4/08/2016 Table1 Page 7 Author Title Class/N Acc No 1933
Table1 4/08/2016 Author Title Class/n Acc No 1933 Anchor 100 Embroidery Stitches A /ANC 218 Anchor 100 Embroidery Stitches A /ANC 522 Barnden, Betty Embroidery Stitch Bible, The A /BAR 1705 Bayard, Marie-Noelle Embroidery Techniques & Patterns A /BAY 1905 Beaney, Jan Stitches: New Approaches A /BEA 1659 Bond, Dorothy Crazy Quilt Stitches A /BON 1457 Brull, Sheila Dictionary of Stitches ) A /BRU 161 Brull, Sheila Dictionary of Stitches A /BRU 339 Butler, Anne Simple Stitches A /BUT 892 Butler, Anne Batsford Encyclopaedia of Embroidery Stitches, The A /BUT 1670 Causee, Linda Encyclopedia of Crazy Quilt Stitches & Motifs A /CAU 1563 Chandler, Ruth Modern Hand Stitching A /CHA 2117 Christie, Mrs Archibald Samplers and Stitches A /CHR 1096 Gardner, Sue(Ed) A-Z of Embroidery Stitches A /COU 1452 O'Connor, Susan (Ed) A-Z of Embroidery Stitches 2 A /COU 1877 Cowan, Sally Left Handed Stitchery A /COW 2150 Eaton, Jan Complete Stitch Encyclopedia, The A /EAT 401 Eaton, Jan Mary Thomas's Dictionary of Embroidery Stitches A /EAT 1661 Enthoven, Jacqueline Stitches of Creative Embroidery, The A /ENT 97 Enthoven, Jacqueline Stitches of Creative Embroidery, The A /ENT 122 Enthoven, Jacqueline Stitches of Creative Embroidery, The A /ENT 368 Enthoven, Jacqueline Stitches of Creative Embroidery, The A /ENT 990 Hall, Dorothea Good Housekeeping: Embroidery A /GOO 1190 Hein, Gisela Basic Stitches of Embroidery - A Modern Approach A /HEI 1308 Howard, Constance Constance Howard Book of Stitches The A /HOW 200 Howard, Constance Constance Howard Book of Stitches
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