Soviet Satellites Join, Orbit in Spaee
0 ■ / / Didljr Net PM b Roi The Weather H m Week Ended Fair tonight. Low in 80s. To October » , 1M1 morrow fair' with increasing cloudiness. High near 60, 15,544 1: Manchester—“A City o f Village Charm (ObuMlfled Advertialnc on Fn^e 19) VdL. LXXXVn, NO. 25 (TWENTY PAGES—TWO SECTHONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, OCTOBER 80, 1967 PRICE SEVEN CENTS Huck and Tom \ HOPEWELL, Va. (AP) — Nobel Prizes Given Robert Williams and Lacey Soviet Satellites Hall, both 14, pushed off on- a raft into the James River —rf- Friday morning and didn’t come back that day, nor the To Four Scientists next. J , STOCKHOLAC. Sweden (AP) Bethe, 61, was bom in Alsace Oct. 10 for his epic novels about All day Saturday, Civil Air Join, Orbit in Spaee — Ih e Swedish Academy of Sci \^le it was German territory the troubles of the poor in his Patrol planes and rescue ence today awarded the Nobel and started his academic career Central American country. squadmen searched the river Prise in physics to Prof. Hans in Germany. Forced to leave ’The previous day three medi for miles around. Sunday A. Bethe o f Oomell University when Hitler came to power, he cal researchers shared the prize they were Joined by the and the chemistry prise Jointly spent two years in England and for physiology or medicine. Ck>ast Guard. to Britons George Porter and went to Cornell, in Ithaca, N.T., ’They were Haldan Keffer Hsirt- And, at 10 a.m., Robert MOSCOW (AP) — Two Ronald George Wreyford Norr- in 1B30.
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