JEAN ANOUILH the Australian Elizabethan Theatre Tru St

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JEAN ANOUILH the Australian Elizabethan Theatre Tru St , .. ., ...I I I 1 • ,,~- • i' JEAN ANOUILH The Australian Elizabethan Theatre Tru st when you fly with Trans-AustraliaAirlines PAT RON : H ER MAJESTY T H E QUEE N P RE SIDE T The Rt. H on . Sir John Latham, G.C.M.G., Q .C. CH AIRM A1 Dr. H . C. Coombs EXECUTIVE Dffi ECTOR Hu gh Hunt HO . SECRETARY :l,faurire Parker STATE REPRESE , TAT JVES: , ew South \,Vales Mr. C. J. A. lvloscs, C.B .E. Qu eensland Prof esso r F. J . Schone II Western Australia Pr ofessor F. Alexander Victoria Mr . A . H. L. Gibson Sou tit Australia Mr. L. C. Waterm an Tasmania Mr . G. F. Davies In presenting TIME REMEMBERED , we are paying tribute to a dramatist whose contribution to the contemporary theatre scene is a11 outstanding one and whose influence has been most strongly felt during the post-war years in Europe. The J1lays of Jean An ouilh have not been widely produced in Cao raln and First Officer at the co mrol s of a TA A Viscount . Australia , and his masterly qualities as a playwright are not TAA pilots are well experi­ years of flying the length and sufficiently k11011·n. enced and maintain a high breadth of Australia. standard of efficiency in flying TAA 's Airmanship is the total TIME REME1vlBERED htippily contains some of the the nation's finest fleet of skill of many people-in the most typical aspects of his work . .. a sense of the comic, modern aircraft. air and on the ground-w ork­ ing toward s a common goal: almost biza1'1'e,and tl haunting nostalgia which together pro­ When you and your family fly your safety, satisfaction and T AA, you get with your ticket peace of mind. T AA 's Air­ duces an atmosphere of strange yet highly sophisticated charm. a priceless quality of assurance manship is modem air travel The story of the Prince and the Beggar JV!aid (in th is case called Airman ship-'Y on over efficiency at its best. a milliner) is age-old, yet he gives it a new twist, a sauce of •A·armans h. IP .. .The knowledge and skill in all sharpness to off set any sup erfluity of the sweetness of things relating to the operation , maint enance, manage­ romance. Th e piquant flavour to a French dish. ment and safety of air transportation and the achieve­ To preside at this feast is the genim of Margaret Ruther­ ment of the highest standards of service to the public. ford, in the part of the erratic Du chess. To Anouilh's comic creation she adds her own individual sense of comedy which cannot fail to delight yo11. It is a portrait unmatched in the gallery of eccentrics. and enjoy T AA Viscount comfort ! ---------------------N PVl9- ........... 3 MargaretRu (hcrr ord wao born 111 London and ed ucaLecl aL Wimbl edon Hill choo l and R ave nscrofL. Circum­ Hances in her ear ly clays did not permit her to take up a stage career, but, be­ ing very gifLed mu sicall) , she studied and took an .-\ .R .C. i\l. and an L. R .A.i\l. wh ich enab led he1· Lo be­ come a teacher of pian<i and eloc uti on. H owevc1, the call ol the otage wa, very trong, and in 1925 :.he made h er stage debuL at the Old Vic in '"Litt le .Jack 1-l01 ner ." Su b,l' - quentl y she appeared with Repertor y compani e, in Oxford. Croydon and I .onclon. The versaLility ol i\Jis Ruthedonl is not gen­ Lrally known to th ose of 11,who a1e <.on,u ant wiLh he1 hila1 iou, oc.reen performances. She is acclaimed for fine and· ensitive reading of poetry , and h er many stage performances have included Mrs . Danvers in "Rebecca," and, although not a musical comedy artist, she k1s pla)ed with l vor 'oYello in "Perchance to Dr am." ince making her \VLol End dcbuL in 1933, Mi R.ULherford ha, built a glittering name in the stage and film worlds with outstanding ( hara cte ri ,n iom in a long list of var ious p 1-oductions, of wh ich ome nf the be~t remembered are: "The Jmp ortance of Being Earnest" (in both Lom_lon_and New York). "Spring Meeting," "Bl ith e Spirit," "P;i,, . port to P1mlico," "Miranda," "The Happie;t D;iys of Your Life ." _ Her two greaL loves are music, pref err ing Tchaikowsky and some hench composer, , and poe tr y. particularly the works of \ V:ilt er de l;i fare. Noe l Coward and Mar ga r et Judith And er son Reading the :5he i~ an indefatigable worker 101 cha1 it ), claiming as h er "'pc1 " Le ighton performin g Bri ef • Book of Judith . Claire Bloom • < hant y t!1~ Bor,tal Roys' Jklinqu ent H<Jme. where she is a much loved Enco unt er , Blith e Spirit, Reading th e Book of Ruth. and fam iliar figure. and Pr ese nt Laughter. 1B 94006 L 33-1 /3 r.p.m.) 1B 94010 L 33-1/3 r.p .m .) -. Miss ~utherfoi:d i married to i\lr. Stringer Davi s who also appearld Judith Ander son Rea ding th e "Grimm Fairy Tal es" Rean wuh her m the Elizabethan Trust production of "T he H appiest D ay • Psalm s and th e Tal e of David. • by Jo seph Schildkraut. I B 94007 L 33-1 /3 r.p.m. l 1B 94009 L 33-1 /3 r.p.m.) of Your Lif e," repeating the role h e played in the ·w est Encl , and appears as Lord H ector in "Time R emembered." The role of th e Duche s du Pont au Bron c i ano th er of her , ,ve t NOW AVAILAB LE Encl succe ses,. and 1iss Ruth erfo rd is happy that she can appear AT ALL before Australian audiences in a part whic h she cla im s to be one of RECORD STORES. her favour it es. PHILIPS epJ70-58 Trust Productions Close at Han d RAYBARRETI Imm edi atel y following th e season of J ean Anouilh 's "TIME R EMEMBER ED," a play of an entir ely difl:erent natur e will be pre- ente d. It is th e cont rovers ial "Angry Young Man" pla y, titl ed "LOOK BACK I I NGER, " by J ohn Osborne. Thi s, in turn , will be followed On e of Au stra lia's best kno wn by the Elizabet han Tru st Op era Company pr esentin g five opera~ and most versatile radio performers , he is under th e musical direction of world-famous cond ucLOr, Karl Rank], equ ally well known for his variety perform­ who recently accept ed an appo intm ent as Musi cal Dir ector of the ances as he is for his dramatic portr ayals. Tru st Op era Company . Born in Bri sbane, he graduated from Chil dren's Theatre performances to an ­ Anoth er new Austra lian pl ay titl ed "CU RLY ON THE RACK," nouncing on Brisbane commercia l radio sta· by Ru Pull an, will follow the Op era eason, and, in tu rn, will give lions dnd playing dramatic roles in A.B.C. pla)' product ions. way to th e production of the Trust 's fir t Austra lian mu sical "LOLA I II I 954 he went LO Sydney as a freelance MONTEZ ." arti>t and quickly estab lished him self both in A.B.C. and com mercial radio - pl aying For notes and cast of "Look Back in Anger," pl ease turn Lo pages leature ro les with all commercial statiom 10 and I I. and being featured with A.B.C. vi:.iting per ­ sona lities R ichard Mur doch , Kenneth H orne ancl Peter Brough . OPERA, 1958: Appeared in the Phillip Stree t Theatre revues, " Happy Retu rns" and " Hit and Run ". In this season which will open at the Elizab ethan Th eatre on In the "Tintookies" marionette prod uction he sang and acted a variety of char­ Jul y 19, th e Elizabethan Tru st Op era Compa ny will present five operas: acters on the sound track . Last year appeared with 1 ickolai Malko and the Sydney Symph ony Orche stra "CARME ," "PETER GRlMES ," "LOHE GRI ," "FIDE LIO " and narrating a performance of "Peter and the Wolf". "BARBER OF SEVILLE," and aga in, as last year, by courte sy of the Pla yed Billing s in "The H appiest Days of Your Life" ancl pla ys the Prince in A.B.C ., th e ydney Symphony Or chestr a will be used. Mu sical Director 'Time Remembered". is th e recentl y appo int ed world-famous conductor, KARL RA ·Kt. who was for six year Musical Dir ector of Covent Gard en. Associate Conductors are ERIC CLAPHAM and GEORG TI T ER . Principal singers of the Company are names famous both here and over eas. Th ey includ e SYLVIA FISHER , CO TANCE SHACKLOCK, GLE DA RAYMOND , RON ALD DOWD , RAYMO D NILSSON and ROB ERT SIM MON . Chorus memb ers will be augm ented in each city th e Compan y visits, as their numb er is mu ch great er than encountered in many operas-in one scene of ''Lohengrin" there are 86 chorus and principa ls on the stage at the one tim e.
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