f THE OT. J NEWS XOI.UMF. XXV—NO. 36 8T. jcmm, MCHIOAW. THURSDAY a. in4. ONE DCMXAR A YBAR k mkvmmmm nuiML Baekwanl. tora kaskvard. ok, Tim* la jroiir tlsbt: glY* u* a hmM* PBOIAT. •n wlUi sklrta oat ao tlsht; cN* u* a aSBBKB KVCMm girl whoa* ehanas, laaaY or foar. as* O Who «nil remaaiber to keep a # Boi ao expooad by maeb p**b a boo; # faw oMMnaata sfieace at aooa. ao # glv* no a Bialdoa aa matfr what aa*. Rt matter where you nsay be. la de* ^ # voat reaMmbraace ct Hie Croaa EBTIRim wbo woat uM tho atro*t for a raad* lonELEcn 4 and Paeeloa? Ig it aathlag to 4 Till* glYaaaaglrl not so sharp­ 4 you. all ye that paaa hr? BahoM 4l jaaiAff ly la tI*w. drooa bar la ahlrta tte BATH TBWIHMilP ■AMBN TBAINIB PINB im BhfB BBBfl DPVINI PABBM Wm rSALM MPBATh WABD POB ■ua caaaot shtao through; aad glr* 4 aad aee If there be any aarrow 4 .mm iPAHm. 4 llbe unto my eorrow. ” "Btamad 4| AT MFIIBAT. ■ATBB. us th« daaoos of daya aow gnM by. •P WBBBffBBH. with piracy of clochoo aad slopo aot 4 Harknir. who at tbla boar dMat 4 . — '' so hl^: put turhoy-troc oapors aad 4 haag upon the Croaa. stretching 4 t,rnr sas___________ 4 forth Thy loving arms, grant that 4 IKnL M |Ik ieIB |i IV ri riITgn Tonfiimi ^uu«nollk glMoa, th* burdygurdy Donanain nnn ’ llll^ lt*uXuitU liUMHi “f mMCSBIlul Ulu I iMc CELEWIflOII BEBIB EHRLT 4 all manktad may look unto Thee 4 M I IK ILNn 11 oth*r such baaay-huga, all oa a I*y *I, 4 aad be aaved." 4 .. — 4 "11) Thiae Agony and Bloody 4 __ ____ as products of Hall, all laoplrod by 4 .sweat: by Thy < roaa and Pas- 4 HBBTBB A« l^tUrPT TBBABV tbc d*vll; theo lot us faast our tired V4»Tft: NAH VBBY LIMHT ly KfBBV RrNBBB OF Nl'TBIMB BBmROfl (HITHBAflK UTAinni AN (!LBWU 4 slon; by Thy Preclou* Death 4 optics oor« more, oa the ‘’geauiac PBBCINIT. WILI. BK NBLil. Fim BIX YBARH. fltMIDRrPP FOR jrHTif’B. womaa" as sweet aa of yore. Yea, 4 and Burial, (!oo,l I-ord, deliver 4* Time, please turn backward and 4 us. ♦; HF4IKHI: 11. H4'II0KYH.IIX # ♦ t grant our reqtHWt, for Cod's richest Ray or* Fleet. Olad Kveal to Re I' With Ba. siM Teter hi IMS AM* I* Thr rrwpoall^a ^ He«lsl*a ' idewMiiK but not so undressed. The .Yew Haanl WUl Hlaad It Bapab. sic, Fralset ! His Ballet al Pellg ApMI •f the ('hartor Haa IMeated Ilraam i Praisfmls and I NBLLM H.tLF I.YTRMBNT. R44XIR44 BATI'H. Bind Reieielag*. t. till. lly ao Ba>*rit). Don't miss seeing Del-oof and Fragmaaive. Samuel Schaffer has !<old a half In- young Smith Itoa ten rounds at the Al- • lerest 10 hl» restaurnut buslnesa. eor. ------ -. ,Ilsun, F'nday night. April ID. This will OWD MAN ARRESTED 1 ht cbuiches uf Ht. John* lor th* of Clinton Ave and Railroad Sc to ^ county ufflciala. In Kleition day in dt. Johns opened b,* the fastest match singed here this The democrats gained un,* sufiervia- past few we«.|t* have been making pre­ • Planning Baum, who reside* on Floral.nerve In the present court house af jp with a heuvy snow storm, which It. season. Cood prelliiilnsrtea. or ill the ejecllun Monduy. In Bath 96 parations to make Sunday. April 12. a AtF. Clinton county, was Joalah Uptoa, a short tliue covered the ground to a .tuwnsulp, Alonso Webster, who has FOR ILI^L bright and Joyful fa^aater. The weather I then county treasurer, who celebrat- depth of several Inches After the represented that town for u number of late!) has been a lltfle cool for spring |ed his ninetieth birthday Sunday, Apr. stiirru stoppetl the saow commenced to years, was defeated by his brother. 4ILI.A WfNiDWfiRTH H4M’Y|) OfRR clothes, but everybody Is hoping that a. 1914. at bis home. Caas and Wight melt and the streets be<-aiiie sloppy, Mervin Webster. The 04‘W board will Sunday may be bright aad sunsblney streets, where be has lived since IMS niukiUK ll naaly for the political work ­ stand 13 repbulicans. 6 democraU and TO riMlTIT fOI-HT. and perhaps warm. There will be when he came to St. Johns, after hge* ers. one progressive. A very light vote was several auniiee service*. l-Iaetcr ser­ lag been elected county treasurer. The vote was light, less than HOO liulliwl In every township. mons. cantatas, recitations and song*. ‘The county offices then," said Mr. The resulta In the different town ­ (livid Correspondent ! oailots being cast. <>n the city ticket Olin Woodworth was arrested lest Upton, a few days ago, whan telUgg the honors were even, the Iteiuocrats ship* will be found 00 page 10, under ('ongMpnlionnl fTharrh. aennething of bis life, “were la a siaall heading "Township Klectlons." Thursday afternoon hy Sheriff Cram­ electing mayor and city treasurer and er on complaint of Charlee Smith, The llrsi service of the day will be bulldlog on the northwest comer of the Uepubileans ♦•lectinK < ll> clerk at 6 o'clock Easter morning This will the court yard. The register of deeffg rXLOAD ROAD BAfrHIXRBT. charging him with Illegal voting In the snd justice of the pea»'c Republlcaii caucus held recently. It Is be a service of praise, held for the and couaty clerk had their offlcee am In the tlrsi ward the Uepubllc.ms County Hoad ('oinmiaaloaer Herbert third year. It wlU be led by Miss Lucy one side and the county treasurer am Arnibruattnacher and County Bagl- alleged that Wocwlworth. who is a resi­ made a clean sweep In the s«>cond dent of .Shlawaas'i county voted la the Peck and all are most cordially In­ the other side of the bulldlag. Wkmm ward the Iiemocrat;- captureil the neer K. (i. Hulae, uaJcMMled machinery vited to be present. the preeent building was nniiiiilgtig for building county roads Thuraday. iowtisbip caurus held In Clinton coun ­ olllre* of alderman and constable, ty. Woodworth livw Just across the At 10:30 the regular service of the we moved Into that. Ht. Johns wgg while the Keptibllcans got supervisor. Friday and Saturday in Ortd and line la Shlawaseec. church will be held. There will be only a small to*m then- Juat a few The third ward went solidly Republi­ Fowler, in Dvtd they unloaded a rol ­ baptism uf obildren and reception of hundred people here." ler. four wheeled scrapers and a plow He was taken before Justice B. V. can. Soule where he waived '*xaiulaatloi. members Into the church. The pastor Although ninety years old Mr. UlF The result follows; and at Fnwler the stone crusher, bln will deliver a short Easter sermon. I ton was able to be taken to the palle and screen. The machinery could and was tiound over to the June term Mayor of the clrrult court. He wak released The special music for the morning Monday to vote. “It may be the laat RclKiennil*. d I*' not be moved out to the place of be­ will be aa follows; Anthem. "Jesus Is time." he said. "But I'm not worryt^ ginning work Ivecauae of the bad oon- on a bond of furnished by (leorge Want, r . 274 Slortim and Kilward Van Dyne Risen Today. ” choir; lolo. Ave Maiia. about that." Since voting for John C. <Merk ditlon of roads. Aa soon as road* are (R>unod. Mrs. Roland Prink. Male Fiemoat In ls&6. the first repablieag tiscood. d -••J in lietter condition the work 00 coun ­ quartette, Messrs lo-e. Walt,-. Wnsh- eandldati- for president. Mr. Uptoa Cochrane, r 4^*" *'*2 ty mads will be commenced. At a hurn, Titus. lias been an ardent Republican. "I Treasurer- meeting of the road commisslonert. ALLEDED COONTEliFEITER The Sunday school will be held at waa sorry | could not go with aome of Judd, d 4yi* 260 Monday hills were allowed and reg ­ noon as usual. The special offering!- the other PVemont voters to the baa- Msek. r 23» ular routine business transacted ARRESTED HERE TOESDAY iKvih at the morning church service quet of the (Minton (bounty RepubU* •lustlce- niLLUN f'Of'HRARB, County Highway Kagineer E. C. and at the Sunday school will be for HKOROK H. JIHB, ran club this winter but it wan oa Sow le. d 214 Ke-FIrcted f'ity 4'lerk Hulae will start surveying the roads the t>enevolence* of the church. Be«Elee4ed I'lty TrMeerer. cold I did not dare go out. I wonM Woodruff, r — 418-9^ this week, if < ondItkMis permit. HtlHFBI.lY JI YK DF.4LKM lY FOB. There will be no meetiBg of the Ilk'- to have been there. I'm not e l*rogreasive. Cueas I am not Car First Ward- HKHHItKY BF BAD t'Ul.YH. Christian Kndeavorers in the evening. Suiverv jsor HKliniHT IIBRt: FOK HrHI.AL. The regular Faster evening sendee enough along. The republican partp Moss, d ft ST.JOHNSMMOESGEHOINiT Haymond John, four months old of the church will be held at 7:30 It SEVEN TO PARTICIPATE Is good enough for me and It wont ivoollnr. r 10 son of Mr. and Mr* John Spayd. dle,l ruder Sheriff ilrittin uf .Shiawaaaex- will consist of an c.-intata entitled. Oli­ QIULIUCT nnUrrOT Monday etthor. 4ldeni.an OF THE PILGHIM FATieS Wednv'sday. April 1. 1914, at their couiil) and Sv-cret Service Df&cer ve! to Calvary.
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