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CORNELL UNIVERSITY LIBRARY S.'-^! Cornell University Library PS 3531.077M8 Morning Face 3 1924 021 660 166 .,.,,,.1 MORNING FACE The schoolboy with his satchel And shining morning face. Shakespeare " If I have moved among my race, And shown no glorious morning face- "Call us up with morning faces." Stevenson '^ "Call us up with morning faces " —R. L. S. MORNING FACE When the sun scatters the shadows of night, Until Kestler's tamaracks turn gold in its light, When the sky is blue, and the clouds rose-pink, When the redbird wakens the sleeping chewink, When dew bejewels the pond lily's face. While red waves shimmer 'neath silver foam lace. When rainbows of light are gaily unfurled, Then, morning has come to the rest of the world. When its light reaches your little white bed. Brightening sun-rav' lings that halo your head. Touching cheeks of wild rose, eyes of sky blue. The wondering smile that wakens with you, Your lips line of red, the pearl of your teeth. The pulsing white throat, the warm body beneath. Of pain or of trouble, no faintest trace, There, morning for me, dear, dawns on your face. .u L-t \ •* MORNING FACE With Illustrations BY GENE STRATTON-PORTER author of "the song of the cardinal," "moths of the limberlost," "music of THE WILD," "FRECKLES," "THE HARVESTER," "LADDIe" GARDEN CITY NEW YORK DOUBLEDAY, PAGE & COMPANY 1916 \ 1 /I /P'^33^1 A T-5 ft ^n •v' »J V 017/Hsy- Copyright, 1916, by Gene Stratton-Porter All rights reserved, including that of translation into foreign languages, including the Scandinavian Baby Oriole Morning Face: "Now Bob, that is a serious plant." Bob Black: "But what is a 'serious plant,' dear?" Morning Face: "The kind where Gene looks serious if you touch it." 8 DEDICATION ONE LITTLE GIRL WITH A FACE OF MORNING, A WONDERING SMILE HER LIPS ADORNING, WISHES HER PICTURES AND STORIES TO SHARE, SO SHE SENDS THEM TO CHILDREN, EVERYWHERE LIST OF BOOKS .
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