Routes to Campi ya Kanzi

There are two routes leading from to Campi ya Kanzi. The first and the fastest route is the Oloitokitok-route. The other more beautiful, but slower -route takes you through Tsavo West NP (for this route you need to pay park fees).

The Oloitokitok-route to Campi ya Kanzi: • Drive from Nairobi on the Road in the direction of Mombasa and turn right ±1,5 km after Emali (125km from Nairobi) onto the road leading to Amboseli National Park and Loitokitok. • Continue on this road for ±94,1km before turning left onto the Tsavo West/ gravel road. Take note: There is a new signpost indicating the Tsavo/Kilaguni road on the left. Do not take this first turn off!! Continue for another 350m on the tarmac road and take the next turn off to your left onto the gravel road. At the turn off you will see a old wooden security post and a fence surrounding a piece of land. • Continue straight on this gravel road heading to Tsavo/Kilanguni for 45,1km until you reach a Maasai Village called Iltilal. (There is no signpost indicating the name of the village but you will recognize it by a lot of colourful shops and people close to the road on both sides). • Pass through the village (Iltilal) and turn left after 1,5km onto a black gravel road heading to Campi ya Kanzi. (There is no signpost here but its the only black gravel road after the village on the left). • Continue driving straight on this road for 10,7km until you reach the entrance gate of Campi ya Kanzi. • Welcome to Campi ya Kanzi!

The Mtito Andei-route to Campi ya Kanzi: • Drive from Nairobi on the Mombasa Road in the direction of Mombasa and turn right in Mtito Andei towards (230km from Nairobi). • Then enter Tsavo West National Park at the Mtito Andei gate and drive straight in the direction of Kilaguni for 26,7km. Then turn right to Chyulu Gate, before you reach Kilaguni. • Drive for 4,2km towards Chyulu Gate. Then go through the gate and drive straight in the direction of Amboseli and cross the Shaitani lava flow. • Continue on this road for 17,8km until you reach the border of Tsavo National Park. The border/exit of Tsavo National Park is marked clearly with different signposts and you can not miss it! • After you exit Tsavo National Park continue for another 3,2km before you turn right onto a black gravel road heading to Campi ya Kanzi. (There is no signpost here but its the only black gravel road on your right and it is just after you have past the first Maasai homesteads). • If you reach the village (Iltilal) you have missed the turn off and need to turn back. There is no signpost indicating the name of the village but you will recognize it by a lot of colourful shops and people close to the road on both sides. (The turn-off onto the black gravel road is 1,5 km outside Iltilal village in the direction of Tsavo National Park). • Once you have turned onto the black gravel road, continue straight on this road for 10,7km until you reach the entrance gate of Campi ya Kanzi. • Welcome to Campi ya Kanzi!

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