBTAuthor Profile Page on January 19, 2009 8:03 AM

Selamat pagi dan salam Tun,

//By pakpandir08 on January 15, 2009 7:24 PM

Should we boycott German product as well as they also involve in Gaza conflict?

But i don't think SOME people will do this, as SOMEBODY's SON is a distributor of Porsche car (notes: porsche owned by German)

If one can of cocacola priced at RM1.00, and one porsche car priced at RM1 million ... SOME PEOPLE rather 1 million of Malaysian boycott cocacola, RATHER than ONE SON dont sell one porsche car ...//


Yes, The ONE SON sells Porshe,there is also The ONE SON IN LAW (= The SON "OUTLAW" OF MALAYSIA, leader to ONE MACHA + ONE CHINDIAN) are selling the country Malaysia via Air Asia.

However, you are the frequent blogger of the FATHER of the ONE SON selling Porshe, hm.... you are in the category of "N kedua: 'Ngelat' [cakap tak penah betoi]. Bila bercakap, kuahnya lebih dari isi. But most of d time, takda isi langsung!!" as stipulated by one the great bloggers, Emicro. Cantonese says "Ji Luk Wai Ma" (means pointing at a deer and say it is a horse PENIPU) or hokkien says boliau, local English says talk cock!!!!

Tun, manusia memang bermacam2, ha...ha.... By AzMaAuthor Profile Page on January 19, 2009 8:25 AM

Assalamualaikum Tun,

1.Dalam kita dok sibuk memboikot produk ISRAIL dan AMERIKA tapi masih ramai orang kita yang berkunjung ke Mc Donald atau KFC.

2.Kalau di NEGARA ARAB orang ISLAM ada pilihan lain iaitu AL BAIK.Ianya produk ISLAM dan tak kurang hebatnya kalau dibandingkan dengan Mc Donald atau KFC.

3.Malah kalau AL BAIK berada bersebelahan dengan KFC kita dapat lihat pelangan AL BAIK penuh tapi KFC lengang.

4.Apa kata kalau BUSINESSMAN dari MALAYSIA menjadi FRANCHISE ALBAIK. Sekurang kurangnya rakyat MALAYSIA ada pilihan lain.

5.Disamping itu juga ia menjadi FARDHU KIFAYAH kepada kita.

Kepada Tun, kami sentiasa menyokong Tun, teruskan menulis. By HBTAuthor Profile Page on January 19, 2009 8:36 AM



//By Halid on January 16, 2009 10:28 AM

We don't buy American product. But we steal from them. Use pirated softwares, watch pirated videos, here pirated music.

Don't ever buy original product of the United State//

##Jangan kata steal from them (kita simpan dalam hati, buat bodoh aja), nanti "Malaysians yang berlagak mcm orang US" kata kita ini pencuri atau takde moral. Kita bukan "steal", kita do it the legal way using "download" UTorent (music), DVD Video Soft Free Studio (movie or video) atau beli(bermaksud bukan steal lo) the original DVD via Tak Ori kat mana2 pun boleh dapat!!!

Produk ori dpd United States sebenarnya tidak bagus sangat tapi harga mahal, tak berbaloi, beli kat pasar malam dengan harga ori dah boleh bertanding dgn produk ori USA, kita kena smart in shopping. Take care Halid.##

Tun keeps talking and writing, I am behind Tun so that these 'versi orang US malaysia (not the ori kind, Tun) will behind me. By FikriAuthor Profile Page on January 19, 2009 9:00 AM

Assalamualaikum, Tun.

To Mr raychua81, January 18, 2009. 8.19 AM

As an History student from the University of Malaya, it saddens me that people today are not as interested in history as before. Worse, we have people ( I mean you) that have some semblance of knowledge of history, but twists it to their own ends. A horrendous case of twisting facts to suit theories instead of forming theories to suit facts (Sherlock Holmes, A Study in Scarlet)

1.Firstly, while I do agree that Israel is the only nonMuslim country surrounded by Muslim (or Arab, Lebanon has a balanced MuslimChristian population), these countries are weak, ever since they are humiliated in the ArabIsraeli war, and its people betrayed by their leaders (Egypt almost beat Israel when they obtained the Suez Canal, but then retreated). And of course, Israel has the fourth strongest military in the world, so really, the Arab nations can't do much. But you do have a point in saying that they are wasting their money spending on buying football players. But it still does not negate the idea of Malaysia boycotting US products.

2.Yes, there was a ceasefire for six months in Gaza. And yes, hamas did launch the rockets. But did raychua actually wondered why the rockets were launched in the first place? Because the ceasefire clearely mentioned that Hamas would stop firing missiles into Israeli territory while Israel would aid in the supply of medication and food into Gaza. Israel did not honour their part of the bargain, and Gazans suffer from hunger. It is not surprising why Hamas did what it did. In fact, it is a wonder that Hamas did not launch their rockets earlier. have we failed to justify, pray tell? Malaysia has always voiced for justice, regardless of. We're the first country to moot the idea of isolating the bloody apartheid nation, South Africa. We also voiced out when Lebanon was attacked in '06(remember when Israel attacked Qana, the place where Jesus performed his first miracle?) We're doing the same regarding Gaza.

4.Mindanao...what a funny analogy by mr raychua. Mindanao happened because of the Philippine Government efforts to disenfranchise the Muslims of the south through the mass migration policy of Catholics from the north to the southern islands. I'm not justifying the disgusting actions of the terrorists, but raychua's vilification of the terrorist (or Muslim, whatever) without understanding why they fight is both shallow and stupid.

Yeah, maybe the economy of the US will go down soon. But raychua still fails to answer why the boycott should not happen. The way I see it, it is a symbolic effort to show our protest for what the US atrocities. Why is the US rich? Because the entire world is using its stuff. If this boycott goes through, even for a bit, it might impact them. It should impact them if we all played our part.

Unless, raychua would prefer to consume the Palestinianbloodinacan (read: Cola) By iWitnessAuthor Profile Page on January 19, 2009 10:04 AM

#01) So We (Allah) made an agreement with you (Children of Israel): "You (Children of Israel) must not shed your own blood, nor drive one another out of your homes;" then you ratified this and were witnesses [for it]. (Quran: 2:84) by T. J. Irving:

#02) You (Allah) alone we do serve, and to You (Allah) alone we beseech for help. Guide us on the Right Path, the path of those upon whom You have bestowed favors; not of those upon whom wrath* is brought down, nor of those goneastray.(Quran: Chapter 1) note:* wrath of Allah is brought down on the Jews, See Quran 2:61,90; 3:111; 5:60, who not only rejected 'Isa (Jesus the Messiah), but also tried to kill him on the cross, 2:72; 3:53),

#03) âCeasefire? click After three weeks of war crimes, massacres and destruction Israel calls for a ceasefire? But after what and for how long? The Israeli economic blocka...

âThis is Israel click If the UN has no power over Israel they are being ignored completely then who has? With over 600 800 1000 people dead now, 2800 4500 injured, over...

âThis is 2009 click Another year and not much has changed really. Iraq, Afghanistan and Palestine are still occupied and people are dying across the world. I guess you ju...

âIsrael: License to commit genocide click With over 200 320 400 dead already and more than 400 1600 injured, the Israeli death machine continues its war crimes on the Gaza strip. Contrary to w... By tanpanamaAuthor Profile Page on January 19, 2009 10:21 AM

An email from a friend.

Palestin: Antara Ilusi Dan Realiti

December 29th, 2008 | by Abu Saif | 5,824 Views | [cid:[email protected]]

“Anta dah siap ke? Jom la ke kelas” , saya memanggil Munawwar untuk keluar bersama ke kelas. Sebaik sahaja kami mahu melangkah keluar, pandangan kami terlekat ke kaca televisyen. Pagi itu, Televisyen Israel (Yahudi) Channel 1 menyiarkan rancangan TV Pendidikan. Saya menonton suatu rancangan yang dirakam di sebuah nursery. Guru yang mengajar anak muridnya menyanyi dengan diiringi sebuah piano, menyanyikan lagu berikut:

“Makanan paling sedap daging orang Arab, minuman paling sedap darah orang Islam”

Ya, itulah yang saya baca pada subtitle rancangan tersebut. Kanakkanak semuda 3 dan 4 tahun, diajar menyanyikan lagu tersebut dengan penuh keceriaan dan kegembiraan. Demi Allah, suara cikgu dan kanakkanak itu masih segar di dalam ingatan saya, dan jika saya pandai melukis, saya masih mampu melakarkan di mana cikgu dan piano itu berada, dan bagaimana kanakkanak itu mendendangkan “nasyid” mereka. Walaupun sudah tepat 10 tahun peristiwa itu berlaku (1996). Sesungguhnya gambargambar di ATAS adalah ’surat cinta’ kanakkanak Yahudi yang menjalani proses pembelajaran yang sama. Mereka melakar ‘mesej cinta’ itu pada peluru dan bom yang bakal dihantar kepada penpal mereka di seberang sempadan. Dari balik tembok, anakanak Yahudi ini mengucapkan “salam” kepada rakan Palestin dan Lebanon mereka, moga dipanjangkan usia, bukan di dunia, tapi di alam kematian yang hitam. Para ulama yang menyokong tindakan suicide bomber kebanyakannya membezakan di antara situasi Palestin dengan situasi bukan Palestin. Adalah tidak harus sama sekali pendekatan suicide bombing dilakukan di kawasan awam seperti di kota New York, London atau Istanbul. Tetapi Palestin berbeza. Ia adalah medan perang dan di tengahtengah medan perang tidak ada orang awam. Sama ada kamu sebahagian tentera Islam, atau tentera musuh. Maka jika Yahudi di Palestin tidak mahu diri mereka, kaum perempuan mereka, atau anakanak mereka terbunuh, mereka mesti keluar dari medan perang. Bagi umat Islam di Palestin, sama ada mereka mati diletupkan dari jauh, atau lebih baik mereka mati meletupkan diri untuk meletupkan musuh. Itu sifirnya. Mungkin kita setuju atau mungkin tidak. Tetapi kita sukar untuk berkata banyak kerana mereka di Palestin itulah sebenarnya yang menderita dan tahu pahit getirnya hidup di medan tempur. Mungkin sukar untuk dibayangkan hakikat kanakkanak Yahudi sebagai sebahagian tentera mereka. Tetapi saya tidak lupa kepada program televisyen yang saya tonton, bahawa setiap anak Yahudi memang dididik seawal usia buaian untuk membesar menjadi Yahudi sejati. Sama ada kamu mahu menjadi doktor, jurutera, arkitek atau ‘Ustaz Rabai’, kamu adalah tentera Yahudi yang w aji b mempertahankan bumi ‘Israel’ dari anjing Arab dan Islam! Itulah semangat yang disuntik ke jiwa setiap Yahudi di bumi Palestin.

Anak kita bagaimana? Menjawab soalan ini, saya teringat kepada apa yang telah diungkapkan oleh Abu alHasan Ali alNadawi di dalam bukunya Ila alIslam Min Jadeed (Kembali Semula Kepada Islam). Di bawah tajuk “Antara Ilusi dan Realiti” (Bayna alSoorah wa alHaqiqah) , alNadwi telah memberikan suatu analogi yang sangat baik untuk difikirkan bersama. AlNadwi membayangkan bagaimana seorang pemimpin hebat yang telah mati, dikenang oleh pengikutnya dengan membina sebuah patung yang besar dan amat menyerupai rupa pemimpin itu semasa hayatnya. Tetapi pada suatu hari, seekor burung datang bertenggek di atas hidung “pemimpin”tersebut dan melepaskan n aji snya. Patung yang besar dan gagah itu tidak mampu berbuat apaapa terhadap burung yang kecil itu, walaupun di kaki patung itu terpahat nama seorang pemimpin yang semasa hidupnya digeruni kawan dan lawan. Mengapakah keadaan itu boleh berlaku? Mengapakah pemimpin yang hebat itu terhina hanya oleh perilaku seekor burung yang kecil? AlNadawi mengulas analogi ini dengan mengemukakan konsep ilusi versus realiti.

Patung itu walaupun besar, gagah dan hebat, malah mewakili peribadi seorang pemimpin yang agung semasa hidupnya, adalah hanya “seorang patung”. Ia hanya sebuah gambaran. Sebuah ilusi. Manakala burung tersebut, walaupun kecil dari segi saiznya, ia adalah burung yang hidup. Burung itu walaupun kecil, namun ia adalah realiti.

Sunnatullah telah menetapkan bahawa realiti sentiasa mengalahkan ilusi. Beginilah perihalnya kita ketika berhadapan dengan musuh. Jika kita membaca alQuran dan meneliti ayatayat tentang Nasrani, kita akan dapati bahawa orangorang Kristian hari ini amat menepati watak mereka seperti yang digambarkan oleh alQuran. Aqidah mereka yang mengelirukan, paderi mereka yang kuat makan duit, kebencian mereka terhadap orangorang yang beriman dan sebagainya, semua keterangan teori alQuran itu menepati realiti kaum Nasrani hari ini. Maka orangorang Kristian hari ini adalah orang Kristian sejati. Mereka adalah realiti. Pertembungan kita terhadap mereka adalah pertembungan kita dengan sebuah realiti. Jika kita membuka lembaran alQuran dan mengk aji tentang Yahudi, maka kita akan dapati bahawa keterangan alQuran tentang karakter Yahudi amat selaras. Kelakuan penakut mereka yang hanya membolehkan mereka menyerang di sebalik tembok, sifat takabbur, dendam kesumat terhadap orangorang yang beriman, semuanya menepati realiti. Maka orangorang Yahudi hari ini adalah orang Yahudi sejati. Pertembungan kita dengan Yahudi adalah pertembungan kita dengan sebuah realiti.

Namun, jika kita amati keterangan alQuran tentang ciriciri orang Islam dan Mukmin, apakah hasil pengamatan kita itu? AlQuran menjelaskan bahawa orangorang Mukmin itu bersaudara. AlQuran juga menjelaskan bahawa orang Mukmin itu saling menjadi pembantu kepada Mukmin yang lain. Orang Mukmin bersatu padu berpegang dengan tali Allah, mereka tidak berpecah belah ketika mendirikan agama, mereka pengasih sesama mereka dan keras terhadap Kuffar dan pelbagai lagi senarai ciri Mukmin yang diterangkan oleh alQuran. Namun, perhatikanlah realiti umat Islam hari ini. Berapakah jarak di antara diri idaman mereka seperti yang digambarkan alQuran, dengan diri sebenar mereka di dalam realiti kehidupan? Berat untuk lidah kita mengungkapkannya, namun alNadawi turut sampai kepada kesimpulan yang sama. Umat Islam hari ini tidak seperti umat Islam yang digambarkan alQuran. Kita ramai tetapi kita hanya sebuah ilusi, dan ilusi sentiasa dikalahkan oleh realiti!

Muslim ilusi berdepan dengan Kristian realiti. Muslim ilusi berdepan dengan Yahudi realiti. Realiti sentiasa mengalahkan ilusi.

Ramainya kita hanyalah sebuah ilusi. Hakikatnya kita sedikit, dan jumlah itu semakin sedikit apabila saudarasaudara kita berbondongbondong murtad meninggalkan kita. Kayanya kita hanyalah sebuah ilusi. Hakikatnya kita miskin. Kita miskin jiwa, miskin daya juang dan kemiskinan itu semakin miskin apabila saudarasaudara kita tidak mampu mengawal jual beli harta mereka sendiri yang selama ini mengkayakan musuh. Cerdiknya kita hanyalah sebuah ilusi. Hakikatnya kita bodoh. Kita masih dibelenggu oleh persoalanpersoalan yang bodoh dan tidak langsung menghasilkan sebarang hasil. Kebodohan kita menjadi semakin bodoh apabila kita tenggelam dalam tajuktajuk debat sesama kita yang langsung tidak menggambarkan yang kita sedang berada di medan perang. Bersatunya kita hanyalah sebuah ilusi. Hakikatnya kita berpecah. Hatihati kita terlalu mudah untuk diungkaikan ikatannya hanya disebabkan oleh kuatnya dendam kesumat kita terhadap sesiapa sahaja yang tidak mengiyakan apa yang YA di sisi kita, dan menidakkan apa yang TIDAK di sisi kita. Penyakit hati kita sangat menjijikkan. Kita cekap mencari kele maha n orang lain, dan kita begitu berselera menjadikannya sebagai hidang ‘kari daging busuk’ santapan harian. Ya, jika alQuran yang menjadi pengukurnya, maka Yahudi di Palestin itu adalah realiti. Nasrani di Rumah Putih itu adalah realiti. Namun umat Islam yang mengelilingi Rumah Hitam di Masjidil Haram itu hanyalah ilusi. Dan ilusi akan terus dikalahkan oleh realiti. Selagi kita tidak berusaha untuk membentuk diri menjadi Mukmin sejati, selagi itulah kita tidak akan diizinkan oleh Allah untuk melihat pembebasan Palestin dan Masjidil Aqsa. Bukankah Allah telah menjelaskan di dalam alQuran:

[cid:[email protected]] “Jika kamu berbuat kebaikan, (maka faedah) kebaikan yang kamu lakukan adalah untuk diri kamu; dan jika kamu berbuat kejahatan, maka (kesannya yang buruk) berbalik kepada diri kamu juga. Oleh itu, apabila sampai masa janji (membalas perbuatan derhaka kamu) kali kedua, (Kami datangkan musuhmusuh kamu) untuk memuramkan muka kamu (dengan penghinaan dan keganasannya); dan untuk memasuki masjid (BaitulMaqdis) sebagaimana mereka telah memasukinya pada kali yang pertama; dan untuk menghancurkan apa sahaja yang mereka telah kuasai, dengan sehancurhancurnya.” [AlIsraa' 17: 7]

Ya, janji Allah itu benar. Kesudahan isu Palestin adalah kemenangan yang akan berpihak kepada umat Islam. Namun kemenangan itu adalah kemenangan bersyarat. Allah mensyaratkan bahawa gerombolan kemenangan kita yang bakal masuk ke bumi Palestin mestilah sebagaimana kumpulan umat Islam masuk buat pertama kalinya dulu. Renunglah ciriciri Rasulullah SAW dan sahabat. Renunglah ciriciri Umar dan tenteranya semasa masuk ke bumi Palestin dan ingatlah, selagi kita tidak masuk dengan cara kemasukan yang pertama, perjuangan kita hanya ilusi. Ilusi yang dengan mudah dapat dimusnahkan oleh sebuah realiti. Ajarlah anakanak kita siapa musuh mereka. Besarkanlah mereka agar menjadi mukmin sejati. Bersiap sedialah untuk menghantar anakanak kita ke masa depan mereka yang jauh lebih mencabar. Ramai ibu bapa yang sudah berjaya menukar fitrah kanakkanak itu sehingga mereka membesar sebagai Yahudi, Nasrani dan Majusi yang sejati. Sudahkah kita membesarkan anakanak kita menjadi Mukmin yang realiti?

Keluarlah dari ilusi, dan jadilah Mukmin sejati. Kamu sedang disembelih oleh sebuah realiti. By rajianiAuthor Profile Page on January 19, 2009 10:21 AM


Cadangan Tun untuk boikot barangan US tu memang la bagus. Pekerja di kilang Coca Cola di KL ni kebanyakan nye orang kita!!. Mana dia nak pie kalau akhirnya kilang tu nanti tutup? loselose situation la.

Tapi macam Starbuck tu boleh la kita boikot sebab dalam kempen jualan nya terangterang untuk bantu Israel( untuk support Israel 5 juta )

Teruskan menulis Tun. By Pak AliAuthor Profile Page on January 19, 2009 11:06 AM

Salam Tun, izinkan Tun respond saya kepada:

To MDZ5046:

Saya tak bersetuju dengan hujah saudara yg orang islam lebih menzalimi orang kafir kerana tidak berdakwah utk mengajak mereka memeluk islam. Dakwah utk penyebaran islam masih berlaku dan terus akan berlaku, seperti yg telah berlaku di merata dunia sejak wafatnya Rasullulah S.A.W. Tetapi saudara, ada golongan yg hati dan otaknya telah beku walaupun telah datang kepada mereka kebenaran yang nyata. Golongan ini telah dinyatakan di dalam AlQuran oleh Allah yakni jika Allah tidak mahu mereka melihat kebenaran dan berada di jalan yg benar, mereka tetap dalam kegelapan. lebihlebih lagi bangsa Yahudi yg angkuh dan sombong yg terasa kaum mereka "terpilih" oleh kerana banyak Rasul2 dan Nabi2 datang dari golongan mereka. Mereka juga adalah kaum yg membohongi Rasul2 mereka, memukul Rasul2 mereka,memusuhi Nabi Isa A.S. orang2 Yahudi dan Kristian telah melakukan pembohongan kepada penganut mereka tentang kedatangan Rasul terakhir dari golongan Arab yang akan membawa agama yg sempurna untuk seluruh umat manusia iaitu ugama Islam. Dari titik itulah orang2 Yahudi terasa terhina kerana Rasul ini bukan dari kalangan mereka kononnya umat terpilih! Mereka memusuhi orang2 Arab semenjak itu.

To dewadonny:

Tak payah membuang masa mengajak ketua negara2 Arab bersatu padu menghantar askar mereka menentang Israel sebab mereka tengah khayal di dalm khemah2 mereka setelah menghisap hasyih dan dikelilingi oleh harem2 mereka menari gelek.

Mereka ini saperti King Saud dan yg lain naik takhta dengan sokongan US, tentera mereka dilengkapi oleh US, mereka tak akan mengambil risiko utk hilang segala itu dgn melawan Israel anak angkat US!

Nak tau kenapa Rasullulah S.A.W menangis semasa nak wafat? Saya rasa kerana baginda dapat melihat dgn izin Allah macamana umat islam berpecah belah selepas kewafatannya dan menjadi lemah akibat godaan dunia. Tak payah pergi jauh, lihatlah betapa orang2 melayu menjadi ketagih menonton siaran AF1,2,3,4 dan ulangan2 nya, American idol, HMI dan banyak lagi di tv, Astro, banyak yg tak tau isuisu yg lagi serius seperti umat islam ditindas di Gaza, West Bank, Checnya, isu perang Iraq dan Afghanistan. Tetapi kalau tanya siapa paula Abdul? Tahu panel American Idol. Macamana?

Jadi saudara, hujah saudara kurang tepat! Mereka tidak akan memeluk Islam walaupun besok akan Kiamat sperti yang telah disebut dalam AlQuran. Tak payahlah nak membuang masa terhadap mereka ini.

To Solcroft: you my friend either a teenager or immatured adult! Dont you know when somebody is talking in jest? Please read the whole context before jumping to a conclusion on a sentence.

Of course he knows MAF is no match for the IDF or US, at 100,000 active personnel, a regiment of PT91M of 48 tanks, no more than 8 missile equiped corvettes and frigates, 18SU30MKM,16MIG29, 8 F18D Hornet without attacking codes(held by US Congress worried that we will attack their proxy Thailand and Singapore) and yet to be delivered Scorpene submarines and one training Augosta exFrance submarine, haw are we gonna last more than two weeks in a war with them? Even some of our equipments were bought from the US!

This is what happen when we have an incompetent government who takes the issue of self defense and procurements of defense hardware lightly and takes years to make a decision on procurements, and have no balls to stand up to those opposition idiots! All for the more needy projects for rakyat my foot, the money goes to Labu Airport and other cronies through various projects i am sure!

My friend, please next time take your antiMahathir ill conceived comments somewhere else, it will be well received at a place like Malaysia Kini.Com etc.

To i love jews:

You maybe one of those people mentioned in the AlQuran that will never open your eyes and your heart to the truth because when God gives you eyes you refuse to see, give you ears you refuse to listen, give you heart but it is black, and gives you brain you refuse to think! You only see and accept what you want like the people that you love the Jews.

We Muslim dont hate Jews per say, we hate their bad deeds to ther people because of their selfish reasons, unfortunately most of the victims of their wars are Muslims either directly by them or their proxy the US in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria and soon Iran. The whole financial collapse that trigured the current recession is caused by them in the US, Europe and the rest of the world! Do you know who is Maddoff? he is a JEW, what did he get for his US50billion scam? House arrest my friend by the US court!

I dont hate Jewish people per say, they were my neighbor when i lived in Florida, i ate jewish Kosher food when halal food was hard to find in the supermarket, my professor Ian Jochim was a jew and took me and my friends for free dinner at Pizza Hut to celebrate his birthday, i attended Thanksgiving and ate Turkey prepared by Jewish people!

Dude, Islam is a religion of peace, we are prohibited to shed a drop of blood without strong reason. It is unfortunate that you choose to see the bad side of the coin due to the media blitz controlled by the very people you love, the Jews and the US. Since 9/11, the US controlled by the Jews went on constant potrayal of Islam as the religion the promotes terrorism, which is far from the truth. Have you aver wondered why not a single victim of 3000 over in the WTC is a JEW? There were Muslims, Christians,Buddhist,Hindus etc but no JEWS? What is the propability of that happens when the whole New York is full of JEWS? The answer i will let you do your own searching in order to find the truth that has been hidden by the media and US propaganda machines.

I am not going to ask you to convert to Islam, but i am asking you to open your eyes, your heart and use your brain to see the truth.

Tun, i hope you have the strength to go on fighting for justice, highlighting misdeeds by our politicians who think they can belittle the rakyat eventhough some may not agree with your views. In this life, some will like white and some will love black, but the worse kind stay in the gray area, i think you know who they are.

Wassallam. By RAAuthor Profile Page on January 19, 2009 11:14 AM

Yg Bhg Tun, Rakyat Malaysia umumnya telahpun menyambut seruan Tun untuk memboikot sebahagian dari produk (makanan dan sebagainya) yang dikeluarkan oleh Amerika dan sekutunya Yahudi dan Eropah. Walaupun tindakan ini mungkin tidak memberikan impak besar terhadap Israel dan sekutusekutunya, tetapi sekurangkurangnya rakyat Malaysia telah memberi isyarat kepada dunia bahawa kita rakyat Malaysia amat cintakan keamanan, amat bencikan pencerohan dan amalan peperangan dalam menyelesaikan sebarang konflik yang timbul diantara negaranegara di dunia. Rakyat Malaysia harus bersatu padu tidak mengira bangsa. agama dan fahaman politik yang dianuti bagi menentang sebarang tindakan kecurangan yang bertentangan dengan amalan demokrasi dan keadilan sejagat. Apa yang berlaku di bumi Palestin dilihat mungkin berpunca dari masalah perbedaan kepercayaan anutan agama dan masalah penaklukan Israel terhadap bumi Palestin (Israel mahu membesarkan wilayah kependudukannya di bumi Palestin). Konflik ini telah berlaku begitu lama semenjak 1948 lagi (lebih 60 tahun yang lalu)tanpa sebarang resolusi penyelesaian yang menjurus kepada pendamaian yang jitu. Dunia seolah tidak berbuat apaapa. Amat dikesalkan dunia arab yang berhampiran tidak bersatu padu membantu saudara islam sendiri. OIC juga dilihat tidak membantu mencari satu kaedah penyelesaian yang konkrit sehingga kini. Umat Islam seramai 1.3 bilion di dunia ini tidak dapat menandingi kekuatan Yahudi yang dikatakan penghuni dunia dalam lingkungan seramai kirakira 14 juta orang (jika tidak silap). Masyarakat dunia amnya tahu kekuatan Israel bergantung kuat kepada sokongan padu Amerika dan sekutunya Eropah. Dunia Arab yang majoritinya penganut Islam, OIC dan negaranegara Islam seluruhnya di dunia ini mestilah bergabung dalam satu organisasi yang kuat dan disegani (kuat dari segi ekonomi, perhubungan sosial, pegangan agama, intelektual, ketenteraan untuk mempertahankan maruah bangsa dan agama)oleh masyarakat dunia. Malaysia adalah diantara negara Islam yang dihormati dan disegani oleh sebahagian negara Islam boleh jadi peneraju utama kepada usaha untuk menyatupadukan selurah umat Islam di dunia. Negara Islam dianugerahkan oleh Allah SWT segala sumber kekayaan (hasil bumi dan sebagainya) yang melebihi dari negaranegara bukan Islam. Sumber kekayaan ini diantara elimen yang kuat bagi umat Islam menjana perpaduan dan kekuatan. Kita harus bangun ke arah itu. Sekian, salam bahagia untuk Tun dan rakan peminat Bloger Tun. By GraffTAnganAuthor Profile Page on January 19, 2009 11:14 AM


Cerita Israel & Palestin ni sebagaimana yg saya tahu adalah perkara yg susah nak kita selesaikan.Dan saya tidak heran dgn berita baru baru ini tentang bagaimana bumi Palestin di bedil,sedangkan setiap tahun ia dibedil & mengakibatkan kematian beramai2 org awam,kanak2 dan kaum ibu.Negara Arab semuanya tidak bersatu,negara islam yg tidak sehaluan dgn Amerika di panggil negara terrorist.Jadi bagi saya kuncinya hanyalah samada kita negara islam bersatu ataupun lakukan usaha sendiri sebagai manusia yg bertamadun Islam.Tuhanumi tidak akan mengubah nasib sesuatu kaum itu jikalau mereka tidak mengubah nasib mereka sendiri.taktala kita asyik bercakap tentang negara orang,negara sendiri pun tidak mempunyai resipi yang cukup kuat utk bersatu.Sedangkan bumi Palestin di bedil bertahun2,bagaimanakah satu hari nanti Malaysia pula di bedil?adakah kita mahu tunggu negara Islam membantu kita?adakah kita akan menunggu berpuluh tahun untuk melihat perjanjian itu & ini ditandatangani oleh pelbagai pihak untuk melihat negara kita bebas dari diserang?kerana nagara kita hanya boleh bercakap & bercakap.Tapi kita tidak pernah meletakkan diri kita semua dalam keadaan seperti mereka yg hidup dalam kesengsaraan.kerana kita semua sudah LUPA & LEKA.dari kecil,kita telah hidup senang,mewah & tidak pernah dididik dgn sifat memberi,tapi hanya menunggu & menerima.Dgn kerajaan kita sekarang yang sgt lemah dan tidak mampu utk menyelesaikan beribu masalah dalaman yg remeh mahupun yg kontroversi,bagaimanakah harapan kita kepada pemimpin sekarang dalam membuat keputusan untuk rakyat?inikan pula untuk negara negara islam yg lain..?Saya tidak mempunyai cara lain untuk menyelesaikan isu Palestin ini.Pada waktu ini pun,Terorrist anrabangasa yang selama ini mengebom Amerika,Bali & lain2 juga diam MEMBISU!tidak kah mereka teringin utk mengebom hancur bumi ISRAEL??daripada mereka mengebom negara lain yang tidak berfaedah?(bukan kah di ISRAEL semuanya halal utk di bunuh?) di saat inilah saya merindui TUN MAHATHIR sebagai PERDANA MENTERI.biarlah apa nak dikata tenteng TUN,jahat ke baik ke...kita hanya manusia...... salam By wajaperakAuthor Profile Page on January 19, 2009 11:43 AM

Assallammualaikum Che Det and fellow blogger.

Thank you Tun for making this medium accessible to me..

Dear Mr FMZam

Are you a muslim ? If you are please read Al Quran more carefully.What Tun was saying in Al Quran described as


Reads and you will understands. Or

It is possible that you don’t have the ability to comprehend ?...

To fellow muslim kindly read this story

Pak Nuwa seperti biasa akan singgah di restoran Pak Lahh di Putrajaya .Pada malam itu dia pun order makan seperti biasa.

“ Nasi goreng USA satu( Utk dirinya ) Bihun Hailam satu ( Utk Zahh istrinya ) Mee Bandung dua ( Utk anaknya –anaknya )..

Maaf ya Pak Nua..Semua order itu tiada lagi dan telah bertukar Bertukar? Terkejut juga Pak Nuwa..Tukar macammana ?

Yang ada sekarang Nasi Goreng PalestinBihun AghfanistanMee Kashmir( Kerana tak mau gaduh..) Ok lah..bagi lah saya semua yang tersebut di atas..

Apabila order sampai Pak Nuwa pun mulalah makan dengan tertibAlamak!! Kenapa pedas sangat nih!!Sampai mengalir air mata Pak NuwaMana Pak Lahh ? Aku nak komplen !! Dan air Iraq ni pula masin !!

Pak Lahh pun dtg tergesagesa dengan memakai chef apron ( Can you imagine him in this attire ? He..Hee )

Apasal Pak Lahh pedas sangat nih? Mengalir air mata ku ?...Itulah tujuannya Pak Nuwa..Supaya sesiapa sahaja yang makan Nasi Goreng Palestin, Bihun Aghfanistan dan Mee Kashmir di harap mengalir air mata merekaDan Air Iraq masin kerana bercampur dengan air mata yang membuatnya

Nape pulak tu? Tanya Pak NuwaMarilah kita sama sama mengenangi nasib mereka di Negara tersebut setiap kali kita makan..Pendek kata..

Palestin, Iraq, Aghfanistan and Kashmir ..We feels your pain..

Apakah moral cerita ini..??

SAMA – SAMALAH KITA MENANGIS!!...... By mgpunyaAuthor Profile Page on January 19, 2009 12:55 PM

YABhg Tun,









PUTERI BALING, KEDAH By fariz ghazaliAuthor Profile Page on January 19, 2009 1:12 PM nak boikot Coke pun takut?? hancus.. By iqbalAuthor Profile Page on January 19, 2009 1:55 PM


Diriwayatkan dari Aisyah rdha. katanya Rasullallah saw bersabda: wahai manusia, sesunggunya Allah telah berfirman kpd kamu, suruhlah manusia berbuat baik dan laranglah mereka daripada melakukan kemungkaran, sebelum tiba masanya kamu berdoa kepadaku tetapi aku tidak akan perkenan doa kamu. kamu meminta dariku tetapi aku tidak akan memberikan padamu, kemudian kamu mememohon bantuanku terhadap musuhmu tetapiaku tidak akan membantu kamu....

hadith riwayat ibn hibban dan ibn majah

Pada waktu ini majoriti masyarakat islam menunjukkan pendirian protes terhadap peristiwa yang berlaku diGaza,

Doa selamat, solat hajat dilakukan serata dunia.

Sesungguhnya Allah swt maha mendengar doa orang2 islam dan Allah maha mengasihani pada nasib palestin,bahkan Allah swt juga maha berkuasa menghapuskan bani israel dgn sekelip mata pada ketika ini juga..

Percayalah bahawa setiap Doa orang islam beriman tak akan sia sia..

Berdasarkan hadith dia atas, saya kira kita mesti lihat pada diri umat islam itu sendiri.keadaan dan situasi umat islam sekarang..juga memainkan peranan besar atas kejayaan atau kegagalan sesebuah perjuangan dalam islam...

Adakah orang islam itu sendiri menyumbang faktor kegagalan uamt islam dan sbeliknya kejayaan pada orang kafir

Harap Tun che Det dapat komen untuk perkara diatas

"Umat islam akhir zaman ramai tetapi sperti buih dipesisiran pantai..” By devastatorAuthor Profile Page on January 19, 2009 2:12 PM

"By priss01 on January 15, 2009 7:19 PM Thanks GOD you are retired. You really think MAF are a match for Israel. In your old age you appear to be losing you mind Why just stop at Coke, why not expand to all US products. Why not just sponsor your supporters to and attack Israel and the US."

Oiitt Priss01 ape ke bangang ko ni...itu hanya metafora saja la..... baca ngan otak bukan takat baca je la By iWitnessAuthor Profile Page on January 19, 2009 3:19 PM

#01) So We (Allah) made an agreement with you (Children of Israel): "You (Children of Israel) must not shed your own blood, nor drive one another out of your homes;" then you ratified this and were witnesses [for it]. (Quran: 2:84) by T. J. Irving:

#02) You (Allah) alone we do serve, and to You (Allah) alone we beseech for help. Guide us on the Right Path, the path of those upon whom You have bestowed favors; not of those upon whom wrath* is brought down, nor of those goneastray.(Quran: Chapter 1) note:* wrath of Allah is brought down on the Jews, See Quran 2:61,90; 3:111; 5:60, who not only rejected 'Isa (Jesus the Messiah), but also tried to kill him on the cross, 2:72; 3:53),

#03) âCeasefire? click After three weeks of war crimes, massacres and destruction Israel calls for a ceasefire? But after what and for how long? The Israeli economic blocka...

âThis is Israel click If the UN has no power over Israel they are being ignored completely then who has? With over 600 800 1000 people dead now, 2800 4500 injured, over...

âThis is 2009 click Another year and not much has changed really. Iraq, Afghanistan and Palestine are still occupied and people are dying across the world. I guess you ju...

âIsrael: License to commit genocide click With over 200 320 400 dead already and more than 400 1600 injured, the Israeli death machine continues its war crimes on the Gaza strip. Contrary to w... By bayuAuthor Profile Page on January 19, 2009 3:57 PM akum Y.B Tun. Ada lagi satu species buatan AMERIKA yang disimpan di SUNGAI BULUH tapi la ni dah keluar menjaja..ANWAR IBRAHIM MADE IN AMERIKA tulin..tak leh copyright...Jadi coke kita boikot..ANWAR pun kita boikot..tul tak..Bila nak mai Langkawi TUN.. By asamdidaratAuthor Profile Page on January 19, 2009 4:13 PM bush is nothing but a monkey ass baboon headed pig. he eats palestinians flesh as hamburgers with his best friend olmert. it's disgusting. and i'm not hoping for a miracle from obama either in the case of palestine. what's the use of the UN if this war keeps on going? the US bitched about Sudan and ordered for AlBashir to be put on trial. they would search under a rock for osama but these jewish pigs are making all their cruelty so obvious. so tell me why is the us not doing anything? sibuksibuk jajah iraq, sibuksibuk bising pasal ethnic cleansing in darfur. then what do they call the mass murder of plaestinians then? a way of defending one's nation from Hamas? it's sickening. it's not a way of defending one's country. it's a genocide. it's ethnic cleansing. it's everything that is inhumane in the law of the UN. and i wonder if there's any humanity left in this world.

Tun, I saw a video on Palestine called Occupation 101. It frightened me, angered me and brought me to tears. There was this part where a little girl spoke her heart out, her voice resembled that of an old woman, torn and furious. She tugged at her clothes and her other clothes in her wardrobe and said 'Look at my clothes, they smell of gas! Everything smells of gas! I can't even wear the bracelets my father bought for me. And these sunglasses that my father bought for me, I have nowhere to go to wear them!' and this girl is not even ten yet she speaks with such mature hatred and fury. I've heard of palestinians who say that they don't bother about death anymore, they'd give up their whole lives to fight the israelis and turn into Hamas. children in palestine are already mentally disturbed. some refuse to be away from their parents because they're afraid of losing them. if schools are bombed, UN schools at that, then how are these children supposed to get education? the only thing these kids could do as they say is 'we can only play'. i wish adolf hitler was brought back from the dead so i could ship him off to palestine and let him slaughter all the jews. where's a nasty jewishhating german dictator when you need one!? By DrPerfectAuthor Profile Page on January 19, 2009 4:21 PM

It's strange to see most of the people here asking someone to stop commenting because they can't be enthusiast about critics, apparently our education system was a failure throughout all these years. By wajaperakAuthor Profile Page on January 19, 2009 4:44 PM

Assallammualaikum Che Det and fellow blogger.

Thank you Tun for making this medium accessible to me..

Dear Mr FMZam

Are you a muslim ? If you are please read Al Quran more carefully.What Tun was saying in Al Quran described as


Reads and you will understands. Or

It is possible that you don’t have the ability to comprehend ?...

To fellow muslim kindly read this story

Pak Nuwa seperti biasa akan singgah di restoran Pak Lahh di Putrajaya .Pada malam itu dia pun order makan seperti biasa.

“ Nasi goreng USA satu( Utk dirinya ) Bihun Hailam satu ( Utk Zahh istrinya ) Mee Bandung dua ( Utk anaknya –anaknya )..

Maaf ya Pak Nua..Semua order itu tiada lagi dan telah bertukar Bertukar? Terkejut juga Pak Nuwa..Tukar macammana ?

Yang ada sekarang Nasi Goreng PalestinBihun AghfanistanMee Kashmir( Kerana tak mau gaduh..) Ok lah..bagi lah saya semua yang tersebut di atas..

Apabila order sampai Pak Nuwa pun mulalah makan dengan tertibAlamak!! Kenapa pedas sangat nih!!Sampai mengalir air mata Pak NuwaMana Pak Lahh ? Aku nak komplen !! Dan air Iraq ni pula masin !!

Pak Lahh pun dtg tergesagesa dengan memakai chef apron ( Can you imagine him in this attire ? He..Hee )

Apasal Pak Lahh pedas sangat nih? Mengalir air mata ku ?...Itulah tujuannya Pak Nuwa..Supaya sesiapa sahaja yang makan Nasi Goreng Palestin, Bihun Aghfanistan dan Mee Kashmir di harap mengalir air mata merekaDan Air Iraq masin kerana bercampur dengan air mata yang membuatnya

Nape pulak tu? Tanya Pak NuwaMarilah kita sama sama mengenangi nasib mereka di Negara tersebut setiap kali kita makan..Pendek kata..

Palestin, Iraq, Aghfanistan and Kashmir ..We feels your pain..

Apakah moral cerita ini..??


By arikAuthor Profile Page on January 19, 2009 5:33 PM nak boycott , jual minyak dipasaran malaysia pun ikut nilai matawang amerika, lagi mau boycott . kalau betul nak boycott tak payah pakai nilai matawang amerika lah kalau berurusan. amerika minyak 40 dollar kita beratus ratus ringgit ., hehehe.....kelakar. TOlong jangan buat sesuatu benda yang kelakar lah . ye lah orang di malaysia kalau benda itu menguntung kan , mereka ambil lah . kalau tak menguntung kan , mereka buat bodoh je. Rakyat kesian sebab kerajaan nak setanding dengan amerika ...hehehe...tapi dalam urusniaga jelah lebih elok kerajaan mempunyai produk sendiri untuk negara sendiri , tapi malang produk malaysia sendiri dijual dengan harga yang tinggi untuk rakyat sendiri. kelakar, tapi bila orang tak support dia kata kita tak cintakan buatan malaysia . orang bukan tak suka barang malaysia tapi harga yang dijual tu . mahal , macam barang quality sangat. sorry tok det saja nak memeriahkan majlis . By kokdin1Author Profile Page on January 19, 2009 6:07 PM

>>>>>>>>>>>>Dear Tun, 1. Interesting to note that US is a big colony of Israel! 2. Without American help Israel was doomed in 1967 war. 3. Now the Americans are the puppets of Israel! How did they do it? Remarkable..... 4. The Israelis should be tried for murder in the criminal court of justice in the Hague..... warmest regards DK >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> By DelimaMasamManisAuthor Profile Page on January 19, 2009 6:08 PM

Assalamualaikum wbt,

Apa khabar Tun..?? Semoga yang berhormat sihat sentiasa hendaknya.. Semoga segala usaha diberkati Allah swt,

Cina mempunyai barangan yang banyak tetapi kurang berkualiti. Jepun mempunyai barangan berkualiti tinggi tetapi barangan kurang

Kalau kedua2 negara itu mengatasi kekurangan mereka maka mereka adalah gergasi dalam ekonomi dunia.

Negara islam yang membangun kalau dibangunkan maka ia akan menjadi peluang pekerjaan dan pendapatan kepada negara.

Perniagaan antara negara2 islam boleh mengeratkan persaudaraan & mengguatkan umat.

Sekian, Terima kasih, By wlAuthor Profile Page on January 20, 2009 12:27 AM

Tun, Many commentators had been disappointed with Tun's aggressive stance calling the govt to fight back.I was quite alarmed at first.Our present Govt. under Datuk Abdullah Badawi would of course make a calculated risk even if they want to send a peacekeeping force to the Gaza ,what more if it's to send our army boys.I didn't think Tun meant it when u made the suggestion especially on the Net. Right now the World would have to give incoming President Barack Obama a lot of support so that he can pull through his economic stimulus package to kickstart his stalled economy.U can see he has to focus his attention on so many fronts economic,political,military & social.So help him God!He has to attend to the N.Korean threat over the nukes.The North is threatening US & S.Korea.Besides this he has the evertroubling MidEast conflict at Gaza.It has become very explosive lately.It is really a hotbed.So we should thank God that we were not born there!! Salam RT By selokpekasamAuthor Profile Page on January 20, 2009 12:50 AM

Zaman Salahudin Ayubi vs Richard The Lion Heart.Tentera Islam menang walaupun jumlah tentera Islam tidak ramai. Tetapi perlu faham masingmasing mempunyai senjata yang sama tajam.Samasama berkuda. Tidak hairanlah kemenangan demi kemenangan menyebelahi pihak Salahudin. Kerana semangat,jihad dan doa meminta pertolongan dari Allah swt. Berbeza dengan PalestineGaza masakini. Apa yang mereka ada? Hanya semangat.Tiptop. Cukupkah dengan roket yang tak seberapa dan batu kerikil? Menangkah rakyat palestine setelah setengah dari ribuan kematian terdiri daripada kanakkanak? Bilakah kita akan menang? Tunggu hampir kiamat? Kalau perang yang kita pilih biarlah ada cukup kelengkapan. Buat masa ini kita perlukan keamanan dahulu. By chewchewAuthor Profile Page on January 20, 2009 3:21 AM




Response to HBT,

Apa yg orang katakan adalah "sikap manusia", terutamanya tokoh politik yg suka memprovokasikan emosi rakyat yg tidak membawa apaapa manfaat ... negara arab mengecam tindakan israel dengan cara mengamuk ... sidang kecemasan diadakan pada hari isnin yg lalu ... ingat bincang pasal tindakan drastik untuk menangani isu Gaza .. namun bukan seperti yg dialualukan ... tetapi perbincangan adalah mengenai harga minyak yg jatuh dari USD140 kepada USD40 ...

Apa yg dikatakan di sini adalah "memimpin melalui teladan", tokoh politik boleh menyeru orang ramai membuat sesuatu, namun pemimpin perlu juga berbuat benda yg serupa ... bukannya apabila berkaitan dengan kepentingan diri sendiri, buat bodoh sahaja sekiranya 1 juta rakya memboikot cocacola, namun SATU ORANG ANAK sendiri terus menjual barangan German ... ini membawa maksud kepentingan SEORANG ANAK LEBIH daripada kepentingan 1juta RAKYAT ...

tindakan membodek tidak salah dari segi undangundang, namun janganlah terusterang sangat ... tak baik oh ... By HBTAuthor Profile Page on January 20, 2009 8:53 AM



//By DrPerfect on January 19, 2009 4:21 PM

It's strange to see most of the people here asking someone to stop commenting because they can't be enthusiast about critics, apparently our education system was a failure throughout all these years.//

DrPerfect(or DrBodoh?),

It's bodoh lah that you still do not undestand the "raw freedom of speech" in weblog, we can talk big or critic any comentors we like, we are the raw type means not paid lah, the skilled type is the paid lah, so we can tunjuk perasaan because we don't have to bodek our bosses.

Example, last night, berita RTM 1 (the skilled type who their boss is Pak Lah) shown the pix of Dr M nampak marah on the issue of LCCT Labu, that's the skilled type. RTM 1 can shown Dr M pix in a more relax angle rather then to put the pix showing Dr M is some kind of dictator, zalim to fool the rakyat...... we already know how to differetiate the spinned and the not spinned TV news broadcast, jangan main2 dengan rakyat!!!

Our education system is not a failure all these years, it is the macha teachers (not all, but at least about 80% of male) are those who contribute to this failure. Are you this macha?

When my children came home and tell me that the private tuition (the parttimers lah) that the teachers said gomen tarak bagus, 1st thing, I will ask, is he a macha? The answer is always "yes"!!!!

See, children do not lie!!!

Good day Tun.

By LAAuthor Profile Page on January 20, 2009 9:32 AM

Salam Tun,

I was a bit annoyed that the issue of the government's aid to Palestine was being played out by a Klang MP yesterday, saying that the government's policy isnt consistent in providing aid to all victims of war in Africa and Sri Lanka.

I agree that we should help any victims of disaster anywhere in the world where we can and when our budget permits.

But i think in Palestine it is not about international aid per say, it is about the blatant violation of international law by one country against another sovereign nation, it is about a repressive and cruel regime determined to wipe out a people and grab their lands and keep ignoring the UN resolutions. It is about a genocide which has been going on for the last 60 years.

Of course to a certain extent some of the descriptions here might apply to some countries conflicts like in Darfur and Sri Lanka but they are more internal conflicts within a few sovereign nations,which i think will be a little difficult for the government to interfear without a mandate by those countries or the UN. It doesnt mean that their suffering is less and we shouldnt aid them, it is just diplomatically becomes difficult without those mandates.

What i am a bit annoyed by the Klang MP is the insinuation that the government is only helping the Palestinian people because they are Muslim, and at the same breath is ignoring other conflicts. This is not true because the victims of Darfur conflict are also muslims like i am sure there are minority muslims in Sri Lanka.

What is your opinion on this Tun?

Salam By 72hazardAuthor Profile Page on January 20, 2009 9:33 AM

Assalamualaikum Tun,

To raychua81, Januari 19, 2009 8:19am please refer to Fikri, January 19, 2009 9:00am.

To Fikri you rules bro!!!


72HAZARD Seremban 200109 9:34am By mgpunyaAuthor Profile Page on January 20, 2009 9:52 AM

YABhg Tun,

If you can send an open letter to Mr. Obama, I too, would like to send something to Mr. George Bush...a song by the late John Lennon, a song entitled..Crippled Inside. Enjoy the wordings Mr Bush! God Bless your soul and rest in peace Mr. John Lennon. By JunoAuthor Profile Page on January 20, 2009 10:39 AM

Assalamualaikum Tun,

Again with your permission.

To Dain Bramage Jan 16 2009. (7:29PM)

Would Tun send Malaysian forces to fight against Israel if he is still in power? A boy who sat for his SPM last year wrote in this blog that he fully understood what Tun meant("Read Miau Jan 17. 2009. (9:58PM)")

Tun was just showing his anger on the zionist. This 18 year old is matured enough to assess what he read by using his brain. I supposed you also use your brain but sorry to note that your brain is damaged. (Your identity say so). Actually your brain is not damaged it's still in good working order, only you presume that it is useless. The advice is to think rationally and do not take all things at facevalue.

From your write you sound adequately educated and much older than 18 years old. The very first step is to change your identity. Please use some other appropriate name. Psychologically your present name may influence your thoughts and behavior. Next step is to think, think, think and think (use your brain) then only present your thoughts and views to others. (Very sorry if I am bit too harsh here, please bear in mind I am trying to teach you some facts of life)

Maaf Tun cuma nak beri nasihat sikit. Kadang kadang kalau pedih sikit akan lebeh kesan.

Moga Allah memberkati kita semua.

Juno. By gie7Author Profile Page on January 20, 2009 2:34 PM aslm tun n pembaca blog chedet...kalau boleh tun ulas pasal ni. percaya atau tidak, secara tidak sedar selama ini Malaysia telah mengiktiraf kewujudan negara Israel. Negara israel tidak pernah wujud. yang ada hanyalah penjajah israel. kumpulan yahudi yang bergelar israel ini datang ke tanah palestin dan merampas tanah palestin wp d benarkan pbb...d benarkan ke negara menceroboh negara tuk d jadikan negara baru.sedar atau tidak, surat khabar kita telah memadamkan nama palestin dan menggantikan dengan nama israel. amerika telah menjajah iraq tapi nama iraq masih kekal dan tidak bertukat kepada amerika syarikat.tapi berlainan dengan negara palestin yang bertukar kepada nama pihak yang menjajahnya iaitu penjajah israel. bukan negara israel!...lebih parah lagi buku teks sekolah rendah dan menengah juga ada nama penjajah israel sebagai sebuah negara.kenapa kita juga turut bertindak menukar nama palestin kepada nama penjajah tersebut.penjajah yahudi israel ini adalah satu2nya penjajah yang menjadikan negara yang mereka jajahi sebagai dengan nama mereka.tanah melayu d jajah selama ratusan tahun oleh portugis dan juga inggeri termasuk jepun..tetapi kita masih kekalkan nama tanah melayu sebelum kita menukar nama kepada Malaysia By Kassim Mohd HussainAuthor Profile Page on January 20, 2009 2:43 PM

It appears that the Israeli murderous government, backed by the U.S. and the evil British government have temporarily ceased butchering the people of GAZA enmasse. Their homes and basic infrastructure they got left have been pulverized. This allows the world to shift their attention to the inaugration of the newly "elected" U.S. President Barrack Obama. This has been meticulously timed!

Whilst the people of Gaza is busy counting their losses, big foreignowned financial institutions and corporations have already got their "financial aid" ready and the kind of development Gaza should have. This development is designed according to their "plan".

Gaza will be bombed and reduced to dust again if they continue to be a threat to Israel, unless they are prepared to have a perpetual peace for the sake of humanity, but not for the pleasure and benefit of Israel to dominate alone!

By ulatdaunAuthor Profile Page on January 20, 2009 3:50 PM

"By char koay teowAuthor Profile Page on January 16, 2009 5:44 PM



KAN SENANG? DO THE RIGHT THING.TAPI,BOLEH AR? KALAU MACAM TU APA LAGI TINGGAL DI MALAYSIA??" well, mr char koay teow, and so the rest of malaysian who have that "im smarter than the rest" mentality.Who think that boycotting will never make an impact, or blaming the government of having business alliance with the americans.

Are you being cynical or just shallow?

I dont think we should stop having business alliances or befriend the americans or isreal. We are against some of their unfair/cruel policy.

Thats the beauty of Malaysia's foreign policy. Sensible and understanding. if everyone have the mentality of waiting for other people to CHANGE, in order for you to change. then, there will be no changes.

I think you should try to understand Tun's writing in a deeper perspective. He has indirectly answered your comment in his first earlier bullets.

I personally,are never to bother boycotting any countries product before.But the war has to stop. It has taken so many innocent lives.Children, women and old people.

And has been using/buying many american products on a daily basis since the day i was born.

Of course, we cannot stop and almost possible to live without internet, or any product for that matter.

At least we all should try to find alternatives products at least for the time being,untill the peace treaty is signed/or war end.

Boycott smartly. Not stupidly. Our ignorant are indirect support towards the Israel and their allies.

The war, power hungry isreal and their allies will never stop at least until the end of the world.

But at least we all should TRY to make a difference. Making changes in our own way.

Theres no small amount of donation,a sen will make a ringgit.a ringgit will provide with a simple yet needful material to help the needy people of palestine.

If you make the change, other people will too. But it must start from you. Everything else, will fall into it places accordingly. By leotigerAuthor Profile Page on January 20, 2009 4:19 PM

I am saddened to see the hatred in the comments many taking their cue from the original post. I think poster "selva" had it correct a nice, intelligent, and sobering comment amid the drizzle. Let us not scream for blood or boycotts, or condemn an entire country or race of people the conflicts and issues in the Middle East are much more complex than that. It is only through compromise and understanding of BOTH sides that we will see any peaceful resolution. By JunoAuthor Profile Page on January 20, 2009 6:23 PM

Assalamualaikum Tun,

Izinkan saya :

To Pak Ali January 19, 2009. (11.06AM)

Thank you. You have done a wonderful job. Four stupid blokes (MDZ5046, dewadonny, solcroft and I love Jew) got it at one go. Congratulation some people really need some hammering in the head before they are able to see things clearly. If this kind direct hit still not able to convince them, never mind. They need to do more reading, research and think (use the brain that God had bestowed). We pray that, God willing they may find the truth. Still if they are not able to seek the truth then sorry to say that He had decided to hide it away from them. Biarkanlah mungkin kalbu mereka masih gelap dan belum lagi dapat ilham.

Thank you Tun.

By SoundheartAuthor Profile Page on January 20, 2009 8:26 PM

One just need to learn a bit about US politics. Do some research on AIPAC , ADLand their powerful lobby groups. Neocon is only the foot soldier who is their superior? For those who think Obama will come with change,The only change I can see is the color, The Paymaster remains.

p/s Starbuck = Bucks for the Star(of David):p By HBTAuthor Profile Page on January 20, 2009 10:03 PM



By pakpandir08 on January 20, 2009 8:51 AM

//Response to HBT, Apa yg orang katakan adalah "sikap manusia", terutamanya tokoh politik yg suka memprovokasikan emosi rakyat yg tidak membawa apaapa manfaat ...//

Ya lo, orang katakan sikap manusia, terutamanya, that macha waiting in line to be the next tokoh yang suka memprovokasikan emosi rakyat yang membawa bencana kepada Malaysia seolah2 macha itu berversi Donald Trump buatan Malaysia.

//negara arab mengecam tindakan israel dengan cara mengamuk ... sidang kecemasan diadakan pada hari isnin yg lalu ... ingat bincang pasal tindakan drastik untuk menangani isu Gaza .. namun bukan seperti yg dialualukan ... tetapi perbincangan adalah mengenai harga minyak yg jatuh dari USD140 kepada USD40 ...//

Ya ke??? I tak faham apakah yang ko nak katakan? I cuma lihat Israel mengecam Palestine dengan Bomb made in USA, harga minyak turun teruk, mengapa, macha, boleh terangkan sedikit lagi ke???

//Apa yg dikatakan di sini adalah "memimpin melalui teladan", tokoh politik boleh menyeru orang ramai membuat sesuatu, namun pemimpin perlu juga berbuat benda yg serupa ... bukannya apabila berkaitan dengan kepentingan diri sendiri, buat bodoh sahaja//

Ya, semua tokoh2 sekarang KECUALI Pak Lah & Gang (including your macha Tony) menyeru orang ramai membuat sesuatu yang baik, adil dan selamat untuk Malaysia, takan lah macha buat bodoh sahaja.

//sekiranya 1 juta rakya memboikot cocacola, namun SATU ORANG ANAK sendiri terus menjual barangan German ... ini membawa maksud kepentingan SEORANG ANAK LEBIH daripada kepentingan 1juta RAKYAT ...//

Sekiranya 1 juta rakyat memboikot cocacola, jadi F&N, Yeoh, A & W, Orang Kampung, Spritzer, ect... dapat 1 juta rakyat membeli minuman mereka, ini membawa maksud kepentingan dan keuntungan ramai taukeh2 syarikat ini, langsung tak ada kaitan kepentingan SEORANG ANAK yang jual kereta, gee... isu baru yang hang nak hard sell ke, kereta mewah vs minuman????

//tindakan membodek tidak salah dari segi undangundang, namun janganlah terusterang sangat ... tak baik oh ...//

Tak baik lah kalau bodekmembodek secara butatuli, hang jangan lah terang sangat menunjuk kebodohan hang yang mana "depan" atau "belakang" pun tak tahu membezakan, nak cakap pasal undang2 ini, aiyo yo.....

Good night Tun. By HajarAuthor Profile Page on January 21, 2009 12:41 AM

Dearest Yg Amat Berbahgia Tun,

1. It’s not easy to boycott something that one is addicted to.

2. For example, we can see that “pakpandir08, Alibabamahathir, I Love Jews, Faceoff, priss01, apit, solcrof ”& “those yg sewaktu dengannya” keep on visiting Tun’s blog even though they dislike Tun SO MUCH; of course they claim that they ONLY dislike Tun’s opinions. It seems that these people cannot live without Tun’s blog, and can never boycott Tun’s blog even though they always DISAGREE with Tun.

3. I agree with Tun on ways to show our displeasure towards the American government. It’s not possible to boycott everything produced/invented by the US since a lot of technologies originated from the US. For example, I don’t think I want to go to LA using a “TONGKANG” just because I want to boycott the technologies invented by the US. Only those with “BODOH SOMBONG” attitude would do such a thing.

Semoga segala usaha Tun berjaya dan sentiasa diberkati Allah SWT. By HBTAuthor Profile Page on January 21, 2009 10:04 AM

Izinkan Tun....

//By hardhitter on January 15, 2009 9:39 PM

Dr M,

There are 4 things you hate in life.

1 Singapore 2 Jews 3 Israel 4 USA

Those who cant see it are blinded by your devious teachings. Perhaps you should take a look at your blog and see how many articles that you posted are against any of the 4 mentioned.. Even the blind can simply pin point of those hated articles you have written..

Sometimes, I wonder if they owed you or your ancestors in their former lives..

Live and let live!!

Also in your earlier article I mentioned that you and the politicians perhaps should walk the talk and (a radical idea) is to stand in front of the MNCs like AMD, Intel, HP and shout for mass resignation.. That would be so great and effective.

I wonder why the same magnitude of hoo hah wasnt really given when Chenchens were killed, when Burmese were oppressed (to name a few of the many). Is that not what biased is?//

Hi Hardhitter (the extremist or terrorist????)

We, Malaysians, never hate these 4 countries, we are moderate and we believe in religion teachings, that's our "KEPERCAYAAN KEPADA TUHAN".

In the past, these 4 countries practice "HAVE GUN WILL TRAVEL". Gee, now they say, HAVE BOMB WILL TRAVEL!!!!

I am wondering can you sleep at night without lights on??? We know what we are doing, you don't have to be troubled with Singaporeans are always welcome to buy cheaper poroducts in Malaysia, IF your government do not santion them through high import tax, and we always believe it's better to have a friend rather than to create an enemy through Foreign Diplomacy, the raw type means cheaper so that Malaysians and Singaporeans can enjoy low cost products in Tanah Melayu, after all, we were brothers and sisters before Lee Kuan Yew took over. Happy New Year.

Rgds, redtanglung gal

By HBTAuthor Profile Page on January 21, 2009 10:36 AM



By ulatdaun on January 20, 2009 3:50 PM

//"By char koay teowAuthor Profile Page on January 16, 2009 5:44 PM




Hi ulatdaun,

Mr char koay teow tak akan faham apa yang anda tuliskan. Itu lah sebab dia ini pemasak char koay tew. Dia mana faham foreign diplomacy atau tanggunjawab kerajaan, kalau dia faham, dia tak akan hanya char koay tew aja.

Hi Koaytew suksuk (in cantonese means pak koay teow),

"Mou kam ta ko tou, mou tai kam ta ko mou" (cantonese) maksud, kalau kepala tidak cukup besar, janganlah pakai topi besar (Jangan Berlagak), hou yuk suen (tampak amat buruk)!!! Kung Hi Fatt Choy, suk suk (cantonese) means Gong Xi Fa Chai, su su (putunghua).

I suka nama dan tulisan ulat daun, ori dan tidak ditapis.

By wlAuthor Profile Page on January 21, 2009 11:03 AM

Tun, Macam baca pelajaran sejarah disini.Waktu sekarang sibok sikit sebab TBCTAHUN BARU CINA.Kpd semua bloggers Selamat Tahun Barumarilah kita semua merayakan tak kira bangsa & ugama.Kpd President Obama:Felicitation,nous sommes heureux.Le monde vous regarde. We watched the happy inauguration of Obama late last nite.Feel very happy & proud for him & all Americans.The world rejoice. RT By HidupMelayuAuthor Profile Page on January 21, 2009 5:05 PM

Salam Tun, berkenaan dengan 'boycott' ni,saya setuju dengan pendapat Tun.Kalau kita boycott barang2 US ni,dah tentu akan mempengaruhi rakyat kita.Produk US tapi yang bekerja di syarikat tersebut adalah orang kita juga.Saya juga tertarik dengan isu minyak,Petronas kita punya.Confirm ke kita punya??Baru2 ini saya pergi ke Petronas untuk mengisi minyak kereta saya.tak nak ke Shell sebab nak boycott konon nya tapi masa saya tengah tunggu minyak penuh,terpandang pula 'made in USA'...hahaha..kelakar juga..nak tahu dekat mana saya nampak???haaa...cuba la pergi dan cari 'made in usa' 2.. By sizzer33Author Profile Page on January 22, 2009 12:57 AM

Don't be stupid. This is the stupidest story ever written. Boycott US and Israel product, we'll all probably be working with pencil, using firewood to cook our foods, maybe even use manpowered vehicles like the flinstones..

There's no justification in killing people but is Israel targeting the innocent. I don't think so. If they want to they can do it like the Mumbai terrorist attack. ITs a war and war have casualties, women and children.

Don't just hate israel because you're muslim. I bet if the palestinians are Christians you won't be talking much. And besides, Israel is targeting HAMAS, the terrorist organisation which malaysia is supporting. Shame on you. By JunoAuthor Profile Page on January 22, 2009 11:48 AM

Assalamualaikum Tun,

With your permission again,

Kapada HidupMelayu Januari 21, 2009. 5:05PM

Terpandang "made in USA" kat stesen petronas tu pun kelakar ke? Yang kelakar ni kamu pasal mendedahkan kebodohan sendiri di blog ini. Harap faham cadangan Tun, marilah boycott ini kita sama2 laksanakan dari sekarang dan untuk masa hadapan, hinggalah pentadbiran Amerika berubah. Tak perlulah yang dah ada kita dibuang, yang dah telan kita luahkan balik, yang dah gunakan kita kita campak. Kan itu membazir. Allah murka pada orang yang membazir. Pelajaran, sistem tadbir, berbagai teknologi canggih yang kita belajar dari mereka haruslah di gunakan terus. Kita mesti bertindak dengan bijak. Janganlah jika kita sakit dan cuma ada ubat buatan Amerika kita jadi 'baral' tak nak makan ubat Amerika, pasal nak boycott.

Hukum ugama pun menghalalkan benda2 yang haram atas sebab2 yang tertentu. Allah pun mengampun dosa2 kita kalau kita bertaubat. Hukum Allh pun ada fleksibiliti inikan pulalah cadangan Tun. Harap jangan jadikan ia satu bahan kelakar. Kita bolih pilih samaada nak sokong atau tidak. Saelok2nya sama2 kita sokong dan niatkan untuk bantu saudara2 Islam di Palestin. Dapat juga sedikit pahala dosa kita dah lah banyak. Insaf dan bersyukurlah kerana kita tak diuji sedemikian olih Allah.

Sorry Tun for using those harsh words. Just to remind one another untuk berfikir sebelum bertindak.

Semoga Allah mengRahmati dan meLindungi kita semua.

Juno. By mgpunyaAuthor Profile Page on January 22, 2009 2:28 PM

YABhg Tun,

LET US BOMB THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA WITH ..LOVE AND...BOYCOTT THEIR PRODUCT OF....HATE!! ( DAMMM!! did that reporter miss his head..!! ) By morphAuthor Profile Page on January 22, 2009 4:01 PM for start i think malaysian should eat malaysian food more example mamak food,stalls food or make good cook homemade food.Stop eating fast food mcdonalds.kfc ETC.. We want to boycott from here and those malaysian who works in fast food chain from U.S.A better think that how far you go from there? I dont believe you made a career there. By fairuzstoneAuthor Profile Page on January 23, 2009 3:29 PM

Dear Tun

I just want to say to Sizzer33 that "You are writing without substance and full with inferiority complex, for case like you, nothing much can be done to help your hidependency" from Fairuz Bin Kamarulzaman By gnolaAuthor Profile Page on January 23, 2009 4:15 PM siapa lah kita nak boyykot barangan us, kalau dari kecik lagi kita di momok kan dengan barangan depa. dari sejak lahir lagi lagi kita guna barangan depa. ye lah seprti org lain cakap kita mungkin boleh boyykot, itu hak individu, tak ada paksaan. dlm islam pun kita di ajar tiada paksaan dalam islam. sesetengah org buat tak reti je bila kita suruh boyykot, tak tahu lah depa nie manusia jenis apa, ke buatbuat tak paham. memanglah susah sebab kita dari kecik lagi dah guna barang depa. akhir kata dari saya lu pikir lah sendiri...... asasalamuaikum By HananAuthor Profile Page on January 24, 2009 12:53 AM

Dr. Mahathir,

Very well established a logical basis leaning on an ex Reagan administration that is having microphones and cameras in the Bush administration, Mr. Paul Craig Roberts. You are always collecting the facts not from the first source just from the second hand washed cloth. Of course an anti Jew will look on anti Jew information. You may refer to Al Qaeda humanitarian organization for more information, they have plenty of it.

You are saying: "1. I would like to have the Malaysian Armed Forces attack the United States and Israel."

Oh, great hero. You had the chance to do it while you were the PM in service. Why didn't you tried out the strength of the Malaysian army and its skills? You had a good chance to become the Muslim hero committing Jihad on the apes and monkeys. To become the Salah ed Din of the modern times. How could you miss that opportunity to demolish both, America and Israel and leaving Iran to do it solely? Oh great rhetoric, do you know how a war looks like?

You care about the babies of Iraq, Palestinians, etc... How lucky we are you don't need to care about the Jewish children suffering daily rockets from Hamas who is a Muslim charity organization. Oh, their 8 years of rockets in a quantity of thousands were full of candies ammunition that was spreading sweets to the children of Sederot and the Negev.

Since Jews are controlling everyone by proxy, I'm not sure you, Dr. Mahathir are not controlled by them as well. You'll say that you are not controlled, but I can assure you that I'm controlling you. Can you deny it? Even Malaysia is manipulated by Jews, that's why they are not attacking the US and Israel. You should check very well among your government ministers and officials and find the Trojan horses there.

You hate Israel not because of the IsraeliPalestinian conflict, but you hate only because the hatred of Muslims against Jews, the apes and swine. Your hate is not political, but religious. You are just sinking into the modern era darkness.

You said once in one of your speeches that Muslims should use their brains to get rid of 13 Million Jews dominance among 1.3 billion Muslims. Are you a role model? Do you have the wisdom to do it? Do you have the power to do it? Do you know why your plan is not accomplished? It is because it is not true, not logical, unjustified, not because the Jew are controlling the world by proxy. History is stronger than any empire, leader or people. The Jews survived more complicated events then you are planning, so don't be hoping too much, we survive your approach as well.

Shalom from Hanan, a Jew, Israel. By moorishAuthor Profile Page on January 24, 2009 1:42 PM

Tun, a win win situation, perhaps we should have more pirate DVDs of the latest blockbuster movies, this way msian will be able to enjoy the latest movie and this will help our lagging economy. And the loser would be hollywood. Well at least we're tackling this the non violent way and we dun have to have sleepless night and blood on our hands. what say you? By smileyAuthor Profile Page on January 24, 2009 8:24 PM salam Tun.. at last i can leave a comment to you.. i'm 19 years old and my family adores you... just want you to know you are our hero.. May Allah bless you and your family.. By HBTAuthor Profile Page on January 24, 2009 11:37 PM


Please allow me to comment on this...

By Hanan on January 24, 2009 12:53 AM

Gee, Ms Hanan, you have forgoten that Dr Mahathir has many many chinese supporters who don't give a dam to US & Israel.

I do not know whether the crisis of Gaza can be solved or not. By the end of the day, US and world are wining, Israel and Palestine are the real loosers. You think the world will pity you, Hanan, they will only laugh and say, that's not my problem, people who were killed are Israeli and Palestine, not my people, who cares????

By JunoAuthor Profile Page on January 25, 2009 12:10 AM

Assalamualaikum Tun,

With your permission,

To Hanan a Jew in Israel. Jan 24, 2009. 12:53AM

Hooray ...... Now I understand how a Jew in Isreal behave, very different from a Jew elsewhere. Full of vengeance and hatred.

Thank you Tun. By HananAuthor Profile Page on January 25, 2009 3:36 AM

Dear bloggers, smily and HBT,

I think you are mistaken with me as defining me as full of vengeance and hatred.

I'm sorry to disappoint you since I have many Malaysian friends, among them Muslims.

It is not me who seeks revenge; it is Dr. Mahathir who wants to attack Israel using the MAF.

Let me ask you honestly, can it be that Dr. Mahathir and/or the Muslims are always right? They didn't anything wrong, even once?

When Israel is doing a mistake, it is admitting it openly and has apology among the people who were affected by that mistake.

Muslims, in counter, when they are mistaken, they always tend to blame others. When Muslims are killing Muslims (not apes and swine like Jews), they have no apology at all. Sunni are killing Shiite or vice versa and they blame America and Israel "which controls it by proxy".

I'm attaching two video clips (and please don't censor it) that is proving how Hamas is treating their own brothers Palestinians. The person who is explaining the clip is a Palestinian himself.

So what I think is that Dr. Mahathir and the Malaysian government should first look how the Palestinians can improve their own behavior among themselves before dealing how to attack Israel. I would suggest not jumping into a war that it is not certain how it will end. In a war there are solely losers, losers of peace.

I would like to see Dr. Mahathir living just 24 hours in Sederot when rockets are falling around in quantities of about 50 recently on a daily basis. I don't think neither Dr. Mahathir faced once in his life what means a war nor many Malaysians. I wish you peace and not war.

Let me ask you, and the reasons may be whatever they are, justified or not justified sending the MAF to attack Israel will solve the problem? Will it promote peace? Do you think that the MAF can do that job and enforce peace in the Middle East? If yes, then why isn't it executed?

I understand very well the anger and frustration of Dr. Mahathir as well as other Malaysians, but such declarations of such a respected person should be calculated very well. Anger is bringing more anger and this is the easy way of expression. Restraining anger is more difficult, more powerful and this what Israel was doing 8 years of rockets launching on Sederot and the Negev (thousands of them). Where was Dr. Mahathir when Jews had civilian casualties by Hamas? Oh yes, when Jews are killed it is well done and no person must complain. But when a Jews are self defending and Muslims are killed, this cannot be accepted and it is called a massacre.

Let me just cite a proverb that Golda Meir said once which is so true: "We can forgive the Arabs killing our children. We cannot forgive them for forcing us to kill their children. We will only have peace with the Arabs when they love their children more than they hate us (the Jews)".

Despite all (and I'm aware that many of Malay hate me), you still have my peaceful hand to shake, you just need to want. By asifadioAuthor Profile Page on January 25, 2009 12:53 PM salam, theres nothing we can do.. we are malay.. we love to see and focusing on the biggest image in our sight and totally ignore the other little image and movement in the back of that image.. while unfortunely our solution is not easy as we can see.. when we will realize? with our education system, erm about 30 years i thought.. so im gonna make my own path.. yeah i need help, just keep posting comment your comment and all of your grumbles.. so i can keep pushing myself to build my path harder and kept me thinking that im alone.. to jews, im really proud to be antisemitism.. lets put your mesonic culture to stop me through.. you can say its hard to destroy your agenda that you created since 1700 but it also hard for you to believe that agenda swallow very fast start from jan 2011.. no 'mesiah' gonna save you again..:) to TUN, im sorry for using your blog to write my optimistic and phathetic view and mind in term of typical malay words.. i don't have any own blog because i don't know how to make it.. haha yeah im just optimistic.. wanna take down jews while i can't even make my own blog hehehe just take care of your health, TUN and im just your legacy.. and guess what, im just turn 20 last month ;) oh satu lagi, PEJABAT FREEMANSON DI IPOH DAH KEMBALI BEROPERASI.. dan saya seronok melihat kereta mercedes dan camry parking di situ.. jangan makan kat McDonald tapi mari kita join freemanson.. haha kan melayu nak 'BOYCOTT'

By bplusAuthor Profile Page on January 26, 2009 4:50 PM


Dear brothers & sisters in Islam,

The Palestinian people truly need our sympathy and help. The recent invasion in Gaza by the Israel has made life more pressing and very difficult for our brothers, sisters and children in Palestine. Recently in the news, more than 1,300 innocent lives have been killed and more than 22,000 buildings like houses, schools, Masjids, hospital and government infrastructures were bombed and destroyed. There is no clean drinking water, the sick and the injured are left helpless as medical drugs are very scarce and limited, children have lost their parent(s), there are no jobs to earn for a living and food are very expensive and scarce too. The disheartening story will go on and on without any certainty of improving the lives of Palestinians in the future. It is estimated that there are 1.3 billion Muslims in the world. However, sad to say, majority are living below poverty line.

Muslim’s leaders and government from the Islamic countries have not done enough to fight back the aggression of the enemy of Islam. Respectful leaders in the ‘Muslim’ countries have their own socioeconomical issues to deal with politically. The Libyan‘s government had called the Arabians “coward”. Thus it is time we step forth with strong faith and hope to help bring peace to our own suffering Muslim brothers and sisters! All over the world there were demonstrations on the streets, condemning the Jewish state for their aggression and terror attack in Gaza. Some even called to boycott US products and others shouting for Jihad. In what way would such emotional aggression help our suffering brothers and sisters? I question, in what way would it feed them? Cure them? Educate them? We’re only embarrassing ourselves to condone to the political excuses between it all. We should not lean back on our couches, grumbling to ourselves. Misery and the suffering will continue while we wait for the next cycle of confrontation to flare up again. We will not watch them suffer any longer. We will not ignore and pretend we are not in position to do anything at all. We have to help them. Our own brothers and sisters! It is pointless to beat our chest and emotionally distress ourselves in frustrations. What we should do is to live up and put our mind, body and soul together in perfect harmony, spiritually, remembering our creator and the Almighty, GOD.

We talk of what we CAN do. What we CAN do is to perform our IBADAH to ALLAH. We will not condone to vengeance with our aggressors and enemies but we must improve ourselves and seek solace as a WHOLE complete Muslims by example to this World and hereafter. Let us reflect upon what we have done for our brothers and sisters in Islam? Return to the true teachings of Islam by referring to The HOLY QURAN, HADITHS and THE SUNNAH of our Great Prophet Muhammad S.A.W.

Let us ask ourselves: i) What have we done as Muslims, to serve our Islamic obligatory duty to the UMMAH as part of the 1.3 billion Muslims of the world? ii) As Muslims, why aren’t we doing something bold and selfdependent using our own resources to pull together saving the lives of Muslims and help contribute Peace in this world?

Let me call upon you, all brothers and sisters in Islam, to join hands and be united as one true UMMAH of our beloved Prophet Muhammad S.A.W. Together we can gather our resources in making life more meaning full and bring about Peace to this world in accordance to the teaching of ISLAM as being taught by our beloved Prophet Muhammad S.A.W.

To begin, firstly we have to STOP all activities which may be used by others to brand us, Muslims as indiscipline, loud, emotional and mere empty vessels.We have to refrain from verbalizing corrupted thoughts in our minds. Change our mindset and dedicate ourselves as ONE United World of Muslims. WE, who practice SINCERETY, GENEROSITY, LOYALTY, DISCIPLINE, COURTESY, SEEKING PEACE AND CONSTANTLY ACQUIRING KNOWLEDGE, producing filial children who grows up to be respectful working adults and sincerely kneeling down in IBADAH to ALLAH to seek HIS blessing. THAT’s the true teaching of ISLAM!

Let us assume 1% of the 1.3 billion Muslim of the world, 10 million Muslims, who are average earners could spend an average of $ 5 a day for their breakfast, lunch and dinner. By fasting every Monday and Thursday following the SUNNAH of our beloved Prophet Muhammad S.A.W., the true teachings of Islam, each person will be able to contribute at least a sum of $ 40 per month.


$ 5 X 2 days of fasting per week per person = $ 10 $ 10 X 4 weeks = $ 40 per person per month Assuming all the 10 million people, which is 1 % of the total Muslims population of the world, are willing to cooperate and fast, therefore we could make a donation of: $ 40 X 10,000,000 = $ 400 MILLION a month!

If 10 % of the entire population of Muslims join in, it will become $ 4 billion a month!

Now, isn’t that a substantial amount of money that could be used to help our fellow Muslims in the Palestine and other part of the World?

We may start the project by naming it:

“FASTINGS for Palestine’s PEACE”

Please note that in order to see this project succeed, we may register participating Muslims. After all, the fasting itself will spiritually promote good health, brotherhood & sisterhood among fellow Muslims, carrying out our religious obligatory of ‘SEDEKAH’ (giving out alms), following the ‘SUNNAH’ of our beloved Prophet Muhammad S.A.W., becoming good and caring Muslims of the Modern World, INSHA’ALLAH.

We must carry on the lifelong efforts thru fasting on every Monday and Thursday for the rest of our life in order to save other life around the world. Of course, in the Holy month of RAMADHAN, certainly more funds can be collected. A reliable collection centres preferably MASJIDS (Mosques) with volunteers are needed for each individual representative country of which will coordinate with the HQ agrees and appointed by all participating countries. In order to avoid inappropriate use of funds, all incoming and outgoing funds must be documented, signed and approved by the selected committees. All funds must be properly booked, professionally accounted and audited.

The least you could do as a Muslim is to help circulating and forward this email message around to fellow Muslims whom you know; all your networks, friends, associations, missionaries, Mosques, MADRASAHS, various Muslim organizations etc. Their positive and immediate response on the idea is very important and could help us on how we can get it started as soon as possible.

Wassalaam Mualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatu. By HouseWife™Author Profile Page on January 27, 2009 6:26 PM

Assalamualaikum Tun,

Tun, why is it some people just cannot read between the lines. Your statement is figuratively stated, a metaphorical statement, not literally meaning it.

Tun, you have done your job in extending your knowledge and your plight in sowing humanity and peace, so it is up to the individual to receive it with open minds and open hearts. Countless reports and articles and scripts and pictures and videos have been presented for the people to see and judge for themselves. Some can face the truth but some cannot accept the truth. Histories on the existence and the rights of Palestine has been distorted and purposely changed to blind their own people from knowing the truth.

Dealing with hardheaded people need great patience and clear conscience mind that will not be easily manipulated. To do something good will bound to get reprisals.

Take care Tun and May Allah Look Upon You Always.

By matt loboAuthor Profile Page on January 27, 2009 7:34 PM marilah kita boikot habis habisan...... By JB_FROMAuthor Profile Page on January 27, 2009 11:45 PM

To Hanan,

You says that Muslim hate Israel because of Religion not political?

I just have one question for you.

Why do the Jews hate the Nazi so much?

Is it because of religion? Is it obvious? You do not need to be a rocket scientist to figure this out.

The Nazi have been prosecuting the Jews for how long 5 10 years.

How long have it been for the Palestinian?

You dare says that we hate you because of Religion.

What do you expect from the Muslim when their land have been robed and thousand have been killed. Let by gone be by gone?

The Jews have been prosecuted by the Christian for hundred of years. Even Shakespeare wrote about it.

Our religion never ask us to kill you but it did mention about not trusting the Jews. From your comment, we know that you are manipulative and deceiving.

Why is there a cease fire in Gaza?. Isn't it obvious. The inauguration of Obama.

This proves beyond any doubt about Dr.M proxy theory.

A Malaysian Muslim. By fairozizniAuthor Profile Page on January 28, 2009 12:03 AM

Salam Tun M,

Apa yang kita semua cuba lakukan adalah satu perjuangan yang mulia di samping pegangan agama islam yang benar. Apa yang berlaku ketika ini telah pun di ceritakan di dalam AlQuran. Maafkan saya jika perkara yang saya cuba sampaikan adalah tidak menepati pandangan di dalam tajuk "BOYCOTT". Jika ianya tersasar jauh dan tidak perlu berada di dalam komen ini saya mohon ianya di abaikan atau delete. Untuk peringatan kita semua sila rujuk bersama.

Menjadi pengikut tradisi Yahudi dan Nasrani. telah berkata rasulullah : "Sungguh kamu akan mengikuti jalan hidup orang orang sebelum kamu,sejengkal demi sejengkal , sehasta demi sehasta (tanpa berbeda sedikitpun) sehingga walaupun mereka masuk ke lubang , maka kamu akan masuk juga" Sahabat bertanya : wahai rasulullah, apakah kaum yang akan kami ikuti tersebut adalah kaum Yahudi dan Nasrani ?, maka Nabi menjawab : Siapa Lagi (kalau bukan mereka) ? shodaqo rasuuhul kariim ... ummat sudah menjadi pengikut barat ... peringatan tahun baru, valentin day, peringatan ulang tahun, pengagum demokrasi, HAM, hukum positif dan sebagainya ...

Iraq diboikot dan makanan ditahan darinya rasulullah bersabda : "hampir saja tidak boleh dibawa makanan ke negeri Iraq secupak(qafizh) makanan atau sebuah dirham, kami(sahabat) bertanya Orang orang ajam(non arab) kah yang melakukan ini ? kemudian beliau berkata : "hampir saja tidak dibawa makanan atau sebuah dinar kepada penduduk syam(palestina, syiria , libanon , yordandan sekitarnya) kemudian sahabat bertanya "siapa yang melakukan itu ya rasulullah ? " orang orang RUM(Romawi : AmerikaEropa)

Sebenarnya ini adalah tanda yang paling menakjubkan, kerana sampai sekarang iraq telah diboikot oleh Amerika semenjak perang teluk dan syam telah menderita kekurangan makanan, palestin di jajah israel yahudi ..dan .. setelah terkepungnya iraq dan syam ini .. dan setelah terjadinya peperangan dasyat di PALESTINE maka akan muncullah tanda tanda besar kiamat berupa munculnya Imam Mahdi, Keluarnya Dajjal dan turunnya Isa Al Masih

Turki akan memerangi Iraq rasulullah bersabda : "sekelompok manusia dari ummatku akan turun di suatu dataran rendah yang mereka namakan dengan Bashrah pada tepi suatu sungai yang bernama Dajlah. Dan apabila telah datang akhir zaman datangkah Bani Qanthura (mereka adalah orang orang turki) yang bermuka lebar dan bermata kecil sehingga mereka turun pada tepi sungai itu, maka terpecahlah penduduknya menjadi 3 kelompok, yang satu sibuk mengikuti ekor ekor sapi mereka(sibuk mengurusi harta benda) dan mereka akan hancur, dan satu kelompok dari mereka akan memperhatikan diri mereka sendiri dan mereka itu telah kafir, dan satu kelompok dari mereka akan menjadikan anak cucu mereka di belakang mereka kemudian mereka berperang, itulah para syuhada" (hadits hasan diriwayatkan Ahmad dan Abu Dawud(4138)

Pada bulan mei 1997 dahulu orang orang turki telah mulai memancing mancing permusuhan dengan iraq dan mereka membangkitkan masalah masalah yang dibuat buat sekitar masalah air di sungai Eufrat dan orang orang turki itu membuat kesepakatan dengan orang orang israel dan amerika dan melakukan latihan militar bersama dengan tujuan penyerangan iraq, iran dan syiria, dan waktu itu juga Turki menyerang bahagian iraq utara dengan alasan untuk mengajar suku kurdi .. kita tunggu saja apa yang akan terjadi nanti ..

Bumi Arab akan kembali menjadi kebun kebun dan sungai sungai telah bersabda rasulullah : "tidak akan berdiri hari kiamat hingga harta akan banyak melimpah dan sehingga bumi arab kembali menjadi kebun kebun dan sungai sungai " (Ahmad dan Muslim)

Dan negeri arab saat ini telah menjadi kebun !! dan banyaknya sungai .. di daerah tha'if bahkan telah turun butiran ais dan musim haji nanti suhu dingin kira kira 5 darjah celcius ... tidak lagi panas.

Peperangan dengan Yahudi : tidak terjadi kiamat hingga orang orang berperangan dengan Yahudi, dan orang orang Yahudi bersembunyi dibawah batu dan pohon, lalu batu dan pohon itu berkata kepada orang orang islam " di sini ada Yahudi, maka bunuhlah ia" (Fathul Bari', Al Manaqib, Al Hafiz Ibnu Hajar)

Fikirkanlah bersama. Allah, Allah, Allah...

AlFatihah buat saudara kita yang tekorban dari peperangan yang tidak berperikemanusian dan kejam.(Jika ada kesalahan mohon di perbetulkan).

Terima Kasih. By Mohd Lenny HasanAuthor Profile Page on January 28, 2009 2:58 AM


Wow! I'm totally amazed reading your reply written on 25th January 2009.

I heard warnings about u Jewish people being very corny, liar, manipulative etc. etc. And today, I've seen it with my own eyes! Allah is The Greatest! He had really show me the true colour of Jewish people. A manupulator!

Firstly, u claimed u have many M'sian friends, among them Muslims. Its so obvious. These are the "Trojan horses" as mentioned in your earlier posting on 24th Jan right?? U befriend with us so u can used us right? (Can you deny it? Even Malaysia is manipulated by Jews, that's why they are not attacking the US and Israel. You should check very well among your government ministers and officials and find the Trojan horses there.)

U now wanted us; the Muslim to improve the relationship between ourselves. Between each Muslim nation. And when we're busy doing that what will u do? Continue destroying the world? Continue hiring more proxy for u? Continue rob the worlds' wealth only for your own people?

Listen, Jewish hate Muslim. Jewish hate Muslim when they're united together, when they're strong. And yet u want us to concentrate "improving our own behaviour" & loves our own children & fellow muslim? Where's the rationale?

And if ur govt. allow Tun Mahathir to be in Sederot, I'm sure he will be glad to do it. And I'll be delighted to accompany him. And I bet u will see thousands more men & women in M'sia wanted to go together with him.

We want to go there so we can compare does the 'destruction' caused by the Hamas equals to those done by your soldiers. Does the the number of people killed by the Zionist regime equivalent to those by Hamas. Indeed if u brave enough allow us to bring together journalists & reporters from all over the world to come together with us to witness the reality happening there! Pls let us know when, we're more than happy to do so!

But I'm afraid eventhough we come witout any weapons in hand, with ladies & children be among us in the group, your soldier will still kills us. Bcoz we're Muslims & bcoz its nothing wrong to do it for u people!

U said "I understand very well the anger and frustration of Dr. Mahathir as well as other Malaysians, but such declarations of such a respected person should be calculated very well. Anger is bringing more anger and this is the easy way of expression. Restraining anger is more difficult, more powerful and this what Israel was doing 8 years of rockets launching on Sederot and the Negev (thousands of them)."

Can u pls tell us why there are such anger & frustration came up in the first place?

Way long ago u're not being attacked by the Muslims, but u've being attacked by the Hamas now. Why??

Why are they launching rockets to Sederot & the Negev? Out of pleasure?? Pls answer these questions!

I assume u're in Israel now. And while u're comfortly in your place enjoying the 'luxuries' of reading & surfing the internet, having the electricity to warm u up, are the Palestinian having the same thing? They're just next to u, just few miles away but yet their condition is very far apart from what u're having right now. As a normal human being where's your feeling of sympathy to this?

What had they did so wrong that they deserved to be punish in this very terrible way?

Had the Palestinian children in their age of below 5 years old done something wrong to the Israelis? Had these children done something wrong to u?

Does all these childrens' father a member of Hamas? Had their father or mother killed an Israel people?

Hanan, they're so close to u, they're in your neighbourhood, I bet u can still see them. They breathe the same air with u & see the same skies with u but why u put these people in tremendous suffer? Why u denying their right to enjoy what they deserve? If u can control the oxygen they breathe, will u stop from giving them also?

The blockage had set them few years apart from people of your country. In terms of health, wealth, infrastructure; physically & emotionally. They can never harm u now, not with their own strength, they had never wanted to do so in the first place also. So pls stop now, please.

If u can't make your govt to stop it, pls stop supporting it. Stop to agree with the action by your govt. Its ok, u don't have to support the Palestinians or the Muslim but pls don't support the killings of the Palestinians.

The moment u breathe the air tomorrow, the moment u see the beautiful skies & the sunlight, remember that its belong to your fellow neighbour also, the Palestinians.

They deserve to feel the joy of breathe the fresh air, to see the beautiful skies & the sunshine same like u do too. They have long been wanting to feel this joy, very, very long. So pls let them.

The moment this is happening, then I shall receive your peaceful handshake. By JazzeAuthor Profile Page on January 28, 2009 12:17 PM

[big]Yeaahh...Mari Kita Boikot barang Israel dan sekutu2 nya...Jawapnya pakai sabun biji la kita..hehehe..gurau je.. [/big] By elsyetAuthor Profile Page on January 28, 2009 12:46 PM

Dear Tun and others,

I've heard this during my Secondary School.. "Muslims will not win the war against Kuffar until the appearance of Imam Mahdi and help Muslims to win.." and bear in mind.. once Muslims win, then the END OF THE WORLD is COMING SOON..

No matter what Muslims do but still lost.. Fight at least.. But look at Muslim country and leader. Is there anything beside Donations and Funds?? It is true that when the end of the world is coming, Muslims are like ocean breezes.. Many but weak!!

To Hanan,

Lots of our prophets and your's Jews. There are Jews in Israel who against War on Gaza. Palestinians are protecting themselves from Israelis Army and so do Israelis defend against HAMAS rockets.. I'm not hating Jews because i'm Muslims, but u know how Israel history and how Israel got those lands. Just admit that it is wrong.. Using phosforus bomb also against law.

Just have a read on Major Signs before the Day of Judgement. U'll know that all of these happened coz we're living at the ending of the world.

AlFatihah and Peace to The World..

By kay78Author Profile Page on January 28, 2009 1:58 PM dear hanan...STOP your propaganda : the world is not blind... guys, this is to deny the above israeli propaganda : p/s: hanan...kindly watch occupation101...available in YouTube By MarzainiAuthor Profile Page on January 28, 2009 2:05 PM

Hi Hanan, I admire and respect the Jews in how they have acquired and contributed to the knowledge, attain political power and achieved high financial influence worldwide. Surely this was earned through decades of perseverance, wit and hardship. You rightfully should be proud of your people's achievement. But it is pitiful that this same great people, out of obsession disregarded the rights of others when the Jewish state was declared in 1948, which before then there was no country called Israel. The United Nations proposed a partition plan in 1947 for dual state, which the majority Arabs disagreed (opting for single state).Jews which previously were majority immigrants in this land, the survivors of the holocaust in Germany discounted the voices of the Arab world and quickly proclaimed independence and the establishment of Jewish state. What right do the Jews have at that time to rob the Arabs of their land? Does the suffering from the holocaust (which I also sympathize/should not happen) justify the Jews to take away people's land and make it their own. I doubt the legitimacy of Israel. The way the country was established to me was inappropriate, since it was not agreed by Arab majority. From this I am not surprised the Palestinians,be it Fatah or Hamas continue to attack Israel, they are just fighting back what they lost in 1948. The Jews and Muslims have long history over the land, both have rights to this land and both should have equal rights to it. People of Israel should rethink, Israel is the only country without fixed border (i.e expanding borders). The bombings from Palestine side is actually not an attack, but a response in the fight to get back what once was theirs. Surely, you as an educated Jew, should at least feel ashamed of residing on illegal land. If the establishment of Israel was not done so hastily and had considered the voices of majority Arabs back in 194748, surely the world would be more peaceful today. Long ago the Romans banned Jews from entering the land, when it came under Muslim rule, Jews were welcomed and declared one of 'people of the book'. The Jews were better treated under Muslim rule compared to the recent "1,000 killings including women and children" treatment from the Jews. By MFHAuthor Profile Page on January 28, 2009 5:13 PM


Behave yourself. By kembojaAuthor Profile Page on January 28, 2009 5:58 PM

OH YES HANAN .... The Jews will certainly survive the WRATH OF HELL which could be less complicated .... By AzianAuthor Profile Page on January 28, 2009 8:24 PM

Dear Tun

I'd like to ask for your permission to reply to Hannan.

To Hannan regarding the youtube clips I watched them, and totally I saw it is manipulated. The slang is not genuine. It is Hollywood. Thanks anyway for trying to poison our minds.

Thank you Tun, wassalam. By cvcoAuthor Profile Page on January 28, 2009 10:55 PM

The average malaysian is not for the boycott but the goverment is; likewise, the average american would be hurt but the government which supports Israel wouldnt be hurt. So in the end the boycott gains nothing. But it destroys. 1) Malaysia companies depend on success of trade with USA as a consumer market while other Malaysian companies depend on their trade as distributors of USA goods, so in both cases a boycott against USA is also a boycott against Malaysians. 2) It doesnt build country ties and unity. 3) Its an act of anger, not of peace. 4) It promotes discussion of boycotts and not the root causes of world problems which need a different kind of attention.

I would believe Tun Mahathir and/or blog comments and join Palistinian causes if Malaysia put its money where its mouth is: 1) Causing the tabling of a parlimentary motion to grant a new home in Malaysia to 6.5 million Israeli as an encouragement to vacate Jerusalem. 2) And the same at the U.N. level 3) And to offer political and economic assistance for the move to Malaysia 4) And to remove Passport restrictions for Malaysians to visit Israel 5) And for the call for a permanent cease fire of both sides, not only Israel, and to support steps to curtail suppliers of arms to either side. 6) And that there is balance in the news on TV and newspaper by allowing Americans and Israeli to take part in discussions so that Malaysians can develop a somewhat more open and transparent opinion of the serious current events.

The endless talk of Gaza never includes any balance of thoughts or facts. When Lebanon attacked Israel last week, were bloody Israeli babies shown on Malaysian TV? No. Instead, the endless talk, so pointedly onesided, promotes the idea that Islam wants to destroydestroy by boycott, destroy everything that isnt Islamic. As Obama said, real leaders build things and dont destroy them. Lets see if he lives up to that ideal. But what is Malaysia doing to build love, unity, brotherhood or mutually beneficial diplomatic or economic ties around the world?

(I was sitting in a mamak one morning recently and two street sweepers walked in and wanted to eat. They really looked terrible and were counting the shilling between them. I motioned the waiter and told him to pack their plates with anything they wanted and give me the bill. He did. We didnt know each other at all but I dont think on the face of this planet there were two more happier people at that little moment. Dont rant, do something actually loving in the world every single day. It will make all the difference. Will you join in that?)

Obama has been called a Muslim terrorist and now Mahathir calls his Chief of Staff a son of a Jewish terrorist. So what is the complaint? Looks to me to his cabinet is becoming balanced! (Im sorry, this is funny)

Meantime, on humanitarian grounds alone the USA should support Israel. If support is withdrawn, Israel would be attacked from all sides and will perish as a people. Since I dont believe it is very Islamic nor very Christian to exterminate entire races or cultures, the USA support should continue even though I separately disagree with Israel's stance. If you assume I also support what bloggers here call "USA genocide of Palistine", of course I dont.

Im very surprised at you, Tun Mahathir, for 20 years ive followed your efforts and applauded your successes in Malaysia. But youve changed: "Attack the USA and Israel," you say? I pray this is malaysian humor but if serious i hope you would set a better example as Im sure many people take what you say to heart. Would Mahatma Ghandi have said such a thing, I wonder?

You say you are saddened by the ignorance of the average American. How can the average american be responsible for the acts of its government any more than the average Malaysian is responsible for the acts of its government? For that I would definitely stop short of returning the favor by saying I should also be saddened by the ignorance of the average Malaysian simply due to their being constantly kept in the dark by their own government. That would be wrong. But we did the best we could, we got rid of Bush and I pray for better now and I prefer to believe that the good in each of our hearts will prevail in the endif we try and if we let it.

As an american Im ashamed of my country's foreign policy, yet at the same I cant be so narrowsighted as assume its entirely wrong. After all, the same imperialism you hate also saved Malaysia in WWII from having to learn to speak Japanese and losing its culture. Sometimes a hard hand can do good, too. Would any of you prefer that USA stayed out of WWII and let Japan and Germany divide the world for themselves?

Tun asked, "what should we do?" Oh, this is simple. I favor the arabic method of settling disputes. You take two men, let them face eachother closely and tie their heads together at the necks. Leave them in that position until they settle. My beloved arabic friends say it works like magic.

I applaud Tun Mahathir for establishing the beginnings of an organization to make war a crime. I will join if it means that ALL sides cannot make war. Bravo, then.

My friends, please, i appeal to all of you (US!) to put down our weapons and help each other. Please follow my solution as stated in the GAZA thread. Our time is short.

Charles By tunAuthor Profile Page on January 28, 2009 11:19 PM

The term "Zionism" was first introduced in 1893 by Nathan Birmbaum, but Theodor Herzl, an Austrian Jew born to a prosperous, emancipated Budapest family, is recognized as the founder of the Zionist idealogy when he published his book in 1896, "The Jewish State", where he declared that the cure for antisemitism was the establishment of a Jewish state. As he saw it, the best place to establish this state was in Palestine.

While Herzl claimed that the establishment of a "Jewish" state would cure antiSemitism, he also promoted antiSemitism to further his cause. Herzl stated in his diary:

“It is essential that the sufferings of Jews.. . become worse. . . this will assist in realization of our plans. . .I have an excellent idea. . . I shall induce antiSemites to liquidate Jewish wealth. . . The antiSemites will assist us thereby in that they will strengthen the persecution and oppression of Jews. The antiSemites shall be our best friends”. (From his Diary, Part I, pp. 16) By simplepersonAuthor Profile Page on January 28, 2009 11:33 PM

I read too many comments here. And i wonder. I am a simple muslim, which didn't make me less muslim or fanatic muslim. I also read some history about jews before. I never met any jew & i don't hv jew friend or colleague or bosses or company i work for also not belong to jew. but all my life, i only know jew as what reported in the media & news & a little bit from the Holy Quran translation. But as the quote from 'I Love Jew' & 'Hannan', my understanding is, the jews are also full of vengeance & hatred. To 'i love jew', do your religion teach you only to love jew? Do your religion teach you to hate muslim or other religion? I don't understand. Can anyone kill anyone just because they hate muslim or jew? So when is the killing will stop either they are muslim or jew? By aymeAuthor Profile Page on January 29, 2009 11:13 AM tun, allow me to comment on hanan Page on January 25 & 24 dear hahan,

1) how can you compared thousands of palestinian life lost with just few of israelis?mothers lost their childrens,wives lost husbands,families. last night i watched news from malaysian broadcast showed that a child lost all his family members.when the reporter asked what he will do when he grown up. the child said he want to bomb israel as israel did to his family. see here, u used prohibited bomb without thinking of the long term consequences to palestinian. who is the real monster here?a fosforus bomb compared to primitive rocket weapon?what is more they can do? 2)i believe even hamas didn't attack jews, israel also invade palestine. why?it is not because to protect israeli but to conquer palestinian land.u want to enlarge your home by snatch from can u said this is civilization?this is how u defined civilization? 3)u used such great weapons just to invade people without weapon?kill civilians?kids,women,old,babies?how many hamas died and how many civilians died?brain without heart can create a monster.

remember that one day there will be a great leader will lead us to destroy israel. even trees hate u. By ultraboyAuthor Profile Page on January 29, 2009 5:05 PM

Dear Hanan the Manipulator and Jews the invader,

Israel is not real.

By ABIAuthor Profile Page on January 30, 2009 8:30 AM

It's disgraceful and unbecoming on the part of a person of your calibre to advocate violence and war against certain nations. You are heading a peace foundation and yet you resortto such things! What a pity, what a bunkum, what a senseless thinking! Abi By fadzireenAuthor Profile Page on January 30, 2009 9:06 PM

Salam Tun,


You have just returned to earth,missing all the boycotts,embargoes and sanctions put in place untill today by America,undermining developing countries who does not suscribed to their ideals.

It is a Malaysian culture to share foods,European always go 'DUTCH' Spread this,when you go home to the US,on 'FESTIVAL OPEN HOUSE'by all ethnic races in Malaysia.America should promote this cultures in Gaza,instead of instigating both to fight each other.

America assumed the titled of 'WORLD POLICE',it is their duty to save the world.

Most Malaysians are blogs savvy,nothing to hide.

Before the Iraq war,Mr Saddam Hussein has issued a personal duel to Mr Bush to settle the score.The latter declinced the offer.If this has happened,it would be liked'GUNFIGHT AT OK CORRAL REVISITED' By mazri1990Author Profile Page on February 1, 2009 11:56 AM assalamualaikum.... saya harap tun sihat seperti sediakala.... saya menarik sangat dengan cerita tun... bagi saya, inilah sumbangan tun kepada negara tercinta... saya harap tun meluangkan masa untuk melayari blog saya... anda pun dijemput untuk malayari blog saya... terima kasih... By razlanhashimAuthor Profile Page on February 2, 2009 8:06 PM

Salam Tun dan semua,

Ramai yang menyatakan bahawa boikot tidak akan menyusahkan amerika, israel dan sekutu mereka.

Ramai yang menyatakan bahawa boikot hanya akan menyusahkan diri sendiri kerana kebergantungan mereka kepada barangbarang tersebut.

Tetapi, renung2kanlah kisah ini:

Tersebut sebuah kisah di zaman Nabi Ibrahim, semasa Nabi Ibrahim dibakar oleh kaumnya, seekor burung kecil terbang berulang alik mengisi air dalam paruhnya lalu menyiram ke atas api yang membakar. Itulah yang dilakukannya berulangkali.

Tingkah lakunya diperhatikan oleh makhluk Allah yang lain lalu bertanya kepada burung kecil itu, 'buat apa kau penatpenat mengambil air berulang alik, sedangkan api yang membakar Nabi Ibrahim takkan terpadam dengan air yang kau siramkan itu.'

Lalu dijawab oleh burung tersebut, 'Memang ia tidak akan memadamkan api tersebut, tetapi aku lebih takut kepada Allah kerana Allah akan menyoal aku nanti, apakah yang aku lakukan untuk agama Allah, dan Allah tidak akan bertanya samada aku berjaya memadamkan api itu ataupun tidak'. marilah sama2 memboikot syarikat yg menyokong Israel...

Sokonglah produk2 tempatan By pipiAuthor Profile Page on February 3, 2009 4:48 AM

1. I would like to have the Malaysian Armed Forces attack the United States and Israel.

your call to attack US & Israel reminded me of may13 massacre, belalang and hindraf issues both were handled by armed force. you are lucky that "hanan": 1. does not know much about malaysian history. 2. does not read the book "May 13 Declassified Documents on the Racial Riots of 1969” by Dr Kua Kia Soong. 3. does not know HINDRAF is not terrorist. and...if the poor MAFs were really sent to attack, i did not think they could even reach their shores. By cicit awang daikAuthor Profile Page on February 3, 2009 8:32 AM

Assalammualaikum dan selamat pagi Tun kesayangan,

Saya percaya cakapcakap 'boycott' ini adalah satu 'hint' dari Tun untuk kita semua berdikari dan bersiapsedia.Adakah kita bersedia menghadapi prokontra?Cukup kuatkah kita sekarang?Bagaimana dengan 20,30 atau 50 tahun akan datang?Di mana kita? Jangan bising aje.... Apa yang Tun cakap selama ini adalah untuk kita semua perhalusi. Kalau Tun tak ada satu masa nanti sapa lagi nak kasi 'hint' power mcm ni!!!! Tun ada magic tau...! By attaAuthor Profile Page on February 4, 2009 11:55 AM well, i would agree with you Dr.M. the muslims have to boycott the US products. my family and i have started. we have switched from coco kola to green tea and wheatgrass drink, from nokia to sony and samsung, from mcdonalds to our local foods. it was not that difficult to make the switch. now i feel better that i am doing, what ever it is in my power to do, to make a difference. it feels better to know that i am not a slave to products!! By Nothing but windAuthor Profile Page on February 4, 2009 7:36 PM

Dear Tun Dr M,

I would like wish all the best to Datuk Sri Najib to the world of serious politics.The withdrawal of four State Assembly persons from Pakatan Rakyat was not surprising. As the PR candidates throughout Malaysia were not adequately vetted. They just chose who ever came to them as this was their first ever victory in several states.

But Najib should remember that back stabbers would not take long to do the same to him. There are a lot of UMNO, MCA, GERAKAN and MIC members who are quite dissatisfied with their own party leaders. I hope he checks on this before they quit their party or hop on to another party.

Najib must know that a wrong political move might not only affect the persons involved but also the sentiments of the RAKYAT. By Joshua KumarAuthor Profile Page on February 4, 2009 8:15 PM

Dear Dr M,

Sir, I think your idea of rejecting American Products By Malaysians on the matter is totally a blank page.

Do you think, the US economy is going to go into ground zero just because Malaysians have stopped using US products. They will take it as a trade embargo with Malaysia and its 26milion population and will go heck with it. If it happens with China or India, than we have something to see in the blank page.

Do you think the Global population will support this. No for sure.

Those who commented that they have to stop using US products, stop using the Internet, telephones, lights, TV etc once and for all, as it was discovered by either Americans or a Jew.

Rather, protest through ethical means of raising the issue with the UN and ASEAN.


Joshua Kumar By saini88Author Profile Page on February 5, 2009 4:03 AM

To all jews,

TQ for the comment....i think you all make a big mistake....Our former PM just suggest Msia army to attack your country.It not impossible to attack Israel. If you dare come & fight with our Malay forces. Even in history long time ago we never lose to anybody. Or very easy to Say Israel vs Malaysia. Hidup Melayu !

*Maaf kiranya bahasa ini kasar cuma geram sangat kat mat zionis ni. By cinogen49Author Profile Page on February 5, 2009 10:18 PM

Hypocrisy! that is what the title of these blog should say. You say you want to boycott israel, but you use hundreds of it's products, reading this comment on an Israeli design born and raised PC chip. You want to boycott us TURN THE PC OFF NOW!! you didn't? of course not hypocrisy is the word! When your mom or dad's life can be saved by an Israeli invented drug you would say: "no! let then die!" ..i don't think so..hypocrisy! Some facts for you, o' enlightened ones should know: 1. 99% of world terror is Muslim. 2. Jews 0.2% of population 187 noble prizes, Muslims 20% of population 9 noble prizes!! what a joke!!!!

Instead of trying to want more killing (and confirming fact 1) as you so gladly would have wanted and pointed you want to fight us, try inventing some new medicine, produce something for the greater good!! That is what israel is doing for only 60 years!!! nations didn't manage these things in hundreds of years! I am ashamed to see your agenda boycotting will not benefit anyone. You know what i urge you to boycott us don't use our medicines, don't use our PC's, cellphones, don't fly in airplanes and on and on. That is the only thing a person who says things as you do deserves. We couldn't care less...

Have a great stone age style of life. Greetz and my the wisdom be upon you one day. cinogen By MayAuthor Profile Page on February 6, 2009 7:42 AM

Dear everyone,

From reading a couple of comments here, the feeling I got was really bad. stop to try proving which side suffers the most, civilians should not be hurt , nor 1 or 1000. war will never be a solution,when you fight against someone, there will always be someone behind him that will remember what you did. i wish the antisemist comments will disappear as much as comments against muslims. can't you see that the only thing the media does is to make us hate each other more and more, we build our hate on videos from youtube. As I said , I'm against war, and i think Israel shouldn't attack, but I don't hate Israeli civilians and use the term "all the jews" " all the Israelis" and also someone said here that he always thought the Israelis were liars, and now he can see it with his own eyes, why? because he read a comment of one guy from israel, he decides were all like that (and i don't judge the guy, because he spoke nothing but his opinion). stop hating without a reason , hating is easy. I'm a peace active , live in Israel, israeli, jew, does this makes me a bad person? I got to know palestinians after the war , face to face , it was very hard for me to see how much people suffered , and it maid me want to encourage both Israeli's and palestinians to meet each other and get to know , because we hate who we afraid of and we afraid of who we don't know, therefore we should get to know each other. so please , don't talk about fighting against Israel, or fighting at all , I'm saying this to you as much as I shout it out in my own country , Israel fighting for peace is like xxxxxxx for virginity doesn't make sense.

I wish you all a great weekend, and peace between ourselves and our neighbors .

Shalom , Salam ,Peace.

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