![Krepps, Dewitt & Co. Do the Best Repair Work](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
\ Our Motto, “What is worth doing is worth doin.: well.” Krepps, DeWitt & Co. do The Best Repair Work. Everything we sell is Fully Warraiitid. ST:'JOHNS NEWS * i* 75c. A Y ear in A dvance ST. JOHNS, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY MORNING, JULY 5, 1892. Third Y ear —No 149 Work of >1.^11. AiiniiHl Convention of tli«9 K|i\vortli (.sjHgue. T4» The WoiiK-ii of .Mielilgaii. Mrs. Jiiliii Ward Hoive liegan Greek Business Locals . Hii.i.hii.\i.k, .Mich ., .May, lH<.t2. Wt! Iiavi Ueoii isliowii (I viifiaty i»f work The annual eitnreiitltei ol the l.eagtie ol Ml stivtmly, nml now at seventy-two she We take this method of calling upon tin* ^ - by the imijhIk of tin? HclioolutOlive iViitre (.•naiox district, wel lie h. Id in Oils vlllaiie Wed- has just mail the piny of Sophocles in .IHHt N<IW \v«iiiien of o'.ir state to awaken at oiiee to neoday and Thunday, July <tih and 7ih,attbeM. the orijrinat. •1. T. (’oh* A Co. ('oninn'iiee their Hum­ under t lie iiixt riietioii of (j»*orjft‘ .Vnde phoii . the iiingiiitleeiit opportunity that awaits E. church. Prepantiious are lieiiiK made fur cuter- mer closing out hhIc thiK wis*k. The apeeiineiiH aiv reproductitiiiH ex- tlieiii la the World's Coluiiililaa IC.xposItioii Way back in the sixties Roswell P. lainiuent of deleKaies, of wliU-h aliuui. lUO Is ex- Snminer milliin*ry goi'sat rnri*bargains, The tiiae is raphlly npproaeliiiig when Fiowm- vnis a clerk in a corner grocery on white iinraled |ia|»er and are }<ecied. It is desired hy III. E,iwoith I.HHKue of our g’ving you the liest bargniiiH of the iAiaerlea will weleoiiie to her sluin-s the in a villaire in the upper part of New ueat and attraetive. village that Y. P. K. t*. E. wicieiies .nd all lulereated wliole Hi‘iiHon. Ri*HiHs,*tfully yfiurs, I women of all lands, and In the brief time in- York slale. in this cause should aiiend thia cuiiveutiuu. The .1. 'r. CoLK A Co. The w«)rk lH)nr^i.Ht4‘d of eonipobition, I terveiiiiig hetw»*«*ii now and .May 1st, iNli.H, followiug program will ls-eari'ie<l out; Her majesty “Lily of the Sky,” letter writing', map eketehiiiK) inuHcular I we niiiHt work with great diligence and tinity IlHri-Hiii Tor Someone. WKItSKSUaY W tl KUNtHtN. ♦pitten of the Sandwich Islands, is ! of purpose III order to make an Exhibit \ pleiiHant In^iin* in St. .lohiis at a low movement exereisee, ^enie of poetry from 1:30—Leaguedevutioual service-. tlliv vears of age. She has an income } worthy the wfiiiieii of .Miehlgaii. tlgnre. 'ri*rmH: Small eiish payment, American an t hora, illnatrativeKeo^raphy 2:00—Addrtssa of wtluuioe. Mist Sara Pouch, 81. of £1.5.(H)0 per aiinnm. I .Never lathe history of this worhl have balanei* monthly. Will ex«‘hnnge Kame Johns. leHHoua, examination pa|ierH, elute writ- I such hrilllant posslldlitleM Iks-ii within the Mrs. M, H. Holflikiss. of Likeville. tor Ht<K*k in St. .lolins .Mnnufai'tnriiig Keeponse liy vice president, ti. tl. Schenck, Elsie. t4!n spelling leHaoin^a ml corrections of let­ I reaeh of women, and now, with the gather­ Conn., lias <>iven soventy-live acres of Company or for Farm l.niid. Can give 2:20—Our iiioitu. Miss Wluuie Grilhu, Alma. ing 4if-Nations at oiir very dmir. It li«*<'omes land and O K) lo found a prepara- buyer, if ntead.v man, work nt i|>.'t2.."i()per ters, fr(‘e-haml drawing*' and numbers. 2:30—The advunlage of an Epworin League cun- ns to Join heart and hand with our sister lorv seliooi lor Yale College. month. Inipiireof Lons 1). Giiiiih, We publish below the names of those ventioD, Kobert Hniarn. tiraud ladge. I I states ill one grand effort to lead la the Editor St. .Ioii.vh News. 3:00 —How can ttie l./eagiie liispiie love fur more Frederick Dtniglass heartily dissents whos4; H(HH'imens are worthy of par. I triumphal mareh and in testifying to the thorough bible si tidy, EIIIhO. Van lieveuter, Ithaca. from liishop Turner ’.s policy of im­ llorHt- lor Sale C'Ii<-h|i. ticular notice with some prominent I oliservers of the w«irl<l what the fretsloiii and 3:.S0—Tiie League prayer meeting and bo's to con­ proving llie Americ:in negro ’s condi ­ Young. Sound, iNlnd and well-broke. featur»‘s: Lizzie Wetheivll, a short story 1 prlvileg»*H of oiir favored eoiiiitry have done duct it. Miss Alice .lohiisuii, l.aiisliig. tion hysiiipping him olf to Africa. Weight about 120Dtli.-i. I.. ,S. Rekii, for t he elevation and ad vaneemeiit of women. of her dtufi Mukc . nicely written ami well 4:00—What can tile League uccumplisb? Mrs. J. The object of this elreiilar Is to Inform the Mr. Spurgeon signed the abstinence .St. .lollllH. 8. Clement, Elsie. compostHi; Frank Lapham and Will women of the State that <'ommltt«*es on pledge in 1800. Unfermented wine 4:30—Appointment of committees. Pine apple tiHHin*H for cool dri'HHesat Wethereli, rapid muscular movement IVomnn's work have la*en appidiitisl in the has be#*n iMcd .at I he coiniiiiinion serv­ KVKNIhti. ('Impin A Co .'h several counties. These eoiiimltte«*H are ice at the Metropolilan Tahertiacio for exercist‘s, uniform in spacing and height, 7:30—l>‘ague prayer and praise service, led by i really to net, and must have the prompt and several years. MiltH. unshaded; (.'ora ('alder, a live iiiinuies Misa S. V. Dunham, Elsie. eh»*erful eo-«»peratloii of the women of their 8:30—Address by Kev. E. K. Uaiicrofl, Owossi. I Miss Hildegarde Hawlhorne. author Ladii*H ’ Silk •Mitts in all grndi*H iind scenery sketch illustrating a geograjdiy I respis'tlve eiinntles in order to Insure success prweH Followed by a recepliuu tendered by the Epworlb of "A Leg(*nd of Sonora, ” in liariter's At .loii.N Hickk '. lesson; Lillii* llixby, a witty composition ' in the work they have undertaken, League of .S|. Johns. is a granddaughter of N:i- j M'e want to know what the women of For durnbh' wiish dn*HHi*s buy Chev HUbj»>ct, “Klmer's Itooster; ” llerli Carter TIIL'R.SI>AY MOKNINU Ihaiiiel Hawthorne and daughter of Miehigiiii havetloiie, what they can do, anil ronne .\t ClIABI.N A Co. ’s. and .Mabel 'I'aylur right and left hand 0:00—John Wesley sunrise service, led by Oeo. B. [ what they will do. The time has arriveil Julian Hawthorne. Pratt, Uraud Ledge. if onlery. H|)e(amens of writing; KIma llovv**, j when we must unite onr forei*s and with one Senator Joe Hrnwn is called the 8:30—Devotional service, E. J. Biadi>er, St. Johns. Our I’nst Hhiek Hosiery we gunnnit^*e sentences. We must not fail to nieution I determined purpose move forward. M’e “Richelieu of Georgia politics. ” It ‘.htX)—The necessiiy of entire consecration. Miss t<) Im* nbsoliiD'ly fast in color and will not must give time and thought to the work we has been one of his cardinal principles two short compositions by .Maud White (irace Cook, 8t. Louis. turn gns*n .loii.v Hicks . have in hand. M’e must lose sight of in­ to acipiin* wealtli. and he is now one and Nellie .N’estell. which were prixluc- 9:30—Wliat cau we do fur laiys and gills between dividual glory ami of iiidividiinl prejiidlees. of the richest men in (Jeorgia. the age of ten and fcurieeu? Miss Miouie Kemp, silk Hii«l Kill (iloven tioiis of iniuuination. Subjects, “.V frog and eonsider only the tinal oiiteoim* of onr Ovid. It is said that (Jneen Ciiristiiia of In Hhick nml Colors .\t .loiix Hicks ’. who went to St. .Johns" and ‘‘.\ cricket lalior, which will prove the weakness or the 10.00—The League and temperance. Rev. C. W. Spain has been struck with a spasm of strength of .Michigan women. FloiiiieiiiKN who lived in a hay stuck.* ’ These wer** East, Ut. Ixruis. reform and is trying to remodel her Chairmen of County Committe«-s shoidd For this icecrenni weather childlike in every ivs|>ect, containing 10:30—Working the departments, (Jeo. B. Pratt. hoii.seliold on a plainer and more sober lose no time in taking the liiitiatlvi* steji, and 11:00—The value of a i-aague library, Kev.P. J. basis, culling o(T many extravagauce.s. .\t Cii.\i*LN A Co's. ninny ideas which are commonly ex through the local newspapers appeal to the Maveety, Ovid. l.H4‘e ('iirBtiiiH, pr«‘ssed by childix'ii of the agwfrom eight women of their respwtive eonnties lor as­ Dr. E. P. Ingi*rsoll. who recently 11:30—Notes from general conference on Flpwerlh Chenille I’orf lerK, sistance. Throiigloiat the^state we Believe re.sigiied from the Puritan Congrega- to ten. There are many other spisnmens I.«ague, Kev. J. II. Thomas, Ithaca. we will find a friend In that powerful agent, tiotial Chinch of IJrooklyn. lias ac­ .\t .lon.N Hicks ’. of merit which our time and spm-e will TUl)B«I>AY A tTK-RNlMiN. the Press, and through the press we must cepted the call given him l»y the Park 1::I0—Reports Ironi Epworid Laiagues and com­ .\void dys|M*psia by using the (pii<-k not allow us to imaition in detail, as we give puBlleity to our plans.
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