Relationship Report for : Mary & Jack

Mary: Jan 13, 1982, 06:03:00 PST Orange, CA (33N47, 117W51) Jack: Feb 7, 1995, 14:44:00 EST Utica, NY (43N06, 75W14)

Interpretation text by Henry Seltzer Copyright 1999 - 2012 Astrograph Software, Inc.

Astrograph Software 251 Dufour St. (831) 425-6548 Santa Cruz, CA 95060 [email protected]

The composite chart represents the fusion of energy that two people create when they come together. It is a third being. Like a child, it inherits qualities of both parents, though it has a life all its own and exists independently of either of them. The following interpretations should be regarded as being for the relationship itself, taken as an independent entity, as this relates to the meaning for each individual within it.


The Relationship Report for two individuals applies to any type of relationship. It focuses on the relationship itself, rather than on the individuals who make it up. First a composite chart (mid-point chart) is created. The composite chart represents the fusion of energy that two people create when they come together in relationship. It is a third being. Like a child, it inherits qualities of both parents, though it has a life all its own and exists independently of either of them. The following interpretations should be regarded as being for the relationship itself, taken as an independent entity.

In the following report, each planetary placement and aspect is examined to reveal the basic qualities of your relationship, with the most important factors described first. Please keep in mind that these descriptions are not meant to put limitations on the relationship, but merely to describe its inherent tendencies. Challenging aspects can become the greatest strength of a relationship if you can both learn how to successfully navigate those issues, with good communication between you playing a vital role. For definitions of astrological terms, please refer to the glossary at the end of this report.

Chart Patterns

Funnel, focal planet Moon

You have the planetary pattern type called the 'funnel' shape (also known as the 'bucket'). All your planets form a group, with the exception of the focal point, one planet or two planets in conjunction (bucket handle). Your energies tend to be channeled through this focus. You will have abilities in the occupied area of the chart, and goals in the direction of the focal point. The focal planet(s) symbolizes how your energies will be expressed, and where you seek to have your needs met or achieve your purpose.

The placement of the composite Moon defines the core emotional focus of your relationship. It indicates the most sensitive area between you. The following paragraph emphasized:

The composite Moon in symbolizes a relationship that provides a strong base of emotional security. This relationship tends to bring out the sensitive and caring side of each of you. You may find that you are protective of each other in this relationship, and that you have the feeling of circling up the wagons and staying inside the safe perimeter that your relationship provides you. You may have joint concerns about the nurturing and protection of each other and of others in your circle. In a romantic relationship, this joint sensitivity can bring out a tendency to be wary of outsiders, especially if you have any other emotional insecurities that might give rise to jealousy. You benefit when you make sure to address and heal real or imagined injuries, rather than give in to an extended withdrawal from each other. As a partnership, you are likely more concerned with private than public affairs.

Important Features

Composite Mars in (18° Vir 13') Composite Mars in the Sixth House

The placement of Mars in the composite chart reveals the area of your shared activity in pursuit of partnership goals, and where ego needs may be identified.

The following paragraph emphasized:

Composite Mars in Virgo (or the sixth house) brings out a kind energy between you with a strong, shared drive for work and service. Together, you possess a tremendous desire to be helpful to others. You make a practical and hard-working duo with an ability to hit the nail on the head and complete tasks that you have set out for yourself. You may perhaps need to work through getting into conflicts over trifles at times. In a romantic context, you have a serious rather than a playful attitude toward shared activity. There may be a tendency for unsynchronized timing to arise between you, such when one wants to be served by the other unequally, but these difficulties can yield to a well-developed patience and a sense of humor. You may find greater fulfillment in your relationship when you take turns serving each other. It may prove helpful to you as a partnership to set your exacting sights on wider vistas. You benefit when you learn to see the forest as well as the trees, and to apply your tremendous capacity of effort in ever broader ways to serve others around you.

Composite Neptune in (9° Cap 47') Composite Neptune in the Ninth House

Neptune in the composite chart reveals the area of your shared experience where you will encounter idealization and nebulous spiritual feelings that will lead you to self-discovery.

Neptune in the Ninth House (or sign) brings an impressionable, idealistic and highly intuitive quality to your relationship. As a partnership, you two are likely to be inclined to the mystical, and high minded, perhaps seeing life in terms of the poetic rather than the practical. You have a natural bent for philosophical discourse or perhaps teaching together, but you may need to guard against over- idealization. You are likely to share a belief in the unknown, and to have a great desire to explore, travel and experiment with new ways of doing things. In close interpersonal relationship, you can always enjoy the extra romantic edge that comes along with your shared adventuring. Together you may have an urge to get away from it all on a regular basis, and may be attracted to spiritual studies, or psychedelics and the like to achieve transcendent states. You benefit when you are careful not to get too carried away with your ideas, and when you find ways to ground your flights of fancy into concrete realities. Composite Neptune in Capricorn (or the tenth house) brings an idealistic nature to the way that you jointly interact with the world. You may achieve much together in helping others. On the other hand, you may also experience some degree of confusion regarding this relationship or your role within it. You benefit when you make an extra effort to understand what you are trying to accomplish together and stay on top of your responsibilities to each other and with the world around you. In a romantic context, this relationship has some very high ideals, and perhaps illusions, associated with your joint interaction. You each have an idealistic streak that carries over into the way you see yourselves in relationship with each other, while others may not be able to understand what's going in your relationship at all. You may find that it helps to clarify your mutual goals and to stay open to the idea you to have come together to respond to a joint calling. On the positive side, you have the potential within your relationship to express the highest ideals of society. You may collaborate at a professional level on spiritual or healing modalities. At any rate, you enjoy giving more than receiving when it comes to shared service or mutual employment.

Composite Venus in Capricorn (19° Cap 27') Composite Venus in the Tenth House

The placement of Venus in the composite chart reveals the area of your shared emotional focus and love and where mutual enjoyment and benefit lies.

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Composite Venus in Capricorn (or the tenth house) indicates a relationship with admiration between you, and a strongly artistic orientation. You have a great deal of affection for each other and each of you may look up to the other in some way, or you may admire your partner for their ability to control a given situation. There could be a sense of status that is gained in association with this relationship. In a romantic context, there is lots of love between you, which you let everyone see. You enjoy looking good together in public. You are likely to have a reputation as a very loving and affectionate couple, because you do not hide your light in this regard, although you seldom take emotional risks with each other. You may in fact want to become aware of the extent that the opinions of others influence you in your decision- making. As a partnership you may find that matters of prestige, authority or career matter a great deal, and may be the very qualities in each other that have brought you together. You function well as an artist team and may have some sort of artistic production as a goal such as painting, music or dance. In any case, your love of beauty sustains you, in the arts and also in terms of your surroundings.

Composite Pluto in (13° Sco 39') Composite Pluto in the Eighth House

Pluto in the composite chart reveals the area of your shared experience where you will encounter your mutual drive for power and which will be transformative for the relationship.

The following paragraph emphasized:

Composite Pluto in Scorpio (or the eighth house) gives a relationship with a focus on powerful emotions that arise between you, and on behaviors of dominance and self-reliance. You may have strong desires in the context of this relationship and find that you are single-minded about pursuing them. You seem to feel more deeply when you are together, and you may have an almost psychic awareness of each other's energy. In a romantic involvement, boundary related issues are likely to come up between you, reflected in passionate sexuality, deep and powerful feelings of intimacy and questioning where one stops and the other begins. You may also exhibit compulsive behavior around sex and emotional closeness, or be forced to contend with a habit of insisting to get your own way. All these issues will likely become transformed in the course of your shared life together. This relationship's very survival may depend on how deeply you are each are able to concentrate your attention on personal transformation as a result of working through your issues with each other. As a partnership, you may also exhibit a tendency to manipulate others for your own purposes. In order to grow, both of you need to turn away from manipulating others and use your power to regenerate your own lives. You win when you learn to empower each other and enable each other's self-reliance, and when you realize that you have come together for purposes of healing.

Composite Chiron in Cancer (21° Can 50'R) Composite Chiron in the Fourth House

Chiron in the composite chart reveals the area of your shared experience where you will encounter patterns of wounds and deep connection and where eventual healing and empathy will occur.

The following paragraph emphasized:

Composite Chiron in Cancer (or the Fourth House) indicates a relationship that provides an opportunity to face and heal deeply held wounds with your vital force regarding self-nurturing and taking care of those closest to the relationship. In this relationship, you may find that you two share a strong drive or even a compulsion to center yourselves in home and family, a drive that does not easily find its fulfillment. There may have been painful episodes in connection with early family life. Perhaps you had trouble settling down to enjoy the comfort that a safe and secure home brings to children. As a result, you two may be even more motivated to create this firm base of security in your adult relationship than others for whom it is second nature. You may alternate between overidentifying with your family and under-identifying with them, or you may find yourselves constantly thwarted in finding this important level of security as the relationship unfolds. On a more symbolic level, you may each be painfully challenged finding your own psychological center. This lack can keep your relationship off balance, and you may find that your emotions move in many different directions, as the wind blows. You may long for a more secure and comfortable sense of who you each are, independent of others' opinions, and long for a psychological place where you can truly be yourselves. The conflict that arises around these issues may be largely unconscious in nature, based on long-buried experiences too painful to recollect and consciously examine. One or both of you may be working through early conflicts with your mother, or other primary parental figures. Once you begin to help each other, to nourish yourselves and to provide your own parenting, rather than depending on the external world to provide comfort and security, your relationship can become a source of inspiration for others as well as yourselves.

Composite Mercury in (10° Aqu 48') Composite Mercury in the Tenth House

Mercury in the composite chart reveals the quality of the communication process in your relationship, and an area of your shared experience where intellectual compatibility is to be found.

Composite Mercury in Capricorn brings out a serious, practical and detached mentality in your relationship. You have good joint concentration and attention to detail, and tend to be determined and careful in your communication with each other and with those around you. In discussion between yourselves, or as a partnership when talking with others, you tend to boil things down and choose the fewest words possible. This is a real gift in a world of endless words as long as you take care to elaborate once in a while when more words are necessary. Your thought process with each other can also tend to get stuck in a rut at times, and profits from regular updates. Your relationship benefits when you lift your shared vision to the highest level by cultivating idealism and a sense of the possible.

Composite Mercury in Aquarius brings a balanced and socially oriented mentality out in this relationship, one that is insightful, analytical and detached. You two tend toward an inquisitive and scientific orientation, with excellent joint powers of logic and reason. Your communication is idealistic in its nature, yet remains also well-grounded in reality. Together, you two are a good judge of character and likely work well with groups. You have a shared aesthetic appreciation of the things in this world that often depends on their utility and ultimate purpose. As a partnership you also have the capacity to multitask, handling many tracks of thinking at once until they all finally come together in a manifest whole. Whether your relationship is personal or professional, it has a strong social motivation, and strives in its communication and contact with others to advance the cause of humanitarian ideals.

Composite Sun in Aquarius (5° Aqu 49' 02") Composite Sun in the Tenth House

The placement of the composite Sun defines the core identity of your relationship, and the place where it finds its greatest vitality. It gives you a sense of the predominant flavor of the relationship.

With the Composite Sun in Capricorn, your relationship centers on activities that are ambitious and practical, and often those requiring a high degree of responsibility as well. Together you are very conscious of social mores. Regardless of how each of you acts separately, when together you understand how to work within the boundaries of society's norms. And also what you jointly start, you finish, and usually on time. You may need to take some pains to avoid any tendency to get stuck in a rut. In a romantic setting, you are a goal-oriented and prestige-aware couple with high standards for your own and others' conduct. You do well to remember that the sensual and playful god Pan stands as the original Capricorn. You win when you work hard, and play hard too. At your highest, you exemplify the values of labor in service to the goals of humanity, and your redemption comes from allowing the social consciousness that you feel to express itself in deeds of kindness to others.

With the Composite Sun in Aquarius, this relationship centers on eccentric interests, progressive thinking and innovative breakthrough. Through this relationship each of you is likely to display a rebellious nature, with a focus on spontaneous and original behavior. Aquarius is forward thinking and detached, and together, you two are likely to work in ways that are somewhat ahead of your time. Thinking is your preferred mode of activity. Your partnership is likely to give rise to the scientific and logical, and exude a confidence in manner. In a romantic pairing, you may find you maintain your focus on the value of society rather than on each other personally, and must set your intention to nurture affection and love between you. Regardless of your individual predilection, through the agency of this relationship you two may also find that you enjoy focusing on your individual or shared work more than personal goals, which makes this a great placement for colleagues and co-conspirators. This relationship brings out the intuition, imagination and inventiveness of each of you, but your relationship will find its strongest center in the advancement of social and humanitarian ideals. You can leave a better world than you find, when you work together as a partnership toward your particular ingenious strategy for taking social responsibility.

Composite Jupiter in Scorpio (24° Sco 33') Composite Jupiter in the Eighth House

Jupiter in the composite chart reveals the area of your shared experience where you will find mutual good fortune and faith in positive outcomes.

The following paragraph emphasized:

Composite Jupiter in Scorpio (or the eighth house) magnifies the capacity for shrewd and careful teamwork in your relationship. You two might also be somewhat secretive as a partnership. Together you have strong shared abilities and good luck with joint finances and legacies, or money from outside sources, making this an excellent placement for a business partnership. You have an innate sense between you of what relationship is and where it is going. Romantically, you two are likely to be passionate and sensual with each other. There is a string foundation of shared values and emotional support between you that buoys you up when times get difficult. Your relationship also grows through an exploration of the occult, healing and the tantric arts. As a partnership, you are possessed of good judgment, and a constant sense of what is important to you. You bring tremendous focus to whatever you do, and you make a good working team because of it. Together, you will likely go through many changes as you search for a deeper connection to your higher powers.

Composite Saturn in Capricorn (1° Cap 55') Composite Saturn in the Ninth House

Saturn in the composite chart reveals the area of your shared experience where you will encounter limitations and build long-lasting success through trials of accomplishment.

Saturn in the Ninth House (or sign) indicates that there is a higher-mind orientation to your relationship, with a blockage or a focused concentration in the area of expanding into new horizons. This placement may bring out a more conservative and conventional streak within the relationship than either of you experience alone, and can also contribute to a heightened social awareness between you. Although you may feel stuck on occasion in coming to a commonly held belief system, you are motivated to spend time and energy in the pursuit of just this goal, and over time this area may become a powerful bond between you. Traveling together and educational initiatives are also important motifs where you will likely struggle , and where you will eventually find a long-lasting shared basis for sticking it out with each other. In a romantic relationship, your joint goals tend to be mental and spiritual, rather than material. You may need to be courageous in expressing your opinions with each other, since you don't always see things the same way . As a partnership, you are geared toward searching for a new framework of shared moral or spiritual values, rather than choosing to adopt existing outworn belief systems. One of the main lessons of this relationship may be to eventually come to the realization that the true source of moral and ethical valuation lies within each of you.

Composite Saturn in Capricorn (or the tenth house) brings out an ambitious and clear-minded quality in your relationship, with a strong sense of shared responsibility. Saturn finds its most natural placement here, and together you tend to be especially persistent, careful and calculating, with a strong capacity for mastery and achievement. In a romantic relationship, you may be so achievement oriented that there is a danger of missing out on the more personal goal of simply relating to each other, perhaps because you are working through subconscious fears that if you don't conquer the world first, then it will conquer you instead. The trick is to balance your mutual need for achievement with just being, with no need for anything beyond the sharing of yourselves with each other. As a partnership you tend to be cautious and rarely take chances. You may have difficulties, limitations or delays in the achievement of your joint goals, but your careful approach usually leads to success in the end. When your relationship is at its best, it can help you move from a personal drive for power in the world into an enlightened process of acting for the betterment of society itself.

Composite Uranus in Capricorn (0° Cap 29') Composite Uranus in the Ninth House

Uranus in the composite chart reveals the area of your shared experience where you will encounter unusual and unexpected circumstances and where the relationship benefits from lack of structure.

Uranus in the Ninth House (or sign) brings to your relationship an original and inventive cast of mind, with strong intuitive powers. There is likely to be an inherent love of philosophy and higher learning. With this placement you two tend to share strong religious, or religious-like beliefs, although perhaps expressed in an unconventional manner. In a romantic relationship you have a harmonious higher mind connection with each other and will always have plenty to discuss. You are likely to enjoy the exploration of new horizons together, either mentally or through travel, and you might need to be ready to jump into the car at a moment's notice. You share a powerful sense of optimism and a tendency for reckless behavior at times, since together you may not always look before you leap, and you benefit from exercising caution when it is appropriate to do so. As a partnership you possess high ideals, and share a capacity to visualize new possibilities rather than accept an outmoded status quo. You may have come together in part in order to support each other through this very process. At your best, you have the faith to bring forth, in leaps and bounds, a new vision for yourself and society at large.

Composite Uranus in Capricorn (or the tenth house) brings to your relationship an ambitious and willful quality that can be both rebellious of authority and also somewhat hung up about it. With this placement you are definitely non-conformist as a duo. Together, you have a strong imagination and are so sure of yourselves that you often cannot be argued out of your opinion, which can be unique at times. In a romantic relationship, you may feel that you have an important destiny together, but you are not always sure what it is. You need space from each other at times as much as you need closeness, and your joint motivation tends toward the social rather than the personal. You may find fluctuation in your concept of the reason that you have come together. Regardless of the type of relationship you share, you have an impulse toward prestige and authority, but may find yourself bored with conventional approaches to attain it. You benefit when you challenge yourselves to move away from knee-jerk reactions against established authority, toward setting yourselves up as your own personal authority, in your own way, making your highly articulated and original vision available to society at large.

Sun, Moon, Rising Sign Features

Aries Rising

The composite Rising Sign is the image that this partnership presents to others and characterizes the nature of the relationship.

With rising in your composite chart, your relationship is likely to be energetic, forceful and outgoing. Things flow easily for the two of you. You are good at getting things done, although you may make better starters than finishers. This relationship tends to bring out in each of you the headstrong and pioneering energy of Mars, your ruling planet, and you are likely to rush into things before reflecting. You trigger great vitality in each other and are likely to be more physically active together than apart. In a love relationship, your feelings are impulsive, direct and passionate. You probably came together quickly, as soon as you met, having recognized something important in each other. You also likely share an acute need for love and affection. With your ego needs involved, you do better the more that you can come to understand how each of your individual needs can be met in the relationship context without sacrificing the other's. As a partnership, you exhibit a strong will, and you may try to dominate each other or those around you. As you grow more conscious in the use of your powers of persuasion, you may learn to be subtler at getting your way. You benefit from incorporating self-discipline into your relationship, in order to channel your shared abundant energy in the most constructive way possible, for yourselves and for others that you interact with in the larger world around you.

Composite Moon in square (within 1.6 degrees) with Ascendant

Composite Mercury in sextile (exact) with Ascendant

Composite Neptune in square (exact) with Ascendant Composite Pluto in inconjunct (exact) with Ascendant

Composite Venus in weak square (within 4.9 degrees) with Ascendant

Composite Sun in conjunction (within 7.1 degrees) with Mercury

Composite Sun in quintile (exact) with Jupiter

Composite Moon in strong opposition (exact) with Venus

Composite Moon in strong sextile (exact) with Mars

Composite Moon in trine (exact) with Pluto

Composite Moon in conjunction (within 3.7 degrees) with Chiron

Composite Moon in opposition (exact) with Midheaven

Composite Venus in strong trine (exact) with Mars

Composite Mars in sextile (exact) with Chiron

Other Natal Planets

Composite N Node in Virgo (15° Vir 54'R) Composite N Node in the Sixth House

The following paragraph emphasized:

Composite Lunar North Node in Virgo (or the sixth house). South Node in the twelfth house or sign. This placement in a composite chart indicates that within this relationship one or both of you feels a great desire to be of service to other people. There may be a sense that in the past, this partner remained relatively unfocused, perhaps was dreamy and paid little attention to detail. But this connection commends each of you to the here and now. Rather than drift in cosmic realms, in the context of this relationship your focus must shift to the details of daily life, in a constant effort to improve self, to serve self and other, and to remain alert to the myriad mundane details of life that do not leave much time for otherworldly pursuits. This is a difficult transition to make, but necessary if you are to fulfill your destiny, and to really explore to the depths your reason for being together. Other conditions may arise, such as illness on the part of one of you that will be a test of the other's patience and commitment to service. As you work through these challenges, though, you come closer and closer to an understanding of how dealing with every-day issues really does connect you with the world of Spirit, in a quite different way, still operating at the core of your being.

Other Aspects

Composite Saturn in strong conjunction (exact) with Uranus

Composite Pluto in strong sextile (exact) with Midheaven

Composite Mercury in semi-sextile (within 0.5 degrees) with Neptune

Composite Mercury in square (exact) with Pluto

Composite Mercury in semi-sextile (exact) with Midheaven

Composite Venus in opposition (within 0.4 degrees) with Chiron

Composite Jupiter in trine (exact) with Chiron

Composite Neptune in sextile (within 2.9 degrees) with Pluto

Composite Neptune in conjunction (within 3.6 degrees) with Midheaven

Composite Sun in weak square (exact) with Pluto

Composite Moon in weak trine (exact) with Jupiter

Composite Moon in weak opposition (within 4.0 degrees) with Neptune

Composite Venus in weak conjunction (exact) with Midheaven

Composite Mars in weak trine (within 3.0 degrees) with Midheaven

Composite Saturn in weak conjunction (exact) with Neptune Composite Pluto in weak trine (exact) with Chiron


Ascendant: The point in the sky of the Eastern horizon. In the chart, the Ascendant is represented by the horizontal line at the left hand side of the chart which crosses between the Twelfth and First Houses. The sign on the Ascendant is also referred to as the Rising Sign.

Aspects: When the relative positions of two planets in the form a significant angle with each other, they are said to be in aspect with one another. The type and quality of the aspect is determined by the number of degrees between the two planets and is only considered significant if it is within a narrow range of degrees, or orb. A list of the aspects used in this report is given below.

Conjunction — 0° ± 8 degrees Square — 90° ± 8 degrees Opposition — 180° ± 8 degrees Sextile — 60° ± 6 degrees Trine — 120° ± 8 degrees Inconjunct — 150° ± 4 degrees

Chart Comparison: An astrological technique in which the planets of two individuals are shown in a bi- wheel chart, one within the other. This allows the inter-aspects between the two charts to be examined.

Composite Chart: An astrological technique in which the midpoints of two individuals' planetary positions are used to create a third chart, the composite chart, which is then interpreted as the chart of the relationship itself as an independent entity.

Horoscope: Originally horoscope referred to the astrological chart itself, but is now popularly used to refer to the description of how current planetary positions are affecting you personally, as in "your monthly horoscope."

Midheaven: The point in the sky directly overhead relative to the position on Earth. In the chart, the Midheaven is represented by the vertical line at the top of the chart between the Ninth and Tenth Houses.

Natal: From Latin, meaning of or pertaining to birth; therefore your birth chart, or planetary positions at birth.

Nodes: The Lunar Nodes are the two points where the Moon's orbital path crosses the plane of the ecliptic (the plane of the Earth's orbit around the Sun). Symbolically they represent talents and life path, or destiny.

Planets: In astrology, the word planets is used to describe astrologically significant points in the sky which includes the Sun and Moon, as well as many objects that are not currently astronomically defined as planets such as Chiron and Pluto.

Transits: Aspects formed between the current positions of the planets and the positions of your natal planets at the time and place you were born.