The Shoe Department of the Oo. is Making a GREAT SHOE SALE. Genuine Bargains Offered. ,9^*[ s?u.ApIg£n] The Clinton Republican


LOCAL MATTERS Bub Abel visited the county seat Miss Carrie Cooper spent 8unday in ANNOUN CEMENTS. BUSINESS LOCALS. The Republican. Tuesday. Port Huron. If you are going to buy a watch don ’t There will be aerrice* at the Biptlit church next No Room For Hoop Skirt*. Martin Smith, of Detroit, was in town Brown Bros, report the purchase and Sunday morning and evening. “ Hair cloth lining is not hoop skirts. C. C. VAUGHAN, Publisher . fail to see the bargain that Allison has yesterday. shipment of 1,300 tons of hay since Jan ­ St. John* guild will meet with Mia* Bertha It insures grace, elegance and style toft for you. 61 tf The circuit court will resume opera ­ uary 28th. Davison thia Thursday evening. dress, and enables a lady to be in fash* ------TERMS:* ------Remember the Epworth league Sunday, April 23, ion without going to extremes. ” We tions Monday. Advertised letters April 19,1893. Mrs. Strictly in Advance, tl.00 BREVITIES. a'. 6:80. Subject, “Our High Standards. ” Leader, have it. John Hicks . L. H. Bell, John Duggan, Gertie Finn, Mrs. Ella Stewart. Republican St Detroit Tribune, •1.60 Archie Wolcott has engaged with H. Girl Wanted Rev. W. C. Allen spent Monday in L. Kendrick. C. F. Jones, F. Platt. There will be a business meeting of the King ’s Roy M. Sperry, of the class of ’92, and Daughters at the home of Miss Neva Walbrldge At Anger ’s Laundry. Wages $3 per All Settlements of Past Due Subtorip • Lansing. week. 5i.i Miss Bessie Hicks, of Pompeii, is later a student of the Cleary college, Monday evening, April 24th, at 7:30. The St. Johns creamery begun opera­ There will be a pound social and warm sugar tions mill be made at the rate clerking for John Hicks. Ypsilanti, has accepted a position as For Sale or Exchange, of 11.60 Por Year. tions Monday. supper at tbe residence of Mrs. Alvin Eldrcdge, of Willard M. Potter, of Petoskey, was stenographer with the Mass. Life Insur ­ West Rengal, on the evening of April 25th, for the 6-Year-old Mare. Weighs 1,140 lbs. Our Advertising rate* are »100 per column per Mr. A. J. Baldwin has returned from in town yesterday. ance Co. at Detroit. benefit of Rev. Weller. Bill 26 cents. All are cor­ Sound and kind. Will sell or exchange annum. Business notices live cents per line loi Indianapolis. dially invited. for heavier horse. 60tf H. A. Sage . each Insertion. Kdltorl&l notices, ten cents. Chas. Holton is remodeling his resi­ Miss Jessie, Ilolt has been re-engaged ■You are invited to attend the meeting of tbe Business cards, *1 per line per year. __ Mrs. Gilbert Parish is visiting her son dence on Steel street Fine Table Linens with Napkins to Marriage, birth and death uotlccs Inserted irec as teacher in the eight grade of the junior league, next Sunday at the M. E. church at in Clare county. match At Chapin & Co ’s. Obituary comments, resolutions, cards of thanks Landlord Clark and wife, of the Steel, Lansing schools at a salary of $425. 8:15 o ’clock. Subject: Charity. Leader, Julia etc., will be charged for at the rate of tive cent* Win, Collins, of Lansing, visited St. Miss Bessie Stephenson, formerly of St. Stocker; reader, LxlUli Shelters ; recitationist, Ina That 8-day $3 clock At Porter ’s, per line. . . visited Detroit Wednesday. Henderson. Correspondence containing local news Issollc Johns this week. Johns, has also been re-engaged as a ited from all parts of the county. Miss Florence Wilson is home from The next meeting of the ladles’ literary club will All kinds of Repairing done Anonymous communications not Inserted under Mrs. II. J. Patterson is recovering the Ypsilanti Normal this week. teacher in the Lansing schools. be held with Mrs. Ring. Wednesday afternoon, ' At Osborn ’Ds any circumstances. April 26. Program : Current Events, Mrs. C. E. from a seyere illness. Airs. L. L. Hammond, of Riley, is the A Lansing dispatch dated Apiil 18th Have you seen our Quick Meal Gaso­ VanSickle ; Modern Rome, Mrs. T-hos. Bromley, Sr. line Range? Something new. 46 3 JOB PRINTING. Aaron L. Davis, of Lansing, was a St. guest of ner eon, C. L. Hammond, in says : “ Although the secretary of state The Coliseum and Catacombs, Mrs. II. Palmer Our material Is new and of the latest styles, and Johns visitor Monday. has nine counties, including Wayne, to reading, Mrs. E. Pennell. Fowler & Ball . we guarantee satisfaction, both in prices St. Johns. and quality of work. Miss Ina Perrin is home from Ann Hon. P. K. Perrin made a business hear from on the vote on the Grand Nickel alarm clocks for 75c H. F. Keen, a former resident of this tf At Krepps , D eWitt & Go ’s. Arbor for a brief vacation. trip to Ithaca Tuesday, and F. F. Mur­ river improvement amendment, there is BUSINESS DIRECTORY no doubt that it carried. The majority county, but now of Chicago, has three Amos Ewen and wife, of Ithaca, spent dock went to Ann Arbor. Do not forget the “New Patent Hat for it will be in the neighborhood of large well lighted rooms, in good cable ATTORNEYS. Sunday with C. J. Sowle and wife. car and boat connection with the Fastners ” which are furnished free with Married, by Rev. W. C. Allen April 20,000. All the amendments carried. every Hat at Mrs . C anfield ’s. SPAULDING ft PIE R C E, ’ Born, in St. Johns, April 13th, to Mr. 19th, 1893, Orel Hildreth and Aliss World ’s Fair, to rent at reasonable ttorneys at law . office over st The state canvassing board will meet Johns National Bank, St. Johns, Mich. 47tf and Mrs. John T. Millman, a son. Orpha Dane, all of Riley, Alich. rates. Any one wishing further iinfon- Have you seen the beautiful presents A next Tuesday, and a detailed statement given away by C hapin A Co. Miss Ella Wilcox and Mrs. Vaughan * Will Davies has returned from Ionia mation can address him at 704 Wells St. WM. N. STOCKER, of the vote cauuot be secured until after Window Shade*. oldiers and comrades , i being one returned from Florida last Friday. and engaged with G. B. Porter, the of your number, therefore know your wants that date.” Rochester is framed for its nurseries We have a large line of Window andS also your rights by law, therfore respectfully so­ jeweler. Will is a good engraver. Shades. A good decorated felt Bhade licit your patronage in the prosecution of claims for W. H. Krepps is spending a few' days There was a proposition to have the and tbe most extensive in tbe world is isions, back pty, bounty or rations. Also Notary at Owosso, St. Louis and other points. Mrs. A. B. Chapin, of Mt. Clemens, is state pay the expenses of the members that of Ellwanger A Barry, which has with the best spring roller for 25 cents. bile. Enquire at Putt’s grocery. John Hicks . K28 tf WM. N. STOCKER. F. H. Frazelle was called to Mason the guest of her brother, Cashier Wals- of the legislature to the opening exer ­ been established more than half a cen ­ Monday by the serious illness of his worth, and other St. Johns relatives. cises of the world ’s lair, but when the tury. N. E. Reed, who has the Clinton For Sale. B. r. TIMKUAM. T. U. CLiKK A nice wall or Side Show Case TINKHAM A CLARK, niece. Mrs. W. W. Brainard went to Wini- matter came up in the house in the county agency, made an extensive de­ 47-4 At Allison ’s. ttorneys and solicitors , office field, Ingham county, Saturday, for a two form of a resolution for members to pay livery of fine fruit and ornamental trees in Opera House Block. St. Johns, Mich. lOt E. A. Ferrier, foreman of the Marlette A Leader, is spending the week in St. weeks’ visit with her daughter, Mrs. E. their own expenses, Representative Red- from this farm in St. Johns last Friday, Wall Paper! FEDEWA A MERRILL, J. Bradner. fern, ever on the alert for the interests fulling about two hundred orders. We offer this week, and will continue ttorneys at law , st. Johns , micu . Johns. to do so until closed out, the greatest «4tf /Married, at the M. E. parsonage in of his constituents, insisted on calling bargains ever offered in St. Johns, hav ­ A Lyon A Dooling are attorneys for the the yeas and nays ; and while there was A house and two acres of ground, in ­ H. M. PBJUtIF. r. X. PERRIN. A. J. BALDWIN. defense in the Butcher murder case on this village, by Rev. C. G. Thomas, April ing recently purchased a large bankrupt an undoubted majority against the reso­ cluding an orchard of 75 bearing trees, stock of wall paper. We are closing it PERRINS A BALDWIN, trial at Charlotte. 17th, Wm. Vail, of Victor, to Aliss Nora adjoining tbe corporation on the west, ttorneys at law and solicitors in lution as presented, they did not like to out at prices that will surprise everybody. Havens, of Bath. Come early and take your choice. Chancery. Bounty, pension, real estate E. P. Waldron left yesterday fora be put on record, and the resolution for rent. For particulars enquire of J. agents,A conveyancers and money loaners. Also Mrs. H. 8. Hart is visiting her daugh ­ M. Mc D onald A Co. . examine titles, pay taxes, and make collections. month ’s trip to the Pacific coast for A. prevailed W. Fitzgerald, at the State Bank. 48tf Business entrusted to their care will be promptly C. McGraw & Co. ter, Airs. Mattison, at Frankfort, In ­ Ladies, have your Clothes Wringers / and faithfully attended to. Office over W'ickea’ The Lansing Lumber Company, and BUSINESS LOCALS. grocery, Clinton Avenue, St. Johns, Mich. W. C. Belknap,a Michigan University diana. The latter expects to return with repaved at Osborn ’s. Work guaranteed/ her in a few weeks. Lansing Iron and Engine works filed New Goods Arriving- Dally. KDWIN H. LYON. JOHN C. DOOLINO. student, is spending the week with Mr. mortgages in favor of O. .M. Barnes, of A fresh stock. Correct styles. Prompt Silks, Gimps, Jetts, Braids, Ribbons Frank Thompson, of Elsie, had his LYON A DOOLING. and Mrs. H. M. Perrin. Lansing, Tuesday, aggregating $701,000. attention to orders and perfect satisfac­ and New Buttons for Dress Trimmings ttorneys at law , st. joiins , mich , thigh broken in a collision on the T. A. tion guaranteed are our methods. At C hapin A Co ’s. Office over Kendrick's store. 35tf Sheriff Leland brought Bertha Fowler Orley F. Barnes, son of O. M., is presi ­ A A. & N. M. R. R., near Farwell Monday. Mrs. L. Canfield . back from Chicago, and left her sister dent of both concerns, and his father is A fine line of Seal Leather Silver NORTON A WCIMCR, He was seriously, if not fataly hurt. To Rent. Trimmed Ladies’ Card Cases at * ttorneys at law , over nixon a co .’S Sarah to go on to Kansas. endorser on most of the paper of both Hardware Store, opposite the Steel, St. Johns, J. S. Bristol has rented his farm, just A nicely papere'd 6-room House to ______Allison ’s. Mich.A Dr. Knapp is grading the grounds concerns. The Lansing banks are the rent, across from the cheese factory. Legal Blank*. around his handsome residence and north of St. Johns, to J. W. Hamilton, largest creditors, and the filing of the Travis A Baker . WALBRIDGE A OSBORN, A new and complete line just added. ^^TTOKNEYS AT LAW, ST. JOHNS, MICII office on court house square. and will soon remove to Northville, mortgages caused a run on the Central Aldrich A Co. ’s where he is engaged in fruit raising. Call and see the Columbian Exposi* The annual tax sales of delinquent Alichigan Savings Bank of that city, tion _ At Chapin & Co ’s. obliging it to close its doors. The bank Just received from manufacturers a PHYSICIANS. lands will take place at the county treas­ Geo. Reynolds, who recently sold his Po6t-hole diggers and post-bole augers, complete line of ladies’ and children ’s fruit farm near the fairground to Taylor !10 now in the hands of the bank com- Chapin HENRY PALMER, M. D. urer’s office Monday, May 22d. best and cheapest, at Spaulding & Co ’s. Fine Shoes. A Co. Stocton, has bought the Alartin Smith missloner. O. M. Barnes is said to be eneral practicioner and practi - Married, by Rev. W. C. Allen April Farmer* I cal Occullst. Office over Hunt ’s Drugstore, place, corner State and Lansing streets. worth nearly a million dollars, and the In Carpets we are in it more than GOffice hours 2 to 5 P. M. 4!>tf 12th, 1893, Charles T. Bienstadt and ever before, including the best makes, Buy the “Iron Duke” corn planter Consideration $1,200. assets of the lumber and iron companies such as Hartford and Lowell, ex super ­ for $1.25, At Spaulding A Co ’s. J. J. TRAVIS, M. D-, Maggie E. Heibeck, both of Bengal. are a million and a half. FFICE OVER FILDEW A MILLMAN’S. Dis­ Hotel Byron, Chicago, is one of the fine Ingrain, Tapestry and Body Brus­ eases ot Women and Children a specialty. The Odd Fellows expect to have a The Royce and Lansing Musical Com- sels and Aloquetts. II. L. Kendrick . Trade at Kendricks ’ and get an In ­ O very pleasant meeting in St. Johns April most desirable places for World's Fair dian Baskets free. S. E. GILLAM, M. D., visitors in the city, being but five min- i edy Co. will present “Tom ’s Vacation, ” The Lace Curtain Season is here and 20th. See program in another column. Wanted. HYSICIAN AND SURGEON. OFFICE AND utes walk from the main entrance of the a sparkling musical comedy, at Seriven ’s Chapin & Co. are prepared witli the residence west of Court House. Office hours Air. and Mrs. Lewis Sutfin returned largest, finest and cheapest stock to be Reliable parties to act as agents. P1 to 4 p. M,, except Wednesdays from 7 to 9 p M. grounds. See adV. in this issue. opera house, Saturday, April 22. This found in the county. • to their home in Vassar, Saturday, after Steady employment and good pay from E. E. White and O. C. Hollister have company has been before the public for the start. No experience necessary. C. E. KNAPP, M. D., a two weeks’ visit in the family of J. G. Our new stock of Embroideries are HYSICIAN AND SURGEON. OFFICE IN let the contract to the St. Johns Manu ­ twelve years and lias a most excellent now in and beat all previous records. Outfit free. Address residence, first house south of Perrin House, Wise. name. The Alansficld, Ohio, Herald The Hawks Nursery C o.. PSt. Johns. facturing Company to convert the old ______H. L, Kendrick . 46-13 Rochester, N. Y. O. L. Spaulding, Jr., Misses Leah Fow­ Fasquelle house, corner Walker street says : “ The Royce A Lansing Comedy Garhtud*. DR. H. G. MORRISON, Lace Curtain*, clectic and botanic physician , of ­ ler, Grace Hunt and Florence Wilson east and Spring street, into a double Company are meritorious. Last night If in want of a Stove or Range, don ’t fice on Clinton Avenue, north of lailroad. aie spending a week’s vacation in St. at Alemorial Opera House they gave a fail to buy a Garland, the world ’s best. Elegant in design. Latest styles. EOffice hours from 9 to 12 a . m.. and 1 to 5 p. u., and tenement house. Nottinghams, Irish Point Brussels Net. 6 to 8 evening. Sunday 2 to 5 p. m. The doctor Johns. fine musical entertainment. Mr. Royce Full line to select from. cures all chrouic and private diseases. All female Aliss Sadie Ryan returned to the Fowler A Ball , Sole Agents. All prices At John Hicks .’ and Lizzie Royce are artists. Mr. diseases treated with newly discovered remedies. F. H. Frazelle has sold a Ilardman Cleary business college, at Ypsilanti, Horne to Sell. Old fever sores and milk leg cured with Indian Royee ’s impersonation of a seedy Eight day clocks, half hour strike, with remedies. 86tf piano to Chas. Chant, of St. Johns, and Saturday, after a two weeks’ visit at Will H. Brunson has a good nine year tragedian, a nervous bachelor, an alarm, for $3 00 FRANK C. DUNN, M. D. an A. B. Chase piano to Miss home. Although the college was en ­ tf At Krepps , Dk W;tt & Co ’s. old 1250 lb. horse to sell. He is fair HYSICIAN AND SURGEON. OFFICE OVER Pratt, of Olive. elderly poetess, a simpering school girl, roadster. tf Gruler’s Store, Fowler, Mich. 6tf tirely demolished by the cyclone the Dr«*s Good*. P etc., were excellent, as were also the Short Horn Dull For Sale. Mr. James Sumner Collins has sent work is continued in others quarters Latest styles in Dress Goods. Trim­ r _ _ _ _ MI80BL LAI>TE0tJS. violin solos, the ocarina and bell trio, A 12 months old Roan Short Horn out announcements of the removal of without serious interferance. mings to match _____ At John Hicks .’ S. W. INGRAHAM, and the banjo and guitar specialties. Bull for sale. Bray Bros . A Loomis. his office to suit 17, No. 99, Washington Joseph H. Hainer, of Duplain, lias Flastico in white and all colors ______49-4 NDERTAKER. OPPOSITE COURT HOUSE street, Chicago. Tho entire troupe is first class. The en ­ U Square, St. Johns, Mich. been appointed by State Game and Fish tertainment was of the highest class. At Travis & Baker ’s. Please remember we are headquarters The ladies library association cleared LUNKETT, LEADING PHOTOGRAPHER. Warden C. S. Hampton, as deputy war- The people all seem to be ladies a Aluminum Thimbles wear equal to for fine Dress Goods. C hapin A Co. West side Clinton Avenue, St. Johns. Mich. P about $20 from their social last week den for Clinton county, and he will en- gentlemen. ” Secure seats at McDonald ’s? silver, for 10c each At Porter ’s. All work Guaranteed first class. 26tf Lyman Wickes and Maggie Wilcox won Star and Favorite barrel churns in all deavour to protect the recently planted / ------Carpet* 1 Carpet* 1 popular sizes at Spaulding A Co ’s. TATE BANK OF ST. JOHNS. the pedro prizes. brook trout and other fish in the Maple,/ Want* From tne village ur Carpet and Rug Department is S' H. L. Waterbury, who recently located river and its tributaries from unlawjtfl Chas. North, of St. Johns, has sued more complete than ever. Do not fail An ellegant line of Souvenir Spoons COMMERCIAL AND SAVINGS. at______Allison ’s. in St. Johns, left on Monday for Chi­ depredation theA **village for $5,000 damages, claiming to call on us if in want of a Carpet of CAPITAL, *50,000. any description. ______John Hicks .’ Spring Jacket*. cago, where he has secured a position in Wm. Dowuham died at his home in that he fell on a defective sidewalk last Ladies’ and Misses’ Spring Jackets and NET ASSETS OF STOCKHOLDERS, *900,000.00. a commission house. this village Wednesday morning at 7 December, and sustained injuries which A Most Complete line of Clocks always in stock. Capes in light and dark colors PORTER K. PERRIN, Presideut. Miss Nora Bigler returned to her o ’clock, aged 68 years. He was afilicted caused a severe fit of sickness, and from At John Hicks .’ GEO. F. MARVIN, Vlce-Prealdent. At Allison ’s. home in West Superior last week, after with the grippe last year, and never re­ which he is still suffering. The walk A fine Decorated Shade complete for J. W. FITZGERALD, Cashier. spending two weeks with C. J. Soule covered from its effects. He leaves six complained of was adjoining J. H. We are headquarters for hot water, 25c at ______Travis A Baker ’s. H. H. FITZGERALD, Asst. Cash. children. Mrs. Downham died about Bailey’s premises, near the union school steam and hot air heaters. and other relatives in St. Johns. Spaulding A Co. Forty Gauge Fast Black, Ladies’ Hose DIRECTORS: Public Opinion says Assistant Secre­ two years ago. Deceased was bortkin house. for 25 cents At Ciiapin A Co ’s. P. K. Perrin, O. W. Munger, Geo. F. Marvin, J. H England. He had lived in this county Nickel alarm clocks for $1.00 Corbit, J. II. Fedewa, Otis Fuller, Edwin tary of the Treasury Spaulding is one of Want* 910,000 for Her father ’* At Porter ’s. Pampil Pumps I Dumps! E. While, Jesse Sullivan, 0. S. Allison, at Ovid and St. Johns, thirtv-six years\ ------the best informed men on the subject of Go to Allison ’s for perfect fitting Wood bouse pumps, wood stock James Richard son. G. E. Corbin. immigration in the United States. Funeral will be held Friday at 2 o ’clock. \Mertie Ridenour, daughter of tfie late pumps, wood cistern pumps, wood drive Joseph Shaw, of , has commenced Spectacles. Eyes tested free. well pumps, iron wind mill pumps, iron 4 Per Cent. Interest Palfl on Time Deposits. The Washington Post is authority for \ Marshall Pitts desires to call the at­ suit by her next friend, Harriet M. Farmers! three-way pumps, iron pitcher spout the statement that Postmaster General IJIHE CLINTON COUNTY SAVINGS BANK. tention of wheelmen to the ordinance Shaw, against William Davidson, prin ­ We have received our season ’s stock pumps, iron spray pumps, braes spray against riding on the walks. There is a Bissell has announced his determination cipal, and Albert J. Nelson and Wm. H. of fence wire, consisting of black and pumps, tin spray pumps, in fact every­ ST. JOHNS, MICH. penalty of $50 for violating the law. to retain republican postmasters (except galvanized anealled wire in all sizes, thing in the pump line Krepps, bondsmen, claiming $10,000 At Spaulding A Co ’s. PAYS 4 PER CENT. INTEREST ON DEPOSITS fourth class) for four years from the painted and galvanized barbed wire, The warden requests those interested damages. It is claimed that 8haw was galvanized twisted wire, galvanized AND LOANS MONEY ON APPROVED time of their appointment. This rule to Buy a set of Roger ’s best tripple plate BONDS AND REAL ESTATE SECURITY. in the preservation of fish in any part of furnished liquor at the Davidson saloon braided wire, Hartman fancy wire, Hath ­ knives and forks, with forks tripple Clinton county to report any violation apply also to postmasters appointed dur­ while intoxicated, thereby causing his away fancy wire, poultry netting and plate on knickel silver for $3.50 from ALBERT J. BALDWIN, . ing the last year of the garrison admin ­ wire cloth in all width ’s. Prices and G. PENNELL. Vice-President. to Deputy Ilainer at Duplain postoffice. death and taking away the support of quality the best. Porter . P. E. WALSWORTH, Treasurer. istration to fill vacancies caused by Wm. Cochrane, for the St. Johns complainant. It will be remembered Spaulding To the Public. death or resignation. If this proves A Co. K. C. DEXTER, Asst. Treasurer. Manufacturing Company, has just com­ that Shaw started for home and was We thank the public for the very lib ­ to be the case, Postmaster Faxon, of pleted a very handsome 4)lank case of found dead in a field near the state road Eight-day half-hour goDg strike $3.50 eral patronage of tbe past and ask for a ST. JOHNS MARKETS. Ovid, will serve four years from last ______At Porter ’s. quarter sawed oak for Lyon & Dooling. about three miles north of St. Johns the continuance of the same, with the assur­ Grain quotations are furnished by the St.Johns fall. 4Julck Meal., ance that should you send anyone un ­ wheat houses every Wednesday, and aro for the It is a work of art. , next day. Two members of the family experienced in piices and grades of lum­ prices paid that day. The band benefit at Newton Hall have sued and recovered damages since 223,688 Quick Meal Gasoline Stoves Wheat, white ...... 63@(54 Jonathan Hicks, who has been living sold to January 1st, 1893. Best made. ber, we will give him the value of his Wheat, red...... _...... Saturday evening yielded about $70 Shaw ’s death. For sale only by Fowler A Ball . money and guarantee satisfaction. Buckwheat ...... 46(£50e at Brunswick, Ohio, the past two years, profit and the play, “ Old Vermont, ” Respectfully, Oat* ...... -...... M#IS has returned to his farm near the Scott Arbor Day. Rye...... 50 was well received, by a large audience. Did you know you could buy the finest 44tf Love A Gay . Barley...... -...... 75^*1.10 perewt school house, in Essex. Mr. Hicks patterns in the best White iWk Paper Beans, hand picked ...... (<6*1.50^1.65 per bush While A. J. Hicks as “Old Vermont ” Friday, April 28th, has been desig­ Maw Prooas*. Pen ...... 1 ftO settled in this county in 1852. nated Arbor Day by Governor Rich and for 10c per double roll at Travis A Lire Poultry —Chickens, Ducks and Geese...... 7c and Miss Harriet Vreeland as “Moselle, Baker’s Corner Drug Store. Just received styles of ’93, “New Pro­ Lire Turkeys...... Hr Mrs. A. E. Morey has very generously the Waif,” carried off the chief honors, I hope the teachers of Clinton county cess” Gasoline Cook Stoves with all the Dressed Cbfckcns ...... 12Kc will observe it in a manner worthy its (From one of John Hicks’ customers.) latest improvements. The only Gaso­ Dressed Beef...... *4.i>0 offered the ladies library association the others did unexpectedly well for line Stove in the market with genuine Dressed Pork...... *8 00 importance by exercises and planting “I saw their many bargains, Rutter as to quality...... 10 to 21c per lt> $1,000, to be paid inside of two years, amateurs. Miss Vreeland, Geo. I nailed some on the spot ; Asbestos oven. Spaulding A Co...... 13) pe: dos providing the association will raise a A. Sumner, Henry Behrendt, A. B. Allen, thrifty trees, not only on the school Lard...... There may be others just as good, ...... 7c&8rperth like amount during the same period. W. 8. Ingraham, H. P. Moinet and O. L. grounds, bnt also interest the pupils in But Don ’t send out of town for your mis- Potatoes ...... "...60 planting fruit, ornamental, and forest Onions ...... „.„75 The offer has been accepted, and there Esler were the other St. Johns people I cellenaous books, when you have a fine Hay, looae ...... *|tM»0 per ton trees at home. R. M. Winston , Guess line at home. We pay taxes, and only Clover seed...... *7.00to*7.60 is no doubt the money will be raised. in the cast. Commissioner of Schools. Not.” ask a living profit. Aldrich A Co. ’s ST. JOHNS REPUBLICAN, THURSDAY, APRIL 20, 1893

IN FRIGHTFUL FURY. AROUND THE STATE. STATE LEGISLATURE. FROM MANY PLACES. DESCENDANT OF COLUMBUS. IN HONOR OF JEFFERSON. Duke Veregue and Party Land In New The V. of M. Democratic Cletr Give • A now bank is to be started at JL1- hkaateSkxate .— nixiy-uiKiiiiiSixty-eighth day.miy.— Thei tie concommlt- bion. tee on judiciary‘ " ' reported a substitute bill York —Royally Received. Banquet In AAtv Arbor. A TORNADO OF AWFUL POWER providing that justices of the peace•e may NEWS ITEMS OF VARIOUS KINDS Don Christobal Colon, of La Corda, CAUSES TERRIBLE RUIN. Edwardsburg is to have a new bank take______bonds ___ In ____the _____ sum of #100___ forththe ap ­ The second Jeffersonian banquet of pearance of drunks and disorderlies, and FROM VARIOUS SOURCES. duke of Veragua, marquis, of Jamaica, tike U. of M. Democratic club at the building. may suspend sentence on condition that the prisoner take the gold cure treatment and and admiral and adelenlodo, mayor of Palace Risk, Ann Arbor, was an en ­ Father and Mother Cremated in the A $5,000 creamery is to be established remain 6ober for a period of HO days. The the Indies, the lineal descendant of joyable affair, although most of the at Monroe. same committee reported adversely on the Western Cyclone* Wipe Several Town* off Christopher Columbus, chief of the prominent speakers who were expected Ruins ltefore Tlieir Helpless Children's bank half-holiday bill, and It was tabled. A brass band has been organized at The bill exempting sowing macelnes from of the Pace of the Earth and Kill a World ’s Fair commission from Spain, did not materalize, and their places levy and sale on execution, was favorably arrived at New York on the American date—Ypsllautl Visited by the Cyclone Three Oaks. Number of People.- —Big Strike at the were substituted by orators from De­ reported. The state prison committee re­ Line steamship New Yoc%, He was troit, Jackson and elsewhere. Among ! —The Storm at Other Points. Nearly all the Lake Michigan ports commended the passage of a Senate bill provtding for a B*W board of control for World'* Pair Cut Sltort. met by Commander Franc V. Dickens, the gentlemen of national reputation are now free of ice. that lnstltut.on. House. —lit committee of U. S. N., the representatH »f this gov ­ who were announced to speak only the whole on the special order —appropri ­ ernment, and by the sped committee A cyclone of the Western Kansas Gov. Rich has decided upon April 28 ation bills. The tirst taken up was a bill John DeWitt Warner, of New York, as the date for Arbor Day. appropriating $76,500 for three cottages, a Eastern Kansas anti western Mis­ of citizens appointed by J -tor


The New dread. LIBER AMORIS. family business, If you could give us tradiction. Heavens! here ’s 6ome I The favor with which the new bread an hour undisturbed. ” ope coming, after all.” made with Royal Baking Powder in ­ Upon the Delphic leaves “Don ’t bring any tea, then, Pres­ There was a slight impatient tap at Of this prophetic book the door, and then it was opened stead of yeast, has been received by Whoever will may look: ton, ” she said with a smile, “and WILLIAM TELL our best housekeepers and most expert No eye but mine perceives don ’t admit any one. ” §he turned quickly, by some one who had no bread makers is reafiy wonderful. “It What gladdens there, or grieves, Nor wny the peace of years and looked at Emmy, whose eyes mind to be put back. They all turned saves all the hard and tedious work of| Is wrecked with hopes and fears, were fixed on her. “Go look out for toward tlie n9W-comer, the colonel kneading aud moulding," writes one. Many will read the words, “Less than an hour from the dry flouij Hut none will understand the boys, my dear.” whirling his chair around with an ­ \our /AoFbef The meaning, though the birds The two brothers exchanged noyance. It was Brown —Mrs. Blcn- to the most perfect loaf of bread I ever Fly up and down the land. saw," writes another. “Fresh bread And wooing, learn and teach glances —they were, perhaps, not carrow ’s agent or steward. He was TO USE NO OTHER every day," says another, “and that That universal speech. men of great penetration —they con ­ a tall young man with a well devel­ You know it not, and 1 SOAP FOR LAUNPRY the ‘lightest, finest and most whole-j Only so much thereof sidered thut their sister’s demeanor oped, athletic figure,his head covered some, Is something to live for." “We As signifies I love — was ono of perfect calm; and she felt with those close curling locks which relish the bread better than the old But not the reason why. ANP HOUSEHOLD —R H. Stoddard. as if she were being suffocated, as give the Impression of vigor and kind." “It is ahead of any yeast she waited with a smile on her face superabundant life. He came quick­ PURPOSES. bread I ever baked." “The bread was ly to Mrs. Blencarrow with some pa ­ whiter and softer." “Best of all,’* till her daughter and the footman, writes an enthusiastic housewife, “we THE MYSTERY OF who was more deliberate, were gone. pers in his hand and said something THAN can eat the Royal unfermented bread Then she sat down again on her low to her, which in their astonishment when freshly baked, or even when MRS. BLENCARROW. chair behind the screen, which shel ­ and excitement, the brothers did not warm, with perfect impunity. It id tered a little from the glare of the make out. Ho had the slow and low actually an anti-dyspeptic." BY MRS. OLIPUANT. candles as well as the fire. enunciation of the North country, to * “This bread has a ‘nutty ’ taste than “I hope, ” she said, “it is nothing which their ear was not accustomed. cCLA'JS fa peculiarly pleasing," writes still an- 1 She answered him with a most pain ­ other. This is owing to the fact that CHAPTER VI—Continued . of a disagreeable kind —you both loo* ful distinctness. the active gas-producing principle of The days went by very slowly in so grave ” “You must know what we have “Oh, the papers about Appleby ’s OOAR the Royal is derived from the pure this extraordinary tension of spirit; grape acid. come to talk about, Joan. ” lease. Put them on the table, please. ” IS FAR SUPERIOR TO AN YOTHER IN TME MARKF" Tne great value of this bread arises the first stroke came as such a stroke “Indeed I don ’t,” 6he 6aid; “what He went to the table and put them ANP IS MADE. ONLY BY from the fact that in it are preserved generally does—from a wholly unex ­ is it? There is something the mat­ down, turned for a moment, unde ­ all the most nutritive elements of the pected quarter. Mrs. Blencarrow was ter. Reginald —Roger—what is it? cided, and then joined the group, flour, some of which are decomposed sitting ono afternoon with Emmy You frighten me with your grave which watched him with a surprised NKFAIRBANKftCO. and destroyed by the action of yeast. faces—what has happened? ” and hostile curiosity, so far as the The loss of these properties is what in the drawing-room. The large makes fresh yeast bread unwholesome. room looked lavger with only these The gentlemen looked at each other brothers were concerned. Sho turned CHICAGO. The use of the Royal Baking Powder two in it. Emmy, a little figure only again; their eyes said, “It cannot be her face toward him with a fixed im­ instead of yeast is found to make a half visible, lay in a great chair near true.” The colonel cleared his voice; perious look. Just The Thing. finer, lighter bread, devoid of all dys­ the fire, buried in it, her small face he was the eldest, and it was upon “I forgot, ” she said hurriedly; “I This is an expression the traveling Deirojj TIME TABLE. peptic qualities. The same gas—car­ showing like a point of whiteness him that the special burden lay. think you have both seen my agent, GflANDWWtfi public generally use when they find .. IN EFFECT .. bonic —is produced as where yeast is amid the ruddy tones of the firelight “If it is true,” ho said—“you know Mr. Brown. ” something that is exactly what they ilwaukee used, but it is evolved from the baking and the crimson of the chair. Her best, Joan, whether it is true or not Roger d’Eyncourt gave an abrupt want. This expression applies directly M powder itself and not from the flour. Railway OCTOBER 23, 189? mother was on the other side of the —if it is true, it is the most dreadful nod of recognition; tho colonel only to the Wisconsin Central Lines, which Thereby the bread is made more whole ­ Is now admitted by all to be “The some and actually anti-dyspeptic. The fire, with a screen thrown between thing that has happened in our gazed from his chair. TXT«afw«ixSL. family.” “I thought Mr. Rrown had been Route” from Chicago to 8t. Paul, Minn ­ greater convenience, where a batch of her and the glow, scarcely betraying j • 13 i « 1 ^ your steward, Joan. ” eapolis, Ashland, Duluth aDd all points 1 o J K-T . the finest bread can be made and baked her existence at all, in the shade in “You frighten mo more and more,” in the Northwest. Their double daily a-i 'frs? g: STATIONS. No. ^ O* x in less than an hour with uo danger of which sho sat, by any movement. said Mrs. Blencarrow. Something “He is my — everything that is So5 Except a sour or heavy loaf, must be appreci ­ The folds of her velvet dress caught about John? ” serviceable and trustworthy, ” she eZ m Sunday.

^ w Mail ■j u !Z ated by every one. the fire and showed a little color lying John wa9 the black sheep of the said. The receipt for making this bread is A. III. a. m. p. ID p. in. p. ID coiled about her feet; but this is all d’Eyncourt family. Again the broth ­ Tho words seemed to vibrate in the through Pullman First Class and Tour- DETROIT...... Lv. 6 50 10 50 4 0.5 8 45 10 45. herewith given, and housekeepers will iftt Milwaukee afunct 7 10 11 10 4 25 9 05 U (ft that a spectator might have seen. ers looked at each other. air, so full of meaning were thev.and Sleepers from Chicago to Pacifi 12 15- do well to cut it out and preserve it: Coast Points without change. Pontiac ...... 7 58 12 00 5 07 9 50 To make one loaf: One quart flour, Emmy was busy with some fleecy “You must be aware of the rumor she herself to thrill with strong sen ­ P. IU. a. in. white knitting,which she-could go on that is - filling the county, ” said the timent which fixed her look upon this For full information address you Holly ...... 8 42 12 45 5 51 10 SO 1 14- one teaspoonful salt, half a tea­ nearest ticket agent or j Durand arrive...... <♦ 20 1 50 6 50 11 10 2 13 spoonful sugar, two heaping tea­ with in the partial darkness; the faint younger brother. “I hear there is man. Ho paused a little as if he in ­ 1 Dtiraud leave...... 9 35 I Jas .C. Pond , spoonfuls Royal Baking Powder, nothing else talked of. Joan. It is tended to speak.but after a mometnt ’s Owosso .Innet nr 10 05 2 30 7 30 3 08- sound of her knitting pins was audible Gen. Pass, and Tkt. Agt., Chicago, Ill. Owosso Junct. I've 10 15 half medium-sized cold boiled potato, along with the occasional puff of flame about —you whom we have always uncertainty, with a rustic inclination Ovid...... 10 35 2 4S 7 47 „ n and water. Sift together thoroughly from the fire, or falling of ashes on been so proud of. Both Reginald of his head, went slowly away. Mrs. ST.JOHNS...... 10 54 8 06 R 04 S’. 5* flour, salt, sugar and baking powder; Ionia ...... 11 49 3 56 8 55 r.12 '•* 5>JO and I have got letters. They say Rlenearrow dropped suddenly into a 5? 3. rub in the potato, add sufficient water the hearth. There was not much p in conversation between them. Some­ that you have made a disgraceful chair as the door closed, as if some Lowell...... 12 17 4 24 9 24 P S? 3 50 to mix smoothly and rapidly into a Grand Rapids ...... 12 90 5 10 W 20 - at tc 6 4(V stiff batter, about as soft as for pound ­ times Emmy would ask a question; marriage; that it’s been going on for tremendous tension had relaxed. The ] G. It. A I. Junct.... 1 05 5 15 10 2.5 * ^ 7 10 “When are the boys coming home, years; that you ’ve no right to your brothers looked wonderingly at each TRADB MARK 2 05 <> 10 | » 20> cake; about a pint of water to a quart 5 Grand Haven ...... 2 10 6 15 — 0 25 of flour will be required—more or less mamma?" “Perhaps to-day,” with a present name at all, nor to your posi ­ other again. “That is all very well; Wheeler's, ...... according to the brand and quality of faint movement in the darkness; “but tion in this house. I cannot tell you tho people you employ are in your a . in. the fiour used. Do not make a stiff they are going back to school on the half of what's said. The first own hands; but this is of far more h Eastwarot. dough, like yeast bread. Pour the bat ­ Monday, ” Mrs. Blencarrow said, with letcer we paid no attention to, but consequence. ” ^I ur< •■o' d. ►> *2 « 7 . _ ter into a greased pan, 4J£x8 inches, --r*r jtJ* 00-ij "O a tone of relief. It might have been when wo heard it from half a dozen “Joan, ” said th$ colonel, “I don ’t TZ c ° r* and 4 inches deep, filling about half i — S5 o'! imagined that she said -‘Thank Heav­ different places —Joan —nothing about know what to think. For God ’s sake Verve STATIONS. X O » “«1 full. The loaf will rise to fill the pan *54-+ en! ” under her breath. Emmy felt John could be half so bad as a story answer one way or another! Why vfl when baked. Bake in very hot oven 45 'J -J u u Ul z minutes, placing paper over first 15 the meaning of that tone as she felt like this about you. ” don ’t you speak? For the sake of Positively Cures rj _ a. in a. in. p. in. p. HI. minutes baking, to prevent crusting everything, but blamed herself for Mrs. Blencarrow had risen slowly your children, for the suke of your Grand Haven Lv 9 00 2 10 » oe «j 05 2 15 » or, too soon on top. Bake at once. Don ’t thinking so, as if she were doing to her feet, but still was in the shade. own honor, your credit, your family HEART DISEASE, NERVOUS 00» MIX WITH MII.K. wrong. She did not seem able to resist the —is it true?” PROSTRATION, i G. R. A I. Junct.... 59 6 45 10 05 3 12 10 4.5 (irand Rapids ..... 6 50 10 20 Perfect success requires the most “It is a strange thing to say,” said impulse to stand up while she was “Hush, Rex! Of course we know Sleeplessness and all derangement* ot the Ner •O n 3 25 11 00 careful observance of all these details, Lowell...... ■ » 7 20 10 55 3 58 11 55 Mrs. Blencarrow; “but I almost wish being accused. it isn ’t true. But, Joan, be reason ­ S System, B O a. in. and the author of the receipt empha ­ ! Ionia ...... 7 4 *> 11 25 4 27 12 42 sizes the statement that Royal Baking they were going straight back to “So this is the reason of your sud­ able, my dear; let’s have your word 1 Fowler...... 8 14 11 52 5 02 1 33 Powder only can be used because it is school, without coming homo again. den visit," sho said, speaking with for it, that we may face the world. UNEXCELLED FOR INFANTS p. m deliberation, which might have meant A Bleased Boon for Tired Motbera and Res ST. JOHNS...... 8 30 12 17 5 20 2 00 the only powder in which the ingredi ­ “Oh, mamma,” said Emmy, with a Of course we know well enough that Babies. i Miepardaville ...... 12 30 5 32 ents are prepared so as to give* that natural protest. either inability to speak or the ut­ you are the last woman to dishonor Purely Vegetable, guaranteed free from 1 Ovid...... 8 4*1 12 36 5 38 2 71 continuous action necessary to raise “It seems a strange thing to say,” most contempt of the cause. Blencarrow ’s memory —poor old fel­ opiates. lOO full size doses, 80c. 1 Owost .0 Junction... 9 02 1 15 6 00 3 1C the larger bread loaf. X«v. R. N. Middleton, pastor M. E. church a. in said Mrs. Blencarrow, “to say”—she “What could we have done low! who was so fond of you —and Cedar Springs, Mich, says: Sleep and rest wer Durand ar...... 5 20 9 28 1 47 6 30 3 53 To every reader who will write the had paused between these two last else?” they both cried together, deceive everybody. ” ttrangers to me after preaching till 1 usn Durand leave...... 9 35 result of her bread making from this "Adjronda." Now I sleep soundly and awake re llollv ...... 6 05 10 14 2 26 7 40 4 41 words, and there was a slight quiver apologetic for the first moment. “You seem to have believed mo receipt to the Royal Baking Powder freened, and I can heartily recommeud it. j Pontiac ...... 6 45 10 53 3 05 8 25 5 37 in her voice. “We, your brothers, with such a cir­ capable of all that or you would not Milwaukee Junct.. 7 30 11 30 3 45 9 0-5 6 30 Co., 100 Wall street, New York, that Prepared by WHEELER and FULLER MED DETROIT...... Ar 7 45 11 50 4 05 9 25 7 00 company announce that they will send She had paused to listen; there was cumstantial story, ” said the colonel. have come here! ” IC1NE CO.. Cedar Springs, Mich. SOLO BY 49*ChairCar, Buffet Car and Sleeping Car Service in return, free, a copy of a most practi ­ some sound in the clear air, which “And your nearest friends, Joan; “No, Joan; no, not so. Do, for FILDEW A MILLMAN, cal and useful cook-book.containing one was once more hard with frost: it was to nobody could it be of so much God ’s sake, take tho right view of it! Eastward No. 13, nas Pullman Sleeper, Chicago to St. Johns. Mich. Detroit. No. 14 has Wagner Chair and Buffet Car, thousand receipts for all kinds of bak ­ the sound of a carriage coming up the importance as to us,” said the other. Tell us simply that you are not mar­ Grand Rapids to Detroit. No. 18 has Chair Car. ing, cooking, etc. Mention this paper. avenue. All was so still around the “Us!” she said; “it is of more im­ ried, and never have thought of such Grand Rapids to Detroit. No. 82 has Wagner i------Sleeper, Grand Rapids to Detroit. A Sunday school teacher was trying house that they could hear it for a portance to the children. ” a thing, which I for one, am sure of long way. Mrs Blencarrow drew a “My dear girl,” said the colonel, to begin with. ” • SPECIAL EXCURSIONS tVestward No. 11 has Chair Car, Detroit toGrajti to impress upon his pupils the care of Rapids. No. 15 has Wanner Chsir Car, De- the Deity for all living things, great long, quivering breath. putting his hand on her shoulder, “I “Perhaps, ” she said, with a curious I iroit to Grand Rapids. No. 17 has Pullman Sleeper or small, and getting to the peroration “There ’s somebody coming, ” said am most thankful we did not trust to hard note of a laugh, “they have told Detroit to Chicago. No. hi has Wagner Sleeper, De~ letters, but came. It’s enough to ; troit to Grand Rapids. of his address he said: “The Lord Emmy; “can it be Rex and BertieP” you, having told you so much, whom JNO. W. LOUD, BEN FLETCHER, “Most likely only somebody to call, look at you. You must give us your I am supposed to have married, as Traffic Manager. Trar. Pass. A-geoY who made the mountain made the THOMAS BROMLEY. Local Agent little blades of grass. The Lord who Emmy!” authority, and we will soon make an you say.” DENVEE, COL., made the ocean made the pebbles on “What, mamma?” end of these slanderers. By Jove! in Again they looked at each other. the shore. The Lord who made me “I was going to say, don ’t stay in the old days it would have been pis ­ “No one, ” said the colonel, has told May 17, 1893. made a daisy." And then he wondered the room if—if it were. But no.never tols that would have done it.” us that. ” why the class burst into laughter. mind: it was a mistake; I would rath ­ “You can't use pistols to women, ” She laughed again. “Then if this er you did stay.” said Mr. d’Eyncourt, “if you were the is all you know, and all I am accused A firm on Maiden lane received the following telegram one morning: “A “I will do whatever you please, greatest fire-eater that ever was.” of, to have married no one knows Tourist tickets now on sale at reduced rates, to musquito ill. Mrs. A. A------.” They mamma. ” They both laughed a little at this, who, no one know-s when, you must were unable to divine why the sender “Thank you,Emmy. If I turn to but the soul was taken out of the come to what conclusion you please, Texas, of the message should have taken them you, go. But perhaps there will be laugh by the perception slowly dawn ­ and make what discoveries you can. into her confidence respecting the oc­ no need. ” ing upon both that Mrs. Blencarrow I have nothing to say.” They waited, falling into a curious had said nothing, did not join either Mexico —FOR— currence. Personally they would have “Joan! ” they both cried. been glad to know that all the mus- silence, full of expectation; the car­ in their laugh or their thankfulness “You must do exactly what seems Northern Michigan, Ohio and alf! riage came slowly up to the door; it quitoes were ill beyond hope of recov ­ for having come, and had, indeed, good to you ” she said, rising hastily. and California. slightly shrunk from her brother ’s Southern Points. ery. One of their clerks did not appear jingled and that they recog­ “Find out what you can, say what that morning, however, and his nized instinctively that it must be hand, and still stood without asking you like—you shall not have a word them to sit down. Direct Connections at Owo-so Junction and D« absence enabled them to put this con ­ the fly from the station. from me ” Cheap lands, farming and mining, for sale In rand with D. G. H. A M. R’y. Trains. “I’m afraid you are angry with us,” Arkansas and Texas. Call on, or write for pamph ­ struction on the telegram: “Amos “It will be the boy6 after all,” Mrs. [TO BE CONTINUED.] Blencarrow said, with something be ­ said Roger d’Eyncourt, for having lets, to quite ill.” TIME TABLE. tween relief and annoyance. “No,” hurried here as if we believed. But Tuned It for Wagner's -Music. A congregation which contemplates H. D. ARMSTRONG, she added, with a little impatience; there never is any certainty in such “Bill,” said the piano merchant to building a church in Allegheny, Pa., Trav. Pate. Agt. Mo., Paj. Ry. In effect Jan. 29,1893. “don't run to the door to matters. We thought it better to the man who swept the office, '-I OOINC. SORTtI — Lv. Owosso Jet. held a meeting the other night to dis­ meet them. It is too cold for you; settle it at once —at the fountain want you to go down the street and JACKSON, MICH 10:05 a. M. and 7.30 p. lr. cuss plans and to provide a temporary stay where you are; I can't have you head. ” tune a piano for a family. They're place of worship. After a discussion For Elsie. Ashley, Jrhaca. St; Louis, Alina, ML exposing yourself. ” “Yes,” sho said, but no more. in a great hurry or I wouldn't ask Pleasant, Clare, Cadillac and Frankfort. more or less prolonged one brother Something of the irritability of The brothers looked at each other you to do it, but the regular tuner Cleveland & Buffalo Transit Co. uoixo SOCTII—Lv. Durand. said: “I think it would be well for us nervous expection was in her voice, again, this time uneasily. has gone for the day.” 9.35 A. M. and 6:50 P. M. to hire Hanna hall, and I make a mo­ and presently the door opened, but “My dear Joan, ” said the colonel — “ C. & B. LINE.” For Howell, Ann Arhor, Milan, Toledo and aTD tion to that effect." The motion was “1 can't tune pianos, ” replied the Southern points. not with the rush of the boys ’ return. but he did not know how to go on. man. promptly seconded, and then a brother Remember that commencing with opening oi H. BENNETT. G. P. A., Toledo, Ohio. It was opened by the butler, who “The fact is,” said Mr. d’Eyncourt, “Oh, yes, yon can, ” said the dealer, navigation (May 1. 1898) this company will p&ce in who had not followed the discussion camo in solemnly, his white shirt (Ouituission exclusively between very closely arose and said: “I don ’t “that you must give us your author ­ cheerfully. “Just open the lid and shining out in the twilight of the know about this, brethren. I’m afraid ity to contradict it, don ’t you know — you ’ll see a lot of keys. Give ’em a room, and announced in his grandest CLEVELAND AND BUFFALO your action is rather precipitate. Who to say authoritatively that there is few twists so as to tighten tho wires, tone, “Colonel and Mr. d’Eyncourt, ” is this Hannah Hall?" not a shadow of truth ------” thump on the key-board like a crazy as two dark figures followed him A Daily Line of the most Magnificent “Won ’t you sit down, ” said Mrs. man for fifteen minutes, charge them Side-Wheel Steel Steamers on QUEER NAMES AND CUSTOMS. into 1 the room. Mrs. Blencarrow rose Blencarrow. $4 and then come back in time to put the Great Lakes. to her fept with a low cry. She put “Eh? Ah! Oh, yes,” said both men tho coal in. ” There are said to be 513,500 tele­ her hand unconsciously upon her together. They thought for a mo­ And tho sweeper did it. Steamers will leave either city every evening phones in this country. (Sunday Included arriving at destination the foh heart, which leaped into the wildest ment that she was giving them That evening tho daughter of the lowing morning In time fo* business and all train Patagonia was so named because its beating. her “authority, ” as they said. house remarked tt> her fiance: gonneotlons. CAVEATS, inhabitants have big feet. “You!” she said. The colonel rolled an easy chair “How charmingly he tuned it! I QUICK TIME. TRACK MARKS, Visiting cards of sheet iron, with In ­ They came forward, one following near to her. Roger d’Eyncourt stood was never able to play Wagner's music UNEXCELLED SERVICE. DESIGN PATENTS/ scription in silver letters, are produced COPYRIGHTS, etc- the other, into the circle of the fire­ up against the glow of the fire. so deliciously. ” LOW RATES. For Information and free Handbook write to .. in England. MUNN A CO.. 3fil Bkoauwat , New Y ork . light, and took her hand and kissed her “Of course that is all wre want — For Ml particular* see late* Issues of this paper Oldest bureau for securing patents In America. The Cossacks and Circassians of the Worse Thau Writing Letters. gr address Every patent taken out by us ia brought before with solemnity. Colonel d’Eyncourt your word,” said the colonel. the publlo by a notice given free of charge In the Russian army are mainly Mohammed ­ was a tall, slim, soldierly man, the She was still standing and seemed to Johnny —Ain ’t that the girl that ’s f. f. NEWMAN, H. R. ROGERS, ans and consequently strict teetotalers. other shorter and rotund. But there bo towering above him where he sat suing you for bweach of promise, Gen ’l Manager. Qen ’l Passenger Agent A Philadelphia oyster dealer is was something in the gravity of their in that low chair; and there was a Algy? CWsland, O. 36*11 ffenttfif JLmericatt Lffft named Shellem, and a lawyer of the entrance which told that their errand dumb resistance In her attitude which Algy—Aw, yaas, that's her. world, same city bears the name of Honest- man ah was of no usual kind. When Emmy made a strange impression on the Johnny —But you ’re all wight; you yeari 61-50 six mop man. came forward to greet her uncles, two men. She said, after a moment, didn't send her any letters; she has no PUBUSBKRS, 301 Of the entire human race 500,000,000, they turned to her with a mixture of moistening her lips painfully, “You pwoof. it is said, are wall clothed. 700,000,000 impatience and commiseration. “Aro seem to have taken the word of other Algy—Has she not? Her young are only partly clothed and 250,000,000 you here, my poor childP ” said one; people against me easily enough. ” brother has got one of those patent go entirely naked. and the other told her to run away, “Not easily; oh, no! with great snap-shpt cameras, and the pictures distress and pain. We did not take of us that ho has got are worth a MONEY Members of the British house of as they had something particular to Refunded If not entire- commons wear their hats during the Bay to mamma. it,” we came at once to hear your ton of letters. I’ve no chance, old r satisfactory. own —” fellah. —Wonder. If yon value health sessions, though they always enter and The butler in the meantime was daelre a Corset leave with their heads uncovered. lighting the candles on the mantle- He stopped and there was a dead combines ease, silence. *The colonel sat bending for­ He Told Her. totafort, durability, The old Greeks used beds supported piece, which made a sudden blaze and amt is at the game U me on iron frames whin the Egyptians brought the two gentlemen into sight. ward into the comparative gloom in Ethel — I heard last night that larfeel in shape and had couches shaped rude like easy “I am sorry I did not know you w-hich she stood, and Roger d’Eyn- George was head over heels in love sKrohant f or uT chairs with hollow backs and seats. were coming, ” said Mrs. Blencarrow, conrt turned to her in an attitude of with me. Or. Schilling's Following are the titles of a number recovering her fortitude with the anxious attention; but she made no Mrs. Knox —You can't beliove all SOILED WIRE SPRING of clubs of New York olty that have sudden gleam of the light, “or I further reply. you hear. LTH PRCIERV queor names: The Tehderloin club, khould have sent for you to the sta­ “Joan, for God ’s sake say some­ Ethel —No; but I shouldn ’t wonder t your merchant does not have th tion. Preston, bring some tea.” thing! Don ’t you see that pride is if there was something in it. tpaid. Health Preserving $1.15; 81 Munchausen Annex club, Thirteen I; English Sateen $1.80; Nuning $1.96; Ab- club, Anti-Sedentary club, Paresis club “No tea for us,” said Mr. d’Eyn- out of the question in such circum­ Mrs. Knox —Who told you? $S; Young Ladles' $1; Mieses' 8bc. and the Jonah cluU tourl; “we have come to see you on stances? We must have a distinct con ­ Ethel —He did.—Truth. It CORSET CO., DETROIT sad CHICAGO.

■ | ■*> mmm ------

Tlie Republican. Tha Record Breakers. St. Johns Mercantile Company—Boots and Shoes. Fildew Si Millman—Drugs and Wall Paper. The Detroit and Cleveland Steam is the best place in St.Johns to buy WALL Thursday, April 20, 1893. Navigation Company have two veritable floating palaces in course of construction The Mercantile Company ’s PAPER ? “ Ask ami ye shall receive,” seem to for the season of 1893, and they are Where At FILDEW & MILLMAN’S. be the motto of the present house of guaranteed to be the largest, swiftest representatives. Last Thursday they and the most magnificent steamboats is the cheapest place to buy WALL PAPER ? took a hand in the ditching business at ever built to run on the Upper Lakes, Shoe Department. state expense, appropriating f18,000 to costing 1300.000 each, to take the place Where dredge Black riyer in Sanilac county. of the steamers, City of Alpena and At FILDEW & MILLMAN’S. The bill is believed to be unconstitu ­ City of Mackinac, which have been sold tional, but the kind hearted legislature to the Cleveland and Buffalo Transit do they sell Paper from 5cts Double Roll up ? didn ’t want to hurt the feelings of the Company of Cleveland. Their cabina JF “ a man who makes two Sanilac member by refusing to pass it will be furnished in mahogany, and Where as it might hurt his standing with his possess the novel feature on the upper blades of grass grow where At FILDEW & MILLMAN’S. constituents. It is clearly an example lakes of an additional tier of staterooms; of you-tickle-me-and-I ’U-tickle-you legis the upper tier will be reached by a only one grew before, confers can you get the most Paper, best quality and lation and the senate will undoubtedly broad, endless gallery. There will be latest patterns for the least money ? a greater blessing on mankind squelch it—and yet there are people 150 staterooms and parlors, each pro ­ Where At FILDEW & MILLMAN’S. who think the senate is an unnecessary vided with electrical enunciators, wire body. and patent mattresses, Pullman blankets than he who taketh a city,” can you get House Paints, Barn Paints, Floor and illuminated by electricity. These what can be said of a Shoe de­ Thb funny men of the city press are steamers will be equipped with barber Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Whitewash Brushes, wont to speak of the Agricultural College shop, bath rooms, etc., etc. Mackinac partment that sells two pairs of Where Paint Brushes, White Lead, Etc., the cheapest ? as an institution whose sole mission is Division extends from Toledo to Macki­ to teach farmers how to raise wheat and nac Island on the Straits of Mackinac, a shoes at the price one pair was At bagas, and because many of the gradu distance of 410 miles. Steamers of this ates drift into other occupations than division will make connections at sold at before? farming they seem to think the college Mackinac with the new Bteamers of the is not fulfilling its mission. Such ideas L. M. & L. S. T. Co , for Chicago, which are born of prejudice or ignorance. The will give the traveling public a very de­ FILDEW «c MILLMAN’S, Agricultural College has little of the sirable route to the World ’s Fair; we ornamental in its courses of study. It will also make connections at Mackinac ST. JOHNS. FOWLER. doesn ’t tax the people to teach Sanscrit for Petoskey, Harbor Springs, Bay View, BANKRUPT STOCK NOW ON SALE! or Hebrew, but it teaches the practical Charlevoix, Les Cbeneaux Islands, things of to-day and aims to furnish a Sault Ste. Mario, Marquette and Duluth. H. L. Kendrick —Dry Goods and Carpets. Clark & Hulse—Clothiers. first class English education at a cost Write to A. A. Schantz, general pas­ which is within the reach of the com­ senger agent, Detroit, Mich. mon people. Some of its professors are recognized authority throughout the United States. In their specialties Nerve Blood GOING OUT OF BUSINESS! Cook, Beal and Kedzie have no equals Tonic Builder Carpets, in Michigan and no superiors in the country.

Thk Michigan legislature will do well to pass a capital punishment bill. Carpets, Hardly a day, certainly not a week, Butzel Bros. & Co., manufacturers passes without a murder in some part of and jobbers of the state. Life imprisonment does not work the restraining iniluence that it . WILLIAMS For ought, and there is always the chance of SOr. MEDICINE CO., per box. Schenectady, N.Y. Everybody. Carpets desperate criminals killing other victims U for &2. and Brockville, On*. to effect their escape from prison. Soli­ tary confinment in a dungeon is in ­ human. The plea of those opposed to capital punishment is that it is barber- Going to CLOTHING ous for the state to take life ; but how much more barberous is it to put prison ­ ers in a dungeon, allowing no light, or Buy a Watch? QUR Entire New Line is now in and far ex ­ communication with the guards even, If so, buy one that cannot be stolen. Th{ ceeds any previous attempt made in St. Are closing out their entire stock. We bought where they will soon become chattering only thief-proof Watches are those with Johns. imbeciles. Persons confined in dark­ A very good Ingrain Carpet for 15c. A good $10,000 worth of Goods at a figure that enables ness and solitude will soon become blind us to retail them at less than wholesale prices. and insane and a burden to the state. Hemp for only 10c. A better Ingrain for 25 It would be much more human to end and 30c. Good, Heavy, Extra Superfine In ­ their lives and sufferings. Statistics prove grain at 40 and 50c. Good All-Wool Ingrain, that there are less murders where 55c, worth 70c. In Brussels we have a good capital punishment prevails than in one at 60c. Our line is Exceptionally Large those states where it does not. Michigan Here's the Idea: The bow baa a groove and Complete, including the best makes of In ­ Suits at $7.00 and $10.00. is certainly getting a bad record. It on each end. A collar runs down Inside the grain, Brussels and Moquette. would be wise to try a change. pendent (item) and fits into the grooves, Our motto is to let no one beat us in either firmly locking the Boy ’s and Children ’s Suits in proportion. A Just before the close of President bow to the pendent, style or price. ' i II i ' so that Itit cannot be very fine line of the Latest Styles in JERSEYS Harrison ’s administration a treaty was IS pulled or twisted off. concluded with the commissioners of the and KILTS. Hawaiian Islands annexing that group To be sure of getting a Non-pull-out, see tha t to the United States. The senate failed the case is stamped with this trademark.#^ to ratify the treaty before the inaugura ­ It cannot be had with any other kind, las Ask your jeweler for pamphlet, or send for LATEST STYLES IN NECKWEAR. tion of the new administration, and one one to the famous Boss Filled Case makers. of the first acts of President Cleveland Keystone Watch Case Co., In Complete line of Hats and Caps. Anything and was to withdraw the treaty from the senate and send ex-Congressman Blount, PHILADELPHIA. Everyth ing you may desire in the Line of Fur­ of Georgia, to Honolulu, clothed with 1X7E have a Splendid Assortment! nishing Goods. All at prices heretofore un ­ extraordinary powers. While the treaty A splendid bargain in Chenille Curtains known in Clinton County. was pending, at the solicitation of the for $3.75, worth $5.00. These were bought at residents of the islands, the crew of the fSr'f NESS special sale and no one will duplicate them. United States cruiser Boston landed at aHflj/ a,ND Honolulu, and raised the American 55*7 CLEAR Lace Curtains for 50c each and up. In Shade flag, and a protectorate was proclaimed .SKIN. Curtains we are in it. Over 40 styles to select by the United States minister and order ruRES Constipation from and at lower price than ever before maintained. Nine out of every ten citi­ INDIGESTION'.q.IZZiNESS. heard of. A Good Curtain for 25c, mounted Buying Goods for Strictly Cash enables us to do just what we zens of the United States were in favor t-Ru.pTiO.NS ?N TEf SK IN. advertise. An examination will prove our assertion. of annexation, and the business interests B E A U TI r IE S ^ C o M" P' L E X I 6 N . on an A1 spring roller. FOR,A CftSE IT WILL NOT CURE. ^ and white population of the islands It is an agreeable Laxative for the Bowels; were desirous of becoming a part of the can bo made Into a Tea for use in one minute. Price 26c . 50c. and $1.00 per package. CLARK & HULSE. greatest nation on earth. There was Urd\ HA An Elegant tou .it Powoen practically no respectable opposition to HU HU for the Teeth and Breath —26c. Yours Respectfully, annexation. But no sooner did the Sold by Fildow & Millman. president ’s lost cause representative get Lars-ent stock in the We*t nicely settled on the islands than he PARMELEE’S A TKI.Y KVERV- ordered the American flag hauled down, H. L. KENDRICK. THING. Write for iirice*. and the Boston soldiers back to their Hunter, Glenn & Hunter —Dry Goods. ship. A territory of great strategic value and a naval coaling station the United States has wanted for years was %Mir put away. It was a fitting thing that OTJRJEJ. HOTEL BYRON Blount, who fought four y^ars to haul THE GREAT REMEDY FOR down the American flag at home, should 6326 & 6328 MADISON AVE., in his capacity as representative of a Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Biliousness, democratic administration order it Dizziness, Sick Headache, What Do You Think hauled down at Honolulu. It is a Fever and Ague, spectacle humiliating to patriotic Ameri­ AND ALL cans and one that could not have Of a chance to buy ‘Radies’ Muslin Underwear in the KIDKEY m LIVER COMPLAINTS. RATES month of April as cheap as you ever bought at a January occurred while Benjamin Harrison was E Sale? Now is the time when you feel your needs most, president and James G. Blaine secretary Lnrgo Bottles $1.00; Six Bottle*, $5.00. U and yon will find this offering most opportune. We offer of state. E. M. Parmelee's Sugar-Coated Vegetable Pills. R $1.00 no broken lots of Stuff but a full line of rrrr r - —r^r- varaHramnM An Anti-Bilious Specillc, Purely Vegetable. Always effectual. Beware of counterfeits. The O Are You Interested in the South? genuine bear the name of E. M. PARMF.LEE, Two cheap excursions are announced and are put up only In RED wrappers. 25 cents. P by the Mobile Ohio Railroad to the Hamilton's Tuoth ArlioDropscurein 1 toSmlnutes. E most productive and most healthful The K. JI. I’armelee Med. Co.,, Danville, .V V. iVluslin Underwear, Corset Covers, Gowns, states in the Union —Mississippi and For Sale by Dealers. A Alabama —where thousands of acres of N choice farming lands can be had in The Rocker Washer Drawers, Chemises and Skirts. tracts to suit on your own terms. Trains hu proved the most uti.factorjr will leave St. Louis Unon Depot at 8:35 of any Washer ever pieced upon the market. It it warranted to p. m. on Aprrl 11th and May 9th, 1893. wash ^ordinary family washine ______23-11 of lOO PIECES IN ONE HOUR, as dean aa can be J. S. CORBIN, Proprietor and Manager. all made up in the most approved styles of good Muslins Mr. Chauno.ey M. Depew ’s advice is washed on the washboard. Write “Go South Young Man. ” The best in ­ for prices and full description. JOHN A. BARR, Associate Manager. and Fine Embroideries. This is a special effort and prices ducements on record to visit the Great ROCKER WASHER,,C0. have been cut deep, as you will find by a visit to this de’pt. FT. WAYNE, IND We have a few dozen of Soiled Pieces in the differ­ South are now offered by the Mobile & Liberal inducements to live agents. Oh io Rai 1 road .______23-11 HOTEL BYRON has 10(5 outside rooms all lighted by gas. It has sewer ent garments which will he sold cheap. Cheapest of Cheap Rates. connection and closets on each floor, Ice Water drinking fountain, Bath, Balcony, , Dining Room 60 by 145 feet and all other necessary convinces. It is less than Muslin Underwear Dep ’t, Middle Aisle, Socond Floor. Now is your chance to investigate the iOUR INCUBATOR Five Minutes Walk to the central entrance of the World ’s Fair and to the Mid­ natural advantages and many induce ­ srlll bo in operation at the way Plaisance, and only Two Minutes Walk to the Illinois Central aqd to South ments of the south. Your nearest rail­ WORLD'S Columbian «*- road ticket agent or E. E. Posey, A. G. eoaiTioN. If yon want a 8ide Elevated Depots, and to the Electrit Street Cars. Special rates to familys, HATCHER that will clubs and societys. Rooms by the month or season also at special rates. • 177, 179, 181 P. A., Mobile, Ala., or F. W. Greene, giva yon PLEASURE general agent, 108 N. Broadway, St. , . W AMDAND rnwriPROFIT ■ wnw>nd«c For Farther Particular* . WOODWARD AVENUE Louis, Mo., are prepared to give you des­ In stamp* for new ihnstrated ciitalogna. Add Write to HOTEL BYRON, Reliable Inmbator and Brooder Ce., Qiiney. Illinois. criptive matter and full particulars re­ Madlaon Avenue, DETROIT, garding the south. 23-11 CHICAGO, ILL. MICHIGAN. other* for a crosswalk on tho west side ot 8wegles ( Children Cry for Pitcher’s Legal. Legal. Legal. itreet at the intermectlon of Railroad (treat, and State Tax Land*. ROBATE ORDER—STATE OF MICHIGAN, ORTOAOE 8ALE.~^DEFAULT having The Republican. that said walk he laid three feet wide. Castoria. COUNTY TREASURER'S OFFICE, > County of Clinton ss. At a session of the M been made In the conditions of a certain The motion was accepted and adopted. PProhate Court tor tbs 'ounty of Clintoo holdeu atmortgage, dated November 7th, 1890, executed by Children Cry for Pitcher’s St. Johns , Mich., April 18, 1893. / Thursday, April 20, 1893. Trustee Palmer moved that the Marshall be In ­ Notice is hereby given that ceruiu lands situated the Probate Office, in the Village of St. Johns? ou Adeline 8. Brown to the Cliuton Couuly Savings Monday, the 17th day of April, In the year Bank,and recorded November 7, 1890, Id the office structed to build a crosswalk three feet wide on the Castoria. in the County of Clinton, bid off to the stats for taxes of 1889 and previous years, and described in one thosuand eight hundred and ninety-three. of the regular of deeds, for Clintou county, in OBITUARY. west side of Swegles itreet at the Intersection of Children Cry for Pitcher’s ■tatementaon file In ibis office, will be sold at pub ­ Preset!t, Charles M. Merrill, Judge of Probate. Michigan, in liber 74 of mortgages, on page 426, on Railroad street. lic auction by the undersigned county treasurer, at In the matter of the estate of Michael Fox, which mortgage there is claimed to be due at the. deceased. On reading and filing the petition date of this notice, one hundred and twenty-aevea From the Ovid Register-Union: The motion carried. Castoria. the county seat, on the 22d day of May, 1898, at the place designated for the annual tax salee, if not duly verified of Joseph Fox. praying that be or dollars and thirteen cento, besides an attorney fee of Ovid Williams, an old and highly Yea* —5. Nays—0. previously canceled according to law. some other suitable person may he appointed ad­ fifteen dollars, stipulated in said mortgage to be paid 8a!d statements contain a full description of each ministrator of said estate. should any proceedings he taken to foreclose said respected gentleman, aged 73 years, The motion carried that when the Board ad­ Thereupon it la ordered that Thursday, the 11th mortgage, and no suit or proceedings at law or la journ It adjourn to meet April 28, at 7 p. M., 1898. parcel of said lands, and mar be seen ou applica ­ tion at the office of the county treasurer. day of May, A. D., 1893, at one o ’clock iu the equity having been instituted to recover any part died at his home on High street Sunday On motion, the Board adjourn. The land struck off to the state for taxes of 1889, afternoon, be assigned for the hearing of laid pe ­ or the debt secured by said mortgage, now there ­ When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria. or other years, at the tax sales iu May last, will he tition at the Probate Office, in the Village of fore, by virtue of the power of sale In said mortgage morning. He had lived on his farm, DEWITT H. HUNT. St. Johns. contained, and of the statute in such case made and Village Clerk. offered subject to the right of redemption pres ­ one mile north of here since 1850, mov ­ When ah6 was a Child, she cried tor Castoria. cribed hr law. WM. H. ROSE. And it la further ordered that notice be orovided, notice is hereby given, tbat on May 20th, When she became Mias, she clung to Castoria. 51-4 County Treasurer. given to the persons interested in said estate, of the 1993, at one o ’clock In the afternoon, at the west ing into town only last fall. He leaves REAL ESTATE. time and place of said hearing by causing a copy of front door of the court house for Clinton county, la When she had Children, she gave them Castoria. this order to be published in the Clinton Re­ Michigan, in the village of 8t. Johns, iu said county, a wife, two sons and a daughter to Abby A. McCracken to Hannah A. Burlingame, SAL|S OF STATE TAX LANDS. publics *, a newspaper printed and circulating in i here will be sold at public vendue, to the highest mourn his loss. The funeral was from said County of Clinton, for three successive weeks bidder, the premises In said mortgage described, 4 acres section 15 Essex, $140. AUDITOR GENERAL'8 OFFICE, I previous to said day of hearing. ’ vix : The east one-fourth of the west half of the his home Tuesday morning, Rev. Fergu­ Nora Bigler to Hannah A.Burlingame, 6)4 acres Lansi .nc , Mich ., March 24, 1893. j 61-3 CHARLES M. MERRILL, southwest quarter of section thirteen; the east section 15 Essex, $150. Notice is hereby given that certain lands situated (A true copy.) Judge of Probate. thirty acres of the southwest quarter of said section son, of whose church the deceased was William Russell to Anna D. Bushier, 10 acres In the county of Clinton, bid off to the state for thirteen, and the west half of the southwest quarter taxes of 1889 and previous years, and described in a member, conducting the services. section 30 Victor, $255- ROBATE ORDER—STATE OF MICHIGAN, of the southeast quarter, of said section thirteen, alatemenU wbioh will hereafter be forwarded to all in township seven north of range three west, in Adda J. Ilenion to Amos Palmer and wife, lota 7 the office of the treasurer of said county, will be County of Clinton ss. At a session oi the PProbate Court for tbs County of Clinton, holden atthe state of Michigan. Said sale will be made sub ­ and 8 block 70 Village of 8t. Johna, $175. THE LATEST ■old at public auction by said treasurer at the ject to the payment of the remainder of said mort­ BOARD OF TRU8TKK8. county seat, on the first Monday of May next, at the Probate Office, in the Village of St. Johna, on Lewis Brooks to John J. Cone, lot 9 and south 14 Saturday, the 16th day of April, in the year one gage not yet aue, being twelve hundred dollars ar.d of 10,11 aud 12 block 57 Village of St. Johna, $500. the time and place designated for the annuual tax the interest thereon at seven per cent, per annum sales, If not previously redeemed or canceled ac­ thousand eight hundred and ninety-three. Adjourned Regular Meeting, April 17, 1893. Edward Brown and wife to Thomas Gilson, lot Suitings, Present, Charles M. Merrill, Judas of Probate. from November 7tb, 1892. 23 block 1 and lot 16 block 4 Brown ’s subdivision cording to law. In the matter of the estate of Michael 8nyder, Dated FeOruary -21st, 1893. The meeting was called to order by President out 1st J, Village of St. Johns, $100. Said statements contain a full description of each THE CLINTON COUNTY 8AVINOS BANK, Fancy Vests, parcel of said lands and may be seen on application deceased. On rasdlug and filing the petition duly DeWitt. verified of Catherine Snyder, administratrix of said Pkkbins A Baldwin , Mortgagee. Charles H: May et. al. to Chism M. Vail, land in at the office of the county treasurer after they are Attorneys for Mortgagee. 48-12 Present, Trustees Hollister, Knlffin, Murdock, Village of DeWitt block 41 Village of DeWitt, $150. received by him. estate, praying that she may be licensed to borrow Palmer and Wolcott. John Hallett and wife to Albert J. Webb, 40 Light Overcoatings. The land struck off to the state for taxes of 1889 money by wav of mortgage on the real estate be­ aores seelion 12 Bath, $1,800. or other years, at the tax sales In May last, will be longing to said deceased for the purpose of payiug ortgage sale .—default having The following claims were presented : offered subject to the right of redemption prescribed the debts of deceased and expense of administra ­ been made in the conditions of a W A Horton, attorney Kneeland case...... $55 64 Calvin P. Briggs et. al. to Willie Jastram, 40 acres Every Desirable Shade and tion. section 28 Riley, $1,400. by law. STANLEY W TURNER, mortgage,M made by James T. Mud roe and Alice Wm M Leland, sheriff Kneeland esse...... 2 25 48-5 Auditor General. Thereupon it is ordered that Thursday, the 11th B Munro* to Albert J. Baldwin, guardian of Flor­ Roswell W. Burks and wife to G. W. Heyd, 64 quality. day of May A. D., 1893, at one o'clock In the ence M. Teachout, a minor, dated March 25th, 1889, James H Conn ...... 75 acres section 3 Blugham, $2,000. afternoon be assigned for the hearing of said pe ­ ROBATE ORDER-STATE OF MICHIGAN, aDd recorded in the office of the register of deeds Edgar Talmadge...... 5 00 Mrs. Frances Hicks to Emory B. Voorhees, lots tition and that the helis at law of said de­ for Clinton county, in Michigan, ou March 25lh, A Perfect Fit Guaranteed. County of Clinton, sa. At a session of the ceased and all other persons Interested In said estate 1889, in Liber 72 ol mortgages on page 283, on which M F PltU. pay roll...... 32 84 7, 8 and 9 block 18 Ovid, $575. PProbate Court for the County of Clinton, bolden atare required to appear at a sessiou of said court Philip Weiber aud wife, to Frank B. Schneider, the Probate Office, In the Village of St. Johns, on mortgage there Is claimed to he due al the dale of Total allowed...... $96 48 then to he holden at the probate office, in the this notice seven hundred and twelve dollars and 10 acres section 1 Westphalia, $550. Saturday, the 8tb day of April, in the year Village of St. Johns, and show cause, if any there seventy-four cents, besides au attorney fee of Charles North, bill for damages, $300, not allowed. Charles Perkins and wife to John Hallett et. al. one thousand eight hundred and ninety-three. be, why the prayer of the petitioner should not be twenty-five dollars, stipulated in said mortgage The claims of W. A. Norton, (attorney, and Wm. 40 acres section 14 Victor, $1,700. Present, Charles M. Merrill, Juuge of Pro­ granted. to be paid should any proceedings be takeu to bate. And It Is further ordered that a copy of this M. Leland were referred to the committee on claims Horace Holmes aDd wife to George M. Brooks, F. R. JACKSON. In the matter of the estate ot Silas Cleveland, foreclose said mortgage, aud no suit or proceeding V/i acres section 30 Lebanon. order he published iu The Clinton Republi ­ at law or in equity having been instituted to re­ and village attorney. The claim of Chas. North deceased. On reading and filing the petition, duly can , a newspaper printed and circulating In said cover any part of the debt secured by said mortgage. was referred to the committee on claims, the com­ Frank Schneider and wife to Philip Weiber 70 verified, of Carrie 8. Cleveland, prayiug that she County of Clinton, for three successive weeks pre ­ acres sectiou 12 Westphalia, $3,300. MERCHANT TAILOR, may be appointed administratrix of said estate. Therefore, by virtue ef the power of sale in said mittee on grades aud walks and village attorney. vious to suid day of heariog. mortgage contained, and of the statute in such case Lewis G. McKnight and Ivife to Louis J. Hol­ Thereupon it is ordered that Thursday, the 4th 61 3 CHARLES M. MERRILL, The other claims were referred to the committee St. Johns, Mich. day of May. A D. 1893, at 1 o ’clock In the afternoon made and provided, notice is hereby given that on brook, 40 acres section 36 Greeubush, $1,400. (A true copy.) Judge of Probate. JUNE 3rd , 1893. at 1 o'clock iu the afternoon, on claims. be assigned for the bearing ot said petition at Rhoda J. Harper to Einora Walker et. al., 53% the probate office, in the Village of St. Johna. at the west trout door of the court house for The Honor dealer's bond of Julian J. Molnetas acres section 11 Riley q. c.,$l. Clinton county, tn Michigan, in th* Village of St. 7063 And It D further ordered that notice he given to OROBATK ORDER—STATE OK MICHIGAN Johns, In said county, there will he sold at public principal, Jated April 4th, 1893, was presented and Einora Walker et. al. to Rhoda J. Harper, part of -WORLD'S FAIR. Ihe persons Interested in said estate, of tne time X County of Clinton, ss. At a session of the vendue to the highest bidder the premises in referred to the committee on petitions and the sectiou 11 Riley q. c., $1. and place of said bearing, by causing a copy of this Prohate Court for the County of Clinton holden al order to be published in Tim Clinton Republi ­ the Probate office, in the Village ot St. Johns, on said mortgage described, viz: The west half of the village attorney. We wish every intending visitor to the Columbian northeast quarter of section seven, in township Exposition to be sure and see the can , a newspaper printed and circulating in said Thursday, the 13th day of April, iu the year live north ol range four west iu Michigan. A petition for a gasoline street lamp on the cor­ County of Clinton, for three successive weeks pre ­ one thousand eight hundred aud ninety.three. Date! March 8th, 1393. ner of Baldwin and Stewart streets, and also a gaso­ RELIABLE vious to said day of hearing. Present, Charles M. Merrill, Judge oi Probate. 50-3 CHARLES M. MERRILL. In the matter ol the estate of Hiram A. Simmon*, ALBERT J. BALDWIN, line street lamp at the corner of Cass and Stewart CARPENTER (A true copy.) Judge of Probate. deceased. On reading aud tiling tho petition duly Guardian of Florence M. Teachout, a minor, Perkins A Baldwin , Mortgagee. streets, signed by II. J. Patterson aud others, was ORGANS. verified of Carrie R. Simmons praying that Mi lard Attorneys for Mortgagee. presented and referred to the committee on lire, F Pike or some other suitable person may be ap ­ ROBATE NOTICE-PROBATE COURT, CLIN'- pointed administrator of said estate. water and lights. FACTORY: P ton County-ss. Notice is hereby given Thereupon it is ordered that Thursday, the lltli ortgage sale —whereas default The liquor dealer’s bond of Frank Waters and Brattleboro, Vt. all claims and demands against the estate day«>f of May, A. D , 1893, at one o'clock in the after­ has been made in the payment of the money Robert Young, deceased, will be heard by ti e securedM by a mortgage dated the 2d day of October Jacob Foerch, dated March 17th, 1893, was pre ­ noon, bo assigned lor tho hearing of said petition, Highest Quality. Judge of Probate of said couuly, at the Probate at the Probate Office, in the Village of St. A. D.. 1891, executed by George E. Palmer and sented and referred to the committee on-petitions Office, in the Village ot St. Johns, on the 24th day Johns. Lizzie Palmi r, liis wife, of DeWitt. Michigan, to and the village attorney. Greatest Durability. of April, 1893, and on the 22d day of September, And it is further ordered that notice be given to Ernest Hcldt, of the same place, which said mort­ 1893. And that the creditors of said deceased are gage was recorded iu the office of the register of The committee on claims reportel tho claims re­ In the meantime writo for catalogue and terms, or the persons interested in said estate, of the time allowed six months from the date of this notice in and place of said hearing by causing a copy of this deeds for tho County of Clinton'MIchigan, in Liber ferred to them with tho exception of that of Chas. better still, call at the Western Warerooms. We , which to present their claims for adjustment. will he glad to see you. 307 309 Wabash Ave. oilier to be published iu The Clinton Republi ­ 78 of mortgages or. page 39, on the 5th day of October North for $300, as correct at the footings, aud Dated March 21st, 1893. cs, k , a newspaper printed and circulating iu said A I)., 1891 , at 8 o ’clock a 'm. of said day, and whereas J. HOWARD FOOTE, Gen ’l. Western Agt., CHARLES M MERRILL. the amount claimed to be due on said mortgage at recommended that they he allowed and orders 49-12 CHICAGO. ('■•unty of Clinton, for three successive weeks pre ­ 47-5 Judge of Probate. vious to said day of hearing. the date of this notice is the sum of thr<-e hundred drawn on the proper funds for the amounts. CHARLES M. MERRILL, and seventy-seven end 07-100 dollars, besides an On motion the report was accepted aud adopted. (A true copy.) 51-3 Judge ol Probate. attorney fee and all other 'legal costs of foreclosure; and no suit at law or proceeding in equity having The committee on petitions reported that they been instituted to recover the debt now remaining found the liquor dealer’s bond ofFrauk Waters T^KORATE ORDER.—STATE OF MICHIGAN. secured by said mortgage or any part thereof, and Jacob Foerch, dated April 17th, 1893, correct In JT County of Clinton ss. At a session of the whereby the power of sale contained in said mort­ Probate Court for the County of Clinton, hoideu at gage has become operative, now, therefore, notice form and the suretios sutUcient aud recommended the probate office, in the Village of St. Johna, on is hereby given that by virtue of the said power of its approval, and that the bond ol Julian J. Moinet Friday, the 14tli day of April, in the year sale, and in pursuance of the statute in such ease be returned, as the sureties wore not sufficient. one thousand eight hundred aud ninety-three. made and provided, the said mortgage will be fore­ Present, Charles M. Merrill, Judge of Pro­ closed by a sale of the premises therein described at On motion the report was accepted. bate. public auction to the highest bidder, at the west Trustee Wolcott offered the following resolution : KREPPS, DEWITT & CO., Iu the matter of i-he estate of William Zischke, front door of the court house in the village Resolved, that the liquor dealer's bond with deceased. On reading and filing tho petition duly of St. Johns, in said County of Clinton, Michigan, verified ot Gustavus Lietzke prayiug that be or that being the place for bolding the circuit court Frank Waters and Jacob Foerch as principals and some other suitable person may be appointed ad­ of said county, on the 16th DAY OF JUNE A. D , L. J. Calkins and C. Q. Barnes as sureties, dated eading ewelers and pticians ministrator of said estate. 1893, at one o ’clock in the afternoon of said day, April 17tb, 1893, be, and the same is hereby ap ­ L J O Thereupon it Is ordered that Thursday, the 11th which said premises are described in said mortgage day of May A. D., 1893, at one o ’cloek la the after­ as all that certain piece or parcel of land situate in proved by the Board of Trustees of the Village of ST.JOHNS, - - MICH. noon he assigned for the bearing of said the Township of DeWitt, in the County of Cliuton, St. Johns, Mich. petition, at the Probate Office, in the Village of and Stale of Michigan, and described as follows, The resolution prevailed. St. Johns. to-wit: The north half (}£) of the northwest quar­ PSr EYES TESTED EM EE. Constructed of Steel. No Loading or Unloading. No Danger in Tuning. Easily Aud it is further ordered that notice be given to ter f ii) of the southwest quarter (If) of section fif­ Yeas—5; nays —uone. Raised from the Seat to Clear it of Obstructions and for Transporting. the persons interested In said estate, "Of tne time teen (15) ot town five (5) north of range two (2) The committee on grades and walks reported n . A • M 91111s Belt Ira, Rons Bills, SMALLEY BROS. A CO., Bay City, Mieb. A. Shaver and others, and recommended that tho Letter Ureases, Jack Screes, Trucks, Autila, HiiCutlm, CHARLES M. MERRILL, Ptpm Stands, Copy Rooks, Visas, Drills, Road Plows, (A true copy .) 51-3 Judge of Probate. petition be granted aud the walks ordered con ­ Linn Ilowprs, Coffee Rills, Lathes, Bewdern, Damp tarts, ortgage sale .—whereas default structed. Corn Shelters, Hand (Arts, Forces. Srrspsrs,Wire FeMe, has been made in the conditions of a certain Fannin* Bills, Wringers, Eastern, Saws, Steel Maks, s ROBATE ORDER—STATE OF MICHIGAN, mortgageM of real estate, executed by Philo C. Bas­ On motion the report was accepted. Grain Damps, Crow Bars, Rollers, Tools, Bit Braces, County of Clinton ss. At a session of the sett, of Ovid, Clinton county, Michigan, to Eva Hay, Stasikk, Kievstar, Railroad,____ . Platform aad Counter WALKS, P Trustee Palmer moved that the hoard hereby in ­ Send for free Cats lorn r and see how to safe Hoary. Probate Court for the County of Clinton, holden atWalker, of Detroit, Michigan, dated the sixth day struct the marshal to serve a notice on the property 181 Bo. J off arson Bt.. CHICAGO SCALE 00.. Chicago. W. 4he Probate Office, in the Village of St. Johns, on of May, A. D.. 1S89, and recorded on the same day, Friday, the 14th day of Apr.l, in the year one in Liber 69 of mortgages, ou page 627 in the office owners where property fronts on the north side of LANDS FOR SALE I thousand eight hundred and ninety-three. of the register of deeds for Clinton county, by Present, Charles M. Merrill, Judge of Probate. Cass street, from Linden avenue to Oakland street, By The Illinois Central R. R. Co., at Low which default the power of sale in said mortgage that a sidewalk six feet wide of one and one-half In the matter of the estate of Nathaniel Sessions, has become operative, and upon which mortgage Prices aud on Easy Terms, in Southern deceased. On reading and filing the petition duly there is claimed to be due at the date of this notice inch thick plank has been ordered built on the Illinois. verified of Adelaide E. Sessions, praying that she the sum of eleven hundred and nineteen dollars The best farm country in the world for either may he appointed administratrix of said estate. north side of Cass street, from Linden avenue to large or small farms, gardens, fruits, orchards, and thirty-five cents ($1,119.35), besides an attorney Oakland street within sixty days of said notice. Thereutxin it is ordered that Thursday, the 11th fee of thirty dollars provided in said mortgage to dairying, raising stock or sheep. A great variety We kindly invite you to call on ns when in need of anything in the day of May A. D., 1893, at one o ’clock in the be paid should any proceeding be taken to foieclose The resolution prevailed. of crops with a greater profit, can be grown on a afternoon, be assigned for the hearing of said pe ­ saia mortgage ; and no suit or proceeding at law or less amount of land in this country than in any line of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, BOOTS and SHOES. Our stock tition at the Probate Office, in the Village of St. Yeas—5; nays —none. other portion of this State. Special inducements iu equity having been instituted to recover the The commltteee on stree's and sewers reported Johns. money secured by said mortgage or any part and facilities offered by the Illinois Central Rail­ is new and fresh and we can give you prices that cannot be duplicated And it is further ordered that notice be given to thereof, notice is hereby given that by virtue of recommending that the petition No. 15 for sewer road Company to go aud examine these lands. For the persons interested in raid estate of the time and full description ana map, and any other informa ­ in Clinton County. the statute and of the power of sale contained in on Railroad street and Lansing street, signed by tion, address or call upon place of said hearing by causing a copy of this said mortgage, I shall sell at public auction to the H. M. Perrin, Chas, M. Merrill, I. F. Horton, M. A. order to be published in The Clinton Republi ­ highest bidder, at ihe west front door of the court E. P. SKENE, Land Commissioner I. C. R. R. Co. Our Flour leads can , a newspaper printed and circulating tn said house, in the Village of St. Johns, Michigan, (tbat Hulse, R. 8. Clark, Mead A Kochon, (ioette, Davies. 78 Michigan Ave., Chicago, Ills. “LILY WHITE County of Clinton for three successive weeks pre ­ being the place where the circuit rourt for said Cross A Weller, Geo. J. Foerch, F. Squair, aud them all. Its superior quality is attested to by every user. We make vious to said day of hearing. County of Clinton is neldion '.FRIDAY, THE 30th W. T. Church he granted. 51-3 CHARLES M. MERRILL, DAY OF JUNE. 1893, at 4 o ’clock In the afternoon a specialty of Teas and Coffee. (A true copy. > Judge ot Probate. ol said day, the land and premises described in said On motion the report was accepted. "Where are you going my pretty maid?” "To mail this letter to Jackson, ” she said. mortgage, as: All that certain piece or parcel of The committee on streets and sewers reported ROBATE NOTICE.—PROBATE COURT, land in the Village of Ovid, Clinton county, Michi ­ recommending that the sewer petitioned for in pe ­ " Prey what does the letter say, my pretty maid?” LOOK AT THIS! ClintoD County ss. Notice is hereby given gan, described as follows, to-wit : One hundred P and twenty-four feet of the east end ot out lot num ­ tition No. 15 for sewer on the cast side of Lansing “It’sjust asking for samples from Field’s,’’she said that all claims and demands against the estate of William Armour, deceased, will be heard by the ber one (1) according to the recorded plat of said street, from Railroad street to State street, signed WE SELL Judge of Probate ol said county, at the Probate village by H. M. Perrin aud ten others, shall be constructed Office, in the Village of St.Johns, on the 14th day Dated St. Johns, March 30th, 1893. EVA WALKER, according to the profile and plan established by W- SEND TO US FOR SAMPLES . . . of October, A. I)., 6893, and that the creditors of 3 lbs. of best Mocha and Java Coffee for said deceased arc allowed six months from the date B. T. Pbkntis . Mortgagee. 8. Parker in 1889, as recorded in the sectional map $1.00 of this notice in which to present their claims for Attorney for Mortgagee. 48-13 of the Village of St. Johns sewer system. If you want a New Dress, 4 lbs. ot Lion, XXXX, Arbuckle, Coffee for 1.00 adjustment. On motion the report was accepted. Dated April 13th A. D.. 1893. If you want a New Waist, lbs. of Best Japan Tea for 2.00 CHARLES M. MERRILL, DMINISTRATOR’S SALE— NOTICE IS Trustee Palmer moved that the profile and plan hereby given tbat by virtue of lirense and 51-4 Judge of Probate. Aauthority granted to me, the under figtied, by the for a sewer on the north side ol Railroad street If you are going to fix up an Old Your Butter and Eggs we want and will pay you the highest market Probate Court of Clinton county, Michigan, on the from Ottawa street to the east side of Lansing Dress. OMMISSIONER’S NOTICE.-TUE UNDER- 23d day of March, 1893, to sell real estate be ­ street, and also the profile and plan of a branch price CASH or TRADE. Goods delivered promptly to any part of the J signed having been appointed by the Judge of longing to Harrison Hunt, deceased,! will sell at CProbate of Clinton County, Michigan, commis­public auction to the highest bidder, on the 13th commencing at a point on the east side of Lansing If you use dry goods oi any village. sioners to receive, examine and adjust all claims DAY OK MAY A. I)., 1893, at one o ’cloek in the street where it is intersected by the south side of kind send to us and demands against John Martiu Ott, deceased, afternoon, at the Probnte Office, in St. Johns, in Railroad street thence west to the west side of Lou­ hereby give notice that wc will meet for that pur ­ said County of Clinton, all the right, title aud in ­ pose at the dwelling house of the late John Martin terest of said deceased in and to the northeast sing street thence south to the south side of Walker L. J. Calkins & Son. Ott, on the east part of southwest quarter of section quarter ofthe noill: west quarter of section number Street, as presented by O. C. Hollister aDd recorded Respectfully, number three in township of DeWitt, Clinton twenty-nine (29) in township of Ovid, Clinton in the sectional map of the Village of St. Johns County, Michigan, on the 24tli dsy of June, 1893, County. Michigan. aud the 14th day of October, 1893, and that the Dated March 23d, 1893. sewer system, the sewer on Railroad street be creditor* of said deceased" are allowed six months HENRY KOSOT. the same size as that on the east side of Lansing from the date of this notice in which to present Administrator with the will annexed of the es­ street, and the branch on the west side of Lansing H. their claims for adjustment. tate of Harrison Hunt, deceased. 48 7 L. FIELD, Dated April 13th, 1893. GEORGE MAIER, street to he not less than : ‘x inches, be adopted by JACOB MAIER, this board. Jackson, Midi. "PROBATE ORDER-STATE OF MICHIGAN, 515 Commissioners. XT County of Clinton ss. At a session of the The resolution prevailed. , Probate Court for the Couuly of Clinton, holden at Yeas—5 ; nays —none. p UARDIAN SALE.—NOTICE IS HEREBY the Probate Office, in the Village of St. Johns, on Trustee Palmer moved that the profile ol tho \ f given that by virtue and in pursuance of Thursday, the 30th day of Match, in the year one license and authority granted to mo, tho under ­ thuusaud eight hundred and ninety-three. sewer ou east side of Lansing street from Railroad signed, on the 30th day of March, 1S93, by the Present, diaries M. Merrill, Judge of Probate. street to State street as established and recorded in Judge of Probate of Clinton County, Michigan, to Iu the matter of the estate of i.lua V. Lackey, the sectional map of the village ol St. Johns sewer Perfect is Clothing: sell real estate belonging to William J. Pang, a a minor. On reading and filing the petition duly minor, I will sell at public auction to the highest verified of Flora Lackey, guardian of said minor, system, made by W. S. Parker, be adopted by this bidder ou the 3d uay of June, 1893, at 10 o ’clock A. praying that she may be licensed to sell the real es­ Board. m. at the dwelling house of the late Michael Pung, tate of her said ward. The resolution prevailed. on the premises hereinafter described, all the right, Thereupon It is ordered that Thursday, the Ith title and interest of said William J. Pung, minor, day of May A. D., 1893, at one o ’clock in tho Yeas—5. Nays—0. in aud to the undivided one-eleventh part of tho afternoon, be assigned for tho hearing of said po- The committees on claims and grades and walks west half of the north half of the south-west titieu, and that the next of kin of .'aid ward and all jointly reported recommending that the claim of quarter of section twenty-one, in the township of other persons Interested In said e.-tate aro required Westphalia, Clinton County, State of Michigan. to appear at n session of said court then to Lo Charles North for $300 for damages be not allowed Dated April loth A. D., 1893. holden at the Probate Office, in the Village of by this Board. CHRISTINA PUNG, St. John*, and show cause, if any Micro he, why the JUDD, 51w7 Guardian of William J. Pung, minor. prayer of the petitioner should not lie granted. On motion, the report was accepted aud adopted. And it is further ordered that notice be given to Trustee Kuiffiu ollered the following resolution : tho persons interested In said estate of the pen- Resolved, That the committee on streets and fA UARDIAN SALE.—NOTICE IS HEREBY denry of said petition and the hearing thereof by VJT given that by virtue and in pursuance oi causing a copy of this order to be published In Tits: sewcr3 aro hereby Instructed to construct the The Tailor. license and auihoiity granted to me, the under ­ Clinton Rf.puiilkan , a newspaper printed and sower asked for by H. M. Perrin and others, com­ signed, on the 3d day of April, 1893, by the Judge circulating iu said County of Clinton, (or three suc­ mencing at and connecting with Ottawa street of Probate of Isabella County, Michigan, to sell cessive weeks previous to said day of hearing. Has an Elegant Line of al Manufactured by real estate belonging to William Doll ami Ellanora CHaRLES M. MERRILL, sewer oh north side of Railroad street, and running Doll, minors, I will sell at public auction to the (A true copy.) 49e3 Judge of Probate. west to east side of LansiDg street, thence south to highest bidder on the 3d day of June, 1893, at 10 north side of State street; also, a branch sewer o ’clock a . m., at the dwelling house of the late Michael Pung, on tho premises hereinafter des­ DMIXISTUATOR’SSALE.-NOTICEI.S HERE- commencing and connecting with sewer on south Whipple Harrow Co., cribed, all the right, title and interest of said by given that by virtue and in pursuance of side of Railroad street, running west to west side of William Doll and Ellanora Doll, minors, In aud to A the Desirable Styles for Gen ­ the undivided one-eleventh part of the west half of license aud authority granted to tne, the under ­ Lansing street, thence south to south side of signed, by the Probate Court of Clinton County, ST. JOHNS, MICH. the north half of the south-west quarter of section Michigan, on the 9th dsy of February A. P., 189 f, Walker street, according to profilo and plan adopted twenty-one, in tho township of Westphalia, Clinton to sell real estate belonging to Richard Terrill, by fhe Board of Tiastees, and that said committee county, state of Michigan. Dated April 15th A. D., 1893. deceased, 1 will sell at public auction to the high ­ on streots and sewers receive sealed proposals for 51-7 CHRISTINA PUNG, est bidder, on the 1st day of April A. D., 1893, at furnishing sewer pipe for said sewer and report tlemen ’s Suitings, and guaran ­ one o ’clock p. m., at the Probate Office, In said Guardian of William and Ellanora Doll, Minora. county, all the right, title and interest of said de­ said proposals to next regular meeting of this Board ceased in and to the east one hundred and eleven and that the expense of said sewer be assessed on ROBATE NOTICE -PROBAT E COURT. CLIN- and 28-100 acres of section eighteen, in township the lots and parcels of land lyiqg along and adjacent ton County-ss. Notice Is hereby given that seven north of range one west, In Clinton County tees a perfect fit. Pall claims and demands against the estate Michigan.ol to work In proportion that the frontage of each lot Robert Walton, deceased, will he heard by the Dated February 9th A. D., 1893. oi parcel of land shall bear to the whole frontage of For Sale By Judge of Probate of said county, at the Probate HIRAM M. HIGH, lands upon which the expense of said work is to be Office, In the Village of St. Johns, on the 18th day Administrator with the will annexed of said es­ ------o------of September, 1893. And that the creditors of said tate of Richard Terrill, deceased. 42-7 assessed. deceased are allowed six months from the date of The foregoing sale Is hereby adjourned until The resolution prevailed. this notice In which to present their claims for ad- April 22d. sale to take place on that day, on the jfittment. hour and al the place above indicated. Yeas—5. Nays—0. WAKEll STREET, EAST Dated March 17th, 1893. H. M. HIGH, The committee on grade* and walk* reported CHARLES M. MERRILL, Administrator. favorably on the petition of C. A. Wilcox and Rear of Fowler & Ball’s. ST. JOHNS, MICH. 47 w5 Judge of Probate. April 4th, ’.893. ST. JOHNS REPUBLICAN, THURSDAY, APRIL 20, 1893

ATTACHED TO PIGEONS. * insects with little taste . At St. Johns, Thursday April 27,1893. One day only Office—Parlors at the Steel House SpUler* Hare Only « Slight Sense, While MUSIC FURNISHED IN PEKIN BY Others Show 1'refcrence. THE CHAO-TSE. Many experiments havo been made in ordor to find out what and where It Sounds I.lke the Music of tlie Spheres, tho organ of taste is in the lower LOOK lint Is Made by Heeds Which I’rq- creation; but, according to Chamber ’s for tho tect rtgesns From Pred­ Journal, it is easier to say where it is Owl and atory Hawks. not. Crayfish and worms seem to Moon have very decided preferences in the brand. When a traveler visits Pekin for matter of food, though no special the first time he is struck by a taste organ has yet been found. Lob ­ strange music. The sound seems to sters like decaying food; the crab is be afur off; it approaches and then more particular in its diet. Snails dies away. His ears hear nothing and slugs show a decided preference more and the air is again serene. In for certain kinds of food, as garden a few moments the same phenomenon lovers know to their cost; peas and is again produced. If the traveler cabbages, dahlias and sunflowers are will then gaze at the sky at the mo­ great favorites, but they will not ment when the crescendo of the touch the white mustard. Some pre ­ aerial orchestra launches its most fer animal food, especially if rather sonorous strains he will perceive a high. Spiders havo only a slight MAGIC sense of taste; flies soaked in paratfin light cloud whose color cuts the blue seem quite palatable to them, though of the sky. In a moment the cloud one specie?, the diadems, is somewhat resolves itself into a flood of pigeons, more particular and refuses to touch YEAST which after a few gyrations finish by alcohol in any form whatever. alighting upon the eaves of a house The antennae of insects do not ap ­ will mako BETTER BREAD of which they are the amiable pro ­ pear to contain any organ of taste, than you havo ovor made before. prietors. The harmony has ceased, and the traveler has no doubt but for wasps and ants quite readily took these pigeons are the artists of the into their mouths poisonous and un ­ POOR BREAD generally means POOR YEAST aerial orchestra. But what are their pleasant food, even swallowing tar POOR YEAST always means POOR BREAD instruments and why this music that enough to make themselves ill, while Look for the Owl Mood . At your Oroetr’i. borne bees and cockroaches fell a prey leaves something to be desired from to the temptation of alum, Epsom a harmonic point of view? salts and other nauseous foods placed The instrument is called chao-tso. in their way. These substances were The word “ehao ” means whistling, not, however, swallowed, but were “The Pace •'t6e” signifies mechanical — honce soon spat out, the creatures sputter ­ mechanical whistler. Tho chao-tse ing angrily, as If disgusted with the That Kills” has many different forms, according tasto. The proboscis of the fly and to the arrangements given to the ele­ tho tongues of bees and ants are fur­ is overwork— ments of which it is composed, which are pieces of reed pipes placed side nished with numerous delicate hairs makes no difference what kind. Using by side, home are made of a small set in minute pits; these are, per ­ greasy and inferior soaps is one road haps, connected with the organ of gourd, placed at tho end of the reeds taste, but, though the exact locality to premature decay—sore hands— and with ends fastened upon one or of this sense in insects is uncertain, sore hearts—clothes never dean. several points of the gourd. The ap ­ wo know that groups of cells in the Not so when paratus 6hould be very light so that it will be no trouble to the bird to tongues of animals, called taste bulbs, carry the instrument, which is to he fo.nn in part the ends of the organ of iittachcd to it in the following man ­ taste. These vary in number, in ­ ner: A little pellet is attached from creasing in the higher animals. They a point of the chao-tso: it is placed are very close and exceedingly num ­ RIRK’S between two of the pigeon's tail- erous in man, while the tongue of AMERICAN FAMILY even the cow has some 35,00 > taste feathers, und by the aid of a little stick bulbs. that passes through a ring of the It would be interesting to pellet it is firmly held. The whistles know whether each special taste ex ­ are placed in such a way that the air cites a special group of nerves and passes through with a force propor ­ that only —thus corresponding to the SOAP tioned to the rapidity of the bird's auditory nerves. These taste bulbs is used. Cheerfully proceeds the were discovered in 1867. Each one flight, the sounds being raised ac­ consists of two kinds of cells, one labor of wash-day with health and cording to the size of the reeds and long life assured. Hands al right- gourds. set forming an outer protective cov ­ hearts light—clothes pure and white ering, through an opening in which But what is the end conserved by project from five to ten of the true as a Greenland snowdrift. the chao-tse? queries the Chicago taste cells. Though important, tljey JAS. S. KIRK & CO., Chicago. Inter Ocean. Is it simply fantastic, are not,^apparently, an essential part artistic, or useful? Bisky Diamond Tar Soap. a*£tt2SLum of the organ, for birds and reptiles It unites all the-e qualities. In have none, but neither havo they a fact this queer invention, unlike most keen sense of taste—except, perhaps, things not very ancient. It the parrot. A boa-constrictor that did not exist when Pekin was a was nearly blind was once found to superb city, clean and kept in good be contentedly swallowing a blanket order. It is difficult to give the exact for dinner, instead of a rabbit, which IDr. Holman S. Humphrey, date of Pekin's decadence; it is true, however, that the city is now in a de­ was also within reach, and it was only THE GREAT ENGLISH SPECIALIST, plorable state. There is no munici ­ with great difficulty that it was forced to disgorge this singular arti­ IjATE QTe* IjONCON, pal care of the streets, but, like most cle of food. A snake's ton rue is, Mohammedan cities, the birds of therefore, not an organ of taste, nor Now Devotes His Entire Time to Northern Ohio, Indiana and Southern Michigan for the Healing ot the Afflicted. prey, in place of the town council, do is it, as many think, a sting; it is the scavenger work. As they aboupd more probably, a delicate orgarn of DR. HUMPHREY CURES AFTER EVERY METHOD BUT HIS HAS FAILED. in large numbers in the vicinity of touch. CURE Pekin the animal and vegetable waste lie devotee lus entire time, and Inis for tliirty-one years, to tlie cure of all CHRONIC or LONG Rick Headache and relievo all tbe troubles inef* is soon taken up by these birds. They What He Had Done. dent to a bilious state of tbe system, such as STANDING DISEASE. ot’ whatever name or nature. Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsiness, Distress after are chiefly the hawk, tho sparrow- Mr. Ferguson, ” said the minister, eating. Pain in tbe Bide, ic. While their moat hawk of Stevenson, the eagle and the remarkable success baa been shown in curin g “you are on your death-bed. ” Do not fail to see him at his next visit to your county. It may save your life. Buteo poliogenys; all these will at­ “Yes,” assented the sick man. tack the animals of the barn yard, “You arc about to face the great and especially the pigeons. Since the hereafter. Are you not afraid to die? LaGrlppe, Catarrh, Catarrhal Bronchitis, Primary Consumption, Catarrh of tbe Stomach, Bowels, Kidneys and Bladder, Rectal SICK ha wife are necessary evils, the ques­ Beadacba, yet Carter's Little Liver Pitll Ud You have wasted your life. What Diseases, Heart Troubles, Rheumatism and Neuralgia, Diseases of Women, and every form of Skin Disease, Diseases of the equally valuable in Conatipotion, curing and pre ­ tion arose as to what was to be done deed of yours can your children look venting tbiaannoying complaint, while they also to save the pigeons so dear to tho Brain and Nervous System, Blood and Lymybatics, ail rapidly cured by tbe Doctor's SpeciOc Medicines. correct all disorders of thes tomach .stimulate the back on when you are gone and con ­ liver and regulate tbe bowels. Even if they only Chinese heart from the cruel claws? template with satisfaction? ” Address all Order* or Mail to Dr. Holman S. Humphrey, 55 Ilroad Street, Hillsdale, Mich. They might, indeed, kill the birds of “You forget,” said the sick man prey; but what would become of the with as much indignation as he could Consultation Personally or by Mail, Free to All Everywhere. “ HEAD garbage? They might havo seques­ muster, “that I once colored a meer­ (Ache they would be almoet priceless to thosewhd tered the# pigeons, but that would iSuffer from this distressing complaint; butfortu- schaum pipe without burning it.” ;)*Hk h fc * fe k-li )?. kk kk ?, ft if hh j* )f ! natsly tbalr goodness does noteod he-re,and those have been a punishment. Who once try them will find theso little pills valu­ Their owners in solution of the Tlie Man Without Friends. able In so many ways that they will not be wil> iUllg to do without them. But after allalck head question invented the chao-tse, which “You say you were once a news ­ by its noise frightens off the enemies paper man? ” inquired the kind old of the pigeons and leaves then secure lady. during their aerial flights. “Yes'm,” said the sad-eyed tourist ntmcmpLn and invitefe thet most ACHE careful investigation as to our rosponsibil le the bane of ao many lives that here Is where All people have their superstitions. at the kitchen door, “I once had a re­ ity and tho merits df our Tablets. wemake our great boast. Our pills cure it while The Chinese have theirs; some are Iethers do not. sponsible position on a big daily grotesque and some ingenuous. The “Then haven't you sorao newspaper READ OUR Carter’s Little Liver Pills sre very small and chao-V-e is among the number that I TESTIMONIALS 1 very easy to tako. One or two pills make a dose. friends who could help you? ” "J Double Chloride of Gold'Tablets They are strictly vegetable and do not gripe or are pleasant. The C linese like tho “Friends! ” bitterly replied tho Will completely destroy the desire for TOBACCO in from 3 to 5 (lays. Perfectly harm purge, but by their gentle action please all who wild, mournful sounds in the air and less; cause no sickness, und may be (riven in u cup of tea or cotfee without tbe k’nowl use them. In vials at 25 cents ; five for $1. Sold wanderer, “No, ma'am—I was a copy edge of tlie patient, who will voluntarily stop suiokingor chewing in a few days by druggists everywhere, or sent by mail. * believe them to be the voices of their reader. —Chicago Tribune. •CARTER MEDICINE CO., New York! ancestors, indeed, the sounds of the DRUNKENNESS aui MORPHINE HABIT instruments attached to tho tails of the patient, by the use of our SPECIAL FORMULA GOLD CURE TABLETS. HULL PILL, SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE IN MELLOW MOOD. During treatment patients arc allowed the free tiso of Liquor or Mor the pigeons are translated by them phino until such time as they shull voluntarily give them up. A FEW as the mysterious speech that comes Wo send particulars and pamphlet of testimonials free, and shnll from the mouth of the emperors of There are stars whose diameter is be glad to place sufferers from any of these habits in communica ­ Testimonials Noo* greater than that of our whole solar tion witli persons who have been cured by the use of our Tablets , from persons past dynasties. The music of the . HILL'S TABLETS are for sale by all first class chao-tse is one of the rare poesies of system. druggists at. $ 1.00 per package. If your druggist does not keep them, enclose ns % | ,00 who have been tho Celestial empire. Bhgley —What has become of the and we will send you, by return mail, a package of our India rubber man that was at the mus­ Tablets. cured by the use of Sucb Tobacco IS.ut after naing your Tablets but three days he quit drinking, Military Prisoner*. and will not touch liquor of any kind. I have waited four mouth before writing VIERRELL 8i SOULE, Syracuse. N. Ye asked him to saw a stick of wood. you, in order to know tV cure was permanent. Your. t™£’HELER MORRlsoN. There has been a great yearly dimi­ The shock did it nution during the last ten years in Ciwciwwati , Ohio . First Passenger,rising politely —Will The Ohio Chemical Co :—G kxti .emek :—Y our Tablets have performed a miracle In my case. the number of soldiers in military or you take my seat, sir? Second Passen- I have used morphine, hypodermically, for seven years, ana have been cured by the use of FRED F. MURDOCK, civil prisons in England and Wales. ’er, who has been standing and tramp* two packages of your Tablets, and without any effort on my part. W. L. LOTEUAY. In 1884 there were 1,117 soldiers in Address all Order* to ST. JOHNS, MICH., Cng rather promiscuously about —Are English prisons; in 1891 there were ou going to get out? ‘‘No, but I pre- RESPONSIBLE 433, and on the 31st of last December (AGENTS WANTED THE OHIO CHEMICAL CO., X Dealers In all kiada of fer standing on iny own feet 61, 03 and OS Opera Block- LIMA, OHIO. there were but forty-three. Last year Languid Lije—Jevver git any help (In writing please mention this paper.) not one soldier was sentenced to fm a charity ball? Rusty Rufus— rrrmrtvX penal servitude. The expulsions for Naw! One of 'em like to ’a’ killed me ■ mnuinTiiiHaBimii misconduct have decreased since 1888 taunst. “How ’d that happen? ” from 2,020 to 1,590. “Young married woman guv me a 1883.- -ESTABLISIIED IO YEARS.- 1893. An Unanswered Query. apple-dumplin ’ of her own makin ’. I SUBSCRIBE CEMETERY WORK. Little Carrie—Papa, when you ett it” came home from the club last night Friend —It seems singular to me that —FOR- you were so funny. You told us yon have very little to Say about your things over and over ever so many boy. You never speak of his bright ­ In sums of 11000.00 and over on Improred Fsrm and City Property In Michigan on Long Time, •Cot Stone for Beilin Purposes times. Why did you do thatP ness or hia witty sayings. Rising Low Interest and Reasonable Terms. THE CLINTON Papa —Little girls mustn't be too Young Author —How can I boast of Bought, Sold and Exchanged oa Com mission only. , Inquisitive). Kun away and play.-« him? The children of great men _ OPPOSITE POSTOFFICE. truth- rarely amount to much. 153 Griswold THE HANNAN REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE, Street, Detroit, Mich. (REPUBLICAN ST. JOHNS REPUBLICAN, THURSDAY, APRIL 20,1893

and went on with the Fcaremony ALL SORTS AND SIZES. “Name this one, ” he gasped, reaching for the third. “Albert Sidney John ­ Over 600 varieties of cotton are said PROMPT, GOOD WORK. son, ” came the answer. The smile be­ to exist—400 in Asia and Africa and came audible add the preacher apo ­ 100 in America. RHEUMATISM. plectic. Heaving a sigh of relief, he Mr. Willet P. Cook, Canaioharie, N. Y., write* : 1 Awoke one In tho South an average mule is morning with excruciating pain* in my shoulder. irica vm»uu» took the fourth child, a little euL worth and a pair of extra good relief* for sudden pains without cilect; went to my office ; the paiQ whose gender hd fondly supposed onss will bring $300 or more. Louis­ became insufferable: went home at ix o ’clock and used ST: would preolude a continuation of JACOBS OIL! magical, pain ceased, and at i o clock went heroic reproduction, and said, “Name ville is the great mule market of the to work; cure permanent." • this child. ” “Marv Stonewall Jackson South. Lee,” came the response that set the Mr. Blaine was superstitious in re­ NEURALGIA. congregation in a roar, while the gard to the number seven, and be­ Littlk Ramds , WiS. Union parson thought he had held in lieved that if he should outlive the My wife suffered with such Intense neuralgic psins in the face, she thought she his arms the whole Southern Confed­ would die. She bathed her face and head with ST. JACOBS OIL, and it cured her in completion of his ninth seven years he four hours. „ w_ eracy.—The Voice. would recover. He did not. CARL SCHEIBE. Wk Pere Charmatant, founder of the or­ A Rich Experience. der of the White Fathers, who was KNOWLEDGE Thomas Allen, a veteran, 103 years born in France in 1844, has been ap­ of age, lives in Tyler County, a few pointed to succeed the late Cardinal Brings comfort and improvement and miles above Parkersburg, W. Va. Mr. Lavigerie as primate of Africa. *tends to Dereonal enjoyment when ffnbdu >d. Allen is a hale and hearty man, whom rightly used. The many, who live bet* a casual observer would take to be not A number of vagabonds are said to BT MRS. I.IBH1R C. BAER. make a living in New York by follow­ City of Toledo, ter than others and enjoy life more, with In thoughtlesshtless youyouth fair nature's bowers over seventy. Every day in the year, expenditure, by more promptly Were filled with sweet and perfumed rain or shine, cold or warm, he walks ing express wagons around the city, on Lucas Co., S. Si the world ’s best products to Cowers; from home to the postoffice, a distance tho alert to steal packages while tho jthe needs of physical being, will attest Rejoicings echoed from her hills of three miles, ana return. He is the expressman is in the house doing bus­ State of Ohio. Aud laughter rippled in her rills; recipient of many newspapers, dailies the value to health of the pure liquid Filled was the earth, and sky, and tree, iness. laxative principles embraced in the and weeklies, sent him by admiring “Regis voluntas suprema lex!" wrote HALLFrank J. Cheney makes’S oath that he is the senior partngij With rivaling sounds of minstrelsy. friends. Mr. Allen served under the 'remedy,'Syrup of Figs, the Emperor William some months In later yean seems changed her mood, Duke of Wellington, in the war with of the firm of F. J. Cheney & Co., doing business in the i Its excellence is due to its presenting Her laughing waters more subdued; Napoleon; under Gen. Scott, in the war ago. Now he has had the words in the form most acceptable and pleas* In vain the red rose flaunts Its bloom, witn Mexico, and entered and served "Nemo me impuno lacessit!” inscribed City of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, and that safe ant to the taste, the refreshing and truly Its heart hath loet Its sweet perfume. in the war of the rebellion, »on the upon a portrait of himself. firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and beneficial properties of a perfect lax ­ Tan where I will, there oomes to me Union side. At the time of his last en­ Hoke Smith’s real name is Michael ative; effectually cleansing the system, The sad plaint of humanity 1 listment he was 72 years old, but his •dispelling colds, headaches and fevers Hoke Smith. He is named after his every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use ol physical appearance so belied his years grandfather, Michael Hoke, who was iana permanently curing constipation. The Biggest Thing of the War. that he had no difficulty iu passing HALL'S CATARRH CURE. •It has given satisfaction to millions and In early days of war, in 1861, it was muster as on the leaser end of 45. The ths Democratic candidate for governor I met with the approval of the medical the custom to pat the cooking for each old man has undoubted, written evi­ of North Carolina in 1844. •profession, because it acts on the Kid­ oosnpany In oharge of two men who dence not only of his great age, but of Professor R R Barnard of the Liok neys, Liver and Bowels without weak­ eetea as company cooks. Bach man his history as a soldier. He says that observatory often devotes twenty ening them and it is perfectly free from eerted for two weeks. A men served the last time he heard from his father Sworn to before me, and subscribed in my presence* as junior cook for two weeks end then hours of the twenty-four to work at every objectionable substance. was some time during the last war, the telescope and in the computing this 6th day of December, A. D. 1889. . ! Syrup of Figs is for sale by all drug­ e new men wes appointed, end the when he was still living, at tbe great men who had served a week became age of 101 years. His mother died at room during dear weather. ? NOTARIAL SEAL P gists in 50c andfl bottles, but it is man- qhinf cook for the next week, and so > Two sons of the novelist Dickens re­ tne age of 89 years. The old man looks • LUCAS CO., O. A. W. GLEASON, NOTARY PUBLIC. A i ufactured by the California Fig Syrup non one served one week as junior and Co. only, whose name is printed on every as if he would be able to tackle another side in Australia. The elder one, • ...... • one as senior. I had served my time decade or two before “going over the christened Alfred Tennyson, has ac­ 1 package, also the name, Syrup of Figs, ee junior cook, and had been promoted HALLS 'and being well informed,jrou will no* range.” quired a moderate fortune in business; to ohief cook. We had a log fire, and the younger, named after Edward accept any substitute if offered. much like the old fashioned maple BulweP Lyiton, aits in the parliament CATARRH CURE sugar fire, and one day I concluded to Wasn't Scattered. IS TAKEN giTe the bovs some rice for dinner. I A soldier of Bates’ Division of the of the great southern continent INTERNALLY, nod seen my mother cook rice, but had Confederate army, after the command Lord Chief Justice Coleridge of Eng­ and acts directly paid little attention to the matter, and had run two days from Nashville, had land visited this country in 1883 and upon the Blood and so was really ignorant of the charac­ thrown away his gun and accoutre­ became well known to New York mucous surfaces. August teristics of that cereal. I had a hun ­ ments, and alone in the road sat down newspaper men. He was then 63 years and commenced thinking —the first dred men to feed, and so wanted a old, spare, tall, stoop-shouldered, with CATARRH good supply. So I took two twelve chance he had for such a thing. Roll­ TXISTXMONZAJL jB 1 a pink face and white hair. He was a qnort camp kettles and put six quarts ing up his sleeves and pantaloons, and E. B. WALTHALL & CO., Druggists, Horse REV. H. P. CARSON, Scotland, Dak., aayrf of rice into each one and put them looking at his general physique, he great favorite with reporters. Cave, Ky., say; “ Hall’s Catarrh Cure cures “ Two bottles of Hall’s Catarrh Cure completed Flower ” over the fire. gave vent to his feelings, “I am Lewis Carroll (as the author of •very one that takes it.” ly cured my little girl." I was never so astonished in my life. whipped, badly whipped and some­ “Alice in Wonderland,” Rev. Charles CONDUCTOR E. D. LOOMIS, Detroit, Mich., J. C. SIMPSON, Marquess, W. Va., sayst , “I have been afflicted with bilious­ what demoralized, but no man can say •ays: “The effect of Hall’s Catarrh Cure is “Hall’s Catarrh Cure cured me of a very bad. ness and constipation for fifteen years In ten minutes both kettles were full. Ludwige Dodgson, is known to the wonderful. ” Write him about It case of catarrh." I took in the situation at once. I had that I am scattered.” An interesting reading public) has not lost his love for little war story has Gov. Jones of Ala­ and first one and then another prep ­ mistaken the capacity of rice as a food. children, and he constantly entertains aration was suggested to me and It was rising rapidly, so I got another bama for its hero. At the time Gordon Hall’s Catarrh Cure Is Sold by all Dealers In Patent Medicines* tried, but to no purpose. A friend kettle and dipped some into that, was resisting Sherman's advance, groups of them, including little act­ and took the kettles off the fire Jones, then a staff captain, was deliv­ resses from the London theaters. PRICE 75 CENTS A BOTTLE. recommended August Flower and and set them on the ground where ering a message from his chief, w-hen Now that Fanny Kemble is dead it words cannot describe the admira­ the heat would strike the side he saw a little child, clad only in its is recalled that in her youth she took tion in which I hold it. It has given of the kettle and keep the rice night clothes, hiding in terror behind a most gloomy and pessimistic view of THE ONLY GENUINE HALLS CATARRH CURE IS me a new lease of life, which before cooking without burning it. I had a a frame house in the direct track of life, though endowed with every MANUFACTURED BY the bullets from each army. Jones was a burden. Its good qualities ten gallon kettle whiim we used to blessing that makes life enjoyable. make coffee, I put this kettle over the rode forward, took the child on his and wonderful merits should be made fire and soon had it full of boiling horse and galloped with her to the But in her old age she was the person­ known to everyone suffering with water. I then dipped water into the Confederate line. When the Union ification of optimism, eminently cheer­ F. J. CHENEY & CO, dyspepsia and biliousness. ” Jessb kettles of rice and, as it swelled,dipped forces saw the act they ceased firing, ful and unrepining. Barker , Printer, Humboldt, Kas.® the rice into other kettles, and at the and there was an impromptu cessation TOLEDO, O. 4>». end of three hours, I had five of these of hostilities until the child had been If the Baity la Cutllnz Teeth, twelve quart kettles full , iil to the President of the United States, far as to demand that Germany shall servant and was miserable. DR.KILMER’S who had been a soldier. The two men be able to place in the field a force equal to combined armies of France nENSiONirr.K?,?^ W. L. DOUGLAS conversed freely about the war and re­ VOLUMES COULD BE WRITTEN\ ■^Successfully Prosecutes Claims. lated incidents of their experience in and Russia. In other words, a popula ­ filled with the testi­ ■ Leto Principal Examiner U S. Pension Bureau. the field. tion of 50,000,000 must turn out as‘many mony of women who H 3yr*ln last war, 15adjudlcatlugclaims, atty since. 83 SHOE noWp, At the mention of the shot fired at soldiers as a population of 150,000,000. have been made well Do you wear them? When next In need try a pair, they the Ohio Colonel near the “Hawk's The Freisinnige also says that if these and strong by Dr. will give you mors comfort and service for tho money l«» treatment (by preo- than any other make. Nest” the President became intesely enthusiasts could have their way all Pierce's Favorite Uclny pbvtici&n). NoiUrvingy Best In the world., interested and inquired for full par ­ of the old women would be called into Prescription. ^ Thousands rur*L Send Ac In stampel O. W. r. 8NYDKR, M. IX, Mail Dopb *5.0Q 00 ticulars. The horseman who stood as service, and it thinks they would Moyicker ’s Theater, Chicago, It’s a medicine P2.50 rv target for the Georgia Colonel ’s rifle prove about as effective as the old men that’s made especially *4.00 recently added to the reserve. | A A S UnUTU commission —Wanted ♦2.09 in 1861 at the Gauley River and the to build up women ’s 4L I II II H IRUI I n good hustling agents *3.50 President of the United States in 1878 £ strength and to cure ■1% I II II In every town and county In the FOR LADIES were one and the same—Rutherford B. ty I V W United 8tatee to sell our pure teas, #2.50 Took Possession at Once. women ’s ailments — coffee, eplces, baking powder and extracts. 8end 4c *2.00 Hayes. an Invigorating, re­ to (tamps for our wholesale price list. American *1.75 A new condition is a new test of Tea Co., 827 Michigan Ave., Detroit. Mich. #2.25 character. When a rich man suddenly storative tonic, soothing cordial, and roil ROYS Hard on the Parson. bracing nervine; purely vegetable, non ­ #2.00 becomes poor, those who live with him CHICKEN-HATCHING BY STEAM. roit *1.75 mm liver iiss BLcm.R Just after the battle at Perryville, in have a chance to see of what stuff he alcoholic, and perfectly harmless. For October, 1862, says a Southern ex ­ is made; aud the same is true when a all the functional derangements, pain­ Dissolve* Gravel, change, Dr. Savage, a strong Union poor man suddenly finds himse?f rich. ful disorders, and chronic weaknesses man, was at one of his appointments that afflict womankind, the “Favorite all able, fully guarani Call stone, brlok dust In urine, pains in urethra, An old gentleman was present at the Prescription ” is the only guaranteed , 4o. for lliue. Catalogue. Oeo. straining after urination, pain in buck and hips to baptise some children. There was I fit Co.. Mfre.Qulaoy.IU.UAA. sudden stoppage of watjg with pressure. reading of the will of a distant relative, remedy. Yf. L. Couglas Shoes ire made In an tla a large crowd, and a sturdy Southern says the London Spectator. He had Bright ’s Disease, matron brought her four children to hardly expected to find himself re­ It must have been the medicine for WORLD’S FAIR Corner Cottage Grove Latest Styles. the altar. # “Name this child, ” said the Ave. and Sixty-fourth If you want a fine DRESS SHOE don't pay $6 to )8, Tube casts in urine, scanty urine. Suvimp-Rooi membered in it, but pretty soon a most women, or it couldn't be sold on HOTEL Mt. First-class European, Un on preacher, laying his hand on any such terms. II.M anil woe a day. Five try my $3.50, $4 or $5Shoe. They will fit equal to coi- cures urinary troubles and kidney difficulties. clause was read in which a certain DELAWARE, minute* from World's Fair. the.boy ’s head. “Simon Boliver Buck­ field was willed to him. That was Isn ’t it likely to be the medicine for Opens April M. Bead for tom made and look and wear as well. If you with to Liver Complaint, ner ”. was the reply, which caused a good. But the document went on to be ­ you t Sold by druggists everywhere. CHICAGO, ILL Circulars at once. economize In your footwear, you can do to by purchasing Torpid or enlarged liver, foul breath, bilious ­ smile to come over the congregation, queath the c Id gray mare in the said Murray 8. Clark, Mgr. W. L. Douglas Shoe*. My name and price It stamped ness, bilious headache, poor digeetion, gout. on the bottom, look for It whoa you buy. Take no tub* bat the bravo preacher went on with field to some one else, a man with It soy on* doulte that Catarrh <>f the Bladder, his duty. whom the old gentleman was not on we eon cur* th* m (tot. itltute. I tend thoet by mail upon receipt of price, “Name this child, ” taking the next stlnote cm* la to to SS mF&mmFMai pottage free, when Short Dealer! cannot^supply you^ Inflammation, irritation, ulceration, dribbling, friendly terras. days, let him write for IN THE WE8T. frequent calls, pass blood,mucus or pus. in order. “Pierre Gustave Toutant That was too much for his equanim ­ particular* and W. L DOUGLAS, Brockton, Mail. Beauregard," and the smile grsw into gote our lullab llty. Our rei Caaraatee—Cra contents of Oa* Bottle, tf not boa- ity, and he interrupted the solemn pro ­ financial backing Is rCMICAOO. ROCK ettted. Draggteta will refund yon lb* price paid. a snicker, while Dr. Savage became ceedings and brought a smile to the SMM.000. When mercury, 1ALL1DTHB W. N. U„ D.—XI—18. At Druggist a, 50e. list, $1.00 Size. red in the face. He baptized the young iodide potassium, soraapirttlh or Hot Springe fall, wo faces of the company, by exclaiming: guarantee a cure—and our Mario t yphllene I* the only «UvaMd»* Guide to Health ” fraa Ooasnltatloa fr*o namesake of the great engineer soldier, B Cktaaea Maafiaafi • Dm. Kimiz * Co.. BizoaAjrroM, N. T. “Then she ’s eating my grass!” thing that Win cure permanently. Positive proof Mat When writing to Advortteors plane# ggp Mthi free, coos R«H r*T Co., Chicago, Ill. ton enw tho advert!—moot in thto Pap—j j ..—■- ' —

BENGAL John Hicks, Dry Goods and Carpets. Travis 6 Baker—Druggists. The Republican. Bengal , April 17, 1893. James Parks is reported much better. Thursday, April 20, 1893.___ Mrs. Jessie Everts is at present among the sick ones. Miss E. Bills re-opened her school at JOHN HICKS ANOTHER BIG INVOICE! ( THE COUNTY. the Centre to day. W. E. Eld ridge raised his barn Satur­ • ATH. • day without accident. WALL PAPER. Bath . April 18, 1893. Mac Dryer is making some repairs on John Shults, of northwest Bengal, died Friday night, of pneumonia, after his dwelling house. an illness of a little more than a week. We have sold more Wall Paper in one week Dr. J. II. Moore went to Toronto Ont., He was over 60 years of age. D0C Iasi Thursday on business. than we ever before sold in two. So we have t . Mrs. Walter Hail, who has been quite O L iv E. Dry Goods, “ . , and Cloaks. sent for more paper and it is now here fresh ill for several days is recovering. Olive , April IS, 1898. from the factory. Our prices make the dealer School commenced in the Cushman Some of the wheat fields look pretty district last week with Bernice Goodrich sick. mad but they jplease the people and that is what as teacher. Farmers are busy, plowing and sowing we are here for. James Nealy, of Mason, is a Bath oats. Finest White Back Paper only 10c per double visitor semi-occasionally, looking after Mr. Throop sold his span of gray business interests, of course. horses to Mr. Putnam last week. roll. All grades of paper up to $i per double W. H. Joy, our hustling postmaster, has been making some improvements Mr. Protts has improved the looks of roll. on his barn by adding twenty feet more to his building both inside and out. it. A birthday party was made Mrs D. We furnish the best Paper Hangers The Paint 8eason is opening up and Sager by her friends last Saturday after­ The carpenters have Francis Palmer’s and guarantee their work to please wo are on the “ground floor ” on noon. A very pleasant time is reported. barn all framed ready to raise as soon as the wall is laid. you, delivering them anywhere in prices with the best paint in the George Smith commenced teaching in the county free of charge. market. the Heed district Monday, April 10. Fred VanVIeet purchased a new buggy DRESS GOODS! This is George ’s maiden effort ns a peda ­ last week. Now the young iadies of Olive will get a chance to go out riding. Finest line of Window Shades in the gogue. city at 25c and upwards. Rev. M. G. Pett, formerly pastor of the Wm. White moved his engine on the Rose church bus moved into the village, Will Tabor place last Saturday, where Our Dress Goods Department is full to overflowing with lie expects to go to a new field of labor he intends to saw out a lot of lumber for soon. Mr. Tabor. the Novelties of the Season. Elegant goods in light Yours Truly, Samuel Trumble, a resident of Bath Ed. Bougliton has taken down his log for some time past, died at bis home bouse and moved the frame part where Tuesday night, April 11th. Enlarge ­ he intends to build his new part to it weight wool fabrics. Handsome Dresden designs in ment of the liver caused his death. this spring. TRAVIS «c BAKER, District No. 2 had quite a good crowd printed Pongees. Please examine our line of wash Corner Drug Store. Rev. Hudson, of Okemos, who has '3 been filling the Baptist pulpit at this last Friday night, and netted over five place for several Sundays past, goes to dollars. They have enough money for fabrics comprising India Dimities, Irish Lawns, Sateens, 1 Clarkston, where he has accepted a call. a flag now. Venice . Rochester Clothing Company. Herbert Tooker, who has been attend ­ Gimghams, India Mulls, Sea Island Shirtings, Pongees, ing the meeting of the M. S. N. 8., is ADDITIONAL. LOCAL home for a short visit. IM expects to India Linens, etc. return to his studies the last of tho week. Remember I)r. Holman S. Humphrey ’s ,T. M. Fuller, recently of bansing, hav ­ next visit in St. Johns will be Thursday, We have the Hair-cloth for lining the new full dress A FEW ILLUSTRATIONS ing purchased the Southworth stock, is April 27. One day only, at the Steel prepared to accommodate the people of hotel. Consultation free to all. skirts. Bath and vicinity with almost anything in the mercantile line. Tho stock has I. o. o. *. IN PRICES! been much increased. Saturday last Mr. Fuller bought a bushel, i. e. all a basket The eevontf-fourth annlrersarj of Odd Fellow­ would bold, of butter for which he paid ship in America will be celebrated iu St. John* We are .enabled, through our superior the cash. This is a step in the right April 26lh, 1893. All Odd Fellow* will meet at 2:30 dirction for Bath ’s internal improve ­ p. m. at the O. F. Ball, and at 3 o ’clook will form faciliiies, to offer the people of St. ment. la line and march to the depot to meet Major Mc­ Cormick Canton and visiting brethren from Johns and vicinity the best goods at From the LaiDgsburg New*. the east. Upon their arrival all will join In a pub ­ CARPETS! On Thursday last Marvin Webster, of lic parade. Address of welcome by Bro. W. A. lowest prices. Bath township, met with a frightful Norton. At 4:15 p. u battalion drill and inspection accident. He was going with a team to will l>e witnessed, and at*5 o ’clock chevalier candi ­ the field to plow, carrying the plow on dates will be mustered into service. Evening pro ­ a stone boat, and with the lines fastened gram at 8 o ’clock at Newton Hall. The invited. Our second floor is devoted to the Carpet Department. Here will be found around his* body. The horses became Opening ...... Band a most complete line of Carpets comprising Hemp, Cotton, Ingrain, Lowel frightened, and before he could loose Prayer...... Rev. W. C. Allen himself from the lines he had fallen Cornel Solo ...... Mr. Geo. Sumner and Hartford two and three ply Ingrain, Agras, Velvets, Tapestry and Best Business suits in St. Johns for $4, onto the plow, and was dragged with it Essay...... Miss .Sarah Pouch for several rods. On of his lower limbs Violin Duet...... Mr. and Mrs. H. Rehrendt Body Brussels. Beautiful Moquetts and Axminsters both with and without $5, $0, $7 and upwards. Working was frightfully torn and mangled, and Recitation ...... Miss Elsie Smith borders. We also carry a full line of Rugs, China Hemp and Jute Matting he was bruised considerably about the Plano Duet...... Misses Gillett and Nichols Pants, cut for comfort and warranted body. Vocal Solo...... Mrs. Wm. H. Brunson Stair Crash, Oil Cloths, Lenolium, Chenille Fortiers, Lace Curtainp, Recitation ...... Miss Hattie Vreeland not to rip, $1 and upwards *at FOWLER. Violin Solo ...... Mr. H. Behrendt Window Shades, Curtain Poles in Brass or Wood Fixtures, Grilles, Etc. Address by the orator of the day, Rev. W. 8. Fowler , April 18, 1893. Goodalc, of Portland, Mich. M. A. Harper is still confined to bis Odd Fellows and invited friends will then repair room. to Banquet Hall. Jos. Geller’s hall is having a new coat No. 17 of paint. Pomona. Clinton Ave. Miss Tessie Pierce has opened her millinery room this spriug. Clinton county Pomona will meet with Mrs. Joseph and Fred Geller visited Keystone grange April 26th, 1893. A CLOAKS! ST. JOHNS, MICH. friends in Muir and Ionia a part of last full program has been prepared for the week. day and in the evening the young Our enterprising lumber dealer, Mr. people will present a drama entitled St. Johns Mercantile,Company. Gay, is making a business tour in north ­ “Iiish Assurance and Modesty. ” This is the season for Spring Jackets and Capes. We are showing a good ern counties this week. Admission to those outside the grange Edgar Bullard, state agent for the assortment and it will pay you to examine our stock if in need of anything Michigan Nursery Co., at. Monroe, Mich., 10 cents. All grangers free. Sec. 5 began his spring delivery of trees this in the line of a wrap for spring and summer wear. week in adjoining towns by going to Marriage Licenses. I We are the oldest mercantile establishment in Clinton county, having dono SI. Eagle Monday. Date. Name and Residence. Age Services at the M.E. church next Sun­ April 12—Chas.T. Bienesteadt, Bengal...... 23 business for 44 years and expect to continue for years to come. day morning at 10:30 o ’clock by Rev. Maggie E. Heibcck, Bengal ...... 21 April 12—James T. Hulbcrt, Greeubush ...... 2G Sprague. Sunday school at 11:30. Ep- Isbell Alvers, Greeubush ...... 29 The prices in any of our departments will be found as low as goods of equal worth League at 7 o’clock, leader, Mias April 12—Geo. II. Schenck. Duplain ...... 26 Ilattie Lance. Nellie Linman, Duplain ...... 21 value can be sold for in Michigan. We buy in largo quantities for cash and Died, on the 14th inst., John F. Sholtz, April 15—E. A. Butterfield, Calhoun County ...... 67 are of pneumonia, aged (>3 years. A wife * Persia C. Beuuutt, Westphalia ...... 65 prepared to meet any and all competition. Our trade has been steadily April 17—Frederick Klorpfer, DeWltt...... 25 And now it is house-cleaning time and two sons survive him. Funeral Tene Miller, Watertown ...... 20 increasing and will continue to grow. The reason is a good assortment and services were held at the Lutheran April 17—James T. Brace, Riley...... 24 church, which had a large attendance. Alta M. Olmstead, Uancroit ...... 20 low prices. which means new He had been a resident of Fowler for April 17—Wm. Vail, Victor ...... 21 thirty years. Nora Haven, Bath ...... 17 Died, last Sunday, at the residence of Sydney Parks, of inflammation of the Pomona. bowels, Ernest, youngest son of Riley The next meeting of Pomona wilj be Parks, aged 15 years. Funeral services held with Keystone grange April 26. CURTAINS were held at the M. E. church Tuesday PROGRAM. at 10 o ’clock, conducted by Rev. Thomas, Welcome address...... Master of Keystone Grange of St. Johns. The remains were interred Response ...... Geo. Jewett in the Oak Ridge cemetery, where his SHADES Song ...... ^....Dyrsn Soules and Wife mother was laid away some years ago. Recitation ...... Mrs. O. A. Wblt.ock Two sisters, Mrs. Ettie Brown and Miss Paper, '’Ruts and Hobbies ”...... Munson Chase Mae Parks, of Stanton, and an only Selection ...... Bessie Andrus brother, of St. Johns, attended his Song. and DRAPERIES funeral, also Mr. and Mrs. Case, of De- Paper ...... Lecturer Keystone Grange Witt, and Mr. and Mrs. Parks, of Ionia. RecitaUon ...... Nellie Davies He was an affectionate, quiet boy whom Comic Recitation ...... Some Keystone Member DRY GOODS, CARPETS, CLOAKS, to know was to love, being a favorite Song. with his associates, and during his last Question, “Resolved, that one Receives more sickness, of which he'was a great suf­ Injury than BeneSt by Always Supporting one LADIES, we have prepared pome extra bargains for you. A recent purchase o ferer which he bore patiently, he was Party Ticket.” 33 Clinton Ave. ST. JOHNS, MICH about 200 Pair3 of Lace Curtains gives us some genuine good things. carefully and tenderly cared for by kind O. L. BECKWITH, Lecturer. friends. Attention Wheelmen. 25 Pairs, 3 yds long, taped and bound, only 65c, DUPLAIN. All members of the league bicycle Actual value, $1.00 Duplain , April 18, 1893. club of last year are requested to leave Mrs Gibson, of Sickles, Mich., is visit their numbers with me that their re­ 25 Pairs, 3 yds long, taped and bound, only $1.00, ing at the home of E. T. Weal. newals may be secured for the ensuing Actual value, $1.50 Mrs. Lena Ingraham, of Grand Rapids, year without extra expense. Please at­ And shall reach oar New Store is the guest of Mrs. L. Merrifield. 25 Pairs, yds long, taped and bound, only $1.50, tend to thiB at once. Louis D. G ibbs, by SATURDAY NEXT. Actual va^ie, $2.00 Master Charley Fizzell was quite Secretary. badly kicked on the head by a cow. He 25 Pairs, 3}4 yds long, extra heavy, only $1.75, is improving. Teachers ’ Association. The Misses Franc Norgate and Minnie Actual value, $2.50 Hall and Messrs. Lewis McCullough and The southern Clinton teachers asso­ Lemuel Holbrook are home from Ypsi- ciation will meet in Bath, April ^9tb. 10 Pairs, yds long, extra heavy, only $2.50, lanti for a week’s vacation. PROGRAM. Actual value, $4.00 All are invited to attend the last , MOBJMNO SESSION. sugar social of the season, given by the Prayer. Y. P. 8. C. E., of Duplain, at the resi- Singing ...... By the Association We say to you that positively this lot of Curtains is the Recitation ...... By a Pupil of the Bath Schools DON’T LOSE US 4 V deiiceof Wm. Beurmann, Saturday even' Teaching Primary P.oading In ;tho Dominion.... iDg, April 22. A good time expected...... :...... Dr. Moore, Bath CHEAPEST YOU EVER SAW! The Union farmers club was enter The Monthly Written Review...... We are the SAME OLD FIRM which tained by Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Chapman ...... Miaa Mina Stampfly, DeWltt and Mr. and Mrs. George Weal at the Diacusalon...Led by Mu. R. T. Watson.South Riley has given you so many Bargains. home of the former on Saturday of last APTEBNOON SESSION. week. Pa ’s Boy . Singing ...... Wm. A. Able and Daughters The Benefits arising from Grading Schools ...... Mr. V. J.. Willey, Agri’l. College «OUTH OVID. Until 10 TU 1C 9 100 Pairs Spring Roller Curtains, Open Discussion. Iv Id 1 Finely Decorated, Only 19c. South Otib, April 18, 1893, Recitation ...... By a Pupil of the Bath 8chools nUff in James Miller has moved to the John Address—“Natural Resources of Teacher* for Illus­ Ross farm lately bought by Lis sou tration ”,...... -Prof. A. J. Oiok, Agri’l.Col. Lewis. Singing ...... Wm. A. Able and Daughters Now* Store in the Stephenson Building. Albert Baker came near losing his life Have Arbor day exerciaea and set a row of thrifty recently by falling on the cog wheel of young trees around the school yard. a traction engine. It caught his left We hope no teacher will neglect to hear Prof arm in the cogs and so lacerated it that Cook and every onef the interesting papers. amputation was necessary. Dr. Camp Lunch Baskets in Order. bell performed the operation, and the PRIN. L. L, TTLEB, DUTCHEIS CASH SHOE HOUSE. ST. JOHNS MERCANTILE COMPANY. pationt is doing well. E. X. Committee on Program.
