book reviews 38 His writing is clear, careful, painstaking detailed feedbackfromover 60experts. research, heconsultedand received of his of notdoingso.Inthecourse stanceeven ifheisaccused impartial deism ormaterialism; he maintainsan agnostic withnopriorbeliefsin theism, became anatheistandis nowan he was and educated a Catholic, born beginning of the book by saying that author states his viewpoint atthe philosophical andreligiousideas.The physics, andtheevolution of biology the fields of fundamental cosmology, of detailedconceptualanalysiscovering ambitious, butthe resultisatriumph As such, itcouldscarcelybemore life, consciousness andhumankind. about theoriginandevolution ofmatter, orexperiment- systematic observation scientific theoriesandevidence - de forceisacriticalexaminationof inthemaking,10 years thistour science science-philosophy of a 5%commissiononallsalesifyoulogthroughourweb site! willreceivea10%commission.Inaddition, andtheNetwork receives theNetwork web site( inthissectioncanbepurchasedviatheNetwork from book reviews ISBN 978-0-715-649558 Duckworth, 2015, 704pp., £30, h/b– John Hands COSMOSAPIENS David Lorimer Ultimate Questions Network Review2016/2 formulations involvingformulations David Bohmand reactions toit, including more modern discusses vitalismand orthodox of science’s explanation oflife, he andthedevelopment ofbiology history and evidence. In considering the thoroughgoing analysisof theories and evolution of life with the same TwoPart addresses the emergence are untestable. to thefactthatcentralclaims due withany certainty to ascertain origins may in fact be beyond science theory. Indeed, thewholequestionof meets science’s testforarobust think thatthestandardBigBangmodel on thebasisofhisanalysis, doesnot mathematical withscientificproofand, thatsomepeopleconflate he observes set outin23numberedparagraphs- detailed conclusionstothissection– and overall thatapply. patterns Inhis large scale, thenonasmall-scale, looks attheevolution ofmatterona Movingtuning andmultiverses. on, he well as approaches involving fine to whichthey canbesubjectedas cosmological conjectures and tests then explores the reasonableness of intrinsic limitationsofscience.He and interpretation, inadequatetheory of practical difficulties,in terms data means as an explanatory cosmology more generallytheproblemsfacing conjectures beforeconsidering a varietyofothercosmological in thefollowingchapter. Hediscusses fails toexplain, whichisthenelaborated theory setting outwhatthisorthodox of the Big Bang beforethe cosmology of originmyths, theauthormoves onto inside the field. Beginning with a survey granted and rarely questioned by those into preconceptionsthataretaken for of thought that havepatterns ossified discussing various fields thatthereare ofIt becomesclearinthecourse about the limitations of science. conclusions, aswell asobservations humans, and finally some systematic life, theemergenceandevolution of then emergence and evolution of and evolution of matter and energy, explanations for the emergence examinescientific The fourparts attheend. of terms narrative, andthereisalsoaglossary as andwhenthey comeupinthe gives hisowndefinitionsofkey terms and critical.Throughoutthebook, he

centration along fusinganddiverging progressive complexification and of species;livingthingsevolved by collaboration causes the evolution change causetheextinctionof species; ‘competition andrapidenvironmental qualitative laws ofbiologicalevolution: subsections, from which he draws four 53 numberedparagraphs, somewith Again, hisconclusionsaresetoutin way toexplainingthe reactionsabove. readingandgoesalong uncomfortable frequently failtodo.Thismakes for assumptions, which those in thefield their overall context andembedded know thefacts, buthealsoconsiders clearthattheauthordoes is very and allthedifferenthypotheses.’ It is compatiblewithalltheevidence don’t them’, understand ‘Neo-Darwinism ‘you appeartoknowthefactsbutyou dismissive, ‘youdon’t knowthefacts’, types: peremptorily dismissive, politely he sent, whichhegroupsintofive reactions by specialiststodraftsthat this biologicalsection, hereflectson Inhisconclusionsto interpretations. evidence isscarceandopentodifferent section, exacerbatedby thefactthat materialism, comes up again in this from beliefs, whether in God or in The impossibilityofdivorcingideas overall conclusions. elementinhis animportant forms cooperation and mutual aid, which the thinkingofPrinceKropotkinon hebringsin ofthispart, the course the evolution of consciousness. In to complexification, collaborationand competing hypotheses withrespect and twenty nearly complementary that itcannotexplainbeforeexploring while setting out specific elements about causesofbiologicalevolution, thinking orthodox summarises current and thehumanlineage.Theauthor species, the behaviour of the species offossils,terms analyses ofliving then theevidence fortheseideasin ideas aboutbiologicalevolution, as well asthedevelopment ofscientific ofevidence andhypotheses,in terms exploretheemergenceoflife chapters to aphasechange.Thefollowing difference isqualitativeandanalogous alive andwhatisnotalive;forhim, the there is no distinction between what is rejects thereductionistargumentthat of life, atadefinitionthat arriving to lay outtheclaimedcharacteristics Sheldrake. Theauthorproceeds Rupert book reviews 39 the vague and variable definitions of of definitions variable and vague the most researchers which consciousness, a Feinberg, feely admit is ever-elusive. psychiatryof professor neurologyand of biology a professor and and Mallat, medical sciences at least tell us that this book is not about “higher” reflective “self-consciousness” but rather aims “sensory” explore to “primary or elaborately more or consciousness,” “neuroontologically subjective features of consciousness” (NSFC) comprising (isometric unity, mental referral, qualia, causation. They and mental unity), propose to trace the origin of the hard problem back to the origin of sensory in order to resolve “the consciousness subjective neurobiological gap between a with brain” the and experience theory of “neurobiological naturalism” from with some modification, derived, [At naturalism.” “biological Searle’s the risk of simplification this is the that consciousness brain-centric view is an epiphenomenon of brain activity. or I also see a problem in assuming, subjectivity assuming to understand, and in remote-from-human-experience, sometimes-extinct species of fish, birds mammals reptiles, amphibians, the sensoryexample For faculties etc., not may creatures sentient such of produce mental images that are humans We experienced subjectively. or even or , can walk, to responding while miles, few a drive but not be “consciously” sensory input, subjective experience!] of any aware Chapters 2 through 6 launch into what is essentially a biological and paleontological text dealing with the (morphological) of the evolution physical nervous with particular system (brain), emphasis on origins at the time of the Cambrian much-debated and popular explosion some 520 million years ago. animals developed small time At this and mobility, nervous eyes systems, all integrated and complimentary faculties described as “extreme sensory and cognitive enhancement.” Network Review 2016/2 Review Network Fishy Evidence for the Origins of Consciousness Martin Lockley THE ANCIENT ORIGINS OF CONSCIOUSNESS: THE BRAIN HOW EXPERIENCE CREATED and Jon M. Mallat E. Feinberg Todd, $35.00 h/b., 2016, MIT Press, 978 0262 034333 ISBN £24.95, subjectivity, method, theory and theory and method, subjectivity, science; then limitations defective on of science based of the domain social concepts experiences, subjective and ideas untestable values, and questions. Scientific metaphysical necessarily underpinnedtheories are which assumptions, philosophical by in turn and influence the selection interpretation of data. As William James also observed, and Prince de Broglie be reviewed, should assumptions such in the light of modified or abandoned the In particular, conflicting evidence. is limited in its reductionist approach open, explanatory for complex, power (p. systems emergent and interactive orthodox the author’s 566). For readers, postulate a need to proposal that we formnew of energy - psychic energy - will be a step tooassociated with mind for such but there is good evidence far, in effects that are frequently discussed and questions The author this Review. limitations the demonstrates indeed also but currentof thinking, scientific highlights the limitation of the human inferredwhich can be from mind, reports where experience mystical of immersedsubjects are in rather than The author’s separated from reality. further a in out set are conclusions final he of which end at the paragraphs, 39 arrives at his short to question answer are: ‘the unfinished of what and who we product of an accelerating cosmic evolutionary process characterised and complexity collaboration, by and the self reflective convergence, the At evolution.’ future our of agents end of this dense and closely argued can only agree with Tim one treatise, professor of Knightsbridge Crane, that ‘this is a at Cambridge, philosophy truly exceptional piece of work.’ fills a “gap” but not Ancient Origins fills a “gap” but not still- philosopher Joseph Levine’s gap “between mysterious intractable, properties physical the brain… the of that experiences subjective the and (also creates” thereby brain the referred to as the “hard problem” of I question, consciousness). Personally the refute, but cannot convincingly brain assumption that the physical rather than, creates consciousness, or embodying receiving channeling, say, sensory as all manner of non-sensory, supersensory as well “information.” readersSMN Most matter! No will also be familiar with another problem: lineages that lead to stasis in all but but in all to stasis that lead lineages a rise in consciousness one lineage; correlates collaboration, with increasing and centration. complexification Part the emergence Three deals with with a of humans and evolution the development special emphasis on The of reflective consciousness. author considers various models and explanatory before looking hypotheses of evolution the and detail more in to primeval from thinking human He observesphilosophical to scientific. emphasise the that Indian sages makes he and underlying reality, of unity an important illustrated distinction, the in a chart between (p. 505), and reasoning, of insight development corresponding right and broadly to the McGilchrist’s Iain of hemispheres left mentioned here. incidentally not model, psychological, have we insight Under mathematical, mystical, ethical, scientific and artistic, while under reasoning there is natural philosophy, epistemology, logic, metaphysics, ethics and aesthetics. Ethical thinking competition and instinct goes beyond can only achieve insisting that we by is it root ‘at unselfishly: acting by not cooperation for prescription a progress achieve to competition in order for humanity.’ The chapter on scientific thinking describes the scientific method and the emergence of the three branches of (seesciences and medical life physical, psychology of then chart 516), p. on The rise of in the late 19th century. scientific specialism is accompanied a corresponding reductionist by see but more recently we methodology, trend, the emergence of a convergent with its quest for especially in physics a theory of everything this (of course, should include consciousness….). The outset are section the to conclusions the central in 35 paragraphs and make that as for the emergence of life, point, reflective consciousness is a change of not merely of degree. The author kind, then brings together the strands of his thinking - which has parallels with that of Elisabet Sahtouris (not mentioned) - that and complexification also convergence correspond cooperation increased to as Kropotkin pointed and collaboration, 100 yearsout over ago. Globalisation as the as well and communications, institutions, global of establishment particularly exhibited this trend, have since the end of the Second World despite the current It represents, War. prominence given to terrorist attacks, of competition, a gradual overcoming hierarchism and divergence aggression, complexity and altruism, cooperation, by de Teilhard like as thinkers convergence, some 80 years ago. Chardin envisioned The final part a cosmic process on discusses the limitations within termsin science of domain the of data, observation and measurement, book reviews 40 (560 my) ormerelybackto theorigin consciousness” as far back as fish again tracesaid“originof affective who and launchesintoalistofworkers “affect asaconsciousexperience” Chapter 7on“sentience” defines consciousness]. they protesttoomuchonbehalfof terminology.for survival” [Methinks with ratherstaleDarwinian“race consciousness” usedinassociation computational needsofadvancing conceptsas“highanthropomorphic consciousness, andsuchbewilderingly cerebralcortex, allowing the term and orbirds(165my) andthecerebral say itarosewithmammals(220my) ago)others fish (560-520millionyears claim consciousnessoriginatedwith knowable)? Few agree:some workers origins ofconsciousness(oreven Are consciousorigins the sameas as invertebrates, fishandmammals. considered foranimalsasdiverse andarousal)assumedor memory and faculties(perception, recognition, states“consciousness” and diverse the equatingof“conscious”with I admit to being bewildered by or “seat.”] consciousness hasan“origin,” source we cannotescape the assumptionthat this“problem,”desire tounderstand seat ofconsciousness?Itseems, inour not see the brain, or brain alone, asthe childhood development stages, thatdo [What then do we make of cultures, and a proxyformeasuringconsciousness. consciousness, and that brain size is is that the brain creates and evolves said complexity. Soagain, thethesis consciousness, andsoequatedwith (theirword)fora potential“marker” neuronal complexitycanbeconsidered consciousness. Thus, it asIunderstand or primary previously-mentioned sensory “conscious.” to Presumably this refers I am a little vague on the meaning of Again, without refuting their thesis, birds andmammals. that consciousspecies arose laterwith consideradmit that other researchers but conscious organismsonearth” as possible “candidates for the first Feinberg and Mallatconsiderthem Soitseems,to looklike avertebrate. proto-fish, with eyes and head, began inch-long,beginning when the first the Cambrian, and later, fossil records, organsiswell-known from of sensory sound). Evidencefor the development image, hearone andyourtwoears two eyes, butexperienceonevisual (e.g.,unity orisomorphism: youhave toasmentalof thetypereferred interact tocreateaunityofperception a “holistic”appreciationthatsenses significance, including, Iamglad, tosay of their tied to various interpretations and conscientiouslyillustrated, and these developments arecopiously Thedetailsof follow fromsensory?] [Again, oneasks, does“cognitive” Network Review2016/2 the-biosphere view. we-are-part-of- evidence oftheformer only addthattheexploration itselfis arises fromAncientOrigins , and about consciousnessandexperience decidewhat“knowledge” let readers “knowing” and consciousness. I will the biosphere atthe psychic level of involves knowinganddelvinginto biologically andpsychologically, ourselves, as far as it is possible, or exceptionalspecies, thenknowing rather thana“separate”self-conscious, self-conscious organofthebiosphere, some like tosay, humansarethe/a with the animal kingdom. If, as reflectsourchangingrelationship turn evolution of animal sentience, which in demonstrate our broaderinterestinthe years, ifonlybecausesuch expositions system back for a half billion nervous studies thattracetheevolution ofthe consciousness itisusefultohave is skeptical aboutcategorisingfish debated.” Thepoint isthateven ifone that “thequestionoffishpainisheavily with thistopicinsomedetailnoting stimulus). Feinberg and Mallet deal nociception (responsetonoxious pain, forexampleby demonstrating moral questionofwhetherthey feel among otherthings, withtheessentially perception or“knowledge”dealing, interesting exposition on fish sentience, Knowsisannew book WhataFish In thisregardJonathanBalcombe’s in consciousness. are justtwomanifestationsofourshift for the ecological environmentconcern 119),movement (Network andour treatment ofanimals.Theanimalrights centric language of the “humane” Inheritance), andwe speakinhuman- changed (see review of our relationshipwithanimalshas we humanshave become“civilised,” I say consciousness, ofanimals. As parallels ourchangingawareness, dare ponder theextenttowhichthisvolume Having said that it is interesting to researchers), seemsatallorder. bydefined andunderstood different sentience, (complexlyandinconsistently of consciousness, affect, experienceor myriad non-human species on a scale But tocategorisetheperceptionsof “instinct”). might usetheill-definedterm signs ofimpressiveintelligence(some facultieswhichlooktouslike sensory amphibians I’m allforcreditinginvertebrates, fish, and lesssense. I findmoreanddatamakes less culpa. Perhaps a failing on my part, but in Chapter 8take up 10 pages). Mea point ofbeingunderwhelmed (4 tables with detail,” Iwas overwhelmed tothe claiming “not to overwhelm the reader of H. sapiens(200,000y).Although with remarkable etcetera withremarkable Troublesome examination of the belief one has heard speculations. His case requires re- quantum realitiesandmulti-universe easily substantiatedinthe faceof that naïvenaturalistclaims arenot The examples he deploys suggest ofthingthey like.thing, that isthesort that, of forthosewholike thatsort be agameofwhichitmightsaid objective reality, sciencewouldsimply ground assuming the existence of an without thevalidityof metaphysical a scientificclaimisevident. However, accessible toscience.Thatthisishardly is that such a world with its corollary of the physical, spatio-temporal world, that all that is consists solely asserting cites one definition of ‘naturalism’ as the natureofwhatcanexist.Trigg naturalism, with its wider claims about who espouseit)andphilosophical such by themany scientists working metaphysical position not knowntobe methodological naturalism(a Trigg neatlyand concisely evaluates claims ofpost-modernism. truth and theabnegationofuniversal frompositivism various permutations) stance we have inherited (through and theology, againstboththereductive explanations inmetaphysics, ethics, caseforthevalidityof and persuasive legitimately lie. might scientificenterprise the modern examination of where the limits of tohisand succinctashereturns Here isRogerTrigg athismostincisive METAPHYSICS WHY SCIENCENEEDS BEYOND MATTER: John Maxwell Kerr, SOSc. Post-Modernism Science, Naturalismand 19.70 h/b.ISBN978-1-59947-495-3. Templeton Press, 2015.162pp.$ Roger Trigg He makes a clear book reviews

41 ) is despicable, not not etcetera) is despicable, and his student Ashley Montagu, deny deny Montagu, Ashley student and his regarding it as of race, the existence construct”a “social in with no basis a “dangerous myth,” biology – a “fallacy,” even Montagu sin.” original “America’s evidently They “witchcraft.” labeled it (and the diversity race believe it implies) to biological is somehow unrelated arisen having and evolutionary reality, conceptual as the result of humanity’s misunderstanding of itself. is fairly The message of Troublesome its biological, simple: “race” and manifestations social and ethnic genetic, that can and is a real phenomenon implying thatshould be studied without in who believe its students are “racists” another. race over the superiority of one because the existence of race deny To is an ideologicalsome people are racist and unscientific approach popular in mostly because some academic circles, inflammatory potentially and touchy a is it politics or religion. subject like But these too are deeply influential cultural realities. Eugenics is also a taboo subject. While its extremely objectionable manifestations (sterilisation of perceived inferiors only is breeding (artificial selection) a deliberate application of eugenics in it is also the plant and animal world, human free, our through exercised choice when it comes to “selecting” partners, often within our own race or with seems to attract like, Like ethnicity. evolutionary implications for biology race So institutions. cultural our and holds that Wade is a biological reality. about consensus substantial is there the traditional threefold distinction and African Indo-European of Asian, and Negroid), Caucasian (Mongoloid, American Native and Australian with as two less populous but distinctive of the us reminds groups. Here Wade famous Dmitry experiment with Belyaev By brethren. mammalian our foxes, degree their for simply foxes selecting generations within a few of tameness, juvenile anatomical he bred in many features that had not been selected not for we why If it works for foxes, for. human mammals? If no one denies the hair skin, variation in stature, physical ethnic groups between colour and eye be surprised that (races) should we there are different manifestations in the and culture, sphere of social behavior which also correlate genetic with variation? compelling the makes Wade Here diverse up by backed argument, cultural of field broad the in studies shift from that the anthropology, nation state and tribal to city state, about brought has polities global which in a word change, inevitable not has helped “tame” human nature, in forcing most individuals, least by live let and live to culture, given any civilised more and widening a with the neighborsof community beyond narrow confines of family and tribe. Network Review 2016/2 Review Network little Nicholas Wade $17, 288 pp., 2014/2015, Penguin, p/b - ISBN 978-0-14-312716-1 The Race for a Less- troubled Civilisation Martin Lockley A TROUBLESOME GENES, INHERITANCE: AND HUMAN RACE HISTORY, relation to contemporary physics.” No No relation to contemporary physics.” but it distracts from the doubt that is so, well-developed, otherwise an of force comprehensive and sustained, argument. is that metaphysical explanation has has explanation metaphysical is that of idea inductive the by eliminated been derived from advancing progress always the “the and effectiveness of the rapidity the over of science” human appliance last two centuries. in affords us The brief overview Trigg Matter” (its 162 pages includes “Beyond the in written is index) an and notes sort prose one longs to meet in any of the hands of to put into book one wants the sciences. Suchgraduate students in dismayed nor be not notice, readers may in proof- but stunning lapses the few by, on example for one, reading confronting in Physics reads,” one where 27, page the nineteenth century bares (sic) Guns, Germs and When I first heard of Guns, was I Diamond, Jared by (GGS), Steel not and still have disinclined to read it, In reading A done so conscientiously. Nicholas Inheritance by Troublesome my a better inkling of why I have Wade the former intuition made me avoid Aparttitles. best-selling two these of from the ‘harsh’ title GGS is far too accounting for culture deterministic, disease, in terms of metal weapons, and other external rather geography the like than human factors. Diamond, Boas famous anthropologists Franz

For instance, Eugene Wigner’s Eugene Wigner’s instance, For observation about “the unreasonable effectiveness of mathematics (the free creation of the human mind) in the natural sciences”… “something has mysterious,” the on bordering quite persuadednever this reviewer assertion that “all of Max Tegmark’s mathematical possibilities are actual” multiverse. infinite an in Tegmark’s is notably a classically metaphysical it. though he deny position, of the arguments of many The weight in senior common rooms and reliance science’s against laboratories assertionson metaphysical is usually one philosophical grandly more the not that science has somehow eliminated and all other the need for metaphysics forms of explanation. The banausic claim is that “science works”: it has delivered more shall do so. the goods and ever is all evidence (the Science progresses self-correction of modelsaround us) by in the light of empirical and hypotheses does not bring about data. Philosophy things world; the in change leaves it are. Scientific progress rests as they on increasingly more comprehensive explanations and remarkable the assumption predictions. In effect, so often, that science is what there is is there is what that science so often, the way is suppose to evidence any be nice not what it would the world is, the world about the way to suppose is. The assertion there really is that each number of universes, an infinite being of possibility any transcending has struck practising humans, known by who have those cosmologists (even Ockham) as heard of William of never verging universes, rather profligate with Most working on mere speculation. between distinguish would scientists without the speculation and science, well- and arguments of Trigg’s benefit though it would be to chosen examples, their very read great advantage to have Matter.” “Beyond neatly (but His analysis rather fairly) undermines post- the again, modernism project (derived originally too- perhaps and architecture, from widely extrapolated) that there are universalthat one not meanings, many human knowledge relationship between “the universe”and claimed traditionally science. by science that believe anyone would Why explanatory an as omnicompetent is claim (with anyone would Why method? Peter chemist, the Oxford physical has not objectively if science Atkins) that, it everythingexplained just yet, quite at least can and will undoubtedly do so, in in principle. Could such a claim be, scientific? Philosophers sense, any of science will appreciate that the “at goes back least in principle” caveat Vienna qualification of the to Carnap’s meaningfulness. for criterion Circle’s valuably supplies an outline of the Trigg history of his opponents’ positions: this examples. his illuminates background book reviews 42 term “race”asarigid label,term ifwe Arguably we donotneedtousethe and saints!? and untamedfoxes, humandelinquents else inthebiosphere, includingtamed dynamicwitheverything evolutionary not be interwoven in a complex cultural, biological (genetic)factors what we callhistory, howcouldthese moreover, responsible for much of if well-meaning, naysayers, andis, except by a few ideologically motivated, race and ethnicity is widely recognised, racism. Putanotherway, giventhat including changingviews onraceand cultural evolution, and thus with history, debate holisticallywithbiologicaland because itintegratesthecomplexrace is appealing, atleasttothisreader, dynamic.Thisexposition evolutionary itisacomplextwo-waycertainly isunresolved,vice versa butalmost propensities drivegeneticvariationor and eggriddleofwhethercultural a group culturally]. To date the chicken [rather asanindividual might influence propensities group (cluster)certain Such individualsgivetheoverall cultural with geneticvariation.” ofindividuals but ratherare“clusters However, defined races are not sharply threefold (plus2)racedistinctions. consistent withtheaforementioned ethnic groups(races) that aregenerally DNA unithave helpeddefine distinctive the population has a non-standard on thegenomewhereatleast1%of Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP) sites not for racistgeneralisations! Single another.” fromoneraceto and causeitto“vary So genesinfluencehumanbehavior delinquency indifferentethnicgroups. different levels of aggressionand in differentindividuals, resultingin in different frequencies,and occurs gene is “associated with aggression” collective important, role. The MAO-A but “genefrequencies”play an in individuals or cultures as a whole, to ensure“tameness”orcivilisation There is, itappears, nosingle gene inextricable interwoven. 116). Thus, andcultureremain biology in 96% of our genetic makeup (Network no longerrobustNeanderthals, atleast “domestication” ortameness.We are decrease inrobustness, andincreasing leading toaphysical gracilisation, or species (knownaspaedomorphosis) juvenilisationofthehuman evolutionary biological evidence fortheongoing should alsonotethewell-established and reluctancetoregress].Skeptics nature implies a higher aspiration on thesubjectofimproving human doubt such progress, mere rumination civilising influences.[For skeptics who of lawthe rule and other collectively polities that have instituted religion, more regional and nationally-structured steadily inthetransitionfromtribalto Thus, the murder rate has gone down Network Review2016/2 Vive ladifference: Vive butuseit and order, emptiness and form, zero andlight,dualities: darkness chance of paradox,world of irreconcilable forwards orbackwards. We liveina example, canbe viewed astravelling Time,of thenatureuniverse. for it, butrecognisethatitischaracteristic and suggeststhatwe notonlyembrace Frances views theparadoxasessential, usually, “shutupandcalculate”.However, studentsis Advice giventouniversity dismiss theparadoxasunimportant. design. Whatisitreally?Mostphysicists depending alsoontheexperimentthatwe dependingonhowitinteracts; a particle, canbedescribedasawave or particle A ofsubatomicparticles. Interpretation best knownexampleistheCopenhagen instances whereparadoxcomesup.The is thenotionofparadox, andthemany approach physics. Centraltohisapproach and more about how we think and his bookisultimatelylessaboutphysics, physics.journey through modern However, Order. Franses takes thereaderina Through Paradox in Physics to aNew The subtitle of Philip Franses’s book is for alesstroubledcivilisation.” different contextandspeakofthe“race we couldusethe dreaded “r”wordina and regressions. Perhaps, therefore, nature, though not without reversals taming andjuvenilisationofhuman in thepropensityforadomestication, though globalpolities), we seeshifts paradigm of culturalevolution (tribal not randomly. Usingtheoverarching cultures differently, and complexly, but regional” affecting all individuals and evolution has been recent, copious and recognise, asWade does, that“human ISBN 978-178250-172-5 Floris Books, 2015, 235pp., £25, p/b- Philip Franses DICE OFCREATION TIME, LIGHTANDTHE Paul Kieniewicz Living withParadox studies and early Christianity.studies andearly on depthpsychology, science, climate Review Network and website. He writes the Scientific and Medical Network’s Studies, inPoland. Heisaco-editorof Institute of Archetypal and Religious and Geophysicist, co-founder of the Paul Kieniewicz is an Astronomer new insights. will berewarded by somestartling tofollow theauthor’seffort argument, time andeffort,itwilltake an where thatleads.Thosewhotake the nature. To embraceparadoxandsee to adoptanew way ofthinkingabout Overall, thisbook challenges thereader us. that organizedusandorders thingwe needtolive, story very thevery have taken away the fromourselves has forgottenwhatitrepresented.We physics. “t”isstilltherebuteveryone the ground of all this mathematics and what oriented us, hidden underneath forgotten the treasure of time, which is the equationscamefrom.We have We have forgottenwheretime in Hindu myths. Hewrites, of how time began. Particularly the story it? Whatisitsrole?Allcreationmyths tell as if it doesn’t really exist. So where is is only incidental toquantum mechanics, where he looks at the nature of time. Time mythical dimension in his final section Gnosticism. Franses recognisesthis Christiantraditions includingearly dualities alsooccurinmany religious emptiness.Interestingly,versus such and unity, potential and existence, form ofarchetypes.Attherootiszero world emanatesfromahidden we observe of opposites. Thedualities; world pairs constituents ofnatureareviewed as Platonic, inthatthemostfundamental The author’s approachissomewhat structures. primary develop, howpetalsdevelop from seed and the plant, how plant forms explores the relationship between the from conventional approaches.Franses approach toscienceandhowitdiffers and offeraclearaccountofGoethe’s aretheeasiesttofollowchapters influence inFranses’s Those thinking. Science, tobeamajor whichappears of thebook deal with Goethean writer isgettingat.Thecentralchapters about dualitiestoappreciatewhatthe let goofhowhe/sheisusedtothinking the sensethatreaderwillhave to nature. Hisargumentsarenon-linear in above dualitiesandhowthosearisein expand on each oftheThe chapters radically new descriptionoftheuniverse? embracing paradoxwe would cometoa us toembraceparadox.Whatif, by paradox. Thenotionof“both”requires with Aristotelian logicisuncomfortable to paradox.Thehumanmindtrainedwith of naturetakes aneither-orapproach and unity. The Western description

book reviews

43 Damian Hamill 148 pp., 2015, Hypnotic Outcomes, - ISBN-13: 978-1-4566- eBook £4.79, from Amazon) 0951-1 (Available Debunking the Myths Chris Allen AN INTRODUCTION TO AND HYPNOTHERAPY the rise of diet-induced inflammation, inflammation, of diet-induced the rise single in fact due to any which is not was to a combination. It but rather factor, trulyalarming that China now has to read in trans- diabetics. Advances 100 million enablingnow are epigenetics generational us to understand of the the implications is possible to lay health timebomb. It epigenetic markersdiet-induced down in so that children born after 2000 the DNA, to obesity –are much more susceptible the industrialisationhence ‘the growth of be a driving force of our food supply may in our genes thatin an epigenetic shift epidemic the for responsible be could eventually diabetes and rise of obesity, stated as (p. 159) However, Alzheimer’s.’ to reclaim our genetic it is possible above, turnaround major a without not but future, dietaryin our lifestyles and preferences. turnin This medicine, for implications has and diet, neglects traditionally which on based system health a for perhaps rather than treatingmaintaining wellness the symptoms of chronic disease. The to asecond half of the book is devoted more technical discussion of the central a arguments make issues. The author’s real great deal of sense to me and have practical implications for all of us - we our dietsmodify advised to be well would if it even in the direction he recommends, is harder to go all the way. What if I’m in deep trance and the What if I’m in deep trance and the a heart has hypnotist and attack I be Will me? awaken to unable is what will become stuck there? And if so, of me? Network Review 2016/2 Review Network industrialisation of food associated with of food associated industrialisation of development the obesity, in increases earlier an at disease chronic theand age of brain ageing.acceleration The author increased as schematically this puts increased> inflammation diet-induced increased diabetes > obesity > increased each as with a time delay Alzheimer’s, Even mass. critical process reaches it appears changes that more seriously, in epigenetic markers due to diet can generation, next the passed on to be good The effect. a cumulative creating can be reversed is that this process news it may although on an individual level, The decades to do so collectively. take the mechanicsauthor goes on to explain the real reason we of inflammation as aage at and ill become weight, gain is Alzheimer’s faster rate. In this sense, In order to controlan ageing of the brain. one has to diet-induced inflammation, of omega-6control insulin and the levels fatty acids found in vegetable oils and people are processed foods. In addition, eating a great deal more high glycaemic the thus increasing load carbohydrates, secretion of insulin. At the same time, reduced our consumption of have we for instance, omega-3 fatty acids found, are we in fatty fish and fish oil. Moreover, polyphenols generally consuming fewer in terms of fruits and vegetables. It is this combination that has led us to our current crisis. the author furtherIn Zone, the explaining discusses how hormonal control is based on the balance of protein to glycaemic and the danger of theload at every meal, terms in diet current standard Western of a combination of excess omega-6 of levels acids coupled with high fatty insulin leading to increased oxidation throughout the body without adequate of polyphenols and of omega-3 levels becomes a goal fatty acids. The overall inflammation. diet-induced in reduction the advice, official much with contrast In author produces his own Mediterranean with vegetables and zone food pyramid protein, low-fat then fruit bottom, the at olive oil mono-unsaturated fats like andgrains moderate amounts of and starches. He gives specific examples, as advice and pages of recipes as well shopping list and a summarya sample rulesbasic of goodThe 73-74). (pp. is that us at least, of some for news, goodcontain wine red coffee and both as explained in the of polyphenols, levels especially coriander, next section. Spices, rosemary and sage, parsley, as well as contain verythyme A further high levels. interesting implication is the association decreased calorie consumptionbetween which is elaborated in terms and longevity, factor for of the proposition that the key steady energy is stable blood sugar level rather than calorie consumption as such. the most interesting historical Perhaps a 15th example of this is Luigi Cornaro, hiswho wrote nobleman century Venetian third anti-ageing book at the age of 95. The next section explains the correlation the industrialisation of food andbetween Hammersmith Books, 2015, 363 pp., 363 pp., 2015, Hammersmith Books, p/b – ISBN 978-1-78161-073-2 £9.99, THE MEDITERRANEAN THE MEDITERRANEAN ZONE Dr Barry Sears David Lorimer David Diet-Induced Diet-Induced Inflammation Barry Sears the idea of the introduced and has Zone in a book 20 years ago, written about a dozen books further of which this is explaining the concept, the latest. Readers will be familiar with the benefits of the Mediterranean diet, and perhaps with specific studies of long- lived Greek islanders. The concept of the be less familiar as a ‘dietaryZone may amaintaining and reaching for roadmap constant hormonal balance that allows It at peak efficiency.’ to operate the body is a metabolic state of stable blood sugar chronic that diminishes risks of many health issues. The book also clarifies Mediterranean traditional genuine the pizza not the false one full of pasta, diet, and bread. This diet is anti-inflammatory and antioxidant with a particular polyphenols.emphasis on the role of it consists of one third low- Specifically, and two thirds colourful non- fat protein, amounts small and vegetables starchy of fruit - note that this excludes white all including potatoes, carbohydrates, of which create more inflammation and increase the glycaemic load of the meal. This process is repeated every five hours, either as a meal or a snack. between balance a maintain to is key The the two phases of inflammation activated which themselves are hormones, by our diet - these key controlled by diet, hormones by can be unbalanced scale wide a on happened has which the last 50 years over due to the medicine – health – health medicine book reviews 44 hypnotherapist ofthe20thcentury. generally regardedasthemost influential Milton H.Erickson(1901-1980) whois section onthecontributionof physician note here is the hypnosis. Of particular of Chapter 1gives a brief history butinspiringconclusion. a short of interestingtopics;andendswith which coverchapters awiderange community; continueswithtwelve in thepsychotherapyfew feathers hitting introduction, likely a to ruffle witha hard Hypnotherapy’ starts ‘An Introduction toHypnosisand reviews—all ofthemwithfivestars. you willfindthatithaspicked up8 for it;ifyougoontheAmazonwebsite, the subject.Butdon’t justtake my word bestever writtenon is oneofthevery 2012. Intheopinionofreviewer, it to say inthisbook, publishedin first to investigate whatDamianHamillhas interest, than thenyoucoulddoworse hypnosis? If these questions are of the morewidespreaduseoftherapeutic debunk themyths thatseemtoshackle And to mood altering pharmaceuticals? toovernatural alternative relianceof be donetopromotethevalueofa So what’s goingon?And cananything because of well publicized side effects. costbutalso because oftheenormous And rising, not only causing concern of allNHSprescriptionitemsin2010. and anti-depressants made up 8.6% suchastranquillizers psychiatric drugs section. Yet recentdataindicatesthat hypnosis andpsychosomaticmedicine that theRoyal SocietyofMedicinehasa it may todiscover comeasasurprise side effects—aslongago1958.And therapeutic tool—withnoknownharmful hypnosisBMA endorsed asapowerful thatthereally whenoneconsiders immense confusion.Whichisashame Mesmer—have also contributed to the suchas especially notoriousdabblers ofhypnosis— in thecolourfulhistory again, someofthemostfamousnames just arepresentativesample. But then which thequestionsabove initalicsare misconceptions, thebasisupon forming hypnosis andpropagatingwidelyheld thepublicperceptionofin blurring victims—have done a wonderful job control ofthemindstheirhapless in taking performances—particularly Theirstirring is agoodplacetostart. by BelaLugosiandChristopherLee directions. CountDraculaasportrayed can pointthefingerinanumberof Well, in the caseofhypnosis, one Myths …Howdothey come about? secrets? innermost hypnotherapist get me to reveal my What ifI’minatrance;canthe rob abankormurdermy wife? to dosomethingagainstmy will?Like enough toresisthim?Canheforceme of my consciousness?WillIbestrong What ifthehypnotist triestotake control Network Review2016/2

and notoneof dominationandself– of guidanceandencouragement to offerifusedfromanethical position suggests thathypnosis hasagreatdeal In theone-pageconclusion, theauthor the field. of mostinteresttoprofessionals in well butprobably writtenandinformative therapeutic approaches.They areall ofmajor management and an overview communication, casehistory, client astranceinduction,such matters 7to12concern Suggestion. Chapters Immobilisation … Modified Sleep … phenomena. These include: Atavistic range of hypnoticthe remarkable theories whichattempttoexplain Chapter 6evaluates thebestknown of individualresponsesandsusceptibility. Chapter 5 contains a detailed discussion to openorindirectsuggestions. Erickson, inwhich the subjectresponds of Milton on thework based primarily ornaturalistichypnosis—permissive … Non-traditional,to clear instructions hypnosis inwhichthesubjectresponds awake …Traditional orauthoritarian sleep but just before one becomes fully —the condition after being state justbeforefallingasleep… driving …Hypnogogic—theintermediate … Highway hypnosis—drifting offwhilst as such.Theseinclude:Daydreaming hypnosis whichonemightnotrecognise differenttypesof Chapter 4concerns Hallucinations …TimeDistortion. … DissociationRegression of mentalperceptions…Amnesia activity—physical manifestations of motormovement …Ideo-motor restricted to:Catalepsy—inhibition frequency. Theseincludebutarenot to occurwithintrancewithgreat hypnotic phenomenathatseem Chapter 3 deals indetail with common least somewhere at which to start. awareness todefine human struggle researchers position giventhateven consciousness understandable the wholestory—an admits thatwhereasthismay notbe sensation, image and time”.Theauthor ofemotion,be produceddistortion psychological changesinwhichmay physical, neurophysiological and therapist. Itwill result inmeasurable concentration onthevoiceof state of awareness effected by total to getthereaderthinking:“Analtered definition the following working offers as to what hypnosis actuallyis.He consensus even amongstpractitioners notions giventhefactthatthereisno many preconceivedideasand incorrect it islittlewonderthatpeoplehave so Hedoeshoweverturn. concedethat each of the most oft quoted myths in to settherecordstraight, dealingwith the subject. He proceeds surrounding dispel many ofthemisconceptions is allabout.Theauthorattemptsto Chapter 2 explores what hypnosis in the first place—itisat in thefirst

book first came out in 1939,book first and told are calledthefiveritesstraight away. The practisingwhat So Ireadit, and started book was enough to pique my curiosity. effects ofpractisingtheexercises inthis ontheextraordinary from previous readers somecomments books. Justperusing ofthese on whoseshelfIfoundthefirst States andstayed withafriendinVirginia, I was recentlytravelling intheUnited Web and Advaita Vedanta philosophy. history, jurisprudence, criminology has alifelonginterestinmilitary Society ofClinicalHypnosis.He and afullmemberoftheBritish He isalsoapractisinghypnotherapist unusual andwell researchedfiction. He isacrimewriterspecialisingin as Avionics, Defence and Transport. as a contractor in such industries many ofexperienceworking years Author with a degree in physics and Chris AllenisaretiredTechnical deep trance. you retainaninnercensoreven in not; youcankeep themtoyourself; Hypnotherapy intheUK.No, definitely recognised trainingorganisationsfor availablecurrently through any of the intheHimalayas …Andnot monastery master insomeremotelocationlike a and dedicatedpracticeatthefeetofa ofausterespiritualdisciplineyears literature—is said to be achievable after which—according totheesoteric hypnosis withanoccultpower orsiddhi simply isn’t possibleandisconfusing control underthesecircumstances have aid.Mind toapplyemergencyfirst you’d just fallen asleep. You may then trance naturallyatyourownpaceasif If itwere tohappen, you’ll comeoutof inanswer tothosequestions: Finally useful readindeed. Development, this book is a gem, a very build upyourContinuousProfessional an experiencedpractitionerwishingto seeking tobecomelessconfusedor Whether you’re anewcomer tothisfield make nomistake aboutit…Hehas. thesubject.And thatsurrounds mystery aside much of the mysticism and that hehassucceededinsweeping aggrandisement. He expresses the hope p/b –ISBN978-0-75-354007-7 Books,Virgin 2012, 308pp., £8.99, Various authors YOUTH –BOOK2 THE FOUNTAIN OF ANCIENT SECRETOF p/b –ISBN978-0-7535-4005-3 Books,Virgin 2011, 106pp., £8.99, Peter Kelder YOUTH THE FOUNTAIN OF ANCIENT SECRETOF David Lorimer Energy Vital

book reviews 45 source. Whereas it would naturally be be naturally it would Whereas source. there is sequentially, to read profitable so. Why? need to do no indispensable spiritual the manner of any Because in book on eternal truths about the inner so the material is organic, life of Man, hologram or a fractal. a like to speak therefore may An harassed reader chapter at random since ‘dip into’ any each one mirrorswhole purpose the purposeof the book. And that to is assist the earnest disciple (hopefully, acquire spiritual you the reader) to the practicalenrichment gained through of the Christ’s wisdom and application Teachings. that there hyperbole it is no However, purportingare countless books to sort guidance providing out our lives by this words. Does based on the Christ’s and book stand out from the crowd, is who first, But why? and how so, if know him? Of Beinsa Douno? Do we course there are the historical facts about his life and literary but output, know the soul nature claim to can we no such of the sage? The writer makes there are facts claims. Nonetheless, to read. A slight to consider and signs diversion is needed. We have just had the EU Referendum. Referendum. EU the had just have We and ill-feeling the all Notwithstanding of sides both on personalinvectives the sole criterion for both the debate, the exit and remain factions has been brutal materialism to put economics, as if a material utopia were it bluntly, happiness. of human sole yardstick the and culture religion to any But now look antiquity to modernfrom ancient times, West. to the or the East to whether find? Not a single one What do we philosophers and sages the of ever of truth the self-realisation to allowed the lure of establishing be sullied by earthly or his life-energy any Utopia, techniques in inventing to be wasted schemes social or technologies and and economic models for dealing with turmoilthe world’s the of malice and economics and physical politics, Each one conditions at their own level. with unerring insight that of them saw unregenerate man the world it was over man – who – spiritually impoverished Network Review 2016/2 Review Network Beinsa Douno 412 pp., 2016, Press, Shining Word p/b) – ISBN 978-1- h/b (also £30, 905398-36-2 The Wisdom of Christ Edi Bilimoria VOLUME THE TEACHER, ONE: THE DAWNING EPOCH Alexandra David-Neel, Theodore Illion Illion Theodore David-Neel, Alexandra Tibet to all travelled and WY Evans-Wentz clearlyduring the 1930s and before or secrets some of the same discovered book. Alexandra David-Neel set out in this to able was breathing and learned Tumo in freezing light clothes even go about in also lived until thetemperatures. She authors reinforce Various 101. of age life or healththat it is quality of the point while Robertspan that really counts, Thurman emphasises the importance of book containscompassion. This second whose people of stories detailed more these been transformed by have lives exercises. The authors in more explore depth the understanding of energy that but underlies these practices, not only Qigong. Chi and The section also Tai a adds themselves exercises the on is an while there more postures, few extensive chapter on food combining energetics the on as well as diet, and Alland meditation. sound the voice, of this expands the rationale of the first book and encourages readers to persist in their practice of the rites. Although I only been practising them myself have they as I write, three weeks for just over certainlyhave contributed to an increase energy. flexibility and in strength, The hundred-year period starting from around the middle of the nineteenth century especially momentous for was of spirituality that affirmed wave a new the Immortal and Timeless verities of all but in a manner and form to suit ages, particularly times, the prevailing in the then ultra-materialistic. which was West, The fertilespiritual effulgence period of to such luminaries as Helena privy was and Annie Besant in the Blavatsky William James, Theosophical Society, Manly Hall and Emerson in America, Ramana Maharshi and Krishnamurti Europe – Rudolf Steiner in in India, and Beinsa Douno the Bulgarian sage the world of whom Einstein said ‘All renders homage to me and I render Deunov Peter Master the to homage [Beinsa Douno] from Bulgaria’. The book presents the lectures of Beinsa Douno based on passages from the Bible with the aim of epoch new a for humanity preparing impartingby an understanding the of scriptures the from guidance practical can only be at a profound level, that, direct contact with its attained by philosophy – philosophy spirituality the story officer and of an ex-British Army travelled had who Bradford, Col diplomat, to a monastery deep in Tibet. When Peter old and he looked first met him, Kelder with a stick. The Colonel walking was him on his him to accompany invited turnedauthor the but thedown travels, Bradford Col years Some later, offer. appeared again at his door and was almost unrecognisable due to the fact years 25 rather younger looked he that tells his The Colonel than four years older. own story amazed when, where he was he after three months in the monastery, at himself in the mirror to find alooked much more youthful person looking back. The book then explains how to perform startingthe five rites, with only three up to repetitions and gradually moving 21. Some are similar to yoga exercises, circulation, and lead to improved The first muscular strength and flexibility. consists of spinning round however, one, in a clockwise direction and can serve as an introduction to the theory behind the as one grows older, namely that, practice, the speed of circulation of the chakras slows down and becomes uncoordinated. The exercises are meant to remedy this energy, vital the to boost a provide and as system physical the that so qi or prana a whole benefits from increased energy has been more however, Research, flow. along the lines of surveys and feedback but it makes than systematic trials, practical and intuitive sense to me. very is attitude mental addition, In act and important: to think, must want we versionyounger a as feel ourselvesof affirmationan create can and this to effect that will be carried out through the as the operation of the superconscious, author explains. He also gives advice as on diet and food combining as well voices. The sixth an exercise for men’s and istreatment separate a receives rite designed to rechannel sexual energy. The second book builds on the first with experts contributing more detail to the basic concepts and also giving a historical context through the travels of other scholars interesting and an with Robertconversation Thurman. Baird Spalding, Helena Blavatsky, book reviews better. presumptuously thinkthatthey know scientistswho byteachers thosevery the calumny heapeduponreligious by thevastmajorityof scientists, plus showntowardsand thescorn religion the toxic cocktail of confusion, ill-feeling, polarizing opinions, generating inturn left brainthatgetnowhere, otherthan ofthe ended debatesinthegymnasium that indulgesininterminable, dead- ofdry,of thesort academicpedagogy level 1. reading is the modus operandi religious book)forgood;thiskindof away thisbook(orany otherspiritualand and intellectualthenhehadbetterput his consciousnessbeyond theliteral reader cannot(orchoosesnotto)raise 46 the softintimationsofSoul. a quiescentbraininordertosense invoking percepts;and3.readingwith concepts; 2.readingthroughthemind, 1. readingwiththebrain, forming to:These three modes correspond and intuitional; and 3. the Spiritual. literal andintellectual;2.thesymbolical Dead, ortheBible:1.dead-letter Upanishads reading any sacredtexts, suchasthe There areatthreeprincipalways of of utmostsignificance.Anditisthis. At thisjuncturewe mustissueawarning thoughtandprayer.correct moral character, andsacrifice, service good andevil, sin, masteringdestiny, host ofsubjectslike hope, faithandlove, the neophyte. awhole Dounoconsiders obstaclesinthepathof surmounting situations, on alongwithinstructions practical guidance on life-challenging the themeofthisbook, whichprovides neglected, thatobviously constitutes by farthemostimportant,and Christ’s words(Matthew 6:19-21)thatis wealth – ‘Collect treasures’ – in the and spiritualwealth. Butitisthespiritual three typesofwealth: physical, mental recommending poverty. Irecommend counselling aboutwealth: ‘Iamnot Douno. Onpage144we find thesage It isexactlythesamewithBeinsa hand ofthedivinephysician. spiritualnatureandthehealing our true – theevils resultingfromignoranceof but theircounselwas ever thesame material existenceanditsenjoyment; men, they the value of the understood the highway Supremely practical to truth. as orself-mortification material poverty in recentyears, ever preachedadietof andEmerson and Krishnamurti,Brunton as PlatoandPythagorasofancienttimes or Christ, such orthesage-philosophers prophets of old like Buddha, Zarathustra man. However, none of the saints and wisdom and love – the transformed situation: the waythe world of truth, that theway mustbefoundtoredeem his character, not his possessions, him; andsoitwas throughmanhimself, andsufferingaround ubiquitous cruelty was himselftheprolificspawner ofthe Network Review2016/2 , Book ofthe the Egyptian 1 If the Ifthe the WhiteBrotherhood (Douno’s School of anew epoch, divineprovidence and the futureofourplanet, thebeginning worded commentsontopics suchas and seeds. Then there are carefully stages ofdeath, sprouting, growth, human soulpassingthroughthe cyclical ofnature’shistory development and the of wheat metaphorically depicts the eloquent exposition of how a grain on John 12:24 (pp. 137-149). It is an Emblem oftheHumanSoul’based (for me)is‘TheGrainofWheat, the One of the most revealing chapters statue’ (p.111). agraceful the divinechiselwillform we sin, ‘asinner isastoneoutofwhich souls thatGodmustchipoff, andwhen it meansthatthereissomethinginour that when we are winging or suffering, etc.? Apropos, toknow itiscomforting it into butter, howhigh can a frog jump, milk would turn frog know that churning congealing, howdoesa milk started wouldn’t hislegsgetstuckwhenthe couldn’t tobutter; suddenly just turn atfacevalue:surelythemilk story literalists (intheirdroves) takingthe just imagine all theargumentsof the is goodforamaninhislife?ButIcan Ecclesiastes 6:12, Whoknoweth what ‘Constancy inLife’, themessageof him to hop out of the pail. The moral: which then provided foundation for a firm itintobutter, ofthemilkturned churning continued swimminguntiltheconstant rest andthendied;buthiscompanion a boringtask), lay downatthebottomto got fedup (don’t we all whenfacedwith milk andswam roundincircles.Onefrog inquisitive frogswhofellintoapailof (p.109)ofthetwo end aboutthestory man.Ichuckledno life oftheordinary fortheeveryday the practicalimport meaning further, then an exposition on by way of stories to illuminate the meaning, whichisthenfullyamplified by abriefaccountofitsessential in footnotes),expanded version followed a pithy quotefromtheBible(withan follow a general pattern: The chapters taken sense. inananthropomorphic meaningandnever be their universal Douno, mustalways in beunderstood and thedevil, frequentlyusedby Beinsa out then, thatwordslike God, theLord Needlesstopoint of eachhumanbeing. which take place inthebodyandpsyche offorcesandprocesses personifications – menandwomenarereallythe significance isthatthesecharacters What is of majoris of minor concern. intheNew Testamentthe characters teachings. Thehistoricalauthenticityof clue abouttheallegoricalnatureof to denouncereligionwithouthaving a the rabbleofmaterialistswhoseek lies andwhy itsvaluerisesway above this iswherethestrengthofbook symbols, and allegories and metaphors; theirmeaninginwordsthrough impart be taken atfacevalue.They canonly cannot bewrittendowninwordsto aboutMan’sDeep truths innernature edu/~eushe2/Pajares/jimmortal.html. (1898)’,‘Human Immortality http://www.uky. and transmissive.SeeWilliamJames, function: productive, or releasing, permissive with William James’s account of brain 1 Carr.Maria Mitovska andHarry lovingly assembledby thetwotranslators the bookchapters, allpainstakingly and and Englishofthelecturesconstituting include anenumerationinbothBulgarian Bibliography, andReferences, thelatter The bookisrepletewithAppendixes, a shell of institionalised ‘Churchianity’. to as the moribund can only be referred vitality ofesotericChristianityintowhat a desperateneedtoinjecttheliving ofourdailylives.Itfulfills in thecourse and techniquestoapplytheteachings given usthepracticalandusabletools meaning to theChristianscripturesand bequeathed abookthataddsnew In conclusionthen, we have been like Blavatsky, Bailey andSteiner. of colourfromDouno’s contemporaries occult teachingsonthemystical nature days oftheweek. Thisisinlinewiththe that ofspiritualqualitiesandalsothe of light with the spectrum correlating Testament oftheColourRays ofLight’ I was fascinated by asectionon‘The WhiteBrotherhood’). of theUniversal of EsotericChristianityiscalled‘School These three modes correspond very broadly very These threemodescorrespond 78677-000-4 237 pp., £14.95, p/b–ISBN978-1- White CrowBooks, 2016(1987), D.M.A. Leggett THE SACRED QUEST 910121-98-6 237 pp., £14.95, p/b–ISBN978-1- White Crow Books, 2016 (1986), D.M.A. (Peter) LeggettandMaxPayne A FORGOTTENTRUTH David Lorimer A ScienceoftheSpirit book reviews 47 Becoming of both Minds Nicholas Colloff THE SECRET TEACHERS OF THE WESTERN WORLD Gary Lachman (SMN) 509 pp., 2015, Penguin, Tarcher 978-0-399-16680-8 p/b - ISBN: $19.95, An apocryphal story has Picasso a man waving confronted on a train by a photograph of his wife under his you not do “Why nose declaiming, this’’. are? Like paint things as they square and rather mean small, “You responds Picasso! Different flat,” if what but differently perceive minds has apparently single mind, our own, The two distinct modes of behaviour? seeing intuitively, Picasso, like one, things as a whole and the patterns that the man, like the second, connect; and, mechanically in precise yet fragmented, of high utility but sequenced parts, in a reduced depth or meaning. This, of the thesis was nutshell, compressed ‘The Mastery and His Iain McGilchrist’s Emissary’ in a renewing that explored and left the discussion of ‘right way asymmetry’brain that suggested and reductionist the utilitarian, the emissary, had usurped its place if practical brain, and become the dominant mode of come to know have perception. We much of value in the process but drained life of meaning and purpose. esoteric traditions are in The Western that aim to meaning essence pathways of seeing who and to transform our way not an accidental part inare, where we a living as but universe, meaningless a In discussing the purpose of human the purpose In discussing of human a further develops Peter of series life, evidence the by suggested propositions he considers. on to a more He moves of Christianity detailed consideration the Jesus between the relationship and Next, the divine spirit. man in Christ constitution subtle the explores he and the purposeof the human being terms in life of of expansion the of shared he also a vision consciousness, as The key, with Sir George Trevelyan. part, is application, explained in the last tackles the Peter and it is here that sin and suffering of evil, issues thorny fruitthe as derived wisdom the well as brings him full- of experience. This and he quotes circle back to education Secretary-General UN the in Thant U Eastern of integration an advocating so that there approaches and Western moral is equal emphasis on intellectual, Given that and spiritual development. the content of these books is perennial, been more books have if many even published in the intervening period, readers can profitably engage with the arguments and assess for themselves feel the the extent to which they reasoning is sound in the light of the considered. This is classic evidence Network thinking. Network Review 2016/2 Review Network

Man is not just 5 pounds’ worth of chemicals and a lot of water. can function as a when alive, Man, self-conscious being independently body. of his physical consciousness survives the Man’s body. death of his physical man state death physical post the In undergoes some kind of judgement/ of the life just ended. review through a series of Man evolves the circumstances of which are lives, interconnected. justice and tension exist at the Love, heart of the universe. Unity underlies all that is. is likened to the cells of the body. of the body. the cells to is likened are charioteersHuman beings of their the purpose while human life is of body, learning of spiritual lessons in a school purpose The development. is or end deepening ever and expanding ever an an provides This consciousness. of life that is then inspiring philosophy to mysticism, discussed with reference and the physics biology, psychology, paranormal.consists chapter The next a discarnate by of extracts from talks aspects of life; teacher on various apocalyptic but the tone is somewhat sheds further light on the deeper nature of the human being. Max with co-authored The second part, implications of discusses the Payne, science for religion, hypothesis Peter’s and society in terms of the need for and the necessity metaphysic a new both integrating evolution spiritual of and Eastern perspectives. Western neither that argue they conclusion, In humanism nor Christianity scientific a normallyas provide can presented compelling and realistic vision of the understanding need a new future. We science of integration the on based which is what this and spirituality, ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ book provides in terms of a vision in termsbook provides of a vision that will give purpose and meaning to human life. Peter’s records Quest Sacred A and intellectual and spiritual journey begins with the question of what He sees contemporary education is for. education as essentially utilitarian, neglecting its role in helping young of life. a philosophy people develop such for basis the provides book This Parts or metaphysic. a philosophy and Three look at evidential Two poetry and mysticism, from insights the paranormal in terms of out of body survivalexperiences, and reincarnation. This enables him to formulate a series that are worth quoting of propositions, in detail (p. 96): ■ Peter begins begins Peter Truth, A Forgotten The subtitles of these books – which – which books of these subtitles The originally they when profit with read I referring in significant are - out came to a spiritual vision for modern man and the integration of experiment with experience in arriving at a coherent Peter and Max Both worldview. epitomised the Network approach of and openness, with rigour balancing Max to who invited Peter indeed it was join the Network meeting after the initial recommended writing letters to possible on a wide members. The books draw not all of which will still range of reading, be familiar to contemporary readers. founding another Spencer, Kelvin Sir to both the forewords provides member, books. He quotes Sir Alister Hardy’s remark been that our civilisation has built upon the spiritual interpretation of the world the and that if the majority of a materialistic come to have population of life the whole nature of our way view, He and not for the better. change, may are urges readers to remember that we and that essentially spiritual beings, He also mountains. the spirit can move observes materialism that scientific our sense of purpose, has evacuated but there is no intrinsic reason why science cannot be combined with a spiritual outlook. In with a discussion of what constitutes the beyond view his widening evidence, repeatability of science and arguing for the validity of cumulative evidence of reliably recorded happenings or experiences. He builds on this in a discussion of the distinctive roles of science and religion before considering from the Scriptures about evidence fundamental the nature of God, principles and application. This leads (p. 48) him to formulate a hypothesis observationsthese with consistent experience. by tested be then can that His understanding of God is that from while the which all that is proceeds, relationship of a human being to God Many readers Max with familiar be will Many obituary whose in published we Payne, and who was last summer, this Review reviews contributor of book a regular and science between at the interface about know now will Fewer spirituality. one of Leggett (1912-1995), Peter the founding membersthe Network of and an exact contemporary George of Cambridge. College, at Trinity Blaker who mathematician a was Peter vice chancellor of became eventually where he held some University, Surrey including earlyNetwork, of the meetings a conference on reincarnation in 1974. friend and mentor a great He was the first chairman and was to me, of the Network Council before Peter once telling I remember him Fenwick. he had had me about a conversation reincarnationwith a bishop about (the where forgotten truth of the first book), the bishop had told him that if he he would have accepted reincarnation, to changes his whole theology! book reviews 48 is theinvitation tolive‘ego-free’, not of this possibility integral. At the heart rational tonowthepossibility ofthe from magicaltomythical tomental- through specific, describable stages how human consciousness has evolved Origin’ setsoutamasterful casefor in his magnum opus, ‘The Ever Present philosopher,German JeanGebser, who, answer oftheSwiss isinthework way ofbeing lived out? One possible if not‘asolution’, anewly conscious this dichotomy between minds will find, way thatcreatesgroundsforhope consciousness changeover timeina Lachman’s second lens – does our of This bringsustotheimportance we aregiven? encounterwithinthelifethat and every if notpractisedhereandnow, ineach buttowhatpurpose is transformative the imaginal, the cosmic, the ‘ungrund’ easily taken forgranted?Tripping into istoo the prodigalsonwhoseservice Is itakintobeingtheelderbrotherof often littleacknowledgedorpraised. and secure, but so to run all important hastaskstoperform, alife emissary imagines itfromtheotherside?The inthis, truth what ifone necessary the unknowable. Whilethereisa vulnerability tothefelt, theemergent, expense ofthewhole, extinguishing the certain, the complete, even at the reaches fortheconstantsecurityof violence oftheutilitarianleftbrainthat as Lachmannotes, theapparent confront one another. This is partly, place, and they enrich rather than each findsitsappropriatebalance, as ‘theGoldilocks’moment’where two minds–whatLachmandescribes maintain asenseofbalancebetwixtthe You notice too how difficult it is to the traditions. through of doublemindednessdoesrun more; and, yourecognisethatthemotif the whole, oftenwithadesiretoknow contribution andtheirsignificanceto that you emerge with a sense of their to thekey figuresandcontexts, so handled, withsufficientspacedevoted ‘left braindominance’.Itisalldeftly ‘the threeprovincial centuries’of especially sincewe enteredYeats’ and creative, mostly unacknowledged though culturallyprofoundlyimportant butprimarilybecausepersecutors from theignorantorhideit necessity either toguard knowledge tradition, secretsometimesoutof that comprisetheWestern esoteric pathways, convergent and divergent, takes usonatour throughthemultiple With thisquestioninmind, Lachman restoring themtobalance? relationship between our two minds, of for replenishingandrepositioningthe borrowed from McGilchrist? As practices enriched by lookingatthemthroughalens accomplished book, ofthosetraditionsbe understanding, Lachman asks in this cosmic orderthatissacred.Couldour being connected, enfoldedwithina Network Review2016/2 the ArgidiusFoundation. Oxford. Heistheexecutivedirector of atLondonand andtheology psychology Nicholas Colloffstudiedphilosophy, question. important practice intolife?Therecanbe nomore part, transcendenceintomeaningand the rightbalancebetween wholeand of them:whereandhowdowe find continuing toposethequestionall of the traditions themselves whilst sensitive renditionoftheessences of thebookisindeedinfaithful, to profit from the book. The beauty inorder is necessary lens as‘true’ not thereverse, andacceptingneither thatway,consciousness isstructured – we may have twobrainsbecause a way that tends towards reductionism Meanwhile, neitherlensiswieldedin thinker aswell asagreatpoet. and,term; onwhy Danteisanesoteric inspiration forHenriCorbintocointhe through the eyes of Surawardi and his compelling descriptionofthe‘Imaginal’ it mightmeantonavigate theOne;a Plotinus that allow youtotastewhat My ownfavorites were thepassageson as atreasuretrove oflucidexposition. The book can also be read, more simply, have changed. because thedemandsofconsciousness not before noticed as necessary and new one’s may addfeatures of them, butnomapisever complete ever redundant, fromall onecanlearn way – no map is to transformation map requiredatthetimetofindone’s seeking tocreatethenecessary Lachman’s bookistoseeeachtradition different maps. One way of reading different timesnavigation may require they arewhatwe navigate withandat but alsocriticallybearconsciousness, so thatwe canbebothopenoutto Bergson suggested, limiting devices of consciousness’.Ourbrainsare, as with regardtoourpresiding‘structure and reckon with, theplaceitfindsitself usbuteachmustspeakinto,transform they unfold.Eachtraditionwants to we followtheesoterictraditions as accompanying lensthroughwhich Likewise with McGilchrist, this is an and servant? become friendsratherthanmaster can finally master and the emissary a renewing transparency. Perhaps the is itself illuminated by the Originwith and,the new structure; this structure bytransformed beingseenfrom within the new, recognisedasvaluablebut of consciousness is enfolded within is whereeach preceding structure it mustbeseen‘ego-less’.‘Ego-free’

seeing amantalking andgesticulating One oftheexamplesgivenby Camusis (thereisalsoanessayHusserl onhim). of intentionality,terms as explained by with respecttoourperception in realise theresponsibilitywe allhave (nausea) andabsurdityby failingto criticises theirapproachtocontingency hemore extensiveoneonSartre, In hisessay onCamusand the even this analysis. hasconsiderablyextended psychology states. Sincethen, transpersonal ofconscious this pictureofaspectrum experiences, whichhelpedhimfleshout publication ofMaslow’s onpeak work it. His original book was written before totranscendandintensify effort every subnormal, andthatwe shouldmake consciousnessis is thatordinary approach. Hismostbasiccontention point inrelation toColin’s overall themselves.’ Ithinkthisisanimportant as they reach out to something outside and scientists‘becomegreatinsofar expression, addingthatartists, poets takes him to task for overrating self- Wilson’s interestingashe isvery work research, whilePopper’s view on forignoringpsychicalphilosophers Broadcriticisesfellow more engaging. Popperwith Sir Karl and CD Broad are common, buttheothertwoinseries, Warnock, littlein withwhomhehasvery Ayer, SirPeter Strawson andSirGeoffrey Sir Freddieon theOxford philosophers newspaper articles of these are short Some a wide variety of philosophers. This bookbringstogether17essays on proceeded toread. Nietzsche andmany otherwriters, whoI Toynbee,Arnold ANWhitehead, Friedrich Dostoevsky, TEHulme, Oswald Spengler, Hesse,to Hermann WilliamBlake, his secondbookReligionandtheRebel) opened uphugenew avenues (alsowith In addition,Camus and Sartre. he French existentialists, inparticular was readingColin’s critiqueofthe of the reason for myPart excitement volumes, andeven hisgaragewas full. for abookshelf-hehadsome25,000 £5 ifthey could suggestanotherplace notonlycopiouswinebutalso visitors his homeinCornwall whereheoffered publication. Later, Iwent toseehimat 1984, andstronglyrecommendedits reader formy bookSurvival first Subsequently, Colinwas themain taken by it when she read itlast year). is nowatDurhamandwas alsovery St Andrews (my daughterCharlotte read intellectual excitementwhenIfirst I stillremembermy senseof £47.99, h/b–ISBN978-1-4438-8901-8 Cambridge Scholars, 2016, 235pp., Colin Wilson(editedby ColinStanley) PHILOSOPHERS COLLECTED ESSAYS ON David Lorimer The OutsiderandBeyond The Outsiderinmy lastyearat in in book reviews ’ 49 animal’ to ‘rational animal ‘rational to animal’ rational ‘ drives. In sexual powerful subject to this historicism reinforced addition, the cultural demonstrating process by values. relativity of Brush departure, new a advances starting from an analogy of physical the with points, constants as fixed unity centre of a experienced as self then proposes three He and continuity. human behaviour:polarities or axes of – time and spirit – life power, – force force between distinction His eternity. exactly above, defined power, and corresponds of David to the system mentioned here who is not Hawkins, added work whose and have could does he Although argument. the to the author this, not formulate it like a further added could have polarity of individual - social. In relation to he proposes that these society, self- of processes become polarities the and self-actualisation knowledge, transformation of relationships. The full expression of these processes is excessive individualism, hampered by propertyto related itself rights incorporated and in Locke by described This sets up the American constitution. individual interests a tension between where the and the common good, correspondinginterests are seen to be Brush freedom and national security. less use of holistic arguments makes modernfrom his in than here science he does describe the but earlier book, of our modern evolution emphasis on the where Hobbes, from rights human societyof block building the is individual rather than being embedded in it. three guideposts for He develops respectful law: natural with compliance opportuneness of action and dialogue, community building. He applies these to of explanation, way specific situations by but cautions that the last guidepost has consensus building been subverted by through manipulation of public opinion Edward nephew, going back to Freud’s in the aftermath of the First Bernays, here What is really at stake War. World metaphysics is the relationship between which is the underlying and ethics, book Whole in One, theme of my subtitled ‘the near death experience and the ethic of interconnectedness.’ experience is that mystical My proposal parallels as well - as review the life and biology and physics, in depth psychology, ecologyunderlying an to point - oneness being and consciousness so of life, are in a verythat we real sense one the golden rule In this context, another. but ultimately logical. is not only ethical, The moral order of interconnectedness the of metaphysic a in embedded is oneness of consciousness. Having I applaud the highlighting said all this, must we which good, common the of now apply on planetary scale rather than pursuing selfish nationalism at indeed and whole the of expense the of Nature. Network Review 2016/2 Review Network Jack E. Brush 132 pp., 2016, iff Books (John Hunt), p/b – ISBN 978-1-78535-291-1 £9.99, A Moral Compass A Moral THE IN SEARCH OF COMMON GOOD , Compass Citizens of the Broken open up importantopen of dimensions new some very makes and human freedom criticisms of the limitations significant thought. of existentialist This stimulating book is a sequel is a sequel This stimulating book to and Networkin 118, reviewed I which for concernedis subtitled ‘guideposts historical It is a wide-ranging citizens.’ law the relationship between of review sense and in a and order in a cosmic common the of theme The sense. moral also discussed in the previous good was here. themes reappear and some book, The distinctions the author makes force and violence are power, between him, of current For timely in view events. while power force compels and coerces, when force persuades and convinces; it crosses over becomes destructive, and power context, this In violence. into and proportional, inversely are violence fact in is the US these definitions by superpower, a than rather superforce a aiming as it does at full spectrum the author dominance. Moral authority, than rather power stems from contends, is an interesting and here there force, notion parallel with Stephan Schwartz’s in of beingness in his book reviewed another section. the of sympathetic most the Brush, For whom he ancients is the Stoic Cicero, the Stoics, quotes at some length. For permeates the universe natural law like a membrane and can be apprehended is immanent through reason; the law imposed. Hence Cicero rather than is the highest reason, writes that ‘law rooted in nature… and established (p. 21) Acting in the human mind.’ morally is acting in accordance with the common good corresponding to the connectivity of things; ‘human beings of human beings’ are born the sake Brush according to Cicero. Interestingly, argues that the loss of this cosmic led to a dimension of imposed law literalistic interpretation of the Bible. and Kant all Descartes, Newton contributed to the emergence of a that separated the mechanistic view from the moral. For or cosmic physical the grounded in was law Descartes, while the metaphor immutability of God, or allows no free will of the machine of time only a matter purpose. It was this from eliminated was God before thus find ourselves universe and we subject to moral nihilism with no reliable basis for establishing moral values and making moral decisions. furtherDarwin and Freud contributed to this process where the emphasis is shifted from rational in the phrase Religion and the Rebel and Religion (Colin has a much higher opinion of (Colin has a much higher opinion of Whitehead than Russell). Whitehead put Process system (in an overall forward and Reality) as a basis for explaining and everyelement of our experience, criticises the bifurcation of nature philosophy. Western brought about by the universe is not separated him, For have from the human mind and we attention or intention, modes of two presentational immediacy and what which Colin he calls causal efficacy, interprets as meaning perception. symbolic in together These can come which one finds in the perception, sense a lose poetryWordsworth.of To of meaning is to lose a sense of causal and this feeling is at the basis efficacy, In Whitehead’s of existential despair. dynamic a are humans scheme, of the consequent nature of expression God and as such part divine evolution of possibilities. in the actualisation of new these existential good to revisit It was themes in this collection of essays, perspective but I felt that the overall perhaps too individual without a was sense of belonging to a larger whole and indeed serving that whole with frequent Although Colin makes love. he does not references to mystics, the step of shifting his identity take although he does from self to Self, in a phone box - this is only absurd only absurd - this is phone box in a is man the what know not does one if I wrote front, wider On a about. talking contrasting the in the 1970s an essay the experience of Camus with approach Auschwitzin Victor writings of and Frankl in even meaning realise to able was he - Both Camus and those circumstances. Sartre try readers their that to convince is absurdity of perception passive this are. Sartreactually how things even of construct to tries philosophy a contention that freedom on top of the this does man is a useless passion; as Colin shows verynot really work, Sartredenies Husserl’s also clearly. which ego, idea of a transcendental very the arguably is freedom of basis correspondsand witness the to Upanishads and consciousness of the mindfulness. importantan was Nietzsche influence an on his thinking since he conveys aliveness, vitality and feeling of intense of experiences key two in especially also related to the which are his life, to will of idea his of development Colin on Spinoza, In an essay power. that ‘it has quotes Nietzsche as saying gradually become clear to me what every up till now has philosophy great the confession consisted of - namely, and a sort of involuntary of its inventor, This and subconscious autobiography.’ himself Nietzsche to applies insight as other and indeed to Colin as well philosophers book, this in discussed including Sartre and Foucault. to this question is The clearest answer on Whitehead, given in the final essay in features who book reviews 50 individual studies andmeta-analyses and evaluation ofthefindings of are devoted toadetailed explanation phenomena. Thefollowingnine chapters neurological researchintopsi modern therange of J.B. Rhineandsurveys anecdotal cases, of looks at the work Research, presents some interesting of the Society for Psychical years early achievements ofthe pioneering survey the scope of his inquiry, discusses the In hisIntroductionWilliamsoutlines brainwave biofeedback. knowledge totrainpeopleinpsiusing maybe we will be able to use this compared totheotherbandsthen ofvoltageamplitudepsi interms bands predominatesduringsuccessful which ofthefourbrainwave frequency basis. Ifresearchcanalsodemonstrate by the neurosciencesonanevidential the possibilityofpsibeingaccepted phenomena), then this would increase (RSPK) ormacroPK(poltergeistic (microPK), spontaneous psychokinesis recurrent micro-psychokinesis telepathy, clairvoyance, precognition, different manifestations of psisuch as ofthebrain‘lightup’during structures whichareas and whichdetermine (fMRI). Ifneuroparapsychologists can functional magneticresonanceimaging event related potentials (ERPs) and using electroencephalography (EEG), ofpsiactivitythe neuralcorrelates into thecomplexfieldofresearch is a valiant attempttobring some order monograph withsome250references AIPRI commissioned peer-reviewed Studies, of Virginia, University this Professor,Visiting DivisionofPerceptual With aForeword by DrEdward F. Kelly, (2015). Broderick &Goertzel in Explorations withSeanHarribance Claimant: A Review of Experiments and AbilitiesofaPsychic the Reported and A BasicReview andAssessment on and has contributed the chapters onpsi and haswrittenmany articles Psychical Research Foundation, Texas, WilliamisaResearchAffiliate,Bryan studies consciousness – psychology Revisiting theGanzfeldDebate: 978-0- 9870772-2-6 135 pp., $35.MonographNo3.ISBN Research Inc.Gladesville, NSW, 2015, Australian InstituteofParapsychology JWilliams Bryan PSI NEUROPHYSIOLOGY OF EXPLORING THE AND THEBRAIN: PSYCHIC PHENOMENA Charman Robert Psi andtheBrain Experimental Examinationsof Network Review2016/2

across spaceand physicists pointout signals to sendorreceivenonsensory out thatthebrainhasnomechanism discussing them.Neuroscientists point Williams istobecongratulated for raises astothenatureof psiand are the questions this research readers What, however, will really fascinated arenotpredictable. such occurrences there hasnotbeenmuchresearchas RSPK andindividualsatthescene, between episodesofpoltergeistictype activity. Asforany neuralassociation seem associatedwithenhancedalpha non randomRNGnoughtsandones a desiredincreaseordecreasein deviations towardsrather borderline as instatisticallysignificantbut whatever thetask.SuccessfulmicroPK use theirhemispheresmoreintandem ambiguous in females who tend to men, but this relationship is more associated with successful ESP in area,hippocampal (memory) is more inthetemporallobeand particularly evidence thatrighthemisphericactivity, skin conductance.Thereistentative changes in respiration and electrical system (ANS) anticipatory nervous techniques suchasrecordingautonomic experienced and is backed up by other increase in presentiment of what will be is thoughttoimplyanon-conscious to non-shown control images. This flashed ontothescreencompared chosen laterby randomcomputerand ERP response to those screen images is evidence ofamorepronounced the momentof‘sender’stimuli, there at the brainsof‘sender/receiver’ pairs almost simultaneous ERPs between Besides somecautiousevidence of receiver’ pairs. step between successful‘sender/ brain wave frequencycomingintomutual be tentativeevidence foranincreasein such asKimPeek. Therealsoseemsto andfunctionsimilartosavants structure psychics with regard toperformance functional oddnessinthebrainsofhigh Michael Bessent. There is a hintof a and record such as SeanHarribance for those with a good psychictrue ingeneral,holds true itseemsespecially While this finding of psi performance. receptive mindincreasesthelikelihood implying that a calm ESP performance other brainwave bandsinsuccessful in alphawave amplituderelativetothe betweengood correlation anincrease and futureresearch.Thereseemsa may actasaguidetopresentpractice thisfieldofpsiresearchthat concerning comes to some guarded conclusions At theendofhisreview Williams isnoteasy.and artefact signal from noise, chance correlation possible confoundingcausesextracting brain activity arising from a multitude of with theever fluctuatingchangesof clearisthatwhenyouaredealing very manifestations ofpsi.Whatbecomes of researchintoeachthesedifferent already existand anESPexperience, must it isproposedthattheinformation ‘receiver’ todistinguishtheirroles) then rather confusingly, we use ‘sender’ and in theconventional sense(although, As no message issentfromA to B Hubris indeed! they offer strong evidence against it’. the psi hypothesis:fail to support neuroimaging experimentdidnot‘simply that the null results of their one-off Moulton andKosslyn’s (2008)boast does anexcellentdemolitionjobon accompanying familiarsense.Williams will always tendtobemasked by the Neurologically speaking, psiexpression most relevant toconvey itsmeaning. whatever familiarsenseorthoughtis unique to psi, so psi has to employ vision, thereis no characteristic sense pointed outthat, unlike soundand It has beendistance is irrelevant. psi, asforthoseentangledphotons, Forat oppositesidesoftheuniverse. the spin of the other, even if they are photon simultaneouslydetermines detection orchangingthespinofone ‘spin’ in which the complementary relationship between twophotonsof nonlocality asintheentangledquantum likely conceptof tolieinthealternative physics. Theeventual explanationis ofclassical are notexplainableinterms evidence ofpsi, itisagreedthatasthey and experimentalfindingsarevalid that well investigated anecdotal cases classical physics. Ontheassumption transmission acrossspaceasin employ conceptsofAtoBmessage realise isthatparapsychologists do not What, say Williams, criticsdonot ‘tuned in’toeachother. receiver whenthey are neurologically and decodedby thebrainormindof message acrossspacethatisreceived or mind of the sender brain sends a of mental radio in which the brain form in commonistheideathatpsisome out that what all these objections share ofscience.Williamspoints framework any senseatallwithinthepresent owner? None of these claims make and thenclaimtoknowaboutthe the objectsthatpsychometristshold claim todetect?Whatisimprintedon out-of-sight objects that clairvoyants What signalisbeinggivenoffby those RNGs orclaimedfeatsoftableturning? as interfering with the randomness of psycho→kinesiswhetherto perform necessary alone thepsychicenergy comefrom,does telepathicenergy let Some Place’.Where, forexample, and ‘ESP’mustforever standfor‘Error physics, iscorrect orthatunderstanding of neurophysiologyunderstanding and either befundamentallywrongwithour meansthatsomethingmust apart orthousandsofmiles of yards apart between peoplewhetherthey aretens that telepathy isequallyeffective over increasingdistance.Sotoclaim acoustic orelectromagneticlosepower that all transmission systems whether

book reviews

51 to vibration and holding it together in a together holding it and to vibration assumemust system; ‘we minute solar of a force the existence behind this The and intelligent mind. conscious The matrix of all matter.’ mind is the importanceis hard to of this statement from one coming as it does exaggerate, physicists of the pre-eminent quantum of the last century after 50 years of this readers will know, research. As many writingsthe in echoed can be sentiment collected as physicists, other many of Bob by Wilber and more recently Ken by In this respect, Jahn and Brenda Dunne. the worldview of neuroscience lags still fundamentally influenced by behind, the mechanistic metaphor. entitled contribution is Jean’s FieldQuantum the is ‘Consciousness explains her more of the Cosmos’ and at the four levels experiential take psychological, physical-sensory, of spiritual-unitive. and mythical-symbolic she considers Ervin, the hologram Like an important theoretical concept, an seeing the universe as having outer body and an inner mind whereby the infrastructure of the mind mirrors the structures of the universe. In is an this terms of consciousness, so that the interdependent co-arising, access to able are we reality of level depends on our state of consciousness. She quotes Deepak Chopra as saying of that ‘the future of God is the evolution our own consciousness from separation from a fragmented mind to a to unity, thought which is in from whole mind, in time.’ which is not time to Awareness She gives a useful exercise where we in incident significant a re-edit can our lives that did not workwe out as our changing thus hoped, have might feeling of the past. This also highlights the importance of imagination in its for her his creative sense. Another key archetypes as cosmic blueprints that tune into. can we Larrythe directly addresses or physicalist the of inadequacies pointing out of mind, materialist view perceive ourselves as that how we profound social and moral implications. not is view The dominant physicalist hypothesis, a modest as presented but rather as an incontrovertible fact, and the in spite of the lack of evidence frank admission on the part of many distinguished neuroscientists that know how consciousness do not they They brain. the by or in produced is and Eccles rely on what Popper the promissory called materialism, eventually that there will assumption be an adequate materialist account is that of consciousness. The irony other theories are criticised from this which itself has no basis standpoint, other than correlation and disqualifies should such the proponent - why seriously if they theories be taken are simply a deterministic outcome of brain processes? Network Review 2016/2 Review Network Using neuroimaging to to Using neuroimaging Behind the Veil Lorimer David IS WHAT CONSCIOUSNESS? Jean Houston, Ervin Laszlo (SMN), edited by Larry (SMN), Dossey L. Dennis Kingsley $22.95, 156 pp., 2016, Select Books, h/b – ISBN 978-1-59079-347-3 for undertaking volume of huge the of it. for the writing research required References B. (2015) & Coertzel, D. Broderick, for Psi: ThirteenEvidence Empirical ReportsResearch . & Co. NC. McFarland Jefferson, Mind: the and Psi (1979) J. H. Irwin, informationAn processing approach. & Kosslyn, S,T N,J.Moulton, Metuchen, S,M (2008) Journalresolve the psi debate. of 20:182-192. Cognitive Neuroscience. events Past G. (1922). Pagenstecher, seership: A study in psychometry. ASPR. 16. 1-136. Proceedings, (2006) A discussion of the W. Roll, that personalevidence consciousness persists after death with special reference to poltergeistic phenomena. Australian Journal of Parapsychology. 6:5-20. Last year, Ervin wrote to Jean and Larry Last year, asking them to send a summary of their interpretation consciousness. of much longer than he The result was which book, this in printed as expected, this Italy from back way my on read I account a succinct It provides week. of three important perspectives on which share a common consciousness, of transcendent oneness. Both view Larry and Jean refer to an interview with which is worth quoting here:Max Planck, ‘I regard consciousness as fundamental. I regard matter is derivative from cannot get behind consciousness. We consciousness. Everything talk that we everything as regard that we about, postulates consciousness.’ existing, stating that there is no He continues by matter of such and that it exists only virtueby of a force bringing the particle on the frontlines of of frontlines the on possibly the greatest of all.’ (my all.’ greatest of possibly the a battlefield during which she saw a a saw she which during battlefield a bomb fall from the air and kill several soldiers worn had who soldier The ’. saying the tag confirmed her imagery, event the witnessed actually had he adding ‘I am certain the this was that first great impression I received of the war italics). emphasis in line with William’s with the As Williams concludes, ‘hard problem’ of the relationship processes of the physical between the brain and mental processes of mind and consciousness remaining further research into the unsolved, neurological its including of psi, nature clues to help add may correlates, solve the puzzle. Solve the one and is book This other. the solve will you importantan AIPRI and forward step for sponsoring are to be congratulated this monograph and Bryan Williams or an experimental detection of ESP- of detection experimental or an selective is the result of in-action, information.activation of existing ESP sharing a as in memory, Mutual social knowledge of cultural stock common and imagery Williams seems essential. that ‘ESP (2006) as saying quotes Roll own. its call to experience no has When ESP appears in consciousness brain garb. The it comes in borrowed used apparel in has a storehouse of chooses ESP where hippocampus the the occasion. When fits whatever the visual scene, the ESP target is a be a visual image or it response may auditory be an may (p. expression’ is further13). This concept captured from quote interesting following the by Harvey ‘Suppose that by Irwin (1979) some extrasensory means you learn in John friend your of death the of a car accident some distance away. so died before, Now John has never trace single a been have cannot there memoryin correspondingto John’s However…..each death in his car. discrete piece of informationis already contained in memory at the time of the informationstored is there experience: and so on about death, about John, (p. 87). The inference is that while in space and often separated physically are non-spatially related by in time we personalspecific and cultural common meaning.emotional its and knowledge be that our In our mental reality it may emotional relationship with each other, of regardless same the remains which is our mental equivalentdistance apart, of quantum non-locality. the emotional vividness In psychometry, of imagery held in the mind of the up by owner seems to be picked token a quotes Williams psychometrist. the Pagenstecher’s from example revealing Maria Reyes of Senora studies (1922) de Z (Mrs Zierold) who practised psychometryShe under hypnosis. that string of piece a handed was had once held the identification tag War of a German soldier during World One. Holding it ‘She described a cold, the on foggyday book reviews 52 the shiftwe allneedtomake. content ofthisbookcanhelp catalyse Thevisionary of caringandsharing. implications fortheemerging society other, which has significant ethical of each we are inadeep sense part we are expressions of the same mind, coherence andwholeness;since drivetowards ofanevolutionary part is alsowithinus.’ Inaddition, we are ago,years ‘we arewithinarealitythat AsPlotinus putit1700 in theworld. isinus, theworld world: andwe are outside us and we are not outside the is not mind. This means that the world ofauniversal intrinsic andinfinitepart being aconscioushumanasan about livingtheanswer of interms credo Heendswithapersonal Field. oftheAkashic he relatestohistheory projection of acosmic hologram, which about consciousnessasanonlocal moves ontoexplainhisideas Ervin philosophy iftrue. of 20th-century statement and one of the great ironies . Itisaneloquent my ownbookSurvival Russell,Bertrand whichIalsoquotein stateof about the post-mortem Brownaccount relayed by Rosemary quotestheintriguingostensible Ervin no specialistknowledgeofchess. after 48moves andthemediumhad players was -heonlylost discarnate a chessmatch, whereoneofthe exampleconcerns arresting particularly consciousness beyond thebrain.A detail tosomeoftheevidence for inmorecontributions whilereferring Laszlobuildsontheothertwo Ervin of consciousnessstudiesthatIknow. state the bestsummariesofcurrent mankind is one. Overall, this is one of that deepdowntheconsciousnessof scientific theory, whileBohmasserted inference fromthe present state of plausible mindisafairly universal maintained thattheideaof other fromDavid Bohm:Eddington Eddington and the one from Sir Arthur addstwouseful quotations, Here Larry the realityofconsciousexperience. between scientificassumptions and The real problem is the incompatibility documented in his own book are separate, but minds arenot’, as ‘empirical evidence showsthatbrains statesthatfelicitous phrase, Larry account forthesedata.Inaparticularly to offilterortransmissiontheory form consciousness and that we need some such asOBEs, of NDEsandsurvival cannot adequately explain anomalies the brain produces consciousness agothatthehypothesis that a century William James pointed out more than Network Review2016/2 One Mind. applications, andfinally asummary force, researchonsurvival, practical anomalous cognition, and perturbation and psi, of psi phenomenainterms and psi, and psi, biology physics and statisticalapproaches, psychology basic concepts, research methods innineparts: The bookisstructured as psychicalresearch. in philosophy as well and psychology of William James, who was a scholar through behaviourism afterthedeath tookanimmensedetourpsychology note, that EdKelly rightlyobserves more widespread.Alsoonhistorical of consciousnesshasbecomemuch 1994, andthatthephraseascience been publishedcontinuouslysince ofConsciousnessStudieshas Journal remembering that the It is also worth period. been made in the intervening rhetorical refrainthatnoprogresshas the 1880s, the butonestillhears conducting systematicresearchsince back, theSPRandASPRhave been near deathexperience.Goingfurther Life afterintroducingtheterm afterRaymondtwo years Moody’s original Handbookwas publishedonly also interestingtoreflectthatthe isdevoted tofraud.Itis of theentry willfindthataboutonethird readers Society forPsychicalResearch, where pages,parapsychology includingthe by scepticsoftheWikipedia guerrilla ofwhichismanifestinthecontrol part attempts todebunkthewholefield, scepticism withcontinuingvigorous have also seen the rise of organised research hastaken place, butwe ago.Duringthattime,40 years more published backin1977-sonearly the originalHandbookthatwas This comprehensive volume updates ISBN 9-780786-489160 Macfarland, 2015, 414pp., $65, p/b– and David Marcusson-Clavertz Edited by EtzelCardena, JohnPalmer Century A Handbookforthe21st PARAPSYCHOLOGY – David Lorimer Unveiled Reality widespread in psychological research if, in fact, thephenomenonismore Sheldrake,Rupert and we wonder I have often discussed this topic with insignificant forbothexperimenters. the thirdseriesofexperiments was out,Wiseman. Itturns though, that subjects by Marilyn Schlitz and Richard two staringexperimentsonthesame expectation of the experimenter, as in explained by thepriorattitude or Ononelevel,others. thismay be results that cannot be replicated by get positive where some experimenters experimenter orsheep-goateffect from this, namelythe nature ofthe However, aninteresting pointarises comment attheend. fromabriefeditorial other essays apart was norefutationofthisviewpoint in volume, andIwas thatthere surprised data analysedinmostoftherest parsimonious, butitiscontradictedby The argument may be logically must be fraudulent.experimenters and, by implication, thatpsi-conducive he concludes that psi does not exist, inexplicable psi powers.’ On this basis, that isthepostulationofmysterious and explanationofthedata parsimonious in otherdisciplinesisamuchmore exists. Fraud at rates known to occur thatwouldbeexpectedifpsi pattern is no psi and quite different from the exactly whatwouldbeexpectedifthere ofexperimentalresultsis ‘the pattern the questiondoespsiexisthestates: the repeatabilityproblem.Inanswering science in general, data selection and experimenter fraud with reference to He discusses a priori scepticism, himself findsthisdismissalpremature. explained by processes, normal but he contend that spontaneous cases may be thatmanyremarks parapsychologists point repeatedhere.To beginwith, he to account for psi,adequate theory a points beingthattherewas noreally 2007. Irememberoneofthemain Mind andtheMaterialWorld from of Mind from 1997 and books,read tohis earlier TheNature widely inthefieldover many I years. psi by DouglasStokes, whohaswritten The third chapter is the case against confine myself toafew points. review,In thisrelativelyshort Iwill interests. depending ontheirparticular manygives readers pointsofentry, experiences inclinicalpsychology. This animal telepathy, and exceptional and electronic voicephenomena, mediumship, reincarnation, ghosts sentiment, distantintention, mental theory, ganzfeld, remote viewing, pre- PK, meditation, drugs, quantum specific topicsaremacroandmicro data presented here. Among the that canmake norealsenseof the scientific materialism, aframework relates tothepredominanceof that theuseof the word anomalous noting after eachone.Itisworth with extensive referenceschapters of thevolume.Inall, thismakes 31 The Conscious book reviews 53 Needless to say our still established still established our to say Needless St finds too materialism scientific confounding so experience Joseph’s a known a consequence of it must be or conscious - mass hysteria mechanism the sifts patiently Grosso say. fraud, in the it carefully weighing evidence, other you with no and leaves balance, truly conclusion than that St reasonable under particular Joseph could indeed, levitate. and described circumstances, It would be erroneous to think of this as Grosso argues as ‘defying gravity’ were of physics’ as if the ‘the laws the best possiblelegislative rather than descriptions of what can be available can fly, to be the case. If Joseph taken how - what force the question now is in certainor dynamic can act contexts such that the ‘normal’ rules of gravity are transformed? What might that look think and how does it effect how we like inhabit? about the nature we The first thing it asks us is to revisit mind and is the relationship between matter (and indeed whether those neatly divided categories are not ability Joseph’s grossly misleading). For connected with the was to levitate circumscribed of certain, achievement forgetting patterns of ecstasy when, concentration was all his himself, on the religious trigger of his intense simply not appear minds Our devotion. to be contained epiphenomena of our effective. causally but brains material us through a graded Grosso takes ascent of those abilities - from everyday - intentionality through to levitation their for case the make to order in plausibility - differences in degree and commonality but not of kind. go to might we where If this be so, physicist what the eminent discover and early explorer of the ‘paranormal’, ‘a psychic called, Sir William Crookes, under certain which force’ by conditions boundaries, unknown yet as within and, a person‘a special nerve with organisation’ can enable action at a without muscular effort distance, shift in the case of St Joseph, objects or, Has our understandinglevitate? of matter advanced and consciousness nineteenth century since Crookes’ speculation grounded in observed if Grosso, argues Yes, phenomena? because with the development slowly, consciousness of quantum mechanics, undertakenhas return‘a the of repressed’ rather than being seen as it epiphenomena, (and limited) a quirky is becoming potentially a constitutive, structuring reality that permeates everywhere. In his penultimate Grosso explores a number chapter, of approaches to mind in quantum are a suggestive basis mechanics that interest in consciousness for a renewed that reality unifying a non-local, as transcends and configures ‘matter’. are reminded that if the world is We level, quantum the strange at seriously stop there? why Network Review 2016/2 Review Network St. Joseph of CopertinoSt. Joseph Mysteryand the of Levitation Nicholas Colloff WHO THE MAN COULD FLY Michael Grosso Publishers, Rowman & Littlefield $24.95 - ISBN 978- 264 pp., 2015, 1442256729 A miracle, to quote St. Augustine, St. Augustine, to quote A miracle, but “does not occur contrary to nature, So contrary know of nature.” to what we what happens when a miracle occurs, what can it tell us about the repeatedly, and, inhabit we nature the of nature its importantlyabout more perhaps, meaning? This is the subject of Michael Grosso’s beautifully written and searching, repeated miracleThe book. challenging centuryin question is a seventeenth not ability to levitate, priest’s Franciscan years, but repeatedly over once or twice, many observed hundreds of people, by sceptical. Theseof whom originally were accompanied by repeat performances, other manifestations of psychic skill, an embarrassment to the Churchwere plausibility their for interestingly, not, not the first flying(after all St Joseph was religious) but for the temptations of pride and self-advertisement Joseph in which Fr reason, this become ensnared. For might more than once by investigated he was being exonerated always the Inquisition, to the presenting a difficulty but always ever into him forced who hierarchy Church more remote priories until he spent the last period of his life virtually a prisoner in a single room. It is ironic or perhaps of establishments that emblematic all kinds find anomalous experience reasons). for different (though difficult a is however, interest, inquisitorial This researchersboon to subsequent given their scrupulous bureaucratic attention to detail.

It is clear the end of the book that there fruitful research questions are many and indeed to pursue, and avenues specific recommendations are made to addition In volume. the throughout more cross-cultural those mentioned, as the work research could be fruitful, Natalie Tobert of anthropologists like demonstrated – an anthropological have approach allows questions to be opened It would up in a nonthreatening manner. seen a been good to have also have contribution from K. Ramakrishna Rao, who integrates parapsychology into the The philosophy. of Indian wider tradition volume will stand as a landmark for editorsthe and years come, to many it bringing on congratulated be to are together - a real tour de force. and objective. carefully The work of Ian Stevenson’s explanations are possible as reviewed, of the cases; Antonia Mills and Jim that the evidence conclude Tucker with is now stronger than it was paper, 1977 original Stevenson’s although it is still true that mainstream psychology has not incorporated Rupertdata. of body this Sheldrake account of an extensive provides natural history including the of psi, he has various experimental avenues claims, sceptical on pursued.takes He particularly Wiseman, Richard by showing that a reanalysis of his data stated. conclusion the to lead not does One interesting line of research that I of thinking was about yet read not had someone one has not seen for years then suddenly meeting that person Rupert the makes totally unexpectedly. are experiences point that such overall natural and normal - in fact common, are only paranormal through the they he is and of currentlens orthodoxy, right in maintaining that the dogmas inhibited severely of materialism have research in this area. generally. If so, this fundamentally this fundamentally If so, generally. undermines conception of the simple should one which, scientific objectivity, a form is in fact oneself, also remind a is intersubjective There of consensus. to experimenter devoted whole chapter research effects in parapsychological is divided where the phenomenon the experimenter into two hypotheses, where certain hypothesis behaviour experimenters others are better than and at putting participants at these, psi hypothesis the experimenter influences the where the experimenter imposing by outcome of experiments whole area would their own psi. This participatory more sense within a make worldview where there is a less clear- subjective cut distinction between book reviews 54 a surprise toher,a surprise butitisafundamental not produce consciousness’.This was not of his experience, he said‘the brain does aspect him aboutthemosttransformative Karen Newell -seebelowandsheasked partner that whenhemethiscurrent on consciousness.Hetoldtheconference hisviews and inparticular his worldview This experience completely transformed along withthebookby AnitaMoorjani. of Heaven, alsoreviewed inthesepages recounted inhisbestsellingbookProof had aprofoundneardeathexperience recall thatEbenisaneurosurgeonwho in Italylastweek. Many will readers conference onInfiniteConsciousness with Eben Alexander ata a platform It was arealpleasuretomeetandshare uncertain, openandinviting. remains enticingly and enjoyably the knowledge of which in a universe of whatitmightmeantobehuman research, searchandreconfiguration saint butanagendabothforfurther casestudyofalevitating exemplary “The ManwhocouldFly”isnotonlyan triggeredit. love thatatitsheart emphasis onthedevoted, experienced a saintwhocouldflyyetplacedallhis humble asbefitsthetemperamentof after thetruth, modest, wondering, might begin,” onethatexperiments era of religion as well as philosophy of religion once more such that, “a new toputempiricismattheheart Universe’ William James’ request in his ‘Pluralistic after deathandinmiracles.Itadvances itself, inthepower ofprayer, inalife world, abeliefinthepower ofbelief so inreinforcingthebeliefaspiritual way Grossosketches howthismightbe Inamodestyetcompelling normative. thicket ofincompatible claimstothe but theypaththroughthe offerafruitful as they areto‘mainstream’science, they mightbeaschallenging tothem religion;indeed,to by any particular the ‘realities’ confessed simply confirm ofreligionwillnot This parapsychology of humanpossibility. extend anddeepenourunderstanding beginsto the studyofparanormal in the space of the ‘psychic’ where meet which, asGrossoarticulates, is on the ground where they might actually wereforms orwere notcompatible and scienceintheirmostabstracted conversation was onwhetherreligion myself theonlyempiricistthere.All tofindago andbeingembarrassed and religion conference many years of religion.Irecallattendingascience Grosso describesasaparapsychology towhat final section of the book turns If thisisso, whatmightitmean?The ISBN 978-0-349-40351-9 Piatkus, 2014, 165pp., £14.99, p/b– Tompkins Eben AlexanderwithPtolemy THE MAPOFHEAVEN David Lorimer A DeeperGeography Network Review2016/2 a deeper geography of human existence - a deepergeography of humanexistence- enlarges oursenseofidentityand reveals direct experience.Thisimmediately aware spiritualidentitythrough ofourtrue wherewe become ofrebirth is aform than the bottom up of Aristotle. Initiation the top-downphilosophy ofPlatorather morecloselyto initiation corresponding Choice, of NDEs representtheform written duringthe1980s, TheFinal inhisbook As MichaelGrossoobserved its existence.’ than inalltheprevious centuriesof it will make more progress in onedecade begins tostudynonphysical phenomena, Tesla as saying that‘theday science for over Eben quotes Nikola 40 years. account, hasbeenarguing asthisNetwork mainstream scienceneedtobetaken into ignoredby other phenomenacurrently Inaddition, many ofeverything. theory and mustbeincludedinany adequate way fundamentalratherthanderivative, conclusion thatconsciousnessisinsome 1930s, atthe morepeoplearearriving footsteps ofthequantumphysicists ofthe was writing my book.Following first in the as my fatherrecommendedtomewhenI togettingonwithlife,usually we revert from andwherewe aregoing(p.xvii), but questions ofwhowe are, wherewe came in ourlives, we allaskthefundamental of many otherexperiences.Atsomepoint book and central message of his earlier manifestation inthebrain.Thisechoes reality oflove beyond itselectrochemical and hope.He begins by thedeep affirming meaning, vision, strength, belonging, joy derived fromhisexperience:knowledge, around seven gifts The book is structured isanaspectratherthanthewhole. world are embedded, andofwhichthephysical a largeranddeeperrealitywithinwhichwe Theseallpointto received fromreaders. many thathehas profoundletters phase, as itdoesagreat incorporating tothenext This booktakes thestory with thevehementreactionstohisbooks. unwilling totake, asEbenhasdiscovered shift foraneuroscientist, whichmostare

and consciousness. towards of life adeeper understanding ofscience milestone inthetransformation the brain.Thisboldbookisan important enabling adeeperstatepastthe chatterof gateway andthese soundsarecapableof meditation practicebecomesan important own experiencethroughmeditation, so that he could revisit the realms of his isdescribed.Ebendiscovered this work oftheappendixinwhich understanding last week’s conferencegave meabetter of KarenNewell’s SacredAcousticsat seriously.must take very Myexperience Aldous Huxley maintains, itisonethatwe mayworld seemlike anillusion, but, as out.’ From this vantage point, thephysical that is being called of yourself the part yougo,higher intheworlds thedeeper identity over time.Asheputs it, ‘the towards awideranddeepersenseof of growth and evolution importance I think Eben is right in deciding the studies aroundtoday. Physicalism -someofthemostrobust MindandBeyond the volumesIrreducible ofVirginia,University whohave produced the DivisionofPerceptual Studiesatthe goingon work totheimportant refers long – he found he had two!). Eben also Sheldrake hadmy as copy fornearly ago (I recently discoveredyears that Rupert The SpiritualNatureof Man came out 30 James andSirAlisterHardy, whosebook Fechner andGoetheaswell asWilliam ofPascal,ideas arequotedfromthework expressed inthephysical Parallel world. the amountoflove we embodyandhave to wherewe to belongcorresponding idea isthat, inthenextworld, we gravitate a perceptual anda spiritual sense. A key Swedenborg appreciated both in properly It was goodtoseetheexperiencesof acceptance. love, compassion, forgiveness and where we lessonsofunconditional learn realmis who writes(p.95)thattheearthly They draw conclusionssimilartoEben, a new basis of oneness, love and wisdom. peopleleadtheirliveson transformative: these multidimensionalexperiencesare tonotethat science. Anditisimportant ofmaterialist – within the framework inexplicable -otherthanasapathology mystical experiencesthatareutterly inneardeathand perceptions reported taking intoaccountthetranscendent beyond whatBlake calledasinglevision This move would entail a corresponding admitted. evidence basethancurrently rigorous assessmentofamuchwider basedon create arealshiftinworldview Platonic andAristotelianmethodsto Eben advocatesareconciliationofthe repudiation offinalcausesandpurpose. denied by mainstream science with its meaning inthesecond-anaspectoflife chapter,first leading to a discussion of experience. This is the knowledge of the this was indeed the result of Eben’s own book reviews 55 also a colleague from the International from the a colleague also and His experience Futures Forum. him to pull together enabled study have strands and disciplines and many convert a readable and these into practical narrative the reader with which of the most One deeply. can engage of the book is theinteresting features 250 – and – over number of questions live these should the injunction that we impose answersquestions rather than to the complexitythat do not do justice situation. The four main of our overall are illustrated on the cover, elements, biologically transformative innovation, living systems thinking, inspired design, and health and resilience. Orr reminds David In his introduction, readers designed not are cultures that but grow organically from the top down, starting from the bottom up, on a small this On initiative. seed a as scale changing need to begin by we journey, our perception of and therefore our no longer relationship with Nature, standing apart but realising that we are integral to life and co-creators of the chapters All future. the take also of number a with formquestions, of a from move to need We subsections. perception and narrative of separation to what Thich Nhat Hanh calls interbeing cooperation and based on relationality, collaboration rather than rivalry and competition. Gregoryis quoted Bateson that ‘the major problems in as saying the world are the result of the difference how nature works and the way between Readers will emphatically people think.’ have agree with this statement once they will veryread this book as they clearly understand that our current economic system is structurally unsustainable, depending as it does on continuous extraction of natural resources to turn them into economic assets while externalising the ecological and social costs. (p. 210) transformative theme is that A key Sir Albertof health. As pioneers like health the demonstrated, Howard because on it of the soil is primary, depend successively the health of healthy A humans. animals and plants, and Daniel ecosystem is a resilient one, can agriculture regenerative how shows turn depleted soil as a source of carbon soil as a carbon sink. Nothing to healthy important more be could kind this than as supportedof regenerative agriculture, report,given UNCTAD 2013 major a by the impact of agriculture on ecosystems. are diseases degenerative own Our a major drain on government ‘health’ ofmuch and world, the around systems inchanges by prevented this could be to happen diet - but these are unlikely our to owing scale sufficient a on currentsystems.and food agricultural as Naomi Klein Fundamental change, masssocial require will observes, also using all the communicationmovements of the Internet. power Network Review 2016/2 Review Network Ecological Activism Lorimer David DESIGNING REGENERATIVE CULTURES Daniel Christian Wahl p/b £20, 287 pp., 2016, Press, Triarchy – ISBN 978-1-909470-77-4 modern now therapists spirit-release through these situations approach techniques, regression hypnotic intrusive the where entities or entity helped and with, are communicated also suggests Palmer then released. for furthermethodologies into research the which is sadly ignored by this field, that broadly medical establishment prefers to see such conditions as disordersstemming from neurological medication. by that can best be treated out to challengeBecause the book sets the current orthodox position on the which it problems, causes of mental it is full does more than adequately, of scientific terminology and jargon read difficult a potentially it make that main person my is this and lay the for for those However, criticism of this book. or working with mental and interested in, a possible where psychological health, cause could be spirit intrusion in one be a must to it should form or another, on the bookshelf. have Furlong is Director of the Spirit David of Illuminatingand author Forum Release the Shadow. I am not surprised that this seminal book has been so enthusiastically endorsed Hazel Capra, of Fritjof the likes by Orr. and David Joanna Macy Henderson, book If you only read one environmental this should be it. Daniel has this year, holistic science, a background in biology, and is and sustainability, design natural ecology-futures studies Human Personality and Its SurvivalHuman Personality Dr Terence Palmer (SMN) Palmer Dr Terence £52.99, 375 pp., Cambridge Scholars, (20% discount for Members) ISBN h/b, 978-1-4438-6810-5 THE SCIENCE OF THE SCIENCE POSSESSION SPIRIT (2nd Edition) Challenging OrthodoxyChallenging Furlong David This book, based on Palmer’s Ph.D. Ph.D. based on Palmer’s This book, is a scholarlyand authoritative thesis, understood little a into exploration area sets out Palmer of human experience. where he his stall in the Introduction states: ‘The purpose is to of this book contrary to popular demonstrate that, belief in academic circles and in the collective conscious of institutionalised there is a mechanistic science, does, and scientific frameworkcan, that accommodate the phenomena of spirit possession in all forms and diversity’ 2014:39). (Palmer, individuals that concept the accept To both can be influenced and affected, entities, spirit by physically, and mentally first leading to psychological illness, adequate is there that necessitates continuationthe for evidence scientific the death of of consciousness beyond support his thesis To body. the physical on the work of heavily draws Palmer the now little known nineteenth century Myers (1843-1901), Frederic researcher, one of the founders for the who was ‘Myers’ Research. Psychical for Society primary to pursue scientific objective was his and soul a has Man that evidence conscious personality survives bodily It is (2014:30). states Palmer death,’ clear that Myers’ exploration into these the understanding by limited fields was although his posthumous of his time and, book received well of Bodily Death (1903) was his ideas on some of his followers, by the unconscious or ‘subliminal’ self, gained no acceptance within psychology or the scientific establishment. Drawing usbrings Palmer concepts, on Myer’s back to the central task of true scientific which should be the open- enquiry, of exploration of all phenomena, minded which perceived ‘spirit-possession’ is an example. both Utilising a wide variety of sources, the lays Palmer modern, and ancient foundation for an understanding of ‘spirit supports strongly that possession’ the spiritdisembodied notions that separate theinfluence and access can entities on occasions, minds of individuals and, within the psyche. up residence take This in turn can give rise to a range of psychological conditions such as ‘hearing voices’ and , similar mental health problems. We cases of are informed how obvious tackled in past-times possession were how and exorcisms traditional through book reviews has writtenanessential handbook. enhancing culture.Inthisrespect, Daniel theseedsofanew and life- in nurturing with others and work see in the world how we canbethechangewe want to attention. We canallaskourselves will activate through the power of her which conversations andprojectsshe where toputherattentionthatday, and meditation,morning consciouslychooses of the activist May East who, after her -andwe cantoo-thepractice to heart Hetakes although under-orunreported. indeed agreatdealisalreadygoingon onalocalandsmall-scale, and to start book. Iamsureheisrightthatwe need processes andquestionssetoutinthis has beenactiveinMajorca, usingthevery Consistently withhisownadvice, Daniel co-creating regenerativeenterprises. quantitative toqualitativegrowth, and and circulareconomies, shiftingfrom based onecology, creatingregenerative progress involving redesigningeconomics Daniel givesmany potentialavenues for ecological Inhisfinalchapter,overshoot. systems thathave resultedinacumulative andcompetitive enmeshed inshort-term a collaborativeresponse, we arecurrently cooperation. Althoughourcrisesdemand regenerative cultures are rooted in clearthat Daniel makes itvery own readingandresearch. came acrosssystemsthinkingthroughmy systems thinkingmoregenerally-Ionly literacy withinthesystemandintroducing this involves developing of new forms adoption ofecologicalpublichealth.All health, includingourselves, withthe a biocentricethicbasedonecosystem adaptive feedback.We alsoneedtoinstil journey with also constitutesalearning andpractice,point fortheory which Design or praxis canprovide a meeting forsustainability.preoccupation learning hasasacentral the Scottishcurriculum In this respect, it is encouraging that old thinkingareahazardtotheplanet. graduatestrainedin that clever university making thepointinabookoneco-literacy educational system. I remember David Orr ofthinkingthroughthe transformation transformation, whichwillalsoentail a oneasanenablerofcultural important The designelementinthetitleisavery interesting examples. aware of, andofwhichDanielgivessome willbe thanmostreaders technology more progressinthisfieldofapplied Thereisinfactmuch presence onEarth. a whole can become alife-enhancing critical question of how humanity as now callbiomimicry, whichposesthe They to whatwe are no strangers deep listening and close community. their modesofcommunicationinvolve creation.’ (p.159)Healsopointsoutthat of communion participation, and co- relationship with the rest of life is one isaliveandmeaningfulour world where‘the sums upasaperspective indigenous perspectives, which Daniel We agreat deal from can also learn 56 Network Review2016/2 growth and denial of our predicament. growth anddenial ofourpredicament. overconsumption, themyth ofendless and ideologies, overpopulation, as ecologicalignorance, worldview the key of unsustainability drivers of ecology. Hayden Washington identifies economy is a whollyownedsubsidiary ecosystem services, and that the ultimate dependenceonnatureand In ourtechno-bubble, we forgetour by 2100. prospect oftwo-thirdslifebeingextinct andthe footprint equivalentto1.5Earths continues, ecological with ourcurrent and half of allwetlands. This situation of coralreefs, onethirdofmangroves as wellofonequarter asthedestruction by 35, miningoresandmineralsby 27, 40, CO2emissionsby 17, fishcatches multiplied by four, industrialpollutionby figures, century wherehumanpopulation initial chapterremindsusofsome20th alreadyknows.The person informed usual isquiteunsustainable, asany businessas system sincethecurrent must represent the eventual planetary by Dalyinthe1970sand Herman of a steady-state economy was pioneered withdignity.interest andsurvival Theidea humanity’s toserving return collective defy entrenchedeconomicelitesand canriseaboveleaders collectivedenial, briefing by askingwhetherourpolitical ofthisevidence-based the importance a steadystate.WilliamReessumsup economy beyond growth and towards depth the potential evolution of the global for thosewhowant toconsiderinmore fundamental, andisessentialreading This bookisbothradicaland Earthscan 2016,Earthscan 256pp., £29.99, p/b. Paul Twomey Edited by Haydn Washington and BEYOND GROWTH A FUTURE David Lorimer Economy Towards aSteadyState out all or most former nonhumans and nonhumans and out allormost former temperate zoneforagriculture ‘wiping that humanityhaseffectivelyseized the up anareathesizeofAfrica.This means animals eats while land for grazing farm the planetsizeofSouth America, of that croplandalreadyusesaportion tolearn 70% ofourwater). Itisstartling limitations andhumility(agriculturaluses that we need to consider thewisdom of and onearth devastating enterprise production isthemostecologically Crist maintainsthatindustrialfood fact acceptable. damage inflictedby ourfoodsystemisin The assumptionhereisthatthecurrent operations, orkillingforcashfood.’ replacing mangrove forests with shrimp range lands, decimating seacreatures, up slopes, overgrazing pasture and more forests and grasslands, moving people takingwhatthey need–‘clearing andacquisitive not goingtostophungry is ecological destruction without further saying thatwe needtogrowmorefood mounting planet-wide disaster and that aquaculture and fishing constitute a volumeofindustrialagriculture,current She remindsthereaderthat careful planning and management. just through damage to biodiversity double food production without further thinking impliedintherhetoricthatwe can vigorous essay in criticisingthe wishful Eileen Cristcontributesaparticularly relationships intoschoolcurricula. environment anddevelopment integrating teaching about population, having more than two children, and ending policiesrewarding parentsfor education and empowerment of women, accesstocontraception,on universal emphasis of 9billion, withaparticular nine populationstrategiestostopshort Engelman proposes consumption. Robert up forby increasein acorresponding ismorethanmade decline innumbers day.year -around220,000every The still increasingby about80milliona of theworld, thehumanpopulationis rates in many parts with declining birth is ademographictransitiongoingon direct competition.Andalthoughthere as withbiofuels, andpeoplearein cars andotherproducts-sometimes,of cars ofpeople,of numbers butalsonumbers Population isdiscussednotonlyinterms capita consumption. the directproductofpopulationandper on naturalsystemsisexcessive, andis total pressureofhumanconsumption through intelligenceandtechnology. The ecological realitiescanbeevaded ifwe deceive ourselves thinkthatthese ethics andpolicyforchange.We aspects ofasteady-stateeconomy, throughput and consumerism, key The fivesectionsdealwithpopulation, cansolveeverything. that technology population growthisnotaproblemand growth issomehowpossible, that ‘stupid beliefs’ such as that endless This isexacerbatedby anumberof book reviews 57 They must share, individually and individually must share, They a common intention collectively, but not cher- goals, have may They ished outcomes must accept that these goals They in their lifetime not be achieved may not may must accept that they They credit or acknowledgement get any Each person in the group must enjoy fundamental equality violence in word, must forswear They act or thought their private selves must make They consistent with the public postures act from the be- always must They ingness of life-affirming integrity

achieve full or partial full or achieve their as success only Moreover, violent counterparts.’ judged were campaigns these of 25% corresponding while the a total failure, 75%. violent campaigns was figure for authors non- The that felt study the of active facilitate the violent campaigns and, participationpeople, more many of associated closely were fascinatingly, Schwartzwith the Quakers. goes further importance the highlighting by our of of the life- favour quotidian choices in affirming option, compassionate and a pledge for readers and provides to in this respect. take calls beingness, concept is what he A key of Jack review which I referred to in my This is tantamount book above. Brush’s substance andto character or spiritual awareness. is witnessed in intentioned It can be expressed both positively and as Hitler; in Gandhi as well negatively, in the former case it represents an embodiment of fundamental values. The (p. 18) applied to individuals eight laws in summary, in a campaigning group are, as follows: ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ that successful Stephan discovered these applied all have movements and gives principles in some degree, book. examples in the rest of the many One such comes from the records of nearlywhere Prize, Nobel Peace the societiesfrom came recipients of 15% where women are traditionally thought It can be as simple asto be powerless. for mobilising capacity, a and vision a example the Irish Community of Peace of activity planting tree or the People people share Maathai. All these Wangari and one compassion and authenticity, recipients in 1947 of these anonymous late member of the Network, a was Douglas Dean - I did not know about this never Dean and book, this reading until referred to his role in his CV. Among the examples given are Gandhi Greenpeace and and his salt march, Benjamin of vision the and whales in setting up charitable activities Franklin 200 over endured that have in his will, exertedhas Franklin Stephan, years. For which a structural force in his life, Network Review 2016/2 Review Network Stephan Schwartz 216 pp., 2016, Street Press, Park – ISBN 978-1-62055- p/b $16.95, 457-9 Agents of Social Transformation Lorimer David OF CHANGE THE 8 LAWS systems, changing the way we measure we way the changing systems, and securing full employment progress, deliversbusiness value. the way changing the editors acknowledge In conclusion, for growth targeted need do we that endless global but not development, growth with orthodoxphysical economics in denial of still and governments governments ecological limits. Many populationare still actively encouraging further towards growth as a means with economic growth. Neoliberalism, markets, unregulated its bias towards into the hands of multinational plays exertto able are who corporations, on governmentstheir political influence toas so lobbying and funding through in their interest. maintain the system need we as this book shows, However, as a whole and to think of humanity biospherethe future of a sustainable but to the not just in the present, is an essentialThis generation. seventh not just and required reading, handbook but for everyone with a for students, in the future. stake I heard Stephan speak about this book and at a conference in Italy recently, a review him to have immediately asked based on a sent since his message, copy could not study of around 100 initiatives, be more important time. His study for our present at and life experience (he was a dream speech) led famous I have MLK’s him to the encouraging conclusion that life affirming non-violent, ‘successful, social transformations share certain are learnable.’ and they characteristics, the past hundred yearsResearch over resistance concluded that ‘nonviolent to nearly likely as twice were campaigns ecologies in order to mine the soil.’ soil.’ the to mine in order ecologies result of is a direct Species extinction industrial Moreover, activity. this human 30% of contributes food production Yet gases. greenhouse anthropogenic about doubling food still blithely talk we its real without considering production this terms in and - impact animals, of animalhas to mean more concentrated with their appallingfeeding operations issues. waste treatment and serious is really What kind of intensification sustainable and ethical? There is a highly informative section on the comparing it with steady-state economy, circular and blue economies the green, pathway as setting out a physical as well as I which, to a steady-state economy, representdefinition by must above, said long-term the relationship human demands this currently, - nature with sustainability. not simply regeneration, There is a very good critique of endless economic growth and an analysis of the termsin capitalism of instability systemic of insecurity and inequality (also that it demands unsustainable growth). Frank contends that there is not only a Stilwell but capital and labour, tension between capital and nature if costs also between are simply externalised. This all requires society, a ‘as rethink: fundamental a so need to restructure we the economy geared for growth, instead of being that, limits, environmental within operates it distributes its fruit equitably and creates conditions in which people can lead (p. 149) This entails more secure lives.’ and optimising by maximising replacing the urgent introduction of the Genuine Progress Indicator to replace GNP and starting sustainable a about talk to biosphere rather than sustainable development. writes a message from Geoff Mosley about the transition to 2300, the future, that the He says steady-state economy. aims of that society are to live contentedly, an with cooperatively and sustainably emphasis on local self-sufficiency and dispiriting, somewhat is It quality-of-life. to read that this but probably realistic, took economy steady-state a to transition a focusa long time precisely because of on economic and population growth, with reliance on military force as a major method of resolving resource disputes. as The response of current society, reactive rather was already know, we symptoms with dealing proactive, than and completely rather than the cause, of thescale nature inadequate to the problem. This led to further depletion of mass migration civil unrest, resources, it was that so warfare, and escalating only in the 22nd century things that Howard way. shift in a major began to prescient with his idea proved Kunstler of the long emergency. The central policy directions towards limiting entail economy steady-state a production, resource use and waste equitably, distributing income and wealth reforming financial and monetary book reviews 58 towards abrighterfuture. is aninspiringandencouragingpointer 10% shiftbeingachieved -thisbook choices cancontribute towards that on compassionateandlife-affirming who makes ourdailydecisionsbased tipping pointis10%andeachoneofus make a difference. It seems that the that theindividualpledgecanbeginto profit tooneonwell-being, anditishere move away from a preoccupation with home.’ Hehopes that we willbe able to leads totheinvisible paththatleadsyou follow your breath tothe still placethat who recommends ‘close your eyes and I liked thequotefromStTeresa ofAvila know, thisrequiresregularcommitment; emotional and spiritual realms. As we all tothephysical,corresponding mental, four wordsofintentionedpurpose own technique that includes choosing on thebrain.Stephanproposeshis instance in meditation and its effects power ofintentionedawareness, for research evidence to demonstrate the On theotherhand, thereisextensive and qualityoflife. have ofhealth aseriousfalloutinterms repressive andauthoritarianattitudes andliberal)where conservative ‘red’ and‘blue’families(predominantly exhibited amoredetailedanalysisof Thesecontrastsare to universalism. to securityself-directionandfinally continuum fromtraditiontoconformity also criticalasoneadvancesalonga driver thanrationality. Basicvaluesare of politicsthatseemstobeastronger to adiscussionofthepsychophysiology This leadson survival. for ourplanetary of thisview is, inhisopinion, essential creative process.Widespreadadoption that alsoseemstobeinvolved inthe of mutually influencing life the network as causal,of withindividualsaspart proposes anew modelofconsciousness and interconnectedness.Stephan a stateimplyingdeepinterdependence consciousness andexperienceofsuch ofnonlocal background importance byslightly differentturn discussing the ofthebooktakes a The laterpart authority withtruth. and inner resource to face down qualities requiredarecarriage, integrity is inspiringtoreadabout.Additional Network Review2016/2 towards renewables. Aninteresting companies andredirectinvestment an effectontheshareprices of energy these objectionsarebeginning to have these representstrandedassets. All ground –for the companiesconcerned, entails leaving 1,860gigatonsinthe fuels addupto2,860gigatons, this of fossil Given that proven reserves be released between 2013 and 2050. gigatons, leaving only1,000gigatonsto 2013, we hadalreadyreleased400 fuel emissionsto1,400gigatons.By limit we willneedtolimitourfossil targets. In order to stay within the 2° carboninview ofCO2of unburnable One significant factor is the quantity disposal continuetospiral. and thoseofnuclearpower andits change asrenewable costsplummet will producehalfacentury’s of worth suggestthatthenextdecade authors of theprocessisquitestriking -the order of$600billionannually. Thespeed in thefaceoffossilfuelsubsidies what Brown calls an eco-economy, even ofthetransitionto part transition forms statistical detail.informative This energy around theworld, providing awealth of by coal and oil. They draw evidence from beyond wind energy theoldonefuelled a new economy powered by solar and transitionandtheemergenceof energy theirattentiontothe colleagues turned his autobiography. Hereheandhis Will Feed China?andmostrecently years, going back to his prophetic book by LesterBrownover thelast20 recall thatIhave major reviewed every of this ReviewRegular readers will ISBN 978-0-393-35055-5 2014,Norton 178pp., $16.95, p/b– Matthew Roney andEmilyE.Adams Lester BrownwithJanetLarsen, J. THE GREAT TRANSITION David Lorimer Landscape The New Energy Who Who cooperative relationship withnature. humanity in the directionofamore especially as thistransition also moves book isencouraginginthis respect, climate change.Themessage ofthis toavoidfor theworld catastrophic transition willproceedquickly enough the key questionofwhethertheenergy electricity generation. Behind allthisis for renewables asapercentageoftotal carbon taxeswhile also settingtargets renewables throughsubsidiesand Governments arenowencouraging as thedevelopment ofelectriccars. efficient fuel consumption as well (also carandbike sharing)andmore there isatrendtowards localisation expensive toextract.Inaddition, fossil fuels are becoming more and nuclear power, while geologically, is considerableoppositiontocoal of differentkey Socially, factors. there renewables isbeing drivenby anumber maintainthattheshiftto The authors is hometo600millionpeople. acutely thantheNileRiverbasin, which affect water allocation, none more cause. Aswe know, damscanseriously worldwide linked tothisearthquakes trigger seismic activity, with over 100 anddamscan that buildingreservoirs One infrequently mentioned effect is of percentages terms Brazil andCanadaleadingtheway data onhydropower, withVenezuela, There are extensive coal-fired reactors. typeofenergy,board inevery including China hasbeeninvesting acrossthe megawatts6,100 thermal -indeed has the greatest installed capacity at also significantusers, whileChina Turkey from theEarth. andJapanare capital, generating29% of itselectricity geothermal, whereIcelandistheworld sourcesisthe lesser-knownenergy bike share programmes. One of cities in57 countries have operational by theendofthis year. Morethan700 to rise70citieswith40,000bikes end of2012, andthefigureisexpected the US, 21 cities had 8,500 bikes at the bike sales, butalsoinbike In sharing. instance thehugeincreasenotonlyin covers changinglifestylepatterns, for andhydropower.geothermal Italso natural gas, nuclearpower, solar, wind, technologies across oil,energy coal, of thefullspectrum The bookcovers figures arequitestaggering. is estimatedtocost$130billion.These decommissioning theSellafieldfacility by the UKgovernment. In addition, 70% of which will have to be provided cost hadescalatedto$39billion, number hadbeenreducedto2, whose approved theplaninOctober2014, the 2017. By thetime the EUofficials had and begin producing electricity by built for $3 billion each without subsidy couldbe calculated that10generators In 2005,new nuclear reactors. it was commissioningofBritish government example ofrearguardthinkingisthe book reviews

59 overwhelming grief to the Smolensk air Smolensk grief to the overwhelming acceptto refusal general a and disaster, rather than a an accident that it was a how of case a typical is conspiracy, works.cultural complex Gert discusses a German Sauer cultural that the view complex of superiority, Germans and organised better are superior to others. Its most destructive the during WWII when manifestation was the “to make Nazis set out on a mission world presents Sauer place”. better a that the plans to colonise evidence, Eastern Europe and to create a mono- the Jews, eliminating racial society by before already being discussed were on long before Hitler appeared 1918, stillthat complex Is scene. political the that it is. Sauer believes active today? Mercifully it appears most often mainly that commentators in sports, the way describe their team and other teams, and in pop culture. see Sauer, according to Russians, threateningthemselves as surrounded by barbarians and respond with violence to threat. Other countries are viewed any “the motherland”. as ready to invade losing Union, The collapse of the Soviet only exacerbated that the cold war, Its most recent feeling of vulnerability. with the Ukraine manifestation is the war and the annexation of Crimea. Neither but followed came out of the blue, event was where the West political events Russians as gaining a toehold seen by in the Ukraine. When such a complex is can holdargument no rational activated, Russians cannot be persuaded sway. that a European missile shield based in is not directed against Russia. Poland The book also discusses the history of anti-Semitism and the role of the Jewish culture in the European psyche. Jewish influential in Europe greatly culture was and the Holocaust. Its II War until World certaina absence left not to yearning, mention feelings of guilt. in depth discussed countries Other Denmark, Republic, Czech Greece, are Austria Italy, Switzerland, Spain, and Serbia. relationship to What about Europe’s Islam? What lies behind the present day where headlines daily makes that war scores of innocent lives are claimed by a jihadist? According to Joerg Rasche, complexes, cultural with dealing we’re both European and Muslim whose origin in years of hundreds in lies history, of and crusades. of conquest wars Those recently activated in complexes were need for the West’s the Muslim world by the US supportcheap oil, of the Saudi that the West and various wars princes, Many fought to secure their oil supply. that western Muslims fear the West, obliterating Muslim values will triumph, rooted in a cultural culture. Such fears, no matter what the complex hold sway counter-argument. Network Review 2016/2 Review Network clear why the country’s separation from separation the country’s why clear or later. to happen sooner Europe had island. Britain is an this sceptre’s throne of kings, This royal isle… This fortress Nature for herself built by the hand of war, Against infection and world, this little breed of men, This happy silver the in set stone precious This Richard II sea… Shakespeare, Insularity pervades thinking of the are uncomfortableBritons. They with who of different races, people too many language. “Bloody speak a different typically British epithet is a foreigners!”, in other Europeannot commonly used the sea defines thecountries. Because very as to who clear it’s British border, is in and who is out. Another issue not recently until that is appreciated often Britain had an empire. Its loss left a deep wound in the British psyche, resulting in a selective reading of history, a forgetting of the suffering inflicted by a past that empire on the natives. It’s come never that British people have to terms with. Our attitudes towards races other of people and refugees during the formed ago, generations were and such attitudes empire, of the heyday that constellated into a cultural complex, parents still pass on to their children. the immigration explain why It may argument resonated so strongly with argue Brexit voters. Just as you can’t logical argument no with a complex, could counter the assertion that they all coming here! were discusses Malgorzata Kalinowska “The complexes of cultural Polish Much and messianism”. suffering hero, can be politics present day of Poland’s understoodDeep down, in this light. are a “chosen feel that they Poles many people”. That God has a special destiny world the from total to save for them, decadence. A common epithet among is “the rotten World for the Western Poles Messianism leads to a cultural West”. government’s the by evidenced isolation, refugees for in any refusal to take or diversifying Polish fear of diluting, identity feels culture. Where a country’s to a complex appears, threatened, protect the collective ego. The Suffering is a on the other hand, Hero complex, must suffer just as belief that Poland church Christ suffered. Entering a Polish one is struck the degree to which by oneNo depicted. are suffering and pain has suffered a Poland questions that years 200 --- lot domination, foreign of German and Soviet II, War World and then the Holocaust, occupation, fifty years of communism. The complex arises because the psyche tries to putto trauma, historical of sense make painfuland the itself between buffer a of the But when one is unaware events. autonomous an as it behaves complex, giving rise to ultra nationalism, entity, country’s The or xenophobia. paranoia Edited by Joerg Rasche and Thomas Edited by Singer pp., 435 2016, JournalSpring Books, p/b - ISBN: 9781935528746 £23.95, Paul Kieniewicz Paul MANY SOULS: EUROPE’S Exploring Cultural Complexes and Identities What is going on in Europe? Can we make any sense of the politicalof the sense any make we Can turmoil cultural and engulfed has that years:Europe during the past few the rise of ultra right-wing movements, ultra nationalism? quasi dictatorships, Editors commentators and the in no shortagemedia have of theories as to what is going on. Meanwhile Joerg Rasche and Thomas Singer published where they this compilation of essays, look at each country through the lens said often Jung psychology. depth of are nations move that forces the that national deeply rooted in a collective, of unaware are people Most psyche. politicaljoining up end and forces, those without understanding movements them do it. Whereas those what makes cases unconscious forces are in many nationalor cultural of feelings benign --- cases other in example, for identity as those unconscious forces behave overwhelm that entities independent with the consciousness of the people, destructive consequences. Such cultural and each countrycomplexes, has more ultra- as manifest often one, than and xenophobia, nationalist sentiments, publishedJung 1930, In war. eventually in which he predicted “Wotan” a paper, and the disaster that the rise of Nazism, of based on the to follow, was of his German patients.many start with the UK. Jules Cashford Let’s and “Autonomy chapter, her entitles While she Insularity in an Island Race.” her does not mention the Brexit vote, it analysis of the British psyche makes general 60 Network Review 2016/2

The book is scholarly, but most readable. already well-known as the co-author of The authors are Jungian psycho-analysts Plato and a Platypus Walk into a Bar, and or experts in the field. A background in is a graduate in philosophy from Harvard. depth psychology is helpful to follow the As a hippie in the 1960s, he spent the authors’ arguments. The book is unique, best part of a year on the Greek island of in that it offers a psychological perspective Hydra, where he returned to reflect and on Europe’s present day situation, write this book, decades later. absent in political commentaries or in the media. Until we take into account In a series of evocative and charmingly history, and cultural complexes as written chapters, Klein draws on the outlined in this book, we are likely to philosophy of Epicurus - and indeed of only have a limited understanding of why many other philosophers - to consider nations behave in ways that seem to us the change of outlook implied by old age, so incomprehensible. Psychology is not moving on from the stress and striving the only answer, but it is certainly worth of the ‘forever young’ outlook towards listening to. a more relaxed pace of tranquillity and

book reviews contentment. The old men on Dimitri’s The Age of Active terrace are happy to pass the time together, Wisdom sometimes engaging in some light play. David Lorimer The difference in outlook between Greece and the Netherlands, where his wife is from, is nowhere better illustrated than Travels With Epicurus in his story of getting on the wrong train Daniel Klein and finding that the guard was prepared OneWorld, 2012, 164 pp., £7.99, p/b – to phone his colleague on the train going our attics and our consciences. Affirming ISBN 978-1-78074-412-4 the other way and arrange for both trains love involves repairing relationships and to stop, as it happened, in an apricot building new ones. She asks: ‘Am I still grove. Needless to say, this could never Composing A Further Life person I have spent a lifetime becoming, have happened in the Netherlands with its Mary Catherine Bateson and do I still want to be that person? How Vintage Books, 2010, $15.95, p/b – emphasis on punctuality. can I affirm that identity and yet accept ISBN 978-0-307-27963-7 the knowledge that I will die?’ These are Like the other two books, Klein profound and important questions. The Divine Human distinguishes between old age and what he calls old old age of limitation, loss John C. Robinson Another theme running through the book and frailty. In this more active phase, one is that of interdependence and mutual O Books, 2016, 145 pp., £9.99, p/b – is able to reflect on one’s accumulated ISBN 978-1-78099-236-5 care. She sees independence as an experience and find threads of meaning (somewhat masculine) illusion, a point In March this year, I listened into running through one’s story. It is also a which is at its clearest in infancy and an excellent series of interviews on time for asking big questions, and his extreme old age. She observes that we conscious ageing organised by the Shift spiritual quest for connection is partly will eventually have to entrust ourselves Network, in which Mary Catherine Bateson answered by the outlook of the third book, to the care of others, and more and more was one of the speakers. Her notion of as well as by his references to William trust will be called for. This is why she active wisdom was resonant, especially James, as I will explain below. Epicurus’s adds the quality of humility as a basic as I was in the process of organising philosophy of death corresponds to the strength of old age, ‘which often strips us the conference on conscious ageing and orthodoxy of modern science, but his of whatever has made us feel valuable the wisdom of elders that will take place conclusions about how to live life make and lovable’. However, we can discover in London in November. A few weeks for a certain contentment and enjoyment that ‘we are loved by God and by our earlier, I was returning from Jamaica in the present. Whatever life has in store, families beyond the loss of those traits and Iain McGilchrist lent me his copy of it is always good advice to live mindfully we value in ourselves and even beyond Travels with Epicurus, which is subtitled and perhaps recall this quotation from the point of active contribution.’ This can ‘meditations from a Greek island on the Epicurus: “not what we have, but what be a hard lesson, but it is a beautiful one pleasures of old age.’ Daniel Klein was we enjoy, constitutes our abundance.” and allows others to give while we take our turn to receive. Mary Catherine Bateson introduces a new stage into the Erikson cycle of life The book is interwoven with a series by adding what she calls Adulthood II of extensive interviews, including with as the stage of active wisdom in which James Morton and Jane Fonda, in which we have to reinvent ourselves if we are the central themes of the book and this not content with spending our time on stage of active wisdom are explored. golf, travel and bridge. Her metaphor Fonda observes that the vertical spiritual of composing a further life combines dimension becomes more important planning with improvisation, and this than the horizontal as we also begin to period endowed with health and energy consider our legacy. Here it is a question can combine wisdom with activity for of wholeness and a sense of completion the common good. She suggests that, by attaining a degree of peace, and it is around retirement age, we are faced interesting to learn in this connection once more with three crises: of identity, that the Hebrew word shalom, meaning intimacy and generativity. Many people peace, has the same root as the word begin with travel, but this just provides shalem, which means complete. We have an interlude in which to readjust. As we an opportunity to become more truly reflect on our lives and their trajectory, ourselves and to be able to say ‘this is she invites us to affirm our own life, affirm who I am and what I stand for.’ our own death and affirm love, both given and received (p. 90). She suggests that The third book is about the final we should approach death with a sense transformation of ageing, by a of acceptance and trust, clearing both psychologist and minister who has Network Review 2016/2 61 book reviews written extensively on the topic. For him, The Art of Loving easily become a 50-50 situation where ageing is enlightenment in slow motion David Lorimer there is a loss of masculine and feminine as we have the chance to dissolve the polarity between partners and therefore false self, find a new centre and realise THE WAY OF THE a kind of neutrality in the relationship. that this is the Divine Human. At this For Deida, the masculine and feminine SUPERIOR MAN poles represent the quest for freedom stage, it is no longer a question of David Deida heroic doing, but rather the stillness of and love respectively, but a man’s Sounds True, 2004, 201 pp., mission nevertheless remains central to being. Robinson’s premises are that all $17.95, p/b. his life. He encourages men to commit consciousness is God’s consciousness, themselves beyond fear, giving their gifts all being is God’s being, that conscious both to the world and to their woman. being is unity with God, that the divine This means they will be fully alive, open self lives in the depths of conscious and present, in touch with their deepest being and hence that Conscious Being desire also represented in their purpose. is the Divine Human. The practices in the book teach readers how to stop Deida is very good advice for men who thought and remove the conceptual wall have trouble dealing with the emotions of separation so that one can realise the of their partners and their immediate depth of I Am as what God is. As with the expressions of feeling. This is where men other books, there is a theme of emptying can open their own hearts to love rather and falling away, but this very emptying than try to fix the woman: ‘penetrating her closure with your fearless presence,’ makes space for the divine to emerge praising and appreciating her rather than consciously. We can learn to experience expecting her to change. Each serves the inner space as divine consciousness. other in growth and love. He suggests that I very much enjoyed the author’s ‘the best way you can serve your woman transformation of the famous Einstein is by helping her to surrender, to trust the equation where E stands for the divine force of love, so that she can open her energy of love, m/mass for being and c heart, be the love that she is, and give for consciousness in the sense of being this love which naturally overflows from conscious of consciousness. Hence love her happiness.’ None of this involves = being-consciousness2. For him, love is analysing blocks. Men need to remain both a feeling, a force and a practice, as strong and stable in their presence, well as the medium of our transformation maintaining full consciousness in all as we become a spiritually ripened Elder, The interface between spirituality situations and remaining in masculine full of sweetness, like the delicious and sexuality is a road less travelled clarity and decisiveness so that she can relax and trust. Ultimately, Deida argues, plums I have been eating off the trees in Western culture. While Indian and the search for love and freedom is the over the last few days. Chinese civilisation have long traditions in this respect through Tantra and Taoism, same destination of the unbounded and the West finds it a challenging area but infinite ground of being that we are. These three books provide one that is currently being re-envisioned complementary views on this same by a number of pioneers. More widely, This involves letting go of boundaries, process of spiritual maturation and our relationship to sexuality mirrors that loving with abandon and dissolving in the highlight the opportunity for active towards the body, the feminine and Nature. immense force of loving that corresponds wisdom and for becoming more truly The evolution of our thinking is brilliantly to the death or transcendence of ego. By ourselves. Readers will engage with documented in Riane Eisler’s masterly dying into love, there is no need to hold them differently, according to their own work Sacred Pleasure, which extends onto yourself. This is perhaps the deepest her discussion of the dominator and viewpoint and experience, and I for one insight of the book, feeling your partner partnership models of society described in have gained much from this reflection, while unobstructedly extending your love The Chalice and the Blade. Other spiritual beyond yourself. This is what he calls which I commend to you. teachers who have written seriously in intimate communion or deep oneness, this area are Osho, Barry Long, Adi Da which is also our ‘ultimate desire for and Dieter Duhm, whose book Terra Nova the union of consciousness with its I reviewed in a previous issue. own luminosity.’ The consciousness of the masculine matches the energy David Deida is the author of a of the feminine, power and trust meet number of books on sacred sexuality, in devotional surrender to divine love including Intimate Communion and the through the body. I was also struck by corresponding book for women, Dear Deida’s remarks on the correspondence Lover. It would be misleading, however, between radiance and beauty, which is an to give the impression that this book is expression of life itself where the woman limited to spirituality and sexuality. Rather, is open, trusting, connected and loving. it is a spiritual guide to mastering the challenges of women, work and sexual desire, to living the masculine life freely One should not have to wait until later life and to the full. The eight parts cover a before absorbing the essential insights man’s way, dealing with women, working of this book, and it is significant that with polarity and energy, your dark side, prominent women writers like Marianne feminine attractiveness, bodily practices Williamson, Mariana Caplan and Marci and men and women’s yoga of intimacy. Shimoff have also endorsed the book Since the 1960s, men have been along with Tony Robbins and Ken encouraged to embrace the feminine Wilber. Deida helps men to understand and women the masculine, but this has women much better while also helping had a fallout in terms of the evolution them understand themselves and their of our intimate relationships which can potential for real integration and intimacy.