■ : v, 1 l , >. . . __ ■ " ' C6-127 05-t27 LibrarianU J«n*03-63iJtin»03*63z ' ' % IIdaho'StatesH d a h o 'S t laiorlcalcal Sodlaty ' 'Ii BolaB.-IdalioBoiaB*.Idfl . // ^83701'--l • m • '1 * ' • • ' ■ ^ A M j!''/!l'// '/ ' y ■> X * : r . I— —Weathersather— ' ]' I Cloudy/ TTdnigh- onight' - j j Q F - - 1 Edit:Edition:

■------; ------— —. -f-ThoMaElc-VolIey-N«wspapcr-DW ^ T h o Ngwtpapcr-Dcdlcntgd fo Sen^lni;Ing tind P^mPfon ollng Iho. GrowthIh ol Nine I^II^Igatcd Idaho CountiesD uniies _ • __ p --- v6L.-e4';-NO.-3M“iM — - - ^ ~~ ' . ' ■- ~ ’*! • ‘ . ■: yfW TwtN IN FALLS, 'IDAHO.ko. WEDNESDAX.WEDNEi lU A I^rc,c. jOMjW •. ■ TEN CE.NTS~ ~ ^ ------;------^ ------

(!;5 Killedilled As Freni ^ -O m aha-Q uiet— ^ •"ren^h^^tz:---> i OMAHA, N E B .-(A P ) - I . ' I . O m aha's predominantly Negro Near N orthH ' Side ^ a ni i s ^ ' p T jr r t t jP la jie was quiet I9day,“ and-p>- iies intb Mour^ount^h V I lice hoped -the' (lash^int Crashes I ------for ------; fo r-re n e w e d -ra c io l-d is -r- POJKTE-A-Pi't RE,E, . 'G Guad^ u a d ^ qqueijily u visited by tourisH.urisls. cialtial said. turbances lur had oassed. m 4 ______Jupc (AP) -^Rescuecscue cfcwi c^cwi J _The_jilane pIaughwI_lnto_Iidjnto it as a s _j7ie_jjiane_ J 7) had_li:ft[.Caracas. .Caracas. __]3ccfcd_uDj)0lici:_pain)la_ __]3 - 1 ^ rcachcviid the jel burst 'into flames luup h-D e»irn into flames luupe, Aiit I-ram e's main 'scf->ef- vundali-.m van and ihc' fati.1 fulfil |Ry GEORGE ESPERR ___ ElsewhEJsewhi‘f,c._U.S.-_/urc£S-ltilled r«‘poried-to lified as Ihe wife ofjf realri-al csiatecMaie andan cxplodcij. vicir -killed r«'pofied-tfHia\T-!«t-2,0()0-klttfd-fnrc’j'—:lttfd-fnrcj'— wlifruert-ciilfeiiUn’indw li(r\ ------vicing area in the Caribbean, s sho hooiin;; nf a li>-vear-uH:atold_ -SAIfiON-ttAPj-TWCom-munHC—SAK t’ln'unisC nHO'enei o enemy soldierji__Ifl. three aajid_ihe_Sh jid jh e .Shuili .VirtnaincJCJ.O'JUlcuncrcie.4.W U!aincrcie.bunkeri:_Two-4Vmcii bun ------« - man wiiiiam-j;cckcndotL-dle^ICndOtL-lIlCtl ..A resident nf the Jicaihy-Vil- nrnrliv t-il. flboult=S5=niimiteiz!aicr=-=’ abou :r .— rxijj—■weSfu-lwy.-wIw.-ofJia'rK-;fi.cvrs- gunncrr-bcslCRlrlfi-Khc~T5hIigunnci sharrTfli —’■5— whcirthe-Til3TnrtTlnmiol/nTaiii^lajT T iiol/ntaiiiriagc of St. Q au d e told report- Ofi Sahli sharp cliisfics, UTS. jpokesmcnesmen in tticttie’ five-weekflve- period. ;'c-;ins were killedkil and 23'wounrce_C123ce C123 itptitted,itptnted, _as_\h>'_C!«nm wnlsts • AboiH^IS - sidc-Tucsda'y niRhl.. — __— 1- crcr*i-i;U.u.'as.cominR in at ancx- good mnlsts • Abw» 7S nnnb nf Sai- nV ■ _:______in at ancx-fiood-at Ulie-tmie-of-the-the crash - -init r i i ^ a pawnshopr~~------■---- 'ifiins-p;transpo P arifc,-thu.plane-^uM^ufcUliMp. -diM tp- --irv ift-N e w -Y o fk r^ ih rr-MaTjtTric ~ m :— I— riiaad-«id-tiic-fhcllinn CJtitfd ~~Thr-fon l-up.ai-im umti‘ p e o rtjH ru iii tiic' railai“iai- -vuiffii“!ii;ii'i'ii“ C3nniPL'iftrm r r “Zt‘t.'Krnggrt3 =MfgK?: “ wM whi'n iifey spoiie3 Rroupsjroups |nicninicn anda ■!< passengers — was AmericanAmeric offic’ers said SO.OOO lookas nnd pulled in^'ab^.25oj FightlnR w; ry. T hc m ounialn’ is"is about 700 whilewt m aking U S'landinsandins a|>0|> lary,Tlarv, aid M r..and .Mrs.-Zeckcn- ~o?” i-250| I-'iRhtlnc. W’.is reported cnnilii- •s.-Zecken- ~ b i yijHiij; *peoplc-tiHigf«x_iHlgfjX- fnH-iiwmwtialr tr flptfrm lnclifd K„rih N.ir)h ^ anti Viet rcinforcemireinforcements. Supported hy,uing uvii mil( — - ■ feet- high nnd alonsisdcisde Ij j Souf- pnproach, *fcuis Guillermo110 Medina, dorf were to have w et in GuatJe- pal hy^uinR uvii iiiilr.^ Aouihwest of C.i in Guaile- gating. The CI23s arc propeller-driv-er-driv- Cong ha>have been |(illed In their'urlillciy ni ___ _ ricrc,_a dormant volcano frc-onfrc- on airp o rt adm inistrationration oili'o»l> SecSee PLANE CR »5H, P y c 5 | _____ th e ir'uftilleiy nnd - r a:kilt-iiiiiiB-•hritrM ln'ltr » lJ Jii, ii. ~ u1liru1lF ~ ~5uain'' v i r m m n ------P 5 I I cn pl; planes iwiih two auxiliaryixlliary operationsoperation against citiesr andnnd copters, copiers, iheihi Americans killed;d56'tri.ops 56jtri.ops pur»uipur»umg RuerriHas thcv • - turbojeiturboji engines. The maximumxlmum iuthvrother mm; ajor centers in South of Ihe enerenemy force, spokesmen;men (Iniyednive out of thet provincial rani- . payload Is 15.000 .pounds.. TiieyiVietnamTiieylVietnam from Jan, 30 until1 mid- said, while five Americans wereuere lal 'a t Ihel^he m Miulhern tip cf the ordinarilyordina car^ In fresh troopslnx)ps]night night Tuesday.Tu A -senii/r U.S. killed and :26 wounded. couiitr.v; for Khe Kh Sanh and ily out others commandercommand said the enemy?nemy Along the coastal lowlandsshe- be- The CommunK[f-pcnple ” scraped pie al tow Da NaNang.-men-<>t-ihe U.S. tnwrv T.muU. ------Communiil;-!ihcl!inR—of—th------Com ’f~:»he:|iie-|n^rminuic" eriiijj-inir- for tiie lunar Army's—AmerlC3t-T5im!m-Te-commaiid.^—~Te-TCOllimand.^ ^-Hr! '^.-cm nicnr .. ‘ __ ^ ^ H base appeared lo be easing, Tlie' tlmat. ^” '■"-■'1 killing G4 enemy soldierslirooiis^led’HerslirooivTkilled 275 of them in 15 Marines reported 100 incomingl • ^ ' In two clashes. Artillery and1 alrthoura nf fighlini;’fit hefnre- ilie ■sirikt-.s atcounieu tur manyy otjremnanlsoi;rt'm nnnis ol the enemy were of/eccof jeccni days. ■______jj Americ;American armed forces’wcrewere the dead ntnbng the cncmylcha.stxlcmylcha.stxl from Ihc1 town.______^ _____ m¥eaeherssrsIw 1 & jdvMtlahom ar-Shift ^ ^ In W ~ - i l k Out -Budget^zzzzz Bud; By Thc Associated Presscsj Education Associalioo labclql;lql a SnmcSome 1.000l.OC of Ihc steel city'sd is'Asked— I S / \ ^C^ c aainitrH i n tn'O lIR liuurO KIKlah'u- lahb: ne\\—S3:9-milhon-cducationne^s-S3:9- rsbill Sbilt 3;oco-icacher5-oriciflnny~fgre{;_schoo ry _ schoQls,_ have, remajwdincd admadminlstrallor inlm all(Jh’!i budget a n d - in-l'lnrida-and-p|tt5biirj;h,-I>a—jn 'l'In r -j>a— o-lcacheri-slrike-lherc.-^Sccreto-leacher iecret open throuRhoultheth'r'nufi strike. ' plowing niow'inc 42.SrbillionJ’ S' of It inlu------::7 ^ ■ 4. —‘)hc^Oklaboina-4Hlu«tli<>n.A»in talks resumed bctwecn.-schoolichool ,j:iis_ -..Tlie .,.w ■ .Wa a ih liic in n _ la c h £ fa ! w|)al-i}i^4iied-^HuttTamTC-= w i,a l-^ .4 4 i ------SDcliition'sSDcliitio '"(rmerRcney_ conven- olltcials ? antl~ihe striking Pitis- Pitis- Union callcicalled a one-day walkoutliout ncwalncwol fund.fund . . tion" began less thnn 2-J'hours-hours .federation of Teacherschcrs for Thursda Thursday to permlj teachers'•efs . Thc The__ fund __ ^wotjld__ Unanco______U-laiid oyer lhe_uniim.'s..dcmand ffo o rr^ ^ la-visiuihe-la-visiulhe-Capltol'in support of beefcd-u^i pt aflerafier .Cf.ov. Dcwev-narUctlJand l^y- '‘ 01 beefcd-uti programs for Jpb legislativeIcRislat leadcrs-'agrccd nn.a oth- salary'Increases. ___ trainingiraininR and vocational cduca- ' ' ' {37 million .lax and schoolDol Ji-(i- ' ^ ■ ' tion, housing,housing flghling crime __ nancinR program aimedd at and wwater ater anc:and a ir pollution. • '-f avertingaverlini a teach'ers strike. | 1 ^ .. ; The Republicons called lor • JiarilctiJ)anli nnd a delcgailon of cuts In U.S. troop deployments ' lawmaVlawmakers appear before■ Ihe Retardationion.C'enter G In EurDpCr-devclopmcnt of a su­ .statewidestatewii tcacher's meelinR ift ■ , . personic- pcrsonlc- transport,tror the space . , program; public workvnonmiU- ■ Mr.<. Oklahoma City lo explain-the ...... NEARLY 200 peopleo'ple aHendcdatiende'd a plldCip biloquet a t Ihele Amrr*Amri^ -'fer, -Ter, tln d a .'X k 'a rb n c ei 'l MRshTRs laahoISaho and and w as crow ncd by Mr.<. Oklahoi tory research, highway beoullll- lean Legion Hall TuejdayTuesday nl^htnljsht toi w atch 97 Maglee Valley . UnkUnk, who wa.« Miss Idaho In 1M2.1K2. HighHl| honors a t thc event cvfnt programprof-rar lhat would give a | j l l| •more ■ 51.300 pay boost to the IJ state's Board To0 :'PickPick Site SS;;,cation ond fajprt subsidies. {llcrs B«( aw ardi foror sslely.safety. MMrs. n. IPeter (Irene Ammons)ns) Link wcni went to F re d W anienr/ed,ir/ed. Twin Twin Falls, Falls, who has loRRcd, more ' 51.MD i :.JDje.#taiemcnL_was_lssueyeottc-ycar ta tcty aw ard. H|{er er tws*tws- than SO v^ ara ol sale (lylas. Mr. Moult ... AdviiOiy-Bbard 'lafimborsrs -fcry'i*ia$2 3 fih tW< iSlwSrorf•dviftce'of-ltiewcoflferejic*;::. -hb ufe -- that-“bonorlng ,the pilotlot in thlsintitnerb-«-p(>sltlwthisintitner approachm.ch yc.rpcrM,year pi - band. P e te r. In theB eetaler tale r here, WMwi alio honored-lor-hSj safe - that ■1,11* Ui'LSouthJIcnlrflLHomllv-BMtthlulth -*aid-lhMi(-eaidH^i(yhaH>een-A9ked-b¥ d -^ -The-GOP-g—The-GOP-group*said*creation ------flylnx. Idaho Acronaullctraautlet DIrectotDirector Chtt Moulton. riRbt,BhL pre-ore- . to isafe aviation.” He said tho nefta [E?,,-', and-Educntlon-Ccotcr.-coiftmoa.imon> .iheccatciJ lhc.ccntec.^rd lopurchuc-ad-•id. ofot_il-huraan.jcnewal-/uod_ls .a.-huroaa ------g a aogti-' -' nicniT inrgir«cnrch mUiloiiiTSHotiiTether rather than'nifo-^^’lnfrhablt-^r------sclfoortha = = = ^ id e d - a t-< h c cvTntrTh8~flr5t1n~thc'i-Tho-flrstln-thc-gtaicrftifTMbuiftnrg a aogti- ■ men „ ly known as tho rclardalionncen- cen- joining lamland andliold'lt for the'necde-dthe* neede'd ImmiImmedlolcly “to'meet ------voted Tuesday to stay,, away“ , te J. r (or J,Twin Falls, wiJI meetcet na t center unti;until It Is able lo affordford urgent humorhumon needs and the ur> ' ' ^ ^ ^ _ from cclasses today fn protest " p'“ _ ^ snid ** Idaho itic additlotadditional property. ban crisis In vere______-schtMl would be hclfJ despite the nrooress i pro^jess of the.p7oix)sed projectreject anxious to work with the com- Housing 8ecSection TJr^Givii o n itw.ilknut. . j '. t , . SniljLscu aniidLscuss .silo .seleclion, - , m iltee In aiany way possible aM nd' d ,-W W, 'E E . Brock. Tenn.; A lb c rtJ L ' _____ Open Hoi Tlie•Hie leachcrs,I represented by . Thomas cd by , Thomas G. Nelson, boardI’oprd while il wowould be icRally feasl-,as|l Quie,Quic, Minn.; Howard W. Robi*' ______i:______IheIhe ManchesterMn Educational^1 Av chilrman,chairman, saiJ'tho proRranin lias has i.tn i,tn tn rn m tcj fj^y iajc son, N NY.; r .t 1 Donald Rumsfeld. ~pz------spcialion,'»fliinH5yTeoiItd-haW^B'hoid.ff jfinTnrog iTow progressed to iFe pointint of property fofor another,agency,J i it t lj>-lli.i"W Wlllam lllIam O.'C m vgcr. Ky.: ^ ^ - !;Wpfcssional day." The cit)>,'so- delcrmitil. :<-nler m ight te.'possible to take an JGeorge ^ r g c Bush. Texas, and WII- , . [^RilltTA mp.n< ByiB enate M optitm -on'-available-adjoimiing ng ltaiir'A HuiiVA^SlClfiu J.'SH !lH or,-\V l!l. r r - . wiitild be "illegal and**a'^i!each>seach made availableavi by the City‘y of joncTandland and hohold It until such timeIme MostM ost of Ihc'proposolsI hi urged- ' B y JOHN CHADWICK3WICK ihrclhrec_quickly ndu|)lcJ at today's while w riting th ree antiripliripl pro- sironR protest,| from Sen. Roman of cnnlicontract.". j! Twin Twin Fa: Falls on .some two lo•» mf,a s (b«the. t-emit-emrdailon center could}uld by the-R epublicansepub call for in­ ■ WASHINGTON (AP).P) —- Thc SenateScni sc>ision to the partla rt (ifnf t'hethe posals into thc IcRislation.OR. L Hruska,Hru: R-Neb.- * MeanMeanwhile, teachers in theihe SI.St. three acres-adjoiningacr the new adqui'rcacquire,It. It I crcasingcreasing appr appropriations for ex-, __ Soniitr- nm ’ondcd.thc optnopen ,hnui-jhlll hnus.|hlll that would m ako itMjnlnwriil unlii'wriil AlbAllolt said ’ his amendmentlendment. Hniska.Tsiiitl-rthntu rm j • under I.-nuiS-.RI--nuis fiuburb-iiL^llston^Io., city. cIiyKscr h'scrvolr-ond.pump.sWllon —m^—W-mI-M r.—Nclsonrsald-thf-flfit :ifit l^lnff-.proRrar l^lng-.proRtTims::ln’,ihe_-field-D f-::i- =- ■ ■ 4ni: sfcliun of its civil11 rlKhis riijliis bill to refuser iD '.scir6r rentIt a'divcll- vios 'r necessary to prevent/em har- prcscnLlaw.,j)ralnfcscnt offers.arc'trotare'TiDi returnreiurnj to cla^RCS wlth an-agrce-a g re e-o on. n . FallsFnlls Avenue.'. . ' -pha.su h i J . nfof iitho progratii-ii-wnow w jojob b__ .-lraintraining.-.; ln g . however,' Uiey.....:...... lodnv to require lh.:ii: chnrRCScharRes of in^'becauscIn^ u( racc, color,:olor, rcll-rell- as?imcntas^mt of property ownerswners by enforce.enforceable in the c o u rts but the ment hjhy Iho'noai^'of Educalloncalion —W~Wfil!c hile-.tho • -local commilteefnr assurcd. With no further fundsinds urged enaclncnaclmdni of 0 , COP*-' ropos- feels this is nn ideal location for ilistjrim inaiion must be based on Rion o r national oriRin. . chargicharges of discrim inationmn from bill wouldwon perm it th em ip1 be iliaIlia ."J in suhirsubmit a tax increase propos- feels Ihis nAA\ O'" •"f'd, it appears the centermcr sponsored hihuma'h Invcsiment bona fide offers lo buyjy or rent a AllAl of Ihc -amendments,Its, adopt- pcrsonspersoi w ho w ere not finanfiaf-fmanfial- ba>ls fnfor dnm nge su its c'hargtURharRlUg «>ol lo th'tho voters for a third lime. Ihcihc_cenlei center, it also is fell addl- could l« completed Ihroughugh “act cl thatlhat wouUwould enlarge'Ihc role house or an aparimtnt.nt. ed,'byed,t voice vote, werer deslRned ly ablable to buy n r re iifoor r who.« djscrimdiscrimination. WeilsiWellsioh schools werp shut llonal.landllonnljion' should be available Spha.sc on1 one. 'This would includele a of private indiindiistry-In job train- Sen. Oordon AHoit.It. R-Colo.. lololflJ/ord ;j proM rty owntr.sntr.s with offers wcri;, oihcrw iie not r.en- Sen. c Peter H. Dominick,ick R-R. down tlast Thursday whenen 94 f°r fujurc expansion. ------davSav careca?e center( for retardedded ing. , • . - jtuihur of' thc amendment,Iment, said addi additional pruicction, ' uinc..uine,. * • f-‘i„ -' „f jini teachers walked out to protestirotest . children, wl cill- ! I . fled his .."pprov-'.'. »f children, with diagno^llc facill- ______I ’ ■■ bona fidi* m eant lhaiat a buyerbuver TTieTt S e nate'harrow ly■’ rejectedrcjgctcd However.How . hc modified hit ___L'l. TT—:------.--rt. »ir=— ' ncs III'!; nna-rr! 1111(1' ir'Jinliii; iirokTlms, it - ri i» — must 1)0 "rcaOy, wiuinsvillin^; anij juesuay luc; un am cnornent:nt foto ex- umi;nainL-iii"^(oument (ukc out n r e -',.' c-t ilie Sccrctnry o{ HousSnsnK^a'nl and ««utd havc raised thelr__sala- CL o opper j j ^ .striker A would cnst about SnS.OM’wiA E J Cxplorer i X D lO tC 37 - " • ■ nhic to perform ^' • cMpcMpt sinRle-famiiy dwellinRSdwellings quirerquiremcnt lh.it offers must be, Urban Development, upon re- nes. the local community providing / v , - r » . » . ' ■' His am endm ent'wvitJ JtS'one 'one o(ot fronfrom the open hou.slng provision madeg ..J . In " .n iln i,. -n,!. J g w , . celpt of a com plaint charginghanging Gov. Clalidc Kirk of Floridalorida TyTTVT ____ ■.* i * • ~ the .site and Qtibiting E |r t h - I ------"discrim•-discrimiiatlon. : in furnishnish a traxxleclra\xled this slale-todoy to“.S talk -i>|6N esotiation ff< s- ^ copy to.thc property owner.-er.. in loealocal sthool officials about 0 _ —— federal-malehlng-fundSj" ” , ' WASHmdtO^ WASHINCTt (AP) - The- Once completed the project sun-studying Explctr«rI 37 space* _An-ampndment-b\'~-Scn7"RnlP r'^njr" craft Is reporled In orbit around _,2J).ayiSeitiinaieitiinai'iStarts Here [[Thursday- J ' en C. Hvrd.. D-W'.Va.. \vn»/td Wfn/td "Rracc"Rraec period" in which I tft rc- C I ^ oO n l l tiiiul iii"; would «o° u'b.'°" bo Staffed, operated ai^ .dlfc -WorL------^ maintained undcr.lheJdaHo.Do-Qj. lhc_rnnlLaIItLr£Pcatediauncli- hc_cnnfLaIIt ------— .— p.r.)vid('-ilnil-n;plHinllff-in-a;di6. tiicn-tU- jjj. ing delays a t Wallops Island, r ' cHminatinn .case-could not..col-not .'col- Some 18,000 of the slate'sslate's WASHINWASHINGTON (AP) — Nfigoj>£B<> partm ent of Heallh al no addi- « ' “y* lect attorney fees imless!ss' theCO.OOO-l(the CO.OOO-teachers have been awav llutors for 2S strlkihg unionsns of tional cost to1 the local commu-[jiu- "• ■ '• ' ■ ' On WOTldrHuii[dTHung^, Diseasie,sease, Misery our giant-copper llrms coniihuc nitv. ■ court f(found'he wn.s notL finan- from llihelr. classrooms f o r- l? our gi.ifil linuc nitv. _ . ' The- -Nallo-National Aeconautlcs ------liy RU'IH TOO m Ln M niL'LbK'iciKif ILLbk'|U|;n im.' ' ...... — r " iruun liiillj' ..hln tn r r ’ th rm ------.SdlQClsfiinni davs after thc Floridalorida fencing' nvcr, bargaining 'proce-,- Mr. Nelso'n said the IxKird-.-.J 5pac. fflnnUBIB. Ofof , 1.„ '...M. ...Ml H i.r.,,. .xinn. Thuts-ir,. 19»-p0und19S-pound soicsaiclMie will m easure.______siaffff Writer "W c hppcJhnL^omclhiniLK'illihinc.wlll oLa.stoLa succcssful sem inar nn.worlilnn world ,,hu,npin« 82-13 v o le .------• Two m en who havclavc "been corrtecorrt of this scmln.-ir—lhat-lhat the hunger, hunRci disease and mn Ii s ec r yy-j-yj'ja. Tuesday, the Senate attachedih c d 'fo to ' ...... ------.WhdcrH'wsc. -"'hfcrHn? surveillance. ■ jayday nighl. nighl. I for addlllonat local l» tS rt{ T 3y « ,he vioIcLcatoloniirom-tliisJun.-^— ------there ond seen it"'WA’ill i!l 'discuss discuss projectproji w on't Just be. abandonedibandoned which w as held tw o years 1^9.oro the. [jj|[bill.a_mca;urc..thni_sy)uld I ,.VIt looks vcry.niuch.as if this funding-whlifunding-whlch could a.ssuro'the vIoIcL catolon ------w^rkWiunRe^-^isMfte-and-rnlc;e-and-Tnic =lhni"MttiOmfc~VvTirwT>7Twun~=thi TiTBoT . niake it a federal crim e toiSTri;“ cross Gzech General Vhlte community Jhe. phase-two proj-ro|- ~ T h e --fla flata-ls ta-ls tb improve fore^______------ery durinf;-a--»pcciol-seminoral- seminar defdef what-I-ciin do to^aileviaie alleviate - In-addjtionIn'a to-conductinjrihe“ " r 'f ' aa'si'aj* 5ia(cmr'wiliriii™ -io'mcIlto 'i n a l c ------" “ ------Hnusc.‘'’said House, sa tm c'sourccof Pres-i’rcs- ccr."T!iisiWO' ccr.-TlilsiWOuld.cost an'addilion^ion^ c a s ti l n o r iohciohd.sphe"fe cohditlons- ThursiH y and Fridayay at thetiic somesomi problem' some place in seminarscmlni M r. Radw ay and Mr. ^, '. ,[qj_iq. r p l idem Johnson's efforts to revivejvive al «J50,000 0,000 'tocnlly,' but woulduld which affect 1short wave radio llnliday Inn. • . Ihethe world,: " Fathere r. Riley JennihRsJennlr will speak nt 0'Lear>' ion of Takes -Refuge-S I C ' i negoliations S 'i i S o " in-., the 336-day5-day provide a largerla center and oneone Iransrriission,iransm'ission, and to warn o f . ■ - Ka'thor John Riley,,*chalfinan *chalfman siaitslated. ______—— •■ and RobertR Stuart Juniorlior^hc^i HiRh Andover Ihe objection of O“ strike shuttingshui down' m osi'U-U.S. .S. which could accnmmodale otherher majoc-sun.fla:majoc-sun.flares that could.be Sen. Philin A. -Har t . ' D-Mich,. ol thc sponsoring’ commitice, ~./\r lii l iTi ^ A P )'.- MaJ..MaJ. copper proproduction. communltv 1 needsJn additionI totn baiarrinii*- hozardou»» tolo • mnhnM spare-...... — saidz'that—W ils6n-0“ Rfidway.- th e r ---\)thcrTTmnbcrs-of-thMpoih Trige ^or^ffrptntTFTrt:irinR somi“ "’C initial bargaining af- -- fict p ro jec ts starteda tolo get \-olvcd\-olvi in world understandinRirstandinR Uir'son.Uir'sor E a rl Faulk'ner,;; Jj . a m m t e . s I," J .* 'IMS '''* 'I * ”' m United i d : Stales as a refugee,. offl- ler Iheihe union*un agreed lo separ- O l l l people Vo help themielvcj.”^lveJ." • , of thesetl pnjblenTs a s those ofot Kinney;■Klnnej M sgr. EdmundId Cody,C o d y , - cial salt said today. -ate- ate negolinegotiations covering three Tf ______Fathcc,Rilcu.«tmcol o»|. -mt smiinnrintMn50riD£ 7I*.m, .p m. T hursday ■with iUliDn.er a dinner IJnwnrtl Howard ll. Baker. J r .,'R:-Tcnn., -Tenn.. dersiantdefsiand_the__girl _ Is .hls_ w .sea's a's j;rouni-loderouns iod a v ^ . - - : ' em m ent spon.'iorship. comicommlttce members arc from ntat thc Holiday Inn. Thee second would hhave exem pted individuallividual (iancee.(lancee. .. But But -Ken.Kcnncc^ Copper .Cor^‘■Qj.n tnippcd~dccp . "J in'the cerietav> opolisrM8polis,—Minn., inn., a'C argiil spokes* [uble'cnis of-“ ’“ ll "’I"® “ fly v—cflllinRinado- - M»r-KinJiej-—Kinnej- fi|>ei> about -14 pM-«TOCt\c,-as T>ot-concn\c,-as the N orth------___' _ l E a i -- -• via-Norih-Koreannean 'Offlc)als; officials,'- -is - ..... represents the views of the — tr i’inR-to build-another-shati^in;in cagel’Jcageit:_____ — ___:______espoflse to tnis Jetter," . Koreans demand, tha - JTraffic.IMtte,SKil • ' -u n d e r study by Pri:'sidenl Joh ans demand, that the ship ' - J . -• anaitempt.l(an oiiem pt.16 react) the isolated:ed Rescue unliunlls expeelcd..-.-I.t. ^ ; said. ^ ■ w as seiied.seiied InIn NorthNorth Korean,Ki wat- . Pueblo tailors. ' j . Idaho ----- = ;-« m- tO' detennm ^ wlittlter- it - ^.•!U.H. i t - a - n .. Mike Mansfieldd 6aidMid Tuesday he'I United Staies admll.thc.sh tin Salt Mines said at mid-td- where thethc menmei were stranded. ues admll.thftship in- men who- who- havehave been bee; impris- •, tion,"lion," hsh# said. "I" think we ought ■: Magicm? Valley ' had nol been, informedinfOTmtxl U'hethiU'hether truded'into0 NonhNonh KoreanKorean lerri- oned,"," he he said.said. '.'But "But I do not to10 get off the hookh there if we - - m orning. "We did have a fireIre Shafts,Shafts.reach reach Ai to d lftc rfn t.deptli-.------the While Houseise considers valvalid ‘ . . torial waters—althoiiRhers—although he sold - - think'we; we can can basB-ourbasV oi policies • ; can.can. We've gotgot- enough troubles J—— which-diimawhich -ditmagcd-TTlolStr'ananevcunancvtU ■ and'tHe"and the miners could M ' V ' . • • the appeal Jar'll'a U.S. apolojjy toi ' . ' this would1 be false—if thathat w as ' oiuthg fact that th'ey,i ------...... d^-y^ihat'sJ-y^ihat's why wi why we caa't 5« the roen|ue n ju deep asa s 1^ 1,206 feet,-" .' • •.' . '• 'T fact that they, ore su(fer* . [ 'clsewherfc.'"tlsewherfc.'" . ------. ^ \ ^ - . i"______; • ' _

•J____ 2 .. ■ - Twin FolljFalls jim jitn cs-Nej-Nc ew s Morch 6-7,•7, 196B196B______’ 1 ; ' ' ' ■ An ^ o^d-time Lent Is n\;nn'Koch'‘aiid* anything , R”?)grouiided ln .the'w oi'k of Jesus_ Kk Ray Rostrnn'havmg-collec-it •r.^ from the dayi of.Jesus*is' tcmp-temp---•Christ, --P"' Is going’to'bo as close < 1 ^ Lvnn Koch’s expense . ,.. Jim- 1 I T T - ‘ {fijiiVr“ w ofrym gr3tw nr-tK ii^ir- ■ ^ = = —^ tatlO;tation in ihc Wlldernes.s, li .Was . lo" • T-x;—Terape'raturei;raturcff — Forecast^ IL- - ^ • overworked . . .-Isaac,Ue, Biir, •.• - ♦ i r V v.illin};nes5 ta 'g rapippic p lc sc- sc-— P*ls fiels as U-.ls to the .slow dying - . Mostly fair today.day. Increasing 8 a.m.: 29 at Jerome, :i_at_T,F. S n . rV- sw cp in g sidewalkiti front ' T jL l— riouiily - w i t h^t'hfr-M duetlons.'duetions, ‘ ' inla .a nuLiing home. _ . . jO a l '- — >.i.cinf« ,.. . Bill Uewellvn. iloSaylpnlWrnntcnnlttem-rtliiDtrrmltteftt-raln -W.eather Bureau with N per ceiil M ______Burlev. carrying greeo envcloro T.K LrtlflhWP clarm - .aml- brutality-of-..of. .the.-.-the - — -The-ChrUilan'message.it-ndfili.-.lO TJ " N al t l i U on l l ad fl likely -niursday. Coolerc i^U r Coday humldltyr32“a|-rFr-ErtIflhWP •------:— s------' - W . . . C larence'Farr, Burley, talk- HiRhLowI : Cooler coday Laboratory with »H • per ^ w worUw orld. re,scrc,scrved for.librarians o r Holy^ IV with high 42 to 52.12. low 282fi to }S,*8, cen t humidity, 29 a t Rupert, 22 fiW ' inc on .telephone . . Vivian ■ Albany, cloudy"...... 43 17 ’lit.- mu»t.-dcllver ourtclvcijurtclvcJ —v-— Cani.pilgrims or- blacK-suited u H li______Klinl- In Tmin_£iilis. business of. ' ■■ ■' , ■ 'A'tnxpiCT^t. SS-- AU'FAiitleld^2&-U-IUlWyr-nLj'-4X";:s : iricar‘s3^'*~'d«n!y-'l^*^ould and does swiiig asileford. 33 at fromI'M i from"a"'no5talgic, hijtoncaf l\lf ' ficc . . - Carl Berg entering- - Atlviia. cloudy .... 63 20. Winds S to a t Buht, 25 a t Casileford. 33 at i r ■ r today: Preclp- Gooding, At noon,an. « atar T.F. ^ C‘C‘yciety approach'to |the Christian easilj;easi wlih nsiron'auts,’*check- llllilii'~ " rc.siaurant . - • Mrs. Mary . Dlsmarck, cloudyWY . . 5“5». 272 i! » P ' « ‘p- [i'illlL___ J3mwn_«rarjnfi..bluo .coat.,___ V ..._ 43l^ - ^ . luUon.probab|lill£LJl£ar_2£roIliei near lero j-adth-TT-.wr u.iih_77-p«r -7 0 1 . ♦ • truthtruth that Jesus, turned'd'people pconle ^ out clerks, quarterbacks-and . ___- ______lKnKin,-cloudy ....^ * 3 --2 3 — P " T T Iim w \- r ttjr tig Mftiu • Buflato, cloudyV . . . . ; 33 21‘'I . ent tonight and c em hifmClIiy. Uaromcter:aromeier: 29:«, zsisi, ‘ 1[-|v1fT || |I | I • wTI oh. He . gave Ihem ditrienslonitrienslon ’ opciopera stars. How s ir'^ g e ami L ...... S4 ^SO wr-ccnt 'niursday. Further 33'- ; cloihes bccau.'ie he’s Vatiendlng • . .aicsRO, cloudy . . . . M 33 . irsday. Further Soil tem peratufcs:1: At T.F.,T.F.. four- ..S l l . l l ' and -d purpose,'not In thee stately ^ i^Kic it would.be if the judg- • ^ school" . . - ‘wo fii-c engines n u Ifl T0all«'« partial clearing Thur*.Thur*- Inch 51-J8,' eipht-..r ' T>«nvef;'clC-3rv.Vrr.-C7 -27.-: atures-U lghtJy three-inch 52-34; a at t Castleford,Caitleford, . • were Flowers caling crow . . . Dill— leari*. M 24 normal. Temperature*;cmperarure*_at at lbrt«-inch.5M 7.______t . -- cd^Ho-knew-thc-wcec-crOwd;c_cft)wd—___ —CJQ.£lm' acrjo-ChrbLJiD tliniorc.dis^___^ — — De«-Molno*,"clear-.»-50-34— :— ^------• — By DAVIU POUNO^-^'^T^ ^------: ■wat(s~attendingTpollce-sch[j . m l p , lorthcdming wedding. . . Morris c s o c i c y Memphis, c lo ud d y y .... ,... 64W 40 40 . . . precipitation fellin in the the Eastern E astern Some normal maximum and ,1 Equitable SavingsI tad Loan)Loan! FirstF Ward Relief Society SeekingbC B People explniniQgJinw hr — J Miaml.-cloudy' ...... 71 .53 53 . . valleys of Jdaho10 from from t hlis t h!ls m inim um 'tem peraturesSSTor for “ this1= Dies At Home• l U l l l t ; Assn.., Twin.Folls, tookook top hon-lrummaRchon- run- sale will be held from PrtX ;K c ------'rix e iv e (l" g ^ on ms head . . . . Milwaukee, cloudy)udy . 441 | 27 27 .1 .05|Siorm. ^ lo isiu re 'amounts amounts in in period ar^ Dolse 50-31. Gooding i r p » 1, 1 | ______Sn rs in the sta r/» forJE_Fcbruary Ff»hfiia»y|9-n 8-fl;-m r-until-5-p;m^rICa-y T 0 1 And ow rheard. ” 1 told you not MplsrSi.Pn-cloiKly ■ 43 26 . S acflVllics.rat. lh«-nlfl-R»r..n1nw_nrfir>iryl ratn . Si 4S .38 a ir'ie is man .l ii ol- ol- on Kicti/ inch.-47-25,' Pocatello 44-24,'t-24,' and Idaho ■ 1 .,4U • • 4 C) ^ Managed IjyrErn^cstt A. flurbyflurby'on on FourthI Avenue North.^*'tl’- InliTMtedIniere; In- fmnloyrr'"'' ------. New Vnrk. cloudyudy . . 4B_33’ 48 33’ ,. . gomgwhat hlehgrigr PfM pfMsur;; jurp U l< , F nik i 1. i \ ______.------Mf5, _ M nttiel, MfTrfll.'fiS,ffpfoii M 'fin 7.J' B i7iJr.. the Twin Falls office cdccdl- —r r ------,, 'ihe 'iw'in Fails. Post Olfice or 1 1 ^ ,, ------etdarat> ’.-ti(3udyiidy . . u t i 40 ..laKBln following behindehlnd the the front, front. • PacKic disturbancesances are cx- ElmL St.. died Tuesday•sday ata t Imrlie r|o o' “ '^ bo ise 'lo r top position, rc-tre- MMagic Toaslmlstres*'* Club will Other ‘,5 Post Offices in Magicsffivfipouse'N Val- I l U U 'ear Filer Omaha, c le a r ...... 55 30 '. I but the warmer aa ir ir that Ihat has has 1 ppcied to bring precipitationrecipltation in- homeh ol a brief lllriess?liie,/. cording .p total , off JS3,400$S3,400 in havhave a speech contestcst n t 6:30 [jy ^^,[1] be given Jn the n c a P ^ rv -_ _ , Philadelphia, cloudy:loudy 50 50 33 .. . covered our valleys-ys and and extend- extend- 1 to our vallev^ and1 again around shi) w as born Nov.IV 9,9 1899.tfiS!) aat t ? during tlic month.lonth. Total p,m p.m. Tliursday ut ih'e Caboose lo'S a D a m a g e d By F i r e Phoeplx, c le a r ...... 77 53 ..[c . d Into the Pacific Northwest: 'V Jl !”“■ ■U®*' Iflc Northwest Saturday. From .05.M to .25 cancon Sulphurc Springs, Tex., and w as L*3 I EquliableM Room of the bepot Grill. All —- ^^SK^rs'^ffieers-^ore-flontln- ■ Piiubiii‘fil« .''f^n ...... 53 53 32 .03,has .( been replacedI byby coolercooler air.air. 1be expected In' Western Idaho t, n rr- in id tiid. lilable In- uing their investigation Wedncs- Pllnd. Me., cloudyiu.lv . 41 41 19ia ..|T . h in mntllu_fAlf—ir—weflth« H r r v a » tr^ T T ftn m i:lp ™ a flC T ia a s p The po.siilons available In- uing th .IJ -pciiiccostat-chprch aM tlic-Dr* - I*.- starling day of a fire lhat severely dam- w 4r".~T5ir ^ irZ BVorwa«t fu^^oCTy-^^^gmpcra^rl)Uni:m pcra-^ 1 an Inch or IcssJn-Eaitcfn d, ' ■ The Twin Falls Publicille UUbrary brarv elude'I'''’® clerk b r ^arrlci*,- starling day of ir,,,fJl 7fl .. 4uret^will^be->ower;^AnoU>cr« ilVl in ^ c u n i Chapter r-ThursdaV lLJL.5allHy_llI_S2.80_PCC_hoUt_pcc_hout ngcd.a.jg c d .a J tfljn e house EorlyJTuea:__ 3wer.—Anolhcrtvalleysr^now-ls-liticly-in'm wi'n* 5; 1 per hour, day morning two miles soujh . . Rlchmo^n^. ’clo"^^^idy . . 63 28 28 . ! . frontal system -isis forecast loiII0 |ta in a reas and some higher val- ; Ail with Incrcascj to $3.82 per hour, day m ^M eiFsiFOir-sO n Sm^4;l5“'“ioTi“f!r'I?ll''bv^ *' pplicaiions and onc-qunricr west of Asgrow St. Louif, c le a' r ...... 62 62 32 32 . . move into Ihc Northernlorthern Inter- Inter-[leys I as these ?iorms^*^muvf siori^iis move ^ Hansen from . and girls from Ihc second,,second ,V“ •. Sanger said applications and ont - S tU-4A ,-0 [_w-erc« In Magic Vnlley where . ■ years' of age or olderer cxceptexcept Ray LincolnU and rented lo 'John - ori6 may Andersi Jr.. but was vacant.at '.-SealUe. c f o u ^ ...... '56 42 .10.1 western portions ofnf southcentraljJsouihcentrollJcrome. h.id a maximum nf 70 ■n... nf (k'n high school gtaduatcs of 16 may Andersi n ^ i i f A" excKange program of the tlons are Ihe tim e o f ihe fire. Depuiv 1 .Tampa, cloudy ...... 67 54 . . valleys on ThursilirvM- huthiitfnst.I'lnm.'l. ShcrinSheriff T om ' Majors said the . V/n-ihe-U|)pcr I r 5050rto-low^ ! o lofv LP>'«''Springs..He died!d in August, l ai te s t.n a tio n a l developmentsjvclopmcnts Knulltfnti Orange will conduct r//, regu- • flee building.,*>' ...... ificrc w U’ill-M .in thc midd 40s Into thejcthe 60s. Eastern valleys .recorded . . conccrning public land’sntfs will tbe a laru J business| meeting an^d and Cfdir Cedar - ’In-nddltion-to'salarlcsrbcnc-•lesrbenc- ing,ing. ------^----- :—^ ^ ------3 ^— ^Alaska; G anada- life and About one-half of the house ' V O “ < W » 50s with mostly 50D degree read- mr axim um VeadinKss^in in thetlie^Ojf'o 50s to Survivnrsjndudo a daughter, {>/held al 2 p.m. Thursdays«J“y at ‘hethe DrawPrat will present the. programoroBrom. "fc ayr—MlnlmumlloH»-60sr-^vcrnisht-low^t:e-m»it-low-t-e-m. Mr£._Eldon- I ^ ric... MountainMounmIn iv Holiday Inn,. sponsorcd_by_thc Otherothe county G r^ m scnc s-im Iiri» r In: In- hcalth-in5urnncc_paid_vacaiionLvacaiion .was.huiwfl^bumiMi..ht^iaid.— ------WAII ------ihfit-on—Thursdayr-Mlnlmumll' .rS iO nc and ,„vc and rcgular Civij • —- ~ ;j^H aw" * * aii-^ * * tcmpcratuiies tonightght willw-lll be ln|Fin|pcraturc.s were mostly In tho ^ ere D. Mcr- Idaho Farm .Bureau Natural Re- vitcdvltct • - • ------' ~ and sli ;ular Civil - ...... ' - ; : tlY -*iflUfJMt-C om m ltt«_9,— '' ...... I'...... I ■■ .. v>||fy.flf^na.-;------■' I\- flume deia7s -iii-lielJ iuii>. JUJ ^ •xp^lence by the io'h'^if^~e~ron^rrmar« •' >WQntrtal^ft^^...'._3A_12_^. . . . _.Minor—lowI-prcssuro:-distur-:ssuro~dlslur- ouiside-ncliviilos-ore-ni(cly-thc0 ire-lilicly4h^|cW^ __ ___ Faan_nurenii. .president.- said ^ ' t a cants willjkei” loday despite a renewed ------" T OifawaT...... rrr...... ^'23 o ' & &— bonces have broken dow-n 'tlie'> week os light Reynolds Funeral■ Char«I Chapel will tconard--Johnwn,k: Salt ..take.Oakc open house at 8 p.mt' Thursday J*-” U-TCquircd.-but. ** aojilicams will ket tod ken down' the rem ainder of this week os light a written White House vow.lo defcnd tho- - ...... n 47 Ji .W protective hiRh overver the Inter- rrains cause some Interruptions, announce ar services. ^City, assistant directoror of natur- oi theii ”I Do” centcr, iTo 519 Main beP* "required J 'to lake a written White I ------al .resources, American Farm avc. ^5j9_Maln jcspof.-jomc-lwo-hourTW'rsTn'd’iS lS presentprcsciu gold price of $35 on . Toronlo ...... 30...... 30 17 mountflln Region. TTieThe extend- extend- CCalvmg nnd lambinging may need ' S I a"!P Avc._W ,-T»ln-F.lli-;------' " ™ WianlMR ...... 33...... 33 29 29 .O; .03 cd . v.7irmeet wilh Mr. Johnson nta t p.m. Wednesday nt. the home ■ ! Juneau ...... :...... : 4^1"35 r '3 5- '.n . i : fijres are to be lowerower lhan lhan the the c arntions will t« 'o’g n n a limited s Of'Jerome""^' V 10 • !; 10 n.m. at the Holidayy Inn under of Mr.M and Mrs. Dave Chadwick. WOOLWOJ » ------Honolulu...... ^— ...£ ..£ 6 6 -6 9— ___pasuiew-day;^ut-«vlll-still-r«>lb : t-w llU tm -r IdIdaho in 1921. settlingIg in Ihe Ihc Jc-Zeckendorf Je - Ze had boardedlardcd Ihe Fine Ans Club._MQ3CDW—Other, - s - ^ Casllefofd ...... , . 65 65 25 25 .10 .K DJsmlsscd«<1 .- b erly I.lnnell. Clarencerence WaitncrWacncr r2mtJirca_OaJUjR.-2<.-192ffr»TCTP^ro —:------winners aro from Bolso“ ond ZEiatsiS»W», tand-La-wrrnco-WimncrraTrTwInfiner, all iwm mmarried Donna-Rosese Keeler In Air France also .listedSled among WciiWciscr. 48-19 Mrs. Zora Mullins; and Mrs. Bill Balls:.] Wendy Kerbs.erbs. Rupert;Rupert: RiRupert. Tliey livedI in thc Je - theth passengers a “ Jo'scph Ro^ ' 65_30___ Skaggs, oil Gooding,nB._api and Becky Becky j LnVilIh:-ShUl._Burltiy;-Klml)crIyltiy;-Klml)crly rorom t-area-tm tl|-1953;rv,'hcn"he53.TVi'hcn"lje senbluth.-prtsum^e ed too°bSm be Amer- ^n r-Ed-CutIcr,3aIFiflh.Ave„N.' ’~ - ± ;...... '5 8 -3 1 . Tupper,“ Hagerman."• I-" r 1 Linnell, R o b erts;' HottleHollle Silva, movedm to Salt Lake City. icanic. ." A man who saidaid he waswns Iff' Wednesday afternoon for Grangevilla...... 64 64 24 24 .OS .0; ------^ r'Tiuhi wuiu. , ' Funeral 2 services .willwill be ccon* o n -o olic li niiwspaper La Croix, and BtaleyvDies.l/lC S J“SCl3“ and daughter. Buhl , riday In the since 1957 secrctary-gencral of| im Magic Valley TorOTnc Funeral Chapel?1 by Bishop theihi National Catholic Union of| y : _ J BURLEY - William’Lee;'7-1.iiam'Lcc.:.a J St,..7^pnpfnrrS|. Tfrom c, S T* OUricy,.aieu Monuay evening at •’ Admitted'’'-fjj ' . held in the Filer lOOFOOF Ceme-Ccme- , - M “ Funerals ' Vcteraas Hospital,, Boise,, of a Peterson.jfson. Carey:Carcyi may call at the I] lingering Illness. 4 y v -t leoi nl J^-'us Rementeria,nteria. Hard- H ard- $]} cij-iP*;! Wcdnes Page One) Tuesday niglit at Kay’s Sup- 0 g - j ffleBOIDEBPBASIMS-lOIIElittlllllE “ 10« - may call ol- the WalkWalk^lortua’rj, Mortua’r) Mr. Lee was a retiredretired' rail- f cScaro-and treatment of retarded per pe; .Club. ------._0ur,.Prl8e $79.50; ! - Rupert,"ThursdayV afie?noonaftc?noon omond rOad brnltcm an' andifid engineer . .. children. , . O ( ther speakers wereere ■Jame.s•Jame.s Com pors w ith rings^ , . evening and Friday’until tim e 0 j ; - i [ay until time ot and'had worked-at Montello,-•' T Tjvin Falls-Counlyily commis- Rn R ude-and Alan Smith.1. Lloyd,J. LloyJ^J. stiling-for $135.00 - services.- ■ Nevi, for 34 years. Ten yeaxs s. Ten veaxs M inidoka-Mlem cm orlnl oriai .loners budgeted for'. Friends f hU widow. Uehling, both Rupert.______ieter>'_. ^Friends Survivors Include hU widow. " i-iiici i.s mu; ______m ay-eaihiH lie tlifl|'w:l-Wt?dnirP diaffcl'WednrP Burlev; two sons,~lidward M. or-ik(rs;'Honnah amcndmcnt.s'l6 ar thes stastata t« FHAFHAi I •;j*rv_rov-' nd-free-^ —nte-jhaped—wiia-*eft-f)*m.------■». ■ the-Hawlton.Cemetervi7wSm by R u p e rt;. 14 -grandchildren’randchildr'en con-stltution co nnd mode ^lan^ forj | Mufflers^& Exha u sI^ z M i-^tlc,Uclc.AaM8,B32-3^ . - •: ; .•••■Rev.'.Tifalachy McNeill. Rupert. I n Is? “"i 6«it-#raivdchiWrtn.dchiWrtn. - the th state FHA cotwtntion.hj« nt!on.h}J« be; j . J JSl'• Main a»..S t i ’■ • Jrrleflds may call. a t urli the Ho\-e Funeraf services will be con- h< held M arch 27-30. ' ' ll__; ■ -Systems' ' — . ___ _ChttpcJ_Jtrome^Wcdnc5dayle^^Wcdnesday ducted-«t-2*p.m. Friday-In-the'rldoy-in-the evening and "Tbur^ay.‘£y ^ y - Burley LDS third w ard chapel •_ ^ J i --•■DitzleFPaintsr&iiT’ • r : , . — — Visit O ur LunchfeLunchfeonelte^ "• ■ ----- byj:BtsIiop_Uicam-JViidr«w-iMil.}fVadr«w_Jklil. ------■ •Die's ■ I*® the "Sillies ■____■ . '•7 * , , ‘ Pleasant .'View ,C c m c t'c r,y : Friend*_rtiay.cal!:at,iheJylcCul-UheJyIcCul- ,. iLL h. ' “W * ,.‘S • Ciufciies and Brake ------'inenleria.—Inf«nr-daoRhter~of—caognter .or foch -Funeral • Homele Thursday ..V Mr. and Mrs. JesususRemcntena. Rcm cnteria. afternoon and evening and Fri* ' Shoes ’ : ^ • died a t birth Tuesday■esdajr^^eveninB 'eyening day u n ^ time of. service. •; .’a t St. Bentyljcl’s Hospital. ' ^ ^BANAfshe^i ------.._ r . _ In oddfiion lo hcr

...... ‘ f ■

I ■■ ___' ; .. j y - ______^,.1 y '~ ■ : y . vy -: ------' . - . I ^ ' . '' ' ' - - - . , Mor Morcli 47. 1968' • Twin Falls TlTlmes-fJewi y 3 a a-^ 1 s B fm f l s mm m . n T ^ ^ ^ K T S e a n s I’ y s


^ r ' - ■

t a S a i

KENMORE ~ ^ 117-SQ.-ir^SQ.-IN. VIEWING'ING AREAA “ BUDGET lUD' PRICEDE D ~ KENMORE AUTOMATIC WASHERVSHER ■ TWO-TEMPERA-TEMPERATURE POBORTABIB t E j GE O Q I I i Q R i J . ELECTRICCTRIC DRYERDR^ • Has a personal-sizpersonal-sizG IS-in. diagonallynally measuredmeasui pic^ i_. ~ tLir<5~tDge~tn5T~15-3g^n5T~l^ n te a ’to Todocg-^afe-:-r,ce-glaro.. , ■ Tnhn - ■ • has rareire oartrt oartti pFi pliosphors for brighter-ighter colorcolor.. . _____ • PowerfuJ_'uj_ chassis. c h a ssis. 3 I.F. stag es,:, keyed ayavtomatic ' controlI com^ne^to com bino t( produce a vividvid color picpicture. ■ •' - j / ". NOn o tTRADE-IN r ; REQUIREDJjR E D ' . " ■ . Model 7310' ‘ f ...... ____ • Dipole antenr a giv ■ , ...... NO TRAD^-INtAD^-lN REQUIREDREQ - - — ' ' ’••'^Built-in ''B u ilt- in Maze-type M'az< lint filter. A«ylic~enofiTActyii^enofir “ Mbd«I"71649.TiAeabi-7ie4Q.------——;__ - ND ND-ft -MONEY DOWNJWN -- ^ _ flM , . ■ cledcicd toptop ondone cobinot. ' ^ VV ' • • JustJust oneono dialdie lo let . . . wasficj,'oshes, rinses, • Stmple,-durabfeable and easy-to-operofa easy-tO' dryer. -J _____ 0N_5EARS_ESEMS_EASY_PAYMENrPL,V\ENT PLAN — ------spin-dries-and-jliut$-il$elf-of/,r‘ spin-dries-ar ------—------• • Uso~“ Heaf“‘~for~drying 'f o r ~ d r y in g - r V -'."Air-Only^— — A • * WWofer ofer tempera'luretempe adjuslabloB ot 01 faucet. •• .- for cJrying piqsllcs such as w^t foincoals ^MW fill i '•• .Single Wofer level. . ■' . _ and shower• curtains, curtains. mTVs A S-LOW ; A S . ;...____ ,# # •W _V /.. .. •► 6-vone6-vanoogita agitolor loosens.stubbornborn dift. • load-A-Doorr mokes'q‘hondm okes'q‘hondy shelf. .

H aclflii^7^~ ^ I, :RfflprafofeEE^feFreM eEI I CU.J RFTt r - V ^

i l S - p No Trade-In Required ..... w ■jy w - ^ • S ew on buttons, and width ._slide-out, crisper,_two..ful).-wid_two..ful|;width_shoIves. a —.'. .■. m ake bLJttonholes •■■■ Easy-care•care pqrcelain-finishpqrcela interiorurior resists stains,s rust, I • Sew S ew cembroidery andid ' ^ *. , '''* food odors. AutomaticAutor defrostt in refrigoratrefrigoratorprnanua'I'-, ' B ■ m monogram ono clothes...... ______d efro5st in freezfreezer er section. - . ' ’ ‘ ------M oder673301 6 7 3 3 0------“ ______•" •••; — — H— Vtnrn hn<;tn _•Jm n o d ^ ------. ■ N U33TONE7jB5wNZ~Z2~ZZ~ M O N L V T ? — ■ arid-Qy«?rgn<^tarid-c gpams ------^ ^ ONM SEARS ^ EASY- PAYMENTe n t ' PLAN. '

MModel o d e l 2 8 2 0 ' .i ' j§r^"T B 5»' ^ ^ E t F CLEAICLEANING I :i l 5;8-CU-FrrCU. FT. _• ' — “T I EHErta ir p E lE vllC llr^ ' leniA M G E ^ UPRIGHT FREEZER FREE ^ \ y ■ ; « - . - i ; ~ ■ “[ r ^ ; " SM m ' r ••'. p.. ■ _g •Totally• Totally automatic,oweni/en cleans.itselfcleans.it ■ " - “ iS M Jhree-grille-type-freezlng-shelves-pilng-shelves-permit-thor— '■ =------'------^------:— __•* Super-fast S u p e r pro-heat- Lovenoven tbermtherm ostat ______?• _ ■ fTTrp rTM ?Y yfftff^M_!ough:cQld.Trir..clrculatiQnJbootrhfls. »■ io n JD o o trh as-fo u r book* • __ , - • SculptSculptured non-drip) porcelain cooktopc< ' - ■ rill |3'^V |-I|1 I'li I sshelf h elf ppackage ac racl^s and'two.a n d ' two. juictjuice^^spup; ca n , ■ - :. • Built-inBu«t-it sty lin g in lowwbockguard- bockguare ^ I - shelvesr miy'~seals ,. - p ^^==RANGES^sfLowg

■ — “ ■ ■ ^ D^LYULY’S-SoXtTlTto 9:30^ 6 p,m r^“—, - ’ •• ^PLENtY-OFrFREE^ E E r—------, _____^ H O) Pp : Aa Tt -S-s Ee ^ a n d s3AVE— a v e ^ ;S — “'^bPMON.rTHUMON.7THURS., RRI. > , StbRESIDE.3E." ■ ■ . “ MAIN AVE..W.AVE..' .;_ SatufactionGuaranttion Guaranteedor Your M oneym e y BBack a c k ' ■ J - . • ' ’TIL9:P;IV'TIL.9 P.M.: - ■ ; - -PARKING3- -;- - ■ Vv - TWININ FALCS, FALLS, IC IDAHO . >^OCQ. ' - , ...... • ••■^ -

■ ■ '' , \ ' . . ■ J ■ r ■ ■ H - ' - - . . . - ^ . X" . ^ . . . = = ; ^ - , J . I - I -

. I,,'r ^ ANDREW TUU.YLY ■ - ■■ X i brialFagfiJ™ low Nixon91 WiUWi Runim ^Well ThCPoe Polls Show ...... ’ ...... {; . • • \ MarchM arch i6-7. 1968 vote for' pollsters agree that thele formformer er .’‘tween.'‘tween the1 two polls a s to the iionths'\W his. a nd 'one long held b'y.theby.the would would lbc more-likely to vote for' pollster ■ n-ii II ------a—----- •__WASHlKGIQIfc£ic}iLmontKs::Ahis,_t rETfater— Alabama governor-would h urt a . .fcci-tif :------r — ------; -Ijtfjjf-y-d .■/Krijre (he'Pxcsidcntial ekctiun,,L-ction,. technfcianstechnf a t. l « ” R c^olicunublican KixonKixotnrftyTBCnUngTrErtate^Alabttm i J th a t Jdeological contrast to JobnES'nr'O Jo b n a n . OOP OP candklitc c m ore than hc^'hi^ -Nixon-Nbion aridi R o d ^ l e r T T S ^ - th; th? varivarious polls add up'toI 'to a NNation ational Committee, is th a t ideolog •hewould lup Poll shows Johnson j I nirtf Pfyb^fAlliT ■ tt-nuM Insg -mnre•mnre True,True. Wallace could beK out out of of would would JohnsonJ becausfr he would lup .P' TniHig’^TTlfairroff-voreg-thJr-uthcprise'—Njron-ptheprise'—Njron'-in a. dead-heat-.whetl swell votes-tc»-George Wallace-bane -itian the the race'byJ'*ovtmt>er.rac nut liS’s. drains _ yr !. J^on Nixoo ,w would run alm ost as well votes- ctofhis^"- wuuld go into the Republican,cpubliean. fi r nol Wallace Was |nj_he ra ^ ocalniit-'Lyndonaca ln it' Johnson QsBs t})e Nixon woultl. 11}ai Is_to~u>y(ay the ..in in il-n it- now i and. tbe im pact of hjs - wuuld /o tc V . candidacy'm ust be consideredinsidercd 'column. column, . / VVhllc'the hllct Harris Poll sayiTJij 4 supposedlysuoposct more personallylly at-a t-' * conservative-to-centrislconser voicV, candid; css fn a. 'would '‘lose nine perccnt: er. determined to cast a : protest -In'Ony'early ;ln'Ony appraisal1 of Rc- Rockefeller’sKocm w eakness in a. would rftUJ . • tfactivetfaclite Nelson Rockefeller., .deicrn o ll-lh c _jhrcc:m an_race_is th a t he isIs an- pointsrointg Io W allace'ond'Rockel — Ti------The-mosrlmportanrrrasqn-'for—wn-for— batlor-againit-tyndon-Johnjon,—bailor ahnjon,— publicapubllcan-chanccs,_And..iill-lhc ’------^ —------WOHT73MI3IPflONT ------^^Hifin om ved'lilx-ral. IfTihe ■mIi»ds'or~ler“ mind* of ler on]only^ seven. *9._ll«r.--SnJ-A>.--’ - - - . - OHldol Qty ohd"County Ne»»M o^ - - ______•______[______fore, he .would be consideredidered no Harris sun'cy notes that in Puiiiioni l8 S«ilonon 60-108 taohoWoho Co‘ae..TKvrKJ-3y It (itub/ dnij-'on'd ’ ------PTtin>.tt.«'a:j^HTt-Tnhn«np-ifihnwm-if--twQ-woy-race-Nbcon —tW^WO .jiorma ly. Nixon. W nnt;ntcetv» -W p rr rfnt nL '01 ih* day'of lh«ih« w««k on vChWhlcli Icgot noi.cirw.ll b< pvbiahtd. . liivdtatioil itatio il T o G puversatiiversation'i' Smas.politically trustw orthy. Nixon] WuntiT —_____^______I______on...the.nihfir on,.the hand., wpuldLt-milH heh>» votevole ci cast for Goldwater In l! . PuBlilb«l do.l/ «od V iwnMy at UOIjy i«cona • ■ Lnietto oi lecood dou mail moiicr IJSTT o,------^ ^ ------ja te who and Rockefeller no rnore «hao idol>5, • , - I regarderegarded as a 'candidate who ond Ro <t«l Weu. T«ln folli, Idaho, 83301,:3301,' by Ihi.'Ihi.^ . 1916, ot l»-» pcil In Twin, folli. ldol>9, ' ral direc- p er cent.-'.Rockcfeller would — ' ■ T ' £*(Cut^vi Editor ' that NixonNlJ is a conservative:/alive: in . But 1Harris se em s'to dlscoi . .iA l.W IS m S tO i------— W(l£Y-OOD!)S------‘-tife 1 ------r-— — ------r------m#ny-vmany ways-he-is-Iess-ofOt a a coiK-ijhe-0' con.-i«l»lng Monogtr M | * .scr\'atlv.servatlve lhan bis old)ld boss, candldicandidate the party nominal ______' .______' . ___ EisenhoEisenhower. But for_ better _ o o r r _ _ J t Ij-ioIs-io ham m er (|way afth e T . _____:-rAUl-Si/JIDLa„ ;■ . ■-iiAgOlD-llll.U,..-'.,...... iefOTess—ihara-vate-forW allace.-tn- ' * Ce«npo>lng Bocn Manoatf * . Plc»» BeeBeam Mqnoaer______Circijiglion Mqnofl»r ------^■ .~of~ o f a liliberal than Rockefeller.'ickefcller.' fed, iii a vole for Johnsi ------MoreoviMoreover, the conservativesitiveswill' will Ji.accdJjccd with-this CKgieertluT V - - ^— ' rememtremember that NIxbn iupporledjupjX)rled ,. tenllaltenllar Wallacfi-supDortcrs ' ' ' • , their beral"' Rocketell ••• Even Even If WallacFSTroulirwltlt:—'I'onhriul(Twltlt=— 'I'othe-cctnservativesrNixon.r. draw from tbe race,, today’s resents the chance for 'chan J • •- poili-^bov^^ w ell' n r / n .i r e d . ww hhen e n ______' W e' protest because itt wotjidwotjId be thev apocar fit Ihf* hpfiringr ' . , Qli -In ll, a reccnt columnuinn 'youyou would would he1 prominent symplon ------iiiuiu LulivtinHinL m l[uVfi"5t~at Icasronc How_c^r-tiierlCG^shQuld-schedulc-^-{—:dulC -=-{------^ .••'■'■V-..;'------s»idy,bt>dy, • calciumcalciuir deficiency, you mij at which a large majority of the peo- It should be in the Magic* Valley. 5*^ '■■ nror am 1 mlsquoiing you?J? I have have, have, nu n symptoms at all or been tataking P reniarin and rc- weakness weakne in* tlie bones might 1 ccmiycently my finger jointsnls have velop. velop. ■ been papainful. W hat woulduld causecausc q n_[ _ i h „ , „ this?Ihis? . - ■ lets leOTor for two y e a n . Can one ta ■ A'-Women A-W ( who a re past 50 too too much mu calcium? ------— flre.prDncuo_deveIop.ostcopQro------a_*. —-PAUL-HARVEY-— - - • K tis e(decalcification) c of the spino onn „,ii •• • • » ( _ _ / • which, 1In advanced cnsps mav— L a s t I 7 ' WfrnTmuch larger amounts t mt~GaW ^ T I,taken, practically all of Ihe i vertebrae. Female hormones help-to prcvent-lhis.dccnlciflca-r r i S ™ « « fl', passes through the dig tmfMotherWfe‘^NecessilyzliHl’y . r tive tract and Is not-absort T h e s u d d e n e ru p tio n o f savage a v a g e figfight- h t- -kill, the Americans kill, it is all the tionlion hut they do not cause e x - , ' V' TnglhrojftllDurSouth-Vietnam-hiay-or-nwm-mny-or-—sam e-ifl-thc jwor. long-suffering, un- i?is Tlie blood. An excess of c ------Sincc-hjnh-scltooMavR-Wiawj—-liavO---- I—rappr-fappf^H-nn-lhi>. ilf\nr_nr liig . mllKil l«^nHlls. comimundsin.i? lheiiio • <-‘«sive calcium .deposits. TJje may not have been the "lastast gasp” ot educated, poiiticalFy primitive peas- Sm ^P^i'UruwJoim is most iii,Alike- ciurn ll ‘ Ibe blood m ay, bowcv . ,U„ sat. fnm pt, nt the feet of a modest desert home In Tucson,'ucson. chronic problem of avcrpo|5(int^P?‘[Mrpop iy ductcT%cn?IKrlrls7lhat--90— ^ In such ilbcaici u hyp the Viet Cong, as at leastist oaccac. con.. ant._aod has been the same for the_ man IT” I . had never met. . Ruiny days-artf 'occasionsns for—for -tlh t>>n. n ...... ^ • v*®~TFyroIdi!:m7~vitamin-D-pois< -! n'f accompanlcs aRing. ; • ■ -'—-gressm an-has contended.______.. __• ____ _ past two decades. - Joseph Wood Krutch a u thh o o rcre d "''‘celebration ‘celcbrc In this arid land.'*- land.'*' -For. gcncratioonsj -most of us V iookinr *'’«• Tnuh^P'o.JPycloma ond s: g the failure If lhe miliiary defeat of-the V iet' texthook: AnRcl And they a re porfcct for friendly.ricndly. have assumeda that' “necessity; cessltv . . ^ypro thp only nbsthclo inI theth e and I. I, milesm ai>ari. were cuttinRuttinR visitingvisltln( a rounJ’ g mc’squllele firetire is the,-moiher • of invention.” tell with- Q-I bad hav fever since J! -.1 ■■ «l...n In Df, Kmlch.Krulch • “^ '1 tell .w ith- Q7 I true: It failed utterly ta spark an fway.ot lasting peace in Vietnam,, lihis h i s ” ouTmtcIour imcikLiunl leclli. — ------sft-*n------'— But-making—ftfl^ te stft? —What— luHiLo. ______:popular.revolullon_omong_the_Souilrg the Soulh- 'taslc. immense as it is. would havevg a JJ Pcrhai;Perhaps we iiiter foundJ oneono • A^ n ny. y . fear that my long-time- ‘be con ;-i. symptoms would it causc? tw-otwo yei years ago. If I paid a vl c~de-^—ndmlrntloirTnlfihrbc'dlmlnlshcd— Vleinamesc. foreseeaBle end and^justifyall "sac^— sao another—comp3libic—to-the—de-^—i](lmtrn rin 'ay'be—upTionh"in-Augustrwould-i f*rce th a t-o u r perspective: and .by .liy a a personal p acquaintancece was Inte'nlions,Intentio no;? have made Us ning the bay fever relum? A few hours before the attacks bt*.be- rifices. ■ • , ' ^ons" Dr their .servants nnd threaten to opinions had been s. i rn 11 anrly r I y Jinm Jmrncd cdiatcly dispelled.- D r. *be r .m blo^ calcium In.d or hv tlpns,lrn. _m k a lavorfJ Kt lestine "Libr But without a sehse of dedication on shaped b ' gan, the Viet Cong's clandestine '’Libr m on shaped by this uncommon mman. an. K Knitch nitch. In his Tn^, phviou-GyJids-* make u /'r_'ia^>gf;,.«]i"" ii; i.n^oet)oncs OSn« [n that It has a very low r; t an appeal__ thirpart of the ordinary .Vietnamesen e s e . . in in the the Vears since, ihro»i?h p f ^ n ir ___ erntion_Radio" broadcast an appeal. CjUfil]_ .. ’ seen In X-ray filmB. 1 know of 'w eed pojicnf Index. The poll ------lu tlie peutjle-to “stand up1 uiidm itl mlauiieir u iiu i r 10 Hlliiia m 0 'i>0!H5TCrWiTCh A m .u n■iCan d a n hi.s wnliwriiini;s in llie AmiTicmi Tliat'livinR'Is'-more im portant inliirallv Index ‘in norltiem communlii attacks against, the hideoutsouts of the boys are dying, the war can onlyo n ly__ Sdiolar’ wc have continut!d to Ih.i' m.UniT. Il.l . t , ------rry . f ‘; un. ’ A.'calciunrdcficienc>'-may-be-varies-m a v - b e -v a rie s widely,1 wiih peaks reat • :mieu~-Ky cliqiTe ancl topplcT ^hcthc trait-IraiP" clcRcnenile more and more, inttnriuUI " lajurc____ That what makeTncws is rare- nnmrtii •AC11I11.T11 a.s,sociated with, a deficiency'ciency of, cd inIn August./ Jf you return orous' and country-sellingIg govern-govern* uar senseless bloodletting. ' ' 'anj’anjr led a ' ly what m akes history. ' friction! “ “‘‘“ ‘I—parathyrold-hormonc; In which—thc-arca-wherc-you-bad-troulwhich—thc-arc . , and aniniiil-s, we .developed a friction. m s In the beforci it is Very likely that yo :______• • The disturbing fnct. iindcrscnrodnrod__f^,„p.,^^.^LJL.L^J,^n.rt■

rt That T h at invention Is Ihe motherTiothcr - Dr,p r. Knilchk docs not listen to m uscular spasm s In the beforci - m fnt-'*______Titability7-h8yr/nxr=wmtiTfetu%=T^ That no such uprising’ occurred;occurred, bythe events ofrecent duys>Vis‘thalthal~f^Dr.’Kf5ich7"' for Dr. f oFncct01 necessity. ------ncws;i)roaacasis,“aoesncwS'.Si notl . w read.' c . d - * however, is no triumph forir the Thieu .whatever dedication the Vietnamesen e s e Of Of allall the honors. 'title.si and . Most of man's apparentlyilly In- ,, newspa;newspapers, but keeps sufllcl- sufflcl- ,. • ' ' • - government or for the causeuse of dem- • have ^sem s to be directed toward1 the th e c — — tion of horror, m erely illustratestratesanew anew threats'alone that-could have com-:'om- .and. and heathe and it have since bccomc'Comc necine'M necme irife would he resolved•solved m e m'e (o- (o-cancel m y subscription - before wc knew about it. Indeed.ndeed. , to .to so-ci so-called civilization, but it'• the immense war-wearinesscss that,thal. int polled these recruits ff3m South Viet-l^iet- ' friends. before ^tt~ 'T herrCTFade TCn . . -Q -- Jt-was raining,the nftcmoonmoon . nioderj nioderji medicine, for all iis ad- made made ,i me .think aboutit. it.ll______I', ______. . ietnam e3e.^:z:ftftnie a g -rloi-;".pQddica:: to... fight,, do ■■-h • Tho French killed, the2 Japanese fiercely. ' — IT — ^ j ______iV,\SHlKG.TON. (NEIA)) - One rorists rorisis ottack-s, loco! expen unusual aspect of the original nblc—ct killed. the-Viet Minh killed.■d. Now the' From such a foc, wc may c-^pectpcct —- ‘'■ ■ ' —V. original nblc” nKJpcratorS'will-be fl T(*t 45<45perating bnu« J ;: ' ' ]McNamaratnara: No Goin^i'oincideiice-!' ./g. / terrorist ii Operatives willvill sur- -holders-holder^ will carry rcsupplii*. . ■ •^Tnmunitic>i*==tn=*n*—holwU _____...... ,J ___ ------^------. WASHi:^SH IN G T O N — It was hard- cl.nssclass nnll-submarine ni sub'niarinesMarines not-lie-measurednot-lie-i by-anyrS“thf of the ,,^ .5 ,' r u!u«5r^c>7ofl!usually” terrorists who have 'been mi ’ such that m ost of -those who_.rni.n.iAH M R 3fE O A T O R f ly a coincoincidence Ihat on nlifiosrlifiosr ' have |!ui"ti.iiu 'iu LUitie liuilie— IIU.‘> lUmiiuUllimpuier-could nardly put a ttf-. "expendable" -local guerrillas'lucrril as a„.ay^wayv.- without fipbling their w; Robert's, M cNamara, sholiltlId be increasedincreas 300 per cent in kill tal fipifigure on whiit hc.has’"he has • ■ uni'npoi'lanf ctxiperating__ ow^These n,, corricrs ore-cxpcn Air Thosese,Pesky.:Priiilers P{ ______■ ^confronted with a' demandJ fortor ciipcapacity a d i ovei- 'fil.' And under"under' saved iiin resisting the demandsicmands townspeope."'(Tbe vdC ICI’itci-m . - ables. f c '’ . , — H v»^nt44wton -pronri»tTi|an addi.— nf-ihe., inh^lf^ those unim portant— who • arc ■•wh*."When the imm ediale-tcrru c had lional 60 nuclcar attack subs bothbolh inIn ond out of covemrricnt 5^’,^ Tlinw pft-ky pfoml.-icunus pprintcr.« rin te rs who ONLY IJ, TOO " TheThe impliimplication was that he had tional inV'ihcV'^bVeiutS^"^ i.st "‘’J;oojective • is "coinpieli'd ' persist in BcilinK rcaciv for - a - p c p p c r v - w f - ome- been letiinR the Soviet UnionJnion nrca rc stistill to conic. andond oftoften closely Intertwined. nt v./>nr* unless It's a fighl to the dea ,pcppcry-«im ------When a 13:j'car-old has n birthday, some- been l.tii ns Me' In Vietnam a num ber of years _ ,h ^ , ------vmiiflirD'f-Uic Uiati-klaho-i;roup•oup intn Twin tim es there is a party.-W hen.the.parlyty .is, j, RCt ahead by rcstrainls he- Ini*im- ■ He hnshr wom the com puter'tager'to g PF a r frotfrom being resolved, os Me- ^ •Inr. «Vrf “ 'be terrorists tum.dieir-wcn Fails on March lG-17 can pcrcflvc:five.of of more pivcn Ihen younRsicrs of tlie same aRc Iromrrom ''l’OMd I’OSCd on oh the admirnls andi diethe with an-ironicar smile. His inter- Namara knows Qnly. too.wtll, | l i ^ ^ 'V - o r ^ m - e r f t r t h c loc'H guerrill; thinK* thnn a pcrcmsidnJmiirumont-on-iiin-um ontT ^m -tnpT m roundT thc^tR hborK oa-iisttaiiy^ttcndr—j ~ TrEPunraU.. gpnnraU.— . _ ' e.sts n r r than___llie_5UiiCCle- tn hnltlu lown-arm» „ j ■ f.Hts a re trf mLich_bfonflpr than ItlC-SUU n "ever* > h is^ ^ p o rie r* ^'"b ^ "Vemterrorist i^'t ' f.fji/i!;” co-operating-city,—lown ' " • ~ of D p(^fcr.l3lnr ! '__ ^------—— ------\\’citrTrwpri5!niOT\’-wariiei(rrecertny—emiy~— In'lhisin'lhi? iiislance the oemanamand his background, first in Indus- spending is fiercer than ever.; f"fc”, usually get'nway after Now thuy have come up wiihh aQVfcal 'te a l mlu-lulu. . for a 'c e rta la l3-year-o!d and many younf*-)unf*- was for more nuclcar subma-bma- try anilam then in govammenl.imen't ^Viih with tA the escalation o t tensions• ill 'bcir,l,: ' aitnckgJUliimW-RO-ofLJir;'?/-— . • • Mtfnibcrs of ihc_J-ypnntaDliical:al_ Unionu n t0 n = - i ia a — ia(ir£4rom-over^h(M:(iunty-did-att(>n’" who had (he birthday look- fiovemmcfiovcmmcnl —.the Joint Con- ,.presspress ^he quoted a stanio from ,”>« buehue an<5T:ryTor“ bigR'cr'R" and _..quoits.takcn:from ^ thesec 4-ycar-_-4-vear- - ^be techniques outlined aim' in proper order and urficU themem not lo b e ' ed o ijc r than his aM .-A t 13, In fact,1, he RrcssionalBrcssional Atomic Enermr Com- Com -. T. S. S , Eliot'sE "LltUe Giddlng"ig" aas s ' betterbcuer JWtLj m ore_ol.evcri'lhlng'rj'lhlng " old privatepfj^j talks. . • • - ,«Pia>nexplain "why It is so difficull' , a dincbat (whatever ihat ,1s)I by stayinn looked quite a bit over «. No IfllinR how mittee amand (he twin'brother,•, the-the follows: follows; • ., "'‘"Bro' will gro^v, ,' ■ . , • , - T j h^ e a, a c lio n in tb isc o lulumn m n .be- be- : Prevent prevent terrorists from ati?c ■ m uch, but Ihe (clltale .sipns w ere there. Atomic EncrRVE Commission.n. In_Y/eIn__ shuiLnot.ccoscJrom7cx-_^-K“^Vy. . f-Jho-rctIr[nc.,SccJct?b''s ^ most g|n,gins^at nt ^thc^limc when the ter- '‘’K almost any city ., tou-n- 1 ----- ^------Thrn.—if-ni>^ropl\^h-recctvr{i. n seCftlliJ^ ■iM-nnd— •“ ‘"■cwbcy^W'-'ib-uflless-a-wt ^riiuble is Hitrhonoree had’seen onlyly"13. 13 order to stay in business •bey they ploration. “ th5 st?r Invitation w iir be dispatched.'Thisiftis will bo bkihdays—but they wefe four yeacs apart,part, must propromote more and rpore " • ~— And the end of all-outut ex- rJLn!J'’? of-injbln anli:balllstic--ihc-terr(baIIIstic--[hc-lerrOriL'arc'ato^ lo wkh-_^<’with-. . i'-found • to penefrote iheir 0 7rclimin---C 3 o izflliuib a ^ .an ? spo intt .-T b ••.stales "you woVt bu out of_pljcc-ji-i-Twin-Fall'l7-wrfs-brfnj‘on‘Febr2!rS(rh'e"‘^ of n l - a c c - ii- ■^G t3 voice thethey had enlisted a Con-' Willwill bbe e to a r r i ^ h e r e we". " threat of Chinese missiles''*-1^'’° two »fyjry w-ordiloT^iack^ound:w-or jnd:, penetratpenetration is possible. ;— ;------>w-attend:'*-l3itcnT'iiTirflKnT)Iir^‘L'’ which.. onlv tinc nod cvcrv four years. . Rresslonalpresslonal totem. Vice Adm.• Hy-My- • started . or three years from now.mi That 1* •• "Usua"l^sually within the-city,'iowIty," town n , , ' . — ls;«ut-of-p!ace-tn-'lheMvord.—Thar-?hould'-Thac-.'5hould' has~cotiie~?nonR ~'\''n y s' th n r o gh—W—m h -» — m a air-0—Ricknver;—to-supporl n -Q — pporl------^AnaT.iTowihe-pl3c^/\nc o - f o n h c— ~ concession.cam“ ^5^ (LJn_aJirllllnfiily_-or_viibIlllntiltf— or—yilbfic. • cach-co-operotinRiperotinR— —------— caTch the eye' of even the siocpiest-print-ocplesUprint- hirthd.iy,'!. ^n d from . Mr. Spectator this *their‘their cau!cause. first 'tim e. -.re aso n e d speech m akingOR the housJholhousehold is assiRned. tbethe taskt as k ___ '_ __ '_____!-• j ___' cr. Also thrown In, for Rood m easure, is ihe . casure,_is_thc_. jaies a Vwcll.done.lLijrlsomclhinR-olong'long Forr.f.. the.he moment;-ns-hc-saw • • fhc.sc case-foM he-utter futnityy ofari o f’an ' •or-(a-krnR-carrof-nv— of'laTirn ricFSr. icFr"Q'r- -P- P D lX iet r b y w i k l ------T acnhere will b c a ti—hoiiiltffTnTniour cacTi -sa w •• • TTie.sc lincftlftcNamara relatedtii . all-outnll-out AADM system whichh would ist.s. ist,«. ■ of the two cveninRS. This should pet cvcrv- lhe prominent play Riven to> this to- the /American posiiion IniVIet---iifive.a Viet-- . |,f,ve .a beginning cost of *40, '‘Ifa ______r- ' In 1*™ the press, McNamara lost nam.^\ of *40 , “ If a terrorist Is wnuntledindcd~h(^ h>» _ - t i n . ” ______.onc_pliah!e.so.thcy can.criJoy-thc.XooJ and. lost nam . letter to the Wa.shingtonington hillion.'hillion.'! Jam es R,C5{on called_lhc_j3_ukealled-thr^ ii takfn l(>-ihe-astigngtnEouta r f f j . , MUST|GO ■ -■...... iiK •" ‘hlS'classic-cool. 'tt o l But-his-calm—calm-:-Po.st.quotcd-the-prcc^ng*stan- po.,f qt i^r~»yt ___ UuLSimkcjs,------;------^ [2«22:_Jhm:iy*ten>-!fifr-OTti»Rciral)ICShjraUICSTi f^tare for care until’he can-gatIm away 7 3 ?/ SUll, if no answ er Is.rceeived, a third in------ffSTrcsiored us i»^-rgoincattntI h a t m ia.sT lulliuTI cl Ocsoair nnd bittemes.s:mcss missile.missile It was amcd'at the in safer d, a th w - i„. shortly he was stcppinR out and- .nt rhar at the in safety. If he is killed, 'the’ • .A iU \ vliatlon will bc.disjialched. ------•.and- .n t rhan’s folly.. H ad' he reati read poltical charge-of an'A B M sap bnuschol' ------. 7 , ■< I think T sliould know before I go' . • .kc the lone lonR •• stniRglc—the fiercest ,j,ose , 3M gap bousclioldcr is • responsibleI w e fori S r ' ' j m - r n S B - - Ifuthis Jnvitntion there are mori; mistakes rccst those olher stanzas? Yes“ Ofof In|n theihe fj.cef of Sdvlet consti'uo*snsti'ut^ h hiding-h id in R h is b o d y a n d b uirying.it-- ry in g .it- - i v l / W /^tJT 'fO . ^ aT'^Thc flr lt ■ -lust what I'm fightins for. .. struRRle ,of his seven yearsrs In course,course. he had read thc^n,I. And , tion of.^of .a proteciiveimissle sys-- in secrc' ____ than you can,shake n slick_at._Thc_first_ ------:^hc-Pentagon-—- 10-ktep-arms— ^sliiriie line re a d s '" w ith pRlDE iN .tW lN FALLS arms- .,ini lie'would take"his-stand tem..a a ccharge that RichardS NS::*.ST ix-'■ -The !i,psniirh=a .±»i.r- ; o i d - ~ -m m m m : - ' - - tWlN ____ n_Li‘s to_shore_a:cnvernmcnt______— — etpoiwlinihwithltueftaonably.-snner-rB w n d l ^ n-ihc t Wo hOST'idaHO-OuTTCOnfercnCe-TYpoBT■cnCe“TYpoR- -For' B-pumjct^icttnnfi.------irmHlTWa snnor-rBn-ihc ulItmate lines: Tbey'^'crc-ry,iPhns~a1readv'jiet'off...... w ere— f,yh'hs~a ______...... crer will uusually be sorrieoneone with - - -/ right, lliey were true. ^ ^On oneon wall of his Pentagon relatives RAHiciil.” All lhe rest of.the; words were .. Then I musi.shout. without a doubt • ■ • ccssor,rcssor ClClark-Clifford. ------— entagon • relauves in lhe ■in.sUrgency rTTe .'-,’': —7 7 ______. *• loadcd'wlth s/mn(irfnisiakes.:la.'r!ic: U was“______It’s un-American.______. j ------—- IrtifRV’commenceiiient nddrc.ssJ d rc .s " s --ee f fff lt:c1 cc n h ro u 8 h tbe mrueljlnc'' e ljin g ' crj^iperac ^p e ra tcs.'T ^ a u se n f 'l**'. ----- —.------Injus^lcc-to-^hic-cxtraat.— he—deli— h'e—;ieIiYCfd-at~his-daufchteH5:hter^n— ryears-wn's-Q.4rJhen-tHsplay-lhcmdisplaynhem aw.^-. TTie'tnother Is n German Shonhair.'ftalr.- outatthe speed of llght-'Thirty-lirty- .jTJu’.j-ou. he had o minor In-phllo-.phllo-. the'drawingthe'dm' as well,. Ihere.'is'herc 'i s ' mcnt, m^ti, a p o n s . - m edicineins ondand as a sample of the primer's art. ' Plea.se c5ll 543-5936 a t Buhl and.ask for BillBill' .thrcc...ntii three .nticlear -Wtack subma-bma- . soohv a at Bei-kelcv, . ____far 'greater'grc c o m p ic ^ y/ than lhan food ar& the o b Je c tiv c s-c-cr_scc-._-. r.se c -. ------. ^ . ^ :------Boy7T7iJl-nre-bavi-itfon-theT>rinter»-thcnl— ------^csronIyn3*iirl361rTliij*ltrs:l lr s :------M cNJcN Jm iirtt's revfin'^’Cdrs can^— b ic cu U irlnterj-thcnl— Bnxjeen;------— ;------r------rrlBCsronl: _s ciTn- , - tziceis ih8~cye. __ ^ .. ' ^ ontiaryondary~objectivcs ^ c — of thothe ter*ter- •~ . . ■ ' ■ >, ( \ y . : — ■ - ^

, ' ...... ■ 4 - ' 1

■ i /t \ , ■ ■ 1 * I Twin Falls Times-News^ ’ 5 le O n S helves'.ves O f N ew ss Q Mcrch 6-7. 1968 .. - W l i ait t Is I s P ornogra ew sstands —^-,_HROTHEHDiES.:. t _ Ol „ - , if. - PEKIN. Ill111. (AP) — RynjjimlirV ; - ■ f - - - . ,f m a t-T h a t is ' the "Playboy" .Maga-i And whal • • _ Pv FRED- DODDSDD4 I bouv:bookf deals with a youihluih' w-ho1e^rp^tl. U t '' are. but th f mat- Maga-| And whatloungMcr bn I curl- Harrison,Dir Harrison Dir1tscnr73. br6lncr’of Ri»Ulc_line------...... ;0i''7._ J Tlmc»-N:w$ Stall W rller u-cs four-IctteX wordi ,lljrouBti-;^er^'»ihrouch-'ie'- •» « r v dlllicurt to le g ijU lc -lin e ^ - -.;0i''7._ X. ____ Sea-.EveVftf£cn..Evcixft..M . Dirkscn. r ;|11..- . . . 'A nd. in this reporter's opinion.ipinion. A few that I showed ll to This arKii tlie iiigR«iln«-to-Ioak.pufnoflfaph ' I onv youth In Twin Falls can b u y if ^ J pte$eW^ wwUh lih m ^ v v '^■ 7 H f " a dtsUlhiitPT \ i 'tn•tn be attt th c vvarious'"works of aart. rt,"]p|ored Ipjored il a lutle bit. : '’'v'7T‘™ ;■ “aVfrtyTjaoiriJT^frJiirfunarOTfT u n a r s n ■ copies of Fmesl Hrmln^-H-m1n"-charged, cfia^ he muit be chargedhargcd especial]«p e c/a lJy ilTc.eenlfrfCM. “ P 'T The h e question.ques ■no.doubtT'wiH .j.:.,, .....w a . magazina. full .of F'Ciuredpictures 4 M i. '■■Fariweil W A rm s."s."'w wUh lih the state law. Policece and, "playboy""p lay b maprine hass lorigiinveloriglinve to be aided In ttie homeig nude women or men,I. some H of r J / . sieinh.-cV.'» East o t.sh e riff* olficers 'can doD this, been corconsidered a high qualityjuality through parentalp: control. But,2 Ihem In compromising-puflitions. poiiitions. p j o n ” Ed McDain'* ^"Klllfr's'lbiir K illfr'slln i^ liihey mu't do f ihroughIgh theihc mmagazlni agazine, but some of Its pa_^es,i_|i;>. pages!ili;--, won't iolve a lot nf thin-s..'< '■Hili' f"* kS^'6'jV^ Picture such tiiiw as "Office'‘Oflice Wedge."Vedg nnd Max Shulman's.ch u lm a n 's'c o0 u in t ^ pttfttcwiiiR attomtomey^an-be.^eHy-iugj;e9itv«»i—Thff-Oonifpoff tii^ f l n b e Tramp,'*" or "Sweet Orgy." Orgy," or -Anvone..y^nV' Got s Match? . ' -.iMlchii• [Michael Felton. ,> - Imagazini'm agazine contains the lx:stcst in'than otheraothers., j I/, •• — ev min'd and1 the open- However,Ho^ neiiher one.o^-of these fuMfullv’ ^ screened book p ro K ram s.!^jj(„-,owrites'ror ■■PIjybby.'T.lvWfb.ng ad- mafragedm«m.Ecdt lb si'hcl material they » ; I n s i s t fcls Ihe pace.- bonlci com es closc to beingjcing oob- b - -- ■'•Obr Cft EnRllsii DepartmentV s iT’ u - Lvice i„ to[o youngy executives orrbifsi- busi- though:'thnugfi:' 'dbleciionable dl • from- a Q T r a d e ^ ■ ••. Ue htter.' “Gay■ on 'the scene.scene Both are ircmendousmendous pervi;pervisor looks ai all'the booksl nessm en on the world of[ high stack of books. There wore _ ■ ffltC H ? -Jla m :e .--i deals with the homo-.workshomo- .work; of art and can beitnloyed enioyed we plplace on vwr shelves," John Johfi'ifinancc. finance. ' • no differer differences of opinion. This J •w U CM i.. sexual, On'lhs back coverovtirlTHiC is Ihc bV ygiincyi nnd old alike and c an LawLawrence,, n principal, said. . u — 7 .- 1 So~howc„-h{n can j-ou )u« raidraid a ml6ht.bc-one..way_lO-look_al m l6 h t.b c- S|_GUNS_i|' ^ ■ ...... caption: "P arts of ilieIhc .tfcsl u- r^srlrt flcain ondTatainrn; ------• i_ zTTcsentirinrlilctoctoalJiasrS-jt^ I - /c ” ih e .prohlei l*l-my-quesilonlnc. The'qu«tioh~iirdo-the-younB------V filffri tlicir books—books of■ tho.samtho.same e officials,,ofliciJ law enforcement i>ffi- somewhat (-crj.'_*twuu:yj...nnd..rpen..nna y-k* lUers have the Jud/;rhenl vet? Ifc i— ^ ivty.> I held Ib m v somewhat ccrj.', I-—*- Manv feel they do not. others ------^.o„;en otx the street. Some A 1 1 1 trembiipR hand. . • worn* t o ...... feel they do. The general opinion . _ icTwoks, I talked with,were under 15 years " My purchase of Ihese t»oks. I miket is thnt the aufsiionable booksj .■ ^^ti^-L ^—musLslato.hrre, was for ihjs oLiig. JTCi” shoul^br—kept-^oway—ffomj-ffom-I ------POLICEN . , ______CEfflEN______article. I feel the ; teen.agers J"«c7s 'An S ii‘ r-rrantedrtheAookikfQF-other-rca*-oU»r-t«a- jnlcD —— ^ul =€ITY^F-IDAHO;F/ -ii-.iv-t. sons, out lauitx: noi. ------. ' T T of o opi opinion C . r . gei them anyway..thc parents;arents; -IDAHO FALLS •'.iiV ~ •------lha-.tlirci:_bwk5-4!_£0tnot ionion.o of.iihat-small minority,, al- S ales-T otals' bring them home and thee kldsj >■; •, •■■;•' ' JustJusi a few of many 'available, available, ihnuchtboufi il is rcprcsentalive of fl S s?a? cd on S?gc p a rt ol Twin P&UsJ society.society, The sale of U, S. Savings;nvlncs plcki'em up and take Ihem toi p iftta '•.* ■■ ■' • •..._. _ .. ’ _ ... . And Am I dldn't-*\'cn gel started on large P‘^1scht^l 10 give to Iheir friends."|;S,!° rFODaPrbbafionary Salaryi t ^ : — “thr* magazines.— .J------. ! ! ! ! ! ._,Nox people questlr>nc«jjestloncd Bondi Bonds in-Ihe disIi*ct,notaled scn_qgL» $5,408.00 :e Federal siid ‘he magazine or literar^-^|ite r s r\- 135.90S93.903 during January, accord-accord- m ■ ■ SSaS^m ■ iiSSSm i r ' SOME o p THESEJESE BOOKS wouldwc Ik recommended•d readJo/freadJoe _ TheT director of the Federal said on J Etl- jvoe hopks were pornographicographic ing tcto'Jam es S. Kinney, volun-* ^ B a M - — - . In any library, a few nreare a l'lI'llle oh the shady sUede nnd it at ^utBureau of Investigation. J. Ed- type S j Sento Senior PatrolmaniSalaiy'.r.. Salary'. r. $ 4 ,2 8 1 .0 0 ; I mav nol sar Hoover, said in aI leuerletter re- or obsccnc.ob: iSut this samehc group tetrcr-;'district., c r, savings bonds lean one, this w riter feels. Is pornographic.t Others may not Sar slionable chairman. , think to. Hie magazine, mncailne, "Playboy,*■"Plaj contains somene ol the • ceri'b'- "The publication^ation and did pplcK questionable chain Civil Service, Pension, Relitcrricnl,Relircment, McdicQlMedic a n d Surgkol bcsi writing availableBllable In theihe worldwo loday, but. It a b o0 contains ^ale of^obscene m aterial■ial Is DIG bonk-ne said, to $797,754 that monlh, Mr.r. Kin- ^ K C A BenefitBenefits and Poid Vocations.-Uniformsrations.-Uniforrns and Equipmenl rge majority of teen-agers, Reading habitslablls and ' ' o”- "Dcficneratenerate'scx sex The rreaction w;as that thethe thrwthree „ c v sstated.. furnisiifurnisiied. Men wilfi'lwoIWO years cxperle cKpcrience in a recog- I adults and a large majority of u iphic liter- book--! I purchased after-ih9 fif pornography weresre questions posedpo< to many Twin FallsFalls resl- Ppic'ure* ei »nd pornographic liter- book-S (ter~ihs fif the $95.902,-|&5,003 came ■ nized Police; Dopartmcnt_moy^b^jj^ent_jnqy_be’ appointed .Senior.------;...... ------^]itiirc.-c0vertly-pcddlw'■;>» noiv on me merits oT daubl Uean trich. The c ar wass parked in his tcash and bills' as well a s eigrir ^ cities is Hodges**"'*'^ ue^”*^ PERSONNEL DEPAF garage at 10 p.m., nnd the radio cartons' of cigarelicses and 14 «he »ne individual case, in crc arc v l ^ HodRi NNEL DEPARTMENT guidelines a dircct result of pornography,ography. staistatewide, this distVttt is s'ec- ■ ■ H ------was removed duringring the the niRlit. nifilit. ‘ cases o/ bcec— Enlrnnccir'nncc-was no-braad^lgeping «»- guidelines a din ■ I P.O. Box3X 2 2 0 -• ------:------caincd by prying openpen a back for for judges lo follow, 'ana ana eveneve's M TH rn^^^'er of the-FBLSi^ys.L snys. ond ond Ini the percentage of the W K WQ l!Wn ffili!!i!W lffW i . Idaho Falls,alls. Idaho 83401.'83^1 ______window (o ffie Ijusinw^.'.s« Pronr/e-Propr/e- Iflwniaker.s, Congrcs.s nndand mcm- ' The police have a p u gigh h llmft.ilmft; 1968-l968-'totaL.whlch has . been I f T I J^rank Carolhcrs,•rs', discov- bcr.s w r; of the Idaho LegislaturejjgislatuTC cspccicspcc^^*^ Is, since rtoched. rta c h ~ ------State BPWV Head i l 6 t l ( l ered 1 ■, the breakin when helie have ha'' not clcared thingsRS up. there Is no city ordinancencc gov- = = ' n i I ' opened tho .station1 Saturday -Idaho 'I<' law prohibits the publi- crninScrninf obscenc materialI or por- ^ cation nf maicrial thathat deals nogranographic literature. Visits T. F.F. Club : i „ - •', 'il with crim e, sex andI violence • ■•vV<-Vc keep n check on those . ■ Clerks' Offlcc-' • r j} |' ------'■—.Xouiio-Johnsoa,—stalts-pfcsi;ij_staltt-prcsii , ' .when Jh c jn o liv t.in such aril-arJl- pioccinlacca ihat-sell-books-and-maga- • J ------dent-nf-tht-Id?hi>-F«lcmlion^f - y^utcaiLol ^im^c-f.eimp nnd.violcncc.I violpnce. iiaes- -nnd somellmes wc .have m rRUSSES,TOO.|| Business aiid Professional'cssional Worn- IU nd Manascmcnt to} Harrell A. Convictioncon of distributinRitinf' such ,0 tell,ei: the ow n:r to ‘de a n It up' “M cn's Clubs, m ade ann n official vis- 1Thorne. . ■ -maim aterial .is punishable! by a Jl.- bui *^'c "o authority ex- ^ It to the local unitit recently. . . Probate ’Court'“ n ' 000 qoO fine and two year.s inin prison.prison. ,-cDt ,-cDt by stale law." one officcr « officcr d o w n t o w nM TTWIN W I N FFA A I LLS^ □EJiilaMp n i L J J -- ■___ Other slate officers,ccrs. aiicndlnc aitcndlnc I-c'>crs of adm inistrationtration filed or Iboth. It is a felon/,' said. w ere Gamcc Barcnbcrp,rcnbcrp,-Em-J>ppoini;»IR"HarrcJJ ■ Em- ^ A. Thome RccenJly.-LewislonR and Cold-CoJd- ThlJ dt>cs net mean, however, mett, correspondinging secretary; «administrator of estatetaie of the well passed obscenitylity ordi- ihatlhat 'city officials arc not con- / PH A RMRMACY^^^^ A CY / Helen Lucke. Gooding,jooding, vice iato!■ R a y E . Oyer. ,nan,nance.s. A tremendousis enniro-coniro- -— = m I o rs.-Doris- Boy- .i , ' ■ — .. ver;versy arose. , 1“ ______rteslclcnt._and Mrs. Doris' Boy- F f Prestflptlon Dallvary P g H ^ lan, Twlnl'alis. rccordmg sec­ " ■ - —5ome—conlerklcd—tho._ordi* -■ -a- -Plwm-733-TOl_------F»*_ _J retary. Mrs. DorisI f ^ Crimsman,i m s m * a t COiyrmST PLANNED nances .were restrictive lofma-1 I f Burfcy, South Central:ntral Disirfct District ANN ARDOR. Mich;:h; (AP) -— teriterial lhat was an Art?Kfi{INGtOAt form and 1 1% A l ; • — • . .-dircciof.also .nlicnded.:nded. Thei International Associationisociation ol of had had something to say; I - - ' ~ ' Pipe Smokent Cliihss Inc. will sSeveral'>-car5 ago w the tov. book. | w j areerg'5 — ------" n ’ . _ ■ Fold us 2Uih fltnmai pipe ’T ; 5 J- i=^liyNG=p;RtsilEG=p;RES£Bie»= -1}-^ ^USE'TIMES^NEWS'WAOT'AHS iivtiiliuii In SallnRlT WJi; M H M J'iromir ^ '/niii me r733~737I | 7 3 guoii^ j iportant port o f our business, h B S 9 ------n ^ i 'A i > ‘r k e l u( n N g ^ r R e ^ sU u L l ^t Ann~^Arho^ug. 2-3.I. ______TwlTwin Fails school system.stem. TbeThe 1— islhdm osf im portant port of . WE CAK SAVE you , p MONm ; , not as many by prescription,5rlpUoiJ,ofcpuisc,becatiso ofcouisc - . 'i j •. - , ' Nev/Woigreen PricingPricing Plon for; forS enlorC Itizerti. . mirginirgcry iiflow T H E' TccogmzodrccoifiUzcd tenin n ta tm c n f - ~ : — - I ------rfo r h N e w l o w - J ------rfor hemla-.-.rbut wcftfajow know thfltth^orwmany for » ' - •'“j - ” low-prioed r ^ - . o/you,your.ownpcr8bnaJ,.iiun^duaIo f y o rsonAli.IiulI^dual eolu< - -- _ Q _ -----T-"^ -- - tioD- arily or throu^out th« 'M - - M ■ ■ ■ ■ Jfc ------f o r e a i la-fl comfortaWff.-wrII TRUSa W eS ^t, ------a -- ——Mkstaiag 0 . e n d w6*re equipped - i m3 x m jo o f yptir j « f e = ^ - ^ ^ . - — ^liraiepwu u n n llyT lctLet 050oce 01of our trainedtr: techn ■ * r toclmdmu scleet andJd fit an OOTC TC PROFES*PJ ■ ' Bottle B o of 100 ' ^ SIONAL TRUSS that« t will hold your b e ^ . iurely.safely,comfortably, a n a c in tabletsBLETS...... 79 . tably, .;'4 m ^ h Z x L i : ! ------Bottle of 100 ,USP 5 gr. Jc - . , . CALju OR SEE;E bBOB~C^l o b CROWLEY _ -aspirin tablets ■•■. 1!^ • "...13*^ FDWAHHUlNlMtNl

W j Family siro7M lnt or RoguTSrTRegular: ~Jr Wr v'~' ’ ^ ^ CREST TOOTHPASTE . CF HPASTE'...,07 . Those Horrid - f t g ^ SPOTS*- — - y USTERINE ANT°IS°EPTICl i S m c ..

^ peg. $1 Family SIzo . ’ H RIGHTRK GUARD .....;

HR Rog; $1.29 tubo, foror hemorrhoihAmnrrhnlde ^ - -PREPARATJONpr H ....

— — ^—LookL o o k atatall a Jih^exlrasiyou^:;!^— y o u - ^ Onder-V^Bpower^Bpower^d—r— - Reg. $1.19 De'cbrigestant —— J . --r.getatspiget at special savings:—is:— —------^you c a n alsosaveon:a lso s a i^ DRISTAN TABLETS. " p r o b l e m ” ...... -CTsfripe—•CTsfripe------;------^ >vr r "T—- WidS^'whS^'' f _‘ persfMpersCT ratipii'' 7---- ^— ;-SpeeawiK■Soecy wiiedcmCTR r '.. ^ ■ Sidewalltiesres ■' • _ ' ' ' ^ ^ ~ — in ar$T = s< jlv.cifc;^= W = ^ . ' — ■■■'^^ ^‘Speeial-exti*S|3eeial-extaTer-lrim ~ ~ x ^ --— ^ . Cldrol '______, S tc rti . , . thoutantU w hb, . ■Hip-open'g■Rip-open'gas'cati""' ' ■ -GTfog lampsnps-..r ■ ■ ■■ ; Rus standastandard Muslang fealunesalunes liks bebucket seats. floor-fiminteaEor-ftiourSeas6a< „ ----- toving'Care U ---S P R A Y — A BOWnow tnllpcrsjAint■ntlpersp that iwillj' • T h WPrkalRworkalSolTesuaioItwitinitnfgwn...... ^ ^ ------shiftarinioiaBuUiugvLSupptotjSpshiftandra SuppljUJtSprints is lim i^ ...... - foe many who bad deapaifed of •W •WeathenxI eathered brownbnn ipota otLlh# ^ :a.0TI0M -ir:5iJI I DEODORANT d f« U T « help, MltcliuiR A ntU ■utfaeo f}^*“ of?! your hihaade and face t.------foFof t memof* tr«« inlonnatibn abwl Muilaofror- ..'------. . '■ '_ i a ^ e P«riblfl.b3 .-aBdl'otjosaBiUn.EqualljrefrtttiT# :_____ -J- You can alio oat ■ Qtaaldtat on any (.Juslang.utiano. any el t^th* 'M Fordi, will#: Duyer'i Diflwl. P-0." _»adep<,Bttlfl.by.anBW-tjTo.«l l-o.-oatbolae«,oM a tL to S iS kaodaima.-Kot« ------• = - MUSTANG. ■ ~Choo»<> harfliop. ta»iBael>~of convBrtJSlB.-^p--Ib.-'Cp^'Dm 'Do* 1000. lOOO Deartorn. Uiehloan 4StZZ.4BIZZ. ' »glff>-hmab«twnjaa. 4 ^ _ * ' — RlghirBstrvad-laJltnlLquon,d.,oJlm lLqi.=„m i.i.__=__^-*^-^^‘ lomliila prodtice^by t tnat* eorer-up.eoTc^}jp,ActalnlhB»ldn>-notoa Aetala *• 1 -^onhrO^-TuwHd-UbontoTjr^ -ItJ'rtStaat^lm-te .-Jra B ra iiL l(rTMii»t«» h«im fnf __ ------T—— <— So Irada yoot:^ J„^tp..ipn yjpf., ■. aoftailng. ■ ubHa It ^---- sSe^tRe^ligfiSm e^sw i to Ford “ h . / jta 'fo r lunntB»ii"diyBeM,-Cct ^ lia w - ttiw an^onallac bnnra ----- .' 'vHAVErYOU ^SHO;PPEpn^ERE'^^^^SSS S’lHGjPPE «l»pQeltinpnteaioa,ot ■ »pot». hlotdiM . OP • • I , ujjuTO^dmnr, P'p0,R ;Til^S-lA-LATEl^^yiL TElrY -? ' JTM T T;'“ B E 'AAAAZEDW5 “A'T0iJR”I^ANTi™s AT. “ ANT15>ERSPIRAriT,~ 9 _ h I turn y o u on! Your■ Ford D ealer Kass deals that will turn y< ' tSOTERICA SOAP a o fU u iUBi LOVELY ;-SELECTIONr^ SELECrU b a U d iy a « .-N ••••.-: i 7— -7

s on hnbhiesijng program lo help send dele- '■■6*': T.iiii ru lt» 4 to iJ: Mofch 67. 6-7. .1968 -■ - . -' ■ ’■ i»ri» P > h» forfo; thel'. l.EWiyrON,MdahalA^The Idaho (A PJ-t : . _ - - of Mrs.-Thoraa5 ,Stcdsmilh.-A .Stcdsmilh.' A -Mfs,— ~ Ralph-SlmmOns.,.. pro- r.flnin.iipn nfjKct Pcrcc Cqunivluniv cnmmiljj^cnmmi«JiQnil-_:J:^^M fcM pM ^M , ______.total loss ot 19 roundsftunds was was not- not- g, gran< chairm an_.andand hostess.hbslM^ ^ ------■— ” I forfncr A1nbanTa~Gov“banTa~Gov; 'G« Gc6rKc'crs-havc-compictcc madem adc ata i a Sat->»K. plan whichhich will Ptainearly : '.:;; Studied— Direct fromFrom ih* Ih* lowrtnci U w rane* W*ik S h o W " ; mcctlnc in' Boi«, cqualiic'the population servedserv ' ' urday nlRhi m ccilnj; in' B WASHINGTON ~(AI') - 1 I , ' accordlnfi to> his Idaho orgnorennlMr by e.ich commissioner.lissioner. ' - ■ wl}u!d -be’ possible for n U:S i i THEATREriiFIL ■ “JACK"JACK EWEMIL” )sccd The' rcdislrioiingioiingjvaii _wa« one nne In __ ■ 7 Tom Tumlnsccd. _ , - , tourist - lo travelcl .a abm.id. b ro a d , nd;liild _ Open 7:30,to, Slarti 8:00; Sal.Sc Matins* Slortt 2KM a Second Di'>>rict r . iJiOO ■ . tTUESDAY u e s d a v Ihru SUISUNDAY ’ ■ , Thc 7;J0 p.m. meeiinf: wirvill b t “ Sccoiid DM r nothing lu the balancc-of-p.iy preceded by n IQ10 a.m.a m news npiis con- ^ourt -order issuediscucd Feb. IS. , - . . ^ c n u dclicii and ycl slill .gi- urs.r Fri: and Sqf. ■ ■■ , Judfic Paul W.. Hyatt in.siructiin.siructin^ ' i forcncc. he said. ■ i. . hir with the. lax .tin overscai - , ■ . ‘ ,11 the tommissi(]ncr. - . seas spending to Ceylon, Giiin . ■ GAME law providingOB (orfor indepvrimlpptniltnt Idalio. miner win hi m iner kill. ^ <'y ca, India, Israel, Pakisian, Tu '■ candidates forlor slnlcstate or nauon.lnat lay when he fell,, W-J ^ oKicc: ...... - . nisia arid thc United Arab Re ------___down an^orc'Chute. Illchute, la ihe STm- " - : -J.'— r r public. BLOODED KILLER?P L . B l eried„ chickenc h i c k e n D I N I ^ ^ I UiKkLlOtTsriiAhi S = ------^ ------— e o u w E H t u n • . 'IDAHO I-ALLSALLS ((A A P P ).—"The ) . - ” p . C«imc'r,'«, was working on lir. nouee \n i.t abundonctfVf local currcncios- m!i1 n |i Sat. Malinot: Flippvr’ilpp«r'> . ■ A L L Y O U ,. ,'X ------Uicatl-of-Idalio'i-WhcaL-Comho’i-Whcat_commls;ldrllllnc_Qpcrniion_fli-ihc--?^5 $ | . l . ! Idaho i-nll'! Chfim-. foot kvcl when he fell. ’ i"______" " •' • rfolfr-tartaiijithlj-jt-WBlL^oIs EB.-«.Bni4n»rtl------Milr.oeplo^r" — IjPIjjE^iD NWEDNESDAY ESbX Y . V V.. - I j r B — ,ber of Commerceiricrcc TuesdayTuesday' that , ■ ■ . — . , in’s scll.AnuJ.[. tJry^^bnsinessmen-fliidHouritli. •• — — -Idaho could l>ecome-a-i-'l) ___ J l c la! .pf Jy a g lL -W JM c fc n se ’m nr*k agency. uTd KTwas taking h li M()Sl-of-lhocurrencies-cncics wcrc.obwcic.Qbr ' basket for the'hrn'X^trsSMcCoTmaclc/' nation If we lijj. „ re*p6nslWHly ales of U.S. food ------^------ninich-our-fand-and.land.and. our-»pur-water ^ oaidn!t.a/ford to —T f | h VllTliT*J¥-- . effectively." ■•n' i> - - -f" """’y i^ff^cJtywhlcl. iJtlClv the lea^ge,'* He had H S T T ^ f s tonIteH' . SpeakinR (o0 the eastern IiIdaho ^ ^ 0 1 1 t J j U C l y ^ _ ;-aiuLcDa5ulalf£ -■—— "been ijuKtlowdTiboui ihc"Jrp 73PT71 **^--(rdTgrawir6T4S~pTmT~4 r p r m T - ^ ------=~'Bruup-wf|5-HaroidHarold -W- WeiT. esr.-direct *rfi 'Z i r ~ 7 ^ ------.1, dlctment of an1 air force col* I •" ‘fio'e countries■s will exchange T S n B B H E I . -- lor of-the commission. He f M « in ! Al ' U.S. dollars.for the.he. local .curren- .v....; 'pkoni-7JJ.M36- --:-J- — —whtrat'was-thc'bSJlf-erop-wS':.S.;:iSM cGarth.y■thy...— sf^T ?r j nvy- T 8:45 -NIGHTLYi t l y ' ■ 1 • , • in which populations urC us'etls Ucmacn»t5r -AircTaft-€or-pboto) • crcasinp nnd productive'lan >Jlousc Speaker------— ------.------• isn’t hurt. - - •' lost-lo ochcr.uscs.cacf, yea Dm of/kljli .oaid'Jh’^ravclfaitf'Th'^ravcl arnhCX, say they chuseits’ TJ. CDnvcniiononvcnilon vote.svote; tax'legislation scnlcm lo10 Congress Wj P F T E ^ g ------:: , will resiw as candidates:andidaies forfor ththe might ■ be kept from going ttto in February, pnivldes.^Ides for no cx- ^ ------— : i l « s’rfio dc-lcRailnnm lo to.thc. .th c . DcmiDemo-McCnrihy appeared. .iq ho i ^red..io_bc__a emplions -based. on.-Spccifico , . _ = p . * " Ctiin'cliillalU fl vG rro rou u p cratic national cbnvcntloncbnvcntlon rail raih-write-in-campaljinfin for JohnsonJohnson, counirks visited,I i^ n om inated, 1 i -1 cr than be forced•ced to to castcast liri lirit- Democratic leaders immediate inated,fSr A tf\ 1 ders .immediate- An American could huy a r | l ^ = To H oldd A nnual n n u a l . ballot votes forlor Sen. EuiicneEuj;er tv b«K#ridiscui'slngJing th e posRibil-planepo.sRibil ticket on a U.S-.'carrierSr,t"r:. academyawEMY AWARDS/ i # ^ — x» n / r J McCarthy of Minnesota.linncsota. • iiy. but some observers^servers doubtccdoubted for a giobe-cirdingng trip and his jtlO n M e e t- • Prc»ldeni Johnsonihnson sentscnl worword there would be odquatei^ u a t e timelim e. fare would remain In liic United ' A ssociation------M e( T uesday-thaf hc-would. nciim in In llie United hc-.would. neither. ^ources-close-to-to the delegntodeleont< Slntes, adding nothing to', thcthe Oitncfidia breeders from Ma- ^nter the AprilII 31 stntesinte pre»(-pres sloie. compttsed almostalm ost cnlirelyentirely balance-of-payriientsnts deficit; ' _ Rlc Volley will be pnrtlclpa rill be ptirtlclpalinf! Gemini prim aryry nor allow a of candidates favorablevorable to John- Under Ihe administration’sidministration's R S D A Y c o u p o n " ^ _ ------jn-ihe-^Fif(h-Annual_Naii'-A nnuaU W auoaai ,a n d ‘ijr f tr W f o « “ hfmrTS«v/n. -fot“ hfmHW ''‘<»/f soiTr*^id*TCsiBnations-also-arewtioTw-Triso-aiT prDposals-his-*licket-«vOTld-beckel would~be — Chlndiilla Breedersrecdcrs AssociaAssoclatioti McCarthy ihe loncone candiflaiccandiflalc for fo expccicd from Lester Hyman m tcr Hyman, suhjecl to o 5 per>er ccnt excise A m rsday, M arch live animal show aqd banquetbant ,he Democrntic; ballot when Ihe Ih chairman of thehe Democratic tax. His destination/ation/ wouldn’t llEvl' 1 , Thursday, Ma 7 ___ M arch. 23 In r^ampa.-r^ampa.- - minB dcadllnS passed ot 5 p.m passed ot 5 p.m. state commillee:e; Maurice A.A chnnge that. • . \ ! •- JA C K PO T. NCV>NCVADA ' ' ' , - - Rfpislralionn ' Tor •■ mulatimul.itions - A'-ncw Massochuscitsichuseiis lawlaW re-re Donohue, presidentcnt of the MMas- as- -Dul by visiting only thoseIhose’sev- scv- JwH n|BH will bc fromn 2 p.m. Friday,Frit (juircs deicsaics,‘s, under penaltyncnalt; sachusetis' Senate;lie; Robert H . en couniriei and converting his l||l)l ------!v - -' j THIS ■ COUPON Er ENTITLES ' ' • J______1^1a^ch 22, unlllmill one hour.h o u r-b e-o f fine or imprisonment,isonmenl, to-vovto-vote Quinn, spcakcr- -01of jh thc e M nssa- dollars inlo localI currencies al VinHI i ______B E AARER R E R TOT O RECEIVER E ____ ^ fore" tfio banquetquct_^^ schcdiilcd' : I ballQt^nttHot^y^the thc|rc ^ rc o o n ^ cftusc ttn f o u ^^^ all 6r minM o st t thc U.5>. Enibassy,--hc-couW:5sy,--hc-couW — ffW '------’7 p m M.-trrh gtHrrifl -.1-1 prh>i.rene«» fjpl.iU Ont>------_ - drain., through .his5 .spending..spen d in j. On J f l f ~ 9 [ B time and iaturaay-irom » a le unless ne re-. Candidates havcumirM'C u W T l a ar^fi^ rc h b rL-idfillhr>ln< flt Joining McCormackirmack In prom-prom ' - ' ------“ —-- .-;ocke(l,bu.4iMra'veldI lax designed '. ' ------B- n.m .-em y hele-juddno-of-sun- - judf>InR-of- si ising.io rtsiftn frffm'.thc.partyfrffm-.thc party’s : u s E - 7 IM E S -nWS.WANT-ADS e w s .w a n t_ a d s io.-reducc.-lhe-balancc-of-pay-balancc-of-pay- in, M orfh 23. Thc official, slate of' dcleRatcsdclegaics '« rrc . FOR ^»ST SELLING -RESULTS , • _____ dards nt ^ n , Morfh 23. UHG .RESULTS mton dtlldl...... Coupon mustlust ’bo-cashed’be-ceshed between the - public .i.i invilodilod 10lo attend Ihe Postmaster Lawrencevrence F.f. O.Bn-O^ri Nanipa National cn. a Icfisl-resident'of:ident' o! Sprin«-ipr»n« houra.of 6i p.m. and 12 p.np.m. Wednesday, show fn tlie Nan^pa Nacio fvlarch 7. 1968. Limit 1 to a person over J ry. and also the field who had been considered j Guard Armory, and also . 21 yoors off orooge.. I • banquet In IhcIC NampaNam pa GraiGrange possible stand-in for Johnson ■ WEDNESDAY'SIESDAY'S Blb e s t bets o n TVtv i raUL LN NEW ^ IM aiVM Hall. Pnriicipaiionlaiion Is expcccxpccted and.McCormack’sk’s nephew, for-for from T reasurere Valley,Valley. MoMagic m er statc-Atty. Gen; Edwafd J.j J fl.oo P.M. JONATHANlONATHAN WINTERSWl SHOW (COLOR)o l o r ) just bugs8 the EstabtiEstabtishm ent a s ' Valley and thc upper SnakeSn: McCormack. 'l»i and gG)ogssi!e^ , 5:30 2SL-NCWS,!WS. Sports 2B-NCWS, Sports . . J —t.nst In Space - iT^s-t-a-r-t-s T V-_;-.+;_Rawhld6Jde — ' —- . ■ ^T-s TONIGHT £Ss7:IM).&9:15 ! m ...... 5—Nows------______7B-News, Weather, SpSplj. Ti«SM innNFttnnE.RD^nE n n E .R TO U I ^ U IE n Y I)O .T H E PUU . ■■■•• s_5peclfll,' ’Jacques HYI)O.THEPUIUUITOF.IUPPENINeSl Coustcou B9lllillllll0lll^lW^wJW Jg -In—Soach ... M ~ f:00 2iil^Ncws,"\^hcr,'^rys,"\^hcr7^Is ______• . .. S-i-News ’ ’ '

"B-^arrlso’n's'Ison's GuerrillaGuerrillas ' M.W. w F 7 S L - U t’s's Speak English..EnRlish ... l i 6:15 "S^-O bscrvfnRcrvfnR Eye '0 Y " m I g • 8:30 2SL-Vjfsinlnn- ^ ^ m. L.M. i 3-Bcvcrlyiy Hillbillies , •5-BcvcrlyHillblllies ' ■ . ll-B e v c rlyrlv .Hillbillies - S—Virg i nia'n^ i a____ n ______■I^SiK'clairT^owITNow ______• (ii-neralton '' ;_ m ^ i 6:J3 7.S1.—j-ncnaiycndiv oount a n t ~ ■ • • 7:00 2 n -G rc cn A crcs ' - . , ->T-Grecn>\crcs. ■ 5-G rccp Acrcs . - ^ 11—Grp(“n A Acrc« rrc« ' - ' ,4—Spccial Tour of Monaco ma -time every •______• , .7S1.--Whai;sIt's New SI'--'’" crcdil?’Q3rd.w erinv9ntod - 3 M ...... 7:30 2B -H e oiid She' ' ' I ’nniijw I ham jniic^W . . . , . :i-H o and Sftc . ' 5—Movie,!^"Sh;i„;..' •'Tbe Rain- • W because bill -fb pay instead^H^ SccondIllundridVt,,, Hundred Yc.ir: . K I for so o f m an y . . ~n —R.M P.itrol • ■ ■___ ■; Ketro'pcct ll-P lc a s ee lD ^ on't n 't E at thc - • - D.ntslc«------

• . ‘ ^ k r a 'f i Mu>ic H.il|. — 4—Mflvic, ’•The Running

------1------2B—lonalhafl'Winters—Ihafl'Winters— . — . ■ 11—Jonaihanhan Winters _.....J —Spccial T o.T u r o ,o n r( ,.o______,_ Mona'co '//f:s itb ^a u se it m akes ; - ^ 7SL-NCWS.'S In PcrspeclivePerspective , , ca^advancp' - O j ------:------?ft‘-=Spcn3lrTojialrTror-Df-^ r uf— ^------t Q'eeo C O r rd d ' k -k^pS t ifig ^o -^s^^^^L Monaco ■ ------8:00 :S L -R u n F br Your Life '------3—Spccift>r^‘7T>e-Ri'5e a n . ____-I’fttir^iie. mu-g.K'zicail -TT K=RUirror^"uurnrc loiBEflaMBgiDeEssa 'E t i 8S!@El#lP ^ ^ - 1— 2B—Virpinian ' - ‘ ^RmOGH-M^ai-jtaf^jySTANLEy-RUBIN^'/niiOT^f-RUBINj-»Vnlleo3 Wfl»»n Uoily ------—: — Angels” —------■ .. , I0:« 5-^ovle. 11:00 JB-Movle, “Villa" 4 -N c w s. PP1I| TONIGHTS t a l k ' ■- TH E : ll:JS-4-Joey Bishopishop r ntoHria kM*4 kr '> r « ^ ' 12:00 JSI^Jovle.* ,"The " p e Lidy Lidy* I , - • ~-V------• . .Shows at 7:00 *9:15 . ' - ,OF THE. NATIONl • • ______1,

------’ ^------Tv------7 ' - I - . ■ • ' ______• .. • ,. r r '' ' ■ ■ • . I-' 1'; .• ■ ^ " .1.:

Hijacked I a Idahotio Education E tion Situatibnation Is Analjbialyzed ^T w in rural NSES • '|fhe opfMlJn? ^ fs‘’ of fhe sfafestale S.’ el. TJi The high i s coimpuSfi' m p vtii' 'daho S!Stale University toI deter d eter 'rv costs because1 of the Rreat largetarge 07c3UCfltC'tienanninTt‘7:ef-rfytH*»ilonj-6iidi U m ^ M bu-Inrltidlnn-allrrpcny bu-Ioc tt-^_DfL >-^p. jilneJiQ) nine h o t^ h is Stale com garcsa rw it lumberiumbcr_ol of adrnlnltirailvc T*r-: iv r-: TMaThis ~ P Ia n ^ I^ i -5Si5S.S*g..athe «v«raR8 public-schoolchool stu- such itemsJ a i teacher .socialsocial ^ erationehtioi o( uie.'stalc iieparirneni.irimeni. iverage coSt pcr 'jludtnl%-Ilhil'^wllh VcViiifi;"VcVinfi;- ^p the higher coji a starstat' deni la Idaho last schoolhool yye*^. u ^ ccurity u rlty jn d rctlrenfent payments,ayments. feachcfeacher fringe, benefits, capital other InlermountainIn states.es. He would q/t necessarily meanran a of rui J n H Ii f«i-t407,77------M.19 10 L— or - 11-'^ outlay. ouUay. Jn d all other costs.s . ___ ■ —ol/l'the:^tudy-w s a ld :t^ llL[ilnpoint_theif«_ihc beUct--edU: better .•eduautoa______------‘more‘more - or about 1^621^62 —- |Jp r elude such .expenses aIS s capUal The Naiional Educationn Asso- various 1w i s to ensure inatTKFR31TKF ~ R K(ld ra ~ m iM a ™ n rm r3 ia i;rin-mivr-duce7 iv r-d u c e 7 “ I n z C u b ^ j ■ ' • ”*" outla)outlay for buildings' andnd equip- claiiorelation uses ilje localI fevelrevel figures«fig u w « « com parable. •-'•■' more special jpeci education lacilliiesrilUies compicomfi cfV a^ B Tiiese are the variousiscost-fig- cost fig- mentmem . or-*pecial_fuDd.tipcndl--tipcndl-cojls, cojls, tcacher fringe iwncHisbenefits -■ But,'P Bul,'Rfiu polfils oot.'cvfrnn-frn if and increaseIncrea the average expen*;dardirxpen.;dardi . Dy OiARtES GREEN • I ares available. The yarfations tures. BstT^ isjuf j - 3,Twe.-^ JiTufe.—C sntequm I): J ” l5HTj'f~lJuC ,V :^ V A N A (AP) - Hnvana Ra- I I variations tures. I. and a n d ^^1 la le departm ent co sts — ifie figtf! lOHTf-nJuC LS*.. ‘idepend fin w hat Ir" Included.eluded. The comparable ficurprr In Ida;Ida? iba-jamf-eosts-that-wcnnnto ibg-sa rnnnto EITcosl!EITTosls- it may not trulyuly re- average migtVm not mean lower,best -i r'tflo said lodav tharif 1a Jordanian I ~ —Tbe *n. ITS. Office of FH»rallf>n tin jfc. lion av- fleet a difference'.In the nmounlJmounl quality education.cd - ilnB linB tt ;tml iwo"uoiomljlain hliackeat E ducaii2flJio-l*-*^r-38yrT JcpflnmrtmenLof enL of the-U.S,.Offic(*the-U.. of Education av- fleet a.d lans ni|acked res-taylft^^ucalion Btl^net D I r e c 10 r era ^ inR its of educallun-a-student-recflves,■chives, T b e re -a re - -stm llar'probemjbemsfHe'di sfH e ’di ----- Ihc-Colomblaiwtriinef-dhrnrtHfitnef divined !wt^l)rTtlftseTHJflurM-6ayiftfr€duct i rector era(;e-' — w lw n-com putinR iis of educa lhe nationw.idc averagee cost per Garth .Reid. ’ . '• averagesaveraf for comparing slates, A stal' state wlih a large numlum ber when uslnjusing the average expcn-.torsjxpcn-ltors 1 10 Cuba Tuesday wilh bciwctnbetween | student in the last school y e ar TTte Inslruc- of-K hooU iw Icis — Idaho n n rr .diiiirc . to I d iv ah av 32 and 36 porsons aboard. ' I ;hool y e ar TTte low J4M.77‘ figilreillre -S iatc-Sia ti uptrflf-P oblic-Inslruc- of-4l J^.®i.This ficure apparentlyipparently comcompi puied_by usinR the.currentf.cu rren t lion ID.. F. E ngelking' said a had mofmore lhan 1.000 but Is now tricts. En;EngelkinR tald ll costs reliab 'The broadcasr-said-the-pJj- I tc a ~ b y down to H7r— would havc'hlRh-C'hlRh- morg:permorg^per sttit>s m rtqrun-a yfnalliwitl\-iyrnalliwitl\-i » . ffoR crs fffid crew were cuesfj In I reflects the c u rte n f“op?ratIrfR-opjTratirfR ojieritingoiXiriS c o s i i 'a n h n olo c c a a n n e e v v : d 5tu3>s iu a r ^ l5~belng-^conauctcar.by down to. Hvre Ruesfs in cost':otts o r the school districts,ricts, pplus lus ------:------:------' IheHQlclVersalUu.lnSsnibgo,Sinibgo, I ^ Where ih> plane landed in east-rast- I ern Cuba. It gave no.Indicalion I n - . . . B A " ______when they-would be allwvednjiwvcd to[q * j ( L v e _ ■. ~ • b"arbm'lWs'rs%*pccifd$MnSS£!“S ^^otetTTDimsos ~ ^ lhe past, passenRersffs ond crew-crcw- , . . . director of musical »c* ------racn-oi-W /ackcd. planes;.fuvcplanes.:.havc -ihc_SocJety for ?««_ .SovietsJGive__-J| , Q ■ "X usually been allowed lo leave - mmin-7-Analaye.-a-Jordanianordanlan who - W ) r l u h o n ._ w U h - ,lh e J l« t:- ‘“? the fate of • ][ves nt Maicao. Colombia;^lombla: En- chords« chorus, the local cii*?-, '2'" rd rro d a y , rique O n ir Acosta and AristidesArlslldcs «' of the group; TheuS^iSr^- 'w ofk’ -M •'I® 0scm v-(AP)^7he-Ruj-le K ■ M T S V r ^ | i f Villalobos. alshop will be held atlhe_M*KK. 7:J0 P-m. fhoi- slans-gaye no c lue lo 1 the if Ihat fate of/s I The Colombian DC<)Ci plane wwa«^*> a^ ra l the Tim tj-News, local Mr. cb»P^, Ihcir ■ ' space probe Zond'^Today, B l —:-----"Ihe-iMrii-hijacked'to-Cuba-tnis-to-Cuba-Hiis -»!-soo-U-ro*poniIb;*4or-.lb«-«-The-work, -Th the day on which thelo-ofiiciai Spumlk J'cnr and the-sixihih since lastlasi c ld y ’* m usical programs7:J0 p.m *" . shouldw-ori reach the m’obnannounce- if Ihat /s M z * AUR. 6, IncludinR two Olher other Co- the United S u te s, Mr. Johi>r. men1“ Zond A ^ ~ E Z . lomblnn. aircraft, In in cach case “ ' or-rih®'“ ------y*'®*^Thef«-btt»--i«fcn-no--«fIlcIaIwent the hilflckert-askedd PrimcPrimc-Mln- -Mln- jgram i *" ‘l”worjl ® since a [-«-lunaf-mi»'The time - ; — ~.i.. - • ■fllctinR reports on the number which wh he was ridbgvn« struck Iniured a *’?'’■oi »■ ‘flP then? shouldjrday have has - - • ...... • - • of p 0 s a e n j?e rs.-Coiomblan.Cotembljn ro) m ine; ------' en in a r- 3’/4 ^ ly s and it should ar- — - ^ u rcC3.M |d.thefe.»cr&3B.whl!eftxrftjB.whlle _ j the J l t h ■arricr. jmirflfl!’'* in ~f'^e sometime ,oday. The time ; ” - /truck a of launching Saturday has ______A fter the plane landedm f e nt U .S.m-l W . U not been apnounced. iredZ . ; J£ ------Ifllfl J nrw5m an..bvbiLwlonhono lolgphono trom Tokyo, wns iravcj- Ml — 'Attor- - r a ^ B f c l C g ^ n r ^ I . '. ■ iT T i/' Ihnt three-m en wilh Run-s'had '" S with lk» U.S.^ IM-Air C w jjj •ii^erthief IB '^ rn o H rl S ir iCrl “^oizeti me pMiie anatirtPtievTd^ 1 N^urphv . i M - f l ' r h l ' ^ I ° i F they were Colombians,S rS Bc/ore S S 'Pl>“ " ‘n ”“'S ws.mh astravej. V£F h.yc MIAMI, n a .'( A P ) mmltment - 'Attor- .Jfl . 2 3 1 U rrea could Rive moremntK details.rf/>i«ii« nanv when the- vchtcleAir struck a orde;nbys for convicted Jei,^-crthlcf-111 the telephone connecllon.SSoJ “ was i »l«'. o»«n»rncd, cxpWedHue^na M i jack. ho ‘Murph the .Surf Mumhv 1 cut. ■ ■ I, ■• caught fire.___ Souih Vlct- amlr have oblalnetf^ a' commluiicnt _ The pilot, dpi. Pedro VIiVs,VJiVs, COne soldier w as killede struck irislanl- a ordering "Ior the blond beach boy to ^ radioed Bogota durinRInR lhe-/llRhtIhe-fllrht ly-Minc..and Jy-- ssvcnUnJuttd'fo*-ploded ana - a hospital- for # psychiatric ex- . h - that he w as belns forcedorced at al cun-

^ CALEI^DAR I£ 5 ^ i l s E v ' Z_3IcCaTthy~^ : ^ ^ ^ One.

C laim C ontrol ^ : MINNEAPOLIS. Minn. (AP) ~ Supporters of Sen. Eucere J. M cCarthy’.? pence— canditlacy ------th/m cd control of party ma­ wt fern LLl# chinery In at least three eomolti* • • • • » p e y H n g ^ l ■ Igf ------coHRrt ssional— dJjtrfcts— lodayi ~ after heavy turnouts (or Demo- B b - Centcd lha H m cra tic Jre c in c t caucunc?- ^ faU» il«ponm,fii. (6t eomcio* It shaped up ns H'm^or-vlcto-t — ry--for McCarthy backers In W V form tol«, hond bllii. n»w|pop*f ” Ml U J J_COV«f8Bi-tOv», ;o,000 rtodtr* ,.-_i what amounted lo a grass-roots 1 bt(or« i,;jiWiii*A I test on Vietnam, policy In more than 3,000 lyeclncis of Mc­ LMT Ev^ry ia!« llii«j [„ ihli /arm V . C arthy'* , hOtpc stale Tuesday , Coloftdor.. for ]o deyi"'ey. bt(or« ^ night. • If the claim t hold up. Me- ,,... Carthy wlll'net at leastiwi' ]?'!cal^IS scats ' All M agic Valley SERVESSgiE R V E S S ri^ ------' ■ Nlnnesala sends fo the Dem®-Demff- . ^ , • . INT6RIORrSRIOR OBOR EEXTERIOR cratlc"national convention. i -Saiesiisted'Here,^ _ J . The Johnson-Humphrey forces " .wayjo:— ^ tle a ily will control the Minneso- . , ------, " ^ r chT ^ — ‘ “ J • ta dcICRation, but the outpour- I ------CUM AINHAIT . M clean-,carpets?[J______4d»?<1l»m«m..Manh5*6 ' ,T Ing o t McCarthy support ob­qb- o,couM tTHUHlll viously hurt, ■. , I k l H K i J I J^Mirimllh ■ '■ ■ - ■ P a rty rCRuTan hadid predictedp r^ lc le d ' ^ _ PTily fffP M f‘ • M a r . 7 , WofI ' * ; •: Cftrthy. at most.------L—.- - - »n«nt. »» ow a •m wpeo- n»- ' . ClAtlNce C«IN lly! - ^ " 9 8 rT M cC « rlh y ,-i'I„ Is o^fwSlnft halM o^ b.uyv.»Mmplo.8oWor,l,<-.ur. ha ' -P r e s id e n t Johnson I^ n t half-doi- . NTHH ' 0 0 " lai en stoto-prim arles. iianlag with »nd 7 — — I 5AL 1 1 “ ' M y a q w y CTTOftO g S M ■ tires. Gos i gauge. Chob dfiva.‘Eadrivo. 'Ea New'-Hampshire next Tuesday. — m a i u j ______- - -- He-has made-tho,VietnamS swar - —^ n (oom foam seat,seat. floatingJ consiructlonjctlon ride HA«010 ANO HItiN OINTHH ' ul & snow his p r/m a o ' issue, tur..kn»i.b«urtKitf.ftlnurptl.'7 !,^ • Ad«nH»m*n„ Mor. 6 end 7 — - ...... Power to av Power to iweop, teod/hav! & snow f,b .1, Auctl»n«ct. W.rt, Ul.r,. Well Vietnam w as dearly■ly Ihethe Issue c»'prt-McnVh»»ti*»n. • . " i*y -.. In m ost of the staleI party cau- ____A M„„„«lrh , _ _ nout- fitnlinr 1 m . — 1 n s f w f t- ' M a r . 9 scons f rtco rd proportions Intth the e ^Mlnne- n n e - ,ST£AM :__ apclIs-St._Pnul. arcrf. ' ' ' __ ■ CITT 0 ^ OUNHJ riiny D r. John.C . Wright. a■Unlve^ i ____ Adwi1lwn»t„. Morrh__ ft A_ 7 r r r ^ f. a•Unlve^ WAK^X • A»cll»i>««r» AudUA- 's lty of M innesota'professorofessor who - »*ry1e» ' * ; , heads Ih6 McCarthy-dominatedy-dominaied ^ / ’ Concerned Democrats,ts, claimed - -- -*«■ - M m ■ - - the-3rd. -Ilh and 5ih congrcssion- ' ’] j j - .You'lllovo.tha.way>.th e w ay al districts for-the partv doves. t I h e ultiiviate :gly g ra sa . Each-of the Twin CHIe.s area •. - A«rt)*n*.nt W.rt, lllerv Woll - U i J?W^Bz//Wflr h.\ thin Bcraggly grasa dlstrlct^w iU elect five delesales . lUHi' lymffltiukS W!/ S'"®*" lawnn — tho th o to the 'national cpnveniion. ’ * • ■‘•J/'l'tt'-W VH- s® S30® ?^ owj^. TURFIR BUILCeUlLC m a r . 9 .Woll ■ •^T:ln^^^:^^hTWeBdeibR =^tod ^ y — ?Ie , .V; c s a h a n a ------»0n... the___ lnlu«on.)AHO.HO. IN AND • flns»d J — ^ , 1-OR -niE COUNTV o r TWIN PAUl-S. • • ■ . TV.-IN rALLS DANK * TRUSTt r u s t : A.W|.emb.d<»»d<).ft.VKu-«JlVeV Adv.nli.m»nti MortK'l t * Uf* s i « m L; _____ COMPANY. A Cofportuan,nuon. ruia-PUlo-l tg tt u9 d-rt —*«ttl«nttft. Wt Wirt. Illtn, Woll. -;-.5 I grass/ . : ? W -*-•-7- -T------^ ------; r ~ JAMES'A. PA5s” »n^.oo IM 1th i3«yor M»rch. IMS.: ' . •■WriforAttjchmtKTTHnimflTmrjntnrflTwr — ■ t - n' , _____ ■ '■ ^ ^..ASK . ,.ASK FOR-A 0f.ihe-«D6ve tnuireaoun-in-tin-Coun-In-IM- j , tM'- ^ W v AtfOloMMj 1, 1, MsMfn

. ptrion«l proprriy of i i(» «bo»«; m a r c h 13 nsraed Defcndann in Twin raUl- ---- Counly. 1 Idiho, ror iSe'recovtry of. T*o TBouisnd Five IlundfedMi^^ERRlKG^ and : - Ho/lOO J}ol}Mn (SJMatO> lottilter. A«di.«4.™i w .rt; ri.r.,-w .rr— '- ^ £ M RAIN CHECK »lih In lcro t.thereon! ■inraryi feet -CUSTOM ------and M»„“'« .-hereunto «et m r h»nd «ni) ihe te*I u p h o l s t e r y m a r c h _____af thli doun tflltjih^ty of M»f^. - - 14 •. I * ^rhir«iVrfrs^OTf«fiivii T fir,' \ ’■ ^ O f T MUIMir I n F . I_r A^; UANCACTCR. , w . i i ------— ------• ■ »cm> Iwm e< tln.i i j ^ ■ ^IJCILLB m'LCOKWi'lCOK (»)1.1 ’ — d o w n t o w n TWIN F I RY— -V . D g N TWINTAILS _____Piihmh; «. 7,7. Jl.21. » M .* ' |Plione 733-4508.Z :*« •II------m a r c h 15— ^ :------T- i “ ‘V ; ■ JOHN f . ANDtlST L -----} 508 '^01an7irrw**°B<^* 1

'/ , 1 ' ” - • ' ! ' ‘ ------r _ ------PE A N im nnT E R -S A U G E — . 8 Twin FolU'U\irrei-N'ewi Timei-N'ewi______Mqrch 6-7. )963 . .-. IMiss Jqkpvac, - n o ■ You can please thc youngsters Mix pcanu |B a $500 GrantIt Made.ToMade j. fdoho . by givinggiving-that next batch of ice m aple^r ■ j. . George'Schisler . ^ rr^?m %-nu make n .d e^ lic iaus | £ Ihen S thm | t^ £ S | » 5- . ^HrGasAi^eUes-For-PrcrFcjr^rqfflolionn^rC S ____ WedJn-Nevakla— - The Idaho Beef Council:il bbegan eg an 'assist 'atslsi ini promotion and adycrlis-dvcrils- ...... - Its public relalions programgram onling -of- Idaho Ccof foM he pro- RICHFIELD — Thehp mirriaRCm irfiai;e {|* f auiaa.Jillduc£r, /eeiler.-diJoman^. and » il PI.. .11111 |i.'*™‘ in f-M r.-and--M ri. Genriie liecLpiamaUoa.Aad.aluaUioa.Jil jJacer. 5 | KIOW/ ^ POPEN^ E N I N G R»yJ lu l'fbrujr\- Council meeiingeeting InIn^the ithe auaurtlon markn man^^wUhi”" 1 <* I I itiiiiit-f. M 'aBMufiiFif uy^ierr tsoi^e. lih r r rn ^MoF cir4 r6~nTm.~ vjjciics. ■ "M oildaV f M orcfi~4 i f 6 l d ‘ '‘^ mo'ihcr.^rfofmpr A~ Rfam of- ^ .w»5IS •made's^«M^Tlhe^H^^ ’mad e'sw ^ n c ~ ' "ft Day O f Prayer ^ —auV[T.~'«hg“wi)Her>t-tt»Mlte-’'fo f Ihe council. T C n m n n .-a jd .Mr. Schislfr!^lcr is*li' Ihe lar\‘ 10 the Idaho Cailiemen's‘lng *g — AtW^a-AAethtuiiun. fur ii« ."BccL.for.jflecL.for,l , . .'* 1 --- - •n.K.ling Faih fr't Day" promoQon pro-j ^rved In H a'ser-was kucm spi-»krr. .Mrs. .Miiris; . g ram -Jh ii rijiH will al.tui^ c % i n rr E ’y S-lnitiation t C -' - m P rayer was obstfrvcd In HaRCf- ■ ■ y /'v ‘V,Tn'^ "Hie coup> excfianRCd vows tnaii’ at th? Mnhodi'ithodi't Church, i' a.rrfiired mi'‘-ionary having ^ e)fp<,-nses” or“the- C«wBcllcs_ford l c s _ f o r lI 1 I I I - m 8 » B nina'ifOns rcpre- ^e^■fcllmaMy >rars ta in !\.iaA ;ia and.a !5 » . • i: ihe distributiim nf seasonar^ppl wlih seven dcnominaifOM rcpre- Idaho Ceremony-Helci_i c i _ ------M rticd-from —JUpcrnjan—a-iLsi;aperinan—aJuLAfricn . qnd Jus alifndcdjtiendcd tho'thf The bride t. het(-T.she'isr|^^^^^^H |iH - ttomtton^'tn Idaho sopcrmarkels and A f { Wcn'dell. ilostcsses'.were mcm- rkets and {^eCen1-M eet.-T:e t--_ -rr I 1 Jiers the K^ermancerman WnMhiliii'-s lo If' * CowBelles. met with thel)e Idaho m-s<,ion,i-Ulor recently wiih an iniliu- oihcr’ii"Burdcrn7’'t!*f“: ’ 't l * f “ 5''f':*'^'5fn:iCTrQl,r—in u l> ic r-i-n cahc_w>W c n i]h O '''u lt'h -„,^.,,,_. ^ Hc.u.employed is.-Ji Beef Councllto-preseni the Cow-CoW' lion(jon titeremimy conductcd. ------wai-wriiicn b y '.M.U ri.J i;jla lath th i^i^H H * * ' :v ,a fM .::------, " , 1. ' 'lin em an -fo r the-lfnion-Pai'ific-J***^^*jon'^p7dlio MRS. GCDRGE R. SCHISM:R SCHISJ.lill Belle\eMlmai4dbudmJor.lllcil.Jor.Ulcil MaudVSianifielJ;!A)ion: • varaiham . Ccvlnn.n. Mrs. Sclvar-jSclvar- Othfrs parilcipjlinR In lhe.„ ------p.iri ill prom otinfi"jnd'adverfK- i- ,„ ‘ Kaifroa^ and Is siailoncdl„ri a( DiJ-, — adver K- ^ jn ,. was iiirodiicad andnil wel- ninam is ch.iinrianan o( Iheihe A^'an' A'ian'^lor.'hlp serN'icc were Mr*.; M au-'/:, inR beef. The council fs studying" m E^l'AREL Award ■ '~-gnmrVt~Cflnterer.cg—crer.ci-cf^hc;,}.c-Sch(;ttr?.lrsr-,\u(Jrev-ScJ5lf.H°| f^ ti e: ...... thc-:pfopcised..budRet_«n4.-wili wa«'f*raniPd. It was announced.; Church Women United.,Inited. ______fier. Mr«. Hush C.ildwel!,ild«ei!, M Mrs.! rs.'. couple'wlll.re.slde'lnaide In DiI-D i i (- 2C | l u b . L e s s oS n c.V jreaci read) a decision for additional , V . InvitaiioM were rcceiviance at the next’meelinR. , , l -Rq ph~8r^Rhoda B Mmunrc^-Frrcman-Tintf-Mr^n—' iS/'ffe^Are^Presentecl-:-^eCl-^^----- ^ri.-Bn.tli*H-ls:alw4h6-»>ed man“ ” 3^ Chapier for-Friendship; u/p 3-COSTOMERSVVND-NEW-^ ------Ml I ,!tirnlil HiiUincer. alla?T'w Won(Jell.|''»' onde'u'i''»'i'* be. held- freni 2 lo* ^ promotion chairman for ihe Ida- Nishls T'''®-C0ME'0i:d-costoMER . I j - U - f e z g o e d s — — uiL m "uil < P,m_March 17,ntthe Richfield ... •®i J NiRhls: from Radiant C hupicr:| > IR,NEW. LOCATION------^ , RfcreailonM Room s.'^,'[! nery W'-egave ho^Cho CowBcIlcsrand shs explainedexplained ,,i“pcJa,e a„,[j^rirtho^nOTpfion-=fcri iion’ t o ...... l “------TOTHEIR-NEW. LOCA P --^^Sr^':,rpaiiM ‘'O ur riuR,”• and Mr*, ihe sprinR.'summer, fall,, and Wwalier aller Culbertson, worthy; ' _____ Selected For , "m m . E. V. HarRreaves;re.-tve$ waslANwasl^H ,W en(Js of U e couplecoupje are j, Irs. KniphRalph wintiwimer b e ef promotional ta rn - ent, n^sM cdl‘nvltcd 16 aiiend, M ^*'^11 JJfflnd patron, and Irom1 Boise,B oise; chairman of the event. n^sliicd['"^ IWard. p rev n tc d iv lesson.on. “ l-wmipaiRnsI'w rniM lci lhat ihe CowBelles'willilles will {„p/j,. fj, „.(,r]],v jjrand m atron's ______"Angel" Corpsy O 'P S . • by_MriJ|Dlynccrjn0.1”^AU;pnnO.i r*^Aii^ f^ ^ ^ :r^ !n r:3 rm z z iir~ i!i?_ Ihe VcRciable Din."^durlncduring theibrtheihr|^i prepsring. Promotionalinl_matc- mate- homecuniinc-pjrty hQ,„«^ i • ... iter to Families;______ITTilmon fiif, •will-bc"obialned^froninhe ' > ,~ Wp Cafer to fa r UNIVERSITY O F IDAHO. .^,“"p^'ojferlns-was; w., takenH ta '. ■ S o c i a l E v6 e n t t S s ,Tract S ' Homemakers Club:iub aial thc IdahoIdah Deef Council and theth ^ ? Beef e e ^ - ,''1 Tlie ^ , next meeting of M agic; ^ M ojcW — Three TwinTwm F a llr co­co-'projpj,, indudlnRinR -scholar- scholar- _ ■ - humhurne o f Mr5. Word. '• |ndu Induitry C6uncil of the w Nallona.1 .iin n . Chapter is March 18, Ch.,.=,: C harter: Open 24:4 HoursHours_c a Day _ als.'Kathy Ohcnchain.chain. Jan sm- Sin­ iralninc ’ women fori , l a i S Nifihl will be observed, , ^ • wornen fori Gotdi-n ARe Clubub will hiild|hold I TlTlie (•peninR thuuRhiii was r Riv-Iv- Live Slock nnd Meat Board. The clair and Nancy Willianic.Williams were Christian hrnadcnsiinc in Afri-I-- i^cci'hily ■ Refre. , "nvose .aticndlncvaree asked- lo10 Al'^iAhead fnrVnurTomorrow^’-M t ptav corps. • . - ■■. . , .. 13 colli-BCs'in Africa. India.'Pa- . . ble service 1:^^ P-ni. Monday at theihe old cil A Act, in lb^ amount of J3.-H0.’ Richard Ricbar PencO.'...... > i w m m ■'"rmm-lhree-MrWa-Jnttallfrf 4j ^.ni s l ^ < inn, ‘-lapftnr—Knrfa, M- nr. ,hclr o'.S ..Me.,^ > rn M>-T4botpiUL ^ ld ini».. ______- - |Thl» ililj was Ihe first quarterly•lerjy re- re- 7^ ^ ~ weekend durinR a■ rcKionaT’^nn:rcKionaT’^niP Kohr. tiw an and l.atm Amen“ . . J The district meetmgr is is .sct'for.irt lor miliuiicemiin i(ntn n i3 tiijn al u ig a n 'j ~ ...... iclave-ahhc-A rnoWoW -A -Air ir Society Society ca;- pfoiTdfn'KTaUracnCTrOlTl-r k.wcIc.m^ c,l__^ZlJ~— :------:— ^^t3^ch-2S-tn-G^KKlin(!(! and-theand .the iiatiiiiation..which,dnesJjjslc prom^- - ~ held ol Ihe university.Tsity. , lian lltc'ratitfe in Aiia nnd Afrl- . ■ . ill t./«•!.« meelinR nnd dancell.il at 8 p.m. Ch.j'v lck ,-___ ...... The Idaho-Beef Council’:ncir~wiiij will; ______~ ~ B -y —' - - - - . n P T E r ' ^ ------W o m y K 4 » rK aKapprcaryira- p p r c a r o T n a - Tiy tor the micrnaHonal -Mii-' IIM .Sorority.- AHm Sinclair'Ij a d in t! thmuph the fnlemational /niemational * * > ( ■ . •Ii|"" • freshman maJorinRnR in French, Student Service; helplelp supporr • KING1 JMLL—Homo Improve- [I. and Is also a membermber of Kappa some of the mlfirant>ni ministry memmt Club members will meetL[} . SEWING; MACHIMACHINE REPAIRn | — l & i m a i . Kappa Gamma, and Mi»MIm Wii*Wil* w-ork. and for the provision o’fof aat t 2 p.m. Thursday at.1 theIh! homehomt || i, _ ,4LLALL mMAKES a k jl ! ALWAYS FIRST aUALtTY liams, a freshman,n,.is is registered rdhglous work directors:tor» for Ihethe of Mrs. .C. E. Spence.,Members h " ^ ”e'w«'"- !l ■ Fust, Etflclonllent — 8Yo8 Years Experience ------in Interior srchiieciurat.lectural. design American Indian youth)ulh and ns- wwl ill,m ake fnvors for th e West- j ' ...... and Is a memberr of the Gam- jistance lo .his irnnsitionrnnsition to ernen Regional Homemakers ^: Ex- ,l|' / , MinimumM in im u m Cl C h a r g e ' r [!' f ------ma-Phi-Bet*.Sortirity.-LJ:::^•ority. -- — AmeVican lif e .______^__ tertew ion Convent^ion ^to_ I!}- ■- IM SHOP--- ______• IN YOUR HOME ■' atiend^ndjij $2i00'~ 53^53.00 (Twin Falli} ^ PARTY.HELDHELD direction of Mrs. EleanoraJeanora Me- bebers are urged lo aticnd”andj[l~ | !i ~ ~ " MILNER-Mr5. Robert Breed- Conkev, Mrs. Claudef Butlff,Buttff, M rs. brlbring a friend. • .______i! Mrs, iin d y . ' ¥ * ¥■ m ..Jng Jr.,hosted Iriendslends andnnd rela- Rolin Phtliips end Mrs. sanoy. S p p HOME SEWING- * ' I r ' — — — lives »t n r**’^y y>*«*>‘ntlyri-fitnWv nt her Pnurlne were M rs.i. Holslngcr 'AJ merican W ar MothersL „ . willi}iWllli , "------h< rgMTPg^ 1|! home. Mrs. BiJ] Buxion,Juxton, Burtey,Burley, nnd ,Mrs. Freeman. - "T■K6Id~B O regular me

1ST S I G No f ^X j - FASHIOSHION-PERFE(ERFECT iPRINlm m . . ' j H - '(iiildnd lo looking forward forvv too EASTER! EA • ,1 I

» j/B J 3 H __

. ______i l- L ^ ; J . ..; - 7 "" __~ — ------.R E DUpED-It|RU_SATURDA U p E D -I a t u r ^ y l ZZ_ SHItLI — .3 »'i,lnl Mac'.)C'. W"le, Mck.Mck 0, ba-*,-d----- X L boat j » c k . Mach.ni wojliahla'Ojlinhla .nylon IftittIft'tt In v,hilet • 19 . . . viridt 10 po»eIt.pofeh, ntuliotilneui.Dlil (llfiijed l.njil,, Q rig.. 3.983 .9 8 .^■•^NOW-^'•^NOW ^ io t 7 10 4J. • r tiii lo rj — iri'tt5i7Iri't't5i7co!o(il-Ua',l,W— co!o( ______wothobl» teiien latttn'r Inin 0a toilo'»d bmitb^iiorx ' . • ■ ip03f>»ni locp«t» t/JiV'TJTTinia ■ j . v a . '. . ' . . 'WOW- * A«i9(lfd-prinn. 00 38. ...Ii.i..a Tii..ui.;;i:,tJrig. j .v a ...... NOW 4 .44- P ' ' StA|;tn » 2-wa/ ii'dch»ich ny1eti_Jnny1eit_Jn ,. 'AMono','AMc ,i;ij),, 1 " ■' . ______■ ■ ^ ______tIoit'Ccu waiii. »tiith«d .eieaiet,'aeaiet,' Hand Hand woiho wolhohl, «i..i _____ . ___ Bt.vJ i-nn-f ninV lna,v h'-own Ul ..- I I Pei.rt 6-l-<', 0..i05t £-tf, toll IQ.IS. ■ ^ ' - JA JAI M *1C *$.— 01 rniton Lnii obov«.ov.. CI ClaiTicg.Iic wD.ilwon) J-yl./cilor."» - ai abevt, nitpl bewn. *'»'*•6 19 16, Orig..3.98-...?'. 3.98 ...... NOWNOW • 3 « 4 4 , . STttlCH DtNfM SUCKSI — PegLtarReguhr ilotliilo:^ Pfrin.p,,,,®’^P ,,;, 73 .; £eiion, nyleo »i'»tch »lock.‘Piopotiiancdk.-P,opoiiianfd M. OO-.g, 3,93 _ . . _ ...... -^ w -3 ;4 4 ^ . KNtt-KNQCK» S {T UT CH -DtN iw a ' • I . ■ • OtiOtij. ?.?fl ...... •,...... NOW ■2.'4 £. 4 — 2 ,44------The Three-Piecee-Piece Intarsiaia Knitknit EnsembleI e -.„■ ■

.■ :FErJTJ-.^^e,ggy: r *^ I NflNevo'r before hasas extra-specialoxtra-spe knit- tUAMtmrMKTIMtHOjr • REDUCED wbtotum bJ* d r it a - REDl wear combined such excellentexcell tasje, ; ibJ*drUtf ' J th r o tjg h H ' ■■• -wlth-such- a -turprislnglurprising Iclow price. ____ ■___ . - ^ th ro J These 100% acetate_dpiJscetato_dpiJble knits ^ J Saturday!— — H eSIBO'*;^------glide-through' the-season-vie-season-w ith light- ______: _ j _ ( ----- .'iSagw m iii ':'/J4 ' . w eight. com fort,, while theirtheli smooth ■ ' .fe-.-r-” '.-'C/■liiJflil* ' ; ' I ■ and easy silhouette>uette stays true-to* ^ ^ p»nn..p'rt.l» r shapes forever. AndA n d ' eache a c h o n e Is - ^j^Jownctafli ------unique, with ftsi'Intarsla Intarsla dedesign and V : ^ n d ------flawless fit. GoodDod troyeleitravelers? ,fake —:— l^ = t(re ss v 5iiirts= —— ______^these^STAGE, •77" " enensembles sembi every- i f ., '- .gtit_ great Sj savings! : __ _ I H B 6 I where you go for3r qreaselesscreaseles compUr.^ f ' ment-collecting. Three parts to each: -'V_.

-■ .-patterned'-p» jacket,-sJeelvele9t, -sleeveless shell,-.,------— - - 'X ) r i g ^ $ 5 .0 0 . . ■ ------and slender skirt.-SlzeS'Brt.-^sizes'B 1to is;-~ ; t = K — y ^ r ' l ■ - ""Orig^^S.' Mow- 3^for3 j o $ 1 2 ~ ' ------Ju,'. »enntPr«st^ lOlhey tuytr n ttd ____ J ■ V ' . ______•••'••_'■ • ;=«* • - P e n r i‘Pr«if» i8lh«^ i 9 « I'- — ironing.roning. ■-'■'■•- \ . ' — • SoilioiljsleoM fitltanj!L°!f«» jtLakesjvaih day,__;..,_____.___ i i S l i - , - elasy... a s y . . . moltmost stains com# out • iv inn opt woshlng;washing; " , ^j^^^9|H H m :G reot-3eledionl-Lxin^:jt-5elecfionl liif’Sr-BndTnedlum~' ■ NT STORE pointit botlon.butloj^dowjis, dowil*. r e g ^ o r'e n d - Ppi^^fl^^HHVtUorig'-'po'inr-perrnonenli'-p67rif-perfnanonl-*ioy-cdiar$.------;— ! ,-.—- 1'Oxfords,ards. broodclothr/.imorl. broadcloth^' sbliiJs.___ -V;LYNW OOD SHOPPJMG:OPPIMG:C;ENTEir— ! ^ , ^^^^'■TTrTgh'Twhites,hFwTiltesrji^es jfripes and fatlcrsall ' •------r • ------ch ecfcjr4n'blend^f-D ocfO fiS -or-F o f-DocfOfiS^r- F:-loi'3-07r/:-i0i^yi>*~>harH• •r ■ ■ ;a. l fett»es ;------, ;----- ' . . J / ' — —7^'- ■ - — ; f- * '■ I ' l ' —-.More— Morch A-7-W 8— :------Twin Foils.TFoH> Ti im ei-N ew i '- ^ . ~*'V — eooTdination- ■■■; SpeSpecial:£)ES:- j - t Meeting'Held . I Introductions/~Intr ~ H ^ !^ / aanyone « J . r r r7 r ^ ■ ^ . . . For Leaders . ,,, 1 GivenAtrAAefet Giv — H FILEH -— -A U ider coordini*coordina* -M .Twli,Twln.-.FaIls C h a p te r..k-ko. o . 39,29, ■■■—« ...... Order ol E astern S u r , m et re* ;= ;| ['to for tenm riisr i s ! • lion m W lng w is hel^ a l (he I m et re* [ "r centlyS y at the Masonic Temple. Sieelimith ^ ^ H -w urtihllh ■ I ::MagicJsMey_J< • leader*. , - - ^ j Q :--:^^7: rwRSiJSi JJOE'BERKS- O r 'B E R K S -- ____ s i ! ______'------' ' ' < s e ^ —iciive-^foujrtive gf -fl WWafreiLJCa^.-»orthy arn mmatron atron ofol M H j 'l ■- ; •• — t oStri,Twi«;r«nr t r i .TWIo^anr ■-----• ------' K 5 -LOV tO V l E-^A *r-SET-rrrThis~EfTFrThis— j— - . plannnJ for the fulureire In Filer.Filer, ■■ JeroniJeron'er'And" other membenniem ben ------I S no aAuKHAN0-t3irt-^e— ...... il ,vai decldti Ih.l, FlltrFiler n«di needs ■ from(ram.Jerome.. — I WASHINGTON'S PARTV’ PPIE IE ? SfhilT \fhiir one ' package Dream S ''S NP-t3trt-^e— ------itf own coordinilcd group of ■ The altar was draped inIn tnem*tnem- . ; 2 ^upscups'graham c ra cker cr'ijmbiTumbi Whip and 'spread '.^ ' d u ri -t«nni»-gflafe=7-^ ^ • Icadcr-i. asslManw-and jnti'resi-intf'resi- ■ oryory o cf Fred F.- Roberts,rts. past . i' ^all!”'^ > charpact S S T -ftU w ni»^f^ grarKl p.ilmn nf lh»-Cram l.£ lia p ------ed partie*. noicd Mrs. Sie«t i ■ m o d ^-pwnd bui(er-or'margarlne1 ^ 5 . _LThe_jThe_T Times-Ncws will pay_B)ay_B .S?». . in tO'to \^ n . • . • ier..i?( Idaho. Cehe ^ rirp,.wor- p . .wor- -1 1 -;^ -Atix- m Z = ^ ^ ■ willrae£l ier.?( each'week for (hc“be$f reciMiSr e c iM if ; “ • uy o?_the ^ tb;^ p a jIi.S a ^ on^-fwirih of theiC. mix- flubniitlcdjJb m ittS for M ig lg Valleyjy.J.t:S,-. I'«- 3 .... . ------— ------monih at tier^ofncTnid'siie ,wi!( wi!( *H ind'h K.-Kiibom-review* lure for ib'erlop- tvoriies.'If vorites 1 you have a favoriteSivorite 6 “. coord* ed ihithe Grand Chapter proceed- rerve an reporter and coord* ■ Mix, together with a'beater- redpCtJustrecipit'lu mail it to the Recipe, Inator; she said. J Ings.^ljie Amitio S tar Club,■fub rep- 1 packagepack cream cheese (8 — ■' p.=.je,kmt. resenfM by, Mr*. .l.eons- Hann Dsparimetu. Women's Page‘Ed-lfi - Leader* now ser\-inc.-ing Include • * ■■ , 0“''«s) • Th. ;s the Q Double oction shoulders ' A*, and Mrs, ^ r i Ooodson.I. presen- j eggs ' itor. Thc recipe becomes the,^ •M ri. Elwood Pciiingill,ingill. >'ix‘hsixth . ' • - - f^d a , ,? '' propertyproperty of the Tlmes-Newari'an andlg d jN ib'anlon knil tennisinis shirtsshifts . c n v ted a new emblem to the:he chap-chafv j ^ g KUNTER ' '■3 cup cup sugar , tra d e eroup;*, Mrs.rs. ^.Wylcn^Wylcn .. PECCY HARRIs o N . ter ™ In 5 a special dedicationIon cere­ ^ ;’sp,'„ Mrs, Ken- . . SpreacT'ovjjr,crumb mixture.Jx.ure. S Druft-n. Jeoder._and.M ry Ken- . mony. ------, . g ■ ■ , S$ 7 ..5 .P 0 W. neth Kimball, assiitantl.innatr. leader. ... , , .. - -• QalfeJS minutes at JM degrees,cgrecs, 2 ----- r-third frade Blue Dlrds; Mrs. M 'n, ' - „i„T.«l£"^5cS:.»i-Jsn!„ i™ ^;iJan e Konter^-^— g Cool.'^'read J onn^n of chmy “M«i^M'‘^M lss,Harrison, ------p ie filim g -o n -lo p .------1"'!?. _ DU in l i n er-H eld i:. --nil'-CafnpM lM I'-d“ 6fade|-- ; . and Mn, Kilbom. Mrs. ilarry,!*. C, Chatterinc Brue. Birds; Mrs. (j, Engaged To ------'iS ‘M Green Disclosej S e ■ • whiieheadS.i received ihe •'Special;-'?* ^ ' The >Sei'Senior Cillien’* Group““^1^5 of ^ •-. AU'wool cobleble knil I ...... Jam es - Martineg, .new. third , , Star” award. A humorous slcit Ihc h irst Methodist Church feted S . ------Rrade-group;-MnJUch»ril,Ei jrib , was orttented by jhe '~°jeVme Jerome Edgar SimmonS'ns CouCoyples Club _;SeSIhe Swior atiwn's Crouplup cf ^5' V-NV-Neck pullover tennis■nnis jweolers sw eolers ' wards, new fourth jradKSsp: e Rroup. W-edding J? l a r s _ g L ------" ----- and'Mr*. Ardfan'Lanfi.'secondang.- second ' ' p pAiRFlELD - Mr'; andarid Mrs RefreshmentsRefi w ere servederved by ~Mr. ^Ir. iand Mrs. William 00. . Kun- MMol'd^Din'nei'; o lc iJVa recent e ce m no-hosl dinner served h grade group. Za„Zane Jiarri'Jon. I’airfield.•field. an-,^jrs.an-.^jrs. Jam es Sprigcs, chairmhairman, an, ter, IdahoId Falls, announceditcd Ihethe SHOSHONESH05 — Coupless cluh by Ihethe locallo< group at thecliurchrS ------One more leader and »everal/nouaeveraL'nounce the .enjtnBcmcntnent and jnjjnd m^ m , Ceorge E ,-T «vlor.lylor, CO- co- engaRcmentcngaRc of their daughter,auchter. ^ei[nei atal th^ home of Mr..andr.. and ParticliParticipating on Ihe programogram 8 ; _____ • of their chairman, assisted by Mrs. Eva t-_. .nn Mrs, Max Coffman'nfier a Chi- were Mrs.Mr Harold Nye and Iva S jiVsi.sian|J^e^s andnd sponsorslforisponsorsIforihcoming ,marriage of their chain ... j v S , S ______;■ •_ Permrmanent anent Press ccordina-to|daufltuct^?cKgy. to -C Gar>'• ary-aW n . .,,^U i, Tmma Sfeffrn. I ne.^'g dinner at a rj,(f______------Schucpb*cb,Jlupc£lJd«J>jn»..SSchucpba ------Mr*. Sieelsniiih. iGrtGreen, son uf Mr. and Mrs.!,Mrs,Mrs. Mrs, L. C. Sum ner, Mr< rs. HelenHe en Simmons andind the Ouc, Guests were Mr. andI fUri.Mrs. ihy PorterPort reviewed the book.book.'S 8 - .. -..DUO-FOLD-f o l c T SH0R1s h o r t s •thomp-'"*' Faye.Simmons.,s. Twin Williamwilliait M abbutt. , ^ ^ - "Heaven Is In My Hands.” v A poiluck dinner for(or all.ll-tirlJjUfV'" Birls.J[|'f Con.wcll,--Sapulpa. S.p.lp., c. Tavlor,T. Mrs. P.'R ; Thomp-'"‘f. ”____ IS V • _. '- • , $7.00 son. Mrs. W. A. Threjiield,eld, Mrs, Falls. • _ PrizePrizes w ere won by Mr, nnd ’ and ilieir familie* »ill be hcldi^“' iiiatc cf Mrs.-Joe BerrltKhea. Mr. and . M arch J6. A d e s"m e r t 'TucSJ' auction',,,^ Mi'»''l>rrlsniin » HSJ9fi3 grnilu-trjl.J Hans K , Thome, M rsrE rn eest st Tuck- .Miss.M iss'Kuiiter is a graduate cf ^ Idaho Falls High SchoolI andnnd isIs ^>rs.^r.s. KennethK Crothers and Mr, will bc a feature of thei L event. u»>e of Cam as Countyiniy High'crHIghVr and an Jnmes Spriggs. Idaho ^itie cient. a„cndinBB the Uni-|Unl-| TheTTie dining room w as decoral-decorat- attend!attending 'ihe Univer-siiy of Ida- “ nd Mi Churchman. shirley-m en ------*- ..... - ver arv edu. . and Mrs.. Fred Gehrig ^-m en^iola: _ - — - versity of Idaho. She iss leaching-edteachlng ed vriihvr a patriotic moilf- by ho, mamajoring in elem entary edu- .^t in-^he E lem entary School InKjr.s.In'M rs. Paul Moseley J r•. . llII was cation. . . , , ^ '- enteriained tl^lr bridge club. ifflM of.Jerom e HlRh School a n d Jh c M artin i D 6 S Stale College In Edmund.md. Okla..Okla., inm d past[ p iirn n s— ; ------and_lhc Marlin, Mrs. .Morris Gerard >«sMP ClW Convenes isia' University of Idaho. JJe is work- and M ...... ------— -- .- and ind. is-enrollcd- ihli..iCMKsier icnKsier If ^ Is work-and Mrs, William-Thomason. I Sniiirrjt is a mem- ■''8ing on his m asters degree'gree Mn MALTA - The Maltailaltn Social atai Boise College.' He Js a mem- ; botany,’ He Is affillnifdcd wiihwilh - • ...... _ - - . • — . ------eiutHield4U'TCRulanncctm(r*t-berrmectmg-at-bei—of-the—Air—Force-end-b P q ] a Farmhouse Fraternliy. ' T Ihe hoine of Mrs. John'ohn Pierce. MationcdMa a t M ountainVmt Komc AirS ^ouple-Marries-■ - ' wiilt M ri. Wiiber-Schanerlianer as co- FoiForce Base. v • IIn. n IElko Rites . '■ A June weddfng is planned, • f \ ^ hostess. A May 25 Wedding li^ lanned. " *• ' ' CAREY - Mr. andin d Mrs.Mrs, sbmhlt sembic enhanced wiOT a corsnRC M rs. Franklin McElwainiilwain gavecave * * — V corsnRC __ / ___ \ ncc Iht of red rosebuds. Mr. andnd Mrs, ^ | ' - a report on the Kindergarlen.lni t t g u l L in .... JV IN N M S NAILEDrIED_____ Euge, Eugene "Sweat announce Iht of red - ffound b u i i d at Tempo! daughter. Sweat were witnesses for the ' ' ipp! ihe^reaandMrs.Wi!6erSchan.ilSerSchan- MILNER^ — .M r. Tnd” nnd Mrs.Mrs: m®"!m a rrla se -o f-ih -e J-r- daughter. Sweat ■for the ■ ■ '. son of couple. ■ ...... ‘ c r wall .appoinK d-chairm:hairm an-otan-ct BiU_McCoyBill hbilcd membersembers of D*®''’Diana, to I-cRov Lee. son Dt couple i)ii< u.-rlrnm!RS cnmnfitiee.filiee. Plant iliellie Double T hree Pinochleochic Club “'’‘J* Lee.e e , Rich- '~Thi» newl>'>kTd<_inpk a1 hnnpy.hnnev- ___ w r c . m a d e /o r a special.peciai April aera n receni party ai iheirheir h'^e.h~^e ...... — ------—- - ^ T rmnuinnn m r lu s a i:n m t!mi;;'C a iif:;------^ iR ^ M N G - CCOATS!— OATS!: i^ = ± z ■ ■ m eetinc at the homen c ot Mr*. Mrs.Mr: Edwin Brune and_Rlchardid Richard TheThe.'couple, accompanied'anted by where they wlll_ reside. - piiNrrf. Sfvernl■nl A\fi/‘ri‘ni Hp neorpp won ihe high prlrcs;nHtcs: J. hhei e I r. parents, were niarried married The bridCRroom's parenls“T;nls hns- " __ ■'__ \ ^/ Mltl san4wiches were prepared•epared and E.E ., Neumann, traveling.5. ond'MrTondT«(rsr Ftb. I2'ln"rllcs al Elko.Iku. I'cV; led Ba wedding party a(- the n Uc* ^ _ l l served to the Rroup. _ ., Fai Farhiim W arr. low. ______ThtThe bride worfe a wwhite hite en^poten- pot Grill.Gt T win 1-alls. ^ c hlarge a r g e yoyour choiceice and ^

bse-ready e - r e a d ) for. EASTER!r S T E R ! : -= io d ^d^MA^rangii M n q l e r . ! , ^ E wreiwreal sportswcrtsw eoF' l l ’' vv'fr 31 ^ ^ •5^ I T <: ' I ^ >/ ; . . it’ssw wrigF rig h t 7 ' I ® for spring!spring! _L_—

^ —rrrlt'rherenrhereraf— '

= —=-Van’s=now!'s-nowlr^^-—-— - I m M H m V ^HBaiLHM ^lT^CSn ’

-;------: ------______| g « f ¥"W 8® iv I *i_ - '

______■ • ..• : GrtGreet Spring In one of our young icoats that look m morvelous arvelous for ar ' S occosIonl-Nubby-woojt.'-oienaii—4oois.'.biendii—tyoilreiftJ,. .Ollorron*;rihelter^s—: g . $ 7 n «\V-vvtr^- ■ 'N ^ p ^ ‘ . I tweeds, high-fashion1 solid colors, cch’ecks. Graceful A-lines, slim bocbody - * ' AND ’ • ' ‘ , - - — . l.shapes. : loilored_wilh-you.in.mind.T.you.in.mind. .WelL seaming,.kicky.pleals,..boikicky.pleals..,bock------—M W ~~~' 7_ 7Z-— •• • ' ______• ____ - . 1 b e lls, elcvcr-nork>>t lf>>f^trfl^»n^s'frn tm rn u Pjitil P jnitfn> ?.fl; fiin ln n ' ------■ — ------! Shop lodoy, pick a winner,ivinner, poy just $17.87 ond $21.07,- STRIPE UP ' _ . '

' ‘-"THE BANDS! - ■ i ■ |r a " " V ■■ ''" the ' I • H .. '•• ^ WONDERi=ULMDER(=UL 1VALUES! EJ - —- Color-bandedcolor-bande ovorblouso a ond n d iI ' ' ' ■ W - slda-ilp‘'co-ordinated, •jomoico»fC8 ' £ j0 ^ . ■ ' ------slda-Tlp‘' CO ■ ______u~______shortJ siio rtJ In In 100% 1( wash 'n wear :■ . ------■■ .cottcn^ducki'J’iia-iiflmpic.Mdn .cottcn^duci- i ; — ______' __ . royal, royal, white, wtiltd, red. Sizes.7^8-X8. ! -'' — p - - r - ;—-PANT-SIHIR------— ^PANT-S^ - . ^ , $3.00 ___ . r I ' , fe 'with/ith lots'c lots'of ZIPI, The Th.ldpln, top in red. white and bluo. lu . ; i ! ---• 1 : / ' ’ p ^^ tricolor atrlparsizcsatric 30-36. . . — great-for-qrodet-for-qrodestors-T-^— ; — ^ .'j I ' • Y ouJ can'l can 't get get much mu newsier . _ . ..- - •■ *-fhonn fashion'sfojhicm'j newsiestnew ponls- ..$3.00 •] X ______„ b o n dided e d c coat, o a l i styles. ' ' - ~"*li'ftt'fspeuflliyftt'fspeu5_ily oufsoi with ils ^ rrtotd:down-jipper- sweet thirt dress, ro ■ ^ U a S o M f^ ih ' poich'{^pockets, pockets. lomonSlemon wfih green o r _ ’ : ------. --£Qifgf5^,oll-sleeVe'(jr’'andl-sleeVe'dr’'a n d per* - .* feel for doytlfne, 'dotc-line. ■ ■ ~ -T ■ "tlw7iimel In 100*X,wojh'rii00 % , w o jh ^ DEM cotton pflriV M^^eIonJ elonj blue, yelyellow. . . I DEPARTMENT ^ 5 /1 6 — — ------Y — p - . : - ■'“IjSTpFi-^% ^ I ^7" ■ $5.005 .0 0 ii&LUr-LAK£5^H 03PpiN6^NTERPpiNG^ i-i. ^ ' i ——- InIn-TReTLynWood The. I ShoppingShopping Center~~^~ '■ .'SHS H O0P9A P 9 A .liir . M ? r g '9 P . M . —- SUNDAY.S U N D A Y li i: T O 5 t».kfl.-v: i- i" i i « . _ ; ^ ______i'..",'■••• • ' . i';

' r . ". •.. , ■ - • ^ ...... - - T I,... • , . ■ ' • • ■ i V "

. I______- ______

, / V o Twin Folli Tlme»-New<— Tlme»-New< ~ -TMarch 6-7. K’6B- 66------|V Elenned^Asks ^ • s k s | - - p u b l i cC-AOCTION--AOC n “ arm M a c h in e r y R a n g e RIgW» I rr N i^ PoKcy^ ’ I TrailerTra House — Farm Machinery-^ T 'TMirFallrMaaUrManJp’itepreser jpre^iitidlho^"^! SATURDAY.!DAY. MARCfm arch 9 , . - . F a r I n d i a n sS— - ^ - _ - ' StijrtlngAjllofdockio'dockj5.rn- - - l ^ S g g jts And-YiAnd-Vacatioii ShowJnJkllagShowJ - i ■ loct^itd frcm Highww 30,), Main tnifont. to ^ ipp!3F02!etiA —_ - WALmMl^TnKf j l l’An% — guy. T ab Harding^ Twinin Falls, a board boai of dlreciors o^io Idaho I ------—C •■: in g tite.5uiclde'ralc'am 6ng"S j'-’®'’*!tccn- fBllrMd^IlrMc ueul^g, ih.n go South .10 C''!' agerslon the Fo'n-Hali.-Idaho,! MARKttt. . ■ ' > —1-^- naJiyono T « M .-w ill bej lnJ)alias.In Dallas, Motcl-Associafign.':Mot< ------_ j agersk,t : *‘452:! ------. ------^------Inainn'~ReservalIon~w«--mJnUInn' ~ | ^ ^ T W O TRACTORS . . '• Tex., Tt next week toi-*cU_reii- icU-reii- TlThe-booth. equippedd withwilh lit- ' L ______MACHINERY — TWO t r ; lhoIhr MrafHp;; e ra iu rc abouii IdahoI and- theIhe ____ ' tim es thetl national aVeruRBrrSiiP‘S S — -1 fo, with-B»orirTi»wwith-B»orirTi>Vw-tiyc)-o>;lg- <°wbafKj. _ ^ — 4^obtrt ■ F. Kennedy ;- D-NrVr:^ nf vaoatinnlng In Idaho,ho, and the othoother ■•member smtc"<" of t l i ^ * ^ __ .j—— ------Jl-V y il p ^ i ' — hoy^boU*' n"v'« pSn ___ — ; - 'E .y r r r ; i r -. NtNorthwM i-in-generar.r ——- . — — cific'Norihwwt cific Travel-Associa-■ FW li' nyAmcAn.vAN'»UBmUl\l«ni '~.| . b e urv\A/.ll* Ul BSt IJIk :—thinji in _l'Soclcty_fta.a_wliolfi-ha*-not SocI has-not -Tr'^r^W—T7s:n jl »«w ilBllandJ S:d» Sld» io IoIb,Ib, inIn gfod”0»od condition rcpccsculfllive -in -thhe e ..Padlic.,PariIic Orfiflonr-Wasliinglon-^ftd-BriHt-hOrof ind-Brithh in-ow-ofticc.clalms-ihaUn-aU’ flagc .for Sop.r M-IHC l-oetor. Ih:, CyUIvalOf — AttnrI.ilInn rnllim hln. ______*• the 313 years_he has been,;en piar- "dlsa “ dbappolnt” iheotjlookertrs Is the " ic t ^ihe responsibility InIn the the CeinCem ondo Spud eulllvoto«-for Sup«r M ,IHC I'l 3 | E 3 ^ H ^ HnrthuT^t TrAv<4—j^uodoLlaa Colli iK.tTm..cn5C of the.lndlans.nnrfjhcthe bur-bur-, nrorly r'cori n«w. cimpItH with»i1h oiriMU-ona'hyrf oli’lMU-ona'hyrfrouln: Hilt — ------A • . K i ^ H ^ booth bo at the Souitiwcjti'CJt Sports ThThe D allas show If onupf■nupf ciRhteight rl«3“rloa’lic'has nevcr-hainrfightnr-fight poc«poortscit tccmrttrmg^at you ■ of without rests 0" on ~ l^tT1.000 iso. m«lal gtono(7*5nr5B«ftU"'J'’i'-” ''» ------:— ----- and Vacation Show. ''' shovshow,s bcinR hold- In (he(he '/ration wiihwilh his wife.- He silys lha( she two could compromls* without “ ®" \ffalrs,'i e«tH#y lrfl90liort pump wilh,ilh 10 10 hot»« hort* eteci»c eleci'lc rfoior ill sports has never nagged him, question- going lo_ooe exlrenjo or (he J*'® Bureau of'Indian Affairs,'i e«tlcl#y ilc is a past presidentJcnl nf the thisIhis .y e ar, .The la test iii sports has r Kennedy said. ' - Appfo.:AppfO«lftioHl)' 400 (I. 10I Inth meiolmelol P'P»p!p» ' Twin J^alls- ^lo tfl Association cQulpmcntcquI; and other' types of ed hhim. or cnniradietedtd. him, olherochtf. . od. w.ilh g»®d po.ni . < • Tv Noting the high suicideide 'rale'rate 6^ 6^ o®**- p°'"' b i shown And furthermore, he claim's th a t :»m diK . . S S ^ ^ H ] and Is currently .lerving'ing on the vvaca acation supplies will be shown And I i' young am ong children a t Ihc Fortort Hall ® leet'tond.m diK iCr. • shows he has never heard her raisetj” V teher r‘ DEDEAR'ABBY: I •m «' youns nm ons on rubb«t • — r------at th e events. Olher. shows he ha Ebl wal rcserv.lion.. Kennedy said llul f'" !' • •• where Idaho al.w will be 'repre* repre- voice to him. is Ihi* possible?ssible’ woman.wilh what I thought was rcM ^a I h I. r * '»* '■•“•V <*'''^ terrvsalefiror for for M M uocieIrocior .- ' ave two suicides had occurred ihere, , J boliom liable plow, in top cor>dii.ofl v s i f l sented n rc in Chicago, St. Louis, ,, - TilE OFFICE GANGfiAwr^ “f ROod morrlage. Wc have two suicides 1 ^ S; mod.!.IHC 16 Inch J boliom i^ b le pl< ^ ‘ Iwautifui children and at lovely among children as yoiingPfi as ”8; 1 ■ Voller Mwnd Co'fuon’e'■fuonter wIihT wlih-^J point p^m hllch , ; Cpasfcfeiianl,ILtLiH — SNcw-:-york-.-City. - MUJU wuukcc. w uukcc,------tr wlirrri«w-pfri«riflU^ff,“W ltfi-mim»------rponlble . — ^ year^-oyCars-old.------I IHC 7 fooi'hon'a-en me«ii wlirTri.w-pfr^ef 11 - Minneapolis and Ij^AngektAnRclct------DEAR_GANG:DE U’s_;pojtlbJc nbarid'*; —K cnnc{fy-fcstificdjL iiI Scnatej ,,„,„ „ ,a o .kki#V ___ ^bc thc?e M y • problem‘ s my-KusMrid's I 111 Thc'In's'QimeTwin'Fail-'s•Fail!* was biit h highly unlikely. Maybe there M y iMt VfiM subcommiltec hcarlngonareso-!1 a reS0-| 2 nan 2 tO len Iietl hoito>v,,„iy Mofli' n«J/ ' S with his constant companion. (I II call , , Saves 4S Ofl~ 3Hcprescntcd'al a vacatloa,itloivshow show isJs k somclhing wrong with h is con.st L ' u l . lutlon.criilclzing federal policy! 0 Ba Salvaged or M oved , - - - him.Alcx.)^ Almost_evety night I policy , ,1 B ulldrng. To B» SolvoBoJ, on was in l&!)9,when BillII Grange, CranRc, hearins.'-^' bear! ' him,. ^ towardindlans.,and calling for al - nt tjunl houTSi bqrn; ntarly n#* dndtr- Alex calls here, and II he doesn't wflT ■ then secretary-manaper:er of the , Alex . S o p ro g ra m ^ n d c r whichL?k In-t* l '- [ ^ 7 . iproiimonly 200 ^ ^ ------inR Ctiwf,-Alcx-atwayi-)nlnt..tis, L^"S.|RecEulterJReportsipocts .~»qulpp«0 wiin J ~ ___ J q ^ Ins rig brcakinK up in the North I n n ' " 'I wa's'ralidln a strictiri home ‘•’cy are together,• 1* feel AinericiAm erican Arm y killed .themthem , in ini I •' V«h#e1i, Ihli troiltr hS'T't1. willwi|l b# ioIdiold compr»i»compri oi-dn» vnjt With , Minico Boy Four'Area Men ' where hand-holding inI twblicpublic like nn Intruder. Abby. Movelove mmy y ththe e ISthjgih century/' Kennedyidvsaid.l said. ,I ^,„i furnliutt, cJpplloneoi, caipetlntJ.srpetlng. Thl« Iroileitrailer hou»»* In 0 likt n«w f'“ "t>hnd. bul I am beginning to No casualties were riported, T^v- . n d was ko'nsidered sinful, so per- Kennedy and Sen. Paul;ul Fan-jFan- coridcondllion. Two bud'oomi.II allaii condllion#'.condii;on«r. 14T4 (ooj ontenna. 5 ll l e t Tlie rlR. the J6 millioniKcl™ Ocean JoinJU Air Force., Shap.s . ' you can understand why I [“ * . What n|n_ R;Arir., rccentiv held.hcar-Id hcar-| -RANGENGE RIGHTS Wins District ! ings on affairs of Indians in a . . . .. Prince,Pr radioed ffomI 110 miles FoFour Magic Valley men. have can't, sec myself kissing m y PK ,1? SM *UM' f»f iltd In Ih. groilng ^ vnli Sevth.of Clinni U o f f England’s .northeast-cast- coast cnlis enlisted In_ihe A ir Forcc.!gic£^ac-.,hiide,in.front.ofall.lhose.peop!c nc- hrM,. _____ RIED number flf Western andi jSouth- o ^ _f,,~ f w . 1idoh, rn“ »unh;f'j“<3 Ii«ad'6l ‘ eoltle fcr-iffrtp------_ Oratory EvintS'■Ij V .C lll that the Rale winds'andand heavyjcord: heavyjcordlnR to T-Sri. Art. IlarmHarmon, on, in churcli.chi . _ _ ------wcslorn'stales TCCMtly:— “ ]hV»iThe» AUMi ho>t W n (unnlr'g d3 htad' *, , DEAR WORRIED: Havea v e a HiitirHiitlnfc hard a t ihe'B ureauireau of ondend on«.hall momM. i seas w ere threatcninR; lo sinHslnl^ (t^nreall area Air Force rocruiler. j• „ am _very inhibited when il jau^ , ' “ TIDEV—BcrfOsborne.ome. a Mini; aniand 'rcstue“ships'couJd'nofRCt| Th talk-wlih.your-husband, but.te-but te- Indian indinn- Affairs-(DIA),-KennedyKennedy nin,i„. 1, in on ,i,e •( SMd r»did endond «1«i#(1«I* !•la tledrw•totk-wo'l.r iJd nofgcti The four "mcn"cnlisicd--ai»il‘ I comes to public demonslrailoh's.iraiions, „,ai„ n ,n i' jnj jgn'i become said, "I CO student, was sclccictlreeled winner ne;near. ■ '' IIddo o IIsisc o n d have Icfl for .Lack: U become sa id , "I don't think anyonene could tc p m<- rASH n a v OF S «is«,------necusativr-or^ioslHer-Ask-hlro b^invo of the Dl«lflct AmericanLit?” URion The 1 rig's Riant drillinsilins tower land A ir Force'B ase, San An------uccirs .sk-him bg-invoived-in-thla-nudy of In;, _____ - Oraitirlcol Conlcst hildheld On on M Mon- on-crashed cr: j Into -th e-- -pounding poundingltonio tonio,-Tcxas.------L------...... - * I have ' told my bridec that I point point blank what liiere IsIs aboutnbout d ia n ciconditions today without — .P GITY-DtGtENNS-fERi?Y; ENNS^m^WNER-— ------ilflY cvcninc, — - - - ____ [slcd'badly)' Tlie men are"D avk'id id Owen con»l‘consider a kiss between1 a man Ale* AJc*; that be finds so fascinating,ilnatlng. being lterribly shocked nol oniju - - . , Ctt'AT WE'STK^AUCtlON SKVICI' ___ /_£acred If.yonrhusbaiul-inrn'Horean'Orc n 'l) bynhtrbyThWaiCToftth!r<:liildrcn-.nd 1°' SAti MANACtP BY, CII'AT WE'STKN'^AUC — • The Ihree entries ; ff|Jlu3e3 aT In llJejack'iBullcr,li son-of Mrr- and~Mfs:and Mrs. TO“"‘md-hlrbcloycd.a.vcry_£acred If.yot Iho al ” •' S«llin3 ioinelMno »om«*hetiitwheri ferfor jomtomtont-fllmoit eon^ w ry day • • •' ■ • • Beri Osborne, sponsored by rhethe ctsCts on the deck.. Roy 0 . Buller, Twinfn Falls;Fall^- and*PRJVAT£0 "^;^ a//aif..anc/,_f_.do(ftd ;_.do {ry {ry (0u be more of a husbandbsnd to the(he adt buf a f . ? o^the £ . V at- : _____------f l AucTiowm-«D«»y-c-iv*»i<»i—nrcriviiiih— pkss: Paul American Lesion;•S'on; Cindy The1 rescue htllcopter)pter flrstlcfirst|G co coreo r Elirnrc Unnevv ’ 111,llir son nfrtn rt inI n l^ d to^kiss her..ln-fronLotJront.ot you,^gcl->foros5lonal-help.-Your'you,-i p.-Y our tttiiSironite'BTAtttiiSiro T.nie s'ald. . . CtodlnB, Jetlc 6 6 - 7 J^hen« 7 J J6&-7373 U Rion.. and J o .h nn, Robinette, anotheram rl/;. the Consieilation,nsieilation, Jr.,Jr.. T w in Faiis: WilliamIliam Eu- says everyone will beJ disap- .stood.s to ^ 1 Ihat the Indian Is nolnot r«rlnip ff, In,p„iis„ ,1 etiy cl.lh*>t ebox ebox (qulpmfnl .quipmtnl pller pi I s tol* dolt cell . Eden-Aiirtrican Ixcion.cion. . brlnRinRbri 3S_ of— thele Ocean gene Rhodes, son of Mr. and pointedpointc il we don't kiss.. . , ---C CONFIDENTUL OI TO J.-J.. AND owned iy the DIA,". KennedyKennedy fddit IdJIt b Boillt et.36t-73?lCl*nn«_F»rry, 01.nn>_f.trY,.ldBh«. ldoh». " _ Bert Osborne will'» enter lhe Prhico’sPri crcw for transferisfer loto the Mrs. Chester Eugene! Rhodes,Rhodes. I CJexplained that if I were to D.: If II you what to see Jess» s of a0 added. ' - . . Area Four conlcst^ to^ o be e held coacoastal resort town ofif Scarbor-Scarbor* RupeRupert, a nd Robert Deanloan Web- sivcgive 1her a "token'' ki,ss,:, people troublesomo. troubl neighbor, lend him :------In—Jcrome-*at—Iht—ArhcfleanW rsT-JOTtcs m iglifget-the imprcMienir-thfftii- th.i l j «me-mt»ney;------'------t - = T M**U a ' y p im. jTrliiir !i g-nnv ril- ft J y 'rb s t c f . •' £ am 2 -1 Incanablc ; of onc moreore pas- 1 I . . g g The Judfies for ^^^i^frlct Ihe iii,irici rec ’SurtorTuBh'' wwlthnhc lth.m c The four will underROrRO ^fisic sicuialsiojiatc. ana liiey wiii iei.-ix-1 wsorry ff y E EVl vi'iyiMKiy fim u' iiiutjiciii. r - B ^eiNTHER^FARM^ - ctintiiAt n e it X d-Shatf;— '-in-Ti'ub------Wha«: Calif., »0069169 and ■ ^ MALHIIMAGHINERY— - ■ Harelton. and Clydele Monigom-Momgbm. ler rcachcd the rig an.hour.lat-ti.hour.lat- schoolscho< o r tn b base foror on^thejon-the- «ism.4lsm. What do you suggest?:est? cnelosecnelo* a' s ta m p s,' self-addres«>iddres*- ______cry, Eden.______• • er.______jobj o ^ Iratnlng...... ' ' JUNEGROOM-raooSt—Jed cd cn cnvejope.______, ------; —AUeriON^— Aueri -

■ Al we have rentedinted our form wwc will sell tho foiiowinn locatedIted from BurlevBurley Corncf, Buhl, -g-'n^ics-Souih-ond^Tfes-Soulh-ond-r>-v«—fcQ»-or-.:i.‘/} Z IZ ___ y • ^uth, 5 VVest,. ■/, '/, Soulh ond \ V< West ot ins . Wantt tcto cutit downc n I FL. - . - — Soulhwesf c

Sale Time:: 11:00 a.m. luncKluncK by by Clover LWML 0 r - TRACTORS,ACTORS, •TRUCKandnd PICKUP' PICKUP ~ on your 19 )ur s p ^ 1959 FORD 871 DIESECTRACTCDIES E rT H A C T O R — ..... - ' ' f — ? ______Icatocto^'epeed;—pjwui:—puwui UlOfiring,-UI(167T7 “ T _^P .1.^ llvo PTO nnd lift, motor in vcvory ' jjHSBVofm afl • ■ • - Rood condition,. with Rood rubbor.rubb' efifclBm re*! ^ \ 1 ‘* 8N FORD TRACTOR.rOR. In fair concondl ' . - I - . . — 1 - — ______;______%*N k.T. tion'With Rood rubber. r*n^ W ■ — 7 ^ ------1-- -i~«t4-FOftD-TRACTOR.Jn-foIr_conrOB—Jf>-falr_enridl.___ - _ , tion with Rood rubbor.rubber. ■ r--'! ' v ' I ALLIS-CHAtSlERSs cC TRACTOR;t r a c t o r ; Jn _ ■ • |w i S ^ ------^RRSr-FBI— nRSr-FEDERAL-SAVIN8S-0f-TwIn-Falls;-of-Twtn-FaIls ------^------^ l l V I V U ir S ' ’ ------' -- ■:------"■ROO

r ; - ^ ...... - r " ' ■■; _ — * - ^ Z Z Z Z ^ ^ T - e oPBINE M - I^ p -—- - j . _ j- {- Ple^TP l ^ BTEt lum a Savinas AccbimlccbimlPaSbook PaSlx and postage-paide -p a ld _ . _ | , ssisjaas — -j .,y .^ ~ ALLIS- “ f . ' I NNflmo- a m e ;— ].' ' • I A d d r e s s - — iT^^HAUM ERS— “

------Il - - S S S f y e . _ = ------^------. . - . . g i a feL 1 , _ j .~ j!^-'Ail Crop-Comblne.-all-ln—O -e p -C o r ------; i . • ^ ^ : IJ- vary g o o a co n d ili6fl. ~ * T i i K - r - \ T j ■ ••■■INNINNES-: ^ ^— '— PICKUP ere then —- ststart ^ • . ; ^______T rM - ~ • i I • ■ .11 . P « ' ■ER JUNIOR 4 UNIT OTHER,;™ machineryMACHINERY;. fTTER on bar. ' •• ALLIS-CHALMERS5 10 FTFT. . TAN-T A N . ■ ' • h e a v y’ DUTY CROW^CROWNER on ^ T - — T ic is ------DEMDlSK-carrlor-type^on-rulri«r-typ«-on-rub- ■ ------w heels------lis______fipart-ofall-youI you earn! . . HA Y LOADER ^saving^ari bor, hydraulic ram mountmount-wit with FIELD HAY LOADER ' - ' ‘ ' c utow ova in fro3nt. n t- . 2 WHEELED:ELEb MACHINERYMACHIN •. “ ------OtilVBR-16 o t i i HOLE= GRAlN-DRlLt GRAIN-DRILL, ’- — TRAILERILER w with-bod: lth-bod------— doublo disk,- oteoloel bboxo# o x e s sseodt e e d e r PAfiV.PL.OW'LOW 10.IQ . FFT. T PHOSPHATEP ■ life'^s too go'tid . r.. Its^too^syits^too^ to s p e n 'd ^ T ^ ^ ------a tto c h m o n t all in nood-condltlor EADER. - ■ L : Thef'g5oaiife'"jrtg 1963.IHC 620 2 BOTTOMB o‘¥? O M 2 WA SPH EA D ER . - ; . r~-——----- r ; ------XYDRAUUCROCTOVEItELOV! > JClWVEItJJLOVCZ ~FEEO~PLATFORM'Wm>UATFORM^wrrH~3T?oint • '— ------7 for the Thingsi^ ww e e l want « # 3 forgetorget 'l?^to save part of ^ “ . ■ With trip, b o o m s ond 3 point p o in t hitch.hitct hltCfTrhoavy^uly;— • ' ALLIS-CHALMERS ALl 5 HEAVY DUTDUTY ' 4 WHEELEDELED WAGON \with grain ' : • ' ... ------e-----earnings^^6r tlie fihui-ifutui-eHFhe coupon3on above can correctt • • V. i ' ^. jnd-bean-CUUTiVATOR^cCUUTiVATOR-for------box'oloerwheels.sloerwheels. “ SEERETCHAH SlUE DELIV------— ^ALLISffllALM.ERS 7 FT. MOWEI - ■ '■ '““"t that situationn though ■—justfillou|luj andmEandm ail-ittodayJI1______: _____ ■ „ _ 2 ^ HAKE.______CULTIPACKER. ” ■ . NKiNKO CULTIVATOR with oil shonk ,E-WINa-DITCHER. • , /. »■ • - I nond tools. 3 point hitch. .. ------»*ROW'CORRUGATOR-with\TOR'with 4 cocoll ______^ h a n k s .- 3 -p c ln t- h ltc h ------i — CASB-60-BUrMANURE-SPREACSS e -SPREAD— “ SHOICftNOrajlTlVAKZANorciiLTiyATOiT-TOOLsr^ 137: l E d s t z f H ^ ER on rubbor. l4D-H0USEH01D-ITFM^ ■■—:______5AVE BY THEIE 11 EARNRN FROMFl THE ] ::------i ----- UAVIU OWAULbV -TPACTOR-MA: IHAUTOR~M~A ------r^kO-HOUSEHOLD. nth — — —— ------N U R E S P R E A D EER-on-rubber. R -o n -ru b b o fr------HnieVldlskl8k s ;' s'otso t .o-o f- rro o ller-ciodlle -b u ct-- - — 7-^ ...... ------^ -;::!!-^QHN-DEERE . ^ O h a FT.T..CULTIVATOR-^ CULTIVATQI -eMrcorrnBaTSfSIZaeroTrnBOWfSTIaet.ot good mark- _ ___ — ______------:n==wtttnitnew8ti5imr^ittT- ' ^ ors: aomo.handno.hand tools: tools; 1 lots cif cultjr. ------" ■ -N ' :*;• . -- FOFFORD" FRONT ENDO MANURE '' ' ‘ vBtor tools and .■ sh«shahXdt large LOADER with hydrfiuiicydraulic front . .assortmentent of canvas.canvas, .X ?K _flA TE__- A YEARYEARI— 1-3:^ —— ^ ------fotdlnR-dravr-barr.------— ------tablor^~cusHlon—dave3~rusnlon—daveno; ■■^ cnd — ------!i?^'V d*tn«ram nerl.fniiO *iw JnleuL--—; , -■ - - - • .J_ — _ ALLALUS-CHALMERS: TERRACING tables; daveno and (chair.. wine . • . ■ pLADE on.2W In. tooUiac^.- to o L b a c --.- . .--. ..c o lp ro d .. . . '— ; . . . . , •- P»**epeo*mj>^C(««naR£Dt»t)0}.«u1tlDMa«BtO(: \ F l J t m J— ^------VWM«*rn»rii5M t TERMS: CASH ^ _ , . V • «Vc^n'•*WL•md _Z: " ' ■ ' t . ~ TERN ------• ------• • ■• •---- _____ - . . HAROLD) AND HE!HELEN GINTHER,HER dwnersdwn( ■ ~ S A L E M A GJAGED G E D "BY..MEJ"a Y..MESSERSMITt-1-AU'CTIONAUCTION l1 sSgf^M E f ^ \ a C ^ ---- - ■ ■ J • . • tancwimmMW tancwimmM « M gM uttm wBii^.aww — AUCTIONEERSl^^'^------^------r - f — ^ • John Wert ~ •- Kaye Wall' Win Eiiarsrs ' Jim Me:Messe/smith------W/Bndoli_i—- 1^:—B -BurJey.: urJey •___ ^ I m bgriy/ ______■ Jer.Je ro m e . M_essqr»mlth of Gem Stoto Realty,lalty, TWIhTwin Falls, ldalTO~ ^ nrr..

' ■ ...... ’ ...... - c ' r.. - ■ — - I . . , . ', ' ! ^ T .,,'7'" ■ V ' < I ......

11’ftinllMlri FaFglii ’ll -Timgs-■TimasJjg.' i^rriB'IuilTerg^^-'; - ? ______FillF ill^ F’E S v T Ip j _ MoJifh 6-7. l l ^ M ayG o'H oihe^ I Win Ll Selma CHICAGO (AP)(A - Safety. , ^ . r - ^ - L=—- ~ - minded moloriimoltiriils #oon.inay„ K li& w rn in be lelllng ih tlr servltw sta- Bus-irainG •- i;; N ext W eek,. I Runoff Vote .. tlon altendanu io.“|||l 'er rio in iQ 9fi- ^ SELMAr.Alit^(AP) - Three. with gas. check ths oil. and Claims vlrtU lltJ 26'ii^iAD K t ' D E v r YORK (/IP) - "U r; “ JAKARTArindOntfj; u; Negro condfdales have won. put 3« new approBcIi to A crowdcd bus sUmrsl» ■ - Wanf-tfl-m tr> n rg i» - n r —Ptiltip; lahCUC P riiwfrclcCTinTi^ !jaril?rwm pancMgSr tnitn^Hfi“ Blaiberg,-the"worid'ri>nly-llvlngl.laibergn ® ntatrarhllllnt'Wmatrarhlllln't'W-ofnt -D : t Selma tiiy CouniiC ■ heartnransplant-reclpleai^lromeanH ran fvvtvvirji; , siraled Tuesday In CWcapo. «scrtjcrs rtscrs -and InjurtnInju lh»-ho«piia}'Viih«ft-h«-reiums-lbh»-ho«piii -Buy^pparentJQlldfldiy.oIi -Ptogr-ttem rthrtop-ef-ih^ new*—afiorcy—Am a« ■ - &bulh-Arr}n^«K(=we«k-iullvAfrf ------Ne|?rn_vnlg rr-w h n -a re oulnum. - K i i i ^ n n today^_____ ■ And when-Dr.wht Blaiberg ls,senl 'It sald'casunltles-i Rome,lome, Ur.Ul U a^iilfU iHVii, lie ^ SH H IEESE l irain ..ivcfe- nnl ir t>lans>lans lo Iperform a third heart L L AnScriOn J i T o c « ^ ^ . '« m * ” as. known...Of th e bus ly.prlm ao’-rocejor...m nyor------I nju rod I—f ou r^ -^ e re H - transplant—soon—preiiy-soon“ J ■iniiuiuiiuiniiniiiiiiiimi.niumiimnimniiiiin s A — -Dri-Barnardr-whftrperforniad-D r.-B ar •Mayor Joe Smltherman. 35. a hurt.’ V ' - ~ . ^r: ; rhe orancs on I. 2 1 thelie firstfirst, human heart irans- .. while businessman who. look or • " • . ? planl. discussed, his plans after " . ■'v*^JOSEPH BRASHER fice Just four monlhsi before D•. r .___ADOPTION IPLANNED____enlly-failcd.-AnUrenlly-fnilcd.-AnUra-« lanl.' disc believed the worst I: reportingrpnr1tn[F nni hl.t r»a.traiiail.»-'»*lants - ' . - . . a staff tergcant iB-the• MartinMmiIh Lollicr;t.uil ^Kins Jr.: LONix)NujndoN (AP)(API - A-London ' r lnuncned-the-1995-Negro-votine ' dent-tn-the-rcRlon’s- a * to] doctors and sludenls at Cor- ’MarlijrCfiipsrJriDTWlnTJ Marine Co Is- launched-the- ^ newsman quotes Richard Bur- _ , I nell' Univereity Medical Collegeiiece today -«od4m Thursday a l . thee’ rights drivedrive' hhere, won renomP Mwsman quotes ell' Unive ton as jaying he and Eliubcih REFERENDUM , Tuesday‘uesday nnight. • .RogenonRogerson M eter Inn to explaina nationnafion with 5,5,969 voles. Antler- ion as jaying he r e f e Ke n d u m w r O' son. a Baptist m inister active Inn Taylor will adopt a- b a b / within FLINT. Mich. ((AP Although he has no specific.i>i. 'various prograrai .open to-son. a Baptist linn young'm en.J He alsaw lirh a v e civil riRhts 'w o rk .-h a d 2 9M, ,-a-year y e ,r because thc tl actress runs count.counfjJndlcalts Jndlutts .th.that ariilidate, hou'ing ordinance ha >r. Bama: ;T3s =tHfonBalkn-=iboor:ith#-ld*bo; whiitJohiLDi -*• a .h M>.», Bh rl^k,1.1,-«f flf-jea rfiiaih'i- ih. in child- hou'ing nrdmance -Pla'j«j). wbJcb wUJ leave DoIm- praclor.-toi-Sl ° ^-tiRh.ri^^l! .yfffffeiwlum-aimfld-* flnb[hl‘fnb[hl*r~( ~ o p « n rtfo n '~ s M r t" ^ .‘ J offth. ’ • ' Til. “ causeause I thinkthi I’ll be able to seijd,n (] on Aug. ^ 3, it was reported. NegroesN cR w s siilstill i* the running . Ihislis patient,patlen horhe prejiy jrwn.,n I ------for------— for C city ity councl council se ats are Edwin hopeope to.In .d discharge him whencn I HillHIll.Moss. .Moss, a 55liyenr-pld clerical ' ei back." worker for ihe Catholic Fathers ' /. - o f-S i-lJd m u n d ^ ^ liH u s J. An-, , f j ^ / y C . Dr. BarnardBar is si;hedut«l lo * News, derson. a radio, and ; returnelum tot Capetown -next , • ^ Wednesday;/ednesda; . ' I J aniiouncer. and the Rev. l^reo-i vJU r^C zovllnrrison. Each was-ln a race . . - -ALCorm At Cornell and al a seminar al 'Record ■ with several while opp6nenis. 'I . ' .V omemHe ------•——■' - ■■ H day.ay. Or.Dr. b a r n a ^ met headonjdon ' JEROM JER< E COVffTY ‘ criticsTitles whowi have said hearticart Justice Ji Court ■ FILES Fis; "...... ' ■ ----who■ ho .woul would establish commis-ml». Cnrl, Carl, Kelly, Kelly ^ e n . S5, no mud A hne'B axter has filed for dl- J H .- slons-to-decide-on-such-noera-lons-to -d y^r». flaps: napst.Ceci Cecil R.. L o v n n Ja y eutc.. t* T O ttC -f,.n J u u m a h e r. AtJslraliBn!I;! rnewy fashion ;------lions,-are--''*e€ing- ghojis.’i.hl.he«OK.PverIoaded_vehlcle. e .. S rancherr.husband. er'hlL bi B ;. Ranjiplphh , . ; ' ■ . - - - __ METHODS OP COLLECTINGLLECTING snd preserving evidence sueh a s «a hair ilhat mJght be found al said. - . ------• Gnii, the crime leeoc are iludledstudied here bjMromb>^ leli.-Jack Newell.ewell. FBI:oge)FBI:ogent! Shcrifl.PauI Co*. I-dtm't-quitc-see-lhe, reason—_._.C -iCOq; O O D IN O COUNTY — . — . ■ . Falrlleld: Fred J. BMBassett, seti. police coordinator, FBI. apdipd Sgt. Calvin Bernard. Idaho Stale , said Wendel! Police Court | ' Wntu» I hfl iAnv- a7f-p i M;fTjra^njf^n «btagJ^l4otJdaRlc^alIey.poilce_,t* : for all Ihls,” Dr. Barnard said. _ .^end . ~ ~ A L W A ! t:^ N D EiR R~ "T fH H E E '-jney ire ux-m HhoiinmUiflj -“ R Robert—McConnell;—AVendcUr* o t e r t - y g n Z _ifri«nr«t_lhe AmerlMnriM n OOil ilX £o. o. audKorium,ii Twin Fnlls. ^ '}'• I you -plant It ~ ...... iiiu'iiiii.iiu'i^ arc nol reallyr< there. P^hapj^^In, was fined $10 and sentenced to " a,tic livc.eays-in ja ij^ n rtarh g ^all o r r ' ffe e e d It " - p gp p e e r r f f a ^ ^^TBPEomrGiTOi Officers5 L/3dy • Godj vfli ’ ' ------1-^. S*a^n»M a llceiue hadJKcnpirchascdI pStOBE1 OtO£ SEED-^ -r-^^---- DENVER (AP) — Denver.jver . ^ ____ ' ' . , beforebeforis ent entering court the. fine ’ • ON tHE THE WUltVARO(CUtCVARO IN _. .• r •' , had In own verilon of ihethe' ■ ' USE USE TIMES-NEWS TIMJ WAVT ADS and jail sentencese were suspend-«i \ WliiVVIII have Itl Pointers Inn CourtGour Activityr “legendary .'5 Lady.GodlvaIva FOR FOR FAgrSELLING FAgi RESUlTS^d.ILTSled. ■ ______• T uesday.., ___ ...... Dcleji'ites io a~lw o^'iyJiy police'orc pollce'are o] open lo all Inicrestcd police '^'‘*1**^A" unidentified woman (rninini; school adjournedled to Ihe officers,office county, city and: -■stat?.stat?. k 5|ad only, ^rief panties. BurirDQmi_lnstructpfs_for the proRrant ------Fifth JudfdalJJiiufctcouriroQ tui-lnst ;^«UI1 _and-«lny artlcJc»-of-apparcUarel— u ^^SS^S^SSSSSSr^^ ■ ------jtrihlTnev.^TWln~riills--«tunfylafcIs-cctuniylare PFred J. Bassett. p o lI» co- known Lnnu-n as ••pasties" rode • - ^ judlclil building Wcdnesday^af-'ordlmesday'af. ordinaior. FBI. Idaho nnd Mon- 5""“hor«,kr^about four blocks _ niii in iii:-rinf1 ,Inrli-NgiifrU, . mtf n i. - n r- W t court lesllmony and submluIonjSr.t.jbmlsslon Sr.t. C Calvin Bernard. Idaho0 Stale State -p„it. -po|i„ g(op^d her and ” "" of- cvidcncc. • ' - Police. Polic( Twin Falls,Ms hostDSt for .,e«ri( fjcorled her to a police van. • Sponsored by Ihc Federalderal BBu- u-Ihe iho sisession. . The horse wI as tied lo^ thefSekwl . reau p f' InvcsliRation and ihclihel DurDurln" cmirt tr-ijninp. District5isiricl r vTn rn ni and the whole p a 'r y . I— ^ ^ -td a h » ^ t8 ie ~ P » iltc tr^ hic-scht>oi-JudKe-T)i?rfliv-ViMVary —mw— lh|i replnn, ,h ■■ichfints .Hiflcr Ward .iP ^.M r, nniiev.Sgl ...... ~Tj ■ i^Qther iralnlnfi Included proper ■ ' . — I ‘ collcccollecllon and prr>'?;rv.ninn“ n f rT ^ -- ,- , — -^UR€^RI-^ ,c , cvlflence from Iho crim<* |"!?rKiifilei-gartcn- scenes X V J I J en- — . . - — - - - c A Rliodesians1 5 and rmethods of packaRinn nnd ^ . . ■ mailing mailir (he evidence to thc FB I V p f . . __SAL_ONLYIMLY! V , < W W =r a ^ • , laboratory in WashinRton.‘'ll D.C. Set ■April 1 ■*"- — ^ Hang Three•'V iI "li?" Mr. Bassett pointed out/t. tjiatthat * 1 , i1- |- of 53,000 Items - examined •,lnsl Af''l year in the FBI laboratory. At Hagerman .Africans' . >£' . ■ ■ - aboul M per cent cam e! from HAGERMANIIAGE - Supt. George BEAUTIFULIL ClCOlONIAlilAl SOFA! i ;ifl fAPt locnl enforcem:em enlent CarnleCnrnie iannounced n kindcrgar*1 ^ B E I - • ■■ SALISBURY.' Rhodesia (AP) ^ crgar- r_ L -! nlllrrn H, ..iri ly hlll.‘.nn-..lll...... j., — ------^ ------hanged ili'r^Afrlc'ans joJaTtoday nintrt—fragmCTtJr-blood—sanTplcjnitroufiirnf- anTplesTHtroufiirHIly "lU lor prt'saTdol ■ te r rejeciirix Queen Elizabeth J™ ‘ evidence that could children whO/will be enrolled }|vVl« - Reg. $289.95289.95 lI's order communnR thetrheir sen- have{i-'ve a vital Impact-oft a crime crim e In ihe.,Jihc..nrst grade this fall. i|iw 2 . . in v e st IR a l I on is damaged There . tencei lo life In prison. • • • » ^ e ■magcd There will be a tuition .Tee * 1 ^ , , ,h^ through improper handlingIg and of X S22 ll fifor ih c six-weei; course. Hf . ^ ■_'A cuard pfnned nol/ccs on Ihc btcom.i usWk • ' -The The mil tuition fee m ay be less if |( C ^ ; ___ gnic of^gllstiurv-s ceninl pris- —Not«-l*ltiaR._fCporI—wdtinj^_nior«-ih.•dtinR_nior«-ihaiil-5a-chIWr<'n-orC'-en- . ‘ . ^ i , , arrM ls and other phases of, in- rolled. 1Tuition m ust he paid a t j M » ’i the three men convlcicd1 ofor mur-were mur- also coveredovercd ihe liiRh school of(Ice prior 10 _-der.a.«UmotU«^ ------—:^------during-the-lwo-day-MSSionr—ion,— March March 2 K ,------b,ii— -The queen, still consideredinsldcred - . ,, — - i KinderKlndergarlcti will be held at Kfiylj h e id of stale by Rhodesia's rcb- . -i the grade school,.. P arenu will ^1 wMff fT)^nnrtty pnufmmf^nt *A ^ ___ cotnmuied Jhelr_senlcnccs'SskMts^Eako- .Sal*. transportation io~the grade urday. But ihe appellate divi- m school.‘bui"i!ic~chltd“inay-rtde siOfi cl Rhodeaia’i high_cr>un. J V 5 3 ___ hnm O /lJ!lC »chWil bus,____ ruling on 'iwo of ihe casesr^JIypin^as^^^ Mbn- _____A teacher. forjh(?_cou.rse will ■ day. held it was "not a personal i . . . . . he determined a t the liw i school C 3 H ~“ “~S)siEi¥siiWTr■SiWT!- dcclslon by her m ajestyv^f|AtHagerman'l::r^ biK by A t 111 ' board meeting. j m S • her'Rovemmenl {In Britain). Her majesty is quiie powerlessxiwcrlcss HACERMAtC—HAC Supt. .George =rtn:m is:m ani’C:ir:ls:n:sourcc-nf>ource-nf;CanilC'TtpgB!rlg~nd}ifts • Camlc -a rc - c n ^Garole-Tregoff— l y a f U ^ • Rreal regret lhat her m ajesiylrollcdajesty rolled In'VyplnR class held’ a t t \__! has bfcome involved.*' I iheIhe hhigh' schoof'Tuesday eve- Denied U c l l l Parole ^ ' * .. Prime Minister lan_Smiih_do-imiih_de- nInRs.nInRs,______^______.FRONTERA,, FRON" -Calif. (AP)’) -— OOur u r best selling cblonial'style ruction to last longer. , ■ k I | ■ u irulc IPsjorrJius tjuim-dcnierf “~Fe6Turing F e S l wo&i trim- wittv- Ut fled bacK, rovorcibi- ■_ aln In IM5. and Chief Justicejstfce SirS lrL quirjng-3o’ irim hours. Mrs. Ll'oyd parole fr Lloyd parole from the prison to which cushions, - , , - h and attractiveractivo skirting.skirt HuRh Deadle ruled It is ihc only com mlercial ercial she wasw a s sentenced ; to life, for the . — Rovernment-in-Rhodesia- wiih („chc r:------193?Tnunlcr-of--thc-wjfe'of-Dr; ------r the power lo exercise ihe pre-pre-| i-,^,5ive , ^ e n are also enrolledtrolled Bernard Finch. roRBiive of mercy. . in i»,^ oad wiLh^*'* "'**‘**'’8 J held MI<5 1Tregoff could win her — The-tleeisIon lo-Ro-ahoad wiih!*;;- room, fwedopi-tn when-her f^j^frTovlm iM ltsiSi^^ or for chAe comes up 'aRam. Supt. .^lood fo h.ive been reachcd- I T?i„I ai a ‘his class.' .which coversrs all Iverne CarterC of the California six-hour Cabinet meciInR Tucs- phqses * of welding... , ...... InstjtutcInstitute for Women .said after . -dav. • , P""*" (he m tji. Sum. Oirale «Tmo»nniIr,r'M . a j uTuesday’s f ; " ” ! !: 'hearinR lhal Miss The case of one of Ihe men, Supt t n t ^ t c R o i f . 30. has a good Duly Shidreck. had'tione \o Clif-. C'’cnlnS"{,- sss",.r iS'mnear chancc^ a( parole, - ford Du^nl, appointed by ihcif"*''’ cover ■Hie parole hearinR for Finch,; t o iiLONIAL o N CHAIRMAIFT l l Smith' regime ns the flucen's,[ulufc. pis of convicted of flrsl-deRre* murderurder — rcDrts£iitaliu^c_‘lu«n t^dv^s^ !” M atches sofa listedd abovo.'-^abovo.''-.^ sent her order to ihe last Briiish]™ ^,“ prison, wii] next month. ■ ROVernor of.Rhodcsia. Sir Hum-,for li' ------— r ------;------F o a t Features wood triin withw ith J ' phrty Gibbs, who the BritishBriiish'Mc^i- • • • 1 '■ I Tovernmenl still considersie rs herjherl The beginning dale has nol - \ f k l deep button tufted back, ^ . H rcprcseniatlve. jhecn.Jheen>schedultd at ihls tfmc. If U , P •The British' Commonwcnllh]onw-cnllh'QuesllDlmalres Quesi.Ii ar4beihg"inailedis "Wake ■ ■ up -rovorsible—cushions,_at- r m s , _ a t - ______Office warned that anyoneone tak-I(otak-l(o WWsdfents s Jn the •commonlty • r m t r a c t Ing part' In.execulinR thehe ihrcc'toihrce:’to diwditermine how many will be m a * tractive skirting, choice, of _ ...... A(rjcan^-"will-beftr-ihe-Rravost;inierci- gravest.iniereiicd_ln_cnmllin6_ln_lhl3 - I J J | personal responsibility.” The class. I C I . l ____ c o lo r s . ______impression jim onR seniorilor nu-l------nu-l------_>ihorilifHn7lx^em-vm9-thnt_e:^^^;;:—•that e:^------.-r— ------• ecuiion-of^thc-'mch-w6uld-dc--ilicJoiould-dc-.flicJornier.'BrillSh.p'nmc .mlnui — stroy-alt-prospecis of anyny earlv let. hadha indicated after a recent \ \ —-jetUcmeni_of_tht^onR,^pUIcrvlslaZdUpnctitinT=Sfllltbur>-—UuL2-ihm _ -\-\ # =SA^LE=ENDS=P — bcttt'ctn-fltiiaiBcaMi-ihf-Rhntlr- wwrrr rrr s.rmi.f oro<;PCrls for n set- _____ VI ' sians. Sir Alec Douglas-Home,|ilemeni»-Home,|ilcment; ■ - ‘ \ W ---- ^SATURDAY!---- I j

VHiatmakes-— ; : SAVE5AVE-$50.00 $5 _ r ^=QUEByiZMDEiMEftHISOFAl^LEBERZ:iLEBERZ:

--^^^% expelexpensiye?^ ElCiistom O utline 'quilted^'otr otr eache'^ch side-side-*— jr^$299=95, “T of back and se at cuaKTciflsrT^------—

I iWfii^eySijoymehChas-^__ — y . —h -nothing -nothing-tc to do ^ prirp.U — • O pens'to bed-r-. , witlrrjCXrCDtt' ""TTlnriersprlng-jTiattresszri.--— m ■ —|--nndout-foryourself.- out-fi • - - irVMi I • • • . •.• ., tesiittpl lo i ni8htt^^wt«rin| w ~ ^ . , ^ 2 1 9 OUI, mJkiDj jrou mi«r»bls ind irriw- _____ • Scotchg'aM ti'eated fabricabric'’ ' ' : SUnderylSze^I^. .721' / Sniff Ta«rp. - -

[ CG h hoose o 0 5 ( G arstairsi— s S « k - . • V E P W - .------grORE-HOORS:.-:.HOORS;.- f -V -' . • • •. - ■. PilU-noi rilli - not t b«bit-formis2 drugM8l- but ------^------. . ------: ------|= 4 0 3 ^ j n ; a v e p w .7 _.;• - _ ' ' a wtll-ksown ittndatd ftmtdr med C K-RS AND .SAVE. ' C p n rC - ■iMfi Tu#»:.W«l. ' . Mon;,Thur».,MonI,Thurs., S S H O P A i SEARS AND .S. ■ ’9;3Q • .m . • 6 p .m . 9 :3 0 •« .m .n i, , •^ 0 i — -— i=------: -TM nrsrt T 70 __ . . . odetYourMoWBMk , . OparS" C C l.1 O ■ ' • w, the wme ,. PHONE 73M-0S21' 821- V ' Saturday—-9:30hSO a.in. • 6 p.r^p . r ^ . relief. For ,«cir>'eo* y ^ . & U sr« c U o a G u n u t M d e c Yo u r M oi ■ T " ViaO» /fsCHElHEI & COVmCTNC0:;iMC.7W.T.C C&ttTM t^— ------leBCe,-»li ____ •'- .'.■ I S U K lobuCK ANO CO. ‘ ■ ■■ ___« ...... lUNDED WHISXEY.,86!6PRM^72%'OWiNNtOTWrSWtTS-- PROOf. 72%'Ol • ,D6ia'*_U . • • / . , i r _ r- ' . V ” ’ • • • - ' f! •' ■ i:, '■ .> . ' '

— :— ------—7;------—- — T? - Twin Fo1l>Fqllj Timcj-Ne'TimcJ-Newi - Morch 6-7,-19AS7 / - m s -______— _____ ~7~7T7 —:------. ------\ , . . 1 . -u - • ------—


njTC PREPARATIONS. Including,. aat t Icff, ' the or "17)6 Sound of MMusic." usic." From left. Tammrjoslinn (O(Orlgltia) rlgltta) his musicians throughgh thcirthcir pacespaces lolo provide come lively'dy music production,prodi “Tbe Sound•und of Muilc,”MuiIc.” opensopt Friday night it (2ie ■ • . ' UST-MINirre PREPAR Curt) . , , Flier High School Auditorium.uditorlum. TTld.thow le .th o runs March 8-H »nd ' jd ju tim c m ofbf some slippingMIppIng hosiery, arc 6nder way Ihls,this, week ndlusii her slotkljigsIkldgs on B& pJecc piece of unfinished sceneryinery whicb for Mr*. David Mead:ad (Marla) (Marla) nndand Mark Pierce (Kurt) . , . Flier . by m em bcriI ofo( the DllcdarDilcdante Group bf MacJc: Vaffey. VaHey. Oactc Back fcH prey to a pranluterranltsfer prop mtman . . . DavU Mead.id, outfncs«butJncs* dfrcctor Pauf Ifl'is KI’55 caalcrsconlers wllhvI stage managerer SeatthSeneth 13-18.JWS, V ek ets lor al3 performaBctsperfom jancts nJJJn l l l are : *v«ibble by caUlitf ’ nr,A bflwcfn nets aclloniciinn noriraviitwrlrav. mitnaccr. and Mrs.>lr*. Larry Htirvtllarvey. proRram chairman,man, proof*proof. - - Ward between acts. . . . .and and Mrs, Mrs, Rex Reed (Sbtcrr Sophia) -713-63«5.-733-6 Gov. Don Samlamuelwn uelwn will pre*present a special award on isy’^^iimwaltlnirher~CTg7TTiet>»tUiiin^=gpwi^lldt^hl6^^~^jM>i*Ii*^-*^ljhfcofrtIift^0ti>-"8nftoal‘produt i~ th /tn irt^ ^rryurry, , >tt rela«c ^ was liome onJcavc-afrcr-a'lbur s Is3W eapon^E(tn^Eor^Spgeific:!S;ific Tasks-ZZ^r: ^ 'nie^lic^Iarch'72T)7:ih6-scii:------|n | - * || of duly in Germany.■nany. He left I Battalion at Can Tho.ho. southwest ' ^ ' . .... ■ j S T B |m t n^npih, atierr his leave in oof Saieon, He arrived there F ei>. ior cuclass In the grade school ' - NortkihJOiJiansMl O ny-CEORGE MCARTHURA R 'niU R ------WWith tho A m . t hhe e Commu-lhcavilCommu-lhcavity. guarded U.S.I.S. bases.bases, Ogj’mna ’mnasium. • innexailoo of. land m.payincnt.Qf.comp?nM!,lon_wasimpcnMtion waslMaRic Valley, torbcR bCRin in a toio u r'2r'2-l • u,nd ' th e 'n e x t morninfc tliu Jn tlic long* nists'in one^massiveve rciupplylileavier-fiunsrc^upplylileavi were needed in . cuji ...... ■ — HANSEN—Anncxatloa ot.Ia: im. - b j^e-w as hit by-808 7 ro 3 u n * d s'o ”of f - S'\ICON.(AI>) - . J n ih.c long- nisi. needed in Cast rhembcrs a re Ron Bort- iiVi'aV“ 3ir War'np-'^cad. Thc-law iss based on onlW pro- o. of duty In Vietnam. - fc ' ORalnst the effort outciasscd-lho-Soulti-Viet*i-Soutti-Viei- U tlic.northem.nrovinccs_alon};ic. tk tiie |y,f 1 nonh of HfRiiway“ 3 i r w i m ■—i ------murtar, caDsing a lotlot of'diim- O f'diim . T past day.s-(jf the w ar oRalnst tho cffo .•s_alon>, jho [yif_ x o ^ Ambrose. Michelle -t)rovcd-bv-cUv.f.ounclLmcml«. ,-niif.ril mPi^lvri vKlons of Idaho) CodeCoyantt'.l sp<-cific weaponscapons "for for U.S, ancTUiir und.SOTlth-Vict'jnatc-i -T.:..!.-.; rw tor^f-t»«M itaiLJiD il-Evciic------• Dale riicdcscl and John Slrau v f ? * ' . . . ' maverick; Romanians. , ,, Mrs. Zclma speciliclasks, ■ namnamc5c“ inslallations—s-w with-: ith-; a comes from R«l-China-tvlth-(f '*"^1 II 'I sea.?, Hicricncc exi>erlcncc at party chief Nlcolnele Ceausescu. frattrnity.fi \ ' sisinned AK17 assaull rifle, a sim- Irdirnl boats* In Iho Wgkong'ko'ng Delta ors.urs. l(local chapter officials'said.=3iO | | flN$__ ,L-r.rrhn„o> h:,,! While Mofiuarx’.■'..Twin Twin pFalls: alls; Tmi Sni-lm hc n Stfltp« -a nd con~ r t ^ ------O F-V AtUe------plication withi^ tiic the silnulntl'silnulntkm ilof” '-''- Gmyko and ''ScJen5c''MlnisJ^ se^ M ln isler erts sfty who will bc attendingittCnding theih'e infantiyi, weapon for North Viet- voys.voys ' I <_W—/ I In thc Work would Mrs. U c p c r h.-x; h.i-; wnrkod as ,\hdrci A. Grechko,10, IfratcrpUy’s regionalll convcptionconvcptlon nnmcsi:p rci;ular.s* andI almost all TiiescTi weapons, however,' thm the nljcy In thc Work wov . In b e s t b u y s in • t • • . bc closed for use u.^ of the pbplani sccrctary nt En{;lcvmod,iBlcvmod, Come- ,\t the mcelinR. which Is.ex-I t ex- 1 Thurstlny Jhrounh Saturday mih guerrillas.j. Tliey nre^ flowinR In werewen ju.si for openerss min the he In-in- t-j., o w n O N SA D D L E S T % r arid residents ih in thethc Immcdl:Immediate lory, pear U)si Anfldes.Anfldes.. .She .She peeled' to last untilnil Ffidov.Friday, thc I Aibuqucrqile. N.M. steadily—some s captured'urcd' AK47.S|fanlAK47.S|faniry w ar th a t was Rruwing. jg j RED’S T o lV ^° ' .ircn and ailjaccntccnt propcnv ohown- worl;«l-a^- rcccplionisi■plionisi for Dr.Dr, Communist leaders•rs will dlscu.ss ------;------r~~7 — " haveh been manufactirreclw e d as re-tre-1 LonRQr-ranRCLc weaponsipotis were . j Twtii.fe11i, Idaha «330193301 •' • c conlaetetl,' - Ricl'i'rds. ivliiieivhiie Mr. U cp-c p thc.-Sovlei-Amerlcan draft of a ______^Inccessary 10 strike atn ,ihe mmorc o rc ______-I ers arc to bc cnniaetetl.' - sed the draft ______l" « .‘ ______• An ordinancec addingaddinc na mnnth-mnm or vni. tmpltivcd;1 .it'I3ird;I'Uner-.•Jt Bird^I'uner. nronosed treaty ‘to”pfcvcnt°thc to prevent thc Rombla)' has opposed the draft ■ • ly fee 01 -51.5(1.50 lo10 Ihciiic wwat ater ul Huiiil- in ii;iiicy.ilcy: . spread or miclcnrr weapons,weapons mttie e';' tn~ tfic flcntrvTr dftyrm am cnf bill for RarbnRC.nndnRC ond rubbirubbish nnd Mrs.s. Ixcper will will W;mamv situation)n and other 'alks • and Is expected;ed to repeat ■■ V haulinc read and-\rill-hcand-\riil-l mH>*e-their-honio-in-fti(}'npar«lO-in-ftiO'aparS^sulliccts,— Communist.lunisi. «ourccsiourccs ■'i'* nrgumcnts here. published alKirT the final rcaread- nient ni the mlo ortuary rtu a ry -where said. . After thcir walkout In Buda-1 Ing. Resldcntj will bc requiredrequin Ihe Weaver family:ily have mnde The nuclear ircalycaly draft ap- ppest last week, thc Romanians to provide suitableliable containerscontainc their home for tho10 ppast ast 20'ycors, pearcd likely to be the chief wwarned that they would not, - easily l»led_ by one man forf Mr. and Mrs. W/c eaver av e r and son, source of trouble.e. Tho SovieiSoviet titolerate" any criticism of , their nmit.mrntlng!! _ In8ngfapertatdngl23yiMve;

NOW! CHEVROI:VRO[£T - - • •; \\ , :L LAYAWAYWAY SALE J— OUR f a m o u s . , . i - lillll HBlBWlU In V V ^ . . _ ^—-—essSSSa^S

^BLANKET T R U G K5 a ^ E E I ~

:-'v' . ■ V-: 'I': I


V i .

• ru n sDSDi:ricKUP.p.ioDacnca^:;:i: i: ncKUP.p.ioDi — _ ...... oavT-VAirta tMOO£t

Getspe^etMciafsavrtiasmPialmPlcKun^nPnw EAUTIFULTNEWj sa*aonl/2-liinR6eisniaDIin Rseiside PICKUPS! s n sioni/2-ioncnBinr-vansr on 1/2-ton Chi DuynowJorapeclalsaloBavingjoilal salo savings on a Fleet* Get specialb«c/a/*a/e sale saving.iavMffron V4Mon‘C/ie»y ’ ^ TRRONE ------'• sido JobTamcfUkathoikatho cno jhdw cno jhdwnabove. Vans equipped v/lth'blg23a SO ilP C O LO R - 3 - ► flH Q k r iX " . cntjlno,' com/or/comlort ond'ap;ehd'oppoatanco - ’ customn egi)/pmonI,.fron.e<;tilpmenl,Jronl slablllicrVar. M t , - - — REVERSEREVE T O SGtlD; Y _c^vlpment,ehtomohub^ehul)eBJis,'ct)romo^rontcajis.'c^fo ' tnd rightght side Junior V>Wo»f Coast m/rror». —;te«njtfef.-»Als»-avollablelilable fli-«p«cla'i'ai-flpociaV'wivlrtgRS-l— Spo'clty-ollhor-Chovy.Vly-olthor-Chowy.Vaft-JOa-wiUx-JOair.-: ______iufSSlBl^SkrQ— poworsTPonng anjW puweipower b tJuiKug, T n ^ m - S i K - ‘ ; whcelbaaabaaa and esOeSO curttcu, tt; ct-cafgoapatoror-^------“ ~~Our gre£rte9^blanl'e£rte9^blanK ct-valuei -I ne ATTnlversar cnginq^nd 4-spopd3pd tfansmlsjion;tfansmlssion; 33G va Chavy-Van•Van 00 with M00* * 'whoolbaso ond 209 and nutomaiic 3;5pcodspeed Jmnsrhlsslon;,SoU^Jransmlssl ___;cu.ft.ojcatgo8paco;Pi{( ^ a tg o 8paco;Pick your wajf to save. _■____ ; - . ■ V - blend -of- 50509p-Rayon,-25% %- R o y o n , :Acryl|c.and,25%and,25% _M -M odflCrylic;_Tb'^,twp;in-^o,twp-in-.one Ireversible. _ ___ glass; ai'r conaitlonlngiflitlonlno anda'nd raaio.-—rat: ----- :--Yho"rb‘f'f nov'erDoenitioitornov'erDoenfl'K Uma-iouuyr------• ■ - • ______f c . a t i ^ j w^'Ith i t h aa, , tthree h r e e ' iin~ch~tri-t6ne'|VrI^~ofi|VrI^~ o n 'o one ne side .arTd~arrriatching‘s''(Slicr^“th‘e‘'- rriatching*s’iSl ' / plus* . jilQ i: . other,-m akosjkos a truly elegant< blanketg Hde;‘Ieb-l«lIor#tirIde."Teb>IslIorad poW r,'. Tough;1; atl-wotdfliJari-wttdeij unltlzunltlied bodjcffam# d6^ ' . ’ a ffnal touchjch ofof glornoglornour. • ______=H|Btj5jjj=-3dbnbte»tlrong'con»tTsetloiirluironstrsctlonrfunctlomi ----- »lgft,-blg-4'*4'-carao-iblg-4'*4'-cara0-d00fi,-«a*jM «lnttr^— ^------— : Iruckityling.Golfflore^Lclcup.moimortpLckup, mwo e quip-;. .Iap«r»d»d tear feaf. aprlngi,tprlng*, eaty-handlinge ball: . * ' . i> . ■ ___r ___ ment, al ipocial MvlttgtMVlngtnowl nowl ~ . . S*ar*tMrlng.QolmoratM rlng. Got m on dtlivary van valuti '• ' ' • 72x90) comeom paropare ol 1 2.98 • 90x108 compare ol 19.98

. SBB'yoiir ciiBvrolBl81 dBalar-liidB alar lop GoldBn flnnlViUvBreary Breary savingss now .

; GLENJe i h ®M slH iM om JMC WESTr ~ ^TW T \ iN .. M L S~^l-ii 7 3 3 -■ 3 3033 0 3 3 BEiUTlfOlDKORATORtOI :orator;colors • lilagAG • ROSErose -*- GREEN •► GOLD • ORORAlik* BlllEv

J.--' ' ■''' ‘. ! '* - • I • ■ ■ ( ' /■■ ■ ' ■ National C^sli — March .6-7. 1968 _ TwtnTw tn Foils Tlmet-Newi ,1 3 . .J '! T o d aly's y ' s Marketket A nd FinFinanciala l Rh e p o r t Register Fii-m^ The<] Daily~ — V StocStocks DiD6w-Jdnesr2p.m^m. . Livestock] ck Grain ToT o E x p a n a —______30301tidus ll ...... 833.16 up 6.13 Register ; nvestor - — WI,.?iUMftJARV rMfttARV. I ~ I M A RK ETraTT^-GG LA lA NtiC CE E ^ M Ralls 215.83-83 up 1.31 JER O M E CHICHICAGO .(A P )-A n Increase 1 for a ______■ Iter cows In international ro^ hnvinp an d ^- ' • ; • ■ (AP>-Birsniip:P > -B irsn ap : "NEW' YORK ( A P 3 " ------.85iiipO.M | JERQMF. — .S laughter cows In int r = : ; . backs by Rlamorr stocks and! ...... nfr-up-ldtt "ir-'»itrifp'f! i^ 5 fr..c c nu^iREnBr^riHim u niglicr^EIi-J^ puter market by Intiwjndnjr-a ------=»y-wB; n.uA M 3aaiVLE— -aeiid . BHfiar ii>L.ljlue.Hflip3ric3^>yTrc'.*m>arlc3^}v .- -.'______r — . . under government• grain *’",*1 u Ing syfr -■! ■■ _____ ju/iilJijirQnfi-lechaicar/STTvImlcarrSTTv fn~Cmtorr=lIlg?lcY7fn ~ ------T“-- ?7 ruisi7pl i7i ii'jo; Jl'iIS li'i.*li'i.'^ n were steJdy to SO cvnis.higheriTmgriis.lilKhcr*rwgrtniu-ili!j_ year-tendedmdcd to ®y^ * KWm.n : u ^J^ n g -lh cJc. Influence hIgh7 rTrJCT5-fo<4 r « in -Q.-l-wlsh-to gcr-some-lnfot-'But,, hr lhe stock market late Ihliihli a/icr-CHICAGOa/icr- Cl J - Jos' ll.-.lti* In-tome la su n ce s during Ihc Je- Influe mae pv jaaiian aboofclosea-end 'invest- invest- years’,!years,) a» number oV cta^-^nd noon. Wheat—Hlghef: goodod demand. h*ih'h*ihwp .m «i Ji'i :t>»I'J 3i>,31>; ■»- ? I** tlon Tuesday. cago chi«f execuUv«-^l«r-^f-*h* panTP^ liotdery h rt-tsj^ ^ar^ ct^^ ------' rlo se ; .- .- . O als-M ixed; with com. g?!!/ —Ffll-lM»tr»r-^}«0!^or-$ig.-00r - T « .1,. . ' a company, ^ s released Ted n .'r:aU<-nimmm>ft».mitT‘VII!ff* •- . D. Boam. l>vin halls a rerea a rep-r e ^ vestment holdings, cost offo opera- p cra- nnot o l provepro v ed Jo bc_POPulHf..wlth------•- ■ nio trade. . ‘ • . - 1^* l!^;’T»^lcow»‘. 117 to SIO,50.. withtlth'a^fw a tew largellargely mixed. ‘ . S S 2 Z 5 3 eS 3 3 •'t!OTfl~'gI f<**ntattve.o{. lha ': \\\ Jj.: J|,‘II* 111* 1 1‘ cows, $16 10 J17.50;' cunner and iiHon lEp cjt^£ts"tQ -lnstall. nfl les^■« thnnthail dividend' tliC sameic B3C3 Inin- »n- closed-end Invest­ !'• cutter.cows, JI3.50 to JIWO; spe_ni speculators' who believe tlie “ JJ™ IBM ran up oboulout M points, Slaughter steers —- Steady to i,h„m\j i u • r t- iis n « ...... cutte: i l « the 5.0f5 of Its new CenturyV Series dtistrial dtuirial corporations? mentm ent corcompany slocks a'rer-lhfl------Polaroid 7, Conirolll Data 4, Rc- ststruhn:> receipts 7,000;l; top 3i;00.31^00, *“kmk "*•-" J * ' 'JJ yi* j{,- n ijV t" utility bulls. J2I- to ?22J0:2 J 0- &1-Hoi- UriliedWl?® States will raise the 5-<»® 0 Iream . *“fne as on most olher,stocks, 21 ttf J24. price offiold from » 5 an .ouncemince computcomputer*, a toial salea target . pUbtlrCorp.-3.-Sck‘ntific-DaULlLL,tfntific.Daia Ti » ' 5?^Kerccoi* '.n 17 ji'l 3*'*I ‘ 31» ‘ ,—- *is »ieinstein feeder steers. J21 ttf «<. P^‘« 10 ihM T b e stocks of some closed-end and Xerox 8. |J* 5!^ ” JL. , wilh light Holstein steers» rs up to broughthrouf in new buying of com- 3 . - ~ i —V coninanles are listed on the New S T ^ i U r r s ! r.r iieers 125 modlties, . Up a point or,m ofc.wcre Ccn- y, :! ■ ; Jl? jJ-l'li!; S28: choice yearling sieers, I2i tn^li o l^ h c ^ Y o rk - and-or'olhe-r— lock' e x ------eral Motors, Chrysler.- Caterpil- >;• i!'i S .; as.T.:S ~-5:! s*' ; ; too*i, T.527.50!' -Fomm on;■ yearling yearling Th' The U,S. D epartm ent of Agrl- 'T n ec S S S S 'l i i !! p Si; !i;;.:';i s . . I S ; r break- £j,o dings? i S Are brokers' commls-M m m l s - S o ; , you pay normal J;_7___la r. BocInRi-RC^. Eaaiman'Ko^ j* { li«i 5: steers, J23 to J24.50;0- .choice choice culture also tended to stimulate '* •Eaaiman-Ko^ -{ ji.j t >! ?b‘' lio'SM -’buyer loicrc« with-a T report‘hrougl c t i r i through In the field. ®?r aelllnc “ Change commissions, ------dak. United -Airlines,Ines, Easlem Easlem n IiifitTf-M9— 5i «i*i «:>h3« ’ slnJI i l ' i t i 'i yearling heifers.-$23.M to J25,50;-buyei estm eni 'Q th e r 'c losed-end c^o m p g T i y ------1" S ” •. Si*"' f ‘S i er^ S20 50 'hat more farmers wereB signingsie ^ti The ‘cbmoahy had a sales vol- ....t,, ______Airlines nnd Loriilnrd;Inrd; . - ._ J.* !*;« » '■ fc;- i;| Jl* ||L }., * ^ ‘!; pomryommpiu’«‘urlinR hPifcriLJ^Q s q ’ ------G a ln s,o f about..2.wcfe_scDrcdZ-WCfC-SCDrcd n r u 'v - i4«, _ u . 31—-J^...... iTriffinr' Data * M4 13*^ liiifi.| IJIl%*ili I i l t r a l0.i2 10.S23; chQice.3t« L c n^ivM lv M ..52S ihc -M!. ju « s 5; n iJ.: to 12s ; chokc heirer calvcs.-alves J25 ‘^is ^ * y « r and'under II^ w heat al- largest »>»• stock Exchnngt? -. . "mW ark-up” r j ™ ' — which amounts to- 7 “il s - . :i. :.l; »>» ion iieifcr •°‘"’'^'’'P f ‘'Sran», . , _ . tems. phone. ' IfllonJMM JW l:» «*»j «ii «*. * *; Vtil j'i 4< s«i to J28.50, and common heifer _____ ■ ' - • ' aA.: FilFirst Cfor all readers),der*), a j,j^f-afxjut iiiifab o u Ihc same thing.'. , ' ' ______Although demand for.fiold rc- L| i!^ P c«lvcs, j y 10 J25.50. quick deliniiion de of a closed-endjsed-end Poyiep will answer only ______CASH GRAIN r ■ mained strong in fortlgn mar-mar> mrwpn it. « >.s »•. >i*. - i a.,, - -r------TH - - - - Inveslmcnt corjipany. It’sI a coin- representativertpresent letters ol general . Jrltish .pound f'*™ sto uo t is', :si, » s * S |v . 4)i ; " CHICAGO (AP) — W heat No I s r ; k e u and - lhe British 'pound qi liliB iiffi'r"i li Ti: . DENVER , h“ tat N. IsraeK^Ai’fliyl y X‘“pany which1,' Invests In many‘“" y dif- interestinurest InI his column. He can­ showed weakness,, gold miningmining}:; ‘ {; j’l fl.J, il.’ 2 hard l.57%n: No 2 soft red - ierent securities — mostlyny com- not_answernot nnsw phone (jueries.) iiv ii.; *■?..’ si s *J'- •«-s ■: • i;!i de DENVER (AP) (U SD’ A )-C at. tl-« 3*n. co m n o 2 yellow 1.12*J- n i stocks backed awayjy further un- cC( n < i| i,» i» n 'i ;j'. ji'j ♦ sii>». lie 200; calves 2S; slaughter , i j / ‘ ->l . moft slocks. ' — •. der proHt taking.-——— ^ ^ ------—nraO)|"«w }|; ___I” '!!!» t)i.ii'' SI'?ii'j:!; t s s P i i t - .“5 li'iU li'i-‘ ' cows . ■ nnd hullj steadA, y; in^nInsulti- fi ^ ^ '“ '2 heavyf whftel B I > W| ( s l I^ p . L • «;ounds g like a m utual] | .■ fund,fund. _ _ '_ r -(-« > • ma:l-o«erre.>cII^V.ji^;«~n-or,-n'rn',i^nS!fi !'.♦ ir*'*i‘* clcnl'..number, anv,1.717, * doesn’fltT-A-mutual-fund-is-—‘rSr^= —J = j ^'sm ess ------lalls, farm implements,lents, rubbers, omji' u.;:»:« j* sogs ;. run was .ril’P.l^n. S e S — nn ooeri^nd Investment com-P ______nlU plrllnes and drugs wrrpl;:' Ai^al)JHouses_, pany — so named becauscEausc"Tr it ! . ■?-m /t * T------• i ' v !; ‘j ;: At the close w heat was to mostly t ' , Trccnraltjnshcl-hiKherr-March TFt_AViv M P i ~ Theticjs.rac: israe-* siandajcatttJ^-^de^jia n d a _ I'm I »ts l: . jIVIn-i-or ______...... Analysis callcd If a recover)’ Ji] lay. And _____ ll' a rccoverj^ ,’i iJT ' ■»!’ : *i 19 00; cutter cows.0 to 16.10 17.60. to 17.60;.,»^«'.s;;,lcom l^ lowerc'r to IJI'.H “rf"y *®ld today Itss Mroops shnresshnreso on any business day._And es Tues- most mutual funds continuouslyInuously ------BVBy-JOnN-CUNNIFT------; ------from nn oversold condiiimi. condition. sN’o' o ri..-i^ifrl. 1. " . i..; ii>;' u♦ .; *. * Mlw.na |.« Jl J‘|i Mf M'lJl'i ‘■* '5[i bulls bulls utility nnd commercialfl! higher, at> vi M nrch.l.l8Si-»4 ;• oats un-un “P houses Tues- most mt spccial news wlis linked'w ilh I [j' 21.00-22.50; feeders choice 783 lb £ ‘ 'arch 797/; day In Kfar Rammun villaf>e'illage in offer ndnew shares for,salele to the APA P Business Analyit Changol.io li lower. March 75}i ilay 'i? ----- :------NEW_YORlC.(AEHThejnath-_____ i “ ^IheTccoyerjr n— - ...... fl; ll'i 51' t; heifers 23.70. • . cents; ..v ,, r\'e unchanged too’'Wlow* W low - occupied—Jordanian—tcrnlory. occupii iernlory. public.public.------=------^------NEW-^ ...... i;;;iite i!s s ,’i!:-ffi iiS'iii;.;55’' il. 5ir M; l i v I'S -Hogs'-^OO: barrows- and igilW , , ; a n d -sm-Uans s t ^ a n s Two.oLthe Tw-o.o. houses .belnpgtji,jo _But-a.closed-endJnvcsiment_But_a 'esim ent eniolical realities -involved In " T p .m .' o u o trATioN.s a t io n s ...... !•; ,15^ tf'ti‘‘55u lilt i!<: I <5 kteadv; 1-3 200-240 lb 19.W-I9.75; {[{I r March village hctfdmen who .the-'ormyhe- nrmy companycomoam neither redeemseiTis Its Uw:cotl of:'cducailon--4ro-caut^-— NEW VORK STOCKi i:xciiANt;i:i:xciiANc;i: ,r ’I " ji.» rf ii i*i 1!': !i iii! jiil li-; t i i »'»■ e a con- colleges to take a hopeful S»ltt' JJ a ’r ^ i.s iiu tto i i.ii u *•'. 3»|«Ijr Vl * !•*’ sow* i 300-400 ft IS» lb 15.50- """"li'd".sold .dmlllrf provldlns’8 . A;**’Ar.S shares, nor does It nsake a con- |" 8 col ■ _____ coftimtcommandos wilh food nndmd shel-shel* unuouj unuous offering of ncw shares shares, ““j." critical " '' JiJok at ibeJr stock AkhJit Ub I ’ «» « 'IJ'i KiriSiC'iC, . *, ' li ili:';i;‘IJ'i 3:'i ♦ Vn.lb 7« SJ ll'iiilj 11', ll'i * !'• i'i Sh Sheep 100; feeder lambsambs held FUTURES ter. . Slocks of closed-end Investmetitvestment holdings.n°'d J b e purpose: bigger ?*’ MU * slaughter lambs“mb* and CHICAGO ( A P ) - ^ . **A .A garage p In Beit'Banin Village In-Ih'c capltalS|?alns. . .-...' , ____ « 1; 11'; r iJ iii; n** ^ '1’ t«i M'J •*. n ewes scarce: cJiolcc and fancy . p^gvPrev. north '« »■, jc ; • 'i TfM . ,,c r ready has made big profits In ;; li::•1*'; j! '! — 'i • "— — jyjJul •1.53>i 1.53'4 1.51?4 1.53';4 - The rounded «Poru to stockholders, not only unusualunujunj (investments. Is now us------a - S E! »n; 1 ,’i [iXutilL'-I I; j f ; I'I -5 OMAHA .. ,.■. . . . Scp-Sep__ .Ueli-J.50% 1.56?lU6G»5 i !s 6 annyannv iannounced It had rounded ! ' ^>*8 1“ on-campus bralopower-to-i. .: i !!; 'ij— }” ~ » ? |-u 'V -;OMA«A“ (AP5-rUSDA)=l!0RSDA)=Hogs D S~r52 T il(l rJ22 1.6I'/4 ll'i “Pup 18 8 Arab saboteurs over the «"nM”y :• i;’ iii; Jo com- ly - »* •f'<:y required: J ? to , ‘"vestj„“„t "m"r ore aggressively.*' Sfe-M .pj; ir Svij;;!; :i;‘ :•!“ m I'-:”';Ii; 41^111 I'iviii7,000 7,000; barrow s ami giltsJits steady comco . • '• '^ ^ '% U e n d . Including two c o m - ^ “ h^terror- tuu r^ ^ ^ Behind this guest^of co»cg « . ___ 60:ita923--*)flSfzq:M iz:Tn[^^S^Tl8^S^TlRii panuernandcrii.OfJhc.El-Eati^tcim ii°i^ p r l * lp ia £ U J May I.2V J 1-22‘i 1.22'^2V. 1.22H1 22^4 1st organiiaiion. ■ Jsva"il s // i’5(! -Israel security forces rcporied pmclice,-mostP'^'ct ce, send outL k.w‘’quar- l’ ^r^nelthfor neither tuition nor gifts nor - • ijjj * ;s 350-400 lb lC.75-17.25. jtifiL s ^ h e IterlyU (every ’thVee^ months), .. ■ !i ijj;?= slii.;:: IwoJnrge arms cache Iterly-. 0 " '- ^,^levetf tai advamagia come close ■■ . ACrySui Mt J. i:> ,.:« ♦ ji '5* !'•;!«>; .J'** “ TKwi'rr'l'(»in’* 51 ■' f» • Tl'i — Choilchoic^^^r'imc'' *1ZOWW^!IK)-13WI'iii!jaDcc~l.i8srLM^ ^iill ii''^v/hcrc ^tain^^m fw ^R imjrm anon ation {,"j{he”« . H‘, :i'.i t iiOT„ii>» M iu 7>*. :•;!.ti, -4\;-*}i Twm-rwn Crni V.* »fj 4s;i 1 ♦!,, '*' steerss|eCI steady to strong;ong; olher 1.32^1 1.32(j 1.32^^ ,32(( I^een I 25 lower: gals . '* na curicurfew was still fn effect In you ask about. j(11 trends to higher expenses s s il ’ii ii:ils; is:::;«'I ♦ >I lu ii * r'h I «9 r^ ‘ »« S-i*3:'i M.I'i i u^Lrhiir'3l'” c j‘l «’i «uI'n «'i * *i') steerssjep' slow, steady to 25 lower: pa 5 two Is- -M ost-lnvestmcnt -coinpanleaIinpanles continue.contlnuc.-ln-facl-.manv^privnt^ ------A Momi- t » .p~u~n":*’. wi i, };^ ;>•. “5“ ,'! ammunl- tht»o payments asJ!regular"Jn[ulnr"jn crushed by bills that forea An. woiori HJ US II’. I'H ♦ 'i j m i 1^ .. : 1234 lb ’28.35; heifei^ high choice i J - 7:'* nnd 10,000 rounds of-ammunl-thi»o ps ^ Hon. the sen; sense, Ihat they will111 be ata t standard:standards" to bend and {acilliles ill* * m m U r t Am IS 5«1 Til + l| u5l!‘ T. ,cV iU '” '‘ pri»>= I" ^ S.” viv. eight a predetermined rate —~ ns Isis to crack. Am 1, l» ;.ll> ,4 l., |„„.,K,r.j JJ <:«, 41.i“ ««,.ii; tl!: *|ii unTS ft.a " » li'i liu~ •iiir*K ‘ 1! cows : i utility and commercialitnercial alnl .jaf___ t.23«-l.22^lT22?4-h23HimZIi’ mIZ =~in-l.vdda. ^ L near.T el^v. eight a prede i«*i n H ~ ‘i I7l50-ir50r"lnjti*-iini!tyr~coni- 'Jt' 1 25% ^ mcrnbcrs^vSNnen:'SWTTien: jo-offfj soiorf«htih(C T is«“ w ltlrsir s io to c te -n 7 a n — CaiieaBo— a^etaiively ------...... ^ smell ». » M*i'i «>■> *’■* -!:* 1- lIlC ,'" * « _ i i ! u 'l i|!!iii;>!! i'l| ’15; V i g }5?i? ra ;a ijii': ii^ P:^-^ ® ^»u«-to of-other-companles. • ----- ;—• wealthy- *vm1ihy *“iih I" V ineTrla|-inid-BOTi-?l:«^22:50:— 3lnMjul ;37^'l:j6|-ra *. ' Amf»T l.« <0 w*.' >«' M'i ♦ V. in ''jM ' ** j i n » n n « ^ 4 7 t j n ^ Pfl-'oo ranglnc from'”.1!' "Y' five An^ n ^ i, tavtslmtnt c 0 mpanyn p a n X ment otof nearly *300 million, the *■ Am Tob I.M SI 11'.I 31S 3I‘. - 't l-'lll^"'^ I W » JSI. u |i M‘i * jj us HU «' + )! _Sheep..70D:- slaughter lambs gcp- ncome'It Income from Investments last - ' ij sra -.;- .:iiiiUI’- ii''-iri:I!,, ";;; J mostly ': steady;, slaughter ewes jj,,^ \i x i w . to—eight- years;*—They were "^5555 ,hrei.|ih"'lhi Incomc'It Incomc AMKCp J « «J MS *j;* “ ;i *\*j In nnd car. T ,i,|d „ d , „„dand In- yyear c .r toltotaled S10.3 million, or lii'i: lij'S + *; uspiiilS!' |.« 'II WH }" «'■-li}'. *+iji li steady; wooled slaughterhter lambs il chargtcharged with espionage and car- ^iceivea ’ :«Sii'l 2t‘.lli' - * |„|, r«ckfti ; lo ‘“ n .“J , t’i +...... ’i ui UNP titles It less than 9 per com ol the y ear's J«i Jl li choice 82-105 lb 25.50JOO Jo 26.50;20.50; , _ , rypgry]ng arms. terrst) on th« securities It less than i!i L r |:T,;;i; ,!!;.!'.; V s ; a 'r '. i « i sii si'i si' • li lhe costs operating expenses of 5115J ______jincoo. I.M . u ; *, <;,■«»n HO jJi; * I'Mlf fall shorn,'pelts 28.000 ^ fo 0 2626.50; 5^^ •' Did Asked p . . pany.- ihat Income Is sent•nt along TThat nat itho stock market may Axmco SU > « ‘ J« ‘ 1 IT 515I AffiliotedFund . . . . 8.12 8.78 I- 1 ' Subchap- rescue some schools certainly • ' is ?j(?jistii'Fi? I I’ 3' ill' iji!"!??!; K a T i i t t f ± |m s - t u l l r W l i L a n d good 5.25; Affil ^ ng President ______to ■ ^ stockholders. Under Subchap- rescue i CommonwcalUi------17,fi? 1 1 7 fi-— - I r. ..T* tct” M 'u l lho Internal Tlevcnu* will nn i r f i - w , - \\ TM : . _ • D3W compnny Image, which over the years has ; I'.H :i 7»’i '«»; ♦ « jS T W -T hrnn ii 771' 7 n i \ a . m i l l Code, the Investment compnny [mage. % w„n.« I.J« 51 Jl'i « i »S “ ‘ Eaton Sc Howard . . 14,65MaSEErogramg^ IT5T >- pnv Inmmft taxX on that beenbeMtts; associated with acquisition , Aichi.cn i « ns :i 19.75-20.50: l-3-22Cf-250 lbs 19J5- ,45 11.41 denfJohnson asked Congress to- ^ known as leges arc entering. Are they ^. . E .W u! ■ !;'i!s"S!'is S-!ig;,™"S ;- !lS; r,5r ’';,s’'s ,s ‘‘:,sss m J'l^ ♦ ‘ji 20.00 : 2-3 250-260 lb s lO 19.00-J9.50; flfljQ Keystone S-2— — '10,45 11.41 denfJ "?i” pany Ihey own. T]tl$ is known a s leges a 1 Keystone S-3 ...... 9,03,03 9.85 9.85 day day for ft a half-billlon-dollar pro- ^"^.5"the "conduit thtWry of taxa- taxn- able tolo play i it? ; -■: II 1!;’ l l • sows steady lo w eak; 1-3 350^00 ■K?;.',*;, ii a*' « I'i |i -jji? ! 7 f k“m.‘ ’*’*■ jj'i 9 3 4^ 5M Keystone S - t ...... 6,18.18 . 6,75 . 6,75 prnm cram to Improve health,b . cduca- cduca- , ' A Studystu< of endowment hold* ;i‘.ii^, ii“T :»‘i '; ,'.'ss',s copi tuMfd fcy tti iiii’« A«'oci»ied i!”.dr»..1iti rim iiiiiiiir; ih i id1^. s Se ,05 15.20 Hon. housing ahd civil rights of ' llIJihMtc ’ h '1 -I'I' .I'i *i;i *,;! kI tin n ififn Internatlohnl Fund 14,05 15.20 tiot). I /indlanl AHd most Investmentn t com- Jns*.^8*' "jreleased this week by. tho Usi-sh.;; IE - iiii-i£jji,-aM, ..Ji:i l,------.™ ■— ...------Jb»- ;00— 0.56 some 600,000 American Indians. ■Anu 11 to th e ir Boston-Fund; shoft-s m uch-good— i-i i r>i ]« Uhifrtl fO JJ ll'i HI', in ...... IT. Ufc-lnrlnvcst— --ftOO— 0.56 some ,» , « panies also pass through lo their '1jl‘ *•; AMrmcAS STOCK rxciiANcrxciiANcr '• CaCattle TiOOO: calves none; jfiw they Judgment already exists, for tho } ' •6>I _ ' Nrw YORK lAD - A-nVflfiamwicaa si6ckSieck slaughter steers steady«Vadv tto i Manhi'ltan ...... 9.34-34. 10,21 10.21 jn .a Jn.a speclal m essage outlln[ng5 shareholder^ the net profiw thcv ^dgmen w . h Mass Inv Growth . 10J>9 11.^9 r. if securf. ^o*t commonly held slocks are ' . . . Si s; !:■ u ^ • :.• * . r.ch.n:. r-«.: N.I strong;' prim e 1.200-1|375 • lb « “-» •S? H o ’’’* . realire from the sale of securf. “ i d grade 3 ,91 16.29 have been aliens In theirheir own ,i„tica_they_bough.t^at_EreWousnrevlSus IBM. General Motors and Stand- If* I?* “ 1- slaughterslau, sieers yield grade 3 w - irni MnM ,^-n -| i..”:i-i;;i:‘i' ^sS cL JL iiiJi;Jliii mU' aml^4^3i}.00;31.00.__lilglLi.Ct]DlCC NaUorarstbcIfn77^8:IW=5r4B:tW =U:4B -"TOffi^orT^ilJ rt form of t S p f f i a ^ dlsirlb't> ? S ^ W T 1 J andS prime 1.100-1.350 lbs 28,75- g “ r4or« nnv real loscrs aren't also In ' iiSf='.:; 30.00: cholcc 950-1.4000 Ihs-^fcldIbs-yfcld P“*Pu‘"'''"Equillcs...J0.1G .IG 3L10,he3L10 the American.A Indian, ,'«." S sh K arp »o"s -° »"'! ihe'shxrehnlders pay ;"|; fijii iiiSr^i. I J |i ,V't[ip j; I; V''\?/’ii?iii 3o-o( .71 9.49 cned by years of defeat and ex- .7 "* •flln the portfolios, and lhe sqspiclon and . <:>. 4( *1' Aum*ta OH 15411.II ‘S1'\ ‘ 5'i * S grade 2 to <• 27.25-28,75:-a 75-- good TTechnology « Fund . 8.71 cned I '■ S'; SJ; • 'i K ,10. '6JxS pioliatfon, neglect and ln“ de-' j — even .slronger hope ttista that ‘ ■ n«»Lr i.S». •« M’lI :J'i*» 'i JS’I * ’2;• ulrft>mU ''’l'' .'i : It','-lr.»i .1 ‘I Al« 25.00-26J5: . hign choiceholce and ^alue Line Inc 6.10. '6Ja pioUal i li, •- 'l l' -ni' 1 i! Lno'SGa f.t: . I« « ’.• 5!’. JJ!? .* ‘ Jl'l ,U ut.hier value u n e Sp Sit .• 7.72.72 -' 8.46 U quate t e • effort, w ill-iflktb c many vciy, m«ny) many) JJJJJ , ~ .improvement can ho i 3J>, J ;. * «. LmosULI 1 H IS J'... ;!'>aPnsS'ii 33'i li 1133^» ; ^ : Prim e -850-1.050 lb slaughter Val^ ^oln all the yearly rettini on In* ii'* *1 niaillUI^ !• “ 'i’i ".'i*3u !jP heifers ^ i7 yleldT{radc 3 nndand 4,27.. 4 27" WestWcsi Ind Shares . . 7.48.48 8.17 Jeyeart ari to overcome.” Investm i> 35«i P'l •'** »♦•«'* helft He urged Congress lo launch .; ||J |||'jo.J V i; ^ ampM n.ib 411 ll', ViV.’ ,-’>.71 ’ • “ J ij 35-2f35-28.00: choice 850-1.050)-l,050 lbslbs' t — , , J ^ J " S ''S '”.-r„.M=G„*.4!.n. ; ^ !\ yield-grade-2-to -4 -26^5-27^5; Q i O ver-the-.G ounteriinter „^S,,S '.r * ' r l ;;;i »’> “ • * :« Rood 24.50-25.75; utility and ' ' ' Z S ' l i « ■’■/s ;y;L . s.ffisrtV ; p » i;.; jij; lij; c^mereiar^ows^^^n^M^^^^^ : ! . a a gdiJn tho c.pll.M!.ta. i. Vhnr/w g Im prowmsg ent in the' .perform-l . . s; MU i i S y * "C l?!' j! si tijiSSi S.'; r oiuliBp. m«ilik down «r prOgrJprograms than In liscal" ^ T T holderholder, receives a sUtement ; ! f r w n ^ billion stock 'portfolio would; li wiT-'j-jl 'ti 'i ; ‘ i; ‘ ^ ^h e ep 100: .hardly enoug^ enough) far Bid--Asked'.“‘I,, . V ‘ showing exactly how much Mp- , l'\ ii 1 II **“" „;TT**5“ .lS .W i?,in " to T e'i" f o r b l r m " ’" " addlUonaU ,; "• .*;• " I’ * market lest; pan deckleek.choice choice A iii^ lb e rtM n 's..;.... 14.12t^ 14.50 ii« r.:K ’o!”J ffnr .s that a ^ch year. I r.ifrTr i : i ' I'I 3*’» ’‘‘i • ’■•IM. Itl; iJ.; 1 K J23 lb wooled slaughterMer Iambs Eni,[,v Oil . : . . . . 21.50 22.50 w. f^r Ono per cent—not much com/ ______.ttUncJcCs-1— ’•-S| Jjlj *‘i* i . ; _ ' i steady a t 26.00. . PIrs «c' O'! r-'" i'i>-»on.i 14 I', I'i I'i-'isiea . First Sec Corp . . 30.00 ■ 31.00 iw programs of .«lf-help and self- 1 P®r pared with 100 per cent gain^ * ll'* <]'' * ■’ I'jil '^is «'* 31’'li;i 3*'^ i;;i vjij **'' "3«ii5‘ •“ 'ij.’jj; I'i -ig:'. I'I i...! ' First Firs Sec I n v e s t. ILOO •.. 6,50 development S 3 ' and self-detcribi-Metoritl- > n, „„hodhod oul- out* y®®*" **y *®"’® tnutual funds, CATTLE FUTURESIRES G.irrett G.in Freight .,26:00— IBtm ■—^ 1I...I i.-^>.. jrao ra ih flhove That'one per cent seems even ■ii'‘ iii; ii:; w '?.?—!: iiii li'ij|i; iiii jiS; t~’|t^ii a»Cuif”Aih'x|i—*Kr -I’!T -‘. “Tt “ T h T fo llo w in g '^ o lsninons' o n s were w'crc Idaho idaR Powe"r' P fa CUXO- W ,0 0 - “ Johnson'alsoj ^ ' Issucd-an cxccu- r“ .„ ! i IS iKi ♦ '< vi.flv'tliii •: It !l'i Jl'i Jl«. ♦ \ iv? n l | I i { H X 'o 'j i* .13 i’4 ij'4i;'4 i!'>il'j * ji prov provided by E. W.- McRoberts intermtn intei Gas ...10.12t;4 10.50 ;-«in tis ♦ «; MinnMM H i n »s's u«i —n “*■ !'/4 live order Citabllshlng .“.Sa Nation-.. i " . ! ' l’ “„ “O " " " complmy.'i'o"''S»nB ‘ Jil‘. 1 ilj and Co.. Twin Falls. J,lb I,lb Gemi S ilv e r. .85: . .95 al Council on Indian Opportunl-yifon “ to more monty. lo be pot """I'n — Ip « '! high . low)W- close close Morrison-Knud Mor . . 18,75. 19.2510.25 ty.,y with ^,i| the vice jSresident a s Its I. and, like old theses, not even :||;:;;:sS f i p iJl;|ip i\'-' ]|ii : .“j , H s;:, 5-: .'.J:* * * ;? Apr! April *26.85 ^26.72.72 'S26.77 S26.77 RoRcrsRor B ros . . . . 16.00> 17.00 f^ i | n r n a n , and Including a cross " r T 1 ' Wri^ry i t a.' T’l. '•!; !'! 'il; t’i *: 'i June 26,45 26,35.35 26,40 26,40 Silver Silvi Star Qns . .45’ -'^2 .50 Mcllonsectloi of In d an ' leadersders and L______' inR-ing. - lll'ilisjl'lllpyl iij,- Hi - '^ August 26.25 26,15,,15, 26.20 SicriSierra Life ...... 3.00’ -523-50 highhlch govecnmcntalR officials.sials. '■ There are. some excuses for j» i’i'il!*'ii'*" iV* 'i;!’ l i ’‘ October 26.22 26.17-,17- 26.22 SureSurety L if e - ;.... - 5.50 .S-S2 C.OO Ifj f j,is to "’“*'<5 broad pc/licy rec- , this. Many college endowments j ■ x r - December 26.25 2B.20'.20 ' 26.2526,25 WesWest Coast A ir l. 13.12'^4ii^ 13.8013-80 ommendatlonsomme and insure pro- S u e a r . Icontalncontain the provision that capl* , * '«•! - H i.:i *• '?:'l '^>1 'n ’i *4i S'*ff^'fart Mn « »'S I'i .-.-; Dcci •IS?)! = ___gramn-that-reflect the needs!»e needs -NEW- _NEW-YORK.(AE)_«t_W.Woolju-ooU u- ta|.ipu*t.noi„bC;UKd..thattal.ipu*t lafe^ and desires of the Indianan people lures closedcl 5 of a centnt lower est only can be spent. Thus, .; «1| i< V'ii KllPi" ,;V* '!« lilj «'t jj'* * ii er. May slow moving stocks paying good " i r -?;■;* >i H.iD..h i.:» im j ,ii im.'im% *i si JJ'I ■* u ?< n.ifT i.ja - o >1 J' -lif'*" :-'j Iri QjICAGO^-fAP)—Buttex^heidluttex^heid NlNEW YORK (A P )-D-Domestic o m e stic American Amerl Indian sharess fully in 117.3B; Jly IIBJB, O ctt 12I.0B,121.0B, dividendsdividend are accumulated. n l M ”v n ‘ 31't .t!l s'tl n.il IM IT 1T>; g 37 ' • J:»:g. T,^!i:!5S“,.:; ' s p p s : ^ q ying price.? sug.ir futures No. 10 closedlosed qui- all ouiour federal programi.'*is ." Dec 121.9.12 Mar 122.0B;B; MayM ay lala.additlon,' .ad d the pressing need • lo m .rj 3.:« » «vi vi H— stendyrW KoTcsale'buying price.? sugj > !V» ;!:♦ v v v;; i^ ^ , AA 66 92 Cl, No sales. Raw sugarugar spot - • 122.0B, Jly 122JB.. - , • for stcaCsteady .Income, as fronV dlvi» !'•! I lu vnsleu .:9 JO r»I •m svij:i! * *I»I “"clunchanged; 93 score AA 66, 92 ci. ■ vit-; ;.r. ■ S .cloicd — :— D EFlC n'-L IS T Ea> D .____-H^enifleaieO-wool -H’erttfi spot deitdj. h I ”77J^Ji.‘in i i l i ' I - i i U i! ... i; CestrliWei if The A'WfalH.aiHrt».j»i.A_>:n rio iltfl A.IH w n fi4U_Rl r fin.-i. rars U l ------p c? r - - -- 2_ltj 1 776 con- iB 01SE_(AE>-s^»_Ujlho'jl6ea-ho’ilgea- lAVoolitopsJutmtslcltjsccLguE lAVoOl: »ed qu^ yvMt c sn in rs groMh~stocK3DnHe'klnd~~'~T \' jj‘* * ]’m i: :fCTr_T^ijj‘i'j *''! ^ M D UuTKave pac^ the bull market \ n i n n e -E g fls-u n ev en : wholesalelesale buy*buy- tractracts. Jly 2,u; Sep-2.24-25,-Oct,24-25,-Oct eral ffund was n , 705.649<9 In the ct. et. No sales. 2 • - ■ ihaThav /lU U lla Ing. prices unchangedd to.down10. down 2.29-30.'Nov2.29- 2.34, J a n 2.44N..44N, MMar ar red aat the end - of February.February. • CertifCertificated spot woolI .topstops at of the 1960s. Many growth — rmiiinr j'» ; :IVin; :«Vrv” *'H 4 sisritr"^i%y ;i PPotatoperonionsTnf.‘ stocks pay small dh^ends or , i»n n», » *; NueMi* I.|g si Sf; l»U n t j ..... I 1/5, 75 per ccnt or betteritter grade 2.54- 2.54-55, May 2.GIB, Jly' 2-692.69 State T reasurer M arjorietrie Ruth 151.0N.ISl.ON. stocks p lii il5 2 '‘ T ii CmCAGO '/5. • B-Vid: N-Nomlnal ' none nt ? '“ J* ij i - *',* nILj i u ■^CH1CAGO:(AP>4USDA)-Eo- C JSDAl-Eii- A_whiIes-28!4..mlxed_28K.jnc.-lJ8!4.JnC.- _ 9 B-DId; ; .N-Nomlmil ______MopfLjald-today, ■ ------IfcVld: =aai_ all. . . ", ------V, ;; I'I Jl'i JUS - H arrivals 43;^onjraclc1 track 165; dlundiums 24W. standards 25^5 and i’ii’j v^i| s?iV:“a j®!' ■t)ld--» sup* d w ck s-W fe - ' T y ’;!• J!;r*-|rv«rii.ff.o'T-— jri'-i_; «•;?)!; 3«;t illi V-i| •!•';!* pHi pnt«“ moderaleT"dfimfthd'nfthd- s S lo t o w ^ :------I. ~ U i ION : ■ "■ THE A uICTIQN c t io n VW a‘y|- Z = ± i i ^"3M ’ jo: -1 'lH»njii jie* ' ji sn ' ss ji ' *i>5| ' ““ ^ ----- ^ a ctiQ isl" ^ ri’ir;’il'i’ii'i-u; IJ'i IJ'i-U v-m v' m . I.JO- lS'}J»i 301301 35 35 * t'ij *i tra track sales: 'Idaho russetsassets 3.CS-3.65- MJNEW YORK (A P )-S p o t non- ^ Ul : '^-SALESA hB EVERY FRIDAY ■ .■ . IZtOONOON1 2 t 0 0 NOOh i «-Mrwfin .J» *<’. « 'i J*’> —— *•*i SI Snr«lth ,:s i 0< 0(cii)»*if .40S- tr* jji; JIHt!15 31S ^ILI ; H\i 3.B5; . supplies llBht; demand fem JU, u«i 4J Ohtotdi. 1.0 rt :«i; - :« i’’ j s - - I U ti .ilosff: m arket dull: nq carlot CoCopper 38 (x) ccnts a pound, -q l .i3...23>i t -H track-sales. reported.1.------____-_I------Connecticut'Com -Valley.------. j j l •r--__! C.„Fwt,7* «»■ 4 ..... antCo.T-TwIfi'Talls: :Ti• Tin K^SJr* pound. New^rlT'cKa'iNcwYorlT'charging the govemment white- • CALVES» Weighing weighing frfrom. 3 ^ -to 5805 8 0 lbs..'.I b a .. • . ------M a ln clP o ja woes * ' SSil ilv e r'2.020'p e r-T roroy y ounce; wasiwashefl Its disclosure o( leaked «ij UN ♦ Ij r.c Tfi .15b :h . in , n<; if ; ♦ >, S f S 150 HEAD HOLSTEiNlOLSTEiN ANAND HOLSTEINN CR O SS SSTEERS T . • J i; y J-JtTirL.lJS---- M-.Hli.Xlix ii Ul^.* Hli - - - --.h fa h '. low.~clo*e low .~clo*e New-York.New ------.. infoi information on Treasury flnanc- . .'r . -, K .. , '.' . • , ' ) *•— “■ 'tvii.Air'":** - m ~ i-iaH -m .-*-’! ■■ iv i-MTfcT.LU— » -a i» -a u -i3 ii.+ .i, uM a arch------5|,57— 4n I.(B .W -JI.C -JI.6 T 7 QiQuicksilver 575.00 nominallominal per Ing. acted today to .'smn_a^ sta r t a^ _ ; v & HEIFERS■ R S . ^ I ' j ______•'. Bf-HCtt' i.it .« i:’. i:h it‘.- h ?i A oril------I J M - =JJ3 J J 3 i= = 1z J J7 J 7 flaalnask..Ncw_York.______------Z-^ c o ncoat g r e s s io n a l JilYcstlgalTdn.jUbn_^___- — 80-HEAD-YEARUNG-Sr^EARUNG-STE^SiWfilghlngJLeOOLtc ghliTg^600ltll7D CLJbsj:::__:, i 'K^s *1’^ ranhl'.r lU M U 3ISJIS >l>.>1*. *•> li 'i Mf|Mav 2 .n '2,262.2E -2.33 (x(x)-Lasc price quotedcd by pro- TtThe Texas Democrat sched- of 50 HEAD YEARUING/EARUING.HEIFERS . H weighinglighins 6P0..t .700^ lbs.___ ^ .^a.s;i jtti s?t:!;N u?t I 'I November-— o 2.M —2.27 ---2 -2 .2 7 due*duccrs.------''-T■ ' aled - aled for.later today a meeting ot ' I ■ a-bafaklog subcommitteeittee that .60 FAT &,-FEEDERFEED ^ COWS: CO 11 ij*-i 3rVT'% p ----- 1 ' ------■ ' ■ * i; ji*: IfBBCni J«» Wl « ‘i • ?J - f------, and saU h e ^ ‘*sWrj^thit-Gfener^ - r - —• gr,55 [:n I, ««|~3{«J*n; SPiPwiTlJi r-nt;-n';-7T'i-=-n ----- .. T his“is-inS“jn-0cldltiori-fo"our 7 0 cldi regolc Uut^t I.U. tu TH«;>; utir j'i i js:%»:% - >i fVfunoiip> j.M ii lt3‘» 11 «J rEalls-Marketg^— al S Accounting Office, lhe " 3ur regolar-rutP^-f^; Hr >«S' Ji'k * 4 r»»ica. M iiej 31', Jl'i ^ ----- :------' congressional oodltlng ngency, ^ nouAiii U Ilii1 tlK I!'i ll■' ‘ »1-I♦I’i l-rrfrc. rilm- « » S • H . . >M Air Si :e«- U<: :;ti 'U ••. i n to probe the mailer. :6 m m is s i6 m c 6 . f >iiu’* w s * l'{ 1 jls wvl’ u - U li- l! g?[ At n Rnnbing__ Committee GOODINGING tiVESfOCKflVE! COMMISSK •' ...... ffiX 'Sr'ii'Sl’S/SSri^S S l S it -► i. 0»l* .7; .;...... ,.? ...... iliS = ------‘'intfieh0iirt«Hirt^ h0S0«<] f^ eg6oclgra8»counfaV:tftrtheU ;P n.5 fr'*- ti'4 RlfwV IS » n'* tif M>' ...... «-»?•» MeXm ’A il!!!!!il j» j? meemeeting today,-Patman*3aftS"he :r-“ $ ” ! ! » { I;! ...... Is sure the panel m em bers .are lOFTOPQUAUTYSTOOCER.; »:.'8 »«'1-»4'4-* * Cora.(U.per.ccnt m olllure)...B JO ___ U FINtnHE tARpCT SEUCnON OF TOP QUAUT !ir;f-7:.ra3w S5-».t-ui» 551} *,i ii S UVCSTOOC — shockta;at,ihe'Treasury1?cpart: ; 4 KEDERCATTtE IN THE NORTHWESTJORTHWEST—-----. ';L»"d “ h i ■ n ils! s;;r«i s r . ' ! r s s .i tjij gi| s DK ' i — n \ oOlolee , Butchtn, .'Iinal ...... menfs disclflsurc Tuesday/that •. ^ • JACK'QIESB..... I ;«d joinuaul Jl -n s2 ::j|-. 5i- ♦ sS r|niii st.fi lo im J iill'f,>|, ii IIS s *.► hH h iso-ao Ibi...... V.JI7.2S-P1MI S om! . ' . . j in I k wfAN a n • ' j •PHONB YOUR . ’* • JAC ;>i... ro'^red. u ■ i t ir^i iruiru.iut; .iu ti ->l>-*i» •Us‘LlstK Sow...... ii'lli...... lisSI4J0 il io Ores OrVflVNortJstro'Vj ^ n rr'n ’f a ^Federal'Roservd System'ofd- L D . • CONSIGNMENTSrs . • , Qi QOOOINQ, .-. . .;- a n i . r s * U r«uioid-»i . • u *js mhN't u«i *jj*ji iituilteavy Sow* ....;..:.....llO.O»-ll.OOi'■...llO.OMJ.OO,-^^^., • _____clal ;r>)\.,.nj3 clal leaked J»ten|ially..valuable — 25------^------"EARLYI'Jt^.— V --f-a•• -f - ?34i5298~i-.-^" ;)ii *J ...... l-nKffm.lS----« *»H IHjnil Ui 4»; » i-_ !! • , 5 . ; POTATOES Piifc ...... g S information.on Treasury flnanc- • m , m i - i i ruhsrc&jio I M itsi » ':«.'io'.t + ! HU* u. S. Ka. l . . . ~ ...... :.:..|IJO-1.TO , ' , MKn iriin i M -rt, rirubttiBi .«« H tv, iti« . n...... IU.!lu.s. Mo; ...... a ssW 4 Jo i n> speculators.: . '

. 1 i ~ ^..... ■ ' V ; ' V ...... __.....4i :;- ' • - • • ------: - - - ■ • r - : - — ; - , - i r ' ■ '

- ^ ------H — W .dnaidii/,J/, MofthM o«h 6,196.196*8------;------^------THE-T: Ge0SlIowT5eIts - ^ f ^BoosfafslMfeet-ieet~-n>o-T4daj:a!ls_youths have’ B ose i ^ Thumps f .« '0,111 been awardcdThe yellow bt;lt -me Bruin Boosters will b""rank ?'in/the-an of kiiruie-m — k A X / ' «helr itgular weekly K T r t l- l ------meclIoR ol-7-a.m.-Hiursday-.h»TiuSfay- riv\ ^la^^icla55CLlhd» Karate Kami “kJhU ^iD U B l ------■ JJV — -Jn thc basement of *the ■ Elks -Robet^Fr-Tiddr-doJo-m^itt.—— J ClaimJRegiansional Title, P rlg._. _ Huildl^-..' ^ l^K«tnn-^ t'aid nwarfl~wlnnpr5'nrp Phi£lM>«lconev Jr.. and Mike ” win^beJ^^i^cp^R-lrtck Phii^ ~^ - . - '5casi 'season rfid Ihe .'awardsIds baa. Rcqua.j^^lrjvlnKcqua.', q u e e l l' ' which - wfll bebe field TheyiThey rccc/vcd {^>ei^a^»'4r^!* af- — ional Tourne:tmey Berth - ' Tuesday night. ; , ■', ■ le te r r bcinibeing reviewed by il x iudRCs t ...... u„H,nniiiiiMfiinmimnmiimil_mrnirmuulut- a n ^ h 'he e Mclhodlsl Church Boy - By U RIRY R Y IIOVEY ' I Tht! BrOncftj. Rcttlrig Retting .rc.rcdho d h o iJ h a t respcct the EEaRlca ^ did fc well. Ry ssiaa SayASa^ Committeimittee M iistv-^ Scout Troo^Mondaynlp)!. ------—:___ TlmefciNewt-SporU—Ldlmr. todoll-HllJ.lrv.th8 holdkig-W endcil-Hi-H art.— art— Boise-’aBoise-'a —J------=------^ V------' ^ ______Scout T POiSE - Boise C o lIcl lc 'jtc jt< 's J ir ^ it half, stormedmed fnlointo an 11 top gun.-'to five'c in ..the the .first first ...... y->i___ d ftllrrr-of-fr^mji—twHin-U w j-ttnd-tlian-tufncd-i-tU n-turncd-4l half_Out_Ilill. Jiii Jmm-.fiVEiy- rm Itlsho 7S CIil TuesdayTucsSaTTncfiT niclVt iT in io a rout by hlttlrig hltilrig 11 of thth« e w here and Boise?i,r. did a s better KeyerserfeoserSouth A:&licaiPDedsion i® C win iKe fkslt rcRlonalrtflional Junior.firstJuni 13 points o[of the seconcsecond job defensively. ------College . Baskelball-“teihall-~Chainpl6ii-lhalf. ChninplC • ' ' - . ' CS'l made,,soinB.-inistAlcc£-InnB„mistAlcc£-in -MOSCOW (AP) ~ - ' tJt 1 iio o Soviei rmunlsTnailon? normallynally act aslfamily. as fam . ' I FMISTWE= = jhirr npd nail1 down ilown a hcrihberth ini HIM hit II of M atlcmpU frorr "'■‘y SOinR- th e biggest be-be Urlion, In what wasas Intcrprewdinterpreted a unit in sports controversies.■trovcrsles. I TheTl Grenoble decision. Ihe I ihcNaiiana!-' TuurnamcniTuurnami-nt jn thc field to ipuiloil Iho CSl dde e . ing tr)lng lo maJchmaJeh__B_pjse’s Boise's ns_n..vellcd.,boyfo»..lhrcatidc-iit..Ih rca tid c - ,. Wjlliout.c.tp!Icilly threatening CouncilCou said In a statement. Js a | emcnt. Js a . D A T ] -Jiuichljon, K a w .v b P SJnnI ln n I; nK'fcrisivc^plan*' n)f“ f'“worlclng— worlclng— onor icmpo; ’ ------l } l mand and.nd. b a r South CGames, the. CentralI coimcirC oiinsirof of quences quei for the very, Olympic ^ double and-trlple team ing Insider' y_^ Olympic J * . _____' w hcncver_Tom Bush *or Plc* Africa from the’he' Olympic SSoviet sports dlubs and organi- movementmov and places in jcop- K | lllT l Vann-got the ball.ill. ^^1' Games in Mcxlca 'CCity, ily, Ocl.Oct. 12-z.12* zations asked th e lOIC C 10to chanRC ardyard] thc 19ih Olyirtplc G a m c y Q | ----- =i:|thHfcttit;n.mnrfeHtt5t-:nH>nlh:^ wcro-cx-.Crcnoblc, . Frw cc/..i0.-readmitio‘._.j£adn.ili^n.boycott of n wa5.1mnllod;whila ■ .• CSI's brief cage, history. peeled to follow suit.uil. The Com-isCom-ISouth 'A fri/a (o ' Ihc'hc 'Olymprc Olympfc (he question, was stUI under con- B ------; side ir s t four poinis — ^ . sideratlon. the Russlans.wamcd W i l O T l S •’It t*!® four poifiU ' ^ J they would pull out of the games B HeadJ For Vacations of the game but.ihc Eagles, be T P T i n . If south Africa, with ils aparth- B B / MURRAYRRAY ROSE A short, fierce> Icfrhook.toM r hruiir ir, tht th». -T«iiklc.g|«Murtaugli. M ark Rich LUgliTo Defend!?eld policy of separating whites Q H (AP) — Heavy- tem ple draped the 243!4-poun(i from blacks, was permitted flj; •• NEW YORK (AP) - Ueav xt four minutes ^ y iron ...... wcichi Joe FrniicrFraiicr nnd ond mi miti- giant on his back4 ov‘crover tthe t r h bot- o l back /n (hc movemcat.. ■ m .Vm . ‘he game went about the way , dlcwi'islit Nioo-Bi’nvfnuii,jo--Bi.’nvfnuii. llihe torn strand of the ropes. M athis m n W h.i 'Changing The iSoulh Africans were sus- * ______frcshl)'_croivncdicd .iiiiiincJ m ia ju ^choni: c b a i slncccrcd tn.his feet nt nine hut fir £ng state A 4 Crown( ______^____ Dentled-bctDrc-thC-Tnkvn Qlyrn- _ pion5, Inokod ahead to vacalio:vacaijons rcfcrec .-Art' ^Icrcantutrant. . stopped ,i.ppa IS fV ltif pips In 19M. They were readmit- ______Tii>-«dav uhilce theirIhd'r mmana>;c anagers tbe bout, 1 b I I | ' ' S s .. T.EWI.CTqN (AP)I -— Ddendlni;;!!Dcfendinc'thc hand in the finnl rrf.uliirr r n lliir sea-,tedspn.iiprt ln<.l mnnih fn ft tpgrgt-i,-Qlal ---- ' ■ . stancd winhin^me l)i;; money ol-i l-:a « e r, tn(‘ : i vuar-olttr204t^ n unanswered champion MurtauRb;b returns to sison f.amc. He's playedjycd Inin ihejofthe of tlthe lOC.aficr assurances that •*------— fcrrTnrTuiunrfiRtur------r f ig h tv ------ppqndcr frmii Phtladglphta-sBid hint '^ v « Holse swooped IInto n t r a alrisk ll its state lille in "lliendallD'E j_ Frazier's manaRer,TianaRer, ,Yanci Yancey he fell hc could beat anyone in iskutba'il tour- splint, but the handil has since wwitii i^ mixed manaRcrsilm at t’Mexico team le E orIcs tried A-1 high school basketball toul’- s] I at Mexico • f . Durham, discusscdscusscd '• possibpossible the world ond lhallailaUncluded Includedincluded Cas-Cas-never-gotC a £ Theb u t never goi 'nament i opening hereere "Hiursday'ITiursday beenb placcd iri a cast.I. City.Cily _ l i _ - ___■_jnatchcs_HillLlIitJiim«‘jfj l l t j i i r r r j f j t! w .^<<'s_Clai. ^ ____ '■ Bliss, a schtk)l of only A2Al stustu- TTi'cTf decision sei off a chain of Jimmy Ellis ApriJ He Rol his chanceancc ata t~a a ppiece l ^ <^>®«'’-'*»an-iwoi— ;— ------• Jerry Quaro'-Jimmy Ellis Api ,pven minutes Also.relurninB fromam last year’s ddcnis-lncluding 18 bo'y.s-hud.tojoy.s—hud.to boycottboy( realtlon. ' Thiny-twoa chain of • . . ,------J J . f i;;ht-(or-lhnWthrrW orld orld-noxint - Boxii oUhtLUtle.whrnI i)i» Ihft Vnrltl.Box.-W/'fiit nny. ^ J j^ h J u s t.-0ve^ sever) k S w S l S tournament:.at ■Burlevirlev nrcnre thelu:Ihe.upset-.lmtb n ietrfrh JlflliJiiUlciiblack-AfrlcflitJjallotisTjniiWtrnitl nnd Hacer- ).t.-.r . Assoclalion's lieavjwightheavyweight tilltitle, ing. Association Tind the New the Kendlrck'/iian 10 win its llrsi District lltlc. p$ n LT- 6-yOLT - C^misfion^d^ bucket,7 K to /vpfvc T aBcf«[j ? f« P '‘vale Ranwrs: the Kendlrck'/i District title, ps n body and seven other coun- |-^!2ryjQLT:^^< and willi Mexico’s(ico's Manuel R a -Y o rk Aihtctic-Commission tfe- f nnft V n ri', Tigcrs and the Mullenlullcn Tigers;Tigcrs; TThc Bears are lJ-7 ovcr-all. tries later Joined theother ban. coun- ” ' • . - mo5, Floyd Pallerson, BnoncBnoi posed Clay as championhamplon for his slx-poInt h a d . Vann's . r m aking tlielr .Midvale niso had to pull an Av • m ilitary serv- polnt- play c ^ut u t IIt t’to to threelj The Bliss Beafy^a rc making their , to pull an Avery BrundaRC. preslderil of __^ __ • KIrkman and EduardnEduardi) CorletiCorletil. refusal lo enier m ilitary serv------opsctcto-beat-l.DnE-Pin-LcagUc•Pin-LcagUe die'’ ihe''10C.~7nsLslca'thanhe-Mexl-- Brunt) AmaduzzI,'BenVcnutlduzzl, 'B envcnutfs icc.------again bui_thca-came_2olse-huc. * sllflowor,—Califs Itcts bv-Qiey-anrt-twn-hy-)HH.d-twnzhYiUilL O'hcrs Inillie ci>;m-ieam;m Team tour- cl chtimpion Cnmhrtdge;e nnd then co Clly( Giimcs would go bn in ^------mnftflKCiV-heartl-<«m-put-po>!----- ()uarrVr-of->0«linowor,—Califs uoriiiii’. h.id‘liri(j|i CuMudu lit'tlie finals ocfn J go on in m W . isville. Ky.. a rc • CSJ confrolJed fhffthA secondf/^rnnrl h.il/haJfP numi*ni iirt> till- Wi-ii)j)c uoriii;i\ ti; iirthWinais QcroBcinirsencaolcg,'"'' — ' jible. bouls withith .Don FullmoFullm err and EIl/s of Louisville. Ky.. a rc d for fhS k S ‘he Clark Couniy Bobcai.s:ohcai.s of Du- toto- win the District A champion*------"3 — Excnanga ------I.iiii RodrlRuerI ond Gypsy JJo t e scheduled to meetct April 27 nt a ‘(P off and worked for thc Rood, { { Pirates.' shifT The, R angers'arc'14-S.ire-H-S. , » named for ihc shot. Vonn gettinRz It t to cdi c r t thc^ c “" ‘I 'h-J Notus Pirates.- si - Harris, and wasas (oldlold o(.nf.nn nn off)offer site .still to be named for the jscord. bul Wdppo posted-ft-lS-S-season -■ m argin to seven, Bnm u t’OveMhe.over the , Kcndrick, winner of the conso- Notus_has a H-9 jsco rd . bul Wi to mcei Cubann Pedro'MPedro/M iranc iranda WBA’s t i t l e . ______umc nt Ihc record-nnd had to &-S-senson comeback B i s=-=s------ncxffnui-flnd one:hairmmuic$iie:h-(nrmrmil05 IjtionxhamploriShliniist-yc^s■iHifst year, is !f five cf, the Josses cumc nt the rcco — jn-San Juan, Puerto Rico.-^:= . _-______tliroi------tlirouKli-thc-Ioser';5_hrackct_tocomeback - CSr dld/i’l-j:el'onothcr' pofnl); vorllc- with a hands of.A-3 schools. Nrither manager plBn>;. lo t ck’s only loss • Clark County ended.‘d ilsits rcRQ-rcRU- win thc bi^lricl 3 title..brackct_to , I . • nnylhlng (or, several weeks, i f^‘‘s -Is "’hi*® O'cy and HtrfcaclS^K Hart caCJrhJr^ iliK cP|"K 2nd“ickyonVbiis ■' ^FARQ ^03 Main Ave. Wosf ■ ?.. J * s ' ■ four points and itll! Hill-added -flficlpri Ba ''''a** to Orofino, an A-2 .school, lalar ^ca.son with a 10-B-rccordS-recordhut hut _ FiiF ir.s t'" d a v ^ n e s mnich Blissl , Hm„.aaocQ a bJ,„ ^ -ftn-)fl}f'f nn ln) f w 4 i.Tiiiit,n- 1 m it He also i5.tr>'inR to-make Coach Dick Nolan,tn 10 4.( tl|n irr t <>7li - t------,— M av-or-Junft-m aich bciwcc JUeh...r.,i_o-o »:Uutk«___ Emile vGrlffilh.i who lost ^hc th Nofan also refainerfciainec fartieaila m ca Aii j (.o .tjitm£ nj| 4 .c i l-Sears- -V-A .Ttiilo nn __ s_:.s i.Au.iln S l-l I r-mTddlt«tTfilin:rowmoUDnvci2 ro w n n i)iS <9eMuart«hack-Y^^ nr.I.i.ie“i"j:n t~ ---- till, nnd Italy's/ s SnndrnSandro Ma:Mar.- “ , . r . „ ^ i e v 1 ’ linRhl, ibc former'rner- world junkJunl6r t same post h e e ------.•*-— ;— ------middleweight chnmplnn.champion - **as had with ihc team for,*4l»e Grltflth; knockedeked dnwndown In thXY c ‘I'rec >r troiii- i98r through ______Frazier won hcavywelRht titlelit I3GS. Hc played coUege^fwt^an college football ^ree.^y^arters,^ br^koiroko loose for ^ ^ ^ # 1 ' -v M ^ -.V i^ ^ M .n . nL. Ihi'—llnl'.rrsUy .nt. r.-illfnmia CAR -mlniilcs-Tuci; ------IH N G S ^ OiHfOUI^tAI^ O C s^ctuisetis. Mainealne and lllinni^l!inni^ tinder L)mn "P a'appy“ p p y " W aldnrf da'y night-to lead th e r Detroit hv sKipplng mainrnntli mamrnntli BusierOust’ from 19S2 throughRh 193fand did Pistons to a ■121-119- Nalional ,\ialhi!i in-2:31. of the llth roundroui not pl.iy pro footballiiball bbefore. e ^ rc . EO-lBasketballgo- ’Association -victory of n match nf unhi'atens.unbeatens. IriR into coachloR.'g. ' '~ ,. ■ *ovcr the Chicago Bulls._____ &XTERIIR l i S S B B f n G et Fasteraster"


I f l ALLSTATE Exchange . l l - ; 3 DAYS ., 6-Volt - g _____ O N L Y L JARDSMAN H : ' BATTERIES _ 0 ^ w m 12 MONTI!3NT1I ^3 . j a O - M O N T l f I p , J 3UARANTEE\NTEE rvoLT.T...... ; GUARANTEE

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i'5 ' . S A ^ ^ ^ R e g u l d r i M - eguioF^Tny’Seai . ' ' ■ Rag. $17.95 PSears^— - — l O C K ^ M S O R K If youFcaiFis ^ O R B E R S = .. over 2 years old, chances are ~ ' ------y o u h e e d .-—1 - w r r - . [■ .'s A n m icr , |- u j, u tm iw ------[ e e d . ^ — — 0x14 , ^^08 NEW SHOCKS.lOCKS. ' , BT MOST U.S. C Instnllotloniliotlon _ , • ' — -750x140x14 $1$19.95 : $2.212 i ~ ___ Avnllobltt-^ ___ ._ E .q M.aJ_iQ_o,rB.elter}jp,r„Belfer_Ihan_Pr]ginaXEquVIOST U.S. CARS. ]] 0x14 $21.95 $2.383 8 ^ • ■ ■ I-• 8 5 06x14x 1 4 _ $ $23T95 2 $2.56 riginol Equipment ^ 0x15— ^ 19l95=r - . $2.23- ' ^ ■ M e Shoes wifh V SSEAI E A R ^ ^ EILTERSL-TERS. ■ - ^ . 'Bonded Linings .,j^P]1^ ] - Beg. $1.89; ' : ffe_-AII-WeatIieZI H WlllTEWAIiSWHITEWAl M MORE . ^ ..Rog. 6 .9 9 . , ir®i f ___ Exchange____-|L% J______CARTRIDGE ■|fl\ A^IQi^: tl * • MllyJutlly Icmcvl ferler ____ MElOtltBmtBKB tV

■ .. I r ' -:L-;I--' . •> >•' ' ’ ~ ' «. — 3 - - . , -|'

J ' l '

ntftrr=Kh«JulcnyoiAiharn crown for thc past three years the past three >Tars and if he lona Stale, wftff several Individ-Uvi^jTuesday T uesday ththey r have ^Igned Marj "T "^ ^ ~ in PProvo r with host Bflgham 'fO'*'" jcome u a l^ ^ sta rs^ ^ ^ r a^ weM-fc oftcrhoon in Burley.ey. But -ihe-the Kimberly tfill he about Ihe AlAlthough New Plymouth Isn't I trouble ir, oil threee are in thc tallestla team in ihe tournament,ournamcnt. a f:fast^ireaking leam, jt man-i H ' same braekot and willa;iII be busily.busily Ww alker nnd Rod Bulcherilcher give agetaged a 59-pbini.pcr game over- | eliminatinR themselves•Ives before 41^^htm 6-5 centers two deep while age. e W e e k i B c i a l s ! _ deep while age. Ii uses primarily a man! H a rr d d v w a r e y » k S p c » c i c _ lh.e finals. '■ ththe point men are 6-3! Lynn Mc- dcfc dcfcnsii but will use a lonc nti • ______Immaculate Heartrt of M ary M asters, .who has a 17-point times.time It will be the third' ___ ' i i i J f l fVil I* d'Alene. >»iih nvpm pf n n ^ g ) ' "■vioit—i^nioii_}yiffy f f v aliaiulils tm slJlu U|J|H!Jlrilli;i 'TOdi r r i s Ihc dc- Rict?;. who was lsJ"forir the year. Coacn'T5arreitCoai hopes ih'e j^ rd ; - fenilinR champion while thoTf t h c The Bulldogs aiT^not; as strong time will be thc c h a rm .' Kimberly BulldoRs,, wilhwiih two in th e R u a rd line wherelerc Denny Middleton,'withMl a 17-7 record, men rciuminj;, wass second to arand Rick Erickson andmd Kcrnin Is (Idescribed by . Coach L arry , . S C R E W thc northern team a ywry w r ar.o- h:handle the clinrcs, AndiAndcnon is having fair speed' < SQUARES ^ Firth brinfis a sparklinRarkling 21-3 ' 'Thc Bulldogs, with a 13-7 rec- nndn n d 'we like (o break If possible.! y HACK--SAWp A W _ %W - ^ ^ J R I V E R — ------...r e c o rd into ihe meet.leet. In the ord, or averaged 63 pointsnninl«t ppfner fliirOur iivpr,-i11 .huiflhl-^r-tntr-anrf- ' ' • o ^ n in s ■ ro u n d ,-F inrth—th h -th e c t fi gamga e but gave up M. fwe we itry to hit Ihe boards h a rd ." ^-a^ ■ ^nbreokgblcjkgblc Handle______' AW ll^ ■ All S hopes.and Sizes.^ AAll ll MMetal etal . Kimberly with the winner Roinc (llenns' Ferry, cominc_Q{L-nljnc_fi{LJi _MicJdleuia_ilflrt4-ihrca-m_M: eiM ii J -=5 J - - - — Plastic-Hondles------apainst tfie winner o riTr iT ic'IR ir iR \f \f: : 7-17-13 -year and G-1 conference 6-2 andi another at 6-3,, The .6-J ^j 3 Fully A d iu ilo ^ e ------Pressod-ln-Numl3ssod-ln-Numbcrs— ------^— .MWdk'fon d a ih . ^ , '” 771,7?iark, / « in ihe Journsmcnttsmcnt due man is puard John Turnbullnbull who ^ Thc tournament opensipeiis at i:30i-30 coaching by'C ordonIon Brown averagedaver 15 points during the 1 2 ? F 0 R S - .p.m . Thursday wiihi-New New PI>-tri-Pls-rri- ‘haf rcduees mistakesi and turn-yearturn- year but'hiked lhat 16 3I -for niith. ihlrrt (listrictrt champs.rhamns ovcrs. The Fllotj ore led Inin scor- the district tournament.15.^ Jack ^ laklnR on N onh' Cem.,em «ilit uU a an'Jin;r^*~fr2-HailrTirho-average<> n - >"1 i-averagcd Harrol” mark. Car- the i club's quarterback. The for- GlontfS Ferry, fourthVth di.strlcidi.st'rici PCPcntcr. a S-lO-aopho/Mre,lomore, is wardswan arc 6-2 senior Bob Hop- • runncr-up. will meetct Potlatch,Potlatch .Pf proW hlv Ihe best ouTsidcside shoot- kins, nine points, nnd 6-2 senior -which -wm-the-^ieeonil-district«nil-district crand.he.mnxiagcdianB.a-jnark.iB .9.jnark. MikeMiki AniIcrLOn.-.ll polnla._Rod . - title In a playoff Mondayonday nlfiht.night. 'Glenns Ferry relies on a zonez o n e Endicoit,Endl a 6-2 junior) hilhi't'atout about ■ ’""•Tiie'evcnlnR session ha.s Middle- *fen sc ,-m ark Jn g -a-c<- compJctc im p Jc£ c five points per game. - ■■■ ton^HM^t-7430rp;ni;=aod^ja n u ,i^ Cnarh.n1 frn n w n'-tn'_t ,,Nonh,Cem nrllrlnnt-iip-ftomiJip from ——^ bcrlv-Firlh t»t 9 p.m.„ P"philosophy In Ihe pastast couple the A^ classification'but still| icorcd'1162 has b^en more than respeclablcj AlthnuEh IHM fiRurw’lire* to bc.bc ^ o^y<^“ "•'*^ 1e Pilots scorcd-1162 has to u g lrto oust BRam tm s -ycarr ^ f recordrcco this year under Coach' Ihe Coeur d'ATene'*chool willA N ew Plymouih gainedIned t h ec Jack Hutchison. Top scorer is be tht^ .shortest in-overane-Ti i?« All 1 slate-toum , nm eni in a-rebuililing-rebuilding R. E.I Faulkner.-Wl, wilh 16.8 - its heiRht is found . In G-S P a u l y«ar, • having nnly oneI senior on per game, seconded by Fcrri ■ From m , an 18-point perform er, f. ' ; ? ^ ,i’ Ihc stariinc five. Coach3ch Duane Call,Call. 6-2 forward, a t 12,9. Sld • r D uring This Tlic other rcturrorcJ arc kired- l l/ i.* „B arrctfs'.dilirEes posted;icd a 16-7 Scrossley,Scro 6-J. ccn ^ r,_ rin g s Ini I,-’ headed iK’in* Par andw k MU rJ Mk c overall m ark and ties wfth Mfd- wllh 11,5, The guards a re Ter-'| ' T Gray, both 5-5 but'both excel- 5,dlcton, th e 'o lh e r third-di.strictird-district rill Smith,! 5-9 wuth four points . lent defensive playersrs nndana scor- rcprescniativc, for the'lie 'confer- confer- nnd Knv Dean Smith, 5-10 wilh . ig 13 points ■ jQ ers. Pat 1.S averaRinj! 13 points 10 points. i ■ ■ while Mike hits about 10.' Join- fw .The , senior.li G-2 center■nler Lvnn NorthNo Gem uses ba.slcally n E ...... - Inc them-on ther ft staning. House, five who „ carries a a 13-point 13-point pattern patte offense and usually will ■ xisually are'C hris Jacob-ion. 6-0, »nH p;i overage. Tlie jcnrlng; is is found found bc be in li the man defense; B who has a 7.5 averoRc. and .E d _ ------Miholich.-5-7—with-.ni_a_jtpoinl 6-point ■ • mark. i n -VARIABLE ^ ^ e g T $24. W N E W T r e v i r ^ Gene Doyle and . thoseose plaving I niM find the speed makes them I H ' SPEED defensively- touch. Coach Boyle For Springng & CGraduation ' ------aestTibes-his-llefensC'«-a “va- E x p e r t ’A - l n . s r n ^s ^ riety of zones." ------rirth r^ h e-o lh e r-mmosl-lltely o st-liU cly _-----—o « -An Al cucillngly versatile year i ‘ Electric-DriH— - to succeed; brings three starters 5 /fW ^un3 vejted'suircrisp - j overnRinR In double figures-. The EXPERT-7y4-IN,r-7 y 4 -iN . sAW -^ _ 1 top Run Ij Junior Terry Adolf- j L j U Hopsack fabric of 55% 'I ViWRAHTY I - .son, 5-10, who is hittingESng23polnts 23 points e. jfeotn•DACR0N»po1yest?r/45%-Ol 5 ',1 , ...... 90dByi«s------^ -/ / -- CABIHff- S j ^ SAW : H e R e c e i v e d '$21% f «o9S NO) MONEY DOWtDOWN — $.5,00 Par Month'anih '• I J ' ^ t S - f A n y M o n e y It's 0 flp,p, cfOsicut,.iig,Cf0sicut,.iig, Ihoct:. copjng/keyholo,'hol.and and .U-I BEG.$4.9r^ SAING' GERVAIS,5, France scroll Jovt»ovt* oil in onel Bevel culs. Colibroied.ripjroie np \ impact styrons. - ^ tifAP>-~——Jc«n-Cltude—Killy.ude-Killy, - ...... -3500-Hfokas-pof-rnInulo,-- \ , France’s triple gold mednl win-win­ j X ner In'Alpine skiing: events aat t ' fj-'M V V ' hondy.Index lobols. . )ic Games, the Grenoble Olympic Gam es, • SABRE SAW BLADESD E S •' denied Tuesday he hadid received (:< * money for exclusive photos.photqi. ' 33c - Tlie president of thcthe French' v h / p .Ski Federation Mild heIC felt Killy.Killv. J P r - ^ .Y ' ' ' “ J l O Yj 1 I — ilUUId M UUIC 1&-l!uniinuu-{o^;i)niinuo-ioj — v-li race.as an amateur. I X M arc Hodler of SwitzerUnd.jIwitzerUnd.l f f — I n ^ ^ t i t m l — 5ki— ncdera t jonl —1 ^ \ . ALL-AMERKAMERIGAN^PAINWIN T ^ tlM E S ! - - . .. tcl, prc.sldcnl of thc F French re n ch ^ Skll w l ------Federation w gci ly.5>grsioo J of the affair. - ■ . " '. '1 tINT=PANS23^js ^ Martel said he hadid reached ' .0 M l ^ Killy by -telephone^ ^ ,nt..n r v Vail a i & ROLLERS ^

•■Jean-Claude Killy’ infominformed ed | p.r^-R egr$3;66^p me that he is .sendlng’mc p let-t Metal Pon . ■ — :rr(ef-oflid«lly-deelQring--onng~on hishis-} - —I m :------honor -UlflLlhLJl?d_nevtr_;re:lnever .n sl _ ! l y - - /■ < ly .0 . ’ - Y f t t ’-* ' ceived any money lor•“thcexcliH thcexclu-i -. ■ \ - - -siviiy flfcorded the mnwzine Paris-Maich'," Martel'sjild..:>said..,::' ' , ■ J m ' 71 ■•Moreover..! have also c con- o n - • V v ' ' • —*■—ta cttd — excctitivc*—o of— f - P Parl.%- a r l ! i ------— — — - - llytatch,.-who.ccrtified.toto me ththat a t * V -'.'^ I’k T '-.^K the mnsazine had neverlever paid [____ nny tiim m .Tp.m-Clnudede Killy,*'Kiriy-” ______. .. . ' •puf?pnt'*_Roai.*tprpd.Rogi8tp_rod..Trad*m#rKr-T-..------Scores-., ‘ , Other)ther Young MiMen^j... nnlon I.NJCAA . . AUTHENTIC■NTIC N,NATURAL ' Photnl* M. TVCC-;8. 'ACQWOUIIOBm -- Dnii^’ Collrge TS, C.SI 61. cham- pialTthip.- winner lu iXiliontU ------—SHOIJLDERJ)ULDER_SUITS^-™ - ____ . CincmMUmn»u 71 . 555.00 A $59:95' : . , eitoMt------V' “ B y 'M a n c h o s t o r • . . ; iESrop-rCI'^s $59:95-&-$65.Q0^ 1 __ !_ \ UuW»lo.SUt«aj._UM” T»-M------. — t a t i -Teiia n w W.-Mum y-State • — tami^sute •---U i^'i'^R oreil’SOfJlIftBChargJOfJlIOB'Charg* or BonkAmtrftord—“ — 7 '- 5=!S«?"7.;' -J^ . •• ‘ " “TofilhaiD St. C6ltaie.flT“r ^ T': ; . ------or WoltirBanV-7 WalttrBanVof-d— ------— ^ ^ Indiana 93, Witcaniin U .. t jHjCtiQRz&zBECjeiN^ l o o r K ENAMEL 3 ■Purdue U. MIchlsan Stale 75 ------r:------^------ll-y U «8M Pl«»on KCAA'Bertb* . ...-•. ..-ColumSi»-H. Pfli»wioft-7« . ------’ — m pothly.W ithouhWtripping pging^ -gGreyrOniy-vT^ ' • TlononMIJ; New York «l ------—rm naewwi- iJ«rs«n -Difto i « r - — . st: Lotjii iJ4.,s^^m ocHm co ii7 f - m Om P i m r7— n 1 ^ FAINTPAINT ~NOW-AN^SAV] ------^ I N r f A l B - B U B l P W l l I“»_ l - S^URLE¥^UP«f-euHt—= = • pmibufih 12J. Anjihclin M«- _____1. ■ ,...mi’ffeim.m.I^PER'S...it'iRIGHTI80PI8:S ^ ' . ■' I PAINi; NOW -PAY Hong~DoW n"aHeniffl!: Wooireil t. Loi.Anseier2 IT“ f. ~T. ------.'. . — ------7——

- \ _ l j _ ___ ' : 1.'/_____ ■ . J -- .1 ~ ' T.

~ U ' .Iwin FolU limcfWewT"iimeS'Newi March 6-7, I96S'96s‘:" 7 :^ ...... - . — *H i n i t et iH l t t ; i t i t P i• T T T tc U » ^ c ^ a l l c i t tk e i i CAI IION* ______I . - • ; • .

ISi | a l l 4 hJirc'e F a tI one^l PRKIICE ' ■ ■ . :■■' 1- i = # jP a A ¥i ^ONLY!Y l ] _JHURS.,JIJRS.,JRI.,_SAT. ^ z z mo w m I K9SM BBR|SM |[R|i^M |M ja

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H f l V. , i _ ^ 1/ P R r C E —/VAEXJE" ■ a ec i r 8 1 i ® 1 iave(•O ’ r.OO /GUARANTEE , ■•• ■ ■ .And A n d yypii^il Bay-^Sears!, aw ^ nu M A V wi E U f c I l R Ag G e tJ i o t^ J Q U AARE I I YARDt P I N SSTALW T i ■ A T I O W - : irnpgTLTijL i ' —

______J___ ^------1;______r..______L_!_ ■ -' ■ • ' j ' ■'------

_ ------Delicately-’licately— -Casual-Je^osucl-Jexfured— - -^vElegant vEleg Plush Sculptureded - - PO[es WWool ool ■ AllA ll Orloi Orion

= = ==earved=Nyloi/ed=Nylorh=-^ ------Tweed-NvJon- T w e e d J ------. -C-Carpet a rp of EasyC ' ■. , i Modacrvlic: and Pile Caroetin^riir p e tin ^ r i— - - - ^ 33 ^ 3 P ile Pile ~

___^ ___ Pile CarpetinCarpeting . ___ PPile i l e ^ Caj-peting a j - p Care Nylon PijeB ,I AAcrylic Pile Carpet ' ^'Autumnmn Colors Carpetin;Carpeting s : i 4 p £ ^ 97 ] T 97 ® . .5q. Vd. • , Sq. Yd.i. - M_ - Jq.J,. Yd.Ydi------T ------B -- JL Sq.' rd. - ^ y vrllh Cvlhio'Cvihlon . '•Il

1 horriBmakprs on______Thisis.ailbtly.'iotor.od.corpot- subtlV-COlo _____ CarcfreoCarefree 'Sis_____ TriTruly versatile carpcting Sty^s.h carpetingrpetins .has a ' Enduringiring elegance,,elegance dense ' • • ' i : - —B- shOgstiliD^budgtltd n g , budgat—can'.------ingJs_as-practl;Js-aS-practlcal-os-it-is------cpiipled-i leaFsd^texture— ^textyre-end-eafeiMire-and-eafey-<^r-4^.i^»-^ - ^ offord beautifulautiful carpeting.carpi decorative.:orative. Knt Knubby tw eed • d’eepdeep- - dyeddyt colors in. thisthis “■ motifmo blends happily>pily with ■' that is idealil'for-classic for classic orc combined>ined in this gi graceful* i __ _ / ■ All-nvton _pjlo_,resists.rnat-; pile resists pile_}_hides hides footfootprints ond ‘superb plush-p carpeting.J'mg.J' . anyanj decor. Acrylicylic arid- ■ ■ rtiodern decors.:ors. Pure Pure wool WOl • jy •_ sculpturedculptured cac a r p e t. . i " - • ting, ,'rnatking.irking, soil.soil* and. '•■■ •-soil...I... spot elecleans easily; '' c’~ Rich,Rich.. velvetyvel - pile 'lo'oksbks . 'modacryiic'pile‘mo resistsjsists soil'--soilpilQ-resists fnatting; marlmark-. Thick,iresilient-c.lresilient-pile pH with _ __ j - -— — stains.- 6 --crisp-colors crisp -color re- ^ 5 rusticrustic colors are ideal '•■- wildly luxurlbus,luxi yet keepseps andanc stains.-In 2 tweeds,weeds, 5 -. ' ing ..shrugs-off-soil-anjgs-off-soil-and -----doublele-jute-^sist'soiiing, jute-^sist- .. | taia theirfr ' sparkfo for for casualcasualdeco decors. •- ‘■ its luster for years. sofidsofi colors.. • stains. . staining.ing. Jn 9 deep,dee true . • --I . years. ' • colors.'s.' ■ ■ ' i V . . ' •'X - • __ __ .1 ’ A. '" ’

»• Carpot Samplo* ■• ~ 5 )NEY DOW N ;; sc,:,if^Eaiy’ippymorit_PloV D.., ' V ' • '~~r 'Y c 3 ' 6 - B e t t e r - T h a n ^ S e a rs :;^— — ^ ; PHONE-SEA Jgtit 9f your Home.'I “ rrrz.-~£T^ 'w.w. - nir:V::rr7r -—'- - - 5 7 , =:-r —— SHOP-AT-S ^ - “^ I S5 e e a a r i ‘S " . - - FR^E PARKING~ '' ^ . , T ubs ues.,:; Wed.Wed.V S e t , 9;30 a.ma.m.rS .rS jamja.m.'; ^ . ’_- -j — — —-^SatisfactloaijJuanLetinn Giinm ntced^Yoiir Money Back ______y ,;•;• • PHPHONE 733f082151 ' Mon.iThursMon.i Thurs., Fri.,,9:30 a.^.-9a.^.-9p.m. p.m. ;• . • ^ HAimonucir>NO'rAimonucir>No-co7----- —------,

. ^ - - - ...... - ...... ;--• _]______^ ^ ______. -I• I “ • , , / > 'i' ' ' i'' '' lTv/in-Fol!i Timej-Newi___ A*f^______1“ — HookyH< Netss SpanliSpanking For■ '70-Stiidents■70 Stud “ ______^ ich 67. 1969.

I CORRY, Pa. (AP) ii S6m«-TOittro/^jH'k,-who"a‘^in(nl “ W e' told Ihem, 'If you're ' , ir~~rnv.

IT l»»»»Bww«««nr-(^QypQ^-»«»UPON-— •— — f.ii— .....w ..... :_i;".""""--couPoi^^"™ I HERSHEYWHEY . J ■:,j BOXEDED i ■ i GREETING7 CARDS i > / ^TT'-■'1 i KISSERiSES ; j 'i G R | - -— W rapped'Irrfolt—rsed'Irrfolt—r— =------:— r ------for—all-o eeBto s sio io n a------s ------—■------h S i SAVt-^.- =- -=^Ot"M -SAVE^-SAVE i2cMl - V L i : J I k lbI b ; ^C O Y i -j-BOX'.. - ;- B O t^...... I t ' Coupon Oi'ti Anarch ■ . ■ Coupon IiOi'«« M«t(t> 5ili

;•■■■...... " C O UUPON P O N —...... - - I ;r...... - COUPON’ O N ■■■”’■...... 1 1 b I- It---- —■'— SAUCE H^-SET PAN-S j^4 ==MEN^-BRIEf^R ^ ME ag^R - i l ‘ ^ RED CROSS FUNDSB DRIVE MONTMONTH area chairmen are, area ehftlrman,chi and Mrs. Cleon Nelson, Si Cleon Nelson, Salmon Traci chair-. ! from lefc, Mr*. GooJcmIon Schrofder,Schroeder, Filer area chairman;ia n ; rpin. PresidentP. L}-ndon Johnsonlohnson has proclaimedpro March as; Is'-' . . .. y , . ; 1 -■ Vh T / , qquart- u q l |. : Lawrence Knisgc. TwinI Falls chapter chairman:c Ferris Free*re-O=^ * 6 9 4 1 = W o r k I s P r a i s e d J „ * , Ceupsn fiipiittplitt Morch 9ih9'h . . j ' ' '■ ■ Ceupon fiplr«i MonhMfl-ih 9ili9il. ; .*<■■■■ Ban ■ BBBBBBBBBBIIBBBBBBBBBB)' SaBBBBBBBBaCbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbibbi■BBBBBBBBBIBBBBBBBB. “By Secretary^"— K C Red Cross3S Briv;eBri In ValltValley |!:::: U P O N ■■■BBBBBBBBB^ ;«■»■■■■■■■ _ J - ...... COUP-ON-^i; ' O N . - ^ ...... ------WASHJNCTON (AP) - WhJie u ^ - n -"i-COilPON ■^*—v ^ - While fjiwreftce Knigge, FlJer.. viccvice HcHe ssaid a / (o meet the needseeds He safd.tliatsaid i fncreasmg costsIStS B 'I ' . . House press sccrctary Ceorfic chJIrmachJirm an .of thc Tw in FFalls alls of serviceservicemen, the March fund of the Red Cross bccause of thc jm ■ C-hrlsilan said Tucsduy Pfc*;!: ciuipierC liapier‘of the'R ed Cross1 and '''iU'''ill include a special.’Cial VieinamVietnam coconflict, ndded lo these;5'b: H ■ • ^ quiltedi||JEb:_ __ I : 501 dent Juhnsnn npprccialcscs incifunjilicifund tjrivedri chairman, announcesunccs SOS (Support(Sup of Servlcemncn) cn) ever>’dayever>’dav cxpi-nses( will make B5*»------I SOFT SIDE LU6GAGE I work done by ihe CQmniissionl,haimission,ihai,M Ma arch hus been Ocsifltmted»iated campalfin.campalfin.------• demands oron the orRaniwlion ex* H J on-Civi!-Disofdcrs-aJHl_l'iniendsjasiniend-s as Rtd C ro« Month by procla-rocia- Mr- Knij^ficKni added n per.sonai trem d v hen '» | ; 7 ~'PTLLQW COVEI that Ihc'execullve'branch carp- m matlmi aiion-oLlht-PicM iIcnL-of^lhcif-lhc picPj.<--a-io a .lo '“suppori our scrv-ice-I'ice- Ferris I'rcvsioneI'r will be head-3^- B ■■ J _ ____ • fits^standard siZ9 Pillow r j Ihis .Coupon A / - fully cvalii'aics ihe ri'pori'fi anda'nd jjniicdjjnlicd Stales. men. n'l-n. no maiter~w1iat the pc'rr pcTr TnjHiic inR ilic fundfun drive i T U a n s e n r S 't . . . . “ rWORTH^TTTTT.. ; U ' chcck every phase-o^'the-^ra-ihe-^ra- , ...... ------somilsoniil fcojifctOinfi alwut the Vietnamnam ChrisChris McdliMedley in^Kimberly. withI S■■ : ■ \A u ^ 1 2 . 0 0 i U ----cnrnnrt^^ ^ :> 4 w fh i^ W cWaVMHlilili! IIU IIM ilf|H ! ■»**■* _■ , tow/ard purchase'oflase'of any—aiiy" ji ------r ....itfJP u b lid aatlics-Hii^'^t^^ |hawk> (ii"C(l1CWns''oUr^l‘rV1CF ihe'bu;>rncslhe'l)u;.rncss area; KJrs. Glenn Ma * PA Ihc Vice Prcsldcni iiu b.ert c ri^lT H. , 11 - • T ' , njcn deserve our sufiporl." Nelson in tthe Salinnn'T r a c t. ItHTTTTTTTTrTTrrrj * ! ■ size luggagegage " rrr~:’s“ liumfihrcy waj, spcakinR for ihtf AIIa' p c -Tlie fund drive chairmanrtian nnd Mrs. (Gordon Schrocdcr .•.li iri 5g ;■ _Cei;pon.tipimpim Mo-chMoich 9il.9ili ...... J _____ J ' M h Oil • Allowsincreascs- pbintcd, out-that-w atnrllcf costs F ile r .----- _C6uofln_Ewii*AJAaith_2jli.^___ adminaivyon .itt-chalicnKinii'n osts Filer...... ■ a .fa B B B i raBBBBBBBBBBaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBI■ bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb _concliLsinn iir ^ h c fcpoil,:;.-S l h a tTo-Bus-Firms- 'I 'n - arc only a poriion of thc costs “ ouf nailD rn^, movinc low.ird bom-by-thc Red Cross. UPON "•"■■■■'■"•■■BBJ- ...... two socicirL-s, one black, one j,« ,q r "Every day of Ihe y e ar," he I i”- “ ...... C O U P O N :^ ;■...... COUPON'*" -- • while—soparaie-and uncqual.l!—i'ai.™ ■ ““isE'tArjrT!!.'q .^ ‘i ’5lated.-."ihc..Red Crnss-scntis ..■--•FO , lllcs Commission- has allowed - I - -f O R LEASE I j - So far Jnhnsbn 'h'imsolf lias [,us all America wiih its pronrnmnm s ''* i- 1 • I : ^ BOYS' Vihr! companii's opcratinR char-, q prg^jj aid. Resldontml , made no public appraisal uf Ihc .serv to provide blood, tcaph first aid. R e 1 y ' SUNw , I I ^ , I ,., •‘■'^'^‘ces oijt ol Coi.sc rate water safety nnd citizenship."ip.” & B u s in e s s ; ' j WESTERN JEANS JEANS 11 _ week. It said that only heavyli^avy per ,^j[(mile in m ost classifications. ,nile. Kovemmt'nl spondint; and n , ,. • ■ 5* SanforizeSanforized 11 % oz. dcnlm.tnlm. Sizei.6Sizes 6 lo NH . S massive chanRC in direciinnnn canr-.n •'''«•, ■, Roberts of thc PUC'.s’UC’.s Thc raleraie

i o ? m - - . r ■ ■ t .' '■ / " the manymai dress lookroflo o k s o f .. .

W; ^ '^A-...... M w Strolleriultllng... • \ ^o!ljkb6nj5^ ■ wends It* merry v/iy'- | \ J S |\ " Pa ...... aroundthflsun* ; our new Spring Fashion v Y drsnc drenched places. A ...... dandjdandy performer, ~'|T ’ \ - selectionsections ofc dozens of. '• • ' \yt.— ^ / I ' charmlngaudlences ^ B M ^ ^ B ______‘ I ' with Itsdeep tones,’ : ' ^Bglal5ie~Bro(bfeie^Brooks’ dazzlinging ~:T'^T" — T-andtfaal^hlir I . flo u r J jh B * i ■ ■ i~ : ■ dresses:sses andone suits . . . r .. '. \ ■ plusIS newselectionsnews of ‘ ., - / B r N \ 1 Wardrobeirdrobe Magic/ go-togetherstogethers , / / ' : 7r ^ _ $^ 2 0 : 0 0 v'l \ ^ \ ! in blouses,blouses, !

— ^^-;SiEe9-5-15- T—v ^ - t ------In G roup_-!__^^^

______■’ tV. . . j ■ ^ Oh.youflitisrcr!...flillBrirl,,. T ^ making fashion magic \ \ withaneatirrangementleatirrangement______y \ . \ m Sb ' of lean, cleand a n liner, \ \ r ^ • fe*-me contrast and . . \ TfiBfaihioncInth.is'faihioncineh... * ' ' • y \ \ frhitfllng,in?, walst-beliHlifwalst.belittlinir \t \ tl " ■* that crijprtixturod ■' \ ^ l ^ I ^ onlourjreatA-sbapo- our.srea( A-sh^j: - ‘ —S;iioLkymtilNi|f... SmotkrtonHij; . ■ . ' .. .}•}./ I' J .1. ... ^._i.latiricoi.iionoBa—,t iw n flB a y__ "______V l - ' - ■ \ ' ..ofbon(fedlOO%rayoiitfed 100% rayon.' • ' spiced sp'cedwlthwhi with white . •. j ■ I ^— \ . ------: V>-.Ju .Ju st st ttfattfa froslfresh, lightning. A simplesin . ■ '•I * J >• ______.,_____L!._.\______^—flattering fla.tterinjJdnli J(lnlof______—»kimof70%rayon.jkim o f7 0 % r. _-______■—I,-U.___ '/ ./■ . $19:00 fashioning I""’*’to mak ______JO30% iK iolliin.cicotton, curwwhera______p 5 _\ \j__ '■r______. _____ . ” ypirglaayeu^oygfrr^aa'VDU^ffrgirn ^JLCDuals^cumU A • • . . . ipnng-songpnng-'sbng color:colors. •------^------:------itcounts,scuiu __ ;_____ — __ 1 ^ 7 r ______• fageouslyfemlifageouslyfemlnlna _ . ..^ .. / \ ' ...... " ; ^ ~ ^ T 9• 7 $l'9.0p/v..’joc you;iIiJanl«yoiyou,'iIdanl«your ~ / y\ • . '.audience: ■- audience: '.'-f -. / f , \ \ " ^ ~ ■ GET YOUR’OUR TICKETS TICKE1 FOR THE . - '• • ' - .$ 1 2 : 0 0 - ; ^ [ v i . ; FRED WARING WARIN' SHOWm . -.^ 1 .1 -. - i - . =::i-i:^T:BURre¥:30P]^Y SUNDAY-EVENING-AT->1G-AT_ - — - —

:4—- — -Usajyour-RC□se^ourrROPERISOption-Chargd-v-C h a rg o - v —- ____ ~ , m mm m ----, ^------■■■ .''oryuLi-r-BANKAftffERICAKD.\-oryour-E A K D . \ ^ ~ ^ .. ------— ^nrrfrBwirorartr:ifr6wjto rg r>’...» '»Ki6HTi t. _...... — e------i . . . or WAIWALKER-BANJ^RD’RD’ "’ •" .::;.r TWIN FAUS.-'BURtEmFAUS,-'BURtEnRUPE*T.BUHI...... ; ...... ■• "I______. — ...... - -j ....■ ., i" “ . • ...... ’ — •— I ' . ‘ ' ' . 0 '• — r —A*a— ^TwJn FolirTimIrTimei-Newi ej'Newi - Match 6-7.^9681968 - ■ -h ------— ' - — ^ Ki l ^A l j n mGY BACKCK SPEC! CIALS IA I MEiMEANMOREO R E SAVINGSNGS TO YOU!fOU! -

- / ~Ct-EARWATERi/ATER NO^NO^% CA NS_- ______• •- - miTA FLAIl A K E S ...... 2i i i l s m P i *^ _ _ _ J A ^ T H EI PURCHASEPURCH/ OF • ^ ^ IQ A 1 6 O>Z.PKG. Z . P K G . .MEADOWGOLDOLD ■ ALL FLAVORiR S s _____ ^______•_; ____ _

« r — COMBINATION—iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii a - ■ . IS ITATO CHI!c h i p s . .■ 6 ^ - J R ---MU5 .M U 5 TT. . bbe e ..-. ■ - - i^l^~Crecii ------— ------«S A A V V e ^ -2 9 c ------^-- !: M fe PURCHASED for ^ TABLERITE8a OZ.0Z. ' , ^ -PIGGYBACK .PIGGYBACK ^ . AMERICAN QROR PIMENlPIMENTO GIANT SIZE5I2E • , ------J i r ^ 1 & ' , SAVINGS! SAVINGS} ^ SUCEDJg ID CHEESEm M 1 = J J DDE T . . . . ., 6 - 1 6 1 ^ .. ' Tablerlte MediumSlum oor r SheSharp WITH THFPDReH/PURCHASE-OF--:-----^

— RANDOM[ WEIGHTWEIGh CHEESE-. : . - . ^ LO H Irr ^tEEtJE>t20O.COUJX 2 0 0 COUNT-BOX— - ■: ------_ ____Pil|sbujy_or BallardJallard_^______■ - •.. .______3 ----- REFRIG~BISCUITSBISCUITS 2 9 ^ ^ A CCIALTISSI M ISSUE . . . 3 5 * SAVE 2 2 c

------—TableiTttabIeiTte=USDA Choice^Zhoice — :

- i K i ljyygjsjljll S I II •K'^iSsii.'kA

I Tahtoritfl . U5DA CholCB I RUMP ROAST ^ ^ 5 ^ ' . • V N ^ H ^ ^ nut mnuu U ' CUT-UP-UP " V E cIt — p j b - — ------^ r ^— U ~ — Picteweet MixkfllxorMStcffSale or Mate] _ PEAS OR ------^— _ 'Tablcrito------occoEr . p ^ ------pkg. SMOKED HAM — 7 CRICRISCO Butt Shank ■ Ploco Piece ' . ' : { ’r i ' l i - "' • — ------4 c OFF0 F P 3 lb. can P '“' ------GIvoyourfumitureilture “FAV FAVOR" 7 oz:------— ® E - z ^ B =FBIiNfFURE^FM RFP O PH ■. V . . 79- T - S 9 £ 4 9 E s

SUN C0UNTR¥r3'SeE^RVrS-SeENTS"- B Ol O O l M S PP I lR AOEK ^ JMDOWNY ff,* 7 'o REGUUR y PRICE p If : 5 1 - m VETS DOG FOOD «™1 cans . . r r. ••...... :..,..:.:-'124*1 ...... , s i ! w . 10c I ^ I F 'i COMPLEXIONCOMPLEXION. . t F y • SIZE ONLY ______: _ f CORN OIL KMARGARINE; :...... = . 3 ^J9 ^S J i ■' • ■ /— ■ Shavor's46oz. GRAPEFRUI1FRUIT J U IC■^Unsweotened E j= i ...... : .:>------.Z ^ Z W \ -‘IISI. . " - Regular—Size,:____------1—— .-_Kinq- _King-Slze^— — -JGA^OIGifflEGARETTES^oTnthol or FilterFilh . — ao ouNci • , . NAllCY'J KOSHER 01 110.110.. . ’Iil : IGA CATSUP'...... p...... X...... 3boiiiii 95c J)i bi Jc TOP JOB _MR ;; ?5c ^DIU-jPIEKlES\ „33 ... tor-...... T...... 39c jlP _MR.CLIAN ' VA NCAM^'lSIJW cans' | H : 22 i 2 S ' p .- PnRKr& BEANS-TT;:::::SS " ^ .. 79c:. J" VSOL dlSINEKCTANT:,anC irA N T :, - li v ______■ — 'Giant Gian -Regulg M l SfOO # 1 0 CAN ~ I S izeI .... # S ize . •5^ AIR SreAYW 'so£8o£^ can ...... O ^ - _^P.O IA T(Lm K ES:,.^„.. 6 9 c : _ ^ ;____ _ =

^■v ■■ ’ #i Fant^ Golden Rlp« 'O k l l .. GIANTG I A N T si: S I Z E

P I IVORV SOAP I ^ S P ICC & sSPAN - / - - W A - .-■■■; Snowhfteowhito Cello Wrapped—^ ^ ^ - - - M - t f w i g i A U im O WM E R R - - l T^ i 5 ' L'ergo Bors •'•ff. SnoboyJnoboy FreslFresh ORANGE3RANGE JUICE . . quart bottleb. 3 9 c - CAMAY S-Mf s ■■■ ^ _ ------R e g .- 5 9 c ------' - 1: 7^RlGHT-GUARr^-| - [ADlES’’ ■ : i--J^^|_:PERSONALSIZfISONALSIZE IVORy . I • • " , • Bath Bar» •____ _ DEODORANT | SCARFS - — ISRS 2 3 * I U*A SAFEGUARD- Sit Withoutt h o i j t C ooppon. p p o n 4 B a r s 3 5 c ^ I’ j ____ 5Dm m T * w i BAI] fu«cHAs« ' ;{ ' Ll--- > THH-OTOOOCfeTOiyW»»lm oooo^w=M»»orT*piflji” ‘ii\{':r::^r !' • • •OOODONlTAT.lOArOODONITAT.IOASTOIEJ ’ : « ■ CltM»tu(.|r}01>weN(c»iT comWnuii i i l r o •— GBBEnQgBOnmy^gn ___ • Regular Ban ______.■ Bai{Balsa. .Pink. White i

_ " ~ ■■ I . _ ' ' ■ ______. :-]'C ■ - ______~ -“i - I _ TTwInTdlliTfmaTNowJ w InT dili'T A=3 M ______Mofci M ofch 6-7, 1968 . ■___ . —HughesIsW?sIsM aiiTOo-Thi lo^hinks B igri g r - ^ S S j p S j I Kellogg Miner 1 - 1 “ Dies In Ir Chute i - T u T H iis s PPlans h Remm ain M ysteryiry ssliK ?• S iai ’ ■ JCELLOGGJCELLOGG, Idaho (AP) - A ■ By.D lC K K LEINEINER ER iixinduilrial operations — a self- acrossaero- both ends of Lasas Vegas "\:; ’rl K frH v ■ S Sunshine unw ne MiningMli Co. miner w as ' \Vcs( Coast CorrespoDdeotespoodeot comalncdco plani-and-cltyity in one?ne stripiirip ond chargc admission. , . ■ ' kUIedkilled late MMonday when hc fell ' ^ tf _"fNFAV *'™c’“re"A-third-body'o(y^o(■thtnk• think- MostMo of these nrc ridiculousculous — m ■ . down aiv.or»^ute-{n-Suuhinfl aiv.or« ------lAS’VECi^. Nev. -JN ^ ) milH ^ nn f r nr^ thpy? W ^h a m an of - j J ■ - fnJft*H»««r-]{nif««HK«r=l)«reit:Utt:£onipuy^r^h:~ ------^--AlTirost^n>'wticrff^u~j(rm(f^^u^Rnn *f vmuld he an or_n i . A Airerafr i ^ a f r Hughes* v.TaltlraiiJ eccemricityrem ricityr ■ - sald TTuesaay: uesa a ; ------southern Nevada, you h c signs J?' V i' i . .. . ;< r ...... ------anything-ii possible. Then. too. - f l ■ ' TbeThe victimvictiiT was IdenUHed i>y . 6f.7!ovfarcl“ nughes’-prescncc. " n,r>-» >he Way itt is wwith ilh the the. iactions of his aidess aare re not / - ■ the-comthe-com;»n> ;»ny as Simon P. Com- Drive down th e 'S trip in Lns L v ? * ^ : ’i , . . er, 40;.of ninearby Oibum. Sun- _ M-four-i^R ev.wWn8.i««‘«fihC!5_<}ofisJl£ie.Iocs here, calci calculated lo crcaic confidenceonfidence _ -Veeas-flnd:.you-*co-four-blBf” .iSj!LS,‘^ls-evorv-al:tk>n-brccd».a.=iie=»a»=wggnir^ H _ aoddngjon a rirllllnB-opcfatlao___ — Driva out of; town, Into the r r! I ~f^oup.~*~ ~ ~ ^ | ! ii ■ ■ ...... v 'n u J ” M. Among the rum ors which fly A Las Vegas m an built him- r » l H - at7the-3,B50’at7thc-3,B50-fdbt-Ievel'when'h« scrubby.det^crt/and you see mile tables are self a new lumc. li.cbsLnso.OlU! L s k ).% -«-»J I fell.fell ' — — ofier^wne=of-open=t3mt=w»ilcbJ"1 atound.ihe blackjack tables arc self; - - ‘I^------m------and- d—wns-furnith»d—clcgantl)L H — ^Anodierer AnotJier'emploj’ejworklng'wlth :— Comer '«nld Ihli hack was turned* I . , He ij going to Build a. medical Soon after hc m qved'(1 in. a • Whal is he pianningnlng to do? jj^aiU the be MayoMoyo Hug!Hughes representativee called ' * and didaid no'not see wtiat caused ' And wh): has he c feected c t^ to(o set- nr u n i j , ------and said, "Mr. X. wc w ant, to H Comer lo l(lose his footing and H .■ fall down4hdown4hft-chute...... '______tie liere, when withh his weailhweaith t-Hc * j i, going to b uly y .«• a H l l -th t h e« buy your hbusa for aI Hughes hc could go anywhere? hohotels in -L aj V egas and -ulll*-ulii* execexecutive." . B Nobody knows for'or sure, of maiclynii close dowr> the gam*gam- WlWhen lhe man said itII w asn't couriie. H ughes likes'itl it that way, bllbling operations completely.plctely. for isale, the Hughes mannan said, BT enjoys th e 'm ysteryy that sur-sur* He wants lo controlol til the "Wc icnow just what youu paid for VW ' ______rounds h im 'n n d revelscvels Inin the nrivai(> land in the stateate qf_Ne-of Ne. |i. ii. a and we’ll give youj.a a halt- half- I S ^ aura 6f corifusipn his. mysteri-mysteri* vadava (Die state whicHHi^sh“ hUs~lhe lhe mlllimlllIijfr=T>qi >'uu iiiusl.-iiiove E -----ous riyali n ^ catise.------hl|------highest pcrccntage- ofof public public out out tomorrow." -The -man'Te--m an -rt- Onc d w l w hicfrtrDrDn-Uir-rtc- n“the^Ttc» ^and.-ihereby-lea«iaB-tha^«h«»-Tm)t11. allr fusci finM ----- ‘ I crd is typical—even:n though It estes percentage of privateIvate land HtHughes And his Icam,, It seemsseem s is virtually settled,, there ljlj- -a,and9,o n maklng.it easierr for one obviiobvious, iinow w hat-Iheythey are H , • vestiftal .m y sK ry .which^-hich kecjjskcejjs 'man mi to-control). abouabout, and have known for some H g --' Las Vegas guessing. He is going to .builduild galesgates yearyears. One old associateiatc says H he saw ^K V / Hughes wants to .build a riewnew —““ ^7 — ; ------“ that, several >-cars ago, he saw ■ Jetport for Las Vegas. T^e on Hughes' desk a statistical H I I iuAujS ' ~]^ breakdown on Las Vegas, cover- |H Clark County commissionersiss^nera oreare ^| n i* spcct_ f ------currently—conKid«rinR-hf»-pro*ng-hft-pro- -v k ------___ Ins'"S J every conceivable aspect0 of0 M l “ lhe city’s economy andd’ pcrsolupcrsotb m posai tknd nobody 'thinks they „ will turn it down. The deal bolls J Ing . C ali your .local , Truck Thefticit "Hughe* does nothinging over- WWlfWE^ OF STATErEHBl compcUlIon for Dlrirlbullve Edaca-daea- MMcood cood place : In’ndlo'ipol:-ol: Linda Bell, fir first place In training Cali down to a simple exchange — ■* ^ ■ night," people who knownow him tlon Clubs o( America w trtrt, t, iroirom m leleft, Phyllis Wagner, fint manual and personal decisionleclslon olaaklag, a k la g , iand Doug Marcus, he’ll build the_county lhe_ict.- » head-and ^^plaec In Individual m arkellngkellng -jm-ifflprtrvemenli pfdve Suile MacDonald,.m aid,. -— , i Ui a nt.plt .p l a c e laJobJntC P lew .______: port IrT J ea~n,rsQme'~-<0'~mlles Tff nlflns-wfll-ahead and :^plat ^ — WARBERG^S—- he plans thoroughly." “ “ ■ away, in exchange f (or old ' Me- i AresErobed^ K — =M0iaNG;«TCRA6E ------' . Carran Field, closer to Vegas. HAGERMAN1 — Officers ore Th _ o s a n r 733-7371______city a re ec- invesligating a one-car‘ nccidcnl «e ir ;■A^Stee^TaU^s— ^ •The county and city are ec- in' be^ad- _ - ______I—__ CSI Takesrlrophi^s=SF^ Trop] ------statln sb o u n h o T lealrT h cy 'll-g ct • a 'n e w field, big enoughlough lo-ac-lo ac- SaturdaySa morning la Hagerman.iagermun probably one or more have some AAf^Slated T commodate the SSTjrs and theyIhey ;An unidenilfied driver °L,“ of a truth{L.l to them. _ [catioh SessionmT ‘O r ntiielevei^level, ^ ' even harbor hopes that the aiV- aiW 19(]963 gray Volkswagen apparent- pjrjj^ cj, ,jugj,p, known ..to /Ilti Boise Education po rt could become tI West Coast Jy was traveling loo?chwal fast M to ^ JMi|oyed«tasf™si° Vegas. "On I ! Goiitractc t t The»,c College of Southern'Idaho['Idaho attended by students from sev- f i g terminus of all intematlotialnational SST mir^alcc a curve on Highway 30 J from e ra l college s a nd universities[lie!"' in d o -v o u lik e LG ^H w , ti(L.U5CdJhllJlUUbJtmJnhls -prmBURCH-(AP>-^ft-iop.cAmc_- p r r . rhft-ioD cAmOomoJojS-WcckendJroro crai coii.e ------:.'like''------W ' ------fTfghtr'evennralfyr-lfuBficrfiasifugficr-fias orifirtrry-Kmlts-TjtJnfiTTf-Ha'of m days ond, iaicr. when oachl^ Bolso wllhaeyeral irophieseorn-s'earn- Idaho, wiwilt go ioThe nallonarfT proposed the building of a'rapid gei ,cr. when ncRotlalors in the approaching B obo Ig of a'rapid german at approximately,ely 6 a.m . . was stili being seen, hhe e oftenofien s.Jli.steel'industry i contract negotla-nrirntls- cd In Distributive Educationication nals in i A pril In Houslon. Tex- . j transit line. Unking, the Jetport SatuMay.sa relaxrelaxed here. (Significantly,antly, he uonj Tuesday theyV havehflVe con contests. e.“c first wcre-DougJ Mar- ThereT here w r e eight local stu- -The m ystery !*. however — knoclcedkni down -a woodenOden sign thetiie ffirst hotel he boughu)’*•) ; . -ionssions ofr local issues next monyi;_ „ n , h - o i s ^ . ob Intervifiwcr; UndaLinda dents piparticipating. Including . ------^ ‘hardocrHuBhcrwanrwitlrMc-'anrwltlrMc-' pOitTiiWcame-to-stop-an-thepO! op-on-ihe -seconarNevadn-has-no-stale-sec i^olniwo' months eari^ ------Bcll.-trainlng-manual-and-^° ty c.the-wr‘[lhe-w inninne»-^nd—Potv-tiodge.----- WL C arran Field? He alreadyIrcady owns lawnlav of tbe Valley Motel,lotel. nor-nar- incomcjaxjollhoughincor thatlhat_may may _Thcy_*ald_ihcy'llJwait_for -j^c. a |. (or decision making, andd Phy- i>}nnliiv n n li Ricc,R Norman. Slutineg- . . , . . som e'parla-or iirb u t: would wind rowlyroi mlwlng ofiotlicr slgn ppst; cKaj)fic.any_ycarj:and:nO-5taic cKajj; .nO-5taic j„junp-J -. - jiipujated In the lllstWagncrrlndividnal'iaarktt'larkO" ger'And'Gcarga'MondragcmFA]-gef *nd'i tmpAi- — • ' w,. ,T — L ------•'••':'~r— B ------UB-Offnlng nil. -______JThe.car h wdi ripmolhhcdr-hcd.------inhc:lnKn.-iin,^_la». FnV n mmnn nn wilh wilh j;"”; , ,, ,q foV inn Im As" with everythingng else, the There1 was no ownership:shlp iden- his rmoney, that is desirable.,irable., „inl„,nl lalks•I; on.'companywIde” is- dcnu. rO * — =^oyi^sloiiKoso(iapo^^|iii|i rumors fly;------tificaiion------tifi -in the c a r. whichwhich w wns as Th; Third, Us Vegas is open 24 supj ' • d ECA W- FALSETEETH:WL • ” -B u t-w h is k e y can tatas ste te good.gocxJ. W lion believes tf“ced through the liccnseecnse andond hourshour a day. Hughes likestes to op.op- Thejhc present steel contractr-ict forfnr «''olcral Otherol awards, among Ihcm _L _Q ncjcho6l of opinion bellevy tf® Suzio,MacDonald's.$«cond.placftI E Chewing EfRcleney^; y ^ ______whiWhlskpyrjtn fa.stP rosl gnnd. | ------Be— will— c re ct—n——permanent perm anent wag=owned-by>l^'ltrSlacketicr,3bekcilcr, eraie-lhai-wayt-and-{ind»-thia^0O;O(M«raic ind*-thatrt«W»-menTrxpirerAug.-lr ' • ?uiio,l Increased opto35^0IB^-o . Whi Whiskoycantastewondorful. _____ World!5-Ealr oii.ihe site.!lle Another Payette,P*> who was unaware-iware- that featufeature a convenience. .. . BothBolh sides reportedlyI v '' ' had .‘n™®: fn *!»'- ‘ i M ” ’ knows for sure that tiehe is pimPlan- p -Jt-I i^hBd•been•stolcn-ualil4ncaLalt l.lrvnl n u. _I'o: Kniirih, Tin Vecas Is uniquely uhiquely l)fcn_been dlicusslnc smrtlncg_.talks -talks ' ~\Vinyrs "inr of the stale contest,contest, tM tt rau gtStSfw ______W . nlng to build a’ massiveissive atnic- ‘nj thorllies telephoned him.lim. suitedsuilCi to hU mclbod ol3 ^ opera* r u * earlierearliei than normal .so ^ they '------»T«rtw ug W as% S -— W V aittai^ou— _____ ture to house all of h|j_varloush ijv a rlo u s ' One of the residentsnls living tion tlon — it can be controlledrolled by could forestall any inlervcniionk-cniion _ MINE REPORT ' you-— ^ ------nei nearby, wns w akcncd'byby theac*the nc* onc-man-raoreonc-i caslly-thBn-iiny-han-ony- from'lfie^ile'Houscfrohi'i thould a 's p o . hould a SPOKANE (AP) - Golcondat o f i S ?6S« |V |" ^ ta s tie ”‘C ars^£aifsr”'Vfairs. cidcident and looked outut of the placc else. Who controlsIrols the strike appear likely. Mlninf , - , Mining Corp.'has reportedI to the ^5^5wi?teoxl.^epmuny,pMS ' ■ f i u ■ -, wiiwindow and. reported seeing a strip hotels, ic is said, controls ComConrad Cooper of U.S.5 SieclSteel Spokanecnokai Slock Exchangee pur- tStSTiililuiM. iKipt chKk -atBwr. odoK T n tO n nian running toward thebe_to^ town of Las Vc{ja^^IlJs^^a_s^r^ll_twalM ow n. n. Corp.Corp, and^l.W.Abel, ^i;c^sldcnc^o^Idem of chase of 1,400 shares of Hecla .D Deaiur*. entuna.tliat Ot >n MMtitlirS'.-- to . . . . .w. 1 * nagcrm an fiuiii ilie aCuJent.— projr S £ j _ i ------V CtOB-B6CHa.-»rCOa* » authorities™ that his 13G2 Ford men can easily find out every- talks . Falcon Ranchero pickupckup w as thing about anybody.- ' betwe’sailroaa.uv-s - ..------operate at substantialIlial losses. ------^ ------Thc~'ra1Iroad"says~lr-losniicrrelr lo 5t- more — _ — r - tli8i i- >SOO;Oeo-on - the - tf a ins -in — -ToTrelj^ro^ r o l ongyoittLyOii'r V K • ■ lhe first nine monthsths of 1967. . ^VAM el*r It says future operationation of the \ 7 ) V — —tralns-will-only-increaselose the loss- . ; \ // ) ^ \ es, because the Post Office with­with- ; J n i y \ \ - S le niderYears...^— d e r ^ V ------— drew In November theihe handling . ' • ' 1 ''*7 ^ : ^ ' y of mall on the line.*. The- mail I i operation was the biggestggest source i f ( V I A . • p A of revenue on the trains, lhethe U ^ railroad says. • ^ f o l l o3w w tth h e Gov. RpmptonxaldhebcliewjIhebcliewj - ' /O y ______; “ ‘special'circum -M ancesrices ipsUfyjpstify •' V — ■ m e uui-jjr-iHKket lusu.u>““ Of'Ulliii^or uviii- ~------a y - ^T — rofileiBi&le B r e a d ating the. trains. Thehe governor ■* . y f ^ ___[tald -there a re frequentquent times f / " dufin« llie yeaf-whcaJjadwea-taJjadwea- ' ______^ ^ Profile Dread help* you keep from overettlng.'overeitlnj^J______y f • ------—M th e r m akes it dangerous,or:rous^nip- hn-' — ------HHeilo^?^lintS==ilo^aulingi=H ust-=had-t»-coll-y6ur4-heatt-ydUr-Wiave-anf-api— • — = ------PJL— la n. l e /n^'-y H nnesntiTOs ftc'sa liyo j ud o r aOminute tbeforelgBch-^— ------^ u ~ ------polntm entnt--with-one-cf-"’ _ ¥ PaulInel'lMA,„ l call you. . ^ ' •l^ rw rl^ '^ l^ tli'irp ropQSgdlclimlMscdlclimfna-. H ■ ■ ■ v< "tlon of th e S alt U k e Cliy*DutieCliy-Dutte , | ' ' ■ V , . trains, which run dailylily between ^ I •______M A A k t f S S ------Ihc"pdlnl37^'ls B~st6})j r i oO K M i r T a a p p __ y f l , _ rection.” ______. - MEDICAL EFFORTFORT ■WASHINGTON (AP)iP) —- The ■ ■ rTSPTuiS ■ government ■ anriouhced;Tuesday:ed;Tuesday ...... ® iHc-?nart- of-te a l»-tt)-lfi>d-^toc------tive pnymcot inccnllvcj' to con- ______trol soaring medical c^u nunder d er ' ni^fcare and' other”jcr” federal v— health-OfOgrnm^ • ... . lim friiiifinilllim iiiiiii ~ -CAIN'S T'lEWNEW CARPCT-MOBILECARF loaded with every car- ._ pet sa(Tip)ep|e .., . . readyreao to be dispatcheatchea to youyour homo by ■ ilCHtAXBWM M lf ilS B ' JBL— — - a n g x p e riB•ienced n c e d ccarpet arp i safeBman. . . . . _wT>icKtw W ijJBfW ' — I g gO i : - ’ Mohawkihawk C/CARPET MOBILEBILE Special!;Spei , THEI , ------CONTINUOUSlOUS FILAMFILAMENT .NYION. C y i — ,... ■ ■ - _:Choiceof*of 6 eolcolors. ^ g l __ I - REGULARj\R $6.95$6.9 “TTi' “ F lU ; ?4.88 :. • ^ • *v * v . . ■ ■ • j f ' BlOEIt ^ 0 ^ . : . r ' ■ . f l M r T ' ...... 7— iisten-^o------: rrClB

1^— ' ^— 204-MalrrAvorN:ialrrAvo.-N.TTwln-FaH« ------—“I------^—^733-7111—^7 i " - i ; ------ON-YbUR-RABlCMJIAL ^ iiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiini iiiin i ' ,j- , : :

.. ,.... . — -V-----______•______...... X—------r______-____ ‘— “ -'-J-— ^— =------•; ------.----- ^ ------' ------r - * ------^ = = = s ^ _i_)U _^T w In ^!lfTImei-N8Wi-Imei-Nowi. :’ . Morelj 6 -T. 1968L , - - /v. . . . - ' ' ' ...... ' '• r r : ■..■■,- r ------s - S ...... - r f ' ...... --' -^' ‘ -'' '' • ' .'^ - 'i -' ( ------. ' . . l . ; _i . • • ■• *'------

rnTJ^-r-^mm______'. .... •- ! - ■-."'.i; - - ')R" IS T O R -li-jS ^S "E" IS FPU r ,:''* ' . -■ - ; j . . " B " II 1------~ | ^ ? ' ~ ‘ y ^ ^ ' ‘T* I3is^FORjj-p 6 ^ " | 0 -"-risFpR.-, IS f ; r f . ' T T ° ’' ii t W N ; y T t r ^ J . -1 ~ ' '■ ^ ]"'!;: 'jJaj^iS feaaS ---- ” '= i f Ti : 4^Bm ER-dLi2g|_§ - ^ll -SELECTIOH-lj- || —- ,- ^ - |^ - . l - *-TOTAL^TOTAL±jrr^iffi^_^^^ j i_gl££RSONNEldi±iiy |i==BUYF^=Tt^-ffl'''^ ,fOR YOUlC l]~ ~jp "FOOD~~ji i i P MERCHANDISE MERCHiNDI | ' ^f~'^ERvH Fi^ ------'n-r-—V- ■■■ ■ ININAU ^ . j jjW 'IN EVERY"' I ■•■ '•*■•) • ■' ■; ~ |S p 3 — PRiGESr— ___ ^nipAJlTMINTS__ J___v ^:? .-.? 1 i?:iSf'SHOPPING/il/ II •;-T i p r ....SAYINGSVINGS " I I ' IN EVERY ------J --- —\f^;----—MPARTMENi DgARTMENt-r^I .. -;• ■■■'-q^^|fL_YQy._.i;L.. j ------:- S t n g z r z ^ J } S S ^ ^ ^ E ! 2! I j J58S® 5|te^— ______-HLLSBUR.YPILLSBURY .— EXTRA UOHTL IG H T ' . P c H M Ci g k l t t e ^ i X ■ > m 4 ^ ^ 0 iSf ^ SSUNNY U N N Y (}IM 4IN -'IMITAtlONN FLAVORED"FLAV o H e '' z p m M f i p l ee - S y r u p


B r o W n i e m m

__'j__ ''

^ ^ F RFRESH*PICNIi I i c m c — p | ] | w ^ P O Rr i t ; z i S

■■^,yy.y.-i ■ ’ - - - - - a i ^ - - ; RR C 3 ig ^ N M ~A i^ ^ ^ b H Ib

!____ ii P E R _ POUND -

. ‘‘‘OPOCb” ‘o p o i GRADEDE A

I P r ' -:.TuiT U R K E Y — ^

y ; = H H il i M Ofaprterrjli i i a i


GREEN GIANT'iX feU T T R E Y S DELISHUS-^^^ .f C r e aim m ^ t y l e C o rn •»• • •• •• v 4 j m m rg« 1 Ib.lb.^6 6 ez.CI. loIon o v ii' >->’ G R E E N g i a n£T t______' ' ______;------■; ’ - :—

! ! ^ 3 m nler^ e i^ P e n sT•Y • • •-•■ 4'-T i n s -

GREEN GIANT _ " :'V; r~ f e - I* S ‘. c" ,: K B M B ifth . M g ii i n s -.# •■:• ^ns henzilljcedced B e a n s -4 -—: ------^ - - ^-^QREEN-GIANT4Tt ----- ^ — ^ ^ ------’• ' ’ ------¥ m m ^ = = ^ i F r e nicli c lP Sliced^ IBennsIts .• ;• • . 4 - ■ GREEN GIANTJT - - V ,' ' ' — N ib jel e fi: l ^ K iieli^iirii^ ^ l P i S S N ■ " B t r f r R E Y S!; d e l i s h u s "

■:------III! I llllllll III Illll THI " ' 0 i

^ S p^ C i H i i i n ^ m SSw s I j M m H U^ ^K I Nking G ^^ I Z M G p = ^ | ! ® m-' | m _l ” U j A ' . i i i ^ E Na S 3 1 y p Rjr-p;^p;;rzPERSPHAIrSIRSOHAt-SIZMVORY—- 4 - .^ llm S tV OELICiOui—- «AsraE«sr RASPBEISY niito Fl ------

BARS 2 7 ^ " ™ - - ' ’ —- —(wtDui— (WtDUHlS-COUPONJ^i .. !.. _ bhout-Couporr4~Bar» 3 5c~^{------^ R V j 'P coo^N m ucH« i m n io u u o ~] w '* OFft»ft» oboo TH»U-THtU MAICH Jf, IWt | % S ” ' ".L ’ I ■. 'COOD Of^LT)f

...... ■ - ■-■^‘■"==- j_j_H --....L'. L ■ . I • ,, ,,.,_.t r f NOTHINS (S ^ \(fss:'M^ P S S r f m f yy-< x~eu£sr?jf\ — ^ iT.r-K—— >"ioaooooFCR H.V oafr^fi-AHHASADea^o w r - ^ - - K m y = m n k m ry 1 ^H p|Y oungjng AAme'ri m erica'^ , By Jacoby tte-Mne § ^ ^

' TIM E TOI AVOID v.V. In Liberiy. N.Y.. the j i ixcd :------^----- STAVMAf#-CUB------and borls Brovvn. 'l?>day'?hS Today's hnnd E LE jUAfTO W WALT DUlD U L A N E Y j ^ ^ ^ j j j j j j l ^ — '• ■■ ^‘rhore-are n nanr-convgfH unc -tjfnhcir-B00Jr-^^corM|3 -3C0fC3r- ^ —4iiw^*/W=lirlspff^ptococ^ rlg p o ^ -^ iU w -^ y ^ .^ -fn C T i.n n r~ti»frumt>-fl~mt- • shculd keep' In hisis tool kit. One no.rcoion lo.look far a . of these Is the tw& f r S ; ^ ^ ------y - A J, . • ' -. — .L esse. West k d a second heart TOK« ncfcam oti^^ j i y ~! ^ 'o f 't h e Just the right thing. F e a rs im- 3 . io"Ticr~(jaecn*Tinfl~shc':led-the^ m BICHT IH/>ia£«;iCS« fow. Jous. a She has . a 's t u d y 'o f ' the Just the ♦ J 0 3 • nnd son planted this early j !0 under- j7(j. nine of clubs, covered by the 10, tW/2» o jttv M SIM'»' Bible with her daughter nnd son planted ♦ AQ76- “T ------BVErrTntOTing-fof-en-liouFr-Sbc-muiiuLr>our_Shft-frnimrt nnd-t)Oison a youngster’s — -FAST queen and kin^. East couldn’t^ I.CT 5 ""J™ • , >VEST ■ ' -E A S T " S f ■ Js .so reiiglous th a t she: forbade healthy-inealthy-dewopmenfnS“d slund- ' - AtTTin'j lead anothor heart nnd shifted lo fai ■ Sf J5.Son* ■*'9------A K J I 0 7 —TQ v%, v S , her chlldreh chill to listen to0 thcthe ra-.on-his-oy ra-.on-his-own-feet Individual. If you _ * 5 4 3 iL uhc-*evciilLspadcsU>QtIiJ'J(W- - d io o r to hear a n y of thhe e -sonRSsongs can’t-coican’t-control the boys,-work-out-— . ^ = = -— - - - .ed the.guecn and WasydcllghlM. , • 4K872 «nU3-4----- a-fofbld«.jm -aecenlflble_ oliin of. punlsfi- X V 11 •» lo^ImToinrTlnene-thttt-worltcd^ ments with your mom ond dad. 4*104 • ,.7 *KJ83 r » • She led the eiRht of-clubs and them to watch*TV. ments w ' • 6QUT1I (D) . . . . J But please stop iHcse horror lost that (Incssc'to the Jack, but ■ f jnn - -But.But evevery night iriy girl friend jioricsl'' ---- — ------A A Qii-dldn'l 42 tnnllAj. ,She wound up ------______i j ------tc-hM rt«^ n »i ' ‘ _____, . I ^ tJC^M front of our TV. My mother1 th e r and W IO rN O lt------♦ AQ8>5 . twrt diamonds and ^ti'O ti'O clubs fo r ' ~~ * 0 8 2 lrare-gVcHAVcl. . 7 /WHISKEV'WHATFORT)! H _ a fight? - 1953.______— n ;^Hlnp-lP3i>=V-J— ------^•gOr-IN1PAr-CAS£?J 'C A S B ? - ~ I; ^ - -{C-/(r:>r-iN-TH£ -Z 0 THiR C^ ^ g J ? - L ) - i ..------„ SNA^EgZ-1_Sg| ------^taiks-flf-beine free and how-Cod—5— - I *~ /■ iN ’a s E 'O P i ^ ------'- Dear 19S3: You n n om t-cacan-say-ls-fake- n -say -ls-fa k e-a n d -e v en -h o w -to u R h ------n’t want some other girls are, but I still Wesl North E*it Soutli ' ~ 7 SN A K E 51T£^. politely, I'Sheryl, I don’t w ant some oti callcd "Siayman"i" after;Samafier ;Sam IV Paa Paw Dble ^ T ~ U) help you break your mmother’s other’s think hehq Is great------• * Slayinan of New York,York. tlieUie firstfirsl. n»t« 1 A P■aa. "»« ■ PPaM aw — - ~ rule<. If she’n c all m e nnd sny to nubllei:e._lL_hut—ibcrc—axc-iiu_ibcrc_axc_a^5 ----- 5.^^------Paja------j------a .It's-OK for you to watclTTV nlmost ns many.varlaiions..variations as You, South, hold: 2 with us. you’ll be good Eand wel- ^r^ st';rtrj‘.K5r-- *' ------tlicx4M;o-brldEC players. - «^AQS7 V3S ♦K/0Sj r « r **Q a 5 5J— J - :. ~ ^ , '0 come. If nol. I’ll have. toffl n«l(a sk when I need1 to and I do«T hen you to stay outside when'hen our he’ll'' '* talk lo me for a long time Wc use our own ■I forfti •*, of Siny- c.«v you ‘*0 now? 5 forfti of Stay. a - P m * . T our p .r ta fr w i n 't d rf.on,-.-EI= .ndW.lt.r"|, and“ I "take ' me. out, but he never ______m a n combined wiihAl our J a coby « o u ih-to overMlI « t the really makes the first move. Yet osrwjyrtwa «r ib Jomp aiter your ------rnORHOR-STORlESES— ~ ;— hirtikerh^tikes-taking-me-places-and ------pla>-cr in ,ihe world emp'loj'S • .. „ laiWng <0 me. I lh!nk..and I rarld double. He U Juit eompeUnxMupeUnxlor lo r •-EESfc- . - M H S3~/ Pfjjf ] some form’ of Staymanlyman also. , p u t leore. R with a j(now there are no other girls. !Sno» Caplaln Bi.y ■- • .' ' 8iHD ear 15 JE le: I am g oing'wnm lth the a “now^thl |, ju « different, ------^— tr r o iH c T ^ 'a r dr y i r m tm - 'a a - good TODAT’S QDESTIOW ' girl IS years old iind I as nm three the n g I5 ju convention but, like all good instead or blddln*t one epade, J w& iwin'GKOUnp T ' poh-H-SY \MftDMHOOi.^T ,.K a 9 W \~ \W - Pim-H-tWOHC — n same nge. This girl has sisters three I'm not serloiis over him o r _ ^ convenilDDJ, It shouldihould not beb e y; o u r partner JumpsP9 to twtwo o LEARMW< JAKE 0'•pomes As t long as this rem ains ters. I I t the 4- ■•“HlJfyii’g ond doesn't block the . d o i 1)f l ~ H m think It’s bad. for thclrfiTnynres* charac “**•tlwelopmeni—of— rsiationslilpi----- — J - year-old t^r.. i^know for^a fnc^t^ Ihe^^ •I'vi* <=nt. hll, if wlih other fellowi, cnjoy-cnjoy. doesn’t r rehce. U ^ ! f l £ ] you doisnV prln maie anT”difr6rence..__mny_bi 1/ __party eamft tn hrcak ^M ___you.printedit might. something,_ mnybi__Ice» are fp„, always handy tricks for . It Dearmight.—Ted. -\ , m d riv * 'ice > wise arcs hostess to have up Tier ...... --.— It to you “ *’ sleeve. Ele has a wide selection . Dear Ted: Clip this and give__ In “ her pamphlel, ^ “ E lc’s Ice ^ ^ " ff iv e rtni r 'e f l a r d s t o ------I - I t to^ dyour y . girlfriend: - |„ hc'r Ithers so For a copy, write to Teenage \ ® ^sn/"I can't help gou. Joel A L g ^ h e P ro f, 5 lo v ia .* ^ ^ > ^ (»^ N v jijj | tJoivaliy "Lady.. ( if. you- wanl'lo'.enlft-.JJrciiKnrs J a ] tlonally cripple your brothersI C asper so Date-Line,For a c In care of this news* 3 § ■ W(.lS«.< ofc an 11 o'clock y / w ^ • Miiqueio^that they either becom ele C ir asper own Date-Un

E = _ Maior Hoop1» I WHCfiEU)(oONT

/ MWAISOUT THATfATflHt: tHt: ‘v"WHATEL*tJ/OOLPiSiAlRisIi^!;'l'1 MiA ' ■ “ I MAM STOPPED US'OAS’KIS-OA&K \ \ Il WcWOULD.'MSArRVELU-LH-WH*T A, V ' ■ • ’ - ‘ ■ ■ "W . IPAWONC DPOSkSOOLI?J5kSOOLl> \C01\CO'VOUWAMTPOME7*'i*WOM3U ■WOM3U M •- - ) V > ^ U / / ^ 4 CARBTDGARMAFGVVCOL*!AFEWDOL-1 WOWtjReflOBUSyVsewreRlMdHOWjnw<5HOWj •‘ - J — ><:>rE/ - 3 tAR£»OIVl>JaHIMAUKT-VMUHePJCK505LWe,-^'’«U35U?lffr;^''n5UVMERSl.VJWlIM8tEP‘5aMG-~;; — ; ” ilQfCi../if-3Min'AO0LntE ag.Apg o raa R ~ -i« fr______■ A! i«y b o B ^ ,—*0 ' - lltJ HiEN OUnB AASPEU. SPEU. • \ J ^ ^CH,LCTSJUST6A.Y|usffiw! ’PI^^^S^KEVER'- W / ^ LET TCTOU> HOU N O t ^ - ^ ' “ ' L__ \ Sl^>CCI.M^kD•ACU.LV.CU.L /_/K-PIDJUHGET P IC \ Ira OHEWEB WE rr„A -A N \[ J E SAID P^>^

? I------D is c o v e r y E^T

upteSirirM &ialwt^^TSElEE ______:• lltlit)______42 N’Mh't Vtiiel _ fU|X |gir ^Comtupon «K»th«iufr K?B|y S ------»— -rnp-tlial •44Dll)llc*IWnj [SglA S ____ _ cull 47 Ancient wtltM g g j g S - UfiretkltiesUri 4a Acme HTH1H1C 11 Cyprlnold lull S> Show Ihe M ISlleulncd location of. -M K tt.). s O s a*Onit«ilL» wcopimwta MArTMMinwtfWBraig ^ • iaGoutr«r MAdjtcUva tufflgj l If l w ^ T M;w ' ■ . sri^iii igcenui oMliSTdlSSLlbcrataI.K - . .IlAdvMluT* r / A « CDeiUnWl • ” i aJTh#27Pr»il OeeldeM S7 M ot cut VII r^Dmp - ’. ^ftipfCt 41 Moved rtpldly, Robin Mnlono ______------nJlojIriflu . HT»»le.....8mh. ___ H U ylw e iSJipuiew ‘ ^ ^ I ,.'■••■' • ' niekn 0 " l i ------2 1 tuecl*t£..... M ien# ...... _ , jJi'MilesttM lorml ???"*?^ ^ „ 'j_ ,T 7 .2 - T - ^ . ~ •■'■ »lmll.t.a On**' , SSNourtihaa ” . • ^V «1» lntni(«fy UmpotlUoa. . 27Pr»il««ilW MSherllyBTfT ------‘sm '} ^ M P tfpW ” iltTUtiamf ------^ ••.wbuke-.aSlmpU — 49 U edler-.. ------; ...... 'S S a iggT'^^nriirii-T >es«w»od a A»l»n ceuntry ,S9,rounder of 5 3 g n ' •' ~ic«plur.). -T g i7rt«fnd»Heftl i ? i f ; a _Peiin»yl»iJ^ - - shl • a n » t MAnitr ^ Eiiet aM eiiltft-ef HSoulheratUM . * X Z ^ LKv«'-:6 5 * 9 ^ B S K OTKinJl . ■ rA R , (tcofdfnjfolAuc,dlngtolh»Slan. V “ - ^ i ^ 2 6 ^ To1 develcp matogotnatoot for^'^rtrfny,:_J j_j_yy & P J i U M i - — TTOdwrtjewTcipor ^ u w ofyourZodtocilrth; _ l i r i l m ^ .; r r - ■’et* • atSiqrt «t nr ■ joCT.'aJ{2& \t< Pt9<10-1B-27.--aS«n(cra .OlStma or»fl>,Mu.u. •^ M A Y a L '—I F _ _ s E —f e r —J' B u g « B u n n y .;. ' \ ____ . ....-' .. ■"______• — . IP ». . yPortiofl— .39Cml«f i a ® 1-7------^------I . . n O’, 1. i45-C , QfrwT*---- 40Wsr ■ 555iS" 17 W31-7076. -• l l / « 4IOun!i W M 2 (0 ( WHAT IS YOCIR ESTIMATE:ST1MATB- -ON0 N ) r K T lM B T 0 PA.Y' | - .REALIZE-l/VA REAUt2ES I'OMU/GAVE.) I ' ^ ■ " 2 ''*r - «Mi i o» y ■ ( WEPAIRIN3 AW CAR/v-r—C A R /v -r-^ < yOURfJENTyPUGS—““S- . O Cw CSv-^- - VAVAANfBZ M £Sr/M 47V/-rr6- /------^ . JOfOflOf .OTo« T o 73/<1iylly J CAmcOCN■ w o w . _■ V n-irAM Ur : CnFTYOQllARSl- - ^ ^G O N H A C O ^ -.. - — i T — ^ “ — lit .

aiYrWrt*" 52P«hii» • . • • . 2J U .- 53Gal«rsa? • fiS", -K » ii fi

^ ------

„ S t' t t *'* ■' ~ @GcoJ-GmJ @AjtOT(g)«nnc ■ t t l i i 'l i s _ — ^ I ______^ ^ ......

fcMORE-lDqsli?:q s|i?^ et li^hea/^nt-Aii^ h iy!=rUse-Times-N< W t a r t p a f e ^ 52 Twin Fall» Tinrws.Newi A-7 - H«lp Wanltd—MoU;r ' 19 BuiBuiInjiTi 6'ppefli/WiattV . ..30:Hafn«» ..30;Hoffl< fe> Sola ' , 30SO HomiHomat for Sola ____ W SO FormiForm i forf Sola______•' 52 Farmi hlor r Sal* 52 Twin Fallt * ...'DIRECTORY -T — • jMofch 6-7. 1963'_____ . v, • OPEJIinNCED bacj;hlOf0f ope^or*operator* CANDY( SUPPLY •ROUTE*s o u t e * - ^ L ! ^ "N ' ' m l s ; v >______L . ^ » ! m l s ' ’ _____ ■.-.“■ ■J'MLS'^^ M L' ■ _ ^ " MMLS"^ L S " . " " ' ; 'ANNOUNCEf,IENTSWENTS ’ »oU r»bt>er-«r»jl-»trwr K>rr«-; rittn” ^otfm ant*— WIIA higa SEUINd ISIELIEVINO. Raro-. W C "* _5fl_ACBCS-Twl»-Ptllf-witin- ? r * \ S S s e . J Rar^.. WOULD YOU-BELIEVE Rock traa. NCW KCW 3 baptnria W bkxk — r : — -Cl8amc*JK>ft^-tlirtiUtlI>“;«irtiUtU>“ 15'.15-. •■.V ^ v S iiV w e if''* ¥ eS '% ^ • p f..d u a ^ - ly c an.w a.w ^.^ ior aatf■y ^auea~'■»“» lXJ>edn»»-4.ili.k. . , latlieW irlar- —^ < ' aV * ’. " - ! •M.rnV‘* « r ts ^ -* _ , Locuit s tre e t' Nortb; Carpcud . «p»rr : • Buiidmi .*— '. ‘ • * . | J*' mT ’S t biiew rti, carpeted, - - -4>reMghWit.-bMiH-ta-fa<>t»-aftd,r>‘- ...... ^::::-£.-j^jfr>;EV.RLOYMgNT--..: ; {: _____ ------iS£**j____ao_*«re»-aootit-e«n-of'initr:™ .c r F»“»v Eai Id!-... -H .tngaiitotik -I rcfrlgtratad air coedl. jjijscfurysi-'E '.'ssv- -" t -s tioaiag| (no tmall cjnio/n). Call - ' 0»''>lflcJtion >8 throuBhthrough H iiyVrXwil^a **e^hafli/^l^a^ncet. *fSitn. ^SSL _^^^ACn£s^ 2M ACnl '^ WendeiL^ m M l ' . j S •• "and Mulpmeni Wr1l» for per- i|« . rr| u b*a«tneal aod hugt cov- r c*roa • p otttocr~ »t—acrei - la <»eU»«i- | Ty jir igTrofe ______——i^FiNANCIAL— cW^NSTKU:' General farrq'andtn' and riniiirintii • •“•» *' laierri**, givingIg phoaaphona • «rea*rca patio. Molt ,bi iold im- r • • r r h,^“b;M‘'prMlic{^Vu^‘'oVc'‘^" ' ''P wbeat. « » » 05" Poue**ioa nowi , - CImAillmjpa -tto>Ugl}-3t-}—iM^_tc*f-n>uad-.l«JwinoaeJa >hcnugl}-3t-}- i.,h __ number ta later-Siaia Olil.out. Co,.Co„ mc<]nudlanly. Ooa’t Will and ba . . ICk L ^ »°d dairy. W,000., Wheal. Pc apartmeal. C b ^ a 'l o n u ^ pro- .- ______Z h S ^ , Xua IrwlB ll«ignpwf r.nw.« IU7.,in7«j — «5 r~iw~—too-7tTfr:t iiiw 'fyr'lt«:W ,------r■ --a. ^ SEDROO&L'BR!CKi— - Ff^ =^ffRN E^RErer^¥^= ^n^uJS!5!iSirjof^i^=u M;S “ ~ . grHqorr^NTTRUcnoN—rR u c n o N — rr _ , c— W ANTEOuUaacial-larabuut.-.yi^;-----: In-W.- -7a2-2m-or 733.c n . - - __ 1:__ '"','.CL’\1ilicoiiu]CWIlhairKHT4fi”Jhn:.UKllT45 . .toyii4~«n<|>lit.i^iB Wjo^d-Bl»er V ^ ^ . Ti Hag 20S 2ad .SI. U. r»-407l lanyllme)" w « . i 'GGE E m ; s TATE REALTYL T V SSmodern ! home. I'ull prici ta.OOO.B.OOO. located located nearn< Jaram i. Ekira mod- W /h _ n » n i' ™/dEUi3»1S- . ------33-1110 ' niT ^U ------*7,000g7 0£‘alli, . lilKlll. 40t South UnCOla—' '' — -.ClOM.tO-IC CUislliciilion iK) throu'ghthrough M I-hona ta-MU,B. Haaiea. ___ .Je. dealtr iralalai, group laiuraner.'.oiuranee',' LUX LUXUHy, HOME, ’over J.JOO *‘M p T e ’ l/OTly Colooo w?ui'ulKoU.Sm JJ*-4M»______tvaaiagi 3:i-t4ia Nona. ' MAN vanied lor seneral farir work. fed. Twjn aquart -fett ground lloor.» ,? T 10 . " “ 1-®" ' . S,dowe ; i or will conalder irade oa - — ______LIVESTOCK}CK. ® lrrli<.ilon, etc. 2 bedroomJ r S S hfiuit B ii.'ssa'"-K__ 'rw m i and S'bilhi, : flwplace*. ^n^boyj acreage ia Jerome. j(«o] nidton. - • BALHi ;.uait aearimani,,. buUdlngft,buUdlngt. douldouble* aaragc. air condtiloocJ,SS;.";: Xaol Estal* Far Trada . 53 ClauiJicuiion loO throujhthroush 115n s - ~ lufj..b.d. pq-aiBi; llniettpn. - i y «iy liiii tM .m . t«A*apAf*lu1. Spaciou.- - ™. *" WANftlH; ServlcTilatJCBCP alUflclaBI.I.iua.laa|-.| spacioua- - nofthwett location, iU> tlllliy H,HANDY REALTY - Exchanoi , Win trade and, choice. • . -- •’ room..roon Oil furnace, attached ga. *" =fS^'?4!O T..M .r S 'EO UJ--— .-*rPb'.-M''..-H.'n.R«i''wa.*5®. I* .'.for.ia a u c i^ iti Laii.iib. Jc^orae. . ..r.n.aad.paUo-Oaly'III.JM... . 401 Souih Lincoln you want...... ------MlSCELlj\NEOtlJ--— - - tA n o o B o m m m m r m K - • ’a24.40»------, Evenlagi.3»-MM "I'd £S5 y-:------CliMiiHaiKi.HJ2Q.UmhiifclfiO=W t i k f c 5 — . • in > bfdrt»om», noienlial■‘I toirf- ■• -CLEAN 2 brdramn home oii Slh ~ ' . m i ' ./ SI; . ijTmi ^artm eau,^ 312 ^oeboa* ■ryviinir'HBrm. Twin t-aiii,- » ae<-r — » l l. . • ■ AinCRAFT ANlJ111 BOATS : Tim «..s.«i. ' . , j i bj* bp^la^ i ^ v^V btltmeni. 'pfVceli ------■ , . ■ I - NEATLY lun S U K .:'.”.™.:!.'.™;™” ' s - ! « r . " . .240 A C R ES .' 1'0»I'OR 5.1.Sala by owatr, two vllMbK"liwibli mtni. dowo ' “" t" ‘’'^ l^ iiM "u u iiM ^ ___Clji5»ilKi'•' eomblniiloa," ; row ; r f®"‘ V u W Avt,i .-* e E„” 4:00 we AUTOMOnVE ■ S' ao«n»' laiell Tfllslog Brogram. groupiw.jilll?: ■ Iniur- IllNoI^lllUiUlii.Corao^L.*»* ordo^L. . 1TAYLOR AGENCYCY cropi“rop- and' catlla outfll. Good Im- {;“* ® r bedroom; Living roorn.'’luuheii ' ^c^ i^ ^ I k ; Dur. ■ ^ » 5 Ju ? Kimberly 4U‘32M.l« 3»a provemprovemenli. Oodiei of wilir. .ijilden ■ v i:! and batn, fumlihed tpinment. ^~nai.»irK;aTlQn-lM lhrt»j|h-200-ihrt»iih!00- -— '« 7 « .a m . Eveolnn ( S lf J * " '•’ ^ood iDcaUon, adulu, so pen. 7U- ■ Ron Tiylor • 421MQ3 THIt h k r.ANn OFFICE ■ coileti ~a7u~-. In Magic va"le"?*ncal propeily. KrrWItNKITU apanmrnl. uiu______U»t ond Found . J ^ uH*i“ Urmb.-;—c«nt»u-of-grou.ll( Mrt*' cTitwmm/ Mr” m Mall!?i! 'ft'b.*'p'. * '? ' Station lor leate e»e«llent loca- . 2 bed- W r RaaliY. or 7»-1237.rS,iM7 voir, v o ir ., all free Irrigiiion waier, -H viB |-lt- r. KcAiid. Lull I’aip. Prei.. Tenai neflntry C/tn- ,,, j 3- creeki. and iprlngi. ■ Alio. | ! ^ »43. ■ii. ii,. ^ alihtd, r r r iiO. " 4}» Jod^eStll ------__ nm Till CP.n Worlh. Ttxai. 7im . e^gck. ^ng‘ S n3-2t4d.*” - ...... • . ------t^ tw b r - ti fT r — lrt~Y i i — . -----riter «tf«. i-huui >tlc. *|«Farm V/ctk Wanltdi 'aS'Bni iS 'e m c V 4-pi»iu a o ii' Va'Lynw'oSJ; jmore. twU MI^U. tiiUalii n ia7 kllfUffC '* DMibla goract. tarpon. Individual n t 'i ______O&^wmTgoodierml! "* ”1^011* .^P vialflii, "rne,~'pnvate eatranec,-ullllll«|.ax>_------^ _____ heii, a(r coadiilooar. Oaatr.[ S TU- 3 ^ sOWNEH'tranilerred; S i two bedroomi, . I UUNDi I'art MameM lorn cat oiini J S HilfH In mahogany flolihcd baie. IVJ rY»' " ■ iii,*i?i* ^ ^ " ^ loutSi r a ^ ^ ^ S ^ S -«per month. I u a l 'f p ; mcni •* nm . 3 4-10 acre* star T*U F ill CLEAN.' nici Fuu^l>l ueiman Miurinmlr, (rmili.l * *" '* axcept e"cctrtclty,™io*e-lB.*'adulii — .'_ _ ilvtf color. I’liunt 7a-<,.H ____I ,. H A U L I N>10 G J v l n n °iuiiiiier. KAY • IISON ToiiTl only. 7Mr ‘kitchen, carpet, aa’ /> .c c t ______S^*-ra.i^.a.,afloiri;. ------rage.’ji l l owoer. TO-Sono, 9CASSIA « S I COUNTY CHEAPIEAPIE " oGrata S « MAerat Subdiviiiotu Uad Of. TWO bedrooi firjonati—JpecloljINolIccf Nollccf 9 LEO'S ------— *’“» m e llydriulle all purpoie chalt* JijiJ 1.000 Acrti. 4 irrl/ioon ireJlj. n e t; ot I " M L S - ^GOOD ienani houie to balmovrd at jJlS ih Ave M j n g ror B uuir 5,.o. u ..,.7 y -M « ^ . -13.7772 •» Foki ltUFIT ‘ dormantoilspraysLSPRAYS'' CUSTOM FARMING .M-2T73, ^ fgyr itpariii pirceli. c randvir Mo4l rKtnlvdy conlrWc o n i r w F iler— ------328^4703328-4703 ...... ' - S H A R P OOO/acnj ~ Aiiume M,00»-s £ n u . ..ba^^lE^waMf/Ko ^U . ' lnsci.l>. Dvcrwimcrmt ° F .« y ._____i56 i Sr/lRiiU g J nlca n room*. Utiliue* fur> tiruxrr..ni (mv.cmonal> j ;------nlihed ekcept Iliht*. aoiM a. W . s.r„.;.vv;s,siri.5s.r-"-1. U .J1M. ' r ■ . cS:!iW r , fes'K JffiC• S*« Si UY OWNUK: }-budraom Home,iJTS^TT wall- Kii'Bd"*"round” .” ® " J - - ' ------Com5 5 niBwW -PJwrtr w iiid AvAveatia Eait. • *'*"ffcila‘^«nrt* hVT^tiliii "enuipnun"' ' ______to-wall carpellni, choica location •n Real Estaie ServIccV ice mIn oi Duflry. Low d£wn_paymenl. Bl- GENE G E N LAR^N SALESLES “^?L UUllVe* AduIti?jSp«u?WO Kto • . ; v’.b r a i o f . m a i i>liDge. o g e . CannrrC'mnff . ptOWINC. DISCfNO ______.'i m i i ' — », wreel m ain, cum’ ' "“ *“ *'*.3 ^ btdrootn home^Cnr-JJ, Car- F otm i for Sofa 5 2 2------j. ______5 ^ r* ' ik-yS ‘^ room ‘■*‘'111'’' «guj|>. — • ph! -—.'I'CifSrlaa *^§1"^ -V' ------^4«hAGRES— ^------H O i n P.ia.inacy, n3.Br;i. ______. ---- ” —CUSTOM______iMm —^ *^ifia7eT A II Ullime* lumlihtd. kiNG...... V — ------ALCU.I0UU»-AaaaymvuaMANURE HAULING. fsr. — n jw io -i. f ABM—and-■-tmnch"-loan* [-~*larg»t — i ■■'Sa.' ' 5!.m?‘ 'S l k '! t r ; “ "r,.*V 'J!d MAM I t / i-*l)l Cojritiuuie. Wedn«daji^M Wednetdijt kt ^ W K ird -in - -foV'b% “ ^ M 4;«il'A i U n « £ “ miThin < »:3u p.m. l ur ruiUier imormailoo _ f MO Klafii Klmb»nv, Al t}},000. Ilia azllt* ,V * JJiSSufRi Hm rt F»d;eril.Lind Dank loin------call |3i.. encrtiimt egulp<[ a*T--3 BEDROOM home. 2 car ga- ' ^*ro«m rwm mr>dern homer PrlcedatS Sonly WENDELL W E REALTY _ CMfHi■ vraHtfi‘iiltitri *cDr ror 'rej t-f_MANMRE-HAtJL-lNG JtlNG— Money Wonta^"^. 36'^’rare. ®. Oil furnace, piillalal ba«e-baie- II*,000. H*,* fnr quick »ilc, -Slockmen'ijjfom e' ______., lUt-iiU______i;; VocotlortVacotlon Proparty 58 y-t JHia.muty. VcraoB Olander - jiuhlihl MWJ?:UM972 _____- — -______ifJ, . . * . ' _ mcni. kni)lly_pjni laitrlor.r er la10 fe^ He«li«'. i • » aouih Uncoln, Jertrme, ■ " - —...... - WANT tn barrow. $1,000 at t per — •■•- -3M-*lllJ,—Rodney • Paula. - realtor, ------20 ACRE m ln l« lilt lia it wllh.3 ' ' ...... ccni. li»raneni^ eoJ[|lcr^.^^neyy-ral. R e^y. ‘T llff.' »»5W.' ' ^...... ”«5-3S74. *_•* ______j , ^ ^ r ------S T O C K 'M ------eablni toc*i*^4 milti froaa auB.aiia- ■' ; ...... - ,. p a b le ^ « ^ h 3 bedrMm _m^rrfl ^bw^, toy. Idabo ------^--jMf^DlBihtm Wtddlftl' C*U«rt|.f"'i ™ —=rfiR4S?0t^G£NCi:_-_ j g ,i.ET THE WANT-AD? TU-IO^. ■'______I ~ ------4 0 ^ 17 mllei icrm^'.'cair'or-raWl’plf. ' rrnm'Twln'palii'^mSd'i'Ag?^^Agency. flcutar'iIlculari, ' Alma iiAhuiN — chmpiaciDr.iirrp.atior, is';!s'7 CuBtom Hnv Grinding 5ii!J ------" M L S " ' , -HELP.YOU ^»nll Wiu.'iiniiuA, iwla iwia lalliI'tiii ' ^ tiov D. HOST ■ • ^ - ACCORDION. T T T iS L ft N REAL ESTATE CO; C*«">>«nr lii INK IllIM Spencer fc Spiralta ------OUrFARr^’JANO------* - » f l V c V S !> w^ T Ap6rtffnntiAp6rtTnant*^nfum lihy«l' 71 ' ag'.S :a,i.t!“ ...... J , •4»74. • M L S ' ------‘•- , .— ;------KOW'S the llmi~to~lln» un your *j< 2 Dedroum noitheaii, lull baie- 4 - Bonntldt For PARMS if i BARNES C a m p a ri M • Now Avaltable . ■ • FniVATli. ueieciive:« su a trater,.*', *'i •'"'■•nf plowing.. ,tl1J S3*-22iJ.mV k Ej A n gfTT >, under'ihe men' tleciric beat, cirpetpet ««.•III.' ' ,na °pa»ur«! . « Campart______M T YNW y f. KAMP^WAY ------: * LYNWOOD MANOR ' BARNES REALTY- 1 Tw in'Falls'Address; hauled ani'itae''ed.l~'io'whHler io wheeler ‘' K«Katly'Bond.'wJii acceptt MilnnfngMiinnlng 3 O«ilroom!t IK bilhl. nortu- . - ^ ^ 2' Sl^WtNU' Machlnt r^alrt.~ tenu. **' rtlufi T r u » piano iluaenu. Available>l« . In Twin weit,wMl largi yird. bunaeaical 112,-I12,« ., POK ■ For Information b^ bv. dillP'ekuP C*mp«rt ■ OfOf.Dlstinction 4nd lakt. tll’iier Stttlni Centir.l j - “ * PalU. Jeromi and Buhl.uhl. Pleaie 100,aoo, is.5i"r5 5f.!s . '." w a i’'^ ^ Norlft. 73MW.______.m.oralier j n^drwm. 3 baihi..b.«j>e-- •• — 7M-t22T - MH02I»” * - All naw ,modal* now oa dlipliy,iipliy, *5*?'®''*Luxnnou* c o r n e r ipirtmtaL • -« r» a . carpel, lermi. »J2.iOO.- HAIIM All il« a -«nd. dlMll* arraag*. downitwrt, S S - i . . ”. - *'^1|Iil*Phoo# ■ma"^ . *-'MLI" M L S " . .. ; fnenii avaiublt. Lowcit Pf^cii ■ .. • TTo> >«rw.. ftf Binehea■Bdjj anywhaw. anywhtra Baali naaBclag, IlfK I WILL' >01 be rtipanilblr for d(b Pickup ceten. ciN block LOcuj iiTview: - n igti giune a . pnce-iiw.oa<-Liaed -r«-throutft ?Tued"'iS *» Will aid elimenliryelimentary Nice 3 bedroom htsnt. for only ,------A™**ln'ernnwo bedfJOmTiomfTWIirview: - n igtl BluJ ------nlicailon. J.«-H TrcHaB Epian having dli* tlJ.tOO. All In good piituri. 03.000.000 forter andatid lo*vluulaied, iltei 10 111 lU rtfngeratoi 13 llnwneei. tie. rine and{1 flhauld fer- f,ci•"'I Jf- »'*’* iludinli having dif- ilj.j eaty.ia. -trucka^iU fetliaa. goanuiiet,.!t.'fret fret _-U0^gf*(M^UMj\^Ud{%f.'uU. uoalBg,. {ni ____ Baauly Solorit . ! I n l *"'• •ofl'-.Any»..Any lub- n -h<„na - W R IT E A GOOD-j-T-. .^ n H r ^ h M«.-Kimberly «H.S1B«.-:------—K«rr-^clein-^r-6e------m ti J ______D 1 : - ■a aomi tnttallailOT^ O^jk qj||aa»fatknat.*• -7»2Ml.y

  • CT7rniNn ^ . «iuccBln» nirfa. C H E C K 'I BARNfiS-REALTY - CL. ■ I IU7 Blut Laktl Blvd. H. 7U-t22T mtdlatj Ptioat-C5<4«3. Rapen. . -iffira-fM•»<[uira (Mt. t eorapiawiyredawrit- - : — ------IfAIRCXnnNO. tiBlr»tyitr«.(tTimt. tinting.!—(tinting.!—Uplna—'-c«ni'il-.»ork..«~ .ulcli ----- t h e s e I------Ead-B am ei------••»-»•»------S S m - - — f / l ONG lOK-rt. piekua camper with rt< M .’tamodc -Permaacaiiltomt].AniiiieAniiiie Deatf.Deau- wnrk' Dlilnt ChrXiophenen, 7U- !-! ! - - -Sill S Klu 7u-iiia7»-llia 1J-tT - r S ALWAr's OLST IB ita rt^ ''^ 1 7 7 ! I Weit. Phan*' Mil and I'rtd Smart 7U-I10. « gyi^aajaaa""'"- - p i ; : - " r i feVi^'Ev” In'*'"* ^eiaimfBM*!— L?rviV5 wonderful teitlni amwi big ireci, ^ appelmmea^i. t tuwi5CviSo~ burtta . cear> c«ar>, a'oih-awh- Ask for a ajsirie d .■ , ------O W N E R ------; SI ss.ssT S'.r.'fr,',!: k *" Baby SI.Hire-^Chlld C^r'i ~ 161 | Va" . PHONE 733-0931:___ __ ' .. W IL L .F IN A N C'E E ' 1iS “ apartmeol” < jr '^ i^■ 1 ^ . • wfa/si;: h ^ wi* k ? , i l n ‘ W «olion. Higermaa. Fboet>■• “« ' 7 • ------' S l S ^ 'i t . aiiLbnEN'.i viiute cMid~^rFr.'^! ■ork. Vrenci.'*^"!!!**^'^*'' ^ -= ~ ^ 0 ^Mih « « a „ d lib uia ------______^ Irec to r 'Huhy hopUai.U S “‘ CUyfte S i n »; , CATTL-B-Tanefti-Ow-tP-healihrOw*------"72®"3r "^^bedrwjfeclM m ^^ iirRA, Dunery. Utnlled. number ! acblnc; Nyat spacloui 4" b«droofni. "T9 uBin. balh'. - -f aaraea .J , oJI furaaoa. wall•i‘o‘^.'i^ to wall . ““ 'T— J e r mull aell 2<> head ol arlvail , '^Ydl'uSiit? Mcw^ ~ • • ' inure* • maivldual =;:i:r4";’ aiieallon, « l- ' hi. ' s. lormal. dlalai room, c aua-laria carpet • ! " and. lir |t leac«d..yard. . . - ’ range rlghta.’414 a n ti daMed, •ntor. (tova. eloia-la. 3rd Avtaua Konh Locutt. I>li6at.'ffiS; 7U-7U0; S 7J3- LALAor 1-atiitt ».»with - -family ;! room. 2 (irrpliett os mam sJ^; 1 - 8 8 CLtSAft, Reader* reipond-(Ipond- .. abundaBca abunda Of (re« waitr. lacludci , ...... North. Pbooa 42>.sxn or tiS-WU/. If. 723-77U. (locr. alOfm wiadowt aad doOn. Seller|,_ will coulder a I iinalKr >-® nuife auickly aod favorably'orably 224 heahead of eowi. (arm taachlnery, — - „h,.,... . .^..,^-,1.! gflnVf «:ca CIlBwaihei-: dlipMal. ^.waier e r aot^ [ • ■ • whitt^^ven^w or djf-oaf- gtx^Jrgood In^ovemcau. jrlM^^ _^ OIvidM'claiira nunery.r4»f^VT'r^V'ii.l..*.ro. pre-kin*'^! •■ » ■■ *"• •*"" “ •“ • i . . ' M - " *v< very meit Impohani aii'cct*iiW «5~ wood nReally: (lO.illua Lakn-'BlnL ' VacJ . y"'"'?*f? ’“ ■'***- 2» tJ^ydLlojfd Robana^JJ^M iiaI Avt. «H. . advinitement_U u 10 to ^rtB^Nonh, 733^)1- Tf»V ------— ---- tadude-tha-price.—------y- -733-»«n ----- FAYTINIirtM dcBrV waniVft'la' my _ i _ hnmr.^Phoi.. TM.gri,-71, ■ — - - HiIHOMWt; -MAKE-tT-eAav-farUif Ttti»<------x f ‘ge*r" i f f i ------s « 6 ciB irn -G « ia:------^l#T 17} nu^-EaVt. 7M.IM7. —J .------' c(Bier-and -*T 71*^1 jcbooii.-Catl BOWTPnc. o .;, ou. Al* srovnd, a acrei pailore. lett uan „ -----■ I LOAUtNU and hauling of pdaloca.of poiaiota. |24jo«. Lynwood Really.nSJiJi . *10tlO Sanhea'it K?" .lociUOB. :'kilhi;~dlB—lhl ~dlB~ ------wyr*S»Vrt'*yMf'’’(/l?piiaM-w; - mllM .m™. - Boy'Betore TO Sumrar jon'oPENINOs'.t per»o7^jrs«r-^S«f*: have 4 trtiek« and aU11 .lb. .U>» equip- niufnii Lakei Blvd. Nonh.h n7aM2lJ; iU tT ing JJ** aad fimllr roon. lirgila livingliving numberbi or your aami« and s 5 , ( 124,' vift or Mailc Valley./. 271» ( Shoiheae . mrnt, , Phone »7li.M»4.l purity.Ou'-ley- . JJamea, ,' Dflner. 7M.2J10.i«i B. J- > room wllh firtpliei. covrrtdrtd pat- pat. addreil. ai If you do ooiI aav* Biva -- \)>..ibow.-ysu \ia..aboi tbli A t today.ly. Lya. Lya. R w hJ • city.Aiiultr?‘?o^peuf*"^ Ia U ■ j m u J T T H j r . K ,.','i ^ - TJl-Sin. ' ^ ^ ^ ‘heal, uiillitea runuihcd a t e a p t .• • COCKTAIL WAITRESSESRESSES^' ' ' fSTVl’INO. adam ilni enrtlopci.rtlopci. ew.et«‘. J tbedfOOBi brick anltt level. Beau- Buyi ' “‘‘'^ic*i'------' .p a -w n • ClIAN'r.R Ginu«—_ . ——, I — — —I- I n - .my homa. ..ijeeU tnt__wnrk, tifi , n r n ^^Ncar WeBOel'l?"Ve«T'nTtt.,Tilfry 'QGASEW " ^ A¥-^g ------K ninEM .‘KEK0 pnA0EA:.<:RS i.tns _ r nhone M7.4<» Hafrrxnan. “ Fu r ; M j h 4 1 ^ Allracllva. !iin-pfat».- at«.- ^ f ?cPi;Hr^rirrBtibVf7--tn^d5^r lilmiiitn«- Lyawopd Really,t, tia tlQ Dlue Blue .r,t, after S:20 for appolaimrnt lo In- fe « - — i g . —Apau-UtUa^MI>tndUf_fatally-i. - n, ;CvS! — T railer Center ' ■ 'S- « « 0 - ^ rACTtlTPCTE'?______t»timflie.-phont-ja>->3M...i-pJn—I _ ” * **-{>,y ~'Aom BCDIIOOMS,-gariie, home. Priced fencedal J B a1i name -MLS" «oo ACRES located «outh of — - (i!.Y 10 »pit* from snur home. ^ make, tnrnd „ gjj q j j.bedroomJ.beornom -yard-yard.' carpeird. aew root, Plerca ai public J Burley. All uoder culllvatlon. 2 V HoutM>-Fum)alMd 73 \vr,:* t>h,n» Mciniurf. H.n. 2. ; bflck homt a 2MX‘ai»»1I. Prlced iir*i k irw e ii . ..■ ALWAYS ' H o u w - f t lamberiv. m [ai|-:n .;< n . .____. , »1I. Prlced iireel. IIO.MO. ■ ' . ■ " -'! ' ..SHtnSKSw z : ' '» fM 7 '^ ;d ‘^5Sl•h£3^l;^i •.-••.BE -1- atii' in.oeo. TUP Land Ofnteflee of Ida-Idi- . , •<•d la Ite event of rciulla, tm iate '’a m j; ; BETTER BUYS; " WELL furalahad rear eottare. cloia— — Ol.'nu'lt firl-fo7 Saiurrt^'"”rmintainjrdi^fcTuntain w^ tT d; Irrnlne or bahymilng, bahyninng. ho.ho, Harold Kellhly—Dave)ive Luu.Luu, NEA NEAT roomr'.> befroom.fcrlck.I ))rlck. «f and tbcB you pay only lor Ui« level II work. So plinnp rail*., Inquire In ^ im*. Pt|one 7JJ-07I1 Waller Kaiter,r, UI.4IU. ‘ imm Immediate poutiilon, tlJ.DOO. (tJ s.-'feiT ’oirvd* ' ___ .^.rfonji-l:£.«j1rLek.j.n;._l^^^m \'i? .''a ia m iiii.'!..'? !S aider.trade tor Income property./{U u i ..I . 1965 v 57x10 Wide- ’ ______■ _Clob«-aaaily,-in2 g £ ‘! Addliftn R»il. -.Q U S T O Y i X i- ” • ...... •— — — — ^> ri'ilnt. Sm*»ma" tardea .~MLS~N0.^jinl down piymeai ^ d liw ' ' QT -eUSTOM-FfcEETWOOD- .EXPEnii:Nc;-n t/mirn*. nf»i arv.^o 23-lwa, Cl. buy»-< bedroom homt wim ^SHAW ‘J* TIESLTT“J i* (-PLACE VOUn.SCLr la IhP 7a3-2«£> M^rance. At< » inl?»^,'TS'n.;c^. U. Cnnlact___ our .p.cl.lly- Phpni 723-im____ Cl I7J reader'i ixnllioa andi” a ik i£ - ‘ wW ali llavllava ,a very productive bart AAt t IBlue Book Price* ^mS^Oai*'Wmfe?* watei^jaffi hetly Jn Tuushl. Crlt»itltm Pancake,.Pancake^. ^ ■ ’ J m" w5*n».J!eS5i.^h52eoaot.’? £ S J ' £ Edw ,] Id Ilka 03d tcrc ^am.-MS acre! aew coiu- ...... J ana Dinner 1tnm>.______L ------— — -aaraaa and Urga lot. r>lI apmapmliei] lied - IUm»lUmtt- som m ff-...^-7a-3a87------w .“ s r z = : < \ PI7.t:a eooK wanlfJ, Pnone 73M8H.! ■ rnaka a lood OaiilfledS Ad______f,«a ha^domeiiie dot wfU,_Kortb.ot,Paia, »| & > h n n e = i~PI . —nkliig ------Htlp-V/onUd—Mol>- ,:i19 - — ------OR-TltADli:-2>beT-t' . home, full baaemeat. AliO, one- s bei TECHNICM- AGRICULTURAL ' !• Ilvlnt «_ri>iv;tPlED reidcri4rak* al. C. L»weyLoei Realtor. 7»-4Wl^^ _ -M - M A XGICTm G iEr I™ ™ ''-' ■ Numliers FREEK lliC i : £ bedroom modem iMilal. T ' n home, s r ; roon « ; “J?'"*— TitADE yoor hom«;«pirtmenti. mo- , . . . . w“iVi'ni^%ma*ncr~lT*V>»^a^^" _L_:^lSLJSi!S!^im«fc(iin5z ---w-or-BnaUer-tana-for -ihla-, MO — I L - - - llerf-Ii-lonk.- • • O L iSiSSS =%S)f”.SigtS‘iK r S & I ^ iU tnUei w eit We« » Polau Im for mrn fjpeflencrd ln tain y a ■ •'■•fie •'"•U fl®"** «*'OP trailer.Ualler. , diiDidimwalhcr. - garbagt dlipotal.iiJpoial. moBey!^a*Bd m dr *?n Go^ b*i nf igrlculiiirai chemlcali.~ W* Of Charge:.= ■ ' J m Sih Avenue North^ ^ _.fcpa»nar«ie utility room, largt‘•7 . U J-. - , 'th 'o i e market to buy. So *iv», lid oa your -car laragf. ample iloragr. llome m “ f f - can aad^ll * ^w^lvi»u?noOT J«- iX b #r'oun?^i!akeun. Quak ii liarlv Ameilean, ityled.s:te- Touu , , ssi"..y7ood*« ca r ° “ a . COMPLETS i^B IL E HOME -■v-.‘6ajB i»pss a s . ' „ • Uy tooilrucl oa (or a truly eompet- frtco i ^ soJ?:.-,"” AQIE ”!"'!’ «l'abi'?,* Ai»T Nft matter •jmJim i tlvelive ii^liivt.'pnrt. I'vtfl Palll Realtr aad . sl.M '■ ^ 4 s iffi'w sr4?'2 ■; ^^vc 'tilr* ' lnfifnll«-e r>f«tr«m. , , • laaurune*. 733010. ' ■ .7-WAf(T ADS TIIAT PAH, lo Sa*?m ' Trtwil TrtiJer Se'rvW wiis'ab"’ • • In thpst-irets'. jrini can now H>~SALU or n n e r: Oou Med-it- T T ~ bnog taUifaction de lo.? sot- "fS S s»'s:S 'i T-®! Iloa Ibrtt bedroom boma Id KIR^ ■- through any lack of reader* . S ------B A K E R ’S ■ r-ium'e to Rni U.* •-.'i jim ry .. | H -N cw s berty CxeelUnUocaUon. built-ln% . NEARLY. ■ , ■ » v*a*« lmprovTOta*».^pfieed USAN! : . VtT's ^nil *11 appllcMiclirnh* :nh« "*.Tr »;ill - Tlmps-N(ws • i>«fanced yafd^Ppr.appoiatinCTi.Mll__ ...,. 5 , r « . iu4Jo. „_ m mobile o je HOMES . anjwerfd.______■'■" - ' ’ •• Free of Chpfce. «>>•' SU% marlu|'and''l»Mli:'6a oo iraf------»-T( . *.- Idjny* fBHcM-«towlnrju*j- ^ 17.. lieSe",' n fe e i. jlljflo. Coavtaleat «• TJ 'teiei'" ^^^llF'iriTuffiy/CwdiBg^ ‘«^‘d‘ J la. - -BuW. C «tlef0fd ...;» 54WM8 5C-45<8 -• I^coiATE~poM«itiea.~^ NewiyNewly re. °W & a;->h” « 7»-T7tl. - « efitf .j* ‘a ^ . . . ■ , ^ i_ , ...... : dfCMiad,d#e 2 bedroom hosj* Car* • . ' -I ~ I piilagj afarnii idl^r ^ t I . — ■ g.sgigg'va;:; S i t i S S i a ■/«utnp (lauai ciped«celeaceiaiuur lo Bo» ~ , '' SJ, l*V .toT.ilaybum. ------:H 0U 3E -F0R -^A l:G- — ■■:----- « I punv . home). Fall grata -li n*wlag. o tte r trar „. VO foTim«-He»..-•• - «Wpnd'i:. Ooodtns. J» I area Total t4<,000 wim - i n dowa. . la. Sa* tM •'bomij-% -.:v - '. , -HANSEN ^ ■ ■--■■■vsrfpsivs'ss-■ ■■ euuide Twin Falli andd aiKa iK - WP-,Phone :S43U4a». V/eit S a l RaaUy. ParU. S S ^ HaKerrn'aci.;. _ .. . ‘ lM3^l^Mala.B^hl. KeBPatt*r;I^VWTJ i r S - F U N ^ ^ JO.- . Alio ajaily lo baadic imall ’’T ■•; ■2SRj&AsxktS^-~l'a‘SS.'*iuo ' deaolag Up. '— • J®for as Ad-iaker. J i'i at « u y - loU'We t l • . ; p:ieto .»,rIins_operall03,isrHrsi pan .oT ■■ _ „™ ------NO-MONEY-DOWN—• T ------l5! i ftlUiie a .frlm d -b ^ ttia ' rtn - •.•-.•yfa-.'S;tT»d»-p.a.lloa.f6r-•roV pptrua tr j^ . " . . ■ . .. ..•.*. . • ■ • ; _ w Walter. i K a ite r.-C M ^ -evmlnfi. evmlnii. , CcqjO W -pC f, mwiUu, CallVN— MrL r~ . beout Ad-iaker* ir# icbooletf lo . tjjn. fualiritt. ullh (hort houfi . iSSSTr^ Ufockm-. 71WM. 'II Mri. be helpfal Ib lUfl.milim.•‘IgTi .- S ------i« l "^Jld vacrilon'd"rtns w.nicr _ • -t‘’a^^:.A«gj!i“ u A . ^ ; » ^ ^ ^ . . msnl.ii. y .^ mmlti '‘;H « M ^ r a T rl'^ i V f]. . 'f•Fi'*r. HnllWcr ~ ~ ^ ^ VERY WELL-BUILT • _■ :'' ..3>y_oa6* y todV;.; .-., I Boih.« Krmituie alW- -- . ,3:85171-. r a r o s - . mi u-raduead. l_3.liedrooa.bamfl_pl»i,JJ.S Jn-full ^ - - - ' I " aRion- Write la'P.t}. Draft'crr ' baaemcsl. Oarage, aad aica oor- . - A. .. Mi)»c» U;te, 'wiiii'iJSrM'!' Waililailon. m"*i . i bedrora qouH ^N te .loeaUon, SSi.w'T." **“ “ V '• ' *®C«P. IWwJS^TwlB®“ u"M d7^ • -^5l*Sr^ :j.’.'..-aJ— ...r ~ ^irir°' ii'ngr ^ “^*^^- ' ' •' ■" I f*” g '-**-” - -^H6tt««>-*FAl.^-ESTAT&^ =—- ^ ‘7S3-0931 ------. 1 i?5Sfnft^^^5SnMMh8».-‘^ lp*a^^ • -tv.' rt. Ooart) «nd room«ni fumuheti.fumUh^. ., Disdo, P a u l...^ ‘ ITATE------:---- "T-— ------ttSSni ' illiut be rM* ,10 Irniate./aad da . M ii s s i S . S T v s ■ • Aik-ftjrClmlflcd • Faiii.i tcneral farrajnrk. P&ob*JJ«-23UpSSm -oM NorUnd'67S.WJ " b £ ; ^ S r s W ‘‘i 5 ! ? • ms47«. • mw. .' at nooa or enaintt. - ’ " Una. paoDi^jffi«7».-am.. . 1-^ C«acai'faaau ?aosi;7u«s:, , ...... ■ ;...' ■ ______

    " t ■ • t ' ^ ' , . - • . ' ' •' V 'V'~ ' • - ~ , ...... ’C -' ■ ■ ^ ^ h e B eBest s I Buy inI Ad^Advertisingng AnyAi Timene Ot-the^eqi^Oi yeqN^tiines=NtTes=NewsrWaiit^ n t ^ di s ^ 7 ~ ^

    - ' A.a TwlBJ^II»^T}wM.Wewr|p-T}m«».KewTlFonn lfiiplimfmi------i^~90^ " 9 0 CCaff offlii ■ ■ "3T02 r n o z HofgTi ^ " T M P«tiP.II 0,1ond PtI Suppllii ■~'Iip~'T10 Fu’rr^tui^^ '|1 5 S &'HH~Coodi -~iaiM '122 Mlsetllonx toiiiw >iiria:siY40t < q i»irct;^ W ' ~T ~ • Morch 6-7,^1968 •• " . NOW lakiei hon»» tu bruit,k- Hon*.lion*, WJITEw h ite German Sbtpberd ptipplri. FAMOUS • ahorin»-aad-tnmmiBr.—«7* hour bom »[ S - ^ ^ A h E — m3;«.ia u tu ta C4BUHI. IU* tJ ta , (*cCur- iE= 2srEZ22EH G Z^C::: j :.l — ::_-U»ct.Li t a :iPc«cg.-:Tn a c iio a 2 ------■ - =3iri!A CT0i!S---;i-^j^ j 7 ~ —EidsK^ tM arclEJfe ^ bifttW W%l * . - 5W&U1U)1UWU. borne. M V U a------^ea-«OTr-jerry Twitchrii.______mile aaat.• K-«outh,’-CaHl«ford." 4 -1 ■ - MMusleol uiicol liInitfumanti . 124 riT -x • VOM. SM •( 4U ’not^Locui"' Noru 'Locuii. Fiiiahce chirces waived'to'liv e d 'to ' Twin Fain County FalriiwBdit^rouBdi NL-w.ncw T= -2 Wheel jooy eart. HEOIST Phone 7U-32t9, v purl. Phon* n w o jl. lo ^uire f e J . oO. . Nicb-Nica- April lit, 1SC3 on-flllbU new •« a*30 Rant* bum, Jl to 39 ■ U n tv ,I i . SINGER - ^ clioa, Blu« L»Ht» Trrailer n lltr Court.Ccun. Uhmak -..l . ' m -anajijfn r»-}J “ • - • 3 bvdnxinu.-vxcrpixn^ r S -----^ — • Plummage,[Phw;-73m7i.v ^ gpgTTC;;;; ^ _-150 Main North, T w jn .F a lls.. /i?*rp.n” rf-r- ..-JOHN DEEt}Edlfsfl.tU Opow^ T £ ------■ ■ B oB b a y b yI C h U k f ------——^— -109 109 W aant^ to buy; Cheiapeake mala pup Admiral Phone 73J-3344 ____ , ^grM«-3tjB. i^SV*33«^ Jc^e, • • •______c r shift) Sal* Sal* itarli 11 a.m., Frldiy March 1 ------■■ - ■-'----- ■ . oryw or ywng dog. Phone 73J«M.'A* ^wimpMu*\V.*^3l'^*MMBl*Ho^ Wamer M 2 3|^YiUR-oinIVYEAK-0LU urandtaiber clocK~. fo K fiAU!: I &OULHN couBi/y bom* lor rcnu ta fo r irt feet tall. Two oak bedsteads’rea'« ^ bod. d . 'r*trti r t i •ood'flocr. Votco Loctltd tciw««s Jcroa*y S l uiSd d fwmTwin -JOHN DEERE C2015M _____ ” Sponsored By ^n6w hatchingG • *B1 I ' m a !'l^ 7 & AIv v!£‘‘£ tE . *^Mle?'Fho . *2^ fhoa‘“ railu33'bdM^^i-#;00 -and-and^mitwl matcbiag dra»*«r*..a. roundround _liulfdari. liulldar*. Twia-^alle.-TW - '_ •• 1- 2 btrfrooroi.^ w»«berwa.ber «ndand model. ^ , JDAl * T 5 i «-m--a»«r-e;W p,m. ■ ____ .oak table*,Ub^e*. iecretary., dining ro flB “ 4i'«oo dryer bosk-up. 3}<-201». Jerome, , IDAHO CATTLEMEN'S ASSN. l‘o in )" \'« « " pickupT *uitab!«“ yor .JOHN DEERE 58. ------i m . ro R la V 2 £?'ssu' c:;;;;;;Livestock Woiited .11^ 1“^ ------— »el of carvwl buffet, Ubl* and 4 „7,. a f wb' b'Kirocm tio .. to Je- .WE SLAUGHTERR p ^2°" horni jind Aviira-Whltei, -1— Rodlo ond TV Soli 125 «>*'” • Commodfl, w ker*, aatlauas ! . ! Phonai a . “s 73WS . a ° r "'■■• romt JcllcriOB 'soiooLhooL AIioAUo two -JOHN DEERE 730 dlesei: ' j. FOR MEAT: VaBirtii Cro<» ______^ibuihui pup». Wllliimlllam Oulntana.quipUBB, . diescL__ — '■ Sfauehtcrlngring WhUa..Kocki.Whu ^ FOR PRONfPT - iI v y- -AaIT ^d °' " itADlo, DepeadaUarT acrw K 5a"lov*a ,V, - vlOB, lorae tiled ecu. ample park- bed*., tana,cana mahogany bed ML -FORD 901 diesel. R E M O V A L ■ Int. call Ali.Ecoaomy TV' «Bd'aad many, naaymao more llemi, Glen —°r phona yu iJiCU 2 btSroomi. ci«M, cl«»n, '«»1I—to -»IN-> TEiyA TtONAj^&t;»iih3- with 3- .^- .ijj. - "" Dead and Useless .:-w/iio—y«dlo sService. « )S7t Kimberly Kd. ^ ^ n r a n ^ No wall urBcuni. uUlaici. 2n Van - - - ______] y Rd. Cochran, North Main Auction. l*ot O ne cab over » iioui*,*-dean. "P o lrt hooii'Ui) ^ ^ . North ^^aln. PoeateUo. Idaho.1 Fh. °[^_ck*lra°cW truck tractor ______XMO Aouic.-dean. V’S la ' ~ r rp u in - rnmw ______-1NTI-RNATIONAL'nt- . |Ti«fkg —ChcxmicuUi Hirmon Park Avenue: rV pTT- Boarding. ;:Heated and a rm . ^ m A h u ------ahampooer with companion »et able. ftU Fll< — . 6“ - , ^ C X l v e s '-f o r SAtEC,iVLE.', I , (Jruomuig;.,‘! ;s (profetilonal). Any T A L LO W CO. ' " S O 53;; _M cu^ Banner.Furniture. TW-70- laijlaii i f f ------_ • -INTERNATIONAL WO.'SQS-150. 803- liol»teiBinvrcalvnlioii and(tieiI»riiJiellerii ' Joe,'dog,' .FBona )13 rf w[in«'" ’*’!’''* ' fS7^5i>ni ’^b u D rjiu p p iu i make darJmgI— gitli .IJ,; '--T W , IN FALLS TSWWSi - - - fcn.Jo. fij TO BB- movtar ar»n.ry, niactttn®ciiiM InIhM^ ia'’iNTEHNAfibMXt'in tKH^ 'i . w n r » i L'l*!**' for Eaaier,- Silver iklnnedrihi.e! whiiei '67S-M11 BURLEY- Ea»t. opffl’Frldav nil 8>t ihed, aBd bi ^rive picimp- *W-W

    YilKLU bedroomi. garaac. oil fur- ^ ' •frora*Ifl'lo'3o"tnonl’h"'and^u^W‘V £ ] S / a - s n ^ M i Y HiectJlc Co.™ 411 Main K:n?er**an . nacf, frnccd yard.i Ui7 Adamt. fl ISOO plui P'/undi. Do well on range M At'a . Avenue Eait. Opta I'fldty 'tn B IUi.ti-,v.—► Phon« TJl-MiS beloft S;00. jj^ o r payure.^ Ilcaionablj^^^ priced. Danci, iA cfN o w ! ------*'tv"»Vi, BMd w"orUng'^°dTlIon! K o-'!^‘or « Sell. • ^ •. -• ‘ ■j-IITIKI' fWAnn anrt h«lh~fjfpflrt, __ _^?"nnj>!fp“!rc!_Aiw RHPONs; iS ^S^f;£%5ir S 5 G E M ~ 1 .Shnrth,^!.- ,tn«c'.';rf ^ , , ’6 6 G h e v ~ ? 2 1 9 5 ------TM-iTH. ______»- ---- _y u _ C e rm an Shcpberd out bfbf U,s! U.S. tllackex Blacker Appllancei aad FurWIure. .?? ^ JOELCASH-FOR-ECRAP" -t.Vtlroo.n.,-? ___HVogr-JaKtt-Deeiw-Dealer'i— -n«g.----- —• e?!^‘S5iSmaH arreted living ‘c M ^Luki'iioberU 7 » S a ~ Tii ^.^mmEEEL-CQ. ______i sWhin s r a wall r s tirei.______* »Good g"'' Thingl to to t ~7TT33I-*-* ursTfyvTiiur^mn ------= ^ j = = = " 'V sS i'ffSni^ -ller SAva- ^ ^ w ^ a'coniir. r r ,i . ^ u e ' late^MarcbTDa'le^wul- InouJr* Bue We«, Pherw 7M^^9Sr. JM t.m ,. m .r .^^1 ...t, ir, ,„.. J.,. i :___ 1 '• POTATOES ^ ~ ^6 5 F o r d ..Z T !fI5 9 5 TWO bedrooui* near Ulckc'l Ulckcl SchoolScbool. j *><» Of “ “I*" o/lcr. IKO 2)4 irSoS fve. >'tmtatig coupe! R,dlo. heater, Oil fumare. «a»her-dryerdryer hsakuohookMp. * truck. Good conaillon, mako ’^ r g o '.“?»‘ai!syiS r‘‘'“-"'; * d” “VrVi 2 " ra-WO ■ • >M. Inqulra 717 ind AvenuaAve^ua UaH.E^Vt? o « ^ r. J-soaa UI.JBI. 3ji-jla.■isla, Jo- W IU. l^ ^ b~uy, icll or loan bull!, rto< moitmon STUD S.SEUVieE^ luit arrived, liny _ £ 2 ! L : ? L ^ ".“SV l K ” 3-ip«a noot *si(u variety. Emaaur] h'rlioa, 33i-hon»-nt.«iI7.4117''**' _j> * iraSof.'iale*r and comWne, major " t i f S d S r s S5 F 0 E S 3 zM S : aijwlD — SNAKSNAKE-RlVER-AUCnONg=------mfir.Nort ~|S9; ____— MI-ADOiao.N; 3 b«dfocm frama .ml nnva McDonald,^' '. ■ ■' ■ TltOI'IOTltOI'ICAL mil and e en March 17. PBob* UJ-537J. show ^ 1 SNOW MACHINE SPECIALS ' - JiH sriT rri.” - " 2 :____ -Show - stud S*W*«* ll'tard^ •.100 IM “"'I.rob'/ c I’"®"* ter C ^an Grnndvlew Drive. .______>7 11W7 MUSTANO.M8 hp .... MIS PIPICKUPS ■ •■• - ; ^UM San La- *"*^mb^M^^KlB"eombl*^^^ S w in s - 1 - t;SED*h?d“e‘a'^ay^ ^d.'7r;m » and ■ ___ 1M7 COLT, IS hp ...... " "'I S ‘a 5«m. \ ■______WANTED: lomem* lo ralii regli- Tn'«i*f^.l F.mil..r ond S..d ■ 135 ffi gSg*' :<« c « HpUIPMl^Nr Co., HlWwaytliway 27. 27. « a .so SOW w s to farrow belTfn~ March arch 7yvi?nn.r“^P'” ahirei. '• Phone wfuMftotei*®'*'wilion-l < I£5 !SSi SR"56^i£|ii:-is;CH ’6'65 5 CChe h e v ..... 3 1 69 5 eat, *35. n s machinery Salti and Service! belie< ~ 7 f.T THE_WANT^.«i- ^ ~l'sKl'DOO.''‘d^ble trac'k."lo*^hr~ ’’ — blSUASE Ires Yorkahlre boari, Ver- ‘•'s.isr' ?=■! “ ,1'i A n iiq u .. •- T ------.. . ■J 13939 uIJCjnEMONsnUTORS'ONSALB t i ’o iM o ra ~W’^3 Chev..... C h 6 $1395 ^ m edium ■ non E m ea. 3tH73l, Filer.-. 'I ______blue. SIM.OO. Phona ^ 5 5 5 5 ^ ^ -^i^ton^iclfup: Loti wfieelbaie. Roomi— B oard o n dISoom Jloom 776 6 7 pj .'S ‘.'ii!rSS^S'.% 'U fS ^ biS MERLE’sCHROmER- 'S;S”S;'"“ wMd a:8-«i7. Flier ■ "*• '’®*‘ tn board and 1^ ^ " 1 Ins'plalform“ 8**pla'if^ roekerrCherw”'wMd’ VACANCvTprtvila room, board ind stj? der bos- ' •■;------—•— —~ care of rctlrrd elderly penoni. ' t e s S a ’i . t i g " '- ‘°f- A lrg o ft-fo r-S o Ie TAS—i5-iSS-ChGV. J 6 5 -CH g 2-ton ’ Tleaionable. Refcrtncei. Phona ------Lon* wheelbaie. e-eyliBtler, *■ m w n . 1*« ken. AIRCRAFT ownersov ana eperaiori. ;gg^ a y a r..‘~'“““'; 733-01.g. CheekCheck our ■iprclat eprlng prleeiieei 'P 'fd . J-Ip*cd; » :a fronti, • EXCELLENT roomJ.-wana,..elaan. — fTi;; on lOO hour and-annuaf inspee-pee- ‘• • r ...... - • pfiyin-enOTnea. d o ia'* In. 137 *“*4Ui jjgHoy, j Gfoln ond F«ad = 94 n MeEl)D“ ^nEXPEl cure, FlBO*gc'Bera°“tlBe)'*Martha“-ftn*. lloBi;«lon»J radio.radio, navigational equip- , ______m R T ^ Mlane'i. Cor Comer C and Adami. Je- ment and_o^h iBHallatloni ^ _ "*• Olher Reed-ce?- _*fi2 6 2 I1)11 n t e n i a t i o n a l_____ ^ ------____3-tonMon, long long whtelbafe, » H p‘*4. **montb. (5me™ °Cent«r Stioihofs Street South. *° ' ^ ■ ' USE THiS. HANDY DDIliiaORY IItiaO R Y AAS A Guin.E TO sSllfi."'!'.'! ^ Bootf^For Solo______.1169 6 9 J2 ipeed.»Peed. *:»»:M « ‘»>«r. — , SPkiNG PAST^REUABLE-SEBVICei-PHONEIVICE-PHONt-TODAY ------__--- waihilandi. dreiien Beiki, buf- r.^‘ ~ ’■‘^-d'MC 2-ton ■ 5M jth AvenuB'Nortn.______^ ’ Long wneelbaie. 4-ipeed, *• ! tOMl'ORTADUi room lor rtnrant t wltuwith - - ^ | FREE ESTIMATES. ^REFrnisinN Fm isH IN O , rui’toriBg, Buy. eell, iirn rV •peed, beet and (raia botfy eora- • . trade, FurrFumllure, dlihei, flBa glaii blaatioa. jirage. Call 7M-8I09. ” •fld^^Iampr.•nd^^I^pr Red ^Barn.^ Hi mlleii l Arrn Fcrm't fo r Rent 8 4 ^ — b u d & MARK T ------^ ^eW mt'if Duval *Courti.*«7 *'Ma‘ »<7 >•»«■« Ee a I 24!4 HOUR ^urica S C Street I Worth. Apartment Va; 7 ...... - »e - TfioTh Advortlsor WillIII Bo NotlfiecNotified' to-Call'YouT “ ExcLLLrN-i - I« honepower Mercury outboard 200 soulB Llm bELP'pouiyor b«an land wiui wa- _ !£ P78. . L _ E x^ ' lli;nt, 111 I t ^ ' ,om- • raciniraein^'*m'*i*’f mmor. Alio Cobra alaJomi“o5^ ten''iES'a?urchm iialeamen: Ed .Br^*.? ler for eath. H«n( HO per.aera or ai.^ itetf toa...... ^ -leal. TTiat'! i?I?t *kl. a s jn a . Kimberly.- TI. . ■■-. - enc.-faltoa.enca-Falloa. IDick Low», Frank any amouat UA >o H)*acrci. acres. Old ~Somo .So ilrn^'/ffont ” -• ------nnd optioUl e^ee- LATE model 14- fiberslai* boat and7Zi _ _Sheppeard i>htnpeard _____ , ■ ------cora-4Bd_p*»lur«_iround— 1.2 - fie ------Llated-hore in.oflsy-tflJind.QlfQflsy-tflJind.alphabetlcaLArder.arA-torhrlca.o:.ar®-iorirlca.off«r*.you.c«n-; ------Ull: tr«ilpr . with ll. - - " i j _____ ’ ______]______—5'mln’a '* ^ FOR LEASK; 600 acrei.rl. JUIIJuil oul. ALPALFALFA. ZS'lon 2nd tulllna, 25- waler. plenty. SlopaI .excellent, excellent, tonlot lit eulllnt. I’bona 33|.r47, ^«lrlVihamn(x>er^ri!*Magle*Va*l- , ' 'Peed automatic. Taka over p'ay mu>t‘ bava own macbloery.ijnery^.and and - Jerama.— Je --— •■•■------■______'■ -■_Aif-^ConclitlQn)na/..,.-*....,. ,^Grovel -“-K J ScptIc Tank'Sorvfca- •-- J£L >»y £2!{:^ rmnt nn^O latl...... ^-V-A-T' ttients Or »»> >'»!• for good uied ® — rYA-MAHA iSear, rhoae Il 733H631 - . 71H 6M, I »it cut- Air eondiUoBlBg. heaUni and fuN ? dnv*- Uwtor.aewer service. Sewer .^*llns?“M'wnV^n^e^t^ni*.13 *lV tonaI'ona naco cleaning, i'or the Bc.tiervitfl««1M wayaf“ “y*- parElng™lolf/feed ? lotj,"*e] ?wei *eJ« BALES AND SEnVlCB— ^iliLL or tra* ^Bftcra^and Wtadtll. call 1 t/faVd.' J S ^ d . 3u»o. 'iefy«'fanlt eleanrt! -{ [li'ia^ sfr 5£lN ej^ll Elc -Fumaea Ompany.-713-iy.-7S - 0«»»ro. 5^^'/ BiSi ■ «* i“'E*»t"tn-Twtn-Falli. ^ '2 ' ' - All f-5 w .“ ' s r ¥ r.i * ncn.o ______'. ------:------— — charg^Johir/L* llakM, n jS lU341 *. SAVE ON Diamond tire*. Bay 5 pre- ^ ' M • l M 10 350 ca . _rhonePhone MI-<7«. Coodint. f^enit^a, . . For.5 ^ TbB Beit la_AlumlBum Siding — mlum tirea for leii thaa moit . . Siding G u n Ropolr ^ ^ __ Septic se»*cV»H tanka-(leaned, power equip- tin t line ill i«-' yoThavo a car lo *ell, now i» * '^ iture!'l eMl“VVou*";; o»r f' Burleylyln. _aji.;i.^Hl‘‘j ‘®,I g Sa^a u l^ iniuiaUfl^ Phona Lloyd F. d ^Ulp- nri( line llrei. Abbolt'i Auto Sup-s"p5 W ATSON 'S P O R T C Y C L E ''u-a‘‘t‘lmV'belSr ~ t :— comirmuni. rnonrso^TiTT:------= 'vH fcn.-.»-w 5rfs -fi'Ks _ ------J, ^ ---- nretiim. .r«K- —_ [g------■ ro-5SC?. 3^. mllea weti af hoipllal. — ------^iZ ^ n oBB.»2a-Mit------aALI-.S, ~ ■. • ______------faACTnr^nTrrorrwTr»-»tmmrMf ^?fromS!------BBardlng-&-Tralnmg-:;- = : FOR «Al.b IK03 m ilao OlO. kept . ean ot Jerorne. Mroin. 42«t. ■Jerome. .>!vJ "» l»M CHEVROLET lllicayBi 4-door. _ ' — :— 7 ^ 7 3 . '' tici. 1S30 H. Addiion, 733-1M7. 'and «Bd convenientconvent way to clean. Rent^ Ptj^sius' MOTORS __ ‘*ni.Hyr^5?dfi nig -S’, rndio, heaier. lU n d a rd ._____ ::^ r^ „..;_^._Britkl[iyina ------_ t g g j = — Sproying— ______machine si.SI. WIlion-Batei.______SPECIAL aduiladult racing .«o Carl- _«;«* -i-’ WciL mall ona .or O fhor Form 'Prodirtfi— ^—9 6 ------= |f^|5Ti^- - ^-7^ Muit ie» to appreciate. Over P«)Q'mo ' ^ k aH_Wc.«t-Clia-tjbOf-C«iO.— **«wo.b*droo^h'nBia'^lB country.county. No ciiuTlFlliO leed poinioei. citnn Brlcklnj ____ Dormant'Tpi-aylng for icale, Red ■ ' cMldren.' Need imall paiture, I. clenn Bricklaying: flrtplacei. homrt, etc. , jnual£iLJ4u.l,-ielL--OTtIinire«;■'C JM7iiw,7 -^YOTATOYOTA jeepJ Land crtiner. ehleken eoop. 7M-81S1.III .'______paiiure, • ^nifW iredred poia- Ilrlck, block ami none. Expert For thothe |ifincit iBiulailon'at reaion-eiion. SplOer,Spider, jAphid control. Lawn fer- • to directory. Will drllvrr nr Inad wprkp ^yliW ^^aL^ »>^».-=CM ~p1|^:”7g!pcS S S S s Som- Jsiif:______. _ Hubi, . Huhi°M Mtrai. : tral. inoulra 3S7 DUBol*...... **orkmaniHlai_£i«snablf.j_iiL 1 pany, 733.wa», ' ' '______■ tTRAILCYCLERAILCYCLE 8i hone engine, J J- . Twin Twin ra»*. ralli. fhowg I'h 7M-MTI. ‘"‘^ Hndutlfiol fcqulpmont ~g9 *•’ ------'■— ’ Hooflna, ~ UATTEHIIiS fnr ear. truck, tractor.tor. »P«<1»P«d tranimltranimlMlon. Alio, extra ioi» chcviioli ;------. »po»"«. 733-I>«3,______“ Tclophono-AnswerTdopho. Sorvlco ^’T^pouamV “ Iw 3uildlng„CoDlLg;tors..._ riT j^ CO Top quality Hood brand, wholeiale • hon* engi iro ------■RIAL~“ Animdl Breeding 100 jj— — ^Landscaps'Feillllzfng------Yourvour teiephcmateiep I* .never alone.- 3*. j j Si USED INDUSTRIAL— ^ - J 55. hour aervtce. Fhona 733.23Sa. • Majn_Eait.1 EQUIPMENT , ARTinCIALa r t Breeilln* to ADStis great ^'cfal ‘cfal or^«lden!lM*“bu^dln7"°D^ o !i. De- 1-lna aheepatieep lertlllier.for tawni, ilow------proven ilnr, nallnn^i Wjmiiitit lypetype ilgnlng ilcnlnj and cabfnct xrvlce.e. Alio ara. "We"Wc apread III Power raking. 1 raniei, "Slh'inB'^miehlB”!? " ” ! pjn.*" ' Caiim...... JIIC Model TC« crawler tracior ireedi ot Iced lot* and corral*. Duller Broth- lawn*, topt aoll. Free eillmatei. lionlcc!t"¥i•- 7 ^ 55*’ A^‘ ler lr.c .0, fct. Ml- era. 733-23;ii.\ ______-Johnny IMc>-erV. 733.gri3.------ttn tP r »fBirot'’?.m ic*™ jS ul^ii VamaiIa, IPO? with doier. «JM. -- ' -JOllNDP-EnGMIOTractoMnad.actoMoad: ,:n »»»“ " ------? n«w rroi'SlTW i'jeatian -and-ilfraMn? SOTS.’Fhoo« 7. B ujniiut, IJIJU.— ...... " ■"■ r f s fnnrrpln Ffifmlng'?^1::-^- ..Mill MilHna Friiilrm.nr ■ - S o f f ___ A"V llie. .^eal pipeline!. Quick In- fo r SALlii-TTn ■ backho. "N‘j'.'i^n-^‘“t'o^r^^fof,”n'1?r‘e‘?.‘^“^?iei'^^An Concreto forming, baiemfnt, founda-tounda- Bulk Hulk milk milk tank and pipeline aervlea wood-s Wood'i Tre®“se'n;iee;Tr Topping"‘i^ ^ nS7H. .sni"''3*;a Electric, phonaona callCall S» to s.3. 71TXtlagl. -' ■ • * ■' ''a5<«jn" or ------o?l'y^for°lu l ” ? t.l*'*iag*'!'w 7 h* —jmn-Tootini, rciideniial orr rom.com- -—aalea,•—aalea, I.«aw«||-a.J*coma.J34^1.I ^ 9 Y H !_• I • SefiiTO." ^r" s; Twin' ~m oKlal. .Merlin Drahl. 733JI3I, , , “~fooPae7Iartutl(?[r7aiu»‘£*'Fr?e aK x MOTIVt -TOana-TO-tTO aher « P.Mr - ^ ipci k>6HTlA^ M MKU»»~lu«d. " — fAui:^_Ku i. . j ; w . r ^ '- H fy Wa?[------^ Ufillfy^IIonUllllly-Tnll.n— 1----- 1 9 5 JOHN DEERE 3w leader;der. »V detign adult ™ ” ?Free s eitrmaiea, iniured SOPER’S Trailer*!Tra llay. nook and m'., , n n MERIDIAN Salei Yard. Auctiontllon ev. IfPTaplns. ';* hanjlng. acouillc ipfay. U l.j. BOX K. T.P. 73M33I _ utility tralletrailer*, new and uied. ail ^'w Will iif^w pay CMtL'phM.^TM.sroi**eaih. *- - .ELLIOTTS.L b , . “S fry, Tueiday i::M nooti. Doi.e v,*!Val. . . 2733-»n«. — BMPTYTJmnBMPTYTJmmMm'wniiitey ceramic' - ' — decanter bottlei wante^iiSjimljin. ■ .______• 'lacl. ,clcwood po-po: . STM.H Sifecl. Rupen, Idaho. 4Jn- ______ExCQV~^lo ] r ~ _____ Stuart Urotneri: interior aad axte- Br5^"^cmmuj^TK"toii77aMry ^Eait^^-^ia 1 ______!?,'?_ n?* .on -nilibef. ^iVri” m‘^n" \ Mi"i‘!fi'' w M nt|}^a c . ' »' m a ,unr ------'• ------^— — --fasKa; ^ 5 5 1 T w tn ,•*•- ■"-' . , 1252: -teflulB# Klr^-pana..W *repair afl -rieir p r i l ^ ' ■ Plum bing . i “ h?“ r;. ^■u«n 3°bi'lwtn ilow w^y' * SpV !— -. J w le r l^ g : !.» ;JsS ,= S 10^ M^u^^^loader.', >’ PH. ‘ ef Buhi ilekhoo workTsneclalltlng Ib Septic ’Ma7n“so.‘n3-3Bj.*'*“- ' ”’““^ 'r o r ~ i m i I. ■*»»"Haken Sewer Service. 73J-7S<1, Lakei. ------jraya. feed r. One man Hereford bulii of hr«(li(it.#£e. _ _ ^ — ------W ato r-H o o teri------E .. j _ '^ ---- - i t - ’ ■nnlBUte: —5l~«r«-poiies, ^J^^amp»^pd.‘S wiin ; ____ -Fai-or.^T^ — .1 ..V T°K ' I Jiumbar. Alao.^*law"nra«er*l!ia^liarT>- Blaetne Bleetne nc new-and laitalled.-FulI 10 U H&aV r iffi Thirty horiepowrr on P.T.Op .t .O, ForTor '■ •““"‘I and lr|i. Rdionstily , . ' 1 Gem cn'ng and repalrlni. laiinasua- .year war demonitratlon call Robertm Scfiuite,scAuite, P«io, makei u m Fuel Co.. ‘73Jr Cat'- (Air of Good.Uvlajl.htiIlni • cool- • HAVE.THE «AVi JJAME ^ YOUR_BU.SINi t ' ' ------fom I. Duhl. Ing ayitem by AmencaBSrand*rd, • v f s ^ ______• . SC-! Salea-lnitaJlitlon. Ivcnen'i. ~ 733- vf££^^'S£a"droat / —— ^liUi lUilHcTcJ .Vniin Uulir ^ - ■ N ■ , l aelec: T ...... — ^ , , ftw F T E X #• X i r liBoleiuB''.nigi" ■ ^ *■, ■■ SEIlW^SllDE& D B O 9RTH ^ T H B ■ -M.8S. Aiiorted patters*.-Saaaar Il-M HM or ' . ______■Furniture.■Furaiture. 733-101.73 - ■ . — ^ 5^ • An advertiicment In Ih#t h a ' ^ ’ " T" T ~ ~ | ~ .------^ ^------r ‘- .'J....':------^ - r -THBKli,-iJCR. _ _ _ _ -new wlih tha , .-. ■ ■ ' • •?“ ta>ttS?7«B'clMB 733-|Ml. • I f o 'e u , B U ^ fe S S - DIRECTORY ' ~ STOW-a-way bed for rentT^O.CO a V ' ' ' ■ ^ r REGiSTERiio i iiiick antoi'I buiiT bulli. , tefcndS n d s ncw and old clients • ' ' 1 ervlc*. _ . . - / , ' Ij - - J < | enrrr-dayl-Jt- ^ ' ' '

    — -'.J. J^^jeaichei. S.OOO homes,les . rubllthadfgj under thi ha9dl.iq:IIiqoryourcholca....l^fydaYl of your cholca. Wk“ ^ _ uu^ 3*l?Av» ------Umel^ ^ '.'.^.OOO r e a d e f i ) . , , «fid-nd • • . , . . ' ' DEllVEREbED TO 21.00(21.000 -' ^e_weiL°s“ -HOUSEHOLDS-DAiLYI------— - s ^ 'f-"'-. "'ffM - . FkUC teited Ai‘iui tieifen beiin sa v e s 'on your j>odtel“c ashr";u------' - - MAGIG-VAltEY-HOUSEHOLDJ iL - ... - - - . " . r - . - —e»Wwi«i.>*v*«-«ti.M- -|. __ ^ ____ ^ ...... phonb'your;'adAD todayi TODAYI 7 733-0931 “ ;■ ■■ • •niageway*., * ——-JEHONE------™ls — -■------WE'trblll-TOU-tATElItl-TrOU-tATERITT-— r - o — : - ij —*‘]nTichootr^rt«irHolBn-«a!tf"WB t t l d - W nf^nt#niii r e ^ n t w i i s a T o s a g i r - : ------jnwtbt. MunaBrtf'iM.&l*!^ ~^ ."l>HONE-73rie31~"' ■' .■ . A .TRAINED.AD-WRITER.VRITER..WILL WILL HELP1- Y O U ' . _33j:p&. /,ro , _ V.- cfoniettlo.Ktenba s o m etday, d a y , I naturally aaiiittittd' •.■ ■ 733-0931 M . , . . . - t w o .burrou ;J; ' -^themaantinthBclaajrobrol"t h 8 claMrobrol'4^^— - ,-i- ' • ' ' ■i'^ : . M ' —'— I— ——— ^— I—:—— I, - pjjoSS m in i

    ■ ' ' , ' • ^ ■ ' i-'- ^— - " ■ ~7~" ------— ------T------T - - -J--.J— t..- , ' • X

    THE BES'B :ESl£SA i;EiSL E S M ^ Nl-IN-THE-Ci - I N e_ c o u n tTRYLJSZM r y jR..

    — 1^'-— T-‘-- , ------—'r-'-M MorS orch. 6.7 , iW 8 - TwinTwin^ FflIU Tin-Tlmes-N^s. ■ A-9 ____^ -AUTOS-FbH-SAlE ------".rA uY ;:~~7 : "2oo~100~ FflTu ------3------r : p v -AUTOS f o r 'SA LE • ______200'X> AUTOS f FOR SALE . - •■ — : — - JOO-.. -'T E I S E I ^ " V i A G K U P - ^• TH IS F T NfF f i €( e S K S S S i" • - That’s^hy-.we-dori'rnse-iiiirdon'tniseTiiisieadtng-ads ~-C' ■ m CHEVROLET:T Malibu.'.Malibu.'...,...... S2235, „ -Sport coupe. V8V8 engine,’ radio,racj healer, white ' -67 PONTIACP' ...... S2G9T$2G9T' 'C7 DODGE-TTT.DO: .T. .'.T $2S9S______.______EixetiUd_li»r(«op._.7HL-y4-.tt' vn - ro m n w n.T.- MraiBo; D!i :— ------^ido-w sli-U res.-2-twt-2-tw ie-nm ie;nm sh7:i sh7:Tiew cartradt‘inr '------^cnime. •ulom»tfc lr»a»nii»-i.5 ir.------V8-en«!fl*riutomitirtf»ni= ^ V8 ------*'o°- nilI«il»..OM own- miitlon, mm power alacrUi, (ac- ______' " T s M PONTIAC~..V.. . SPECIALSF PRICE 5199J';1995 ,.w .S . . tor,tory warranty. ES Bonneville 4-0 «ei»il miifi. Ntw* «»r ' factory air. •• \ • ' U«0»-ln. u. - Noa bealere! Dealers! • . • _ 19G5 MERCURY CommuterC o m m u te r ...... J2195 .« r ■ *60 O L D S - ...... $450 - . B195 - o a m y s L E R ...... ra w '™ Super M 4-docr hardlop. Au- : . ■ Sinilon wagon.I. VV88 engine, , nutomntic nu transm is-. Stillon5, wpjOB. Atiiwnaile.. lomatlc iranimUmiR. powerlowrr ■ •• lion, a ir conditioning,ditioning, «ne localli owner. Sa%e. iranimlnloti. u po»tr. »lr«r. •tfcrlns and brake*. Hum Kuni / ' ; , • -now on this one!nel i .. lii| and br«k.i, nice. i,i,ollkB a mllUun. . t n o ? '64 B U IC K ...'...... $1695$1695 -64 T-BIRD ...... $2395 • . 3W 5 COMET.Clubib ,S,Scdan_.,M c d an _ ,,...... ':.;.S1J95_^ - - S WJJdMi ,,.b»ir____-i_paU-powtT^Mcieff-air..tJf.------^ 1956 MERCURY:^I B Y w : ______^ Autorfiaiic. transmfasioD,insmusion, radio, radi white ildewall - • ^prftnlura tirti. power, iteet- tr« clcin. food lirei. ______Ini «nd tra kei. __ _ . ’ __ -<:<^nn — Stock No. fe62-B - ^eriMPERiAL ; « ) ! - ^ ------■ ’------^ 4-door tedan. TuH powerr and , - That’* Right-.OSc ; . 1964-POm'IAC Catalina:alallna SedarSedan SHSS'IH95- , '“ J air condilionlng. Obi owner. S j ------. 0 9 ------Fully equipped,-BCilomatii:-(r#d.-BCilomatl;:-(r#n5m i«lon,-V8 'etv------/j^_(.er„pliu_.tic- nIin^lijdara-Han.mluloo. §r"ke.'’ »“u'm s’i'"u''a‘n.ili''.

    power brakes: and sfcerlng,sfcerlng. air conditioning!'\ ' • '"^G ' 'fC IMPERIAL If .... SEE lf“ See this one loday. - , - 4-4-door, caulpped l>-4.^rfn^a Mae •(A « IMiM. P E R IA L ...... $2295 car •houlil be, .alto factoryictory 4-dnor4-di; *edan. Tuir power ___ S Z l E i G ^ ' 'w trrasty. Caa't ba (OldI (rom ' anct,i«lc.MndlOojilB|.-Lu«ur7and j«ur7------— —13S3-CHEV&OLEIOLCQrviiIrLM CorvMrLM onza_-...... _S595li------____ .1aiwi ------—^---- —at-« at «connmy-pUca------^ ^ ------stock No. S-187.B — L___Back£LMli,-4-specdr~cheom-^■ipccd^chfom ^B ^eli_____ “PICKUPS------r ^------PICKUPS—; , T T o o Be B e SSoldoW a T : ^ . ^ ' :''1!)63-CHEVROLFfTT.:T ...... SPECIAL S t PRICE 5795' ^ •• . ’67 FORD Ranchero . $2295 *63 DODGEDO liihR Wide , \ Impala ^-doorir hardtop..V8 hardtop..V 8 , engine, auiomatic ' ' va ^ rnttoe. lUndard Uan». u ., ------T!^tuion,-reai-Bi«:------—------if.r — --^------•onat-- :------^ 1%2 C A D ILL A C Coupe C oupe D(>Vill(DeVille ...... S1795 p FORD F1004^ton - ______d = - = ^ —— l^)4aJnterriation£[nterriational ' i — ' —1961 1961 IFofa ^ ^ : ! “ Xir conditioning,Inj?, all power equipment, looks . p. rTotiPlckup seclairsiocnsSedan stock Mo. m 'jh-l) ; ■: ; je'j.t *60 INTERNATIONAL J $395395 ’ Sedan Stock No. 8-32-C '• - • H*Ton Pickup. ~ :— -liku nfw. See thl«this one loday.', ■ ‘ " JiJJifX S .'rS at W in : ---- - apted iranfmitilon, trailer.trailer Travetall.Tra d-eyllnder entlne, • Stockk N No. o . R8-202-A - - ( ^ ^ l 5-tpced trnn«mliilon, e»tta W agon r .'...... ■" 1962-COMET StdtloiTwaBon lood. e-ply llttt,-______^______^ • ------K jlim iti t i m,mc, e. stamlJiil siaiijditi -1 l(aiuiiilSS/0//,~rU7Ij R $79 . — - — ^ 6 9 — Rood. '^"buSun; Jn7'ni"S;'."“'is''*"** ’63'63 FORDFO i.onR Wide ’ $69 " . -f»nm m tgpr------i...... ‘'^795 p Vi-lon pickup, Vd ensltie. 4- 1^1 IVlbl^CURY eommtricr-r, ------a L T ^ D O E i/4-ton PickupKUp ipcPdVpl irBnimHilon, trailer 1958 Chewolet 1 I ' ‘V-' 11951 9 5 1 CChevi-olet h i ‘ station wagon.. V8V8 engine, onjone owner car. new ' • • ^ v i rnclie, ^ipNd Uammli-Dimll- bilch,bile 6-ply (Iref, real gooi.sood. ’- < Stock No. 8-279A "^I95Pam' Ln»porWlon-car. , . ^ $ 6 9 — ~ — $ 9 9 = $99 Jn ,« tlrti. low mileage. Bice. 1 9 9 = - ___ M 1358 CHEVRtiLETT ...... S195 ^ ‘^i 1 1 9 5 ^ , , Hurryorthis-one.------L. 1959 Chevrolet ~ ; ------IRUCKSTRDCKft______^______J•_ 19.48 Che™ietolet ■ 1957 Dodge ----- fiedon-Gtock-Nor^-168-B------^ PlcJciip Stock'K o.7 -3 « ...... '63 m e 2-ton-Truck— ■____'63 CHCHEV 2-ton-Truck- TPIckup iysw5tock iJo T ^ 7 J-B I --— .--.S! THT^TSTi^NrSRN MOTn-RSM ntmlt. — l)H-'y-entlnf.-4-«ptrd Irani-- .. ~ ' The’Eajie.it Placelace In The WorldWo To Duy A Car , ^i«»dy lo 'so to wotkT^ \—'■ mai '«• — ^ 1 — — ^ $a 1 29 2 9 - — > $lffl1^ ' 701 Main Avchue East1st Phone 733-7700?'3-7700 ------—------’67TO.B7T;n RD 'C 600 Tilt Cal) ------CHEV M o n ...... f 855 ^ L ■ . - ■ Lons wheelbaie. v» tnilnB.mliiB.------______8-if8-ip»odlr«nimiut«i,-lJ.000:te ■. -1957 Pontiaciac ^' 1957 Ford IP^O’ord ■' ^ ...... —frtrJed frBnimlillOfl, 1-ipted■ipced lb.Ib. 2-ipced rear aile. «:COz Pickup stock N o^U 3.B -- a*le. good tltei, readjr 10lo tofo 20 llrei, i power tlcerini, ex­ 2-Door Stock No. 8-274 • " pickupS.K,— Slock No. M B ~ 5 to work. «cellent ll condition. ’68 F^ord o r d Sales ^ N TRUCKS IN .STbCK“ ------_ I - : - 4 2 4 9 / ; $299 ...... -1 9 .- 2-TON TRUCKS ir ^ - $ 1 9 9 5249 • $2‘ g^odge~C rty”tv ^ — 1959 Chevihev WagdWagon - • ------'— Stockk No, 8-<0.A840-A - Ton Truck.:k. Stockstock No. 7-3737-372'B------' i * ' ZZ BB)Jie.esEUia e_s_JJo------Charlev-Halc^.___ JgtLP.ulLeL-______!jHef » A t iSiil[Workman W orkn Foriy------JjC ^ fn n y Mmn— 'W inn EllLl)ck ------2nd AvenueC b a ito South • ^ y 500 Block 2nd Avenue : - $^ 2 9 g Z Z Z n i 3 Z Z Z . - .11299 - ' -CH ECK THESE TTRADE-INS — ~ ]W7 g n p n -ntijM DlERBIRDr-fnirTJOWir, EBR iPTy-fim - a ir conditloiilng."^ remainder of newlew car c ar warrant warranty, m s T p . . .. -Friday & SatahJay,—S a t u r d a y , ------1965 MERCURY COMET'MET 2-door,2-door, «iautomatic transmission,'.S*. cylinder,. beaulItiUja:ecn_flnUh.Iful. green flnUh.------t ------on,'.>-. -~ ^ ______• ' '______1963 CHEVROLET IMPALAMPALA 2-door2-door hardtop.t V8. 4-speed trans- L ^ : r r ; -1 968 6 8 CHEVROLET ^ H - mission, jadio, heater, .iharp. .RD' 1^-TON. V8.v». 4-apee835- . Bruce Caughey ...... 733-8881- . ' JohJohn Jenkins ...... Z .. . . - ...... 7 ii- « 4 r — : r m 5 5 r > O R D JfTON, -V8,.<.speed,-V!,.(.sptKl, Jon lons.lMXi tOBl . n i b b t:------r , ^ ,..^- 1962 CHEVROLET V8 Station Waf t'S-^'doorrSeda/T-.-i— $785= tSC?7= =IcoHPart-Fi»cher ...... ; ...... -.•...... 7.• 3 J-r:^ ...... -D: ilHI-Mo«k«r— ill ...... • 1MQ-GMC 14-TON, long)ng wheelbase vwith 4-speed, new tires. ^196{^CHEVR0'LET^V8 r4.doorrSeda door Sedan ...... $495 $377!377 \L j ,h a^. y Sockett ...... 733-<280 JaJames tr . . . i ...... y;v;- $295 '$177. ■ NO MONEY!' DDOWN. O W N , Io n g o o d c r e d i t , - ' p FIVEpF-T-HEFII'THE FINEST ; . . - 1958-PLYMOUTH 4-doorIE TO ...... CHOOSE FROM ' ” ]yMATCH [ or: — ^------MANYiklORE TO CHOOS i o r B E A T • JSM Biiick ...... $J595.W - ■ 'g ' •— ■ ■ --JSM Buiespecial. 4 door stationlion wwacon, acon. VV8-n 8-m otor, A /^O R K M A N US.EDCARS- . . ajiy legitimat autom atic transmission,ion, 27,000 aactu ctu aal l jm iles.' N WILLS US.EE legitim ate Hurry on IhisI )pen M on. thi-u Fi*i., 'tn,9 ' ^ [g ^ FF O O R R ] D B o t : *- .1966-Comet ...... j...... $1695,00 1 . B oth lOTations open. ■ T - rM - on. Office 1 P'hohe-733-73G5 ------Ldiscount- T T “ ‘' or. allcallowanc'^' ■ com2'door sedan, 6 cylinder,nder. •hardtop,hardtop, staistandard _ 'l 4« Ind Ave. E . WHEERE R E WE WORK FOR YOU ~ Twin Falls ______' . ~ • G e o r g e D ey ~ . . . ______transmIsaioa.'3'tOiM paliit,'a’real.DlCflpalnt. a rettt.Dlce ecoti.. ------^------r- ' . Truck La"ne WesT-'' Office — : _____om y-car. : ______DidLBovd: : . • r - ( ■ = - ■ = ^ Y ^ = S H 0H B B = B U Y - T i —=______.._73^1542 ^ K a l p h E a to n ------— iB=BUY-THKBES5-^------— ^ - ri9G5 QOidsm j j j obile . .'...... 7...... !... $i795.ofl : ------N ic k N icholson . . • } 326^455 :______If______you don 't shop Glen J enl ■Cutlass 3 door club coupe. V8 m otor, auto- • ______-- , . 733-6139 ’t shoo Glen Jenkins ------. -Cutlamatlc-traMmissionrpower”sleerfnS.~apower-steerinS.~irnice ...... ® M = ? i . DEPARTMENTJT '“ T f y > y 100 m uch. - ZZZ c m I . I96ff M ustang ...... l i . . . - : . . . : NEWrCAHe-Street DEPS We.-it -73 3 -2 8 9 1 ______L-—______Harritnp mupg. B ryllTylor m otor. paB-s r • ______236 Shoshone-StreetPlymouth—r^oyota We.tt — '* ^-rG ,.v bE-^f-JEM J ' ■ , standard transmission,n, A real money saver.si • \ • Rambler — PlymouthD E A N E A R L ~r.j96<-p0NTlAC Star Chief:hief «4 ^ o o or-.... o r-...... 7 . 1 9 6 a T B ird ...... '..$1695.00- ,T.nr;:zr.-T.OUIEs‘LIMAN . E 1733-8103 ■ ' Hardtop. Laodau iportwrt coupe, full ppower, 733.5JQS » , CHEVRQL 19CS DODGE V 8j> olani.4Wi n . i k o a i ...... JI593 . - ■ DON.PFEFFERLE. , ^ROLET , factory a ir cODdUtonlag.la*. - ' . • '753-2S20'. ■ ^ •' 313H I Iklain^ Avenue W est, Twin Falls 1965 FORD $ Cuslom «4^oor, o o r. CrulscomatlcCnilseor ...... $1395M5S3 -EARL BIRD . - ' DON : : ” ' 7 ' ___ 1- .^-,-i-^'.-^.-w lD fpec^.Su)dtN, Twin Falls i;.-48 .. . '..733-3033-^-W-Maln^th- . ~ 1967 CHEVROLET Impalaipala 2-door hardtop han ...... $2595(1395 , loo.Siodt ^ -644MatoS WoodyTurley -•; . Benten Eldredge \ Jack Cat • ______' - Woody Tur: . CHEVROLET Mallbo-convenlhiiallbo-convenlhia...... $1295______B595 . n • eon- W A ^ TO SAVE MONEY? ------UTTLEAD------19B FUHU V8 cu-nomn <-flBor4-floor■ ------^hoB ^K ufflfeere ------S i S 11 t . ■' *«*rlni. . .B IG S A V IN G S " — 1,965 BJJICK Skylark 2-dopr2-dopr hhardtop a rd to p ...... SI59S. ^ n" UseJj^e^hoB^;^ . ‘ HERE ll ■ lood buy.-. IMI Fort Ford -QptaOt*^ SuodayiS“ aed B»talnii « ------Fnnp vn nplnitio e^-dDor_..^...... T...... :.':::r~ $ 795 .J ______?’ R E E " : n4-tIoar. g V Va motor, auiomatic trani- mIIUp j • Chrysler, Plymouth. Valiant,;. “ - 5- • ••FOR CARS : 'Dodge,- IM ge Dart, aac) I'" . . " ~ " F R E i r Miller Auto H o n d r SalM ' ' ' F O I 1962 FALCON.Ranchcro:ro .‘nr: $69s_ / CHARGEi ■ SBo: A rt* »«l«t lata m«l'»Ji««''I' AU matei ly SSSS'iSS Dodge T rucks. •. ' 190 ULOS as 4-ooor «««aa. Radio.— ,s:7-iiffi5;?^'8uM'S*^,*“ cor r2 •. 1963 CHEVROLET *292t,6>2’.'6 long wheelbasewheelb p ic k u p ...... $1095 /O F CHARG■ '•V r' ' aautnniue, u t^ U t pewtT itetrWi. pwrjr . -„ iS ■ DISCOUNT ■' - D M V E ■ " . - : ■ D U S A V E ,• ■ _ 1963 INTERNATIONAL.^,L.V8 <-speed4-speed pi.pickup ...... - . . . i $119511095 p AUTO WRECKING .. .. . ?ou live In these areas', you can " t S t ' M • . ^ B BONANZA O N A MOTORS^c k ~ ^UTO 'pboni w-s«»i ' : -'j'^ j- 1961 FORD V8 ibns.yheelb&seheelbase pickup'..'.';...'..'pickup ...... ; . . : $ 895 . n o wNo m atter where yourimes-News live In thei Free of Charge. . • Ih u - m - ,• ' f' ®. 100. Mil r m H ^)ntiac-^0^1 ------B uW s- ~' WORKMAN ; 895 .. now telephtine-. the Times-NewsCwtlefonK^...... F M3-4S48 • , .3 'S ^S ‘»V“rSS BUItlBURLEY.t ID A H O • WO j m . « ^FRO — r ------:r-rrBROTHERS - . -^H■ H A A R R J B A U a H -- .PpNmc-ODnxAC- - ' " ^ ^ j r T y ^ l f v e J r i - ^ h i . < ik T eh ...... {ertnan,-Jenjme S38-2S3S3 ;-' - ' f:np .ft.l-3.VB Ualvcrt'a l KT- • Ch'T*»‘ ■' M O T O R - 0 s .— ■ M x S G ?-Wcodell.-Goodin5, H agerm an,-Jenjm e 0 ...... ,,...^....^.--a2fc5m _ ^ « y 7: = jL •:: -- '-COW -COMPANY r ~: ’ : - ROTH)TH iL SCHIirriSCHIFFLER - ; ' £u^^k“ u ^ '” '^ o o r Sp«ci«i Aut^ *'pS»ef'^iiM Aut^ power ilM rlni—brile i. air toodt- oFBinZBSET /fta u i;-N o rla n d 678-25522 , , maue. {,*Real tood eoodliioa. Phone . ilonln»,-*hi CoMtot-Mllp . . H»«lll •'~T ; • M ain-.Street;t-Across'From A cross ;K TFr . . . -.'------.224470,Jtro- ja4-470,_ m e ______•hone .ilo^ln».-*harpriis8S.i:7)._____ s m a r t e r « Burley^ Rupen..I)cdo:'PauI^NDrla^ ~ — ■—■Cm '- - J - H ------1 ^ - - —

    ' V ' ’ ■■ * ' ' ‘ ■ : . J , . . 'I ! , by B vehicle operated by his ~AnO~TwTh~FdtU~’Tlniet-NewjtU~Tlmet-Newi------Mofch-67rW68'rW 69 - — ~ - tjnrp{-I>''ln.'Fallsi ■waj-rc-eiecl-'„0lher_rc5olullon«_lnflutjtd;■waj-rc-eiecl*'. <_InflutJtd; t ,A. B ureau of Reclamation of- ^___ I ' ;"• • ed vice chainiian~imd—Clillanlii-im.UXliffrtruiuu|P-tl> » -f m i___ iN r r ^ l.— rSK ir-PollCT~Bliimi-^- •rlvririfTa Mi’s.-Cusscrt’s car. B v • iaid. any con;.South I'ork of the Snake RlverldcRivcrldc^if^n of the ijjwcr jeiifTDam Dlotier"'’^ —-fljui w t're-iavclvni In a |;______Resolutionitipn Adoptedi ByJ ' sidcratfon of inltT-fiasln•r-basln .w.water;"so atfr;" a^.to achieve (he-KffpfC^f-fs'now^bwrt^-prepared. ■— ' --- ast Avc H. ChaTn-rcHCtlOn-atcJdenrBbourSn r a b o u r S ------■ — ; ■ * transfer muM be preceded prcecdi'd byjuiebyju of Ihc Snake lUlUvcr' vcr'it;.- it;.- “ O ur objectiy£__ii-• tu to iniliate • L>’ndaLj Low?. 702 East Avc. H, w -• • majtimutn'ulilitutimiIrni of wntcr’inlr wn’lcr•jn|pa^srs through Idaho."ho." _ 'construction;co of the'Dlwerjiwer Teton Jerome.' was cited forj.iilurc i» I’ ”’' * hl-r v,-r.!ri^ umlor^ S c-Tniro>- ^ j . S fiS TTraffic r Courts: h : ------mtcr-rrcrfrmjrxhrrwatrrrTin'- fCtwtMfwtion'a.'t''^'xm ^-^ftpfoptiatiwn and ktrj — 1—D isyetiS&tWater4Js&rg aj «rm il," he after Ihe l935 ChevT?lcl .^hc Was -1—— ------• rtmlini; rie-«ihnitnlifi»wiion of Icaloicaiof ihe-Amvricjn Tali'■all' Dam aiiot!a iiother conditions permit,” he aftf Ij ’ ca'r^on fnade' vi-;ihiliiy abtiutit^ lirfec H Tfect; t.- - J ., MarvinMj Hes». (iixxiing.-was ------nw-pfescfii-hciahLjLandJLand wtcn4tn'said. sa - '' dnvdnvinj; hii n parked car on 2"“'' . ‘ - ' jd a h o FALLS, Idaho (A(AP)- P )-m »’'- waicr. ------n nijc, owned one was-injured. fined ;J(l "bV Jerom e Polii'c.” ” " jites in which.considered necessary.ry r^ ------p-T»v«-XdOfl — dam wouldjuld be liear SouthSoul Cleveland Avenijc. owned ™ -.m ^ntithpm H.t t rnnard f^mhnma m - of RtirhvRtiThv ll ahr, -il.uc-i in which.c ^ nald Per- Judge Rsis^cli Shaud for speed- li-i IR nrtnpifrf rp-olpcipil fhairm^airman an of thcrtheithe wal^r oflKinatcsatcs m ust be;be: - A call for a review•eview of the ihthe borders 'o r~ M aidnon,—I're. d n o n ,-i:rc bvb y j Ronald D. Hill. Jeromrome. e. Shcrl 'The-The caTdriven by Donald Per- Judge 1 —— ho Watcf-nhlriri 3R ndoptcd. t ^ a r t l c i u a i8 a ,-le fu mc.-Wfl5.SUUchJnrUcllJn.?hP ,jhP ;„-a,L.HLnLttnPi^:TTn-rf FrpHr^ - - • Jay opposinfrariyiCommitlce- ot Nino^ino^ the"llic~^nl<-r!r.iv^ w'nlor iHl- utinortunitv'tojniU'‘lo~ inven~ invcn- ilrtiC 3tim rn)‘>i fllluiailorrpoHcyTniraTlon~poHcy Tnont-aftd-Tctfw c w tttie ';------...... MeAfji^a«M—landa=fl#r*ku. Me^ maa-. rcsoluiion Monday opposinfTah — ------ix,ih~Jlannina-o-or-planning-rc..uw:r.s-advJ5or>’ .hna^nnard which w~h f c h"toi^' ih d r.w a te r reiburcc.-.. reiDurcc>. anO,anO,n ul the l'uii>uiHn3jriTrWitCTr1n^ Bol"..'*''. •"'i ''"“'t- in opcnilions ln'cxisTrris” W a tp n lRlRht.t-in~ h tx -in ~ thmthi»e e crenM!ttucl( in thg rear H. Hari . w ater into the■ Colorado RlverUheRive Snnke River-V-Volky. olky. AlA) Pc-Pc-'state* niuM I'm pre.servcd.ire-served. cent.< i . ______. H I-OR PAST SELLINGG RE-SUl»TSJnJuRE-SULTSJnJured, . ' ' ^crl’s

    M § p W " " i wmf " nwm r ■ ' iU ^ ^

    ------^ J ~ i r j Effl ftfCH■Siti! f W ith>h T1 h e R e e s s t O fL l1 h 1 e L RM a c h d L Ad n J O i i H L MW a i l i L . ^ n /ik ir c TA v r BBY ir m H HIHG G HORE~t

    vf f9 6 88 ~ MUSU S T A h f e w e i Hh t ft t R t l ! M 0 P = = $

    ^ * r o wiMJWiTH:pA-WITH^PAYMENTS- — ------^— ----- FIT-YOUR-BUrOUR-BUDGETI— ------^

    H 6 8 ^ 0M R IU M 3■ A A I L A Y I I . ....4A - p O ^ SSEDAN E D ^ ' *POW*pc N WITHI PAYMENTS PAYME - ^ ...... , TCTO FIT YOUR^BUDGETL BUDGE ------9 B ^

    . 19 C ' * d o w nsi'WITH'W ITH PPAYMENTS_ ^ TO JIT YOUR E

    T HN ^ i 8 F100 4 0 PICI> I C I t U@ ^ 5 1 0iW 1 c i r ^ ~ ’i OVER 15) NEW^^^NEW k— PICKUPSRK INJ STOCKSTOC T *DOWN WITHI PAYMEPAYMENTS - " 7 TO. FirYOURIt BBUDG U D G E T ! ------______mi r i — • \ !______- J ^ 6 8F - i A i RR t t i A N i l ^ 2-DOOR)R HARDTOPHAR C

    d o w n WITH PAYMENTS PA J , ' ====^TOT=rFYOTIFBUYOUR BUDpET! - mm - j

    r o l i u1 ^ ^■ W here^ere^We I Work\rk ForJF Y o u ’' ~ 1 4fe 6 nnel 2 n d -A V ii. bASI>ST— TWiNFAttS—AU.S ... P HONE"733-5110 p N E^ Z y -

    ' ~ ■ " ' - . -