DD HAWAIIAN ISLANDS OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE PACIFIC UNION CONFERENCE OF SEVENTH.DAY ADVENTISTS VOL. 60 ANGWIN, CALIFORNIA, MAY 29, 1961 NO. 44 Monument Valley Hospital Dedication On May 4 the doors of opportunity swung open still wider for the church's service to the Navajos. A new twenty-three-bed hospital was dedicated at the Rock Gate entrance to Monument Valley. This event fulfilled a dream that the members of the Pacific Union Conference have had for many years, and your sacrifices and liberal giving have made this possible. The work was pioneered nearly twelve, years ago by Elder and Mrs. Marvin Walter on the ground made available by' Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gould- ing of the nearby Goulding Trading Post. The Mission Trailer began and expanded as the confidence of the Navajo people was gained. Building on this beginning those who have followed have developed a school, clinic, welfare center, new chapel, and now a new hospital. Indians from miles around who arrived by horseback, wagon, truck, and on foot joined with a number of our Adventist believers, members of the Hospital Board, and many visitors in dedicating this hospital. This new institution is the only hospital within a radius of One hundred miles. Participating in the dedication were Elder Carl Sundin, General Conference (Continued on page 2) Tom Holiday, new Bible instructor and translator for Monument Valley Mission, giving a Bible presentation to his brother, Kenneth Holiday. Oakwood College The annual offering for Oakwood College is to be taken in every Seventh- day Adventist church in North Amer- ica on June 10, 1961. We hope it will be a liberal offering because the needs of Oakwood are many. A major need at the present time is for more dormi- tory housing. I have recently returned from a Board Meeting at Oakwood College. This is a fine school. I believe the test of any school is the product, and I am proud of the graduates of Oakwood College. Just recently two interesting items Participants in the Monument Valley Hospital dedication May 4, left to right: Wesley have been brought to my attention. Amundsen, secretary of the Bureau of Home Missions, General Conference; J. Lloyd Last summer two of Oakwood's grad- Mason, M.D., medical director of Monument Valley Mission; Annie Wauneka, director uates were blessed with outstanding of health and welfare activities of the Navajo Tribal Council; Paul Jones, chairman of the Navajo Tribal Council; and R. R. Bietz, chairman of the Monument Valley success in their labors for the Lord. Hospital Board and the dedication speaker. (Continued on page 3) 0 0 NOVNIHSVM 'MVA Vi OIVL V05 aollaaa3uo3 1eaaaa9 fixelaa3a:=, Ts'ollsT4e4S 2 PACIFIC UNION RECORDER Pacific Union Recorder Monument Valley Hospital Welfare Committee of the Navajo Tribal Council; and E. R. Osmunson, MONDAY, MAY 29, 1961 Dedication (Continued from page 0 chairman of the operating board of VOL. 60 NO. 44 Medical Department; Bill Kline, per- Monument Valley. R. R. Bietz, chair- sonal representative of Governor Clyde man of the Monument Valley Hospital of Utah; Elder and Mrs. Marvin Wal- Board, gave the dedicatory address, and Official organ of the Pacific Union Con- W. J. Blacker acted as master of cere- ference of Seventh-day Adventists, Box ter; C. L. Bauer, former president of the 146, Glendale, California. Pacific Union; Paul Jones, chairman of monies. Adding to the spirit of the oc- Published weekly at Angwin, Calif.; fifty the Navajo Tribal Council; Annie casion was the San Juan High School issues a year. Wauneka, chairman of the Health and concert band from Blanding, Utah. Address: Pacific Union Recorder, Box 36, Angwin, California. Notice of change of address should give both the old and the new address. Subscription Price, $1.00 a Year W. J. BLACKER Editor MRS. MARGARET FOLLETT . Assistant Editor R. R. BIETZ Assistant Editor Entered as second-class matter Septem- ber 3, 1927, at the post office at Angwin, California, under the act of Congress of March 3, 1879. Acceptance for mailing at the special rate of postage provided for in section 412, Act of February 28, 1925, authorized September 3, 1927. Sunset Table (Daylight Saving in California and Nevada) Among the first of the families to arrive at the new hospital. Friday, June 2 Angwin 8:28 Oakland 8:25 Arlington 7:56 San Diego 7 7:52 Chico 8:29 San Jose 8:23 Eureka 8:42 Phoenix .1:33 Fresno 8:13 Reno 8:21 Lodi 8:22 Salt Lake City 7:53 Loma Linda 7:56 Honolulu 7:10 Los Angeles 7:59 Hilo 6:56 Friday; June 9 Angwin 8:33 Oakland 8:29 Arlington 8:00 San Diego 7:56 Chico 8:33 San Jose 8:27 Eureka 8:46 Phoenix 7:37 Fresno 8:17 Reno 8:25 Lodi 8:27 Salt Lake City 7:57 Loma Linda 8:00 Honolulu 7:13 Los Angeles 8:04 Hilo 6:59 KE A . VOICE L L SUNDAY Invite Others to. Listen THE VOICE OF PROPHECY SERMON TOPICS "Concerning Marriage"—June 4. Annie Wauneka cuts the ribbon officially opening the new Monument Valley Hospital as Dr. Mason looks on. Standing at the left are Mr. and Mrs. Harry Goulding of the "The Wedding Garment"—June 11 Goulding Trading Post who donated the land for the mission. PACIFIC UNION RECORDER 3 This is a day long to be remembered. Already results are being seen, not only in administering to the physical needs but to the spiritual as well. An active program of Bible studies is being carried on in several hogans. Several have been baptized and the chapel is filled nearly Be thou faithful_ and I will give the every Sabbath. Continue to pray that crown of Wt.> the honest in heart that God has among these people might be better reached through these instruments of mercy and They will not stop with this objective from a Spirit-filled Sabbath school. You love. W. J. BLACKER, but will reach out beyond the immediate too may have the joy of seeing search- Secretary-Treasurer, membership to their many loved ones ing souls come to your school and find Pacific Union Conference. and friends and bring them into the Sab- hope and life during this "Full Mem- --o-- bath school. The possibilities are limit- bership Year." Oakwood College less if we will be but "kind and courte- E. F. FINcx, Secretary, (Continued from page 1) ous and tender-hearted and pitiful." Sabbath School Department, Brother Harold Cleveland held an effort A pastor sent me this experience Nevada-Utah Conference. in Atlanta, Georgia, and was privileged which took place in recent-.weeks-in --o-- to baptize 296 new believers. During our field. He wrote: "At one of our The Life and Work of this same time, Elder G. H. Rainey churches we saw a visitor we had not went into Lynchburg, Virginia, where Ellen G. White previously met. My wife asked him if A presentation of the life and work there were no Regional Seventh-day he lived in the town. He replied, "yes." of Ellen G. White, just released by the Adventists. He baptized and organized He was warmly- welcomed to Sabbath Review and Herald Publishing Associa- a new church of 115 members. Truly, school and later to church. An alert tion, tells with rare and priceless pic- in a day and an age like this, it is won- Sabbath school secretary handed him a tures and a large number of delightful derful that our God-fearing evangelists card and invited him to fill it out if he art productions a story that every Sev- are having such marvelous success. desired to become a part of the school. enth-day Adventist should know and We have an excellent faculty at Oak- He stayed all through the meetings remember. This new series consists of wood; seven hold the Ph.D. degree and that day. two parts, in a combination Kodachrome 24 have their Master's degrees. Oak- " The Humble Serving Christ' was and audio-tape portrayal that will thrill wood College helps to produce teachers the sermon topic for the day. I had your heart as it takes you back to the and preachers for many of our schools given study to the topic daily all through birth of the movement in old New and churches in North America and in the week. Sabbath morning I awoke at England and the cradle days of Battle our overseas divisions. I have met quite three o'clock and could not sleep, so Creek. Being as we are in the Spirit a few Oakwood graduates who are hold- I prayed for over an hour, pleading for of Prophecy year, here is an item that ing important positions of trust in our an unusual outpouring of the. Spirit and will interest evangelists, pastors, and great mission program. that the Lord would impress the people Bible instructors; and it can be made of I say, let's give a good offering on and that someone would be converted practical value in church schooM, acad- June 10 and support Oakwood College as a result of the service. emies, colleges, and Missionary Volun- —its graduates are doing splendidly. "The visitor in his earlier years had teer societies. Write to your Book and V. G. ANDERSON, Vice President, prepared for the ministry, but discour- Bible House for prices. General Conference of SDA. agement came in and he left the SavioUr --o-- and the field. Squaw Valley. Fine Arts Camp Prove Your Loyalty Emphasis "Now, years later, a wide-awake Sab- bath school secretary felt impressed to This is the place for your high school Brings Results hand him a card 'to fill out.
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