The Role of the Diaspora in the Internationalization of the Colombian Economy Ljubica Nedelkoska, Andre Assumpcao, Ana Grisanti, Matte Hartog, Julian Hinz, Jessie Lu, Daniela Muhaj, Eric Protzer, Annalee Saxenian, and Ricardo Hausmann CID Faculty Working Paper No. 397 May 2021 Copyright 2021 Nedelkoska, Ljubica; Assumpcao, Andre; Grisanti, Ana; Hartog, Matte; Hinz, Julian; Lu, Jessie; Muhaj, Daniela; Protzer, Eric; Saxenian, Annalee; Hausmann, Ricardo; and the President and Fellows of Harvard College Working Papers Center for International Development at Harvard University THE ROLE OF THE DIASPORA IN THE INTERNATIONALIZATION OF THE COLOMBIAN ECONOMY LJUBICA NEDELKOSKA, ANDRE ASSUMPCAO, ANA GRISANTI, MATTE HARTOG, JULIAN HINZ, JESSIE LU, DANIELA MUHAJ, ERIC PROTZER, ANNALEE SAXENIAN* AND RICARDO HAUSMANN* *Principal investigators The objective of this study was to provide input to the Steering Committee of Colombia’s Internationalization Mission (2020-2021), led by Colombia’s Vice President Marta Lucía Ramírez and Professor Ricardo Hausmann (Harvard University). The research was conducted between September 2020 and March 2021. Questions can be emailed to Ljubica Nedelkoska (
[email protected]). Acknowledgements Financial support for this work was provided by the Government of Colombia. The work benefited from input and comments by Christian Chacua, Gabriel Andre Duque Mildenberg, Ermal Frasheri, Patricio Martin Goldstein, Juan Andres Paez, Juan Sebastian Robledo Botero, Nikita Taniparti, and Sarah Zadova. We would like to thank José Ramón Morales-Arilla and Sebastian Bustos for help with data access. The dissemination of the Survey of Colombians around the World was made possible by the cooperation with the Colombian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and their embassies and consulates around the world.