National Energy Situational and Stakeholder Analysis KENYA
National Energy Situational and Stakeholder Analysis KENYA 100% Renewables Cities and Regions Roadmap Supported by: based on a decision of the German Bundestag National Energy Situational and Stakeholder Analysis: Kenya The material in this publication is copyrighted. Content from this discussion paper may be used for non-commercial purposes, provided it is attributed to the source. ICLEI Africa - Local Government for Sustainability Cape Town, South Africa December 2020 Authors: Dania Petrik, ICLEI Africa Godfrey Maina, consultant Modest Muriuki, consultant Justus Munyoki, SUSTwatch Reviewers (in Alphabetical Order): Mr. N. Bukachi, EPRA Ms. C. Buma, ICLEI Africa Mr. D. Hoepfl, ICLEI World Secretariat Ms. P. Kimotho, REREC Mr. B.K. Kinyanjui, Kenya Power Ms. N. Majoe, ICLEI Africa Mr. J. Munyoki, SUSTwatch Ms. K. Muoki, State Department for Planning Mr. J. Muthomi, consultant Mr. K. Olwasi, Ministry of Environment and Forestry Mr. E. Omwenga, Ministry of Energy Mr. R. Sen, ICLEI World Secretariat i Acknowledgement This report was produced as part of the project 100% of Renewables Cities and Regions Roadmap, (or 100%RE), implemented by ICLEI and funded by the International Climate Initiative (IKI) of the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU) of Germany. The contributions of various institutions involved in the consultations for the Kenya National Energy Situational Report are greatly appreciated. We would like to thank all the experts and government officials involved in the feedback process for their insights – without which the value of this project would be much reduced. The authors would especially like to thank our representatives from the 100% RE National Project Advisory Group (NPAG), who have so generously committed time and energy to contribute towards the outputs of the 100% RE project.
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