
A Very Brief History and Manifestations of Institutional Racism in America with Dr. David – Audio Transcript

David Canton: In there people that believe that you know different have different interpretations so Frederick Douglass wrote this famous quote from his 1845.

David Canton: autobiography he says this what I what I have said, respecting and against religion, I mean strictly to apply to the slave holding religion of this land.

David Canton: And, with no possible reference to Christianity proper for between the Christianity of this land and the Christianity of Christ.

David Canton: I recognize the widest possible difference so wide that to receive the one as good pure and holy is up necessity to reject the other is bad corrupt and wicked.

David Canton: To be the friend of the friend of the one is, of necessity, to be the enemy of the other I love the pure peaceable and impartial Christianity of Christ.

David Canton: I therefore hate the corrupt slave holding women whipping cradle plundering partial and hypocritical Christianity of this land.

David Canton: Indeed, I can see no reason, but the most deceitful one for calling the religion of this land Christianity, I look upon it as the climax of all misnomers the boldness of all frauds and the grossest of all libels.

David Canton: So, in other words slaveholders saying that Christianity, the Christianity of this land that justified race based slavery.

David Canton: genesis 925 the cursor ham that's made up you see serve the master forever all that's made up that's Christianity of this land and that document that Bible was the source, there was no question that source now first question that source black folks and slave folks there was a problem.


David Canton: But now we're going to shift to the world of science and secular secularism okay So here we go the a historical African here's the map of the world called a Peters projection map which is.

David Canton: drawn to size, if we look at cut catastrophe mapmaking when it comes out of Europe, you had Europe at the Center of the world.

David Canton: We look at the size of the African continent three north of the United States can fit in the continent, it gives you a different perspective.

David Canton: When you're coming out of Europe, you see your Center as the Center of the world, all that matters you see so let's look at Jefferson notes, when the State of Virginia.

David Canton: He claims that slaves require less sleep, of course, he would he had 200 slaves, they could work all day he made that up human beings need sleep.

David Canton: You see, that it's made up next in general, their existence appears to participate more sensation than reflection Now this is key reflection is reason, which is the Greek word logos.

David Canton: Right that's what makes human beings, where we are, however, according to Europeans only they have reason in logos.

David Canton: You see Africans a sense what they feel the whim, they can't plan that can organize that takes reason.

David Canton: Reason is human so racism ascribes human endeavors to particular races like superheroes doesn't make sense.

David Canton: All humans have reason, all humans are emotion all humans have the capability to do whatever they want to do, but these are how systems are constructed.

David Canton: You see, this is Thomas Jefferson he's a smart guy so some guy can't read okay to justify slavery, civilian and sleep they can't love they.


David Canton: can do they can't do this, you don't feel bad when you beat them all day you keep it moving.

David Canton: that's how this works, the ministers in on it, the education institutions everybody's in on it, so no one's like a tj, this is a problem, no it's not they don't need any sleep.

David Canton: Next, we have hey go what we properly understand of Africa is the on historical undeveloped spirit still involved in the conditions of me and nature.

David Canton: that's like john locke's, in other words there's this nature of human beings right that Africans are still at that base level.

David Canton: On historic, let me should not human underdeveloped spirit the spirit of freedom goes through northern Europe.

David Canton: Africans have been involved he's making this up because why this slavery going on 1833 it's a billion dollar industry.

David Canton: You have to make it up you can't say well listen it's the African we're all equal we're human beings, I need you to work for free forever, you have to make it up.

David Canton: that's what they do and they hide behind big words and the universities in on it no it's made up this what we're talking about the historical and then he removes Egypt out of Africa, Egypt right there.

David Canton: The Egyptians, you see the day we're not the ones who built the pyramids, because they came from Arabia, right here after.

David Canton: invade 641 common era that's when it becomes Islamic speaking this law they didn't build those pyramids.


David Canton: You see, so you gotta understand history, and the reason why I took it out of Africa is why because of the pyramids if they can't build civilizations, how do you build pyramids, and you can you're not a human being, it doesn't add up, so we make stuff up.

David Canton: I remember school they had the maps with the Middle East that's all made up the Middle East is not a continent with the middle West with the middle North it's made up.

David Canton: This is why history is not kindness history, you see next we have more than the gypsies were not negros what's he talking about he's building off of that.

David Canton: Egypt is a matrilineal African civilization right fluence by new beans all but we can't say it, because the racism.

David Canton: The Greeks are rotten as they would look up late go down there all the time, this was a construct in Europe to take each other out of Africa to justify slavery.

David Canton: Now the flip side the white abolitionists said when they want to kick free blacks back to Africa, they made the argument, the Africans built the pyramids.

David Canton: You see it's all it's how this thing works folks so again Jefferson hagen morton now we're getting to what's called scientific racism.

David Canton: You see, so university professors doctors in fact there's a doctor named Dr Samuel cartwright out of Louisiana.

David Canton: He had his melted mental illness called trapped Romania slaves ran away, that was a mental illness, are you serious that's what we're talking about made up.

David Canton: made up, so if you went to the medical meetings they listen to the car right you're an idiot that doesn't make sense, you they look at us being crazy.


David Canton: that's how knowledge works it gets reinforced in the system, if you want to move up get rewards get benefits you're going to embrace that system.

David Canton: If you chose that system you'll be ostracized and marginalized and that's how systems function.

David Canton: But it doesn't stop there folks so you got the scientific side it's like the vice grip of racism.

David Canton: The eggheads the harvest the gals the records they're doing their thing and then there are conferences and the journals like the bow review on how to.

David Canton: tame slaves, they got their journals they got their research grants going out of the way to prove black inferiority that's your tenure job that's your tenure folio back then.

David Canton: i'm going to prove you black folks inferior but i'm doing it objectively with science we don't need the Bible, no more.

David Canton: However, these messages trickle down to the masses of people working 18,000 hours a day, many are functionally illiterate, I don't have time to read journals I don't know what the journal is i'm barely getting through common school.

David Canton: However, I still believe black folks on ferrier I can't articulate it like a regular 800 page book, but what I do know they're inferior.

David Canton: So yeah you get into vice grip on American races popular culture not getting hit on that side.

David Canton: So i'm getting from the universities boom Samuel morton and many others now i'm getting it from what popular culture that reaches the white masses.

David Canton: they're not going to college and I finished in high school your eyes person in brooklyn you're not going to know college, but you're gonna embrace that racism within an hour.


David Canton: you're not going to question it I black people equal you don't think that way So where does this come from let's look at TD rice right here.

David Canton: This is TD rice okay he's known the black face his his character, Jim crow right he saw a slave doing a dance he cultural appropriates the dance paints themselves blackface this becomes the foundation of American popular culture on the backs of black people.

David Canton: You see right so Jim crow represents sample slave they use the they speak like the thing is an American speak dance all around.

David Canton: Alright, so for many whites in the north, who don't know any black people you learned about black people through white guy in blackface the minstrels, so this is why folks get upset when the Halloween stuff.

David Canton: Is the history, but if you don't know the history you're mad that I mad that's the problem, this is why history so important folks you see then you're mad difficult conversations will be less difficult if we knew history.

David Canton: Look at indigenous day right folks were mad indigenous people were protesting Columbus day if you step back for a minute oh wait a minute genocide, I understand I get it.

David Canton: Rather than acting a mostly in mad, you see, because you're caught up in ideas that you have been critically thought of yourself, you go to the mad car.

David Canton: and get all angry, rather than wait a minute, let me think about it.

David Canton: So now, you see blackface you see it on you're going to see it every Halloween unfortunately college students thinking that lit also the nonsense now you have history, right here.

David Canton: So the goal is to say something say listen to what do you make a policy leave it up to students, but this is the history, right here.


David Canton: This White guy paint yourself paints his face black right the white working class crowd they're not going to Harvard.

David Canton: they're working through these characters and then their mind is saying you know what black folks got it easy.

David Canton: Because in their culture there's no rules they don't have to work they sleep all day of the pay bills i'm out here grinding what.

David Canton: that's how this works, so I escaped through Jim crow like how we escaped to watch and black folks play sports and then you get mad when they protest.

David Canton: that's how these systems continue to function, you see what I mean right, then you get upset okay so that's the Jim crow, so this is so, even black performers had to wear black face.

David Canton: You see, because that's how you gonna eat let's say go pay your bills.

David Canton: All right, this, so this is a major function alright, so the minstrels now many sales a class critique of white upper class, but the expensive black people.

David Canton: No doubt about it alright, so now we have the scientific folks dropping their books, the journals now you have pop culture add to this the penny press by the 19th century of a lot of people, the society is shifting from agrarian to industrial.

David Canton: And we look at American history when there's major economic transformations people get scared and fear.

David Canton: From the post industrial have now agrarian to industrial from industrial of post industrial to the recent 2008 recession, you see.

David Canton: So when societies get unstable people who know what they do rather than embrace the change they resort to what they know best racism sexism homophobia.


David Canton: Right, rather than looking at the capitalist system that's on its move to decrease wages right we're going to blame, what we can do we do best fear.

David Canton: Let me give you a quote from this book I use my class by leroy Ashby it's called with amusement for all, a history of American popular culture.

David Canton: So he's talking about the transformation in the 1830s from an agrarian to an industrial society railroads canals urbanization immigration, of course, the Europeans fear.

David Canton: you're nervous oh it's not what it used to be that it ever existed, we hear that today 1950s legend has never been the world that's been perfect that's perspective.

David Canton: For who you talking about the 1950s or horrible the black people when we couldn't get a job couldn't do anything who you talking about.

David Canton: But the fear is what this is the fear he argues this, how could they these working class whites understand the workings of a new technology, the world is changing you gotta know how to read.

David Canton: You see it's shifting so now you start shaking right who could they trust the government sounds familiar.

David Canton: How can one distinguish the truth them outright lies in the 19th century have all these hustlers out here, trying to sell you stuff and you don't need that's part of capitalism take advantage of people when they're confused.

David Canton: That sounds very familiar, you see, when you understand history this stuff doesn't work you don't fear future you embrace it.

David Canton: you're not going to be tricked on fear so whether it's immigrants coming off the boat you understand that in capital it's about a race to the bottom and wages, the groups just change.


David Canton: When you see a non binary trend you don't go to the fear card and start shaking in your boots coming up with all types of excuses to the night folks that humanity that's the 19th century same exact game plan.

David Canton: And PT Barnum took advantage of it that's that's the SEC they take advantage of it.

David Canton: Because they're preying on human beings when they're in fear that's when you're most vulnerable, when you lose a job you're angry you don't blame the people at the top.

David Canton: You blame the poor people black people women that's easy you don't go after Zuckerberg you admire him because you think you would be him.

David Canton: You see 19th century same thing so let's look at PT Barnum born in Bethel Connecticut.

David Canton: Wanting wealth, but loved hanging out in the in the hat with like working class people he was amazed that that lifestyle right going in the city all types of people difference right, not just one homogeneous everybody's rich Protestant boring he's fascinated by that okay.

David Canton: Now, what did he do what made him wealthy.

David Canton: Here we have a photo of Joyce heath look at the top of the greatest natural and national curiosity a human being sue's we'll get to that in a minute.

David Canton: Allegedly now, this will happen PT Barnum bought this woman $4,000 commodified property had this great idea Okay, this was his con game Joyce heath was 161 year old black woman who breastfed George Washington.

David Canton: You know you can't live to be 160 but nevertheless the patriotic story it's all a con game popular culture what he goes see this no fan of those those don't know stones there's no iron man it's made up, but we love that stuff it's all made up there's no spider man.


David Canton: or woman's gonna be 161 years old, but he understands the popular that you have since the mindset racism slavery black people 10 kill white people she's only special she took care of the founding father.

David Canton: And people pay to see if she was making 1500 dollars a week now, this is the trick here right, I know it's up but she's making more than most people but look at the expense, is still a commodity.

David Canton: that's the trade off in pop culture Jay Z makes money but love this stuff disregards black women but he's he's making money seattle's popular culture.

David Canton: Tyler Perry does great work with some of the stuff is challenging but he donates money naacp What do you do.

David Canton: So Joyce heath hattie mcdaniel who played mammy was getting paid playing a character, with a stereotype but some middle class.

David Canton: peas, or how systems work joyce's is not gonna make that money playing Harriet tubman she's not gonna make them money going after white supremacy.

David Canton: she's not gonna make them money going after racism that's how systems work there's no money in real money and truth and justice in our system.

David Canton: The money is in promoting stereotypes not challenging them promoting them.

David Canton: that's why you have channel 13 and nobody watches don't want to watch, we want to be entertained we want to escape reality to go see the same reality, but entertained by it.

David Canton: And not questioning so that's joy seat now here's another thing right when she died she paid he paid PT Barnum paid the guy to do the autopsy so he charged you to see the autopsy.


David Canton: The doctor said hey she's about eight years old, he said wow she tricked me too, so I got your funny and boom brilliant.

David Canton: But, at the expense of black people and bearded women quote unquote freaks right we know humanity's complicated.

David Canton: As people four feet tall eight feet tall women can grow beards, we have to start so extreme right he builds on the world based on that otherness that normal people engaged and pay to see.

David Canton: You see, the circus right the bearded woman is she a woman is she a man, she would were obsessed with that rather than gauging humanity, you see, we all into that.

David Canton: He had a Siamese twin group from Philippines they got married, how do they have kids at 20 to get other words, we want to know they're human beings, they have sex.

David Canton: But he understands the curiosity of human he's not asking about ending slavery he's not questioning why women can't vote why poor people can't vote there's no money in that.

David Canton: The money is and what asking questions about people we do other that's where the money is and a lot of money Okay, last year we have William Henry Johnson.

David Canton: Now, this is a story here now remember by the 1850s you have Charles Darwin origin of species, the evolution right this whole notion of the missing link.

David Canton: Right we've identified homo sapiens sapiens started in the continent so everyone's obsessed in the science world where's the missing link so here's a guy from New Jersey, they said they found them Africa they made stuff up.

David Canton: Then they call him the monkey man that's the little words that's the link from hd the homo sapiens sapiens you see.


David Canton: So now you have people that want to see this human being, you see what i'm saying so, whether you're a scientific egghead at Columbia.

David Canton: or just want to do it for scientific reasons or some guy in the street or digs up you know horse poop you give him PT Barnum your money.

David Canton: that's how popular culture works right academics, we watch reality TV to study it in the people watch it to be entertained but they both have our money.

David Canton: that's how it works, so you getting it on both sides against intellectuals, the elites and you get in the masses.

David Canton: spending money on American pop culture rooted in racism like people are lazy black women extra sexual all these other racist and sexist stereotypes of being institutionalized in American pop culture, but it doesn't stop there folks i'm gonna keep going alright.

David Canton: So we find in 1904 they have the world's fair and St Louis that's where all the science stuff comes together right you saw iron man three all that type of stuff right all the latest technology like comic con for you a.

David Canton: comic book nerds like myself the 1904 world's fair and St Louis okay that exhibit called types of mankind.

David Canton: So again, for the science, people will come through with our PhDs probably like 17 guys in 1904 also the you know PhD back then.

David Canton: Okay dawn ISM is taking the western world by storm theory of evolution, we got that but now we're constructing human racial groups.

David Canton: Right homo sapiens sapiens is different levels to it there's a ranking what I call the lip of vacation of we manage the West is known for that we love to rank.


David Canton: Real Christianity is the best religion, you cannot quantify culture.

David Canton: Islamic you can't quantify it you can't measure that I don't care what anybody tells you okay tell me BMW God blessed you with you can't quantify religion.

David Canton: You just can't you can't quantify music African dance is not as good as.

David Canton: The African music, not as good as European Western you can't quantify culture but Western CIV does that put them at the Center and everyone's fighting to get to the top and assimilate because she met humanity's based on the West let's look at it.

David Canton: Okay dramatic males at the top for type food blond hair blue eyes, just the ultimate.

David Canton: made up even that time Jews, they will be playing with a long nose long noses a human you see that's out there, so again Fino types.

David Canton: Okay, to tonic German at the top, and of course at the bottom, the African right white it the top black at the bottom Africans different nose lips right white people can grow beards black people, all this is nonsense, but it's called science at that time.

David Canton: Sammy morton study cranium looking i'm, six, seven, what happened to my cranium comes across you know throw it out that's not science he made it up.

David Canton: So, since why people have the biggest brain, they must be the smartest that doesn't make sense, most white folks can read at 20.

David Canton: But that's what slavery does see it creates you to force you to you're gonna when you're looking for fury RT you're going to find it.

David Canton: And when black folks do right you don't believe it Benjamin banneker a black mathematician wrote a letter to Thomas Jefferson saying listen your viewers wrong.


David Canton: Jefferson while back it goes alive said wow Thank you when he died, he said, you know what he didn't write that so you can't win so he would you fight they don't.

David Canton: want to write that letter I just lie that's the system of working in in the 19th century Okay, so they had what on the St Louis fair, they were human zoos.

David Canton: Malaysians all people of color cages, so you walk by with your top APP from the University you pull data from your product, these are human beings.

David Canton: But you don't see me, but you don't care wow honey, did you go to World Fair wow but Dan was think that shut up no they're not human beings you don't question it no preachers came buys it, this is this is crazy you get rewards from going into the paper on it probably let's keep going.

David Canton: Then they had they conducted experiments they tested them for amount of pain we'll get to that later there's still a belief that black people feel less pain and white people.

David Canton: In the studies out there check the resource page they interviewed white MED students, so if I come in there with a bunch shop to my chest, and the white guy comes with a.

David Canton: hangnail they can leave me on the gurney for three hours because I don't feel that bullet you out your mind.

David Canton: But that's how racism works, so the whole we look at a they tested for pain, the belief towers of more pain black people in the missing link.

David Canton: They find this group called the pygmies or the tree and South Africa, they have the advertisers five feet, we know the Dinka advertise 511 there's a wide variation of humanity on the continent.

David Canton: there's a lot of people this world folks 7 billion, you see, but at the end of day we're human beings with your forefoot more than nine foot 12.


David Canton: doesn't matter, but if you believe that you're the Center of the world, you believe these type of constructs then they have no problem saying oh here you go the pygmies are the missing link okay all right so last one, this is what.

David Canton: They conduct experiments, we have henrietta lacks, we have to ski, this is the history of why would the covert.

David Canton: black people are making this up out of the rational fear I just told you what happened conducted experiments let's see if they feel more pain bang.

David Canton: And at that time white people they had to compete athletic events but at that time white people view the superior athletes until Jesse owens in 1936.

David Canton: Then they started saying black folks got extra vipers and muscles so even when you're when this racism you can't win that's what we're talking about.

David Canton: Your Brock Obama the premises black people on smart, you see, these are all over our systems in hiring with good people we like saying it i'm not I don't know you you don't know me.

David Canton: All you knows my words in my action right, so this notion, who, if you have a black friend let's get rid of all that.

David Canton: that's not what it's all about it's about equity and then surely institutions reflect that who you pray to who you sleep with none of that matters music food.

David Canton: Those preferences, if you like, a certain type of gun that's you went to institution of US or or any institution I shouldn't be penalized, because I like r&b music or my hair what you know or who i'm dating.

David Canton: Who doesn't matter, but we do that American idol value stuff gets in the way of what politics and resources as a way to keep people out.


David Canton: Oh, you know you got to pick a gender to do this guy up you're out, then we make up excuses of why we keep them out.

David Canton: Right same thing here just on race, so you feel good you sleep better because you feel safe who doesn't want to feel safe.

David Canton: I just want you to put have the energy and looking at policy we put half damage we put on other people and put it on health care, better wages just African.

David Canton: Rather than all of it in this , all this fear oh someone's coming to get you to come to this up, but no they're not can't afford the sub are we talking about.

David Canton: that's why history is important that's why I get so passionate what I do what I do, because I know our K through 12 system.

David Canton: it's just about making you a good citizen, not a critical thinker, because your critical thing you asked too many questions.

David Canton: You can't watch a movie TV or seeing stuff that's my kids say dad shut out before you say shut up but dad we just want to watch a movie.

David Canton: Why black person's like that why the woman's like that that's what we do, I can't help it you see.

David Canton: But we know K through 12 is all these facts, Thomas Jefferson was this George Washington was the President he might also say you can keep moving fast.

David Canton: Like people did this, you said, I mean we're not know deep analysis structural analysis of what's going on a deep dive to understand racism as a system, and not just individual beliefs.

David Canton: So the 19th century is set it all up Okay, so you have racism terms of scientific world you got popular culture all hitting at once.


David Canton: which does what justify black people being segregated North separate schools right justify slavery, treating free blacks how you treat them.

David Canton: And now, there are always people questioning but that's the minority view what I think we do in K through 12 we like to believe that this 10 white people nine a liberal let's start come on let's look at the data it's not true.

David Canton: The john brown's that aberrations and anomalies, but that's how we learn American history right exceptionalism know out of 10 people most widely in this in the system.

David Canton: that's the point but we go to K to 12 you think every white person is William Lloyd garrison Virginia dirt on and that those are the anomalies.

David Canton: You see, this is why this is why I do what I do right we're here to question our socialization.

David Canton: You know I never thought about or thought about didn't say didn't want to disrupt I didn't want get people upset at thanksgiving table.

David Canton: I kind of thought of it APP so busy working i'm good so so I just laid out how racism on two sides gets you right.

David Canton: So what i'm going to do before we go to the next slide while I stop let's get make sure we're all on the same page then we're going to get to the 20th century, and how these ideas still impact on an institutional level.

David Canton: So i'll stop there i've got some questions let's you know some clarity needs to clarity i'll take some questions.

Brandon Telg (he/him): Sarah have we gotten any questions so far.

Sarah Hanson: I hope not yet.


David Canton: Okay, no problem i'm like Captain America, I can do this, all day.

Brandon Telg (he/him): All right.

Brandon Telg (he/him): Well yeah let's um let's let anybody who has questions feel like I said feel free to ask them they'll go to Sarah.

Brandon Telg (he/him): And, and at the end there will be some time for Q amp a so either you can ask your questions, then, or will collect them through the rest of the presentation and ask them at the end.

David Canton: Okay, all right, no sweat alright, so I set up the 19th century, slavery ends in 1865 the 13th amendment.

David Canton: The 14th amendment 1868 citizenship black people 1870 allowed black men who qualified to vote, those are the reconstruction amendments.

David Canton: Okay, you see, so now what's going to happen, whenever say this major changes in this country we go to the racism car oh my God black people black men are free they're gonna start right the white women that was constructed to justify lynching and Tara and other activities.

David Canton: Like everybody else who want to get into gads want to eat my family go to the club go to church and move on, but no.

David Canton: white people fear, but the reality is more white people benefited from reconstruction why public education if white people white people are majority, that means more white kids went to public schools.

David Canton: But see when you sell fear when you go resort to racism boom, you know think like that i'm losing something something for free i'm falling behind what.

David Canton: There is no evidence in this country of white people losing ground to black people go look it up.


David Canton: I know you see Barack Obama lebron James those are individuals, when you study society studying groups, you see, when you watch espn oprah your mind get it twisted.

David Canton: When you look at the hardcore data you'll you'll agree with me right white people do not lose ground when black people come up they benefit to but that belief hasn't been sold because why I K through 12 we don't talk like that we talk about racism as feelings.

David Canton: Water fountains mcdonald's interracial marriage is personal i'm looking at income wealth gaps health gaps I don't care i'll kill you marry.

David Canton: Who you break bread that's great i'm looking at the system, and I know, no matter, it is the next 10 black Presidents there's still going to be these gaps i'll get to in a minute.

David Canton: So when you shift from feelings to systems, you cannot but see the world to go away it's that simple.

David Canton: You know that progress is two things and we know that seeing the racial cup that's great we look at the data different story see that data keeps you grounded.

David Canton: You see, rather than working opinion and he is saying, or just observation like Thomas jobs they require less sleep we talking about.

David Canton: You see, the data speaks is Dr Martin Luther King jr another person we love to sanitize I have a dream one little clips speech.

David Canton: People change over time, look at your own life, you know by winning your bag of history, I don't want to pull you out from when you were 22.

David Canton: Come on, now right lock you when you see you change you evolve over time with your ideas your thinking.


David Canton: He did the same thing, like any other human being, we change over time, but we want a holiday with capitalism can when Fred a.

David Canton: Nike when of of Nike rather than a critique and look at what he said, you see, and challenging.

David Canton: let's look at the famous quote out of this book, where do we go from here chaos or Community 1967 I was born in 68 books these ideas already out there.

David Canton: They were there about institutional racism, the kerner Commission 1968 after all the summer rebellions two separate societies one black one white, we should have started from the system 50 years ago.

David Canton: No, we started on individual stuff you black people here few women here few few few few and let's go to the quarter system.

David Canton: here's the quote of the good things in life, he has approximately one half those of whites of the bed, he has twice, those of whites does half of all negros living substandard housing.

David Canton: And negros have half the income of whites we turn to the negative experiences of life, the negro has a double share.

David Canton: There are twice as many unemployed, the rate of infant mortality among Negroes is double that of whites.

David Canton: So, for those of you that, like to do mind reading games, you probably know where i'm going.

David Canton: right for many of us, you hear that you see Obama Jay Z some black professors some black doctors and your mind is like why what is the problem, why they reparations.


David Canton: i'm struggling out here and that's all relative from speaking like a you know middle class white, but i'm struggling and it struggles relative.

David Canton: Because we all look up right we don't look down right, you know you're in the top 10% income earner but you want to be a billionaire rather than will your most folks are broke.

David Canton: So we see the reparations word your thing oh my God lose my house is black I get three big mansions, what do you know it doesn't work that way.

David Canton: You see, we resort to fear we're that works all the time, something for nothing zero sum there's no evidence that's my point so let's look at the slides.

David Canton: The big one, here we go housing here at all the time, whether it's gainesville it lana brooklyn New York wherever housing, we know housing for many Americans is the thing is your piggy bank.

David Canton: Right, we know that we've got all the data so let's look at the housing game, this is key now.

David Canton: All right, prior to the 1930s to own a home, you need to put 50% down there's no what we know today doesn't exist, that means rich people buy homes, regardless of color, so I do a race class analysis, there are black people in the 20s who are rich could buy homes okay.

David Canton: After the Great Depression the New Deal says, you know what increased government spending like that stimulus the 1.9 I know folks a deficit you're worried, they said that in the 30s we still around and business don't let deficit scare you that's fear.

David Canton: That numbers going to just keep rolling but that's the story another time okay.

David Canton: So red is this the term redlining was coined by sociologists john mcknight in the 1960s, how the federal government and lenders would draw a red line on a map around neighborhoods they would not invest in.


David Canton: Based on demographics alone so here's Chicago you've been in Chicago get on the train north or white, with some black you know middle class folks South all black.

David Canton: Go to any major city, you know it lives on East gainesville we say the buzz words we know we're talking about.

David Canton: You right you don't have to put the signs, we know the game that's how the systems work So here we go best is green, so these folks already got money look the on the lake shore.

David Canton: So they go to the bank they're going alone to get a big House still desirable, here we go.

David Canton: These are probably mostly white Protestants got to Chicago first work their way up in that stuff they get alone.

David Canton: get a bigger House here are gonna be a white ethnics who started here, been a while came up now they're here.

David Canton: And then here black folks finally get up in the game these homes are all the ratchet because why the white landlords will not invest money in them.

David Canton: Which means property values decrease you overcrowd them that dirty there's no infrastructure, no water, so now, when I go to the bank, the Bank tells me no.

David Canton: You can't get it wrong, so I gotta pay more rent mortgage insurance and it's what I call write this down the black tax.

David Canton: it's more expensive to be black and you receive less benefits you die earlier, so I lose social security money you saying right black men avatars like 65.

David Canton: So i'm doing all this work so we'll look racism is a public health, you see what I mean don't let the Thai food, you see covert expose that.


David Canton: So we're working and dine earlier black tax insurance costs more interest rates for card you're paying more of everything cuz you're black.

David Canton: And the person dude he's a nice guy i'm just following the Rules my girlfriend is black I don't care about on that it's about a system.

David Canton: Now, do you want to keep your job and cause problems yeah I will keep my job I say anything so my interest rates 6.4 yours is 5.4 all that money adds up when you get in life insurance look at your data so that black taxes real.

David Canton: you're losing even when you're winning.

David Canton: Okay Homeowners local operation 1933 these fairly finance loans, this will we still do today.

David Canton: Right, you have what's called was that conventional loans 30 years your veteran no downpayment all predicated on your credit, and we, and then we have the national fair housing act 1968.

David Canton: We look at civil rights, we don't look at the money we love water fountains and holding hands personal feelings we love that.

David Canton: As great know i'm looking at systems, because the end of the day, I know you hang out with when I go for the job will make sure i'm being judged fairly not based on the liquor I drink the movies, I like has no bearing on my outcomes.

David Canton: We got to get beyond that my how my hair looks can and can't do this kid who's setting up these rules and why.

David Canton: You see, national fair housing act designed to address these inequities but there's so systemic the realtors are in on it.


David Canton: If you're black to take you to a black neighborhood because the assumption is all black you want to live together the data shows people of color want more.

David Canton: Decent gave maple leaves the white people because why values in housing, we know white homes, the same size of square footage is worth more than black holes in the same set square side footage that's the black text.

David Canton: I just saw my house, I took all my off the wall keeping a real with y'all took it all, because I know.

David Canton: It took my black books I hit them after the can that's contradictory no that's economics, a racist capitalist system, you see, when the appraiser come by get the hell out the House.

David Canton: You see don't let them know you African American you're painting it last that's how systems work he's on bad people that's how you socialized.

David Canton: that's why you need law, you see, so i'm gonna worry about how you are, if you don't follow the rule you're going to jail.

David Canton: So i'm not worried about what your heart, I don't know your heart or no, you actions and you give me less me my husband and black you're going to jail that's it we're done and it stops.

David Canton: was all this feeling stuff it doesn't stop waiting for hearts to change hearts to change the system goes on and on and on.

David Canton: Yes, there's been progress, however, the problem is when there are policies that are enforced affirmative action enforced you see that's what you know it's working with folks are mad.

David Canton: But this whole thing to cool by our stuff is great, but that's not a policy.

David Canton: Okay, so that's red line see So here we go so go to any jacksonville go to Miami they have these maps.


David Canton: And you'll see how they you know we're desirable places all of that and black people are disproportionately in these areas, with his low tax basis.

David Canton: Low infrastructure bad bandwidth, then you mad when this stuff is buffering.

David Canton: Because you didn't invest in the city, then you reinvest in the city you're justified you invest for upper middle class people regardless of race.

David Canton: That you moved up folks out you blaming them again you didn't put i'd be five through Miami.

David Canton: He didn't do that that was the system, I black people we need roads to get suburbanized where I need to go the Cross bronx expressway in the bronx look it up, Robert Moses went through the bronx.

David Canton: 95 all these interstates built in 1956 plow through black neighborhoods solid working class neighborhoods.

David Canton: Then you blame them in the neighborhoods that have no resources see if you don't know history that's why it works, then we throw a little sprinkle of fear .

David Canton: Okay, like a magician that's the hoax You see, so now we go from housing we go to what education Now this is key to Okay, we fund education to what Federal Government state.

David Canton: State and local property taxes right and pto parents these organizations through those we got a lot of money let's be real.

David Canton: Here we have Greenwich high Connecticut one of the wealthiest school districts in America, why million dollar mansions the education is better, not because they're white because they got resources out the wazoo.


David Canton: Tutoring SAP prep study abroad it's whatever you want some mini college that's what you get when all your homes were $5 million.

David Canton: it's not rocket science folks and here we have hill house in the area in new haven SDS low income socio economic status, mostly black.

David Canton: These are the two systems we construct I couldn't throw a third world white schools in the panhandle they had no money they struggling.

David Canton: But this is how race place because the Federal Government gives 8% most goal the title one schools, so your new role is your man they're getting all the money because there's no tax base in the cities, all the companies left.

David Canton: become South go to Mexico going line because nobody wants to pay taxes on one good schools that's an oxymoron.

David Canton: It doesn't work let's look at Oklahoma they cut income taxes corporate tax 22 22% defund the education teachers went on strike, you cannot support public education and cut taxes, you just can't do it.

David Canton: that's why history is important, you see if you don't know history, then you wait a minute now you're striking the same governor you voted now you're mad that's my point.

David Canton: So when you look at history this way it's not it's it's policy.

David Canton: i'm not looking at again who you day you like guns you like Mexican food you like I don't care that's great i'm looking at the policy public education, the way it's set up is based on the model that does is not flexible for most working class people regardless of race.

David Canton: or resort to fear or resort to policy Oh, they get all the money in the city to get all the money it's more expensive because, once in gainesville deliver new Barry come on it's capitalism.


David Canton: Right teachers make more benefits course more everything costs more utilities and you have a disproportionate amount of low income people because why low wage jobs let's look at these cases Roberts verse Boston.

David Canton: And Massachusetts Sarah robbins was a free of the black girl who wanted to go to the white school because it was closer to her.

David Canton: No you're going to go to the black school okay basically the judge in that case in Massachusetts said.

David Canton: Our racial prejudice is not created by law and probably cannot be changed by law so even though you go to the white school that's close i'm still going to be racist.

David Canton: that's the argument so you're into feelings, if you pretend to be racing in school, the teacher, you will lose your job, see that's how i'm looking at thinking right that's what he's saying.

David Canton: In other words, sincerity that school is still going to be racist okay that's feelings, but when the law says you treat us That way, you will lose your job, you can still hate Sarah but you better do your job.

David Canton: that's the part we want to wait for feelings, so you can be racist and still working at Nike probably.

David Canton: When you acted then we're going to punish you see that's the trick that's that's a tough one there right, we want to change someone's art.

David Canton: wait for that and how do you measure that boyfriend who you're dating all that stuff, then we have the law.

David Canton: Well, he doesn't qualify because I don't like how he wears a tattoo what makes something up.


David Canton: You see alright so that's the case 1850 this case was cited by southerners in the browser wars be for the better 54.

David Canton: They started at 15 say that what don't blame us for segregation of started in Boston get off our backs.

David Canton: Then this case was using plessey versus Ferguson separate but equal it's all they have to separate and equal but they never been separate equal and even in Boston 1850 free blacks like listen.

David Canton: just give us equal money because I don't want my kid in a hostile school we're still having those discussions today.

David Canton: With black pants and still like with the side like i'm kind of nervous because why highest suspension rates getting arrested in school, how do you get suspended in kindergarten.

David Canton: Come on, right that doesn't make sense, all kids drive you crazy I substitute taught i've done it all.

David Canton: All kids are crazy that's their job, but when black kids is somehow because a racism were extra crazy extra violent extra force, rather than using some kids.

David Canton: had some issues for the day link to La stuff at the crib trauma know jobs all of that's connected.

David Canton: But black kids don't get that that doubt is right to they did something wrong i've seen it we've all seen it if we don't admit it we're not ready yet.

David Canton: Now i'm free i'm objective know we have a perspective that's the clues about what we know and experience when it comes to this information we don't know much of it because we don't study history.


David Canton: We barely study what we got in K through 12 this stuff i'm going through it's just not part of your curriculum.

David Canton: You want to come in and get a degree get a job be out, I want to be the best nurse in the world, but then don't know why i'm letting Dave can be on a gurney with a knife in his back because I believe he doesn't feel it why.

David Canton: You see, this is why stem humanities is all important all matters folks this whole narrow make you a good worker is what systems one don't question the system just make it rich.

David Canton: You see what i'm saying don't take black studies course that's a waste of time, you need all these math courses, all these stem courses, but you can't tell me this stuff I just told you.

David Canton: Then, then you can't explain any quality you see it as a fault of the group.

David Canton: black people must be doing something wrong now he has a famous supreme court case San Antonio independent school district burst Rodriguez in 1968 okay.

David Canton: Joe my name Rodriguez said, you know what we have two separate school systems and San Antonio one very funded one underfunded.

David Canton: So they went and sued on the District Court they agreed made the Supreme Court and 74, and this is what Powell said Okay, he said that the Constitution does not guarantee equal education funding, in other words the facts don't have to give you this amount of money equal Greenwich.

David Canton: When Thomas Jefferson bought the land Louise as a purchase that's not in the Constitution, either the constitution's flexible folks power made that up.

David Canton: The ones in the set agreed this money things, initially, but the majority, led by power that's what he said we could solve the problem and 68.


David Canton: On the federal level, but no that's what we're talking about now power later get into affirmative action but that's my point.

David Canton: Now I know he's being objective blob please he has a perspective and I don't know if he had people in his ear whatever strict interpretation, but we know the Constitution is what fluid.

David Canton: You interpret it to benefit what you want, you see, but we're told it's up the law is objective stop stop why everything is 54635 come on now it's not object is an interpretation of the Constitution.

David Canton: So, again we're told objectivity in high school and everyone's objective in the New York Times, and God i'm Fox and everyone has a perspective folks let's stop lying let's be like the French the honest about this is a left wing newspaper.

David Canton: And we believe in health care of everybody, this is the right wing news, but we want to get rid of everybody and pay for it Okay, then you pick a team you sing.

David Canton: Last slide.

David Canton: Alright, employment in healthcare.

David Canton: i'm gonna hit you at all about the numbers folks i'm a numbers person, even on historian numbers matter they matter right, so we look at rates, and this is where we get tricked all the time okay in America black people are 14% of the population Latino 17% being whites at about 65% okay.

David Canton: rates in numbers so let's look at employment.

David Canton: Black unemployment is twice the black unemployment rate is twice the white unemployment rate, now the more education, you get it goes down but guess what it's still higher you see so education closes gaps for black people.


David Canton: You live longer more wages one income but getting from here to here that's racism folks institutional racism, the.

David Canton: School the pipeline police brutality parents losing jobs other traumas the fall guy high school is under resourced, you had a teacher that was hostile a guy's gotta tell you listen, you should just go to go to a.

David Canton: you're not smart enough for college some stupid coach because you got a little swag telling you can't play all those impediments.

David Canton: That documented folks suspensions a kindergarten know honors program access you make it through that sure now you get the College oh just a sophisticated form of this game.

David Canton: hide you go to cloud only black person in the class why you went here you show you want to major in the stem.

David Canton: What do you mean is racism in the universe, what are you talking about during college.

David Canton: You finally make it through that now, you get here, and you still have a harder time getting a job, this one we're talking about.

David Canton: And it's not because the effort it's the systems, you borrowed money you want to get a low you don't have 20% because your past life 20% that give you.

David Canton: They need to work harder dishwashers work hard, but I mean it's not just about working hard it's the wages folks.

David Canton: folks Americans work more hours in any industrialized nation in the world, but it's still wages and they'll tell me about 1950 you worked with diamond hour, I want to hear that that's the style that's not his street.


David Canton: that's why we don't want $15 an hour I worked for $3 an hour because that's what the wage was and we said the same argument when the minimum wage, to create a 1937.

David Canton: Oh, my God fear, rather than you increase people's wages, they have money to spend it's simply not stimulus check coming you spending it.

David Canton: Most of us we bind something a pain, a deck which leaves the sales tax with goes back in the coffers, but we use fear so let's get something nothing you mean it will be a McDonalds can $15 an hour that screaming and stuff they're human beings that's a job.

David Canton: Because the more we got see once you lose sight of humanity and you're rooted in fear that's when stuff goes sideways.

David Canton: Right, the someone's coming to get something from you right alright, so now let's look at numbers when we think of poverty, we think it's racial lives right, in other words black people have a gene for poverty right who tells their kids I my dad I can't wait to be poor nobody says that.

David Canton: i'm going out my way to be poor when I grow up, who says that we all have dreams black pants like any other parents want the best for their kids so let's get that NASA live it'll value education you can't measure values.

David Canton: What you can measure is, if you have money, resources, I can measure that SA T is linked to resources and income, we all value education that domain you value it more because you're rich, you have the resource, I can measure that I can't measure, a value.

David Canton: This you cannot do can't no you can't i'm telling you people you can't measure who's more Christian I go to church every week and we like to do that.

David Canton: In our own way we love the rank to make ourselves feel better than somebody we rank everything.

David Canton: To create some level of authenticity real Christians go to church every week, no forget that they go four times a week.


David Canton: you're not a real Christian you go once a month just you go three times a year Christmas mother's day and Easter some of your folks lined up for three weeks right.

David Canton: So, once you create that electrification that ranking create the other, this is how you function in life, rather than looking at humanity.

David Canton: Right, you know you feel going you got your paycheck coming in, tomorrow, your bills are paid you why can't everyone feel like that.

David Canton: So stressed out that's a good feeling but let's keep going there are 20 million poor whites and 10 million poor blacks so there's double the number of poor whites just means what there are more poor white people on welfare sliding that snap card.

David Canton: The sliding it right now $1 general walmart whites but because their rate is 9% the black poverty rate is 30 you like the function on the rate CNN fox news.

David Canton: When you focus on the number wow that's a lot of poor white people would know healthcare poor schools and they share more common poor black people but you're caught up on race.

David Canton: that's the game folks that's historical look at it, we can debate, if you want i'm telling you and the media feeds into that.

David Canton: So let me talk about poverty was black they racialized crime crime is not a color.

David Canton: Crime is human you don't have stuff i'm gonna rob folks crime is interracial stop paying so much attention when you do have a black person kill a white person that's an aberration.

David Canton: Because it feeds into the crime fear narrative more police why people kill white people every day, but you don't hear the term white or white crime I got you on that one put that in the back.

David Canton: pocket by client like a macro Asian Asian crime looks you know leader see that's what we're talking about CNN does it fox does it all the shows do it.


David Canton: So what I do is bring a perspective that you're not getting on corporate media i'm telling you why.

David Canton: You see, black on Black crime reinforcing stereotypes of black male criminalization that are fundamental core not you got the can your unicorn black men are inherently criminal more violent and dylan roof, and those folks on January six.

David Canton: We can measure that violence, even though it's just say my number white people jails black guys well they got the higher rate that's why the more violent can't measure that folks.

David Canton: Are super this not again this isn't comic books black men are not that knows.

David Canton: The stop thinking that nonsense, you see, but that's how we socialize let's look at health care infant mortality Okay, do you know even holding for Class black babies are middle class women died twice rate is white babies.

David Canton: What is going on, it taking prenatal they go to the doctor that racism sexism stress is real is my son coming home tonight is my is my partner, all the other stress, am I getting tenure.

David Canton: I got 7000 kids to advise the article do tomorrow, am I getting a promotion all that stress, will they sell me this loan and I get a 4% or 9% all of that, you see, I got cousins with kidney problems I got to give money to this person that stressful.

David Canton: So they say races, a public health it's not because he's black women eating poor grinds not going to the doctor that's see that's nonsense.

David Canton: I already told you class is still diamond twice the rate that's what King said and 67 and it's 2021 yes, are those Michelle Obama, yes I knows my wife, yes, I know some black when a woman goes on this on this on this call.

David Canton: So we look at statistics sociology you got to get out the unicorn syndrome and do a deep dive in data, then, once you have the data, what are you gonna do with the data.


David Canton: is good to preach we can do about educate your family right Congress people getting engaged or just at least I know the data now let's not do anything, life expectancy, the life expectancy in this country went down one year because a coven and for black people three years.

David Canton: Now you gotta fight again to go back and we making progress good jobs economics right 2008 coven back again, you see, so even in that whites lose a year we lose three so, in other words there's no evidence if reparation passes white people went why number scooby Doo yes, why.

David Canton: it's real simple, because now you're not spending all these resource of things folks after the first place, good schools, healthcare, decent wages, you see what i'm saying all right.

David Canton: And that's what we talk about issues, race or housing, employment in healthcare is all connected Kovac expose it and we need a new normal.

David Canton: That normal goddess here in the first place, so people say I don't want to go back to March 2000 last year I want new stuff healthcare equals schools that's What I want, because the world is a whole lot better when people are happy i'm gonna stop there, open for questions.

Brandon Telg (he/him): Oh, my goodness, I speak for everyone on this call.

Brandon Telg (he/him): When I say wow Thank you Dr canton.

Brandon Telg (he/him): Okay, so we have received some questions through throughout the presentation and you know, I will say there's one that I think is going to be a quicker answer that i'm going to ask you, first, and then we got some.

Brandon Telg (he/him): a bunch of really good questions that I think you could probably speak on do an entire presentation about each of the other questions so we'll see how much we get through, but to start you with the first question, which I again, I think, will be a little bit of a quicker answer.

Brandon Telg (he/him): Dr canton is there a history or personal account of reconstruction that you would recommend.


David Canton: Oh no doubt i'll see you at the store with the boys is black reconstruction 1935 we talks about you know reconstruction look at it from class perspective right so when the civil war started.

David Canton: Like they'll stop working with on a strike, so it uses Labor then he has the end of the book that how propaganda and history, the last cause how that was constructed.

David Canton: The reality is jury construction was democratic because why public education, I just for black people, but for poor southern whites they one Angela reconstruction black because black elected officials wanted women to vote.

David Canton: Real simple that's the that's the interpretation of democracy and reconstruction, you see.

David Canton: But we paint as laws claws and black was stealing stuff laws other not that's no different vindictive there's no evidence of that without him being a white people.

David Canton: No evidence I want in the system, like everybody else i'm a citizen boom boom not extra but what's demanded as a citizen.

David Canton: that's all it's in it's not about extra So yes, that's the interpretation black reconstruction you start from there and that reconstruction was really putting D and democracy when you look at the policies and the outcomes.

Brandon Telg (he/him): Okay next question.

Brandon Telg (he/him): And this is.

Brandon Telg (he/him): Again, one that I think we can go pretty deep on.

Brandon Telg (he/him): So if policy change is required to address these issues, how do we achieve that, when the people who make policy decisions are in positions because the current system put them there.


David Canton: Well, the beauty is we have what's called democracy reconstruction what happened in the south, the 16th we look at, since not look before.

David Canton: 1966 the only two black senators since 66 has been not because of demographic changes.

David Canton: So democracy works when requires engagement, it requires people there are still you know there's still 3040 million Americans who do not vote in the presidential election.

David Canton: I probably be Mayor of gainesville on the amount of people that have not voted, so the key is to believe that the system is not perfect, but people in power like you to think that.

David Canton: But fortunately not Russia we're not China, you can do something about that requires consistent work and sacrifice.

David Canton: But we're all busy we're on clubhouse one tick tock we got 50 jobs it's too big that's what folks want us to think, but the reality is look at the history.

David Canton: snake soon about coordinating committee there's so much evidence look at corey Bush in Missouri look at Ferguson, they went from.

David Canton: A to a black woman mayor and six years to the first black woman REP through what organization.

David Canton: And she brings that fire, so you can do something about it in terms of getting engaged once you start thinking you can't it's a wrap.

David Canton: that's how you get positive to happen in Georgia, we see all the things going on that's because both got engaged, so we can stop there, we can move on, but that's that's it, it can be done, but it's not easy, it takes work commitment the sacrifice.

Brandon Telg (he/him): Thank you.


Brandon Telg (he/him): You spoke of religion and science, can you speak to prestigious higher ED institutions specifically per its role in constructing institutional racism.

David Canton: Oh that's the lot of doubt, so we look at i've came new at Harvard you pan all them were created in in the.

David Canton: 18th century right now Harvard one time was religious institution that was it was it was trained to be a preacher so obviously whether it's a Columbia, all those schools where you leading race scientists.

David Canton: It these tier top institutions so in their mind they're doing science logic reason they're not in their mind and not racist.

David Canton: Okay, so after they set the stage in terms of from an academic standpoint, excuse me, and then, of course, southern schools Ellis you all the others follow.

David Canton: that's Harvard and Yale like you must be inferior rights in your car right from Louisiana Samuel not from Alabama you said, I mean so again.

David Canton: As an idea with who it starts, because I know again the north, south everything end of the day, it's an idea that needs to be banished everywhere.

David Canton: we're all socialized by it so don't let you know some northerners and systems are relative but turn the function is how it functions how the idea, the North, our functions is different, this Bible northcote boat.

David Canton: But the function, the ideas when we're trying to get rid of because it's a it's a problem in our culture.

David Canton: And this, why this talks important why education, a critical mind and not so you know.


David Canton: i'm telling you have to read and ask questions and go take classes, you always have to learn I don't stop i'm trying to learn every day.

David Canton: You see, I mean that's how we going to change this thing you said, I mean but yes those institutions while we're in the forefront Lewis aggies.

David Canton: From Europe went to Harvard 1820 there's a quote of him gone to a restaurant and philly when a black dude serve them he wrote a lead to his mom how a fabric, as he was see the black guy.

David Canton: that's what we're talking about and he's a well renowned scientist, the Western world, dear mom I was so offended by a black guy that's the problem and he said, I mean that's what we're talking about it's a good question.

Brandon Telg (he/him): Alright, so the next question is a bit more local in scope, Dr canton the gap is wider in gainesville than many other parts of the state.

Brandon Telg (he/him): Are you inclined to think the gap exists, despite us being here, or because you F is in gainesville and how might you F students be affected by what is depressing achievement among minority students in gainesville.

David Canton: So the gap two things there's a book that I use in my class called no bs no bad stamps we look at it, statistically black academic achievement is going this way.

David Canton: Right, the reason why there's a gap, because the resources period, funded by the state, the feds local feds 8% state 47% local arrest, so we start cutting budgets, education is always first on the list.

David Canton: This is how it goes we don't have the least amount of power folks with resources we got.

David Canton: Right so it's a resource argument, but we love saying it's a value argument so argument is this folks if we gave gains with schools 10 billion tomorrow those kids was still struggle will give me the 10 billion, let me try.


David Canton: Which means what teacher salaries go up I guarantee you start teachers at 75,000 can be aligned around the corner the MMA lot around the corner.

David Canton: you'll have all the sports teams all the tutorials we're going to do the same thing at the most prestigious school in Miami and you'll see within five years things going on.

David Canton: Look at lebron James school, I promise school that's how it should be food pantry mental health plans get a GT but you know why it's funded through private money.

David Canton: You see Nike and other folks plus the local free scholarship the accurate incentivize that shouldn't be everywhere, but who's going to pay for it.

David Canton: that's just the outcome for Connecticut we get taxed the you know what but that's that's that system.

David Canton: that's our system that's a system issue, but according to the US Supreme Court case it's not the Constitution, do we go back and Sue again.

David Canton: Because we know when you cut stay budget because of the recession awake awake and cove it we just start that cutlass license and education, like Oklahoma gets cut.

David Canton: So until we understand it's a resource issue we're not going to dress them still blame black parents, the one kid you see the fight on Facebook you're still locked into the anecdotes are locked into systems.

David Canton: Because I know in the schools nine nine seconds do what they gotta do right but it's easy to lock into an anomaly that's easy agree just stuff is easy systems of complicated.

David Canton: So we'll stop this a resource so getting the plus let's be honest, I was unable yell because they were nonprofits yell big universities to get us another tensions issue.


David Canton: So there's a whole lot of structural stuff that requires policies and thinking and everyone just being honest and let's talk.

David Canton: But we fundamentally black people don't value education you start on the wrong foot it's not gonna change.

David Canton: If we understand is how we fund stuff and get real conversations we're not really serious right there's a tax base shortage, you know in these tab I think here because I was like yeah well.

David Canton: They have massive nonprofit entity, who, through their programs other stuff that's the argument, but the number one employers, so you get your taxes, through the employees and he's an ongoing discussions that go on for years, but.

David Canton: I like to couch think tons of resources allocations black educate schools have gone this way there's only reason, because the gap, because the history of racism, not because white people smarter.

David Canton: Education more you can't measure value, you can measure resources, it will stop that what was the next question.

Brandon Telg (he/him): Real quick, can you confirm what the name of the book that you mentioned is i've found a couple of different ones, and I don't know if I put the right one in the.

Brandon Telg (he/him): By the by the boys, the no bs.

David Canton: Okay yeah I read tolson no bad stats on man so long Title IV IV O R y te O ld s oh and it's a long title.

Brandon Telg (he/him): Okay yeah I think I might have found the original Article that that a book was then later based on I put that in the chat.


David Canton: Yes, same point right we look at the gap is how we questioned it, but you look at over the years because of access to Opportunity blacks.

David Canton: More college kids never more PhDs more MED school or whatever goes this way.

David Canton: Obviously relative compared to whites because of what racism that stuff so we start from a different premise is that.

David Canton: Black kids doing the work it's the lack of resources we're looking at the system was shifted now and stop blaming black people all the time, I know you've seen someone you got a friend, I know that's anecdote anecdotal.

David Canton: Are you allowing black kids go to honors classes in your school are they getting a benefit of the doubt or they're getting what I call a race break you know, let them try.

David Canton: that's what we got to deal with rather than what black people don't value you can't measure that, but you can measure your output and black folks honors programs that's measurable, I see zero.

David Canton: You can measure how many of them are doing in this and that that's measurable, but I can't measure how much you value education that fam I can't mention that they send their kids to school.

David Canton: You see what I mean right well they don't read them I didn't read the my kids every day that's another lie.

David Canton: I was too tired, you know that's another people laugh, you know you read your kids every day they're at us, you love to read them twice a week.

David Canton: that's another lie because we're trying to quantify value education we evaluated based on research, I could afford kumar I could afford after school that's measurable.


David Canton: But the value of something you can measure that its measured and outcomes and what you quoted what you're spending resources.

Brandon Telg (he/him): Okay we've got one more minute left, and I want to try and get one more question in there, so this could be a big question but we'll see what we can get.

Brandon Telg (he/him): Can you speak a bit about institutional racism in Labor and how racism has broadly shaped workforce policies and practices in the US.

David Canton: Great question so we know look at occupational structure in this country is definitely influenced by racism.

David Canton: If you look at the history of American Labor unions right the AFL American federation of Labor was for white skilled men.

David Canton: Right, then you have the Congressman national organization by john Lewis and 35 for unskilled men, you see, so we look at our Labor structure, you have for most universities.

David Canton: black people are disproportionately in the unskilled.

David Canton: disproportion other words too many for a small population unskilled then we know all the pipe fitters and the plumbers and those type of job, a white guys same in Connecticut they get into unions, they got the lions club, I know I worked, I was in philly.

David Canton: So the occupation racism reflects the race of my country, but will justify saying like guys are smart enough they come late, we make up racist excuses.

David Canton: Rather than only other networks that exists, based on race, what church you go to what social club, who do you know.


David Canton: You see what i'm saying that's what happens, and we see that at all universities across this country that the occupational structure, whether it's race and gender look at walmart cashiers or women.

David Canton: You see, and then the guys do the lifting we're getting paid more because we can lift the box.

David Canton: that's all made up made up the window on the boxes, you want to be a man don't wanna get more money and I, like the boxes.

David Canton: that's what we do in our culture, you see that's the point we're human beings, you can do whatever the hell, you want to do if you want to do it, I don't care if you don't want to get muscles get muscle, what do I care.

David Canton: I don't care that should not stop you from living your best life so yes occupation those reflect races such wages and how why you think most CEOs white men and 36% of population 97% of the writers in Hollywood because they're super smart know they hide their bodies.

David Canton: But we think they're super smart that's all been socialized you see what i'm saying that a black person come through like spike or ava duvernay yes unicorn wow when you unicorn black people you're buying into a stereotype.

David Canton: we're finding studies, now the moat more slaves can read them we thought we shouldn't be surprised, why the human beings, you said you couldn't recollect know fellow you read they'll kill you Dave you read hell Naw peasant New York Times, to the white guy left passing New York Times.

David Canton: he's saying so we got to stop being surprised and black folks boat we're human beings okay wow you're articulate what does that mean you're buying into races assumption, we got stop all of that matters folks.

David Canton: A good black guy you know that stop saying all that stuff well good guys good black guy I eat different ain't like those guys on the east side.


David Canton: he'll drive that type of car I like a pink car care what does that matter you're doing the job.

David Canton: So those are things we all have to work on here let's free ourselves from these boxes, as long as folks do day job or hurtful let's not be fearful.

David Canton: I saw him with his boyfriend I get all nervous when you're talking about let's stop that.

David Canton: let's let's let's be humans let's fight for really matters wages clean water healthcare let's put that energy in that i'm telling you will be a better place that's what we want right.

David Canton: Now some of y'all might be going to the moon and Jupiter at all I don't have $20 million, this is it for me this I got one trip on this thing called Earth.

David Canton: You see things out of the money go anywhere does this apply to scheme now know about, so I wanted to be the best foot everybody.

David Canton: You said, I mean, so I don't fear you know, all I don't get fearful of stuff I try not to be you should I mean, and I want everyone to Joy this stuff.

David Canton: it's not fair to lock those have no money it doesn't make that's not fair that's all I was saying, right you go to Dr health is.

David Canton: it's just it's just unfair that's always say, we believe that let's commit to it, not just the words but also in action, what can we do, what can you do simple stuff.

David Canton: To make this place better rain rain so that's why leave on that note optimism change, you know what I mean and like said you got my email or book list whatever but citizen my classes.

David Canton: I mean this is great when you start seeing how you can get to a point where the stuff we thought matter really doesn't matter.


David Canton: The stuff that really matters takes a lot of work to change as what I found right takes a lot of work to change but we've seen it because we could tell by reactions Okay, it does work but it takes time, so I can stop there, we can go to like I go to 10 o'clock but.

David Canton: We have one more question i'll take one more one more with good whatever is up to you brandon.

Brandon Telg (he/him): Well, actually for the timeline that that is a great place to stop this webinar ends at 230 so thank you first of all, Dr canton and Thank you everyone on this call for joining us today, please check out the stronger together website for more sessions being offered as part of this series.

Brandon Telg (he/him): There is an evaluation link in the.

Brandon Telg (he/him): In the chat if you could please take some time to complete it, and beyond that we will see you on the next stronger together webinar Thank you.

David Canton: Thank you bye have a good rest of the week.

David Canton: i'm exhausted.

David Canton: Welcome