SPORTS AS. CoIId It • GIInc:e 2 letters to the Editor Swimming into 1huncMy Coupons the sunset Album review Swim team says goodbye to five CIassifieds seniors. page 16 Crossword Punle 1]

UC SAN DIEGO THURSDAY, MAY 27, 2004 VOLUME 11 2, ISS UE 18 Library Walk screening of A.S. critiques facets of Berg beheading canceled compact agreement Warren admin. prohibits airing on WCTV Resolutions criticize lack of student input in process By IIYAN 1SAO Associate News Editor By MAlHETTE FEDEIIS dents were involved in the deci­ Associate News Editor sion. He said that the University Students who planned to show of California Student Association the video depicting the beheading The A.S. Council passed two has also passed a similar resolu­ of American civilian Nicholas Berg resolutions on May 26 expressing tion addressing the lack of input on Library Walle decided against its position on proposed plans to from students and state legisla­ doing so on May 25, while another address the current budget crisis. tors. student, who was informed by Earl The first criticizes many aspects "Leaving out students and Warren College administration of the compact agreement leaving out other state legi lators that he could not screen the video between Gov. Arnold who have been part of the process on Warren College Television, Schwarzenegger, UC President really sets a precedent of the kind plans to show it on Student Run Robert C. Dynes and CSU of relationship they want to have Television. Chancellor Charles B. Reed, with UCSA and the state Thurgood Marshall College including the lacle of student Legislature," Marquez said. sophomore Ariel Mor had reserved input in reaching the agreement, The resolution states that the space on Library Walle for the dis­ the possibility of decreased finan­ 14-percent undergraduate stu­ play through the Israel Action cial aid and cuts to outreach dent fee increase - along with Committee student organization funding. The second supports the possibility that the amount of but withdrew his reservation after keeping the firewall in the budget money returned to financial aid being informed of potential liabili­ that currently separates under­ would faJl from the current 33 ty by Assistant Director of Student graduate and graduate fees being percent - would go against the Organizations Marcia A. Strong. used for return to financial aid. California Master Plan for A group of Mor's friends Both resolutions passed by a Higher Education. The resolu­ attempted to show the video on vote of 20-0-3. tion also states that the council is two televisions despite Mor's can­ Vice President External Rigo "disappointed in the neglect of celation. As they set up, university Marquez, who submitted both student-initiated outreach," officials asked them to remove the resolutions, said that while the which according to the compact, equipment and leave or face disci­ compact recognizes the efforts to will be funded solely through UC plinary action. address student fee increases, the funds, not state funds. The com- "[Strong] called me in the process in creating the compact morning and asked me whether I was problematic because no stu- See A.S .. Page 6 CIrinIWfbef/CutItdItIn wanted to cancel to avoid any HIP pI6: Local reporters inIl!Niew JoIvl Muir CoIege senior Evan Epstein. ¥hl attempted 10 show a video of Nicholas Berg's beheacing on L.ibraIy Walk on May 25. See VIDEO. Pace 2 UCSD Healthcare Staff files pulls plug on SRTV charges • • By YUDlMII KOGAN "There was no other alterna­ agamst Its Senior Stiff Writer tive available to campus opera­ tions, because the risk of exposing • UCSD Healthcare shut down the Preuss School children to own uruon the broadcast of Student Run indecent material was deemed Television for almost four days sufficiendy high enough and it By GAILU MUlE after receiving complaints from was of sufficiendy high priority to News Editor Thornton Hospital patients that warrant the temporary disconnect the station aired "inappropriate" of SRTV," said Nicholas S. The Universit'j Professional and pornographic material on May Aguilar, director of Student Technical Employees Staff, which 15, according to station members Policies and Judicial Affairs. "Had represents employees of the and administrators. there been an alternative to that, University Professional and Campus officials said they dis­ it would have been used." Technical Employees union, has covered that the Preuss School The ensuing delay, which kept filed three unfair labor practice also received the station's trans­ SRTV from broadcasting until charges against UPTE. The union, missions after investigating the which represents over 10,000 health complaints. See SITV. Page 3 care, research and technical employ­ ees at the University of California, announced it will layoff its nine­ member organizing staff effective in June. WEATHER SPOKEN SURF The charges include claims of REPORT retaliation against union officers ''T1v! sdOO ne\e' for participating in a class-action tried to carrel on us. ...,17 lawsuit against the union, refusing a.a.. YMd:W lOki. to provide timely and complete Illy 27 Illy. YMdWlM!: lit. information about the union's H68l59 H68l59 Th schd uas rot 5weI: 2 It to 3 It. financial situation, bargaining in h! lxrl one here." ...,11 bad faith, and refusing to bargain v.nd:fM lOki. over UPTE's changes to UPTE -AIIeI_~ YMd WIM!: 1 II. Staff's wages, hours and working ..,21 Ma.WCaIIIjI 5weI:S3Itto4ft. H1Ol58 ...- See um. P,. 6 THURSDAY, MAY 27. 200<4 THE UCSD GUARDIAN NEWS) 2 NEWS THE UCSD GUARDIAN THURSDAY, MAY 27, 200<4

Assembly passes textbook rental bill ,rt-II~L.I:;"L:I~S GRAD ISSUE JUNE] Pacillc Beoch lounge and Art ~all.lla Ad deadline: TODAY, lpm! ETCETERA [;1 1995 Oom,"lc~1 Co;!. Rica I BRIEFLY I ••• Legislation encourages colleges to rent books Internet down in Muir, ity to the ocean. "Bluefish" also uses the nauti­ cal theme and is based on a character from Dr. If NAllGES ZOHOUIY encourages schools to decrease the woman at UCLA, referring to the Crossword solution Pepper canyon Seuss' book 'One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Daily Bruin (U. California-Los cost of higher education. cuts that the university is experi­ Fish." Other finalists include 'Clicks' and Angeles) According to a May 20 press encing. John Muir College residential facilities and "Focus' to suggest the user-friendliness of the release, the rental program caps Mitchell said she would Iik.e to Pepper Canyon apartments in Sixth College have Web site and "Slink," a contracted version of (U-WIRE) LOS ANGELES - textbook rental fees at 50 percent see the campus take part in the pro­ been without Internet access since May 23 and the current StudentLink portal. A bill providing guidelines for of the COSt of purchasing books, a gram, and added that she and her are expected to regain access by the morning of Compiled from 5,000 responses to a cam­ implementations of a textbook measure that many students said group, which has been working May 27, Res Net officials said. Residents at Earl puswide survey, the potential names were cho­ rental program in the state's public would benefit them. with Koretz, would be willing to Warren College, Thurgood Marshall College and sen by a group of graduate and undergraduate colleges passed the California Angelina Garefis, a senior biol­ cooperate with administrators to Revelle College were affected. representatives with input from a professional Assembly on May 20 with bipartisan ogy student at UCLA, said she has help publicize the rental program. A power outage at lhomton Hospital. which consulting firm. support. spent up to $ 140 on a single book. Textbook rental services are cur­ houses network services for approximately half lhe complete list is available at The bill, which will now move and got less than half that when she rently in place at 20 U.S. colleges of the university's residential halls, caused tem­ Undersraduates can e­ on to the state Senate, was intro­ sold the book back. and universities. The bill also gives porary fa ilure of cable modems in Muir, Pepper mail their preference to [email protected] and duced by Assemblyman Paul "If the loss of me buying the students the option of purchasing Canyon, Warren apartments, Marshall uppers, graduate students to [email protected] by Koretz (D-West Hollywood) and Qook is greater tharl me renting it, the books after renting them. RA Y S Matthews apartments and Revelle residential midnight on May 27. sponsored by the California Public I would definitely rent a book.," "Rental programs make more halls. The outage destroyed a piece of hard­ Interest Research Group. Garefis said. used books available for purchase, ware that affected Muir and Pepper Canyon Medical School to raise "The bill is not a mandate on Thornton said there are a num­ allow substantial savings for Stu­ ~------connections. schools, but a strong encourage­ ber of ways for the cost of text­ dents - whether they are buying 1 WEEK According to Erik Strahm, network project money for AIDS awareness ment," said Mark Thornton, books to be lowered, and this is or renting their books - and can manager at ResNe~ students were left without CalPIRG state board chainnan and only one of them. actually make more money for TANNING Internet access because the hardware had to The HIV Neural Behavioral Research Center one of the coordinators of the Even with the support of all par­ bookstores," Koren said in a press be ordered from a Canadian company and will host a fund raiser to collect funds for global affordable textbooks program. ties involved, including campus release. "This is a no-brainer." I only $7 shipment was further delayed due to a awareness of AIDS in Africa on May 30. He explained that the bill does administration, the recent budget Mitchell said the bill's passing is Canadian national holiday. All of the funds raised by the center, which not force any higher education cuts could get in the way of UCLA a step forward and shows that legis­ Bronze MI ' 1st lime customers is part of UCSD School of Medicine, will bene­ institution to implement the rental introducing the new program. lators see there is a problem with I only. Not valid with any other I off.,s. Pleasa present coupon . fit People to People Intemational, a private, program, but provides guidelines "[Right now) is a rough time to the cost of textbooks. 81. Undergraduates honored 11 • L- [xp. t/27/ 04 nonprofit humanitarian group. for them. start this program," said Jolene "Publishers should take note of 4390 Montee Ave, for research at UC Day lhe event, which features a fashion and cul­ Thorton added that the bill Mitchell, CalPIRG chapter chair- that," she said. ------(betWMII Clliremont I FR E E tural show, is open to the public and will begin M_&allloe I Two UCSD undergraduates were among 16 at 2 p.rn. in Price Center Ballroom. The admis­ students selected from the nine UC campuses sion fee for the show is $5. ~:~~:.~ I MAGIC TAN to present their research at the annual UC Day Berg: Media coverage prompted cancellation Mof'..... I .. tan In .... than 10 in Sacramento, Calif., on May 26. Scripps rrofessor receives ...... ,. I ---.1IuJ 1 MICIc Tan 2nd Honored with their faculty advisers, UCSD contin~d from page :l interest in censoring speech on this with strong support from its student Bug one Magic Tan and get a FREE I ..... Jet tilt MICIc Tan students Ben Maggos and Nick Statom dis­ meda for seismology ...... , ..... dents with a means of viewing the campus. As long as the content is staff, but there are rules and regula­ Ultra Bronzing Bed (Golden Level). I Not valid with tIllY other offers. played posters of their work in front of the gov­ video, according (0 Mor's friends. not clearly illegal, soch as defama­ tions to be followed," Warren Not v.1eI with "'t other offefs. PIe_ preMnt coupon. I Please prese~t coupon. ernor's office. lhe Seismological Society of America has "Unfortunately, the American tion, our policy does not take the College Dean Jeff Philpott L-____...... ;;;..;:;.;..:..:..:..:..:..:...:...... ____ & __ !:p;.!/;'7J!4 __ _ Alumni associations from each UC campus selected J. Freeman Gilbert, a professor emeri­ population, including a lot of stu­ content as a factor in determining Philpott said these rules include use the event to promote issues related to the tus at Scripps Institution of Oceanography, to dents, doesn't have access to [the whether to approve or disapprove college policies that wcrv mater­ university and its contributions to the state. receive its honorary medal "for outstanding I l.S. COUNCIL AT AGLANCE videoJ, are ignoring it and just the use." ial should not include any "lewd, In addition to student honorees, four law­ contributions in seismology and earthquake haven't seen it," said Evan Epstein, While some students expressed indecent or shocking" material. makers received recognition for being engineering~ MeetingM from the Triton Taxi program showed evi­ a John Muir College senior who discomfort about showing the Students participating in the station "Legislators of the Year~ The award honored Gilbert, who joined Scripps in 1961, is a May 26, 2004 dence of "abuse" by selected individuals. A attempted to screen the video. "So, video on Library Walk., other stu­ don't agree to these in writing but one politician from each party in each house of founding faculty member of the Institute of single student used the service II times in tutJent ummer rates to formulate your opinions on dents supported the right of the the policies are "expressly" agreed the state Legislature. Geophysics and Planetary Physics at Scripps Special Presentation winter quarter and some users gave false what's actually happening - no organizers to display the video. to, as with the UCSD Student and has served as its associate director for over names to drivers, including "Seymour maner what your opinion may be: "I haven't actually seen the Handbook, according to Philpott. 5x5 $18 per month a decade. Butts," Maleki said. In two straw polls, more Students asked to vote on Revelle College Senior Senator Ted pro-war or against war - you're video," said Marshall sophomore Watts claims that he has never The SSA award honors Gilbert for his study than two-thirds of councilmembers entitled to your opinion; you need Jennifer Cho, whose booth recruit­ seen any codified guidelines for the names for new portal of low-frequency seismology and work v.1th McCombs announced that the A.S. Ad-Hoc expressed support for limiting the service to 5x6 $21 per month Task Force to Compare and EvaJuate as much evidence as you can." ing summer resident advisers was station, and that the c1osed-circuit data gathered on earthquakes. He is also a no more than three shuttles in a single night Mor had called the event "pro­ adjacent to the screens. "I kind of cable station does not have to fol­ Student representatives working to create a member of the National Academy of Sciences, Marriage and Domestic Partnership and to increase the maximum wait time for BenefitsIPolicies at UCSD has finished its American," and intended to rally don't want to see it. My table was low Federal Communications 5x7 $25 per month new on li ne portal are asking students to vote a fellow of the American Academy of Arts and students, which is currently capped at 40 support for American troops. closer down there, and I moved it Commission pidelines. on 11 possible names for the new Web site. Sciences and has won two Guggenheim fel­ report and will distribute it to the council on minutes, to help cut down operation costs. With Student ID. Daily pro-rare available in Sept. June 2. Though the committee found that News of the event prompted a down here because I don't want to According to the Student Press Several options allude to physical attributes lowships to the University of Cambridge for his UCSD staff member to protest the think about it." Law Center, courts have ruled that VEHICLE PARKING AVAILABLE of the campus, including geographical location work the university provides equal benefits for both married couples and domestic parmers, Old Business event. Earl Warren College junior if a school creates a television sta­ and settin$. lhe list includes ·Splash" and Gilbert will receive the medal at the soci­ "I'm out here today to protest the Jacob Rupp felt that students tion and allows students to serve as 'Compass, referring to the university's proxim- ety's meeting in April 2005. McCombs said the report concludes that seri pps mes~ storage same-sex pairs lose out on substantial feder­ Item A motivation behind showing the should see the video and called for its editors, the First Amendment Call for reservation al tax benefits. In addition, children of The council voted by consensus to video of the beheading of NICk the students to show it. "drastically limits the school's abil­ domestic partners are not currently e1igi hie amend its media allocations by apportioning Berg," said Glen MotiI, a library "I think. it's a real shame that it ity to censor," and prohibits prior for exemptions that allow selected out-of­ $800 to student publication "Future & assistant and Gulf War veteran. wasn't broadcast," Rupp said. "The review, removing objectionable 858-566-3881 "[Bergs father) is an anti-war activist campus needs to see what~ going material and suspending editors. '. state students to pay in-state tuition. Finance," on the condition that the organi­ zation promises to reduce the amount of and he would be appalled that this is on in the world today, and a visual "I found it ironic that so much used to promote war, which was the representation that they made of media attention was given to some­ Evan Mct.qhIin eMIl advertisements md increase the amount of _In Reports student input on the paper. clear point of view of this sroup." the barbarity that~ going on is the thing that didn't even happen," ~~ According to Aguilar, the indi­ only way people can undentand Watts said, referring to Mor's plan. CIIyIon WOdeIIt Commissioner of Enterprise Opentions ItemD viduals removed their equipment why we're over there ... I hope that "People were expecting to see it, so MIlherMlrlil _ .... Angela Fomero Senators voted by consensus to allocate immediately after they were the people who put this on will per­ it was something that was impor­ Fornero reported that Grove Caffe $165 for the purchase of an Xbox video approached by university officials. severe and show it." tant to campus debate." Grant Scht1der increased its profits by more than ten per­ game system for former student Evan "They acknowledged that they The Israel Action Conuninee Watts plans to broadcast his show GIlle rtcn _ ... cent in a single week after the eatery began Rowley. Rowley had won an Xbox more didn't have an approved reservation has no affiliation with the San on SR1V instead of wcrv at II accepting meal points. In addition, A.S. on file and they removed their Diego Israel Alliance. p.rn. on May 27. MIfftetIe FeIeris AtIocWI ...... , than two years earlier at an event hosted by Lecture Notes will provide notes during the Associated Students but the system was equipment," Aguilar said. On May 26, Warren administra­ Warren Residential Life Dean 8Iyan Tsao summer session for the first time this year. stolen before Rowley received it, according Mor supported the universityS tion officials infonned Warren Clare Palmer said she will conduct 0tnieI walls 0piIII0II .... WI I"'" to A.S. advisor Lauren Weiner. decision. junior Daniel Watts that he would a review of Watts' May 13 WCTV JoshRGlt Earl Warren CoUege Interim Freshman "The school did everything not be allowed to screen the video show. She said she was unaware Marial1l1e MidderI AuadIII 0pIIII0II"" Senator Todd Tolin ItemQ right," Mor said. "They allowed us on his weekly Warren College Watts screened clips of the video in .... ,.' ...... Tolin announced that statistics recently to make the reservation. Marcia Television show "perfect Vision," on question. Cynthia Blade Chavez SporIs YItor Sheky MIIsutani, Evan ScheiIIJIOS$ Deciding h¥ consensus, the council reported to the Academic Senate's [Strong) was great, Nick Aguilar May 27 as he had planned. "I was absolutely livid," Palmer Matthew Grant AIAcIIII SpoItI YtDr adopted a resolution calling on textbook Representative Assembly show more than publishers to lower the cost of educational was great." Watts previously showed a clip said. "I need some answers about Kalla DeVries FeIluIa Ybtr 4,100 admitted students confirmed their materials by providing online versions of Aguilar said that the display~ from the video on his show, which what happened two weeks ago, and intention to attend UCSD in the fall . The airs live, on May and the Vnion­ Neha Singh AModIIt,..... YtDr textbooks, allowing access to older editions content had no bearing on the deci­ 13, it will take a few days of going number is 17 percent more than the 3,500 of books and selling them without bundling sion to shut it down. TriJnme reported on May 26 that he through this with a fine-toothed Anne Cong-nuyen HIIIus EdItor TIlt UCSD GtIMbt .. ~ MondIt;s II1d ~ yield campus administrators had anticipated. "It was determined that in the was planning to show the video durins !he IQdImic yu ~ nI for II1eI\Udertll of UCSD .. the books with other "bells and whistles." comb to understand this." Deena AI Shatti AtIodIII HIidus E4IIoes ~gflhis ...... iII ... brtl..,.... III The resolution followed a CalPIRG report context of that display, it was again. Wcrv; like SRTY, serves the whale or ~ ...... pIIIftIiIIIaI! poItiIId. 0 Billy Gil &..., on the same subject. intended to convey a political mes­ "It's important to understand entire campus as well as Thornton ~ .;-~71Mrtaoa-..IsIICItI~ Council Caucus sage," Aguilar said. "It was protect­ that unlike Library Walk., sGIe far \he..,.. d unddIId ~ ar ... 1toe wcrv Hospital and the Preuss School. Rachel A. Garcia PhIto E4IIor ed under the First Amendment. We is a learning library owned by '/iMeoopIIIMdhenlin.I1III....., ...... Commissioner of Student Services Kian - Compiled by Vladimir Kogan [&J. Note: DlI1Iiel Wirtts is the .-d 1I!e UC!iD CurIdJIrI. ft UnMt1ly gf~ therefore would have no basis or Warren, nut by Residential Life, Opinion &Jitor of the Guardian.] David Ung AaodMe PhoIo ..... or.wao.d ~ 1I!e IICSD GwIfan II fIItded_ Maleki explained that his analysis of data Smior StIlff Writer EdItoIW ...... lr '" ~ 8IIn: $lent $IIIW. CIIjwI: ClIpper. Vladimir Kosan. Jennifer DcMN, CltMIIf IIIIIiDriII: I5HS4 _1 SlrahMllt ...,.....15MS+WIe ...... OpinIon.... Spom.... fhcIto:5,.... '5I-~ Video: Berg video stirs controversy SRTV: S~ation broadcast halted for four days lel1nifer Chang. CaIherIne Chiu. I..Iwrence HuI, AdM ..... OMcIe: ..SM-J4t8 . continued from page J J Jia Gu, Andrew ~ Ed",,,, YolO ,...... media coverage of the event calling my house, I decided continued from po(t! College junior Chelsea Welch, the Though SR1V members con­ potential liability," Mor was excessive and that it was it was blOWll way out of pro­ midday on May 19, was a result of station's programming director. tacted campus police to notify them c." ...... , said. "The school never one of the reasons he can­ portion," Mor said. "I didn't the university's investigation and Because Thornton patients and of a security breach, they say they Emily Men. e..Ib ~ tried to cancel on us. The celed. TIn Stm Diego Union­ want anyone to talk to the the time required to install a con­ employees who found the material found no signs of forced entry. NIIhIn MiIof, HeIdler. ... school was not the bad one Tribrme published a story media. I just wanted people tent fi Iter to remove the station offensive have refused to describe SRTV's security system, which here. We talked to the about the event on May 25, to see what I was doing." from the Preuss School and UCSD it, according to Welch and station requires each person to use a per­ Adrienne ftIfIri ._.. MI1119 administration about it and prompting several local tele­ Mor intended to pro­ Healthcare, which both subscribe manager Jared Lindo, SRlV mem­ sonal code to gain entry into the what the best course of vision stations to send to Triton Cable, Aguilar said. bers have yet to figure out whether station and keeps a record of those Michael FouIis AIIud..... 1 ,_ mote awareness about the action was, and I decided reporters and camera crews war in Iraq and provide stu- "I really think. we have a right to the broadcast was part of regular who enter, also showed that no one MIce Martinez AII.a1ll1 C...... not to do it." to cover the screening. be told something if they're going ~tion programming or if a breu­ Mor said he felt that "After the media started to lcick us off the air," said Revelle In occurred . •• THURSDAY, MAY 27, 2004 THE UCSD GUARDIAN OPINION 5

..... up four yellS Graduating senior Ed Yt\J's final THURSDAY column reftects on UCSO's intelledual Pride and certainty can only tarnish years at UCSD diversity and depth. MAY 27, 2004 page 5 Campus' Intellectual depth can never be fully explored nor distilled 4 tual opportunities available at politics, equality, social order or link - and refuses to shut it the Koala) is probably just to UCSD. That intellectual arro­ college admissions might very down, it is an accomplice in ignore it, this vitriol can perhaps gance, that persistence of convic­ well be incorrect? This writer crime. Mr. Aguilar has but added be justified because at least the horse's tion, pervades this campus beyond cannot imagine it would be a sign one more misdeed to the adminis­ KoaUt has acknowledged its own EDITORIAL mouth this writer. It can be seen not only of weakness to admit that one's tration's list: censorship. attention-seeking demagoguery, Evan Melauahlin in the freshmen who are certain cherished viewpoints could be ... Now, while Course and while the Thurgood Marshall Editor in Chief they should be at Berkeley and erroneous. Professor Evaluations works hard College shredder operators have plan to apply for transfer at their And so, this is the last Horse's over the school year and summer yet to show that much wisdom. In Jessica Kruskamp EdWu Ciaille Faure first opportunity, but also in the Mouth, after three years of spew­ to bring us paragraphs .. . they are all honesty, this writer believes Managing Editor News Editor his columnist has an chair-throwing hysterics of stu­ ing forth myriad viewpoints that by and large useless to anyone that while there are people who Clayton worfolk o.nieI WIlls admission to make. Two dent government candidates may well have infuriated most of actually trying to get a handle on are fighting to make the campus a Managing Editor Opinion Editor T years ago, he almost left denied their rightful offices by a the population of this campus at how the course and professors better place for just motives, any­ this school after applying for judicial committee who dares one time or another, all in a tone rate. one who would resort to these The UCSD Guardian is published twice a week at the University of California at San Diego. transfers to Ivy Lea~es, mostly exercise moral judgment over an ... In essence, pushing back the sorts of shock tactics is posing Contents eel 2004. Views expressed herein represent the majority VOle of the editorial board due to arrogance. The attitude he election. It can be seen in the effective date of the fee increase is amoral ambition as self-righteous and are not necessanly those of the UC BOcJrd of Regents. the ASUCSD or the members of the expressed is often seen at UCSD: intellectual arrogance of graduate an irresponsible ploy to garner indignation. Guardian staff. "I am better than this school." students using class or section additional votes. But nobody said This writer hopes, in any case, Few and far between is the stu­ time to rant about the illegitimacy How many of US hung the damn thing would ever be run that he contributed to the debate dent who has since childhood of the federal government. It can efficiently anyway. All one needs on this campus over the past three pined to mill about the eucalyp­ " be seen in the polemics of right UCSD pennants in our to do is look at the exorbitantly years, but urges anyone who both­ University had no right tus-laden paths of our school. and evil in either the C"lifo,.,,;1I expensive signs telling us to vote ers to read his columns to take his Instead, we get the progeny of Rroit'lJ) or the Nt11J J"di,lIttJr - the bedrooms befare we knew next week. viewpoints and their own with a Berkeley graduates who feel they papers are symmetric under inter­ we were coming here? ... For all their talk of public grain of salt. For all that I opine, to shut down SRTV were unjustly rejected from their change in verbs and adjectives, service, striking in order to make for all that I condemn, I remem­ parents' alma mater, aspiring and differ only in nouns. It can be Who among us cheered public service in the future worse ber in the past two years I have o laws were broken, broadcast on May 15, and journalists who could not get into seen in the smug satisfaction or while appealing to [the teaching learned that the undergraduates no formal olicies the university kept the sta­ NYU or , and Southern condescending sorrow for your far UCSD teams, ar assistants') position as public ser­ of this school and the readers of N violated, but ~tudent tion from broadcasting for California teenagers who have lost soul from evangelizing vants does little to garner sympa­ this column, whether they agree Run Television was hut days when there was no ~"~.r'f __ ',~" admired the glamour of UCLA Christians inviting random wore UCSD thy from this corner. with me or not, have a depth and down for almost four days established campus proto­ half their lives without getting passersby to their congregations. paraphernalia in the halls ... If we are led to believe intelligence that, in my arrogance, last week because it c.+ 1)...,. there. How many of us hung Maybe that's how the real through our admissions systems I could not see while applying for col that dictated such UCSD pennants in our bedrooms world actually is. Maybe nearly that underrepresented minorities transfer two years ago. This allegedly broadcast porno­ action was acceptable. before we knew we were coming every individual believes that they of our high schools befare are prepared for higher education writer most emphatically does not graphic material. UCSD Healthcare here? Who among us cheered for are morally right, justified and May 1 of senior year?" despite their atrocious treatment regret staying, and thanks his SRTV is broadcast on should have consulted with UCSD teams, or wore UCSD completely correct in denouncing at the hands of the state, then we readers for their kind attention closed-circuit cable, so its SRTV to solve the problem para phernalia in the halls of our the views of our politicians, our as a society can believe we have and constant input. editorial content is not instead of making the rash high schools before May 1 of institutions, our admissions of moral certitude and the arro­ achieved social justice, and only obliged to comply with the and unfounded decision to senior year? offices, our school administration gance of vaguely intellectual con­ the few of us who dare look Federal Communications take matters into its own And 50 I stood two years ago or other students. Then again, demnation. Some notable gems: beyond the racial breakdown of This column stands for egalitar­ Commission standards that hands. The channels of on the precipice of the Pacific, should not a university promote ... Ironically enough, Mr. admissions statistics will be aware ian principles. As a result, all corre­ apply to regular broadcast communication between the secure in my knowledge that the open thought? Is it too much to Aguilar's attempt to shield his of the full magnitude of our fail­ spondence sent to stations. And as a public university and SR1V should system had erred. I would hope ask that critical thinking come uncovered rear has changed little, ure. This is a lie that cannot be [email protected] will be treated university, UCSD cannot that since then, I have accepted with an uncertainty of conviction? since the original argument abided. with the same amount of incom­ have been more open at Would it really be that much of a remains legally valid. If the uni­ ... While the best way to deal petence. Three years of horse exercise authority over the I PROPS & FLOPS thlt the system worked in the first each step of the process. place, and there is no way I could blow to who we are to freely versity has identified a violation of with this kind of attention-seek­ drool can be found at editorial content of stu­ Now UCSD Healthcare 1tIaht ..... : Denis Shmidt. a Tech!: ResLife's have ever exhausted the intellec- admit that our views on religion, federal law - namely, the hyper- ing idiocy (both the shredder and http://ieng9. e2wu/. dent-run media like SRTV; and Preuss School are fil­ high~ qualified candidate from computer problems kept according to the Student tering SR1V from their the AS. elections, is a fine some students from Press Law Center. systems entirely - exactly appointment for commissioner registering for housing ori But UCSD Healthcare what they should have done 0/ student advoc.acf. time. (which houses facilities in the first place if they used by Triton Cable) 16,000 ItnJn&: Sun God HW. costs: The gD\'emOr objected to some of the sta­ attendance broke records this interrupted the SRTV tion's content. wants the state to seize 75 Li ng uisticsl!!1: :jProgram year, even if Busta Rhymes percent of punitive awards - ttIl7!!€1 called us 'bitches,' it's not the state's place. Video sparks debate and media coverage • I LEnERS TO THE EDITOR he prospect of video is a legitimate piece of 2005 A.S. budget is I question how that money will SPAN\Sr\ screenIng the much infonnation that Americans be there, being that her current T publicized Nicholas should be able to view in fiscally irresponsible budget only has $6,000 in the Berg beheading in public order to make their own General Unallocated pot. -EARN UP TO 15 UNTS OF CREDIT! spaces at UCSD has pulled decisions about larger Editor: I feel that this plan maintains I am writing today with grave (5 units per 2 week session) students, administrators themes of war, violence and no fiscal responsibility.' First, the and members of the media concerns regarding the proposed point of the Executive Budget is -sATISFY YOUR LANGUAGE REQUIREMENT! free speech. Both Mor and A.S. Executive Budget that to account for all known income into a debate over free Watts should be able to appeared in the A.S. Council's and expenditures, which this Small classes. Communicative approach_ speech and the political show the video in whatever May 19 agenda proposed by A.S. clearly does not. Second, by stat­ weight of the footage. legal venue they deem President Jenn Pae. I will outline ing in the budget that Native instructors. Relaxed atmosphere. Thurgood Marshall appropriate, especially on two of my concerns. The policy "Distribution for winter "HAVE A RJN AMJ PRODUCTM SUMMER! College sophomore Ariel such a beacon of free expres­ of this budget seems to be "spend (511,000) and spring (57,000) will Mor's plans to air the video sion as a university campus. now, hopefully (if we have the be from General Unallocated ~-~ repeatedly on Library Walk However, attention money) pay later." The A.S. upon budget request," she makes on May 25 drew enough should be paid to their Council budget is not a credit the claim that this budget some­ media coverage to prompt card. how · authorizes the expenditure, intentions. Mor's screening After speaking to Pae, I am 2004 him to cancel the event, and but does not account for the actu­ .U .... ER was to be a self-froclaimed very concerned that the proposed al expense: Item 17 totals on May 26 Earl Warren "pro-American event, budget has large flaws that are $24,000 rather than the total-year FRENCH SA lA/lAX) College administrators told intended to rally the cam­ extremely fiscally irresponsible. cost of 542,000. (equivalent to June 28-July 9, 2004 Warren junior Daniel pus in support of U.S. 501- The A.S. Council must main­ I suggest that Pae follow the FRENCH S8 (equivalent to IB/lBX) July 12-July 23, 2004 Watts that showing the

continued from page I address the current budget issues. increase to financial aid specifically graduate financial aid," McCombs graduate money needs to stay with pact currently allocates $ I2 million The resolution will be sent to the for graduate students. The retum­ said. the undergraduate population." • All Maiors Wel~ome for K-12 outreach programs to be governor's office, UCOP, the UC to-aid money from undergraduate The resolution states that the McCombs amended the r'!SOlu­ divided within the UC system. Academic Senate and other appro­ fees goes specifically toward under­ current proposal to remove the tion to reiterate that the council "There is fluctuation of finan­ priate organizations. graduate financial aid. firewall would put undergraduate supports maintaining the return­ cial aid that is problematic because "I'm happy that A.S. has chosen According to Revelle Senior and graduate systems in conOict to-aid amount at B percent of Find a location near you you're increasi ng tuition, but try­ to take a stance on the compact, Senator Ted McCombs, who co­ with one another. The resolution undergraduate fees, following for­ ing to cut financial aid," Marquez and I think that it's really impor­ sponsored both resolutions, finan­ also states tha t the council would mer Thurgood Marshall College sa Id . "The compact also complete­ tant that access to education is cial aid for graduate students is cur­ reject any future budget proposals Student Council Chair Travis ly avoids discussion of student ini­ preserved and fees aren't raised," rently merit-based while financial that increase undergraduate fees to Silva's request to address the issue. ALASKA San Diego South 619-422.0473 Hollister 831-636-3430 Por~and 503-353-7507 tiated outreach. [The current pro­ said Eleanor Roosevelt College aid for undergraduate students is lower graduate fees. "The compact gives the UC posal] is 20 percent of [the current] junior Harish Nandagopal, a based on financial need. "Keeping the firewall protects Board of Regents latitude to make Anchorage 907·562·8879 San Luis Obispo 805-595·5452 Marin Co. 415-46()'() 107 Solem 503-362·2515 member of Stop the Cuts "Since these financial aids are undergraduates - to undo the fire­ that number between 20 percent budget that outreach programs Milpitas 408-262'()S05 work on." Coalition at UCSD very different from each other and wall puts a lot of burden on the to H percent," Silva said. "The Santa Barbara 805-965·2525 The resolution also calls for the The second resolution adopted have different goals, we want to undergraduates who are usually lower [the number is], the less CALI FOINIA- SOUTHER N Santa Monica 310441-8481 Manterey 831·375'()175 WASHINGTON UC Office of the President, the by the council calls for the UC keep the firewall the same so that most in need of financial aid," financial aid will be available. 661-328-1670 65()'94()'94oo Bellevue 425-452-4540 UC Board of Regents and other admirtistration to maintain the fire­ graduate money doesn't go to Thurgood Marshall College What the council should be doing Bakersfield Temecula 909-491-6487 Mountain Vi_ , leaders to create a more "equitable, wall that allocates money returned undergraduate financial aid, and Freshman Senator Allan Horowitz is to take this issue into considera­ Burbank 81 8-729-9929 Torrance 31()'791·9468 Napa Valley 707·254·9487 Bellingham 360-756-1911 viable and beneficial solution" to from the graduate student fee undergraduate money doesn't go to said. "It hurts them, and under- tion." Corona 909·734-0440 Ventura Co. 805-642-1947 Palo Alto 650-321 ·1448 Everett .425-348-4.431 Casta Mesa 71.4-545-501 1 Victorville 760-951-6696 Son Francisco 415-431·8200 Kitsap Co. 360-692-7584 Downey 562·25()'()505 Walnut 909·71 B.()600 Son Jose 408-615·1500 Olympio 360-236-0944 ~".~- . ~ Fullerton 71.4-526-3337 Whittier 562-789·5884 Son Mateo 650-3.42-9679 Seottle 206-362-1753 "t""", Glendora 626-335-4717 Woodland Hills 818·992·1092 Sonto Cruz B31 -427-2000 Kent/Fed Way 253-867·5606 P~pp"rdlllt~ Granada Hills 818-366-3235 Sonta Rosa 707-665·9046 Spokane 509-892-1723 Gr.dualf ~ri:ho<'l You've always enjoyed working Hollywood 323-466-1656 Tacoma 253-588-7227 of l:d"<"u~T1 with computers, sound systems, CALIFORNIA·CENTRAL VALLEY Vallejo 707-643·2123 "ltd Psylhol"!l.Y video equipment and projectors. Irvine 949·222·9909 Chico 530-342·1323 Walnut Creek 925-969-7540 Tri·Cilies 509-735·8.471 Long Beoch 562·283·2883 Fairfield 707-399-9887 Vancouver 360·573-1868 halKls·vn approJ"'l. Manhattan Beach 310-856-2217 Fresno 559-435·3188 NEVADA Walla Wallo 509-529-.4470 t'lI1ph . I'I""~ ii i': Mission Viejo 949-36.4-7161 Modesto 209·54.4-1 004 las Vegas East Yakima 509-453-6183 lh(crCliClI and Henderson 702·558-9262 UC5D Media Services (a dtvtslon 0/ the Media Center) ts Palm Springs 760-32.4-2123 Sacramento 916-922-6903 pramcal clemtiUS looking for brIght. energetic, servtce- and technology­ Las Vegas West 702·732·3363 Palmdale 661-951-1300 Visalia 559-735-9020 HAWAll of ps}'thol~!9' orlmted studmts to Jill openings for FallZ0Q4. Be a part 0/ Pasadena 626-432·1903 Reno 775·746-2200 Hilo 808·933·7333 Farn > lna,,,:r"> PSYCHOLOEGY the ~"amiC ream that de1tvers and ofHrates audfO-vtsual in P:Jychtllogy equIpment to classes and sp«tal evtrlts on campus. Rancho Cucamonga 909-945-1134 CALIFORNIA-lAY AIEA Honolulu 808-591·8087 IS CLOSER THAN YOU THINK OUGON ,1r a mas{"t!c's in. Riverside 909·784-3093 Antioch 925-755-2969 Moui 808-242-8484 schedules • Great pay West Los Angeles' Malibu' Irvine 'Encino We Offer... · F'~'b'e Beaverton 503·203·11 03 (Jmli'~ I-\YlhQIVW • Performance bonuses • Pard tralntng San Bernardino 909-824-0780 8eriteley 510-64A-1938 Eugene 541-343-5453 wuh an emvh.l.~I. San Diego 619-583-5609 Dublin 925-828-8711 1n Mamag< MId For More Infor matton••• Medford 541-49.4-1505 Son Diego/Norlh Co. 760-942·1223 Fremont 510.475-1844 f:lm.l)' TheNpr Vtstt and ellelc on [rent Pq'l)('rdinc. ·Student Job fnformatfon"or call us at 858.534 .5784 E>qx'f1(ll",

the P~penjlO~ Applfcatfons accepted until 9/10/2004 For additional locations or to appy online go to: dillcrmc(. ...UCSD WWW. 5 U Media C""te" m mer brea kwo r k. com THURSDAY. MAY 27. 2004 THE UCSD GUARDIAN Dance show ...... ic INside • highli~s CHledy .u""" rrvit'lllS 9 . students' 'Raisill jim. rrvif'ID 10 talents ' Helen' a flop album reviews la US cohnrm 11 ARTS rb' ENTERTAINMENT see page 10 see page 10 erratic style can sound try­ THURSDAY. MAY 27. 2004 THE UCSD GUARDIAN 6 'It ingly weird and eclectic. His '.'1".IeioidnI in ...... style also clearly evokes early T. Rex (best known for their YOtqGod 19705 glam-rock hit "Bang a Gong"), especially vocally. But ilie more pressing prob­ lems point to his promise as r------SAL 0 N B E A U X G ENS I SPECIALIZING IN COLOR . **** an artist railier than his A Full Serp;,e BelJuty Sidon for Women & Men CUT AND W AX IN G flaws. The spare guitar-and­ irst of all, Devendra "This is the beard I'm always vocals setup clearly confines ~ TUDENT SPECIALS Banhart is a dude, not a growing." It sounds akin to a Banhart, as flirtations with BIKINI WAX ...... $20 Reg . $30 Fchick. Secondly, he plays children's song, while "A strings and drunu Wlcover BRAZILIAN ...... $30 Reg . $40 a mean acoustic guitar, fin­ Sight to Behold" could be by fine results. Even his bad gerpicked Nick Drake-style a di fferent artist entirely. ideas, such as ilie Spanish BROW 8c LIP WAX ...... $18 Reg . $23 with virtuoso flair. Lastly, Featuring Spanish-style lyrics of "Todo los Dolores," COLOR TOUCH UP ...... $40 Reg . $45 Rejoicing ;,. thr HmuJr is a strumming, tasteful violins are broken up by good ones FOIL PARTIAL ...... $5& Reg. $75 perfect antidote to flashy and a bluesy melody, ilie such as ilie upbeat guitar census shClwU1Q HAIRCUT (WOMEN) ...... off Reg . $25 modern music, referencing song is a forthright example breakdown that ends the comprise HAIRCUT (MEN) ...... $18 "old-timey" sounds with of Banhart's genre-bending song. Banhart may be look­ Not vlllili ..ilh ••, otllN' ofT... . Of dae U.S. P'lP'''' grace and humor. withlin the confines of little ing backward, but in all the CHI .TRAIGHTENING .YSTE ...... $21 off cub task [0 "This is the Way" repeats more ilian his guitar and the IiKJli ficant right ways . ASK FOR NAIL & SKIN CARE SERVICE www... lon ...... co .. ()f Hispanics in a simple guitar and vocal charismatic voice. -BiUyGiJ melody with funny lines like Occasionally, Banhart's 7770 REGENTS ROAD~ SUITE 102 IN LA JOLLA COLONY PLAZA 858-4~212 Certainly one Associate H illrus Ed; t()l' healthyamOWlt .------acandal floating ~"'''Mn Branch, New Jersey," the qsstands, a SiDI_riif~rof. bizarre combination of a ,------l ao4 ...... (P!3S' l'UI--'QJ ...... \\ Jill \\'/I'-;[C .\10IlCII 011 La.-;crllair Young Days melody that could be ilie ' ...... NBC's theme song for "Unsolved "Kingpin," and ABC's Ul'JliOl.'1I11lrllt i.-; ,\ 'ot GllIIl'llllteed? Suicide Squeeze Mysteries" and anomer set George ~ Show"), of rancorous sneers give ilie ed satire in the syndicaed We Have the Only 3-¥ear No Hair Guarantee! tune an effective, eerie strip "La Cucaracba." But quality. "A Curse On You, sudden spike of First Laser Treatment Dear" makes great use of a $50 Off Latino community, darlgel\.:Or, ** racing piano and stripped­ Valid for Laser Hair Removal representation and _rCOI~ oung DQys is an ironic choly piano trails rebellious high. It's a given that down , spoken lyrics. "The New Clienta Only. Cannot be combined with any o.ther offer. title for the first full­ vocals, so unds like Johnny City In Fast Forward" aren't ca lli pygian Exp. 6/30/04. Ylength release by Rotte n singing for demonstrates the main Call Now for Our "Get RetUly For Summtr" Specials! and that mo t MC:r:KaIl··ArI_ Seattle's Hint Hint. At Radiohead - in other problem with Hint Hint's I3milies aren't deeply I!!mbmil many points throughout the words, they sound like a Advanced Body Care Centers • Mafioso drug-traffic. So, album . The gorgeous bells album, the fiercely ener­ terrible mistake. The mix­ moVles and television, how then and harp-like music get getic sound comes off as too ture's strangeness is mildly 'T777 Fay Ave. La Jolla Open 7 days does one approach Chiamo cul­ interrupted by electric gui­ repetitive and bland. It is attractive, but at moments ..... Brian Fint, MD 0,,_ · fa S D' fa 25 ture? The recently premiered tars , and a t first this works oJ the perfect study music the moving instrumental as a nice twist, but soon ilie \ F,!EE £o~ultation, ,Eall To~y'!" J _ ~~ ~:. '::",: :..~ '::""': :':II

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See our Coupon The UCSO Guardian reserves the right to classify. edit delete offensille words and pharses, 6:30pm. Pay $13/hour. Prior expe­ soft leather. Brand New, $425. Can completed the survey, the winning and/or refuse any and all adIIertisements without prior notification, The Advertiser will not Advance payment is required ATTENTION, rience with good driving record. Deliver 619.922.0658 (6/3) in Today's Paper numbers for $100 Bookstore gift hold the Guardian liable for any claims resulting from the pubfication of the advertisement P~\lH LIBERAL ARTS 760.920.18n. [email protected] Furnished Studio $695, near certificates are 451017, 451013, The publisher will also not be held accountable for any claim from an agreement macle CllsslfIecI DISPLAY r-.URSIr-.G SOCIAL NORK MAJORS, (6/3) ocean, bus, mall. Private entrance. between the advertiser and the consumer, STORAGE and 451110. Call for instructions: cable/wi-fi, ample off street park­ Full-size mattress/boxspring + AD Rites ., .. ,.IIIeI". fer 85B.534.3874 (5/27) Copy should be reviewed by the advertiser for errors, In order 10 be corrected in the next ,..,,-TI",. Empl.,... ing, no smoke/pet. Available 6/16. feather comforter and pillows S1 SO WEST regular issue, all errors must be reported by the corresponding deadfine. Credit will only be S 10.00 per column inch Jr you like working with children o· 3 Babysitter Wanted for Saturday OBO. Large 3-shelved desk S50 given for the incorrect portion of the advertisement There ale no ,efunds fOI cancellations. DucIInes: 619.518.m8. (5/27) years with special needs, you are Nights + Occasional Weekday. OBO. Contact Regina PI .... send .11 correspondence ,...... nc ClassHleds 10: i'IJbIicI1ion o.t1! Display Ads bilingual and have your own car SELF STORAGE Shooters! Happy Birthday to CIIIIIlt (61') :l3S-0105 Own transportation, References 805.637,mB (5/27) UCSD Gu.chn, AItn: CIasIIfIecI., '500 Glllun DrIft '0316, ~ Jot .., CA 'lOtS...... -y __ TlItn. CiuARoIAN CLASSIFIEDS or send resume to : please. carmel Valley, call Jill at Large 5 bedroom Mira Mesa Guardian angel Emilee, who has ActHllocrion: Student Cent. A, __ 117. '111...., __ MoIL BEGINNINGS - Infant Program 858.755.3666 (5/27) House. Available July 1st call Joe -It's Best In the West!- made it legal beginning today. a.uHIecI LIM Ads.".. In ...... G...... PIlNT .... ONUN ...... P.O. Box 3275 La Jolla, CA 92038 858.602.6382, email: (5/27) IMPORTANT: THE AD DEADLINE for FAX: (619) 338-9938 jyou@pcmortcom. Ask about $500 WANTED our final GRADUATION ISSUE b.,lnnln,.,ro,r.", ••• rt"llnk van. Must have an excellent dri­ gift certificate. (June 3rd) is TODAY! (5/27) bonuses! Fax 858.581.1730 or ving record. All candidates will be email/no attachments Katherine­ Reselrcher/Writer AVlillble President Bush: stay off the bicycle. given a grammar, spelling and typ­ [email protected] (6/3) DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR Writing professional can assist you For press conferences of this mag­ Mlnacer/Assimnt Manac.,: 3-, 4- and 5-bedroom housing The Scientific and Technical ing test. Full·time opportunities Position Available June I, 2004. with researching and writing work. nitude, we need a man who cuts a FT/PT The Boxing Club is looking available from July 2004 through EGG DONORS Encyclopedia of Spiritual Evolution (reception work Tuesday & San Diego Repertory Theatre, a Call 619.B35.9055 (5/27) presidential swath, not Wile E for enthusiastic and energetic per­ 2005 school year. 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FREE MONEYII areas, full time, flexible LOOKING FOR AN INKJET OR S1 SOOO+(based on specific qualifi­ April 29/May 3rd on campus, pos­ EMPLOYMENT Earn $25-250 for Focus Groups. SUMMER RENTAL- Huge room in What NBA player averaged a triple back the White Houael Performing arts fundraising experi­ TONER CARTRIDGH cations) for qualified, responsible sibly near Peterson, Possible Vis i t part time hours ence preferred. Competitive salary beautiful, spacious, UTe, 3 bed­ double for his entire career? WHY PAY 530.95 FOR THE OEM applicants. Special need for Reward. Call Daniel, 619.276.1475 Call Casey at OO and benefits offered. Submit room, 2.5 bath townhouse. Suit 2 (5/27) Part time clerical support on cam­ (6/3) . '7 ·'I0J0 hourly BRAND ECONOMY VERSION, Jewish, Asian, East Indian Donors. (6/3) pus, UCSD Extension. 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Bring back SENIOR SENDOFF unknown Five SWil1l111erS take their last dives at UCSD and toothless athletes Tritons lose school record holders Kwok and Small By EVA HOFFMAN leader for the team." engineering, she will enter the doc­ was the NCAA National Senior Staff lMiter Denise Bogard also earned toral program in fluid dynamics at Champion in the 200-yard indi­ Academic All-American honors UC Santa Barbara. vidual medley this year, in addition After a triumphant 2004 season, this season. After graduating in Bogard had many athletic the UCSD swim team bid farewell June with a degree in chemical accomplishments at UCSD. She See SWIM. Page 14 to five athletes who contributed their dedication and leadership to making the Tritons faster and more Cynthia Blade Chavez successful . Carolyn Kwok, who will gradu­ couPle of days ago, I watched ate with a degree in management \:he movie "Miracle" for the science, earned the NCAA title of A econd time. Unfortunately, I Academic Al l-American this sea­ wa n't even close to being born when son. Successfully juggling the a group of young, unknown college demands of school, work and trai n­ hockey players pulled off the huge ing, Kwok won the team's academ­ upset against a powerful and domi­ ic award for the highest GPA in her nant Soviet team in the 1980 Winter class four years in a row. Iympics. On May 20, USA Hockey Kwok fini shed her swimming released a list of player selected to career as a UCSD champion and represent the United States in the national record holder in the 200- World Cup of Hockey in September. yard freestyle relay. According to All 26 American players are NHL Kwok, being a part of that unde­ superstars, and 19 of them are over feated relay was one of her most 30 years old. valued experiences on the team. Watching "Miracle" got me think­ Kwok is one of the best sprint­ mg. Why not bring back amateurs in ers in UCSD history, holding the world and Olympic ports? I n't that fi fth position on the team' al l-time what it was all about in the first top-10 list in the 50-yard freestyle place? It's supposed to be about send­ wi th a time of 23 .97 seconds. mg the be t athlete to represent As captain for two years, Kwok each nation, but, I don't think it had considerable influe nce on the means a much for these profe ion­ team. Leading through her actions, al players. They don't really have Kwok was a hard worker in practice and one of the most spirited on Jennifer Oown5/Cuorrion file deck. H ead coach Scott McGihon Bustin. out: Captain Rob Small, who will be graduating from U(SD, placed second place in the 100- and 200-yard See CYN CITY, Page 15 described her as "a quiet but good breaststroke the 2004 NCAA Championships in Buffalo, N.Y. Six Tritons earn. Division II Softball yields five postseason recognition AII--CCAA players Kleckner selected by Rowing Coaches Aggabao earns conference Association for All-American honors Most Valuable Player By MAnHEW GRANT By JOE SPANO top-six in each of the six cate­ Associate Sports Editor Senior Staff Writer gories of all-time UCSD softball records. T he Collegiate Rowing To top off a strong season, five Joining Aggabao in· first-team Coaches Association named six members of the UCSD softball honors is fellow co-captain members of the Triton women's team received All-California Mettee. Mettee will be leaving rowing program as recipients of Collegiate Athletic Association quite a legacy behind at UCSD, na tional postseason awards. In honors. Seniors Kim Aggabao and exiting with the lead in five the May 24 announcement, Amy Mettee and junior Breanne records categories, as well as two senior Alexis Kl eckner was Cope were selected to first team, second-place spots. She ended the named a Division II AlI­ and junior Jamie Hurst and sopho­ year batting .309 and led the team American, while senior Elizabeth more Desiree Franciscus both with two triples, 45 runs ana 22 Jones, junior Joyce Chang and made second team. stolen bases. Mettee's all-time so phomores Cara Kuebert, Aggabao, a co-captain who first-place stats include 256 hits, Aria nna Pilram and Lauren Ruiz played shortstop and second base­ 48 doubles, 18 home runs, 162 we re honored as CRCA Scholar man, was selected as the CCAA's runs and 544 assists. She will grad­ Athl etes for 2004. Most Valuable Player of the year, uate from UCSD as the all-time Kl eckner, a native of Ri alto, the first time a Triton has ever second-best in both triples and Calif., was one of 10 women received this honor for softball. stolen bases, with 16 and 70, across the country selected for Aggabao led the league with a respectively. This is Mettee's the Al l-Ameri ca n ti tl e after pass­ .411 batting average, and fell just fourth selection to the all-CCAA ing intense criterion to verify short of the all-time school record team, earning second-team honors that she is one of this season's of .41 S, set by Erin Bridges in her freshman year and earning a best athletes in the sport. 2000. Aggabao led the league in spot on the first team for the next Head coach Pattie Pinkerton doubles with 23, also setting a three years. nominated Kl eckn er as one of a school record. Playing in all S6 of Left fielder Cope rounded out maximum of fou r athletes from the team's games this season, UCSD's representation on the the UCSD team who would be Aggabao led UCSD with 38 RBIs, first team, marlcing her first all­ eligible for the awa rd. her second consecutive year knock­ CCAA appearance of her career. T he requirements for being ing in the most runs. Cope's .313 batting average was considered for All -American sta ­ Aggabao also touched more third on the team, and she led tus are divi ded between an ath­ bases than any other Triton, at UCSD with five home runs for the lete's dedication to rowing and 104, finished the season with a season. She had 19 RBIs and 27 the impression of that athlete in slugging percentage of .638, and runs, while knoclcing out 11 dou­ the eyes of her team and the scored 32 runs. She blasted all four bles. Her .507 slugging percentage insti tution for whi ch she rows. of her collegiate home runs this was the second highest on the Kl eckner had to be eligible year and also played solid defense, team. for the honor by UCSD stan­ turning in a .948 fielding percent­ Catcher and first baseman dards, then nominated by the age. Hurst made it onto the all-CCAA universi ty. She was required to In addition to her CCAA MVP second team, after receiving an have competed in 75 percent of ~ of UCSO Sports IrtbmIIion honor, Aggabao earned' first-team honorable mention last year. Teamwork: Six of the eight members of UCSD's women's varsity eight boat honors for the third consecutive See ClEW. Page r 4 were given awards by the Collegiate R