The UN Development Program (UNDP) in

The Ministry of Public Health December 2010 | The Lebanese banking sector 101 Alice Mogabgab Gallery - Interview

issue number • Published by Information International sal


Lebanon 5,000LL | Saudi Arabia 15SR | UAE 15DHR | Jordan 2JD| 75SYP | Iraq 3,500IQD | Kuwait 1.5KD | Qatar 15QR | Bahrain 2BD | Oman 2OR | Yemen 15YRI | 10EP | Europe 5Euros INDEX


7 The UN Development Program (UNDP) in Lebanon

10 The Ministry of Public Health

15 Who benefited from the foreign donations to Lebanon in 2009?

21 Immunity of the Prime Minister and Ministers

23 The Lebanese banking sector

26 Gold in the world

28 Syndicate of Gold Page 28

30 Ahlia School

32 Overweight & Obesity by Dr. Hanna Saadah

33 7 seconds between birth and death by Dr. Samar Zebian

34 “The Prince of Medicine of His Time” Acknowledges the Brain as the Seat of Page 42 Page 37 Intelligence” by Antoine Boutros 42 Hizbollah in the eyes of Christian 35 Alice Mogabgab Gallery - Interview Leaders

37 Myth #40: Green Lebanon 43 October 2010 Timeline in Lebanon

38 Must-read books: Solidere; Legislation and 46 Sexual harassment in Egypt Regulatory Texts 47 Real estate index in Lebanon- 39 Must-read children’s book: “No, I Will Not Ever October 2010 Never Eat a ” 48 Food Price Index - October 2010 40 Lebanon Families: Audi families 50 Facts about Bees and Honey Making 41 Discover Lebanon: Qaaqaeiat Al-Jisr 50 Rafic Hariri International Airport - October 2010

51 Lebanon stats Editorialﹺ | 3 SQUEALERS AND BOUNCERS

“The secret expenditures” of Lebanon’s intelligence services are an eye opener for the following reasons:

“Secret expenditures” is a code for payoffs to informants or “human assets”.

The expenditures exceeded USD 13 million in 2009 with a surge since 2008 of 100% and 39% for the Internal Security Forces and Military Intelligence respectively.

An assumption of a monthly per capita payment equivalent to the minimum wage (333$ per month) will yield an estimated number of 50,000 informants or twice this number should the payoff be half the minimum wage.

Now, let us for the sake of this exercise, add the number of armed forces estimated to reach 90,000 and then the number of security guards deployed by the security companies in Lebanon which is approximately 8,000 and finally those armed men in various political parties (Hizbollah, Future, LF, SSNP and PSP and others) estimated at a minimum of 20,000. This will bring us to 168,000 armed men and informants without counting the retired armed forces personnel and those who wish to be deployed and are awaiting their turn.

This number represents 76% of all those employed by the public sector and 19% of the manpower in Lebanon’s private sector.

Yes “we” need armed forces; Yes “they” need informants; Yes we are followers of Zua’ama and perhaps “patriotic”. But let us simply ask what kind of a society are we? It seems that since 1943, Lebanon has gone through a metamorphosis to a militarized or militant society or simply a society of squealers and bouncers.

Law Abiding Citizens

It has been propagated that the Lebanese are chaotic by nature and that they break the laws at will. This is propagated by many who wish to duck their responsibilities to enforce the law. The recent introduction of radars to curtail high speed drivers is so far a success. The drivers are abiding by the speed limit and the enforcement so far has been good. The drive from Tripoli to Beirut is a pleasure. The question now is: How long before we discover that the radar is Shia’a, the policeman is Sunni and the road is Maronite?

issue 101 - December 2010 4 | Leader SECRET EXPENDITURES REPUBLIC OF INFORMANTS LBP 20 billion in “secret expenditures”, mainly with the Information Branch and the Army as the main benefactors

he “Second Bureau” or the Lebanese Army Intelligence is a term that most Lebanese are familiar with. It is the name of the intelligence service that tightened its grip on the country in the 1950’s and 1960’s during Tthe presidencies of and . The service and its officers played a major role in the media and the political, economic and social life in Lebanon. It selected ministers and MPs, backed some newspapers against others or one Za’im against another. In 1970, Suleiman Franjieh was elected president, the service was downsized and most of its officers expelled. Many of them sought refuge in Syria. The “Second Bureau” nevertheless maintained its influence at a time when the General Security Service was only beginning to strengthen its role in information gathering and had limited intelligence related experience while the Internal Security Forces remained unfamiliar with intelligence work. With the outbreak of the war and the decline of the State’s role, the influence of the security forces also regressed.

The Ta’ef Agreement stipulated that “the armed forces’ of 684 million, and this budget decreased by 14.5% intelligence shall be reorganized to exclusively serve between 1994 and 2010. On the other hand, the secret military objectives”. Thus, the text forbids the Army’s expenditures of the ISF (Information Branch) increased Intelligence from carrying out any intelligence work from LBP 800 million to LBP 8 billion, marking an outside of the military. According to the legal texts unjustified and unconstitutional 900% increase. in place, the Directorate General of State Security, established in 1984, was to carry out intelligence Table 1 lists the distribution of these expenditures by related tasks. The law specified its functions: gathering service over the past few years and shows that spending information related to internal state security using special by each of the Directorate General of State Security (a networks across the Lebanese territory, investigating service that requires substantial secret funds to perform information from other pertinent organizations, its mission as defined by the law), the General Security monitoring foreigners, monitoring contacts between and the Airport Security Service has remained relatively nationals and foreign parties, combating espionage and stable. In contrast, major increases in spending are cooperating with other Lebanese security services. attributed to the Army and the ISF (150% and 900% rise respectively). Graphs 1-3 show the distribution and Despite the Ta’ef Agreement, the Army’s Intelligence variation of some security services. continued to perform intelligence activities beyond its scope and was the most active branch in the intelligence It is a well known fact that most of the so called secret field. In 2005, following the assassination of former expenditures are spent to buy “human assets”. The Prime Minister Rafic Hariri, the Information Branch, buying of informants in the political and media arena which is under the Services and Operations Division of as well as in various villages and neighborhoods in the Directorate General of the Internal Security Forces, Lebanon has become a common trend. The proliferation was turned into a de facto division. Its staff increased, of informants, the meddling of the security services and became highly active in the field of intelligence. A into the State’s policies and the infringement of review of the total secret expenditures of the various the citizens’ right to privacy are definite features of intelligence apparatus demonstrates a substantial Lebanon’s current political and social scenes. Perhaps increase in “secret expenses”, especially those of these “secret expenses” are being used by the security the Information Branch and the Army Intelligence. services to obtain the necessary information to maintain The total secret expenditures of the security services a relatively stable security situation, which we are increased from around LBP 6.5 billion in 1994 and currently witnessing, and uncover espionage and LBP 6 billion in 2005 to around LBP 20 billion in 2010 terrorist networks. However, the argument remains that marking a 208% rise. What is surprising is that the State laws are being broken by the various security services Security Service, who is legally empowered to monitor of Lebanon. Refer to the Village X example. citizens and ensure their safety, has a limited budget

issue 101 - published by Information International s.a.l. SECRET EXPENDITURES Leader | 5

Is village X in the Qada’a of Koura a The Mobile as a Tape Recorder special case or a sample of what Lebanon has come to? Lebanese informants have entered the The security services in the Qada’s of Koura world of technology. Their work is no are competing with each other on employing longer limited to using pens to write a report informants while the latter are competing among against someone or their ability to memorize themselves to work for the services. Family and what others say rather they have breached political affiliations play a significant role. And personal privacy through the mobile phone thus, the informants’ loyalty alters from one service (which they could have obtained during the to the other according to the circumstances. elections in return for a favor for a za’im or a contender.) They use the recording option The Monthly was able to estimate the number of in the phone to record conversations that informants in that village to over 54 informants. took place in the informants’ presence or The majority of informants used to work for the with them. The recorded material could be Syrian intelligence and their loyalty slowly turned used to blackmail the person in question or to the Army’s Intelligence. Then, most of them accuse him/her of something. In case the started working for the Information Branch. recording is misused (most of the time it is), The number of voters in this village is estimated at the person in question can file a complaint 900 while the number of informants has reached an to the Prosecutor General which categorizes estimated 6% (54 individuals). the matter as a case of “disruption and slander”. A Penal Code states: “such type The informants are rewarded in various ways: tens of recording cannot be considered legal of thousands of Lebanese pounds every month, material to convict someone before a court exemptions from traffic or construction fines, unless there is a prior permission for the licenses to carry weapons, free mobile phone top recording by the prosecution.” up cards and usage of unregistered motorcycles and vehicles.

Distribution of secret expenditures by security service (1994-2010) Table 1

Expenditures Expenditures Expenditures Expenditures Expenditures Expenditures Expenditures Expenditures in the 2006 in the 2007 in the 2008 in the 2009 in the 2010 Security service in the 1994 in the 2004 in the 2005 draft budget draft budget draft budget draft budget draft budget budget law budget law budget law law law law law law

LBP 3.378 LBP 3.378 Army LBP 4 billion LBP 4 billion LBP 4 billion LBP 6 billion LBP 7.2 billion LBP 10 billion billion billion

LBP 800 LBP 855 LBP 855 Internal Security Forces LBP 4 billion LBP 4 billion LBP 4 billion LBP 4 billion LBP 8 billion million million million

LBP 800 LBP 1.026 LBP 1.026 LBP 1.026 LBP 1.026 LBP 1.026 LBP 1.026 LBP 1.026 General Security million billion billion billion billion billion billion billion

LBP 800 LBP 684 LBP 684 LBP 684 LBP 684 LBP 684 LBP 684 LBP 684 State Security million million million million million million million million

Joint Administrative Directorate in the Ministry of LBP 7 million LBP 60 million LBP 60 million LBP 60 million LBP 60 million LBP 60 million LBP 60 million LBP 60 million Interior and Municipalities (Airport Security Service)

LBP 6.407 LBP 6.003 LBP 6.003 LBP 9.770 LBP 9.770 LBP 11.770 LBP 12.970 LBP 19.770 Total billion billion billion billion billion billion billion billion

issue 101 - December 2010 6 | Leader SECRET EXPENDITURES

[Graph 1] Distribution and variation of ARMY secret expenditures from 1994 - 2010 Squealing on Squealers (Millions of LBP) 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 In Lebanon, the security of the Za’im takes Expenditures in the precedence over the country’s security. 1994 budget law 4,000 This provides opportunities to small time Expenditures in the operators, squealers, whose number exceeds -15.5% 3,378 tens of thousands and whose main activity 2004 budget law is to report on their neighbors, relatives and Expenditures in the 0% 3,378 friends. One of those was a former squealer 2005 budget law Expenditures in the to the Syrian Intelligence and his reward 15% 4,000 was a fast-track pass at the Syrian-Lebanese 2006 budget law border. Following the assassination of Hariri, Expenditures in the 0% 4,000 he switched allegiance and sat with politicians 2007 budget law and activists and cursed ‘the dark era of the Expenditures in the 50% 6,000 Syrians’. Recently, he noted that things are 2008 budget law changing and attempted to visit Syria only to Expenditures in the 20% 7,200 learn that all that he had said and done had 2009 budget law been reported to them. Apparently, he was not Expenditures in the 38.8% 10,000 the only squealer in town. 2010 budget law

The total secret expenditures of the security services increased from“ around LBP 6.5 billion in 1994 and LBP 6 billion in 2005 to around LBP 20 billion in 2010 marking a 208% rise.” [Graph 2] Distribution and variation of INTERNAL SECURITY FORCES secret [Graph 3] Distribution and variation of STATE SECURITY FORCES secret expenditures expenditures from 1994 - 2010 (Millions of LBP) from 1994 - 2010 (Millions of LBP)

0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800

Expenditures in the 800 1994 budget law Expenditures in the 1994 budget law 800 Expenditures in the 6.8% 855 2004 budget law Expenditures in the 2004 budget law -14.5% 684 Expenditures in the 0% 855 2005 budget law Expenditures in the 2005 budget law 0% 684 Expenditures in the 367% 4,000 2006 budget law Expenditures in the 2006 budget law 0% 684 Expenditures in the 0% 4,000 2007 budget law Expenditures in the 2007 budget law 0% 684 Expenditures in the 0% 4,000 2008 budget law Expenditures in the 0% 684 2008 budget law Expenditures in the 2009 budget law 0% 4,000 Expenditures in the 0% 684 2009 budget law Expenditures in the 100% 8,000 2010 budget law Expenditures in the 0% 684 2010 budget law

issue 101 - published by Information International s.a.l. THE UN DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM (UNDP) IN LEBANON Public Sector | 7 THE UN DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM (UNDP) IN LEBANON A recruiting agent for the Lebanese government with contracts worth millions of dollars hen the Finance and Budget Committee was discussing the 2010 draft budget law, the topic of the so called UNDP employees in the Ministry of Finance was brought up. Issues such as their cost for the WLebanese government, which pays the salaries of the employees who work in the ministries through the program, comparisons of their wages with those of the employees of the ministries (either full time or contractors) and the manner in which their contracts are made, were also discussed. The UNDP The UNDP was established in 1960 as a UN international includes $29 million as contributions from the Lebanese development network. It works to improve and secure a government. It is worth noting that most of the Lebanese better life for peoples. The UNDP has offices in 166 countries government’s contributions were used to pay the salaries and received around $4.6 billion in funds in 2009. of UNDP staff who work in the various ministries. The program’s general objectives are: A Reaching the millennium development goals and Question marks on the UNDP arrangement reducing poverty with the ministries A Consolidating democratic governance The UNDP works with Parliament and 14 Ministries in A Preserving energy and the environment for order to support the latter and to implement development sustainable development programs. The Lebanese government covers the salaries A Crisis prevention and recovery of UNDP employees working for these ministries, A Combating the spread of HIV/AIDS while the UN program uses the remainder of its budget to fund its activities. Recently, questions marks have The UNDP in Lebanon been raised regarding the qualifications of UNDP staff The UNDP has been operating in Lebanon since in the ministries and their ability to perform their tasks. 1960 and has made positive contributions, especially Civil servants, who have been working in the ministries during the Lebanese war (1975-1990). According to its for decades and are well-acquainted with the details of declared objectives, the UNDP focuses on “supporting their jobs, are not only under paid but are also eclipsed the processes of reconciliation and national dialogue, by these UNDP employees. Thus, discussions have providing technical support to the state’s institutions focused on the justifications for awarding the latter and civil society organizations, ensuring an inclusive much higher salaries than government employees, who and effective participation of citizens, in order to work in the same ministry, and on the legality of their achieve sustainable human development leading to the employment. improvement of living conditions”. UNDP responds The UNDP in Lebanon is currently implementing The UNDP responded by stating that talks regarding projects in the following fields: salaries are exaggerated because the salaries of the A Democratic governance overwhelming majority of its employees range between A Poverty and social development $800 and $4000, inclusive of pensions. However, it is A Energy and environment worth noting that these employees are not enrolled in A Crisis prevention and recovery the official mandatory social security scheme. It further argued that only a small minority, not exceeding 5% of The program states that the total amount of funds spent its employees, who are highly qualified receive high on its projects (including salaries of employees working salaries, but even those remain lower than what they in ministries within the framework of the UNDP) could be receiving had they been working in the private between 2005 and 2009 reached $144 million. The figure sector. The program did not fail to mention that those who

issue 101 - December 2010 8 | Public Sector THE UN DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM (UNDP) IN LEBANON work with the ministries are under one-year contracts. government is agreeing to the breaching of the laws Furthermore, it added that employees’ contracts are of the country. What is also puzzling is that the UN based on strict and specific conditions and criteria that has agreed to this measure that violates labor laws provide ample room for competitive selection. as well as the principle of equality among citizens.

In response to the UNDP A The UNDP’s response included a deliberate The UNDP’s response requires further examination, generalization since it focused on the program’s mainly regarding the following: projects in Lebanon ($144 million), without highlighting the topic at hand, i.e. the UNDP’s A Many of the UNDP employees in the ministries are employees in the ministries. perhaps qualified but there are cases where it was A closer examination of the outcome of the UNDP’s demonstrated that the civil servants in the ministries work all over Lebanon may not give a better picture were by far more experienced and qualified than the than UNDP’s work with the ministries (look at the former. 2009 “most organized” elections and Zahle’s women voted!) A Although the contracts are signed on a one-year basis and include pensions, but not social security, the The Lebanese government’s contributions to the salaries remain very high compared to those of civil UNDP’s projects within the ministries are not servants. The $4000-salary of a UNDP employee is insignificant. After reviewing the 2010 draft budget higher than that of a Grade One Director General law, we were able to identify some of its contributions who has occupied his post for more than 40 years the total amount of which reached LBP 9 billion, (in this case the salary would be around $3,300), distributed to the following ministries: keeping in mind that some of the UNDP employees are getting paid more than $7,000 a month. A Ministry of Finance: LBP 2,100 million A Ministry of Education and Higher Education: LBP A The presence of UNDP employees in a number of 900 million ministries has created an imbalance and caused A Ministry of Environment: LBP 1,750 million frustration among senior civil servants who find A Ministry of Economy and Trade: LBP 1,350 themselves taking instructions from highly paid, million supposedly temporary employees with little A Ministry of Energy and Water: LBP 75 million experience in the work of the ministry concerned. A Parliament: LBP 105 million A Council of Ministers: LBP 1,424 million (estimated A The Lebanese government violated its own decree, figure) which stipulated that employment in the public A Ministry of Social Affairs: LBP 1,315 million sector would be frozen due to overstaffing1, and used the UNDP as an employment agency and a (The Monthly was not able to get access to figures paravent contracting party to curb the effects of relating to the Lebanese government’s contribution this decree. The latter agreed to this and received to the following ministries: Ministry of Interior and a 5% overhead while the government’s justification Municipalities, Office of the Minister of State for was that this was only a temporary arrangement. Administrative Reform, Ministry of Agriculture and However, after working with some ministries for Ministry of Justice) 15 years the situation remains unchanged. So what has been accomplished? Is the public administration The question here is: where is the UNDP’s transparency now more qualified? If so, then why continue with when it accepts that the Lebanese government withhold these employments and if not then what have been the real figures relating to its work with the ministries the program’s achievements? or when it allows the camouflaging of the expenses and their hiding in the State’s budget, as has been the case A The fact that the Lebanese government agreed to treat for many years? its citizens as foreign employees hired by a foreign agency that allows “the employer” not to enroll its Table 1 lists the UNDP’s projects with the various employees in social security shows that Lebanon’s ministries and their total cost ($42.7 million). 1 See The Monthly Issue No. 86, September 2009, p. 4-8. issue 101 - published by Information International s.a.l. THE UN DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM (UNDP) IN LEBANON Public Sector | 9

UNDP projects with the ministries and their total Table 1 cost (2001-2011) A Eradicating Extreme Poverty and Hunger Name of project Duration Budget $ A Promoting gender equality and empower women Combating HIV/AIDS, Malaria and other Diseases Support to the Ministry of Economy 1-1-2001 8,700,000 A and Trade to 31-12-2010 A Ensuring Environmental Sustainability Capacity Building for Poverty 1-1-2002 to Reduction 31-12-2010 1,650,000 A Developing a Global Partnership for Development 1-1-2003 to The program also lists 60 out of 143 projects in its Support to Civil Service Reform 31-12-2011 6,961,283 online English database. Thus, there is no available Strategy Development and Institutional 1-1-2002 to database on 83 projects being implemented by the Building of the IDAL 31-12-2010 2,200,000 Support to Decision Making at the PM 1-1-2003 to UNDP in Lebanon. Office 31-12-2011 2,508,983 Capacity Development for Fiscal 1-1-2003 to 18,500,000 Global squandering of funds in UN projects might be Reform and Management 31-12-2010 symptomatic. However, the fact that the UNDP has “Transfer of Knowledge through 1-1-2005 to Expatriate Nationals” 31-12-2010 210,000 taken part in the Lebanese political discourse using terms such as “supporting a national unity government” or Technical assistance to the Lebanese 1-2-2007 to 183,920 Palestinian Dialogue committee 31-12-2010 “Towards a Citizen’s State” , the fact that it has weaved Support to the Structures of the 1-1-1999 to Lebanese Parliament 31-12-2010 949,229 a network of employment relations within the public Supporting the Judiciary System in the 1-1-2010 to administration, thus influencing the decision making Enforcement of Environmental Legislation 31-12-2011 870,935 process, and its inability to present proof as to how it Total 42,734,350 has effectively contributed to administrative reform that would enable institutions to dispense some of these The UNDP lists 29 out of 143 projects in its online supposedly temporary jobs are causes for concern. database in a clear (but incomplete) manner As the situation stands today, it is fair to say that the using main headlines based on some of the “Millennium program has not reached the results it had aspired. Development Goals”:

“Achievements” according to UNDP 2009 elections “most organized” and Zahle’s women voted!

A UNDP report, entitled “Commitment to Promises”, on its activities in 2009 mentions the following:

“The 2009 parliamentary elections were the most organized in this country’s modern history and this was in part attributable to the technical support of the UNDP, which put in place a registration system for the voters enabling the government to issue an additional 300,000 electoral cards in a record time. The UNDP also worked with the government on a program to encourage citizens to vote, set up a hotline service to answer questions on the elections and organized workshops to train media employees on how to tackle electoral matters. This effort was especially aimed to reach out to marginalized groups, most notably women, to include them in the elections. As a result, in the Zahle district 60% of women voted compared to 56% of men.”

For those who work in the electoral sector, this was not an achievement but rather a natural matter because the number of women is higher than that of men. In addition, it is worth mentioning a lot of men do not cast their ballots either because they are abroad or are working in the military. It should also be pointed out that this phenomenon was not limited to the elections in Zahle, which witnessed fierce competition stemming from political-confessional considerations that influenced the high percentage of voters. A review of the 2005 election results in Zahle shows an even higher percentage of female voters compared to male voters, bearing in mind that the program to encourage voters, especially “marginalized groups”, had not been implemented at the time. Thus, one cannot really talk of an achievement concerning the Zahle elections.

It is worth noting that the UNDP failed to mention the role played by money and corruption in the 2009 elections, which do not deserve to be described as the “most organized” without adding the term “most corrupt”.

issue 101 - December 2010 10 | Public Sector THE MINISTRY OF PUBLIC HEALTH THE MINISTRY OF PUBLIC HEALTH sought by Zua’ama because of its many services

he Ministry of Public Health plays a major role in ensuring the hospitalization of half the Lebanese citizens who do not have any form of health coverage. As such, Zua’ama seek to place their hands on this Ministry Tduring the formation of government in view of the numerous and significant services that can be provided to their partisans and supporters. Therefore, over the past decades, there has been a political-confessional “rotation” over the Ministry of Public Health in order for everyone to benefit from its services.

Establishment The first government, formed on the eve of independence A Directorate of Preventive Health Care: on September 25, 1943, headed by Riad Solh with Bechara A Service of Preventive Medicine: Department for Khouri as president of the republic, included a Minister of the Combat of Communicable Diseases, Department “Public Health and Relief”, at the time Mir Majeed Arslan. of Quarantine (it includes the administrative section and Its name remained the same until the formation of the quarantine centers located in the Port of Beirut, Beirut government headed by Prime Minister Abdullah al-Yafi, Airport, Qlaya’at Airport, Trablous Port, Saida center during the presidency of , on August and Sour center), Center for the Combat of Tuberculosis 16, 1953, when it became the Ministry of Public Health, in Beirut, Clinic for the Combat of Rabies, Clinic of with Kazem al-Khalil as Minister. By virtue of legislative Communicable Diseases, Branch for Sexually Transmitted Decree No. 91 of November 3, 1983, the Ministry’s Diseases for Prostitutes, Center for the Combat of Leprosy name was amended and became the Ministry of Public and the Center for the Combat of Malaria. Health and Social Affairs, following the incorporation of A Service of Occupational Health. the Social Welfare Authority within the Ministry, which A Service of Sanitary Engineering: Department of became the Directorate General of Social Affairs. Research and Strategies, Department for the Combat It kept the same name until the establishment of the of Insects and Rodents and Department of Nutrition. Ministry of Social Affairs in 1993 and the separation of A Service of Preventive Medicine. the Directorate of Social Affairs from the Ministry, which A Department of Biological and Health Statistics. then regained its title as the Ministry of Public Health. A Service of Social Health: Department of Primary Healthcare, which is split into two divisions (Division Tasks of Administration of Health Programs and Division of Decree No. 8377 of December 30, 1961, specified the Health Centers), Mother, Child and Educational Health Ministry’s tasks as: “Preserving public health, improving Department (annexed to it are the Markaz Ria’ayat its standards by preventing diseases and treating patients Al-‘Om wal Tofl and Noqtat al-Halib in Beirut), and those in need, supervising private health institutions Department of Health Guidance (annexed to it is the according to the provisions of their laws and drafting health guidance center in the Beirut muhafaza) and the proposals for issuing and amending laws and regulations Department of Disabled Health. related to all sectors of public health.” A Directorate of Medical Care Structure A Service of Hospitals, Dispensaries and According to the texts of the abovementioned decree Medical Professions: the Central Clinic of Beirut, and its amendments, the Ministry is made up of central the Department of Employees’ Medical Care and the departments and regional departments: Beirut Hospital. The service also includes partner The central departments include: hospitals, dispensaries and institutions in addition to A General Directorate: Department of Control of Public their administrative departments. Hospitals, IT Department, Accounting Department, A Pharmaceutical Service: Drugs Department, Department of Equipment and Supply (which includes Department of Import and Export of Medication and the depot of medicines and the depot of supplies Department of Pharmaceutical Inspection. and equipments), Secretariat Department, Personnel Department and the Department of Research, Cases, A Directorate of Central Laboratory, which consists of an Health and International Relations. administrative department, composed of five branches.

issue 101 - published by Information International s.a.l. THE MINISTRY OF PUBLIC HEALTH Public Sector | 11 There is a public health service in each muhafaza except to the control of the Court of Audit or the Central Inspection for Beirut. In each qada’a, there is a public health unit Board. affiliated to the muhafaza and the following are attached to The board of directors of the hospital should be composed each service: a health engineer, a pharmaceutical inspector of three to nine members, based on the size of each (except for the muhafazat of the South and Beqa’a), a institution, including the president and vice president. central dispensary, a tuberculosis center, a mother and The number of employees in each hospital depends on the child health care center (except in the Mount Lebanon number of beds it is comprised of. The hospitals have been muhafaza), a medical treatment unit for the employees of divided into three categories: the muhafaza hospital-health guidance group. First category: 100 or more beds with 305 employees Second category: 70 to 99 beds with 207 employees Number of posts Third category: 40 to 69 beds with 124 employees The number of posts in the Ministry changed after the These hospitals were supposed to achieve financial balance creation of public institutions for the management of and offer citizens the best services possible but a number government hospitals. There are currently 851 posts of them have not yet began to operate. Some were turned (although this is not a final figure) distributed as follows: into private hospitals that are difficult to access while Grade One: One post others are being managed with a governmental approach, Grade Two: 24 posts meaning they are unable to provide adequate services and Grade Three: 187 posts have a surplus of employees. The issue of hospitals being Grade Four: 427 posts administered by public institutions requires a special study Grade Five: 212 post that will be published in later issues of The Monthly. Table 1 lists the public institutions that run public hospitals. The National Bureau of Medicines An urgent draft law, which was implemented by virtue Public institutions that manage public hospitals Table 1 of Decree No. 3197 dated May 13, 1972, allowed the Date of creation of public creation of the National Bureau of Medicines. However, Name of government hospital institution to its creation never materialized. Thus, in 1983, Law No. manage hospital 5 abolished the former law and created another bureau Damour-Chouf 2009 governed by other provisions. Sarafand-Saida 2009 2006 The new law identified the bureau as a public institution, Tebneen 2006 commercial and industrial in nature, which enjoys Ba‘albeck 2006 administrative and financial independence, and falls under Saksakiyeh-Saida 2005 the responsibility of the Minister of Public Health. The Al-Shahhar Al Gharbi 2005 supervision of its work is to be conducted solely by the Khirbet Qanafar 2005 Court of Audit and the Central Inspection Board. Ftouh Keserouane 2005 The bureau’s task was defined as follows: the export, Jezzine 2005 Bcharre 2003 purchase, sale and manufacturing of medications listed in Orange Nasso-Trablous 2003 the laws of the pharmaceutical profession. Sibline-Chouf 2003 Once again, the bureau remained inexistent until 1993, 2003 when it became a reality following the appointment of a Hasbaya 2003 president (Dr. Kassem Hamadeh). However, the bureau Trablous 2002 still did not perform its tasks appropriately and Lebanese Mayss el-Jabal 2002 citizens continued to dream of the day they could buy Marjeyoun 2001 their medication at a reasonable price. Beirut-Carantina 2000 Ba‘abda Public University Hospital 2000 Saida 2000 Public hospitals Rachaya 2000 Since public hospitals connected to the Ministry were Sir Dinniyeh 2000 incapable of providing health services to citizens, Law Halba (Abdullah Al Rassi) 1999 No. 544 dated July 24, 1996, was issued and created Tannoureen 1999 Beirut Public University Hospital (Martyr Prime Minister public institutions to manage the hospitals affiliated Rafik Bahaeddin Hariri Public University Hospital) 1999 to the Ministry. These institutions enjoy financial and Qartaba 1999 administrative independence and are connected to the Zahle (President Elias Hraoui Public Hospital) 1998 Ministry of Health, which practices administrative Nabatiyeh 1997 oversight over them. These institutions are solely subject Source: Official Gazette

issue 101 - December 2010 12 | Public Sector THE MINISTRY OF PUBLIC HEALTH

Budget to the Ministry’s significance and the important services The Ministry’s budget in the draft state budget of 2009 it provides, ministers from all confessions have acceded reached LBP 439.7 billion or 2.69% of the State’s total to the post, although it seems to have recently become budget. It is distributed on the following: monopolized by the Shia’a. Indeed, Minister Mohammad A Medicines: LBP 66 billion Jawad Khalifeh continues to occupy this post since 2004 A Allocations, salaries, wages and additional expenses thus a period of six consecutive years, which is the longest for permanent employees, contractors and advisors: LBP uninterrupted period that a minister has held this position. In 27.5 billion contrast, some other ministries have become monopolized A Contributions to run new public hospitals: LBP12 by other confessions, such as the Ministry of Finance by the billion Sunni Za’im. Table 2 lists the names of all the Ministers of A Contributions to the Lebanese Red Cross: LBP 4.3 Public Health from 1944 until today (2010), the length of billion their tenure and their confession. A Contributions to the YMCA to fund a project to provide medication for chronic diseases and distribute them to Names of Ministers of Public Health from 1944 until licensed dispensaries and associations: LBP 4.9 billion today (2010), the length of their tenure and their Table 2 confession A Grants to private bodies: LBP 2.8 billion. Among Minister Length of the beneficiaries are: Thalassaemia Center (LBP 450 President Prime Minister of Public Confession Health tenure million), Dar Al ‘Aytam Al Islamiya (LBP 220 million), Mir Majid 25-9-1943 to Dr. Mohamad Khaled Social Foundations (LBP 220 Riad El-Solh Erslan 3-7-1944 Druze million), Beit Chabab Foundation for the Disabled Mir Majid 3-7-1944 to Riad El-Solh Erslan 9-1-1945 Druze (LBP 145 million), Mo’assassat Al Shaheed (LBP 100 Abdel Hamid Ahmad Al- 9-1-1945 to million), Social Movement (LBP 135 million), Childhood Karami Asaad 22-8-1945 Shia’a Protection and Care Association (LBP 200 million), the Jamil 22-8-1945 to Talhouk 22-5-1946 Druze Lebanese Association for the Care of the Disabled (LBP Saadi Al- Mir Majid 22-5-1946 to 900 million) and the Orthodox Center (LBP 70 million) Mounla Erslan 14-12-1946 Druze A Participations in UNICEF programs: LBP 4.5 billion Elias El- 14-12-1946 to Riad El-Solh Khoury 7-6-1947 Maronite A Participations in World Health Organization programs: Kamil 7-6-1947 to LBP 500 million Riad El-Solh Shamoun 19-5-1948 Maronite Contributions to Caritas-Lebanon projects: LBP 500 Mir Majid 19-5-1948 to A Riad El-Solh Erslan 26-7-1948 Druze million Bchara El- Riad El-Solh Elias El- 26-7-1948 to Maronite A Contributions to the Habitat Fund in Khoury Khoury 1-10-1949 Lebanon: LBP 300 million Raeef Abi 1-10-1949 to Riad El-Solh Lameh 6-10-1949 Maronite A Vaccination program: LBP 450 million Riad El-Solh Elias El- 6-10-1949 to Maronite A Health education and school health programs: LBP Khoury 14-2-1951 200 million Hussein Boulos 14-2-1951 to Oweini Fayad 7-6-1951 Orthodox A Primary healthcare program: LBP 500 million Abdallah Yafi Baheej 7-6-1951 to Druze A Epidemiological surveillance program: LBP 350 Takieddine 8-6-1951 million Bachir 8-6-1951 to Abdallah Yafi Aawar 11-2-1952 Druze A Private sector hospitalization expenses: LBP 305 Mir Majid 11-2-1952 to billion or 70% of the Ministry’s expenditures. The budget Sali Solh Erslan 9-9-1952 Druze allocated for private sector hospitalization has remarkably 9-9-1952 to Nazem Akari Bassil Trad 14-9-1952 Orthodox increased over the past year. It reached LBP 205 billion Saem Slam Bassil Trad 14-9-1952 to Orthodox in the 2000 State budget, LBP 230 billion in the 2004 18-9-1952 18-9-1952 to State budget and LBP 256 billion in the 2008 draft State Fouad Shehab Nazem Akari 30-9-1952 Sunni budget Khaled Shehab Salim 30-9-1952 to Shia’a A Central Laboratory for Public Health expenses: LBP Haidar 30-4-1953 948.5 million Rachid 30-4-1953 to Saeb Slam Baydoun 16-8-1953 Shia’a Kameel Abdallah Yafi Kazem El- 16-8-1953 to Shia’a Ministers of Health Shamoun Khalil 1-3-1954 Kazem El- 1-3-1954 to Since 1943 and until the formation of the current government Abdallah Yafi Khalil 16-9-1954 Shia’a in November 2009, 79 ministers have occupied the position Sami Solh Charles 16-9-1954 to Maronite of Minister of Public Health, as shown in Table 2. Due Helou 29-5-1955

issue 101 - published by Information International s.a.l. THE MINISTRY OF PUBLIC HEALTH Public Sector | 13 Names of Ministers of Public Health from 1944 until Names of Ministers of Public Health from 1944 until today (2010), the length of their tenure and their Table 2 today (2010), the length of their tenure and their Table 2 confession confession Minister Minister Length of Length of President Prime Minister of Public Confession President Prime Minister of Public tenure Confession Health tenure Health Sami Solh Georges 29-5-1955 to Maronite Takieddine Othman 8-7-1973 to Hrawi 9-7-1955 Solh Dana 31-10-1974 Sunni Sami Solh Gabriel Murr 9-7-1955 to Orthodox Mir Majid 31-10-1974 to 19-9-1955 Rachid Solh Erslan 23-5-1975 Druze 19-9-1955 to Suleiman Rachid Karami Nazih Bizri 19-3-1956 Sunni Franjieh Nour eddine Nour eddine 23-5-1975 to Rifae Rifae 1-7-1975 Sunni Abdallah Yafi Nazih Bizri 19-3-1956 to Sunni Kameel 8-6-1956 Mir Majid 1-7-1975 to Shamoun 8-6-1956 to Rachid Karami Erslan 9-12-1976 Druze Abdallah Yafi Nazih Bizri 18-11-1956 Sunni Mir Majid 18-11-1956 to Salim Hoss Ibrahim 9-12-1976 to Shia’a Sami Solh Erslan 18-8-1957 Druze Shaeto 16-7-1979 Sami Solh Joseph 18-8-1957 to Orthodox Talal 16-7-1979 to Skaff 14-3-1958 Salim Hoss Merhebi 25-10-1980 Sunni Albert 14-3-1958 to Sami Solh Mkhaiber 24-9-1958 Orthodox Shafik Wazan Nazih Bizri 25-10-1980 Sunni Mohammad 24-9-1958 to to 7-10-1982 Rachid Karami Safieddine 14-10-1958 Shia’a Pierre 14-10-1958 Shafik Wazan Adnan 7-10-1982 to Shia’a Rachid Karami Jmayel to 14-5-1960 Maronite Mroueh 30-4-1984 Hassan Pierre 30-4-1984 to Maronite Awad 14-5-1960 to Shia’a Jmayel 29-8-1984 1-8-1960 Amine Rachid Karami Mokdad Jmayel Fouad Joseph 4-9-1984 to Maronite Chehab Elias El- 1-8-1960 to Hashem 22-9-1988 Saeb Slam Khoury 20-5-1961 Maronite Pierre 20-5-1961 to Edgard 22-9-1988 to Catholic Saeb Slam Jmayel 31-10-1961 Maronite Maalouf 25-11-1989 Rachid Karami Ali Bazzi 31-10-1961 to Shia’a Abdallah 25-11-1989 to 20-2-1964 Salim Hoss Rassi 24-12-1990 Orthodox Hussein Mohammad 20-2-1964 to Oweini Kneio 25-9-1964 Sunni 24-12-1990 to Jamil Kebbi 16-5-1992 Sunni Hussein Mohammad 25-9-1964 to Sunni Oweini Kneio 18-11-1964 Rachid Solh Marwan 16-5-1992 to Druze Hussein Yaacoub 18-11-1964 to Hmadeh 31-10-1992 Orthodox Oweini Sarraf 25-7-1965 Marwan 31-10-1992 to Mohammad 25-7-1965 to Rafik Hariri Hmadeh 25-5-1995 Druze Rachid Karami Kneio 31-1-1966 Sunni 31-1-1966 to Rafik Hariri Marwan 25-5-1995 to Druze Rachid Karami Reda Wahid 4-9-1966 Shia’a Hmadeh 7-11-1996 Abdallah Yafi Kamel 4-9-1966 to Shia’a Suleiman 7-11-1996 to Asaad 6-12-1966 Rafik Hariri Franjieh 4-12-1998 Maronite Charles Rachid Karami Naseeb 6-12-1966 to Sunni Helou Barbir 8-2-1968 Salim Hoss Karam 4-12-1998 to Orthodox Khaled 8-2-1968 to Karam 26-10-2000 Abdallah Yafi Jumblat 12-10-1968 Druze Rafik Hariri Suleiman 26-10-2000 Maronite Abdallah Yafi Pierre 12-10-1968 to Maronite Franjieh to 17-4-2003 Jmayel 20-10-1968 Suleiman 17-4-2003 to Pierre 20-10-1968 Rafik Hariri Franjieh 26-10-2004 Maronite Abdallah Yafi Jmayel to 15-1-1969 Maronite Mohammad Rachid Karami Khatchik 15-1-1969 to Orthodox Emile 26-10-2004 Babikian 25-11-1969 Lahoud Omar Karami Jawad to 19-4-2005 Shia’a Habib 25-11-1969 to Khalifeh Rachid Karami Motran 13-10-1970 Catholic Mohammad 19-4-2005 to 13-10-1970 to Jawad 19-7-2005 Shia’a Saeb Slam Emile Bitar 24-12-1971 Maronite Khalifeh Henry 24-12-1971 to Mohammad 19-7-2005 to Saeb Slam Tarabay 18-3-1972 Maronite Jawad Shia’a Khalifeh 11-7-2008 Suleiman Saeb Slam Salah 18-3-1972 to Druze Franjieh Salman 27-5-1972 Mohammad 11-7-2008 to 27-5-1972 to Fouad Siniora Jawad 9-11-2009 Shia’a Saeb Slam Nazih Bizri 25-4-1973 Sunni Michel Khalifeh Suleiman 25-4-1973 to Mohammad 9-11-2009 to Amin Hafez Amin Hafez 8-7-1973 Sunni Jawad Shia’a Khalifeh date

issue 101 - December 2010 14 | Public Sector THE MINISTRY OF PUBLIC HEALTH MINISTRY OF HEALTH Expenses at LBP 652 billion while half the Lebanese population is deprived of health insurance he health of the Lebanese citizen and the means to provide him with appropriate medical care is a topic that has attracted the attention of both officials and citizens alike. Schemes and blueprints are being proposed Tfor the improvement of the current health care system, which remains below standards. Over the years, the Council of Ministers has convened several sessions to discuss this specific issue, in a bid to find a way to introduce a comprehensive health insurance plan, to no avail. An important session was held on May 12, 2009, to discuss a draft law for mandatory medical coverage following a study on the issue that included numbers and statistics that required thorough examination. Population The study estimated the Lebanese population in 2007 at 2008 reached LBP 228 billion. Hospitalization cases are 3,928,000 with an average population growth of 1.5%. distributed according to their nature as follows: The study found that 27.2% of the population was below A Open heart surgery and transplants: 3,385 surgeries at 15 years of age while 7.7% was above 65. a cost of LBP 21.6 billion A Dialysis patients: 1,298 cases Medical coverage A Bone and joints surgeries: 13,464 cases The study found that 45.5% of the Lebanese population A Chemotherapy patients: 2,134 cases (1,787,240) does not have any form of medical coverage A Childbirth cases: 21,977 cases (the number of and only benefit from medical care at the expense of the registered childbirths in Lebanon in 2008 reached Ministry of Public Health if it takes place inside a hospital. around 85,000 cases) Thus, patients are still required to pay for their medication and all medical tests performed outside the hospital, which Hospitalization cases covered by guarantor represents a majority of the cases. In contrast, 8% (314,200) government agencies of the population has private medical insurance. The number of hospitalization cases paid for by guarantor The National Social Security Fund (NSSF) ranks first government agencies (excluding the Ministry of Public among guarantor government agencies since it covers Health) reached 366,437 in 2008 at a cost of LBP 426 around 30% of Lebanese citizens. Table 1 lists the billion, as shown by Table 2. various guarantor government agencies and the number Number of hospitalization cases covered by and percentage of those covered by them. guarantor government agencies and their cost Table 2 Actual Average cost Guarantor Number hospitalization of each case Guarantor government agencies and the number of Table 1 of cases cost (in billion those covered by their medical care LBP) (in LBP) Number of National Social Security Fund 236,287 262.6 1,111,336 Guarantor those covered % The National Social Security Fund 1,175,714 30 State Employees’ Cooperative 37,460 51.3 1,371,062 The Lebanese Army 310,000 7.8 Lebanese Army 59,884 66 1,102,130 State Employees ‘Cooperative 195,856 5 Directorate General of Internal 28,097 40.5 1,442,936 Directorate General of Internal Security Security Forces Forces 125,000 3.2 Directorate General of General Security 3,496 3.6 1,032,769 Directorate General of General Security 16,058 0.4 Directorate General of State 1,213 Directorate General of State Security 5,645 0.14 Security estimated 2.2 1,813,685 Total 1,828,273 46.54 Total 366,437 426.2 1,163,092 In conclusion, guarantor government agencies spend Hospitalization cases covered by the Ministry around LBP 652 billion a year to hospitalize around and their cost 584,000 cases, an average of LBP 1,116 million per case In 2005, the number of cases that were covered by the per year. Despite such substantial government spending, Ministry of Public Health reached 181,605, increased the majority of the Lebanese, even those covered by one to 183,997 in 2006, to 218,509 in 2008 and cases were of these agencies, have a hard time receiving adequate estimated at 232,000 in 2009. The cost of the cases in treatment and healthcare.

issue 101 - published by Information International s.a.l. WHO BENEFITED FROM THE FOREIGN DONATIONS TO LEBANON IN 2009? Public Sector | 15 WHO BENEFITED FROM THE FOREIGN DONATIONS TO LEBANON IN 2009?

ow has Lebanon managed to remain afloat despite its public debt, its balance of trade deficit, its weak Hproductive sectors and other economic issues? The answer is that it is simply due to transactions of Lebanese emigrants and foreign donations of all kinds. In this issue, The Monthly enumerates the foreign financial and in- kind donations offered to Lebanon in 2009.

Tables 1 and 2 list financial and in-kind donations to Lebanon with the date of the decree, the donor, the beneficiary and the type of donation. The value of the financial donations is in LBP million.

Foreign financial donations in 2009 Table 1 Date of Value decree # Donor State Donation (in million LBP) Lebanese government Financial donation based on the memorandum of 23/1/2009 1235 Greek government Greece understanding signed on 5/12/2008 for the creation of two € 920,000 (1,871) health centers in Saida Financial donation, worth one million U.S. dollars, for the 3/2/2009 1290 Norwegian government Norway treatment of oil spillages in Lebanon and the completion of 1,500 the shore cleansing process Financial donation for the project on “Technical Assistance 6/2/2009 1306 UNDP International for the Modernization of the Public Sector and the $ 150,000 (226) Organization Strengthening of good governance in Lebanon” Financial donation to support economic recovery and 13/3/2009 1531 European Commission EU reconstruction in Lebanon based on a financial agreement € 18 million between the EU and the Lebanese government (36,613) Financial donation to pay for the reconstruction of Nahr 25/3/2009 1625 Sultanate of Oman Oman El-Bared 10,500 Financial donation to support the economic recovery (local development, reconstruction and rehabilitation of € 18 million 28/3/2009 1632 European Commission EU infrastructure) based on a financing agreement between the (36,613) EU and the Lebanese government The People’s Republic of Two financial donations for the rehabilitation of Palestinian 27/4/2009 1809 China China camps and the reconstruction of Nahr El-Bared 1,770 Grant based on an agreement signed on 8/4/2009 for the 19/6/2009 2338 The Greek Republic Greece reconstruction of Nahr El-Bared € 1 million (2,034) Total LBP 91,127 Ministry of Environment Financial donation to implement the project “Strengthening 4/2/2009 1295 World Bank - International International the capacity of the Ministry of Justice in the field of $ 327,000 (493) Development Association Organization environmental legislation” Multilateral Fund for the Financial donation to the project aimed at “Strengthening 7/2/2009 1327 Implementation of the International the Ozone office in the Ministry of Environment”. The $ 155,090 (234) Montreal Protocol Organization Ministry is only required to pay 30% of the project’s cost Financial donation for the implementation of the project 14/3/2009 1560 UNDP - Global Environment International “Mainstreaming conservation of migratory soaring birds into $ 1,324,000 (1,998) Facility Organization key productive sectors along the Rift Valley/Red Sea flyway» Multilateral Fund for the Financial donation for the preparation of a draft 21/3/2009 1612 Implementation of the International document for a project aimed at riding Lebanon of $137,000,250 (206) Montreal Protocol Organization hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs) Total LBP 2,931 Ministry of Interior and Municipalities Spanish Agency for 5/6/2009 2162 International Development Financial grant for the control of forest fires € 858,398 (1,741) Cooperation (AECID)

issue 101 - December 2010 16 | Public Sector WHO BENEFITED FROM THE FOREIGN DONATIONS TO LEBANON IN 2009? Foreign financial donations in 2009 Table 1 Date of Value in (million decree # Donor State Donation LBP) Financial donation for the implementation of a project to 29/5/2009 2095 French Government enhance security in the International Airport € 1,500,000 based on a agreement signed on 19/9/2008 (3,056) Total LBP 4,797 Ministry of Public Works and Transportation French Development Agency Financial donation for the management and 2/4/2009 1635 France recycling of substances that deplete the ozone layer € 371,300 (752) (AFD) (Chlorofluorocarbon) Financial donation based on an agreement signed on 14/4/2009 for the advancement and rehabilitation 5/6/2009 2192 Italian government Italy of infrastructure including the completion of the € 2,799,193 (5,679) reconstruction of the Sawfar bridge Total LBP 6,431 Ministry of Energy and Water Grant based on an agreement signed on 6/4/2009 to finance 26/5/2009 2038 The State of Kuwait Kuwait a project on drinking water and retaining walls in Bcharre $ 1,750,000 (2,631) International 26/5/2009 2058 Global Environment Facility Organization Financial grant for the preservation of energy $ 1 million (1,500) Total LBP 4,131 Ministry of Culture Grant based on an agreement signed on 6/4/2009 to 13/5/2009 1945 The State of Kuwait Kuwait finance a project for the establishment of a museum in Old $ 4 million (6,014) Saida city 5/6/2009 2156 Arab World Institute in Paris France Financial grant to equip the Beirut National Museum € 14,433 (32) Total LBP 6,046 Ministry of National Defense The Czech 11/5/2009 1931 The Czech Republic Republic Financial grant based on an agreement related to demining $ 147,444 (221) Total LBP 221 Ministry of Finance Financial donation based on an agreement signed on 28/3/2009 1631 EU EU 18/12/2008 to support the efforts of fiscal consolidation € 30 million leading to the reduction of public debt to sustainable levels (61,093) Total LBP 61,093 Ministry of Education and Higher Education Grant based on an agreement signed between the State of Kuwait and the Lebanese Republic on 6/4/2009 to help 13/5/2009 1948 The State of Kuwait Kuwait fund a project to prepare and equip a school in the district $ 150,000 (225) of Dinniyah Total LBP 225 Ministry of Agriculture International Centre for Advanced Mediterranean 29/5/2009 2086 Agronomic Studies (CIHEAM)/ Italy Financial donation for the economic and social support of € 3,299,958 Mediterranean Agronomic producers in Lebanese poor areas (6,696) Institute of Bari (IAMB) Total LBP 6,696 Ministry of Foreign Affairs Members of the Lebanese Two financial donations for the refurbishment of the 20/6/2009 2397 community in Great Britain Great Britain Lebanese embassy in London 466 Total LBP 466 Source: Official Gazette

issue 101 - published by Information International s.a.l. WHO BENEFITED FROM THE FOREIGN DONATIONS TO LEBANON IN 2009? Public Sector | 17

According to Table 1, the following can be concluded: [Graph 1] Distribution of financial donors for 2009 (million LBP)

0 120000 150000 Sum of financial donations by beneficiary: 30000 60000 90000 A Lebanese government: LBP 91,127 million Ministry of Finance: LBP 61,093 million A EU 133,431 (72%) A Ministry of Agriculture: LBP 6,696 million Ministry of Public Works: LBP 6,431 million A Italy 12,322 (6.7%) A Ministry of Culture: LBP 6,046 million A Ministry of Interior: LBP 4,797 million Oman 10,500 (5.7%) A Ministry of Energy and Water: LBP 4,131 million Kuwait A Ministry of Environment: LBP 2,931 million 8,870 (4.8%) A Ministry of Foreign Affairs: LBP 466 million International 4,645 (2.5%) A Ministry of Education and Higher Education: LBP 225 Organizations million Greece 3,905 (2.1%) A Ministry of National Defense: LBP 221 million France 3,840 (2%) The total sum of financial donations in 2009 reached LBP 184,164 million (approximately USD 122,555,400). China 1,770 (0.96%) The European Union was the largest donor in 2009, contributing with an amount of LBP 133,431 million Spain 1,741 (0.94%) (88,894,973 USD), followed by Italy with LBP 12,322 Norway 1,500 (0.81%) million (USD 8,214,865) and Oman with LBP 10,500 million (USD 7 million). Refer to Graph 1. Czech 221 (0.12%)

In-kind donations in 2009 Table 2 Date of decree # Donor State Donation Value (Million LBP) Ministry of Defense Emirati-Lebanese Friendship 10/1/2009 1196 Association UAE Sail boat € 4,990 (10) International 150 KVA generator and diesel tank 10/1/2009 1200 UN organization (1,000 liters) for the clearance of mines $ 19,665 (30) 7/2/2009 1326 The State of Qatar Qatar 40 Nissan Sunny cars (SM3 PE 2009) $ 528,000 (795) 200 Jeep Defender cars (90 Station 17/2/2009 1382 The State of Qatar Qatar Wagon 2009) $ 5,586,000 (8,420) 27/2/2009 1450 The State of Qatar Qatar 45 Nissan X-Trail SLX 2009 jeeps $ 1,084,500 (1,634) 13/3/2009 1513 Denmark Denmark Equipment 31 14/3/2009 1551 Pharma International Jordan Medicines 23 14/3/2009 1552 The State of Qatar Qatar 85 Nissan X-Trail SLX 2009 jeeps $ 2,048,500 (3,088) 14/3/2009 1555 Hoffmann-La Roche Switzerland Medicines 44 14/3/2009 1558 The State of Qatar Qatar 20 GMC Envoy SLE jeeps $ 482,000 (727) 14/3/2009 1559 Spanish authorities Spain and equipment $ 21,800 (33) 19/3/2009 1586 British authorities Great Britain Equipment $ 330,000 (497) 19/3/2009 1587 UNIFIL - Italy Italy Equipment $ 53,200 (80) 11,854 liters of benzene to be used in 2/4/2009 1649 US Department of State USA military vehicles for the clearance of $ 8,239 (12) mines $ 7,270,000 27/4/2009 1797 The UAE UAE Vehicles (10,959) 27/4/2009 1799 French authorities France Equipment $ 42,400 (64) International 27/4/2009 1800 WHO organization Equipment $ 38,800 (58) 13/5/2009 1942 Korean authorities Korea Equipment $ 90,500 (136) International 22,222 liters of diesel and 12,245 liters 16/5/2009 1961 UNDP organization of benzene $ 20,000 (30)

issue 101 - December 2010 18 | Public Sector WHO BENEFITED FROM THE FOREIGN DONATIONS TO LEBANON IN 2009?

In-kind donations in 2009 Table 2 Date of decree # Donor State Donation Value (Million LBP) 16/5/2009 1962 The State of Qatar Qatar Spare parts for the AW 139 helicopter $ 7,100 (10) Al Waleed Bin Talal 16/5/2009 1963 Foundation Saudi Arabia Electronic devices $ 300,000 (452) 22/5/2009 2007 The Marshall Institute USA 6 Police dogs $ 120,000 (180) Equipment for the French laboratory in 20/6/2009 2351 French authorities France the Military school $ 8,000 (12) 20/6/2009 2352 French authorities France Books and nautical charts for the Navy € 3,826 (8) 20/6/2009 2353 German government Germany 2 generators $ 56,600 (85) 20/6/2009 2354 French authorities France Tools and equipment $ 611,730 (922) Cars: Toyota 2007, Nissan 1997, Toyota 20/6/2009 2394 UN Mine ActionTeam International Forerunner 1999 and Toyota Land $ 175,000 (263) organization Cruiser 2001 20/6/2009 2396 Swiss authorities Switzerland Equipment $ 57,600 (86) 1/7/2009 2472 French authorities France Ship $ 400,000 (603) 1/7/2009 2473 British authorities Great Britain Tools and equipment 180 3/7/2009 2494 UNIFIL - Spain Spain Equipment $ 12,880 (19) Ministry of Interior and Municipalities France under the 14/1/2009 1219 supervision of UNDP France 10 Chevrolet 2008 ambulances $ 900,000 (1,356) 21 Renault Fourgon PR10 buses and 17 14/1/2009 1221 The French Republic France Ranault Saviem JP11 trucks - German embassy in Electronic devices for the General $ 55,220 (83) 18/2/2009 1385 Lebanon Germany Directorate of General Security Electronic devices for the General 18/2/2009 1387 French embassy in Lebanon France Directorate of General Security 8 International Committee of International Performance of electrical works in the 18/2/2009 1393 the Red Cross organization central prison of Roumieh - The Kingdom of Saudi 13/3/2009 1533 Arabia Saudi Arabia Equipment - World Lebanese Cultural 19/3/2009 1603 Union - Edmonton Canada Canada Ambulance car € 10,000 (18) Gaddafi International 9/4/2009 1689 Charity and Development Libya Bulldozers (Caterpillar on wheels - - Foundation Caterpillar Track) 9/4/2009 1690 Foreign party --- Telecommunication equipment 69 23/4/2009 1773 Germany Germany Tools and equipment - International Committee of International 2/5/2009 1827 the Red Cross organization 2 refrigerators for the Tripoli prison - 29/5/2009 2081 The UAE UAE Computer programs - International Committee of International Beds and mattresses for the prisoners 15/6/2009 2234 the Red Cross organization of Zahle - Australian embassy in 17/6/2009 2287 Lebanon Australia Photocopying machine - 17/6/2009 2288 French embassy in Lebanon France Military tools - 17/6/2009 International Civil Defense International 2289 Organization organization Clothes and equipment - The French state - 2 fire trucks, 1 vehicle and 2 rescue 17/6/2009 2290 Municipality of Belfort France vehicles for traffic accidents - Tools and medical equipment for the 17/6/2009 2291 The UAE UAE Specialty Hospital currently being built - The Kingdom of Saudi 1/7/2009 2464 Arabia Saudi Arabia Ammunition - American embassy in 1/7/2009 2465 Lebanon USA Equipment - Dar Al-Fatwa 10/1/2009 1204 Human Appeal International Great Britain Equipment and necessities - 14/1/2009 1213 IRFAN - Canada NGO Medicines for distribution to the poor - The ‘Home for Lebanese 23/1/2009 1238 Children Organization’ - NGO Medicines and medical equipment - France

issue 101 - published by Information International s.a.l. WHO BENEFITED FROM THE FOREIGN DONATIONS TO LEBANON IN 2009? Public Sector | 19

In-kind donations in 2009 Table 2 Date of decree # Donor State Donation Value (Million LBP) Medical equipment for Dar Al-Fatwa 28/1/2009 1268 UAE Red Crescent UAE medical clinics - Meat donations (55,000 heads) to be 28/1/2009 1269 Islamic Development Bank Saudi Arabia distributed to the poor - The Union of Good 28/1/2009 1270 Organization NGO Gift boxes and clothes - The Union of Good Network antennas and spare parts for 28/1/2009 1271 Organization NGO radios - Renovation and rehabilitation of the 7/2/2009 1321 Al Waleed Bin Talal Saudi Arabia Higher Sunni Shari’ah Court and the - Foundation Beirut Sunni Shari’ah Court Medical necessities and equipment 7/2/2009 1322 Islamic Medical Association NGO from Canada to be distributed to Dar - Al-Fatwa medical centers Lebanese Muslim 3/3/2009 1456 Association in Lakemba - NGO 2,475 parcels of frozen sheep meat to - Australia be distributed to the poor Institution for Nordic 21/3/2009 1608 countries assistance NGO Clothes, equipment and tapes - The Union of Good - South 11/5/2009 1911 Africa NGO Assistance to be distributed to the poor - Medicines for the distribution to the 13/5/2009 1947 IRFAN - Canada NGO poor - Institution for Nordic 26/5/2009 2036 countries assistance NGO Clothes and equipment - The Union of Good 5,600 boxes of frozen meat from India 5/6/2009 2185 Organization NGO to be distributed to the poor - Medicines (Paroxetine) to be distributed 15/6/2009 2274 Muslim Aid NGO to 10,000 poor people - Ministry of Finance 23/2/2009 1417 German Customs Germany Defense rubbers and other equipment - 23/2/2009 1418 German Customs Germany Tools and equipment - 9 signal lights with their batteries and 9 23/2/2009 1425 German Customs Germany horns with their fittings - 150 Yaeusu mobile transceivers, car 23/2/2009 1426 German Customs Germany equipment (20) and their antennas (20) - Spare parts for customs control 14/3/2009 1557 German Customs Germany equipment - 2/4/2009 1640 German Customs Germany Naval equipment and air conditioning - Diesel truck (TOYOTA DYNA 400 Long 26/6/2009 2435 German Customs Germany 2009) - Ministry of Public Health 22/1/2009 1232 Eli Lilly USA Medicines - Renovation and rehabilitation of Saksakieh 6/2/2009 1304 Islamic Republic of Iran Iran and Mashghara public hospitals - International 18/2/2009 1400 International Medical Corps organization Variety of medicines - AmeriCares and International Drugs to be distributed to medical 11/5/2009 1913 Dispensary Association - IDA NGOs centers - International Dispensary 11/5/2009 1917 Association - IDA NGO Drugs to be distributed to the poor 10 16/5/2009 1969 AmeriCares NGO Medicines (‘Venlafaxine’) - 1/7/2009 2469 Al-Sayer Kuwaiti family Kuwait 9 ambulances - Ministry of Agriculture 23/1/2009 1239 Republic of Syria Syria 500,000 fruit trees and forestry - Arab Centre for the Studies 3/2/2009 1289 of Arid Zones and Dry Lands Arab Organization 300,000 olive trees distributed to - (ACSAD) farmers Arab Organization for 6/2/2009 1305 Agricultural Development Arab Organization Chemicals - (The League of Arab States) Africa’ 70 woking in South 2007 KIA PICANTO car for the 16/5/2009 1975 Lebanon NGO agricultural school in Khyam - European Commission in 15/6/2009 2244 collaboration with FAO EU 150,000 doses of vaccines -

issue 101 - December 2010 20 | Public Sector WHO BENEFITED FROM THE FOREIGN DONATIONS TO LEBANON IN 2009?

In-kind donations in 2009 Table 2 Date of decree # Donor State Donation Value (Million LBP) Ministry of Education and Higher Education Cooperative Housing Foundation (CHF), funded 18/2/2009 1394 by the US Agency for USA Equipment for public schools - International Development Middle East Partnership 23/2/2009 1416 Initiative (MEPI) implemented USA 50 boxes of reading books - by SCHOLASTIC Electro mechanic training equipment based on a Lebanese-German project 3/6/2009 2118 German government Germany for the encouragement of technical - training and development of SMEs 1/7/2009 2459 Zimmer Switzerland Equipment $ 37,120 (55) Ministry of Public Works and Transportation The creation of a public park in a USAID through CHF province of North Lebanon in the region 20/5/2009 1995 International USA of Bebneen in addition to the cleaning $ 130,000 (195) of the sand beach nearby Swedish International 1/7/2009 2468 Development Cooperation Sweden Clothes for firemen - Agency (SIDA) Ministry of Social Affairs 9/4/2009 1705 Venice Drugstore USA Medicines - 17/6/2009 2299 Salutas Pharma GmbH Germany Medicines - Ministry of Environment Multilateral Fund for the 13/3/2009 1520 Implementation of the International Toyota Land Cruiser 2003 (Four-wheel - Montreal Protocol Organization drive) Ministry of Information Equipment to activate the work of the 16/4/2009 1760 Al Waleed Bin Talal Saudi Arabia Directorate of the National Agency for - Foundation Information Source: Official Gazette

Until October 15, 2009, the Ministry [Graph 2] Distribution of in-kind donors for 2009 of Defense benefited the most from in- kind foreign donations, followed by the 20 Ministry of Interior and Dar Al-Fatwa.

Graph 2 shows that non-governmental 16 organizations provided the highest 15 number of in-kind donations in 2009, followed by in-kind donations from 12 12 Germany, international organizations 10 10 and France. 10 8

66 5 5 33 22

0 UAE NGO Other Qatar Spain France Germany Switzerland Saudi Arabia United States Arab Organization National Organizations

issue 101 - published by Information International s.a.l. IMMUNITY OF THE PRIME MINISTER AND MINISTERS Legislation | 21 IMMUNITY OF THE PRIME MINISTER AND MINISTERS Prosecution before a special body

he prime minister and ministers enjoy immunity against prosecution before ordinary courts. They can only be accused by the House of Representatives and prosecuted before the Supreme Council for the Prosecution Tof Presidents and Ministers. Article 70 of the Constitution stipulates that: “the House of Representatives shall have the right to impeach the prime minister and the ministers for committing high treason or violating their obligations. The decision to impeach may not be taken except by a majority of two thirds of the total membership of the House. A specific law defines the conditions of the prime minister and ministers’ legal responsibility”. Hence, this immunity only covers cases of high treason and breach of duty so that the Public Prosecutor shall not be entitled to proceed with cases of this nature. However, for crimes unrelated to ministerial functions, they are prosecuted before ordinary courts.

High treason and breach of duty The legislator has yet to determine the exact the meaning of ‘breach of duty’. Thus, in its decision rendered on June 7, 2004, in the case of Minister Ali Abdullah, the Court of Cassation defined the duties mentioned in article 70 of the constitution as: “those falling within the scope of the minister’s competence and directly related to the exercise of his legal ministerial functions. The immunity excludes acts committed outside the scope of his competence, those done in a personal capacity and flagrant crimes. These do not warrant immunity since they are not directly related to the minister’s work and the performance of his functions and are dealt with by the ordinary courts. The breach itself consists of abstaining from performing the duties or by performing them in a way that violates the rules, laws and regulations in place”. High treason is a political crime and it also has not been defined by the legislator. However, it was mentioned in a government draft stating that a number of crimes provided for in the penal code constitute a violation of the constitution or cases of high treason, among which crimes committed against the internal and external security of the State. The prosecution of ministers The immunity of the prime minister and ministers mentioned in the Constitution and in the Code of the Supreme Council for the Prosecution of Presidents and Ministers is not absolute and is not intended to avoid their appearance before courts, should their actions Saray - Beirut so require. Indeed, many ministers have been called

issue 101 - December 2010 22 | Legislation IMMUNITY OF THE PRIME MINISTER AND MINISTERS for investigation and some of them have even been The end of immunity arrested, as detailed in Table 1 below. As noted above, the prime minister and ministers are prosecuted for the crimes of high treason and breach of Ministers prosecuted or summoned, including duty before the Supreme Council for the Prosecution Table 1 the date, cause and result of Presidents and Ministers. But the question is: after Date of Name of the leaving office, who is the competent authority capable prosecution or Cause Result minister of accusing and prosecuting them for crimes committed summons while they were still in office? The case law of the On 6/5/1991, The examining Misappropriation the Court of Court of Cassation confirms that a minister shall be magistrate of funds (related Cassation held prosecuted for crimes committed during the term of his Joseph El ordered he be to the collection that the ordinary office before the Supreme Council for the Prosecution Hashem brought before of money for courts did not of Presidents and Ministers, even after he leaves the the court on international have jurisdiction 3/5/1989 phone calls) to rule on the Ministry. case The Attorney Indictment of Prime Minister Fouad Siniora Paying money to General Summoned by hospitals for the and other ministers announced that the Prosecutor care of presumed On January 8, 2007, some opposition MPs submitted Jamil Kebbi the ordinary General on war-injuries at the judge did not a petition against Prime Minister Fouad Siniora and 27/5/1993 expense of the have jurisdiction the non-independent ministers in his government for Ministry of Health to prosecute him violating the Constitution and breaching their duties. The Financial They called for investigating with them and referring General Summoned by them to the Supreme Council for the Prosecution Prosecutor the Financial Misuse of a announced that of Presidents and Ministers. This was the first Adel Kartas Prosecutor German donation the ordinary parliamentary petition against a prime minister calling General on of seeds judge did not 18/7/1995 for his trial before the Supreme Council. have jurisdiction to prosecute him The petition accused Prime Minister Siniora and other He was arrested Fraud and for 11 months ministers of breaching: Summoned by misrepresentation and the Criminal the Financial Shahe of documents, court announced Prosecutor A Articles 52 and 56 of the Constitution, in the course Barsoumian leading to the on 16/12/2002 General on of negotiations between the Lebanese government squandering of that it was not 5/3/1999 public funds competent to rule and the United Nations on the creation of a Special on the case International Tribunal. These articles emphasize He was arrested. the right of the President of the Republic to lead On 5/4/2004, negotiations in matters relating to international Embezzlement the Court of treaties and his authority to conclude them with the Summoned by of public funds Cassation the Financial in the Lebanese- declared the assistance of the prime minister, Ali Abdullah Prosecution American competence General on agricultural of the ordinary A Article 95 of the Constitution, which stipulates that 2/9/2003 cooperation courts for some all the confessions should be fairly represented in project crimes and that of the Supreme the government, and Council for others On 16/11/200, A Articles 19 and 57 of the law regulating the the General Paying LBP Constitutional Council, articles 83 and following Summoned by Authority of 51 million as of the Constitution, articles 17 and following of the The General the Court of compensation for Fouad Prosecution Cassation Law on Public Spending, as well as the principles the Burj Hammoud Siniora of the Court of declared that the of official diplomatic dealings with the President of fires, while such Cassation on ordinary courts funds were the Republic and constitutional and judicial rules on 20/2/1999 did not have unavailable the acceptance of resignations of ministers and the jurisdiction to rule on the case method of their substitution. Source: Information International and judicial decisions issued by the courts.

issue 101 - published by Information International s.a.l. THE LEBANESE BANKING SECTOR Private Sector | 23 THE LEBANESE BANKING SECTOR $4.3 million profit in five years

he Lebanese banking sector is perhaps the most significant feature of the Lebanese economic “miracle”. The sector managed to survive and progress despite the deterioration in the security situation and both the Tpublic and private sectors. In the aftermath of the 1975 civil war, its role became pivotal and essential in funding the State’s deficit and enabling it to pay off its debts, most of which were owed to banks themselves, in order to prevent the State’s economic collapse and in turn the sector’s collapse. This enabled the banking sector to make substantial profits that increased year after year - an anomaly considering most economic sectors are suffering from stagnation or decline in their work and profits. The reasons behind these continuous profits is a topic that exceeds the scope of the article, which will only explore the reality of the banking sector and the profits it has generated. Reality of the banking sector 65 banks, 906 branches, 19,794 employees that cost reached LBP 1,103.6 billion. the sector LBP 1,103.6 billion, deposits at $100 billion: By the end of July 2010, deposits reached an estimated this is what the Lebanese banking sector looks like. LBP 155,346 billion (around $103 billion) while loans The 65 banks operating in Lebanon are distributed as reached LBP 93,458 billion (around $62 billion), of follows: 32 Lebanese banks, 10 Lebanese banks with a which LBP 43,926 or 47% were in loans to the State. majority of Arab shareholding, 2 Lebanese banks with a majority of foreign shareholding, 5 Arab banks, 4 Banking sector profits foreign banks and 12 banks for medium and long term Bank profits have been on the increase in recent years. loans. After reaching LBP 513 billion in 1999 they increased At the end of 2009, these banks had a network of 906 to LBP 1,804 billion in 2009. Table 1 illustrates the branches spread across Lebanon with 19,794 employees, development of these profits from 1999 until 2009, with of which 94% work in Lebanese commercial banks. profits reaching $ 4.3 billion during the crisis years (2005- Their cost (in salaries, family indemnities, pensions, 2009), which is one of the important paradoxes of the health insurance and other compensations and bonuses) Lebanese economy. Table 2 shows the assets and profits of the banks in Lebanon for the year 2008-20091.

Banking sector profits from 1999 to 2009 (in LBP billion) Table 1 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 513 456 394 471 598 696 782 1,007 1,281 1,609 1,804 Source: Annual reports of the Association of Banks in Lebanon.

Assets and profits of Lebanon’s banks (2008-2009) Table 2 Assets in 2008 (in LBP Profits in 2008 (in LBP Assets in 2009 (in LBP Profits in 2009 (in LBP Name of Bank billion) billion) billion) billion) Fransabank 12,745.2 133.1 16,300 157.1 Bank Misr Liban 787.1 62 (LBP million) 935.4 144 (LBP million) Arab Bank 2,147 30.4 2,124 22 HSBC Bank Middle East Limited 1,425.5 29 1,440 14.7 Rafidain Bank 28.4 806 (LBP million) 32.2 742 (LBP million) Banque Libano-Française 9,813.3 107.5 11,386.3 101.8 BLC Bank (Banque Libanaise pour le Commerce) 2,972 34.7 3,908.2 51.6 NECB (Near East Commercial Bank) 226.5 427 (LBP million) 276 2.3 BLOM Bank 26,941 379.2 31,185.3 441.7 1 - The banks are listed in the order that was adopted in Decree No. 10356 issued by the governor of the Central Bank of Lebanon on January 14, 2010, which provided a list of all the banks in Lebanon.

issue 101 - December 2010 24 | Private Sector THE LEBANESE BANKING SECTOR Assets and profits of Lebanon’s banks (2008-2009) 1 Table 2 Assets in 2008 (in LBP Profits in 2008 (in LBP Assets in 2009 (in LBP Profits in 2009 (in LBP Name of Bank billion) billion) billion) billion) Federal Bank of Lebanon 597 99 (LBP million) 1,069.6 512 (LBP million) Alahli National Commercial Bank (Saudi Arabia) 142.6 2.8 119.2 3.6 SGBL (Société Générale de Banque au Liban) 5,082 66.3 7,179 106 BankMed 14,391 105.7 15,956.2 137 Audi Saradar Private Bank SAL 2,233.4 33.3 3,265 40.5 BBAC (Bank of Beirut and the Arab Countries) 4,890 38.1 5,627.8 54 Al Lati Bank SAL (acquired by BLC Bank) 119 -32 (LBP million) 90.8 -23.7 (loss) Audi Saradar Investment Bank SAL 1,457.7 9.4 1,176.5 14.8 SLCB (Syrian Lebanese Commercial Bank) 754 13 730 9.7 BPC (Banque Pharaon et Chiha SAL) 288.1 3 316.9 5.5 Banque de Crédit National SAL 64.8 4.3 54.8 1.2 Bank 16,929 183.9 20,465 219.4 Banque de l’Habitat (Housing Bank) 594.4 13.8 732 14.2 Finance Bank of Lebanon 334.1 4 412.3 5 Lebanese Canadian Bank SAL 6,232.3 36.8 7,882.7 46.2 BIT (Banque de l’Industrie et du Travail) 695.6 609 (LBP million) 728.6 786 (LBP million) IBL (Intercontinental Bank of Lebanon) 3,173.5 37.7 3,931.3 41.3 Credit Libanais 6,714.8 77.7 8,263.7 79.3 Bank Audi SAL - Audi Saradar Group 30,790.4 359 39,927.6 435.6 Bank Of Kuwait & The Arab World 1,235.8 18.3 1,563.4 20.5 NACB (North Africa Commercial Bank) 1,218.3 14.3 1,333.5 23.5 Syrian Lebanese Bank 855.6 11 1,224.3 15.6 Bank Saderat Iran 173.3 2.4 191.6 3.3 SNBSL (Société Nouvelle de la Banque de Syrie et du Liban) 1,017 4.6 1,119 5.8 National Bank of Kuwait 491.5 3.7 482.2 5.2 Bank of Beirut 8,648 99.4 10,501 112.2 Jammal Trust Bank 715.2 3.4 750.7 1.8 Ahli International Bank SAL 718.8 4.6 818.5 3.8 Habib Bank Ltd 54 503 (LBP million) 55 484 (LBP million) Arab African International Bank 37 - 37.1 - Emirates Lebanon Bank 1,461 21.5 1,689.2 16.2 Banque Bemo 1,372 11 1,812 11.7 Lebanon & Gulf Bank 1,779 12.8 2,408 21.3 Saudi Lebanese Bank SAL 216 3.3 235.4 2.4 Standard Chartered Bank 237.4 3.8 235.8 4.4 Al Mawarid Bank 881.5 -21.4 (loss) 952.8 -33.5 (loss) Credit Bank SAL 1,365 8.6 1,949.4 13 First National Bank 2,500 13.3 3,259.2 14.7 MEAB (Middle East and Africa Bank) 807.8 4.7 879.8 8.4 BLOMINVEST Bank 707.7 1.8 1,011 27.5 MIB (Mediterranée Investment Bank SAL) 420.9 7.2 409.9 1.2 CLIB (Credit Libanais Investment Bank) 1,152 10 1,330 7.3 CitiBank N.A 257.6 3.8 245.3 3.8 Arab Investment Bank SAL 56.6 1.05 56.6 1 Fransa Invest Bank SAL 331.3 7.4 507.5 13.8 Byblos Invest Bank SAL 920 6.5 1,671.3 27.3 Arab Finance House SAL 388.1 5.04 - - BLOM Development Bank 46.5 1.7 (LBP million) 80.7 66 (LBP million) Gazprombank Invest (MENA) 14.2 -807 (LBP million) 77.4 14.7 FFA Private Bank 135 4.1 143.9 6 Bank of Beirut Invest SAL 91.1 948 (LBP million) 175.6 2.7 Warka Bank for Investment & Finance JSC The bank was granted a license to open in 2008 Source: Information International based on several sources. Ex: Official Gazette, financial documents of the banks, and BilanBanques

issue 101 - published by Information International s.a.l. THE LEBANESE BANKING SECTOR Private Sector | 25

[Graph 1] Banks detaining largest sums (in LBP) Note: Table 2 does not include United Credit Bank SAL and Al Madina Bank because they have been closed. It also does not include Al Baraka Bank and Lebanese Islamic Bank for lack of available information. 39,927 40000 26.5 35000 Billion Based on the numbers in Table 2 , the following can be USD 31,185 30000 20.7 concluded: Billion Bank Audi - Audi Saradar Group is one of the biggest 25000 A USD 20,465 banks in terms of assets, which reached LBP 39,927 20000 13.6 billion (around $ 26,5 billion), followed by BLOM 16,300 15,956 15000 Billion Bank with assets at LBP 31,185 billion (around $ USD 10.8 10.1 10000 Billion Billion 20.7 billion). Byblos Bank comes in third place with USD USD assets at LBP 20,465 billion (around $ 13.6 billion), 5000 Fransabank comes in fourth place with assets at LBP 0 16,300 billion (around $10.8 billion) and BankMed Audi Bank BLOM Byblos Fransabank Bank in fifth place with assets at LBP 15,956 billion (Saradar Bank Bank Med (around $ 10.10 billion). These banks possess 71.3% Group) of the total assets of the banking sector. (Graph 1).

A BLOM Bank ranks first in terms of profits (LBP For the banking sector to make such substantial profits 441.7 billion) followed by Audi Bank – Audi ($4.3 billion) during the so-called “crisis years”, which Saradar Group (LBP 435.6 billion). Byblos Bank witnessed the assassination of former Prime Minister comes third (LBP 219.4 billion), Fransabank fourth Rafic Hariri, followed by sit-ins and demonstrations, an (LBP 157.1 billion) and BankMed fifth (LBP 136.7 Israeli war in 2006 and civil unrest in May 2008, is an billion). They possess 77% of the banking sector’s indicator of the political and financial strength of this profits. Thus, these five banks actually dominate the sector. It is nonetheless required to take financial and sector since they possess three quarters of it while monetary measures, under the supervision of monetary the other 60 banks possess the remaining quarter. authorities, to reduce its interest rates that have allowed (Graph 2). these high profits in order to stimulate the economy.

[Graph 2] Bank Profits in Lebanon (Sums in billion LBP)

500 441.7 435.6 400 60 banks 23% 300 219.4 200 5 banks 157.1 136.7 77% 100

0 BLOM Audi Bank Byblos Fransabank Bank Bank (Saradar Bank Med Group)


he fact that the price of the ounce of gold (31.104 grams) has surged above $1,350, with a likelihood Tto increase to $1,500, is an indicator of the importance of this item for the economy, investments and the reserves of central banks. Gold and its sources Gold is a very precious mineral extracted from the ground by digging in mines. There are some 400 gold mines worldwide producing an average of 2,000- 3,000 tons of gold every year. It takes almost ten years to develop a mine and therefore it is an industry Jewelry Shop that cannot swiftly respond to the rise in demand by increasing production, as is the case with oil or other around a fifth of the world’s gold reserve or 31,000 materials. Pure gold weighs 24 carats when all 24 tons. Until 1999, central banks and the IMF used to parts are gold, 21 carats when 21 carats are gold and sell an average of 562 tons of their reserves every year. the three remaining parts are other minerals, 14 carats However, in order to prevent the collapse of gold prices when 14 parts are gold and the remaining 10 parts are and in light of the decline in demand and increase in other minerals. Goldmines are essentially located in supply, Central Bank Agreements on Gold were signed, the following countries, by order of importance: South the first of which fixed the amount of gold to be sold Africa, China, the United States, Canada, Australia, the annually at 400 tons (total sales not exceeding 2,000 Philippines, Russia and Argentina. tons between1999-2004). The second such agreement fixed the amount at 500 tons per annum (total sales not Gold and the dollar exceeding 2,500 tons between 2004-2009) and the third In 1944, after the end of World War II, the Bretton and current agreement at 400 tons per year (total sales Woods agreement was signed, which established a new not exceeding 2,000 tons between 2009-2014). financial and monetary system. It required Member However, the rising demand for gold forced central states to establish a parity of their national currencies banks to abstain from selling and turn to purchasing in terms of gold and to maintain exchange rates, within instead. In the second quarter of 2010, they purchased plus or minus 1% of parity. It thus obligated Member around eight tons of gold. states, besides the Unites States, to peg their currencies to the US dollar making it the ‘reserve currency’. Sources of demand Furthermore, it set the price of the ounce of gold at Around 70% to 75% of the demand comes from the $35, thus directly linking the price of gold to the dollar. jewelry sector. India ranks first in international demand Consequently, all currencies were defined in relation with a 22% share, mostly used for jewelry. Demand for to the dollar, itself convertible into gold, making it the investment purposes forms 15% to 20% of international world currency. However, on August 15, 1971, US demand for gold, while industrial and medical demand President Richard Nixon announced the termination forms 5% to 15% of the international demand. of this system, therefore ending the convertibility of the dollar into gold and resulting in the increase of the Reasons for the increase price of the latter. The abstention of central banks from selling a part of their gold reserves and buying instead, the unprecedented Gold as a reserve for central banks increase in demand (150% between 2001 and 2009), the Central banks and international institutions, most rise in investor demand especially in the past two years, notably the International Monetary Fund (IMF), own the recent international financial crisis, the emerging

issue 101 - published by Information International s.a.l. GOLD IN THE WORLD Private Sector | 27 reputation of gold as a protector of wealth against Gold market inflation and the realization of its purchasing power, in India dominates around 20% of the international gold addition to the increasing commercial, industrial and market, which produces 1,000 tons of gold annually. medical demand for gold, are all factors that have led India’s gold imports reach around $20 billion a year to the substantial rise in gold prices reaching $1,350 per (2008-2009). About 10% of the world’s gold production ounce, a price expected to increase to $1,500 per ounce. can be found in the country, either in private banks, Table 1 shows the fluctuation of the price of the ounce rural areas or in the form of privately owned jewelry. of gold between 1930-2010. Export Average development of the price of the ounce of Table 1 India’s purchase of gold to meet the demands of the gold internal market goes in tandem with the purchase of gold Price per ounce Year (in USD) by its factories and craftsmen. The latter use the imported 1930 20 gold to manufacture it in different forms and re-export 1934 35 it to international markets, where Indian jewelry has 1971 41 acquired a commendable reputation stemming from the 1977 147 precision and beauty of its design, in addition to its low 1980 870 cost due to the very low cost of labor. 1985 317 1990 383 India’s gold exports have substantially increased over 1995 384 the past decades. They were at $62 million in 1968- 2000 279 1969 compared to $28.4 billion in 2009-2010. Table 2 2003 364 below shows the development of India’s gold exports 2005 445 during 1968-1969 and 2009-2010. 2006 604 2007 697 India’s gold exports from 1968-1969 to 2009-2010 Table 2 2008 871 Value (in 2009 972 Year million USD) 2010 ( end of September) 1,177 1968-1969 62 Source: World Gold Council 1978-1979 887 1988-1989 3,145 2002-2003 9,162 2004-2005 15,658 2006-2007 17,159 INDIA 2007-2008 20,921 THE LAND OF POVERTY AND GOLD 2008-2009 24,894 2009-2010 28,415 For a majority of people, India’s image is that of a Source: The Gem and Jewelry Export Promotion Council in India. largely populated country (the second largest in the world after China whose population is 1,180 million) of As for importing states, the United Arab Emirates poor and needy individuals. Indeed, estimates indicate ranked first acquiring 43% of exports, followed by that 37.2% of India’s population or around 440 million Hong Kong (23%), the United States (14%), Belgium citizens live below the poverty line thus spending less (6%), Singapore (3%), Israel (3%) and other countries than $1.25 a day. But what many are unaware of is the (8%). fact that India is extremely advanced in the information Given the importance of the gold market in India, be it technology sector, it is one of the most important brain domestically or for export, the State has been organizing drain countries (its knowledge is mostly exported to the the India International Jewelry Show for the past 27 US) and it is the world’s largest consumer of gold. In years. In 2009, some 700 exhibitors participated in the India, even the poor purchase gold. This is mainly due show using 1,600 wings on an area of 45,000 square to religious and economic considerations, as according meters. The show attracted more than 30,000 traders. to Hinduism, gold symbolizes wealth and prosperity. India is also one of the leading exporters of gold, it has India remains an interesting country with both rich hundreds of factories manufacturing some of the finest and contradictory ethnic, religious, economic and jewelry designs at minimal costs. social traditions.


The Syndicate of Gold and Jewelry Merchants in The Syndicate’s organization Lebanon was established by virtue of Decree No. 446/1 The Syndicate consists of the following bodies and dated October 4, 1983. It was established in order to: committees: Unite gold and jewelry merchants in Lebanon A The General Assembly, which includes all the Regulate the relationship between the members of the members and workers of the Syndicate Syndicate and the State on the one hand and between A The Syndicate Board, which is elected by the the members themselves on the other General Assembly Protect, encourage and improve the profession and A The Honorary Members and Honorary Presidents’ protect its interests in the economic, industrial, Body commercial and financial sectors A Sub-committees, which are formed of members of Sponsor the interests of the Syndicate’s members, the General Assembly and of the Board, that assist defend their rights and work to improve their social, the Syndicate’s Board in its works and activities health, cultural, financial and professional conditions Encourage and support the union movement, cooperate The General Assembly with union bodies including employers and employees The General Assembly serves as the Syndicate’s higher to identify areas and frameworks of cooperation and decision-making body from which all other bodies, work to develop union activities in collaboration with committees and powers emerge. It is composed of all public institutions. individuals who have paid their subscription fees in full. It convenes both its regular and extraordinary sessions Membership at the request of the Board. The Syndicate consists of gold and jewelry merchants working in Lebanon, both men and women. In order to The Assembly is in charge of achieving the goals and join the Syndicate, the applicant should: aims of the Syndicate. It has the power to carry out the A Be a Lebanese citizen (for more than 10 years) following: A Be 18 years of age at the time of application A Elect the members of the Board A Enjoy all his/her civil rights and not have been A Amend the Syndicate’s constitution and by-laws convicted of a crime or misdemeanor A Dissolve the Syndicate or integrate it within another A Be a gold and jewelry merchant working in syndicate that has similar goals and purposes Lebanon A Ratify the Board’s annual declaration A Ratify the annual budget and balance sheet and Non-Lebanese dealers have the right to join the acquit members of the Board for their actions during Syndicate provided they meet all the other requirements their mandates – excluding that of the Lebanese citizenship – and are A Decide on investments and expenditures of the licensed to work in Lebanon. However, they do not Syndicate’s funds have the right to participate in elections – either to vote A Sign group work contracts or to run as candidates – but rather they can delegate A Dismiss members of the Board or relieve them of someone to represent them and defend their interests in their duties the Syndicate’s Board. A Set and amend the subscription and membership fees or delegate the Board to do so The annual subscription fee was set at $110 for each member (equivalent to LBP 165,000). The Syndicate has around 500 registered members.

issue 101 - published by Information International s.a.l. SYNDICATE OF GOLD Private Sector | 29 The Syndicate’s Board The 12-member Board manages the affairs of the Syndicate and is elected for a four year-term by the General Assembly. Half of the members are elected every two years after half of the first elected Board is discharged following a draw.

The Board acts as the Syndicate’s executive body and has the power to carry out everything that helps achieve its goals and purpose. It especially has the power to: A Manage the affairs of the Syndicate and sponsor its interests and those of its members and representatives Jewelry market in Tripoli A Cooperate with union bodies and work to improve the status of union work in Lebanon A The absence of a precise listing of stores and A Sign contracts on behalf of the Syndicate and accept establishments that work in the jewelry business. or reject grants and donations As a result, the Syndicate does not have accurate A Supervise and preserve Syndicate properties information regarding the size of the business. A Prepare the agendas of the Syndicate’s General A The trading of “Brazilian gold”, which in reality Assemblies amounts to fraud as the clients purchasing the A Appoint advisers, employees and contractors and product are under the impression that they are buying define the conditions of their employment, salaries, gold while effectively they are purchasing products indemnities, work conditions and pensions officially classified as accessories. A Draft by-laws for the Syndicate’s various activities and its committees The Syndicate’s work A Draft the Syndicate’s final balance sheet The Syndicate’s work focuses on: A Draft the annual report A Working with the Ministry of Economy to increase A Execute the decisions of the General Assembly the number of monitors from 40 to 120. Experts from the Syndicate were dispatched to teach and train new The Board includes the following positions: President, monitors to examine the nature and quality of the Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and Public merchandise in the market. Relations Officer in addition to a General Coordinator A Visiting all Lebanese regions to inspect the situation appointed by the President from outside the Board. of their establishments, issuing circulars to combat fraud, corruption and price and weight manipulations The Syndicate’s challenges and sending warnings to all gold factories to register Like the rest of the syndicates in Lebanon, the Syndicate and acquire a special logo in order to help fight fraud of Gold and Jewelry Merchants suffers from a number and forgery. of problems, namely the lack of commitment of some A Providing the Ministry with certain quantities of acid of its members to its decisions. Examples include: and used polished stones for inspection purposes. A Not abiding by the pre-determined working hours: Monitors should inspect the materials within six 9h-19h in winter and 9h-20h in summer. Some months, as it is the period during which they remain establishments stay open until later hours, which efficient. constitutes a form of fraud as control and supervisory A Visiting shop owners and insisting they do not sell systems do not operate during those hours thus any product without giving out an official receipt making it easy to deceive clients. detailing the price, weight and fineness of the A Purchasing merchandise from individuals without merchandise in order to help combat forgery, fraud obtaining an official receipt, which would contain and manipulation. important information such as the weight and A Following up with merchants and helping them fineness of the product and the vendor’s seal. This improve their conditions and obtain their rights by facilitates theft, and fraud and disorder. coordinating with the competent Ministries.

issue 101 - December 2010 30 | Private Sector AHLIA SCHOOL AHLIA SCHOOL – WADI ABOU JMIL

The school’s history The Ahlia School is a private, secular and non-profit school. Its aim is to provide the highest level of education to its students, from kindergarten to secondary classes, and promote sectarian, religious and social diversity.

The school was established in 1916 by Ms. Mary Kassab, a former teacher at the English School. At that time, the Ottoman authorities had ordered the closure of foreign schools so she gathered 16 students, girls and boys, invited them to her house and taught them there. With the increase of students in the following year, she decided to found a mixed Lebanese national school, called the Ahlia School, to ensure their proper education. With the help of her brother Aziz Kassab and two of That initial period represented its golden age, for the his friends, Anis Al Makdisi and Boulos Khawli, she school was a pioneer in teaching Arabic and English founded an association and a board of trustees, which as primary languages and French as a secondary one. enabled her to collect donations from Lebanese residents Moreover, it flourished as a teaching and educational and immigrants as well as from . This allowed the institution and the number of its students increased purchase of the current school building from the Scottish due to its excellent reputation as a prototype for the mission, located in the Wadi Abou Jmil region in the education of Arab girls and its ability to teach them how center of Beirut. to instill confidence in themselves.

The school’s mission During the civil war, some of the schools’ buildings The mission of the Ahlia School is an independent were destroyed due to its location in the center of Beirut, disciplinary one. It aims to illuminate the minds and which witnessed a great number of battles, and it had refine the ethics of its students through the use of to remain closed for two years but reopened in 1977. modern educational methods. It treats each student in a Then, it took it upon itself to educate students even way that will enable him or her to develop his character, under the most difficult and dangerous of conditions. to respect himself and rely on himself to learn and work It pursued its mission, gathered 750 students from all the while being capable of cooperating with others. different classes and religions, reduced its tuition fees in light of the circumstances and went as far as offering The school’s reality free education. During the French mandate, the Ahlia School’s activities were purely nationalistic. It worked hard to steer away When the war ended and reconstruction began, the school and avoid any involvement in the country’s political decided to slowly work towards regaining its reputation problems and created a scout movement, which included of excellence, in order not to give up on its students and every Lebanese students. It should be noted that this not to burden them with new and higher fees. movement was the first of its kind in the Arab World. In 1924, the mandate’s authority tried to impose its control Educational curricula over the school and ordered its closure. Consequently, The Ahlia School has adopted the official curriculum students organized a demonstration, visited the High issued by the Ministry of Education and the Educational Commissioner and fought for their right to keep the Center for Research and Development. It also offers the school open and far from political pressure; the French High School curriculum for students exempted from the official gave in and cancelled the decision. Lebanese curriculum in secondary classes. However, at Until 1950, the Ahlia School was mixed but it then the primary level, the school has adopted a curriculum became a private school for girls, receiving boys only that integrates the Lebanese curriculum requirements up to the primary level. along with those of international curricula. In addition,

issue 101 - published by Information International s.a.l. AHLIA SCHOOL Private Sector | 31 topics and host speakers, which allows them to benefit from their experiences and knowledge.

Moreover, the school organizes recreational and educational trips in order for the students to familiarize themselves with the various Lebanese regions and the topics they learnt in class. For example, students have visited the General Directorate of Civil Defense and the Museum of Soap in Saida to acquaint them with the handicraft and patrimonial industries.

The students are engaged in the National Scout/Beirut Regiment 11, in coordination with the Lebanese scout movement. This helps build the students’ physical, mental and organizational capacities and is in tandem with the school’s objectives and mission. it provides a special program with particular educational methods for students suffering from learning difficulties. The school cooperates with non-governmental Therefore, it develops an individual program specific to organizations by implementing educational and teaching the student’s condition, in order to ensure that he/she projects linking the Ahlia School students with students develops his/her skills. Finally, the school makes sure abroad through the internet. Students also participate in to keep up with new teaching methods and implements the Model United Nations (MUN) program, in which them to provide its students with an efficient and many international schools partake and which aims to meaningful education. train students in first and second secondary to properly address problematic issues. It allows them to get The development plan acquainted with the United Nations’ structure and role, After comparing itself with international standards learn how to deal with students from different Lebanese and the standard of schools located in the city center regions, acquire negotiation and diplomacy skills and and accommodating 660 students, the school set up a obtain certificates. development plan, which would entail the improvement of its buildings, programs and human resources. It will Furthermore, the school organizes scientific projects, start implementing this plan during the current (2010- exhibitions, parties and plays for national and social 2011) academic year. occasions, such as Independence Day and Mothers’ Day, and puts together visits to orphanages and infirmaries Educational, administrative and students where the students offer gifts to the needy. They also committees participate in sportive competitions organized by the The teaching committee comprises 50 teachers and the Ministry of Education and other schools. administrative committee consists of 20 employees. Although the school can accommodate around 650 The school’s characteristics students, it currently only counts 410 students, with an The school seeks to instill confidence, responsibility and average of 20-24 students per class. a patriotic spirit in the hearts of its students’ and helps and prepares them in building a home unaffected by Tuition fees religious, sectarian and political divisions. In addition, The tuition fee is LBP 4,500,000 accross the board. it provides an endearing atmosphere making it their second home, where they are able to find attention, Activities equality and love. The school offers many educational and sportive clubs aiming to involve students in activities enabling them to develop their minds, capacities and relationships with others. These include a music club, a drama and arts club, and a chess club. The social club organizes interactive workshops where students discuss important

issue 101 - December 2010 32 | Health OVERWEIGHT & OBESITY (The Global Epidemic) Dr. Hanna Saadah

n the fight against disease, whenever there are and increased the average food consumption numerous treatments it also means that there is no per individual. Itrue treatment. Such is the situation with the many Combining together all these evolutionary and developmental purported diets and remedies, which have not yet made forces, it becomes obvious that humanity will continue to a dent in the growing, global epidemic of overweight and incline towards obesity and that the wealth of nations would obesity. Hence, rather than exploring ‘the new’ in weight continue to be the major factor in determining the pitch of control, this discourse will concentrate on the teleology this incline. and etiology of the current epidemic of overweight and Unfortunately, all the hitherto available treatments for obesity obesity. are effort dependant and are thus undermined by diminishing efforts. Given the dictates of human nature, effort in any Before agriculture, pre-agrarian humanity’s food supply was endeavor is ultimately unsustainable and herein lies the cause precarious. As hunters-gatherers, Homo sapiens ate when of all the treatment failures. All diets tend to work but only they could find food and starved when food could not be for a while and so does vigorous exercise. But the majority procured. Consequently, those members of humanity who of those who control their weight with diet and exercise could best withstand starvation were also the ones who had the ultimately relapse because they are unable to sustain the best survival. This meant that the overeaters, those ancestors effort. Similarly, the majority of those who take medications of ours who could amass a store of body fat, were selected as or have bariatric surgery ultimately regress because their the fittest in the struggle for survival and procreation. efforts also prove unsustainable. Consequently, we do not yet When humanity became agrarian, insuring a reliable food have a reliable treatment for weight as we do for cholesterol, supply, our over-eating genes began to wield their influence diabetes, and hypertension. on the well-fed populations of the planet. In that pre- To control weight, one not only has to increase caloric industrial era, many of the rich became fat while the poor, spending and diminish caloric intake, one must also sustain those who could not afford as much food, remained lean. This this effort indefinitely. To do that takes exceptional willpower socioeconomic change caused fatness to become associated and dedication, which most of us lack. Hopes for reducing with health and wealth, and leanness to be associated with the overweight and obesity epidemic lie in the realms of a) poverty and sickness. Words such as ‘consumption’ came education, b) legislation, and c) research. Public education to mean the rapid weight loss associated with tuberculosis especially of the youth when they are still at an impressionable while words like ‘sohhat’ (the Arabic word for health) came age—legislation to disclose the caloric contents of all foods— to mean chubbiness or overweight. and research to find safe appetite-suppressing medications that When the industrial revolution exploded, labor saving are not effort dependant—can all work together to combat the machines began to replace physical efforts and the wealth rising weight epidemic. of nations increased. This allowed more people to eat “Healthy citizens are the greatest asset any country can more food and expend less energy in their daily living, have,” said Sir Winston Churchill (1874-1965). The reverse thus marking the beginning of the overweight and obesity of that statement is also true. Fat countries are sick countries epidemic. Initially, the machines were transport and labor and as such cannot compete with the rising, leaner countries saving machines such as cars, boats, tractors, and airplanes. of the world. Overweight is not only a personal matter; it With rapid advances in technology, elevators, escalators, also is a national and global matter because the majority and conveyor belts became commonplace followed by of those living in the developed nations of the world are remote controls, cell phones, the Internet, and personal already overweight and those living in the developing world computers. All these inventions and innumerable others are slowly following suit. caused a precipitous decline in the activities of daily living At the personal level, we not only need to learn to eat less and contributed to the obesity epidemic. and move more, we also need to redirect the emphasis of Another child of the technology explosion was the fast food our leisure activities away from food and toward healthier industry, which insured wide availability of affordable, high pursuits. As the British philosopher Bertrand Russell (1872- calorie, appetizing foods. This did away with the substantial 1979) once said, “To be able to fill leisure intelligently is the efforts expended in procuring and preparing foods at home last product of civilization.” issue 101 - published by Information International s.a.l. - - [email protected] The Amazing Brain | 33 7 SECONDS BETWEEN BIRTH AND DEATH What severe cases of anterograde amnesia reveal about our humanity Dr. Samar Zebian

here are often split seconds in our consciousness- If these inferences can be done in 7 secs, Clive may reach a fleeting and momentary when we are able to step satisfying conclusion however if he can’t, these few seconds Toutside of time; when a second can seem like an of life will remain inexplicable and will be lost. eternity and lifetime can seem like a blink of an eye. Fortunately, theseexperiences are pleasant temporary It might be evident from the above example that severe diversions in the normal ebb and flow of consciousness. damage to short term memory (STM) does more than Tragically, however for individuals who have anterograde radically change how one drinks coffee and how one amnesia they live only in the immediate present. perceives the passage of time. Most forms of comprehension Anterograde amnesia is a partial or complete inability are excruciatingly laborious and imaging the future is to remember what just happened. For Clive Wearing, impossible. Ultimately when so much of what should be who has the most devastating documented case of automatic and unconscious becomes effortful and error anterograde amnesia, the present is approximately 7 prone, fear and loneliness pervades as described by Oliver seconds long. Clive also has retrograde amnesia which Sacks, a professor of neuro-psychiatry who studied Clive’s means he cannot recall most of his past and because case, of his anterograde amnesia he cannot form new long Clive started to keep a journal, first on scraps of paper, then term memories in the normal way. Every lived episode, in a notebook. But his journal entries consisted, essentially, every sensation, every thought lasts 7 seconds or less. of the statements “I am awake” or “I am conscious,” entered Tick…tick…tick a completely new scene appears with again and again every few minutes. He would write: “2:10 apparently new people, new surroundings, new smells, P.M: This time properly awake. . . . 2:14 P.M: this time new sounds and so on. In the early part of his illness finally awake. . . . 2:35 P.M: this time completely awake,” Clive felt like he was dying and coming to life tens of along with negations of these statements: “At 9:40 P.M. I thousands of times a day. awoke for the first time, despite my previous claims.” This in turn was crossed out, followed by “I was fully conscious To make Clive’s condition even more concrete lets imagine at 10:35 P.M., and awake for the first time in many, many what it would be like for him to sit down and drink a cup weeks.” This in turn was cancelled out by the next entry. of Turkish coffee. Let’s say that when he first raises the This dreadful journal, almost void of any other content but cup he takes a big gulp and sets it down empty. If he waits these passionate assertions and denials, intending to affirm longer than 7 seconds to take the next sip he will have no existence and continuity but forever contradicting them, explicit recollection that he emptied the cup. An anterograde was filled anew each day, and soon mounted to hundreds amnesic has to do some fancy logical inference to figure of almost identical pages. It was a terrifying and poignant out who drank the coffee. I will list a small fraction of the testament to Clive’s mental state, his lostness, in the years fleeting thoughts that might have to be made explicit: that followed his amnesia”. I have done something somewhere in the recent past, Clive’s tragic case, although an anomaly, illustrates how The cup is empty therefore somebody may have drank it. normal STM is indispensible to our sense of time, our There is no one else in the room. mental health and our humanity. In normal individuals Maybe there was someone in the room but they left. short-term memory limitations influence how we make If there wasn’t someone in the room than no one else decisions, how and whether we learn, whether or not we drank it. enjoy tasks that require a high STM load. It also predicts The cup may have tipped over. There is no sign of coffee fluency in abstract reasoning, the development of creativity on the table. mathematical fluency, and other forms of complex problem Maybe I drank the coffee. solving as well as fluid intelligence- or “street smarts”. Do I have the taste of coffee in my mouth? And so on... Given the importance of STM capacity, next month’s article will explore the methods to “supersize” it.

[email protected] - issue 101 - December 2010 34 | Eyeing Horizons 7 “THE PRINCE OF MEDICINE OF HIS TIME” ACKNOWLEDGES THE BRAIN AS THE SEAT OF INTELLIGENCE. Antoine Boutros ith this exciting headline we conclude our historical quest for the location of intelligence within the human body. This topic captured the imagination and the interest of the pioneers of science and medicine for a long period, Wwhich extended from the days of Pythagoras in the 5th century BC to the age of Galen in the 1st century AD. Basically, this quest resulted in the amalgamation of medicine with religion and philosophy. The result was a series of developments - strange as they were - that gave a new momentum to science and medicine in an epoch witnessed by great leaps of the primeval medical mind.

Galen was a brilliant surgeon who left behind no less than heart and the brain. The Nutritive Soul moved the bad blood 22,000 pages of text and annotations. He could have been formed in the liver, a notion accepted for many centuries until accredited well before the English physician William Harvey, recently. Meanwhile the Perceptive Soul was located in the heart for his major contributions regarding the blood circulatory where bad blood was mixed with pure blood and from it the system, had he not adhered to the false concepts of his age soul entered the veins. As for the Rational Soul, Galen placed it because of their dominance. in the brain. As such, he consolidated the opinion that the brain Galen joined a circle of philosophers and scientists who were was the center of reason and therefore of intelligence. able to uncover some scientific mysteries hidden within nature The Arabs were introduced to Galen or Galenus as they called and discover things that seemed, even later on, to have no him, through the School of . Haneen bin Isaac, direct connection with scientific and medical developments, one of the most famous Christian translators of the Abbasid but nevertheless turned out to be medical milestones. era translated all of his writings into Syriac and Arabic. The From the variations of sound emerging from the blacksmith’s Greek originals of seven of Galen’s books on the science of hammer forging metals (due to differences in the weight of autopsy were lost and only the Arabic translations remain. hammers and because the length of the string assigns the tone), Ibn al-Nadim, the first bibliographer in history and the author the secrets of music and variations in tunes and their relationship of the famous “Al-Fihrist” (the Index), listed 57 books by with numbers were established. They also unraveled the Galen that were translated into Arabic and the names of mysteries of numbers and assigned traits to them, giving them their translators. Modern theologian and historian Jesuit moral influences and the power to control humans, gods and Louis Sheikho documented, in his book “Christian Scholars even demons. Although the Semiotics failed in their quest to in Islam”, the efforts of doctors, scientists and translators in change cheap minerals into gold, they greatly contributed to spreading Galen’s thoughts. Thus, Galen became so famous the science of chemistry, astronomy and medicine. Theophyl that the Arabs referred to him as the “prince of medicine Al Rahawi, the head of Khalifa Mahdi’s astrologers, translated of his time”. His book “Al Diriaq”(meaning the Antidote), Galen’s books on anatomy and surgery into Arabic. ornamented with fascinating illustrations known in the The human soul was divided into three parts: the Nutritive, industry and design of scientific books at the peak of Arab the Perceptive and the Rational. The Nutritive is responsible civilization, is proof of his service to medicine and the respect for nourishment, growth and reproduction, the Perceptive lies awarded to him through the ages. behind feeling, imagination and movement while the Rational Galen continued to reign over his field from the 1st century is specific to humans and characterized by the ability to use until the 9th century AD. Medicine was then taken over by reason. This categorization, adopted by Aristotle, considered Arab scientists such as Al-Razi (9th century AD), one of that reasonable perception resides in the heart. Everything the greatest of his time in clinical medicine, and Ibn Sina seemed logical except the idea that the heart, and not the brain, (Avicenna), known as the Principal Sheikh (10th century AD), was the center of reason and intelligence. Thus, true science had and with them a new golden age of medicine began. to wait for a single major leap to discover the real importance However, the science related to the brain remains unsettled of the brain since traditional belief that of Aristotle, was that and the story does not end with Galen. The debate over the the brain was nothing more than a cooling gland of the body. brain, as the pride of humans, is still unabated up to this Galen filled the gap and made the leap. He assigned the three age and will continue to be so until science unlocks all the souls three specific locations in the human body: the liver, the mysteries of the brain.

issue 101 - published by Information International s.a.l. - - [email protected] Interview|35


ocated in the heart of Sassine square, Alice Mogabgab Gallery witnesses a generous whiff of the everyday hassle. From the first story windows, the viewer can catch glimpses of Beirut’s flurry. Inside, the walls Lbearing Art from around the world frame an inviting space for the visitor to wander around and enjoy. Hereunder, The Monthly interviews the gallery’s owner Alice Mogabgab.

How did you start with the gallery? I pursued my studies in France and obtained my BA in History of Art. During my college years, I worked with an elderly modern art dealer. When I finished my studies, I returned to Beirut where I began teaching History of Art at ALBA. I also gave private classes. Two years later, in 1994, I started establishing Alice Mogabgab Gallery. At first, it was extremely demanding. I was quite young, which added to the difficulty of contacting artists and convincing them to exhibit in Beirut, especially when they had more distinctive and popular choices such as Rome, Paris, or Rio. However, I tried approaching them from a different perspective and invited them to visit the city. I was surprised to discover that for several Artists, visiting Beirut was an intriguing idea. They saw it as a city being constantly destructed and reconstructed, while unexpectedly encompassing cultural wealth produced by extract. This sum that we are constantly seeking is that of the variety of the Lebanese in terms of culture, tradition, the combination of the Artwork that embodies the Artist’s background, etc. To top it all off, artists discovered the thought and this is something that is not easy to achieve ’s love of life, the vivacious day-to-day After we hunt for “Beauty”, our purpose is to give all our living and the hospitality they are renowned for. This mix visitors something worth their time and visit. made every Artist I invited return to the city. Evidently, this strengthened their relationship with the gallery. How would you describe the process of the creation of Art? How would you describe the mission and concept of I cannot classify this process into specific actions, but I your gallery? can give some examples. As a gallery, we are on a quest for “Beauty”, which I Say an artist is faced with a search for his spirit and with believe is the sum of knowledge and spirit. the challenge of expressing what is most real and humane Knowledge is essential for an Artist, just like grammar is in them. Say he or she is given a small canvas to let it out, necessary for an author to be able to write. It encompasses he or she will have to think thoroughly, draw his whole knowledge of the technique, its history, the history of Art, state with brutal honesty and utmost meticulous attention Art in its contemporary form and the process through to detail to give birth to this idea. This idea will sit on this which the Idea evolves into Artwork. This process requires small canvas, representing the relationship of the mind to the use of the spirit, to translate the thought into form. the canvas. When an artist masters his or her technique, it becomes a part of them, a form of language. As for the spirit, it Say this artist is given a large canvas and is faced with the is deeply buried, and incidentally, is the most intricate to same challenge. He will gesticulate his body to bring this idea to life. The relationship between the creator and the Artwork would be more physical. But somewhere in this

issue 101 - December 2010 36 |Interview physical performance, the spirit will move to inhabit this large canvas. The action, any action, remains real as long as the performer is in the state of Art. “Artists saw Beirut as a city And what about your exhibitions? How do you describe being constantly destructed the reactions of your audience? and reconstructed, while What my audience seeks is living beauty. Although this beauty exists in different forms, it is not easy to create. unexpectedly encompassing Wealth and knowledge are not enough to reproduce it. cultural wealth produced by So people are looking to see it, sometimes obtain it and keep it. This is precisely what I aim to give my visitors, the variety of the Lebanese something that touches them. They may like it or dislike it, but I wouldn’t want them to leave without having in terms of culture, tradition, experienced any sort of feeling. This beauty that hangs on background, the walls may exist in the most brutal of forms, say thick brush strokes and strong colors, or the softest form, with paintings of soft colors and intricate details. We recognize ” this beauty as a reflection of what is most “human” in us because it communicates with the deepest of our inner self. Some exhibitions have displayed violent paintings and some found it difficult to enter and look at the exhibition. This is not a reaction of acceptance, but it is a reaction that confirms that we have heard about the idea.

How do you describe the state of Arab Artists? Arab artists should detach themselves from politics and the past! An artist is universal. Certainly the country of origin plays a role, but an Artist should be able to convey himself to more than just a small and limited audience. There are just a few Arab artists that are known worldwide. The rest, I believe, are not fully exploring their potential, their vision, their aspirations to become complete artists. An “artist” is supposed to be able to communicate with the world. So why should we dwell on the “Arab” side of “Ar t”?

What are your plans for the future? Our audience is expanding, which already enhances the popularity of Art. In parallel, we remain committed to focusing on the quality of Art. I find a lot of pleasure in discussing art and selecting work for the next exhibition. For example, I am currently working with a colleague in Brussels on the next exhibition, “Trees”. Our telephone calls include lengthy discussions of Artwork and refer to history and art concepts. Discussing Art will always be one of my greatest interests. I had thought the passion of being in the world of Art would have passed after twenty years in the field. However, it hasn’t and I still find it every day.

Preparing for the next exhibition

issue 101 - published by Information International s.a.l. Debunking Myths Art & Culture|37 GREENMyth #40 LEBANON!

The phrase “Green Lebanon” (Lubnan Al Akhdar) has been used to describe Lebanon for generations and centuries. Indeed, Lebanon’s nature has always been the reason behind its touristic attraction and explained the prosperity of the sector. Fire in - El Koura Myth: Lebanon is GREEN. Photo by Mansour Deeb - INMA

The beauty of Lebanon’s green nature is diminishing and the country is heading Fact: towards desertification.

Lebanon annually loses thousands of green spaces due to fires. In the 1960’s, forests covered 60% of Lebanon’s territory. This percentage dropped to 23% in the 1970’s to eventually reach 13.5% in 1994. Following a number of fires in 2007, 0.5% of Lebanon’s forests were lost, which reduced the green area of Lebanon to 13% of the territory.

A recent report published by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) stated that the fires that have affected Lebanon in the past few years destroyed more than 1,500 hectares of forests and burned 1.2 million cedars and pine trees and others.

According to The Monthly (Issue Number 65 of December 2007), the green area in Lebanon reaches 3,660,000 hectares, of which 0.84% was lost up until October 2007 compared to 0.94% in 2006.

According to the Association for Forest Development and Conservation (AFDC), Lebanon lost 440 hectares of its greenery in 2005 while the number jumped to 3,460 hectares in 2006 (the loss of 1,338 hectares is attributable to the Israeli War against Lebanon). It continued to increase reaching 4,197 hectares in 2007, following unprecedented fires in September and November that ruined 400 hectares and brought down 1.5 million trees in one day. In 2008, particularly in July and August, it was impossible to control the fires that flared up and this resulted in the loss of 20,000 acres during the month of August alone. The fires of 2008 swept away 3,000 hectares of land and burned 5 million trees, which accounts for four times of what had been planted in the past 15 years.

Lebanon’s nature is threatened, for what is saved from the fires remains at the mercy of pollution, deforestation and other dangerous human activities. Indeed, the green hills of Lebanon have turned into ideal locations for real estate investment opportunities. Thus, the area of green spaces is continuously decreasing, mainly because of:

- The absence of a complete master plan of land use - The expansion of construction sites, taking away millions of square meters per year - Farmers neglecting their agricultural land due to the decline of agricultural output - The construction of roads and the expansion of existing ones - The proliferation of mines and cluster bombs following the Israeli occupation and war in the South and West Beqa’a. This explains why many fertile areas are not exploited for agricultural purposes and some fires occasionally remain unextinguished.

issue 101 - December 2010 38 |Art & Culture Must-Read Books SOLIDERE Legislation and Regulatory Texts

In his book “Real Estate Companies: their Constitutions and 4. Appoint preliminary and Regulatory Texts” (also known as Solidere), published by assessment committees to All Prints Distributors and Publishers (SAL) in 1994, the define the value and rights former president of the House of Representatives, Hussein Al that would be acquired by the Husseini, lifts the veil on the sequence of draft laws that were different owners, tenants and discussed by parliamentary committees and eventually lead to investors in each region of the ratification of the Real Estate Law (No. 117) on December reconstruction. 7, 1991. 5. Develop rules and principles of assessment in the concerned regions (to be The phase prior to the ratification of Law issued by the heads the assessment committees). No. 117 6. Develop the economic feasibility of the project and its Following the war in 1975 and 1976, the Council for estimated cost, along with the company’s Constitution, Development and Reconstruction (CDR) was established by which, if approved, would take the form of a decree virtue of Decree No. 5 dated 31/1/1977, in order to reconstruct adopted by the Cabinet. what had been destroyed. However, the reoccurrence of 7. Go ahead with an Initial Public Offering (IPO) in the violence prevented any initiative from effectively materializing. six months following the issuance of the committees’ Many failed attempts to amend the decree followed. During decisions, knowing it should not exceed the in-kind Omar Karami’s premiership, a draft law, focusing on the payments’ value. It should be presented to a large number role of real estate companies in the reconstruction of regions of contributors and respect the following order: damaged and destroyed by the war, was referred to the House 8. a- Owners of real estates and rights holders in the region, of Representatives. After several parliamentary committee b- Lebanese people and Lebanese exchange companies, sessions and some amendments, a law was ratified on c-The State, public institutions and municipalities, d- 7/12/1991. people of Lebanese origin, public and semi-public Arab institutions and Arab country nationals. Law No. 117 dated 7/12/1991 9. Announce the company’s formal creation following the Law No. 117 dated December 7, 1991, provided that “any IPO. project assigned, either directly or through an administration, public organization, municipality, joint (public and private) In the introduction, Al Husseini confirms that breaching the company or real estate company established according to order of these steps constitutes a violation of the provisions of article 21 of the Civil Organization Law, by the Cabinet in the Civil Organization Law, the framework of the CDR and any region should be implemented …”. According to former Law No. 117, and therefore contradicts the goals for which Speaker Mr. Hussein Al Husseini, the company responsible these texts were formulated. for implementing the project had to perform the following steps: The author believes that the draft of Law No.117, with its legal 1. Set the plan and the general outline of the project and and constitutional shortcomings, placed those who opposed define the method in which the relevant region would be the reconstruction of Beirut’s city centre in the same category reorganized and by whom the real estate would be owned. as those who believe in unifying the country, thus covering The company would have the right to encroach on a part up the inherent divisions in the country. However, this is of the sea only following a decree formulated by the CDR inconceivable because those who oppose the reconstruction and adopted by the Cabinet. of Beirut’s commercial centre are undoubtedly serving the 2. Await the issuance a decree by the Cabinet, stating its interests of those seeking the country’s partition. approval, defining the region to be reconstructed and mandating the CDR to be responsible for the project. Parliament approved Law No. 117/91 in a single article, after it 3. Await the issuance of a decree by the Cabinet defining the had been discussed by the joint parliamentary committees, but areas that would fall within the scope of the real estate contrary to the code of confidentiality normally surrounding company. these discussions, the book transcribes them, hoping to put an end to the mistrust and confusion in people’s minds.

issue 101 - published by Information International s.a.l. Must-Read Children’s Books Art & Culture|39 “NO, I WILL NOT EVER NEVER EAT A TOMATO”*

“No, I Will Not Ever Never Eat a Tomato” is a story about a little girl named Lola who was a very picky and fussy eater until her brother Charlie discovered a creative way to convince her to finish her food.

The book, part of the collection “Charlie and Lola”, offers parents a modern and creative solution to children who refuse to eat. Children relate to Lola and start to imitate her by imagining food as she does and eventually try different types of food in a fun and creative way. The book includes explanatory drawing collages as well as real photographs to make the storyline more attractive.

It also contains two pages that introduce different types of food to the child with related illustrations linked to their corresponding vocabulary.

The foods mentioned in the book are: peas, carrots, potatoes, mushrooms, macaroni, eggs, sausages, cauliflower, cabbage, beans, bananas, oranges, apples, rice, cheese and tomatoes.

The book is recommended for children at pre-school level and those starting elementary school.

*The collection “Charlie and Lola” was written by Lauren Child and received the award of “Kate Greenway” and “The Norfolk Children’s Book Award”. It was translated from English to Arabic by Fatima Sharaf Al-Deen and first published in 2007 by “Asala for Publishing and Distributing”-Beirut. The collection includes: I Am Not Sleepy and I Am Not Going to Bed.

issue 101 - December 2010 40 |Art & Culture Lebanon Families AUDI FAMILIES Muslims with a Shia’a majority and Christians with a

Trablous Zgharta Balamand Roads Greek Orthodox majority A‘arjes Ehden Becharre The Cedars Hadet Hasroun Ras Baalbeck Deir el Ahmar Qasr el-Banat

Hadath There are two opinions regarding the origin of the name. Jbail Baalbeck Jounieh Ghazir According to the first, the family originated from the Niha

BEIRUT Zahle Arabian Peninsula and some of its members immigrated Baabda Shtaura Aley Dahr el-Baidar Bhamdoun to the Levant, which includes Syria, Lebanon, Palestine Anjar Deir el-Qamar Meshref Beiteddine and Jordan while others went to Egypt. The second opinion Lake Yanta

Saida Jezzine believes that the Lebanese Audi family did not originate Aiha from the Arabian Peninsula but rather the family acquired Hasbaya Nabatiye Marjayoun that name because they worked in the silk industry and Beaufort Castle those who work in this sector are named “Audi”. The Audi families are spread across various Lebanese Shia’a: 1,853 members distributed as follows regions including Beirut (originating from Saida) and A Al-Khodor Al-Gharbi (Ba’albeck): 1,268 members Zouk Mkayel (originating from Batroun). There are 4,207 A (Bint Jbeil): 221 members members of the Audi family, belonging to both the Muslim A Mina Al-Hosn (Beirut 3): 115 members and Christian confessions. The majority are Shia’a (1,853 A Hay El-Hsseinieh (Sour): 53 members members) followed by Sunni (967 members), Orthodox A Hay Al-Manara (Sour): 48 members (620 members) and Catholics (423 members). They A Al-Khodor Al-Sharqi (Ba’albeck): 45 members also include a few Druze (274 members), Maronites (48 A Rjal Al-Arbeen (Saida): 32 members members) and Syriac Orthodox (22 members). A Hay Al-Catholic (Sour): 20 members There are many prominent figures in this family including A Hay Al-Joura (Sour): 14 members the Metropolitan Bishop of the Greek Orthodox Church A Ghobeiry Bir Hassan (Baabda): 13 members in Beirut, Elias Audi, and ex-minister and banker A Khyam Sharqi (Marjeyoun): 8 members Raymond Audi. A Zqaq El-Blat (Beirut 3): 6 members A Safri (Ba’albeck): 4 members Catholics: 423 members distributed as A Rmadieh (Sour): 3 members follows: A Qaaqaeit El-Jisr (Nabatieh): 3 members A Zouk Mkayel (Keserouan): 141 members A Ghadir (Keserouan): 106 members Orthodox: 620 members distributed as A Al-Sharei (Saida): 67 members follows: A Deir Mimas (Marjeyoun): 42 members A Kfar Hazir (Koura): 326 members A Al-Rmeil (Beirut 1): 24 members A Anfeh (Koura): 168 members A Mssaitbeh (Beirut 3): 15 members A (Beirut 3): 63 members A Saifi (Beirut 1): 8 members A Hamat (Batroun): 15 members A Dar Mreisi (Beirut 3): 7 members A Mar Nqoula (Saida): 15 members A Bekfaya (North Metn): 7 members A Bourj Hammoud (North Metn): 14 members A Achrafieh (Beirut 1): 6 members A Fee’i (Koura): 11 members A Miyeh w Miyeh (Saida): 8 members Sunni: 967 members distributed as follows: A South Aarsal (Ba’albeck): 794 members Druze: 274 members in Pater in Chouf. A Mazraa (Beirut 3): 64 members A Zqaq el Blat (Beirut 3): 53 members Maronites: 34 members in Ghadir (Keserouan) and 14 A Hasbaya Hay Saray: 22 members members in Sarba (Keserouan). A Msalkhieh (Saida) 17 members A Borj Al-Barajneh Hay Al-Sendyan (Baabda): 17 Syriac Orthodox: 22 members in Sad Al-Baouchrieh members (North Metn).

issue 101 - published by Information International s.a.l. Discover Lebanon Art & Culture|41 QAAQAEIAT AL-JISR Dry although the river is close by

Trablous Zgharta Balamand Roads A‘arjes Ehden Becharre The Cedars Batroun Hadet Hasroun Etymology Ras Baalbeck Deir el Ahmar Maqne According to researchers, the name Qaaqaeiat Al-Jisr could Hamdoun (Shia’a): 18 voters Qasr el-Banat A Hadath Jbail Iaat Baalbeck have originated from the Syriac word “qahqahayta”, which A Akil (Shia’a): 56 voters Jounieh Ghazir Niha is made up of two parts, the first one meaning the “sound A Sabbagh (Shia’a): 24 voters BEIRUT Zahle Baabda Shtaura Aley Dahr el-Baidar Bhamdoun of the water flowing heavily” and the second one meaning A Nasser (Shia’a): 59 voters Anjar Deir el-Qamar Meshref Beiteddine “bridge”. This naming coincides with the existence of the A Saad (Shia’a): 19 voters Moukhtara Qaraoun Lake Yanta

Litani River next to the village and the bridges crossing it. Sabra (Shia’a): 62 voters Saida Jezzine A Libbaya Aiha Kassem (Shia’a): 13 voters ô°ù÷GQaaqaeiat á«≤©b Al-Jisr A Hasbaya Nabatiye Marjayoun Location A Aayash (Shia’a): 42 voters Beaufort Castle The town of Qaaqaeiat Al-Jisr is located in the Mohafaza A Macki (Shia’a): 12 voters of Nabatieh at an altitude of 340 meters above sea level. A Kashmar (Shia’a): 12 voters It lies 82 kilometers away from Beirut, 9 kilometers from A Mozner (Shia’a): 12 voters the center of the Mohafaza, and occupies an area of 819 A Qamar el dine (Shia’a): 2 voters hectares. It can be reached via Nabatieh - Choukin. A Awada (Shia’a): 10 voters A Aoun (Maronites): 10 voters Population There are an estimated 4,300 registered residents in Local authorities Qaaqaeiat Al-Jisr, mainly Shia’a with a few belonging to The village was created following the issuance of Decree the Maronite confession from the Aoun family. There are No. 1196 dated December 27, 1963. It has a municipal 600 houses and around 141 commercial and handicrafts council currently headed by Haidar Mohamad Haidar and shops. consisting of 15 members. The independent municipal fund of the village comprised LBP 157,087 million in 2005 Voters and increased to LBP 185,280 million in 2006. By 2007, In 2000, the number of registered voters was 2,353, of the amount reached LBP 182,492 million. whom 1,451 cast their ballots while in 2005, around 1,635 There are also 2 mukhtars, Hassan Ibrahim Sbeity and of the 2,638 registered voters cast their ballots. In 2009, the Mohamad Ali Aanaysi, and a three-member ikhtiyariah number of registered voters increased to 2,858, of whom body. 1,674 cast their ballots. They belong to the following families: Educational Institutions The village has one public school “Shaheed Nahmeh A Halawi (Shia’a): 358 voters Haidar Intermediate School”, which counted 289 registered A Nabolsi (Shia’a): 35 voters students in the 2008-2009 academic year, with a total of 26 A Sbeity (Shia’a): 265 voters faculty members and staff. A Najjar (Shia’a): 41 voters A Haidar (Shia’a): 252 voters Economic Activities A Kalakesh (Shia’a): 48 voters The residents mainly depend on the proceeds of their A Salamah (Shia’a): 53 voters expatriates as a means to secure their living. They further A Mazloum (Shia’a): 28 voters depend on agriculture, especially plantations of olive trees A Salloum (Shia’a): 125 voters and citrus groves, but also on jobs in both the public and A Shmaysani (Shia’a): 16 voters private sectors. A Kashkoush (Shia’a): 88 voters A Kaeek (Shia’a): 21 voters Challenges A Koryani (Shia’a): 125 voters The people of Qaaqaeiat Al-Jisr, like those of other villages, A Jaffal (Shia’a): 31 voters suffer from several issues such as lack of electricity and A Mahdi (Shia’a): 723 voters water (even though it is right next to the Litani River), A Zaher (Shia’a): 26 voters sewage system and waste treatment problems. A Aanaysi (Shia’a): 55 voters

issue 101 - December 2010 42 |Media WHEN POLITICIANS TALK HIZBOLLAH IN THE EYES OF CHRISTIAN LEADERS Politics, Resistance and Weapons

pinions among Christian leaders on Hizbollah differ on issues such as its politics and weaponry. Apart from Christian leaders that belong to the , Al-Marada and other parties within the March O8 coalition, Christian leaders that belong to March 14, mainly the Phalanges and the Lebanese Forces, criticize Hizbollah and fear its weapons. Here are some stances:

In favour only comes once every century. As of the struggle until the State actually Michel Smaha: “Hizbollah has we supported him before and during takes over, at which point there will only played a national and honorable role the war, we will remain by his side in be room for one legitimate army.” (Al in terms of preserving the unity of the future. If the bad days could not Mustaqbal, 6-2-2010) Lebanon, its independence and its separate us, how could the good ones Antoine Zahra: “Hizbollah’s project sovereignty” (An-Nahar, 8-7-2006) do so? (Al-Akhbar, 19-8-2006) is to defend Lebanon against Israeli Emile Lahoud:“The issue of the “Why such fear from Hizbollah’s aggression (…). It is an ideological resistance’s weapons is an internal weapons? The weapons are directed party that believes in Wilayat Al- one. On such an important topic, the at Israel. Had they been truly patriotic, Fiqih and seeks to establish an Islamic Lebanese have to reach an agreement those who hate Hizbollah and do not Republic in Lebanon whenever the because the implementation of any want it to retain its weapons should opportunity arises. (March 14 website, decision that is not unanimous gives put their efforts on bargaining with 27-1-2010) way to a new civil war and the time the European and international “We have always said that is not right to be discussing such an community to put pressure on Israel, Hizbollah’s weapons should be in the event.” (Al-Akhbar, 19-8-2006) instead of dwelling on the resistance’s hands of the State because the latter Elie Ferzli:“I don’t see the possession of weapons (…) (An- should be the one defending Lebanon possibility of the resistance winning Nahar, 12-1-2010) against any aggression. The Lebanese if it is exposed. It is time to back the army should be the source of the resistance, engage in a dialogue on a Against country’s defense. We believe that united strategy to identify our friends Boutros Harb: “As Lebanese, we Hizbollah’s weapons are necessary to and enemies and recognize the leading back the weapon that allowed Lebanon defend Lebanon, but they should be in role that the resistance plays in light of to achieve many victories and for this the hands of the State. (As-Safir, 9-3- what is being prepared in the region.” we are grateful. We agree with Michel 2010) (, 22-5-2008) Aoun not to describe Hizbollah as a Sami Jmayel: “We have not Michel Aoun:“This weaponry has terrorist group, but we oppose the idea requested the disarmament of existed for the past 27 years and it has of bargaining Lebanon’s future and Hizbollah, but the surrender of its never hurt anyone internally. If we having weapons beyond the control of weapons to the State. If Hizbollah is look at the positive role it has played the Lebanese State until the Lebanese not convinced of this, we will go on in defending Lebanon from attacks issue has been solved. (Progressive with the same dilemma” (As-Safir, and liberating the land, why are we Socialist Party website, 29-7-2008) 9-3-2010) so afraid of it?” (Al Sharq Al Awsat, Patriarch Sfeir: “(…) Hizbollah Although Minister of Defence 7-11-2009) works for the benefit of Iran more Elias El-Murr stands by March 14, Suleiman Franjieh: “The resistance than for Lebanon’s own benefit… The he said the following: movement symbolizes every honorable possession of weapons and democracy “Discussing Lebanese weapons before person in this country and the Arab are irreconcilable… Weapons should controlling Palestinian weapons in nation and represents every person only be in the hands of the army.” (Al- the country is not logical… Why is who believes in freedom, sovereignty Akhbar, 30-10-2009) it that today Israel’s problem is with and independence (…). He [Sayyed “The possibility of war breaking out is Hizbollah’s weapons? … Because it ] is a father and a always there so long as Hizbollah wants believes that it creates a balance of brother and he has proven to be an to play the role of the State. A party fear… It is not possible for whoever is emblem in times of hardship that have with weapons cannot but intimidate disturbed by Hizbollah’s weapons to affected Lebanon, the Arab nation others. We refuse to have two armies in present this gift to Israel.” (As-Safir, and the world. Someone like him Lebanon and we call for the continuation 23-3-2010).

issue 101 - published by Information International s.a.l. OCTOBER 2010 TIMELINE Media|43

October 2010 Timeline in Lebanon NASRALLAH CALLS FOR THE BOYCOTT OF THE INTERNATIONAL TRIBUNAL and says all its information is transferred to Israel;Syria issues 33 arrest warrants for Lebanese and International officials;Iranian President visits Lebanon; Amine Gemayyel at the Iranian embassy;Syrian PM: “March 14 or March 15, they are all cartoon like”;Israel controlled communications in the 2006 July war

October 2: -PM Saad Hariri leaves Following a period of tension and - Patricia O’Brien, the UN Under- for Saudi Arabia for negotiations. various communication efforts, the Secretary-General for Legal Affairs, -Major General Jamil Al Sayyed situation regains calmness. asks the President of the International appeals Bellemare’s decision not Tribunal not to uncover any of the to grant him access to documents October 5: -During a meeting in Tribunal’s documents or allow any and evidence of the international Ba’abda, the Cabinet decides to assign one to have access to them, thus fully investigation. the Minister of Justice to follow up on supporting Bellemare’s decision. - Samir Geagea replies to the statements the Syrian arrest warrants with his Syrian of Sheikh Naim Kassem saying: “the counterpart according to due process. October 7: -The Cabinet meets International Tribunal was set up by -The Syrian Ambassador to Lebanon in Ba’abda. After the meeting, Amal way of an international resolution and Ali Abdel Karim Al Ali visits MP movement Ministers say they will therefore successive governments are Walid Jumblat in his Clemenceau not attend any Cabinet meetings to respect its findings”. residence. Following the visit, Jumblat until the latter looks into the false makes a statement according to which witnesses’ files. It is then agreed that October 4: -The Syrian judiciary he affirms that he considers the Syrian the following Tuesday, the meeting issues 33 arrest warrants, including arrest warrants a good initiative that would be dedicated to the discussion some against Lebanese officials, will punish the guilty and exonerate of the false witnesses. following information it received from the innocent. For his part, the Syrian -In a direct message to Aoun, Samir the office of Major General Jamil Al Ambassador considers that Hariri Geagea accuses the former of Sayyed, who has initiated proceedings knows that the arrest warrants are encouraging his partisans to attack in the Syrian courts. purely judicial and have nothing to do their Christian opponents militarily -While visiting villages in the Qada’a with the political ties between Syria and concludes by saying: “I expected of A’aley, MP Walid Jumblat states: and the PM. an unsuccessful end to your political “the International Tribunal is no longer career but I never imagined it would in our hands, it is in foreign hands that October 6: -A statement of the end in failure”. move it according to their whims. Future bloc, issued following a Right now, they want it to create meeting headed by Fouad Siniora, October 8: -The Commander of the internal strife. It is a useless institution considers that the Syrian arrest Jean Kahwaji that will not achieve justice, unless warrants disregard the Lebanese State considers that security depends on blood is spilled once again”. and its authority and are a negative politics but affirms that the army will - Samir Geagea states: “We will not step especially considering the PM’s prevent any civil strife. resort to the streets but rather we will and President’s recent efforts. -The Saudi Ambassador to Lebanon continue our struggle by referring to - Samir Geagea says the following Ali Awadh Al Asseiri visits MP the competent institutions”. concerning the Iranian President’s Suleiman Franjieh in Binsha’i. -The DSL system crashes in most visit: “We welcome the Iranian -MP Walid Jumblat states that he regions of Lebanon. President’s visit so long as it respects will defend Marwan Hmadeh, in any -Clashes occur in a neighborhood the State’s authority and provided he encounter with the Syrian President, if in Saida between the escorts of MP does not send any messages to the it turns out he is involved in the false Bahiyyah Hariri and some youth. West from Lebanon”. witnesses’ case.

issue 101 - December 2010 44 |Media OCTOBER 2010 TIMELINE October 9: - Secretary Al Ghusseini, is providing for him. speech at a festival in Bint Jbeil. He General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah He further states that Hezbollah meets with Nasrallah at the Iranian appears in a video footage, distributed was logistically involved in the embassy and leaves that same evening by the party, planting a tree in front of assassination of Hariri. after meeting with President Michel his destroyed house in Haret Hreik. Suleiman. This public appearance is the second October 13: -A Cabinet meeting is -MP Walid Jumblat states: “I will not of its kind since the 2006 July war. held in Ba’abda to discuss the false pull out of the government and I will -The first draft of a loan agreement witnesses’ report of the Minister of rename Hariri as PM if he resigns”. to fund electricity, water and dam Justice. A rift between the March 8 projects worth USD 450 million is coalition, who call for the transfer October 16:-An episode of the LBC signed between Lebanon and Iran. of the case to ordinary courts with talk show “Kalam Al Nass” attracts special jurisdiction, and the March 14 criticism because of some of the stances coalition, who oppose this and want of its guests, deemed susceptible to October 11: -The Minister of to transfer it to the ordinary courts, cause internal strife and war. Justice distributes his report on the occurs. Another session to discuss the -The office of Major General Jamil Al false witnesses’ issue to the Cabinet issue is set on Wednesday 20. Sayyed declares that it received a letter Ministers in preparation for Tuesday’s -The Future bloc welcomes the visit from the President of the International Cabinet meeting. The March 8 of the Iranian President to Lebanon Tribunal, Antonio Cassese, informing coalition has reservations concerning and holds that no decision on the it that the latter abstained from the report. false witnesses will occur prior to presiding over the appeal hearing -During a visit to some villages in the the issuance of the indictment by the that was to review the decision that Qada’a of A’aley, MP Walid Jumblat International Tribunal. refused to allow Al Sayyed access to criticizes “some March 14 supporters -Rumors of calls between the Iranian documents and evidence regarding the and Lebanese theorists that live in the President and the Saudi and Jordanian international investigation. US while we are the ones that will monarchs on the eve of his arrival to -A meeting between the French suffer”. He disapproves with those Lebanon emerge. Ambassador to Lebanon, Denis Pietton, calling for Hariri’s resignation as he and Hezbollah’s Deputy Secretary considers that this would result in a October 14:-Iranian President General, Sheikh Naim Kassem, is held vacuum in power. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad arrives in which they discussed the upcoming -The biggest flag in the world is to Lebanon on an official two day indictment decision. displayed and it is the Lebanese flag. visit and is welcomed with banners It was created by a Kuwaiti company inscribed with the phrase “Khosh Ocotober18:-The US Assistant following the initiative of the Lebanese Amdeed” (Welcome) spread across Secretary of State for Near Eastern community in Kuwait. It measures various areas in Beirut and the South. Affairs, Jeffrey Feltman, arrives to 65,970 square meters. Hezbollah and the Lebanon on a surprise visit coming organize a festival in his honor in from Riyadh and meets with MP October 12: -PM Hariri goes to Beirut’s Southern Suburb (Dahyieh) Walid Jumblat and the President of Cairo and meets with the Egyptian during which Hezbollah’s Secretary the Republic in his President Hosni Mubarak and the General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah residence in Amchit. He also contacts Secretary General Amr appears on camera to welcome him. Amine Gemayyel and Samir Geagea. Moussa. -16 agreements and protocols, -Hezbollah’s Secretary General -During a press conference, MP Iqab focusing on agricultural, touristic Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah meets with Saqr addresses the false witnesses’ and cultural topics and the electricity, General Michel Aoun in the presence issue and considers that Major General water and oil sectors, are signed of Gibran Baseel. Jamil Al Sayyed is involved in the Abu between Lebanon and Iran. However, -MP Nadim Gemayyel makes the Adas affair. He also declares that Hariri nothing was mentioned about a following comment on the Iranian will not allow any political accusations military cooperation agreement. President’s visit to Lebanon: “Christ of Hezbollah in this regard. will not be assisted by Al Mahdi”. -During an interview with Al Jadeed October 15: -Iranian President TV, Mohammad Zuhair Al Siddiq Ahmadinejad continues his visit to October 19: -A meeting between declares that he is currently in Europe Lebanon and attends a luncheon MP Walid Jumblat and Hezbollah’s where feels safe, as he is protected hosted by Hariri at the . Secretary General Sayyed Hassan by the UN, and his brother in law, He then visits the South and makes a Nasrallah lasts five hours.

issue 101 - published by Information International s.a.l. OCTOBER 2010 TIMELINE Media|45 October 20: -General Michel Aoun the two countries. demands that the Parliamentary Budget confirms that Israel controlled the and Finance Commission summon all October 23: -The President of the network throughout the 2006 July the Finance Ministers that have held Republic attends the Francophonie war. office since 1993 to question them on summit in Switzerland. -Syrian President Bashar Al Assad public spending as he claims that ‘the -Syrian PM Mohammad Naji Al Otari says, in an interview with Al Hayat financial coup’ began since the arrival makes the following statement to the newspaper: “At the moment there is of the Hariris to power in 1993. Kuwaiti newspaper Al Rai: “Syria no conflict between myself and PM -A husband murders his wife and does not pay attention to the members Hariri and I believe he is the right three children and then commits of March 14 or 15 or 16, because it person to be heading the government suicide in Bir Al Abed. Only one of considers them ‘cartoon like’. Rather, in these difficult times”. his children survives as he was not at it focuses on the Lebanese people home at the time. and on the security of both Syria and October 27: -Five years after the -A plenary session of the House of Lebanon”. He further stresses that he Cotonou plane crash that resulted in Representatives to elect the various is in regular contact with PM Saad the death of a number of Lebanese parliamentary committees takes place Hariri. citizens, the Beirut Criminal Court, but their results come as no surprise. presided by Judge Helena Iskandar, October 25:- MP Walid Jumblat issues its verdict sentencing the pilot October 21: -Parliament Speaker visits and meets with the and owner of the plane to prison and Nabih Berri meets Syrian President Syrian President who affirms his ordering the payment of LBP 1.1 Bashar Al Assad in Damascus. appreciation for Hariri. During a visit billion in damages. -A six hour Cabinet meeting in Ba’abda to Chouf, Jumblat declares that there -A statement issued by the Future disregards the false witnesses’ issue, is no use for the International Tribunal bloc, following a meeting headed by the discussion of which is deferred to if it leads to strife or destruction. Fouad Siniora, answers a series of another session, and focuses on the -Following a visit to the Western comments concerning PM Hariri’s renewal of Sukleen’s contracts. Beqa’a and Rashayya, the Minister financial policies: “The audit of the -Amine Gemayyel visits the Iranian of Social Affairs, Salim Al Sayegh, State’s financial accounts since 1987 embassy, accompanied by Minister states that there are currently 400,000 has already been performed and Salim Al Sayegh, and meets the Iranian Lebanese living in extreme poverty. the reports of these audits can be Ambassador. found in the archives of the House -Internal disagreements within the October 26: -The President of the of Representatives”. The statement Ba’ath party (Lebanon branch), which Republic Michel Suleiman returns confirmed that PM Hariri’s current supports Syria, are made public and from Switzerland and meets with MP reconstruction projects are in no way statements are issued from the two Walid Jumblat. immune from auditing. conflicting parties, MP Aasem Kanso -Parliament Speaker Nabih Berri -During a celebration on the occasion and former Minister Fayez Shukur, arrives to France on an official visit of UN Day, Michael Williams, the UN current leader of the party. during which he meets with French Special Coordinator for Lebanon, says -The Saudi Ambassador to Lebanon President Nicolas Sarkozy. that 30% of the Lebanese population Ali Awadh Al Asseiri visits General -Syrian President Bashar Al Assad lives with $4/day. Michel Aoun in his residence in Rabieh. meets with former PM Omar Karami -An article in the French newspaper A statement following the meeting and his son Faisal. Le Figaro uncovers the existence of describes it as a positive one and -The Cabinet holds a meeting in Hezbollah weapons warehouses in declares the Kingdom’s appreciation the Grand Serail, headed by PM Syria. for General Aoun’s stances. Hariri, during which it discusses the possibility of leasing ships to produce October 28: -A delegation of October 22: -A security incident electricity. international investigators into the in results in the death of -The Minister of Telecommunications, assassination of former PM Rafic an officer and a sergeant of the Army. Charbel Nahhas, confirms that Hariri visit Dr. Iman Sharara, according Their vehicle came under fire while he received a statement from the to a pre-scheduled meeting, in her they were carrying out an operation to International Telecommunications’ women’s clinic in Dahyieh in a bid to arrest a deserter. Union (ITU) condemning Israel’s look into the files of 17 of her (female) -PM Saad Hariri visits Cyprus where interference and piracy of the patients. The delegation comes under he discusses the economic ties between telecommunications sector and further attack by a group of veiled women.

issue 101 - December 2010 46 | Arab World Focus SEXUAL HARASSMENT IN EGYPT

cannot be said that sexual harassment in Egypt is an exceptional phenomenon. According to the Egyptian Centre for Women’s Rights (ECWR), the Security Directorates of ‘Giza, Cairo, October and Halawan’ reported It 300 cases of sexual harassment in the first and second days of Eid El Fitr in September 2010. During the same holiday in 2006, hundreds of young men participated in violent attacks on dozens of women, surrounding them in the streets, groping and even trying to undress them.

A study conducted by the ECWR on sexual harassment associate the rise in sexual harassment cases with the in 20081 found that around 83% of Egyptian women and rise of unemployment and marginalization, the delay 98% of foreign women have been subjected to sexual in the age of marriage (for men), sexual frustration, the harassment (verbal or physical) in Egypt. The study disintegration of the institution of the family and the also found that 62% of the men interviewed admitted to corruption of moral principles. committing sexual harassment and 53% of them blamed This phenomenon requires taking appropriate and effective the provocative behavior of women for their abusive political, educational and legal measures. The solution does conduct. While some said they resorted to harassment out not lie in the woman covering up since, as discussed above, of boredom, others justified their harassment of veiled even veiled women are subject to harassment. This is why women, especially those wearing the niqab, on the basis the ECWR criticized the book published by the Ministry of their dress. The latter consider that a woman covers her of Awqaf in 2009, “Sexual Harassment, Causes and body because she is very attractive or hiding something, Solutions”, because it blames women for the harassment which to them constitutes sexual provocation. they face stating that the main cause is their lack of decency, Sexual harassment is a growing phenomenon, which which clearly contradicts their study that found that 71.5% reveals the absence of ethical and social values in some of women subjected to sexual harassment were veiled and categories of the male society that resort to such behavior 19.6% of them wore the niqab. for entertainment or to overcome some form of frustration. Moreover, there is no clear definition of harassment in It can occur in any place and at any time of day, in the street the law, it is only referred to in some laws as “indecent or in public transport, in touristic locations or educational behavior occurring in public spaces”, thus resulting in institutions and schools. random judicial decisions. The most frustrating part of this issue is the inability to do The provisions that can be of use to a judge are articles anything about it since the woman is blamed for the man’s 278 and 279 of the Penal Code: “ Anyone who commits behavior. In addition, the problem is entirely disregarded indecent behavior is liable to a prison sentence not by the security forces. According to the study, merely 2.4% exceeding one year or a fine not exceeding 900 Egyptian of women who have been subjected to sexual harassment pounds, the same sentence applies if the act was committed have not reported their case to the police, either because privately” and article 268 of the Penal Code: “Any person they do not see any use in filing a complaint or for fear of who rapes or attempts to rape another human being by harming their reputation. using force or threats is liable to imprisonment for a Thus, a number of women’s groups, aided by alternative period of 3 to 7 years”. media outlets (mainly blogs), launched a series of awareness campaigns in order to change the population’s Due to this vacuum in the law, the ECWR presented a understanding of the issue and its way of dealing with draft law to the Egyptian Parliament (in 2008) providing it, so that in the long term, Egyptians don’t simply view a definition of harassment, its types and sanctions. harassment cases as isolated incidents but rather as a However, it was never voted on. In light of the continued pressing social problem that has a negative impact on key existence of this phenomenon and pressure of activists sectors, namely tourism. and women’s groups, some MPs of the Egyptian People’s Assembly have begun (in 2010) to support the draft These campaigns also seek to raise awareness among law. Furthermore, the National Council for Women, the women themselves to familiarize them with their rights Ministry of Justice and the Government have started to and warn them of the gravity of these practices and their look into this issue in a bid to stop characterizing it as an impact on every individual in society. The campaigns exceptional and isolated phenomenon that does not need 1 - The survey entitled “Clouds in Egypt’s sky” included a sample of to be addressed by the whole of Egyptian society. 2,020 Egyptian men and women (equally divided) and 109 foreign women.

issue 101 - published by Information International s.a.l. Index|47 REAL ESTATE PRICE INDEX IN LEBANON – OCTOBER 2010

ctober witnessed a major draw back compared to previous months and the sector was Prices of some apartments sold in October 2010 Table 2 almost at a complete standstill. As for prices, O Region Area m2 Price (USD) USD/m2 they remained stable, although still relatively high. According to specialists, they will remain as such and Beirut are even likely to rise. Tables 1 and 2 list the prices of Achrafieh (Saifi) 260 845,000 3,250 a number of estates and apartments sold in October 2010. Achrafieh (Gemayze) 110 308,000 2,800 Achrafieh (Rizk hospital) 150 415,500 2,770 Borj Abi Haidar 100 240,000 2,400 Prices of some estates sold in October 2010 Table 1 UNESCO 320 1,312,000 4,100 Region Area m2 Price (USD) USD/m2 sodeco 200 600,000 3,000 Beirut Bristol 180 612,000 3,400 Achrafieh 1,100 8,800,000 8,000 Zaydanieh 170 340,000 2,000 Verdun 1,600 19,200,000 12,000 Baabda Zqaq El-Blat 820 1,722,000 2,100 Hazmieh (Mar Taqla) 250 450,000 1,800 Koreitem 1,020 6,630,000 6,500 Chatila 190 285,000 1,500 Baabda Hadath (Hay Amercan) 260 351,000 1,350 Hadi Nassrallah Highway 2,150 4,837,500 2,250 Baabda 200 400,000 2,000 Kfar Shima 1,000 250,000 250 Metn Metn Broumana 200 250,000 1,250 Broumana 1,300 793,000 610 (Horsh Tabet) 137 513,750 3,750 Fanar 920 1,324,800 1,440 Antellias 140 176,400 1,260 Bekfaya 980 323,400 330 175 350,000 2,000 Sin el Fil 2,500 6,125,000 2,450 150 240,000 1,600 A’aley Mansourieh 145 219,000 1,510 Khaldeh 3,000 1,650,000 550 Rabieh 350 759,500 2,170 A’aramoun 1,300 546,000 420 A’aley Keserouan Bshamoun 146 156,220 1,070 Aachkout 1,050 367,500 350 Aramoun 100 100,000 1,000 Faraya 1,070 556,400 520 Doha 130 161,200 1,240 Ajaltoun 1,300 416,000 320 Doha Hoss 100 140,000 1,400 Adma 1,000 1,000,000 1,000 Khaldeh 155 186,000 1,200 Source: Information International October 2010 Keserouan Sahel Alma 250 350,000 1,400 Adma 170 340,000 2,000 Adonis 120 138,000 1,150 Kaslik ATCL 150 210,000 1,400 Source: Information International October 2010


he prices of some of the products the article is Prices of consumer and food products in October Table 1 covering increased in October 2010. The prices of 2010 (in LBP) 37 products increased, those of 47 others stabilized T Prices Prices and the prices of 16 commodities dropped. The major beginning beginning % of price increase in prices included those of meats, sauces and Item and brand of October of change while the drop included the prices of vegetables, 2010 November citrus and potatoes following last month’s considerable 2010 rise in prices. In comparison to September, the prices Ketchup and Sauces of 64 products stabilized while prices of 21 products Libby’s Ketchup (567 g) 2,960 3,100 4.7+ increased. The limited rise in the prices of some products is expected to expand and could include other Extra Ketchup (340 g) 980 1,000 2+ goods especially following the increase in Euro prices Extra Ketchup (2.2 kg) 5,540 5,750 2.9+ to the USD (the exchange rate of the Euro in the past two months increased from $1.25 to $1.38). Furthermore Dolly’s Mayonnaise (500 ml) 3,950 3,950 0 the transportation fees increased due to the rise in fuel Al-Wadi Mayonnaise (500 ml) 4,100 4,200 2.4+ prices. Another factor that could push prices up is the Al-Bsat Tahina (900 g) 6,490 6,490 0 upcoming holidays at the end of the year in addition to a rise in consumption. Table 1 lists the prices of products Al-Bsat Tahina (450 g) 3,500 3,500 0 during October 2010 (in LBP). Taous tomato sauce (70 g) 600 890 48.3+ Taous tomato sauce (425 g) 3,250 4,450 37+ Tala tomato sauce (675 g) 3,000 3,500 16.6+ Prices of consumer and food products in October Dairy Products 2010 (in LBP) Table 1 Candia full cream milk (1 liter) 2,500 2,500 0 Prices Prices Candia full cream yoghurt (2 kg) 5,200 5,200 0 beginning beginning % of price Item and brand of Bonjus labneh (1 kg) 3,750 3,750 0 of October November change 2010 2010 labneh (500 g) 5,400 3,750 30.5- Oil Candia labneh (500 g) 5,200 3,500 32.7- Afia corn oil (3.5 liters) 11,200 12,250 9.3+ Taanayel yoghurt (1 kg) 3,250 3,250 0 Mazola corn oil (3.5 liters) 12,950 12,200 5.8- Smeds cheese (400 g) 4,350 4,000 8- Mazola corn oil (1.8 liters) 6,950 6,500 5.7- Picon cheese (360 g) 3,350 3,350 0 Slim corn oil (2 liters) 7,000 7,000 0 Picon cheese (160 g) 1,700 1,750 2.9++ Wesson corn oil (2 liters) 7,250 7,500 3.4+ Double-crème cheese (1 kg) 8,000 8,000 0 Ghandour soya oil (3.8 liters) 8,250 8,250 0 Fresh country cheese (1 kg) 9,000 10,000 11.1++ Alfa corn oil (4 liters) 11,250 11,250 0 Khashkawan cheese (1 kg) 12,250 11,000 10.2-- Al-Wadi Olive Oil (1/2 liters) 7,500 7,500 0 Lurpak butter (200 g) 2,500 2,500 0 Sugar and Salt Tatra butter (200 g) 2,350 2,400 2.1++ Sugar (2 kg) 3,350 3,350 0 Al-Maalaqtain margarine (2 kg) 7,950 7,950 0 Al-Ousra Sugar (5 kg) 8,750 8,750 0 Al-Baqara al-Haloub margarine(2kg) 25,850 28,050 8.5++ Salt (700 g) 280 350 25+ Vegetaline margarine (2 kg) 14,950 14,950 0 Box of salt (738 g) 1,250 1,250 0 Nido full cream milk (bag) (2,250 g) 18,950 18,950 0 Nido full cream milk (2,500 g) 23,100 23,100 0 Tatra full cream milk (1,800 g) 17,500 17,500 0

issue 101 - published by Information International s.a.l. Index|49 Prices of consumer and food products in October Prices of consumer and food products in October 2010 (in LBP) Table 1 2010 (in LBP) Table 1 Prices Prices Prices beginning Prices beginning Item and brand beginning of % of price Item and brand beginning of % of price of October November change of October November change 2010 2010 2010 2010 Cereals Meat, Fish and Eggs Khater white lentils (1 kg) 3,650 3,700 1.3+ Zwan chicken (200 g) 2,250 2,300 2.2+ Khater chick-peas fahli (1 kg) 3,500 3,500 0 Zwan beef (200 g) 2,250 2,400 6.6+ Khater beans (1 kg) 2,000 2,000 0 Luncheon meat beef (198 g) 1,150 1,350 17.4+ Peeled wheat (1 kg) 2,200 2,500 13.6+ Al-Mona chicken (200 g) 2,200 2,100 4.5- Pineal Lima Bean (1 kg) 3,750 3,850 2.6+ Al-Taghzia beef (200 g) 1,925 1,950 1.3+ Brown Fine Burgul (1 kg) 1,750 2,000 14.2+ Al-Taghzia chicken (200 g) 1,750 1,900 8.5+ Egyptian rice (1 kg) 2,250 2,000 11.1- Geisha sardine (125 g) 1,400 1,400 0 American rice (1 kg) 2,000 2,000 0 Deli sardine (125 g) 1,100 1,100 0 Italian rice (1 kg) 3,100 2,750 11.3- Milo sardine (125 g) 990 1,000 1+ Al-Wadi Hommos Tahina 380) g( 1,350 1,350 0 Geisha tuna (200 g) 3,950 3,950 0 Hommos Tahina (380 g) 850 1,000 17.6+ White Bell tuna (200 g) 2,250 2,050 8.8- California Gardens beans (450 g) 1,350 1,350 0 White Diamond tuna (200 g) 2,250 2,100 6.6- Al-Wadi beans (450 g) 990 990 0 Skipper tuna (185 g) 1,750 1,750 0 Chtaura beans (480 g) 1,450 1,450 0 Eggs (30 eggs) 3,500 3,500 0 Libby’s corn (340 g) 1,540 1,540 0 Beef (1 kg) 14,000 22,000 57.1+ Pasta Sheep (1 kg) 20,000 30,000 50+ Barilla spaghetti (500 g) 2,100 2,200 4.7+ Halvah and Jam Antonio Amato spaghetti (500 g) 2,200 2,400 9+ Al-Wadi halvah (454 g) 3,850 3,850 0 Monte spaghetti (500 g) 2,150 2,200 2.3+ Al-Bsat halvah (450 g) 3,000 3,250 8.3+ Coffee and Tea Chtaura apricot jam (1 kg) 4,500 4,600 2.2+ Najjar coffee (1kg) 12,000 12,000 0 Al-Wadi apricot jam (1 kg) 5,500 5,900 7.2+ Brazil coffee (1 kg) 11,000 11,000 0 Tissues and Detergents Al-Hisan tea (180 g) 2,600 2,600 0 Mimosa tissues (500 g) 2,500 2,650 6+ Nestle (250g) 2,750 2,750 0 Fine tissues (200 tissues) 1,350 1,350 0 Primo tissues (200 tissues) 1,370 1,370 0 Gipsy tissues (300 tissues) 2,350 2,550 8.5+ Mimosa toilet papers (4 rolls) 2,500 2,500 0 Yes detergent (900 g) 2,250 2,250 0 Clorox (1 liter) 1,500 1,500 0 Persil (4 kg) 17,850 18,250 2.2+ Ariel (4 kg) 18,000 18,250 1.4+ Fruits and Vegetables Orange (1 kg) 2,000 1,250 37.5- Tomatoes (1kg) 2,000 1,750 12.5- Cucumbers (1kg) 1,850 1,000 46- Bananas (1kg) 1,250 1,250 0 Lemons (1 kg) 1,250 1,000 20- Apples (1 kg) 2,000 2,000 0 Potatoes (1 kg) 1,250 800 36- Source: Information International October 2010

issue 101 - December 2010 50| Did you know that? Statistics from around the World

Facts about Bees and Honey Making

A 2 stomachs: a bee actually has a honey stomach, which is used as a nectar backpack, and a regular stomach.

A 70 mg: the weight of nectar that the honey stomach can hold and when full, it weighs almost as much as the bee does.

A 100 to 1500 is the number of flowers honeybees must visit in order to fill their honey stomachs.

A 5 years: the average life span of bees.

A 120 to 200 pounds is the amount of honey a colony of bees eats in one year.

A ½ an hour: the time “house worker bees” keep chewing the nectar, which breaks the enzymes and turns the complex sugars in the nectar into simple sugars so that it is both more digestible for the bees and less likely to be attacked by bacteria while it is stored within the hive.

A 1 queen only exists in the hive, and if it dies, worker bees will create a new queen by feeding one of the worker bees “royal jelly”, which will enable the worker bee to develop into a fertile queen.

A 70 % is the decrease of the honeybee population across the continent in recent years.

Beirut International Airport Rafic Hariri International Airport - Traffic October 2010 24.1% decline and a yearly growth of 11.5%

There has been a further decline in airport traffic Airport traffic in October 2010 compared to September 2010 and October 2009 Table 1 during the month of October 2010. Indeed, traffic % of change % of change October decreased by 24.1% compared to September. In Traffic Sep-10 Oct-10 Oct-09 Sep-Oct 2009- September, the decrease was much lower, standing 2010 October at 4.8% compared to the month of August. This 2010 can be explained by the fact that the month of Arriving airplanes 3,010 2,735 2,468 9.1- 10.8+ September coincided with the Eid Al Fitr holiday, Departing airplanes 2,991 2,745 2,475 8.2- 10.9+ which undoubtedly influenced the number of Total No. of airplanes 6,001 5,480 4,943 8.7- 10.8+ arrivals and departures. Airport traffic in the month Arriving passengers 252,023 197,611 176,787 21.6- 11.7+ of October 2010 compared to that of October 2009 Departing passengers 295,177 215,172 209,097 27.1- 2.9+ increased by 7.3%. Transit passengers 3,220 4,595 3,287 42.7+ 39.8+ Total No. of passengers 550,420 417,378 388,771 24.1- 7.3+ The total number of passengers from the beginning Imported goods (per ton) 3,575 3,871 3,530 8.2+ 9.7+ of the year until the end of October reached 4,660,155 compared to 4,179,137 during the same Exported goods (per ton) 3,068 3,193 2,810 4+ 13.6+ period last year, amounting to an 11.5% increase Total amount of goods (per ton) 6,643 7,064 6,340 6.3+ 11.4+ (or 481,018 more passengers). Source: Information International and the Directorate General of Civil Aviation

issue 101 - published by Information International s.a.l. StatsNumbers&

A LBP 2,034 billion is the estimated amount of net revenues generated by the telecommunications sector in 2010 of which LBP 1,284 billion emanated from the mobile phone sector. In comparison, telecommunications revenues in 2009 reached LBP 1,878 billion of which LBP 918 billion derived from the mobile phone sector.

A LBP 549 million are paid in rent for the building occupied by the General Directorate of Emigrants, although it is no longer needed. The main departments were relocated to the headquarters of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Emigrants

in Ashrafiyeh and only a few employees Photo by Waddah Joma’a 2009 remain in the said building.

A LBP 500 million were allocated as compensation to sub-committees and a technical committee to carry out inspection works in unlicensed branches of higher learning institutions in Lebanon. They are Publications limited in number and many have been Publications by Publications by INMA (in Arabic): shut down after the Ministry of Education Information International: 1-“I am Responsible, All of Us are Responsible” and Higher Education issued warnings to 1-Salaries and Remunerations in the Public Sector 2-“Our Environment is Our Home” the violating bodies stating the urgency of 2-Public Seaside Properties 3-“My Society is My Responsibility” their closure. 3-Lebanon’s Parliamentary History 1920-2000 4-“My Society is My Responsibility” Workbook 4-Taxes and Fees 5-“I am a Student, I am a Citizen: Ways Towards 5-Lebanon in Figures 1992-2002 State Building” A LBP 1.5 billion have so far been paid 6-Lebanon in Figures 2003-2004 6-“I am a Student, I am a Citizen: Ways Towards in preparatory works for the Arab Action 7-Lebanon in Figures 2005-2006 State Building” Workbook Conference scheduled to take place in 8-Lebanon’s MPs and Lebanese Parliamentary 7-“Lebanon Wars, why?” Beirut in April 2011, while the final cost of Elections 1960 - 2009 8-Discrimination in Lebanon the event has not yet been determined. 9- 2009 Parliamentary Elections by ballot box, candidate and confession-North District 2009 Parliamentary Elections by ballot box, A 29,845 is the number of officers 10- and agents specified as the Internal candidate and confession-Beirut District 11- 2009 Parliamentary Elections by ballot box, Security Forces’ (ISF) personnel while up candidate and confession-Mount Lebanon until September 2010, the actual number District only reached 22,000. 12- 2009 Parliamentary Elections by ballot box, candidate and confession-Beqa’a District A 7,000 is the average number of monthly 13- 2009 Parliamentary Elections by ballot box, To subscribe: candidate and confession-South and Nabatiyeh Al-Borj Building, 4th Floor, Martyrs Square traffic warrants issued by ISF units, until Beirut Central District September 2010. District Telephone: 961-1-983008/9 961-3-262376 14- Municipal Elections 2010 Fax: 961-1-980630 [email protected] A 64,000 home loans were granted by banks at a value of LBP 3.6 billion. © Information International SAL All rights reserved License No. 180/2003 Responsible Director: Hala Saghbini Antoune Saadeh Foundation to Martyrdom and struggle, all of which eventually led to his martyrdom. It attempts to reenact the sequence of events, to discuss the issues at stake at that time and the role played by major actors, not so much as a tribute and commemoration of the splendor of his death but rather to expose to the world his great and rich experience, which carries promises for humanity in an age of turmoil.

The book presents Saadeh from five different angles:

A The initial stage: the creation of his party, his trials and apprehension, the party’s schism and re-structuring.

A The conspiracy against Saadeh in its international, regional and local contexts, the importance of the Middle East to the great powers and the ¢Sô£H ¿Gƒ£fCG different schemes planed for its colonization, in addition to the motives behind the coup d’Etat of Hosni al-Za’im and the agenda that this carefully chosen general fulfilled during his short tenure, Antoune Saadeh’s life was neither a tale of an which culminated in delivering Saadeh to his ambitious adventurer whose luck failed him nor killers. that of a national reformer whose miscalculations brought him to the ground. Rather, it was an A Saadeh’s ideology, political thought and embodiment of a broad national project with a philosophical initiatives. conscious effort to achieve two principle goals. The first was to revive the historic Greater Syria, A Documentation: selections from Saadeh’s which had become a mosaic of states partitioned Complete Works, full documents, comparative by the great powers in order to serve their own tables and linear charts that provide raw colonial interests. references for future research. Maps are also The second was to kindle a movement based on a included, such as the original Sykes-Picot modern national-social renaissance movement that agreement, a chart drawn by Ptolemy in 100 could shake the relics of division and backwardness, AD showing Cyprus within the limits of Mare thus ensuring the rebirth of a respectable Syria Syriacum and a map of the 1949 Revolution under the sun. drawn according to different testimonies. There The accomplishment of these two goals would is also a photo album. naturally ensue in confrontation withoil interests and colonial powers, their creation - the Jewish The book concludes with an extensive index. State - and all their local and regional allies, who were opposed to everything that Saadeh stood for or sought to accomplish. For more information Al-Borj Building, 4th Floor, Martyrs Square, Beirut This book does not claim to be a comprehensive Telephone: 961-1-983008/9 961-3-262376 reference of the “Saadian” endeavor. However, it Fax: 961-1-980630 is a primer on Saadeh, his principles, goals, stances