3 welcome 4 general information 14 organizing committee 15 hosting experience 19 competition venue & Course 24 accomodation 27 entries & registration Balint Vekasy (ICF) 28 provisional program and agenda 30 masters event


The municipality of Vila Verde, in partnership with the Nautical Club of Prado and Portuguese Canoe Federation would like to welcome you to the north of .

It is a huge challenge for us to host the 2013 Canoe Marathon European Championship and also the Masters Competition. We decided to move forward with this ambitious organization because we are convinced that we gather all the natural conditions and infrastructure designed to achieve this aim.

In parallel, it is our absolute conviction that all the necessary and exceptional conditions will be cre- ated so that the competition is placed at the level of the demands, not only for the organization, as well for the athletes, entourages, assistants and for the general public.


We hope to see you very soon in Cavado River. Yours faithfully,

The Portuguese Canoe Federation The Nautical Club of Prado The Mayor of Vila Verde City Hall Mário Santos Horácio Lima António Vilela

3 Event title 2013 ECA Canoe Marathon European Championship

Event dates 6 – 9 June 2013

The Country Portugal


Municipality-Village Vila Verde - Vila de Prado

general information www.baixaki.com.br

About Portugal history and cobble-stone roads. considerable number of citizens With such a long sea coast, Por- are able to communicate in En-

tugal has a long term tradition glish, French and Spanish. www.praiaesol.com Location with the water and with water sports, such as Canoeing. Portugal is located on the west Climate Portugal I.D. side of the Iberian Peninsula, http://4.bp.blogspot.com ideally positioned between Language Portugal has a sunny climate. 2IÀFLDOQDPH3RUWXJXHVH5HSXEOLF Spain and the Atlantic Ocean. 7KHUH DUH RQO\ VOLJKW ÁXFWXD- GPS: 39 30 N, 8 00 W Portugal’s excellent geographi- One of the Latin languages, tions in temperature between Founding of the Portuguese State: 1143 cal position makes it a stopover Portuguese is the third most summer and winter; the overall Founding of the Republic: 1910 point for many foreign airlines spoken European language in mean ranges from 25ºC in sum- Political system: Democracy at airports all over te country. the world and the native ton- mer to about 14ºC in winter. National symbols: National Flag and the National Hymn Portugal has 5 international air- gue of about 200 million peo- The rainy season begins in No- Language: Portuguese ports: Lisbon, Oporto, Faro, Fun- ple. The Portuguese-speaking vember and usually lasts throu- Territorial Organization: two autonomous regions (Azores and Madeira), 18 districts chal (Madeira) and Ponta Del- countries are scattered all over gh January. Portugal has 220 Capital: Lisbon gada (Azores). the world. Portuguese is spoken days of sun and 3000 hours of Area: 92.142km in Europe (Portugal), in Africa sunshine every year! Population: 110.642.836 (July 2007 est.) With beautiful beaches, vi- (Angola, Cape Verde, Guinea- Active population: 5.523.000 (2004 est.) neyards, sophisticated cities, -Nissau, Mozambique), in Sou- Currency: Euro, divides into 100 centimes countryinns and palaces, Por- th America (Brazil) and in Asia G-Ross Domestic Product: 155.131 millions Eur (2006) tugal Invokes a romantic notion (East Timor, the younghest na- GDP per capita: 14.654 Eur (2006) of breathtaking scenery, rich tion on the world). In Portugal, a GDP - composition by sector: agriculture 7.9%; industry 25.9%; services 66.2% (2007 est.). 5 About Vila Verde Vila Verde Municipality I.D. Minho

Total area: 228,7 Km Vila Verde Location GPS: 41º39’05.42”N 8º26’09.37”W Braga Territorial organization: municipality with 58 parishes The Vila Verde Municipality, located in the heart of the , makes part of the district of Total residente population: 46.000 inhab 46.579 Braga. It is limited to the north by the Ponte da Barca Municipality, to the west by the Barcelos and Ponte de Lima Municipalities, to the east by and to the southwest by the and Braga Municipalities, from which is separated by the Homem and Cávado rivers respectively. It is lo- cated just a few tens of kilometres from the beaches situated along the maritime coastline between the city of Porto and the Spanish province of Galicia, and it is close to the Peneda-Gerês National Park. The Vila Verde Municipality has a privileged location, which means that its access doesn’t constitute a concern. It will be in the town of Prado, a parish belonging to the Vila Verde Municipality, that the event will WDNHSODFH3UDGRLVORFDWHGQH[WWRWKH&iYDGRULYHUDQGEHQHÀFLDWHVIURPSULYLOHJHGFRQGLWLRQVIRU the practice of canoeing, which led to the development of this sport and the coming into existence of the Prado Nautical Club – one of the main drivers of this candidacy. Climate


7 cultural, social and economic that became famous due to his the Pica no chão. development of the region. The highly prized culinary qualities, is The natural patrimony of the craftwork occupies more and one of the delicacies which for- municipality provides many lei- more an eminent position in the ms part of our gastronomic heri- sure activities, including, among municipality due to its growing tage and that you should taste. others, walking, jeep tours, economic relevance, to the The «Pica-no-chão» is another mountain biking and hunting. preservation of ancestral manu- trump card of the municipality, The Cávado and Homem rivers facturing techniques and to the which led Vila Verde to register offer excellent conditions for Tourism innovative conception of other the brand ‘Capital do Pica-no- the practice of canoeing and VILA VERDE products. -chão’. VSRUW ÀVKLQJ DQG KDYH ZRQGHU- The «Lenços de Namorados» It is in this context that the mu- IXOÁXYLDOEHDFKHVRQWKHULYHUV· (love’s handkerchief), a true ex- nicipality invests and centres its banks. -libris of this region, the articles development. That’s why there Finally, when visiting Vila Verde, Due to its ancient times and cul- te one of the numerous expres- te, by themselves, the dynamic in linen, the weaving, the minia- are so many events putting in take the change to rest in the ru- tural richness, the Vila Verde Mu- sions of the religiosity of its inha- and religiosity of these people tures and wood toys, the oxen evidence this richness, such as: ral tourism houses at your dispo- nicipality has a vast patrimony, bitants. These celebrations are committed to preserving their yokes, the musical instruments, event «Namorar Portugal» (in sal in order to feel with more in- which results from archaeologi- characterized by religious and cultural heritage and to trans- the pottery, the hand painted February), Festas Concelhias tensity this cosy rural ambience. cal remains, religious and civil pagan manifestations, which mitting to the new generations ceramics and the granite pieces em Honra de Sto. António (in Vila Verde is situated very close architecture, typical rural sce- live in communion and comple- their way of living and feeling. are some examples of handma- June), Festa das Colheitas - Fei- to the city of Braga (13km), the narios, ethnographic aspects of ment each other. About 150 of The weekly, bimonthly, monthly de products. ra Mostra de Produtos Regionais city of Guimarães (38km) and popular culture, craftwork, tradi- these festive and religious events and annual street-markets, the The pudding «Abade de Priscos», e Festival Gastronómico (in Oc- the Gerês mountain (54km), pla- tional gastronomy, green lands- take place throughout the year cultural events and the different from the known «Papa dos cozi- tober) and 11 gastronomic we- ces of obligatory visit in this re- cape and the rivers that cross it. at chapels and churches of the thematic exhibitions reveal the nheiros - Abade de Priscos», ori- HNHQGVZKHUH\RXFDQÀQGWKH gion of Portugal. Parties and church fairs constitu- municipality and demonstra- strong commitment towards the ginal from the parish of Turiz and pudding Abade de Priscos and 9 BRAGA sus do Monte Church and the Guimarães is considered the numents, caves, viewpoints, a that the city illustrates the evo- creational activities, especially Sameiro Church compete with cradle of Portuguese nationali- FDPSLQJSDUNDPLQLJROIÀHOG lution of different types of cons- during summer, which turn the With more than 2000 years of it due to their location, which ty, because it was here, accor- a touristic mini train, an eques- truction from the 15th to the city centre even more attracti- history and located in the Nor- offers a panoramic view of the ding to what says the tradition, trian centre, places for walking 19th centuries contributed for ve. In the historical centre, you th region and the subregion of city. The predominance of the that was born and was bap- and picnics. Visitors can reach the inscription of Guimarães’ FDQ ÀQG VRPH PRQXPHQWV DV Cávado, the city of Braga is the baroque style in the churches of tized the one that, in 1179, it the Penha mountait by clabe historical centre in the UNESCO the Nossa Senhora da Oliveira district’s capital and also the the city granted it the name of would come to be crowned the car, which is located close to List Of World Heritage Sites in church and the Padrão do Sa- centre of the Greater Metro- «baroque city». Already at the ÀUVW .LQJ RI 3RUWXJDO ' $IRQVR the historical centre. December 2001. The re quali- lado (a Gothic shrine), and very politan Area of Minho (GAM). limit of the city’s borders, it is re- Henriques. Furthermore, it was ÀFDWLRQ WR ZKLFK WKLV DUHD ZDV close from here you can visit the It is the third biggest city of the markable the Church and Mo- in Guimarães that took place The city’s connection to the subject helped turning the his- Guimaraes Castle and the Pa- country, with 14 municipalities nastery of Tibães that belonged the Batle of S. Mamede, which foundation of the Portuguese torical centre of Guimarães a lace of the Dukes of Bragança. and 800 000 inhabitants. to the Benedictine order and gave victory to D. Afonso Henri- nationality, the building tech- pleasant space with many stu- Located in the heart of the Mi- that have been subject to res- ques, thus, enabling him to gain niques here developed during dents, locals and tourists. Here QKR SURYLQFH %UDJD ÀQGV LWVHOI torations. In the historical cen- independence for the Conda- the Middle Age and the fact there are many cultural and re- in a region of transition from tre, it can also be seen many do Portucalense from the King- east to west, between moun- buildings from the 18th century dom of León and paving the tains, forests, huge valleys, strips and the Sta. Bárbara Garden, way for the founding of the Por- RIODQGSODLQVDQGJUHHQÀHOGV constructed under the rules of tuguese Nation. Lands constructed by the natu- the romantic style.

re and moulded by the man. The city of Guimarães rises in a casadoprofessor.pt valley from the bottom edge of Braga is characterized by its re- GUIMARÃES the Santa Catarina mountain ligious architecture. In the city – Penha mountain, a place of centre, it is notable the Cathe- Guimarães is located 38km from mass pilgrimage during sum- dral of Braga (Sé de Braga) that Vila Verde (30 min). To get there mer, from the top of which you combines different styles from just follow the direction of Braga get a view until the sea. Besides the roman to the baroque. Des- and, after, the A11 highway to- a unique natural landscape, this pite its grandness, the Bom Je- wards Guimarães. city presents a variety of mo-

Tourism BRAGA, GUIMARÃES, GERÊS www.cm-braga.pt

11 Getting here

In order to reach Vila Verde (Prado) you have to travel, preferably, to the Oporto airport, thought you FDQDOVRÁ\LQWRWKH/LVERQDLUSRUW

Oporto Airport Lisbon Airport GPS: N 41º14´19”, W 8º 40´14”, N 41 14.328 W 8 GPS: N 38º 46’ 12”, W 9º 07’ 41” 40.234 The Lisbon Airport, providing service to the capi- The Francisco Sá Carneiro Airport is located in tal of Portugal, is the busiest and most the heart of the industrial north of the country, important airport in the country. 11km from the city of Oporto, making it a privi- www.cm-terrasdebouro.pt leged access point to this valuable commercial Lisboa – Vila Verde (Vila de Prado) area. The principal point of entry for travelers arriving in Portugal. Connection to the city centre and Porto – Vila Verde (Vila de Prado) interface with Railway Stations by Aeroshuttle 7KLVZLOOEHWKHRIÀFLDODLUSRUWRIWKHRUJDQL]DWLRQ and Bus. for this event. All team members are requested By car, take the A1 highway in direction of Porto to arrive, preferably, to this airport. There will be - 305Km; continue through A3 highway in direc- a airport transfer fee of 15 euros per person, in- tion of Braga - 52Km; once in Braga, take the exit cluding return. to Vila Verde (by the Arterial road or the EN101) www.cm-terrasdebouro.pt - 13Km; then, follow the indications to the town By car, take A3 highway in direction of Braga - of Prado. 52Km; once in Braga, take the exit to Vila Verde If your team arrives to this airport, you will have (by the Arterial road or the EN101) - 13Km; then, contact the organization committee to check follow the indications to the town of Prado. extra fees for your transport. GERÊS Antonino’s Itinerary, that linked Bouro Municipality that is cros- Bracara Augusta (Braga) to As- sed by the Cávado and Homem The Vila Verde Municipality is turica Augusta (Astorga), is an rivers, where the conditions for close to the Peneda Gerês Na- extraordinary roman archaeo- the practice of nautical sports tional Park, at a distance of logical complex that maintains, are especially relevant. The Rio some 54km. practically intact, along its 30km, Caldo Marina with its access to bridges, walls, houses and the the Caniçada Lagoon, nauti- Peneda-Gerês National Park is largest collection of epigraphic cal sports associations, pleasant a giant amphitheatre of natu- milestones in the north-eastern restaurants and esplanades, is a re, where the purest of natural peninsula, many of which exhibit place of choice. There are 689 resources remain intact, as well inscriptions that date between hectares of navigable waters,

DVWKHYDULHW\RIIDXQDDQGÁRUD the end of the 1st century and thanks to the Rio Caldo Vessel, a Oporto its almost savage corners, hide the 4th century D.C.. recreational boat that offers an wild horses, boars, wolves, bad- There’s also a selection of Pe- original touristic-environmental gers, otters, roebucks and the destrian trails “On the Path of Mi- trip. A fun way to discover the famous, but rare, royal eagle, guel Torga”, which place nature region, all year! Vila Verde but also lookouts and waterfalls. lovers in direct contact with the is here BRAGA

Today, it shares its stage with ad- land’s natural and patrimonial ri- You can also visit the Ethnogra- www.estradasdeportugal.pt venture tourism, where nature ches. In simultaneous, it presents phic Museum, relax at the Gerês Lisbon walks, hikes, trails and horseback itself as a tribute to one of Por- Thermal Springs and sample the riding, along with radical sports, tuguese literatures great talents, local cuisine. are attracting more and more whom over four decades explo- followers. red local landscapes, fountain

of his inspiration. Offering more If you are spending an extended Oporto(A3) Among the trails available stan- than dozen different routes, the stay in the region, you might also OPORTO ds the Roman Military Road. GLIÀFXOW\ZLOOEHFKRRVLQJ like to visit Viana do Castelo, This part of the XVIII road (clas- Ponte de Lima and Porto. VLÀHG DV QDWLRQDO 3DWULPRQ\  RI The Park belongs to the Terras de 13

Lisboa (A1) organising committee

About the organising committee European Canoe Association Canoe Marathon Committee 2&7KHVWUXFWXUHRIWKH2UJDQL]DWLRQLVGHÀQHGDV shown in the following diagram, with members of the Portuguese Canoeing Federation, Vila Verde City Hall and Prado Nautical Club.

The Portuguese Canoeing federation has the sta- ORGANISING COMMITTEE tus of public sports utility, being the maximum legal José Sousa - Portuguese Canoe Federation entity for all the National Canoeing issues, respon- sible for the organization and regulation of all the Marcos Oliveira - Portuguese Canoe Federation competitions in national territory. Paulo Pereira - Vila Verde City Hall The Portuguese Canoe Federation already orga- nized several National Championships in this Ve- Adelino Machado - Vila Verde City Hall nue. This great effort is being made to develop the Rafael Lima - Vila Verde City Hall sport, calling more athletes, audiences and spon- sors. As part of this plan, the Portuguese Federation Horácio Lima - Prado Nautical Club wants to organize majors events that can help to UHDFKWKHJRDOVGHÀQHG The ECA Canoe Marathon European Cham- pionship 2013, enjoys the support of government authorities, of the Secretary of state of sport and of local authorities. hosting experience

Portuguese Canoe Federation

The Portuguese Canoe Federation has a high experience in International Competitions organization. Especially in Marathon, we are proud about our past in International competitions, like Crestuma Ma- rathon, and the 2009 Marathon World Championship. This was one of, if not the most, competitive and well organized marathon competition in years, and became the proof of our potential as organizers. Also, the National Marathon Championships are usually organized in the venue and has more than 500 athletes in a two days race. 2XU2IÀFLDOVVWDIIDQGRWKHUKXPDQUHVRXUFHVDUHYHU\ZHOOSUHSDUHGWRGHDOQRWRQO\ZLWKWKLVYHQXH but also with the number of persons involved in the Europe Championships.

15 Prado Nautical Club noeing landscape due to the currently the best sporting per- exceptional natural conditions formance of the municipality Prado Nautical Club is a cul- for the practice of this sport and of Vila Verde and one of best tural, recreational and sports due to the action taken by the of the municipality of Braga. Its association, founded in 24th Prado Nautical Club, successor athletes take often part in world February 1982, whose statues of the Rowing and Canoeing and European championships, were published in the Diário da Schools (formed in the mid- Olympic Games and Internatio- República No 99, Series III, 29th -1960s) of the old Mocidade nal regattas. It should be noted April 1982, and whose subse- Portuguesa (Portuguese You- that the athletes António Brito quent amendment was publi- th) and of the old Rowing and and Rui Fernandes won a sil- shed in the Diário da República Canoeing section of the Prado ver medal at the Indoor World No 287, Series III, 14th December Sports Group. Championship, in the Junior K4 2000. The Club holds the status The growing adhesion of young 500m category; Silvestre Perei- of public utility entity since 5th people to the practice of Ca- ra won a silver medal at the won the gold medal at the In- Fernando Pimenta. practice of canoeing by these February 2002. noeing, as result as the conti- Canoe Marathon World Cup, door World Cup, in the Junior It must be taken into account students (about 150 children) Its main activity consists of the nuous action taken by the Pra- in the Senior C1 category; and K1 500m and 1000m categories, the growing activity of the Club free of charge. As an interdisci- practice of CANOEING, in its do Nautical Club in the training Luísa Azevedo and Susana Pe- and the bronze medal at the in terms of sport, but also, and plinary area of the subject Phy- training, recreational and com- and dissemination of this sport, reira won a bronze medal at European Junior Championship mainly, in social terms, espe- sical Education taught in the petitive aspects. At the mo- places the Club as an impor- the Canoe Marathon Europe- in 1000m. As a cadet, he won cially considering the actual Secondary school of Prado, the ment, the Club has approxima- tant reference at regional and an Championship, in the Senior the gold medal at the Spanish problems which ravage the practice of canoeing provided tely 500 effective members. even national level. (Women) K2 category. Also Winter Championship and he youth (drugs, alcohol, prostitu- by the Club contributes for the The Club’s facilities are located The Club’s participation in worth emphasising, the presen- has taken part in European tion, unemployment, failure at extensive range of activities at in Avenida do Cávado, Faial, countless canoeing competi- ce of Rui Fernandes in the Bar- and world championships in school). students’ disposal. in the town of Prado, in a site tions held throughout the natio- celona and Atlanta Olympic the Athens and Beijing Olympic The protocols on cooperation In order to attain the sports and ZKRVH EXLOGLQJ OHDVH ZDV GHÀ- nal 27 territory makes it the best Games, as well as the presence Games having achieved excel- concluded with Primary and social objectives pursued, the nitively granted to the Club by means of dissemination of the of Silvestre Pereira in the Atlanta lent results. Finally, in the Lon- Secondary schools of Prado, Prado Nautical Club formed a the Vila Verde City Hall. town of Prado and the munici- Olympic Games. don Olympic Games Emanuel in order to promote and provi- technical team to monitor con- The town of Prado plays a lea- pality in all the country. It should also be underlined the Silva won a silver medal in the GH FKLOGUHQ D ÀUVW H[SHULHQFH tinuously the students, as well as ding part in the Portuguese ca- The Prado Nautical Club has career of Emanuel Silva, who K2 1,000m canoeing race, with with this sport, turn possible the the competition athletes. 17 competition venue & course

competition venue & course

2012 – Canoe Marathon National Championship; 2011 – Canoe Marathon National Championship; 2010 – Canoe Marathon National Championship; 2009 – National Championship Hopes; 2007 – Canoe Marathon National Championship; In the last olympic cycles, 2006 – I Canoe Marathon National Championship; the Prado Nautical Club has 2005 – II Canoe Marathon National Championship; provided the practice of ca- 2004 – II Canoe Marathon National Championship; noeing to an average of 85 Long distance Regional Championship; federated athletes. Indoor Regional Championship; The Prado Nautical Club, as 2003 – I Canoe Marathon National Championship; a big association, has also ex- 2002 – I Canoe Marathon National Championship; perience in the organization 2001 – Long distance National Championship Cadets/Infantile; of big sports competitions at 2000 – II National Championship Young Promises; national and regional level. In 2008, as a result of the intervention for enlargement and reorgani- Thus, in the last years, among zation to which its sports the organization of innumera- facilities were subject, the Club didn’t organize national competi- ble sports events, the most re- tions, since, in this case, the ideal conditions for those competitions levant are the following: to be carried out were not met. 19 B








P Officials R Motorboat deck S Q



Control access D. Lunch tent H. Teams boats L. Medical room P. Podium T. Portage A. Camping E. Teams and org. parking I. Teams tents M. Press room Q. 2nd boat control B. BUS parking F. Technical area J. Free scale/boat control N. Stands R. Cerimony preparation C. Comercial zone G. Trailers parking K. ECA Office O. Red Cross S. Finish tower Spectators directly to [email protected] safe and to guarantee that only Immigration and Custom authorized athletes go into the All entrances to the competition Procedure athlete’s area for example. All will be free of charge. We will the athletes will have a card and provide temporary structures for All participants are kindly reques- must be showed at the venue en- leisure. This will include entertain- ted to contact the Portuguese trance to prove that they are in ment, food and beverage kiosks, Embassy or consulate regarding the race. merchandising kiosks and other the visa Requirements. The security plan will be practice activities for the public to enjoy. When required the organizing by the local security authorities: committee will help in matter of Portuguese national Guard, Po- Grandstands issuing the visas. OLFH&LYLOSURWHFWLRQÀUHEULJDGH and Red Cross Portugal. There will be a temporary stand with 500 seats capacity. The me- PRESS dia and VIP’s zones, including the Anti-doping control balcony on the top, will be in a The organization will provide a special stand. press center for local and interna- The Doping control will be provide tional media with all conditions. according to the ICF standards, in Food Accreditation can be made partnership with the Nationals en- XSRQDUULYDODW2&RIÀFH tities ADOP. This service, located in the public At the venue, it will be located in and VIP area, will be made with Additional Information VSHFLÀFURRP the local Café/Bar. Daily news and other important Medical support Information Information about the competi- WLRQ FDQ EH IRXQG DW WKH RIÀFLDO The medical center will be divi- The information/results system will website www.canoemaratho- ded in two places. One in the Provisional site plan be set in 2 steps: nEC2013.com athlete’s area and other near Course a. In the teams limited area $OVR DGG RXU RIÀFLDO )DFHERRN the the public stands b. In the public area page at http://www.facebook. At the venue there will be two com/EcaCanoeMarathonEuro- ambulances and paramedics Merchandising peanChampionship2013 that will follow the race on the water as well. 7KHUH ZLOO EH RIÀFLDO 0HUFKDQGL- sing of the event that will be avai- Language CAR RENTAL lable in competition days in at the venue 7KHRIÀFLDOODQJXDJHRIWKHFRP- 7KHRUJDQL]DWLRQKDVDRIÀFLDOFDU petition will be able English. All the rental company partner. You can Event Broadcast information documents, forms, lo- ÀQGPRUHLQIRUPDWLRQDW cal identity signs & comments will http://www.iberent.pt/. The CO is making every efforts be in English and mother langua- Special prices for national teams to be able to give to the Canoe ge of the host Committee, Portu- are granted. World the chance to follow the guese. If you need to rent a vehicle ple- 2013 Canoe marathon European ase contact this company by Championship live, with live strea- In order to assure the equal ac- email and use the following title ming of all competition days. cess to information to all the dele- : ECA European Canoe Sprint gation, we will provide Volunteers Championship 2013. Boat rental with interpreter services for Fren- E-mail: [email protected] ch & English and Russian.

In partnership with NELO, the or- Security System ganization committee asks all national Federation requesting There will be local policy at both boats for rent, to contact NELO venues to assure that everyone is Hotel Mercure

The Mercure Braga Centro hotel is located a few minutes from the city center, 547 yards (500 m) from the famous Sé cathedral and 1.9 miles (3 km) from the Bom Jesus sanctuary. Whether here for business or leisure, relax in one of our 128 rooms and suitesfeaturing LCD TV, hairdryer and free WIFI. You can also take advantage of our excellent facilities, such as the restaurant, bar and gym. The hotel also has an indoor car park for 250 cars and 3 modern, fully equipped meeting rooms for 150 people.

Praceta João XXI, 4715-036 - BRAGA www.mercure.com | [email protected] Tel. +351 253 206 000 | Fax. +351 253 206 010


Category 2

Hotel Ibis

About accomodation The Ibis Braga hotel is exceptionally located in the center of Braga, close to a range of historic attractions, such as Braga Cathedral, various museu- For this event the OC have made partnerships with ms and the Bom Jesus Nature Park. Relax in one of the 72 contemporary several hotels in Braga City. rooms of this entirely non-smokinghotel or in the bar and enjoy our servi- ces, including Wi-Fi Internet access, 24-hour snack service and paying Hotel Melia private indoor car park. The Ibis Braga also has 3 conference rooms. Hotel Mercure Hotel Ibis Rua do Carmo 38, 4700-309 - BRAGA Hotel Lamaçães www.ibis.com | [email protected] Tel. +351 253 204 800 | Fax. +351 253 204 801

Category 1

Hotel Meliã Braga Category 2b

The Meliá Braga Hotel & Spa adds an impressive new dimension to Braga’s Hotel Lamaçães accommodation portfolio. Located a 5-minute walk from the city’s his- toric centre, this newly-built 5-star hotel has 182 modern rooms, including The Lamaçães Hotel is located in the city of Braga, near the University 20 connecting rooms, 20 executive suites with kitchenette, a presidential of Minho, with excellent access, you found the Lamaçães Hotel with 52 suite and 2 rooms specially adapted for handicapped guests, all fully rooms, 4 of them eqquiped for equipped with an LCD cable TV, mini-bar, safe-deposit box, broadband It is part of Verd’Hotel since 2004. It is a recent hotel that answers with Internet access, air-conditioning and private bathroom. The 150-seat “El modern norms and exigences that offers to you, the quality and good Olivo” restaurant offers show-cooking and various themed buffets, while services in a calm and pleasant environment. WKHVWÁRRUEDUVHUYHVWDSDVOLJKWPHDOVDQGFRFNWDLOVWRWKHVRXQGRI Following the advent of new technologies, the Hotel places at your dis- live musical entertainment. Specialising in massage and beauty therapy, posal access Internet in all the rooms. the hotel’s El Spa features a gym, sauna, Jacuzzi, Turkish bath and various During your stay you will enjoy an high quality service ensured by a team health treatments. Covering 750 square-metres of space, the on-site con- RISURÀVVLRQQDOVTXDOLÀHGWKDWLWZLOOEHGHGLFDWHGWR\RXIRUKDYLQJD gress centre has 7 multi-purpose meeting rooms and a business centre. pleasant stay.

Av. General Carrilho da Silva Pinto, nº 8, Tenões, 4715-380 Braga www.meliabraga.com | [email protected] Avenida D. João II Nº75, 4715-313 Braga Tel. + 351 253 144 000 | Fax. +351 253 144 009 www.hotel-lamacaes.com | [email protected] Tel. +351 253 603 680 / 919 668 256 | Fax. +351 253 603 689 25 Prices Terms of Payment

The prices below are per person and per day 30 % of the total cost has to be paid before 21th with full board. of February 2013 Lunch will be at the venue. Breakfast and Dinner 75% of the total cost has to be paid before 23th at chosen hotel. of April 2013 Category 1 100% of the total cost has to be paid before 24th entries & registration Double – 90 of May 2013 Single – 110 No reservations are made until 30% is paid. The Category 2 organization may cancel any reservation if no re- Double – 70 gular payments are made. Single – 90 No Transport from the airport is guarantee or ac- creditation cards will be given without 100% pay- Category 2b ment has been done. Double – 65 Single – 85 About entries and registration

All participants (athletes, coaches, attendants, Cancelation Terms: All team entries must be made online at www.vilaverdemarathonec2013.com functionaries) have also included: - accreditation card Until 60 days before the arrival – Refund 100% The registration system to be used will be the same from 2012 canoe Sprint European Junior and u23 - shuttle bus: on the competition days according Until 30 days before the arrival – Refund 50% Championship, so all national federations will use the same login at TEAM AREA in www.vilaverdema- to the timetable to be published; From 29 to 15 days before the arrival – Refund rathonec2013.com - training bus running from 11th June – according 25% ,I\RXORVW\RXUSDVVZRUGXVHGLQ\RXFDQUHTXHVWDQHZRQHWRWKH2&RUÀOOWKHORVWSDVVZRUG to the timetable to be published; Minus 15 days before the arrival – No Refund option. - security service at the course; If your federation did not registered in the 2012 canoe sprint event you will need to make a new re- - medical care at the course; gistration in the same area. There you will have to provide general information about your federation - fees for the use of the regatta course and its Account Details DQGXVHDQDWLRQDO)HGHUDWLRQRIÀFLDOHPDLOVRWKH2&FDQUHFRJQL]H\RXDQGJLYH\RXIXOODFFHVV facilities; After the approval from the organization you will receive a new email with your login details and after - bottled water and coffee during competition All payments has to be done to the following Ac- WKDW\RXDUHUHDG\WRÀOOWKHGLIIHUHQWHQWULHVDQGPDNHWKHDFFUHGLWDWLRQV days. count The participation fee does NOT include: %HQHÀFLDU\)HGHUDomR3RUWXJXHVDGH&DQRD- During the accreditation all nations are asked to upload a digital photo of all team members. - Transfer from and to the Airport gem OF a correct size and type of picture is uploaded, your team members will have to do this at the ve- IBAN : PT50 0010 0000 2597 5600 0067 2 nue, taking a lot more time. In case if hotel is booked independently, instead SWIFT/BIC- BBPIPTPL of through Organizing committee, then all team Payment has to be done in Euros and all bank members of that national federation will have to costs must be worn by the remitter The entries system will be online and available in following dates: pay a participation fee of 30,00 Euros per person No credit cards payment will be accept. per day. This fee does not include bus transfers Preliminary entries – January 2013 to February 15th from and to the Venue, daily. Numerical entries – Until April 23th All team members have to pay for the Airport Nominal Entries – Until May 24th transfers. In case of any problems with the online system please contact the organization by email at registra- [email protected]. 27 DAY TIME ACTIVITY LAPS DAY TIME ACTIVITY LAPS ......

Thursday 14:00 Team leaders meeting Saturday 09:00 Start raft marshalling juniors June 6 June 8 09:25 Raft marshalling closing 00:00 Assemble for Opening Ceremony 00:00 Opening Ceremony 09:30 K2 Men Juniors 5 09:33 K2 Women Juniors 4 09:00 Start raft marshalling juniors 09:40 C2 Men Juniors 4 09:25 Raft marshalling closing ...... 11:15 Start marshalling closing 11:40 Raft marshalling closing Friday 09:00 K1 Men Juniors 5 June 7 09:33 K1 Women Juniors 4 11:45 K1 Women 6 09:40 C1 Men Juniors 4 11:50 C1 Men 6

11:15 Start raftmarshalling 14:15 Start raftmarshalling 11:40 Raft marshalling closing 14:40 Raft marshalling closing

11:45 K1 Women u23 5 14:45 K1 Men 7 11:50 C1 Men u23 5 ...... 14:15 Start raft marshalling juniors 14:40 Raft marshalling closing Sunday 09:00 Start raftmarshalling 14:45 K1 Men u23 6 June 9 09:25 Raft marshalling closing

09:30 K2 Women 6 09:35 C2 Men 6

12:00 Start raftmarshalling 12:25 Raft marshalling closing

12:30 K2 Men 7 15:15 Closing Ceremony provisional program & agenda


29 MASTERS SCHEDULE DAY Nr TIME AGEGROUP LAPS ...... June 6 08:30 %ULHÀQJ (IF NECESSARY SEE NOTICE BOARD) DAY Nr TIME AGEGROUP LAPS (Thursday) ...... 1 09:00 K2 women 55-59 4 June 5 2 09:05 K2 women 60-64 4 08:30 %ULHÀQJ (IF NECESSARY SEE NOTICE BOARD) (Wednesday) 3 09:10 K2 women 65-69 4 4 09:15 K2 women >70 4 1 09:00 K1 women 55-59 4 5 09:20 C2 men 55-59 4 2 09:05 K1 women 60-64 4 6 09:25 C2 men 60-64 4 3 09:10 K1 women 65-69 4 7 09:30 C2 men 65-69 4 4 09:15 K1 women >70 4 8 09:35 C2 men >70 4 5 09:20 C1 men 55-59 4 9 09:40 K1/V1 Disabled 2 6 09:25 C1 men 60-64 4 ...... 7 09:30 C1 men 65-69 4 10:45 Prizegiving Start with the youngest 8 09:35 C1 men >70 4 group K1 women 9 09:40 K1/V1 Disabled 2 ...... 10 11:15 K2 men 55-59 4 10:45 Prizegiving Start with the youngest 11 11:20 K2 men 60-64 4 group K1 women ...... 12 11:25 K2 men 65-69 4 13 11:30 K2 men >70 4 10 11:15 K1 men 55-59 4 14 11:35 K2 women 35-39 4 11 11:20 K1 men 60-64 4 15 11:40 K2 women 40-44 4 12 11:25 K1 men 65-69 4 16 11:45 K2 women 45-49 4 13 11:30 K1 men >70 4 17 11:50 K1 women 50-54 4 14 11:35 K1 women 35-39 4 18 11:55 C2 men 35-39 4 15 11:40 K1 women 40-44 4 19 12:00 C2 men 40-44 4 16 11:45 K1 women 45-49 4 20 12:05 C2 men 45-49 4 17 11:50 K1 women 50-54 4 21 12:10 C2 men 50-54 4 18 11:55 C1 men 35-39 4 ...... 19 12:00 C1 men 40-44 4 13:45 Prizegiving Start with the youngest 20 12:05 C1 men 45-49 4 group K1 men 12:10 C1 men 50-54 4 ...... 22 14:00 K2 men 35-39 5 21 13:45 Prizegiving Start with the youngest 23 14:05 K2 men 40-44 5 group K1 men ...... 24 14:10 K2 men 45-49 5 25 14:15 K2 men 50-54 5 22 35-39 14:00 K1 men 5 ...... 23 14:05 K1 men 40-44 5 16:00 Prizegiving 6WDUWZLWKWKHÀUVWJURXS 24 14:10 K1 men 45-49 5 25 14:15 K1 men 50-54 5 ...... 12:00 Prizegiving 16:00 Prizegiving 6WDUWZLWKWKHÀUVWJURXS 16:00 Prizegiving 31 ...... About Masters Event We are available to help you The participation fee has to be In addition to the touristic su- siting, exploring and learning mainly on familiar hospitality, in ÀQG WKH EHVW RSWLRQV LQ %UDJD paid, before arrival. No accre- ggestions made in Chapter about Vila Verde can be a the beauty of the surrounding The masters race will be orga- Vila Verde or Prado. ditation and boat numbers will 2 of this document, the O.C. surprising experience, by allo- countryside, in the gastronomy nized between 5 and 6th June There will be a participation be given, without 100% pay- prepared an itinerary/route wing history and art to speak (jams, cheese and juices made 2013, as usual. fee for all masters: 50 euros per PHQWFRQÀUPHG throughout Vila Verde, to allow about the architectural and with natural products from their All Masters registration and event per person. guests to experience the best intangible heritage, throu- own homes and that are served entries are made in the same Account Details this region has to offer. ghout the love manifestation at breakfast for guest tasting), online portal as for European This will include: All payments has to be done to the contained in the “Valentine´s in local architecture and tradi- Championship event. National - Event participation following Account Handkerchiefs”(lenços dos tions, as well as in a diverse ran- federation will have to choose - Security & First Aid %HQHÀFLDU\  )HGHUDomR 3RUWXJXH- Itinerary – Ways of Romance, in namorados), embroidered, in ge of entertainment activities. WKHPDVWHUVUDFHDQGÀOOWKHHQ- - Car and trailer Parking sa de Canoagem Vila Verde time, by passionate young girls. tries and accreditations in the - Accreditation IBAN : PT50 0010 0000 2597 5600 Passion, Adventure, Flavors, Dis- same way. - Camping on site. 0067 2 covery, Fun It is also a great opportunity to No entries will be accepted if SWIFT/BIC- BBPIPTPL be surprised by the rural tou- not coming from national Fede- It is possible to have lunch at Payment has to be done in Euros Vila Verde offers you all this. Vi- rism in rural areas that focus ration of the athlete the regatta course from 4 to 6th and all bank costs must be worn by The organization will not cover June 2013 for all masters partici- the remitter or promote any type of accom- pants. The price will be 12 euros No credit cards payment will be modation or transport for the per persons per meal. Lunch ti- accept. participants. We think that the ckets can be bought in the day best option is for everyone deal before, at info point, or by email with they one arramenbts. to the OC. masters event

33 Social program Schedule Day 2 Snakes. Lunch at a local restau- full of unique and unforgettable Open all year round. However, it’s recommended on the long we- 6WDUWLQJ SODFH  VWLOO WR EH GHÀ- rant with traditional animation. moments, through the magic of Designation: Ways of Roman- ekends. ned. Departure to Penegate Tower, light scenarios, scents, the touch ce in Vila Verde. Show up 30 minutes before de- built in the sixteenth century that of soft delicate hands, the sound Product group: Cultural and parture time (time and place still had as its agent Mem Rodrigues o water drops and the touch of landscape touring. Program description to be determined). Personalized de Vasconcelos, Captain-Ge- the essential oils. Before a brief 3URGXFW MXVWLÀFDWLRQ 9LOD Day 1 greeting services and accom- neral of the castle of Guimarães, passage through Teciborda, Verde’s main brand image is 6WDUWLQJSODFHVWLOOWREHGHÀQHG modation on the bus. Visit to whom, after obtaining a royal where if you desire you may pur- the Valentine Handkerchiefs, Show up 30 minutes before departure time (time and place still WKH7RZHU+RXVHDPDJQLÀFHQW license form D. Dinis on 5th of chase a piece of regional craft which are related with a vast to be determined). Starting woth personalized greeting and ac- example of Baroque architectu- 1322, began its construction. Visit to always have Vila Verde near and rich tangible and intan- commodation service on the bus. Departure to the Craft Alliance, re and religious architecture of to the Lusitana Equestrian Aca- you. Dinner at a local restaurant gible heritage, spread throu- followed by a visit to the Regional Cheese Production Factory Mo- the period of the Estado Novo. demy of Art. This will be the ideal with folklore group. END OF VISIT. ghout the 58 parishes. ínhos Novos (New Mills). Visit to the Museum of Sacred Art of Pico Following is the Church od Sou- moment to delight yourself with Product description: Imple- de Regalados. Wine tasting at Quinta do Pico. telo and the Sanctuary of Our a body and mind renewal at the mentation of an itinerary in Visit to Mixões da Serra, followed by a visit to the Wolf Trap in Lady od Relief and the House of SPA od Mercy and get caught vitorsantos the municipality of Vila Ver- Gondomar. Lunch at a local restaurant where one can taste Alms to know the Legend of the up in an inspiring atmosphere, de in particular to the cultu- the county’s main gastronomic delicacies Pica no Chão (chiken ral heritage of religious and Blood Rice, an exotic and delicious Portuguese recipe) and Abbot civil nature, with the inclusion of Priscos pudding. Visit to the Municipal Stadium, Sgooting Range of various touristic entertain- and Municipal Leisure Complex. Departure to Vila de Prado. Visit ment activities. to the Bridge and Pillory of Prado. Dinner at a local restaurant with Location: Parishes of Vila Ver- a folklore group. END OF THE VISIT. de.

Program Duration: 1 to 2 days. Transport: Bus, mini-bus, priva- te car ou rented. Accommodation type: Rural Tourism Enterprises - quality hotels.

35 Resources to integrate in the iti- Key Features: The Municipal Sta- eighteenth century, being a nerary dium of Vila Verde is a modern PDJQLÀFHQWHH[HPSOHRI%DUR- infrastructure created to be at que-type house – tower of the Stª António Municipal Events1 the service of sports training period of the Estado Novo (New Location: Vila Verde and it’s prepared for pratices State). Key features: Concerts, tradi- and games of football and soc- tional village party, concertina cer, clubs, associations and in- Soutelo’s Mother Church meetings, regional tavern, etc.. formal groups, offering a bench Location: Soutelo with capacity of 3000 people, a Key features: Considered as a Aliança Artesanal (Craft Alian- weight room for athletes and a unique example in the north of ce) synthetic turf. the country, with a rich set od Location: Vila Verde stone statues of saints, placed Key features: The Moinhos No- Complexo de Lazer Municipal on the walls of the churchyard vos (New Mills) Farm is a com- Location: Vila Verde opposite the façade, to the pany specialized in the produc- Key features: The Leisure Com- north of the church. tion of artisanal goat cheeses, plex of Vila Verde is equipped the result of a great work of re- with a spacious and very mo- Nossa Senhora do Alívio search and experimentation. dern gym with more than 20 Location: Vila Verde modern weight training machi- Key features: Marian Shrine and Museu de Arte Sacra de Pico QHVDQGFDUGLRÀWQHVVDPH- Snake Legends. de Regalados ter pool for swimming and wa- Location: Pico de Regalados ter aerobics, a pool for children, Penegate Tower Key features: Sacred art mu- 2 rooms for Beat Attack, Beat Location: Carreiras S. Miguel seum. Combat, Beat Pump, Beat Step, Key features: A visit to the Pene- Beat Limit, Cardio Beat, Beat gate Tower is an excellent op- Quinta do Pico Cycle and K1, sauna, bar and portunity to experience a rema- Location: Vila do Pico de Rega- lounge with panoramic view. rkable example of a medieval lados Outside there are two multisport tower house. Key features: Wine tasting and ÀHOGVZLWKV\QWKHWLFWXUIWRSOD\ Equestrian Centre. tennis and soccer. Equestrian Academy Arte Lusi- tana Fojo do Lobo Shooting range Location: Lage Location: Gondomar Vila Verde Key features: Riding, training, Key features: The wolf trap of Key features: The Hunting and equestrian shows such as ga- Gondomar, considered one of Fishing Club of Vila Verde. It’s mes practiced in the court of the largest traps in the Iberian FRQVLVWHG RI WKUHH ÀHOGV RI ÀUH the eighteenth century. Peninsula, has two ditches and with Olympic rules Pit, Universal a wall with a length at about Trap, Trap, Double trap, Flight Teciborda 2km. The constant attacks from Shooting. Secretariat, the lod- Location: Vila Verde wolves to livestock and the in- ge, gunsmith, snack-bar and Key features: Local crafts. security among the population restaurant. led to the construction of this SPA da Misericórdia wolf trap. Ponte e Pelourinho de Prado Location: Vila Verde (Prado’s bridge and pillory) Key features: Jacuzzi, Scottish Santo António de Mixões da Location: Vila de Prado Shower, Turkish Bath, Sauna, Vi- Serra Key features: National Monu- chy Sower, Nutritional Guidan- Location: Valdreu ment and a Public Property of ce, Dermatology, Fitness, Water Key features: Viewpoint; Animal Public Interest; Cávadp river. Aerobics. blessings. Casa da Torre (Tower House) Municipal Stadium visit Location: Soutelo Location: Vila Verde Key features: It was built in the 1. If the dates coincide with the holding of municipal events, there is the possibility of participation in the activities planned for this.