(ATP) 111, 114–115 Adenoviruses 69, 72 Adverse Health Outcomes
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Index Accreditation, laboratory 101 diffuse catchment sources 128–134, 135 Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) 111, pollution of recreational waters 270, 114–115 276, 277 Adenoviruses 69, 72 source identification see Source Adverse health outcomes see Health risks identification Aeration, depuration systems 154, 158 source identifier organisms 70–75 Aeromonas spp. 24, 299 see also Agricultural activities; Faecal Agricultural activities pollution harvesting area pollution 32, 54–55, Animal Product Officers 235, 237–238, 128–134, 135 239, 242 management interventions 271, 287–288 Annapolis Protocol 269–270 recreational water pollution 270, 276, Antibiotic resistance analysis (ARA) 58, 277 59, 60, 78 Algae, autochthonous 320 Antibiotic resistance profiles 57, 58–59 Algeria 260 AOAC International 101 American Public Health Association Approved areas (APHA) 150–151 Canada 221, 222–223, 230 Amplified fragment length polymorphisms Italy 259 (AFLP) 57, 63 New Zealand 238, 240–241 Anaerobic bacteria 70–71 United States 42, 94, 149, 198 Animal faecal wastes 53, 54–55, 323 see also Conditionally approved areas # 2010 World Health Organization (WHO). Safe Management of Shellfish and Harvest Waters. Edited by G. Rees, K. Pond, D. Kay, J. Bartram and J. Santo Domingo. ISBN: 9781843392255. Published by IWA Publishing, London, UK. 332 Safe Management of Shellfish and HarvestWaters Aquaculture 2, 12 real-time monitoring 114 Canada 219, 222, 224 source identification 70–71 China 249–257 Bacteroidetes 67, 68 New Zealand 235 Batches sanitary surveys prior to establishing avoidance of commingling 188 138–139 depuration 157–158 Scotland 206 documentation 196, 200 Argentina 17 Bathymetry 123 Arkshells 11–12, 13 Beach profiling 270 Artificial neural networks (ANN) 299–300 Best management practices (BMP), Asia 2 agricultural 287–288 production 12 Bifidobacterium 67–68, 70–71 trade 13–16, 18 Bioluminescence 114 Association of Scottish Shellfish Biosensors 118 Gatherers 212 Biotoxins 320 Astroviruses 170, 298, 303 end product standards 195 Australia, depuration 167–168 monitoring 191, 250–251 Autochthonous bacteria 25–26, 320 poisoning related to 40–41 Bivalve Molluscan Shellfish Regulated Bacillus cereus 27 Control Scheme (BMSRCS) Bacillus coli 109–110 (New Zealand) 236–243 see also Escherichia coli Bosnia and Herzegovina 260 Bacteria BOX sequences 61 autochthonous 25–26, 320 Bulk bin depuration system 162–163 binding to sediment particles 305–306 Bureau of Quality and Technical decay in coastal environments 303–304 Supervision, China 252, 256 environmental contamination 297–298 faecal indicator 70, 91 Caffeine 74 gastroenteritis due to 24–25, 40 Caliciviruses 24, 33 modelling contamination of Campylobacter 24 shellfish 305 Canada 12, 246–249 post-harvest contamination 27 central competent authority 218, 246 removal by depuration 169–170 control measures 184, 201, 217–231 source identifier 70–71 exports 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 225, 226 see also Coliforms; Faecal coliforms; imports 226–227 Faecal indicator organisms; monitoring programmes 219–224, 248 specific bacteria shellfish production quantum 219, 247 Bacteriological standards see Micro- Canadian Food Inspection Agency biological standards (CFIA) 218, 220, 224, 225–226, Bacteriological surveys 122, 124 228, 230 Bacteriophages (phages) Canadian Shellfish Sanitation Program F þ RNA (FRNA) 7, 70, 172, 175, 298 (CSSP) 218, 219–231, 246 serotyping and genotyping 57, 67 annual classification process overview source identifiers 71–72 221–222 Bacteroides classification of new production areas 16S rDNA assay 60, 67 220–221 phages 67, 72 emergency closure 230 Index 333 identification of production/relaying production 11–12, 13, 219, 235 areas 222 relative E. coli contamination 95 interactions between agencies 224–227 trade 13–14, 15, 17, 18 mitigation measures 227–228 Class Aareas, EU 42, 93, 149, 191 monitoring programmes 222–224, 248 Class Bareas, EU 93, 191 product traceability and recall 228–230 Class Bshellfish Carbon utilization profiles (CUP) 57, 59 depuration/relaying 150, 194 Casual collecting 2, 4, 8, 46 heat treatment 194–195 legislative controls 184, 189 Class Careas, EU 93, 191 Catchment microbial modelling 272, Class Cshellfish 275–287, 288–289, 323 depuration/relaying 150, 174, 194 linked to nearshore modelling heat treatment 194–195 285–287 Classification of harvesting areas 6–7, using satellite data 277–285, 286 91–92, 186–187 Catchments 124–125 action where results are outside area amended farming practices 271, limits 212–213, 227 287–288 Canada 220–224, 247 holistic concepts 321–322 China 253–255 source apportionment see Source communication to consumers 211 apportionment conditional 124, 150, 198, 242 sources of faecal indicator organisms depuration and relaying thresholds 128–135 149–150 Cattle 27, 54–55, 287–288 European Union 92, 93, 191 Centre for Ecology and Hydrology (CEH) Mediterranean states 258, 259 land cover data 280–281, 283–285 New Zealand 237–239, 240–242, 247 Cerastoderma edule see Cockles primary conflicts 46–47 CFIA see Canadian Food Inspection regular reviews 198, 209, 221–222, Agency 239 Chemical markers, faecal pollution Scotland 207–208, 209–210, 211–212, 74–75 247 Chemiluminescence tests 114–115 United States 92, 94, 198–199 Chile 12, 17, 19 Clean Water Act (CWA), US 129, 185, China 271–272, 321–322 management controls 249–257, 264 Closed areas 223 production 2, 12, 249, 320 Clostridium perfringens 27 shellfish-related outbreaks 40 Coastal environments trade 14–16, 17, 18, 252, 256–257 microbial decay 303–304 China (Province of Taiwan) 16 microbial modelling see Microbial Chlorination modelling in coastal environments depuration systems 147, 164 Cockles ( Cerastoderma edule) sewage discharges 185 Cryptosporidium contamination 23 Cholera 3 depuration 154, 168 Claires 175 production trends 11–12, 13 Clams relative E. coli contamination 95 Cryptosporidium contamination 23 trade 13–14, 17 depuration 160, 168, 200 Codex Alimentarius Commission health risks 22, 33, 40 184–185, 201 334 Safe Management of Shellfish and HarvestWaters Codex Code of Practice 184–185 CSSP see Canadian Shellfish Sanitation Coliforms Program enumeration methods 110–111 Cyclospora spp. 27, 28 identification 110 Cyprus 259 rapid monitoring 118 Cysts 27, 28 total 91 classification of harvesting areas 94 Degorgeoirs 175 diffuse source pollution 131, 133 Democratic People’s Republic of Korea pre depuration or relaying limits 15, 18 149, 150 Denmark 16–17 UV disinfection 165 Density gradient gel electrophoresis see also Escherichia coli; Faecal (DGGE) 62–63 coliforms Department of Fisheries and Oceans Combined sewer overflows (CSO) 126, (DFO), Canada 218, 220, 225, 127, 128, 276, 277 226, 228, 230 Communication 5, 8–9, 188–189, 215, Depuration 5, 8, 31, 145–176, 187 248–249 Canadian controls 223, 228, 229–230 Conditionally approved areas Chinese controls 251, 253, 254, Canada 223, 226, 227–228 255–256 New Zealand 238, 240–241 HACCP approach 166–167, 168, United States 150, 198 173–174 Conditionally restricted areas historical perspective 146–148 New Zealand 238, 241 limitations 42, 146 United States 94, 150, 198 pollution thresholds 149–151 Conditioned zones, Italy 259 process 152–169 Consumers basic principles 152–153 agency interactions 211, 225–226, international perspective 167–169 248–249 parameters 154–158 education 5, 34 preventing re-contamination 157–158 Cooking 34, 42–43, 145 regulation 151–152 see also Heat treatment shellfish suitable for 153–154 Coordination, inter-agency 8–9 regulation 42, 148–152, 193–194, Cost burden, hygiene controls 45–46, 199–200 189, 236 removal of pathogens 169–173 Crassostrea virginica see Oysters Scottish controls 213 Critical control points (CCPs) 168, 173 systems Critical hazard analysis rating (CHAR) commissioning tests 166 168 design 147, 158–163 Croatia 260 ongoing compliance testing 166–167 Cryptosporidium parvum 27 seawater disinfection 147, 164–166 depuration efficacy 31 Detergents 74 identification 30 Diabetes 25, 34 sources 54, 73 Diffuse source pollution 6, 41, 128–129 Cryptosporidium spp. 27–28 Digital terrain model (DTM) 279–280 contamination of shellfish 23, 27, 28 Dinitrogenase reductase (nifH) gene 68 public health threat 29 Disinfection, water for depuration 147, sources 54, 55, 73 164–166 Index 335 Dispatch centres 251, 255–256 Escherichia coli 7, 24, 109–110 Dispersion models, microbial 301–302 counts Disturbance, during depuration 157 depuration plant testing 166 DNA fingerprinting 58, 61–64 end-product standards 151, 167, 195 Documentation harvesting area classification 42, 93, classified production and relay 240–241, 254–255, 258, 259 areas 192 methods 100, 116–117, 151 shellfish 196–197, 200, 214, 229 pre depuration or relaying limits Domestic animals 54–55 149, 150 see also Animal faecal wastes sampling issues 96, 97–98, 99 Donovan most probable number (MPN) time series data 102 method see Most probable number unreliability 47 (MPN) technique decay in coastal environments 303–304 Drain down, depuration cycle 157, 160 enterohemorrhagic O157 29 Drainage-basin paradigms 321–322 enterotoxigenic (ETEC) 66 as faecal indicator 91 Early warning systems 307–309, 310–311 identification methods 58, 61, 62, 63, 67 Education, consumer 5, 34 modelling contamination of shellfish 305 Egypt 260 modelling in coastal environments 298, Emergency closures see Temporary 299, 300, 306, 307 closures non-faecal sources 55–56 Encephalitozoon spp. 28–29 phages (coliphages) 67, 71 End-product standards real-time monitoring 115, 116–117 China 251, 254–255 source tracking 70, 77, 79 European Union 149, 151, 167, 195–196