includes information on Astrological Composite Charts, Relationship Charts & Synastry Grids (included)

13435 VENTURA BLVD. SHERMAN OAKS, CA 91423 818.906.8263 John F. Kennedy Natal Chart Tuesday, May 29, 1917 3:00:00 PM EST Brookline, Massachusetts Tropical Placidus True Node

23 D 47 E 18 h f 19 C 27 k i 02 27 02 11 03 c E D D D ` 10 16 40 15 16 07 e 15 C 23 17 a } 45 C b F 17 51 B 20 d B 26 F 03 B 18 20 13 36 B E D 26 UX\X C X[VZ VZVV[\ F T XU SSS T B SY U WW 20 G 20 G ]RW A W TT 00 S T A 00 H S L I J K 17 15 H } L 20 } 43 26 15 K J 23 11 g 19I K18 02 j 27 23 J 47

provided by Psychic Eye Book Shops 13435 Ventura Blvd. Sherman Oaks, CA 91423 Marilyn Monroe Natal Chart Tuesday, June 1, 1926 9:30:00 AM PST Los Angeles, California Tropical Placidus True Node

06 B 00 C 35 c 03A 10 b 40 ` 28 06 10 A g C C 45 29 d 47 30 27 L 20 06 D i 00 L L 13 13 44 08 j D B 16 23 A D C U\ U 54 Z X e \U V L K 26 D S 50 V Y Y \U Z W 19 a 13 U W Z 06 K 13 RR V K E ]RR] K E S \U 04 S 04 13 T 22 E T h T J F 54 I J 16 G H k 06 30 F J 08 } 26 13 H 21 03G f I35 40 10 06 H 00

provided by Psychic Eye Book Shops 13435 Ventura Blvd. Sherman Oaks, CA 91423 John F. Kennedy Marilyn Monroe Reference Chart 2nd Chart Natal Chart Natal Chart Tuesday, May 29, 1917 Tuesday, June 1, 1926 3:00:00 PM EST 9:30:00 AM PST Brookline, Massachusetts Los Angeles, California 42N20 / 71W07 34N03 / 118W15 May 29, 1917 June 1, 1926 8:00:00 PM GMT 5:30:00 PM GMT Tropical Placidus True Node Tropical Placidus True Node 23 D 47 j i 19 18 C E q 16 13 02 27 h 13 D D 22 E 54 23 ` E 04 10 b 13 C 06 hf k i 27 C 17 15 47 0227 11 03 c B F ED D D ` 20 10 15 16 26 40 16 C 07 e } 45 C 23 b a QQ 51 B 20 d 17 \ XU\U 03 B 18 F VV T VVQQ 36 06 r 13 TT Q 26 B B T TZ 00 \ 45 A 28 c 20 S S 20 ]R WY TV[ V ]RRRRR] YS VV G WW TT A 00 S W SS T 00

T 00 X QQ} L Q 43 29 } 44 g 26 } 15 K 15 H 23 L 17 21 J 20 L 11 g H f d 26 20 j 50 06 K 54 K 26 19 J e 18 16 a K 19I 27 02 k 23 J 47 provided by Psychic Eye Book Shops Marilyn Monroe John F. Kennedy Reference Chart 2nd Chart Natal Chart Natal Chart Tuesday, June 1, 1926 Tuesday, May 29, 1917 9:30:00 AM PST 3:00:00 PM EST Los Angeles, California Brookline, Massachusetts 34N03 / 118W15 42N20 / 71W07 June 1, 1926 May 29, 1917 5:30:00 PM GMT 8:00:00 PM GMT Tropical Placidus True Node Tropical Placidus True Node

06 B 00 C 35 e b d 10 ` 03 23 20 18 A c 07 B B B 40 16 C 03 36 26 C 51 30 i 45 D k 03 `b c D 28 06 13 11 16 1006 D C A L 15 C 45 g r } 2747 29 d 08 23 i L 20 D 47 13 QQQ \ 00 L f D V[VV 44 27 j 16 23 UVVZ T D 10 D UX\ T T h 02 54 QQ S STTT 23 g E 40 TTT YY 26 e } 43 K 13 W SS 50 K 13 \ T ]WW Q 06 K 19 a V RRRR E V ]R] K 22 E 13 W X 04 h S 04 S T Q 54 J V 16 k 06 } 26 } 13 15 F F H J 08 17 21 11 30 a f j J 13 00 G 03 G 20 40 q 35 10 I 06 H 00 provided by Psychic Eye Book Shops Composite Interpretation The Tropical Zodiac

Psychic Eye Astrology Analysis John F. Kennedy Marilyn Monroe

provided by Psychic Eye Book Shops 13435 Ventura Blvd. The Composite Chart Although most successful astrological techniques have long histories of usage which may go back as far as the ancient Greeks and Babylonians, the composite chart is by these standards brand-new. It probably has its origins in Germany in the 1920’s, but it only came into use when John Townley introduced it in America in the early 1970’s. Unlike the plethora of other new and often doubtful techniques which were being tried out during this period, the composite chart turned out to be so consistently and often brilliantly revealing that it was taken up by virtually every astrologer and a generation later has become a standard technique for analyzing personal relationships.

The concept is so simple it’s a wonder no one thought of it earlier. A composite chart is simply a made up of the mutual midpoints between the natal charts of two different persons — the composite Sun is located at the midpoint between the two natal Suns, the composite Moon is at the midpoint between the two natal Moons, and so on. What results is a new, artificially-produced horoscope that literally describes the interface between the two personalities: the shoreline where one leaves off and the other begins. Like any coastline, it may be even and easygoing at one point and convoluted and forbidding at another. And, like any shore, it is subject to fair and stormy weather.

This astrological “weather” is the repeating transits of the planets and Lights which, as in the case of physical coastlines, have literally created the shape of the coastline to begin with. It is a mathematical phenomenon, described by the numbers themselves that are used to construct the composite chart to combine the two personalities. For instance, we know each person experiences regular daily, monthly, and yearly transits to his/her natal sun, giving that point a rising and falling rhythm. The composite sun is precisely that point where any of these rhythms shift over from one person to the other, shift from relative increase to decrease and vice-versa, one to another. It is really a critical, phase-shift, handshake point where one person (usually without knowing it) hands the ball to the other with a mutual shift of energy and responsibility. It is a point of mutual empowerment, the swing point where one gives over to the other at the most primal level. As the transits roll by, the individual solar rhythms continually recreate this transfer point establishing a separate, mutual rhythm unique to the relationship. This happens not only to the two individual’s natal Suns, but to all their other natal bodies as well; and when you connect the points, you begin to describe this composite shoreline.

Like any natal chart, this physical/mathematical combo takes on a life of its own which

Page 1 Like any natal chart, this physical/mathematical combo takes on a life of its own which

may be quite different from that of the two individuals from which it has sprung. Two persons who both have easy aspects between the Lights may find they have a composite Sun/Moon square which may be quite difficult to deal with — difficult in ways with which the two are natally quite unfamiliar which makes them wonder just what is going on. Conversely, persons who may have quite a struggle by themselves in certain areas, may find that the relationship all by itself seems to magically free them to function better than either could alone. It is here that the relationship does indeed become revealed as more than the sum of its parts.

Since the composite chart (and by extension the relationship itself) is created by the combination of repetitive individual cycles and their mutual exchange, the longer two people are together, the stronger the effect of the composite chart as it ingrains itself and achieves a momentum of its own. This makes good aspects more reliable and makes bad habits repeat themselves and very much contributes to the long-term strengths and weaknesses of a relationship. Since both strengths and problems in most relationships tend to sustain themselves at an unconscious level and are thus often difficult to control or change, the composite chart becomes a matchless tool for throwing light on the workings of the relationship and opening it to conscious development and growth. It is probably the first thing both partners should look at when establishing a relationship. They should continually refer to it as time goes by during which they will become much more in control of how the relationship develops and will be less likely to be carried away by circumstances outside of their understanding.

It may be said that some marriages or partnerships were meant to be and others not meant to be. Composite charts most certainly indicate this immediately, but using them to begin with gives both partners a kind of control they previously would not have had and enables them to fix to some extent that which should otherwise have been avoided and to maximize benefits that might otherwise have been taken for granted. It enables both partners, if they are willing to take the individual responsibility, not to be controlled by this strange third party, that a relationship itself becomes, but to step in and out of it to their mutual advantage. This is actually quite a modern, revolutionary idea, particularly where marriages are concerned. In the past, both partners have been considered to be slaves to the marriage which must by agreement dominate their lives, however well it is working out. The Reformation’s message was: if it doesn’t work out, divorce. This new view of relationships, in recognizing that any two persons are dealing with a powerful but manipulatable third party made up by the interaction of the two of them, allows both to slip out and become individuals when it is better to do so and to ride the power of the relationship

Page 2 become individuals when it is better to do so and to ride the power of the relationship

when both will benefit. Just as the composite chart itself describes the subtleties of mutual empowerment, the use of the technique further empowers those involved and allows them further control over their lives which otherwise would have been unwittingly denied them. In astrology, as elsewhere, knowledge is power: blind fate is the child of ignorance, and destiny is an afterthought of what you should have considered (and acted upon) in the first place.

INTRODUCING THE PLAYERS When analyzing this composite chart, you will be looking at four different levels of understanding which represent four different sections or layers of the relationship. They are Planets, Signs, Houses and Aspects. Planets (10) include the eight known planets (besides Earth, Sun and Moon) are the driving wheels of the chart. They are the energy sources that interact to make up the dynamics of the relationship from which everything derives or modifies their natures and influence. Each planet has its own contribution to the whole: Sun gives life force, Mars gives physical energy, Saturn creates limits, and so on. If beneficially interacting or modified, their overall effect will be positive and in concert. If positioned poorly, they may conflict and detract from each other, causing problem areas in the relationship.

SIGNS (12) may be seen as filters through which the energies and influences of the planets pass, giving them a particular stylistic twist and coloring the overall picture in characteristic hues. The Sun’s rays and inner light, for instance, are consistent throughout the signs of the Zodiac; but as they pass through , they have a special lightness and clarity, through , a darker and deeper coloration, and so on, each sign selectively letting more of certain characteristics than others pass through.

HOUSES (12) are the personal landscapes onto which these influences are brought to earth. Whereas the planets and signs have more to do with energy and style, the houses are, by and large, quite physical and behavioral in nature. They cover physical areas like property, children, partners and behavioral areas like sex, travel, or recreation. Where the effects of the planets fall by house will be where you see them manifested in your immediate lives and surroundings.

ASPECTS (5) are the angles at which the planetary impulses reach earth and either combine, conflict, or pass each other by entirely. These largely determine the kind of action, or lack of it, you will experience in the relationship, because they are the motivating forces in interaction. Mars (energy) blending nicely with Saturn (limitation) can mean well-controlled and focused energy. The same two at odds with one another

Page 3 can mean well-controlled and focused energy. The same two at odds with one another

can mean a debilitating energy drain or limits that are broken when they should not be. Add the signs and houses to these, and you’ll find where it happens in life and with what kind of style and coloration.

Combine 10 planets with 12 signs, 12 houses, and 5 aspects and the number of possible blends becomes, appropriately, astronomical — a broad palette, indeed. Add further the Ascendant and the Moon’s nodes, each having their own special place in the picture, and the possibilities are numerous and the knowledge you gain becomes exceedingly fruitful. In such an in-depth study many other factors that defy computer analysis come into play: integration of signature planetary patterns, interdependent midpoint structures, symbolic degree areas, elemental and proximity weighting, progressions, transits, cycle phases, and a host of other technologies that add enormously to the detail and background and in some cases may even contradict what a simpler readout might suggest. There is no substitute for human expertise.

The greater use you can derive from this kind of presentation, therefore, is an introduction to a host of intricacies of your relationship that you likely did not know were there. Once these intricacies are spotted, you have the opportunity to take better advantage of what is already going for you and more effectively grapple with problems that were hidden or only partially-revealed before. Perhaps the greatest benefit of all may be an expanded awareness of the structure of relationships and the realization that you have a great deal more power over how they proceed than you might previously have thought. Herewith are some of the most elementary tools for exercising that power; use them well and they will lead you on to higher planes of human interaction and personal empowerment.

Page 4 John F. Kennedy 14 C 53 D57 ` b 11 B Marilyn Monroe 18 i c 21 09 28 08 C 22 Composite Chart B B D 09 4145 38N12 / 94W41 53 h 20 d 11 Tropical Placidus True Node E 12 19 k A A 44 19 E U\X 14 27 35 A e VV V[V\X 04 09 TT V A S 56 TT S SS S TTZ SS W W 16 T Y ] U 16 V R F RRR L 32 Y 21 32 18 L 11 g 24 F W S House Cusps f

04 10th 14 C 53 1st 16 F 32 G D G 11 14 53 11th 18 57 2nd 11 44 G j K 12th 19 E 53 3rd 11 H 21 44 19 09 I Personal Points 03 11 H a J57 R.A.M.C. 000 00 21 18 Medium Coeli14 C 53 Co Ascendant -10 -20} 14 I 53 Ascendant 16 F 32 Polar Ascendant 00 A 00 Vertex 00 A 00 Equatorial Ascendant 00 A 00

Long. Lat. Decl. R.A.

` 09 C 0838 00 S00 21 N50 067 27 Planets by House 03 I 09 03 S46 24 S30 240 19 a 4 Life 3 Angular b 28 B 41 01 S43 18 N12 056 51 2 Substance 2 Succedent 22 B 45 00 S55 17 N35 050 35 3 Relationships c 5 Cadent 1 Endings ` d 19 A 35 01 S13 06 N32 018 32 R a e 09 A 56 00 S50 03 N11 009 27 b f 24 F 18 01 N22 03 N32 175 19 Planets by Sign 4 Fire Q c g 11 L 21 00 S44 07 S59 343 05 3 Cardinal 3 Earth \ Y [ d 12 E 27 00 N06 17 N10 134 57 3 Fixed h 1 Air 4 Mutable S V e i 08 D 20 03 S04 20 N08 098 52 2 Water ] S S f l 14 A 55 01 N49 07 N33 013 01 U Z T g m 11 E 56 09 S07 08 N27 131 50 W S V h n 26 K 09 10 N50 02 S36 324 44 S T X \ U i o 04 F 06 10 N56 20 N10 160 12 S Q Q X V l 23 B 11 01 S27 17 N10 051 10 p S Q W S V m F N00 N19 37 q 16 32 00 05 167 ] W X T T n C r 14 53 00 N00 22 N36 073 36 R Y T T o j True 14 G 04 Mean 15 G 23 T X Z S X Q Q p p o n m l i h g f e d c b a ` John F. & Marilyn

THE SUN The composite Sun, like the Sun in a natal chart, is the heart of the relationship and its primary drive and focus. The sign in which it falls will color the entire relationship, as many of the important events in the relationship will occur when transiting bodies are in this sign. If it is strong in its house position and supported by good aspects from other bodies, the relationship will have a solid center and will tend to sustain itself despite the buffets of adversity. If it is poorly aspected or in a difficult house position, the relationship will be easily damaged and difficult to repair as the natural cyclical transits will tend to reinforce negative qualities of the relationship rather than positive. The Sun’s primary quality is restorative drive, the general impetus toward life and its sustenance, rather than any specific traits or areas of endeavor such as are represented by the planets. Therefore its placement will tell the overall thrust and style of the relationship and how well it bears up under fire, rather than give the details of just how it will do so. A badly placed Sun can mean a relationship that is almost certain to fail, because wounds to the partnership won’t heal themselves. A very well-placed Sun can mean a relationship that sustains and resuscitates itself so well that it may even be difficult to get out of should either partner choose to do so (as might be the case if the planetary aspects were very difficult or if the two natal charts themselves were in great conflict). It is the driving engine of the relationship and everything else orbits around it and derives life from its energy.

SUN in GEMINI `in C It may be said that the fundamental driving engine of this relationship is communication. Staying in touch with each other in a very specific, verbal way will be very important and, fortunately, fairly easy unless there are serious problems elsewhere. It is also the kind of relationship which can make easy contacts with others and help them to express themselves more easily. What others feel on a gut level, you may be able to put into words for them. The same goes for the individual partners in this relationship: when either has a difficult time expressing what is going on inside, the two of you together may much more easily flush out the feelings and convert them to a form where you can more easily understand and deal with them. If there is a stylistic problem here, it may be difficult not to lighten up and you may be accused of being obstinate because you are supplying glib answers to profound questions. Where this is the case the partner with the most style and talent should be in charge of the situation. The nice thing about partnerships, which is too often forgotten, is that each party can act independently on the behalf of both and thus change the whole effect of

Page 1 party can act independently on the behalf of both and thus change the whole effect of

John F. & Marilyn the relationship. You should feel free to move in an out of this, as yours has a fairly fluid style to begin with.

The Composite Moon The symbolism of the composite Moon in a relationship is that of reflection — not in the sense of intellectual deliberation or thoughtful rumination but much more literally, reflective like a mirror. Whereas the Sun represents the primal, outgoing energy in the relationship, the Moon shows how the relationship reacts to situations once they have been presented to it. When someone approaches you with an idea, do you react to it, criticize it, laugh at it or with it? Steal it? Ignore it? Expand upon it? Extending this logic, it, of course means how you feel about a situation, the process and style in which your emotions are stirred. The things to which you react include each other, so the position of the composite Moon will be critical to the emotional well-being and functionality of the relationship, independent of your individual natures. Thus, a well- placed and well-supported composite Moon can lend clarity and cooperation to the most confused and befuddled people who might never expect to get along; whereas an afflicted composite Moon can throw dissension and conflict into the lives of the most well-adjusted and easy-going persons who normally get along with everybody. This is, of course, because this reflective, emotional effect is largely subconscious, and because it does not emanate from either of you in the usual way, you are unfamiliar with its style and rhythms. This accounts for a lot of the “magic” - both good and bad - that is associated with relationships. On the positive side, it can mean a relationship that seems to heal one or both of you and just makes everything go right that didn’t before. This is a marvelous feeling but one that can lead to a mistaken dependency on your partner as the source of the improvement when it is actually the relationship itself that should get the credit. On the opposite side it can lead to mutual blame for making things worse when the fault lies with neither of you but in the structure of the situation itself. The great advantage of having the details of the composite chart available to you is that you can better differentiate the strengths and weaknesses of the situation from those which may lie within yourselves. The former you will have to work around on the exterior, the latter you will have to work from within. In tandem with the Sun, the Moon and its position will make or break most relationships. If the Sun and Moon are well-placed and well- aspected, the relationship is anything from a good bet to a sure thing, regardless of the other positions and problems that need to be worked out. If the Sun and Moon are badly positioned or afflicted, it will be an uphill fight all the way, and one that either or both of you may choose to set aside unless you feel compelled to spend a great deal of time, energy, and emotion rising to the challenge. Life is about choices, and here especially the composite chart can help supply the data you need to aid you in your selection.

Page 2 supply the data you need to aid you in your selection.

John F. & Marilyn

MOON in a in I You, global travelers of the heart, who can sample joys and pleasures of a breadth not so easily open to others have the emotional inclination to traverse worlds of experience together. You can share an intensity that suffuses all your activities and spreads an infectious brand of laughter and good will to those around you if you just let loose and enjoy it. One person’s problem can more easily be resolved by consultation with another and both can reach a conclusion that neither would have reached as an individual. Only be aware that it will be easier to come up with overall solutions than to resolve the individual details that come up once you have taken a given position. Thus, a certain look-before-you-leap advisory should be in effect, even when your immediate response seems clear and obvious. It’s the little things that will trip you up, and later rather than sooner, which makes them dubious at best. A sense of righteousness and justice will always be an overlay to the way you feel, and compromise will be a necessary route to achieve it even though it may seem to go against principle at the outset. As large a view as you have, reality is always larger and half the adventure of life is in finding out just how big things can really get.

THE COMPOSITE MERCURY Mercury in the composite chart represents the mutual meeting of minds, or lack of it, between you. It also represents your ability to communicate to others as a couple or as individuals. In the first instance, in which the position symbolizes the shore between two intellects, it will be important to know what kind of communication goes on: by style, substance, and action (sign, house, and aspect). A well-placed Mercury will mean that you can put clearly into words what you mean to say to each other, and such a position can be of great help in alleviating emotional problems that may not easily come to the surface. If you can both say how you feel, you’ve gone a long way towards being able to change. On the other hand, a badly placed Mercury can have the opposite effect, stirring up emotional problems where there were none by simply getting communications wires crossed. In a professional relationship this can mean all sorts of pointless starts and stops because of faulty information, particularly in an increasingly information-oriented society. The position of Mercury therefore becomes increasingly critical in relationships in general. Its placement also describes how you communicate as a duo with the public at large, so herein lies further opportunities for good or ill. Well-placed, it will mean that you may be able to get yourself across to the world at large through the relationship rather than on your own. Where there are difficulties here, it may be better to speak your own piece and not let the relationship represent you. Nevertheless, knowing the situation in advance can help enormously,

Page 3 represent you. Nevertheless, knowing the situation in advance can help enormously,

John F. & Marilyn as you won’t have to learn the communications value of the relationship by trial and error or blame each other for problems that arise from what is essentially a third party with its own horoscope, the relationship itself. Rather, you can take advantage of the best that it offers and avoid what looks like trouble by one or both of you pulling back on your own to handle problems the relationship does not cope with well.

MERCURY in b in B Careful thought processes mark this relationship. You are less likely than most to jump to conclusions, intellectually at least, and are more likely to follow through with your notions once you have developed them to your satisfaction. This can make for an excellent business partnership, as you will avoid high-risk situations and will have the endurance to keep on plugging until every avenue for success has been explored. In this same vein, there is a certain streak of conservatism in your approach that may limit new worlds that might be available to you because of a disinclination to change the patterns of communications into which you have fallen. Here you may rely on each other individually to give the relationship a boost when it gets too bogged down. The bottom line for the two of you together will be common sense, whatever anyone else tells you, and if you follow your instincts, you will come out much better than tagging on to anyone else’s flights of fancy however appealing or promising they may seem. Tried and true formulas may work the best, but remember that growth is an essential factor in stability, so make sure you keep trying out the latest variations so that you keep your forward motion. Others will find your word is to be relied upon, so you will find your ideas valued and respected (indeed, that may be part of their greatest value).

THE COMPOSITE VENUS The planet Venus represents desire, attraction, what you physically and emotionally desire and as a composite position describes where your desires meet and either blend or conflict, or a bit of both. This is too often applied to love interests alone, although it covers them as well. It means everything you desire - money, position, beautiful things, property, friends, lovers, anything that you want and believe if you get it, will make you happy. It also has another side which is your ability to appear to provide just such fulfillment for others, thus symbolizing personal charm, beauty, attractiveness, wealth, and so on. It’s the two-way wish fulfillment point where dreams are born. When this is viewed between two people as a composite point, it means how and whether you make each other’s dreams, on a very basic level, come true. If badly placed, it can mean continual desire and constant disappointment. If strong by position, it will be a buttress to the relationship, as you know you will always get what

Page 4 position, it will be a buttress to the relationship, as you know you will always get what

John F. & Marilyn you want when you come back to it. It is, of course, critical in telling how a sexual relationship will unfold and can spell repeated ecstasy or constant frustration, especially taken in tandem with composite Mars. It also represents how well the relationship as a whole will be able to realize its goals and desires, which will of course be directly connected with its ability to make itself desirable, both of which are described by this composite point. Thus, an afflicted composite Venus is a double indemnity, because it usually prevents either of you from getting what you want out of each other, and it means the relationship will not get what it wants, either. Conversely, a well-aspected composite Venus is like a gift from above, as it means mutual success and satisfaction all around. In judging the overall success of a relationship, this is indeed a very important position.

VENUS in TAURUS c in B Venus rules Taurus and thus is comfortably placed in its own sign, which gives this relationship an easy and regular pace in satisfying your physical and emotional desires. In fact, it may help even out imbalances between the two of you in the method and style with which you go about satisfying your appetites. You will take a road of moderation and persistence so that you don’t overdo and don’t give up before you get what you want. Because of a more down-to-earth and realistic approach to what gains are feasible, you are less likely to meet disappointment and less likely to seem like competition or a threat to others. What comes to you seems like it belongs there and thus is not so subject to jealousy. Similarly, your relationship will likely be seen as friendly and warm, at least in the way it deals with the exterior world. You will not be inclined to take great risks for your goals, however, and will prefer a gradual, persistent approach. Although this makes huge winnings less likely, it increases your overall chance of the kind of success that will be quite in keeping with the sort of fulfillment you are looking for. This sensible and realistic sort of approach can be of the greatest use in business life as well as make your personal achievements live up to your expectations.

THE COMPOSITE MARS Mars represents physical and emotional energy, and as such the ability and inclination to get things done, to fulfill desire by taking action. By itself it is really just raw energy, and its placement, particularly in relation to the other bodies in the chart, describes where and how well this energy will be directed. As a composite point, it describes how your two energy directions mesh and whether they will reinforce each other or simply get in each other’s way. It will tell whether sparks will fly, igniting random and destructive brush fires, or whether a controlled fire will blossom that will

Page 5 random and destructive brush fires, or whether a controlled fire will blossom that will

John F. & Marilyn become the engine to power and fulfill your desires under your own direction. Its relationship to Venus, particularly in sexual relationships, is critical, as it will describe whether it will fulfill or deny your sexual needs. In both male and female it describes sexual drive as well as assertiveness and ultimately, aggression. Thus, a well positioned composite Mars allows the two of you to unite your energies naturally toward whatever goal you choose, while a difficult placing will put your efforts constantly at odds, wasting your efforts in mutual conflict or confusion when you should be utilizing them otherwise. As with Venus, this can be the greatest natural blessing or a terrible stumbling block. A strong composite Mars can energize and focus two people who are otherwise at sixes and sevens with themselves, and a troublesome one can throw the most balanced performers into disarray as they wonder what hit them to throw them so off balance. Thus, it will be wise to understand this position well so as to know whether to ride it or back off. It will also portray the power potential of the relationship as it exists in the outside world. A strong Mars has the energy to carry others along with it, whereas a disabled one will tend to break down already functioning operations in the relationships’ social surroundings. None of this suggests that a difficult Mars means you should forget about the relationship, however, as if one of you is simply put in charge in certain areas, mutually compartmentalizing the energy flow; the ill effect can be largely disenabled, albeit at the price of local inequality. It is something to be considered with care and attention, however, as herein lies much of your self-empowerment and control over your lives.

MARS in d in A This relationship has a high burn level and through it you can implement your ideas and goals with great speed and energy. Where a fast, aggressive approach is needed the two of you can be leaders who are in there first with the most. Where love is concerned, a high level of physical passion is likely and you can reach peak levels of experience. But it is largely a matter of style, not content, so you have the choice of where to direct this energy, whether in physical, emotional, or even financial. The style itself, although quick to spring into action, is also quickly done with it, so you may find that maintaining staying power once you get involved in a situation may become a problem. Enthusiasm and energy can wane rather suddenly, leaving you without interest in accomplishing what may have been your entire purpose just a little while earlier. Here you may want to assign one of you individually or a third party to pick up where the two of you together lost strength or interest so that prospects do not meet a premature demise. This relationship has just the right stuff to get the job done, but in matters requiring a more sustained approach it will serve you well to bank your fires a bit or have some relief to fill in while you take a breather.

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THE COMPOSITE JUPITER Jupiter in any chart represents the capacity for growth and expansion in relation to whatever it is connected. It means bigger, better, newer, faster, higher, and more developed. It is usually looked at only in the positive aspect, but it also has the potential to get out of hand if not checked and directed. The composite chart is the area that your mutual aspiration and inventiveness meet, a point where creativity is strong but which may or may not bring its potentials to fruition, depending upon its placement and how you handle it. Well-aspected it allows you to view realistically and act effectively upon what you determine together to make the relationship a spawning ground of limitless opportunity, more than either of you could manage separately. Debilitated, it can mean overblown expectations that come to nothing, biting off more than you can chew, situations that spiral out of control, and projects that perish under their own weight. But these ills aside, Jupiter usually does more good than harm and under most conditions it is the place to look for blessings. A solid composite Jupiter will mean that you can always look to the relationship to pull each of you up another step when you are stagnating and it will mean that others can look to the two of you for inspiration and new ideas. Where it is difficult, you will have to take the opportunity to restrain yourself now and again and develop only that which you think you can use at the time to avoid wasting your energies on unrealizable goals. It will show you where the big picture is and provide the kind of life overview which the relationship teaches that you might not have discovered on your own. It can be the force that carries you both away with each other and raises you to heights you didn’t know you had. Its only danger is allowing the relationship to take over you as individuals. Use it as a resource for each of you to draw on, not the other way round, and it will always pay off for you.

JUPITER in ARIES e in A Your relationship has a particularly rapid style of growth and you will find that changes in its development, when they occur, happen rather rapidly and may be difficult to keep up with. That should not become a source of worry, however, as you will find that growth spurts finish as quickly as they begin and that will give you both some time to catch up before it begins all over again. This kind of quick pickup, followed by an equally swift slowdown will also characterize the way the two of you go about developing anything that is significantly new in the relationship or in its outside involvements. When a fabulous new scheme dawns, you will rush into it with a high degree of enthusiasm and intensity and devote all your efforts to it. This kind of high burn level will rapidly overtax your internal interest and resources, and you will tend to lose interest or energy for the effort just as quickly. Although you enter with a bang, if you are not careful you will exit with a whimper; the victims of unevenly distributed,

Page 7 if you are not careful you will exit with a whimper; the victims of unevenly distributed,

John F. & Marilyn albeit well-motivated enthusiasm. It might be well to try to damp that initial enthusiasm in the interest of stretching out your stamina. This will have an extra benefit, as it may cause you to take a second look at what you are getting into, because leaping without looking is another characteristic of this Jupiter position. When you’re both sure (individually as well as jointly), you want to go ahead with it, plan an overview so you’ll know for sure how much commitment it requires to complete, then turn on the fire and throw yourselves into it with the confidence that it will likely be a success.

THE COMPOSITE SATURN Saturn is usually considered the bugbear among planets and has an evil reputation that it only partially deserves. It is associated with restriction, contraction, dearth, debilitation, and a host of other adjectives that add up to not getting what you want. That is, however, only partly true. It might be better to say that it describes extreme delineation, concreteness, and finality — reality in the most concrete sense. Much of our lives are comprised of hopes, plans, desires, dreams, wishes, and expectation, and Saturn describes what actually becomes of them. So in such a goal-oriented, future- driven society as ours, what actually happens is all too often a disappointment, the result of failed unrealistic expectations. Thus, Saturn in the composite chart is where you both get down to brass tacks and determine (or have determined for you) what actually is to be. If this point is well-situated, it means that you can rely on each other and the relationship as something that delivers every time. It will lend solidity to the relationship and make it something you can lean on when either of you need to be backed up. It will also make the two of you a haven for others in distress. In a difficult position, it will mean that you tend to fail each other, to bring each other down, and to sap each other’s energies physically or emotionally. In this situation it can highlight the insecurities of the relationship and mark for failure what might otherwise have succeeded. But in either situation, like any other planet, it will not touch every aspect of the relationship and so you are free to be selective if you know what areas it is either supporting or restricting. You want to know what the bottom line is everywhere, however; and that is what Saturn will tell you. But you don’t have to invest in stocks you think are going to depreciate, either. If you recognize early what the downsides and the support pillars of the relationship are, you can use one to stand on while you either avoid or make repairs upon the other at your leisure. If you do not, ignorance is the ally of the dark side and it will have much greater power to pull you in and cripple you. Find your foundation stones early, so your house will not be built upon sand; and, in time, your temple will rise to the skies.

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SATURN in f in F It will be very important for you both to pick up every stitch and be willing to attend to the myriad details that make up your relationship: as to neglect them could endanger the very basis of why you are together. When you get down to it, it’s not the thought that counts. It’s the things themselves and how well they are cared for and attended to. This applies not just to physical things but to emotional situations as well, where sloppy inattention will be the stuff of anger and broken hearts and caring means keeping your eyes open on behalf of your partner. But it also puts meaning and comfort into a wide variety of areas in life so that satisfaction cannot be taken away from you even in the hardest of times, since there will always be something meaningful left to hang on to together. Communication on the day-to-day level will be what sustains you in the long run, and it will be important not to lose sight of each other while homing in on the big picture. Although this may seem to make what you have very materialistic in nature, it will be the feelings you put into the materials around you that make the things themselves count so much. As in a child’s world where a special toy or stuffed animal can mean so much more than its physical value, it’s the little things that carry the biggest meanings here, so take good care of them.

THE COMPOSITE URANUS Uranus is one of the three relatively recently-discovered outer planets, and all three are marked with a reality common to new experience and endeavor. They are not fully explored and thus not very much under our control. Uranus has been known the longest, (since 1786), and is a bit more familiar. It is associated with sudden events, shocks, realizations, discoveries, and other highly delineated events that sheer off quickly and completely from their previous states or surroundings. For creatures of habit, such as most of us are, this is usually upsetting and generally bad news. But it does not have to be. Your ability to use Uranus instead of letting it abuse you, is directly related to how flexible and quick on your feet you are. It also is linked to how willing you are to accept and welcome change as part of the nature of things. If you accept it grudgingly, then Uranus will always be a symbol of malice; if you welcome it with open arms, it will be a deliverance and an inspiration. In the composite chart, Uranus is where the two of you are repeatedly forced to rise to this occasion, and its contacts will tell in what areas of life it usually manifests. Well situated, it is a mutual window onto the future, flooding you both with light and clueing you into what is coming next. In such a position, it will make the relationship an eye-opener, which you come back to time and again for more. It will also tend to put you both ahead of the game emotionally and socially placing you in a leadership position among others where future thinking is concerned. In a difficult place, it will mean that you bring to

Page 9 where future thinking is concerned. In a difficult place, it will mean that you bring to

John F. & Marilyn each other incidents and accidents in areas where you are the most entrenched and you force each other to come to grips with ideas with which you refuse to deal. This can be a source of great mutual blame: “You made me get into this. If it weren’t for you, this never would have happened. . . ” and so on. This is particularly the case in sexual affairs in a society that is at heart so sexually conservative (even backward) and yet ruthlessly courts danger by flaunting it everywhere as if it were an everyday affair. Perhaps the only way to deal with this planet is to expect the unexpected, thus robbing it of harm and providing it with a welcome. If you are ready to harness it - like a wild horse - you can ride it far. If you turn your back, it will surely trample you. Where this occurs in the composite chart, keep your eyes wide open, your stance wide, and your tolerance level on maximum.

URANUS in g in L Getting a fix on the specifics of reality and bringing clarity into your relationship may be difficult, especially if you demand hard and fast results which do not waver. Uranus looks for delineated events and clear resolutions, while Pisces tends to cleanse things and to blend them. Thus, to be successful, you need to be willing to accept tentative results and opinions and avoid seeking or imposing too specific a version of reality on each other or the world at large. Above all, you will need to recognize that things change, inside and outside, and the joy in life is being in contact and flowing with the continual transformation to reality that you feel going on around you. That means being tolerant not only of each other’s foibles, but letting it be OK if he or she suddenly changes and the person you knew yesterday seems different from the one you knew the day before. If the bond between you is intuitive and emotional, instead of based on demonstrated physical facts and behavior, you will be in control of the process. With such an approach, you will be able to apply it to the outside world as well and be able to judge not only where things are (which may be uncertain at times) but where they are going (which will actually be easier to judge). Be willing to float free in the present and you will be able to propel yourself into the future.

THE COMPOSITE NEPTUNE The effects of Neptune, another outer planet and a recent discovery, are often largely out of our control both by our unfamiliarity with its effects and the apparent nature of the planet which represents the uncertain, dreams, illusions, ideals, mystery, and the higher unexplored (and perhaps unexplorable entirely) plane of the spiritual world. Its nature is so uncertain, it’s not even known exactly when it was discovered; various claims exist from 1810 all the way up to 1846, and we may never know for sure. It may be viewed from afar with a certain amount of analysis, however. When we find an

Page 10 be viewed from afar with a certain amount of analysis, however. When we find an

John F. & Marilyn area of mystery, it is our natural instinct to provide something to fill that void. Nature abhors a vacuum and our minds rush in to fill it with every kind of speculation and fantasy, if only to have something to act on in the area. Whatever is actually there will turn up eventually. In the meantime we provide ourselves with an image which may be close enough to the truth to better help us function or may be off in fantasyland and fail us utterly if we are unwise enough to lean on it. We know only in hindsight. Thus, in a composite chart, this point becomes the place where dreams, fantasies, hopes and ideals meet or clash, and inspire us or drag us down in confusion and conflict. Too many wars and personal battles have been fought over it needlessly, because none of these things actually existed until later. That’s the crux of it: don’t fight over what isn’t there, at least not yet. Well placed, this planet will help you aspire to higher, more selfless goals but even they can make you take them more seriously than they are. Badly positioned, it can lead to lies, deceit, and mistrust based on mutual misreading of the unknown and the foolish action taken upon it. In the end, it is a gentle, diaphanous planet that can never be forced. Dreams and fantasies belong to each of you individually; and when they are similar enough to share, whether emotionally, sexually, spiritually, or even financially, they can be the greatest of joys. If one of you tries to enforce any of it on the other, however, everything will turn distasteful and there will be no dreams left; the mist will be blown away and only a charred landscape will remain. Where this point occurs, go gently, expect nothing, and everything will be returned to you.

NEPTUNE in h in E Your inner fires have been fueled by a broad spectrum of hopes and ideals of the most positive nature, and it is very important to keep them refueled and refreshed in the face of the changes and disappointments that life brings. Essentially, the higher your hopes, the greater the letdowns you are subject to when things don’t work out as you planned. Therefore it is imperative that you realize that you elevate reality directly in proportion to how much you want to get out of it. Let down your expectations, and results will drop accordingly, so keep ‘em up and flying! To quote Rogers and Hammerstein, “You got to have a dream, if you don’t have a dream, then how you goin’ to have a dream come true?” So do not let circumstances control your ideals, but rather the other way around. Although you may have less external control than you would like, what you do inside is entirely up to you. And what you feel inside does impact positively (if your feelings are positive) on the external world. It might be an overstatement to say that it is your responsibility to yourself and others to proceed in this fashion, but it certainly wouldn’t be far off the mark. Your ability to share your dreams and so inspire each other and those around you is a gift that will always bring you reward.

Page 11 you reward.

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THE COMPOSITE PLUTO Of the three outer planets, Pluto is the most recently discovered (1930) and least subject to our control. As such, it is even considered the planet of power and control, ultimately because it so controls us in our attempt to overcome it. It is, of course, appropriately named after the ancient god of death, the thing which in the last analysis we cannot control; and at the most basic instinctual level, all the control we try to exercise in life is simply a ploy to cheat death a little longer. It is called the survival instinct. The point at which Pluto occurs in the composite chart is thus, at a deep level, where we meet in our ability to face death. But it doesn’t manifest itself that way on the surface. Instead, it shows up as the methods we use to keep control in order to avoid the certainty of personal annihilation. Well placed, it will mean a partnership that simply doesn’t worry about keeping in control of the situation, secure in the faith that things will take care of themselves and when it’s time to go, you’re in God’s hands. In a bad place or aspect, it will mean continuous attempts to gain power over each other and the environment (according to aspect, sign, and house) and a penchant for compulsive behavior that easily gets out of control. Or, rather, it was never in control to begin with. In some instances, particularly sexual, this can be heightened to mystic proportions, and though it can be playing with fire it can also be very revelatory. Where prominently placed, for well or ill, it will give the relationship an aura of inescapability and predestination, something that sweeps over you both (like sex or death) and takes you out of yourselves. Similarly, you may find the relationship itself has something of this effect on others, giving you a greater power (a power which you must be careful not to abuse) over those around you. In the end, however, it is the willingness to relinquish control as well as take it that resolves problematic issues. In the meantime, the ability to step away from the relationship and out of its sway, at least in Pluto-affected areas, can be an important safety measure.

PLUTO in i in D The bottom-line issues of this relationship, those that will most strongly unite or divide you, will be those concerning how to handle the structure and behavior of the family unit, religion, personal and sexual morality, and other affairs of private life. These will often seem to be life or death matters, upon which you will risk your own integrity and that of the relationship. When you agree in these matters, you have an unbreakable bond that can carry you through a lot of adversity, but when you disagree you can be put at odds in the most intractable fashion. The greatest problem, where there is one, will be the difficulty in airing differences because of a disinclination to express them accurately and respect the other person’s position. They are grounded not in intellect,

Page 12 accurately and respect the other person’s position. They are grounded not in intellect,

John F. & Marilyn but emotion, and as such are more difficult to localize, examine, and adapt where necessary. Because they are major groundworks of personal control and defense, you can recognize them when you find yourself using such words as “must, ” ”always, ” ”never, ” and other absolutes to which fallible mortals are not entitled to use, particularly in emotional affairs. If there is a way of understanding and circumventing the conflicts which these might bring, it may be to realize that you each have your own individual relationship with your Maker (or the Universe, or however you want to express it), which is not that of the other, or any other. You live with it, and you will die with it, and to force that special relationship on another is to directly fly in the face of the Creator. Make your own peace, and let others make theirs; that is ultimately all that is given to you. If you can do it together, ideally in unity, then you have achieved something special; but to do so you must tend your own garden first, because that is what you are ultimately responsible for.

VIRGO ASCENDANT q in F It may seem to others that the two of you have things much more under control than you think you have, but don’t let on and it will become a self-fulfilling prophecy! In fact, just by being together you will find that details that might have escaped you individually manage to get picked up and taken care of without a problem. It will be a good idea, however, to remain fairly modest about this on the outside, lest others think you are going to be too demanding of them and expect a higher standard of performance than they are up to. Instead, offer to help sort things out for them and let them take care of single issues while you keep track of all the specifics for everybody. If, as may be the case, neither of you is individually inclined to become immersed in the details of everyday life, use your special talents to delegate responsibilities to others. It is, after all, the impression you give that allows you to write your own ticket, and you don’t always have to deliver the goods if you can get someone else to do it instead. The general compulsion towards order innate in society is yours to command together, and all you have to do is say you’re in charge.

SATURN in FIRST HOUSE f in 1st This will be a relationship which takes itself very seriously and will likely be taken seriously by others for that reason. No larking about here, first things first, think of the consequences and responsibilities that are yours. Depending on the situation, this can cause you to become the heavies that others rely on for their bottom line or you can just drag the party down, depending on where you situate yourselves. Certainly you will consider your actions toward each other to have an undeniable gravity which will be the case if for no other reason than that you think it to be so. It can also cause you

Page 13 be the case if for no other reason than that you think it to be so. It can also cause you

John F. & Marilyn to limit the ways in which you interact or think you ought to. It can hold you back when you might have just stretched out and had a good time. Nevertheless, because of the kind of weight the relationship brings to both of you it can also be a reference point when you are lost or uncertain. Whatever is there, you know it’s there and can surely depend on it. It’s a great position for business, particularly in conservative circles, as you will appear to have the greatest reserve and reliability and look like something people ought to bank on. Experts. Well, don’t take yourselves as seriously all the time as others do or life could get pretty dull, but do feel that you have something solid to rely on.

SATURN conjunct ASCENDANT f Q q This is a serious relationship, that is to say one which you take very seriously whether or not anyone else does. The chances are, however, because of the gravity which you give to it, others will also follow suit. This can manifest itself in a variety of ways, some significant and gratifying, others not so nice. Because Saturn is restrictive, it will mean that in this relationship you manifest your inhibitions and in general your conservative side. Where those inhibitions are based on realistic caution and experience, this can be a very protective situation and can make the relationship quite staunch and unassailable. Where it is your fears and disabilities that are emphasized, it will make this a very confining and frustrating situation in which you both reinforce each other’s weaknesses. In either case, the longer you are together the more difficult it will be to split up, or the more solid the relationship will become, depending upon how you look at it. Saturn’s lasting quality will manifest itself, so if you don’t think it’s likely to work out, get out quickly before it traps you and pulls you down. On any account, you will likely express yourselves in a rather taciturn manner, or at least be perceived by others to do so, and it won’t hurt to lighten up a little whenever the opportunity presents itself so as to achieve as balanced a view of things as this position will allow.

NORTH NODE in SECOND HOUSE j in 2nd Responsibility and reward are the keywords for the Moon’s north and south nodes, and here posited in the second and eighth houses they indicate that this polarity will have a particularly material twist. Physical and financial commitments will have to be made in order to sustain your relationship and your ability to handle yourselves in this area will be the test of how well you fare in the long run. This may at some times make you feel that coming together has created additional burdens for you, and that is, in fact, correct, but they are burdens not without visible purpose or reward, or you wouldn’t have gotten into it to begin with. Whether the reward is worth the commitment depends on how close you pay attention to each other and what you are

Page 14 commitment depends on how close you pay attention to each other and what you are

John F. & Marilyn doing together. If you willingly take up and carry what your being together requires, then you will find that you not only benefit materially from the union, but you also unlock some of the mysteries of life and living together you hadn’t even suspected were there. There is more to the material world than just its material side, and you won’t discover that unless you get in there and get your hands dirty. Buried treasure isn’t uncovered until you’ve been digging for a while, and that is what the overall purpose of this relationship will in the end be revealed to be.

MOON in THIRD HOUSE a in 3rd You will likely find this quite an expressive relationship where your feelings easily get transferred to discussion and analysis of what’s going on is frequent and sometimes lengthy. Where you individually may be more reticent in discussing problems, together you can get things out into the open and sort them out with a minimum of confrontation or personal imposition. Feelings and communication go hand in hand, which is highly advantageous in a society where suppression of feelings, for one reason or another, is too often the norm. Indeed, if you are likely to run into a problem with this it will be that others may suspect your honesty because they couldn’t manage to do as well themselves, or they may be threatened by emotions which they themselves fear and repress. The only thing you might keep in mind is not to take an ill word too seriously, since when words are the primary vehicle for emotion they also have accordingly a greater potential to injure if you do not take care. Sticks and stones may (or may not) break your bones, but words can really hurt you, but only if you let them, to rephrase an old saying. All in all, however, count yourself lucky with this position, as it will likely save you a lot of unnecessary stress that the rest of the world is daily heir to.

MOON trine JUPITER a S e You have a large capacity for emotional response which will make your lives a spiral of personal growth and internal advancement. You are the soul of generosity, as your first reaction will always be to do more, never less, and to share your feelings with each other and those around you. Optimism is a sure thing here, and you will always see the bright side and the possibilities for gain even where no one else sees the silver lining. The chances are you will be cheerier together than separately, so this relationship will be the place to go to uplift your spirits when things are down and you don’t know where to turn. None of this will be intrusive or overwhelming, just a steady flow of feeling that goes from the lower to the higher and always has a good feeling to lay on the situation. The emotional inclination toward growth has its physical side, too, and if this is a marriage there will be a great desire for children and a great capacity to

Page 15 and if this is a marriage there will be a great desire for children and a great capacity to

John F. & Marilyn bring them up with love and hope. In a way, all in the world are your children and the more sunshine you spread around, the more will be reflected back to you. You have enough for all, and part of the joy which so naturally swells from within you finds its greatest reward in sharing. Don’t neglect that opportunity to increase your blessings.

URANUS in SIXTH HOUSE g in 6th Unusual and imaginative solutions to workplace problems can be a strong point of your relationship, but avoid getting trapped in repetitive schedules as you are likely to break them from impatience and lose the opportunity to exercise your talent. When sudden inspiration strikes, you need to be able to rearrange the structure and commitments of the regular surroundings to make quick improvement. Although you may be given to sudden fits of self-sacrifice for each other, don’t plan on it as a regimen, and the freer you can be of obligations to one another, the truer you will be to the relationship. Originality does not bear chains well, though it will suffer freely for what it knows is right. Where you serve each other, let it be one day at a time, without expectation but with the assurance of hope that you will deliver not at the expected time but at the right time. Yes, that’s a lot to ask, but you may find that to follow the normal channels of expectations will not only lead to disappointment but will thwart the unpredictable successes you might find by following the road not taken. If there is such a thing as following your Muse, here is the place to do it and let the inspiration carry both of you when it comes along.

URANUS trine PLUTO g S i This outer planetary aspect is fairly infrequent and last occurred in the sky in the early 1920’s, then not until well into the 21st century, which means you were born just as the twenties began roaring, or on either side of that period timewise. This is the generation that fought and died in World War II. The symbolism describes it: Uranus (explosive discovery, truth) working with Pluto (implacable force, death). What is interesting is that the aspect, a trine is allegedly benefic. In fact, what it does is give a belief in a particular personal or national truth the confident backing of perceived inevitability. When two different sets of beliefs have this sort of uncompromising self- assuredness, the truth is discovered in explosion, force, and death. That possibility lies within this relationship, even if you are both not of that generation. Not that you’re going to start a world war, but you may be so confident of your perception of the truth that you walk into confrontations you were sure you would breeze through without challenge and wind up in a serious conflict. The fact is, most of the time your confidence will see your way clear and you will not have to come to confrontation,

Page 16 confidence will see your way clear and you will not have to come to confrontation,

John F. & Marilyn because others will give way to your apparent knowledge. But if you run across someone else like yourselves in this respect, run for cover.

URANUS opposite ASCENDANT g R q A flare for the unusual is innate in your relationship and you will not only need to express it, you will have to make plenty of room for it so that it will be creative and not disruptive. A strong Uranus means strong inventiveness that does not proceed in the usual channels but that will insist on expression, so you must keep all channels open to let it go where it must. This may mean that you will have to keep what might be otherwise ordinary legal and personal bonds loose enough and yourselves tolerant enough to admit what might otherwise be considered breaches of agreements or trust. The fact is, this relationship will lead you to try out things you might not ordinarily have risked and the last thing you want to do is penalize each other for the privilege. This does not mean everything you experiment with will turn out right — indeed, sometimes it will be a disaster — but if you don’t give yourselves the space to try, you will wind up trying it anyway and failing for sure. Be ready to admit to failure but give yourselves room to succeed, as well. Hopefully you will work this out between yourselves successfully, but you will also need to keep in mind that others may not be so understanding and you can expect a certain amount of difficulty from the outside world when you stray from the beaten path. That, however, is always the price of originality.

JUPITER in SEVENTH HOUSE e in 7th This is likely to have the potential of a real powerhouse relationship, one in which you each fire the other’s enthusiasm and together serve as a broad-based resource for the two of you individually. The key is a real inward-looking creative dependency upon each other, which will flower to the degree that you spend an equal amount of time seeing that the other benefits from it all as much as you do. A lot of positive and enjoyable lessons about equality are here for the learning. Because of this orientation, you will seek out and find solutions to many problems of personal relationships that may have baffled you in the past and which are the source of personal conflict for others as well. A strong, positive respect for each other will allow you to get past blockages that have stymied others and can make you paragons of how relationships are supposed, ideally, to be set up. Thus, professionally, you can find success in areas that involve personal negotiation and litigation, ranging from legal arbitration to personal counseling, since you can find the solutions others cannot, often based on your own personal experience and willingness to change in response to each other. All in all, this is a very favorable position for Jupiter in an age where personal

Page 17 in all, this is a very favorable position for Jupiter in an age where personal

John F. & Marilyn relationships are undergoing such revolutionary changes and those with the talent to help can benefit personally while being of benefit to others.

JUPITER trine NEPTUNE e S h There is a strong idealistic and spiritual underpinning to this relationship that is not preachy or overstated but buoys up your feelings to seek for the very best you can achieve. The drive upward is not a headlong gallop toward redemption nor is it a fool’s self-delusion that you can be saved by a given belief or dogma. Rather, it is a warm, inner knowledge that the spiritual call is real and that you will get there if you’re willing to take your time. Because this is a mutually supportive aspect, you have a natural talent to sense what is leading you where you eventually want to go and what is leading you astray. You also realize there is no such thing as a short cut in the spiritual quest, so you aren’t easily sidetracked by promises of instant enlightenment. In a personal love involvement, this allows you to retain the physical joys of sexuality while adding the heightened experience of using it as a basis for a spiritual union. On the professional level, this will mean you have the highest possible ethical standards, something that will make you trusted and respected in whatever pursuit you may have chosen. You know that short term gain cannot supplant long term values without losing something far greater than a few quick bucks. When people put their faith in you, they know they will not be disappointed.

JUPITER square PLUTO e T i This is kind of a do-or-die aspect and as a result you will want to keep yourselves out of confrontational situations or any place where making a space for yourselves requires going to extremes. Underneath this aspect is a fear of not being allowed to develop and grow in the way in which you would like to, though that is not how it manifests. Instead, the first result will be trying to take excessive control of your development and having too much concern over your own future. Free will is fine, but you’re not God, and you may find yourselves going for godlike decisions in order to protect your individual or joint interests. When you go for big, you are likely to overdo it out of worry that someone else will do it bigger. The same with the latest in ideas and innovations. Someone may be ahead of you, but that’s life. Furthermore, when you insist on pressing your case, the chances are others (or each other) will back off, so don’t be pushy. In the long run, if you hold back and don’t try to constantly move in for the kill, you will find you have developed an incredibly powerful sense of how to control the future. A great deal of it will come from knowing when to relinquish power that, in fact, you don’t really have.

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MARS in EIGHTH HOUSE d in 8th This is likely to be a deep and very intense relationship, where there is a certain element of obsession and compulsion in the way you implement it. As a love affair, it will likely be intensely sexual with a very heavy emphasis on physical satisfaction even to the detriment of emotional understanding. If less intimate in nature, it will still be characterized by a need to chase after the seemingly unknown and inaccessible, which can either lead to disaster or to achievements no one could have dreamed were possible. The key is fascination with the unknown and the determination to make it your own, whatever the price. As long as you have something slightly ahead of you to chase down, you will have plenty of get up and go. When nothing is on the horizon, you are likely to be bored and irritable with each other, so keep a challenge ahead of you at all times. As long as you have something to feel intense about, your fires will be well-fueled. On the purely professional level, this is a good position for handling other people’s resources, and good credit can be a major factor in empowering you to get where you want to go.

SUN in NINTH HOUSE ` in 9th You will find that this relationship has a very broad focus and will be quite wide- ranging in its interests and far-reaching in what it attempts to encompass. You will tend to meet and be especially creative in the world of ideas, particularly those of a more general nature like religion, cosmology, and philosophy. Although you may enjoy good-natured disputes in these areas, the concentration is on finding things you agree on and developing them to new and higher levels. Travel, whether physically or mentally will have a high priority, and if this is a business partnership it will favor global dealings over neighborhood ones, foreign exchanges over domestic. Although everything you do together will help enlarge your field of vision and raise your sights, you can also find that over- generalizations and subsequent loss of detail and depth are stumbling blocks to watch out for. Applications are as important as theory, although you may have to get someone else to do that side of things. Similarly, on the personal side, you may find that friendly communication and passion are two different things and that the first comes easier to you than the second. Nevertheless, your inclination and likely ability to see the overall structure of situations will allow you to put things in perspective and conserve your resources for a long-term commitment; and if you use that to give you the extra time and effort it takes to achieve communication in depth, you will have your cake and eat it too.

SUN opposite MOON ` R a This is the aspect of the full moon, which itself is surrounded with much lore and

Page 19 This is the aspect of the full moon, which itself is surrounded with much lore and

John F. & Marilyn legend, and your relationship will partake of much of it. It will be very intense and you will not take each other lightly. It will feel as if the pressure is always on when you are together and that you really have to be doing something. Just sitting still and enjoying each other’s company will be difficult. You will also be inclined to mood swings, and there is a certain manic-depressive feeling here where you’re either wildly enthusiastic or totally down in the dumps. When you’re terribly overjoyed about something, you’re bound to notice (or have it pointed out) that it’s good but not that good, which sets you on a course of mild but increasing disappointment until everything looks black. In the darkness before the dawn, you realize that every cloud has a silver lining, and you start perking up again, headed for a new round of happiness. The same goes for the periodic arguments you swing into — just hold back a bit and things will stabilize more easily.

SUN sextile JUPITER ` V e It’s easy for you to roll into new projects together and think big but do not get in over your head. Growth is something that comes naturally and rising to a new occasion is something that seems to happen by itself. Expansion is second nature, but you don’t feel compelled to push each other to go farther than you are comfortable with, so steady development will tend to be the order of the day. You also have the advantage of having less trouble thrown into your path than others do, so you don’t burn up as much extra energy fighting environmental resistance along your path. That is a blessing, but sometimes there is another side to it, for when you assume that your plans will proceed according to your intent, a positive outcome will result only for so long. In other words, don’t take your luck for granted, since without follow-up, the details that need attending will eventually escape you, tripping you down the line. Fortune has handed you a sound vessel for forging ahead, but it still needs maintenance, and if you let that slip down the line you will have a difficult time keeping up with the leaks. An ounce of prevention is all it takes at the beginning, so while the sun is shining, make something else as well as hay. Use your advantage to maintain it.

SUN square URANUS ` T g Instability is likely to be a chronic difficulty in this relationship, not because it doesn’t have substance but because it is subject to sudden buffets like a truck crossing a windy bridge. In fact, the bigger and heavier the truck, the more windage it has and the more the risk. The same principle applies here. The more energy you put into the relationship, the more destructive potential it has when it gets blown off course. Although the shocks may come from within because of suddenly uncovered differences between you, it is just as likely to come from without, where unexpected

Page 20 differences between you, it is just as likely to come from without, where unexpected

John F. & Marilyn circumstances turn up to throw things into disarray. What to do about it? Leave room for maneuvering when things go haywire and be ready and happy to follow where they lead. When you can’t be in control, don’t try to be, or you’ll wind up going down in flames. Eventually, you will develop a sense of when change is in the wind and you will be able to control it as it comes on. Once it’s already there it’s too late to fight it, so roll with it. If you sometimes feel like you just can’t deal with this sort of situation, look to some of the other qualities of your relationship that caused you to get into it in the first place and draw on them until the crisis has passed.

SUN sextile NEPTUNE ` V h In a very special but perhaps unnoticed way, your relationship is a quiet justification of your dreams and a statement of your ideals. It is not something you are likely to make a big deal about, but you have the feeling without having to say it that this is where it’s at. In a way this is a fortune of circumstance, as what you would like to see happen simply turns up here with no one to blame or credit, including yourselves. But why look a gift horse in the mouth? Why, indeed? Well, because the horse will not live forever or even stay in good health in the long run unless you figure out what you are doing right and make sure you continue to do it as time goes by and don’t take it for granted. That’s a problematic prescription when all you have to do is lay back and feel good about yourselves, but there are sufficient numbers of others whose fantasies don’t so easily realize themselves that it might be worth your while to figure out your formula for their benefit. You are the stuff of your dreams, but you can only dream on so long. Share the dream.

SUN square Ascendant ` T q You may find yourselves somewhat at cross-purposes when it comes to the focus of this relationship, particularly when you are relating to the outside world. It is as if having to maintain your image together in person is a distraction to your more important and fundamental reasons for being together. This is partially because you are more concerned with working on the substance of your relationship and how it affects your overall effect on your environment, and partially because the way you appear to others belies what you really are like and thus tends to get in the way of getting your real business done. The effect of this can make you on the anti-social side, especially when you are trying to get something accomplished and don’t need the bother of constantly explaining yourselves to folks who don’t seem to know what’s going on. Nevertheless, you cannot escape from what you look like and part of what you will need to develop is the ability to represent yourselves more accurately while still keeping your minds on the task at hand. Although you cannot ignore your

Page 21 still keeping your minds on the task at hand. Although you cannot ignore your

John F. & Marilyn immediate environment, you can lean on your accomplishments to speak for you, and when you feel less obliged to explain yourselves, you will find it will also become less necessary to do so. Too often problems are exacerbated simply by trying to solve them. Out of sight can be out of mind.

MERCURY in NINTH HOUSE b in 9th The inclination to plug into long-range concepts and communicate the scope of possibilities will be a hallmark of your relationship. Together you can enjoy exploring larger-than life concepts of religion, philosophy, and the structure of the universe that will not only provide stimulating thought, but open up new possibilities on the inside and the out. This is the house of travel and will find you to be travelers of the mind, whether you actually step out of the house or not (though you will, whenever possible). Where your bodies cannot go, your minds will carry you on wings of imagination, professional as well as personal. You prefer to see things in the overview and in the long run, you will be less likely to get tangled up in unexpected circumstances that will slow others down. You’ll always have another game plan to turn to while others are trying to untangle theirs. If there is any drawback here, it can be losing sight of the details. It is easy to get caught up in the grandeur of the vision and miss some of the enjoyable and profitable details in the process. Zoom in on the immediate vicinity every now and then and you may be surprised at what you’ll find — there are giant landscapes awaiting you in the smallest flower.

MERCURY conjunct VENUS b Q c If either of you had any difficulty getting a good word in, this relationship should fix it. The ability to phrase things perfectly tailored to the situation, is innate to the combination you create. You manage to improve each other’s ability to express yourselves with grace, and also to master the techniques of creating what is beautiful. Therefore, in the professional world you will find yourselves blessed with advantage in any area that requires combining artistic and intellectual or technical enterprises: photography, design, music or film production, and so on. Intellectual charm and a charming intellect. But it is more than that. You really care that things around you should be well-formed and you have a very clear eye for just how to do it, which may not be innate in either one of you but comes together when you are together. Smart and good-looking. Not bad. Needless to say, this is a really nice aspect and a good reason to be together and take advantage of the special talents you bring out in each other. On a personal level, this also gives you the ability to address each other with sensitivity and love, so there will be little likelihood of accidental offense when you’re trying to get a point across. If anything, there would be a problem in communicating

Page 22 trying to get a point across. If anything, there would be a problem in communicating

John F. & Marilyn real difficulties or unappetizing truths, as a result of an innate inclination to sugar-coat the pill, however bitter.

MERCURY trine SATURN b S f You will have a talent for putting things precisely; rolling large ideas into a nutshell and delivering them where they are most needed. Where there is waste, you can trim the fat and turn overblown projects into efficient machines that deliver the goods. Mental economy of motion is second nature, and although you will be perfectly expressive of what you mean, when it escapes the comprehension of those listening you can lose the very effect you should be having. Just because you have a realistic view of the world, that doesn’t mean anyone else does or that they will take your word for it, especially if you are not a bearer of bountiful tidings. When you take your own talents for granted, you will find that others may as well, so it will be a good idea to find a way to advertise what you can do, especially as self-advertisement is likely the last thing that will come into your minds. Yet, once in a position of authority, you will find yourselves eminently capable of success in professional affairs as your practical side will prevent the excesses which are so often the downfall of those in executive position. It’s just a matter of getting there. Even if this is strictly a personal relationship, you will have the ability to generate succinct and sage advice to others.

VENUS in NINTH HOUSE c in 9th You possess a capacity to discuss and expand upon your desires which will allow you to communicate with a general and intellectual emphasis. You are less interested in getting the details right than the general thrust of the thing, which puts the emphasis on sincerity rather than accomplishment. Once you understand where you are headed, you can be content with mistakes as long as they are well-intentioned and the overall feeling agrees with your joint vision. There will be distinct love of travel here and professionally you can do well with enterprises that venture far abroad or deal with long-distance commerce or exchange. Because you love the broad approach, you will be viewed as expert in it, whether you are or not, so you will be ahead of the competition as long as you are willing to play the part of authority. Your basic instinct will be to make generalizations because getting in to specifics might distract you from what you do best. A great deal of your success will be dependent upon your faith in yourselves, and the realization that others will trust what you clearly believe in. A good, strong statement of purpose and belief is a good start to get a good response — then be flexible in reworking it to fit the reality you live in.

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VENUS trine SATURN c S f The phrase “less is more” is too-often used and too-little understood, but if there is anybody who really knows what it means in a positive sense, it will be you. There is a pleasant air of restrained desire here which allows you to get the most out of the least and avoid trying to get more than you can enjoy. If everyone had this talent, the world’s resources would be in much better shape than they are. It may seem from the outside that your relationship is overly cool or formal, but they don’t see what you get out of it from within. Most people have to consume more to get the satisfaction you do. In a business relationship, this is a real advantage, as you will tend to conserve your resources and can stretch a dollar more than the competition, as you just don’t require as much to get the job done. In any situation, it will be well to not just know your limits, but enjoy and embrace them, turning them to your favor rather than battling them. Because of this talent, a great deal of the rest of your life will go easier, with resources that would be otherwise wasted freed up for your use. You can make that effect much broader if you can transfer the secret to others around you who could use a little good advice on how to make the most out of their lives with a lot less effort.

PLUTO in TENTH HOUSE i in 10th As a public or professional relationship, you can be a powerhouse and spread your influence and reputation much further than you might think. This is because your mutual need for power and respect meets very well in each other and you will serve each other well in this respect. The only problem is that you might serve too well and make this side of your life a focus of confrontation and battle that will eclipse other more personal areas that might yield more rewards in the long run. Challenges from the outside will easily galvanize you into joint action which can take on a life of its own and dominate all other priorities which you may have together. This is a mutual control between yourselves and the rest of the world which, when you need to break it, can be disengaged when you are willing to take yourselves more seriously than the opinions of others. As long as you feel in competition with the rest of the world, your control of your own lives will be compromised, although at times it may seem worth the cost. If this is a professional relationship, go for it — you’re probably on the right track. If this is more personal, weigh your priorities carefully, as you may find yourselves in conflict about important issues. It can be quite possible to have the best of both worlds, but only when your priorities, public and private, have been carefully delineated.

NEPTUNE in ELEVENTH HOUSE h in 11th You are likely to put a high price and priority on friendship and the perfection of how it

Page 24 You are likely to put a high price and priority on friendship and the perfection of how it

John F. & Marilyn is expressed between each other and among your most special friends in the world at large. If it’s good, it’s got to be really good or it’s not worth getting involved with. To a certain extent, this approach has validity and can produce results from applying a demanding set of standards upon you and yours around you. However, there is a great chance that you will not be able to live up to what you expect of what affection and closeness is about and therefore be less able to enjoy and benefit from what is actually available to you in the real world. So don’t ask for so much! Easy solution. Well, that’s difficult because you want absolute perfection for each other and it’s hard to settle for second best. The fact is, you will need to keep your high standards and mix them with a reality factor that allows you to keep the best of what you produce without condemning yourselves for what you have not been able to achieve. You will be able to reach heights of unity and expression, but there will always be a firmament up above. It would be a dull world if you could get it all in a single sweep. Therefore look to what you can achieve and save a little for the next time around. Judgment Day will come soon enough, or perhaps never. In the meantime, you have each other.

Page 25 Relationship Interpretation The Tropical Zodiac

Psychic Eye Astrology Analysis John F. Kennedy Marilyn Monroe

provided by Psychic Eye Book Shops The Relationship Chart Although most successful astrological techniques have long histories of usage which may go back as far as the ancient Greeks and Babylonians, the relationship chart is by these standards brand-new. Unlike the plethora of other new and often doubtful techniques which were being tried out during this period, the relationship chart turned out to be so consistently and often brilliantly revealing that it was taken up by virtually every astrologer and a generation later has become a standard technique for analyzing personal relationships.

The concept is so simple it’s a wonder no one thought of it earlier. A relationship chart is simply a horoscope made up from the midpoint in time and space between the natal charts of two different persons.

This astrological “weather” is the repeating transits of the planets and Lights which, as in the case of physical coastlines, have literally created the shape of the coastline to begin with. It is a mathematical phenomenon, described by the numbers themselves that are used to construct the relationship chart to combine the two personalities. For instance, we know each person experiences regular daily, monthly, and yearly transits to his/her natal sun, giving that point a rising and falling rhythm. The relationship sun is precisely that point where any of these rhythms shift over from one person to the other, shift from relative increase to decrease and vice-versa, one to another. It is really a critical, phase-shift, handshake point where one person (usually without knowing it) hands the ball to the other with a mutual shift of energy and responsibility. It is a point of mutual empowerment, the swing point where one gives over to the other at the most primal level. As the transits roll by, the individual solar rhythms continually recreate this transfer point establishing a separate, mutual rhythm unique to the relationship. This happens not only to the two individual’s natal Suns, but to all their other natal bodies as well; and when you connect the points, you begin to describe this relationship shoreline.

Like any natal chart, this physical/mathematical time-midpoint takes on a life of its own which may be quite different from that of the two individuals from which it has sprung. Two persons who both have easy aspects between the Lights may find they have a relationship Sun/Moon square which may be quite difficult to deal with — difficult in ways with which the two are natally quite unfamiliar which makes them wonder just what is going on. Conversely, persons who may have quite a struggle by themselves in certain areas, may find that the relationship all by itself seems to

Page 1 themselves in certain areas, may find that the relationship all by itself seems to

magically free them to function better than either could alone. It is here that the relationship does indeed become revealed as more than the sum of its parts.

Since the relationship chart (and by extension the relationship itself) is created by the combination of repetitive individual cycles and their mutual exchange, the longer two people are together, the stronger the effect of the relationship chart as it ingrains itself and achieves a momentum of its own. This makes good aspects more reliable and makes bad habits repeat themselves and very much contributes to the long-term strengths and weaknesses of a relationship. Since both strengths and problems in most relationships tend to sustain themselves at an unconscious level and are thus often difficult to control or change, the relationship chart becomes a matchless tool for throwing light on the workings of the relationship and opening it to conscious development and growth. It is probably the first thing both partners should look at when establishing a relationship. They should continually refer to it as time goes by during which they will become much more in control of how the relationship develops and will be less likely to be carried away by circumstances outside of their understanding.

It may be said that some marriages or partnerships were meant to be and others not meant to be. Relationship charts most certainly indicate this immediately, but using them to begin with gives both partners a kind of control they previously would not have had and enables them to fix to some extent that which should otherwise have been avoided and to maximize benefits that might otherwise have been taken for granted. It enables both partners, if they are willing to take the individual responsibility, not to be controlled by this strange third party, that a relationship itself becomes, but to step in and out of it to their mutual advantage. This is actually quite a modern, revolutionary idea, particularly where marriages are concerned. In the past, both partners have been considered to be slaves to the marriage which must by agreement dominate their lives, however well it is working out. The Reformation’s message was: if it doesn’t work out, divorce. This new view of relationships, in recognizing that any two persons are dealing with a powerful but manipulatable third party made up by the interaction of the two of them, allows both to slip out and become individuals when it is better to do so and to ride the power of the relationship when both will benefit. Just as the relationship chart itself describes the subtleties of mutual empowerment, the use of the technique further empowers those involved and allows them further control over their lives which otherwise would have been unwittingly denied them. In astrology, as elsewhere, knowledge is power: blind fate is the child of ignorance, and destiny is an afterthought of what you should have considered (and acted upon) in the first place.

Page 2 considered (and acted upon) in the first place.

INTRODUCING THE PLAYERS When analyzing this relationship chart, you will be looking at four different levels of understanding which represent four different sections or layers of the relationship. They are Planets, Signs, Houses and Aspects. Planets (10) include the eight known planets (besides Earth, Sun and Moon) are the driving wheels of the chart. They are the energy sources that interact to make up the dynamics of the relationship from which everything derives or modifies their natures and influence. Each planet has its own contribution to the whole: Sun gives life force, Mars gives physical energy, Saturn creates limits, and so on. If beneficially interacting or modified, their overall effect will be positive and in concert. If positioned poorly, they may conflict and detract from each other, causing problem areas in the relationship.

SIGNS (12) may be seen as filters through which the energies and influences of the planets pass, giving them a particular stylistic twist and coloring the overall picture in characteristic hues. The Sun’s rays and inner light, for instance, are consistent throughout the signs of the Zodiac; but as they pass through Gemini, they have a special lightness and clarity, through Scorpio, a darker and deeper coloration, and so on, each sign selectively letting more of certain characteristics than others pass through.

HOUSES (12) are the personal landscapes onto which these influences are brought to earth. Whereas the planets and signs have more to do with energy and style, the houses are, by and large, quite physical and behavioral in nature. They cover physical areas like property, children, partners and behavioral areas like sex, travel, or recreation. Where the effects of the planets fall by house will be where you see them manifested in your immediate lives and surroundings.

ASPECTS (5) are the angles at which the planetary impulses reach earth and either combine, conflict, or pass each other by entirely. These largely determine the kind of action, or lack of it, you will experience in the relationship, because they are the motivating forces in interaction. Mars (energy) blending nicely with Saturn (limitation) can mean well-controlled and focused energy. The same two at odds with one another can mean a debilitating energy drain or limits that are broken when they should not be. Add the signs and houses to these, and you’ll find where it happens in life and with what kind of style and coloration.

Combine 10 planets with 12 signs, 12 houses, and 5 aspects and the number of possible blends becomes, appropriately, astronomical — a broad palette, indeed. Add

Page 3 possible blends becomes, appropriately, astronomical — a broad palette, indeed. Add

further the Ascendant and the Moon’s nodes, each having their own special place in the picture, and the possibilities are numerous and the knowledge you gain becomes exceedingly fruitful. In such an in-depth study many other factors that defy computer analysis come into play: integration of signature planetary patterns, interdependent midpoint structures, symbolic degree areas, elemental and proximity weighting, progressions, transits, cycle phases, and a host of other technologies that add enormously to the detail and background and in some cases may even contradict what a simpler readout might suggest. There is no substitute for human expertise.

The greater use you can derive from this kind of presentation, therefore, is an introduction to a host of intricacies of your relationship that you likely did not know were there. Once these intricacies are spotted, you have the opportunity to take better advantage of what is already going for you and more effectively grapple with problems that were hidden or only partially-revealed before. Perhaps the greatest benefit of all may be an expanded awareness of the structure of relationships and the realization that you have a great deal more power over how they proceed than you might previously have thought. Herewith are some of the most elementary tools for exercising that power; use them well and they will lead you on to higher planes of human interaction and personal empowerment.

Page 4 John F. Kennedy 14 I 34 J31 a` 21 H Marilyn Monroe 05 b 06 09 07 c Relationship Chart I I 22 43 H 19 02 H November 29, 1921 42 02 19 J 54 G 6:45:00 PM GMT 28 j 01 17 40N38 / 96W06 VVV[ G d K VVV 00 14 VV\X } G November 29, 1921 TT X 05 12 e SS 55 G SS T G 05 f 6:45:00 PM GMT 01 WY 35 01 WW V Tropical Placidus True Node L W V F 48 R 47 g 05 L ] 47 X T S T } 56 S E 15 h House Cusps 00 } E 17 A I L k 10th 14 34 1st 01 47 19 } 42 11th 05 J 31 2nd 19 A 01 A 37 D 01 D 28 12th 28 J 42 3rd 21 B 06 09 i 21B D31 Personal Points 06 05 R.A.M.C. 253 15 14 C 34 Medium Coeli14 I 34 Co Ascendant 25 K 13 Ascendant 01 L 47 Polar Ascendant 16 F 43 Vertex 17 F 53 Equatorial Ascendant 11 L 51

Long. Lat. Decl. R.A.

` 07 I 0152 00 N00 21 S29 245 12 Planets by House 09 I 43 04 N04 17 S53 248 42 a 5 Life 4 Angular b 22 H 02 01 N16 17 S03 229 57 1 Substance 2 Succedent 19 H 54 01 N10 16 S36 227 47 3 Relationships c 4 Cadent 1 Endings ` d 14 G 05 01 N20 04 S20 193 29 Q a e 12 G 55 01 N11 04 S00 192 21 b f 05 G 35 02 N12 00 S12 186 00 Planets by Sign 3 Fire Q c g 05 L 48 00 S46 10 S06 337 53 4 Cardinal 0 Earth V d 15 E 56 } 00 N06 16 N10 138 26 3 Fixed h 3 Air 3 Mutable Q \ V V e i 09 D 37 } 03 S14 19 N52 100 13 4 Water Q X X V V f l 09 A 41 } 02 N01 05 N41 008 06 W T T g m 01 G 25 10 S04 09 S48 177 15 V V T S h n 20 J 19 07 N40 14 S20 290 48 S T T T W W i o 15 G 10 08 N51 02 N12 197 23 T R R R S S l 12 B 43 } 08 S49 07 N15 042 57 p X Q [ V m L N00 S50 48 q 01 47 00 10 333 X V V \ X n I r 14 34 00 N00 22 S33 253 15 T R T V Q Q V [ o j True 17 G 00 } Mean 15 G 23 } W V T W W R W p p o n m l i h g f e d c b a ` John F. & Marilyn

The Relationship SUN The relationship Sun, like the Sun in a natal chart, is the heart of the relationship and its primary drive and focus. The sign in which it falls will color the entire relationship, as many of the important events in the relationship will occur when transiting bodies are in this sign. If it is strong in its house position and supported by good aspects from other bodies, the relationship will have a solid center and will tend to sustain itself despite the buffets of adversity. If it is poorly aspected or in a difficult house position, the relationship will be easily damaged and difficult to repair as the natural cyclical transits will tend to reinforce negative qualities of the relationship rather than positive. The Sun’s primary quality is restorative drive, the general impetus toward life and its sustenance, rather than any specific traits or areas of endeavor such as are represented by the planets. Therefore its placement will tell the overall thrust and style of the relationship and how well it bears up under fire, rather than give the details of just how it will do so. A badly placed Sun can mean a relationship that is almost certain to fail, because wounds to the partnership won’t heal themselves. A very well-placed Sun can mean a relationship that sustains and resuscitates itself so well that it may even be difficult to get out of should either partner choose to do so (as might be the case if the planetary aspects were very difficult or if the two natal charts themselves were in great conflict). It is the driving engine of the relationship and everything else orbits around it and derives life from its energy.

SUN in SAGITTARIUS `in I This position will flavor your relationship with a wide-ranging ability to see all sides of all issues and the world may be your playground, physically, mentally, and emotionally. Whenever you have finished exploring one facet of what you have together, the inclination will be not to stop there, but to leap on to another and yet another world to enter and explore. Barring any severe afflictions, this has the effect of picking out the good, amusing, and interesting and having a merry time with it and moving on before any potential trouble surfaces. This makes the relationship an uplifting resource and haven for both of you, particularly when either of you may be feeling a bit depressed. On the other hand, it will mean a tendency to gloss over differences that may surface later and cause complications, so it might be good for you each individually to chase after the bits and pieces you leave behind together as a unit and make sure that there is nothing troublesome. Because you emphasize the positive side of things, you can be a great help to others who tend to become preoccupied with the mundane.

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The Relationship MOON The symbolism of the relationship Moon in a relationship is that of reflection — not in the sense of intellectual deliberation or thoughtful rumination but much more literally, reflective like a mirror. Whereas the Sun represents the primal, outgoing energy in the relationship, the Moon shows how the relationship reacts to situations once they have been presented to it. When someone approaches you with an idea, do you react to it, criticize it, laugh at it or with it? Steal it? Ignore it? Expand upon it? Extending this logic, it, of course means how you feel about a situation, the process and style in which your emotions are stirred. The things to which you react include each other, so the position of the relationship Moon will be critical to the emotional well-being and functionality of the relationship, independent of your individual natures. Thus, a well- placed and well-supported relationship Moon can lend clarity and cooperation to the most confused and befuddled people who might never expect to get along; whereas an afflicted relationship Moon can throw dissension and conflict into the lives of the most well-adjusted and easy-going persons who normally get along with everybody. This is, of course, because this reflective, emotional effect is largely subconscious, and because it does not emanate from either of you in the usual way, you are unfamiliar with its style and rhythms. This accounts for a lot of the “magic” - both good and bad - that is associated with relationships. On the positive side, it can mean a relationship that seems to heal one or both of you and just makes everything go right that didn’t before. This is a marvelous feeling but one that can lead to a mistaken dependency on your partner as the source of the improvement when it is actually the relationship itself that should get the credit. On the opposite side it can lead to mutual blame for making things worse when the fault lies with neither of you but in the structure of the situation itself. The great advantage of having the details of the relationship chart available to you is that you can better differentiate the strengths and weaknesses of the situation from those which may lie within yourselves. The former you will have to work around on the exterior, the latter you will have to work from within. In tandem with the Sun, the Moon and its position will make or break most relationships. If the Sun and Moon are well-placed and well- aspected, the relationship is anything from a good bet to a sure thing, regardless of the other positions and problems that need to be worked out. If the Sun and Moon are badly positioned or afflicted, it will be an uphill fight all the way, and one that either or both of you may choose to set aside unless you feel compelled to spend a great deal of time, energy, and emotion rising to the challenge. Life is about choices, and here especially the relationship chart can help supply the data you need to aid you in your selection.

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MOON in SAGITTARIUS a in I You, global travelers of the heart, who can sample joys and pleasures of a breadth not so easily open to others have the emotional inclination to traverse worlds of experience together. You can share an intensity that suffuses all your activities and spreads an infectious brand of laughter and good will to those around you if you just let loose and enjoy it. One person’s problem can more easily be resolved by consultation with another and both can reach a conclusion that neither would have reached as an individual. Only be aware that it will be easier to come up with overall solutions than to resolve the individual details that come up once you have taken a given position. Thus, a certain look-before-you-leap advisory should be in effect, even when your immediate response seems clear and obvious. It’s the little things that will trip you up, and later rather than sooner, which makes them dubious at best. A sense of righteousness and justice will always be an overlay to the way you feel, and compromise will be a necessary route to achieve it even though it may seem to go against principle at the outset. As large a view as you have, reality is always larger and half the adventure of life is in finding out just how big things can really get.

The Relationship MERCURY Mercury in the relationship chart represents the mutual meeting of minds, or lack of it, between you. It also represents your ability to communicate to others as a couple or as individuals. In the first instance, in which the position symbolizes the shore between two intellects, it will be important to know what kind of communication goes on: by style, substance, and action (sign, house, and aspect). A well-placed Mercury will mean that you can put clearly into words what you mean to say to each other, and such a position can be of great help in alleviating emotional problems that may not easily come to the surface. If you can both say how you feel, you’ve gone a long way towards being able to change. On the other hand, a badly placed Mercury can have the opposite effect, stirring up emotional problems where there were none by simply getting communications wires crossed. In a professional relationship this can mean all sorts of pointless starts and stops because of faulty information, particularly in an increasingly information-oriented society. The position of Mercury therefore becomes increasingly critical in relationships in general. Its placement also describes how you communicate as a duo with the public at large, so herein lies further opportunities for good or ill. Well-placed, it will mean that you may be able to get yourself across to the world at large through the relationship rather than on your own. Where there are difficulties here, it may be better to speak your own piece and not let the relationship represent you. Nevertheless, knowing the situation in advance can help enormously, as you won’t have to learn the communications value of the relationship by trial and error or blame each other for problems that arise from what is essentially a third

Page 3 error or blame each other for problems that arise from what is essentially a third

John F. & Marilyn party with its own horoscope, the relationship itself. Rather, you can take advantage of the best that it offers and avoid what looks like trouble by one or both of you pulling back on your own to handle problems the relationship does not cope with well.

MERCURY in SCORPIO b in H A very careful and controlled approach to verbalization and communication will characterize this relationship. This is in part due to your viewing this aspect of your partnership as an important arena of contact and one which will allow you to be in charge of the situation if used properly. You are likely to develop plans slowly and with considerable intensity; and once decided on something, you will tend to stick to it with determination. To the extent that you do this out of conviction of the appropriateness of your decision, your position will stand the test of time. Be careful that you do not do it out of pride or defensiveness, however, or your position of power can simply be circling the wagons and inviting destruction. Avoid confrontations and don’t fight (particularly with each other) unless there is an overriding reason, as wounds so incurred will run deep and will soon not be forgotten. Be as inclusive as you can in your communication with others, because it will be easy to pull back into your own mutual opinions, which will seem quite sufficient and miss other possibilities that might have real promise for both of you. Once you get to grappling with how to express what you mean, however, you won’t be satisfied until you get several levels deeper than most would care to penetrate, and the intensity of exploring unknown worlds beneath the surface of things will be a joy and a reward, even if only the two of you know just how far you got.

The Relationship VENUS The planet Venus represents desire, attraction, what you physically and emotionally desire and as a relationship position describes where your desires meet and either blend or conflict, or a bit of both. This is too often applied to love interests alone, although it covers them as well. It means everything you desire - money, position, beautiful things, property, friends, lovers, anything that you want and believe if you get it, will make you happy. It also has another side which is your ability to appear to provide just such fulfillment for others, thus symbolizing personal charm, beauty, attractiveness, wealth, and so on. It’s the two-way wish fulfillment point where dreams are born. When this is viewed between two people as a relationship point, it means how and whether you make each other’s dreams, on a very basic level, come true. If badly placed, it can mean continual desire and constant disappointment. If strong by position, it will be a buttress to the relationship, as you know you will always get what you want when you come back to it. It is, of course, critical in telling how a sexual

Page 4 you want when you come back to it. It is, of course, critical in telling how a sexual

John F. & Marilyn relationship will unfold and can spell repeated ecstasy or constant frustration, especially taken in tandem with relationship Mars. It also represents how well the relationship as a whole will be able to realize its goals and desires, which will of course be directly connected with its ability to make itself desirable, both of which are described by this relationship point. Thus, an afflicted relationship Venus is a double indemnity, because it usually prevents either of you from getting what you want out of each other, and it means the relationship will not get what it wants, either. Conversely, a well-aspected relationship Venus is like a gift from above, as it means mutual success and satisfaction all around. In judging the overall success of a relationship, this is indeed a very important position.

VENUS in SCORPIO c in H “Wellsprings of desire” might be a good catch-phrase to describe this relationship: when you want it, you want it bad and will go to great lengths to get it. This will apply to money, love, sex, position, reputation, or just vindication of something you have said or stood for. This can make you formidable suitors or foes, both as far as the outside world is concerned and in relationships with each other. On the outside, this will be an advantage, but it can work against you if you are too insistent on achieving goals or desires that one or the other may not particularly want. Intensity and unbending relentlessness might permanently damage one or the other of you or the relationship. You will gain the reputation, as time goes by, of a pair that means what they say and gets what they want, a characterization that will only enhance your standing and respect among others. Faith and trust among your friends, fear and respect among your foes, will be an earmark of this relationship. Where these qualities typify the relation between the two of you, let them manifest as loyalty to each other and determination to make things work out mutually, rather than as a drive to impose the will of one of you upon the other.

The Relationship MARS Mars represents physical and emotional energy, and as such the ability and inclination to get things done, to fulfill desire by taking action. By itself it is really just raw energy, and its placement, particularly in relation to the other bodies in the chart, describes where and how well this energy will be directed. As a relationship point, it describes how your two energy directions mesh and whether they will reinforce each other or simply get in each other’s way. It will tell whether sparks will fly, igniting random and destructive brush fires, or whether a controlled fire will blossom that will become the engine to power and fulfill your desires under your own direction. Its relationship to Venus, particularly in sexual relationships, is critical, as it will describe

Page 5 relationship to Venus, particularly in sexual relationships, is critical, as it will describe

John F. & Marilyn whether it will fulfill or deny your sexual needs. In both male and female it describes sexual drive as well as assertiveness and ultimately, aggression. Thus, a well positioned relationship Mars allows the two of you to unite your energies naturally toward whatever goal you choose, while a difficult placing will put your efforts constantly at odds, wasting your efforts in mutual conflict or confusion when you should be utilizing them otherwise. As with Venus, this can be the greatest natural blessing or a terrible stumbling block. A strong relationship Mars can energize and focus two people who are otherwise at sixes and sevens with themselves, and a troublesome one can throw the most balanced performers into disarray as they wonder what hit them to throw them so off balance. Thus, it will be wise to understand this position well so as to know whether to ride it or back off. It will also portray the power potential of the relationship as it exists in the outside world. A strong Mars has the energy to carry others along with it, whereas a disabled one will tend to break down already functioning operations in the relationships’ social surroundings. None of this suggests that a difficult Mars means you should forget about the relationship, however, as if one of you is simply put in charge in certain areas, mutually compartmentalizing the energy flow; the ill effect can be largely disenabled, albeit at the price of local inequality. It is something to be considered with care and attention, however, as herein lies much of your self-empowerment and control over your lives.

MARS in d in G You share a great talent to insert your energies into a variety of situations and therefore become an agent of change. You will likely find yourselves eager to get involved in the projects of others in hopes of improving them, which in many cases you can achieve with success. It may be difficult to resist the urge to shift things around just to see how it will all turn out, so keep in mind that some situations are better left alone. The same applies for your attempts at self-improvement within the relationship, which itself will be subject to a lot of self-induced change that may be appropriate or turn out to be superfluous and counter-productive. It’s a judgment call, but take a second look before you rock the boat. Outside the relationship, your ability to recognize the need for and implement change can equally make you be viewed as welcoming healers or snooping meddlers, so walk with care, but don’t hesitate to exercise your talents when it’s obvious they are needed, and especially when requested. When you can not only tell when things are right, but can cause them to become so, it is your duty to yourselves and others to follow through with your best effort. The same goes for individual problems, which your joint action can go a long way towards bringing to light and providing solutions.

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The Relationship JUPITER Jupiter in any chart represents the capacity for growth and expansion in relation to whatever it is connected. It means bigger, better, newer, faster, higher, and more developed. It is usually looked at only in the positive aspect, but it also has the potential to get out of hand if not checked and directed. The relationship chart is the area that your mutual aspiration and inventiveness meet, a point where creativity is strong but which may or may not bring its potentials to fruition, depending upon its placement and how you handle it. Well-aspected it allows you to view realistically and act effectively upon what you determine together to make the relationship a spawning ground of limitless opportunity, more than either of you could manage separately. Debilitated, it can mean overblown expectations that come to nothing, biting off more than you can chew, situations that spiral out of control, and projects that perish under their own weight. But these ills aside, Jupiter usually does more good than harm and under most conditions it is the place to look for blessings. A solid relationship Jupiter will mean that you can always look to the relationship to pull each of you up another step when you are stagnating and it will mean that others can look to the two of you for inspiration and new ideas. Where it is difficult, you will have to take the opportunity to restrain yourself now and again and develop only that which you think you can use at the time to avoid wasting your energies on unrealizable goals. It will show you where the big picture is and provide the kind of life overview which the relationship teaches that you might not have discovered on your own. It can be the force that carries you both away with each other and raises you to heights you didn’t know you had. Its only danger is allowing the relationship to take over you as individuals. Use it as a resource for each of you to draw on, not the other way round, and it will always pay off for you.

JUPITER in LIBRA e in G The way in which your relationship will grow, and its success, will much depend on your ability to juggle varying factors and balance them out. Shed your inappropriate feelings and responses but strive for and nurture a balance between you. Any approach that favors one of you over the other can become easily unbalanced and upset the apple cart. The same goes for the way you develop outside efforts together: a trim ship is the order of the day and the watchword is don’t rock the boat. Of course, in trying to stabilize a boat at sea, to take the analogy further, it’s easy to rock it further and even capsize it by too quick and enthusiastic a motion. A certain forward- thinking evenhandedness is essential in getting the task accomplished. When tempted to heavily counterbalance an unstable situation, it’s often better to go for the center and let things even out by themselves rather than overcompensate and wind up

Page 7 and let things even out by themselves rather than overcompensate and wind up

John F. & Marilyn floundering. You will find this often to characterize the situations you get yourselves into, and moderation of movement, both emotionally and tactically, will usually be the solution when things get out of hand. Grow and change aggressively, but steer your course down the channel; the winds and waves of life will provide plenty of interest if you just stick to that and don’t sport in them too thoughtlessly.

The Relationship SATURN Saturn is usually considered the bugbear among planets and has an evil reputation that it only partially deserves. It is associated with restriction, contraction, dearth, debilitation, and a host of other adjectives that add up to not getting what you want. That is, however, only partly true. It might be better to say that it describes extreme delineation, concreteness, and finality — reality in the most concrete sense. Much of our lives are comprised of hopes, plans, desires, dreams, wishes, and expectation, and Saturn describes what actually becomes of them. So in such a goal-oriented, future- driven society as ours, what actually happens is all too often a disappointment, the result of failed unrealistic expectations. Thus, Saturn in the relationship chart is where you both get down to brass tacks and determine (or have determined for you) what actually is to be. If this point is well-situated, it means that you can rely on each other and the relationship as something that delivers every time. It will lend solidity to the relationship and make it something you can lean on when either of you need to be backed up. It will also make the two of you a haven for others in distress. In a difficult position, it will mean that you tend to fail each other, to bring each other down, and to sap each other’s energies physically or emotionally. In this situation it can highlight the insecurities of the relationship and mark for failure what might otherwise have succeeded. But in either situation, like any other planet, it will not touch every aspect of the relationship and so you are free to be selective if you know what areas it is either supporting or restricting. You want to know what the bottom line is everywhere, however; and that is what Saturn will tell you. But you don’t have to invest in stocks you think are going to depreciate, either. If you recognize early what the downsides and the support pillars of the relationship are, you can use one to stand on while you either avoid or make repairs upon the other at your leisure. If you do not, ignorance is the ally of the dark side and it will have much greater power to pull you in and cripple you. Find your foundation stones early, so your house will not be built upon sand; and, in time, your temple will rise to the skies.

SATURN in LIBRA f in G It will be very important that you deal fairly with each other at the most basic level for this relationship to have real stability. Occasionally you may have an advantage over

Page 8 this relationship to have real stability. Occasionally you may have an advantage over

John F. & Marilyn the other but the small inequalities are inevitable and should not be allowed to get in the way. Rather, when all else is stripped away, if you both feel that you have equal input and control over what is going on at the most personal level, then everything else will tend to take care of itself. The extent that you succeed here will be your greatest strength and make you both quite impervious to outside interference or inequity. Know, however, that if one fails and the other attempts to gain the advantage, the relationship could be destroyed. In other words, you can survive hard times or unfair circumstances better than most, but mutual betrayal will be the hardest thing to recover from, if indeed it can be done at all. Thus, if you can be true to each other, all else can be ignored and endured. If you cannot, all the good in the world will not keep things together. So you should go into this relationship with fullest intent to keep it trusting and equal, or avoid it entirely. It may not be such a great responsibility or even a difficult one, but it will be essential.

The Relationship URANUS Uranus is one of the three relatively recently-discovered outer planets, and all three are marked with a reality common to new experience and endeavor. They are not fully explored and thus not very much under our control. Uranus has been known the longest, (since 1786), and is a bit more familiar. It is associated with sudden events, shocks, realizations, discoveries, and other highly delineated events that sheer off quickly and completely from their previous states or surroundings. For creatures of habit, such as most of us are, this is usually upsetting and generally bad news. But it does not have to be. Your ability to use Uranus instead of letting it abuse you, is directly related to how flexible and quick on your feet you are. It also is linked to how willing you are to accept and welcome change as part of the nature of things. If you accept it grudgingly, then Uranus will always be a symbol of malice; if you welcome it with open arms, it will be a deliverance and an inspiration. In the relationship chart, Uranus is where the two of you are repeatedly forced to rise to this occasion, and its contacts will tell in what areas of life it usually manifests. Well situated, it is a mutual window onto the future, flooding you both with light and clueing you into what is coming next. In such a position, it will make the relationship an eye-opener, which you come back to time and again for more. It will also tend to put you both ahead of the game emotionally and socially placing you in a leadership position among others where future thinking is concerned. In a difficult place, it will mean that you bring to each other incidents and accidents in areas where you are the most entrenched and you force each other to come to grips with ideas with which you refuse to deal. This can be a source of great mutual blame: “You made me get into this. If it weren’t for you, this never would have happened. . . ” and so on. This is particularly the case in sexual affairs in a society that is at heart so sexually conservative (even backward)

Page 9 sexual affairs in a society that is at heart so sexually conservative (even backward)

John F. & Marilyn and yet ruthlessly courts danger by flaunting it everywhere as if it were an everyday affair. Perhaps the only way to deal with this planet is to expect the unexpected, thus robbing it of harm and providing it with a welcome. If you are ready to harness it - like a wild horse - you can ride it far. If you turn your back, it will surely trample you. Where this occurs in the relationship chart, keep your eyes wide open, your stance wide, and your tolerance level on maximum.

URANUS in PISCES g in L Getting a fix on the specifics of reality and bringing clarity into your relationship may be difficult, especially if you demand hard and fast results which do not waver. Uranus looks for delineated events and clear resolutions, while Pisces tends to cleanse things and to blend them. Thus, to be successful, you need to be willing to accept tentative results and opinions and avoid seeking or imposing too specific a version of reality on each other or the world at large. Above all, you will need to recognize that things change, inside and outside, and the joy in life is being in contact and flowing with the continual transformation to reality that you feel going on around you. That means being tolerant not only of each other’s foibles, but letting it be OK if he or she suddenly changes and the person you knew yesterday seems different from the one you knew the day before. If the bond between you is intuitive and emotional, instead of based on demonstrated physical facts and behavior, you will be in control of the process. With such an approach, you will be able to apply it to the outside world as well and be able to judge not only where things are (which may be uncertain at times) but where they are going (which will actually be easier to judge). Be willing to float free in the present and you will be able to propel yourself into the future.

The Relationship NEPTUNE The effects of Neptune, another outer planet and a recent discovery, are often largely out of our control both by our unfamiliarity with its effects and the apparent nature of the planet which represents the uncertain, dreams, illusions, ideals, mystery, and the higher unexplored (and perhaps unexplorable entirely) plane of the spiritual world. Its nature is so uncertain, it’s not even known exactly when it was discovered; various claims exist from 1810 all the way up to 1846, and we may never know for sure. It may be viewed from afar with a certain amount of analysis, however. When we find an area of mystery, it is our natural instinct to provide something to fill that void. Nature abhors a vacuum and our minds rush in to fill it with every kind of speculation and fantasy, if only to have something to act on in the area. Whatever is actually there will turn up eventually. In the meantime we provide ourselves with an image which may be close enough to the truth to better help us function or may be off in fantasyland and

Page 10 be close enough to the truth to better help us function or may be off in fantasyland and

John F. & Marilyn fail us utterly if we are unwise enough to lean on it. We know only in hindsight. Thus, in a relationship chart, this point becomes the place where dreams, fantasies, hopes and ideals meet or clash, and inspire us or drag us down in confusion and conflict. Too many wars and personal battles have been fought over it needlessly, because none of these things actually existed until later. That’s the crux of it: don’t fight over what isn’t there, at least not yet. Well placed, this planet will help you aspire to higher, more selfless goals but even they can make you take them more seriously than they are. Badly positioned, it can lead to lies, deceit, and mistrust based on mutual misreading of the unknown and the foolish action taken upon it. In the end, it is a gentle, diaphanous planet that can never be forced. Dreams and fantasies belong to each of you individually; and when they are similar enough to share, whether emotionally, sexually, spiritually, or even financially, they can be the greatest of joys. If one of you tries to enforce any of it on the other, however, everything will turn distasteful and there will be no dreams left; the mist will be blown away and only a charred landscape will remain. Where this point occurs, go gently, expect nothing, and everything will be returned to you.

NEPTUNE in LEO h in E Your inner fires have been fueled by a broad spectrum of hopes and ideals of the most positive nature, and it is very important to keep them refueled and refreshed in the face of the changes and disappointments that life brings. Essentially, the higher your hopes, the greater the letdowns you are subject to when things don’t work out as you planned. Therefore it is imperative that you realize that you elevate reality directly in proportion to how much you want to get out of it. Let down your expectations, and results will drop accordingly, so keep ‘em up and flying! To quote Rogers and Hammerstein, “You got to have a dream, if you don’t have a dream, then how you goin’ to have a dream come true?” So do not let circumstances control your ideals, but rather the other way around. Although you may have less external control than you would like, what you do inside is entirely up to you. And what you feel inside does impact positively (if your feelings are positive) on the external world. It might be an overstatement to say that it is your responsibility to yourself and others to proceed in this fashion, but it certainly wouldn’t be far off the mark. Your ability to share your dreams and so inspire each other and those around you is a gift that will always bring you reward.

The Relationship PLUTO Of the three outer planets, Pluto is the most recently discovered (1930) and least subject to our control. As such, it is even considered the planet of power and control,

Page 11 subject to our control. As such, it is even considered the planet of power and control,

John F. & Marilyn ultimately because it so controls us in our attempt to overcome it. It is, of course, appropriately named after the ancient god of death, the thing which in the last analysis we cannot control; and at the most basic instinctual level, all the control we try to exercise in life is simply a ploy to cheat death a little longer. It is called the survival instinct. The point at which Pluto occurs in the relationship chart is thus, at a deep level, where we meet in our ability to face death. But it doesn’t manifest itself that way on the surface. Instead, it shows up as the methods we use to keep control in order to avoid the certainty of personal annihilation. Well placed, it will mean a partnership that simply doesn’t worry about keeping in control of the situation, secure in the faith that things will take care of themselves and when it’s time to go, you’re in God’s hands. In a bad place or aspect, it will mean continuous attempts to gain power over each other and the environment (according to aspect, sign, and house) and a penchant for compulsive behavior that easily gets out of control. Or, rather, it was never in control to begin with. In some instances, particularly sexual, this can be heightened to mystic proportions, and though it can be playing with fire it can also be very revelatory. Where prominently placed, for well or ill, it will give the relationship an aura of inescapability and predestination, something that sweeps over you both (like sex or death) and takes you out of yourselves. Similarly, you may find the relationship itself has something of this effect on others, giving you a greater power (a power which you must be careful not to abuse) over those around you. In the end, however, it is the willingness to relinquish control as well as take it that resolves problematic issues. In the meantime, the ability to step away from the relationship and out of its sway, at least in Pluto-affected areas, can be an important safety measure.

PLUTO in CANCER i in D The bottom-line issues of this relationship, those that will most strongly unite or divide you, will be those concerning how to handle the structure and behavior of the family unit, religion, personal and sexual morality, and other affairs of private life. These will often seem to be life or death matters, upon which you will risk your own integrity and that of the relationship. When you agree in these matters, you have an unbreakable bond that can carry you through a lot of adversity, but when you disagree you can be put at odds in the most intractable fashion. The greatest problem, where there is one, will be the difficulty in airing differences because of a disinclination to express them accurately and respect the other person’s position. They are grounded not in intellect, but emotion, and as such are more difficult to localize, examine, and adapt where necessary. Because they are major groundworks of personal control and defense, you can recognize them when you find yourself using such words as “must, ” ”always, ” ”never, ” and other absolutes to which fallible mortals are not entitled to use, particularly in emotional affairs. If there is a way of understanding and circumventing

Page 12 particularly in emotional affairs. If there is a way of understanding and circumventing

John F. & Marilyn the conflicts which these might bring, it may be to realize that you each have your own individual relationship with your Maker (or the Universe, or however you want to express it), which is not that of the other, or any other. You live with it, and you will die with it, and to force that special relationship on another is to directly fly in the face of the Creator. Make your own peace, and let others make theirs; that is ultimately all that is given to you. If you can do it together, ideally in unity, then you have achieved something special; but to do so you must tend your own garden first, because that is what you are ultimately responsible for.

PISCES ASCENDANT q in L This relationship has a certain natural camouflage that can be greatly useful or terribly frustrating, depending on the situation. It leads you both to a heightened awareness of the feelings of those around you, but it also can lead to your being totally ignored, even when you want to be heard. The problem is one of communication — what you need to communicate is in the realm of feelings. Words are often insufficient particularly when they are directed towards uncomprehending ears. Nevertheless, because of just this, you will be looked at together (as you may not be separately) as non-threatening and having a sympathetic ear and so will be privy to much more information than you might otherwise have access to. The problem is utilizing it efficiently, and that may have to be done by one of you at a time, depending upon your stand-alone styles and personalities. For this reason, because you really do appear to blend together so thoroughly as a relationship, it will be well to spend quality time alone as well as with each other so you don’t lose touch with your individual interiors and so that others don’t lose sight of you in this respect as well.

URANUS in FIRST HOUSE g in 1st A very up-front quality will characterize your relationship, one which may be described as candid and truthful, or perhaps undiplomatic and thoughtless. It’s just that when you get together you have a way of putting the truth as you see it in a unvarnished manner to either impress or possibly offend. In part this is because you see things a little differently when together and what would ordinarily be viewed as unusual or controversial by either alone seems perfectly ordinary when you’re together. That can make for a very stimulating relationship, as it opens you both up to new ways of looking at reality, but it can be a bumpy road as it doesn’t happen smoothly but in fits and starts. Although original approaches will abound and you will stimulate in each other a leadership quality ahead of your time, it will be wise to remember that more can be gotten by persuasion than by coercion, and too direct an approach may seem like your forcing the issue when you’re just telling it like it is. A

Page 13 approach may seem like your forcing the issue when you’re just telling it like it is. A

John F. & Marilyn little practice in sugar-coating the pill wouldn’t be amiss, both in the way you approach each other and particularly in the way you deal with the public at large.

URANUS trine PLUTO g S i This outer planetary aspect is fairly infrequent and last occurred in the sky in the early 1920’s, then not until well into the 21st century, which means you were born just as the twenties began roaring, or on either side of that period timewise. This is the generation that fought and died in World War II. The symbolism describes it: Uranus (explosive discovery, truth) working with Pluto (implacable force, death). What is interesting is that the aspect, a trine is allegedly benefic. In fact, what it does is give a belief in a particular personal or national truth the confident backing of perceived inevitability. When two different sets of beliefs have this sort of uncompromising self- assuredness, the truth is discovered in explosion, force, and death. That possibility lies within this relationship, even if you are both not of that generation. Not that you’re going to start a world war, but you may be so confident of your perception of the truth that you walk into confrontations you were sure you would breeze through without challenge and wind up in a serious conflict. The fact is, most of the time your confidence will see your way clear and you will not have to come to confrontation, because others will give way to your apparent knowledge. But if you run across someone else like yourselves in this respect, run for cover.

URANUS conjunct ASCENDANT g Q q This is bound to be an unusual relationship which stands out in the crowd. Whether that is a favorable estimation depends on the degree to which you can integrate your creative aspects with the world around you. Originality is a given here, and you will find that inventiveness is second nature to you, although the ability to profit from it will be a learned art. It can be too easy to insist on your opinions because you know you are right when it may offend the sensibilities of others who are of a more conservative bent. Probably it would be a good idea to cloak your brilliance in more muted colors until you have gotten yourselves across and accepted so that what you believe in is creditable and credited to you. Being outspoken does not always serve your ends, a lesson you may learn the hard way. This will be a challenging relationship for sure, but one from which there is a lot to be learned. The more space you give each other to express yourselves, the more likely what you produce will bear fruit in positive results and the less likely it will result in conflict. Throughout whatever you do together you will always be challenged by the fact that new approaches to life are never appreciated at first and that winning over others to your view will not be easy, including winning over each other. Any attempts you can make to smooth over the

Page 14 including winning over each other. Any attempts you can make to smooth over the

John F. & Marilyn situation while people are coming around to your point of view will be profitable in the extreme, because it can make the difference between ultimate acceptance and rejection. Diplomacy.

PLUTO in FIFTH HOUSE i in 5th In a professional relationship, this position gives you power over others (and each other) through your ability to inspire, entertain, and emotionally enlighten. It can mean great artistic control and great control resulting from your art, in whatever area of creativity that might be. Only take care that you do not restrict your creations to those areas which serve a particular end and are not spontaneous expressions of your own Muse. Where you control, you kill. In a love relationship, this position can be a sexual disaster unless you are willing to give each other plenty of space and do not demand that one or the other of you do as they’re told. Power and its infliction may be a turn-on for some, and if this is the case for you individually you will be in clover, but to do so against someone’s will, as can easily happen here, is the ultimate turn-off, and when sex goes, so goes the relationship, at least in most instances. Therefore be sure to get straight with each other on these subjects in advance, because once you are in the grip of an unexpected conflict, it will be entirely too late. In a non-sexual relationship, you’ve got a lot less to worry about, so take a good look at yourselves before you make that kind of commitment.

NEPTUNE in SIXTH HOUSE h in 6th There can be a fine line between devoted service to each other and involuntary servitude, and it can easily become fogged and uncertain. There is something special about your ability to help each other out, and as long as it’s your own idea it will be a pleasure to put the joint good ahead of the individual. But if either of you feel this becomes an unwanted obligation, it will be very important to speak up and do something about it before what should be freely given becomes a resented burden. The trick will be spotting it and admitting it, as it will sometimes be difficult to tell what is obligation and what is free will. That is the nature of Neptune and when it is difficult to be sure of yourselves, it will be difficult to speak up lest you be proved wrong and sound like complainers.

MARS in SEVENTH HOUSE d in 7th This is likely to be a high-energy relationship in which the majority of effort is put into building and sustaining the relationship itself. If you’re not doing something to improve and further the situation with each other, you’ll feel like you’re wasting your time, which isn’t necessarily the case. There are times when you can safely let things

Page 15 time, which isn’t necessarily the case. There are times when you can safely let things

John F. & Marilyn be and drift along in the confidence that everything is OK with each other, but it may be difficult to understand this at the time. The temptation to tend to each other whether you need to or not can lead you into mutual meddling that will not serve to bring you closer but can actually drive you apart. Above all, however, you will strive to maintain a relationship of equality, where your mutual input is balanced and one does not have undue advantage over the other. This will be best achieved by giving each other the best of opportunities rather than competing for position, which can happen all to easily. Where your energy goes into elevating each other, you will each get a better position in the long run and there will be less to argue about. Commitment is the bottom line, however, and as long as you don’t hold back, this can be a powerhouse relationship, with one for all and all for one the galvanizing force that drives you ever onward to new growth and success.

MARS conjunct JUPITER d Q e There is an ever-flowing, ever-expanding fountain of energy within this relationship which can deliver the greatest of success and more, as long as you are willing to see what you’ve got and ride it, rather than letting it ride you. The temptation, in whatever you get yourselves into, will be to pump it up, make it bigger, make it perform better, and push it farther. Unbridled, this has all the potential of the sorcerer’s apprentice and you could easily let your enthusiasm and energy get you in way over your head before you even noticed it. Therefore it will be important to take this feeling of power and action you get when together and impose on it a plan, a set of goals, and a set of restraints for when it diverges from its assigned path. You wouldn’t put a rocket engine on a car and then neglect to install a steering wheel and brakes. The same applies here, when you have got such a gift it deserves the best care and use. In a love relationship, there will likely be a high sex drive and perhaps some difficulty in keeping up with it and the rest of life at the same time. Alternately, depending on the rest of the chart, the opposite may be true, and boundless enthusiasm for mutual projects outside of the home may leave too little time or energy on the inside. Careful steering and thinking will be what determines if you get the best out of the bundle of power and energy that lie within your relationship.

MARS sextile NEPTUNE d V h You may have a feeling that you have come together to accomplish some higher spiritual mission and that may indeed be the case. In any case, you will have a high standard to hold yourselves to when you take action and the work you participate in together will have special meaning to you. If this is a love affair, you may tend to elevate it past the point of common sexuality, which may seem too coarse to express

Page 16 elevate it past the point of common sexuality, which may seem too coarse to express

John F. & Marilyn the way you feel about yourselves. This may cause you to abandon sexual expression entirely, or you may refine your sexuality so that it becomes a channel for your spiritual energy. In either case, yours will be a case beyond the ordinary. In general, the message of this aspect is tuning your energies up an octave to manifest yourselves on a higher plane. Because you will be forging ahead onto uncharted ground, you will have to keep your eyes open, as there can be a fine line between inspiration and illusion, idealized achievement and pure fantasy. It will be well to stop occasionally and take stock not just of what you intend to do, but what your previous intentions have already achieved. As long as the trail behind you is palpable, there is a good chance you are on the right course, or at least on the one you believe you’re on. As when navigating at night or in patchy weather, you will need to learn the skills of dead reckoning.

MARS square PLUTO d T i Undue and unrelenting force can too easily have a part in this relationship, and you will do well to avoid it at all costs. When either of you don’t get your way, forcing the issue will be the first and worst response. The internal motivation here is a fear that one of you will somehow be invalidated and inactivated by the other, so it is better to strike first and ask questions later. The results will just be a pointless and escalating conflict which will do no one any good and could cause serious harm. Rather, treat each other with a mutual respect bordering on dread, based on the assumption that if you don’t give each other plenty of room for self-expression, all hell will break loose. In fact this is a good approximation of the case, and keeping this sort of attitude in mind will be the very method of keeping things cool, calm, and collected. You may find the same inclination in dealing with the outside world, where it will be easier to provoke confrontations than come to a compromise. Although you may feel a sense of power with this aspect and have a serious inclination to use it, just keep in mind that the other guy may be just as well armed — and a cooler and more deliberate shot.

MARS conjunct NORTH NODE d Q j It may seem that the two of you have come together for the purpose of taking action and making things happen. It’s as if you don’t do something, there’s no point in it. This is very likely the case, but as so often with Mars it is a good idea to take it a little easy at first and get a clear idea of exactly what’s going on. Not just what’s happening now, but how the entanglements you will get into (and you will get into them) will impact your mutual future and lay on burdens and responsibilities that may exceed your energy level. That is, don’t charge more on your energy card than you think you’ll have when it comes time to pay! The reason for pointing this out is that there may be

Page 17 have when it comes time to pay! The reason for pointing this out is that there may be

John F. & Marilyn an undue pressure or inclination to marshal your joint resources and commit them to projects or directions that may not be what you really want, fueled mainly by the fact that you feel strongly motivated to do something together. Pick and choose well, recognizing the strong energy that will be behind it once it gets going, and then release your forces to do the deed. The need for commitment is here, but the type of commitment is entirely optional and you should give yourselves as much play as possible in finding and selecting the kind of willing burdens you choose to beat together and develop into the joys and profits of your future lives.

JUPITER in SEVENTH HOUSE e in 7th This is likely to have the potential of a real powerhouse relationship, one in which you each fire the other’s enthusiasm and together serve as a broad-based resource for the two of you individually. The key is a real inward-looking creative dependency upon each other, which will flower to the degree that you spend an equal amount of time seeing that the other benefits from it all as much as you do. A lot of positive and enjoyable lessons about equality are here for the learning. Because of this orientation, you will seek out and find solutions to many problems of personal relationships that may have baffled you in the past and which are the source of personal conflict for others as well. A strong, positive respect for each other will allow you to get past blockages that have stymied others and can make you paragons of how relationships are supposed, ideally, to be set up. Thus, professionally, you can find success in areas that involve personal negotiation and litigation, ranging from legal arbitration to personal counseling, since you can find the solutions others cannot, often based on your own personal experience and willingness to change in response to each other. All in all, this is a very favorable position for Jupiter in an age where personal relationships are undergoing such revolutionary changes and those with the talent to help can benefit personally while being of benefit to others.

JUPITER conjunct SATURN e Q f A major effect of your being together is to induce change, both in each other and in your surroundings, so you may find yourselves in volatile situations more often than others. Where there is a conflict of opinion or opposing forces in play, you will be drawn to the situation in an attempt to bring things into equilibrium or to cause what you believe is justice to prevail. The problem is, of course, not everybody — or either of you, for that matter — agrees on just which side represents justice. This can and probably will have two effects. On the negative side, it will get you into disputes where you find yourselves on opposing sides of an issue, whether it be about how to handle each other or how to jointly manage a given challenge. As long as you make it a win/

Page 18 each other or how to jointly manage a given challenge. As long as you make it a win/

John F. & Marilyn lose situation, where one side triumphs and the other is defeated, progress will not be achieved and you will find yourselves adversaries instead of friends. On the positive side, once you discover this is not the way to go you will develop an ability to compromise and synthesize new solutions that have the best elements of both sides and eliminate their disadvantages at the same time. It is more than just negotiation and compromise, but rather growth into a new situation that has a positive effect on both of you and whomever you find yourselves dealing with.

JUPITER sextile NEPTUNE e V h You are particularly idealistic about the new directions you choose to take, and you feel responsible for growing in ways that have a universal sort of benefit. You can seem a little bit moralizing or preachy about it at times, but not so much as to be obnoxious or not to be taken seriously. Fundamentally, you achieve a balancing act between going for what you believe should be and accepting what you realize is the best that can be achieved in the circumstances. The direction, however, is ever upward, and small steps are often the surest way to make long-lasting change. Feelings between you will lean toward the spiritual if this is a love relationship, and the finer qualities of love and affection will be emphasized, even when most physically expressed. In the business world, this will be more difficult to manifest, as you will have to sacrifice immediate profits now and again in the interests of doing the right thing, which can put you at a temporary disadvantage with your competitors. If you use your natural inclinations for combining practicality with idealism, however, you can benefit from greater productivity of those around you who will feel like they are part of something greater and therefore join together and make more out of less, thanks to the easing of internal tensions and competition. There is often more practical benefits from being right than short-term financial thinkers can imagine.

JUPITER square PLUTO e T i This is kind of a do-or-die aspect and as a result you will want to keep yourselves out of confrontational situations or any place where making a space for yourselves requires going to extremes. Underneath this aspect is a fear of not being allowed to develop and grow in the way in which you would like to, though that is not how it manifests. Instead, the first result will be trying to take excessive control of your development and having too much concern over your own future. Free will is fine, but you’re not God, and you may find yourselves going for godlike decisions in order to protect your individual or joint interests. When you go for big, you are likely to overdo it out of worry that someone else will do it bigger. The same with the latest in ideas and innovations. Someone may be ahead of you, but that’s life. Furthermore, when

Page 19 and innovations. Someone may be ahead of you, but that’s life. Furthermore, when

John F. & Marilyn you insist on pressing your case, the chances are others (or each other) will back off, so don’t be pushy. In the long run, if you hold back and don’t try to constantly move in for the kill, you will find you have developed an incredibly powerful sense of how to control the future. A great deal of it will come from knowing when to relinquish power that, in fact, you don’t really have.

JUPITER conjunct NORTH NODE e Q j It will seem at times that you were put together in order to make things happen, and certainly you will have ample opportunity to do just that. Growth and development, both internal and external, will be your most important responsibility and one you will take earnestly and enthusiastically. Because it is so important to you, it will be a good idea to pick and choose carefully, to look at your options before you decide what responsibilities you decide to take on, because once you are committed it will be difficult to get out and your commitments may snowball into something more than you can handle or accomplish as well as you would like to. Once you do make your choice, you will work together with mutual enthusiasm and good will, because making accomplishments together will be its own reward, regardless of what tangible benefits materialize for you. You will feel like you are achieving what you set out to do, just by doing it in the first place. What matters is that you are on the right track, and arriving at your destination is not the only point in it. Traveling there is half the fun, and traveling together more than doubles it. Enjoy the journey, but make sure you take full and proper provision for what you are getting into at the beginning so it will not become an excessive burden before you complete what you set out to accomplish.

SATURN in SEVENTH HOUSE f in 7th Saturn gets very mixed reviews here, and it can either cement a relationship and make it solid as a rock or cause it to become sufficiently restrictive that you would rather avoid it completely. Or it can sometimes become a relationship that is excellent but rarely manifests itself. In the first case, you can find yourselves together because you are willing to impinge as little as possible on each other and thus show bottom-line respect for each other’s personalities. This was frequently the case in older traditional marriages where the separation of lives within the relationship was so extreme that inequalities of partnership were circumvented (a rerun of “Life With Father” is a perfect example). In the second case, where you may for other reasons force a very equal relationship on each other in detail, it will more than likely be near-impossible and raise a lot of frustration and hostility in the process. In the third case, you may have the tightest of relationships during those few times you see each other and a fast though distant friendship comes to endure over the years. In all cases, the bottom line

Page 20 though distant friendship comes to endure over the years. In all cases, the bottom line

John F. & Marilyn to success here will be letting each other be each other, rather than being overly possessive. Respect rules over affection, and good fences will make good neighbors and good friends. Just don’t push each other.

SATURN square PLUTO f T i You may find you are too accepting of forcible restrictions laid on you either by each other or by circumstances at large. Confrontations tend to perpetuate themselves and grow into institutions when in any other situation they would pass away with time and be forgotten. Memories tend not to fade because they are fueled by constant reminders of problems and possibly imagined wrongs that somehow resurrect themselves and perpetuate the down side of things. If either of these planets is connected by difficult aspects with other points in your relationship chart, you may well find yourselves fighting an implacable negativity which can suppress much of your other potentials. If not, there will still be a kind of weariness and worldliness that lurks behind the scenes, like a second opinion waiting to be expressed. Like the dark side of the Force (for Star Wars fans) it will be waiting to pull you under if you give it the chance. Yours is the option to put it away and follow your dreams rather than your nightmares, but you will have to elect to do so openly and forswear the urge to trade the insecure joys of the present for the lonely security of the fortress.

NORTH NODE in SEVENTH HOUSE j in 7th The Moon’s north and south nodes are associated with giving and receiving, commitment and reward, not always of your own making but more like situations the universe has just laid on you gratis. In this case, what has been laid on you is each other and the lesson of the relationship is ultimately making it work and learning the ins and outs of being together and cooperating. What it means most of all is establishing where one leaves off and the other takes over and making sure that dividing line is in the middle somewhere and not too close for comfort for either of you. Although you may agree on the goal of equality, agreeing on what actually comprises it and then implementing that can be a challenge and sometimes a conflict. Its rewards are tangible, but not material, and well worth the effort. By establishing your boundaries with each other, you also gain a surer and more confident idea of what goes to make up yourselves, and a stronger sense of individuality will emerge that can only reinforce you intellectually and emotionally and strengthen the relationship even further. By knowing each other, you better know yourselves and participate in all the obvious benefits that accrue therefrom. You may feel a certain fate about being together for this reason, since you both obviously have so much to gain from each other and never would have known had you not run into each other.

Page 21 gain from each other and never would have known had you not run into each other.

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VENUS in EIGHTH HOUSE c in 8th A certain love of the mysterious characterizes this relationship, and there is nothing like a puzzle to catch your interest and set you on a chase to find out how it’s all put together. It’s not so much the solution that fuels your search, but a love of the way it’s all put together and the very fact that it’s a trip into the unknown. This has its ultimate expression in the most mysterious of all human experiences, sex and death, and so can produce a very intense love affair or a mystical journey into spiritual transformation and the life-death process. The usual fear or avoidance of such subjects can here become a fascination — indeed, love — that can lead to the deepest personal commitment, both to each other and to the voyage you have embarked upon together. Depending upon the rest of the chart, this may run from selfless devotion to self-obsessed compulsion, so go in with your eyes open. At the more external level, you may find talent for acquiring wealth through the gathering and exploitation of the resources of others, such as loans, investments, and credit. No matter how experienced, this position will guarantee a heightened sense of desire and the need to fulfill it on both your parts, not likely to be a lightweight situation if you choose to pursue it where it leads you all the way.

VENUS square NEPTUNE c T h It may be quite difficult to figure out just what it is you want out of each other and this relationship. Further, it may be complicated by the possibility that you are really not aware that is the case. While you believe you know what’s going on here, you may wake up one morning to find you had totally misconstrued each other and don’t in fact provide each other with what you thought you had. That’s not easy to guard against, because the very nature of the beast is that you can’t see where it is. What you can do is make sure that you can both stand alone and don’t make this relationship something that you will perish without. That’s probably good advice for any relationship, but particularly important where you may have the rug pulled out from under you without warning. The other, simpler manifestation of this aspect can be that you honestly don’t know what you want here, and the more you try to find out, the less informed you get. The same remedy applies, however, and that is to avoid the chase to begin with. When you don’t chase something, it can’t run away. If you just be yourselves individually and let whatever happens happen, you will find that the ground is a lot firmer under your feet and the pleasures that come from being together are derived in the moment of reality and not in the fulfillment of the expectations of either of you.

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SUN in NINTH HOUSE ` in 9th You will find that this relationship has a very broad focus and will be quite wide- ranging in its interests and far-reaching in what it attempts to encompass. You will tend to meet and be especially creative in the world of ideas, particularly those of a more general nature like religion, cosmology, and philosophy. Although you may enjoy good-natured disputes in these areas, the concentration is on finding things you agree on and developing them to new and higher levels. Travel, whether physically or mentally will have a high priority, and if this is a business partnership it will favor global dealings over neighborhood ones, foreign exchanges over domestic. Although everything you do together will help enlarge your field of vision and raise your sights, you can also find that over- generalizations and subsequent loss of detail and depth are stumbling blocks to watch out for. Applications are as important as theory, although you may have to get someone else to do that side of things. Similarly, on the personal side, you may find that friendly communication and passion are two different things and that the first comes easier to you than the second. Nevertheless, your inclination and likely ability to see the overall structure of situations will allow you to put things in perspective and conserve your resources for a long-term commitment; and if you use that to give you the extra time and effort it takes to achieve communication in depth, you will have your cake and eat it too.

SUN conjunct MOON ` Q a There is a certain feeling of having all your eggs in one basket with this relationship, because in a way you do. Your inner fires and fundamental personality power (the Sun) and your emotional ability to respond to events (the Moon) are in the same place, which means when you go for it, you go all the way. This will give you a unity of action and consistency of purpose that can cause the relationship to become a center for both of you. If you want to know what’s going on, you consult each other. Together you will have a dedication of commitment and surety of decision that will exceed what you normally achieve on your own. That means this relationship can become addictive, which is of course good and bad, depending upon how you use it and how dependent you become upon it. It will be difficult to maintain your individuality because it will always be easier to consult each other in a crisis than deal with things by yourselves. That means that you will do especially well together, but when things do go wrong, it will be very difficult to get it under control because the relationship has such momentum that it will keep going even when both of you say no. It may be a good idea to set aside and maintain parts of your lives separate from each other so you will each have a functioning reference point from which to stand back and view each other and the relationship. When you have something this good, give it support from the sidelines, despite the urge to always be in the game.

Page 23 sidelines, despite the urge to always be in the game.

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SUN sextile JUPITER ` V e It’s easy for you to roll into new projects together and think big but do not get in over your head. Growth is something that comes naturally and rising to a new occasion is something that seems to happen by itself. Expansion is second nature, but you don’t feel compelled to push each other to go farther than you are comfortable with, so steady development will tend to be the order of the day. You also have the advantage of having less trouble thrown into your path than others do, so you don’t burn up as much extra energy fighting environmental resistance along your path. That is a blessing, but sometimes there is another side to it, for when you assume that your plans will proceed according to your intent, a positive outcome will result only for so long. In other words, don’t take your luck for granted, since without follow-up, the details that need attending will eventually escape you, tripping you down the line. Fortune has handed you a sound vessel for forging ahead, but it still needs maintenance, and if you let that slip down the line you will have a difficult time keeping up with the leaks. An ounce of prevention is all it takes at the beginning, so while the sun is shining, make something else as well as hay. Use your advantage to maintain it.

SUN sextile SATURN ` V f You have a special stabilizing factor here which keeps you on course when seas are rough and you have to push extra hard to get ahead. Some may call you reticent or even conservative because you hesitate to leap into the breach when the opportunity arises, but it is not out of fear but of disinclination. Your are content to wait until the right time, then move ahead with deliberation. This is something that comes naturally, however, and is not a matter of decision, so it is equally as difficult to control as if it were a more troublesome aspect, except that you are unaware of the fact since it serves your convenience and therefore doesn’t draw attention to itself. It works like a speed governor and will slow you down in situations where daring is the order of the day, and you may not be aware of it until you come in behind the leader in a competitive situation. That’s OK, just stay out of places that require high speed and quick turns to make yourselves a success. At the other end, don’t take your stability for granted either, though it will initially serve you well. If you assume you have nothing to worry about, eventually you will, and fence mending and house repairing is of critical importance not in the short run but over the long haul. The essence of a good defense is flexibility, and the two together allow you to use your natural inclinations to their maximum effect.

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SUN square URANUS ` T g Instability is likely to be a chronic difficulty in this relationship, not because it doesn’t have substance but because it is subject to sudden buffets like a truck crossing a windy bridge. In fact, the bigger and heavier the truck, the more windage it has and the more the risk. The same principle applies here. The more energy you put into the relationship, the more destructive potential it has when it gets blown off course. Although the shocks may come from within because of suddenly uncovered differences between you, it is just as likely to come from without, where unexpected circumstances turn up to throw things into disarray. What to do about it? Leave room for maneuvering when things go haywire and be ready and happy to follow where they lead. When you can’t be in control, don’t try to be, or you’ll wind up going down in flames. Eventually, you will develop a sense of when change is in the wind and you will be able to control it as it comes on. Once it’s already there it’s too late to fight it, so roll with it. If you sometimes feel like you just can’t deal with this sort of situation, look to some of the other qualities of your relationship that caused you to get into it in the first place and draw on them until the crisis has passed.

SUN square Ascendant ` T q You may find yourselves somewhat at cross-purposes when it comes to the focus of this relationship, particularly when you are relating to the outside world. It is as if having to maintain your image together in person is a distraction to your more important and fundamental reasons for being together. This is partially because you are more concerned with working on the substance of your relationship and how it affects your overall effect on your environment, and partially because the way you appear to others belies what you really are like and thus tends to get in the way of getting your real business done. The effect of this can make you on the anti-social side, especially when you are trying to get something accomplished and don’t need the bother of constantly explaining yourselves to folks who don’t seem to know what’s going on. Nevertheless, you cannot escape from what you look like and part of what you will need to develop is the ability to represent yourselves more accurately while still keeping your minds on the task at hand. Although you cannot ignore your immediate environment, you can lean on your accomplishments to speak for you, and when you feel less obliged to explain yourselves, you will find it will also become less necessary to do so. Too often problems are exacerbated simply by trying to solve them. Out of sight can be out of mind.

MOON in NINTH HOUSE a in 9th Your emotional reactions to each other and to others tend towards the expansive,

Page 25 Your emotional reactions to each other and to others tend towards the expansive,

John F. & Marilyn positive, and creative. Your first response will be to develop new and bigger concepts that will include all of what you have experienced and some extra for what is yet to come. This makes you very adaptable and capable of taking on new emotional situations by enlarging your outlook to contain everything that the situation presents. This will give you the ability to theorize expansively and to determine a way to include every possibility that might arise. You will find you are very flexible and have little difficulty with whatever situation arises. When it comes to dealing with the details of what you have accepted in general, it may be another ball game. Emotional situations you encompass in theory may be more demanding when you get to it and their details may not be consistent with your previous, broader views. Many of such problems will be solved by your ability to take things yet one step further, to pursue the adventure of your lives and go on to the next evolution of experience where previous experience has not offered all you conceived. Emotional hope and new horizons will keep your eyes ever uplifted, so your potential is ultimately unlimited. As you have much to learn, you will also have much to teach and will find yourselves in that position of privilege among your peers. If there is a responsibility here, this is it. Do it well.

MOON sextile MARS a V d Your relationship is a reservoir of emotional and physical energy, and the more outlets you find to express it the better. If you are forced to sit still too long you won’t go crazy as some might in that situation, but your energies will get driven underground and will surface in areas where you have little control over them. It is better to always have something to do physically to express yourselves, even if only the simplest form of exercise to keep yourselves engaged and rolling with your natural flow of energy. On the other hand, when you are in a situation that would drain the energy of others, you will hardly notice it and consider it business as usual. In the professional realm, like a superball, you have a natural springiness that allows you to bounce back with twice the apparent energy input. You come back swifter and higher, but without any visible extra input to accomplish the deed. When your competitors are flagging, you still have extra reserves on tap. It will be important, however, to spend some time exploring just how you accomplish this and communicating your feelings about what you believe to be the secrets of your success. Unexplored accomplishments aren’t easily repeated, and the more you know about not just what you do but how you do it, the more you will be able to achieve together personally and professionally. When you have an advantage, explore it and then take it one step further.

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MOON sextile JUPITER a V e This is a particularly fertile relationship both physically and emotionally, and one which moves with great strides. If this is a marriage, children are very easily in order, and if you don’t want them right away, take care lest they sneak up on you. On the professional level, there is a distinct similarity, as you will tend to produce offspring in the form of projects that may bring you great profit but which will require a good deal of tending to in the process. Again, pick and choose, or it will just roll along and roll you with it. There is an enthusiasm here that is understated but pervasive; when others are down in the mouth, you will have the formula to cheer things up and renew a positive attitude. When others are seeing the glass half empty, you are seeing it half full and filling it up in the process. Your approach to emotional growth is gradual and natural, taking things a stage at a time without conflict as you move from one level to another. This is also a situation that can be exploited by others, and indeed should be if you keep a careful eye on how far they go. You have a lot to give, and in giving you strengthen your abilities to do what you do best, which is enlarging the vision of life in a paced fashion. Just remember that you come first and you can only give what you still have control of.

MOON sextile SATURN a V f There is a certain quality of reservation to your relationship, almost a tinge of formality in the way in which emotions are shared and communicated. It is as if there is a kind of gravity here that must be respected and cannot be taken lightly or toyed with. It is not that your feelings are blocked, only that they have to go through channels and get trimmed to size before they get to their intended destination. You are, in a word, mannerly, though you might not have thought to accuse yourselves of it. You do not flaunt you emotions, and the extent of their intensity is a private matter to you. You may care very much about each other, but it will be strictly a matter of behind closed doors. Although you may be slow starters emotionally, you are also in there for the long haul, and you are likely to have a more stable relationship than most, simply because you are more careful not to make the errors of haste which can so often leave scars that weaken and disrupt a partnership down the road. Because your lives will not be bothered as much by these kinds of hassles, you will have more time and energy to focus on the business at hand, so this will be a distinct advantage in a professional relationship. Because you are careful to build a solid partnership with no mistakes along the way, you’ll have a much more reliable edifice to lean on as time goes by, with every effort used to its maximum effect. If there is any suggestion to be made here, however, it would be to lighten up a little every now and then and treat yourselves to an occasional blowout, if only to remind yourselves of what you may be intentionally missing.

Page 27 intentionally missing.

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MOON square URANUS a T g There is an on-again, off-again, quality to this relationship where you can experience great intensity and self-discovery one moment and nothing at all the next. One thing is certain, however, and that is it will not be a ho-hum, business-as-usual sort of affair, and you should give yourselves plenty of room to maneuver. Don’t do anything to cramp your style if you want this to be a success. You will not only need room to be together, you will need the space to be apart when you get on each other’s nerves, which may well happen when one or the other of you want’s to take off in a direction the other just can’t stand. Don’t force anything on each other. Do your own thing rather than fight about it. Also don’t build up great expectations, not because there isn’t a lot to be expected here, but because the outcome may be different than you will be able to predict. So don’t try, or you will just limit your very extensive possibilities here. Instead, be ready for all kinds of new emotional experiences and don’t ask for more than what comes. What you get here may not have immediate usefulness and application, but it will broaden your horizons and heighten your tolerance and understanding of what it is that makes human beings tick.

MOON trine NEPTUNE a S h You will strongly respond to the call of your dreams in this relationship, and you will likely do so in a more successful and realistic fashion than is usually the norm. It is as if you have an innate understanding that to go too far is to plunge into illusion, while to go for the expedient will sell out your ideals. There is a middle ground which leads to realization of what you feel to be the best and you have the talent to find it together. In a love relationship this will mean that fantasies are followed right up to the point of perfection but are not forced on each other when they conflict — and, more important, you sense when they do conflict. In the professional world you can combine the necessary with the morally and spiritually right, a difficult middle ground that gets business done while uplifting those involved in implementing it. The key to this is not going to extremes — to realize that your highest spiritual goals may not be achievable even in this lifetime, but that the steps toward it most definitely are. It’s best to know which ones can be taken practically, without inadvertently slipping backward in the process. Furthermore, you have the responsibility to propagate this newly-discovered ability (because it may not be innate to either of you individually) to each other and to those with whom you deal. With this gift, you must share.

MOON square Ascendant a T q It can be very easy for others to misinterpret how you feel about things, partly

Page 28 It can be very easy for others to misinterpret how you feel about things, partly

John F. & Marilyn because of their own misjudgments and partly because you give out confusing signals about your intentions. You may over-react or under-react in such a way as to give the impression that you care much more or much less about an issue than you really do, whether it be a simple opinion on a mundane issue or a policy statement on a major plank in your personal platform. The trouble is, once the misinterpretation has been made, you’re likely to be stuck with it, and since you can’t live up to it, further confusion ensues. Although it may be difficult to rein this in, when you are in a position where you know it is important to get your feelings across accurately, don’t just do it spontaneously but confer with each other and make separate opinions, then make a synthesis from what you have discovered individually. In most cases it is advisable to be more spontaneous, but here just the opposite is true. Censoring your immediate reactions when you are together will be a benefit, as it will keep you from saying something you thought you meant at the time. This, fortunately, is not a permanent condition, for as you watch the kind of slips you make and where you go astray, you will continue to sharpen your awareness of what your mutual input is. You just have to have patience and be willing to hold back until you reach this point.

MERCURY in NINTH HOUSE b in 9th The inclination to plug into long-range concepts and communicate the scope of possibilities will be a hallmark of your relationship. Together you can enjoy exploring larger-than life concepts of religion, philosophy, and the structure of the universe that will not only provide stimulating thought, but open up new possibilities on the inside and the out. This is the house of travel and will find you to be travelers of the mind, whether you actually step out of the house or not (though you will, whenever possible). Where your bodies cannot go, your minds will carry you on wings of imagination, professional as well as personal. You prefer to see things in the overview and in the long run, you will be less likely to get tangled up in unexpected circumstances that will slow others down. You’ll always have another game plan to turn to while others are trying to untangle theirs. If there is any drawback here, it can be losing sight of the details. It is easy to get caught up in the grandeur of the vision and miss some of the enjoyable and profitable details in the process. Zoom in on the immediate vicinity every now and then and you may be surprised at what you’ll find — there are giant landscapes awaiting you in the smallest flower.

MERCURY conjunct VENUS b Q c If either of you had any difficulty getting a good word in, this relationship should fix it. The ability to phrase things perfectly tailored to the situation, is innate to the combination you create. You manage to improve each other’s ability to express

Page 29 combination you create. You manage to improve each other’s ability to express

John F. & Marilyn yourselves with grace, and also to master the techniques of creating what is beautiful. Therefore, in the professional world you will find yourselves blessed with advantage in any area that requires combining artistic and intellectual or technical enterprises: photography, design, music or film production, and so on. Intellectual charm and a charming intellect. But it is more than that. You really care that things around you should be well-formed and you have a very clear eye for just how to do it, which may not be innate in either one of you but comes together when you are together. Smart and good-looking. Not bad. Needless to say, this is a really nice aspect and a good reason to be together and take advantage of the special talents you bring out in each other. On a personal level, this also gives you the ability to address each other with sensitivity and love, so there will be little likelihood of accidental offense when you’re trying to get a point across. If anything, there would be a problem in communicating real difficulties or unappetizing truths, as a result of an innate inclination to sugar-coat the pill, however bitter.

Page 30 Synastry Interpretation

Psychic Eye Astrology Analysis John F. Kennedy Marilyn Monroe

provided by Psychic Eye Book Shops 13435 Ventura Blvd. What is Synastry? Synastry is the system of comparing the astrological charts of two (or sometimes more) people to determine how well they will get along in the different areas of their lives.

But, before you can compare one person’s chart with another’s, you need to know a bit about basic astrological principles.

There are twelve signs in the zodiac. Each takes up 30 degrees of the full astrological chart, which is represented as a circle of 360 degrees total. Everyone has all the ten planets in his or her chart -- Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto -- and each planet is in one of the twelve signs as well as one of the twelve houses; placement depends on when and where the person was born. Even though you may be a Libra, or a Sagittarius, or a Gemini, that sign only describes where your Sun is. Your other planets can be -- and often are -- in completely different signs.

The twelve signs, twelve houses and ten planets are the basic components of every chart . Your synastry report compares the relative positions of the planets and the houses between your chart and the chart of someone else.

The Aspects By looking at one person’s chart, and measuring the distance in degrees from that person’s planets to the planets in another person’s chart, we can make certain predictions about where the strengths and weaknesses of the relationship are: whether it has staying power; in what ways the people involved are compatible or incompatible; which of the partners will take the lead in certain situations; and what problems these people may have to overcome in the course of their involvement with each other.

The measurements we use to make these determinations are called aspects. The main aspects employed in synastry analysis are the conjunction, sextile, square, trine and opposition. When two planets are in conjunction, they are “within orb” (usually six to ten degrees) of being in the same degree of the same sign. When sextile, the planets are within orb of 60 degrees (two signs) apart; when square, 90 degrees (three signs) apart; trine, 120 degrees (four signs) apart; and opposition, 180 degrees (six signs) apart. Generally speaking, sextiles and trines are considered easy aspects.

Page 1 signs) apart. Generally speaking, sextiles and trines are considered easy aspects.

Squares and oppositions are usually more dynamic or tension producing aspects. Conjunctions can be either easy or difficult to handle, depending on the planets involved.

For instance, if John’s Moon (his feelings, domestic life and moods) is trine Jessica’s Venus (her asthetic sense and romantic urges) the planetary energies combine quite nicely and we would expect these two to relate easily and to be sensitive to one another’s feelings. But if John’s Mars (his aggressive, competitive urges) is also square Jessica’s Mercury (her mental processes, communications and ideas) these planetary energies clash, and we can expect them to have some heated arguments because his aggressive urges are stirred up by her words and ideas.

So, does this mean they will or will not get along? It means that, like almost all couples, there will be areas of life where things hum along nicely with virtually no problems, and there will be other areas of life that are occasionally challenging.

Often, when people look at their chart comparison for the first time they will notice some negative aspects between their charts and become worried. But this is not necessarily cause for concern. Even the most idyllic match usually shows some areas of discord. Every relationship needs some dynamic tension if the individuals involved are to grow. A bit of challenge also brings excitement into the relationship. Without sexual tension, for instance, you can have a lovely friendship, but it may not go beyond that. What’s important is that the comparison in general shows compatibility.

Comparative House Placements In addition to looking at the aspects between the planets in the two charts, we observe where the planets of one person’s chart fall in the houses of the other.

No matter what your sign is, all the other signs -- Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Scorpio, Sagittarius, , and Pisces -- are represented in your chart as well. Your chart will show your rising sign or Ascendant on the first house cusp, and the other eleven signs on the cusps of the other eleven houses. (Please note: many people have what are called “interceptions” in their charts. If you have an interception, there will be two signs, exactly opposite one another, that do not rule any house. Instead, the signs either directly before or directly after the intercepted signs will rule two houses each. Interceptions are quite common and have no bearing on relationships that we know of. Ask your astrologer if you have an interception in your chart. ) Assuming for the moment that you have Aries rising, your second house will

Page 2 chart. ) Assuming for the moment that you have Aries rising, your second house will

then be Taurus, your third house will be Gemini, your fourth will be Cancer, your fifth, Leo, and so on, throughout your chart. But, if you have Gemini rising, your second house will be Cancer, your third, Leo, your fourth, Virgo, and so on, throughout the signs.

So, if you are a Taurus (or, in other words, if you have Sun in Taurus) but your rising sign (also known as the Ascendant or First House cusp) is in Aries, your Sun will fall in your second house. Because the second house represents values, both tangible and intangible, your life force (Sun) will be focused to a great extent on what you value. If your rising sign is Scorpio, your Taurus Sun will fall in your seventh house (the house of marriage and important partnerships) and your life force will be strongly focused on meaningful relationship. If your rising sign is Capricorn, your Taurus Sun will fall in your fifth house, the house of romance, partying and children, and your life force will be focused on these issues.

Just as your planets fall in different houses -- and affect you in different ways, depending on the houses they are in -- so the planets of the people in your life will fall in different houses of your chart . And the energies of these people will affect you in different ways, depending on which of your houses the planets fall into.

So, getting back to John and Jessica again, if his Venus (asthetic sense, romance) falls in her seventh house (marriage and other important partnerships) he is likely to impress her as a exactly what she’s looking for in a marriage partner. But, if his Saturn (limits, responsibilities, hard lessons) falls in her eleventh house (friends, hopes, associations) she may have to adjust her social life or aspirations somewhat in order to make a go of her marriage to him, and there may be occasional clashes between friendships and marital responsibilities.

What To Look For In A Synastry Comparison The most important considerations in a synastry comparison are aspects to, and comparative house positions of the Sun, Moon, Venus, Mars, Saturn, and the Ascendant/Descendant(first and seventh house cusps). Typically, Mars and Venus show attraction. Sun, Moon, Descendant and Saturn show emotional/ego satisfaction and staying power. The moon’s nodes and the tenth house/fourth house are considered next in importance. Mercury and Jupiter play supporting roles and when well-aspected, can add to the quality of a relationship; but in and of themselves they will not determine any major impact on the people involved, unless it’s a purely business relationship.

Page 3 The outer planets, from Uranus through Pluto, play far more limited roles in determining the dynamics of relationship. These outer planets take on greater importance, however, when in very close aspect to (orbs of two degrees or less), or involved in a multiple-planet conjunction with, the Sun, Moon, Mars or Venus.

Notes To Professional Astrologers Synastry is one of the more complex techniques of astrology, primarily because there is so much to consider. First, and most important, before you begin to compare the charts of two individuals, you must understand as much as you can about each of the people separately. What is each looking for in a relationship? What do each of these people need, fear, hope for? While a conjunction between partner A’s sun and partner B’s moon is generally an indication of emotional connection, if one of the people involved is incapable of relating emotionally, the aspect won’t fulfill that potential.

For that matter, you may compare two charts and find a wealth of trines and sextiles between them and conclude that this is an ideal match. But if one or both of the partners needs excitement and tension in order to stay interested, the relationship will not satisfy his or her basic needs. Onthe other hand, you may compare two charts, see mostly hard angles and difficult house placements and conclude that this is a marriage made in hell -- only to learn that the couple has been crazily in love for the past twenty years. Again, examining the individual charts will tell you the basic needs of the people involved. Only then can you determine if the relationship fulfills the needs.

Other Points To Consider 1. Comparative house placement -- even in unrelated signs, a planet in A's fifth house, and a planet in B's fifth house in the same relative position, can act like a soft conjunction. These planetary relationships will not be apparent in the computer interpretation; they must be discovered by examining each chart individually and then together.

2. Planets in one house, but in the sign of the next or preceding house, may operate as if in the house ruled by the sign rather than in the actual house placement. Often, these planets affect both the house they are in, and the house ruled by the sign. Much depends on how far in degree the planet is from the house cusp ruled by its own sign. If, for instance, you find partner A’s Mars at 24 degrees Aries and partner B’s 10th house cusp is 26 degrees Aries, the planet, while technically in the ninth house will

Page 4 house cusp is 26 degrees Aries, the planet, while technically in the ninth house will

operate more like a tenth house comparative placement. Read interpretations for both houses to get the clearest possible picture.

3. Solar houses should be checked in addition to any other house system you opt for to give a clearer picture of what the relationship is all about. Calculate using a Sunrise Chart and the Equal House system for each partner. (Note: the degrees of each partner’s moon will not be valid in this calculation -- unless, of course, one or both were born at sunrise. )

4. The aspects between the partners’ planets show how each relates to the other; where the planets of one partner fall into the houses of the other (comparative house placement) there is the greatest impact on the partner whose houses are being considered. The placement of partner A’s planets in partner B’s houses tell you far more about how partner B experiences partner A than about how partner A experiences partner B.

Page 5 John F. Kennedy Marilyn Monroe Reference Chart 2nd Chart Natal Chart Natal Chart Tuesday, May 29, 1917 Tuesday, June 1, 1926 3:00:00 PM EST 9:30:00 AM PST Brookline, Massachusetts Los Angeles, California

` a b c d e f g h i l j q r 09 28 00 13 29 01 03 17 06 21 04 25 15 02 C D C C B C D A D C B L E D ` Q 09 T 50 31 Q 36 26 45 X 48 05 33 51 Z 56 W 51 13 X 07 13 03 04 17 03 06 08 21 10 26 09 00 19 06 A I A A A A B K B A L K I B a 28 W 09 T 51 S 55 T 46 T 04 08 Q 25 ] 53 Y 11 \ 16 10 S 33 W 26 07 27 28 11 27 29 01 15 04 20 03 24 13 00 C D B C B B D A D C B L E D b Q 19 00 41 46 36 55 58 15 44 01 06 01 Y 23 X 17 18 07 09 22 08 10 12 26 15 01 14 05 24 11 B D B B B B C L C C A L D C c \ 18 59 40 45 35 54 T 57 14 43 01 U 05 00 22 T 16 29 18 20 03 19 21 23 07 26 12 25 15 05 22 A C A B A A B L B B L K J B d 17 R 58 V 40 T 44 V 35 V 53 57 14 42 00 05 59 W 22 S 15 17 07 08 21 07 09 12 25 14 00 13 04 23 10 A I A A A A B K B B L K I B e 20 01 43 47 38 T 56 W 00 Q 16 45 03 08 X 02 25 18 29 19 21 04 19 22 24 07 27 12 25 16 05 22 E G K F K E F J F F J I H F f ] 39 V 20 R 01 06 R 56 R 15 S 18 T 35 03 21 26 21 U 43 S 37 03 23 24 07 23 26 28 11 00 16 29 20 09 26 B C A B A A B L C B L K J B g 25 06 [ 48 52 43 01 S 05 21 50 08 Q 13 07 30 S 23 15 04 06 19 05 07 09 22 12 27 10 01 21 08 D F D D D D E B E D C H F E h 02 43 T 24 29 T 20 T 38 42 R 58 27 45 50 44 V 07 U 00 25 15 17 00 15 18 20 03 23 08 21 12 01 18 C E C D C C D B D D B G F D i 37 V 18 00 04 55 13 17 33 02 20 25 R 19 42 35 19 08 10 23 09 11 13 27 16 01 14 05 25 12 B D B B B B C L C C A L D C l 07 Y 48 30 X 34 25 43 47 03 T 32 V 50 U 55 49 12 05 27 17 18 01 17 19 22 05 24 10 23 14 03 20 C E C D C C D B D D B G F D j \ 22 V 03 V 45 U 49 V 40 58 02 18 47 05 10 R 04 T 27 Q 20 10 00 01 14 00 03 05 18 07 23 06 27 16 03 D F D D D D E B E D C G F E q V 27 08 50 V 54 T 45 03 07 24 52 \ 10 Y 15 W 09 32 25 21 11 13 26 12 14 16 29 19 04 17 08 28 14 B D B B B B C L C C A L D C r U 55 36 18 \ 22 13 32 35 Z 52 T 20 V 38 43 S 37 00 53

provided by Psychic Eye Book Shops Sherman Oaks, CA 91423 John F. & Marilyn

Part One -- Planets and Aspects Each of us has every planet in his or her chart. Each planet symbolizes a different facet of life. In synastry, when we compare two charts, we look at the aspects (distance in degrees) between the planets of one chart and the planets of the other to determine areas of potential ease or difficulty. In general, sextiles and trines are easy aspects; squares and oppositions are challenging or dynamic aspects. Conjunctions can be either easy or difficult, depending on the planets involved.

Below, a brief (necessarily incomplete) description of the areas of life ruled by each of the planets: SUN: The life force, the ego center, who you are at your core. MOON: Feelings, home, mother, family, sensitivity, nurturing, moods. MERCURY: Communication, schooling, short trips, negotiations, the mind. VENUS: Emotions, asthetic and artistic sense, what you have to offer a lover or partner if you’re a woman; what you want in a partner if you’re a man. MARS: Aggression, desires, competitiveness, ego drive, conflict, what you bring to a relationship if you’re a man; what you want if you’re a woman. JUPITER: Expansion, generosity, travel, optimism, knowledge, beliefs. SATURN: Restrictions, discipline, fear, burdens, status, ambition, authority. URANUS: Innovativeness, quirkiness, rebelliousness. NEPTUNE: Dreams, illusions, drugs, deception, spirituality. PLUTO: Death and regeneration, elimination, tumultuous change, power.

Common Aspects

Sun conjunct Sun ` Q ` This conjunction indicates that on a very basic level, the two of you are much alike. While you may appear different in many ways, and may or may not share similar tastes, beliefs and opinions. It is very likely you will identify strongly with each other’s methods, objectives, needs and drives. You should be able to instinctively understand each other on the most basic levels, which can have both a positive and negative impact on your relationship at different times. The basis of this relationship can be constructive or destructive, cooperative or competitive, depending on other chart factors. In itself, this aspect does not promote growth or balance (although there may be other chart factors that offer these potentials), as you are too similar to provide each other with much perspective; it is more likely that you will overaccentuate the traits of the sign in which this conjunction occurs.

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Mars sextile Mars d V d With this sextile between your charts, you’ll have a very positive effect on each other’s energy level and ability to deal with challenges. You can cooperate in activities of all kinds, but especially those requiring physical action. You’ll find it easy to support each other’s actions, drive and desires. You can -- and very likely will -- compete against each other in a friendly way. But this tends to be positive, mutually enjoyable competition and you will probably help each other improve skills as a result.

Jupiter square Jupiter e T e You’re likely to encourage each other to excess in a variety of ways. You may bring out the pompous, overbearing or hypocritical tendencies in one another; or you may simply encourage each other to believe that your ideas are better thought out than they may be. Your optimistic, idealistic and indulgent tendencies are likely to be exaggerated through your relationship with each other . You can spin grand ideas together that go nowhere. You may also engage in debates or discussions that make you each feel intellectually superior, but serve little other purpose.

Saturn trine Saturn f S f You are likely to be able to work together well and to be assets to each other in business. You can contribute to each other’s discipline, practicality and sense of responsibility. You tend to feel loyalty and responsibility toward one another . This trine is often a sign of an enduring relationship.

John F. Kennedy’s Planets Aspecting Marilyn Monroe’s Planets

Sun conjunct Mercury ` Q b This aspect usually indicates a compatibility of ideas and communication. The mental acitivity of the Mercury person helps advance the ego needs of the Sun person. Likewise, the Sun person may stimulate the Mercury person’s thinking and encourage him or her to articulate their ideas. In itself, this conjunction is neutral romantically, meaning that any physical attraction between the two of you will be a result of other factors in the chart.

Moon opposite Mars a R d This comparative aspect often indicates a highly emotional but stormy relationship. You are likely to arouse intense feelings in each other, and you can expect an ample number of blow-ups and disagreements. The Mars person can often hurt the Moon person through thoughtlessness and insensitivity and the Moon person can drive the

Page 2 person through thoughtlessness and insensitivity and the Moon person can drive the

John F. & Marilyn

Mars person to distraction through moodiness. All that being said, this is still one of the aspects most often seen between long-term romantic and marital partners. The secret to your success as a couple may be in all that time you spend kissing and making up.

Moon sextile Saturn a V f While not necessarily a fun aspect, this sextile is favorable for partners who share family responsibility because it makes you both aware of the importance of what you have to do together. It is favorable for enduring relationships and often helps cement a bond by accentuating the sense of security and purpose between you. You tend to feel a mutual sense of loyalty. You will also tend to hold compatible views on parenting unless other factors in the comparison strongly contradict this.

Moon sextile Pluto a V i Because Pluto spends so many years in each sign, everyone born within a few years of each other will have Pluto in more or less the same position. This sextile is therefore more significant as an indicator of the Moon person’s response to an entire generation than as a trait in a one-to-one relationship. If the aspect is within a degree of exact, there is likely to be intense emotionalism in the relationship that encourages each of you to probe more deeply into your psyches. You can also help each other implement tremendous changes for the better in your lives.

Mercury sextile Mars b V d A dynamic exchange of ideas is typical with this comparative aspect. You can stimulate each other in positive ways and energize each other to accomplish or at least attempt more in the way of actualizing plans, ideas and activities. The Mars person can help the Mercury person put thoughts into action; the Mercury person can help the Mars person plan his or her actions so that they are more effective.

Mercury opposite Saturn b R f This comparative aspect can cause each of you to encourage the other to see things in a pessimistic light. The Mercury person may feel that too many demands are made by the Saturn person. The Saturn person may feel the Mercury person lacks commitment and/or discipline. Each of you may bring out the tendency in the other to worry.

Mercury square Neptune b T h Because Neptune spends so many years in each sign, everyone born within a few

Page 3 Because Neptune spends so many years in each sign, everyone born within a few

John F. & Marilyn years of each other will have Neptune in more or less the same position. This square is therefore more significant as an indication of the Mercury person’s response to an entire generation than as indication of one-to-one relationship traits. If the square is within a degree or two of exact, there can be muddled communication, confusion and misunderstanding between you. There is also the possibility of deceptive behavior or dissembling by one or both of you.

Venus square Mars c T d This aspect is one of the strongest indicators of a dynamic sexual attraction between two people. It’s such a powerful aspect in fact, that even when the two planets are considered “out of orb” (meaning that the aspect is more than 10 degrees from an exact square) it tends to have an impact (although this impact is weakened considerably when the square is out of sign). While some astrologers see this aspect as potentially problematic(because of the tensions associated with the square aspect and the differing expressions of the two planets involved) the positives usually far outweigh the negatives. There may occasionally be irritations because what the Mars person demands may not always be what the Venus person has to offer. But between two mature individuals this can allow for mutual and individual growth. Minor problems often tend to get worked out through sexual encounters; this is a great kiss- and-make-up kind of aspect.

Mars opposite Saturn d R f There’s potential for much frustration in this relationship with a lot of pushing and pulling going on but not a lot of movement in any direction. You can come at situations from entirely opposite perspectives, in which the Mars person may see an urgent need for action, while the Saturn person demands restraint. Consequently, you tend to thwart each other and inspire a good deal of resentment. You may each show a severe disregard for the other’s feelings while attempting to meet your own needs. This is the greatest problem with this aspect. If you can learn patience and empathy, it is possible to work together with focused and carefully targeted energy that can help you get a considerable amount accomplished together.

Mars square Neptune d T h Because Neptune spends so many years in each sign, everyone born within a few years of each other will have Neptune in more or less the same position. This square is therefore more significant as an indicator of the Mars person’s response to an entire generation than as an indication of one-to-one relationship traits. If the aspect is within a degree or so of exact, there may be confusion between you about how each

Page 4 within a degree or so of exact, there may be confusion between you about how each

John F. & Marilyn operates and what each desires. The Mars person may feel that the Neptune person is wishy-washy and gets in the way of what he/she wants to do; the Neptune person may be wounded by the Mars person’s abruptness and aggressiveness.

Jupiter opposite Saturn e R f You probably come at most situations from opposite directions; the Jupiter person with an optimistic outlook as compared to the Saturn person, who may often play the role of pessimist and wet blanket. Nevertheless, you can learn a great deal from each other and grow as individuals through your association with one another. You will have to give each other room to move and freedom to express yourselves in the way that is most natural and comfortable for each of you, though. Maturity and openmindedness are essential.

Jupiter square Neptune e T h Because Neptune spends so many years in each sign, everyone born within a few years of each other will have Neptune in more or less the same position. This square is therefore more significant as an indicator of the Jupiter person’s response to an entire generation than as an indication of one-to-one relationship traits. If the aspect is within a degree or so of exact, this is likely to be an idealistic, dreamy relationship that encourages you both to have unrealistic hopes and expectations of the other and to engage in impractical or irresponsible activities together.

Saturn trine Uranus f S g Each of you is likely to bring to the relationship something the other lacks or needs, so that you fill in each other’s blanks and provide a comfortable balance. The Saturn person provides structure and discipline so that the Uranus person’s insights and innovation can find practical application; the Uranus person helps the Saturn person venture outside the lines and discover new ways of looking at issues, circumstances and ideas.

Uranus opposite Neptune g R h Other than between people who were both born in the early part of this century, this comparative aspect occurs only between people of widely spaced generations. It is of very little significance in one-to-one relationships, although, if very close aspect, it may show a clash of styles between the Neptune person’s gentle, evasive, tradition- bound approach and the Uranus person’s need to change things and shake things up.

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Midheaven conjunct North Node r Q j The North Node person can supply the extra encouragement and support that the Midheaven person needs to follow his or her life direction or advance in career and status. The Midheaven person can enhance the North Node person’s chance of finding the right path in life and staying on it.

Marilyn Monroe’s Planets Aspecting John F. Kennedy’s Planets

Sun square Moon ` T a While this can be a problematic combination, it also seems to produce attraction, as it is one of the more common aspects between couples. There may be clashes between the Sun person’s need to assert his or her ego and the Moon person’s emotional needs. There is also the potential for one of you to dominate and overshadow the other; often, but not necessarily, the Sun person. However, when the attraction is strong enough -- which it often is with this aspect -- people usually learn to get past the potential for misunderstanding and grow as individuals and as a couple through dealing with the challenges posed by this square.

Sun conjunct Venus ` Q c This conjunction is generally favorable for a sexual relationship and often indicates mutual attraction. You are likely to share similar values as well as to appreciate similar forms of music and entertainment -- which you should get out and enjoy together as much as possible. The Venus person is likely to go out of his or her way to satisfy the ego needs of the Sun person and the Sun person will probably feel a certain sense of pride in being associated with the Venus person.

Moon square Mercury a T b This square can indicate an occasional clash between the intellectual, rational and other mental doings of the Mercury person and the emotional life of the Moon person. The Moon person may sometimes feel the Mercury person is shallow, unfeeling or overly critical. The Mercury person may feel smothered by the Moon person’s tendency to emotionalize situations. You each may have difficulty understanding the other’s approach to domestic issues. There’s also a tendency with this aspect to nitpick at each other or get overly emotional about insignificant comments or events.

Moon trine Venus a S c Emotional harmony and greater than usual sensitivity toward each other’s feelings are typical with this aspect. A Moon/Venus trine can indicate a very romantic, caring

Page 6 are typical with this aspect. A Moon/Venus trine can indicate a very romantic, caring

John F. & Marilyn relationship. You are likely to enjoy similar activities, especially if there is a creative or imaginative element to them. Mutual support is one of the traits typical with this trine, along with the empathy that allows you to understand when support is needed without always having to be told (although good communication always helps).

Moon square Mars a T d This can be a real ouch, emotionally. There is likely to be a great deal of volatility in this relationship and, when emotions flare (as they most definitely will) one of you -- often the Mars person -- may lash out without regard for the emotional pain you may cause the other. There is a tendency to have many disagreements, which you may be incapable of settling rationally and which can often become tearful or angry scenes. The Mars person is likely to feel defensive during clashes, while the Moon person feels wounded. The best way to handle these situations is to learn not to take everything the other says so personally, even if it seems as if there’s not other way to take it, but to try to see where the other is coming from. Most important -- be kind in what you say to, and how you act toward, each other. Disagreements should never be cause for, or include, personal attacks and insults.

Moon square Jupiter a T e This can sometimes indicate overblown emotions or a tendency to encourage one another to be emotionally indulgent. There may be a touch of insincerity in the emotional expression between you or perhaps just oversentimentality. In any event, this is not a particularly troublesome square as a rule.

Moon conjunct Uranus a Q g This can be a somewhat unsettling aspect . The Uranus person can bring excitement into the Moon person’s life, but may upset the Moon person’s feelings of security and safety. The Moon person can provide stability for the Uranus person, but may demand more togetherness than the Uranus person feels comfortable with. The relationship is likely to be subject to swings and changes, and it may be difficult to develop a long- term, stable partnership.

Venus square Saturn c T f This tends to be a difficult aspect. There may be conditions or limitations on this relationship, or the timing may be off. Sometimes it indicates internal or external obstacles that keep an otherwise good relationship from going anywhere. There may be worry, fear of intimacy, and blocking of emotional expression. It may also indicate that one or the other has another important relationship that gets in the way of this

Page 7 that one or the other has another important relationship that gets in the way of this

John F. & Marilyn one. With Saturn, loyalty is often an issue. If expressed positively through this aspect, it can help form a solid, loyal, serious bond between you. If expressed negatively, one or both may show disloyalty to the other.

Mars sextile Jupiter d V e You can support each other in taking enthusiastic action and the activities you enter into together are more likely to have favorable results than those that either of you ventures into alone. The Jupiter person can help direct the Mars person’s energy into worthy causes; the Mars person can spur the Jupiter person to act on- rather than simply pontificate about- philosophy, ideals and other goals based on issues of principle.

Jupiter conjunct Uranus e Q g This aspect is apt to give relationships a stimulating, free-wheeling quality. You may inspire each other to try new things and take chances that you may not take alone -- and you can probably get away with it assuming other chart factors are not heavily weighted against this. The potential negatives: the Uranus person may at times be a bit too "way out" for the Jupiter person, and the Jupiter person may seem too traditionally oriented to the Uranus person.

Saturn square Uranus f T g There is likely to be an occasional clash between you about the issues of responsibility and personal freedom. Each of you is likely to bring out conflicting traits in the other. The Saturn person may feel that the Uranus person is undisciplined, unreliable and threatens his or her security; the Uranus person may feel tied down, restricted and put upon by theSaturn person.

Pluto conjunct South Node i Q k Because Pluto is in the same sign for 12-31 years, the South Node person will have more or less the same reaction to the Pluto influence as all those of the Pluto person’s generation. If the conjunction is within a degree or so of exact, there can be power struggles within the relationship and a tendency by one or both of you to attempt to manipulate the other . The Pluto person may feel that something associated with the Node person is a drain on his/her ability to maintain mastery or control.

Part Two -- Planets in Houses This section is concerned with where the planets of one partner fall in the houses of the other, also known as comparative house placement. For instance, if you have 12

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John F. & Marilyn degrees Cancer rising (also known as Cancer Ascendant or Cancer on the first house cusp) and your partner has Moon in 15 degrees Cancer, your partner’s Moon falls in your first house. Your experience of your partner’s emotions, family and moods (Moon) will influence how you see yourself (Ascendant). In comparative house placement analysis, the planets generally have a greater impact on the houses than the houses do on the planets. In other words, where your partner’s planets fall in your houses is a better indication of how you experience him or her than vice-versa. And where your planets fall in his or her houses will tell more about how he or she experiences you.

Marilyn Monroe’s Planets Aspecting John F. Kennedy’s Houses

HOUSE TWO This is the house of what you have, both in a tangible and intangible sense. It rules your possessions, your values and what you have to give sexually to your partner. When the planets of another person fall into this house, you are likely to experience the energies symbolized by those planets as having an impact on your sense of self- worth, your possessions, your material security or your personal value system.

Saturn in House 2 f in 2nd The Saturn person can help the second house person be more serious and responsible regarding all manner of tangible and intangible values. This influence extends not only to financial and business matters, but to personal ethics and principles as well. Occasionally, this placement indicates that the second house person's resources may be limited, or financial losses may be incurred, as a result of association with the Saturn person. This is generally true only if Saturn makes harsh major aspects to the second house person's planets or if other major chart factors support this.

HOUSE FOUR The fourth house rules the home, real estate, your mother (and your mothering instincts), as well as home, domestic and family situations in general. It is also the house ruling your final resting place. Those whose planets fall in your fourth house will affect you on a deep level, and may arouse your protective and nurturing instincts. If the Sun, Moon, Venus, Jupiter or Ascendant of another falls in your fourth house, you may make good housemates or domestic partners.

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Moon in House 4 a in 4th This is a particularly favorable placement for those living under the same roof. There is probably a strong identification between you on an emotional level, with the potential for great empathy, or even an intuitive link. You can nurture each other and be protective of one another, but you can also exacerbate each other’s moodiness. You’re likely to depend on each other for emotional security and may retreat into a cocoon together -- in a kind of “you and me against the world” response -- when things aren’t going your way.

Jupiter in House 4 e in 4th This tends to indicate that you will have a generous, tolerant attitude toward one another in domestic situations. The Jupiter person may be overly indulgent or overly- protective of the fourth house person. You are likely to share similar family values or ideals regarding family and home.

HOUSE FIVE Some astrologers refer to the fifth as the party house, and it’s an apt description. The fifth house presides over entertainment and fun of all kinds; including romance, gambling, parties, creativity and pleasure in general. It is also the house of children, and may describe certain traits of your first child. When the planets of another fall into your fifth house, the energies of these planets will have an affect on what you do, think and feel about fifth house issues. If someone’s Sun falls into your fifth house, for instance, you may be attracted to that person as a romantic partner or as someone to simply go out and have good times with.

Mars in House 5 d in 5th Generally speaking, this placement is an indication of sexual attraction. The Mars person can stir up the fifth house person’s desire for fun, entertainment and general good times. However, the Mars person may encourage the fifth house person to take unwise risks or gambles.

HOUSE SIX The morning after the partying of the fifth house, you’ve got to get back down to business, and that’s what the sixth house is about. It rules work, health, service, worries, diet, dress, personal habits and other mundane, but necessary details of life. When someone else’s planets fall into your sixth house, the energies of those planets will affect the way you respond to the above sixth house issues. If, for instance, someone’s Saturn is in your sixth house, he or she might be an authority (Saturn rules

Page 10 someone’s Saturn is in your sixth house, he or she might be an authority (Saturn rules

John F. & Marilyn authority figures) who you consult about health, such as a doctor; or he or she might be your boss at work.

Uranus in House 6 g in 6th The Uranus person is likely to have a surprising effect on the sixth house person’s work situation, health habits or dress. The Uranus person may introduce the sixth house person to different attitudes concerning diet, work or fitness.

HOUSE SEVEN The seventh, also known as the Descendant, is the house of marital and other partners. It is exactly opposite the first house, which represents you. As the old saying goes: opposites attract. The seventh is also the first of the houses above the horizon in your chart, and is the beginning of that part of the chart which represents your dealings with the public. When the planets of another person are in this house, the energies of those planets will have an impact on your seventh house issues. For instance, if someone’s Moon is in your seventh, that person’s emotional make-up and nurturing instincts are likely to be in sync with those you would want in a partner.

Venus in House 7 c in 7th This is a very favorable placement for romantic partnerships and is a strong indication of serious attraction. Each of you probably fulfills the other’s needs on some deep emotional level -- more so the closer Venus is to the seventh house cusp. The Venus person is likely to go out of his or her way to cater to seventh house person’s desires.

HOUSE EIGHT The eighth house deals with a host of intense and weighty issues: death, obsessions, repression, jealousy, taxes, joint resources, inheritances and other people’s possessions. It also represents what you want or need sexually. When someone else’s planets fall in your eighth house, the energies of those planets will have an impact on how you think, feel and act concerning eighth house issues. If, for instance, your rich old Great-Uncle Harry’s Jupiter falls in your eighth house, he might bequeath you a generous inheritance in his will.

Sun in House 8 ` in 8th This placement often indicates intense contacts that swing between harmony and discord. The Sun person can have a powerful effect on the eighth house person’s emotions and sexuality. There is, however, the potential for manipulation,

Page 11 emotions and sexuality. There is, however, the potential for manipulation,

John F. & Marilyn secretiveness, jealousy and emotional flare-ups. There can be a greater than usual focus in this relationship on joint resources, inheritances, taxes, insurance and other money matters. The Sun person can gain from eighth house person’s assets or may control the joint resources of both partners. The above comments apply most strongly when both Sun and house cusp are in the same sign.

Mercury in House 8 b in 8th With Mercury here, there is the possibility that you will be overly critical of one another concerning the handling of joint resources, taxes, insurance and inheritances. The Mercury person can stimulate the eighth house person to think and talk about deep and profound issues. The eighth house person’s resources can affect Mercury person’s ideas and discussions.

HOUSE NINE The ninth house is directly opposite the third in your chart and represents a higher order of some of the issues governed by the third house. Foreign travel or other long trips, higher learning, philosophy, culture, religion, law and book publishing are all matters related to this house. When the planets of another person fall into your ninth house, the energies of those planets can affect how you respond to ninth house issues. For instance, if a friend’s Uranus, the planet of innovation and surprises, falls in your ninth, he or she might introduce you to a new philosophical system or a new way of thinking about situations or events; or he/she might be the perfect traveling companion for an adventurous trip.

Pluto in House 9 i in 9th The Pluto person can have a subtle transformative effect on the beliefs and ideals of the ninth house person, but this usually requires aspects from Pluto to the ninth house person’s personal planets for the potentials to be fully activated.

HOUSE TEN Achievement, professional life, authority, status and ambition are all governed by the tenth house, also known as the Midheaven. This is also the house that represents your father, just as the fourth house represents your mother. (Please note: in some families, where the mother was the dominant parent, or the father was the greater nurturer of the two, the house rulership works better in reverse, with the fourth representing the father; the tenth the mother. Usually, however, the traditional rulership works best. ) When the planets of another person fall in your tenth house, the energies of those planets will affect the way you respond to tenth house issues.

Page 12 the energies of those planets will affect the way you respond to tenth house issues.

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For instance, if someone’s Mars, the planet of competitiveness and aggression, falls here, you might find yourself in professional competition with him or her.

Neptune in House 10 h in 10th The Neptune person can encourage the tenth house person to be idealistic in career and business matters. This placement is favorable for partners whose professions involve creativity, imagination and inspiration. There is a slight danger that the Neptune person can be a drain on tenth house person’s ambitions or status, but this is probable only if there are major hard aspects from Neptune to the tenth house person’s planets.

John F. Kennedy’s Planets in Marilyn Monroe’s Houses

HOUSE TWO This is the house of what you have, both in a tangible and intangible sense. It rules your possessions, your values and what you have to give sexually to your partner. When the planets of another person fall into this house, you are likely to experience the energies symbolized by those planets as having an impact on your sense of self- worth, your possessions, your material security or your personal value system.

Moon in House 2 a in 2nd With this placement, the Moon person’s emotional security may depend on the financial security or material worth of the second house person. The Moon person’s feelings can have an effect on what the second house person values, both in a tangible and intangible way. You may try to shore up your sense of worth by accumulating material possessions, or you may become too emotionally attached to the possessions you collect together.

HOUSE SEVEN The seventh, also known as the Descendant, is the house of marital and other partners. It is exactly opposite the first house, which represents you. As the old saying goes: opposites attract. The seventh is also the first of the houses above the horizon in your chart, and is the beginning of that part of the chart which represents your dealings with the public. When the planets of another person are in this house, the energies of those planets will have an impact on your seventh house issues. For instance, if someone’s Moon is in your seventh, that person’s emotional make-up and nurturing instincts are likely to be in sync with those you would want in a partner.

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Uranus in House 7 g in 7th Often found in exciting, electric, but less than stable relationships. Your relationship is likely to involve some sort of untraditional or unusual circumstances. This placement is typical in shotgun weddings and Mexican divorces. For the relationship to work best, you must give each other plenty of freedom and accept each other’s quirks and differences.

HOUSE TEN Achievement, professional life, authority, status and ambition are all governed by the tenth house, also known as the Midheaven. This is also the house that represents your father, just as the fourth house represents your mother. (Please note: in some families, where the mother was the dominant parent, or the father was the greater nurturer of the two, the house rulership works better in reverse, with the fourth representing the father; the tenth the mother. Usually, however, the traditional rulership works best. ) When the planets of another person fall in your tenth house, the energies of those planets will affect the way you respond to tenth house issues. For instance, if someone’s Mars, the planet of competitiveness and aggression, falls here, you might find yourself in professional competition with him or her.

Sun in House 10 ` in 10th This is a potent position for the Sun and may indicate that this is a relationship with a highly developed sense of purpose or destiny. You are likely to feel responsible toward, and loyal to each other. You may also be particularly careful to behave in a principled manner toward each other. The Sun person can have a powerful effect on tenth house person’s status, profession and reputation, more so the closer the Sun is to a conjunction with the tenth house cusp . There is some potential for discord arising from a need to balance home and career issues, but this will probably not be pronounced unless supported by other comparative aspects. There is also the potential for competition between the two of you in professional and business matters.

Mercury in House 10 b in 10th This placement tends to be favorable for business partnerships. The Mercury person’s words and ideas are likely to have an impact on the tenth house person’s career or status, and the tenth house person can help the Mercury person get greater recognition for his or her ideas. If there are harsh aspects from Mercury to the tenth house person’s chart, there is a slight danger that the Mercury person’s words will have a negative effect on the tenth house person’s ambitions, or that the Mercury

Page 14 have a negative effect on the tenth house person’s ambitions, or that the Mercury

John F. & Marilyn person will be overly critical of the tenth house person’s career, professional achievements or ambitions.

Mars in House 10 d in 10th This placement can mean that you have a stimulating effect on each other’s ambitions. The Mars person especially, can spur the tenth house person to climb more aggressively in his or her career. If you are in the same profession, you are likely to compete with, and challenge each other to do better. If there are harsh major aspects from Mars to the tenth house person’s chart, disagreements over professional matters can have a detrimental effect on your personal relationship.

Jupiter in House 10 e in 10th This placement is favorable for professional partnerships. The Jupiter person can have a positive impact on the tenth house person’s professional standing and status. The tenth house person can help the Jupiter person gain recognition for beliefs, causes and opinions. If Jupiter makes harsh major aspects to the tenth house person’s planets, he or she may encourage the tenth house person to be more optimistic and less cautious than is practical in career matters.

HOUSE ELEVEN Friends, acquaintances, associates, associations, clubs, and virtually any other group you feel a part of are all matters related to the eleventh house. This is also the house governing your hopes, wishes and professional values (personal values are matters of the second house). When someone else’s planets fall here in your chart, the energies of those planets will affect your reactions to eleventh house issues. For instance, if a friend’s Pluto, the planet of power, falls in your eleventh, your association with that person can potentially bring you greater power and control.

Venus in House 11 c in 11th You will probably enjoy a feeling of close friendship, in addition to any other relationship you have together. The Venus person can help the eleventh house person’s social standing, help him or her achieve aspirations and help him or her advance through valuable associations. This comparative placement works best if both partners are willing to give the other plently of freedom and elbow room.

Pluto in House 11 i in 11th The Pluto person can help the eleventh house person focus on achieving his or her hopes and wishes, and may also have a transformative effect on those hopes.

Page 15 hopes and wishes, and may also have a transformative effect on those hopes.

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Generally, this requires close aspects between Pluto and the eleventh house person’s personal planets in order for these potentials to be fully activated.

HOUSE TWELVE This is the house of illusion, where things are not quite what they seem. Secrets, ideals, deception and self-deception, dreams, drugs, chronic illness, institutions and intuition are all matters of the twelfth house. Older astrology texts call this the house of self-undoing, but this is probably too negative a reading in most cases. It is true, though, that it is difficult to get a clear picture of what is going on in this house; so the energies of any planets of another person that fall into your twelfth are likely to be harder for you to understand than those falling in other houses. If, for instance, someone’s Venus falls in your twelfth, you may find it difficult to see that person’s flaws and you may respond to the person as if he or she were your ideal mate, whether or not this is objectively realistic.

Saturn in House 12 f in 12th You may have a tendency to bring out each other’s fears, pessimism and any psychological problems. This placement sometimes indicates that one of the partners will take on responsibility for the other at some point in life, perhaps due to illness, substance dependency or institutionalization. This generally requires confirmation from other aspects or from major hard transits.

Neptune in House 12 h in 12th You can bring out the best and the worst in each other. On the positive side, you can inspire each other to greater empathy, charitability, spirituality and compassion. On the negative side, there can be victimization, deception, clinging-vine dependency, or aggravation of neurotic tendencies or substance abuse.

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