3 welcome 4 general information 14 organizing committee 15 hosting experience 19 competition venue & Course 24 accomodation 27 entries & registration Balint Vekasy (ICF) 28 provisional program and agenda 30 masters event welcome The municipality of Vila Verde, in partnership with the Nautical Club of Prado and Portuguese Canoe Federation would like to welcome you to the north of Portugal. It is a huge challenge for us to host the 2013 Canoe Marathon European Championship and also the Masters Competition. We decided to move forward with this ambitious organization because we are convinced that we gather all the natural conditions and infrastructure designed to achieve this aim. In parallel, it is our absolute conviction that all the necessary and exceptional conditions will be cre- ated so that the competition is placed at the level of the demands, not only for the organization, as well for the athletes, entourages, assistants and for the general public. %HFRQVFLRXVWKDW9LOD9HUGHZLOOHQVXUH\RXDFRPSHWLWLRQDWWKHÀQHVWOHYHOZLWKDOOWKHQHFHVVDU\ requirements! We hope to see you very soon in Cavado River. Yours faithfully, The Portuguese Canoe Federation The Nautical Club of Prado The Mayor of Vila Verde City Hall Mário Santos Horácio Lima António Vilela 3 Event title 2013 ECA Canoe Marathon European Championship Event dates 6 – 9 June 2013 The Country Portugal City Braga Municipality-Village Vila Verde - Vila de Prado general information www.baixaki.com.br About Portugal history and cobble-stone roads. considerable number of citizens With such a long sea coast, Por- are able to communicate in En- tugal has a long term tradition glish, French and Spanish. www.praiaesol.com Location with the water and with water sports, such as Canoeing. Portugal is located on the west Climate Portugal I.D. side of the Iberian Peninsula, http://4.bp.blogspot.com ideally positioned between Language Portugal has a sunny climate. 2IÀFLDOQDPH3RUWXJXHVH5HSXEOLF Spain and the Atlantic Ocean. 7KHUH DUH RQO\ VOLJKW ÁXFWXD- GPS: 39 30 N, 8 00 W Portugal’s excellent geographi- One of the Latin languages, tions in temperature between Founding of the Portuguese State: 1143 cal position makes it a stopover Portuguese is the third most summer and winter; the overall Founding of the Republic: 1910 point for many foreign airlines spoken European language in mean ranges from 25ºC in sum- Political system: Democracy at airports all over te country. the world and the native ton- mer to about 14ºC in winter. National symbols: National Flag and the National Hymn Portugal has 5 international air- gue of about 200 million peo- The rainy season begins in No- Language: Portuguese ports: Lisbon, Oporto, Faro, Fun- ple. The Portuguese-speaking vember and usually lasts throu- Territorial Organization: two autonomous regions (Azores and Madeira), 18 districts chal (Madeira) and Ponta Del- countries are scattered all over gh January. Portugal has 220 Capital: Lisbon gada (Azores). the world. Portuguese is spoken days of sun and 3000 hours of Area: 92.142km in Europe (Portugal), in Africa sunshine every year! Population: 110.642.836 (July 2007 est.) With beautiful beaches, vi- (Angola, Cape Verde, Guinea- Active population: 5.523.000 (2004 est.) neyards, sophisticated cities, -Nissau, Mozambique), in Sou- Currency: Euro, divides into 100 centimes countryinns and palaces, Por- th America (Brazil) and in Asia G-Ross Domestic Product: 155.131 millions Eur (2006) tugal Invokes a romantic notion (East Timor, the younghest na- GDP per capita: 14.654 Eur (2006) of breathtaking scenery, rich tion on the world). In Portugal, a GDP - composition by sector: agriculture 7.9%; industry 25.9%; services 66.2% (2007 est.). 5 About Vila Verde Vila Verde Municipality I.D. Minho Total area: 228,7 Km Vila Verde Location GPS: 41º39’05.42”N 8º26’09.37”W Braga Territorial organization: municipality with 58 parishes The Vila Verde Municipality, located in the heart of the Minho province, makes part of the district of Total residente population: 46.000 inhab 46.579 Braga. It is limited to the north by the Ponte da Barca Municipality, to the west by the Barcelos and Ponte de Lima Municipalities, to the east by Terras de Bouro and to the southwest by the Amares and Braga Municipalities, from which is separated by the Homem and Cávado rivers respectively. It is lo- cated just a few tens of kilometres from the beaches situated along the maritime coastline between the city of Porto and the Spanish province of Galicia, and it is close to the Peneda-Gerês National Park. The Vila Verde Municipality has a privileged location, which means that its access doesn’t constitute a concern. It will be in the town of Prado, a parish belonging to the Vila Verde Municipality, that the event will WDNHSODFH3UDGRLVORFDWHGQH[WWRWKH&iYDGRULYHUDQGEHQHÀFLDWHVIURPSULYLOHJHGFRQGLWLRQVIRU the practice of canoeing, which led to the development of this sport and the coming into existence of the Prado Nautical Club – one of the main drivers of this candidacy. Climate &KDUDFWHUL]HGE\UDLQ\ZLQWHUVDQGKRWDQGGU\VXPPHUV9LOD9HUGHEHQHÀFLDWHVIURPDPRGHUDWH climate, with average annual temperatures of 15º C. 7 cultural, social and economic that became famous due to his the Pica no chão. development of the region. The highly prized culinary qualities, is The natural patrimony of the craftwork occupies more and one of the delicacies which for- municipality provides many lei- more an eminent position in the ms part of our gastronomic heri- sure activities, including, among municipality due to its growing tage and that you should taste. others, walking, jeep tours, economic relevance, to the The «Pica-no-chão» is another mountain biking and hunting. preservation of ancestral manu- trump card of the municipality, The Cávado and Homem rivers facturing techniques and to the which led Vila Verde to register offer excellent conditions for Tourism innovative conception of other the brand ‘Capital do Pica-no- the practice of canoeing and VILA VERDE products. -chão’. VSRUW ÀVKLQJ DQG KDYH ZRQGHU- The «Lenços de Namorados» It is in this context that the mu- IXOÁXYLDOEHDFKHVRQWKHULYHUV· (love’s handkerchief), a true ex- nicipality invests and centres its banks. -libris of this region, the articles development. That’s why there Finally, when visiting Vila Verde, Due to its ancient times and cul- te one of the numerous expres- te, by themselves, the dynamic in linen, the weaving, the minia- are so many events putting in take the change to rest in the ru- tural richness, the Vila Verde Mu- sions of the religiosity of its inha- and religiosity of these people tures and wood toys, the oxen evidence this richness, such as: ral tourism houses at your dispo- nicipality has a vast patrimony, bitants. These celebrations are committed to preserving their yokes, the musical instruments, event «Namorar Portugal» (in sal in order to feel with more in- which results from archaeologi- characterized by religious and cultural heritage and to trans- the pottery, the hand painted February), Festas Concelhias tensity this cosy rural ambience. cal remains, religious and civil pagan manifestations, which mitting to the new generations ceramics and the granite pieces em Honra de Sto. António (in Vila Verde is situated very close architecture, typical rural sce- live in communion and comple- their way of living and feeling. are some examples of handma- June), Festa das Colheitas - Fei- to the city of Braga (13km), the narios, ethnographic aspects of ment each other. About 150 of The weekly, bimonthly, monthly de products. ra Mostra de Produtos Regionais city of Guimarães (38km) and popular culture, craftwork, tradi- these festive and religious events and annual street-markets, the The pudding «Abade de Priscos», e Festival Gastronómico (in Oc- the Gerês mountain (54km), pla- tional gastronomy, green lands- take place throughout the year cultural events and the different from the known «Papa dos cozi- tober) and 11 gastronomic we- ces of obligatory visit in this re- cape and the rivers that cross it. at chapels and churches of the thematic exhibitions reveal the nheiros - Abade de Priscos», ori- HNHQGVZKHUH\RXFDQÀQGWKH gion of Portugal. Parties and church fairs constitu- municipality and demonstra- strong commitment towards the ginal from the parish of Turiz and pudding Abade de Priscos and 9 BRAGA sus do Monte Church and the Guimarães is considered the numents, caves, viewpoints, a that the city illustrates the evo- creational activities, especially Sameiro Church compete with cradle of Portuguese nationali- FDPSLQJSDUNDPLQLJROIÀHOG lution of different types of cons- during summer, which turn the With more than 2000 years of it due to their location, which ty, because it was here, accor- a touristic mini train, an eques- truction from the 15th to the city centre even more attracti- history and located in the Nor- offers a panoramic view of the ding to what says the tradition, trian centre, places for walking 19th centuries contributed for ve. In the historical centre, you th region and the subregion of city. The predominance of the that was born and was bap- and picnics. Visitors can reach the inscription of Guimarães’ FDQ ÀQG VRPH PRQXPHQWV DV Cávado, the city of Braga is the baroque style in the churches of tized the one that, in 1179, it the Penha mountait by clabe historical centre in the UNESCO the Nossa Senhora da Oliveira district’s capital and also the the city granted it the name of would come to be crowned the car, which is located close to List Of World Heritage Sites in church and the Padrão do Sa- centre of the Greater Metro- «baroque city». Already at the ÀUVW .LQJ RI 3RUWXJDO ' $IRQVR the historical centre. December 2001. The re quali- lado (a Gothic shrine), and very politan Area of Minho (GAM). limit of the city’s borders, it is re- Henriques. Furthermore, it was ÀFDWLRQ WR ZKLFK WKLV DUHD ZDV close from here you can visit the It is the third biggest city of the markable the Church and Mo- in Guimarães that took place The city’s connection to the subject helped turning the his- Guimaraes Castle and the Pa- country, with 14 municipalities nastery of Tibães that belonged the Batle of S.
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