Index to Proceedings of the Economic and Social Council, 1953 (15Th Session)

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Index to Proceedings of the Economic and Social Council, 1953 (15Th Session) .. INDEX TO PROCEEDINGS OF THE .. ECONOMIC AND. SOCIAL INDEX TO PROCEEDINGSCOUNCIL OF THE Fifteenth Session ECONOMIC AND.31 SOCIALMarch to 28 April. 1953 COUNCIL Fifteenth Session 31 March to 28 April. 1953 United Nations Headquarters Library Bibliographical Series No. E.6 United Nations HeadquartersUNITEDLibrary NATIONS New York Bibliographical Series No. E.6 ,~. 1953 UNITED NATIONS New York 1953 . \, ... - y , ~, ~.'• , c'" . , .'" .. .' .. .' \ . '. , .-, ~ ~ ,~ ~'" ~'.. ~ ~ ..c~' ~ • "4 " '4 TO" • , ... _ _ .. ,• •• • "." ' • • • .. \. '" ,.... , . STST/LIB/SER.B/E.6/LIB/SER.B/E.6 TheThe followingfollowing additionaladditional issuesissues inin thisthis seriesseries areare available:available: STST/LIB/SER.B/1./LIB/SER.B/1. SelectedSelected BibliographyBibliography ofof thethe SpecializecSpecializec AgenciesAgencies relatedrelated toto thethe UnitedUnited Nations.Nations. 1949.1949. (Sales(Sales No.No. 1949.1.16)1949.1.16) $0.25$0.25 STST/LIB/SER.B/2./LIB/SER.B/2. LatinLatin America,America, 1939-1949.1939-1949. AA SelectedSelected Bibliography.Bibliography. 1952.1952. (Sales(Sales No.No. 1952.1.12)1952.1.12) $1.50$1.50 ST/LIB/SER.B/E.6/LIB/SER.B/E.6 June 1953 .. United NationsNations PublicationPublication SalesSales No.:No.: 1953.1953.1.I. 2323 ..... Price:Price: $U.S.SU.S. 0.30;0.30; 2/-stg.;2/-stg.;Sw.Sw. 1.201.20 (or(orequivalentequivalentininotherothercurrencies)currencies) I • .. • .' • • ~ 'd .4" _. ~ Q ';) -'" .... """ '~ . -. .' " .:'. -...... ...,.. ..,. • '. '" ". ,""" ..•.• .',.' •• ,'. '.. n.· .. •... ,/....... TABLETABLE OFOF CONTENTSCONTENTS PagePage Explanatory note . '.' ............................................. V Explanatory note.. '.' .............................................V Abbreviations. .................................................. VI Abbreviations. ................................................... VI A. Introduction A. Introduction Members and terms of office . Members and terms of office. .............................. 11 Officers . Officers. ................................................ 11 Plenary meetings . Plenary meetings. ........................................ 11 Standing Committees : . Standing Committees .... :................................ 11 Ad hoc Committees . Ad hoc Committees. ...................................... 22 Resolutions and decisions . Resolutions and decisions. ................................. 22 "j' B. Agenda . B. Agenda...................................................... 3 C. Subject index. ............................................... 5 C. Subject index. ............................................... 5 D. Index to speeches . D. Index to speeches. ............................................ 19 E. Numerical list of documents . E. Numerical list of documents. .................................. 26 .~ ; iii iii This page intentionally left blank EXPLANATORY NOTE 1. This Index to Proceedings of the 15th session of the Economic and Social Council is intended·to"to offer a bibliographical guide to the discussion and docu­ mentation of the meetings. Being a sessional index it includes only committees and sub-committees meeting during the session, and does not include committees meeting between sessions. The index consists of the following parts: Part A: Introduction This part includes check lists of meetings, giving, in tabular form, meeting numbers, dates of meetings, publication of the records, and relevant United Nations press releases. Part B: Agenda The items on the agenda are listed in Part B, with references to the relevant subject headings used in Part C. Part C: Subject index The subjects dealt with during the session are arranged alphabetically in the subject index. in this index will be found, under appropriate subject headings, references to the documentati::m,documentation, discussions, and to the disposition of each item. The agenda item number is indicated in parenthesis following the subject heading. Part D: Index to speeches Speeches by representatives are listed in Part D. The remarks of the President of the Council and of chairmen of committees are normally not in­ dexed. However, the speeches of chairmen or rapporteurs of committees are indexed when they present or explain the reports of their committees to the r:ouncil.C:ounciL The index is arrar-ged in alphabetical order by country, organization or department of the United Nations Secretariat, subdivided by subject dis­ cussed and names of speakers, with the-:':he indication of the meeting at which the speech was made. Meetings are identified by the word "Plen." or 8.ncm abbrevia­ tion for the Committee, followed by the meeting numbernumber.... Part E: Numerical list of dOfuments This is a list of the documents included in this index, arranged by document symbols. 2. Official Records All the summary records of plenary and committee meetings of the Economic and Social Council first appear in mimeographedmimeograp.hed form. Summary records of plenary meetings are later printed as separate fascicles in the Official Records of the session, whereas summary records of committee meetings remain in mimeo­ graphed form. Of the other documents, some appear initially, as printed Supple­ ments to the Official Records-a fact always indicated in this index-but all the rest are first issued in mimeographed form. Most of them are subsequently printed in the Annexes to the Official Records, where they are grouped into fascicles according to agenda item numbers. The resolutions adopted by the Council, which have first been issued in mimeographed form, have been collected in the printed Supplement No. 1 to the Official Records of this session. Since their re-publication in the Official Records, the provisional documents described above are no longer available in their mimeographed form. The printed material concerning a specific item on the agenda of the 15th session of the Economic and Social Council may easily be obtained after con­ sulting this index and requesting: Economic and Social Council Official Records, 15th Session For summary records fascicles: Plenary Meetings (specify meeting number). For documents: Supplement No . ... (specify supplement number). For documents: Annexes, Agenda Item ... (specify agenda item number). For resolutions: Supplement No. 1. y v • • •• 1 • "l& ~ • .' • • .. '. '" 0 01 '",'" 1 • .' . .. .' ~., . ~ .. '.' • • -, -- • ., 0' ~ ',. • . ', .... • ~ ~'." ~. ~.,' '~_ ~ :. '_. 0, __ ." , ...., 'eo',' .. c': '_ '. , •. '" • ,6, '. " ,.',{ •. ", :' '.'To .: .' :.",. ."J.", _.: ••", .,,' ,":.- _." _ '., LISTLIST OFOF ABBREVIATIONSABBREVIATIONS AddAdd AddendumAddendum CorrCorr Corrigendu~nCorrigendu~n CouncilCouncil EconomicEconomic andand SocialSocial CouncilCouncil CtteeCttee CommitteeCommittee ECAFEECAFE EconomicEconomic CommissionCommission forfor AsiaAsia and thethe Far East EconEcon EconomicEconomic CommitteeCommittee (Series(Series ElAC.6/) ESCESC EconomicEconomic and SocialSocial CouncilCouncil ESCORESCOR OfficialOfficial RecordsRecords of thethe Economic and Social Council GAORGAOR Official Records of the General Assembly ICFTUICFTU International Confederation of Free Trade Unions NGONGO Committee on Non-governmental Organizations (Series ~~ E/C.2/) PIPlenen Plenary (Series El) ProgProg Interim Committee on Programme of Conferences (Series E/C.4/)E/CAI) Rev Revision Sess .................Session Soc Social Committee (Series ElAC.7I) Suppl. Supplement TAC Technical Assistance Committee (Series E/TAC/)E/TAC/) UK United Kingdom UN United Nations UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific andand CulturalCultural Organization UNICEF.UNICEF " United Nations International Children'sChildren's EmergencyEmergency Fund USA United States of AmericaAmerica USSR. ................. .. .. Union ofof thethe SovietSoviet SocialistSocialist RepublicsRepublics WFTU WorldWorld FederationFederation ofof TradeTrade UnionsUnions WFUNA WorldWorld FederationFederation ofof UnitedUnited NationsNations AssociationsAssociations WHO WorldWorld HealthHealth OrganizationOrganization vivi i A. INTRODUCTION j . I A. INTRODUCTION. .; Plenary meetings (continued) 1 Members and terms of office Plenary meetings (continued) I Members and terms of office Date,1953 Summary records Press release Date of election by Meeting Date. 1953 Summary records Press release Members theDat~Generalof electionAssemblyby Terms of office a Terms of office & M~mbers th~ General Assembly 695 22 April 695 1138 22 April 695 1138 Argentina. ............. .. 6 Dec. 1951 1952-1954 695696 22 April 696 1139 22 April 696 1139 1" Australia 256 Dec.Oct. 19511952 1952-19541953-1955 696 I Argentina 697 23 April 697 1140 23 April 697 1140 AustraliaBelgium 256Oct.Dec.19521951 1953-19551952-1954 697698 23 April 698 1143 23 April 698 1143 '! BelgiumChina 66Dec.Dec.19511951 1952-19541952-1954 698699 24 April 699 1144 ':j 699 24 April 699 1144 ChinaCuba. ................. .. 66Dec.Dec.19511951 1952-19541952-1954 700 24 April 700 1145 ,:1 1952-1954 700 24 April 700 1145 ',j CubaEgypt 66Dec.Dec.19511951 1952-1954 701 27 April 701 11461146 6 Dec. 1951 1952-1954 701 27 April 701 I EgyptFrance , 6 Dec. 1951 1952-1954 702 27 April' 702702 11471147 I , 6 Dec. 1951 1952-1954 702 27 April FranceIndia 25 Oct. 1952 1953-1955 703 28 April 703703 11481148 25 Oct. 1952 1953-1955 703 28 April ,j IndiaPhilippines 29 Sep. 1950 1951-1953 704 28 April 704704 11501150 t Poland 2929Sep.Sep. 19501950 1951-19531951-1953 704 28 April Roundup of Session 1149 Philippines Roilndup of Sr;ssion 1149 , :1 t PolandSweden " 2929Sep.Sep. 19501950 1951-19531951-1953
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