The Shoe Department of the Mercantile Oo. is Making a GREAT SHOE SALE. Genuine Bargains Offered. ,9^*[ s?u.ApIg£n] The Clinton Republican VOL. XXXVIL—NO. 51. ST. JOHNS, MICH., THURSDAY, APRIL ‘20, 1893. WHOLE NO. 1,923. LOCAL MATTERS Bub Abel visited the county seat Miss Carrie Cooper spent 8unday in ANNOUN CEMENTS. BUSINESS LOCALS. Tuesday. The Republican. Port Huron. No Room For Hoop Skirt*. If you are going to buy a watch don ’t There will be aerrice* at the Biptlit church next Martin Smith, of Detroit, was in town Brown Bros, report the purchase and Sunday morning and evening. “ Hair cloth lining is not hoop skirts. C. C. VAUGHAN, Publisher . fail to see the bargain that Allison has yesterday. shipment of 1,300 tons of hay since Jan ­ St. John* guild will meet with Mia* Bertha It insures grace, elegance and style toft for you. 61 tf The circuit court will resume opera ­ uary 28th. Davison thia Thursday evening. dress, and enables a lady to be in fash* ------TERMS:* ------- Remember the Epworth league Sunday, April 23, ion without going to extremes. ” We tions Monday. Advertised letters April 19,1893. Mrs. Strictly in Advance, tl.00 BREVITIES. a'. 6:80. Subject, “Our High Standards. ” Leader, have it. John Hicks . L. H. Bell, John Duggan, Gertie Finn, Mrs. Ella Stewart. Republican St Detroit Tribune, •1.60 Archie Wolcott has engaged with H. Girl Wanted Rev. W. C. Allen spent Monday in L. Kendrick. C. F. Jones, F. Platt. There will be a business meeting of the King ’s Roy M. Sperry, of the class of ’92, and Daughters at the home of Miss Neva Walbrldge At Anger ’s Laundry. Wages $3 per All Settlements of Past Due Subtorip • Lansing. week. 5i.i Miss Bessie Hicks, of Pompeii, is later a student of the Cleary college, Monday evening, April 24th, at 7:30. The St. Johns creamery begun opera­ There will be a pound social and warm sugar tions mill be made at the rate clerking for John Hicks. Ypsilanti, has accepted a position as For Sale or Exchange, of 11.60 Por Year. tions Monday. supper at tbe residence of Mrs. Alvin Eldrcdge, of Willard M. Potter, of Petoskey, was stenographer with the Mass. Life Insur ­ West Rengal, on the evening of April 25th, for the 6-Year-old Mare. Weighs 1,140 lbs. Our Advertising rate* are »100 per column per Mr. A. J. Baldwin has returned from in town yesterday. ance Co. at Detroit. benefit of Rev. Weller. Bill 26 cents. All are cor­ Sound and kind. Will sell or exchange annum. Business notices live cents per line loi Indianapolis. dially invited. for heavier horse. 60tf H. A. Sage . each Insertion. Kdltorl&l notices, ten cents. Chas. Holton is remodeling his resi­ Miss Jessie, Ilolt has been re-engaged ■You are invited to attend the meeting of tbe Business cards, *1 per line per year. __ Mrs. Gilbert Parish is visiting her son dence on Steel street Fine Table Linens with Napkins to Marriage, birth and death uotlccs Inserted irec as teacher in the eight grade of the junior league, next Sunday at the M. E. church at in Clare county. match At Chapin & Co ’s. Obituary comments, resolutions, cards of thanks Landlord Clark and wife, of the Steel, Lansing schools at a salary of $425. 8:15 o ’clock. Subject: Charity. Leader, Julia etc., will be charged for at the rate of tive cent* Win, Collins, of Lansing, visited St. Miss Bessie Stephenson, formerly of St. Stocker; reader, LxlUli Shelters ; recitationist, Ina That 8-day $3 clock At Porter ’s, per line. visited Detroit Wednesday. Henderson. Correspondence containing local news Issollc Johns this week. Johns, has also been re-engaged as a ited from all parts of the county. Miss Florence Wilson is home from The next meeting of the ladles’ literary club will All kinds of Repairing done Anonymous communications not Inserted under Mrs. II. J. Patterson is recovering the Ypsilanti Normal this week. teacher in the Lansing schools. be held with Mrs. Ring. Wednesday afternoon, ' At Osborn ’Ds any circumstances. April 26. Program : Current Events, Mrs. C. E. from a seyere illness. Airs. L. L. Hammond, of Riley, is the A Lansing dispatch dated Apiil 18th Have you seen our Quick Meal Gaso­ VanSickle ; Modern Rome, Mrs. T-hos. Bromley, Sr. line Range? Something new. 46 3 JOB PRINTING. Aaron L. Davis, of Lansing, was a St. guest of ner eon, C. L. Hammond, in says : “ Although the secretary of state The Coliseum and Catacombs, Mrs. II. Palmer Our material Is new and of the latest styles, and Johns visitor Monday. has nine counties, including Wayne, to reading, Mrs. E. Pennell. Fowler & Ball . we guarantee satisfaction, both in prices St. Johns. and quality of work. Miss Ina Perrin is home from Ann Hon. P. K. Perrin made a business hear from on the vote on the Grand Nickel alarm clocks for 75c H. F. Keen, a former resident of this tf At Krepps , D eWitt & Go ’s. Arbor for a brief vacation. trip to Ithaca Tuesday, and F. F. Mur­ river improvement amendment, there is BUSINESS DIRECTORY no doubt that it carried. The majority county, but now of Chicago, has three Amos Ewen and wife, of Ithaca, spent dock went to Ann Arbor. Do not forget the “New Patent Hat for it will be in the neighborhood of large well lighted rooms, in good cable ATTORNEYS. Sunday with C. J. Sowle and wife. car and boat connection with the Fastners ” which are furnished free with Married, by Rev. W. C. Allen April 20,000. All the amendments carried. every Hat at Mrs . C anfield ’s. SPAULDING ft PIE R C E, ’ Born, in St. Johns, April 13th, to Mr. 19th, 1893, Orel Hildreth and Aliss World ’s Fair, to rent at reasonable ttorneys at law . office over st The state canvassing board will meet Johns National Bank, St. Johns, Mich. 47tf and Mrs. John T. Millman, a son. Orpha Dane, all of Riley, Alich. rates. Any one wishing further iinfon- Have you seen the beautiful presents A next Tuesday, and a detailed statement given away by C hapin A Co. Miss Ella Wilcox and Mrs. Vaughan * Will Davies has returned from Ionia mation can address him at 704 Wells St. WM. N. STOCKER, of the vote cauuot be secured until after Window Shade*. oldiers and comrades , i being one returned from Florida last Friday. and engaged with G. B. Porter, the of your number, therefore know your wants that date.” Rochester is framed for its nurseries We have a large line of Window andS also your rights by law, therfore respectfully so­ jeweler. Will is a good engraver. Shades. A good decorated felt Bhade licit your patronage in the prosecution of claims for W. H. Krepps is spending a few' days There was a proposition to have the and tbe most extensive in tbe world is isions, back pty, bounty or rations. Also Notary at Owosso, St. Louis and other points. Mrs. A. B. Chapin, of Mt. Clemens, is state pay the expenses of the members that of Ellwanger A Barry, which has with the best spring roller for 25 cents. bile. Enquire at Putt’s grocery. John Hicks . K28 tf WM. N. STOCKER. F. H. Frazelle was called to Mason the guest of her brother, Cashier Wals- of the legislature to the opening exer ­ been established more than half a cen ­ Monday by the serious illness of his worth, and other St. Johns relatives. cises of the world ’s lair, but when the tury. N. E. Reed, who has the Clinton For Sale. B. r. TIMKUAM. T. U. CLiKK A nice wall or Side Show Case TINKHAM A CLARK, niece. Mrs. W. W. Brainard went to Wini- matter came up in the house in the county agency, made an extensive de­ 47-4 At Allison ’s. ttorneys and solicitors , office field, Ingham county, Saturday, for a two form of a resolution for members to pay livery of fine fruit and ornamental trees in Opera House Block. St. Johns, Mich. lOt E. A. Ferrier, foreman of the Marlette A Leader, is spending the week in St. weeks’ visit with her daughter, Mrs. E. their own expenses, Representative Red- from this farm in St. Johns last Friday, Wall Paper! FEDEWA A MERRILL, J. Bradner. fern, ever on the alert for the interests fulling about two hundred orders. We offer this week, and will continue ttorneys at law , st. Johns , micu . Johns. to do so until closed out, the greatest «4tf /Married, at the M. E. parsonage in of his constituents, insisted on calling bargains ever offered in St. Johns, hav ­ A Lyon A Dooling are attorneys for the the yeas and nays ; and while there was A house and two acres of ground, in ­ H. M. PBJUtIF. r. X. PERRIN. A. J. BALDWIN. defense in the Butcher murder case on this village, by Rev. C. G. Thomas, April ing recently purchased a large bankrupt an undoubted majority against the reso­ cluding an orchard of 75 bearing trees, stock of wall paper. We are closing it PERRINS A BALDWIN, trial at Charlotte. 17th, Wm. Vail, of Victor, to Aliss Nora adjoining tbe corporation on the west, ttorneys at law and solicitors in lution as presented, they did not like to out at prices that will surprise everybody. Havens, of Bath. Come early and take your choice. Chancery. Bounty, pension, real estate E. P. Waldron left yesterday fora be put on record, and the resolution for rent.
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