On Laos Peace Moscow, Dec
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t’ v:- '. - 1 Average Dally Net Preaa Run For the Week Ended The Weather , November S5, 1981 ForeeMt of 0 ..& Waather BoireaB cnoudy, ‘not eo , oool ,M9ia|it> 13,496 Iy>w in SO*. 'fuMdny clou^. Memter «t the 'Andlt mild, ocattered Rhonwra foUoWM Bureau o( Cirenlatloii by clearinir. cooler Into ta‘' ihty. M anche$ter^4 t^Uy o f VUlage Charm HiKh near 50. VOL. LXXXI, NO. 64 (TWENTY PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1961 (Claeaifled AdvertUIng on Page 18) PRICE FIVE CENTS As V.S, Fires Shot State News Court Case N e Threaten R oundup On Prayers In Schools Three Towh^ JiSore N -T ests Washington, Dec. 4 {IP)— Pick Mayors TheSupreme Court agreed today to consider whether it By OTANUBY JOHNSON A t' By THE AS80CIATE0 PRESS is unconstitutional for pray On Laos Peace Moscow, Dec. 4 (/P)— Th.e territory a n d ^ e West's rejection The last three mayoralty ers to be said in public of the Russian demand for an un- Russians tried again last electiona'of the year in Con schools. supervlsed test moratorium. A petition submitted by par-' night to put the blame on the The Russian return to the necticut are being held this West for continuance of nu enls of nine children in four Geneva talks last weelcwas inter : week. schools in New Hyde Park, N. Y., I clear weapon tests. preted as an indication they had The voters are going to the contends the offering of prayer | Peiping Hits The Soviet government declared completed their scries of testa that : polls irr Willlmantic and Putnam in schools violates the Constitu that unless the western powers included the biggest man-made ex- today and in Rockville tomorrow. tion's principle of separatio.n of ■lop all nuclear weapons tests — ,\11 three communities are in the church and state. Integration 'Including underground explosions (Continued On Page Seven) northeast corner of Connecticut. New York State's Board of Re that don't produce radioactive faH- In Willimantic. Democratic May gent*. the governing body of the I out — it will resume "such nucletU' or Flprimond J. Bergeron is seek state's public school system, had tests as It deems necessarj' for ing An unprecedented seventh recommended to all local school Of Military the consolidation of its defense Arabs to Block term as uie community's chief ex boards that this praver be used ] capacity." ecutive. The Republicans have put daily in opening exercises; A few hours after the Moscow up John A, Wrana. a retired grain "Almighty God. we acknowl Geneva, Dec. 4 (IP)'—^The United Nations store manager'.v The Democrats edge our denendence upon Thee, warning the United States an- Western powers and the So nounqfd it had set off a low-yieid controi the city council. 6-1. and we beg Thy blessings upon u*. underground nuciear blast yester Putnam's Democratic Mayor our parents, our teachers, and our viet bloc concluded a fai;’- day and Is preparing to go ahead Refugees Plan Leo C. Tetreault. wHK aucceeded cbiinrry." reaching agreement today on Vlth' another test next Sunday. John N. Dempsey when tie became The objecting parents said they ■ were, variously, members of the | how to maintain the peace "Our announced policy is to ITnited Nations. N. T „ Dec. 4 govei-nor, Ls not seeking re-elec tion. In his, place, the Demdcrat.* ■Iew1.*h faith.' the Unitarian" and neutrality of Laos. teat and taik," a State Depart — The United State.* and Israel Church, the Soriety for Ethlenl The 6-polnt agreement . was ment spokesman said in Washing headed today for an open cla.sh have nominated William St. Onge an attorney. Culture, and one parent Is a non adopted et a closed session ot.the ton. with the Arab world over how to believer. 14-nation Laos peace conference. It help the U.^OO.OOO Pale.*tine Arab His GOP opponent is Selectman The Russians, who broke a 3- Tliey appealed to the High Tri- will become operative when the year moratorium on nuclear test refugee.*. I John Vance. Thf Democrats c<pn- I trol both the Board of Selectmen hunm after New York state courts neutrality treaty now being drafted ing Sept. 1 for a aeries of ^ig to The General As.sembly's special ruled the praver did not violate by the conference is completed. gigantic nuciear ex'plosionrfcin the political committee wa* to taker up I ahd the Board of Aldermen in Pii*- I nam. the Constitution. The .New York Some important obstacles remain atmosphere, said the time has the annual report of the U.N. Re Court of Appe.ais stated: to be overcome, particularly the in come now "for the early achieve lief and Works Agency for Pales St. Onge was an unsuccessful candidate for Congress l.isf"year "A holding that it is such a vio tegration of the hostile Laotian - ment of an agreement which would tine Arab Refugees (UNRWA), lation would he in defiance of all militai-y forces. But today’s agree in which director. .John H. Davis of bowing to Republican Horace rid the peoples' of experimental Seely-Brown, j American history, and such a hold ment marked the most substantial* weapon blasts." the United States endorsed a l.")- ing would destroy a phrt of the step forward yet taken by the con year.-oid as.sembly decision that In Rockville, Mayor Leo B. ! ference and was hailed by Western "What are the western powers Flaherty Jr. is seeking a second essential foundation of the Amer ■triving for?” asked the state the estimated l.l.'iO.OOO refugees of ican governmental structure." and Communist delegates alike. the 1948 Arab-Israeli war should term. His opponent is John J. ment. "To .end nuclear tests The objecting parents in peti-! Red (China’s Chang Han-fu im be given the choice between going Yaskuika. a Republican member mediately served notice that the throughout the world or to con of the city (touncil and a retired tinning the High Tribunal said ' home to Israel or taking compen- they found in its past decision a Communists are not prepared to tinue their purs\iit for an illusory •sation for the property they left state trooper. Tlie mayor holds the accept American demands for Inte ■uperiority in nuclear weapons." tie-breaking vole in the city coun niie emerging that ".is as clear' there. and practicsible as it is salutary." | grating the hostile forces under The Soyiet call for an end t.o Saudi Arabian Delegate Ahmad cil. now divided 6-6. supervision of the International testing made no mention of super The petition described the "rule" \ Shukairy planned to, insist that All three cilie.* are in towns Ihu.*: I Control Commission of India, Can vising any new moratorium as de operating separate town govern ada isfid Poland. the refugee.* should tie given this "Religious instruction (and re-, manded by the western "powers. choice, while Israeli foreign Min ments. Willimantic is in Wind The western powers want'all The Tsiss news agency which ligious worship or prayer) may not ister Golda Meir was expected to ham. Rockville in V^rno.n and Put be conducted inside public schools regpilar forces In I.aos placed un distributed the Soviet statement, set forth Isarel's aland that it is nam in the town ,of Putnam. der the Royal Laotian Army Com said it was issued in connection under the auspices of the public willing to help compensate the .■school system, although it may cer mand, which is western-influ with fast week's resumption of th.e refugees but not to take then in Fatally Injured enced. The West also wants the Geneva test ban talks. tainly be conducted elsewhere, and. commission to supervise the dis for fear they would endanger its If .so conducted, may even be ‘ac The Geneva talks are hopelessly security. Bridgeport, Dec. 4 IJPi — A' 14- banding of the Communist Pathet year-old boy wa,* injured fatally commodated’ by such means as the Lao's jungle guerrillas. deadlocked as a result of a new shortening of Hie regular public iluaslan refusal to admit any In- (Continued on Pag:e Ten) Saturday when was to.*sed from "All of us highly Value the a pickup tnick and crushed under school day," ^ agreement already reached (and) its wheels.- The Supreme Court also agreed sincerely hop© that the progress Alfred Gray, .son of Mr. and Mrs. today to hear appeals by two men we have made here will have a General Strike Continues Samuel Gray, died in Park City convicted of contempt and given beneficial Influence on the situa Ho.spital. State police said the bpy, jail sentences for refusing to an- tion in Laos,” Chang said. was throwTi out of the truck a* it siver questions by a House sub But he declared that the west overturned when the driver. Fred committee on un-American Activi Damage Heavy in Stubborn Blaze ern demand for military integra Bohannon. 46, tried to come to i ties. A fire raged in the front partition of this hou.se at 125-127 School St. this morning and for almost tion had created "a new obstacle Balaguer, Foe^ Fail ^ Ick stop on the Connecticut The appeals seek ruling on (A) an hour resisted effort* of firemen to control It. Everyone in the house escaped unharmed. Dam in our conference.” Turnpike. The vehicle, landed up wtMt.Uier _ the .jionmuttee’s hunts age to the duplex house_wa.* heavy. Details qn Page 10. (Herald photo by Ofiara). ‘‘The Americans themselves right and, continued rolling.