SPORTS AS. CoIId It • GIInc:e 2 letters to the Editor Swimming into 1huncMy Coupons the sunset Album review Swim team says goodbye to five CIassifieds seniors. page 16 Crossword Punle 1] UC SAN DIEGO THURSDAY, MAY 27, 2004 VOLUME 11 2, ISS UE 18 Library Walk screening of A.S. critiques facets of Berg beheading canceled compact agreement Warren admin. prohibits airing on WCTV Resolutions criticize lack of student input in process By IIYAN 1SAO Associate News Editor By MAlHETTE FEDEIIS dents were involved in the deci­ Associate News Editor sion. He said that the University Students who planned to show of California Student Association the video depicting the beheading The A.S. Council passed two has also passed a similar resolu­ of American civilian Nicholas Berg resolutions on May 26 expressing tion addressing the lack of input on Library Walle decided against its position on proposed plans to from students and state legisla­ doing so on May 25, while another address the current budget crisis. tors. student, who was informed by Earl The first criticizes many aspects "Leaving out students and Warren College administration of the compact agreement leaving out other state legi lators that he could not screen the video between Gov. Arnold who have been part of the process on Warren College Television, Schwarzenegger, UC President really sets a precedent of the kind plans to show it on Student Run Robert C. Dynes and CSU of relationship they want to have Television. Chancellor Charles B. Reed, with UCSA and the state Thurgood Marshall College including the lacle of student Legislature," Marquez said. sophomore Ariel Mor had reserved input in reaching the agreement, The resolution states that the space on Library Walle for the dis­ the possibility of decreased finan­ 14-percent undergraduate stu­ play through the Israel Action cial aid and cuts to outreach dent fee increase - along with Committee student organization funding. The second supports the possibility that the amount of but withdrew his reservation after keeping the firewall in the budget money returned to financial aid being informed of potential liabili­ that currently separates under­ would faJl from the current 33 ty by Assistant Director of Student graduate and graduate fees being percent - would go against the Organizations Marcia A. Strong. used for return to financial aid. California Master Plan for A group of Mor's friends Both resolutions passed by a Higher Education. The resolu­ attempted to show the video on vote of 20-0-3. tion also states that the council is two televisions despite Mor's can­ Vice President External Rigo "disappointed in the neglect of celation. As they set up, university Marquez, who submitted both student-initiated outreach," officials asked them to remove the resolutions, said that while the which according to the compact, equipment and leave or face disci­ compact recognizes the efforts to will be funded solely through UC plinary action. address student fee increases, the funds, not state funds. The com- "[Strong] called me in the process in creating the compact morning and asked me whether I was problematic because no stu- See A.S .. Page 6 CIrinIWfbef/CutItdItIn wanted to cancel to avoid any HIP pI6: Local reporters inIl!Niew JoIvl Muir CoIege senior Evan Epstein. ¥hl attempted 10 show a video of Nicholas Berg's beheacing on L.ibraIy Walk on May 25. See VIDEO. Pace 2 UCSD Healthcare Staff files pulls plug on SRTV charges • • By YUDlMII KOGAN "There was no other alterna­ agamst Its Senior Stiff Writer tive available to campus opera­ tions, because the risk of exposing • UCSD Healthcare shut down the Preuss School children to own uruon the broadcast of Student Run indecent material was deemed Television for almost four days sufficiendy high enough and it By GAILU MUlE after receiving complaints from was of sufficiendy high priority to News Editor Thornton Hospital patients that warrant the temporary disconnect the station aired "inappropriate" of SRTV," said Nicholas S. The Universit'j Professional and pornographic material on May Aguilar, director of Student Technical Employees Staff, which 15, according to station members Policies and Judicial Affairs. "Had represents employees of the and administrators. there been an alternative to that, University Professional and Campus officials said they dis­ it would have been used." Technical Employees union, has covered that the Preuss School The ensuing delay, which kept filed three unfair labor practice also received the station's trans­ SRTV from broadcasting until charges against UPTE. The union, missions after investigating the which represents over 10,000 health complaints. See SITV. Page 3 care, research and technical employ­ ees at the University of California, announced it will layoff its nine­ member organizing staff effective in June. WEATHER SPOKEN SURF The charges include claims of REPORT retaliation against union officers ''T1v! sdOO ne\e' for participating in a class-action tried to carrel on us. ...,17 lawsuit against the union, refusing a.a.. YMd:W lOki. to provide timely and complete Illy 27 Illy. YMdWlM!: lit. information about the union's H68l59 H68l59 Th schd uas rot 5weI: 2 It to 3 It. financial situation, bargaining in h! lxrl one here." ...,11 bad faith, and refusing to bargain v.nd:fM lOki. over UPTE's changes to UPTE -AIIeI_~ YMd WIM!: 1 II. Staff's wages, hours and working ..,21 Ma.WCaIIIjI 5weI:S3Itto4ft. H1Ol58 ...- See um. P,. 6 THURSDAY, MAY 27. 200<4 THE UCSD GUARDIAN NEWS) 2 NEWS THE UCSD GUARDIAN THURSDAY, MAY 27, 200<4 Assembly passes textbook rental bill ,rt-II~L.I:;"L:I~S GRAD ISSUE JUNE] Pacillc Beoch lounge and Art ~all.lla Ad deadline: TODAY, lpm! ETCETERA [;1 1995 Oom,"lc~1 Co;!. Rica I BRIEFLY I ••• Legislation encourages colleges to rent books Internet down in Muir, ity to the ocean. "Bluefish" also uses the nauti­ cal theme and is based on a character from Dr. If NAllGES ZOHOUIY encourages schools to decrease the woman at UCLA, referring to the Crossword solution Pepper canyon Seuss' book 'One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Daily Bruin (U. California-Los cost of higher education. cuts that the university is experi­ Fish." Other finalists include 'Clicks' and Angeles) According to a May 20 press encing. John Muir College residential facilities and "Focus' to suggest the user-friendliness of the release, the rental program caps Mitchell said she would Iik.e to Pepper Canyon apartments in Sixth College have Web site and "Slink," a contracted version of (U-WIRE) LOS ANGELES - textbook rental fees at 50 percent see the campus take part in the pro­ been without Internet access since May 23 and the current StudentLink portal. A bill providing guidelines for of the COSt of purchasing books, a gram, and added that she and her are expected to regain access by the morning of Compiled from 5,000 responses to a cam­ implementations of a textbook measure that many students said group, which has been working May 27, Res Net officials said. Residents at Earl puswide survey, the potential names were cho­ rental program in the state's public would benefit them. with Koretz, would be willing to Warren College, Thurgood Marshall College and sen by a group of graduate and undergraduate colleges passed the California Angelina Garefis, a senior biol­ cooperate with administrators to Revelle College were affected. representatives with input from a professional Assembly on May 20 with bipartisan ogy student at UCLA, said she has help publicize the rental program. A power outage at lhomton Hospital. which consulting firm. support. spent up to $ 140 on a single book. Textbook rental services are cur­ houses network services for approximately half lhe complete list is available at The bill, which will now move and got less than half that when she rently in place at 20 U.S. colleges of the university's residential halls, caused tem­ http://blinlwcsd.edu. Undersraduates can e­ on to the state Senate, was intro­ sold the book back. and universities. The bill also gives porary fa ilure of cable modems in Muir, Pepper mail their preference to [email protected] and duced by Assemblyman Paul "If the loss of me buying the students the option of purchasing Canyon, Warren apartments, Marshall uppers, graduate students to [email protected] by Koretz (D-West Hollywood) and Qook is greater tharl me renting it, the books after renting them. RA Y S Matthews apartments and Revelle residential midnight on May 27. sponsored by the California Public I would definitely rent a book.," "Rental programs make more halls. The outage destroyed a piece of hard­ Interest Research Group. Garefis said. used books available for purchase, ware that affected Muir and Pepper Canyon Medical School to raise "The bill is not a mandate on Thornton said there are a num­ allow substantial savings for Stu­ ~-------- connections. schools, but a strong encourage­ ber of ways for the cost of text­ dents - whether they are buying 1 WEEK According to Erik Strahm, network project money for AIDS awareness ment," said Mark Thornton, books to be lowered, and this is or renting their books - and can manager at ResNe~ students were left without CalPIRG state board chainnan and only one of them. actually make more money for TANNING Internet access because the hardware had to The HIV Neural Behavioral Research Center one of the coordinators of the Even with the support of all par­ bookstores," Koren said in a press be ordered from a Canadian company and will host a fund raiser to collect funds for global affordable textbooks program. ties involved, including campus release. "This is a no-brainer." I only $7 shipment was further delayed due to a awareness of AIDS in Africa on May 30.
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