■ : v, 1 l , >. __ ■ " ' 05-t27C6-127 ULibrarian J«n*03-63iJtin»03*63z ' ' % IIdaho'StatesH d a h o 'S t laiorlcalcal Sodlaty ' 'Ii BoiaB*.IdflBolaB.-Idalio . // l^83701'-- • m • '1 * ' • • ' ■ ^ A M !l'//j!''/ '/ ' y ■> X * : r . I— —Weathersather— ' ]' I Cloudy/ Tdnigh-T onight' - j j Q F - - 1 Edit:Edition: ■-------------------- ; -------------------- ----------------— —. -f-ThoMaElc-VolIey-N«wspapcr-DW ^ T h o Ngwtpapcr-Dcdlcntgd fo Sen^lni;Ing tind PfonP^m ollng Iho. GrowthIh ol Nine I^IgatcdI^I Idaho CountiesD uniies _ • __ p --- v6L.-e4';-NO.-3M“iM — - - ^ ~~ ' . ' ■- ~ ’*! • ‘ . ■: yfWTwtN IN FALLS, 'IDAHO.ko. WEDNESDAX.WEDNEi lU A I^rc,c. jOMjW •. ■ TEN CE.NTS~ ~ ^ ------------------- ;-------------- ^ ------ (!;5 Killedilled As Freni ^ -O m aha-Q uiet— ^ •"ren^h^^tz:---> i OMAHA, N E B .-(A P ) - I . ' I . O m aha's predominantly Negro Near N orthH ' Side ^ a ni i s ^ ' p T jr r t t jP la jie was quiet I9day,“ and-p>- iies intb Mour^ount^h V Ilice hoped -the' (lash^int Crashes I ------- -------------------------------------------------- --- for --------; fo r-re n e w e d -ra c io l-d is -r- POJKTE-A-Pi't RE,E, . 'GGuad^ u a d ^ qqueijily u visited by tourisH.urisls. cialtial said. turbanceslur had oassed. m 4 ______Jupc (AP) -^Rescuecscue cfcwic^cwi J_The_jilane pIaughwI_lnto_Iidjnto it asa s _j7ie_jjiane_ J 7) had_li:ft[.Caracas. .Caracas. __]3ccfcd_uDj)0lici:_pain)la___]3 - 1 ^ rcachc<J the wrccEagcage o f l n Air (i(t 'headed " f o r a lan'dlnRlandlnR at Venezuela',Vent a t 6:27 p.mp.m. .-afier -after ‘ kepikef w atch o v er troubled ' J; rancc 707 Boeing Jetjcl loday and Pointe-A-Pitre’sPc R aiicltcl Airport, slopssinp: in Lima, Peru, and Quito, neighhorhtnxlneij .ifter an out- ' ! M " — ------rcpurU'd-Jhiii-^ll-G3-pcrMiifr-<in3 -pcrMiifr-<in abaUmu-30-milvfc-.away.-WiinvkbCk|.-Wiinv*i.cfc EGfui fu#d«rr«nd-w ns dueHn-Gu»dfrin-Gu»de- -b- h re r e ak of-somc-loo'tinRtR-and- and-- [—[—' f r— ~ ------- -^-----------------------F-------- i § M l f e ] board, Includint; a wumanwoman idea-Idea- v>viid the jel burst 'into flames luup h-D e»irn into flames luupe, Aiit I-ram e's main 'scf->ef- vundali-.mvan and ihc' fati.1fulfil Ry| GEORGE ESPERR ___ ElsewhEJsewhi‘f,c._U.S.-_/urc£S-ltilled r«‘poried-to lified as Ihe wife ofjf ri-alreal csiatecMaie andan cxplodcij. vicir -killed r«'pofied-tfHia\T-!«t-2,0()0-klttfd-fnrc’j'—:lttfd-fnrcj'— wlifruert-ciilfeiiUn’indw li(r\ -------- vicing area in the Caribbean, ssho hooiin;; nf a li>-vear-uH:atold_ -SAIfiON-ttAPj-TWCom-munHC—SAK t’ln'unisC nHO'enei o enemy soldierji__Ifl. three aajid_ihe_Sh jid jh e .Shuili .VirtnaincJCJ.O'JUlcuncrcie.4.W U!aincrcie.bunkeri:_Two-4Vmcii bun ------ « - man wiiiiam-j;cckcndotL-dle^ICndOtL-lIlCtl ..A resident nf the Jicaihy-Vil-nrnrliv t-il. flboult=S5=niimiteiz!aicr=-=’abou :r .— —■weSfu-lwy.-wIw.-ofJia'rK-;rxijj fi.cvrs- gunncrr-bcslCRlrlfi-Khc~T5hIigunnci sharrTfli —’■5— whcirthe-Til3TnrtTlnmiol/nTaiii^lajT T iiol/ntaiiiriagc of St. Q au d e told report- Ofi Sahli sharp cliisfics, UTS. jpokesmcnesmen in tticttie’ five-weekflve- period. ;'c-;ins were killedkil and 23'woun<l- told report- Officials said, the weather.’ather was said,sai< attempted lu J^cukbreak slw i^o^a U .S.^r F<>rce_C123ce C123 itptitted,itptnted, _as_\h>'_C!«nm wnlsts • AboiH^IS - sidc-Tucsda'y niRhl.. — __— 1- crcr*i-i;U.u.'as.cominR in at ancx- good mnlsts • Abw» 7S nnnb nf Sai- nV ■ _:________ in at ancx-fiood-at Ulie-tmie-of-the-the crash --init r i i ^ a pawnshopr~~--------■---- 'ifiins-p;transp<ift c arrj’ing ^5 rnen:n near shelled provincialt capitals and ROn, parai Cuitinc ihrouRh dchteicnse terrain,icrrain, tremelytrt low altitude., I-heard-It and that they had received no !s and ROn, paratroopers of the U.S.] OtherO th e r's■ s ec aa 11 p r e d clashes jcelvcd no . ' ^ c officers w ere nidedaided jih.itjih.n Murine\ combtit base'today,'today, militarym ilitary posts for ihe ^^hlrd hlrd 101stlOlst Airborne.DivisionAirbo ran inio iirniiRlil total . search ers found parij[laris nf thcthe explodecx like a bomb.”" i ' emciemergency messaRes from Ihe hy into:i)ri)iiRhl total American c«su;il- from Ihe hy 60 volunteer peaccmcmak- ak- a 7,^7(h ^ir Forcc .spokesmanian an-StraiRan- straiRht ht day. The U.S, Com-C om -150ISO Viet-CongViet.Cc holding a villaRe.<tlrs fur the d plane on Maiouba MiiunlainMiiunUin on £ n routo from SantiaRO,:iaRO, Chile,Cniie, pilot.pilot • • ' tr.s laRC.|tIrs fur the diiv to 13 killed ami ■ t r . r who patrolled‘ - the ', iDOHnccd.-------inniinri ^ —.— m a a d - « aurtd —Thr-fommimisit npened-uplai-ivuumkd.- ]hr_w^Hirn hnlt nf;f thisihl< lwoiitmoiit.rta .| >o P arifc,-thu.plane-^uM^ufcUliMp. -diM tp- --irv ift-N e w -Y o fk r^ ih rr-MaTjtTric ~ m :— I— riiaad-«id-tiic-fhcllinn CJtitfd ~~Thr-fon l-up.ai-im umti‘<l, U.S.Jieadquarlets____ r-MffTtmic - g r i!a rm c t'i:tn p pird-T5-nnK~I B 5 C !i TTiett,,. faip.of ihr mrn - .1S.crea'i,lltilc rrt^w-illtil^ liamlian agc;______________!— wiih.auloiQ lndie*»terfin> p e o rtjH ru iii tiic' railai“iai- -vuiffii“!ii;ii'i'ii“ C3nniPL'iftrm r r “Zt‘t.'Krnggrt3 =MfgK?: “ wM whi'n iifey spoiie3 Rroupsjroups |nicninicn anda ■!< passengers — was AmericanAmeric offic’ers said SO.OOO lookas nnd pulled in^'ab^.25oj FightlnR w; ry. T hc m ounialn’ is"is about 700 whilewt m aking U S'landinsandins a|>0|> lary,Tlarv, aid M r..and .Mrs.-Zeckcn- ~o?” i-250| I-'iRhtlnc. W’.is reported cnnilii- •s.-Zecken- ~ b i yijHiij; *peoplc-tiHigf«x_iHlgfjX- fnH-iiwmwtialr tr flptfrm lnclifd N.ir)hK„rih ^ anti Viet rcinforcemireinforcements. Supported hy,uing uvii mil( — - ■ feet- high nnd alonsisdcisde Ij j Souf- proach,pn *fcuis Guillermo110 Medina, dorf were to have w et in GuatJe- pal hy^uinR uvii iiiilr.^ Aouihwest of C.i in Guaile- gating. The CI23s arc propeller-driv-er-driv- Cong haveha> been |(illed In their'urlillciy ni ___ _ ricrc,_a dormant volcano frc-onfrc- on airp o rt adm inistrationration o»l>oili' SecSee PLANE CR »5H, P y c 5 | _____ th e ir'uftilleiy nnd - r a:kilt-iiiiiiB-•hritrM ln'ltr » lJ Jii, ii. ~ u1liru1lF ~ ~5uain'' v i r m m n ------------- P 5 I I cn pl;planes iwiih two auxiliaryixlliary operationsoperation against citiesr nndand copiers,copters, iheihi Americans killed;d56'tri.ops 56jtri.ops pur»uipur»umg RuerriHas thcv • - turbojeiturboji engines. The maximumxlmum iuthvrother mm; ajor centers in South of Ihe enemyener force, spokesmen;men (Iniyednive out of thet provincial rani- . payload Is 15.000 .pounds.. TiieyiVietnamTiieylVietnam from Jan, 30 until1 mid- said, while five Americans wereuere lal 'a t Ihel^he mMiulhern tip cf the ordinarilyordina car^ In fresh lnx)ps]nighttroops night Tuesday.Tu A -senii/r U.S. killed and 26: wounded. couiitr.v; for KheKh Sanh and ily out others commandercommand said the enemy?nemy Along the coastal lowlandsshe- be- The CommunK[<Commi Inva je d jh e ’ - for rc-sl or rcnssignment. |"scraped-tip-aJnM>f-pcnple| ” scraped pie al tow Da NaNang.-men-<>t-ihe U.S. tnwrv T.muU. ------Communiil;-!ihcl!inR—of—th----- -Com ’f~:»he:|iie-|n^rminuic" eriiijj-inir- for tiie lunar Army's—AmerlC3t-T5im!m-Te-commaiid.^—~Te-TCOllimand.^ ^-Hr! '^.-cm nicnr .. ‘ __ ^ ^ H base appeared lo be easing, Tlie' tlmat. ^” '■"-■'1 killing G4 enemy soldierslirooiis^led’HerslirooivTkilled 275 of them in 15 Marines reported 100 incomingl • ^ ' In two clashes. Artillery and1 alrthoura nf fighlini;’fit hefnre- ilie ■sirikt-.s atcounieu tur manyy oi;rt'motjremnanls nnnis ol the enemy were of/eccof jeccni days. ■__________ jj Americ;American armed forces’wcrewere the dead ntnbng the cncmylcha.stxlcmylcha.stxl from Ihc1 town.________ ^ _____ m¥eaeherssrsIw 1 & jdvMtlahom ar-Shift ^ ^ In W ~ - i l k Out -Budget^zzzzzBud; By Thc Associated Presscsj Education Associalioo labclql;lql a SomeSnmc 1.000l.OC of Ihc steel city'sd is'Asked—I S / \ ^^C c aainitrH i n tn'O lIR liuurO KIKlah'u- lahb: ne^s-S3:9-ne\\—S3:9-milhon-cducation rsbill Sbilt 3;oco-icacher5-oriciflnny~fgre{<tr3;000"tcachf ma nndnn In Manchester, N.H.. inadequatiin‘''<'cQUate. the closing of 2-j junior nnd_s_cn-« n - WASHINGTONWASHINCT (AP) - Eight - take a'holldaya from schoolsols'io- to- In-PIHsIn-Pittsburgh 13 plckel.s-wcre•were ior-ior-hiRh hiRh school5“bursi ihey-re-- re- House RepublicansRcpubl callcd today day In press salary demands,nands. arrested Tuesday for. defying;tylnfi opened Tuesday.Tuc; Tlic ,88 elemen- for cuttlnR K m nen- for cuttlnR tCJ-bllllon-tromjhc______ ClassmClassroom walkouts continuedillnucii court iirdiorders in Ihe sixth daylay of laiar>;_schoo ry _ schoQls,_ have, remajwdincd admadminlstrallor inlm all(Jh’!i budget a n d - in-l'lnrida-and-p|tt5biirj;h,-I>a—jn 'l'In r -j>a— o-leachero-lcacheri-slrike-lherc.-^Sccret iecret open throuRhoultheth'r'nufi strike. ' plowingniow'inc 42.SrbillionJ’ S' of It inlu----------::7 ^ ■ 4. —‘)hc^Oklaboina-4Hlu«tli<>n.A»in talks resumed bctwecn.-schoolichool ,j:iis_-..Tlie .,.w■ .Wa a ih liic in n _ la c h £ fa ! w|)al-i}i^4iied-^HuttTamTC-=w i,a l-^ .4 4 i ------ SDcliition'sSDcliitio '"(rmerRcney_ conven- olltcials? antl~ihe striking Pitis-Pitis- Union calledcallci a one-day walkoutliout ncwalncwol fund.fund . tion" began less thnn 2-J'hours-hours .federation of Teacherschcrs for ThursdayThursda to permlj teachers'•efs .
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