THE LONDON GAZETTE, 18 FEBRUARY, 1938 1075 Indian Medical Service
THE LONDON GAZETTE, 18 FEBRUARY, 1938 1075 Indian Medical Service. Lai Mohammad, No. 7898, Havildar, The Sukumar Dutta Gupta, Maj., Senior Medical Tochi Scouts. * Officer, Tocol. Khadim Ali, N.o. 1906, Naik, The Tochi Cooper, Capt. W. F., Combined Indian Mili- . Scouts. tary Hospital, Mir AIL. Sher Afzal, No. 812, Naik, The Tochi Scouts. Suraj Prakash Wanchoo, Lieut., No. 8.Field Adal Shah,. No. 3052, L/Naik, The Tochi Ambulance. Scouts. Royal Air Force. Indian Medical Department. Bottomley, Group Captain N.- H., A.F.C. Abdur Rahman, Jemadar, No. 7 Field Slessor, Wing Commander (now Group Ambulance. Captain) J. C., M.C. Indian Hospital Corps. Wright, Flight Lieutenant (how Squadron Leader) H. M. S. Jai Kishen, No. 33110, Havildar, No. 7 Field White, Flight Lieutenant H. M. Ambulance. Chacksfield, Flying Officer (now Flight Lieu- Indian Military Nursing Service. tenant) B. A. Braye, Flying Officer (now Flight Lieutenant) Connell, Staff Nurse G., Combined Indian- I. W. Military Hospital, Bannu. Powell, No. 352007, Sergeant R. R. x Indian Army Veterinary Corps. Auton, No. 563515, Leading Aircraftman (now Corporal) J. R. Ghulam Kadir, Jemadar, Mobile Veterinary Lang, No. 561779, Leading Aircraftman (now Section, Razcol. Corporal) S. Indian Army Ordnance Corps. McGarrity, No. 511581, Leading Aircraftman Crowhurst, Sub-Conductor C. H. (now Corporal) J. R. Deeley, Sub-Conductor J. Indian Army Corps of Clerks. Mathews, Sub-Conductor H. N., Head Clerk, The names of the undermentioned have been Wazirforce. brought to notice by His Excellency The Com- Dominion Forces. mander-in-Chief in India, for distinguished services rendered in connection with the opera- Crowe, Lieut.
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