A Acrylonitrile-Butadiene-Styrene (ABS) Plastics, 44, 179 Active
Index A Cationic polymerization Acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene (ABS) alkene monomer, 286 plastics, 44, 179 carbonyl monomer, 213, 215 Active material, 76 chain transfer reaction, 151, 197 Additive co-initiator, 193 lubricant, 85, 287 commercial applications, 290 odorant, 85 friedel-crafts catalyst, 187 pigment, 85 initiators, 185 plasticizer, 85 kinetic chain length, 198 Anionic copolymerization, 236, 237, 259, 296, kinetics, 283 297 rate constant, 155, 205 Anionic polymerization reaction mechanisms, 191 carbonyl monomer, 213, 215 termination reaction, 162 chain transfer, 45, 197, 276, 280, 283 Cationic polymerization of epoxides initiator, 143, 170, 193, 198, 200, 201, 204, initiation, 277, 278, 280 208, 209, 211, 214, 215, 273 propagation, 278, 279, 280 kinetics, 196, 267 termination and transfer processes, 280 rate constant, 192 Chain copolymerization, 233, 236, reaction mechanisms, 191, 211, 231, 299 297 termination, 162, 188, 199, 200, 201, 203, Chain polymerization 204, 271, 285 free radical, 3, 9, 138, 150 Anionic polymerization of epoxides ionic, 3, 187, 276 chain transfer to monomer, 276 Chemical property degree of polymerization, 2, 171, 197, 198, chemical permeation, 61 274, 284, 285 chemical resistance, 61 exchange reaction, 274 moisture permeation, 62, 63 kinetics, 196, 204 moisture resistance, 62 reaction mechanisms, 191, 201, 211, 231, Chemical structure analysis by 299 chemical reaction method, 90 Arrhenius equation, 47, 169 electron spin resonance, 98 infrared spectroscopy (IR), 90–92 mass spectroscopy of MALDI-TOF MS, B 18, 19 Bond strength, 70 nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (NMR), 95, 96, 98 Raman spectroscopy, 92, 93 C UV-visible spectroscopy, 93 Cardo polymer, 83, 87 Chromophores, 82, 93 Cationic copolymerization, 236, 237, 256–259, Cohesive energy density, 12 296 Commercial copolymers, 263 W.-F.
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