

Engineering : Engineering Fluid Dynamics

Giaiotti, D.B., Steinacker, R., Stel, F. (Eds.) Atmospheric : Research and Operational Forecasting Aspects

A book on atmospheric convection treated in detail from different angles including the theoretical aspects of atmospheric deep convection and the phenomena related to convection. The problem of boundary conditions that result in severe convective weather patterns is explored within the framework of worldwide climatology and , including forecast verification, by means of their dynamic and thermodynamic properties. The book aims to bridge the gap between theory and its operational application both within the fields of weather forecasting and that of risk management. It addresses itself to Springer , physicists and weather forecasters, but will also be invaluable to PhD students 2007, VIII, 222 p. attending courses on environment fluid dynamics and . Each chapter is practically 1st self-contained and there are no propaedeutic sections that the reader needs to peruse before edition moving on to the more advanced ones.

Order online at springer.com/booksellers Printed book Springer Nature Customer Service Center LLC Softcover 233 Street Printed book New York, NY 10013 Softcover USA T: +1-800-SPRINGER NATURE ISBN 978-3-211-48963-5 (777-4643) or 212-460-1500 $ 149,99 [email protected] Available Discount group Professional Books (2) Product category Monograph Series CISM International Centre for Mechanical Sciences

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