28 September 2018 2018 Annual Report The 2018 Annual Report of Navitas Limited (ASX: NVT) is attached. A copy of the report will be sent by mid-October 2018 to those shareholders who have elected to receive a copy. Navitas’ 2018 Corporate Governance Statement and Appendix 4G have been separately lodged with ASX today in accordance with ASX Listing Rule 4.10. These documents and the 2018 Annual Report are also available at www.navitas.com/organisation/investors. ------ENDS------ For further information contact: Hugh Hangchi, Company Secretary & Group General Counsel Navitas Limited Phone: +61 8 9314 9618 About Navitas Navitas is a leading global education provider that offers an extensive range of educational services through two major Divisions to students and professionals including university programs, creative media education, professional education, English language training and settlement services. Navitas is a S&P/ASX200 company. Further details about Navitas are available at www.navitas.com Navitas Ltd Head Office Main Details Level 8, Brookfield Place T +61 8 9314 9600 125 St Georges Terrace F +61 8 9314 9699 Perth WA 6000 Australia E
[email protected] W navitas.com ABN 69 109 613 309 NAVITAS LIMITED ANNUAL REPORT 2018 OUR VISION To be one of the most trusted learning organisations in the world. OUR MISSION Navitas is passionate about creating opportunities through lifelong learning, and being a global leader in delivering better learning solutions. Navitas has helped generations of learners transform their lives through education. For over 40 years, hundreds of thousands of OUR VALUES learners from around the world have graduated from Navitas colleges DRIVE to achieve and having experienced a teaching and learning environment that supports advance together.