2021 guidelines elebrating Passover this year will once again not be in an ideal form. Hopefully, the challenges presented by COVID-19 will open doors to creativity and the learning of new skills. In addition to Cour civic legal requirements, as always, it is crucial that we take seriously our obligation as to safeguard our lives and the lives of others. This year, Pesach is immediately preceded by . As a result, some practices are modified, especially when and what we eat on Shabbat.

Selling Chametz / Ma’ot Chittin Adath is once again pleased to assist our members in the selling of their chametz. As the office is closed, please do not mail or fax chametz selling forms. Rather, all chametz sales should be completed online HERE. It is a prior to Passover to provide so that those in need can appropriately celebrate the holiday. This year, there is already a great need within our community. Please support Toronto’s vulnerable Jews by donating HERE.

New Clothing Many have the custom of purchasing new clothing prior to Passover. This practice should be suspended.

Siyyum Bechorot The virtual Siyyum Bechorot will take place on Thursday, March 25. Services begin at 7:30 a.m., with the Siyyum starting 8:15am. We are honoured that Dr. Jack Lipinsky will once again lead the teaching. Click HERE to log in.

Searching for Chametz The search for Chametz should take place on Thursday night, preceded by the opening blessing. If you plan to consume chametz during Shabbat, then do not recite the kol chamirah closing declaration.

Burning Chametz The synagogue will not be hosting a chametz burning this year. You are encouraged to safely burn your chametz on your property. As an alternative, one may make one’s chametz inedible by mixing it with bleach (if safe to do so) or flushing it down the toilet. Chametz burning should be concluded no later than 11:55 a.m. on March 26.

37 Southbourne Avenue, Toronto, Ontario M3H 1A4 • T: 416.635.5340 • F: 416.635.1629 • [email protected] • www.adathisrael.com Cleaning and Kashering For some, this year provides more time than usual to clean and kasher. Others have considerably less time to prepare. Some rely on family, friends, or caregivers who this year are unable to support them in Passover preparation. Please remember that only areas of the home that are likely to contain chametz must be cleaned. As well, kashering and other Pesach preparations should not take place on Shabbat. Those who are unable to access Kosher for Passover kitchenware and who are unable to kasher existing kitchenware should contact the of their choice for guidance.

Shabbat You may choose to have fully Kosher-for-Pesach . In such a situation, you should use egg matzah instead of for both Shabbat dinner and lunch. If you prefer to have chamitzdik foods for Shabbat, they should be eaten on disposable plates with disposable cutlery. Leftovers should be minimized, with any chametz crumbs flushed down the toilet. Having challah or any product would require eating an early lunch as chametz may not be eaten on Saturday after 10:45am. The kol chamirah declaration should be recited after lunch.

Seudah Shlishit A light Kosher-for-Pesach snack should be eaten before 5pm including, for example, eggs, fish, or fruit.

Seder The first seder should not begin until the conclusion of Shabbat at 8:20pm. You are of course encouraged to spend Saturday afternoon singing your favourite Pesach songs and having Pesach conversations. This may speed up the seder itself.

Food Due to COVID-19, this is not the year to go from store to store searching for all the ingredients for a favourite Passover dish. Adath Israel is pleased to welcome back Two13 Kosher Food Design as our exclusive Pesach caterer. Please support the shul by ordering your Pesach prepared foods from them.

Click HERE to view the Friday, March 26 and Thursday, April 1 menus. Deadline for March 26 Orders: Wednesday, March 17, at 2:00 p.m. Deadline for April 1 Orders: Wednesday, March 24, at 2:00 p.m.

Click HERE to view the Pesach Mid Week Menu: March 30 & 31. Please place your order by 2:00 p.m. on March 24.

Information about Kashering and Kosher for Pesach food is available at: www.cor.ca www.rabbinicalassembly.org hadar video series

Chag Kasher v’Sameach – May we and our families have a meaningful Pesach!

37 Southbourne Avenue, Toronto, Ontario M3H 1A4 • T: 416.635.5340 • F: 416.635.1629 • [email protected] • www.adathisrael.com