
APPLIED AND ENVIRONMENTAL MICROBIOLOGY, Mar. 1983, p. 1041-1048 Vol. 45, No. 3 0099-2240/83/031041-08$02.00/0 Copyright © 1983, American Society for Microbiology

Starvation-Survival Processes of a Marine Vibriot PENNY S. AMY, CRELLIN PAULING,t AND RICHARD Y. MORITA* Department of Microbiology and School of Oceanography, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon 97331-3804 Received 16 September 1982/Accepted 15 November 1982

Levels of DNA, RNA, , ATP, , and radioactivity associated with [35S]methionine-labeled cellular protein were estimated at various times during the starvation-survival process of a marine psychrophilic heterotrophic Vibrio sp., Ant-300. Values for the macromolecules were analyzed in terms of total, viable, and respiring cells. Electron micrographs (thin sections) were made on log-phase and 5.5-week-starved cells. On a per- basis, the levels of protein and DNA rapidly decreased until a constant level was attained. A second method in which radioactive was used for monitoring protein demonstrated that the cellular protein level decreased for approximately 2.5 weeks and then remained constant. An initial decrease in the RNA level with starvation was noted, but with time the RNA (orcinol-positive material) level increased to 2.5 times the minimum level. After 6 weeks of starvation, 45 to 60% of the cells remained capable of respiration, as determined by iodonitrotetrazolium violet-formazan granule pro- duction. Potential respiration and endogenous respiration levels fell, with an intervening 1-week peak, until at 2 weeks no endogenous respiration could be measured; respiratory potential remained high. The cell glutathione level fell during starvation, but when the cells were starved in the presence of the appropriate amino acids, glutathione was resynthesized to its original level, beginning after 1 week of starvation. The cells used much of their stored products and became ultramicrocells during the 6-week starvation-survival process. Ant- 300 underwent many physiological changes in the first week of starvation that relate to the utilization or production of ATP. After that period, a stable pattern for long-term starvation was demonstrated.

Any heterotrophic marine bacterium faces the these studies did not address the specific physio- pressures of species survival in an environment logical changes that occur in heterotrophic ma- where there is a severe lack of nutrients. The rine bacteria during the process of starvation- dissolved organic content of open ocean survival. This study investigates some of those is often <0.5 mg of carbon per liter (20), changes, and the data aid in the understanding of and much of the deep-water carbon is refractory how these changes occur in bacteria during to microbial degradation (1). Hence, the amount starvation-survival in their natural environ- of organic matter available to bacteria in the ments. deep sea is extremely limited. When the long residence time of water masses is also consid- MATERIALS AND METHODS ered, bacterial cells may have to withstand nutri- Organism and media. A marine psychrophilic het- ent deprivation for extremely long periods of erotrophic bacterium (Ant-300), tentatively identified time (21). as a Vibrio sp. (2), was used for this study. It was Novitsky and Morita (24-26) demonstrated isolated in 1972 from the antarctic convergence (300 that Ant-300 (a marine psychrophilic heterotro- m) during cruise 46 of the R. V. Eltanin. phic vibrio) has the ability to survive for long Ant-300 cells were grown either in liquid or on solid periods of time (1 year) in the absence of an (1.2% agar added) Lib-X medium (2). Cells were organic source. One culture was held harvested from cultures in the log phase (optical 2.5 at 600 nm, 0.6 to 0.9) by centrifugation (4,080 under starvation conditions for nearly years x g) and washed twice in salts solution (SM) (R. Y. Morita, unpublished data). However, (24). The washed cells were suspended in SM, buff- ered with 0.01 M Tris (pH 7.8), and incubated for hav- t Technical paper 6616 from the Oregon Agricultural Ex- various periods at 5°C. Starved cell suspensions periment Station. ing an initial cell density of 107 to 108/ml were shaken t Present address: Department of Biological Sciences, San at 100 rpm in a Psychrotherm incubator shaker (New Francisco State University, San Francisco, CA 94132. Brunswick Scientific Co.). All media, dilution blanks, 1041 1042 AMY, PAULING, AND MORITA APPL. ENVIRON. MICROBIOL.

Un 4 -J-j too w z n 3 0 0 CD 8080 S L S -j 2 60 w 0

- 40 w z w cr 020 00~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. w a.- 82 0.08 2 3 4 5 6 STARVATION TIME (weeks) 6 0.06 OD 0 FIG. 2. Percentage of respiring cells during 6 0 ~~~~~~~~0weeks of starvation. A large percentage of Ant-300 4 0.04 o cells retained their ability to respire during starvation. 0

Calbiochem) method of Zimmermann et al. (36). Starved cells (5 ml) were harvested by centrifugation (Sorvall RC-2 centrifuge) at 3,000 x g for 10 min at 0 2 4 6 8 3°C. Cells were suspended in approximately 0.5 ml of TI ME (weeks) SM, and to this suspension was added 0.1 ml of a 0.2% FIG. 1. Total cells counts, viable cells counts, and aqueous solution of INT; this suspension was incubat- optical density (OD) with starvation time. During the ed for 30 min. All solutions, including the incubation initial fragmentation period (12 to 36 h), total cell mixture, were kept on ice. The incubated cell suspen- counts and viable cell counts increased dramatically. sion (0.1 ml) was observed with a Zeiss phase-contrast OD6w, Optical density at 600 nm. microscope. The total number of cells and the number of respiring cells (those with refractile granules of INT) were counted for each sample, and the percent- and reagents were filter sterilized (0.22-p.m filters; age of respiring cells was calculated. Millipore Corp.) or filtered and heat sterilized to Endogenous respiration and potential respiration. At minimize debris interference when total cell counts various times during the starvation process, 40-ml were determined. All materials, including pipettes and samples of a starving cell suspension (in duplicate) centrifuge tubes, were held at 5°C. were centrifuged as described above. The cell pellet Radiolabeling of cells. A modified Lib-X broth with was suspended in 4.0 ml of SM and held on ice. The the organic contents reduced to 10% and L-glutamic endogenous respiration mixture (in triplicate), which acid eliminated was used for protein labeling. Cells contained 2.3 ml of SM, 0.5 ml of 0.2% INT, and 0.2 were grown at 5°C to slight turbidity (ca. 106 to ml of the cell suspension, was incubated on ice. After 107/ml). The culture was centrifuged at 3°C and 3,040 incubation, the reaction mixture was terminated with x g for 5 min, and the cells were suspended in fresh 1.0 ml of Zap (50% phosphoric acid-50% Formalin) broth containing 53 p.Ci of [35S]methionine per ml (27). The amount of INT-formazan produced was (specific activity, 1,001.8 Ci/mmol; New England Nu- estimated at 600 nm with a Beckman DB spectropho- clear Corp.) and incubated at 5°C for 24 h. Cells were tometer and compared against a standard curve pre- then prepared for starvation as described above. pared with various amounts of INT-formazan (Sigma At various times, triplicate 0.5-ml samples were Chemical Co.) in 95% ethanol. filtered onto 0.22-p.m Millipore filters, dried, and The reaction mixture for the determination of poten- counted in vials containing 10 ml of Omnifluor in a tial respiration was identical to the mixture for the Beckman LSC-100 scintillation counter. Filtrate sam- determination of endogenous respiration except that ples were applied to filters and treated in the same way 1.0 ml of substrate solution (28) replaced 1.0 ml of SM. as cell samples. The substrate solution was prepared by adding 7.6 g of Cell counts. Viable cell counts were made by diluting sodium succinate, 1.8 ml (1:10 dilution) of Triton X- the cell suspensions in SM and spreading known 100, and distilled water to a final volume of 100 ml. To volumes of the suspensions in duplicate onto Lib-X a 10-ml portion of this mixture 10 mg of NADH and 1 plates. Plates were incubated at 5°C for 1 week before mg of NADPH were added just before use. These the colonies were counted. Total cell counts were analyses were also run in triplicate. determined by epifluorescence microscopy with a Estimation of macromolecules. Samples (40 ml; in Zeiss epifluorescence microscope and in accordance duplicate) were taken at various times during the with the method of Zimmermann and Meyer-Reil (37) starvation-survival process and harvested by centrifu- on Nucleopore filters (0.2-p.m-pore size; Nucleopore gation as described above. Fractionation of protein Corp.) stained with Igralan black (35). A total of 10 from nucleic acids was accomplished by treatment fields were counted for each sample; replicate samples with trichloroacetic acid, perchloric acid, and NaOH were used. Turbidities (optical ) of cell sus- as described by Gallant and Suskind (8). The precip- pensions were estimated at 600 nm with a Bausch and itated material was dissolved in 1.0 ml of 1.0 N NaOH Lomb Spectronic 710 spectrophotometer. and assayed for protein by the Folin-phenol method To determine the fraction of respiring cells we used (17). The DNA and RNA were estimat- a modification of the iodonitrotetrazolium violet (INT; ed spectrophotometrically by the diphenylamine (5) VOL. 45, 1983 STARVATION-SURVIVAL PROCESS 1043

A sample. The reaction was initiated by injecting 50 ,u of z partially purified -luciferase (Du Pont Co.) 28 into an ATP photometer assay vial, and the light emitted was measured with a Picolite photometer (Packard Instrument Co.). 8 6 Calculations were made by comparing maximum peak heights in 5 s of spiked and unspiked samples. Estimation of glutathione. Samples (40 ml; in dupli- 2 0 cate) of a starving cell suspension were centrifuged as z previously described, and the cell pellet was suspend- .4 ed in 0.6 ml of distilled water. A portion (0.5 ml) of the .4 suspended cells was treated with 0.1 ml of 1 N NaOH for protein analysis. The remaining sample was then 00 prepared for high-pressure liquid chromatography analysis by the method of Reed et al. (30). Peak ,0 1 2 3 4 5 6 heights relative to standards were used to estimate the STARVATION TIME (weeks) concentrations of glutathione in the cells. Electron microscopy. Log-phase and 5.5-week- starved cells were harvested by centrifugation (at -j 3,200 x g for 10 min at 3°C; Sorvall RC-2B centrifuge), w B and the cells were suspended in fixative (0.2 M caco- L3 dylate buffer [pH 7.8], 0.3 M NaCl, 3% glutaraldehyde [Tousimis Research Corp.]). Cells were fixed for 2 h at z 5°C and then centrifuged as described above. The cell pellet was mixed with approximately 1.0 ml of 2%

C/) Noble agar (Difco Laboratories) and allowed to solidi- w fy on a glass slide. Small cubes were cut with a razor blade, washed with four changes of cacodylate buffer, z and post fixed in 1% OS04 in cacodylate buffer for 2 h were in an acetone N on ice. The cubes dehydrated cl series (30, 50, and 70% [containing 1 g of uranyl acetate per 100 ml]) and finally with three changes in

0 1 100o acetone. Each acetone dehydration step lasted U- 15 min. Individual cubes were placed in capsules, covered with embedding resin (Spurrs; Polysciences, Inc.), and cured overnight at 70°C. Sections were cut with a Porter-Blum ultramicrotome and a diamond knife (F. A. Dehmer) and stained with lead citrate (31) nvII before examination with a Philips EM 300 electron microscope. 0 2 3 4 5 6 STARVATION TIME (weeks) RESULTS AND DISCUSSION FIG. 3. INT-formazan formed by Ant-300 per milli- Total and viable cell counts as well as the gram of protein (A) and per respiring cell (B) during turbidity of a culture undergoing starvation are starvation. Symbols: 0, endogenous respiration; 0, shown in Fig. 1. During the initial starvation potential respiration. phase the viable cell numbers increased and then decreased, accompanied by a decrease in micro- and orcinol (19) methods. Corrections for any color bial biomass, as indicated by the turbidimetric development caused by the presence of DNA in the readings. The total cell count stayed high and RNA fraction were made. rather constant, demonstrating that many of the Estimation of ATP. The amount of ATP in starved cells remained structurally intact but not viable. cells was estimated by the method of Holm-Hansen and Booth (11) with boiling Tris buffer (pH 7.75) to The total cell count was consistently lower than extract the ATP from triplicate 2-ml cell suspensions the viable count because of inaccuracies caused concentrated onto 0.22-,um Millipore filters. The ex- by the increased number of manipulations nec- tracted ATP was placed in a vial, the volume was essary to determine total cell numbers. This brought to 10 ml, and the mixture was frozen (-20°C) pattern of a rapid increase in viable cell numbers until assayed. followed by a gradual decrease in viable cell The assay mixture, which contained 10 ,ul of sam- numbers were noted by Novitsky and Morita ples, 20 ,ul of buffer (20 mM Trizma base, pH 7.75 (26) and Kjelleberg et al. (13) and was also [Sigma]), 15 mM MgCl2, and 2 mM sodium EDTA demonstrated in 7 out of 16 open-ocean isolates (ethylene dinitrolotetraacetic acid), was placed in an and R. Y. ATP photometer assay vial. A second vial identical to (P. S. Amy Morita, unpublished the first but containing an internal spike of 10 pul of data). ATP (10-8 or 10-9 M) in Tris-sodium EDTA-Mg buffer Before starvation, cells were rod shaped and instead of 10 ,ul of buffer was also prepared for each had average dimensions of ca. 1.3 by 4.0 ,um. 1044 AMY, PAULING, AND MORITA APPL. ENVIRON. MICROBIOL.


-j -J J C-,

z z c] CD a: a) 0 20 0 2 3 4 0 STARVATION TIME (weeks) 0 2 3 4 5 6 FIG. 5. 35S-labeled material present in cells and TI ME (weeks) cell filtrates during 5 weeks of starvation in Ant-300. FIG. 4. Macromolecules per cell during 6 weeks of starvation in Ant-300. longer was 0.0071%. However, with the tech- nique used in this investigation, the endogenous When cells were incubated with INT, up to 12 respiration rate could not be measured after 14 refractile granules were produced per cell. Dur- days. Other investigators have also reported ing starvation, the cells underwent division and rapid suppression of endogenous respiration became much more coccoid, and the number of during starvation-survival, and we assumed that refractile granules produced decreased to one our method was a way to prevent rapid self per cell. The granules took up much of the destruction (23). Nelson and Parkinson (23) cytoplasmic space of the cells. The failure to demonstrated increased respiration with a Bacil- produce a granule detectable by light microsco- lus sp. and an Arthrobacter sp. but not with a py distinguished between respiring and nonre- Pseudomonas sp. The Bacillus sp. and Arthro- spiring cells. Typical experiments showed 45 to bacter sp. underwent rapid cell death, whereas 60% of the cells capable of granule deposition the Pseudomonas sp., which displayed a con- after 6 weeks of starvation (Fig. 2). Using a stant but decreased respiration level, survived marine pseudomonad, Kurath (M.S. thesis, Ore- very well. It may be that in the case of the two gon State University, Corvallis, 1980) showed poorly surviving bacteria and of Ant-300 after 1 that in starving cultures, the number of viable week of starvation, an effort to produce energy cells became constant at 0.1% of the original through respiration was necessary to maintain population. However, compared with the viable cell viability. In all three cases, cell death began cell count, 10 times more respiring cells were or continued in spite of the increased respiration measured after 18 days of starvation. These data or perhaps because of it. After 1 week of starva- imply that many cells incapable of colony forma- tion of Ant-300 and the Pseudomonas sp., low tion under the conditions used were able to but constant respiratory activity occurred con- respire sufficiently to deposit INT-formazan comitantly with retention of viability. granules. In Ant-300 cultures, the number of On the other hand, starved cells retained the respiring and viable cells was approximately the ability to respire when challenged with substrate same throughout 5 weeks of starvation, and at 6 (Fig. 3A and B). The ability to respire with weeks the number differed by only 35%. No- added substrate increased with cells starved vitsky aind Morita (24) demonstrated that log- longer than 4 weeks and became more evident phase cultures of Ant-300 had up to four nuclear when the data were plotted in terms of INT- bodies, whereas only one nuclear body was formazan production per respiring (INT) cell in observed in starved cells. the system (Fig. 3B). The potential respiration The endogenous and potential respiration activity increased since there was a decrease in (with added substrate) rates dropped immediate- the number of respiring cells with starvation ly upon starvation (Fig. 3A and B). A temporary time. Ant-300 was also shown to rapidly take up increase that reached a peak in ca. 7 days was and utilize other substrates, such as amino ac- observed. Subsequent periods of starvation ids, after various periods of starvation (Glick, brought about lower rates of endogenous and M.S. thesis, Oregon State University, Corvallis, potential respiration. After 2 weeks of starva- 1980). Other marine isolates have also shown tion, the endogenous respiration rate was 6% of this ability (P. S. Amy and R. Y. Morita, unpub- its original value and only 4% of its peak value. lished data). Using cells grown on [14C], Novitsky During the initial starvation phase protein, and Morita (25) demonstrated that the endoge- RNA, and DNA showed a similar pattern of a nous respiration rate of cells starved 7 days or rapid decrease in levels with starvation time VOL. 45, 1983 STARVATION-SURVIVAL PROCESS 1045 e1-4,

~~~- I

FIG. 6. Thin sections of log-phase (A) and 5.5-week-starved (B) cells examined by transmission electron microscopy. Bars = 1 ,um.

(Fig. 4). The protein and DNA values increased 300 cells were starved, and the radioactivity in slightly and stabilized at 2.9 x 10-8 and 2.5 x the cells and cell filtrates was monitored during 10-7 pg per cell, respectively. According to the course of the starvation period. There was a Koch (14, 15), is not capable of linear increase in the level of radiolabel in the degrading certain classes of ; hence, the cell filtrates for approximately 2 weeks (Fig. 5), protein in the culture suspension and there was a concomitant loss of radioactiv- remained quite high. It is possible that there is a ity in the cells. The net protein degradation shift in the type of macromolecules within the appeared to stop after 2 to 3 weeks. This in- starving viable cells; however, such a shift could crease in the radioactivity in the cell filtrates not be detected by the methods used in this suggests either that viable, dying, and/or dead study. cells degraded or leaked labeled cellular protein Protein is known to be metabolized during through normal or autolytic process- starvation (10, 12). [35S]methionine-labeled Ant- es or that an extensive turnover of proteins took 1046 AMY, PAULING, AND MORITA APPL. ENVIRON. MICROBIOL.

.E0 w - 18 CL

0 a~ 0 n IIK E E c

< 0-19 0z 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 I STARVATION TIME (days) 0 1 N. 'J 0 4 8 12 16 20 49 FIG. 7. ATP per viable Ant-300 cell during 36 days D of starvation. The 36-day level was 3.1 times that at STARVATION TIME (days) initiation of starvation. Note the 1-week intermediate FIG. 8. Glutathione levels per nanogram of protein rise in ATP per viable cell (P = 0.01). See text for from extracts of starving Ant-300 cells. Glutathione explanation. Triplicate sample levels were averaged to levels for cells starved in SM only (0) and in the obtain each time point. presence of , glutamate, and cysteine (0) are shown. place in starving Ant-300 cells. Since the major- ity of the original population was viable even -free media (SM), this may have trig- after 3 weeks of starvation, most of these pro- gered the synthesis and storage of RNA as a cesses were not likely caused by dead or dying nitrogen reserve. In all probability this RNA cells. does not function during starvation but either is The change in RNA content per cell was held in reserve to function when the proper different from that of protein and DNA (Fig. 4). environment presents itself (10) or is the result After the first week, RNA values, as measured of lack of regulation in the cell (7). by the orcinol test, increased linearly and in The ATP level per viable cell decreased typical experiments did not reach a constant steadily for the first 3 days of starvation (Fig. 7). value by 6 weeks. Synthesis of RNA during After 3 days of starvation a small intermittent starvation is uncommon (18, 32). One case of rise in the ATP level was seen. This was fol- increased RNA synthesis during starvation was lowed by a second decrease beginning after reported by Borek and Ryan (3) with a methio- about 1 week of starvation. The significance of nine-requiring mutant of E. coli K-12 which was this intermediate peak was statistically tested also incapable of the . The and showed a confidence value of P = 0.01. The nutritional requirements of Ant-300 also include ATP level fell to only 39% of the initial level by 1 methionine (J. Baross, personal communica- week, after which it recovered to within 92% of tion), and attempts to demonstrate the stringent the initial level by 2 weeks. With longer starva- response have to this date failed (P. S. Amy and tion times, a slow, steady increase in the ATP R. Y. Morita, unpublished data). The possibility level per viable cell was seen. This was primarily also exists that the orcinol-positive material was because of the rapid decrease in the level of not RNA but another molecule containing a viable cells with an approximately equal de- pentose, such as aldoheptoses and hexuronic crease in the level of ATP per ml of culture acids (6). This issue has yet to be resolved. during the same time period. The ATP levels in The form in which RNA was stored after starving Pseudomonas sp. and Arthrobacter sp. resynthesis is not known. The most abundant decreased to 75 and 71%, respectively, of initial form of stable RNA was ribosomal. Thin sec- levels within 5 days but remained at those levels tions of 5.5-week-starved cells (Fig. 6) did not for up to 10 days of starvation (23). Kurath shown an increase in ribosomal bodies. If ribo- (M.S. thesis, 1980) demonstrated that cells of a somes were degraded during the initial starva- marine pseudomonad contained more ATP per tion period and only RNA was resynthesized viable cell after starvation for 1 week than they new ribosomes would not be formed because of contained at the initiation of starvation. The the lack of ribosomal proteins. Cells labeled with patterns of ATP levels per viable cell in that [2-14C] during growth showed no respira- pseudomonad and in Ant-300 were identical tion of the ring structure during starvation but except that in the pseudomonad the level of ATP did show some leakage of non-macromolecular- per viable cell continued to rise until, at its peak labeled molecules into the starvation menstruum (25 days), it represented 1,058% of the initial (P. S. Amy and R. Y. Morita, unpublished level. Since it is known that 20% of the energy in data). Postgate and Hunter (29) reported a simi- a growing culture is used for substrate transport lar breakdown of RNA with cellular leakage in (34), the high levels of ATP in starving cells starved bacteria. Since Ant-300 was starved in reinforce the concept that starved cells are phys- VOL. 45, 1983 STARVATION-SURVIVAL PROCESS 1047 iologically capable of metabolism if a substrate The coincidence of increased ATP content per becomes available. This ATP is necessary for viable cell, higher respiratory activities, the rap- initial but may not be readily id change from the dramatic decrease in cellular renewable without further input of an energy- macromolecules to a constant value (or even yielding substrate. resynthesis in the case of RNA), and the resyn- A single primary source of energy for the 60% thesis of glutathione when amino acids were of cells that continued to respire during a 6-week present is apparently related to energy produc- starvation period was not identified. Thin sec- tion and utilization. The reordering of the activi- tions of growing and starved cells revealed radi- ties of cells at 1 week of starvation represents a cally different cellular internal structures. Large line of demarcation between the initial response medium-dark pockets, peripheral white gran- to starvation (cell fragmentation) and a long- ules, and small, darkly stained granules were term reaction to nutrient depletion. When 1- and present in growing cells (Fig. 6A). These struc- 2-week-starved cells were challenged with 0.1 tures almost completely disappeared by 5.5 ml of Lib-X, there was a difference in the weeks of starvation. Only the central nuclear response time, as measured by the ability of region surrounded by clearer cytoplasm re- cells to grow and divide. The 2-week-starved mained in starved cells (Fig. 6B). The cells cells responded more slowly and divided several became coccobacilli, but the cell diameter at 5.5 hours later than did the 1-week-starved cells weeks was approximately the same as that in (P. S. Amy and R. Y. Morita, unpublished growing cells. One type of granule showed an data). It may be that there are short-term and intense, nonstained white spot in the cell cyto- long-term responses of Ant-300 to nutrient star- plasm resembling poly-p-hydroxybutyrate, but vation which cause cells starved for longer peri- repeated attempts to demonstrate poly-3-hy- ods of time to respond more slowly. Perhaps droxybutyrate with the technique of Law and they are deeper into cell dormancy of the type Slepecky (16) failed. Sudan B black staining described by Stevenson (33). material was seen in growing cells under light microscopy, and it is therefore suspected that ACKNOWLEDGMENTS be stored in cells. Evidence We thank A. Brodie for help with the glutathione measure- may growing ments and A. H. Soeldner for help with the electron micro- for this was demonstrated by Stringer and Oliver graphs. (W. Stringer and J. Oliver, Abstr. Annu. Meet. This research was supported by National Science Founda- Am. Soc. Microbiol. 1982, N107, p. 195), who tion grant OCE 8108366. showed a 35% reduction in in LITERATURE CITED Ant-300 during 3 weeks of starvation. Small, 1. Barber, R. T. 1968. Dissolved organic carbon from deep intense black granules disappeared slowly and resists microbial oxidation. Nature (London) could sometimes be seen in 5.5-week-starved 220:274-275. cells. , lipids, proteins, and car- 2. Baross, J. A., F. J. Hanus, and R. Y. Morita. 1974. The bohydrates are possible storage products in effects of hydrostatic pressure on uracil uptake, ribonucle- ic acid synthesis, and growth of three obligately psychro- growing Ant-300 cells. philic marine vibrios, Vibrio alginolyticus and Escherichia The presence ofglutathione in eucaryotic cells coli, p. 180-202. In R. R. Colwell and R. Y. Morita (ed.), has been related to the ability of cells to with- Effect of the ocean environment on microbial activities. stand oxidation because of the reduced sulfhy- University Park Press, Baltimore. 3. Borek, E., and A. Ryan. 1958. Studies on a mutant of dryl group of the cysteine moiety of glutathione Escherichia coli with unbalanced ribonucleic acid synthe- (22). In this sense the tripeptide functions arc- sis. II. The concomitance of ribonucleic acid synthesis very similar to the proposed action of E with resumed protein synthesis. J. Bacteriol. 75:72-76. and C. In this study cells starved in SM alone 4. Boylen, C. W., and J. C. Ensign. 1970. Intracellular sub- strates for endogenous metabolism during long-term star- were unable to resynthesize glutathione after the vation of rod and spherical stage cells of Arthrobacter initial dramatic drop in the first 6 days of starva- crystallopoietes. J. Bacteriol. 103:578-587. tion; however, given the three amino acids 5. Burton, K. 1956. A study of the conditions and mechanism which make up glutathione, the cells resynthe- of the diphenylamine reaction for the colorimetric estima- tion of deoxyribonucleic acid. Biochem. 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