8 36 Contents Autumn 2012 30 2 AnnoUnCeMents FRoM tHe BRIDGe 32 stAte HAPPenInGs The good, the bad and the indifferent 4 VIeWPoInt Shipowners neither cash cows nor tax collectors 34 daff - BIoseCURItY AQIS changes its name 6 PRoFILe Maurice James, Qube Logistics 36 CRUIsInG 8 olympic DAM AnD tHe ARCHIPeLAGo 40 eDUCAtIon AnD tRAInInG OF DReAMs SAL launches new e-learning course 8 The mine 42 THe sCene 12 What makes a remote mining township tick? 16 Here’s what it will take to build a dream 44 sIGnAL 20 RetRosPeCtIVe new president for APSA 26 agricultURAL CoMMoDItIes Falling prices and heightened volatility expected 28 accident PReVentIon 46 annUAL ReVIeW 2011 28 OHS performance in our shipping industry 30 Container weighing gains support 144 adveRtIseRs’ LIst tHe oFFICIAL JoURnAL oF shipping Australia Ltd Level 1, 101 Sussex Street, Sydney NSW 2000 AUSTRALIA 1. the olympic Dam pit-head PO Box Q388 Sydney NSW 1230 P: 02 9266 9911 F: 02 9279 1471 2. Maurice James W: www.shippingaustralia.com.au Qube Logistics PUBLIsHeD FoR sHIPPInG AUstRALIA LtD BY showcase Publications Pty Ltd 3. Brett Jardine C5, 99 Jones Street (Dalgety Square), Ultimo NSW 2007 1 International Cruise Council Australasia PO Box 665, Broadway NSW 2007 P: 02 9211 7422 F: 02 9211 9061 W: www.showcasepublications.com.au 4. Bill Boehm 2 3 4 Administrator of Roxby Downs editorial executive editor: Llew Russell Feature writer: Archie Bayvel Advertising Co-ordinator For advertising in the next issue contact Steve Moxey P: 02 9211 7422 e:
[email protected] Graphic designer Sarah Abrahams e:
[email protected] Autumn 2012 I Shipping Australia Limited 1 • Togetherness • Consistency • Productivity improvements It is essential that all stakeholders become involved in tackling supply chain problems and obstacles to ensure that costs and other inefficiencies are not simply being passed down the chain rather than being addressed head on.