.-Va TUESDAY, AUGUST 24, 1966 i Averue D a ily Net Praea Ron The WiBtkfr f AGE EIGHTEEN J i f m >VNk I bM •I V. E. weaifea lianrlifatfr lEuftting 1l|waUi Angortti, itw K«t aa aMl Soalglia , tow and would giva the town more value for Its money. 13,550 6| nEM, ehaane a« O a m m An Inspection of the epeolfloa- BARRiCINi Town Awards exotuelvety at r o< tiM Anill r, Mgh to Mk About Town Town Aides tloni revealed an omission and a< draalattae now. after a correcUon, new H m ehm U r^A City of VUIa§a Charm M e rrh e n at Orford Partah 3 Contracts bide are being advertised. Chapter, GAR, will make an To Consider Ligg^ff Drug The Tyler Equipment Oorp. of fABKAOT M Pag* SO) annual pllfrimajre to Cathedral Bast Longmeadow, Maas., with MANCHEOTBR, OONN., WEDNESDAY, AUGUNT 25, 1965 fOtoMlftod PRICE SEVEN CENTS at the Plnea, Rlnjre, N.H., for Th« town hoa awardtd threa VOL. LXXXIV, NO. 277 (THIRTY-TWO PAGB&-TWO aECTIONB) Rec Program oontrabta, ona for a front end a price of $11,275, will supply GAR Day Saturddy at 3 p.m. A the town with a Michigan front- Memorial Service will be held loader for the Town Hlfhway end loader of two cubic feet at the National War Memorial, with I.kibor Day, the tradi­ Dejpartment, another for a capacity. the AlUr of the Nation, which tional atart of fall activities, three-quarter-ton utility truck Mirror Showed la dedicated to Ood a* a me­ lesR than two weeks away, the Tyler's price was the lowest and a half-ton pickup truck for of seven bids opened on Aug. 9. morial to all American War Advisory Park and Rec Corn- tl$e Town Water Department, Dead, military and civilians, mission will meet with General Hartford Rd. Knterpriaes of Far Too Much Manager Richard Martin and and the third for a variety of Manchester will supply the two Navy Plane in Viet ■njoae wishing Rirther Informs- Gemini Sets U.S. Mark; ■torra sewer pipe for the Public truoke for the Town Water De­ OHIClAao (AP) - Three tlon mav contact Miss Marlon Park and Rec Superintendent Works Department. V. Waahbum, 3fi N. Lakewood Horace Murphey tonight at 8 to partment. Its bid of $3,906 for young woman ctiarged In a In addition, all bide for a two International trucks was the Circle, discuss existing facilities and truck body and hoist for the suit for m,000 damagea future nfeeds for the town's re­ Town Highway Department lowest of five bids submitted on that tha murror on the wall The Town Fire Department creational purposes. have been rejected because the toId.,thalr former- landlord today continued adjusting Its The meeting was called by bid epeciticatlons were unclear. ^ To o ^^nnectlcut High Test Downed by Missile far too much about thalr fire alarm system. Dtirlng the Martin to get the commission's The town will now advertise for Omcrete Pipe Oo. of New Haven charma. Conrad Spots Carrier routine check the alarm sound­ advice on suggested fall, winter two truck bodies and hoists, MTlll supply the Public Works The dbcult Court action and spring programs and Is not Department with 14 sixes of SAIGON, South Vletfuiovaa aa far aouth aa Thanhecoanalgaawa itilaiflon.’njtog Wt filed Tuesday against Sid­ ed several times, yesterday and under new specifications, be­ on or near the tall, he Mid, and again today. Clilcf W. Clifford a follow-up to a Joint meeting cause an old model has since storm sewer pipe, to be deliv­ Nam (AP) — A U.S. Hoa. It Msmed Ukaly that the ney Schneider, 44, asserted of about 30 town officials held ered as the town’s needs arise. mlsalls was fired from a mobile the pilot of the wing aircraft the mtiTor In th^r apart­ Mason said the tests are being broken down. COIN OPERATED apokesman announced to­ reportod a mlasUe probsbty waa conducted to Improve the alarm Frat Delefjfate June t7. Equipment Service Inc. of The New Haven company, st WA8H-’N-DRY CLEAN launcher. ment was two-way, permit­ Robert C. Davidson, son of At that time about 28 sugges­ bid openings on Aug. 16, had day a U.S. Uavy Phantom One- parachute waa seen after responsible. ting glrl-watchlng from ■ystem. Hartford, on Aug. 9, has sub­ , 11 MAPLE ST. U.B. recotmalesance planes Mr. and Mrs. Charles I. David­ tions were received, ranging mitted a bid of $1,171.34 for the submitted the lowest prices on lAoroes From First Natlonml jet was downed by what the Phantom was hit, but search Schneider's adjoining from the placement of benches each slie of pipe from among and rescue operations failed to have located fixed missile site quarters. Co Ahead Marine l*nce Cpl. Laurence son of 73 Walnut St. la a dele­ Item, only $8.66 lower than the Store Parking Lot appeared to be a surface to around Hanoi, but Adm. V.8.O. and sand boxes at strategic lo­ price offered by the R.O. Oote four bidders. OPEN 7 DAYS locate the American airman. As a rasult, contended H. Frelhelt, son of Mr. and Mrs. gate to the centennial celebra­ air missile Tuesday about The other crewman Is presumed Sharp, commander of the U.B- Susan Harnett, Catherine Laurence W. Frelhelt of H cations about town to grandiose Go. of East Hartford. 16-Lb. Wash—*6c tion, chapter officers conference plans to provide recreation for Oote claimed at the time that, CAR PARTS COST 19 BHUON 90 miles south of Hanoi. dead, the spokesman said. forces in the Paottie, said the ThomM and Gall Thomp­ Westwood St. Is serving with 8-Lb. Dry Clean—#2.00 miseUe that downed the Sky- son, all In their 30's, they Given for Headquarters and Maintenance and new Iveadquarters dedica­ a population estimated to reach although Equipment's model DETROIT — Americans i Lbs. Or U n d er^l.8 0 One crewman is presumed Two other American planes 90,000 In the 1990’s. spend about $6 billion a year have been downed in the past hawk on Aug. 13 apparently were caused embarrass­ •Squadron 12 at Chu Lai, Viet tion of Alpha Tail Omega fra­ met with bid speclflcaitlons, Its Free Mothproofing dead, the other missing. came from a mobile launcher. 2 2 ternity, today through Satur­ Following the June 17 meet­ (Cote’s) model was sturdier for parts to repair their cars. month by missiles which Soviet ment and mental anguish. Nam. The squadron is respon­ It was in the aame general technicians are presumed to U.B. planes attacked two mls- sible for repair and mainte­ day at the University of Illi­ ing, Murphey had announced area Tuesday Uiat North Viet­ elle niiM north of Hanoi last Fifth Day nance of the gi-oups Jet aircraft nois at Champaign. He repre­ that transcripts of the various namese gunnere felled a U.B. have installed In North Viet sents his chapter at the Uni­ Nam, U.B. offtolals believe So­ month, and tha Pllota raported which has been flying daily recommendations would be sent Air Forpe F106 Thunderchief, one waa knocked out and the MANNED SPACE combat miaslons against the versity of Vermont, where he to all those present and that one of a four-plane force attack­ viet personnel are helping to State News holds the office of president. man the misalle launchers. other damaged. U.B. pilots are CETMTER, Houston, Tex. Viet Cong. another meeting would be held ing an airfield under construc­ known to ba looking for mobile [AP)—^The Gemini 6 ss- More than 300 undergraduates to choose priorities for the tion 30 milea west of the city of A U.B. Air Force Phantom missile sites outside the Hanoi are expected to attend the five- town’s future recreational Thanh Hoa. A helicopter res­ waa downed by a missile north­ Tonauts, their beards The executive board ot the needs. area as potential targeta, but Shark Scare Ladies Aid Women’s laitheran day workshop as delegates from OWNERS REPORT THEY cued the Thunderchief pilot. west of Hanoi July 24, and a they reportaiUy have had httle tchy and their cramped 123 chapters. National and dis­ Murphey said today that the The . apokesman said the Navy Skyhawk waa shot down Missionary League of Zion transcripts are not yet ready. Bucoeae. space cabin cluttered, set a Evangelical Lutheran Church trict officers will constitute the Phantom, a supersonic plane Aug. 13 about 60 miles south U.B, military headquarters In Shuts Beach y.S. space endurance rec­ will meet Thursday at 7:45 p.m. faculty of the conference, pre­ from the 7th Fleet carrier Mid­ southwest of the North Vietnam Saigon announced that 69 Amer­ 5 ord toMy and took aim on 4 at the home otf Mrs. B5mil senting subjects relating to gen­ way, was hit near Thanh Hoa. sae capital. SAVE icana were .killed In action In Bronke. 62 Pro.spoct St. eral fraternity policies and to Laundry Taken The downing was the first In- The spokesmen eald the South Viet Nam last' week. Be- the Soviet-held world rec­ chapter operation and manage­ UP f | OUT dicaUon that Q>mmuniat an­ Phantom downed Tuesday was In Stamford ord for a single flight. ment. In addition. It is expect­ 1 . w.: ... , . tiaircraft miasiles have been flying support for an armed re (See Page Three) They eclipsed the 97-hour, BS- Mountain Laurel Chapter, ed that more than 600 frater­ From Hallway TO '■ OP Sweet Aedlines.
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