k mkvmmmm nuiML Baekwanl. tora kaskvard. ok, Tim* la jroiir tlsbt: glY* u* a hmM* PBOIAT. •n wlUi sklrta oat ao tlsht; cN* u* a aSBBKB KVCMm girl whoa* ehanas, laaaY or foar. as* O Who «nil remaaiber to keep a # Boi ao expooad by maeb p**b a boo; # faw oMMnaata sfieace at aooa. ao # glv* no a Bialdoa aa matfr what aa*. Rt matter where you nsay be. la de* ^ # voat reaMmbraace ct Hie Croaa EBTIRim wbo woat uM tho atro*t for a raad* lonELEcn 4 and Paeeloa? Ig it aathlag to 4 Till* glYaaaaglrl not so sharp­ 4 you. all ye that paaa hr? BahoM 4l jaaiAff ly la tI*w. drooa bar la ahlrta tte BATH TBWIHMilP ■AMBN TBAINIB PINB im BhfB BBBfl DPVINI PABBM Wm rSALM MPBATh WABD POB ■ua caaaot shtao through; aad glr* 4 aad aee If there be any aarrow 4 .mm iPAHm. 4 llbe unto my eorrow. ” "Btamad 4| AT MFIIBAT. ■ATBB. us th« daaoos of daya aow gnM by. •P WBBBffBBH. with piracy of clochoo aad slopo aot 4 Harknir. who at tbla boar dMat 4 . — '' so hl^: put turhoy-troc oapors aad 4 haag upon the Croaa. stretching 4 t,rnr sas______4 forth Thy loving arms, grant that 4 IKnL M |Ik ieIB |i IV ri riITgn Tonfiimi ^uu«nollk glMoa, th* burdygurdy Donanain nnn ’ llll^ lt*uXuitU liUMHi “f mMCSBIlul Ulu I iMc CELEWIflOII BEBIB EHRLT 4 all manktad may look unto Thee 4 M I IK ILNn 11 oth*r such baaay-huga, all oa a I*y *I, 4 aad be aaved." 4 .. — 4 "11) Thiae Agony and Bloody 4 ______as products of Hall, all laoplrod by 4 .sweat: by Thy < roaa and Pas- 4 HBBTBB A« l^tUrPT TBBABV tbc d*vll; theo lot us faast our tired V4»Tft: NAH VBBY LIMHT ly KfBBV RrNBBB OF Nl'TBIMB BBmROfl (HITHBAflK UTAinni AN (!LBWU 4 slon; by Thy Preclou* Death 4 optics oor« more, oa the ‘’geauiac PBBCINIT. WILI. BK NBLil. Fim BIX YBARH. fltMIDRrPP FOR jrHTif’B. womaa" as sweet aa of yore. Yea, 4 and Burial, (!oo,l I-ord, deliver 4* Time, please turn backward and 4 us. ♦; HF4IKHI: 11. H4'II0KYH.IIX # ♦ t grant our reqtHWt, for Cod's richest Ray or* Fleet. Olad Kveal to Re I' With Ba. siM Teter hi IMS AM* I* Thr rrwpoall^a ^ He«lsl*a ' idewMiiK but not so undressed. The .Yew Haanl WUl Hlaad It Bapab. sic, Fralset ! His Ballet al Pellg ApMI •f the ('hartor Haa IMeated Ilraam i Praisfmls and I NBLLM H.tLF I.YTRMBNT. R44XIR44 BATI'H. Bind Reieielag*. t. till. lly ao Ba>*rit). Don't miss seeing Del-oof and Fragmaaive. Samuel Schaffer has !n the city ticket Olin Woodworth was arrested lest Upton, a few days ago, whan telUgg the honors were even, the Iteiuocrats ship* will be found 00 page 10, under ('ongMpnlionnl fTharrh. aennething of bis life, “were la a siaall heading "Township Klectlons." Thursday afternoon hy Sheriff Cram­ electing mayor and city treasurer and er on complaint of Charlee Smith, The llrsi service of the day will be bulldlog on the northwest comer of the Uepubileans ♦•lectinK < ll> clerk at 6 o'clock Easter morning This will the court yard. The register of deeffg rXLOAD ROAD BAfrHIXRBT. charging him with Illegal voting In the snd justice of the pea»'c Republlcaii caucus held recently. It Is be a service of praise, held for the and couaty clerk had their offlcee am In the tlrsi ward the Uepubllc.ms County Hoad ('oinmiaaloaer Herbert third year. It wlU be led by Miss Lucy one side and the county treasurer am Arnibruattnacher and County Bagl- alleged that Wocwlworth. who is a resi­ made a clean sweep In the s«>cond dent of .Shlawaas'i county voted la the Peck and all are most cordially In­ the other side of the bulldlag. Wkmm ward the Iiemocrat;- captureil the neer K. (i. Hulae, uaJcMMled machinery vited to be present. the preeent building was nniiiiilgtig for building county roads Thuraday. iowtisbip caurus held In Clinton coun ­ olllre* of alderman and constable, ty. Woodworth livw Just across the At 10:30 the regular service of the we moved Into that. Ht. Johns wgg while the Keptibllcans got supervisor. Friday and Saturday in Ortd and line la Shlawaseec. church will be held. There will be only a small to*m then- Juat a few The third ward went solidly Republi­ Fowler, in Dvtd they unloaded a rol ­ baptism uf obildren and reception of hundred people here." ler. four wheeled scrapers and a plow He was taken before Justice B. V. can. Soule where he waived '*xaiulaatloi. members Into the church. The pastor Although ninety years old Mr. UlF The result follows; and at Fnwler the stone crusher, bln will deliver a short Easter sermon. I ton was able to be taken to the palle and screen. The machinery could and was tiound over to the June term Mayor of the clrrult court. He wak released The special music for the morning Monday to vote. “It may be the laat RclKiennil*. d I*' not be moved out to the place of be­ will be aa follows; Anthem. "Jesus Is time." he said. "But I'm not worryt^ ginning work Ivecauae of the bad oon- on a bond of furnished by (leorge Want, r . 274 Slortim and Kilward Van Dyne Risen Today. ” choir; lolo. Ave Maiia. about that." Since voting for John C. unod. Mrs. Roland Prink. Male Fiemoat In ls&6. the first repablieag tiscood. d -••J in lietter condition the work 00 coun ­ quartette, Messrs lo-e. Walt,-. Wnsh- eandldati- for president. Mr. Uptoa Cochrane, r 4^*" *'*2 ty mads will be commenced. At a hurn, Titus. lias been an ardent Republican. "I Treasurer- meeting of the road commisslonert. ALLEDED COONTEliFEITER The Sunday school will be held at waa sorry | could not go with aome of Judd, d 4yi* 260 Monday hills were allowed and reg ­ noon as usual. The special offering!- the other PVemont voters to the baa- Msek. r 23» ular routine business transacted ARRESTED HERE TOESDAY iKvih at the morning church service quet of the (Minton (bounty RepubU* •lustlce- niLLUN f'Of'HRARB, County Highway Kagineer E. C. and at the Sunday school will be for HKOROK H. JIHB, ran club this winter but it wan oa Sow le. d 214 Ke-FIrcted f'ity 4'lerk Hulae will start surveying the roads the t>enevolence* of the church. Be«Elee4ed I'lty TrMeerer. cold I did not dare go out. I wonM Woodruff, r — 418-9^ this week, if < ondItkMis permit. HtlHFBI.lY JI YK DF.4LKM lY FOB. There will be no meetiBg of the Ilk'- to have been there. I'm not e l*rogreasive. Cueas I am not Car First Ward- HKHHItKY BF BAD t'Ul.YH. Christian Kndeavorers in the evening. Suiverv jsor HKliniHT IIBRt: FOK HrHI.AL. The regular Faster evening sendee enough along. The republican partp Moss, d ft ST.JOHNSMMOESGEHOINiT Haymond John, four months old of the church will be held at 7:30 It SEVEN TO PARTICIPATE Is good enough for me and It wont ivoollnr. r 10 son of Mr. and Mr* John Spayd. dle,l ruder Sheriff ilrittin uf .Shiawaaaex- will consist of an c.-intata entitled. Oli­ QIULIUCT nnUrrOT Monday etthor. 4ldeni.an OF THE PILGHIM FATieS Wednv'sday. April 1. 1914, at their couiil) and Sv-cret Service Df&cer ve! to Calvary. The program follows* UMu lllUi* UUIIiLul I have only been down town twice te Thome d . ll home, 1022 I-ee Rt.. l-ansing. Mich. Frusler > ame lu at. Johns Tuesda) ul- ^part One —1-On the way to Jeruaa- ______the last year but 1 hope to go move Walker, r 1-9 41 Funeral services wen- held at th' m this summer." leriuM'ii aU'l oskeu .Sheriti Cramer to chorus: 2 Hefore Jerusalem, re- TMKKE lIF.rL.IBATIHYN A.YD FBI'K < onstable- \1.«IN/I> I.FIItMOY CKLKHK.tTFR hoiii'- In lutnsing Friday aft' rncon .uksist tbciii in lucalibg a bmui uamed •Ratlve. .Mrs Burk and Mr VVachbum*. Mr. rpton k,-eps bis faculties well and the Imk Iv was brought hef for but his eye-eight has failed consider ­ llai.s- r '24 .sKVK.YTV-.SFt D.YD BIKTIIDAY. Murtiu Valusii, it juiik ,icaier, whu re- 3— In the T'-mple, m-ttntlves. Mr. BKATHIYS TH HE IlIVKY. Weeond Hard. burial Th'* parent*- fnnuerlv lived c-iitl) luovcl her' (mill Huruui, os be Walt'-. Mr Washburn and Mr*. Frink. ably, milking It difficult for him to get Supervisor her. A f'*w >'*arv ago lhe> lost a was waiiUxl tor (-u..ti(crrt‘ltmg. Ills 4- j;TI ♦* Mount '»( nU,ea, solo. Mr. I.«ee, about and unabi,- to read a* be bee Hilliard, d '*'• When Fndii). .Npril ..rrived auuic i-hll'l llv' months old. iiumc was li'ulid at the Ktnii pisew rhOT’^a: solo. .Ml < M< llhenny, ,-horus; The sub-dl'inc (Ic-Iamsiioii orator- aiw'ays taken such pleasun- In doing, Shult«r>. r friend- of Alonx,) l,-!5.,ron rcmeiuber- northw'-ni uf tuwii .Murt.u was nut al bytrn, Mes,lames Walt,-. Rcdfern. icul I iintest w ill Im* held at the high "I have only one complaint to make." .Alderu.an ed that It was his r*.ritd birthday an* B\HF BILL YOTFN. him.' at (b«- time, but th. house was Fnnk, Mis* Hunt. .Meswr- Waite, *cho"l this week. Friday evening Apr. he said. "My family Is too good to musical committee nf the base- me." He spent his birthday with hL Corkln, d * TiM.-r-arv mid about '• ociock on that s khi t larK, Washburn 10. hsl^B» o**inil.le Tlio.-,«* In the |M,rty were Messrs. F. .M. ments with And) Hick for another half d,>liar'. and ijuart'rs. but ther' if'nn ’lnu"! on I’ar*- Six, Spartacus to th* (il.-illatora," 'lurry Mr and .Mr*. Frank W, I'pton and Mr P>te-. d .Spuulding, Chav. Cross. W T. Church, ••ntertalnmcni to be given '»,>n wa- 110 trace of a 'lb I ii.- o;tu. rs Hulk*-. HI. Jehus; "Work for Muinanl- and Mrs .Albert F. I’pton. and a fam­ Third Nard. l)." Ruby CIbbs, Flsi**. "The .New ily dinner was serveil. Kd. l-i^tcr. Cl. Stoercs, Harvey Car­ w.iiied .iiitll iHiUsh nt Mf'i vxh'-n h- > S'liiernsor rington, Alex I.ibc), KIti.o Fnnk, Wil­ .-•rulh. ' .\' ,’r 'lov* .XliMS Th* : illow .Mr rpton was i>om in the town ­ li: Walker T h* ic n brought their 36 WO- .1 iider arr'*M aie. a- pt i;i Jai lug "r.-iMo,'? •-i!' ' gisen; “.A Crn’der ship nf Heath, Franklin countv. Mnsa. Ho-d. d '2*' iiM.I VS'•.lii'".da) uorniiift. 'vh.i. i.-- THE DRYS FARE BETTER ilaik r ' r ip Tf and at ;• oVlc k .ndjoumed FEROON DRAIN “ ! Mr le SOLD TOESOAY APRR. TTH \l!:.a; \\ rl,l F-'!< r.itt'in thi K,R, l , b.-irlcnu nt. Mas*, “.Mv -ducation." \V.i! TV ' '*• ’ f.'Ti r !ilin,f .,nd th r* at 11 .Martin 'l,nl'•^ th'- ' l-.ari;. .iiul a) of I’rog'-* - « 'ib'Ti la M'liu. Cor .niui: said Mr. rpf*)ii. v no: very exten- th - «oin v'-T' i«...n«i .11 ad ,*'-1 4V.ri-« . • ... owk .u.oth< r •- rv*d. IH.ttH'XT I \l.k IS in;iN(. Ill MID Th- Rro ’h'rb,Msl ->( Man. ' Fdg.xr >iv. I alfiP'D-d Hi. district school f i r. r -Mr l-••|■.i'ron j; ., d.rt < r .P .-icvnd- \ r Iti.wlIH >( 1 IH t . I*. ittllK l> t,ive. hut ih'* ..111, - r- .tlleg. that h a..^ Voelk'-r. Ow *> s,* .iiul w *rii l,» tb- aiD-my on* temu If .' .1 'o paw- tln- l> S(!Mr CtH'YTIFN. Th- prop ttoti to ro\ th< rhsrt •mt i.f Dr Ifti ar-i.- I..'H..rori. n* of M \siii><;tb> tmi*., hr \ hot I D. T? « Judges ",i *1* R-.' r> will b. .Siipt .Most of th*- tlrn*- I worked .it the • r w.s i ?i t'd t-y do Then w»Tf '1.. IMIgrin. Fathers, who cut .m- to F F .Smith. (*\ ill. pi L. L F‘»r-«vthe * yfh'- n.nfh trade, until when TTv VO**,, fast. .;C> (or -in-l arulnst \!.:crli . on tin Mavfl.ivver ;ir.d -. ti',*,! •'inui Mulilguu «nll•^.lU**n lor "f Ionia, .ii.'l "■ T iR*b M‘ *'1 iain-u»g (Continue,! on last juig' at I’lv: outli llo< k Mass., in 162**. T i' -'liiv, April 7. .It the r'.judi-nci o; Klll.l. FKHM i.ADBKIt. i.r .ir<* Jiibiliani "x*'r the r*-sult6 of Tl.iS Dr. lar.ir.'U. who was born In (' I* Hair. \V.-ishiiigt"n township, F L .\U-h»»l> -.vh'i llV'-s .North Mditil.i) a local Option '’iertlon Th< ir FI.Ft T BFFH'FKV ( Itnton Av*. 1**11 from a la'ld*-r at th* Frail! • :ind » b.-lb - d *0 hav. Join'd (•ratiot 'xiuiily, CIsntun t ounty Itralii ••Iniion Is 'lu«- pnni'ipally to the wln- R.idlant i-hapt'-r. 'ircb-r of th- Fas- CELEBRATE GOLDEN WEDDING Th' IMIgrMi ^ In llolian,! suffered alt < o:iimi>>ion,.r (;r«*,*n and Ciralbit l*nrr laiial>er t'o.. Friday. ID was uii- innt; "v« r Into th' dry column uf Dig MARCH eM OF COURT onh, lo i,* for while, but no I ,»nes tern .*4lnr intiui*s| two (-an'lldaie* last of th' prtvatbins wl icp were ., part fointv Iirain Commisflon'*r Redman h.im count), in which Is bw-atcl loin- '-vning. .Mr* F F BDhop .mil .Miss ttVIH I'lttMlKIfh i;>J4H FIFTY of th'* life of the band and Is burl**,! robl th'- Ferdoii drnln ti'twcn Clin ­ wer*- broken Me was bruised -Mcht- -Ing. th* capital of the siat,- Both (mv- Treva Merrill The) also **lrrt ‘- «»F WKIIIIF.I* I.IFF, with other> of that colony at IMy- ton and Hratlot counties, locat'd Iti l> about th,- h,*ad and fa, *- tion-^ .idu.ltt* ‘d that th'- most extt nsD* flc'T' a^ follow^ \\,*rthy matron. townshtiis of Cireenbush, Clinton roun inouth Rock .Alonro I-ellaron states r.iiii|Mtlgn tight was mad' in this terri­ Mrs. Deo. .s, ho'-nhals. worh) iwiron, CIMi: OF IIKOWY VN. CITY OF H that all of the I>*naron families In tv and Washington, Cr.itlot count) YOTH'K. tory A. H. Bulbar,1: associate matron. .Mrs. (Kron. Ovid . orres|a»ndenrc » JOIIYH THIKR FIKMT. th'- Cnited .'vtgfes .»r«- descendants This drain wav Mvld In on,- section con ­ Dr T .S. Monii. 'lentlst, will b,- in Among th'* other '-leven counties H M Cohn: secretary. Mrs J C. Mr and Mr- \lfr«*d S Rlci celebrat- from this doctor .ind that in each taining 110.1 U-’i ro,ls for |>er ro,l Detroit Thursda). FTIday and J^atur- whbh voteil on th,* question the wets Flynn, treasimr. Mrs Fr*d Swain, •d Their irolficn woddlnr anniversary faniilv th'-re is still n IVv-tor l-'•ltarnn Th'* sue'>**ful bidder was J.ihn Kill- day attending th* Michigan State D* n- '•j,ptur»sl two dry i-ountles. (Man* with '-oiulurtress. Mrs A. B. Bullard: asso- Th»* March term of circuit court rw- St their ho:i.»' w*-st of the 'il’a*e Sat- Mr l-ellaron's broth'T I. the doctor iMin of H m) CIt), who If weather cotidl- fal im-etlng M'ill retiirr. Mnn,la> a nuijorlty of 1"*6 votes and Wexford, clat,- conduriress. MIse Husb- Durkee o|>eiied Wcdn**sd*y for Jury cases. Th# urdav aftem«K>n. AIwut seventy guests In their family and Is Dr. Robert I^- tlotis are favorabl*-, will get ma- \,i\ with a tiinJ'Tity of i Besides inghsm Ic* crenn, and wafers wer*- served. In ­ tir*! cast* to bt* trb-d and which Is on wen prieint. many coming from IN*- Hnron of I'ontlar He also has a son I'-rlal for the construction of this th'* drys took away fron, th,* wets Ros- sinuation will be held April 22. If the now Is the case of James F. Brown of tndt. l-m ing. Owosao and Flint. The who is a physlrten. Dr Robert 1^- dredg'- In alK>ut tht'-e week* .Mr Elll DAYCi: FHK HA YD IMtYS. ,-omn-on «ounty with rH majority Ar­ use of the Mason fempb* can he seciir- lotnslng vs th«- city of St. Johns. Mr. W..S Then will !>e a dance at thw .Merls house tastily dec«»rate4l In g

r. I-,*Haron In INmtlac -on has one dredg*- now working in ens, and Ogemaw remained wet. and •-d that evening Brown claim* la.ooo damag<*s for s and whlii In honor of ihe occasion. ha^ a history of the I-ellamn family th,- ^,>uiherti par’ of the count) Beach hnll April 17. In ben' fit for the Midland. K:ilks«ka. Merostu. Ben*l,-. broken leg, which je allege- to hav# The .»rtern**on was s|>ent In visiting from 162b Th,-re was con.-id* rat le strife in th** .M* rie B'*a, b band Warnor'-histm .'thinwn**e-- !,nd Oscoda sta><-me months ago when a and a Koeiml time was enjoyed by all. luddlng hetween ,'on»tractors wh,> fron la*nslng will piny 'ir\ terrltiTV. roll of gulvaniz'-d nmfing on the side ­ Supt I? c Haley of the Wvnndotte would do the work with teams, and Reports differ,**! ns to th,* result In EARLY GREENBUSH PIONEER walk on the north side of Fowler A schools gav* a very Interesting talk. PASSES AWAY AFTER those who would d,' th*- work with os«-oda county, but n special to the Ball’s store f'-Il over .ind struck him. A thr»*e-co.irs<' lunrhe***n was served 'lr'*dges. henre the l,)w price i»er rod. BEING TRIED IN DETROIT FOR Bay t'lty Time* stated that the drys PASSES MUn THIS NOON Th* '•econil ,-ase to be tried will be the gue>ts. Mr' Rice making all the th,* team contmetor* being J.6 per n-d h.vd won hy more than 100 vot,-*. In- the suit of Charles IBahop of (ireen- preparations for th«* company. They YEARS OF SUFFERIE'S the lowest bidders; but ufam .-i vote of .(wnitich as the wets ha* i-onceded thl* biish vs. the .National IJvestock (Jo. were the reetpleats of tnaay useful the lax-payers preeent aiul voting. It FRAUDULEin OSE OF MAILS ,,»unty to th,' dry* It Is thought the EZRA OBEY RIKR .4T MIR HOME lY Mr. Bishop is suing for 1400, tJm and costly gifts was found that four tax-payers were advice Is correct OHEEYRrHH TOWYHMH’. amount of a horse Insurance policy. Mr and Mrs Rice have resided In ■MR. IK 4. TKRADWRI.L DIRD AT In favor of th,* dredg,-. while one wa­ (.11. BIYI.KV IR ALI.FHKD Til The vote In Wexford and Mhlawansee The Jury was drawn yeaterday and Ovid snd vicinity their entire married TiiF HOBi: BF hi:k DArBHTrK. in favor of team work This fart alone was doe©. In the latter cotinty the th,* Hn>wn case started. life and have aeen Ovid grow from the coupled with the fart that the cost ,vf IIAVK HOLD FiriiTY taKIHFH. "drys'' won hy a majority of ."14. Talk Fsra Owen* «lle,l .xt hla hon,e seven time when the forests stood where the Inspecting dredge work, would make of a recount was hearxl hut noth­ and one-half miles northeast of town WILL HITK LBm'IIE. town Is now For forty-flve years After * long Illness. Mr* I». A the dredge work the eheaiver contract ing official In that respect was given this noon of h,-art failure, aged 80 William A. Brubaker of Detroit will they rc-sided on a farm Just south of Treed well paceed away at the home of hy at least 176. let alone th,- expedl- CbarD-s 11. Manley of Di-iroit. form ­ out years Mr. Ow«*ns had been In ill deliver an Illustrated lecture on loeal town moving about two years ago to a her daughter. Mr*. F. Meson, 'm tiotiwness, with which the work would erly of this city wan plare«i .-n trial health for a number of yean,, but had option at the Baptist church Satur­ an all place west of the Tillage. Wewt CesH street. Just after midnight be done by the dredge, as compared to Monday aftemtvon in the 1 ’lt thankful to the voters for the day*. He was an early eettler of will be proj^ted by a powerful stere- Mr. RIee was bom In Mentt. Cayuga year* Funeral eervlcea will be held 'eeaiB. this Job being what Is known fraudulent use of the mail. Fostmaster sentiment shown for commiseloti gov ­ Crecnliush township, having lived optlcon with an elwctiic are light. Af­ county. N. Y.. In IMk. living there un ­ St the home si 3 o'elaak BhUirday aft­ aa a wet Job. The drain will be com ­ Will H. Brunson of this city was rail­ ernment With all the wet blankets there most of hi* life. Funeral aer- ter the Iscture he wlB show 40 vlsfan til he came to Michigan In lAM In ernoon. Rev. Matt Mullen of the Con ­ pleted before any money Is paM. If ed there a* e wltneew thrown on the proposition and m the vlree will be held at 2 o'clock Saturday of the Panama ('anal. ■taking the trip from Iluffalo to De­ gregational eburch oOklatlag Inter ­ doae with the dredge, whereaa if done Manley was In the portable garage maeee* had never inveotignted It, I afternoon at the B V. church In Bure troit he rode on the "lody Klgin" a ment will be mad* la the St. Johns with teems. It would take two seeeon* husinses la Detroit He was arrested think the people did well. This Is not ka. Rev. L T. Robson ofBclatIng. Bur­ Bee our vmilsd display of choigB host wreebad In I-ahe Mlrbtgaa. a M^rt cemetery. to do the work under favorable con ­ after hi* buslnesa had colUpsed He a dead Issue. Investigate aad this prop ial will be made In the ISureka ceme­ plants sad cut flowers. Too many ta time later with a heavy ioaa of life. Mr*. Treodwell Is sunrlred by oae dition* The bottom width of the Is alleged to have accepted |2..'.0n from oaltton will come up Inter aad then tery snumeraie here. Select Lily of m» Mr. Rlee located la Wasteaaw county, son, (}eorg« V, of Detroit, and two praepectlve cussom era for goods they Valley, the Ideal Raster ^ft drain will be 14 feet at outlet and 6 you will be prepared to rote Intelll- YOTIf^ where he was eagagad la the bote, daughters. Mr*. Rrnma Jo haeoa 01 feet at the upper end never received or for goods which geatly. wl WOODRirnTW FLOWIMI STOMB buslneas about two jrsarw L^ier ba Howell, and Mra. P. C. Magga of this The eoatraci wee also let for about were not completed or were made of Our poet who has been aleeptag St John* Commaadery xrlll attend moved to rhelamt wh*re be Head two city, with wbrna aha hy ItPid far e HR) yards of concrete at t& per yard material sbont half the value of those three Uvpusand years and sajm In his hlaster Bervlces at St. John*' chiireh A complet# line of color* In Royal years, eomlag to OvWI In lUl. whore numbor of year*. Btav ^aaiwell was to A. r. Page of Risle. aad the balance cninlogned time, goeemmeate had sttalaed their at 10:30. Meet at the asylum at 9:M. Society Anbrolder) Floas. Clark O with bta s«*plhtli*r be roatfvetad the a good riirlstlaa wtaaaa aad had boon to the highway comtnlaatonar of Wash- Manley lived In this city about six pe^etitlon, win probably wake up aad F. B. arroMB. k . c. Beach ntf "Hoial Parks." situaled wh*re the a patlaat euBorer for a anasbor of tagtoa losmahtp The contract far yeara ago. aad carried on a portable see the new era that the people tte prassat hotel Kag lM years. 9be has waa raaay frisads by furnishing the steel for two new houne buslnesa After leevtag here he maad "fll-gotten gala* are dearly Mrs Rtee waa bam la Mtapai •<»*•- bor aweot. lortag. ktad aad optlaiMMe bridgoe and the repair of two other went to Roffnlo. where be wan erreated hoaglit. retrlbatlea la ewre to come " ty. N April 4th. 1MC. aad eaam t» dlep o eltlan. la har BMWt patafnl lao- ihliMiteoy bridgee woe lei to the Reach aad convicted for fraadnlent uae of the Uvotation that our peat skipped. MIchHraB when five years old loedMag meata. she alwayo bad a smile for er Maanfectarlng Oo. of rharlotte. for mall He served abont two years la J. R WOIXYITT. Allow Girls to Enter at f>vid where ahe haa staea nMMie bar MYi f. o b. car. SI. Johns The con ­ prIaoB. but waa flaally pardoaed by IWtne. Her matdea name was Miss tract for drawhMC stool to be uaed the govemoT. his wife, daughter of BLARnVK BKCTB n MFBOTtflO. Mali Ms Rwsrthoot omB AT ABHunr. along the drain was let to Rnv Walker Mrs. RllanheUi Martla. of this city, Mr. aad Mr* A B. Degter received Y.M.C.A. Poultry Show Mr snd Mrs. RIee were united la The t)ody of Charley Maesty. If- for 11.70 a ton getting up the petition for hi* pardon. word yeeterday that their daughter. Pleas are now being made for next year's Y. M. C. A. poultry show marrlsge April 4th. 1444. at the old vear-oM *00 of Mr. aad Mr* Cha*. BlancRe. who le III xrlth scarlet fewer to be held next winter, ('oatrary to former .veer*, girls are allowed to ea­ Rschange Hotel In Dwoaso. Rev, J. T. Maseev. of Ashley, formerly of thie Af'Tfl TIBBB TfA PABTRI. FOOT. In a nrooklyn hospital, la slowly Im­ ter thIe rear. Ilankinson preforming the eeremoay. city was brought here for burial Sat­ Automobile tires may now he sent proving. Thev came Immediately to Ovid sad Any boy or girl betweea the urday He died at his home la Aehley by parrel post, sccordlng to a nillng CoflBBg Aactiom ages of ten and '-Ighteen. may settled on a fami They were the Thursday. April 2. of dropsy. Fuaer- Just made hy I’ostmaster Oeneral The W. R r gave their last thimble parent' of sli children, four of whom make rntries They luay show sl service* were held In Ashley Sel- Bur1e*,>n. providing the tire* are not Kgra l.seaOs- April lA. rartv of the season st the hsil Wed- any one of the following ar^ Mvins They «re William RIee urdsv forenoon. cratexl but that the -,iare In the cen. will sell at hIs place 21*. miles north of nesdav afternoon of tivld. Rot and Frank of Flint, and breeds Rocks. M’yandottss. Or­ It left open The best plan Is merely fthepard«vllb a quantify of farm tools pingtons. Minorras. loNrhoras Mrs Archie Ibiek of O tM They also HIRTNH. to attsrh s tag liearing the address snd stork lx>ok for ad thi* week WOOL WAYTTR. have nine grandchildren. and Indian Runner Ducks, sad Horn to Mr and Mrs f'lauitc .\*. IMI- <;*n A Hmilh, Auctioneer MARK ITT prices paid l*hone or call ii>ay raise any variety of these ■i:or- of lltnrhani Saturday, April 4. RFR I BY. befor.* -elling BYRON DANI.FY. r Fisr wtri.i hyhit . rlas«)-s l-Jsch contestant wilt A daughter. IJIIas Mary. Thsi Feeny Vsemim riesner Man HIdnev tiale* Mareh l». l*e allowed to enter only (»ae (iiiarantecd pure i nd full weight Is sill* allvr and '-owning \nur wav. Will sell his I -rsonal prr»i-er*> al roi'Yl'IL IRJOrBYFR. II J‘ per gal Psrkage *1101 Fred variety. mi»et keep a report, BIH4M FKini; niYrc. ,f h' doesn't hiirrx write him His Iirtbm at thr premise* i M ' II** wssf ' i. clt' i-oMnell met Mnndsv even whfrb will count towarxl the (i <* I'liiit tvfis, SM R Tanstng Rt.. Rt The last masquerade daace of th* H'ldrexs Is (1 \\ Halner Fisis ll F snd on*- mile »n i|h of Rhrpard*’in-' *ng ! if r*n •'■ro'ini of election ad ­ .l‘»hns prise, and niuet luiy a fee of tte -ei-oo at thr Merl« Ileach houve will D 19 Mteh Mwl Read ad nr anther pagi ft I. Bixhv. journed until Thur-day evening ufxoti entering. Tliere will be be April 10 a«M*llonerr UtVrFR FVI RI IMY. four prises In eech clas«: First 4 FLAT. 4 RAYf'E ______summer camp fee or ramern: reaaw eggs anhani. vlHIa. It abtmM sag© of th© pulpit Is not passed un ­ heard. Th© world Is arowing after M 116 Walkar artwl. ©aal. »t. Jotoa. nilllunt. ©aprsaaiac the ■at If dnaiiili tt * -----if^—i. ..a mmA mehtsan by tb© St. Johns Newa ot th© -plrlt over the coarse Mnd dm not cany the pmpar elements to the dMhaaal osgaas. aad thars all. Prtatlnc CoDu*ny. ^ “*•* H ne«l not poa- Maod tsaabla- -nerve trounla heart troahla. Pahi Is the hungry cry mi , It Is supposed to take some reaolu- MHM (liAculties that will daunt the ommL Put the liver, stomsch aad osgaas ol dIgMiian and nalik ! tluii for the woman with the shabby gMkdaaooadUloaof haalth. Thattojastsshatlsdsas by ^ amateur rholr. Trills and roulades ! list to venture out on Kaster. gtlll, CBABLBH Ik TLAHIk do not always make a compoaltkia ; does any ame stay at heme for that Iteautiful. nor do they nereaaartly la* QOLPEW MEDICAL TWCntyBWY |r©aaoo? Th© girl with last year style ' gets some sug g estions that balp In TWBfiTf.rirr« fiA« lerpret human emoUoa. pat ng bi Maay mualclaaa are wriUas aoasa wMeh has bams so favorably kaown for a««r 40 yaw > home millinery. Ilrawn by the liMsI iombaawall as Hqakl. aad can be obMni and antbema. and trylac to sell thaai. ^^ar by mail b> sending SO oaaU la Ic Kaster hat, she may yet remain to ■atarod aa seeond*claaa matter at the fv trial who should have spent tbair UaM R.V. PIseoa. M. D., IhitfaKik N.Y. 4»ni>. poa to aee at 8t. Johns, Mich­ drllllap little chlldraa In llve-lhwpar igan under the act of ©asrriaas. or In fannlac. Thla power m coMnoH sBtsi nnosL Aowsat March 3, 1879. mi 1.' of musical creation la a gift ahared by I Is a HLL W H aw. but few. The chorister who Is to draw and bold his audle ncea year BUT MB RESTORES IT! •Lit after year, must be able to dlscfim* •WB TBAB _____ life. He stands for Machlavellan a section la flat, to dam up a stream, • Ita Inat© between tawdry fuetlan and the MS HOBTHH — aubtllaty In evading the assault of so aa to aaaure some depth of water, ^ HKLHK.l I, rTTKMBBl'K, LAW fla ©esentlal eleiueats of original har> TMRBK MORTHH man. His elualveness tempts the in droughts, sad to protect the brook f HTrilK>T, NAT HBCOTKIL ____ iiKmy und melody. sportsman to a restlcnw aad never sat- from such bigger ftsh as are natural , ------' 'isAed daslr© for his rapture. enemies. • Ann Arltor. iteprived of speech. THIS PAPER REPRESENTED FOR FOREIOK WKXiriPM MMIBN.** There was a time when trout were '' “* ______^ sight aod hearing through injuries A0VERTIS1N6 BY THE I T.'oelv.'d When iwo |). r. K. limited Th© irritation felt In this country common enough, not merely In bill .THR POPPL.IK tTTITI'HK Til- vnirs met headon east of that city, two ov©r th© sordid squabble In Mexico, regions, but In a great n tKII KtSTKH .'ears ago. t'helsea I’tterh.H-k is so upsetting to business relations on districts. Mctn>|Kill- I now in a fair way to r.'gain his lost aCNgUAl. OPFICgS this shl© of the line, does not lend It- g|,ortsmen mad© forays Into tli© When a writer fries to sell th© s«*ns©s ihrough an accident In* siif- NEW YORK AND CHICAGO self to a |>erceptlon of th© humor of (Jigtricts with their complicat'd magazine ••ditors an Kast.'r artich* ^'*r©d a short time ago. ooAr.fHES IN ALL THE PRINCIPAL CITIEi the sltuallon. Hut th© .lay will come of artificial files. Hut th© ’’Immortality ” h» is apt to far© l't«.rtM-<-k wa^ a law student in th* ill. Hut if h.' .all nut il law -cIkmi I of till' I'niversity «»f when th© .Mexican revolution will Iw h|s tin Ik .x of worms MiehiKaii II.- Imught suit against seen from Its more grototMiiie |M>ints Tent, and got nappy story .ilH.uf K isi. r ©gg- rah- ,, j. , H„ilwa> cmipaii) f.n of view. most of the fish fries. t'lts nr gowns, h© will find a r.-a.lv il.iicug. ’s, ami Just b.'for.* Ih© FURNITURE tf.arket .Stn h con-:.l»‘rail«'ns. parti­ .as© was dll.' t.» .•oni.' up for trial a ♦ ♦ The attention of oiir whole nation Today th© magazin«>« advertise cularly Ih© Ka^t<•r .•l©lii©- .lisplay. .•.•mpromls.- was ©fr.Tt.ti, ♦ Til tiril KHIKMIS ♦ has he. n concentrated for some weeks trout tishing for ©v .tv on.*, Init for |nsi v<’orts- <'raw fords'ill©, InU. Whii.- h© was Y©f th© fieopl© that went tiefor© liad ©ngage.! in son,.- work .ui tli© farm, (liruct irom 1 ('hin:i. ♦ pr.'hat.' notices to publishes or ♦ ^tccs would look Inipr.-slve near to. men ’s clubs and fish commissions ♦ who control them, will confer ♦ in the days of ex-l*resldent Diaz, the are restocking streams, hut the area th.'lr faults. Th© ^:a-t©r -gg- an.i J«ti this y.ar. he fell fr.»m a lad- "I hr mttsi comlonuhlu kind rabldts that vou se.- in th© stores arc ♦ a favor uiytn the pubilsher by ♦ forces at his command were on |»aper of fiossfble trout fishing is still re- _ . ■ . , ... c.ms.-lous for several mtnut.'s. Ileni- matiu. ITuttur than tliu n-rtl th© flotaam and Jetsam ..f old pagan orrhages followed and for weeks he ♦ have the printing done in The ♦ “ organization. Actually he stricted. customs. They wer© originally sym- sufler.-d terrible pains at th.- has.' of rooki ’r.s matlf in this country ♦ News If such request is made ♦ cotild not put more than l2.,city. iiIt isIs ae<'iarea,de<'lared. . nhllrfr,»n • .»vor i. till nr *** ’ **' ”“**** *•* •••‘'‘i R was'***»' ii©.ne*-.'ssary ©ssary shot at the Halace, and the govern- are brooks that .-ould be imught up m.iia ' nr r™iir«J.i. '*»<*“»' <***«■ tnimi»et. and ' 0 _ aa j * «.a i a • BPHiB AiiQ niiHcj OUT rulIrojuiB, iifRor pfTortB li<* Hniillv ;menf. forces fired at the citadel. A for a few hundreds of dollars, and ...... ____ 1J". W. R. Osg'ood bring these old symimls Th© anc©** managcl to stM>ak. though hi/ voice' TIkw Vssrtsitvsvw Mwm wssG Vasdlws-twllwr THi: iill’T KOK HPKAKI?Hi I?l constant fusillade was kept up for storked with trout and made acces tors acmae Ih© wHt©r pray©«l on F3as- was unnatural. The restoration of Pi’BLir. days. Afterward neither building* slhle.it iiHMlerate coat to clubs of men. his sight was slower, but it is stated . j _ u « . .Kw . . t**f day quite as murh for fat ozen sh..wed much effect. Their occupnnU Th© trouble with such enterprises that at pr.'sent h© can see out of on© j Th. faculty members of the St. full wheat us for th© Ilf© ©ver- were seareely touched. Meanwhile is often that |>eople are no longer of ills ©y.-s almost as go*Hl as ©ver. I •Johns high school an- to l»e commend ­ lasting. Th© attending ph.v'slcian l>eliev«-s > the private homes of the neighbor- content to do things in a simple rnaii- ed on th© ©ffort they ar© making to The old Kaster in Kurop© was pret- that ©veuiually he will recover the h.Kwl were riddled. Many innocent ner. A modest old country farm us© .»f his senses completely, .•spe.-- i bring out and develop the gift for puh- ty murh of a frolic If was the duty iaily If ill' ©an Im* made to sleep. lir speaking In their sttidents Th© country i»eople. who had driven In hous*- would not serve as the club of the clergy to ev.ik*' th* "Kaster H4INK row, HOHi: BAfi, ORABOi: \HkS OOV. FKUUIH work being don© in the two .lebating house. There must be the soft luxury smile” If they couldn ’t do it from ' FOR HPKrfAI. HKMHIOJf ers or vegetables, were slaughtercl. .if city life, with metroiiolitan chefs so«-i©t>.-s and in declamation and ora ­ spiritual enthusiasm, they often told One of the tine Ifolstelns in Th© Th© trouble has not usually been and abundance of liquid good cheer. MIOniER NEED FOR Highlands' dairy gave birth to a calf latnslng. -Th© Htat© Orange will tor' of high onii-r an.l shouM re­ humorous stories from Ih© imlpit. Af­ hack of ni«>dem *H|ulpin©nt And Meanwhile many country tieople Tuesday night and caretaker. E. L. ask Oovernor F rns to call a s|m>cUI sult In much goo.1 ter church, th© ©x.-r. is.-s w.*r© flesh­ Vant ’lise. thought she tthe row, not session of th© legtslatur© in case th© many of th.* ofllccrs of iwvtli F'©ac.' .is would 'itnple thing, unl©s- v.ir his messag.' of uaii unutterable HIM TO M'T. -om© hag to carry around all .lay, upon th©stat. treasury for funds to allct*'-(l to an lnt©r-rlass t.aseluill al'out -'uch minor detaiD as target an.l whll© we know very lltil© about ©over the ©xp.-ns.-s nf tb** institution gam* N ■V'-rth©l©‘s. thl- is a kind of ©. l)V\o--o Is-lltlon is Iselllg ©ircu- th© dairy .ow. w© -hotild imagine it for th© r-^.aln.l.r of tli .-ollege year, .-or.'© 1©om.". h.>!r.- v.'ry clos.-lv it I 1 .'otnmon **x|»erien©e for some lat©.i in >liiuwdMt.-*' .'.(unty ami will would s|K»il th© animal for a rac-r Th© l©g|rlatlv. . oniii.ittee of th© bi ©in aiute.1 in adjoining counties If Ih© contents of th.' hag .-orri-sponri Drang* hdd a ii . ©ling in tb© « apitol - ge -t .dent ’*- f’:lur© .nof i-n- Iv© ©ountryman to b.- Impr.'s- .isKing ilov.-rnor Kerris to call a with the outside measurements, a l**t w.-^-k and aiijourniii ;ntll Thurs . alter of • d int.> tin S' rvic© of on*- army wllb- MAK£ OVR' p.*.tiit> Highway <’.unmissioiP'r Itog- ’ wcau«.- w* Cheek J.Mir \pril I'nugh. not •xf- ni .if a man -• tn.i ( !; h* li with ih« inlf.tr© of th* |•r^ tl: d.-< isii'ii ol til.- -uprem* . ouri shouldn ’t want to i»ull th*- same teals Thawing frost and April rain chilis I It I- his abil- ing f i< lion. 'i|it?jlS»wr tiur till n•'\^ .iiii.ri.oblli tax law was all the tini**. .'tl|v©r Springs Signal. y.ni to tfn- v.-ry ii.arro>v, you catch •wi'-lg'- av.illabi© I *o- q ..irt* r th. M.-xirnn .sol- no* \.ilbi. robl).-.! tin- stai.* of thous­ Silver .-springs. .N' Y and .i.'ilar plann.il on tr- tii. mid Heail and luiiga ftt.ilTed- You h.'-.i. th©! s'-'v.- orav. and .ir.^ f.-v rssh—4’ougti < >>ntinually and tap ii.-iiw.iy d.'i-artin.nt This Keliahl. Fulej'.. Honey and I ar r I \ !nc wa­ •h- ■ .th r'' K;i's- .iti.l li© 'llv d.'sp.'r- 111. .11.^ th..t ii'-i. will tie lilt', muii.-y .'.-'•i uilserabb You m -il Dr King ’s CointMinud .New Dibcovery. It -.etih©» intlained II n iiT' ll' V '.V • rv l. I lb' > aim til' Ir g in- from pal.I t.y til'- lap III t ii'inile- [or mad-s Just be sure that you buv Foley s and IrriUted Uiroai and lung*, stops . tt'-rtioon tb'- hurt. -©h'lol ' *. • ti>o igh ©v©n iii > los.- till- '.‘ar ...... and Tar ComiMHind It ,s a re- ’V [""7 -r'- ifn©d Ip on tb© nlatfor»o. r;-ugt am; ..r- dalig.ro.i mostlv to .\t pr* -.-nt ili'-r*- ir onlv I.'.ii.imhi b-fi leaves and you f.*e| hue. Mr. J. T. d th©ir ■ip.-.'.-b. by Murk© or ill til. tap higiivvay fun.I. aci-.mi- li.alili* inedtclii*- for couglis, colds, i>;ivip. «vf Sitckn.-y ' omer, .M©., ”\Vas niic-' '-ii» ny-^ian.l. r- itig (.1 UoK.-r.->, and this will lasi oiil.v Hi'tiry to dcll'i r Th. girls . ro.ip. whooping coughs, oroucbiul cur©.l of a .Iri'adful erngh after do. - a short tim© It will lie all paid out and lagrip|>e coughs, which are w.iak- tors tr.-atmeiu an.l all other rem.tlies ' )f ©as- ' ’b.'lr fervid >r, i.irv lllsTDHIMi imm: fiihsfts. .ifti'r Jun. on roa.Is coniplet.'.l up ©ning to tit© system. It also gives fail*^. Uellef or money back. Pleas- '-•geitoup .if p.ip n ’ aw vis­ to that till).- W b©n this fun.i is .'X- liroiiipl and definite results for hoars©- ant Chlldr. n Ilk.- it Del a bottle to ­ It i. .1 It ail. r of satisfaction to nui f th'ir .iarlings In th. b'gtsla- liaiisl.-«i III. t-.iunil.'s will iiav.' to wait nes*. tickllug throat and stuffy day. '.in - an.i SI.'.©. H©.■omlnended by not' that a number of slates are .iii.ith. r appropriation to get th.- re wh.'ezy lireathing. VunHickle a I’llas- VunSickI© A Claspie .tud Travis Drug *u r* YyRNLAirKMll NIltEAD i.aKing .‘fforts to resior* ih.- pine j ward lor slat. mads. Inagmucli ae pii.. (’*1. I' m • m-al'r*'.l now a.lavs alrnos* a wiMsIlai.dr Mlnn.'s.'ta -tartiii work Tli. banks .»l .1 . oininunit) b.-inK i riu.ary prii.. ipi.'s i'he larmer wh.i]th.' b'gislatur. is not .lii.' to conv.-nc pi'l.ll. .Il-gra. •- I.. b.iv.- a son grow up tm- * learing lious. s .>t tin mmiuuniiy kii .iw th, j„. ,ii|, _ hJio knows again until I'.M.'., th© Ituilding of state a f.'w day ago on a larg. s.-ale. and into :i ...--sful |M>titi©ian t’o© j ar- lor tile tiusim ss ot . '.-ry mtii.e .«nU lit. nts ni>< t*ssury to f. »-.| andir. wanl road- will lie greatly hainp NDTK Aie s*l| Lisseefl Oil gt Um* Market prirr. The followiag Is slMfOy is now planting a million pin.- tr.‘«'s n.ilun- tiaiiaa. led its not .lurprlaiUK k.i'p it produ. live; who knows tti© i'‘r.il. ativ.-ly littb att.nlion i- giv.-n *o an illnstratina. l,et a* tigare ea j*ar w*rlu Phoae us. on .-lit .ind btini.tl ov.-r land Dial tlioB.- doli.g their clearing In kind .if . rop lt,-«t .idapi.-d to It. wlio training '..-ng folk- in tlm ..n ...' When Ih.- Am.-rli an plon.i'rs spread tiad. ' .liiu olii.-rw I—-., sitould se.*K III© knowr. wh**n tii plant, wli.'ii t.i a..w HUNT’S DRUG STORE Iitildi. sj .-. - Ij Still ot r.'<-©nt v.*ar« liaiik ii.auag.'iiteni lor information. .md wh-n to r.«ap: win. know^ th> ov.-r iliir lontlnent. If was t.» th.- many .•olb-g.-. hav© .l.m. \vl.:!* tliey th.-re ai.- P-w p.-opi. who Ilk© P» < ar. .m.l all. niKMi ids ti.K-k.- .ui.i ills H0USEGIBNIN6IMDE — Drugs — Paints — and OiU — whit., >"Ilow an.! other pin©.' that .•iigak. Ill a u. tiilcrpris., or ©v.-n ii.-rds i-.ji.ir. . all ahout lb* h«*rse ••© lid n 111. -. >!*-li;i*ltig . ont- -ts. th* y I.X'k.-d to provide inexi>ensive an OKI I .-(auilsio d uusineas. if th©y .,n.i his -tn-ngtii to laluir; alMiu* .■sfci.i ..igli . h-'-ils hav.- lb liat’.ng so- ar. wiihoul cxperi.-nc©, belor. the) fruit- .,nd v.-K.iables, lii.' ion an.i EASY-FIRST LESSON ho!t.»- Th. -tratght. clean grain o, < i. tle- iia'. a talk wiiii .-oiii© trieiiU. wu.i ii* nio-ry . Do- he© and tlo- .vpiarv , tio ilUeYNrOmPiW! til. "."k I, til. -oft hut tougli .(uallty Al tiiiv t-‘ think on .'*!. f©et nn.l .an giv. Uo-m auvi.e. true it is tiia: pr.qNr . .ir. .if all th.-s- and a th.ius- HUM TD lll'HA KrilHINII ( ilCF- of 111. ttl>. r and til. aliundun.-. of th© . IP-ii alP-f til.- cas, IS slated to tlicui .ditl .iiid oto oth.'r things that he to r.-ss hi- vi'-w- .•oh.'r.'nfly is u FI'I.I.V IN KXI*L\I>FI>. s pplv 'S er.' .t godsen.i L-j oil© .#i ©xperieU' © III lii© ailatrs ol must know to prov.* a suc *-chs, ha.'* a YOU WILL SAVE 56cts.PER GAL. gift of "t’ormous vai . Th. •©isine'.s It lier.'iiv lM-<-;tm. poeslbl. for Ih© uusiitess. Dial luaii) a it.au iia.-' »av.u knowbdg*' l**chnically as valuabl** ami man who .•an •■taP- a css- i-oncisely uis iiaiiiey and itiaii) u deal th*l was noiiic tin'o,, as ditticuli of inaslertng, latnsing Slat© Fir*' Marshal Win- pp.ne.-r t.. hav. a horn.; I'M-eiillng in ©xiM.-l.'tl III iM' iiiaUe. ii.'Vcr material Is greatly h.'1t©-)i In attaining his I- .no- *if Do l©am©d professions ship haa Issu.-.l a warning to ii.nis©- Buy 4 fsls. L. G M. comfort what he had left in the high- ueU. Hut my friends ih.* banker iI.h'*. not wtv.'s not to let rubbish accuiniilale • ndi- St $2.00 per gsL • ly refineil ©Hies of Kum|H The ©oat i1 ‘©map.-erikMps luer.Dier. ar.ar* moreluur© iniaiMKcsinistakcs knov« it all. h«. knows how.'ver som.. louring Hi*' spring I^um * cl.'aiiing iwr- $$.00 T!ie young aspirant for success of itiniiier wa* mostly for labor and * ‘’** ‘“**k money ihan in things y.m «!«, n.n, he knows h.iw t.i h‘Kl. *in u.c.iunt .if Ihe fire risk, And 3 gsls. T insssd OO to max with it - • - 1.95 gets nor.' re«-ognitlon in this way In or lumuer was labor and eis© that can b© umucni; loa,. mon.-v, if h© is a safe banker. This Is ih. s©«M»n of tb© y©ar You thm msbe 7 pds. of piii« poim for transMirtaiion. At villag. raliroMl d „* uetauae liioa© who imve no, j,. knows how hundn-ds l.iM-J^when many hniisewivew will reviv.* a single ©veiling than would other- Sidings, on© of Ihe most rotninoo u**vii »u a ikialtiou to know the game nmney who .lo not know how to in-old cusiom of cleaning houa©. It’s onfy91A2 per gaL wls. coin.- to him In u d.x-ad©. The sights .if .iaily life has been the flat credits, are not capable ol luakiug v.-st |i after they have come into Ha “uvid W’inship ’’During the winter fellow who ©an address a public Anybody esn mix the OIL with the PAINT. rmr load of pin© boards. luau^ where money is at .stake, lio- iKissessum We know aome things i bionths much iiselea* material was hearing welrom*- diatingiilshed visl-^ Ing on the plan that .•eery oody la well, bet aus© .if ©xiierience; know thrown In eloseia. garrets or sheds in . Whemg. if jfou buy 7 g^s. of rmdy-for-ts psim in Tb.' wealth of th.* pin. tors, lead ssntlment at mass meetings, rnresta. far because mu .'stiinated by the av- ihmgs fairly well. Iiecauae of i order to get it out of the wav iinti. CANSb you psy $2.00 s ggL or $14.00. exceeding Ilk© reMiurcea In Kurope. erage citizen, la the rock upon which long .ibservailon; know enough about '« more suluble time. I is an asset to any community. Th© led to a prodigal woalc. A the unschooled in methods of loaning tb.' general game of hiiatneo* lo aiie | "This ruhbtah should not Iw burned YW L. R Af. JUrfoAflSBD MBAL BAMTU PCNtB WHIfg LEAD. achoola should value this gift higher OIL. Me SMS ...... »*r KWf—rs. used to think he had added . go to pieces anti luaa the accuiiuila- up a sltuatl.m or render a fairly safe Ion ^ windy day. It should not be piled and develop It. | * ** Don of years of toll, wealth of a .'ommunity, when he laoaning money la aa much of a opinion, if ih© matter ia put up to uajup near buildings and set on fire and M—I.—tui—yLMLPAINTy—tifcgww for advir© , n ahould not be left to smokier I PRKPARIX4I THR KAHTKR Ml’Nir. burned over a magnifleient foreat, iirofeaaiou aa law, ao (ar aa It goes; - There Is hardly a day that w© i through the night. A few sparka fail­ ■iiid planted com .ir wheat over the *• “ profeaaion aa luedlclav, ure n.ii called upon by some friend I |ng on a dry roof are generally des-1 Th.- weeks previous to the Easter aa much of a trick aa iiierchandUIng; feallval .vre a busy time In mo«t charred ^nipa. The price ^ much Importance. If aklll and abniiifor advice: to make by somea ehanM cuaionier and whowho i* '|tnirtlve. k >.i i The^ betteri ...way to treat!av k -h,.r-h . holr., in .n- oM ln.nl.r.n. “ eW. To... -««. h«.M. ,o 0- uk« mu, con- J,,.;; JJTlt .« ron.no.t.lon. “ |e. Farming, while one ot the oafMt avo- many without experience make, and ^ .... —o-M..!.. f.tfir quh-kly. In Ui~. initoo. tli.l cu n«a«l u> (ollan whal we have doing for yrnmn ('OgtYRMIII IT rofniN^rnorAtmK tni^ irr^At a nriMiAn *_ (iBd* t%t ihxmi intridN^di* gM*. dmym oiir bird Ilfr hmm bMti MciifleAd I* ^ ^ lo roatinur to do for; " thf^ only man who rises above the tliill level of intrdioc- A. a re- e*c^«»oo«l flood Judg- ye*rs U. come and Invite all to call I rharlolte -^'yrua rroaland. a farm- Ther© are few religious societies aeducllon* of pot pie. m a re- MMi |f auccesa la1. to be won makr known their wants; our|er In Weet Henioo, holds the undia- today that do not demand a more or suit, insect peats have attacked many You who were not raised upon Hh* help^elp and our counselrounsel you shall freely i, puled record for bnd luck.luck, t’yrua rity is ihu one who originates, who uses the orijjina* less elai'orale display of their mual- forests. The pine's evergreen foliage fanii; mtw kaow absolutely nothing have and w© shall be very caullotis , bought a farm and placed aoine high resists the attack of many enemie* aolU. seeds or proper cultiva- where ■ grade stork on it. One night two of his lions of oiliurs. who is ap|>lyin);v new methotls for cloinjr ral imwers ^'>r this oecaalon Among iHPfore which the ah,wer growing you ar© liable to lose vour arriimiila- reglsterese to make a sueceas Ir© and •.pralned his hip. About the man of Ihe comiag generation to own * ’** ’up*llon to lose money in. that you j|,«fead of a failure; who tlm*- he recovered a valuable horse ©fTrrtlve. year In and year out, than hla own home, unlea. far reaehlag «•’ * «»*’ * good miisir pro- and was -o badiv injured It had to he If Is commonly felt that in ord©r to vision n’sde to seep the ”iiot iHtlllng " killed. Finally ('msland came bark The St Johne Cranke Co, made provide a good choir, much mcn©y the runni ng of hia bualnesa. hut If he that ro.i(, l.eeause Ihe larrtei to town un.l found hla hous© In flames, . —la -a sucema at it, and there ---are -a ^.,|||11, |©sre,i1^, 'v#ii n for and Ihe wet He -.uc .-.-©.led In saving some of the FOR meat ):r st>enl If a church demands THR DRCI.IXI: flF TRIMT FIHNfN«l 1?*’*'**^ 'I!?* A k*"’ iTi'* ’ ’***'* ‘I afed now. rail and open .onienth HI- hands were Ivadly Lawn or Comtmry Vow. Ckaire, Smttmm in Cranitm I artel ;i us4c. --aitafTing th© ©ducat- llitw*' ©ngaged In other lines wh«> ar© fy,„, .nvjn,„ arro.int vou have been bumnl in fighting the fire .Now his e»l t-srs of musk specialists. thD !■? I’erhaps n.i f.Tni of game has in '’"**•'**' aluMif Vo ’ limg'iuirYet fone hands nr. setting well and t'ynis Is Hawaii' correc* Hut ther* are a spired so murh Imaginative and tech a general . ..nvervation with him re- ^oiinr...... foHos...... another,...... until you .an wond.-ring whai will hapi>en nett Ma rble, 5fo9ig or iron. gardina farm Dipl, s that you an an «„r,e-a great *.;anv cbtirche* that provld© et- nlral Hieratur© as the trout. Ilia hah- A U. <’ s<-b»lar lo him, because .om- .... ukuwtt Tbcr. nr© u.ore reasons why you «©l|eni ©hnnia iniiak at very little Itat la about as widely extead*d In paralivel) he la talking algebra to you TiTI IMNk »» NT. -IBMhH. . chances than there are rost D all depends on getting a com- ibU rouniry aa anv species of wild while you are only eaiuible of first i J. M. Fill ri !a certain variety of pirkles.

ssa'i Mr. to fvl It M lOMva aU A very pretty wudi Um Ualtai I. It elaara tka eo la aKWli Mo immOf Gall tana. tM home of Miu. Bridge acratt. eoulb. It any A. of latT Mo Of: nlhC. March 26. whao Mr «Uy ■■ I lor a tar. Funrl Kuda, wm uallod hi ■ M at ago with Oorpufui dgy A. Kah of tfeo at niwIiBti hMhor of dueMU HafMr. N. T. It aaoai tfealr lioaa. U. T. Plahor porfc ClaoMM tM Hag sonrlue httas Mud. Um Majrr% ■1 rtoh Mt ThttiudM for HugiMw vHmfu huuae was t^ly Ig luA thoro aia ammy tmHaMw, ao M oaa- BMlttMs. I White agd blue. Tim amrrlaga lauK 1 tMnk foa rorjr BMMh Mr «tet tkma. Bo aure ITa Mayr^. Qa to yaar Um Cowdry aad Mlaa Burah Dux-' P^ce buaauth a weddlgg hall at whMg' fMT BMileteo has &omm for bm. I mo­ laoaiaot drag otora aad aak thoai bu^ MttHlllirwia.. wum marfmd about tM woadorful roMlto It Ma OB Thttiuduir* Mareh M. Oaouga wm Amerlcen flags h—hod wMh fonm* M laat tbo tkroo feoMloo haoo. Tkoio I booa accampHohlad amnat poapM ose of our Mam boya aad tbe youag wRb a mirror in tM bauMgrouad. I wm MOOT a day la my Ilfo tiatt I dM . thoy kaour about—«r aoad to Oaa. B. couple Mvu our bust wlabaa. | Tbe brMe was prettUy gowaad la mot kaoa Mad tolwdtl O o 4 ~Jf Mayr. Mfg. ChoaiMt. 1S4-IM WMtIaa Ml Moo my Mad tlod up witk a olatli BU Chlei^. UL. for froo book oa ^ mmaallne silk, draped with eugar eoelal to aeeetul of Umlr fHeads , aad I haoo aot had a hoadaoM oMoa. otomacb aitmoata aad maay grataCal and neighbors laat Snaday evening. PHncese de luxe lace with aaulbou I had boon doctored by apoelallola, too , lottore from paople who haoe booa Mrs. J. E. Cleamnt reCurasd from aad pearl tHmmlag. aad oarHod a' aad rocotved oory little boaodt.** , stored. Aay drugglot oaa toll you Ma wonderful effoeta. Detroit Tuesday. SM has been aaalst- shower bouquet of white rosea. Mias Juet eurh stories are told by tbOM Ing in the onre of her alster. Mrs. A.'Maude Rose, who acted as brtdeemald. ; aads who haoe used Mayr's Woador- K. Cobb, who has been undergoing a wore white henrtetta trimmed with critical operation at Harper's hospital, swansdown and < arrled red rosea. 1 day. Me was geitlac along aa well aa Mrs. t’obb was doing as well as could The groom wtir** his full dreaa oal- be expected. i fonu and Alfre**ni last week Mr. and Mrs. Herman Smith In I^ba- paralytic shock on Haturday. ring in a white n)se | .Mrs. A. A. Braley was severely In- lmii.««»llately .ifter the <‘eremon> a Friday with XIrw. t'harles Rowell. non Juix'd by a fall on Monday. i dainty two iMuirs** luncheon was Krford Patterson commenced work for F*red Tl**dt last week \V«*dnes- Heheel 5ietea. Mrs. Ida Baker of Saginaw was the served by Kitty and Agnen t’aruas. guest of relatives here last week. nieces of the gnstm. and Beulah Per-, da> for the sumnier. The sixth grade is reading ‘The gason. (-otisin of the bride. The bride's Harry Fletcher of near (irand Rap­ Story of King Arthur” and the fourth Alice Carter was the recent iniest of her grandparents in KIbs. cake was plaon a pure white ids spent last week Tuesday niabt and ilfth grades are reading the story stand in front of the bride and after ♦'for O. M. Pearl the coming summer. with her grandson. CMaude (Soliis, to with .Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tledt and of Daniel Itoone. Dion Clement of Albany. X. Y.. is the guest of bif mother. .Mrs. Chss. twlng carved by her was served to the ♦ ♦ Hcbool coinmencel again Monday Willlamston. eoiiimencod work for Vem Walker last Supplementary Readers for 1st. ^d. guests by tbe little ring bearer. The ♦ HOI7TH LBBAHOR. ♦ morning after a week's vacation. Mr. and Mrs. F. K. Haxel spent tfen week Wednesday for the summer. and Jrd grades have been purchased Deck. .Mrs. Marie N'ewlngton and ^on. Kxra color Hcheme of the national colors ♦ ♦ William Pearl la home from Ann Ar­ latter part of last week with Mr. aad The Misses Ruby Hanrroft and Mar­ from the remainder of the Hallowe'en ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ bor for a week's vacation. Mrs. Kenneth Cutler in Detroit. Mm. lon Patterson were vlaltors at the social proceeds, also some busy work. were guests of relatives here last was carried out In the refreshments. week .Mrs. Dills, cmisln of the bride, ren ­ Miss Smith of Detroit is Halting nt Cutler and little son sccompaatod Iktak school last Thursday afternoon. Corden Stevens, who has l*een Mrs. J. fi. Wood and son visited nt Kd. Hazle’s thia week. them home Mr and Mrs. Jake Reeb spent Hun- s|M>nding the winter months with his Ada Belle lartts of Ionia visited rel­ dered several v; w Mrs._ . Dunham of RIsleo . la.... keeping .. mother. Mm. Mary Doe. ovar Svadis* week M'ednesday to see the former's to wear a diaphanous skirt on s laat week with her parenta at Maple Mr. and Mrs. Fred Caruaa and daugh- Mra. Joe Caspar aad chHdmn. Helen for Mm. l.aalie Seeley this week Eastar exercises will be obaervad la husband, who was operated oo Tues­ cloudy day. Rapids. 1 ters. Agnes. Kitty and Florence, of and Praddle. of St. Johns Hslted her' the M. E. ehurcb Sunday evenlns, Apr. Miss...... Anna Sheldon of Jackson. O,. St. Johns; Mrs. c.eiTy IMMi. of De- father, John RHlman, aad brothem Why tt Sntta Psitleatar PMpla. 12. A program la being pmpnrad hr was a guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Rbel- trolt; Joseph Tucker, of Merle Ranch; from Tuasd ay until Saturday, Foley'a Honey and Tar Compound the committee. doti. last week. Mr. and Mrs. Willard Huntooo. Mias Mm. Bertha Millard and two child- Is prompt and effective for cougha, i F^ter exeretnes will be ohaarvad is I^is and Joyce Kelley of Muskegon Beulah Ferguson and Mrs. (laorge ren of Rt. Johns visited F. M. Plggott's eolda. croup hoarsenesa.* bronchial the M. E. church Sunday evening. Agr. Heighta were mid-week guests of t^lr Vanl>yke. of I.anstng. Mr. and Mrs. le^ , coughs and throat troubles. Thomas 13. A progmm is being prepared w grandparents. Mr. and Mm. I>. C.laaler. Knickerbocker received many hand- Mm. Fred I.ieoBa^ of fit. J<«ns Verron, Hancock. Mich., wiitee: "Fo- the committee. Mr. and Mrs. D. F*. Skinner of Sag- some and uaeful gifts. spent laat week at Frank iMinard's ley's Honey and Tar quickly relieves Mr. and Mm. J. F>lward wem oallad Inaw were mid-week guests of her Mr. Knlckerborker. who was form- Mrs. Roberts and daughter. Flom. tickling throat and stops the cough to Bellevue last week to attend ttM parents. Mr and Mm. P. I'inch. rlv of Maple Ka|>lds. is a member of were at Herman Smith's Sunday. Miss with no bad after effect." It contains funeral of Mr Inward ’s brothar-la- Mesdames N'ora Harrison and Flu- the 3d Infantry of the C. S Army, F^om will stay with her sister while no opiates and la pure. That's why It law gene Fhnmert are under the doctor's now stationed at Ssekett Harbor. X. Mr. Smith la hi St. Johns on Jury. suits particular ji^ple. VanSickle A J. II. Cleveland of I.ent In the Philip wettt. ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ father. F*. D. Cleveland. Mr. Cleve Islands. Mm. Knlrkerl)ocker Is Mesaer and family. Fred Phell ♦ ♦ on ...... business the last of...... the week...... one*^ori^Witt ’s most and es- *nd wife took dinner at Charley How- is much Improved. Rev. Wm IF. Isles, aged 63. died at ♦ HHBPARMflTILLE. ♦ The homi* of his son. Benjamin. In this teemed young ladles .ind their many ♦ ♦ vlllag»- early Saturday morning. FVin- frtends wish them a long and happy "III Tsit and wife and daughter. IJx- ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦A HAIVSRR HKASeB. • rnl on Tuesday. Burial at X’orth llfe..., together...... They left. .. Thursday for zie. visited ^at Fred Benjamin.. w’s Sunday,^ Star by the side of his wife, who pre- n short visit among relatives In St. Mm. Fred Damon, who has been C. I.aiwrenre Abbott, the imi>ersona- The lunner Crange will meat Apr. SFraOL 16, isH, with following program: ecfxled him two years ago The de- John** aneusen of St. Johns was ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ 16. after the regular business has been sion, "How many cows warrant a nwn Harrison Schavey of West DeWltt vla------transacted at Mrs. Frank Smith’s. In building a silo?** led by Arthnr the guest of Joe Utrhtleld Saturday. 1f*d Theo .Schavey last w«*ek. lohn Howell's large fmme bam In Flarl .McCullough and family have' I,. Belle WInfleld was In Owooso on .Mome; Benny March played by Ttltla KMITY Hem an Zlschke and John C,ounsbury Is visiting . planned for this meeting. man of St Johns wer< callers at the 0fTt of A flower Is a litnd deed tii petale. caged In shenrinc sheep the gasoline home of Mr and Mrs Varney F'enree engltu* extdoded setting fire to about last week. • Slh? not select a fine pot of Cullps, such ab pictured 2,% tons of hay. Mn- Annie I.ainge ‘- house on .Nett Howe and family have moved to l»ot. O.. visited his parents. Mr and m wm^r. Smit, the Florist Xlm. John McIntosh, and other rnla- home of Bert Harlow In Water T A tlves here last week. town. Union Pliooe 125 Mrs tleorge Carter has gone to Har­ Mr. and Mm V. I). F’earr** of Olive per hospital. Detroit, for an operation visitetl Mr. and .Mra. O 1) Crpwner In In service at my barn, 4 blocks north of railroad, St Johns, Mm Shemtan of Marshall. Mich,, I.ianatng Sunday afternoon returned home Saturday after a visit The Misses Annie Mulcrone. l^elah' to her parents. Mr. and Mm. Wm. VanFleet and Ix>rna Woodruff wen* entertained to sup|>er at the home of t, during the season of 1914. Carroll. Mrs F. Marriott and datighter. .Mr. and .Mrs. FI. FI Ixinkton last week. Cioethel. of Ashley were here on bus­ Mr. and Mrs Will Cole have moveo to the home of his father. Charles ^ iness last Wednesday. W. F>. I..etts hat* purchased the F!. Cole, Spring Reveals FVnlon Brink and daughter, Ger- ■ Cooly house on North Ovid St. Roy l,etts and family will oeeiipy It. Con- trude, called on Mm Theo Neller. in ^ stderstloo, IIOOO. lainsing last Saturday. | rhf tlfsiructivr work of WinltT. Your W. S. Uiek was In Mt I’leasant last Dr. and Mm. R. Simmons called on Mr and .Mm. Varney IVan ’c Sunday l)uiUlinj(s Bfct! rcpairini'. \Vr can furnish week getting hla family ready to move back here on the farm. afternoon. ‘ you thf* hfst in;itfri;il.s to m.ikr these rep.^irs Jeff Huffman is suffering with blooil XIr and Mrs V, D. Bearoe. Mr. ani poisoning In his foot •Mrs. D. DevereaiiX, XIr>. Will Todd, I with, at r*MSon;thli* price. C;tll ;iml st*c us. Warren Temple has purchaaed a .Mm Will Ridenour attendt-d the fun- j eral 4vf Mm. Serepta Tabor in Bingham » ^ team from Frank .Saylor. last Friday. | Geo Mark has sold his farm on the County IJne to P*rank Kennett of Ban­ .Mrs. Wilcox returned to her honte ^ Spring Building nister, near Beldtng last week after attending several weeks with .Mm Carrie Jones If you inttMul to (io .iny huiltiinj; this ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ In South Riley. | Sprinj^, you would dt» well to investij^jaic our ♦ ♦ Mr and Mm 1). Devereaux visited ♦ bssoai ^hallas . ♦ -Mr. and Mm I. M. Flaton In .North line ol huildin^ matttriiii. ♦ ♦ Olive from F'rlday until Sunday { ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦A XIrs. V. D. Pearce received ihe sad I^wls Sudrow and family spent news last Monday morning that her Sunday with Mm. Wm. F*asch. mother. Mra. 1. M. Eaton, in .North I F-lvIra and Agnes Bearndt of Fowler *•» ****®r*^'« Parr LumbM* Compnny S|>ent Sunday with Hilda aad Erma Mm. Mary J. XanFleetVanFleet returned !*aarh. home Monday frssn a three months' j Martin F^pkey of HMex spent Svin- visit at I*rovidonce. R. 1. dsy at the home of hts parents. Mr. Tuesday evening. April I4tb. 19M.' and Mm. I^wla Epkey the last number In tbe community lec-' Otto l^h Is quite' III with stomsch course by l*rof. Walter H. French troubles. toe M. A. C. will be given. Subject' Willie Budfler of Fergus spent the "Educational Ideal for the t'ommunt-j week end with relatives In this HeinI- ty- Mrs. M. D. Smith Halted her sister- l^red Welter aad family spent Bun- In-law, Mra. Byron Smith. In Grand day at the home of Henry Welter aad from FHday until Sunday. ., $375 $375 family In SouUi Bengal. AH members of the O. B 8. are re- Mr. and Mrs. Ghaa L. SehulU spent queatad to bo prsoont at Un > naxt THE PBMTHBMMIV fVTALLHM. ITMB nVOBISD PnenBOff MTAL- TM MrAIfBAMOHn 8TAUI0 B, IlIBU MLATM MO. (AMI) «dl7. WRIfIMT COINirAirT MO. Ml. IMP Sunday with Mr. aad Mra. Earl F. niealtag Friday night. ApHI lO. 1914.' rWILATK n—SO. MK?. Sturgis. In Fhwler. Kladtion of odleeta. | , Idolatre Is blaek aad weighs Miss Louise nrleh is spending a few ri**^*?T* *** “ "toerved i, , .on of Idolatre (91921 > 6gA67, bli CYCLE CAR Jjrt, .llh Mn rt»reh »uM.> I lbs.; he baa very heavy bone, tbe beet j tiomloo 2.12^4. Hanrtetta iof legs aad fael. which are one of tha q 2.07H. and many others srith rao- Erford Patteraon began bis sensor Mrs. Ina WFtherell will entertain Hre aad dam are Imported. At 2 yrs ' roost sasenUa l points In a draft horse, ords better than 10. Wright Oonatahl f TIm work for Fred C. Tledt. April 1. and the Baptlet aoelety Wednesday. April old he weighs 16«0 Ibe. aad at matuii- : Hla colts are proving to be Idaal draft Is boy with blaek polats. la a natarai Miiipr VutkieW Harry Fletcher began work for Vern F6th. 1914. ('ordlal Invitation to all. |y )|^ magf, « ton horse He baa borues; some of them from grade trotter and shows lots of spend. Hlo mnrea. selling for 2294. at oae rear colts are large and will make good n. «<•» ix-’r **"' tb. b«» Of t«. Mr. and Mrs. August Xllller of Bing homes of Mr. and Mrs. Varney Fsarre ... oM lx>ok Into the breeding of these road and carriage hon raa. which vrlM He Is solid The IMP gives 3S to SO miles on a "ingle gallon of gaao- ham and Robert Pssch spent Sunday and .Mr. aad Mrs Chas Baird Tuee- unexcelled action horsee and you will And them very surely be In demand bafore long. ^ Yon line~ eonaomea ao little oil aa to hardly be considered aa ax- at tbe home of Fred L. F>ascb. day ntiflit. black, aad I think as good coll as Bfi«r to the most noted horses in cannot make a mistake If you brood pense—gives 9.0M to 10.000 nrilse per set of tires ■'oeting leea l*aul Zell and family spent Monday Mr. and Mrs Allen Munger were en- you will And In Michigan. I France. I to Wright t'onstant. than tlo.OA--developes a spaed of .’’•O miles sn hour, aad beeanae at the honte of his luirsnts. Mr. aad tertalned at the home of F*rnf and Mrs of Its iindersluag ennstrurtton. affords a greeter degree of safe­ Mrs. Charlev Zell. Klllen last Wedn sadav. I ty St speed than mi antomoMle. Tou will And the little IMP Fred Welter and family spent Sat­ Mrs. Maud Warner of lainslng la If the most useful end eeonomlcnl machine on the place, buy one urday evening at the borne of Frank staying with ber grandmother. Mrs. ’rBBMfl W SRBTirR-dlMB and take the light runs aad beovy btimpa off your big ear. When McPranale Agnes Scott, who returned to her bred for n In towm look the lively Itttle car over at MlllePs Garage For t'arl liaht spent Stinday at the Iwme home Isis week. i ♦ win he ♦ sale by of John FhHterson In Essex. FIthel Scott of Riley Halted her iwr- Fred FIpkey was entertained at the ents, Mr and Mrs Flllsworth Scott, home of Mr. .ind Xfrs Fred light Sun- Mtinday. j Tbe fanp Cycle Car Agency day. Iflrsm Scott hna flnlahed working ' Mr. and Mrs. John Rosaow and Fred for A. F*eabody at GunnlaonHlIe. I WM. BIRD C. Paoch and family spent Sunday at EHswarth Seott Is wovhtng with the Frame of Mrs f^ud Buditer. jthe bridge gang at ♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦'

M. B. at tka hall 4 4 f f mm «f tk» vttiM ■Mtfajr at 1:14. Tk* Satisfacti*B Star* I likMiUir isMi ^ TIM foUaarlas < at tiM iMipU IL

Hfil; timaarir, LgnaWrpar: pinglat. NaUla Tmvlk Aprtl 141k. ■aa. WUeoa will praaoh la tha hall aast gaaday at t;M. ! Thora will ha a oahlaat naallag at tka hall rHiay taoalag. April 10. All Abt^.ciaaa.i ana laaltad la ■ttwi aad pfiaa af aaary Mn. R. m. Btolay ritatati haan iMt ■alapioir. mmrnm: Ikagr Ulrtek. BUI Jasw Wak C. Mai ! ^.1—tadaBaw*! fwHir Mmv MT: Hllak Biiir. Mk MMliBgat tkal of Mb »la. J. UaaMB. a kaaghtar ct tka kifMtt; oM. Mi Mriaa kMli laa iioplrtaaMI4a|^ to Man laaaartina thaaMaaol aar dv M yllik7VoM^nMy^jMai WkNa BMT^M’laiiaB 'gM. THIS Mr. aad Mra. C. L. anfly iff dii liasa lekMaar la aettag aa arMe. tha faaoral of Mlaa Tikor haM at tka plMT wUl ha i^aaa at Mapla BagMi Waat tongham ehuinh lai tfsrjssiisi&jsss.'^ tka algkiaaalk of this aoalk lar haaiBt of tka Alklatlc la g laaa tkata aaiar th ♦ ♦ ♦ lAflT WHHIT. ♦ ■ACK9U ♦ ♦ ha will glaa you taB» oa ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ Oa Bailar Mot alag at 10 o ‘( naag buytag aad where to tkata will ha aarvtea aM ■eeura tka boat gaallty tor Mra. Noah Wllkoln opaat a nan | CMssaalMai rear MMtMia or tmmmmmam. la Oanaaa. Aa astra col laatlaa aUl tba laaot moaay. It will ba bar of daya at Inaaiag hwt weak MMt-1 IlyooOoaai mAHtmer tbae aay adwr atom ba tahan up ior tha baaakt of hoaM lag ralaUraa aad frloaia j palWi yoo iMvo tmr mmO yagr Otalir to mlaMnni Moqr all coatrlbuta ekaar to your Intaraat not to aUao Mra. Brad Oalaaahawar. who haa' •oOMfWod a fotoad iroor tmmmmt. wa tmt mmo roo wW aarvo l^ailaa* Aid BMata at tka hona of Mra. appaara aacb waah. Oaorga Buraatt pvrekaaad a ttna i mr MOr. * Mlckaal Orak. Tha roaoUag wUl ba cow of Malvllle Kyaa. oaa day laat oallad to ordar at 1 o ’cloeh. tau tlaa. UQUID OhPASTE T^piCmIs Brary maaibar la cordially htrHad to Mr. and Mrs. Loula VoMnet spam amouAurr ba prat tat. A eordlal laattatkm la aa- Hnmlay at Lanalng. a* Mira to got Uw gtmmimf. iUo rh Bik itoi trad ad for oaw mcmbant to Iota tka Mlaa Pearl Wllbalin vlaMad Mlaa UlMi coMs foa aa awrr tbaa Um iiiiatity Mi 4? pullaa’ AM. Oladya Makar, laat Friday aflarkoon. 1 Kcaa roar gralaa. raitoiar*. taaOwa i RuBCMtS Henry Sober of I analBg apant 8at- " Iraa Irc^ “ " ■aly Tilalli ('kaiak Balaa unlay and Sunday with hla toaiily ^ Monday tharr w»t a mats for tha hare. it>« MyiCIK MUt HCTAAPOiMM ter sOesr purgatorlan aoclaty. STOERCK Mr. and Mrs Philip Vlgea are mov- ; Thuraday la Holy Thuraday. Maaa Ing from l^tng to tbalr farm bare. badnt at 11:30 o'clock. Tha balla waca recently vacated by tbalr daughter. _ rung at tba (tloiia of the maat, then NT. joami, ncHMAVi Mr. and Mrs. Harry Proctor, who have Bfeck Stk Stamp Pkttih WtaMI thay will ba tllaat until tba aaaaa Una moved near Muir. .Saturday morning. Tba Blaaaad Sar- Laula Voialnat. teacher at the Bath raroaat will ba takan to tha tlda altar No. 7 had DO oehool laat Monday ow ­ I pmcwaalotitlly whara It la placed tor ing to election on that day. adnrntl^ In tba avenlng at 7:10 Horn tc Mr. aad Mra. Gawla Oaorge, Mra. Libbie Peltier and Mra. Ever-' o'clock tha aerroan Roaary wat daugbUr. laat Sunday April ett Clemanta aad aoo. Clarance at- j Htad. than a tarmoo In tha Oannan ; chat. Shultx and family rialt^* tended Palm aenicee at 8t. Mary'a j lanipiaga. than a doting aong by the tkal.* daughter. Mrs. Karl Sturglt, and Catholic church at latnalng last Sun- ■ choir. butband. laat Sunday. day. PrMay inomiag the ma*» preaancti- John A. Cook from Pewano wa^ a Mr. and Mra. Joseph PalUer aad I t ded and Venarmtion of the Croaa will via'tcr In town last Monday. family entertained Mr. and Mra. Loula begin at H:.’lo o'clock. In the after­ Itruno Cook waa in I'ewamo laat Voislnet and Mlaa Pearl Wilhelm' noon at three the Cemvan Way of the .Monday. laat Thuraday evening. Cmaa alth aelf denial collection and W Di. Uudzier of Pergua, Saginaw Co. Mlse Doris Starapfly apant laat benediction, the paaaion will alao be visited hla grandmother and other week with her parenta. Mr. aad Mra., read liefore the Way of the Crosa ♦ - ♦ . o , • .w relitl'ea last week and Uie first of Thomaa Htnmpfly and family on a .a iswi manw a n^mwv m t^aturday morning at x o'clock the |)j|^ week vacation from the Lansing high school. iT wnvr. a, ------^ J New* — *Fire and" baptismal waters will „ snelllng and son. Mrs. I*hlllp Vlgea. who spent a few l>c blessed. IJoyd and William, were In St. Johns 1 days at Muir asaiating ber daughter. ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ « ^ ^ 4 ^ gi Sunday Is Kaster Sunday. Maaaes iaat .Saturday Mrs Harry FToctor. returned home are a. „.,,a| 7:30 ami 10 o'clock. Ves-, attended a par- one day laat week. .Mrs. (leorge Wyman, who was sar- .* !?*.*».**** I i .• .Maple Kaplds one erening Inst .ously 111 the fore part of laat weak la Rev. Father IJndeiiiann vleiled week * ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ reported on the gain. '.‘ZL '*"1 I. r.r.od ♦ ♦ it. P Morrison and wife. Claud Mc­ seek Tuesday. ! Rapids this week. ♦ DALLAH. ♦ Clure, and wife, spent Sunday over John I*, ririch came bom. fron; * of near Pewamo viaitad ♦ ♦ the river al the home of Mr. and Mr» ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦Will Mc« ..uler. Heirolt laat Friday to visit hl« family , aunt. Mrs. Mary J. {..ang. last Sun- Kay Phillips and Mrs. Hsuei Dans over Sunday. day evening, returning to her school .Mlaa Ada Patteraon spent Friday at St. Johns .Monday morning were Sunday guests of 1>. S .Morrison Mrs. NIcDoias Rung of Pewamo with her sister. .Mm. Cora Banjamtn. .it.d \ fe. came laat week te visit her slater. ETrford Patterson l>egan work for Mrs hJmroa Cnibaugh of llanRis'er the season April Ist. for Fred Tledt. spent Mm. Thrcsvi* Theicn. She alao vlslt- ♦ ♦ few davs with her sister-in- c«| Mr. niid Mn*. Peter Fedewa. In Itengal. law, Mrs. H. M. Boots. ♦ tl.HAKD LAKE. ♦ ('harlic Praker. who baa been Mle- Irene FInels vlsll'*d In 3t. ♦ ♦ Miss liemice Hrubaugh has 'tseu Johns lest Saturday. working for Paul Zell returned to his oiu ol school a week on account of « ST. JOHNS. MICHIGAN .Mm. Rose Fembach. Mrs. Joeeph home In Dvid last week. sever* sore throat. Tbelcn iiml Mm, Henning of .S» Johns The Misses Ruby Rancrnft and MIsh Ihinsy Reed was a guest of viaiied thefr sister. Mry Ida Iscler. Arthur St Clair Is on the sick list, Marion Patterson were visitora at the Miss Helm Cnibaugh Sunday and last Tii* -da\ and laat Wednesday they l.««inont Reynolds is absent from Hook school where .Miss Myrtle Pat- Siinda) night were •>ntertained by their sister. .Mrs. hool from sicknes!> terson is teacher. Thursday aftemo« n. ‘ Mr. and Mm. Austin Philips and Win. Iiinneback. and family and .Mrs Ceorgi- Culp i^ suffering from Mrs J. W Patteraon visited Mrs. Hnitiiny F^nglish were Sunday visitors tonsilltis Chas. Cole Saturday afternoon. of F I... Davis and wife. Mr. Kngllali MiiiiiiitMiiiiiiM!iMtMHitit:iiiiiii)iiiii!niii;" ll•1lilllmlilUl)ltNllHltmllm;llHnlllllinHllmllll Thursday they visited ihelr slater. .M John tl*^rg*'. They all returned Mrs Al.__ Taylor__ ^ of...... West Olive...... vis-.... ■ _ Patterson will work with .....starts...... for.. Colorado soon on account to th«dr hotiif Prtda>. ,ll* ‘tl .Mrs. (!. T. RfM-kwell M'ednesday. Pasch at carpenter work again jgf health. Mrv Ray Hersey and son vtalUd Mrs. Arthur Wyckoff of St. Johns la ibis smwn. T^iey expect to begin John Hill and two aona moved from her parents in Ashley last week. s|»endlng the week with Mm. (leorg* work this week. [this neighborhood last week *» what Mrs John Wherrlit visited friends .Myem ■Mr. and .Mrs. Paul Zell and daugh- (g known as the Wm. Stevens farm. In St. Johns last week W*dnesday. .She Miss Ollvt- Rixby of St. Johns spent ^'bas. R<»well. mMissIss .MaryM Payrne and Orha Doan of retum.si. acromiuuiled by Mias C.wy- ,a.rt of last week with her sister. Mrs. T m’*i. were gueats Sunday at tha north ward last week. neth Ttiwnsend fmm St Johns, who Frank laicher ^ HlHc daughter came to the home home of Mr. and Mm Myron Oru- Mr. and Mm. Otia Miller are ’.noving ♦ ♦ VlsRed Mis. Heftle ReRe. several .iDd Mm. Frank lax-her and of Mr and Mm. dettrge Khwanc last baugh. from the hotel Into the Dennis build ­ ♦ HRRKNBrHH. ♦ days week Dorothy Catherine. -ph^ roads' bad condition did not ing one door aoiitb of the hotel this ♦ ♦ Mr .Ml-n KHd,«u.ch ot ^C/sunar,' '*• William Cole from Northvllle Is prevent a goodly number from nt- week. .Mr. Miller recently purchased came Thursday to visit her parents. vlsltlng hts brother. Chaa Cole, and tending the C. H. C. A. at Mm Boofa th** proi>ertv of K. Sawyer. Mr and Mrs, Peter Ftdews a few .Wrts and family a few weeks, laat Thuraday. About were prea- C W Pershing and wife have movtd Mrs. Karl Ackor entertained ber— days lefore ^going—.. to Hmnd...... Rapids. ►^Wle Ixxber. of DeWItt Mm. Samh Plank and son. Albert, ent. Table collection, 17.80. Mta. K Willard, the K. V. pastor's into the hotel Just vacated by Oils Mil- past week b*\** been shlpjieU. spent Sunday at John Iax;her'a. returned to their home In New Huron. .Mm. John Uatt of Jackaon returned H* Raymond Meyer came honi<- Sat-*, Mm. C, E. (lerbertek and Omtlot county, laat week. They had wife met with a pleasant surprise last ler Kalay Kitaay Ptila Nacaaaafal far to her home Wedneoday after a few urday from Ann Arbor to visit his if “Lweeks. Mm. nireoMitieai ami KMnay Traahla. Sunday afternoon. After the preach­ .Mrs liessle Cahoon and son, Lionel ing service at the County lAne K. V. days' visit with her daughter. Sim. H. Parents. Mr. and .Mm C K. .Meyer. He Ihelr home n**ar Marlon. Plank keeping house for her slttcr-ln. positive In action for backache, spent laat week at the home of has a week vacation | The Plowman Fntnday school will Ixw. Mm. Chas. Cole, during her ab- weak back, rheitmailam. kidney and ahurch. one of the roembem of the jisrents In Duplaln. F. Perry, and family. * ’*" " '* '• ------ahurrh, after some very kind remarks The Aid Society Wm .Mullins and l>>land IMerce re- rcorganlie April 12. All retiuested to »^nce. with friends In YpallantI and bladder troablea. P. J. Boyd. Ogle. Mm. lieroy Ingemoll died at her which was held Plymouth. atMsut the work done autong them by with Mr. and .Mm Tom Hoxle last tumeil from l«ulngshurg last week nieet at ten a. m. at srhoolhouse and Texas, writes: "After taking two bot- the pastor, turned to the pastor's wife home in Mlngbam .Saturday. April t. Wediiewdav come prepared for an Easter program. tlaa of Foley Kidney Pills, my rheu- aged Tk yearn, fnwn heart failure. The I4444444444444444 and presented her with s new well- t:. Raker Is aetiously sick with Miss lA>rena WIrth is vlalUng her Waunlts Rockwell entertained matlatr. aad kidney trouble are oom- Blled puras- aa a token of love and ap­ l>ody was brought here Monday at the pneumonia al the ohme of H. F. Per- ‘J«'«rgc. and family. 2.'. young people tiaturday evening. ♦ ♦ pletely gone." Safe and effective. home of O. P. Ingemoll where funer ­ preciation for her by the friends and ry A trained nurae from Sagtnaw Mr aovl Mm Frank Weber viattsd game* and light refrnabmenta ♦ SOITB ▼intIB. ♦ VaaSickle ft Qlmsple al services were held and the 1>ody was Is '♦ ♦ an^mbem of the County Une church. <-urtng for him. his bruiher. Wm. Weber, and family '*^*** ‘'‘ '•njoyed. Heaviness In the heart of man maketh j***! *n the K«ireka cemetery .Mm. Janie* Mahar of St. Johns is last .Sunday. | Mr and Mm. Thomas Upham and ♦♦♦4444444444444444444444444444# it stoop, but a good word maketh It beside that of her husband who pre­ the gu*uit of her alater-io-law, Mr*. * ..'^*'^./'***** ’’ returned to his home daughter. MyrI. returned Wednesday i ------♦ ______♦ reeded her to the better world four glad. ” Pmv 12-23. John Mahar. 10 Detroit after visiting here a few. from Middleton and reported Marlon I Wm. Boron and son and Mrs. A. Bor- ft BBBITBBTTOB. ft years ago. The funeral was conduct- days I on were in St. Johns Thursday. ft ft Rev K. Willard aad Mannassah I*1fer as slowly improving. *vd by Rev. E M’lllard. The youngest daughter of Mr and Mi>. Alvin .Sturgis and baby visited The Mlaoea Maggie aad Aonn Keck 'ftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftft Kuhns went to Detroit Tuesday to at­ Mm. I'eter Miller, who baa been very iisr *'***• ”” Mr and .Mr*. Albert Martxke and tend the Kvangi'llcal cnaferenc*- which Mrs Myrtle .Smith entertained at a M>ne s|>ent Sunday with Mr. and Mm. called on Mr* Olenn Walter* Friday. ------in held there this week. mlacellaneous shower In honor of .h-i. .i.h «tv- hom- .f .Hr, E Cressiiian In .North Olive and call­ Mr. Youngs has been repairing the Jerry Springataen. who has bean Mm. Artie Henry, last Saturday after­ ed on Mm. Anna Halsey*. well on A. Boron's new torm. sawing on the Clyde Chadwick firm. The meetlnga arc still continued at noon Refreahmeots were served aad la on the gain j^hn* last Monday. „ ■ » . L ^ Balcom came Saturday from has completed hla Job aad bagn tha II. U. church. Twenty-seven new the bride received many uaeful gifts Worn was received of the death ot Mis* Tlllle t)tt and Augusu Kohag- . Ivanaing to attend the funeral of Mrs. moving hla mill laat Saturday. memhem were added to th<- church from her friends Mra. Sarah Ingaraoll. which took en visited In .St. John* Wedaeadny. . Hapida last Sunday* te at- Kg^.^d Cndcrhlll. who died sudden- The Rtcbardooo Embroidery aah laat Runday. .Mr. and Mm Jeff Walker aad baby *^*' ‘"* • cellar In 1y at ber home In North Victor, early met at the home of Mlaa Haael John- Mlaa Phyllis Linmaa returned to sd bar mother. Mrs lUfJ Wednesday morning He also vlalted son Saturday afternoon, Of. au»niv .bt .h«h»« . .«.> r '-‘“.■’.y" vicinity. The funeral ama held Albert (Ht and bis slatam the Mla- hla bone with Mrs. C. H. Taylor at at (ilenn WalterW home Sunday ev : The funeral of Mra. M. Underhill kOTfi With r«UUT«. r«nlr«>. Iu( Suadur that place for 34 years. Mm. Carrie Burk and aon. Lawrence ^ ^*'* ‘J*?*. Z' Mathilda aad Amelia Ott, viaitad ettlag. waa held at tha Raed church laat ■r. aad Mrs. Bart Pnrha raov^ vleRed at the home of her hratber. F. In Eureka. Burial In the Eureka their slater Mra Conrad Wevwee Albert Marttka at- Mr. aad Mm. lOd. Sleight viatted at Saturday, wm J. E. Klrby'a houae on Beat Main M Brewbaker. and wife in Lnaalng cemetery. 'aod family inat Sunday ’ tandad the funer al of bar aunt. Sarep- the home of her parents Snadny. L Into OUa Mlllar'a hoaae In the iimt tmudv, nnabla I>aggvtt. here over Sunday Mm. Dorn Sllvrmall; queatlon. "la It Mlsae* Elvira and Agae* Beamilt 'to Into It himself, aad tbe harpoon. ta aMtaU or auuwl Mill or U> keep tbcir Crorge Haye* i.a moving his family worth whilr to teat seed rom? How visited their graadaMtlier, Mra. Sap- Mta Hd. Duakal haa bean very sick ■toda oaoeantmteil on anything very from lainaing nato tb«' Varlea Rots- t«» obtain a good stand." led by John hia l*asch. laat Sunday, during tha pnot weak svfth pneumonia. lang, both need Dr. WiIliaiiM’ I'lidt I*ilH ford farm, south of Eureka, and wIL Zlgler; general dlscuwilon; dinner; l*rtn O If. Olllett waa In Bt John* John HetUngar la glad to he at to b^ld op the Itlood ami Mrengtben tba work for Mr Augeslager. the coming aong. hy Club; roll call, .answered by .sat Saturday, home again with hla aon. Gao. HetUn- season namlng some variei) of com; queo- Mrs. T. W. Knelling returned to her ■Her a winter In Ohio, Last Spring Hy Healtli Try a Mx>rt Ueattuent with theae will KIrhy has been seriously III 'When la the beat time to aow home In Elsie laid Thuraday I Oeo, Hettinger goes to Harper hoe-. Wa. complataly broken down tknnigh prolonged •Irengtbaniiig mu'* and watch Uie color •iirrlng Ihr past week but at this writ- clover se«|— J. R Jeffreys; queatloo. Th. MIsse* Gladys and Helen Alt- PR*I. IJetroR. Wednesday for an *>p sf* ~ latnm to palecncrLs ainl li|e, are Itow Inc Is on the gain. Doe* It pay for the farmer * wife to entertained a number of their emtion. Mr. Hettinger ha* been In ** * •PP*nta waa gone. the worn nervve re« *i\ -r ili«*ir poise, «t>lo <’ F nsk**r Is srrioiMily III with *pend her spare time hematltchlttg frieiK.h to dinner last .Sunday. poor health for aeverai year* without * nervr*n* tbai I eould not sleep. 1 be- bow much IrwN irhuiii '..'H hv cialdren ba- • netrn-.onia at the home of Frank Per- and *ioing fancy work? Mrs L. G. Mi* Aiietin Sargent and son. Myr**.! * definite knowledge as to the real raiue pale, ibin, languid. tirr«l, Umked ten yearn aome anil Imw mucti a-* ncobltng ti.cy l4>>ml*: song, by quartette. reruiii..d to their home near f^rtland cause It I* sincerely hop*>«1 hy alt I noeil. l>r. Wilbaniv ’ 1‘ink Pills arc a rv, of Eureka Thmngh physical weaknen* my mental TXlIl Bolton wa* called here from ' ■ after vialttnc her parent*. .'!r. and wrho know him that at Harper ho*-j */•>% hiceving to nervou- |i*iipie everywhera. loiiditton wa* affected. Ilrvotl's Samaparilla re- meti w* well a* Wwtiten, lio'aiisetliey buila Homer last week on account at the Spring l.nsnllTe and Blaad rioawoer. Mrs t Wlllyowng. ami hU fath.T. pital that the real trouble mg) he m Uie liSnml aivd Mretigtlii ’n tlie nerves. .•rious nine** of his mofh*^ at th* Flush out the accumulated waste Myron .‘^argent, and son, for a wers. found and corrected and health again* stored me to perfect banlth. It aide*! the worn iTwy U;;hirn Ur* can>* of Uie hn aom horm of her daughter. Mm Dr. fire ir-i-TiT.?;uLT.rriM ’ j"" .. „^^' you new •tmn'.rtii to meet tliem. could soon eat and aleep peacelitlly and frit Nervo oe n ee* in • bildn-tt dioahl lie oor- Miss Ixma Miirmy of Bannister via ucy* of all impuiitlew. Take I>r. I.astini* last week Wednesday. ’’r Gladys Ihsat. **f OvM vlalte*! at E, U., rartnl at 00**0 as it i* Uit a short Men to It.d her sister. Mr* K S. Peck, last King* .New IJfe Pill*; nothing better rirlrh returned last Haturday. lUdleW Saturday. ! new life coiirw thrnngh try ^*eina. With­ Bk Vitnt' >., Hchanactody, N. louoly III with pneumonia. Har moth chap* who are ao clever at trading Mm George Miilllaa wont Sundav sv- len Increased. Rut aothlng haa. Hood ’s Sarsaparilla T..ltofkaabaaklai ’’H. er. Mr*. Martba Waaktogtan. Is tak they couM swap a fork tor a kaekat, entug to vialt bar Iltt'* ura- been done to give tbe parckaoed of Ott ft beUla today. Mag anra of bor. If It began rainhig asap. jter. .stompa hy wbolaenia an InoMa prtaal THE ST. JOHNS IIBWt.THUMDAT AVTERMOON—APKIL 9, 1* 14. PAGE S A StJohns Home and those who help to make it complete

gas >!l|W.S?SK?-......

R. S. Sil‘^

We Bu> and St-li CH> PrniMTt; J9r. and Farm Lands Hulse H. C. CLARK Confeclionery Ihr R« «l !’%•«*•«• '*»•» Wurtnurro. ol Store ln*ttra«re. I n Ion TIion ** uW' nth..- o%.r Ininirban 4U \ * r/,*. . CdOnnor*.s k Ice Cream C.G ' nu"* Lr.To.i*4yf. at'- -r. h,^,^ \ Hulk and Se, \ Package at'* (^andle» i-gr tft*' \ C'ltid '•PA. ^ Sir-.., V Drinks mm . • “‘1^’ , u.!h ' "‘y : hom*- i" I. „i . r'l*. ^ - I . ,.. V •.. ,.»ion. . i’ ••'• ' tu.!. • «•' ‘“’■’T Jour 1 Ic_.--i E I ♦r I—*< ; ■n . inw ■ r,■W>^T.^'• * ‘‘ , , Y,„i i\ ^■* * :v * mi; , a ,.f th. ^ Parr Lumber Gk Home Huildinil Materials wiMi: iM.\.>M>4; n Ts tosT. Hy oiir oxf».Tj«-rir<' uo know how to Call on us for a solution of your I'lui] hiiiK -o ikh to nif

J — * Ttrr-THr .5Lr. zm — .i'i The Home Beautiful * i>i •s:"“." Sanitary fcr; ::s I'urnisiit>(l Cditiiiplt* <» l\\ liyh. ^ I Meat Market 'Ui .- M Si OSGOOD A. *•»! { • •4« ♦

j || 0 'T M ^ I'liniHiir.. M.,,i t 1? ' M liwi iiirf ' ^ Tf ^^‘nOhi/j t IHilTlilKfi *.^Lr :=2 'LiLI. * ' -tt* H C.

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Vh * ’ Mu* lions** thill Siioxx ii,. rii«» L\cliisi\t* S(> t**s in l.« '• '

•s.' Hli SE BROTI’F. * ■n*. -

Mill' Geo. F. Dimond Co. t . A • \ *' < < oiiiii \% ith C'oid. I «»etl,^Ci-meiit, Fi'rtlllzer

> ' i rf , r<*iint\ S;;}^inds Ba; k

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PEuvtzQSS Gaj

hMl fl&OOO

Surely a Printzcss. with all the marks t>f if your spring coat or suit were made by a Printzess care in designing, in cutting and in $1«*),000 a year desi^er, you ’d expect perfec­ tion in fit anfl a suit that would be right in tailoring —since Printzess costs you no more style and workmanship. There’s not a 'v I $15,000 tailor in town, but if you wear a than the ordinar\' .And remember, behiml Printzess this spring you ’ll wear the product every Printzess garment is our guaraniet* of of a $80,000 designing staff. It will he the result of their combined abilities but the co.si two seasons satisfactory wear will lie well within your reach—a visit to our garment department will surprise you —a f’oiiie .ind see the ^tyk*' in Printzess tn'on of a Printzess will convince you. you ’ll he surprised at the modest prices ot Our stock of Printzess suits bear out the above .statement; the values the best this some ot our most attractiv<* models store ever offered. 1'he prices are $16.75, $20.00. $22.50, $25. H $27.00 and up to $50.00. i\ »9

Q. B. Aaatay waa la TaaaBar > Braak ftaalUt ia kama fraoi A w. n. ima* L Itm aoM tm OvM. I <;. B. OHMa wa* la Datralt Wt y y ^bamaia Bt^^Lgla afiar rot Troop mm Wma Oartami at tSarwm B. D. MaKlaMr ■malar WIlUaM M. I wm ia jdar oa baataam itatMTa amm Witli Mm ■. J. ItaUf. Bwiar wlta amlac FHiar. I Mm B. O. Halaa rataraad Bi Hm L. J. fMitTirtir’iMtVMlw witfc Mm Mr. aai Mr*. M M. Mm MaiwM Mania Mra. G. 1. i Mm Rak-: kar ataiar. Mra. Ptad VaaOlaam. aarlBC far I < Mr. aa4 Mm H. M. Bark war* la an Hralap. la OrM. Mr*. O. r. Bare* waat to Bar CItr laa to Of T Mr. aM Mr«. WIIttMi Rmt ratarMi I Mr. Ma*. Ljraa R—lar of niat ^ a m tiMir biit a chtek^ B. T May R A. Rtowa of Oraad I tar. Mr* rraak Olaaiaad ■mwijt. Maaday afiar apaadlac a waafc with j W » h.iv«* just recfivftl a shipntcni ot new Rapid* oiteal WaBaaadar wltk Mr Mr aad Mr* Wai. C. Prow a. Ma> -n... Ti.kk»..»! “‘i*'»j “~rr-1 iTTLlIZ Mf« l» M H*adaraaa aad * 0*. Fd-| clocks-^ —(*»»me III anti< • to ar. apaat laal waab with tkr f«»rwi#r** | work 4 aau. kaa ka«a raamvad kla H H rkwM « MMM <,MI SMI- Mr .Irt Ml* r <■»■*•«* c.lt.^ _ ___ iwraata Mr aad Mra r K t'kapta. ^ koi' «> rmn Ik* baafdtal aad I* lai* dor Wtui kla paraaia. Mr aad Mr*.'to Obtn Wadaaadar ky tkr •*rtomm III- . Ml** f>ara imrnii w koM* fw C. B t'kaplB. aaaa af tka ksnaark laikar IJ^*'**^ ***** Mr. aad Mr* A C Valaatlaa aad I'lMl. I «taa. Mrraa aad Slawari Mr* W*rr*a lltural* w*at la Paw* Ml** Virlaa Batlar ratarwad itmt»r tHaary af ikiraad i» karr rtalUaa daaebtor, Oaiwl aad Vlalat. apml tka Walter Emiaoiis tkiortaki af Imraad aaaia BMaaim r Maaday la rMIt bar aiamm. Mm dar from bar kaan. lab* Vlaw «»,*ra ^bay war* la immMmm aaiarday latlar pan af laal waab la laa*la» far awd f'l Mirbi lai Maabaf. aba apaat bar opmm vaaailaa. Mr aad Mm M It liaaiar bar* m wNb Mp* Valaattaab BMibar Mr* laaOw*^Mm If N.^SarNik tm tmtf af II aaat aad uaaia, Mr awi lim WMm «u ill . -C

tail Manmre Spreaders ba proviaai, ftor this la Hw______, way for fowla to kstaa aai asC rM sf| B. KWBBI AND. n Is not so iMidi hkgl you ppy. buf wkgi you hoiy Ilea, and a tlkaral aetply of lo- Acrtealtiirlat aad Bruit Urawwr. •becco deet addod lo Uw bath will gO far ukst ysu psy. H mB dslg miinig tha If tlM mmomt of tim* ruMutrud to make It more aHactaal. wtadomof tbspurehaM. look aflor bow aueoooofully la eoa- ■ataraal panwlias ousy be prevaet- atdorod. IM pooportlMi to the rova««o EWE YOU ed by feedlac clasa food la eloaa dertvod, tbo ommi IndlMoraot muat placea, aupplylac aa aboadaace oc ragord boekeepiDg a very sound In- CATARRH? ^j'-Fj tgreens and pure spiing water. Qlre Is s shoe glvlm hiU vahit tor your monay. vootmeat. a doaa of epaom aalta oac^e per amath This Is a tan outing shoe as tNuatratad. 8 A Itegloner with bees would do impaired? Dc9m your throat In summer and every sixty daya la well to visit some tme who ktwps got htuky or clogged? tnchas htgb. with a baHows toagua winter; oftener when the fowls are lokaapoutthedirt. Thaslocklsour them and spend the day learning the Mcxlem actctice provet that ailing. The smcNint should be sc- ins and outs of their management —- eordlng to the uae of the ehlekens- spactsi re-tanned chroma laathar how to tell the queeoa. workers and these symptoms rrsult irem run that ie, adult fowls are given one- made for hard waar. wn health. Si’iiff j and vapors drones, aliout the opening of blvao third of a teespooaful each nilxeo Ask rear deslsr. ami handling of frames. Hut before ■re irritatinii ar.d ust less. You with their evaolng mash. A very lit­ TWIHCUm CTEEL frame on steel wheela—that buying any bees send for a hive and shouldbuiltTvouf }:c>n?rr.l health tle pemisngaaate of potash in the IlM ctani am mat study all Its parts. I'suaily been drinking water la also IteneAclal. hacm :mu is the lasting basis on which Inter­ the oil-ir 'd in Scott's H sSm. Bm»h an- bought hive and all, but frequent ­ I MirMi HmSmp. national manure spreaders are built. All ly the hive la not the right sort, and tmuUioir it& nourishing When run down with kidney trouble ast llM sksM. AS- ■iba*. bftbaw parts, including bcjx. boater, spreading the bees have to tie transferred. po‘.'.yrs will errich and enliven *sasOiSt-C- Hm La«4M« baekarhe. rheutuatlsm or bloddar Mm rrax— __ iiiechanisni, apron, arc built by experts. An outfit of five hives and all neceo- the blood, aid nutrition andas- weakness, turn quickly for help to Bo- _caMa MACvna sary tool, for starting can he bought ley Kidney Pills. You caaoot take HlkTH-KkAOag COMPAMT fukan usinK best materials, frcai carctul deigns similatinn * imlaM based on Held tests. for about $11. A good, select, tested check the inflammation and them into your syaCem without baring ■a CaOaaa queen, suitable for starting with, will good resulu. Chna. N. Fox. Hfmrod, N. ra. bWtitea Every detail is strong and durable, built cost IS. Start with a one frame nu ­ heal the sensitive membranes Y.. saya: “Bolay Kidney Pills hare ntuu for long life and oeee of draft. Ainonc ttie cleus in each hive, which, if proper ­ which are aflected. done me more good than 1160.00 worth Bkb Htaavea features that will infrust you are three: Simple ly managed, will make strong eokm- Scott's Emmimcm CaMaataaa urotected bee ter driving mrciiaiiuin, all of aterl; of madlclne.* ’ They give you good re- cuiiNAL tm load earned on rear axle, imunne tractiou; revefsible les by fall. These will coet 12 each. will raise your aulta. VanBlekle A Ulnaple. Ol aaS Cm lagMM gSTwrlaat gear and worm; km, aaaily loadetl boi. with ample Boos BiMBy Hgitai, oSMMW d of health cleareoee uniieraeath: end gate. {>re\eutingoloigiiig I.ocatloa is not Important. The to correct catarrh. of beater while tlriving to the field: etc. town or village dweller will And the All atrlea are in the I H C spreader line, high and rear of the lot the beat place. The mniifiM! om smiB low, endless and reverse apron, and vaiious aiaes ground about the hives should be mmd immi mm SCOTT*S for email and large farm*. Our catalogues will tell kept smooth and the grass mown. VI'SK .tIB m ESSST TO MMAW you more. Wnie for them au-l let ui tell yoaaiao Never keep beea near the highway, or where you may see 1 H C iiuki.«ire tpteadars. lawsuits may result from bee atlttgs. Too much shade Is as bad for bees aa CODIMIIC TMP FROr. A. A. IMIHLA.SI), Fertilizer hlenmlmd Hnrmter Cospnxy of Anieriai too little. Strike a happy medium, Jl nRIIMU INRl rnlversity of Vermont. flanrsatalai) and if the hives are exposed to strong winds build a wind-break of some Ventilation Is necessary for several FaroMirM —Don't waste your time anti MfeE kind to protect them. THE EABLT NPBATBB EATEBEN ' reasons. First, fresh air Is essential I to combustion of food In the body aa money tryinjj lo grow crops without the Uee.x are divided into two rlaases- THE HOBHH. jit is to the combustion of fuel in a worfcers and drones. The Italians are • funiM-e; second, poor ventilation re- use of' a high gratle fertilizer, such as the most proAtable and the easieot to I suits In enormous increase of bacter- f a e.a e^w^e^e^e—»#♦#•——e—e-^e—e—e-^e-»e—e—< handle, being very gentle. The Ital­ P. K. KDWAIllia. iia in stable air; third* high tempera­ ian worker bee has a distinguishing As spra)iDg is a preventive, the ture and humid atmosphere accom ­ Swift’s • NEWS i-hararterlstlc namely, three yellow sprayer should alwa>s be forehandad. panying insufflclent ventilation are i OF bands. The workers make all the Fruit trees should tie sprayed with condiirtve to disease in animals. i I have si>Id this brand for seventl ♦ THE FARMER CLUBS honey and usually work themaelves lime and sulphur for San Joae scale The King system of ventilation Is. to death in three months, while the while the trees an- dormant, and the the best yet devised for stables. It ' years it has given gtMMl sutasfaction, try^ f Seetlmrs ef the rariena Farmert* OtVMnlutfl"**** thmugheat reuaty. drones lives even a shorter time. The e mixture may be Itought all prepared. consisis of two seta of flues, one pro ­ some on your oats or corn. Ytiii can e—e—e—e^e—e—e—‘W—e—e—e-*»e^e'ae—»< queen often lives four or rtve yesrs. Karly in the spring, before the buds viding for Intake of fresh air. Tlie l as she does very llllle outdoor work. start, the apple, cherry, quince and Intake flues should be small, each buy one sack or any number. I also have ►Tver) swarm has a queen. whas<- jtear trees should be sprayed for having fifty square Inches of croos on liand a big dock of No. I vitrifmd must be followed. Crops mua( be duty consists In laying eggs for •M^ab. coddling moth, hud iitoth, cank- section surface and should In - ntimer- ^ ihwttn tih at low prieoa. KW LIFE Foil OLD SOIL grown In rotation, the moisture con ­ hatching future workers and drones, erwomi, tent cater|»illar and aphis. oua to provide for even distribution tent of the soil regulated, proper til­ and a healthy queen will lay during The moths, cankcrworina and cater­ of fresh air. also l>e jtlaced about ten lage pra< tlced, the soil kept nweet. her Ilfe-tltre from SstO.rtoo to 1,200.000 pillars are rbewlng inseeta and are to twelve feet apart and located In NBltKS SAMTHEN WOBk WO^. the stippl) of phoephorus and potas ­ eggs. Hwarming Is generally the re­ desir»»yeoiM>n. so uae u copper sulphal** lower end of the flue should open to nKHM. soli kept up. These factors all play but hy using large hives this will be emulsion. A sharji lookout muat be John F. Pzurr outside air near level of the sUble an Important part In keeping a soli In u measure preventetl. kept for borers. These little peats door, and the upper end should open Both productive, but they are not mor« Ilees must be able to find plenty of cannot be sprayed, but muat be dug 14S St Jtfkm, Mick, W. M. STKVE.N80.V, lo Inside of stable near ceiling. This itn|>ortant than green manuring. honey bearing jilants in order to jiro- out with a knife or jtointed win-. inside ojieoing is fitted with a shut­ Any crops grown and plowed under Peer Hells Kspertally hsmHMed, duce honey. The hasswofal ranks next .Moreover, If left to their own devices ter or register to control Inflow of green to locrraae the productive ra­ In general green manures are bene- to alfalfa, sage and while clover as they will destroy the trees in a roni- air. Flues may be cxinstructed of pacity of the !M>iI are called green ma­ ticial when used on |»oor soils because the best honey prtKlucer. Iluckwh«*at luirattrely shon time. galvanized iron or of two thicknesses 35 w 2 nure crops. Soiiietiinew such crops of Uielr action on the physical, rheni- and all kinds of flowers supply bees Hush fruits and vines also ha%'e of luml>er. with tar felt paper be­ occupy the land for only a part of the leal and bacteiiologleal conditions of with honey making material. An av­ their enemies and must be sprayed. tween. owaeoa They are then known ns the soil. From the ph.^wlcal side green erage of jHiunds of honey per hive The gooseberr> is attacked by mildew- Foal Air Floes. “cover" rroph or "rntch" croiw manurex influence the moisture, tem­ can Im- counf*'d on In g»»od aeasons. leaf blight and worm* and should bn Foul air flues .-^boiild have the low ­ perature .uid aeration of soils. For ex­ si>ray**> or ­ the leaves, where the eggs of the cur­ floor, should l»e twenty-five feet high One or two ruffles placed at the htp Vent rapid drying nut by reducing the rant womi are laid. An excellent and have the u|>|N*r opening not Iras • TTNir EBFirTB. • line are very effective, as also ara ganic matter to the noil, which is loxses of mnistur*- due to eva|*oratlon graduall> i*onvrnet| into humus, an BII00DIN6 dHCIS spray is made by ii-ing Hordeaux mix- than two or three feet above the yoke effects with a godet flounce. and i>«-iTolation. and further make the tun- in the proi)ortlon of one gallon ridge ol the roof. They should be few • • The panler idea Is coming rapidly absolutely essential constituent of soil more compa have of Monbiaux to fifty gallons of water, in nup ’ber and large in size as com ­ •••••••••••••••••• to the front. In some tnsCancea. tba the soil. t)f couraa- humus may b« just the opt oslte effect* on heavy clay A HTART IH HALF THE Herured h> appl>inK liarnyurd man­ to whirh is added half a jmund of pared with the intiiki flues. Thes«> Novel tunic effects are particularly panler is finished off with a sash to soils. h*-re the organic matter n|»ens H1TTLF. parts green to 160 gallons of the Hor- outtak«* flues !i>a) t>e loi*ate<| where desirable In separate skirts. Most of give the "full back” idea. ure, but as M rule then* is not enough up the soil and admits air. of this material to meet the n«-«*ds of deuux mixture, and this can also be most convenient, although if hut one these are made with a flare, to give The pr.ictierry bushes should Is- gone renter of the -table. Foul air flues these tunics have a imx pleat In the take .ndvice and wise enough not to ing th« harvest of a -mull grain crop from wxartng out. s»» other practices Th« br liad. a^ it causes the l«>ss of jKvrfton of a chicks' life from the time and gallcfl canes cut nut: then spray light In eonzirurtloii and nonconduc ­ .Some are pleated, while others are ••Ither. large amo.iiits of utlrngen by perco­ it is hatcheil until it is fealhenii ami with <-o|i|ter sulphati- solution. The tor- of heat and cold Like intake lation These loofes ma> Im- pr»-vented grajM-vine- should be prunt'd early flue*, they may be made of two fhlck- .11 .1 large measure h\ growing ereen ready for th) colony bouse and is a most Imjsirtant and vital pericsl, for and -pniyed with copper sulphate so ­ ne*x< — i.-f lumber with heavy grad*. manur* crop- on the land. esjxTlally lution for mildew and leaf blight, and €>f tar felt |Ni|>er between. Halvanirtil i- fhi- in* of legiitr.innvs cn>ps, then ix laid the foundation of the fu­ ture for wi»r’ - .idd i»arls green as given Inm Is often useq for lining, hut In wiiich stlmdnte greater bacterial ac- above eold climates moisture In the .nlr con ­ tieij. ami as a re ult larger amounts There .ire two ii.eihtxis «*f itroisling the natural, in which the hen suft- Hhal Kind «f a Hprayrr to Haj. dense- on Inside of flues and drops of avnllahle plant fno. town and village, so then- Is no flop drafts, kept clean an«l :^i)my*d exriisc in these nxslern days for al­ this upper redsler may l>« o|>ene«l -wfet chtver. criruson elover. I'.'vnada I'ermlltlng e-cess heat to escape If Make Poor Bread field J ens, rov^peas. so\ benns and lliterally with a gissl liquid lice killer, lowing lns«-<-ts to get the t»est of tli«- tir. b»-H< r still, jsiultry disinfectant. situation. In buying a sjirnyer one the stable becoo'es loo warm. To vetch**s are the l> s;t known legumex work well the Klnc -v-fe- requires for this purpose. Then, izlveii thi- jiniper feed, the hen j should have dmnitely in mind for Hut tlial Is mil iifCfss.trilv i!u: fault of win lio th« reMt. jjiisf what jiitrpose it is to be used. P'ur the wnllx and eelllnr- of s'ables to be The -i-cret of keejung our gardenx practically .ilr tight and non-conduc ­ and hi*-ld* fertile |r to plow deep, and .Vrtiflilal l>r*sKi»-r- have tw-- jiarts t •‘xumjilf. If there are only fruit busb­ the* mok. morr oft»*n it is iht* f:iult of ihr .1 hover which Is v«ar:r«>4t ,ind lup- ies .iiid grajvevlne- a knapsack sprayer tor- rf heat .md cold. The eost of in ­ if Ufuu'wwurv sul»soll. ciititvate fh<*r- 'has ti:any gno«i jsiints. espeically thi- stalling a venlllaflon system Is not m.itfri.iis slif is using (livr a good oiighl' unti jilant leguminous crops |.ll - tb- heat to the cMck«, and a niirx*rv it exercising room. In I i-otiipre--.-d air one-. They hold about grejii considering lh« beneflts dcr1v«d cook lilt: bfsl ol in;il<* i;ils to us»* ;ind rfiack Avoiil bot ­ ! dwarf nr dw.irf variety the itraM Tube Rose Flour insures Good Bread. 8 om» i>«opp- rush through their tom lit SI. which I I'.ses leg iroub'e- tank -spravir on two wheel- will fhlldren’x llUease* Yen l*revaleiit. iiiK.nda'. luttrlie., others order a Ibiv thi firo'der jdentv large and do answir. a- If is eas.v to get about Whooping cough I- about every- IJ Fur ■'ale hj F. H. \ redenharg. I»rg< c ij) of ctxM oinie t.n- croud tl'.e chicks. Keep It sUeet both in fb< garden and orchanl of wher* 'l»‘asle- and scarlet fever al- • iiid lb e .lud cover the floor with coiirsi for th* owner of an acre or mo*l as bad. r*c bNde>'s Honey A Tar ....d or flu- ' ho;.t-.| alfalfa or lover. n on- of fruit thi- |>nw.*r spray -r i'omroiind Ht Inflamed throats and Ovid Roller Mills H iitrh Itie rrni|*eratMre. iiltnwfl Ui . I' n<''«l**»l • Diighlnr >'rs I. <". H« tier, Hrand Ovifl. Mtrhigsn p* mt n isdi-r *h- imvi r island. V-br,. sjtys "Mv three chil­ rUIW tb* tir-'! -.Xeel. llOilld lie !si dren had aeveri attack- of whooping ' ^r- tb n gniil"all> reil- * cough and a ver.v few doses of Fo ey's *• t mil It r«-«f bes =1 rlf'tiend on the IaP>|i in a POOLTBT PWMSITE fb r. ke*-ti It w#-II fllbsl with a • lean •■ner nd 've|| triTrei' l wteV Ifavi H gcHvI testofi fherniometer. tl.lW \ AKrEHHIT^. leke H e fre jM-rattire from near th>* Poor, vvnifhing carefullv, for over- I HI. 1*A\MIKUT. hf atlng or r hilling chirks are equally dl»a»*r». and ahov. all follow the l*oulfr> Inetriictor H I Stale t'ollege dlrri tb-ns that come with the brooder rnrasites are miiiiili organisms After the first we.-k or two chlek- which Itv* u|)on animals and plants ♦oav be albiuetl to run altout In .i with no apjiarent benefit to those all outdoor ynnl when the weather from which they rob their sustenance ♦s riertr and mild, provided thev can I'ouUrv i.arastfes are a menace to nlwavs re*--rvi easily to the hover su<-< ess, and if any gotvl thing e.-in be when they f*-e| cold When the weath­ raid of them It Is they compel poul ­ er i« bad conAnc fhem to the nur«erv try kee|M>rs to clean up frequently. --d Indttf e ex -rrlso by sratfering ' There are alMxtit thirty varitles of Ipe creln among the litter. external jisraaltes that live on domes ­ Tit c'l-'tlon ef brooding large col- tic iwultry The major juirf of these rr' V of enverni hitrtdred chicks In a lice ar»- found on the liodles of fowls. Frapant— sfiall re«v»u or house iiv the use of furk«-)x, ducks, g eese or guineas and , brt* s'-r .love* ti^j .attracted much xiilsiai on the srasie skin, moistur* f 't M ’ 'ejv Tfi -?,- small coal or from the niwtrlls and vent, also Mood Mellow —Fresh -Cod- oil 1 if:-,!— with l.irre cone from pin feathers. They not only In- *h d • I ; hea' d«-?t.e|,.r« have luvi a lilrd's pitimti age. but tnake [\ Smooth —Mild. • ■ • 1 fnr -enf,^ \r-»rs IP t'allfor- the?-' ver> uncomfortable and often You Can o I- ' pdc ''•dl'. 'P-- gr»'e* laf or utisek newlv hatche«t chicken- and So delightfully satisfying in so 1- • - t. t'-« nt ♦’rfM.fJrr ' ' ;lf'^. f-'stenlng ft* dve« on th- ■c ». - r ( p •»■<. t Hftfl t o «'f the head and rcrralning ihr" many ways. bneV^ r • , H- c.-fpr-' ef - t< lie theri Ie sut !!f»- or bb rl • . is . “ , *1 ;.,,*t *bl< -lOV. -• *1. 'T 1. the* Convenient Packages: The Handy Maif-Size ^ I ifi »' e..r„> iri' I .'<*x l ighting Ihe l•arax^lex. CentI Tin, the Full-Size lO-Cant Tin, tK« Pound and HalLPoumf t - If. ■ > » l»e ‘itb- JSTAG Tin Hunoidofx anJ tse Pound (iilatt Humidor. '■1 , X I'fst soil fired emen. In •Mtt lUt*, J »»r ••Pm sums.

•Pm Wrtetf.* 5TA£ :.i rtl! flc? rsc fbr PIpa xofe^srstts iti f wt j,s.V' •J'-' “ •■ ■ ■ -1- .,1 WllU ■ I.* ’ 1. • .'n«r n * s« !*• ar* ••w.' '.w* A»«e(* Ss# SAL. Vt 7 m eAm ' r 'tb. ■ ’• itvec! f» *11 • nc ■. ■- r--. ■ , . EVCR-LASTIMS-LY GOOD' f I ;S-t ssnd k-,.= I-. nfMvr. , ,rh ■ t nolnlas I»ru*bed from the tr.*! fh- c.. — live* B«Mt SMe 'V Ing watAtial ratvewsd often Hunt’s Drug Sfatret iraib- Hettef or irmiev haeli I Th# saiirr Interior of th# h*wii. and $1 as ll«WMnaiaa4a VaaMir- and all of the flstur## shouM h# ST. JOHNS Dcwirr ,h)e s filaapia aad Tiavts Oa |spraT#d #v#r> sprtag aad fall wHh fliiaili m


a e W m ▼. a ntialitofc aai OMto. to Are you ready for Easter? M 7:» Im tlw r. nmm wm om

mk wttl Has * «ai to mmm.

S. itM. tto 1. toalteoa a tor to tto wltli TT is with pritte that we ^low by tar the largest and most beautiful Hne of Ready- to-wear Garments ever ^wn. Jaunty Short Coats, graceful tailored Suits and Mr. aad to. JUttr » to beautiful IDresses in a wide assortment of colors, weaves and styles, We heatate

. a Lift.** la aixnjt quoting prices untM you have personafly inspected this line i^ikh has been to 1 ■TO Arator Ttoa to a'fclaial mtac.* rapidly growing in our store. You must see thex garments to appreciate them. Tytar: pM>«r. to Tto 'btiny baaa** to lOTPto to •‘■too to aaals to Mm «d Croak At They are the very latest and best lines that we can fod in New Yoric City. toBotawof tto Tto M. B. AM nMt wtth Mra. totolf to tto to Orta Rlhor to totnoMon^

«IU ba wtUi Mm. Dtoai ^'^f^Jna^ ’^BtokNMiito^daaihter. Hyr- Mar TUI. I BO. wore tto pnooia to Mr. aad Mrs. | Made by the Gramdrat Clonk Cou who bnee Iwaph Wllllain Ryaa was bora la iA. H. Bntlor. la St Johao. Bool up4o-Uio-uiinttto Spring nod HumnMr dreoa- eo of oMUiy brautiful fitbrion on^ na Huaunor Silka, bad tto haat ibowing at tto Stylo Stow at Hmr laaballr ooaaty. MIob.. May IJtb. IWi. Coyto Slator waa la 8t John» Bun- York for the poet two MMonn Tto Gonib are nil ato topartad tMs llfr aotoMily Mar Hatnrdny we will Mmw a line to day. Bfconnlinoa, Hntin, Hilk and Wool ('rofra and Hargen. 3*4 langhta in n rnriaty of Popt^ Gotom. BOto, iria. ItU. at tto aa» to 19 yaara, 10 L. L. Hatllnp- woat to 8t. Johao Kveiy conceivable ohadr and color to' Blue, Tango, • trimmed H um that ratail at from 16 ■oaMw and 1€ dan- > Tttooday to tato up hla duUoo aa Juror. Hotgee and Bioendod matbrialb trimmad nttmetiveiy Ha Hrad arlUt hla paraou la laaballa and Brown. Homr quiet and conmrvntivc, otkarn are to $7. Watek for onr window dii|dny. Mloa Royal Wiipht roUiraod to bar YouTI have to eome at oner to get and made with the idea of wnriee aa wall aa iMle. aoaaty uatJl atoat two yaara aeo. 'Ha fboaic in'Malltoa FMfay nftor opood- uiade up with the Peg-Top akirt and Draped Rfletoa. We’ve already nttitoied a boat of partionlar laoiea. aaa a youac naa to poad haMta aad 'lap a wook orlth rotatlvoa horc. All are verv atvliah and woitk more than froni vonr cboioe at from fiaat aaibltloa. Ha waa a aiaeibar to Nate Bllo to St Johnii was ta towa Prioea range from too “Alpby" Waaday arbool elaaa aad OB baolaooo aororal day* loot wooh. (to OhtisUaa todaarnr aoalaly to tto Mrn. KHty Rllla. accompaalod by IS to $15 $7J0 to $18 (totatlan ohoreh aad took aa aetlra the Mlaooo Bonuce aad Boulah Paya« part wbon praaaat. Ttoa to sara «af* iof m. Johao wore pueou to (tloado draaa to hla dtota tor a baltar Ufa. Ha boro Friday nlsht- waa ainictad from pblltoiood wtth a Tto MIoaoo Kate Plorcc. Vera Cum- aoadltloo which oauaod bla auddao borworth. Oladyo Allen aad Jeaale daalli. By bin daparturr bla paraata l*lerce attended the dnacc here Fri­ iaaa loat an obcdlaat aoa. tto rrmala- day nlpbt. tos ohlldran a loatac brotbar, tba (•ten Vaattickle cam** home PYlday , "Alpba" rlaaa a llak from tbclr chain evenlnic to iipflad bla vacation with hlvi ------(to C, E. Boclaty a faithful mambar. *^f^**- •“** **^ !*. dinner at noon aad an iater- (vtslUag rolntlros ta this vtatalty tor Ha laavca to mourn tbalr loaa a 1 Mi^ Lyman Jon« ^ ' catlap propram and pood Ume In the brattor. mother, atx brotharr aad oac laome thne will retora to her booM ta ovar Boaday. alatar. bcaldea other frienda and rcia* wnl ‘oOo™®** *»« **« order of tto day. E4L estah ; P For Ssile Bk Rapds this weak. The hiattary opi aad agaia tin W lnana. n«r l*ernnton , Kverybody in Maple Raplda and aur- The UaloB Workon will boll Butor day wtth the nsnal toraa to toaa. daya laat week. country are urped to come T%e funeral aanrlce* wen* at the lexerclaeo at the church Sunday evaa* V. D. Slnasar mto i Ben Moaa ca^ from Ann ^rW weB-niled lunch baaketa and 'tag. Rveryoae iarttod. talalag frtanda from Mt. Ph touae Wednea da y mornlna. conducted j^dav to VT "’i.^ n MoaT ”**'• 5dudp«- hatre a prand pood Ezdhaurag® bp the Re%'. J, Wealey Yantla The TIAPfSfOS Mra. Rasa Ivoa apoat the laat to the 11 Moaa. a d | Ume. Remember t)dd Fellowa hall. week with relatlvoa la*LaaalBg. bady wax taken to laabella county for He wa* accompanied by a trlcnd Sttceeas la otoraly a m laierment home la In Montana. ti'aiuraB>.______PAMm. lag your expoiienee for The Mtaaei* Marie Roberts and tJeorpe I* llelas to Daniel Howe. ^ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ Va of lots and 8, bik. U. St. Jofana. poid for It. lla»»« 1 Anderaon of the M. A. C. lllanchc Ttaiulolrh vUI'x*! (he school in If you pot buay 1 have a few ftae fractional diatrict No. 4. Bouth f^iltoo. ♦ ♦ 81. propoalUons in farms that I can aoU apant tiia varatioa anth relatlrea and ♦ VKRLE RBAI’H. ♦ M'alter S. Pritton to William H. friends In this vlllaae and vicinity. Friday afternoon. to five poaaanaton thta spring, enay A womoa ’o clocheo aro ganstnlly Or. Frank role and brother, ("haa. ♦ ♦ Stewart aad wife, ne ^ of aw ^ of terms. On some to them would take her mlad evoa whan they avo oa 1 Mrn. Snrnh J. Boyle and Mrn. Kd> aec. 24. Twp. of htoez. except 2 acroa L. word W. PVhlina attended the funeral of Ann .\rhor are vlaltlnp their par ______St. Johns city property in exehaags. back. to Mrs. Janies Boyle in St. Johns laat enta, Mr. and Mra. U. A. rol«. and out of ne cor. 2u rda by 18, $3,000. Have a poMnda>. other relatives for a week. , Mra .Morley HIlBunl. who has been Theodore illchantoM to Sarah rood, dolnp large bualneea, Inclndoa lUrhardaon. lota 1 and 2. bIk 17. Vll* tiulldlnga. owner wlataee to retire. Will Mrs. J. (Irubaugh was a Pompeii lone Slater returned .Saturday from Mr. and Mi>. Frank Roberts of Ks 'iiattlnp at the home of 1.^ HIsaell has vtaitur laat weak. I sex were puests of Mr. and Mrs J. I*. , returned to her home In i.anainp tape of Bath, $1. sell stock or all. and would take good Charles H. McKoberta to Dora farm in exchange. D. ('.ampball aad Colin Campball Roberts. Monday. Hem an Vanl>yke. who has been were Aakley vlsltoro on Tuaadny laat. ••wwwwooowoooowwwwoooowwww (Jeorpe Fox and daiirliter Vera. Mls*» very ill Is Improvlnp. .Wrtsely, tieplnninp at cor post of sw City property all stxee and prlcee • • cor. of section 24. Twp. of Watertown for tale and exchange. B. H. Staara aad family have movad War, Mollle M'ebster. I* H. Fease .ind <’arl Ixiomls Is Just rei-overinp from tato the Adam Stlnebower house In dauphter. Allle. took dinner Thurs- the mumps. riinnlop e Sg rds. n llu 36-58 rdt. w rds. s to place of beirinainp ex. 40 the east part of town. day with Mr and Mrs. Isaa« Donald-* (Mlflon Plowman spent Bunda> In Dr. Kupenc Hart of St. Johna waa son It was Miss Pease’s birthday. Ijinainp. rds. deeded to Detroit, laioainp and /«er' .Vorthern K. R.. 82800. In town on profeaaional buatneaa Sun ­ i Place this i A M, VanderhofT and wife havo Mrs. Amos I*almer is on th«- sick Hat day. • • mov.-d Into the I. F.. Hewitt property W’m Haron who has been seriously .Myrtelle Moore Cana van to (ieorpe Po Ho Eoydi • o II. WHkina, w 30 acres of w of ee Ashler Latbrop moved the barn on t»ak street l»r. and Mrs R H. lll Is somewhat better. Over State Bank. St. Johns. Mich. which be bought of John McNaugbtoo .‘^ant'crn are at Mr Hewitt’s for a Mr. and Mrs. (’has I»ean sjiem Sat­ V, of sec. 7. Twp. of Olive. 82000. : under your hub • Annie K. Parks to I.4ena M. Moure, (Tnlon l*honc 149—Farmers* Phone 6V across the road onto bis own lot last time urday In Forest Hill. week. The Misses Lrace .and le^ma Hoer- It. I*almer and Arthur Shultz s|»ent lot 25 bik 120 of Walker A Steel's aub-dtv. of land n of R. R.. St. Johns, M. J. Horton is on the pain this ner spent a i>ortlon of the iwst week Sunday at Amos Palmers, week and able to alt up for a few with relatives In Fowler. Mrs Kdna Davis of Detroit si^mt 81. Charles K. 'lerberich to Phillip BUY A HOME hours each day. Mrs. VVm Dwell of RIverdale haa Friilay at the home of Miss Hazel Lew Murray haa been home thia been liaslsttnr the oast week In caHnp PueU. Rtaub and wife, w of tie ^ of sec. 19. Twp. of Olive. 81. week from Indiana looklnp after his for her irother. Mrs L 8. Aldrich., f^Vank Ilaumpartner lost a valuable NOW!» ' farminp tatereato here. who is quite m. Jwt weak, •lohn F. Skinner to John Ferpuson and wife, w >>9 of se t4 of sec. 22, Twp K. A. Chisholm and M. Wtrebouph j Mrs. <4arruel Klnnev of St Johns 'The larpest Hock of wild pees** that of Ashley were business visitors 'visited her daiirhter. Mrs. Martin Rob- has t»een seen for several years was of Ksmx . 81. NO 2 Six-room house with pood col ­ here on Saturday. Inson. seversi days the past week. on the Merle Beach lake Monday. Kllen R. Sexton to Charles Pree- lar and cistern, dty water, east part Stake on Mias Isyynes of Owosso has bean April 18. 1914. the Fowler athletic There were about forty in number. ton and wife, lot 12. bik. 3. Cobb, Ran­ of city. Price 81100. dall A Wooll's add.. RIsle. 875. spendinp the week at the borne of Miss association, aeslsted by local talent the moat of them belnp pure white. NO 7 —Seven-room house with pood Corn Donaldson. will present the play ’The T>auphter Date Darltnp of loinslnp came to kMward Heeb to Victor Polchot. w cistern and cement cellar, electric H of ne M of ser. 27, Twp. of I>eVVltt, Jno. Addison has moved from Ithaca of the lisaerT” under the auspices of spend the aummer with Phas I>eap at llphts aad 4 iota. Price $1700. onto his farni near thia place. a Steak the Maple ItapMs band. the Merle Peach house. 81. .No. to —Six room house wtth cellar Wells .'iheldon to Peojainln B. F. E. (lalehouse and family have Prank .\ndersoo. who has been In riayton Plowman Is on the s4rk Hat. and cistern. City water. Price 862.'., moved onto the farm which be pur- rallfornia. since January, returne*! Arthur PHzzard. who has been ser. .Smith and wife, lota 11 and 22. bik 4, SO 14—Lot 55 fl. by 170 ft with 6 chaaed of Myron Hayes. home recently. Iniialy III la improvlnp. Hurd A Sickles aub-dlv. of out lota room house, cement cellar, small barn. H. H. Steers and family are enter- every time aa being the “beat Supervisor Wm. C. Slckela was in Arthur ftunner of lainslnr v|ape«l “t;” and "H”, SI. Johnv. $1. .Not far from central school Price talninp relatives from Montana this Penpal on buslneas Wednesday ol at James Util’* Sunday. William H. Snelllnp et al. to Mar­ 81200. week. Bubatltute for roal tood ” that laat week Markis DarHnp spent Monday in tha J. Sneiltnp. com 46 rda e of aw cor NO 20-3 3-4 acroa to ground with Mrs. F. C. Peek entertainad her a human batag oan gal. of aec. 11, rnaninp thence n 12 rds. foiriy pood house and good born, also Mrs Pearl Tounjflove who reatdes - DeWttt and I.«nstnp. brother from Royal Oak laat waak. There Is aMirc nomiahmant near 8t Johns ia oaalsUnp Mrs. R A. Miss Muller apent Friday with her thence e 4 rds and 2 ft. thence a 13 good collar and well. Price $1200. Porn to Claude Whitman aad wlto la oas to o«r taodor ataaha lu her dr iiuaklnp brothe#. Arthur Muller. rds. thence w 4 nin and 3 ft.. Villape NO IS—A 9-room house with a pood on Sunday. April 5. 1914. a daughter. ROBINSCN’:i Mias I*eta Benedict returned to her Don't forpet the maaquerade dance of Blale. $1. cellar and cistern. Small bam. About (leorgc Krom aad Mart F. Lawla than ta aay othor article to arheol work at Corunna Sunday after at the Merle Reach house Friday, Apr. Theodore Jorae to Charles Bonier one-half acre of land aad aonae fruit. 3 were Aakley vtaitors laat waak. food, bat than all oar Moata aad wife, ae M to ne H of ser 11 aad blocks from high achool. Price 81600. ja week’s vacation. 110 w ^ Mr. aad Mro. Bert Ollbert returned are of the boat qaallly aai Floyd anJ Arthur J. Crook were to Mrs. Win. Prorson is on the a4ck Hat a H of aw 14 of ser. IS. Twp. of Olive. No 31—A Mcdern hooae. steam heat, j EhsyLiftJacks from Liverlng on Thuroday. plaaae the moat partleatar iHrnnd Rapids Monday. j Mrs. H. Plowman haa been on the 83000. bath complete Flalsh In oak. down Mra. Roaaall Burfford haa baaa oa Mro E. B. Pllkinton and dauphter. sick Hat but is Improvtap- John Claaeic to John Bower aad ntalra. Hardwood Soors. For quick the sick Hat the paat waak. eacaro. We oatar to botala. aave more time and Urws iManrary roturwad Tuaaday from vis ' Donald Hill started In achool tor the wife, e V4 to nw 14 of ser 1, and ee sale. 83.060. Jaaac Murray aad wife have moved oafaa aad faaxlHaa. Wall gat 14 of ne 14 to nor. 2. ’Twp to Baple. Also have many moro tor sale. If than any oCtor jack niaAe lltlac her parenta at toke ddessa first Monday. „ . onto the H. Burltaaaine farm north to year rognlar trade after aaa Bold on a puarnntee to pirans T Tto Pajmo cemetery aanoriatlon will There will be a play at the Wond- fl you are loaktag for a farm I tklak I town. you or your money back. Pbr ' maat with (1. C. Mmtalebury Wodaes- man hall at Ftoreat Hill April IS, sn- Flora K. Hoot to Frod F. Hnm- could salt you aa I bars a large Hat to trial. toT AprtI IS. Ifl4. ter an all-toy * titled. ’’Mr. Tompkto a HtrmI Mnii " I nmnd. aw 14 of ne 14 to aoc 16. Twp to T. J. Johaaon to Port Huron wan a demonatrntloo call Uulon pick frooL Also have aoam moaoy to businaaa vlattor bars on Thuroday. ptone throe o live. I letolnp. Tto rogninr date was otonc- ——------OMve loon on pood farm J. H. Dtegman to Mt. Planaaat waa ad on neconat to tto ItoBtar bnnqnat at, Tou are paid for what you do aad Wllltam Bond to Ghrtaltana Wool- ta town oa bnalaaaa Wadaaaday. C E. A BUNGE. Ast i MIddloloa. A^l 11. I ®to what y«« tor pot to do. ley. Into 4 aad 5. to ▼nneonaant add., Wm. Patarasll to Aahicy waa a flatofdaj. Aptot 11. Rov. R Hwdpal ------~’ Pt. Johaa. tlNO laaaa callar hero oa Thnraday. ar. jnmx: wcmcan . will ha to maw to ape and oa that I We all have to pay tor our exper-1 H. C CLARK Mra. Wlibnr Mratlaa tow a hip tttao to totop plaaaod to lenoe. but moet to ua want to hoy It ta ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦A frlaada fltaa Aahlay laat woah. >Mp him uelakran hla iMythday. A'roiall qnoatitloa at ♦ ______♦ Bara to Starr Mvaaa aad wife oa ♦ 88m a—HJBH, BaEard ay. April Mh. a danghtar. ♦ ♦ Mra. A L. Laadl to Aahlay waa a oallar ta toma aa Tharadaj ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ Ufa. Parry Orahaagb aad aaa to I Mr. aad Mm. Oon. Parry are staytag i a tow days with Mr. and Mro. R. C. lA nw. ♦ ♦ ♦ MAXWELL $750 The chickea pie dtaaor that tka Ladlos ’ Aid OaalHy aorrod at tko We are ta giro I Ureoabwab ehareh oa eloetlon day waa Haorge Stoat haa beaght the tarta | • a dectdsd saeeoas. aa waa alao tke knoom aa the Oraadata gahaala plaae. A meotlag Foar now msmbeni Were ad- Vera Harte to Bath apaat laat weak I ♦ mittsd I at the home to bar aunt. Mro. Albert! j for Mrs. lisri Orsenwood sad Mrs Will Lsgler. • 41 Pieem Dmmr Set Hefty fare a surprise supper laat Lucy Smith. Cecil Barnaa. MIhe aad 1 .Nellie McCarthy sre roportad oa tha | J Hat unday evening at tke hoata to Mro. Thaae eats aro rogntorly aoM for Dreenwond The snprlae sma for Jas. sick list sad Mro. Rnsaall coattnuea i o Dreeownod and Harry Hefty, It being mKraaat tl||A m We are maklap special on Ttaa and Oogasi Our boat James' birthday. Harry's birthday Jake. Magpie and Aaaa Kaafc wart. 4 was in a few day. so both birthdays Hunday pusate at the home to Mr. aad I • Japan Skipper Chop, roggtar Me. J were celebrated together. The T. M. Mro U D. Sprinpsteoa to Beat DeWIlt J Ic A met with the hoys, the suppar Mr* D. If. Rheubottem aad aaa who 4 >1 cutttag that * was servsd, after the meettap to the •peat laat week at tke heme to her‘ • Our coffee la the roanit to aatoatthr nMthoda to Y. M. C. A. class. Mrs Knpeae Jollsy dauphter. Mrs (Isorpo Bloat, retumad 1« elbntnaie all dust sad chaff aad yon gat aotataf but lataly Waicht 1660 was a visitor The hoys received some to their home In l*aaatag Boaday. 4 cards, also sowte presents Jerry Sprlapalaen ban Aaiahod his ^ I’ure Coffee There will be a warm sugar ilaarr )Ul WirtOMl ftMB tlUon. St the Probate Ollee la the CItP m ACftftft—(kMd house, lars* ban. fnrma u> trade for smell imts. asB • hows • to IS a. 1 of St. Johns. And It is futthor orior- but old. some fruit, on mala rood, very small OSes for larpe onea. In tHft to 6 p. m. UtoM PIMM No. 7. OoUS ed that notice be glvea to the psrooai beat of soil, lays level. Baey terms. anythlnc you may want In any taito Interested in said estate, of the tltos tlon you desire. Write us. and place of said bearlac. br eaaalOB D. D. ft a copy of this order to be published In DR. B C. LftVi The St John* News, a newspaper m Bt loltoo. IDnweir & SCinKselaunidl OB over Stoto printed and cirrulatlnc in said county PAl THOMAS MANN. D. D. 8. —OOc* ovor of Clinton, for three successive weeks Chapman's slors. prerioiis to saM day of hearlnc. (A true copy.) EBBRX. Arthur Shulti. r .97 ARTHCR (X)RBIN. Dsotlst —Oftc« st CHAR IAS M. MHRRllJ.. Conatables —Richard Cay, Harvey Onft the bsad of Cllntoo Avsnue. 3.Sw3 Jtidcc of I*robatc. Supervisor* W. C. Sk-keU. r...... I Id* ler. charlea Schafer, Alfred O opm * ATTORNKTH. NTATC OP HirHIHAIf. .1. M. Kolierts. i. -...... 194 all democrats ! Twenty-ninth Judirlsl Circuit, in , Clerk— i*ro|>usltlon to adopt Charter m* H. K Wslbrldae. D. W. Kelle>, j rhanccry. Suit pending In the Circuit ! K. O CsHerllne. r ...... ISI Highway l.aws. was carried as toK WALliRIDGK A KKIUA'Y, Attorney* I Court for County of Clinton. In Chsn*. J«»se|>h Hpton. «1...... 114 lows; Yes. 171; uo, 3k. St I.4IW, over Comer I>ru* Store, rery. at fhr City of St. Johns, on the ■ Tr»*asurer— I^mposltlon to grunt a franchiaa to Money to Loan. St Johns. MIeb. e^rrl day of March. A. I). 1914. Chas.| l.#on (!, WriKht. r...... 11»H r>4 the Clinton Telephone Co., resulted gg Walker, complslnsnt vs William Wal-. I. EARLE HROWN, Attorney at Law Kllzal>eth Blaclow. Ceorae Tuck* ; KImer Cplon. U...... 1^9 follows Yee, ITo; no, 34. ^ces over SUte Bank.^t^Johna Jsmes Tucker. Thomas Walker.; lilKhway Commissioner — ...... i'arrlc Walker. kUlward W. Walker, i Clayton Jones r ...... Ih:: OVID WIU. H. BBCN^h. Attorney at law Walker. David Walker. Jss. I David Hoak. d ...... • Total vole 129 ( Ht Johns. Mlch^______I Sophia McCaw, Alexander Me-1 Overseer ol Highways .Supervisor — McCaw. John McTaw. ■lohn S. Wright, r, ... 19-'- I.TON A MOINOT. Attorney st Ira J. hVishle. r. II Alice Wilcox. IJzsie Willett. Alexand* liouglax A Cole, d . ..— 119 St. Johns. Mich. Oilces In new I Chas H. .Misner, d. .— . er Walker. Manraret Walker. James Justice of Peace- Nstlonsl Bank Butidiuc- Clerk — Walker, John Walker, Samuel Walker, Noel 11 Allen, r ...... 192 Wm H. Hart, r. , 273.11i ■OBBT TO LllAlf. ___ (of San Francisco. Csllf.), IJsxie, Frank Roberts, d ...... il7 14k l*lckard. Samuel Walker (of Hudson.! Wm. H. White, d Member of Board of Review— Treasurer— MONEY TO I/)AN—On roortgacss se­ N. H.). Benjamin Walker. May Wal*. Herman E. Ward, r...... 1 52 ker and Andrew Ilettlncer. de- ' WIIHs J Johnson, r curity at reasonable rstss and on Kllphlet I*. MrClow. d. 131 J. Albert Baker, d. .— sstlifsctory terms st The State Bank fendants. | Conatables - In this cause It appeaiinit that the: Highway Cominlssioner — of St. Johns. Lnrge or small i(ep.ibHcan. as follows: William B. following named defendants are not i Harvey Sober, r.______amounta. Call and see us. J. W. Simonson, itichard A. Kentfleld. Aaron H. Kosht. d .— ,. 179 Ptncersld. Cashier. tf residents of this state, but reutde In the states named, as follows: —Wll* James Manning. IHek Findley. Overseer of Higbwayt — Ham Walker. In New Jersey: (ieorev Essex voted to return to the path- E H. Phelps, r ...... 274 -iU Tucker. In Indiana: David Walker. In master system. M4 to 56. Emerson Myrit k. d. .. 141 THE STATE BANK OF .Nebraska: Little Willett. In Ohio: Justice of Peace F. B. Carpenter, r. ... 246-114 ST. JOHNS James Walker. John Walker. Samuel QBEENBUSH. Walker (of SanFranclsco. Calif.) and Supervisor Frank (Juile. d ...... 152 m. ishm. HtahiBM. little Pickard, in : Samuer Edwin E. Hall, r...... 110—18 Member of Board of Review— CUmiBRCIAL AND SATINMIl. ___ , Walker (of Hudson, .N. H.), In New Edgar Burk, c ...... 92 Jgs. W. Woovlworth. r...... 281 -141 CAPITAL PAID IN FULL. tSO.OPO. | Hampshire; and Benjamin Walker. In Clerk— Robt. Hyslop. d ...... 136 F A. TRAVIS. President Maine; therefore, on motion of Lyon Constables — [tO M. tAICIXER. Vice President , ^ Moinet. solicitors for rompialnsni. Thomas J. Hoxle. r. .. All republican, .as follows: Frank A. J. W. FITZC.RRALD Cashier It Is ordered that said defendants en- ; Frank W. Somerville, r Marshall, John W Mentor. JaoMi ft A TALI.AIAIK2E Assisunt Cashier ter their several appearances In said ;___ Treasurer — Dean. Albert ('alkins. (teorge B latomla. r 105- lul ft A. TAL1.AIAIK2E Teller cause on or before four months from I- h'rank Marshall s name was not an Three per cent Interest paid on cer- Clerk— Herbert E. Hrubaugh, c. 95 i the date of this order and that within ton. Is holding) the premises deacrib-i ballot, but friends passed tllpa arouni tldcatefl of deposit and on savings twenty days* the ('oniplalnant cause m in said mortgage, or so much H. I>‘wla Ctoerge 221 Highway Commissioner — and succeeded In electing him wttk honk accounts. Drafts issued good on this order to he published In the !4t. TONNSHIP ELECnONS Treasurer— la*wis F. (tlls«>n, r. ____ thereof as may be necessary to i>ay out his knowledge —and they .are luiV' any pan of the Ttnlled States or Can ­ Johns .News, said publication to be the amount due on said mortgage, 167 Joseph R. Campbell, r BATM. August Hafner Ing some fun with him now ada and In the principal citlea of contlniievl once In each week for six with six per cent Interest, the at­ Highway Commissioner — Overseer of Htghw'ays Xuroite. Accounts of farmers, mer* w<*eks In surceaslon. torneys fe<‘ provided by law, and all .'iu|»erv|sor K Allen Smith, r. 35 i<*i; John Hufnagel ir manta or mechanics received on fav­ KELLY S HEARU j legal coats as covenanted therein. Alonzo \V»-bster r Wlllanl M. Livesay. c. ..83 12« --11 Overseer Hlghw.'iys- WntortawB. orable terms and every aceomoda-1 Circuit Judge, i the said premises being described In Mrrvin WVI.ster H Me mber of the North one- Watt L. C’.l.-e. r .... 127--33 I Juatire—• .loe M. Hoxle, c...... 76 aanking .Sui>erior faclIUlss for :uak- 220 erat. We print tho vote each man ffgl tag collections of all kinds ikdlcltors for ('omplalnant. 34w<{ half of the .North-West fractional one- Man* MrEimui «1 '.M I Chab. J. WUzel - Just lee of the Peace— and the majority of the winner omr Money loaned on approved securi- Treasurer - Member Board of Review Perry I. Bamaby. r .119 37 hu next highest t-ompetltor: rHA.NCRRY HALE. M2, the .North one-half of the .Northeast G ly V .N ipd r (s 7.: FTank Hufnagel J.ames R. Jefferys, c ... 82 Supervisor — ntBWf'wniMi *" I* ‘”^‘**"**'* •‘"‘I I’y virtue of an factional oiie-fourth. Section one in «•on^tablea- Constables ., , .. '** “**^»“" lord. r and decree of the Circuit Court Township six .North. Kang, two West. Charli's ''’tJulH. «1. John W Hunter, p .... 120— 34 ~ Brown. OUs Fuller, i for the County of Clinton. In Chancery .^tate of Michigan, IIIgh'-Mi.x c-'iumlssloner — Jasper Wager. Dr. Kmest Republican as follows: hVed Rua- Will Surumera, r ... 86 lO'J Scheiuer, Mathias Simon. sell. Cornelius Weatherbe. I'eter Clark Smith, d 28 w. Fitzgerald. H. B. Knseland. ; in the .'itate of Michigan, made and Dated January 14tb. 1914. Frank Dolton, r...... L. Thome. F, A. Trsvts date.] on the 2.td day of March. A D.. Davlil \V (ling -1. 120- IS Philo Parks 222 Hnnkey, Edward (inihaugh Clerk- TIIEKO.N SHAVER. The township voted to return to T Babcock. Dr. M, Weller |i9i4. In a certain cause therein Assignee of .>ald Mortgage. Just it «• Albert L Hart, p .107 — to C. B. (ilffela DEWITT. the riathmaster system. 116 yes. .'*9 no. I pending wherein Myrtle Fires is eoin- J C FI.Y.NN. Howard II. Pl»rre. r 101 Cbae. ()i>enlander. r _____ 84 plnlnant and Ixvvlsa J. Cross, Stephen! ... 117 —16 Su(»erv is«»r George F. Lowell, d ...... 40 Attorney for .vaslgnee of mortgag«*. Emmott CHse. d. . . 162 —83 Lebanon. GRAND TRUNK R. R. In. Thompson, Callle Thompson. Joah- Justice Mo All varanry * - rh*«*dore Ulchanisoii r Treasurer— Business address St. Johns. Mich. 79 .Sui*erv isw -- H. Earl S»ott. r Fernando M Plvgolt d. John Frnada. d ------37 wll) ma as fallewst Edmund D Williams d 79 Clerk Highway (Commissioner — i .NOTICE IS HEREBY (HVE.N that, PiilkRATi' (iHflFU. Aaron Co; kiln, r .. 117 17 Treasurer - t'harles 11. Howard, r 112—52 Theodore Stoll, p .... 78 local • ______7:56 a m. 'I shall sell at public auction, for i j^t ATE OF MICHIOA.N — County of Aaron Roby d. . . . 1(H' to the highest bidder, at the west Fred C. Tucker, r .. 161 'j2 Edmund J F'ttzpatrtck, d. .6^> Chas. a. Ingalls, r 71 Trains East frwai M. Jatas Clinton —as. Coiifitaid' •n Ftean.boat Expreaa • 8:47 a. m. j front door of the ('oiirt House. In the James C Itaiiney, d Treasurer— W. E. .Selton. d 88-4 [city of St. Johns. Clinton County. At a session of the Probate Court Rt>pu)di'.tn. ab follows George L Overseer of Highways* • 12:30 p. m. H giiwav Commissioner — hYe«| Ludwirk. r .... ' Michigan, said Court HouiW' being the i il*** County of t llnton holden at ilurirngton. Lina Woodman. Cleand- im -43 Chas. K. Ritter, p 91— 6 Detroit Limited • ...... 5:27 p. m. Kenton Brink, r. Heorge- Rower, d ...... or I Chapman, WIHard Sweet 97 Fred Klcopser, r 86 Local • ...... 7:03 i place of holding the Circuit Court for ! Probate Office in the City of Saint .Vdam J. Rupp, d . Highway Commissioner — * I said county, on Saturday, the ninth Johns, on .Monday, the JOlh day of Hath \ot»M| against the pathmaster Henry Bedlne. d 53 Tralas Weal freai ML Jeba OverserT of H ghways tleorxe Mcllnde. r...... 86 * day of May. A. D 1914. at ten o'clock March, in the year, one thousand, systftu 122 no. Y* yes. 153 7o Justice (full tarn;)— Grand Rapids I-imlted * 10:26 a. m Thomas St.minf1y. r. hYank Conley, d ...... 90— 1 In the forenoon, all of the following nine hundred and fourteen. Knight Van Fl**et. d. h.3 Justice of the Pe.ace (Full Term) — EMwmrd Knoup. p . 91— 4 Local • 11:00 ITeaent. CHARIJCS M. MERR1IJ-, •• I described pereej of land, to-wlt; The BENGAL. Memirer Board of Review — Ell A .‘well, d . 44 159 SI John Rolmnson. d ...... 70 RtsamlKvat Express • .... Suimtx Isor Edward Mnhar. r. Justice (vacancy)— .:3. p. tn. i«4) of Section No. Twen- ' 1“ matter of the esUle of HoMO 7v .lustPe of Peace (Three Years)— T. C Po)H*, r. lo9 -.15 walk i'harles Wilcox | Teerv Watters r.... . 111—18 Circuit Court Commissioner. In and 1914. at one o ’clock In the afternoon. 6.3 All progressives. Ie>ave St. Johns for lainsing —A. M.. for Clinton County, Michigan, <;»Kirg*» C. Fedewa, d. .. Dewitt voted to return to the path-j Rncsom '’atlln d. ...6,3 ^ be assigned for the examination of il’ghwav Commissioner — The propoattlon to adopt Chapter to, 7:U0. 9 10. 11.10 P 3:l0.i,^YON a MOINIT I said atH'ount. at the ITobate Office In master system. 183 yes, no .55. , Constables — Hl^eray lews, was adopted. o 10. 7 10. 9 15. 11-45. I^ve IJeWltt ' William T Plowman, r 61 ______' All republican as follows- Fred Solicitors for Complainant. the City of St. Johns And It is furth­ H»6- ir. for l^analng A. M.—7:27, 9:37, 11:37. Miner .'(iitton d __ _ Baplala. Beniamin Mr. Mamuel Dewitt mi- 34 wl er ordered. That notice l»e given to the P. M.-1-.37. 3:37, 5-37. 7:37. 9:42; Over-» er of II gnways onlv one ticket was In the field In, Barn Talt Alexnnder ^'alor. persons Interested In said estate, of Superv*1eor — 12.07 a. m. (night). .U—se 1’ Everts, r •»6—31 this township, republican, They re- , The township voted to return to the .YIITICE «P WflimitHK FORE. I the time and place of said hearing by Peter Trier Weller, Cltz 141— 11 l.eher, e .... ._ 115 r..ade hy Jessie l‘. Cole to Henry Oa' "aW county of Clinton for three suc- Mcmi * r Board of Review nerk I .Miiuerx isor William Bohr, d .137 — Ml L'-ave I..anslng aa follows; Limit- d.xted the 18th day of April, 1912, ceaalve weeks previous to said day of tleorge E. Plowman, r. (leorge Varlon l^j Wm C iHvty. r...... Trenaurer — ad A. M.. ♦ri-40. 7.30, 9:30, 11:.30. P. and r»*corded In the office of the Reg- hearing, Irs*ph ' H.alfman. d. .. Treasurer I Matthew M. Hill. d. ... Mathias Spltiley, e 148-- M.. 1 30. 3;2U. 5:30. 7:30. Local —A. later of Deeds, of the County of Clin-1 (A true copv.) L‘i«j Clerk— It Consfaldet — E. A IJtrhfleld Peter Bengal, d ...... 117 M.. .'6:20. 8:o5. 10:06. P, M.. 12:06. ton. and Mtate of Michigan, on the, CHARLKH M. MF.RRIIJ^ Highway rommissloner All re;rihl|cans a- follows Charles j Burr M Eaton, r Highway Commissioner 2:05. 4 05. 6 05. H;0.5. 9:30, 11:00. 20111 day of April. A 1) 1912, In Uber . 35w3 Judge of lYwbate. Thomas Peck 144] Bowen, d ...... l-aaslav-dwaaaa Dlvial^ 1. Clsrk Fdwin H. Lyon. Dsc.ir O Herman Hengesbarh. c .144— ffi 118. of Mortgages, on page 496. aald Justice of peace— Treasurer mortgage having Iteen duly aasignsd Knight, FVancIs Brown. Loren Thelen, d 114 Leave Lansing as folloara: A. H.. A H. .Mteadman 147 lYed Hammond, r .. 91 by Henry (lay on the 31 at day of Dec- Bengal ^oted tf» return to the path- Justice (vacancy)— 6:20. 8:20. 10:20. p. M, 12:20. 2:20, Overseer of Highway— Alliert Lefrter. d. ember. A. D. 1912, to Blanche Taber, ^ ma-ier system, 139 yes, 25 no Eberhard Platte, r .. .181 4:20. 6:20. 7:35. 9:20, 11:00. John Flziell _ IBl Highway Commissioner — said asslgnr^nt having been record- j ^ WKf4T LRBAIION. ft' Peter Wahl, d 186 — t I—Except Sunday, Board of Review— Edward A Cressman, r. .. ed In the office of the Register of 160 129—40 Justice (full term)—> ft- Capitol Flyar through car to Da- ft ft' John C. Wfvodani David Nicholas d...... •9 trolL .Makes local stops Laastag to Deeds for said County of Clinton, aad ♦ ftftftftftftftftftftftftftftft 8M|>erv|«or Thr following roostabiss were elect­ Anthony Fsniee. e ______101 State of Michigan, on the 8th day of Jiiatlee— Jackson ' • I Andrew Henning, r 67 ed; Heo. Helbeck. Glenn Peck. Chns. Fred Rolen, d ...... 181 — to Jsnuan A. D. 1914. In Liber 121. of tames f*nrv|s, r ...... 44 Member Bonrd of Review- Mr. ani Mrs. Bert Kellam are visit- < Thnn 51 eaat only) (isneral History. Phyatoi part thereof, NOW THEREFORE by Tho oye IM aad top of Henrx C I^w|s. Jno. W. Snyder, all Fred W, Howe, r 197— 24 William Rllrn. d .Itt Wllltasn Keteknm, d ___ .. 27 and Osometry. virtue of the power of sale eoutalned I eye ball were lajured. repiiblleans Hamuel l^eonard, p - 47 Rov Rathbitn, r ___ Itt— 9 Highway Commlaalontr— Certifleatsa of all gradas wHI hr In said mortgage, and the statute In Thl« neighborhood was again aad- lYonositlon of adnpttag rHapter 26 ■lustlre- Highway Commiss to nev — J. A. RIelght .. tt- to graatsd at the examlnatlona la Aag- such ease made and pmvtdod. notice dended by the death of Mrs. Stevens HIghwav lasrs • arried as foHosrs: Frank L (jray. d 89 Edwin Jastram. d 92 Geo Waufle, 4 ., M uat aad April Is hereby given that on SATITIDAY, of Matherton. She has been III tor Yes. 113; No. 19 Chas C lUthfoot. r ..lit 23 George Welton. r .... lit— 14 Jwatlee- AH examlasttoni will hogto at I a THE ElGim.* NTI! DAY OF APRII. some time The funeral services will _ _ Chas. W. Townsend, p 32 Overseer of Highways- Henry C. Hemaleud. r .101— Tt m. A D 1914, at ten o'eloek In tha fore­ be held at aMtberton Wednesday. Rur- ttoHna. Member Bosnl of Review- John Schrader, d .. .lit— IT Hiram Brace, d ...... tt TlfFO. H. TOqrWMftrD. noon. I shall sell at public auction, to 4ai In the LTusf Plains eemlery. Mhe There was but one Hckei In the Timothy Babbitt, d .. _ M .lohn Speerbre^er. r 88 Member Board of Revt^> - Commissioners of Schools the highest bidder at the Weal front leurea a daughter aad many other held, democrat With 135 votes cast Monroe W. Whitmore, r 1h4— 14 Just lee— Frank H. Rmitk ______to— to door of the Court House, in the City near relatives. Two brothers aad sla- the officers eieeicd and the number of Harrison P. Doty, p 4! llenrv Knimm. d 1M_ 4 < Edward Rmttk. d ...... to There last any hope o* of fit. Johns. Cllatna County. Michl ter from Ohio and one brother fruni the votes each received follows* Otnstables ilirsm Kelff, Horace G. Charles A Bfoohu. r —... .IM rvinstablen—Alva Ketohum. RmmmI ton matt who woara tnl (that bslag the place wbers UMinorthsm part of tbs state will attend Supervisor Shepard. Fred VsnAmburg. Chas Keb- Meo»ber Board of Revlsw— RIetRht, TboaMMi Henley. By ran Itow- waar In MBfdh. Ctreult Coun tor the County of Clln-I the fsweml. toe sutand our armpnthy.i John Pilch 144| ler, all remibllcaas. Wllltsm Win. d IIS— It I lay. all iwputMw iwek tot the drawer, helag earefal la pet the jlnaarla st the haMma. wham I aaiiii oaly RMaa I h’ld f'*Mnd It. r’ivs'haad knew that Whu. I woadmod. bad hMagR* iRe the gniiie w:in up the tusiaat he «awoe d MaaarRiT Mutely tRave waa a dkMaaad the drat imekef Its yaa aappnse ha amat dIMraH M eoll. It •waM. of w«*uld is* ilceelved? .Not hy the loMt roanm. hr <’iit up Hut that wiutM be Mlv ife Miglitnr nspmdarthui ever BNule?” aartilaaa. Oar asjn Maa la tar laaauaal I ifflMi Ir tMr 4i aali Uadfray. artth a <*harlUai "Thay And then I remamlomd the alow ralaaia of la* Malla apiMurMi a aaMra. hara galla apaat the (swatry! Mat tha uf wliicb this is ihr Kagiieh: M tf ft. dtaawiWa gat la la apMa of Mwai. tar. flush wbkHi had erapf laia CtaehurflSi cheeks as be «ipea»d that fltut parhat Ta M the liirorto# ef tar Maaaaai af iBr mt wawoe. a mlilaet Impartod hf • tasMvre — "I dMa't expect ta flareive Mat.” It kae bees m) mssl fariiMM* la tjauw awn aa wall kiiuwn and an o haaa oaa* Godfrey exidsImM "1 Jaat waated to Dr, Kiag*! New Dbeo eefy m **lt eoBid M fld R 4 piehM aa Mr. i'aattne waa paaaad orllh* MWa aaaaaaaMai wt Ihr rwsr dia«<*Ntd knawit gire him s little sarprhw And t» aa the MBaarta It to mr otoh to raalaea not a eme alL It n fepMiei ooNgh.** wfilH Ifn. J. V. •at oa eathiar tMnk I wasn ’t tbsre ta see Itr It to yeur csdlectio)* In otUer Ihsl M amy *<>at haf«l wiHt'i try to nail thoak” "Nat If he kaew they were haHa ao laogar ha nei***ssjry u* itelaUe tlw poh* to Wmt and nKavn every kiilA Btfehmy Cofnw, Ha,, "allw ( •old tiudfroy. He vuth au imttsMon af eeloreg glaaa If tioia*. ’’ I prvdesfed. "Why ahooM la* aa •HI gtvo ma grsat ia**a*wre lo preami UUa tiiarwiRl —d flU &lhar “Wun't try to sell ihewr aatwod lo all that tfwulile to siml themr' artlllsai 10 you with my cmoaliimmta paw ol cough and ooM of iafanli, Ilmdy. "What's the ramMUi ke waa’tr •’That la what iHisxled nm last ataht." vtflad hto huthmee ihe Hrand Duke Ml- ekMBwaiii aAiita amf Mgod, It fflttad.* ’ BuflltaBt far ofl^ flflift *llei*naae he hnsn'l irot thaw.** ah* ekaal. who prereUrd om* m Mmaaaalsti af said Godfrey. '*aad. for that matter. It Uw dtoinen*!. will pwn aw la Ihe gin. dr my hwif hifll aflwtion. awered Godfrey, amlllnt! with na arl* imaxles me yet. iuit I’m teody to turn flkauki i*e irfuee li will he my msleai’kalr wBoorigiiiatod'darmgm Beesfe gently daap enjoyment or Gmdy ’a dap three dlsiBoiids **V(*r to yon I shooht duty lo cleavr ihe n*st«d laio e aum- Mir a . F. Mcftx, of Ofan WOym, »d coanteaams* like yoa to (ssiul them, aad give me a ber of smaller siimre. as it -a too latga cough epidsmiB 43 yean ago, "Oh. cfMue uff!" said that worthy dla* far my use llui 1 lau«r Hist he wgl nat reisdpi r*»r th«*ai ” rafiwe *'iPM.'|fARIX was an immedhite socoeM Um vritM: **I had m hard, nakhWB gusfvdly. "if he iMao'l got ‘mii I'd Hhe "Awl then, ‘‘f •^•ur*s*. yon will write 'The liivincIMa to allow wh • tuts;* cough that I had doetorad far am the story. ” sws*nsl Gnrdy. "Mnd give What cwiitd IIm* grand ditkr d**^ *IVy and iff probobly the most “I have.” said itialfrt'v. :ind riaarad y**urself nil tlie « n*dM. ” barr rrftwril. wmihl liavr utade hiBi •ix MMks without my grttiiig aag my deak with a sneen of bla arai. "Well.” 'linked Godfrey. inr»klng ut used coogh and cold praacrip- the iMftt of ttn* lH**il**vnnls Itraldoa better. Our druggiai dnally raeauM Mtireot! out your lMU(lk«*n*hief. Loa* blm. "do t**u Ihluk v*Hi deserve snyT' be WiiM. aft«*r all. loslirg iHiHiiiig which tion in the world. Your ter.” nnd iia I ilNcedly «»lie.red he pMh- And Gnuly «i>uul «*ulv ciinssm nnd ho had it«*i itlicndy I* *(1 .*<••. with a mended Dr. King** New Diaooiwy lal up a little hsither hag. opeaad N keei* s||,.|it ".\s for tlie story. It |» si battrr gm**** tlmu **.*1** lutglil havr ax- money refunded if Dr. King ’s lud fKMirrd out Its contents in a apar* read.! wiiiieii It w ill Is* )»u IIte streets and * my huiband bought a deiiitsi |i* Jiiiii III tiH* rri»- New DiscoYcry does not re­ klinr (loud "Therr." In* added, ttm* ill ten iiiiiiiilei*. iiml II a'lll« n*nte ii (s*ii toralioii Two iliiys iiiti*r tli** direc ­ liottle. After uaing two-thirdi of it log to Grady, "are tin* Michaelortteh sutloii I'leiis,* ouiil tla* dluiiMtiids tor *»f till* l.ouvrc ilis***** I'risl a imckrt lieve you. dlamutols " i You will tiiid 'Jiu "f tlieiu" U|M>M Ills ilfwk III* •i|•«•|l*sl It hihI my trouble ea«ed down, and it uea "TIui |s t!i** **\ii< I uiimlier slolyii found wiiliiit III** .ifiir.iirtii When you Don ’t put off getting relief. not long till I waa completely cured. from III** gniiHl duk**. ” remiirktsi M. ris't the l.«*«n 11*. tuu will >k **- It In tlw Buy a bottle from your drug ­ i'igot tiiiil fi*ll lo coiiiitliig Tin* iiiiiii- pItt**** of li*>iior ill til** glass •*ns** In th** Hr. Kin»r’.«i X(^ Difcorery Ruiely de- ls*r n us "111 |•»•nt•*l •*? Ho* g!ill**rv ol .'f*illo. with gist today. senres all the praiee it get*. ” Sold by ".Mr Slu*;iri)*w Im** Hi** re|." 111 iitl**ml.iiif ••II giiiinl l>«*s| I** It G(slfr**y ii/ENSON (ase. without omitting the details of LANDM TWO IK rOtJBT the n»l>l*er> uiid the ••ledit dde tin* :♦ BATN, ♦ Battle Creek. — Dispute over who Ca|>rrig ht, IMS. br hurtnn E. fttrvrnron Record for the re****very of tlie din* rNf’l.j; M.IM HAMM BAHKt ♦ ♦! momis Grady's face giww redder awl FATHKK LHNKN HIM MINB had ticket .No. 4.249, when Mra. LU- (h*serns|.'' l••lorf^sJ Gisllrt*' "I'lii go­ Hattie ('rack.—Worry over sopara- Itan B. Silvernile and Mrs. Bdlth Kal- S kiKiviiii;; wh.it I (lid I aro|>- redder as the reudiug (iruceeded. ing to I.ilk pi.ilnly lo yiui. (irnlv Hon from hla yoiinceat child on ac- ley. aatarad a local vaudenville hooaa, uij( wiiT to tilt* t«‘i**ptioti** iitid HMked "I won't sign uo sucli testimonial as Misi* Mattie Smith of St. Johns vis­ Your gis,..,. is i-iMikevi ^ on cnn'l ined rnunt of stiingont immigration lawa which gave away a silver aet, hag for ivy's nuiiil>«>r. liopiiiK attatiuit that.” he hlusterevl. "N*rt on ywir life ited her slater, Mra. Hd. LaNoble, on for nil hour after Inst night's get has driven William Lane, an Bngllali landed the two women in court. TRa hope ulK.tirdly. and at last, tu nij lii- 1 won ’tr Immigrant, inaaae. The baby, the and family. In thla place last weak. woman aay they InadvertanUy eu- aw;i.\ Ihs nines piihllc. I iin(lers|niid troiM* Miirprise uiid n'licf, I hoard bto “Your resignatloo waa a(*ce|ited at X'niingeat of ten was crosseyed and au* A Hon waa born to Mr. and Mm. changad tIekeCa while removtuff thgir vol«v. not a very ainlahio rohv |yon uiMililii I let SluiiiKiiids it*lf|ihoue Boon today by the miiyor. ” said God- ihorttlea would not permit its eo- (daud ’Tnuable April 2. hats. Mrs. Kelley secured the eorat- i lor me hist night Mra. Lucy litaflaley ratumad hooM •*l tr1»s> t(» not you. ” I oi|>latiH^. trance Into this country eight montha ed silver aet, and her refusal to sutw "That's right It wnsn't innie of ftay. from Jaokaon laat waak aCtar spaud- ••on as tdniinoiidM tohl mo Itioy wero "My realgnatlonr' siiortad Grady. "I ago. *rhe father was sent to Kalama* render It has rauaed the diaputk. yiHir iMisliiews *' zoo. Ing a few weeks thera with her aleter- Itotni; to look at the <*ahlii«t. I phoned amrar arrote oner ■'r«*rhaps not .\n«l ycl If I had iieen In-law, Mra. Mary Hayea. the otilco The <.ity editor said liv had ’Tall the pnlillc that. If yon want The topic for the Upworth Laeffue The average girt is terribly dlau^ fhcie the cleverest thief In iTiris. If not HAHnNOM HIGH NTBeOL ••fit you out Into \V«i|fh»«*tor.” to. ” retorted Godfrey coldly. ’That’s Sunday evealaff. April 12, will be ‘The pointed If a fellow doosa ’t RO to tha in the world, would In* safe liehliMl Godfrey lautihod shortly. voar affhlr. Vmi ought to have iihoned WILL HAYB A WIBBLMHN •Joy of Ueater in the Soul ” Mat. 22,1- doga after she hae refused him. ttioae chnuiie nickel sit-,.| |»ars at the Haatlnga.—The studanta of the "It n-ns a «rtld koom * <*haae." he said, U In wbeu I t(»t(i you to .Now. 8tai* 10 ver. JoRu 20, 10-22 ver. Mm. Lan­ I weiiiy tliini str«s*t sin!i< n inst«*ad of Haatlags high school are Uie poaaea- "cookefl up hy our friend ('rorhard. monds ” sing Is leader. There will be a spec­ at lilM*rty to go ahc.nl and roti some sora of a wireless apparatus whleR ial program. Rut even then I'd hare ipit Iwck If «re flrady cruslnsl Id* h.it upon hla haao. ImsIi ••Is,. Y» i|| o'ltthT !•» have S«s*l.' they made nearly all themaaiveii. Tha Topic for tha B. Y. P. U. Sunday ev- hadn't punrttired a tire trlien M*e were •trade to the disir. jerktsl it oftan and aerial la located on Ihe tielfry of the Y ob WiH like It five miles from anywhere. I knew thnuigh Ills dIsguN.* Tliai's you** enlag. April 12. will be "A Lone Look liustn»*ss. Cnoly i ii;»\»*it't anything bangrd it liehliHl him central school building. Mnaaagri are Ahead.” 1 Cor. I.«ader. Ehn- at the what was up. imt there I was. Ob. received from a radlua of 400 miles, •ig:?lns| ymi ticrsonally md I admit "Now. KlmtimiHl)) ” Gislfrey repeat* ma lieBar. he's made fools of us nil. I.eater." ed. as tlie e«'ho dle«l nw*a.v. nnd Him* hut their ln«trum(*nta are lest* power­ Mia. Anna Kouada Is very aick. She ttiat It was fiMdish *d no* to sIhik * But. Godfrey. ” I said. "1 i-an't un* ful and canaot send meeaagea such a has a trained iturae. fetel floliBBB there talkItiL’ to (‘r** linnl and nc»ei monds eniui* forw .-ml 11 ml signed. I derstnnd even yet itow N- did It. wltni*ssed th** sig;» Miir**s. nml Gtidfrey. distance. John Pamswofth returned to Mon ­ When* Is IMsoi'*" (Us|ic,-t who lo* was 1)111 thit's ait lie tana. Friday after apeoding two or *hl«* the mark Yon'r** a I the head o» wl*h III-re (•ac**ni**'*s than lie bad "He's on the Suroie. Imund and j;a|t- three mouths bare with bis mother, Neeflward Ave, aufl MIRlay OliRiL 'll** )h*teet1v** Imrenn iii'l yoii'r** th*. *!i )..ii lii ihe wtioo* afTalr. - iiiiuht up .Mrs. Sara Farnsworth. Hoy Kama- ged under the lierili In his siatensiin. ” *Thara arv tht MicHaaiovitah dia* ■nan who Is pes|H*ns|l.t«* (or nil this III ,).i[H*r itiid stilling with it I** tlw DBTBOIT, I eoutd only ipisti. iwooda." worth. who has also beeti spendtng i|>, •• the same length of Hme with his "A imI lo think I didn't Misfie-t!" add ­ Yon'r** ein*rgein* i*n«>ugh -inil all that. "Hut I don't uiidiTstundr Gmdy mother, did not go hack with bla ed G(s|fre( hitterly AVe stissl then* ' (!) I iii.ii down t'l III** ofitc** IIS <|ulck tail ron're not fit f«»r ymir Jol* It's gas|>ed. •'Have y**u g*»t i*r*H*hurd A Dske Umi Gmk brother, hut hat* gone to Detroit to aiMi sau (hat ya« lit wllli the I'lvnch lOI nil to* s.iel P* .1 illUII outside, hsi hiu for yon. ai.d yon siou it lis> ?' work Instead. flai: walk auay fn>in is W'e sue her J’ !>•* ni.v ailVDt* .iial g») to IId ' |*!ioin* 'i’ll ;)ii<)iii* ir.-iinh lloiis iiiut." he ••N<» such luck. " siiHl (MMifr**! Hie (laj of harsh purgativet, of big Harrow Phelps st»ent last week lo put a man alxtaid tin* Sa(<>ie We saw Micre and send iti yoai tl■s|;:|||||io|| "hied. <‘losliiy the ipMir .iiid tililillig Ferr>' with his aunt, Mrs. James Cot- "I)i» y(»ii iioNiii l«* Kiiy he d give these lu.ek p) IIS, "is m\ t* ‘W,inl for *111 this. eaUiartiu nilla is over—gone forever. No tJkat Ilian talklnt; to rittot'' "M'.is It |o lc|: nn* ll.al oai got in** up withotil 11 light!" aaed aay longer to swallow a naoaeating lerell. "Ves." I Mill! hreutlih-ssly. "les:" ■ *r. nith.*r. the Ue<-*>id's rewaitl .\iid o\cr h•■r»■^■ "My ihur Gniily." sahl Gisifrey. "I doao to give natan; tlie gentle amiatanco Miss Kay Phelps Is home from Aon “Well, that loan «;is l'n^'hard lie now geiille;iieti. Mr Sh«*;irrow lins his .\rl*or sp**iiding her vacation with her •.\o sinl •.•s|!r**» * ‘1 «ot \*Hi her** hai**ii ( m4s*ii ('Dm hani sim-e the min pequiro*!. I'inklets, the new laxatixa, ear I I’ltiW. iiiid I think we wniilii lielU'r are tiny, pink granules, sturar coatc*!, partmta, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Phelpa. got I’luot into his sliiieroitio, t^ive him lo lilt’ -t iite you t(N)k him off the Isiat r«l dnvi* around P* some suit- defoslt Isix easy to take and smooth aa velvet in tlwir The .Misses i>eliu and iKirotha (Gard ­ a wliifT of the Hiiioe stnfT he iiseil on ilu* Older h’or oi***:!***! .I'gmn ami have had him. if you lud let Sliumonda with this I’lumlcr." operation. ner spent last week In Kuianiaz(x> 9tinni«>iids ni> douht; fill him out of loslfri’.v liM)' • I III*-. .I I’ll It siuinnt: rail me. Th it s what I had p'.aiimsi. the way under the u-rth. ^oC into his • • • • • • • I'inklets poaitireiy will not gripe. Tliey wiUi their aunt. .Mrs. Uother. * ‘\|lM)-.M'«*,- |•'ggl■M ' .Utl.O*II|) • 1 lot* Hut In* wa-- Ps* el**%cr foi us | knew prrkluce not aaingiudistreasingsTinpUHn, Mls^ Halle Richardson sfient last clothes, made up his fa> e |int •>ii a o:^.•c I* .y that In* woiihl is*iin* iislay'*- It WHS |s*rh«i»s ten iliiys iifierward iheir action iacertain and tlioroagii. w**ek with her iwrcnts. .Mr. .ind .Mrs. wtc and all that \\h:h* we wi*n* kn k .\iid iJicii I .n;"*''; ls*nn *-*1 from niy "Y)»u km*w that he «• iiid eoim* to ­ that G «lri»i»|**sl in lo s**«* me I'inkleta are just the laxaiivv* ymi ne*s| Th**odore Klrha^fion. In Kast DeWitt. Int; our h«s*|... i.ntsKie u-altlni; for him sc.ii for I o)c «l !i.i\«* sworn Hiai ihi* day!'" n*|***.ips| Graiiy hiaukty. "How **11** e\eiilng "I.«*) rnndllar t!‘ ■ ni:in wh*) h; d ot-ciasi tin* **s i**t "till what gn>iii)dMV" I •leinalids'll. strong purgatives for Uicv always U|i««ri K. H .ind is moving his family hack to airr’ tlie etoiiuu'h and l(wvet!iolw>wcl'* irritated with I’lKot s .iPtHtimiKi- III iiMik the drawer Hfiidersuit wh**er Hi**> formerly lived. "I kn**w that he w«»iiid ••ome.' said "HisaiiiM* the lUiili who owned It and ill a worse condilioti tluui l>efore. la the (’eater ef RverytRlaff WertR [Hi|o ‘rs Ilf |•^J:o^. vfi his ii^j; niui.ide II** eani** forwanl : ' of bis |>*K*kctlss*k mill hsmle«l it ucross boweb and he fm^ from (Oti)*ti|iation. out alnil.i to iiH-ef his dear friend^ of sick wlUi diphtheria. :inil In* siaihsi M. I'igot laiighisl a dry little laugh to in«* Tlieae little pills an* a < orrective for KUROPEAN PLAN. the pn-s* You reiiieuiliet he said he .Mrs, Rosa Read rciurn»*d from (’al- 'Hehohl that I am here, nioiisleiir.” "The tmiihU* was." 1*0111111110(1 Gi*d I o|s ‘n**d It ami rrctigiuzed the d**ll- bad broivth, will clear tlie comidexion Rooms Without Bath. 91 up would (Vine toda.vy and are m-omnicmhsl for torpia liver, ifornla Saturday after s|)endlng the he said ami I starlisl anew ill tlie frey. "that I didn ’t look for him ito (*ate iiml femliiitie writing which 1 had Rooms with Hath. $1.60 up. "Yt*^ kiliousnrs", h«*ada<'li(*s an<1 constipation. winter there. v*»|(*e. for it was th** roieeof ('nH-hanl early in the day. and ao he was ahle seen «»n*v liefore "Then* s one eonsolal mn - It wll- •Any dnit;!:'*d. **an aiipnly you with Service a la f’arte at Very Reaaoaahla "I hope lliiil I liHV<« not ket*t .loll wait* to send nie on a wild gtsMte chase break (Jnidy " Mr l>Mir HIr—l ftml lt>«l I made the rnis- PinkleM, 2.> cents ist liottle. XVhen i*overty roni(*s in at the Pricea- - Instrumental and Voeal mg ' after a sensation that dhln’t exist. tsk* of undervstlmntlng you. and I pre­ Write to the Dr. Williams Mediciao "Hut GiHifrey." I said. "If yon eoiild door, Ix>ve ma> fly out the window. Music. 6-12 p. m. "N**t at all. monsieur." Godfrey as Ther**’s when* I was a fc*o|. Hut I sent you m> sincere upoiogle* I irusi Co., Schenectady, N. Y.» for a Pinklei har«‘ M’eii th-is.* diamonds ’ those lie.iii that at some future time II insy be my And .vet the High traat ooaatipatiou. and never scare 'em a bit. M. A. SHAW. Manager tt tie aide to -.rel away with ihein fnuii The reeull Is certain lo be most lnlrr**sl- and met tin* Savoh*.' In* said. '*1 n» V’antine'a- the evenlug after the velhsl mg. Hut at present I rind that 1 must riclif under our iios«*s'' Inltsl t** M IMgot last nigtit's oeeiir lady got her letters. It was easy return to Kurope by I.-* Breiagne. aln*** "It's tin*tfy had Isn't if- H’lt renees, and Is-ggisl him to l»e t*res»*id enough I am surprised you didn't after the trouble I have taken It Is Im there's no *^1 iTvIns 'oer s*illt ndtk |K>sslble that I should consent to part with .ii Ihl.s in»s*tliig lie was giMsI enough think of It. Hester.” the brilliants of his highness the grsttd I.eater.” he .-idde I in ano|h<*r imie "1 P* agre,* I assure y.oi.'' In* aildtsl 'Think of whatT’ I askrsi duke As a sllgni souvenir of m* high rr- want Von lo Im- In your otliee at noon '•s’liig (Jmdy s io*ik. “that llil* Is M “Of the key to the mystery. The gar*l I trust you will be wIII1.*ik P* art'ei*t tomorrow ««r ralher. t often Then* Is n** ho|ie )»f .-iltentlon nett moniiii);. and I drawer. He preaaed the (wmbinatlon “He's a good sport. Isn't be?” asked finding him hen* In .New V)*rky** waa so l.tie III aettlui; there at the light side of the deak. laataad Godfrey, aa 1 silently bamled the let­ "I am afraid not.” said tJodfrey of that at the left side The fair Jnlle TAnd the naoriiini; passed so rapidly ter back to him "What do yem ^y "Don't lie Its* sure of thatT' hn»ke hi that when tin* oniee Isty eain«> In and maac have thoofflit the drawer waa on about the cabinet T' Grady fsHidenuisly. "I ain't d«)n4* y«*t aanuuiK'ed that Mr (irad.i and Hr. , tha right aide, laataad of the left. It "I aoppoae then* la no doubt that -not hy iM* mauiier of means!” ginimonds were outside and wi«h«d to i waa a ailatahe eery eaay to nMke. Croehard boaght IL" I aald. Wednesday, Aprff ISth "I’ardoii loe f<»r not Intmdiirliig you. ••• me i did not. for n moment, con- •lace bar miatrcaa donhtlaaa had her "No that It la mine oowT ’ M Pigoi.” aald fHalfrey. "This genth* n«et tiMtr vlalt with Godfrey back tamed whan Jnlle saw bar opan ’Taa; when did I,a Bretagne aalIT’ man la Mr Grady, who haa >>een the THE FOLLOWING rRIMBO PBBmVTi “Tm glad to see .vo« are Iwttar. tha drawar. The sospiciaa that M wsa "A waak afln taflay. Rhe la due at bead of oar detaettv* tiareau: this Is glnmoiida.*’ l aaid. shaking hand* ! JaMe'a mlatake haroaias ecrtalaty Barra tn tha maralBR.” Mr. MmaMmda. a wawhar of bis staff, ahsu Mm ahowa the (maiMaatton tn wMb him "Ttmt waa a eloae I’all.” ‘TNd yoa warn tbaair tbia la Mr. l.«atar. an attonwy and : Vaatiae. and he Is killed, too Re ifl -*11 cartalBly was.” Hlmmoada ‘Tfara tRMa of wbatr friend of mine, aad tbIa la Mr Shear •gtaad. alofelAg tato a chair. “If I had I aldaa. the relied lady herself made a *nMt CMeharfl ki after tha dla- mw. lay peraonal roaaaal Mr Grmly gM a INtta mara R It. I'd nevar haaa famark whieh revealed the whole amafla Thay waat hack on lai Bra- Mr Stwwanila aad Mr Iteaier aren I Mary. Mie said she was arenstomed wabad op. ” tmmrn, I MPP—r WMa **!>• yoa fotnaaihar aBythlng aboat praaaat. Mat uarhi.' he avhleu luaiidtT. *la opr wing the drawer artth her left "whan <'rorhard openetl the serret j hand. Inateod of with her right After "Yaa-aafl PiRM waat with rbaai. la Mr that, there ntiild he no fc Tber doiilii. why aRaaM I warn aay one? Harety "Nat a tMag. Oar adaote we wore irawar. tRay Raaw cRat Cfoebard will gat "la It traa that the theft of the Ro I dfsrovered the drawer rary a yfa.dlli Aw •Mtlag tlM«t lalhlog ligttiwr aa alw I Mlchnelevltch dlnnwaila waa phinaed I Mapty.” tRaaa dRuBaadi If he raa. It has be- •a jroa ptaaae-^ad tho aast fhlag I «aaw a aart af pMat of honor wMR by Cfwrtwrdr* aabed (iodfivy j "Yea.” I sold, "and then.'" t1 fta. haaw waa whaa i wofe* op la tha Mm, I tkMgrtaa. If la np to theai to "Dadanhladiy. No ottwr tMef in i "Thao I removed the teweis. took ' Fraare woaM be capable of It. He ar* ! thaai down to m deoter In p*iste gem* taRa ono of Hmm-” “Whare'a ttaM amn GtidfrayT* hralii TRat oagRtat la be dHBmlt. ” I raagad the affhlr au cieverty that we aad dapllesteri them as i-looely na I la Orady. “I w«a*t wait fw Mai Ba j ■Mi. ‘TRa Mraaff room of a liner la Mi caa*t oHiha aw dn tbot! Coaw aloag. were wholly iiaaMe t» roavict aini caaM I find a bard time getHng a ' oaioaa we shonM Had hlai with the gRaat tRa aafbat place on earth " ghaamnda.” I akad mov tif tills W* ewes alls mood '• I atolon bfilllonta In Ma pnaaoaaion " "Walt a nlMita.” I bruhe in. •• tiw and blew a "Aag y«wi were mM able to do thatT XMIII. •nmr aatar dnor opaaad. "Pafhnpa tlwt^ "No; we emiid dts>s»ver no trace "I e ceiling, pwiLm, ckm% Uadfrey now.” ii km the hrllllama. ihouah we searehad for away wtth- And an It proved, lie eaaaa la ac* oDnunr them every w here ' p' UIYMN ON MANMABLI m BBAWiiMi a ^'•mpanted by a man wIkwi I ta "Bnt .vtm did not know of the Haale mV It op hMweaa Ma laffHa. he .\rthnr Hhaarrow. ehlef rnnnael for raMnet and *»f th. secret dmwerT” the Heeord ’’Ith a hmiitty. iaa*t Itr ba MtCHABLOVITCH iKWRlJI FALAR , I "No; of that «** knew nothing l naked. Gudfrey nodded ail around muat exiimiiie tiisi fiimuas cnMitei ” ■*Tlw ohjret of this nferrare. Laa* M. l*tgDt smlhrd a dry sariie. DsMettve Takes UaeS Feste Im- "It la w«*nh examining. And It hn* "It hi the Maanria." he said, "and tor. I« to stmtrtiteii out ivrtniii laotWfO an Interesting history Hot yon did eaaaerted with the Mi iMelovltrh dla- Is worth three millloa fraaen. Thera kanw. of (-ourse. thiil I'rvwaard would la a cwpy of It st tlie Isoivte.” Sraad DIaseerve*! VflMfi th* Orsnd t>,tae moado->aod iin hleuiaii.i to irtve tlw seek a market fur the dlamonda tierr Wornrrt the higgest srss.,. it tma hod "Well,” ts>nliiiu*sl Gistfrev. '‘iifrer I Mtrtiail Beads iiiiai to • Jewier I IB Amerimr' to Ba Rseei tar montbe *' "fke kaew that he would try to do "I ain’t here to tli up im» w-ntifi tar EZRA LOOMIS, Prop. so, aad we did everything lu oor power I had ae aaofl to reed the article the Iteeord.” hrahe In Gr:id,* "ThOt to prevent H M'e esperlaliy rvlird wRIdi fellowad. far I mw in • iiaeh popor never did treat me right " upon yoar euat>*nis «lepartmeat” what had oevu rrad. I mw. ten. why "It haa treated you as well as ran •The contents iiet.pie 'lid thatr |Mn. OMChaid had ratalnevi the peete jaw S. A. GLEASON, Oerit GBaA.aMnH r MGK la

Hnr !• Ikted inicLBiMUin m LMI NT PAM Wooltex smts for K-w«*ee in

TIm »af Ite North OMr* M. 1. Por Um purpose of eecurlac nanioa wUl roll hoini aMio ot 000-addroooos of fannors needlac fann help or onwn o n laborers, the United ApHI 11. Stale DepartBMat of Lobor, with per* misstoa of PostoMater Oeaeral Burle* TIm 1. O. O. r. oai ■rtrtiohi wUI so aoa. has seat a supply of return poet- the new tango diades to OwoMO oo TIiaraAojr. April 1C. to cards to the St. Johns poetoOlce and cootor Atsrooo. All imwCrri oro la* prohnhly throufpout the country for I vltod to po. dtotiibutloa to pntroaa on mml rootee. Koch mml letter onnrMr wna fumlah* TIm Bout ropular niMttap of Um ed with a packnee of theee carda and ! WoMMi'a Seelal Loapoo wUI bo ImM at baa placed them la rural mall boaea. The weave pattern and coloring l^m^mm^hmdkhkd, TW the parlon of tiM M .R. church oa The return card sutes that the farmer WirfwiBMc tkiCIT^ poNPikr oopliiBBilHi Tucoday evaalap. April 14th. who elpne the card desires to make ap- pileatloa for help. of fabrics used in wbmen’s coats and iMi bet flHH bp dwi mk L If pop U I The Rpworth l.oapuc of the Metho- The UepaitOMBt of Labor Is endeav- jdiet Pptecopal churrh will enjoy a ao* orlnc to pmawte a beneflelsl dlstfi* of iIh ipfii ' rial eraalBK In the church parlors button of alleas who cosne to this suits must be just as fashionable as hpPB fopod an next Monday evenlBC- country In searrh of employment Of* Hears In charpe of the work will exer­ th 2 cut and design of the garment it­ The first decree In P. A A. M. will cise erery precsutlon In selectlnc suit­ "^fllTie JbZ be conferred tbU evenlnc. April 9. able men and dlrtctlnc them to the destination. No chsrae Is made or fee self. No matter how beautiful and dop^ hpve .'Second decree in P. A A. M. will be accepted either from employer or em* to Potpdop opbj UtoRoH conferred Monday erenlna. April 18. ployc-e. pamom. graceful the style lines of a coat or yop • J.\T TNOWFflOM ARBAIOMBD. NT.ITKMKNT OK THE OD’^ERHHIP. the ppd Jay Thompson, who was charged M.INA4JEHENT. CIRrULATIOW. ETC. pGCpdef bpjwpd with the attempt to commit rape on of the Rt. Johns .News, publisfied suit may be it cannot be fully ex­ his alater-ln-law, Mrs Lettie Thomps- w**ekly at Rt. Johns, Mich,, for April •on. wras arraigned In circuit court 1st. 1914. requlreil by the set of Aug- yesterday and plead not guilty. uat 24. 1912. pressive of the latest fashions unless kklltar and liusines manager, C. R The I. O. O. F. members will give an ­ ClJtllK. .Ht. John!-. Mich. other dancing party at the M. W. A. , Publisher, .Ht. John* .Newrs l*rintlng the materials are correct in style. hall next Friday night. April 17th. Co., St. Johns. MIrb. 1914. Cordial Invitation to all. Owners: C. 8. Clark. F' K. Rwaln, ' Mr. and Mrs. Rwrr llrinkerhoff have F. C. Rwaln. D K .Htowell. Clark got up to this village. ^Rioweil. C H. Giffels. J. T. Mlllman. Mra. Mary J. VanFleet retumefi C. K. Glllam. J. B. Dodge. M. K Dodge. Wooltex coats, suits and skirts home Tuesday from Providence. R. I. I) W. Kelley. K. J. Clark. Rt Johns. Kdward Rummell of IMncoonlng was I Mich.; W. I... Clark. Mason. In town Mtmday. Known ttondholdcrs. mortgagees, are made from the choicest materials Mlaa Florence Baldwin waa brought and other security holders, holding 1 (home last Tuesday from the Sparrow the liviDK room decoratloBe were In per cent or more of total amount of I the ('r»s4-ent Tlub colors, groon and hoapiui In I^nalng She stood the iionds. mortgages, *ir een amuiged: Song by Grange; oon- Uon. Owinc to the storm a llcht vote About fifteen attended the Shiawas­ The W H C. gave a spread after Just now we are showing a number of beautiful was out. there being a total of 429 bal- > ferrlng the work of the first and sec­ see * fmference of Baptist miniatera ond degr<*es on new candidates; dls- their usual meeting Tu**sday afterni>rm. lot!: cast. Several of P. A. Marshall's which waa held at the Baptist churrh In honor of Mrs D L Vrecland, who c tisalon. “How to raise more potatoes In this city Tuesday afternoon Rev. friends succeeded in ainninc him the leaves for California Monday with Mrs. Wooltex coats and suits in the latest so-called tango oo leas ground with larger yields and J. J. R«’buier. pastor ef the Baptist ofllce of constable on the Republican Lucinda K*>oie ticket by the slip method. Mr. Mar- ‘ less work." Paper, "t'ontrol of envir ­ churrh in this city presided. Rev. W. onment." Mrs. Anderson; song, by shall won by the clos«> majority of J8 H. Thompson of lainsing read a paper Pewple Kaal Themsehes. shades. Grange choir; select reading. Mrs. on "Some of the Hindrances of the rotes, which is remarkable consider- ' A great many |>eople fool themselves Inr that bis nan e did not appear on i (ifrcrgc Hathaway. The part of last Grosrth of the Present Day (Tiristlsn- week’s progron: that was not given In the course of their lives. They the ballot. He was buay moat all of ity," and the .xftemoon was spent in think they ran go on working Inces­ Tuesday momlnK recelrinr < onirnitu- ■ will he given at this meeting. INscus- discussing that topic. Supper was slun, "Will spring rye produce a pay­ santly with hand .ind brain and not latioBs. served to the visiting ministers in the corn*- to the need of m«*dlclne. | ing crop " .Hong, by choir. church TTiey find they can't | John Hicks .Ippoiatmeats Made far the Year. And then many '^f them fool them­ At the res’iiar meeting of the vil­ James Marmion wa> in l*ontlac ORITI'AHY. 33 Clinton Avenue, St- Johns, Michifun. Thursday on huslnesi- selves again by an > pllng a substitute lage council held Monday evening James .Nelson Fisher wai- bom Jati Mrs Harrtid Martin of dt Johns vis­ for H ihhI’s Sarsai-arllla. which Is by l*T« ^ld• nt Hathaway made the ap|>oSnt- I. IH.'tl, In rulitmbfanna county. O.. and far th** lM*at iiudirin*- w** kn«>w of for The Store that smile Wooltex Coate, Suite and Skirte. ntents for the vear. Thev arc as fol ­ ited with her parents. Mr. ;uid Mrs. died March 2i. 1914, at the age of 68 UotMTt Hyslup. last Wednesday. restoring health an«l strength and lows: Marshal. John W. Mentor; years, two months and 2.’l days. At the building up th< whol* system. night watch. John Harris; health offi ­ Miss Dora Nirhul s|icnt Runday at age of fourteen h** titoved with his par her home in Owosso. cer. I>r A. T Parnsh; tire warden. rnt« to I^'banon township. Clinton Co- UK Mai. \KH4IU. James Hoag. K. I Ileebo of Detroit visited at his Michigan. where he has since resided hojce in tivid the last of the week. rh*' Bengal Arinir of 4, he was iinit*^ in .Alltert Batult. rf Hurday *>venlng. April ship for six ronsecutivc terms and Randolph, and at times haa remodel- The W P .M met Tuesday after narrlitge to Miss Arminta H FItleld 1. Th*' j'r- ;;rani will l»e a.-- follow ONE OF COUNTY’S for m-arly a score of years was a vil­ * “d It Into a very *^rafortable home. noon at th*' hojt »• of Mr*- Sarah Nix K. T Hav of St. Johns wa*^ In Ovid oti V M (' V btISlnes^ lar(t W.dnea- of I’eMamo. To then were Itom two H<*adlng. \V T Bandt: rcrltntlon. lage director. Mr. Cpton bar seen many chanffun Mr.- tiasse conducted the devotional Kran«ef I.x’n; -one. Asa Blunt, r<-ad EARLY OFFICIALS d.-vy < hiidren, the oldest, .lohn James dying Fon'iing a partnership witii Jesse grown fron a mere hamlet to an en ­ services an«l Mr* Ulna Warren hsd when he was nine months old. Ing. .Mn Blunry I.v**n, story, Fr*-«1 (t'onllnuc*i from page i.l Dunn in is74 .Mr. Cpton engaged in terprising little city, with paved chargi of the i rogrnn; The subject Dun Dani> is of llenton Hartxvr viait- •Mr Fisher wa.* r**8i*ect*>d by .ill who Walk. r. . .Mr an*l Mrs Alb* rt w. luived to sections lo and 11, Vic­ the dry goods hiistness. He was one streets, electric lights, city water, w;. on ft ■ work in Kuroi»e. S'v.^th re’atlv*-- in Ovid la*t week knea him. He was a kind husband, ilandc *| ;*> tion, What I- the most tor township, Clinton county. Mr, of the organisers of the First .Nation ­ fine churches and residences. R Mr ti C l..von. It. fr* shment“ Htlll living u|K>n the same block. In ­ I ’ *cenl Cliihs Meets. .Mr. and Mr>> l^on Miner and son, will b* '•Tvnl at 111* < .>-t of Itn j»r*i- lnrg<- trrirt of land in that township. was pre«iid' visited with her Their father. Klias Cpton. made his H** ha- always been a man of in ­ *1 ath was *'aused by a hemmorrhage gratii. dajra lived in a little cottage on Wight proclty it. " M<>r.dii\ evening .n the parents, Mr and .Mi^ .Jam*- Wood- hon**- yvith them as long as he live*!, tegrity and one of Rt Johns influeu- of th* liing.s. du«' to heart's dls<*ase SL and John Corhlt. who lived in bis ho:!.* of Mr> T*'m Hysloi Th* Wo:. - worth last week Wednesday. H*> leaves to inouni his departure, a (lying at the age of eighty-five. tial and e«teemrd citizens. Herbert Drake returned last week "AI mxii fifty or sixty acres of our 40<> present riffles. Cans and South an'" I’r*igr<*salve Chit) was invited to wife and little daughter. Pearl Armln- In October, is.74, .Mr, Upton was Clinton Ave Join vvltti the'!, ami hear 'ir .\nna fron spending th*- winter in Plonda. ta. ag«-d two y*urB and seven months. were cleured." said Mr. Upton. "The married to .Miss l>el»orah Carroll nt Walter of .M;^r*^■^u^ talk on 'Tlvlc Dr A. T Parrish was In Hyron f>n ^■*•slde *ev**n bndhers, William, of r*>st was a forest. When we came to Briwe, Mass., who di*^! the following That Mr. Cpton's with “to get down Improveji'.cnt and Health." .Mr> Wal­ bfsine^s on* day last week. Sf-ottvllle; Albert of Assyria Center; Victor township the railroad was year. In 1X47, Mr. Cpton married town often this summer" may be runl- ter's tali, wn both lnt»-r*'Sting and Mrs Carrie Pierson of Pllnt visited Jeremiah of .Ht Johns; Charles and built only as far as Owosso. There Miss .Nancy Woodbury, who died In Ized Is the wiikh of his many frlendn. very inrlrucil .f. her subject being last week with her father, A. Webster. Knierson of Hillman; Cassiua of Al­ Wish t*i Irt n>y friends .md *MJslom- wc to<»k a ‘itage to I.alngsbtirg and IHkl. while vlaittng her son, Frank, handled in an exeellent n>anner Many In Ovid pena. and riysses of , and a ers knita that w«* .irt* having at our went to our farms from there.'' in Nebraska. Their children are re given to the ladles Mr .ind Mrs Wm vVashhurn of After living for twelve years upon host *>f oth* r relathea .md friends to millinery -tor*- a gnat display of trim* Frank W, who lives near lamsing; A good wholesome catharthic that by her in w hich they could be an up- i owoMto visited a few days last week the farm, .Mr. Upton moved to St. Albert, of Portland. Oregon; and mourr their l*»ss. m«*«l hatB in the very lul*-st styles. All has a stimulating effect on the aUMB- lift to their village, .\mong her re-1 with Mr. and Mrs. George Marvin. Johna. having been elected county Rometlme we'll understand. •trv c*»rdlally lnvit**d KATHKRINK Arthur of Rhendon. Wyoming. Mr. arh. liver and bowels is Foley On- marks sin* advcK-ated a "cleaning up" Mrs Claude Hlcock of Alma visited D'''*uurer. .in office he held six years. Not now. but In the riming years. BDHB. W. stphalla. Miss cUra Rmlth. Cpton was married In IMS. to Rllen thartic Tablets Thorouichly claaaa- day." Inbrosttng the school children at the home of her parents. Mr. and He was also deputy treasurer for \ M'e'II know the meaning of our tears. trlmiii**r Adv wipd D. Severance of Rheldbotime Falls. ing In action, they keep jrou ragiilar In flow<>r growing .md "caring for the .Mr*<. Joseph Voungs last week. And there sometime we'II understand David S. French, and In later years Mass. He has live grandchildren w"** Miss tJmee Walsworth of flouth with no griping and no unplenoant to* bird? " She also sugg«*st«'d that the Funeral services were held at the HPKf'lil. GKAND JI'KY IN often nerved as deputy for county three great grandchildren. "te* th and eyes of the school chl'dren Haven visited with her parents. Mr, ter effects They remove that Wmsef V C B. church. In l^ebanon. Friday. Mar. FLINT INIIIITS HIX HEN treasurer who were absent from the I.’pon coming to Rt. Johns in ISM. distended feeling so imcomfortnbla la '^mlned by a competent physician" Slid Mr-: V Walsworth. last week. 27. at 1 o'clock. Rev. It I. Kinney of ­ Flint A> M result of the investiga ­ office for a few- days. Ur, Upton was Mr. Cpton purchased the residence stout persons. Mr.ny more evridlmt hints were giv ­ Mrs P R Rtiirrls visited with ficiating. and th** remains laid tc» rest tions by Circuit Judg* WIsner. sit­ en the t'liib Iad1* ‘s. whereby conditions fslends in Iwmslng last week. In the Hast IMatns cemetery. ting as a s|*ec»al grand Jury, six men about Ovid could t>e Improved and Kmory Fuller was a caller In De­ Attorney Cltapln of lainsing was In an- under arrest on *-harge of violat ­ beautified The sj.nrlout home of Mr*. troit on business several daws last ing the local option law Raven war* Ilyslop wa^ very prettily d^eornte*! in W*M»k Ovid Tuesday on huslneea. Misses Ijiils and Bessie Waite re­ nuita were isaued. one of the men ar­ honor of the occasion. Mnk and white Mr* William Rmlth returned last rested )>eing held on tw«» charges. the ••ol«»rs of th** l*rogre«slve Pbib we.*k from visiting with relatives In turned to their school work in Albion Saturday. Tlic «-ourt announ«-*-d other warrants were iifteo In the n.uslc room, while chI|( !,*• In whk-h all hulldin.-s .vr«» Wheat, red ______91 protHrlv r>sl4ed *na> he plare,| in •» rt.** (>als 27 by themselves and aase,l for the lightning ■ Com, shelled, per htiahel ..... go - losses of (hat < laaa onit The halanoe of Rye M the rlsh* to be assesse.1 f**r the Ugbtning B losses net urrlaa In their <* la as. and all ' .New com in ear ______M I risk* In the <-om ponv to he asaeaoed rat- Chotee hand piekad henna new . 91.7.'i Mcmday, ^>ril th I Mbl> for the inaaes from all oausea other 13 ’14 < cents off for each lb plali. (than lightning. Meinhers desirtog tp have their potii le* ptaeed in the roddod Clover aeed. Jane, prime______97.M shall niahe ap^kwUon therefsr eti btenka Clover seed. Mammoth, prime ITJ9 prepared few that parpea* hy the asrrsmrv I'onnnfcnNi at 1 wcloce , bmamp , the pouhwiihi Clover. Alynke. prime ...... tlh.Wj and furnlah proof ootlafa«t»»ry that thetr Wes« TheodoreMlgham Myfer, Asentht^Mhns, Mhh I huU-llnos are rro perD redded, and hy pa>^* un mmnL I Ing a fee of one d^sllsr for such *-haa^ It POOLff Sheep ... ttJo fir M.M' I* underatiwd amt agree*! that a hwlFI* ItMi ttytalTi tnnnnnnneoo wooonn ing Is not pro perly redded unlees M hM a Cattle, ratted ______ii.to • fT.it I ssl\-wntaed steel or * oppsr red er oahle. |4ff jVenl enlvee ------_ fiJt • flOto not loos than Uiree-itghths inch In itiay- tar. reoalag tbr full lewgth nt the rMps T4e«a. par cwt...... fT.W O $1.40 . heard sHIh the paoolMe esisn Wsa U net I Lnmha. per owt ______|i.tt O $TM to ekfood live fPet at the enwa. wttti Up­ right sp>r* II net loea than fopr foot In f.t loagih ns»d not ksrther npart than montv dl Apifl. I Beef. Irimi ------flOJt m flSJt feet The red er cgMe shaU foms an en* tPteruptod ctrrwlt fletn pointa *i# spire to ».4 I Fort. tPmaad ______fltJI # fll.tt srewMolnaB There shall he on upright 17s Yum! Yum! iCalvee. dreeaad ...... fll.W • f14.M ■pire estoadtng at Moot twotvo Inches aoinre every chlwinev nr . 'ipola. If o short ». 4 LfTI FBPLTf. rahle ta ua^ at rtiln.nev onwnoctlag wtth iHeoe. larar. fM______It main rahte at base and bent over the flee, Won’t you enjoy the good things Chleka young ______it owe foot above the < hltnita' Will do There ahall he gro undings for snch end *»f bnIM- i (1 lynefes. young __ It lag whl' h g ro un ding shnil extend eight or for Easter? Among the many appe­ mare feet below the aufta*e to mmsi sarih Turkeys, lartm. fat (*n httIMIbgs o\ er ninetv feet long a Ihlnl grounding shall he made tising things you will find at my store When hutldlng- ar»- i-otered wtth metal It t Beef hides _ . roof the >aMe or rods mav lie ronnected With the «iwnsrs f»f the roof snd gropnde,!. are Grapefruit. Radishes. Green I Horse hides _ sfdres mn*- he timllfed eseept ow •-him- Calf skins, green ne,-s and rupntas It ta further uiwler* TERBW um OP IMt AMD TMDEE, TAflMi OM BinMI OTM ■NWT TfVE wiu m Onions. Pie Plant and Aspararus. sl«e«d th.»l the iftfotsinv shall hn\e the iPHODKCE, TRHETARUra, PI rtg**f to -,1 soy ilWH* <1errl»-e l*>e poll v* KN OM HOOD DAMEAELE MOTEM DEAWIMO • PBS CBITT IHTBI Hotter ______a hr>lder of the |,ri\-1legr of Ihl* lass when Lat Mm Supply Your Tahh FUnrs In l»s |,,dgm>-nt he rtr she fall* I** heep l*o«atr>es- _---- ,------thetr htilldleg* property rod dn l It !• fur* fher ,grew,t tbai the -ompar' shsl* not ntV, HTEAW, WOOD he llih'* fiw m'irr than tsro hundml *Ia I* .No 1 Timothy . 911.0< Uv on sn*- uer--lded hnUdlmr an .1 .on- tents In this eiass No. 2 Tlirothv $10 on iiwlrr the .tirtl- tilt In retting a rep- D. C. LeBaron No. 1 Clover, hoary misad ____ M.W reseot-tlfe rnmher of memhe-s fo sttewd No. I Clover, light mixed ^ Ih-M a sp,- ‘-al meeting the hoard, at thta time SIDNEY GATES, Prop. St, Joktm, Michiptm Wood, bard - ____M oftee. tSr shove f-T (• - nstilers I Ion atwl will it submit It for adtlon or reierttofi at the Wood, mtaod______- ft-tl nest regMtar annual meeting wiisaff. aaA------l.ta 9 mjt rilAP n •IfFINttJl. herretart R.L.BIXBY.