Gemini Sets U.S. Mark; Conrad Spots Carrier
.-Va TUESDAY, AUGUST 24, 1966 i Averue D a ily Net Praea Ron The WiBtkfr f AGE EIGHTEEN J i f m >VNk I bM •I V. E. weaifea lianrlifatfr lEuftting 1l|waUi Angortti, itw K«t aa aMl Soalglia , tow and would giva the town more value for Its money. 13,550 6| nEM, ehaane a« O a m m An Inspection of the epeolfloa- BARRiCINi Town Awards exotuelvety at r o< tiM Anill r, Mgh to Mk About Town Town Aides tloni revealed an omission and a< draalattae now. after a correcUon, new H m ehm U r^A City of VUIa§a Charm M e rrh e n at Orford Partah 3 Contracts bide are being advertised. Chapter, GAR, will make an To Consider Ligg^ff Drug The Tyler Equipment Oorp. of fABKAOT M Pag* SO) annual pllfrimajre to Cathedral Bast Longmeadow, Maas., with MANCHEOTBR, OONN., WEDNESDAY, AUGUNT 25, 1965 fOtoMlftod PRICE SEVEN CENTS at the Plnea, Rlnjre, N.H., for Th« town hoa awardtd threa VOL. LXXXIV, NO. 277 (THIRTY-TWO PAGB&-TWO aECTIONB) Rec Program oontrabta, ona for a front end a price of $11,275, will supply GAR Day Saturddy at 3 p.m. A the town with a Michigan front- Memorial Service will be held loader for the Town Hlfhway end loader of two cubic feet at the National War Memorial, with I.kibor Day, the tradi Dejpartment, another for a capacity. the AlUr of the Nation, which tional atart of fall activities, three-quarter-ton utility truck Mirror Showed la dedicated to Ood a* a me lesR than two weeks away, the Tyler's price was the lowest and a half-ton pickup truck for of seven bids opened on Aug.
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