• \ ‘••V ■ ( ' y •■ • . 'I- ’ » Ar PAaS tWENtr-FOUR iNanrbf Btifr H^ralb FRIDAY, NOVEMBER t, iW f Afertim Daily;. Nffi Preae Ron - r ’The Weather F«r Ow W M Ihid«d Forecuat ot U: S. Weather p utofefe ih e Central ConnecUculT’ Coin p ^ y was hsfeded by Mrs. Hsrold OeM ier 27, IMS Club will meet tSiesday at 7:30 Council to T o v ^ Drop Litter Habit. 100 Attend Party Wareham, and Included V i i . Tliure FOR RENT Rolu, windy mad littie ohniigfe hi About Town p.m. at the 'Whlton Memorial Li­ Blombeig, Mrs. Blurton HUton, S and 16 mm. Movls Ftojeetors tempwfetan tonight, low SS to 4e. brary, N. Main St. There Will be Shepard Xobacco The Manchiester Junior Cham­ At Highlaiid Park Sunday mOatly cloudy, windy and Itrs. Jules Goldstein, Mrs. Thomss —^ n n d or sUent, also W. mm. 13,700 rM AtM Od«A 612 B. Center an exhibn of'U.S. Large Cents.. ber of Commerce is sponsoring slide projMtoipk > . MHriier of th» Audit cool.'vrith a chance of acatMIred Spsno, Mrs^J3e;rinour K ^ la n and •bowers or anow flnrrlee. ■ U ■nd.UloytVinoe, M Village St., Half CenU, Flying Eagle and The second ><leld trip in thd an antl-litter campaign. If yoU About loo children attended.the Burwiu t t drenlatien. RotdtrlUe,. will take part in the dian Head Centa Following^'the Mrs. Carl Hultghen. Oscar Stan­ WELDON DRUG. CO. 1962-63 lerito, "The Changing Halloween party sponsored Manche$t«r~--A City o f VUioge Charm taurtli atotial Invitational debat- mating refreshments will be serv­ live, or work, or shop in Man­ Wednesday night by the Highland ford and Thomaa Spapo' conducted M l Blfda SL—IM . I ll 6-6621 ih« tournament beginning today ed and a coin auction |ieid. The Face of Otoater Hartford,” ■ spon­ chester, Jt is to your advanta^ Park PTA-and the recreation de­ the games. to make sure that the.stre^ fend continuing through tomorrow meeting is open to tlje public. sored ,,by the Greater Hartford partment at the school TOL. LXXXH, No. 80 ITWELVE PAGES—TV SECTION)' MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, NOVEMBER S, 196B (OlnMlfled Advertiting an Page 10) PRICE FIVE OENT8 M Central Connecticut State Col­ Council on Ecbnomic ' Education, and sideways of town are Douglas Schultheis''And Danny clean. A cleu community is a lage. The topic will be: "Reaolved: Dr. and Mrs. Ftank H. Horton wiU' be a tour of The Shepard To­ Stanford won prizes for the mdst l l i i H more pleasant and prosperous jlllllliijlii iHilimHiniil Tbat the non-Oommuniat\ natiom of 63 PrinceU)rt St. will be host­ bacco Co., 200 .Sullivan Ave., original costumes; Judy Lloyd and ill place hi which to live or work. o f the. world should form an eco­ South Wlndaor, Monday. Steven Grube, the funniest; Philip ess at LAitZyjfunior Museum Sun­ Make sure that yoh don't have nomic conununity.” Odell,'a fresh­ Jean Shepahd, presldeht of the Hultgren, the best, and iCathy day srfternoon from 2 until 5. that litter habit; put your trash Yemen Girds State N ew s man liberal arts major, will'be on council, will give a briefing at 4 Glenney, the prettiest, ' Chinese Advance, in proper trash receptacles. ttie affirmative side; Vince, a ThO annual. “ Ladies Nite” din-' p.m. before the tour of the' com­ Prizes were awarded for dough- aenior history major, will argue i^-dance of,,the Hartford Chap­ pany, ' which makes homogenized hut eating to Claude Laurent, Man­ For War on negatively. ter of the National Association of' cigar wrappers, At 5:45 p.m., din­ lead M panel discussion of "Prob­ ning Humphrey and Philip Hult­ Roundup ■ Accountants will be held tomor­ ner will be served at the First lems of Connecticut’s Natural gren. Nancy Mercer won a prjzb for Frederick TuUy, eon of hWs. U.S. Arms Arrive row at 6:30 p.m. at-the Tobacco Congregational Church. Resourtes” at 7, and the program balloon bursting and Linda DoU Arabia King Emily K. Tully of 6 MlnU CXiurt, and Karen Kaiser for guessing i:::: Valley Inn in Windsjf'. Shepard Sti4 Joseph Ward of will close with comments from ;:i:i ' and a student at Upper I^^a Uni- the State Department of Agricul­ A. A. MacKimmie on educational gaihes. Tsrsity, Fayette, Iowa ^hs'passed By FAROUK NA88AR By HENBY'S. BRADSHER ^have been driven back in the Races Grind on The auxiliary to the VFW will ture and Natural' Resoufces wUl Implications of the trip. The committee in cha^e of the the admission tests /Or the Navy DAMASCUS, Syria (AP)— mountains protecting the Assam sponsor a card parly tonight at NEW DELHI (A P )— Chi­ Officer Candidate^ouree conduct­ Revolutionary Yemen massed plains. In Weekend Rain 8 at the I^ t Home. nese fotces cpntjnueii to ad­ ed at the eoUegfe recently. jiiii land, sea and air forcM A steady ktream of U.S^ jet Vet Day Chairman li!;; vance near Demchok at the transports, arriving - one ^ e ry The Mothers Club, Second Con­ X, against Saudi Axabia today. HAR-TFORD (AP) — A Donald /.'^Gleason, son of Mr. Anthony O'Bright, past com­ southern end of the Ladakh three hours, will continue the On Use of Red Cross gregational Church, Will jorieet ’The Egypt-backed republican arms buUdup. Heavier equipment, heavy doae of rain in much of and iS x fy J v n e t H. Oleason of 58 mander of the American ' Legion IHi battlefield, informed' sources Tuesday at 8 p.m. in FeUoWship yOTE FOR A MAN OF-DUTY iliiili government talked grimly of such as tanks, is expected by ship Connecticut threw a damper N. Elm St., hah been made a mem­ Hall. Harry Smith; a teacher at and. its current chaplain, has been reported today, as the first ber, « Alpha Chi Rho at Gettys- a showdown with itg monarch­ in a few. weeks. ‘ ' { omjnany outdoor political ac- Keeney Annex Schopl,/Vvill speak named chairman for Veterans Day planeloads of American weap­ A shipment of Canadian guns College; Gettysburg, Pa. tivies as the state campaign on "Different' Children.’’ Refrerti- to be observed Monday, Nov. 12. it ist neighbor. ons arrived to bolster the also is expected soon. ELECT SHERIFF San’a radio In Temen’s remote entered the final w^kend to­ ments will be served. The pub­ The announcement was made by PANTI- LEGS hard-pressed Indian army. A letter from Premier Khru^- Swiss Unit lic is invited. , capital quoted leaders of the 36- chev delivered to Prime Minister day__—" Poet" Omdr. Robert Mongell. day-old revolutionary regime in U.S. Ambassador' John K. Gal­ The anhu^ program 'will be held Glen / braith warned Indians not to ex­ Nehru Friday was said by, inform­ Abraham . Ribicoff, the Demo­ '■Music 7fcftn Broadway” is the by stormy chatieoghs to Saudi Arabi­ ed sources, to give no hope that cratic Senate candidate, concen­ on the front lawn at Manchester an King Baud and Jordanian King pect magic results from Ameri­ W ould View Believe It theme o t a meeting of the Cha- Memorial Hospital at 11 a.m., pre­ can weapons before the first two the Soviet Union would be able to trated on the Hartford area, where mipade Musical -Club Monday at Rav<m Hetissein, warning the former of restrain the Chinese offensive at his party hopes to retain its tradi­ ceded by a parade from Manches­ tanhtinent .attack if royalist mUi- U.S. C135 transports landed at 8 p.im. at the 'Federation Room, ter High School at 10 O'clock. Vet­ Calcutta. with automatic rifles, 13 points along India’s border." tional strength in Tuesday's elec­ Of N et! tary forays from across the Ara- ■nie informants said this deep­ tion. Center Congregational Church. erans organizations and digni­ i mortars and anti-personnel mines We Fix Robbers W m holder continue. ened disiUuelonment that come Horace Seely-Brown Jr., his GOP Ships, Land taries will be led in the march by Temenl'^ VIc6 Premiler and For­ from Germany. The ^gina DTtalia Society will the same day the Chinese attack­ j opponent, was in Fairfield County . 6 and Arctics— We the high schocO band. eign Minister. Abdul Rahman al- His words were emphasized by meet Monday at 7:30 p.m. at the Vote Democratic the reports of the continued Chi­ ed, Oct. 20. A letter from Khrush­ I and the industrial Naugatuck Val- B y JOHN M. HIGHTOWER Also Sharpen Skates Maj. William A. Dickson of the Baydany charged that 5,b00 Ara­ chev that day- supported the Chi­ ! ley, where the six-term congress­ WEN MONDAT Italian American Club. There will U.S. Army •will be the principal bian and Jorddnian troops had nese advance around Demchok in WASHINGTON (AP) — be an election of officers. Ladakh at the western end of the nese territorial claims, the sources man took part in teas and oilier Ooeed AH Day Wednesday speaker. tried to invfede Yemen in the last said, though the Soviet press did I small gatherings substituted for Tire United States, Russia and TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 6 two days.‘His regime was acting frontier. Sunset Rebekah Lodgre will meet not disclose Moscow's stand until ■ rnotorcades in the rain. the international Red^Cross SAM YULYES The Rev. C. Henry Anderson, now only in self defense, he said. The Chinese, by their latest re­ several days later,. Both camps appeared confident Monday at 8 p.m. at Odd Fellows P Saudi Arabia formally accused ported advances, virtually com- .......
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