S I VA N - E L U L 5 7 7 4 • S U M M E R E D I T I O N • J U N E - A U G U S T 2 0 1 4


Sadly, this summer all of our rejoicings are deeply disturbed learning and personal growth. The list I compiled spans several by heartbreaking events in . The biblical poet somberly genres and themes, with a little something for everyone. I highly cries, If I forget thee, oh ! Certainly, this summer, wher - encourage us to order these books through our local Judaica ever we may be, at work or on break, our hearts and minds book store, Afikomen. must be intently focused on Jerusalem, on Zion, as an entire For those interested in literary readings of biblical texts, I rec - nation mourns three of its boys. As the days of mourning turn ommend R. Nathaniel Helfgot’s Mikra & Meaning . R. Helgot, into weeks, let us hold on to the urgency of this hour and the my former Tanach at Yeshivat Chovevei , is a master - profound lessons of unity that emerged out of this horrific ful teacher and writer. His work contains several articles about tragedy. At CBI, we will use the summer days as an opportu - the book of Numbers (particularly relevant to our current Torah nity to delve more deeply into the Torah, and as we do so, I portions) alongside other major biblical texts and reflective works hope that we will keep our nation’s boys, z”l, as a primary focus on biblical scholarship and Modern Orthodoxy. I would also rec - of all of our studies. ommend reading the book’s nuanced introduction, written by To begin, we will have several opportunities to learn with visiting the great R. Aharon Lichtenstein shlit”a, Rosh of Yeshivat and scholars from Israel, many of whom have personal con - Gush Etzion . A true intellectual power-house and visionary, Rav nections to the CBI community. In mid-July, we will welcome Lichtenstein cogently weighs the blessings and challenges of a back R. Leibowitz, the beloved son of CBI’s own R. Yosef literary and scholarly approach to Divine writ. Leibowitz. R. Aaron grew up in the CBI community in the 70’s In recent months, I enjoyed reading sections of R. Brof - and early 80’s. Of late, R. Leibowitz has been involved in impor - sky’s Hilkhot Mo’adim – Understanding the Laws of the Festival. tant innovative work in the field of community-based su - The book masterfully portrays the entire Jewish holiday cycle pervision in Jerusalem. During his visit, R. Aaron will share his through a Halakhic (legal and practical) lens combined with pri - reflections about this initiative alongside personal accounts of his mary sources and spiritual-philosophical analysis. I would es - social and political work in Jerusalem. Towards the end of July, we pecially recommend reading the book’s opening chapters which will also welcome R. Ronen Neuwirth, the executive director of offer a clear presentation of the laws that govern all the holi - Beit Hillel, who will be here on a family trip with his four chil - days (an area of that is often not sufficiently dren. Beit Hillel was recently founded in Israel as a Modern Or - thodox Attentive Leadership forum for rabbis, rabbaniyot (women — continued on page 2 scholars and leaders), and other scholarly or community leaders. I believe that Beit Hillel’s vision will resonate deeply with our CBI Family. On July 22nd, we will welcome R. Naftali Citron of the IN THIS ISSUE Carlebach shul, NYC who grew up in Berkeley. Message from Paul Albert ...... 2 In addition to these visits, several of our weekly classes will go Message from our R. Intern, Daniel Millner ...... 3 on this summer, including our Beit program on Thurs - Guide for Three Weeks and Nine Days ...... 4-5 day nights and our Friday class on the . Please consult Gan Shalom Update ...... 6 Daf HaShavuah (our weekly bulletin) for exact dates as well as The Inspiring Work of Leket Israel ...... 9 other educational offerings. Class Schedule ...... 10 I wanted to take this opportunity to also suggest a few books I Times for Action ...... 11 enjoyed in recent months. I hope that the more leisurely weeks CBI Calendar ...... 12-13 of the summer, will allow each of us some time for individual Events at CBI & the Community ...... 14-17 A SPECIAL MESSAGE FROM OUR OUTGOING TREASURER By Paul Albert

As your outgoing Board Treasurer, I was beloved Gan Shalom, I am very grateful to you for your past, thinking about what I wanted to write for current and continuing financial contributions in making the this issue of Chai Lights. This brought back rebuild a reality for our youth. I also want to thank Sisterhood memories of my Bar . I had just and Naomi, “the scrip lady,” who have given generously to us. given all of my drash but the last few sen - Because of you, having enough money was never a concern. tences. In retrospect, the last few sentences were probably the most meaningful part I also want to thank all of those individuals who give their time which was thanking those who made my Bar to make these events happen. While too many to mention, Mitzvah possible, my parents, the rabbi, and without their help we would not have the wonderful happenings those guests who attended. This is how I feel that we have. That being said, also during my time as treasurer, right now about you, my CBI family, Rabbi Cohen, the board I would like to specifically thank the coordinators, Jane and Joelle, who have honored me by giving me the opportunity Turbiner, Rona Teitleman and Avraham Burrell and you for our to be your treasurer for the last three and one-half years. amazing Kiddush’s after Shabbat. Finally I am truly grateful to Rabbi Cohen, past and current presidents Your generosity both financially and in time given has made my Landes and Lois Marcus, the board and Joelle for all the support job a joy. Through your financial generosity, we have been able they have given me during my tenure. I feel that I have received to fund worthwhile projects and events that have benefited all of far more from you than I have given you. us. Elishav and Ma’ayan and the wonderful events and teachings that they have done for our youth were funded by you. During Incoming treasurer Ben Rose will be a true asset to our family. my time, your financial generosity made possible our many As Rebecca Landes said, “we are a destination shul.” Shabbat Shalem programs, the Chinese dinner and movie, and events just to name a few of our many hap - With deep gratitude, penings. You continue to support our annual gala in appreciation Paul of those being honored. As the continuing treasurer of our continued from page 1 mastered). The remainder of the book (over 700 pages!) is di - focusing in on the Jewish aspects of Cohen’s writings as well vided among the holidays and can be read in advance of each of movingly depicting critical Jewish milestones in Cohen’s life. I the Chaggim throughout the year. was especially touched by chapters describing Leonard Cohen’s first live performance in Israel as well as Cohen’s spontaneous In the area of Jewish literature, I would urge our CBI Family to be - tour of army bases during the War. come better acquainted with the writings of R. Haim Sabato, whose works have often born comparison to those of S.Y. Agnon. R. Sabato As we enter the summer days, I also wanted to take the oppor - descends from a long line of rabbis from Syria and his family lived tunity to once again thank our outgoing president, Lois Marcus, in Egypt for two generations before moving to Israel in the mid 50s. for her masterful stewardship of our community, together with His works powerfully describe Sefardi spiritual and religious life as the ever visionary Paul Albert, our outgoing treasurer, and wel - it encounters major geopolitical, cultural and intellectual, shifts in come our incoming president Irene Resnikoff together with our the Diaspora, as well as in Israel during its founding period. Of late, new treasurer Ben Rose. We are truly blessed by their example, I read Sabato’s first novel, Emet MiEretz Titzmach (Aleppo Tales) , a dedication, and hard work. collection of three stories about Aleppo’s unique Jewish community during three critical phases, prior to the age of emancipation, dur - May the weeks to come bring comfort to our people, especially ing the first and second world wars, and after Israel’s founding. to the families of our beloved boys, z”l, together with opportu - nities for all of us to grow spiritually and religiously, through For those looking for something a little lighter or less traditional, our reading and learning, through prayer, and through the per - though potentially religiously inspiring as well, I would suggest formance of mitzvoth and good deeds. reading Liel Leibovitz’s recent biographical work on Leonard Cohen, my beloved Jewish Canadian singer and song writer, ti - With blessings, tled A Broken Hallelujah . Leibovitz does an exceptional job in R. Yonatan Cohen

Page 2 Congregation Beth Israel Chai-Lights FROM OUR OUTGOING RABBINIC INTERN By Rabbi Dan Milner Dear CBI family, gregation Tiferet Israel in Austin, TX, a similarly warm and open community, but, as we all know, there can only be one For the past year, I have had the zchut (the CBI, which is truly unique among Modern Orthodox syna - privilege) and great pleasure of serving as gogues, and I am so grateful that I was able to experience that CBI’s rabbinic intern. As I reflect on my ex - uniqueness. periences, I can’t help but feel a tremendous sense of gratitude and affection towards the I would like to sincerely thank Rabbi Cohen and Frayda for al - whole CBI community- a community lowing me to share in their wisdom and for their guidance and which welcomed my wife Yael and I with support, as well as Joelle for all of her help and always-positive open arms and an open heart. Over the attitude and dedication. I would also like to warmly thank all course of the year, I not only gained insight into your commu - those who hosted Yael and I over the course of the year, and, nity through facilitating life-cycle events, sharing meals and acharon, acharon chaviv (last but certainly not least), the entire being hosted, but also, under the masterful mentorship of Rabbi CBI family for all the love, kindness and warmth that you’ve Cohen, I felt that I was able to further develop the necessary all shown towards me. Thank you all for this remarkable ex - skills required to be an effective rabbi in the field, not only perience, and the lessons I’ve learned from CBI will always through delivering drashot (sermons), and shiurim (classes), but serve as a constant source of inspiration for me as I begin my also in the pastoral and professional sphere as well. journey into the rabbinate. Thank you all again for everything!

Therefore, it is with a great sense of joy that I am able to an - Bevracha, nounce that in July, I will assume the position of rabbi at Con - Dan

— SCRIP NEWS — By Sara Shulman

BE A SCRIP SUPERSTAR! Do you occasionally order scrip but forget to restock? Are you looking for a way to contribute to CBI that won't bust your budget?

— ENROLL IN OUR SCRIP SUPERSTARS CLUB — All you do is specify one or more types of scrip and the amounts (like, say, $300/month of Berkeley Bowl scrip) and we will order for you regularly and make sure you it.

Remember that you don't pay extra for scrip; you just have to use it to pay when you shop and the merchants make the donation. The donation is a small percentage of what you spend so you help CBI the most when you make regular purchases using scrip.

Sign up with Naomi Stamper • [email protected] For online sign up • Rebecca Landes • [email protected]

A big thank you to our current SCRIP SUPERSTAR families. The Brosbe-Isaacsons, the Burrells, J. Falk, the Gessows, the Grants, the Kaymans, the Lessers, the MacMillans, the Massaranos, the Polaks, the Safrans, the Stampers, the Teitelmans, the Valas-Finkelsteins, the Wulfs, and the Zeitlins!


The 17th of Tammuz, commemorating the fall of Jerusalem prior to the destruction of the Temple, marks the beginning of a 3-week national period of mourning culminating with the 9th of Av. Our rabbis referred to the time period between the 17th of Tammuz and the 9th of Av as ‘ Bein Hamitzarim,’ between the straits, based on the verse: “All her oppressors have overtaken her within the straits” (Lamentations 1:3). On Shabbat during the Three Weeks, the Haftorot focus upon the Temple's destruction and the exile of the Jewish people. The five events which we mourn on the 17th of Tammuz are: 1. Moshe broke the tablets at Mount Sinai - in response to the sin of the Golden Calf. 2. The daily offerings in the First Temple were suspended during the siege of Jerusalem, after the Kohanim could no longer obtain animals. 3. Jerusalem's walls were breached, prior to the destruction of the Second Temple in 70 CE. 4. Prior to the Great Revolt, the Roman general Apostamos burned a Torah scroll - setting a precedent for the burning of Jewish books throughout the centuries. 5. An idolatrous image was placed in the Sanctuary of the Temple.

ASPECTS OF MOURNING DURING THE THREE WEEKS 1. We do not get married. However, one may get engaged. 2. We avoid public celebrations -- especially those which involve singing, dancing, and musical accompaniment. 3. We do not enjoy live music. This prohibition however does not apply if you make your living as a musician or teacher, or if you are a student practicing, but not performing. 4. We do not get haircuts. A person who usually shaves daily and would suffer business or financial loss by not shaving, may continue to do so.

ASPECTS OF MOURNING DURING THE NINE DAYS The period commencing with Rosh Chodesh Av is called the ‘Nine Days.’ During this time, a stricter level of mourning is observed, in accordance with the Talmudic dictum: “When the month of Av begins, we reduce our joy.” (BT Taanit 26)

1. We don’t eat meat (including poultry) or drink wine. These foods are symbolic of the Temple service, and are gener - ally expressions of celebration and joy. • On Shabbat, meat and wine are permitted. This applies also to any other -- for example, at a , Simchat Bat , or at the completion of a tractate of . 2. We do not bathe for pleasure. However for daily hygiene one should continue to bathe but in a manner that is some - what less enjoyable. Those taking swim lessons or who swim for medical reasons may continue to do so. 3. We avoid purchasing any items that bring great joy. However, one may buy things if they will be difficult to find after the 9th of Av, or even if they will be more expensive later, but if possible should refrain from using or wearing them until after this period. Purchases necessary for one's livelihood are permitted. 4. We do not say the blessing She-hechiyanu on new food or clothes, except on Shabbat. 5. We postpone starting home improvements, or the planting of trees and flowers, until after the 9th of Av, as it would seem inconsistent to focus upon our home decor as we mourn the destruction of God’s house. 6. If one has the option, it is preferable to refrain from wearing newly laundered exterior garments (except on Shabbat) • If the “freshness” has been taken out of a garment prior to the Nine Days (by having worn it for even a few moments) it may be worn. It is in fact advisable before the Nine Days to start to put on for a few moments any exterior garments you wish to wear in the coming days. • The clothing of small children, which get soiled frequently, may be laundered and worn during the Nine Days.

Page 4 Congregation Beth Israel Chai-Lights THE NINTH OF AV: HISTORY AND LAWS

On the 9th of Av we remember and mourn tragedies which occurred to our people throughout our history. The following events are said to have transpired or started on this very day: 1. The sin of the spies caused God to decree that the Children of Israel who left Egypt would not be permitted to enter the land of Israel. 2. The first Temple was destroyed. 3. The second Temple was destroyed. 4. Betar, the last fortress to hold out against the Romans during the Bar Kochba revolt in the year 135, fell, sealing the fate of the Jewish people. 5. One year after the fall of Betar, the Temple area was plowed. 6. In 1492, King Ferdinand of Spain issued the expulsion decree, setting the 9th of Av as the final date by which not a single Jew would be allowed on Spanish soil. 7. World War I, which began the downward slide to the Holocaust – began on the 9th of Av. The central component of the day however is not only sadness and loss but also the hope for teshuva and the betterment of ourselves. There are five major prohibitions (all of which are rabbinically ordained) that help create as well as reflect our sense of loss and introspection. 1. We do not Eat or Drink on the 9th of Av (individuals who are ill or pregnant or nursing should in no way harm themselves. For further guidance please contact Rabbi Cohen). 2. We do not bathe even parts of our body on the 9th of Av. If a part of the body becomes soiled one may wash that area. After using the restroom and after waking up one washes his/her hands up to the knuckles. 3. We do not anoint our bodies with oils on the 9th of Av, this include creams, cosmetics, cologne and perfume. 4. We do not wear leather shoes on the 9th of Av. 5. Marital relations are prohibited on the 9th of Av.

Other traditions include: Greeting: We do not greet each other by saying “hello” or “how are you doing” on the 9th of Av. One should be care - ful not to offend another person who may be unaware of this law. There is an added custom to minimize speech in general on the 9th of Av at least until the midday ( chatzot - precisely between sunrise neitz and sunset shkia - see the zmanim chart for details). : We do not study Torah as it is the greatest joy. However elements dealing with the destruction of the Temple, or the laws of mourning should be studied. Sitting on the Floor: We sit on the floor or on a low chair until chatzot of the 9th of Av. One may also stand or lie down. There is an added custom to remove a pillow from one’s bed or to place a stone beneath the pillow. and Tefilin : Are not worn in the morning, but are worn for mincha. Our tradition teaches that the process of redemption will also begin on the 9th of Av.

May we merit to see the rebuilding of Yerushalayim filled with peace and unity speedily in our days, R. Yonatan Cohen

Congregation Beth Israel Chai-Lights Page 5 GAN SHALOM UPDATE By Laura Lipman

Dear Families, Going through our typical day at preschool—trying to get out of clean up time, the messy gluing and painting (where can we It’s almost a year that we have spent here at CBI. Happy put those easels?), ooey-gooey, mud, sand and water play, play Birthday! You may not realize all that goes on during the dough, dough…washing hands (only 1 squirt of soap), week in our very own social hall (now rainy day classroom), potty training (what to do with those ?), no pushing, take in our very own Rabbi’s office (now art/nap room), in our turns… and which recycling bin do we use? (If you get con - very own library (now preschool classroom), on our very fused just think what it does to preschoolers!) And which bin own patio (now outdoor classroom), and on the “green” as do you put a dead bug in? we call it (now basketball court, soccer, and baseball field). So many monsters have been chased, rocket ships launched, And in spite of all the ins and outs of running a preschool (no pictures painted, boo-boos soothed with those frozen matter where it is located), the beautiful space that we share sponges we keep in the freezer (in case you were wondering with our lovely and patient CBI members has proved to be a what those were), games of hide and seek, treasures hunted, wonderful home for us! This has been an awesome and inspir - Shabbat stories told, dinosaur bones dug up in the sandbox ing place for Gan Shalom to have a temporary home—Thank (no, they aren’t real). you, from everyone at Gan Shalom!

Page 6 Congregation Beth Israel Chai-Lights CBI HISTORY FLASH


The CBI community of today is indebted to several com - We wouldn’t be where we are today without the hard work munity members from the 1970’s - Joan Sopher, Justin of these committed CBI volunteers so many years ago. Sweet, and Archie (z’l) and Shoshana Greenberg (z’l) – Their foresight, opportunistic actions, creative financing who found a creative way to provide additional space for and fundraising, allowed us to hold onto a valuable piece CBI youth engaged in Jewish learning. As Justin Sweet of Berkeley real estate. Additional thanks go to the donors noted, “The had reached capacity and we knew five years ago who gave funds based on the “dream” of we needed more space for our young students so that we being able to remodel the building, and now to a new crop could provide exposure to Jewish knowledge, traditions, of donors who are giving to the “completion” of our new and teach them to read Hebrew.” state of the art, two-story Gan Shalom Preschool and CBI Youth Building. Berkeley was a different place in the 1970’s. There were only two shuls – Beth El and Beth Israel. There were no About Joan Sopher. Joan moved to Berkeley from San Jewish Day Schools in the East Bay – only after school He - Francisco in 1966 with her husband Marc and their three brew and Judaic classes offered through the two syna - children 8, 6 and 4. Marcus was an architect, but had de - gogues. CBI offered after school Torah, Talmud and cided to go back to graduate school in art history. In look - Hebrew classes for younger students, and used this as a ing for options for their kids, they way to reach new families. But space was at a premium in wanted a more traditional community and found CBI, the old CBI building and for years, the students had been and the rest is history. Joan has been an active volunteer meeting in corners of the shul partitioned off by Modulex and leader in the community for the last 50+ years. She panels. has done everything from serving as board president to co - ordinating a shul wide second night seder. She Impacted by the recession of the late 1970s, the real estate has three adult children (Michael in L.A., Debbie in Seat - market at the time was very slow, and the neighborhood tle and Ruth in Israel) and seven grandchildren, three of west of MLK was “fine but certainly not gentrified in the whom have served in the IDF. Joan is an avid swimmer, art way it is today” according to Joan, who was president of collector and is involved with AIPAC. Of her experience the board of directors in 1978. When the duplex at 2232 with CBI, Joan says, “Congregation Beth Israel has been Jefferson Street came on the market, Joan and Shoshana a big part of my life, and my children's life, and that has looked at the property and immediately saw its great po - connected us all to the Jewish people.” tential to serve as classroom space for CBI. — continued on page 8

Being the savvy women they were, they decided not to go to the board with the decision out of fear of getting “bogged down with process.” Joan instead reached out to her father Alexander Spencer who worked in real estate and they were able to purchase the property with one thousand dollars down for a total sale price of $66k. Es - crow and the sale closed in early 1979, and ultimately the ownership and mortgage were transferred to CBI. In the ensuing years, Justin, who became board president in 1979, spearheaded fundraising efforts to pay for the build - ing, and led complex efforts with the City of Berkeley to get the site approved for educational purposes.

Congregation Beth Israel Chai-Lights Page 7 continued from page 7 About Justin Sweet. Justin and his wife Sheba moved to regularly. CBI very much impacted the Jewish path of Berkeley from San Francisco in 1974, in part because they Sheba and Justin’s daughter, who now lives in Israel with wanted to lead a more observant life. He joined the UC her husband and five children. They also have three other Berkeley School of Law faculty in 1958, and is currently the children and five grandchildren. John H. Boalt Professor of Law (Emeritus). Justin is a past president of the CBI board and attends

Congregation Beth Israel Sisterhood Presents Great Grapes!— Many thanks to Hiram Simon — for donating all the proceeds from the Winewise Pesach Wine WineCd]TQh1_aX[&w" Tasting, Art%_\w! & Music Sale & T asting to CBI & the CBI Sisterhood. DEB SIBONY’S ARTWORK WILL BE ON DISPLAY “My work and aesthetics derive in large part from my heritage — North African — and my formative cultural experience growing up in Italy. My prints begin by traveling into history, memory and imagination. I am interested in the duality of tradition and modernity.C I BexploreI boundariesMO andR transitions,ASH bothA physical (L andE cultural.”GA CY) SOCIETY 6 7Ê ½-Ê*",/""ÊUÊ-/1 "£xä™ ,/° "

Our comSamplemi tdelectablement Kosherto o uforr Passover belov wines!ed community is evident in everything we do. Now eOrdersach placedof u ats event.can extend our commitment into the future. Wine pick-up at CBI Sunday, April 13. We areLive pr Musicofou &n More!dly grateful to the inaugural members of the Wine provided byC HiramBI Simon,MO WineWiseRASHA (LEGACY) SOCIETY

Paul Albert; Fran Alexander; Noah and Hope Alper; Anonymous (2); Ron & Bella Barany; Judith Bloom; Benjamin and Sara Darmoni; Nimrod and Aliza Elias; Malcolm Feeley & Rivka Amado; Alan Finkelstein & Leslie Valas; Sam Ginsburg; David & Diane Gould; Ezra & Toby Hendon; Gary & Ilene Katz; Jesse and Gabriella Kellerman; Seymour Kessler; Alan & Elissa Kittner; Gary & Lois Marcus; Ed & Phyllis Miller; Joel & Irene Resnikoff; Ben Rose & Rebecca Landes; Mordy & Rena Rosen; Bob and June Safran; Carol Shivel; Steve Silberblatt & Rita Kohl; Bob & Naomi Stamper; Linda & Stanley Wulf For more information or to join the Society please contact Noah Alper at [email protected] or Rena Rosen at [email protected].

Page 8 Congregation Beth Israel Chai-Lights THE INSPIRING WORK OF LEKET ISRAEL By Rabbi Marc Gitler On May 7, our CBI Family was honored to welcome R. Marc Gitler, Ten years later, with the help of 50,000 volunteers and a deeply the West Coast Director of Leket Israel, as part of our community’s cel - committed staff, Leket rescued 28.5 million pounds of high ebrations of Israel’s 66th anniversary. In the piece below, R. Gitler re - quality nutritious food from catering halls, shopping malls, flects on his organization’s critical work in Israel. Please visit restaurants, factories, hotels and farms and transported the food www.leket.org or email R. Gitler at [email protected] if you wish to get to 180 agencies serving 140,000 people weekly. involved and or make a contribution. In addition to the food distribution, which reaches all According to the Global Food Banking Network, 1.3 billion segments of Israeli society: Ashkenazi and Sepharadi, religious tons of food are wasted every single year. Imagine that the first and secular, Jew and Arab and African refugee, Leket also runs country in the world that redistributes all of its leftover, and un - nutritional seminars for single mothers, makes 9,000 used food, rather than wasting it, is Israel. Instead of imagin - sandwiches daily for economically disadvantages school ing, allow me to introduce you to Leket. children, and pushes the Israeli government to do more for the poor sector. Leket, Israel’s national food bank and largest food rescue or - ganization, was founded in 2003 by Joseph Gitler, an Ameri - Because Leket rescues food rather than buying it, last year we can immigrant to Israel. Spurred by a terrible poverty report, he delivered over 30 million dollars worth of food on a budget of called caterers and asked them what they did with the leftovers only 8 million dollars. Please join us in our mission, part of the following events. Upon hearing that the leftovers were trashed, Zionist dream, to make Israel the first country with no food he asked if he could come and collect the food for the poor. waste. With the answers of yes, Leket was born.

Congregation Beth Israel Chai-Lights Page 9 CBI CLASS SCHEDULE

— SUNDAY — Sunday Morning Talmud Class A class structured to appeal to Talmud students of all levels, from beginners to more experienced. On hiatus. Sunday, 9:00-10:00 a.m.

— MONDAY — Women’s Dance Nights at CBI! Come dance to a blend of world music, jazz, klezmer, hip hop and more. No moves to remember, no cost either. Just a chance to let loose and get some good exercise in a fun way! 2nd & 4th Mondays • 8:00 pm

— WEDNESDAY — Jewish Writings of Emmanuel Levinas The Levinas Study Group meets at 8 pm at the Schweig home to discuss various essays of the Jewish philosopher Emmanuel Levinas. No background necessary. The class is facilitated by our resident scholar, Muni Schweig at his home. Muni Schweig • 1st, 2nd and 4th Wednesdays • 8:00 p.m.

— THURSDAY — Mishmar – Learners’ Night Join a Beit Misrash atmosphere for a weekly night of learning at CBI. We will do our best to match you up with a chevrutah (study partner) or (a group of learners) for some free wheelin’, meaningful and personal text seeking and learning. Thursdays • 8:00-10:00 p.m.

— FRIDAY — Talmudic Wisdom Join us for a weekly class that explores key sugyot (talmudic units) that discuss major Jewish questions of practice and thought. R. Yonatan Cohen • Fridays • 9:00 a.m.

Page 10 Congregation Beth Israel Chai-Lights — Weekday ServiceS — — Shacharit — Monday-Friday • 6:30 am — Sunday & Legal holidays • 8:00 am — Mincha/Ma’ariv — Five minutes after candlelighting — Shabbat ServiceS — Mincha & kabbalat Shabbat • 7:00 pm Morning Service • 9:15 am

— TI—M TIMESES F FOROR ACTION ACTI —ON — Many commandments need to be performed during particular times of the day; here is a list of those times All times are for Berkeley, Daylight Savings Time

Week of June 7 June 14 June 21 June 28 July 5 July 12 July 19

Alot Ha’Shachar Dawn 4:35 am 4:34 am 4:35 am 4:37 am 4:41 am 4:45 am 4:50 am

Neitz-Sunrise 5:47 am 5:46 am 5:47 am 5:49 am 5:53 am 5:57 am 6:02 am

Latest ideal time for the 9:27 am 9:28 am 9:28 am 9:31 am 9:33 am 9:36 am 9:39 am morning Sh’ma

Latest time for prayer 10:41 am 10:42 am 10:42 am 10:45 am 10:47 am 10:49 am 10:51 am Tefilah

Mincha Gedolah 1:45 pm 1:46 pm 1:48 pm 1:49 pm 1:50 pm 1:51 pm 1:51 pm Earliest time for Mincha

Sh’kia Sunset 8:29 pm 8:33 pm 8:35 pm 8:35 pm 8:35 pm 8:32 pm 8:28 pm

Tzeit Ha’kochavim 9:11 pm 9:15 pm 9:17 pm 9:17 pm 9:17 pm 9:14 pm 9:10 pm Nightfall

Week of July 26 August 2 August 9 August 16 August 23 August 30

Alot Ha’Shachar Dawn 4:55 am 5:01 am 5:07 am 5:13 am 5:19 am 5:25 am

Neitz-Sunrise 6:07 am 6:13 am 6:19 am 6:25 am 6:31 am 6:37 am

Latest ideal time for the 9:41 am 9:44 am 9:47 am 9:49 am 9:51 am 9:53 am morning Sh’ma

Latest time for prayer 10:53 am 10:54 am 10:56 am 10:57 am 10:58 am 10:59 am Tefilah

Mincha Gedolah 1:51 pm 1:50 pm 1:49 pm 1:47 pm 1:45 pm 1:42 pm Earliest time for Mincha

Sh’kia Sunset 8:23 pm 8:17 pm 8:09 pm 8:01 pm 7:51 pm 7:41 pm

Tzeit Ha’kochavim 9:05 pm 8:59 pm 8:51 pm 8:43 pm 8:33 pm 8:23 pm Nightfall

Congregation Beth Israel Chai-Lights Page 11 CALENDAR

INDEPENDENCE DAY Friday, July 4th SHABBAT MEVARCHIM PARSHAT MASEI Shacharit ...... 8:00 am Friday & Saturday, July 25th – 26th Mincha & Kabbalat Shabbat ...... 7:00 pm SHABBAT PARSHAT BALAK Candle Lighting ...... 8:06 pm Friday & Saturday, July 4th –5th Morning Service ...... 9:15 am Mincha & Kabbalat Shabbat ...... 7:00 pm Educational Childcare ...... 11:00 am Candle Lighting ...... 8:17 pm Mincha ...... 7:50 pm Morning Service ...... 9:15 am Seudah Shlishit ...... 8:05 pm Educational Childcare ...... 11:00 am Ma’ariv, & Shabbat ends after ...... 9:07 pm Mincha ...... 8:00 pm Seudah Shlishit ...... 8:20 pm ROSH CHODESH AV Ma’ariv, Havdalah & Shabbat ends after ...... 9:21 pm Sun. night & Mon., July 27th – 28th Shacharit ...... 6:30 am SHABBAT PARSHAT PINCHAS Friday & Saturday, July 11th – 12th SHABBAT CHAZON PARSHAT DEVARIM With R. Aaron Leibowitz, Shabbat Shalem Scholar-in-Residence Friday & Saturday, August 1st – 2nd See details on page 14. Mincha & Kabbalat Shabbat ...... 7:00 pm Mincha & Kabbalat Shabbat ...... 7:00 pm Candle Lighting ...... 8:00 pm Community dinner followed by learning ...... 8:00 pm Morning Service ...... 9:15 am Candle Lighting ...... 8:14 pm Educational Childcare ...... 11:00 am Morning Service ...... 9:15 am Mincha ...... 7:45 pm Educational Childcare ...... 9:30 am Seudah Shlishit ...... 8:00 pm Text Study with R. Leibowitz ...... 11:30 am Ma’ariv, Havdalah & Shabbat ends after ...... 9:00 pm Text study with R. Leibowitz ...... 7:00 pm Mincha ...... 8:00 pm OFFICE VACATION • AUGUST 4th – 19th Seudah Shlishit ...... 8:15 pm SerachBracha Richards will be in the office Ma’ariv, Havdalah & Shabbat ends after ...... 9:18 pm FAST OF TISHA B’AV Mon. night & Tues., August 4th – 5th FAST OF 17TH OF TAMMUZ Yahrzeit of Archie Greenberg, z”l Monday night, August 4th Tuesday, July 15th Fast begins ...... 8:11 pm Fast Begins ...... 4:02 am Mincha ...... 8:15 pm Shacharit w/ ...... 6:30 am Ma’ariv & Eicha ...... 8:35 pm Mincha w/ & Haftorah ...... 8:00 pm Ma’ariv ...... 8:50 pm Tuesday, August 5th Fast ends ...... 9:06 pm Shacharit for Tisha B’Av ...... 8:00 am Kinnot ...... 9:00 am SHABBAT PARSHAT MATOT Special Tisha B’Av community learning ...... 10:00 am Friday & Saturday, July 18th – 19th Chatzot (midday) ...... 1:15 pm Mincha & Kabbalat Shabbat ...... 7:00 pm Mincha with Tallit & Tefilin ...... 7:40 pm Candle Lighting ...... 8:11 pm Maariv & Fast ends ...... 8:47 pm Morning Service ...... 9:15 am Educational Childcare ...... 11:00 am SHABBAT NACHAMU PARSHAT VAETCHANAN Mincha ...... 7:50 pm Friday & Saturday, August 8th – 9th Seudah Shlishit ...... 8:10 pm Mincha & Kabbalat Shabbat ...... 7:00 pm Ma’ariv, Havdalah & Shabbat ends after ...... 9:13 pm

Page 12 Congregation Beth Israel Chai-Lights CALENDAR

Candle Lighting ...... 7:52 pm SHABBAT PARSHAT KI TEITZEI Morning Service ...... 9:15 am Friday & Saturday, September 5 – 6th Educational Childcare ...... 11:00 am Mincha & Kabbalat Shabbat ...... 7:00 pm Mincha ...... 7:30 pm Candle Lighting ...... 7:14 pm Seudah Shlishit ...... 7:50 pm Morning Service ...... 9:15 am Ma’ariv, Havdalah & Shabbat ends after ...... 8:52 pm Educational Childcare ...... 11:00 am TU B’AV Mincha ...... 7:05 pm Sun. night & Mon, August 10th – 11th Seudah Shlishit ...... 7:25 pm Ma’ariv, Havdalah & Shabbat ends after ...... 8:10 pm SHABBAT PARSHAT EIKEV Friday night & Saturday, August 15th – 16th SHABBAT PARSHAT KI TAVO Mincha & Kabbalat Shabbat ...... 7:00 pm Friday & Saturday, September 12 – 13th Candle Lighting ...... 7:44 pm Mincha & Kabbalat Shabbat ...... 7:00 pm Morning Service ...... 9:15 am Candle Lighting ...... 7:03 pm Educational Childcare ...... 11:00 am Morning Service ...... 9:15 am Mincha ...... 7:20 pm Educational Childcare ...... 11:00 am Seudah Shlishit ...... 7:40 pm Mincha ...... 6:50 pm Ma’ariv, Havdalah & Shabbat ends after ...... 8:42 pm Seudah Shlishit ...... 7:10 pm Ma’ariv, Havdalah & Shabbat ends after ...... 7:59 pm SHABBAT MEVARCHIM PARSHAT RE’EI Friday & Saturday, August 22nd – 23rd SHABBAT SELICHOT Mincha & Kabbalat Shabbat ...... 7:00 pm PARSHAT NITZAVIM-VAYEILECH Candle Lighting ...... 7:35 pm Friday & Saturday, September 19 – 20th Morning Service ...... 9:15 am Candle Lighting ...... 6:52 pm Educational Childcare ...... 11:00 am Mincha & Kabbalat Shabbat ...... 6:55 pm Mincha ...... 7:10 pm Morning Service ...... 9:15 am Seudah Shlishit ...... 7:30 pm Educational Childcare ...... 11:00 am Ma’ariv, Havdalah & Shabbat ends after ...... 8:32 pm Mincha ...... 6:45 pm ROSH CHODESH ELUL Seudah Shlishit ...... 7:05 pm Mon. night, Tues. & Wed., August 25th – 27th Ma’ariv, Havdalah & Shabbat ends after ...... 7:48 pm Shacharit ...... 6:30 am

SHABBAT PARSHAT SHOFTIM Friday & Saturday, August 29th – 30th CHAI-LIGHTS ADVERTISING Mincha & Kabbalat Shabbat ...... 7:00 pm Candle Lighting ...... 7:25 pm Advertising in Chai-Lights is Morning Service ...... 9:15 am easy and a good bargain! Educational Childcare ...... 11:00 am Mincha ...... 7:00 pm Seudah Shlishit ...... 7:20 pm Call the office for more information • 510.843.5246 Ma’ariv, Havdalah & Shabbat ends after ...... 8:21 pm Mincha & Kabbalat Shabbat ...... 7:00 pm 1/8 Page • $140/Full Year • $40/Issue 1/4 Page • $260/Full Year • $80/Issue LABOR DAY 1/2 Page • $400/Full Year • $120/Issue Monday, September 1st Full Page • $600/Full Year • $160/Issue Office Closed Shacharit ...... 8:00 am

Congregation Beth Israel Chai-Lights Page 13 SHABBAT SHALEM A complete Shabbat experience including communal learning and meal, activities for children, and joyful Shabbat celebration together



During his childhood as the “Rabbi’s Son” in Beth Israel, Aaron Leibowitz would have sworn the one thing he would never be was a Rabbi. Today he is not only a Rabbi, but trains and nurtures new Rabbis as the founder and head of “Sulam Yaakov Threshold,” a leadership training program coupled with a co-working space and accelerator for entrepreneurship in Jewish Education. He is currently running an alternative community based Kashrut initiative which has been featured in Israeli and international press, and he is the secretary general of the Yerushalmim party in city council which he is slated to represent as a Jerusalem City Councilman in 2016. Rabbi Aaron lives in Nachlaot with his wife, Miriam, and their five children, who will be joining him on this visit.

FRIDAY, JULY 11 7:00 p.m. Kabbalat Shabbat 8:00 p.m. Shabbat dinner at CBI RSVP by July. 8 $10 per child, $15 per adult, $45 maximum per family 9:00 p.m. Text study with visiting scholar, R. Aaron Leibowitz Topic: Can I trust you? Kashrut, Social Dynamics, and Jewish Unity.

SATURDAY, JULY 12 9:30 a.m. Early Childcare 11:30 a.m. Text study with visiting scholar, R. Aaron Leibowitz Topic: Jerusalem – Nations Capitol or City of God? 12:30 p.m. Kiddush

7:00 p.m. study with visiting scholar, R. Aaron Leibowitz Topic: Under Your Father’s Shadow – the Midrash on Rabbi Eliezer the Great 8:00 p.m. Mincha 8:15 p.m. Seudah Shlishit 9:18 p.m. Maariv and Havdalah @CBI Grant from the Legacy Heritage Innovation Project

Page 14 Congregation Beth Israel Chai-Lights VISITING SCHOLARS — JULY

Towards the end of July, we will welcome R. Ronen Neuwirth, and R. Nafatali Citron.

Rabbi Ronen Neuwirth is the Executive Director of Beit Hillel and the Rav of Ohel Ari (Minyan Chadash) Congregation in Ra'annana. Beit Hillel was recently founded in Israel as a Modern Orthodox Attentive Leadership forum for rabbis, rabbaniyot (women scholars and leaders) and other scholarly or community lead - ers. He served as a Chief Technology Officer (CTO) for a hi-tech company and is a former captain in the Israeli Navy Special Forces. He also served as Director of the Overseas Department of Tzohar Rabbinical organization and as the Rabbi of Bnei Akiva of North America. This unique experience gave him the chance to work closely and educate Modern Orthodox youth in North America. Rabbi Neuwirth, a firm adherent of the Torah v'Avodah philosophy, he holds a Semicha from the Chief Rabbinate of Israel and received a B.A. in Mathematics and computer science from the Bar Ilan University in Israel.

Rabbi Neuwirth will be here on a family trip with his four children.

Rabbi Naftali Citron of the Carlebach Shul, NYC. Rabbi Citron a sought-after speaker on kabbalistic , has been a popular teacher of Jewish mysticism in the U.S. and abroad for the last 20 years. He is the greath-nephew of Shlomo Car - lebach and the founder of the Day of and the spiritual leader of a con - gregation at the forefront of loving spiritual practice in a non-judgmental atmosphere.

Rabbi Naftali Citron July 22, 7:00 Kabbalistic Insignts on Death and Dying

In addition to these visits, several of our weekly classes will go on this summer, including our Beit Midrash program on Thursday nights and our Friday class on the Mishnah. Please consult Daf HaShavuah (our weekly bulletin) for exact dates as well as other educational offerings.

Congregation Beth Israel Chai-Lights Page 15 Beth Israel Sisterhood Invites You To A DELECTABLE NIGHT OF SUSHI & SAKE — WITH L'CHAIM SUSHI — SUNDAY, AUGUST 17 Congregation Beth Israel • Time TBD

Optional Pre-Dinner Sushi Rolling Demonstration Followed by a discussion led by L'Chaim Sushi founder Rabbi Alex Shandrovsky Focusing on the parallel between the values of kosher and sustainability. Those unable to attend the pre-dinner demonstration and discussion are welcome to buy tickets to attend dinner only. Details to come!

L'Chaim Sushi is the source of the world's first sustainable and Kosher sushi. Emphasis is placed on using only sustainable, high quality ingredients fused with the divine energy of Kosher.


Brenda Webster, author of the novel, AFTER disciple, Viktor Tausk. Brenda Webster co-authored a play with AUSCHWITZ: A Love Story was born in New Meridee Stein inspired by this story, "The Murder Trial of Sig - York City, educated at Swarthmore College, mund Freud." Barnard, Columbia University, and Univer - sity of California, Berkeley, where she earned Webster has been nominated for two 26th Annual 2007 North - her Ph.D. She is a novelist, playwright, critic, ern California Book Awards. Fiction: The Beheading Game by and translater who splits her time between Brenda Webster. Translation: Letter to My Mother by Edith Berkeley and Rome. Bruck , translated by Brenda Webster.

She is the author of four previous novels, Vienna Triangle , Sins JOIN US TO HEAR of the Mothers and Paradise Farm , The Beheading Game and a GUEST SPEAKER, BRENDA WEBSTER memoir, The Last Good Freudian .

The Modern Language Association published Webster's trans - CONGREGATION BETH ISRAEL lation of Edith Bruck's Holocaust novel Lettera alla Madre.Vi - SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 14 enna Triangle explores Freud's role in the death of his brilliant Time to be announced.

SISTERHOOD BOOK CLUB We are meeting Sunday, June 29 at 10:30 am to discuss The Golem and the Jinni by Helene Wecker.

Page 16 Congregation Beth Israel Chai-Lights BERKELEY HADASSAH DONOR BRUNCH SEPT. 7 • 11:00 AM • CBI GUEST SPEAKER MICHAEL NACHT Nacht served as Assistant Secretary of Defense for Global Strategic Affairs, 2009-2010, after unanimous US Senate confirmation, for which he received the Distinguished Public Service Award, the Department's highest civilian honor.




Congregation Beth Israel Chai-Lights Page 17 MARK YOUR CALENDARS

Sunday CBI GALA 6.1.2014


Thank you to everyone who came, to everyone who helped, to everyoneSunday, who ma dthee i tfirst THE BEST PARTY EVER!

VOLUNTEERS Ashira Bloom Barbara Budnitz Avraham Burrell Rabbi Yonatan Cohen Frayda Gonshor Cohen Jory Gessow Nae Golomb Marge Green Cory Isaacson Hannah Lyon GALA TEAM Leana Rina Stephanie Shelan Katz Tzivia Jelen Lois Marcus Zac Johnson Susie Marcus Rami Landes AUCTION TEAM Gary Marcus Maureen Krantz Dean J Robinson Rebecca Landes Lauren Steinberg Robinson Denise Resnikoff Laura Schickman Ben Rose Birger Stamperdahl CHEF Juliet Stamperdahl Janice Mac Millan Shira Wakschlag MUSIC Evangeline Wolfe Shamati Sheila Yudenfreund Avi Zinn JACK OF ALL TRADES Joelle Yzquierdo

Page 18 Congregation Beth Israel Chai-Lights So... I’d like to sponsor a Kiddush. What should I do? YOU CAN….

DO IT YOURSELF Plan, shop, prepare, set up and clean up the Kiddush by yourself, or with a small group of co-sponsors you find or the Kiddush coordinator helps you find. Sample menus are available by request.

HIRE A CATERER Ask Rona for an approved list.

MAKE A FINANCIAL DONATION ONLY Members who exclusively donate to the cost of a Kiddush may be considered Kiddush co-sponsors only, and may do so if the event is already sponsored by others who plan to take on the shopping, prep, set up, clean up, etc, responsibilities of the Kiddush in question.

N—o t imKei dtod shuosph, sient u ap, cKleiatn —up ? No worries…. We can order the food for you, have it delivered and arrange to have someone do the set-up and clean -up Cost $350


EVERY kiddush option can be shared by any number of people.

Congregation Beth Israel Chai-Lights Page 19 — BIRTHDAYS — Phyllis Emanuel, June 2 Akiva Davis, June 24, 6th birthday Talya Brott, July 31 Gaby Schubert, June 2, 10th birthday Maytal Bach, June 26, 14th birthday Marvin Winer, August 3 Linda Nied, June 3 Andrea Brott, June 28 Denise Resnikoff, August 4 Offer Grembek, June 5 Ellen Winnick, June 29 Schorr, August 4 Jay Kaplan, June 5, 19th birthday Linda Diamond, June 30 Joan Brodsky, August 5 Sam Seder, June 5 Nava Elias, July 5, 4th birthday Ronna Bach, August 6 Eli Shannon, June 5, 16th birthday Niva Heitler Bamberger, July 5, 8th birthday Marielle Boland, August 7, 17th birthday Elyah Ilovitz, June 6, 6th birthday Emunah Jasper, July 5, 9th birthday Maerav Rosenblatt, August 7, 2nd birthday Joseph Hellerstein, June 7 Irene Resnikoff, July 5 Michael Steinman, August 7 Eliza Smith, June 7, 14th birthday Ilana Andermann, July 6, 4th birthday Naomi Lipman, August 9, 12th birthday Sheldon Zedeck, June 8 Uriel Sudikoff, July 6 Hannah Feiner, August 10, 17th birthday June Safran, June 10 Aaron Leon Kenin, July 8 Noah Katler, August 10, 5th birthday Chava Bat-Esha, June 13 Kate Haber, July 9 Jennifer Shy, August 10 Simcha Green, June 13 David Kenin, July 9, 8th birthday Juliet Stamperdahl, August 12 Shalom Spivak, June 13, 9th birthday Bernice Bradley, July 10 Ruth Morris, August 13 Shira Berman, June 14, 2nd birthday Judy Albietz, July 11 Evan Zilberstein, August 13, 1st birthday Anya Shannon, June 14, 13th birthday Rona Teitelman, July 12 Daniel Isaacson, August 14 Daniel Viragh, June 14 Simon Zeitlin, July 12, 4th birthday Simone Schubert, August 16, 8th birthday Yair Naftalin-Kelman, June 15, 9th birthday Rami Landes, July 13, 15th birthday Boaz Haberman, August 18 Nava Schweig, June 15, 13th birthday Yonim Schweig, July 14, 15th birthday Stephen Knaster, August 18 Ken Bamberger, June 17 Rona Rothenberg, July 15 Marilyn Neril, August 19 Millea Kenin, June 18, 9th birthday Leslie Becker, July 16 Joe Schickman, August 22 Kenny Weiss, June 18 Chaim Spivak, July 17, 5th birthday Gavriel Cohen, August 23, 3rd birthday Donald Yoffe, June 18 Hannah Turbiner Lyon, July 18, 14th birthday Alan Kittner, August 23 Sara Rose Meltzer, June 19 Jo-Ellen Zeitlin, July 18 Hilla Grembek, August 24, 6th birthday Harari, June 20 Shemaya Albietz, July 22, 4th birthday Rose Ginsburg, August 25 Matya Menda, June 21, 2nd birthday Benjamin Reissberg, July 23, 18th birthday Asher Isaacson, August 25, 4th birthday Elana Stone, June 21, 2nd birthday Roger Studley, July 23 Chanah Kenin, August 26, 7th birthday Paul Albert, June 22 Yaakov Albietz, July 25 Sam Clark, August 28 Satya Levine, June 22 Yakir Neumeier, July 25, 4th birthday Akiva Jasper, August 30, 6th birthday Ron (Ami) Stein, June 22, 15th birthday Gabriella Rosen Kellerman, July 26 Menachem Neumeier, August 30, 7th birthday Quastler, June 23, 9th birthday Ramona Rubin, July 26 Harry Rubin, June 23 Gabrielle Koppelman, July 30, 18th birthday — ANNIVERSARIES — Joseph Hellerstein & Adene Sacks, June 2, 18th anniversary Gregg & Ruth Morris, July 17, 37th anniversary Dean & Lauren Robinson, June 7, 5th anniversary Marvin & Sara Engel, July 24, 47th anniversary Mordecai & Rena Rosen, June 10, 41st anniversary Ben Rose & Rebecca Landes, July 29, 7th anniversary Sam & Rose Ginsburg, June 11, 48th anniversary Robert & Barbara Budnitz, July 30, 53rd anniversary Jonathan Lyon & Jane Turbiner, June 15, 17th anniversary Nimrod & Aliza Elias, August 5, 7th anniversary Joshua Ladon & Yael Krieger, June 17, 4th anniversary Lev & Jasper, August 5, 13th anniversary Zev & Talya Ilovitz, June 18, 8th anniversary Gary & Ilene Katz, August 7, 54th anniversary Simcha & Marge Green, June 19, 54th anniversary Joel & Katya Gerwein, August 8, 18th anniversary Edward & Phyllis Miller, June 19, 48th anniversary Issy & Patricia Kipnis, August 11, 35th anniversary Aaron & Wendy Kenin, June 20, 16th anniversary Ron Reissberg & Janice Mac Millan, August 18, 22nd anniversary Glenn & Judith Massarano, June 23, 28th anniversary Ross Libenson & Susie Marcus, August 19, 24th anniversary Marvin & Sheila Yudenfreund, June 25, 48th anniversary Yehuda Ben-Israel & Rona Rothenberg, August 20, 35th anniversary Ben & Jo-Ellen Zeitlin, June 28, 5th anniversary Marvin & Maxine Winer, August 20, 53rd anniversary Michael Steinman & Dorothy Richman, June 29, 11th anniversary Gary & Lois Marcus, August 21, 54th anniversary Yonatan Cohen & Frayda Gonshor Cohen, July 4, 9th anniversary Sheldon & Marti Zedeck, August 21, 48th anniversary Daniel Isaacson & Liora Brosbe, July 4, 10th anniversary Roni Alperin-Daniel & Ofra Daniel-Alperin, August 25, Jesse Kellerman & Gabriella Rosen Kellerman, July 4, 12th anniversary 10th anniversary John Pilkington & Linda Levy, August 26, 23rd anniversary Joel & Joan Brodsky, July 5, 39th anniversary Daniel & Robinn Magid, August 28, 31st anniversary Avi & Cory Zinn, July 5, 4th anniversary Jeremy & Rachel Evnine, August 31, 38th anniversary

Page 20 Congregation Beth Israel Chai-Lights MAZAL TOV! To Noah and Hope Alper on the engagement of their son David Alper to Naama Wrightman To Mateo Aceves and Ilana Rae Borzak on their recent engagement To grandmother Fran Alexander and parents Irene & Joel Resnikoff on the engagement of Ari Resnikoff and Rivka Weinstock To Noa Silver and Jack Cohen on their wedding To the Finkelstein-Valas family on the wedding of R. Aaron Finkelstein & Julie Sugar To Aliza & Kenny Weiss and big brother Matt on the birth of a baby girl Devorah Nechama (Alexandra Deborah) To R. Zac Johnson & Jennifer Franco on their recent wedding To grandparents Deborah & Michael Lesser and to their daughter Sarah MEMORIAL PLAQUES and Yochai Shavit on the birth of a baby girl, Alma Ruth in Tel Aviv To memorialize your loved one, May these couples build homes filled with the light of Torah and mitzvoth. you may wish to purchase May their families and our community have many more occasions a memorial plaque to celebrate in simchah. to be placed on the To Gabriel Feiner on becoming a bar mitzvah memorial board in the sanctuary. To Michal Rivlin & Yedidya Etzion and big brother and sisters David, Besides ensuring that Naomi & Miriam on the birth of a red-headed, adorable baby boy will be recited perpetually in the name of your To Claire and R. Joshua Fenton and big sister and brothers Fanya, Yaakov beloved deceased, you will receive & Simcha on the birth of a baby girl, Maayan a notice annually May their lives be filled with the insights of Torah, the warm and supportive love of of the date of the yahrzeit family and community, and the blessing of good deeds. and the date the yahrzeit will be observed by the recitation of Kaddish. BARUCH DAYAN EMET • CONDOLENCES — The cost of a memorial plaque is $360 — We regret to inform you of the passing of Hugh Dewitt , beloved husband of Sanne Dewitt and father of Joel & Ralph Dewitt, and Laila Dewitt, z"l. To find out how to purchase one, We regret to inform you of the passing of Henry , beloved husband of Eve contact Jory Gessow at (510) 528-7202 Gordon Ramek [email protected] or the CBI office at We regret to inform you of the passing of Elissa (Wolf) Burrell , beloved wife of Dr. Hugh Burrell and mother of Avraham Burrell. (510) 843-5246, [email protected] We regret to inform you of the passing of Kathy Viragh , Lieba bat Zirl, beloved wife of George Viragh, mother of Daniel Viragh, Esther & Suzy. — HACHNASSAT ORCHIM — We regret to inform you of the passing of Karen Weiner, Chana Sura Bat Shabbat Lunch Hospitality veMoshe, mother of Katya Gerwein & Shoshana Uribe, mother-in- Arabella Bangura law to Joel Gerwein and Jason Uribe, and grandmother of Zeke and Jesse, Ruchama & Avraham Burrell and Azucena and Benyamin. Guy & Melissa Harel We regret to inform you of the passing of D aniel Koltun , brother of Vicky Matty Lichtenstein Kelman, brother-in-law to Rabbi Stuart Kelman, uncle to Elana and Rabbi Judy & Glenn Massarano Adam Naftalin-Kelman, and great uncle of Yair, Nevo, and Etai. BatSheva and David Miller We regret to inform you of the passing of Ezra Klug, Ezra ben Avrum Miriam Petruck Godel, beloved father of Lisa Klug. Joel & Irene Resnikoff HaMakom Yenacheim Et'chem Betoch She'ar Aveilei Tziyon VeYerushalayim. Laura and Joe Schickman May God comfort these families and all others who mourn Zion and Jerusalem. Cory Isaacson and Avi Zinn

Congregation Beth Israel Chai-Lights Page 21 GENERAL FUND — DONATIObertN ScShei n—berg Rhoda Agin: in honor of the Pinsky-Scharlin Family Leonard Kristal & Denise Resnikoff: in memory of Eli Fran Alexander: in honor of the Feiner Family on Gabriel’s Bar Resnikoff on his 25th yahrzeit; in memory of Joseph Kristal Mitzvah; in honor of Bob and Naomi Stamper for their Leora Lawton: for the yahrzeit fund thoughtfulness Laura Lipman: in memory of Freida Lipman; in memory of Katrin Arefy Karen Weiner Ronald & Bella Barany: for the new Torah Fund Desmid Lyon: in memory of Daniel Viragh's beloved mother Aaron Blumenfeld: for the yiskors of his mother Esther Etta Lieba bat Zirl Bas Chaim Yitzchok; his father, Harav Meyer Ben Shlomo; Chaim & Nell Mahgel-Friedman: for the yahrzeit fund his beloved wife, Barbara, Bracha Bas Avraham Gary & Lois Marcus: in memory of Lois’ father, Bernard Os - Arthur & Sheila Braufman: in appreciation of Maayan Rabi - trom; in memory of Gary's mother, Sara Riva novich for creating/producing the memorable, moving Yom Aaron Marcus & Leslie Becker: in honor of Leslie Valas & Hazikraon ceremony. Todah rabah! Alan Finkelstein for being such exemplary members of the Joel & Joan Brodsky: in honor of Irene Resnikoff congregation; in honor of the wedding of Aaron Finkelstein Jim & Carol Cunradi: for yiskor & Julie Sugar; in honor of Ari Finkelstein for being such a Susanne DeWitt mensch; in honor of the wedding of Rachel & Jacob Heitler Bob & Sara Dickman: with warm thanks for sharing your and the birth of their first child, Orli beautiful shul and making us feel so welcome each winter; Marilyn Markowitz: in memory of Jonathan Markowitz chag sameach and enjoy Pesach and reawakening of the David & Bat Sheva Miller: for the yahrzeit fund “New Year” Edward & Phyllis Miller: in honor of Debbie & Michael Marvin & Sara Engel: in memory of David Engel; in memory Lesser on the birth of a granddaughter; in honor of Noah & of Rachamin Mizrachi Hope Alper on the engagement of David Alper to Naama Edwin & Sandra Epstein: in memory of Charles J. Epstein, Wrightman; in honor of grandparents Mark and Susan M.D. Schickman and Joshua & Rivkie Schickman on the birth of Jane Falk: in memory of Sara Ita bat Yoshiya Lev v’Raisel Bella a baby boy; in honor of the birth of Rena Emunah Hendon; Schley; refuah shleimah for Beverly Feldman in memory of Yetta Miller; in memory of Phyllis's mother, Malcolm Feeley & Rivka Amado: for the yiskor of Rivka's rela - Caroline Hecht tives – Benjamin Amado, Rivka Mandil Amado, Jacob Amado, Sasi and Amy Oz Lora Amado Levy, Moshe Amado, Kaden Kalema Barbut, Yosef Deborah Pearl: in memory of her father Emanuel Hillel Pearl Barbut, Sara Jaffe, Chochave Jaffe, Meir Barbut Leon Remis & Deborah Shelkan Ramis: in honor of Joel and Norman & Beverly Feldman: in memory of Doreet Stein's Irene Resnikoff, to thank them for their generous warmth & mother , Clara Stein; in memory of Jory Gessow's mother, hospitality to our daughter Rebecca Remis this past year. Elaine Gessow Yashir Koach to Irene in her upcoming presidency. Alan Finkelstein & Leslie Valas: for the fund, in mem - Mordecai & Rena Rosen: mazel tov to Mark and Susan ory of Lee Valas, Harry Valas, Paul Finkelstein Schickman on the birth of a grandson Terence & Olga Gordon: in memory of Olga's mother, Fanny David & Judith Rosner: in honor of Ma'ayan, our teacher Berelowitz; in memory of Terry’s mother, Natalie Doreen Ben & Shirley Shanker: in honor of Ma'ayan and Elishav Ra - Gordon binovich. We know how much the Berkeley community has Simcha & Marge Green meant to them and the wonderful friends they have made. Paul Hamburg & Mimi Weisel: in memory of Mayer Weisel We know they will miss all of you as much as you will miss Jacob & Rena Harari: in honor of Anna & Aron Gonshor; in them. honor of Gabriel Feiner Henry & Violette Sibony: for yiskor; in memory of Violette’s Bruce & Susan Heitler: Thanks to the shul for the many ways mother, Simha bat Hanina; in memory of her sister Laurette you enrich the lives of all our Finkelstein-Heitler- Sultana bat Simha Bamberger loved ones David Spieler & Rachel Schorr: in honor of David Spieler's David & Hanna Hindawi: in memory of Salim Hindawi; in birthday and Purim memory of Florian Hindawi Hiram Simon Jewish Community Federation Robert & Naomi Stamper: in memory of Bob’s mother Vi - Sam & Bathea James: in memory of Adolph James viane Stamper Paradise Gary & Ilene Katz: Mazal Tov to Iris Fleat on the engagement Jeff & Doreet Stein: in memory of Avraham Burrell's mother; of her granddaughter Samantha; in honor of Lois Marcus: in memory of Beverly Feldman's sister; in memory of Ilene Thank you for a job well done the past 2 years! Lee's father; in memory of Jory Gessow's mother, Elaine Ges - Harvey & Susan Kayman: in memory of Sidney Kayman sow; in memory of SaraLeya Schley's mother, Adele Kron Rabbi Stuart & Victoria Kelman: in honor of the ordination Jonathan & Ruth Tepper: in honor of the marriage of Aaron of Haggai Resnikoff and the wedding of Aaron Finkelstein & Finkelstein & Julie Sugar Julie Sugar Ruth Underwood: in honor of Alan Finkelstein & Russell Seymour Kessler: in memory of Hugh DeWitt; mazel tov to Kassman the Alpers on the engagement of their son Lee & Vered Wexler: in memory of Karen Weiner Eliahu Klein & Cynthia Scheinberg: in memory of Israel Her - Marvin & Maxine Winer: in memory of Samuel Apple

Page 22 Congregation Beth Israel Chai-Lights Marvin & Sheila Yudenfreu—nd DONATIONS, CNoOrmaNn T& BINeveUrly EFeldDma n — Phyllis Zisman: in memory of Karen Horowitz Weiner Ednah Beth Friedman: in memory of Hugh DeWitt Morey & Kayla Garelick BUILDING FOR GENERATIONS Joel & Katya Gerwein Katrin Arefy Jory & Lisa Gessow Bob and Barbara Budnitz Aron & Anna Gonshor: in appreciation of Joel & Irene R. Yonatan Cohen & Frayda Gonshor Cohen Resnikoff; Fran Alexander; and Joan Sopher Alan Finkelstein & Leslie Valas Terence & Olga Gordon: in honor of Rabbi Cohen for being Sam and Rose Ginsburg: in honor of Gabriel Feiner’s bar mitz - such a wonderful spiritual leader vah Miriam Grant Tom and Amber Ginsburg Stephanie Green Aron & Ana Gonshor: wishing everyone at CBI a Happy Pe - Michael Greenwald & Ronna Bach sach; in honor of Joan Sopher; in honor of Rena and Yakov Edythe Heda Harari's 55th anniversary; in appreciation of the Gan Shalom Ezra & Toby Hendon: in honor of Aaron Finkelstein & Julie education team; in honor of Lois Marcus in appreciation of Sugar her devoted leadership; congratulations to Irene Resnikoff Robert and Miriam Houghton: with gratitude to R. Cohen on becoming president for all he did for Jen & Zac at and before their wedding Joseph Hellerstein & Adene Sacks Sam & Bathea James: in memory of Mike Majus Sam & Bathea James Dov Jelen & Cari Rosner Jelen Alan and Elissa Kittner Rabbi Stuart & Victoria Kelman: in memory of Daniel S. Derek & Maureen Krantz Koltun Michael and Deborah Lesser Alan & Elissa Kittner: for ; in honor of Aaron and Desmid Lyon: in honor of Gabriel Feiner's Bar Mitzvah & The Julie Finkelstein's wedding Feiner Family's contributions to the shul community Liya Levanda: for the Youth Education Fund Gary & Lois Marcus Desmid Lyon Ben Rose & Rebecca Landes Jonathan Lyon & Jane Turbiner: Rob and Eileen Ruby Philanthropic Fund of The Jewish Glenn & Judith Massarano Community Foundation of the East Bay Edward & Phyllis Miller: in honor of Ari Resnikoff's engage - Jeremy Smith and Iris Greenberg Smith ment to Rivka Weinstock Elly Valas Marilyn Neril Ellen Winnick: in honor of Gabriel Feiner's bar mitzvah Miriam Petruck Stanley Wulf and Linda Press Wulf: in honor of the engage - Louis-Jack & Rose Pozner: in honor of our daughter, Jo-Ellen ment Ari Resnikoff; in honor of the engagement of David Zeitlin, and for the aliyah given to Louis-Jack Alper Joel & Irene Resnikoff Mordecai & Rena Rosen CHILDREN’S JEWISH EDUCATION FUND Arye Rosenstein & Rachel Toaff-Rosenstein Aron & Anna Gonshor: in honor of Toby & Ezra Hendon on Harry & Dorothy Rubin the birth of Rena Emunah Mark & Susan Schickman: in honor of the birth of Jacob Asher Schickman GAN SHALOM PRESCHOOL SaraLeya Schley Tony & Kathleen Bloom Eric & Rachel Seder Aron & Anna Gonshor: in honor of Hoshaya’s 5th birthday Carol Shivel Betty Miller: in honor of Oded and Rebecca Angel Henry & Violette Sibony: for yiskor Steven Silberblatt & Rita Kohl RABBI’S DISCRETIONARY FUND Robert & Naomi Stamper Rhoda Agin Jeff & Doreet Stein Anonymous Ariel Strauss Katrin Arefy David & Rikki Sudikoff Yehuda Ben-Israel & Rona Rothenberg: in honor of Ezra & Marvin & Maxine Winer Toby Hendon Ellen Winnick Joan Brunswick Stanley Wulf & Linda Press Wulf: in fulfillment of a pledge Jim & Carol Cunradi made to Hoshaya at Pesach Nimrod & Aliza Elias Marvin & Sheila Yudenfreund: in memory of Hugh DeWitt; Malcolm Feeley & Rivka Amado: to honor the memory of Rivka in honor of the engagement of Ari Resnikoff; mazal tov to Amado (Mandil), Benjamin Amado, Yacob Amado, Moshe Ilene Lee on becoming a grandma; mazal tov to Toby & Ezra Amado, Loya Levi Amado, Meir Barbut, Kaden Kalema Bar - Hendon on becoming great-grandparents; in honor of Mark but, Sara Jafe (Barbut), Yosef Barbut, Chochava Jafe and Susan Schickman’s grandson; in honor of Gabriel Alan Finkelstein & Leslie Valas: in honor of R. Cohen & Lois Feiner’s bar mitzvah Marcus's generosity at Aaron and Julie’s wedding Sheldon & Marti Zedeck

Congregation Beth Israel Chai-Lights Page 23 C O N G R E G AT I O N B E T H I S R A E L 1 6 3 0 B A N C R O F T W A Y B E R K E L E Y, C A 9 4 7 0 3

chai-LightS SUMMer 2014 Published by Congregation Beth Israel A— F UL L WRAiNnGE eOF WKOiSsHEeR W—INES Design by Susie Marcus Edited by Linda Levine — CALIFORNIA — Baron Herzog • Hagafen 1630 bancroft Way, berkeley, ca 94703 Gan Eden 510.843.5246 Fax: 510.843.5058 rabbi cohen • 510.843.5246 — EUROPE — gan Shalom Office • 510.848.3298 Domaines Bunan • Fortant de France Scrip hotline • 510.525.8259 Teal Lake • Bartenura [email protected] 15% Donated to Beth Israel [email protected]  www.cbiberkeley.org

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