\ Our Motto, “What is worth doing is worth doin.: well.” Krepps, DeWitt & Co. do The Best Repair Work. Everything we sell is Fully Warraiitid. ST:'JOHNS NEWS * i*

75c. A Y ear in A dvance ST. JOHNS, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY MORNING, JULY 5, 1892. Third Y ear —No 149

Work of >1.^11. AiiniiHl Convention of tli«9 K|i\vortli (.sjHgue. T4» The WoiiK-ii of .Mielilgaii. Mrs. Jiiliii Ward Hoive liegan Greek Business Locals . Hii.i.hii.\i.k, .Mich ., .May, lH<.t2. Wt! Iiavi Ueoii isliowii (I viifiaty i»f work The annual eitnreiitltei ol the l.eagtie ol Ml stivtmly, nml now at seventy-two she We take this method of calling upon tin* ^ - by the imijhIk of tin? HclioolutOlive iViitre (.•naiox district, wel lie h. Id in Oils vlllaiie Wed- has just mail the piny of Sophocles in .IHHt Niven soventy-live acres of Company or for Farm l.niid. Can give 2:20—Our iiioitu. Miss Wluuie Grilhu, Alma. ing 4if-Nations at oiir very dmir. It li«*<'omes land and O K) lo found a prepara- buyer, if ntead.v man, work nt i|>.'t2.."i()per ters, fr(‘e-haml drawing*' and numbers. 2:30—The advunlage of an Epworin League cun- ns to Join heart and hand with our sister lorv seliooi lor Yale College. month. Inipiireof Lons 1). Giiiiih, We publish below the names of those ventioD, Kobert Hniarn. tiraud ladge. I I states ill one grand effort to lead la the Editor St. .Ioii.vh News. 3:00 —How can ttie l./eagiie liispiie love fur more Frederick Dtniglass heartily dissents whos4; H(HH'imens are worthy of par. I triumphal mareh and in testifying to the thorough bible si tidy, EIIIhO. Van lieveuter, Ithaca. from liishop Turner ’.s policy of im­ llorHt- lor Sale C'Ii<-h|i. ticular notice with some prominent I oliservers of the w«irl‘ague prayer and praise service, led by i really to net, and must have the prompt and several years. MiltH. unshaded; (.'ora ('alder, a live iiiinuies Misa S. V. Dunham, Elsie. eh»*erful eo-«»peratloii of the women of their 8:30—Address by Kev. E. K. Uaiicrofl, Owossi. I Miss Hildegarde Hawlhorne. author Ladii*H ’ Silk •Mitts in all grndi*H iind scenery sketch illustrating a geograjdiy I respis'tlve eiinntles in order to Insure success prweH Followed by a recepliuu tendered by the Epworlb of "A Leg(*nd of Sonora, ” in liariter's At .loii.N Hickk '. lesson; Lillii* llixby, a witty composition ' in the work they have undertaken, League of .S|. Johns. is a granddaughter of N:i- j M'e want to know what the women of For durnbh' wiish dn*HHi*s buy Chev HUbj»>ct, “Klmer's Itooster; ” llerli Carter TIIL'R.SI>AY MOKNINU Ihaiiiel Hawthorne and daughter of Miehigiiii havetloiie, what they can do, anil ronne .\t ClIABI.N A Co. ’s. and .Mabel 'I'aylur right and left hand 0:00—John Wesley sunrise service, led by Oeo. B. [ what they will do. The time has arriveil Julian Hawthorne. Pratt, Uraud Ledge. if onlery. H|)e(amens of writing; KIma llovv**, j when we must unite onr forei*s and with one Senator Joe Hrnwn is called the 8:30—Devotional service, E. J. Biadi>er, St. Johns. Our I’nst Hhiek Hosiery we gunnnit^*e sentences. We must not fail to nieution I determined purpose move forward. M’e “Richelieu of Georgia politics. ” It ‘.htX)—The necessiiy of entire consecration. Miss t<) Im* nbsoliiD'ly fast in color and will not must give time and thought to the work we has been one of his cardinal principles two short compositions by .Maud White (irace Cook, 8t. Louis. turn gns*n .loii.v Hicks . have in hand. M’e must lose sight of in­ to acipiin* wealtli. and he is now one and Nellie .N’estell. which were prixluc- 9:30—Wliat cau we do fur laiys and gills between dividual glory ami of iiidividiinl prejiidlees. of the richest men in (Jeorgia. the age of ten and fcurieeu? Miss Miouie Kemp, silk Hii«l Kill (iloven tioiis of iniuuination. Subjects, “.V frog and eonsider only the tinal oiiteoim* of onr Ovid. It is said that (Jneen Ciiristiiia of In Hhick nml Colors .\t .loiix Hicks ’. who went to St. .Johns" and ‘‘.\ cricket lalior, which will prove the weakness or the 10.00—The League and temperance. Rev. C. W. Spain has been struck with a spasm of strength of .Michigan women. FloiiiieiiiKN who lived in a hay stuck.* ’ These wer** East, Ut. Ixruis. reform and is trying to remodel her Chairmen of County Committe«-s shoidd For this icecrenni weather childlike in every ivs|>ect, containing 10:30—Working the departments, (Jeo. B. Pratt. hoii.seliold on a plainer and more sober lose no time in taking the liiitiatlvi* steji, and 11:00—The value of a i-aague library, Kev.P. J. basis, culling o(T many extravagauce.s. .\t Cii.\i*LN A Co's. ninny ideas which are commonly ex through the local newspapers appeal to the Maveety, Ovid. l.H4‘e ('iirBtiiiH, pr«‘ssed by childix'ii of the agwfrom eight women of their respwtive eonnties lor as­ Dr. E. P. Ingi*rsoll. who recently 11:30—Notes from general conference on Flpwerlh Chenille I’orf lerK, sistance. Throiigloiat the^state we Believe re.sigiied from the Puritan Congrega- to ten. There are many other spisnmens I.«ague, Kev. J. II. Thomas, Ithaca. we will find a friend In that powerful agent, tiotial Chinch of IJrooklyn. lias ac­ .\t .lon.N Hicks ’. of merit which our time and spm-e will TUl)B«I>AY A tTK-RNlMiN. the Press, and through the press we must cepted the call given him l»y the Park 1::I0—Reports Ironi Epworid Laiagues and com­ .\void dys|M*psia by using the (pii<-k not allow us to imaition in detail, as we give puBlleity to our plans. Congregational Church of St. Paul. mittees. Meal GaHf>line,Stovi*sold by Fowli*rA' Hall. wish to give the names of all who pn*- Cpoii ettieient country w<»rk the sm-eess of 2:00—How to organixe Ia*ague6 and keep them Minii. 1 CarpelK. ourexhildl de|H‘iids, therefore, let the women pared work, whichaii*asfolU)Ws: Walter alive, Mias Hines, Mason. The duke of Portland has a neirktie of each county form themselves Into a Band Shalley, Inn Taylor, .Mabel .Miller, (’has. 2:;io —The League and Christian education. Rev. for every hour of the day. and ho I Do not forget that the hirgi*st and bi*st «ifearnest workers. All aBiag the llm*s itf F. A. Smart, Albion Ollege. never wears his gloves twice. His ' stock of CarjM'ts in .St. .lohns is Taylor, lllanche Wethereli, Elmer llixby, Industrial, latelleetiial and moral activity. In 3:00—What shall we do at our social entertain- hosier's bill is about fL2tH) a year. j .\t .lon.N Hicks ', Millie lloichot, .Mina llixby, Charles the departmeiits of art, iaventioii, author­ mentsT Mrs. A. High, Ovid. The duke of Fife spends about the ship, professions, and nianiifaeturing, women ! For cool dr»*ss^*s buy l'im*apph* Tissue lloichot, Guy .Miller, Glenn Hray, .lulia 3:.30—The Epworth I.d, umi it is essmitlal that each Of Cii.vn.N A Co. lloichot, .Mina .Merrihew, Lena lluhler, 4:00—Adjourument. Cfuinty he thorouglily canvassed In search of Gov. Russell of Massachuselts is a Harry Miller, Viola Ih'cket, Zada Smith the meritorious work women are d ing to exhibits in the department or «le|»iirt- Full dn*ss suits and Fiin*Ht Goods for Mr. .Vnderson soon leaves for the In­ Iwitli Regular HnptiHt...... "2 ments in which they may he partienlarly In- that he is obliged to hustle for grub Trousers. At .Iron's. Soiilli Ovid C. II...... 1 12 like otlier country editors. dustrial school at llig Uai)iir»*<'t«»r-(Jeneral I l>l i intends to spend his vacation in hard SlieiinrdHvlIle M. E...... 21 Davis, Chleng«». Count Walilersee iuGmates to his KlHle F. H...... 1 ! Csll and ♦JXiimineoiir Dn*ssGoods. ^Ye work and at the clos«*, will again r«*turn ConiF»etltlve exhIBIts will Im* pBu'ed In the fellow-oHicers in tlie German army ! make a sjMrialty of lUaek Goods. He Witt .M. E...... 1 main Expiisitlon niiildings. that they ma}’ mee> next spring “for to Olive (.’♦•liter to begin his tenth term Victor r, H...... 1 ! .ioiLN Hicks . 'I'he M'oman’s Hiiilding will Be «>p**n fi>r the serious business.” Perhaps lo pivsi*rvo ! of Hidiool. We congratulati^ him upon Victor Congregational...... "<> display of the most hrilllant work of women that peace that the Ivaiser and Voii Oiir Flonneings ciinnot be excelled for his success as a teacher, ]a‘nman, and I’lctor Cednr Lake A. <’...... 1 from all parts of the world. Only articles of Ciipi'ivi insist sluill be maiiituined ia i style, ipinlity and elieaimess. Piiplain CliriHtiaii...... 1 niusician and pnnlict for him a future of superior excellence will And n idace In the Europe. Ciiai *ln A Co. EIhIc .M. E...... 2 M'omnn's Itnilding. The i|m*stion as t (» success. .Ml of which is respectfully submitted whether exhIBits In the Woman's Itulldiiig Judge Culbertson, the Texas con ­ 1 liave an elt*gant line of Overcontings. should he competitive has not l)«s>n decided gressman. recently replied to a tirade ' .11’no, the Tailor. Tlie Wliy. for correction if there nit* nny mistnkes of abuse from an embiUereeaking and while the amlienc^^ his humor was iiurivaled. ‘ Once he l.“»-41>; visitK from school officers 1; women ant hors of t he world, and one <'opy i .lewett's Refrigerators are the most re- wen* applamling as I h*ft the rostrum, for the woman's rending room in onr .State a.skeil an eieclor to vote for liini, 'No. ’ I liable. Sold by Fowh*r A Rail. the jiresident whisjtered in my ear tln*se otlier visitors np to htstdjiy, 1H; number RnildiiiK. which will include only the women replied the man. warmly. 'I’d rather words, “You gave them a good ♦jin*. ’’ of cjises of tardiness rr«-4'l ion. cation of Information niid siiK'U'cstioiis 4vill < olt Fur SaU' aid us to iietter aci otiipliHli our piirpoMe iu : candy, foreign frtiits of all kinds, cigars .Vn.vttne 4vishing a tine .leroim the right of fre<* sp<*«*<,*h, ami it may be Elder .M. (1. Pett, of Hatii, requests us • jitid tobartbaeeo1 at. .mv .. 1..iB'dilt . I. nartersIII .leiT.vI ...... Mivttne, 4visnmg . a , nne .lerome. r.Eddy tliN dir<-ctioti. I’s store, head of Clinton avenue, ; .....' >••»>!<;;. eai, get a ggood that Ills religious and i»oIitieal j»rejudices to Ktnte that his resignation from the We 44111 take iileasiire in iins4verlutr ioi.4' In- j ^iteven ide. Will surely please yon. Cargnm by calling on 1 aylor Ntis-ktckton. against me had something to do with pastorate of the lUise Raptistehureli was qiiiries ami in tIniMliinu: nil iiect‘Hsar.v infornin west sp Res pert fully, his opinions. .Vt the meetings I never not at a n*quest of that sor-iet-y asstated lion relallve to state 4vork. (2ueneh your thirst at Fildew A Mill- •MRS. .Il’LIA AI UI'.STA POND, Rooer J’Ee \. man's Fonntnin. by our eorresjiomlent in The News u! opposed .Mr. llrunson but onci* and that Hillsilale. Mich. I'er llol IVeallHM'. Notice! was when I voti*d in favor of the scs-iety .Illlie 21st, .MILS. .1. S. VALENTINE. passing a resolution condemning the ,V Shirt wnist. nnembroidi*retl tionneing, To . all jnirties wanting lumber or r I i n sejin. It band, and yoti have a ilress. practice of gambling on the fair ground, Siiiiiiner I'Aenr-ion-. .M*>ml>ers of tin* BoanI ♦>f M orlil s fair I Cum 'Ln A'Co building mati*riul. .Vs I have df*< ‘idi*d to and I wouhl just as readily vote against To CiiicAoo —Commeneing Saturday, .Manatfers for Mlelilu'tin. remain in St. .lohns this summer I will Torgnemadaism at a ]>ione4*r im‘eting as .luiM! 1 Hthandeoiitinuingevory.Saturday __ a B a _____ ^ Mow lo .Mak«‘ .Money. Im* found ready and in the front rank to I would vote against gambling at a thereafter until SeptemlM*i-the I)elroit. <'ai(l of Thanks. Ry Going to the,St. .lohiis Fonndryfor till any orders yon may favor me with. .V general stiM-k oi, Imnd. county fair. I trust that my explana­ Grand Haven and .Milwauki*<* Railway in We the iinrlersiKiied desire to exfiress oiir i Plows and Plow Repairs, also nll kinds of tion will enable S4*cn*tary Daniels to conini'tion with tin* Gofidrieli sti*amei*s lieartfell tliaiiks to «.ur kind friends and I llglicultural implements. We k«*ep il fill! 14Hw2 .V. GltA.NtlER. suc<*e4*4l in getting the powi*r to erase my will sell tickets from .St. .lohnstoChieago neljflihors for their assistnin^ and syinpiith.v j liin^ of Reltillg, Roih'r l'**<*ders tind Rrass ^ I’liiiikett's l.iillcry name from the list of nu*mbei-ship. and return for S<».2.". These tickets are diirlmc the sh kiiess and Burial of onr Be-j goods. .VII repairingdoneoii short lioliee Is the place to get your photogra]»hs. .M. ll.vnc(M'K. good going on tin* .Saturday afternoon loved hiisBand and father, and "also to the i Ht bottom Jirict'H. ( ROMS A VV ELLER. Ctihinets and Panels of the latest styles mail train No. 1-1 ami valid return ­ <». A. R. post and t hose 4vho furnished tlo4vers aud everything turned out by skilled Itiirkli ii'h a mini ShI Vf. Now Shirt Waists coming nt (1in|iin ing on stoainer leaving Chicago tin* and music. Ma.4’ iBtd's Blessing go 4vlth labor. The lii'st in the world for cuts. Ilruises m. A. I’o. ’s following Siindn.v at. 7 i*. them. .MRS. NELI.IE .M, UARDNER. * <>eiitleiiicn ami l.iulies. Sores, rici*rs. Salt Uheum, Fever Sores, To .Mii.wackee —Tin* saim* rates as FRED GARDNER. .shirt H'sisis ()nr Two dollar sho»*s an* excellent. T^*tti*r, (’haiip4**4> and .MILS. FRANKLIN DOTY. and all Skin Eruptions, and positively r»*turn, excepting the tickets will Isi sold For the hot weatherat (’lmi>in A Co. ’s CHAPI.V A CoMPAXV. cures Files, or no pay nspiired. It is for Saturday evening train No. L", Valid Ripans 'Fabtiles. Wire Screens to fit any size doors or Chapin A Co liave the boss jtlow shoes. guarrant**ed to give perhs't satisfan at Fildew A .Millmun's. I Tobacco uu'l Cigars. W. H. Watts . nFJ.I.KI> ItV A IIOfiCK /I'LU. THREE WERE KILLED. • CATTLfi.MKN DKGANIZR THE SENATE AM) HOUSE. THE NEWS. Toloilo Cliureli People Fsioleil by u lleavy- rn<1lMii Territory Ntk him into their hiT-s of tho assnciatlun If shipped by other! 111 the House, tlie 2ttlh, Mr. C.irtor 6| oka Auditor...... C. (L M’CAllTHY nt length iigalnst the Hatcli 1)111. Repre­ arms, us it were. Now It Is discovered Railroad t’oinnilssloner... .(JEO. W. PERKINS than their owneri. Flectors-at-larve •'...... tWJM.MINS sentative Plorceof Tennessea Introduced In The l.awiiiakors. that he has not only been mlsslu'j more r.iectorB ai-iargc ^...... j MILTON REM LEY tho Huiisj a fr«*e coinage hill identical than a week, but th.at David Yoc.nc. a col- KKMAKKAItLK I’KNMIDN FIt.lCD. On the .'JOth, a warm dlsciisslun onsitod Every county was represented, and Grand with the sliver coinage bill pending In the uied lad was taken away by him. Vunnif's uh«ii tho fn:o-oolir.mo hill was callotl up. Op»*pa House was comfortably filled, but, An Iowa Woman Draws Her IIUMliand's Senate as modified by Senator Stewart’), relatives are ttdecraphinc everywhere, but ainendmont. Much work looklnr tow'ird Mr. .Mol'licrsoii objectocl tu coiisidorutloii of cumpured with former year.s, there was not J’eiislon While He Is In uii Asylum. have learned nothing thus far. lilHcent adjournment was accomplished h.y tht lliu measufo. thoii;;h tin* day bofoio It had 80 groat an assemblage of visitors. The Chief Pension Examiner Stlhbs and Dis­ boon ll.xod as the order, for the reason that Imiutry has (amvincod most of the clersy House. .Senators Hale and Vest liad a Auditorium was elaborately decorated trict Attorney Mllchrlst. of Chicago, have lively (oHticul argument In tho Senate. all the Senators had not returned. A mo­ that the yonne African Is an iniposUir. liniahed an Ivestigutlon of a most remarka­ tion to reroininlt the bill to tliO I'innnee with the nutionul colors and portraits of Retween July 15 and 20 Is (he ilay set by ble pensioii fraud, and compelled the res­ bu.siness men for a probahle a«lionrnment- Committee was pundlnK wlion the Senate .SHOT UTIII.F ATTKMI'TINti KOliltKKV. eminent men. In tho rear of tho stage adjourned, as was also an amendment to was an immense canvass with j ortralts of toration of over $S,03i) diverted fiom the In tho House, the 2»lh, the Indian ap­ Mr. Stewart'.s sub>titutc. which wouli seem A Trap Set lor Tiilves Kiiiis .loliii Daley's Harrison and Reid, and in the b.'ickground rightful beneficiary. Tho moit astonish­ propriation bill, on wlilch an agreement to confine tho frec-colnatre privllejros of 1.11'e. was a ropro.scntation of a merchant ves ­ ing feature about tho case Is that the par­ had l)cen reached, was again sent lo con- fojonce. A couple of hours wi.re consum­ the bill to the product of American mlneo At I'rankforl, Ky., John Daley mot a sud­ sel plowing the seii. ties iu interest are man and wife. The lat­ ufti^r tho bill becomes a law. Conference ter kej)f. tho pension money due her hu.s- ed hi the consldiTallon of :i hill amend­ den and violent death while atteniptinc to atory of tho tlinhcr culture repeal act, reports on t!»e naval, the District, l.OOKINti FUK A LANDSl.Ili-l':. band, who waa Insane, and for years he and the airicultural aiiprupriatlon i rot) tho iiioney drawer In Fincel Hrothors’ hut It V as withdrawn without action. bills were nsreed ttn a joint resolu­ I butcher shop. Fliicel Hr.)thert’ till lias I’eoplo ’s I’urty l.eaders 7'liiiik fircHliani lived as a pauper In the Insane asylums ol Mr Ibitch of Missouri. ( hairman of the tion to cimt.nue tho appri’prlat Ions been frequently l.appe 1 of late, and to put Will Itiiii aiimptorily rc- ten or twelve ne.v witnesses as to the The J’ostotlico Approiirlalion bill was taken I before County .Indue Hon Williams. He fu>es to say what the lynching of Rob l.s*wK Last week uj) and passed, Tlie l.cglslatlvo. Execu­ , w.'iived an examliiatl >n and a bond of Judge thinks a’out ac­ after a live r<>shum w ill :igrce to lo their candidate sion Appropriation hill was then taken up. clerk of .Messrs. Hlccs A Co.. I'lttsburc jew­ the appointment, will run only until next limitT thoso C( ndltlons; Thai the Omaha Tho only Imiiortant amen'dment recom­ elers, and a memberof tbe tJerman Luther­ AtioHier C ise for Lyix'lier^. Marcii, even in the event of the President's convention Is a Largo .and repiesentat 1 vo mended by the Committee on Appropria­ an Church choir, was arres od on the com­ gathering; that the riib-Tre:isury scheme -Mrs. Rato, who lived near .siiolbyvllle, tions Is one Increasing from $133,04K,3t)<) to re-election. Mr. I'ostcr. whose diplomatic, plaint of Ills employers and taken to Jail isalanduned; that the nomlmition comes Tenn., was :issaulteil and murdered by 8141.1)50,000 the appriiprlatlon for Invalids ’, connections with other ijcvernm'Mits are of in default of :§1,.10U bail, charjted with sys­ to him without cmiti'st :iml pr.actically s(iiv<>nllnli Tampi*r<-«l wlfli th<* .MhII. On tlio Diaiiioiiil. Imwever, to see that their Interests tiro Titles and other ui.'ans of amnslnz his 0)>ei)eentng letters :iddri*>sed to tions! linn in February at a salary of !?.'> a week. NATIONAL LEAGUn. sitions he is now lilllni;. the history of th«* State and of tho country, M'llliam Charman. Jn-il*e of tho Peace. , Mr. ZImms has boon Po!tmasfer at I^'liz- W. L T^c.l W. L. 1»C. Assaiilleil l)y Three Sogrnt'^, but n6v«*r h;is It hehl ti n;oio d»*lme on a lonely iimlor its big dome \tcdnesday morning. Cleveland, ,.:*3 2t> ..■*.*>.' Lonisvilk*. ..24 :is ..k; tloii i'Uleirxvith Chan'. street when she was felled by a stone A score jf years Imve jiassed since the TIghe Will 27 .4s; Shelter lay niu'onsclous in tho field for an Milwaukee..'iM m ..vi(i‘Minneap ‘llH.1'.) 21 .47! dumape to the prowliip wheat crop iu t)hIo. the movomont, determined to display the v«*rdlct found against lilm, was fonml at Omaha...... 2.'i 21 ..'il" Ft. tVa.vne. .1'.) 2(> .42' f'Otne fiirmors liavo sent hear which slio succeeded in crawl- courage of their convictions and to pl.'ico a his homo, nearCellna. Ohio, he having been Toledo...... 22 22 ..■*(«'Indian’p'lls, 11 3i .2(1: tho secretary to explain tho ))eculiarlty Inp to her home. Farller In the evenlnp Presidential ticket In tho field. That w:isln tohl that tie could go home by his attorney. Mrs. .'ohn Keen Was assunited by a white II.LIXOIS-IOWA LEAGUE. (NEW SERIE.s.) of the injury t ) the crop, the exact cause the M'orld’s Fair City in 18T2, and in every Ho was .-entem oJ to fifteen month.^ in the w. L. Vc. W. L. Vc of whh'h has m)t been determined. man. hut .she sucroe4'* Aurora,...... 4 « .;i;u well filled, hut upon exiiminatioii are foutid have no clew to the as.sailanta battle. L. file npner portion has nolliinp hut ebaff, more than a campaign of education, they Oshkosh...... ‘.I 5 .(‘43 tsli.-Neg.. .. .12 10 'J’here is no semblance of prain In many sweep the town .Monday -as It did three ar»* stronger, more united, more hopeful of Land Commissioner (iartor. of .Montana, Marquette .. 12 K .('4*0 Marinette.. , 7 13 was chesen S«*cretary and Cortielins Rliss, heads except at the lower pari; in other.s of the nationiil Prolill)!- ] dollars had been caused. The (ire started Difference of ojjinion e.xi'-ts as to whether tlon cansi'.and .surely tin* heaiitifnl conven ­ M ill AVork Together. OUTLOOK FOR CROPS. it was bllplited by Iho (‘.xtreme lieat of las* ill the heart of the city iiiid gained head- tion hull never pr<‘sented a more attractive , way so rapidly that < o isternatlon pre- Tr-:fl f-iifi.ir IruHt and tho wholesale week or Injureil by a vreen louse that ap­ '—one might say enchanting—appearance Itrocera hate ent«“r d into an ngr»*etnoiit Report on tlx* Coixlltloii of tVIwuf. Datt j v.-iilod. Sell tt iih.'tchor brothers’ w holesale than It did Wednesday morning when the anti Fruit. peared in m.iuy fields about tlio satiio time. ! gr< « ery was destiovcd. and tho Hotel whereby the grocers will maintain uni­ sun ))(ope a rebate* to protect tliem from CKASII AT A I'KO.SsINti. appcarci in tho Fnrnioiy’ Heviow of thii N'oiiilii:ife)ig,000. Oats. fornia. was the nominee by an nnmistakahle Of tho fiassengors in car Na 204C eight J.ittic Rock branch. Tlie r<’ar car was a .Masked htirglais entered tho house of In Illinois oats .arc reported In fair to good majority, rcceivlnp .'hiO voles out of a total were attended by iieighhoring phy>iclans narrow-gauge car, and the engine of Farmer Josejifi Foieman, of I'airfiold, Ohio, condition, with the exception of about 20 jiei vote of !iT4, 4sT votes lieinp necessary to a the freight train jileked It n|) and ci-ut. of the correspondents who report poor and takc'ii to their homos In carriages, tind and .secured $2.00*. Indiana gives u siilf Letter report, only abouj choice. The nomination wat greeted with three taken to the City Hospital. Tho •Irovo tt almost through the next car, 7 i)(^ cent, of the corresiiondents giving tin a deafening illn of cheers and whistle-. W( nu'ii passengers in tho other car were wlilch was standard gauge. Tlie rear com­ AI IC K FT (| I OTA TI ON .S. outlook as had. In Ohio only lO per cent, re port poor, and in Michigan bnlv 12 percent The official rcc.ird of the vole was as fol ­ sent to their homes iji carrlati'S by tho partment of Itie first car was full of ne­ lows: Hidwoll. .'■(PO: Sicwarf. IT'.*; Demor- In Kentucky the outlook is very favorable, twt comi): n •. groes. A hrakcmuii saw tho tipproaclilng CHH’Adt). counties only reporting a had stand. In Mis cst, Dr. .1. H. ('ranfill, of Texas, was freight and warned to aegroos to jump, Catti .e—Common to I'rime.... fi 5.00 sourl the stand Is good. Imt not so favorable ar iiomtnuiod f Vice l’resl(U*nt on the sec­ N«*gro<*s Or«l«*rcil to I.cave. whl<*h they did and saved their lives. The Hoos 'Shipping Grades ...... In tho States mentioned. About ('■" per cent, ol Sheep—Fair to Choice...... ond ballot, petting 4I() voles, nine more An ing made hv the 4.10 t;.2.'> the correspondents reiiort the croii In goodcOii white passengers in fiont were not so for­ Whe.at —No. 2 Spring ...... 7t» I'l. .Nl dltlon; ‘JO per cent. In fair condition, and th« than c•nouph to win. /,t-:li) o ’clock a. m. white r»*s!de»its of tho town of Norman. (J tunate*. 'I'hre<* persons in the teluscopej Cohn —No. 2, new...... V) (« ..V2 others report the stand as light. The oiitloob Friday the convention adjourned sine die. T., to drive all negroes out of that place. car were killed and seven hu,*t. Oats —No. 2...... In Kansas is siiglitly below that of Missouri, 5t Rye—No. 2...... ,77*..; per cent, reporting good: i * per cent, fair anc Warning has h *011 sent to Iho negroes ad­ ItUTTEK—Choice Crf ainegy ...... Duiiiiiges tor a CoIor<*(| .FHItor. . I'J ej6 .20 ‘20 cent. poor. Nebraska .igaiii dro»*s below FII'TKI:N THfH'S \.\D FI.Ci:.\I.ITY. vising them to leave In the next ten days or Cheese—Full Creuni, fiats...... O'.' If6 .Oii'-J Kansas, 15 per cent, of tlie correspondents oiilx 8iilT<*r the c<'ns'*qucnces. A negro barber Thomas Fortune, the colored editor of Eons —Fresh...... «.1452t“- .li'v reporting good; ;;2 per cent, fair, and the rest Potatoes —New. i>er bri...... <'ol. Fellmvs’ FHlIiiiato of the Deiiirx-ratlc named Smlih was visited by tinea white tho New York Ago. was damaged to tt.e 2.26 tfl. 3.00 |K)or. In Iowa a little less than one-tlilrd re­ INDIANAPOLIS port the crop In. good conditUm, and the rest YH'tory In New Voi-k In November. men last ^unJay night atid forced t) leave amount of SH50 hv he ng thrown out of Catti .e—Shipping...... 3.2.5 Cd 4.50 report fair, witli one exceiitlon. in Wisconsin Washlnuton siiecial: Fifteen tliuiisand town at tho niix/les of Winchester rllles. Tralnor’s Hotel. A jury awarded him that Ho (»k—Choice l.lght...... 3..50 in .V2.'» Minnesota and tlu* Dakotas the crop is in tln< Sheep- Common to J’rlme...... 3. (X! (St 5.00 plurality is the figure at whh’h (,'ul. John It Is feared serious trouble will result. amount, and Jiistiee Patterson of the Sn- iliape as a general thing and in tiu nv conntle» Wheat —No. 2 Red ...... 70 is; .SO he crop will he above the average. '(Inly twe 11. Follows places the dimensions of the proine Court general term affirmo.l thodu- COKN—No. I White...... 40 m .51 -•ountles in the three States report poor. Oats —No, 2 tVhlte...... Democratic victory In tho l^tate of New •Miir«ler<*>l in Court. cision of tho court b«*low. The action was .-.H Ig: .35 Winter Wli<*i«t. A murder was comrnlttial in the Now originally brought for $50,000 dnrnagos for ST. LOLL-. ^’ork this antiimn. ‘•New ^'ork FIty,” said Catti .e...... 3.00 (fi A..^) In Illinois w Inter wheat Is generally In fin* Col. Fellows. Will give Cleveland tJO.OOfl ^'ork (ourt of (.'oiicral r'esslcns. Max being ejected from tho hol<*l. assaulted, Hooh ...... 3.50 gJj 5.‘2.7 •liape. Two-thirds of the counties report tlu majority. Kings (-'ouniy will give liiin 20,000 I Clerget. who was before the bar to answer unjustly arrested and imprisoned. I he M'heat —No. 2 Red ...... ,7«)ai?5 .77'.., crop an average or al)ove, all of the tJiers re- Corn —No. 2...... (lorting fair. The same Is true of Indiana and to the charge of assaulting l.Vyear-old row iH'gan by one of 'I r.ilnor’s hartonders .43 (ff. .44 more, and the other Democratic l•ountleso^ Oats —No. 2...... 30 l^ .31 Dhlo. with the exception of about 12 i>er cent. 1/onp Is'aiid ought to he good for at least Sarah Dlvin, was shot tlirough the heart refiylng to servo Fortune with a gl.i.ss of Rye-No. 2...... 77 <3) .78 In the two States that report poo.-. Onl> 5,000 more, and f cannot see how Harrison niid Insiantly killed by the girl's brother, beer. CINCINNATI. one In ten of the correspondents Ir F.dwartl Dlvin, who Is 2.') years old. Cattee ...... 3.00 0 4.50 Michigan report i>or,r. the others fair Ic <•1111 ooinodowii to Harlem bridge with more Fell In Front of a Foltiviitor. Hoos ...... | 3.00 0 5,50 good. In Kentucky the crop H cspeciall> than 10,000 majority.” Sheep...... 4. erv Appeals to grant Tulton Hall, lh*e noted t)eeii In collision at sea with tho sailing Rl'FFAla). come along, and, thinking some one bad Reek Catti .e—Com. to Prime.. 4.no •*ad, and In some coiintles tlie fruit crop Is al­ ('« most a failure. The same eondltlons prdail lost a package from a store, picked up and iiiitlaw, a new trial. Ho was convicted at vixael Fred G. Taylor, arrived at qjnaran- Hoos —Rest Grades ...... 4.00 0 6.50 Wise Courthonsc, Va.. several months ago Mheat —No. 1 Hard ...... In Indiana and (ihlo. In Sllchlgan less thvi opened the laix. when out sprang tho rep­ tlne at 5:12 o’clock Monday morning. She .8s one-third report tho fruit crop an avtr- for tho murder of Policeman Hilton, at reports that she was not In collision with Corn -No. 2...... X4 0 .65 tile, coiling Itself urotind her arm. She MILWAUKEE. fvge or above; an equal number report it Norton, Va. from 5 to ‘AX per cent, below an averafffc, went Info hysterhs and fainted, with the tho Taylor or any other vessel. M'heat —No. 2 spring ...... 7(; 0 .77 Corn —No. a ...... and the others reiiort iioor. In Ken­ res'ilt given almve. Arbogast, if she dies, C'liina Itiiyiiie .MunltluiiH iif War. .44i 0 .48 tucky one-fifth of the correspondents reimrt fieergo Cassidy Driips Dead. Oats —No. 2 White...... !! .S.'. 0 will lie prosecuted. Thirty thousand .Mauser rlfios and 150 Rye—No. 1...... 78 0 .7.1 the condition as good; 3.x iH‘r cent, report fair, George Cassidy, Democratic nominee for Rarley —No. 2...... the otliers poor. In Missouri, K ihsas, and tons of cartridges are being shipped from 0 .(il Nebraska the pros^cts are very iMs.r, very few A Kiittrii l{rlil;;e Cost* Five Lives. Congress, was stricken with apoj loxy at Pork —.Mess...... 10.30 011.‘AX Hamburg for P<»Wln, conslgiuxl to tho tho close of tlie sliver convention at Reno, NEW YORK. jf the corrcM|H)n I..eslle, oiintyof Fife. Scotland, (xillapsed Ho<»s...... 3.U0 0 5.75 MIEKP...... 4..VI {lercent. of the counties being good, and In a on the removal of the scafTolding erected Drowned by the Capsir.ln;; of a TIowt. To lt(*ap|Mirllon WIsronsin. vf (i.( 0 Ike number being very poor, in the other* M heat —Na 2 Red ...... 01 0 .Wl during Its constrnrtlon. A nunilier of th* At Memphis. Julius Frauonthal and A special session of tho Wisconsin Legls- Corn —No. 2...... ftl ,’alr. In Wisconsin and tlio Dakotas ttic out­ 0 .61 look Is good generallv, while in Minnesota It !• workmen were Carrie 1 down and five were Matthew Hchloss, two boys were drowned ture to reapportion the Stale Into Senato Oats —Mixed Western...... 37 .4" Hu I'TEH—Crt anicry...... Hi (14 /a fair to good condition tu tlirtc-foaitba ol (Irow ncd. I y tbe capsl/Ing of a Ik-L .A and Asseiably districts has cunvonud. Pojik Old Hess...... 10.76 0n.5j .he couutlest^ 1b coming to America soon. Do you TO TAKE BLAINE’S PLACE. know, I urn really anxious to s(*e him.’’ MICHIGAN STATE NEWS “I am .sure you will like him," put in* Julin AA. T'oHtcr of Itniliiiia Naitied I'tff Neeretary oC Hlate. Miss Hilton, with suspicious haste. “I OCCURRENCES DURING THE eonfi st I alwu3’s liad a tender place in John W. Foster of In-IIanu Is lo be Sec­ PAST WEEK 1113- lieart for Hrian. He lias svune ex­ retary of State. The Senate in execu­ nfluence cel li nt traits, despite Iris shorteomiiigs. tive session has jeoufirmed the nomina ­ WOMANS I After Age nt Hharkit—Kjtldeiiiic of He lost ills uioiher w-lien ho was very tion miido by the laying her cool hand aeu'nst the warm, young, poor boy, anil his after ti‘aining I'lesident, HultddeM—Two AVuiiieii nt “The .Soo” smooth cheek. “I'm afraid I shall have was left in the hands of servants, and John Watson Horitewhip Their Tmduoer — A Vuung to assert somo authority. You should was not voi-y judleiou.s, as 3’ou may Foster was born AAuiiinii itepentliix ut LelHiiro. .* ii imagine. ’’ be enjoying this delightful weathor, in Indiana, March From Far nmi Near. Miss Hilton." “Ho ii mI undo quarreled u great deal, a, IHJt). Ho was “I dare say I sliould," was the agree ­ didn ’t they'r” asked Margaret, after a graduated at the OvEK^ 7, (MO visitors was the avwrage able reply, “but you see I’m lazy, my thoughtful pause. Indiana State attendance eacli niglit at the Masonic dear. I’ve had a nice nap. Did joi “Yes, quite often, ” was tho answer. I' n I ve rsity in fair at Saginaw-. ride alone, Margaret? ” “Drian spent money more freely than D-5), and alter a Ali'ENa ryo is sl.x foot four inches “A’es. except lor my fhouglits. I hud iris fatlier approved. A’our uncle oiieo year in the Har- tall, says tho Echo. None of the ladies a w’hole licst of them for company. remarked to rue: 'If Brian were not ^ \ v..rd law schooJ w-lll smile on Annie as she is comiii ’ Itoally, I’m as cio-s as a bear." sure that I would pii3’ iris bills he would WHS admitted tc tlirougii that ryo. “I am torry to hear it. What have bo b>ss industriuus in making tliem.’ 1 ttio bur and began Itov Jackk (1n , aged 7 3’ear8 , w’hllo you been ttdnking of.*' ” think ire was rather anxious for him to JOHN w. KOSTKII. practlco of law playing at Lansing, ivas so badl 3' in­ “Oh, eaerythiiig. Papa, grandfather, niRrr3’ and settle down to the pi-actleo in Evansville. In IHtii lie entered the jured by a niarblo monument which and -----yes, and Hds Imteful money. ” of iris iirofossion. He could not tolerate ITiion army as Major of tho Twent3’* toppled over upon him tliat he died. "Hateful, Margaret? Tlien you don ’t a riuin w-lth no occupation. ” llfth Indiana Infantr 3". He was sue* AV.v. AA'. O.snoK.N, charged with vio ­ C'lrAITKK 1. ^ share tlio world ’s opinion of that useful “I agree w-ith him there,” retui’ned oosslvely promoted to Lieutenant Colo ­ lating tho Fnited States pension law’s article.” Margaret qult*kl 3-, “I perfectly aborni- MAIUiAKKr. * nel and Colonel. During his entire mil­ by tiie oxactio 1 of an illegla fee in so ­ Margaret drew ’ a chair close to Mis-s nate a tnun witliout ambition. If I liad itary service lie was connected with the f)n the afterno.)!! of a daj ’ early in liciting a pension for Marion F. Bulk, of Hilton, and seated herself upon it, as a husband of that disposition I’d make AVestern armies of Crant and Sherman. Lansing, was lield tj tho grand jur3'. April two ladies were drivini' along a she replied. him do something or I wouldn ’t have After tho war lie became editor of the John AA' ixiuj .vii , of (H-een Bay, at­ level country road “Not tlie w’orld Hint Mrs. Downs rep­ him around me.” Evansville Dail3- Journal and in IHtiti tempted to board a moving train at One wa» evidently a stranger to the resents. I met her a wliilo ago. Sho “Still,” she added more thoughtfull3’, was appointed poBtmaster of that cit3-. Escanaba, fell, and both legs were out place and its surroundings, for she ol>- wanted to slop, of course, but I just “unele need not have disinherited him Four 3-ear8 later lie was sent to Mexicc served the scenery with cm ions inter­ lode on. Awlully rude, wasn’t it? 1 on that aocount. Such a course seems by President (Irani as I nited Stat(*e off. He lived hut two hours. He was a brother of Aid. AA'iuegar, of Escanaba. est, and frequently (luestioned her com ­ louldn ’t help it, I detest her. She to 1)0 a peculiarit3’ in this fainll3’. It Minister, and in DHO w-as reappointed panion ahout the persons and residences wouldn ’t care a snap of her linger for humiliates mo to le d that iny coming by President Hii3’eH. 'Lhe same 3-eiir he Foicrv - FOCK students graduated they passed. The other, who drove the me if I were poor, but simply boeauso hei-e had un 3-thing to do with it." was transferred to Russia, wlilch mission from tho Kalamazoo High School tins handsome hays with an unmistakahle ----- Oil! I hate sucli people! 'J'liuiik “1 urn sure your rri(*re coniing had not, lie held about a 3Tar. Ho then resigned year. Circuit Judge tieo. M. Buck d(*- air of proprietorship, was on old resi­ heaven. I’ll soon be aw’ay Irom them for Alargarot^ Your unele evidently liad and returned home to attend to private livcred tlio address. 'I here are also dent. awhile. I told you I w’as cross, Miss some good reason for his action. I tliink Imsiness. Ho settled down in Wash­ nine giaduates from tho training school, She had found her way to this small Hilton. ” he iielieved tliat leaving Brian an in- ington, giving ids attention chiefl3’ to ,Mkk . Locihe Savdhokk , w-idow of a but pretentious town some years before, “I see it, my dear," was the lialf grave eonie sunieicnt onl 3’ for tlie necesities of praetleing in international oases and Saginaw- 8ho(*niaker, who four 3’ear.s and, building a handsome home, liail response. "Have 3-011 quite decided to life wouhl moi-all 3' force liirn to use his acting ns counsel for foreign legations ago blew- out ..Id bruins with a revolver, since devoted her energies, supple­ go lo that outlandish place?” ow-n exertions to secure tlie luxuries ho before courts or commissions. hanged Iierself in tlie attic of lier liouse. mented by the magical influence of “M luit a doleful expression. If Hint prizes. You can see tlie force of such Mr. Foster was appointed Minister to She WHS nt; years of age and had been mIiss Hilton ’s harrd a rebrtking her witli a veiy loving glance. (Diotnlions for Jul3'. IHdl), IHdl, and IHIPJ, Annexation was. indi o 1 a burning little put. "I am grow-ing degener-ate, are siiown in this talile, Avld li givei- following him to Main street one of "Dear Margaret, ” slie sail gentl.y. lh<*m seizivl him wliUc the other laid on ortant ally, her lack to-(ia 3'. I have a most overpowering the coal combination; [to HK <-OXTI.\l-Kl). ] Kind. Is'.Hi. is.'l. IH'.ii. Increase. liiiek with a stout horsewhip. 'The man of a presentable grandfather was decid ­ desire to shook this pritrr urtd sever<>l3- (irate...... (:».f..) W-tWi 'i'* centf edly a drawback *11 the lurtheranc * of proper neighborliood. Dorr ’t look so re- liow'led w’ith pain, w-ldle a groat crowil Kkk ...... a.T.'i a.s.-) 4.‘2i» a.") cent! gathered ami clieered llie w-omcn on. her ambitious a^i>ii alions. 1 roving. Mis* Hiltorr. You couldn ’t Stove ...... 4.1)1) 4.0.1 4..>i) 4.A cent! “A graceful nuer and quite a pretty scold if 3-ou tr-ieil, ami I’nt afraid I take 'Flic ghost of Mollle Mcdriider, w-ho CliCHtnut.... a.!'>.■> a.'.") 4.40 a") cent! Jouhert is badly injured. 3 girl, ” remarked her companion, ineak- advantage of that knowledge. A’our was killed near Seventh and Tra(- - Tlie pro'duction for JUI3- w-ns fixed at .At AA' 3-andotte, Modest Cas-per, for ­ ing in iq n and read by the neighborhood, that )mssers-h3- and to a polioemaii, who, AVorld ’s ('oliiiiiliiiiii (’0111 iniHHlon llfisii’t a coat. One of th * eoatsleoves was fas­ ( eiit ICeiiiitliiliiR ill Its Trea-iiiry. scan h for his brother. ire is entitli'd to art3- u-lmiratiorr otr Unit since tliat time, has never liad ooeasion tened around Ids neck ior a noose. He “Y«‘s, he found him dying, I believe, in account. 'I'here are other varieties of to get near till* spot wliero the n.urder The World ’s Columbian Commission is veiy wealtli3-. and elidms tliat fandl 3’ pome obsenie t'alifurnia town. ^Iiss eharit3- w’hieli I admire ntore, utiii tliese was eommitted. is now- w-ithout even u postage stamp. trouble diove 1dm to commit the act of Leigh eatne to Fdmwood. Tliat was my gran If.ither did trot ixissess. I dare- The puldieiiLon in a morning paper Every dollar of tlie aiipropriation of $5*),- lr3’ing to take his life. • llv(* years ago, and now she has iidierit- sa3’ lie belonged to tire class t)f abiior- here of the fact tli.it such an appai'ition 5(i(^ has l)cen exiiaiisted and Se(Tctar3 ed all of her uncle ’s money. He died niall3- good p<*ople wh ) are ix*rfeetly liad been seen eniised a number of peo ­ Dickinson luisn ’t enough .money left tc In T’niteil States Co iiinissioni'r Alc- last (delober, and Ids .-on ----- ” C'ontent in tlieir own self-righteoii-ne-s. ple to go in tliat neiglitiorliood on sucli pay the stationery expenses of liie Alath’s Court at I5a3’ Cit3-. sat a luind- “His sun! Voiidon ttelJ me he ha.s a The3' arc i)reeisel3- fire kind of individ ­ nights as the3- liappcned to lx* out late, ofllce, unl<*88 he goes into his own some 3’oiing woman eryiiig as if lier Hon. ” uals I detest, (live me an out-and-out in tho hoi)o of being able to see the pocket. Dirc tor (lenernl Davis lias lieart would lireak. Finiill\-, us if wholly spirit. unable to oontrol herself, slie went into “He certainly lias. I am not surprifod sinner ati\-da 3-.. I'm eertainl3- gla 1 I not drawn liis Halar3’ for sovernl didn ’l know him, because I’m alraid I 'Pile result is that there are now not niontlis. (’oloni*! Dickinson has gone li3-8 teries and lianieil tin* fikill of tlie at your astoidshnieut. It seems almost less tluin seven pi'ople wlio declare that ut tending oflicer wlio undertook to uj)- liiqossiblt' that a fatlnw coul- i»e tire last to Irlame \-our lo 3’alt3’ to 3’our tin* dark street, wlien his attention was tnr3’ Dickinson ’s ofTlcc w-as put on a let­ giving it lier indorsement. a de. d ’lio son has been in Lurope lor fatlier,” sire said gently, “Inrt I wisli 3’ou attracted by a woman who w is standing ter to Secretary Foster, informing liim Some thief broke into Levi Fekhart’s tile last live years. He w.is considered could forget." p rfeetiN' erect near a telegraph polo qitite wild, I am told, jind be and ids "How-can I forgi't? ” w’.is the tearful of the condition of tlie National Com ­ barn at Mason an 1 stole lirt3' lleeoe.s of about ten feet from a street lamp, Slie mission ’s llnances. wool. fa her ly did sweet pea -e and restful irillueriee of audietiee witnessed a real and terrible injuries. in r .|usti(a>. woman seemed to dissolve in thin air, lioine, von would lie unforgiving too. and l«*lt no tra-’c iieldini lier. 'Phe gen ­ tniged 3’. ('a|it lin Dale, the well-known 'The War Department has detailcil Her face, whia' lacking iierfeetion of His father dej»rived him of all that tleman tlioiiglit it strange, and it was aeronaut, was to give a balloon exhilii- Iiieut. E, A. Lewis as profes.-or of mili- feature, was sin.gularly winfdng and a1- made life w rth living, I can rieier only when he relate I ids 8 tor 3’ next tion in the jiresi m-e of thousands of tar3' si-ienee and laclies at tin* Agri ­ traelive. 11 th.* month were a IrifU^ fo-g >t that, 'i'he time lias tieen when I morning that he foiiml lie liad ap- Siinila3’ sehool hoIiiia3’ seekors. 'I'lio cap­ cultural (’ollege. Tlie cadets will Iiavo bioad, the full red lips with the.r ex- felt bar I and bitter to all the W’orld, he- proaelied Alollie .MeOrii ler’s glio-it. tain invited any who desired to accom ­ gray iiidforms, jtressioii. hah j>leading, h.alf inquTous, eaiise one rn in had liei 11 -oerii I to liim. pany tiim on ids vo 3-uge in tin* air, ^^ev- made um)di> eompeiis.ition. 1 llie nose 'rile moiie\- I enjoi ’ now woiilil have 'The commencement exercises of Sar- ’ .All lli'iti III lloi*i(.*r oioiny. cral voliinti ered and the hnlloon started anae Hlah Sehool weie must in o 3’ab:e. deviated from the si might and pi rfect made his lito so dilTen rit. It is so hiinl on its upwind lliglit, the great niiiUitiiile, line, the fault W’as forgotten in the ele.ir .\ writer on the subject of lioiler oeon- 'Tlie wliole class sliowi li tliat the w’ork for me to think of this. I know I shall 01113- alludes lo the por()sit 3- of ordinal^ ’ largcl 3- compos:*d of children, wutching ciuilour of tile beautifully mol led brow, regret all iiiv life 1 hat unele found us too that lias been done has I ecu done well, lirieks anil mortal', i n 1 for all exposed it witli wondering gaze. Suddenly the and that fh(*3’ are w-ell prcjiared to go the liquid deptli.s ot the clear graV eves, late. .\11 these thoughts iiish over me lialloon hurst, and a cry of terror aro-e and file sv.eci persona'it\ lx aming from flue walls or iioiler soatings advises a out anil fnee tlie world when I think of my grandfather, and facing of glazed liricks, in neat cement from tho audience as tl*c balloon col- tlie exjxessivo eonnten.im e. then 1 feel inclined to I'xpiess 1113- opin ­ lapsi'd with a noise as of the discharge Sattudav night biirgliirs Inoke into inorlar, lo reiluee to a minimum Hie en- Hodges tV' AVi.rnet’s drug and grocery ,\bHorbeil in llionght of an niqd *asant ion sti-origl 3-. Iraiiei* of cold air to tho Hues, whleli uii- of a liuge cannon. 'I’lu* aeroniiut fell to eharaeter, as evidenc.xl by lier very per- “Yoiipan ’t understand mv hltterness the ground dead, and three of tlie pas­ store at I’nimi, l)lew llie safe, and got doulitedlA-takes jilaee through the ndl- nwa3- with $■!(»'», of which lielonged rejitible flown, siie nxle on. oniti' lost to because 30U an* alw’iqv's eaH3’and gentle. sengers were seriou ly injured. lioiis of pores in a rough lirick wail. For to the .\meiican Express Conquiny. In r snrronn lings. until her ho.se, I don't lielievi* 3-011 could lie angry if through foree of habit, rather tliaii the this purpose fin* tarring of tlio external Four .strangers wlio w-eii* in tin* village 3-011 tried; l)ut I have a ver3* tire of jtas- face of rougli brickwork flue walls is I’nt-fiil l’u'>k<>(. guiding liaiid of Ids mistress, turfied sioii in mo, and it flares up on ix-casion. KEF.rix’i; a pun of water in the oven are suspected, SlicnlT Ro 3’l(' offers a also recommended. (Hazed bricks, of rew-anl of ^T)) for the arrest of tho into a broad elm-lined avenue, and she ■'Let us talk of sometliing else. Did eourse, are b(*tter, and are very easily w'ill pre\ent fowl from scorching. looked thieves up in r^ome surprise to lind her- I tell you of m3- letter from (.’ousin peir at home. kept clean. I’KAltlj knife li)indle.ssiioiild lx* nibbed Hriaii? No^ I intended to. It came with a salt rag dipped in line talile salt, .As THE steam Ixirge John C. I’ringlo Ten m inites later phe luid divested after liinelteon. I wonder he cares to Try It, flirU. then polislicd witii l(*atlier. was leaving .Alpena sli * collidcl with heivelf of her riding liahll, and made till* schooner Fred A. Aiorse. I lie latter write to me, Vos, I know- I wrote to It is said tliat the juice of the garden FiNor.u marks may be removed from her way to her sitting-nxun. A bright, him lirst, but I felt called upon to do beet, of tin* l)la(^kbprr3’ and the stniw- at once sunk in 15(1 feet iif water. The ( lieei ful ai>arlnient whose tasteful fur­ A-arnished furniture tiy 1 iiliblng w-oll with crow barely escaped witli tlieir lives. that. F was so unhappy over the will herry, if nddicd lightly on the i-lieeks a ver3' little sweet oil upon a soft rag. nishing, revealed sometldng of the indi ­ that I wanted him to know liow- I le- mill then washed off wltli milk, leaves a The captain of tin* I ringle was tlirown Nevf .k omit regular bathing, for un ­ viduality of if - owner. l»olIeroaeliiiig tlie old lady es- ter he wrote in answer. 'Idris letter is hle juices are not of course injurious lo cold will close the p< res and favor con- half, wlien he was jiicked unw'lthout tablishu I before the glowing lire, and equally characteristic. He tells me ho tin* most sensitive ikin. i;estion or other diseasei. Bustnining a iy ajijxirei.t injury. Miij. Th(*o. l*ric<* is at Old MinHion fora NNUAL KEPORT OF SCHOOL DISTRICT lor Iluffet <’nr. Detroit to Orsnil Hnveii. No. Steam Printing House. Ko. 4, Bingham. The Board of Trualeea 17 has INilIiiiaii Slee|»er, Detroit to ChleaKO. few (*lnyK. A’ No. HI has Wagner Sleeper, Detroit toCJraiid THE NEWS herewith submit the Annual Report of the flnancea Raphls. Dr. M. Uoyd. of Surtinae, wan in St. of the district, the eallmateH for ensuing jea^ the JNO. W, LOUD, BK.N. KLKTt'HKR. THE NEWS LOUIS 1). (HUBS, Kdit(>r«Miid IToprIetor. .JoliiiH .Monday. ludebiedneM of the district and the contlogeut ea* TrulMe .Manager, Trav. Pass. Agent. All Iudei>«iitlent Newapaper, T[!KS1)AY. .ITLY 5, peotea irum Juif lat, 1891, to July lat. 189*2: THOM AK BItOM LK Y. A vent. Ht. Johns. Ptibllalied every I'lteadav from tlie Eatea Dr. A. J. Wiirj^iiiK and family H|>ent, tlie Kiu'iurTa. Block (ioriier of State unil Spring Streeta, by J‘'or th« b»*Ht wat(!li i-<»pairiii>r ^(j to Fourth in Durand. On hand July 1, 1891...... $2 841 77 I.OUIS IJ. OIOHS. Primary school fund ...... 1,888 73 I Ki-ei)pn, I)<*Witt tV; Co. We defy conii eti- f.'tO (;ash buys a hi^h wIkh*). ('all and THE G2VLVANIZEI) Editor anil Proprietor, tioii oil Hn«- (Mipn'uviiiK. One mill tax...... 1,833 87 At 74 ceat* a Year itrlctljr la Advaaee. e.xamine at tliiH office. i Dog tax and fine uionry...... 73 28 Hoy and .Myra S|H‘rry tire vihitini;: rela- j ...... u itn 8.) CardM of tlianka 2.5 centa eacli. IV l>‘gal Notle«*H at statute ralcM. tives in Ovid for thive weeks. , Tuition...... 410 .t» Marriage and Deatli notices frt*«*. Fmuu liigli M'biM.l cuiuiuftit'eiueiit ...... 41 90 Day your Kasoline of (>. A. 1 utt, the, Hamilton, of the State normal Steel Sepmotor lluslnesH locals Ti cents tier line eacli time. Misceiluin'oiia...... 41 73 Itnsiness Dir«*ctorv cards f 1 a line per year. grocer. school, is lioim* for the summer. 'J'raiislent advertising payalde in advance. T.jIhI...... flSifttu 18 ■ IS THE BEST.. Yearly advertising rates made known on Mrs. A. Downer went to llhaei Friday t>etlCK. UU cents iier line. ('has. Ke«>«l, of (irand Uu|iids custom Paid cuiiliugeul ex|ieiiwa...... 1,8:19 .‘<4 SfirSettlenients will be made quarterly on under carpets. shirt company was ho ne ov**r Sunday. the first of D«*<.enil»er, Marcli, .Inne, and S<*pt. 112.857 ;W Address all coniniiinicatloiis to J. D. Kstes, of thoCorunnti Indejtendent Henry Willmr has retunietl to St. Balance on liaiid July lai, 1892...... 3 141 SO SI. JOHNS NEWS, St. Johns, Mich. was in town Fi idtiy. I > lohns after s|»en«ling several n:onthsin Tutu'...... <15,999 Hi D. H. I'owt*r spenils the Fourth with : Illinois, KSIOlATtm rOK k.NSCINU YKAIt. Business Directory . bis wife in ( leveland, Ohi(j. j prtoiching service tiext Saltiaith Tcaclieni’.lalarlea...... ,.....t7 809 00 ATTORNEYS. .Miss Helen Wheelock spends Sunday I ut tirt* Shelter's school-house will begin I salaries...... tUKIim 00 and the Fourth in Detroit, 1 nt 7 o'clock ]». m. Bond ...... 2.000 00 rpi.\KII.%.>l A Cl.AKK, Attorneys nt Law, 1. St. .lohns. Otllcc In Opera House I’.lock. Ralph Sag)* spent Sunday in ^t. .lohns 'I'lie laili<‘s' society of St. .lohn’s church liiiercat on iMiitda ...... 870 UO Cuiiiiugeiil expei..-mla.v hist li.v tui-iiiiig oat enmass to ! P'loinry scli.iul luu.; ...... 1.200 00 ■y YON A 1)001.ING, Attornevs at l.iiw, 12;i ■Mice Terry, in Durand last w»H*k. ' visit other towns. Tuiiioo ...... 400 00 j To lie lalsfd liy tax...... lO.OiO 0i K. (J. S^tio'l spent Sumbi.v in Dtdroit; St..Ioha's (iuild will hold a special 1 <:ASTI.K. Attornej. and Money T..1hI. .*13.1U<) 0) l.oaner. St. .iolins.* konivss ok di trict and .Monday ami Tuesday in Ray City. I meeting with .Miss Nellie I'oihit thisj iNi-Kin .^ . TIEDEUA & MKKHII.I., Atfonieys ut Doe Feb Isl, ivj: ...... *.2.WK» 00 I. Law, St. .iolins. Due Fel). Ist, 1H94...... 3.200 00 by Mrs. A. Clmffto', went to Detroit Fri-j .Mrs. Cjiiifiehl ami family, of Lniising, Il.I. H. lillUN.SON, Attorney at Law , Due Feb. Ut, U94...... 3,-200 00 ■St. .iohns. 124 (],iv. visited .Mrs. iCdwanl Raldwiii, in St. Due Feb. Ul, IS98...... 3.200 00 W ILI.IA.U'A. AHKL. I'ension Agent, Mrs. Will, ('rich and son, left Pi iday T. tal...... Sll.tlOO UO W Hath, Mieli. foi liinu\,(l.. to visit relatives for six j W. F. (lardner and wife, of Owosso, Ci>NTINOE.NT E.WK.SSKS, JULY 1, *91.10 JULY 1,’92. weeks. j spent Sunday and the Fourth with their Printing...... * 91 48 MONEY LOANlNd. l.abur...... 133 81 William H. Holland went to puft'^do i danghtei , Mih. A. K. Jones, ICIIIGAN MOHTtiAGK COMPANY', (bty WHler...... 88 00 M!(l.iniited.) Capital 447.5,000. ('oriier of last Thnrsihi.v expe<*tiiig to visit for I .\ large miniber of St. Johns whtH-limui Ibiukx ami ^latlullely...... 279 33 Walker and Spring st reets, St..)(dinH. .Mon­ severjil months. I visited Ray City .Monday and Tm-sday to Furniture...... 118 ;10 ey to loan. In vest nients made, mortgages for ItiMirance...... 190 78 Hale. A few jiieces of land for sale. I Mesdames J. li. .McHough and ('. L. j takv* in the rao^ at the state iinad. He|*air8 ...... 513 72 _I’HYSI(’L\N.S. _ ___ Smith went to Durand, Fridav to visit i Mrs. .1. D. Yerkes and Mrs. Swift, both iiitiluily acl.uul sU|-pli) a...... 211 18 Mrs. M. C. Terry. of Northvill«*. are visiting their daughter li. A. J. YVKiCilNS, PliyHician and Sur­ Total ...... ?1,639 : geon. OHice over .Sullivan ’s Clothing .1. .M. Sjige, of Detroit, made a business | nieee, Mrs. .1. M . I’itzgenild, in this KDVMN E. wmiK. DStore. 48tf ji'.si\n riMoN, tri|» to St. .lolots, Satnnhiy, reimiiniiig 1 ''**'*^f ’‘*. M. pOST >1. I) I’hyHiebin, Surgeon and OTIS F(M>LER, • .Notaryary I’nhllc.nh Otfiee east Hidivol nialn over the Fourth. ! .Married, at the resid»-nce of the bride's KDVVAKD BKttW’N, st..8 Eiir«‘ka, Mieh M. Mc D onald , -1 F. I’erey leav«‘s to-day for Renning ^ Davis, in Ringham, Sun- -*t. JI. i»<>wi*::it A: <*<>., , 1 1 • -.1 I <‘»inii(»n which tilled his face With powder. KankcrN, Sumlay ami .Momla.v in Owosso withi,, ,, , ... . L. Fowler, .Midi. Dr. Calmer jiiekiMi out the most of it. tlieir daughter. .Mrs. W. McLain. Net Assets of St ockliolders !j4(>0,0<)0.00. .Mrs. (Ico. A. Ste*‘l iiimI childi’en a(;com- •lustice of the I’eaceSmith.onSaturday INTEKEST I*.\ll) t)N I)ECO.-n ITS. ]taiiicd bv .Mir^s NiiMa Simit 1 i l ill 11* (1 from last, sentenced Karl Campbell, of Fagle, Fassmlcmi, Cal., to St. .lohns last Sini- to the Lansing reform school nntil 17 Money Loaned on Notes and .Mortgages. day niglit. yejirsold, for plncing ti tie jicross the ’S OT Detroit, Lansing A .N'orthern railroad, V, A. I hapia will leav*> this evening for near Fagle station. Old .Mission to attend the wedding of .1. A nn .\rsdale and .Miss.Miner\a \Valla*r at Hernione (Joette, for several months FOR AVutiu's I'Mge farm to-morrow night. ! jiast emiiloy«*d in a jewelry store in SALE F. C. Whetstone ami family wrut to j ^'’wk, is in St.Johns for a short AT For 1 Sl)2 wi* rnriilHli the .Mont Perfect Flint Sunday to visit relativesfora short j ''*' ’**^*^*' ’ l•(‘''er, formerly of St. BeariiiKH ei er put In a w'lndinlll. Ocean Steamship Tickets Sold time. .Mr. Whetstom* attemls the state Jobtis, now of Rattle ( r«s‘k, aecompaiiied THIS liKA PHITE P.EAUIMiS. R.v Allen, Anchor, Inman, Cnnard, (Snion, liicycle me«*t in Ray CityJnlvJtliamirith. ^ spend Sunday. OFFICE. We iiiMerl In the caKtliiK a uiiii metal box Haiiiliiirg. Red Star and White Star lim*H wIiIpIi Ih, III ItHclf, the licHt hearing known. and tickets scdil to (ilasgow, Londenderry, Miss Ileleii Wheelock leaves next .Mon- ! .\nthon.v .Miller ami |'hilli|i Kiseh, of TIiIh heiirlnif Ik ninde with a liii'Ke nprlKht I.iverpool. Hamhiirg. Havre, Dremeii, Ant­ werp, Rotterdam and any port in Europe. day for a vacation tour in tlieejist, go- [ Fowler, r**mov**(I the burs from the iixles 2 DOZEN FOR tube, which Ih tilled with iiinchliilHtH’ wiiHte Hiitiirnted with oil, *rhlHnri-aii«:«*nient niaken ing by W)iy of theSt. Ljiwremre river and . (d d wagon belonging to .\d<*lbert Sears, 5 CENTS. (7. I I. tST'Kl*! IKXtSOX. ilie lieHt nnd iiioh I biHtiiiii: method ofoillnKof Ihe Thousand Island, 1<> New York city 1 <>f Fowler, lust wn'k, and Justice Smith which we hnve nn.v ktDwIedice. It Ih theotu* nnd to |)oints in ConniM-tient. j tlionght f.”) npi»8*e would nliout pay for nniverHiilly ndopted h.i' rnllioadM and in tjie :!T.\te hank oi ' .st. .Johns . tniiiioiiH for eiihle rondM and wlierever coii- S Mrs. Fn<^< Rlizzanl, aeconi]ianie(| py j (Ip* (•‘^'ible to all coaeeraed. Itwn.sdnly CO.MMERCIAL AND SAVINGS. Htiitit nnd Mevere nee niakee fre)|iieiit oiling her daughters, .M)iy and Florence starts m*ceHHH ry. (’AIMTAL IMKl. f(»r North Rerwiek, .Maine, next Saturday. , Tlie advertisenuuit of tli«>.MamieMiiiiiig ^»'*' See tin* ••.Maud S" Hydranlic l(e);nlator They will also take in Rostonami vicinity j Co. luis Imhui withViiidniillH and NET ASSETS OF STOCKHOLDERS, $900,000.00. making a visit of four w(*cks among rela-1 jidvanee from 10 to 20 cents in the price en|iply of wnter in tnnkH. It throwH mill TllUIE TABLE out of vrenr when tnnkH are full, and lets mill I’ORTER K. I’ERRIN. I'resldenf. (•'■PH. loftheslix'k and the fact the eoinjiany In >tenr wheti water in taken fiiom tnnkH. I.\ EFFECT (JEO. F. .M.ARv Cn , Vice-l’i'esldent. .Mi.sH Vimi .Mcl>ade returns to her home I UPC not partienlarly anxious to dispose .1. W. FI'I'/G ERA Id), Cashier. ill .Mbany, N. V., to-morrow morning, j <>( it even at the advjineeil pricf* as it is .,\pril 1 SQ2. H. H. El'rZG ERA LD, Asst.C. .Miss Stella Rake|. w ho goes to N*‘W A’ork , Hure to double ag»iin in a very short AVE.ST1V.\KI>. G. J. MONROE, DIREC'l'ORS: city as »i delegate to the National Y. I*, j time. Subscriptions for stock at 20 I’. K. I’erriii, O. W. .Manger, Geo. F'. Marvin, --'2 - H T .X^eiitH for Clinton and (iratlot ConiitieH. S. C. F. convention will accoiiii»any Miss i cents per share will be r*H*eived for )i .1. H. Corlill, J. H. Kedewa, Otis • ^ a y. sT-c e'“=" 1^^=’ Fuller, Edward Drown, Geo. .STATIONS. _• .S HeadipinrterH jit Fowh'r & llaH'H Hardware AfcDade most of the wa.v. ^ short tiim* by J. Dunn, agent, St. .lohns. W. Fbiimons, C. .s. Allison, --5^- s S. Store, St. .lohiiH. where yon will find ii tine 1^1 yApA (i. E. Corbin, .lesse A game of base ball was phiyixl at 1 1 lenry T. Walsli, a niembe? of Company line of Iron, Wooden and Cliniti piitiipH, Pump Sullivan. Athletic park la^'t Friday afternoon be- K., Eighth Michigan Infantry, from Alt. IlepnirH and nil Well SiippllcH. Allordern left n. III. a. III. p. iii.'p. III. |i. ni. twiHMi tlie Ioniji Stars and a picked St. | Flnisjiiit, (‘xcited the most of the atteii- DETROIT... Lv 0 .f)0 10.-)0 4 O.Ai H OO lOT.'i therefor WimlniillH, Pump it<>pnirinir and I I’er Cent. Interest Palil on Time DeiioRitx. Mihvaukec.Ict.. 7 10 lllo 4 2.'>l H I.*) no.'s Well Work will have prompt nttentioii. Johiis nine. The game was fall of ghir-; tioii shown on oar stiwlsyesterday. He p. III. I ing errors )is a result of litth* praetiee. | m rived in town jibont noon, having Pont lap...... 7 .'"iM 1200 r> 07 H ."H 1215 , a. 111. Score, 1 2 toll in favor ol St.-lohns. | come overland from Ithaca, pushing a Holly...... H 42 124." 5 51 51 41 114 Diiriiiiil...... 0 ;{5 1 50 0 50 1020 2 18 It is hoficd by oiir citizens tlmt a jJaii ''vht*eIbai row. loaded with his iMU-somil OwoHrto .let...... 101.5 2 .‘to 7 510 ■ a 05 PBAZELL’8 lOSiC BOOMS may soon be devised for sprinkling oar | buggjige. siaee 4 o ’cloek A. m. He left St. .lohiiM...... 1054 51 0(5 M 04 a 5H loiilu...... 11411 515(5 S ,5.5 , 5 10 UNDERTAKER. Htn^'ts without k«8*j)ing tin* crossings j Mt-I’Icasant Fridjiy iio'^ui Jind Inis al- |>. III. I.owpII...... 1217 4 24 1) 24 •iai 5.50 OPPOSITE COURT HOUSE SQUARE, coiistantly tlooded and the rojid in ji | lowed himself sixty-five days, excepting (irand UapiilH.. 12.50 5 00 1000 fca© (140 T7p Stairs sort of a inisty condition. It is jit jircs- ■ Stiiiduys when he doesnottniveI,in which (i. II. & I, .Ipt... 1 05 5 15 1010 5 t<« 7 20 St. .1oh 118. Mich F'erryHliiirfc...... - 0-5 (5 10...... H .30 eat Jilmost impossible for ladies to cross ’ to reach Washington, 1). (A, adistaaceby (iraiid Havpii... 2 10 (5 15...... ~ , H 515 IX t'iih: ciiniiis jii.ocK, Mllwuiik«*pliy S ...... I <5 5101 <5 5-10 the streets niilestr wearing rubbers and j tl><* PHUt j he takes of 1)D() miles, for the Ctiipiiico liy St ...... I (5 510l...... W anted! not soil their shoes. It is possible that (Hitional (i. R. encampment. The KA.STWAKIt. this matter has never b«*fore receive)! a wln*elbarrow ’ jnirposi'ly constructed for Slu'iirH to grind and iinihrellaH to mend. Sells the .V. R. Chfisi* I’ianoH and Organs, thought else it would havebe<*n remedied, tin* trip Inis upon one side his mime nnd ri()th«*H WringiM-H, RicyeleH nnd Door s Stic Francis Racon I’ianos LoekH iop!nn*(i tind Keyw fitted —in fH(*t Flsif* Sun : “ .Mr..I. I). Sickles brought P'*Ri*('c(*t'((od on the other the motto, all kinds of |.epairing done at STATIONS. IS-Q* (-S i:.®Q•- O o a **" 5- ?-S da«r/-. -ScQ-r. 5-1 Stirling I’ianos. “One Country, One Flag. ’’ He will en­ ^ X d “pieplant” leaf to the Sun office Tues­ a ■ r- hi y. .\nd other inakf's of I’ianos. OSBORN’S GUN SHOP, joy o-day with his old companions, who Neary opposite the Mercantile Co’ a. day, that ineasnnHl .*12 inches across, .Mso the are holding n reunion at the court house. a. III. a. ni. p. ni. p. m. and following the circumference of the flraiid Haven L 5 45 1) 00, 2 10 H 05 same from one side the stem around to F'erryaburg...... X'i 5 411 1) 05' 2 15 H 15 CELEBRATED CARPENTER ORGANS. I'roiiouiippil llopelpHN, Y*>t .Shvpi I. mw r 1 I Fred . F. Murdock . the other, the distance was almost 12 (> R & I .let...... S (1 ♦‘-i 1005 51 .32 1025 From a lett(*r w»ritten by Mrs. Ada F. (irand UapbiH.. -) < (5 50 1020 54 25 1055 BEST IN THE WORLD. —TIKAEKIt IN— feet. Owing to the curveil outline of the Hard, of (Jrotoii, S. D., we fpiote: “Was Lowell...... • SS 7 22 1055| 51 5H 1150 leaf thedistance was more than four and taken with a bail cold, wliich settled on 3* a. m. Ionia...... * q* 7 4.5 1125 4 27 12.37 And a line of Small (Joods, nnd will order one half times its grat»*st width. • * * my Lungs, cough set in ami finally p. III.; ; niBRBLE IlHD GHRHITE. Several hiisinesHiiIacefl in the village have t(*rininat(*d in (Jonsnmption. Four diH*- St. .JohiiH...... 8 no 12171 5 20: 1 55 Music Mondays and Thursdays of each tors gave me uj), saying I could live but OwoHso .Jet...... ' {» 02 1 15, 6 00 51 10 been enterinl by thieves during the past a. m., i I I week. All orders will he promptly filh'd. a short time. I gave inysi'lf up to niy Durand...... 5 20 9 515 1 47i 0 55: .3 554 CEMETERY WORK. we)>k. The first to receive attention was Saviour, deterininad if 1 couhi not stay Holly...... (1 05 1014 2 2(1 7 40 4 47 Pontiac...... (1 45 1058 51 05 8 251 5 87 F. Srielling. His billnrd hall was entereil with my friends on earth, I would meet MIPkee .let...... 7 .3011510 8 45. 9 05i (I 80 CUT STORE FOR BUILDIHG PURPOSES. Sunday night nnd about f.'l in cash and my absent ones above. My husband was DETROIT..,.Ar 7 45 1150 4 05 9 25 7 00 ndvis«*d to gi*t Dr. King's New Discovery some Dibncj^o and cigars taken. Tues­ jr^*4'hHtrCar, Riiffet Car and Sleeping: Car tt^Teaoh Clarionet, Coniet, Flute and for (Consumption, Coughs and Colds. I Servire. Shop Oppoaite the Ppatofllee, n day night McCall’s grocery store and gave it a trial, took in ail, eight bottles; Eaatward, No. 12 has Pullman Sleeper, Chicago to Detroit. No. 14 has Wagner Huxaphone. •ST. JOHNS. MICHIGAN Thier’s drug ston* were visited. At the it has currsf me, and thank (lod I am Chair and Hnffet Car, Grand Haven to De­ former places about a dollar in change a well and hearty woman. ” Trial hottl(*H troit, No. 18 haa Chair Cnr, Grand Haven YoufH truly, . fre*> at Fildew & MillmaiTs Drugstore, St. to Detroit. No. 82 haa Wagner Sleeper, was taken, and at the latter money nnd Grand Rapida to Detroit. Ripann Tahtilos ; for liver troubles. ' Johns and P'owler. Regular size, .'He. W»*at ward. No, 11 haa Chair Car, Detroit goods to the amount of nlMiut f nnd $1,(K). to Grand Rapida. No. 15 haa Wagner Par- F. H. FRAZELL Ripans Tahule.H : for had temper.

r 1 Wk m IT^ THE NEWS WITH 'Bmo- The Great and I'v ’ijv’e: LOUIS I), GlHliS, Editor and Proprietor. TUESDAY, JULY 5, 18»2. VICTOR • * IVJi WWLETa. 01(1 i>ujM*rs, two dozen for 5 cents at tliis ofHce. The Red GLORIOUS 4tll Ivcuve your order for ijnsoline with Elephant WickeH A Sons. Hemp takes • UliiiH. HarriHon enjoyed tlie lejjjtd holi­ Eleven i’curs Experience, Drains, Capi­ the Lead. day in Niles, Mich. tal and the Largest and Fin(*Bt Dicycle Cash Sevy, of (ireenbush, is i;ii)ending a Factory in the World, have combin(?d few dnys in Detroit. to make VIl’TOK DICYCLES the D(.*8t AVhet'ls on the market. -Mrs. 1. E. Drake and son, S..A.,enjo 3’ed WAZiTSH A. WOOD the nois.v day in Flint. THE VICTOR CUSHION TIRE Binders and Mowers are (Jeo. .\. Stf .Miss Jennie FRED, A. TRAVIS. Ph. C. BERT KING, Hicks. CHAS. P. BAKER. LOUIS WOLCOTT. OUR .Miss Jennie Lapham leftfor Dig liapids OUF. last Saturda.v to spend the suninna- in ;i course of review work at tin* industrial school. Wall INiper Trade “Jersey Yillas” is the tith* of Henry James’ last story, the opening chaptei-s Was IMMU2NSE This Year—far Larger Than an\' Pre­ of which will be found in the July Cosmo ­ politan. vious Year, hence we closed out nearly all our Stock. We tender thanks for an .Vlbion colleg»* A New York Alanufacturcr, (one of the Largest in the .vear book. It contains several excellent essays ami a detailed discription of the United States) came along and wanted to close out, collegiate course. for Spot Cash, a Large Stock they had on hand. Wc (leorge It. Miller, emplo.ved at J. S. had the Cash—they had the Wall Paper—now, they Osgood ’s wln'ut (‘levator, sjient Sunda.y * r and .Monday in ltidg( ‘way, .Mich., the have the Cash and wc have the Wall Paper—bought hoiiK! of his ])arents. .Mr. and .Mrs. 11. Dehrendt, .Mrs. .\..L at our own Price, wc are offering the Biggest Bargains Wiggins and daughter Dird, and .Miss H. in Pine Wall Paper you ever saw. One glance at our Pauline .Vdams visited friends and rela- ives in Lansing last wer'k. Immense Stock will convince you that you never Miss Z. Curtis, of (Irand Dlamr, Mich., bought Wall Paiier so elieai) in your life. Call and sec. visit(‘d her cousins. .Mr. and .Mrs. Walter Everybody has a Platform, or Eamc's, of Cireenbush, for a w(*ek and re­ We have Wall Paper at A^our own price—the Finest turned home Saturday morning. Patterns made. Our Prices Talk. (i(*o. Petrie enjo^ ’ed Sunday and .Mon ­ day in Clevi*land. O., with his brother. Y outh tnil.v. f / Ought to have, in These Days Will, who is (•mploy(*d with the DVush electric light compan.v in that cit.v. Mrs. ,M. Dutinan and djuighter, Mrs. of Political Excitement. W. S. Fisk, of Saginaw. arriv(‘d in St. Johns last Saturday. They will visit in thefamily of Chas. E. Chaf>in for a tinu*. DAVmS & ADAMS, Jo(*l H. Cranson went to Houghton, -mC.VI.KKH l.N- Upixa- Penninsula, last Sat urda.y to enjoy a two w(H*ks’visit with his son, Uolxa-t, Garriages, Buggies, Bead TSTagens, Bead who is attending the stateminingschool. Garts, Iiumber Wagons, Wliippl© How is This for Ours? Mrs. .Mattie .V. Ta.ylor, of Shepard, Barrows, c&c., Mich., and .Mrs. .Mary .M. IIollenbcH ’k, of .Vvon, .\. Y., returned to their homes last Liirlit and Heavy, Siiijrle and Double, Harness, Onr own make Friday after visiting their brother, D. .\. and fully warranted. .Moore, for several weeks. Our sales for the jiast season of THOSE WHO KNOW US understand that Every Plank .Miss Carrie L. Camss, daughter of H. D. Caruss, of E.ssex, returned to Clinton in it is as Sound as a Dollar and it is an Absolute county Wednesda.v for the summer vaca­ tion, after a j’ear spent as teacher in the Over 300 Vehicles Guarantee as to all our Statements. Tiittle Rock, .\rk., schools. The St. Johns .Mercantile company has Satisfy us that our efforts to supply to supply our custo ­ ordeml a carload of raisins direct from mers with the best goods at the lowest possible ])rices Don ’t think it a Political Canard, then, when wc make an (Nilifornia. Then* will be 1,000 bo.xes are appreciated. P'or the coming season we offer the agregating 20,000 |)ounds, sun driixl finest and largest line of WHEEL GOODS ever shown in announcement of for any Stiff Hat in and sent direct from producers, St.Johns. 'We Lead the Procession and shall keep S. C. Knapp went to Port Huron Fri­ fully up to the times in Quality. Style and Price. our Clothing House this week. day morning. He relieves express mee- senger, F. W. Faulkner, on his run over You are invited to inspect our stock. the C. A (i. T. railroad from Port Huron to Chicago, for one month. Ira Dern- DAVIES & ADAMS, ham supplies Mr. Knapp’s place on this WILSON & SON. road. The Dealers. f HOME AND THE FARM. nuring with fresh stable manure there may be a side patch In whic* wore opened with prayer by the Kev. should b Stull— more satisfactory results than any honey for the bees and for himseir, Kxi'lloiiiriit ltv€>r Him lleliHte iiii 1‘lHlliiriii — and the Rev. John Russell, tlie nominees Mukiii}; lliu ItuIlM Kuril u I.lvliii; —<'»ii> other variety of that class. Ry test­ and fruit for his table or market. On Kmn CiiliiHtco In Detoatml, but FliiHiiclal, for 1H7 ‘2, wore present. II. A. Thompson, oeriiliiK Olt'oiiiurK'^rliii'—Hcvit uiiil I'uwlit ing, it is found that for feeding pur- a snug place, with all these factors at TurKr, itiiil .Antl-Lli|U(ir I'lniikn Adupteil tlie Vico Presidential nominee in 1H80 — lliiitM to lioiokf(‘|it*r«. jxises, sugar beets properly grown arc work for bread and butter and rai­ —Cuiiveiitluii l’rui;eedliif;!i. witli Neal Dow, was present. more valuable than mangolds. Trans­ ment with good health and a (juiet Barn Sm^ll, on the part of tho minori ­ ty of tho Coinniittoe on Credentials, A Sciriititic llorKi? Stull. planting is not attended with satis­ conscience, what more can a man FI rut l>ay. factory results except in tilling up Cincinnati Rpoclal: arose to make a minority report. Ho, in A (rood arraiigenieiit for a horse wish?—Rural. lielialf of lifteeii States, protested row ’s to secure a perfect stand. Con ­ stall is used at the Rhode Island ! To ('HliUi Foivlri III II <:oop. The big Music Hall was gay with flaunt­ against the action ' ami recommenda ­ ing banners, national lags, loats of Agrieiiltural School at Kinirston, a tinuous cropping with mangolds re­ j This illustration from Farm and tion of the majority, and made a strong sults in reducing the ability of the arms of the several speecli and used vigorous language trial of which has proved very suc­ i Fireside, shows a handy way of catch- States, pain s, and cessful. 'i'he crib is 2 feet wide on soli to produce a croi). As the leaves against X(ho majority report. ‘ Tliere contain a large proportion of fertiliz­ I ing fowls in a coofi. As will appear flowers, ainl prohibi­ were several lively passages between top and ti feet 8 inches long, or the tion in s c rip tio 11 8 ing elements, it is best to leave them I from the illustration, there is a false tlie delegates growing out of tliis dis- I end, the middle slat of which is cx- when tlio delegates ciLssion. Tliere was bnaliy a rail of the u|)on the ground 'i'he cultivation to tho sixtli annual should be thorough attlrst to jirevent , tended and slides upon I wo side slats. roll deinnnded (;n tlie majority and convention of tho mino'-ity reports, which resulted as fol- a growth of weeds among the plants 1 A pole is fastened to this false end tc iTohibltion party, Iow .'J: For minority report, l(.T9; against, in the rows. Wlien the plants have draw it back and forth. 'J’he pole more pronqit than serves also as a i>erch. n'Jl. Tlie report of tho majority wan sulTicient growth for the leaves to tho delegates oftho tlien adopted witlumt division, and a cover the rows the task of keeping older political par­ recess w’us tlion taken until K o ’clock. clean will become less laborious. — ties, began to lllo in In the evening P(*rmanent Chairman KAMUEI. T. DICKIK Wednesday morn ­ TT Germantown Telegrajih. Ritter was escorted to tlie cliair. .\fter ing. A huge .'Ninorlcan Hug Burmoiint«>d lie liad imnle a l)rief address, the con- tho stage and H\ij)ported portraits of Not II i:ail lili'u. VI ntion adjourni ’d until ‘.)::iu Tliursday R&Jt Washington, I.lncoln, Neal Dow and morning, This is the way an Illinois farmer T'ranciis Willard. .‘*l>|'->|i A horse on tlie farm. I am iilanningto m have him still further earn his living by breaking him to work alone. 1 tnink if every farm(*r who keeps twenty or more cows would luiy a tread power and teach the bulls to do down mole hill lightly with the foot. the churning and w'ood-sawing, it 'Fhen .set trap across the run, with would be a paying investment, be­ tigurc 4. so that Hie trigger rests on sides we should hear less about vi- j center of hill. Wlien the mole passes, cions bulls. As stock-getters theyi ho pushes the triggerand down comes nu { I are imjiroved bydaily exercise of thiS| the spiked boiird. —George W. Geh- kind. Itesides doing all the churning, man in Practical Farmer. ours saws from tlfty to eighty cords of wood cacli winter.” * liliilN to lIoiiHi'ki'i'pi'ni, feed and then pushed back. 'J’hc .Sln*4*|( .Sliciirin);;. AcroKDiNo to Mrs. Ewing of cnli- crib is made 1 foot 10 inches deej) in­ nary fame, hot leminadeis the jiroper / side, as shown in l-'ig. 2. '’J'he lloor W(K)n growing is one sp -cialty, and mutton growing is another. drink for hot weather, being both of the stall is concrete, two indies cooling and w'holesome. higher forward and back, thus giving In .seli'cting sheep to fci’d to fatti*n, fall enough to run olT all water. On i have all of tin* same breed. To CLEAN a teakettle, taki* it away this is a slate lloor, the slats being! from the tire and wash olT with a rag If th<* lamb sucks two or three just far enougli apart to allow the { di)»ped in kerosene, followed by a rub­ times there is usually no ditliculty. bing with a dry flannel cloth. jiassage of water readil} ’. They are I ■Wi.N'TKK feeding should tie kept up four inches thick bcliind, but only | A UEMEDY for creaking hinges is until grass has made a good start. .» q two inches thick forward, thus allow- j mutton tallow' rubbed on the joint. ing the horse to stand on a level. 1 Hy handling the lambs when young A great many locks Hiat refuse to do The slats an* fastened logetlicr by thep can be handhd much better tlieir work are simply rusted and will strijis of iron on tlie end sidi* only a later. be all right if carefuily oiled. few inches from each end. 'J'lie.v are Thk sheej) must be kejd in a To .ME.Ni) cracks instoyes and strive in no way fastened to ilie concrete, healthy cfuidition to yield .some ileeces pities, make a paste of ashes and salt so Ihcv may ite taken up and the space of wool. with water and apfily. A harder and tilled with eartli if desired. A jilatik It is an item to give the lambs more durable cement is made of iron covers the gutter, thus making a very good care jait it is sometimes possible tilings, sal ammoniac and water. neat stabh* in every respect. A to over-do. An invalid writing pad is some ­ coarsi* wire netting is placed above The ewes that an* suckling young thing new. It consists of a tray the cril) to kceptlu* horse from reach­ lambs should havi* the best pasture fitted with blotter and other neces­ ing over. —(J. M. Tucker, in Farm on the farm. saries, which can be supported at and Home. It is a small nuitter to kc'cp an ac­ will upon four short legs, called into Salt lor Cut Woriiis. count with tlie sheep to sec if tliey use by means of a sjiring. When not HR. SARORNT. .IOHX 11. OOiriiH, in use the legs fold close under tho Applications of salt are frefiuently are protltable. LYMAN HEKCHER. EDWARD ( . DELAVAN. JOHN H. P. HAWKIN.S. tray. FATHER THEOHALD MATHEW. NEAL DOW. (iEOROE N. URKHi.S. Keki * young, uniformly well woolcd recomnK ’mh'd for riiKdingthe earth of SO.ME FAAIOI :s FATIIKKS OF THE THAI FKi: A NFE MO\ KAIENT. tills destructive pi'st. 'J'iiose wliom sheej) to grow heavy Ileeces of mer- Chi LDUEN should not lie bathed im­ we sui>i)ose to be pretty good author­ cliantable wool. mediately after rising in the morn ­ the proceedings began Avith the playing of confllrting interests rejirosented therein. ity have stated tliat six or eight When a number of she('|) are to be ing. They may be sfionged over the tiymn,‘‘America,”ori th<* immense or ­ 'I’lireo hours’ pulling and hauling by bushels iier acre scattered over tlie sheared it is best to arrange a place quickly and then rulibed fairly dry; gan, aided by a Imgle l>and on tho stage. the full coniniittee, in addition to the all- ground would do tlie work ell’ectivelv. es])ccially for tlie work. but as for jilunging a cliild into The audience rose ami joined in singing night session of the suli-eommittei*, left water, even lukewarm, and soaking, tho hymn, -\t this time the boily of tiio matters still in bad sliuj>e. 'I'fie pre­ Hut, says C. 1#. Hill, of Miimesot i, SiiEEi* that are kejit in a good, hall was tilled, and tiio galleries were amble of tfie platform was complete, in “National ^tocknlan,* ’ I \>ishto the jiractice must soon prove injurious vigorous, thrifty condition are not so to the little one ’s health. about lialf occupied. and the alcohol and woman sulTrago warn tlu* readi'r wlio does not incline liable to become infesti’d witli tick.s. Ciiairman l>i<-kie, of tho National planks, but the committ«*o semnod atoods While fresh vegetables are in the to neediess exi emliture and shattered When projieily siicltered from rains Committee, Hum called tho convention over tiie utterance upon tbe financial hopes not to trust to this tlieory on market, cream soups or /novos arc the to onltr anil introduced Dr. J (i, Flvans, d to daintiest things one can serve for of Hedding Colb*ge, Illinois, Avho for ­ report of Hie coinn.lttei^ would be in favor any large scale until he lias tested it. the sheep to a goo.d advantage. J have ex])erimenle(l until 1 am thor­ lunch, d'he trimmings from steak.s, mally opened the convention with of free c linage. The tarilf was the next Good , f:it muttons are always and bones left from roasts, always fur­ prayer, aft<*r which the dclogati's wcie subject taken up in tbe committee. oughly satislied that whenevera itiicy welcomed to the city by Rev. Jlr. L«)ek- Dr. J. (f. F.vaiis, of Abingtlon. HI., garden plant and a cut worm gel to ­ salabh*, and during the summer make nish amii.e mati'rial for stock; and tiie best meat for the farmers's tabic. Avood, of Cincinnati. jiresented a plea for contributions to en­ gether it will t.ike more salt, to drive this, in connection witli vegetables, Prof. Dickie responded to tlie ad ­ able the National Committee to jirose- make most inexpensive pnrefis. '^^I'lie off the latter than is retpiired to kill I'oin'i'nilmt oil'll. dress. and closed liy naming Gov. St. <*iite its work, and subscriptions to the the former. 1 put a spoonful ai'ound remains of fresli fruit, even ditTerent Joiin as Temporary Chairman. amount of $ie,eiMi were takt n before llio Prof. Clark of Albany, Y., made the cabbage plants wlii'ii'Ctt ing t hem kinds, may be made over into duinp- Wild cheering and tlie waving of tiags session mljourned, wliiidi it Hu n did un ­ a thorough (‘xamination of o Umi. and out and the ne.xt morning ]»lenty of lings or boiled imddings, or escallops and hnndkcreliiefs greeted tlie mention til 2 o ’clock in till' afternoon reported thereon to the .State Dairy the pests were in Hie midst of the for lunch. of the name of ex-(iov. St. Jolin. Tlie Ajuiiircntly ri'alizlrig Hie liict that loo Commi.ssioner of New York. As a salt feasting ni;on the plants. I An exiiensivi* portiere can be made much time lia I alrea ly been was’ed, Jiml result of his investigation he con ­ scattered salt over a few jiea vines un­ of rope. Select a good smooth jiiece; Hmt nominations should l>e rejudied with cluded that oleo was unhealthy for as little dtday jis possible, the dtdegates til they were killed to the ground, and that which is sold for cotton clothes four reasons: I'irst—because it is in­ were protn))t in asstunbliiig for the after- the cut worm clung to them the lines is often usi'd. After the poles digestible; .second —becau.se it is in­ m'on si'ssion. For live hours the con ­ last. At length I took a lialf dozen of and rings are in place cut the ropes soluble when made from animal fats; vention discussi'd Hie platlorm and Hio the caterinllars and put them in a in kuigths so tlicv will reach from the discussion iit times becalm* wjirm and third—because it is li.able to carry the • luart can covered with salt a whole rings to within a few inches of tlie spirited. The reso'utions Avere finally germs of disease into tlie system; ilay and tln'ii fnmul them as .active as floor: fringe out the lower end of eacii agreoii upon and udojited, and the con ­ fourth—because, in the ('agerness of ever, with only a keenly whetted ai>- length six or ciglit indies and tic a vention again ad.!ouriM ‘d until eviuilng. manufacturers to produce tli<*ir spuri­ Nominations for 1 resident were tho lietite as a result of the treatmcni. knot above to hold it: fasten each ous comiKUinds cheaply, tliey are first thing inorder at Hm night session. Lastly, fearing tliat tlie dry salt miglit lengt li into a ring. Some jirefcr the tempted to use ingredients whicli are Jolm I'. Nt. Jolm noininaief' (Icn. Jolin not furnish a fair and complete test, ropes of two lengths. Hid well, of Califorii a, John L. Tliomas ] tilled a two gallon siirinkler witli detrimental to the health of tlie con sumer. j'.rcseiited the name of W. Jennings brine and ])ut the whole (luantity I CuoldliK Ui'i'i t>i''i. m Deinorest, New York, and L. H l.ogan along a row of jicas but two rods in Itl'1'4 ll!l(l Fouls. Enu S.\r< E.—One cup of eliickcn m? named (iideon T. Stewart, of Oldo. lengtli. 'I'lie ground was well so:ik'ed. As to bees and fowls occupying the bi'otli, hi’iited iind tliickcncd, with Hut one ballot was necesearv to »le- ''J'wo days later, wlien the pea vines .same lard, tliat depends upon its tabl(*.spooiiful of butter rolled thickly : W. Jennings Di inorest, were nearly dead. J .searched .along size, me.ining by -‘yard ” the r.ingc (Jidcon T. Stewart, 179. tbeir mots and found T.S cut worms and forage ground of the fowls. The boiled one minute, with tablespoon ­ Wlien tlie result was known Hie band in aetivi! service .and perfect health writer had eigineen colonies of bees ful ftarsley stirred in; then .seasoned jilayed “Hail, Columbia, ” and the usual .so far as iny Ix'st diagnosis of their at one time, twentv-four at aiiotber, a nd poured upon pounded yolks of bhouting ami g. nCral liurrali look plac e. condition could determine. To make and also, chicks and fowls to the two 1 oiled (ggs placed in bolioniof OE.V. .lOMN IIIDWELI.. T'lie roll-call for enndidates for Vico an acre of earth as salt as the ground number of more than two hundred I bowl. Stir up and it is ready. President was « rdered, and the follow ­ aiong tho.se vines would rehI Virginia. Small make an invasion upon one ’s farm. istence of the other, but tbe range two eggs, one and a half jtints milk. ily applauderl Ity the delegates. Avithdrow before a A’ote Avas taken. exti'iided over four acres or more. Of .Sift together flour, salt, sugar, and On motion of Mr. (’leghorn, of Wis­ T'fie totals on the first ballot for Vice M:iii;;l«. course bees should not be kept in a ! powder: rub in butter cjbl; add consin, tlie roil of States was <*all» il, Preside nt were; Loa erlng, .‘(HD; Crantill, The cultivation of these and sugar hen-coo|) or yard wlicre the fowls are , beaten eggs and milk; mix into and each delegation announced tho Satterb'e, ‘id; Carskadon, *21. beet-* is coming to lie tnore. of Nhut in, evmi if Hie jilace he an acre , smooth consistent batter, that will nienibers it liud sol»*cted for rt mi'sonta- E'nougli ehanges Avon* made before Hio tion on the committees, att'*r wliich the figures Avore announced to give Crantill a considerati()n for farmers than in area. With the bees and the ])oul- run easily and lim)»id from mouth of j ronvoiilioti adjourned until four o ’clock of Texas 4115 votes, 9 more than enough formerly, and it is well to note try well in hand, tlie keeper may still pitcher. Have waflle-iron hot, and; in the nfternoon. to Aviii. Dr. (’ranflll Avas ealteel t«) the some of the conditions neces­ h;iveiinieto till a garden, ( hicks carefnllv grea.sed each time: fill two-j ’The atteii l.nm e, Ihougli not as large stage and math* a stirring aeitlress. and sary to success, 'Phe soil should ite and vegetaldes may not grow and tbirds full close up; when brovvii turn Ht the second session as r.t the earlier nt 2:10 n. ni,, Frlday„tlie couventi():i ad ­ in a good state of fertility, and ma­ lliiive in the same enclosure, but over. Sift sugar ou them, serve hoL I one. was over C.UOd. Tho exorcises journed sine die. Queer Kinds of fireitd. PROHIBITION PLATFORM. Tliu Skill uiid KiiowleilRn .\ dearth of wheat occurred in Enprland Kfiscntlal Ui the prtklucthm of the most Ooolurittloii of I’rliiclplos I.uUl Down at In 1()‘29, ItliJO, ami DhH. In those* years jicrfcct and popular laxative remedy ('IncliiiiHtl. bread waa inado of turiiti a. Tliey were known, have «*nubl(*d the (’alifornia Fig The phifform, a« it was fiiiully adopt ­ boiled until they were soft enough to Syrup (’o. to achieve a great Hncc<*s8 in ed, is as follows* ruaHli, when tho tcroalor part of the 99 w.iter was pressed out of them. .\n the reputation of its n*m ‘' Iv, Syrup of ■^iWI Ihe I’rohlbltiun party In national convention UHHemblctl. acknow leillrliiif AlmlRiity <«o(l as uqual woif,dit of wheat was then mixed FigH, aw it In conceiled to be 1!ie niiiver- tlie Hource of all true Rovernmeiit and His law' with tho pulp, and tho dougli was inado 8al laxative. For Kale by all U. uggiHtH. UH tho Htandai'd tu which ail human enactments In llie usual inanm'r with yeast. Tho must contorni to seci r) the hlesslntrs of i>eiico Ax Irrcvercnd critic is aald to have and t»roHperity, iireseutsthe follow Iur deelara- (lou^h 10^0 well in the troni^hs, and “ I am Post Master here and keep tiou of ijrlnclples; after beinx kneaded was lonnod into shocked AuguKtin Daly greatly by ob- a Store. I have kept August Flower I'roll ihit ion of I.!<|iioi' Tru(tU^ loves ami put into ihe ov(*n. servuig of baron d ’Eynecourt ’rt recent for sale for some time. I think it is The lliiuor trattle Is a foe to civilization, tho Dread prepare 1 in this manner lias a sylvan drama; “'rennyson is In no sense arch enemy of ]>opular jfovoniinent, and a imh- poi iiliar sweetish taste, which is dis- •a Surdou. Nor, for matter of that, is ho a splendid medicine. ” E. A. Bond, Mo nuisance. It is the citadel of the forces a sardine." that corrupt politics, promote poverty and 1 uf^reeable to imist people. It is as ll^lit P. M., Pavilion Centre, N. Y. crime, deurnile the nation ’s home life, thwart I ami whit * as wheuti'u broad, ami should FIT**!. —All Fits stopped free bvDr. Kline’s <• e it The stomach is the ’reservoir. the will of the people, and deliver our country I be kept twelve hours without b(*in;' I'lit, Nf-rvi' I o^to, er. No I'ltH sftor first dsy's use. Mar­ into the hands or rapacious class Interests. velous cures. Tivstise tm. |2 00 trial bottle tree to If it fails, everything fails. The All laws that under the eutso of rcRulatlou I when tho smell and taslo of the turnip Fit cases. Seed to Dr. Kilue, USl Arch St , Fliilu, I’a. liver, the kidneys, the lungs, the legalize and protect tlds trattle or make the I will seureely be perceptible. Rovemmciit share In Its ill-yotten trains are ! Potato bread is another kind, and heart, the head, the blood, th| nerves ■'vicious In principle and powerless as a all go wrong. If you feel Wrong, reniedy." I (here are several proci'sses of inakin;^ A SICK LIVER A MAD POET We declare anew for the entire siiiipressiou 1 it. The siniiilest is to choose the lai tco, is the r.Hiise of luost of tlie depressiiig, paiid'id look to the stomach first. Put that of the manufacture, sale. Importation, exporta ­ inoal.v sort, boil them as fon'ating, then rushed into a newspaper office recently, tion and transportation of alcoholic Ihpiors as hikI iiiiploaHaiit Hensutiuiisitiiil Kiin'eriiig.Hwitb right at once by using August and threatened to “clean out ” tlic es­ a heveratre hy Federal and State leRislatlon, peel and mash them v(‘ry lh;e, without wliicli we uro afllicted : ami tliusc siifreriiigM Flower. It a.ssure.sa good appetite and tlie full jiowers of the trovernnient slionld tablishment, bot'aiise they printed hi.s adding water. Two parts of wlu*at will continue so I tiig as tlie I-ivcr is al owed be exertc,! to secure this rest i*. .\ny party (lour are added to one of potatoes and a and a good digestion. verses wrong. Said lie: “1 wrote. ‘To tliat fall.M to recotrnize the dondnant nature of to reiiiAlii ill this sick or hIiirrIsIi c mditioii. little more yeast than usual. Tlie whoh; dwell forever in a grot of jicace,’ and this issue in American jiolltics is umleservliiR To sibniijalo tbe I.iver ami other digostivo SeiLsoiiable Hints. of the support of the people. mass Is kneaded into d()ut;h, and allowed you idiots put it ‘ a pot of grease. ’ ” oi'giitiH to II iioriiial comlitioii and lieult’iy ac­ The present weather has given ri.so Woiiiiiii SulVrHRo. lo stand u lU’i per time to rise and fer­ The mortified editor presented him tivity, tliore is no better ineditviio tbii i with a vial of Dr. Pierce’s Pleasant No citizen should be deuleil the rljrht to vote ment before it is put into th<* oven, to a large nimiher of eases of piieii- Pellets, a year’s subscription and an on account of sex, and equal labor sliould re­ breed so prejiaroil is go xl and wholo- iiioniii, jileurisy, and rlieuniatisiii. All ceive eipial wages without regard to sex. ?omo. ______apology. As to .'Moiie.v. of these diseases begin with a cold. The little “Pcdlets ” positively enro The money of the (country should be isancel i.et Tliere He I’eaeo sick and ncrvoiH headache, biliousnes-s. hy the general government, only and In suf- Tliis fastens iijioii the kidneys anti costiveness, and all derangements of the tteient quantities to meet the demands of In the gastric region. If troubled with iiau.aca ; Imsiness and give full opportunity for the em­ irom sea sickness, hilionsncss or other cause, | manifests it.self in one of tlie maladies stomach, bowels and liver. It’s a large ployment of labor. To this end uii Increase in contract, but the smallest things in tlio llostetter ’s Stomach Hitters will inimeillately : named aliove. If tlie sulTerer will the volume of nioue.v is demaiided, and no In­ put a stop to the stomachic distnrhance. A I world do the business — Dr. Pierce’s dividual or eorjioratiou should be allowed to LLa3 take IvEiD’s (Jkkm .\n Cocuii and Kid - prominent and most unpleasant feature of \ Pleasant Pellets. They’re the small­ Jiiake any jirotit tlirough its issue. It should The most pericot, safe and reliable Cathartic that be made a legal tender for the payment of all liver eonqilaint is nausea in the iiioming. I np :y Cuuk he will be speedily relieved, est, but the most effective. They go to debts, jiubllc and private. Its volume should has over been coiiipouuded —I'l’lM-XV tT;(iKT,AliLK, work in the right way. They eleauso be ttxed at a detlnite sum per capita and made 'J'he symi>to7iiH disappear and the cause is re­ positively cont.vining no .Mrreui'y or other dclrteri- for this great remedy contains no and renovate the liver, stoniaeh and to Increase with our increase In population. moved hy the Ititlers. Many persons have . uiiH Hubstaucfs; having all the beuefirial properlics poison. It e.veites the kidneys to ac­ bowels tlioronglily —but they do it The TaillV. very delicate stomachs wliicli trlttlng iudis- j that .Mercury is posse-sed of us a catliurtic, without mildly and gentlv. Yon feel flic good Tariff should he levied only as a defense eretions in eating or drinking, or even some the dungrr of any of its evil eonseI of Itulli-oads. tleial. and when sleep is uutraiupiil aud appe- ' They euro all disorders of tho St 'inacli, faver anytliing else. It is tlie only remedy That's tlie peculiar plan all Dr. Uiiilroad, telegraph, and other public cor ­ tite variable it soon Improves both. It is, in H.iwols. Kidneys. Hladder, Nervous Diseases, I.o.ss ot Pierce’s medicines arc sold on, through porations should he controlled hy the (iovern- tact, a most eompreheusivc and ilelightful .\lipetite. Headache, (Ui-tivenoHs, Iniligestion, Dys- on tlie market tliat will relieve the dniggjsts.' inent in the interest of tlie people, and no remeily. ' ]>epsia. Biliousness, Fever, Intlaniniatiun of the 15 iw- . higher charges allowed than necessary to give consiRinences of cold, or from any Don ’t .Stniii Wlilti* Fliio. I (iIk, Pile.-, and all the derangements ot the Int - nal fair interest on the capital actually invested, Vi.seera. ‘-Ti cents a box —sold hy Driiggl-tj. DK. malady tliat arises from a cold. A.sk liiiniigrtidou l.awH. The fusliioii of staining white nine in h.ADW.W A (’O..S1 Warren Stri-et. X. V. City. Foreign immigration has hecouie n burden imitation of more oxjiensive woods is ; your druggist for it, and if lie does upon industry, one of the f.'ietors in dci>ressim| not in good tii'^te, Tlie sham is ;i1 once not liavi* it write to n-i and we will wages and causing discontent, therefore oui jipparont and the olTeet is garish and pj^SrORKbOiK;^ immigration laws should be revised and strict­ send it to you hy mail ftr e.xjiress. ^1 ly enforced. 'I’he time of resilience for nat­ vulgar. White pine itself is a beautiful ' uralization should he extended, and no natur­ woo l for interior linish if properly j Small botth's are cents, large ones 1 take alized person should he allowed to vote until one year after he becomes a citizen. treated, but the soft, silk,v t(*xtnre of the , ')() eents. Alien 1.!iiid-(lw ll•‘r.s. grain is spoileil by the :itt(*inpt to imi- ! Sylvan Kkmkdv Co ., Peoria, 111. Non-residents should not he allowed to ae- tate walnut or eht*rry. Wlu>n* other j (pilre land in tins country, and we favor tin than th<* natural color of the wood is de- - ly< limitation of individual and corjiorate owner- sired artistic effect ina,v be luodiim**! by shi)) of land. .Ml uneartied grants of lands tt some of tlie aniline dye.s, and staining in j A NATUHALi KEMKDX FOU railroad eompanies or other corporations TLEASANT should he reclaimed. the various tones of green, light-biown. ; Epileptic Fits, Falling Sickness, lly.stcr- The Ke<'k-nt Lyiieliiiigs. and .vellow preserves the ti xture and' THE P[r2S Years of inaction and treachery on the part giain of the wool and maj- bi* imnle to l ics, St. Vitus Dance, Nervousness, ONLY TRUE of the llcpuhllcnn and l»emocratie parlies havt haimonize with any ordinary siirronml- j resulted in tlie present reign of mob law, ime iiig«- ______I______, Hypochondria, Melancliolin, In- we demand that every citizen be iirotected ii: THE NEXT MORNING I FEEL BRIGHT AND tlie riglit of trial hy constitutional tribunals. M <*bsU'i ’.s DD't ioiiai'lcs, chrity, Sleeplessness, Diz­ NEW AND COMPLEXION IS BETTER. Olio Day of K<>st. G. A;. ('. Merriani (,'a having won Mieir ziness, Drain and Spi­ My doctor says It .acts pently on the gtomneh, liver All uien should he protected hy law in their and kidneys, and Ua picagunt laxative. This drink suit iigaln.st Mio Texas Slfilngs Co. of New Is made from herbs, and Is prciianal for u.st; as cuElly riglit to one day ’s rest in seven. A'ork. f )r otlorimg a -10 ycar.s old reiu lnt of nal \Yehkuess. 08 tea. It Is cal led Fa vorliiR Arbi I ration. the edition of Webster’s I’niibridgi'd as ,^rhitration is tlie wisest and most econom ­ ju'i'mium for .-uliscribes for llioir jiapor, Will pnrifv BLOOn, reimlato LANE’S MEmf>m£ ical and humane method of settling national are devoMiig their nlt.'iMUm to several This medicine has direct action upon KIDNKVS, remove HVKll All dniKglsts sell It at 50c. and $1.00 per packaRc. differences. other subs of a like iiaUire now in the dlsonliM ’, hiilld strength, renew Buy one to day. I.nnc's Family .>ledicliic moves Speeiilatioii in .'Mai-Rliis. tho nerve centers, allaying all irritabili- , apiietlto, restore licallh and the bowels each day. In onicr to be healthy, this courts, tho 'I'oi c a Capital Co of Topeka, Vigo rot youth. I)yR|>eiisin. Is necc.ssary. Speculation in margins, the eonieriug oi Jxj'.nsas, bebig one of the latest. 'J'lu'y ties, and increasing tho How and power i Indigestion, thattlreif feel­ ing ahsoliitoly cradlcateil. “ 1 know luccisely how grain, money, and products, and tlie format ion claim they are oomiellcd io do Miis in Jus­ of nerve fluid. It is perfectly harmless j Sllnd tirightuned, brain •‘ Why of pools, trusts, and combinations tor the tice alike to ihe putillc and to themselves, and leaves no unpleasant effects. power Increased, you feel; it is that ner­ arbitrary advancement of prices should he sup- nml have therefore given (llri*<’llous to hones, nerves, nins- vous, irritable feeling; jiressed. their attorney to prosecut" in every ca-o —A V.Tbiablo Rook en Nervona clos, reeclvoncw force. Are You I’l’lisloiis, Di.seitsoH sent tree to any address, : Buffering from coinpliilnts jic- your hack troubles you, where a imhllsher makes use of mlsleadlug and poor patients ran also obtain | culhar lo their sex, using It, find and when you try to Wc pledge that the Prohibition part.v, il announcemeiits. tills iiiodiriiio tree of charge. i a*• safe,m 0|rs,speedy vstIV*cure. IkCklkill;Returns elected to jiower. will ever grant just pensions FREE rose tilouni on cheeks, heaiitllles Comploxion Sick?” read a little, your head Tills remedy has been prepared by tho Reverend ______aches. Isn’t tliat so ? I to disabled veterans of the I’niou army and Oiir Alpluibet. Pr.rftor Koenig, ot Fort Wayne. Ind., since IBTCc and i Sold overywliere. All genuine goods bear navy, their widows and orphans. iB now prepared under his dlrocUou by tho •‘Crescent.’’ Send us'^teeutstamp rbry- .a'/a .\. lakes its shape from a pieturo of an i pamphlet. ’ knew it. Oh, bother the doctor! Oct a The Si-IiiKd (toe-lioii. bottle of Vet^etable Covtpotud, and take it eagle, b wjis once the pielure of an ■ KOENiC IVIED. CO.. Chicago, III. OR. HARTER MEDICINE CO., St. Louis. Mo. faithfully, a.s I havedoue. I’ve been through We stand unequivocally for the .\mciicau Egyptian bird. D i’cj>re.s»*nled a man’s ' public seliool an.I opposed to an.v appropria ­ Sold by Drnsrglsts at 81 per Rottle. (^br 83, 1)R. T. FKX.I.X '.« ORIEXTAI. this thing myself, but am never troubled tion of public moneys for sectarian schools. hand. F was Ilie borned viper. The i C'KEA3I OK yiAOK AI. RKAFTIFSKU- Largo Size. S 1.75. G Bottles for SO. now. Do as I tell you, my friend. ” We declare that only by united siqiport of two upper stroki s an^ the n*mains of | liemoYfR Tan, J’impIeR, Frecklp-, I’rudcnt women who best uiiderstaud their such common schools, taught In the l-lnglisli Muth i'utchcs, Hash and .SkiiiLiis- language, can wV«»rrulKiiits ifll it. or «<'iit ^ ive patriotism. 'I’lielr protest against the ad ­ MOTHER’S FRIEND before her third of all the Skin prep­ by mail, in fonii o1 I'ill* or ^ ^ mission of "moral issues" into politics is a con ­ word.s .alike except one word. The same ts j arations. ” 1lAiiangPi. AizangPi. on rtcriptrtcrix>t tot SI <>«♦. ---- fession of their own moral degeneracy. The true of e.'O'h new ono appearing each \.’eek i confinement, and says she would not be For sale by all J.ivcr rilli. :9i>r. Corrr- declaration of an eminent authority that inunic- from 'The Dr. Harter Mediclno Co. Thts j without it for hundreds of dollars. Dru ggl s t s and fancy •pondrnca t'rrely antwcrcil. roods Dealers In the i;. S., Canada, and E'.urope. Acl.y make and piihlisli. book for It, semi . I.YNN, Mans . quence of such ilegeneraey. and Is true alike of Sent by expn*ss on receipt of price. #l.r>() ix-r bot ­ cities under llepuhlican and Democratic con ­ them the iiamo of the word, and tlii'y will return you hook , umautiuji . i.irnoonAens. ! tlei. Hook “ To Mothers ” mailed fiee. I EWIS’ 98% LYE trol. Kach accuses the other of extravagance BRADFtELD REQULATOR CO., I J?<)XTilero«I and Ferluined. in Congressional appropriations, and both are or sami >m;s hikf,. b (PArKSTKI).) issssssss alike guilty. Kach protests when ovt of power roR SALE Eir ALL oruoGiftTs. ATLANTA, GA, Clieau Hallway I'lire. ’riie utronoest and purest Tiyo made. against tlie infraction of the civil-service laws, THH Unlike other Lye, it lieiug a fine Swift’s Specific and each in power violates those laws In letter The Cenlral Eoiidan llaihv.uy, 1 n- ‘ powder and packed in a can with ami spirit. Kach professes fealty to the inter­ glami, is to run three workmen ’s trains reuiovfcble lid the coutontR are A Tested Remedy G ests of the toiling masses, hut both covertly Owen Electric Beii always really for use. Will make For All Jr truckle to the money iiower in their adiiiiuis- Jail.V, tin* fare being only ‘2 ci'iits for six thebest perfumed Hard Soa)) in ■JO tratlou of public affairs. Kven the tariff issue miles, tin* cheapest railway fare in the minutes withouthoilina. It is tbo as reorcsonted in the Democratic Mills and world. CATALOGUE, boat for cleanRing waste-pipeR, Blood and Skin § the Keimblican McKinley bill is no longer disinfecting Biiiku, closetB, wash­ treated by them as an issue upon great and Hr.oon Vkfrki .r auk homktimks uvurt by TELLING ALL ABOUT IT. ing bottles, paints, trees, etc. divergent principles of goveniment, but is a whooping cough. Hai .k's IIonky oj - Houkhou .nd I’KNN.X. .sxi.r .XI’h’lJ UO., mere catering to different sectional and class AM) 'I'AU relieves it. In KnKllsh. German, Gen. Agts., I’hila., I’a. Diseases s Interests. The atteuqit in many States to wrest I I’liit’s Tooth At UK Duors Cure in one .Minulo. J'.' Swedish or Norwegian 7'Ae Oldest Medicine in the H'orld ts eroiacty A reliable cure for Contcp;ious V»t the Australian ballot system from Its true purpose and to so deform it as to render it ex­ will l>« Bont to any DK. ISAAC ’I'lIOTIPSilkN’S Blood Poison, Inherited Scro- tremely difficult for new jiarties to exercise the Tnr.KK are people whost'cm to lost' all uddresH ou receipt of CELEBRATED EYE-WATER. fula and Skin Cancer. [Thadb Mauk .] ■ This article is a carefully prepared pnyRlcian ’s prft rights of suffrage is an outrage upon popular their religion the minute they can’t have 6 cents postage. BCrlptlnn, ami has been la constant use for nearly o As a tonic for delicate Women goveniment. The competition of both the par­ their own w ay. DR. A. OWEN. centurv. There are few' illseaaes to which mankind and Children it has no equal. ties for the vote of the shuns and their assidu ­ are subject more distressing than sore eyes, and ous courting of tlie liciuor power and subser­ .NKKvors, t)il:()ns oisoiuers, Mck liead- The Owen Electric Beit and Appliance Co. none, peHiaps, for which more remedies hav-e lieeii viency to the money power has resulted In Being purely vegetable, is harm- iiclie, Indigestion, loss of appetite and con ­ 201 TO 211 STATE 8T.. CHICAGO. ILL. tried without success. For all external Inllanimatlon less in its effects. liiacing those jiowers in the position of practl- of thee.res It Ir an Infallible remedy. If the dlrec- stipation removed by Heechum’.s Pills. NBW YORK OFRICe. 826 BPOADWAV. (Ions are followed it will never fall. We particularly chI arbiters of the destinies of the nation. We MKNl.llS ■lln,'. RAI-KK -H«.- T.. A treatise on Hloo. ronstipatlon, dysjpepsliv, fouls Drawer 3. Atlanta, Ga. tice. sobriety, personal rights, and the iiro- taken internally. Hold by Druggists, 75c. biT*th, headaehe.rnenlal dejiression, • $ 40,000,000 lection of .Vmerican homes. painful digestion, had complexion,* Famed by the Bell Telephone Patent lu 1391. Yonr and ail diseoseii caused by failure of* Hrxonit makes honey of molasses. the stomach, liver or bowels to per- * Invention ina.v bo valuable. Y’ou should protect It li.v isssssss sS Persons given to over- • patent. Address for full and intelligent advice, /re* IIhIIuii Hoots. Of charge, \\. W. IH’IH.KY Jt 4'4L. 0 0 Italliui boot tactorios are iiiaini- Solicitors of Patents. As Large Pacific Bldg., etH h St. N. Vi., Wit'«btnx1**n. I>. C. TAKE faclurinjt luota of a sitiKlo jiatft'rn. Meution this fHiper. The heels and soles are not s“\vn on, Ar a dolb. ■ were the scrnfiila -fa DYON & HEALY, In the ufck of tirn>111 Mail their nrwiy I'ly Kllle . Cer- JTutf’s liny Pills® way tlrit if lli(‘ heels are worn down sii'keiiiug and disgusting. I'AtAlfifne o/ HAfid JnstfurnrnU, Vni-i tnili death to tlicR, Thp first often astoiilslies tlio In- They were eKprrialb severe forint aiid (Ajuipairntt, 4(K) Fine II ( No more liir/.zing vnlhl. Riving ela.stlcity of mind, buoy- on one side they can ho taken ofT and Imtretionii, deK ‘rihin< every art)rU> — — w wv« m m wwia w w urouiiil youf Clin ■ / on liiR legH, back of Ids earn rei|Uired hy Htniit or Drum Coriie, or diving at your nose or collid nu with your c.ve-, ^Pancy of body, rooi I dlRontlon, roRiilnr turned round. Worn soles ean hi* re­ v''>nt«ins Inttructions for Amateur Raih Ia bowels and solid ttcsli. Priee, ‘/iAets, and an Ida head. 1 gave him F-xeremet ftn«l Drimt Major t My Usetrocly; prevent reproduction and secure pence. moved in the same way and new illood'H SarsapHrilla. In two '’l.Awt fend « Selected Lifet of Bend Musn FREO'K DUTCHER DRUG CO.. Sf. Hlbans.VI. ones put on. weeks the sorea eoinnieneed O v«r- BEST POLISH IN THE WORLD. ■loHepli Ituby. to heal up; tin- Rcah-R eaine com«a Coin III H I’otato. off and all over Ida body new rrsnita and healthy fleah and skin formed. When he had ForFOR Kaatem Property.EXCHANGE Good Farming Lands, __•KtliiKtraroa .Sirk llrndarliw; A k'cntloinan in Ireland recently, taken two bottles cl IIODD’.S HAKSAHAltll.I.A Houses and Lota, Orange Oroves. etc., located In I estorwsCom pies inn ;r urea<'on-t Ipui ion. fUfe4 (fet I’tM bamfeU m JliV kfeit Ul4|. on cuttiriR open a at dinner, he wan free from sores." Hakrv K. Itfav, Hox ;OC, Southern California. For full particulars address 95 RALPH ROGERS, 817 West First Street, Lo* found in the Ciuiter a half sovi'roiKu, Cohunbla.'Tenu. Angeles, Cal. around which the veifotable had HEMORDIA IIDOD’.S 1*11,I^H are a mild, gentle, palnh'sa, safu THK ONLY MI'Rf’.CrRE. Price $1.00 by mail. ifrown. Thoiijfh discolored it was in aud efficient cathartic. Always reliable. rm ^ FAT FOLKS REDUCED HKMssROiA <’0.. no Fiiltou St., New York. a ko (k I state of pri'servation, and is ANA HKhIH cl ves I uatMit Mrs. AHoo Mapls, Oregon. Mo., wrltee V . .X. 1). ... , 8 relief, and Is an INKAI.LI- \ \11 / i "Mjr weight was WO pounds, now It Is 195 now a iiretty ornament to a wateh Bl.K CnilK for PILkB. a redaction of 12f) lbs.” For circulars address, with Be, Pite«, tl; at driiegista or Ur.O. VV.F.8N Y DKK. MoVioksFs Thaatre. Chicago, III WIIKN WHITING TG ADVKHTI.SKIl.S, 00 MOT BE DECEIVED, chain. ______by mall. Ham plea free, v» piraae any you anw the udvcrtlirincut with J’a.stef4, Knamela, and Painta which Addresa “ANAKKSIH.” In fhia iint.er. Btainthe hand.a,injure the Iron, and burn Bot ’MIA Nifw Y ork Omr. MAN PATENTS! PENSIONS! PlBO’s Remedy fhi Catarrh la the off. The Ulnin); Bun Stove Polish Is Bril­ No is horn Into this world PILES Send for Inventor's Guide,or How to Obtain a Patent. Best. KJi.slent to Use, and Cheapest. liant, Odorless, Durable, atul tlie con ­ whose work Is not born with liim; FOR SUMMER COMPLAINTS Send for Digest ot I’onMioii and lloiiuty I.hwh. sumer pays for no tin or glass package tiierc is always work, and tools to HA'fKICK O’KAKbKLL. 'Vrt«bliigton. I». C. with every purchase. Perry D avis ’ Pain -Killer work withal, for those wlio will, and Barlow ’s Indico Blue . Sold by Ui uggisls or sent by uii.ll. HAS AN ANNUAL SALE OF 3,000 TONS. blessed are the heavy hands of toil. BEST medicine IN THE WORLD., 'Jilt Familv M ash Blue, for sale by Oroosrs. Sue. £. T. Uazeltlue, Warreit Pc. I Too late f»)r l«Mt w«M-k. | f* ’A(il^K.—lk‘put.v Sheriff Hiintooii I Ht. Juhn« MarkatH. ILKY.—Mra. S. .Jtiwoii, Mrs, M. Ware I ^ went to (irund l^ed^e, y«“Hterday, I (('urrected tills iiiornliiK, .Inly Ti.) WE AIIE THE NEWS and Mra. U.CuriKMiter relebrtttek to visit her parents new .Maud S. windmill. Hides...... 4 and friends living in that vicinity. i.ard ...... 7Mi OWliKU.—Mra. F. M. I’iRftott and J. V. Predew has fallen into line with llutter...... S-IO i Hncle Sam’s reiiK'iiibi'red vets. family wcrecalleil U) Portland laat ^^^.VTH.—Hr. Hicks has returii(*d to Eggs...... 12 Friday to attend the funeral of her Wood...... 1.00(«2.2.'5 ksK bath si(;k. He thinks he worked Frayk Patt(*n has lately built an ex­ Wool, unwashed ...... 12—is Fmother who wjiH killwl by beiajf thrown tension to his large st(M;k burn. Woid, waslu^d...... 22-JIO LJ too hard in his new field of labor. from a wauon. Mr. Lawh‘HH, her father, He says now he thinks he will let well A wire and iron fence has tieen built waH also badly injured. enotigli answer and sHiy in bath until around the Simmons (remetery. (iooel l.ookM. A tjood attiaidance at the aocial laat death n*lieves his i-estless spirit from its J. A. Huntoon has the brick on the (Jooel looks are mon* tli.in skin de*e ‘p, vC Saturday evenintf. depending uiion a healthy condition of j)r(*s(*nttenem(*nt and let the old house be ground for his new store building. For the we*lI-kiiowii Cortland Smith and family', of near buritHl in bath and at home among all the* vital organs. If the Liver be* in- Hiram Snyder is repainting his house, twtive, you havea billions Look, if your Mulliken, were ^u«.*Ht8 of .Ioh . .\stley hiKt fri(Uids. (f. K. IVniiington is doing the job. week. stomach is disorde'rejel you have a Dys- .Mr. Shibley, the miller at Walker & The young ladi**s of the .M. E. church Bradbury, bros'. mills, has resign(*d his position on jiejitic Look and if your Kidney ’s be* a Mr. M’iitzel ami family went to Ihdroit I held an ice (rream social last Saturday' eH?te*el you have a iiincheel look. Secure Monday to attend the funeral of Mrw. ac(!ount of failing hi*alth and has gone to j evening. good he*alth and you will have good Bester and (<1 Wirtzel’a sister. the home of his son-in-law, in north-west­ j .Viter servic(*s rt the ('. b. chundi, last looks. Electric bitte*rs is the gre*at alter­ John Witle, .Ir., returned from St .Louis ern Michigan, to live. He is a man wi*ll Henning known in these jiarts and will be missed Sunday, a nmaber weiv baptized ia the ative* and Tonic acts directly on tln*se* vi­ Mo. last ww?k whei*e he graduated from river at Simmon ’s bridge. tal organs. Cures pimples, blotches, the Lutheran eollejjfe. as a miller. Pianos, .\. J. burns, of Wacousta, talks of boils and gives a good conijilexioii. Sold Mrs. Cjise, of DeWitt, is taking can* of I’bb-ibHSTO.N.—.Marlin bacon, an putting a stock of goods in the building at Fildew A: .Millnmn ’s Drugstore, oO c. STtlHV & f'l.AIlK, .4NN AltllOlt, her mother, Mrs Zylplia Parks, who has old geiitl(*man, 7d years of age, vacated by bird Woodworth. pe*r bottle*. AMI H KSTKICN fOT- b«*cn sick several days. TAtiK OKOAN.S. was tairi(*d on .Monday', the27 ult. The Eagle base ball team is thirsting HHe died of cancer in tin* stomach and wasfor gore and an* unable to find a local Violins, (Juitars, banjos and e-vfiy known ir..EY.— Last Monday eveninj^ brij>;ht a gr(>at suffei*er. His widow is left alom*. nine that will come and pln.v them. lights were shinin^at .Minor Ware’s Fred Js*wis and his wife, who i.s a grand ­ thing in the music line, bicycles, Tricy'- The jM'obabilities art* that a new iron A NEW ROUTE and mysterious lookin;^ parcels daughter, have gone to live with her. cles, Velocipedes, Hammoerks. Sporting arriv«Hl ami in a few minutes about sixty bridge across (Jrand riv(*r, at Davenport R •Mis. Kellogg, who was slrick(*n with (Jooels and all their aec.e'ssea ics. Don ’t crossing, will b(* built this summer friends, imrludin^ .Mr. and .Mrs. \Vare, re- paralysis several months ago, has re­ >nred to the home of Sylvester Jason, it covered the use of hi*r hands but is yet Frey and Mitchel’s comedy company' PETOSKEY forget the* i>lace*—opposite tie* postoftice. ►ein#^ the birthday of his wife and after a unable to walk, by the use of an adjust ­ gave a thin entertainment to a thinner find j^ood social time they' W'»*re s»*rved with able wli(H*l chair, she gets around the audience, at the hotel hall, last Wedii(*s- S. A. STUllGIS. {icecream and cake Jind then came the house (juiti* comfortably. day' evening BAY VIEW presentation of a very nic4* chair by Farmers have imjiroved the recent born, to .Mr. and .Mrs. Frank Patton, find tlii^ rs and friends smiling more since the fair weathercame. ------We want to telly’ou that noNV in this vicinity last w<*ek. TfiE then* is somethingnew, open. From tli(* llcglBter-Cnlon. and it’s very new too. The fartiiers have b«>p:nn hayinp: this It is the new way’ to the 'riae we<*k and while they are on the mower VIH.—Mr. and .Mrs. H. N. Keys gave blNDERS, MOWERS, a party to their friend, Lieut. Will Summer l{(*sorts. Pet os- they take a S(julnt at the corntield and key, bay View’ and ILVY R.\KES, SI’PERIOR instead of corn perceive crows. Davis, of the regular army, and NEW tint I Owho recently graduated from West Point, Charlev'oix, and one \VK«'r M1CIIIOA.X DRILLS, (JREENVILLE CLOWS, Pr. P. S. Carpenter, of Troy, Pa., is at the ri*si(ience of .Mr. and Mrs. E. He that will prove to Is* as bI’(J(JlES, SPRl.NO W MiONS, visitinp: his brother, H..\.Carpenter. He WAY WV. (’amp on Thursday evening lust. Then* popular a means of .VND COLl’Mbl.V WINDMILLS has done a little business since his ar­ was a large number of y'ouii;; peo|(lp , reaching them as the trftinsi rival in the form of ii'inoviii); a tumor pres(*nt. and all pronounce it one of tin* I plac»*s are themselv(*s, run tlirontrli from the head of .Miss Sarah Wandel. most enjoyable events of the season, I From all parts of the to (’urds were given (*ach lady and gentleman (rountry(Himeevery year—the number in- Too Inte f*)r liiKt wwk. and the numlwrs ther(*on d(*signatstand icgaining XKW and flowers and the class motto in ever- the health and strength im}»ain'll by •Miss Hattie Plunkett, who wasri*cently' lpoint(*d |)recpptr(*ss of the Jonesville too close attention to business ami the The exercis(*s wer** ojx'iied by' siup;inp:, high school has b(>en honored by' her jiro- can*s of every' day life. Wrltf f»»r H .m .M.MKK HOOK. followe<*I lit VCill. 1*. A.., Fall Line of Repairs' Always on Hand. jirayer, etc. 'Phe main teature was the training school at the State Normal at tagi^ to b(* deriv(*d from a vacation (iritiiU lletpielH, .llie-l lecture by F. 1). Smjth, of Vennontville. Ypsilanti. Miss Plunkett is recogiiiz(*d sjient among tin* woods and lakes of Mr. Smith was formerly a resident of as among tin* leading educators of the Northern .Michigan, and our objis-t is to B. BiAtZiCOH, this villape and from boyhood has had state and will fill the ri'sponsible i»osition tell you of t he “.New Way” to reach them. to earn his own way and provide for with credit and ability. The extension of the populart ’hicagoA; St. Johns, Mich. ^ig©nt» himselt. by' his eneixy and jierseverance West(*rn .Michigan Railway is now com- Wall Paper, and pluck he has atOiined quite a reputa­ ewitt.—.Mrs. Thoris* died Monday' plet(*d, tin* new line ruiiniug from Trav- tion as a leader and stands hiph amonp; morning, .I line 27. She h*aves a i?rse (’ity’, through Charlevoix, to Petos- t<*achers throupfhout the state. Ilegoes husband, three daughters and one k(*y and bay View, a distance of seventy- to big bapids as an instructor in the Dson to mourn a faithful Christian mother.five miles through magnifi. Mis subjwt, “The .Mrs. Thorpi* has b(*en a great sufferer for and along tin* shores of b(*autiful lakes Window Shades Machine Repairing Education of the Future” was ably a long time and the dread messenger to and rivers. Passing din*ctly' in front i.'f handled and as it setuns to me he has hi*r was a welcome one. two resorts of (’harlevoix (one of the OF ALL KINDS, some good sound logical ideas that are J. Davison, oftJare, was visitingfriends most delightful placi's for a summer far in advance of the present s.vstem of uii^ attending the tent m(*etinglastwei'k. home of the many in that n*gion), the And CurtainPole s school to-day. llisid(>asof tin* educa ­ road, a few mil(!s furt.ln*!'on, strikes the Bngixio and Boiler tion in thefuture was that it should de- J. b. Keeney, of Lenaweecounty, visited shore of Little Traverse ba.v, which, veloji the ])hysical and moral as well as his daughter, Mrs. Jas. Furguson, last almost at the water’s edgi*, it flows into brown back Wall Pajw'r lOe?. Double TXTorlz, etc. the mental part of man or woman. w(‘ek. Pi'toskey and bay N’iew. boll. There seems to be a bright future for Jami‘s Furgason and wife intend sjiend- Through train service will bi* com- White* back Wall Paper 12c. Double ing the Fourth in (Jrand bajiids visiting Done Pronijitly and .Mr. Smith if he continues in the future as nn*nc(*d via the new route on Jiiin? 2(), Roll. in the past to climb upward on the •Mr. F’s sist(*r, Mrs. J. Pennington. and 'vitli the excellent service and fast warranted ai Pajwr 20c. Double eduitational ladder. Mr. Smith returned .Miss Flora (’attermole intends to take time, which will be a sp(*cial featun*, (Jooel (Jilt Wall to Vermontville y«*sterdny. lb* was ac- a much n(*eded vacation during July and “Tin* New Way’’ cannot fail to prov(* a Roll. comjianied by his wife, a daughter of .Mr. .Vugust and resume work again in S(*p- pojuilar one with travel(*rs. and .Mrs. .M. S. .Moss. The pn*sentation U‘mb(*r. Through parlor and sl(H*j»ing cars are FELT SHADE WITH SPRING ROLLER 35c sp«HH;h by'the president, (L If. Newton, On WiMlnesday last Ernest Scott was run from Chiirago via the West .Michigan brn.ss or Wood Tnmme*d Curtain Poles was short and to the point. Tin* music and from Detroit via tin* otln*r line of bitb*n on his ar'ii below the (*lbow by a Roe!. .Machine Ne*e‘(lles, all kinds was good, esprH'ially' the quartette, massasuga. He was doing well at last this systi'ia, tin* Di'troit, Liinsing (k “.Moonlight will come again ” ami the accounts. Northern R. R., to (Jrand Rapids, thenci? always on hand. HEADQUARTERS FOR solo, “() what a difference in the morn ­ via the ( . A W. .M. R’y' to Petosk(*y, ing ” by IL II. Hewitt sr*emed to please Tin* ice cream social was a d('cid(*d through Traversi* City and Charh'voix. boiler tind Engine* Trimming: ’full kinds, theaudiemic vi'iy much. .\ few very ap- success netting ov(*r :?2(i. Everybody ’ Try the “N(*w Way” this year, and In* PAPER RAGS, yu-opiiale i-emarks were made by'bev. said the itrogram was fine and the cream convinced that it is a good oin?. Injectors, Wliistles, Ste«nm Cuagejs,Pop Kicar in ctor. V i! ing no r(>s[)onse the mei'ting closed with ing. sides,on July 12, tin* Summer Cniversity the benediction. I have li'nrniHl that .\. .\. Withron is home from Toledo to opens tln*r(*, and on the 2()th the gr(*at B. F. MILLER, our school board have retained the saim* stay. 6905 assembly'attracting thousands by their EVERY WfiRRANTED teacla'rs for ne.xt year and 1 believt* they boy Way is ch*rking in a drug ston* in couldn ’t hav«' done Iretter. M’e havehad supi*rior advantage's. .\s usual tin* D(*- Livery and Boarding Stable, a vi'i-y' jtrofitable school year. bay (’ity. (III (hr 01(1 Kink.) Mrs. (’has. Powers has gone (‘ast to troit, (Jrand Haven A: Milwaukee R’y -Mrs. Larry Nick(‘rbocker is ipiite sick will S4*ll round trip tick(*ts from St.Johns but is imja-oving at this writing. spend the summer. (leo. IJliolt, of H(*troit, was in town to bay View ev(*ry dtiy, from July 11 to Fred Knajip, j»rincipal of the ITrrinton 1 sethool is hona* for a short vacation. the first of the week. 20 inclusivi*, n*turn limit-\ugust L‘l, at Win. .Moss, who has b(>en tc'aehinir at ■ Mrs. Mary (...... ’h*m(*nt spent Sunday' with tin* low jirice of i?0.7(). The d(*lightful Montague, is home to sp(>nda few davs of climati*, splendid resri'ativi* enjoynn'iits, vacation. ‘ Clara‘ .lohnson,'''*...... of 'Ishpeming, is visiting and sui»erior social and ('ductitional ad ­ It is licreljy announced that her many friends hen*. .Miss Eva Hoover, teacher in theCadilae vantage's make* bay View par excelle*nce Fresh Milk will l)e delivered O. O. Dunham made a flying visit hoim* schools, is home for vacati(jn. She is tilt liin'st summer re'sort in tin* w(*st. hoahiiim ; a si'kfiai.tv . accomjianied by' .Miss (Jeorgia (’handler, from Mcbain this we(*k. from wy Dair}* everv Morn ­ Send to J. .M. Hall, bay’ View, .Mich., for also a teacher then*. Frank Dunham and Frank Lovis kill(*d ing and Ivvening. E. (J. beiTK'iit and wife go to.Vnn .\rbor another mad dog 'ruesday', the ,\Rse*mbly ’ Herald, telling all about First-Class Tnrnonts at Reasonable Rates. this week to attend commenc(*m(*nt ex­ .Mr. and .Mrs. E. W. (Jay’ are (*iit(*rtnin- (he attraedions and e*xpense*. ercises at theuniversity. Theirdaughter ing a daughter from Ori'gon. ? lY' Call and see me. ST.JOHNS, MICH. Xew Customers will receive is one of the graduates. .Mr. and .Mrs. Prof. Do.yh* will sjiend Ndi’t Ilf I'll >I if li Ik.'iii .Siiiiiiii«‘r IlfMirlH. j)ronij)t attention. Hr. Valoet*, of Dakota, but a formi'r their vacation in Port Huron. The (Jrand Rapids A- Indiana Railroad resident of this place, cnllelR, Point, Harbor Springs, We'epictonsing. Standing Orders t.nken for w(*(*k. I b**lieve we are the largest E. E. Le<> has finished a barn on his Mackinac Island, nnel the* re'Sorts of the bicycled town in the state according to rp|>(*r Peninsula. Througli Sle*e*pingand Cream or an\' amount de ­ our po|iulation. We have nearly .1(K) farm and Mrs. Litchfield is building one on Pinestn*et. Parlor Car si*rvice he*twe*e>n (’incinnati. p(jpulntion and sixt(*eii wheels. Traverse City, Pe'toske.v and .Mackinaw livered upon order. Hr. bliss att(*nd the hot democratic .Mrs. Susan Cobb and daughter, Dell, (’ity’: b(*twe*e*n ('liicagei and above points Ly convention at (’hieagolast W(v»k. .Noth­ are going to move from th**ir farm into via .Michigan Central and Kalamazoo; Special attention given to town this spring. ing surprising in that as the Hr., I am and from Detroit, via Michigan Central fOR told, is a man of the same color, but O. E. V. Chaw*, Mrs. Jennie Lee and and (JrMiid Rajiids. reserving milk for infants. (). IVrry was th(*ro too. I do not know Myrtie f