IMT Institute for Advanced Studies, Lucca, Italy Gift
! IMT Institute for Advanced Studies, ! Lucca, Italy! ! ! ! Gift Exchange at the Court of Cosimo I de’ Medici (1537-1574)! ! ! PhD Program in the Management & Development of Cultural Heritage! XXVI Cycle! ! ! Samuel Morrison Gallacher! 2015 REVIEWERS PAGE! The dissertation of Samuel Morrison Gallacher is approved.! !Tutor: Emanuele Pellegrini The dissertation of Samuel Morrison Gallacher has been reviewed by the following committee:! Alessio Assonitis, The Medici Archive Project! Henk van Veen, University of Groningen! Paula Volpini, Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" ! Diana Carrió-Invernizzi, Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia! ! ! ! ! ! IMT Institute for Advanced Studies, Lucca 2015 "i ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS! ! ! The author would like to acknowledge the following people for their help !and support over the last four years.! In alphabetical order: Bailey Adie, Roberta Anderson, Maurizio Arfaioli, Lorenzo Allori, Alessio Assonitis, Sheila Barker, Sarah Bercusson, Mark Berry, Davide Boerio, Elena Brizio, Ashley Buchanan, Lorenzo Casini, Maria Luisa Catoni, Juan Cobo, Stefano Baia-Curioni, Steven Daniels, Marcin Fabia#ski, Bassma Reda Abouel Fadl, Catherine Fletcher, Damodar Frlan, Stefania Gerevini, Silvia Ginzburg, Alexander Greenwood, Magda Jarosik, Anna Kalinowska, Konstantinos Karatzias, Alexander Köller, Paula Matiz, Laura Mesotten, Srdjan Milosevic, Ivanna Nakic, Olimpia Nicosia, Lorena Pellumbi, Oliver Perry, Emanuele Pellegrini, Tihana Puc, Alexander Röstel, Riccardo Senesi, Salvatore Settis, Ahmed Shams, Natalia
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