GOOD NEWS March 2012 CONNECTING PEOPLE TO LIFE IN JESUS "Daffodils, that come before the swallow dares, and take the winds of March with beauty." - William Shakespeare GROWTH RELATIONAL SERVICE AUTHENTICITY CREATIVITY EVERY PERSON A MISSIONARY Welcome 2833 Raritan Road · Fitchburg, WI 608-271-2811 office 608-271-2849 fax Email:
[email protected] Web: Staff Lead Pastor Jeff Meyer— ext 12
[email protected] 332-0580 cell Chaplains Vicar Mike Peters A Beginner’s Mind
[email protected] 273-8541 home Pastor Jeff Meyer Vicar Matt Wipperman
[email protected] 444-5660 cell Recently I was invited to be the plenary speaker at a one-day seminar-“Sustaining Director of lifeGroup Leadership Ministry Conference” at Concordia University Chicago were I had the opportunity Amy Meyer—ext 11 to speak to a group of leaders in the church.
[email protected] Director of Children and Youth As I share some thoughts on multiplying missionaries, I always make a point to Emily Bremer—ext 25 encourage these leaders to “go first.”
[email protected] Director of Operations Whenever a leader commits to a worthy external goal, he makes a corollary Dan Haupt—ext 14 commitment to grow himself internally. Immature leaders don’t factor this in and
[email protected] weaken their efforts. Mature leaders relish the process and know they owe their Office Manager followers this inside-out work.” Doug Silsbee, “Presence-Based Coaching” Jess Bohrer—ext 10
[email protected] When I came out of the seminary I thought I knew a lot. During my almost 20 Admin Volunteer years in the ministry I have, by God’s grace, recognized that I have so much to Adele Waterbury
[email protected] learn.