VOL. 60 ANGWIN, CALIFORNIA, MAY 29, 1961 NO. 44 Monument Valley Hospital Dedication On May 4 the doors of opportunity swung open still wider for the church's service to the Navajos. A new twenty-three-bed hospital was dedicated at the Rock Gate entrance to Monument Valley. This event fulfilled a dream that the members of the Pacific Union Conference have had for many years, and your sacrifices and liberal giving have made this possible. The work was pioneered nearly twelve, years ago by Elder and Mrs. Marvin Walter on the ground made available by' Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gould- ing of the nearby Goulding Trading Post. The Mission Trailer began and expanded as the confidence of the Navajo people was gained. Building on this beginning those who have followed have developed a school, clinic, welfare center, new chapel, and now a new hospital. Indians from miles around who arrived by horseback, wagon, truck, and on foot joined with a number of our Adventist believers, members of the Hospital Board, and many visitors in dedicating this hospital. This new institution is the only hospital within a radius of One hundred miles. Participating in the dedication were Elder Carl Sundin, General Conference (Continued on page 2)

Tom Holiday, new Bible instructor and translator for Monument Valley Mission, giving a Bible presentation to his brother, Kenneth Holiday.

Oakwood College The annual offering for Oakwood College is to be taken in every Seventh- day Adventist church in North Amer- ica on June 10, 1961. We hope it will be a liberal offering because the needs of Oakwood are many. A major need at the present time is for more dormi- tory housing. I have recently returned from a Board Meeting at Oakwood College. This is a fine school. I believe the test of any school is the product, and I am proud of the graduates of Oakwood College. Just recently two interesting items Participants in the Monument Valley Hospital dedication May 4, left to right: Wesley have been brought to my attention. Amundsen, secretary of the Bureau of Home Missions, General Conference; J. Lloyd Last summer two of Oakwood's grad- Mason, M.D., medical director of Monument Valley Mission; Annie Wauneka, director uates were blessed with outstanding of health and welfare activities of the Navajo Tribal Council; Paul Jones, chairman of the Navajo Tribal Council; and R. R. Bietz, chairman of the Monument Valley success in their labors for the Lord. Hospital Board and the dedication speaker. (Continued on page 3)

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Pacific Union Recorder Monument Valley Hospital Welfare Committee of the Navajo Tribal Council; and E. R. Osmunson, MONDAY, MAY 29, 1961 Dedication (Continued from page 0 chairman of the operating board of VOL. 60 NO. 44 Medical Department; Bill Kline, per- Monument Valley. R. R. Bietz, chair- sonal representative of Governor Clyde man of the Monument Valley Hospital of ; Elder and Mrs. Marvin Wal- Board, gave the dedicatory address, and Official organ of the Pacific Union Con- W. J. Blacker acted as master of cere- ference of Seventh-day Adventists, Box ter; C. L. Bauer, former president of the 146, Glendale, California. Pacific Union; Paul Jones, chairman of monies. Adding to the spirit of the oc- Published weekly at Angwin, Calif.; fifty the Navajo Tribal Council; Annie casion was the San Juan High School issues a year. Wauneka, chairman of the Health and concert band from Blanding, Utah.

Address: Pacific Union Recorder, Box 36, Angwin, California. Notice of change of address should give both the old and the new address. Subscription Price, $1.00 a Year

W. J. BLACKER Editor MRS. MARGARET FOLLETT . Assistant Editor R. R. BIETZ Assistant Editor

Entered as second-class matter Septem- ber 3, 1927, at the post office at Angwin, California, under the act of Congress of March 3, 1879. Acceptance for mailing at the special rate of postage provided for in section 412, Act of February 28, 1925, authorized September 3, 1927.

Sunset Table (Daylight Saving in California and Nevada) Among the first of the families to arrive at the new hospital. Friday, June 2 Angwin 8:28 Oakland 8:25 Arlington 7:56 San Diego 7 7:52 Chico 8:29 San Jose 8:23 Eureka 8:42 Phoenix .1:33 Fresno 8:13 Reno 8:21 Lodi 8:22 7:53 Loma Linda 7:56 Honolulu 7:10 Los Angeles 7:59 Hilo 6:56

Friday; June 9 Angwin 8:33 Oakland 8:29 Arlington 8:00 San Diego 7:56 Chico 8:33 San Jose 8:27 Eureka 8:46 Phoenix 7:37 Fresno 8:17 Reno 8:25 Lodi 8:27 Salt Lake City 7:57 Loma Linda 8:00 Honolulu 7:13 Los Angeles 8:04 Hilo 6:59

KE A . . VOICE L L SUNDAY Invite Others to. Listen THE VOICE OF PROPHECY SERMON TOPICS "Concerning Marriage"—June 4. Annie Wauneka cuts the ribbon officially opening the new Monument Valley Hospital as Dr. Mason looks on. Standing at the left are Mr. and Mrs. Harry Goulding of the "The Wedding Garment"—June 11 Goulding Trading Post who donated the land for the mission. PACIFIC UNION RECORDER 3

This is a day long to be remembered. Already results are being seen, not only in administering to the physical needs but to the spiritual as well. An active program of Bible studies is being carried on in several hogans. Several have been baptized and the chapel is filled nearly Be thou faithful_ and I will give the every Sabbath. Continue to pray that crown of Wt.> the honest in heart that God has among these people might be better reached through these instruments of mercy and They will not stop with this objective from a Spirit-filled Sabbath school. You love. W. J. BLACKER, but will reach out beyond the immediate too may have the joy of seeing search- Secretary-Treasurer, membership to their many loved ones ing souls come to your school and find Pacific Union Conference. and friends and bring them into the Sab- hope and life during this "Full Mem- --o-- bath school. The possibilities are limit- bership Year." Oakwood College less if we will be but "kind and courte- E. F. FINcx, Secretary, (Continued from page 1) ous and tender-hearted and pitiful." Sabbath School Department, Brother Harold Cleveland held an effort A pastor sent me this experience Nevada-Utah Conference. in Atlanta, Georgia, and was privileged which took place in recent-.weeks-in --o-- to baptize 296 new believers. During our field. He wrote: "At one of our The Life and Work of this same time, Elder G. H. Rainey churches we saw a visitor we had not went into Lynchburg, Virginia, where Ellen G. White previously met. My wife asked him if A presentation of the life and work there were no Regional Seventh-day he lived in the town. He replied, "yes." of Ellen G. White, just released by the Adventists. He baptized and organized He was warmly- welcomed to Sabbath Review and Herald Publishing Associa- a new church of 115 members. Truly, school and later to church. An alert tion, tells with rare and priceless pic- in a day and an age like this, it is won- Sabbath school secretary handed him a tures and a large number of delightful derful that our God-fearing evangelists card and invited him to fill it out if he art productions a story that every Sev- are having such marvelous success. desired to become a part of the school. enth-day Adventist should know and We have an excellent faculty at Oak- He stayed all through the meetings remember. This new series consists of wood; seven hold the Ph.D. degree and that day. two parts, in a combination Kodachrome 24 have their Master's degrees. Oak- " The Humble Serving Christ' was and audio-tape portrayal that will thrill wood College helps to produce teachers the sermon topic for the day. I had your heart as it takes you back to the and preachers for many of our schools given study to the topic daily all through birth of the movement in old New and churches in North America and in the week. Sabbath morning I awoke at England and the cradle days of Battle our overseas divisions. I have met quite three o'clock and could not sleep, so Creek. Being as we are in the Spirit a few Oakwood graduates who are hold- I prayed for over an hour, pleading for of Prophecy year, here is an item that ing important positions of trust in our an unusual outpouring of the. Spirit and will interest evangelists, pastors, and great mission program. that the Lord would impress the people Bible instructors; and it can be made of I say, let's give a good offering on and that someone would be converted practical value in church schooM, acad- June 10 and support Oakwood College as a result of the service. emies, colleges, and Missionary Volun- —its graduates are doing splendidly. "The visitor in his earlier years had teer societies. Write to your Book and V. G. ANDERSON, Vice President, prepared for the ministry, but discour- Bible House for prices. General Conference of SDA. agement came in and he left the SavioUr --o-- and the field. Squaw Valley. Fine Arts Camp Prove Your Loyalty Emphasis "Now, years later, a wide-awake Sab- bath school secretary felt impressed to This is the place for your high school Brings Results hand him a card 'to fill out. He was age youth to be August 7 to 16, where Many years ago the messenger of the greatly impressed. He signed,the card they will be under the direction of a Lord stated: "If we would humble our- and said, 'I will be here regularly from dedicated music; art, and physical edu- selves before God, and be kind and now on. This is the greatest day of cation staff to assure a happy, yet busy, courteous and tender-hearted and piti- my life.' environment for professional, spiritual, ful, there would be one hundred con- "He was in tears during the worship and recreational growth. versions to the truth where now there service. The next Sabbath he brought Staff directors are as follows: is only one."—Testimonies, vol. 9, p. his family which had not shared with J. F. Knipschild, Coordinator 189. This statement leaves no question him the experiences of the days of his Southern California Conference as to the results; it says, "there would youth. They are continuing to come. Mildred Ostich, Assistant Coordinator be one hundred conversions." A tactful layman is- studying ,with him Northern California Conference E. L. Herr, Finance In this "Full Membership Year" regularly." Pacific Union Conference every active leader and member in every A warm courteous welcome will make Lorne Jones, Programming Sabbath school will be striving to bring many a weary traveler feel at home,and Southern California Conference back to Sabbath school and church at- refreshed as he drinks deeply at the Ed Anderson, Transportation tendance the lax and missing members. fountain of life so abundantly flowing San Fernando Academy 4 PACIFIC UNION RECORDER

Alfred Walters, Orchestra, Strings work has been the common ideal of all La Sierra College the schools of the church. PARDON US, but Perry Beach, Piano, Theory, Composition For a half century the Home Study La Sierra College Institute has been providing intruction Bertil van Boer, Band, Wind, Percussion Pacific Union College by mail. Again and again students, tem- Harold Lickey, Chorus, Chorale, Voice porarily denied work on a school cam- Pacific Union College pus, have maintained vital church con- Vernon Nye, Art tacts while learning by correspondence. Pacific Union College Writers of lessons, editors, teachers, William Napier, Physical Education and office personnel have all contributed La Sierra College much to build quality into the work of Sixty dollars covers the full expense the Home Study. The credits earned of board, room, and camp activities. and their acceptance by our own col- Those desiring private lessons will be leges and secondary schools that have charged an additional $2 for each one- been accredited by their regional 'ac- half-hour lesson. Art students will be crediting bodies have engendered con- charged $2.50 for sketching, $5 for fidence in the institution. May 10, 1961 water coloring, and $10 for oil paint- It has been the writer's privilege in HOME STUDY INSTITUTE ing. Art students are to bring their own recent years to present to a number easels. of prominent university correspondence WAS ADMITTED TO Send in NOW for your application men samples of the work offered by the ASSOCIATE MEMBERSHIP IN with your $10 reservation fee to: Home Study. Several of these leaders THE NATIONAL UNIVERSITY PACIFIC UNION SDA MUSIC AND ART have visited our headquarters in Takoma EXTENSION ASSOCIATION CAMP, P.O. Box 146, Glendale 5, Cali- Park. In November 1960 the general fornia. • (Eighth grade graduates, 1961, chairman and the secretary of the cor- "Service of High Quality" through high school graduates, 1961, "Worthy of Recognition" respondence section of the National —The Inspectors are eligible.) University Extension Association came • to Washington and made a formal, au- HOME STUDY INSTITUTE Recognization for the Work of thorized visitation. They were favorably Tokoma POrk Washington 12, D. C.

the Home Study Institute impressed and recommended our mem- •••%%%%% ••••• ••••••••• • For many years students of educa- bership in the Association. tional standards have known that there The formal action on this recommen- standards into fellowship with such in- is room within the patterns of true edu- dation was to be taken at the annual stitutions as the Universities of Califor- cation for genuine spiritual stature and meeting of the, Association at Santa nia, Chicago, Iowa, Minnesota, Ne- at the same time above-average scholar- Barbara, California. There on May 10, braska, Wisconsin, and many others will ship. Progress toward the goal of com- 1961, the National University Exten- mean much for the students who earn bined excellence in things of the spirit sion Association formally voted mem- credits by mail. It is the deliberate pur- and the mind has been demonstrated bership to the Home Study Institute. pose of the Home Study to continue its repeatedly. This uncommon quality of To be admitted as' a school of high high standards of scholarship and to


SUN MON, TUE WED THU FRI SAT 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 11 12 1314,15 16\17 18 19 20 21 23- 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

All members of the Association of Self-Supporting Institutions in the Pacific Union will take notice of the dates indicated above, for this is the time of the national meeting of the Association. It will be held in Kansas City immediately following the Medical Council meeting which many will wish also to attend. At this national convention profitable workshops such as medical, nursing homes, rehabilitation centers, industrial, educational, and children's homes and schools will be studied and evaluated. Plan now to be present and give your contribution of experience, know how, and skill to the discussions. PACIFIC UNION RECORDER 5 cooperate with other schools of the Victor Cancel 5,406.10 church in the common purpose to pro- Arthur Kaspereen ..P. 5;160.98 Wilbur Gully 4,897.00 vide equal educational opportunities Francisco Jiminez 4,805.55 for all. C. J. Lorffax 4,799.41 W. HOMER TEESDALE, President•. Charles Eddy 4,641.80 Wayne Harris 4,503.06 Ernie Morford 4,247.50 "We're Not Buying Any Books" Norman Bradley 4,176.77 As I approached the door, the man Carl Thompson 3,992.80 George Bruce 3,982.97 was on his way to the car with his fam- Patrick Lobo 3,980.73 ily to go shopping. I told them the pur- George Linthwaite 3,748.05 pose of my call. He said, "I will be glad 1)on Moran 3,717.75 to see what you have, but we're not W. B. Richardson 3,603.42 buying any books. Can you come back U. L. Litsey 3,487.85 Kenneth Wilbur 3,402.00 at some other time?" The appointment W. A. Blue 3,389.05 was made. Virgil Casebeer 3,361.40 As I rang the doorbell three evenings Bob Covington 3,331.60 Albert Sanchez, one of the young men later the man invited me in and threw Dick Chapman 3,272.25 joining the growing staff of our church- Ralph Stark out the warning the second time, "I just 3,252.85 owned International Nutrition Research Women Foundation. He completes his require- want you to know that we are not buy- Norma Colby 5,070.68 ments for a Master of Science degree in ing any books." Then pointing to a Eva Easterbrook 4,675.60 Biochemistry at CME's School of Graduate corner of the living room, he said, "See Edith Heldoorn 4,109.40 Studies, and begins his research project in that encyclopedia set? We have just Lila Brecher 3,821.55 protein nutrition at the INRF in August. Jean Nolan 3,264.59 purchased them and are making pay- Ruth Hill 3,054.50 ments on that $350 unit." Janice Reynolds 2,899.90 duced by the Loma Linda Food Com- This was a deeply religious family Edythe Guthrie 2,771.20 pany have been presented to physicians and there were many oh's and ah's as Bertha Fresonke 2,210.55 at all of the leading medical meetings Ethel Bertsche 2,176.20 throughout the country during the past husband, wife, and two lovely children Ruby Grimsrud 2,148.90 browsed the Bible Story books. The Myrtle Hosier 2,125.10 year. The acceptance of these foods has anxious expression on the lady's face Lilia Herrera 2,009.45 been excellent due to the fact that they was something to behold. Then she Mildred Mantz 2,005.15 contain no animal fat or hydrogenated made this remark, "The only thing that Pawnee Wagner 1,792.35 fat. Such foods are, therefore, ideal for I am living for is to prepare my family A. R. REISWIG, ASSOC. Secy., those patients who need to lower their for heaven." The way she said it just Publishing Department, blood cholesterol levels. melted the resistance of the husband. Pacific Union Conference. These foods are also ideal in reduc- As he signed the order, he said, "This --0-- ing diets because of the low calorie con- may mean the denial of some of the International Nutrition Research tent, and- physicians throughout the physical food but we believe that the Foundation Reports Progress country are now utilizing them in the spiritual things are of equal impor- July 1 of this year marks the tenth treatment of their patients. These foods tance." anniversary of the founding of our de- are now formulated so that they are not "God has ordained the canvassing nominationally-owned International Nu- only tasty, but actually superior nutri- work as a means of presenting for the trition Research Foundation. Originat- tionally to meat in almost every way people the light contained in our books ing in Mount Vernon, Ohio, under the without having the objectionable factors and canvassers should be impressed with direction of Dr. Harry W. Miller, and of meat, such as the cholesterol-forming the importance of bringing before the now directed by Dr. John A. Scharffen- characteristics. Blood cholesterol hastens world, as fast as possible, the books berg, the Foundation has made rapid hardening of the arteries and premature necessary for their spiritual education strides in nutrition education and die- heart failure, the leading cause of death and enlightenment. This is the very tary research. in the United States. work the Lord would have his people During the past year considerable Now nearing completion in Arling- do at this time." C.M., p. 6. work has been done in the field of nutri- ton, California, is a new $30,000 lab- Honor Roll tion education, and numerous surveys oratory (when equipped) which will be January through April, 1961 of health habits among students of our Men Deliveries used as an analytical laboratory. Anal- Pablo Salazar $10,295.90 Seventh-day Adventist academies and yses of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, J. G. Conmack 9,856.52 colleges have been undertaken. There and fatty acids will be the primary func- Lester Botnick 9,786.15 have been frequent health lectures, tion of this laboratory. Six rooms have Michael Bazzy 8,876.25 cooking classes, radio and, TV appear- been completed which include those Lance Prestidge 6,882.10 Rudolf Hirschm a n n 6,604.91 ances, as well as considerable material for instrumentation, analytical analysis, Don McEune 6,085.40 published in an effort to improve the chemical stock, microbacteriological G. J. Schulz 6,057.55 health habits of our people. preparation, temperature control (30 Don Hill 6,006.57 The Foundation has aided the Loma and 37°C), as well as a 0°C freezing Bert Bolan 5,879.10 Paul Golden 5,849.88 Linda Food Company by giving advice room for bacteriological studies. Almost Philip Marsala 5,841.60 on the nutritional aspects of their prod- all good research begins and ends with F. E. Temple 5,414.25 ucts. The wheat protein products pro- accurate analytical work; therefore, the 6 PACIFIC UNION RECORDER

Monday thru Saturday, Cumulative totals reveal that last laboratory will fill an important need in Daily KIEV 870 8:00 a.m. the work of the Foundation. Marysville KMYC 1410 9:30 a.m. year 727 souls were reported baptized Research in the past involving ani- KMYC-FM 99.9 '9:30 a.m. as a result of the Bible school, bringing Napa KVON 1150 :9:30 a.m. the total to 3,840 souls baptized since mal growth studies has been carried on Palm Springs KCMJ 1010 10:05 a.m. at the College of Medical Evangelists, the program began. Surely, brethren, Redding KRDG 1230 9:30 this should thrill our hearts and make where all of the Foundation's animals Riverside KPRO 1440 9:30 a.m. us aware anew of the tremendous have been kept. Such studies have been Saturday KDUO-FM 97.5 7:30 a.m. Sacramento KCRA 1320 9:30 a.m. potential in utilizing television 'as one undertaken by members of the Foun- San Bernardino KCKC 1350 9:30 a.m. dation's staff as well as students who of our major soul-winning endeavors. San Diego KGB 1360 9:00 p.m. May the Lord richly bless you as you were being trained under Dr. U. D. KSON 1240 9:30 a.m. Register, associate professor of Biochem- Santa Barbara KTMS 1250 10:00 a.m. continue your generous support of our San Francisco KGO-FM 103.7 9:00 p.m. TV ministry. Keep it up by: istry at CME. In the future it is hoped KGO 810 9:00 p.m. that an animal house can be built in KNBC-FM 99.7 9:30 a.m. 1. Greatly increasing the number of Arlington at the Foundation's head- KNBC 680 9:30 a.m. applications for our Bible correspond- quarters in order to avoid the large San Luis Obispo KVEC 920 7:00 p.m. ence school lessons. In a world of 2.8 amount of travel necessary at present in Susanville KSUE 1240 9:00 a.m. billion people, surely there are millions Tulare-Visalia KCOK 1270 8:00 p.m. more who should be studying our Bible carrying on animal growth studies. Twentynine Palms . KDHI 1250 9:30 a.m. school lessons. The INRF's greatest need at the - NEVADA --- 2. By greatly increasing our radio- moment is for a number of well-quali- Elko KELK 1240 9:30 C.M. fied biochemists who are willing to dedi- Fallon KVLV 1260 9:30 C.M. TV coverage and frequency-of releases. cate their knowledge to the field of Las Vegas KORK 1340 8:30 C.M. 3. By greatly increasing our viewer- Reno KBET 1340 9:00 p.m. listener audience through systematic nutrition and accept one of several posi- --- UTAH - tions now open at the laboratory. Men and thorough log distribution and other Logan KVNU 610 8:30 a.m. means of advertising. or women between the ages of 26 and 1450 8:30 Moab KURA 4. By increasing and strengthening 40 who qualify may write to Dr. John Ogden KLO 1430 8:30 a.m. A. Scharffenberg, Director, International Price KOAL 1230 8:30 a.m. our follow-up work and improving the Provo KOVO 960 8:30 a.m. methods. Nutrition Research Foundation, 11503 Salt Lake City KALL 910 8:30 a.m. Pierce Place, Arlington, California. W. B. BRISTOW, -SeCy., - HAWAII --- Radio-TV Department. FREDRIK W. EDWARDY, PR Secy. Address All Mail Box 55, Honolulu 10, Hawaii - -o-- --0-- Hilo KIPA 1110 5:30 p.m. Book Display Voice of Prophecy Honolulu KGU 760 9:30 a.m. The Northern California Book and Radio Log Bible House will have a Book Display at the Sacramento Central church on Sundays unless otherwise noted. Sub- Northern California Wednesday, May 31, beginning at ject to change in areas not observing CARL BECKER, Pres. E. A. SCHMIDT, Sec. 6 p.m. daylight saving time. Please consult Telephone KEllog 4-1710 1811 - 11th Ave., P.O. Box 149 BOOK AND BIBLE HOUSE. your local newspaper. Oakland 4, Calif. - -0-- --- ARIZONA --- Office Hours Monday through Thursday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Pathfinder Camporee Douglas KAPR 930 9:00 a.m. Friday 8 a.m. to 3 pan. Ten-year service stars were awarded Flagstaff KCLS 600 9:30 a.m. Globe (See Miami) to four Pathfinder directors at the con- Miami KIKO 1340 9:30 a.m. ference-wide Pathfinder Camporee held Nogales KNOG 1340 8:30 a.m, Television Ministry at Hoberg's airport in Lake County, Phoenix KTAR 620 9:30 a.m. The television offering of the North- May 5 to 7. Prescott KYCA 1490 9:30 a.m. ern California Conference for 1961 re- Sierra Vista KHFH 1420 9:30 a.m. As part of the Sunday morning serv- Tucson KTAN 580 9:30 a.m. flects the generous spirit of our con- ice honoring all Pathfinder directors, Yuma KYUM 560 9:30 a.m. stituency. It is a real distinction to be Clifford Ortner of Lodi, Henry Brown KVOY 1400 9:30 a.m. known as the most generous givers of of Elmhurst, Glenys Price of Napa, and --- CALIFORNIA --- all conferences in the world. Perhaps Mrs. Clara Howland of Lakeport were Alturas KCNO 570 9:30 a.m. you didn't realize when you gave your recipients of these service stars. Over Bakersfield KPMC 1560 10:30 a.m. offering for Faith for Today that your 135 other awards were presented to Bishop KIBS 1230 8:30 a.m. gift would swell the total amount-for Chico KPAY 1060 9:30 a.m. youth leaders ranging in years of serv- Coalinga KBMX 1470 8:30 a.m. 1961 to $ 10,663.29—the largest of any ice from one to ten. El Centro KICO 1490 9:00 p.m. local conference, and .larger than five Thirty-five clubs were represented, Eureka KIEM 1480 9:00 a.m. union conferences-in the United States and approximately 1,217 campers and Fort Bragg KDAC 1230 9:00 a.m. and Canada. friends were in attendance at this cam- Fresno KYNO 1300 9:30 a.m. Hemet KHSJ 1320 9:30 a.m. May we commend you on your poree. - King City KRKC 1570 9:00 a.m. stewardship, and assure you that your Services held featured Elder L. R. Lancaster KAVL 610 9:30 a.m. liberality and dedication to the cause Callender, PR director of Pacific Union Lodi KCVR 1570 10:30 a.m. through your gifts to our television College, Friday evening; and Elder W. Los Angeles KABC 790 9:00 p.m. KABC-FM 95.9 9:00 p.m. ministry will be richly rewarded by B. Bristow, public affairs director of KHJ 930 9:30 a.m. souls saved in the kingdom of God. the Northern California Conference, at PACIFIC UNION RECORDER 7 the Sabbath 11 o'clock hour. Sunday providentially the two-acre site for the ings at camp meeting. Here are some a full complement of activities was car- church was obtained on a good corner of the comments that have direct bear- ried out including sack races, ball throw, for $2500. A fund drive was conducted ing on every Seventh-day Adventist in and the 75-yard dash, providing a most by the Pacific Union Church Develop- Southern California. pleasant weekend of spiritual and rec- ment Service, and a total in pledges'of At all our camp-meetings, work should reational activities. $43,000 was netted as the result of this be done for the children and youth. A The camp was well organized and campaign. Then, on the day of the children's meeting or Bible kindergarten directed under the supervision of C. H. ground breaking, the weather was pro- should be held daily under the direction Seitz, conference MV secretary, and his ducing thunder, lightning, and rain just of teachers qualified for the work. In simple language, lessons should be given associate, William Hull. one hour before the ceremonies were both from the Bible and from nature. --0-- scheduled to begin. A group of mem- Kindergarten methods and object-lessons Ground Breaking for the bers gathered on the church site to pray from nature will be of great advantage in for clearing skies. Suddenly the clouds interesting the little ones. . . . In such Linda Heights Church swept away and the sun came through. lessons as these the children can be taught the parables of Christ. The truth will be Ground-breaking services were held This was the first prayer prayed and on Sunday, April 23, for a new church fastened in their minds as a nail in a answered on the new church property! sure place. building in Rio Linda, California. The We trust that many more will be an- In our work for the children the object members of this church are residents of swered by God and that a real work should be not merely to educate and the Greater North Area of Sacramento for God will be done as this church is entertain them, but to work for their con- County and were organized as a church version. We should ask the blessing of built for the preaching of the Advent God on the seed sown, and the conviction of 56 members just a year ago under Message. of the Holy Spirit will take hold of even the name Linda Heights Seventh-day ROBERT HAMPEL, Pastor, the little ones. If we exercise faith in Adventist church. Linda Heights Church. God, we shall be enabled to lead them to It has been planned to construct the the Lamb of God that taketh away the sin --o-- of the world. classroom wing as the first phase of the An Important Service This is a work of the greatest conse- total building project. This section will Many, as a part of their Christian stew- quence to the younger members of the contain 3600 square feet of floor space ardship, are availing themselves of the Lord's family. In these meetings, even and have facilities for Sabbath school service offered by your Northern Califor- children who are favored with Christian nia Conference Association in planning instruction at home can learn much that classes and a large assembly room for will be a great help to them. If the chil- the present 118-member congregation to Wills and Trust Agreements. With the help of our legal counselors, who are dren are taught in the simplicity of Christ, use for worship. Construction will con- acquainted with the various angle's of they will receive the knowledge, and as sist of masonry blocks with tar-gravel California law, it is possible to give you they return to their homes, they will bring roof supported by laminated beams. the benefit of experience in arranging forth from the treasure-house of the heart your personal affairs and estate. You and precious lessons. Taking part in the ceremony were God's cause can be the beneficiaries of Earl Wells, head elder; Fred Manlig, important financial advantages and pro- Your -conference officers, camp meet- one of the originators of the Linda tection when the disposition of your estate ing committee, and Sabbath School De- is wisely arranged. For more information, partment have worked out plans that Heights church; Joe Waggy, construc- fill out the form below and mail to Box tion superintendent; the pastors of the 149, Oakland 4. Calif. will as nearly as possible carry out the directions. Now it rests with the parents Rio Linda Baptist and Methodist Please arrange an appointment' ❑ churches; Jesse Lawson, member of the to be sure their children and others are Please send literature and additional at their specified meeting and on time. Building Finance Committee; and Rob- information ert Hampel, pastor of the church. 0 Please jot down the times: God has led in the progress toward Name Kindergarten—(5 and 6 years old) the erection of this building. Very Address Daily-7:30 to 9:00 p.m. Sabbath-9 to 12 a.m. plus one after- Phone noon and one evening meeting. CARL BECKER, President. K. W. DICKINSON, Secretary. Primary—(7, 8, 9 years old.) Daily—Craft and nature-5:30 to 7 p.m. Bible lessons and stories, 7:30 to 9 p.m. Southern California Sabbath-9 to 12 a.m. plus one after- CREE SANDEFUR, Pres. ALVIN G. MONSON, Sec. noon and one evening meeting. P.O. Box 969 1535 East Chevy Chase Drive, Glendale, Calif. Beginners—(3 and 4 years old.) Citrus 3-6231 CHapman 5-1876 Office Hours Sabbath only. Monday through Thursday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Cradle Roll—(1 and 2 years old.) Friday 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. First Sunday of each month 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sabbath only. (Closed all other Sundays) - Please come on time and bring your At the ground-breaking service for the children to the age group planned for Linda Heights church on April 23 are, Camp Meeting for the Children their level of comprehension. God will from left to right: Fred Manlig, Woodrow In Volume 6, page 105, of Testi- bless all with spiritual progress. • Poynter, William Morgan (turning first shovel of dirt), Elder Robert Hampel, and monies to the Church, much is said of CLARENCE C. KOTT, Secretary, Marjorie Surkey. the importance of the children's meet- Sabbath School Department. 8 PACIFIC UNION RECORDER

Television Programs Pay Day at Culver City Three television programs will fea- A very special "Pay Day" came to the ture the work of Dr. Harry W. Miller, members of the Culver City church on pioneer medical missionary to China, Sabbath afternoon, March 4. The oc- during June. caion brought to a climax the results On June 1, between 8 and 9 a.m., of an intensive three-week series of Dr. Miller will appear on "Panorama meetings conducted by Ernie A. Roy in Pacific," KNXT, Channel 2, Los An- Culver, City. geles. First to be baptized in the special On June 8, on the ABC network service was Mrs. Julia Thorson. In soft television program "About Faces," Dr. spoken words she gave to the church an Miller will be a guest. account of her conversion. Next was On June 14, Dr. Miller will be fea- Mrs. Ives who only a year before had completed an Adventist family circle. tured on the Art Linkletter "House become acquainted with her Adventist Party" on both network radio and tele- The inspiration of this special bap- neighbor. A young couple, Mr. and tismal Sabbath afternoon at the Culver vision. Mrs. Talamantez, were baptized next. Best way to be sure of hearing and City church will long be remembered. Their story was also presented to the 0. M. FILLMAN, Pastor. viewing these programs in your area is congregation. Another young couple, to check your local radio and television Mr. and Mrs. Hammack, also told of log. HERBERT FORD, Secretary, their conversion at the moment of their News Notes Public Relations Department. baptism. Next to be baptized were five vo On Sabbath, May 20, MV members --0-- church school pals who wished to of the Santa Monica church heard Mr. Camp Meeting Book News enter the baptistry together. They were Zane Price tell about and show pictures The Lynwood branch Book and Bible Chris and Kelly Nelson, Tommy and of a recent trip to Monument Valley, House will be closed on May 29, and Paul Montez, and Barry AcMoody. Utah. Following the meeting on Sab- during June. We will be preparing the Last to be baptized was a Christian bath evening the MV Society held a building for the biggest and best camp father, George Matteson. His baptism party for young people of the church. meeting book display that we have ever had. Around June 10 you will receive a list of the camp meeting specials in the mail. We hope that you will carefully go through it and mark the items you want. The Book and Bible House is now accepting charges on the Bankamericard credit cards. If you are planning to purchase a set of the Conflict of the Ages or the Testi- monies, be sure to get the Spirit of Prophecy Courtesy Card from your pastor. It is a gift from him to help you obtain these important books. A. M. RUNNING, Manager. --0-- Lynwood Camp Meeting Food Service The Loma Linda Food Company will provide the food service in conjunction with the Lynwood camp meeting which is to be held June 15 to 25. Present plans are that our food serv- ice units will be open at 4 p.m. for those wishing to come on the campground prior to the evening meetings. It is On Sabbath, April 29, at 126 North St. Louis Street in Los Angeles, these church- planned that Loma Linda's new mobile members signed their names as charter members of the eighty-first church of the food service unit now under construc- Southern California Conference. This new church, to be known as the Central Spanish- tion will be available in time for the American church of Los Angeles, is the third such organization to be formed • as the Lynwood camp meeting. With two units direct result of evangelistic endeavor on the part of members of the Spanish-American church under the leadership of Elder Samuel Weiss. A total of 77 members comprise in operation, it will enable us to more the new church which will be directed by Pastor Joel Sepulveda. The members of this adequately serve you during this time. new church look forward to an active program of evangelism among the many Spanish. WERNER E. CARLSON. American persons of the area in which they are located.. PACIFIC UNION RECORDER 9 mg An out-of-doors afternoon walk at ment of the General Conference, con- Cienaga Camp was held on May 13 Nevada-Utah ducted meetings in the conference for with members of the San Fernando E. R. OSNIUNSON, Pres. M. E. HAGEN, Sec. ten days recently. He spoke in the P.O. Bo*' 1470 Telephone FAirview 2-6929 church participating. On May 20, the 1095 East Taylor, Reno, Nevada Reno, Las Vegas, Monument Valley, church held a "Family Night" with Office Hours Moab, and Salt Lake City churches. recreation for all age groups. Monday-Thursday 8:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. His messages have been instructive and P.' A pictorial nature study by Mr. and Friday 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. inspiring. Elder E. F. Fiiick accom- Mrs. Truman was presented at the panied him on his visit to these Compton church's MV program on May Reno District Meeting churches. 26. On May 20 youth of the church June 2 and 3 is the date! C. S. Small, P.° M. E. Hagen, our conference treas- saw the film "The African Lion" which M.D., of the College of Medical Evan- urer, spoke at the Yerington and Haw- was shown at the Youth Center. gelists will speak at the Friday night thorne churches on a recent Sabbath. v" Florence-Downey church announces service, June 2. His topic, "They DO He reported a good attendance at both that their second annual Vacation Bible Agree," presents a summary of scientific services. school will be held July 31 to August 10 confirmations of Spirit of prophecy P.' Our conference president, E. R. at the church. On May 20, Pathfinders statements. Osmunson, conducted a Sabbath serv- of the church visited the Los Angeles "The More Abundant Life" is the ice recently for the conference church Arboretum. subject Dr. Small has chosen for the members in the Ely, Nevada, area. The Tithes, missions, and Sabbath school Sabbath morning worship service, June district pastor, Sheldon Seltzer, is able offerings of the Oxnard church show a 3. On Sabbath afternoon Dr. Small to meet with these believers only once gain over 1960 according to a statistical will tell of his experiences while in each month. On the other Sabbaths, report recently given in the "Church India recently and will show pictures. Brother Charles Kirker leads in the News." He spent nearly two years at the Vellore Sabbath meetings. p# According to "The Chapel Chimes," Medical College in South India. Elder Osmunson met with the Mil- newspaper of the Alhambra church, ford, Utah, church members on the Helms Bakeries furnished without cost Elder Miller Brockett, youth leader following Sunday night. The members a benefit luncheon for the church on of the Pacific Union Conference, will there are of good courage. They greatly May 25 at the Helms Bakeries Hostess be another guest at this district meet- appreciate the visits of the district pas- House in Los Angeles. ing. He will speak to the youth on Sab- tor, Gordon Paxton, once a month. v Del Delker and Olive and Brad bath afternoon. Dr. W. H. Shephard, Braley presented a special musical pro- medical director of the Pacific Union grom on Friday evening, May 19, at Conference, will be present also. The Hawaiian Mission B. W. MATTISON, Pres. ORVILLE BUTLER, Sec. North Hollywood church in connection film "It Is Written" will be shown Sat- P.O. Box 4037 Telephone 64436 with the evangelistic meetings being urday night. 1026 South King St., Honolulu, Hawaii presented there by Elder Don D. Dole- All church members and friends in man. the Reno area and east of the Sierra are very cordially invited to attend. This is God's Concern for His Flock V Dr. Earle Hilgert of Andrews Uni- God calls upon His faithful ones, who versity was a guest speaker at Norwalk our camp meeting time. Let's make ,the believe in Him, to talk_ courage to those church on Sabbath, May 13. In the most of it. E. R. OSMUNSON. who are unbelieving and hopeless. Turn afternoon, members of the church ad- to the Lord, ye prisoners of hope. Seek dressed invitation cards for The Ad- strength from God, the living God. Show Guest Speaker an unwavering, humble faith in His power ventist Hour television program. Elder Alger Johns spoke to a full and His willingness to save. When in Dorcas ladies of the Hollywood house on Sabbath, April 29, in Quincy, faith we take hold of His strength, He clnirch are making bandages as part of California. Chairs had to be placed in will change, wonderfully change, the most a current project. On Sabbath, May hopeless, discouraging outlook. He will do the aisles and in the rear of the church this for the glory of His name.—Prophets 20, Dr. Clifford Anderson was a guest to accommodate all those attending. and Kings, p. 260. speaker at the 11 o'clock worship serv- Elder Johns addressed the group of ice of the church. Earlier this year I conducted a re- members and visitors at the morning vival effort in the city of Lanai. In this m" Saw-Pedro church is planning to worship hour and also at an afternoon hold their 1961 Vacation Bible school city was a group of believers who were, service. Elder Johns is the religious because of plantation restrictions, forced in cooperation with the Wilmington liberty secretary for the Pacific Union church. Warren Ashworth of La Sierra to work on the Sabbath or give up Conference. their work entirely. A ten-night meet- College was a guest speaker at the San --o-- Pedro church on Sabbath, May 13. ing was scheduled—designed mainly to News Notes strengthen our own believers. Unfortu- After a nationwide survey, Dr. P.' After a sick leave of six months, nately, after the handbills were already Horace Campbell of the Colorado State Robert Dale has regained his health distributed on Friday morning, the Medical Society concludes that up to and is located at Quincy on a tem- Roman church rang its bell at five 70 per cent of all fatal crashes involve porary basis. He will direct the work o'clock in the afternoon announcing its drinking drivers. About 50 per cent of in that area during the illness of Elder emergency meeting. On that same night these drivers, he has found, have blood Edgar Keslake. that we started the effort, a Filipino alcohol concentrations under .10 per 1.." Elder E. W. Pedersen, associate sec- moving picture also gave competition. cent.-,-May-june Listen. retary of the Home Missionary Depart- A third activity which went on the 10 PACIFIC UNION RECORDER same evening was an affair that was unteers of Molokai over the weekend of V ELDER D. C. BUTHERUS met with held at the high school auditorium. April 28 to 30. Thirteen MV's com- Cliff Walter, Dr. Price, and Val Perri- Despite the counter effort by the enemy pleted the requirements and received man, all of Tempe, to discuss the plans of truth, the humble few prayed to their certificates of completion., It was in regard to the distribution of the . God for strength and wisdom. We held a concentrated program with classes on Impending Conflict, Sabbath afternoon, the fort till the next Friday evening Friday evening, all day Sabbath, and May 13. On May 15 and 16 Elder when 22 non-believers were fully per- part of Sunday. Butherus made a business trip to Mon- suaded about the third angel's message. Other MV societies interested in tana. Our half dozen believers rededicated such a course should contact the Mis- ko. WE ARE GLAD TO WELCOME Mrs. their lives anew to God and made a sion MV Department. Della Cales back to the office after her solemn covenant with God to walk as EARL WRIGHT, Secy., vacation trip to Texas, Florida, and He walked—to obey the commandments MV Department. other points of interest. Mrs. Cales of God. It was a joy to see these fellow reports that she identified 101 new birds believers reconsecrate their lives. The during their trip. husbands of these dear "humble sisters" Arizona ,o0 ELDERS H. T. BERGH AND H. R. D. C. BuTHanzts, Pres. H. T. BERGH, Sec. TROUT attended the Investment meet- were persuaded also to help their wives 2601 East Thomas Road, Box 10097 to keep their covenants with God. Some Phoenix, Arizona ing at Glendale, California, during the of these dear people who stayed with Telephone CRestwood 7-5773 week of May 15 to 19. Office Hours --o-- us till the last night of the revival Monday-Thursday 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. meetings signified their desire to walk Friday 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. School Flower Garden with God according to the light that First Sunday of each month One of the most enjoyable activities 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. they then understood — the command- (Closed all other Sundays) carried on by the boys- and girls of. the ment-keeping way. Some started to keep Glendale church school is the school the Sabbath by coming to church the , flower garden. All the children have a following Sabbath. Arizona News part in these gardens. They prepare the V AN OLD-FASHIONED BAPTISM was The experience I have witnessed will soil, plant the seed, and care for the performed in the Verde River at the long stay with me. Truly, God is very plants. What an inspiration these gar- Fort McDowell Indian Reservation Sab- much concerned about the care of His dens have been to not only the school bath afternoon, May 13. Elder A. A. flock, even in isolated places. He will family but to all who see them! Douglas, pastor of the Camelback and vigilantly watch over His flock even in Many lessons have been learned. Sunnyslope churches, officiated at the the most trying circumstances. As our The picture shows a class with their service in which 14 candidates were believers, old and new, take their firm teacher studying the parts of a flower. baptized. Over 100 people were present stand with the truth in this pineapple The class had seen a film on "Flowers to witness this sacred rite. May the island called Lanai, may we take time at Work." Then out to the flower beds Lord bless those who have chosen to they went to study the real flowers and to uphold them in most sincere prayers serve Him. before God daily. to review the lessons of the film. V ELDER B. R. SPEARS of Northern Beloved, let us remember these fel- Not only have we had the enjoyment California was in the Arizona Confer- low believers who may yet be used by of the beautiful flowers in return for ence office Wednesday, May 17, to God to vindicate His cause more glor- our work, but we have been able to discuss plans for his evangelistic effort iously here in beautiful Hawaii Nei! share our flowers with others. The Path- which will be held in Phoenix this C. M. BASCONCILLO, finders of Glendale took the flowers, fall. Elder D. C. Butherus, Elder J. P. Assistant Pastor, 50 bouquets at a time, to the Maricopa Middleton, and Elder B. Cayton coun- Honolulu Central Church. County Hospital where they were seled with him. News Notes vi Mauna Loa school's middle grade students, under the direction of their teacher, Miss Fumiko Masuda, presented a most interesting variety program at the Young Women's Christian Associa- tion Hall in Hilo, Tuesday night, April 25. Miss Masuda had done such a good job in training the youngsters that even some of the parents were amazed that their young people could perform as they did. An Investiture service for the school students and the Pathfinder Club, which is directed by Miss Berniece Swigart, was held following the program. I,' A ten-hour MV Leadercraft Course Elder A. A. Douglas, pastor of the Camelback and Sunnyslope churches, officiates at the was conducted for the Missionary Vol- old-fashioned baptism conducted in the Verde River near Phoenix, Arizona. PACIFIC UNION RECORDER 11

Colporteur Big Week lisheth salvation; that saith unto Zion, The week of April 21 through 27 Thy God reigneth!"—Isaiah 52:7. was Big Week for the literature evan- FLOYD RAMSEY, Asst. Secy., gelists and publishing leaders of Central Publishing Department. California. One may ask, "Why have a Big Week? After all, every week Chaplain Needed should be a big week." This is true; There is a real need for a chaplain however, once a year one week is set for a hospital located in San Joaquin aside throughout the Central California Valley. It would be a good position for Conference for the Big Week. someone who has retired and is on sus- This is a week when we as publish- tentation but who still has good health ing leaders and literature evangelists and can do missionary work. Certain search our own hearts and rededicate financial considerations would be given. and consecrate our lives to His service, Anyone who is interested please write A Glendale, Arizona, church school class at with a full surrender of our talents, our to my office, Box 580, San Jose, Cali- study in their flower garden. (The frame- time, our all to Him, so God can prove fornia. D. E. VENDEN, President. work of the now almost-completed evan- to us what can be done every week of gelistic center shows in the background.) the year. Modesto Union Academy "When we give ourselves wholly to placed beside the beds of the sick. Sev- Reunion God, and in our work follow His direc- eral large markets have displayed and We wish to welcome all the MUA tions, He makes Himself responsible for sold our cut flowers for us and thus alumni and especially all the former its accomplishment."—C.O.L., p. 363. brought in quite a little sum. The teachers to the Alumni 25th Anniver- "When God opens the way for the children have learned to cut, tie, and sary dinner and talent program, June accomplishment of a certain work, and market their own flowers. 11 at 6 p.m. It will be held in the gives assurance of success, the chosen We had 200 feet of sweet peas, 200 Modesto Union Academy cafeteria, the instrumentality must do all in his power feet of calendula, and about 100 feet corner of Hatch and Central. The din- to bring about the promised result."— ner and dues are $1.50 per person. each of stock, larkspur, snapdragon, and P.K., p..263. baby breath, besides beds of iris, ranun- Don't miss this opportunity to visit with This was truly the biggest week yet old school friends and teachers. For culas, and a variety of other bulbs and for 1961—$7,266! Leading Central flowers. information, write to Mrs. Doris Fisk California was Norma Colby of Bakers- Simpson, 501 White Cottage Road N., We are happy that our school is field with $684.44 in sales. George Greg- located in a suburban area of Phoenix Angwin, California. oroff led for the publishing leaders with MRS. BETH PERRY, President. where we have room for this activity. $653.75. The colporteurs of Central sold Plans for the coming year include an --0-- 109 adult books. Sixty-six of these were even larger flower garden. from the pen of Ellen G. White. Religious Liberty Workshops GLADYS STUMP, Principal. "Behold, I will send forth many Interest in religious liberty was shown fishers, saith the Lord, and they shall by a record attendance at eight Religious fish them; and after will I send for Liberty Workshops held in the Central Central California California Conference recently. Attend- D. E. Vnisrmarr, Pres. R. L. STRETTI1R, Sec. many hunters, and they shall hunt them 1691 The Alameda Telephone CYpress 7-1584 from every mountain, and from every ance ranged from 250 to 800 involving Mail Address, P.O. Box 580 hill, and out of the holes of the rocks." members from all the 87 churches in San Jose, California the conference. Office Hours —Jer. 16:16. Monday through Thursday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. How perfect a description is this of Speakers were Elder W. M. Adams Friday 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. of the General Conference and Elder First Sunday of each month 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. the work of the gospel colporteur. With (Closed all other Sundays) a good supply of the weapons of his Alger H. Johns of the Pacific Union warfare, he goes to his hunting ground. Conference. Officers were called together each Voice of Prophecy Along the country roads, mile after mile, from town to town, from home to evening at 6 p.m. for a supper meeting KNEZ home, over mountains and through val- when specific instructions were given. On May 21 at 8 a.m. the Voice of leys, he searches out the people at their Seven such groups known as Public Prophecy began broadcasting on radio homes. He reaches those who would Affairs Councils convened during the station KNEZ, 500 watts of power, 960 not otherwise hear the precious truth eight-day itinerary. • kilocycles, at Lompoc, California. he carries. ARTHUR J. ESCOBAR. Our people in the Lompoc-Vanden- Meeting rebuffs of an unfriendly --0-- burg area will be greatly cheered by this world, he pursues his work. "He hunts Monterey Bay Academy News . announcement. It is hoped that a strong for souls" from every mountain and P." The Helm, the Monterey Bay Acad- promotion will be given this program from every hill and from out of the emy school paper, was awarded a Sec- by our people in the area. Thousands of holes of the rocks. ond Place Certificate by the Columbia radio -logs announcing the program "How beautiful upon the mountains Scholastic Press Association of Colum- should be distributed this summer. are the feet of him that bringeth good bia University in New York during ARTHUR J. ESCOBAR, Secretary. tidings, that publisheth peace; that their thirty-seventh annual evaluation Public Affairs Department. bringeth good tidings of good, that pub- of high school newspapers.


The Helm scored 815 points from subscribed for themselves through the the Loma Linda part of the conference the 1,000 points possible. All the news- Book and Bible House. may go to the Loma Linda Book Shop, papers were judged on content, writing As far as we are able to check, the and in the San Diego section you may and editing, make-up, and general con- magazine will now come to the atten- obtain your books and Bibles at the sideration. tion of every person in this conference, Paradise Valley Book Shop. Send all whose position puts him in one or more mail orders to Box 7584, Arlington, v Twelve Monterey Bay Academy sen- of the following categories: Chamber California, and include sales tax and iors took part in the city of Watson- of Commerce board members, trade postage. ville's student government day on May 1. union offices, clergymen, attorneys, WM. M. ROBINSON, Manager, Each city official met his student judges, libraries; newspaper publishers, Book and Bible House. counterpart at a morning reception in editors, and writers; radio and TV sta- --o-- the Watsonville Union High School tion owners, managers, and news report- PVSH Registration Date cafeteria. From there each student ac- ers; city, county, state, and federal offi- Announced companied the city official to his job cials; important political personalities; The Paradise Valley School of Nurs- to learn about his duties. school board members, principals, and ing' is approved by the Department of High lights of the day included a history teachers; PTA and other club Professional and Vocational Standards, luncheon held in the Hotel Resetar and leaders. State of California, the Seventh-day a city councilmen's meeting where the We believe that there never was a Adventist's Board of Regents, Takoma students took an active part. more important time to bring this won- Park, Washington, D.C., and accredited MARILYN C. TEELE, derful jounal on religious freedom to by the National League Accrediting Publicity Secretary. the attention of thinking people. Some Service, New York, New York. of the traditional freedoms of the Amer- The Hospital Administration and ican people are in jeopardy and about School of Nursing plan for an even Southeastern California to be lost unless God intervenes. After stronger and better educational program J. W. OSBORN, Pres. R. L. CONS, Sec. the crisis comes, it is too late to begin a 9707 Magnolia Ave. Tel. OVerland 9-1350 as we announce the registration date, Mail Address, Box 7584, Arlington, Calif. strong public relations campaign. August 27, 1961, for the class of '64. Office Hours Does this challenge you? There are Any young man or woman interested Monday through Thursday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. about 4,000 offices of doctors and den- Friday 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. should write to the director of the First Sunday of each month 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. tists in the conference where the Liberty school, Bertha F. Parker, 2575 E. (Closed all other Sundays) magazine might be sent to make excel- Eighth Street, National City, Califor- lent reading material for patients await- nia, for an application blank and infor- 10,400 Receiving Liberty ing their turn, but available funds do mation relative to the school program. Magazine not pennit it. If someone or several of --o-- you would like to help sponsor such a The conference Religious Liberty "Operation PAM" list, we will see that a copy is addressed Department in cooperation with church One of the most promising and sim- and sent to the "Patients Reception pastors and secretaries has completed a plest plans, aimed toward getting every Room" in every office. huge list of 10,400 important officials church member to participate in the We invite your prayers for the suc- and prominent people from every city Sabbath School Investment program, cess of this program. and village in the conference to whom has been initiated at the La Sierra the Liberty magazine is being sent this MELVIN V. JACOBSON, Secy., church by the Investment leader, Harry year. The list, recently turned over to Department of Public Affairs. R. Holbert. Elder R. G. Campbell of the Review --o-- Dubbed "Operation PAM"—a Penny and Herald Publishing Association, is Notice a Meal—the project simply entails ask- the largest ever attempted from this con- During the entire month of June ing each member of a family to contrib- ference, and is in addition to another camp meeting discounts will be in effect ute a penny a meal to a jar or other large list of church members who have in the Southeastern California Confer- container which is kept at the table. ence. If you receive the RECORDER you The plan of putting aside only three will also receive a letter from the Book cents a day, when followed for a year, and Bible House supplying you with means accumulating $10.95 for Invest- information and prices for the month ment for each individual. of June. To aid members of the La Sierra Remember, too, that all Ellen G. church to visualize what big possibilities White books are being sold this year the little plan has, Brother Holbert has at 20 per cent discount. There are now a large jar cut out of fiber board on 53 of her books available. How many which details of "Operation PAM" are do you have in your library? Read lettered. The reminder is put on display Elder Figuhr's article on the front page in front of the Sabbath school. of the Review and Herald, May 11 Out of a church membership of 1800 R. G. Campbell (left) of the Review and issue. in La Sierra—of which many members Herald Publishing Association ready to receive Southeastern California's "Liberty" If you live in the La Sierra-Arlington- already have other Investment projects magazine mailing list from Melvin V. Riverside area shop at the Book and —260 individuals have signed up tc Jacobson. Bible House. Those of our members in participate in the PAM plan. PACIFIC UNION RECORDER 13

The lectures were presented in a office in Brookfield, Ill., as foreman of the very dignified manner by the speaker, bindery. He returned to Mountain View with his family in 1959 when the branch Elder Gerald Hardy. Many expressed work and personnel were brought to the how much they appreciated the mes- home plant. He is survived by his wife;- sages presented. 2 daughters, Carol and Jeanette; a brother Twelve precious souls have already and 2 sisters. been buried in the watery grave of SHREVE—Oliver Raymond Shreve was born baptism and two were received on pro- June 27, 1887, in Mt. Vernon, Ill.; and fession of faith. Others will be added died April 26, 1961, at La Sierra, Calif. tc this number as a result of decisions He attended church school, academies in in this campaign. During the past few Tennessee and Florida, and Healdsburg College in California. In 1918 he joined weeks we have indeed witnessed the the staff of Southern Missionary College power of the Holy Spirit at work in `where he had charge of construction. •He men's hearts and we gladly give Him married Bessie Nell Follis in , 1920, and the praise. that same year they went to- the China Division but had to return because of ill- The evangelistic team is now con- ness. In 1925 Brother Shreve was asked ducting meetings in Fontana in the to go to Africa as the division builder, Fontana Woman's Club House, 16880 and they served in various parts of Africa Seville Avenue. Let us join together in for two terms. In 1933 he went to Em- praying that God will richly bless in manuel Missionary College as plant super- Harry R. Holbert, leader of Investment intendent of the college wood products project at La Sierra Sabbath school, points the evangelistic program there. and served for 10 years before retiring in out features of "Operation PAM" lettered ROBERT L. WHEATLEY, Pastor, California. He built the Loma Linda on huge jar cutout. Ontario Church. Food Company office and his last work was the construction of the Arlington church. With General Conference goal for He is survived by his wife; a son, Oliver Raymond, Jr.; 2 daughters, Mrs. Betty Investment one million dollars in 1961, Southeastern California Association PAM appears to be one of the simplest Jean Ford and Mrs. Winsome Erick; and of Seventh-day Adventists 7 grandchildren. methods of raising funds for missions J. W. OSBORN, Pres. advancement. If each of our 330,000 F. A. GREGERSON, Secy. BINDER—Christina Unterseher Bietz Binder church members in North America par- The Association officers will gladly was born in South Russia Oct. 29, 1881; assist you if you wish information and died April 17, 1961, in Lincoln, Nebr. ticipated, it would be the means of rais- regarding wills and the Conference When she was four years old she came ing more than three and one-half mil- Trust Agreement Plan. with her family to America and settled in lion dollars for missions. 9707 Magnolia Avenue North Dakota. In 1899 she was married to Churches everywhere are encouraged P.O. Box 7584 Daniel Bietz and two years later they Phone OV 9-1350 Arlington, Calif. united with the Seventh-day Adventist to adopt this simple project which can Church. Mr. Bietz died in 1935, and in mean so much to our Investment pro- 1938 she married Fred Binder who died gram. in 1943. She is survived by her nine chil- FREDRIK W. EDWARDY, PR Secy., dren, all loyal members of the church: OBITUARIES Mrs. Eldina Koehler, Albert, Emil, Rein- La Sierra Church. hold, Frieda Krueger, Ottilia Walcker, --0-- Arthur, Nathan, and Viola Bieber (Elder Evangelism in the Ontario . CHEADLE — Hazel Jeanette Cheadle was Reinhold R. Bietz is the president of the born in Spearfish, S. Dak., July 11, 1907; Pacific Union Conference); 7 stepchildren; Church and died in Modesto, Calif., April 10, 19 grandchildren and 21 great-grandchil- Sunday evening, March 26, brought 1961. She became a Seventh-day Adventist dren; 2 sisters, Mrs. Charles Reiswig and in 1935 and for two years was engaged in to a close the Prophetic Crusade for Mrs. David Axt; and a brother, John colporteur work. She also served as a Un terseher. Christ evangelistic series held in the teacher. She leaves her husband, Donald, ---- Ontario church under the direction of and 4 children. MFLLEN—Nettie Mellen was born in Ind- Evangelist Gerald R. Hardy and Rob- iana Dec. 15, 1874; and died April 12, WOODS—John Woods was born Jan. 26, 1961. She was a member of the White ert L. Wheatley, pastor - evangelist. 1889, at Ottawa, Kans.; and died April 3, Services were conducted each evening Memorial church in Los Angeles, Calif., 1961, at Banning, Calif. In 1915 he was where she faithfully attended services. She of the week for three weeks. married to Bertha Herman and the fam- leaves 3 daughters, a son, 6 grandchildren, The opening meeting was well at- ily moved to California in 1920, settling in and a sister. tended, and a good attendance con- Banning about 20 years later. Brother Woods was baptized in his youth but in DAIL—Anna E. Dail was born March 29, tinued throughout the entire series. The 1946 felt convicted to renew his baptismal 1873, in Michigan; and died Oct. 24, 1960. Ontario church membership is again to vows. He was a retired railroad worker, She was a member of the first graduating be commended for their faithfulness in having served in this work for 45 years. class at Union College. She spent more supporting the meetings by their attend- --- than 20 years in the Central European 110STED—Harry Husted was born Sept. 15, Division where her husband, Elder Guy ance and their prayers. 1909, in Apache, Okla.; and died April Dail, served as secretary of the division. The music was under the direction 24, 1961, in Mountain View, Calif. He ac- They also served the cause of God in of Elder L. E. Fletcher, pastor of the cepted the Seventh-day Adventist faith in Latvia and at Pacific Union College as Anaheim church. Mrs. Fletcher ac- 1938, and that same year he was married Bible teachers. Her faithful Christian life companied him at the organ. Their to Gladys Etta Oakes. In 1944 he was was testimony to the effectiveness of her called to the Pacific Press from Keene, hope in Christ. Her husband preceded help contributed greatly to the success Tex., where he had been attending school. her in death. She leaves 2 sons, Dr. Clar- of the campaign. In 1953 he was transferred to the branch ence and Harold. 14 PACIFIC UNION RECORDER

VOLLMAR-Beatrice P. Vollmar was born in where she was a faithful member of the and Herbert; a daughter, Margaret Bam- Centerville, Iowa, Jan. 9, 1868; and died church. Their only child, John Paul, died man; 5 grandchildren and 10 great-grand- April 30, 1961, in Riverside, Calif. Sister in July 1960. She is survived by. 3 grand- children. Vollmar's life almost spanned the history children and 2 great-grandchildren. of the church in California. She early DENNIS-Walter R. Dennis was born in St. accepted the message and labored untir- CUNNING - Gladys Wagner Cunning was Paul, Minn., March 3, 1889; and died in ingly to assist in the work of the church. born Jan. 5, 1904, at Holton, Kans.; and Sacramento, Calif., April 18, 1961. He was She is survived by her son, J. W. Vollmar; died April 29, 1961, at Tucson, Ariz. After a student of Maplewood Academy, Uni- 4 grandchildren, 5 great-grandchildren, graduation from Enterprise Academy she versity of Minnesota, and Armour Insti- and a great-great-grandchild; and 2 sisters, taught church schools for 12 years in Kan- tute of Chicago where he majored in Mrs. Lelah Flint and Mrs. Nellie Buck. sas and Missouri. She was always active as architecture. In 1913 he married Ethel a Sabbath school teacher and in training Gardner, and in 1915 he was baptized into PERRY-Lillie Holaday Perry was born in Sabbath school teachers as well as assisting the Seventh-day Adventist Church of Missouri Sept. 27, 1879; and died April. with music in the church. Her life was which he was a faithful and active mem- 26, 1961, at Sanitarium, Calif. She grad- spent helping others. She was married to ber until his death. His companion died uated from Union College in 1900 and - Clem M. Cunning in 1936. She is survived in 1943, and in 1948 he was married to later continued her education in the by her husband; a daughter, Jean; a son, Annabelle Eskenko. He is survived by his Nebraska University. She taught school Eldon; and a brother, Laurence Wagner. wife; 2 sons, Winston and Rudyard; and for many years and joined the faculty at 3 daughters, Genevieve Bergvall, Mar- Union College to devote her talents to the BEHRENS-Mable Noggle Behrens was born jorie Burrescia, and Dorothy Steadham; training of normal students. In 1925 she July 8, 1884, in Atlantic, Iowa; and died and 15 grandchildren. married Elder Franklin L. Perry. They April 24, 1961, at La Sierra, Calif. In her served in Peru, South America, for some youth she joined the Seventh-day Ad- GALE-Will Young Gale was born in Gales- time. Returning to the States, they worked ventist Church and after two years in ville, Wis., April 9, 1877; and died April in Texas and in Los Angeles, Calif. They school at Emmanuel Missionary College 28, 1961, in Auburn, Calif. He was married retired in Paradise, Calif., in 1945 and in she moved to California and began teach- to Ethel L. Bean in 1917, and they resided 1958 moved to Sanitarium. She leaves her ing at San Fernando Academy. Later she in Reno, Nev., for many years, coming to husband and a brother, Bert Holaday. went to Central California Conference as Auburn in 1946. Mr. Gale joined the educational secretary. Here she met and Seventh-day Adventist church at St. OLNEY - Elma Leta Grandy Olney was later married Elder John H. Behrens, then Helena Sanitarium under Elder Lough- born Sept. 19, 1906, in La Grande, Oreg.; president of the conference. They served borough in 1918 and always took an active and died in Santa Ana, Calif., April 29, in the North Carolina Conference, in part in church affairs. He leaves his 1961. Although her ministry was cut short, Ohio, and on the teaching staff of Southern daughter, Mrs. Robert Parker; a grand- the influence of her life will be reflected Junior College (now Southern Missionary son; and a sister, Nell Lewis. in the lives of her devoted husband and College). She leaves her daughter, Mrs. her children. She leaves her husband, R. W. Bickett; 2 granddaughters and 8 STEELE-Edna Kilbourne Steele was born Elder Stephen B. Olney; a son; a daugh- great-grandchildren; and a sister, Mrs. April 8, 1868, at Freeport, Ill.; and died ter, Jean, wife of Elder H. A. Robinson; Alice Suhrie. near Redlands, Calif., Oct. 26, 1960. She 4 grandchildren; and a sister, Roberta joined the Seventh-day Adventist Church Grandy Fortner. DALLIMORE - Anna Mae Dallimore was in her youth and as a young woman taught born Sept. 1, 1873, in Oakland, Calif.; and school and later became a secretary. In HERRMANN - Minnie Westphal Herrmann died April 29, 1961, in Turlock, Calif. the latter capacity she served Mrs. E. G. was born at New London, Wis., June 12, She was baptized in Oakland becoming White, Elder A. T. Jones, and Dr. J. H. 1873; and died in Placerville, Calif., March one of the early members of the Seventh- Kellogg. In 1911 she was married to Milton 22, 1961. She was reared in the Seventh- day Adventist Church in California. For M. Steele who preceded her in death. She day Adventist faith and attended Battle over 50 years she was connected with the is survived by a brother, William Kil- Creek College where she completed the Pacific Press Publishing Association both bourne. normal course. In 1905 she was married in Oakland and Mountain View. to Arthur H. Herrmann. She is survived JOHNSON-Clara Maree Johnson was born by 2 daughters, Mrs. Thelma Culver and WHEELER - Herbert Hiram Wheeler was in Pattonsburg, Mo., March 7, 1915; and Mrs. Arline H. Hermanson; 2 sons, Dr. C. born Aug. 6, 1877, at Green Bay, Wis.; died at Concord, Calif., May 10, 1961. In A. and Ralph H.; 6 grandchildren and 2 and died April 27, 1961. His parents were 1934 she and Vern Johnson attended evan- great-grandchildren; and 2 sisters, Mrs. among the first believers in Wisconsin, gelistic meetings conducted by Elder Paul Henrietta Rich and Mrs. Hazel Fisher. and he was reared and died in the mes- Heubach, and on their wedding day, Sept. sage., He leaves his wife, 3 daughters, a 1, 1934, they were baptized and joined the WALKER-Lela Mae Walker was born June son, 7 grandchildren, and a great-grand- Berkeley, Calif., church. She was a radiant 24, 1886, in Kansas; and died April 4, 1961, child. Christian and an inspiration to all. She is at Santa Ana, Calif. She was a resident of survived by her husband; 3 daughters, Santa Ana for 62 years and a member of PEKELO-Ellis K. Pekelo was born in Pe- Mrs. Shirley Linder, Mrs. Beverly Jones, the church there for many years. Her in- peekeo, Hawaii, Oct. 9, 1905; and died and Linda; a son, Roger; 2 grandchildren; fluence as a soul winner and Dorcas worker April 23, 1961, in Honolulu, Hawaii. He her father, Lawrence Meyer; 2 brothers, lives on through several families she was baptized into the church in 1948 and Lee and Jack Meyer; and 3 sisters, Mrs. helped bring into the Truth. She leaves remained a faithful member, serving and Grace Pedigo, Mrs. Mildred Williamson, her daughter, Mrs. Velda M. Davis; 3 loving the Lord with all his heart. He is and Mrs. Nancy Denyer. grandchildren; and a sister, Mrs. Pauline survived by his wife, Mary Olivia; a Dodd. daughter, Mrs. James L. Kono; and 4 BURDINE-George W. Burdine was born in brothers. In place of floral gifts, a fund Red Rock, Ark., June 28, 1885; and died OHMER - Daisy Dean Ohmer was born was created in his memory to be used in in Martinez, Calif., April 30, 1961. In April 8, 1875, in Indiana; and died at building the Castle Memorial Hospital in 1904 he was married to Salley May Row- Azusa, Calif., April 30, 1961. Her marriage Kailua, Hawaii. ley, and in_ 1925 the family came to Cali- in 1900 to John P. Ohmer lasted for 60 fornia, locating in Martinez. Here he was years, until his death. Mrs. Ohmer ac- RICHTER - Bernard Richter was born in employed by the Shell Oil Company until cepted the message shortly after her mar- Germany June 18, 1885; and died in Mon- his retirement in 1946. He was baptized riage and was active in missionary en- terey Park, Calif., April 22, 1961. Brother in 1946, and the message was a true joy deavors, being largely responsible in start- Richter was a faithful member of the to him. He leaves his wife; 3 daughters, ing two churches in Elkhart, Ind. In 1937 Alhambra, Calif., church. He leaves his Mrs. Dorothy Anderson, Mrs. Norma Van- the Ohmers came to Redlands, Calif., wife, Margaret; 3 sons, Robert, Richard, Dusen, and Mrs. Doris Nelson; 2 sons, PACIFIC UNION RECORDER 15

Troy and Donald; 8 grandchildren and 3 WANTED. — Dealers for McNess products. WATCH repairing by licensed watchmaker. great-grandchildren; 2 sisters, Mrs. Ann Be independent. Make good living. Rural 23 years experience, all work guaranteed, Peebles and Ida Campbell; and 2 brothers, sectionsavailable. Write: M. C. Mundall, reasonable prices. Watches timed by elec- Lum and William. Cornville, Ariz. tronics. N. H. Ruud, 120 Park Dd., Ore- gon City, Oreg. PRINTING. — Let Monterey Bay Academy FOR SALE BY OWNER.-2 acres level land Press have the opportunity to do your job SPECIAL REQUESTS half mile off Highway 101. Approximately printing for church or business. Equipped 2 miles from Calpella or Redwood Valley for most jobs; do not have linotype for north of Ukiah. Rural district, near Losr.—Volume 5-6 of the Testimonies. It tracts. Estimates gladly given; deadlines was left in a church or a home, and it may school, bus, shopping. Easement one side met; work guaranteed. Box 191, Watson- property; electricity, good water vein. Good not have a name in it. It has been ville, Calif. trimmed, making it smaller than current fruit land. $2,000. S. E. Leech, 520 Bel- --- mont St., Glendale, Calif. CItrus 2-6534, issues, and is rebound in red. It is well MOVING across the street or across the na- marked and has many cross references in CItrus 3-8816. tion. Phone WOodward 3-2701, or write: the page margins. This loss has broken Dean Turner Moving and Storage, Box the chain of references gathered from CAMPERS — TRAILERS FOR SALE. — Tremen- 226, St. Helena, Calif. years of study. Please help me find this dous savings. SDA owned trailer company offers special discount prices to members. hook in your home or in the church REMEMBER special occasions with a gift library. Will send $5 to the one returning Our sales are special orders direct from from Patio Pottery and Gift Shop, 1813 it. Elder B. R. Spear, 608 Shasta St., West factory. Upon request will recommend Whittier Blvd., Montebello, Calif. SDA Covina, Calif. brands we've found to be of outstanding owned and operated. Open Sunday 9-6. quality and construction. R. Steppe, 2840 Featuring Franciscan China, domestic and W. Keys Lane, Anaheim, Calif. Phone TEXTBOOKS WANTED. — If you have Bible imported dinnerware, also wide selection JAckson 7-8533. textbooks that are not being used, they of pottery and outdoor art. We ship. are needed in India. Please send them to: Artificial flower arrangements and trees Fox SALE. — Spacious home. Wooded half W. F. Storz, Northeast Union of SDA, by G. Madelaine. Karam a tar, San thal Paraganas, Bihar, acre bordering creek. 7-minute walk to India. Angwin's shopping centers. New 4-bed- FOR SALE. — 2-bedroom home, hardwood room, 2-bath redwood ranch house. Liv- and inlaid linoleum floors, cooling system. ing room 18 by 28. Built-in stereo. Con- ADVERTISEMENTS Well and pump in cemented shed. Storage crete terrace 20 by 90. Ideal shelter facil- shed, IA basement cement. 2 corrugated ities. A dream house. G. W. Greer, 300 sheet metal shops at rear used as auto Circle Dr., Box 71, Angwin, Calif. Reference from the conference president paint shop and body workshop. Close to must accompany request for advertising shopping center and church school. Mrs. FOR SALE.—Duplex- d welling unit, adjacent space in the RECORDER, send your ad and Alfred Barbagallo, 100 Alta Dr., La Selva to campus of La Sierra College: Ideal in- the necessary $3.00 to him. Beach, Watsonville, Calif. come property for retired couple. $10,000. Advertisements are accepted for one in- Contact College Business Manager, La sertion only. Rate: $3.00 for fifty words FOR SALE. — New- ed ition of Encyclopedia Sierra College, La Sierra, Calif. or less. Cash must accompany the adver- Britannica, 10-year educational program tisement. included. Cooperative proposal sale offers RIDES available June 5 from Angwin to Advertising is limited to Seventh-day 3 valuable gifts free. Terms available, $10 Miami, Florida, or points between on Adventists except where a service may be down. Will deliver full set in Los Angeles Highway 66 and near Oklahoma City, rendered to our members. Real estate ads area. M. G. Prout, 1501 N. Grand Oaks, Little Rock, Memphis, and Birmingham. must be from owner and refer to one Pasadena, Calif. SY 8-4370. R. K. Boyd, Box 236, Angwin. Telephone property only. Complete information as to WOodward 5-2449. admissible advertising may be secured at 4-UNIT APARTMENT,- 2 blocks from Walla your local conference office through which Walla College campus; one with 3 bed- FOR SALE. — Five-sta- r home with hillside all advertising must go. It is understood rooms. Total price, $12,500. Cash or some view available for immediate occupancy. that the RECORDER can assume no respon- trade possible for $4,900 equity. 15 S.W. 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, large living-dining sibility for advertisements appearing in Bode, College Place, Wash. JA 9-0970. room, spacious kitchen and laundry, fam- these columns. Advertisements will be ily room, hobby room—total 2100 square printed as space permits. FOR SALE. — Rest home, fully equipped. feet. Hardwood floors. Contact Owner, Never a vacancy. Room for expansion on 11457 San Bernardino St., Loma Linda, FOR SALE.—North of Loma Linda, 1 mile large 80 x 135 lot. Separate 2-bedroom Calif. from Medical Center, 3-bedroom home. rental apartment. Small town, friendly Spacious living room, wall-to-wall car- church, and church school. Cash price, CUSTOM-BUILT 2-bedroom home in Bakers- peting. 11/2 baths. Double carport and ga- $22,500. Write: Owners, 1103 Marie Ave., field. Fireplace, hardwood floors, paneled rage; large workshop. Completely fenced. Antioch, Calif. Phone PLateau 7-2344. wall, forced-air heat, refrigeration cooling. Fruit trees, grapes. Near bus and grade Nice lot with fruit trees. Price, $14,500. school. Owner, Box 117, Loma Linda, FOR SALE.—Bell and Howell 16 mm pro- Excellent terms. Contact E. V. Nelson, Calif. Phone PY 6-6181. jector. C 35, less than 25 hours running 1535 E. Chevy Chase Dr., Glendale 6, --- time. Will sell cheap. Roy S. Higley. 127 Calif. CItrus 3-6231. WOULD like permanent home for 78-year- Palm Ave., Auburn, Calif. old senile woman, not bedridden. Not on FOR SALE BY OWNER. — Modern 3-bedroom welfare. Will pay $100 per month for good FOR SALE.-2-bedroom house with sleep- home, wall-to-wall carpet, hardwood clean home and kind care. Answer to Box ing porch; 1/2 mile below Sanitarium. Easy floors, fireplace, 2 baths, double garage. 103, Ardmore, Okla. walking distance to Silverado store. Fruit Walking distance to church school — and walnut trees, Sanitarium water. $2,500 Orangewood Academy in Garden Grove. FOR SALE.-2-bedroom duplex, double ga- down; $4,000 balance @ $45 a month. Lot Eric J. Balling, 12671 Boliver Pl., Garden rage, 50x100 building site adjoining. Re- 100x100. Phone WOodward 3-2531. Write: Grove, Calif. Phone JEfferson 4-5019. tarded child care license available. Fenced Rt. 1, Box 536-A, St. Helena, Calif. lawns, trees, warm healthful climate. Walk HELP ORANGEWOOD ACADEMY! — We need to SDA church, store, schools, and bus. WANTED. — Dental laboratory technician. 3,000 Blue Chip or S & H Green Stamp Poor health—must sacrifice. $12,500. Mrs. Will consider one with partial training or books to trade for a new school bus. Send Hooker, 11630 Westwood Dr., Arlington, limited experience. Box 273, St. Helena, stamps to: Mr. Ronald Breingan, 12801 Calif. OVerland 8-5782. Calif. Phone WOodward 3-2339. Trask Ave., Garden Grove, Calif. 16 PACIFIC UNION RECORDER


Summer Session Dates, for the school year 1961-62 is com- plete. Mrs. Lena Cady and Miss Janice Tomorrow's Headlines Courses Announced Elder H. M. S. Richards had this to June 14 marks the opening date for Butzbach share the responsibility for say about one of our books: La Sierra College's eight-week summer Angwin Hall; and Miss Doris Robert- session. Courses listed for the first time son, now dean of women at Auburn ll'()morrow's headlines . . . in America and the world! Would you like to preview this summer include "The Exceptional Academy, will assume the deanship of Gladwyn Hall. Mr. Tracy Teele, now them? Then read this book, especially the Child" and "The Gifted Child." The last ten chapters. The author says that it Home Economics Department lists dean of men at Monterey Bay Academy, has a "bearing on coming events," and "Fundamentals of Foods" and "Human and Mr. Richard T. Orrison of Parkers- was more anxious to see it circulated than any other she had written. Read it and Nutrition." A wide and varied selection burg, West Virginia, will be the two deans in Calkins Hall; and Mr. Robert you will know why. is provided by 18 departments in a class Great changes which will affect all of us schedule of more than 80 courses. Hunter, now at Andrews University, are just around the corner, and everybody will take charge of MBK. ought to know. This book should be An attempt has been made to make The college is hereby assured of real printed by the millions and made avail- the college program a balanced one. strength in the dormitory program as able to all. Read The Great. Controversy. Many of the academic divisions are these dedicated workers for young peo- The last ten Chapters of The Great arranging programs including special ple assume their duties. Controversy are bound separately and speakers and items for the Summer As- are available for mass distribution under sembly Series of chapel services designed Commencement Weekend the title The Impending Conflict. Be- to bring the ethical, educational, and Speakers Announced cause of the current importance of this cultural goals into clearer perspective. The president's office has announced material, the price has been reduced Elder D. E. Rebok begins the series, that commencement speakers have ac- from 50 cents to three copies for $1. and the commencement address will be cepted the following appointments: Add four cents for sales tax and 15 given by Elder J. W. Osborn. Consecration, Dr. W. Fletcher Tarr, cents postage expense. A plan for social events has been professor of speech; baccalaureate, Elder Order at least six copies today for worked out by Mr. Ralph H. Koorenny Reinhold R. Bietz, president of the your personal Christian witnessing. and his committee to provide for relaxa- Pacific Union Conference; and com- Contact your church missionary secre- tion and entertainment. Swimming, ice mencement, Dr. Walter R. Beach, sec- tary or write to your favorite Book and skating, campus games, beach trips, retary of the General Conference. Music Bible House. SC. mountain hikes, musical events, and for all three occasions will be provided opportunities for art appreciation are by the College Choir, La Sierrans, all listed for the summer. smaller ensembles, and soloists. Prof. La Sierra College will take part in Harold B. Hannum will be at the VOICE the Pacific Area Aquatic School con- organ. V SUNDAY ducted on the campuses of the River- L Physics Department side colleges and universities from June Receives Large Grant Australia and is spending about six 14 to 25. Mrs. Barbara Harsany will Dr. James Riggs, professor of physics, months in the United States. The poul- coordinate for the college group so that announces the receipt of a notice from try feeding program and the research Red Cross Certification may be obtained John C. Cera, coordinator of Nuclear. being done at LSC farm in hybrid in life saving, water safety, and related Education and Training of the U.S. sorghums were his greatest interests for first aid instruction. Miss Frances Brown Atomic Energy Commission, that La he felt that these would be of value in conducts a Music Education Workshop Sierra College is to receive a grant of his homeland. June 26 to July 7, and leadership for $12,507 for the purchase of equipment First Business Administrative an Audio Visual Workshop July 12 to for the nuclear physics laboratory. 21 will come from both the Loma Linda This new equipment will allow stu- Internship Appointee University campus with Elder R. Rich dents in the atomic and nuclear physics Dr. Ralph Koorenny has announced and La Sierra College with Dr. Maurice laboratories to perform a wider range of the first administrative internship ap- Hodgen. experiments, and will also provide for a pointment for a business major. Bob Further information may be readily larger number of students in a single Scott, a senior business major, has re- obtained from the Registrar's Office or laboratory. ceived a two-and-a-half-year appoint- from Dr. Stanley Bull, director of the ment to the New England Sanitarium Summer Session. Agriculture Envoy and Hospital at Stoneham, Mass. Visits LSC Farm This internship program provides ex- College Announces Dr. Ezekiel Drori, Minister of Agri- perience in all administrative functions Dormitory Deans culture in Israel, recently visited the of a large hospital, including such areas La Sierra College is pleased to an- Agricultural Department of LSC. He as accounting, hospital supply, food nounce that its roster of dormitory deans had just arrived from New Zealand and service, and personnel administration.