RMS Catalogue of Exhibits 1874

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RMS Catalogue of Exhibits 1874 gtaiional Jgriralttrral Sorielrr of §id0rii*» FOURTH GRAND ANNUAL SPRING EXHIBITION. Catalogue of ®xhibi10, WITH INDEX. TO EE HELD ON MONDAY, TUESDAY, & WEDNESDAY, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th NOVEMBER, 1874, AT THE SOCIETY'S YARDS, ST. KILDA ROAD. MELBOURNE: PRINTED AND PUBLISHED BY MASON, FIRTH k M'CUTCHEON, 51 & 63 FLINDERS LANE WEST. MDCCCLXX1V. xii ADVERTISEMENTS. METROPOLITAN Permanent Building & Investment Society, President—E. P. S. STURT, ESQ. Vice-President—J. CALLAGHAN, ESQ. Treasurer—H. H. HAYTER, ESQ. Trustees i FRED. LLOYD, ESQ., J.P. | ' JOHN DAVIES, ESQ., J.P. G. TDRNER, ESQ. Auditors : J. W. FOSBERY, ESQ. | D. CRAWFORD, ESQ. Committee : MR. GEORGE CLAPPERTON. I MR. WILLIAM MOORE. „ ORLANDO FENWICK. | „ JAMES M'CDTCHEON. MR. H. TEMPLETON. Solicitor—ALFRED BROOKS MALLESON, ESQ. Surveyor—THOMAS WATTS, ESQ. Bankers—ORIENTAL BANK CORPORATION. Secretary—MR. R. G. BENSON. OFFICE—32 COLLINS STREET EAST, MELBOURNE. The recent alterations made in the Rules of this Society offer advantages to borrowers unequalled by any kindred institution. The application for an advance can be made at once, and decided in a few days, no deduction being made from the accompanying tables. Special arrange- ments can be made. The borrower can redeem at any period. TERMS FOR ADVANCES UPON FIRST-CLASS SECURITIES. Monthly Repayments, including Principal and Interest. TWELVE PAYMENTS PER ANNUM. Four Years. Six Years. Eight Years. Ten Years. Twelve Years. £ £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ 60 15 0 0 18 3 0 15 0 0 13 0 0 11 11J 60 100 2 10 0 1 10 6 1 10 0 10 0 1 3 11" 100 300 300 7 10 0 6 9 8 4 10 0 3 18 0 3 11 9 600 9 2 G 7 10 0 0 10 0 5 19 7 600 12 10 0 1000 1000 26 0 0 18 6 0 15 0 0 13 0 0 11 19 2 TABLE SHOWING THE REPAYMENTS FOR A LOAN OF £100 UPON FIRST-CLASS SECURITY. Monthly Amount Total No. of Years. Repayments. per Annum. Amount Repaid. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Four 2 10 0 30 0 0 120 0 0 Six 1 10 « 21 18 0 131 8 0 Eight 1 10 0 18 0 0 144 0 0 Ten 10 0 15 12 0 150 0 0 Twelve 1 3 11 14 7 0 172 4 0 DEPOSITS RECEIVED, AND LIBERAL INTEREST ALLOWED THEREON. In order to give as little trouble as possible to depositors, the Committee have provided cheque books, which are used as at a regular bank. Prospectuses and every information may be obtained at the Office, 32 Collins Street East. R- G. BENSON, Secretary. Rational ^gritultnral Socictn of Victoria. The FOURTH ANNUAL SPRING EXHIBITION of this SOCIETY will be opened at the SHOW GROUNDS, St. Kilda Road, by His Excellency SIR G. F. BOWEN, G.C.M.G., Governor of Victoria, ON MONDAY, THE 2ND NOVEMBER, AT 2 O'CLOCK P.M., When the Public will be admitted at a fee of 2s. 6d. Non-Members will be admitted during the adjudicating of the Judges on MONDAY, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., On payment of a fee of 5s. each. From 2 p.m., 2s. 6d. Tickets may be obtained at tbe Gates, and at the Office of the Omnibus Company, Bourke Street East. The President, Vice-Presidents, and Members of Council will wear Blue Rosettes; Judges of Exhibits, White Rosettes; Stewards, Red Rosettes; and Hon. Veterinary Surgeon, Red, White, and ' Blue Rosette. Prize Cards will be attached to the Exhibits with ribbons, as follows ; DEPARTMENT'S FIRST PRIZE, Red, White, and Blue Card, White Ribbon. SOCIETY'S FIRST PRIZE ... Blue Card, Blue Ribbon „ SECOND PRIZE ... Red Card, Red Ribbon „ THIRD PRIZE ... Lavender Card, Lavender Ribbon „ COMMENDED ... White Card, White Ribbon Champion Winners will have Green Ribbon round the neck, in addition. Refreshments of all kinds will be provided on the Ground, by the wellknown caterers, George Sefton, of Sandridge, George Plant, of Northcote, and Mrs Gordon Cameron, Elizabeth Street, who bind themselves to supply everything of the best quality at Melbourne hotel charges. Forage and Bedding for stock will also be supplied on the ground by Mr. Ronald Robb, of Fitzroy, at current rates. Chapman's City Brass Band will play on the ground daily, from 12 o'clock noon. WALTER MACFARLANE, SECRETARY. ADVERTISEMENTS. DAVID MUNRO & CO., MACHINERY MERCHANTS, 154 QUEEN ST., MELBOURNE, HAVE FOR SALE OR HIRE— AGRICULTURAL, MINING, SAWING, AND GRINDING MACHINERY, MARSHALL'S PORTABLE STEAM ENGINES, Which were awarded First Prizes, in 1873, at Melbourne, Ballarat, Clunes, Smeaton, and Kyneton Shows. These engines are fitted with steam jacketed cylinders, patent variable expansion gear, continuous feed-pump, improved feed- water heating apparatus, steam blast jet, enlarged firebox for burning wood, mounted on four wrought-iron wheels ; supplied with all requisites ; adapted for either farming or mining purposes. ROBEY & CO.'S PORTABLE ENGINES, With enlarged fireboxes and steam jacketed cylinders. They are of improved construction, admirably adapted not only for driving Agricultural Machinery, but also for all purposes where steam power is required in a portable form. Ransome, Sims and Head's Improved Steam Threshing, Finishing, and Dressing Machines, 4J and 5 feet Drums, Which were awarded First Prizes, in 187S, at Ballarat, Clunes, Smeaton, and Kyneton Shows. These machines are fitted with patent reversible beaters, adjust- able corn screens, improved caving riddles ; mounted on four wheels ; embodying all the latest improvements, having patent drum guards, which protect the feeder and other attendants on the stage of the Threshing Machines whilst at work. Straw Elevators of improved construction, with endless belts Horizontal and Vertical Engines, new and second-hand Boilers—Multitubular, Cornish flue and shell Quartz-crushing Batteries, iron and wood framing Winding, Pumping, and Puddling Gear Flour-Mill Plant complete (three pair) Saw-Mill Plant complete (half original cost) Duplicates for Engines and Threshers Leather Belting, Screw Jacks Pump Workings, Plunger, and Drawlift Pump Pipes, 4 inches, 6 inches, 7 inches, and 8 inches Portable Steam Engines, second-hand, all sizes Portable Hand Cranes. Arrangements made for Hiring any of the above on a Purchasing Lease. DEPOSIT AND RENTS BECKONED AS PURCHASE MONEY. N.B.—Purchasers and Valuators of Engines and all kinds of Machinery. THE JJalwital ^nculturacl Unrntn of iktoriac OFFICE-BEARERS FOR THE YEAR 1 87 4. Resident: THE HON". ROBERT SIMSON, M.L.C., TOOEAK. "\?ice-3?iiesidents : SAMUEL WILSON, ESQ., ERCILDOUN. GEO. CARMICHAEL, ESQ., GEELONG. WM. TAYLOR. ESQ., KEILOR. WM. M'CULLOCH, ESQ., LA ROSE. M. M'CAW, ESQ., MELBOURNE. E. HENTY, ESQ., MUNTHAM. £j5t)ustees : THE HON. J. G. FRANCIS, M.L.A., SUNBUBY. T. J. SUMNER, ESQ., STONY PARK. ROBERT M'DOUGALL, ESQ., ARUNDEL. Council pRembeqs : D. R. M'GREGOR, ESQ., QUEEN STREET. JAS. HUTCHINGS, ESQ.. ELIZABETH STREET. JOHN COOPER, ESQ., BUNDOORA. JAS. BUCHANAN. ESQ., BERWICK. JAS. M'FARLAND, ESQ., MELBOURNE. ARCHIBALD FISKEN, ESQ., LAL LAL. HUGH LENNON, ESQ., ELIZABETH STREET. J. C. COCHRANE, ESQ., GLENROY. JOB SMITH, ESQ., NORTHCOTE. DUGALD M'PHAIL, ESQ., ESSENDON. THOS. SMITH, ESQ.. VICTORIA PARADE. R. K. HAMMOND, ESQ.. MELBOURNE. THE HON. THOMAS M-KELLAR, ESQ., STRATHKELLAR. RICHARD MORTON, ESQ., SKELSMERG HALL. JOHN BELL, ESQ., KANGAROO GROUND. ANDREW MURRAY, ESQ, FLINDERS LANE. WM. SOMNER, ESQ, SWANSTON STREET. JOHN CARSON, ESQ., COLLINS STREET EAST. W. K. THOMSON. ESQ, MELBOURNE. A. PATTERSON, ESQ, ST. GERMAINS. S. MACGREGOR, ESQ., MELBOURNE. M. LOEMAN, ESQ, BULLA. JAS. ROBERTSON, ESQ, ABERFELDIE. JAS. G1BB, ESQ, BERWICK. JjJon. 'Jfeteqinai^ $uiigeon : GRAHAM MITCHELL,' M.R.C.V.S. $ectietatiy : WALTER MACFARLANE. OfficesKIRK'S BAZAAR, MELBOURNE, LIST OF EXHIBITORS. A. Beale, John. 289 Algie, Matthew, 16, 31, 90 Brown, M. J., 388, 389 Adams, Thomas, 120 Bath. Thos.. 416, 417. 469, 469a Amess, Samuel, 752 Brown, A., Hotham, 618, 621, 630, 631, Austin, Josifih, 467 636, 637, 640, 641, 648, 653, 658 Adams, E. T„ 634, 1359, 1360 Brown, Jonathan, 6S7 Alston, Gilbert, Bogle, Andrew and Co., 1368, 1369 Armitage, F. W.. 399, 497, 498 Buckley. Mars, 702, 741 Ayne, A. M.. 419 to 423, 440 to 444 Bloor, S., 751 Anderson, James, 426, 472, 486, 509 Barndl, L. A., 777 Austin, J. and S., 4 68. 494, 495 Buck, Charles, 8S9. 890 Armstrong, Thomas, 746, 747 Ballarat Woollen Mill Company, Limited, Armstrong, William. 748 1065 to 1069 Anderson, Alfred, 759 Atkinson, A. H., 856 C. Atkinson, B. A., 867 Cameron, A., sen. Cameron, A., jun., 56, 57, 14S B. Crichton, A., 40 Bourke, Alex., 60. 66, 73 Cochrane. James, Elsternwick, 95 Banner, R. G.. 1052 Can-oil. Peter Buncle, John, 963, 979, 1211 to 1225 Clark, Walter J., 683 Brosen, M., 852 Chap pell, Jonathan, 197, 198, 242, 251 Bosley, G., 632. 633, 638, 639, 664, 667 Cox, Edward, 273, 274, 284, 285, 617 Beattie, Henry. 11, 36, 37,49, 62, 63, 82, Cooper, John, 247, 406, 407, 430, 437, 438 83. 91. 92, 326 Cochrane, J. C., 483 Bruce, B. V. A.. 106 Cayzer, F. D„ 812 to 814 Bennet, T. K., .537 to 539, 542, 543 Cooze, F., 662, 665, 666, 734,758, 769, 810 Brown, Mrs., 877 Corbett, A. G., 906 to 909, 921 to 924, Brannigan, Bros., 232, 311, 684 1205 to 1210 Brisbane, P. and J. G., 168, 172, 244, Cameron, James, 9. 47, 99 254 Cochrane, James, Barfold, 19, 30, 76, 77 Bell, John, 162, 183, 184, 185, 223, 408 Carr, John, 161 to 412 Clarke, Joseph, 189, 190, 191, 192 Burnside, James, 2, 329, 1122 Collins, D., 261 Braiihwaite, William, 22, 38, 53 Connor, J. H., 303 Brown, Archd., 23, 35 Campbell, A. M., 386, 393 Bodyeoat, Thos., 61 Cuthbert, Robt., 455 Buchanan Jas., 1091 Clarke, C.
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