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july, 1829. , STAMP DUTIES.

Not exceeding Sills, Promissory Notes, fyc, On Demand, or after Date.

For £2 and not above £5 : 5 Above 5, 20 Above 20 30 Above 30 50 Above 50 100 Above 100 200 Above 200 300 Above 300 500 Above 500 1000 Above 1000 2000 Above 2000 3000 Above 3000 Stamp Duties*.

AGREEMENTS, not above 1080 words, 20s Above 1080 words, 35s. —With a progressive duty of 25s. for every 1080 words additional. Personal Bonds and Mortgages.

Sum not exceeding .£50 £1 Above£2000 not exc. £3000 £7

Above £50 . :

Stamp Duties.

LEASES OR TACKS. If 300 Lease of any Lands, at a yearly- rent, where no sum of money by way of fine, or grassum, has been paid Where the yearly rent shall not amount to £20, £\ And where the same shall amount to £20, and not

to =£100, . . £1 Amtg. to£100,notto£200 2

. 200 . . 400 3

. 400 . . 600 4

. 600 . . 800 5

. 800 . 1000 6 1000 8c upwards 10 And for the counterpart of any Lease herebycharged with a duty if not exceeding £1, the like duty as on the same. And for the counterpart of any other lease whatso-

ever, . . . £1 10 And for every 1080 words

above the first, . £ 1 INVENTORIES. Testa- Testa- Value of Effects, merit merit left, not left. £ £ s. £ s. Above £20 & not 50 10 If 50 100 10 10 100 200 2 3 200 300 5 8 ALPHABETICAL LIST



With References to their Situations.

Abercromby Place, West George Ann Street, Bridgeton. Street. Ann Street, from Jamaica st. Abercromby Street, Calton. to Oswald street. Academy Court, 65, Crown st. Annuity Court, 48, York street. Adams' Court, 193, Argyle st. Antigua Place, Nelson street^

south side, and 1 1, Jamaica st. Argyle Arcade, 100, Argyle st. Adam's Court, 36, Rose street. and 32, Buchanan street. Adam's Court Lane, from Ar- Argyle Buildings, corner of gyle street to Howard street. M'Alpin street. Adelphi Street, , Argyle Court, 90, Argyle st. fronting the river. Argyle Place, corner of Robert- Adelphi Place, 4, Adelphi st. son street. Albany Place, Sauchiehall Road, Argyle Street, from Stock well west end. and Glassford street to Ander- Albion Buildings, 116 George st. ston. Albion Court, 23, South Albion Ark Closs, 46, St Enoch'sWynd street. Ark Lane, Duke street, north Albion Court, 41, North Albion side. street and 141, George street. Armour Street, from Barrack Albion Street (South,) from Bell street to Hill street. street to Canon street. Ayton Court, 62, Old Venal. Albion Street (North,) from Ayton Place, 52, Old Venal. Canon street to George st. Allan Place, Douglas Street, Back Wynd, from Trongate to Blythswood Holme. Alston Street, Grahamston,north Bain's Place, Upper Nile street. from Argyle street. Balmanno Place, from George America Court, 24, Adelphi st. street to Shuttle street. ,west end of Argyle st. Balmanno Street from George Anderson's Court, Main street, street to Rottenrow. Bridgeton. Barbers' Close, 97, Saltmai'ket. Street Directory. 8

Barony Glebe, . Bridge Street, from Broomielaw Barony Place, east end of Stir- Bridge to Eglinton street. ling road. Bridgeton, from Canning street Barrack Street, from Gallow- to Rutherglen Bridge. gate to Duke street. Brock, St. N. and S. Mile-end. Bath Lane, Bath street to Cath- Broad Close, 167, High street. cart street. Broad Street, Mile-End. Bath Street, at the upper end of Broomward Street, M'Kechnie Buchanan street. street, Calton. Bazar, Candleriggs, east side. Broomielaw, west of Broomie- Bedford Street, Laurieston. law Bridge. Beef Market, 61, King Street, Brownfield, from York Street and 66, Bell Street. to Anderston. Bellgrove Place, from Gallow- Brown Street, from Argyle st. gate to Duke street. to Broomielaw. Bell's Court, 24*, Rose street. Brown Street, Bridgeton. Bell Street, from Candleriggs to Brunswick Court, 120, Brun- High street. swick street, and 109, Cau- Bell Street, Bridgeton. dlerigg Street. Bell Street, Stevenson street. Brunswick Lane, from Brun- Beaver Court, 53, King street, swick street to Melville Place. . Brunswick Street and Place, Bilsland's Open, Kirk street, from Trongate to Ingram st. Calton. Buchan Street, , from Bishop Street, from Main street, Clyde Terrace to Malta street. Anderston, to St. Vincent st. Buchanan Courts, 85, and 95, Black Boy Close, 35, Gallow- Candlerigg street. gate. Buchanan Court and Buildings, Blackfriar Street, High street, .105, Stockwell street. east side. Buchauan Court, 16, Broomie- Blair's Court, 23, Jamaica st. law. Blair Street, Calton. Buchanan Court, 75, Argyle st. Blyth's Court, 19, Virginia st. Buchanan Court, 37, Bedford Blythswood Holme, from Well- street, Laurieston. ington street to Anderston. Buchanan Court, 44, Trongate. Blythswood Place, St. Vincent Buchanan Street, from Argyle street, north side. street to Bath street. Blythswood Square, Blyths- Buns Wynd, from High street wood Hill, West St. Vincent to Shuttle street. street. Burnside Lane, Havannah st. Boarhead Close, 66, High street. Burnside, Port-Dundas. Both well Street, Bishop street, Burrell's Hall and Lane, Duke Anderston. street, north side. Bowling Green Court, 90, Bell Street, north side. Calton Entry, from Gallowgate Brandon Place, West George st. to New street, Calton. Bridgegate, from Stockwell to Calton Mouth, from Gallowgate Saltmarket. to King street, Calton. 9 Street Directory.

Cambridge St. from Sauchiehall Charles Street, Calton. street to New Woodside road. Charlie's Close, 66, Canning st. , east end of Gallow- Cheapside Street, Stobcross st. gate. to Anderston Quay. Campbell's Court, 40, Candle- Claremont Place, Great Clyde rigg street. street.

Campbell Street, from Sauchie- Clarence Street, Morrison st. hall southward. Tradeston. Campbellfield, 1012 Gallowgate. Clark's Buildings, south end Campbell Street, from Gallow- Main street, Gorbals. gate to Graeme street. Clark's Court, 109, Bridgegate. Candlerigg Street, from Tron- Clark's Court, Main st. Calton. gate to St. David's Church. Ciarkson's Court, Kirk street, Candlerigg Court, 63, Candle- Calton. rigg street. Cleland's Court, 239, Argyle st. Canning Place, Stirling Road, Claythorn Street, opposite the north side. Foot Barracks. Canning Street, formerly Bar- Clyde Place and Buildings, rowfield Road, from Great Tradeston, fronting the Har- Hamilton street to Bridgeton. bour. Canon Street, from Ingram Clyde Street (Great,) from Ja- street to Shuttle street. maica street to Bridgegate. Carlton Place, south side of the Clyde Street (East,) from the river between the Bridges. Bridge to the New Jail.

Carlton Court, 13 Newbridge st. Clyde Street, from Stobcross st. Carrick Street, from Argyle to Anderston Quay. street to Broomielaw. Clyde Street, Calton, north of Car-swell's Court, 26, George st. Canning street. Place, south of Hos- Clyde Terrace, from the Old pital street. bridge to Carlton place. Castle Street, from Kirk street Clyde Terrace Court, 13, Clyde to Townhead toll. Terrace. Castlepen's Close, 136 and 148, Coach Work Close, 82, George High street. street.

Cathcart Street, head of Bu- Coburg Court, 51, Cochrane st. chanan street, west side. Coburg Lane, Bedford street, Catherine Street, Calton. Laurieston.

Cattle Market, Graeme Square. Coburg Street, from Oxford st. Cavendish Street, Laurieston. to Norfolk street. Centre Street, Tradeston. Cochrane Street, from Montrose Chapel Close, 85, Main street, street to George square. Gorbals. Callander's Close, 70 Stockwell. Charity Court, 65, Bridgegate. College Church Open, High st. Charlotte Lane, from Charlotte east side. street to St. Andrew's Lane. College, Old and New Court, Charlotte Place, Great Clyde st. High street, east side. Charlotte Street, from Gallow- College Street, High street, op- gate to Green street, posite the College. '

Street Directory. 10

College Street, from M'Alpin Dinning's Court, 47, Dale st. street to Brown street. Tradeston. Commerce Street, Tradeston. Dixon Street, from Great Clyde Commercial Court, 114, Can- street to Howard street. dlerigg street. Dobbie's Loan, from Castle st. Commercial Court, 106, Gal- to the Lunatic Asylum. lowgate. Douglas Court, Grahamstoiij Commercial Road, Adelphi st. north side. Cordiners' Court, 47 Stockwell. Douglas Street (North,) Blyths- Copenhagea Street, Sauchieliall wood square. street, north side. Douglas Street, north side of Coronation Buildings, Lauries- Argyle street. ton. Dovehill, Great and Little, from Cowan's Court, Grahamston. Gallowgate to Gr»me street. Craig's Close, 71, Stockwell st. Drygate, from High street to Craig's Court, 8, Canning st. Ladywell street. Craig's Court, 95, Argyle st. Duke Street, from High street Crauston Hill, west end of to Whitevale. Anderston. Duke Street Lane, foot of Ha- Craignestock, Calton. vannah street. Crispin Place, Kirk Street. Duncan's Close, 177, Trongate. Crown Court, 33, Virginia Duncan's Close, 125, High st. street. Duncan Street, Bridgeton. Crown Street, Adelphi street. Dundas Street, Morrison street, Croy Place, from Maxwell st. Tradeston. to Turner's Court. Dundas Street, from West Crum's Close, 63, Gallowgate. George street to Bath st. Cumberland Court, 160 Gallow- Dunlop Street, from Argyle st. gate, south side. to Jackson street. Cumberland Place, Port-Eglin- ton, Laurieston. Eagle Lane, 53, Maxwell street. Cumberland Street, Canning st. Edwin Place, Gorbals toll. Cumberland Street, Laurieston. Eglinton Street, from Bridge st. Currie's Close, 50, High street. to Gorbals toll. Cutlers' Close, 88, Gallowgate. Ewing Place, corner of York st. Argyle street. Dale Street, Bridgeton. Dale Street, from Clyde Build- Fiddler's Close, 75, High street. ings southward. Fife Place, West George street. Dalhousie Street, Garnet hill. , west end of Stob- Dallas Court, 229, Argyle st. cross street, Anderston. Road, Bridgeton. Fish Market, 108, King street. Deacon's Close, Calton Mouth. Fleeming's Place, . Deanside Lane, north side of Forefield Lane, Ladywell street. George street. Franklin Street, Bridgeton. Dean Street, Balmanno street. Frazer's Court, Main street, Dempster Street, west side of Bridgeton. North Frederick Street. Frederick Lane, from North 11 Street Directory.

Frederick street to North from south end of St. NFnian Hanover street. street to Commercial road. Frederick Street (North,) from Graham's Buildings, 62, George George square to Love loan. street. Frederick Street (South,) from Graham's Court, 117, Candle- Ingram street to George sqr. rigg street. French Horn Close, 88, Tron- Graham's Square, Gallowgate. gate. Grahamston, west end of Argyle Fulton's Close, 80, Trongate. street, north side. Gramme Street, from Old Venal Gallowgate, from the Cross to to Barrack Wall. Gallowgate toll. Graham Street, Dalmarnock Galloway's Court, 10, George st. road. Galloway's Court, 37, Glassford Gray's Court, 34, Dale street, street. Tradeston. Garnet Hill, north side of Sau- Greenhead, Bridgeton. chiehall road. Greenhil) Place, west end of St. Garnet Place, Garn6t hill. Vincent street. Garthland Street, from Hutche- Green Street, Calton, east end son street to Glassford street. of Great Hamilton street. George Court, 33, Crown street. Green Street, from foot of Salt- George Street, from Duke st. to market to Great Hamilton George square. street. George Street (West,) from Green Street, Main st. Bridge- George square to Blytbswood ton. hill. Green Street Lane, west side of George Street, Mile-end, Calton Green street, Bridgeton. George Square, west end of Greyfriars' Wynd, High street George street and Cochran st. opposite the College church. Gibson's Court, 46, Saltmarket Guildry Court, 137, Bridgegate, street, and 12 and 30, Prince's and 25, East Clyde street. street. Gibson Street, south side of Hamilton Court, Main street, Gallowgate, near Barracks. Bridgeton. Gilmour Place, London street Hamilton Street (Little,) from and St. Andrew's lane. High John street to North Glassford Street, from Stock- Frederick street. well to Ingram street. Hamilton Street (Great,) from Glebe street, Barony glebe. St. Mungo's lane to Canning Gloucester Street, Paterson st. street. Tradeston. Hanover Street (North,) north Goosed ubbs Street, from Stock- side George square. well to foot of Old Wynd. Hanover Street (South.) from Gorhals, south end of Old bridge. Ingram street to George sqr. Gordon Lane, 9, Gordon street. Havannah Street, from High st. Gordon Street, from Buchanan to Burnside Lane. street to West Nile street. High Street, from the Cross to Street, Hutchesontown, Kirk Street, .

Street Directory. 12

Hill's Court, 30, Rose street. to the Broomielaw Bridge. Hill Place, 20, Stirling's road. James Court, 18, Rose street. Hill Street, from Duke street to James Street, Bridgeton. Gallowgate. James Street, Calton.

Hill Street, from Stobcross st. Jamieson's Court, 113, King st. to Main street, Anderston. Jamieson's Open, Main street, Hill Square, 79, Stobcross street. Anderston. Holme Street, from Wellington Jane Street, Blythswood square. street to Pitt street. Johnston Place, Barony glebe, Holland Place, west end St. east end Stirling road. Vincent street. John's Court, 39, Crown street. Hope Street, from St. Vincent John Street (High,) from George Street to Sauchiehall road. street to Stirling's road. Hope Street, from Main st. An- John Street (Low,) from In- derston to Stobcross street. gram street to George street.

Horn's Court, 3, St. Enoch st. John Street, Bridgeton, Main st. Hospital Street, Hutchesontown, John Street, Camlachie. Adelphi Street. John Street Lane, John street, Howard Street, from Jamaica Bridgeton. street to Maxwell street. Hunter Street, near Barracks, Kensington Place, Sauchiehall Gallowgate road. Hutcheson Street, fromTrongate Kent Street, from Gallowgate to Ingram street. to Great Hamilton street. Hutchesontown, at the south Kingfield Row, Gallowgate. end of the Wooden Bridge. Kingston Place, Paisley road. Hutton's Court, Old Ropework Kings Arms Close, 64, Trongate entry, Stockwell. King Street, from Trongate to Bridgegate. Industry Court, 4, Market st. King Street, from Calton mouth Ingram Buildings, 131, Ingram to Green street. street King Street, Mile-end. Ingram Court (East,) 2], In- King Street, Tradeston, from gram street. Bridge street westward. Ingram Court (West,) 163, In- Kirk Close, 63, Main street, gram street, south side, and Anderston. 100, Queen street. Kirk Street, from end of Drygate Ingram Place, 111, Ingram st. to the High church. Ingram Street, from Candle- Kirk Street, from Main street riggs to Queen street. to Green street, Calton. Inkle Factory Lane, from Shut- Kirk Street, from Main street tle street to North Albion st. to Buchan street, Gorbals.

Jackson Street, from Stockwell Ladywell Street, Duke street to Dunlop street. Laigh Kirk Close, from 59, Jaffray's Close, 14, Goosedubbs Trongate, to Prince's street. street. Lancefield, west end of Stobcross Jamaica Street, from Argyle st. street. 13 Street Directory.

Landressy Street, Calton, Can- Marshall's Court, 5 and 9, South ning street. Hanover street. Laurieston, south side of the Marshall St. op. the Barracks. river between the bridges. Martin's Court, 58 Buchanan st. Lawson's Court, 125, Trongate. Mason Street, from Castle street Leitch's Court, 157, Trongate. to Weaver street. Leopard Close, 80, High street. Maxwell Street, south from Ar- Little Street, Calton. gyle street to Clyde street. London Street, from the Cross Maxwelton Place, Paisley road. to Monteith Row. Melville Lane, Melville street. Love Loan, from Rottenrow to Melville Place, 132, Trongate. Dundas street. Melville Street, from Hope st. Lyceum Court, 72, Nelson st. to Gordon street. Melville Street, "Wallace street. M'Alpin's Close, 27, Stockwellst Merchant Lane, from Bridge- M'Alpine Street, from Argyle gate to East Clyde street. street to Broomielaw. Mile-End, east of Canning st. M'Arthur's Buildings, Ander- Miller's Place, from King st. to ston quay. Saltmarket. M'Farlane Place, east end of Miller Street, from Argyle st. Canning street. to Ingram street. M'Farlane Street, from Gallow- Millfield, Hutchesontown, Rose gate to Graeme street. street. M'Gill's Close, 87, Stockwell st. Millroad Street, Calton. M'Kechnie Street, Calton. Milton PI. west St. Vincent st. M'Nichol's Court, 209, Highst. Mitchell Street, from Argyle Madeira Buildings, Argyle st. street to Gordon street. corner of Oswald street. Mirlees' Court, Main Street, Madeira Court, 263, Argyle st. Bridgeton. Main Street, Bridgeton. Mirlees' Close, 79, Canning St. Main Street, Calton Moncrieff Street, Gorbals. Main Street, Gorbals. Montague Place, West End of Main Street, Anderston. Bath street. Main's Street, Blythswood hill. Montrose Street, from Ingram Maitland Street, Cowcaddens. street to Stirling's road. Malta Street, Gorbals, west side Moodie's Court, 31, Argyle st. of Main street. Monteith Row, eastof London st. Manhattan Buildings, South Moore Place, west George st. Hanover street. Moore Street, Gallowgate. Margaret Street, from Little Morrison's Court, 108, Argyle st. Hamilton St. to Love loan. Morrison Street, Nelson street, Market Lane, John street. Tradeston. Market Street, from Bridgegate Muir's Buildings, Melville St. to New Jail. Tradeston. Marlborough Street, south from MuirheadStreet,Hutchesontown Gallowgate toll. from Adelphi st. southward. Marshall's Close, 81 and 147, Muslin St. Bridgeton, Main st. Bridgegate. Mutton Market, 86, King st. Street Directory. 14

Napier's Close, 77 and 85, Salt- Park Place, foot of Stockwell. market. Park Place, Paisley Road. Nelson Street, from Trongate to Parson Street, Barony Glebe. Stirling square. Paterson Street, from Tarbet Nelson Street, Tradeston. street to Rottenrow. New London Road, from Can- Paterson Street, Morrison street, ning street eastward. Tradeston. New Street, Calton, from Russel Peter's Buildings, west Nile st. street to Calton Cross. corner of Fife place. New Venal, High street, east Piccadilly Street, Anderston,from side, near the College. Stobcross st. to Broomielaw. New Wynd, from Trongate to Pipehouse Close, 93, High st. Bridgegate. Pitt Street, Blythswood Holme. Nicholson Street, Carlton place. Pitt Street, Nelson st. Tradeston. Nile St. (east) at the Gallowgate Port-Dundas, Canal, New Ba- bridge, north side. sin. Nile st. (west) from Mitchell st. Port-Eglinton, Paisley Canal to Cowcaddens toll. Basin. Nile Street Lane, west Nile st. Portland Place, from Rottenrow to Renfield street. to Stirling's road. Norfolk Court, 19, Norfolk st. Portland Street, Laurieston. Norfolk Lane, from Norfolk st. Portland Street, from George to Bedford street. street to Rottenrow. Norfolk Street, Laurieston, from Portugal Street, Laurieston. Bridge st. to Portugal st. Potato Market, foot of Market st. Pratt's Court, 109, Argyle st. Old Coach Close, 151, Gallow- Prince's Street, from Saltmarket to King street. Old Post- Office Court, 114, Provan Court, 40, North Frede- Trongate. rick street. Old Swan Close, 187, Trongate. Provan Place, head of North Old Wynd, from Trongate to Montrose street. Bridgegate. Provan Side, Stirling's road. Old Venal, from High street to Graeme street. Queen's Court, 62, Queen st Orr Street, Mile-end, Calton. Queen Street, from Argyle st. Oswald Court, 71, Maxwell st. to George's square. Oswald Court, 63, Stockwell st. Queen St. and Place, Tradeston. Oswald Street, from Argyle st. to Broomielaw quay. Regent Street, from Nile street Oxford Street, Laurieston, from to Blythswood hill. Bridge st. to Nicholson st. Reid's Court, 56, Trongate. Reid Street, Bridgeton. Parker's Court, 22, King st. Renfield Street, from Union st. Calton. to Cowcaddens road. Parkhouse Lane, foot of Duke Renfrew Street, Quarrytown. street, north side. Richmond St. from Montrose Portland street. Park Lane, Mile-end, Calton. j street to 15 Street Directory.

Risk Street, Calton. St. Ninian Street, Adelphi st. Ritchie's Lane, Clyde st. Calton. St. Rollox, Townhead. Robertson's Court, 179, Argyle St. Vincent Place, from George street. square to Buchanan street. Robertson's Lane, Robertson st. St. Vincent Street (West,) from Robertson Street, from Argyle Buchanan street westward. street to Broomielaw. Salisbury Street, Laurieston. RopeworkEntry, 108, Stockwell. Saltmarket, from the Cross to Ropework Lane, Jackson st. the Low Green. Rose Street, Adelphi street. Sandyford, wt. end of Anderston. Rottenrow, from Drygate to Savoy Street, Bridgeton. High John street. Scott's Court, 349, Gallowgate. Rumford Street, Bridgeton. Shuttle Street, from Canon st. Russel Street, Kent st. east side. to George street. Rutherglen Loan, from Main Sidney Court, 62, Argyle street. street to Little Govan. Sidney Street, east end of Gal- lowgate, north side. Saracen's Lane, Gallowgate, op- Sinclair's Crt. 363, Gallowgate. posite St. Mungo's Lane. Sister Street, Orr street, Calton. Smithfield Buildings, foot of Smith's Court, 62, Brunswick Oswald street. street, and 53, Candlerigg st. Sauchiehall St. from Cowcaddens Smith's Court, 64, Jamaica st. road to Sandyford. Spoutmouth, from Gallowgate St. Andrew's Lane, from Gal- to Old Venal. lowgate to St. Andrew's sq. Spruell's Court, 26, Glassford st. St. Andrew's Square, principal and 182, Trongate. entry from Saltmarket. Stevenson Street, Calton. St. Andrew's Street, from Salt, Steel Street, from Saltmarket to market to St. Andrew's sq. Low Green street. St David's Court, 16, Canon st. Stirling's Road,from High John St. Enoch's Lane, 143, Argyle street to Townhead toll. street, south side. Stirling Square, west end of St. Enoch's Square, south side of Stirling street. Argyle st. op. Buchanan st. Stirling Street, from High st. St. Enoch's Wynd, south side of to Stirling square. Argyle street to Howard st. Stobcross Street, from Argyle St. George Place, west side of street to Finnieston. Buchanan street. Stockwell Place, Stockwell st. St. James' Street, Melville st. west side. Tradeston. Stockwell Street, from Glassford St. Margaret Place from Bridge- street to Old Bridge. gate to Jail. Stormont Street, east side of St. Mungo's Lane, from Gal- Maxwell street. lowgate to Green entry. Struthers' Street, Calton. St. Mungo Street from Stirling's Suffolk Street, from St. Mungo's road to Parson street. lane to Kent street. St. Nicholas Street, from Kirk Sugar-house Close, 132, Gallow- street to Weaver street. gate, and 47, King street. Street Directory. 16

Sugar-house Lane, Gallowgate. Virginia Court, 71, Virginia st. Summer Street, Mile-End. Virginia Place, head of Virginia Sun Close, 19, Saltmarket. street. Swan Close, Main st. Gorbals. Virginia Street, from Argyle st. Sweeps Close, 72, High street. to Ingram street. Surrey Place, west of Gorbals toll, road. Waddell's Court, 48, Stockwell. Sussex Place, 9, Adelphi street. Wallace Crt. Bell st. south side. Wallace Street, Eglinton street. Tanwork Close, 89, Gallowgate. Warroch Street, Stobcross st. Tarbet Street, Deanside brae. Warwick Street, head of Nichol- Taylor Street, from Rottenrow son street, Laurieston. to Dobbie's loan. Washington St. from Main st. Thistle Street, Adelphi street. Anderston, to Broomielaw. Thomson's Lane, Marlborough Waterloo Close, 91, Stockwell. street, Calton. Watson's Crt. 196, Gallowgate. Thomson's Lane, Green street Weaver Street, from Rottenrow to Risk street. to Stirling's road. Thomson's Square, 70, Main st. Well Park Lane, Parkhouse Anderston. lane, Ladywell. Tobago St. Calton, Canning st. Well Street, Main st. Calton. Tontine Buildings, Exchange. Wellington Court, 43, Argyle st. Tontine Close, 34, Trongate. Wellington Plaee, south end of Tradeston, at the south end of the Wooden bridge. the New Bridge. Wellington Place, (North) Sau- Trafalgar Street, Bridgeton. chiehall road. Trafalgar Place, Broomielaw Wellington Street, from Ander- quay. ston walk to Sauchiehall road. Trongate, from the Cross to West Street, Tradeston. Stockwell and Glassford st. Whitevale, from Gallowgate to Tureen Street, from Gallowgate Duke Street. to King street, Calton. William Street, Canning street. Turner's Court, 87, Argyle st. William Street, Mile-end. Wilson St. from Candleriggs to Union Court, corner of Union Virginia street. place, Argyle st. north side. Wilson'sClose, 139, Saltmarket. Union Place, North st. Ander- Wilson's Court, 57, Argyle st. ston. Windsor Place, Sauchiehall road. Union Street, Argyle street, op- Wood Lane, Broomielaw. posite Jamaica street. Wright's Court, 125, Queen st. Union St. and Place, Calton. Ure Place, Montrose street. York Street, from Argyle street to Broomielaw. Villafield, north end of Taylor st York Place, 339, Argyle street. Virginia Buildings, 43, Virginia street, west side. 17 Contents.

CONTENTS. page Bill Card, 3 Stamp Duties, ...... 4 Street Directory, ...... 7 Glasgow Directory, ...... 19 APPENDTX. Banking Houses, ...... 40 Billeting of Soldiers, 47

Canal Passage Boats, ...... 60 Canal Traders, ...... 61 Carriers' Quarters, &c...... 69 Cartel's' Regulations, ...... 56 Cess and Tax Offices, ...... 45 Chamber of Commerce, ...... 32 Clyde Steam Packets, ...... 63 Clyde Traders, . .63 Coaches, Mail and Stage, 77 Coaches, Hackney and Noddy Regulations, ... 52 Fire and Insurance Offices, ..... 45 Justices of the Peace, - ...... 38

Leith and Aberdeen Steam Packets, . . . 63

Leith and London Steam Packets, . . . . 63

Leith, Hamburgh and Rotterdam Packets, . . 63

Leith and London Smacks, . . . . 62 Letters, Delivery of ...... 1 Mails, Dispatch of ...... 1 Magistrates of Glasgow, ...... 28 Magistrates of Suburbs, ...... 32 Merchants' House, ...... 30 Messengers at Arms, Roll of 49 Ministers of Glasgow, &c...... 37 Newspaper Offices, ...... 47 Newspapers, Regulations for sending to the Colonies, . 2 Police Establishments, ...... 33 Post Office Receiving Houses, .....m 28 Postage, Rates of, in Great Britain, . . . . 3 Postage from Glasgow to Countries beyond Seas, with the Day of Dispatch, ...... 4 Post Towns in England, ...... 9 Do. in Ireland, ...... 19 Do. in , 22

Porters at the Broomielaw, Regulations for . . . 60

Do. of the City, Do. . 58 Do. Coal, Do. ... 59 b2 Contents. 18

Principal Places Abroad, with the Countries to which Let- ters are Forwarded, ...... 5 Public Offices, 41 River and Harbour Dues, ..... 65 Ship Letters, how Charged, . - . . . 2 Sheriff Officers, List of 48 Tide Table, 80 Trades' House, ...... 31 University, ...... 36



ABERCROMBY A DAM. ABERCROMBY, Alex, of J. % W. M'Laren 8; Co. house Provanside, Stirling Road v Abercromby, John, spirit-dealer, Port-Dundas Aberdeen Bank, 83 Queen street. G. Hamilton & Co. agents Aberdeen Fire and Life Assurance Office, Old Post Office Court. James Todd, jun. writer, agent ADAM, Alexander, hardware merchant, 15 Trongate Adams, Alex, surgeon, 343 High street, house 239 house at Jas. Adam, Andrew, of M^Kean fy Adam, Taylor's, Montrose street Adam, Andrew, tobacconist, 4 Drygate Adam, Andrew, grocer, 44 Drygate Adam, David, portioner, 49 Tobago street, Calton Adam, George, flesher, Bell Street Market Adam, J. G. calico printer, 51 Cochran street, house 47 West Regent Street. Adam, James, haberdasher, 56 Nelson street Adam, John, bricklayer, 21 Nelson street, Tradeston Adams, John, musician, 137 Gallowgate Adam, John, flesher, Bell Street Market Adam, John, sheriff-officer, 6 Struthers street, Calton 20 ADAM AGNEW.

Adams, Joseph, japanner, 60 High street Adam, Peter, writer, 48 Nelson street Adam, Peter, builder and brickmaker, 55 Centre street Adam, Robert, smith, 6 M'Farlane street Adam, Robert, writer, of Adam 8? Allan, 144 Queen street, house 47 West Regent street Adam, Robert, plasterer, 43 Great Hamilton street Adam, Thomas, keeper, Green Market, 42 NewWynd Adam, William, spirit-dealer, Melville st. Tradeston Adam, William, Burnbank Bleachfield, office, A. M'Nair, 71 Bell street Adam, William, & Co. merchants, 103 Brunswick st. Adam, William, surgeon, 41 Green street, Calton Adam, William, tailor, 136 Main street, Anderston Adam, Mrs. Geo. flesher, 2 Warroch street, Anderston Adam, Jean, flesher, 54 Orr street, Calton Adam, Mrs. John, baker, 52 Main street, Anderston Adam, Mrs. Joseph, paper box maker, 76 Canon st. Adam, Mrs. 121, Great Hamilton street Adam, Miss, milliner, 46 Hutcheson street Adam, M. dressmaker, 4 Frederick lane ADAMSON, Alex, tinsmith, 59 Kirk street Adamson & Logan, manufacturers, 14 Montrose street

Adamson, F. of Adamson fy Logan, house 51 West George street Adamson, F. & Co. 14 Montrose street Adamson, William, wholesale tobacconist and spirit merchant, 14, 15 and 18 Spoutmouth, Gallowgate Adelphi Brewery, Govan street, Hutchesontown Adelphi Foundry Co. engineers and founders, Com- mercial road, Hutchesontown AD IE, William, manufacturer, 9 Cochran street, ho. 64 Weaver street ADSHEAD, Jas. B. working jeweller, 27 King st.

AFLECK, Joseph, of M' Queen fy Co. pawnbrokers, 139 Saltmarket AGNEW, John & Co. merchants, 28 Miller street

Agnew, John, of John Agnew fy Co. house 1 1 Aber- cromby place. Agnew, John, eating-house, 65 Bell street AGNEW AITKEN. 21

Agnew, Robert, of John Agnew fy Co. house Bath street Agnew, William, umbrella maker, 22 Stevenson street Agnew, Mrs. straw hat maker, 22 Stevenson street Agnew, Mrs. midwife, 169 Trongate AIKMAN, John, Royal Bank, ho. Sauchiehall road Aikman, Robert, Royal Bank, house 68 Portland st. Laurieston Aikman, Thos. callenderer and packer, 127 Candleriggs AINSLIE, William, chandler, 47 Main st. Gorbals AINSWORTH, Joseph, Milngavie foot post, 10 St. Mungo's Lane AIRD, Andrew, eating-house, 78 Bell street Aird, Hugh, glue and size manufacturer, 99 Gallow- gate, house Dunchattan Buildings, Duke street Aird, William, & Son, saddlers, 9 Virginia street, ho. 2 North Frederick street AIRTH, James, musician, 47 King street AITCHISON & Donaldson, saddlers, 30 Argyll st. Aitchison, John, merchant, 35 Clyde Buildings Aitchison, John, wright and glazier, 14 Jackson street Aitchison, Walter, at Ewing 8$ JBorrowman 's. Aitchison, William, writer and town-clerk of Ander- ston, 24 Miller street AITKEN, Andrew, provision store, 50 St. Ninian st. Aitken, Andrew, dyer, 30 Tureen street, house 27 Graeme street Aitken, Archibald, grocer, 36 Great Hamilton street Aitken, Archd. spirit-dealer, 71 Main st. Anderston Aitken, Edward, victualler, 82 Clyde street, Calton Aitken & Ferguson, silk mercers, 4 Glassford street Aitken, Geo. power loom cloth manufacturer, 46 St. Ninian street, Hutchesontown Aitken, Hugh, spirit-dealer, 75 Bridgegate Aitken, James, grocer, 340 Gallowgate Aitken, James, teacher, 40 M'Farlane street Aitken, James, writing master, 3 St. George's place Aitken, James, bone merchant, 28 Spoutmouth Aitken, John, Perth and Aberdeen carrier, 19 Vir- ginia street 22 AITKEN ALBION.

Aitken, John, & Co. printers, 72 Nelson street

Aitken, John, merchant, at Miller fy JEwing's. Aitken, John, spirit-dealer, 333 Gallowgate Aitken, John, victualler, 3 Jackson street, house 19 East Clyde street Aitken, John, surgeon, 95 Argyll street Aitken & M'Kell, silversmiths, 31 Argyll street Aitken, Peter, jeweller, 161 Trongate and Argyll Arcade Aitken, Robert, jun. accountant, 58 Miller street Aitken, Robert, agent for the Bank of Scotland, house 16 Miller street Aitken, Robert, brewer, Camlachie Aitken, Robert, marble cutter, Mitchell street Aitken, Robert, baker, 47 Main street, Calton Aitken, Robert, grocer, 23 King street, Calton Aitken, Thomas, spirit- dealer, 89 King st. Tradeston Aitken, Thomas, cabinet maker, Main st. Anderston Aitken, William, furnishing shop, Dalmarnock road Aitken, William, dairyman, 79 Main street, Gorbals Aitken, William, candlemaker, 287 Argyll street Aitken, William, manufacturer of shawls and zebra dresses, 44 Ingram street Aitken, William, cotton-spinner, 46 St. Ninian street Aitken, William, surgeon, 68 Stockwell, house 79 Aitken, William, upholsterer, 125 Trongate Aitken's Lodgings, 108 Argyll street Aitken, Mrs. Robert, 223 Gallowgate Aitken, Mrs. furnishing shop, 68 King st. Tradeston Aitken, Mrs. grocer and spirit dealer, 396 Gallowgate Aitken, Miss, dressmaker, 11 Gibson st. Gallowgate Aitken, M. furnishing shop, 344 Gallowgate AITKENHEAD, Alexander, victualler, 222 Gallow- gate, and 56 New street, Calton Aitkenhead, John, victualler, 75 Main st. Gorbals Aitkenhead, Robert, dairyman, 24 Bell street, Calton ALCORN, D. grocer, 10 Buns Wynd Alcorn, James, plasterer, 15 Buns Wynd Albion Fire Office, 36 Stirling Street. Thomas Hamilton, agent ALEXANDER. 23

ALEXANDER, Alex, grocer, Upper Renfield street Alexander, Andrew, surgeon, 131 Bridgegate, house 16 Nicholson street, Laurieston Alexander, David, manufacturer, 85 Candleriggs Alexander David, spirit-dealer, 22 Market street Alexander, Edward, at James Corbett Sf Co.'s. 108 Ingram place Alexander, Geo. spirit-dealer, 9 Nelson st. Tradeston Alexander, James, & Co. merchants, 100 Queen street Alexander, James, of James Alexander Sf Co. house 3 Blythswood place Alexander, James, 77 Great Hamilton street Alexander, James, jun. & Co. wine and spirit mer- chants, 14 Melville place, house Horn's court Alexander, James, of Alexander 8$ Robertson, house 10 Russell street Alexander, James, surgeon dentist, Sidney court Alexander, James, wright, Holme street Alexander, John, hookbinder, 77 Brunswick street

Alexander, John, at James Alexander Sf Co.'s. Alexander, John, reed maker, 23 High street Alexander, John, confectioner, 232 High street Alexander, John, victualler, 133 Trongate Alexander, John and R. cartwrights, Blackquarry Alexander, Joseph, confectioner, 150 Argyll street Alexander, Matthew, cabinet maker, 6 Wellington st. Alexander, Matthew, of Paterson, Jamieson Sf Co. house 2 Union place Alexander, Robert, grocer, 36 Broad street Alexander, R. F. and J. thread manufacturers, works Burnside lane, house 29 Richmond street Alexander & Robertson, ironmongers, 28 High street Alexander, William, cartwright, Blackquarry Alexander, William, grocer, Sauchiehall street Alexander, William, hardware merchant, 7 Nelson st. Alexander, Mrs. furnishing shop, Upper Nile street Alexander, Mrs. John, grocer, Mitchell street Alexander, Mrs. William, ladies' seminary, 36 North Frederick street Alexander, Miss Jane, milliner, 10 Argyll Arcade 24 ALLAN.

ALLAN & Adam, writers, 144 Queen street Allan, Alexander, victualler, 19 Canning street Allan, Alexander, ham merchant, 21 King street, house 28 St. Andrew square Allan, Alexander, at Wellington Factory, Govan street Allan, Alexander, grocer, 77 Commerce street Allan, Alexander, manufacturer, 34 South Albion st. Allan, Archibald, brush maker, 7 Prince's street Allan, David, & Co. booksellers and stationers, 23 Glassford street Allan, David, hosier, 90 Candleriggs Allan, Ebenezer, grocer, Upper Renfield street Allan, F. shoemaker, 28 Kirk street, Gorbals Allan, James, & Son, grain merchants, 18 Stockwell

Allan, James, sen. of James Allan fy Son, house 15 Bath street

Allan, James, jun. of James Allan fy Son, house 101 South Maxwell street Allan, James, tailor, 8 Spoutmouth, Gallowgate Allan, John, sen. & Co. silk merchants and agents, 40 Brunswick place Allan, John, & Co. manufacturers, 14 Garthland street Allan, John, wright, 87 Stockwell Allan, John, cabinet maker, 18 Dunlop street, house 45 Taylor street Allan, John, writer, 144 Queen street, house 13 St. Vincent place Allan, Robert, & Co. manufacturers, 103 Hutcheson st. Allan, Robert, of Robert Allan 8? Co. house Allan, Robert, yarn merchant, 91 Nelson street Allan, Robert, merchant, 90 Candleriggs, house 8 Portland street, Laurieston Allan, Robert, wright, 62 Argyll street Allan, Thomas, furniture dealer, 30 Bridgegate Allan, William & Son, ham curers, 72 Candleriggs, house 24 Wilson street Allan, William, & Co. manufacturers, 43 Virginia st. Allan, William, spirit-dealer, 37 Jamaica street Allan, William, draper, 55 Trongate Allan, William, carver and gilder, 48 Stockwell ALLAN—ANDERSON. 25

Allan, Mrs. John, 5 Queen street Allan, Mrs. milliner and dress-maker, Cowcaddens Allan, Miss, dress-maker, 29 Nelson street Allan, Miss, milliner, 43 Nelson street Allan, Misses, dressmakers, 48 George's square Allen, Robert, piano forte maker, 18 Buchanan street ALLARDYCE, Chas. manufacturer, 41 N. Albion st. Alliance Fire and Life Assurance Office. A. M'Gregor, agent, 42 Miller street American Consul's Office, 72 Virginia street. David

"Walker, consul s ALLISON, Angus, master of the Royal Exchange Coffee Rooms Allison, James, grocer, &c. Main street, Bridgeton Allison, John, beefsteak house, 139 Argyll street Allison, Joseph, Ship Sank, house 45 Norfolk street, Laurieston Allison, William, spirit-dealer, 110 Main street, Gorbals Alloa Bottle Co. J. S. Bell, agent, 57 Miller street ALMOND, Rev. Geo. of St. Mary's Episcopal Chapel, house Garnet hill ALSTON, Andrew, cotton yarn and worsted shop, 68 Gallowgate Alston, George, merchant, 32 West St. Vincent street, Letters left at Campbell, Rivers & Co.'s. Alston, James, Poulterer, 55 Prince's street Alston, James W. & Co. merchants, North Albion court, house 20 West George street Alston, James, shoemaker, 7 Bell street, Calton Alston, John, shoemaker, 50 Bell street, Calton Alston, John, & Son, manufacturers, 55 Glassford st.

Alston, John, of John Alston fy Son, ho. Stirling road Alston, Mather & Co. merchants and general com- mission agents, 26 Glassford st. and 39 Hutcheson st. Alston, R. D. insurance broker, 126 Queen street, house 38 St. Vincent street Alston, William, spirit-dealer, 110 Main st. Gorbals Alston, Miss M. milliner, Main street, Bridgeton ANDERSON, Alexander, cowfeeder, 10 Bath street Anderson, Alex, spirit-dealer, 72 Main street, Gorbals c 26 ANDERSON.

Anderson, Alex, shoemaker, 26 Main street, Calton Anderson, Dr. A. D. 17 St. Vincent place Anderson, Andrew, spirit-dealer, 84 Glassford street Anderson, Andrew, upholsterer, 45 G. Hamilton st. Anderson, Arch, victualler, 8 King street, house 47. Anderson, Daniel, shoe shop, 38 Saltmarket Anderson, David, damask weaver, 9 Tarbet street Anderson, David, surgeon, 38 Brunswick place, house 19 Saltmarket Anderson, Glass, eating-house, 167 Gallowgate Anderson, George, merchant, 147 High street Anderson, George, spirit-dealer, 32 Market street

Anderson, George, & Co. colour makers, ivory black ? charcoal and grain mills, Hill street Anderson, H. painter, North side Anderston walk Anderson Institution Rooms, 220 George street Anderson, James A. merchant, 120 Brunswick street, house Garnet hill Anderson, James O. merchant, 21 Glassford street Anderson, James, stone engraver, 415 Gallowgate Anderson, James, baker, 12 George street Anderson, James, jun. baker, 151 High street Anderson, James, barber, 122 Saltmarket Anderson, James, stoneware merchant, 80 King street, and 31 Candleriggs Anderson, J. B. perfumer, &c. 121, Ingram street

Anderson, James, at William Snell fy Co.'s, house 23 Monteith row Anderson, John, barber, 43 Miller's place Anderson, John, surgeon, 86 Prince's street, house 30 King street Anderson, John, teacher, 9 New street, Calton Anderson, John, ironmonger, 102 Trongate Anderson, John, grocer, 104 Main street, Gorbals Anderson, John, jun. draper, 41 Trongate Anderson, John, & Co. merchants, 21 Glassford street

Anderson, John, of John Anderson fy Co. house 35 St. Vincent street Anderson, John, grocer, 40 Stockwell Anderson, John, flesher, 2 Stobcross street ANDERSON. 2i

Anderson, John, manufacturer, North Albion Court, house 44 Taylor street Anderson, John, vintner, 187 Trongate Anderson, John, at John 8? Charles Gallaways, house 31 York street

Anderson, John, at Colin Campbell fy Go's. 12 South Hanover street, house above Anderson, Joseph, spirit-dealer, 122 Gallowgate Anderson & Laurie, manufacturers, Manhattan build- ings, 30 South Hanover street Anderson, Matthew, surgeon, 69 King street, Calton, house 10 Russel street Anderson, Matthew, baker, 65 King street Anderson, Mathew, jun. baker, 60 King street Anderson, Peter, slate-yard, 156 Broomielaw A nderson, Robert, boot and shoemaker, 8 Thistle st. Anderson, Robert, writer, 73 Hutcheson str-eet Anderson, Robert, baker, 15 Stockwell Anderson, Robert, hair-dresser, 7 East Nile street Anderson, Robert, reed-maker, 40 Candleriggs Anderson, Samuel, slater, house 7 Park's place, Stock- well, slate-yard 74 Broomielaw Anderson & Son, clothiers, 52 Queen street, house Brandon place Anderson, Thomas, bowling-green tavern, 44 Trongate Anderson, Thomas, & Son, wine and spirit merchants, 77 Stockwell, house 140 Anderson, W. G. merchant, 66, Miller street Anderson, William, grocer, 14 Kirk street Anderson, William, lamp wick manufacturer, 25 Kent street Anderson, William, minister of John Street Relief Chapel, 28 Portland street, Laurieston Anderson, William, spirit dealer, 114 King street Anderson, William, & Co. manufacturers, St. David's court, 16 Canon street Anderson, William, flesher, 4 Main street, Anderston Anderson, William, Sydney court, Argyll street Anderson, Mrs. lodgings, 118 George street Anderson, Mrs. lodgings, 62 Argyll street 28 ANDERSON—ARBUCKLE.

Anderson, Mrs. grocer, Quarrytown Andei'son, Mrs. Sun Tavern, 19 Saltmarket Anderson, Mrs. grocer, 40 Stockwell Anderson, Mrs. John, cowfeeder, 36 Union street Anderson, Miss A. dress-maker, 6 St. Ninian street Anderson, Miss, dress-maker, 16 Spoutmouth ANDERSTON Apothecary Hall, 97 Main street Anderston Police Office, 6 Warroch street Anderston Union Mortcloth Society, 37 Main street Anderston Union Victualling Society, 21 Stobcross street. Neil Hutcheson, manager

Anderston Old Victualling Society ; No. I, 22 Stob- cross street. No. II, 127 .Main street, Anderston. Daniel Ritchie, manager. Anderston Bottle Work Co. Lancefield, Geddes, Kid- ston & Co. Anderston Foundry and Machine Works, Cheapside street, Anderston ANDREW, John, surgeon, Ewing place Andrew, John, spirit- dealer, 41, Dundas street Andrew, Robert, victualler, 69 Main street, Gorbals ANGUS Alex, surgeon, 38 North Frederick street Angus, J. grocer and upholsterer, 60 and 62 Stockwell Angus, John, Smith's court, 62 Brunswick street, house 15 Bath street Angus, John, house, sign, and ornamental painter, 4 Croy place, house 21 Commerce street Angus, Robert, yarn merchant, 43 Virginia street

Angus, R. at Ewing > May &; Co.'s, ho. 15 Bath street Angus, William, painter, 17 New Bridge street Angus, William & Co. cotton yarn merchants, 43 Vir- ginia street, house 1 1 Hope street Angus, William, brush maker, Upper Renfield street Angus, William, English academy, 130 Ingram street, house North Douglas street, Blythswood square Angus, Mrs. James, grocer, 100 Rottenrow Annfield School, 557 Gallowgate, John Auld and Charles Bannatyne, teachers Annuity Hall, Pratt's court, 109 Argyll street ARBUCKLE, James, merchant, 31, Graeme street ARBUCK.LE ARTHUR. 29

Arbuckle, Simon, currier, 78 Spoutmouth, Gallowgate ARCHIBALD, Alex, grocer, 82 M

Assembly Rooms, 110, Ingram street Asylum for the Blind, Castle street, Townhead. Matliew Semple and Miss Stobo, teachers ATKINSON, Thomas, flesher, 3beef market, Kingst.

Atkinson, Thomas, of Robertson fy Atkinson, house 1 Miller street Atlas Assurance Office, 81 Wilson street. W. Carrick, agent A.UCHIE, James, house 4 Brandon place Auchie, John, house 4 Brandon place AUCHINCLOSS, William, hatter, 129 Trongate Auchincloss, William, surgeon, 95 George street AUCOTT, Thomas, furnishing shop, 155 Gallowgate AULD, Hugh, ironmonger, 142 Gallowgate Auld, John, teacher, Annfield School, Gallowgate Auld, Patrick, coppersmith, 34 Queen street Auld, William, hair dresser, Anderston walk, north side Auld, William, snuff miller, 32 Sidney street Auld, Hellen, grocer, Port-Dundas AUSTIN & M'Auslan, nursery and seedsmen, 168, Trongate, nursery Pollokshaws road

Austin, William, ' Scots Times Office AVERY, George, fish-hook and needle manufacturer, 10 Guildry court AYTON, Jas. hair-cutter and perfumer, 30 Nelson st. B BABES, R. stoneware dealer, 20 Jail square BACHELOR, William, tallow chandler, house 25 East Clyde Street BADHAM, Dr. Professor of the Theory and Practice of Physic, College BAILLIE, Charles, shoemaker, Castle street Baillie, John, coal master, Monkland Canal Basin BAIN, Alexander, baker, 4 Well street, Calton Bain, Donald, earthenware dealer, 318 High street Bain, Farquhar, sheriff officer, 92 Nelson street Bain, George, victualler and grocer, 38 Bell street Bain, George, spirit-dealer, 6 Little Dovehill Bain, Hugh, baker, Cowcaddens BAIN—BAIRD 31

Bain, James, spirit dealer, Upper Renfield street Bain, James, grocer, Mitchell street Bain, James, black paper borderer, 53 Nelson street Bain, John & Co. grocers, and commission paper ware- house, 101 Argyll street Bain, John, victualler, 32 Main street, Gorbals Bain, John, mail coach office, 64 Trongate, house 5 Richmond street Bain, John, porter house, 30 Princes street Bain & M'Ewan, dyers, 38 Commerce street Bain, Peter, shoemaker, 69 North Frederick street Bain, Robert, grocer, 44 Whitevale Bain, Robert, reed maker, 167 High street Bain, Thomas, of the Lancefield Spinning Co. house Upper Renfield street Bain, William, baker, 121 Argyll street Bain, William, wine and spirit merchant, 57 Argyll st. Bain, Mrs. David, grocer and spirit-dealer, 29 Clyde pi. Bain, Mrs. James, spirit-dealer, 53 Bell street Bain, Mrs. lodgings, 52 Glassford street

Bayne, Archibald, at Campbell, Dick fy Co.'s house Upper Buchanan street Bayne, Edwd. pattern drawer and cutter, 34 Shuttle st. Bayne, James, tavern, 78 Clyde street, Anderston Bayne, James, music teacher, 209 High street Bayne, William, woollen draper, 23 Trongate BAIRD, Alex, coal master, Monkland Canal Basin Baird, Alexander, boot and shoemaker, 27 Thistle st. Baird, Andrew, cabinet maker, 69 Buchanan street Baird, Anthony, factor, 27 Queen street Baird & Brown, timber merchants, Port-Dundas Baird, Charles, R. writer, 190 Trongate Baird, F. & Co. wine and spirit merchants, 15 Steam Boat Quay Baird, George, tobacconist, 5 Miller street Baird, Hugh, maltster, Old Basin. Baird, H. & R. engineers and founders, Old Basin Baird, Hugh, jun. brewer, Old Basin Baird, James, baker, 17 Norfolk street Baird, James, oil and colourman, 37 Brunswick place 32 BAIRD—BALLANTINE.

Baird, John, architect, 5 Buchanan sti'eet Baird, John, wright, 9 Abercromby street, Calton Baird, John, & Co. manufacturers, 114 Candleriggs Baird, J. & M. silk dyers, Old Post- Office court Baird, T. & Sons, turkey red dyers, 32 Ingram street, works Greenbank, Pollokshaws Baird, Thomas, victualler, 2 Kirk street, Calton Baird, Thomas, weaving works, Sidney street Baird, Robert, agent and spirit dealer, 43 High street Baird, Robert, architect, 8 Eglinton street Baird, William, grain merchant, 65 Main street, Calton, house Greenhead Baird, William, spirit cellars, 74 Maxwell street Baird, Mrs. cork manufacturer, 88 Argyll street Baird, Mrs. furnishing shop, 37 Tureen street Baird, Mrs. Dr. 6 North Wellington place BALBIRNIE, George, silk and cotton dyer, 5 Stock- well, house 48 Balbirnie, R. A. silk, woollen & cotton dyer,46 Queen st. Balbirnie, R. M. silk dyer, 146 Stockwell

BALD, Adam, ofPeter Bald fy Son, house Garnet hill Bald, Peter, of Peter Bald &; Son, house Garnet hill Bald, Peter, & Son, drysalters, 83 Virginia street BALDSTERSTON, A. at James Croil Sp Co.'* house 39 Norfolk street Balderston, James, baker, 85 High street Balderston, William, thread and small ware shop, 15 Wilson street, house Hill place BALFOUR, David, smith and bell hanger, Union ct. Balfour, William, merchant, 65 Virginia street, house 60 Oswald street BALLANTINE, Alexander, boot and shoe maker and leather cutter, 154 High street Ballantine, C. & Co. carvers and gilders, 47 Stockwell Ballantine, John, spirit dealer, 23 Canon street Ballantine, John, dairyman, Green street Ballantine, John, merchant, house 58 Charlotte street Ballantine & Ker, manufacturers, 127 Brunswick st. Ballantine, Thomas, tailor, 24 Queen street Ballantine, Thomas, gardener, Green market BALLANTINE—BARBOUR. 33

Ballantine, William, green grocer, 326 High street Ballantyne, John, spirit-dealer, 222 High street BALLARD, George, merchant, 45 Queen street BALLENDALLOCH Co. at James Finlay 8? Co.'s Queen street BALLINGALL, Andrew, writer, 126 Queen street BALMANNO, Dr. John, 37 St. Vincent place BALMER, Robert, spirit-dealer, 54 Maxwell street BANKHEAD & M'Laren, writers, 124 Trongate Bankhead, Mrs. ladies school, 50 North Hanover s&3 BANKIER, John, at Denniston, Buchannan $ Co.'s. Bankier, William, of Ure 8? Bankier, ho. Provanside Bank of Scotland, 12 Miller st. Robert Aitken, agent BANKS, James, plasterer, Carrick street BANNATYNE, Alex, merchant, 60 Jamaica street Bannatyne, Andrew, writer, 57 Miller street, house Abercromby place Bannatyne, C. teacher, Annfield Bannatyne, Dugald, of Birkenshaw, post-master, house 6 Carlton place Bannatyne, James, grocer & fruiterer, 46ArgyllArcade Bannatyne, John, at Robert Kinnear 8$ Co.'s Bannatyne, Ninian, merchant, 60 Jamaica street, house 25 York street Bannatyne, R. grocer and spirit-dealer, 123 Stockwell Bannatyne & MacKenzie, North British Insurance Office, 45 Virginia street Bannatyne, William, grocer, Green street, Bridgeton Bannatyne, Mrs. grocer, &c. 14 Broomielaw Bannatyne, Mrs. John, 142 George street BANNERMAN, David, victuaUer, 244 Gallowgate Bannerman & Dixon, manufacturers, 25 Cochran st. Bannerman, John, & Son, trunk makers, 31 Nelson st. works Smith's court Bannerman, J. baker, Duke street Bannnerman, William, of Bannerman fy Dixon> house Ewing place, 357 Argyll street Bannerman, Mrs. D. straw hat maker, Upper Nile st. BARBOUR, Alexander, spirit-dealer, 43 Clyde street, Anderston 34 BARCLAY—BARR.

BARCLAY, Alexander, smith and boat builder, 27 M'Alpine street Barclay, Alex, mill manager, Cumberland st. Calton Barclay, Hugh, writer, 1 1 Miller st. house 37 York st. Barclay, James, soap and candle office, 14 and 16 Glassford street, house 63 Stockwell Barclay, John, jun. merchant, 6 Antigua place Barclay, John, pye and porter house, 85 Trongate Barclay, Robert, dairyman, 19 Nelson st. Tradeston Barclay & Skirving, auctioneers, 164 Trongate

Barclay, Thos. of Barclay $<; Skirving, ho. 14 York st. BARLAS, Alexander, writer, 5 South Hanover st. house High Montrose street Barlas, George, merchant, 90 Hutcheson street, house 95 Montrose street Barles, George, grocer, &c. 83 Main street, Gorbals Barlas, James, & Co. grocer, 103 Buchanan street Barlas, John, surgeon, 270 George street

Barlas, William, of James Barlas 8f Co. house 58 Melville street BARNHILL, James, & Co. tanners, 51 Spoutmouth, and 90 Old Venal Barnhill, Mrs. James, house 72 Robertson street Barony Parish Session Clerks' Office, 107 Bu- chanan street, open from 1 1 to 4 o'clock, and at the Barony Glebe, after 6 o'clock in the evening, Wm. Clugston and David M'Brayne, conjunct clerks BARR, James, piano forte tuner, 69 Glassford street Barr, James, joiner, 85 Main street, Gorbals Barr, James, & Co. coal agents, 4 Govan street Barr, James, spirit-dealer, 29 East Clyde street Barr, James, turner, John street, Bridgeton Barr, John, tinsmith, Main street, Bridgeton Barr, John, & Co. manufacturers, 52 Glassford street

Barr, John, at Jas. Finlay &> Co.'s. ho. 155 Argyll st. Barr, Rev. John, house 12 Monteith row Barr, Peter, muslin manufacturer, 79 Bell street, house 12 Monteith row Barr, Peter, vintner, stabler and hay weigher, 1 Great. Hamilton street BARR BAYLES. 35

Barr, Robert, grocer, 39 Nelson street, Tradeston Barr, Robert, wine and spirit cellars, 50 Stevenson st. Barr, Robert, writer, 24 Miller street, house 57 Caven- dish street, Laurieston Barr, William, tailor and clothier, 128 Broomielaw

Barr, William, of Cowan fy Barr, ho. 17 Nicholson st. Barr, Mrs. 30 St. Andrew square Barr, Mrs. C. grocer, 41 Oxford street

Barr, Mrs . Robert, grocer, 77 Main street, Gorbals BARRIE, Alexander, slater, Main street, Bridgeton Barrie, Andrew, warper, 82 Virginia street Barrie, David, hair dresser, 43 Miller place Barrie, James, slater, Dalmarnock road Barrie, James, spirit dealer, 52 Bell street Barry, Robert, hair dresser, 26 Shuttle street Barrie, T. flesher, Main street, Bridgeton Barrie, Wm. spirit dealer, 51 Castle street Weaving Company, Broad street. Barrowfield Medical Hall, 92 Canning street BARSOTTI, John, figure maker, 6 Stirling street Barsotti & Magenti, figure makers, 64 Nelson street BARTHOLOMEW, John, & Co. merchants, 18 Brunswick lane, spinning works Cumbez'land street, weaving works Canning street Bartholomew, John, merchant, lodging Morris place Monteith row Bartholomew, Robert, merchant, of J. Bartholomew Sf Co. Bartholomew, Thomas, merchant, of J. Bartholomew 4- Co. Bartholomew, William, baker, 14 Adelphi street BARTON, Ben. at John Fergusons, 70 Hutcheson st Barton, Ben. perfumer, 1 Glassford street Barton, John, painter, 2 St» Ninian street Barton, S. dress maker, 23 Drygate BAXTER, Gilbert, plumber, 48 Stockwell st. house 12 Rope work lane Baxter, Isaac, Italian warehouse, 1, 2 & 4 Candleriggs, house 62 Charlotte street BAYLES, William, fish-hook maker, 17 Malta street 36 BAZLEY—BELL.

BAZLEY, Miss, ladies school, Sauchiehall road BEATON, Duncan, vintner, 36 Spoutmouth Beaton, Hector, chair office, 7 Turner's court Beaton, John, & Co. spirit dealers, 230 Broomielaw Beaton, John, grocer & spirit dealer, 10 Clyde place Beaton, Miss, furnishing shop, 32 Jamaica street BEAT IE, Archd. shoemaker, 10 Great Hamilton st Beattie, John, Sir John Moore tavern, 1 George square Beatie, Rev, A. O. house Garnet hill BECK, John, victualler, Union street BEECH, John, engraver, 36 New wynd Beef Market, 83 King street BEGERNEY, Warrender, beadle, St. George's church, house 87 Stockwell BEGG, Archibald, cabinet maker, 68 Maxwell street Begg, Josiah, tea dealer, 100 Green street, Calton Beggs, Thomas, watchmaker, 17 High street Begg, Mrs. William, lodgings, 74 Argyll street BELBY, Wm. furnishing shop, 65 George sti'eet BEITH, Archd. boot and shoe maker, 47 Stockwell Beith, James, umbrella maker, 65 Candleriggs and 5 Wilson street, house 79 Bell street Beith, Matthew, clothier, 22 Argyll street BELL, David, pullicate manufacturer, Ingram place 111 Ingram street, house 13 St. Vincent place Bell, Daniel, shoe shop, 153 Argyll street Bell, Edward, flesher, 250 George street Bell, Edward, goldsmith, 20 Gandleriggs Bell, George, stationer, 13 Wilson street Bell, Isaac, brass founder, 11 Spoutmouth Bell's circulating library, 2 North street Bell & Co. agents, 22 Argyll street Bell, J. bellows maker, 11 Spoutmouth Bell, James, baker, 39 Adelphi street Bell, James, & Co. victuallers, 216 High street Bell, James S. agent, 57 Miller street Bell, John, commission merchant, 23 South Albion street, house 8 Blythswood hill, west Bell, John, flesher, Argyll street, corner of Union st Bell, John, teacher, 24 Hospital street BELL BERRIE. 37

Bell, Primrose, Glasgow Bottle Work Cos. 69 Great Clyde street Bell, Robert, accountant, royal bank, lodgings St. George's road Bell, Stuart, writer, 83 Queen street, house 22 Rich- mond street Bell, Thomas, spirit dealer, 21 Dempster street Bell, Thomas, joiner and glazier, 11 M'Farlane street Bell, William, lappet wheel cutter, 35 Bunns wynd Bell, Mrs. midwife, 172 High street Bell Street Market, 66 Bell street BELSH, John, spirit cellar, 32 Stobcross street BENTLEY, William, sen. & Co. cotton brokers, 81 Brunswick street Bentley, William, sen. of William Bentley, sen. Sf Co. house Blythswood square BENNETT& Browne, insurance brokers, 126 Queen it. Bennet, James, cabinet maker, 7 Campbell street Bennet, Laurence, victualler, 130 Gallowgate Bennet, Robert, of Bennett Sf Browne, house 2 Blyths- wood hill, west Bennett & Smith, plumbers, 140 Stockwell, and 9 Great Clyde street Bennet & Sons, spirit-dealers, 62 Argyll street Bennett, William, of Bennett &; Browne, ho. 2 Moore pi. Bennet, William, agent for Robert M'Fie & Son, 4 Smith's court, Candleriggs Bennet, William, Free Press office, 90 Bell street, ho. 51 Union place BENNIE, Gabriel, portioner, Main street, Bridgeton Bennie, George, joiner, Warwick street, house 35 Portland street, Laurieston Bennie, James, beadle, house Great Hamilton street Bennie, J. ofBogle, Benniefy Gilfillan, ho. Cavendish st. Bennie, John, joiner and timber merchant, Greenhill pi. Bennie, Thomas, builder, house Somerville place Bennie, William, wine and spirit-dealer, 3 Croy place

Bennie, William, wright and builder, 31 Robertson st. Bennie, Mrs. David, flesher, 29 King street

BERRIE, Alex, mail coach coffee house, 25 Nelson st. 38 BERRIE BISSET.

Berrie, James, muslin warehouse, 16 Montrose street Berry, John, merchant, of C. Girdwood Sf Co. house Moore place, West George street Berry, John R. vintner, Tailor's house of call, 57 Prince's street

BERTRAM, Gilbert, cork cutter, 1 2 Howard street BEWLEY, Thomson & Co. manufacturers, 9 Cochran street, and 13 Montrose street BIGGAR, Hugh, letter carrier, house 12 Hill street Biggar, Mrs. grocer, 7 Clyde street, Anderston BIGGERT, R. spirit-dealer, 4. Miller place Billet-master's office, 1 Charlotte lane. Billet master, Thomas Sweet BILSLAND, A. japanner, College open, High street Bilsland, James, dyer, Muslin street Bilsland, William, bookseller, 183 High street BINKS, Thomas, tea dealer, 67 Candleriggs ho. 95 BINNING, James, timber merchant, 17 South Max- well street, house 78 Stockwell street Binning, John, grocer, &c. 9 Nicholson street

. BIRCELAND, Michael, stoneware merchant, 85 Main street, Gorbals BIRD, John, spirit-dealer, 108 Saltmarket BIRKMYRE, Henry, manufacturer, Brunswick court Birkmyre, John, manufacturer, 120 Brunswick street house 106 Montrose street Birkmyre, William, spirit-dealer, 76 Jamaica street BIRMINGHAM Fire and Life Insurance Co. Win. Forsyth, agent, 137 Argyll street BIRNIE, James, grocer, 4 Abercromby st. Calton BJRREL, Alexander, & Son, leather merchants, 51 Prince's street Birrel, James, leather cutter, 20 Prince's street BISHOP, James, vintner, 43 High street Bishop, Joseph, saw maker, 8 King street, Tradeston Bishop, Miss E. dress maker, 8 King st Tradeston BISLAND, John, grocer, &c. Anderston walk, n. side BISSET, Alexander, sheriff officer, 139 Saltmarket Bisset, David, green grocer, 31 Adelphi street Bisset, Roderick, beadle, 18 Buchan street 39

BLACK, Alex, and Jas. warehousemen, 4 Argyll st. Black, Archibald, tailor, 55 M'Alpine street

Black, Archibald, leatber merchant, 1 57 Trongate, ho. Portland street, Laurieston Black, Archibald, green grocer, 81 George street Black Bull Inn Livery Stables, 6 Virginia street Black Bull Inn, 12 Argyll street Black, Charles, broker, 11 Market street Black, David, woollen draper, 28 Gallowgate Black, Duncan, vintner, 106 High street Black, Daniel, teacher of mathematics, 53 Candleriggs Black, D. grocer and spirit-dealer, 64 Kirk st. Calton Black, Duncan, reed-maker, 3 Wallace court Black & Falconer, Queen's court, 62 Queen street Black, Hector, of Black <$• Co. Smith's ct. Candleriggs Black, James, baker, 6 Main street, Calton Black, James, tailor, 51 Gallowgate Black, James, jun. merchant, house Montague place Black, James, & Co. manufacturers, Commercial court, Candlei'iggs Black, James, merchant, house 17 Blythswood square Black, James, spirit -dealer, 144 Broomielaw

Black, James, sen. of J. 8f J. Black, house 17 Mon- teith Row Black, J. & J. manufacturers, 109 Candleriggs Black, James, cheese dealer, 6 Bazar Black, James & John, bleachers, Fereneze warehouse, 93 Glassford street Black, James, wine and spirit -dealer, 12 Robertson st. Black, John & Co. printficld wareho. 109 Candleriggs Black, John, manufacturer, Commercial court, Candle- riggs, house Ure place Black, John, spirit-dealer, 12 M' Alpine street Black, John, hardware mercht. 86 Main st. Anderston Black, John, grocer, 135 Ingram street Black, John, surgeon, 246 Gallowgate, house 249 Black, John & Philip, Woodside weaving factory, ware- house, 4 Montrose street

Black, John, of J. 6jr P. Black, house Woodside Black, John, noddy hirer, 6 South Hanover street 40 BLACK—BLAIR.

Black, Philip, of J. 8$ P. Black, house 2 Albany place Black, P. A, drysalter, 101 Hutcheson street Black, Patrick, merchant tailor, 114 Saltmarket

Black, Robt. of Black fy Wingate, ho. 62 George sq. Black, Robert, architect, 52 Argyll street Black, Robert, baker, 1 1 Nelson street, Tradeston Black, Robert & Co. manufacturers, 35 Miller street Black & Co. calenderers, Smith's court, Candleriggs Black, Thomas, grocer and spirit-dealer, 3 Oxford St. Black & Wingate, manufacturers, 114 Candleriggs Black, William & Co. coal merchants, 13 Union street Black, William & Co. manufacturers, 114 Candleriggs Black, William, baker, 3 Nicholson street Black, Rev. William, Barony Glebe Black, William, cheese dealer, 8 Bazar Black, William, tailor, 56 Trongate Black, Mrs. house Albany place Black, Mrs. J. broker, 17 Market street Black, Miss C. dress-maker, 6 Portugal street Black, Miss, dress-maker, 18 Maxwell street

BLACKBURN, David, of Blackburn Sf\ Whyte, house 5 West Bath street Blackburn & Whyte, manufacturers, 48 Nelson street Blackburn, Miss, house 28 St. Enoch square BLACKIE, Alexander, grocer, &c. 226 Gallowgate Blackie, Alex, tailor, Co wean"dens toll Blackie, Francis & Sons, merchants, 62 Queen street Blackie, Fullarton & Co. publishers, 8 East Clyde st. Blackie, John, of Blackie, Fullarton § Co. house 18 Monteith Row Blackie, Robert, agent for Norwich Union Fire aud Life Office, 62 Queen street, house 355 Argyll street BLAIKIE, John, gun maker, 31 Glassford street BLACKLEY, James, furnishing shop, Cowcaddens BLACKSHAW, James, hair dresser and coal agent, John street, Bridgeton BLACKWOOD, George, bill poster, 72 Nelson st. Blackwood, W. flax dresser, 51 High street BLAIN, Joseph, painter, 335 Argyll street BLAIR, Andrew, painter, 172 High street BLAIR BOGGIE,

Blair, Andrew, woollen draper, 21 Trongate Blair, D. surgeon, 4 College street Blair, George, writer, 69 Nelson street, house High John street Blair, H. & W. Fullarton, writers, 20 Brunswick place Blair, Horatius, ofBlair &; Fullarton, ho. 41 Howard st Blair, James, merchant, house Blythswood hill Blair, John, gingerbread baker, 131 Argyll street Blair, John, Britannia tavern, 54 Broomielaw Blair, John, smallware merchant, 187 Argyll street Blair & Co. calenderers, 93 High street, and 72 Nel- son street, house 83 High street Blair, Robert, spirit-dealer, 204 Buchanan street Blair, Walter, teacher, Charlotte lane Blair, W. D. wine and spirit cellars, Morrison's court Blair, W. D. city cess office, 62 Argyll arcade Blair, Mrs. Archd. Adam's court, Arg-yll street Blair, Mrs. John, spirit-dealer, 60 New wynd Blair, Mrs. W. gingerbread baker, 50 Stockwell Blair, Mrs. dress and stay maker, 68 George street Blair, Miss E. furnishing shop, 9 Argyll street Blair, Misses, boys' dress makers, 8 Eglinton street BLAMEY, D. hat maker, 20 Laigh Kirk close

BLAND, James, at Forrester, Ferguson 8$ Wilsons, house 45 Portland street, Laurieston Bland, Miss E. milliner, 73 Argyll street BLANTYRE Yarn Warehouse, 11 George square, and 132 Queen street

BLEAMYRE, William, of Ellis, Bleamyre 8f Co. house 6 Windsor place BLYTH, James, jun. shoe shop, 199 Argyll street Blyth, John, agent, 8 Guildry court BOAG, David, spirit-dealer, 16 Marshall lane Boag, James, cloth merchant, 108 Queen street, and 171 Ingram street, house 14 Bain's place Boag, John, boot and shoemaker, 53 John street BOALS, John, crystal dealer, 43 Candleriggs BOAZ, James, accountant, 42 Argyll street BOGGIE, Andw. brush manufactm-er, 10 Candleriggs Boggie, John, engraver and printer, 16 Crown street d 2 42 BOGLE BORROWMAN.

BOGLE, Archd. grocer and spirit-dealer, Dalmar- nock road Bogle, Archibald, jun. of Robert Bogle Sp Co. house Gilmour hill Bogle, Bennie, & Gilfillan, writers, 50 Brunswick st. Bogle & Douglas, 8 John street Bogle, Ferguson & Co. yarn warehouse, 122 Ingram street, works Main street, Bridgeton Bogle & Forrester, clothiers, 33 Queen street Bogle, G. K. of Bogle 8y Forrester, house 20 Blyths- wood square Bogle, Hugh, jun. merchant, 25 Queen street, house 36 Clyde street Bogle, Hugh, of Calder Bank, at Robert Bogle Sf Co.'s Bogle, James K. accountant, 182 Trongate Bogle, James, writer, 40 Candleriggs Bogle, James, of Robert Bogle 8$ Co. house 37 West St. Vincent street Bogle, James, jun. of Bogle &; Douglas, house 36 Charlotte place Bogle, Peter, cotton spinner, of Bogle, Ferguson Sf Co. house 105 Canning street Bogle, Robert, & Co. merchants, 49 Queen street Bogle, Mrs. Adam, house 14 Brandon place Bogle, Mrs. Archd. 20 Blythswood square Bogle, Mrs. grocer & spirit dealer, Main st. Bridgeton Bogle, Mrs. William, house 91 Buchanan street BOLTON, Wm. tobacconist and spirit dealer, 180 Argyll street BONAR, David, grocer, &c. 4 Eglinton street Bonnar, Thomas, spirit-dealer, Blackquarry BONTHRON, Alexander, smith, 31 Turner's court BORLAND, Daniel, shoemaker, 76 King street

Borland, David, turner, 79 Stockwell ; Borland, Thomas, & Co. fire brick makers, Barrack st. Borland, William, spirit-dealer, 63 Gallowgate BOROUGH of Anderston Victualling Society, 8 North Clyde street. Robert Leggett, manager. BORROWMAN, John, writer, of Ewing &; Borrow- man, house Lindsay's land, Anderston walk BOSTON BOYD. 43

BOSTON, John, at R. Gray % Son, engravers, 67 Trongate BOULOGNE, Mrs. teacher of pedal harp, piano forte and vocal music, 37 North Hanover street BOW, A. & T. bricklayers, 52 Rose street Bow, David, wine and spirit dealer, 3 Stirling street Bow, Ebenezer, woollen draper, 8 High street Bow, J. & P. hosiers, 6 Argyll arcade Bow, Peter, hosier and draper, 13 Trongate Bow, Thomas, eating house, 191 Gallowgate Bow, William, currier, 66 High street Bow, William, grocer, 22 Marlborough street BOWER, James, hardwareman, 58 Kirk st. Calton BOWES, Alex, soap and candle office, Cowcaddens Bowes, Gavin, flesher, 2 Mutton Market, King street Bowes, Miss E. flesher, 18 Mutton Market, King st. BOWIE, David, brush maker, 71 Gallowgate Bowie, F. dairyman, 10 Coburg lane Bowie, Jobn, eating house, Main street, Bridgeton Bowie, J. surgeon, 5 Clyde Terrace BOWMAN, A. grocer and chaise hirer, 14 King st. Tradeston Bowman, George, shoe shop, 37 Shuttle street Bowman, James, spirit-dealer, 191 High street Bowman, John, & Co. drapers, &c. 52 Gallowgate Bowman, Thomas, smith, 195 High street Bowman, Mrs. grocer, 114 Main street, Anderston Bowman, Miss, shoe shop, 160 Trongate BOYD, Adam, joiner & cabinet maker, 223 George st. Boyd, Alex, spirit dealer, 25 Kirk street, Gorbals Boyd, Alex. Calton town carrier, 33 Tobago st. Calton Boyd, Charles, soap maker, Clyde street, Anderston Boyd, David, & Co. stationers, 95 Glassford street Boyd, David, stationer, ho. 28 Portland st. Laurieston Boyd, D. & Co. manufacturers, 28 St. Andrew street Boyd, Francis, spirit-dealer, 215 Gallowgate Boyd, George, shoemaker, 52 Saltmarket Boyd, Hugh, cabinet maker, 21 Thistle street Boyd, James, baker, 191 Argyll street Boyd, Jas. & Co. cotton yarn merchants, 36 Ingram st. 44 BO Yt>—BREAKENRIDGE.

Boyd, James, wine & spirit merchant, 44 Miller place Boyd, John, grocer, 25 Clyde street, Anderston Boyd, John, builder, Garnet hill Boyd, John, iron warehouse, 200 Broomielaw Boyd, John, hair dresser, 64 Stockwell Boyd, M'Nab & Co. Bellfield Printfield warehouse, 27 Queen street Boyd, William, cabinet warehouse, 43 George square, works 10 Dundas street, house 8 West George st. Boyd, Wm. mercantile academy, 68 Glassford street Boyd, Mrs. Alexander, baker, 8 Frederick lane Boyd, Mrs. grocer, 94 Drygate Boyd, Miss, dress maker, 182 Trongate Boyd, Miss, ladies' school, 38 Oxford street Boyd, Miss, milliner and straw hat maker, 31 Portland street, Laurieston Boyd, Miss, 5 Queen street BOYLE, James, & Co. starchers, 8 Portugal street Boyle, John, flesher, 38 Crown street Boyle, William, spirit-dealer, 28 Kirk street Brackla Distillery Co.'s Cellars, 57 Glassford street. J. Cunningham, agent BRAID, Joseph, grocer & spirit-dealer, 46 Adelphi st. BRAND, Francis, at A. M'Indoe 8$ Co.'s, house 9 Portland place, Laurieston Brand & Molleson, silk dyers, 76 Queen street Brand, Robert, & Co. silk warehouse, 1 Ingram street BRANING, Mrs midwife, 84 Bridgegate BRARD, A. french teacher, 2 Hope street BRASH, James, & Co. booksellers and stationers, 50 Trongate Brash, James, bookseller, house 33 John street Brash, James, jun. bookseller, house 33 John street Brash, John, architect, Madeira buildings, 269 Argyll st. Brash, Rev. William, house 19 Monteith row Brazillian Consul's Office, 48 Miller street. Wal- ker Pearson, Consul BREAKENRIDGE, Geo. baker, 33 Main st. Gorbals Breakenridge, John, spirit dea^r, 97 Canning street Breakenridge, Mrs. Wm. silk dyer, 5 Coburg street BREBNER BROCK. 45

BREBNER, William, governor of bridewell, Duke st. Brebner, Miss, dress maker, 122 Gallowgate BRECHIN, Walter, surgeon, 65 Bridgegate Brechan, Walter, stabler, foot of Hope street BRED IE, William, starcher, Port-Dundas road BREMNER, Walter, joiner, 48 Blackfriar st. ho. 45 Bremner, Mrs. lodgings, 19 Virginia street BREWSTER, Chas.& Co. spirit-dealers, 40 Bridgest. Brewster, James, & Co. silk mercers, 6 Argyll street BRIDGETON Beef Society, Main street, Bridgeton. William Rodger, salesman Bridgeton Baking Society, Main street, Bridgeton, and 8 Well street, Calton Bridgeton Library, John street, Bridgeton Bridgeton New Victualling Society, Main street, Bridgeton Bridgeton Mort-Cloth Office. Henry Reid, John st. Bridgeton UnionVictualling Society. Allan Cameron, purchaser, Main street, Bridgeton Bridgeton and Glasgow Shamrock and Thistle Lodge, John Kidd, master, Muslin street Bridewell Cess Collector's Office, 28 South Albion st. Thomas Telfer, collector BRIDGES, Adam, lodgings, 30 South Hanover st. BRITISH Commercial Insurance Co. 29 Hutcheson street. James Steven, agent British Fire Office, and Westminster Office for In- surance of Lives, 157 Trongate. R. Spears, agent British Linen Company Bank, 71 Queen street. Wil- liam M'Gavin, agent British Woollen Mart, 67 Argyll street BROADLEY, Daniel, spirit-dealer, 85 Saltmarket BROADFOOT, Chas. joiner, 13 King st. Tradeston Broadfoot, Ebenezer, confectioner, 18 Brunswick pi. Broadfoot, James, grocer, 28 King street, Tradeston Broadfoot, Mrs. Alexander, spirit-dealer, 8 Buns wynd BROCK, James, at Walter Brock Sf Co.'s Brock, John, grocer, 100 Centre street Brock, Walter, & Co. yarn warehouse, 38 Wilson st. Brock, Wm. grocer and spirit-dealer, 319 Argyll st. 46 BROCK BROWN.

Brock, William, London newspaper agent, and reading- room keeper, 55 Bell street BROCKET, Andrew, builder, 19 Union street Brocket, Andrew, wright and glazier, 24 York street BROOK, David, victualler, 148 Main street, Gorbals

BR00KMAN, George, of Hutcheson fy Broohman, house 26 Duke street BRODIE, D. & Co. brass founders, 28 Old wynd Brodie, John, manufacturer, 81 Wilson street, house 49 Virginia street Brodie, John, spirit-dealer, 5 Bell street Brodie, Rev. Robert, 10 Monteith row Brodie, William, & Co. manufacturers, 4 Montrose st. Brodie, William, of William Brodie 8$ Co. house 12 Monteith row Brodie, Mrs. hive water seller, 122 Gallowgate Brodie, Mrs. sewing school, 4 M'Farlane street BROOM, Alexander, builder, 18 Bath street Broom, Wm. boot and shoemaker, 37 Bridge street Broomielaw Apothecary Hall Co. 112 Broomielaw BROUGH, A. milliner, 7 Argyll street BROUGHTON, Edward, weaving works, Graham sq. BROWN, Alexander, agent for Paisley bank, house 58 Virginia street Brown, Alex. & Co. weaving works, Commercial road

Brown, A. at And. Liddell £f Co.'s, house Croy place Brown, Alexander, grain merchant, 41 Union street Brown, Alex, teacher of languages, 4 Havannah st. Brown, Andw. cabinet & trunk maker, 20 Cochran st. Brown, Andrew, brazier, 67 Main street, Gorbals Brown, Andrew, tailor and clothier, 50 Crown street Brown, Archibald, baker, 18 Buchanan street Brown, Archibald, vintner, 100 Nelson street Brown, A. furniture warehouse, 5 King street Brown, B. block maker, foot of Oswald street Brown, Charles & John, ironmongers, 49 Gallowgate Brown, Chas. of C. 8? J. Brown, ho. 12 Nicholson st. Brown, Christopher, merchant, 73 Hutcheson street Brown & Coleman, manufacturers, 43 Montrose street Brown&Cuthbertson,cabinet warehoused 1 Candleriggs BROWN. 47

Brown, Cornelius, & Sons, manufacturers, 60 Hutche- son street, house 7 George street Brown, D. brush, basket and toy warehouse, 12 Can- dleriggs, house Morris place Brown, David, Avriter, 33 Crown st. Hutchesontown Brown, David, shuttle maker, 57 Gallowgate Brown, David, tailor, 66 High street Brown, Ebenezer, baker, 88 High street Brown, George, tailor, 25 Miller place Brown, Geo. of Caplerigg, letters left at J. M'Intosh's, 23 South Frederick street Brown, George, joiner, 3 Canon street Brown, George, spirit-dealer, 7 Castle street Brown & Hai'per, wine and spirit dealers, 92 Stockwell Brown, Hugh, & Co. manufacturers, 102 Virginia pi.

Brown, Hugh, of Hugh Brown fy Co. house 62 North Frederick street Brown, Hugh, agent, 108 Argyll street

Browne, James, of Bennett fy Browne, house 7 Aber- cromby place Brown, Jas. surgeon, 142 Stockwell, ho. Garngad hill Brown, James, music seller, 75 Wilson street, house 55 Glassford street Brown, James, victualler, 29 Centre street

Brown, James Thomas, of Wighton, Gray Sf Co. house 85 Buchanan street Brown, James & Co. distillers, 12 Commerce street Brown, James, spirit-dealer, 35 Saltmarket Brown, James, pastry baker, 65 Prince's street Brown, James, poultry shop, St. George's place Brown, James, weavers' office and beamer, 79 Main street, Gorbals

Brown, James, at Stiven, Blair Sf Co.'s, house 147 High street Brown, James, grocer and spirit dealer, Renfrew st. Brown, James, tobacconist, 111 King street Brown, James, broker, 7 Bridgegate Brown, James, tailor and clothier, 81, Trongate Brown, J. surgeon, Young's buildings, Anderston walk Brown, James, shoemaker, 14 St. Ninian st. 48 BROWN.

Brown, John, grate and fender maker, 223 George st. Brown, John, messenger, 82 Hutcheson street Brown, John, cabinet warehouse, 6 St. Andrew street Brown, John, shoe shop, 34 Prince's street Brown, John, writer, 111 Saltmarket Brown, John, & Sons, dyers, 139 Drygate Brown, John, vintner, Canteen, Infantry barracks

Brown, J. of C. fy J. Brown, ho. 30 St. Andrew's sq. Brown, John, cotton broker, Moodie's court, 31 Argyll street, house above Brown, John, cabinet maker, 48 Stockwell, house 32 Guildry coui't Brown, John, spirit-dealer, 132 Main st. Anderston Brown, John, confectioner, 478 Gallowgate Brown, John, victualler, 201 Gallowgate

Brown, John, of Auchlochan, at Campbell, Rivers fy Co.'s. house 85 Buchanan street Brown, John, & Co. agents, 60 Hutcheson street Brown, John, grocer, 33 Bridge street, Tradeston Brown, John, at C. Tennant 8$ Co.'s. St. Rollox Brown, J. jun. at Sharp &; Co.'s. Brown, John, seal engraver and lapidary, 145Trongate Brown, John, victualler, 68 Havannah Brown, John, shoemaker, 137 Canning street Brown, John, vintner, Canteen, Cavalry Barracks

Brown, Joseph, of John Brown fy Sons, 130 Drygate Brown, M. & J. nursery and seedsmen, 171 Trongate, nursery Kippoch hill road Brown, N. pastry baker, 63 Prince's street Brown, N. at H. Gordons, 37 Glassford street Brown, Peter, flesher, 86 Stockwell Brown, Peter, spirit- dealer, 4 New street, Calton Brown, Peter, & Co. merchants, 67 Virginia street

Brown, Peter, ofP. Brown fy Co. house 1 Richmond st. Brown & Parlane, mercantile academy, 187 George st. Brown, Robert, merchant, 49 Dunlop street Brown, Robert, baker, 52 High street Brown, Robert, grocer and spirit dealer, 58 Crown st. Brown, Robert, ship agent, 164 Trongate BROWN. 49

Brown, Robert, of Smith 8$ Brown, house 4 West St. Vincent street Brown, Robert, accountant, Glasgow Bank, house 28 Richmond street Brown, Robert, at C. Tennant 8$ Co.'s St. Rollox

Brown, Robert, of Ellis, Brown 3f Co. 18 South Frederick street Brown, Samuel, shoemaker, 157 Bridgegate Brown, Thomas, green grocer, 6 Stevenson street Brown, Rev. Thomas, 98 Montrose street Brown, Thomas, oyster house, 90 Argyll street Brown, Thomas, writer, 40 Brunswick place Brown, William, victualler, 166 Gallowgate Brown, William, baker, 41 Crown street Brown, William, landscape painter, 52 Virginia street, house Union bank; St. Rollox

Brown, William, writer, of Broivn Sf Beid, house Rose Cottage, Garngad hill Brown, Wm. & Wm. Reid, writers, 90 Candleriggs Brown, William, glover, 34 Brunswick place Brown, Wm. grocer and spirit dealer, 54 Crown st Brown, Wm. & Co. oil & colour merchts. 188 Trongate Brown, Wm. of Wm. Brown Sf Co. house 9 Moore pi. Brown, William, grocer, 13 Bell street, Calton Brown, William, clothier, 11 Buchanan street Brown, William, spirit-dealer, 387 Argyll street Brown, Mrs. Thomas, lodgings, 52 Glassford street Brown, Mrs. Agnes, grocer, 4 St. Ninian street Brown, Mrs. Peter, flesher, 24 Mutton market, King st. Brown, Mrs. spirit-dealer, 4 Brown street Brown, Mrs. James, house 12 St. Vincent street Brown, Mrs. James, snuff shop, 111 King street Brown, Mrs. J. flesher, 32 King street Brown, Mrs. Jean, spirit-dealer, 82 Broomielaw Brown, Mrs. H. spirit dealer, Anderston walk, no. side Brown, James, flesher, 17 Main street, Gorbals Brown, Mrs. furnishing shop, 6 Eglinton street Brown, Mrs. J. tailor, 7 High street Brown, Mrs. flesher, 84 Stockwell Brown, Miss S. dress maker, 28 Saltmarket 50 BROWN BRYCE.

Brown, Miss, crape and feather dresser, 8 Charlotte st. BROWNING, Andrew, baker, 185 Gallowgate Browning, James, saddler, 19 Maxwell street Browning, Mathew, victualler, 22 York street Brownlie, John, baker, 15 Nicholson street Brownlie, John, writer, Clark's court, 109 Bridgegate Brownlie, Robert, cabinet maker, 103 Graeme street Brownlie, Thomas, green grocer, 9 Bell street Brownlie, William, smith, 89 Gallowgate Brownlie, Mrs. Thomas, tavern, 125 Trongate BRUCE, Alexander, tavern, 6 M

BRYDIE, Wm. victualler, 90 Main street, Gorbals BRYD ON, Andrew, mercht. Smithfield. Letters left at Hill 8? Shearers, 126 Argyll street Brydon, Wm. painter and grocer, 15 Little st. Calton Brydon, William, coach work, 20 Dunlop st. ho. above BRYDSON, William, merchant, 4 York street BRYSON, Charles, hardwareman, 31 Trongate Bryson, David, confectioner, 19 Candleriggs, house 79 Bell street Bryson, Peter, wine and spirit cellars, 41 Saltmarket Bryson, William, manufacturer, 20 Candleriggs Bryson, William, dairyman, 41 Drygate Bryson, Mrs. corset maker, 5 Crown street Bryson, Misses, furnishing shop, 342 High street

BUCHAN, Alexander, at Jas. Osivald fy Co.'s, house 109 Canning street, Calton Buchan, D. bed furniture glazer, Union place Buchan, John, grain merchant, 10 Buchanan street Buchan, William, agent, 111 Saltmarket Buchans, Edinburgh ale and porter store, Warroch st. Buchan, Mrs. Garnet bank, Sauchiehall road Buchan, Miss, Laurieston school, Norfolk street BUCHANAN, Alexander, baker, Cowcaddens Buchanan, A. surgeon, 6 South Hanover street, house 9 West Bath street Buchanan, Alexander, vulcan tavern, 34 Trongate Buchanan, Allan, of G. Buchanan $$ Sons, house 9 Abercromby place Buchanan, Andrew, flesher, 4 Mutton market, King st. Buchanan, Andrew, jun. of Falconer 8$ Buchanan, ho. 9 West Bath street Buchanan, Archibald, groeer, 1 Clyde street, Calton Buchanan, Brown & Co. merchants, 95 Candleriggs Buchanan, Brothers & Co. merchants 95 Candleriggs Buchanan & Brown, manufacturers, 4 Montrose street Buchanan & Brown, book-binders, 77 Brunswick st Buchanan & Connel's academy, 93 Virginia street Buchanan, E. grocer, 136 Rottenrow

Buchanan, Geo. of Arden, at Fulton, Buchanan fy Co.'s house 23 West St. Vincent street 52 BUCHANAN.

Buchanan, George, & Sons, bleachers, calenderers and packers, Buchanan court, 95 Candlerjggs Buchanan, George, merchant, lodging 178 George st. Buchanan, Hugh, spirit-dealer, 337 High street Buchanan, James, of , at Denniston, Bu- chanan Sf Co.'s Buchanan, James, smith, 79 Stockwell Buchanan, James, of J. 8? J. Buchanan, lodging 109 Argyll street Buchanan, James, tertius, 7 West Regent street Buchanan & Co. teachers, 125 Trongate, house 26 College street Buchanan, James, victualler, 264 Gallowgate Buchanan, James, tea & spirit-dealer, 101 Canning st. Buchanan, James, bleacher, Bath lane

Buchanan, J. F. of G. Buchanan fy Sons, house 4 Windsor place Buchanan, James & Co. hat manufacturers, 5 St. An- drew square Buchanan, James, of James Buchanan $$ Co. house at Aikenhead

Buchanan, James, atJas. Finlay 8f Co.'s ho. Woodlands Buchanan, John, vintner, 11 Bell street Buchanan, John, of Ardoch, at Ship Bank Buchanan, John, writer, 44 Hutcheson st. ho. Slatefield Buchanan, John, jun. merchant, 4 Nelson street, house Burnbank, Town Mill road Buchanan, John, sen. smith, 4 st Buchanan, John, warehouseman, 88 Trongate Buchanan, John, & Co. wrights, 44 Ingram street Buchanan, John, grocer, 41 King street, Calton Buchanan, John, auctioneer, 119 Main street, Gorbals Buchanan, J. & G. & Co. cotton brokers, 85 Candleriggs Buchanan, John, surgeon, 211 High street, house 21 College street Buchanan, John, & Co. wine and spirit merchants, 15 Prince's street Buchanan, John, spirit-dealer, 141 Saltmarket Buchanan, John & James, spirit-merchants, 63 Stock- well, and 25 Princes street BUCHANAN BUCKHEAD. 53

Buchanan, John, of John Sf James Buchanan, house 29 West St. Vincent street Buchanan, John, spirit-dealer, 61 Bell street Buchanan, John, grocer, 67 New venal Buchanan, John, print cutter, and mourning' paper borderer, 6 Antigua place Buchanan, Kennedy & Co. wine and spirit merchants, 59 Stockwell Buchanan, Dr. M. S. 194 Buchanan street Buchanan, M. hoot and shoemaker, Alston street Buchanan, Robert, manufacturer, 54 Green st. Calton Buchanan, Robt. grocer and spirit-dealer, Cowcaddens Buchanan, Robert, West India produce broker, 33 Virginia street, house 25 Blythswood square Buchanan, Robert, victualler, 80 Stockwell street Buchanan, Walter, flesher, 70 Gallowgate Buchanan, Walter, surgeon, 94 Main st. Gorbals, ho, 88

Buchanan, Walter, of Falconer 8f Buchanan, house 6 Brandon place

Buchanan, Walter, of Sharp fy Buchanan, house 1 Renfrew street Buchanan, Walter, spirit-dealer, 18 Malta street Buchanan, Watson & Co. merchants, 95 Candleriggs Buchanan, William, dairyman, 2 Howard street Buchanan, William, grocer, 61 Saltmarket Buchanan, Win. & Co. shawl agents, 36 Ingram street Buchanan, Wm. & Son, bakers, 22 Bridge st. Tradeston Buchanan, William, & Co. painters, 72 & 76 Hutche- son street

Buchanan, William, of G. Buchanan fy Sons, house 7 Brandon place Buchanan & Young, manufacturers, 33 Virginia street Buchanan, Mrs. lodgings, 7 George street

Buchanan, Mrs. G. eating house, &c. 72 Jamaica st. Buchanan, Mrs. of Auchmar, 39 North Hanover street Buchanan, Mrs. John, spirit-dealer, 243 George street Buchanan, Mrs. grocer, 5 Nelson street, Tradeston Buchanan, Mrs. bookseller, 57 Shuttle street Buchanan, Mrs. J. G. 46 North Frederick street Buckhead Inn, 61 Argyll street E 2 BUCKIE BURNS.

BUCKIE, John, spirit-dealer, 56 Trongate Buckie, Mrs. James, grocer, &c. 254 High street BUCKLEY, C. shoemaker, 187 Trongate BULLOCH, James, tobacconist, 68 Argyll street Bulloch, Wm. excise officer, house 2 Nicholson street Bulloch, Mrs. lodgings, 43 New Bridge street BUNTEN, Alex, at Rt. Bunten 8? Co.'s 28 Jamaica st. Bunten, James, timber merchant, 51 Oswald street Bunten, John, smith & bell hanger, Port-Dundas road Bunten, Robert, & Co. iron merchants, 28 Jamaica st. BUNTING, John, grocer, &e. 231 Argyll street Bunting, Moses, manufacturer, 27 Wilson street Bunting, N. tavern, 179 Argyll street Bunting, T. & C. glass cutters, 21 Turner's court BURDEN, John, carpet manufacturer and dyer, 47 Ladywell Burden, John, Coburg tavern, 34 Trongate BURGESS, Archd. glazier, 26 Commerce street Burgess, William, clothier, 4 Queen street, house 49 Hutcheson street BURGOYNE, Andrew, broker, 19 Miller's place BURN, G. & J. H. repository for horses, 47 Union place, and coach office, 10 Argyll street Burn, J. H. of G. &? J. H. Burn, house 45 Union pi. Burn, Peter, at Barclay 8$ Skirving's BURNET, Andrew, hair dresser, 89 Kirk st. Calton Burnet, John, writer, 92 Nelson street, house 105 High street Burnet, Mrs. grocer, 28 Kirk street, Calton- BURNS, Daniel, broker, 12 Jail square

Bums, George, qfJas. 8f Geo. Burns, ho. 17 Fife place Burns, James, of Jas. Sf Geo. Burns, ho. 4 Fife place Burns, James & George, merchants, 9 Buchanan street Burns, James, at Mrs. Burns', 154 George street Burns, J. & G. agents for Liverpool traders, and for Ayr and Belfast steam packets, 9 Buchanan street Burns, John, victualler, 104 Old wynd Burns, John, & Co. manufacturers, 51 South Albion st. Burns, John, fruiterer, 124 South Albion street Burns, John, spirit dealer, Cowcaddens BURNS—CARNIE. 55

Burns, Rev. Dr. John, Barony glebe Burns, John, professor of surgery, 5 St. Vincent st. Burns, John, spirit-dealer, 93 Kirk street, Calton Burns, Mathew, ironmonger, 87 King st. Tradeston Burns, Thomas, architect, 191 Buchanan street Burns, Thomas & Co. builders, &c. 191 Buchanan st. Burns, Wm. boot and shoemaker, 122 Saltmarket Burns, William, spirit-dealer, 327 Gallowgate BURNSIDE, Allen, yarn warehouse, 81 Nelson st. Burnside, W. & R. victuallers, 260 High street Burnside, William, victualler, 102 Gallowgate, and 44 King street Burnside, Mrs. J. grocer & spirit- dealer, Cowcaddens BURRELL, Andrew, & Son, working jewellers, 48 Stockwell Burrell, Jas. jeweller, 20 Nelson st. ho. 114 Trongate BURRETT, Thomas, smith, Renfield street BURTON, Alex, smith, 43 Main street, Gorbals Burton, A. D. perfumer, 20 Argyll arcade Burton, James, baker, 14 Fife place Burton, M. perfumer, 90 Glassford street BUSBY Cotton Co. Wm. Kelly, 82 Virginia street Busby, Mrs. 1 Maxwellton place BUSLEY, Thomas, dairyman, 66 Castle street BUTT, Thomas, tea agent, 24 Adelphi street BUTTERS, Benjamin, grocer, 53 Thistle street Butter, Robert, bill poster, 101 High street BYRES, Adam, 20 Kent street Byres, Richard, spirit-dealer, 35 Gallowgate

C CABBELL, W. B. cashier, Glas. bank, 12 Ingram st. CADDELL, Peter, hair dresser, 3 Market street Caddell, William, hair dresser, 73 Bridgegate Caddell, William, clothier, 22 Argyll street, house 40 North Frederick street CAIN, Mrs. William, broker, 27 Miller place CARNIE, Charles, at Thomas Shields 8? Co.'s Carnie, John & Co. distillers, 9 Orr st. Barrowfield Carnie, Neil, at Thomas Shields fy Co.'s, 51 Coehran st. 56 CAIRNEY—CALEDONIAN.

CAIRNEY, William, window glazier and glass- stainer, 85 Candleriggs, house above Cairney, William, jun. glass-stainer, 55 Montrose st. CAIRNS, Charles, broker, 33 Bridgegate Cairns, George, grain merch. Douglas ct. Grahamston Cairns, James, merchant tailor, 60 Saltmarket Cairns, John, coal merchant, Monkland canal basin Cairns, John, broker, 7 St. Margaret place Cairns, Martin, livery stables, 9 rope work entry Cairns, P. writer, 11 Virginia street CALLENDER, Mrs. vintner, 160 Stockwell CALLEN, John, sailmaker, 106 Broomielaw CALLUM, Mrs. A. grocer, &e. Main st. Bridgeton CALDER, A. & J. manufacturers, 37 Ingram street Calder, Alex. London mail guard, 105 Stockwell Calder, Alex, grocer, Burnside, Port-Dundas Calder & Howie, silk mercers, 18 Argyll street Calder Iron Work Office, 37 Glassford street Calder, James, excise officer, Morris place Calder, John, watchmaker, 160 High street. Calder, John, writer, 53 Nelson street Calder, John, teacher of English, 91 Miller street Calder, William, dairyman, 111 Drygate Calder, Mrs. 10 West Bath street CALDERHEAD, John, baker and spirit-dealer, 105 Saltmarket Calderhead, Mrs. John, spirit-dealer, 56 Bishop street CALDWELL, George, beamer, Main st. Bridgeton Caldwell, George, baker, 7 Clyde terrace Caldwell, George, baker, 70 Trongate Caldwell, James, baker, 39 New Bridge street Caldwell, John, grocer & spirit-dealer, 18 Adelphi st. Caldwell, John, spirit-dealer, 55 Commerce street Caldwell, Robert, victualler, 2 Great Hamilton street Caldwell, William, spirit-dealer, 166 Trongate Caldwell, William, watchmaker, 5 Malta st. Gorbals Caldwell, William, grain merchant, Main st. Gorbals CALEDONIAN Fire Insurance Office—(See Ap- pendix) Caledonian Hotel, Horn's court, 3 St. Enoch square CALEDONIAN CAMERON. 57

Caledonian Pottery, canal basin, Townhead CALTON & Bridgeton baking society, 9 Tobago st. Calton Mortcloth & Mortsafe Office, 38 Green street Calton Police Office, 1 Stevenson street, Calton Calton Post Office, receiving house, 45 Canning st. Calton Provident Bank, 1 Stevenson street, John Clugston, treasurer, 22 Monteith Row Calton Public Reading Room, 1 Struthers street Calton Public Library, 4 James st. Alex. Mushet, lib. Calton Young Men's Religious Tract Depository, 5 Well street CAMERON, A. artist, 58 Arcade Cameron, A. spirit-dealer, 70 New wynd Cameron, A. cabinet maker, 47 King street Cameron, Alexander, tailor, 179 Trongate Cameron, Alexander, spirit-dealer, 63 Rutherglen loan Cameron, Alex, cloth merchant, 62 Main st. Anderston Cameron, Allan, wine and spirit cellar, 31 Main street, Gorbals Cameron, Allan, tailor and draper, 58 Saltmarket Cameron, Allan, spirit-dealer, 125 Trongate Cameron, Angus, eating house, 36 Main st. Anderston Cameron, Angus, grocer, 36 Ladywell street Cameron, Archd. hardware merchant, 36 Trongate Cameron, Colin, 2 Edwin place, Laurieston Cameron, Dugald, spirit-dealer, 48 Main street, Gor- bals, and 42 Bell street Cameron, Duncan, shawl manufacturer, 27 Wilson street, house 94 M'Alpine street Cameron, Hugh, spirit-dealer, 126 Saltmarket Cameron, Hugh messenger at arms, 89 Brunswick st. Cameron, Hugh, spirit-dealer, 24 Washington street Cameron, Hugh, bagpipe maker, 76 King street Cameron, Hugh, spirit-dealer, 28 New wynd Cameron, Hugh, stationer and librarian, 97 Gallowgate Cameron, James, bookseller, 187 High st. Cameron, John, broker, 271 High street Cameron, John, spirit-dealer, 16 Rose street, Hutche- sontown, and 59 Rutherglen loan Cameron, John, portioner, Dalmarnock road 58 CAMERON—CAMPBELL.

Cameron John, spirit-dealer, 164 Main street, Gorbals Cameron, John, tailor, 13 Argyll street Cameron, John, spirit-dealer, 26 Maxwell street Cameron, John, spirit-dealer, 35 Saltmarket Cameron, J. & P. carriers, 27 Blackfriar street Cameron, Martin, teacher, 40 Brunswick place Cameron, Peter, at J. A. Anderson% 120 Brunswick st. Cameron, Robert, ironmonger, 9 Saltmarket Cameron, Robert, & Co. melting pot manufacturers, 21 Tureen street Cameron, Thomas, & Co. Londonderry steam packet office, 82 Miller street Cameron, Thomas, druggist, 43 Norfolk st. Laurieston Cameron, Thomas & Co. hardwaremen, 7 Trongate Cameron, Thomas, reed maker, 9 Gallowgate Cameron, William, smith, 38 Stockwell Cameron, Wm. surgeon, R.N. 74 Main st. Anderston Cameron, Mrs. leather-cap maker, 30 King street Cameron, Mrs. vintner, 88 Candleriggs Cameron, Misses, milliners & dress makers, 58 Bell st. CAMP, John, T. fancy paper manufac. Sidney court CAMPBELL, Allan, shoemaker, 38 Prince's street Campbell, Alex, bookseller & stationer, 115 King st. Campbell, Alex, power loom manuf. South Brock st. Campbell, Alexander, spirit -dealer, 10 New wynd Campbell, Alex, writer, clerk of presbytery, 6 Antigua place, house Garnet hill Campbell, Alex. jun. writer, 33 Ingram street, house 11 West Bath street Campbell, Alexander, spirit-dealer, 75 Old wynd Campbell, Andrew, silk factory, John st. Bridgeton Campbell & Anderson, cork cutters, 22 King street Campbell, Archibald, barber, 68 Jamaica street Campbell, Arch, ship agent & broker, 31 Carrick st. Campbell, Archibald, of Blythswood, M.P. office, 11 St. George place Campbell, Archibald, 57 M'Alpine street Campbell, Archibald, baker, 69 King street Campbell, Archibald, house 55 Portland st. Laurieston Campbell, Archd. shoemaker, 69 King st. Tradeston CAMPBELL. 59

Campbell, A. D. merchant, 12 Union street Campbell, B. accountant, 43 Cavendish st. Laurieston Campbell & Carnachan, chemists and druggists, 136 Argyll street Campbell, Colin, of Possil, John Campbell, sen. S? Co.'s Campbell, Colin, & Co. merchants, 12 So. Hanover st. Campbell, C. & J. drysalters and reed makers, 85 Can- dleriggs Campbell & Cruden, commission agents, 127 Bruns- wick street Campbell, D. spirit- dealer, 7 Wallace court Campbell, D. tailor, 187 Trongate Campbell, Daniel, fruiterer, 11 Wilson street Campbell, Daniel, merchant, 6 Antigua place

Campbell, D. ofD. Allan 8$ Co. house Hanover street Campbell, Dick, & Co. inkle warehouse, 81 Wilson st. Campbell, D. & R. ironmongers, 4 Duke street Campbell, Donald, & Co. merchants, 107 Buchanan street, house 11 Blythswood square Campbell, Dugald, victualler, and Young Man's Reli- gious Tract Society, 5 Well street, Calton Campbell, Dugald, of Campbell Sf M'Dougall, house 14 Croy place Campbell, Duncan, stationer & librarian, 3 Buchanan st.

Campbell, Duncan, of Campbell fy Carnachan, house 48 York street Campbell, D.spirit dealer, 8 Adelphi st. Hutchesontown Campbell, Rev. Edward, 2 Norfolk court Campbell & Howie, woollen drapers, 45 Gallowgate Campbell, Hugh, coal agent, 69 Clyde street, Calton Campbell, Hugh, & Co. woollen drapers, 7 Gallowgate Campbell, Hugh, victualler, 117 Main street, Gorbals Campbell, J. & A. manufacturers, 33 Candleriggs Campbell, J. &. W. & Co. warehousemen and manu- facturers, 34 Candleriggs Campbell, James, victualler, &c. 455 Gallowgate Campbell, James, of Moore Park, John Campbell, sen. Sf Co.'s Campbell, James, commission agent, 31 and 33 St. Andrew street 60 CAMPBELL.

Campbell, James, umbrella maker, 99 Gallowgate Campbell, James, furniture dealer, 130 Bridgegate

Campbell, James, of J. fy W. Campbell fy Co. house 21 West Bath street Campbell, James, boot and shoemaker, 56 Union st.

Campbell, James, of Colin Campbell $f Co. house Newton Lodge, Sauchiehall road Campbell, John, shoemaker, 83 George street Campbell, John, surgeon, London street, house Som- merville place Campbell, John, spirit-dealer, 15 Jackson street Campbell, John Gordon, merchant, John st. Bridgeton Campbell, John, tailor, 147 Main street, Gorbals Campbell, John, founder, Lancefield, Anderston Campbell, John, of J. 8? W. Campbell Sf Co. house 15 Oxford street Campbell, John, sen. & Co. merchts. 35 Buchanan st. Campbell, John, spirit dealer, 70 King street, Calton Campbell, John, spirit dealer, Burnside, Port-Dundas Campbell, John, victualler, 9 Park place, Stockwell Campbell, John, & Co. cabinet makers and upholsterers, 77 Gallowgate and 5 Nile street Campbell, John & Co. wrights, 37 Greeme street Campbell, John, woollen draper, 8 Gallowgate, house 6 Candleriggs Campbell, John, shoemaker, 15 Oxford st. Laurieston Campbell, John, slater, 37 Main street, Anderston Campbell, John, spirit-dealer, 15 Tureen street Campbell, John, spirit-dealer, 400 Gallowgate Campbell, John, at William Dixon 's, 37 Glassford st. Campbell, John, spirit-dealer, 27 Nelson st. Tradeston Campbell, John, surgeon, 44 Kent street Campbell, John, spirit-dealer, 31 Carrick street Campbell, John, of Campbell Sf M'Lean, house 31 St. Andrew square Campbell, John, cotton waste merchant, 23 South Albion street Campbell, John, surgeon, 91 Saltmarket, house 95 Bridgegate Campbell, Joseph, broker, 175 Gallowgate CAMPBELL. 61

Campbell & Kelly, merchts. 6 Wood lane, Broomielaw Campbell, Kenneth, grocer, 31 Little Dovehill

Campbell, Malcom, grain merchant, at Thos. Laurie s, 179 Argyll street, house 32 Union street Campbell, Malcom, baker, 102 Canning street Campbell, Mungo N. of St. Catherines, John Campbell,

sen. Sf Co.'s. Campbell, Mungo, merchant, JohnCampbell, sen.fy Co.'s, house 12 Moore place Campbell & M'Alister, manufacturers, 69 Ingram st. Campbell & M'Dongall, drysalters, 8 Croy place Campbell & M'Lean, clothiers, 7 Miller street Campbell, Neil, fish dealer, 8 Fish Market, King street Campbell, Peter, spirit-dealer, Burnside, Port-Dundas Campbell, Rivers & Co. merchants, 19 So. Hanover st. Campbell, Thomas, hair-dresser, 8 Miller street

Campbell, Thomas, John Campbell, sen. Sf Co.'s. house 5 Blythswood place Campbell, Walter, smith, 338 Gallowgate Campbell & Watt, ironmongers, 79 Argyll street Campbell, William, ofj.fy W. Campbell 8? Co. house Stewart Villa, by Campbell, William, grocer, 123 King street Campbell, William, builder, 20 Kent street Campbell, William, Skaterigg colliery. Letters left at Glasgow bottle-work Co.'s office, Great Clyde street Campbell, William, hair dresser, 200 Broomielaw Campbell, William, clothier, 32 Argyll street Campbell, Mrs. Joseph, paper box maker, 7 Jackson st. Campbell, Mrs. and Misses, boarding school, 10 New Bridge street Campbell, Mrs. spirit-dealer, 90 Broomielaw Campbell, Mrs. grocer, 83 Nelson street, Tradeston Campbell, Mrs. John, baker, 21 Maxwell street Campbell, Mrs. John, grocer, 125 Argyll street Campbell, Mrs. Robert, gardener, Green market Campbell, Mrs. flesher, Bell-street Market Campbell, Mrs. lodgings, 50 North Albion street Campbell, Mrs. spirit-dealer, Main street, Bridgeton Campbell, Mrs. lodgings, 12 Croy place, Maxwell st. 62 CAMPBELL CARMICHAEL.

Campbell, Mrs. John, confectioner, 113 Candleriggs Campbell, Miss, lodgings, 5 Thistle street Campbell, Miss, dressmaker, 18 Maxwell street Campbell, Miss M. straw hat maker, Mainst. Bridgeton Campbell, Miss, furnishing shop, 5 Oxford street Canada Land Company's Office, 75 Miller street. A. G. Gilkison, agent CANAL Brewery Store, 15 Steam Boat Quay Canal Company's Office, Port-Dundas. Walter Logan, superintendent Canal Tract Boat Office, 58 Buchanan street, and Canal Office, Port-Dundas. Thos. Johnston, agent CANDLISH, J. S. surgeon, 86 Hutcheson street, ho. 52 Virginia sti-eet Candlish, Mrs. boarding school, 52 Virginia street CANNING, John, hardware shop, 8 Clyde street, Anderston CANNON,Wm. surgeon, Thomson square, Anderston CANSH, James, spirit-dealer, 36 Bell street CARFRAE, Jas. paper mould maker, 41 Charlotte st. Carfrae, John, paper and rag warehouse, 3 Little Dove- hill, house 1 CARLAW, William, skinner, 161 Stockwell CARLINE, Daniel, spirit-dealer, 8 Marlborough st. CARLILE, James, comb maker, 22 Claythorn street Carlyle, James, nail maker, 38 New Bridge street Carlyle, Miss, Craigbank, Sauchiehall road CARMICHAEL, D. grocer, 2 Green street, Calton Carmichael, Duncan, spirit-dealer, 40 Thistle street Carmichael, James, builder, 421 Argyll street Carmichael, John, spirit-dealer, 138 Gallowgate Carmichael, John, boot and shoemaker, 1 Hospital st. Carmichael, John, flesher, 12 King street Carmichael, Nathaniel, weavers' utensil maker, 22 Claythorn street Carmichael, Neil & Co. printers, 43 Trongate Carmichael, Neil, spirit-dealer, 23 Kirk street, Gorbals Carmichael, Robert, slater, 240 Gallowgate Carmichael, Ronald, vintner, 18 Saltmarket Carmichael, Mrs. lodgings, 5 Stockwell place CARMICHAEL CARSEWELL. 63

Carmichael, Miss J. straw hat maker, 1 Norfolk court Carmichael, M. straw hat maker, 12 Hospital street CARNDUFF, Robert, manufacturer, 109 Candleriggs CARNEIGIE, John," spirit-dealer, Dalmarnock road CARRICK, Andrew, portioner, 11 Thomson's lane, Calton Carrick, Hutcheson & Co. Letters left at J. Allan's, 144 Queen street Carrick, James, merchant. Letters left at do. Carrick, J. A. & R. Letters left at do. Carrick, James, weaving utensil maker, 5 Kirk street Carrick, John, victualler, 397 Gallowgate Carrick, Robert, teacher, 36 Claythorn street Carrick, William, victualler, 49 Miller place Carrick, William, accountant and factor, 81 Wilson st. house 213 Upper Buchanan street Carrick, Mrs. green grocer, 25 Canon street Carrick, Miss, dress maker, 10 Jamaica street CARNAGAN, Hugh, spirit-dealer, 48Rutherglen loan CARRUTH, James, portioner and feuar, 45 James st. CARRON Company's Warehouse, 123 Buchanan st. Henry Dawson, agent Carron Mill Paper Warehouse, 76 Virginia street Carron Shipping Co.'s office, Port-Dundas CARSON, Robert, viutner, 66 Trongate CARSS, Andrew, merchant tailor, 170 Trongate Carss, John, bookbinder, Moodie's court, 31 Argyll st. house Norfolk street Carse, William, printer, 53 Saltmarket Carss, Miss, milliner and dress maker, 39 Norfolk st. CARTER, M. milliner, 50 Great Hamilton street CARSEWELL, Allan, sen. trunk and box-maker, 25 North Albion street Carsewell, David, baker, 63 Saltmarket Carsewell, Duncan, shoemaker, 30 Portland street, Laurieston Carsewell, James, manufacturer, 62 Queen street Carswell, William, baker, 133 Gallowgate Carsewell & Son, joiners and builders, 70 Queen street, works 26 George street 64 CASSIDY CHALMERS.

CASSIDY, Jas. stone warehouse, 24 Main st. Calton CASSILS, David, spirit-dealer, 58 High street Cassils, John, wine & spirit mercht. 67 & 69 Saltmarket Cassils, John, victualler and spirit-dealer, 23 Well st. Cassels, John, confectioner, 4 Argyll arcade Cassils, Robert, hatter, 103 Trongate, and 32 Argyll arcade, house 114 Trongate Cassil's malt whisky store, 27 Ropework lane Cassils & Stewart, spirit-dealers, 22 and 24 Stockwell place and 57 Candleriggs Cassils, William, & Co, spirit merchants, 150 Salt- market, and 2 Bridgegate Cassils, William, dyer, 38 Kirk street Cassils, Mrs. R. confectioner, 199 Trongate CATHIE, Alexander, flesher, 237 High street, and 8 Mutton market, King street Catrine Co. at James Findlay & Co.'s Queen street CATTERNS, Samuel, drysalter, 35 Miller street, and 62 Argyll street Cattle Market, Graeme square, Gallowgate, and foot of Duke street CAW, Neil & Samuel, merchants, 136 Brunswick st.

Caw, Neil, of N. fy S. Caw, house 2 Abercromby pi.

Caw, Samuel, of JV. 8f S. Caw, house 4 Regent street Cess and Tax Office for the City, 62 Argyll arcade. Laurence Ci'aigie, sen. collector Cess and Tax office for the Coimty, Lower Renfield st. Gilbert Kennedy, collector CHALMERS, Alex, hair dresser, 128 Gallowgate Chalmers, Alexander, surgeon, 8 Struthers st. Calton Chalmers, Geo. flesher, &c. 135 Main street, Gorbals Chalmers, George, brass founder, 57 Gallowgate Chalmers, James, flesher, 1 New street, Calton Chalmers, James, academy, 179 Argyll street Chalmers, John, grocer, &c. 58 King street, Calton Chalmers, John, grocer, Main street, Bridgeton Chalmers, John, slater, 458 Gallowgate Chalmers, John, tailor, 149 George Street Chalmers, Kilgour & Co. warehousemen, 161 Trongate Chalmers, Robert, nailer, 84 Commerce st. Tradeston CHALMERS CHRISTIE. 65

Chalmers, Thomas, smith & hell-hanger, 7 Hospital st. Chalmers, Thomas, surgeon, 88 George street Chalmers, T. of Chalmers, KUgour 8$ Co. house 18 Max- well street Chalmers, Thomas, jun. hatter, 76 Stockwell Chalmers, Wm. at John Ferguson's, 70 Hutcheson st. Chalmers, William, spirit-dealer, Dalmarnock road Chalmers, Dr. William, 13 Moore place Chalmers, W. of Chalmers, Kilgour &,- Co. house, Clyde terrace Chamberlain's Office, Council Chambers. John Spreull, chamberlain Chambers, D. T. bat manufacturer, 134 & 136 Stock- well, house above, works 53 King street, Tradeston Chambers, David, grocer, 18 Struthers street Chambers, James, pawnbroker, 31 Saltmarket Chambers, T. & Co. hat manufacturers, 75 Gallowgate CHAPMAN, David, ship agent, 39 Miller street Chapman & Davidson, yarn merchants, 91 Wilson st. Chapman, William, wright, 189 High street CHARLES, James & Co. brokers, 40 Miller street, house Robertson street Charles, John, measurer and accountant, 75 Argyll st. CHARTERIS, William, tape, thread and small ware manufacturer, 33 Glasford street, house 10 Portland street, Lam-ieston CHERRY, David, spirit-dealer, 43 New st. Calton CHISHOLM, Daniel, carver and gilder, 56 and 57 Argyll arcade, house 69 Ingram street Chisholm, James & Son, woollen drapers and clothiers, 118 Argyll street, house Richmond street Chisholm, Smith & Co. manufacturers, 70 Brunswickst.

Chisholm, William, of Chisholm, Smith 8f Co. house Provanside, Stirling road Chisholm, Miss H. ladies' boot, shoe and straw hat warehouse, 94 Queen street CHRISTIE, Alexander, hair dresser, 140 Bridgegate

Christie, Andrew, at Robert Dalglish 8$ Co.'s Christie, A. lace and silk warehouse, 39 Queen street Christie, C. tinsmith, 38 Clavthorn street f2 6$ CHRISTIE— CLARK.

Christie, Daniel, smith and bell-hanger, 51 Gallowgate Christie, David, builder, 7 College street Christie, David, grocer, 12 St. Ninian street Christie, James, accountant and agent for Globe insur- ance office, 37 Glassford st. house 11 Carlton place Christie, James, merchant, 30 York street

Christie, James, ofFerguson 8f Christie, house Sommer- ville place Christie & Co. general agents, 51 Brunswick place Christie, John, hair dresser, 80 Trongate Christie, John, wright, &c. Craignestock Christie, John, umbrella maker, 199 Gallowgate, and 21 Argyll arcade, house 6 Great Dovehill Christie & Monteith, writers, 20 Stockwell place Christie, Thos. of Christie and Monteith, ho. Surry pi. Christie, Thomas, dyer, 80 Clyde street, Calton Christie, William, beamer, 9 Abercromby st. Calton

Christie, William of Christie fy Co. house Rose street, Garnet hill Christie, Wm. slater, 103 Main street, Anderston, yard Broomielaw Christie, Mrs. straw hat maker, 1 1 James st. Calton CHRISTISON, James, writer, 17 St. Margaret place Chronicle Office, Reid's court, 56 Trongate CHRYSTAL, George, teacher, 6 Stirling street Chrystal, William,L.L.D. rector of the Grammar school, house 13 Richmond street CHURCH, William, & Co. manufacturers, Smith's court, Brunswick street Church, William, of William Church &; Co. house 3 Blythswood hill CLACHER, Robert, spirit-dealer, 2 Charlotte lane CLAPPERTON, James, vintner, 10 Anderston quay Clapperton, Robert, & Co. drapers, 116 Gallowgate CLARK, Allan, at William Mather # Co.'s, 77 Glass- ford street, house Meadow park Clark, Allan, saddler, 60 King street, Calton Clark, Allan, jun. & Co. cotton yarn merchants, 48 Wilson street Clark, A. surgeon, 235 High street, house 233 67

Clark, Alexander, paper ruler, 5 King street Clark, Alexander, thread manufacturer, 3 Govan street Clark, Archibald, spirit-dealer, 61 Clyde st. Anderston Clark, Daniel, cabinet maker, 50 New Bridge street Clark, Daniel & Co. painters, 8 Brown street Clark, Francis & Son, painters, 10 Stockwell Clark, George, print cutter, 20 Candleriggs Clarke, George, Anchor tavern, 37 Trongate Clark, George, dairyman, Deanside lane Clark, George, paper ruler, 28 Old wynd Clark, Henry, surgeon, 28 Orr street, Calton, house 34 George street, Mile -end Clark, James, & Co. straw hat manufacturers, 32 and 36 Nelson street Clark, James, painter, 36 Bridgegate Clark, James, pocket book and jewel case maker, 187 Trongate Clark, John, jun. & Co. cotton spinners, thread manu- facturers, 3 Broad st. Mile-end, Calton. Orders left at John Agnew 8? Co.'s 28 Miller street Clark, J. & W. steam loom factory, East Woodside. Letters at 171 Buchanan street Clark, John, superintendent of Gorbals police, at the office, 27 Portland street, Laurieston Clark, John, writer, 95 Hutcheson street Clark, John, grocer and coal agent, 52 Hospital street Clark, John, spirit- dealer, Main street, Bridgeton Clark, John, baker, Clyde street, Anderston Clark, Michael, broker, 146 Saltmarket Clark, Rev. Robert, Barony glebe Clark, Robert, of Crosshill. Letters left at 109 King st. Clark, Samuel, surgeon, 235, High street, house 233 Clark, Thomas, shipmaster, 10 Portland st. Laurieston Clark, Thomas, chemist, 10 Portland st. Laurieston Clark, Thomas, spirit-dealer, 14 Merchant lane Clark, William, & Co. weaving factory, Bishop street Clark, W. E. C. surgeon, 265 George st. house 255 do. Clark, William, iron turner, 25 Turner's court Clark, William, spirit-dealer, 56 Maxwell street Clark, Mrs. stoneware dealer, 8 Jail square 68 CLARK COBURN.

Clark, Mrs. furnishing shop, 1 Commerce st. Tradeston Clark, Mrs. Sommerville place CLARK SON, Wm. portioner, Brown st. Bridgeton CLARKSTON Mill Paper Warehouse, 77 Bell st. CLELAND, Alex. ofCklandfy Co. ho. 30 Nile street Cleland, James, superintendent of public works, Coun- cil Chambers, house Nile st. corner of Bath street Cleland & Co.'s marble work, 5 Cathcart street Cleland, Thomas, hairdresser, Burnside, Port-Dundas Cleland, Wm. joiner & cabinet maker, Upper Nile st. Cleland, William, cowfeeder, Upper Nile street Cleland, Mrs. 326 Gallowgate CLEMENT, James, tea dealer, George's st. Mile-end CLERY, Mrs. Brandon place CLIFFORD, Thomas, shoemaker, 468 Gallowgate CLOW, A. & H. boot makers, 14 Hutcheson street Clow, James, teacher, Wilson's Charity School, 87 Montrose street Clow, James, shoemaker, 10 Saltmarket CLUGSTON, John, 22 Monteith row Clugston, William, Barony session clerk, Gray's land, Barony glebe CLUNIE, John, grocer, Port-Dundas Clunie, R. A. grain merchant, 5 Queen street, house 6 Albany place CLYDE Flint Glass Company, 54 Argyll street Clyde New Shipping Company, 53 Jamaica street Clyde Old Shipping Company, 4 York street Clyde, Richard, nailer, 129 Main street, Gorbals Clyde Ship Register Office, 75 Miller street. A. G. Gilkson, agent CLYDESDALE Arms Inn, East Nile street COATS, James, brass founder and japanner, 13 Muir- head street, Gorbals Coats, John, trades' mortcloth office, 67 Bell street Coats, J. & J. straw hat makers, 44 Hutcheson street Coats, Thomas, manufacturer, 181 Virginia street Coats, Thomas, jun. of Stewart 8$ Coats, house 68 Canon street COBURN, Alexander, grocer, 12 Cheapside street COCHRAN COLEMAN. 69

COCHRAN, A. tea dealer, 22 Portugal st. Laurieston Cochran, Archibald, working jeweller, 51 Duke street Cochran, Hugh, accountant, Commercial bank Cochran, James, of Grant S} Co. house Kensington pi. Cochran, John, & Co. yarn warehouse, 34 Wilson st. Cochran, John, jun. merchant, 20 Miller street, house 60 Oswald street Cochran, John, tailor, 24 High street

Cochran, John, at Miller Sf Ewings Cochran, Lang & Co. calenderers and packers, 82 Miller street Cochran, Mathew, & Co. silk agents and brokers, 110 Brunswick street Cochrane, Wm. calenderer and packer, 10 Stirling sq. Cochrane, William, shoemaker, Anderston walk Cochrane, Mrs. B. & Co. spirit-dealers, 35 Argyll st. Cochrane, Miss, lodgings, 48 George square Cochran, M. & M. dress makers, 3 Govan street COCKBURN, Alexander, grocer, spirit-dealer and cowfeeder, 45 Stevenson street, Calton Cockburn, John, grocer, &c. 8 Dempster street COCKER, James, & Co. razor and surgeons' instru- ment makers, and general cutlers, 10 London street and 31 Argyll arcade COCKFIELD, Joseph, shoemaker, 96 Main street Gorbals Cockfield, Joseph, bootmaker, 5 Great Dovehill COGAN, Hugh, merchant, ofJohn Bartholomew 8? Co. 18 Brunswick lane Cogan, Hugh, sen. house Cumberland street, Calton Cogan, John & Robert, 12 Montrose street, spinning and weaving works, Graham square Cogan, Michael, broker, 127 New wynd Cogan, Robt. ofJohn Sf Robert Cogan, ho. Brandon pi. COGHILL, Alexander, tobacco pipe manufactory, 4 Rope work lane Coghill, William, spirit-dealer, 14 Nicholson street COLDSTREAM, Dr. John, 27 College street COLEMAN, Samuel, of Brown 8? Coleman, house 30 Richmond street 70 COLE—COLVILL.

COLE, George, merchant, 107 Buchanan street, house West Regent street

COLLEDGE, William, writer, at Wilson 8? M'Intyre's COLLIER, Captain, barrack master, house and office infantry barracks Collier, J. W. spirit merchant, 25 Dunlop street Collier, Samuel, machine maker, 36 St. Enoch wynd COLLINS, Alexander, baker and spirit-dealer, 3 Anderston quay Collins, Arthur, hatter, 27 Green street, Calton Collins, David, spirit-dealer, North Frederick street Collins, Edw. paper maker, warehouse 48 Virginia st. Collins, James, baker, Port-Dundas Collins, James, register office for servants, 14 New Bridge street Collins, William, bookseller and stationer, 37 Wilson street, house 5 Russel street Collins, Mrs. 23 Monteith row Colombia Consul's Office, 89 Miller street. L. M'Kinnon, consul,—officehours, from 10 tol2 o'clock COLQUHOUN, Alexander, tailor, Cowcaddens Colquhoun, Angus, baker, 44 Bell street Colquhoun, Archibald, grocer and spirit-dealer, 43 North Frederick street Colquhoun, Archibald, cork cutter, 58 Prince's street Colquhoun, A. accountant, 16 St. Andrew's square Colquhoun, Daniel, manufacturer, 6 North Albion st. Colquhoun, Hugh, of Semple 8j Co. ho. 41 George sq. Colquhoun, Dr. Hugh, 41 George square Colquhoun, James, spirit-dealer, 130 Drygate Colquhoun, James, spirit-dealer, 143 Argyll street Colquhoun, John, dairyman, 39 St. Enoch wynd Colquhoun, Peter, hair dresser, 8 Broomielaw Colquhoun, Robert, cap maker, 49 Main street, Calton Colquhoun, William, spirit-dealer, 25 Gallowgate Colquhoun, Mrs. C. spirit-dealer, Melville st. Tradeston COLVILLE & Co. printers, 5 Melville place Colville, George, bookbinder, 67 Nelson street, house 10 College street Colvill, Hugh, spirit-dealer, 23 New Bridge street COLVILL COPLAND. 71

Colvill, Stephen, hair dresser, 76 Bell street Colville, William, tavern, 238 Broomielaw COMMERCIAL Bank, 66 Virginia st. J. Wyld, agt. Commissary Clerk's Office, 37 Virginia street, C. D. Donald, clerk CONDIE, William, spirit-dealer, 59 Little Dovekill CONLEY, Felix, & Co. brokers, 28 Bridgegate CONWAY, Patrick, grocer, 129 Old wynd CONNEL, Alex, spirit-dealer, 659 Gallowgate Connell, Alex, baker, 6 Charles street, Calton Connell, A. & J. merchants, 23 South Hanover street, house 22 St. Vincent place Connell & Clason, writers, 37 Glassford street Connell, David, writer, 98 Buchanan street Connell, Edmond, & Co. calico printers, 27 Queen st. works Parkholm Connell, George, spirit merchant, 10 Jackson street, house 32 Montrose street Connell, H. bakers' peel maker, 66 High street

Connell, James, surgeon, 120 High st. ho. 9 Stirling st. Connell, T. flesher, &c. 139 Main street, Gorbals Connell, Thomas, victualler, 59 High street Connall, William, merchant, 43 Virginia street, house 2 Milton place, Blythswood hill Connell, William, confectioner, 102 High street Connell, William, writer, Antigua place, south side Connell, Mrs. James, 22 St. Vincent place CONNING, Mrs. 1 Little Dovehill COOK, David, at James Cook 8$ Co.'s, engineers Cook, D. & Co. stocking manufacturers, 25 Argyll st. Cook, Donald, spirhvdealer, 178 Broomielaw Cook, James, & Co. engineers & machine makers, 95 Commerce street, Tradeston, house Kingston place Cook, L. grocer and cooper, 31 King st. Tradeston Cook & Norris, founders, Port-Dundas foundery Cook, Robert, & Co. smiths, 23 West street Cook, Wm. & Co. manufacturers, 30 Montrose street, house 1 Coburg street COOLLEY, James, grocer, &c. 8 Abercromby street COPLAND, William, writer, 26 Dunlop street 72 CORBET—COUPER.

CORBETT, James, & Co. cotton factory, Centre st. Tradeston, warehouse 108 Ingram place Corbet, Lorimer, surgeon, 73 Main street, Gorbals Corbet, Peter, commission merchant, 49 Miller street, house 7 Bath street Corbet, Peter, currier, 5 New street, Calton Corbet, Robert, watchmaker, 47 Stockwell Corbet, William, manufacturer, 13 Rose street, house 7 Bath street Corbet, Wm. bed furniture glazer, 7 St. Enoch lane Corbet, Mrs. eating house, 7 St. Enoch lane CORKINDALE, James, surgeon, 78 Glassford street, house 5 St. Vincent place CORMACK, William, merchant, 38 St. Andrew sq. CORMIE, John, spirit dealer, 68 Main st. Anderston CORSAN & Broom, shawl wareho. 113 Brunswick st.

Corsan, James, of Corsan fy Broom, house Portland street, Laurieston CORSE, David, & Co. cotton yarn merchants, 52 Brunswick street Corse, Miss, dress maker, 32 Stockwell COTTON'S commercial lodgings, 24 Stockwell COUBROUGH, John, agent, 40 Candleriggs COUGHIE, David, teacher, infant school, 59 Drygate COULTER, John, grocer, &c. Main street, Bridgeton Coulter, John, bricklayer, Tilefield street, Gallowgate County Fire and Provident Life Office, 24 Stockwell. J. Galloway, jun. agent COUPEE, Mrs. Francis, leghorn and straw hat ware- house, 24 and 26 Brunswick pi. house 114 Trongate COUPER, David, turner, 66 High street Couper,' D. tailor, 15 Bell street

Couper, Jas. of M'Leish, Kayser fy Co. sugar refiners, 109 Virginia street Couper, James, china and glass dealer, 24 Candleriggs Couper, James, insurance broker, 8 John street, house 14 West George street Couper, John, chandler, 379 Gallowgate Couper, John, wine and spirit-dealer, 93 Saltmarket Couper, J. law stationer & librarian, 55 Hutcheson st. COUPER—COAVAN. 73

Couper, John, manufac. 120 Brunswick st. ho. College Couper, Dr. John, 16 Moore place Couper, Maitland, & Co. 87 Ingram st. works St. Rollox Couper, Peter, fish dealer, 79 King st. & 3 fish market Couper, Rohert, tobacconist, 189 Trongate Couper, Robert, victualler, 37 Stevenson st. Calton Couper, William, spirit-dealer, 357 Gallowgate Couper, William, surgeon, 14 West George street Couper, Wm. & John, surgeons, 14 West Geo. street Couper, William, writer, 49 Ingram st. ho. 6 Regent st. Courier Office, Tontine back buildings COURT, Joseph, baker, 69 Green street, Calton COUSLAND, A. bookseller, 36 East Clyde street Cousland, John, pocket book maker, 54 High street COVERLY, James, & Co. merchants, 14 London st.

Coverly, Jas. ofJas. Coverly fy Co. house Ross's build- ings, Anderston walk Coverly, John, spirit-dealer, 61 and 125 Bridgegate Coverly, William, spirit-dealer and stoneware shop, 83 and 85 Stockwell Coverly, William, glass cutter, Mitchell street COWAN, Alex, commission agent, 21 Cochran street Cowan, Alex, of Cowan Sf Seton, house Garnet hill Cowan, Andrew, grocer, 138 Stockwell, and 16 Great Hamilton street Cowan & Barr, manufacturers, 8 John street

Cowan, John M. of Cowan fy Barr, house 8 Regent st. Cowan, James, & Co. distillers, Fintry, at Wm. Coivan Sf Co.'s, 29 Gallowgate Cowan, James, flesher, 276 Gallowgate. Cowan, James, & Co. manufacturers, 34 So. Albion st. Cowan & Co. nursery and seedsmen, 37 Argyll street, nursery Whitevale, Drygate toll Cowan, John, spirit-dealer, 16 Merchant lane Cowan, Peter, victualler, 86 Stockwell Cowan, Robert, merchant and corn factor, 49 Union st. Cowan, Robert, surgeon, 2 West Nile street Cowan, Robert, & Co. shawl manufacturers, 51 Bruns- wick place Cowan, Robert, ofEobt. Cowan 8$ Co. ho. 44 Carrick st. 74 COWAN CRAIG.

Cowan & Seton, manufacturers, 16 Montrose street Cowan, Rev. William, 28 Jamaica street Cowan, "William, wine & spirit dealer, 29 Gallowgate Cowan, William, teacher, Grammar School, house Horn bank, Govan

Cowan, Mrs. N. grocer & spirit-dealer, 341 Argyll st. COWIE, Thomas, smith, 13 Broad street COYLE, Peter, broker, 27 St Margaret place CRAIG, Alexander, victualler, 132 High street Craig, Alexander, victualler, 247 Gallowgate Craig, Andrew, merchant, 52 Argyll street Craig, Archibald, & Co. plumbers, 22 Main st. Gorbals Craig, David, earthenware shop, Main st. Bridgeton Craig, David, at A. Grahams, 135 Buchanan street Craig, George C. merchant, 119 George street Craig, James, wine and spirit merchant, 45 Stockwell, house 7 New Bridge street Craig, Jas. & Son, wholesale grocers, 10 and 12 Nile street, Gallowgate, house 10 Monteith row Craig, James, currier and leather merchant, 57 Argyll street, house 21 Stockwell place Craig, James, grocer, &c. 18 Stevenson street Craig, J. butter merchant, 1 Melville place, house 8 Guildry court

Craig, James, jun. of Craig &; Simpson, house 3 Mon- teith row Craig, John, teacher, 13 Coburg street Craig, John, stationer, 19 Bell street Craig, John, commission merchant, 43 Queen street, house York place Craig, John, Saracen Head Inn, 1 St. Mungo lane, and Madeira Court Repositoiy for Horses, 251 Argyll street Craig, John, shoemaker, 25 Rottenrow Craig, John, starcher, 52 Rose street, Hutchesontown Craig, John, tavern and lodgings, 80 Trongate Craig, John, shoemaker, 7 St. Andrew street Craig, John, dyer, 343 Gallowgate Craig, J. Jamieson, of Mount Floridan, 109 King st. Craig, Peter, noddy hirer & vintner, 4 St. Enoch lane CRAIG—CRAWFORD. 75

Craig, Robert, merchant, 57 West Nile street, house 8 West Bath street Craig, Robert, baker, 35 Well street Craig, Robert, furnishing shop, 42 Stevenson street Craig, Robert, shoemaker, 43 Bridgegate Craig, Robert, beadle of Caltou chapel, 18 Kirk street Craig & Simpson, warehousemen, old post office court Craig, Thomas, starcher, Eagle lane, Maxwell street Craig & Watt, starchers, 59 Crown st. Hutchesontown Craig, William, & Co. manufacturers, 113 Brunswick street, house 7 Hope street Craig, William, woollen draper, 32 Gallowgate Craig, William, Mile-end thread wareho. 62 Queen st. Craig, Wm. surgeon, 238 High st. house 17 George st. Craig, Mrs. midwife, 124 High street Craig, Mrs. Robert, painter, 95 Candleriggs, house 1 Ingram street Craig, Mrs. milliner, 12 Nelson street Craig, Miss, 30 West Regent street CRAIG IE, Laurence, collector of cess, 62 Argyll arcade, house 21 St. Enoch square Craigie, Laurence, jun. merchant, ho. 21 St. Enoch sq. CRAIGHEAD, Jas. gardener, Rosehill, Pollokshaws road Craighead, Peter, gardener & spirit dealer, Gorballs toll CRANSTOUN, J. lapidary, 139 Trongate Cranstonhill Water Co.'s Office, 82 Hutcheson st. Thomas Hart, manager and treasurer CRAWFORD, Adam, pocket-bookmaker, 27Kingst. Crawford, Alexander, tea dealer, 88 Stockwell, and 1 Stockwell place Crawford, Andrew, barber, Grahamston Crawford, Andrew, baker, 48 New Bridge street Crawford, Archibald, & Co. grocers, 44 Broomielaw Crawford's Dancing Academy, 46 John street Crawford, David, barony parish officer, 29 Rottenrow Crawford, David, surgeon, Main street, Bridgeton Crawford, David, wright, 37 College st. Brownfield Crawford, David, spirit-dealer, 31 rope work lane, house 21 Stockwell place 76 CRAWFORD CRICHTON.

Crawford, Galbraith & Easton, calenderers and packers, 24 Canon street

Crawford, Geo. writer, 31 Virginia st. ho. 54 York st. Crawford, George, victualler, 127 High street Crawford, George, portioner, Dalmarnock road Crawford, Geo. spirit-dealer, 88 Centre st. Tradeston Crawford, James, provision dealer, 36 Clyde street, Anderston Crawford, James, surgeon, Burnside, Port-Dundas Crawford, James, shoemaker, 62 Canning street, Calton Crawford, James, saddler, Quarrytown Crawford, James, agent for the London & Edinburgh Steam Packet, 77 Miller street, house 5 Main street, Gorbals Crawford, James, merchant, 13 Montrose street Crawford, James, hair dresser, 31 Shuttle street Crawford, James, builder, 44 Thistle street Crawfurd, James, tailor, 30 High street Crawford, John, wright, 103 John street Crawford, Laurence, grocer, 9 Castle street Crawford, Robert, Surry place, Laurieston Crawford, R. poulterer, 37 Prince's street Crawford, W. G. Dean of Guild officer, 30 Prince's st. Crawford, Wm. manufacturer, 25 North Albion street Crawford, William, surgeon, 24 Eglinton street, house 51 New Bridge street, Laurieston Crawford, William, seedsman, 3 Argyll arcade Crawford, William, & Son, wrights and builders, 11 Buchan street, Gorbals CREE, John, merchant and ship agent, 27 Wilson st. house 13 Monteith row Cree, John, watchmaker, 155 Stockwell Cree, John, shoemaker, 4 Nicholson street Cree, Robert, measurer, 136 High street Cree, Thomas, 59 Hutcheson street Cree, William, & Co. manufacturers, 27 Wilson street house 7 Nicholson street, Laurieston CRICHTON, Andrew, hatter, 54 Gallowgate Crichton, David, watchmaker, 131 Trongate Crichton, David, manufacturer, 24 Wilson street CRICHTON—CROSS. 77

Crichtou, Hugh, writer, 37 Glassford street Crichton, James, chemical and philosophical instrument maker, 5 Charlotte street Crichton, John, spirit-dealer, 85 Main st. Anderston Crichton, John, shipping agent, 58 Buchanan street Crichton, Joseph, baker, 155 Main street, Gorbals Crichton, Robert, beam and scale maker, 60 High st. Criehton, Walter, scale & beam maker, 57 Gallowgate Crichton, William, agent for the London, Leith, Edin- burgh and Glasgow Shipping Co. 28 Queen street, house 3 North Wellington street Crichton, Mrs. lodgings, 5 Buchanan street CROCKET, John, spirit-dealer, Main st. Bridgeton CROIL, Alex. & Co. merchants, 31^ West Regent st.

Croil, Alexander, of Alexander Croil Sj- Co. house 33 West Regent street Croil, James, & Co. 24 West Bath street Croil, William, merchant, 29 Brunswick place, house 5 Kingston place Croil, Mrs. James, 24 West Bath street CROILEY, Mrs. grocer, 253 George street CROMBIE, James, cotton spinner, 47 Main street, Anderston Crombie, John, victualler, 32 Cheapside street Crombie, Mrs. H. lodgings, 16 New Bridge street CROOKS, John, surgeon dentist, 21 Argyll street CROOKSHANKS, George, hardware merchant, 12 Saltmarket, house 22 Monteith row Cruikshanks, Robert, builder, 25 North Brock street Crookshanks, Wm. Adelphi spirit cellar, 1 Govan st. CROOM, John, manufacturer, 90 Bell street, house 5 West George street CROSBIE, John, spirit-dealer, 47 King street Crosbie, J. & R. boot and shoemakers, 58 Thistle st. Crosbie, Mrs. spirit-dealer, 58 Thistle street CROSS, Alex, seed merchant, 42 Gallowgate, house 11 Monteith row Cross, Alex, manufacturer, 127 Brunswick street

Cross, Andrew, of Tayler fy Cross, house 22 Crown st. Cross, James, portioner, 41 Adelphi street g 2 7$ CJROSS CUMMING.

Cross, John, furnishing shop, 242 Gallowgate

Cross, John, of Stewart, Cross fy Co. house 51 North Hanover street Cross, John, brazier and tinsmith, 52 New st. Calton Cross, R. furnishing shop, 75 George street Cross, Robert, turner, 9 Buehan street, Gorbals Cross, William, spirit-dealer, 42 Gallowgate

Cross, William, at , M' Gregor fy Co.'s, house Peter's buildings Crown Life Insurance Office, 57 Brunswick street. J. Storrie, agent CROUCH, George, toy and fancy warehouse, 27 Gallowgate CRUM, Humphry E. of J. 8p W. Crum % Co. house West Bath street Crum, James, tea merchant, 50 Wilson street, house 33 St. Andrew street Crum, J. & W. calico printers and bleachers, 51 Cochran street, works Thornliebank Crum, Mrs. William, St. Vincent lane CUBIE, Adam, Wellington Pottery, 602 Gallowgate, house Comely Park. Cubie and Paterson, grocers, 19 Hutcheson street CUDDIE, John, flesher, 12 Portugal st. Laurieston Culcreuch Cotton Company, 26 Ingram street CULLEN, Daniel, spirit-dealer, 39 Canning street Cullen, James, baker, 44 Adelphi street Cullen, Thomas, grocer, &c. 20 Green street, Calton Cullen, T. W. writer, 20 Brunswick place Cullen, Wm. Lord of the Isles tavern, 222 Broomielaw Cullen, Misses, straw hat makers, 133 Great Hamil- ton street CUMIN, Dr. William, 13 Gordon street

Cumming, Andrew, at James Allan 8f Son's Cumine, Archibald & Co. merchants, 15 Smith's court, Candleriggs Cumins, John, & Co. manufacturers, St. David's court, 16 Canon street, house 29 Montrose street Cumming, Gladstone, & Co. wholesale Scotch ware- house, 24 London street CUMMING CURftAN. 79

Cumming, Henry, clothier, 41 London street Camming, H. spirit-dealer, 1 Calton mouth Cumming, J. Commissioner of the Court of King's

Bench, Ireland, at Scott 8$ Cumming 's Cumming, Joseph, spirit-dealer, 77 Clyde st. Anderston Cumming, Peter, of Cumming/, Gladstone 8? Co. house 24 London street Cumming, R, clothier, 18 Glassford street Cummin, William, tea-dealer, 121 High street Cumming, Wm. jvm.at Wm. Collins ', 37 Wilson street Cumming's lodgings, 31 College street Cumming, Mrs. milliner, 13 Argyll arcade Cumming, Mrs. 33 North Hanover street Cumming, Mrs. ladies hosiery warehouse, 167 Geo. St. Cumming, Miss, 29 West Regent street CUNNINGHAM, Alexander, victualler, Main street, Bridgeton Cunningham, David, surgeon, 42 Struthers street Cunninghame, James, bookbinder, 43 Trongate Cunningham, John, agent, 37 Glassford street Cunningham, John, baker, 54 Bell street Cunningham, John, teacher, 5 Brunswick place Cunninghame, John, bookseller and stationer, agent for the Caledonian Insurance Co. 12 Queen street, house Argyll place Cunningham, John, coffee toaster, 16 Gibson street Cunningham & Nicolson, writers, 49 Virginia street Cunningham, Peter, spirit-dealer, 157 Stockwell Cunningham, Robert, tailor, 3 Green street, Calton Cunningham, Rodger, merchant tailor, 77 Saltmarket Cunningham, Thomas, surgeon, 2 Portugal street, Laurieston, and 30 Centre street, Tradeston Cunningham, William, writer, 37 Glassford street Cunningham, Wm. teacher of music, 3 St. Enoch sq. Cunningham, W. & R. wine and spirit merchants, 86 Glassford street, house 14 Garthland street Cunningham, Mrs. milliner, Horn's court CURLL & Bell, printers, 55 Bell street Curll, James, vintner, 34 Trongate CURRAN, Henry, broker, 27 Great Hamilton street 80 CURRIE—DALE.

CURRIE, Alexander, baker, 1 Kirk street Currie, Alexander, plane maker, 21 Union street Currie, George, ropemaker, Duke street Cux-rie, Hector, baker and spirit-dealer, 133 Canning street, Calton Currie, James, grocer, &c. Dale street, Bridgeton Currie, Jas. millwright, 34 Thistle st. Hutchesontown Currie, J. spirit- dealer, 102 Bridgegate

Currie, John, smith and machine maker, Mitchell st. . Currie, John, spirit-dealer, 3 and 8 Goosedubbs Currie, John, ropemaker, 9 Union street, Calton Currie, Malcolm, accountant, 60 Turner's court Currie, Peter, shoemaker, Port-Dundas Currie, Mrs. spirit-dealer, 27 St. Ninian street Currie, Mrs. lodgings, Marshall's ct. 9 So. Hanover st. Currie, Mrs. corset maker, 63 King street, Calton CURTIS, Richard, pawnbroker, 43 Trongate Custom House, 22 St. Enoch square. D.V. M'Murdo, collector CUTHBERT, John, Ayr carrier and fish dealer, 38 Miller place, 13 Green Market entry, & 120 Queen st. Cuthbert, William, agent, 55 Bell street CUTHBERTSON, Allan, accountant, 242 George street, house 8 Blythswood, place, West Cuthbertson, David, thread maker, 13 Stirling street Cuthbertson, Donald, accountant, 242 George st. house 8 Blythswood place, West

Cuthbertson, James, of Wm. Gilmour fy Co. 9 London street, house Provanside Cuthbertson, John, merchant, 5 Muirhead street Cuthbertson, J. wine & spirit mercht. 48 Main st. Calton Cuthbertson, Thomas, & Co. iron merchants, 1 8 Jackson street, house West Bath street Cuthbertson & Tweedie, ironmongers, 108 Argyll st.

Cuthbertson, William, of Cuthbertson fy Tweedie, house 5 Moore place, West George street D DALE, Ambrose, & Co. glass, china and wedgewood ware rooms, 128 Argyll street 7


Dale, James, merchant, 86 Miller st. house 76 John st. Dale, Miss, dress maker, 38 James street, Calton DALGLISH, Alexander, grocer, 129 New wynd. Dalglish, A. S. of Dalglish, Falconer 8$ Co. house 25 St. Vincent place

Dalglish, George, ofDalglish, Falconer Sf. Co. house 1 West St. Vincent street

Dalglish, James, of J. 8f J. Dalglish, house 25 West St. Vincent street Dalglish, J. & J. manufacturers, 163 Ingram street Dalglish, John, teacher, 21 Gallowgate Dalglish, Robert, & Co. soap and candle makers, 4 and 6 Garthland street, and 22 Candleriggs Dalglish, Robert, Falconer and Co. calico printers, 27 Ingram st. works Lennoxmill printfield, Campsie Dalglish, Robert, of Dalglish, Falconer Sf Co. house 25 St. Vincent place Dalglish, William, merchant, 21 St Vincent street DALLAS, Peter, merchant, 27 Wilson street DALRYMPLE, Alexander, baker, 288 High street Dalrymple, D. & N. M'Gilp, writers, 109 Candleriggs Dalrymple, John, writer, 109 Candleriggs DALMUIR Paper Warehouse, 48 Virginia street Dalmuir Soda Co. at Charles Todd's, 79 Queen street DALSHOLM Paper Warehouse, 22 Bell street Dalsholm Printfield Warehouse, 19 South Hanover st. DALTON, Wm. saw maker, 8 Surry st. Laurieston DALZIEL, James, agent, 62 Argyll street Dalziel, James, grocer, 15 Kirk street, Calton Dalziel, John, yarn merchant, 119 Brunswick street DARBY, Mrs. straw hat maker, 32 Buns wynd DARLING, Adam, dairyman, 6 Rutherglen loan Darling, Alexander, plasterer, 61 Canning street Darling, George, wright and spirit-dealer, Mitchell st. , James, manufacturer, 40 Glassford st. DARROCH, George, spirit-dealer, 32 Market street DARSIE, James, fish dealer, 25 George street DAVIE, James, & Son, haberdashers, &c. 110 Argyll st. Davie, James, at Andrew M' George's, toriter Davie, Mark, spirit-dealer, 75 Stobcross st. Anderston 82 DAVIE—DAVIDSON.

Davie, William, writer, town clerk's chamber, house Greenhill place DAVIS, D. optical & mathematical instrument maker, 98 Trongate Davies, James, china warehouse, 59 King street, Calton Davis, James, jun. provision dealer, 81 Argyll street Davis, John, grocer and spirit-dealer, 38 Adelphi st. Davis, R. H. & Co. woollen merchants, 67 Argyll st. Davies, P. & Z. cabinet warehouse, 91 Candleriggs, & 25 Stirling street, house 350 High street DAVIDSON, Alex, portioner, 32 Bell street, Calton Davidson, Archibald, tavern, south side George's sq. Davidson, Douglas, smith and farrier, Anderston walk Davidson, James, super, of fire engines, 76 Bell street Davidson, James, '& Co. manufacturers, 22 South FrederickgKeet

DaviAsoa, Ernies, of James Davidson fy Co. house 38 St. Mccent place DavijwBn, James, boot and shoe maker, 72 Argyll st. Davidson, James, London mail guard, 34 Trongate Davidson, John, grocer, 101 Main street, Gorbals Davidson J. comb maker, 6 East Nile street Davidson, John, agent for Aberdeen, Montrose and Arbroath traders, 4 St. Enoch square Davidson, John, coal agent, 124 Brunswick street Davidson, Robert, paper and cotton waste merchant, 43 Argyll street Davidson, Robert, victualler, Reid street, Bridgeton Davidson, Thomas, jun. 77 Brunswick street Davidson, Thomas, tailor, 5 New street, Calton Davidson, Thomas, teacher, M'Lauchlan's free school, 41 St. Andrew square Davidson, William, shoemaker, Grahamston Davidson, Wm. surgeon & druggist, 135 Gallowgate, house 165 Gallowgate Davidson, Wm. jun. boot & shoemaker, 43 Adelphi st. Davidson, Mrs. grocer, 3 St. Ninian Street Davidson, Mrs. eating house, 69 New wynd Davidson, Miss, lodgings, 179 Argyll street Davidson, Misses, 41 St. Vincent place DAWSON DENNISTOUN. 83

DAWSON, Alex, yarn merchant, 58 Brunswick st. Dawson, Henry, agent for Carron Co. 1 23 Buchanan st. Dawson, John, jun. hrassfounder, 36 St. Enoch wynd Dawson, J. & J. brassfounders, 62 Old venal Dawson, Lewis, jun. manufacturer, 77 Brunswick st. Dawson, Patrick, & Co. distillers, 57 Bishop street, Anderston, house 3 North Douglas street Dawson, window cleaner and glazier, 17 Old wynd DAYER, John, flesher, &c. 78 King st. Tradeston Dayer, Mrs. soap & candle shop, 80 King st. Tradeston DE BOIS, Charles, teacher of languages, 15 Hutche- son street Deaf and Dumb Seminary, Parson st. Barony glebe. Rt. Kinniburgh, teacher, Duncan Anderson, assist. DEAKIN, James, button factor, &c. 17 Hutchesonst. DEANS, John, grain weigher, &c. Grahamston Deans, Adjutant William, district office, South Max- well street, house 23 Clyde place DEANSTON CO. James Finlay & Co. 55 Queen st. DEARIE, Miss, 16 Queen street DE MONTI, L. commercial lodgings, 100 Argyll st. DEMPSTER, John, merchant, 5 South Hanover st. Dempster, William, shoemaker, 4 Tureen street DENNY, Alex. ofD. 8? A. Benny # Co. ho. 5 Hope st Denny, D. & A & Co. merchants, 23 Miller street Denny, James, linen merchant, 3 St. Margaret place Denny, John, & Co. calico printers, 62 Queen street

Denny, John, of John Denny fy Co. house 43 West Regent street Denny, J. O. Glasgow Water Co.'s office, 13 Queen st. DENNISTOUN, Alexander, of J. % A. Dennistoun, house Dennistoun, Buchanan & Co. merchants,95 Candleriggs Dennistoun, George, at David Laird Sf Co.'s 95 Candleriggs

Dennistoun, J. R. of Dennistoun, McGregor Sf Co. house Abercromby place Dennistoun, Jas. & Alex, merchants, 30 Montrose st. Dennistoun, James, banker, 12 Ingram street Dennistoun, John, 7 Montrose street 84 DENNISTOUN DICK.

Dennistoun, John, ofJ. 8? A.Dennistoun, house Golfhill Dennistoun, M'Gregor, & Co. merchts. l07^Buchanan st. Dennistoun, Richard, Kelvingrove

Dennistoun, Robert, of Dennistoun, M- Gregor $f Co. house Abercromby place

Dennistoun, William, of Campbell, Rivers Sf Co. house Kelvingrove DENOVAN, John, tallow chandler, 82 Stockwell DERMOT, Charles, plasterer, Duke street DEWAR, Alexander, & Co. grocers and spirit-dealers, 205 High street, and 139 and 143 Bridgegate Dewar, Rev. Dr. house Garnet hill Dewar, John, victualler, 3 Nelson street, Tradeston Dewar, Robert, heddle maker, 114 Green street, Calton DIAMOND, Edward C. eating house 238 Gallowgate DIAS, Robert, shoemaker, Steele street DICK, Alexander, writer, 73 Hutcheson street Dick, Alexander, jun. writer, 37 Glassford street Dick, Alexander, land-measuring chain & safety lamp maker, 101 Bridgegate Dick, Rev. Dr. 45 North Hanover street Dick, George, lime and stone merchant, house Dick's buildings, Sauchiehall road Dick, G. C. & Co. manufacturers, 9 Cochran and 13 Montrose street, house 20 Hope street Dick, Hugh, flesher, 4 Stevenson street Dick, James, builder, Garnet hill Dick, James, grocer, 4 Balmanno street Dick, James, royal bank, house 34 Turner's court Dick, John, surgeon, 2 London street, house 35 Char- lotte street Dick, John, tea and spirit-dealer, south side Antigua pi.

Dick, Mathew, at Robert Dalglish 8f Co.'s

Dick, Peter, of W. $ P. Dick fy Co. ho. 4 Monteith row Dick, Peter, baker, Union court, Argyll street Dick, Richard, merchant, 4 and 6 Garthland street Dick, Robert, flesher, Argyll street market Dick, Robert, manager, at J. Dennistoun's mill, Mile- end, Calton

Dick, Robert, at Robert Dalglish fy Co.'s DICK—DIXON. 85

Dick, Walter, of W. # P. Dick $ Co. ho. John street Dick, Wm. victualler, 11 Adelphi st. Hutchesontown Dick, Wm. wholesale provision merchant, 17 Bazar Dick, William, grocer, 18 St. Andrew street Dick, William, & Co. stave and veneer sawyers, 78 Queen street Dick, William, spirit-dealer, 56 Green street, Calton Dick, W. & P. &. Co. shawl warehouse, 33 Candleriggs Dick, Mrs. spirit-dealer, 27 Stobcross street DICKIE, John, nailer, 14 Main street, Gorbals Dickie, John, grocer, 33 M'Kechnie street Dickie, Robert, sen. Letters left at 110 Candleriggs Dickie, Robert, jun. linen warehouse, 110 Candleriggs, house 17 Bath street DICKSON, Alexander, dairyman, 41 Little Dovehill Dickson, James, chimney sweep, 12 New wynd Dickson, James, leather merchant, 40 Prince's street Dickson, James, brewer, 82 Great Hamilton street Dickson, James, spirit-dealer, 346 High street Dickson, James, hosier, 117 George street Dickson, John, spirit -dealer, 10 Eglinton street Dickson, John, tape manufacturer, 37 Graeme street Dickson, John, coal and iron agent, 53 Maxwell street Dickson, John, vintner, 66 Bridgegate Dickson, Robt. shoemaker, 4 Cheapside st. Anderston Dickson, William, confectioner, 64 Gallowgate Dickson, William, & Son, fruiterers, 13 London street DILLON, John, writer, 38 Great Clyde street Dillon, William, billiard room, 49 Trongate DINGWALL, William. Letters left at John Brown's, 31 Argyll street DINNING, John, writer, Mrs. Balloch's, 43 New Bridge street Dinning, Wm. messenger at arms, 84 Wilson street DINWOODIE, A. sedan chair office, 187 Trongate Dinwoodie, Mrs. Stirling's road, corner of Weaver st. DIVINE, Peter, spirit-dealer, 16 Malta st. Gorbals DIXON, Adam, & Co. manufacturers, 31 Stirling st. house Lochend, Sauchiehall road Dixon, Jacob, & Co. bottle makers, 69 Great Clyde st. H 86 DIXON DONALDSON.

Dixon, James, boot and shoemaker, 40 Saltmarket Dixon, Thomas, currier and leather merchant, 6 Spout- mouth, and 75 Kirk street, Calton Dixon, William, Calder iron and coal office, and Govan colliery office, 37 Glassford street DOBBIB, James, writer, 19 South Hanover street Dobbie, John, keeper Humane Society House, Green Dobbie, Peter, hair dresser, 88 Bell street Dobbie, Samuel, chimney sweep, 70 Stockwell Dobbie, Thomas, watchmaker, 51 Adelphi street- DOBSON, James, drysalter, 15 High street Dobson, Thomas, broker, 54 King street, Calton Dobson, William, stocking dresser, 132 Canning street, Calton DOCHARTY, Rich, grocer, 52 Clyde st. Anderston DODD, John, rope spinner, 36 King street, Calton Dodd, Peter, & Co. provision merchants, 31 Hutcheson street, and 14 St. Enoch wynd Dodd, Wm. of Peter Dodd S? Co. house 127 Argyll st. DOIG, Mrs. Charles, grocer, &c. 60 Main st. Gorbals DOLLAR, Mrs. Robert, stabler, 53 Duke street DON, James, hatter, 39 Gallowgate Don, James, beadle of Outer High Church, 9 Kirk lane DONALD, C. Dunlop, writer, 37 Virginia street, house 30 St. Enoch square Donald, David, dairyman, 63 Centre street, Tradeston Donald, James, grocer, &e. 27 Bedford street Donald, Captain James, Whitehill. Letters left at

Mitchell, Grahame Sf Mitchell's, 36 Miller street Donald, John, wholesale and retail lace warehouse, 13 Hutcheson street Donald, John, wright, Muslin street, Bridgeton Donald, John, wright, 114 Green street, Calton Donald, John, fleshcr, 4 Abercromby street Donald, Wm. spirit-dealer, Anderston walk, north side DONALDSON, Alexander, tailor, 33 John street Donaldson, Alexander, Royal Bank, ho. Edwin place Donaldson, A. drawing master, 144 Queen street Donaldson, Charles, carpet factory, Port-Eglinton Donaldson, David, fish merchant, 70 Argyll street DONALDSON DOUGLAS. 87

Donaldson, James, cotton broker, 25 South Hanover street, house 27 West St. Vincent street Donald, James, of James Croil 8$ Co. house 5 West Bath street Donaldson, James, & Son, slaters, 79 John street, slate yard 9 Oswald street st. Donaldson, John, ofJ. fy P. Donaldson, ho. 9 York Donaldson, J. & P. warehousemen, 142 Trongate Donaldson, Peter, portioner, 13 Tobago street Donaldson, Robert, grocer, 203 High street Donaldson, Samuel, starcber, George street, Mile-end Donaldson, William, at Culcreuch Co.'s 26 Ingram st. DONNELLY, John, tailor, 16 Main st. Anderston DOUGALL, Andrew, at J. McGregor % Co.'s, 227 Gallowgate Dougal, James, portioner, 14 Great Hamilton street

Dougall, John, at J. 8f J. Wilsons, 207 Argyll street Dougal, John, spirit-dealer and stabler, 8 Gibson st. Dougal, John, gardener, Green market Dougal, John, fishing and fowling tackle maker, 177 Trongate, and 9 Argyll arcade

Dougal, Patrick, of Dougal Sf Robertson, house 14 Union place Dougal & Robertson, silk warehouse, 190 Trongate Dougall, Robert, furnishing shop, Main st. Bridgeton Dougal, Robert, & Co. grocers, 140 Trongate Dougal, Robert, spirit-cellar, 53 New street, Calton Dougall, William, at Patrick Thomson's, 176 Trongate Dougall, Mrs. dress maker, 34 Maxwell street Dougall, Mrs. James, broker, 3 Bridgegate DOUGAN, John, wheelwright, 117Great Hamilton st. DOUGHERTY, D. hardware merchant, 53 Trongate Dougherty, John, grocer & spirit-dealer, Cowcaddens Dougherty, John, spirit- dealer, 162 Saltmarket Dougherty, Michael, broker, 21 Goosedubs street Dougherty, Wlliam, broker, 110 New wynd DOUGLAS, Abraham, smith, Grahamston Douglas, Archibald, of J. T. fy A. Douglas fy Co. ho. Bredisholm Douglas, Charles, silk and cotton dyer, 62 Old venal 88 DOUGLAS—DOWNIE.

Douglas, George, lead merchant and plumber, 118 Argyll street, house 77 Buchanan street Douglas, George, reed maker, 20 Candleriggs Douglas, Hugh, merchant, 21 Carlton place Douglas, Hugh, surgeon, Main street, Bridgeton Douglas, J. T. & A. & Co. merchants, 98 Miller street Douglas, Jas. writer, Galloway court, 37 Glassford st. Douglas, James, slater, 71 New wynd Douglas, James, wright, North Frederick street Douglas, J. Campbell, writer & factor on Blythswood estate, 11 St. George place, house 67 St. Vincent st. Douglas, John, writer, 73 Hutcheson street, house 13 Bath street Douglas, John, stripe & check manufacturer, 7 High st. Douglas,Peter, spirit -dealer, 9 Wood lane, Broomielaw Douglas, Robert, house 20 Monteith row Douglas, Thomas D. merchant and insurance broker, Royal Exchange, house 1 Blythswood place Douglas, William, smith, Upper Renfield street Douglas, Mrs. stoneware dealer, 10 Jail square Douglas, Mrs. lodgings, 108 Argyll street DOUGHTIE, George, dyer, Grahamston DOUIE, Robert, teacher, grammar school, house Garnet hill DOVE, John, spirit-dealer, 302 High street Dove, John, agent, 19 Virginia street DOW, Alexander, spirit-dealer, 79 Bridgegate and 218 High street Dow, Andrew, writer, 49 Ingram street, house Glebe Dow, Couper & Young, writers, 49 Ingram street Dow, James, grocer, 154 Argyll street Dow, James, grocer, 35 Shuttle street Dow, John, bookseller, 165 High street Dow, Sam. spirit-eels. 133 Stockwell & 98 Bridgegate DOWIE, David, grocer, 15 Crown st. Hutchesontown Dowie, John, rope maker, 161 Duke street DOWNIE, Alex. & John, drysalters and merchants, 48 Queen street Downie, Alex, of A. Sf J. Downie, house 10 Blyths- wood square DOWNIE DROMMOND. 89

Downie, David, grocer, 25 Rutherglen loan Downie, James, silversmith, 17 Buns wynd

Downie, John, ofA. 8f J.Downie,ho. 23Blythswoodsq. Downie, John, grocer & spirit-dealer, 50 Maxwell st. Downie, Malcom, spirit-dealer, 14 Main st. Gorbals Downie, William, smith, 47 Back wynd Downie, William, farrier, 43 Gallowgate Downie, Mrs. milliner, 277 Gallowgate DOWNS, James, baker, 52 Stevenson street, Calton DREW & Connell, writers, Antigua place, south side Drew, James, writer, 157 Trongate Drew, John, japanner, 17 Moodie's court, house 16 St. Andrew square Drew, John, general agent and ship broker, 17 St. Enoch square Drew, John, spirit- dealer, Mitchell street Drew, Peter, victualler, 132 Bridgegate street Drew, R. S. at James Boyd fy Co.'s, 36 Ingram Drew, William, tinplate worker, brassfounder, copper- smith, &c. 66 Wilson st. works Little Hamilton st. Drew, Mrs. milliner, 14 Argyll arcade Drew, Miss, dress and corset maker, 33 Trongate DRISCOL, J. ofM'AuliffSf Driscol, house 49 Port- land street, Laurieston DROVER,Misses, dress makers, 1 NorthFrederick st. DRUMMOND, Alex, spirit-dealer, 28 Saltmarket Drummond, Alexander, academy, 21 Jamaica street Drummond, Angus, spirit-dealer, Reid st. Bridgeton Drummond & Corbett, warehousemen, 6 Saltmarket Drummond, James, turner, 189 High street Drummond, James, of Drummond 8$ Corbett, house 16 Adelphi street Drummond, John, boot and shoemaker, Holme street Drummond, John, city lamp contractor, 7 So. Albion st. Drummond, M. glazing work, 52 Glassford street Drummond, Robert, grocer, 46 Argyll street Drummond, Walter, Cudbear works, Duke street Drummond, Win. blacking manufacturer, 28 Drygate Drummond, William, spirit-dealer 10 Muirhead street Drummond, Wm. spirit-dealer, Muslin st. Bridgeton h 2 90 DRUMMOND—DUNCAN".

Drummond, Mrs. straw hat maker, 9 Oxford street Drummond, Misses, dress makers, 42 North Fred- erick street DRUMPELLIER Coal Office, 19 South Hanover st. DRURY, Wm. surgeon, lunatic asylum, Garngadhill DRYNAN, Wm. & Co. silk mercers, 95 Trongate DRYSDALB, Alexander, grocer, 87 Gallowgate Drysdale, Andrew, coppersmith, brassfounder, tinplate worker, plumber, &c. Union place, Anderston Drysdale, David, beadle, 46 Campbell street Drysdale, James, victualler, 27 Drygate

Drysdale, James, surgeon, 34 Adelphi st. Hutcheson- town, house 13 Nicholson street, Laurieston Drysdale, James, & Co. agents, 30 Turner's court Drysdale, John, agent, 66 Stevr enson street, Calton Drysdale, John, baker, 29 Bedford street, Laurieston Drysdale, John, sheriff clerk, 60 Stockwell Drysdale, Wm. dairyman, 18 Brown st. Brownfield DUFF, Alex. Greenock mail guard. 34 Turnei''s court Duff, Henry, teacher, 36 Thistle st. Hutchesontown Duff, James C. 70 Stockwell Duff, John, silk dyer, 51 John street Duff, Robert, smith, 40 John street Duff, Robert, writer, Morrison's court Duff, Miss Ann, dress maker, 70 Stockwell DUKE Street Spinning Co. works 78 Duke street DUMBARTON Glass Work Co. at Glasgow bottle works, Great Clyde street. P. Bell, manager , John, skinner, &c. 58 New wynd DUNBAR'S hat warehouse, 105 Trongate DUNDEE Brewery Co.'s Cellars, 57 Glassford street. J. Cunningham, agent DUNCAN, Alex, tinsmith, Main street, Bridgeton Duncan, Alex, teacher of music, 26 Blackfriar street Duncan, A. & Son, quill manufacturers, 190 Trongate Duncan, A rchd. grocer, 13 Govanst. Hutchesontown Duncan, Ai-chd. & Co. 8 South Frederick street, power loom weaving factory Both well street

Duncan, Archd. of Archd. Duncan 8$ Co. house Lark- field, Poliokshaws road 91

Duncan & Cowan, fleshers, 159 Trongate, house 57 Stockwell Duncan, David, spirit-dealer, 151 Broomielaw Duncan, George, jun. upholsterer and cabinet ware- house, 19 and 20 Adelphi street, Hutchesontown Duncan, George, sen. 2 Thistle street, Hutchesontown Duncan, Henry B. of James Kerr Sf Co. house 28 Portland street, Laurieston Duncan, J. & A. clothiers, 20 Miller street Duncan, James, of Lancaster, Duncan Sj Co. house Dalmarnock Duncan, James, stationer and printer, 9 Hutcheson st. Duncan, James, coal agent, 402 Gallowgate Duncan, James, shoemaker, 55 Main street, Anderston Duncan, James, cutler, 25 New street, Calton Duncan, James, spirit-dealer, 56 Carrick street Duncan, J. baker and spirit-dealer, Dalmarnock road Duncan, James J. West of Scotland insurance office, 3 South Frederick street, house 27 West George st. Duncan, John, grocer, 5 North Clyde street Duncan, John, jun. spirit-dealer, 3 North Clyde street Duncan, John, grocer, 31 College street, Brownfield Duncan, John, baker, 173 Trongate Duncan, John, shoemaker, 8 Canning street, Calton Duncan, John & Co. agents, 55 Bell street Duncan, John, baker, &c. 21 Little street, Calton Duncan, John, museum tavern, 44 Jamaica street Duncan, John, tobacconist, 170 Broomielaw Duncan, John, junior, merchant, 47 North Hanover st. Duncan, Richd. cashier of Thistle bank, 22 Virginia st. Duncan, Robert, teacher, 15 John street Duncan, Robert, shoemaker, 41 New wynd Duncan, Robert, stringing maker, 62 New wynd Duncan, Thomas, of Wilson &; Duncan, writers, 139 Saltmarket, house Fife place Duncan, William, provision merchant, 115 Candleriggs and 111 Bridgegate Duncan, William, confectioner, 51 London street Duncan, Mrs. G. tea dealer, 98 George street Duncan, Mrs. grocer, 69 Hutcheson street -


DUNCANSON, Alex, baker, 61 Glassford street Duncarison, Alexander, merchant, 11 Bath street Duncanson, Edward, slater, 87 Nelson st. Tradeston Duncanson, John, flesher, 4 mutton market, and 5 St. George place Duncanson, Mrs. spirit-dealer, 7 St. Ninian street Dundee Fire Office, 63 Virginia street. Andrew Moody, agent DUNFERMLINE table linen warehouse, 76 Bell st. DUNLOP, Colin, Clyde Iron and Full arton Coal Of- fice, Leitch's court, 157 Trongate

Dunlop, Henry, of James Dunlop fy Sons, house Claremont place Dunlop, Jas. merchant. Letters left at D. Allan & Co's. 23 Glassford street Dunlop, James, & Sons, cotton spinners, 115 Ingram street, works Canning street, Calton Dunlop, James, spirit cellars, 33 Adelphi street Dunlop, James, merchant, 2 Regent street Dunlop, J. victualler, &c. 48 Crown st. Hutchesontown Dunlop, John, writer, 17 Brunswick place Dunlop, Robert, small ware dealer, 1 1 Brunswick place Dunlop, Robert & Allan C. wine and spirit dealers, 6 Prince's street Dunlop, William, of James Dunlop 8? Sons, Broom ward mill, Calton Dunlop, William, tailor, 44 Trongate Dunlop, Mrs. lodging, 26 George street Dunlop, Miss, dressmaker, 14 Buchanan street Dunlop, Misses, straw hat makers, 4 Havannah Dunlop, Miss, St. Vincent lane DUNN, Alexander, dairyman, 125 High street

Dunn, David, flesher, 34 King street f Dunn, George, lodgings, 10 Duke street Dunn, George, & Co. wrights, 25 Hospital street Dunn, George, grocer, 39 Burnside lane Dunn, James, mort-cloth office, 38 Green st. Calton Dunn, James, flesher, 45 King street, Tradeston Dunn, James, flesher, 268 Gallowgate Dunn, James, baker, Dalmarnock road DUNKT—EADIE. 93

Dunn, James, lozenge maker, 25 St. Andrew street Dunn, James, Laker, 21 Go van street Dunn, John, furnishing shop, 50 Carrick street Dunn, John, spirit-dealer, 76 Kirk street, Calton Dunn, John, spirit-dealer, 29 Main street, Calton Dunn, John, flesher, 10 mutton market, King street Dunn, John, bottler, 37 Little Dovehill Dunn, John, spirit-dealer, 48 Rutherglen loan Dunn, John, wright, 16 Canning street, Calton Dunn, John, teacher, 6 William street, Mile-end Dunn, Robert, baker, 120 Main street, Gorbals Dunn, Samuel, shoemaker, John street, Bridgeton Dunn, William, teacher, 29 Norfolk street

Dunn, William, counting-house 93 Ingram st. machine works 110 High John street DUNSHIE, Adam, tailor, 27 King street DUNSMORE, James, grocer, 20 Spoutmouth Dunsmore, Jas. fish dealer, 2 fish market, King street Dunsmore, John, fish dealer, 7 fish market, King st. DUPUIS, teacher of dancing, 63 Argyll arcade, house Peter's buildings DURIE, William, spirit dealer, Port-Dundas Durie, Mrs. druggist, 61 Main street, Anderston DURNING, T. broker, 22 Steele street DYKES, John, victualler, 60 Little Dovehill, and 409 Argyll street Dykes, Robert, & Co. fleshers, 122 South Albion st. Dykes, Robert, flesher, 410 Gallowgate Dykes, Mrs. spirit- dealer, 4 Buchan street, Gorbals DYMOCK, John, teacher, grammar school, house 58 North Hanover street DYSON, D.& Sons, woollen merchts. 53 Candleriggs E EADIE, James, ironmonger, &c. 91 Argyll street Eadie, John, grocer, 3 Puddock row, Gorbals Eadie, Rev. John, teacher of languages, 32 Bun's wynd Eadie, John, accountant, 79 Miller street Eadie, Robert, wine and spirit merchant, 79 and 83 Gallowgate, house 30 Charlotte street 94 EADXE—^EDINGTON,

Eadie, William, victualler, 19 Hospital street Eagle Foundery, Port-Dundas Eagle Inn, 59 Maxwell street Eagle Life Insurance Office, 90 Brunswick street. Charles Rankine, agent Eastfield Coal Office, 6 Antigua buildings EASTON, Rev. Alexander academy and house 70 Hutcheson street Easton, George, spirit-dealer, 29 Adelphi street Easton, J. A. surgeon, 70 Hutcheson street Easton, Robert, merchant, 55 Bell street, house 33 North Hanover street Easton, Robert, baker, 20 Rose street, Hutchesontown Easton, Robert, cabinet maker & joiner, 108 Stockwell

Easton, Robert, jun. at William Easton fy Co.'s Easton & Scott, house and sign painters, 66 Trongate Easton, William, surgeon, 56 Stevenson street, Calton Easton, William, & Co. merchants, 37 Ingram street Easton, Mi's, tavern, 37 Trongate EATON, Andrew, grocer, Dalmarnock road Eaton, Mrs. Richard, 10 Kingston place, Tradeston house ECCLES, James, of Wm. fy James Eccles % Co. 33 St. Vincent place Eccles, Robert, & Co. merchants, 62 Buchanan street Eccles, Wm. & Jas. & Co. merchants, 62 Buchanan st

3,- Co. 16 Eccles, William, of Wm. fy Jas. Eccles house St. Vincent place EDGAR, Patrick, teacher, 71 Prince's street

Edgar, Robt. at M>Donald 8? Pointers, ho. 23 Geo. st. Edgar, Thos. merchant, Hopetoun pi. 131 Rottenrow EDINBURGH, Glasgow and AUoa Glass Co.'s bottle warehouse, 57 Miller street Edinburgh and Leith Glass Co. 100 Buchanan street. R. Sanderson, agent Edinburgh Life Assurance Co. 58 Miller street. H. Paul, agent Edinburgh Friendly Assurance Office, 51 Ingram st. Andrew Templeton, agent EDINGTON, James, Eagle Foundery, Port-Dundas. Letters left at T. Ogilvie's, 14* Argyll street EDDINGTON—EARL. 95

Eddington, John, at Donald Campbell 8? Co.'s, house 57 West Nile street Edington, Thomas, & Sons, Phoenix Iron Works, house Phcenix house. Letters left at D. Boyd & Co.'s 95 Glassford street EDMISTON, Archibald, of Thomson % Edmiston, house Sussex place, 9 Adelphi street Edmiston, James, carter, 16 St. Mungo's lane Edmiston, Thomas, grocer, 161 Main street, Gorbals Edmiston, Miss, seminary for young ladies, 3 Adelphi place EDMOND, Jas. manufacturer, 22 South Frederick st. Edmond, James, of Connell, Edmond &; Co. house Parkholm Edmond, James, chandler, 148 Argyll street Edmond, James, spirit-dealer, 26 Kirk street, Calton Edmunds, James, minister of Universalist Church, Great Dovehill, house Govanhaugh

Edmond, William, at Connell, Edmond Sf Co.'s, 25 Queen street Edmond, Jean, grocer, 30 College street Edmond, Miss, furnishing shop, 69 Wilson street EDWARDS, John, engraver, 10 Main street, Calton Edwards, Sym, hair dresser, 2 Hospital street EGLINTON, Thomas, spirit-dealer, 122 Gallowgate EISTEN, George, tea-dealer & grocer, 197 Argyll st. ELDER, David, vintner, 1 Charlotte lane Elder, James, wright, 74 Clyde street, Calton Elder, J. & W. bakers, 27 King street, Calton Elder, Joseph, furnishing shop, Main street, Bridgeton Elder, Thomas, lockmaker, 118 High street Elder, William, tailor, Commerce street ELLIOT, George, bookbinder, Tarbet street ELLIS, Bleaymire & Co. manufacturers 19 Cochran st. Ellis, Browne & Co. merchants, 18 South Frederick st. Ellis, James, ofEllis, Browne fy Co. ho. 7 West Bath st. Ellis, M'Call & Co. manufacturers, 62 Queen street Ellis, Septimus, Ellis, of Bleaymire 3f Co. house Garnet hill EARL, Dr. J. oculist, 137 Ingram street 96 ERSKINE EWING.

ERSKINE, Alexander, spirit-dealer, 68 Hospital st. Erskine, Andrew, grain merchant, 24 Jamaica street Erskine, Archibald, tailor, Mitchell street Erskine, F. & J. Muirhead, writers, Antigua place Erskine, John, vintner, 151 Gallowgate Erskine, Robert, Arcade-tavern, 137 Argyll street Erskine, Thomas, tobacconist, 413 Argyll street Erskine, Mrs. Wm. grocer, 21 Main street, Anderston ESHIP, William, teacher, 49 Prince's street ESILMAN, Alexander, spirit-dealer, 7 Old venal EUROPEAN Life Insurance and Annuity Co. 73 Hutcheson street, Home & Neilson, agents EVANS, Samuel, bolt & screw maker, 46 Cheapside st. Evening Post Newspaper office, 28 Nelson street EWING, Alex, of Balloch, mercht. 54 St. Andrew sq. Ewing & Borrowman, writers, 11 Miller street Ewing, Rev. Grenville, 4 Carlton place Ewing, Jacob, smith, 6 Stormont street Ewing, James L. merchant, 54 St. Andrew square Ewing, James & Co. merchants, 131 Ingram street Ewing, James, ofJas. Ewing $ Co. ho. North Queen st. Ewing, John, merchant, 54 St. Andrew square

Ewing, John Miller, of Eioing fy Borrowman, house Morrison's court Ewing, John victualler, 59 Main street, Anderston

Ewing, John, at Robert Struthers fy Son's, brewers Ewing, John, flesher, Bell street market Ewing, May & Co. merchants, 57 Argyll street Ewing, Peter, calenderer, 110 Brunswick street Ewing, Rt. jun. at Ewing, May &; Cos. 57 Argyll st.

Ewing, Robt. at Henry Morrison fy Co's. 27 Wilson st. Ewing, William, merchant, 63 Union street Ewing, Wm. & Co. manufacturers, North Albion court

Ewing, Wm. Leckie, merchant, of Stirling, Gordon fy Co. house 26 West Bath street Ewing, William, grocer, 32 Hospital street Euing, Wm. Insurance broker, Smith's co. Candleriggs Ewing, Wm. tavern and eating house, 62 High street Ewing & Wingate, clothiers, 186 Trongate Ewing, Mrs. lodgings, 9 South Hanover street EWING FARQUHAK. 97

Ewing, Mrs. J. lodgings, 26 George street Euing, Mrs. R. 213 Buchanan street Exchange and Deposit Bank, 34 Cochran street, John Maberly & Co. Mill Pillatt, agent Excise Office, 101 Miller st. Richd. Jenner, collector Extractor's Office, Council Chambers F FAIRBAIRN, Thomas, spirit-dealer, 199 High street FAIRGRIEVE, William, hair-dresser, 112 High st. FAIRLEY, Edward, Royal Bank, house St. George's road Fairley's, James, eating house, 37 George street Fairley, John, reed maker, 12 High street Fairley, Robert, grocer, 115 Great Hamilton street Fairley, Thomas, umbrella manufacturer, 1 1 Nelson st. Fairley, Thomas, Port-Eglinton cotton factory, house 46 Cavendish street, Laurieston Fairlie, Wm. cotton mill furnishings, 97 Hutcheson st. cotton store West Nile street Fairlie, Wm. grocer and spirit-dealer, 44 Eglinton st. Fairley, Mrs. chip and straw hatmaker, 8 1 Virginia st. FAIRSERVICE, Andrew, joiner, 15 Drygate FALCONER, Alexander, baker, Cowcaddens Falconer & Buchanan, manufacturers, 22 John street Falconer, John, smith, Main street, Bridgeton

Falconer, Patrick, of Dalgleish, Falconer fy Co. house Blythswood hill Falconer, Robert, fancy hosier, 132 Argyll street Falconer, Robert, spirit-dealer, 132 Gallowgate

Falconer, Thomas, writer, 1 8 Glassford street Falconer, W. & A. hosiers, 116 Trongate & 5 High st. FALL, John, wholesale cloth warehouse, 15 Hutcheson street

FARIE, R. at Thomas Shiels fy Cos. 51 Cochran st. Farie, Robert, bookbinder, Wilson's ct. 57 Argyll st. FARMER, John, wright, 86 Kirk street, Calton FARQUHAR, Alexander, wine and spirit dealer, 40 and 41 Stevenson street, and 48 Kirk street, Calton Farquhar, John, spirit-dealer, 135 Great Hamilton st.


Farqubar, Misses, C. & M. dress makers, 56 Dale street, Tradeston FAULDS, Andrew, tailor, 95 Main street, Gorbals Faulds, David, vintner, 28 Back wynd Faulds, John, tailor, 25 Main street, Gorbals Faulds, Robert, spirit dealer, Castle street Faulds, Wm. wright & glazier, 46 Canning st. Calton FENDER, John, warper & winder, 120 Brunswick st. FERRAN, Daniel, spirit-dealer, 96 New wynd FERGUS, Hugh, merchant, 14 Gallowgate, house 39 St. Andrew square Fergus, William, shoemaker, 101 George street FERGUSON, Allan, lime merchant, 26 George street Ferguson and Allan, spirit-dealers, 51 Tureen street Ferguson, Alexander, vintner, 131 Trongate Ferguson, Alexander, grocer, and general agent, 240 High street Ferguson, Alex, cooper, 27 Crown st. Hutchesontown Ferguson, Andrew, clothier, 88 Saltmarket Ferguson, A. grocer, 86 King street, Tradeston Ferguson & Christie, manufacturers, 48 Nelson street Ferguson, Daniel, gardener, 439 Argyll street Ferguson, Daniel, silk dyer, Morrison's court

Derguson, David, of F. fy D. Ferguson, house Morris place, Monteith row Ferguson, David, of Bogle, Ferguson Sf Co. house 2 North Douglas street Ferguson, David, of Forrester, Ferguson and Wilson, house 32 Richmond street Ferguson, Donald, smith, 6 Well street, Calton Ferguson, Dugald, smith, 65 Kirk street, Calton Ferguson & Ewing, cotton mill furnishers, 110 Bruns- wick street Ferguson & Fairley, bleacbers, Milncroft. Letters left at Alexander Wright's, 108 High street Ferguson, F. & D. wine and spirit merchants, 17 Melville place house South Ferguson, Fergus, of F. fy D. Ferguson, Wellington place Ferguson, George, shoemaker, Commercial road FERGUSON. 99

Ferguson, Hugh, writer, 23 Cochran street, house 8 Windsor place Ferguson, Hugh, barber, 113 Old wynd Ferguson, James, bootmaker, 271 George street Ferguson, James, teacher, 13 Balmanno street Ferguson, James, carter, 76 Clyde street, Calton Ferguson, John, baker, Sauchiehall street Ferguson, John, post-office, house 3 Norfolk street Ferguson, John, writer, 70 Hutcheson street, house 6 Maxwelton place Ferguson, John, grocer, 47 New venal Ferguson, John, White Horse tavern, 17 High street Ferguson, John, ginger beer maker, 9 Commerce st. Ferguson, John, brushmaker, 10 Great Hamilton st. Ferguson, John, tailor, 79 Kirk street, Calton Ferguson, John, grocer, 74 New wynd Ferguson, John, paper stainer & marbler, 40 Old wynd Ferguson, John, tinplate worker, brassfounder, &c. 69 Stockwell, house above Ferguson, Lewis, tailor and clothier, 309 Argyll street Ferguson, M. Aithrie Mill Paper Warehouse, 14 King street Ferguson, and M'Douall, manufacturers, 51 South Albion street Ferguson, Peter, spirit-dealer, Main street, Bridgeton Ferguson, Peter, shoemaker, 24 New street, Calton Ferguson, Peter, spirit- dealer, 12 Stockwell Ferguson, Peter, spirit-dealer, 30 Broomielaw Ferguson,- Peter, slater, house 81 M'Alpine street Ferguson, Richard, tinsmith, 56 and 58 Hutcheson st. Ferguson, Robert, of John Miller, jun. &; Co. Ingram buildings Ferguson, Robert, saddler, 59 Canning street, Calton Ferguson, R. M. spirit merchant, 17 Great Clyde st. Ferguson & Stewart, clothiers, 28 Argyll street Ferguson & Taylor, manufacturers, 91 Hutcheson st. Ferguson, Thos. surveyor of taxes, 1 1 St. George place Ferguson, Thomas, spirit-dealer, 19 Tureen st. Calton Ferguson, Thos. ofFerguson &; Taylor, house Kelvin- haugh by Partick. 100 FERGUSON FINLAY.

Ferguson, William, chamberlain's office, house 42 Portland street, Laurieston Ferguson, William, smith, Burn side, Port-Dundas Ferguson, Wm. vintner and stabler, 270 Gallowgate Ferguson, Wm. cotton factory, Mile-end, and John street, Bridgeton, house 50 Charlotte street Ferguson, Mrs. dress maker, 10 King street Ferguson, Mrs. D. tailor and clothier, 27 Saltmarket Ferguson, Mrs. dress maker, 31 West George street Ferguson, Mrs. 6 Suffolk street Ferguson, Mrs. silk and crape dyer, sister to the late Mr&. Ferguson, 62 Argyll street Ferguson, Mrs. milliner & dress maker, 1 Calton entry Ferguson, Mrs. dyer, 60 High sti-eet Ferguson, Mrs. Elizabeth, broker, 35 Main st. Calton Ferguson, Misses, school for ladies, 42 Portland st. Laurieston Ferguson, Miss, teacher of music, 42 Portland street, Laurieston Ferguson, Miss, straw hat maker, 13 Argyll street FERRIE, Derby, coal agent, 9 King street, Calton Ferrie, James, shoemaker, 71 Stockwell Ferrie, John, teacher, 52 Ingram street

Ferrie, Peter, of Forbes fy Ferrie, writers, 73 Hutche- son street Ferrie, Robert, builder, 11 West St. Vincent street FERRIER, A. 59 Argyll arcade Ferrier, James, smith and farrier, 337 Gallowgate Ferrier, Robert, of Ferrier, Rose 8$ Co. 152 Argyll st. Ferrier, Rose & Co. merchants, 152 Argyll street FIELD, Henry, tinplate worker, 65 Argyll street, works 12 Dunlop street, house Sauchiehall road FIMMESTER, James, spirit-dealer, 83 Centre street FINDLATER, Alexander, 7 North Wellington place Findlater, John, commission merchant, 46 Ingram st. FINLAY, Alexander, dairyman, 10 St. Mungo's lane Finlays, Alston, & Co. merchants, 55 Queen street Finlay, David, spirit merchant, 53 Saltmarket Finlay, George, hair dresser, 20 Clyde st. Anderston Finlay, Hunter, fruiterer, 9 Wilson street FINLAY FISHER. 101

Finlay, James, spirit-dealer, 76 Canning1 street, Calton Findlay, James, of Findlays 8p MacMayne, house 4 West Bath street Finlay, J. of Finlay 8$ Neilson, house 52 Weaver street Finlay, James, & Co. merchants, 57 Queen street, house 63 Queen street

Finlay, James, of James Finlay Sf Co. house 63 Queen street Finlay, John, at,fames Finlay 8? Co.'s 57 Queen street, house 63 Queen street Findlay, John, baker, 68 King street, Calton Findlay, John, grocer, &6. 46 Candleriggs Finlay, John, victualler and spirit dealer, 9 Dundas st.

Finlay, Kirkman, of Castletoward, Jas. Finlay fy Co.'s Findlays & MacMayne, manufacturers, 93 Glassford st. Finlay, Mathew, grocer, 29 Cheapside street Finlay & Neilson, joiners, 120 South Albion street Finlay, Robert, carver, gilder and print seller to the King, 9 Miller street Findlay, Robert, & Son, merchants, Virginia buildings Finlay, Thomas, spirit-dealer, 14 Great Dovehill Findlay, William, slater and vintner, 48 Gallowgate Fiudlay, William, & Co. joiners, 57 Havannah street FINLAYSON, Archibald, shoemaker, 17 Jackson st. Finlayson, James, ropemaker, 24 King street, Calton Finlayson, James, haberdasher, 47 and 49 Nelson street, house 9 Stirling street Finlayson, James, of Moncrieff, Finlayson 8? Moncrieff, house 44 Howard street Finlayson, James, spirit-dealer, Govan street Finlayson, John, tobacconist, 86 Canning street Finlayson, William, surgeon, 92 Canning street Finlayson, Mrs. eating house, 201 Argyll street Finlayson, Miss Grace, dress maker, 24 Landressy st. Finnieston Slips for repairing vessels, Finnieston FIRMAN, L. gas pipe maker, 48 New street, Calton Fish Market, 108 King street FISHER, Daniel, grocer, 53 Shuttle street Fisher, James, tobacconist, 154 Broomielaw Fisher, John, grocer and spirit-dealer, I 2 102 FISHER—FLEMING.

Fisher, John, extractor's office, council chambers, house 5 Allan place, Anderston walk Fisher, John, pawnbroker, 7 Prince's street, house St. Margaret's place Fisher, Peter, oil and colourman, 57 High street Fisher, Peter, agent, 8 East Clyde street Fisher, Robert, colour shop, 161 High street Fisher, Robert, smitb, 40 John street Fisher, William, pocket-book maker, 5 King street FISKEN, Archibald, silk mercer, 130 Trongate FLECK, James, Black Bull Inn, 12 Argyll street Fleck, William, agent, 12 Croy place FLEMING, Alexander, chimney sweep, 28 Max- well street Fleming, Andrew, wholesale and retail stationer, 15 Argyll street Fleming, A. H. warehouseman, 17 Trongate

Fleming, Bowman, of Fleming fy Watson, house South Wellington place Fleming, D. grocer and spirit dealer, 30 Stevenson st. Fleming & Hope, merchants, 26 South Hanover street Fleming, Hugh, of Fleming 8$ Hope, house 27 West Regent street Fleming, H. & G. joiners and cabinet makers, Union st. Fleming, James, baker, Gowcaddens Fleming, James, grocer, 30 Cheapside street Fleming, James, spirit-dealer, 223 Argyll street Fleeming, John, merchant and Port-Eglinton carpet warehouse, 12 Gordon street, house Claremont

Fleming, John Park, of Montgomerie fy Fleming, house 173 George street Fleming, John, of Newlands field, at 66 Brunswick st. Fleming, John, chimney sweeper, 17 Stockwell

Fleming, John, writer, 63 Nelson st. house 11 Bath st. Fleming, John, spirit-dealer, 223 Argyll street Fleming, John, grocer, 37 Kirk street, Townhead Fleming, John, manufacturer, 95 Candleriggs Fleeming, John, grocer, Main street, Bridgeton Fleming, John, spirit-dealer, 263 High street Fleeming, Joseph, sm*geon, 97 Main street^ Anderston ' FLEMING—FORBES. 103

Fleming, Matthew, & Co. manufacts. 239 George st. Fleming, Matthew, 239 George st. house 3 Moore pi. Fleming, P. & R. ironmongers, 17 Argyll street Fleming, R. wine and spirit merchant, 76 Gallowgate Fleeming, R. D. merchant, 11 Montrose street, house 19 Cochran street Fleming, Robert, baker, 50 Kirk street, Calton Fleming, Thos. billiard table maker, 5 Brunswick pi. Fleming, Thomas, vintner, Cowcaddens Fleming ,& Watson, merchants, 66 Brunswick street Fleming, William, portioner, 26 King street, Calton Fleming, W. & J. linen and bagging warehouse, 4 Stirling square, house Burnbank, Town mill road Fleming, William, smith, 122 Main street, Gorbals Fleming, Mrs. grocer, 23 Main street, Calton Fleming, Mrs. spirit-dealer, 173 Main street Gorbals FLEMINGTON, John, wholesale and retail leghorn and straw hat manufacturer, 154 Trongate FLETCHER, Alexander, of John Todd 8p Co. house Blythswood square Fletcher, Hugh, turner, 7 Calton entry Fletcher, John, hatter, 250 High street FLOCKART, John, coal agent, 12 St. Andrew street FOOTE, Robert, plasterer, &c. 58 Gordon street

FORBES, Arthur, of Forbes 8f Ferrie, writers Forbes, A. W. & Co. merchants, 82 Virginia street Forbes, David, tailor, 148 Trongate Forbes, Duncan, tailor, 59 Trongate Forbes & Ferrie, writers, 73 Hutcheson street Forbes, George, Sauchiehall road Forbes, James, stamper, Post-Office, house Lyceum ct. Forbes, James, excise officer, 10 Great Hamilton street Forbes, John, Woodside tavern, Cowcaddens Forbes, J. & J. carvers and gilders, 80 Trongate Forbes, John, brushmaker, 57 Gallowgate Forbes, Rev. John, Provanside Forbes, John, beadle Chapel of Ease, ho. 167 High st. Forbes, Peter, spirit-dealer, Sauchiehall road Forbes, Wm. wine and spirit dealer, 12 Bun's wynd Forbes, William, pawnbroker, 1 and 2 Blackfriar's lane 104 FORD—FORRESTER.

FORD, John, plasterer, 13 New street, Calton FORFAR, John, merchant, 40 Candleriggs Forfarshire and Perthshire Fire Office, 27 Wilson street. John Cree, agent FORGAN, Andrew, & Son, tailors, 48 King street FORGIE, James, 10 Russell street Forgie, John & James, bakers, 7 Canning street FORLONG, William, wine merchant, Sidney court, Argyll street Forlong, Mrs. 20 West Bath street Forlong, Miss, 5 St. Vincent place FOREMAN, A. M. surgeon, 112 Broomielaw, house Brown street FORREST, A. tailor, 64 Crown street Forrest, Archibald, builder, West Nile street Forrest, John, spirit-dealer, 25 Carrick street Forrest, John, grocer, 134 King street Forrest, John, tinplate worker, 86 Gallowgate Forrest, Robert, tailor, 45 James street, Calton Forrest, William, insurance broker, West Regent st. Forrest, William, grocer and tobacconist, 61 High street, house 43 do. Forrest, William, jun. tailor, 74 Kirk street, Calton Forrest, William, victualler, 73 Stockwell Forrest, Mrs. dress and corset maker, Dundas street Forrest, Mrs. G. vintner, 19 Gallowgate FORRESTER, Alexander, timber merchant, Ander- ston walk and 32 Stockwell Forrester, Alexander, woollen draper, 12 Gallowgate, house 105 High street Forrester, Duncan, grocer and spirit-dealer, 30 Prince's street Forrester, Ferguson & Wilson, silk warehousemen, Moodie's court, 31 Argyll street Forrester, George, & Son, plasterers, Russell street Forrester, James, provision merchant, 15 King street Forrester, James, black boy tavern, 39 Stockwell Forrester, John, jun. baker, 7 Gordon street Forrester, John, spirit-dealer, 38 Rose street Forrester, John, sen. baker, 64 Stevenson street, Calton FORRESTER—FRAME. 105

Forrester, John, of Bogle Sf Forrester, ho. Pratt's court Forrester, Robert, of Forrester, Ferguson Sf Wilson, house 32 Richmond street Forrester, Robert, baker, 38 Orr street, Calton Forrester, William, wine and spirit merchant, 57 Ar- gyll street, house 60 Oswald street Forrester, William, spirit-dealer, 86 High street Forrester, William, vintner, 98 Candleriggs Forrester, Mrs. John, druggist, 314 High street FORRETT, Clark, & Co. silk mercers, 94 Trongate FORSTER, George, portioner, Port-Eglinton FORSYTH, Archibald, chandler, 217 High street Forsyth, David, smith & farrier, 1 2 St. Mungo's lane Forsyth, David, vintner, 2 Kent street Forsyth, Dugald, pastry baker, 214 Gallowgate and 164 High street Forsyth, John, spirit-dealer, Port-Dundas Forsyth, Robert, spirit-dealer, 3 Steele street Forsyth, William, victualler, 163 High street Forsyth, William, writer, agent for Birmingham Fire Office, 137 Argyll street Forsyth, Mrs. lodgings, 54 Maxwell street Forth and Clyde Canal Office, Port-Dundas FORTUNE, David, victualler, 290 High street FOSTER, Mrs. George, broker, 5 Bridgegate FOTHRINGHAM, A. K. agent, 66 Miller street, house Renfrew street Fotheringham, Robert, grocer, 12 Stobcross street Fotheringham, R. & Co. shawl manufact. 27 Wilson st. Fotheringham, Thomas, cabinetmaker, 149 Saltmarket FOUCART, J. teacher of fencing, 220 George st FOULDS, James, beamer, &c. 38 Stobcross street FOWLER, Andrew, of Cowan Sf Co. nursery and seedsmen, 37 Argyll st. house Whitevale nursery Fowler, John, turner and shuttle maker, 9 Calton entry FRAME, Alexander, grocer and spirit-dealer, 58 Hospital street Frame, Alex, at James Frame's, 81 Stockwell Frame, Andrew, victualler and stabler, 58 Union St. Frame, James, victualler, 81 Stockwell 106 FRAME—FRASER.

Frame, John, & Son, shawl and handkerchief printers, 59 Hutcheson street Frame, John, victualler, 37 Canning street, Calton Frame, M. silk dyer, 8 Buchan street Frame, Robert, & Son, wood merchants, 20 M'Farlane street, house 50 Graeme street Frame, Robert, grocer, 25 New wynd Frame, Robert, coal agent, 36 Havannah Frame, William, spirit- dealer, 447 Gallowgate Frame, William, victualler, 406 and 439 Gallowgate Frame, William, grain merchant, 53 Union place Frame, William, victualler, 55 Candleriggs FRASER, Alex, measurer, 22 Argyll street, house Buchanan's buildings, 105 Stockwell Fraser, Archibald, spirit-dealer, Dalmarnock road Fraser, Charles, spirit-dealer, 44 High street Fraser, Donald, bulker and depute harbour master, Port-Dundas Fraser, Donald, spirit dealer, 17 Wallace court Fraser, Donald, hair dresser, 24 Kent street Frazer, D. porter and window cleaner, 27 Stockwell Frazer, Donald, pye and porter house, 1 Clyde terrace Fraser, James, Eagle Inn and Hotel, 59 Maxwell gt. Fraser, James, spirit-dealer, Reid street, Bridgeton

Fraser, James, of Fraser, Sinclair fy Co. house 14 York street Fraser, James, grocer and spirit-dealer 423 Argyll st. Fraser, James, furnishing shop, 56 High street Fraser, James, & Son, tea merchants, 44 Trongate, house 163 Main street, Gorbals Fraser, John, tailor, 88 Glassford street Fraser, John, spirit-dealer, 65 High street Frazer, John, warehouseman, 49 Trongate Fraser, John, spirit- dealer, 139 Stockwell Fraser, Lauchlan, spirit-dealer, 41 Havannah Fraser, Robert, hair merchant, 70 Stockwell Fraser, Sinclair, & Co. clothiers, 4 and 6 Miller street Fraser, William, Royal bank, house 42 Portland street, Laurieston Fraser, William, spirit-dealer, Dalmarnock road FRASER FULTON. 107

Fraser, William, & Co. spirit-dealers, 9 "Wallace court Fraser, William, merchant, 6 Antigua place Fraser, Mrs. lodgings, 79 North Frederick street Fraser, Mrs. grocer, 3 Castle street Fraser, Miss J. furnishing shop, 1 Castle street Fraser's Hall, 20 King street FREEBAIRN, Mrs. mangier, 4 Crown street FREELAND, John, & Co. cotton spinners, 56 Wil- son street Freeland, John, writer, 20 Miller st. house Grenhill pi. Freeland, Robert, jun. manufacturer, 35 Montrose street, house 5 Abercromby place Freeland, W. & J. candlemakers, 99 High street Freeland, Mrs. 5 Abercromby place Freemen St. John's masonic lodge. James Scott master, Renfield street Free Press Office, 90 Bell street French Consul's Office, 6 South Hanover street. J. Harmand, depute consul FRENCH, David, shoemaker, 12 Green street, Calton FREW, Archd. coal merchant, Monkland canal basin Frew & Glasgow, manufacturers, 1 North Albion court Frew, James, of Frew 8? Glasgoiu, house Young's buildings, Argyll street

Frew, Wm. ofFrew 8$. Glasgow, ho. 16 Monteith row FRILS, Henry, chimney sweep, 29 Old venal Fruit Market, 11 Kent street, George Scott FULLARTON, Allan, agent, 56 Maxwell street, house Langlands, Govan

Fullarton, Archibald, of Blackie, Fullarton fy Co. ho. 99 Maxwell street Fullarton Coal Office, 157 Trongate Fullarton, J. A. surgeon, 116 George street Fullarton, William, of Blackie, Fullarton 8? Co. house 44 Howard street Fullarton, Mrs. earthern wareho. 84 Main st. Gorbals FULTONS, Buchanan & Co. cotton yarn merchants, 125 Virginia place Fulton, David, slater, 36 St. Ninian street Fulton, Hugh, wright, 8 Rutherglen loan ] 08 FULTON GALBRAITH.

Fulton, Hugh, victualler, 89 High street Fulton, John, & Son, tea gardens, Main st. Bridgeton Fulton, John, rag warehouse, 90 Bell street Fulton, John, victualler, 127 Bridgegate, house 125 Fulton, John, jun. victualler, 111 Argyll street Fulton, John, dairyman, Main street, Bridgeton Fulton, John, shoemaker, Anderston walk, north side Fulton & Neilson, Lancefield forge, 17 Gillespie street Fulton, Rohert & James, victuallers, 93 Argyll street Fulton, Robert, lamp wick manufacturer, 42 King street, Calton Fulton, Thomas, bookbinder, 131 Trongate Fulton, William, spirit-dealer, 9 Spoutmouth Fulton, William, chandler, 71 Hutcheson street, and 74 Bridgegate Fulton, William, & Sons, anchor smiths and iron founders, Mitchell street Fulton, Miss, straw hat shop, 73 Trongate FYFE, George, tinsmith, 114 Bridgegate Fyfe, J. B. & Co. munufacturers, 74 Glassford street Fyfe, James, stone merchant, Port-Dundas

Fyfe, Jas. of Smithfield, at Stirling Gordon fy Co.'s. Fyfe,John, merchant, 42 Miller st. ho. 13West Bath st. Fyfe, Peter, engraver on wood, 32 Dunlop street Fyfe, Wm. grocer and spirit dealer, 10 Portugal st. Fyfe, Mrs. Sommerville place G GAIN, George, cut glass manufacturer, 78 Queen st. GALBRAITH, Alex, flesher, 38 Main st. Gorbals Galbraith, H. A. surgeon, lunatic asylum Galbraith, James, carpet manufacturer, 105 Havannah Galbraith, James, factor and account. 17 Brunswick pi. Galbraith, James, brazier, 53 Bridgegate Galbraith, John, sen. merchant tailor, 158 Broomielaw Galbraith, John, & Co. manufacturers, 13 Montrose st. house Abercromby place Galbraith, Robert, brazier and tinplate worker, 118 King street Galbraith, Robert, draper, 39 Trongate GALBRAITH— GALT. 109

Galbraith, Robert, grocer, 30 Clyde place, Tradeston Galbraith, W. & R. silk mercers, 180 Trongate, house Spreull's court 182 Trongate Galbraith, Wm. spirit- dealer, 78Highst,&62 Oldwynd Galbraith, William, at Wine Co. of Scotland's office Galbraith, William, muslin singer, 32 Montrose street GALL, William, shuttle mounting maker, 6 Well st. GALLAWAY, Alexander, merchant, Alston street Gallaway, John & James, corn merchants, Alston st. Gallaway, J. & C. & Co. corn merchants, 1 90 Trongate

Gallaway, John of John 8$ Charles Gallaway 8f Co.'s house Hunter's hill Gallaway, A. & W. manufacturers, 93 Glassford street Galloway, Alex. & Son, merchants, 25 Candleriggs Galloway, Alexander of Alex. Galloway Sf Son, house St. Andrew square Galloway, George, bamboo and fancy furniture ware- house, 57 Ingram street Galloway, George, of William Wardlaw Sf Co. house Cavendish street Galloway, Henry, flour-merchant, 88 Trongate Galloway, James, writer, 73 Hutcheson street, house 15 Great Clyde street Galloway, James, jun. writer & agent for County Fire and Provident Life Insurance Co. 24 Stockwell, ho. 15 Great Clyde street Galloway, John, builder, 10 George street Galloway, John, victualler, 187 Gallowgate Galloway & M'Millan, merchts. 13 St. Andrew square Galloway, Robert, baker, 135 Argyll street Galloway, William, baker, 38 Hospital street Galloway, Mrs. Robert, jun. victualler, 163 Gallowgate GALLIE, Andrew, tailor, 255 George street

Gallie, George, bookseller & stationer, 48 Glassford st. GALLETLY, Mrs. grocer, 16 Little dovehill GALLETTI, Antoni, carver and gilder, looking glass manufacturer, and optician, 21 Nelson street, 24 & 25 Argyll arcade, house Park place GALT, John, eating house, 72 Bell street

Gait, R. & Co. silk mercers, 83 Trongate, ho. 15 Bath st. K 110 GARDEN GARDNER.

GARDEN, Alexander, merchant, of Henry Monteith

fy Co. house 34 St. Vincent street Garden, Francis, merchant, 5 Carlton place Garden, Rohert, agent for the Scottish Union Insurance Co. 85 Miller street, house Greenhill place Gardeners' Charity School, 101 Ingram street GARDINER, Andrew, broker, 9 Miller's place Gairdner, A. & Co. wine and spirit dealers, & porter vaults, 43 Turner's court Gardner, Archibald, stocking frame needle maker, 97 Saltmarket Gardiner, C. hair dresser, 46 High street Gardner, Charles, victualler, 81 Saltmarket Gardner, C. S. hair dresser, 8 St. Andrew street Gardner & Brock, victuallers, 296 High street, 196 Gallowgate, 2 Main street, Gorbals, 82 Kirk street, Calton, and mills Washington street Gairdner, J. & A. merchants, 43 Turner's court, house 59 George square Gardner, James, spirit-dealer, 279 Gallowgate Gardner, James, grocer, 67 Crown street Gardner, James, victualler, 7 Little Dovehill Gardner, James, perfumer, 41 Queen street, and 143 George street Gardner, John, teacher of short-hand writing, 9 High st. Gardner, J. & Son, hosiers, 9 High street Gardner, John, surveyor of taxes, 2 Green st. Calton Gardner, John, baker, Main street, Bridgeton Gardner, John, currier, 157 High street Gardner, John, & Co. merchants, Royal exchange buildings, house Campbell street, Blythswood hill

Gardner, John, of Shirra 8f Gardner, house 51 North Hanover street Gardner, John, spirit-dealer, 7 Govan street Gardner, John, London Coffee House, 14 Turner's ct. Gardner, John, & Wm. teachers, Muslin st. Bridgeton Gardner, J. R. at Charles Shanks', 10 Saltmarket Gardner, M. grocer, 40 Centre street Gardner, M. spirit-dealer, 283 Gallowgate Gardner, Mathew, tailor, 43 Main street, Gorbals GARDNER— GEBBIE. !

Gardner & M'Leod, wrights, 2 Tobago street Gardner, R. & A. cork-cutter, 125 Trongate Gardner, R. & J. damask weavers, 40 Havannah Gardner, William, rope maker, 4 Gibson street Gardner, William, jun. at Chronicle office

Gardner, Wm. at Thomas Baird fy Sons', 32 Ingram st. Gardner, William, portioner, 71 Tureen street Gardner, William, grocer, Anderston walk, north side Gardner, M. & Son, mathematical instrument makers. 92 Bell street Gardner, Mrs. Fullarton, 18 St. Vincent place Gardner, Mrs. cowfeeder, 89 King street, Calton Gardner, Miss Agnes, dress maker, 71 Green st. Calton Gardner, Miss E. lodgings, 18 Great Hamilton street Gardner, Miss, dress maker, 29 Montrose street Gardner, M. dressmaker, 10 St. Andrew street Gardner, Miss, milliner and dressmaker, 23 George st. GARRET, Andrew, grocer, 104 Saltmarket GARRO W, Alex, at John Stewart's, 70 Hutcheson st. Garrow, John, saddler, Monkland Canal Bason GARTLY, George, teacher, 1 1 Campbell street, house 68 Crown street Gartly, James, sen. teacher of English, 13 Cochran st. Gartly, James, jun. teacher of do. 13 Cochran street Gartly, James, tertius, teacher of Latin and Greek, 13 Cochran street Gas Light Company's Office, 42 Virginia st. works Crispin place, 25 Kirk street, Townkead GAS, William, tailor, 33 Trongate GATHERAL, George, thread, tape & worsted shop, 105 Gallowgate, and 15 Argyll arcade, house St. Mungo's lane GAULD, James, spirit-dealer, 13 New wynd GAUL, George, grain mills, Muirhead street GAY, John, surgeon, 3 New Bridge street, receiving house for Post- Office Gay, Robert, smith, Royal exchange, Buchanan street Gay, Robert, jun. smith and ferrier, London street GEBBIE, James, grocer, 50 Havannah Gebbie, Thomas, royal arms inn, 133 Eglinton street 112 GEBBIE—GENTLE.

Gebbie, William, shoemaker, 52 Tobago street GERLETTI, Charles, looking glass manufacturer, 156 Saltmarket GEDDES, Archd. of Geddes, Kidston % Co. house Finnieston distillery Geddes, John, glass, china and pottery warehouse, 69 Argyll st. works and house Verreville, Finnieston Geddes, John, dyer, 8 Commerce street, Tradeston Geddes, J. F. comb maker, 84 Saltmarket street Geddes, Kidston & Co. Anderston flint, glass, phial and pottery works, 1 Gillespie street, Lancefield, warehouse 36 Bnchanan street Geddes, William, bottle works, Gillespie st. Anderston Geddes, William, jun. manager, Glassworks, Verreville

Geddes, William, Thomas Hotvatson, sen. 8$ Co.'s. GEMMELL, A. & A. spirit-dealers, 164 Trongate Gemmill, Andrew, 48 Nelson st. ho. 9 M'Farlane st. Gemmell, James, grocer, 163 Bridgegate Gemmell, John, provision merchant, 103 Stockwell, house 10 Edwin place Gemmell, John, grocer and spirit-dealer, Finnieston Gemmill, John, ship agent, 18 York street Gemmill, John, ironmonger, 89 Trongate Gemmill, Matthew, & Co. coal merchants, Monkland Canal Basin Gemmell, Thomas, teacher, 16 Cheapside street Gemmell, Thomas, stocking manufacturer, 23 St. Enoch square Gemmell, William, spirit-dealer, 24 Stevenson street Gemmell, William, manufacturer, 48 Queen street, ho. 23 St. Enoch square Gemmill, William, grocer, 42 Rqttenrow Gemmell, William, baker, 119 Candleriggs Gemmell, William, grocer, 163 Bridgegate Gemmill, Mrs. M. spirit-dealer, Port-Dundas Gemmill's, Mrs. lodgings, 10 Russell street General Session Free Schools, 16 Greyfrairs wynd GENTLE, James, letter-carrier, P. O. 62 Old venal. Gentle, James, 223 Gallowgate Gentle, John, baker, 215 High street GENTLE—GIBSON. ] IS

Gentle, William, shoemaker, 90 Bell street GIBB, Andrew, tailor, 12 Union place Gibb, Andrew, spirit-dealer, 96 King st. Tradeston Gibb, Elias, wine and spirit merchant, 19 Virginia st. house head of Regent street, 8 Blythswood square Gibb, Francis, spirit-dealer, 3 Crown street Gibb, James, at Charles Tennant 8$ Co.'s Moodie's crt.

Gibb, James, of Gibb fy Smith, house Morton bank Gibb, John James, merchant, Manhattan buildings, 30 South Hanover street, house Villafield Gibb, John, boot and shoemaker, 1 Main st. Gorbals Gibb, John, baker, 369 Gallowgate Gibb, J. G. 6 Suffolk street Gibb, J. meal dealer, 66 Prince's street Gibb, John, vintner, Townhead toll Gibb, Joseph, at J. Sf R. Tennent's, Wellpark Gibb, Robert, grocer, 9 King street, Tradeston Gibb & Smith, cotton yarn merchts. 123 Brunswick st. Gibb, Thomas, manufacturer, 37 St. Andrew street Gibb, William, tailor, 57 Prince's street Gibb, William, vintner, 20 Broomielaw Gibb, William, plasterer, 21 East Clyde street Gibb, William, at Wm. Fulton's, 71 Hutcheson street Gibb, W. R. surgeon, 31 North Hanover street Gibb, Mrs. Gabriel, baker, 273 Gallowgate GIBSON, Charles & Co. shawl commission merchants, 89 Brunswick street Gibson, James, watchmaker, 66 Trongate Gibson, Jas. writer, 11 Virginia st. ho. 169 George st. Gibson, James, spirit-dealer, 380 Gallowgate Gibson, John D. artist, 173 Buchanan street Gibson, John & David, surgeons, 72 and 76 Wilson st. Gibson, John & Geo. & Co. merchants, 58 Gordon st. Gibson, John & Co. merchants, 58 Gordon street Gibson, John, of John Gibson &; Co. house Garnet hill

Gibson, John, at J. Cook fy Co.'s. house 43 Oxford st. Gibson, Joseph, & Co. tinplate workers, 17 Stirling st. Gibson, Laurenee, cabinet maker, Balmanno street Gibson, Matthew, spirit cellar, 79 Nelson street Gibson & M'Nee, manufacturers, 5 Montrose street k 2 114 GIBSON GILFILLAN.

Gibson, R. & Son, patent hat makers, 90 Argyll street

Gibson, Robert, of Rankin 8f Gibson, ho. 76 Wilson st. Gibson, Robert, lappet wheel turner, &c. Mitchell st. Gibson, Thomas, upholsterer, 33 Union street Gibson, Thomas, provision merchant, 57 Jamaica st. Gibson, Thomas, barber, 133 High street Gibson, W". turner and shuttle maker, 24 Campbell st. Gibson, William, merchant, house 4 Renfield street

Gibson, Wm. of Gibson 8f M'Nee, ho. 21 Union street Gibson, William, apothecary, 26 Adelphi street Gibson, Mrs. P. grocer, 95 Drygate Gibson, Mrs. midwife, 11 Coburg street Gibson, Mrs. dressmaker, 48 Queen street Gibson, Misses, straw hat & dress makers, 85 Trongate GIFFORD, Thomas, tailor, 6 Oxford lane GILBERT, Andrew, . Letters left with Alexander Gray, Tontine buildings Gilbert, James, wright, 15 Calton entry Gilbert, William, wright and glazier, 240 Gallowgate Gilbert, Mrs. 7 Portland street, Laurieston GILCHRIST, Daniel, & Co. Dalsholm printfield warehouse, 19 South Hanover street Gilchrist, George, hair dresser, 5 Eglinton street Gilchrist, Hugh, merchant, 53 St. Andrew square Gilchrist, James, innkeeper, Canal Old Basin Gilchrist, John, boot and shoe shop, 92 Glassford st. Gilchrist, John, cabinet maker, 9 Deanside lane Gilchrist, John, & Co. tea and coffee merchants, 123 Argyll street, house, 90 Brtlnswick street Gilchrist, Marshall, shoemaker, 52 Little Dovehill Gilchrist, Thomas, grocer, Main street, Bridgeton Gilchrist, Rev. William, 18 Robertson street Gilchrist, William, & Son, grocers & spirit-dealers, 65 Carrick street Gilchrist, William, flesher, 203 Gallowgate Gilchrist, Mrs. straw hat manufacturer, 4 & 8 Bell st. Gilchrist, Mrs. dyer, 9 Great Dovehill GILFILLAN, J. & Co. muslin singers, 82 George St. Gilfillan J. A. portrait painter, 48 Queen street Gilfillan, John, dairyman, 6 Cumberland street GILFILLAN GILMOUR. 1 15

Gilfillan, Michael, writer, 41 South Albion street Oilfillan, Peter, 30 West Bath street Gilfillan, W. B. writer, 50 Brunswick street Gilfillan, Wallace, portioner, 37 Bishop street Gilfillan, William, manufacturer, 63 Candleriggs Gilfillan, William, sheriff officer, 48 St. Andrew sq. GILKISON, Alex. G. ship and insurance broker, 75 Miller street, lodgings Adam's court, Jamaica street GILLEN, John, victualler, 141 Main street, Gorbals GILLESPIE, John, surveyor of taxes, 16 Adelphi st. Gillespie, Robert, baker, 169 Gallowgate Gillespie, Wm. baker, 32 Govan st. Hutchesontown Gillespie, William, eating house, 1 23 Bridgegate Gillespie, Mrs. calenderer, St. Andrew lane Gillespie, Mrs. 46 Low John street GILLIES, A. sedan chair office, 10 St. Enoch wynd Gillies, Dun. gardener, Green market, ho. Hopepark Gillies, Ebenezer, hair dresser, 8 Kirk st. Townhead Gillies, Robert, turner, 38 Trongate Gillies, Thomas, spirit-dealer, 45 King street, ho. 56 Gillies, Mrs. 11 Blythswood hill Gillies, Mrs. spirit-dealer, 126 Old wynd Gillies, Mrs. Robert, straw hat maker, 38 Trongate Gillies, Miss, lodgings, 51 Oswald street Gillies, Miss, lodgings, Douglas court, Grahamston GILMOUR, Allan, flesher, 20 Mutton market, King street, and 118 Queen street Gilroour, Alexander, flesher, 13 Fife place Gilmour, Alex, coal agent, 45 Norfolk st. Laurieston Gilmour, Alex, victualler, Great Hamilton street Gilmour, David, flesher, 9 Beef market, King street Gilmour, David, eating house, Cowcaddens Gilmour, David, baker, 157 Gallowgate Gilmour & Hall, writers, 89 Ingram street Gilmour, John, shoemaker, 36 St. Mungo's lane Gilmour, John, shoemaker, 488 Gallowgate Gilmour, John, agent, 63 Candleriggs Gilmour, John, mortcloth office, 1 1 Rutherglen loan Gilmour, John, of W. Gilmour S$ Co. ho. George sq. Gilmour, John, spirit-dealer, 83 Bridgegate 116 GILMOUR GLASGOW.

Buchanan st. Gilmour, R. of W. Church 3f Co. ho. 188 Gilmour, Robert, ironmonger, 36 Stockwell Gilmour, Robert, spirit-dealer, 30 Union place Gilmour, R. victualler & spirit dealer, 144 Bridgegate Gilmour, Robert, spirit-dealer, 161 Stockwell street Gilmour, William, & Co. wholesale woollen drapers, 9 London st. and 2 Gallowgate, ho, 57 Charlotte st. Gilmour, Mrs. Thomas, baker, Sauchiehall road Gilmour, Mrs. vintner, 76 King street Gilmour, Mrs. silk and crape dyer, 62 Argyll street Gilmour, Misses, 54 Buchanan street GIRDWOOD, Claud & Co. founders and machine makers, Govan street, Hutchesontown GIRVAN, John, broker, 16 Great Hamilton street GLASSFORD, Alexander, baker, 55 Gallowgate mill, 4 Glassford, Robert, clerk, May 8f Dennistouns Tobago street, house 44 Stevenson street, Calton Glassford, Miss Isabella, grocer, 181 Main st.Anderston GLASGOW Academy, 13 W. George st. Alex. Watt Glasgow Agency and Pawnbroking Co. 75 Argyll st. 6 Glasgow, Alexander, of Frew 8f Glasgow, house Blythswood hill Glasgow Apothecary Hall, 34 Virginia street. Alex. Mitchell, manager Glasgow Bank, 12 Ingram st. W. B. Cabbell, cashier Glasgow Bottle Works Co. works 69 Great Clyde st. Glasgow Cow Pock Institution Hall, 56 London street. Open from 12 to 1 on Fridays Glasgow Distillery Co. 41 Dunlop street Glasgow Distillery, Port-Dundas Wharf Glasgow and Edinburgh Canal Shipping Co. 100 Bu- chanan street. Robert Sanderson, manager Glasgow Foundery Co. Monkland Canal Bason Glasgow, John, grocer, 12 Main street, Calton Glasgow Lock and Hinge Co. 62 Old venal Glasgow Lunatic Asylum, entry off Dobbie's loan Glasgow Medical Co. 29 and 31 Queen street. G. Penfold, manager Glasgow New Apothecary Co. 57 and 59 Glassford street. Wm. Greig, manager GLASGOW GLENDINNING. 117

Glasgow Provident Bank, 4 Ingram street. Archd. Lawson, secretary Glasgow Public Library, Miller's school, 157 Geo. st. Glasgow, Rt. bolt maker, 86 Commerce st. Tradeston Glasgow Rope-work, 108 Stockwell Glasgow Royal Infirmary, Castle street Glasgow Repository for Horses, &c. 47 Union street Glasgow Saw Mills, Baird & Brown, Port-Dundas Glasgow & Verreville Glass and Pottery Co.'s works, Verreville, warehouse 69 Argyll street Glasgow Water Co.'s Office, 15 Queen street. J. O. Denny, manager, works Dalmarnock Glasgow Iron and Brass Wire Co. 24 Turner's court Glasgow Writing Ink manufactory, 137 George street GLASS, Edward, & Co. spirit-dealers, 14 Tureen st. Glass, Robert, spirit-dealer, 82 Havannah Glass, William, spirit-dealer, 13 Gallowgate Glass, William, boot & shoe warehouse, 144 Trongate, house 15 St. Mungo's lane GLEES ON, William, whip and thong manufacturer, 39 Prince's street GLEN, A. Old Boot and French Horn Tavern, 78 Saltmarket Glen, Allan, joiner, 63 North Frederick street Glen, Archibald, merchant, 66 Miller street Glen, George, & Co. manufacturers, 12 Stirling square Glen, Hugh, cabinet maker, 21 Union place Glen, J. P. surgeon, 15 St. Andrew street, house 78 Saltmarket Glen, James, grocer, 190 Gallowgate Glen, John, Free Mason's tavern, 240 Broomielaw Glen, Robert, cooper, Cowcaddens Glen, Thos. boot and shoemaker, 11 St. Mungo's lane Glen, Mrs. teacher of white seam, 240 Gallowgate Glen, Mrs. milliner, 61 Tureen street Glen, Miss, milliner, 103 Canning street, Calton Glen, Misses, J. & C. haberdashers, 54 Nelson street, and 21 Argyll arcade Glen, Miss, milliner, 18 Nelson street GLENDINNING, J. wright & glazier, 28Spoutmouth 118 GLOBE GORDON.

Globe Insurance Co. 37Glassford st. J. Christie,agent GLOVER, Mrs. spirit- dealer, 48 Cheapside street GODFREY, Andrew, broker, 118 New wynd GOOD, George, boot and shoemaker, 10 King street GOODSIR, David, British Linen Co.'s Bank, Wylie's lodgings, 141 George street GOODWIN, John, of Sclanders 8$ Goodwin, house 24 Jamaica street Goodwin, John, grocer, 14 Dempster street Goodwin, Robert, grocer and spirit-dealer, 39 Castle st.

Goodwin, Robert, jun. at Geo. Rutherfurd Sf Co.'s house 12 Regent street

Goodwin, Robert, of Wm. &> JRobt. Goodwin, house Portland place Goodwin, Thomas, baker, 228 High street

Goodwin, William, of Wm. fy Robt. Goodwin, house 26 Richmond street Goodwin, Wm. & Robt. writers, 23 Hutcheson street GOOLD, James, tea dealer, 83 High street Goold, John, grocer, 67 Clyde street, Calton Goold, Robert, spirit-dealer, 23 High street Goold, William, grocer, 91 High street GOLDER, John, cab. maker, 50 Centre st. Tradeston Golder, Wm. spirit-dealer, 59 Wallace st. Tradeston Goldsmith's Hall, 9 Melville place Gorbals Foundery Co. Main street, Gorbals. Thos. Newton, manager Gorbals Mortcloth Office, 34 Buchan st. Gorbals Gorbals Police Office, 27 Portland street Gorbals Savings Bank, 10 Nicholson street Gorbals Public Library, 69 Crown st. Hutchesontown GORDON, Adam, tailor, 44 Main street, Anderston Gordon, Charles, messenger, 137 Bridgegate Gordon, Geo. guard of Ayr coach, ho. rope work lane Gordon, George, portioner, 31 Struthers street Gordon, Henry, writer, Galloway's ct. 37 Glassford st. Gordon, James, shoemaker, 44 Stevenson street Gordon, John, ship broker, 16 Robertson street Gordon, John, colourman, 200 George street Gordon & M'Dougal, drapers, 18 High street GORDON—GOW. 119

Gordon, P. Speirs, writer, Antigua place, north side Gordon, W. C writer, 10 Nicholson street Gordon, William, plasterer, 66 North Hanover street Gordon, William, tinsmith, 29 Main street, Anderston Gordon, William, Paisley carrier, 88 Candleriggs Gordon, William, slater, 139 New venal Gordon, Mrs. eating house, 15 Canon street Gordon, Mrs. 2 Fife place GORMAN, Daniel, surgeon, Reid street, Bridgeton Gorman, J. W. & Go. smiths, &c. 52 New st. Calton Gorman, William, dairyman, 140 Great Hamilton st. GOURLAY, C. & J. gun makers, 179 Argyll street Gourlie, George, haker, 39 Kent street Gourlie, James, spirit-dealer, 29 Orr street, Calton

Gourlay, James, wine and spirit merckt. 28 Dunlop st. Gourlay, J. & Co. distillers, Port-Dundas, ho. Gourlay, R. & J. silk hat manufacturers and general furnishers, 6 Antigua place Gourley, William, at David Laird &; Co.'s. house 33 Noi'th Hanover street Gowarlay, William, watchmaker, 155 Stockwell GOVAN, Calder and Faskine Coal Office, 37 Glassford street Govan, Geo. grocer, 247 Argyll street Govan, James, spirit-dealer, 56 Main street, Anderston Govan, James, grocer and spirit dealer, 54 Thistle st. Govan, James, builder, 51 Union street Govane, Robert, 10 Union place Govan, Thomas, tea-dealer, 96 Glassford street Govane, Mrs. 10 Union place

GOW, Geo. Alex. Innerarity fy Co.'s. 57 Miller street Gow, John, jun. tallow chandler, 35 King street, and 125 Ingram street, works Burnside lane Gow, John, merchant, 39 Brunswick place Gow, Peter, coach hirer, 4 St. Vincent place Gow, Robert, grocer, 23 Graeme street Gow, Ralston, & Co. bandana manufacturers, 59 Hutcheson street, works Little Govan Gow, Walter, nailer, 65 Kirk street, Calton Gow, Walter, spirit dealer, 6 Prince's street 120 GOW GRAHAM.

Gow, William, victualler, 50 King street Gow, Miss, milliner and dressmaker, 10 St. Enoch sq. GOWANS, James, builder, 98 Gallowgate Gowan, Robert, & Co. 29 Brunswick place Gowan, Robert, house 40 Charlotte place, G. Clyde st. GOWDIE & Brown, silk manufacts. 102 Virginia pi. GOWIE, Robert, tailor, 71 King street, Tradeston GRACIE, James, grocer, Anderston walk, north side GRAHAM, Alex. Islay distillery store, and bonding warehouse, 82 Maxwell st. house 65 Buchanan st.

Graham, Alex. W.Graham fy Co.'s, ho. 2 West Bath st. Graham, Alexander, baker, 145 Gallowgate Graham, Alexander, eooper, 16 Stockwell Grahame, Archibald, writer, 135 Buchanan street, house Easter-house Graham, Archd. & Co. manufacturers of heddle twine, heddles, gold thread, plate, &c. 109 Brunswick street, work shop 10 Portland street Graham, A. & J. & Co. grain merchants, Mitchell st. Graham, & Co. merchants, Ingram buildings

Graham, George, at James Alexander Sf Co.'s, ho. 26 Richmond street Graham, G. R. D. merchant, 22 Ingram street Graham, Henry, grocer, 97 High street Graham, Hugh, grocer 46 Crown st. Hutchesontown Graham, James, manufacturer, 78 Hutcheson street

Graham, James, of William Graham 8f Co. house 3 Aberomby place Graham, Jas. Maxwell, cotton works, Sister st. Calton. Letters, &c. left at William Sleigh's, 84 Wilson st. house Blythswood hill Graham, James, wright and builder, 117 Candleriggs and George street Graham, James, spirit-dealer, 23 Kirk street Graham, James, shoemaker, 308 Gallowgate

Graham, James, of Graham fy Co. ho. 3 Kingston pi. Graham, John, printer, 124 Trongate, house 13 Little Hamilton street Graham, John, beadle of St. John's, 46 Graeme street Graeme, John, surgeon, 65 Gallowgate, house 99 GfRAHAM. 121

Graham, John, cartwright, 156 Jamaica Street, and spirit-dealer, 50 Jamaica street

Graham, John, of A. &; J. Graham ty Co. house Mitchell street

Graham, John, jun. of A. fy J. GraJiam 8f Co. house Mitchell street Graham, John, surgeon, 17 Stockwell Graham, John, shoemaker, 5 New street, Calton Graham, John, tobacconist and flour merchant, 374 Gallowgate Graham, John, spirit-dealer, 160 Broomielaw Graham, J. & W. house agents and auctioneers, 90 Argyll street Graham, John, dairyman, Castle street Graham, John, superintendent of police, South Albion street, house Stirling's road Graham, Joseph, woollen and silk warehouse, 81 Trongate Graham & Love, victuallers, 36 Stevenson street Graham, Rev. Matthew, 116 George street Graham, Patrick, grain merchant, 20 Charlotte street Graham, Robert, provision dealer, Anderston walk

Graham, Robert, at John Carnie fy Co.'s 43 Broad street, Mile-end Graham, Robert, shoemaker, Reid street, Bridgeton Graham, Robert, shoemaker, 26 Main street, Calton Graham, Robert, cooper, 60 Carrick street Graham, Robert, surgeon, 35 Bridgegate Graham, Robert, carter, 7 Malta street Grahame, R. Mitchell, Grahame 3? Mitchell, house Whitehill Graham, Thomas, spirit-dealer, 7 Marshall street Graham, Thomas, merchant tailor, 8 Turner's court

Grahame, Thomas, of Mitchell, Grahame 8> Mitchell Graham, Walter, cooper, 131 High street Graham, Walter, merchant, 6 St. Andrew street Graham, Walter, merchant, 42 Dunlop street Graham, William, & Co. merchants, 70 Miller street Graham, William, sen. of Wm. Graham 8? Co. house 2 West Bath street .


Graham, William, jun. of Wm. Graham 8$ Co. house 1 West Bath street Graham, William, & Co. curriers, 66 High street Graham, William, & Co. grocers, 134 Gallowgate Graham, William, victualler, 26 Stockwell Graham, William & Adam writers, 42 George square Graham, William, sheriff officer, 56 Crown street Graham, William, 4 Monteith row Graham, Mrs. James, straw hat maker, 1 Crown street Graham, Mrs. John, 34 Portland street Graham, Mrs. lodgings, 32 Adelphi street Graham, Mrs. William, flesh er, Bell street market. Graham, Mrs. lodgings, 30 Charlotte sti-eet Graham, Mrs. lodgings, 74 Argyll street Graham, Misses, milliners and dress makers, 57 West Nile street Graham, Misses, dressmakers, &c. 74 Argyll street Graham, Misses, stay and corset makers, 3 Guildry ct GRANDISON, George, baker, 1 Green street, Calton GRANGER, Robert, teacher, 1 1 Norfolk court Granger, Robert, upholsterer, 24 Queen street, house 39 Maxwell street Granger, Robert, cartwright, 37 King st. Tradeston Granger, Robert, beamer, Weaver street GRANT, Adam, writer, 18 Melville place Grant, Alexander, at John Grant's, 5 Brunswick place Grant, Alex, grocer and spirit-dealer, 411 Gallowgate Grant, Alexander, cooper, 4 Howard street Grant, Andrew, collector of statute labour, 44 Tron- gate, house Barony glebe Grant, Archibald, flesher, 231 Gallowgate Grant & Co. cotton yarn merchants, 34 Wilson street Grant, Daniel, tailor and clothier, 17 Trongate

Grant, D. of Grant fy Co. house Rosemount Grant, Donald, grocer and spirit-dealer, agent for the Cumbernauld lime works, Port-Dundas Grant, George, jun. & do. power loom weaving works, Graham square Grant, G. A. & Co. hosiers, 88 Trongate Grant, Hector, mercht. 29 Brunsk. pi. ho. 22 Carlton pi. GRANT—GRAY. 123

Grant, James, spirit-dealer, 31 Kirk street Grant, John, writer, 5 Brunswick place, house 4 Graham's huildings, George street Grant, John, watchmaker, 1 Bishop street Grant, John, boot and shoemaker, 82 Nelson street Grant, John, hoot and shoemaker, 17 St. Enoch lane Grant, Peter, bookseller, 79 Stockwell Grant, Nathaniel, spirit-dealer, 177 Trongate

Grant, Thos. agent, Galloway's court, 37 Glassford st. Grant, Thomas, spirit-dealer, 81 Candleriggs Grant, Mrs. furnishing shop, 365 Gallowgate Grant, Mi's, grocer, 75 Commerce street GRAVES, Richard, grocer, 41 Clyde st. Anderston GRAY, Alexander, insurance broker, exchange Gray, Andrew, baker, 11 New Bridge street Gray Andrew, grocer, 34 Union street Gray, A. letter-carrier, P. O. John st. lane, Bridgeton Gray, Andrew, of Gray, Mercer 8$ Co. house 20 Mon- teith row Gray, Archd. flesher, 3 Mutton market, King street Gray, B. boot maker, 57 Nelson st. ho. 19 Portland st. Gray, Charles & David, distillers, 4 Muirhead street Gray, Charles, grocer, 34 Marlborough street Gray, Daniel, tailor, 263 George street Gray, David, draper and tailor, 43 Trongate Gray, George, stabler, 431 Gallowgate Gray, George, engraver & stamp cutter, 124 Trongate Gray, George, tailor and clothier, 271 Argyll street Gray, James, confectioner, 71 Prince's street Gray, James, grocer & spirit-dealer, 1004 Gallowgate Gray, J. B. writer, 39 Miller st. ho. 3 Blythswood hill Gray, J. & J. North British Advertiser Office, 112 Queen street Gray, James, & Co. iron founders and machine makers, Washington street Gray, John, cartwright, Monkland Canal Bason Gray, John, tobacconist, 201 Trongate Gray, John, manufacturer, 63 Candleriggs, house Young's buildings, Anderston walk Gray, John, candlemaker, 86 Argyll street 124 GRAY GREIG.

Gray, John, saddler, 1 1 Blackfriar street Gray, Mercer & Co. manufacturers, 55 Glassfbrd street Gray, Munro, & Co. commission merchants and agents, 8 Union street Gray, Peter, saddler, Burnside, Port-Dundas Gray, Robert, . Letters left at Mrs. Alex. M'Cracken's, 34 Gallowgate Gray, Robert, carter, 24 St. Mungo's lane Gray, Robert, engraver, tron steeple, 67 Trongate, house Crown street Gray, Robert, & Son, goldsmiths, 78 Argyll street Gray & Son, engravers, tron steeple, 67 Trongate Gray, Thomas, builder, 48 Great Hamilton street Gray, Thomas, comb-maker, 35 Trongate Gray, Thomas, boot and shoemaker, 10 Union street Gray, Thomas, boot and shoemaker, Cowcaddens Gray, Thomas, surgeon, 127 Gallowgate, house 168 Gray, William, Claremont place, 53 Great Clyde street Gray, William, tailor, 75 Argyll street Gray, William, cabinet maker, 5 Muirhead street 10 Gray, William, of Wighton, Gray fy Co. house Brandon place Gray, William, wright, 84 Main street, Anderston Gray, Mrs. bread shop, 103 King street, Tradeston Gray, Mrs. M. grocer, 22 Anderston quay Gray, Miss Jean, grocer, 31 Havannah GRAZEBROOK, Henry, iron merchant, Dixon street GREGOR, Alex, grocer & spirit-dealer, 43 Taylor st. GREGORY, R. F. Northampton thread lace manufac- turer, 126 Trongate GREEN, John, clothier, 76 Saltmarket Green, Stephen, spirit-dealer, Sauchiehall road Greenhead Spinning Co. James street, Bridgeton Greenland Whale Gil Office, 18 Melville place GREENLIE, John, shoemaker, 43 Great Hamilton st. GREENSHIELDS, Archibald, clothier, 34 Nelson st. Greenshields, Samuel, & Co. clothiers, 59 Ingram st. Greenock Bank, 1 1 Antigua pi. J. Robertson, agent GREER, Henry, tailor, 13 North Clyde st. Anderston GREIG, Andrew, tailor, 30 King street GREIG GUILD. 125

Greig, B. merchant, 90 Candleriggs, house 2 Fife place Greig, James, confectioner, 29 Main street, Gorbals Greig, Robert, wright and box maker, 1 9 Canon street, house 64 Weaver street Greig, Thomas, flesher, Main street, Bridgeton Greig, William, manager, Glasgow New Apothecary Hall, house 55 Glassford street 'Greig, William, victualler, 138 High street Greig, Mrs. A. crape and feather dresser, 30 King st. GRIERSON, Adam, letter-carrier, P.O. 312 High st. Grierson, James, tailor, 2 Clyde terrace Grierson & Murray, goldsmiths& jewellers, 16 Argyllst. GRIEVE, Archd. of Grieve $ Scott, ho. 63 George st. Grieve & Cochrane, tobacconists, 41 High street Grieve, James, of Grieve Sf Meikleham, house 15 St. Mungo street Grieve, John, grocer, 45 Maxwell street Grieve, John, slater, 3 Main street, Calton Grieve & Meikleham, writers, 95 Hutcheson street Grieve & M'Intyre, painters, 9 Coburg street, house Norfolk street, Laurieston Grieve, Robert, jun. tea dealer, 21 Glassford street Grieve, Robert, agent for Guardian Assurance Co. 57 Argyll street Grieve & Scott, wrights, 5 Balmanno street. GRIFFIN, Richard, & Co. booksellers and publishers, public library and newsroom, 64 Hutcheson street GRIMSHAW, Ambrose, grocer, 10 Renfield st. and beadle of St. Mary's church GRINDLAY, James, confectioner, 209 Gallowgate Grindlay, John, vintner, 5 Virginia street Grindlay, John, dairyman, 11 Tureen street GROSART, Peter, vintner, 12 High street GRUBB, David, grocer, 5 Kirk street, Calton Grubb, Thomas & Co. spirit dealers, 41 Miller place Guardian Fire and Life Office, 57 Argyll street. Robert Grieve, agent GUILD, James, & Co. maltsters, Port-Dundas Guild, William, & Co. merchants, 57 West Nile street Guild, Wm. of W. Guild 8? Co. ho. 20 Blythswood sq. 2 L 126 GULLAN HALL.

GULLAN, John, teacher, 103 Ingram street, house 45 Adelphi street, Gorbals GUMPRECHT, Julius, merchant, St. David's court, 16 Canon st. house Greenhill place GUNN, Rev. Adam, Mrs. Frasers, 79 N. Frederick St. Gunn, Alexander, flesher, 39 George street Gunn, John, pastry baker, north side, Anderston walk Gunn, William, jun. clothiex', 74 Argyll street GUNNING, Robert, tailor, 20 East Clyde street GUNION, Win. wine & spirit dealer, 87 Candleriggs, house Kent street GUTHRIE, Alex, engineer, Cumberland court, 168 Gallowgate, house Bellgrove Guthrie, Alexander, & Co. merchants, 9 Cochran street, house Mooi-e glace Guthrie, Archibald, victualler, Main street, Bridgeton H HADDIN, Andrew, lock smith, 57 Great Hamilton st. Haddin, James, winter, 48 Stockwell Haddin, John, bed furniture glazier, 8 Old venal II AGART, J. tavern and oyster house, 52 Prince's St. Haggart, John,, spirit-dealer, 45 Old venal Hagart, John, teacher, north parish school, Kirk lane Hagart, Robert, merchant. Letters left at Benjamin Greig's, 90 Candleriggs HAIG, William, writer, 43 Argyll street Haig, William, fringe maker, Green st. lane, Bridgeton HAIGH, Captain, royal engineers, 35 Portland street, Laurieston HAILSTONES, Mrs. silk dyer, Main st. Bridgeton HALBERT, William, watchmaker, 5 Brunswick place Halbert, Mrs. lodgings, Peter's buildings, west Nile st. HALDEN, Geo. & Co. spirit-dealers, 4 Kent street Haldaue, Henry, at J. 8$ C. Gallaway 8? Co's. house 17 York street Haldane, James, engraver, 42 Argyll street HALL, A. & Co. boot and shoemakers, 92 Argyll st. Hall, Geo. & Co. boot & shoemakers, 23 Queen st. Hall, James, portioner, 28 Broad street, Calton HALL HAMILTON. 127

Hall, J. & Son, upholsterers, 1 Melville pi. ho. above Hall, John, tinsmith, 167 Main street, Gorbals Hall, Robert, 39 Norfolk street, Laurieston Hall, Robert, rope spinner, Gorbals toll Hall, S. & Co. patent singeing works, Renfield street Hall, William, surgeon, 31 College street Hall, Miss, dressmaker, 90 Argyll street HALLEY, Thomas, coal weigher, Craignestock, house 45 Great Hamilton street HALIBURTON, M. Post-Office, ho. 12Monteith row Haliburton's, Mrs. D. lodgings, 51 Union street HAMILTON, A. & P.&Co. tobacconists, 28Stockwell Hamilton, Alexander, spirit-dealer, 125 Trongate Hamilton, A. baker, 13 King street, Calton Hamilton, Alexander, tobacconist, 177 Gallowgate Hamilton, Andrew, at Hamilton 8j Swans, Smith's court, 62 Brunswick street Hamilton, Archibald, of Hamilton $ Monteath, house North Woodside Hamilton, Daniel, brickmaker, Greenvale, Calton Hamilton, David, spirit-dealer, Little street, Calton Hamilton, David, architect, 233 Buchanan street Hamilton, David, Hamilton tavern, 2 St. Andrew lane Hamilton, D. & Son, marble work, 233 Buchanau st. Hamilton, David, shoemaker, 31 Stevenson st. Calton Hamilton & Dodds, rope makers, 35 Ropework lane Hamilton, Gavin, potter, 42 Main street, Calton Hamilton, Gilbert & Co. merchants, 83 Queen street Hamilton, Jas. sen. & Co. merchants, 57 Robertson st. Hamilton, James, & Co. wine, tea and spirit merchants, 22 and 24 St. Andrew street Hamilton, James, late grocer, house Dixon street Hamilton, James, grocer, Main street, Bridgeton Hamilton, James, cattle market inn, Graham square Hamilton, James, manufacturer, 104 Brunswick street Hamilton, James & Robert, wine merchants, 19 and 21 St. Andrew street Hamilton, James, victualler, 95 Saltmarket Hamilton, James, victualler, 24 Great Hamilton street Hamilton, James, currier, 29 Bridgegate 1 28 HAMILTON.

Hamilton, James, victualler, 444 Gallowgate

Hamilton, James, of A. 8f P. Hamilton 8? Co. house 5 Maxwelton place Hamilton, James, of J. 8$ J. Hamilton, writers, house 95 Hutcheson street Hamilton, J. & J. writers, 57 Miller street Hamilton, James, shuttle maker, 11 Gibson street Hamilton, John, baker, 58 King street Hamilton, John, spirit- dealer, 26 Old wynd Hamilton, John, & Co. brush and basket manufacturers, 38 Candleriggs Hamilton, John, victualler, 129 Gallowgate

Hamilton, John G. Henry Monteith 8$ Co. house 3 Blythswood hill

Hamilton, John, of A. fy P. Hamilton 8? Co. house 8 Kingston place Hamilton, J. gardener, Green market, ho. Garngadhill Hamilton, M'Bean, shoemaker, 16 Gibson street Hamilton, Mathew, & Co. merchants, 23 Virginia St. Hamilton, Monteath & Co. wine merchants and whole- sale tea dealers, 157 Trongate Hamilton, Rt. & Co. spirit merchants, 19 Marshall St. Hamilton, Robert, spirit-dealer, 43 High street Hamilton, Robert, spirit- dealer, 381 Gallowgate Hamilton, Robert D. writer, 115 High street Hamilton and Swan, manufacturers, 62 Brunswick st. Hamilton, Thomas, woollen draper, 4 Gallowgate Hamilton, Thomas, wine merchant, and agent for AJ- bion Life and Protector Fire Insurance offices, 36 Stirling street Hamilton, W. baker and spirit-dealer, 39 Argyll street Hamilton, William & Co. pattern drawers and print- cutters, 190 Trongate Hamilton, Wm. at Root. Bogle 8? Co.'s ho. 1 1 Moore pi. Hamilton, William, 115 High street Hamilton, William, grocer, 40 Bishop st. Anderston Hamilton, William, tailor, 12 Prince's street Hamilton, Mrs. Charles, 6 Holland place Hamilton, Mrs. Fife place Hamilton, Mrs. 53 West Nile street HAMILTON—HARDIE. 129

Hamilton, Mrs. grocer, 67 Stevenson street, Calton Hamilton, Mrs. milliner, 10 Bell street Hamilton, Miss, 25 George square Hamilton, Miss, A. grocer, 123 Main street, Gorbals HANNAH, Alex, dairyman, 30 Landressy st. Calton Hannay, Anthony, grocer, 141 Main st. Anderston Hannay, A. coal agent, 105 Stockwell Hannay, A. J. M.D. lecturer on the theory and practice of physic, 9 St. Vincent place Hannay, James, teacher, Port-Dundas Hannah, James, confectioner, 7 Tureen street Hannah, James, umbrella maker, 62 Gt. Hamilton st. Hannah, James, horse dealer, Gordon lane, 81 Buch- anan street Hannah, John, flesher, 1 Mutton market, King street Hannah, John, pawnbroker, 36 Bell street, house 10 Great Hamilton Hannah, N. eating house, 257 Argyll street Hannah, Robert, flesher, 21 Mutton market, King St. Hannah, Mrs. W. stay-maker, 35 Nelson street, and 169 Buchanan street HANNAN, Robert, Edmond's land, Sandyford HANDYSIDE, N. general agent, 25 Queen st. house 5 North Wellington street HANNINGTON, Wm, at John Geddes, Verreville works Hannington, Mrs. 247 Argyll street Harbouk-mastek, for Steam vessels, James Russell, 16 Robertson street, Harbour-master, for Traders, William Johnston, 16 do. HARDIE, Andrew, dyer, 13 St. Enoch lane Hardie, Andrew, spirit- dealer, 121 Drygate Hardie, David, tailor, 1 1 New wynd Hardie, David, sheriff-officer, 60 Stockwell street Hardie, Edmund, shoemaker, 22 Prince's street Hardie, James, superintendent of statute labour, 44 Trongate, house 35 Duke street Hardie, John, spirit-dealer, 35 and 37 Bell street Hardie, T. G. St. Rollox foundery, ho. Johnstone's pi. Hardie, Wm. St. Rollox foundery, ho. Johnstone's pi. 130 HARDIE—HART,

Hardie, William, teacher of English, 40 George square HARGREAVE, James, at Carron Warehouse Hargreaves, John, carrier, 124 Brunswick street HARKINS, Charles, spirit-dealer, Cowcaddens Harking, James, broker, 120 Bridgegate Harkin, Peter, broker, 23 Goosedubs Harkin, Peter, broker, 15 Goosedubs HARLEY, James, boot & shoemaker, 41 Adelphi st.

Harley, James, of Harley fy Rankin, house 18 Mon- teith row Harley & Rankin, button factors, hosiers and glovers, 125 Trongate Harley, Win. starcher, 60 Rose street, Hutchesontown HARMAND, John, French Consul, and teacher of the French Language, 6 South Hanover street HAROLD, Mrs. Robert, milliner, 14 King st. Calton HARPER, Park & Co. auctioneers and appraisers, 62 Argyll street Harper, Robertson &Co. warehousemen, 95Candleriggs Harper, Samuel, of Harper, Park Sf Co. house, Kerr's land, Anderston walk

Harper, William, at H. JR. Watt's, 1 03 Glassford street Harper, William, at J. A. Dennistoun's fy HARRIS, Donald, earthen warehouse, 309 High st. Harris, Rev. George, house 47 Portland st. Laurieston Harris, James, shoe merchant, 32 Prince's street Harris, J. spirit-dealer, Aberdeen arms, 6 St.Enochwynd Harris, Robert, thread twister, Mitchell street Harris, Thos. grocer, 46 Hospital st. Hutchesontown Harris, Thomas, twister, Mitchell street Harris, William, plumber, 26 New wynd HARRISON'S, Mrs. lodging, 63 High John street HARROWER, Miss, dress-maker, 30 New Bridge st. HART, Archibald, dyer, 28 St. Andrew street

Hart, James, of Robert Hart 8f Co. house Crossbank Hart, James, broker, 22 St Margaret place Hart, J. & Co. merchts. Melville pi. house Greenhead Hart, J. & R. bakers, Mitchell street Hart John, at Wm. Dunn's, 93 Ingram street Hart, Robert, & Co. manufacts. 23 South Frederick st. HART HARVIE. 131

Hart, Robert, of lit. Hart fy Co. ho. St. George's road Hart, Thomas, writer, 11 Miller street Hart, Thomas, manager and treasurer to the Cranston- hill Water Co. 82 Hutcheson street, house Young's buildings, Anderston walk Hart, Walter, hosiery and yarn warehouse, 153 Tron- gate, house 1 King street, Tradeston HARTLEY, A. M. elocutionist, 1 Ingram street Hartley, John, pipe maker, 46 Canning street, Calton HARVEY, A. of Harvey, Brand # Co. house 24 Monteith row Harvie, Rev. Alexander, house 18 Whitevale Harvey, Alexander, manager of Henry Monteith & Co.'s works, Rutherglen bridge Harvie, Andrew, accountant, 26 Great Hamilton st. Harvey, Brand, & Co. silk shawl warehouse, 1 Ingram street, works John street, Bridgeton Harvies & Co. merchants, 41 Dunlop street Harvey, Henry, spirit-dealer, 13 Oxford street Harvey, James, grocer, and spirit-dealer, 2 Kirk st. Harvey, James, victualler 129 Bridgegate Harvey, J. portrait & miniatui-e painter, 33 George sq. Harvey, J.& J. Mure, Steel, writers, 21 Glassford st. Harvey, James, writer, house Kippochhill Harvie, James, town officer, 160 Saltmarket Hervey, John, wright, Port-Dundas Harvie, John, spirit-dealer, 4 St. Andrew's lane Harvie, John, spirit-dealer, 22 Canon street Harvie, John, writer, 90 Candleriggs Harvie, John, candle and soap shop, 382 Gallowgate Harvie, John, green grocer, 11 George st Harvey, John, green grocer, 15 Kirk street, Calton Harvey, John, at Archibald Grahames, 135 Bu- chanan street Harvey, John, & Co. wholesale silk warehousemen, 197, Trongate, house 22 West Regent street Harvey, Robert, grocer, 63 Clyde street, Calton Hervey, Robert, merchant, 86 Buchanan street Harvie, Robert, cabinet maker, 48 Stockwell 132 HARVIE HAY.

Harvie, Thomas, spirit merchant, 28 and 30 Jackson street, 29 Rope work lane, 12 Stirling street, 76 Gallowgate, London street, 125 Great Hamilton st. 84 Clyde st. Anderston, & Crown st. Hutchesontown Harvie, William, teacher of languages, Melville place, house 268 High street

Harvey, Wm. distillery cellar, 76 Maxwell st. Harvey, Mrs. A. repository, 86 Buchanan street Harvie, Miss, dressmaker, 5 Great Dovehill Hervey, M. green grocer, 4+1 George street HASTIE, Walter, musician, 64 New wynd Hastie, William, painter, 157 High street Hastie, William, spirit-dealer, 44 Rose street Hastie, Robert, & Co. merchants, corner of Sommei'- ville place. Letters left at P. Bow's, 13 Trongate HASTINGS, Lieut-Col. 46 Claremont place Hastings, Thomas, chimney sweep, 177 Trongate HATRICK, John, surgeon, 371 Gallowgate, and I Sidney street Hatrick, Mrs. spirifcdealer, 427 Gallowgate Hatters' House of Cal^, J. Anderson, 122 Gallowg. HAUKS, William, bridle, bit and stirrup maker, 24 Cochran street HAWEY, James, cuttler, 88 Gallowgate Hawey, Thomas, cuttler, 88 Gallowgate HAWTHORN, Alex, spirit-dealer, 25 M'Alpin st. HAY, Alexander, architect, 18 Turner's court Hay, Alexander, victualler, 107 Main st. Anderston Hay, Andrew, grain merchant, 96 Trongate Hay, Andrew, victualler, 25 Stevenson street Calton Hay & Brownlie, tallow chandlers, 223 High street Hay, Charles, livery stables, St Vincent lane Hay, David, merchant, 35 Miller street Hay, James, mason & smoke-doctor, M' Simon place, opposite York street, Anderston walk Hay, James, portioner, Abercromby street, Calton Hay, James, tailor, 76 Gallowgate Hay, John, dairyman, St. Vincent lane

Hay, John, bleacher, Netherfield. Letters left ait Black & Co.'s calender HAY—HENDERSON. 1 33

Hay, John, turner, 48 Stockwell Hay's, John, lodgings, 63 John street Hay, John, grocer and spirit-dealer, 20 Saracen lane Hay, John, portioner, Ritchie's lane, Calton Hay, John, & Co. bleachers, Woodside. Orders and letters left at James Monteith & Co.'s 101 Glass- ford street Hay, Matthew, spirit and porter cellars, 32 Crown st.

Hay, Robert, of Wm. Hay 8f Co. house Oxford street Hay, Wm. & Co. wine merchants, 103 Hutcheson st. Hay, Mrs. lodgings, 68 Glassford street Hay, Mrs. broker, 7 Main street, Calton Hay, Miss, dress maker, 278 High street HECTOR, J. shoemaker, Holme pi. Anderston walk HEDDERWICK, A. Gorbals brewery, 22 Buchan st. Hedderwick, James & Son, printers, 43 Argyll street, house 58 North Frederick street Hedderwick, J. W. Adelphi brewery, Go van street Hedderwick, John, & Co. Dundee warehouse, 50 High street, house 28 Portland street, Lauriestbn

Hedderwick, Robert, of Penman fy Hedderwick, house 58 North Frederick street Hedderwick, Mrs. eating house, Rottenrow HEGGIE, Andrew, flesher, foot of Union street Heggie, George, cabinet maker, 104 Candleriggs Heggie, James, bookseller, 13 Saltmarket Heggie, Ogilvie & Co. brass founders, Mitchell street HENDERSON, A. R. writer, 84 Wilson street Henderson, Alexander, writer, 36 Miller street Henderson, Andrew, manufacturer, 79 Bell street Henderson, Andrew, portrait painter, 109 Argyll st. Henderson, Duncan, spirit dealer, &c. 193 Buchanan st. Henderson, George, shoemaker, 468 Gallowgate Henderson, George, wright, 34 Kirk street, Calton Henderson, George, 18 West Bath street Henderson, Hector, wine and spirit merchant, 104 Gallowgate Henderson, Hugh, victualler, 261 Gallowgate Henderson, James, furnishing shop, 388 Gallowgate Henderson, James, shoemaker, 27 Crown street M 134 HENDERSON HENDRIE.

Henderson, John, & Son, coopers, 93 Main st. Goi'bals Henderson, John, broker, 24 Miller's place Henderson, John, spirit -dealer, 27 North Albion street Henderson, John, grocer, 85 New venal Henderson, John, turner, Ann street, Bridgeton Henderson, John, carver, 7 Guildry court Henderson, John, spirit-dealer, 126 Bridgegate Henderson, John, slater, 22 CI aythorn street Henderson, John, messenger, 84 Wilson street Henderson, John, spirit-dealer, 46 Main st. Anderston Henderson & Miller, writers, 7 Park place Henderson & M'Kinlay, manufacts. 113 Brunswick st. Henderson, Patrick, cork cutter, 64 Prince's street Henderson & Penman, merchants, 131 Ingram street Henderson, R. & J. merchants and drysalters, 4 South Frederick st. shop 31 High st. house 94 Ingram st. Henderson, Thomas, tailor, Melville street lane Henderson, Wm. soap & candle manufacturer, ho. and works 102 & 104 New wynd, shop 143 Trongate Henderson, W. S. watch glass cutter, 17 Brunsk. lane Henderson, Mrs. Archibald, 1 Blythswood hill Henderson, Mrs. spirit-dealer, Blackquarry Henderson, Mrs. tavern, 25 George square Henderson, Mrs. James, silk dyer, 5 Rope-work entry Henderson, Mrs. R. spirit -dealer, 282 Gallowgate HENDRY, Archibald, grocer, 122 Drygate Hendry, David, spirit- dealer, 1 1 Park place Hendry, Ebenezer, tailor and clothier, 148 Trongate Hendry, E. lodgings, 118 George street

Henry & Fletcher, wood merchants, Craignestock . Hendrie, Dr. George, 137 Trongate, ho. 1 Melville pi. Hendry, James, broker, 35 Bridgegate Hendrie, James, mason and marble cutter, Ewing place, Anderston walk Hendry, James, wright and glazier, 28 Crown street Henry, James, post-office, house Green street Hendry, James, tea dealer, 27 Thomson's lane, Calton Henry, Jas. waiter, Tontine coffee room, ho. 6 Saltm. Hendry, James, spirit-dealer, 40 Candleriggs Hendrie, J. & A. fleshers, 43 Jamaica street HENDRY HILL. 135

Hendry, John, manufacturer, 41 Stirling square Hendry, John, & Sons, rope makers, Anderston walk Hendry, Peter, broker, 120 New wynd Hendry, Mrs. spirit-dealer, 72 Trongate Henry, Mrs. grocer, 60 Bridgegate HENEY, Bryne, stoneware mer. 92 Main st. Gorbals HENNING, Peter, tailor, 17 Trongate HEPPLE, Mrs. midwife, Green street, Saltmarket HEPBURN, Adam, of J. % A. Hepburn, house 26 Weaver street Hepburn, J. & A. manufacturers, 27 Wilson street Hepburn, John, ofJ. 8? A. Hepburn, ho. 59 Oswald st. Hepburn, Robert, boot and shoemaker, 56 George st. HERALD, Benjamin, flesher, 27 George street Herald Office, 90 Bell street HERBERTSON, James, joiner and cabinet maker, 7 Eglinton street Herbertson, John, architect, 1 Bath street, house 198 Buchanan street Herbertson, Tlios. wright & builder, St. George's road. Letters left at R. & P. Stirling's, 156 Argyll street Herbertson, Thomas, H. collector of canal dues, Port- Dundas

, Herbertson, Wm. grocer & spirit-dealer, 266 High st. Hercules Fire Insurance Company. Agents, Wm. Jeffrey, 34 Glassford st. Andrew Thomson, sen. 19 Virginia st, & Patrick Neilson, 73 Hutcheson street HERON, Andrew, hair-dresser, 53 Main st. Gorbals HERRIOT, James, smith, 22 Campbell street HETHERINGTON, John, file cutter, 32 Thistle st. HE UGH, Rev. Hugh, house North Montrose street HEWIT, William, tap- room, 68 Saltmarket Hewit, Mrs. Albion tavern, 4 Brunswick lane HEYMER, John, elephant tavern, 68 Saltmarket HI GGENS,Mrs.Andrew, silk dyer, 45 King st. Calton Higgens, Mrs. straw hat maker, &c. 7 Campbell street HILL & Davidson, writers, 3 South Frederick street Hill, George, english tavern, 85 Trongate Hill, James, Port-Dundas Inn, Port-Dundas Hill, James, W. S. sasinp office, 52 George square 1 36 HILL—HODGE.

Hill, John, toll-keeper, New bridge Hill, Laurence, writer, 3 South Frederick street Hill, Peter, superintendent, Town's Hospital, house 33 Norfolk street Hill, Robert, shoemaker, 21 Gibson street

Hill & Shearer, confectioners & grocers, 126 Argyll st. Hill, Thomas, wright, 21 Campbell street Hill, William D. manufacturer, 51 Cochran street Hill, Mrs. milliner, 42 Hutcheson street Hill, Mrs. spirit-dealer, 61 Kirk street, Calton Hill, Misses, dress makers, 57 Union street Hill, Miss Agnes, furnishing shop, 31 New st. Calton Hill, Miss J. straw hat maker, 79 Glassford street HILLHOUSE,Mrs. furniture wareho. 145 Saltmarket HILTON, James, beadle of Old Episcopal ChapeJ, 160 Saltmarket Hilton, William, vintner, Duke street HINDMARCH, Rt. slater, Tureen street, Gallowgate HINDS, Robert, spirit-dealer, 65 King street, Calton HINSHAW, James, portioner, 52 M'Kechnie street Hinshaw, John, & Co. merchants, 45 Miller street Hinshaw, J. of J. Hinshaw 8$ Co. 4 Renfield street

Hinshaw, Rt. of John Hinshaw fy Co. 155 Buchanan st. HINSHELWOOD, John, at Alloa Glass Warehouse, 155 Ingram street HISLOP, Edward, shoemaker, 5 Claythorn street Hislop, George, machine maker, 63 St. Enoch wynd Hislop, John, grocer, &c. 77 Crown st. Hutchesontown Hislop, Matthew, nailer, 29 New street, Calton Hislop, Richard, nail manufacturer, 10 G. Hamilton st. Hislop, Mrs. Thomas, dress maker, 16 Gibson street HODDER, John F. land-waiter, Port-Dundas HODGE, David, cooper, 41 Main street, Calton Hodge, David, cabinetmaker, 101 King st. Tradeston Hodges, George, merchant, at Ferrier, Rose 8? Co.'s, 152 Argyle street Hodge, Hugh, spirit-dealer, 26 Hospital street Hodge, John, flesher, 213 Argyll street Hodge, John, grocer and spirit- dealer, 156 Gallowgate Hodge, John, tailor, 3 Well street, Calton HODGE—HOPKIRK. 137

Hodge, William, spirit-dealer, 56 Trongate Hodge, Wm. at Duncan Sf Cowans, ho. 74 Argyll st. HOEY, Henry, at JohnGourlay 8? Co.'s, Port-Dundas HOGG, Graham, merchant tailor, 18 Saltmarket Hogg, Graham, spirit-dealei-, 37 Trongate Hogg, J. F. general agent, 5 Melville place Hogg, John, tinplate worker, 178 Gallewgate Hogg, Peter, grocer, 92 Rottenrow Hogg, William, carter, 4 Millroad street, Calton HOLMES, Fleming, ham &fish shop, 1 New st. Calton Holmes, John, spirit-dealer, 60 Trongate Holmes, John, grocer and spirit-dealer, Finnieston HOLT, Mrs. James, cotton waste dealer, and furnish- ing shop, 90 Stockwell HOME & Neilson, agents for European Life Office, 73 Hutcheson street HONEYMAN, John, grain merchant, 48 Union place, house 12 Regent street Honeyman, John, spirit-dealer, 40 Rose street HOOD, Andrew, cooper, 234 Gallowgate Hood, Andrew, merchant tailor, 108 Argyll street Hood, James, jun. cooper, 90 Candleriggs, house 95 Hood, James, lock and hinge maker, 81 John street Hood, John, merchant, 77 Brunswick street Hood, John, victualler, 8 Clyde place, Tradeston Hood, John, spirit-dealer, 59 New Bridge street Hood, Robert, cooper, 90 Candleriggs, house 95 Hood, Robert, draper, 22 High street Hood, William, surgeon, 179 Argyll street HOODY, Elizabeth, grocer, 106 New wynd HOOKER, Joseph, 7 West Bath street Hooker, William Jackson, L.L.D. professor of botany, 7 West Bath street HOOKS, Alexander, victualler, 149 High street HOOME, Wilson & Co. manufacturers, 70 Brunsk. sL HOPE, David, of Fleming % Hope, ho. 16 Bath st. Hope Life Insurance Office, 182 Trongate. M'Clel- land and Bogle, agents HOPKIRK, James, of Dalbeth. Letters left at John Bell's, South Albion street M 2 138 HOPK1RK HOWIE.

Hopkirk, Thomas, merchant, 230 George street Hopkirk, Miss, 47 West Nile street HORN, D. shoemaker, 62 Bridgegate Horn, Graham, spirit- dealer, 5 St. Andrew's lane Horn, Graham, umbrella maker, 47 London street Horn, James, last maker, 36 Brunswick place Horn, John, spirit-dealer, 26 High street Horn, John, woollen draper, 27 Trongate Horn, William, writer, 18 Glassford street HORNAL, Peter, spirit-dealer, 16 Hospital street HORSBOROUGH, Mrs. midwife, 17 Govan street HO SIB, John, ropemaker, 23 Stockwell, works Gor- bals toll Hosie, Robert, surgeon, 24 Stockwell HOULDSWORTH, Henry, & Sons, cotton spinners, Anderston, house Cranstonhill HOUSEHOLD, Charles, cooper, 52 Howard street HOUSTON, Abraham, spirit-dealer, 43 East Clyde st. Houston, Allan, at Henry Monteith Sf Co.'s, house 132 Queen street Houston, Arthur, shoemaker, Anderston walk Houston, James, baker, 41 Main street, Gorbals Houston, John, 148 High street Houston, John, manufacturer, 20 Candleriggs, agent for Blackburn Spinning Co.'s cotton yarn. William Houston, managing partner Houston, J. lappet wheel maker, 13 Little Hamilton st. Houston, Peter, bookseller, 4 Thistle street Houston, Robert, shoemaker, 435 Argyle street Houston, Robert, spirit-dealer, Rumford st. Bridgeton Houston, William, grocer, Dalmarnock road Houston, Mrs. 52 Main street, Calton Houston, Mrs. corset maker, 143 Gallowgate HOW, William, hide merchant and leather factor, 28 St. Andrew square, house 74 Charlotte street HOWAT, Mrs. victualler and grocer, 11 Well street HOWATSON, Thomas, sen. & Co. manufacturers, 41 Stirling square Howatson, Walter, wrighr, 31 North Albion street HOWIE, J. writer, 157Trongate, ho. 1 1 Nicholson st. HOWIE—HUNTEK. 139

Howie, T. & Co. waggon office, 36 & 38 Montrose st. Howie, Win. & Co. cab. makers, 147 Main st. Gorbals HOYLE, Duncan, spirit -dealer, 12 Broomielaw Hoyle, James, manager, Lancefield Lime Co. Letters left at 12 Broomielaw HUGHES, Edward, button maker, 53 Crown street Hughes, Jas. grocer & spirit-dealer, 77 King st. Calton Hughes, Mrs. spirit-dealer, 55 -Back wynd HUMBLE, James, baker, 46 Canning street Humble, James, professor of music, 27 Stockwell HUME, Robert, chimney sweeper, 50 New wynd Hume, Thomas, plumber, 89 Gallowgate HUMHREYS, Robert, weaving works, John street, Bridgeton Humphreys, Wni. pattern drawer and print cutter, 125 Trongate HUNTER, Alexander, tailor, 24 Well street, Calton Hunter, Alexander, tailor, 24 Canon street Hunter, Andw. & Co. manufacts. 23 South Frederick st. St. Hunter, Andrew, of A. Hunter fy Co. 30 West Vincent street Hunter, Archibald, clothier, 100 Trongate, house 52 Charlotte street Hunter, Duncan, 80 Queen street Hunter, George, clothier, 38 Trongate Hunter, James, & Co. ship builders, 26 Brown street Hunter, James, & Co. hat -manufacturers, 28 South Albion street Hunter, James, spirit -dealer, 9 West George street Hunter, J. G. 52 Charlotte street Hunter, James & Robert, brewers, 23 Montrose street Hunter, John, coal agent & spirit-dealer, 34 New wynd Hunter, John, baker, 306 Gallowgate Hunter, John & James, dairyman, 36 Duke street Hunter, John & William, patent mill spun linen yarn warehouse, 80 Queen street Hunter & Kerr, joiners & cab. makers, Melville street

Hunter, Malcolm, of W. fy M. Hunter, house Auld- field, Pollokshaws Hunter, Robert, wright, Anderston walk, north side 140 HUNTER—HUTCHISON.

Hunter, Robert, surgeon, professor of anatomy, Ander- sonian university, 33 North Hanover street Hunter, Robert, tobacconist, 73 Saltmarket Hunter & Ronald, smiths, 72 Clyde street, Anderston Hunter, Samuel, of Herald Office, house 69 Oswald St. Hunter, Samuel, Elephant tavern, 1 Anderston quay Hunter, Thomas, spirit-dealer, 66 Old venal Hunter, William & George, insurance brokers, 87 Miller street, house 25 St. Enoch square Hunter, William, glass paper manufacturer, 54 High st. Hunter, William, straw hat maker, 13 Candleriggs Hunter, William, weaving works, 30 Sidney street Hunter, W. & M. merchants, Ingram ct. 21 Ingram st. mills Greenhead, James street, Bridgeton

Hunter, William, of W. fy M. Hunter, house 19 St. Enoch square Hunter, William, flesher, 70 Bell street Hunter, Mrs. dress maker & milliner, 89 High John st. Hunterian Museum, behind the College. John Wil- son, keeper and Campsie Alum Co. Union street HUSSEY, William, & Son, counting house 18 Ingram street, works Dale street, Bridgeton, house Newhall, Greenhead HUSBAND, Robert, printer, 49 Trongate HUTCHISON, Alex, lodgings, 26 George street Hutcheson, Alexander, shoemaker, 14 Well street Hutchison & Brookman, printers, Villafield Hutcheson, Charles, merchant, house 3 Carlton place Hutcheson, George, grocer, 61 Stevenson st. Calton Hutchison, Geo. of Hutchisons &; Milne, 31 Miller st. Hutchesons' Hospital, 56 Ingram street Hutchison, James, & Co. manufacturers, 81 Hutcheson street, house 16 St. Vincent street, Blythswood pi. Hutchison, James, boot maker, second shop west of Mitchell street Hutchison, James, bookbinder, 12 Prince's street Hutchison & Milne, oil merchants, 31 Miller street Hutchison, Neil, manager of Anderston Union Victual- ling Society, 21 Stobcross street HUTCHISON INGL1S. 141

Hutchison, Robert, & Co. booksellers and stationers, 17 Saltmarket Hutchison, Robert, at James Hutchison 8$ Co.'s Hutchison, Samuel, spirit-dealer, 11 Commerce street Hutchison, Thomas, shoemaker, 21 Grseme street

Hutchison, Thomas, silk dyer, 1 4 Adam's court lane Hutchison, Thomas, manager, Perth Baking Co. 43 Union street Hutchison, Thomas, spirit-dealer, 80 Jamaica street Hutchison, William, eating house, 57 Bridgegate Hutchison, William, pastry baker, 71 Candleriggs Hutchison, Mrs. milliner, 392 Gallowgate Hutchesontown Victualling Society, 14 Govan street HUTTON, Alexander, supervisor of excise, Dunchat- tan buildings, Duke street Hutton, James, George Inn and Hotel, 33 and 34 George square Hutton, J. confectioner, 60 Queen street HYDE, James, grocer, Brown street, Bridgeton Imperial Fire Office, 182 Trongate. M'Clelland & Bogle, agents Impost Duty. Notices to John Johnston, tacksman, left at Wm. Pollock's, 40 Candleriggs [MRIE, David, grocer, 74 King street, Tradeston Imray, James, stationer, 78 Stockwell Imray & Ralph, bootmakers, 135 Main street, An- derston Infant School, 39 Drygate, David Cauchie, teacher, D. Stow and Rev. David Welsh, secretaries INGLIS, Alexander, 2 Morris place, Monteith row Inglis & Broom, silk mercers, 146 Trongate, house 50 North Hanover street i Inglis, Charles, commission agent, 25 St. Andrew square, house 17 Monteith row Inglis, D. & H. Kincaid, printfield warehouse, 43 Mon- trose street Inglis, David, tavern, black boy close, 35 Gallowgate Inglis, George, joiner, 117 Main street, Anderston Inglis, James, Clerk of Police, house Crownpoint Inglis, James, peacock tavern, 85 Trongate 142 INGLIS— IVISON.

Inglis, James, supervisor of excise, 63 Charlotte street Inglis, James, commission agent, 79 Candleriggs, house Oswald court, Maxwell street Inglis, John, spirit-dealer, 51 Hutcheson street Inglis, John, spirit dealer, Coburg buildings, Laurieston Inglis, John, grocer and spirit-dealer, 138 Main street, Gorbals Inglis, Peter, silk mercer, haberdasher and woollen draper, 63 Trongate, house St. Andrew square •Inglis, Robert, spirit-dealer, 258 Gallowgate Inglis, William, spirit-dealer, 6 Stockwell Inglis, W. jun. messenger and auctioneer, 11 Stockwell Inglis, Misses, & Gibb, boarding school, 5 Queen street Inglis, Misses, dressmakers and milliners, 9 Gordon st. INGRAM, Charles, tobacconist, 13 Nelson street Ingram, Henry, smith & saddle treemaker, 39 Stockw. INNERARITY, Alexander, merchant, 153 Buchanan street, house 151

INNES, George, wine and spirit dealer, 31 John st. Innes, George, watchmaker and jeweller, 6 Nelson st. Innes, William, spirit-dealer, 16 High street Innes, William, print cutter, 57 Prince's street Inspector of Taxes for the West of Scotland, W. A. Paterson, Morrison's court Insurance Company of Scotland. Agents, M* Gavin & Ord, 125 Virginia street, and John Wyld, 66 Virginia street IRVINE, John, & Son, timber merchants, Renfrew street, house 27 Bain's place Ii-vine, Robert, grocer, 137 New venal Irvin, Samuel, merchant, 125 Virginia street

Irvine, W. agent for carriers, at P. Murdoch's, Nile st. Irvine, William, beamer, 60 Drygate Irvin, William, merchant, 125 Virginia street, house 19 Hope street Islay Distilleries' Store and Bonding Warehouse, 82 Maxwell street IVISON, M. W. silk merchant, 110 Brunswick street, house 109 Candleriggs JACK JAFFRAY. 143

J JACK, Allan, writer, 44 Trongate Jack, Alexander, grocer, Reid street, Bridgeton Jack, David, portioner, George street, Mile-end Jack, John, tailor, 285 High street Jack, John, manufacturer, 53 Candleriggs Jack, Paterson, & Co. upholstery & cahinet warehouse, 167 Trongate, worksCopenhagen st. Sauchiehallroad Jack, Peter, grocer, 17 Little street, Calton Jack, Thomas, spirit-dealer, Main street, Bridgeton Jack, William, cabinet maker, 71 Green street, Calton

Jack, William, of Jack, Paterson fy Co. house 19 Blythswood square Jack, Mrs. tea dealer, 14 Cathcart street Jack, Mrs. spirit-dealer, 169 Main street, Gorhals Jack, Mrs. grocer, Main street, Bridgeton JACKSON, Andrew, grain merchant, 56 Union street Jackson, M. & J. carters, 166 Main street, Gorbals Jackson, James, manufacturer, 12 Stirling square, house Adelphi street Jackson, James, tinplate worker, 44 John street

Jackson, James, at Shirra Sf Gardners, 43 Queen street Jackson, Jobn, green grocer, 8 Stevenson street Jackson, Robt & Co. stationers, 35 Glassford street Jackson, Thomas, carrier and coach proprietor, 102 Brunswick street Jackson, Thomas, jun. 102 Brunswick street Jackson, William, baker, 22 King street, Tradeston Jackson, Miss Mary, milliner, 18 Stevenson street JAFFREY, Andrew, cheese merchant, 12 Bazar Jaffray, Duncan, merchant, 17 Jamaica street JefFray, J. teacher, 21 Balmanno street Jaffrey, J. boot and shoemaker, 27 Commerce street Jaffray, John, agent, Antigua place, ho. 17 George st. Jaffray, John, wine and spirit dealer, 196 Argyle st. Jaffray, M. 26 Govan street Jaffry, M. grocer, 62 Canon street .Jaffrey, Robert, builder, Reid street, Bridgeton Jaffray, Robert, & Son, merchants, 17 Jamaica street Jaffray, William, tailor, 7 Argyll street 144 JAFFRAY JARDINE.

Jaffray, William, jun. accountant and agent for Leith, Hamburgh and Rotterdam Shipping Co. 11 Virginia street, house Campvale Jeffrey, William, accountant, 34 Glassford street Jeffrey, W.& Co. wholesale tea dealers, 34 Glassford st.

JAMES, George, at Alston, Mather fy Co.'s James, John, bellows maker, 25 Spoutmouth James & Reid, manufacturers, Manhattan buildings, 30 South Hanover street James, William, furnishing shop, John st. Bridgeton

JAMESON, R. of Peterson 8f Jameson, house Argyll place, Anderston walk Jamieson, Eben. confectioner & corkcutter, 43Trongate Jamieson, Jas. surgeon, 348 High st. ho. 4 Rottenrow Jamieson, J. stay maker, 274 George street Jamieson, James, merchant, 43 Queen street Jamieson, James, spirit-dealer, 31 Crown street Jamieson, John, jun. merchant, 43 Queen street, house George square Jamieson, John, green grocer, 71 Canning street, Calton Jamieson, M'Crackan & Co. merchts. 19 So.Hanover st.

Jamieson, Robert, of Jamieson, M'Crackan fy Co. house Blythswood place Jamieson, Robert, wright, 28 Stirling street, house 43 Oxford street Jamieson, Thomas, portioner, George street, Mile-end Jamieson & Thomson, manufacturers, 62 Queen street Jamieson, Walter, grocer, 21 Dean street

Jamieson, Wm. at P. fy J. Playfairs, house 35 West Regent street Jamieson, William M. agent, 24 Stockwell Jamieson, Wm. merchant, 10 Union st. ho. 7 Regent st. Jamieson, William, tailor and clothier, 131 Trongate Jamieson, William, baker, 33 King street, Tradeston Jamieson, Mrs. John, midwife, 28 Kirk st. Gorbals Jamieson, Mrs. furnishing shop, 132 King street JAQUES, Henry, bootmaker, 161 Ingram st. house Willow Bank, Sauchiehall JARDINE, John, teacher, 35 Hutcheson street Jardine, Wm. & Co. tailors & clothiers, 74 Saltmarket JARDINE JOHNSTON, 145

Jardine, Mrs. John, paper stainer, 35 Hutchesqn st. JARVIS, John, leather cutter, 80 Prince's street JARVIE, Peter, dairyman, 19 Little Hamilton street Jar vie, Rohert, & Sons, rope-makers, 10 Stohcross st. Jarvie, Rohert, of James Hamilton, sen. 8? Co. house 19 Carlton place JENKIN, G. H. sugar broker, royal exchange build- ings, house 2 Holland place Jenkins, James, spirit-dealer, Canal basin Jenkins, Peter, bookseller, 11 Saltmarket, house 148 High street Jenkins, Wm. spirit-dealer, 86 Main street, Gorbals Jenkins, Wm. ooal merchant, Monkland Canal basin JENNINGS, Peter, spirit-dealer, Cowcaddens JOHNSON, William, Govan factory JOHNSTON, Alexander, spirit-dealer, 71 Ingram st. Johnston, Alexander, of Johnston, Galbraith Sf Co. ho. 16 Blythswood square Johnston, Alexander, grocer, 26 Drygate Johnston, Archibald, merchant, 83 Glassford street Johnston, Archibald, builder, 22 Eglinton street Johnston, Archibald, carter, 13 Robertson street Johnston, Charles, boot & shoemaker, 267 George st. Johnston, Charles, & Son, painters, 50 Gallowgate Johnston, Charles, plasterer, 20 Steel street Johnston, Charles, tailor, 6 Candleriggs Johnston, Daniel, upholsterer, 43 High street Johnston, D. at William Brown Sf Co.'sho. 15 Gordon st. Johnston, David, & Co. wine & spirit merchants, 116 Ingram street Johnston, Donald, spirit-dealer, 111 Stockwell Johnston & Farie, yarn merchants, 62 Wilson street Johnston, Galbraith & Co. manufacturers & merchants, 71 Virginia street

Johnston, Geo. G. of Johnston Sf Farie, ho. 3 Bath st. Johnston, George, brick-maker, 6 Sidney street Johnston, James, toll keeper, Old bridge Johnston, James, brewer, & spirit-dealer, 32 Stirling st. and 32 North Albion street Johnston, Jame§, tailor, Cowcaddens 146 JOHNSTON.

Johnston, Jas. jun, currier, 14 Burnside lane, ho. 10 do. Johnston, James, spirit-dealer, 39 Jamaica street Johnston, James, commission merchant and general agent, 18 South Frederick street Johnston, J. M. tailor, 5 King street Johnstone, Rev. John, house Muirhouse. Letters left at Jas. M'Donald's, beadle, 17 Coburg Lane, Laurieston Johnston, John & Co. pocket-book and jewel case makers, 5 Hutcheson street Johnston, John, spirit-dealer, 37 High street Johnston, John, tailor, 7 High street Johnston, John & Co. tanners, Claybrae, Burnside lane Johnston, John, spirit-dealer, 2 Bedford street Johnston, John, grocer, 13 Ladywell street Johnston, John, broker, 53 King street, Calton Johnston, John, shoemaker, 57 Stevenson st. Calton Johnston, John, painter, 62 Jamaica street Johnston, John, baker, &c. 17 Stevenson street, Calton Johnston, John, grocer, &c. 114 Broomielaw Johnston, John, baker, 6 New street, Calton Johnston, Michael, shoemaker, 16 Gibson street Johnston, Richard, grocer, 43 King street Johnston, Robert, tailor, 169 Trongate Johnston, Robert, tailor, Manhattan buildings, 30 South Hanover street Johnston, Robert, mill manager, 6 Tobago street Johnston, Robert, baker, 33 Oxford street Johnston, Robert, spirit-dealer, 35 Gallowgate Johnston, Samuel, spirit-dealer, 21 Dale st. Tradeston Johnston, Samuel, hosier, 1 1 Bazar Johnston, Samuel, Mrs. Kirkland's lodgings, Park pi. Johnston, Thomas, agent, 58 Buchanan street, & Canal office, Port-Dundas Johnston, T. & Co. writing ink makers, 137 George st. Johnston, Thomas, tailor, 9 New st. Calton Johnston, Wm. & Co. Port-Dundas pottery, fire brick and grinding works. Orders left at 125 Ingram st. Johnston, William, harbour-master 16 Robertson st. Johnston, Dr. Wm. C. ho. Dick's land, Sauchiehall road Johnston, William, flesher, 14 Great Hamilton street JOHNSTON KEAN. 147

Johnston, William, grocer, 20 Marlborough street Johnston, William, grocer, 23 King street Johnston, William, teacher, 49 Clyde street, Anderson Johnston, Mrs. Robert, 3 Bath street Johnston, Mrs. lodgings, 1 Melville place Johnston, Mrs. midwife, 61 Great Hamilton street Johnston, Mrs. spirit-dealer, 66 Weaver street Johnston, Mrs. Captain, 3 College street Johnston, Miss Ann, grocer, 18Cheapside st. Anderston Johnston's, Miss, Lodgings, 19 Virginia street Johnston, Miss, Frances, straw hat and leghorn ware- house, 1 St. Vincent place JONES, John, bleacher, Cloberfield office and Dura- fermline table linen warehouse, 76 Bell street Jones, John, at Joseph Gibson 8$ Co.'s house 9 Stirling street Jones, William, gardener, green market, house Hunt- ingdon dale Journal Office, Reid's court, 56 Trongate JUDGE, James, tailor and broker, 19 St. Margaret pi. Justice of Peace Clerk's Office, 84 Wilson street, Wm. Vary, Clerk K KALKSTEIN, L. agent, 86 Miller street KAPE, James, clothier, 93 Virginia street KAY, A. boot and shoe warehouse, 42 Saltmarket Kay, Alexander, tailor, 4 Spoutmouth Kay, Archibald, cabinet maker, 59 Robertson street Kay, David, accountant, 4 New Bridge street Kay, James, distiller, 21 Tureen st. house 2 Hill St. Kay, James, dairyman, 29 Well street Kay, Robert, grocer, 229 Gallowgate Kay, Walter, Abeona tavern, 151 Gallowgate Kay, Mrs. milliner, 37 Nelson street Kay, Mrs. grocer, 19 George street Kay, Mrs. grocer, 154 Saltmarket Kaye, Miss, lodgings, 132 Stockwell KAYSER, M. milliner, 9 Hospital street KEAN, Edward, broker, 127 New wynd 148 KEAN KENNEDY.

Kean, George, slater, 122 Gallowgate Kean, James, slater, 56 King street, Calton Kean, John, shoemaker, Barrowfield Toll Kean, William, shoemaker, 1 West street, Calton KEATER, John, merchant, Bellfield, Duke street KEEL, Mrs. Alex, grocer, 63 King st. Tradeston KEELER, Alexander, grocer, Reid street, Bridgeton Keeler, Alexander, victualler, Reid street, Bridgeton Keiller, Thomas, confectioner, 80 Argyll street KEIR, Walter, beadle, 9 Blackfriar street KEITH, Adam, pattern drawer, 68 Glassford street Keith, John, victualler, 48 Jamaica street Keith, John, bookseller & auctioneer, 5 Hutcheson st. Keith, M. teacher of music, 44 Hutcheson street KELLAR & Cousins, shawl warehouse, 6 Antigua pi. KELLY, Charles, broker, 16 St. Margaret place Kelly, Daniel, spirit-dealer, 38 High street Kelly, David, Gallowayshire tavern, 123 Saltmarket Kelly, David, brass founder, 38 Thistle street Kelly & Harvie, clothiers, 138 Queen street Kelly, H. grocer and spirit-dealer, Main st. Bridgeton Kelly, James, manufacturer, 15 Bell street

Kelly, John, at Wm. Collins ', 37 Wilson street Kelly, Peter, spirit-dealer, Burnside, Port-Dundas Kelly, William, & Co. cotton brokers, 72 Virginia st. Kelly, Wm. junior, cotton broker, ho. 9 Carlton place Keley, Mrs. midwife, 22 Balmanno street KELT, James, at William Middleton's, Antigua place KELTIE, William H. grocer, 39 Candleriggs KELSO, Hugh, grocer, 22 Adelphi st. Hutchesontown Kelso, Mrs. James, spirit-dealer, 359 Gallowgate Kensington Candle Office, 37 Glassford street KENNAN, Peter, teacher, 18 Marshall st. Gallowgate Kennan, Robert, spirit-dealer, 111 Main st. Gorbals, KENT, John, tobacconist, 76 Great Hamilton street KENNEDY, Alexander, flesher, 52 Main st. Gorbals Kennedy, Alexander, smith, 40 John street Kennedy, Alexander, spirit-dealer, 236 High street Kennedy, A. boot and shoemaker, 194 Broomielaw Kennedy, Alexander, chandler, 56 Main st. Gorbals KENNEDY—KERR. 1 49

Kennedy, Charles, broker, 23 St. Margaret place Kennedy, David, wright, 62 Blackfriar street Kennedy, D. bookseller, 5 Miller place Kennedy, Duncan, accountant, house and office 59 Oswald street Kennedy, Gilbert, collector of cess for the county, and agent for Caledonian insurance Co. Lower Renfieldst. Kennedy, Gilbert, painter, 47 Jamaica street, house Muiredge, near Bellshill Kennedy, Hector, ironmonger, 8 Trongate, house Gilmour place, London street Kennedy, Hugh, earthenware dealer, 22 Russell street Kennedy, M'Queen & Co. silk mercers, 163 Trongate Kennedy, James, spirit-dealer, 27 Maxwell street Kennedy, James, victualler, James street, Bridgeton Kennedy, James, spirit-dealer, 257 George street Kennedy, John, painter and colourman, 67 Stockwell Kennedy, John, tea dealer, Rumford street Kennedy, John, grocer, Main street, Bridgeton Kennedy, John, 11 Monteith row Kennedy, John, & Co. brokers, 303 High street Kennedy, M. & Co. spirit-dealers, 27 Dundas street Kennedy & Monteith, writers, 15 Hutcheson street Kennedy, Roderick, causewayer, 70 Stockwell Kennedy, Thomas, tailor, 33 John street Kennedy, Mrs. G. stationer, 89 Argyll street Kennedy, Mrs. midwife, Port-Dundas Kennedy, Mrs. 15 St. Vincent street Kennedy, Mrs. midwife, near head of M'Alpin street KERVILL, John, broker, 2 Goosedubs KERR, Adam, baker, 14 Portugal street Kerr, Adam, & Co. button factors and small ware mer- chants, Old Post-office court, 114 Trongate Kerr, Alex, brazier and tinplate worker, 104 Argyll street, house Sidney court

Kerr, Archd. of .Russell $ Kerr, writers, 62 Argyll st. Kerr, Christopher, cork cutter, 76 Back wynd Kerr, Connel, broker, 10 Bridgegate Kerr & Co. cotton yarn agents, 129 Virginia place Kerr, Hugh, writer, 89 Brunswick street N 2 1 50 KER&.

Ker, James, ironmonger, 8 London street Kerr, James, engraver and printer, 59 Trongate, house Commerce street, Tradeston Kerr, James, & Co. insurance brokers and general agents, 39 Brunswick place, house 20 Portland street, Laurieston Kerr, James, accountant, 11 Miller street, house 14 William street, Greenhead Kerr, James, starcher, 5 Great Hamilton street Kerr, James, shoemaker, 4 St. Margaret place Kerr, John, tailor, 34 Trongate Kerr, John, cabinet maker, Union,street Ker, John, manufacturer, 127 Brunswick street, house 184 Buchanan street Kerr, John, spirit-dealer, 15 Cavendish st. Laurieston Ker, John, manufacturer, 14 Garthland street Kerr, John, at Robert Garden's, 85 Miller street Kerr & Malcolm, writers, 97 Brunswick street Kerr, M. wholesale and retail stationer, 58 Argyll st. Kerr, Patrick, broker, 15 Bridgegate Kerr, Richard, hair dresser & perfumer, 14 Stockwell Kerr, Robt. wholesale tea merchant, 86 Hutcheson st. house 8 Kingston place Kerr, Robert, merchant, 1 Hope street Kerr, Robert, grocer, 19 Govan street, Hutchesontown Kerr, William, calenderer, 2 Stirling square, house Wellington street, Anderston walk street Kerr, William, of Kerr fy Co. 129 Virginia Kerr, Wm. wine and spirit merchant, 142 Trongate, 105 Argyle street, and 230 High street, house 21 Stockwell Kerr, William, merchant tailor, 70 Saltmarket Kerr, W. G. wine and spirit merchant, 378 Gallowgate Kerr, William, bookseller, 10 Bazar Kerr, Mrs. George, Shakespeare tavern, 36 Saltmarket Kerr, Mrs. spirit-dealer, 18 Tureen street Kefr, Mrs. straw hat maker, &c. 5 New Bridge street Kerr, Mrs. midwife, 195 High street Kerr, Mrs. dress and corset maker, 10 Little Dovehill Kerr, Mrs. brush dealer, 5 Candleriggs KERR KILWINNING. 151

Kerr, Mrs. eating house, 67 Canning street Kerr, Misses E. & J. milliners, 160 High st. Kerr, Miss, milliner, 12 Bell street KETTLE, David, shoemaker, Port-Dnndas KEYDEN, James,, writer, 21 South Hanover street. house Mortonbank Keyden, Mrs. Mortonbank, Garnet hill KHULL, Edward, & Son, printers and stereotype founders, 8 East Clyde street

Khull, Edward, jun. of Edward Khull 8f Son, house 36 St. Andrew street KIBBLE, James & John, & Co. calico printers, Man- hattan buildings, 30 South Hanover street Kibble, James, & Co. pin makers, 24 Turner's court, house Park place, Paisley road Kibble, J. of J. 8$ J. Kibble, ho. 34 St. Vincent place Kibble, Mrs. of Whiteford, 34 St. Vincent place KIDD, Mark, musician, 80 High street Kidd, William, tinsmith, 18 Main street, Gorbals

KIDSTON, Archd. G. of Wm. Kidston 8> Sons, house 31 Regent street

Kidston, R. A. Geddes, Kidston fy Co. house Paradise, Stobcross street, Anderston Kidston, Richard, merchant, 19 Queen street Kidston, William, & Sons, merchants, 19 Queen street Kidston, Rev. William, 47 Bellgrove place KILBEE, R. S. G. merchant, 116 Ingram street, house 4 Wellington place, Sauchiehall road

KILGOUR, R. of Chalmers, Kilgour fy Co. house Craig court KILPATRICK, Geo. grocer, 129 Great Hamilton st. Kilpatrick, James, vintner, 36 Miller place Kilpatrick, John, flesher, 333 Argyll street Kilpatrick, John, spirit-dealer, 26 Portugal street Kilpatrick, Robt. flesher, 26 Mutton market, King st. Kilpatrick, Robt. & Sons, fleshers, 5 West George st. Kilpatrick, Wm. sen. flesher, 4 Beef market, King st. Kilpatrick, William, jun. flesher, 73 George street Kilwinning, Glasgow, Masonic Lodge. F. Seymour, master, 120 Buchanan street 152 KINCAID— K1PPEM.

KINCAID, George, tobacconist, 6 Trongate Kineaid, Mrs. grocer, 35 Castle street KINNEAR, C. wooden clock maker, 22 Glassford st. Kinnier, Robert, & Co. merchants, West Nile street

Kinnier, R. of Robert Kinnier fy Co. house 20 West St. Vincent street KING, Alex. & W. ironmongers, 40 Argyll street King, Andw. power loom cloth manufact. Cowcaddens King, Andw. & Co. manufacturers, 25 North Albion St. King, Andrew, grocer, 451 Gallowgate King, Daniel, tea dealer, Port-Dundas King, David, hardware merchant, 24 Stobcross street King & Buchanan, writers, 44 Hutcheson street King, C. spirit-dealer, 224 Broomielaw King, C. A. writer, 44 Hutcheson street King, George,H. merchant, 31 Virginia street, house Little Govan cottage King, James, jun. writer, 29 Gallowgate, ho. Saucbie- hall road King, John, tailor, 28 Portugal street

King, John, of Geo. M'Intosh fy Co. house Dunchattan buildings, Duke street King, John, manufacturer, 52 Old venal King, John, cooper, Grahamston King, John, shoemaker, 11 Great Dovehill King, John, & Co. coopers, 322 High street King, Robert, furnishing shop, 122 High street King & Stewart, tea dealers & grocers, 37 Gallowgate King, Dr. W. B. 8 Gordon street King, William, cooper, 33 High st. and 21 Canning st. Kingfield Pottery Co. 101 King street, Calton. R. Rankin, manager KINNON, Robt. spirit-dealer, 111 Main st. Gorbals KINROSS, Andrew, grocer, 65 Stevenson street and 268 High street Kinross, Robert, grocer, 75 King street, house 8 Miller place Kinross, W. lodgings, 71 Stockwell street KIPPEN, William, 2 Brandon place Kippen, Mrs. 6 West St. Vincent street KIRK—KNOX. 153

KIRK, John, poulterer, 12 Fife place Kirk, William, coal agent and eating house, 78 Bell st. Kirk, Mrs. furnishing shop, 57 Hutcheson street KIRKALDY & Hodge, starchers, 62 Old venal KIRKLAND, A. M'Kenzie, merchant, 17 West George street Kirkland, George, tobacconist, 41 Gallowgate Kirkland, James, victualler, 93 Bridgegate Kirkland, Robert, & Co. shawl agents, 21 Ingram st. Kirkland, John, & Son, merchants, Tontine back build- ings, house 17 West George street Kirkland, W. S. 5 Regent street KIRKPATRICK, Robert, tailor, 12 Trongate Kirkpatrick, Thomas, manufacturer, 90 Nelson street Kirkpatrick, W.D.Westthom coal office, 41 Dunlop st. KIRKWOOD, James, clothier, 42 Main st.Anderston Kirkwood, John, factor, 25 Candleriggs, house An- derston walk Kirkwood, John, & Co. wood merchants, 32 Tobago st. Kirkwood, R. house factor, 1 1 Miller st. ho. 13Brownst. Kirkwood, Robert, commission merchant, 60 Hutche- son street, house 17 Nicholson street, Laurieston Kirkwood, Thos. spirit- dealer, 18 Tobago st. Calton Kirkwood, William, agent, 35 Miller street Kirkwood, William, weaver's utensil maker, 79 Main street, Gorbals JCirkwood, William, vintner and stabler, 47 Stockwell Kirkwood, William, & Co. warehousemen, 18 Hutche- son street Kirkwood, William, baker, 87 Main street, Anderston KNIGHT, Alexander, tailor, 44 Trongate KNOWLES, J. S. lecturer on elocution, 69 Glass- ford street. Letters left at Richard Griffin & Co.'s KNOX, Agnew & Co. merchants, 28 Miller street

Knox, Henry, of Knox, Agneiv fy Co. house 1 Aber- cromby place Knox, Henry, jun. manufacturer, 62 Queen street Knox, James J. surgeon, 26 Glassford street, house 5 Kensington place Knox, John, portioner, 28 King street, Calton 154 KNOX LAMBART.

Knox, R. writer, 57 Miller street, house 5 Kensington place Knox, Robert, shawl manufacturer, 96 Virginia place, house 1 Greenhill place Knox, Wm. hosiery & furnishing shop, 115 Argyll st. Knox, Mrs. vintner, 80 Trongate KYLE, Philip, tailor, 59 Rutherglen loan Kyle, William, heddlemaker, &c. 35 Gallowgate Kyle, William, land surveyor, 14 Union street Kyle, William, jun. tavern, 4 Laigh Kirk close L LAIDLAW, James, grocer, Cowcaddens LAIDLEY, David, grocer, 21 Clyde st. Anderston Laidley, George, victualler, Cowcaddens LAING, Archibald, flesher, 26 King street Laing, Archd. horse setter & flesher, 5 St. Enoch wynd Laing & Buchanan, commission merchants, 33 Vir- ginia street Laing, David, spirit-dealer, 93 King street, Tradeston Laing, David, smith and farrier, 34 Union street Laing, James, flesher, 291 High street Laing, Robert, manufacturer, 27 Wilson street, house 41 Charlotte street Laing, Robert, accountant, British Linen Co.'s office Laing, William, currier, 89 Gallowgate LAIRD, Abram, grocer, &c. Meuse lane, Gorbals ^ Laird, Alex. & Co. agents for Mersey and Clyde Steam Navigation Company, 57 Miller street Laird, David, & Co. merchants, 95 Candlex*iggs Laird, James, tin plate worker, 1 Adelphi street, house 8 Crown street Laird, John, Steam Packet Office, 8 York street Laird, John, boot maker, Cowcaddens LAMB, James, merchant, 52 Virginia street Lamb, James, & Son, wrights, 33 Dundas street Lamb, John, commission merchant, 75Hutcheson street Lamb, Mrs. dress maker, 52 King street, Calton Lamb, Misses, general furnishing shop, 167 Ingram st. LAMBART, William, shoemaker, 1 Little street LAMOND— LANG. 155

LAMOND, Robert, writer, 131 Ingram street Lamont, William, upholsterer, 120 Buchanan street, house Bain's place Lamont, Walter, letter-carrier, P.O. ho. 63 Gallowgate Lamond, Mrs. midwife, 19 Saltmarket Lanark, New, Twist Co.'s warehouse, 105 Miller st. LANCASTER, Duncan, & Co. calico printers, 8 South Frederick street, works Dalmarnock

Lancaster, Thomas, of Lancaster, Duncan fy Co. house 7 Carlton place Lancefield Spinning Co. 70 Miller street LANG, Alex, baker, 116 Main street, Anderston Lang, Alexander, of Overton, 10 Regent street Lang, Archibald, grocer, 26 Orr street, Calton Lang, Archibald George, of Wighton, Gray Sf Co. house 221 Buchanan street Lang, D. & W. writers, 37 Virginia street, house 121 Buchanan street Lang, Gavin, baker, Upper Nile street Lang, Gilbert, baillie of the Ramshorn burying grouud, house 44 George street Lang, Dr. George, 37 Glassford street Lang, George, victualler, Anderston walk, north side Lang, James, & Son, grain merchants, 49 Glassford street, house 160 Buchanan street Lang, James, hat manufacturer, 123 Trongate, house 34 Glassford street Lang, James, baker, 183 Gallowgate Lang, John, grocer, 92 Main street, Anderston Lang, John, writer, 17 South Hanover street, house 13 St. George's place

Lang, Robert, of James Lang 8f Son, house 160 Buchanan street Lang & Turner, stationers, 42 Wilson street Lang, Thomas, flesher, 68 King street Lang, William, printer, 72 Nelson st. ho. BurreU's lane Lang, Wm. beadle and spirit-dealer, 1 1 Kirk st. Calton Lang, Wm. of Wm. Lang 8^ Co. house 37 Glassford st. Lang, William, merchant, 52 West Nile street Lang, William, jun. of Wm. Lang Sy Co. 26 Argyll st. 156 LANG LAWSON.

Lang, William, & Son, smiths and jack screw makers, 52 Old wynd Lang, William, & Co. ironmongers and brass founders, 26 Argyll street Lang, Miss, furnishing shop, 6 King street, house 42 Lang, Miss C. dressmaker, 42 King street LANGLEY, Mrs. B. 2 Morris place, Monteith row LANGMUIR, John, grain mercht. 26 Robertson St. LANGWILL, Geo. spirit-dealer, 52 Stobcross street LARKIN, Henry, dyer, North street LATTA, David, victualler, Cowcaddens Latta, John, spirit-dealer, 116 Candleriggs LAUDER, Hugh, dyer, 40 Candleriggs Lauder, M. dressmaker, head of Back wynd LAURIE, David, merchant, house 47 Portland street, Laurieston Laurie, Jas. of Laurie 8? Hamilton, ho. 8 Carlton place Laurie, John, merchant, 14 Stirling street Laurie & Hamilton, merchants, 1 Nicholson street Laurie, Newton & Co. merchants, 57 Miller street Laurie, Robert, & Co. merchants, 179 Argyll street Laurie, Robert, bookbinder, 27 Commerce street Laurie, Thomas, merchant, 179 Argyll street Laurie, Thos. china & earthenware dealer, 61 Kingst. Laurie, William, grocer, 81 Commerce street Laurie, William, tobacconist and tallow chandler, 24 New Bridge street Laurie, Mrs. dressmaker, Cowcaddens Lawrie, Mrs. lodgings, Renfield street Laurie, Miss, John street, Greenhead LAWCOCK, James, victualler, 7 Rottenrow Lawcock, James, victualler, 162 High street LAVERTON, James, tailor, 33 Well street, Calton LAW, James, spirit-dealer, 63 Bridge street Law, John, coal agent, 488 Gallowgate Law, Mrs. D. boot and shoe shop, 2 Saltmarket LAWDER, E. green grocer, 420 Gallowgate LAWSON, Archibald, merchant, 4 Ingram street Lawson & Buchanan, manufacturers, 6 Brunswick lane Lawson, C. & Co. milliners, 45 Nelson street — . LAWSON LEISHMAN. 157

Lawson, Henry, grocer and coach hirer, 124 Queen st. Lawson, John, 5 Thistle street Lawson, John, bookseller and stationer, 98 Glassford street, house 45 John street

Lawson, Thomas, of Lawson fy Buchanan, house 213 Buchanan street Lawson, William, hardware merchant, 8 Saltmarket Lawson, William, grocer, 151 Trongate Lawson, Mrs. C. milliner, 45 Nelson street Lawson, Mrs. reed maker, 21 Thomson lane LAYBURN, William, plasterer, 22 Portugal street LEADBETTER, David, tailor, 7 Croy place Leadbetter, John, commission mercht. 117 Candleriggs, house North Montrose street LEARMONTH, James, saddler, 202 Gallowgate, ho. 4 Monteith row LE BRUN, Cezer, basket maker, 55 Bell street LECK & Johnston, plasterers, 16 Portugal street LECKIE, Archd. Paisley carrier, 29 Montrose street Leckie, Hendry, green grocer, 36 New Bridge street Leckie, John, flesher, 21 Adelphi street Leckie, Robert, spirit-dealer, 67 Glassford street Leckie, Robert, portion er, 13 Abercromby street Leckie, William, & Co. tea merchants, 58 Stockwell, house 24 Portland street, Laurieston Leckie, Mrs. register office for servants, 15 Norfolk st. LEE, James, tailor, 25 Dundas street Lee, John, crown glass warehouse, 39 Turner's court Lee, John, tailor, 14 Stirling street Lee, Richard, smith and jack maker, 66 Old wynd Lee, Thomas, beadle, Alston street Lee, Mrs. grocer, 24 St. Enoch wynd Lees, Walter, manufacturer, 59 Hutcheson street LEECHMAN & M'Vicar, tinsmiths, 77 Bridgegate Leishman, Andrew, flesher, 53 Stevenson street Leishman, Dunlop,& Co, cotton spinners, P-Dundas road Leechman, W. & J. iron merchants, 21 Melville place Leechman, Wm. sen. of W. &; J. Leechman, house Garngad hill Leishman, William, flesher, 7 Kent street 158 LEEDS—LENNOX.

Lebds and Yorkshire Assurance Company, 29 Bruns- wick place. James Turnbull, agent LEGATE, Francis, tobacconist, 17 King street, house 47 Adelphi street Legat, John, victualler, 3 King street Legget, John, boot maker, 19 Brunswick place Legate, J. surgeon, 47 Adelphi street Leggatt, Robert, victualling society, 8 North Clyde st. LEIGHTON, John, writer, 35 Miller street LEITCH, Charles, victualler, 16 Wood lane Leitch, James, agent, 116 Trongate Leitch, James, accountant, 47 Portland st. Laurieston Leitch, Dr. John, 96 Queen street, house 47 Portland street, Laurieston Leitch, Malcolm, & Co. fringe manufacturers, 14 Morrison's court Leitch, M. blacking maker, 124 Trongate Leitch, Neil, & Co. muslin printers, 25 Candleriggs Leitch & Smith, merchants, 276 George street Leith, Robert, spirit-dealer, 120 King street Leitch, William, pawnbroker, 65 High street Leitch, William, tobacconist, 63 Bell street Leitch, Mrs. beef steak house, 47 Hutcheson street LEITH, Alex, vintner and stabler, 50 High street Leith, Hamburgh and Rotterdam Shipping Co's. Office, 1 1 Virginia street. William Jaflray, jun. agent LEMON, J. writer, 1 Melville pi. ho. 13 Monteithrow Lemon, John, Three Tun Tavern, 37 Trongate, and 18 Saltmarket LENNIE, D. classical teacher, 63 John street Lennie, James, broker, 31 Miller place Lennie, William, victualler, 64 King street LENNOX, Gilbert, yarn merchant, 106 Brunswick street, house 95 Candleriggs Lennox, James, victualler, 207 High street Lennox, James, cooper, 42 King street, Tradeston Lennox, James, jun. cooper, 17 Rutherglen loan, and spirit-dealer, 3 Thistle street Lennox, James, pastry baker, 299 Argyll street Lennox, Robert, cooper, 50 New Bridge street LESLIE LIGHTBODV. 159

LESLIE, David, baker, Allan place, Anderston walk Leslie, David, tailor, 13 New street, Calton Leslie, James, vintner, 30 High street

Leslie, John, grocer and spirit-dealer, 120 George st. Leslie, J. messenger and spirit-dealer, 30 East Clyde st. Leslie, Methven, salt merchant and commission agent, 20 Stockwell, house Park place Leslie, Reid, & Go. warehousemen, 102 Virginia pi. Leslie, William, hat block maker, 30 Orr st. Calton LETHAM, J. warper and winder, 113 Brunswick st. Lethem, P. of Lethem &$ Roberton, ho. Canning place Lethem & Roberton, manufacturers, 49 Virginia street Lethem, Miss C. straw hat maker, Upper Nile street Lethems, dressmakers, 61 Centre street LEVI, Joseph, quill merchant, 105 King street Levy, W. furrier, 8 Hutcheson street, and 42 Argyll arcade, house 29 Hutcheson street LEVINS ON, Jas. wax manufacturer, 106 Gallowgate LEWIS, George, grocer, 28 Blackfriar street Lewis, Thomas, portrait painter, 131 Ingram street LEY, George, builder, house 35 Charlotte street Ley, John, & Co. surgeons and druggists, 4 George st. LIDDELL, Alex, flesher, 31 Bridge street, Tradeston Liddell, A. of Andrew Liddell 8$ Co. ho. 391 Argyll st. Liddell, Andw. & Co. ironmongers and brass founders, 102 Argyll st. works Globe Foundery, Washington st. Liddell, Archibald, oil and colourman, 192 Trongate, and 43 Queen street, house 7 St. George place Liddell, David, saddler, Cowcaddens Liddell, James, baker, 63 Bridgegate Liddell, James, spirit-dealer, 65 Bridgegate Liddell, John, & Co. warehousemen, 57 Argyll" street Liddell, John, manufacturer, 94 Miller street Liddell, W. of W. Liddell | Co. ho. 133 Buchanan st. Liddell, William, jun. merchant, at W. Liddell Sf Co.'s house 133 Buchanan street Liddell, William, & Co. merchants, 10 Stirling square Liddell, William, shoemaker, 110 Main st. Anderston Liddell, William, furnishing shop, Melville street LIGHTBODY, Alex, grocer, 43 Main street, CaltOE 160 LIGHTBODY LINDSAY.

Lightbody, Alex. & Wm. wrights, 26 King st. Calton Liglitbody, James, spirit-dealer, 69 Gallowgate Lightbody, John, tailor, 26 King street, Calton Lightbody, Thomas, surgeon, Grahamston Lightbody, Wm. grocer, 98 Main street, Gorbals LILBURN, John, boot and shoemaker, Grahamston Lilburn & Moir, upholsterers, Old Post- Office court LILLIE, Archd. insurance broker, 89 Miller street Lillie, D. & Son, insurance brokers, 89 Miller street Lillie, David, of D. Lillie fy So?i, house 18 Gordon st. Lillie, James, hair dresser, 25 Clyde place LIMEBURN, Hugh, grocer, 26 Adelphi street Limeburn, William, plasterer, 22 Portugal street LIMONT, William, victualler, Cowcaddens Limont, Mrs. grocer, 3 King street, Tradeston LINDON, Mrs. grocer, 77 New Wynd LINDSAY, Alexander, victualler, 38 King street Lindsay, Alexander, writer, 75 Argyll street, house Cathcart street Lindsay, Alexander, tinsmith, Cowcaddens Lindsay, Alex, smith and machine maker, 79 Stockwell Lindsay, Alexander, crystal dealer, 45 Candleriggs Lindsay, Alex. Greenock foot carrier, 1 1 New wynd Lindsay, David, grocer, 44 Dale street, Tradeston Lindsay, David, spirit-dealer, 191 Main st. Anderston Lindsay, J. & Co. wood merchts. Wood lane & Ann st. Lindsay, James, grocer, 13 Gibson street Lindsay, James, & Co. printers, 3 Wallace court Lindsay, John, manufacturer, 81 Nelson street Lindsay, John, at Slack 8? Co.'s calender, Smith's crt. Lindsay, John, surgeon, 22 Kirk street, Calton Lindsay, John, starcher, 13 Brown street Lindsay, Peter, grocer and spirit-dealer, Cowcaddens Lindsay, R. tea and sugar warehouse, 15 Turner's crt. Lindsay, R. M. mercantile academy, 24 Wilson street Lindsay, William, victualler, Cowcaddens Lindsay, William, & Co. fringe and thread manufac- turers, 53 and 55 Brunswick place, and 22 Argyll arcade Lindsay, Mrs. Janet, victualler, 20 Jamaica street LINDSAY—LOCHHEAD. 161

Lindsay, Mrs. John, spirit-dealer, Port Dundas Lindsay, Mrs. dress maker, 63 Gallowgate Lindsay, Miss J. milliner and dress maker, 52 Argyll arcade Lindsay, Miss M. straw hat maker, 28 Rutherglen loan LINN, James, painter, 359 Argyll street Linn, J. & R. wine merchants, 154 Main street, Gor- bals, and Main street, Bridgeton LINTON, James, grocer, 124 Buchanan street, house 50 New Bridge street Linton, Mrs. lodgings, 63 George street LISTON, Robert, jun, brush maker, 99 Gallowgate LITHGOW, Andrew, shoemaker, 52 Taylor street LITSTER, W. spirit-dealer, Dalmarnock road

LITT, John, merchant, at Ewing, May fy Co.'s house 19 West St. Vincent street LITTLE, James, & Co. painters, Wilson court, 57 Argyll street Little, John, grocer, Main street, Bridgeton LITTLEDALE, Henry, 7 New Bridge street LITTLEJOHN, James, tinsmith, Grahamston Littlejohn, John, glover, 11 Old wynd Liverpool Steam Packet Office, 9 Buchanan street LIVINGSTON, A. blacking manufact. 43 Trongate Livingston, D. spirit-dealer, 30 New wynd Livingston, D. spirit-dealer, 39 High street Livingston, Donald, bricklayer, 43 Crown street Livingston, James, new baking and victualling society, Main 6treet, Bridgeton Livingston, James, boot and shoe shop, 54 Saltmarket Livingston, John, & Co. manufacturers, 41 North Al- bion street Livingston, Wm. ealenderer, Blyth's ct. 19 Virginia st. Livingston, William, dairyman, 31 Oxford street Livingston, Mrs. midwife, Port-Dundas LLOYD, James, carver, 93 High street LOBLEY, Joseph, at J. 8$ A. Dentiistouris, 30 Mon- trose street LOCHHEAD, M. bookseller and reading room, 27 Nelson street o 2 162 LOCHEAD—LOGAN.

Lochead, Robert, smith, 4 Risk street, Calton Lochead, Robert, stationer, 19 Bridge street Tradeston Locbead, Thomas, bookseller, 5 Park place, Stockwell Lochead, Thomas, grocer, &c. 58 New Bridge street Lochhead, William, cabinet maker, 122 & 134 Saltm. Lochhead, William, undertaker, 160 Saltmarket Lochead, Mrs. lodgings, 45 Adelphi street LOCHORE, R. & Co. boot and shoemakers, 191 Trongate, house 37 Adelphi street Lochore, William, boot and shoemaker, 185 Trongate LOCHIELL, James, provision dealer, 4 Goosedubs Lock Hospital, 151 Rottenrow. A. Troup, keeper LOCKHART, David, shoemaker, 6 Struthers street Lockhart, James, tailor and clothier, Calton entry Lockhart, James, spirit-dealer, 47 Kirk street, Calton Lockhart, James, porter, Antigua place Lockhart, John, St. David church beadle, 82 John st. Lockhart, John & Son, clothiers, 28 Buchanan street Lockhart, John, flesher, 1 Argyll street Lockhart, Rev. Dr. John, 38 George square Lockhart & M'Donald, dyers, 36 King st. Tradeston Lockhart, John, teacher, 26 Portland street Lockhart, Thomas, slater, 47 Havannah Lockhart, Wm. spirit-dealer, 34 King st. Tradeston Lockhart, Wm. brush maker, Hill street, Anderston Lockhart, Mrs. General, house 19 West Bath street Lockhart, Mrs. lodgings, 224 Broomielaw LQCKWOOD, G.Commercial lodgings, 48 London st. LOGAN, Andrew, baker, 8 Main street, Anderston Logan, Arch. & Thos. spirit-dealers, 207 Gallowgate Logan, David & Co. manufacturers, 41 No. Albion st. Logan, James, grocer, &c. 89 Main street, Anderston Logan, James, upholsterer, 85 Trongate Logan, J. brace maker, 12 Prince's street Logan, John, druggist, 53 George street Logan, Thomas, fruiterer, 125 Gallowgate Logan, Walter, Supert. Canal Office, Port-Dundas Logan, William, grocer, 101 Old wynd Logan, Wm. of Adamson 8? Logan, ho. 77 Montrose st. Logan, William, copper and tinsmith, 22 Wilson street Logan—love. 163

Logan, Mrs. broker, 105 New wynd LOGGIE, John, grocer & spirit-dealer, 135Eglinton st. Logie, Thomas, cork cutter, 96 Bridgegate LOINSWORTH, Augustus Louis, surgeon to the forces, 2 Morris place LONDON & Leith Old Shipping Co. 38 Montrose st. London, Leith, Edinburgh and Glasgow Shipping Co. 28 Queen street. William Crichton, agent London Genuine Tea Company, 32 Hutcheson street. John Thompson, mauager London and Edinburgh Shipping Co. 100 Buchanan st. Robert Sanderson, agent London and Edinburgh Steam Packet Co. 77 Miller st. LONG, John, & Co. merchants, 28 South Albion st. Long, William, grocer, 3 Tarbet street Long, Wm. messenger at arms, ho. 33 Virginia street LORIMER, Robert, furnishing shop, 311 Argyll st. LORRAIN, Dr. of the Gram. School, 6 Richmond st. LOTHIAN, George, merchant, 34 West Regent st. Lothian, John, weaving works, Bothwellst- Anderston, house 9 Blythswood hill LOTTIMER, Andrew, bookseller, 155 High street Lottimer & Turner, manufacturers, 85 Candleriggs LOUDON, John, merchant, 16 Robertson street Loudoun, John, insurance broker, agent for Phoenix Fire and Pelican Life Office, 49 Miller street, house 3 Albany place, Sauchiehall road Loudon, Mathew, tailor, 46 Drygate Loudon,Thomas, vintner, Old Post-Office ct. Trongate LOVE, George, & Co. booksellers, 28 Saltmarket, house Wallace court Love, G. straw hat maker, 22 Nelson street Love, Hugh, spirit-dealer, 205 Gallowgate Love, John, hatter, 118 Trongate Love, John, watch and clock maker, 48 King street Love, John, provision merchant, 138Bridgegate, house 25 East Clyde street Love, Robert, spirit-dealer, 166 Saltmarket Love, William, furnishing shop, 25 M'Kechnie street Love, William, wright, 15 M'Kechnie street 1G4< LOW LYON.

LOW, James, beamer, 15 Burnside lane Low, John, grocer & spirit-dealer, Reid st. Bridgeton Lowe, John, pawnbroker, 37 King street Lowe, Robert, teacher of dancing, Assembly Rooms, house 8 South Frederick street LOWRY, Miss, 15 William street, Greenhead LUCAS & Davies, corset makers, 332 Gallowgate Lucas, Walter, merchant, 109 Brunswick street, house 1 North Douglas street Lumsden, James, & Son, wholesale stationers, 20 Queen street Lumsden, John, stationer, 102 Queen street, house South Woodside road LUNDIE, Robert, tailor, 7 Kirk street, Calton LYALL, William, warehouseman, 4 Argyll street Lyceum Rooms, J. Tait, 72 Nelson street LYLE, James, surgeon, 4 St. Andrew street, house 172 High street Lyle, J. & J. librarians, 135 High street Lyle, Robert, fruit and spirit-dealer, 60 Candleriggs Lyle, William, tailor, 187 Trongate Lying-in- Hospital, 85 Rottenrow. Mrs. M'Dougald, K66D6F LYNCH, William, broker, 18 Miller place LYON, George, tinplate worker, 149 Gallowgate Lyon, Geo. of W. & G. Lyon, ho. So. Wellington pi. Lyon, James, plumber, 71 Saltmarket Lyon, Jasper, merchant, 19 South Hanover street, house Montague place Lyon, John, furrier and cap maker, 32 London street Lyon, John, musician, 97 Saltmarket Lyon, W. & G. tinplate workers, 16 Candleriggs Lyon, William, coach office, 78 Trongate and 1 Dun- lop street, house Maviesbank Lyon, William, surgeon, 159 Gallowgate, house 22 Charlotte street Lyon, Mrs. James, straw hat maker, 71 Saltmarket Lyon, Mrs. John, tinsmith, 56 Argyll street, ho. 74 Lyon, Mrs. brush & basket manufact. 32 Candleriggs Lyon, Miss, straw hat maker, 161 Stockwell LYON—MAITLAND. 165

Lyon, A. & J. dress makers, 163 Duke street M MABERLY, John, & Co. bankers, 34 Cochran street MABON, David, grocer, 68 Drygate Mabon, James, cabinet maker, 15 Kirk street

MACHARG, John, at James Mackie fy Cos MACK, Gillies, writer, Antigua place, north side Mack, W. G. writer, 82 Hutcheson street, house 18 Blythswood square MACKERSIE, J. grocer, 19 Main street, Calton MACKIE, Andrew, Kilmarnock carrier, 99 Stockwell Mackie, David, teacher of mathematics, 19 Cochran st. Mackie, James & Co. tea merchants, 30 Glassford st. Mackie, James, grocer, &c. 60 Hospital street Mackie, James, grocer, &c. 289 High street Mackie, John, turner, 65 Kirk street, Calton Mackie, P. hair dresser, 36 Main street, Gorbals Mackie, Robert, spirit-dealer, Port-Dundas Mackie, Thomas, teacher, Port-Dundas Mackie, Mrs. silk dyer, 6 Croy place HAHON, Archibald, tailor, 22 King street, Calton Mail Coach Offices, 64 Trongate, and 10 Argyll st. MAIN, John, spirit-dealer, 6 Main street, Anderston Main, John, hair dresser & perfumer, 27 Argyll arcade, house 7 Mitchell street Main, John, spirit-dealer, 122 Gallowgate Main, John, victualler, 372 Gallowgate Main, Mrs. fruiterer, 61 George street Main, Mrs. spirit- dealer, 6 Abercromby street, Calton MAIR, Alexander, victualler, 50 Cavendish street Mair, John & Co. manufacturers, West Ingram court Mairs, Misses, stay makers, 129 Ingram street MAITLAND, D. Turner, 34 Main street, Calton Maitland, James, painter, 55 Stockwell Maitland, James, hosier, 14 Hospital street Maitland, James, manufacturer, 10 Stirling square, ho. North Frederick street

Maitland, James, at James Ewing fy Co.'s Maitland, Walter, eating house, 55 Castle street 166 MALCOLM-—MARSHALL.

MALCOLM, Audrew, smith, 44 Rutherglen loan

Malcolm, D. O. C. of Stirling, Gordon fy Co. house 26 West Bath street Malcolm, James, tea dealer, and grocer, 77 Gallowgate Malcolm, James, grocer, 55 M'Kechnie street, Calton Malcolm, James, Sun tavern, Green street Malcolm, John, surgeon, 15 Main street Anderston Malcolm, John, victualler, 15 Clyde terrace Malcolm, John, accountant, 157 Trongate Malcolm, Robert, Scots Times office, 90 Brunswick street, house Wallace street, Tradeston Malcolm, Wm. commission merchant, 93 Glassford st. Malcolm & Co. smiths, 138 Canning street MALLOCH, John, smith, 187 Trongate Manchester Fire Office, 62 Brunswick street, J. T. Tassie, agents

MANN, Alex, merchant, at Robert Gowan 8f Co.'s Mann, Francis, tavern, north side Anderston walk Mann, James, gunsmith, 7 Main street, Gorbals Mann, John, corn factor, 57 Union street Mann, John, writer, Sasine Office, Council Chambers, hou3e 41 Charlotte street Mann, Robert, writer, 36 Gallowgate Mann, Wm. commission agent, 40 Brunswick place Mann, Mrs. spirit-dealer, 42 Market street MANNERS, John, 110 Broomielaw MANSON, Donald, dairyman, Cathcart street Manson, & Folds, Reed makers, 84 Qeeen street Manson, John & Son, tailors, 13 Hospital street MANUEL, Alexander, grocer, 21 Main st. Calton MARCH & Co. calenderers and packers, 21 Ingram st. MARKS, John, hatter, Antigua place, works 26 North Albion street, shop, 108 Trongate, house 119 George Mark, William, cart-wright, Hill street MARQUIS, John, victualler, 35 Jamaica street Marquis, John, tallow chandler, 21 Stockwell Marquis' drawing academy, 22 Argyll street MARRISON & Edwards, bandage makers, 92 Geo.st. MARSHALL, Bryce, currier and leather cutter, 55 Jamaica street, and 17 Rope-work entry MARSHALL— MARTIN. 167

Marshall, C. academy, 229 Argyll street Marshall, David & Co. cotton spinners and tape manu- facturers, Great Hamilton street Marshal], Ebenezer, grocer, 53 Main street, Calton Marshall, James & Co. grocers, 193 High street Marshall, James, vintner, Graham square Marshall, James, dairyman, 551 Gallowgate Marshall, John, writer, Galloway's court, 37 Glass- ford street, house Park place, Paisley road Marshall, John, Balgray Bank. Letters left at G. Glen's, 12 Stirling square Marshall, John, portioner, 72 Kirk street, Calton Marshall, John, spirit-dealer, Monkland Canal Basin Marshall, John G. merchant, 13 Main street, Gorbals Marshall, John, sen. baker, 224 Gallowgate Marshall, John, baker, Anderston walk, north side Marshall, John, dairyman, 18 Millroad street, Calton Marshall, John, jun. baker, 168 High street Marshall, Peter, wood merchant, 27 Eglinton street Marshall,Robert, &Co. weaving factory, Port-Eglinton

Marshall, Rt. ofBt. Marshall Sf Co. ho. 7 Clyde place Marshall, Thomas, spirit-dealer, 328 Gallowgate Marshall, Thomas, & Co. small-ware manufacturers, 88 Trongate Marshall, T.ofTkos. Marshall % Co. ho. 315 Argyll st. Marshall, Dr. Thomas, 10 College street Marshall, Thomas B. land surveyor, 230 George street Marshall, Thomas, writer, 36 Gallowgate Marshall, William, tailor, Main street, Bridgeton Marshall, Wm. at James Morrison's, 120 Brunswick st. Marshall, William, at David Marshall Sf Co.'s, house 315 Argyll street Marshall, Mrs. grocer, 126 High street Marshall, Mrs. pastry baker, 98 High street Marshall, Mrs. milliner, 9 Well street Marshall, Miss H. furnishing shop, 59 G. Hamilton st. MARTIN, Alexander, grocer, 267 & 271 Gallowgate Martin, Alexander, flesher, 26 Stirling street Martin & Cansh, manufacturers, 12 Stirling square Martin, Duncan, grocer and spirit-dealer, 7 Thistle st. 168 MATHtE MARTIN.

Martin, George, 39 Norfolk street Martin, James, accountant, 131 Ingram street Martin, James, & J. & G. Burns, agents for Liverpool Steam Packets, 9 Buchanan street Martin, J. & Sons, ironmongers, &c. 29 Argyll street Martin, James, & Co, merchants, 17 St. Enoch square, house 8 Clyde place Martiu, John, carver and gilder, 71 Maxwell street Martin, John, grocer, 2 Stevenson street, Calton Martin, John, spirit dealer, 2 Cheapside st. Anderston Martin, John, tailor, 100 Back wynd Martin, Peter, grocer and spirit-dealer, 1 Govan street Martin, R. haker, 272 George street Martin, Sam. tailor, Marshall court, 9 So. Hanover st. Martin, William, & Co. manufacturers, 33 Candleriggs Martin, Wm. & Co. dealers in metals, &c. 12 Croy pi. Martin, William, grocer, St. Rollox Martin, William, messenger at arms, 43 Saltmarket Martin, Wm. victualler and spirit-dealer, 67 Green st. Martin, Mrs. lodgings, 39 Norfolk street Martin, Miss, B. sewing school, 16 Canning st. Calton Martin, Miss, J. grocer, 70 Main street, Gorbals MASON, James, provision dealer, 1 Bazar Mason, William, slater, 28 Marshall street MASSIE, Alexander, hatter, 122 Saltmarket MATHER, Andrew, of Alston, Mather % Co. house 108 Buchanan street Mather, John, agent, 38 Montrose street Mather, Robert, commission merchant, 144 Queen street, house 59 George's square Mather, William, & Co. yam warehouse, 77 Glassford street, house 1 Blythswood hill, west Mather & Watson, wine and spirit dealers, 25 King st. MATHEW, John, pawnbroker, 109 Trongate Mathew, William, grocer, 71 Stevenson street MATHIE, Alexander, eating house, 73 High street

Mathie, Benjamin, of Mathie fy Craig, ho. Craigbank Mathie & Cfraig, writers, 65 Ingram street Mathie, David, writer, house 65 Charlotte street Mathie, D. & Rich. G. Walker, writers, 49 Virginia st. MATHIE—MAXWELL. 169

Mathie, William, spirit-dealer, 37 Hospital street MATHIESON, Alex, plane maker, 38 Saracen lane Mathieson, Charles, painter, 16 St. Andrew square Matheson, Charles, grocer, &c. 29 Crown street Matheson, Colin, vintner, 97 Saltmarket Mathieson, J. A. at Donald Cuthbertson's, 242 Geo. st. Matheson, John, sen. 22 Monteith row

Mathieson, John, at M'Donald, Son fy Co.'s Mathieson, Neil, shoemaker, 50 Rose street

Mathieson, Wm. merchant, at James Ewing fy Co.'s, house Rose street, Sauchiehall road Mathieson, William, starcher, 49 Main street, Calton Mathieson, Mrs. grocer & spirit-dealer, 35 New wynd Mathieson, Mrs. spirit-dealer, 360 Gallowgate Mathieson, Mrs. straw hat maker, 117 Drygate MAXTON, David, Lillieburn distillery. Letters left at John Anderson's, 102 Trongate Maxton, James, victualler, 103 Argyll st. ho. 6 Croy pi. Maxton, James, provision store, 164 Upper Nile st. Maxton, Peter, & Co. victuallers, 149 Argyll street MAXWELL, Andrew, print cutter, 53 Nelson street, house 4 Russell street Maxwell, C. M. merchant, 8 Crown street Maxwell, James, at Hoome, Wilson 8$ Co.'s Maxwell, James, spirit-dealer, 330 Gallowgate Maxwell, J. H. & Robert Arrd, writers, 20 Miller st. Maxwell, Dr. John, 5 St. Vincent place Maxwell, Sir John, of . Letters left at John M'Arthur's, 28 Hutcheson street Maxwell, John, jun. of Pollok, M.P. Letters left at 28 Hutcheson street Maxwell, John, of Dargavel, 2 St. Vincent street Maxwell, Peter, spirit-dealer, 219 Argyll street Maxwell, R. G. surgeon, 169 Trongate Maxwell, Robert, sen. 4 Maxwellton place Maxwell, Robert, jun. 4 Maxwellton place Maxwell, William, tea dealer, 248 High street Maxwell, William, merchant, 115 Buchanan street Maxwell, William, grocer, Dalmarnock road Maxwell, Mrs. 11 Muirhead street p 170 MAXWELL MENZIES.

Maxwell, Miss, Pratt's court, 109 Argyll street

MAY, John, ofEwing, May 8f Co. ho. Sauchiehall road May & Dennistoun, cotton spinners, 4 Tobago street May, William, wright, 13 Clyde street, Calton MAYLING, Thos. spirit-dealer, 6 St. Andrew lane MAYNE, Miss, John street, Greenhead MEADOWS, Mrs. teacher of modern languages, 32 Dunlop street Mechanics' Institution, 19, and library room 31 Inkle Factory lane MEDICAL Hall Co. 29 and 31 Queen street, G. Penfold manager Medical, Clerical and General Life Assurance Society, 48 Stockwell. James Hadden, agent Medical Journal Publishing Office, Richard Griffin & Co. 64 Hutcheson street MEEK, John, perfumer, 17 Miller street MEIKLE, David, tanner and skinner, 62 Spoutmouth Meikle, George, hat manufacturer, 17 Nelson street Meikle, James, flesher, 218 Gallowgate Meikle, John, manufacturer, 8 Hospital street Meikle, Robert, baker, 12 Millroad street, Calton Meikle & Smith, manufacturers, 109 Candleriggs Meikle, William, grocer, 62 Stevenson street, Calton MEIKLEHAM, William, of Grieve # Meikleham, house College MEIN, Alexander, accountant, 42 Millerstreet, house 5 Holland place Mein, Peter, vintner and stabler, 41 Blackfriar street MELNAY, John, grocer, 95 Canning street MELROSE, Mrs. spirit-dealer, 70 Canon street Melting Pot manufactory, 21 Tureen street MELVILLE, Francis, piano forte maker and music seller, 41 Argyll arcade Melville, George, piano forte maker and music seller, 14 Buchanan street MELVIN, Archibald, nailer, Quarrytown Melvin, James, dyer, 30 Spoutmouth MENZIES, Alex, tavern, Post-Office ct. 114 Trongate Menzies, Alexander, spirit-dealer, 134 Queen street MENZIES MILLER. 171

Menzies, Archibald, flax merchant, 17 High street, house 8 Campbell street Menzies, C grocer, 120 Bridgegate Menzies, J. grocer, 122 Bridgegate Menzies, James, fish curer, 116 Stockwell Menzies, John, surveyor of taxes for Barony parish, house 130 Broomielaw Menzies, John, bookbinder, 27 Wilson street Menzies, Thomas, surgeon, 28 St. Andrew street Menzies, William, eating house, 119 Bridgegate Menzies, Mrs. dress maker, 249 Argyle street MERCER, Andrew, of Gray, Mercer S? Co. hoiise 20 Monteith row Mercer, G. spirit-dealer, 58 Candleriggs Mercer, Laurence, leather pipe maker, Mitchell street Mercer, Laurence, rope maker, 146 Broomielaw MEREDITH, Richard, & Co. fleshers, 107 Argyll st. MERRY, James, coal master, ho. 127 Stirling's road Mersey and Clyde Steam Navigation Co. 79 Miller st. METHVEN, James, accountant, 40 Glassford street MICHAEL, M. furniture warehouse, 38 Bridgegate Michael, S. & Co. cabinet warehouse, 37 Candleriggs MIDDLEMAS, R. teacher, 1 St. George place, house 10 Jamaica street MIDDLETON, J. working jeweller, 26 New wynd Middleton & Tennent, merchants, 131 Ingram street. Middleton, William, of Middleton &; Tennent, house 2 Blythswood place Middleton, William, commission agent, 1 Antigua pi. MILE-END Spinning Co. Mile-end, Calton. Letters and orders left at 54 St. Andrew square Mile-end thread wareh. 62 Queen st. Wm. Craig, agent MILLEN, John, teacher, 73 John street

MILLER, A. weaving utensilmaker, 1 50 & 154Stockw. Miller, Adam, College church beadle, 158 High st. Miller, Alexander, Waterloo tavern, 26 Hutcheson st. Miller, Alexander, Cossack Inn, 33 Miller place Miller, Alexander, lock and hinge maker, Cowcaddens Miller, Alexander, grocer, &c. Sauchiehall road Miller, Alexander, cabinet maker, 125 Saltmarket 172 MILLER.

Miller, Alexander, boot and shoe shop, 26 Saltmarket Miller, Alexander, baker, 343 Argyll street Miller, D. & W. machine makers, 62 Blackfriar street Miller, David & Co. silk mercers, &c. 77 Trongate Miller, David, 4 Monteith row Miller, David, jun. 2 Monteith row Miller, David, spirit-dealer, 7 Muirhead street Miller, D. wright, Brown street Miller & Ewing, clothiers, 4 Dunlop street, and 19 Argyll arcade Miller, Francis, vintner, 1 Robertson street Miller, George, haberdasher, 82 Argyll street, house 59 Oswald street Miller, Geo. & Wm. & Co. haberdashers, 82 Trongate Miller, George, grocer, 80 Main street, Anderston Miller, George, accountant, 45 Virginia street, house Canning place, Stirling road Miller, Geo. of Gartcraig. Letters left at 91 High st. Miller, Hamilton, baker, 103 Bridgegate Miller, Henry, of Sorley 8? Miller, ho. 41 Adelphi st. Miller, J. H. warehouseman, Buchanan court, 44 Tron- gate, house St Mungo's street Miller, J. Provan Mills. Letters left at Robert Miller's, 88 Nelson street Miller, James, Clyde commercial tavern, 4 Wood lane Miller, James, at Old Clyde Shipping Go's. 4 York st. house Brandon place Millar, Jas. commission mercht. 17 & 19 Stockwell pi. Miller, James, soap and candlemaker, 127 Trongate Miller, James, baker, 33 Stevenson street, Calton Miller, James, tailor, 88 Trongate Miller, James, tinsmith, 105 Bridgegate Miller, James, straw hat maker, 38 Nelson street Miller, James, lithographer and writing master, 85 Trongate, house Park's place Miller, James, grocer and spirit -dealer, 264 High st. Miller, James, stationer and librarian, 17 Cathcart st. Miller, James, at TJre $• Bankier's, ho. 22 Ingram st. Miller, James, wooden clock maker, 248 Gallowgate Miller, James, shoemaker, 81 Kirk street, Calton MILLER. 173

Miller, James, spirit-dealer, 1 St. Ninian street Miller, James, portrait painter, 19 Cochran street Miller, James, eating house, 213 Gallowgate Miller, James, smith, 53 King street, Tradeston Miller, James, pattern drawer, 236 George street Miller, James, baker, 25 Eglinton street Miller, James, baker, 90 Canning street Miller, James, hair dresser, 43 New wynd Miller, John, merchant, Wellington factory, Hutches- ontown, house 8 Blythswood place Miller, John, tailor, Main street, Bridgeton

Miller, John, at Robert fy Alexander Millers, ho. South Wellington place Miller, John, jun. & Co. merchants, 131 Ingram street Miller, John, cork cutter, 189 Gallowgate Miller, John, victualler, 77 High street Miller, John, spirit-dealer, 94 Main street, Anderston Miller, John, baker, 83 New venal Miller, John, cooper, 48 Stockwell Miller, John, tobacconist, 43 Prince's street Miller, John, jun. cork cutter, 22 King street

Miller, John, of Miller 8f Eiving, ho. 5 Windsor place Miller, John, grocer and spirit-dealer, 38 Ladywell st. Miller,' John, spirit-dealer, 158 Saltmarket Miller & Kerr, insurance brokers, royal exchange Millar, N. M. spirit-dealer, 20 Havannah Miller, Patrick, agent and drysalter, 14 Croy place, ho. 58 North Hanover street Miller, Peter, shoemaker, 1 Coronation buildings Miller, Dr. Richard, Lecturer on Materia Medica, College, house 5 George square Miller, Robert, joiner, 88 Nelson st. & 31 Stirling st. Miller, Robert, merchant tailor, 82 Saltmarket Miller, Robert, shoemaker, 39 New venal Miller, Robert, grocer, 26 Kent street Miller, Robert, tailor, 16 Crown street Miller, Robert, jun. agent, 7 Park place Miller, Robert, spirit-dealer, 101 Main st. Anderston Miller, Robert, grocer, 81 Stobcross street, Anderston Miller, Robt. & Alex, wine & spirit merchts. 24 Stockw. p2 1 74 MILLER MILLIKEN.

Miller, Robert, cooper, John street, Bridgeton Miller, Robert, baker, 91 Green street, Calton Miller, Robert, baker, 301 High street Miller, Robert, manufacturer, 90 Bell street Miller, Stephen & Co. coppersmiths, brass and iron founders, 48 Saracen lane

Miller, Stephen, of Stephen, Miller fy Co. house Spring- hill, Woodside road Miller, Thomas, grocer, 12 Blackfriar street Miller, Walter, lint and yarn shop, 107 Saltmarket Miller, Walter, beadle, Pitt street Miller, William, tailor, John street, Bridgeton Miller, William, boot and shoe shop, 50 Saltmarket Miller, William, yarn shop, 46 Gallowgate Miller, Wm. weaving utensil maker, 211 Gallowgate Miller, Wm. beamer & weaver's office, 9 Piccadilly st. Miller, Wm. grocer and fruit merchant, 34 Argyll st. Miller, William & Son, dyers, 60 Wilson street, works Spx'ingfield, Dalmarnock Miller, Mrs. Alexander, 33 George square Miller, Mrs. 6 Croy place Miller, Mrs. David, baker, 314 Gallowgate Miller, Mrs. D. grocer, 38 Little Dovehill Miller, Mrs. boot and shoe shop, 141 Trongate Miller, Mrs. lodgings, 236 George street Miller, Mrs. furnishing shop, 21 Canon street Miller, Mrs. lodgings, 38 Broomielaw Miller, Mrs. victualler, 11 Green street, Calton Miller, Mrs. Robert, spirit-dealer & stabler, 31 Duke st. Miller, Mrs. James, cork manufacturer, 167 High street Miller, Miss, dress maker, 88 Trongate Miller, Misses, dress makers, 7 Park place Miller's Free School for girls, 157 George street. John Simpson and Miss Gramme, teachers MILLFIELD Dye Work Co. Hutchesontown

MILLIGAN, James, jun. at James Barnhill fy Co.'s Milliken, James, agent for heritable property, 14 Stir- ling street, house 45 Taylor street Milliken, James, lodgings, 156 George street Milliken, John, reed-maker, 63 Gallowgate MILLIKEN—MITCHELL. 175

Milliken, Hugh, ofMilliken 8$ Niven, house 38 York st. Milliken & Niven, soap manufacturers, Port-Dundas road, and 19 Virginia street MILLS, James, spirit-dealer, 131 George street Mills, William, merchant,90 Candleriggs, house Sandy- ford Mills, William & Co. coppersmiths, Smithfield Mills, H. & J. dress makers, 13 Clyde terrace MILNE, Alexander & Co. merchants, 43 Argyll street Milne, George, grocer, 67 Clyde street, Anderston Milne, George, drysalter, 77 Argyll street Milne, James, turner, 14 Main street, Gorbals Milne, John, stationer, 49 John street Milne, John, gunsmith, 12 Main street, Gorbals Milne, John, Tontine Hotel, Exchange Milne, John, washing house keeper, 54 Rose street Milne, John, spirit-dealer, 30 Eglinton street Mill, Walter, reed maker, 25 Bell street Milne, William, of Hutcheson 8? Milne, 31 Miller street Milne, Mrs. lodgings, Union court MILROY, Turnbull & Co. manufacturers, 41 North Albion street Milroy, William, of Milroy, Turnbull § Co. house Milroy, William, beadle, 8 West George street MILVEN, James, wright, Washington street MINTO, James, agent, 131 Gallowgate MIRRLEES, Charles, Superintendent of Weighing machines, house 105 Stockwell Mirrlees & Manderson, saddlers, 53 Argyll street

Mirrlees, Peter, of Mirrlees 8f Manderson, house Craig bank, Sauchiehall road Mirrlees, Robt. wright & organ builder, 44 Ingram st. Mirrlees, William, saddler, 97 Buchanan street, house Cambridge street MITCHELL, Alexander, merchant, 87 Buchanan st. Mitchell, Alexander, Apothecaries' Hall, house 34 Virginia street Mitchell, Alexander, painter, 28 Macfarlane street Mitchell, Alex, currier & leather merch. 57 Stockwell 176 MITCHELL.

Mitchell, Alexander, of Mitchell Sf Son, ho. 3 Hope st. Mitchell, Alexander & Co. plumbers, 1 4 Maxwell st. Mitchell, Andrew, of Mitchell, Grahame 8? Mitchell, house 4 Blythswood place

Mitchell, Andrew, of W. fy A. Mitchell, house 10 Mon- teith row Mitchell, Andrew, baker, 27 Main street, Calton Mitchell, David, gardener, 248 George street Mitchell, David, grocer, 32 Bishop street, Anderston Mitchell, George, baker, 3 Little Hamilton street Mitchell, Grahame & Mitchell, writers, 36 Miller street Mitchell, H. fruiterer, 23 Main street, Anderston Mitchell, Hugh, wright, 32 Main street, Calton Mitchell, James, at New Clyde Shipping Coh Mitchell, James, at Mitchell, Grahame &? Mitchells, house Newtonhill, West St. Vincent street Mitchell, John, merchant, 37 Turner's court Mitchell, John, distiller, 57 Bishop st. ho. 1 Milton pi. Mitchell, John & James, grocers, 31 King st. house 30 Mitchell, John, victualler, 9 Clyde place Mitchell, John, cork merchant and manufacturer, 18 East Clyde st. house Kinning house, Paisley road Mitchell, John, hairdresser, 33 George street Mitchell, John, smith, Quarrytown Mitchell, John, grocer, 48 Adelphi street Mitchell, John, cabinet and chair maker, 39 Stockwell Mitchell & M'Larty, manufacturers, 14 Garthland st. Mitchell, Moncrieff, of T. 8j M. Mitchell, house Garnet bank, Sauchiehall road Mitchell, Patrick, calico printer, 111 Ingram street Mitchell, Peter, wine and spirit-dealer, 164 Argyll st. Mitchell, Rev. Dr. Newtonhill, West St. Vincent st. Mitchell, Robert, smith, 49 Jamaica street Mitchell, Robert, smith, 19 Main street, Anderston Mitchell, Stephen & Son, tobacconists, 1 06 Candleriggs Mitchell, Stewart, tobacconist, 99 Bridgegate Mitchell & Steven's rope work, 1 Canning street, Calton Mitchell, T. & M. manufacturers, Mitchell street Mitchell, Thomas, tobacconist, 73 King street Mitchell, Thomas, cooper, 132 Gallowgate MITCHELL—MOLLESON. 177

Mitchell, Thomas & Son, rope makers, Grahamston Mitchell, Thomas, spirit-dealer, 7 Commerce street Mitchell, Thomas, of T. $ M. Mitchell, house 1 Blyths- wood hill Mitchell, Walter, & Co. shoemakers, 122 King street Mitchell, William, yarn merchant, 88 Hutcheson street Mitchell, William, cooper, 138 Gallowgate and 31 Kirk street, Calton Mitchell, William, spirit-dealer, 49 Kirk street, Calton and 40 Struthers street Mitchell, W. & A. grocers, 42 High street Mitchell, William, at Archibald Cumins, house Green- side place, Hospital street Mitchell, William G. & Co. merchants, 111 Ingram st. Mitchell, William, of Mitchell &? Son, house 16 Bath st. Mitchell & Son, jewellers and watchmakers, 2 Argyll st. Mitchell, J. & M. dress & corset makers, 138 Gallowg. Mitchell, Mrs. grocer, 3 Drygate MOCHRIE, J. silk dyer, 40 Brunswick place Mochrie, Wm. & Brothers, calenderers, 36 Bell street MOFFAT, Alexander, accountant, at Stirling, Gor- don 8$ Co.'s Moffat, Alexander, victualler, 46 King street Moffat, David, baker, 127 Saltmarket Moffat, James, dairyman, 142 Main street, Gorbals Moffat, James, tavern, 187 Trongate Moffat, John, spirit-dealer, 143 Eglinton street Moffat, Robert, grocer, Reid street, Bridgeton Moffat, Robert, plumber, 26 Stirling street Moffat, Robert, wright, 12 Green street, Calton Moffat, William, surgeon, 158 George street MOIR, James, tea dealer, 179 Gallowgate Moir, Samuel, officer of fishery, 12 Howard street Moir, Thomas, & Co. smiths, Port-Dundas Moir, Walter, sheriff substitute of , 16 St. Andrew square, back buildings Moir, William, cooper, 16 Howard street Moir, Miss E. straw hat maker, 12 Howard street MOLLESON, Alexander, inventor and manufacturer of safety garments, 48 Eglinton street 178 MONACH—MONTGOMERIE.

MONACH, J. & A. cotton spinners, Burnside lane, house 44 George street MONCRIEFF, Finlayson & Moncrieff, writers, 41 Virginia street

Moncrieff, Hugh, of Moncrieff, Finlayson 8f Moncrieff, house 198 Buchanan street Moncrieff, Mathew, baker, 24 Crown street

Moncrieff Robert, of Moncrieff, Finlayson

Montgomerie, John, jun. tailor, 80 Trongate Montgomery, Mathew, of Montgomery Sf Fleming, house 230 George street Montgomery, Robert, spirit-dealer, 13 Maxwell street

Montgomerie, Robt. at Verreville Glass 8f Pottery Co.'s Montgomerie, Mrs. tavern, 37 High street Montgomery, Miss, portrait painter, 59 Trongate MOODY, Andrew, cotton yarn mercht. 63 Virginia st. Moody, H. & W. wine and spirit merchants, 51 King street, house 8 Clyde place Moody, John, at Watt, Pirrie 8? Co.'s, house 19 Mon- teith row Moodie, Robert, fruiterer, 96 Argyll street MOORE, Alex, surgeon, 225 Argyll street, house 229 Moore, Daniel, grocer, 13 Bishop street, Anderston Moore, John, dairyman and carter, 10 Carrick street Moore, Robert, wright, 18 Dempster street Moore, Mrs. midwife, Port-Dundas MORE, Alexander, millwright, 24 Canon street More, Jame3, iron merchant, 14 and 16 East Nile street, house 13 Hospital street More, James, coal agent, 3 Stevenson street More, John, eating house, 197 Gallowgate More, J. bookseller and stationer, 74High street, house Kent street MORGAN, William, of Matthew Fleming 8$ Co. house 8 Renfield street MORRIS, Alex, mercht. 4 Wilson st. ho. Garnethill Morris, Hugh, Rinsdale. Letters left at William Kirkwood & Co.'s Morris, James, silk gauze manufacturer, 62 Queen st. Morris, Mrs. midwife, 80 Bridgegate Morris, Mrs. Richard, 1 Morris place MORRISON, Adam, tailor, 44 Trongate Morrison, A. writer, 33 Virginia st. house Garnethill Morrison, Alexander, smith, 13 New street, Calton Morrison, A. Broomielaw academy, 134 Broomielaw Morrison, Andrew, painter, 58 Maxwell street, house 8 Turner's court Morrison, Archibald, grocer, 52 Cheapside street 180 MORRISON.

Morrison, C. accountant, Argyll place, 315 Argyll st. Morrison, D. rush and cane bottom chair maker, 193 Argyll street

Morrison, Duncan, & Co. manufactrs. 95 Hutcheson 6t. Morrison, Duncan, of Duncan Morrison 8$ Co. house Elmwood, Little Govan road Morrison, George, writer, 13 Adelphi street Morrison, George, spirit-dealer, 9 Turner's court and 15 Croy place Morrison, George, writing-master, 315 Argyll street Morrison, Henry, & Co. cotton brokers and agents, 27 Wilson street Morrison, Hugh, manufacturer, 19 John street, house 23 Carlton place Morrison, James, shoemaker, 3 Centre st. Tradeston Morrison, J. merchant, Brunswick court, 120 Bruns- wick street, house 197 Buchanan street Morrison, James, furniture dealer, 26 Bridgegate Morrison, James, victualler, &c. 52 New Bridge street Morrison, John, spirit dealer, 42 John street

Morrison, John, accountant, at John Miller fy Co.'s, Ingram buildings, 131 Ingram street Morrison, John, spirit- dealer, 74 Trongate Morrison, John, provision dealer, 15 Bazar Morrison, John, jun. merchant, 42 Miller street Morrison, John, cotton waste dealer, 48 St. Andrew gq. Morrison, Joseph & John, curriers and leather mer- chants, 5 Great Hamilton street, house 24 Well st. Morrison, Munro & Co. saddlers, 42 Argyll street Morrison, N. saddler, 18 Jamaica street Morrison, Peter, manufacturer, 90 Bell street, house

' Pembroke buildings Morrison, Peter, sheriff officer, 54 Main street, Calton Morrison,R.supervisor of excise, Warwick st.Laurieston Morrison, Walter, surgeon, 158 Saltmarket Morrison, William, chair maker, 39 Coburg buildings Morrison, William, merchant, 48 Queen street Morrison, William, auctioneer, 4 Russell street Morrison, William, spirit-dealer, 52 New Bridge street Morrison, William, shoemaker, 116 Havannah MORRISON MUDIE. 181

Morrison, William, & Co. wrights, 16 Cochran street Morrison, William, spirit-dealer, Duke street Morrison, William, hosier and glover, 38 Argyll st. Morrison, Mrs. William, grocer, 11 St. Andrew street Morrison, Mrs. eating house, Port-Dundas Morrison, Mrs. lodgings, 74 Glassford street Morrison, Mrs. matron to the servants' institution, Garnethill Morrison, Mrs. mangier, 24 Little Dovehill Morrison, Mrs. straw hat maker, 52 Rose street Morrison, Mrs. straw hat maker, 71 Prince's street Morrison, Mrs. spirit-dealer, 9 Muirhead street Morrison, Misses, straw hat makers, 6 Well street Morrison, Misses, dressmakers, 33 Virginia street Morrison, H. milliner, 15 Clyde terrace Morrison, Miss M. straw hat maker, 35 Adelphi street Morrison, Miss, 39 Prince's street Morrison, Miss M. furnishing shop, Anderston walk Morrison, M. furnishing shop, 11 Gallowgate Mort- Cloth Office, 67 Bell st. John Coats, clerk MORTON, Hugh, writer, 69 Glassford street, house Renfield street Morton, John, spirit- dealer, 68 Carrick street Morton, John, agent, 15 John street Morton, Joseph, plumber, 14 Inkle factory lane Morton, Peter, agent, 3 Brunswick court Morton, Robert, spirit-dealer, 29 King street, Calton Morton, Thomas, victualler, 17 Adelphi street Morton, Wm. dyer, 47 Canning street Morton, Misses, silk dyers, 4 Frederick lane MOSES, Wm. grocer and spirit-dealer, Upper Nile st. MOTHERSHED, Mrs. lodgings, 26 George street MOTHERWELL, Andrew, grocer, Upper Nile st. Motherwell, Andrew, grocer, 213 High street MOULTRIE, James, corn merchant, Alston street MUCKART, Lauchlan & Co. shoemakers, 81 Bell st. MOWAT, James, spirit-dealer, 27 Havannah Mowat, M. milliner, 10 Coburg street MUDIE, Captain David, R. N. 50 Graeme street Mudie, John, of R. Mudie Sf Co. house 9 Union place Q 182 MUDIE MUIK

Mudie, John, barber, 16 High street Mudie, Robert, & Co. manufacturers, 13 Montrose' st. Mudie, Robt. of Robt. Mudie $f Co. 3 Blythswoood sq. Mudie, Samuel, reed maker, 77 Brunswick street MUGGOCH, J. & J. bookbinders & printers' joiners, 47 King street MUIR, A. P. & Co. merchants, North Albion court Muir, Andrew, P. of A. P. Muir fy Co. house 16 St. Mungo street Muir, Archibald, & Co. paper makers, 57 Prince's st. Orders left at 17 Saltmarket Muir & Co. cotton waste dealers, 25 Jackson street Muir, Brown & Co. manufacturers, West Ingram court, works 7 Rose street, Hutchesontown,and North st. Anderston Muir, James, builder, 30 Govan street Muir, James, & Co. hatters, 24 Gallowgate Muir, James, jun. & Co. hatters, 30 Argyll arcade Muir, James, victualler, 118 Candleriggs Muir, John, merchant, 100 Buchanan street Muir, John, smith, 9 Gallowgate Muir, John, boot maker, 56 King street, Tradestou Muir, John, spirit-dealer, 87 Havannah Muir, John, jun. joiner, 98 Centre street, Tradeston Muir, Rev. John, house Garnethill Muir, John, sen. portioner, 98 Centre st. Tradeston Muir, John, spirit-dealer, Dalmarnock road Muir, John, grocer, &c. 46 New Bridge street Muir, John, baker, 4 Hope street Muir, John, of Muir, Brown 8? Co. house 10 Blyths- wood place Muir, John, printer, 30 Prince's street Muir, M. & Co. saw mills, Commercial road, Hutche- sontown Muir, Robert, 23 Monteith row Muir, Robert, writer, 70 Hutcheson st. house 22 St. Vincent street Muir, Thomas, jeweller, 139 Trongate Muir, Thomas, joiner & cabinet maker, 338Gallowgate Muir, Thomas & John, clothiers, 120 Trongate MUIR—MUNGALL. 183

Muir, Thomas, grocer, 81 Main street, Gorbals Muir, Thomas, merchant and manufacturer, 84 Ingram street, house Muirpark Muir, William, royal bank, house 17 Fife place Muir, William, spirit-dealer, 184 Main street, Gorbals Muir, William & Son, calenderers, 48 Bell street Muir, William, cabinet maker and joiner, 48 Bell st. Muir, William, merchant, 179 Argyll street Muir, Mrs. David, umbrella maker, 28 Glassford st. Muir, Mrs. J. grocer and spirit-dealer, Alston street Muir, Mrs. A. green grocer, 12 King st. Tradeston Muir, Mrs. midwife, 21 Commerce street, Tradeston MUIRHEAD, Alex, shoemaker, 3 New street, Calton Muirhead, Alex, surgeon, 72, King st. ho. 23 Dale st. Muirhead, Alex, cabinet maker, 23 Dale st Tradeston Muirhead, Alexander, of M. Muirhead 8? Sons, ho. 42 Portland street, Laurieston Muirhead, Alexander, ironmonger, 31 Gallowgate Muirhead, James, currier, 39 Old wynd Muirhead, James, grocer, &c. 347 High street Muirhead, James, jun. jeweller, 33 Nelson street,house 34 Stirling street Muirhead, Dr. Lockhart, Professor, Natural History, 3 College street Muirhead, Michael, & Son, merchants, 37 Glassford st. Muirhead, Rogersou, & Co. wine and spirit merchants, 8 Stockwell place Muirhead, Robert & Co. merchants, 12 Union place Muirhead, R. skinner, foot of Havannah Muirhead, W. baker and spirit-dealer, 113 Main street, Gorbals Muirhead, Mrs. 24 Gordon street Muirhead, Mrs. lodgings, 91 Graeme street

Muirhead, Mrs. straw hat maker, 1 Well street Muirhead, Mrs. G. A. Adam's court, 193 Argyll street Muxrkirk Iron Co. at J. Ewing & Co.'s 131 Ingram st. MUNNOCH, Robt. wool merchant, 32 Miller street, house 38 Portland street, Laurieston MULLIN, James, clothes broker, 2 St. Margaret pi. MUNGALL, James, spirit cellar, 263 Gallowgate j 84 MUNGALL—MURDOCH.

Mungall, Robert, spirit cellars, 11 King st. Mile- end Mungall, R. of Lilliebank. Letters left at 91 High st. MUNN, Duncan, cutler, 25 Main street, Gorbals Munn, Thomas, shoemaker, 10 Clyde st. Anderston Munn, Mrs. Neil, vintner and stabler, 38 Ingram st. MUNRO, Alexander, boot & shoemaker, Mitchell st. Munro, Alex, spirit-dealer, 65 Nelson st. Tradeston Munro, Daniel, baker, Hope street Munro, D. tailor, 49 Trongate Munro, Donald, dairyman, 45 King street, Calton Munro, Dugald, shoemaker, 49 Main street, Calton Munro, Duncan, pastry baker, 94 Brooniielaw Munro, George, brazier, 179 High street Munro, Henry, victualler, 141 Bridgegate Munro, Hugh, barber, Muslin street, Bridgeton Munro, Hugh, sphit-dealer, 37 Old wynd Munro, James, boot and shoemaker, 39 Oxford street Munro, John, tailor, Douglas court, Grahamston Munro, John, reedmaker, 83 High street, house Garn- gadhill Munro, John, accountant, 51 Brunswick place Munro, Neil, vintner, 80 Trongate Munro, Robert, tailor, 6 Nile street, Gallowgate Munro, Thomas, eating house, 62 Gallowgate Munro, William, shoemaker, 28 Portugal street Munro, Mrs. Spence, 4 West Regent street MUNSIE, William, teacher of English, 3 St. George place, house 33 Dundas street MURDESON, Mrs. furnishing shop, 18 Clyde terrace MURDOCH, Andrew, watchmaker, 20 St. Andrew st. Murdoch, Aitken & Co. engineers, 36 Hill street Murdoch, David, boot and shoemaker, 57 Stockwell Murdoch, Francis, Clydesdale arms inn, East Nile st. Murdoch, George, wright and glazier, 149 Stockwell Murdoch, Hugh, smith, 30 Clyde street, Calton Murdoch, James, brassfounder, 39 Stockwell Murdoch, John, grocer, 14 Norfolk street Murdoch, John, wine and spirit cellars, 49 Bridge st. and 67 King st. Tradeston Murdoch, John, hair dresser, 68 Jamaica street MURDOCH—MURRAY. 185

Murdoch, Rev. John, 34 Great Clyde street Murdoch, John & Co. wine and spirit dealers, 104 High street Murdoch, Lindsay, at Brewery Murdoch, Robert, surveyor and collector of poor rates and road money for Barony parish, Antigua court Murdoch, William, tea dealer, 2 Cavendish street Murdoch, Mrs. provision dealer, 23 Maxwell street Murdoch, Mrs. straw hat maker, 20 St. Andrew street Murdoch, Miss, dressmaker, 20 St. Andrew street MURISON, James, merchant, 43 Argyll street MURPHY, Neil, pattern drawer, &c. 148 Trongate Murphy, Mrs. straw hat maker, 90 Green st. Calton MURRAY, Alexander, boot maker, 99 Argyll street Murray, Alexander, spirit-dealer, 83 Argyll street Murray, Alexander, baker, 171 Buchanan street Murray, Alex. & Co. spirit-dealers, 39 Warroch street Murray, Angus, painter, 108 Argyll st. & 160 Gallowg. Murray, Archibald, joiner, 41 Miller street Murray, Charles, engineer, 20 St. Mungo lane Murray, David, coppersmith, 35 Carrick street

Murray, Donald, at William Kidston 8$ Sons, house 2 Bain's place Murray, H-. shoemaker, 33 Canon street Murray, James, of Monkland Steel Co. Murray, James, shoemaker, 16 Shuttle street

Murray, James, merchant, at M'lnroy, Parker fy Co.'s lodgings, Mrs. M'Callum's, Craig court Murray, James, grocer, 19 Well street Murray, James, boot and shoemaker, 33 Union street Murray, James, victualler, 15 Clyde street, Calton Murray, James, slater, 26 Havannah Murray, James, spirit-dealer, Burnside, Port-Dundas Murray, James, & Co. fire-brick and grinding works, Port-Dundas. Letters left atT. Murray's, 8 Argyll st. Murray, & Co. Caledonian pottery, & grinding works, Townhead. Orders left at 8 Argyll street Murray, John, spirit-dealer, 7 Green street, Calton Murray, John, tap-room, 18 Laigh Kirk close Murray, John, spirit-dealer, 66 Kirk street, Calton Q2 186 MURRAY M'ADAM

i Murray, John, merchant, of M Bean, Smith 8f Co. ho. 15 Blythswood square Murray, Mungo, grocer, 39 King street Murray, Patrick, writer, of Mi Grigor, Murray and M'Grigor, house 10 Carlton place Murray, Peter Lawson, confectioner, 130 Queen st. Murray, Robert, furnishing shop, 24 Rutherglen loan Murray, Thos. bookseller and stationer, 8 Argyll st. Murray, Thomas, spirit-dealer, 24 and 62 Back wynd Murray, Thomas, of M'Bean, Smith Sf Co. house 15 Blythswood square Murray, William, coal agent, Miller place Murray, William, of Monkland Steel Co. house 185 Buchanan street Murray, William, grocer, Monkland Canal Basin Murray, William, putty merchant, 13 Bazar Murray, Wm. carver and gilder, 6 and 24 Queen st. Murray, William, tailor, 251 High st Murray, William, fish shop, 37 Great Hamilton street Murray, William, porter house, 66 High street Murray, Mrs. D. grocer, Main street, Bridgeton Murray, Mrs. druggist, 390 Gallowgate Murray, Mrs. Rt. spirit-dealer, 100 King st. Tradeston MURRIE, Andrew, flesher, 337 Argyll street MUSHET, Alexander, teacher, 14 James st. Calton Mushet, James, grocer, &c. Sauchiehall street Mushet, John, shoemaker, 60 Kirk street, Calton Mushet, John, currier, 36 St. Andrew's street Mushet, William, shoemaker, 14 James, street Mushet, William, shoemaker, 34, Kirk street, Calton

MUTER, John, wine merchant, at J. Strang fy Co.'s house 161 Stockwell Muter, Rev. Mr. Broompark, north side of Duke street. Letters left at Archibald Tailor's, 17 Havannah MUTRIES & Co. fancy muslin and silk warehouse- men, 87 Argyll street

Mutrie, David, qfMutries 8f Co. ho. 20 St. Enoch sq. Mutton Market, 86 King street M'ADAM & Go. commission merchts. 17 Cochran st. M'Adam, James, tinsmith, 144 High street M'ADAM—-M* ALPINE. 187

M'Adam, James, spirit-dealer, Dalmarnock road M'Adam, John, portioner, 36 St. Ninian street M'Adam, John, warehouseman, 52 & 54 Trongate M'Adam, Thomas, tailor, 84 Queen street M'Adam, R. B. 23 Monteith row M'Adam,Wm.jun. Chronicle Office, ho. 146 Rottenrow M'Adam, William, of M'Adam % Co. 17 Cochran st. M'Adam, Mrs. of . Letters left at J. and A. Zuil's, 65 Trongate M'ADIE, D. tailor, 35 Dundas street M'ALLA, A.& J. corn & flour mills,l 9 Clyde pi. ho. 15 M'Alla, William, baker, 25 Adelphi street M'ALLISTER, Alexander, of Watson 8? McAllister, house 421 Argyll street M'Allister, Archibald, 63 Nelson street M'Allister, C. clothes broker, 24 Miller place M'Allister, David, grocer, Johnston pi. Stirling road M'Allister, Donald, spirit- dealer, 109 Old wynd M'Allister, John, grocer, Anderston walk, north side M'Allister, John, spirit -dealer, 74 Back wynd M'Alister, Patrick, wine and spirit-dealer, 41 Stock- well, house 37 Howard street M'Allister, Peter, dairyman, 53 M'Alpin street M'Allister, Wm. ropemaker, 133 Great Hamilton st. M'Allister, Mrs. corset-maker, 59 Bell street M'Allister, M. milliner, Cowcaddens M'ALLUM, Daniel, spirit-dealer, 90 Broomielaw M'Allum, George, shoe shop, Sauchiehall street M'ALPINE, And. surgeon, 16 Centre st. Tradeston M' Alpine, Angus, dyer, 63 Cheapside street M'Alpine, David, tailor, 21 Gibson street M' Alpine, Duncan, tailor, 74 Centre street, Tradeston M'Alpine, James, spirit-dealer, 27 Bell street M' Alpine, James, confectioner, 80 High street M'Alpine, John, brazier, 10 Glassford street M'Alpine, John, smith and bell hanger, 5 Brown .St. M'Alpine, John, confectioner, 66 High street M'Alpine, Robert, grocer, 73 King street, Tradeston M'Alpine, Mrs. mangier, 78 Carrick street M'Alpine, Mrs. confectioner, 104 Stockwell 188 M'ALPINE—M'ARTHUR.

M' Alpine, Miss M. lodgings, 50 North Albion street M'ANDREW, J. jun. Glasgow Foundery, Townhead M'Andrew, Thomas, grocer, &c. 6 Salisbury street M'Andrew, William, Greenhead Foundery, Main street Bridgeton. Letters left at 102 Trongate M'ANSH, John, spirit-dealer, 6 Bell street M'ARA, P. grocer and tobacconist, 90 Gallowgate M'ARROW, Mrs. midwife, 173 Gallowgate M'ARTHUR, Alexander, musician, 43 High street M'Arthur, Alexander, beamer, Franklin street M'Arthur, A. at New Clyde Shipping Co-'s 53 Jamaica st M' Arthur, Allan, lodgings, 58 Buchanan street M'Arthur, Archibald, tailor, 124 Trongate M'Arthur, Arthur, baker, 71 Glassford street M' Arthur, Capt. Charles, Slatefield, 619 Gallowgate M' Arthur, Duncan, grocer, 115 Stockwell M' Arthur, Duncan, spirit-dealer, 133 Bridgegate M' Arthur, D. spirit-dealer, 119 New wynd M* Arthur, J. mercht. 8 John st. ho. 2 L7 Buchanan st M'Arthur, James, 36 George square M' Arthur, John, account. 8 John st. ho. 19 Cochran st. M'Arthur, John, coal agent, 8 Buchanan street M'Arthur, John, spirit-dealer, 11 Duke street M'Arthur, John, confectioner, 28 Hutcheson street M'Arthur, John, surgeon, 36 George's square M'Arthur, John, pawnbroker, 138 Gallowgate M'Arthur, John, spirit-dealer, 109 King st. Tradeston M'Arthur, John, coal agent, 77 Stockwell M'Arthur, J. Burton & London vaults, 14 Clyde st. M'Arthur, Peter, baker, Main street, Bridgeton M'Arthur, Robert, spirit-dealer, 14 Bishop street M'Arthur, Wm. provision merchant, 78 Bridgegate M'Arthur, Mrs. furnishing shop, 4 Union street M'Arthur, Mrs. 26 Great Hamilton street M'Arthur, Mrs. straw hat maker, 39 Nelson street M'Arthur, Mrs. spirit-dealer, 9 Well street M'Arthur, Mrs. lodgings, 13 Bath street M'Arthur, Mrs. lodgings, 16 Crown street M'Arthur, Mrs. Robert, baker, 117 Stockwell M'Arthur, Miss, lodgings, 70 Hutcheson street m'aslin-^m'brayne 189

M'ASLIN, Alexander, shoemaker, Millroad street M'Aslin, Archibald, shoemaker, 31 Carrick street M'Aslin, John, portioner, Bloomvale, Mile-end M'Aslin, M. dress maker, 39 Dundas street M'AUGHEN, John, spirit-dealer, 38 Buchan street M'AULAY, George, beadle, 25 St. Andrew street M'Auley, George, victualler, 10 New street, Calton

M'Auley, J. of M'Auley 8f Nisbet, house Bain's place M'Auley, J. shoemaker, Mitchell street M'Auley & Nisbet, soap makers, Port-Dundas road M'Auley, Robert, spirit-dealer, 42 Prince's st. ho. 30 M'Auley, Mrs. lodgings, 108 Argyll street M'Auley, M. & E. milliners, 16 Nelson street M'AULIFF, & Driscol, clothiers, 17 George's square

M'Auliff, P. of M'Auliff 8f Driscol, house 49 North Frederick street M'AVOY, John, shawl warehouseman, 67 Trongate M'BEAN, Duncan; of M'Bean, Smith, &; Co. house 36 West St. Vincent street M'Bean, Duncan, jun. of Watson 8$ M'Bean M'Bean, James, victualler, 53 Green street, Calton M'Bean, James, spirit-dealer, 11 Drygate M'Bean, Smith & Co. merchts. 25 South Hanover st. M'BEATH, A. spirit-dealer, 13 Coronation buildings M'Beath, Daniel, watch maker, 32 Kirk street, Calton M'Beath, James, spirit-dealer, 83 Saltmarket M'Beath, John, brush maker, 88 Gallowgate M'Beath, Peter, letter-carrier, Post-Office, lodgings 10 Blackfriar street M'BETH, John, baker, 137 Saltmarket M'Beth, John, baker, 115 Bridgegate M'Beth, J. porter, eye infirmary, 33 Inkle Fact, lane M'BRAIR, Alexander, agent, 9 Maxwell street, house 10 Portland street, Laurieston M'Brair, Archibald, merchant, 7 Antigua place, house 7 South Frederick street M'Brair, Robert, M. merchant, 7 South Frederick st. M'BRAYNE, R.ofSummerlee. Lettersleftatl5Kingst M'Brayne, David, Barony session clerk, 107 Buchanan street, house Barony Glebe 190 M'BRYD M'CALLUM.

M'BRYD, Malcolm, perfumer, 60 Argyll street M'CABE, B. spirit-dealer, 29 Bridgegate M'Cabe, H. spirit-dealer, 27 Market street M'Cabe, Peter, spirit-dealer, 22 Broad st. Mile-end M'CAFFER, John, groeer, 11 Clyde st. Anderston M'CAIG, James, tailor, 44 Trongate M'Caig, John, baker, 38 St. Nhiian street M'CALL, Jas. mercht. 85 Wilson st. ho. Garnet hill M'Call, John, of Ellis, M'Call # Co. ho. 9 Holland pi. M'Call, John, & Co. merchants, 54 Miller street M'Call, John, ofJ. M'Call 8? Co. ho. Ibrox, Paisley road M'Call, John, writing-master, 23 South Frederick st. house Middle Woodside road M'Call, Joseph, wine and spirit merchant, 6 Turner's court, and 5 Adelphi street M'Call, Rob. writing-master, 1 Portland st. Laurieston M'Call, Thomas, hair-dresser, 58 Stevenson street M'CAUL, Gilbert, & Son, boot and shoe warehouse, 35 Virginia street, house 9 Cochran street M'Caul, Mrs. George, 18 Bath street M'CALLEN, Alex, spirit-dealer, 105 Old wynd M'CALLUM, Alex, spirit-dealer, 28 Centre street st. M'Callum, A. at Jas. Dunlop fy Sons, 115 Ingram M'Callum, A. & Son, silk, lace, muslin and shawl warehouse, 44 Glassford st. ho. 4 West Regent st. M'Callum, A. public library, 65 & 67 Wilson street M'Callum, B, F. turkey red dyer, Springfield. Orders left at J. Agnew & Co.'s 28 Miller street M'Callum, Daniel, cabinet maker, 57 Gallowgate M'Callum, Daniel, spirit- dealer, 68 Canning street M'Callum, Donald, stabler & spirit-dealer, 51 Stockw. M'Callum, Dun. sen. & Co. ironmongers, 155 Trong. M'Callum, Dun. grocer and spirit-dealer, Finnieston M'Callum, D. boot and shoe maker, 2 Fife place M'Callum, H. spirit-dealer, 59 Nelson st. Tradeston M'Callum, John, spirit-dealer, 19 Anderston quay M'Callum, John, sen. merchant, 145 Trongate M'Callum, John, jun. spirit-cellars, 145 Trongate, and 9 Old wynd M'Callum, John, grocer, 334 High street, and 69 Kingfield row m'callcm—m'clymont. 191

M'Callum, John, spirit- dealer, Cowcaddens M'Callum, John, vintner, &c. 138 Broomielaw M'Calluni, John, spirit-dealer and hat manufacturer, 79 and 33 Bell street M'Callum, John, watch glass maker, 34 Trongate

M'Callum, M. at D. M'Callum, se?i. fy Co.'s, house Hopeton place M'Callum, Neil, hair dresser, 22 Bridgegate M'Callum, Peter, clothier, 71 Wilson street M'Callum, Robert, spirit-dealer, 1 Clyde place M'Callum, Thomas, coal agent, 15 New street, Calton M'Callum, William, victualler, Cowcaddens M'Callum, Mrs. spirit-dealer, 33 St. Enoch wynd M'Callum, Mrs. D. gardener, Green market M'Callum, Mrs. spirit-dealer, 196 Broomielaw M'Callum, Mrs. lodgings, 95 Argyll street M'Callum, Miss, straw hat maker, 114 Queen street M'Callum, Miss, straw hat maker, 14 St. Ninian street M'CANN, Henry, baker & spirit-dealer, 45 Dundas st. M'Cann, Lyle, spirit-dealer, 7 Cathcart street M'CANDLISH, John, boot maker, 18 Crown street M'CARTER, James, spirit-dealer, 45 Tureen street

M'CARTNEY, A. messenger at arms, 67 Nelson .st M'CASH, Miss E. straw hat maker, Anderston walk M'CAUGHLY, John, spirit-dealer, 21 Bell st. Calton M'CLANACHAN, Wm. spirit-dealer, 12 Adelphi st. M'CLUNIE, John, grocer and spirit-dealer, 294 High street and 21 New Bridge street M'CLURE, David, & Co. printers, 43 Argyll street M'Clure, James, carver and gilder, 24 Union street M'Clux-e, John, engraver and printer, 99 Trongate M'Clure, Mrs. dressmaker, Union street M'CLUSKY, F. spirit-dealer, 34 Rutherglen loan and 6 and 7 St. Margaret place M'CLYMONT, Archd. manufacturer, 15 Candleriggs M'Clymont, Fergus & Co. wrights, 24 Canon street M'Clymont, John,lappet wheel cutter,23Grayfriarwynd M'Clymont, John, manufacturer, 21 Ingram street, ho. Cambridge street M'Clymont, William, leather cutter, 84 Prince's street T 92 M'COLL—M'ORACKEN

M'COLL, Archibald, merchant, 11 Antigua place, ho. 2 Paisley road M'Coll, Donald, spirit-dealer, 48 New wynd M'Coll, Donald, surgeon, John street, Bridgeton M'Coll, Dugald, spirit-dealer, 41 Canon street M'Coll, D. eating-house, 52 New wynd M'Coll, Dugald, governor of the jail, house at the jail M'Coll, Hugh, spirit-dealer, Port^Dundas M'Coll, Hugh, clothier, Old Post-office court M'Coll, John, victualler, 55 King street, Tradeston M'Coll, John, spirit-dealer, 50 Cheapside street M'Coll, Malcolm, singeing^house, 60 High street M'COLGAN, John, hatter, 88 Back wynd M'CONNECHY, Hugh, baker, 60 George street M'Connechy, James, surgeon, 134 George street M'Connechy, James, baker, 297 High street M'Connechy, James, spirit-dealer, 74 Old wynd M'Connechie, William, merchant, at J. &; A. Yuil's M'Connechie, Miss, 6 Suffolk street M'CONNELL, A. at A. Laird % Co.'s, house Wel- lington street, Anderston walk M'Connell, E. clothier, 110 and 112 Saltmarket M'Connell, Francis, shoemaker, 4 Charles street M'Connell, Robert, lock maker, Union street M'Connell, Miss L. dressmaker, 6 Croy place M'CORKLE, Allan, rope maker, 131 New wynd M'Corkle, Andrew, manufacturer, 11 Wallace court M'CORMICK, Alexander, shoemaker, 251 High st. M'Cormick, Hugh, spirit-dealer, 14 Howard street M'Cormick, John, tinsmith, 59 Stevenson st. Calton M'Cormick, Wm. furnishing shop, and Post- Office re- ceiving house, 407 Gallowgate M'Cormick, J. C. dressmaker, 97 Saltmarket M'CORRY, Peter, clothes broker, 148 Saltmarket M'COSKER, C surgeon, 159 Stockwell M'COWAN, Peter, victualler, 86 Stockwell M'COUAT, James, grocer, 35 Drygate M'COUL, Thomas, smith and bell-hanger, 13 Bath st. M'CRACKEN & M'Kay, card makers, 57 Gallowgate M' Cracker., Mrs. Alex, coal agent, 34 Gallowgate M'CRANACHAN M'CULLOCH. 193

M'CRANACHAN,M.spirit-dealer,50 Rutherglen loan M'CRAE, John, warper, 25 Dunlop street M'CREADIE, Wm. brick maker, 9 Gt. Hamilton st. M'CREE, William, painter, 48 King street M'CRINDLE, James, agent, Eagle lane

M'CROCKET, Boyd, of'M Crocket 8> Goodwin, house 23 Carlton place M'Crocket & Goodwin, corn merchants, 22 Argyll st. M'CRONE, Edward, factor and general agent, 17 Brunswick lane, house Govan haugh M'Crone, Edward, victualler, 3 Bishop st. Anderston M'Crone, William, shoemaker, 110 Broomielaw M'CUBBIN, John, merchant, 17 Trongate, house 2 Monteith row M'CULLOCH, A. victualler, 71 Clyde st. Anderston M'Culloch, Andrew, victualler, 6 Stockwell place M'Culloch, Charles, spirit- dealer, 89 New wynd M'Culloch, Charles, spirit-dealer, 142 Broomielaw

l M'Culloch, David, of M Culloch, Dewar Sf Co. house 22 Monteith row M'Culloch, David, British linen company bank, house, Mitchell place, Garnethill M'Culloch, Dewar & Co. merchants, 40 St. Andrew st. M'Culloch, F. stocking frame smith, 34 Kirk st. Calton M'Culloch, Geo. grocer, 20 Parkhouse lane, Duke st M'Culloch, H. grocer and spirit-dealer, 86 Broomielaw M'Culloch, James, dairyman, Park lane, Ladywell M'Culloch, James & John, grocers, 147 Argyll st

M'Culloch, James, of James fy John M' Culloch, house 54 Howard street

M'Culloch, John, of James fy John M' Culloch, house Morrison's court M'Culloch, John, grocer, 89 Green street, Calton M'Culloch, John, calenderer, 26 Glassford street, house 5 Hope street M'Culloch, John, academy, Cowcaddens M'Culloch, Moses, & Co. founders and ironmongers, 164 Gallowgate

M'Culloch, M. of M'Culloch 8f Co. ho. 76 Charlotte st, M'Culloch, Robert, turner, 25 Campbell st. 194 m'culloch—m'donald.

M'Culloch, Robert, spirit-dealer, 93 Main st. Gorbals M'Culloch & White, reed makers, 56 Trongate M'Culloch, William, ship tavern, 2 Auderston quay M'Culloch, William, tavern, 119 Gallowgate M'Culloch, Mrs. m idwife, 30 Dale st. Tradeston M'Culloch, Mrs. Robert, sand paper maker, 211 Gal- lowgate M'CURDIE, John, clothier, 138 Saltmarket

M'CUNN, R. of J. &f A. Smith 8? Co. house, 17 Carlton place M'DERMIT, N. tailor, 76 Main street, Gorbals M'DIARMID, A. D. baker, West Nile street M'Diarmid, Hugh, grocer, 17 Kirk street, Calton M'Diarmid, John, grocer & dairyman, 41 Kirk street, Calton M'Diai-mid, John, commission merchant, 54 Union st M'DIVATT, A. tavern, 4 St. Margaret place M'Divet, P. tailor, 62 Main street, Gorbals M'DONALD, A. boot and shoemaker, 56 Dale street M'Donald, A. of M'Donald 8? Niel, house, 50 North Hanover street M'Donald, A. spirit-dealer, 11 M'Alpine street M'Donald, Alexander, merchant tailor, 55 High st M'Donald, A. grocer, 177 Main street, Gorbals M'Donald, Alex, of M'Donald 8j Boss, ho. 57 York st M'Donald Alexander, saddletree maker, 39 Stockvvell M'Donald, Alex, spirit dealer, 63 Rutherglen loan M'Donald, Alexander, glazier, 25 Well street M'Donald, Angus, grocer, Main street, Bridgeton M'Donald, Angus, watch-case maker, 25 Trongate M'Donald, Archibald, cooper, 63 Main st. Anderston M'Donald, Boyd, of M'Pherson % M'Donald, house 45 Oswald street M'Donald, Coll, vintner, 49 Trongate M'Donald, C. grocer, 65 Taylor street M'Donald, D. cabinet-maker, 26 New wynd McDonald, D. bookseller, and post-office receiving house, 295 Argyll street M'Donald, D. goldsmith and jeweller, 134 Trongate, house 16 Dunlop street M'DONALD. 195

M'Donald, Donald, agent, 5 Union street M'Donald, Donald, flesher, 40 Dale street, Tradeston M'Donald, Donald, slater, 292 High street M'Donald, Donald, spirit-dealer, 28 Rose street M'Donald, Donald, grocer, &c. Muslin st. Bridgeton M'Donald, Dougald, spirit-dealer, 61 Jamaica street M'Donald, Duncan, spirit-dealer, 80 Glassford street M'Donald, Duncan, agent for G. Townend & Bro- thers, 125 Virginia street M'Donald, Farquhar, spirit-dealer, 81 Trongate M'Donald & Ferguson, brush -makers, 29 Gallowgate

M'Donald, Hector, at J. Campbell, sen. 8f Co.'s, house 57 York street M'Donald, Henry, spirit-dealer, Mitchell street M'Donald, Hugh, clothier, 1 1 St. Margaret place M'Donald, Hugh, victualler, 82 Canon street M'Donald, Hugh, tinplate worker, 126 Gallowgate M'Donald, James, music-engraver, 85 Trongate M'Donald, James, grocer, Reid street, Bridgeton M'Donald, J. steam-loom driver-maker, Bothwell st M'Donald, James, slater, 14 Croy place, slate-yard 146 Broomielaw M'Donald, James, baker, 37 Struthers street, Calton M'Donald, James, beadle, 17 Coburg lane M'Donald, James, Beigrove place M'Donald, James, spirit-dealer, 3 Howard street M'Donald, James, tailor, 84 Centre street M'Donald, J. of Stewart 8? M'Donald, house York pi. M'Donald, John, clans tavern, 158 Stockwell street M'Donald, John, singeing-house, 60 High street M'Donald, John, writer, 5 Stockwell place M'Donald, John, spirit-dealer, Port-Dundas M'Donald, John, tailor s78 Stockwell M'Donald, John, barber, 8 St. Enoch street M'Donald, John, spirit-dealer, 395 Argyll street M'Donald, J. & A. tallow-chandlers, 110 Gallowgate M'Donald, John, shuttle mounting maker, 38 Great Hamilton street M'Donald, Rev. John, 34 Great Clyde street M'Donald, John, spirit-dealer, Coronation buildings 196 m'donald.

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M'Donald, John, black bull inn, Main st. Bridgeton M'Donald, John, & Sons, turkey red dyers & printers, Wellpark Duke street M'Donald, Son & Co. 131 Brunswick street M'Donald, John, sail-maker, 38 Brooraielaw M'Donald, J. jun. writer, 33 Ingram street, house 41 Charlotte street M'Donald, John, spirit-dealer, 66 Havannah M'Donald, John, grocer, &c. 105 Graeme street M'Donald, John, spirit merchant, 395 Argyll street M'Donald and M'Nab, wine and spirit merchants, 9 Croy place, house 7

M'Donald & Neil, manufacturers, 30 South Hanover st. M'Donald, Peter, spirit-dealer, 40 High street M'Donald & Pringle, plumbers, 373 Argyll street M'Donald, Poynter & Co. china and glass shop, 181 High street M'Donald & Poynter, chemists, 5 Shuttle street M'Donald, Robert, spirit cellars, 19 Jackson street M'Donald, Robert, & Co. spirit-dealers, Port-Dundas M'Donald, R. coal agent, 125 Trongate M'Donald, Roderick, tailor, 376 Gallowgate M'Donald, R. & D. victuallers, and spirit-dealers, 63 King street, and 15 Main street, Calton M'Donald & Ross, clothiers & hatters, 95 Buchanan st. M'Donald, Thos. & Co. joiners, 162 Main st. Gorbals M'Donald, William, reed maker, 55 Bell street M'Donald, William, tailor, 40 Glassford street M'Donald, William, tailor, 1 1 Old wynd M'Donald, William, spirit-dealer, 64 Centre street M'Donald, William, vintner, 38 Trongate

M'Donald, William, at M'Donald, Son fy Co.'s M'Donald, W. & Co. general agents, 93 Miller street M'Donald, Mrs. tavern, 131 Trongate M'Donald, Mrs. Dr. 58 Portland street, Laurieston M'Donald, Mrs. lodgings, 44 Hutcheson street M'Donald, Mrs. L. C. dress maker, 12 Croy place M'Donald, Mrs. spirit-dealer, 4 Old wynd M'Donald, Mrs. grocer, 36 Prince's street M'Donald, Mrs. Garnet place M'DONALD—M'EWAN 197

M'Donald, Miss, dressmaker, 11 Stockwell M'Donald, Miss C corset maker, 53 London street M'Donald, Miss, straw hat maker, 43 Tureen street M'DONAUGH, Mrs. provision dealer, 16 Jail sq. M'DONELL & M'Cosker, surgeons, 159 Stockwell M'DOUGALL, Alex, spirit-dealer, 52 Tobago street M'Dougall, Archibald, green grocer, 330 High street M'Dougal, Colin, of Gordon 4" M'Dougal, house 8 Guildry court M'Dougall, D. spirit-dealer, 93 New wynd M'Dougall, D. mercht. Adams court, 1 93 Argyll street M'Dougall, Duncan, shoe shop, 7 Brunswick place M'Dougall, James & Co. calico printers, 81 Wilson st. and 55 Glassford street M'Dougall, John, teacher of music, 34 Hutcheson st. M'Dougall, John, & Co. dyers, 28 M'Alpine street M'Dougall, John, flesher, 437 Argyll street M'Dougall, John, earthenware shop, 182 Argyll street

M'Dougall, J. of Campbell 8f M'Dougall, ho. Eagle lane M'Dougall, M'Queen & Co. cartwrights, 25 West st. M'Dougall, William, surgeon, 113 Green st. Calton M'Dougall, Mrs. 78 Great Hamilton street M'Dougall, Mrs. mangier, 40 North Frederick street M'Dougall, Miss, silk dyer, 71 Stoekwell M'DOWALL, Alex, writer, 49 Virginia street, house 25 West Regent street M'Dowall, Dr. J. surgeon, 1 1 Maxwell st. house above M'Dowall, William, merchant, at Ewing, May &; Co.'s house 5 St. Vincent place M'EACHERN, Archd. spirit-dealer, 9 Jamaica street M'ELWEE, Rodger, broker, 168 New wynd M'EWAN, Alexander, at Wm. M'Ewan, SonsSfCo.'t M'Ewan, Alex. & Co. hat manufacturers, 90 High st. M'Ewan, Andrew, teacher, 28 Drygate lane M'Ewan, A. broker, 32 St. Margaret pi. & 14 Jail sq. M'Ewan, Archibald, victualler, 63 Main st. Gorbals M'Ewan, Charles, coal agent, 18 Bell street, Calton M'Ewen, David, slater, 13 Well street, Calton M'Ewen, D. & Co. clothiers, 29 Glassford street M'Ewan, James, jun. woollen draper, 81 Trongate B 2 198 M'EWAN M'FARLANE.

M'Ewan, James, general agent, 6 East Nile street M'Ewan, James, of William M'Ewan, Sons 8? Co. ho. 30 Charlotte street M'Ewan, James, gardener, Main street, Bridgeton M'Ewan, John, surgeon, 17 Stobcross street M'Ewen, John, measurer, 79 Stockwell M'Ewen, John, grocer, 59 Main street, Anderston

M'Ewan, John, at Wm. M'Ewan, Sons Sf Co.'s M'Ewan, John, broker, 45 New street, Calton M'Ewan, John, ironmonger, 45 Main st. Anderston M'Ewan, John, ginger beer maker, 31 Bun's wynd M'Ewan, John, slater & spirit-dealer, 170 High street M'Ewan, Thomas, writer, 132 Trongate M'Ewan, William, Sons & Co. tea merchants, 121 Trongate and 146 Gallowgate

M'Ewan, William, of William M'Ewan, Sons fy Co. house 20 Monteith row M'Ewan, Mrs. D. 4 Bath street M'FADYEN, Alexander, bookbinder, 17 Stockwell M'Fadyen, Angus, shoemaker, 12 Kirk street M'Fadyen, Charles, wright, 2 Great Clyde street M'Fadyen, D. chandler and tobacconist, 19 Stockwell M'Fadyen, Donald, spirit-dealer, 73 New wynd M'Fadyen, James, teacher, 65 Kirk street, Calton M'Fadyen, John, tailor, 90 Bell street M'Fadyen, John, jun. messenger, 76 Bell street M'Fadyen, John, stationery and music warehouse, 63 Wilson street, house 77 North Frederick street M'Fadyen, John, jun. music wareho. 671 Buchanan st. M'Fadyen, Neil, writer, 114 Trongate M'Fadyen, Neil, spirit-dealer, 25 Maxwell street M'Fadyen, Thomas, victualler, 34 Main st. Anderston M'Fadyen, William, upholsterer, 6 Hutcheson street M'Fadyen, Wm. spirit-dealer, 43 Nelson st. Tradeston M'Fadzen, G. spirit-dealer, 55 & 56 Kirk st. Calton M'Fadzen, Miss, dress maker, 21 Stockwell place M'FARLANE, A. & Co. grocers, 16 M'Alpine street M'Farlane, A. shuttle maker, Sharp's lane, Anderston M'Farlane, Andrew, joiner, 27 Greyfriars wynd M'Farlane, Andrew, spirit-dealer, 57 Cavendish street m'farlane. 199

M'Farlane, Archibald, writer, 157 Trongate M'Farlane, Archibald, fruiterer and fleshier, 26 and 27 Clyde terrace M'Farlane, Colin, cooper, 65 Bridgegate M'Farlane, Daniel, writing-master, 48 George square M'Farlane, Daniel, drysalter, 11 Stirling street M'Farlane, D. & P. starchers, Quarrytown M'Farlane, D. of D. § P. M'Farlane, ho. Hill place M'Farlane, David, wine and spirit cellars, 41 King st.

M'Farlane, Dugald, at Dalglish, Falconer Sf Co.'s M'Farlane & Dickie, skinners, 11 Stobcross street M'Farlane, Duncan, accountant, 37 Jamaica street M-Farlane, Rev. Duncan, house 53 York street M'Farlane, D. & Son, watchmakers, 76 Trongate M'Farlane, Duncan, spirit-dealer, 59 Back wynd and 76 King street M'Farlane, Francis, shoemaker, 41 John street M'Farlane, George, grocer, 52 King street M'Farlane, George, pawnbroker, 7 High street M'Farlane, George, jun. pawnbroker, 12 Prince's st. M'Farlane & Graham, silk mercei's, 106 Argyll street

M'Farlane, George, of Wilson, Moffat fy Co. house 54 North Hanover street M'Farlane, J. & Co. woollen drapers, 36 Hutcheson st. M'Farlane, James, of James M'Farlane 8; Co. house 9 Ad el phi street M'Farlane, James, bootmaker, 13 Miller street, house 33 Crown street M'Farlane, James, dyer & silk stover, 55 Montrose st. M'Farlane, Jeremiah, grocer, 49 New venal M'Farlane, John, P. O. house 94 Miller street M'Farlane, John, rope maker, Gorbals toll M'Farlane, John singer, 40 Candleriggs, house 24 Wilson street M'Farlane, John, collector, Monkland canal basin M'Farlane, Rev. John, 36 Kent street M'Farlane, John, shoemaker, 48 Stobcross street M'Farlane, Dr. John, Spruell's court, 182 Trongate M'Farlane, John, plasterer, 17 Bath street M'Farlane, J. & M. shoemakers, Anderston walk 200 m'farlane.

M'Farlane, John, grocer & spirit- dealer, 1 1 Bishop st. M'Farlane, J. & R. calenderers, 14 North Albion st. M'Farlane, John, of J. $ R. M'Farlane, house 13 Stirling street M'Farlane, John & Thomas, musical academy, 94 Hutcheson street M'Farlane, John, spirit -dealer, 39 Bishop street M'Farlane, Miller, dairyman, 131 Gallowgate M'Farlane, M. hotel, 57 Buchanan street M'Farlane, M. & Co. distillers, Port-Dundas M'Farlane, Malcom, spirit-dealer, 14 Clyde place M'Farlane, Patrick, agent, 118 George street M'Farlane, Rev. Patrick, house Greenhill place M'Farlane, Parlane, manufacturer, 9 Gallowgate M'Farlane, Peter, smith and bell-hanger, 82 John st. M'Farlane, Peter, dyer, 31 Dunlop street M'Farlane, Peter, surgeon, 176 Gallowgate, house 27 Charlotte street M'Farlane, Peter, grocer, 62 Kirk street, Calton M'Farlane, Rev. Principal, house College M'Farlane, R. & A. wood merchants, 50 Robertson st. M'Farlane, Robert, of J. # R. M'Farlane, house 14 Shuttle street M'Farlane, Robert, tailor, Grahamston M'Farlane, Robert, woollen and linen draper, 5 Gal lowgate, house 298 High street M'Farlane, Robert, east Kilbride letter carrier, 63 Taylor street M'Farlane, Robert, merchant, 83 Queen street, house 59 Oswald street M'Farlane, Robert, victualler, 33 King street M'Farlane, Robert, baker, 20 George street M'Farlane, T. nail maker, 146 Main street, Gorbals M'Farlane, Walter, lappet wheel cutter, 24 Canon st. M'Farlane, William, spirit-dealer, 18 Canon street M'Farlane, Wm. boot and shoe maker, 8 Portugal st. M'Farlane, William, tailor, 151 Gallowgate M'Farlane, William, spirit-dealer, 122 Broomielaw M'Farlane & Co. pipe makers, 24 Mungo's lane M'Farlane, Mrs. M Bogle, 67 Buchanan street M'FARLANE M'GEACHIE. 201

M'Farlane, Mrs. mangier, 62 Argyll street M'Farlane, Mrs. spirit^dealer, 40 Green st. Calton M'Farlane, Mrs. spirit-dealer, 107 Gallowgate M'Farlane, Mrs. dress maker, Upper Nile street M'Farlane, Mrs. stabler & spirit-dealer, 26 Spoutmouth M'Farlane, Mrs. lodgings^ 118 George street M'Farlane, Mrs. D. lodgings, 193 Argyll street M'Farlane, Mrs. 104 Centre street M'Farlane, Mrs. midwife, 65 Main street, Gorbals M'Farlane, Mrs. mangier, 58 Buchanan street M'Farlane, Miss, lodgings, Marshall'sct. So. Hanover st. M'Farlane, M. milliner, 44 Stockwell M'Farlane, Jane, grocer, 14 Tobago street, Calton M'FARQUHAR, James & Co. merchts. 43 Queen st. M'FEAT, John, china merchant, 57 King st. house 59. M'Feat, Walter, vintner, 7 New wynd M'Feat, Walter, stationer and librarian, 25 Glassford street, house 7 Park place M'FIE, Dugald, merchant, 95 Candleriggs, house New Woodside road M'Fie, Duncan, spirit-dealer, 124 Main st. Anderston M'Fie, John, & Co. calico-printers, 145 Ingram St. M'Fie, John, of J. M'Fie 8? Co. ho. 37 Clyde Building* M'Fie, Neil, tailor, 68 Saltmarket M'Fie, Robert, & Sons, sugar refiners, Greenock. William Bennet, agent, Smith's court M'Fie, Mrs. Margaret, grocer, 40 Broom ielaw M'GARVIE, John, shoemaker, 45 Stirling square M'Garvie, Thomas, beadle of St. Enoch's Church, house 56 Howard street M' GAVIN, John, and George Ord, accountants, and agents for the Insur. Co. of Scotland, 125 Virginia st. M'Gavin, John, of M'Gavin Sf Ord, house 1 Milton pi. M'Gavin, Robert, & Co. merchants, 74 Brunswick st. M'Gavin, Robert, of R. M'Gavin # Co. house 23 Carlton place

M'Gavin, W. agent fo British linen Co. 71 Queen st. M'GEE, John, Paisley Canal office, Port-Eglinton M'GEOCH, James, paper ruler, 187 Trongate M'GEACHIE, Robert, 33 Portland street, Laurieston 202 m'geachy—m'grigor

M'GEACHY, Duncan & Co. marine acid makers, &c. Port-Dundas road, office 12 Union street M'Geachy, Duncan, merchant, 12 Union street M'GEORGE, Andrew, writer, 101 Virginia st. house Sauchiehall road M'George, R. F. clothier, 22 Argyll street M'George, Robert, wine and spirit merchant, 23 Ja- maica street, and Adam's ct. lane, ho. Kingston pi. M'GHIE, James, baker, 324 Gallowgate M'GIBBON, David, Verrevile Co.'s M' Gibbon, Thomas, grocer, 152 Saltmarket M'Gibbon, Thos. jun. tobacconist, 59 Main st. Gorbals M'Gibbon, William, grocer, &c. 130 Saltmarket M'Gibbon, Mrs. lodgings, 22 Gallowgate M'Gibbon, Mrs. coal agent, 45 John street M'GILL, Anthony, teacher, 8 Buchan street M'Gill, Duncan, boot and shoe shop, 34 Saltmarket M'Gill, James, hand-railer, 33 Eglinton street M'Gill, Neil, spirit-dealer, 44 East Clyde street M'Gill, William, teacher, Cowcaddens M'Gii], Miss, milliner & dress maker, 193 Argyll st. M'GILP, Ninian, house 5 North Wellington place M'Gilp, Ninian, writer, 109 Candleriggs M'GLASHAN, John, spirit-dealer, 17 Crown street. M'GONAGLE, Dennis, grocer, 101 New wynd M'GONIGILL, T. tailor and clothier, 291 Argyll st. M'GOUN,A.Netherleepaperwarehouse, 48 Stockwell M'Goun, D. merchant, 42 Montrose st. ho. Provan pi. M'Gowan, Hugh, shoemaker, 60 King street, Calton M'Goun, M. lodgings, 152 Argyle street M'Gown, Robert, writing master, 18 Hutcheson street M'Gown, Thomas, flesher, Main street, Bridgeton M'Gowan, William, teacher, 103 Saltmarket M'Gown, Wm. & Co. joiners, 31 North Albion street M'GRIGOR, Alexander, agent for the Alliance Assur- ance office, 42 Mijler street M'Grigor, Alexander, of Dennistoun, M' Grigor Sf Co. house 16 Abercromby place

M'Grigor, Alex, of M'Grigor, Murray fy M'Grigor, house 3 Milton place, West St. Vincent street M'GRIGOR. 203

M'Grigor, Alex. jun. ofM'Jjfrigor, MurrayfyM' Grigor, house 3 Milton place, West St. Vincent street M'Grigor, Alexander, store keeper, Dalmarnock M'Gregor, Alexander, spirit-dealer, Mitchell street M'Grigor, Alex, of Peter M'Grigor Sf Co. house 107 Buchanan street M'Grigor, Andrew, baker, Anderston walk, north side M'Gregor, Andrew, spirit-dealer, 62 Havannah M'Grigor, Coll, & Co. cotton spinners, 43 Brunswick place, works Tureen street M'Grigor, D. teacher of Mathematics, 23 Cochran st. M'Grigor, D. king's arms inn, 66 Trongate M'Gregor, David, builder, 35 James street M'Gregor, D. tailor, 286 Gallowgate M'Grigor, Duncan, spirit- dealer, 57 New venal M'Grigor, Grigor, spirit-dealer, 50 Rottenrow M'Gregor, Hugh, reed maker, 60 Kirk street, Calton M'Grigor, James, spirit-dealer, 17 Clyde place M'Grigor, James, baker, 29 Saltmarket M'Grigor, J. mercht, 44 Brunsw. pi. ho. 71 John st. M'Grigor, John, turner, 60 High st. & 79 Stockwell st. M'Grigor, John, jun. last maker, 100 High street M'Grigor, John, messenger, at W. G. Mack's, writer M'Grigor, John, gro.cer and spirit-dealer, Melville st. M'Grigor, John, & Co. wholesale tobacconists, 43 Old wynd and 227 Gallowgate M'Gregor & M'Corkindale, shoemakers, 47 New Bridge street M'Grigor, Malcom, tailor, 43 George street M'Grigor, Moses, grocer, 12 Union street, Calton M'Grigor, Murray & M'Grigor, writers, 75Virginia st. M'Grigor, Peter, grocer, Blackquarry M'Grigor, Peter, & Co. calico printers, 8 Stirling sq. M'Grigor, Peter, boot and shoemaker, 12 Brunsw. pi. M'Gregor, Peter, shoemaker, Mitchell street M'Gregor, Robert, & Co. merchants, 43 Brunswick pi. M'Gregor, Robert, & Co. cotton spinners, 43 Bruns- wick place, works Milngavie M'Grigor, Thomas, hatter, 10 Deanside lane M'Grigor, Walter, shoemaker, 341 Gallowgate 204 M'GREGOR M'INNES.

M'Gregor, Mrs. cowfeeder & spirit-dealer,Cowcaddens M'Gregor, Miss C. dress maker, 21 Argyll street M'Gregor, Miss J. furnishing shop, 32 High street M'GROUTHER, James, merchant, Galloway's court, 37 Glassford street, house 18 West Regent street M'GUFFIE, James, builder, 48 Stockwell M'GUIRE,Francis, clothes broker, 15 St.Margaret pi. M'Guire, George, broker, 27 Miller place M'Guire, John, grocer, Thomson's lane, Mile- end M'Guire, Thomas, broker, 14 St. Margaret place M'Guire, William, grocer, &c. Burnside, Port-Dundas M'HAFFIES & Co. manufacts. 21 St. Andrew sq. M'Haffie, David, & Co. merchants, 17 St. Andrew sq. M'Haffie, John, merchant, 21 St. Andrew square M'Haffie, Robert, merchant, 21 St. Andrew square M'HARDIE, Charles, vine tavern, 29 Maxwell st. M'Hardy, James, sheriff-clerk-depute, 60 Stockwell, house 77 Charlotte street M'HENRY, Patrick, spirit-dealer, 19 Muirhead street M'lLHOSE, Miss, dressmaker, 63 Main st. Anderston M'lLWHAM, John, vintner, 34 Trongate M'llwham, Walter, bookseller, 9 Shuttle street M'llquham, Walter, spirit-dealer, 18Burrell'slane M'llwham, Mrs. straw hat maker, 10 Nelson street M'INDOE, Adam, cartwright, 12 Puddockrow, Gorbals M'Indoe, Archd. & Co. calico printers, 45 Miller street

M'Indoe, Archd. of Archd. M'Indoe fy Co. ho. Hope st. M'Indoe & Buchanan, manufacturers, 24 Wilson street M'Indoe, Campbell, & Son, upholsterers, 193 Argyll st. M'Indoe, E. draper, 6 High street M'Indoe, G. grocer, 12 Great Hamilton street M'Indoe, John, draper, 4 and 10 High street M'Indoe, Peter, cabinet maker, 3 Union st. Calton M'Indoe, Robert, & Co. commission warehouse, 85 Candleriggs M'Indoe, Thomas, teacher of dancing, Trades' hall M'Indoe, Thomas, tracker, Port-Dundas M'Indoe, Mrs. straw hat maker, 36 St. Mungo lane M'Indoe, Mrs. poulterer, 59 Prince's street M'INNES, Alexr. jun. spirit-dealer, 35 Portugal st. M'INNES—M'INTOSH. 205

M'Innes, Archibald, grocer, 5 Rottenrow M'Innes, Daniel, rope maker, Port-Dundas road M'Innes, Dugald, spirit-dealer, 56 Back wynd M'Innes, Duncan, spirit-dealer, 13 Buohan street M'Innes, John, merchant, 68 Glassford street, house 4 Monteith row M'Innes, Malcolm, spirit-dealer, 143 Saltmarket M'Innes & Menzies, sawyers, 48 Stockwell M'Innes, Peter, ham curer, 51 King street, Calton M'Innes, W. & T. cabinet makers, Port-Dundas M'Innes, Mrs. cowfeeder, Renfield street M'Innes, Misses, milliners & dressmakers, 5 Nelson st. M'INROY, J. P. of M'Inroy, Parker 8? Co. house Brandon place, West George street M'Inroy, Parker & Co. merchants, 43 Virginia street M'INTOSH, Andrew, at George M'Intosh # Co.'s, house 11 Miller street M'Intosh, Charles, & Co. cudbear works, Duke street M'Intosh, Charles, merchant, ho. Dunchattan, Duke st. M'Intosh, C. G. tailor, 4 New Bridge street M'Intosh, David, tavern, 37 Trongate & 30 Prince's st M'Intosh & Duncan, curriers, 22 Goosedubs st M'Intosh, G. & Co. chemists, cudbear works, Duke st. M'Intosh, George, merchant, ho. Dunchattan, Duke St. M'Intosh, H. & J. turners, 33 Kirk street, Gorbals M'Intosh, James, grocer, Main street, Bridgeton M'Intosh, J. & J. spirit-cellars, 20 Stobcross street M'Intosh, James, jun. painter, 107 Stockwell, house 21 Commerce street M'Intosh, James, spirit-dealer, 24 Goosedubs st. M'Intosh, James, manufacturer, 77 Brunswick street M'Intosh, James, grocer, 99 Main street, Gorbals M'Intosh, John, & Co. turkey red dyers. Letters left at James Couper's, 8 John street M'Intosh, John, accountant, 23 South Frederick street, house Garnethill M'Intosh, Lachlan, auctioneer, Clark's buildings, Main street, Gorbals M'Intosh, M. at A. M'Lachlan's, sen. 12 Trongate M'Intosh, Robert, spirit-dealer, 261 Gallowgate 206 M'INTOSH M'INTYRE.

M'Intosh, William, spirit-dealer, 160 Broomielaw M'Intosh, Mrs. Hugh, tavern, 7 Anderston quay M'Intosh, Mrs. green grocer, 72 Canning street M'Intosh, Mrs. grocer, 23 St. Enoch wynd M'INTYRE, Alexander, grocer, North st. Anderston M'Intyre, Alexander, gardener, Green market M'Intyre, Alexander, jun. gardener, Green market M'Intyre, Alexander, hatter, 136 Bridgegate M'Intyre, Alexander, tavera, 40 High street M'Intyre, Andrew, umbrella maker, 10 Crown street M'Intyre, Archibald, grocer, Cowcaddens M'Intyre, D. window glazier, 229 Argyll street M'Intyre, Daniel, clothier, 25 Trongate M'Intyre, Donald, shoemaker, 163 Duke street M'Intyre, Donald, spirit-dealer, 114 Gallowgate M'Intyre, Donald, writer, 40 Dunlop street M'Intyre, D. measurer, 4 Argyll st. ho. 91 Graeme st. M'Intyre, Duncan, spirit-dealer, 24 Dunlop street and 24 Main street, Anderston, house 26 do. M'Intyre, Hugh, porter, 86 Miller st M'Intyre, James, boot maker, 55 Main st. Anderston M'Intyre, James, teacher, 23 Nicholson street, house 8 Bedford street M'Intyre, James, cooper, 28 Jamaica street M'Intyre, James, & Co. ironmongers, 146 Argyll st. M'Intyre, James, cartwright, 15 Rutherglen loan M'Intyre, John, hairdresser, 37 Kingfield row M'Intyre, John, smith and founder, 72 New wynd M'Intyre, John, spirit-dealer, 23 Clyde terrace M'Intyre, John, gardener, Green market M'Intyre, John, rag merchant, 106 Broomielaw M'Intyre, John, & Co. warehousemen, 1 Gallowgate M'Intyre, Malcolm, smith, Union court M'Intyre, M. spirit-dealer, 24 Broomielaw M'Intyre, Peter, green grocer, 174 Broomielaw M'Intyre, Peter, sheriff-officer, 96 Trongate M'Intyre, Samuel, at Verreville Glass Company's M'Intyre, William, plasterer, 66 New wynd M'Intyre, William, tavern, 26 Broomielaw M'Intyre, William, gardener, Green market M'INTYRE—M'KAY. 207

M'Intyre, William, cartwright, 47 Duke street M'Intyre, Mrs. spirit-dealer, 39 New wynd M'ISAAC, Malcolm, spirit-dealer, Port-Dundas M'KARROW, John, spirit-dealer, 49 Argyll street M'KAY, Alexander, tailor, 25 Trongate M'Kay, Alexander, spirit-dealer, 35 Miller place M'Kay, Alex, at Ewing and Wingates, 186 Trongate M'Kay, Angus, furniture warehouse, 14 Bridgegate M'Kay, Benjamin, shoemaker, 66 CanOn street M'Kay, Daniel, umbrella maker, 6 Buchan street M'Kay, Daniel, manufacturer, 14 Garthland street M'Kay, Daniel, town officer, 100 Saltmarket M'Kay, David, spirit-dealer, 22 Broomielaw M'Kay, Donald, spirit-dealer, 17 Stockwell M'Kay, Francis, buck-head hotel, 61 Argyll street M'Kay, George, painter, Melville street

M'Kay, Hugb, of M' Queen fy M'Kay, ho. 4 Albany pi.

M'Kay, Hugh, at John fy Robert Tennenfs, house 4 Bun-ell's lane M'Kay, James, cooper, 26 Cochran street M'Kay, James, spirit dealer, 148 Trongate M'Kay, James, spirit-dealer, 35 St. Enoch wynd M'Kay, John, boot and shoemaker, 121 George street M'Kay, John, potato merchant, 30 St. Margaret place M'Kay, John, grocer and spirit-dealer, 20 Saracen lane M'Kay, John, woollen manufaeturer,59 Great Dovehill M'Kay, John, tailor, 3 New wynd M'Kay, Neil, shoemaker, 23 Adelphi street M'Kay, Robert, agent, 18 Hutcheson street M'Kay, Robt. at John 8$ Robert Tennenfs, Wellpark M'Kay, William, tobacconist, 14 Kirk street, Calton M'Kay, Wm. surgeon, 229 High st. ho. 3 Havannah M'Kay, William, spirit-dealer, 36 Market street M'Kay, William, tailor, 34 Crown street M'Kay, William, tailor, 272 High street M'Kay, Mrs. tap-room, 40 High street M'Kay, Mrs. Argyll court M'Kay, Mrs. eating house, 73 Candleriggs M'Kay, Mrs. spirit-dealer, 22 Broomielaw M'Kay, Mrs. ladies' seminary, 10 Duke street 208 m'kay—m'kenna.

M'Kay, Mrs. victualler, 34 Main street, Gorbals M'KEAN, Alex, merchant, house 2 Carlton place M'Kean, Alexander, baker, 103 King street M'Kean & Adam, manufacturers, 51 Stirling square M'Kean & Cooper, wrights, 20 North Albion street

c M'Kean, David, at John M Fie Sf Co.'s, house 9 South Hanover street M'Kean, D. Cranstonhill Co.'s engineer, ho. Greenhead M'Kean, James, grocer, 41 Coburg buildings M'Kean, James, spirit- dealer, 42 Union street M'Kean, James, spirit-dealer, 93 Canning street M'Keand, J. & A. warehousemen, 7 Argyll street

M'Kean, Wm. of M'Kean fy Adam, ho. 7 Carlton place M'Kean, Miss, boarding school, West Regent street M'KECHNIE, C. & Co. manufacturing utensil sale rooms, 34 Stirling street M'Kechnie & Duff, painters, 29 Gallowgate M'Kechnie, James, spirit-dealer, 27 Kirk street M'Kechnie, John, confectioner, 32 Bell street M'Kechnie, John, elephant tavern, 29 Gallowgate M'Kechnie, M. victualler & spirit dealer, 135Saltmarket M'Kechnie, Neil, spirit-dealer, 13 Kirk street M'Kechnie, Walter, Elliot tavern, 9 Gallowgate M'Kechnie, William, vintner and lodgings, 56 Trongate M'Kechnie, William, writer, 10 Stockwell place M'KEEVER, Mrs. William, grocer, 26 Centre street M'KELL, J. & D. perfumers, 50 Hutcheson street M'KELLAR, Alexander, spirit-dealer, 9 Bridge st. M'Kellar, Archibald, baker, 64 Main street, Gorbals M'Kellar, Archibald, hair dresser, 41 Miller place M'Kellar, Duncan, wine and spirit dealer, I Brown st. M'Kellar, Duncan, spirit-dealer, 18 Rutherglen loan M'Kellar, D. shoemaker, 13 Nelson street, Tradeston M'Kellar, M. silk dyer, 5 Buchanan court, Eglinton st. M'KELVIE, Hugh, tailor & clothier, 120 Saltmarket M'Kelvie, Miss, dress-maker, 162 Main street, Gorbals M'KENDRICK, Andrew, spirit-dealer, 103 High st M'Kendrick, William, writer, Old Post Office court M'KENNA, J. broker, 47 Bridgegate M'Kenna, James, clothes broker, 5 St. Margaret place M'KENNA M'KIBBIN. ^09

M'Kenna, Thomas, grocer, 133 New wynd M'Kenna, William, clothes broker, 37 Bridgegate M'KENZIE, Alexander, coal agent, 155 Stockwell M'Kenzie, Alexander, tailor, 43 Green street, Calton M'Kenzie, Cameron, & Co. thread manufacturers, 30 Wilson street, M'Kenzie, Colin, green grocer, 12 Renfield street M'Kenzie, C. wine and spirit-dealer, 171 Argyll st. M'Kenzie, D. mercht. 36 North Albion st. ho. Acrehill

M'Kenzie, Daniel, at L. M'Kenzie fy Co.'s 62 Queen st. M'Kenzie's Dancing Academy, 62 Argyll street M'Kenzie, Duncan, joiner, 36 Bell street M'Kenzie, D. printer, 48 Nelson st. ho. 60 Thistle st. M'Kenzie, James, manufacturer, 41 Stirling square M'Kenzie, James, spirit-dealer, 30 Bell street, Calton M'Kenzie, J. mercht. 36 No. Albion st. ho. Craigpark M'Kenzie, John, spirit-dealer, 118 Old wynd M'Kenzie, John, furnishing shop, 94 Stockwell M'Kenzie, Rev. Kenneth, house 13 Eglinton street

M'Kenzie, L. of L. M'Kenzie fy Co. ho. 15 Moore pL M'Kenzie, Laurence, & Co. manufacts. 62 Queen st. M'Kenzie & Mitchell, fish dealers, 1 Fish market M'Kenzie, Peter, writer, 20 Brunswick place M'Kenzie, Peter, engraver and printer, 31 Argyll st. M'Kenzie & Rankin, cabinetmakers, corner of Mitchell street and Gordon stoeet M'Kenzie, Robt. spirit-dealer, 27 Main st. Anderston M'Kenzie, Robert, shoemaker, 30 Stobcross street M'Kenzie, S. baker & confectioner, 22 G. Hamilton st. M^Kenzie, Wm. surgeon and oculist, 39 Hutcheson st. house 61 George square M'Kenzie & Wotherspoon, painters, 273 Argyll st. M'Kenzie, Mrs. fish merchant, 3 West George street M'Kenzie, Miss, lodgings, 1 1 Jamaica street M'Kenzie, Miss, dress maker, 4 Paterson street M'KERRACHER, J. king's head inn, 20 Stirling st. M'KERROW, Archd. spirit-dealer, 80 Canning street M'Kerrow, John, spirit-dealer, 49 Argyll street M'KERSIE, Mrs. grocer, 19 Main street, Calton M'KIBBIN, Jas. spirit-dealer, 26 East Clyde street s2 210 m'kie—m'kinnon.

M'KIE, Francis, wig maker, 103 Saltmarket M'Kie, John, & Co. merchants, 57 Brunswick street M'Kie, J. of J. M'Kie '$ Co. ho. 22 West Bath street M'KILLIGAN, R. tea dealer, 155 Main st. Anderston M'KIM, Robert, manufacturei*, 24 Queen street, house 4 Nicholson street M'KIMMIE, Alexander, flesher, 1 Kirk street, Calton M'Kimmie, John, flesher, 1 Main street, Calton M'KINLAY, Alexander, gardener, 258 Duke street M'Kinlay, A. & Co. spirit-dealers, 100 Stockwell M'Kinlay, Auly, haberdasher, 256 High street M'Kinlay, B. tailor, 48 Clyde street, Anderston M'Kinlay, Charles, & Co. grocers, 84 Jamaica street M'Kinlay, David, of Henderson Sf M'Kinlay, house 23 South Frederick street M'Kinlay, D. cooper, 47 King st. and 68 Saltmarket M'Kinlay, Duncan, haberdasher, 425 Argyll street M'Kinlay, James, horse dealer, 258 Duke street M'Kinlay, James, grocer, &c. 55 Stevenson st. Calton M'Kinlay, John, ship broker, 8 Broomielaw M'Kinlay, John, spirit-dealer, 97 Green street, Calton M'Kinlay, John, teacher, Laurieston academy M'Kinlay, John, jun. teacher, Laurieston academy M'Kinlay, William, spirit-dealer, 18 Carrick street M'Kinlay, William, lodgings, 99 Gallowgate M'Kinlay, Wm. earthenware shop, Dalmarnock road M'Kinlay, William, & Co. commission merchants, 36 Ingram street

M'Kinlay, William, of William M'Kinlay fy Co. house 55 Portland street, Laurieston M'Kinlay, Mrs. grocer, 265 George street M'Kinlay, Mrs. grocer and spirit dealer, 41 Castle st. M'Kinlay, Mrs. James, dressmaker, 5 Saracen lane M'Kinlay, Mrs.. John, milliner, 36 Struthers street M'KINNIS, H. merchant tailor, 90 & 92 Saltmarket M'Kinnis, John, tailor, 45 M'Kechnie street M'KINNON, Allan, tailor, 48 Gallowgate M'Kinnon, Angus, tailor, 8 Eglinton street M'Kinnon, C. spirit-dealer, 18 Broomielaw M'Kinnon, Hugh, clothier, 21 Queenst. ho. 57Unionst. —

M'KINNON m'laren. 211

M'Kinnon, H. boot and shoemaker, 17 Eglinton street M'Kinnon, John, spirit-dealer, 80 Gallowgate M'Kinnon, J. spirit-dealer, 40 St. Enoch wynd M'Kinnon, Lauchlan, Vice Consul for the Republic of Colombia, 12 Gordon street, house 12 Brandon pi. M'Kinnon, L. spirit-dealer, 15 Malta street M'Kinnon, Pearce & Co. merchants, 12 Gordon street M'Kinnon, Peter, clothier, 19 Stobcross street M'Kinnon, William, spirit-dealer, 67 King street M'Kinnon, Mrs. midwife, 96 Bridgegate M'Kinnon, M. furnishing shop,- 9 Stockwell M'KINSTRY, Samuel, spirit-dealer, 2 Broomward st. M'KIRDY, A. fish curer, 4 Great Clyde street M'Kirdy, Alex, victualler, 137 Main street, Gorbals M'Kirdy, John, of Birkwood, ofBogle, Ferguson 4" Co. house 39 West St. Vincent street M'Kirdy, Michael, boot and shoemaker, 69 Trongate M'LACHLAN, A. spirit-dealer, 91 Jamaica street M'Lachlan, A. painter, Moodie's court, 31 Argyll st. M'Lachlan, Alex. jun. spirit-dealer, 21 Portugal st. M'Lachlan, Archd. messenger at arms, 197 Trongate M'Lachlan, Archd. sen. woollen and linen draper, 12 Trongate, house 39 Clyde buildings M'Lachlan, Charles, shoemaker, 47 Canon street M'Lachlan, Daniel, grocer, 39 North Frederick street M'Lachlan, Dugald, spirit-dealer, 4 Anderston quay M'Lachlan, D. surgeon, 148 Main st. ho. Gorbals toll M'Lachlan, Dr. G. M. 50 West Nile street M'Lachlan, Fergus, grocer, 1 Broad street, Mile-end M'Lachlan, Hugh, of M'Pherson, M'Lachlan &? Steel, house 29 Kingston place M'Lachlan, Jas. at J. Mackie S? Co.'s 30 Glassford st. M'Lachlan, James, at James EdmoncVs, 22 So. Fred. st. M'Lachlan & Russell, warehousemen, Old post office ct. M'Lachlan, Wm. grocer, &c. Anderston walk no. side M'Lachlane, Mrs. grocer, 13 Commerce street M'Lachlan, Mrs. lodgings, 250 High street M'LARDY, D. tailor and clothier, 43 Union street M'LAREN, Alexander, grocer, 6 Cathcart street M'Laren, Andrew, grocer, 34 Millroad street, Calton 212 M'LAREN—M'LEA.

M'Laren, Archibald, victualler, 394 Gallowgate

M'Laren, David, of D. M'Laren fy Co. house 8 New Bridge street M'Laren, D. & Co. commission merchts. 7 Garthland st. M'Laren, Duncan, spirit-dealer, 66 Saltmarket M'Laren, Hamilton, accountant, 23 Hutcheson street, house 23 Nicholson street M'Laren, J. & W. & Co. manufacturers, 63 Candleriggs

M'Laren, James, of James fy William M'Laren 8$ Co. house Sauchiehall road M'Laren, James, confectioner, 47 New wynd M'Laren, James, quill warehouse, 62 Argyll street M'Laren, John, stationer & bookbinder, 157 Trongate M'Laren, John, rob roy tavern, 6 Candleriggs M'Laren, John, victualler, 124 Gallowgate M'Laren, M. & A. coopers, fish eurers, and provision merchants, 109 Bridgegate M'Laren, Robert, & Co. cotton spinners, 178 Gallowg. M'Laren, Robert, spirit- dealer, Port-Dundas M'Laren, Robert, boot and shoe shop, 24 Prince's st. M'Laren, Robert, spirit-dealer, 120 Candleriggs M'Laren, William, broker, 16 Goosedubs street

M'Laren, Wm. of James fy William M'Laren &; Co. house Cessnockbank, Govan M'Laurin, Rev. John, 4 Kingston place M'Laren, Cathei'ine, eating house, 149 Trongate M'Laurin, Miss, dress-maker, 184 Gallowgate M'LATCHIE, John, grocer, 35 Dale st. Tradeston M'LAWS, Colin S. spirit-dealer, 104 Bridgegate M'LAY, Adam, broker, 25 Great Hamilton street M'Lay, David, flesher, 1 Fife place M'Lay, David, spirit-dealer, 43 Drygate M'Lay, John, smith and bell hanger, 13 Hospital St. M'Lay, John, grocer, 14 William street, Mile-end M'Lay, J. flesher, 16 Mutton market, and George pi. M'Lay, Mathew, nailer, 58 New street, Calton M'Lay, Thomas, dairyman, Upper Nile street M'Lay, Walter, vintner, 7 Stockwell M'Lay, Wm. grocer, 56 Canning street, Calton M'Lea, Mrs. Duncan, grocer, 42 New wynd MCLEAN. 213

M'LEAN, Alex, britannia tavern, 80 Trongate M'Lean, A. eating house, 2 York street M'Lean, A. tailor, 34 Stobcross street M'Lean, Charles, grocer, 9 Kirk street, Calton M'Lean, Charles, tailor, 18 Saltmarket M'Lean, Captain Francis, 14 Whitevale M'Lean, Daniel, hotel, 18 Anderston quay M'Lean, D. warper, 63 Candleriggs M'Lean, D. & Co. dairyman, 23 Hospital street

M'Lean, D. of Campbell fy M'Lean, ho. 16 Nicholson st. M'Lean, David, smith, 55 Crown street M'Lean, D. & A. manufacturers, 49 Virginia street house Union court M'Lean, D. clothier, 33 Trongate M'Lean, D. chimney sweep, 27 Stockwell M'Lean, Donald, spirit-dealer, 7 Duke street M'Lean, Donald, spirit-dealer, Ayton court, Old venal M'Lean, Edward, grocer, 37 Malta street M'Lean, Hector, manufacturer, 15 John street M'Lean, Hugh, baker, 34 Great Hamilton street M'Lean, H. coal agent, Morrison's court M'Lean, Rev. Dr. 188 Main street, Gorbals M'Lean, James, vintner and stabler, 80 New wynd M'Lean, John, Bellgrove place M'Lean, John, grocer, 20 Portugal street M'Lean, John, spirit-dealer, 18 M' Alpine street M'Lean, John, grocer, 4 Sister street, Mile-end M'Lean, John, writer, 37 Glassford street M'Lean, John, grocer and spirit-dealer, 47 Crown st. M'Lean, John, grocer, 17 Carrick street M'Lean, John, spirit-dealer, 34 Broomielaw M'Lean, John, spirit-dealer, Monkland Canal Bason M'Lean, L. F. spirit-dealer, 46 New wynd

M'Lean, Lachlan, at Donald Cook fy Co.'s M'Lean, Malcolm, surgeon, 50 Adelphi st. house 51 M'Lean, Malcolm, & Son, calenderers, 85 Candleriggs M'Lean, Peter, spirit and grain merchant, 39 Bridge- gate and 71 New venal M'Lean, Samuel, spirit-dealer, 38 Trongate 214 m'lean—m'lellan.

M'Lean & Stewart, merchants, 31 Miller st. and New bonding stores 43 Howard street M'Leau, Thomas, spirit-dealer, 250 Gallowgate M'Lean, Thomas, spirit-dealer, Port-Dundas M'Leau, William, & Son, dyers, 61 Ladywell street

M'Lean, William, of M'Lean 8f Stewart, house 45 Portland street, Laurieston M'Lean, William, jun. at William Brodie § Co.'s M'Lean, Mrs. lodgings, 90 Argyll street M'Lean, Mrs. oyster house, 34 Trongate M'Lean, Mrs. lodgings, 26 George street M'Lean, Mrs. spirit-dealer, 48 New wynd M'Lean, Miss, housekeepei*, Town's hospital M'Lean, Miss C. milliner, Main street, Bridgeton M'LEHOSE, Archibald, umbrella maker, 1 Hutche- son street, house 249 Argyll street M'Lehose, John, barber, 4 Stirling street, house 6 M'Lehose, William, umbrella maker, 3 Wilson street, house 249 Argyll street M'LEISH, Alexander, victualler, 51 Main St. Gorbals M'Leish, James, spirit-dealer, 15 King street, Calton M'Leish, James, spirit-dealer, 30 Maxwell street M'Leish, John, spirit-dealer, 202 Broomielaw M'LELLAN, Angus, spirit-dealer, 12 Stockwell place M'Lellan, Archd. & Son, coach makers, 81 Miller st. M'Lellan, A. J. of Archd. M'Lellan $ Son, house 78 Miller street M'Clelland & Bogle, accountants, Spruell's court M'Lellan, D. hardware merchant, 9 Trongate M'Lellan, D. T. at James Shane $f Co.'s M'Lellan, James, of J. $ W. M'Lellan, house 40 Charlotte street

M'Clelland, James, of M'Clelland fy Bogle, house St. George's road M'Lellan, J. & R. 73 Miller street M'Lellan, John, of M'Lellan 8$ Turner, house 1 Wel- lington street M'Lellan, J. & W. manufacturers, 113 Brunswick st. M'Lellan, John, baker, 121 Main street, Gorbals m'lellan—m'leod. 215

M'Lellan, Lewis, tallow chandler, 136 Gallowgate and Fife place M'Lelland, Richard, & Co. haberdashers, 39 and 41 Bell street

M'Lellan, Robert, merchant, at Henry Monteitk fy Co.'s, house Garnethill M'Lellan & Shields, woollen drapers, 15 Nelson street M'Lellan & Turner, Tradeston M'LENNAN, Alex, spirit-dealer, 48 John street M'Lennan, Alex. & Co. wine and spirit cellars, 80 Candleriggs M'Lennan, D. spirit-dealer, 39 John street M'Lennan, Daniel, painter, 434 Gallowgate M'Lennan, F. & Co. stay & corset makers, 9 Gordon st. M'Lennan, George, spirit merchant, 7 Melville place M'Lennan, H. manager, western club, Buchanan st. M'Lennan, James, spirit-dealer, 33 Kent street M'Lennan, Kenneth, grocer, Dalmarnock road M'Lennan, M. boot and shoe shop, 30 Saltmarket M'LEOD, Alex, leather merchant, 27 Jamaica street M'Leod, Alexander, spirit-dealer, 80 Trongate M'Leod, Andrew, surgeon, 8 Virginia street M'Leod, Charles, vintner, 21 Anderston quay M'Leod, D. eating house, 44 Gallowgate M'Leod, D. broker, 28 Miller place M'Leod, D. shoemaker, Main street, Bridgeton M'Leod, Duncan, fish hook maker, 157 Bridgegate M'Leod, Geo. surgeon, 33 Argyle st. ho. 63 Stockwell M'Leod, James, surgeon, 33 Argyll street, house 31 M'Leod, John, shoemaker, Main street, Bridgeton M'Leod, John, cooper, 392 Gallowgate M'Leod, John, bookseller and stationer, 20 Argyll st. house 28 Portland street, Laurieston M'Leod, Rev. John, house Springbank. Letters left at Alex. M'Leod's, 80 Trongate

M'Leod, Norman, grocer, 1 1 Melville street M'Leod, Robert, wine & spirit merchant, 80 Trongate M'Leod, William, spirit-dealer, 1 1 Marshall street M'Leod, W. & Co. shawl manufs. 59 Hutcheson street M'Leod, Mrs. grocer, 141 Gallowgate 216 M'LEOC—M'MILLAN.

M'Leod, Mrs. Wm. corset maker, 23 New st. Calton M'Leod, Mrs. 1 1 Portland street, Laurieston M'LEROY, Hamilton & Co. cotton spinners and mannfs. 47 Ingram st. works Cumberland st. Calton M'Leroy, John, & Son, muslin manufacturers, 47 In- gram street, works Craignestock M'LIMONT, David, 20 Candleriggs M'Lhuont, Robert, & Co. merchants, 20 Candleriggs M'Limont & Mitchell, Misses, milliners and dress- makers, 39 Hutcheson street M'LIVER, Hugh, spirit-dealer, 2 Oxford lane M'LUCKIE, James, spirit-dealer, 64 High street M'Luckie, John, agent, lodgings, 240 Gallowgate M'Luckie, Thomas, baker, 26 Main street, Gorbals M'Luckie, Mrs. milliner', 29 Candleriggs M'LURE, Andrew, jun. vintner, 100 Eglinton street M'Lure, Peter, bookseller, 15 College street M'LUSKIE, William, grocer, Dalmarnock road M'Luskie, Frances, green grocer, 32 Green st. Calton M'MANUS, John, spirit-dealer, 28 Stevenson street M'MASTER, Daniel, spirit-dealer, 111 Saltmarket M'Master, Thomas, grocer, 117 New venal M'MATH, John, shoemaker, Dalmarnock road M'MENAMIN, M. spirit-dealer, 71 Rutherglen loan M'MENENY, George, tailor, 84 Centre street M'MICHAEL, David, & Co. manufacturers, 90 Delist. M'MILLAN, Alexander, spirit- dealer, 3 Adelphi st. M'Millan, Andrew, 16 Monteith row M'Millan, Angus, Inverness tap-room, 57 Gallowgate M'Millan, David, candle maker, 85 Argyll street M'Millan, Donald, nailer, foot of Duke street M'Millan, Duncan, block maker, 5 M'Alpine street M'Millan, Duncan, spirit-dealer, 47 King street M'Millan, Hugh, shoemaker, Claythorn street M'Millan, Hugh, clothier, 29 Glassford street M'Millan, James, confectioner, 135 Trongate M'Millan, J. painter, 79 M' Alpine street M'Millan, Jonn, spirit- dealer, 37 Coburg buildings M'Millan, John, tailor, 34 Kirk street, Calton M'Millan, John, painter, 43 Main street, Anderston m'millan—m'nally. 217

M'Millan, Peter, Perth mail guard, at Mrs. Nisbet's, Laigh Kirk close M'Millan, Mrs. Walter, 51 Union place M'Millan, Mrs. spirit-dealer, 10 merchant lane M'MULAY, George, grocer, 10 New street, Calton M'MUNIGALL, P. provision dealer, 29 Market st. M'MURDO, D. V. collector of customs, ho. Provan pi. M'MURRAY, George, upholsterer, 9 Maxwell street M'Murray, William, wire worker, 88 Trongate M'Murray, Mrs. grocer, 3 Nicholson street M'MURTRIE, J.&Co. spirit-dealers, 20 Nicholson st. M'NAB, Alexander, flesher, 26 Clyde place M'Nab, Alexander, baker, 75 John street M'Nab, Alexander, grocer, 51 Canning street, Calton M'Nab, Allan, teacher, 48 Great Hamilton street M'Nab, C. spirit-dealer, 96 Back wynd M'Nab, James, flesher, 29 Oxford street M'Nab, John, flesher, 59 King street, Tradeston M'Nab, John, spirit-dealer, 11 Great Hamilton street M'Nab, John, flesher, 27 Norfolk street M'Nab, Peter, tea& spirit dealer, 95Mainst. Anderston M'Nab, William, merchant, 6 Wellington street M'Nab, Mrs. Archibald, 9 Maxwell street M'Nab, Mrs. 2 Morris place, Monteith row M'Nab, Mrs, lodgings, 95 Argyll street M'Nab, Miss, lodgings, 44 Great Clyde street M'NAIR, Alexander, paper warehouse, 71 Bell street M'Nair, Andrew, commission agent, 62 Queen st. "M'Nair, Gabriel, portioner, 93 Kingfield row M'Nair, J. & Co. hat manufacturers, 34 St. Andrew sq. M'Nair, J. of Greenfield. Letters left at 176 Trongate M'Nair, James, grocer, 434 Gallowgate M'Nair, James, & Son, sugar refiners, Washington st. house Brandon place M'Nair, John, commission merchant, 96 Virginia place, house 12 Regent street M'Nair, Matthew, inkle works, 37 Graeme street M'Nair, Robert, thistle bank, house Sauchiehall road M'Nair, William, surgeon, 16 Govan street M'NALLY, Neil, clothes broker 16 Market street T 218 m'naught—m'nicol.

M'NAUGHT, George, victualler, 51 Main st. Calton M'Naught, James, dairyman, 32 Buchan street M'Naught, James, grocer, 73 Carrick street M'Naught, James, tavern, 203 Argyll sti-eet M'Naught, John, & Co. merchants, 19 Jamaica street M'Naught, John, of John M'Naught S? Co. house 8 Abercromby place M'Naught, John, shoemaker, Robertson street M'NAUGHTAN, C. merchant, 20 West Regent st. M'Naughtan, D. dairyman, 79 King street, Tradeston M'Naughtan, D. turner, 39 Stockwell M'Naughtan, Finlay, vintner, 47 King street M'Naughtan, John, spirit-dealer, 23 Canon street M'Naughton, Mrs. grocer, 12 Stevenson street M'NEE, Duncan, surgeon, 25 Oxford street M'Nee, Duncan, merchant, 73 Hutcheson street

M'Nee, Jas. at Laurie

M'Nee, Walter, of Gibson fy M'Nee,ho. 141 Geo. st. M'Nee, William, druggist, 27 Oxford street M'Nee, Mrs. peacock tavern, 22 Gallowgate M'Nee, Mrs. furnishing shop, 41 New Bridge street M'NEIL, Andrew, shoemaker, 45 Mitchell street M'Neil, D. spirit-dealer, Burnside, Port-Dundas M'Neil, D. tailor, 145 Trongate M-'Neil, James, spirit-dealer, 30 New street, Calton M'Neil, J. of M'Neil % Sutherland, ho. 2 Warwick st. M'Neil, John, spirit-dealer, Burnside, Port-Dundas M'Neil, John, vintner, 5 Wood lane M'Neil, Peter, flesher, Cowcaddens M'Neil, Roderick, spirit-dealer, 97 New wynd M'Neil & Sutherland, plumbers, 22 Oxford street M'Neil, William, spirit-dealer, 87 Main street, Gorbals M'Neil, Miss, dressmaker, 145 Trongate M'NEILLAGE, Neil, spirit- dealer, 9 Carrick street M'NICOLL, Archibald, 45 Virginia street, house 8 Coburg street M'Nicoll, Daniel, mort-cloth society, 33 Bishop street M'Nicol, Daniel, merchant, 209 High street M'Nicol, Daniel, green grocer, 15 Oxford street M'Nicol, D. boot & shoemaker, 8 & 10 Brunswick pi. M'NICOL—M'PHERSON. 219

M'Nicol, Duncan, spirit-dealer, 156 Broomielaw M'Nicol, John, grocer, 59 Nelson street, Tradeston M'Nicol, Peter, wright and cabinet maker, 25 Portland street, and 12 Back wynd M'Nicoll, Ronald, merchant, 23 Brown street M'Nicol, William, spirit-dealer, 629 Gallowgate M'Nicol, Mrs. grocer, 62 Carrick street M'NIGHT, James, grocer, 73 Carrick street M'NISH, J. & R. surgeons, 17 Buchanan street M'NIVEN, David, grocer, 11 Kirk street M'Niven, David, & Co. manufacturers, 16 Canon street M'Niven, James, spirit-dealer, 122 Main st. Anderston M'Niven, Mrs. lodgings, 5 Stockwell plafe M'OMISH, Robert, grocer, St. Rollox M' Ornish, Peter, grocer, Monkland Canal Bason M'ONIE, Andrew, grocer, Cowcaddens M'PHAIL, Daniel, & Co. cotton spinners, Greenhead M'Phail, Dugald, & Co. spinning works, Greenhead M'Phail, Dugald, of D. M'Phail % Co. ho. Greenhead M'Phail, Duncan, of D. M'Phail % Co. ho. Greenhead M'Phail, John, spirit-dealer, 22 Graeme square M'Phail, Peter, silk, cotton & woollen dyer, Alston st. M'Phail & Stewart, spirit -dealers, 47 and 49 South Albion street M'Phail, Miss, dressmaker, 7 Argyll street M'PHEELY, James, grocer, 160 Main st. Gorbals M'PHERSON, A. depute harbour master, Port- Dundas

M'Pherson, Alex, of 'M Pherson, MLauchlan fy SteelL house 14 West St. Vincent street M'Pherson, Daniel, boot crumpler, 48 Stockwell M'Pherson, Donald, baker, 16 New wynd M'Pherson, George, spirit-dealer, 3 Main st. Gorbals M'Pherson, Hugh, Badarroch distillery cellars, 10 St. Andrew lane, house St. Andrew square M'Pherson, Hugh, horse dealer, 8 Green st. Calton M'Pherson, James, sheriff officer, Reid street M'Pherson, James, surgeon dentist, 76 Buchanan st.

M'Pherson, John, M'Pherson 8$ M'Donald, house 45 Oswald street 220 M'PHERSON M'RAE.

M'Pherson, John, slater, 72 Nelson street M'Pherson, John, sail maker, 160 Broomielaw M'Pherson, John, green grocer, 75 Tureen street M'Pherson & M'Donald, insurance brokers, 135 Buchanan street M'Pherson, M'Lachlan & Steell, writers, 6 South Hanover street M'Pherson, Peter, spirit-dealer, 20 Brown street M'Pherson, Mrs. lodgings, 50 North Albion street M'PHUN, Archibald, & Co. 29 St. Andrew square M'Phun, W. R. bookseller, 86 Trongate, ho. Holme pi. M'QUADE, Mrs. broker, 5 St. Margaret place M'QUAKER, Robert, manufacturer, 51 Cochran st. M'QUALTERS, Thomas, grocer, 30 Bishop street M'QUARRIE, H. 3 Stormont st. ho. 53 Maxwell st. M'Quarrie, John, tailor, 63 Union street M'Quarrie, John, baker & spirit-dealer, Quarrytown M'Quarrie, Wm. spirit-dealer, Burnside, Port-Dundas M' QUEEN, Alexander, grocer, 6 Green st. Calton M'Queen, Alexander, commercial lodgings, 82Hutche- son street M'Queen, Jas. at the Wine Co. of Scotland, Exchange M'Queen, James, of M'Queen, M'Kay &$ Co. house South Wellington place M'Queen, James, lock maker, 9 Steel street M'Queen, John, grocer, 63 Union street M'Queen & M'Aulay, calico printers, Shawfield bank. Letters left at 31 Stirling street M'Queen, M'Kay & Co. merchants, 25 George's sq. M'Queen, William, tobacconist, 82 High street M'Queen, Mrs. victualler, 13 Kirk street, Calton M'Queen, Mrs. William, grocer, 27 Govan street M'QUIBEN, Robert, spirit-dealer, 13 Malta street M'QUISTEN, Peter, civil engineer, 4 Dunlop street, house Coustonholm, near Pollokshaws M'RAE, Colin, victualler, &c. 8 Anderston quay M'Rae, James, shoemaker, 103 Graeme street M'Rae, John, boot and shoemaker, 24 Glassford street M'Rae, John, teacher, 11 Norfolk court, Laurieston M'Rae, Mrs. 59 Crown street M'RAW NAIRN. 221

M'RAW, F. spirit-dealer, 100 Saltmarket M'REA, Wm. boot and shoemaker, 162 Broomielaw M'ROBERT, Mrs, silk dyer, 25 Bridge st. Tradeston M'ROBIE, John, spirit-dealer, 6 Back wynd M'RUER, J. & Sons, wrights and timber merchants, St.George pi. cab. & uphol.wareho. 163 Buchanan st. Peter's M'Ruer, J. of Jas. M'Ruer fy Sons, house buildings, West Nile street M'Ruer, Mrs. James, 1 West Bath street M'SKIMING, J.& Co. spirit-dealers, near Gorbals toll M^SORLEY, William, broker, 135 New wynd M'STRAVICK, William, tobacconist, 158 High st. M'SWAN, John, victualler, 307 Argyll street M'SYMON, J. victualler, Holme st. Anderston walk M'TEAR, Andrew, vintner, 17 High street M'Tear, James, English academy, 36 Kent street M'TYER, William, house 5 Queen street M'VEAN, Dougald, grocer, Blackquarry M'Vean, D. booksellei-, 175 High street M'VEY, Barnard, spirit-dealer, 98 New wynd M'Vey, John, commission merchant, and agent for the Alliance Assurance Office, 95 Hutcheson street, house Whitevale M'Vey, John, hosier, 97 Saltmarket M'VICCAR, J. & R. blacking manufs. 112 Gallowg. M'Viccar, John, tinsmith, 169 High street M'Viccar, Neil, beamer, 20 Sister street M'Viccar, Mrs straw hat maker, 26 Govan street M'WATERS, George, turner, 199 Barraek street M'WATT, George, spirit-dealer, 102 Broomielaw M' WHANNELL, A. tinplate worker, 28 Old wynd M'Whannell, William, plumber, 8 North Albion st. M'WHIRTER, J. & Co. merchants, 83 Queen street M'Whirter, John, of J. M' Whirter 8? Co. house Dun- das vale M' WILLIAM, Mrs. grocer, 30 George street N NAIRN, John, grocer, 81 Canning street, Calton Nairn & Milroy, grocers, Main street, Bridgeton t 2 222 NAIRN— NEILL.

Nairn, William, plasterer, 50 Blackfriar street Nairn, Wm. & Co. clothiers & hatters, 99 Trongate NAISMITH, Alex, hide and leather factor, 8 St. Andrew lane Naismith, Campbell, 189 Buchanan street Naismith, Thos. spirit-dealer, Monkland Canal basin Naismith, William, shoemaker, 20 Shuttle street Naismith, William, & Co. manufacturers, 94 Miller st. Naismith, William, offieer to the corporation of Cor-

el in ers, Brown street, Brownfield Naismith, William, currier and leather merchant, 71 Bridgegate Naismith, Miss, 12 Monteith row NAPIER, Alexander, 43 New Bridge street Napier, David, engineer, 12 Gillespie st. Lancefield Napier, George, rope spinner, Dalmarnock road Napier, John, at Renfrewshire bank, 94 Miller street Napier, Rt. smith and millwright, 27 Greyfriar Avynd Napier, Robert, leather merchant, 80 Nelson street Napier, R. engineer, Vulcan foundery, 26 Washing- ton street, house 31 Whitevale Napier, William, smith and boiler maker, M'Alpine st. Napier, William, & Co. agents for the Renfrewshire Bank, 94 Miller street NEALLY, M. grocer, 30 St. Ninian street NEAVES, George A. tailor and coal agent, 1 Rich- ard's court, Bedford street NEILL, David, smith, 33 Struthers st. Calton, ho.34 Neill, David, wright, 45 Clyde street, Anderston Neil, Gabriel, at John White § Co.'s, 30 South Han- over street Niel, James, bookseller, 17 Bazar Neil, J. mercantile academy, 77 Brunswick street

Neill, John, of Neill 8f Lees, house 177 Stirling road Neill & Lees, silk manufacturers, 41 North Albion st. Neil, M. spirit-dealer, 14 Back wynd Neill, Samuel, sen. 34 Struthers street, Calton Neill, Samuel, jun. tinplate worker, 70 Stevenson st. Neil, Thomas, bookbinder, Smith's crt. 53 Candleriggs Neill, Mrs. spirit-dealer, 36 Govan street NfcllL—NEWALL. 223

Neill, Miss, dress maker, 27 Thistle street

NBILSON, Alex, spirit-dealer, 27 Main st. Gorbals «. Neilson, Alexander, plane maker, 21 Grayfriar wynd Neilson, Archibald, of R. 8? A. Nelson, ho. Graeme st. Neilson, F. surgeon, 13 Wallace court, house 24 Wil- son street Neilson, George, dairyman, 127 Stockwell Neilson, George, dairyman, 11 Warwick street Neilson, J. & A. bookbinders, 6 Candleriggs Neilson, J. B. engineer, Gas Works, Kirk street Neilson, J. & J. architects and measurers of buildings, 81 Buchanan street Neilson, James, of J. 8? J. Neilson, ho. 57 Union place Neilson, James, china warehouse, 48 Candleriggs Neilson, James, cooper, 61 Old wynd Neilson, James, reed maker, 90 Bell street Neilson, J. & J. plumbers, 81 Buchanan street Neilson, John, tavern, 142 Trongate Neilson, John, engineer, Old bason Neilson, John, grocer, 9 Crown street Neilson, M. tailor, 42 M'Kechnie street Neilson, Patrick, agent for the Hercules fire office, 73 Hutcheson street, house Portland street, Laurieston Neilson, Peter, boot tavern, 39 Saltmarket Neilson, Robert, surgeon, 42 Trongate, house 39 St Andrew square Neilson, Robert, of R. Sf A. Neilson, ho. Oswald street Neilson, R. & A. agents, 6 Wallace court Neilson, Thomas, flesher, Sauchiehall street Neilson, Thomas, grocer, 137 Stockwell Neilson, Thomas, flesher, 10 Mutton market Neilson, Walter, spirit-dealer, 106 Main st. Gorbals Neilson, William, candlemaker, 232 Gallowgate Neilson, William, & Robert Anderson, writers, 73 Hutcheson street Neilson, Mrs. William, baby linen shop, 7 Russel st. Neilson, Mrs. flesher, 78 King street Neilson, M. milliner and dress maker, 31 Bell street NEWALL, A. & J. brokers and commission merchts. 35 Miller street 224 NEWALL NIMMO.

Newall, Archibald, of A. § J. Newall, house Millbank NEWBIGGING, A. cotton mill furnisher, 77 Hutche- son street Newbigging, J. accountant, 23 South Frederick street, house 131 Rottenrow New Clyde Shipping Co's. Office, 53 Jamaica street, John Tassie, manager NEWLANDS, Alex, portioner, 14 King st. Calton Newlands, David, spirit-dealer, 20 Main st. Gorbals Newlands, John, tea, wine and spirit merchant, 140 & 142 Main street, Gorbals Newlands, John, merchant tailor, 48 Gallowgate Newlands, Patrick, spirit-dealer, 33 St. Andrew street Newlands, Robert, merchant, 71 Charlotte street Newlands, William, & Son, Scotch and Irish linen warehouse, 20 and 24 High st. ho. 71 Charlotte st. Newlands, Mrs. grocer, 48 Bell street, Calton Newlands, Misses, boarding school, 198 Buchanan st. NEWTON, A. baker, Main street, Bridgeton Newton, Thomas, manager, Gorbals foundery Co. Newton, Walter, grocer, 24 Great Dovehill NICOL, Alex, teacher of the flute, 273 George street Nicol, James, spirit- dealer, Upper Renfield street Nicol, James, & Co. spirit-dealers, 113 Havannah Nicol, Robert, boot and shoemaker, 48 Hospital street Nicol, Walter, teacher 18 Turner's court NICHOLSON, Jas. baker, 5 Norfolk st. Laurieston Nicholson, John, & Son, upholsterers, 19 Union street Nicholson, John, bookseller, 18 Bazar Nicholson, John, furnishing shop, 94 Canning street Nicholson, William, tea dealer, 76 Tureen street Nicholson, William, grocer, Burnside, Port-Dundas Nicholson, Mrs. tallow chandler, 99 George street Nicholson, Mrs. midwife, 3 St. Margaret place Nicholson, Mrs. poultry shop, 89 Glassford street NIMMO, James, barber, 106 Gallowgate Nimmo, James, Barrowfield colliery, Mile-end. Orders left at 64 Gallowgate Nimmo, James, boot and shoe maker, 10 Salisbury st. Nimmo, John, grocer, 95 Gallowgate NIMMO NORRIS. 225

Nimmo, Robert, writer, 51 Portland street, Laurieston Nimnio, Thomas, baking society, Main st. Bridgeton Nimmo, W. T. royal bank Nimmo, Mrs. Alexander, grocer, 67 Bridgegate Nimmo, Miss E. straw hat maker, 248 Gallowgate NISBET, A. ofM'Auley # Nisbet, ho. 14 Cathcart st. Nisbet, Rev. Archibald, 10 Richmond street Nisbet, James, spirit-dealer, 68 Main street, Gorbals Nisbet, James, jun. Arictualler, 55 Jamaica street Nisbet, James, grocer, 86 Centre street, Tradeston Nisbet, James, provision merchant, 139 George street Nisbet, John, house 18 Russell street Nisbet, John, grocer, 288 Gallowgate Nisbet and Paterson, victuallers, 132 Main st. Gorbals Nisbet and Peebles, writer^, 107 Buchanan street Nisbet, William, tavern, 10 Laigh Kirk close NISH, Anthony, messenger at arms, 60 Stockwell, ho. 26 Robertson street NIVEN, Campbell & Co. warehousemen, 21 Argyll st. Niven, Daniel, Port-Dundas cotton-work, house 184 Upper Nile street Niven, David, writer, 40 Miller street Niven, James, teacher, Main street, Bridgeton Niven, John, jun. bookseller & stationer, 158 Trongate, house 9 Surrey street Niven, John and Son, printers, 55 Glassford street

Niven, J. B. of Milliken fy Niven, house Cathcart street Niven, Thomas, hair-dresser, 36 Kirk street, Townhead Niven, Thomas, baker, 129 High street Niven, William, bookbinder, 43 Argyll street NIXON, James, silk manufacturer, 13 Charlotte lane Nixon, John and Son, hatters, Smith's court Nixon, Joseph & Co. hatters, 122 Trongate Nixon, Richard, hatter, 98 Argyll street NOBLE, Alexander, confectioner, 22 East Clyde st. NORRIE, W. A. cutler and surgeon's instrument maker, 12 Glassford street NORRIS, James, cartwright, Grahamston Norris, T. & A. ironmongers, 117 Argyll street st. Norris, Thos. of Cook fy Norris, ho. 189 Buchanan —

226 NORTH o'hair.

NORTH British Advertiser Office, 112 Queen street North British Insurance Office, 45 Virginia street. D. Bannatyne and D. M'Kenzie, agents NORTON, John, commission and shawl warehouse, 127 Brunswick street, house 148 Upper Nile street NORVAL, James, combmaker, 60 Bell street Norval, John, baker and grocer, 113 George street Norval, Wm. brush & basket maker, 45 Argyll arcade Norval, Mrs. James, & Son, combmakers, 7 King st. NORWELL, James, & Co. haberdashers, 8 Miller st NOTMAN, Thomas, grain merchant, Cowcaddens NORWICH Union Fire and Life Insurance Office, 62 Queen street. Robert Blackie, agent. O OATTS, Mrs. Garnet place, Garnethill O'CONNOR, Chas. spirit-dealer, 60 Rutherglen loan O'Connor, John, feather merchant, 28 Saltmarket O'Connor, John, spirit-dealer, 68 Saltmarket Old Drug Warehouse Co. Laigh Kirk close, 59 Trong. O'DONELL, Jas. spirit-dealer, 41 Canning st. Calton O'Donel, George, broker* 12 St. Margaret place O'Donal, Hugh, broker, 68 Bridgegate OGILVIE, A. & Co. merchants, 4 Fife place

Ogilvie, Alexander, of A. Ogilvie 8f Co. ho. 35 West St. Vincent street Ogilvie, David, boot and shoemaker, 41 New wynd Ogilvie, George, agent for Palladium Assurance So- ciety, 14 Argyll street Ogilvie's commercial lodgings, Douglas court Argyll st. Ogilvie, John, cabinet maker, Upper Nile street Ogilvie, Thomas, bookseller and stationer, 14 Argyll street and 26 Argyll arcade, house 3 Sandyford place Ogilvie, Wm. grocer & spirit-dealer, Dalmarnock road Ogilvie, Mrs. James, spirit-dealer, 35 Gallowgate OGLE, Maurice, bookseller and stationer, 17 and 19 Wilson street, house 13 Blythswood hill Ogle, William, grocer, 22 Drygate O'HAIR, Felix, broker, 29 Great Hamilton street O'Hair, James, broker, 49 Bridgegate OLD—OSWALD. 227

Old Clyde Shipping Co. 4 York st. James Steel, manager, house York place OLIPHANT, D. manufacturer, North Alhion court Oliphant, David, furnishing shop, 197 High street Oliphant, James, spirit-dealer, 80 Bridgegate Oliphant, William, spirit-dealer, 128 King street O'NEIL, Arthur, spirit-dealer, 29 Bridgegate O'Neil, Hugh, shoemaker, Cowcaddens O'Neil, Hugh, grocer, 114, New wynd O'Niel, John, merchant tailor, 86 Saltmarket Operative St. John's Masonic Lodge. Wm. Dalziel, master, 9 Commerce street

ORD, Geo. of M' Gavin 8? Ord, ho. 62 Great Clyde st. ORKNEY, Peter, grocer, 42 Carrick street ORR, Andrew, at Francis Orr's, 63 Brunswick street Orr, Charles, writing master, 5 Hutcheson street Orr, Francis, wholesale stationer, 63 Brunswick st. ho. Glenfield, Town mill road Orr, Francis, jun. stationer, 46 John street, house 19 Cochran street Orr, James, surgeon, 267 Argyll street Orr, James, haker, 57 Saltmarket James, at Francis Orr's Orr, , Orr, J. eating-house, 153 Bridgegate Orr, John, at M. M-Farlane &; Co.'s distillery Orr, Robert, cotton yarn merchant, 20 Ingram street Orr, Stephen, druggist, 57 King street, Tradeston Orr, Thomas, grocer, 50 Main street, Gorhals Orr, William, baker and spirit-dealer, Cowcaddens Orr, William, calenderer, 51 Cochran street, house Norfolk court, Laurieston Orr, William, at Francis Orr's Orr, Misses, milliners. 78 George street ORMAN, John, stocking manufac. 34 Kirk st. Calton ORMSBY, John, broker, 4 Main street, Calton ORWELL, F. nail manufacturer, 21 Kirk st. Calton OSBORNE, George, shoemaker, 17 Argyll arcade OSWALD, Alexander, & Sons, 37 ropework lane Oswald, H. and A. wine and spirit merchants, 10 Stir- ling street, house Surrey place 228 OSWALD PARK.

Oswald, James, & Co. cotton spinners, 86 Miller st. works Barrowfield Oswald, J. of Alex. Osioald Sf Sons, house Sliieldhall Oswald, John, Wright, 26 M'Kechnie street, Calton Oswald, Stevenson & Co. cotton yarn merchants, 98 Hutcheson street OUTRAM & Morrison, merchants, 152 Argyll street Outram, Joseph, jun. of Outram 8$ Morrison, house 34 Taylor street OWEN, John, 40 G-lassford street OVINGTON and Wilkinsons, silk manufacturers, 36 Ingram street and Cheapside, London

Ovington, Thomas, of Ovington Sj- Wilkinsons, house 2 North Wellington place, Sauchiehall road P PAGAN, Dr. 52 West Nile street PAILLOU, P. portrait and miniature painter, Ro- bertson's court, 179 Argyll street Paisley Bank Office, 58 Virginia street. Alexander Brown, agent Paisley Union Bank, 51 Ingram st. A. Templeton,agt. Paisley Canal Office, Moodie's court, 31 Argyll st Palladium Life and Fire Insurance Company, 14 Argyll street. George Ogilvie, agent. PALMER, James, wright, 40 John street, house Carswell's court PANTON, Alex. M. D. house 14 Stirling street PARK, Allan, Burns' tavern, 66 High street

Park, Anthony, of Harper, Park fy Co. house 1 Wel- lington street Park, David, spirit-dealer, 25 Drygate lane Park, Gavin, starcher, 60 High street Park, George, baker, 23 Jamaica street Park, James, spirit-dealer, Dalmarnock road Park, John, baker, 115 Trongate Park, John, manufacturer, 94 Miller street Park, Robert, general agent, 164 Trongate Park, Robert, grocer, 6 Drygate lane Park, Thomas, tailor, 48 Gallowgate PARK—PATERSON. 229

Park, William, university librarian, house 7 South "Wellington place Park, William, hosier and glover, 10 Trongate Park, Mrs. grocer, 10 Spoutmouth, Gallowgate Park, Mrs. lodgings, 1 Fife place Park, Mrs. E. grocer, 20 King street, Tradeston PARKER, F. spirit-dealer, 99 King street, Tradeston Parker, Francis, painter, 22 Portland st. Laurieston Parker, James, grocer,. 12 Buchan street Parker, James, taker, 78 Gallowgate Parker, James, Dean of guild, Union place, Calton Parker, John, merchant, 20 Wallace court, Bell street, house 146 George street Parker, John, cartwright, Cowcaddens Parker, Peter, baker, 69 Buchanan street PARLANE, John, grocer, &c. 13 Carrick street Pai-lane, Walter, toll-keeper, Gorbals Parlane, William, dairyman, 33 New street, Calton Parlane, William, spirit-dealer, 19 Stevenson st. Calton PARSELL, J. & Co. brush warehouse, 14 Candleriggs Parsell, Wm. brush warehouse, 7 and 9 Candleriggs PASLEY, & Pearce, merchants, 6 Antigua place PATERSON, Alexander, spirit-dealer, 81 Main street, Anderston Paterson, Alex, of Cubie 8$ Paterson, house Wellington pottery Paterson, Alexander, barber, 5 Campbell street Paterson, Alex, manufacturer, 5 M'Kechnie street Paterson, A. & Wm. boot and shoemakers, 152 Tron- gate, house 7 Bain's place Paterson, Alex, haberdasher, 150 Trongate, house 2 Norfolk court, Laurieston Paterson, Archd. engraver and printer, 5 King street Paterson, Archibald, merchant, 20 Carlton place Paterson, Charles, grocer, Main street, Biidgeton Paterson, Daniel, spirit-dealer, 25 Main st. Anderston Paterson, Duncan, spirit-dealer, 37 Kirk street, Calton Paterson, Dundas, house 4 York street Paterson, George, spirit-dealer, 58 Old venal Paterson, George, spirit-dealer, 44 King street, Calton u 230 PATERSON.

Paterson, Henry, 49 London street Paterson, Hugh, treasurer for barony parish, 420 Gallowgate Paterson, James, cooper, 39 Stockwell, house 88 Main street, Gorbals Paterson, James, joiner & cabinetmaker, 21 Union st. Paterson, James, barber, 100 Main street, Anderston Paterson, James, jun. merchant, Cumberland place Paterson, James, brewer, 57 Crown st. Hutchesontown Paterson, James, manufacturer, 19 Virginia street, house West Regent street Paterson, James, commission merchant, ship and insur- ance broker, 18 Melville place, ho. 189 Buchanan st. Paterson, James H. & Co. silk mercers, 138 Trongate, house 32 St. Andrew square Paterson, Dr. J. 55 Nelson street, house 48 Stockwell Paterson, Jamieson, & Co. manufacts. 43 Queen street. Paterson, James, of Paterson, Jamieson $$ Co. house Whytebank, opposite Botanic garden Paterson, James & Co. merchants, 8 Stirling street Paterson, John, shoemaker, 286 Gallowgate Paterson, John, surgeon, 287 Gallowgate, house 420 Paterson, John, grocer, 25 Charlotte street Paterson, John, spirit-dealer, 32 Main st. Anderston Paterson, J. shoemaker, Shank's land, Mitchell street Paterson, John, lock & hinge maker, Sauchiehall road Paterson, John, spirit-dealer, 1 Centre St. Tradeston Paterson, John, shoemaker, 16 Hill street Paterson, John & Co. heddle makers, 16 King street, Tradeston Paterson, John, shoemaker, 34 New street, Caltou Paterson, John, spirit dealer, 424 Gallowgate Paterson, John and James, adjusters and stampers of weights and measures for the city, 28 London street Paterson, John, of John §• James Paterson, house 3 Burrell's lane Paterson, K. provision dealer, 307 High street Paterson, Malcom & Son, bricklayers, 106 Broomielaw Paterson, Matthew, mason and builder, Alston street Paterson, Peter, flesher, 19 & 21 Kirk st. Townhead PATERSON—PATON. 231

Paterson, Robert, merchant, centre of Antigua place Paterson, R. ofJack $$ Paterson, ho. 15 Buchanan street Paterson, Robert, spirit-dealer, 26 Cheapside street Paterson, Robert, of Paterson, Jamieson 8$ Co. house 28 West Regent street Paterson, Robert, shoemaker, 49 New street, Calton Paterson, Robt. smith, 17 Thistle st. Hutchesontown Paterson, Robt. bootmaker, 50 Ingram street, ho. 52 Paterson, Robert, baker, 147 Trongate Paterson, Thomas, jun. & Co. wine and spirit mer- chants, 9 and 11 Nile street, Gallowgate Paterson, Thomas, lithographic printer, 17 and 169 Trongate

Paterson, Thomas, at Stirling, Gordon fy Co.'s, house 119 Eglinton street Paterson, Walter, plasterer, 33 Norfolk st. Laurieston Paterson, Walter, grocer, 38 Kirk street, Calton Paterson, W. A. inspector of taxes, house, Aitken's, Morrison's eourt Paterson, W. Bruce, grocer, 24 Portugal st.Lauriestort Paterson, William, beadle, 15 John street Paterson, William Dundas, 4 York street Paterson, William, grocer, 114 Havannah Paterson, William, smith, 88 Main street, Gorbals Paterson, Wm. smith and bell hanger, 4 and 5 Ann st. Paterson, Mrs. ladies' boarding & dayschool, 34York st Paterson, Mrs. wheat sheaf inn, 21 Clyde terrace Paterson, Mrs. George, victualler, 17 New wynd Paterson, Miss, straw hat and dress maker, 106 Saltm. Paterson, Misses, dress makers, 50 New Bridge street Paterson, Miss S. dress maker, Commercial road PATON, A. brewer, 33 Montrose street, house 16 Richmond street Paton, Alexander, spirit-dealer, 289 Argyll street Paton, George & Co. brush makers, 21 High street Paton, G. & M. wood merchants, 383 Gallowgate Paton, John, grocer, 38 Weaver street Paton, Mungo, ironmonger, 7 Saltmarket Paton, William P. commission merchant and agent, Virginia buildings, house West Regent street 232 PATON—PEARSON.

Paton's, Miss, lodgings, 230 George street Paton, Misses, dress & straw hat makers, 71 Stockwell PATRICK, John & Co. commission merchants, 70 Hutcheson street Patrick, William, merchant, 70 Hutcheson street PATTISON, David, commission merchant & broker, 18 Melville place, house 16 Bath street Pattison, Duncan & Co. merchants, 43 Queen street Pattison, George, spirit-dealer, 8 Claythorn street

Pattison, John, of Pattison, Duncan fy Co. house 22 Blythswood square place Pattison, F. H. of M. fy F. Pattison, house Fife Pattison, James & Co. spirit-dealers, 58 Broomielaw Pattison, John, merchant, 6 Hope street Pattison, M. & F. manufacturers, 25 Queen street

Pattison, M. M. of M. fy F. Pattison, house 4 Blyths- woodhill Pattison, William & Co. merchants, 94 Miller street Pattison, William, merchant, house 9 Blythswood square PAUL & Aitken, accountants, 58 Miller street Paul, George, tailor, 57 Gallowgate

Paul, Henry, of Paul fy Aitken, ho. North Woodside Paul, James, grocer, 25 Centre street, Tradeston Paul, John, tailor & spirit-dealer, 151 Mainst. Gorbals Paul, John, merchant, 3 Hope street Paul, John, writer, 95 Hutcheson street Paul, John & Andrew, candlemakers and tobacconists, 8 George street Paul, Mrs. H. C. dress maker, 41 Howard street Paul, Mrs. fish dealer, 7 Fish market, King street PAXTON, M. & J. fleshers and muffin bakers, 7 Renfield street Paxton, Thomas, spirit-dealer, 15 Jamaica street PEARCE, John, at John Strang &; Co.'s, spirit mer- chants, 60 Stockwell, house 46 Dunlop street

Pearce, Matthew, of M'Kinnon, Pearce 8f Co. 11 Blythswood hill PEARSON, John, factor, 37 Ropework lane, house 16 New Bridge street PEARSON PENMAN, 233

Pearson, John, wine and spirit merchant, 109 High street, house 226 Pearson, John, spirit- dealer, 84 Bell street Pearson, P. boot and shoe warehouse, 52 Saltmarket Pearson, T. tailor and clothier, 38 King st. Tradeston Pearson, Walker, & Co. merchants, 42 Miller street Pearson, Walker, Brazilian vice consul, 42 Miller street, house 2 Richmond street Pearson, Wm. & Son, boot & shoe shop, 1 London st. Pearson, W. jun. boot & shoe warehouse, 44 Saltmkt. PEAT, GeOrge, bookseller, 159 High street Peat, George, herring merchant, 28 Kent street PEDDIE, travelling equipment manufacturer, 1 1 Ar- gyll arcade Peddie & Tennant's school, Cambridge street Peddie, William, & Co. auctioneers, 55 High street, ho. 33 Blackfriar street PEEBLES, Alexander, grocer, 20 Tobago st. Calton

Peebles, Charles, of Nisbet fy Peebles, house, Braehead, Cat heart Peebles, John, 49 Hutcheson street Peebles & Thomson, manufacturers, 103 Glassford st.

Peebles, William, of Peebles fy Thomson, house 5 West Nile street Pelican Life Office, 49 Miller st. John Loudoun, agt. PELLAT, Mill, agent for the Exchange and Deposit Bank, 34 Cochran street PENDER, Jas. spirit- dealer, 85 Nelson st. Tradeston PENFOLD, G. Glasgow Medical Hall, 29 and 31 Queen street PENNEY, William, & Son, merchants, 2 John street, house 12 Bath street Penny, Mrs. lodgings, Morrison's crt. 108 Argyll st.

PENMAN, A. at David Allan fy Co.'s, house Clyde buildings

Penman, D. of Penman Sf Hedderwick, ho. Renfield st. Penman & Hedderwick, marble cutters, Renfield street Penman, John, merchant, Ingram buildings

Penman, J. of Henderson fy Penman, ho. 8 Buchanan st. Penman, William, surgeon, 8 Buchanan street u 2 234 PERSTON PHILLIPS.

PERSTON & Craig, japaur.ers, 10 Grayfriar wynd

Perston, James, of M. fy J. Perston, ho. 173 George st. Perston, M. & J. manufacturers, 183 George street Perston, M. of M. 8? J. Perston, ho. 183 George street Perston, Mrs. midwife, 4 Havannah Permit Office, 101 Miller street and 35 Gallowgate PERRIT, Robert, flesher, Sauchiehall road and at Phoenix works

PIRRIE, David, of Watt, Pirrie 8f Co. ho. 4 Blyths- wood square Pirrie, Robert, merchant, 2 West Nile street Perry, Dr. Robert, 24 Queen street Perry, William, printfield warehouse, 103 Hutcheson street, house Campbell street, Brandon place Perth Baking Co. 43 Union place. T. Hutchison, manager PETERKIN, Alex, royal bank, house 23 Weaver st. PETERS, James, painter, 118 Bridgegate Peter, W. West of Scotland Rag Co. 78 Maxwell st. house 56 Howard street Peter, William, spirit-dealer, Burnside, Port-Dundas PETERSON, P. & R. Jameson, writers, 32 Argyll st.

Peterson, Peter, of Peterson fy Jameson, writers, house 212 Broomielaw PETRIE, James, grocer, 35 Main street, Anderston PETTI GREW, J. & W. victuallers, 43 Stevenson st. Pettigrew, J. victualler, Franklin street, Bridgeton Pettigrew, W. Gallowgate ropework, 480 Gallowgate PETTY, David, tailor, 32 New Bridge street Petty, Mrs. D. dressmaker, 32 New Bridge st PHILLIPS, Archibald, victualler, 384 Gallowgate Phillips & Binks, wholesale tea dealers, 97 Candleriggs Phillips, Chas. Laur. manufacturer, 14 Garthland street Phillips, David, shoemaker, 38 Maxwell street Phillips, James, classical academy, 22 Argyll st. house 16 St. Andrew's lane Phillips, James, flesher, 70 King street and 14 Mutton market Phillips, James, upholsterer, 58 Buchanan street Phillips* M. & J. milliners, 45 Bell street PHILLIP POLLOCK. 235

Phillip, Rosina, cage maker, 81 Kirk street, Calton Phillips, Thomas, of Phillips 8? Pinks, ho. Union place Phillips, Mrs. spirit-dealer, 75 Canning street, Calton PHCENIX Iron Works, Burnside, Port-Dundas Phoenix Fire and Pelican Life Insurances Offices. J. Loudoun, 49 Miller street, and J. O. Denny, 15 Queen street, agents PICKERING, Geo. leather merch. 27 Little Dovehill PICKEN, John, & Co. tobacconists, ,41 Gallowgate PINKERTON, Geo. spirit-merchant, 10 St Andrew lane, house Greenhead Pinkerton, James, sen. grain merchant, 62 Union st. house, 9 Blythswood place Pinkerton, James, jun. & Co. wine and spirit cellars, 92 Queen street Pinkerton, James, grocer, 70 Green street, Calton Pinkerton, James, gardener, Green market, ho. Goose- berryhall, Rutherglen Pinkerton, John, grocer, 91 Drygate Pinkerton, Robert, wright, Rumford street, Bridgeton Pinkerton, Robert, corn merchant, 16 Queen street Pinkerton, William, hair cloth manufac. 39 Stockwell PLAYFAIR, James, ofP. % J. Playfair % Co. house 8 Blythswood square Playfair, Patrick & James, & Co. merchts. 144 Queen st. Playfair, Patrick, of P. &; J. Playfair, ho. Dalmarnock POINTER, John, beef steak and porter-house, 48 Prince's street PoLicE-Offices—See Appendix Police Collector's Office, Police buildings, S. Albion st. POLLARD, Mrs. hosier, 9 Bazar POLLOCK, Alexander, Greenhill place Pollock, Alexander, slater, 65 Kirk street, Calton Pollok, Gilmour, & Co. merchants, 6 Union st. house 24 Carlton place Pollok, James, engraver, 56 Trongate Pollock, James, hair-dresser, 342 Gallowgate Pollok, James, muslin and shawl warehouse, 106 Hutcheson street, house 26 West St. Vincent street Pollock, James, saddler, 151 Stockwell, house 161 236 POLLOCK—PORTER.

Pollock, James, reed maker, 90 High street Pollock, James, victualler, 85 Green street, Calton Pollock, James, & Sons, manufacturers, 12 Stirling sq. Pollok, John, merchant, 8 Clyde place, Tradeston Pollock, John, surgeon, 74 Great Hamilton street Pollok, Morris, silk-throwster,—Factory, Long Go van. Agents, Wilson, Stow & Co. 75 Argyll street Pollock, Robert, vintner, 10 Charlotte street Pollock, R. St. Rollox Foundery, ho. Huntingdondale Pollock, Robert, brush manufacturer, 19 Turner's crt. Pollock, Robert, clerk to commissioners of assessed taxes, 108 Argyll street Pollock, Robert, victualler, 54 Rutherglen loan Pollock, Thomas, grocer, 145 Main street, Gorbals Pollock, Thomas, dairyman, Upper Nile street Pollock, William, writer, 40 Candleriggs Pollock, William, 24 Wilson street Pollock, William, porter house, 90 High street Pollock, William, victualler, 186 GalloiArgate Pollock, William, of Rhinmuir. Letters left at Geo. Strang's, 6 Candleriggs Pollock's, Mrs. lodgings, Turner's court Pollock, Mrs. 34 Turner's court Pollock, Misses, boarding school, 20 Union street

PORTEOUS, Alexander, grocer, 1 Cambridge street Porteous, Archibald, cabinet maker, 65 High street Porteous, Burns, & Co. coach makers, 117 Buchanan st. Porteous, C. of Porteous, Burns Sf Co. ho. 108 Stockw. Porteous, George, barber, 38 New wynd Porteous, George, musician, 43 High street Porteous, John, & Co. manufacturers, 73 Hutcheson st. house 4 Monteith row Porteous, Robert, French horn tavern, 88 Trongate Porteous, Thomas, shoe shop, 10 Princes street Porteous, Thomas M. teacher of music, 43 High street Porteous, William, glazier 44 Trongate Porteous, William, P.O. house head of Russell street PORTER, James, writer, 7 Antigua place, Nelson st. Porter, James, coal agent, 68 Broomielaw, house 140 Porter, Mrs. grocer, 3 Claythorn street PORTUGUESE—PROVAND. 237

Portuguese Vice Consulate Office, 17 Nelson st. Port-Dundas Foundery Co. Port-Dundas road Post- Office, 66 Nelson street

POTT, Francis, of Stewart, Pott fy Osborne, house East Bath street POTTER, William, portioner, 40 Canning street POWEL, William, spirit-dealer, 8 Queen street PRENTICE, David, & Co. printers, 28 Nelson street, and 56 Trongate Prentice, st. D. ofD. Prentice fy Co. house 116 George Prentice, John, house 2 West John M-Call fy Co. Nile street PRESTON, John & Thomas, rope spinners, Bell St. Bridgeton PRIMROSE, William, baker, 61 King st. Tradeston Primrose, Mrs. dressmaker, 44 George street Primrose, Miss, soap and candle office, Up. Renfield st. PRINCE, H. furrier, 37 Argyll arcade Procurator Fiscal for the Calton, J. Harvey, office 90 Candleriggs Procurator Fiscal for the County, G. Salmond, office 60 Stockwell Procurator Fiscal for the Commissariat of Glasgow Alex. M'Gregor, office 75 Virginia street Procurator Fiscal for the Justices of the Peace, C. Stewart, office 70 Hutcheson street Procurator Fiscal for the Town, A. Simson, office Council Chambers Procurators' Library, Spreull's court, 182 Trongate PROUDFOOT, Alexander, barber and coal agent, 46 Stockwell Proudfoot, E. glover, 172 Trongate Proudfoot, James, victualler, 152 Gallowgate and 124 King street Proudfoot, James, Govan factory Professors, University. See Appendix PROVEN, Andrew, nail maker and spirit-dealer, Port-Dundas road Proven, David, nailer, Cowcaddens Provand, James, & Co. colour-men, 17 Great Clyde st. 238 PROVEN—RAEBURN.

Proven, James, smith, Port-Dundas road Provan, James, hair dresser, 37 Trongate Pro van, William, surgeon, 118 George street Provand, William, boot & shoemaker, 137 Argyll st. Provan, William, manufacturer, 89 Ingram street Provan, Mrs. cowfeeder, 10 Malta street Provision Market, for sale of potatoes, salted beef, pork, fish, &c. 42 Market st. and foot of Saltmarket PRYDE, David, coal agent, 64 Broomielaw Public Offices. See Appendix PULLAR, John, at Wm. Smith # Co.'s, Garthland st. PURDIE, John, teacher of music, 13 Turner's court Purdie's, Miss, boarding school, 52 Charlotte street PURDON, Andrew, dairyman, Upper Renfield street Purden, William, fishing tackle maker, 153 Trongate Purdon, Mrs. grocer, Cowcaddens PURVES, John, grocer & spirit-dealer, 258 George st. Purves, William, slate pencil maker, 85 Candleriggs

Q QUEEN, Thomas, broker, 48 Rridgegate QUIN, Alexander, broker, 30 Steel street Quin, John, flesher, 7 Stobcross street, Anderston QUIDDINGTON, N. & Co. clothiers, 14 George sq. Quiddington, N. house Willowbank, Sauchiehall road R RAE, Andrew, grocer and spirit dealer, 89 George st. Rae, Andrew, barber, 91 Glassford street Rae, James & Son, smiths, 3 Grayfriar wynd Rae, James, cowfeeder, 38 Main street, Calton Rae, James, comb maker, 65 High street Rae John, merchant, 4 Adelphi street, Hutchesontown Rae, John, cutler, 122 and 124 Stockwell Rae, Wm. & Co. tallow chandlers, 138 Gallowgate Rae, William, tobacconist, 117 High street Rae, Mrs. furnishing shop, 24 East Clyde street Rae, Mrs. lodgings, 71 Crown street RAEBURN, James, victualler, 153 Main street, Gorbals KAILTON—RANKIN. 239

RAILTON, Edward, notary public and law agent, 20 Brunswick place, house 23 St. Enoch square Railton, George, hardware merchant, 57 Trongate Railton, John, messenger at arms, 20 Brunswick place, house 49 Portland street, Laurieston RAINY, Alexander, bricklayer, 45 Great Hamilton st. Rainy, Harry, surgeon, 10 Moore place Rainy, James, portioner, 11 Millroad street RAIT, D. C. goldsmith and jeweller, 16 Argyll street, house 44 Claremont place RALPH, William, 76 Castlemilk pi. Hutchesontown RALSTON, D. & Co. hatters, 111 Trongate, & agents for Glenramskill distillery by Campbelton Ralston, James, manufacturer, 9 Stirling street Ralston, John, & Co. agents, 76 Gallowgate Ralston, Robert, spirit-dealer, 90 Jamaica street Ralston, Thomas, messenger, 22 Bridgegate RAMAGE, David, grocer, Anderston walk, north side Ramage, Thomas, musician, 22 Havannah RAMSAY, Alexander, painter, 112 Gallowgate Ramsay & Campbell, spirit-dealers, 82 Gallowgate Ramsay, John, & Sons, machine makers, 60 Centre st. Ramsay, J. grocer, Melville street Ramsay, John, wright, 320 Gallowgate, workshop 151 Ramsay, William, grocer, 7 Eglinton street RANKIN, Alexander, of Harley §- Rankin, house Garnet place, Garnethill Rankin, Andrew, poulterer, 45 Prince's street

Ranken, Andrew, at J. Sf A. Smith's, house 1 North Queen street Rankin, Charles, general agent, office 90 Brunswick st. Rankin, David, of Rankin 8? Gibson, house 2 Duke st. Rankin & Gibson, manufacturers, 163 Ingram street Rankin, Jas. tobacconist, 94 Bridgegate, ho. Kingston pi. Rankin, James, grocer, 92 High street Rankin, James, flesher, Gray's land, Cowcaddens Rankin, James, portioner, 1 1 Orr street, Calton Rankin, John, grocer, 22 Laigh Kirk close Rankine, J. spirit -dealer, 6 Drygate Rankine, J. surgeon, 11 Renfield st. house 15 Bath st. 240 RANKIN—REGISTER.

Rankin, John, grocer and spirit-dealer, 109 Rottenrow Rankin, John, baker, 6 Clyde place Rankin, John, turner, 22 Claythorn street Rankin, John, victualler, 72 Green street, Calton Rankin, John & Son, grocers, 84 Argyll street Rankin, John, shoemaker, Main street, Bridgeton Rankin, John, spirit-dealer, 53 St. Enoch wynd Rankine, Dr. J. R. N. 1 Oxford street, Laurieston Rankin, Peter, hair dresser, 58 Canon street Rankin, R. & A. fleshers, 171 Gallowgate, and 151 Argyll street Rankin, Robert, manufacturer, 24 St. Andrew square Rankin, Robert, cowfeeder, 40 King street, Calton Rankin, R. manager, Kingfield pottery, Calton Rankin, Thomas, stabler, College open Rankin, William, grocer, 1 Marlborough street, Rankin, W. wright and spirit-dealer, Townhead toll Rankin, William, boot and shoemaker, 4 Havannah Rankin, Wm. junior, spirit-dealer, 42 Gt. Hamilton st. Rankine, Mrs. spirit-dealer, Cowcaddens Rankin, Mrs. lodgings, 29 College street Rankine, Miss E. straw hat maker, 10 Kirk st. Calton RATTRAY, David, sacking & pack sheet warehouse, 6 Wilson street, house 47 Portland st Laurieston Rattray, James, surgeon, 148 High street Rattray, Robert, hatter, 48 Argyll street REAY, R. G. manager, pottery works, Verreville Recruiting District office, South Maxwell street REDDIE, James, advocate, council chambers, house 12 Blythswood square REDDOCH, Allan, merchant tailor, 96 Saltmarket, house 68 REE, Hermann P. merchant, 25 Queen street Rees, Thomas, grocer, 71 Commerce street REEVES, Charles F. surveyor, general post office, house Sandyford, opposite the Botanic garden Reeves, John, post office, lodgings Mrs. Moir's, 6 Wellington street, Anderston walk REGISTER Office for servants, exchange keeper's. office, tontine buildings 1


Register office for domestic servants, 63 Glassford st. REID, Alexander, vintner, Tontine close, 34 Trongate Reid, Alexander, wine and spirit dealer, 198 and 200 Gallowgate, house 194 Reid, Alexander, dye works, 134 Drygate and Govan, warehouse 88 Hutcheson street Reid, Alexander, shoemaker, 71 King st. Tradeston Reid, Alexander, thread maker, 26 George street Reid, Andrew, manufacturer, 56 St. Andrew square, house ahove Reid, Andrew, surgeon, 7 Portland street, Laurieston Reid, Andrew, joiner, 43 Thistle st. Hutchesontown Reid, A. of John Sf Archd. Reid, ho. Cumberland pi. Reid, Charles, merchant, at Robert Jaffray Sp Sons, house Bridge street Reid, Charles, patent axle maker, 32 Dunlop street, and south side Anderston walk Reid, Daniel, tobacconist & chandler, 76 Bridgegate Reid, David, & Co. silk manufacs. 110 Brunswick st. Reid, Francis, of Reid Sf Todd, house 84 Saltmarket Reid, George, shoemaker, 65 Clyde street, Anderston Reid, Henry, spirit-dealer, John street, Bridgeton Reid, Henry, sen. victualler, 84 Canning street, Calton Reid & Harvie, writers, 90 Candleriggs Reid, H. hosier, 17 Bazar Reid, James, upholstery & cab. wareho. 37 Queen st. Reid, J. & E. stationers, 3 Argyll street Reid, J. & F. general factors, 94 Glassford street Reid, J. toy shop, 28 George street Reid, James, manufacturer, 43 Great Hamilton street

Reid, James, ironmonger, at John Stewart Sf Co.'s, 1 Argyll street

Reid, James, Wellfield, at Reid Sf Whiteman's, 106 Hutcheson street Reid, James, Courier office, house 7 George street Reid, James, dyer, 128 Drygate Reid, James, woollen draper, 18 Gallowgate Reid, James, spirit-dealer, 26 Rose street Reid, James, wholesale grocer, 40 Candleriggs Reid, James, agent, 15 Bell street x 242 REID.

Reid, John, beadle, Hutchesontown Relief chapel, 17 Govan street Reid, John, at John M'Kie ft Co.'s Reid, John, spirit-dealer, 251 Gallowgate Reid, John, at H. Ferguson's, writer, 23 Cochran st, Reid, John, grocer, 1 1 King street, house 56 Portland street, Laurieston Reid, John, spirit-dealer, 1 King street, Mile-end Reid, Dr. John, 90 High street Reid, John, wine and spirit dealer, 219 High street Reid, John & Archibald, merchants, 135 Buchanan street, works Washington street Reid, John, gingham and pullicate agent, 94 Miller st. house 23 South Frederick street Reid, John, shoemaker, 79 Main street, Gorbals Reid, Joseph, writer, Town Clerk's Chambers, house 2 Clyde buildings. Reid & Marshall, spirit-dealers, 51 King st. Calton Reid, Matthew, & Co. joiners, 35 Canon street Reid, Peter, agent, 40 Candleriggs Reid, Robert, writer, 90 Candleriggs Reid, Robert, & Co. mahogany merchants and cabinet warehouse, 93 Stockwefi, house Kingston place Reid & Taylor, calenderers, 4 Montrose street Reid, Thomas, flesher, 2 Beef market, King street Reid, Thomas, smith, 151 Gallowgate Reid, Thomas, spirit-dealer, Sauchiehall street Reid & Tod, watch and clock makers, 1 Trongate Reid & Whiteman, merchants, 106 Hutcheson street Reid, William, & Co. printers, Courier office, Ton- tine back buildings

Reid, William, at Cowan Sf Co.'s, 37 Argyll street Reid, William, plumber, 32 Dunlop street Reid, William & Francis, merchants, 11 Garthland st.

Reid, William, of Brown 8f Reid, writers, house Auld- house, Pollokshaws Reid, William, architect, 9 King street, Tradeston Reid, William, provision dealer, 135 Millroad street Reid, William, jun. bookseller and stationer, 17 Vir- ginia street, house 41 Clyde buildings REID—RICHARDSON. 243

Reid, Mrs. sewing school^ 10 Russell street Reid, Mrs. victualler, Cowcaddens Reid, Mrs. tavern and oyster house, 68 Glassford st. Reid, Mrs, cheese dealer, 2 Bazar, Candleriggs Reid, Mrs. R. spirit-dealer, 21 George street Reid, Miss Margaret, milliner, 49 Orr street, Calton RELIGIOUS Institution Rooms, 11 So. Frederick st. RENFREW, Andrew, thread manufac. 5 Montrose st. Renfrew, John, cotton yarn twister, 5 Montrose street Renfrew, John, merchant, 47 Brunswick place, house 17 Nicholson street, Laurieston Renfrew, Robert, dairyman, 20 Goosedubs RENFREWSHIREBank,94Millerst.Napier&Co.ag. RENNIE, Cunningham, hair-dresser and Post-office receiving house, 45 Canning street, Calton Rennie, James, spirit-dealer, 63 High street Rennie, James, portioner, 11 Millroad street, Calton Rennie, James, spirit-dealer, 95 Green street, Calton Rennie, John, window glazier, 368 Gallowgate Rennie, Robert, flesher, Port-Dundas Rennie, Robert, window glazier, 376 Gallowgate Rennie, Robert, flesher, Sauchiehall street Rennie, Thomas, writing master and accountant, 77 Brunswick street, house Garnethill Rennie, William, saddler, 168 Main street, Gorbals RENISON, William, provision merchant, 36 King st. house 57 Prince's street RENTON, J. & J. plasterers, 21 Jamaica st Renton, James, plasterer, 16 Nicholson street Renton, Wm. smith and bellhanger, 54 Commerce st. REN WICK, Arthur, coal agent, 91 King st. Calton Renwick, James, vintner, 67 Bell street Renwick, James, spirit-dealer, 87 Canning st. Calton Renwick, Miss, M. dressmaker, 67 Bell street Repository for needle and. fancy work, 12 arcade RESTON, John, portioner, Main street, Bridgeton Reston, John, & Son, cabinet makers, 4 Buchanan st. Reston, John, cabinetmaker, 13 New Bridge street RHODES, Mrs. J. 78, Great Hamilton street RICHARDSON & Allan, manufacts. 55 Glassford st. 244 RICHARDSON RISK.

Richardson, Alex. cab. maker, 12 G. Hamilton street Richardson, George, printer, 195 High street Richardson, Rev. Dr. 20 Whitevale Richardson, James, & Co. merchants, 16 Queen street Richardson, Jas. surgeon, 117 Kingst. ho. 10 Collegest. Richardson, John R. wine merchant, 32 Miller street Richardson, Thomas, land-surveyor, 73 Hutcheson st. Richardson, Wm. & Jas. Porter, writers, 7 Antigua pi.

Richardson, William, of Richardson fy Porter, house 10 College street Richardson, William, drySalter, 16 Canon street RICHMOND, George, royal bank, house Balgray hill Richmond, John, confectioner, 26 Nelson street

Richmond, John, of Wm. Richmond fy Co. house 17 Monteith row Richmond, Wm. & Co. warehousemen, 6 London st.

Richmond, William, of Wm. Richmond fy Co. house 8 Monteith row RIDDELL, Andrew, confectioner, 64 Argyll street and 11 Hutcheson street Riddell, David, spirit dealer, 443 Gallowgate Riddell, James, stocking maker, Calton entry Riddell, James, eating-house, 140 Saltmarket Riddell, John, wine & spirit-dealer, 92 & 356 Gallowg. Riddell, Matthew, victualler, 56 King street, Calton Riddell, Thomas, china mender, 43 High street Riddell & Thomson, road and bridge contrs. Broomfield Riddell, William, royal bank, house 38 Oxford street RIDLEY, John, grocer, 15 Charlotte street RIGG, Alex, grocer & spirit-dealer, 61 Crown street Rigg, Isaac, & Son, chinamen, 59 Candleriggs Rigg, Miss, dressmaker, 10 Stockwell place RIGBY, William, surgeon, 142 Bridgegate, ho. 149 RINTOUL, Alexander, tanner, 17 Burnside lane Rintoul, Andw. broker & commission agt. 62 Queen st. Rintoul, R. tobacconist, 7 Hutchesou street RISK, David, druggist, 63 Stevenson street, Calton Risk, David, surgeon, 7 Millroad street, Calton Risk, John & Charles, manufacturers, 9 Cochran street, house Sauchiehall road RITCHIE ROBERTON. 245

RITCHIE, Chas. surgeon, Pratt's crt. 109 Argyll st. Ritchie, Daniel, manager, Anderston Old victualling society, 22 Stobcross street and 127 Main street Ritchie, David, 31 Stockwell Ritchie, Duncan, spirit-dealer, 126 Broomielaw Ritchie, James & Co. grocers, 65 Glassford street Ritchie, James, slater, 34 Bell street, Calton Ritchie, James, wine merchant, 31 and 37 Stockwell Ritchie, James, writer, 16 Queen st. ho. Little Govan Ritchie, Rev. John, Trades' House Chaplain, Trades' Hall, house 8 Nicholson st Ritchie, John, engineer, 162 Broomielaw Ritchie, John, mercht. 16 Queen st. ho. Little Govan Ritchie, Robert, quill dresser, 12 Prince's street Ritchie, Thomas, 55 West Nile street Ritchie, W. victualler and dairyman, 16 King st. Calton Ritchie, William, spirit- dealer, 57 Main st. Gorbals Ritchie, William, spirit-dealer, 26 Rutherglen loan Ritchie, William, teacher, 2 Great Hamilton street Ritchie, William, grocer & spirit-dealer, 13 Norfolk st. RIVA, J. & M. carvers and gilders, 1 43 High street ROBB, Alex, grocer, 34 Portugal street, Laurieston Robb, Andrew, grocer and spirit-dealer, 9 Melville st. Robb, George, writer, 135 Buchanan street, house 13 Blythswoodhill Robb, George, teacher, 5 Moncrieff street, Gorbals Robb, Isaac, purchaser for the Old Victualling society, Main street, Bridgeton Robb, James, & Co. painters, 120 & 202 Buchanan st. Robb, James, & Co. aquafortis & marine acid makers, 43 Argyle st. works Silvergrove place, Canning st. Robb, James, wright, 122 Saltmarket Robb, W. wheelwright and turner, 259 High street Robb, Mrs. furnishing shop, 255. High street ROBSON, Mrs. dress maker, 15 Hutcheson street ROBERTS, James, wheelwright, Main st. Bridgeton Roberts, John, spirit-dealer, 78 Canning street, Calton Roberts, Wm. Glasgow bank, ho. 29 St. Vincent place ROBERTON, J. W. merchant, 27 Wilson street, house Kingston place x 2 246 ROBERTON—ROBERTSON.

Jloberton, James, founder, 33 Malta street, Gorbals Roberton, Wm. & Co. manufacturers, 71 Virginia st. ROBERTS ON,Alexander, spirit-dealer, 37 Trongate Robertson, Alex, builder, Piccadilly street, Anderston Robertson, Alexander, surgeon, 46 Carrick street Robertson, Alexander, spirit-dealer, 1 1 Prince's street Robertson, Archibald, & Co. fleshers, 62 Bell street Robertson, A. & Co. drapers, 36 and 38 Gallowgate Robertson, Andrew, 48 George street

Robertson, Andrew, of Tannahill 8f Robertson, ho. 23 Monteith row Robertson, A. P. tinplate worker, 73 Main st. Anderston Robertson, Archibald, spirit-dealer, Saltmarket Robertson & Atkinson, booksellers, 84 Trongate Robertson & Co. commission merchants, Antigua place Robertson, Daniel, jeweller, 18 Argyll arcade Robertson, D. turner and spirit-dealer, 8 G- Clyde st. Robertson, Daniel, auctioneer, 20 Miller place Robertson, D. broker, 21 Miller place Robertson, E. cloth glazer, 8 South Albion street Robertson & Granger, hat manufacturers, 53 Nelson st. Robertson, George, victualler, 239 Gallowgate Robertson, George, wood merchant, 116 Stockwell Robertson, George, victualler, 350 Gallowgate Robertson, George, wine and spirit merchant, 69 Bell street, house 46 Graeme street Robertson, Hugh, leather pipe maker, 76 Bell street Bobertson, Hugh, of W. £? H. Robertson, house 5 Blythswood hill, west Robertson, James, grocer, 102 Centre street Robertson, James, merchant, 6 Wellington street Robertson, James, tea warehouse, 36 Glassford street Robertson, James, victualler and spirit-dealer, 254 Gallowgate and 12 Struthers street, Calton Robertson, James D. warehouse, 76 Bell street, house 1 Brandon place Robertson, James, late of J. &; D. Robertson, at Leslie, Reiol 8$ Co.'s Robertson, J. H. surgeon, 7 West George street, house 48 George street ROBERTSON. 247

Robertson, J. M. & Co. ironmongers, Broomielaw Robertson, James, spirit-dealer, 39 Dale st. Tradeston Robertson, James, spirit-dealer, Main st. Bridgeton Robertson, James, grocer, 100 Centre street Robertson, James, iron merchant, 56 St. Andrew sq. and 74 Great Clyde street, house 11 Monteith row Robertson, James, & Co. iron merchants, 24 Miller street, lodgings 16 Carlton place

Robertson, James, spirit- dealer, 1 7 St. Ninian street Robertson, James, baker, Argyll street, corner of Mitchell street Robertson, James, broker, 51 Bridgegate Robertson, J. & J. spirit-dealers, 76 Gallowgate Robertson, James, grocer, Balmanno street Robertson, James rope maker, Duke street Robertson, James, spirit-dealer, Main street, Bridgeton Robertson, James, tailor, 18 King street, Tradeston Robertson, J. surgeon, Anderston walk, north side Robertson, John, architect, 51 Union street Robertson, John, manufacturer, 62 Queen street, house 4 Oxford street Robertson, John, hair dresser, 37 Drygate Robertson, John, brewer, 10 Struthers street, Calton Robertson, John, surgeon, 52 Kirk street, Calton Robertson, John, agent, 6 Clyde terrace Robertson, John, stationer and librarian, and Post- office receiving house, 6 Main street, Goi-bals Robertson, John, toy wareho. 8 & 40 Argyll arcade Robertson, John, carter, Main street, Bridgeton Robertson, John, agent for Greenock bank company, Antigua place, Nelson st. ho. 18 West St. Vincent st. Robertson, John, shawl agent, 55 Bell street Robertson, John, spirit-dealer, 9 Clyde terrace Robertson, John, merchant, 10 Holland place

Robertson, John, of Tweedie fy Robertson, house 10 Duke street

Robertson, John, at Muir, Brown fy Co.'s, house Wel- lington street Robertson, Dr. John. Letters left at John M'Intosh's, accountant, 23 South Frederick street 248 ROBERTSON.

Robertson, John, & Sons, Broomward rope work, 35 Canning- street, Calton, 12 Campbell street, and 23 Gallowgate Robertson, John, warper, North Albion court Robertson, John, accountant, 24 Miller street Robertson, Laurence, Royal bank, Queen street Robertson & Munn, calenderers, 13 Montrose street Robertson, Reid & Brothers, cabinet makers and upholsterers, 26 Buchanan st. works 32 G. Clyde st. Robertson, R. spirit-dealer, 247 Argyll street Robertson, Robert, & Co. cooperage 53 Dunlop street, house Whiteiield, Govan road Robertson, Robert, watchmaker, 167 Argyll street Robertson, Walter, hair cutter, 121 King street Robertson, William, pye baker, 47 High street Robertson, William, London boot and shoe warehouse, 51 Argyll arcade Robertson, William, hosier, 43 Rutherglen loan Robertson, William, manufacturer, 41 North Albion street, house 141 George street Robertson, William, at Gilmour 8$ Halls Robertson, William, writer, 53 Dunlop street, house Clydehaugh, Govan road Robertson, William, house carpenter, 45 Jamaica st. house Viewpark, by Bothwell Robertson, William, tobacconist, 48 Main st.Anderston Robertson, William, of Alex. Galloway 8? Son, house Adelphi court Robertson, Wm. grocer and spirit dealer, Cowcaddens Robertson, William, tobacconist, 244 High street Robertson, William, hair dresser, Upper Renfield st. Robertson, W. & H. merchants, 48 Queen street Robertson, William & Robert, grocers, 205 Argyll st. house Union court Robertson, W. tailor, Main street, Bridgeton Robertson, Mrs. green grocer, 6 St. Mungo lane Robertson, Mrs. lodgings, 142 George street Robertson, Mrs. Major, 12 West Regent street Robertson, Mrs. Peter, oyster house, 72 Stockwell Robertson, Miss A. furnishing shop, 29 Argyll arcade ROBERTSON ROSE. 249

Robertson, Miss straw hat maker, 87 Glassford st. Robinson, Wm. Rose, sheriff-depute, chambers, 60 Stockwell, house Ruchhill Robinson, William, excise officer, 34 George street, Mile-end ROBIN, Matthew, spirit-dealer, 10 Rope-work entry ROCHHEAD, William. Letters left at Wm. Kerr's, ^33 South Albion street RODDAN & M'Limont, tea and spirit-dealers, 76 King street, Tradeston RODGERS, David, ironmonger, 6 Clyde st.Anderston

Rodger, George, manager, at H. Monteith fy Co.'s works, Rutherglen bridge Rodger, James, merchant, 20 Wilson street, house Sauchiehall road Rodger, James, wright, Main street, Bridgeton

Rodger, Peter, spirit-dealer, ] 25 New wynd Rodger, Robert, timber merchant, 162 Buchanan st Rodger, William, merchant, 166 Buchanan street Rodger, William, grocer, 33 Kirk street, Calton Rodger, William, hair dresser, 243 High street Rodger, Mrs. small ware dealer, 111 High street Rodger, Mrs. spirit-dealer, 35 East Clyde street ROLLO, William, shoemaker, Main street, Bridgeton ROME, J. & R. glue and size works, 29 Bridgegate Rome, Romulus, spirit-dealer, 24 Green street RONALD, Alexander, spirit-dealer, 9 Fife place Ronald, George, smith, 72 Clyde street, Anderston Ronald, John, merchant, 28 St. Andrew street Ronald, John, merchant, 104 Candleriggs Ronald, John, 1 North Douglas street Ronald & Smith, millers, Washington mills ROPER, Thomas, medicine warehouse 14 Wilson st. RORISON, John, & Co. wine and spirit merchants, 54 Prince's street ROSE, Alexander, tallow chandler, 242 High street Rose, Donald, at J. M. Robertson 8$ Co.'s, Smithfield, and of Ferrier, Rose 8$ Co. house Dixon street Rose, Robert, stabler, 347 Gallowgate

Rose, William, at ,/. M. Robertson &; Co.'s. Smithfield 250 ROSS ROUTLEDGE.

ROSS, Alexander, spirit-dealer, 32 Blaekfriar street Ross, Alexander, blacking manufacturer, 85 Trongate Ross, Alexander, tailor, 8 Millroad street, Calton

Ross, Alex. ofM'Donald fy Ross, ho. Wellington street Ross, Alexander, tailor, 60 King street, Calton Ross, Angus, tailor, 50 Graeme street Ross, A. & G. shoemakers, 26 Prince's street Ross, David, cabinetmaker and glazier, 27 New wynd Ross, David, lodgings, 19 Virginia street Ross, Donald, green grocer, 63 Crown street Ross, Donald, slater, 6 Croy place Ross, Donald, dyer, 37 Thistle street, ho. 20 Govan st. Ross, Lieutenant F. 13 Blythswood hill Ross, Hugh, spirit-dealer, 334 Gallowgate Ross, James, portioner, 56 Clyde street, Calton Ross, James & Son, leather factors, 18 North Albion street, house Portland street, Laurieston Ross, John, spirit-dealer and noddy hirer, 5 Fife place Ross, John, tailor, 60 Main street, Calton Ross, John, grocer, 227 Argyll street Ross, John, jun. merchant, 96 Virginia street, house Castlemilk place Ross, John, merchant, 131 Ingram street, house 2 Kensington place Ross, John & Co. manufacturers, 8 John street Ross, Matthew, royal exchange tavern, 126 Queen st. Ross & Maxwell, hatters, 82 Glassford street Ross, Nathaniel, hair dresser, 3 M'Kechnie street Ross, Robert, spirit -dealer, 55 Argyll street Ross, Thomas, flesher, 10 Govan street Ross, Thomas, warper and winder, 9 Cochran street Ross, Thomas, grocer and lathsplitter, Garnetdale Ross, William, portrait painter, 1 Fife place Ross, William, victualler, 141 High street Ross, William, flesher, 2 Main street, Calton Ross, William, shoemaker, 14 Marshall street Ross, Mrs. grocer, 22 Marshall street, Gallowgate ROTHSAY cotton yarn warehouse, 40 Glassford st ROUTLEDGE, Wm. merchant, 10 Morrison's court, Argyll street ROTJTLEDGE—RUSSELL. 251

Routledge, Rev. William, house Mortortbank ROWAN, Alexander, baker, 55 John street Rowan, Andrew, smith and farrier, 23 Duke street Rowan, James, surgeon, 92 Kirk street, Calton Miller Rowand, John, at Maxwell fy Aird's, 20 street Rowan, M. cashier, ship bank, 9 Glassford street, house above Rowan, Michael, baker, Hope street Rowan, William, boot-maker, 7 Argyll arcade Rowan, Mrs. spirit-dealer, Cowcaddens ROXBURGH, Adam, of Roxburgh % Co. house 11 Regent street Roxburgh, & Co. wholesale silk warehousemen, 15 Caiidleriggs Roxburgh, John, tanner, Low Green street, St. Andrew square, south side Roxburgh, John, eating house, 262 Gallowgate Roxburgh, Thomas, shoemaker, 22 Main st. Gorbals Roxburgh, Wm. tavern and steak house, 48 Nelson st. ROY, David, commercial bank, 66 Virginia street Roy, John, spirit-dealer, Port-Dundas Roy, William, whiting merchant, 40 Candleriggs ROYAL Bank, 103 & 113 Queen street, Laurence Robertson, cashier Royal Engineers' Office, 35 Portland st. Laurieston Royal ExchangeAssurance Office, 57Queen street, J. Thomson agent Royal Hotel, 66 George square RUDDACH, John, toy and furnishing shop, 21 Ox- ford street RUDOLF, John, H. musician, 20 St. Andrew street Rudolf, Mrs. J. H. midwife, 20 St. Andrew street RULE & Gilmour, cotton yarn merchants, 83 Hutche- son street RUSSELL, Adam, nail-maker, 4 Gibson street, Gal- lowgate Russell, Alex, beamer, 29 Coburg lane, Laurieston Russell, Andrew, spirit-dealer, 11 Back wynd Russell & Brown, ironmongers, 18 London street Russell, Charles, grocer, 31 Jamaica street 252 RUSSELL.

Russell, David of M'Lauchlan 8$ Russell, house Allan place, Anderston walk Russell, David, glue manufacturer, 87 Bridgegate Russell, Dickson, coack-maker, Wellington street Russell, Gavin, currier, 29 Bridgegate Russel, Hector, merchant, 38 St. Andrew square, house John street, Greenhead Russell, Hugh, smith & saddletree maker, 18 Eglintonst. Russell, James, spirit-dealer, 10 Gibson st. Gallowgate Russell, James, harbour-master for steam boats, house 16 Robertson street Russell, James, victualler and brewer, 32 E. Clyde st. Russell, John & Co. manufacturers, 81 Wilson street, house Willowbank, Sauchiehall road Russell, John, spirit-dealer, 304 High street Russell, John, shoemaker, 10 Frederick lane Russell, J. R. English seminary, Willowbank Russell, John, tobacconist, 33 Jamaica street Russell, John, shoemaker, 125 Bridgegate Russell, John, at John Smith's, 99 Queen street Russell, Joseph, grocer, 29 East Clyde street Russell & M'Arthur, Dalsholm paper mill warehouse, 72 Glassford street and 22 Bell street Russell, Robert, mason, 4 Frederick lane Russell, Robert, grocer, 6 College street Russell, Robert, coal agent, 17 Stockwell Russell, Thos. oven builder, Buchanan crt. Argyll st. Russell, Thomas, smith, Quarrytown Russell, Wm. & Archd. Kerr, writers, 62 Argyll street Russell, William, flesher, 61 New Bridge street Russell, William, barber, 7 Shuttle street Russell, Wm. grocer, 22 Hospital st. Hutchesontown Russell, Wm. spirit-dealer, 86 Havannah Russell, Wm. jeweller & watchmaker, 104 Trongate Russell, William, warper, 4 Gibson street Russell, Mrs. B. tavern, 4 Dunlop street Russell, Mrs. lodgings, 1 1 Stockwell place Russell, Mrs. midwife, 4 Gibson street, Gallowgate Russell, Mrs. lodgings, Peter's buildings, West Nile st. Russell, Mrs. J. tavern, 43 Trongate RUSSELL—SANDEMAN. 253

Russell, Mrs. John, 70 Crown street, Hutchesontown Russell, Mrs. readymade linen wareho. 43Argyll arcade Russell, Misses, boarding & day school, 39 Maxwell st. RUTHERFORD, A. builder, Cowcaddens Rutherfurd, Geo. & Co. manufacturers, 145 Ingram st. Rutherford, James, joiner, Clyde street, Anderston Rutherford, John, porter, 88 Trongate RYAN, James, teacher, Reid street, Bridgeton

RYBURN, John, merchant, at J. fy A. Smith's, house 147 Buchanan street RYDER, Andrew, 35 North Hanover street Ryder, Peter, broker, 20 St Margaret place

S Saint Rollox Foundery Co. St. Rollox SALLAS, Richard, broker, Miller place SALMOND, Duncan, at Rothsay yarn warehouse, 40 Glassford street galmond, George, writer and procurator fiscal for the county, 60 Stockwell, house South Wellington place Salmond, John, weavers' utensil maker, &e. 8 Wilson street, works 129 Canning street, Calton Salmond, Mathew, spirit- dealer, Kirk lane, Townhead Salmond, Peter, teacher and librarian, 50 Drygate Salmond, Peter, tailor, Quarrytown Salmond, Peter, & Co. painters, 21 Virginia street Salmon, Mrs. G. St. Mungo's lane SAMPLE Room, royal exchange buildings, G. H. Jenkin, broker SAMSON, George, tobacconist, 40 Kirk street, Calton Samson, Wm. stabler and spirit-dealer, West Nile st. Samson, William, spirit-dealer, New London road Samson, William, victualler, 45 Oxford street SAMUEL, Thomas, merchant, 114 Candleriggs, house High Montrose street SANDS, John, architect & superintendent of buildings, 2 Edwin place, Laurieston Sands, Mrs. midwife, 5 Great Dovehill

. SANDEMAN, David, wine merchant, 53 Miller street Sandeman, J. G. 5 Wellington st. corner of Bath st. Y 254 SANDEMAN—SCOTT.

Sandeman, Thomas, oil & flour dealer, 91 Virginia st. SANDERS, G. accountant, 1 Clyde buildings Sanders, James, shoemaker, 326 Gallowgate Sanders, Thos. spirit-dealer, 3 Marshall st. Gallowgate SANDERSON, Geo. riddle maker, 312 Gallowgate Sanderson, Robert, merchant, 100 Buchanan street, house Craighall SANDILANDS, Thos. manufact, and agt. 67 Bell st. Sasine- Office, Council Chambers, John Mann, and at 52 George square, James Hill, W.S. keeper SASSETTI, H. teacher of the Italian and Spanish languages, 74 Argyll street SAUNDERS, Edward, at B. Fergusons, writer, 23 Cochran street SAVAGE, A. grocer, 126 Ingram street Savage, Robert, hair-dresser, 77 Canning street, Calton SCALES, David, writer, 14 Stirling street Scales, John, writer, 14 Stirling street SCANLIN, Patrick, spirit-dealer, 69 Bridgegate SCHEVIZ, Geo. merchant, at Campbell, Rivers 8$ Co. house 8 Bath st SCHWABE & Gobert, merchants, 95 Candleriggs SCLANDERS, Andrew, baker, 2 Union street Sclanders, Andrew, jun. baker, 85 King st. Tradeston Sclanders & Goodwin, com factors, 15 Jamaica street Sclanders, Robert, box maker, 32 Cochran street Sclanders, Misses, J. & B. straw hat makers, 12 Nelson street, Tradeston SCOBIE, James, truss hoop maker, 30 Robertson st. Scobie, Thomas, at John Bell's, South Albion court Scots Times Office, 90 Brunswick street Scott, Allan, Holme place, Anderston walk Scott, Allan, jun. James Scott § Co.'s, 32 Great Clyde street Scott, Andrew, ironmonger, 77 Kirk street, Calton Scott, Andrew, writer, Antigua place, ho. Larchgrove Scott, Andrew, coal agent, 26 Commerce street Scott, Right Rev. Dr. Andrew, 34 Great Clyde street Scott, Archibald, baker and spirit-dealer, Grahamston scott. 255

Scott, Arthur, pawnbroker, 4 Wilson street, house 23 South Frederick street Scott, Christopher, livery stables, 62 No. Hanover st. Scott & Co. japanners, 90 Queen street Scott, Colin, grocer and spirit-dealer, 44 Orr st. Calton Scott & Cameron, manufacturers, 101 Brunswick st. Scott, J. B.. & J. dimming, writers, 37 Glassford st. Scott, Gavin, spirit-dealer, 26 Graham sq. Gallowgate

Scott, Gavin, of Whyte fy Scott, 182 Trongate Scott, George, vintner and stabler, 1 1 Kent street Scott, George, of , house 9 Adelphi street Scott, George, of Boghall. Letters left at 270 Gallowg. Scott, James, baker, 256 George street Scott, James, boot and shoe maker, 3 London street Scott, James, pattern drawer and print cutter, 68 Glassford street Scott, James, hatter, 20 London street, house 9 Great Hamilton street. Scott, James, confectioner, 36 and 44 Candleriggs Scott, James, of Scott 8? Cameron, 2 Clyde place Scott, James, hat manufacturer, 20 London street, ho. 9 Great Hamilton street Scott, James, & Co. timber and lead merchants, 32 Great Clyde street Scott, James, gardener, Green market, ho. Shawfield Scott, James, shoemaker, 27 Green street, Calton Scott, James, victualler and spirit dealer, 124 Main street, Gorbals Scott, John, spirit-dealer, Cowcaddens Scott, John, agent, house West Kingston Scott, John, smith and farrier, 26 Risk street, and 19 Virginia street Scott, John, gardener, Green market

Scott, John, at H. Monteith 'Sf Co.'s, house Suffolk st. Scott, John, & Co. merchants, 70 Miller street Scott, John, engraver and printer, 56 Trongate Scott, John, last maker, 79 Stoekwell

Scott, John, of John Scott fy Co. house Garnetbank Scott, John, of Grieve % Scott, house 131 Rottenrow. 256 SCOTT—SCOTISH.

Scott, Malcom, pattern drawer, at Wm. Robertson's. North Albion court Scott, Mark, teacher, 49 Centre street Scott, Michael, merchant, 25 Queen street, house 36 Clyde street Scott, P. jun. at William P. Patoris Scott, Peter, 1 Jane street, Blythswood square Scott, Robert, spirit-dealer, 38 King street, Tradeston Scott, Robert, baker, 275 Argyll street Scott, Robert, of Thistle bank, house Regent street Scott, Robert, 5 Great Hamilton street Scott, Robert, architect, 25 South Hanover street Scott, Robert, wine and spirit dealer, 119 High street Scott, Simon, baker, 29 Norfolk street Scott, Simon, spirit-dealer 51 King street, Tradeston Scott, Thomas, baker, 2 Oxford street Scott, Thomas, spirit-dealer, 17 New street, Calton Scott, Thomas, tailor, 33 Main street, Anderston Scott, William, brewer, Duncan st. Canning st. Calton Scott, William, tinsmith, 60 Gallowgate Scott, William, spirit-dealer, 253 Gallowgate Scott, W. upholsterer, 47 Adelphi st. Hutchesontown Scott, Wm. W. commission agent, 23 South Albion street, house 297 Argyll street Scott, William, spirit-dealer, 2 Surrey street Scott, Mrs. Francis, vintner and stabler, 47 Stockwell Scott, Mrs. J. lodgings, 72 Wilson street Scott, Mrs. James, furnishing shop, 122 George street Scott, Mrs. John, vintner and stabler, 145 Stockwell Scott, Mrs. William, Union court Scott, Mrs. lodgings, 25 George's square Scott, Mrs. M. muslin printer, 53 Candleriggs Scott, Mrs. William, gardener, Green market, house Sandyfauld, Little Go van Scott, Misses, J. & J. dressmakers, 109 Argyll street Scott, Miss, lodgings, 178 George street SCOTISH Life Assurance office, 36 North Albion st. James M'Kenzie, agent Scotish Union Insurance office, Finlayson & Moncrieffj 41 Virginia st. & Robt. Garden, 85 Miller st. agts. SCOULLER—SERVICE. 257

SCOULLER, Andrew, painter, 43 Trongate Scouller, David, pewtorer, brass-founder, &c. 86 New wynd Scouller, James, baker, 101 Saltmarket & 2 1 Carrickst. Scouller, James, flesher, 19 Mutton market, King st. Scouller, J.&R. Harvie, surveyors, 131 Ingram street Scouller, John, flesher, 5 Beef market, King street Scouller, John, writer, 37 Glassford street Scouller, Joseph, baker, 59 Bridgegate Scouller, Ninian, flesher, 1 1 Beef market, King street Scouller, Thomas, spirit-dealer, 55 King street Scouller, William, Woodside road. Letters left at S. Wilson's, 1 Wilson street Scouller, Mrs. John, baker, 3 Kent street, Gallowgate SCRUTON, John, surgeon, 3 Saltmarket, house 21

Monteith row . SCRYMGEOUR, James, watch and clock maker, 20 Glassford street SEGRAVE, Edward, spirit-dealer, 136 Broomielaw SELBIE, Mrs. spirit-dealer, Mitchell street

SILLARS, J. S. at Grant fy Co.'s, house Ro3emount Sellars, John, tallow chandler, 124 Bridgegate Seller, William, paper ruler, 124 Trongate SELKIRK, M. spirit-dealer, 35 Nelson st. Tradestou SEMPLE, A. & T. manufacturers, 79 Bell street Semple & Co. tea dealers, 18 and 20 Turner's court

Semple, John, late of Walker fy Semple. Letters left at John Stuart & Co.'s, St. Vincent lane Semple, Matthew, merchant, 18 Carlton place Semple, Matthew, working goldsmith, 33 Trongate Semple, Matthew, keeper of blind asylum Semple, William, stabler, 275 High street Semple & Wright, calenderers, 91 Virginia street Semple, Mrs. Thomas, straw hat maker, 68 Green st. Semple, Mrs. J. B. 5 Bath street SERVICE, James, spmt-dealer, 107 Bridgegate Service, Thomas, straw hat manufacturer, 40 Nelson street and 50 Argyll arcade, house 28 M'Farlane st. Service, William, warehouseman, 44 Trongate, house Ure's buildings, Montrose street Y 2 258 SERVICE—SHAW

Service, Mrs. straw hat warehouse, 52 Nelson street SESSION Clerk's office for the City, 19 So. Hanover street, Robert Strang, clerk, ho. 20 Monteith row Session Clerks' office for Barony, 107 Buchanan st. and Barony glebe. W. Clugston and D. M'Brayne,

conjunct clerks . Session Clerk's office for Gorhals, 38 Oxford street. J. Wilson, clerk SETON, Alexander B. Campbell street, New town Seton, James, vintner, 80 Trongate SEYMOUR, F. manager, theatre-royal, house 120 Buchanan st. SHACKLETON, Mrs. grocer, Port-Dundas SHAND, A. G. of W. | A. Shand, house 21 West George street Shand, W. & A. manufacturers, 23 South Frederick st. SHANKS, Charles, Scotch & English warehouseman, 18 Saltmarket Shanks, John, victualler, 336 High street Shanks, John, builder, Govanhaugh, Hutchesontown Shanks, Robert, turner, 20 College street Shanks, Samuel, woollen draper, 20 Gallowgate, house Rosehall street Shanks, Mrs. General, 77 Montrose street SHANNON, Thos. spirit-dealer, 105 Main st. Gorbals SHARPE, Alexander, paper ruler, 109 Trongate Sharp, Andrew, furniture warehouse, 1 1 Bridgegate Sharp and Buchanans, Blane printfield warehouse, 127 Candleriggs Sharp & Co.xotton brokers, 68 Hutcheson street Sharp J. Borland's land, Brown street, Brownfield

Sharp, James, of Sharp fy Co. house Cumberland place Sharpe, James, tailor, 114 Trongate Sharpe, J. H. of Wm. Sharpe 8$ Co. house Whitevale Sharpe, Thos P. mercht. 53 Virginia st. ho. Stirling road Sharpe, William, & Co. yarn merchants, 53 Virginia st. Sharp, William, pottery warehouse, Verreville

Sharp, William, of John Hervey fy Co. ho. York place Sharpe, Miss, dressmaker, 11 Stockwell SHAW, Adam, sheriff officer, 87 Stockwell SHAW SHIELDS. 259

Shaw, A. Duke Street Spinning Co. 78 Duke st.ho. 105 Shaw, David, broker & commission merchant, York pi. Shaw, George, cab. wareho. & sale room, 15 London st. Shaw, James, cab. maker & upholsterer, 139 Trongate Shaw, James, baker, 62 Centre street, Tradeston Shaw, James, baker, 5 Clyde street, Calton Shaw, James, builder, Anderston walk, north side Shaw, John, jun. spirit-dealer, 391 Gallowgate Shaw, Mathew, thread manufacturer, 62 Old venal Shaw, Peter, spirit-dealer, 165 Duke street Shaw, Quintin, eglinton tavern, 141 Eglinton street Schaw, Robb & Co. drysalters, 43 Argyll street, works Silvergrove place, Canning street, Calton Shaw, Robert, spirit-dealer, 128 Bridgegate Shaw, Robert, cartwright, 420 Gallowgate Shaw, R. flour dealer, 6 Clyde st. Calton, & 44 Trongate ShaAv, R. spirit dealer, & constable, 37 Main st. Gorbals Shaw, William, joiner, 34 Shuttle street Shaw, Mrs. grocer, 316 High street Shaw, Mrs. grocer, 30 Piccadilly street, Anderston SHEARER, C german clockmaker, 38 Glassford st. Shearer, John, house 33 North Hanover street Shearer, Mrs. Alex, lodgings, 51 Union place Shearer, Mrs. grocer, 13 Stockwell SHEDDEN, John, tailor, Gray's land, Townhead Shedden, John, manufacturer, Ingram place, ho. Upper Buchanan street Shedden, Thomas, silk dyer, 26 North Albion street, house 104 George street Shedden, William & Co. manufacturers, 111 Ingram street, house 13 Blythswood place SHEPARD, Samuel, grocer, 18 Main street, Calton SHERIFF'S Chambers, 60 Stockwell. Wm. Rose Robinson, sheriff-depute Shireff, Robert, 13 Renfield street Sheriff, Thomas, grocer, 91 George street Sheriff, Rev. William, 14 Richmond street SHIELDS, John & Co. merchants, 120 Brunswick street, house Westfield, Tradeston Shields, John, grocer & spirit dealer, Dalmarnock road 260 SHIELDS—SIMEOtf.

Shields, John, grocer and spirit dealer, 36 Kirk street Calton, and 44 Great Hamilton street Shields, Michael, hair dresser, 19 Malta street Shiels, Thomas & Co. calico printers, 51 Cochran street, manufacturing warehouse, 55 Bell street Shields, Mrs. lodgings, 36 St. Andrew street SHILLITO, John, straw hat maker, 14 Nelson street Ship Bank, 9 Glassford street. M. Rowand, cashier SHIRRA & Gardner, wine and brandy merchants, 43 Queen street Shirra, Gardner & Co. rectifiers, 43 Queen street Shirra, J. & M. grocers, 3 Clyde place Shirra, John, wine & spirit dealer, 67 and 69 High st. Shirra, Robert, calenderer, 21 So. Frederick st. ho. 18 Shirra, Samuel, flesher, 38 Canning street, Calton Shirra, Wm. of Shirra dy Gardner, ho. 62 Argyll st. Shirra, Mrs. grocer, 58 Bridgegate Shirra, Mrs. grocer, 18 Struthers street, Calton Shirra, Mrs. grocer & spirit-dealer, 47 No. Frederick st. SHIRLEY, William, ironmonger, 174 Trongate SHOE Square, for the sale of shoes, Green street SHORT, John, broker, 22 Miller place SHORTHOUSE, George, spirit-dealer, 19 Laigh kirk close SHORTRIDGE, G. Y. 19 South Hanover street, house 2 Blythswood square Shortridge, Wm. merchant, Blythswood square SHOTTS Iron Co's. warehouse, 25 Queen street. N. Handyside, agent SHUTTLETON, And. Nelson tavern, Port-Dundas SIDDON, Alexander, grocer, 2 Trongate Siddon, H. baker, Anderston walk, north side SILVY, James, shoemaker, 40 Main street, Calton SIM, Alexander, victualler, 91 Trongate Sim, David, spirit- dealer, 44 Trongate Sim, David, of Cultermains, 8 Blythswood hill Sim, George, tallow chandler, 142 Queen street Sim, William, smith, 84 Saltmarket SIMEON, St. Ange, teacher of french, 270 George st. Simeon, Mrs. St. Ange, teacher of piano forte, &c. do. SIMSON SINCLAIR. 261

SIMSON, Andrew, procurator fiscal, Council chambers, house 2 North Hanover street Simpson, Dr. Andrew, 48 York street Simpson, David, eating house, 41 Maxwell street Simpson, David, wine and spirit dealer, 23 Wilson st. Simpson, James, merchant, 13 Bath street Simpson, James, jun. 12 South Frederick street Simpson, James, grocer, 91 Main street, Anderston Simpson, James, surgeon, 17 Clyde terrace, house do. Simpson, Jas. writer, 48 Nelson st. ho. 50 Grseme st. Simpson, Jas. tinplate worker, &c. 49 Saltm. ho. above Simpson, John, poulterer, 75 Prince's street Simpson, John, carter, 468 Gallowgate Simpson, Robert, portioner, Franklin street, Bridgeton Simpson, Robert, wright, 151 Gallowgate Simpson, William, cabinet maker and spirit-dealer, 33 Kirk street, Townhead, workshop 15 Drygate Simpson, William, & Son, manufacturers, 12 South Frederick street, house 6 Blythswood hill Simpson, Mrs. D. spirit-dealer, 11 Orr street, Calton SINCLAIR, Alexander, contractor for scavenger work, 9 Stirling street Sinclair, Archibald, dairyman, Dalmarnock road Sinclair, A. & J. turners, 113 King street, Calton Sinclair, Archd. veterinary surgeon, 50 Union street Sinclair, Daniel, hatter, 63 Green street, Calton Sinclair, David, machine maker, 48 Spoutmouth Sinclair, Dugald, Argyll hotel, 142 Argyll street Sinclaix*, George, shoemaker, M*Alpine street Sinclair, George, writer, 57 Miller street Sinclair & Gibson, merchants, 125 Virginia street Sinclair, H. dress maker, 53 Union street Sinclair, James, & Co. spirit-dealers, 99 Saltmarket Sinclair, John, saddler, Anderston walk, north side Sinclair, John, spirit-dealer, 30 Stockwell Sinclair, John, grocer and spirit-dealer, 157 Argyll st. Sinclair, John, farrier, 178 Gallowgate Sinclair, John, shoemaker, Sauchiehall road Sinclair, Peter, commercial tavern, 44 Trongate Sinclair, Peter, grocer, 97 George street 262 SINCLAIR—SMELLIE.

Sinclair, Peter, of Sinclair fy Gibson, house Hope st. Sinclair, Thomas, spirit -dealer, Main street, Bridgeton Sinclair, Thomas, tailor, 23 Cheapside st. Anderston Sinclair, William, flesher, 3 Melville street Sinclair, Wm. spirit mercht. 5 Croy pi. & 145 Bridgegate Sinclair, William, smith, 239 Buchanan street Sinclair, William, flesher, Jamaica street Sinclair, Mrs. midwife, 30 High street SINGER, Alexander, tailor, 6 Nile street, Gallowgate Singer, William, tailor, 66 Trongate SKIRVING, Alexander, auctioneer, 164 Trongate, house 27 Charlotte street SLATER, John, tea dealer, 12 Wilson street Slater, Thomas H. general grocer, 56 Candleriggs Slater, Mrs. lodgings, 16 St. Andrew square SLEIGH, William, yarn warehouse, 84 Wilson street SLOANE, James, & Co. merchants, 113 Brunswick street, house 58 York street Sloane, Robert, shoemaker, Upper Renfield street Sloane, Robert, shoemaker, 13 Turner's court SLO PER, John, shoemaker, 84 Centre street SMALL, G. M. spirit-dealer, 86 Clyde st. Anderston Small, John, wood merchant, Renfield street, works 120 South Albion street SMALLCOM, William, city bellman, 29 Gallowgate SMART, Charles, sheriff officer, Muslin st. Bridgeton Smart, John, edge tool maker, 24 Cochran street Smart, Peter, grocer, 22 Centre street, Tradeston Smart, Thomas, victualler, 4 Stockwell Smart, Mrs. James, flesher, Bell street market SMEAL, James, surgeon, 1 Kent street Smeal, Robert, rope spinner, 24 King street, Calton Smeal, William, tea dealer, 161 Gallowgate, ho. 168 Smeal, William, jun. grocer, 162 Trongate SMEATON, Henry, at John Fergusons, writer, ho. Blythswood square Smeaton, John, smith, 54 Main st. Gorbals, house 93 SMELLIE, Duncan, & Co. warehousemen, 25 Can- dleriggs Smellie, James, victualler, 40 King street SMELLIE— SMITH. 263

Smellie, James, wine and spirit merchant, 114 Stock- well, house 19 East Clyde street Smellie, James, surgeon, Cowcaddens Smellie, Robert, at 40 King street Smellie, William, fleshei', 14 Kent street Smellie, William, drysalter, 66 Miller street, house 13 Hope street Smellie, Mrs. lodgings, Douglas court, Grahamston Smellie, Mrs. spirit-dealer, Reid street, Bridgeton SMITH, Alexander, spirit-dealer, 21 Tobago street Smith, Alex, merchant, Commercial court, Candleriggs Smith, Alexander, slater, 4 Frederick lane Smith, Alexander & William, shoemakers, 3 Trongate Smith, Alexander, shoemaker, 14 & 16 Prince's street

Smith, Alexander, at Harley fy Rankin s, house Pem- broke buildings

Smith, Andrew & Sons, manufacturers, 69 Ingram st. Smith, A. haberdasher, 75 Trongate

Smith, Arch, ofJ. fy A. Smith, house, 9 Blythswoodhill Smith, Archibald, shoemaker, Dalmarnock road Smith, Andrew, confectioner, 70 George street, house 3 Balmanno street Smith & Brown, merchants, 70 Miller street Smith, Campbell, & Co. calenderers, 71 Virginia street Smith, Charles, portioner, old Dalmarnock road Smith, Charles, spirit-dealer, 13 Market street Smith, Connel & Co. Camlacbie and Carntyne chemical works, counting-house 8 John street Smith, Daniel & Co. grocers,. 37 Broad street, Mile-end Smith, David, boot and shoe warehouse, 4 and 14 Salt- market, house 9 Union place

Smith, Duncan, of Chisholm, Smith, fy Co. house 201 Buchanan street Smith, David, & Son, hair cloth manufacturers, 26 Tobago street, Calton Smith, David, victualler, 36 Canning street, Calton Smith, David, land surveyor, 37 Virginia street, house West bank, Woodside Smith, Finlay, tailor, 66 Back wynd Smith, Geo. of Bryce &; Smith, lodging 37 Virginia st. 264 SMITH.

Smith, George, bookseller and stationer, 92 Trongate* house 28 Portland street, Laurieston Smith, George, agent, 27 Centre street Smith, George, & Sons, warehousemen, 34 London st. Smith, Gilbert, tailor and clothier, 187 Trongate Smith, Hugh, of M'Bean, Smith, S$ Co. house Blyths- wood square Smith, James, boot and shoe shop, 5 Trongate Smith, James, spirit-dealer, 47 Centre street, Tradeston

Smith, James, shoemaker, 1 Little Dovehill Smith, James, wright, 99 Queen street, workshop Renfrew street Smith, James, spirit-dealer, 89 Bridgegate Smith, James, porter, commercial bank, 66 Virginia st. Smith, James, baker, 2 Eglinton street Smith, James, baker, 4 North street, Anderston Smith, Jas. & Arch. & Co. merchants, 276 George st.

Smith, James, of J. Sf A. Smith fy Co. ho. Jordauhill Smith, James, accountant, 4 Bridge street, Tradeston Smith, Jas. & Co. commission merchts. 120 Brunsw. st. Smith, James, London tavern, 49 Trongate Smith, James, hatmaker, 73 Gallowgate Smith, James, spirit-dealer, Main street, Bridgeton Smith, James, grocer, 48 Orr street, Calton Smith, James, of Smith S? M'Farlane, house 40 Clyde buildings Smith, James, grocer, 130 High street Smith, J. R. 4 Great Hamilton street Smith, Jasper, teacher of languages, 27 Green street, Calton, house 26 Great Hamilton street Smith, John, stationer and librarian, 64 Nelson street Smith, John, warper and winder, 27 Wilson street Smith, John, tea dealer, 39 Brunswick place Smith, John, hosier, 42 Thistle street, Hutchesontown Smith, John, tailor, 6 Saltmarket Smith, John, dairyman, 27 New Bridge street Smith, John, spirit-dealer, 31 Bedford st. Laurieston Smith, John, hardware merchant, 22 Saltmarket Smith, John, wine and spirit-dealer, 181 Gallowgate Smith, John, teacher, 65 Crown street smith. 265

Smith, John L. surgeon, 97 Main street, Andevston, house Douglas street Smith, John, & Son, booksellers and stationers, 54 Virginia street, and Glasgow circulating library, 95 Wilson street Smith, John, youngest, of John Smith 8$ Son, house 10 West St. Vincent street Smith, John, upholsterer, 49 Prince's street Smith, John, manufacturer, 96 Virginia place, house 20 Portland street, Laurieston Smith, John, hardware merchant, 29 Trongate Smith, John, cork cutter and tavern, 19 King street Smith, John, vintner, Graham square Smith, John, turner, Hamilton crt. Main st. Bridgeton Smith, John, horse dealer, Dalmarnock road Smith, John, grain mercht. 23 Marshall St. Gallowgate Smith, John, victualler, 16 Struthers street, Calton Smith, John, victualler, 7 Clyde street, Calton Smith, John, spirit-dealer, 46 Broomielaw Smith, John, spirit-dealer, 41 King street, Calton Smith, John, baker, 29 Broad street, Mile-end Smith, John, merchant, 99 Queen street Smith, John, hosier, 11 and 13 High st. ho. Bellevue Smith, John, furnishing shop, 235 Argyll street Smith, John, smith, 6 Frederick lane Smith, John, 46 Ingram street Smith, John, of Robert Smith 8$ Son, 16 Turner's court Smith, Joseph, card maker, 122 Saltmarket Smith & M'Isaac, soap and candle manufacturers, 193 Trongate, works Glasgow field Smith & M'Farlane, writers, 157 Trongate Smith, Michael, broker, 56 Bridgegate Smith, Patrick, writer, 37 Glassford street Smith, Peter, slater, 139 Saltmarket Smith, Peter, & Son, merchants, 33 Blackfriar street, house 26 Monteith row Smith, Peter, spirit-dealer, 143 Main street, Gorbals Smith, Peter, baker, 45 Argyll street, house Welling- ton court Smith, Peter, sheriff officer, 148 High street 266 SMITH.

Smith, Peter, spirit-dealer, 42 St. Ninian street Smith, Peter, broker, 18 King street, Calton Smith, Peter, upholsterer, 11 Gibson street Smith, Richard, spirit-dealer, 13 Dempster street Smith, Richard, tap-room, 40 High street Smith, R. M, merchant, 33 Blackfriar street Smith, Robert, of Gibb # Smith, house Fife place Smith, Robert, of Darnleyfield. Letters left at Gilbert Wardlaw & Son's Smith, R. watchmaker, 40 Brunswick place Smith, Robert, spirit-dealer, 35 Gallowgate Smith, Robert, & Son, 16 Turner's court, chemical works Port-Dundas Smith, Robert, brickmaker, 7 Moore street Smith, Robert, cork cutter, 17 Blackfriar street Smith, Robert, singer, 18 North Albion street Smith, Robert, spirit-dealer, 21 Russell street Smith, Robert, smith, 5 New street, Calton Smith & Stenhouse, grocers, 156 High street Smith, Stewart, merchant, 74 Miller street, house 43 West George street Smith, Thomas, builder, 37 Adelphi street Smith, Thomas, merchant, house Barony place Smith, Thomas, merchant, 58 George square Smith, Thomas, surgeon dentist, 17 Turner's court

Smith, Thomas, at Alexander Milne 8f Co.'s Smith, Thomas, boot and shoe maker, 332 Gallowgate Smith, Thos. teacher of writing, Laurieston academy Smith, Thos. portionerand shoemaker, 13 Struthers st. Smith, Walter, spirit-deal er, Main street Smith & Wardrop, manufacturers, 71 Virginia street Smith, William, tavern keeper, 70 Jamaica street Smith, William, victualler, 145 High street Smith, William, girth manufacturer, 138 Canning st. Smith, William, grocer, 156 High street Smith, William, print cutter, Green street, Bridgeton Smith, William, grocer, 23 Centre street, Tradeston Smith, Wm. & Co. wine and tea dealers, 40 Trongate Smith, William, at J. Westwaters, 116 Argyll street Smith, William, 40 Kent street SMITH—SOMMERS. 267

Smith, William, of Smith fy Brown, house Smith, William, at Hurlet and Campsie Alum Co.'s, house 6 Wellington street Smith, William, hair dresser, 85 Trongate Smith, William, & Co. yarn wareho. 10 Garthland st. Smith, William, & Co. clothiers, 52 Argyll street Smith, William, 13 St. Andrew square Smith, Mrs. & Son, hair dressers, School wynd, Anderston Smith, Mrs. mangier, Melville court lane Smith, Mrs. 18 Great Hamilton street Smith, Mrs. logdings, 40 North Frederick street Smith, Mrs. Robert, 5 Russell street Smith, Mrs. William, grocer, 54 New Bridge street Smith, Mrs. John, 12 St. Vincent place Smith, Mrs. straw hat maker, 39 Nelson street Smith, Miss Margaret, milliner, 4 King street, Calton Smith, Miss, straw hat maker, Ann street, Bridgeton Smith, Miss M. grocer, 62 King street, Tradeston SMYTH, Alexander, merchant, 8 John street, house 25 Carlton place Smyth, James, earthenware dealer, Grahams ton Smyth, James, baker, 186 Argyll street Smyth, James, accountant, 55 Bell street Smyth, James, surgeon, Anderston walk, north side Smyth, J. L. surgeon, 99 Main street, Anderston Smyth, Rev. John, 1 Wellington pi. Sauchiehall road Smyth, Mrs. hair dresser, 361 Argyll street SNELL, Wm. & Co. manufacturers, 20 Ingram street Snell, sen. Wm. of Wm. Snell fy Co. house Garnethill Snell, William, jun. of William Snell fy Co. house 25 Richmond street SNEDDEN, W. Post-office, lodging 106 Canning st. SNODGRASS, Geo. commercial bank, 66 Virginia st. Snodgrass, Neil, cotton spinner, King street, Mile-end, house William street, Calton Snodgrass, Niven, bookseller, 7 Bazar Snodgrass, Peter, joiner, 3 and 29 Clyde st. Anderston Snodgrass, Mrs. cheese dealer, 4 Bazar, ho. 76 Bell st. SOMMERS, Archd. portioner, Muslin st. Bridgeton 268 SOMMERVILLE—SPENCE.

SOMMERVILLE, Archibald, shoemaker, 32 Dale street, Tradeston Sommerville, George, librarian, 30 London street Somerville, James, manufacturer, 70 Brunswick street Sommerville, James, baker, 88 Broomielaw Sommerville, John, spirit-dealer, 93 New venal Sommerville, John, causewayer, Kirk lane, Townhead Sommervile, John, dyer, 37 Spoutmouth, Gallowgate Sommerville, John, ironmonger, 21 Saltmarket Sommerville, John, & Sons, manufacts. 63 Candleriggs, factory, Little Govan Sommerville, John, grocer, 31 Bell street, Calton Somerville, Rev. Joseph, 51 Bellgrove place Sommerville, Robert & Co. clockmakers, 28 Old wynd Sommerville, Thos. hosiery and glove shop, 25 Argyll street, house 21 Nicholson street Sommerville, Thomas, teacher, 71 King st. Tradeston Sommerville, William, spirit-dealer, 10 Havannah Sommerville, Mrs. ~W. 27 Richmond street Sommerville, Mrs. lodgings, 44 Hutcheson street SORLEY, Joseph, of Sorley 8j Miller, ho. 34 York st. Sorley & Miller, messengers at arms and actioneers, 4 Dunlop street SOWDEN, Dugald, spirit-dealer, Dalmarnock road SPALDING, Robert, at Robert Watson % Cos. •SPEAD, James, dairyman, 15 Struthers street Speed, James, coal agent, Abercromby street SPEIRS, A. & D. tailors, 15 Main street, Gorbals Speirs, Alex. G. Culcruch Cotton Co. 26 Ingram street Speirs, James, teacher, 43 Buchanan street, house 44 Bedford street Speirs, John, grocer, and spirit -dealei', 14 On* street Spears, John, pastry baker, 67 Prince's street Spears, Robert, merchant, stamp office, Leitch's court, house 50 Buchanan street Speirs, R. & T. manufacturers, 77 Glassford street Speirs, Mrs. lodgings, 107 George street Speirs, Miss, lodgings, 9 South Hanover street SPENCE, Henry, tobacconist, 3 Park place, ho. 7 do. Spence, John, machine maker, Reid street, Bridgeton SPENCE—STARKE. 269

Spence, John, shoemaker, 26 Main street, Calton Spence, John, candlemaker, 153 Gallowgate Spence, William, grocer, 6 Crown street Spence, William, cooper, Upper Nile street Spence, Mrs. grocer, 27 Buchan street, Gorbals SPENCER, James, Lockhart & Co. hardwaremen, jewellers, 136 Trongate and 16 Saltmarket Spencer, Paul, union tavern, 44 Trongate Spencer, Wm. wholesale hardwareman, 1 1 Trongate SPITTLE, Alex, grocer and spirit-dealer, 27 Steven- son street, Calton Spittal, James, spirit-dealer, 128 High street Spittal, John, spirit-dealer, 68 and 70 High street .Spittal, Dr. John, 116 Buchanan st. ho. 105 High st. Spittal, Mrs. Robert, grocer, Dalmarnock road SPOWART, Andrew, baker, 86 Kirk street, Calton SPROT, Mark, of Garnkirk. Letters left at J. and E. Reid's, 3 Argyll street Sprot, William, nailer, 21 Thomson's lane, Calton SPREULL, John, City chamberlain, council chambers, house Claremont place Spreull, Samuel, manufacturer, 9 Cochran street, house Spreull's court, 182 Trongate Sproul, William, portioner, Dalmarnock road St. James' school, 15 E. Clyde st. J. Stirling, teacher St. Mungo's masonic lodge. D. Anderson, master, 9 Paterson street St. Patrick's masonic lodge. John Dickson, master, 66 Bridgegate STAINES, H. B. at Hamilton, Monteath % Cos. house Westfield, Tradeston Staines, H. B. jun. at Hamilton, Monteath SfCo's. house 23 Clyde place Stamp Office, 157 Trongate, James Monteath STAPLETON, Rev. J. H. Cambridge street Star masonic lodge. James Sharp, master, 39 Brown street, Anderston STARK, Andrew, spirit-dealer, 113 Gallowgate Stark, James, victualler, 14 Broad street, Mile-end Starke, James, printer, 53 Nelson street z2 270 STARKE—STEEL.

Stark, James, baker, 20 Drygate Stark, J. furnishing shop, 420 Argyll street Starke, Malcolm, grocer, 225 High street Stark, Robert, 10 James street, Calton Stark, Thomas, teacher, Dalmarnock road Stark, Mrs. Ann, grocer, 39 Broad street, Mile-end Statute Labour office, 44 Trongate. J. Hardie STEEDMAN, John, grocer, 31 Norfolk st. Laurieston Steedman, John, engineer, Hutcheson bridge STALKER, James, carpet manufacturer, Millfield, Govan street, house South Wellington place Stalker, Mrs. fish dealer, 10 Fife place STANLEY, Mrs. 11 Monteith row STEEL, Alexander, spirit-dealer, Port-Dun das Steel & Alexander, curriers, &c. 65 Bridgegate Steel, Dr. Francis, 26 St. Enoch square Steel, Gavin, merchant, 13 St. Enoch square Steele, G. & W. spirit-dealers, 144 Gallowgate Steel, George, tailor, 21 Kirk street, Calton Steel, George, writer, 70 Hutcheson street Steel & Haig, writers, 43 Argyll street Steel, James, vinegar cellar, 7 Back wynd Steel, James, spirit-dealer, 72 Bridgegate Steell, James, bookseller, 1 1 Saltmarket Steel, J. Mure, of J. Harvey &; J. Mure Steel, writers, house 2 Maxwellton place Steell, James, jun. cooper, Deltffield, Broomielaw Steel, Jas. cooper, 25 & 27 High st. & Anderston walk Steel, James & Co. agents, 101 Brunswick street Steel, James, victualler, 109 King street Steel, James, manager, old Clyde shipping Co. 4 York street, house 339 Argyll street Steel, James, spirit- dealer, Cowcaddens Steel, John, baker, 37 Saltmarket Steel, John, manufacturer, 89 Brunswick street Steel, John, & Son, boot and shoemakers, 9 Queen st. Steel, Matthew, victualler, 364 Gallowgate Steel, Robert, joiner, 25 Thistle street, Hutchesontown Steel, Robert, spirit-dealer, 48 Centre st. Tradeston Steel, Thomas, corn factor, Mitchell street STEELE—STEVEN. V I

Steele, Thomas, teacher-, Dale street, Bridgeton Steel, Thomas, toll keeper, Barrowfield Steel, William, & Co. spirit-dealers, Dunchattan build- ings, Duke street Steel, William, jun. of M'Pherson, M'Lauchlan and Steel, house South Wellington place Steel, William, smith & umbrella maker, 27 Duke st. Steel, William, merchant, 52 Ingram street Steel, William, watchmaker, 49 Hutcheson street Steel, William, and Wm. Haig, writers, 43 Argyll st. Steele, Mrs. Dr. 20 Monteith row Steel, Mrs. James, spirit-dealer, 13 Laigh Kirk close Steell, Mrs. Market inn, 46 Market street Steel, Misses, dress makers, 17 Trongate STEIN, John, & Co. distillers. Methven Leslie, agent, 20 Stockwell sti-eet STENHOUSE, John, & Co. printfield warehouse, 45 Montrose street Stenhouse, Thomas, of John Stenhouse 8? Co. house and printfield, Crossmill STEPHEN, Charles, turner, 125 Bridgegate Stephens, George, agent, 83 Miller st. ho. 44 York st. Stephen, Hugh, brass founder, 22 Bridgegate Stephens, Mrs. lodgings, 25 George square STEVEN, Andrew, teacher, 4 Oxford st. Laurieston Steven, Andrew, victualler, 310 High street Stiven, Blair & Co. manufacturers, 59 St. Andrew sq. Stiven, James, brassfounder, Abercromby st. Calton Stiven, James, nailer, 5 Thomson lane, Calton Steven, James, writer, & agent for Protector & British Commercial insurance offices, 29 Hutcheson street Stiven, James, cabinet maker, 43 Main street, Gorbals Steven, James, furniture warehouse, 18 Bridgegate Stevens James, boot maker, 16 Hutcheson street Stiven, James, of Stiven, Blair 8? Co. ho. 67 Miller st.

Stiven, John, of Stiven, Blair fy Co. ho. 67 Miller st. Steven, Moses, of . Letters left at T. Grant's, 37 Glassford street Steven, Robert, coal agent, 2 Cavendish st. Laurieston Steven, Robert, baker, 38 Eglinton street, Laurieston 272 STEVEN—STEWART.

Stiven, Robert, saddler, 19 Glassford street Stiven, William, slater, 116 Stockwell Stiven, Mrs. broker, 8 Great Hamilton street STEVENSON, Adam, writing-master, Grammar school, house Richmond street Stevenson, Alex. & Co. manufacts. 51 South Albion st. Stevenson, Andrew, wright, Upper Renfield street Stevenson, A. writing academy, 23 So. Frederick st. Stevenson, David, victualler, 71 High street Stevenson, George, of W. Stevenson 8$ Sons, house 45 West Regent street Stevenson, James, cotton broker, 104 Hutcheson street, house Ure place, Montrose street Stevenson, James, dairyman, 74 Rottenrow Stevenson, James, driver Edinburgh coach, 20 Stock- well place Stevenson, James, surgeon and engineer, 40 York street, works 26 Washington street Stevenson, John, baker, 17 Oxford street, Laurieston Stevenson, John, cabinet warehouse, 90 Bell street Stevenson, John, academy, 93 M'Alpine street Stevenson & Murchie, manufacturers, 63 Candleriggs Stevenson, Nathaniel, of Braidwood, 90 Candleriggs, house 28 West St. Vincent street Stevenson, Nathaniel, of Oswald, Stevenson Sf Co. house 3 Hope street Stevenson,Robert, engineer, 9 Rose st.Hutchesontown Stevenson, Thomas, merchant, 8 St. Vincent street Stevenson, Thos. naturalist, &c. 58 Main st. Anderston Stevenson, Thomas, baker, 11 Anderston quay Stevenson & Wilson, manufacturers, 69 Ingram street Stevenson, William, wright, 104 Main st. Anderston Stevenson, William, & Sons, cotton spinners, 119 Brunswick street Stevenson, William, dyer, 6 Great Hamilton street Stevenson, Mi*s. 10 Great Hamilton street Stevenson, Mrs. tavern, 186 Broomielaw STEWART, Alexander, cartwright, 195 Barrack st. Stewart, Alexander, surgeon, 8 Candleriggs, house 9 Graham's buildings, 62 George street STEWART. 273

Stewart, Alexander, cotton yarn warehouse, 67 Bruns- wick street, house 23 Carlton place Stewart, Alexander, tailor, 71 Prince's street Stewart, Alexander, smith and farrier, Duke street Stewart, Alexander, joiner, &c. 7 Norfolk court Stewart, Andrew, fiddle-maker, 131 Trongate Stewart, Archibald, shoemaker, 64 King street, Calton Stewart, Archibald, grocer, 55 Geoi'ge street Stewart, C. & J. coopers, 33 Montrose street Stewart, C. & T. Gordon, writers, 70 Hutcheson street Stewart, Charles, of Stewart $ Gordon, writers, house 42 Dunlop street Stewart, Charles, Avon printfield warehouse, 22 Ingram street Stewart, Ci*oss & Co. mei-chants, 131 Ingram street Stewart & Coats, yarn merchts. 25 South Albion street Stewart, Daniel, grocer, 145 Drygate bridge Stewart, David, 110 Canning street, Calton Stewart, David, grocer, 15 Green street, Calton Stewart, Duncan, spirit-dealer, Dow's land, Castle st. Stewart, D. bookseller, 184 Trongate Stewart, Duncan, spirit-dealer, 4 Back wynd, formerly 89 Bridgegate Stewart, D. cooper, Sharp's lane, Main st. Anderston Stewart, D. & Co. bootmakers, 72 Queen street Stewart, George, of Stewart 8$ Wilson, house 5 Great Hamilton street Stewart, Henry, engraver,and printer, 124 Trongate Stewart, James, spirit-dealer, 113 Grseme street Stewart, James, boot blocker, 105 King street

Stewart, James, of Stewart fy Thomson, ho. Greenvale Stewart, James, brewer, 21 Tureen street Stewart, James, hair cutter, &c. 4 North Clyde street,' Anderston Stewart, James, jun. 22 Ingram street Stewart, James, Paisley Canal office, Moodie's court Stewart, James, slater, 3 Norfolk street Stewart, James, spirit-dealer, 6 Gibson street Stewart, James, shoemaker, Sauchiehall road Stewart, James, wine and spirit dealer, 227 High st. 274 STEWART.

Stewart, J. & J. wine & spirit merchants, 75 Argyll st. Stewart, John, sen. of J. Sf J. Stewart, house 269 Argyll street Stewart, John, jun. do. house Duke street Stewart, J. furnishing shop, 63 Glassford street Stewart, John, & Co. fleshers, 15 George street Stewart, John, rope maker, west side Barrack street Stewart, John, gardener, 9 Malta street, Gorbals Stewart, John, bookseller, 168 Saltmarket Stewart, J. writer, 70 Hutcheson street Stewart, John, & Co. ironmongers, 11 Argyll street, and iron warehouse, 39 Stockwell Stewart, John, confectioner, 54 Kirk street, Calton Stewart, John, dairyman, 56 Great Hamilton street Stewart, John, merchant, 97 Brunswick street Stewart, John, cuttler and surgical instrument maker, 1 1 Adam's court lane Stewart, John, portioner, 1 7 Well street, Calton Stewart, John, dairyman, 6 King street, Mile* end Stewart, John, poulterer, 47 Prince's street Stewart, John, earthenware dealer, 415 Argyll street Stewart, John, Cossack inn, 8 Wood lane Stewart, M'Aulay, & Co. merchants, 31 Stirling street Stewart & M'Donald, warehousemen, 5 Buchanan st. Stewart, Peter, gardener, Bath lane Stewart, Pott and Osborne, wine and spirit merchants, Old Post-office court, 114 Trongate

Stewart, R. B. of Stewart fy M'Donald, house 26 Robertson street Stewart & Richardson, manufacturers, 89 Brunswk. st. Stewart, Robert, coal agent, 4 Broomielaw Stewart, Robert, flesher, 17 Mutton market, King st. Stewart. Robert, spirit-dealer, Govanhaugh

Stewart, Robert, of Stewart, Pott fy Osborne, house 40 Great Clyde street Stewart, R. & A. spirit-dealers, 20 Hospital street Stewart, Thomas, pipe maker, 25 Saltmarket Stewart, Thomas, broker, 5 and 7 M'Farlane street Stewart & Thomson, cotton spinners, 17 and 18 Aber- cromby street, Calton STEWART—STIRLING. 275

Stewart, Samuel, pawnbroker, 35 Gallowgate Stewart, Walter, & Co. brewers, Haghill. Letters left at W. Colquhoun's, 25 Gallowgate Stewart, Walter, jun. & Co. distillers, Kennyhill Stewart, Walter, shoemaker, 26 Main st. Anderston Stewart, William, hair dresser, 28 New street, Calton Stewart, Wm. smith and spirit-dealer, 422 Gallowgate Stewart, William, gardener, 133 Main street, Gorbals, and 29 Hospital street Stewart, WiJliam, merchant, 18 Hutcheson street Stewart, William, shoemaker, 69 King st. Tradeston Stewart, William, accountant and agent, 71 Stockwell Stewart, William, 145 Drygate Stewart, William, hardware merchant, 20 Saltmarket Stewart & Wilson, wire drawers and pin makers, 151 Old venal Stewart, Mrs. R. tavern, 9 Anderston quay Stewart, Mrs. lodgings, 95 Argyll street Stewart, Mrs. midwife, 39 Portugal street Stewart, Mrs. confectioner, 363 Argyll street Stewart, Miss, dressmaker, 5 Great Dovehill Stewart, Miss, straw hat shop, 45 Glassford street Stewart, Miss Jean, straw hat maker, 168 Gallowgate STUART, F. B. tobacco and snufF manufacturer, 61 Gallowgate Stuart, John, & Co. calico printers, St. Vincent lane, house 41 George square Stuart, Peter, merchant, Sidney court Stuart, William, foreign bookseller and stationer, 159 Ingram street, house Union street STIRLING & Co. ironmongers, 31 Gallowgate

Stirling C. of Cadder, at Stirling, Gordon, fy Co.'s Stirling, Charles, jun. at Stirling, Gordon, Sf Co.'s Stirling, George, of William Stirling 8$ Sons, house 47 West George street Stirling, Gordon, & Co. merchants, 63 Miller street Stirling, James, tailor and draper, 192 Broomielaw Stirling, James, teacher, 15 East Clyde street Stirling, James, writer, 31 Stirling street Stirling, John, surgeon, 2 Duke street 276 STIRLING—STRANG.

Stirling's Library, 52 Ingram street, M. Muir, librarian Stirling, R.& P. merchants, 156 Argyll street, 3 Clyde terrace and 231 High street Stirling, Robert, cutler, 19 New venal

Stirling, William, & Sons, merchants, 14 Montrose st. Stirling, William, baker, 14 Malta street, Gorbals

Stirling, William, of Wm. Stirling Sf Sons, house 5 Milton place Stirling, William, portioner, 32 Millroad street Stirling, Mrs. furnishing shop, 234- High street Stirling, Mrs. D. South Wellington place Stirling, Miss, at Peddie and Tennant's school, Gam- bridge street STIRRAT, Alexander and William, wrights, Upper Renfield street Stirret, Duncan, teacher, Cowcaddens Stirret, Robert, at Mrs. Ml Gibbon's, 45 John street Stirret, R. cartwright,cornerof Renfield st. Cowcaddens Stirrat, Thomas, grocer, 131 King street, Calton Stirrat, Miss, milliner, 40 Bell street Stobcrqss Slip Docks, Finnieston STOBO, William, spirit-dealer, 17 Anderston quay Stobbo, William, pye & porter-house, 5 Carrick street STOAKES, Philip, broker, 337 Gallowgate STODART, A. truss hoop maker, 30 Robertson street STONE, John, victualler, 99 Green street, Calton STORRIE, James, agent for William Leitch and Co.

John Philp & Son, Dolls distillery, 59 Brunswk, st. Storie, James, boot maker, 7 Maxwell street STORER, David, oil and colourman, 188 Gallowgate Storer, James, painter, 184 Gallowgate STOW, David, of Wilson, Stow J Co, house Ash- field, Sauchiehall road STRACHAN, Alexander, tailor, 29 King st. Calton Stracban, John, barber, 66 Blackfriar street Strachan, Mrs. lodgings, 13 Renfield street STRANG, George, writer, 6 Candleriggs Strang, Dr. John, 162 Main street, Gorbals, house 136 Strang, John, & Co. wine and spirit merchants, 60 Stockwell, house 1 Carlton place STRANG—SUTHERLAND. 277

Strang, Robt. surgeon, 58 Main st. Gorbals, house 136 Strang, Robert, R. writer, 62 Brunswick street

Strang, Robt. of Strang fy Yuill, ho. 20 Monteith row Strang, Robert, session clerk, 19 South Hanover street Strang, William, vintner, 88 Jamaica street Strang, William, land surveyor, 78 Great Hamilton st. Strang, William, spirit-dealer, 7 New street, Calton Strang & Yuill, writers, 21 South Hanover street Strang, Mrs. midwife, 65 Green street, Calton STRATH, William & Hugh, tinplate workers, &c. 22 Stockwell, house 22 Nicholson street STRATHERN, John, spirit-dealer, Port-Dundas Strathern, Thomas, hosier, Mitchell's land, Mitchell st. STRONG, David, accountant, 52 Virginia st. house 10 Bath street STRUTHERS, Rev. Gavin, Allan place Struthers, James, of Thorn &; Struthers, house 19 West Regent street Struthers, John, stocking-dresser, 74 Great Dovehili Struthers, John, appraiser, auctioneer & general agent, 26 Hutcheson street Struthers, Robert, & Sons, Greenhead brewery, 120 Canning street, house 114 Struthers, William, cotton yarn twister, 91 Graeme st. Struthers, William, kirk treasurer, 36 Portugal street Struthers, William, teacher, Main street, Bridgeton SUBDEAN Grain Mills, Ladywell st. Alex. Bayne, manager SUGAR, John, flesher, 12 Beef market, King street SUN Fire Office and Life Office, 70 Hutcheson street. J. Ferguson, agent Superintendent of Public Works' office, Council Chambers. J. Cleland, superintendent SURGENER, James, coal agent, 43 James st. Calton SUTER, John, tailor, 30 Dale street, Tradeston Snter, Mrs. lodgings, 3 St. Enoch square SUTHERLAND, Alex.spirit-dealer, 5 King st.Calton Sutherland, Alexander, & Son, basket manufacturers, 17 Candleiiggs Sutherland, Alexander, eating house, 96 High street 2 a 278 SUTHERLAND— SWEET.

Sutherland, Andrew, tailor, 12 Kirk street, Calton Sutherland, David, tailor, 3 Hospital street Sutherland, David, tailor, 11 Jackson street Sutherland, David, Alexander Sutherland of fy Son, house 33 Crown street Sutherland, George, manufacturer, 13 Montrose street

Sutherland, George, smith, Watt's land, Upper Nile st. Sutherland, George, spirit-dealer, 32 Shuttle street Sutherland, J. & Co. straw hat makers, Pitt street

Sutherland, James, orders left for J. fy JR. Tennant, 24 M'Alpine street Sutherland, James, cooper, 29 Little Dovehill Sutherland, John, druggist, 91 Rottenrow Sutherland, J. & J. lath splitters, corner of Howard and Dixon streets Sutherland, Oliver, & Co. manufacts. 162 George st. Sutherland, Oliver, house, 33 Dundas street Sutherland, Porteous, singer, 60 High street Sutherland, Thomas, druggist, 66 Argyll street Sutherland, William, tailor, 57 Kirk street, Calton Sutherland, William, of M'Neil 8? Sutherland, house 9 Oxford street Sutherland, Mrs. spirit-dealer, 122 Old wynd Sutherland, Mrs. hoarding school, 1 Regent street Sutherland, Mrs. E. grocer, Robertson street lane SWAN, Alexander, weather glass maker, 75 High st. Swan, Andrew, spirit-dealer, 73 and 75 Bell street Swan, David, hair-dresser, 152 Broomielaw Swan, James, grocer, Allan place Swan, John, & Co. Smith's court, 62 Brunswick street Swan, John, spirit-dealer, 45 East Clyde street Swan, Joseph, engraver and copperplate printer, 161 Trongate, house Hope street SWANIE, James, spirit-dealer, 72 High street Swedish & Norwegian Consul's office, Ingram build- ings. J. Ross, vice consul SWEENIE, William, grocer, 26 Dempster street SWEET, George, & Co. wine cellars, 1 Charlotte lane Sweet, Thomas, quarter-master, Charlotte lane, house 2 Canning street, Calton SWORD TANNAHILL. 279

SWORD, A. E. of Sword % Wilson, house Greenhead Sword, James, sen. house Annfield, 491 Gallowgate Sword, James, younger, wine merchant, 43 Hutcheson street, house Greenhead Sword, John, spirit-dealer, 41 Portugal street Sword, Robert, writer, 52 Virginia st. ho. Greenhead Sword & Wilson, manufacturers, 5 Ingram street Sword, Miss Elizabeth W^ 10 Great Hamilton street SYM, Andrew, smith, 66 High street Sym, David, spirit-dealer, 44 Trongate Sym, David, spirit- dealer, 83 High street

Syme, George, at John Ferguson 's, writer, house 13 Bridgegate Sym, James, at Donald Cuthbertson's, 242 George st. Syme, Jas.mathematicalinstrumentmaker, 167 High st. Sym, James, 15 Hope street Sym, Mrs. banbox maker, 66 High street Syme, Mrs. lodgings, 7 George street Syme, Miss, 1 1 Fife place Sym, Miss, 9 Brandon place Syme, Miss, 13 Monteith row SYMERS, James, shoemaker, 7 Blackfriar street SYMINGTON, Andrew, & Co. hide and leather factors, 28 Dunlop street, house 1 Douglas street T Tailor's Houses of Call, 10 King st. & 57 Prince's st. TAINSH, John, victualler, 183 Trongate TAIT, David, wright, 29 Kirk street, Calton Tait, John, coal agent, 4 Dunlop street Tait, John, spirit-dealer, Buchanan court, 44 Trongate Tait, John, spirit-dealer, 32 Parkhouse lane Tait, John, Lyceum Rooms, 72 Nelson street Tait, Robert, boot a,nd shoemaker, 52 Crown street Tait, William, 89 High John street Tait, Mrs. grocer, 24 Bun's wynd TANNAHILL & Robertson, cloth merchants, 16 London street Tannahill, Robert, of Tannahitt 8? Robertson, house 2 Monteith row 280 TARBET TAYLOR.

TARBET, James, spirit-dealer, 110 Old wynd Tarbet, John, victualler, 15 Nelson street, Tradeston TASSIE, James & Thomas, Manchester Insurance office, 62 Brunswick street Tassie, John, manager, New Clyde Shipping Co. 53 Jamaica street, house Douglas st. Anderston walk Tassie, Robert, painter, 64 George street Tassie, Walter, merchant, 62 Brunswick street, house 24 Richmond street TAYLOR, Allan, smith, 11 Main street, Calton Taylor, Alexander, barber, 14 M'Alpine street Taylor, Alexander, town officer, 132 Stockwell Taylor, Alexander, spirit-dealer, Port-Dundas Taylor, A. & Co. tobacconists, 28 Argyll arcade Taylor, Charles, tailor, 18 Hospital st. Hutchesontown Taylor, Charles, spirit-dealer, 336 Gallowgate Taylor, Clark & Co. manufacturers, 33 Candleriggs Tayler & Cross, writers, 82 Hutcheson street Taylor, David, surgeon and druggist, 148 Gallowgate Taylor, Donald, & Co. merchants, 28 Queen street Taylor, Ebenezer, music shop, 33 Brunswick place Taylor, George, candlemaker, 25 King street, Calton Taylor, Henry, sen. baker, 7 Adelphi street Taylor, Henry, shoemaker, 105 King street, Tradeston Taylor, Henry, jun. grain and flour merchant, 73 High John street, house 81 Taylor, J. & Brothers, cabinet makers, 1 Main street, Anderston Taylor, James, tailor, 79 Main street, Gorbals Taylor, James, shoemaker, 5 M'Kechnie street, Calton Taylor, James, ironmonger, 113 Argyll street Taylor, James, ivory turner, 40 John street

Tayler, James, of Tayler fy Cross, ho. 62 George street Taylor, James, nail manufacturer, 38 G. Hamilton st. Taylor, James, smith, Mitchell street Taylor, James, flesher, 110 Stockwell Taylor, John, portioner, 117 Great Hamilton street " Taylor, John, muslin manufacturer, 15 London street Taylor, John, plumber, 47 Blackfriar st. house 45 do. Taylor, John, builder, 81 Crown street TAYLOR—TENNENT. 281

Taylor, John, victualler, 41 Nelson street, Tradeston Taylor, Joseph, music warehouse, 37 Hutcheson street Taylor, Matthew & Henry, wholesale spirit merchants and general grocers, 91 Gallowgate Taylor, Matthew, Bridgeton town crier, Green street lane, Bridgeton Taylor, Robert, comb maker, 19 Gallowgate Taylor, Robert H. 1 Wellington pi. Sauchiehall road Taylor, Robert, builder, 71 Stockwell Taylor, R. jun. & Co. wholesale grocers, 117 Gallowg. Taylor, Robert, smith and plough maker, 88 King st. Tradeston Taylor, William, crown tavern, 88 Trongate Taylor, William, edge tool maker, 60 High street Taylor, W. M. agent and house factor, Wellington court, 43 Argyll street, house Crossbank Taylor, Mrs. broker 47 New street, Calton Taylor, Mrs. spirit-dealer, 5 Jamaica street Taylor, Mrs. James, spirit-dealer, 2 Govan street Taylor, Mrs. Mary, grocer, 56 Bell street, Calton Taylor, Miss, dress maker, 3 South Frederick street TEAS, Joseph, shoemaker, 4 King street, Calton TELFER, David, spirit-dealer, 347 Argyll street Telfer, John, shoemaker, 7 Claythorn street Telfer, T. collector of bridewell assessment, 28 South Albion street Telfer, William, shoemaker, 59 Great Hamilton street Telfer, Mrs. Wm. upholstery warehouse, 8 Bridgegate TEMPLETON, A. portrait painter, 143 Stockwell Templeton, Andrew, Paisley union bank, 51 Ingram street, house St. Enoch square Templeton, James, watchmaker, 46 Main St. Gorbals Templeton, James, brush maker, 18 Candleriggs Templeton, James, manufacturer, 41 Stirling square Templeton, James, tailor, 4 Salisbury street Templeton, Joseph, spirit-dealer, Glebe street Templeton, Miss, straw hat maker, 17 Govan street

TENNANT, Alex, of James Oswald 8f Co. house Barrowfield Tennent, Andrew, merchant, 33 Montrose street 2 a2 282 TENNENT THOMSON.

Tennent, Charles & Co. manufacturers of bleaching powder, and drysalters, works and house St. Rollox, warehouse Moodie's court

Tennent, C. J. at Charles Tennent Sf Cos. Moodie's ct. Tennent, David, tailor, 23 Hutcheson street Tennent, H. of Middleton 8$ Tennents, house Wellpark Tennent, J. & R. brewers, Wellpark Tennent, James, shoemaker, 12 King street, Calton Tennent, John, jun. at Alex. Campbell's, 33 Ingram St. Tennent, John, spirit-dealer, 18 Clyde place

Tennent, John, at Charles Tennent Sf Co's. St. Rollox Tennent, Walter, perfumer, 340 High street TERES, Robert, smith, Melville street lane THALLON, Robt. provision dealer, 204 Gallowgate THIERRINS, Mrs. Dr. 50 North Hanover street THISTLE Bank, 26 Virginia street Thistle masonic lodge. D. M'Lean, 33 Trongate Thistle and Rose masonic lodge. James Leslie, vintner, master, 30 High street Thistle and Shamrock masonic lodge. John Crawford, Dale street, Bridgeton THOM, Buchan, shoemaker, 49 George street Thorn, James, spirit-dealer, 150 Gallowgate

Thom, R. spirit-dealer, 225 Gallowg. ho 4 Russell st. Thorn & Struthers, Rothsay yarn warehouse, 40 Glass- ford street

Thorn, Wm. jun. & Co. wine & spirit-dealers, 21 Bell st.

THOMAS, Charles, at John Thomas 8? Co.'s Thomas, David, & Son, stocking manufacturers, 19 South Hanover street Thomas, John, clothier & hatter, 60 Argyll arcade Thomas, John, & Co. coach makers, 32 John street THOMSON, A. grocer & spirit-dealer, 26 Eglinton st. Thomson, Alexander, merchant, 5 Kingston place. Letters left at 4 Queen street Thomson, Alexander, spirit-dealer, 25 Great Dovehill Thomson, Alexander, haberdasher, 30 Candleriggs Thomson, Alexander, grain merchant, Grahamston Thomson, Andrew, surgeon, 6 Little street, Calton Thomson, Andw. sen. & Co. merchants, 19 Virginia st. THOMSON. 283

Thomson, Andrew, sen. agent for Hercules life and fire insurance office, 19 Virginia street Thomson, Andrew, portioner, 30 Marlborough street Thomson, Andrew, merchant, 16 St. Andrew square, house 15 St. Enoch square Thomson, Andw. road & bridge contractor, Broomfield Thomson, Andrew, surgeon, Dalrnarnock road f Thomson, A. music and musical instrument repository, 38 Argyll arcade, house 9 St. George place Thomson, A. watchmaker & jeweller, 50 Glassford st. Thomson, A. pattern lasher, 96 Main street, Anderston Thomson, A. surgeon, 6 Little street, Calton Thomson, A. tailor, Kerr's buildings, Anderston walk Thomson, Brown, surgeon, Buniside, Port-Dundas Thomson, Charles, spirit-dealer, 33 Hutcheson street Thomson's dancing academy, 94 Miller street Thomson, David, boot maker, 122 Buchanan street, house 32 Union street Thompson, David, tailor, 1 7 Nelson st. ho. 29 Bain's pi. Thomson, D. & D. hardware merchants, Cowcaddens Thomson, David, victualler, 2 Marlborough street Thomson, David, spirit-dealer, 59 George street Thomson, David, spirit-dealer, St. Rollox Thomson, Dugald, spirit-cellar, 171 Duke street Thomson, Dugald, spirit-dealer, 30 South Albion street Thomson, Duncan, bootmaker, 112 Argyll st Thomson & Edmiston, joiners and cabinet makers, 18 and 43 Thistle street Thomson, Gavin, grocer, 7 Oxford street Thomson, George, letter-carrier, Post-Office, house Dalmarnock road Thomson, George, & Co. hatters, 101 Trongate Thomson, George, of Hillhead. Letters left at P. Thomson's, 176 Trongate Thomson, George, billiard rooms, 30 Prince's street

Thomson, Geo. at G. $r W. Millers, house 1 Union pi. Thomson, Hugh, turner, 28 Spoutmouth Thomson, James, bookbinder, 153 Trongate Thomson, James, cotton broker, at Jas. Donaldson's, house 9 Union street S84 THOMSON.

Thomson, James, at James Finlay 8f Co.'s, house 59 Oswald street Thomson, J. & M. tea-dealers, 93 Trongate & 1 Kingst.

Thomson, James, of Stewart fy Thomson, ho. Greenvale Thompson, James, spirit- dealer, 26 Crown street Thomson, James, 84 Queen street, agent for James Haig & Son, distillers, Lochrin Thomson, James, agent for Royal exchange assurance office, 57 Queen street Thomson, James, hosier, 4 Trongate Thomson, James, Gorbals distillery, 22 Kirk street, house 2 Clyde terrace Thomson, J. grocer, 1 Orr street, Calton Thomson, John, plasterer, 9 Thistle street Thomson, John, wright & builder, 43 Eglinton street Thomson, John, hair-dresser, 3 Malta street Thomson, John, barber, 97 Main street, Gorbals Thomson, John, druggist, Dalmarnock road Thomson, John, grocer and spirit-dealer, 53 High st. Thomson, John, sen. reed-maker, &c. 93 High street Thomson, John, spirit-dealer, 21 Argyll street Thomson, John, jun. & Co. starchers, 99 New venal Thomson, John, dairyman, 82 George street Thomson, John, dyer, 16 Campbell street Thomson, John, flesher, 74 Bell street Thomson, John, architect, 108 Argyll street Thomson, J. clerk, Gas Light Co. house 38 Virginia st. Thomson, John, tailor, 141 Stockwell Thomson, John, spirit-dealer, 36 Maxwell street Thomson, John, manager, tonnage office, 3 Brown st. Thomson, John, teacher, Hill street, Anderston Thomson, John, teacher, Barrowfield school, house 78 Great Hamilton street Thomson, Mathew, harbour master, Port-Dundas Thomson, M. spirit-dealer, 24 Kirk street, Gorbals Thomson, M. bit and auger maker, 19 Kirk st. Calton Thomson, N. vintner, 2 Broomielaw, & 92 Jamaica st. Thomson, Patrick, tea& coffee merchant, 176 Trongate, house 34 Glassford street Thomson, Patrick, distiller, 6 Dobbie's loan THOMSON. 285

Thomson, R. baker and spirit-dealer, 118 Broomielaw Thomson, Robt. manufacturer, 39 St. Andrew square Thomson, Robert, rope spinner, 27 Green st. Calton Thomson, Robert, tinsmith, 60 Kirk street, Calton Thomson, Robert, writer, 33 Virginia street Thomson, Robert, & Sons, Adelphi cotton works, Hutchesontown, house Camphill Thompson, Robert, silver plater, 33 Stockwell Thomson, Robert, Town Clerk's office, Council cham- bers, house 43 North Hanover street Thomson, R. grocer and spirit dealer, 1 Cavendish st. Thomson, Robert, spirit-dealer, 22 Blackfriar street Thomson, R. pewterer, 81 Bridgegate Thomson, Robert, spirit-dealer, 73 Bishop street Thomson, Robert, surgeon, Main street, Bridgeton Thomson, S. tea dealer, 46 Eglinton street Thomson, T. S. merchant 6 Antigua pi. ho. 2 Clyde pi. Thomson, Thomas, tailor, 1 William street, Greenhead Thomson, Thomas, road contractor, 27 Commerce st. Thomson, Thomas, spirit-dealer, 2 Drygate Thomson, Thomas, manufacturer 15 Candleriggs Thomson, Dr. Thomas, professor of chemistry, 24 St. Vincent street

Thomson, T. of Peebles fy Thomson, ho. 17 Gordon st. Thomson, Wm. letter-carrier, ho. 10 Coburg lane Thomson, William, merchant, 27 Queen street Thomson, William, flesher, 1 Bell street market Thomson, Dr. William, 3 College street Thomson, William, hosier, 3 High street Thomson, William, leather merchant, 23 Stirling st. Thomson, William, vintner, 88 Trongate Thomson, William, broker, 5 Hunter street Thomson, William, 4 Adelphi place, Hutchesontown Thomson, Rev. William, ho. Crossvale, Hangingshaw. Letters left at Wm. Clark's, grocer, 52 Hospital st. Thomson, William, of Thomson 8$ Edmiston, house Castlemilk place Thomson, William, ramshorn tavern, 131 Candleriggs

Thomson, W. at G. Sf W. Miller 8$ Co.'s, ho. 1 Union pi. Thomson, William, grain merchant, Alston street 286 THOMSON—TORRANCE.

Thomson, William, jun. tea dealer, 53 Nelson street, house 53 St. Andrew square Thomson, Mrs. A. tavern, 10 King street Thomson, Mrs. Robert, spirit-dealer, 16 Bridgegate Thomson, Mrs. commercial lodgings, 15 London st. Thomson, Mrs. F. furnishing shop, 165 Ingram street Thomson, M. straw hat shop, 46 Nelson street Thomson, Miss, dressmaker, 132 Stockwell Thomson, Miss, teacher of vocal music, 9 St. George pi. Thomson, Miss J. dressmaker, 45 James street Thomson, Miss J. victualler, 19 Well street, Calton THORBURN, Beith &Co. manufacts. 88 Glassford st. Thorburn, G. sen. of Thorburn, Beith 8? Co. ho. Lang- side road Thorburn, James, James, tea dealer, 48 King street Thorburn, J. & Son, coach makers, 173 Buchanan st. Thorburn, John, eating house, 40 Shuttle street Thorburn, Thomas, shoemaker, 19 Trongate Thorburn, Mrs. J. boot and shoe shop, 32 Saltmarket Thorbnrn, M. shoe warehouse, 24 Saltmarket Thorburn, Mrs. spirit-dealer, 42 Maxwell street THYNNE, William, grocer, 41 Dale street, Tradeston TILLERY, Robert, druggist & herbalist, Cowcaddens TIERNEY, James, spirit-dealer, 10 Hospital street TODD, Charles, merchant, 79 Queen st. works Com- mercial road, Hutchesontown, house Plantation Todd, David, cotton spinner, Springfield Todd, James, writer, Old Post-office court Todd, John, of Reid # Todd, house 28 Crown street Todd, John, & Co. calico printers, 21 So. Frederick st. Todd, William, pye baker, 63 King street

Todd, William, at Henry Monteith fy Co.'s, house 11 Miller street Todd, Mrs. muslin and lace printer, 41 London street TOLMIE, Alexander & Son, wholesale hardwaremen, comb manufacturers & general agents, 95 Argyll st. TOMLINSON, Mrs. paper boxmaker, 42Brunswk.pl. Tonnage Office, 3 Brown st. J. Thomson, manager Tontine Inn and Hotel, exchange buildings, Trongate TORRANCE, Alexander, baker, U Clyde terrace TORRANCE TURNBULLL. 287

Torrance, Andrew, flesher, 353 Gallowgate Torrance, James, builder, 4 Great Hamilton street Torrance, John, builder, 32 Stockwell Torrance, John, boot and shoemaker, 43 London st. Torrance, William, warehouseman, 25 Trongate, house 32 Stockwell TOSH, John, calenderer and packer, 65 Virginia street, house do TOSHACH, A. straw hat maker, Sauchiehall road Toshach, William, wrigbt, Sauchiehall road TOWART, James, coach office, 90 Trongate Towart, Robert, window glazier, 7 Ann street TOWERS, Andrew, spirit-dealer, 37 John street Towers, John, C. M. Reg. Prof. Univ. 6 Moore place Towers, William, writer, 93 Glassford street TOWNEND, Geo. & Brothers, worsted spinners and worsted heddle yarn manufacturers, 125 Virginia pi. Town's Hospital, Great Clyde street TOY, Charles, blacking maker, 79 Canning st. Calton Trades' Hall, 85 Glassford street Trades' Mortcloth Office, 67 Bell street TRAIN, Rich, flesher, 45 Kirk st. & 39 Stevenson st. TRAINER, Patrick, spirit-dealer, 23 Burnside lane Trainer, Peter, spirit-dealer, 116 New wynd Trainor, Mrs. P. spirit- dealer, 110 Bridgegate TROUP, Alex, keeper lock hospital, 151 Rottenrow TULLOCH, William, spirit-dealer, 297 Argyll street TURNBULL, Adam, grocer, 97 Bridgegate Turnbull, Rev. Alexander, house 51 Bellgrove Turnbull, A. messenger and auctioneer, &c. 22 Sidney street and 29 Bridgegate Turnbull, A. & J. & Co. manufacturers, 145 Ingram st. Turnbull, Charles, shoemaker, 40 St. Andrew square Turnbull, James, slater, 54 Main street, Gorbals Turnbull, J. & S. confectioners, 30 High street Turnbull, James, accountant, 29 Brunswick place, house Holland place

Turnbull, John, of A. $f J. Turnbull 8$ Co. house 57 Oswald street Turnbull, John, manufacturer, 113 Brunswick street 288 TURNBULL TWADDLE.

Turnbull, J. spirit-dealer & coach office, 30 Dunlop at. Turnbull, Joseph, spirit-dealer, Govanhaugh Tnrnbull & Ramsay, manufacturing chemists and vine- gar makers, 229 George street, works Camlachie Turnbull, Robert, tailor, Brown street, Bridgeton Turnbull, Robert, flesker, 253 High street Turnbull, Sandeman, merchant, 90 Candleriggs, house 213 Buchanan street Turnbull, S. Arthur, & Co. 225 George street Turnbull, Walter, green grocer, 320 High street Turnbull, William, grocer, Cranston street, Anderston Turnbull, Mrs. David, 143 Gallowgate

Turnbull, Mrs. George, spirit- dealer, Upper Renfield st. TURNER, Alex. & Co. spirit-cellar, 81 Wilson street Turner, Alex, messenger, ho. and office 197 Trongate Turner, Alexander, 285 Argyll street Turner, Angus, writer, town clerk's chambers, ho. 59 Melville street Turner, Archibald, writer, 66 Trongate, ho. 17 Govan street, Hutchesontown Turner, Claud, painter, 91 Graeme street, house 26 Campbell street Turner, D. & J. grocers, 209 Argyll street, house 10 Jamaica stree t Turner, Duncan, writer, 37 Virginia street Turner, Gavin, grocer, 61 Drygate Turner, George, of Lang &; Turner, ho. 82 George st. Turner, James, horse dealer, M'Farlane street Turner, James, tobacconist, 93 High street Turner, James, flesker, 6 Adelphi street Turner, James, druggist, 55 Union street Turner, John, jun. opposite head of Balmanno street Turner, John, messenger, 197 Trongate, ho. Oxford st: pi. Turner, John, qfM'Lellan fy. Turner, ho. 2 Kingston Turner, John, & Co. stationers, 149 Stockwell Turner, Mrs. J. poultry skop, 1 West George street Turner, Mrs. lodgings, 10 Russell street TURVEY, George, jeweller, 145 Trongate TWADDLE, John, grocer, Cowcaddens Twaddle, William, spirit proof maker, 84 Saltraarket TWADDLE URE. S>89

Twaddle, William, dairyman, Port-Dundas TWEED, David, spirit-dealer, 28 Main st. Anderston

TWEED IE, Alexander, of Cuthbertson fy Tweedies, Morrison's court Tweedie, David, of Tweedie Sf JRobertson, house 40 Charlotte street Tweedie, James, of Cuthbertson &; Tweedies, house 173 Buchanan street Tweedie, Nicol, writer, 37 Glassford street Tweedie & Robertson, wholesale butter stores, 11 Spoutmouth, spirit cellars, 347 High street TYRE, James, beadle of College, house 21 College st. U Union Baking Society, 21 Union street Ure, Alexander, writer, 26 Glassford street, house 13 St. Vincent place Ure, Alexander, confectioner and pastry baker, 25 Hutcheson street, and butter merchant, 21 Ure, Andrew, grocer and spirit dealer, 35 Crown st. Ure, Dr. Andrew, Anderson's Institution, house So. Wellington place Ure & Bankier, calenderers, 16 and 20 Montrose st. Ure, David, baker, 8 Kirk street, Calton Ure, George, 36 Kent street Ure & Henderson, clothiers, 50 Queen street Ure, J. A. merchant, Ewing place, 353 Argyll street Ure, James, merchant, 16 St. Enoch square Ure, James & John, wine and spirit merchants, 58 Buchanan street Ure, James, constable, sherhT and commissary officer, 157 Bridgegate Ure, John, of Ure Sf Bankier, house 49 Montrose st Ure, John, tailor, 4 Spoutmouth Ure, John, surgeon, 10 Adelphi st. ho. 14 St. Ninian st. Ure, John, baker, 159 Bridgegate Ure, John, teacher, 6 Well street, house 76 Tureen st. Ure, J. & R. spirit-dealers, 90 Bridgegate Ure, John, of Croyure, Ure place, Montrose street Ure, M. barber, 14 Laigh Kirk close 2b 290 URE—WADDELL.

Ure, Robert, clothier, 62 Argyll street Ure, Robert, umbrella maker, &c. Anderston walk Ure, Walter, turner, 24 Jackson street Ure, William, & Son, mathematical instrument makers^ 40 Candleriggs Ure, William, optician, 87 Stockwell Ure, William, at James Criim's tea warehouse, 50 W'ilson street, house Govanhaugh URIE, A. spirit-dealer, Port-Dundas Urie, John, cutler, 88 Gallowgate Urie, Mrs. A. grocer, 263 George street Urie & Clarke, Misses, dressmakers, 52 West Nile st. URQUHART, H. perfumer & patent peruke maker, 47 Argyll street Urquhart, J. C. perfumery warehouse, 64 Queen st. Urquhart, Robert, & Co. manufacturers, 21 St. Andrew square, house do. Urquhart, William, of Whites, Urquhart 8$ Co. house Blythswood place V VALANCE, John, druggist, Dalmarnock road Valance, John, late searcher of hides, 74 Gt. Dovehill Valance, Mrs. beamer, 49 Stevenson street, Calton Valance, Miss, dressmaker, 49 Stevenson st. Calton VANBECK, John, shoemaker, 31 Green st. Calton VANS, Robert, spirit-dealer, 13 College street VARY, William, clerk of the peace of the county of Lanark, office 84 Wilson street, house 40 Charlotte place, Great Clyde street VASSIE, Thomas, boot and shoemaker, 245 High st VIRTUE, John, fruit merchant, 62 Trongate Virtue, J. & P. fruiterers, 146 and 148 Queen street W WADE, Patrick, broker, 14 Market street WADDELL, Alex. Stonefield, near So. Wellington pi. Waddell, Archibald, accountant, 24 Miller street Waddell, J. victualler, 6 Duke street

Waddell, Jas. at Finlays, Alston &> Co.'s, 55 Queea st. WADDELL WALKER. 293.

Waddell, John, watch and clock maker, 21 Gallowgate Waddell, Matthew, tailor, 114 Green street, Calton Waddell & Russell, merchants, 9 Turner's court Waddell, Robert, spirit-dealer, Douglas street Waddell, R. & Son, upholstery wareho. 12 Buchanan st. Waddell, Robert, & Co. bootmakers, 21 London st. Waddell, Robert, tobacconist, 9 Go Fan street Waddell, Thos. & Co. manufacts. 18 So. Frederick st. Waddell, William, writer, 11 Miller street, house 18 Union place Waddell, Wm. leather merchant, 13 Great Dovehill Waddell, W. of Waddell % Russell, house 19 York st. Waddell, William, surgeon, 317 Argyll street Waddell, William, carter, 71 Green street, Calton Waddell & Yeats, tobacconists, 221 Gallowgate Waddell, Mrs. boarding school, Finnieston house Waddell, Mrs. William, spirit-dealer, Quarrytown Waddell, Mrs. grocer, 20 Crown st. Hutchesontown Waddell, Misses J. & M. milliners, 96 Bell street WALES, Henry, ropemaker, 54 Stockwell, works 3 Bedford street, Laurieston WAITE, J. & Co. cloth manufacturers, 17 Nelson st. WALKER, Adam, surgeon, 46 Thistle street Walker, Alexander, merchant tailor, 80 Saltmarket Walker, Alexander, smith, 480 Gallowgate Walker, Alexander, dairyman, 14 M'Farlane st Walker, Archibald, victualler, 55 Candleriggs Walker & Co. Lanark cotton yarn warehouse, 105 Miller street Walker, Charles, merchant, 36 Gallowgate Walker, David, carter, Burn side, Port- Dun das Walker, David, victualler, 52 Adelphi street Walker, David, of the Excise, 1 Norfolk court Walker, David, American consul office, 72 Virginia st. house Bath street Walker, Fleming & M'Phee, renovators of gentlemen's apparel, 40 Adelphi street Walker, Gabriel, manufacturer, 30 Montrose st. house Canning place Walker, Gavin, sen. 93 Virginia st. ho. 5 West Bath st. 292 WALKER.

Walker, G. L. manufacturer, North Albion court, house 53 North Hanover street Walker, George, stabler, Burnside, Port-Dundas Walker, George, teacher, 8 Parkhouse lane Walker, James, victualler, 129 Argyll street Walker, James, bottler, 53 Bucbanan street Walker, James, perfumer, 44 Queen street Walker, James, baker, Burnside, Port-Dundas

Walker, . James & Co. 8 So. Frederick st. ho. Bath st. Walker, James, grocer, 91 King street, Tradeston Walker, James, pastry baker, &c. 6 New Bridge street Walker, John, jun. bleacher, Castlebank, Partick Walker, John, grocer, 53 Nelson street, Tradeston Walker, John, teacher, St. John's parish school, 34 M'Farlane street Walker, Jobn, victualler, 45 Main street, Gorbals Walker, John, cabinet maker & upholsterer, 30 Thistle street, house 188 Main street, Gorbals Walker, John & Co. grocers, 76 Argyll street, house Craig court Walker, John, spirit-dealer, 8 Green market entry Walker, John, beadle, Cathedral lodge Walker, John & Co. spirit-dealers, Mitchell street Walker, John, commission warehouse, 48 Nelson street, house 250 High street Walker, J. perfumer, 41 Glassford street, ho. 72 Wil- son street Walker, John, writer, 35 Miller street Walker, John, spirit-dealer, Blackquarry Walker, Joseph, royal hotel, 66 George square Walker, Matthew, cartwright, Burnside, Port-Dundas

Walker, Richard G. ofMathie Sf Walker, ho. College Walker, Robert & Son, manufacturers, 93 Virginia street, house 5 West Bath street Walker, Robt. beadle to Rev. Mr. Armstrong 6 Well street, Calton Walker, Robert, spirit-dealer, 24 Clyde place Walker, Robert, tailor, Kerr's land, Anderston walk Walker, Robert, manufacturer, 5 Montrose street, ho. Letham hill WALKER—WALLACE.

Walker, Robert, spirit -dealer, 30 Jamaica street Walker, Robert, spirit-dealer, 86 Bridgegate, ho. 84 Walker, Robert, pastry baker, 69 Prince's street Walker, Thos. grocer & spirit- dealer, 331 Gallowgate Walker, Thomas, spirit-dealer, 49 Union street Walker, William, of Whites, Urquhart 8? Co. house 13 Monteith row Walker, William, confectioner, 49 Argyll arcade Walker, William, warper, 20 Kent street Walker, Wm. baker & spirit -dealer, Main st. Bridgeton Walker, William, bookbinder, 114 Trongate Walker, William, victualler, 150 High street Walker, Wm. nursery and seedsman, 13 Clyde place Walker, Wm. victualler and provision merchant, 195 Argyll street Walker, Mrs. A. grocer and spirit-dealer, Dunchattan buildings, Duke street Walker, Mrs, James, broker, Anderston walk Walker, Mrs. Margaret, 91 Graeme street Walker, Mrs. midwife, 76 Saltmarket Walker, Mrs. fruiterer, 19 Clyde ten-ace Walker, Mrs. pye and porter house, 14 Stobcross st. WALKINSHA W, Adam, & Co. merchants, 66 Miller street Walkinshaw, Allan, tinsmith, 20Broad street, Mile-end Walkinshaw, Daniel, of Walkinshaw, Adam 8$ Co. house 7 Blythswood hill Walkinshaw, Edward, merchant, 101 Virginia street, house 39 West George street Walkinshaw, James & Co. paper makers, 107 Ingram street, lodging Parkhouse, Paisley road

Walkinshaw, Robert, at Doiv, Couper and Young 's, lodging, Parkhouse, Paisley road WALLACE, Archibald, merchant, 83 Queen street, house 40 West St. Vincent street Wallace, David, surgeon, 155 Stockwell Wallace, George, wright, 16 Risk street Wallace, James, grocer and beadle to Rev. Alexander Harvie, 70 Barrack street Wallace, James, portioner, 23 Bell street, Calton 2b2 294 WALLACE WARDLAW.

Wallace, James, spirit-dealer, 171 High street Wallace, J. & J. spirit merchants, 174 Gallowgate Wallace, Robert, tea merchant, 140 Argyll street and 170 Gallowgate Wallace, James, & Co. grocers, 16 Wilson street Wallace, Robert, sheriff officer, Cowcaddens Wallace, Robert, of Wallace 8$ Watkins, house 32 West Regent street Wallace, Robert, grocer, 22 Clyde street, Calton Wallace, Robert, teacher, 95 Hutcheson street Wallace & Veitch, manufacturers, 10 St. Andrew sq. Wallace & Watkins, writers, 19 South Hanover street Wallace, William, teacher, 121 King street, Calton Wallace, Mrs. 32 West Regent street Wallace, Mrs. C. milliner and straw hat maker, 179 Argyll street WALROND, Theodore, & Ellis, merchants, 18 South Frederick street Walrond, Theodore, merchant, house Calderpark WALSH, George, grocer, 29 Coburg buildings Walsh, Thomas, spirit-dealer, 41 Piccadilly street Walsh, Mrs. J. grocer, Cowcaddens WALLS, James, shoemaker, 6 Well street, Calton Walls, J. writer, 17 Brunswick lane, ho. 16 Tureen st. WALTERS, Walter, spirit-merchant, 56 Trongate Walters, Mrs. spirit-dealer, 7 Spoutmouth WALTON, David, spirit-dealer, 10 Campbell street Walton, Lamb, & Co. hair-cloth manufacts. Ayton court WARDEN, Arch. & Son, merchants, 27 Virginia st. house Sauchiehall road

Warden, George, of A. Warden Sf Son, house 24 Blythswood square Warden, James, shoemaker, 5 Claythorn street Warden, James, carter, 2 Well street, Calton WARDLAW & Co. stationers, 73 Glassford street Wardlaw, Coats, & Co. merchts. Smith's ct. Caudleriggs Wardlaw, Gilbert, & Son, agts. Smith's ct. Candleriggs

Wardlaw, Gilbert, of Gilbert Wardlaw fy Son, house Regent street Wardlaw, Rev. Dr. Ralph, house 19 Regent street WARDLAW WATLING. 295

Wardlaw, Robert, Herald office, house Brandon place Wardlaw, Walter, house 6 Dixon st. St. Enoch square Wardlaw, William, & Co. house painters and paper hangers, 101 Buchanan street, house Govan WARDROP, George, insurance broker, 20 Wallace court, house Greenhill place Wardrop, James, tailor, 51 Gallowgate Wardrop, James, saddler, 69 George street Wardrop, John, auctioneer & appraiser, 89 Stockwell Wardrop, John, merchant, Greenhill place Wardrop, J. & H. & Patrick Auld, coppersmiths, &c. 34 Queen street Wardrope, John, Dalmarnock. Letters left at Mrs. M'Cracken's, 34 Gallowgate Wardrop, Richard, 253 Argyll street Wardrope, Misses, J. & M. dressmakers, 7 Coburg st. Wardrop, Miss, J. straw hat maker, 18 Russell street WARK, James, hive water maker, 131 Gallowgate Wark, James, turner, 14 St. Mungo lane Wark, John, wine merchant, 7 Stockwell place, ho. 11 WARREN, George, earthenware dealer, 316 High st. Warren, W. professor of drawing, & superint. in Scot land for the British School of Engraving, 63 John st. Warren, William, & Co. chandlers, 24 King street Warren, William, carver & gilder, 54 Maxwell street Warren, E. straw hat maker, 8 Nelson street Water Bailie's Office, 16 Robertson street WATERS, Andrew, manufacturer, 59 Hutcheson st. and 52 Glassford street Waters, Andrew, flesher, 47 Stevenson street, Calton Waters, George, shoemaker, Upper Reuneld street Waters, John, flesher, 166 High street WATERS ON, William, academy, 12 New Bridge st. Waterson, William, grocer, 23 Norfolk street Waterson, Miss C. silk & worsted shop, 123 Ingram st. WATHERAL, A. & M. straw hat and dress makers, 57 Gallowgate WATKINS, John, of Wallace % Watkins, ho. Peter's buildings, West Nile street WATLING, William, spirit-dealer, 147 Eglinton st. 296 WATSON.

WATSON, Andrew, jun. shoemaker, 223 Gallowgate Watson, Andrew, sen. flesh ev, 19 Beef market, Kingst. Watson, Andrew, flesher, 4 King street Watson, Archibald, 5 Thistle street Watson, Archibald, of Fleming 8? Watson, house 20 Portland street, Laurieston Watson & Armstrong, yarn agents, Smith's court, Candleriggs Watson & Co. yarn commission agents, 8 Ingram street Watson, Charles, Tron Church beadle, 6 Saltmarket Watson, Daniel, flesher, 411 Argyll street Watson, David, weaving factory, Bothwell St. house Richmond sti'eet Watson, George, saddler, 12 Duke street Watson, G. surgeon, 78 Stockwell and 3 Stockwell pi. Watson, Gilbert, banker, house 150 Buchanan street Watson, James, cartwright, 88 King street, Tradeston Watson, James, stocking maker, 1 Gibson street Watson, James, at John Fleming's, 12 Gordon street Watson, James, jun. slater, 88 King street, Tradeston Watson, James, M.D. 63 West St. Vincent street Watson, James, victualler, 25 Stockwell, house 11 Watson, James, Glasgow bank, house 8 Clyde place Watson, J. & R. bankers, 15 Virginia street Watson, John, jun. shawl manufacturer, 9 Stirling st. house Albion buildings Watson, John, lithographic press office, 230 George st. Watson, John, of Watson 8$ Armstrong, house 152 Rotten row

Watson & M'Bean, millwrights and engineers, 1 7 Dale street, Tradeston Watson, M'Night & Co. commission agents, 8 Ingram street Watson and Munro, clothiers & hatters, 15 Hutche- son street Watson, Peter, hair dresser, 14 Commerce street Watson, Robert, & Son, merchants, 19 Virginia street, house 67 Oswald street

Watson, Robert, jun. of Robert Watson fy Son, house 67 Oswald street WATSON WATT. 297

Watson, Robt. & Co. commission merchts. 23 John st. Watson, Robert, banker, house Watson, Robert & James, ironmongers, 74 Gallowgate

Watson, Robert, of R. 8*; J. Watson, house Whitevale Watson, Robert, King st. Pottery, 42 King st. Calton Watson, Samuel, grocer, 97 Rottenrow Watson, Thomas, spirit-dealer, 65 Canning st. Calton Watson, Thomas, shoemaker, 66 Main st. Calton Watson, T. auctioneer and appraiser, 39 Brunswk. pi. Watson, William, clothier, 66 Queen street Watson, William, flesher, 19 Beef market, King street Watson, William, preserver of birds, quadrupeds, rep- tiles, &c. 76 Gallowgate Watson, William, portioner, 5 Green street, Calton

Watson, William, of David Laird 8f Co. house 10 St. Vincent place Watson, William, & Alexander M'Allister, writers, 17 Brunswick place Watson, William, of William Watson 8? Alexander M'Allister, house 3 Brandon place Watson, William, jun. manufacturer, 163 Ingram st. house Birrnbank, Town mill road Watson, William, boot and shoemaker, 15 Adelphi st.

Watson, William, of Watson 8f M-Bean, house Pol- lock's court, Commerce street Watson, William, 9 Cochran street, ho. 55 Drygate Watson, William, shoemaker, 23 New street, Calton Watson, H. P. milliner & dressmaker, 54 Queen street Watson, Mrs. flesher, 26 King street Watson, Mrs. spirit- dealer, 12 Dundas street Watson, Mrs. lodgings, 5 Nile street, Gallowgate Watson, Mrs. school of industry, North Hope street Watson, Mrs. Watson's court, 194 Gallowgate Watson, Mrs. milliner, 51 Nelson street WATT, Adam, baker, Renfield street Watt, Alexander, spirit-dealer, 116 Main st. Gorbals Watt, Alexander, prof, of astronomy and geography, Anderson's university, house 13 West George street Watt, Alexander, commercial bank, 66 Virginia street Watt, A. at John Stewarts, 70 Hutcheson street 298 WATT WEIR.

Watt, James, vintner, 10 Cochran street Watt, James, measure line maker, 407 Argyll street Watt, James, of Watt, Pirrie Sf Co. ho. 2 Windsor pi. Watt, James, architectural academy, 87 Argyll street Watt, John, surgeon, 4*2 Argyll street

Watt, John, manufact. 103 Glassford st.ho. 7 Hope st. Watt, John, spirit-dealer, 82 Bridgegate Watt, John, bookbinder, 5 Hutcheson street Watt, John, builder, Sauchiehall road Watt, John, of Stephen Miller S> Co. ho. 27 Saracen lane Watt, John, victualler, 140 Gallovvgate Watt, Pirrie & Co. merchants, 11 Union place

Watt, Robt. jun. at Campbell Sp. Watt's, 79 Argyll st. Watt, Robert, manufacturer, 103 Glassford street Watt, Thomas, & Co. merchant tailors, 64 Saltmarket Watt, William, grocer, &c. 7 M'Alpine street Watt & Rintoul, Misses, dress makers, Union court WAYNE,] Robert, St. Rollox Foundery, house Bar- ony glebe WEBSTER, David, spirit-dealer, 9 Main st. Gorbals Webster, George, spirit dealer, 6 Rottenrow Webster, John, writing paper maker, 57 Argyll street Webster, Richard, teacher of music, 6 So. Hanover st. Webster, Robert, merchant, 114 Trongate Webster, S. & M. dress makers, 54 Maxwell street WEIR, C. & Co. trunk & box makers, 5 Wallace crt. Weir, D. tailor, Port-Dundas Weir, Gilbert, & Co. manufacturers, 16 Canon street Weir, James, cowfeeder, 114 Back wynd Weir, James, spirit-dealer, Main street, Bridgeton Weir, John, architect, 15 London street Weir, John, teacher of music, 107 George street Weir, Matthew, painter, 229 Argyll street

Weir, Matthew, at King&> Buchanan's, 44 Hutcheson st. Weir, Robert, spirit-dealer, 452 Gallowgate Weir, Robert, paper maker and wholesale stationer, 76 Virginia street, rag store 12 Jackson street Weir, William, baker, 53 Kirk street, Calton Weir, William, hotel, 13 Anderston quay Weir, William; surgeon, 107 George street WEIR—WHITE, 299

Weir, Mrs. midwife, 326 Gallowgate Weir, Miss, teacher of music, 107 George street Weir, Miss Jean, dressmaker, 79 Kirk street, Calton Wellington Spinning and weaving works, Govan st. WELSH, Andrew, spirit-dealer, 55 G. Hamilton st. Welsh, Rev. David, house North Montrose street Welsh, David, furnishing shop, 125 George street Welsh, John, watchmaker, 129 George street Welsh, William, beamer, 58 M'Kechnie street Welsh, William, beamer, Muslin street, Bridgeton Welsh, Mrs. lodging bouse, 89 Back wynd Welsh, Mrs. J. grocer and spirit dealer, Cowcaddens Westthorn Colliery Office, 41 Dunlop street, and Shipping Office, 66 Broomielaw West of England Insurance Company, Smith's court, Candleriggs, Gilbert Ward! aw & Sou, agents West of Scotland Insurance Office, 3 South Frederick street, J. J. Duncan, manager West of Scotland Rag Co. and Paper Warehouse, 78 Maxwell street, Gilbert Wardlaw & Son, agents Westmuir Coal Office, 4 Broomielaw. R. Stewart, agt. Western Club, 141 Buchanan st. Hector M'Lennan, club master WESTERDALE, William, shoemaker, Port-Dundas WESTWATER, James, silk and muslin warehouse, 116 Argyll street, house 6 Hope street WEYMES, Mrs. candle shop, 49 Adelphi street WHEELAN, Mrs. milliner, &c. 5 Claythorft street WHITE, Alexander, upholsterer, 34 Trongate White, Andrew, of Whites, XJrquhart 8$ Co. house 68 Charlotte street White, Andrew, gardener, 18 Main street, Anderston White, Charles, smith, Dalmarnock road

White, Edward, of William White fy Son, house 73 Hutcheson street White, George, watchmaker, 178 Trongate, and 24 Nelson street, house 50 North Albion street White, James, grocer, Muslin street, Bridgeton White, James, nail maker, 29 Coburg lane, Laurieston White & Johnston, grain merchants, 192 Gallowgate 300 WHITE—WHYTE.

White, John & James, manufacturing chemists, 58 Buchanan street, works Shawfield White, John, & Co. cotton spinners, Eaglesham, warehouse 4 South Hanover street White, John, portioner, Brown street, Bridgeton White, John, smith, 73 Commerce street

White, John, of Whites, Urquhart fy Co. house 59 Oswald street White, Robert, merchant, 70 Charlotte street White, Robert, grocer, 38 Rutherglen loan

White, R. at Wm. Adam fy Co.'s 103 Brunswick st.

White, Walter ; spirit-dealer, 51 Main street, Gorbals White, Wm. & Son, confectioners, 38 Hutcheson st. White, William, grocer, 33 Drygate White, Wm. tobacco pipe manufacturer, 15 Gibson st. Whites, Urquhart & Co. manufacturers, Commercial court, Candleriggs White, Mrs. Garnethill White, Mrs. 53 West Nile street WHITEHEAD, John, merchant, 86 Miller street, house Garnethill Whitehead, Joseph, leather wareho. 21 So. Albion st. WHITELAW, Archd. at J. % W. Campbell % Co.'s house 48 St. Andrew square Whitelaw, James, grocer, 62 and 64 Glassford sti-eet, house 88 Whitelaw, James, wright, 77 Main street, Anderston Whitelaw, James, cooper, 5 Shuttle street Whitelaw, James, stabler, 146 Main street, Gorbals Whitelaw, James, shoemaker, 55 Kirk street, Calton Whitelaw, James, mason, 13 Cavendish st. Laurieston Whitelaw, Jas. leather merchant, 29 Gallowgate, ho. 35 Charlotte street Whitelaw, John, merchant, 52 West Nile street Whytlaw, M. & J. wine & spirit cellars, 99 Glassford st. Whitelaw, Robt. surgeon, Anderston walk, north side Whitelaw, Thomas, & Co. calenderers, 41 North Albion court Whitelaw, Mrs. R. vintner and stabler, 182 Gallowgate WHYTE, A. of Whyte # Scott, ho. 23 Monteith row WHYTE—WILLIAMSON. 301

Whyte, A. C. tea mereht. 58 Trongate, ho. York place Whyte, David, grocer, 43 King street, Calton Whyte, Jas. & Sons, cabinet makers, 120 Queen street Whyte, Jas. & Wm. yarn merchants, 53 Wilson street Whyte, Joseph, brush maker, 5 Saracen lane Whyte & Scott, writers, 182 Trongate Whyte, Thos. of Blackburn Sf Whyte, ho. 8 Bedford st. Whyte, William, spirit-dealer, 101 Gallowgate Whyte's, Mrs. James, lodgings, 47 Adelphi street Whyte, Mrs. John, reed maker, 72 High street WHITEMAN, W. W. of Reid S> Wldteman, 106 Hutcheson street WHYTOCK, Misses, dressmakers, 22 Union street WHIGHAM, Robert, tea merchant, 27 Hutcheson st Wigham, Anthony, manufacturer, 30 South Hanover street, house 6 West Bath street WIGHT, Mrs. fish dealer, 5 Fish market, King street WIGHTON, Gray & Co. merchants, 30 Montrose st. Wighton, Mrs. 205 Buchanan street WILKIE, Andw. spirit-dealer, 57 Clyde st Anderston Wilkie, Andrew, spirit- dealer, 2 Prince's street Wilkie, D. & J. writers, 24 Stockwell Wilkie, David, of D. % J. Wilkie, house 28 Portland street, Laurieston Wilkie, John, hosier, 117 Trongate, house Portland st. Wilkie, Robert, spirit-dealer, 113 King street WILKINSON, Edward, cowfeeder, 55 Centre street Wilkinson, J. teacher, 26 Millroad street

WILLIAMSON, Alex, at Adamson fy Logan's Williamson, Alexander, grocer, 52 Candleriggs Williamson, David, spirit-dealer, Port-Dundas Williamson, James, spirit-dealer, 20 Anderston quay Williamson, John, manufacturer, 67 Bell street Williamson, John, grocer and spirit-dealer, 50 Bell st. Williamson, John, portioner, John street, Bridgeton Williamson, John, shoemaker, 21 Gibson street Williamson, John, basket manufact. 286 Gallowgate Williamson, John, jun. grocer, 23 Argyll street Williamson, J. grocer, 45Trongate, ho. 127Candleriggs Williamson, P. clothier, 36 Argyll street 2 c 302 WILLIAMSON—WILSON.

Williamson, S. dress maker, 28 Govan street Williamson, Mrs. mangier, &c. 28 Govan street WILLIS, James, carver and gilder, 48 Hutcheson st. Willis, Rev. Michael, house Garnethill Willis, Robert, tailor, 72 Kirk street, Calton Willis, William, commission merchant, 21 Ingram st. WILLI SON & Consland, wire workers, 1 New wynd WILSON, Allan, flesher, 6 Mutton market& 16 King st. Wilson, Alexander, spirit-dealer, 7 St. Mungo lane Wilson, Alexander, Caledonian hotel, 3 St. Enoch st. Wilson, A. & Sons, type founders, Blackfriar steps, house 14 College street Wilson, Andrew, spirit-dealer, 55 Bell street yVilson, Andrew, jun. 14 Blythswood hill Wilson, Andrew, starcher, 173 Stirling road vVilson, Archibald, spirit-dealer, 35 Candleriggs •Wilson, Archibald, coal agent, 50 New street, Calton Wilson, Archibald, smith, 15 King street, Mile-end Wilson, Bryce, grocer & spirit-dealer, 38 Portugal st. Wilson, David, tavern, 4 Wilson street Wilsone, David H. surgeon, Brandon place Wilson & Duncan, writers, 139 Saltmarket Wilson, Edward, slater, 20 Steel street Wilson & Ferguson, joiners, 61 St. Enoch wynd Wilsone, George R. manufacturer, 74 Glassford street, house 23 West Regent street Wilson, George, confectioner, 119 Argyll street Wilson, George, sail cloth and pack sheet warehouse,

28 Candleriggs, toy shop 26 - 'l Wilson, Hugh, engraver, copperplate and lithographic printer, 197 Trongate Wilson, James, joiner and cabinet maker, 28 Saltmar- ket, house front land Wilson, James, grocer and spirit-dealer, Norfolk street Wilson, James, of Wilson 8? Duncan, ho. 182 Trongate Wilson, James, gardener, Green market, ho. Stobcross Wilson, James, spirit-dealer, Cowcaddens Wilson, James, baker, 346 Gallowgate Wilson, James, surgeon, 76 High street, house 90 do. Wilson, James, jun. writer, 67 Nelson street WILSON. 303

Wilson, James, baker, 354 High street Wilson, James, shoemaker, 5 New street, Calton Wilson, James, silk manufacturer, 20 Candleriggs Wilson, James, vintner, 139 Gallowgate Wilson, James, spirit-dealer, 19 Kirk street Wilson, James, tobacconist, 87 Trongate Wilson, Dr. James, surgeon, 41 Miller street Wilson, James, surgeon, Delftfield, Broomielaw Wilson, James, spirit-dealer, 16 Anderston quay Wilson, John & Alex, wire workers, 43 Trongate Wilson, John M. boot maker, 9 Nelson street Wilson, John, & Son, wrigbts, 468 Gallowgate and 4 Struthers street Wilson, John, & Son, wire workers, 80 Trongate Wilson, John, tobacconist, 109 Trongate

Wilson, John, of Forrester, Ferguson fy Wilson, house 4 West Regent street Wilson, John, paper warehouse, 78 Broomielaw Wilson, John & James, candlemakers, 45 Saltmarket 207 Argyll street, and 92 Nelson street, Tradeston Wilson, John, portioner, 30 Tureen street Wilson, John, carter, 34 Main street, Calton Wilson, John, grocer, 12 Crown street Wilson, John, Gorbals Session Clerk, 38 Oxford street Wilson, John, & Son, Hurlet and Dalmarnock, Mor- rison's court, 108 Argyll street Wilson, John, victualler and spirit-dealer, 53 New Bridge street Wilson, John, cork cutter, 109 MAlpine street Wilson, John, vintner, 44 Clyde street, Anderston

Wilson, John, of Wilson, Stow fy Co. house 7 Blyths- wood hill Wilson, John, shell fish merchant, 172 Broomielaw Wilson, John, rag merchant, 78 Broomielaw Wilson, Josiah, Greek & Latin academy, 81 Virginia St. Wilson & Kelso, manufacturers, 79 Bell street Wilson, Matthew, spirit-dealer, 46 East Clyde street Wilson & M'Intyre, writers, 40 Dunlop street Wilson, Moffat, & Co. manufacturers, 95 Candleriggs Wilson, Newal, slater, 93 High street 304 WILSON.

Wilson, P. mathematical academy, 19 Portland street Wilson, Peter, cab. and chair maker, 76 Buchanan st. Wilson, Peter, tinsmith, 2 New Bridge street Wilson, Richard, stationer, 77 Bell street Wilson, R. & J. tallow chandlers, 243 Argyll street Wilson, Robert, wright and glazier, 42 King street, house 29 Gallowgate Wilson, Robert, hair dresser, 8 New street, Calton Wilson, Robert, & Co. manufacturers, 30 Montrose street, house Stockwell place Wilson, R. grocer, Dale street, Bridgeton

Wilson, R. atJ.&; H. Wardrop Sf P.Auld's, 34Queen st. Wilson, Robert, shoemaker, 5 New street, Calton

Wilson, Robert, portioner, 1 1 William street, Mile-end Wilson, Samuel, slater, 38 Stockwell Wilson, Samuel, umbrella, parasol and cap manufac- tory, 69 Candleriggs and 1 Wilson street Wilson, Samuel, & Son, sugar refiners, Alston street Wilson, Stow, & Co. silk & stuff wareho. 75 Argyll st. Wilson, Thomas, barber, 131 Gallowgate Wilson, Thomas, boot and shoe shop, 48 Saltmarket Wilson, Thomas, baker, 66 Stockwell Wilson, Thomas, jun. baker, 116 High street Wilson, T. & J. spirit-dealers, 3 Melville place Wilson, Thomas, spirit-dealer, 95 High street Wilson, Thomas, architect & measurer, 87 Stockwell Wilson, Thomas, victualler, 429 Argyll street Wilson, Thomas, spirit-dealer, 106 Bridgegate Wilson, Walter, reed-maker, 65 High street Wilson, W. & W. spirit-dealers, 15 New Bridge street Wilson, Walter, grocer, 37 King street Wilson, William, barber, 316 Gallowgate Wilson, Wm. boot & shoemaker, 22 Hutcheson street and 44 Argyll arcade Wilson, William, umbrella maker, 18 George street Wilson, W. C. writer, 75 Argyll street Wilson, William, Campbellfield pottery, 1012 Gallow- gate and wine cellars, 6 Broomielaw Wilson, William, writer, factor for Sir John Maxwell, 40 Dunlop street WILSON—WISHART. S05

Wilson, William, spirit-dealer, 125 Trongate Wilson, William, plane-maker, 32 Stockwell Wilson, William, vintner, Quarrytown Wilson, Wm. gardener, green market, ho. Cowcaddens Wilson, William, spirit-dealer, Main street, Bridgetou Wilson, William, nursery and seedsman, 113 Trongate, nursery and house, Cowcaddens Wilson, Mrs. Alex, vintner, 47 Clyde st. Anderston Wilson, Mrs. J. grocer & spirit-dealer, 1 Puddock row Wilson, Mrs. corset-maker, 316 Gallowgate Wilson, Mrs. spirit-dealer, 25 Goosedubs Wilson, Mrs. grocer, 50 Stevenson street Wilsone, Miss, 24 St. Enoch square Wilson, Miss, boarding-school, 5 Blythswood hill WINCHESTER, Wm. at John Geddes, 69 Argyll st. WINDSOR, John, spirit-dealer, Main st. Bridgeton WINE Company of Scotland, Jas. M'Queen, manager, Tontine back buildings WINGATE, A. of Black 8? Wingate, ho. Brandon pi.

Wingate, Andrew, of Wingate, Son 8f Co. house 7 Blythswood place Wingate, James, & Son, insurance brokers, Royal ex- change, house Garnetbank Wingate, James, of Westshiels, 22 Monteith row

Wingate, John, of Ewing 8f Wingate, house 15 Mon- teith row Wingate, O. bonded warehouses, 17 Howard street Wingate, Robert, at Apothecary Hall, Virginia street

Wingate, Son & Co. silk & shawl wareho. 62 Queen st. Wingate, Thomas, engineer, &c. Adelphi foundery

Wingate, William, of Wingate, Son Sf Co. house 7 Blythswood place WINNING, Archibald, bookbinder, 25 Bell street Winning, M. & R. ropemakers, 45 Castle street WINTON, David, clothier, 99 Trongate Winton, John, overseer on Blythswood estate, 11 St. George place, house Renfield street WISE, James, provision dealer, 74 King street WISHART, Christopher, wholesale wine and spirit merchant, 106 Queen street 2 c 2 306 WISHART WOTHERSPOON.

Wishart, Henry, tinplate worker, 41 Main st.Anderston

Wishart, James, at C. Wishart's, 106 Queen street Wishart, John, wine and spirit-dealer, 11 Candleriggs WOOD, Alex, smith and bellhanger, 16 Stockwell, house 22 Clyde place Wood, Alexander, machine maker, Bath street Wood, Alex, victualler & spirit-dealer, 129 Saltmarket Wood, Andrew, teacher, 17 Portugal street Wood, James, carter & spirit-dealer, 462 Gallowgate Wood, J. gothic & modern window glazier, 109 Tron. Wood, John S. ofEllis, Browne SfCo. house Woodend, Cathcart Wood, John, spirit-dealer, 59 Bridge street Wood, Walter, mercht. 30 Montrose st. ho Germiston Wood, William, chimney sweeper, 77 Saltmarket Wood, William, shoemaker, St. Andrew street Wood, William, boot and shoemaker, 23 Brunswk. pi. Wood, Mrs. furniture dealer, 40, 42 & 24 Bridgegate Wood, Mrs. James, silk dyer, 59 Robertson street Wood, Mrs. John, vintner, 187 Trongate Wood, Miss, dressmaker and milliner, 14 Croy place WOODROW, Andrew, shawl warehouse, 62 Queen st. house Clark's buildings, Pollokshaws road Woodrow, M. lodgings, 34 Stirling street Woodrow, John, manufacturer, 63 Candleriggs

Woodrow, Robert, at James Finlay Sf Co.'s, house 59 Oswald street WOODSIDE, Robt. shoemaker, 8 M'Kechnie street WOOLER, Alex, grocer & spirit-dealer, 22 Carrick st. WOOLLEY, George, grocer, 5 Gordon street WORDIE, John carrier, 35 Blackfriar street WOOTHERSPOON, Alex, jeweller, 138 Argyll st. Wootherspoon, Gavin, & Son, smiths, north side Anderston walk Wootherspoon, James, dairyman, 475 Gallowgate Wotherspoon, James, merchant, 125 Vh'ginia street Wotherspoon, John, Swan tavern, 91 Main st. Gorbals Wotherspoon & Lade, spirit merchants, 32 Stirling st. Wotherspoon & Miller, hat manufacturers, 40 Gallowg. Wotherspoon, Robert, & Son, bakers, 142 High street WITHERSPOON—WRIGHT. 307

Wotherspoon, Walter, smith, 1 1 North st. Anderston Wotherspoon, Wm. heddle maker, 119 G. Hamilton st. WRAGG, J.wire worker, 178 GaUowgate, & 97 Saltm. WRIGHT, Alexander, spirit-dealer, 108 High street Wright, Archibald, smith, 189 High street Wright, Campbell, woollen and linen draper, 50 Candleriggs Wright, Daniel, & Co. ship agents, 3 Robertson street Wright, Daniel, spirit-dealer, 407 GaUowgate Wright, D. M. at Andrew Tennent's, 33 Montrose st. Wright, Duncan, beadle, 115 Graeme street Wright, Hay, merchant, 33 Virginia street, house 76 High John street Wright, James, wine and spirit dealer, 241 Argyll st. Wright, James, baker, 16 Clyde place Wright, James, tailor, 87 Green street, Calton Wright, James, grocer, Rumford street, Bridgeton Wright, James, spirit-dealer, 54 Canning st. Calton Wright, J. & J. cotton brokers, 43 Virginia street Wright, J.ofJ.Sf J. Wright, ho. Blythswood hill, west Wright, John, victualler, 8 Duke street Wright, John, spirit-dealer, 159 Main street, Gorbals Wright, John, grocer and spirit dealer, 86 & 88 Green street, Calton Wright, John, vintner, 43 Trongate Wright, John, hair dresser, 237 Argyll street Wright, John, ship chandler, 155 Broomielaw Wright, John, gardener, 2 Stobcross street Wright, John, surgeon, 56 Bell street Wright, John, turner, 144 Upper Nile street

Wright, John, jun. at Walker 8f Co.'s Lanark icareho. house Milton place Wright, Nicol, ship tavern, 3 Ann street Wright, Robert, & Co. 29 St. Andrew street Wright, Thomas, agent, 49 Tureen street Wright, William, smith, 28 Saltmarket Wright, William, nail maker, 82 High John street Wright, William, pye and porter house, 35 Prince's street, and 46 Saltmarket Wright, Agnes, mangier, 23 St. Andrew sq. north side 308 WRIGHT—YOUNG.

Wright, Mrs. milliner, 41 Nelson street

Wright, Mrs. milliner, 1 6 Bell street Wright, Mrs. D. milliner, 36 George street Wright, Mrs. spirit- dealers, 34 George street WYLD, Geo. S. manufacturer, 52 Glassford street Wyld, John, agent for the commercial bank of Scot- land, 66 Virginia street Wyld, Thomas, commercial bank WYLIE, Alexander, slater, 25 Bath street Wylie, A. manufact. 25 So. Albion st. ho. 303 Argyll st. Wylie, David, grocer, 74 Main street, Gorbals Wylie, James, & Co. coppersmiths, Ann street r W ylie, James, brazier and tinsmith, and office for ad- justing weights and measures, 52 Wilson street Wylie, James, grocer, 54 Bell street, Calton Wylie, James, shoemaker, 13 Clyde street, Calton Wylie, John, teacher, 3 Charlotte lane Wylie, John, & Co. British and Foreign Library, 97 Argyll street, house 95 Wylie, John, calenderer, 12 Stirling square Wylie, Peter, letter-carrier, post-office, ho. Rottenrow Wylie, Robert, down and feather wareho. 80 Trongate Wylie, Robert, warehouseman, 15 Hutcheson street Wylie, Mrs. grocer, 28 Main street, Gorbals Wylie, Mrs. boarding school, 41 George square WYPER, James, writing master, 46 John street Wyper, Robert, grocer, Johnston place, Stirling road Wyper, William, teacher, 4 Ritchie's lane, Calton Wyper, Mrs. Wm. dressmaker, 65 Green st. Calton WYSE, George, turner, 24 St. Mungo's lane Wyse, George, confectioner, 185 High street Wyse, Matthew, flesher, 7 Mutton market, King street Wyse, William, baker, 35 John street Wyse, Mrs. Millroad street pottery, 17 Millroad street Y Yoker Distillery cellars, 76 Maxwell street Young, Adam, engineer, Glasgow foundery Young, Adam, poulterer, 73 Prince's street Young, Adam, coal agent, 33 Virginia street YOUNG. 309

Young', Alexander, grocer, 46 Bell street Young, Alexander, writing master, old grammar school, George street Young, Alex, tinsmith, 39 Portugal street, Laurieston Young, Andrew, commission merchant, 73 Brunswick street, house 184* Buchanan street Young, Andrew, cartwright, 50 Portugal street Young, A. & J. straw hat makers, 23 East Clyde street Young, Andrew, printer, 96 Trongate and 20 Candle- riggs, house 13 Crown street, Hutchesontown Young, Andrew, at Roxburgh &; Cos. ho. 10 Duke st. Young, Archibald, writer, 49 Ingram street, house Wallace grove, Paisley road Young, B. victualler and spirit- dealer, Finnieston, Young, Charles, glass-cutter, 2 Argyll arcade Young & Cochran, stone merchants, 34 Turner's court Young, David, wright, Dalmarnock road Young, David, bootmaker, 8 Union street Young & Freelands, merchants, 16 Fife place Young, George, edge-tool maker, 54 Old venal Young, Geo. writer, 10 Stockwell pi. ho. 8 Clyde pi. Young, George, carter, 430 Gallowgate Young, G. teacher of English, 1 Portland st. Laurieston Young, G. K. & Co. commission merchants, 163 Ingram street, house Kensington place, Sauchiehall road Young, James, merchant, 36 Clyde buildings Young, James, spirit-dealer, 140 High street Young, James, tavern, 34 Trongate Young, James, portioner, Brown street, Bridgeton Young, James, tailor, 332 Gallowgate Young, James, writer, 43 Argyll street Young, John, agent, 39 Stirling square Young, John, accountant, 60 Hutcheson street Young, John, H. & Co. cabinet makers, 54 High street Young, John, writer, 24 Miller street Young, John, beamer, 65 Kirk street, Calton Young, John, grocer, 12 Clyde terrace Young, John, writing master, 60 Hutcheson street 1 Blyths- Young, John, of Young fy Freelands, house wood square 310 YOUNG—YUILL.

Young, John, merchant, 35 Kent street Young, J. shoemaker, 55 Kirk street, Calton Young, J. & W. grate and fender makers, 40 John st. Young, Robert, classical teacher, 6 Portland street Young, Rohert, joiner & undertaker, 132 Gallowgate Young, Robert, grocer and spirit-dealer, 83 Kirk street, Calton Young, Rohert, flesher, 8 Clyde terrace Young-, Roht. manufact. 79 Bell st. ho. 6 Bun's wynd Young, Robert, tailor, 19 Blackfriar street Young, Thomas, merchant, 37 Glassford street Young, Walter, carver aad gilder, 98 Queen street Young, William, builder, 34 Turner's court Young, William, plumber, 419 Argyll street Young, Wm. coal merchant, Monkland Canal bason Young, Wm. Leckie, baker, 107 King st. Tradeston Young, William, spirit -dealer, 74 Havannah Young, W. surgeon and dentist, 108 Argyll street Young, W. teacher, 14 Thomson's lane, Green st. Calton Young, William, carter, 51 Crown street Young, Dr. William, 89 Brunswick street Young, Mrs. William, grocer, 18 Portugal street Young, Mrs. 10 Nicholson street, Laurieston Young, Mrs. 13 Blythswood hill Young, Mrs. grave clothes maker, 32 Dunlop street Young's, Mrs. lodgings, 26 Campbell street Young, Mrs. confectioner, London street Young, Miss J. dressmaker, Cowcaddens YOUNGER, Alexander, tailor, 6 Union street Younger, John, spirit-dealer, Melville street Younger, J. shoemaker, Anderston walk, north side YOUNGHUSBAND & Co.'s telegraph coach office, 24 Argyll street Younghusband, Mrs. star inn, 49 George square

YUILLE, Andrew B. of Strang Sj- Yuille, house Ma- deira court Yuill, James, academy, 12 New Bridge street Yuill, John, grocer, 10 Abercromby street, Calton Yuill, John, window glazier, Mitchell street Yuill, John, grocer, 241 High street YUILL—ZUILL. 311

Yuill, John, victualler, 106 Stockwell Yuile, Robt. & Co. spirit-dealers, 127 Great Hamilton and London streets Yuille, Robert, merchant, Wood lane, Broomielaw, house Madeira court Yuill, Thomas, saddler, 16 Main street, Gorbals Yuile, William, wine & spirit merchants, Smith's court 62 Brunswick street Yuile, William, & Son, tavern, Moodie's court Yuill, William, tailor, 29 Great Hamilton street Yuile, Mrs. George, Madeira court, Argyll street Yuill, Miss A. straw hat maker, 16 Main st. Gorbals

Z ZOLLER, Frederick, jun. commission merchant, 43 Virginia street, house, 1 4 Moore place ZUILL, Andrew, eating-house, 29 High street, and victualler, 35 do. Zuill, Andrew, tailor, 84 Saltmarket Zuill, James, spirit-dealer, 13 Bell street Zuill, John & Andrew, cloth merchants, 65 Trongate Zuill, John, spirit-dealer, Brown street, Bridgeton —

Since this publication was put to press, the following alteration has taken place in the dispatch of the North Mail, by Stirling and Perth :

Box closes at 3 p. m.

Mail dispatched at 10 m. past 3 p. m.

All the Post Towns in the Scottish list, marked

£ past 3 p. m. should now be 3 p. m. :


POST OFFICE, NELSON STREET. Delivery of Letters.

The first delivery, comprising the North of England, Edin- burgh by the north road, Paisley, Greenock, Ayrshire, Irish, &c. commences at 8 a. m. The second delivery, comprising the North Mail, by Perth, Stirling, &c. commences at 10 a. m. The third delivery, comprising the English and Foreign cor- respondence, Edinburgh by the south road, Paisley, Greenock, Dumbarton and West Highlands, commences about one hour after the arrival of the Loudon Mail.

Delivery on Sundays, (to persons who call at the office only,) from 8 to 11 a. m. from 1 to 2 p. m. and from about one hour after the arrival of the London Mail, till 7 p. m.

Dispatch of Hails. The following are the Hours at which the Letter-box of this Office is closed for making up the several Mails, and the hours at which each Mail is dispatched —

Box closes at Mails Dispatched at C Ayrshire, Paisley, Greenock, } 2 a.m. < Dumbarton, West Highlands, > f past 2 a. m. C Kilsyth, Kirkintilloch, &c. 3 f Foreign English with the cor- ) respondence, by Hamilton and Carlisle,

10-50 a. m. Edinburgh by the south road, 11a.m.

1 1 a. m. Paisley, but no further, 11 a. m. 5 past 3 p. m. Siorth by Stirling and Perth, ^ past 3 p. m.

. C Paisley, Greenock and Port- ? , , 4 P- m - P8 4 m - | Glasgow, J* * ?•

Jr past 4 p. m. Kilmarnock, Ayr, Irish, &c. 5 p. m.

C Edinburgh, , in by Airdrie and 1 , ; T/ 10 P- m - i past .10 p. m. 1 Bathgate" J N. B. The Bar shuts immediately after the arrival of the English Mail, and continues so about one hour, during which time no paid letters are taken in. a Postages.

Paid Letters to go by the Mails that are dispatched before 8 a. m. must be put into the Office, the previous evening, at 9 o'clock, at which time the Office Bar shuts, and at 7 p. m. on Sun- days. SHIP LETTERS Letters arriving from abroad, except the East Indies, &c. in Vessels, not Packet Boats, are liable to a sea postage of 8d. if single, Is. 4;d if double, and so on over and above all inland rates. INDIA Letters from the Cape of Good Hope, the Mauri- tius, Ceylon and the East Indies, are liable to a sea postage of 4d. each, if not exceeding three ounces, and one shilling per ounce above that weight, in addition to the inland rates.

Letters to the above Parts, may be sent through the Post Office,

at a, sea postage of twopence each, under the weight of three ounces, and one shilling per ounce, if above that weight, in addition to the inland rates, to be paid at the time of putting the letters into the Post Office. Newspapers, Printed Prices Current, and Printed Papers, duly stamped, may be conveyed to the above Parts, at one penny each packet, not exceeding one ounce, and one penny per ounce over and above that weight, provided the same be open at the sides, postage to be paid at the time they are put into the Post Office. Owners, Charterers, and Consignees of Vessels, resident in Great Britain, may receive their letters by their own vessels from Ceylon, the Mauritius, the East Indies, and the Cape, free from sea postage, provided that such letters shall not collectively

exceed twenty ounces ; and the Owners and Consignees of Goods on board of ships arriving from those places, may receive letters free from sea postage, provided such letters shall not collec- tively exceed six ounces, the letters of such Owners, &c. of Ves- sels and Goods, to be superscribed and addressed in the manner the

Act directs ; and any person, who shall falsely so superscribe any letters, will forfeit for every such offence, ,£10. All letters for Owners and Consignees, within such limitation of weight and superscription, may be obtained from the Master before he makes his delivery to the Post-Office.

Neiospapers to the Colonies and Possessions beyond Seas.

Printed Newspapers, and other Printed Publications liable to the Stamp Duties, may be sent to any of his Majesty's Colonies, or Possessions beyond Seas, by the Packet Boats, upon the payment of one penny half-penny, for every such paper, such payment to be made at the time the paper is put into the Post- Office, provided the 3 Postages.

same be sent in covers open at the sides, and be put into the Post Office in any town of Great Britain or Ireland, on any day within seven days of the day on which the same shall be published, such day to be ascertained by the date of the paper. Newspapers printed in the British Colonies, and brought to Great Britain and Ireland, by Packets, or by Private Ships, in covers open at the sides, will be charged with a postage of three- pence, upon each paper. And if any other Paper or thing whatsoever be enclosed or con- cealed in such Printed Papers, or there shall be any Writing other than the Superscription upon such Papers or their covers, the same will be charged with the treble postage of a letter.

Mates of Postage of Single Letters in Great Britain.

From any Post Office in England or Wales, to any place ) s. d. not exceeding 15 miles from such office, ) 4 For any distance above 15 and not exceeding 20 miles.. 5 20 30 6 30 ... 50 7 50 80 8 80 120 9 120 170 10 170 230 11 230 300 1 And so on in proportion, the postage increasing progressively one penny for a single letter for every like excess of distance of 100 miles. All double, treble, and other letters and packets whatever (ex- cept by the penny post) pay in proportion to the respective rates

of single letters ; but no letter or packet to and from places within the Kingdom of Great Britain, together with the contents thereof, shall be charged more than as a treble letter, unless the same shall weigh an ounce, when it is to be rated as four single letters, and so in proportion for every quarter of an ounce above that weight, reckoning each quarter as a single letter. —


Rates of Postagefrom Glasgow to Countries beyond Seas.

Via London, to s. d. I Via Falmouth. s d. 2 By Packet Boats to Lis- France, 2 | Italy, Ionian Islands, Tur- bon— All Portugal, 2 9 key, (through France,) 2 ] 1 Every Monday, 7 a. m. Spain, (through France,) 3 2 Payment required. Sun. Tues. Wed. and By Mediterranean Pack- Sat. 7 a. m. et— Gibraltar 3 1 Payment required. If to go through France, they must be sent to Lon- Holland, Netherlands, Sun. don, and postage same as and Wed. 7 a. m 2 Spain. Payment required. N. B. By this route, letters put under cover, or con- Germany, Switzerland, Rus- signed to the care of a sia, Prussia, Denmark, correspondent, may be Sund. and Wed. 7 a.m. 2 sent to Algiers, Tunis, Payment required. and the coast of Barbary. Malta and Mediterranean, 3 5 Sweden, Norway, Wed. 7 If letters for the Mediter- a. in 2 ranean are sent through Payment required. France, the postage is the N. B. Although letters for same as to Italy. different Countries may Mond. before the first Tues. he addressed to go thro' of each month, It a. m. France or the Nether- Payment required. lands, the Postage to the By Brazil Packet—Ma- places to which they are deira, Azores, Canary directed must be taken Islands, 2 10 and not the Rate to Rio de Janeiro, Bahia, France or the Nether- Pernambuco, Maranbam lands. and all Brazil, 3 9 Cape of Good Hope, Mau- Mond. before the first Tues. ritius, Ceylon, East In- of each month, 7 a. m. dies, I Payment required. China, St. Helena, New South Wales, Van Die- By Buenos Atres Packet man's Land, South A- —Buenos Ayres, Chili, merica, (except to places Peru, 3 which go by the Brazil, Mond. before the third Tues. Buenos Ayres and Lee- of each month, 7 a. m. ward Island Packets,) Payment required. Sierra Leone, Cape Coast Castle, Goree, Senegal, 2 By American Packet Sent by Ships as opportuni- New York, and the ties offer. whole of the United Payment required. States, Honduras and Postages.

Via Falmouth. s. Via Falmouth. s. Newfoundland, (pay- Previous payment of post- mentrequired,) Bermuda, age optional. Quebec, Halifax, and all French Islands—Marti- British North America, nique, Guadalope, 2 New Brunswick, 2 Payment required. Tues. before the first Wed. Danish Islands-St. Croix, of each month, 7 a. m. St. Martins, St. Thomas, 2 Tues. before the first Wed. By Jamaica and Leeward of each month, 7 a. m. Island Packet- Antigua, Payment required. Bahamas, Barbadoes, Do- minica, Grenada, Jam- By Jamaica Packet—Lee- aica, Montserrat, Nevis, ward Islands and Deme- St. Kitt's, St. Lucia, St. rara Postage optional, 2 Vincent, Tobago, Tor- St. Domingo, 2 tola, Trinidad, 2 Mexico and Columbia, 3 Previous payment of post- Tues. before the third Wed. age optional. of each month, 7 a. m. Carthagena in Columbia, Payment required. and La Guayra in Co- lumbia, 3 Other places in the West Payment required. Indies can only be for- From Barbadoes, by Mail warded by private Ships, Boats— Berbice, Deme- at Ship Letter Rates. rara, Essequibo, 2 The above are the days of Dispatch jrom the Post Office, Glasgow. The returns of the Packets are calculated thus: —to Jamaica and back, 16 weeks; America, 15 weeks; Leeward Islands, 13 weeks; Malta, 14 weeks ; Brazil, 20 weeks; Lisbon, 4 weeks. From July to December inclusive, the Packet touches at Per- nambuco and Bahia, on her outward passage to Rio Janeiro ; the other six months on her homeward passage. In November, December, January and February, the Packets, touching at Bermuda, go to New York direct ; the other eight months they go and return by Halifax.

A List of Principal Places Abroad, with the Countries to which Letters are forwarded. Places. Foreign Post Towns.

Places. Where sent. Places. Where sent. Altona, Germany. Brody, Germany. Amiens, France. Bruges, Netherlands. Amsterdam, Netherlands. Brunswick, Germany. Ancona, Italy. Brussels, Netherlands. Andalusia, Spain. Bruxelles, Angers, France. Cadiz, Spain. Angouleme, France. Caen, France. Antwerp, Netherlands. Cagliari, Italy. Archangel, Russia. Calais, France. Arragcm, Spain. Calcutta, East Indies. Arras, France. Calmar, Sweden. Artois, France. Cambray, France. Austria, Germany. Cape Coast Castle, Africa. Augsburg, Germany. Cape of Good Hope, Africa. Avignon, France. (See East Indies.) Badajoz, Spain. Carolina, North ) United

Baden, Germany. and South, \ States. Bahia, Brazil. Carlscrona, Sweden. Barcelona, Spain. Carlsham, Sweden. Bar-le-duc, France. Carthagena, Spain. Bavaria, Germany. Cassel, Germany. Basil, Cette, France. Switzerland. Basle, Ceylon, East Indies. Bayonne, France. Chamberi, I Italy. Bengal, East Indies. Chamberry, Bergamo, Italy. Christiani, Norway. Bergen, Norway. Civitta Vechia, Italy. Berlin, Prussia. Coburg, Germany. Bermuda, Bermuda. Cologne, Germany. Berne, Switzerland. Como, Italy. Bilboa, Spain. Constance, Germany. Blois, France. Constantinople, Turkey. Bois-le-duc, Netherlands. Copenhagen, Denmark. Bologna, Italy. Corfu, Ionian Isles. Bombay, East Indies. Corsica, Italy. Bonne, Germany. Corunna, Spain. Boston, United States Courland, Russia. Botany Bay, New S.Wales Courtray, Netherlands. Boulogne, Cronstradt, Russia. Boulougne sur > France. Cuxhaven, Germany. Mer, Dantzic, Prussia. Bourdeaux, France. Delft, Netherlands. Brabant, Netherlands. Denmark, Germany. Breda, Netherlands. Dieppe, France. Bremen, Germany. Dijon, France. Breslau, Germany. Dordt, Netherlands. Brill, Netherlands. Douai, France. Foreign Post Towns.

Places. Where sent. Places. Where sent. Douay, France. Heligoland, Germany. Dram, Norway. Helvoetsluys, Netherlands. Dresden, Germany. Hesse, [ Germany. Dronthien, Norway. Hesse Cassel, Dunkirk, France. Holland, Netherlands. Dusseldorf, Germany. Ipres, Netherlands. East Friesland, Germany. Isle of France, Mauritius. Elbing, Prussia. (See East Indies.) Elsineur, Denmark. Jutland, Denmark. Embden, Germany. Koninsberg, Prussia. En Suisse, (Switzerland.) La Haye (Hague) Netherlands. Epernay, France. Lausanne, Switzerland. Erfurt, Germany. Leer, Germany. Finland, Russia, Leghorn, Italy. Firenze, (Florence,) Italy Leipsic, Germany. Flanders, Netherlands. Leewarden, Netherlands. Florence, Italy. Leyden, Netherlands. Flushing, Netherlands. Leige, Netherlands. Fountainbleau, France. Lille, France. Frankfort on Lima, Peru. Germany. the Maine, Lisbon, Portugal. Frankfort on Livourne, (Leghorn,) Italy. Germany. the Odder, Louvain, Netherlands. Franconia, Germany. Lubeck, Germany. Friesland, East Germany. Lyons, France. Friesland, West Netherlands. Madeira, Azores Islands. Gand, (Ghent,) Netherlands. Madras, East Indies. Gefle, Sweden. Madrid, Spain. Gelderland, Netherlands. Magdeburgh, Prussia. Genes, (Genoa,) Italy Mahon, Spain. Geneva, Switzerland. Majorca, Spain. Genoa, Italy. Malaga, Spain. Gera, Germany. Malines, Netherlands. Ghent, Netherlands. Malmo, Sweden. Goree, Africa. Mantua, Italy. Gottenburg, Sweden. Maranham, Brazil. Gottingen, Germany. Marans, France. Gratz, Germany, Marseilles. France. Groningen, Netherlands. Maryland, United States. Haarlem, Netherlands. Mechlin, (Malines) Netherlands. Hague, Netherlands. Mecklenburg, Prussia. Hamburg, Germany. Melun, France. Hanover, Germany. Memel, Prussia. Havanna, Cuba. Mentz, Germany. Havre, Messina, Italy. > France.

HavredeGrace s Metz, France Heidelburg, Germany. Middelburg, Netherlands. )

Foreign Post Towns.

Places. Where sent. Places. Where sent. Milan, Italy. Port Louis, Mauritius. Minden, Prussia. (See East Indies.) Minorca, Spain. Port Mahon, Spain. Mitau, Russia. Prague, Germany. Modena, Italy. Presburg, Germany. Monte Video, Buenos Ayres. Ratisbou, Germany. Montpeller, France. Revel, Russia. Moscow, Russia. Rheims, France. Munich, Germany. Riga, Russia. Munster, Germany. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Namur, Netherlands, Rochelle, France. Nanci, France. Rochfort, France. Nantz, France. Rome, Italy. Naples, Italy. Rostock, Germany. Narva, Russia. Rotterdam, Holland. Neufchatel, Switzerland. Rouen, France. New Orleans, United States. St. Gall, Switzerland. New York, United States. St. Helena, St. Helena. Nice, Italy. St. Malo, France. North Carolina, United States. St. Michael's, Azores. Nuremburg, Germany. St. Omers, France. Odessa, Russia. St. Petersburg, Russia. Oder, Germany. Salonica, Turkey. Oldenburg, Germany. Saltzburgh, Germany. Oporto, Portugal. Sardinia, Italy. Oratava, Canary Islands Savannah, United States. Orleans, France. Savoy, Italy. Orleans, New United States. Saxony, Germany. Osnaburg, Schaff hausen, Switzerland. t Germany. Osnabruck, Senegal, Africa. Ostend, Netherlands. Seville, Spain.

Otranto, Italy. . Sicily, Italy. Paderborn, Germany. Sierra Leone, Africa. Padua, Italy. Silesia, Germany. Palermo, Italy. Sleswick, Denmark. Paris, France. Smyrna, Turkey. Parma, Italy. Soleure, Switzerland. Pau, France. South Carolina, United States. Pensylvannia, United States. Spa, Netherlands. Pernambuco, Brazil. Stettin, Prussia. Petersburgh, Russia. Stockholm, Sweden. Philadelphia, United States. Stralsund, Germany. Piedmont, Italy. Strasburg, \ France. Pillau, Prussia. Strasbourg, Pisa, Italy. Suisse, (Switzerland.) Poland, Germany. Swabia, Germany.

Pologne (Poland) Germany. Swisserland, ( Switzerland. Foreign Post Towns.

Places. English Post Towns. 10

Town. 11 English Post Towns.

Town. County. P. S. Brighthelmst Bristol Brixham Broadway Bromyard Broonisgrove Brough Bruton Buckden Buckingham Builth Bungay Buntingford Buvford Burnham Burnley Burslem Burton Burton (on Tent) Bury Bury St. Ed- munds Buxton Caistor Callington Calne Cambridge Camelford Campden Canterbury Cardiff Cardigan Carleon Carlisle Carmarthen Carnarvon Castle Cary Castle Rising Castle Eden Catterick Cave (N.&S. Cavendish bridge Caxton Chalsont St. Peters English Post Towns. 12

Town. 13 English Post Towns.

Town. County. P. S. Town. County. P. S. Gerrard'sCross Bucking 14dL Haughton-le Glastonbury Somerset 14 Spring Dur llrfE Gloucester Gloucest 13 Heatherby Devon 15 Godalmin Surry 14 L Hedon Yorksh 12 Godston Surry 14 L Helmsley Yorksh 12 Godmanchester Hunting 13 Helston Cornwall 15 Gosport Hamp 14 L HemlehemsteadHertford 14 Grampound Cornw 15 Henley (in Ar- Grantham Lincoln 12 den) Warwick 13 Gravesend Kent 14 L Henly Oxford 13 Grays Essex 14 L Hereford Hereford 13 Gretabridge Yorksh 11 Hertford Hertford 13 E Grimsby Lincoln 13 Hexham Northum 10 E Guernsey Isle of 11 Heytsbury Wiltsh 14 Guilford Surry 14 HighamFerrars Northa 13 Guisborough Yorksh 12 Highworth Wiltsh 13 Guisburn Yorksh 11 Hinckly Leicest 13 Hadley Suffolk 14 E Hindon Wiltsh 15 Hagley Worcest 13 Hitchen Hertford 13 Hales Owen Shropsh 13 Hithe Kent 14 L Halifax Yorksh 12 Hockerell Hertford 14 L Halstead Essex 14 Hoddesdon Hertford 13 E Haltwhistle Cumber 10 Hoi beach Lincoln 13 Hamoaze Devon 15 Holdsworthy Devon 15 Hampton Gloucest 13 Holkham Norfolk 14 E Harborough Leicest 13 Holmschapel Cheshire 12 Harleston Norfolk 14 Holt Norfolk 14 E Harlow Bucking 14 Hoi ton Lancast 11 Hanley Stafford 12 Holyhead N. Wales 13 Harpenden Hertfor 14 Holywell N. Wales 12 Harrow Middle 14 Holy Island Berwick 11 E Harrowgate Yorksh 11 Honiton Devon 14 Hartfordbridge Hamp 14 L Horncastle Lincoln 13 Hartlepool Durham 12 E Horn church Essex 14 Harwich Essex 14 L Horndean Essex 14 Haslemere Surry 14 L Horsham Sussex 14 Haslingden Lancast 11 Hounslow Middle 14 Hastings Sussex 14 Howden Yorksh 12 Hatfield Hertfor 13 Holylake Cheshire 11 Havant Hampsh 14 Hubberston Pembrok 14 Haverfordwest S. Wales 14 Huddersfield Yorksh 12 Hawes Yorksh 11 Hungerford Berksh 14 Hawkhurst Kent 14 Huntington Hunting 13 E Hawkshead Westmor 10 Hull Yorksh 12 E Hay S. Wales 14 Ilchester Somerset 14 Haylsham Sussex 14 Ilfracomb Devon 15 English Post Towns. 14

Town. 15 English Post Towns.

Town. County. P. S. Town. County. Mapleton Derby 12d Marazion Cornw 15 Market DeepingLincoln 13 Market- Raisin Lincoln 13 Market- Street Hertford 13 Market Drayton Salop 12 Market Weigh- ton Yorksh 12 MarketHarboroLeicester 12 Marlborough Wiltsh 14 Marlow Bucking 14 L Margate Kent 14 L Marsh Camb 13 E Maryport Cumber 11 Masham Yorksh 11 Matlock Derby 12 Melcombe Regis Dorset 14 L Midhurst Sussex 14 L Middlehana Yorksh 11 Middlewich Cheshire 12 Milborn Port Somerset 14 L Mildenhall Camb 13 E Mllford S. Wales 14 English Post Towns, 16

Town. IT English Post Towns.

Town. County. P. S. Town. County. P. S. Sheepwash Devon 15 StonyMiddleton Derby 12 Sheppy, Isle of, Kent 14- L Stony Stratford Bucking 13 Shepton-Mallet Somerset 14 Stourbridge Worcest 13 Sherborne Dorset 14 L Stourport Worcest 13 Shields (South) Durham 10 E Stowmarket Suffolk 13 E Shields (North) Northu 10 E Stow-on-the- Shiffnall Shropsh 13 Wold Glou 13 Shipstone Warw 13 Stratford-on- Shoreham Sussex 14, L Avon War 13 Shrewsbury Shropsh 13 Stratton Norfolk 14 E Sidmouth Devon 14 Stratton Cornw 15 Silsoe Bedford 13 Stroud Gloucest 13 Skegness Lincoln 12 St. Albans .Hertford 13 Skipton Yorksh 12 St. Asaph N. Wales 12 Sleaford Lincoln 13 St. Austle Cornw 15 Slough Bucks 14 L St. Columb Cornw 15 Smeaton Yorksh 11 St. David's S. Wales 14 Snaith Yorksh 12 St. Ive's Hunting 13 E Sodbury Gloucest 14 St Ive's Cornw 15 Somersham Camb 13 E St. Maw's Cornw 15 Southall Middle 14 L St. Neots Hunting 13 South a ai Warw 13 St. Helen's Southa 14 L Southampton Hampsh 14 L St. Germain Devon J 5 Southend Essex 14 L St. Michael Devon 15 South Moulton Devon 15 Sudbury Suffolk 14 L Southwell Notting 12 Sunbury Middle 14 L Southwold Suffolk 14 E Sunderland Durham 11 E Spornham Land Berks 14 L Sutton ColefieldWarw 12 Spalding Lincoln 13 Swaffnam Norfolk 14 E Spennithorn Yorksh 11 Swan age Dorset 14 L Spilsby Lincoln 13 Swansea S. Wales 14 Spithead Hampsh 14 L Swindon Wilts 13 Stafford Stafford 12 Tadcaster Yorksh 11 Staines Middle 14 L Tamworth Stafford 12 Staindrop Durham 10 E Tarporley Cheshire 12 Stamford Lincoln 13 Tavistock Devon 15 Stanhope Durham 10 E Taunton Somerset 14 Stevanage Hertford 13 Teignmouth Devon 14 Steyning Sussex 14 L Temple SowerbyWestm 9 Stilton Hunting 13 Tenbury Worcest 13 Stockbridge Hampsh 14 L Tenby S. Wales 14 Stockenchurch Oxford 13 Tenterden Kent 14 L Stockport Cheshire 11 Tetbury Gloucest 13 Stockton Durham 12 E Tetsworth Oxford 13 Stoke Norfolk 13 E Tewksbury Gloucest 13 Stokesley Yorksh 12 Thame Oxford 13 Stone Stafford 12 Thanet, Isle of, Kent 14 L b 2 English Post Towns. IS

Town. 19 English Post Towns*

Town. County. Wolsingham Wolverhampton Wooburn Woodbridge Woodstock Wooler Woore Wooten-under- Edge Worcester Workingham Workington Worksop Irish Post Towns. 20 21 Irish Post Towns. Irish Post Towns. 22 9

23 Scotch Post Towns.


10 p. m. 5 and 4 Bonaw, Sunday, Tuesday and Alford, Sunday, Tuesday and Friday, 2 a. m. 9 Friday, \ past 3 p. m. 11 Borrowmuirhead, daily, 10 Alloa, \ past 3 p. m. 7 p. m. 7 Alyth, do. do. 9 Borrowstouness, do. 10 p. m. 7 Annan, do. 7 a. m. 9 Bothwell, do 7 a. m. 2 Anstruther, do. \ p. 3 p. m. 9 Bowmore, Sunday, Tuesday Appin, Sunday, Tuesday and and Friday, 2 a. m. 10 Friday, 2 a.m. 9 Braemar, do. \ past 3 p. m. 11 Ardrossan, daily, do. 7 Brechin, daily, do. 10 Arisaig, Sunday, Tuesday & Bridge of Earn, do. do. 8 Friday, do. 10 Broadford, Monday, Wednes- Aross, do. do. 10 day and Friday, do. 13 Arran, daily, 2 a. m, 7 Brodick, (Arran,) daily, 2 Arrocbar, do. do. 7 a. m. 7 Auchnacraig, Sunday, Tues- Buckie, do. \ past 3 p. m. 11 day and Friday, do. 9 Bucklyvie, do. do. 7 Auchterarder, daily, ^p 3 p.m. 8 Bunessan, Sunday, Tuesday Auchtermuchty, do. do. 9 and Friday, 2 a. m. 10 Ayr, do. 2 a. m. and \ past Burntisland, daily, 10-50 a.m. 4 p. m. 7 and \ past 3 p. m. 8 Ayton, do. 10 p. in. 9 Cairndow, daily, 2 a. m, 8 Ballantrae, do. \ past 1p.m. 8 Cairnryan, do. \ past 4 p.m. 9 Ballindalloch, do. \ p. 3 p.m. 11 Callander, do. \ past 3 p. m. 7 Balfron, do. except Sundays, Cambuslang, do. 7 a. m. 2 2 a. m. 2 Camelon, do. 10 p. m. 6 Balichulish, Sunday, Tues- Campbeltown, Sunday, Tues- day and Friday, 2 a. m. 9 day and Friday, 2 a. m. 10 Banchory, daily, {p. 3 p.m. 11 Cairnish, Mond. Wednes. & Banff, do. do. 11 Friday, \ past 3 p. m. 14 Bannockburn, do. do. 6 Carlisle, daily, 7 a, m, 9 Barrhead, do. 4 p. m. 2 Carnwath, do. do. 7 Bathgate, do. 10-50 a.m. and Carronshore, do. 10 p. m. 6 10 p. m. 6 Castle-Douglas, do. 7 a. m. Beauly, do. \ past 3 p. m. 12 and 10-50 a. m. 9 and 10 Beith do. 2 a. m. 6 Cathcart, do. 4 p. m. 2 Bellshill, do. 10-50 a.m. 4 Catrine, do. 2 a. m, 7 Bervie, do. \ past 3 p. m. 10 Chance- Inn, do. J p. 3 p.m. 9 Berwick, do. 10 p. m. 9 Chirnside, do. 10 p. m. 9 Biggar, do. 10-50 a. m. 8 Clackmannan, do. \ p. 3p.m. 7 Blackshiels, do. do. 8 Coldstream, do. 10 p. m. 9 Blair Adam, do. \ past 3 p.m. Colinsburgh, daily, 10-50 a.m. Blair Athole, do. do. 9 and \ past 3 p. m. 9 Blair Gowrie, do. do. 9 Colinton, daily, 10 p. m. 7 Boat of Forbes, daily, \ past Coll, Sunday, Tuesday and 3 p. m. 11 Friday, 2 a. m, 10 Bonar Bridge, do. do. 13 Comrie, daily, \ past 3 p.m. 8 11 2

Scotch Post Towns. 24

d. Corstorphin, do. 10-50 a. m. Dunning, daily, \ p. 3 p. m. 8 and 10 p. m. 7 Dunoon do. 2 a. m. 7 Cupar Angus, do. j p. 3 p.m. 9 Dunse, do. 10-50 a.m. and 10 Cupar Fife, do. 10-50 a. m. p. m. 9 and ^ past 3 p. m. 9 Dunvegan, Mon. "Wed. and Craig-Ellachie, do. \ p. 3 pm. 1 Frid. \ past 3 p. m. 13 Craill, do. 10-50 a.m. and \ p. Dysarr, daily, 10-50 a. m. 3 p. m. and \ past 3 p. m. 8 Ci'amond do. 10-50 a. m. Eaglesham, do. \ p. 4 p.m. 4- and 1 p. m Earlston, do. 10-50 p. m. 9 Creetown, do. 7 a. m. and Easdale, Sunday, Tuesday, 10-50 a. m. lOd. and 1 Friday, 2 a. ra. 9 Crieff, do. \ past 3 p. m. 7 Ecclefechan, daily, 7 a. m. 8 Crinan, Sunday, Tuesday and Eddleston, do. lO p. m. 8 Friday, 2 a. m. 9 Edinburgh, do. 10-50 a. m. Cromarty, do. \ past 3 p. m. 12 and 10 p. m. 7 Crook, do. 10-50 a. m. 9 Elgin, do. i past 3 p. m. 11 Cullen, do. \ past 3 p.m. 11 Ellon, do. do. 11 Culross, do. do. 7 Ely, do. 10-50 a. m. and \ Cumbernauld, do. do. & 10 past 3 p. m. 9 p.m. 2d. and 6 Errol, do. \ past 3 p. m. 9 Cumnock, do. 2 a. m. 7 Evanton, do. do. 12 Currie, do. 10 p. m. 7 Eyemouth, do. 10 p. m. 9 Dalkeith, do. 10-50 11 a. m. Falkirk do. \ past 3 and 10 and 10 p. m. 7 p. m. 6 Dalmally, Sunday, Tuesday Falkland do. \ past 3 a. m. 9 and Friday, 2 a. m. 8 Fettercairn, do. do. 10 Dalmellington, daily, 2 a. m. 8 Fochabers, do. do. 11 Dairy, do. do. 6 Ford, do. 10-50 a.m. and 10 Denny, do. \ past 3, and 10 p. in. 7 p. m. 6 Fordon, do. \ past 3 p. m. 10 Dingwall, do. \ past 3 p. m. 12 Forfar, do. do. 9 Dirleton, do. 10 p. m. Forres, do. do. 1 Dornoch, do. \ past 3 p. m. 13 Fort- Augustus, Sun. Tues. Douglas, do. 7 a. m. 7 Friday, 2a.ni. 10 Doune, do. \ past 3 p. m. Fort- George, daily, \ past 3 Drymen, do. 2 a. m. 6 p. m. 12 Dumbarton, do. do. Fortrose, do. do. 12 Dumfries, do. 7 a. m. and FoEt-William, Sun. Tues. 10-50 a. m. 8d. and 9 Frid. 2 a. m. 10 Dunbar, do. 10 p. m. Frasersburgh, daily, \ past 3 Dunbeath, do. \ past 3 p.m. 13 p. m. 11 Dunblane, do. do. 7 Fruchie, do. do. 9 Dundee, daily, \ past 3 p. m. 9 Fushie-Bridge, do. 10 p. m. 8 Dumfermline, do. 10-50 a.m. Fyvie, do. \ past 3 p.m. 11 and \ past 3 p. m. 8 Gallashiels, do. 10-50 a.m. Dunkeld, do. \ past 3 p.m. 9 and 10 p. m. 25 Scotch Post Towns.

d. Galston, daily, 2 a. m. and \ past Keith, daily, £ past 3 p.m. 11 4 p.m. 6 Keithhall, do. do. 11 Gartmore, do. \ past 3 p. m. Kelso, do. 10-50 a. m. and 10 Gatehouse, do. 7 a. m. 10-50 p. m. 9 a. m. 9d and 10 Kenmore, Mon. Wed. Thurs. Gifford, do. 10 p. m. Sat. ^ past 3 p. m, 9 Girvan, do. \ past 4 p. m, Kennoway, do. 10-50 a. m. \ Glammis, do. J past 3 p. m. 9 past 3 p. m. 9 Glasgow, 1 Kettle, do. \ past 3 p. m. 9 Glenlivat, do. \ past 3 p.m. 12 E. Kilbride, do, 7 a. m. 2 Glenluce, do. 7 a.m. 9 W. Kilbride, do. 2 a.m. 7 Golspie, do. \ past 3 p. m. 13 Killin, Mon. Thurs. Sat \ Gourock, do. 2 a. m, 6 past 3 p. m. 8 Grahamstown, do. 10 p. m. 6 Kilmarnock,daily, 2a.m.^p. 4, 6 Grangemouth, do. \ past 3 and Kilmaurs, do. do. 6 10 p. m. 6 Kilpatrick, do. 2 a. m, 2 Grantown, do. \ past 3 p. m. 12 Kilsyth, do, 2 a. m. 4 Greenlaw, do. 10 p. m. 9 Kilwinning, do. 2 a. m. 6 Greenock, do. 2 a. m. and 4 Kincardine, do. jpast 3 p. m. 7 p. m. 6 Kincardine O'Neil, do. do. 11 Gretna, do. 7 a. m. 9 Kinghorn, do. 10-50 a. m. \ Gullan, do. 10 p. m. past 3 p. m. 8 Haddington, do. 10 p. m. Kingussie, Mon. Thurs. Sat. Hamilton, do. 7 a. m. 5 past 3 p. m. 10 Hawick, do. 10-50 a. m. and Kinross, daily, \ past 3 p. m. 9 10 p. m. Kintore, do. do. 10 Helensburgh, do. 2 a. m. Kintra, Sun. Tues. Friday, Helmsdale, do. \ past 3 p. m. 13 2 a.m. 9 Hermiston, 10 p. m. Kippen, daily, \ past 3 p. m. 7 Holytown, do. 10-50 a. m. Kircaldy, do. 10-50 a. m. \ Horndean, do. 10 p. m. past 3p. m. 8 Huna, do. \ past 3 p. m. Kirkcudbright, do. 7 a. m. and Huntly, do. do. 10-50 p. m. 9d and 10 Hutton, do. 10 p. m. Kirkintulloch, do. 2 a. m. 4 Inchture, do. \ past 3 p. m Kirkliston, 1 0-50 a. m. 7 Innerkip, do. 2 a. m. Kirkwall, do. \ past 3 p. m. 14 Inverleithen, 10-50 a. m. Kirriemuir, do. do. 9 Inveraray, do. 2 a. m. Laggan, Mon. Thurs. Sat. \ Invergorden, do. \ past 3 p.m. 13 past 3 p. m. 10 Inverkeithing, do. 10-50 a. m Lamlash,(Arran,)daily, 2 a.m. 7 % past 3 p. m. Lanark, do. 7 a. m. 6 Inverness, do. 5 past 3 p. m. 12 Langholme, daily, 7 a. m. 10 Irvine, do. 2 a. m. 6 Largo, do. 10-50 a. m. and \ Jedburgh, do. 10-50 a. m. 9 past 3 p. m. 9 Johnstown, daily, 2a. m.4p. m. 4 Largs, do. 2 a. m. 7 Jura, Sund. Tues. and Frid. Lasswade, do. 10-50 a. m. and 2 p. m. 9 10 p. m. 7 1

Scotch Post Towns. 26

Lauder, daily, 10-50 a. m. Mintlaw, daily, ip. 3p.m. 11 Laurencekirk, do. \ past 3 p. Moffat, do. 7 a.m. 8 m. 10 Moniaive, do. do. 10-50 a. m. Lauriestcm, do. 10 p. m. 6 9d and 10 Leadhills, Mon and Thurs. Mon i musk, do. \ past 3 p. m. 11 7 a. m. Montrose, do. do. 9 Leith, daily, 10-50 a. in. and Mortlach, do. do. 11 10 p. m. Morvern, Sun. Tues. Frid. Leitholm, do. 10 p. m. 9 2 a. m. 10 Lennoxtown, do. 2 a. m. 2 Muirdrum, daily, \ p. 3 p.m. 9 Lerwick, once a month, 14 Muirkirk, Mon. Tues. Thurs. Leslie, daily, 10-50 a. m. and Sat. 7 a.m. 7 10 p. m. Munlochy, daily, except Tues. Lesmabagow, do. 7 a. m. \ past 3 p. m. 12 Leven, do. 10-50 a m. and 10 Musselburgh, daily, 10-50 a. p. m. 9 m. and 10 p. m. 7 Leuchars, do. do. 9 Nairn, daily, except Tues. \ Libberton, 10-50 a. m. 7 past 3 p. m. 12 Linlithgow, do. 10 p. m. 7 Neilston, daily, 4 p. m. 2 Linton, west, 10-50 a. m. Nevrburgh, (Fife,) do. \ past Linton, east, 10 p. m. 3 p. m. 8 Lochalsh, Mon. Wed. & Frid New-Castleton, do. 7 a. m. 10 5 past 3 p. m. 13 New- Galloway, do. do. and Lochcarron, do. do. 13 1 0-50 a. m. 9d and 10 Lochearnhead, daily, \ part 3 Newhaven, do. 10-50 a. m. and p. m. 10 p. m. 7 Lochgilphead, Sun. Tues. Newmills, (Ayrshire,) do. 2 Frid. 2 a. m. a. m. \ past 4 p. m. 6 Lochmaben, daily, 7 a. m. Newmills, (Fife,) do. \ past Lochwinnoch, do. 2 a. m. and 3 ]>. in. 8 4 p. m. Newport, do. do. 9 Lockerby, do. 7 a. m. Newton- Stewart, do. 7 a. m. Longtown, do. do. 10 10-50 p. m. 10 and 11 Luss, do. 2 a. m. 6 Noblehouse, do. 10-50 a. m. Lybster, do. \ past 3 p.m. 13 and 10 p. m. 8 Markinch, do. 10-50 a. m. and North Berwick, do. do. 8 \ past 3 p. m. North Queensferry, do. 10-50 , do. 7 a. m. 2 a. m. \ past 3 p. m. 8 Mauchline, do. 2 a. m, 7 Oban, Sun. Tues. and Frid. Maybole, \ past 4 p. m. 7 at 2 a. m, 9 Meigle, daily, \ past 3 p.m. 9 Old Meldrum, daily, \ past 3 Melrose, do. 10r50 a. m. and p. m. 11 10 p. m. Old Rain, do. go. 1 Mid-Calder, 10-50 a. m. 7 Paisley, do. 2 a.m. 11a. m. Milnathort, do. \ past 3 p. m. 9 and 4 p. m, 4 Milngavie, do. 7 a. m. except , daily, 10-50 a. m. 2 on Sundays, 2 Parkhill, do. \ past 3 p.m. 13 1 1

27 Scotch Post Towns-

Partick, daily, at 2 a. m. Saltcoats, daily, 2 a. m. 7 Pathhead, (Fife,) do. 10-50 a, Sanquhar, Tues. Thurs. Sat. m. \ past 3 p. m. 2 a.m. 8 Peebles, do. do. and 10 p. m. Selkirk, daily, 10-50 a. m. and Pennyeuick, do. 10-50 a. m. 10 p. m. 9 and 10 p. m. Slateford, do. 10-50 a. m. 10 Perth, do. j past 3 p. m. p. m. 7 Peterhead, do. do. South Queensferry, do. 10-50 Pitlochry, do. do. a. m. and \ past 3 p. m. 8 Pitsligo, do. do. Stewarton, do. 2 a. m. 6 Pittenweeni, do. 10-50 a. m. Stirling, do. \ past 3 p. m. 6 and 10 p. in. Stonehaven, do. do. 10 Pollokshaws, do. 4 p. m. Stornoway, Wed. do. 14 Polmont, do. 10 p. m. Stow, daily, 10 p. m. 8 Portaskaig, Sun. Tues. and Stranraer, do. h past 4 p. m. 9 Frid. 2 a. m. Strathaven, do. 7 a. m 5 Port- Glasgow, daily, 2 a. m. Strathblane, do. except Sun. and 4 p. m. 2 a. m. 2 Portobello, do. 10-50 a. m. Strathdon, Sun. Tues. Fi d. and 10 p. m. \ past 3 p. m. 11 Port- Patrick, do. 3- past 4 Strathmiglo, daily, do. 9 p. m. Strichen, do. do. 1 Portree, Mon. Wed. Frid. ^ Stromness, do. do. 14 past 3 p. in. 13 Strontian, Sun. Tues. Frid. Portsoy, daily, \ past 3 p. m. 11 2 a. m. 10 Port- William, do. 7 a. m. and Swinton, daily, 10-50 a. m. 10-50 a. m. lOd and 1 and 10 p. m. 9 Prestonkirk, do. 10 p. m. Tain, do. \ past 3 p. m. 13 Prestonpans, do. do. 10-50 a. Tarbert, Sun. Tues. Frid. in. and 10 p. m. 2 a. m. 9 Rachan mill, do. 10-50 a. m, Tarland, do. \ past 3 p. m. 11 and 10 p. in. Tayinloan, do. 2 a. m. 9 Rannoch, do. \ part 3 p. m. Thornhill, daily, 7 a. m, and Ratho, do. 10-50 a. m. and 10-50 a. in. 9d and 10

10 p. m. Thurso, do. -j past 3 p. m. 14 Renfrew, do. 2 a. m. and 4 Tiree, Sun. Tues. Frid. 2 a.m. 10 p. m. Tobermory, do. do. 10 Rhynie, do. \ part 3 p. m. Tornintoul, daily, ^ past 3 Roslin, do. 10 p. m. p. m. 12 Rothes, do. \ past 3 p. m. Tongue, do. do. 14 Rothesay, do. 2 a. m. Tonyburn, do. do. 8 Rutherglen, do. 7 a, m. Tranent, do. 10-50 a. m. and St. Andrews, do. 10-50 a. m. 10 p. m. 7 ^ past 3 p. m. 9 Troon, do. 2 a. m. 7 St. Boswell Green, 10-50 a. Tullich, Sun. Tues. Frid. | m. and 10 p. m. 9 past 3 p. m. St. Niuians, do. |p. 3 p. m. 6 Turriff, daily, \ past 3 p. m. 11 1

Scotch Post Towns. 28

d. Tyndrum, Mon. Thur. Sat. 50 a. m. lOdand 11 past 3 p. m. Wick, daily, \ past 3 p. m. 13 Ullapool, Wed. \ past 3 p. m. 13 Wigton, do. 7 a. m. and 10- Whitburn, daily, 10-50 a. m. 50 a. m. lOd and 1 and 10 p. m. 6 Wiisontown, do. 10-50 a. ra. Whithorn, do. 7 a. m. and 10 and 10 p. ra. 6

By an act, 53d Geo. III. all letters and packets which shall be conveyed, during any part of their progress through Scotland, by a mail-coach, are liable to an additional half-penny, to the ordinary rate of postage ; but not to be doubled or trebled on double or treble letters.


John Robertson, 6 Main Street, Gorbals. John Gay, 3 New Bridge Street, Tradeston. Cunningham Rennie, 45 Canning Street, Calton. Thomas H. Hevbertson, Collector of Canal Dues, Port-Dundas. William C. Johnstone, Sauchiehall Street. Miss Jean Alexander, 295 Argyle Street. William M'Cormick, 405 Gallowgate. TWO-PENNY POST OFFICES TO GLASGOW.

Balfron. Kilbride. Neilston. Barrhead. Kilpatrick. Parkhead. Both well. Killearn. Partick. Cathcart. Lennoxtown. Pollokshaws. Cambuslang. Maryhill. Rutherglen. Cumbernauld. Milngavie. Strathblane.

List of the Magistrates, Town Council, fyc. of Glasgow. MAGISTRATES. The Hon. ALEXANDER GARDEN, Lord Provost. William Gray, Esq. } Robert Paterson, Esq. > Merchant Baillies. Hugh Robertson, Esq. J 29 Magistrates, fyc.

A. M'Lellan, Jun. Esq. Trades Baillies. James Graham, Esq. Stewart Smith, Esq. Dean of Guild. William M'Lean, Esq. Deacon Convener. Peter Mirrlees, Esq. Treasurer. James Browne, Esq. Master of Works. W. Ferguson, Esq. Baillie of River and Frith of Clyde. Robert Ferrie, Esq. Depute Do. James M'Kenzie, Esq. Baillie of Provan. William Hamilton, Esq. Baillie of Port- Glasgow. James Reddie, Esq. First Town Clerk. Robert Thomson, Esq. Second Town Clerk. Joseph Reid, Esq. ) ^^ Town Clerks. Wm. Davie, Esq. ) James Cleland, Esq. Superintendent of Public Works. John Spreull, Esq. Chamberlain. Andrew Simson, Esq. Procurator Fiscal. James Hardie, Esq. Superintendent of Streets. COUNCILLORS. Merchants. Trades. W. Graham, Jun. John Alston, W. Hamilton, John Fulton, R. Hinshaw, William M'Tyre, A. M'Gregor, W. Fergusson, G. Scheviz, George Burn, John May, William Rodger, R. Dalglish, Robert Ferrie, D. Cuthbertson, William Craig, J. Smith, yst. Alexander Wood, John Muir, W. M'Lean, H. Robertson, William Frew. J. Buchanan, DEAN OF GUILD COURT. STEWART SMITH, Esq. Dean of Guild. From the Merchants. From the Trades. Messrs. William Smith, Messrs. William Rodger, Septimus Ellis, Alexander Broom, Wm. Graham, Jun. John Alston, James Hutchison. Archibald Grieve. DIRECTORS OF TOWN'S HOSPITAL. Lord Provost, Messrs. William M-Tyer, Baillies, George Burn, Messrs. Alexr. M'Gregor, William Craig, John Smith, ygst. William Frew. John Alston, c2 Magistrates. §*c. 30 COMMITTEE ON AND HARBOUR OF GLASGOW. Lord Provost, Messrs. James Browne, Dean of Guild, William Smith, Deacon Convener, William Rodger, Baillie of River, R. D. Alston, Messrs. R. Dalglish, John Smith, yst. William Hamilton, Mr. Dalglish, Convener. Five a Quorum.

PORT-GLASGOW HARBOUR. Lord Provst, Messrs. George Scheviz, Dean of Guild, John May, Deacon Convener, Walter Ferguson, Mr. Alexander M'Gregor, William Rodger. Mr. M'Gregor, Convener.

CLYDE COMMISSIONERS. Messrs. James M'Kenzie, Messrs. D. M'Kenzie, Archibald Wallace, Robert Findlay, J. A. Anderson, Archibald Hamilton.

LIST OF THE MERCHANTS' HOUSE. Stewart Smith, Esq. Dean of Guild. Directors nominated by Dean of Guild. William Hamilton, Kirkman Fiulay, Robert Dalglish, John Hamilton, William Smith, James Dennistoun, Robert Findlay, John Wardrop, James Ewing, James M'Kenzie, Daniel M'Kenzie, John M'Call. Directors elected by the Matriculated Members of the House. Foreign Traders. Home Traders. Robert Douglas Alston, James Oswald, Colin Campbell, James Hutchison, James Buchanan, D. H. James Brown, Robert Hinshaw, Samuel Hunter, Frederick Adamson, Gilbert Watson, Charles Stirling, Jun. Archibald Wallace, James Eccles, Robert Aitken, William Graham, Jun. Robert Thomson, Archibald Smith, William Perry, 31 Magistrates^ fyc.

Foreign Traders. Home Traders. John May, David Crawford, Thomas Campbell, Septimus Ellis, Charles Hutcheson, John Smith, yst. Laurence Hill, Collector. John Douglas, Clerk. William Gillespie Crawford, Officer.

LIST OF THE TRADES' HOUSE. William M'Lean, Esq. Convener.

M'Lellan, ~) .... Archibald Jun. Esq. T . „ James Graham, Esq. £ Henry Taylor, Jun. Esq. Collector.

William Rodger, Esq. late Convener.

Alexander Broom, Esq. late Collector. Hammermen. Weavers. James M' Vicar, Deacon, William Patrick, Deacon, James Rae, William Frew, Alexander Wood, John Alston, George Munro, James Paterson. John Fulton, Bakers. John Brown. Andrew Sclanders, Deacon, Tailors. Alexander Duncanson, Robert M'Farlane. John Cairns, Deacon, Skinners. Andrew Carse, David Mickle, Deacon, James Cairns, James Rodger, William Dunlop, Hugh M'Kinnon, Archibald Shearer. Wrights. James Clark. John M'Ruer, Deacon, Cordiners. Archibald Grieve, Peter Grosart, Deacon, Robert Miller. Allan Campbell, William M'Tyer, James Brown, Deacon, William Wood, John Miller, Lachlant Muckart, Robert Hood. Andrew Watson. Fleshers. Maltmen. Wm. Thomson, Deacon, Hugh M'Kay, Visitor, John Sugar, James Hunter, David Gilmour. John Hutcheson, Masons. Alexander Galloway, Thomas Lang, Deacon, Robert Hunter, William Young, George Burns. James Govan. Magistrates, 8fc 32

Gardeners. Barbers. Duncan Gillies, Deacon, Thomas Pettigrew, David Crawford, William Caddel. William Wilson. Dyers and Bonnet Makers. Barbers. Joseph Brown, Deacon, Thomas Gibson, Deacon, James Reid. Mr. Benjamin Mathie, Clerk. Rev. Mr. Ritchie, Chaplain. Mr. David Hamilton, Architect. Mr. Thomas Richardson, Surveyor. Andrew Rae, Officer.

CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. Kirkman Finlay, Esq. Chairman. William Gray, Esq. Deputy Chairman. Dugald Bannatyne, Esq. Secretary. Directors. Alexander Garden, Esq. William Graham, Jun. Esq. Charles Tennant, Esq. R. D. Alston, Esq. Robert Findlay, Esq. Arthur Connell, Esq. Archibald Wallace, Esq. William Guild, Esq. James Finlay, Esq. Theodore Walrond, Esq. William Kelly, Jun. Esq. Donald Cuthbertson, Esq. William Perry, Esq. Robert Farquharson, Esq. Stewart Smith, Esq. Paisley. David Laird, Esq. James Hutchison, Esq. James Ewing, Esq. William Hamilton, Esq. Charles Stirling, Jun. Esq. James M' Queen, Esq. Patrick Playfair, Esq. William Smith, Esq. George Scheviz, Esq. James Eccles, Esq. Robert Jarvie, Esq. John Fleming, Esq. John Muir, Esq.

Magistrates and Council of Suburbs. MAGISTRATES AND COUNCIL OF GORBALS, Nominated by the Lord Provost, Magistrates and Town Council of Glasgow, as Barons superior. JOHN BUCHANAN, Esq. Chief Magistrate. John Binnie, "J James Cook, f Resident Baillies. Hugh Douglas, f John Turner, j Joseph Reid, Assessor. —John Buchanan, Officer. Court Days, Monday, Wednesday and Friday, 10 o'clock, a. m. 33 Magistrates, §f& BARONY OF CALTON. NATHANIEL STEVENSON, Esq. of Braidwood, Provost. William Smith, Esq. ^ George Sweet, Esq. r Baillies. David M'Gregor, Esq. ) James Parker, Esq. Dean of Guild. —Hugh Cogan, Jun. Treas. COUNCILLORS. James Parker, Hugh Cogan, Sen. Robert Shaw, William Strang, Dugald Campbell, William Easton, William Jack, John Cassels, Robert Bartholomew, David Neil. Samuel Neil, William Strang, Master of Works William Brown, Clerk. John Hervey, Fiscal. —John M'Intyre and Alex. Boyd Officers.

BURGH OF ANDERSTON. HENRY HOULDSWORTH, Esq. of Cranstonhill, Provost. William Kidston, ) Robert Fotheringham, > Baillies. John Miller, J James Taylor, Treasurer. COUNCILLORS. Thomas Hopkirk, James Kirkwood, Angus M'Alpin, John M'Ewan, Joseph Taylor, Andrew Drysdale, George Forrest, George Gardner, James Govan, William Anderson, Peter M'Nab,

Police Establishments. COMMISSIONERS OF POLICE FOR GLASGOW. The Lord Provost and Magistrates, Dean of Guild, and Deacon Convener, ex officiis. Ward 1. William Forrest, Ward 9. Graham Hogg, «v~ 2. John Freeland, .~~ 10. Alexander Millar, 3. Walter M'Nee, 11. Hamilton Miller, 4. J. Watson, Jun. 12. Robert Paterson, 5. ~~~ 13. James Hamilton, „m 6. James Lumsden, 14. Hugh Wilson, 7. Dr. R. Millar, ~»~ 15. James Christie, ~~, 8. John Smith, yst. ~»« 16. Peter Neilson, Police Establishments. 34

Ward 17. Archibald Whitelaw, Ward 21. William Peddie, 18. John Hart, 22. Patrick Letham, — 19. Alexander Drysdale, 23. William Lang, — 20. William Davidson, 21. James Black. John Graham, Superintendent of Police. James Inglis, Clerk. Wm. Leckie, Collector and Treasurer. David Bruce, Collector's Clerk.

Thomas Ferguson and , Surveyors. F. Neilson, Surgeon. James Davidson, Superintendent of Fire Engines. Charles Mirrlees, Superintendent of Weighing Machines. William M' Crone, Superintendent of Lamps. 1 Sergeant Major, 3 Constables, 30 Ward Officers, 4 House Officers, 6 Criminal Officers, 102 Watchmen. RECUSATIONS. The Sergeant Major and two Constables, with ten Officers, attend at the Office, previous to the Watchmen being sent to their Stations. These Officers thereafter patrole the Streets, observe if the Watchmen are doing their duty, apprehend vagrants, suspi- cious and disorderly persons, and report lamps not burning, in order that they may be immediately lighted by a lamp-lighter, who remains in the Guard- House, during the night, for that pur- pose. After 12 o'clock, they commence taking up the tickets from the Watchmen, that they received when going to their Stations, which they deliver to the Constable on duty, at 2 o'clock; they again visit the Watchmen, and after 3 o'clock deliver them check-tickets, which they return to the Constable in the morning, on arriving from their Stations. The other twenty Officers that were in bed all night, attend in the morning, at 6 o'clock, from the 1st of March till the 1st of November, and at 7 o'clock, from the 1st of November till the 1st of March, to patrole the Streets, till 9 o'clock, inspecting their Wards, and observing that the Pavements are properly cleaned. A regular report of the whole is entered in a book, by the Constable of the night, for the inspec- tion of the Master of Police, in the morning, and the Commis- sioners at the Weekly Board, as also a report of all delinquents brought before the sitting Magistrate at 10 o'clock, forenoon. A Constable, and twenty Officers, attend at the Office, every morning at 10 o'clock. Four of these Officers remain in charge of the Office, and the other sixteen are stationed in different dis- tricts of the city, and continue on their respective Stations, until relieved by the night Watchmen. The Watchmen go to their Stations at 9 o'clock at night, dur- ing the whole year, and continue till 5 in the morning, in the

months of May, June, July, and August ; till 6, in the months

of March, April, September, and October ; and till 7, in the 35 Police Establishments

months of November, December, January, and February. The whole draw up in line in the centre of the street, opposite their respective stations, immediately before calling the hour and half- hour, in order to ascertain, at one glance, that every man is at his post. The funds, for defraying the expense, are raised part from the town, and from the yearly rent of subjects, rented or valued at £4 and under £6, sterling yearly, 4d. per pound, sterling. —At £6, and under £10, 6d. per pound. —,£10, and under £15, 9d. per pound. —£15, and upwards, Is. per pound.


Magistrates, Commissioners, ex qfficiis.

Ward 1. Archibald Edmiston, Ward 10. Thomas Samuel, 2. Robert Gray, 11. Hugh Douglas, 3. George Duncan, — 12. David Lawrie, 4. John M'Adam, 13. John Pollock, ,~v 5. John Cuthbertson, 14. John M'Gee, 6. William Thompson, 15. John M'Fee, 7. John Bain, 16. John Wilson, »™. 8. James Robertson, 17. John Turner. 9. Dr. Andrew Reid, John Clerk, Superintendent. —Hugh Graham, Surveyor. George Young, Clerk. —A. Bankier, Collector. 13 Watchmen on their Stations, at ^ past 9 o'clock p. m. to 5 next morning, from April to September ; and to 6 o'clock morning, from October to March. 4 Sergeants, 4 Patrolemen, 3 Lamplighters, 2 Fire Engines, 4 Buts, 12 Water Plugs. Funds are raised on rental, £3 and under £4, 6d. per pound, sterling. — At £4 and under £6, 8d. per pound £6 and under £9, lOd. per pound. —£9 and upwards, Is. per pound. Each inhabitant of £5, or upwards, annual rent, has a vote in the Election of Commissioners.


The Provost, Baillies and Dean of Guild, ex qfficiis Commissioners.

Ward 1. William Strang, Ward 6. Henry M'Dougall, 2. John Stewart, — 7. Robert Shaw, ™» 3. Matthew Thomson, , 8. Henry Reid, Sen. ™» 4. Robert Watson, — 9. James Stark.

~~» 5. George Grandison, I Robert Bryce, Superintendent. Police Establishments. 36 ANDERSTON. John M'Naught, Superintendent and Collector of Cess. Daniel M'Callum, James Forsyth and David M'Kenzie, Sergeants. Andrew Scott, Weigher.

University. Chancellor, JAMES GRAHAM, Duke of Montrose. Lord Rector, THOMAS CAMPBELL, Esq. L.L.D. Dean of Faculty, ARCHIBALD CAMPBELL, Esq. M.P. Principal & Vice Chancellor, DUNCAN M'FARLANE, D.D. PROFESSORS. Stevenson Macgill, D. D. - - - - Divinity. James Jaffray, M. D. ----- Anatomy. James Miller, M. A. ----- Mathematics. James Mylne, M. A. ----- Moral Philosophy. William Meikleham, L. L. D. - - - Natural Philosophy. Robert Davidson, Esq. Advocate, - - Civil Law. James Couper, D. D. ----- Practical Astronomy. William M'Turk, D. D Church History. Lockhart Muirhead, L. L. D. - - - Natural History. Josiah Walker, M. A. - - - - - Humanity. John Burns, CM.------Surgery. Thomas Thomson, M. D. - - - - Chemistry. William Jackson Hooker, L. L. D. - Botany. Gavin Gibb, D. D. ------Oriental Languages. John Towers, CM. Midwifery. D. K. Sandford, M. A. Ch. Ch. Oxf. Greek. Robert Buchanan, M. A. - - - - Logic. Charles Badham, M.D. Oxf. F. R. S. Medicine.

,_.,,. ,,, , t, ( Lecturer on the Structure, Functions William MackenZ1 e, Esq. j and Diseases of the Eye. Principal Librarian, - - William Park, M. A. HUNTERIAN MUSEUM. The Museum is situated in the back court of the College Build- ings, and is open from 12 to 3, p. m. during six days of the week in summer, and from 12 till 2, during five days of the week in winter. Joint Keepers. James Couper, D. D. and William Couper, M. D. Under-Keeper. John Wilson. Servants. James Tyre, Bedellus. —Walter M'Nair, Janitor. —William Denniston, Chamberlain and Master of Works. —John Walker, Bell Ringer John Robertson, Gardener. —John Blythe, Watch- man. 37 Ministers, fyc.

Ministers of Glasgow and Suburbs. Inner High Church, Principal M'Farlan, D. D. College, ----- John Lockhart, D. D. St. Andrew's, - - - Gavin Gibb, D. D. St. James', - - - - John Muir, M. A. St. Enoch's, - - - Patrick M'Farlan. St. John's, - - - - Thomas Brown. Tron, ----- Daniel Dewar, D. D. Outer High Church, - John Forbes. St. David's, - - - David Welsh. St. George's - - - John Smyth, A. M. Barony, - - - John Burns, D.D. & Wm. Black, A. &S. Gorbals, ----- James M'Lean, D. D.

Chapels of Ease. Albion Street, - - - John M'Leod and Archibald Nisbet. Ingram Street, (Gaelic,) John M'Laurin. Calton, ----- Matthew Graham. Duke Street, (Gaelic,) Robert Clark. St. John's Chapel, - - Joseph Sommerville. St. George's-in-the-fields, Peter Napier. Gorbals, (Gaelic,) - - Kenneth M'Kenzie. Hope Street, - - - Adani Gun. , - - - - Anderston, - - - - Duncan M'Farlane. United Secession Church. North Albion Street, - J. Dick, Professor of Divinity. Wellington Street, - - J. Mitchell, D. D. Pro. of Bib. Lit. Duke Street, - - ^ Robert Muter. Campbell Street, - - William Kidston and William Brash. Regent Place, - - - H. Heugh. Laurieston, - - - - Melville Street, - - - A. O. Beattie. Port-Eglinton, - - - John Johnston. Partick, ----- John Skinner. Original Burghers.

Campbell Street, - •• A. Turnbull. Renfield Street, - - - Mich. Willis. Relief. Dovehill, ----- John Barr. Campbell Street, - - Robert Brodie. John Street, - - - - William Anderson. Hutchesontown, - - William Thomson. Anderston, - - - - Gavin Struthers. Bridgeton, - - - - John M'Farlane. Calton, ----- Alex. Harvie. Partick, ----- James C. Ewing.

d I Ministers, 8fc. 38

Reformed Presbyterians. Great Hamilton Street, D. Armstrong.


Nile Street, - - - - G. Ewing. George Street Chapel, - R. Wardlaw, D. D.

Baptist. North Albion Street, - Wm. Sheriff. Episcopal Chapel. Green Street, - - - Wm. Routledge. Renfield St., St. Mary's, G. Almond.

Roman Catholic.

Clyde Street, A. Scott. —Murdoch and M'Donald, Assistants. Unitarian.

Union Place, - - - George Harris.

Friends' Meeting House, No. 3, Portland Street.

Justices of the Peace in the Lower Ward of Lanark' shire.

John Lang of Harthope, Chairman. Sir Arch. Campbell of Succoth, Alex. Campbell, yr. of Bedlay. Bart. W. B. Cabbell, Banker, Glas- Sir John Maxwell of Pollok, gow. Bart. David Dobie of Gartferry. Robert D. Alston, Merchant, Richard Dick, Merchant, Glas- Glasgow. gow. John Brown of Auchlochan. Alex. Bruce Dennistoun of Arch. Buchanan of Auchintorlie Westthorn. John Buchanan of Ardoch. James Dennistoun of Golf hill. Dugald Bannatyne, Merchant, Arch. Douglas, Merchant, Glas- Glasgow. gow. James Buchanan of Dowanhill. R. Davidson, Professor, Glas- Jas. Buchanan of Ardenconnel. gow College. John Burns, Professor, Glas- John Douglas, yr. of Castle- gow College. mains. James Campbell of Bedlay John Douglas of Barloeh.. Arch. Campbell of Blythswood. G. H. Dundas of Duddingston Ross Corbet, Mercht. Glasgow. and Westburn. Lieut- Col. Alex. Campbell of John Dixon of Daldowie. Possil. James Ewing, Merchant, Glas- James Campbell of Petershill. gow. 39 Justices of the Peace-

James Farie of Farme. James Murdoch, Merchant, James Farie, yr. of Farme. Glasgow. Thomas Falconer of Brownyside John Maxwell, jun. of Pollok. Kirkman Finlay, Merchant, Daniel M'Kenzie, Merchant, Glasgow. Glasgow. Robert Findlay of Easterhill, Alex. M'Grigor of Kernock. Merchant, Glasgow. Alex. M'Grigor, yr. of Kernock Robert Gray of Carntyne. William Mills, Merchant, Glas- John H. Gray, yr. of Carntyne. gow. Francis Garden, Merchant, Dr. Richard Millerof Glasgow. James Oswald of Sheildhall. Robert Grahame of Whitehill. James Corbet Porterfield of Jas. Grahame, yr. of Whitehill. Porterfield. Thomas Grahame, Jun. writer, Patrick Playfairof Dalmarnock Glasgow. William Pollock of Crossbauk. Alex. Garden, Merchant, Glas- Henry Ritchie of Craigton. gow. Robert Struthers, Merchant, William Hozier of Newlands. Glasgow. James Hozier, yr. of Newlands. James Sword, of Westthorn. James Hopkirk, of Dalbeth. Mark Sprott of Garnkirk. Thomas Hopkirk, yr. of Dal- Charles Stirling, of Cadder. beth Robt» Scott, Banker, Glasgow. Henry Houldsworth, of Crans- James Smith of . tonhill. Wm. Smith of Jordanhill. Laurence Hill, writer, Glasgow. David Sim of Cultermains. James Hardie, Glasgow. Nath. Stevenson, of Braidwood. John Jardine of Hallside, Andrew Templeton, Banker, Walter Logan of Fingalton. Glasgow. John Lang of Harthope. Robert Thomson of Camphill. William Lockhart of Germiston. Robt Thomson, yr. of Camphill James Miller of Millheugh. David Todd of Springfield. James M'Nair, of Greenfield. John Urquhart of Fairhill. Humphrey Ewing H'Lea of Archibald Wallace, Merchant, Cathkin. Glasgow. Charles Mackintosh of Cross- Robert Watson of Linthouse. basket. Gilbert Watson, Banker, Glas- George Mackintosh, yr. of Cross- gow. basket. Major James Walker of Shaw- Thomas Marshall of Sandyford. field. George Miller of Frankfield. Wm. Wilson of . Henry Monteith of Carstairs. John Woodrop of ShawtonhilL James M'Kenzie of Craigpark. James Wingate of WestshieL J. M'Call of Ibrox, Merchant, Glasgow. —

Banking Houses. 40

Banking Houses.

Open from 10 till 3 o'clock, and on Saturdays shut at 12. ABERDEEN— Aberdeen Town and County, Arbroath and Ayr banks. Agents, Royal Bank, Queen Street. BANK of SCOTLAND, 12, Miller Street Bills given in for discount on Mondays and Thursdays, before 2 o'clock, and called for on Tuesdays and Fridays, from 11 to 1 o'clock Rob- ert Aitken, Agent H. M'Callum, Accountant N. M'Millan, Teller.—Thomas Dunn, Alexander M'Dougall, John M'Donell, Clerks. —David Wilson, Porter. Draw on Coutts & Co. Lon- don.

BRITISH LINEN COMPANY BANK, 71, Queen Street. —William M'Gavin, Agent. —David Goodsir, Teller. Robert Laing, Accountant,—David M'Culloch and James Reid, Clerks. — Robert Whyte, Porter, house 3, Burrel's Lane. Bills for discount given in on Mondays and Thursdays. Draw on Smith, Payne and Smith, London. COMMERCIAL BANK, 66, Virginia Street John Wyld, Agent. —Hugh Cochrane, Accountant ThomasWyld, ThomasS. Lorrain, Tellers. — Alexander Watt, George Snodgrass and David Roy, Clerks James Smith, Porter. Draw on Messrs. Jones, Lloyd & Co. London. EXCHANGE and DEPOSITE BANK, 34, Cochrane Street John Maberly & Co. Draw on John Maberly and Co. London. —Mill. Pellat, Agent. GLASGOW BANK, 12, Ingram Street Bills for discount given in on Monday, between 10 and 12 o'clock, and called for on Tuesdays, between 11 and 2 o'clock. —W. B. Cabbell, Cashier. Robert Brown, Accountant. —Alexander Campbell and Thomas Downie, Tellers James Watson, John R. Smith, Edward Brown, Archibald Todd, Alexander Todd, and John Downie, Clerks Robert Corbet, Porter. Draw on Ransom & Co. and Glyn & Co. London, and Thomas Kinnear & Sons, Edinburgh. GLASGOW PROVIDENT BANK, 4, Ingram Street Archibald Lawson, Cashier. Open on Monday and Wednesday, from 10 to 12. No money can be drawn except on Wednesday. GORBALS SAVINGS BANK, 10, Nicholson Street Open every Saturday night, from 7 till 9 o'clock. GREENOCK BANK, II, Antigua Place John Robertson, Agent. J. & R. WATSON'S BANK, 15, Virginia Street—Draw on Smith, Payne and Smith, London ; D. Smith and Co. Edin- burgh ; National Bank ; Dundee Union Bank; Ayr Bankj Leith Bank, and Northern, Belfast. PAISLEY BANK, 58, Virginia Street. —Alexander Brown, 1

4 Banking Houses.

Agent. Draw on Smith, Payne and Smith, London, and Thos. Kinnear and Sons, Edingburgh. PAISLEY UNION BANK, 51, Ingram Street Andrew Templeton, Agent. Draw on Glyn and Co. London, and Sir William Forbes, Edinburgh. RENFREWSHIRE BANK, 94, Miller Street.-—William Napier and Co. Agents. Draw on Sir Wm. Kay, Bart. Price and Co. London. ROYAL BANK, Queen Street Bills for discount given in between 10 and 12, on Monday, and called for on Tuesday between 11 and 12. —Laurence Robertson, Cashier Robert Bell, Accountant. —Alexander Peterkin, Edward Fairley, George Richmond and William Fi-aser, Tellers Alexander Donaldson, William Riddell, W. T. Nimmo, John Aikman, Robert Aikman, William Muir, Jun. and Thomson Cannan, Clerks James Dick and William Bell, Porters. Draw on Messrs. Coutts & Co. London, the Bank of Ireland, Dublin, and all its branches. SHIP BANK, No. 9, Glassford Street —Michael Rowand, Cashier. — A. Galloway, Jun. Accountant. —James Brown, Eben. Wallace and J. Allison, Tellers John Cowan, William Duncan, Charles Campbell, R. Smith and A. Rowand, Clerks George Lockhart, Porter. Draw on Sir William Forbes & Co. Edinburgh, and Smith, Payne & Smith, London. THISTLE BANK, 26, Virginia Street Drafts on Lon- don or Edinburgh, given in between 10 and 3, every lawful day, (except on Saturday,) from 10 to 12 o'clock. — Bills for discount given in on Monday, before 12 o'clock, and called for on Tues- day, between 11 and 2 o'clock, and on Friday, from 10 to 11, and called for after 12 o'clock— Richard Duncan and Robert Scot, Cashiers. — Alex. Davidson, Accountant. — Robert M'Nair and Walter Miller, Tellers John Steel, James Davidson and Robt. Holmes, Clerks. —James Rowan, Porter. Draw on Smith, Payne and Smith, London, and on Thos. Kinnear and Sons, Edinburgh.

N. B. There are five holidays kept annually at the Banks, viz. ; —New year's-day, Christmas, King's Birth Day, and the two Fast Davs.

Public Offices. AMERICAN CONSUL'S OFFICE, 72, Virginia Street- David Walker, Consul. —Vice-Consuls, Duncan Ferguson,

Greenock; Robert Grieve, Leith ; Edward Baxter, Dundee. BILLET MASTER'S OFFICE, 1, Charlotte Lane House, 2, Canning Street. T. Sweet, Billet Master. d 2 ;;

Public Offices. 42

BRAZILIAN CONSUL'S OFFICE, 48, Miller Street Walker Pearson, Consul. CANADA LAND COMPANY'S OFFICE, 75, Miller Street Alex. G. Gilkison, agent. CANAL COMPANY'S OFFICE, Port-Dundas Walter Logan, superintendent.

CARRON COMPANY'S OFFICE, 123, Buchanan Street. —H. Dawson, agent. COLUMBIAN CONSUL'S OFFICE, 12, Gordon Street. —L. M'Kinnon, consul for the Republic of Columbia. CRANSTON HILL WATER CO.'S OFFICE, 82, Hutcheson Street Thomas Hart, manager and treasurer. CHAMBERLAIN'S OFFICE, Council Chambers John Spreull, chamberlain.

CLYDE SHIP REGISTER OFFICE, 75, Miller Street. — A. G. Gilkison, agent. COMMISSARY CLERK'S OFFICE, 37, Virginia Street. — C. D. Donald, Clerk. CUSTOM HOUSE, 22, St. Enoch's Square—D. V. M<-

Murdo, collector ; Dan. Rhind, comptroller and comptrolling surveyor; Andrew Scott, Charles M'Dougall, and John Scott,

collector's clerks ; P. Stewart, comptroller's clerk ; Hay Burns, land and tide surveyor ; Adam Lindsay, William Dow, Robert, Watt and Peter Campbell, searchers and landing and coastwaiters William Murray, coastwaiter at Bowling Bay, and Robert

Brown, do. at Renfrew ; Charles Deans, messenger and watch- man. — Hours of attendance for the despatch of public business, every lawful day, from 10 o'clock a. m. to 3 o'clock p. m. Satur- days excepted, and on that day from 10 till 12 o'clock noon. The following holidays are observed, Christmas-day, Good Friday, and the Anniversary of the Birth Day of his Majesty. EXCISE OFFICE, 101, Miller Street Richard Jenner,

collector ; Neil R. Shaw and Wm. Bulloch, collector's clerks ;

George Huie, pensioners' clerk ; A. Hutton, Wm. Hill, J. Inglis, J. Corbett, R. Morrison and J. Rowan, supervisors and Wm. Cruikshanks, bonded warehouse

officer ; Wm. Smith, D. Kennedy, George Tait, David Walker, James Logie, J. Henderson, Andrew Ross, George Wicks, and

Jas. Galbraith, packing officers ; D. M'Callum, A. Eadie, S. Forrestor, J. M'Kay, Wm. Rose, John Smith, Wm. Stevenson, and Glaud Code, permit writers, attend from 7 a. m. till 6 p. m. for granting permits ; G. Oliphant, constable. EXTRACTOR'S OFFICE, Council Chambers John Fisher, extractor. FRENCH CONSUL'S OFFICE, 6, South Hanover Street. —John Haraiand, deputy consul. —

4-3 Public Offices.

GLASGOW WATER COMPANY'S OFFICE, 13, Quesn Street. —J. O. Denny, secretary. GLASGOW GAS LIGHT COMPANY'S OFFICE, 42, Virginia Street John Thomson, clerk. GOLDSMITHS' HALL, Melville Place.—Wm. Gray,

Wm. Mitchell, David M'Donald, John Aitken, wardens ; John

Paterson, assayev ; Andrew Burrell, hall assistant. JUSTICE OF PEACE CLERK'S OFFICE, 84, Wilson Street. —William Vary, clerk; John M'Millan, deputy; meets every Monday morning, at 10 o'clock, in the Court Hall, for de- ciding claims of £5, and under. MAIL COACH OFFICES, John Bain's, 64, Trongate, open every lawful day, from 6 o'clock morning, till half-past 10 o'clock evening, and on Sundays, from 7 a. m. till 10, and 1 till 2 p. m., 3 till 4, and from 6 till half-past 10 evening; G. & J. H. Burn's, 10, Argyle Street, open every lawful day, from 6 o'clock morning till 10 evening, and on Sundays, from 8 o'clock morning till 8 o'clock evening. MORT-CLOTH OFFICE, 67, Bell Street, John Coats, clerk. PERMIT OFFICE, 101, Miller Street, and 35, Gallow- gate ; open from 6 till 7 in summer, and from 7 till 6 in winter. Permits granted during these hours. PORTUGUESE VICE-CONSULATE OFFICE, 17, Nelson Street, house, No. 8, Hospital Street, Hutchesontown. George Meikle, vice-consul. POST OFFICE, 66, Nelson-street; Dugald Bannatyne, post-master ; M. Halliburton, John Ferguson, James Henry, Robert Cochran, William Porteous, John Reeves, John M 'Far- lane, and William Sneddon, clerks; J. M'lntyre, P. Wylie, N. Brown, A. Grierson, W. Lamont, A. Gray, H. Biggar, J. Gentle, W. Thomson, P. M'Beath, and G. Thomson, letter- carriers; J. Forbes, and P. M'Adam, stampers. POLICE CHAMBERS, South Albion Street. See Police Establishments. POLICE OFFICE, GORBALS, 27, Portland Street, Lau- rieston. See Do. Do. POLICE OFFICE. CALTON, 1, Stevenson Street. See Do. POLICE OFFICE, ANDERSTON, 6, Warroch Street. See Do. PROCURATOR FISCAL'S OFFICE FOR THE TOWN, Council Chambers. A. Simpson, P. F. DO. FOR THE JUSTICES OF THE PEACE, 70, Hutcheson Street. C. Stewart. P. F. DO. FOR THE COUNTY, 60, Stockwell Street. George Salmond, P. F. Public Offices. 44

PROCURATOR FISCAL FOR THE CALTON, 90> Candleriggs Street. John Harvie, P. F. DO. FOR THE COMMISSARIAT OF GLASGOW, 75, Virginia Street. C. D. Donald, P. F. RECRUITING DISTRICT OFFICE, South Maxwell Street. REGISTER OFFICE FOR DOMESTIC SERVANTS, Miss Stewart's, 63, Glassford Street; open every lawful day from 10 o'clock a. in. to 1 o'clock p. m. for servants wanting places ; and from 1 o'clock p. m. until 8 o'clock evening, for per- sons wanting servants. RELIGIOUS INSTITUTION ROOM, 11, South Frede- rick Street.

STAMP OFFICE, 157, Trongate ; James Monteath, dis-

tributor ; Robert Spears, clerk ; and Thomas Stevenson, sales- man. SASINE OFFICE, John Mann's, Council Chambers, and James Hill's, 52, George's Square. SHERIFF'S CHAMBERS, 60, Stockwell Street—Wm. Rose Robinson, sheriff-depute; Walter Moir, substitute; John Drysdale, clerk; James M' Hardy, depute; and G. Salmond, procurator fiscal. Courts for ordinary business on Wednesday, and for small debts on Thursday, weekly. SESSION CLERK'S OFFICE, for the Town, 19, South Hanover Street. — Robert Strang, clerk. DO. DO. DO. FOR BARONY PARISH, 107, Bu- chanan Street. Open from 1 1 to 4 o'clock, and at the Barony Glebe after 6 o'clock evening. William Clugston and David M'Brayne, conjunct clerks. DO. DO. DO. GORBALS, 38, Oxford Street— John Wilson, clerk. SUPERINTENDENTOFPUBLIC WORKS' OFFICE, Council Chambers James Cleland, superintendent. STATUTE LABOUR, OR ROAD MONEY OFFICE,

44, Trongate James Hardie, superintendent ; Joseph Reid,

clerk ; and Andrew Grant, collector. SWEDISH AND NORWEGIAN CONSUL'S OFFICE, Ingram Buildings John Ross, vice-consul. TOWN CLERKS' CHAMBERS James Reddie and

Robert Thomson, clerks ; Joseph Reid and William Davie, deputes. 45 Cess and Tax Offices.

Cess and Tax Offices. CESS AND TAX OFFICE FOR THE CITY OF GLASGOW, 62, Argyle Arcade. —Laurence Craigie, collector;

W. D. Blair and H. Blair, sub-collectors ; Robert Pollock, clerk to the Commissioners. All City Appeals must be lodged at this Office. CESS AND TAX OFFICE FOR THE COUNTY OF LANARK, Lower Renfield Street ; Gilbert Kennedy, collector ; James K. Bogle, at M'Clelland and Bogle's, Spreull's Court, Trongate, clerk to the Commissioners. All Appeals for the Lower Ward must be lodged at this office. INSPECTOR OF TAXES FOR THE WEST OF SCOTLAND W. A. Paterson.

Fire and Insurance Offices. ABERDEEN FIRE AND LIFE ASSURANCE OFFICE, Old Post Office Court; James Todd, Jun. agent. ALBION LIFE AND PROTECTOR FIRE INSUR- ANCE OFFICE, 36, Stirling Street Thomas Hamilton, agent. ALLIANCE FIRE AND LIFE ASSURANCE OFFICE. — A. M'Grigor, 58, Virginia Street, and John M'Vey, 95, Hutchesou Street, agents. ATLAS ASSURANCE OFFICE, 81, Wilson Street W. Carrick, agent. BIRMINGHAM FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE OFFICE, 137, Argyle Street Wm. Forsyth, agent. BRITISH FIRE OFFICE, AND WESTMINSTER OFFICE FOR INSURANCE OF LIVES, 157, Trongate. — R. Spears, agent. BRITISH COMMERCIAL INSURANCE COMPANY. —James Steven, 29, Hutcheson Street, agent. CALEDONIAN FIRE INSURANCE OFFICE Agents, Gilbert Kennedy, cess office, Renfield Street, John Cunninghame, 12, Queen Street, Henry Paul, 58, Miller Street, and Wm. Ferguson, Chamberlain's office. COUNTY FIRE AND PROVIDENT LIFE OFFICE. James Galloway, Jun. 24, Stockwell Street, agent. CROWN LIFE INSURANCE OFFICE, 59, Brunswick Street. —James Storrie, agent. DUNDEE FIRE OFFICE, 63, Virginia Street Andrew Moody, agent. Fire Insurance Offices. 46

EAGLE LIFE INSURANCE OFFICE, 90, Brunswick Street. — C. Rankine, agent. EDINBURGH FRIENDLY ASSURANCE OFFICE, 51, Ingram Street Andrew Templeton, agent. EDINBURGH LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, 58, Miller Street. —Henry Paul, agent. EUROPEAN LIFE INSURANCE AND ANNUITY COMPANY, 73, Hutcheson Street. —Home and Neilson, agents. FORFARSHIRE & PERTHSHIRE FIRE OFFICE, 27, Wilson Street. —John Cree, agent. GUARDIAN FIRE AND LIFE OFFICE, 57, Argyle Street—Robert Grieve, agent. GLOBE INSURANCE COMPANY, FIRE, LIFE, AND ANNUITIES, 37, Glassford Street James Christie, agent. HOPE LIFE INSURANCE OFFICE, 182, Trongate James M'Clelland and James K. Bogle, agents. HERCULES FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Wm. Jeffrey, 34, Glassford Street, Andrew Thomson, sen. 19, Virgi- nia Street, and P. Neilson, 73, Hutcheson Street, agents. IMPERIAL FIRE OFFICE M'Clelland add Bogle, 182, Trongate, agents. INSURANCE COMPANY OF SCOTLAND Agents, M'Gavin & Ord, 125, Virginia Street, and John Wyld, 66, Vir- ginia Street. LEEDS AND YORKSHIRE ASSURANCE COM- PANY, 29, Brunswick Place. —James Turnbull, agent. LONDON UNION FIRE ASSURANCE COMPANY, 58, Miller Street —Henry Paul, agent. LONDON, LEITH, AND BELFAST SMACK IN- SURANCE COMPANY, 28, Queen Street Wm. Crichton, agent. MANCHESTER FIRE OFFICE, 62, Brunswick Street. —J. & T. Tassie, agents. MEDICAL, CLERICAL, AND GENERAL LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY, 48, Stockwell Street James Had- din, agent. NORTH BRITISH INSURANCE OFFICE, 45, Vir- ginia Street D. Bannatyne, and Dl M'Kenzie, agents. NORWICH UNION FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE OFFICE, Queen's Court, 62, Queen Street. — Robert Blackie, agent. PALLADIUM LIFE AND FIRE INSURANCE COM- PANY.— George Ogilvie, 14, Argyle Street, agent. 47 Tire Insurance Offices.

PHCENIX FIRE, AND PELICAN LIFE, INSUR- ANCE OFFICES—John Loudon, 29, Hutcheson Street, and J. O. Denny, 13, Queen Street, agents. PROTECTOR LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY Agents, James Steven, 29, Hutcheson Street ; Charles Rankine, 90, Brunswick Street, and Thomas Hamilton, 36, Stirling Street.

ROYAL EXCHANGE ASSURANCE OFFICE, 57, Queen Street. —James Thomson, agent. SCOTTISH LIFE ASSURANCE OFFICE, 36, North Albion Street. —James M'Kenzie, agent. SCOTTISH UNION INSURANCE OFFICE Finlay- son and Moncrieff, 41, Virginia Street, and Robert Garden, 85, Miller Street, agents.

SUN FIRE AND LIFE OFFICE, 70, Hutcheson Street. —John Ferguson, Agent. WEST OF ENGLAND FIRE AND LIFE INSUR- ANCE OFFICE, Smith's Court, 53, Candleriggs Street Gilbert Wardlaw & Co. Agents. WEST OF SCOTLAND INSURANCE OFFICE James J. Duncan, Manager, 3, South Frederick Street.

Newspaper Offices and Days of Publication. CHRONICLE, Monday, Wednesday and Friday Evening, 28, Nelson Street. COURIER, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday Morning, Ton- tine Back Buildings. EVENING POST, Saturday Evening, 28, Nelson Street. EDINBURGH, LEITH, and GLASGOW ADVER- TISER, Saturday Morning, 112, Queen Street. FREE PRESS, Wednesday and Saturday, 90, Bell Street. HERALD, Monday and Friday Morning, 90, Bell Street. JOURNAL, Thursday Evening, 28, Nelson Street. SCOTS TIMES, Saturday Morning, 90, Brunswick Street.

Billeting Soldiers.

Soldiers on the recruiting service and not lodged in the Barracks are billeted on the inhabitants in regular rotation, with the follow- ing exceptions, viz. Parish Ministers and Schoolmasters, Faculty of Physicians and Surgeons, Faculty of Procurators, Widows and — ;

Billeting Soldiers. 48 unmarried Ladies not in business, and who do not keep lodgers and paupers ; and no inhabitant to have Soldiers billeted on them a second time till the whole are gone over. Occupiers of houses at £3 and under .£5 yearly rent, two men for any number of days under a week—at £5 and upwards, two men for two weeks, or the remainder of the month, which may happen to be seventeen days. When it is inconvenient to furnish Soldiers with a bed, it has been usual in lieu thereof to pay 3s. a week for two men, and 2s. to sergeants, payable weekly at the option of the Inhabitant. Government allows a return of 9d. per week, and one penny for each odd night for each Soldier. The Billet master attends from 1 1 to 3 o'clock, on the 28th of each month, (when it does not fall on Sunday,) and the two following days, to pay the Government allowance.

The case of a sergeant, who charged 8s. for a billet of two weeks upon an inhabitant, was brought before the sitting Magis- trate, who, after hearing both parties, and examining witnesses, ordered the soldier to refund the overcharge, and communicate

this circumstance to his comrades ; and decerned that Is. 6d. per

week is a sufficient sum in lieu of a bed ; but, as the soldier is put to some trouble to provide a bed for himself, he should be allowed

6d. additional, making a sum of 2s. per week ; and if at any fu- ture time a higher charge is made, it shall not be allowed to pass unnoticed Glasgow Herald, 23d Dec. 1822. A case similar to the above, was tried in the Justice of Peace court, when a sergeant made a charge of 3s. per week, for one man, for a bed, which the inhabitant resisted as being too much the Justices adhering to a decision of the Magistrates in December, 1822, decided, that 2s. per week, was the proper sum to be paid to one man in lieu of a bed. Glasgow Chronicle, 17th June, 1824-.

List of Sheriff" Officers for the Lower Ward of Lanarkshire.

John Adam, 6, Struthers Street, Alex. Bisset, 139, Saltmaiket Calton. Street. John Ainslie, 36, East Clyde Wm. Brown, 387, Argyle St. Street. John Calder, Saltmarket Street. Andrew Allan, Melville Place. Andrew Celler, 37, Glassford Farquhar Bain,—Mr. Burnet's, Street. Writer. John Coulter, London Street. John Bell, Miller Street. Jas. Galloway, 55, M'Alpine st. 49 Sheriff Officers-

George Gilfillan. Peter M'Intyre, 96, Trongate. Wm. Gilfillan,48, St. Andrew's Daniel M'Kay, Saltmarket. Square. Peter M'Kellar, Gorbals Police Wm. Graham, Brown Street. Office. Richard Hall, Argyle Court. Archibald M'Kenzie, at George David Hardie, at the Sheriff Salmond's, 60, Stockwell St. Clerk's Office, 60, Stockwell Donald M'Nicoll, 66, Miller Street. Street. James Harvie, 160, Saltmarket. Donald M'Pherson, 40 High st. David Horn, 60, Bridgegate. James M'Pherson, Main Street, Rohert Jarvie, Trongate. Bridgeton. Joseph Leslie, 30, East Clyde James Railton, Brunswick lane. Street. Thos. Ralston, 22, Bridgegate. Neil Leven, 321, High Street. James Reat, Adam's Court, 36, Wm. Long, 33, Virginia Street. Rose Street, Hutchesontown. Wm. Miller, 57, Bishop Street, Joseph Rennie, Camlachie. Anderston. Wm. Robertson,—Mr. Sorley's, Peter Morrison, 54, Main St. Dunlop Street. Calton. John Ross, New Wynd. Wm. Morrison, 4, Russel St. Alexr. Russel, Chryston, Daniel M'Callum, 1, Warroch James Semple, 87, Saltmarket. Street, Anderston. Adam Shaw, 87, Stockwell St. John M'Callum, Jun. Gas Co.'s Neil Shaw, Rutherglen. Office. Charles Smart, Muslin Street. John M'Callum, Sen. George Alexr. Turner, 197, Trongate.

! Street. John Turner,—A. Turner's, Andrew M'Cartney, 89, Bruns- Messenger. wick Street. James Ure, 157, Bridgegate. Alex. M'Donald, Sidney Street. Alexr. Walker. John M'Grigor, William G. John Wilson, Saracen's Lane. Mack's, Writer. Thos. Wilson 112, Gallowgate. John M'Intyre, Calton Police John Wright, Statute Labour Office, Office, house, Barony Glebe.


Correctedfrom Lyon Books, to 20th May, 1829.

Those marked a are Notaries Public.

Those marked b are Agents or Procurators.

Aberdeenshire John Fyfe Alex. Smith Peterhead, Aberdeen, George Rae Adam Gray Tarland, George Fyfe Rob. Morison Jas. Boyd Thomas Cowie Huntly, Arthur Reid Fyvie, aJ. M'Pherson Geo. Maitland Geo. Skene W. Urquhart Messengers at Arms. 50

John Milne BANFFSHIRE. DUMFRIES-SH. Wm. Wilson Rathen, by Banff, Annan, George Black Fraserburgh, Wm. Symon Geo. Dickson Dan. Rankin John Milne David Shier Dumfries, James Brown Geo. Reburn a Robert Kemp Aitkin. Railton Keith, aD. Johnstone Ja. M'Donald ARGYLLSHIRE. John Findlay abR. Wallace Chas. Wilson Inveraray, Geo. Merson aAl. Hanny A. Drysdale John Bell Glenlivat, by Tho. Haining Wm. Kyle a Da. Black Mortlach. A. Hamilton D. Balks Lochgilphead, P.M'Lauchlan 6Chas. Baird Alex. Grant Alex. Campbell C. M' George Wm. M'Lean Oban, J. F. Grade A. B. Brown D. M'Pherson BERWICKSHIRE. 6Ro. M'Lellan Ersk. Conolly A. Sinclair Dunse, Langholm, John Roy Portnacrosh, 6 Dav. M'Watt aArchd. Scot W. M'Donald Appin, H. Holywell a&John Nicol Leiik, D. Carmichael Andw. Easton Sanquhar, Wm. Kyle Lauder, aJ W. M' Queen Alex. Morton AYRSHIRE. aT. Romanes Lockerby, Musselburgh, Ayr, aW. Richardson Thos. Wright J. Blacklock bW. Martin a Pat. Cowan BUTESHIRE. Francis Bell ELGINSHIRE. Rob. Goudie Rothsay, Moffat, Elgin, abJ. Mui'doch R. Johnstone John Gilzean James Wilson John Lowden George Knight Beith, CAITHNESS-SH. Dav. Dickson Ja. Sutherland Robert Wyllie Thurso, Ecclefechan, Forres, Wm, Barbour Angus M'Kay Arch. Smith John Miller Cumnock, ab A. BarnestoD Thornhill, near aWillm. White Jas. M'Kay Moniare. FIFESHIRE. Arch. M'Cowan Wick, Thos. Connell Cupar-Fife, Irvine, Jas. Murray Wm. Murray John Rankine Dunbeath, EDINBURGH-SH. George Alves John Grant John Gunn Dalkeith, Henry Millie «R. Jeffrey D. M'Leod Andrew Gibb Kilmarnock, CLACKMANSH. aDa, Gardner Dunfermline, Jas. Alexander Alloa, Edinburgh, Jas. Macbean 6Wm. Wilson Jas. Graham aJ. Williamson James Fernie Wm. Jamieson Jas. Spittal John Thomson Falkland, J. BrowniDg John Richard a George Coll Maybole, DUMBARTON-SH. John Munro Kirkaldy, Wm. Hanny Dumbarton, W.A.Thomson Alex. Watson Thos. Bell John Dixon Geo. Bruce Jameu Hardie Girvan, D. Macfarlane Alex. Duff St. Andrew's, D. R. Craig Ro. M'Farlane Dav. Herdman J. Crombie Ar. M'Nilidge Kirkintilloch, James Stalker Anstruther, Jas. Stevenson John Shearer Jas. Sinclair Jas. Kyle 51 Messengers at Arms.

Auchtermuchty, Dun. M'Beein D. M'Diarmid Crieff, J. Williamson John Macbean A. M'Lachlan Ben. Fergusson Tho. Fraser Jas. Blacklock Peter Arnott FORFARSHIRE. Alex. Alison A. K. Fother- W. Fergusson Arbroath, A. Macdonald ingham Auchterarder, a&Hugh Low Alex. Fraser Joseph Sorley Wm. Murray C. Dalgetty Wm. Clunas Wm. Long Alyth, Brechin, John Morison Anthy. Nish Thomas Low John Cobb Hugh Ross John Turner Jas. M'Kenzie Dundee, Jn. M'Cowan Dunkeld, Pat. M'Kay KINCARDINE Wm. Dinning Chas. Tyrie Jas. Adams SHIRE. Henry Miller Aberfeldy, Thos. Anderson Stonehaven, Hamilton, J. M'Pherson Forfar, George Jack Loc. Baird Killin, J. Sutherland John Campbell Jas. Henderson J. M'Gregor Cupar-Angus, Rich. Geater Strathaven, Perth, John M'Leish John Scroggie James Peden D. Hally James Bruce Jos. Tennent Pat. M'Nie Montrose, KINROSS-SH. John Taylor H. Foley Kinross, LINLITHGOW-SH. James Coke Kirriemuir, James Forbes Bathgate, Alex M'Kenzie Jo. M'Laren James Monro a A. Thornton Dumblane, James Black R. M'Nie HADDINGTON- KIRKCUDBRIGHT. Will. Steven Cullender, SHIRE. Kirkcudbright, Linlithgow, A. M'Pherson. Haddington, 6 David Miller Jas. Armour Jas. Anderson Castle-Douglas RENFREWSHIRE. Rob. Blyth Thos. Barbour NAIRN-SHIRE. Greenock, aJohn Fleet Wm. Gillespie Nairn, Jo. M'Dougal Da. Thomson John Wilson C. Williamson INVERNESS-SH. Jas. Macalister Totharter, by LANARK-SH. ORKNEY, &C. Rob. Lyle, jun Dunvegan, Lanark, Kirkwall, J. M'Kinlay John Macrae James Young J. Fothringham Paisley, Portree, Sky, John Brown P. Groundwater Ja. Campbell John Lauder Airdrie, Lerwick, Shet- J. R. Fleming Fort- William, a Tho. Waddel land, Thos. Campbell J. Campbell Glasgow,

Don. Murray Melrose, Stirling, WIGTONSHIRE. VV. C. M'Pher- Thos. Miller New. - Stewart SO'I Jo. M' Donald John Douglas Fortrose, Wm. Watt aWm. Dill Andw. M'lver SELKIRKSHIRE; B. Somerville a Wm. Good Stornaway, Selkirk, John Sinclair John Stewart Hugh Brown J. Paterson Denny, Stranraer, W. Hogg W. Muirhead 6Wm. Sprott ROXBURCH-SH. Galashiels, Campsie, by W. Mackinnel Hawick, Ro. Haldaue Kirkintulloch, John Jolly Andrew Oliver Robert Brown Peter M'Lean James Watt Robert Miller Wigton, Jedburgh, STIRLINGSHIRE. John Marshall Win. Ingram Falkirk, SUTHERLAND- Whithorn, John Turnbull T. Aitken SHIRE, aJohn Jorie Kelso, Arch. Stark Dornoch, Alex. M'Kelvie T. Dickson aT. Aitken, jr. Donald Ross Jas. Huuter D. J. C. Muir Jas. Stewart

Regulations for the Hackney Coaclies and Noddies in Glasgow,

To be observed till Altered by the Magistrates.

For Haifa Mile, . Is Od For a Mile and a Half, 2a 3d

For a Mile, . . Is 6d For a Mile & 3 Quarters, 2s 6d

For a Mile and a Quarter 2s Od For Two Miles, . 3* Od If Hired by time.

For One Hour, . . 2s 6d. And at the rate of Sixpence for every 15 Minutes farther time. Fares are to be charged by the distance or by the time, at the option of the Coachman, but not by both.

' No gratuity to Drivers, except when going to the Country. Drivers, when unengaged, are, on no account, to refuse any Hire when offered, under a penalty. When a Driver is required to wait, either upon setting down or taking up a Fare, he must on no account refuse, under a penalty of Five Shillings, and the Forfeiture of his Hire; but if he waits beyond Ten Minutes, he shall be entitled to charge Niuepence for every Fifteen Minutes be may be detained. Fare and quarter to be allowed between the hours of 10 and 12 o'clock, p. m. Double Fares after 12 o'clock. When Let by the Mile through Tolls.

Fare for Two Miles, 3s 6d I Fare for Four Miles, 5s 6d Fare for Five Miles, Fare for Three Miles, 4s 6d | 6s Od For greater distances, Is. per Mile, exclusive of Tolls. —;

53 Hackney Coaches.

Parties returning by the same Carriage, whether in Town or within Five Miles in the Country, shall pay Half-Fare additional, as back hire ; when more than Five Miles, they shall pay 3d. per Mile.

There shall be four Stands for Coaches or Noddies, viz. : —at the Cross ; in Argyle Street, at the foot of Buchanan Street

South side of George's Square ; and at the Steam Boat Quay, Broomielaw. Six Coaches or Noddies to be at each Stand, at Ten o'clock in the Morning. Although there are not to be less than Six Coaches or Noddies sent to each Stand, there may be as many more as Proprietors choose to send ; it being expressly directed, that every Licensed Hackney Coach or Noddy Proprietor, shall send one Carriage to one or other of the respective Stands, as may be regulated from time to time by the Magistrates ; and all persons are prohibited from having Coaches, Chaises, or Noddies, standing upon any of the Streets unyoked, between the hours of 10 a.m. and 8 p.m. under a penalty of Five Shillings for the first offence, and Ten Shillings for each succeeding offence. Drivers attending for a Fare at any Stand, shall either sit on the Box, or Stand at the Horse's Head, under a penalty of 2s. 6d. for each offence. Drivers are on no account to inquire where a company are going, previous to engaging, or to plead prior engagements when their services are required, unless they can adduce evidence to the Magistrates that they were actually engaged. The Carriages to go to the nearest stand after setting down a Fare, and remain there till the full number is on the Stand. The Carriages shall all have a check-string for stopping the Driver.

An Admeasurement of some of the most common Fares : ONE SHILLING FARES.—Half Mile.

From the Stand at the Cross, to Adam's Court, Argyle Street Sidney Street, Gallowgate High Church Theatre South End of Old Bridge.— Clare- mont Place. —Molindinar Burn, Duke Street. —Foot of High Montrose Street. —Main Street, Great Hamilton Street. From the Stand, Foot of Buchanan Street to M'Alpin Street, Anderston Walk.— St. Andrew's Lane, Gal- lowgate. —Nicholson Street, Carlton Place. —Dale Street, Clyde Buildings. —Foot of High John Street. — Blythswood Place. North End of Old Bridge East End of Sauchiehall Road. From the Stand, South side of George's Square, to Cowcaddens Toll. —North End of New Bridge. —West End e2 ——

Hackney Coaches. 54 of Duke Street. —Blythswood Place. —North End of Oswald Street Nelson Street Taylor Street. —North End of Old Bridge.

From the Stand, Steam Boat Quay, to Cranstonhill North End of New Bridge North End of Robertson Street.

ONE SHILLING AND SIXPENCE FARES ] Mile. From the Stand at the Cross, to Bishop Street, Anderston St. Rollox's, Monkland Canal. West Street, Clyde Buildings Campbellfield Whitevale South Wellington Place. — Gorbals Church Yard. — Barrowfield. —East End of Sauchiehall Road. —Lunatic Asylum. From the Stand, foot of Buchanan Street, to Cavalry Barracks. — Garnet Hill. — Gorbals Toll Green St. Great Hamilton Street Gorbals Church Yard. — Hill Street, Gallowgate High Church. —Kensington Place Molindinar Burn, Duke Street. —Port-Dundas. —Port-Eglinton Park- house Toil. — Phoenix Foundry Botanic Garden, by Anderston. —South Wellington Place. —West End of St. Vincent Street. Steam Boat Quay.

From the Stand, South side of George's Square, to Anderston. — Black Quarry Toll Port-Dundas Port- Eglinton. —Barrack Street, Gallowgate. — Hill Street, Duke St. —Main Street, Great Hamilton Street. — Monkland Canal Basin. — Road to Woodside, Sauchiehall Road Steam Boat Quay Maxwelton Place. — South Wellington Place. — Observatory. Gorbals Toll. From the Stand, Steam Boat Quay, to Brunswick Place. — George's Square Wooden Bridge. — St. George's Church—Maxwelton Place. —Cumberland Street, Eglinton Street.


From the Stand at the Cross, to Botanic Garden. — Sight Hill. — Port-Eglinton Port-Dun- das. Cranstonhill.-— Parkhouse Toll Phoenix Foundry. Steam Boat Quay.— Little Govan — Cavalry Barracks Ruther- glen Bridge. From the Stand, foot of Buchanan Street, to Whitevale Campbellfield. — Barrowfield St. Rollox's. Dunchattan Little Govan. —Muirhouses. — Railway, Cathcart Road. — Old Basin. —Botanic Garden, by Sauchiehall. —North Woodside. —Lunatic Asylum. —

55 Hackney Coaches.

From the Stand, South side of George's Square, to Botanic Garden. —Lodge-my-Loons. — Hamilton Hill. —Muir- houses. —Little Govan. —Whitevale. — Anntield. —Barrowfield.-- Sandyford. —Parkhouse Toll. From the Stand, Steam Boat Quay, to Infantry Barracks. —York Street, Little Govan. — Cowcaddens. — Blythswood Place. —Kensington Place. —Muirhouses. — Gor- bals Toll —West End Duke Street. — St. James' Church.


From the Stand at the Cross, to Shawfield Toll Flemington. — Port-Eglinton Toll Saw- millfield. From the Stand, foot of Buchanan Street, to Shawfield Printfield Camlachie Bridge. — . . — Craigbank. From the Stand, South Side of George's Square, to Sighthill. — Strathbungo. — Shawfield Printfield. From the Stand, Steam Boat Quay, to Graham Square. — Little Govan Phoenix Foundry. — Port- Dundas Garnethill. — Strathbungo Molindiuar Burn, Duke Street. — Green Street, Great Hamilton Street.

Although Two-Mile Fares are not described, the Public will have an idea of them from the Mile and Three- Quarter Fares. Each Driver to keep a printed copy of these Regulations, under a penalty of 5s. The above Regulations will be enforced, and disputes adjusted in the most summary manner, by the Magistrates in the Council Chambers or Police Office. Council Chambers, 28th Feb. 1821.

At Glasgow, the 8th day of June, 1808 years,

Which day, the Magistrates and Council of the City of Glas- gow, being in Council assembled, there were produced a Table of Fares payable to, and Regulations for the Government of, the Carters plying for hire within the City, which had been drawn up by the Magistrates, after consulting with some of the Mer- chants of the City, and a committee of the Carters. On consider- ing which Table of Fares and Regulations, the Magistrates and Council approve thereof, and enact and ordain the same to take —

Carters. 56 place and to be observed in all time coming, from and after this date, under the several penalties therein contained. And of which

Table the tenor follows :

Fares and Regulations for Carters plying for Hire within the City of Glasgow.

I. The City shall and is hereby divided into the following dis- tricts, according to which the respective Rates of Carriage after- mentioned shall be exigible. First District. —To or from the Broomielaw to Stockwell Street, Glassford Street, and Frederick Street, up to the north side of George's Square, including both sides of these Streets, the whole of George's Square, and every part of the City to the west of these streets, and also the upper side of George's Street, west of Frederick Street. Second District—-From the Streets last mentioned, along both sides of George's Street, to High Street, along Trongate and Gallowgate Streets, to the Spoutmouth, including both sides of High Street, from George's Street southward, also St. Andrew Square, and all the Streets and Lanes between the said Spout- mouth westward, to the first line of division. Third District. —All the Streets, Lanes, and other places, within the City, to the east of the second line of division, and to the north of George's Street. II. The following Fares or Rates of Cartage shall be exigible and payable in the said respective divisions or districts.

To any place in District. No. 1.

. d. 51 Carters.

To any place in District. No. No. No. 1. 2. 3.

s. d. s. d. s, d. For a Cart Load of Cork, Staves, Dried Hides, or any other commodity that requires a considerable time to load and

unload, from the Broomielaw, . 1 4) 1 6 1 8 Do. do. from the Weigh-house, 16 1 4< 16 For a Cart load of Furniture, or similar articles that require long time to load and unload, for the first hour, and so

proportionally, for each Cart, . 10 10 10 And for every other hour, and so propor-

tionally, for each Cart, . . 9 9 9 In carrying Grain, the Carters shall always find sufficient Bags, and carry the whole of their load up one storey, or into a ground flat, without any assistance from the employer. When the Cart Load is to be carried up more than one storey, the Carter shall receive 2d. per Cart additional; but in this case the Carter may carry up half of the load at his own ex- pense, his employer being at the expense of carrying up the other half. The Carter in all cases, shall assist in loading and unloading, but must always remain by his Cart; and when able so to do, he must load and unload the Cart himself. All such quantites of Goods as are to be considered as a single Cart load, and likewise all Rates and Fares not before specially provided for, in case of any dispute, shall be settled by the Sit- ing Magistrate. III. The following Rules and Regulations shall be observed by the Carters, and shall be strictly enforced in all time coming; 1st, Every Carter shall enter his name, and place of residence, in a book to be kept for that purpose, in the Town Clerk's Cham- bers, and must find security for the faithful and honest discharge in of his duty, under a suitable penalty ; and any Carter plying the streets, and neglecting to find such caution, shall forfeit a sum not exceeding two pounds sterling for each offence. 2d, Every Carter shall be furnished with a Badge, which will be numbered according to the order in which his name is entered. These Badges must be worn constantly by the Carters when at work; and they must immediately get the number which is on the Badge painted on some conspicuous part of their Carts, under a penalty of ten shillings for each offence. 3d, Every Carter who shall refuse to work when not engaged, or who shall demand higher fares than those specified in the fore- going Table, shall be liable to a penalty of ten shillings for each Carters. 58 offence. And every Carter who says he is engaged, shall, upon being asked, specify the person by whom, and the hour at which he is engaged, and he shall not refuse to be employed in the inter- val between the time he is so asked, and the hour of his engage- ment, under a like penalty of ten shillings for each offence. 4th, Every Carter shall be furnished with, and shall always carry about with him, a copy of these Regulations and Fares, which he shall produce and show, when required, to his employ- ers, under a penalty of ten shillings for each offence. And,

Lastly, Every Carter is hereby enjoined, strictly to attend and conform to the Regulations in the Act 12th Geo. III. cap. 45, and also to the Regulations with regard to the Carriage of Tim- ber, in the Act 33d Geo. III. cap. 104, under the several penal- ties therein mentioned. Extracted from the Records of Council, by JAs. REDDIE.

No rate of Wages for Porters having been fixed by the Magistrates since March 1798, thefolloioing are now generally paid ;

s. d. Carrying a letter or letters, parcel or parcels, not exceed- ing 7 lbs. weight, from any part of the city, or New Town, to any other place therein, ... 03 Carrying a letter or letters, parcel or parcels, not exceed- ing 7 lbs. weight, from any part of the city or New Town, to Anderston, Bridgetown, New Basin of the Canal, or any place not exceeding an English mile

from the Cross, i If delivered to the Porter after eight o'clock at night, For running an express, with a letter or small parcel, for every English mile outwards, in day time, If in the night time, that is after eight o'clock at night, Carrying a back-load, not exceeding eight English stone, from any ware-room in Glasgow to any other ware- room or calender, where the distance does not exceed 500 yards, ..... Do. where the distance exceeds 500 yards, Carrying a back-load, not exceeding 8 stone weight, from the Cross to the Broomielaw, Calton, or Gorbals, or

the like distance, . . . . 6 Carrying a load, not exceeding 2^ hundred weight, on a wheel-barrow for the same distance, . . .09 For weighing a ton of Goods, such as iron, &c. for the

first ton, . . . •....-.;« 10 59 Porters.

For every other ton, . . . . . 10

For weighing each bag of cotton, . . II For carrying each bag of cotton out of a cellar, and put-

ting it on a cart, . . . .0-3 For taking each bag of cotton off a cart, and putting the same into a cellar, . . . .03 N. B. Two-thirds of the foregoing rates to be paid for pockets and bags of cotton not exceeding ]£ hundred weight. For a day's work at articles not specified as above, to con-

sist of ten working hours, . . 5 For a week's work, ... 20 For the first hour's work, when not employed a whole day, ...... 08 For each subsequent hour's work, when not employed a whole day, ..... For carrying a load of two bolls of meal for each stair, For carrying a load of two bolls of meal into a close, For each night's watching, :

Porters. 60

N. B. Coal Porters to report their names to the Town Clerks, and take out a badge, which they shall wear, tinder a penalty of 5s. They shall be furnished with a copy of the Regulations, under a penalty of 5s. Refusing to work when not engaged, or demanding more than specified in the Table, 5s.

Table of Fares for Porters plying at the Broomielaw. At Glasgow, the 13th December, 1825, The Magistrates and Council of Glasgow, and other Trustees for improving the Navigation of the River Clyde, established the following Table of Fares for Porters plying at the Harbour of the Broomielaw s. d. For carrying a letter or parcel, not exceeding 7 lbs. any distance not exceeding {ofa mile, And for each additional 5 of a mile, A parcel not exceeding 56 lbs. any distance not exceeding ^ of a mile, - And for each additional £ of a mile, A parcel not exceeding 112 lbs. any distance not exceed- ing \ of a mile, - And for each additional jofa mile, Any load on a wheel-barrow, exceeding 112 lbs. any distance not exceeding |ofa mile, And for each additional \ of a mile, One half more to be charged after 8 o'clock evening, if in the Winter Season, and 10 o'clock if in the Summer Season. No Porter shall ply on the Quay without being in possession ef a copy of the Harbour Regulations and a small Plan of the City, having the distance of each quarter of a mile from the Steam Boat Quay marked thereon, and which he shall exhibit along with the Harbour Regulations and Tables of Fares, when required, under a penalty not exceeding five pounds for each offence. ;

61 Canal Boats.

A Coach runs betwixt Castlecarry and Stirling, to take Passen- gers to and from the Boats. Passengers going by the 8 o'clock morning Boat, from Port-Dundas, will get to Stirling about 2 o'clock, afternoon. Fares from Glasgow to Stirling, in the Cabin of the Boat, 2s. 6d. ; Steerage, Is. 6d. Inside of Coach, 2s. Outside, Is. 6d. Passengers for Edinburgh, require to leave Port-Dundas, at 8 o'clock, morning, and have the choice of going from Lock 16, either by the Union Canal Boats, or Steam Boats from Grange- mouth.

MONKLAND CANAL PASSAGE BOAT Leaves Sheepford Locks, every lawful morning, at half-past 7 o'clock, and arrives at the Monkland Basin, at 10 o'clock; leaves Monkland Basin, at 4 o'clock, afternoon, and arrives at Sheepford Locks, at half-past 6, evening. Fares: Cabin, Is. 3d.; Steerage, 8d,

GLASGOW, PAISLEY AND ARDROSSAN CANAL PASSAGE BOATS. A Boat for Passengers, leaves Glasgow for Paisley, and John- stone, at 10 o'clock, forenoon, and 4 and 6, afternoon, in Summer, and in Winter, at 10 and 4.

Fares to Paisley ; Cabin, 9d. ; Steerage, 6d. To Johnstone, Cabin, Is. and Steerage 9d. John M'Gee, Port-Eglinton, Manager; James Stewart, Moodie's Court, Clerk; William Giffen, Treasurer; Robert

Hay, Clerk, Paisley ; Archd. Fulton, Clerk, Johnstone.

Agents for Traders on the Forth and Clyde Canal, from Port-Dundas. To ABERDEEN, the Smacks Courier, Glasgow Packet and Edinburgh Packet, sail every week. To ARBROATH, the Margaret and Helen, every week.

To MONTROSE, the Jean, and Commerce, ditto. John Davidson, Agent, 4, St. Enoch Square. To DUNDEE, the Jane, Robert Simpson; Anna, Mathew

M'Lean; Mary, John Spalding ; Mersey, John Gowans ; Rose, Thomas M' Gregor ; Newcastle and Berwick Packet, D. Turn- bull John Crichton, agent for the Dundee, Perth, and London, Shipping Company, 58, Buchanan Street. / ;

Agents for Traders. 62

To NEWCASTLE, the Jean, Lord Saltoun, Ann, and Dulcinia. Agents, Joseph Sheils, Newcastle, and R. Brown, 164, Trongate. To HULL, the Gratitude, Betseys and Peggys, and Catherine. Agents, R. C. Young, High Street, Hull, and R. Brown, 164, Trongate. To LEITH, the London, Leith, Edinburgh and Glasgow Shipp- ing Co.'s Tug Packets, twice or thrice a week. Agents, William Crichton, 28, Queen Street, Ogilvie & Crichton, 50, Shore, Leith. To LONDON, the Hope, St. Rollox, and London Packet. Agents, S. Reynolds & Co. Dundee Wharf, London, W. Sloan, at C. Tennant's, Moodie's Court. To FALKIRK and GRANGEMOUTH, daily, the Canal Company's Tract Boats. Agents, Thos. Johnston, 58, Bu- chanan Street, and Canal Office, Port-Dundas. To EDINBURGH, the Glasgow and Edinburgh Canal Shipp- ing Company, sail their Packets from Port-Dundas, Tues- days, Thursdays and Saturdays, at 7 o'clock, evening. Goods received at the Shipping Office, 100, Buchanan Street. Robert Sanderson, Manager, Glasgow; George Small, Agent, Port-Hopetoun, Edinburgh. To EDINBURGH, the London, Leith, Edinburgh and Glasgow Shipping Co. dispatch a Boat every lawful day. Agents, William Crichton, 28. Queen Street, Glasgow, and John Strachan, Port-Hopetoun, Edinburgh. CARRON COMPANY'S VESSELS, sail from Carron Wharf, 87, Lower East Smithfield, London, on Sundays and Thurs- days, and from Grangemouth, on Mondays and Thursdays. Goods received for this conveyance, at the Carron Wharf, Port-Dundas, from whence a Boat Sails to Grangemouth, every Wednesday and Saturday evening, at 8 o'clock precisely. Agents, Henry Dawson, 123, Buchanan Street ; Charles White, Carron Wharf, London. LEITH AND LONDON SMACKS. LONDON, LEITH, EDINBURGH and GLASGOW SHIPPING COMPANY, sail their Smacks from Leith, every Tuesday and Friday, and from London, Sunday and Thursday. Agents, William Crichton, 28, Queen Street,

Glasgow ; Joseph Adams, Leith and Glasgow Wharf, Lon-

don ; Ogilvie and Crichton, 50, Shore, Leitb. LONDON and EDINBURGH SHIPPING COMPANY, sail their Smacks from Leith, every Tuesday and Friday, and from Miller's Wharf, London, every Thursday and Sun- day. Agents, Robert Sanderson, 100, Buchanan Street

Thomas Hosie, London ; Robert Bruce, Leith, Manager. 63 Agents for Traders. LEITH AND LONDON STEAM PACKETS. THE LONDON and EDINBURGH STEAM PACKET COMPANY'S VESSELS, for Goods and Passengers, the SOHO, Capt. Beatson; JAMES WATT, Capt. Bain,-


Capt. Frozer ; sail every Wednesday and Saturday morning at 7 o'clock, from Newhaven, Edinburgh. Fare to London,

Cabin, £5 ; Steerage, 2J Guineas. Agent, James Craw- ford, 77, Miller Street, Glasgow. THE STEAM SHIP, UNITED KINGDOM, D. Turner, Commander, sails between Leith and London, with Goods and Passengers. Fare3 to London, including Provisions,

Cabin, £5 ; Steerage, 2| Guineas. Agents, Thomas Ogil-

vie, 14, Argyle Street ; George Mills, Chain Pier, New- haven. ABERDEEN AND EDINBURGH STEAM PACKETS. The BRILLIANT and VELOCITY, from Newhaven and Aberdeen, every Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday, during the Season, at Six o'clock, morning, calling at Elie, Anstruther, Crail, Arbroath, Montrose, Johnshaven and Stonehaven. Agents, David Gumming, Dock Gates, Leith, and John Davidson, 4, St. Enoch Square, Glasgow. The LEITH, HAMBURGH and ROTTERDAM SHIPP- ING COMPANY, sail their Schooners from Leith to Ham- burgh, every alternate Friday, during the Shipping Season. The Company will continue to give regular opportunities, during the Season, from Leith to Rotterdam, about once in

17 days. George Gibson, Manager, Leith ; William Jaffray, Jun. Agent, Glasgow. STEAM BOATS ON THE CLYDE. STEAM BOATS FOR PASSENGERS, sail from the Broomielaw to all parts in the Frith and round the Coast. Boards, announcing the destination and hour of departure, aaay be seen at the Post Office, Cross, below the Piazzas of the- Exchange, south side of the Theatre Royal, entry to St. Enoch Square, and foot of Stockwell and Jamaica Streets. The Boats depart exactly at the hour appointed on the Boards. AGENTS FOR TRADING VESSELS ON THE CLYDE. TO ANNAN, CARLISLE, and WHITEHAVEN, and a Vessel to London every ten days. Agent, Robert Brown, 164, Trongate.

To AYR, the Ayr Steam Packet, J. M'Arthur, master, sails regularly, with goods and passengers, between Glasgow, Greenock, and Ayr. Agents, J. & G. Burns, 9, Buchanan Street. Agents for Traders. 64.

To BELFAST, the Steam Packets Fingal, Hugh Price, master, and Eclipse, Arthur Russell, master, sail regularly, with goods and passengers. Agents, J. & G. Burns, 9, Buchanan Street. To BELFAST, the Frolic Steam Packet, James Dalzell, mas- ter, sails regularly with goods and passengers, between Glas- gow, Greenock and Belfast. Agents, J. & A. Gairdner, 43,. Turner's Court.

CLYDE SHIPPING COMPANY, 4, York Street. TUG VESSELS, Samson, Hercules and Gulliver, to and from Greenock every tide. LUGGAGE VESSELS, Active, Dispatch, Industry, and Trusty. LIGHTERS, Ann, Betty, Clyde, Forth, Friends, Jean, Kelvin, Jenny, Lilly, and Tweed, daily with goods to and from Greenock and Port- Glasgow. Agents, Hugh Hutton, Greenock, William Alexauder, Port- Glasgow. James Steel, manager, house 339, Argyle Street. NEW CLYDE SHIPPING COMPANY,53, Jamaica Street. To LIVERPOOL, with goods and passengers, onee a week, the Steamer Enterprise, 210 tons burthen. To PORT-GLASGOW and GREENOCK, with goods and passengers, daily. The Steam Luggage Boats, Favourite and Commerce, besides Lighters towed by the Luggage Steamers. Days and hours of sailing will be seen on the Ticket Boards. John Tassie, manager, Glasgow. Agents,

David M'lver, Liverpool ; A. M. Burrell, Port-Glasgow ; and Allan M'Quarrie, Greenock. The MERSEY and CLYDE STEAM NAVIGATION CO.'S COMMERCIAL and WAR OFFICE STEAM PACKETS, Henry Bell, Capt. Wilson, James Watt, Capt. Spiers, William Huskisson, Capt. Chaplain, sail regularly three times a- week throughout the year from Glasgow, Green- ock and Liverpool, landing passengers in passing Port- Pat- rick and the Isle of Man, when the weather permits. Goods addressed to the agents, or for shipment per the Henry Bell Steam Company, will be instantly forwarded. Agents, Alex. Laird & Co. No. 57, Miller Street, Glasgow, Alex. Laird, Greenock, James Allan, No. 10, Water Street, Liver- pool, William Andrew, No. 51, Fountain Lane, Manchester. To LIVERPOOL, the Steam Packets, Glasgow, Robert Hepburn, master, and Ailsa Craig, John Carlyle, master, sail regular with goods and passengers. Agents, Jas. Martin, and J. & G. Burns, 9, Buchanan Street. To LIVERPOOL, the Ailsa, Brilliant, Eclipse, Lion, Stag, Swan, and Tiger, sail generally about twice a week. Agents, David Chapman, 39, Miller Street, and W. S. Dixon, Liv- erpool. 65 Agents for Traders.

To DUBLIN, the Steam Packets Erin and Scotia, sail regu- larly, with goods and passengers, between Glasgow, Green- ock and Dublin. Agent, J. Gemmell, 18, York Street. To ISLAY and SKYE, Steam Packets, Maid of Islay No. 1 & 2, sail regularly with goods and passengers every Tuesday morning for Islay, and for Skye every Thursday morning. Agent, J. Gemmell, 18, York Street. To INVERNESS, the Steam Packet, Highland Chieftain, Capt. M^Kinnon, sails regularly with goods and passengers every Thursday between Glasgow, Inverness, and Cromarty. Agent, John Laird, 8, York Street. To INVERNESS, TOBERMORY, STAFF A, &c. The Highlander, Maid of Morven, and Benlomond Steamers, will ply regularly during the season betwixt Glasgow and the above parts. The Highlander will leave Glasgow every Monday for Oban, Tobermory, and Staffa, and Tobermory every Friday for Oban and Glasgow. The Maid of Morven will leave Glasgow every Thursday for Oban and Inverness, and Inverness every Monday for Oban and Glasgow. The Benlomond will leave Inverness every Thursday for Oban, Tobermory, and Staffa, and Tobermory every Tuesday for Oban and Inverness. These three vessels thus meet at Oban every Tuesday, and exchange passengers for their respective destinations. Archd. M'Eachern, agent, 9, Jamaica Street. To LONDONDERRY, the Steam Packets, Foyle, Londonderry and Britannia, sail between Glasgow, Campbelton, and Lon- donderry three times a week. Agent, T. Cameron & Co., 52, Miller Street. To WIGTON, the Trader Britannia, George Ranaih, master. Agents, J. and G. Burns, 9, Buchanan Street.


Tonnage, Crane, Weighing, and Shed Dues, leviable on Goods imported or Exported at the Broomielaw.

Extracted from Act 6, Geo. IV. cap. cxvii. passed 10th June 1825. SCHEDULE (A.) Shed Duties at the Broomielaw, on all Goods exported or imported.

FIRST CLASS. Feathers, ton, . 2d.

Currants, per Butt, . 2d. Groceries, not enumerated, • Dry Fruits, ton, do. ton, , . do- /« Harbour Dues. 66

Madders, butt, . 2d. Manganeze, ton, . ljd. Oil, 252 gallons, . do. Meal, &c. in Jars or Jugs,

Spirits, pipe or butt, . do. score, . . do. Sugar, hhd. . . do. Nails, ton, .. do.

Tobacco, hhd. . do. Oak or Cork Tree Bark,

Wine, pipe or butt, . do. ton, . . do.

SECOND CLASS. Oil in Jars, score, . do.

Alum, per hhd. . Ifd. Onions, 12 bushels, . do.

Apples, hhd. . . do. Paint, ton, . do.

Apples in Bulk, 12 Bushels, do. Paper, ton, . do. Bacon and Hams, hhd. do. Pease, &c. in Jars or Jugs,

Bacon in Bulk, ton, . do. score, . . do. Barley, in Jars or Jugs, Printer's Liquor, pipe, do.

score, . . do. Provisions, salted, ton, do.

Blacking, hhd. . do. Quercitron Bark, hhd. do.

Bleaching Powder, ton, do. Rice, tierce, . do.

Bread, hhd. . do. Rum or other Spirits,

Brimstone, ton, . do. puncheon, . do.

Butter, ton, . do. Sacrum Saturni, ton, do.

Candles, ton, . do. Saltpetre, ton, . do.

Cheese, ton, . . do. Seal Skin, ton, . do.

Coffee, tierce, . do. Shumac, ton, . do.

Copper, ton, . . do. Soap, ton, . do.

Copperas, hhd. . do. Soda, ton, . . do.

Cordage, ton, . do. Sugar, tierce, . do.

Corkwood, ton, . do. Tallow, ton, . . do.

Cudbear, cask, . do. Tin, ton, . . do.

Dry Fish, ton, . do. Tin Plates, 11 boxes, do.

Dry Goods, puncheon, do. Tin Ware, hhd. . do.

Dyewoods, ton, . do. Valonia, ton, . do. Dyewoods, manufactured, THIRD CLASS.

cask, . . do. Bacon and Hams, per tieree,

Earthenware, hhd. . do. cask, or puncheon, l^d.

Flax, ton, . do. Blacking, tierce, cask or pun-

Furniture, load, . do. cheon, . . do.

Glassware, hhd. . do. Bread, tierce, cask or pun-

Grain, hhd. . do. cheon, . . do.

Hats, hhd. . do. Cane Reeds, thousand, do.

Hemp, ton, . do. Carpeting, bale, . do.

Hides, dried or salted, ton, do. Coals, hhd. . do.

Indigo, chest, . do. Cotton, such as American,

Iron, ton, . do. East or West India, bale

Kelp, ton, . do. or bag, . . do.

Lard, ton, . . do. Cotton 'Bagging, 1 2 pieces, do.

Lead, ton, . . do. Cotton Yarn, bale, . do.

Lignumvitse, ton, . do. Cotton Waste, ton, . do. Lime Juice, puncheon, do. Earthenware, tierce, cask,

Machinery, ton, - do. or puncheon, . do. 67 Harbour Dues.

Glassware, tierce, cask, or Harbour Dues.

in bulk and in casks, except the said Sheds, exceed fifteen per when vessels occupy a Shed centum upon the capital sum ex- Birth, Herrings, Fishery Salt. pended in the construction there- Salt and Tree, and every thing of, the said rates shall be there- requisite at the outfit of Her- after reduced in such proportions ring Bushes. as may afford an annual revenue Provision for Ships' Use, per to the said amount, and no more Victualling Bills. in all time coming, videlicet five Timber, Deals, Lathwood, and per centum as the legal interest also Mahogany and Staves in of the capital expended in the Cargoes. erection of the said Sheds, and ten Stones for Building and Paving; per centum to defray the expense and Grindstones and Marble, of repairing and maintaining except when vessels occupy a the same, and gradually to pay Shed Birth. off and discharge the principal FREE, AT IMPORT of the said debt. ONLY. SCHEDULE (B.) Grain, Meal, Potatoes. CRANE DUTIES AT THE All goods not enumerated or BROOMIELAW. described in the above Table, to Each hogshead of Sugar, be charged either lgd. per ton and Hoists not exceeding weight or measure, according to 12 cwt. 3d. the freight rate, or in proportion Each hhd. of Sugar, and to such articles in this Schedule Hoists from 12 to 15 cwt. 4d. as they come nearest to. Each hogshead of Sugar, and XXVII. And be it further Hoists from 1 5 to 20 cwt. 6d. enacted, That for defraying the Each ton of hemp, 6d. expense of executing the Sheds, Do. of timber, 6d. Cranes, and Weighing Machines Do. of Marble, Is. before authorized the said trustees Do. of Machinery or shall be and are hereby authorized other articles, exceeding and empowered to demand, exact, one ton, . . Is. and recover from all and every Taking out and putting in Ma- person or persons importing or chinery, &c. of Steam Boats exporting goods at the said quays, from £2, 2s. to £8, 8s. ac- for the said Sheds, Cranes, and cording to the number of Weighing Machines, the rates hoists and trouble. and duties specified in Schedules SCHEDULE (C.) A. B. and C. hereto annexed WEIGHING ; DUTIES AT and the surplus of the said duties, THE BROOMIELAW. if any, to be applied generally Each cart, waggon, or other towards the purposes of this act. carriage load or weigh, XXVIII. Provided always, not exceeding 12 cwt. Id. and be it enacted, That if the Each cart, waggon, or other rates of Shed Duties specified in carriage load or weigh, the said Schedule (A.) shall, exceeding 12 cwt. 2d. upon an average of three years Weighing Duties to be paid by from the date of the erection of the Owners, Shippers, or 69 Harbour Dues.

Importers of Goods, if re- levy, and recover the River or quired by the Tacksman or Tonnage Duties, granted by the Collector appointed by the said recited Acts, at the rate of Trustees for ascertaining the one shilling per ton, upon all River Tonnage, or other Du- Goods, Wares, Merchandise, ties granted by this Act, pro- Commodities, and other things vided the weight alleged by (except Coals, Lime, Limestone, the Shipper or Importer of Bricks, Pantiles, and other the goods be found less than articles specially exempted by the real weight, but if equal the said recited Acts, as also to or greater than the real Freestone and Whinstone,) weight, the weighing duties which shall be carried in and to be paid by the tacksman or upon the said River Clyde, or collector. any part thereof, between the Weighing duties for coals to be Castle of Dumbarton on the paid only when weighed on West, and the said harbour at the application of the owner the Broomielaw on the East, or shipper. but also, if they shall find it TONNAGE. necessary, to increase the said XXIV. And be it further river or tonnage duty to an ex- enacted, that for discharging the tent not exceeding one-third of debt already contracted, and de- the said river or tonnage duty fraying the expenditure which hitherto levied under the said may be incurred in the execu- recited Acts, according to the tion of the operations and con- stages of the river herein after struction of the works hereby described. authorized for maintaining and N. B. —Tonnage is raised still farther improving the Navi- by the Trustees from Is. to Is. gation of the Clyde, between the 4d. per ton, the highest rate said harbour at the Broomielaw, allowed by this Act. By the Port- Glasgow, and Cardross, 25th section, power is given to the said trustees shall be and are levy 2d. per ton upon Freestone, hereby authorized and empower- Whinstone, Coal, Brick, Pan- ed, from and after the passing of tiles, &c. in proportion to the this Act, not only to demand, stages of the river.

Carriers' Quarters, With the Days of Arrival and Departure. From Whence, Where Lodged. Arrivals. Aberdeen, Camerons, 27 Blackfriar st Tu. Th. Sat. Mo. We. Fri. Do. Aitkens, 19, Virginia st, Saturday. Saturday. Aberfeldy, Camerons, 27 Blackfriar st Tu. Th! Sat. Mo. We. Fri. Aberfoyle, Forresters, 98, Candleriggs Thursday. Friday. Alexandria, Mrs. Scotts, 47, Stockwell Tues. Fri. Wed. & Sat. Do. Munns, 38, Ingram street. Mon. Thui-s. Tues. Fri. Carriers' Quarters. 70

From Whence. Where Lodged. Arrivals. Departures. Alloa, Camerons, 27 Blackfriar st Tu. Th. Sat Mo. Wed.Fr. Alloa & Dollar Millers, 33, Millers Place. Wednesday. Wednesday. Alva & Dollar, Wordies, 35, Blackfriar st. Daily. Daily. Do. Munns, 38, Ingram street. Wednesday. Thursday. Alva,Muck'art Munns, 38, Ingram street. Tuesday. Wednesday. Alyth and ) Camerons, 27 Blackfriar st Tu. Th. Sat. Mo. We. Fri.

Alloa, J Aitkens, 19, Virginia st, M.Tu.Th. S. M.Tu. Th.S. Annan, Whitelaws, 182 Gallowgate Fortn.Wed. Fortn. Thurs. Anstruther, Camerons, 27 Blackfriar st Tu. Th. Sat. Mo. Wed.Fr. Appin, Rankins, College Open. Monthly. Monthly. Airdrie, Erskines, 151 Gallowgate. thrice a-week. Do. Forresters, 98 Candleriggs. Mo. Wed. Fr. Mo. Wed.Fr. Do. Murdochs, Nile st. Gallow. Mo. Wed. Fr. Mo. Wed.Fr. Arbroath, Camerons, 27 Blackfriar st Tu. Th. Sat. Mo. Wed.Fr. Do. Aitkens, 19, Virginia st. Mon. Sat. Mon. Sat. Ardrossan, Scotts, 47, Stockwell. Tuesday. Wednesday. Auchinblae, Aitkens, 19, Virginia st. Saturday. Saturday. Auchinleck, Millers, 33, Millers Place. Tu. Wed. Fr. Tu. Wed. Fr. Achtermuchty Camerons, 27 Blackfriar st Tu. Th. Sa. Mo. Wed.Fr. Auchterarder, Forresters, 98 Candleriggs. Wednesday. Thursday. Do. M'Kerrachers, Stirling st. Wednesday. Thursday. Ayr, Cuthberts, Miller* Place. Daily. Daily. Do. Scotts, 47, Stockwell. Wednesday. Wednesday. Do. Millers, 33, Millers Place, Tues. Fri. Tues. Fri. Do. M'Leans, 80, New Wynd, Tuesday. Tuesday. Balfron, Munns, 38, Ingram street, Mon. Thurs. Tues. Fri. Do. Forresters, 98 Candleriggs. Tues. Fri. Wed. Sat. Ballantrac, Millers, 33, Millers Place, Thursday. Thursday. Banff, Aitkens, 19, Virginia st. Saturday. Saturday. Bathgate, Millers, 33, Millers Place. Friday. Friday. Do. Forresters, 98 Candlrriggs, Tues. Fri. Tues. Fri. Bannockburn, Wordies, 35, Blackfriar st. Daily. Daily. Barrhead, Millers, 33, Millers Place. Wednesday. Wednesday. Do. Forresters, 98 Candleriggs. MTuW.TS M.TuWTS Beith, Scotts, 47, Stockwell. Tues. Sat. Wed. Sat. Do. Murdochs, Nile st. Gallow, Wed. Sat. Wed. Sat. Bellshill, Erskines, 151, Gallowgate Wednesday. Wednesday. Bervie, Aitkens, 19, Virginia st. Saturday. Saturday. Biggar, Erskines, 151, Gallowgate Tuesday. Tuesday. Blackburn, Scotts, 11, Kent street. Friday. Friday. Do. Murdochs, Nile st. Gallow. Friday. Friday. Blairgowrie, Camerons, 27 Blackfriar st Tu. Th. Sat. Mo. Wed. Fr. Do. Aitkens, 19, Virginia st. M. Tu.Th.S. M. Tu.Th.S. Blairatholl, Aitkens, 19, Virginia st. Mon. Sat. Mon. Sat. Do. Meins, 41, Blackfriar st. M.Tu.Th.F. Tu. Th. St. Blantyre, Barrs, 1, G. Hamilton st Wed. Sat. Wed. Sat. Bonhill, Munns, 38, Ingram street Mon. Thurs. Tues. Fri. 71 Carriers* Quarters,

From Whence, Where Lodged. Arrivals. Departures. Bothwell, See Hamilton. Borro'stouness Meins, 41, Blackfriar st. Wed. Sat. Wed. Sat. Do. Murdochs, Nile st. Gallow. Wed. Sat. Wed. Sat. Brechin, Camerons, 27 Blackfriar st Tu. Th. Sat. Mo. W. Fr. Do. Aitkens, 19, Virginia st. Mon. Sat. Mon. Sat. Buchanan, Millers, 33, Millers Place. Wednesday. Wednesday. Buchanan ~) House and > Munns, 38, Ingram street. Wed. Sat. Wed. Sat. NKilpatrick 3 Buchlyvie & ) Munns, 38, Ingram street. Tuesday. Wednesday. Kippen, $ Bunkle, Erskines, 151, Gallowgate. Wednesday. Wednesday. Busby, Scotts, 145, Stockwell. Wednesday. Wednesday. Callender, Meins, 41, Blackfriar st. Fortnightly. Fortnightly. Do. M'Kerrachers, Stirling st. Fortn. Wed. Fortn. Th. Cambuslang, Pollocks, 10, Charlotte st. Wed. Sat. Wed. Sat. Campsie, Meins, 41, Blackfriar st. Wed. Sat. Wed. Sat. Do. Munns, 38, Ingram st. Mon. Wed. Tues. Fri. Do. M'Kerrachers, Stirling st. Wed. Sat. Wed. Sat. Do. Rankines, College Open. Wed. Sat. Wed. Sat. Carluke, Murdochs, Nile st. Gallow. Tues. Fri. Tues. Fri. , Scotts, 145, Stockwell. Wednesday. Wednesday. Carnwath, Erskines, 151, Gallowgate. Tuesday. Tuesday. Cast. Douglas. Millers, 33, Millers Place. Thursday. Thursday. Catrine&Sorn, Murdochs, Nile st. Gallow. Wed. Sat. Wed. Sat. Ceres, Camerons, 27 Blackfriar st Tu. Th. Sat. Mo. We. Fr. Chryston, Rankines, College Open. Wed. Sat. Wed. Sat. Colmonell, M'Leans, 80, New Wynd Fortn. Tues. Fortn. Tues. Condorat, Rankines, College Open. Wed. Sat. Wed. Sat. Do. Blacks, Crosswell, High st Wed. Sat. Wed. Sat. Do. Millers, 31, Duke street. Wednesday. Wednesday. Cosheville, See Perth. Crawfordjohn, Whitelaws, 182Gallowgate Tuesday. Tuesday. Crieff, M'Kerrachers, Stirling st. Wednesday. Thursday. Crieff, Comrie, Murdochs, Nile st. Gallow. Wednesday. Thursday. Crosshill, ") M'Leans, 80, New Wynd Tuesday. Wednesday. Straton and > Murdochs, Nile st. Gallow Tuesday. Wednesday. Carmichael, J Cumbernauld, Munns, 38, Ingram street. Wed. Sat. Wed. Sat. Do. M'Kerrachers, Stirling st. Wed. Sat. Wed. Sat. Do. Murdochs, Nile st. Gallow. Wed. Sat. Wed. Sat. Cumnock, Millers, 33, Millers Place Tues. Fri. Tues. Fri. Cupar Fife > Camerons, 27 Blackfriar st Tu. Th. Sat. M. Wed. Fri. & Angus, 5 Aitkens, 19, Virginia st. M.Tu.Th.S. M.Tu.Th.S. Culross, Munns, 38, Ingram street Wed. Fri. Wed. Fri. Dailly, M'Leans, 80, New Wynd Fortn..Wed. Fortn. Wedn. Dairy, M'Farlanes, 26, Spoutmo. Tuesday. Wednesday Carriers Quarters. 72

From Whence. Where Lodged. Arrivals. \Depariures. Dairy. Scotts, 47, Stockwell st. Tues. Fri. Wed. Sat. Dalmellington Millers, 33, Millers Place. Thursday. Thursday. Darvel, M'Leans, 80, New Wynd. Tuesday. Wednesday. Dean st on, ) Murdochs, Nile street. Tues. Fri. Tues. Fri. Doune, J Denny, Meins, Blackfriar street. Wed. Sat. Wed. Sat.

. Do. Forresters, 98, Candleriggs Saturday. Saturday. Do. M'Kerrachars, Stirling st. Wednesday. Wednesday. Do. Mrs. Millers, 31, Duke st Wednesday. Wednesday. Do. Murdochs, Nile st. Gallow, Wed. Sat. Wed. Sat. Derval, Murdochs,"Nile st. Gallow. Tuesday. Wednesday. Dollar, Millers, 33, Millers Place, Wednesday. Wednesday. Douglas, Erskines, 151, Gallowgate Tuesday. Tuesday. Doune, Wordies, Blackfriar street. Daily. Daily. Do.. Munns, 38, Ingram street. Tues. Fri. Tues. Fri. Drymen, Millers, 33, Millers Place. Wednesday. Wednesday. Dumbarton, Scotts, 47, Stockwell st. Tues. Fri. Wed. Sat. Do. Munns, 38, Ingram street. Mon. Thur. Tues Fri. Dumfries, Erskines, 151, Gallowgate. Wednesday. Wednesday. Do. Millers, 33, Millers Place. Tu. Wed. Fri, Tu. Wed. Fri. Dumblane, Wordies, Blackfriar street. Daily. Daily. Dundee, Camerons, Blackfriar st. Tu. Th. Sat. M. Wed. Fri. Do. Aitkens, 19, Virginia street M.Tu.Th.S. M.Tu.Th.S. Dunfermline, Munns, 38, Ingram street Wed. Fri. Wed. Fri. Do. Forresters, 98, Candleriggs Wednesday. Wednesday. Dunkeld, Aitkens, 19, Virginia st. M.Tu.Th.S. M.Tu.Th.S. Dun lop, Millers, 33, Millers Place. Wednesday. Wednesday. Dunning, Munns, 38, Ingram street. Wednesday. Thursday. Duntocher, Scott's, 47, Stockwell st. Wed. Sat. Wed. Sat. Drumlethie, Aitkens, 19, Virginia st. Saturday. Saturday. Eaglesham, Scotts, 145, Stockwell st. Wed. Sat. Wed. Sat. East Calder, Erskines, 151, Gallowgate. Friday. Friday. Ecclefechan, Whitelaws, Gallowgate. Fortn. Wed. Fortn. Thur. Edinburgh, 1 Howey & Co. Montrose st. Dailj. Daily.

& Leith, $ Jackson, Brunswick st. Daily. Daily. Newhaven, Lyons, 1, Dunlop street. Wed. Sat. Tu|s. Fri. Howey & Co. Montrose st. England, Daily, Djfiy. ] by^Pdinr. Newcastle &c. | Hargreave, Brunswick st. Do. Daily. Daily. | by Carlisle Manchester &c. j Mai*& Marshall, at Mur- Do. 5 Mon. Th. Wed. Sat. | dochs, Nile st. Gallow. Elgin, Aitk^is, 19, Virginia st. Saturday. Saturday. Falkirk, Meini, Blackfriar street. Wed. Sat. Wed. Sat. Do. Millers, 33, Millers Place Wed. Fri. Wed. Fri. Do. M'Leans, 80, New Wynd, Wed. Sat. Wed. Sat. Do. Murdochs, Nile st. Gallow, Wed. Sat. Wed. Sat. 73 Carriers* Quarters.

From Whence. Where Lodged. Arrivals. Departures. Fochabers, Aitkens, 19, Virginia st. Saturday. Saturday. Forfar, Camerons, Blackfriar st. Tu. Th. Sat. M. Wed. Sat. Fen wick, Forresters, 98, Candleriggs Wednesday. Wednesday. Fettercairn, Aitkens, 19, Virginia st. Saturday. Saturday. Fin try, Munns, 38, Ingram street. Mon. Wed. Tues. Thur. Forfar, Aitkens, 19, Virginia st. Mon. Sat. Mon. Sat. Forres, See Perth. Fovtingale, See Perth. Fort-William, Campbells, 15, Jackson st. Galloway, Millers, 33, Millers Place Thursday. Thursday. Galston, M'Leans, 80, New Wynd. Tues. Fri. Wed. Sat. Gai'lieston, Millers, 33, Millers Place. Thursday. Thursday. Gargunnock, Munns, 38, Ingram street. Tuesday. Wednesday. Gartmore, Forresters, 98, Candleriggs Fortn. Thur. Fortn. Fri. Do, M'Leans, 80, New Wynd. Thursday. Friday. Gatehouse, Millers, 33, Millers Place. Thursday. Thursday. Girvan, Millers, 33, Millers Place. Thursday. Thursday.

Glamis, Aitkens, 1 9, Virginia st. Mon. Sat. Mon. Sat. Glassford, Erskines, 151, Gallowgate. Tuesday. Tuesday. G lenluce, Millers, 33, Miller Place. Tuesday. Friday. Greenock, Andersons, 44, Trongate. Mon. W. Fri. Tu.Th Sat. Lindsay, (foot carrier), 11, Do. ) New Wynd. Orders left Tu. Th. Sat. the previous evening. Greengair, Dollars, 53, Duke street. Fortn. Wedn. Fortn. Wedn. Hamilton, Whitelaws, 182GalIowgate 3 times aweek 3 times a week Do. Erskines, 151, Gallowgate. M. Wed. Th. M. Wed. Fri. Do. Murdochs, Nile st. Gallow. M. Wed. Fri. M. Wed. Fri. Hawick, Erskines, 151, Gallowgate. Friday. Saturday. Do. Murdochs, Nile st. Gallow, Mon. Thur. Wed. Sat. Helensburgh, Scotts, 47, Stockwell st. Tuesday. Wednesday. Holytown, Murdochs, Nile st. Gallow. Wed. Sat. Wed. Sat. Huntly, Aitkens 19, Virginia st. Saturday. Saturday. Inverness, See Perth. Irvine, Scotts, 47, Stockwell st. Tues. Fri. Wed. Sat.

Do. ; Munns, 38, Ingram street. Tues. Fri. Wed. Sat. Do. Millers, 33, Millers Place Tues. ,,Fri. Tues. Fri. Inverkeithing, Munns, 38, Ingram street, Wednesday. Thursday. Jedburgh, Erskines, 151, Gallowgate. Friday. Saturday. Johnshaven, Aitkens, 19, Virginia st. Saturday. Saturday. Johnstone, Munns, 38, Ingram street Wed. Sat. Wed. Sat. Keith, Aitkens, 19, Virginia street Saturday. Saturday. Kelso. Erskines, 151, Gallowgate. Friday. Saturday. Kenmore, See Perth. Kettle, See Perth. Kilbarchan, Scotts, 47, Stockwell street Wed. Fri. Wed. Fri. Kilbirnie, Munns, 38, Ingram street. Thursday. Friday. 9 Carriers' Quarters. 74

From Whence. Where Lodged. Arrivals. \ Departures.

Kilbride East, Bars, 1, Great Hamilton st Wed. Sat. Wed. Sat. Do. Fultons, 9, Spout mouth. Wed. Sat. Wed. Sat. Kilbride West, Millers, 33, Millers Place Tuesday Wednesday Kilmarnock, Mackies, 99, Stockwell st. Daily Daily Dck Millers, 33, Millers Place. Tues. Fri. Tues. Fri. Do. M'Leans, 80, New Wynd. Tues. Fri. Tues. Fri. Killin, See Perth. Killearn, Munns, 38, Ingram street Mon. Thur. Tues. Fri. Kilsyth, Meins, 41, Blackfriar street Wed. Sat. Wed. Sat. Kilwinning, Millers, 33, Millers Place. Tues. Fri. Tues. Fri. Do. M'Leans, 80, New Wynd Tuesday Wednesday Kincardine, Erskines, 151, Gallowgate Tuesday Tuesday Do. Munns, 38, Ingram street Wed. Fri. Wed. Fri. Kingussie, See Perth, Kinross, Munns, 38, Ingram street Tuesday Wednesday Kippen, Munns, 38, Ingram street Tuesday Wednesday Kirkaldy, & C Munns, 38, Ingram street Wednesday Thursday Dysart, I Kirkconnell, M'Leans, 80, New Wynd Tuesday Wednesday Kirkcudbright, Millers, 33, Millers Place. Thursday Thursday Kirkintilloch, Forresters, 98, Candleriggs T. We.Th.S. T.We.Th.S. Do. M-Kerrachars, Stirling st. T.We.Fri.S. T.We.Fri.S. Do. Blacks, Cross well, High st. M. We. Fr.S. M.We.Fri.S. Kirkmaiden, Millers, 33, Millers Place 3 times a week 3 times a week Kirkmichael, M'Leans, 80, New Wynd Tuesday Wednesday Do. Murdochs, Nile st. Gallow. Tuesday Wednesday Kirklebridge, Whitelaws, 182 Gallowgate Wednesday Thursday Kirriemuir, Camerons, Blackfriar st. Tu. Th. Sat. Mo. We. Fri. Do. Aitkens.. 19, Virginia st. Mon. Sat. Mon. Sat. Lanark, Erskines, 151, Gallowgate Mon. Thur. Tues. Fri. Do. Murdochs, Nilest. Gallow. Mon. Thur. Tues. Fri. Langholm, Erskines, 151, Gallowgate Friday Saturday Do. Murdochs, Nilest. Gallow. Mon. Thur. Wed. Sat. Largs, Scotts, 47, Stockwell street Wednesday. Thursday Larkhall, Erskines, 151, Gallowgate Tues. Fri. Tues. Fri. Laurencekirk, Aitkens, 19, Virginia street Saturday Saturday Leadhills, Whitelaws, 182 Gallowgate Tuesday Tuesday Leslie, Erskines, 151, Gallowgate Wednesday Wednesday Lesmahagow, Whitelaws,182 Gallowgate Tues. Fri. Wed. Sat. Letham, Aitkens, 19, Virginia street Mon. Sat. Mon. Sat. Leven, Camerons, Blackfriar st Tu. Th. Sat. Mo. Wed. Sa. Do. Munns, 38, Ingram street Wednesday Thursday Linlithgow, Millers, 33, Millers Place Wednesday Wednesday Do. Murdochs, Nile st Gallow Wed. Sat. Wed. Sat. Lochmaben, Whitelaws, 182 Gallowgate Fortn. Tues. Fortn. Wed. Do. Erskines, 151, Gallowgate Fortn. Tues. Fortn. Wed. Loshwinnoch, Scotts, 145, Stockwell Mon. Thur. Mon. Thur. 75 Carriers' Quarters.

From Whence. Where Lodged. Arrivals. \ Departures. Lockerbie, Whitelaws, 182 Gallowgate Fortn. Wed. Fortn. Thur. Do. Erskines, 151, Gallowgate Fortn. Tues. Fortn. Wed. London, See English carriers Luss, Campbells, 15, Jackson st. Tuesday- Tuesday Luthrie, See Perth Markinch, See Perth Mauchline, Millers, 33, Millers Place Tuesday Tuesday Do. Murdochs, Nile st. Gallow. Tues. Fri. Tues. Fri. Maybole, Millers, 33, Millers Place Thursday Thursday Menstrie, Millers, 33, Millers Place Wednesday Wednesday Meigle, Aitkens, 19, Virginia st. Mon. Sat. Mon. Sat. Methven, Murdochs, Nile st. Gallow. Wednesday Thursday Do. Meins, 41, Blackfriar street Wednesday Thursday Mid-Calder, Meins, Blackfriar street Friday Friday Do. Scotts, 1 1, Kent street Friday Friday Milnathort, Camerons, Blackfriar st. Tu. Th. Sat. Mo. We. Fri. Do. Munns, 38, Ingram street Tuesday Wednesday Milngavie, Muuns, 38, Ingram street Mon. Thur. Tues. Fri. Minnigaff, Millers, 33, Millers Place Thursday Thursday Moffat, Meins, Blackfriar street Fortnightly. Fortnightly Do. Whitelaws, 182 Gallowgate Fortn. Tues. Fortn. Wed. Monkland, Whitelaws, 182 Gallowgate Wednesday Wednesday Moniaive, Erskines, 151, Gallowgate Fortn. Tues. Fortn. Wed. Montrose, Camerons, Blackfriar st. Tu. Th. Sat Mo. We. Fri. Do. Aitkeus, 19, Virginia st. Mon. Sat. Mon. Sat. Motherwell, Scotts, 1 1, Kent street Wednesday Wednesday Muthill, Murdochs, Nile st. Gallow. Wednesday Thursday Muirkirk, Erskines, 151 Gallowgate Tues. Fri. Wed. Sat. Do. Dougals, 8, Gibson street Tuesday Wednesday Nairn, Aitkens, 19, Virginia st. Saturday Saturday Neilston, Millers, 33, Millers Place Wednesday Wednesday Do. Forresters, 98, Candleriggs M.T.W.F.S M.T.W.F.S Newarthill, M'Farlanes, 26, Spoutmo. Wednesday Wednesday Newcastle, Howey & Co. Montrose st. Daily Daily Newgalloway Millers, 33, Millers Place Thursday Thursday Newmills, M' Leans, 80, New Wynd Tues. Fri. Wed. Sat. Do. Murdochs, Nile st. Gallow. Tues. Fri. Tues. Fri. Newt. -ste wart, M' Leans, 80, New Wynd Thursday Thursday New Cumnock M'Leans, 80, New Wynd Tuesday Wednesday Oban, Campbells, 15, Jackson st. Fortnightly Fortnightly Ochiltree, Millers, 33, Millers Place Tuesday Wednesday Old-Kilpat- Munns, 38, Ingram street 4 times aweek 4 times aweej. rick &Milton Paisley, Leckies, 29, Montrose street Daily Daily Do. Thomsons, 23, Jamaica st. Daily Daily Do. Camerons, 88, Candleriggs Daily Daily Do. G unions, 87, Candleriggs Daily Daily Carriers' Quarters. 76

From Whence. Where Lodged. Arrivals. Departures. Paisley, Bazar Market Daily Daily Pathhead, Munns, 38, Ingram street Wednesday Thursday Peterhead, Aitkens, 19, Virginia street Saturday Saturday Perth, Meins, Blackfriar street Mo. Wed Ft. Tu. Th. Sat. Do. Aitkens, 19, Virginia street M.Tu.Th.S Mo.Tu.Th.S Pollokshaws, Millers, 33, Millers Place Wed. Fri. Wed. Fri. Portpatrick, Millers, 33, Millers Place Tues. Fri. Tues. Fri. Renfrew, Scotts, 47, Stockwell street Wednesday Wednesday Do. Forresters, 98, Candleriggs Wed. Fri. Wed. Fri. Renton, Munns, 38, Ingram street Mon. Thur. Tues. Fri. Roherton, Beatons, 36, Spoutmouth Once a month Once a month Rutherglen, Pollocks, 10, Charlotte st. Mo. Wed. Fr. Mon. We. Fr. Saltcoats, Scotts, 47, Stockwell street Tuesday Wednesday Do. Millers, 33, Millers Place Wed. Fri. Wed. Fri. Sanquhar, Whitelaws, 182 Gallowgate Tuesday Tuesday Do. Millers, 33, Millers Place Tu. Wed. Fri. Tu. Wed. Fri. Do. M'Leans, 80, New Wynd Tuesday Wednesday Selkirk, Erskines, 151, Gallowgate Friday Saturday Do. Murdochs, Nile st. Gallow. Mon. Thur. Wed. Sat. Stanly, Meins, Blackfriar street Monday Monday

Stewarton, Millers, 33, Millers Place Wed. Sat. ? Wed. Sat. Stevenston, Millers, 33, Millers Place Wed. Fri. Wed. Fri. Stirling, Wordies, Blackfriar street Daily Daily Do. Cuthberts, Millers Place Daily Daily Shots, Beatons, 36, Spoutmouth Fortnightly Fortnightly Do. Erskines, 151, Gallowgate Wed. Sat. Wed. Sat. Some, M'Leans, 80, New Wynd Friday Friday Stonehaven, Camerons, Blackfriar st. Tu. Th. Sat. Mo. Wed. Fr. Do. Aitkens, 19, Virginia street Saturday Saturday Stonehouse. Erskines, 151, Gallowgate Tues. Fri. Wed. Sat. St Andrews, Camerons, Blackfriar street Tu. Th. Sat. Mo. Wed. Fr. St Ninians, See Stirling Straiton, Murdochs, Nilest. Gallow. Tuesday Thursday Stranraer, Millers, 33, Millers Place Tues. Fri. Tues. Fri. Do. M'Leans, 80, New Wynd every 3 weeks every 3 weeks Strathblane, Munns, 38, Ingram street Mon. Thur. Tues. Fri. Stratbmiglo, See Perth Strathaven, Whitelaws, 182 Gallowgate Tues. Fri. Wed. Sat. Do. Erskines, 151, Gallowgate Tues. Fri. Wed. Sat. Tarbolton, Seotts, 47, Stockwell street Wednesday Wednesday Thornhill.No Wordies, Blackfriar street Daily Daily Do. M'Kerrachers, Stirling st. Uncertain Uncertain Thornhill So. Millers, 33, Millers Place Tu. Wed.Fr. Tu. Wed. Fri. Thornton, Aitkens, 19, Virginia street Saturday Saturday

Torrance, Buchanans, 1 1, Bell street Wed. Sat. Wed. Sat. Torryburn, Munns, 38, Ingram street Wed. Fri. Wed. Fri. Troon, M'Leans, 80, New Wynd Tuesday Wednesday w Carriers' Quartets.

From Whence. Stage Coaches. 78

BARRHEAD, Mrs. Paterson's, Clyde Terrace, daily, except Thursday, 5 p. m. BEITH. See Saltcoats. BIGGA R. See Kelso. CAMPSIE, Main's, Blackfriar Street, Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday, 5 p. m. CARLISLE, Telegraph Office, and Towart's, 90, Trongate, \ before 5 a.m. Carlisle, by Lanark, and Mail Line, Bull Inn, and Lyon's, 78, Trongate, \ past 8 a. m. Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Carlisle, by Kilmarnock, Cumnock, Sanquhar, Thornhill, Dum- fries, and Annan, from Bull Inn, and Lyon's, Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, 10 a. m. CARLUKE. See Lanark. CUMBERNAULD, Black Bull Inn, 7 a. m. CUMNOCK. See Carlisle. DALRY. See Saltcoats. DRYMEN, Mrs. Munn's, 38, Ingram Street, Wed. 4 p. m. DUMBLANE. See Perth. DUMFRIES. See Carlisle. DUMFERMLINE, Lyon's, 78, Trongate, 6 a. m. DUNTOCHER, Walter M'Lays, 7, Stockwell, Wednesday and Saturday, 4 p. m. EDINBURGH, Towart's, 90, Trongate, 6 a. m. Edinburgh, Towart's, 90, Trongate, 9 a. m. Edinburgh, Mail Coach Office, 64, Trongate, Bull Inn, and Tele- graph Office, 12 noon. Edinburgh, Lyon's, 78, Trongate, and Bucks Head Inn, 12 noon. Edinburgh, Black Bull Inn, and Mail Coach Office, 64, Trongate, 2 p. m. Edinburgh, Telegraph Office, 24, Argyll Street, Black Bull Inn and Mail Coach Office, 4 p. m. Edinburgh, Lyon's, 78, Trongate, and Bucks Head Inn, 4 p. no. FALKIRK. See Alloa and^Kirkaldy. FINTRY. See Kippin. GALASHIELS. See Kelso. HAMILTON, Mail Coach Office, 64, Trongate, 6 a. m. Hamilton, Towart's, 90, Trongate, and Whitelaw's, 182, Gallow- gate, 9 a. m. Hamilton, Towart's, 90, Trongate, and M'Kinnon's, Gallowgate, 4 p. m. Hamilton, Murdoch's, Nile Street, £ past 4 and 8 p. m. Hamilton, 74, Trongate, & J. Erskine's, 151, Gallowgate, 5 p.m. Hamilton, Whitelaw's, 182, Gallowgate, 5 p. m. IRVINE, Mrs. Scott's, 47, Stockwell, 4 p. m. KELSO, Mail Coach Office, 64, Trongate, and Telegraph Office 6 o'clock a. in. KILMARNOCK, Mail Coach Office, 7 a. m. 79 Stage Coaches.

Kilmarnock, Lyon's, and Black Bull Inn, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, 10 a. m. Kilmarnock, Black Bull Inn, and Telegraph Office, & p. m. Kilmarnock, Mail Coach Office, 5 p. m. KILSYTH, Mein's, Blackfriars Street, Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday, 5 p. m. KILWINNING. See Saltcoats. KIRKALDY, Lyon's, 78, Trongate, 6 a. m. KIRKINTILLOCH, Leith's, High Street, Monday, Wednes- day, and Saturday, 5 p. m. KIPPEN, Mein's, Blackfriars Street, Tuesday and Thursday, 12 noon, Saturday, 1 p. m. LANARK, Mail Coach Office, and Telegraph Office, 6 a. m. Lanark, Black Bull Inn, and Lyon's, ^ past 8 a. m. Lanark, To wart's, 90, Trongate, and Murdoch's, Nile St. 3 p.m. LIVERPOOL. See Carlisle. LONDON. See Carlisle. MANCHESTER. See Carlisle. MELROSE. See Kelso. MILNGAVIE. See Balfron. PAISLEY, Lyon's, 78, Trongate, and Black Bull Inn, 18 times a day. PERTH, Black Bull Inn, 7 a. m. PEEBLES. See Kelso. POLLOKSHAWS, Leith's, Cross, 9 a. m. and 4 and 8 p. m. RENFREW, Wm. Forrester's, 98, Candleriggs,

Glasgow Tide Table, from 1st July, 1829, to 1st July, —

81 Tide Table 1829.

"•*"• Tide Table 1830. 82

JANUARY. Tide Table 1830. Tide Table. 84

This Table is calculated for the Broomielaw, on the supposi- tion that the tides are influenced only by the action of the sun and moon. It will, therefore, be necessary when using it, to remem- ber that in rivers, like the Clyde, the regularity of the tides is much interrupted by heavy rains, as well as by high winds, the former producing what are called floods or freshes, the latter altering both the height of the tide and the time of high water. Heavy rains affect the hour of full tide in a very inconsiderable degree; but a strong gale from the North- West, North, or North- East, not only prevents the tide from rising so high as usual, but causes high water to happen sometimes above half an hour earlier, than what is stated in the table ; while, on the other hand, if the gale be from the South-East, South, or South-West, the tide will be as much later, and probably from twelve to eighteen inches higher than the average. The preceding Table will be applicable to the following places, if, to the time of High Water at Glasgow, the hours and minutes, opposite to the given place, be added or subtracted as directed. ADVERTISEMENTS.


James MacKenzie, Agent, 36, Albion Street, Glasgow*

This Society does Insurance to any extent, from £100 to £4000, on one Life, and divides among the Members the whole profits of the Concern. The Society commenced business in 1815, but went on slowly for some time. The first investigation of their affairs took place on 1st January, 1825, when it was ascertained that a profit equal to 26 per Cent, fell to be added to such benefits as were secured

on the fund on or before the 31st December, 1819 ; that is to say, if any person on or before the said 31st December, 1819, had In- sured on his Life £1000, and had died on the 2d January, 1825, his Representatives would have been entitled to recover from the Society, in terms of their Articles of Constitution, the sum of £1260, in place of the original £1000 insured. The next inves- tigation will take place on 1st January, 1832. The Tables of Rates, &c. will be shewn, and other information will be given, by Mr. MacKenzie. ALLIANCE BRITISH & FOREIGN LIFE AND FIRE ASSURANCE COMPANY, LONDON,

stablishedby Act of Parliament. — Capital, £5,000,000 Sterling.

Presidents— Irvine, Esq. M. P. ; Francis Baring, Esq. John ;

Samuel Gurney, Esq. ; N. M. Rothschild, Esq. ; Moses Montefiore, Esq. The Rates of the Premiums of Insurance for the greater part of Life will be found lower than those in use in most respectable Offices. The Premiums of Insurance on Fire are the same as those which are demanded by the first Class of Assurance Companies. *** Participation of Profits by the Assured, both in Life and Fire. JOHN M'VEY, Agent, 95 Hutcheson Street. h —

86 __ Advertisements.



Chief Offices—EXETER. 20, Bridge Street, Blackfriars, Lokdon, Exchange Buildings, Liverpool, Exchange Buildings, Edinburgh, Smith's Court, Candleriggs, Glasgow, &c. &c. LIFE INSURANCE. The Rates are upon a Reduced Scale, thereby affording an im- mediate advantage to the Insured, in addition to which, persons Insured for £100 and upwards, for the whole of Life, will be entitled to participate in the disposable surplus Premiums, at the end of every fifth year, from Christmas, 1827. The surplus allotted to each policy may be applied in either of

the following ways, at the option of the Insured, viz. : To be added to the sum insured, as a Bonus, payable at the death of the Life, by which the sum" to be received by the holders of Policies may be considerably augmented. Or, to be applied in the reduction of the future Annual Pre- miums to be paid on the Policy. FIRE INSURANCE. One-half of the surplus Premiums will be distributed at the end of every 5th year amongst those who shall Insure for £300 and upwards, and whose Policies shall have been in existence two years of each successive term. GILBERT WARDLAW & SON, Smith's Court, Glasgow, Agents. 11th June, 1829. LETTER-PRESS PRINTING. JOHN GRAHAM, 124, Trongate—Melville Place, Grateful for the support he has hitherto received, takes this opportunity of announcing that he" continues to execute every description of LETTER-PRESS PRINTING, and that he has lately made such addition to the Stock of his Materials as justify him in soliciting still farther the orders of the public. l§i*P Books, Pamphlets, Law and Parliamentary Papers, Post- ing and Hand Bills, Cards, Circular and Funeral Letters, &c. carefully and expeditiously printed. N.B. LITU0GR4PHIC PRINTING. Advertisements. 87 w/w/wvwwwtwwvvwyw^iw^wwiwtfvwwiw/wrt^ EUROPEAN LIFE INSURANCE & ANNUITY COMPANY, No. 10, Chatham Place, Blackfriars, London. President— Sir Charles Forbes, Bart. M.P. Vice-President—John Stewart, Esq. M.P. And Twelve Directors. This Company continues to effect Insurances, and to grant Annuities, on the most advantageous terms. In conformity with a recent resolution of the Board of Directors, all claims will hence- forward he paid in three, instead of six months, after satisfactory proof of the decease of the Assured. Two-thirds of the profits are apportioned to the Assured and Annuitants, who are moreover exonerated from all liability or risk by a large subscribed capital. DAVID FOGGO, Secretary. Prospectuses may be had at the Office of Messrs. Home & Neilson, agents, 73 Hutcheson Street, Glasgow. HERCULES FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF SCOTLAND, Established, 1809. CAPITAL SEVEN HUNDRED AND FIFTY THOUSAND POUNDS STERLING. Chairman— Sir James Montgomery, of Stanhope, Bart. M.P. Deputy- Chairman—Charles Scott, Esq. This Company effects Insurances on every description of Pro- perty, from Loss or Damage by Fire. The attention of the Public is also particularly requested to Life, the Premium for Early and Middle Aged Lives being particularly favourable, and conditions universally approved. NICOL ALLAN, Manager.

LONDON PAPER HANGING, AND LONDON HAIR AND HAIR CLOTH MANUFACTORIES. PAPER HANGINGS in great variety, of superior manufac- ture, and, from the peculiar advantages of the Company, at least 15 per Cent, under the usual prices. HAIR SEATINGS, CURLED HAIR, BRUSH HAIR, GIRTH WEB, CAN- VAS, SCRIM CLOTH, HAIR CLOTH for MALT KILNS, &c. &c PATRICK NEILSON Agent, 73, Hutcheson Street, & 68, Glassford Street. i In